#my askbox is always open bby
lucienarcheron · 15 hours
hello, i have never written an ask before but i just wanted to let you know that eris and iris’ story is literally my fav on here, your writing is so amazing and made me fall in love with eris !! keep up your work i cannot wait to read more 🫠 btw do you have an updating schedule for that story ? have a great day!
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hello 'nonnie! thank you so much for taking the time to send me a message!!! ILY!!!! 🥹♥️🥹♥️ genuinely, it always means SO much when people let me know they've enjoyed my writing, especially SMTB! I'm always DEEPLY flattered and humbled I wrote a version of Eris you enjoy hehehehe. So THANK YOU! 🫂♥️
I usually try and aim for biweekly updates! I was trying for weekly but had to slow down lol. I hope you enjoy the story as it continues hehe <3
have a lovely day/night darling!! thank you for making mine ☺️♥️
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pedrito-friskito · 1 year
strawberry wine - joel miller x ofc!liv stone/fem!reader
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after - part twenty-three
series masterlist | main masterlist | read on ao3
shit doesn't go as planned on your way out of the QZ.
a/n: the bridge between episode 1 and 2. part twenty-four will be up this week! thank you to all of those who commented on the last two parts, I'll be reblogging/replying to those plus any comments here in the next two days, and my askbox is always open 🤍 thanks for sticking with me bbys!!! I love you all!
word count: 7.3k
warnings: canon-typical violence, you know the drill. no filth here.
✨@friskito-library for updates on new parts/works✨
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“Observe mandatory curfew to fight infection and insurrection.”
God, if you had a dollar for every time you’d heard that fucking sentence. Or a ration card. You’d be set for life. You and Joel could die well-fed. Tess, too.
The rain has let up some, but still, you pull your hood up, instruct Ellie to do the same. The bat is a soft press between your shoulders, hidden by your bag, but you feel acutely aware of the weapon. You feel acutely aware of everything. Not like this is your first rodeo — this is an old habit for you, at this point — but something feels different. It is different.
Before you even step foot out of the lobby, you grab Ellie, turning her to face you. She stares up at you with those dark eyes, so full of fear you almost feel bad. “I’m gonna keep this simple,” you say to her, removing your hand from her shoulder. “You stay in between me and Joel, not behind. Between. You follow close, you keep your mouth shut, and if shit goes south, you take the easiest path, follow whichever one of us gets away, and you don’t look back. Clear?”
She just stares at you for a moment, her bottom lip almost quivering. “What if none of you get away?”
“We will. Are we clear?” When she doesn’t reply, you prompt her further. “Ellie,” you say, your voice teetering on stern. “Say it.”
The kid swallows hard, nods. “Clear.”
“Good.” You tear your eyes from her innocent face, finding Joel’s dark gaze watching you. “Ready?”
He just nods.
It’s easy enough, getting from the apartment building to the opening at Lancaster. Tess scouts a few feet ahead, signals you to follow when it’s clear, and you take one of your old routes through the empty warehouses to get where you need to be.
Ellie keeps close to you as you move through the city, just as you’d asked. At one point, your boot slips on the curb, your ankle twisting sideways, and before you can so much as flinch, she grabs your hand, using her weight to push you back onto the sidewalk. You mouth thanks and she nods, but doesn’t let go of your hand.
Finally, the storm drain at Lancaster is in view, and Tess jogs ahead, waiting for the coast to clear before she waves you forward. She and Joel lift the drain, Tess slides down first, then Ellie, then you, then Joel. He turns once he’s in, grabs the drain cover and slides it back into place with some help from you.
It’s dark inside, the walls slimy and wet and it smells fucking awful. Tess doesn’t waste any time, heading towards the other end, and once you’re almost there, Joel pushes to the front, taking the few steps up to the asphalt barrier. With a grunt, he pushes his shoulder up and into it, pauses when you hear the sound of a helicopter overhead. Once it passes, he continues to slide the asphalt piece across, another quiet grunt falling out of him. 
Joel hauls himself up and out, kneeling in the dirt, and holds his hand towards you. You take it, holding your breath as he yanks you up, jutting his chin towards your foot, the ankle that had twisted. “You okay?” he whispers.
You just nod, kneeling beside him as Ellie clambers out of the hole. Her hands press into the dirt and you grab her by the handle of her backpack, helping her out, then offering your hand to Tess. As soon as you’re all out, crouched in the dirt, you and Joel grab hold of the asphalt, sliding the piece back into place.
Ellie straightens, awe in her expression as she takes in your new surroundings. “Holy shit, I’m actually outside!”
“Oh, for the love of—” You grit the words out, grabbing the sleeve of her jacket and yanking her back down hard.
“Oh, shit,” she half-whispers, ducking down behind the abandoned bus you’ve tucked yourself behind. The unimpressed expression on Joel’s face would make you laugh in any other circumstance. “Sorry.”
“Okay,” you whisper, ignoring her apology. “We’re gonna take the left edge around the buffer zone, you know what that is?” you ask, and she nods, her lips pressed together. “You stay close, like you have been, and you follow my lead. You got it?”
“Yeah,” she agrees, nodding more. “Of course. I got it.”
“Let’s go,” Tess hisses, and you wave her on, shooting Joel a glare as he shakes his head, nudging Ellie to follow Tess beneath the bus. He waits for you to slide beneath before following, and when you glance back, you see the FEDRA spotlights sweep across the space you’d just been occupying.
Tess takes the lead again, and Ellie pauses when you come out the other side of the bus, waiting for you to step ahead, taking her place between you and Joel. She looks at you with big eyes as you walk past her, almost like she’s waiting for your approval, and you offer it in the form of a slight nod, mouthing good call.
The rumble of a truck makes your every sense heighten, and Ellie grabs your hand. You grip it tight, pulling her to the side, ducking you both behind a car as the truck drives past. Tess looks at you wordlessly over the top of Ellie’s head, and you turn your neck to see Joel crouched behind an overturned car. You all pause, waiting for more noise, but only the thunder comes.
Your steps are a bit faster now, all of you pushed against the fractured concrete that shields you from the helicopters above. Tess keeps point, and you keep your grip on Ellie’s hand. A second truck rumbles past, and you all dive for cover. You don’t miss the hitch in the kid’s breath as she tries to catch it, and you squeeze her fingers.
“It’ll be okay, kid,” you tell her. “Just stay close. You’re doing great.”
Even without looking, you can feel Joel’s eyes shooting daggers into your back.
Another corner turned, and the gap in the fence comes into view. It’s almost comical, with the warning signs on either side of it, the chain link spread wide enough for you all to fit through. Ellie’s still holding your hand, and you make for the fence, squinting up as the rain starts to come harder, soaking your hair, making it stick to the back of your neck. Joel moves up beside you, his hand finding your side as you step forward and then—
“Hey, don’t, don’t…don’t move!”
You all freeze as you see Sergeant Lee Evans standing against the concrete wall, re-zipping his pants, flashlight waving as he reaches for his gun. McCoy’s guy, the one who’d taken over his posts, the one you’ve been making deals with for a long time. The one who was meant to get you the truck to get to Wyoming, before you struck the deal with Marlene.
“Don’t move!”
Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles, illuminating the space you’re all standing in. Lee lifts his gun, points it at Joel, then you, then Ellie. Then he pauses, the gun swinging back to you, and lifts the visor on his helmet.
“You gotta be shittin’ me.”
“Okay, Lee, wait,” you start, lifting your hands, putting yourself slightly in front of Ellie, “let’s just talk this out, yeah?”
Joel takes a half-step, doing the same, his tone sliding into something persuasive. “Hold on—”
“Get on your fuckin’ knees!” Lee shouts, pointing at Joel, the gun lowering slightly. “Get on your fuckin’ knees!”
“Now, hold on—” Joel repeats, but Lee ignores him.
“What did I fuckin’ tell you, man? I said stay the fuck home. Now, get on your knees!”
Tess smacks your arm. “Just get on your knees,” she says, sinking to her own. “Just get on your knees.” On the ground, she turns back to Lee, trying to placate him. Meanwhile, you sink down beside her, tugging Ellie down, while Joel takes the empty space between Ellie and Tess. “You let us do this run,” Tess continues, her voice carrying through the space, “and we’ll split the cards with you.”
“Oh, will you?”
“I’m so blessed,” Lee says sarcastically. “Hands on your head, eyes forward.”
You shoot a glance over your shoulder, and see the bio-scanner in his hand. Your stomach drops into your toes. Fuck. There’ve been a few run-ins, over the years, sure, but you’ve always managed to talk your way — or shoot your way — out of them.
“Hands on your head!” Lee spits.
Not talking your way out of this one.
You do as the soldier says, nudging Ellie to do the same. Joel shoots you a glance, meeting your eyes over the kid’s head, and you shake your head just slightly. What the fuck are you gonna do, what are you gonna—
“Really, man?” Tess protests as the machine buzzes at her neck.
“Yep,” Lee grits, unimpressed. “We’re doing this by the book.”
“Jesus Christ,” Tess mutters, glancing at you before looking back at Lee. “What about three-quarters?”
The screen on the bio-scanner goes green, clearing Tess, and you swallow around the lump that’s formed in your throat. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck
“Unauthorized exit,” Lee spits, shooting you a glare. “They’ll hang you for that.”
“Fine!” Joel shouts as Lee moves along the line of you, shoving the scanner against Joel’s neck. “Everything off of this run.”
“And half off on all the pills,” you shout, trying to sweeten the deal.
Lee laughs at you. “Half off? All off. Risk my job for half off. Outta your fuckin’ minds.”
