what's your favorite machine
aouuuu tough choice but it's always rotating between four major things: The Arquebus, Pierre-Jaquet Droz's little writing freaks, the Difference Engine, and the Apple 2 (hnbl. mentions to the TRS-80 and Apple LISA)
The Arquebus (which I'm using as supercategory to the Wheellock and Matchlock) has a very interesting vibe in that it feels incredibly baroque (tracks given they're contemporary!) but it also highlights an era of weaponry that is kinda underutilized both aesthetically (everyone wants to fuck the renaissance or enlightenment but no one cares about the baroque period! sad!) but also in terms of like, gamemaking or storytelling given that the long reload times of the Arquebus in addition to the fact it's a hand-canon that's reloadable makes it very useful for keeping pikemen and cavalry relevant while introducing guns into the setting. But if nothing else harquebuseers are very lovely as a middle step between medieval pikemen and more modern musketmen.
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Regarding Jaquet Droz's automata, i'm less focused on the dolls (though let it not be forgotten, i do appreciate them) the mechanism is what fascinates me most. I think the appeal is more obvious with the Difference Engine, but the fact that it's a programmable machine that uses clockwork to operate makes me stare in both awe and envy. Like, it kinda relates to my thoughts on the Coalbrookdale Locomotive, which looks like it operates off of clockwork as well, and that combined with the Automata suggest the shape of things that could make for a nice setting but i like a lot due to fiddlybits and precise motions and stuff. It's all nice.
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When I was little, there was a museum in town that got a replica (i guess? the original was never built only ever drafted.) of the difference engine and I was lucky enough to see it in operation. It's really hard to express what it's like, but I think i would relate it back to the Jacquet Droz automaton in that they're both pinnacles of clockwork. I don't really know how to express my fascination in these without going back to like pocket-watches or the fine engraving on things, but it's a combination of the complexity of the thing, how elegant it seems while in operation, and then presentation- especially with the difference engine which is simply itself, it is an object that imitates nothing else and is a monolith in doing so.
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The Apple 2 is sort of exemplary of the genre of retrocomputer I love. Like, it's not the only one, and I wouldn't say it's my favorite computer in specific (toss-up between the Sinclair Quantum Leap and the LISA if we're talking form factor) but the Apple 2 feels very friendly in a way. Like, I don't own an Apple 2, but I've used an Apple 2 before, and they're incredibly easy to get started with. Add to it an admiration for the Woz, the wedge-shape that I think is, while understandably abandoned, sadly underutilized. It's just a little thing that is all-in-one and lives on your desk. Literally what else do you want out of life.
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idk there's more and if you asked me at a different time i'd give you a different answer, but machines yeag
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hunters-hobby-log · 1 year
I'm finally calling the first batch of musketmen done!
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Man did it take forever for me to find the motivation to finish these guys. It's so satisfying to call these guys done and putting them in a pretty formation like this. I think for my next batch, I'm probably gonna be more consistant with the hats. Cowboy hats are gonna be some shade of brown, and the caps are gonna be the same color as the jacket. It feels great to knock another thicc chunk out of my freeguild stuff, and it's got me real motivated to keep going.
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coreytasticc · 3 days
I need a mod for planet coaster that adds customisable musketmen and riflemen and soldiers and like 10,000 buildings in various states of distress and decay so I can start a world with infinite money, never open an actual park, and just use it to craft very intricate battle scenes with the actually very intricate and powerful terrain deformation tools.
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longvenue · 2 years
Empire total war factions
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In Africa, African Native Infantry provides a cheap alternative to Colonial Line. Additionally, in America, Mounted Tribal Auxiliary, Native Warrior Auxiliary, Native Bowmen Auxiliary and Native Musketmen Auxiliary provide some opportunities for different tactics as these units are better at hiding and skirmishing. Austria, France, Spain and Sweden can also recruit Colonial Light Cavalry a rare melee cavalry unit in the colonies. All factions can recruit Colonial Militia, Colonial Line Infantry and Colonial Dragoons in the early period. Generally, early period units are region specific, and then in the mid-period units transition to the factions’ European template. The colonies generally comprise anywhere that isn’t India or Europe. Artillery is at its peak in terms of power and sees the introduction of exotic weapons like puckle guns and rockets.
