#music video roundup
avomagazine · 17 days
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Every week, we bring you a treasure trove of captivating music videos from lesser-known, new and intriguing Japanese artists who deserve your support! Join us on this extraordinary musical journey as we shed light on the artists who often go unnoticed but leave an unforgettable impact. We also maintain a YouTube Music playlist
This week we highlighted music videos from: 🍙 after six poolside 🍙 sugar 🍙 LANPAZIE 🍙 ULTRA 🍙 なるぎれ (Nargile) 🍙 小松成彰 (Nariaki Komatsu) 🍙 Leetspeak monsters
Since 2020, AVO Magazine has been curating a list of seven music videos by Japanese artists and bands across various genres, from pop and rock to metal.
Enjoy the music!
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autonomous-zed · 4 months
Hey gang! It's a new video! This one inspired by my love of FLCL, and an old VHS rip of the original broadcast of it on [adult swim]. Check it out why don't you? And if you can, I can use help with bills, food, and rent this upcoming month and if you can help me out it would mean a lot!
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mythgirlimagines · 2 years
I think you'd find this interesting
I was surprised by the last one
okay 1 TIL Seiko's VA is Miku's voice provider?????? Hello????
I only recognized 6 of the songs (will definitely be listening to the others at some point!) but nearly shouted when Mousou Kanshou Daishou Renmei came on I love that one
Pretty good video! Here's an easy link for mobile users
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doktordismemberment · 10 months
Weekly Roundup: Dec 3, 2023
Couple days late on this week’s roundup cos I’ve been injured and busy recording but I had a minute today so here ya go.
Blah Blah:
Well, my foot still hurts but I’ve been a bit more “up and around” over the past couple days. Mostly because I had to hobble over to the post office and mail our rent check. It sucked, but it’s done now.
Other than that? We’ve honestly just been holed up in our studio and doing a lot of recording. Got a bunch of tracks in the “finish carpentry” stage of recording so hopefully the labels will have them soon and they’ll be out early next year. -
Elend - I’m usually pretty allergic to classical music, especially anything that falls under the general heading of “neoclassical”, but Elend popped up on shuffle after a soundtrack I was listening to and caught me in a receptive mood.
So yeah, my first impression is that this stuff sounds like Bloodborne boss fight music filtered through Cold Meat Industry style dark ambient/ death industrial and arrives at a place that kind of sounds like Gnaw Their Tongues with all the “metal” parts pulled out.
I don’t love every track I’ve listened to but the heavier, more dissonant, ones are pretty cool, especially when they’re backed by huge drums.
Skrol - Really digging a couple of the Elend tracks that had heavy drums inspired me to dig through my CDs and pull out Skrol’s “Insomnia Dei” which does a pretty similar thing with the dissonant neoclassical elements but welds them to really pounding anti-rhythms that are equal parts Swans, Neubauten, and super early Laibach.
I’ve always had a real soft spot for this album since I got it as freebie in a package I ordered from RRR ages ago… So much so that I’ve picked up multiple backup copies over the years in case I ever lose one or one becomes unplayable.
Lysergic Rites of Sadopriest - Dirgey industrialized goregrind/ noisecore that reminds me of the heaviest Mortician riffs being violently reconfigured by cEvin Key/ Chu Ishikawa. I think the guy behind this project used to be in Enemy Soil and Jesus of Nazareth, two of my all-time favorite weirdo grindcore bands.
Gored - Gored “Human” is one of the heaviest albums ever recorded. Period. Sounds like early Carcass on steroids.
My Dad is Dead - Imagine Joy Division with Big Black’s drum machine and a guitar tone that’s equal parts Husker Du and Mission of Burma and that’s pretty much what was happening with My Dad is Dead. 1987s “Peace Love and Murder” is one of my favorite things Homestead Records ever released.
Bitch Magnet - Late 80s “indie rock” (In the “Our Band Could Be Your Life” sense of the word). Think Swervedriver, Husker Du, Squirrelbait, and “Siamese Dream” era Smashing Pumpkins and you’re on the right track. Great drumming on this album.
