#mushroom has niche opinions
possibly unpopular opinion but this is not my Daniel
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THIS is my Daniel
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I don't know who that military man up top is but he's not my Daniel
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goron-king-darunia · 2 years
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Eggtober 11
Tonkotsu Ramen (Featuring Ramen Egg, Enoki Mushrooms, Kikurage/Wood Ear Mushrooms, Chashu Pork, and Green Onion Garnish.) Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush, 20 colors, ~1 hour (I forgot to count, I got too into it.) Tonkotsu ramen has to be one of my favorite comfort foods, especially with all the good stuff you can put in it. I’m a sucker for mushrooms if you haven’t noticed. Love them almost as much as I love eggs. Strangely I’m a bit picky about pork, but chashu pork is always so tasty that I’ll just wolf it down. No picking around the fatty bits or picking it apart for fear of gristle. Just shove the little slabs of meat in my mouth and delight in all the flavor. Used the same technique as last time, which means a lot of the detail got covered. But it ALSO means less volleying between colors and a better end product in my opinion. Getting ahead and doing/posting this Eggtober item early today since I keep waking up late and getting to my egg art at midnight. So technically I did an egg, took a break, and then did another instead of going straight into other stuff. Honestly? A delightful way to spend my time. Once again, huge thanks to @quezify. Art is actually starting to be fun again. For the longest time I was so shy about it because none of my stuff measured up to my own expectations. But I’m honestly just... starting to love the process and the product again. The stress of it is just... melting off. I find myself EXCITED to draw a new egg every day. Best Inktober niche ever. All eggs. 😊
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lavenderlattefox · 2 years
A Short Guide on Playing Gourmand
Hello everyone! I just wanted to make a short guide consisting of tips that helped me the most in my Gourmand run! Gourmand is currently my favorite of all the DLC characters to play due to his wide range of tools and his campaign being nicely balanced. This tip will include minor spoilers on AREAS and CHARACTER MECHANICS as well as a certain character-specific quest so if you want to experience those for yourselves, this is your warning. -Why should you read this guide? I've heard a few people share their experiences playing Gourmand, and while I don't want to invalidate their responses I want to say that these tips have helped me to avoid some of the significant complaints and troubles people have had while playing Gourmand! So let's dive into it :))
1. CRAFTING MECHANIC This is one of the greatest additions to Rainworld remixes in my opinion. It changes how you evaluate items and what resources to look out for, while being balanced and fun. Gourmand has tons of recipes at their disposal which you can find the entire crafting table on the Rainworld wiki, but here are my personal favorites: Quality of Life Recipes: rock + firecracker plant = grenade Probably the most basic recipe that everyone and their grandmothers has figured out. Still very useful. slime mold + mushroom = baby nootfly baby nootfly + slime mold OR baby nootfly + blue fruit OR baby nootfly + (any edible item) = 4 food pips This is one is one of my favorites because Gourmand has a staggering food requirement of 7 food pips to hibernate, which can be frustrating for players. However, this recipe can turn 2 food pips into 4 food pips provided a mushroom is near, which saves you a lot of time looking for food in places like Underhang. Do note that avoid using this recipe when an Adult Nootfly is near, since it will still upset the Adult Nootfly despite not originating from it. rock + mushroom = sporepuff Sporepuffs are always useful, from being an insecticide to a Raindeer toll fee. I'll mention this one later for a different reason rock + firecracker = grenade grenade + rock OR grenade + unpopped bubblefruit = pearl From when I am writing this guide, it's actually been a couple of weeks since I last finished my Gourmand run, but even though the wiki says grenade + unpopped bubblefruit = snail, I remember it resulting in a pearl. If I'm misremembering please correct me in the comments. Anyways, grenade + rock is probably the better option anyways because you don't miss out on free food. That said, pearls are useful in passing scavenger tolls, befriending scavengers, and getting a free passage through an easy chieftain achievement. I've always found in all my runs that befriending scavengers is way more useful than ignoring them. I know people have had problems with the occasional grumpy scavenger nailing them with a spear just for kicks, but personally that's only happened to me once. On the other hand, the free bodyguard services came in clutch several times. Plus, not having to worry as much about scavengers randomly throwing spears at you is very nice. I will say that if you want a very nice ending in the Gourmand run, you will have to pass a toll with no pearls in sight (at least in my run). Chieftain status helped me a lot as I could just pass through with a minor offering of a spear. sporepuff + rock = "paincones" AKA Beehives I actually did not know the names for these prior to researching on the wiki. This is a niche recipe as sometimes the bugs that spew out of the thrown paincone will sometimes attach to you as well as the target, but they make decent bartering tools with the scavengers. Also this item helped me get a Centiwing for *the quest* that I will mention more on later. grenade + karma flower = firebug egg firebug egg + grenade = singularity bomb Ah yes, the singularity bomb. This portable black hole that Gourmand is famous for is pretty much known by everyone at this point, but I wanted to include it here anyways because for my first singularity bomb I thought it required two karma flowers. So I wasted my time and resources to make one singularity bomb when I could've made two. Vulture Grub + Karma Flower = Vulture Mask Ever wanted a Vulture Mask without having to kill a vulture or have it chase you around through several cycles? Well now you can just make one! Food Quest Recipes Pretty much everyone knows about the food quest, but I'll just summarize it here just in case: If you want to unlock slugpups in Gourmand, Survivor, and Hunter runs, you'll have to finish Gourmand's food quest of eating at least one item on a list of edible items, the entire list being on the Rainworld wiki. You can eat the items in any order, though I recommend eating them in the order found on the wiki. Some items can be crafted, which is why I'm including them in the crafting section. Jellyfish + Rock = Lilypuck Lilypuck + Rock = Lamp Lamp + Jellyfish = Glowweed I'll be honest with you, I don't know where to find Glowweeds. They're somewhere in Shoreline, but I've never encountered a single one in my semi-blind playthroughs, either through not running into one or just not seeing one. However with the multitude of jellyfish in Shoreline, it's easy to just craft one. Also, Lilypucks are an item on the food quest list, so if you didn't grab one in Shaded Citadel you can easier grab one in Shorelines.
  That pretty much summarizes my crafting tips for Gourmand, although there are also more fun recipes you can experiment with on your own. But crafting is not the only thing that's great about the Gourmand!