The full set of troop types threaten the dominance of the line infantry on the battlefield and combat will be more dynamic and flowing as a result. Mounted Guards are generally only available to Monarchies and many of these late troops have limited recruitment areas, generally "home" regions. This period sees the culmination of “modern” warfare in the form of elite Guards (foot and mounted), Light Infantry and Riflemen. The late period is the last three levels of major province buildings, the last being nation-unique levels which only bring unique units. Artillery has become more diverse and mobile (some drawn by teams of horses) and can be used tactically in offensive battles. Provincial cities can now produce core units allowing for bigger armies: Line Infantry, Regiment of Horse, Dragoons and Lancers. These provide more option for rapid flanking and artillery destruction than in the earlier period. Cavalry forces become more diverse and important, with the introduction of light cavalry Hussars, Light Dragoons, Heavy Cavalry and Cuirassiers. Line infantry gain advances in firing drill and bayonet, and Grenadiers provide a superior option, both in melee and shooting, bringing some variation to the Line of Battle. This brings more tactical variation to army composition, and national differences become more pronounced. In the middle period, covering the next two levels of government and military buildings (representing the highest level for minor provinces), more specialised unit types are introduced. Battles will be more often decided by quantity rather than quality. Artillery is initially static, a defensive weapon, but some slow mobile cannons appear. In addition to their melee value, they are fast cavalry. Some nations obtain lancer cavalry which can be decisive in this period before advanced bayonets. However, technology unlocks Dragoons and Carabineers (nations get one or the other) which give an extra tactical option. Cavalry starts with utilitarian Regiment of Horse and Provincial Cavalry - all round useful, but not decisive. Pikemen are still useful until bayonets arrive to enable standard infantry to replace them. Infantry will be composed of Militia, supplemented with Line Infantry from large cities which will be the deciding factor of battles.
The early period covers the first two levels of government (up to Governor's’ Residence) and military buildings (to Barracks), plus available technology.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 years
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War of 1812: American troops captured York, the capital of Upper Canada, in the Battle of York on April 27, 1813.
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obsidiansong · 2 years
@costofwar​​ || Angst Starter Call
To say that the Empire’s first official clash with the Lord of Ash’s army had gone poorly was putting it lightly. The Imperial infantry and cavalry had been ripped through by the Ash musketmen cleanly cutting the central line’s fighting force in half before they even reached the enemy infantry, as the three firing squads rotated in and out, each squad given time to reload the firearms that were so alien to the technologically-stymied Fodlan people.
Ferdinand himself, meanwhile, had found himself face-to-face with the Lord of Ash with any possible reinforcements blocked off, and where he might’ve expected to find himself dead to rights after his defeat, he was instead taken prisoner. Perhaps even more surprising was that, upon being brought back to Arianrhod, the citadel that had fallen so easily to the Lord of Ash’s army, he wasn’t tried and executed... but rather tended to by the army’s chirurgeons in a rather comfortable prison cell. Healing magic and medical knowledge as advanced as their technology had the young Aegir heir practically fighting fit once again within hours, despite how badly he’d been injured.
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“So, it seems the healers did fine work. Let us speak.” Thus spoke a familiar voice, approaching Ferdinand’s cell, the all-too familiar visage of the Lord of Ash soon entering his field of view on the opposite side of the prison bars. Without his black sword and legions of soldiers surrounding him, he didn’t cut as intimidating a figure, but the helmet and hood masking his face held the mystery quite well... At least, until “he” opted to remove said pieces of headgear, revealing the Lord of Ash’s true identity.
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“...I’m sure you have many questions, Ferdinand.”