Video Games:
Astebros - Not deep into this yet, but there's a real particular style of early 90's Sega Genesis pixel art that I'm really, really into and this game looks like it has a lot of that happening so I'll probably really dig it. -
Mushihimesama - Lots of bugs firing lots and lots of bullets. -
Tales of the Dying Earth - Jack Vance -
The Nun The Nun II Three Fantastic Supermen Killing In Istanbul Samson in The Wax Museum Bloody Pit of Horror
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wheel-of-fish · 7 months
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Ethan Freeman weekend link roundup!
A huge thanks to Dannii at @behindthemirrorofmusic for organizing and to everyone who came out to celebrate his 65th birthday with us! It was so fun doing a collaboration like this.
Featured content
Full video: Ethan Freeman, Anne Gorner & Nikolaj Brucker (Essen 2006, his last performance as the Phantom)
Full video: Ethan Freeman, Julie Washington & Simon Bowman (London 1995)
Ethan Freeman at 65: Dannii's brand-new, hour-long documentary about Ethan and his career, featuring lots of interview footage and performance clips
Special birthday episode of Behind the Mirror of Music podcast: Features many rare recordings!
With You (solo album): Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube
The Phantom of the Opera & Love Never Dies (Highlights) feat. Claire Moore and John Barrowman: Apple Music | Spotify
Other fun stuff
The Ethan Freeman Appreciation YouTube channel
@ethanfreemanappreciation here on Tumblr
Ethan reads excerpts from The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux
"'Til I Hear You Sing" (live)
Where to find Ethan
Instagram: @ethan_daniel_freemanactor and @art_ethandanielfreeman
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year
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I've got her! I've got her!! Right there. Here. Come on! Here she is. Help me.
I can't express how much I love this episode. It is such a masterpiece that I know that anything I write will automatically pale in comparison… So I'm just going to gush over some of my favorite moments.
The way Tim's emotions are so palpable during the whole episode, but particularly here… For someone who's usually good at compartmentalising, it says a lot about his feelings that he can barely keep it together. The only time we saw him this feral and this distraught was over Isabel and she was his wife… The cinematography and music just enhance everything he is going through here : the golden lights that remind us that Lucy is running out of time… the haunting piano notes or silence that give an eerie atmosphere… the looming dead tree… All of this serve to heighten Tim's feeling of despair.
His distress when Angela announces that she can't tell from the video if Lucy's still alive, is written all over his face. So is the confusion that quickly changes to hope when he spots her moonstone ring… And how symbolic is it that he finds her ring. Or that Lucy threw it as a breadcrumb - for him specifically. He once told her that the most important thing she needed was her eyes - cop eyes - and she remembered it. She left something for him to find, knowing that he would, as she admitted to him later. Because he also taught her during the manhunt that she's never alone. But it goes beyond trust : what she had was faith in him. And the fact that he rapidly recognises her ring just shows how attuned he already is to her. As far as we know, she only wore it twice in his presence : when they won the roundup competition and when she gave him her "evaluation" of him. And yet, he remembered and knew that it wasn't just some random piece of jewellery. Granted, the odds that someone else lost a ring there were minimal. But as we've seen with his Valentine's day present, he was paying attention to her.
And then there's this mix of desperation and hope when he finds out where she's buried, calling the others frantically, digging her out with his bare hands, not even stopping for a shovel… Or when he opens the barrel, not knowing if she's merely unconscious or not breathing… When he breathes life back to her… Armstrong's look says it all : what's driving Tim is something far more powerful than just guilt. Or duty.
There's also this immense sigh of relief that can be heard once Lucy regains consciousness… The way he's gently putting one hand under her head to make her more comfortable and help her get her bearings, maintaining contact with her to ground her… It's such a contrast to how feral he was before. Or the way he holds her close to him at first when she starts crying, trying to comfort her before hugging her tightly, cradling her, swaying a bit, with his hand in her hair… The way her trembling hand is gripping Tim, holding onto him like a lifeline… How she's hiding in his embrace and he's giving her some sense of privacy when she breaks down… How he's whispering soothing words to her - and I love that we can't really hear what he's telling her, that everybody else are giving them time and space. It adds to this feeling of intimacy, to this idea of privacy he's giving her despite the fact that they're surrounded by their friends and colleagues - and commander. It's just the two of them in that moment. That hug was as much for her than for him. After the ordeal she went through, Lucy desperately needed to feel safe again - or as safe as possible. And Tim himself needed the reassurance that she was alive. To quote another show - he cares, a lot more than he's supposed to. And it was in full display in this episode.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
One of the things that I really appreciate about this blog is that now, every now and then, when I hear about some new awful thing in the world, it will be in the context of "and this is what people are doing to fight it". That's so much less paralyzing.
