manwhoredickfart · 1 year
man whore laptop compilation
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infectbait · 2 years
Hi, sorry, i was looking and i saw that you said you have saved versions of the fic series. Ik this was from a fair bit ago, Murder with a devil and friends. Ik it has 'that guy' but it was an impactful read when i first found it and i've been missing it. Would you be willing to share? idm if not i'd understand
hi yeah Also using this as an opportunity to advertise it again lol hi ill dm you
i have pdfs of all three fics from tdc series
jus dm me for them with your email (sorry i can only send them over email attachment) and ill send over 👍 easypeasy style
also disclaimer yeah they do have 'that guy' in them (rtah fans u know who) but wraith did say they were so heavily disconnected from Those Guys by the end of the fic so i dont feel any guilt rereading neither should you ♡ enjoy the talent for what it is
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mindfulwrath · 3 years
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(edited because i have Certain Compunctions)
Ah yes, the Act II finale, where all our protagonist's TERRIBLE DECISIONS finally catch up with him!
Genuinely one of the things I think went best with MWDF is that the plot is almost entirely driven by Michael making horrendously bad decisions. He doesn't always know they're bad decisions when he's making them (sometimes he does) but he always finds out about it, sooner or later. This is one of those 'later's. He begins Act II by asking Our Villain Here to murder somebody (two somebodies), then spends the entire act convincing himself that didn't really happen because the guilt would be overwhelming, while Our Villain Here gets more and more suspicious that perhaps his murder husband is not as into murder as he originally suspected.
Our Villain is a bit of a scientist. He likes to test his theories. If Michael gets upset about the murder of a woman whomst Our Villain knows with absolute certainty that Michael hates, well! The next-best explanation is that Michael was using him and doesn't accept him as an equal and that will need to be corrected.
He also does not give one single shit about Meg's life, as he doesn't particularly give any shits about anyone's life, except his own and perhaps Michael's. What started as scientific curiosity turned into full-blown obsession (I am not convinced Our Villain Here is capable of love in any sense of the word), and he is both deeply jealous and rabidly protective of his little experiment.
I think this scene stands out because it captures the different violences of Michael and Our Villain quite well. Michael shouts and cusses and throws stuff, but very rarely do we get the sense that these are an expression of a genuine desire to harm somebody—he's just blowing off steam. Our Villain, on the other hand, is patient and jovial and polite and cannot fucking wait to hurt you. A little later in this scene is, I believe, the first time in the entire story that he raises his voice, and it is not funny.
(If there's one thing I regret about this story, it's... well, it's the egregious exclusion of any Native characters. If there's two things I regret, it's that and the Eye Accents.)
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marianne-dash-wood · 4 years
So remember when I said I was gonna do a mwdf!Ryan by @mindfulwrath cosplay using this sewing pattern??
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Well, I finally got around to starting it! First up, a waistcoat for the man, which, it took me an inordinate amount of time to work out how the pockets worked but hey, they do now!
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Next steps are to make the coat, which will be made of faux leather (not real leather, I'm not actually Ryan), find a shirt of a darker blue and get a hat to complete the cowboy look!
Now having done the waistcoat and I feel confident about it, I can start planning an outfit for Casimir using this fabric I found a while ago....
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jeremydamndooley · 4 years
Might be a stretch, but did any of my followers happen to download @mindfulwrath's Devil's Clocktower Series? Gav's coming out scene really hits me every time and it's a comfort scene for me, but I didn't even think to grab them before they got taken down in the midst of all that hell when I was also distancing from AH, but it's honestly my favourite series and I would love to have it
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countthelions · 4 years
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[Fan Fic Bingo]
Day Two: [Devil’s Clocktower] by @mindfulwrath
When I first found this fic, it was 52 chapters into MWDF, and I was completely intrigued after seeing @samijen‘s [beautiful] [art] of it and reading that delicious delicious summary. I certainly did not expect to devour those 52 chapters in a single evening - to 3am as I stated in my first comment - which I distinctly remember Wrath’s response being, “are you okay?” 
Wrath sells this story in the first chapter with regional accents (and proceeds to keep them up through all three works), and tasty world-building and then takes you on an incredible ride for another 600k words. An incredible, masterpiece of a fic which have scenes I get goosebumps even just recalling them. You don’t have to know anything about AH to read it, and it is a read I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone.  
**Do mind the tags though on each part, and the author's notes for any especially tricky chapters**
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ojerasgigantes · 4 years
Since we are in quarentine and because of that I’ve reverted to my 2014 tumblr self and have started indulging in fanfics again, and since I’ve read ALOT of them, I decided to make a list and compile the best fanfiction I have ever read. This list is not in any type of ranking or affiliated to one specific fandom, so it’s a bit of a mess. (I will also direct you to the author’s AO3 page, and tumblr if I can find it).