Beside you, Ellie’s breathing gets heavy. Something in you wants to reach for her, but you resist, lacing your hands at the back of your head. Lee steps towards her, and something tightens in your chest, making you—
Ellie screams as the scanner beeps at her neck, whirling around towards Lee. You didn’t notice the switchblade open in her hand, and it sinks into Lee’s leg.
“Ellie!” you shriek. Lee shoves her forward and you go after her instantly, putting yourself in front of her as Lee yanks the knife out. It clatters to the asphalt, and Tess slinks to the side, Joel standing in front of you and Ellie as Lee lifts his gun.
“Fucking bitch!” he shouts. “Get out of the fucking way!”
“Woah!” Joel shouts, lifting his hands again. “Woah!” He glances over his shoulder at you, standing in front of Ellie, your arm held out protectively. “We can fix this!”
The barrel of the gun shifts from Joel to you, the flashlight taped to it blinding you. You feel Ellie’s fingers curl in the fabric of your sleeve. “Move,” Lee spits, “or I kill your wife, and then the girl.”
For a moment, everything is eerily silent. Joel is completely still. Behind you, you can hear the hitch in Ellie’s breath, and this beast in your chest, this protective thing roars. If Lee pulls that trigger, you’ll—
Lee takes a step towards you, and Joel lunges forward with a yell. They both go crashing to the ground, the gun skittering to the side, but Joel has the upper hand in a moment. Over and over, his fist connects with Lee’s face, the flashes of lightning illuminating the blood on his skin, on Joel’s knuckles. Over and over and over and over.
“Joel,” you call, but it’s no use, he doesn’t so much as flinch. Ellie tries to step around you, and you try to stop her, try to shield her from the bloody scene before you, but she moves around you quickly, her dark eyes fixated on Joel’s cocked fist. “Joel!”
Finally, he stops, breathing heavily as he lifts his red-stained fist. His knuckles are probably split, maybe even broken, and your own heart is rioting in your chest. He straightens slightly, turning back to the three of you, and for a moment, he and Ellie just stare at each other. Lee lies unmoving on the ground.
Then Joel’s eyes slide to you. “Liv, I…” He trails off, but you just shake your head.
You step towards him, grip his arm and haul him sideways off of Lee’s too-still body. Bile crawls up the back of your throat. Not the first time, you know it won’t be the last. “We need to go.”
Behind you, Tess gasps. You turn to see her with Lee’s bio-scanner in her hand. The screen is red.
He’d scanned Ellie last.
“No!” the girl cries, panic making her voice climb. “No! No, I’m not sick!”
“Liv!” Tess shouts, holding the scanner towards you, the red screen too bright as it blinks at you. “Liv!”
“I am not sick,” Ellie says again, and your stomach ties itself into a knot. “I’m not sick! Look, look!” She tugs up her sleeve, offers her arm to Tess, and Joel pulls you back a step, trying to put himself in front of you. Like that matters. “This is three weeks old,” Ellie continues, her tone still dripping with panic. “Nobody lasts more than a day. Does this look a day old to you?!” Her head lifts, those dark eyes whipping in your direction. “I couldn’t tell you, you would’ve killed me!”
“We should fucking kill you!” Tess spits, and Joel puts his hand on your arm, but you shrug it off. Faintly, you can hear FEDRA sirens growing closer.
“They’re gonna catch us if we don’t run,” Ellie says, and her eyes are trained on you. Joel reaches out again, but you smack his hand away this time, crouching and grabbing Lee’s gun, shoving it against Joel’s chest. He catches it with his good hand, and you grab at his injured one, inspecting his split and bloody knuckles. He hisses when you spread his fingers, pulls his hand away.
As you drop his hand, something catches your eye. Ellie’s knife, smeared with blood, laying in the dirt. You crouch to grab it, switching the blade shut and jamming the thing into your pocket.
“We need to go,” you say, and stride back to where Ellie’s standing. You all but yank her away from Tess, pushing the young girl toward the fence. “Tess, let’s go.”
You hold the fence open as Ellie scrambles through, keep it open for Tess as well. Joel is still standing beside Lee, staring down at the soldier.
“Joel!” you shout, and his head snaps up, dark eyes meeting yours. “We need to go.”
The sirens are getting closer, but you wait for him. He offers you his good hand as he gets closer, the gun now looped over his shoulder, and you take it, lacing your fingers together and heading through the fence. Ellie looks at you with big eyes as you clamber through, Tess holding the chain link open for you both. Gripping Joel’s hand tightly, you turn her around, push her forward as you all disappear into the night, the sounds of FEDRA’s patrols getting closer and closer to the scene you’ve left behind.
The rain doesn’t let up. It gets worse as you move through the city, puddles beneath your every step. Your socks are soaked inside your boots, your hair sticking to your scalp. Joel’s grip on your hand is tight, his knuckles pressed to yours.
You get a few feet from the fence before Ellie turns to you, panic embedded in her face, an apology on her lips. “Liv, please, I’m sorry, okay? I couldn’t tell you, Marlene said not to—”
“Shut up,” you hiss at her, forcing yourself to ignore the way she flinches at your tone. She stops in her tracks, and you pull away from Joel enough to grab her by the front of her jacket, spinning her around. “We’re not safe out here, whether or not you’re sick. Follow Tess, and keep your mouth shut.”
She does as you say.
You fall back into step with Joel, who’s now brandishing Lee’s gun, his good hand on the trigger. Thunder rumbles, and you reach for the bat, gripping the handle tightly. Being outside of the QZ is one thing, this close to the walls, but unarmed is another. Ahead of you, Tess picks her way through the rubble, heading for the closest building. It used to be a hair salon; you remember getting your hair done there, before. The memory feels strange to recall, fuzzy at the edges and almost more like a dream.
Joel nudges you with his shoulder, his voice low. “How are we gonna play this?”
Pulled out of your head, you turn toward him, your brows pulling down. “What?”
“Tess doesn’t know about you,” he whispers, his eyes searching yours. “And if this kid is—”
“Tess doesn’t know what about me?” you ask him, and you watch the realization settle on his face. There’s a loud creak, and you see Tess has pried the salon door open, waving you all in. “Can we just make it through the night, first? One thing at a goddamned time.”
You go to take a step away, but Joel catches your hand, wincing as his bruised hand closes around yours. “Liv, I…” He clears his throat, staring down at his boots. “I’m sorry, for what happened back there. He pointed that gun at you and the kid and I just…” After a beat, his eyes lift to yours. They’re so haunted, so full of emotion that your breath catches. “He pointed that gun at you, and I was right back to that night. In Austin, when Sarah…”
His voice breaks on her name. Something in your chest cracks. You honestly can’t remember the last time he said it out loud.
“Stop,” you say, moving close to him. You take his scruffy jaw in your hand, keep his eyes on yours. “You did what you had to. We had to get out of there. There was no other option. I know that, and you know that. Lee was a fucking asshole, anyway.” He huffs something like a laugh, and you press a soft kiss to his mouth. “We’re safe, okay? C’mon. Let’s go inside. I need to look at that hand.”
Stepping into the salon feels surreal, your brain wired to expect fluorescent lights and the secretary who truly couldn’t have given less of a fuck asking what time your appointment was at. You’ve walked past this place a million times on runs since the walls went up, but you’ve never once stepped back inside.
Ellie’s standing in the middle of the space, staring up at the ceiling. Nature has truly taken over, grass and moss erupting through the cracked tiles, dirt covering the rest of the floor. A lone chair stands upright off to the side, every mirror shattered to pieces. Ivy climbs along one wall, and as you walk inside, Tess shuts the door, muttering at Joel to help her move a big cabinet in front of the door.
“What the fuck was Marlene doing with an infected kid?” Tess hisses as the three of you stand near the door, stealing glances at the kid in the middle of the salon. “We oughta put a damn bullet in her head.”
“Then why didn’t Marlene do it?” you counter, and Tess’s shoulder sag. “Clearly she’s important. She said that bite is what, two weeks old? What—”
“Three weeks,” Ellie calls out conversationally, a rumble of thunder punctuating her words. You give her the most withering look you can manage.
You look back at Tess. “We’re tired. We’re scared. That wasn’t what any of us had anticipated, and the last thing we need to do is make an impulsive decision.” Joel nods slightly, his eyes glued to your face. “We sleep it off, and we talk it out in the morning.”
“I’ll take first watch,” Tess says, reaching out and taking Lee’s gun from Joel. “Tell her to pick a corner.” She looks at you. “I’ll wake you in a few hours.”
You nod, inclining your head towards an empty corner. Joel heads for it, and you walk towards Ellie.
Your steps are slow, the bat still held in your hand. She turns her head to look at you as you approach, and you look up a the ceiling, seeing the large hole giving way to the floor above, the cracked beams and what looks like a tree growing out of the second storey. Further up, you can see flashes of lightning, the rumble of thunder following close behind.
“So, is this the part where you kill me?” she asks, and you know she’s trying to be the tough guy, but her voice gives her away, that waver of panic still evident. “I really am sorry.”
“It’s late,” you say, shaking your head. “No one’s killing you. You should get some sleep, all right? We’re all rattled; we’ll figure this out in the morning.” When she doesn’t say anything, you say, “Okay?”
“You got a blanket or anything in that bag?”
She shakes her head. “I’ll be okay.”
Without another word, you turn on your heel, heading for the corner Joel is now occupying. He’s sat on the ground, his back propped against the wall, legs stretched ahead of him. You drop your bag next to his, tapping your boot against his. “Hey.”
“Hey,” he replies, eyes shooting open. His bad hand lifts to rub over his face and he winces before he can complete the movement. “Fuck.”
“Let me see it,” you say, crouching in front of your bag, pulling out what little first aid supplies you have left. A single alcohol wipe, a mostly-clean rag you tore into strips for bandages. “You think it’s broken?”