(If you have any sources to recommend for experiencing more of that, me and my mental health would be further indebted.)
Ahhh, I forgot about this message, sorry! Been a hectic couple of months.
I absolutely have more sources!
One of the biggest is the media collaboration The Solutions Journalism Network, which focuses on just that: closing the massive gap between people reporting on problems and people reporting solutions.
I have a giant bookmark list of sources for this blog, for good news stories and hope, so here's a bunch of links! Roughly in order of how good I think they are (in terms of size of stories, previously uncovered stories, good editorial standards, accuracy, detail, number of stories, etc. etc.)
We're gonna start with the ones that do good news ONLY, because sometimes you fucking need that, and then below I'll link some excellent sources that have a higher than average number of quality pieces on good news, even though they also publish other stuff too.
Good and hopeful news sources:
Future Crunch - If you only read one of these sites, read this one!!! It's a MASSIVE biweekly roundup of international good news stories with really high quality reporting--a lot of UN and WHO and major NGO reports as their sources. I cry from hope at LEAST 30% of the times I read this, and tbh it used to be like 100%, about a year ago when I started realizing that hope for the planet and for humanity was something that was REASONABLE TO HAVE.
Reasons to Be Cheerful - Fewer stories, but FANTASTIC quality of reporting, especially on fantastic local stories, many of them in international communities, that you've definitely never heard of before
Positive.News - Good coverage and especially roundups, mostly Europe-focused.
Good News Network - This one is awesome for the high number and approachability of its stories, but unfortunately also includes more "That's not news that's just a heartwarming anecdote" and "That's not good news it's actually dystopian" pieces than I'd like.
Jane Goodall's Good For All News - Really awesome focus on international issues, a lot of news from Africa, a lot of news about youth organizers and youth-led projects, and a lot of focus on how helping the environment and helping communities are inextricably connected. Yall Jane Goodall is doing SO MUCH amazing work out there even at her age, and most people also have no idea.
Good Black News - Mostly posts on music and entertainment, and doesn't post all that often, but they're great.
Good Good Good
The Good News Hub
Only Good News Daily
( ) for Tomorrow - Directory of grassroots solutions to all types of issues and "proof that no solution is too small to have an impact"
A Plus - Dedicated to uplifting stories in video form. I'm sure they're awesome, I just don't rly use them bc videos can set off my sensory issues
The Happy Broadcast - Illustrated good news tidbits! I haven't been using them much but it looks like they've (recently?) added more text and sources to each image, so I might change that. Illustrations are pretty cute tbh
Sources that publish a lot of good news, but also other not good stuff:
Euronews.Green - Environmental section of European news org
Yes! Magazine - Excellent solutions-focused journalism, excellent focus on BIPOC content and underrepresented communities
TheMayor.EU - EU-focused, discusses a lot of good projects and cool local developments/programs
Grist - Solutions journalism, fantastic corage especially on environmental issues
Mongabay - Billed as "News & Inspiration from Nature's Frontline," they are amazing and have some of the best goddamn reporting I've ever seen. They mean "frontline" very literally: there's a TON of pieces about and by and interviewing communities on the front lines of environmental conflict, especially developing nations and Indigenous communities world wide. That said there's also a lot of bad news on nature's frontline still, while they report a lot of amazing and powerful good news, make sure you're in a resilient mood when you visit this site, because some of the stories are also pretty upsetting.
Indian Country Today and Native News Online - two of the leading news orgs for Indigenous communities in the United States. Kind of like Mongabay in that they have a lot of good news stories from Indigenous communities that often no one else is reporting on, but also plenty of coverage of things that are definitely not good, so better to read when you're in a resilient mood.
If you have any good news sites/sources you'd like to add, please drop them in the replies or comments! I'm always looking for new good news sources (though I def don't always have time to use all of them, rip!). Plus, let's support these sites by giving them some traffic!
We could all use more ways to get some more good news.
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ghoulette-knell · 18 days
Does anyone like Powerwolf???
So, last Wednesday, I drove down from Canada to Cleveland, Ohio so I could experience my favourite band with my two best friends.