Why do I think this fics are the BEST of the BEST? Well, either, they could be turned into a book and become a best seller by simply changing names, or I think the author has a HUGE potential in becoming a published author. 
Also if you guys think there are fics that are on the level of this ones please PLEASE rec them to me, I don’t care what fandom they are from.
Fandom: One Direction Pairings: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne/Zayn Malik Genre/tags: Future fic, end of the world AU Rating: Mature Words: 49k   Summary:  When a solar flare is announced to end the world in twelve days, Harry reunites with the people that he used to know better than the back of his own hand.
Notes: I no longer read fanfiction involving real people, but this still remains on being one of the best fics I’ve ever read so I had to put it here. So, first of all, I LOVE this author, I used to follow her on tumblr and read everything she published. If I’m not mistaken her tumblr is deserted and she hasn0t posted anything in a long time, but I sincerily hope that she decided to move to writing and publish original works. Second of all, this fic is phenomenal, she somehow manges to portray a sense of despair under the whole romance plot. I cried in the end.
IRREPARABLE by aslightstep (WIP, abandoned?)
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) Pairings: Tony Stark/Steve Rogers Genre/tags: Fix it Fic, Canon compliant Rating: General Audiences Words: 131k Summary: Forgiveness is a journey, or so Tony was maybe told a long time ago. He doesn't know about any of that and doesn't particularly care to. In the wake of civil war, the Avengers remain, as do their enemies. And Tony Stark rebuilds, as always.He destroys the phone, he burns the letter. But he can't (he won't) eliminate Steve Rogers from his mind.
Notes: Ok, I know I shouldn’t be recommending any abandonded works, but I am recommending this one anyway because the characters depiction are on point!! Tony’s stuborness really shows and it’s all so... realistic? Like it could have actually happened in the comics or in the MCU. It’s a beautiful slow burn, like extremely slow burn, and I just wish the author didn’t left it behind.
Fandom: The Amazing Spiderman, Deadpool Pairings: Gwen Stacy/Peter Parker, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson (barely)  Genre/tags: Drama, Canon compliant, Grief Recovery Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Words: 80k Summary: Peter deals with a loss that immobilizes him and permeates through every drawn breath. In which his grief is a visceral abstraction that he can touch, that he can feel. And in which, with a little help, with time, with acceptance, with anger, with sadness, with Wade, he learns how to live in a world without her.
Notes: The way this author describes and deals with the subject of grief is so real. It’s amazing the way she portrays Peter way of coping with his guilt, her death, and everything in his life. It is incomparable to any other fic or BOOK I have ever read. Also this is the first part of a series, so I’d definitely read it if you are into really good slowburn Spideypool.
Fandom: Hannibal (TV) Pairings: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter Genre/tags: A/B/O Dynamics, case fic Rating: Explicit Words: 484k Summary: In a world where omegas are little more than trophies to be bought and sold, Will Graham has done the unthinkable by escaping a forced bonding. Already in high demand as a profiler, Will's determined to find freedom on his own terms. For Hannibal Lecter the outlook is far more straightforward: a slow, systematic seduction of the most uniquely captivating omega he's ever encountered. As the shadow of a new and terrifying serial killer falls over Baltimore, the stage is set to redefine all accepted meanings of passion, temptation, horror and beauty – and to discover the ecstasy of a genuine love crime.
Notes: Yes, this fic is half a million words, no I don’t regret staying awake two days in a row just to finish it. Also, yes, I know it’s ABO. I usually don’t read ABO because I don’t like mpreg, but I made an exception for this one because it’s just that good. The way this author writes is so in sync with the series vibe. The descriptions, the way Hannibal speaks and acts, the way Will goes about the situation, this is just amazing.
TWIST AND SHOUT by gabriel and standbyme (@chubbyhawke)
Fandom: Supernatural Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester Genre/tags: 60′s AU, War Rating: Explicit Words: 97k Summary: What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with the tragedy of circumstance. In an era where homosexuality was especially vulnerable, Twist and Shout is the story of the love transcending time, returning over and over in its many forms, as faithful as the sea.
Notes: Obviously you don’t need an introduction to this one being that it’s the 2nd most kudosed work in AO3 and the most famous fanfiction in the Supernatural fandom. This fic BROKE me, like, actually full on sobbing BROKE me (my dad thought I was about to have a panic attack). It’s an understatement to say I recommend it. I don’t know where this authors are but I sincerly hope they become published one day.