2. GOURMAND PLAYSTYLE/COMBAT At first glance, the portrait art of Gourmand and Artificer suggest that the Gourmand is a happy goofy fellow while the Artificer is an unstoppable force of destruction. I'd argue gameplay-wise the Gourmand is just as a natural force of destruction as the Artificer is, if not more. This chonky fellow boasts so many tools to take down enemies: Gourmand does a huge amount of damage per spear, doing around 3 damage on hit. The downside? He gets instantly tired upon throwing a spear. This means throwing a spear around multiple enemies risks being caught after throwing by anything that wasn't hit. To circumvent this, try to lure enemies to a pipe. If they already have their back to the pipe, just throw a spear and then go through the pipe to rest, then go back if you still need to finish them off. If they are chasing you, go through a pipe, and just as they are following you, go back through the pipe. Now they are on the other side with their back facing the pipe entrance. Now you can escape, or go back through the pipe to get a free hit on the enemy. Keep going back and forth through the pipe until the Gourmand is ready to go again. I call this pipe camping, and it is highly useful even on normal Survivor/Monk runs as slugcat is basically invulnerable as long as they stay in the pipe. However, it is even more useful on Gourmand as you can dish out a massive amount of damage while avoiding being cornered while exhausted.
  The bodyslam. Everybody knows the good ol' bodyslam, you fall onto an enemy from high enough and the Gourmand's splendid girth will stun the enemy and do a big chunk of damage. However, if you're feeling confident in your sliding skills, sliding into an enemy will also stun and do some damage, though not quite as much as damage. Still useful in a pinch.
  More on Exhaustion. Have you ever just been running around as Gourmand when suddenly you're exhausted just as a lizard pops out behind you? You still have a chance! Even when exhausted, spam hopping can be just enough to get you to the nearest pipe entrance. Gourmand can still cover a significant amount of terrain by spam hopping even when they're exhausted. If you need to climb a ladder, sometimes jumping off and rolling can be just enough to get you to a different pipe entrance while misleading predators. Once you've made it to the pipe entrance you're safe, as you can catch your breath exactly as detailed in the combat section. 
On swimming. I know this seems obvious, but just a reminder: always take a second to breathe before swimming as Gourmand. When Gourmand is exhausted they drown very quickly, so better safe than sorry. Also if you're going straight from Survivor to Gourmand, in Shoreline there are eel lizards. These things are extremely fast in water and you cannot outswim them, so pack a flashbang (blue fruit + rock), as flashbangs can temporarily confuse them.
On storing items. At first it may seem that Gourmand cannot store items in their belly, as holding the pickup button makes them regurgitate a random item at the cost of one food pip. However, if you press E while holding an item after regurgitating a random item, the Gourmand will store the item in their right paw. Do note that when storing an item, the Gourmand will need to cough the current stored item before they can generate another random item. One last note: the big centipede part of the Gourmand food quest. I've noticed that many players have recommended going for an Aquapede rather than a Red Centipede, and honestly that totally makes sense. Do what is most easiest for you, however if you're like me and you hate dealing with anything in water, I'll share an easy way to get a red centipede. In the Garbage Wastes there is now at least one Red Centipede. Around here:
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(map image courtesy of https://rainworld.miraheze.org/wiki/Rain_World_Wiki)
there are approximately three to two mushrooms. Craft two sporepuffs, store one just in case and throw them at as many segments of the red centipede's body. Note: sporepuffs DO NOT immediately kill a big centipede. Make sure to kite it for a few seconds before it dies. After about two to three seconds it should go limp and then you can approach it. Aaaand that's all the tips I have on Gourmand! In my opinion, Gourmand is one of the best DLC characters. They perfectly capture what a remix should be: adding new creative mechanics that the player can experiment with as well as new drawbacks while remaining fun and balanced. This campaign has totally changed my outlook on items such as rocks and mushrooms, especially mushrooms, an item I previously saw as mostly useless. The variety of tools in the Gourmand's arsenal are both powerful and many, I hope more Rainworld players appreciate Gourmand for both his adorableness and his gameplay design.
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on-noon · 2 years
Get To Know My Character Tag
thanks for the tag @oh-no-another-idea
tagging: @saltysupercomputer @my-cursed-prince @vsnotresponding @whogavemeapen
doing this for Abora Weynild from countdown to magic
Relationship status: single, and perfectly content that way
Favorite color: she likes a good blue
Favorite food: soup. preferably with lots of different vegetables and some type of noodles and also mushrooms
Song stuck in their head: She'd have some random old folk song or some lullaby. And there's half a chance she know the older lyrics so if she sings it others might be confused by the lyrics she sings
Last thing they googled: no google existing :(. Last thing
Time: at the point I'm writing probably three or four in the afternoon some day in the winter
Dream trip: She thinks it would be interesting to see the (city I haven't named yet) where they have magic banned. If she ever were to travel
Last thing they read: Her textbook for Mage Society History. she just got it, and wanted to see what they covered. she more skimmed than read it
Last book they enjoyed reading: Probably her ancestor's diary. She reads it every time around when the Countdown happens, and she enjoys reading it, she likes having the secret knowledge
Favorite thing to cook/bake: Cookies
Favorite thing to do in their free time: Go through the attic or the basement. Whenever she does it, she always finds something interesting
Most niche dislike: the Mage Society. it's something her family has held onto– even after the recent whole 'Mage Society saved the world' thing. but besides that, she doesn't like
Opinion on circuses: they seem cool, thinks it's cool that they come to your city
Do they have any sense of direction?: Yes she does. In Kenhallow, especially Old Town, she knows where everything is, and can figure out other parts of the city. As far as other places outside of the city, she has no idea where they are relative to each other and doesn't care.