I queued up at 10:30am because I’m delulu and in my mind I was like “maybe I’ll meet the members if I queue early?”
Girls, Guys, and Nonbinary Pals… guess what fuckin’ happened.
I met Falk and Roel 😭😭😭😭
(teeny face reveal because I’m too excited to worry about being anonymous anymore)
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SO LIKE HELLO?? My friends were back at our RV and didn’t get to meet the boys. Such bad luck!
Falk was like “OMG we have matching tattoos!” to me, and he was pointing to my Powerwolf tattoo I got back in June. He also has one on his inner arm 🥹
And Roel was like “I love the flowers you added to it!” BRB SOBBINGGGG!
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I felt like the main character!
Oh, and it gets better y’all.
So, Powerwolf’s opening band Unleash the Archers was filming a music video and I’m gonna be in that video cuz they filmed me a bit while waiting in line LOL.
Oh, and it STILL gets better.
I got interviewed by Powerwolf’s media manager and filmed a bit (he also took pics of my tattoo 😭😭) so I might be in their roundup video for Cleveland.
Oh babe, it still gets better.
So, my buddies and I had quick pass. We got front and centre in the pit. My buddy got Unleash the Archer’s drummer’s setlist, and I was absolutely enamoured with their singer and guitarist. Bisexual energy is so strong with that band holy shit.
So Powerwolf comes out (all my mentionable videos will be at the end of this post), and Attila was all over me and my buddy (why tf Tumblr only allowing one video per post :( )
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I ended up catching Charles’ pick too- like what the fuck. I feel like y/n in a Wattpad fanfic istg
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Would yall believe me if I said it’s STILL GETTING BETTER?
I was featured in the Cleveland photo…
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Seriously losing my mind. Ghost was by far my favourite concert… BUT POWERWOLF WAS MORE MEANINGFUL AND RAW!
I feel changed yall… Metal is Religion. Powerwolf is Religion.
Also, watch Attila being a little flirt in that video… bro is making me endlessly delulu (even tho I’m a Falk girlie)
EDIT: I’m in the Cleveland round up video too WHEEZE
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
comments roundup on Arteice's vid
Frankly, it’s pretty upsetting that Stolas acts like a victim just because he was raised with royal blood and is a hypocrite when he dismisses Blitzo like he’s one of his servants
^This person makes an excellent point, actually. Blitzo specifically calls Stolas out for treating him like a butler - an inferior - and instead of wanting to apologize or offer discuss it with him at a later date when his emotions are running less high, Stolas just evicts Blitzo from his house using magic, essentially dismissing him. It's giving royal "remove him from my sight" sort of vibes - insead of rectifying the behavior Stolas just proved Blitzo's point (again). I guess at this point we should be glad the writers had the comment sense not to have Stolas squeeze Blitzo like a stress ball until his eyes popped
How much of a bad writer do you have to be when you make a character so unsympathetic and unlikable that fans convince themselves that it was intentional to make him come across as this much of a narcissistic abuser. Yes I’m sure Viv wants you to see Stolas, the guy who cries constantly and even has a music video about how sad and in love he is, who constantly has excuses thrown his way for his behavior like neglecting Via and having power over Blitzo, who was literally retconned in season 2’s premiere episode to be some naive lovesick idiot with a wife so comically abusive the best photos they could take of her was her choking puppies. That Stolas.
Well,I have to agree. Stolas really needs to take the L,get his shit together and stop always always victimizing himself seriously.
Stolas is victimizing Blitz, Blitz couldn't consent. All that sex they were having made Stolas a monster, then Stolas cries BECAUSE Blitz didn't fetishize or romanticise the abuse the way Stolas did
Thank you for standing up for blitz, stolas is unbearable at this Point
Since watching the Sarcastic Chorus breakdown of the episode, I can say that I am holding onto a sliver of hope that the hypocracy is intentional and will be developed upon soon. However, I can't lie that while watching the confrontation in Full Moon, I was become more and more irate at the idea that Stolas sings about the break-up in the next episode. They better call him on his bullshit SIGNIFICANTLY. Although that may be just me relating to Blitz more than Stolas rn.