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A sketch taken from a page of "Unsere auf den Kopf gestellte Welt" A manuscript multiple hundreds of pages long describing the life and times of the people of Seltersachen, a mountainside city, once a village famed for its natural springs of sparkling water; these were fabled to have healing properties for those who bathed in and drank the water. After an event written only as "the infection" they were forced to build their village inside the mountain, digging deeper and deeper to account for a growing population of refugees from surrounding villages. Before "die angeber" arrived they built a wall spanning the entire outside of the village, an easy feat considering the village laid spread horizontally on a cliff face. After the construction of this wall a militia was quickly put together, this militia grew into a trained police-army of sorts, performing jobs such as guard duty, excursions into the surrounding terrain, and defense of the homeland. They're well armed, with the most common troop being the pikemen, and the second most common men being the swordsmen, armed with strong zweihander, two handed swords. Black powder is hard to manufacture, and the resources needed to create it are rare, as such musketmen are not a common sight, however they're highly praised for their accuracy. The soldiers are armored based upon how far they will lie from "die angeber", with the most distanced men only having their key veins protected by armor, and those who are closest being heavily armored with plate mail. Seltersachen, as well as having many natural springs, also held vast resources, allowing for the vast productions of steel that allowed for a well armed and ordered army.                                            
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asteroidtroglodyte · 3 years
the Siege of Szigetvar
In 1566 Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent marched an army of 100,000 men into Hungary. Suleiman had already conquered cities from Belgrade to Baghdad. Years earlier he had crushed the armies of the Holy Roman Empire, Poland, and Hungary at Mohacs. Now they were marching on Vienna. The city had held out before, but that was against a less prepared army. This time the full might of the Ottoman Empire, carefully planned & organized, was aimed at the heart of the Hapsburg Empire.
Standing in the way off the Ottomans was the army of Nikola Subic Zrinski. He lead a much smaller force, skirmishing, striking at supply lines, picking off Ottoman allies. Suleiman decided Zrinski needed to be eliminated. He marched the Ottoman army on Zrinski’s stronghold at Szigetvar.
The Ottoman army arrived in August & encircled the Fortified city. Zrinski’s forces were hopelessly outnumbered, maybe 3,000 men against the Ottoman’s 100,000. But Szigetvar was a formidable defensive position. It was divided into three walled sections with bridges connecting them. And the only way to take the Citadel, was to fight through and capture the other two sections.
The Ottomans unleashed a massive artillery barrage, pounding the outer walls of the first fortified location. Then a general assault was called. The Ottoman Forces stormed in. Fighting was bloody, close in, in the rubble & narrow streets of the walled city, Zrinski’s forces fought for a full month, forcing the Sultan to feed men into the meat grinder of the ruined city.
Eventually Zrinski’s men were forced back into the final citadel. The only way to access it was across a narrow bridge. The Sultan offered Zrinski favorable terms of surrender; offered him the rule over all of Croatia, if he just surrendered. Zrinski sent no reply.
The cannons pounded away at the walls, Ottoman Engineers dug mines under the fortifications to collapse them. On the morning of September 7th an all-out last push was launched. Men hurled pots of Greek fire, musketmen laid down withering cover fire, The Ottomans charged across the narrow bridge towards the citadel.
But Zrinski would not let them take the castle without a fight. Zrinski is reported to have rallied the last of his men to his side, saying
Let us go out from this burning place into the open and stand up to our enemies. Who dies – he will be with God. Who dies not – his name will be honored. I will go first, and what I do, you do. And God is my witness – I will never leave you, my brothers and knights!
Zrinski had a large mortar positioned at the doors to the citadel, filled with scraps of iron. As the Ottomans neared the end of the bridge, the doors of the citadel were flung open & the mortar was fired at point blank range. The twisted scraps of metal tore through the Ottoman ranks, hundreds were torn to pieces on the narrow, tight packed bridge.
Then, Zrinski at the head of his 600 remaining men stormed out and into the Ottoman lines.
The fighting was chaotic, brutal. Zrinski was shot twice in the chest by muskets, then took an arrow to head.
Almost all of Zrinski’s men were slain. A few managed to retreat back into the citadel; they were followed close behind by the Ottomans. Thousands flooded in, cutting down anyone they found.
But, even though he was dead, even though his men were all dead, even though the citadel had fallen, Zrinski had one las surprise for the Ottomans. Before they had stormed out of the keep, they had lit a fuse leading to the powder magazine. 3,000 lbs of powder stored at the heart of the fort erupted into a thunderous blast. Thousands of Ottoman solders were killed, the castle was annihilated.
The Ottomans had won. But at an enormous cost. Tens of thousands of solders had been killed. The whole campaign had been delayed for over a month, and now it was getting on to fall & the rains would soon come, the army would not be able to haul the heavy guns over muddy roads. And Suleiman, would never see Vienna. He didn’t even get to enjoy is Pyrrhic victory at Szigetvar. Suleiman had died the night before the final assault. Taken by illness in his tent. His death hidden from his army for fear they would abandon the siege.