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allalrightagain · 2 years
Get to Know Me Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @felixantares 💜 🤍 🖤 Relationship status - single. Still passively hoping someone will marry me for health insurance one of these days Favourite colour - depends on my mood, but dark army green, purple, or grey are usually top three Favourite food - if someone else is making it I will literally never turn down red curry + thai roti Song stuck in your head - I Don't Love You by MCR Last thing you googled - uhhh “beta blockers” to confirm that they’d cause more issues than they’d solve Time - 11:11! make a wish (did I write this at work and then wait to post until I got home? Yes. editing on mobile sucks) Dream trip - I’d love to do an extended Europe trip, either backpacking or, more realistically, rent an apartment somewhere and do weekend trips because I do not have backpacking stamina Last book/fic you read - book was still Gideon the Ninth despite being ages ago I still have hope to get to book two. Eventually. last fic has been mostly WIPs— I'm reading along with HPFC Power the Dark Lord Knows Not by @fantismal and Jormandugr, and keeping up with what's past is prologue by quiettewandering/ @wanderingdream, and snippets from seattle by @thesameoldstreets (which is... technically not a fic? but also not really a book? it's OF and I've been screaming about it all week) Last book you enjoyed - see above! I very rarely finish a book I’m not enjoying Last book you hated - nothing I’ve finished recently, but I do occasionally grab ebook samples of uh, questionable romance novels just for fun. Sometimes they’re very good. Sometimes they’re very very bad. Favourite thing to cook/bake - i love baking! I love tinkering with new recipes to make them better/allergy safe/vegan etc. Not sure I could pick just one, but I have very good vegan fudge, soft pretzel, and pie crust recipes (pie > cake, always) Favourite craft to do in your free time - ooh a bunch! Knitting or bujo, but also I own a Cricut and a lot of fancy pens because that's half the fun Most niche dislikes - I’ve been labelled a very weird picky eater, even without taking the allergies into consideration. I can’t stand spinach or eggplant, truffles (the mushroom), and when I could eat them, bacon and most non-mozzarella cheeses. I also only eat peas frozen or in peapods, or frozen blueberries (sorry this turned into just food lol) Opinion on circuses - I had a weird experience with an off duty clown a while ago that’s put me off of them a bit, but in general my opinion is it’s a very specific performance art, which I appreciate but also it’s not really my thing. Do you have a sense of direction and if not what’s the worst way you’ve gotten lost? - yes and no. if I’m actively paying attention, I can usually keep myself decently oriented, but it absolutely takes effort and intent. But also I can look up and realize I haven’t been paying any attention to how I got somewhere and have no idea how to get back 😅
Tagging: uhhh probably all people who have done it already but I don't care I'm gonna make ask you nicely to do it again anyway. @mkaugust @everythingbutcoldfire @lunapwrites @broomsticks @nanneramma
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writeintrees · 2 years
Get to Know My Character
Thank you, @wildjuniperjones for tagging me!
Rules: answer the questions from the perspective of one of your characters
Name: Bennett (mc, saving planet Zora)
Relationship status: not single, not taken, simply not looking
Favorite color(s): chartreuse, maroon, steel grey
Favorite food: pollo al disco, specifically the way Shay prepares it. He doesn’t like her dad’s as much
Song stuck in my head: Who by Seinabo Sey
Last thing you searched for: Querandi nature practices
Time: 5:13 AM (before checking on Celeste)
Dream trip: I’d like to see Astoria some time. The other cities are kind of a mystery to me
Last thing you read: a biology textbook. Promise it’s more interesting than it sounds! It even has paper pages and everything
Favorite thing to cook/bake: pumpkin scones
Favorite craft to do in your free time: does drawing count as a craft? Screw it, I’m saying drawing. Especially of mushrooms. I don’t quite have the hang of sketching out things that move
Most niche dislike: tied between astronomers’ naming choices and raccoons looking perfect to cuddle yet me never going to have the opportunity
Opinion on circuses: it’s fun seeing people on the trapeze or aerial silks. Not a big fan of the animal practices
Do you have any sense of direction: Shay says it’s spookily accurate. We used to test me vs the compass when we first came to Zora
I’ll tag whoever sees this and wants to join in as well as @sariah-smith , @albatris , and @space-cadead 
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fatorangepoo · 4 days
let's start with a speech highlighting our achievements of the year, naming the teachers who guided us and the team that organised the event.
DOOR GIFT: something meaningful to remember us by. PSS socks embroidered with something that symbolises us? Wireless earphones customised with our emblem?
elegant classical music flowing all over, premiumly selected by Ai Jia with superior pianist music taste. some guitar solos by Renee?
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let us play some games on anticipating stomachs, for togetherness will bring us through tough times and hungry stomachs. DARTS? BALLOON VOLLEYBALL? GUESS THE COUNTRY BY LANDMARKS? SPIN THE WHEEL WITH NAMES AND A TOPIC TO DEBATE? perhaps we shall also bring in a ps4 for us to do a battle royale 1v1.
finally, all that we have been waiting patiently for will feel like a huge reward! we can finally FEAST!!! if we let them feast immediately, it would feel lackluster. Where's the networking? Where's the fun?
during the eating, one shall be in charge of playing a video recording of all the goofy things us librarians did throughout the year, us hard at work and us filming niche video skits of expectations vs reality etc.
before the event, we shall host a best writer award where we receive submissions from librarians where they write about their weirdest thoughts and channel them into meaningful writing that entertains the mind. the participants shall read it aloud and entertain the crowd!
after everyone has eaten their fill, we shan't make the food off limits while we engage them in networking activities. they can still eat, while the people who are bored can participate. let's welcome... the PSS DEBATE TEAM!!! (make them verbally FIGHT!!!)
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let's end with a toast to the ongoing success of the PSS! let's voice out our hopes, joys and opinions to form a lively, verbal environment!
FOOD - I don't think we have a say in this (we r probably just selecting from courses offered by the location), but if we did this would be my suggestion:
BALANCED MEAL: light appetizer. cheese pasta / citrus seaweed roll (v) with mushroom soup and focaccia. refreshing entrée: kiwi pudding with mint leaves. main course: sweet & sour seafood soup laden with rich tomatoes, long beans & corn / sweet & sour tofu with asparagus and cilantro rice. dessert: gingerbread brownies / fruit sorbet.
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promocodc · 3 months
Shroom Delivery Services Bloom in Washington DC
In the heart of Washington DC, a burgeoning trend has emerged quietly but unmistakably — shroom delivery services. Far from the typical deliveries of food or packages, these services cater to a niche yet growing market interested in psychedelic mushrooms for recreational and therapeutic purposes.
Washington DC’s unique legislative landscape plays a pivotal role in the rise of these services. While the District of Columbia has decriminalized the use and possession of naturally occurring psychedelics like magic mushrooms, it remains illegal to sell them. However, enterprising individuals have found a legal workaround by offering these substances as gifts, with the actual transaction being for the delivery service itself.
The process typically begins online, where customers browse websites offering a variety of mushroom strains. From classics like Psilocybe cubensis to more exotic varieties, the selections cater to different preferences and experiences. Users select their desired strains, place an order, and schedule a discreet delivery.
The delivery itself is an exercise in discretion and professionalism. Couriers, often described as “gifters,” arrive at the designated location with the chosen mushrooms packaged inconspicuously alongside a complimentary gift — a keychain, a sticker, or a small trinket. This approach not only adheres to legal guidelines but also ensures a seamless transaction that prioritizes customer privacy and safety.
Behind this novel industry are individuals passionate about psychedelics’ potential benefits. Advocates cite research indicating that psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, may offer therapeutic effects for conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. They argue for responsible use and education, emphasizing harm reduction and informed decision-making among consumers.
