#my best girl needs more goo in her life
bluerosefox · 2 months
Guys I came up with a new DPxDC AU where we get Deaged!Dani(Ellie), Mom!Cass, and Dad!Danny.
"Cass... Are you sure you want to do this?" Tim asked one more time before he would put the last code in. He knew she was sure, more than willing to deal with it but he just needed one more confirmation before they all started what couldn't be stopped.
Cass stared at Tim, her face straight and her eyes firm without a hint of doubt. She nodded in his direction, despite the growing nervousness in her stomach for a second even with Stephanie squeezed her hand in reassurance and support.
Cass turned her gaze to the little girl, no older than thirteen, suspended in a tank full of green glowing goo and asleep. Her vitals showing up on screens near the tank coming from the wires that were hooked up to her inside the tank.
She said her name was Danielle Masters but had also said she wouldn't mind a new name once she was no longer just a clone but instead Cass's new daughter. She had only asked to include her 'dad', a Danny Fenton/Phantom, in her future naming decision too
Cass took a breath and said softly but determined "Save her."
Tim nodded back and entered the final code into the computer.
Cass, while in Hong Kong, finds a destabilizing Dani.
Cass see's the desperation and fear Dani is in and helps as best as she can.
She manages to help but they both seem to know the next time this happens will be Dani's last.
Dani is very, very sick at this point and needs help even standing up.
Cass see's and remembers herself at this age and wants to help.
They do become friends and learn each other backstories
Cass goes to the one person she knows who might to be able to help with the destabilizing clone problem.
Tim, Tim is that person. (Because he's friends with Conner, and no doubt knows Conner's DNA and how it works, AND the fact he tried his hand at the whole cloning thing.... Tim told Cass everything once things settled down after his BruceQuest was done)
They fill him in on what is happening and he starts helping, mostly cause Cass asked and because "Clone rights!" (side note, he asked if its okay to tell Conner, when yes, Conner comes over and chats with Dani the entire time whenever he has free time) (the image of Conner sitting at her bedside as they chat is in my head btw)
Tim finds out the reason Dani is destabilizing so badly is because she's not 'complete', she needs a female donor technically because she's female not male (unlike Conner who is stable because he is male with male donors)
They find out that after trying to see of ways to save her that Cass was the closest that could donate her DNA (they also discover there might be a connection between ectoplasm and the Pits, they don't wanna run the risk of asking a LOA member) (If I remember right Cass grew around the Pits for a while and was even tossed in them after a fight with Shiva)
Tim also brings them news that Danielle's body is rapidly destabilizing due to her body/hormones trying to 'mature' her since she is at that age and she has less than a week.
Everyone knows there is no time to think of trying to save her in any other ways.
Tim says that if they do this, they have to technically 'remake' her body to the actual age she is (a couple months old/a few years old? Depends on the writer) and there was a high chance of her not remembering her old self. That the male DNA in her, the one that seemed to be the most is Daniel 'Danny' Fenton's DNA will be considered father DNA and if Cass does this, her's will be the mother DNA. (Vlad's DNA, because he would try to put his own in, would be 'pushed out')
Cass would become Dani's mother.
Both Cass and Dani talk about it.
Cass wants to help her, she had become friends with Dani and loves her like a little sister already but will try to love her as a daughter as well.
Dani wants to live an actual life.
They agree to it.
Tim sets everything up, Conner is helping around/keeping Dani comfortable/happy.
Cass told Steph and Babs whats happening and they're helping/being supportive once they find out everything.
Meanwhile Tim and Babs has Dick, and Damian go to Amity Park to find out whats happening there/bring Danny to her so they can explain what happened to Dani. (Dick and Damian have no clue why just yet but will find out when they get back, but oh boy is Amity a mess between the GIW, ecto-acts, crazy fruitloop mayor/villain ghost, and other stuff)
Cass and Tim tell Jason and he's helping Alfred (who basically already knows) set up a room for the newest arrival. Jason is gonna stick around if to just see Bruce's face when he gets called a 'grandpa' for the first time.
Duke takes this all in stride when told and just goes along with things now because this is life with the Batfam. He also helps with the room and keeping Dani company until the day.
Bruce was on a space mission thus comes home to find a new group of teens with his kids. One (with black hair and violet/purple eyes) is talking about a purple back gorillas with Damian and swapping vegan recipes, another (wearing a red beanie and has glasses) is getting into tech talk with Tim and Babs, a girl with red hair is talking classic books with Jason and giving Duke advice with school and stress, and another boy (one who could pass as one of his own adopted kids) is cracking jokes/puns with Dick, and telling Steph stories about his Rogues(!?).
Bruce isn't ready when Cass comes up behind him, nearly dancing in her spot and hands him something.
He is given a baby/toddler that looks like Cass but had darker hair and bright blue eyes.
He almost faints when Cass signs to him that he's holding his granddaughter, her baby.