What made this inevitable for me is the fact that Stolas is kind of placing all his eggs in one basket by relying on Blitz for his happiness. He seems to believe that if they get together, it’ll magically solve all his problems such as his faltering relationship with Octavia, and the threat of the Goetia bearing their full weight down on him. To me it felt also like he was testing Blitz by seeing what kind of reaction he would have by being freed from their contract. He’s placing a lot of expectation on someone who is never going to be able to live up to what’s being asked of him
Stolas got that "21 year old closeted gay college Student trying to discover his sexuality" vibes, you know what i'm sayin'? The thing is… he's a grown ass man in his mid to late 30s with a daughter. He needs to grow up
Posting this sanity now so we can all fortify ourselves for what's coming tomorrow morning.
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nayeonline · 2 months
"LW2G" - The Debut EP by KATSEYE (my reimagining of their debut)
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So this is actually the second imagined album I've put together, which feels weird to nobody but me, because despite only posting one for ITZY literally a whole year ago, at all times I have at least 5 half finished imagined albums in my drafts lmao. This one is for KATSEYE, because if you've seen my rants reviews in my Monthly Roundup series (here & here) you will know that I have not been exactly pleased with the direction HYBE is taking them. I am aware that the group's debut EP 'SIS' is dropping soon, so I wanted to post this now so my opinions wouldn't be overly influenced by what the group has already released.  ALSO - a lot of this post was talked through and contributed to by my moot @pocima so thanks so much for that bestie u have amazing taste :) Before we get into the tracklist, let’s lay out what I wanted to achieve from this project:
It should have a clear, defined target audience.
The EP should establish a sound that doesn’t echo someone else currently releasing music aimed at that target audience.
The sound created should allow them room to grow and explore.
The EP should be somewhat thematically relevant to their status as rookies and their big aspirations.
Their concept should emphasize their status as a truly international group and capitalize on that.
So with that out of the way, let's get into “LW2G”, my imagined KATSEYE debut project.
Target Audience:
Because of the ages of the members, and because the music promotion vessel of choice these past few years has been TikTok, older teenagers seem the most obvious target audience for a group like KATSEYE in my opinion.
The concept will be semi inspired by the somewhat new yet already iconic ‘superhero by night, ordinary girl by day’ trope popularised by Sailor Moon, Hannah Montana, etc. High school is a pretty universal experience and will link KATSEYE with girls around the world, so half of the concept will build on this - perhaps there could be concept photos of the girls wearing typical school uniforms from their region? This would also expand upon the aesthetics of ‘Dream Academy’. The other half will draw from classic 90s girl group aesthetics, think TLC or Destiny’s Child music videos. The combination of relatability and aspiration works well for a 2024 market in my opinion - it's what gives stars like Taylor Swift longevity over their competitors. The concept also feels very kpop in my opinion, which is also supposed to be what sets KATSEYE apart from their competitors.
The sound will build off the concept throughout the tracklist. The marching band instrumentation references a high school ambience, but the 00s synths echo the superstar energy I’m trying to create in the second half of the concept. Key reference points for the sound will be Nelly Furtado, TLC, and Destiny’s Child.
(1) Step On Up (orig. Ariana Grande)
I wanted to start with this cult favourite of Ariana Grande's discography. I love how the percussion plays with the vocal performance, it effortlessly builds the excitement for the album, references the marching bands of the concept, and it's thematically relevant to the groups status as rookies. I truly believe the KATSEYE girls could handle this song effortlessly.
(2) Long Way 2 Go (orig. Cassie)
This is the track that I envision being the title track, ITS SO ADDICTIVE. I would definitely change the lyrics to suit the girls being younger, and I would love to see a variety of languages in this track - they might be an international group but if they only sing in English they are functionally another american pop group. This also works well thematically for KATSEYE, and the synths echo their 'pop superstar by night' concept.
(3) Lose My Breath (orig. Destiny's Child)
This has the potential to be another promoted track that I could see expanding on the high school it girl aspect of their concept, due to it's gorgeous percussion. This is such a classically amazing dance track and we know that these girls can DANCE, so I know they would kill a choreography to it.
(4) Change (orig. FLO)
Thanks to @pocima again for suggesting this track specifically, it really pulls the album together and brings that relatability that perhaps some of the other songs were lacking. FLO have such an amazing discography, but this track especially would work well with the girls' vocal styles in my opinion. Its on the more rnb side, creating another avenue of music for the group to explore in future projects without alienating their main sound. I could also see this as a secondary single from the EP, functioning as the kind of mirror image to LW2G.