The growth of shroom delivery services also reflects shifting attitudes towards psychedelics nationwide. With ongoing research and increasing public discourse, substances once stigmatized are being reconsidered for their therapeutic potential. Organizations advocating for drug policy reform have gained traction, influencing public opinion and legislative action in cities like Washington DC.
However, challenges remain. The legality of these services operates in a gray area, relying on interpretations of local laws and regulations. Law enforcement occasionally intervenes, leading to seizures and legal battles that test the boundaries of current drug policy.
From a cultural standpoint, shroom delivery services represent a microcosm of DC’s diverse population and progressive mindset. The city, known for its activism and intellectual discourse, fosters an environment where unconventional ideas can flourish. Entrepreneurs and advocates collaborate to navigate legal complexities while promoting responsible and informed use of psychedelics.
Looking ahead, the future of shroom delivery services in Washington DC is uncertain yet promising. Advocates continue to push for legislative reforms that could provide clearer guidelines and greater legitimacy for these operations. Meanwhile, consumer demand shows no signs of waning, driven by curiosity, personal wellness trends, and a growing acceptance of psychedelics in mainstream culture.
In conclusion, shroom delivery services in Washington DC encapsulate a unique intersection of entrepreneurship, advocacy, and cultural evolution. They reflect broader societal shifts towards reevaluating traditional drug policies and exploring new avenues for mental health treatment. As the industry navigates legal challenges and public perception, its impact on drug policy and therapeutic practices may resonate far beyond the nation’s capital.
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othernaut · 2 years
Potato thoughts.
So there I was, making an admittedly lazy and low-effort dinner, when I was (as I so often regretfully am) reminded that I am an absurd human animal and this thing that I am doing, that I consider functional and everyday, is in fact batshit insane.
Not the cooking itself (admittedly also batshit, but for more pedestrian, i-am-bad-at-life-skills reasons), but the sheer variety involved in what I consider a lazy and low-effort meal. First, the base matter: Potatoes, onions, and chicken wieners. Two root vegetables, one animal. Okay. Then, the lubrication: a mix of sunflower and sesame oils. All right, seeds added; a common omnivore dietary supplement. Then, the flavorings: Garlic (still a root), chili paste (wait, that pepper that wants to harm you?), 1/4th of a beef stock cube (a boiled, powderized entire other animal), salt and pepper (seeds and minerals!) and ketchup (the fruit of another plant that wants to harm you, a grain alcohol fermentation byproduct, and whatever taxonomic hell white sugar is).
Even for an omnivorous species, like, what the hell is this?
Most other animals on Earth specialize into a dietary niche and ride that single diet off into the sunset. Where variety appears, it’s opportunistic and frequently involves insects, which human omnivores paradoxially avoid. It’s rare as hell to find an omnivore with a 50/50 plant/animal diet (i can only recall the maned wolf right now), and even in other opportunistic omnivores, there’s one thing that forms the base of their diet, and everything else is just sort of consumed when you find it. No other creature goes so out of its way to invade and exploit other niches. No other creature looks at the bright red mouth-pain bush and thinks, “How do I extract nutrition from this?”
And because I’m in a lazy potato mindset, I feel like extrapolating this to the rest of the universe. What if this weird mega-omnivorousness isn’t just bizarre for Earth, but bizarre for everywhere? What if most of the other life in the galaxy works like the life on Earth - one staple foodstuff, opportunistic scrounging if it’s available, but primarily a single thing?
What happens if we meet?
Imagine a future where everything goes right. Humans travel to the stars, meet our neighbors, and we get along. Imagine three human drifters kicking around a space station, looking for work, and imagine they get picked up as crewmen on a passing freighter staffed by accommodating aliens who’ve never seen a human before. Imagine being the alien quartermaster, trying to update the manifest with whatever the Human Food turns out to be. Imagine them asking these humans what they want to eat.
One guy’s been surviving off of ramen noodles for the last few weeks while waiting for work to pick up, and, like, he’s alive, he’s been taking a multivitamin, but he’s been seriously considering engaging in space piracy if the result was a good paella. One person keeps wanting to eat better, but they’re half a year away from home and have absolutely no self-control yet: the Spacey’s down at Dock 9 just demoed a pulled pork poutine that they’ve been eating like three nights a week, and the only thing they can actually cook for themselves is lasagna. One girl is lactose and gluten intolerant and has been kept going via fried mushroom-and-onion omelets and unagi rice, but she’s got an ersatz homebrew setup in her room, one’s just at the start of its fermentation cycle, and she’s got all the materials for fish sauce and doesn’t want to just abandon it.
Meanwhile, the alien quartermaster eats food. Like, there’s a grub, named “food”, that every member of their species eats, sometimes with a green broth for supplementary calcium and copper. They’ve never had opinions about food, never wondered if they liked eating food, they just ate it. There’s 38 crates of food grubs flash-frozen just before pupation in the hold. They don’t know what kind of grub a “ramen” is or why this human is angry at it. They don’t know why you would intentionally create and consume flavored medical cleaner. They have passed by Spacey’s once, and it scared them.
After looking up what a “pursuit predator” is, the quartermaster sources 30 live salmon and releases them into their ship’s water system. The humans neither pursue nor predate upon them. The humans display qualities of omnivores, exclusive carnivores, detritivores, granivores, fructivores and more, sometimes all at once, sometimes fluctuating day by day. In frustration, the quartermaster orders 50 pounds of “pulled pork poutine” from Spacey’s; one of the humans eats it exclusively, which causes them to vomit, after which they continue eating the poutine. Two of them try the food-grubs; one human declares them inedible, and the other says it’d be fine with some soy sauce.
The stars are wild and wide. There is such variety in the universe, and the humans apparently want to eat all of it.
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sulky-valkyrie · 2 years
Tagged by @tea42 and @plisuu  (love you both!)
No tags because I’m a shy shy creature and also I think almost everyone I follow has been tagged or done it.
Favourite food: in general?  Probably cheese.  Generally though, my favorite meal is one I didn’t have to plan.
Song stuck in your head: Zombie Nation as covered/remixed by Grendel
Last thing you googled: how to spell “tonguing”
Time: just a measurement of entropy
Dream Trip: One day, I want to visit Sainte Chapelle Cathedral in Paris.
Last book you read: Bunny by Mona Awad.
Last book you enjoyed reading: Dragon Age: The Masked Empire  VIVA LA BRIALLA
Last book you hated reading:Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire.  It wasn’t bad, but it triggered me so badly in the first chapter that it ruined my entire week
Favourite thing to cook/bake: I’m pretty simple and love a good steak, maybe with some sauteed mushrooms and onions, a baked potato slathered in sour cream, and some steamed squash.