“Maybe a hairline,” he grunts, sliding over as you move to sit beside him, holding your hand out for his. You tear the wipe open with your teeth, spit the wrapper to the side. “It’ll heal fast.”
“I’ve heard that one before,” you mutter, shaking your head as you lift his hand for closer inspection, swiping at the blood. He doesn’t flinch, but lets out a little groan, his other hand wrapping around your leg.
You clean as much of the blood away as you can. Two of his knuckles are split, but you’ve definitely seen worse on him. And if there’s anything you’ve learned about Joel over the years, it’s that he can take the pain.
You both can.
You finish wrapping his hand, tying the makeshift bandage off in the middle of his palm. It’s not ideal, but it’ll do. The ground is hard beneath you as you settle in, Joel bunching up his jacket as a pillow for you both to share, him lying with his back to the wall, good ear up. You fit yourself against his front, draping your coat over the both of you, tugging his arm around your waist beneath it. Whatever comfort you can get, you take. You revel in it.
Every time you try to close your eyes, something pops up to haunt you, chasing sleep away before you can grab it. 
Memories of the explosions all those years ago, of hiding in the bookstore and waiting to die.
The way you’d held out hope that Joel was still alive, that he’d make good on his promise and find you, across the country, no matter how much time had passed. 
The fear that had consumed you when you were bit, the hope Joel had offered when he told you about Anna, what had happened to her, what turned out to be the same for you.
The panic you felt when Nick took Deanna and the kids away, blackmailing you into silence. 
The frustration when Tommy stopped answering the goddamned radio, sending Joel into a spiral. 
The obvious hurt in Tess’s face after she and Robin had talked. 
That sinking feeling that’s been chasing you around with every day that’s passed where you haven’t heard from Bill and Frank, not a song on the radio or a crackling message to let you know they’re okay.
The feral violence Joel had rained down on Lee, to keep you safe. To keep Ellie safe.
The sheer fucking terror in Ellie’s face when the scanner turned red.
Sleep seems to come to Joel easily, his breathing evening out against your neck, his forehead tipped against the back of your head. His arm tightens around you, and you try to replace the haunted memories with good ones, happy ones. Led Zeppelin on the radio and walking down the aisle, all the stars in the sky and the bed of Joel’s truck, the deer at the lake and your honeymoon at the cabin.
It feels like sleep has just pulled you under when Tess is waking you for the next watch. “Liv,” she calls, her hand curled around your shoulder. “Liv.”
Your eyes blink open, and it takes you a minute to realize that there’s music playing.
I’m taking a ride with my best friend.
Tess kicks at Joel’s boot and he jolts out of dreamless sleep. You’re not where you were, pressed against him, and he bolts upright, panic twisting his stomach when he sees you a few feet from him, hunched over something. He rubs his hand across his face and his hand aches.
Never want to put my feet back down on the ground.
“I can’t check the fucking book, Tess, can I?” you spit, shoving your hand through your hair. It’s the radio, Joel realizes, that you’re bent over, the music filling the quiet space between you. He glances to the corner where Ellie had sprawled; she’s still asleep, curled on her side, facing away from all of you. “I swear to god, it was 1985.”
“Sure, when you were what, seven?” Tess hisses, straightening, putting her hands on her hips. The frustration is clear on her face. “How do we know it wasn’t the nineties? Depeche Mode was still around when the world fucking imploded, it could have been ‘92, ‘93?”
“Nineties doesn’t mean anything on the code, Tess,” you tell her, your tone completely flat until you say her name, and your voice snaps in two. “Something is wrong.” You go quiet for a moment, heaving a breath, and then launch the radio across the room. It hits the wall with a loud crack, splintering into pieces, and from the corner of his eye, Joel sees Ellie jump. “I was right. We should have left days ago, we shouldn’t have waited for this to fucking happen!”
You get to your feet, storming across the salon to where he’d propped the cabinet against the door. The metal rings as your fist connects, and Tess shoots him a look. “Liv,” he calls, getting to his feet, jogging toward you. He catches your wrist before you can swing again. “Baby, stop it. Don’t—” You try to yank your hand away from him, but he tightens his grip. “Hey.”
“They could be dead,” you murmur, the words halfway between speaking and sobbing. His heart aches at the sound. “They could…” You trail off, shaking your head, tears shining on your cheeks in the streaks of moonlight coming through the cracks in the windows and doors.
“C’mere,” Joel whispers, using your wrist as leverage, pulling you against him. You go willingly, collapsing into his chest. You bury your face in his neck, and he rubs his hand up and down your spine. “There’s nothin’ we can do right now, baby. It’s the middle of the night, you’re exhausted, we all are. The moment the sun comes up, we get the kid to the State House, we get the truck, and we haul ass to Lincoln, you understand me? Computer probably stopped working, and Bill couldn’t reset the radio.” He presses his lips to your temple, his next words muffled against your skin. “It’s gonna be fine. Everythin’ is gonna be fine.”
With a soft noise something like a whimper, you nod your head, your forehead brushing his chin as you do.
“Go back and lie down,” he tells you, reluctantly detaching you from his chest. “I’ll take the next watch.”
“Go, Liv,” he says, a little more tersely. “I’ll wake you in a couple hours.”
You’re halfway across the room when Ellie pipes up. “1987.”
You stop dead in your tracks. Joel’s watching you go, Tess also watching from her spot against the wall. “What did you say?”
“The song. It’s from 1987,” the kid repeats, rubbing at her eyes. “I had the cassette tape.”
You say nothing in response, and for a moment, Joel feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room. Your head is turned, he can just see your profile, streaks of moonlight in your hair. He’s never seen that expression on your face, as you stare at Ellie. He doesn’t have a name for it.
“Go back to sleep,” you say finally, and Joel inhales sharply. 
He waits until you’ve settled back in the space where you’d both been laying, your coat tugged over you like a blanket. Tess hands him the rifle, finding her own space to sprawl out, and Ellie watches before turning over herself, the room plunging back into silence.
As quietly as he can, Joel creeps across to where the radio had landed. It’s shattered, the plastic cracked, the metal antenna a few feet away from the rest of it. Sighing, Joel slides his boot across the ground, pushing the pieces closer to the wall.
Morning comes quick. The moment Tess and Joel wake, you’re anxious to get moving, but there’s still a conversation to be had. You barely slept, your mind racing too quickly for you to feel rested, and you know Joel stayed on watch longer than he should have. You can see it in the bags under his eyes, the groan he lets out as he peels himself up off the floor.
Joel found two more chairs, in the night, and Tess sinks into one of them while you take the other, facing Ellie’s still sleeping figure. Joel stands behind you, Lee’s rifle in his hand. “Keep it pointed at her,” Tess says, and when his eyes shift to you, you just nod.
The lying comes almost too easily, pretending you’re not the same as the girl still asleep on the floor. Three weeks post-bite versus fourteen years. You wonder, if Tess knew the truth, if she’d pull a gun on you. You wonder how deep your betrayal would cut her.
You force the thought from your mind as the building creaks above you. The rain is gone, replaced with sunlight that streams through the hole in the ceiling, lighting up the middle of the salon, the grass and moss bright green in the sun.
A loud creak echoes through the building, and Ellie rouses, rolling onto her stomach and pushing herself up off the ground. You all watch silently as she wakes, patting at her pockets. She curses under her breath, and you see fresh panic on her face as she grabs her bag and wrenches it open, digging through it.
You pull the switchblade from your pocket. “Looking for this?”
She grimaces. “Morning. Can I have that back?” She gets to her feet, and Joel lifts the rifle. Guilt tugs at your stomach at the expression on her face. “Do I look like I’m infected?” 
You open your mouth to reply, but Joel beats you to it. “Show us your arm.”
With a loud sigh, Ellie tugs up her sleeve. Her bite looks similar to yours, in the middle of her forearm. The same spindly lines stretch outward from the bite that’s long healed over. Yours is just the same has been for years.
“Yeah, it’s not getting any worse, is it?” she says flatly.
Tess shoots you a look, and you inhale deeply, one brow lifting, the words silently communicated. She’s got a point.
“If we’re out in the open city, why aren’t we getting swarmed?” Ellie asks.
“Don’t worry about that,” Joel shoots back, and the kid almost rolls her eyes.
“Well, I’m gonna.”
Joel leans forward like he’s gonna say something more, but you put your hand out, your knuckles hitting his chest. “What was Marlene doing with an infected kid?” you ask, tilting your head to the side.
“I’m not infected,” she says quickly, and the three of you just stare back. Your brow lifts again, and she keeps going. “She found me after I was bitten.”
“And she didn’t just shoot you, right then and there?”
“Clearly not.” The kid’s gaze drops, tugging at a blade of grass at her feet. “She locked me up and had her guys test me every day to see if I was getting sick.”
“Test you how?” Tess asks, leaning closer to you.
“I have to pee,” Ellie quips, and Tess goes rigid beside you.
“Test you how?” you repeat.
“They’d make me count to ten and hold out my hand and keep it steady, but you know, I think what really impressed them was the fact that I didn’t turn into a fucking monster.” You have to stifle your laugh as the kid gets to her feet. “Now can I please?”
Joel rises as Ellie does, lifting the gun slightly. Her eyes go wide again, full of fear, and you grab the back of Joel’s jacket. “Fine,” you jut your chin toward the back of the salon. “Through that door. Pick a corner.”
“Here,” Tess calls as she walks away, grabbing a magazine at her feet and flinging it towards Ellie, who catches it easily. “Tear out a few pages.”
She turns on her heel, heading for the door you’d pointed to. “There’s not gonna be anything bad in here?” she asks.
“Just you,” Joel retorts, and you smack his chest.
“Oh, funny.”