(5) Better (orig. BoA)
An absolute banger from the queen of kpop, and it works so well on this EP. It has this aura that I really think the KATSEYE girls could pull off. It has the beautiful 00s/90s synths we love and the anthemic nature of the song fits the girl group style effortlessly.
(6) Soul (orig. Girls' Generation)
I love this track for the closer because it brings together all the different elements of the EP - it has the percussion of Lose My Breath and Step On Up, the synths of LW2G, the assertiveness of Better and the vocals of Change. Again, I don't know that it would only be in Korean - i would love to see some of the other languages the girls speak featuring on this track. Like many of the tracks on this album, the concept of 'finding your soul' also speaks to the position KATSEYE is in within the industry, and successfully rounds out the overall message of the EP - KATSEYE are here to rock the boat and find out who they are along the way.
Final Thoughts:
I really like the EP I've put together here, and I truly think it fills a gap in the market - it's really not a bad idea to pitch a new girl group at america considering its been a long time since a group act has really made it big over there, and KATSEYE certainly have what it takes talent-wise. I may not have liked the two singles KATSEYE have dropped so far, but I am certainly sat for their official EP whenever it comes out. By all means let me know ur thoughts on my tracklist and concept ideas, and thanks for reading, I appreciate it a lot.
~ ari
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avomagazine · 2 months
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Every week, we bring you a treasure trove of captivating music videos from lesser-known, new and intriguing Japanese artists who deserve your support! Join us on this extraordinary musical journey as we shed light on the artists who often go unnoticed but leave an unforgettable impact. We also maintain a YouTube Music playlist
This week we highlighted music videos from: 🍙 cephalo 🍙 LaughTONiC 🍙 ゆれるこ (Yureruko) 🍙 LAUSBUB 🍙 Penetrate 🍙 タラチネ (Tarachine) 🍙 アクロバット★少年 (ACROBAT☆SHONEN)
Since 2020, AVO Magazine has been curating a list of seven music videos by Japanese artists and bands across various genres, from pop and rock to metal.
Enjoy the music!
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autonomous-zed · 5 months
New music video! If you liked what you saw please consider donating to my ko-fi so I can eat and pay rent! Link here!
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ouattober · 1 year
Here's the prompt list for ouattober2023! Any and all Once Upon a Time fans are invited to participate in a month long creative challenge! My initial idea was a drawing challenge, but feel free to create each prompt however you like- fanfics, gifsets, headcanons, fanart, poetry, music, tribute videos, memes, amv, food, cosplay, or literally anything else!
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Take each day's prompt however you'd like to interpret it, create it in any way you'd like, and share it with the tag #ouattober2023 . I'll (hopefully!) be doing roundups of some of my faves here and I might have a special recognition for users who participate every day!
Also, you may have noticed, there's a lot more than 31 prompts on this list! I've included a few extra prompts in case you decide you don't like a prompt or can't find out how to make it work, or maybe you wanna do a few warm-up prompts here in September- feel free to take this list and run with it!
Send me an ask at @kazoosandfannypacks or @ouattober if you have any questions! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with :D
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doktordismemberment · 2 years
Roundup #1
I don't know if i'm gonna bother with weekly roundups like I used to but here's a quick rundown of what I was into this past week.
I've been working on writing coherent "songs" again after spending the past 25-ish years playing either grindcore or noise. Listening to a bunch of shit I find vaguely inspirational on that front.
Husker Du
The Melvins
Drug Church
Peroxide Blonde
Pulling Teeth
Video Games:
Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition - Ok, I feel like I've reached a point where the combat in this game is finally making sense, which is cool because I'm pretty invested in the story. This game is anime as shit but I enjoy how hard they're leaning into the over the top sci-fi craziness.
The Rumble Fish 2 - Re-release of a cool early 2000's 2D Arcade fighter, haven't gone deep yet but it feels a little Third Strike-ish so far.
Kind of still in the middle of A Wizard of Earthsea, but stalled out because my iPad is currently in quarantine.
Wound up going on a massive weeb-bender this past week 'cos DD hadn't seen any of this stuff.