Favourite craft to do in your spare time: I love to do nail art/manicures.  It’s very much a self-soothing ritual. I used to paint, but currently all the creative urges are being funneled into writing.
Most niche dislike: sometimes I feel like the only person in the world who doesn’t like tomatoes.  I’m sure there’s something more interesting, but I can’t think of it at the moment.
Opinion on circuses now and in history: They were so neat when I was little, but now I’m skeeved out and not interested.  Same unfortunately goes for Sea World.  
Do you have a sense of direction and if not what is the worst way you ever got lost: I rarely get lost, and my mother never believed me when I was little and trying to tell her how to get unlost.  Also my best friend in the entire world got lost on the way to the post office to pick up a GPS tracker, a fact which she and I still giggle about 10 year later.
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(Sorry, I got to preface this with a warning to my player because I’m not sure if they are following you - Anja, if you read this, please stop right now! Thanks!)
Hey D&Dwitch :)
I’ve got a question if you have any cool ideas: I’m DM’ing Wild Beyond the Witchlight and my Druid (Orc, Spores, Himbo, got lost in the Feywild once before) made a wish on a dandelion. They wished for a familiar. Now, the optional rule in Tasha’s Cauldron should make this fairly simple mechanics-wise, but I want to make it a little quest. They will soon go through a portal and end up in a Feywild swamp. The whole adventure has a lot of Alice in Wonderland vibes and the Druid’s player loves cats, so a Cheshire Cat familiar is not completely out of the question in my opinion :) Any ideas for a fun quest to find a cool familiar for them?
first off - that's such a cool setting idea! and there's so much neat stuff in Wild Beyond the Witchlight, I really love how it characterizes the Feywild.
personally if it were me (which it's not, so feel free to disregard this) I would interweave this quest with another. ideally, send the players into a dangerous situation - a search for an NPC or artifact more important than a familiar, a dungeon-like setting, a creep locale infamous for being difficult to navigate, etc - and give them a little helper that will ultimately become the familiar. by all means make them work for it - maybe the familiar is in need of rescuing from a tricky situation! some trolls might actively be trying to cook it over a fire, or hags could have put a small curse on it that needs to be broken. or maybe it's simply lost/trapped in the same place as the party and needs help to escape!
regardless, taking this indirect approach to introducing the familiar gives you a huge advantage: you can scrap it and introduce another one if the first proposed familiar doesn't go over well. I do admittedly think there's a lower risk of this with familiars that can't talk, but you never know which NPCs are going to be a hit. I've had NPCs that I spent loads of time crafting and was very eager to introduce, only to be met with a collective "oh this guy SUCKS" from the party. which is fine; it just means that NPC gets put aside and a different one will get fleshed out to fill whatever helpful niche I needed filled for that particular adventure.
on a related note to letting the party pick their companions - you might make that very literal, and present the druid literally pick out of a variety of cool (possibly fey-themed) options. like, they make their way to an enormous glowing mushroom and underneath there's a cat with shimmering butterfly wings, a fox covered in little red mushrooms, and an albino raven with a beautiful singing voice. take your pick!
or if you REALLY want to put your back into it you could design a trial like it's a uquiz, where they'll get a different familiar depending on the choices they make while passing through some kind of maze, dungeon, or other obstacle. (or maybe you just let them think they'll get a different familiar depending on their choices, but just draw up the statblock for one that they'll get regardless. work smarter, not harder.)
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femmefantome · 2 years
tagged by @ickyhands ❤️
@feelingsareallowedagain reece u should do this if u like 😌💗
favourite colour: baby pink but lately i’ve been super into like, a sepia palette? creams and beiges with rich dark browns, low saturation warmth
favourite food: homemade mushroom soup with warm bread, also lately i’ve been obsessed with chocolate chip shortbread 💕
song stuck in your head: is that all there is? peggy lee
last thing you googled: “little twin stars kiki lala” for shopping reasons
time: 8:28pm
dream trip: very cliché but i’d love to see japan in the spring, and i’d love to visit new orleans
last book you read: i’m currently reading the terror ❄️
last book you enjoyed reading: slightly fuzzy about the order i’ve read books in this year but i’ll say sula by toni morrison, she’s incredible as always
last book you hated reading: i was enjoying the optimists daughter by eudora welty at the beginning but i ended up having to drag myself to the end T.T idk i do a fair bit of research before i start a book so it’s rare i read something i Hate for real
favourite thing to cook/bake: bread is extremely satisfying to bake, and i love how easy it is to make a cheese toastie (can u tell she has food sensory issues 💕)
most niche dislike: birthday cake/jam sponge :(
opinion on the circus: aesthetically, endlessly delightful… i love an elegant and beautiful trapeze artist, satin and sequins, the maximalism, clown vibes for my bestie, the spectacle of it all (no animal exploitation obviously, i’m thinking specifically of the circus concept in my mind)
do you have a sense of direction: i can follow google maps if i concentrate but god i can’t even tell my left and right without looking at my hands - my friends shouting directions at me when we’re playing dbd and despairing when i take the wrong left again 😔
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napkinso · 3 years
My favorite niche of anime has been a duo traveling after living through a violent encounter(s) and just trying to live to see tomorrow.
Girls’ Last Tour
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• Beautiful scencery paired with lovely music made me tear up multiple times
• Chi and Yu are round so round and i love their dynamic
• Post Apocolyptic world
• Bittersweet overall
• Mushrooms
Kino No Tori— The Beautiful World
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• Kino’s Journey has beautiful scenery and music as well
• Although Kino is the protagonist the stories of the supporting characters are played out and I loved every single one
• talking motorcycles
• Young adult man doesn’t expect to adopt grenade child
• dog
• Little Prince Kino was so good man so good
• there’s the 2003 version and 2017 both are lovely
• the sheep oh my god the sheep
Wanna hear more about young adult men begrudgingly adopting children?
Poco’s World
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• I would die for this tanuki child (and so would Souta)
• cute cute cute fluff AHHHHH
• shark boy is there and he has a PhD
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• did not want sassy child, got sassy child
• he was a big shot in Tokyo but punched the wrong guy and was told to get his shit straight
Usagi Drop
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• who would have thought that grandpa still had game
• Rin is just the best hands down
• manga ending does not exist
It’s been a while since I made that list, I would like to update it with ones I’ve recently seen!
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• three boys go on an adventure to help their fish friend
•one boy is a spy trying to capture the fish
•one boy is an asshole unwillingly brought along
•one boy is filled with anxiety (it pretty sad) who accidentally found fish boy
•fish boy is the cutest sweetest most mischievous in the world! (Think of Nagisa from Free but without the homoerotic subtext or abs) he’s learning about life on earth and making friends!