You sigh collectively as she disappears through the door. Joel sinks into the chair you’d been sitting in, and you hold out your hand for his. “Let me see,” you say, and he lets the rifle sit in his lap, putting his bandaged palm in yours. He winces as you tug at the bandage, and you purse your lips; clearly it’s more tender than it’d been last night. “Should have brought something for the pain.”
“Didn’t think I’d be in pain,” Joel says, lifting his eyes to yours. He still has that haunted look in them, the one you’d seen when he’d told you what last night had done to him, that he’d felt like he was back there with Sarah. 
And then the way he’d held you, after the radio had gone off. This is what your lives have become, both of you cracked at the edges, the other just trying their best to keep you from shattering completely.
Over and over and over again.
You can feel Tess’s eyes on you, and when you’ve retied Joel’s bandage, your eyes slide to hers. “What?”
“What?” she repeats, shock on her face. “She made it through the fucking night, and that’s all you have to say?”
“Three weeks, Tess,” you say, flinging your hand in the direction Ellie had disappeared. “We might not like Marlene, but she’s not a fucking idiot. If the kid was going to turn, it would have happened already, and if it had, she’d be dead, and we’d already be in fucking Wyoming.”
“It could still happen,” Joel pipes in, and your gaze slides to his. His fingers twitch in your grip. This is for show. You hope. “We’re still close to the wall; we sneak her back in, we find another way to get the battery, then we go.”
“I won’t go back to the QZ,” Tess says, shaking her head. “Not now. I’m done with Boston. I can’t…” She keeps shaking her head. “I won’t. You two take her back, if that’s what you want, but I won’t—”
“What did Robin say to you?” you ask, leaning forward so you can catch her eyes. But she says nothing, and you heave a sigh. “We don’t have time. Besides, we take her back to the QZ, how long until someone notices her arm? They scan her, they kill her, and it’s just another fucking tally in FEDRA’s book.”
“We take her to the Fireflies, and what the fuck are they gonna do with her?” Tess counters.
“We take her to the Fireflies, and at least we get what we want.”
She goes silent again.
Ellie’s footsteps echo as she comes back into the main room, and Joel leans back in his chair, both hands around the rifle again. Ellie tosses the magazine back at Tess, and it skids across the floor, hitting her boots.
“We should eat something,” you say, reaching for your bag. You dig out some of the dried beef you’d collected yesterday, hand a piece to Joel as Tess takes her own out. “Ellie, are you hungry? You can share some of ours.”
“I’m good,” she replies, returning to her spot in the moss. “Marlene sent me with my own.”
Joel’s hand shakes as he tries to snap the beef into a smaller piece, and you take it from him, breaking it yourself and handing him half. His eyes flash to yours, and you squeeze his shoulder. You’re all silent for a moment, eating quietly, until something in the air makes your nose prickle.
“Is that…chicken?”
“Yeah,” Ellie says, swallowing a mouthful. “Marlene said they get it from smugglers. I guess not you guys.”
Slowly, you tilt your head to the side, tossing your piece of beef back onto the paper sitting atop your bag. “Why are you so important to Marlene, huh? That woman is stingy with her resources, but she’s pulled out all the stops for you.” You get to your feet, feeling Joel swipe at the back of your jacket as you step toward the kid. “And don’t lie to me, or we’ll take you back.”
“You take me back, and you don’t get what you want,” the kid says, a sly grin on her face.
You scoff. “Oh, you heard that? Then you must have heard the other part, too. We take you back to the QZ, and it’s only a matter of time before FEDRA gets their hands on you. And trust me, kid, they’re a hell of a lot meaner than we are.” You glance over your shoulder at Joel, his wrapped hand. “And that’s saying something. You wouldn’t last a day.”
Her throat bobs, and Joel calls your name, a warning.
You sink into a crouch in front of her, arms braced on your knees. “I’m gonna talk to you like you’re an adult, okay? The three of us? We aren’t good people, Ellie. We’re doing this for us, like you said, to get what we want. Apparently, you’re worth something, but we don’t know what you’re worth, other than the fact that you got bit three weeks ago, and like you said, you’re not a fucking monster. So answer my question: why are you so important to Marlene?”
She looks at you for a long moment before her eyes drop shut, and she covers her face with her hand. “She told me not to tell anyone,” she mumbles out, “and now I’m telling the first people that…”
You just stare at her, waiting.
Finally, with a sigh, she continues. “There’s a Firefly base camp somewhere out west, with doctors. They’re working on a cure.”
You hear the screech of the chair across the ground, and Joel gets to his feet. “Mhm, we’ve heard this before.”
Ellie shoots a glare in his direction. “And whatever happened to me is the—”
“—key to finding the vaccine,” Joel finishes, and you can hear the anger creeping up into his voice. “That’s what this is? We’ve heard this a million times. Vaccines, miracle cures, none of it works. Ever.”
“Fuck you, man,” Ellie spits, jumping to her feet. “I didn’t ask for this!”
“Yeah, you and me both!” he shouts back. “Running fuckin’ errands for Fireflies, some kind of goddamn joke.”
You know why he’s angry. It’s not the first time you’ve heard it, and if you’d stayed in Boston any longer, you know it wouldn’t have been the last. And every single time, Joel had bristled like a cornered animal. You saw the same look on his face that you had when he’d fought with Tommy, when his brother had mentioned giving you over to the Fireflies when he found out what you are. 
About five years back, some doctor in New York claimed to have created a cure using the blood of the infected. It even got to the point where people volunteered to be a part of the trial, they had so much faith in the dumb fuck. The hospital he was working out of was overrun within two days. A few months later, another doctor in another QZ had some other hair-brained scheme, on and on it went.
Hell, maybe they’re spouting the same shit in Wyoming. Only time will tell.
“All the more reason not to take her back,” you say, turning to face Joel. “We finish this. We get what we came for, and we get the fuck out of this state.” You reach out for his good hand, rub your thumb across his knuckles. “Okay?”
“Okay,” he grunts, pulling away from you. 
You gesture for Ellie to get her things, and as Joel picks up the rifle, her eyes cut to you. “Can I have a gun?”
“Pardon?” you sputter.
Joel cuts his hand through the air. “Absolutely not.”
Tess looks at you like she can’t believe what she’s hearing. “Fuck no”
“Okay, Jesus, fine,” Ellie nearly whines, “I’ll have to throw a fucking sandwich at them.”
That actually makes you laugh, and Tess shoots you a look. “What? It’s a good visual.”
Huffing, Joel moves towards the door, sliding the cabinet out of the way of the door. As it swings open, more sunlight pours in, the sounds of birds chirping making it almost inviting to step out. Joel leans out the door, looking left and right. “It’s clear.”
Tess brushes past you as she heads out the door, Joel holding it open for her. You turn back to Ellie, who stands hesitantly in the middle of the room, concern clear on her face. “C’mon, kid,” you say to her, tilting your head towards the door. “The sooner we get this over with, the better.”
Without a word, she follows you out of the salon and onto the open street. As soon as you’re through the door, however, she lets out a quiet holy shit.
“Looks different in the daylight, huh?”
You can’t help but grin a little at the awe on her face as she takes in the half-toppled buildings, crumbled structures and piles of rubble, overturned cars and signs of destruction, but then, amid the signs of the city that had once stood, further proof that nature is taking back what once belonged to it. More moss and leaves and overgrown trees in every corner of every piece of concrete, flocks of birds flying from one building to the next. Sunlight glints off the few intact panes of glass left on a building in the distance, and it makes you squint.
Joel busies himself finding a high point, stepping up on a large piece of concrete to take a look around. He doesn’t look any more concerned than usual, but he glances at Ellie before looking to you. “We should get movin’.
You nod, falling back a step so you can move to his right side. “Let’s go.”
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here4kpopfics · 2 years
hi bubba!!! congrats on your huge milestone aaaah well fucking deserved omg 😩😩😩
i have a lil request for you hehehehe: how about brothers best friend au + member of your choice and this lovely prompt: "If you tell anyone about this, I will kill you."
i’m sure you can come up with something!! hehe good luck my love 💘💘💘
my beautiful Lati, I can only apologize for this. 💀 Thank you for always being so amazing and supportive, especially when I started writing again, I love you bby. 😘
also shoutout to @daimyosjeon for betaing this nonsense bc I just keyboard smashed my way through it. sorry for not warning you about the filth 🙈
Masterlist | AskBox | Coffee?
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hobi x reader | smut, fluff if you squint? | a nice little 1,235 words | 18+ | Jimin's a menace, wrap before tap
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You’ve made a lot of bad decisions growing up. Like, a lot. From bad friend groups to shit relationships, picking a useless degree over one you actually wanted to moving halfway across the country for a job you never wanted in the first place. 
The worst decision you’ve ever made is the one you’re currently making. 
“Fuck, hurry up, Hobi. He’ll be back soon.” Your voice rasps, feeling sore after just having your brother’s best friend’s cock recklessly rammed down your throat. 
“Relax, y/n. He’ll be out for another few hours. Let me take my time with you.” His lips resume their work against your skin, nipping and licking at random spots that can be covered by clothes, lightly kissing on spots that can’t. Like your neck, which is driving you insane. 
You don’t remember when you started fucking your brother’s friend. If it was after a party, or just when he came over one day to hang out with both of you at your apartment and things just spun out of control from there. 
All you know is this is a horrible decision, and his hips and dick are like fucking magic. But goddamn do you love the way he has you pinned against the wall in your hallway, hands gripping your thighs as your legs wrap around his waist and both of you are half naked. 
“I don’t want you to take your time, ” your fingers tug at his hair that he’s been growing out for reasons he won’t say, and force him to look at you. “I want you to fuck me until I forget who you are.” 