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sirloozelite · 5 years
Civilization VI AI Battle Royale: The Empires of Asia
So, as per @eru-kats request, I am going to simulate the AI battle for the Asian empires first! This should be fun.
But, before I do, let me give you a brief overview of our competitors and what they each excel in:
Our first competitor is: Japan: Led by Hojo Tokimune
The Japanese Empire in Civ 6 is a jack of all trades, except for religion. Hojo likes to focus heavily on bonuses based on terrain and the various districts he builds. He also possess bonus production towards infrastructure for his empire and the cities, building districts with a bonus 100% bonus! Hojo also has a unique unit known as the Samurai, which unlike regular units does not suffer from penalties when wounded. Japan is a strong contender throughout all era of the game, and will likely last a while. @eru-kat, this was a strong choice for your champion, I wish Japan luck.
Our second competitor is: India: Led by Gandhi 
India led by Gandhi is a scary force, and that’s not only down to his high chance to use nukes when he acquires them. Gandhi relies on a strong religion to buff his empire, and his unique elephant units rival the durability of a tank! He’s known to expand and produce a huge population throughout the entirety of the game, but he can fall victim to over-expansion quite easily. If he survives to the atomic era and beyond he will be a deadly threat to all.
Our third competitor is: India: Led by Chandragupta
Much like Gandhi’s India,  Chandragupta uses religion to buff his empire and give him unique bonuses and influence in the world. Unlike Gandhi however, Chandragupta is a dangerous threat to anyone near him. He hates contested borders, and will always go to war with you. Early game he rules. Late game however is when he begins to fall off. If he wants to win this for me, he needs to move fast! XD
Our fourth competitor is: China: Led by Qin Shi Huang 
China is without a doubt one of the most powerful Civs in the early game. They gain bonus everything early on, making them unrivaled when it comes to getting a strong start! Their builder start out with an extra use, allowing them to build up their farms and mines faster than any other Civ. Furthermore, they build wonders faster than most other Civs. Chances are if anyone going to build the Pyramids or the Oracle, or any other Wonder, it will be the Chinese. Their military is scary as well! Their unique unit, the Crouching Tiger, replaces the Field Cannon, and is a master of defense. Couple this with the ability to build the Great Wall around their borders, and China is next to unbreakable. However, late game is where they become weaker. Once artillery and tanks are unlocked, the Great Wall becomes obsolete. If China wants to survive, they will have to brace themselves and hope they can hold out, or destroy all that oppose them early on! Good luck to your champion @rangerslayer-97. Hopefully they do well!
Our fifth competitor is: Mongolia: Led by Genghis Khan
It should be fairly obvious what the Mongols are all about. War! That’s pretty much all they can do... but they do it so well. Next to no one can stand up to a Mongol horde at any point in the game. The Mongolians will sweep across the field in fire and blood, destorying anyone who gets in their way. That however, may be their biggest folly. If the world comes together to destroy them, then they will not stand a chance. The Mongols will have to move fast and destroy each of their foes before they have a chance to work together to defeat them. Hopefully their horse swarms will do the trick. Good luck to your chosen empire @swgoji2001. May they spread the blood of their enemies everywhere.
Our sixth competitor is: Korea: Led by Seondeok
Korea is not a military powerhouse in the game. In fact, they are rather weak on that end. However, what they lack in brute strength, they make up for in science. Korea will far surpass anyone else in terms of technology. Whilst everyone else is using spearman or pikeman, Korea will be using cannons and musketmen! She may not have the numbers of the others, but she will be superior in terms of tech through the entirety of the game. If she has a good game, she may even reach Giant Death Robots before anyone else gets nukes. If that is the case, it will be an easy victory. Korea gets stronger as the game progresses. If she is targeted early though, she is a goner!
Our seventh competitor is: Khmer: Led by Jayavarman VII
The Khmer, much like India, are religion based. They recieve unique buffs to food and culture, though their army will be lacking. They have a strong rate of expansion and trade, meaning they may have most of the political influence in the World Congress, but aside from that they are weaker than most Civs. Their chances of victory are slim, unless they are left alone to their own devices. The chances of that happening though are even slimmer!
