pierppasolini · 9 months
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Eden (2020) // dir. Sven Spur
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dadlezal · 2 years
The sad end of season 2022/2023 for Kubacki
in life, there are important things like sport or career... and there are those which are undeniably most important, like family.
from the moment I heard Kubacki withdrew from the last competition in this year’s RawAir, I knew it was about something of grave importance. he didn’t give up when injured or sick, so it had to be serious.
Dawid Kubacki’s wife is in critical condition in a hospital, due to cardiological issues. regardless of whether you like him or not, please, keep your fingers crossed for her recovery. 
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Dawid, we love you and we are with you. 
and ofc world class comments from Granerud and Kraft (both refused to comment on their inevitable progress in general standing due to Dawid’s sudden departude, unexplained as of yesterday).
also, big massive FUCK YOU to all the dimwits who thought Dawid ran away because he’s a coward. please, delete your SM accounts immediately
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yeahthatsmypapi · 8 months
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berberanews · 10 months
Wallee reer aan ogahay ma guuro!! WQ Mustafe Shiine
Ninkii bakayluhu ugu dambeeyay wax uu arkaa maxay kaga dhegtay wax walboo loo sheegaa inuu yidhaahdo ” Bakayle ma le’egyahay”. Hadda xaalad walba ma doorashaa, se doorashadu miyaanay lahayn wadiiqo loo maro, mar haddii la sugay in ta madaxtooyadu tahay ta u soo horeysaa, miyaanay ahayn in cayaaraha socdaa aad dhinacaaga ka boodid ood ka xulatid kooxda aad guusha ku gaadhi kartid. Wallee reer…
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altinovaguncel · 1 year
Oral’dan Erzurumlular Derneğine Ziyaret
Altınova Belediye Başkanı Dr. Metin Oral ve beraberindeki heyet, Altınova Anadolu Erzurum Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği’ni ziyaret etti. Altınova Belediye Başkanı Dr. Metin Oral, AK Parti Altınova İlçe SKM Başkanı Mustafa Yurt, AK Parti Altınova İlçe Gençlik Kolları Başkanı Mustafa Kısa ve AK Parti Altınova İlçe Yönetim Kurulu üyesi Erkan Uysal Altınova Anadolu Erzurum Kültür ve Dayanışma…
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mariacallous · 2 months
Thousands of people braved intense heat to commemorate the anniversary of the 1995 Srebrenica genocide and attend the mass burial of 14 recently identified victims at the Srebrenica Memorial Centre in eastern Bosnia on Thursday.
They were killed in July 1995 in a series of massacres by Bosnian Serb forces that left more than 8,000 Bosniak boys and men dead. The massacres have been classified as genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, ICTY.
Munira Subasic, president of the Mothers of Srebrenica association, warned that the world “has not learned anything” since World War II.
“Srebrenica is proof of that, and we mothers strive to send a message and warn others so a crime like Srebrenica is never repeated,” Subasic said, speaking in front of foreign and domestic delegations gathered for the memorial event at the Srebrenica Memorial Centre.
She also warned of genocide denial, which remains widespread in Bosnia and Herzegovina and across the former Yugoslav region.
So far, 6,751 genocide victims have been buried at the Srebrenica Memorial Centre. Another 250 victims have been buried at local cemeteries on the decision of surviving family members.
However, in Bosnia, a day of mourning for Srebrenica is only officially commemorated in the country’s Bosniak and Croat-dominated Federation entity. Bosnian Serbs have blocked the state-level Council of Ministers from declaring a day of mourning across the whole country.
After the UN General Assembly voted in May to establish July 11 as an International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica, the 29th anniversary is being marked in other countries too. For the first time, it will be commemorated at a high-level event at the United Nations in New York.
In Serbia on Wednesday evening, peace group Women in Black held a silent vigil in the centre of Belgrade, urging Serbia to establish annual an Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day, although the government refuses to classify the massacres by Bosnian Serb forces as genocide.
