1-xo-xo-xo-7 · 25 days
Do you ever imagine an AU where Shen Qingqiu, Meng Yao/Jin Guangyao, and Xue Yang/Chengmei are besties?
I don't know, it's just an idea permeating my brain since I discovered MXTX...
[And not because THEY'RE my favorite characters, nonono...]
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cely-berselion · 3 months
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Hua Xian deserves big hugs from his little sisters <3
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xinhua-jun · 6 months
You know, I wonder if there's an anti community in mxtx's fandom. There probably is but I don't want there to be and I do wanna stay in my little bubble of ignorance, so. I will keep wondering.
Oh for sure! you know how it is. Though I haven’t really encountered it since I stay on the good side of the fandom (love curating my own experience and staying blissfully and deliberately oblivious). It’s mostly just in-fighting from what I’ve skimmed haha.
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oshikasa · 2 months
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mxtxverse idol au! my hualian idol au has expanded to feature wangxian and bingqiu 🌸
brief profiles for each couple (moshang is also part of the universe and might be added later)
wangxian and bingqiu only appear as cameos in my fic, but i thought too much about what they’d be doing in the universe and it spiraled out of control. maybe one day i’ll write more for the series
(speaking of the fic, it’s here if you’re interested 😌 hualian/tgcf centric)
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wifiwuxians · 4 years
let’s start the week on a positive 
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pumpkinpaix · 5 years
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blu-oo · 3 years
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In honor of the best, most valid, number one good boy, has never done anything wrong in his entire life ever, best character in all of the mxtxverse you can fight me on that Zizhen’s donghua appearance. Junior quartet finally made whole <3
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qqgk · 2 years
actually no sorry it’s so funny to compare xie lian to a sheep in official promotional art like i know starember wants to fuck wolfboy hua cheng given that this is the second time she’s drawn him like that + she needed something to parallel him as that so ok give xie lian a sheep but like. xie lian? a sheep? xie lian who was at one point bai wuxiang 2 about to destroy an entire enemy nation? xie lian one of the strongest characters in the entire mxtxverse? xie lian whose defining trait is that he defies the heavens and walks his own path regardless of what he suffers for it? xie lian, a sheep?
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acernor · 3 years
So I was going through some old MXTXverse posts that I reblogged and one of them mentioned that all of Mxtx's couples are connected by the Red String Of Fate, which gave me an idea. So imagine that, after discovering that their Red String is long enough to do so, Bingqiu have deliberately tied a flustered LQG up with their Red String, in a "If fate won't make you our soulmate, we'll do it ourselves!" sort of way.
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sixth-elf-gun · 4 years
love how all my worlds are colliding rn. From BTS to The GazettE to mxtxverse
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mengyao · 3 years
cql is my favourite mxtxverse media property but svsss is my favourite mxtx novel. i contain multitudes
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cely-berselion · 4 months
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Here is the research sketch of another MXTXverse OC x) This one was born from a misunderstanding between my friend and I, when I first explained the context of my idea.
The misunderstanding was that she firstly thought that I wanted to create the child of Hua Cheng and Wei Wuxian xD
We absolutely do not ship this two, but imagining an OC coming from them was too much fun.
So here is Hua Xian (we name him like that for the moment), he is the result of two drunk and curious minds’ experience. He is also Xie Liangxing and Lan Yingyue’s older brother :3
He is wearing a lot of black and silver, it’s not easy to represent… He also has butterflies on his hanfu.
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nyerus · 3 years
hiya! how did you stumble into mxtxverse?
Hiya Anon!
I've been aware of MXTX's works for several years, actually! I saw a lot of folks from my older fandoms talking about certain works, especially MDZS. Additionally, I've been into danmei as a whole since I was in high school, a bit on-and-off, though I didn't get into any fandoms back then. (Because, well, such fandoms were extremely small and I was young and shy lmfao.)
My friend Meri is the one who got me into TGCF though! <3 I had just finished my hellish internship, and TGCF's translation had just finished a few months prior, I think. She was able to bait me with the newly-started manhua art and I fell hook, line, sinker! xD It was also a time in my life where I was in a pretty negative mental health state, so TGCF became very special to me. So special that I was reluctant to finish it, so before I finished the novel, I took a "detour!" I went and finished MDZS (novel, donghua, CQL, and caught up on the manhua) and SVSSS -- and *then* came back to finish TGCF because I had no choice lol.
I've been reading other danmei as well, though progress is slow because I'm too busy these days! ;;;;;;;
Ty for the ask!~
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killapunk · 3 years
mxtxverse was a mistake nobody into it is normal in any capacity. help me
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
By mxtx I mean anyone from her works LMAO JFKSJD sorry for the confusion!!! It's like the mxtxverse but people just abbreviate the mxtx fandom/interest in her works to mxtx, I def did not mean the person fjks
Ohhh! Ok, I thought you might have had a brain fart and meant mdzs! I don't know if there's, like, a specific term for all of that person's work! Like MXTXverse as you mentioned! Anyways, good to know!
Mod Party Cat!
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pumpkinpaix · 5 years
oh..... oh my god...... guess who forgot about the scene where the wen remnants crawl out of the blood pit to protect wwx and wn and lwj and the kids....... I was just blindsided by ep 8 of the audio drama and I’m sobbing at work oh no oh no
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