Our eighth and final competitor is: Indonesia: Led by Gitarja 
Indonesia excels at being at sea. Their coastal cities receive unique buffs to everything, much like how Japan does. They have a high growth rate, and again are predominant in religion, adding further strengths and buffs to them. Their navy rivals that of the Norwegians or English, but when it comes to ground combat they are unfortunately lacking. If they can survive long enough and, like the Khmer, are left alone, they might just prevail. It all depends on what sort of game they have.
And so those are the Asian AI’s that will be taking part in this first round. Who will win I wonder? Well, I’ll let you lot know once I finish the simulation.
Good luck to your champions once again @eru-kat, @swgoji2001 and @rangerslayer-97. May the gods of Civ look out for you.
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worldhistoryfacts · 5 years
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1594 letter from William Louis of Nassau to his cousin Maurice demonstrating his tactic of volleying by musketmen. By having each soldier (represented by a letter) fire and then fall to the back of the line, soldiers would be able to keep up consistent fire on their opponents.
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voicesbyzane · 6 years
Characters in fiction that I fucking love:
A person who reached their peak in a different era and, due to technological or social progress, doesn’t really belong in the world anymore. An old sailor standing in a harbor filled with steamships. A knight charging a line of musketmen.
Villains who do terrible things purely as a job, and are actually quite pleasant when not on the clock. Bonus points if they use the money from said job to raise a family.
Old timey salesmen with big moustaches.
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transfemininomenon · 6 years
god i just had such a dramatic round of civ v
I was playing venice and got started right away getting my city going. i started on the cost with a Lot of sea resources (three fish and three pearls) in a lot of jungle, and with a lighthouse + god of the sea pantheon my population exploded and production was high. i got to work getting some early wonders and things were Good
eventually i bought out a nearby city state to add to my territory, and it turns out this was the start of a bitter rivalry that would last the Entire game
rome had been founded to my south and they had very quickly spread throughout the continent through a combination of rapid city building and warmongering against nearby China, and eventually they spread towards me. the spark that lit the fire of our bitter feud came when he built a city directly between Venice and my city state, cutting my nation in half
tensions ran high afterward as Caesar complained about me buying tiles and our close proximity, while he also ignoring my request not to send missionaries to my cities. eventually i declared war on him, taking advantage of my strong navy to take the problem city while he was distracted elsewhere
upon taking the city however he began sending his army toward me, an endless wave of ground troops that my primarily navy based army couldn’t do much against. after holding out for a few turns i eventually made peace with him, keeping the city i had taken
peace was short lived however as immediately after the war he denounced me and began amassing troops on our border. he eventually declared war on me once again, and seeing his endless waves of troops i thought i was done for. however, i sprung into action and used my saved up gold to buy both an army and defensive buildings for my cities, and i got ready to weather the storm
being on the defensive helped me greatly hold back his army, and my cities all being on the coast allowed me to use my navy effectively against him to help keep him back. after years of bitter fighting i eventually came out on top with his army decimated and me with a flourishing economy and newly strengthened army of my own
as the war ended, with Rome’s army in shambles America, Norway, and Ethiopia, all angered by Rome’s warmongering and rapid expansion, all declared on Caesar. with his army destroyed America made quick advances in a land war against Caesar. seeing a chance to permanently cripple my biggest rival (and the current top scoring civilization of the game), i declare war once more and begin taking Caesar’s coastal cities
with rome’s coastal cities quickly taken, i shift focus to the land and start working on taking Caesar’s northern cities. sending out a wave of cannons and musketmen, i eventually take two of his cities. changing my cannons over to artillery i take his last remaining northern city, with my empire now extending across most of the eastern half of the continent
the fighting then turns toward Caesar’s main territory to my south, as i keep his troops back with gattling gunners while my artillery move over to them. in a big push i take one of caesar’s main cities, and he offers a peace treaty of two more of his cities in return for the war ending. after over a century of fighting starting in the 1800s, the war ends in 1936
an uneasy decade follows of high tensions between me and Rome, with Caesar denouncing me and repeatedly making threats while having troops at the border once more. siam eventually joins china in war against Rome, and i decide to make my final move against him, and declare war for the final time
swiftly the actual city of Rome is bombarded with artillery and within a couple years is taken. with their capital, and only remaining major city, under my control, the Roman Empire is essentially dead. Caesar puts up a short struggle to try and reclaim his capital, and he is fended off by my army. with his empire under my control and his army decimated, the final peace treaty is signed
in the years following the war Venice focuses on rebuilding and beginning the nation’s post-war life. the economy flourishes through strong trade, and culture and science are abundant. friendship agreements are signed with various other leaders and Venice remains the ultimate force in the world congress thanks to their city state allies
with a vast empire under their control and their people flourishing, Venice is eventually elected as world leader and an era of peace finally dawns on the land
also we became communist at some point and it was Rad
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you can see Venice’s empire with the northeast purple. the actual city of Venice began here:
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with the Problem City being the one to its Southwest. all the area to Venice’s south and across the sea to the northwest were once part of the Roman empire, now under my control
the dark purple is what is left of Rome
also, interestingly enough, you can see on the other side of the world there’s an Entire Big Continent that was hardly settled throughout the entire game
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hindsart · 6 years
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A Nizam-i-Cedid line infantryman. In the 1790s the Ottoman army was fundamentally reformed to include more professional musketmen. The reforms produced regiments known as the Nizam-i-Cedid, or “new order”, meant to replace the reliance on the unwieldy Janissary institution which the Ottoman Empire had relied on since the 1300s. Ironically, the reforms led to Janissary revolts after the turn of the century, and the reforms were undone.