“I can do both.” He gives you that stupid grin that you’re afraid to say you adore. You push the thought out of your mind, and bring his lips to yours in a searing kiss. You barely feel one of his hands leave your thigh to shove his underwear down and reach between you two to line himself up with your entrance and push inside without hesitation. 
You pull away from his lips, dropping your head against the wall at the perfect stretch, “fuck, your cock feels so fucking good.”
His chuckle vibrates against your skin as he pulls his hips away slightly, just to grab the back of your knees and open your legs further. A part of you feels like you should be terrified of him dropping you, but you know he’d never.
“God, baby. Look at how well you take it.” He grunts, his gaze stuck on the way his cock pumps in and out of you. “So fucking wet, just slides right in.” He looks up to see you watching as well, your brows furrowed and your pussy clenching every time he thrusts into you. 
“How long were you ready for me today, hmm? Was it when I came over or since last night’s phone call?” You whine, trying to forget the night before where he had you on facetime and made you finger yourself until you were squirting. You almost blacked out after, hanging up immediately when you heard your brother come home. 
“Shut up.” You bring his lips back to yours, but you can feel the grin forming, teeth hitting yours as he brings you to your bed. 
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“Good lord, every time it just gets better.” Hoseok laughs as he collapses next to you on your bed. You smirk, still trying to regain the ability to do anything. You’re going to be grossly sore tomorrow. 
“What are you doing?” You question when he cuddles one of your pillows under his head. “Absolutely not. Get up and get your clothes off the floor.” 
“Aish, where’s the romance these days?” He grumbles. Sitting back up, you throw the pillow at his back and laugh. 
“We fuck, Hobi. And we tell no one. That’s it.” 
He says nothing, walking out of your room and gathering not only his clothes off the floor, but yours as well.
“I, for once, think your brother would be cool with us.” The teasing tone he gives makes you scowl. You lean against your headboard, watching him put your clothes in your hamper and his on the bed. 
“We both know Yoongi would not only kill you, but me as well, if he finds out his best friend was fucking his little sister.” 
He mumbles in agreement, walking into your bathroom to shower. You lay back down, your bed sheet covering your naked body.
You get all of three minutes to yourself before your bedroom door is flung open. 
“You will not believe who I ran into toda-ahh! Sorry! Sorry! Holy fuck, I’m sorry!” Your best friend throws his hands up to cover his eyes, turning his back to you. 
“Jimin! What the fuck? Do you not understand knocking?!?!” You clutch the bed sheet to your chest, sitting up in anger. 
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know you were gonna be post-bang!” He turns back around when he thinks it’s safe, glancing over to the pile of clothes and the bathroom where the sound of the shower turns off. “Who, uh, who is it by the way? Is it that one hunk from statistics? Because hell yes, I’d be lying in bed post-bang like that too.”
“Shut up, Jimin. Please leave.” 
“Boo, you suck.”
“Just go awa—
“Who are you talking to?” Hoseok opens the bathroom door, clad only in a towel loosely hanging around his hips. If Jimin wasn’t here, there'd be a round two within seconds. 
You look back at your best friend, whose mouth is wide open in shock, a giant grin quickly taking over it.
“You are not banging Yoongi’s best friend! Does he know? Oh my god, when he finds out he’s going to kill you both.” 
You quickly jump out of bed, keeping the blanket wrapped around you as you charge towards Jimin, pressing him against the wall. 
“You’ll be dead too, Jimin. Because I swear to fucking god, if you tell anyone about this, I will kill you myself.” You glare daggers at him, and he nods quickly.
“Understood. There’s nothing going on between you two.” You nod, turning back to grab some new clothes. 
“She’s so threatening, isn’t she? It’s really kind of a turn on.” Hoseok laughs, bending down quickly to avoid the object you chuck across the room.
“Hoseok. Get dressed and leave before Yoongi gets back. Jimin, wait in the living room, I'm gonna shower really quick.” Jimin nods, backing out of your room with a smug grin. 
“I’ll leave while you’re in the shower.” He speaks a little softer, approaching you from behind. “But I’ll see you again soon, right?” His whispers meet your ear, soft lips kissing the space just behind them as his hands find your hips and bring them flush against his. 
“Yeah…but we have to be more careful. Yeah, that was just Jimin. But what if next time we’re not lucky and it’s Yoongi?” Your head leans back against his chest as he buries his face in your neck. 
“We’ll be smarter, baby. I promise. I’ll text you, okay?” 
“Okay.” He lets go of you, letting you walk into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. He quickly gets dressed, leaves you a little note on your pillow and leaves after saying bye to Jimin on the couch.
You take extra long in the shower to purposefully avoid Jimin’s questions. 
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heh....heh....sorry? you're welcome? idk i love you 💜
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rosekasa · 6 months
hello! since you love to talk about your art process and how you manage to not feel disappointed when things don't go your way, i wanted to ask you a question. im really curious about drawing a particular way but im not using the same medium to draw. no one has made tutorials on it and i am not sure how to go about it. what's your process of trying to emulate a style in your works?
hi anon !!! <3
i'm always a big believer in the fact that art is very much about what feels good to you. this used to be a very frustrating thing to get my head around at first because it made me feel like I had to renounce control over how I wanted my art to look, but what I eventually learned was that doing what feels good literally gets you the same results that you want but with a more organic process that makes your art feel more authentic. in terms of using mediums that differ from your favourite artists', this is a chance to understand what exactly you are resonating with in their styles and using the resources at hand to interpret that in your own work!
for example, in 2021, I read Tokyo ghoul and became obsessed with ishida's art. I was like, I need to ingest this art style. for comparison, these are the things that I had saved to my inspo folder, vs what my art looked like at the time.
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at the time I was so intimidated by the idea of trying to work towards that style because I genuinely believed I would need to practice for years to get to that level. but what really helped me was doing redraws of the panels that I found prettiest -- not with the aim of copying it down exactly, but rather getting down what stuck out to me the most in terms of technique. doing that made me realize I was subconsciously focusing a lot on the facial anatomy and the detail added to the nose/lips/eyes, which then let me start working on those things independently. everytime I would draw I would try to focus extra hard on those things, trying to do what felt the best to me in every drawing. within a few months I already saw a lot of progress and I started feeling like my style resonated with me a lot more than it would have if I just tried copying ishida's style on its own!
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sorry if this isn't helpful, I do recognize that 'do what feels good' is kinda useless advice but skdjfhsdkj it really is what helped me improve the most -- watching countless tutorials, trying so hard to 'memorise' theory, trying to copy what I thought was 'correct' rather than what I felt was correct, all actually hindered my progress. form < feeling bby. what feeling do you get when you see the art you love and how can you attain that feeling?
if u need anything else my askbox is always open <3
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anantaru · 1 year
Hi bby!! How are you doin?? I feel like it's been way too long since I've spoken to you but everything in the world seems to be crashing down at me 🫠
I'm finally going to therapy, tho!! I've been asking my parents for YEARS, but I figured since I started a new job that I would just pay for it myself!! I'm actually nervous as this therapy would be helping with both my mental health and the gender dysphoria I've been having for the last like 2 years?
Anyway gotta go back to work I'll ttyl bby <3
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hello love 💕 omg i‘m so sorry i‘m the worst moot i always forget checking in as well because my blog mostly runs on queue n my schedule is so busy all the time 🥲
but i‘m so happy for you and i command you for taking this step yourself!! you‘re doing great 💕 going to therapy is certainly something that has helped many people and i hope everything goes well and you‘re able to work through everything that has been giving you a hard time 🩷 again, it‘s also so great you‘re paying for it yourself and really praise yourself on that !! you‘re doing so amazing 💕💕 my askbox is always open for you and i‘ll see you on dash 😏
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jb-nonsense · 2 years
ailura looks very graceful! looks can be deceiving tho, so i wanna know more about her. if you want to tell ofc
Asks me about my OCs Always
I am always down to talk about my characters and my askbox is always open to ramble about them (that's why I post screencaps, to lure people in).
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Ailura actually is graceful. Born in the year 2 ATC/3651 BBY, she was an acrobat before she became a Jedi, after all. She traveled around space with her two sisters performing at various entertainment venues before running into my Jedi (Meella Q'Arno) who could tell she was force sensitive and offered to train her as a Jedi. Ailura was like "cool I get a laser sword I'm down" so a bit unorthodox, but that's honestly how Meella is.
So! Ailura trains and becomes a Jedi Knight and joins the Alliance with her former master Meella Q'Arno. And in my core shipping set up, she meets a certain Cathar Sith (Panzar Kreeg) there who has a crush on her but doesn't know how to process crushing on a Jedi, but they eventually figure it out and will eventually just go off and do their own thing, leaving Sith and Jedi behind to find common ground and understanding.
She's very sassy, straight forward, and a bit of a eye rolling at the follow every single doctrine no matter what Jedi. She wasn't raised a Jedi so she brings a fresh perspective to the Order, even if it's only for a decade or so.
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littlenekosfan · 3 years
ok as promised, this will be hopefully short (lol its not) and not too redundant from what i already said before (bc god i talked about this scene too many times)
what exactly happened in this scene ?