•is this—is this poc representation!!??!! My boy has a turban and a duck, best combo apparently.
•a feel good bittersweet ending as every story must come to an end
Flying Witch
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•cute slice of life, if you need a break of all the angst and troubles of life then this is recommended for you
• young lady moves to countryside with her relatives to hone her witch skills!
•it’s a cute comedy, there’s no sexualization of any of the girls. The townsfolk people are nice and they all have a story!
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• personal opinion but if you’re a fan of the enemies to lovers trope but also love been queerbaited then this is for you!
•synopsis! Mars and Earth are at a peace agreement. Mars Princess wants to visit Earth and learn about Earthlings. Mars assassinates princess and says Earth did it. (Not dead but must hide within the Earthians bc now Mars and Earth will kill her) War!
•Blonde is on Mars’ side! He’s trying to find and rescue the princess as he is loyal to her and doesn’t believe her to be dead. He thinks Brunette is trying to kill the princess.
• Brunette is on Earths! He finds and protects the princess thinking Blondie is going to kill her.
•princess just wants to be friends with everyone
• it’s enjoyable but I’m sure you can make up a better ending.
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•slow paced and each episode is centered around different people, some endings are happy, others are hard, but mostly it’s all bittersweet
• I’m in love with Ginko--not because he is handsome but because he’s an honest, kind, awkward, and overal calming person.
•a saturated animation style and the music is so lovely. It’s like being lost in the forrest and feeling like you should be scared but feeling at peace and curious about your surrounding
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this is the gentleman jack anon from a bit ago, sorry I dunno why it was anon last time lol- in terms of ur fics reminding me of the show I think it's mainly due to
1) historical queerness - I kno technically most of ur stuff is fantasy but it's basically the same - Annes (eponymous gentleman jack) mascultinity n attire is very reminiscent in vibe of ur discworld fics in my opinion
2) Anne in general really reminds me of Downey bc it's mentioned she had a reputation for gambling / hanging out with soldiers and being rambunctious in her youth but now she's a very mature character and a lot of the plot focuses on her business and landownership deals similar to Downey and running the assassin's guild. also shes really invested in maintaining the status of shibden hall, her historical home which is very similar to Downey's taste for traditionalism and grandeur. Also as characters they're both very into dignity/ courtesy/ 'doing the done thing'
3) theres also scheming and drama and illness which vaguely reminds me of the Sicily plot in thus always
4) Anne's actually a proper nerd aswell and loves to mention her time studying anatomy / art / blah blah in Paris which echoes William 'poisonous plants' Downey n Vetinari the og big nerd
5) also just older queer people which u don't often see in fic n stuff- Anne is in her 40s in the series
anyway that's just a few things that came to mind I could probably write an essay on it but I would defo reccomend u watch it I think it's right up ur lane 💓 (Soz for how long this got hehe)
<3 helloooo 
1) Historical queerness - I do borrow a *tonne* from early modern and late-early modern queerness for Discworld stuff, and Downey in particular (see: Downey’s hats & Florentine mlm and their hats) - and I mean discworld as TP wrote it has no consistency in clothes so there is the late-early modern and early victorian (e.g. Moist & Adora) mixed in with late medieval and early modern (e.g. Vetinari) - I do tend towards the early modern myself because medieval and victorian is overdone 
2) ahhh that is delightful! she is clearly living her best life. But I do appreciate a good #Growth experience with characters - yet ones who never lose their joie de vivre. So, still have a love and lust for life, but you know, also have maturity, responsibility and a sense that there are Consequences for Thine Own Actions. Which us something you rarely see in characters? It tends to be Rake/Louche Living v. Stodge/Do What is Right rather than a more normal mix of someone who once ran wild who learned there are consequences and has appropriately tempered themselves. So they’re still be a mad lad when they want to be but also pay the bills on time and have descent life advice and make good relationship decisions. 
3) ooooooo! this interests me greatly! anyone get suspiciously pushed down some stairs? 
4) <3 <3 ah this Delights me. Downey: Have you heard of this rare mushroom? Vetinari: Have you heard of this super niche linguist? Downey: I love you so much you dumb nerd. Vetinari: takes one to know one. Downey: I will have you know I’m one of the cool kids. Vetinari: mmmk honey. Only because no one knows about your secret sordid plant nerd ways. 
5) YES. OK I LOVE OLD QUEERS. I love them so much. Mostly because i am a 75 year old man at heart. But yes I love old queers and i just - always want more of them. all of them living their best lives. doing what they need to do. just out their. being gay. ugh - be still my beating heart. 
well! it’s still on my to-watch list and that has been a great booster of it up the list! so good work! 💓 💓 
in cute things; my mom has watched it in an attempt to better understand me since I apparently remind her of the Anne character and she was very excited when she finished it and told me all about it and I was like “thank u you’re great” then she bought me men’s boots. 
so you know, happy 2021 everyone. 
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darkblueboxs · 4 years
The Illusion of Happiness
An apocalypse one-shot without the apocalypse
Read here or on AO3
Summary:  Andrew’s eidetic memory has left him with all manner of niche and intricate knowledge. Neil wonders how much of it extends to the science of the atom bomb, whether Andrew has impact radius and radiation dosage and survival statistics to pick apart and stitch together into the shape of a real plan. Or maybe he just intends to stare down the apocalypse like he does life, unrelenting even to the atoms ready to tear him apart. Andrew is used to having the whole universe against him; what difference would it make, really?
“And then what would you do? After you went back for everyone?”
Andrew takes a long drag from his cigarette as he considers the question. “Depends.”
“The kind of apocalypse.”
The sky over Palmetto campus is all purples and reds, swirling together like cotton candy. The evening breeze is so sticky that it barely merits the name, teasing Neil’s curls back from his forehead with undelivered promises of refreshment. Neil fiddles with the cap of his water bottle, debates flicking it off and dumping the contents over his head. Andrew faces down the heatwave like he faces down everything: unflinching, unyielding, undeterred. With the runny, colour pallet sky at his back, he sits like the eye of the silent storm, layered in black from head to toe. He will forsake the sweatbands from time to time when it’s just the two of them, but not today. Shirtless frat boys swarm campus in their droves, tossing frisbees and footballs back and forth as though the quad is their backyard, and the more people strip off in Andrew’s presence the more he seems to pile on in response. The sight of Andrew’s leather jacket makes sweat sting on the back of Neil’s neck, phantom sensations of drowning in the suffocating weight prickling at his arms.