He does faint when Cass notices the signs and takes her baby back before he falls over.
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 2 months
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"When I read the episode, I was so excited to be involved in that trippy dream sequence."
"I was hoping that I was going to arise from a lake of goo or something, or fly."
"But I was also really happy to stand there and talk."
"That was really exciting because we did that all in a green screen stage, just me and Matt, so it was really cool."
"I watched the last episode last night, and it was really cool to see all of that come to life."
"I was very pleased to be involved in that."
"My other thought was if she feels this kind of clarity in that scene that she has with Aemond, and that isn't historically how she's felt about her power and everything."
I needed to work backwards from there and try and work out what journey she has been on, for that moment to be so clear, when usually she's a bit more like, "Oh, there's a beast somewhere."
"Actually, Ryan and [writer] Sara [Hess] and the writers, they very much left it to me as to how Helaena feels, how she connects to that side of it, and how it manifests for her, but it's an interesting one."
"The line between what I know and what she knows, I try and keep quite close together, so it's not always so helpful for me to have this really overarching idea of how exactly she plays in and what magic it is."
"Because I think every time when that happens to her, it feels like the first time."
"So I know as much as she does, in a way, but they were very keen for me to interpret it however I want."
"Then I think they're just going to weave it into the story in their magical way."
"How I describe it is she has this amazingly strong intuition, and things come to her as gut feelings in flashes, but they're not always clear."
"She can't always turn them into advice."
"It's more of like a feeling that takes her over."
"That's where some of those really abstract things that she mutters earlier on comes from, but she also thinks of herself and knows of herself that she's quite a strange girl."
"There's a way in which her family lets her go and be her strangeness in her room and do all of her Helaena things."
But also she partially thinks, "Maybe if I didn't have these weird feelings or this strange intuition or this really intense experience that I have, then I could be a bit closer to people around me, or I could communicate better or it would be less strange."
"Part of her represses that stuff."
"Then I think with the trauma that happened to her in episode 1, essentially the worst possible thing happened, and there's a certain amount of dissociation and almost like a letting go of that, like trying her best to be the same as everyone else."
She has disassociated from the family reality, and maybe she has stepped in a little bit more to the other place, and she has more access because she's gone, "I can't abandon myself as well, so what is this?"
"She's given it the attention and the intensity it needed."
"It's really fun."
"I know that people feel so passionately and lovingly towards the original story, but I think that me, as a fan of things, I love a certain level of loyalty."
"Then I love the idea that I can be surprised or something could be subverted."
"It more flatters the audience's intelligence when you get to surprise them and subvert things, so I like the idea that people didn't see that coming for Helaena."
"Obviously, I can't watch the show as an impartial person."
"[Laughs] I'd be like a psychopath, yeah."
"The thing is that I really have absolutely no idea what's happening next season."
"I think that moment in episode 8 is an example of how clear and how powerful she can be, but I don't think that's the beginning of now she can just communicate like that."
"I wouldn't be surprised if she walks away from Aemond, [mimes shaking her head and shoulders and blows out a breath], and she goes inside and goes to her room and that doesn't happen again for a long time."
"So who knows, but it would be really cool if I got to spend more time in that vision dream world."
"I would love that."
"There's that moment when Daemon's going over to the tree, and then there's a guy with a deer head or something."
"I think Helaena should hang out with him."
"Yeah, exactly."
"That's what I want for the next season."
"Yeah, I think it's fun because it's essentially development, which is what you always hope for when you play someone."
"I just really hope that there's momentum from this, that we see her change more and more and keep on being surprising."
"It was fun."
We were there on the green screen going like, 'What the hell is this going to look like?'
"But it's great to do work with the people from the other team because at this point the relationships are so bad that you're really only going to get Helaena and Daemon together in a vision."
"They're probably not going to be having lunch together anytime soon."
"[Laughs] I'd love to go and hang out with Harry Collett and Bethany Antonia and Phoebe Campbell next time."
"I'd like to go and hang out with Alys Rivers [Gayle Rankin], all the people that live in different castles."
"Maybe I could meet them in dreams."
"That would be really good."
"It'd be like ... did you ever play Club Penguin?"
"It could be Club Penguin."
It's like, "Meet me here at 3 p.m. by the igloo."
That'd be so fun if Helaena could just be like, "Let's go and hang out in dreams. Go and touch the tree, and I'll be there."
"No, I don't think so."
It's all so intense for her and so immediate that I don't think she even is always like, "I have this overarching understanding of the story."
"I think it comes to her in moments."
"Maybe it muddies the water more, but I feel like that whole dream stuff is up for interpretation as well from the audience."
"How much is she a projection of his guilt, or how much did he just need to hear that from someone?"
"It's this magical realm, so anything could be possible."
"Maybe that's something that she could say in a moment, and then she's gone from there again, and it's just like she was just being channeled through."
"Who knows? Maybe we'll find out more."