In Montenegro, President Jakov Milatovic wrote on X that the suffering of “the innocent Srebrenica victims serves as a painful warning to today’s generations that the evil of July 1995 must never be repeated.” The anniversary was also marked by the country’s Bosniak Council in the capital Podgorica on Thursday. Council president Suljo Mustafic said at the event that “Srebrenica is the saddest word in our language, and Potocari [where the bodies of thousands of victims are buried] is the biggest grave in our history”.
The event was attended by some representatives of ruling and opposition parties and by the mayor of Podgorica, Olivera Injac.
In Pristina in Kosovo on Thursday, parliament held a special session in commemoration of Srebrenica genocide victims and approved a statement on the UN resolution. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Albin Kurti joined a commemoration ceremony organised by the Institute of History.
In his speech, Kurti expressed solidarity and support to Bosnian people. “This crime left open wounds for thousands of Bosnian families, just as it left wounds on humanity’s conscience. Therefore, every anniversary renews the pain, not only for the Bosnian people, but also for us, the people of Kosovo, who experienced the horrors of war 25 years ago,” Kurti said.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued a presidential decree on Wednesday declaring that July 11 will be commemorated as Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day.
“July 11, accepted as the ‘International Day of Reflection and Remembrance of the Srebrenica Genocide,’ will be commemorated in our country to share the pain, condemn genocide and crimes against humanity, and raise global awareness through special remembrance events, educational activities, and public awareness initiatives in honour of the victims of the Srebrenica genocide,” the decree said.
In recent years, opposition parties and Turkish Bosniak NGOs have been calling on the Turkish government to recognise the Srebrenica massacres as genocide and to declare July 11 a genocide remembrance day.
In 2023, however, parties in Erdogan’s alliance rejected an opposition bill to recognise the 1995 massacres as genocide, sparking angry exchanges in the Turkish parliament and disappointment in Bosnia.
People in North Macedonia will also participate in the July 11 commemorations. On Thursday, in the capital Skopje, the Bosniak National Council will organise its annual commemorative March for Srebrenica.
Memorial events are also being held in some Western European cities, including Bradford in England, where a “Remembering Srebrenica” flag is being raised in the City Park.
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whattehell · 2 months
I hope you are well. I am writing to you today as a human being who feels the pain and suffering that my family, like the rest of the people in Gaza, is experiencing.
I know you have a big heart and a deep concern for humanitarian issues, which is why I am asking you to join us in supporting my family in Gaza in any way we can.
Every word, every share, and every small donation can make a big difference. Let’s prove to the world that humanity is still alive and that we will not stand by while others suffer from hunger and death.
Standing by the oppressed is the least we can do as human beings. Let us unite in this difficult time and show the strength of solidarity and love in light of the fragility of life and the importance of human solidarity.
Thank you for your time and attention. I am confident that your big heart will find the right way to contribute to this cause.
Best regards, Mohammed
Mohammed's campaign of £15,000 will evacuate him, his parents, Adel and Saanaa, his wife, his siblings, Qusay, Mahmoud, Hamza, Mustafe, and Ahmed. They are only at £155/£15,000. Please donate if you can and always reblog.
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yasamsallik · 1 year
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“Vazgeçenler değil,mücadele edenler tarihe geçerler.”
Mustaf Kemal ATATÜRK.
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marvelstars · 1 year
Obi-Wan, Anakin and Luke: Jedi, Sith and Fathers.
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I saw this great post https://www.tumblr.com/saglovesu/724007755416010753/do-you-ever-wonder-if-maybe-just-maybe-on-their?source=share
It was about Anakin and Obi-Wan final confrontation on mustafar being about Anakin not believing Obi-Wan could ever do this to him and I must agree, on this scene where Anakin is lying limbless on mustafer after his duel with Obi-Wan, Anakin was unconciously expecting Obi-Wan to still be his father/brother, if we watch the beggining of their duel Anakin gave Obi-Wan his back and didn´t begin their duel until Obi-Wan activated his lightsaber, the reason he did this was because he still saw him as his family before seeing him as a Jedi, he even told him he should go away.