South Carolina is hot, but Neil has known hotter. The rubbery tar of the car park shines three storeys below, but isn’t yet liquid, won’t go gooey and stick to the soles of his sneakers like it would a few hundred kilometres to the south. It’s a drier kind of heat here, too, not the steamy kind that gets into his lungs and chokes out the oxygen until breathing feels more like drowning. Neil doesn’t miss it.
“You have different plans for different apocalypses?” Neil asks. Andrew makes a waggly eh gesture with his hand, the end of the cigarette painting zigzags in the air with the motion.
“Nuclear,” says Neil. “That’s the one your money’s on, right?”
Andrew takes another drag. “Where are we?”
“We’re on the roof.” Neil swings his feet, letting his heels scuff the granite wall over the edge.
Andrew flicks him a look. “When the bomb drops. Where are we?”
Neil considers. “Same answer.”
“And where is the bomb?”
Neil leans forward to rest his chin on his hand. He studies the skyline, mapping out his ground-level knowledge of Palmetto’s buildings and pasting it onto the rise and fall of the horizon. Lights are flickering on as students return to their dormitories, tiny squares of yellow flickering into view like eyes winking open. Neil picks out a dome-shaped roof and points. “Over there.”
“What did the library ever do to you?”
“I have a late-return fine I don’t want to pay.”
Andrew tilts his head to one side. “The bomb drops less than a mile away. I think the only thing any of us is doing at that point is turning into ash.”
“Okay.” Neil reconsiders. “Columbia.”
He can see the calculations ticking over as Andrew’s gaze goes somewhere Neil can’t follow. Andrew’s eidetic memory has left him with all manner of niche and intricate knowledge. Neil wonders how much of it extends to the science of the atom bomb, whether Andrew has impact radius and radiation dosage and survival statistics to pick apart and stitch together into the shape of a real plan. Or maybe he just plans to stare down the apocalypse like he does the heatwave, unrelenting even to the atoms ready to tear him apart. Andrew is used to having the whole universe against him; what difference would it make, really?
“West,” Andrew answers. “I’d take us west.”
“What’s out west?”
It takes Neil a moment to realise that it’s an answer, not an instruction. He thinks of the endless, rolling expanses of cornfields eventually giving way to orange dustbowls that stung the skin when the wind picked up. A good place to get lost in, as long as one was happy never to be found.
“We could find a ranch.” Neil loosens the cigarette from Andrew’s inattentive fingers. “One of those run-down barns that has GOD IS GREAT or some shit painted on the roof. Have you ever slept in a hay loft?”
“I’m picturing you in a cowboy hat,” Andrew says by way of answer.
“How do I look?”
Neil smiles. “Okay. So, we’d go west.”
Andrew hums. Then, “I’d give up smoking.”
“Ouch,” Neil says emphatically. “Cold turkey?”
“I’m not leaving you on your own.”
Neil feels like he has missed a stage in Andrew’s train of thought, like accidently skipping a step while descending a staircase in the dark. “No?”
“I’m not risking dying before you,” Andrew clarifies. “You’d do all kinds of ridiculous shit if I left you unattended.”
Neil picks out the point on the horizon that he imagines to be Columbia. It probably isn’t – they probably couldn’t see that far even if the light was good – but he pictures it that way all the same. “It wouldn’t be far enough, would it? Columbia.”
“No,” says Andrew. He takes his cigarette back before it can smoulder down to Neil’s fingers. “We’d get cancer. Maybe five years down the line, maybe ten, but we’d get it.”
“So why give up smoking?”
Andrew shrugs. “The illusion of control.” His fingers twitch.
“Is that why you’d take me west? The illusion of control?”
Andrew shakes his head. “A different kind of illusion.” He meets Neil’s eyes long enough to read the silent question, and elaborates with a huff. “Happiness.”
“Ah,” Neil says. “You wouldn’t tell me we were going to die.”
“No,” Andrew answers quietly.
“Except you’re telling me now.”
“Do you see a mushroom cloud on the horizon?”
Neil concedes the point. The apocalypse won’t come from Columbia, at least, not in his opinion, and not in Andrew’s either. They both study the skyline in silence regardless, watching the violent orange glow as it blossoms in their imagination.
“Maybe I don’t want to die first,” Neil says. It doesn’t seem fair, he doesn’t say, because neither of them still believe in fair at all. “You’d do all kinds of ridiculous shit if I left you unattended.”
Andrew huffs. He flicks the smouldering cigarette over the edge, and the cherry-red glow flitters like a shooting star as it plummets to the cooling concrete below. “I suppose we better not leave each other unattended, then.”
“I suppose not,” Neil agrees easily. Then, “I’m not sure there’s such a thing, you know. The illusion of happiness. I figure either you’re happy or you’re not.”
“Would you be?” Andrew asks. “Even if I told you the truth?”
Neil considers. Living with the certainty of imminent death was hardly new to Neil, but living with everyone else’s would be another matter entirely. He considers endless, empty cornfields and smoking shells of downed aircraft. He considers thick vines creeping over skyscrapers and choking them green. He considers deer picking through deserted streets. He considers a ranch in the wilderness, Andrew beating fenceposts into place while the sun dances in the sheen of his sweat. Would he forgo the heavy jacket and the wristbands and the shirt when they were the last two people on earth?
“You’d be there,” Neil answers. “So, yes.”
The sky sinks into heavier purples as they watch, poked apart by pockets of yellow streetlights winking awake.
“Would you?” Neil meets Andrew’s gaze. His eyes flash gold as they reflect the setting sun, the fading beams of light tangling in Andrew’s hair and setting his features alight.
Andrew doesn’t make him finish the question. He presses his answer into Neil’s lips with his own, his kisses salty with beaded sweat, fierce and relentless and all-consuming. Neil’s favourite words come to him in the weight of Andrew’s mouth on his, pressing the shapes of stay and home and even love onto his body with such assuredness that Neil wonders if the world can read them written into his skin. Today, it’s one word which burns hotter than the heatwave and the sunset and the fallout of an atomic bomb all put together.
Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you thought.
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atrainernamedradish · 4 years
Top 10 Favorite Pokemon
You’d think a top 10 for my favorite Pokemon of all times would be easy, but it has taken me quite a while with some soul searching to actually comprise this list together. While I feel as though most of this list is slightly unique compared to most top 10s, you will still find a few Pokemon in here on typical favorite lists.
Since this is a top 10 some Pokemon had unfortunately to be cut. So here are my Honorable Mentions: Slurpuff, Rowlet, Furret, Leafeon, Bulbasaur, Maractus, Appletun, Vanillite, Girafarig, and Braixen.