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before we dive into it, we need to cover all the character’s background, most importantly jugram and bazz
jugram comes from an environment extremely poor in affection and socialization, he’s also living with an abusive guardian, this will greatly affect when he will meet bazz for the first time, but we do see him healing from that trauma (which was physical abuse, i dont want to suggest sexual abuse despite the uncle’s comment bc i dont think im comfortable to tackle this topic and it wont be useful in this post since, abuse is abuse) 
*healing in my definition doesnt mean trauma or any situation alike the initial trauma cant be triggered anymore, it can, the person just doesnt show signs of trauma on daily basis, they live “normally”  
bazz comes from a wealthy family, but his social circle seems to be very poor and he isnt the type to look for validation, especially from adults, he has a strong self esteem but he still needs some kind of attachment to someone, someone who can relate to him. he is also attentive and kind, he just doesnt show it like any kid would, he’s gonna hide it with some tough love
*note here, he is NOT egoistical, especially not at this age, and if anyone wants to prove this scene below as him being self centered, then you have problems, he even says it himself to jugram “ You’re not as hopeless as all that! Don’t worry yourself! --  オマエ言うほどショボクねーって!大丈夫大丈夫!-- You’re not as a hopeless as you say you are! Don’t worry, you’re fine!” (im not a fan of viz translation, but these are fan translation) all the pink i highlighted are him showing EMPATHY/SYMPATHY, he knows what’s going on and he HELPS him out, he cant get him out of this situation (which is completely understandable since he’s a kid) but he still helps him out, the bunny, the pin, him telling jugram to not listen to adults, these are all actions he took to say “hey, i know what’s going on and im not letting you down” he could have just met him once and left and if you think he helped jugram to build trust so he can “use him”  1. he never knew about the sharing power thing be he was a genius BEFORE meeting jugram 2. the way kubo drew these panel, the sudden glint in his eyes, his sudden change of behavior from loud and noisy to serious talk are all factors showing bazz being genuine about helping jugram 3. he’s a fucking child please 
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i didnt cover deeply their bg but i think that will be enough for the rest
after 5 years has passed, jugram and bazz grew stronger but also closer, we can see that with how jugram willfully followed bazz when their houses were burned down, how jugram trained the sword and bow to grow stronger to be on bazz level when it comes to the day of the plan, a plan of which they BOTH agreed to follow, not for the same motives but ill come back to that,, how jugram show so much worries about bazz when he wants to join the army (he even suggests to go home, they live together) now i see you saying, what about bazz? 
okay, for bazz its a bit more complicated bc his trauma isnt as visible bc he never healed/coped with it, and ill say that once, someone who wasnt able to cope/heal (in a healthy way) from trauma doesnt make them evil, they may do wrong things because of it, but that doesnt make them evil, im saying this bc bazz never realized trauma affected him during these 5 years by consuming him everyday not letting him accept and move on with his parent’s loss, and no, jugram wouldnt be able to help him to cope/heal bc he wasnt affected with the same kind of trauma, jugram wasnt hurt about his uncle’s loss like bazz with his parents
this scene is about bazz facing the reality about his situation, its true that jugram cant form a bow, and he tells us that he probably knows the reason of it, yet he doesnt tell jugram (cuz why the hell would he tell him he’s a “defective” quincy when he isnt sure, its just stories, and the fact they killed his kind? that’s just very upsetting and not good as motivator, its just not worth telling him, esp with his background)
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the biggest mistake these two made about the “whole yhwach killing” plan is never talking about it, they literally say they never “voiced their intention to kill yhwach” and this is a huge mistake bc not only they dont have the same intentions in this plan but they also didnt talk about all the possibilities they could face and what they would do, they just did “what felt right”
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bazz wanted to kill yhwach because he killed his parents, his village, his life, and this wound was so deep, it would never close unless yhwach was killed by HIS OWN HANDS, he always had the intention to do it himself (and before you catch me with the panel of him as a kid saying “lets (us) kill yhwach” to jugram, he assumed he would want to kill him too bc he lost his home, but jugram just asked if he needs to join
lets continue with jugram, jugram WILLFULLY joined bazz, bazz never said he needed him for the plan or he should join him, he just asks if he “needs” to join and at they end, they just sticked together since they are FRIENDS, they both were spared from the fire at the same time for a fucking reason, so yeah, jugram’s intention in the plan wasnt to kill yhwach for himself, it was to help bazz in killing yhwach bc this is what HIS friend wants, if that meant im helping bazz, if i get stronger, that i no longer live with my uncle, ill take it, jugram initially doesnt look so invested in joining bazz, that’s bc of his trauma due to his uncle, but i genuinely think he wanted to live with bazz, a friend, and later, his ambitions will start to tilt with personal conflict
NOW, bazz continue with his monologue facing the reality before him that jugram might not be strong enough to continue with the plan, yes, bazz is underestimating jugram but NOT with ill intent, he’s conflicted, he couldnt bring himself to abandon him for the plan, nothing says he would abandon him as a friend, if you want another line “i just couldnt bring myself to tell him to not continue with the plan with me but he trained so much.. i just cant” does that make more sense? (i just rewrote it my way, this isnt a translation of any kind) bazz wonders if jugram realized that bc that’s the reality, what they worked so hard for might not go as planned and despite jugram’s hard work, it might not be enough, knowing bazz dedicated his 5 last years of his life in training, he wasnt going to just call it a day and say “friendship is magic” and abandon his plan for his friend, he needs a wake up call to let it go... and he got it
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then we are getting the scene with hubert, bazz is stubborn bc his plan is right there, he felt ready, he wasnt going to let the occasion slip out, and this is why he doesnt listen to jugram at all despite his worries, jugram is so hesitant and worried bc he isnt ready, he doesnt want to get into trouble, jugram genuinely cares about bazz
and NOW we can talk about “the scene”
after yhwach crushes everyone with his reiatsu, bazz (and hubert) is literally the only one being able to raise his head, you know what this means? he was gifted from the beginning, and also his sheer fucking will to grab yhwach’s attention despite his monstrous strength shows us how bazz was ready to give his everything in the heat of the moment
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here, that’s one key moment, bazz sees jugram not affected at ALL by yhwach, which makes no sense since bazz knows he’s “a better quincy” jugram (objectively) but also, yhwach picks jugram, he even knows his name, which begs the question
did yhwach saw the event of this scene and acted according to it? id say yes with how he knows his name immediately, but that also helps him in knowing what words to pick to make jugram side with him, separating him from his friend
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so here, yhwach gives jugram the role of “adviser/right hand” whatever, its the position they were aiming, jugram knows the importance of this role, so he recalls all his training and hard work, and even for him it shocks him bc he never envisaged to be picked, to go this far about the plan, taking it would be selfish, not sure what to do, he turns back to bazz to ask him what to do, bc afterall, this revenge plan isnt his, its bazz’, jugram is just helping 
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and we get this painful page... i will go over the visuals of this panel (i did it in my friend narration post) but this is the second key moment, the misunderstood hate. jugram seeked advice from his friend, what should i do next? and he is met with a glare which he doesnt understand the meaning, bazz here doesnt feel hate, he feels resentment because this isnt what was supposed to happen
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and here he confirms it was a two people thing (he says WE in all translations) and if it was just going to be one, it would be HIM, bc its HIS revenge, HES the one who lost everything, its only fair to him to be bitter about not being picked especially when he’s the genius among other quincies, getting closer to yhwach was to get his intention, to be strong, strong enough to be his right hand, little did bazz know, yhwach was looking for something else completely... that’s why he says he had the talent and jugram didnt, its true, he was powerless, and if it had to be just one, it would be bazz, but they never talked about it, they never planned the possibilities, thus the gaze exchange with so much confusion and hurt feelings
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jugram mistook bazz anger for resentment toward him, which isnt the case given what bazz thinks but jugram cant tell, he asks “why, why arent you happy for me?” bc he thinks this is going according to the plan, jugram IS getting closer, but not in what bazz had planned, if jugram was taken, what about bazz? would he ever get the chance to kill him??? ofc he’s angry, this is his place and its stolen by his friend
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now jugram tries to tell yhwach he should pick bazz bc he’s much better than him, but after to many rereadings, im not sure what feeling bazz is expressing here, jugram shows uncertainty but lots of guilt, he knows he’s doing bazz wrong if he took the position, so he tries to fix his mistakes (which isnt btw blame it all on yhwach lmao)  and bazz... i dont know, i dont know why he would grind his teeth over that, its like if he was irked, i would expect an emotion of surprise but with a hint of pain, but feel free to tell him what you think
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so here, we can see jugram’s emotion change, yhwach explains to him is “true power” what he truly is as a quincy, he isnt a defective one, he’s unique and needed, and this reaches jugram personally bc this was his personal conflict, he struggled very much with the fact he’s a quincy but cant be a “good” one... it always bothered him bc despite the hard work and desire to belong, he just couldnt... and yhwach gives him what bazz couldnt, a value to his quincy heritage (and no, bazz couldnt do that, i just stated before that people like jugram were killed for being “defective”)
i like how the next panel we dont see jugram’s face bc it shows we lost him, he’s as shocked as we are but his mind just isnt with us (the readers, but also as bazz) he’s completely taken by yhwach bc he said the words he needed to hear
then we have bazz’ inner thoughts that explains to us all the little elements mentioned before and how it makes sense jugram is the chosen one, 
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now we’re around key moment no3, yhwach framing bazz having used jugram for his own profit WHICH ISNT TRUE... yes he may have felt it, but he could have never guessed it that it was because of jugram, he didnt have a single information about the exceptional quincies except how they were killed as kids, that’s it, bazz knew he was a prodigy and he was training this whole time, ofc he would grow stronger, because of jugram? yes, that’s a FACTOR among others. 
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this face shows nothing but shock, he clearly didnt know, saying he used or abused jugram is just not reading the manga, im not sorry
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and this continues the key moment no3, he confirms the framing making bazz the betrayer in this scene when he literally did nothing wrong, and jugram believes him not because he’s naive but because it makes sense, he knows bazz wants to kill yhwach, that he’d do a lot achieve this goal, to think his own friend who go this far? its possible, and i dont blame him, esp with how they never talked about the plan and their ambitions... 