Nausicaa of the Valley of The Wind
Princess Mononoke
Band Stuff:
Got DD a new pedalboard and one of those Earthquaker/ Sunn0))) "Life Pedal" distortions as an early X-Mas present
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darkmaga-retard · 22 days
Ben Bartee
Sep 03, 2024
COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.
Another one bites the dust!
Dropping likes flies.
A vehemently pro-vaxx mandate Australia social media influencer I’ve never heard of but who was apparently very influential, probably paid to promote the shots, has gone to the Lord “suddenly” and “unexpectedly.”
          Related: The War Down Under (Australia Today, America Tomorrow)
“’Vaccinated people are still dying of Covid so there’s no point in getting vaccinated’. Ok dumbass, stop wearing a seatbelt while you drive then,” Pretty Pastel Please wrote on Twitter/X in February 2022. 
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“Do the idiots marching in the streets protesting the lockdown not realise that they are quite literally spreading Covid, and because of their actions, our lockdown will extend into at least September or October... ? Not a single brain cell between them,” she quipped in July 2021.
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Via People (emphasis added):
“Pretty Pastel Please, an Australian YouTuber known for her vlogs, fashion hauls and travel videos, has died at the age of 30. On Friday, July 5, a post on her official Instagram page revealed that the content creato[r] died in June. Although her cause of death was not specified, her passing was described as "sudden,
So long, Pretty Pastel.
Bitch should’ve stuck to the mascara, probably.
Diverse rapper does low-production-value COVID trap music
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American trust in ‘vaccines’ declines, polling agency blames ‘misinformation’
You might suffer from the delusion that mainstream polling organizations funded by taxpayer dollars exist to report on public sentiment in a straightforward quantitative manner.
In fact, they apparently exist to editorialize with talking points they receive from somewhere, probably the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
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scotianostra · 3 months
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Happy 80th Birthday Scottish actor Paul Young, born 3rd July 1944 in Edinburgh.
Paul started acting at an early age, playing the eponymous hero in the 50's classic Geordie. Young's big break was as one of the presenters of the early 1960s Scottish Television children's programme, Roundup. In this programme he famously interviewed The Beatles. Of his time there he said in an interview
“Well it was the kind of birthplace of my career, in a way. On a Tuesday I would come into the Theatre Royal to do this programme and it was always a thrill to go in, because you didn’t always know who was going to be on it. "Oh, it's Adam Faith, it's Cliff Richard, it's Johnny Mathis, it's Tom Jones. It's — who’s this? — The Beatles? All right, okay”. So it was like the birth, the birthplace, of my career, as a presenter, actor.”
He was also the first voice heard on pirate radio station Radio Scotland when the transmitter was turned on 31st December, 1965 at ten minutes to midnight as 1966 was about to begin, Paul presented the popular Ceilidh programme of traditional Scottish music on the station, which broadcast at various points off the Scottish coast up to August 1967.
Returning to acting later in the decade, Paul has gone on to appear in numerous plays, films and television dramas.
A keen angler, he has presented fishing programmes on Scottish television for many years. The first was Hooked on Scotland for the BBC. This was followed by Hooked on Scottish for ITV and more recently Hooked for the satellite and cable channel Discovery Home and Leisure. Fishing TV, a global video on demand fishing channel, has recently found and digitally remastered more than 120 classic Paul Young episodes and they are now available to view on the Fishing TV service.
Some of his other credits include The Tales of Para Handy, No Job for a Lady, The Crow Road, Rab C Nesbit Coronation Street and of course Taggart, in two different roles and of course the role most us know him from, Still Game.
In the hit Scottish sitcom Paul played Hugh "Shug" McLaughlin, initially appearing occasionally in the early series but by series 5 and 6 becoming a regular cast member. Nicknamed "shug the lug" on the account of Paul Young's trademark ears. He was a communications officer during World War II and is a self-proclaimed expert in radios and soundwaves who often relies on his big ears to hear through walls. Shug is generally the only pensioner that knows about gadgets and new technology in the group.
There was wider fame in 2018 for oor Paul, when Google wrongly said that 80s singer Paul Young was the man who appeared as the Craoglang bat-eared eavesdropper Shug. A twitter user first spotted the mix up and Still Game star and creator Greg Hemphill tater retweeted it adding “Wherever I lay my lugs.”
Now retired, Paul Young lives near Glasgow and enjoys fishing with his grandchildren.
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