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Here, even after losing his limbs, he looked at Obi-Wan asking for help silently and ObiWan answered with "You were the Chosen One" "You were going to defeat the Sith not join them" he bassically told him you failed as the Jedi chosen one and now you must suffer the consequences with death and that was confirmation to Anakin that Obi-Wan was his jedi master doing his duty before his brother or his father figure and he probably always was like this, this was brutal confirmation of it and it was until this moment he said "I hate you"
This scene was done on purpose this way to signal the end of the relationship between Obi-Wan and Anakin so it connects with the old trilogy but I also believe this scene was meant to mirror Luke and Vader´s scene where their roles are changed.
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Anakin in the past and Luke in the present expected them to be their father, begged them to be their father.
Obi-Wan and Vader are presented with a similar choice, are you their family or a you a Jedi/Sith first and family second?
Obi-Wan said: I am a Jedi and I do what I must because his crimes are unforgivable.
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Vader said: I am your father, I am here Son, don´t be afraid and rescued him from Sidious even if it meant his death.
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Like Lucas said it rhymes.
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the-leegend-99 · 11 months
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I don't know if you've noticed, but Western pop culture seems obsessed with rebellions against tiranny and oppression in fantastic, speculative settings. Star Wars is the epitome of this. People eat up its films, shows, games. Why shouldn't they? It's the good rebels against the fascist baddies. And everybody on social media in this pale West seems to have always something to say about oppression, independece, anti-authoritarianism, human rights, sometimes even decolonization--but not a word when it actually happens in real life. Even on this app you see a lot of moralistic handwringing on the one of the most clear-cut examples of a just rebellion: the Palestinian liberation struggle. And it all seems pretty hypocritical, doesn't it?
Palestine is rising up, trying to free itself from the European, white-supremacist settler-colonial project that is Israel. An oppressed people, victim of 75 years of ethnic cleansing, is trying with all its strength to regain at least some of its stolen land. And Israel, like the proper imperial oppressor it is, responds with genocide, with bombings on Gaza of near-nuclear proportions on hospitals, ambulances, housing, and pogroms on the West Bank, trying to wipe the Palestinian people--the autoctonous, legitimate owners of that land--off the map, justifying it all by branding even infanta as "terrorists and beasts". No different from the actions of the Empire of Star Wars, or its direct inspirator--the US Empire and its colonial destruction of Vietnam.
But where's the rebellion fetish of the Western progressives now? Where's the righteous indignation for the violation of human rights? Where's the enthusiasm for decolonization? Is it allowed only when the protagonists are white and Western? Is it allowed only when the oppressed are "nonviolent" and "pacifists"?
In the face of Israeli violence, which is of a mind-boggling level of scale and cruelty, the Palestinian people don't really have the option of nonviolence and pacifism. Vietnam or Algeria and similar postcolonial revolutionary States didn't decolonize by asking pretty please and peacefully protesting while their colonial jailers bombed them with Napalm.
The Palestinian resistance is fighting a bitter, grueling struggle for national liberation--for the right to exist and decide of its own existence and how to shape it--and it deserves our unshakable support. It needs all the help, support and aid we can gather for it. We cannot afford the luxury of fetishizing rebellion to our tastes and Western morals. If we want struggles for collective liberation to be successful, we must aid those who pursue it to the core. It doesn't have to be pleasant or to look good, or to be "respectable". It only needs to work.
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Somaliland: National Primary and Secondary School Examinations Results Announced
By Goth Mohamed Goth The National Examinations Office of the Republic of Somaliland has today announced the final results of the final exams for the 2023-2024 school year for 8th grade in primary school and 4th grade in high school. The Minister of Education and Science JSL Dr. Ahmed Aden Buxane together with the Director General of WW&S Mustafe Omar Farah and the Chairman of the National…
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00:00 Siti Zubaidah (A. Riyanto) 04:03 Main Tali (A. Riyanto) 06:25 Burung Dalam Sangkar (E. Lumataun) 09:40 Akan Kucari (Is Haryanto) 13:40 Tak Kuasa Kuhindari (Is Haryanto) 16:40 Hitam Manis (n.n.) 19:37 Njut Njut Semut (n.n.) 23:19 Pak Pung Pak Mustafe (n.n.) 26:03 Hati Tertawar (A. Riyanto) 28:37 Katak Lompat (n.n.)