MURDER WITH THE DEVIL AND FRIENDS by MindfulWrath (@mindfulwrath)
Fandom: Achievement Hunter, Rooster Teeth Pairings: Micheal Jones/Ryan Haywood Genre/tags: Western AU, Fake AH crew AU, Murder Mystery, horror Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Words: 205k Summary: Deputy Michael's been working in the little shithole town of Achievement City for a little over a year now. Things have been pretty decent so far (apart from that one creepy coworker), but they're about to get a lot more interesting, and a lot more dangerous.
Notes: Remember when I said i no longer read fanfics about real people? Well, this is, yet again, the exception. This fic just kept popping on my dashboard and after the 8th time I saw it I decided “fuck it”, and opened the link.  Also, remember when I said this ranking isn’t in any specific order? I lied because this is my favorite fanfiction of all time, and I think it’s the best one out there. This fic just get’s under your skin. You feel that somethings wrong from the begining, the mood it sets in just the first paragraph pulls you in and doens’t let you go until it’s done. I have NEVER got so much into any book or fanfic like I have gotten lost in this one. How is it possible that I manage to hate and love Ryan so much in this depiction of him?  This is also the first part of a trilogy called Devil’s Clockwork, and the rest is just as good as this one. Mindfulwrath, I hope you are reading this, and I hope you know how good of a writer you are, and I hope you publish some day, I’ll be the first one to buy anything you publish.
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king-crazymad · 5 years
whats the point in writing angst if nothing will ever be as heartwrenching as the entire devil’s clockwork series by mindfulwrath
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cranberry-jam · 5 years
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‘Ryan was reigning in next to him, dusty and smiling. His horse was breathing like a bellows, its flanks quivering. “Howdy,” Ryan said, twinkling. “Miss me?”’
Rereading @mindfulwrath ‘s MWDF is a trip, if only for recognising all the foreshadowing. as far as i can tell, this bit isn’t foreshadowing, but it sure is atmospheric enough for me to attempt (read: do badly) a movie still
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geoarchcn · 5 years
I read “Murder with the Devil and Friends” on ao3 by @mindfulwrath​ today (i started at 8am) and now it’s literally all i can think about... its 11pm and I’m just sitting here listening to johnny cash and staring into the distance lmao. I was so engrossed and I cant say how much I absolutely loved the story and the writing, ahhhh!! I gave my roommate a play-by-play even though she has no clue who AH even is haha
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silver-fiadh · 6 years
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@mindfulwrath parallels
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lcecreme · 5 years
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Qui     Vivra,     Verra
an A Little Death in Paris fanmix
(My) Secret Service, The Hoosiers
La plage, Marie Laforêt
Better Company, San Fermin
I Bet on Losing Dogs, Mitski
Je suis un soir d’été, Jaques Brel
It Will Come Back, Hozier
Gasoline, Two Door Cinema Club
Who Are You, Really?, Mikky Ekko
Oh Ana, Mother Mother
Geyser, Mitski
Sans, Angel Olsen
it’s been months since this fic was completed, but i realized i never made an offical post for this set, whoops. infinite thanks again to @mindfulwrath for the beautiful and heartbreaking writing!
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infectbait · 2 years
Hello i saw on one of your post that you had access to downloads of the whole mwdaf or devils clock tower series and i was wondering if you would be willing to share them with me. i understand if not i've just been needing some comfort fics recently. please.
Yes of course!!! I have all three PDFs of the fic series — the only thing is i need to send them via email due to the file sizes (160k words!!) so if you could dm/message me your email address and I’ll send em right over!!!
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mindfulwrath · 5 years
I absolutly LOVED the Devils Clocktower series. Its amazing, and beautiful, and the details are great and i love the characters. But I came here to say that when I go back to reread I have to be careful because my brain automatically tries to start using that HEAVY drawl that Ryan has in the series. (And I'm from the US southeast so i have a twange normally but not that strong XD)
Ain’t you just sweet as a peach
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sig-nifier · 6 years
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“But the devils real.”
“You can meet him, if you want.”
“You go up in the clocktower,” Ryan said. “Round about two in the mornin’ when the moon’s just past full. You’ll see him.”
“Ryan?” Said Michael.
“Yes, Michael?”
“You are one goddamn unsettlin’ motherfucker.”
- Murder With the Devil and Friends by @mindfulwrath
i dont draw i write so ignore the fact its not great but fuck me do i love this series. if ur an achievement hunter fan and u want some pure rip your heart out writing then you need to read the Devil’s Clocktower series - words can’t express how good it is with its plot, compelling characters and just fucking outstanding writing but wrath truly deserves the recognition and attention for this series as its just pure gold
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alintheprocess · 7 years
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Part 1
I immediately related to suicidal Ryan, a fight between love and death
Poem I wrote based on Wrath’s MWDF
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