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jugram still in shock that his own friend betrayed him, yhwach pats his head and tells him ”i need you”, these signs of affection and how he gave him a position where he can be accepted as a quincy right after he was abandoned was the perfect moment to just take him on his side
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key moment no4. the trauma, now i know, i havent mentionned that word much during the scene, but ill do now so you understand how this is a traumatic experience for both of them, here we have the clear change of position for both characters but also their relationship, friend becomes end... jugram by willfully defending yhwach with barehand shows he no longer is friend with bazz and has sided with yhwach bc yhwach valued him, he wasnt going to lose that, - bazz is completely broken with his friend action, the fact he defended his very own nemesis, this was is enough to traumatize him 
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now, about the traumas, we’re gonna go with bazz since its more present here (where jugram its more in his younger age) bazz has been consumed with vengeance for the past 5 years never being about to move on from and when the occasion is given, he takes it without thinking twice, yhwach didnt scare him, he was ready to give his everything, but he’s surprised with jugram being chosen rather than him, angry at the situation, he glares at jugram and before yhwach reconsider, he’s being told he USED his friend during this whole time and all his work was just stolen from him, he snaps and tries to kill yhwach for good, only for his friend to betray him... bazz’ action are very mcuh justified especially as a kid, he’s not perfect, his persona is nothing like ju, he acted very ic in this scene, yet it still broke him for the strong self-esteem he has. everything he had, was burned by yhwach, and now, his only friend, was once again taken way from him and the cut is deeper than before... so deep that he doesnt even think about his parent revenge anymore.. only jugram
for jugram, very uncertain about this whole killing yhwach thing, he tries to not engage until he’s forced into the situation, yhwach picks him but he seeks bazz’ advice since this isnt about him, where he’s only met with a glare... yet, he doesnt stop, he tries to continue with the plan until yhwach tells him he’s a “good” quincy which touches jugram personally, and to get rid of bazz, yhwach frames him as a betrayer, at this point, jugram is under the shock with the army, bazz’ negative reaction, a man telling him he’s a good quincy, that his friend betrayed him, this is a lot for jugram, he’s so underpressure and snaps, so uncertain from what he should do, he picks the safest side which yhwach perfectly made himself to be. it wasnt the right choice, it was the “right” (safest) choice to make under a traumatizing experience
we later see how jugram reflects this very scene of him being told he’s yhwach’s other half as a regret bc he couldnt weight the good and bad, which one he should go for, and its totally understandable for his young age, very little life experience and the stressful situation he was put under...
i couldnt plug this anywhere but it really breaks my heart to realize how bazz’ told jugram to not listen to adults... 
this was much longer than planned but i hope it clarifies what this scene shows us in terms of effects from trauma on a kid
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parkeraul · 5 years
I’m sorry for showing up with my negativity but I went to the dictator y basically my body is disgusting and like I was already aware of my weigh but the way she said it and poked my tummy... like bye I don’t want to go out and now I know why no boy likes me. And I don’t have anyone else to tell it to
okay wait this bitch did WHAT?
darling, first of all, don’t apologise because i welcome every kind of message as long it ain’t offensive!
secondly: i won’t even start on the cliche of “love your body” because we both know this isn’t an easy job. i still struggle with my body, for example, but in other terms. but what i can tell you is that you don’t have to force yourself this concept of just simply loving your body like it’s an easy task — but what i can tell you is to slowly turn off these comments from other people, because they won’t help you in the way you’d like. they’ll help you build a thicker skin, become stronger but your body is your business and no one else’s. i totally know how hard it is to ignore people’s opinions and harsh critiques on our appearances, but your body is your home. you’re stuck with it forever. start to study who should be allowed to come in, how you should take care of it and feel free to change the colour of the walls, the position of the furniture. it’s a stupid metaphor, and you don’t have to live by that because you know what’s best for you, but this is how i learned how to slowly block these unnecessary and unasked opinions (i still struggle with it), and every step is a good step, a great and big one.
i don’t know you but i don’t say this just for saying: you are beautiful. you don’t need to fit in these specific patterns related to beauty to be accepted. sit down and think to yourself what’s the best way to live happily with yourself, or comfortable with who you are. it’s not a marvellous and pretty experience in general — it’s gonna hurt, it’s gonna be tough, it’s gonna mark your memories somehow. but when it comes to recognise how much you are worthy, how much you should take care of yourself (because if you don’t, no ones gonna do this for you)... it’s a whole new journey, a healthier one.
i am rooting for you, and i’m sorry if i said something silly! but i truly believe you’ll end up succeeding at some point. you are beautiful and you are loved, okay? don’t let these hoes tell you what to do, kill them with kindness 😌
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sweetjekyll · 3 years
Aphrodisiac Connoisseurs — Bang Yongguk
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pairing: Bang Yongguk (BAP) x Reader
genre: one-shot, love at first sight, some light smut with a dash of fluff rating: 18+. IF you are not of legal adult age, please do not under any circumstances read this work as it is not meant for underage readers. chapter warnings: heavily implied SMUT even though it’s nothing graphic, sexual content, alcohol consumption (Please read carefully the warning tags in the masterlist and those at the beginning of each new work of fiction to avoid any unpleasant misunderstandings.) word count: roughly 1k+
↳ Main Masterlist
A/N: this is for my babyz out there and those who would just love to savor some wine with our one and only Bang Yongguk <3 and for @vivaoh​, I hope you like it bby 🥰
⟶ To my dear readers: feedback is highly encouraged and important! as it gives me motivation to write with more passion, knowing that you like what you are reading. Please LIKE and REBLOG so more people can find this and read it. ❤ My askbox is always open for questions or to chat ❤
Enjoy! ❤
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A glass of a deep red wine sat comfortably in your right hand, rolling the liquid slowly by tilting the stem of the glass between your fingers; you lazily stared as it oscillated a couple of times and then decided to bring it closer to your nose, taking a quick whiff and then licked your lips in anticipation for its taste. It smelled of sweet grapes, yet it tasted rather acid and made you scrunch your nose.
You eyes went quickly back to look at the liquid after you moved away the glass, but as you pondered whether you should just leave your second glass on the counter and call it a night, your pupils caught sight of a dark haired man grinning softly towards your way. Were you tipsy and possibly imagining things? Well, it was a possibility indeed, but in an inebriated state of mind you felt a sense of boldness and grinned back, tilting your glass towards the handsome stranger for a silent toast. He reciprocated the gesture and held your eye contact as you both took a sip from your respective glasses of wine. You weren’t sure if the warmth inside your chest came from the Merlot or the brief exchange of intriguing glances.
“Huh, how interesting,” you thought in an attempt to distract yourself from the lingering feeling of the handsome man’s attention on you, you eyes scanned the few patrons of the bar you found yourself at on a lonely weekend night. It was quiet despite the radio playing a soft jazzy tune, and you preferred it that way. It was a rare occasion to be able to enjoy such a peaceful night after long hours of work almost every day of the week, your friends had other things to do and you didn’t have a significant other to keep you company either… Not that it mattered, you were perfectly content enjoying your solitude in that moment.
“Hi.” Your hazy train of thoughts was quickly put on a halt as soon a velvety and deep voice reached your ears. He had your full attention, pupils dilated and nose flaring as you took in the wild musk scent of his cologne, a cozy black cardigan enveloped his body as a chest tattoo picked from behind the collar of a white t-shirt. Not really the kind of guy you would expect to be solo and drinking wine out on the weekend. But then again, it’s not like you were wearing a cocktail dress or something else that was fancy; a pair of jeans and a turtleneck were just fine for drinking wine by yourself… or in company.
And you could’ve sworn you stopped breathing the moment you saw him up-close, feeling warmth pool in other parts of your body too. “Hi,” you couldn’t help but smile back at how friendly yet shy he sounded and looked, black wavy hair brushing against his eyelashes.
“I saw you sitting alone from across the bar and I thought I should keep you some company, if that’s alright with you?” You don’t think you’ve ever heard a man speak with such a baritone voice, and it was pleasant to listen to. You weren’t really planning to spend the night with anybody, in fact, you had turned away the advances of others, but this guy gave you a good feeling. Yeah, you were definitely sober enough to acknowledge that, but still tipsy enough to think “what the heck, let’s do it!”. You simply nodded, smile slowly growing bigger as you watched him place his glass of wine on the counter and pull the stool towards him so he could sit next to you, leaving some room so that he wasn’t too close either. “I’m Yongguk.”
“Nice to meet you, Yongguk.” You introduced yourself as well and again tilted your glass towards him. “So, what are you drinking tonight?” You asked him a simple question to make for some conversation, not many people are wine enthusiasts like yourself.
“Pinot Noir.” He furrowed his brows slightly as he looked at his glass, picked it up and gave it a light swirl before inhaling the aroma. “I believe the label on the bottle said France.” He ran one of his hands through his wavy locks of black hair, then looked back at you with a glimmer in his eyes. “What about you, mademoiselle?”
“Merlot, I believe the label said Italy.” There was a moment of silence where you couldn’t take your eyes off of each other’s, breath caught in your lungs with your lips parted because you were too stunned by his aura to speak… and this time you knew that the warmth inside your chest wasn’t from the wine.
It wasn’t long before you abandoned the empty glasses on the old, wooden bar counter and made your way to his place, chanting his name like a mantra until the early hours of the morning. Soft lips and gentle hands soon started exploring your body’s every curve, making you moan and melt at every touch. Both of your senses were heightened from the aphrodisiac nectar you shared and little to no words were needed to know that there was something that just drew you in like magnets.
The way Yongguk had you writhing in his bed made you ask for more and he always gave it to you, like a reward for taking him so high and holding him there for as long as he needed it. By the morning the tips of his fingers were drawing imaginary constellations on your back, following invisible lines from one mole to the next one, making you squirm and giggle until you were finally awake in the arms of a man you never wanted to let go of. A youthful smile you were sure would give you butterflies every time you looked at him for more days to come.