I think to her it's just, 'This is my really intense experience of being alive,' and that's enough self-analysis for anyone in that moment.
It's like, "What am I going through?"
"And then there's this clarity."
"She's got a lot to process this season."
"Bless her."
It's really fun to work with Ewan — yet again, I'm answering the question in an annoying way because I'm like, "I just like working with those people!"
"[Laughs] That was really cool."
"God, this is really the first time... it's the most eye-contact she's ever made in both seasons."
And she's really going like, "Don't fuck with me."
Basically, "Because I have this knowledge that's on a higher realm and I cannot and will not go and kill people for male ego and toxicity."
That's the other funny thing with this family: Yes, he's the Prince Regent or whatever, and her husband/brother is the King.
But actually to each other it's like, "You're my brother and you can push me and you can push me, but I know you."
"That is more about a sibling dynamic."
"Actually, I think that Aemond ironically is one of the people that Helaena feels she can communicate with a little bit better."
"They have this sort of affinity."
"It's just fun to play with those dynamics because she doesn't have a lot of long chats with anyone, so it's fun for me."
"Exactly, and they don't really answer back."
"This is very new and very overwhelming."
"Yeah! It's House of the Dragon, and I've got a dragon, and I haven't got on it."
"I'm rusty."
"I really wanted to get on the dragon."
"I went and watched a few people on the buck this season, and I was so jealous."
"I'd really love to get on the dragon, or at least have a scene with Dreamfyre."
"Dreamfyre, like Vhagar, she's super ancient and big and cool."
"I'd like to see Helaena and Dreamfyre having a sort of spiritual connection, but I'm not complaining."
"I'm just happy to be here."
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vettelsdarling · 9 months
𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐞
Lissie note… Here’s the second winner of the poll. I stupidly duplicated him💀 but just tallied those numbers together. Also yes, I’m trying out new layouts rn so please lmk if this looks great or not<3
Summary: A photographer from the heart of NYC has been in a low-key relationship with Lando Norris for a while now…
Things to note:
Reader is a menace tbh
Lando and reader are separated by 2 yrs
Reader is a known photographer (just not famous yk)
Pairing: Lando Norris x Photographer!Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Playlist recommendations: 𝐋𝐍𝟒, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟💗
Taglist: @drugged-kitkat, @ophcelia, @darleneslane, @allwaysalleyway, @littlesatanicassholebitch
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Liked by yourbestfriend and 253 others
yourusername What a great day to change my pfp on my Twitter😮‍💨
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yourbestfriend Isn’t that the camera I got you last Christmas?
yourusername Merry Christmas ig
yourbestfriend The enthusiasm🥰
yourbestfriend Nah now it doesn’t feel genuine😒
Liked by yourusername
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Liked by maxverstappen1 and 847,733 others
Tagged: yourusername, mclaren
landonorris What’s up 2023?🧡
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user1 The photos are better this year wtf😮‍💨
user2 He looks amazing regardless
yourusername Ty for the tag, great working w/ you
Liked by landonorris
user4 Ty for blessing Lando’s face
user5 She’s a magician with a camera😩
user6 Danny isn’t racing this yr right?😞
user7 Yeah he isn’t😭😭😭
user9 I’m manifesting🫡
user10 Actually so delulu I made a mood board consisting ONLY of Lando😃
user11 At least you’re self aware💀
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Liked by yourbestfriend, landonorris and 373 others
Tagged: landonorris, mclaren
yourusername Tbh I feel kinda bad for knowing next to NOTHING abt f1 but I’ll just do my job and whatever to pay rent in New York🤡 Last resort is the pole (not position😞)
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yourbestfriend 💀
yourusername Are you implying I wouldn’t be a great pole dancer?🤨
yourbestfriend Honestly? Yeah🥰
yourusername Bitch.
landonorris I didn’t even realize you’d take this many pics
yourusername Welcome to your new life (I sound and look like a fucking stalker rn wtaf)
yourusername Surprise!!😻
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Liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and 1,194,290 others
Tagged: yourusername
landonorris Checking out the credentials🤨
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yourusername At least I’m better than you🥰
landonorris You make a fair point… it’s your job😒
user1 Bffr rn😭
user2 Wdym? it’s his designated photographer. I think she’s a part of the team cause McLaren hired her
user1 Wait really?
user2 …yeah💀
user3 The way I love this new photographer😩
user4 Yeah she’s good. She’s well known in the photography world as one of the best in nyc
user3 Wtf that’s such an honor
user5 IS THAT HER??? 10 bucks they’re dating but not telling us
user6 Nah that’s too quick💀 They JUST hired her like this year.