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babyawacs · 3 years
itis irrational that any humanplayer would start war over notgiving territory map+8gold #civilisationIII @pcgames @gamestar the optimised turn for ai is 
itis irrational that any humanplayer would start war over notgiving territorymap+8gold #civilisationIII @pcgames @gamestar the optimised turn for ai is //// videogames ai is so irrational. war declared over extortion of territorymap+8gold in civilisation3 or tankunits bust by spearman or musketmen aaaaandsomuchmore I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL…
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mercurialscoundrel · 4 years
Meet the Muse
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“Pah! You’ve never had such adventure. How do you expect to write about space warriors or musketmen if you’ve never been one?” He leans over a bit and lights a pipe, but as he puffs the smoke has no scent. He’s not exactly real. He’s a figment, a muse.
Or so he’s led me to believe. Otherwise this smoke crap’s going to make me sick one day.
I type with nimble fingers despite his prodding.…
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rabbitcruiser · 5 years
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Fort York National Historic Site of Canada, Toronto (No. 7)
The Fort York Guard has been a familiar part of Fort York for over seventy-five years, since the fort opened as a national historic site in 1934. It consists of two sub-units, the Squad (musketmen) and the Drums (musicians). The size of the Guard has varied over the years, from a high of 40, to zero between the mid–1980s and 1994.
Each day, the Guard performs a variety of demonstrations for the fort's visitors during the summer months. These include artillery firing, musical demonstrations, drills, and battle tactics performances. For schedules contact Fort York.
The Friends of Fort York accepted full responsibility for running the Guard in 1999 and has gradually increased its size to 23 students in 2010 not including the younger volunteers in the Drums. Plans call for a Guard of 30 for the celebration of the Bicentennial of the War of 1812. For the last decade, The Friends of Fort York have been responsible for the operation of the Guard. This involves their hiring, training, scheduling, deployment, uniforms, and equipment. It consumes a large part of what The Friends earn from different fundraising functions and activities or receives as donations. Putting such a credible and award-winning squad in the field to animate the fort, in a way nothing else could do as appropriately, would not be possible without assistance from the City of Toronto Culture department and various programmes of the Government of Canada to assist with student summer employment.
Fort York Squad
The Fort York Squad was re-established by the Toronto Historical Board in 1994. Originally, the Guard wore the uniform of the grenadier company of the 8th Regiment of Foot, which was a unit that played a prominent role in the Battle of York in 1813. It now wears the uniform of a battalion company of the Canadian Regiment of Fencible Infantry. This regiment was garrisoned at Fort York in 1815.
The Squad performs daily in conjunction with the Fort York Drums, but it also travels, performing at historic sites across Ontario to promote the fort and at various events in Toronto. The drill performed by the Squad accurately reflects the War of 1812 period, and is taken from original drill manuals used by His Majesty' s forces in England and abroad. Every effort is made to provide an authentic depiction of a squad of soldiers that may have been seen at Fort York in 1815.
The Fort York Squad has competed in the province-wide Fort George Drill competition in Niagara Falls every year since 1999, and has won the competition several times.
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