And he felt the exact same way. He felt it from the moment you looked back at him in that dim, old bar, he just knew you were meant to meet and be together like a puzzle piece… Not that any of you could explain it with any sort of coherent logic, you just both knew.
Oh, wine… What a powerful aphrodisiac.
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haikyuuwriting · 4 years
omg the freetime/hobbies hcs were very cute ;-; would it be alright to have sum ushijima, oikawa, and any of your fave hq bbys? 🥺 (stay safe where u are 🙆🏻‍♀️❤ have a great day luv u) -👑
(referring to this) hi crown anon! i hope you are staying safe and please have a great day as well <3 wrote this while taking a break from studying - this is my last week of tests and projects and then it’s summer!!! anyway i hope you like these i love writing things like this thanks so much for sending it in!!!
askbox is open, please read the rules before sending anything in!
i’ve said this before but i feel like he loves to bake?? bake or cook either one but he probably owns an apron gifted to him by tendou that he uses whenever he’s in the kitchen and he owns like six cookbooks and watches baking shows and cooking shows too
to add onto that he grows a lot of his own food, like veggies and things like that. probably keeps his tomato plants in his room sometimes and probably read to them at one point because he watched a video on that
he likes to read in his free time, and he isn’t too picky about what genre, but he likes reading classic books the most or even mystery/thrillers since he’s good at figuring them out
watches the news when he gets up early in the mornings while he eats his breakfast. then he goes for a run or exercises afterwards, and sometimes he’ll watch the news again in the evening. he didn’t think it was weird until he tried to talk to someone about a current event and they gave him a funny look when he asked if they watched or read the news
grows chia pets. he got one for his birthday as a kid and it stemmed into his part time side hobby. he only has a few in his room since he doesn’t want too many but he likes watching them grow and he takes good care of them
he also loves making his own coffee. probably wanted to work at starbucks at one point so he watched a ton of coffee youtube videos and ended up leaning how to make a lot at home.
he also probably learns a skill when he has nothing else to do. (trying) to learn a new language, learning how to knit, sew, make your own toothpaste. this is why he knows some random phrases in other languages or knows how to do random things
he’s probably the glasses wearer that periodically cleans his classes or maybe even washes them every morning or keeps the little cleaning cloth with him at all times. uses the case they originally came in. forgets where he put them sometimes but they’re always just sitting on his head
definitely either has a pet cat or fishes or both. takes incredibly good care of them and trains his cat to not eat the fishes but just sit there and stare at them through the aquarium glass. names each of his fishes and can tell them all apart regardless of whether or not they look alike
probably went through a space phase that never fully went away and it shows a bit when you walk into his room. he’s got astronomy books in his bookcase and has a small map of the solar system by his bed. watches documentaries on space as procrastination for not doing his homework
he taught himself how to play the piano one summer, since they have one in his house that his mom used to play for him a lot as a kid. so he quickly picked it up and he plays it from time to time
he likes to clean a lot since he thinks its therapeutic. same goes for organizing things. if his rooms a mess it doesn’t stress him out, it’s an excuse to take a break and put everything back into its correct place and just exist for a bit
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light679 · 3 years
2, 11, 16 pls miss light
ahhhh thank you for the ask @champion-prism :3 (my askbox did a weird thing and is telling me to either post or edit, idk what's up with that lol)
Answers under the cut
2: What would you name your future kids?
Hmmm this is a tough one. I like the name Christopher, although I'm not really sure why. And I've always liked the name Katherine? I feel like both of those names are a little outdated so Idk 😬But as of now, one of those. I plan to adopt a smol bby later on and then foster kids mostly, so it's possible I may not ever really have to name a kid? Maybe that's for the best, I'm terrible at naming anything lol.
11: Are you listening to music right now?
Ooh good question! I usually listen to music! Currently, I'm in my boyfriends' office area (our living room lol), so I'm just vibing to the electronic stuff he has on. Definitely open to music suggestions though when I go hide in the bedroom and listen to my own because everything I listen to now no longer sounds like seratonin lol.
16: have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn't?
Actually, I'm awful at keeping my mouth shut. I live in constant fear of 'what if', so I usually am pretty open about something that's on my mind, even if it takes a little bit to work up to. I used to be notorious for telling guys how I felt about them before being with my boyfriend lol. I'd get turned down a lot, but I also put myself out there a lot so hey 🤷‍♀️ not a surprise there lol. But I've never really had to wonder the 'what if' I had told them because I always have? Lol. Same thing for when something's bothering me, I usually tell people respectfully what I'm thinking. I guess maaaybe I wish I told people how much I appreciate them more? But also, I feel like I've never not told anyone how much they mean to me, I just don't repeat it enough ig?
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
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✦ masterlist ✦ library ✦ fic recs ✦ ao3 ✦ fiverr ✦
✨if you do not have an age range/indication you are not a minor you will be b l o c k e d✨
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the current state of affairs:
✦ strawberry wine - joel miller x ofc!liv stone, ongoing, masterlist / read on ao3 / strawberry wine tag
✦ rebel suns - cassian andor x fem!reader, currently on hiatus, masterlist
✦ uncharted territory - din djarin x mechanic!fem reader - my most popular oneshot 🤍
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I do not have a taglist! follow @friskito-library and turn on notifications to be updated on my latest shenanigans!
requests are currently ✨closed✨
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I love new friends! my askbox is always open if you wanna talk fixations and crushes, fic thots and ideas (and conspiracy theories about my fics truly make my heart soar!) or pretty much anything in general! come say hi bbys! 🤍
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Hi all, I know I my take some time writing requests, and I knwo there's some from August still in my inbox, and I know that opening up the box for new things while not finishing the older ones yet might frustrate some people.
But I want to promise everyone that everything will be written eventually, and all the events and new requests usually make it easier for me to get back in my writing groove!
Can't tell which things I will prioritize and how fast your request will be out, but once i accept it, it WILL get written I promise ♡
And I have been trying to get some of the oldies out the past few days (with some success). Scenarios will have to wait till january probably because I have been working on the holiday ones first ♡
And finally, thank you all for the wonderful interactions and accommodating wonderful conversations today! I had lovely anons and non anons and it really made my day and warmed my heart!
Sending you all many smooches and please know that my inbox and askbox are always open if you just want to talk! (Im just a slow, busy or anxious bby sometimes, but i wont ignore anyone)
Goodnight ♡♡
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stiles-o-dylan24 · 4 years
hi, bby! just wanted to pop in and see how you're doing. just got a few questions here for ya; are we okay? are we taking care of ourselves? are we not rushing anything? my dm's and askbox are always open if you just wanna pop in and talk. love you, babe 💜
🥺 I love you, bby! I’m doing ok, I’m taking care of myself and I’m not stressing like I was a week ago or feeling like I need to rush anything after talking to you guys, so THANK YOU. 🥰 you really know how to make a girl feel loved!💛
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alias-b · 4 years
Bbys, so chances are I’ll probs break from posting new chapters for my long fics until after the new year!! Just so I can chill & write at my leisure with the holidays coming. Enjoy the new SOMY && I’ll be around a lot for my usual chatter. Askbox is always open too!! xoxo 🐝🐝
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osamusriceballs · 4 years
Good day!~ \(^*^)/ Oh, I'm so glad to see you here, I so miss you! Thank you very much for your kind words!~ You made me so happy! Did you read ranobe "Foxes New year" about Inarizaki? There are summary In English on tumblr. After I read that, I thought that I want to read something about Inarizaki and their manager New Year. x) Oh, I need help, It's too soft! O! And I'm waiting for new season about Inarizaki too much! And what about you? - Tilli (part 1)
I want to reveal another secret: some of another Inarizaki requests are mine too (*embarrassed* it's a lot... please, forgive me! don't hate me! >.<). I was waiting for opening your askbox a long time and just want to send you my ideas~ I can't, I love your writing and Inarizaki boys so much. And I feel more than happy, because some of my ideas'll become series. But I've no idea about paring in the end. Who is this lucky person? x) - Tilli (part 2)
O, it's a great news!~ I'm waiting for a new part about White day! And... "something bigger"? Poor y/n-chan. Hope, It isn't ugly life-size chocolate y/n figure. x) And don't worry, because your Aran's great. I think that he's a precious tall, but rather shy bean like Asahi and also cool but sometimes awkward gentleman. Have a nice day!~ Hope, you'll answer me~ And sorry, my asks are too big... - Tilli (part 3)
I swear everyone, my attention span is like 5 seconds- I have so many DM‘s I need to answer and so many asks and PLS DON‘T GET ME STARTED ON KINKTOBER- but I actually love being busy hehe~ so watch me slowly answering everyone- starting tonight ✊🏻
AND TILLI!! I THINK I SAW A MANGA LIKE THAT- when Atsumu and Osamu get some idk fortune papers? And Atsumu is not lucky at all 😭😂💖 POOR BBY 😫 but so funny omg, I laughed so hard 😂😂💖
YOU SEND EVEN MORE OMG- BUT IT‘S OKAY, you have amazing ideas!! - can’t wait to write them!! 🥺 and chances are high that you could guess the pairing, if a certain ask is from you 🤔 not sure if it was yours, but if it was, it‘s a secret between us now hehe~
And don‘t be sorry for sending request, NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR SENDING ME IDEAS!! It makes me happy to know that you trust me enough to share your ideas- and I always have so much fun writing!! So thank you so much for this I could cry 😭😭💖💖
Thank you so much Tilli 🥺💖 I swear, I feel so much better about my writings because you’re here 🥺 I’ll work hard to post the other parts soon!! 💖💖
Hope you have a relaxed weekend!! 💖💖 and get some sleep pls 🥺💖
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