Top 10 Favorite Pokemon:
10) Cradily
I’m not normally one for fossil Pokemon. Don’t get me wrong, I think reviving fossils is a cool concept with Gen VIII expanding on the idea of creating abominations against what nature intended, but other than that… the concept falls flat for me after that. Not to mention most of the fossil Pokemon designs don’t do much for me. However, the Cradily line has come a long to be that exception towards my general distaste for them.
I’d like to think it was the typing of grass that gave this old fossil the charm to win me over. My Sun Wonderlocke is also a big metagaming factor with Cradily having survived on the winning team that beat the challenge.
It’s got a unique typing and a weird design being the oddball on this top list, but it deserves its spot nonetheless.
9) Gogoat
Sometimes you just need a Pokemon that has a good design, a favorite typing, a decent move pool, and fun to use on a team to become someone’s favorite, and that’s exactly what this Pokemon did to earn its spot on this list. Plus, whenever I play XY I always wanna use one lol!
8) Roserade
Some might disagree with me, but giving Roselia a pre-evolution and evolution was one of the best things to ever happen to it. Roserade is just so cool yet so elegant all in one design. (Budew is hands down my favorite baby Pokemon, if anyone is curious~) I also have this weird fixation on roses so that’s another reason why I adore its design~
Every time I play in the Sinnoh games I almost always want to use one on my team. (Playing a Torterra playthrough and fighting that urge haha!)
And not only is it a solid grass type, but a poison one to boot!~
7) Ampharos
...speaking of Pokemon that I almost always wanna use when I’m in their native region…
Three Pokemon on this list are here from my fondness of them as a child/pre-teen with Ampharos being one of them. Ampharos is definitely an odd one for its typing: slower and bulkier despite being a pure electric type, which had a niche of being faster and fragile. Not to mention it’s a sheep that sheds and grows into a llama! So I guess you could say its oddness is what I find so charming about it~
6) Breloom
...and also speaking of childhood favorites that are charmingly odd…
Breloom’s design and typing makes no sense, unless you wanna count the fact that it looks like it has some kangaroo in there for the fighting part… *shrugs* and I couldn’t care less. I have no idea (besides the mushroom part) what this Pokemon is supposed to be and I love that! It’s just so useful and good and it’s almost always on my Hoenn team.
5) Eevee
There are people probably rolling their eyes and groaning in dismay, but I will forever stick by this Pokemon. When I was a kid I was obsessed with this Pokemon! I had to have anything Eevee I could get my grimey little mitts on! My mom even made me an Eevee costume for Halloween that I remember fondly to this day!~
I know Eevee has reached overrated status, but honestly, and not saying this because it’s on my top list or anything, but uh… Eevee actually has a good reason for being popular besides being those who are the mascot (Pikachu) or nostalgia (Charizard). It’s cute and versatile. Do you need a certain type on your team? An Eeveelution can almost always fill that missing spot. Plus one of Pokemon’s biggest gimmicks in evolution, which Eevee sells pretty well since that’s its claim to fame!
But I will admit that Eevee is on here for nostalgia purposes and not putting it on here wouldn’t have felt right.
(If the Let’s Go games hadn’t have been a thing then this list would have been starterless… go figure.)
4) Sawsbuck
This Pokemon was originally lower on the list till I really sat down to explain why it was on here. Normally I have a hard time pinpointing what I like in a Pokemon design, and I was thinking of what I liked so much about it had I finally have a Pokemon to sort of show that in.
What I like about Sawsbuck’s design is that it’s not just a normal deer. It’s a deer mixed with a tree and its seasonal cycles. I like that it has forms that tie into an in-game mechanic instead of just bloating up the dex that fit its typing. Its name sneakily hints at the form changes too, which is brillant! You can clearly tell what its typings are just by looking at it. Some might argue that the Normal typing not so much, but, and myself included before, I have met a few people who have mistakenly slapped that typing onto the likes of Gogoat because Normal is usually associated with animals. Not to mention deer are a huge problem in the country in which the region is based off of so that was a smart decision in kaing one for those games. Sawsbuck is also quite handy at tanking a lot of physical damage, especially when you’ve got moves like Leech Seed and Horn Leech on it. So I thoroughly enjoyed using one the first and only time I have (though I plan to use it again at some point).
I hope I’ve made sense with why this particular Pokemon qualifies as the example of my choices in choosing Pokemon.
(Oh and if anyone is curious… the Autumn one is my favorite aesthetically out of the four forms.)
3) Ludicolo
This goofy looking thing puts a smile on my face. Its idle animation is charming, and it makes me giggle when it shimmies in its attack animation. I don’t know what it is about this thing that I simply adore, but finally having since used one in my first playthrough of Alpha Sapphire I almost cannot be in Hoenn and not use one. Not to mention I love the dual typing of water/grass. It’s so handy and such a good combination~ Overall Ludicolo is *chuckles* an odd duck that makes me feel joy every time I see or use one.
2) Alcremie
This was THE Pokemon I was the most excited to use in Galar upon its reveal!~ It was already so cute being a part of a theme of Pokemon I simply love: food-based Pokemon, and then what does it do? It can turn into a giant fucking cake! Like holy shit…! And then down the line in another reveal trailer what was the first thing I immediately noticed; an alternative colored one! What’s what Game Freak? Different flavors of this thing? Sign me up!
From its design, to its Gigantamax form, to its flavor forms, its shiny, and even the way you evolve it I just love everything about this Pokemon!~
(My only gripe is that if I want to Gigantamax one I have to go out of my fucking way to find one, and that irritates the fuck out of me! Not to mention two of its candy options are event exclusive, which is horse shit! But that’s just a personal gripe more than anything so don’t mind me…)
1) Aromatisse
This Pokemon is fat, pink and sassy, and I fucking LOVE it!~ It looks like someone tried to fuse a fuzzy perfume bottle with a cancan dancer, a flamingo, and a plague doctor mask, and we go this beautiful mess!~ I also love the fact that this thing is 50/50 on the gender scale so you could essentially have a drag queen on your team, which makes sense for its over-the-top design. I also love how it literally screams and whoops at you in its model cry. If it shows up you’ll see and hear it.
People talk about how cute its pre-evolution is and how they prefer it to Aromatisse, and honestly I’ve always felt the opposite of that. Spritzee is cute but Aromatisse is wonderful!~
It saddens me that my fandom will almost always put my favorite on the hated lists, but that’s how different opinions and tastes can be… *shrugs* 
(I’m sure many of you are cringing seeing this as #1 and that’s okay lol!)
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