user7 I’m excited for her shots in Miami
user8 I’ve seen some of her stuff at her gallery. Some of it sells for more than a month’s salary
user9 Her instagram is private😔💔
user10 It’s always been😭😭😭
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f1gossip New beau, Lando?👀
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user1 HUH WHAT😃
user2 They are just friends they are just friends they are just friends
user3 stfu what is this😭
user4 That looks a lot like yourusername
user5 💀
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Liked by landonorris, yourbestfriend and 271 others
yourusername Luckily this account is private💪 Hope they don’t find my very not private Twitter💀
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yourbestfriend Good luck😭
yourusername ty, I will not need it😩
landonorris what is this Twitter you speak of🤨🤨🤨
yourusername Nothing👽
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f1gossip Looks like Lando’s girl has Twitter👀
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user1 Wtaf I love her
user2 Ever wondered she might not want it leaked💀
yourusername Oh… wow…😐
yourusername In all my glory😮‍💨🔥
user4 I love how she’s literally just like everyone else and not some snob😭
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Liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, infour and 927,382 others
Tagged: yourusername
landonorris Who would’ve thought it was possible to post your own paparazzi photos?!
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yourusername Holy shit, this is revolutionary🤯
Liked by landonorris
yourusername Why don’t the media just hire me to take better pics of us🤡🤡
landonorris Ikr
user1 Nah I’m loving this
user2 They are really handing the media’s ass on a silver plate💀💀💀
user3 This is pure gold😭
user4 I thought Kika and Pierre were my fav but Lando and her just raised the bar
user5 Honestly lmao
user6 why aren’t more wags like this
user7 Publicity probs
user8 Publicity doesn't make sense because she’d fear it too..?
user7 Nah I actually don’t think she cares very much💀
user9 You guys keep doing you, this is amazing.
yourusername Hell yeah😩
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Liked by yourbestfriend, landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 563 others
yourusername We’ve been around👯‍♀️
Tagged: yourbestfriend
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yourbestfriend FUCK YEAH WE HAVE
yourusername Ugh we should travel together sometime
yourbestfriend We should
landonorris Where was my invite?
yourusername Nonexistent.
landonorris Wow. I feel so insulted.
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Liked by yourbestfriend, landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 63,278 others
Tagged: landonorris, yourbestfriend
yourusername Welcome to my Instagram, peasants. Above, you can see a little bit of everything I serve on here (and yes, I do SERVE).
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yourbestfriend Hot
yourusername I know
landonorris ❤️
yourusername tmrw is our 1 yr anniversary.
landonorris Did you think I forgot?
yourusername Yes
landonorris You’re not wrong…
user1 1 YEAR WHAT????
user2 They hid it for so long😭
user3 I’ve been waiting ages to finally gain access to her Instagram
yourusername thank you, loyal plebe.
user4 2nd pic is me during exam season❤️
user5 Literally same
user6 She’s living my dream fr
yourusername I must be very powerful, then
user7 Skin care routine???
yourusername Random shit from drugstores
user8 She’s so down to earth but classy in a funny way. How tf do I even explain her😭
yourusername I’m an enigma
user9 Lando is lucky wtf
yourusername Right?
user10 No but you and Lando compliment each other so well
yourusername Ty<3
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Liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, carlossainz55 and 1,037,278 others
Tagged: yourusername
landonorris For a whole year, you’ve given me everything I’ve ever needed. A fun and breezy outlook on life. You’re just amazing. I love you and I didn’t forget about today❤️
Comments have been limited
yourusername I’ll let it go for today. Only because I love you too❤️
Liked by landonorris
maxverstappen1 Congrats you guys👏
Liked by landonorris
yourbestfriend Feels like yesterday I told you how to get her attention😔
Liked by landonorris
carlossainz55 Congratulations guys, enjoy yourselves today🍾
Liked by landonorris
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻…
𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚!
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩! (𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙤𝙣, 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨, 𝙙𝙢𝙨, 𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙨: 𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧(𝙨) 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙩𝙮𝙥𝙚(𝙨) 𝙤𝙛 𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣.)
*Please note that liking the taglist will not put you on it!
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withahappyrefrain · 1 year
Gin & Tonics (and Parking Spots)
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Summary: In which Venus finally meets the infamous Dagger Squad. The fourth installment of the Parking Spots universe
Warnings: Language, Venus being Venus, Jake being lovesick, suggestive language, Venus has an actual name but it's only used twice
A sea of khaki that reeked of testosterone everywhere one turned. 
It was Venus' worst nightmare. 
She made her way past the crowd of people, avoiding the stares. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know she stuck out like a sore thumb. A "civilian" is what Jake called it. 
Apparently "not a soldier" was too simple for the military. And "wasn't coerced by a recruiter to sell my soul to the US government" was too long. 
"If you get there before me or Javy, just sit by Penny. She's the owner. You'll like her a lot." 
Venus rolled her eyes at her fiancé, "I like anyone who can make a good drink, Jake." 
Jake smiled before pressing a gentle kiss to her temple, “Y’know what I mean. She’ll look out for you.”
“What can I get you my dear?” Venus looked up to find an older woman behind the bar. 
Her green eyes looked kind. She suddenly understood what Jake meant. 