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yeahthatsmypapi · 8 months
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berberanews · 7 days
Mustafe Cagjar oo ka hadlay falka dad lagu laayay masjid
Jigjiga-Madaxweynaha Deegaanka Soomaalida Mustafe Muxumed Cumar, ayaa nasiibdarro weyn ku tilmaamay falkii shalay lagu dilay dhallinyaro Masaajid ku cibaadaysanayay magaalada Wardheer. “Waxaan cambaaraynayaa falka foosha-xun ee argagaxa leh ee lagula kacay dad masaakiin ah oo cibaadaysanaya. Ilaahay naxariistii janno haka waraabiyo inta dhimatay, dhamaanteena samir iyo iimaan ha inaga…
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erol25030 · 1 month
Kadınların Erkek Hayat Tarzını Benimsemelerinin Tehlikeleri | Dr. Mustaf...
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geedkanabada · 1 month
Somali Football Federation Banned 40 Players From Playing in Public Service Tournament.
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The Somali Region Football Federation has banned 40 players to participate the second round of Somali State Line Bureaus Football Tournament The Federation had accused that such players had violated the certain SRSFF regulation and the provisions of the Code of Ethics of the Council.  The federation had cited that before the tournament began it had clearly stipulated that no outsider players were allowed to play for competing bureaus except their own staff and workers.  The federation had mentioned that they investigated during the first round of the competition and found out that nearly 40 players were not employees, workers or staff in the bureau team they were playing. The Federation had clearly notified the bureaus that brought such hired outsider players to refrain from doing so in the second round of the competition.  Additionally, the federation had warned severe penalties and corrective measures against any bureau team that contravenes the above mentioned provisions.  Magaca OFFICE ID Number  - Haashim Ibrahim PLANING 569  - Ahmed Abdilaahi PLANING 567  - Nasri Abdiqadir PLANING  572  - Ahmed Ismail PLANING 576  - Abdilaahi kabiir SDA 519  - Abshir Huseen   SDA 525  - Maxyadiin Khaliif SDA 523  - Adrian Badir SDA 507 - Flame Hasan SDA 512  - Ahmed All SDA 522  - Nuur Hasan BOF 158  - Badri Saalax BOF 167  - Shamsadiin Mahamed BOF 173  - Abdinajiib Hasan BOF 168  - A Rahman Ahmed PRESIDENT 408  - Maxamed Adan JOB CREAT 689  - Musta fe Ahmed JOB CREAT 687  - Mahad Mahamed JOB CREAT 681  - Mahamed Abdi waamc BASIN 037  - Nimcan Cali Ibraahin DRM 957  - Abdifatah Sh/dawaye WATER 422  - Khadar Adosh BOLSA 715  - Ramdan Ismail  BOLSA 708  - Muftah Rashid BOLSA 707  - Mustafe Mataan ROADS 196  - Sacdi Abdirahman ROADS 200  - Mahamed Abdi Mahamed ROADS 184  - Khadar Mahamud Ma’ed ROADS 199  - Faysal A Rahman Mahamed ROADS 201 - Farhan Ali Abdi ROADS 183  - Ridwan Mawlid Farah ROADS 192  - Faid omar JCA 367  - ridwaan siyaad JCA 369  - maxamed cabdi qani JCA 370  - nasir axmed JCA  351  - nimcaan maxamed JCA 355  - eid farax abiib DACA 094  - maxamed shugri cabdi DACA 105  - Risaaq cusmaan SCIENCE 069  - Tegeghe ayalew SCIENCE 065  Read the full article
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