“I’ll just take a gin and tonic,” She shrugged her shoulders, trying her best to appear indifferent, undeterred by the borderline lewd stares. When getting ready, she thought the yellow dress would be a great choice for meeting Jake’s friends. Not too formal, not too informal. It was flattering, but not too revealing. She even put thought into her hair, opting to style it in waves rather than the natural curls that Jake adored. 
“You wore that on our first date,” Jake said softly, a smile gracing his face. 
She lowered the hanger in surprise, “You remember that?”
“Of course,” he reached a hand out to cup one side of her sweet face, “How could I forget?”
She didn’t account for the fact she would be alone for a bit. No, she was far too busy freaking out about meeting her fiance’s friends for the first time. 
“They’re gonna love you V.”
Perhaps if she had some experience of being in a serious relationship and meeting their friends, anxiety wouldn’t be coursing through her body. She had met a few friends of the person she was dating before, but it was usually at a party where after introductions, she was left alone to her own devices. 
The idea that someone would want to introduce her to other parts of their life, to become a part of them, was new. That they thought she was important enough to do so. Family? Sure. That was a given. But friends? The people you willingly chose to spend time with?
 A whole different ballpark. Though in this case, perhaps turmac was more fitting. 
“Since you’re new, I’m going to need to see your ID hun,” The woman, presumably Penny, said, pulling her out of her thoughts. 
"Of course," She held her head high as pulled her driver's license from her wallet, ignoring the stares, trying to play off her hands shaking. 
If they wanted her to move, they could fucking ask. 
The bartender, who had to be Penny, looked at the ID, a soft smile forming, “Well Danica, I can see why Jake calls you Venus.”
“You…. know who I am?” Great, there was already a preconceived idea of who she was. Before she even had a chance, her fate was sealed. 
What was she known as? The girl who yelled at Jake in a parking lot? The girl who threw bread rolls at him? 
Penny continued to smile, “Of course! Jake is always excited to show me the latest picture he’s taken of you. The flowers you two got from the farmer’s market are beautiful by the way.”
Heat rushed to her face while recalling last weekend’s adventures. Jake insisted on taking her picture by the flower stand. It was strange at first-still was-how his Instagram that had once been only thirst traps workout pictures were now full of her and their adventures together. 
As much fun as it was going through the older posts and giving him hell about it, she loved looking at the newer photos, the ones that showed their journey together. 
“He’s a good photographer, I’ll give him that,” A small smile began to form on Venus' face, her shoulders visibly relaxing. 
“Don’t give him too much. He needs to be kept on his toes,” Penny laughed in agreement, “I’m Penny by the way. So where is the man of the hour?"
Penny handed her a gin and tonic as she explained, "Had a last minute meeting with Simpson. He should be coming soon, as is the rest of the squad from my understanding." 
Penny raised an eyebrow, "So you finally get to meet them! They have been dying to meet you. Been asking Jake about it for months." 
The grip on her drink tightened. 
Jake had a reputation. And with that reputation, came preconceived notions of what kind of girl he would date. 
Venus was not what people thought of when it came to Jake's ideal type. While his family adored her, they all admitted they were surprised when Jake first called to tell them about the woman he met in a parking lot. Hell, even her family was surprised when she described him. They still adored him, loved him, and insisted on serving a traditionally prepared lechon at the engagement party.
But friends were a whole different breed. One willingly chose to spend time with them. Friends were honest, and more often than not, their opinion was highly valued. 
She had learned that the hard way. 
"I mean, she's nice but do you see it going anywhere? I don't." 
"She's really not your type, man." 
"She's kind of a bitch." 
A soft hand gently laid on top of hers, breaking Venus out of her thoughts. Was it motherly instinct or was her anxiety that plainly written across her face? 
She found Penny smiling, "They're so excited to meet you. They already adore you and ask about you constantly." 
They were looking forward to meeting you, she repeated in her head. That means they want to meet you. Adore is such a specific word, Penny wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true. 
She clung onto Penny's words. They were nuggets of truth, a shield against the negative thoughts that clouded her brain. The evidence that those shitty experiences were in the past, that the situation she was in now was entirely different, was better. 
Her therapist would be so proud. 
A more relaxed, genuine smile appeared on Venus’ face, the first one she could recall occurring since pulling into the parking lot of the Hard Deck. 
“I look forward to meeting everyone. I’ll take another gin and tonic when you get a chance!” 
“I got it covered Penny,” a smooth voice said. She turned around, half expecting (moreso hoping) to see Jake, despite the lack of Texan drawl. 
When she turned around, there was no tall blonde with sparkling emerald green eyes and a smile so white, she could see it from outer space. 
Instead, a Hawaiin shirt so ugly that no Dad at a BBQ would go near greeted her. 
Her lips formed a tight line, her eyes narrowing. It was the same look she wore when dealing with annoying patients or annoying men. 
“Welcome to the Hard Deck,” The man said with a wink. His eyes were nice, but the caterpillar that occupied the space between his nose and upper lip was what she noticed first. 
She recognized him immediately. Jake had given her plenty of information so she could recognize members of the dagger squad. 
Bold of him to assume she would just go up to them. But maybe she could have some fun with this. 
Penny gave her a look, one that silently asked Should I tell him? Venus just shook her head, turning back to face the infamous Bradley Bradshaw. 
“How do you know it’s my first time?” She asked coyly with a raised eyebrow before bringing the drink back to her lips. 
“With a face like that? I wouldn't be able to forget ya." Did he also get his pickup lines from the eighties, in addition to his shirts?
Bradlet leaned against the railing of the bar, bending slightly so they were at eye level, “So what brings you here? Besides fate.” 
Her eyes could not roll any harder. How many more lines would it take before he started singing Jerry Lewis? 
“Well, after hearing about it so much, I just had to see the mustache in person,” She responded, moving her drink to her left hand. 
If there had to be a sound that best represented Bradley’s face, it was a record scratch. The best he could respond with was a very confused “Excuse me?”
“I’ll give you credit, you pull off the look pretty well, despite it consisting of a pornstache and clothes from the part of the eighties that even Stranger Things won’t touch.”
“It’s not….it’s not a pornstache.”
A darked haired woman clad in a khaki uniform nearby snorted. 
Venus grinned, “It is absolutely a pornstache. But some people are into that. I don’t get it, but good for you Rooster.”
Bradley's eyes knitted together in confusion,“Do I…..do I know you?”
"I would hope you know of me. According to Javy, Jake talks about me a lot. Anyways, we should become best friends. Jake’s reaction will be hilarious.”
It was then Bradley finally looked down, seeing the huge emerald ring on her left hand.
And that's when it hit Bradley Bradshaw like a fucking train. 
"You're Venus?!" 
It was much louder than she would have liked, the statement causing several people to look at her with curious stares. 
Just play it cool, they all work for the military, you actually do important shit, she told herself over and over again. 
“In the flesh!" She flashed a smile before taking a huge sip of her drink, trying to ignore the fact that another pilot was now approaching her. 
She was going to need another drink to get through this. 
"You're Hangman's girl? The one who told him to fuck off when you first met him?"The dark haired woman asked, practically shoving Bradley out of the way. 
The infamous Venus shrugged, "I didn't exactly tell him to fuck off. I told him it made no sense why he could fly million-dollar jets but was a shit driver. Phoenix?" 
Natasha nodded, “Glad he’s no longer hiding you. I’ve been telling him to bring you around ever since he arrived late to a debriefing with hearts in his eyes as he talked about a woman who referred to him as Hangnail.” 
The comment brough relief. At least one person liked her, at least one person wanted to get to know her. 
Natasha grabbed her arm, “Come on. The rest of the gang is going to lose their minds when they learn you’re finally here.”
Through the throngs of pilots, Natasha led her to a table filled with other men who all looked vaguely familiar. The tight lipped smile remained on her face as she straightened her shoulders, ready to face the (multiple) men of the hour. 
“Hey guys, guess who I met?”
“V! You made it!” Before she could say anything, a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist, picking her up. 
“Javy, I swear to God if you don’t put me down-” She couldn’t help but laugh. Just like with Jake, Javy had become the older brother Venus never knew she wanted. 
Knowing Javy would be there was what made her feel comfortable enough to arrive without Jake. Winning over your fiancé's best friend was quite the confidence boost.
Maybe it was the fact he actually made an effort to get to know her. Maybe it was the fact he took all her digs about the Saints in stride. But with Jake, the three of them had become a trio and she didn't mind at all. 
"Hey guys! This is Danica! Aka Venus, aka the one who got Jake to settle down!"
"You really know how to build suspense Coyote," Nat deadpanned before taking a seat next to Bob. Javy lowered her down, her feet returning to the ground. 
"You're Venus? The one he proposed to after eight months of dating?" A man with shining brown eyes and energy that could best be described as a golden retriever asked. 
Her features softened as she looked down at her emerald ring,  "When you know, you know. I also take it you're Mickey?"
"Wow, I guess Hangman talks about us more than we thought," Mickey joked, earning the chuckles from others. 
She looked back up, that signature smirk having returned, "We're also having a long engagement, that was my compromise." 
"That's not what he said," Phoenix scoffed, recalling the different potential venues Jake had already shown her. 
She continued fidgeting with her engagement ring. It wasn’t a matter of Venus being unfamiliar to having all eyes on her. But with Jake's friends, it was different. Another layer of being official that she wasn’t used to. 
"Well, you deserve all the drinks for being able to put up with Bagman,” Mickey commented, as if he sensed her nerves.  
“Bagman?” she asked, a mischievous glint forming in her big eyes. 
"It's what we call him when we feel he hasn't earned being called his proper name, which I'm sure as you know, is most of the time," A man with glasses and a thin lopsided smile that was sweeter than sugar explained. 
Her eyes light up, "Oh, I am definitely using that. Also, are you Bob?" 
Without waiting for an answer, she walked over to the bespectacled WSO, “You’re so cute! I’m adopting you.” For added effect, she placed a hand on each of Bob’s cheeks. 
“Does that mean Bagman is my dad?" Bob asked with an almost grimace. 
"Yeah, but I'll make sure he chills out," She reassured him with a soft smile. 
“Wait, she’s actually nice?” Reuben whispered to Natasha and Bradley, “The way Jake describes her-”
“Look, if she can find redeemable qualities in Bagman of all people, she must have a lot going for her,” Natasha interjected. 
As time passed, Venus found herself more and more at ease with the group. Despite having heard so much, they still took the time to ask questions, to get to know her. They wouldn’t only talk about Jake (not that she wanted them to), and they actually tried to include her in the conversation, despite her lack of knowledge about their field. 
It was different. It was nice. 
Once drinks got low, Venus offered to go get the next round. Bradley followed her, still apologizing for the flirting earlier. 
She chuckled, “It’s totally fine. In fact, I think it’s hilarious that you and Bagman have a similar type,” Her eyes narrowed, “Which by the way, I know plenty of cute, spitfire nurses who are single.”
Bradley’s face turned bright red, “I’m uh-I don’t need any help with-”
“Look, I already plan to find Bob's future wife, might as well find yours while I’m at it. There are people out there who are into what you call a mustache,” She shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t get it, but I’m willing to find them for you.” 
It was the way she mixed sweetness with snark that confused Bradley, as well as everyone else. 
“Can I ask you something?” Bradley finally asked. 
“I’m not going to tell you his dick size,” A devious smirk adorned her face, causing her to resemble the image the squad had conjured in their minds when Jake first told them how the ‘future Mrs. Seresin’ referred to him as a knockoff Ken doll. 
“That’s not what-”
“But I will say-”
“Please don’t.”
“You could have named him Hungman and it still would have been accurate.”
“I really, really don’t need to hear this.” Bradley’s face was now bright red, whereas the woman next to him casually ordered the next round of beers and a lemon seltzer for Bob with a grin on her face. 
“You’re telling me the men in the navy don’t talk about their dick sizes? Least of all, the person whose call sign means cock?”
“It’s a bird-”
“That also means cock.”
Bradley stared at her, quite frankly afraid that if he said another word, he'd have to hear about Hangman’s dick. 
She stared right back, able to hold off the impromptu staring contest for a few moments before erupting into a fit of giggles.
When Jake first rambled on about the beautiful woman he had met at a coffee shop, who he insisted was his future wife, Bradley (and everyone else) thought the blonde pilot had lost his damn mind. 
But after seeing her truly smile, Bradley could understand why Jake became so smitten. 
“How….do you two work?” It was an honest question. Javy asked the same thing the first time he went out with you and Jake. She even wondered about it herself when they first got together. 
She shrugged, fingers fiddling with Jake’s class ring that was on a silver chain around her neck, “We just….do. He calms me down. I remind him sometimes it’s better to be quiet and just listen. We both make each other smile and laugh. It’s nice. More than nice. It’s wonderful.” 
Bradley noticed what she was fiddling with, "So that’s where it went.”
“He has a ring of mine that he wears with his dog tags. We traded before he went on deployment.” She shrugged again, as if to suggest it wasn’t a big deal. 
The soft smile on her face suggested the exact opposite. 
Bradley grinned, “Do you know he also wears one of your hair ties around his wrist?”
Her smile only continued to grow, "He says the more pieces he has of me on him, the luckier he is in the sky."  
Truthfully, Venus wasn't sure what to expect when she began dating Jake. Certainly not him being such a romantic. It was strange at first. Why would someone go through so much effort to bring flowers, to make dinner reservations, to plan dates when they already had you?
When Jake scoffed at the very idea of not needing to impress it was the first time she truly reflected on previous relationships and just how shitty they were. 
"Baby, they were awful," Jake pressed a chaste kiss to her shoulder, "You deserve so much more than what you've gotten." 
A hand on your shoulder broke you out of your thoughts. 
"I think I just saw that Jeep Wrangler you love so much just pulled up," Natasha teased. 
She rolled your eyes, despite a small smile remaining as you shook your head, "I hate that fucking car." 
"I'm glad someone else agr-"
"Bradshaw, don't get me started on your car choices." Her eyes narrowed as she shot him a look. 
Only she got to insult that hideous car. 
Bradley promptly closed his mouth, not wanting to face her infamous wrath. 
He was still reeling from the Pornstache comment. 
So instead, he simply helped her carry the round of drinks back to the rest of the squad. 
"So Venus, what does the woman who made Jake Seresin lovesick do?" Payback asked. 
"I'm a level three neonatal nurse at the local hospital," she explained, "Which is partly why it's been so hard to meet y'all. My schedule can be pretty irregular." 
The table was quiet as they processed this new piece of information. When they first heard about her, they couldn't help but imagine a cutthroat business woman, a manager, a consultant. 
Not a nurse. Particularly one who dealt with children. 
"So you um, you-" 
She set her glass down with force, "I do not play with babies and change diapers all day. My job is to keep premature babies alive and ensure they're able to go home with their family and live as healthy of a life as possible." 
Her voice was tense, no doubt due to past dismissive comments regarding her job. 
Bob shifted closer to her, "I think that's amazing. One of my sister's kids was born at 28 weeks and she still swears to this day that if it weren't for y'all, she would not have been able to keep it together." 
Her shoulders visibly relaxed as a smile formed on her face, "I like you Bob. I'm going to keep you." 
Mickey spoke up, "Hey, wait a second. My girlfriend Cielo and I have already put in a request to adopt Bob." 
She put an arm around Bob's shoulder, shaking her head, "Nah, I call dibs." 
"We knew him first!" If one didn’t see the gleam of playfulness that laced Mickey’s amber eyes, his tone would sound completely defensive. 
Bob finally spoke up, "Just a friendly reminder that I'm thirty one years old." 
She turned to the soft spoken WSO, "Which is why I am determined to find you your Missus." 
"Get in line, Cielo and I have been working on that." 
Natasha snorted, "We've all been working on that." 
Bob signed, putting a palm to his face. 
"Hey V, I think your man just walked in." Maybe it was fate, maybe the universe took pity on Bob. 
But when Venus looked up upon hearing Reuben's words, her heart skipped a beat. 
There he was. 
Jake was over at the bar, waiting for Penny to take notice of him. No doubt ordering gin and tonic, along with a basket of fries for Venus. He always made sure she had something to snack on. 
"Wanna see something?" She asked the gang. 
Without waiting, she put two fingers to her mouth, a loud whistle coming out. The noise caught the attention of several people, including a blonde man with eyes greener than the emerald that adorned her engagement ring. 
When Jake's eyes met hers, her heart skipped a beat. His eyes lit up, a smile overtaking his face. 
"Hi loverboy," she called out with a wave. Oh she tried to smirk, try to play it off as if she was indifferent to the sight of her fiancé. 
But Danica's eyes told a different story. 
"Venus!" Jake called out, getting even more attention. Not that he noticed. He was too busy practically shoving folks out of the way to get to the table. 
Maybe she picked up her pace to meet Jake. Maybe Jake knocked a drink over as his hands placed themselves underneath her thighs, allowing him to pick her up in one swoop. 
It’s not like either of them were paying attention. 
To say Jake Seresin was annoyed was an understatement.
His day had started out so well. He got to wake up not on base in a small, old twin bed, but instead in the arms of his fiancé. 
Then he had to go to work. 
Jake loved his job. He was damn good at it- one of the best, in fact. He enjoyed being at work, which was something many couldn't say. 
But not when his job caused him to be late, unable to be with the woman he loved, especially on a night where she needed him the most. 
Normally, she would have already met his friends before Jake proposed to her. But thanks to the nature of his job, which involved spur-of-the-moment missions, he had done things a bit backwards. 
If it weren't for the nature of his job, Venus could have met the squad back when she only had the title of girlfriend. 
Sure, she still would have put pressure on herself, as was in her nature. But decidedly less pressure. 
Jake wanted to be there for her, to reassure her that she was in fact, the most incredible person he had ever met and that his friends would see that immediately. To put a hand on her shoulder whenever he saw that smile begin to fade, self doubt creeping into her mind. 
Which was why he was all but running into the Hard Deck. His meeting with Cyclone lasted much longer than intended. Normally Jake wasn’t super concerned about showing up late to the Hard Deck, but today was the worst day it could happen. 
Deep in his heart, he knew she would be just fine. At worst, she wouldn’t approach the squad until Javy arrived and would stick by Penny. 
Jake just wanted her to feel comfortable, to feel at ease. He wanted to support her, like any decent husband would. 
So yeah, maybe he was taking advantage of his status, knowing that no one would say anything if he pushed past them without a single excuse me. Jake knew his great grandmother was rolling in her grave, but he hoped Mimi would understand all in due time. 
“Hey Penny, have you happened to see an absolute goddess with an affinity for gin and tonics?” Jake asked once he arrived at the front of the bar, ignoring the glares. 
Penny simply smiled, "I think your friends found her. She was also pretty low on her beverage last time I saw her." 
"Well, we can't have that. I'll take a Miller Light, along with a Gin and tonic with a basket of fries." Jake recalled that she had texted him around two that she was on her lunch break. He doubted she had much time, if any, to eat when she got home from work. 
Order fries first, then find the love of his life. 
If only the bar wasn't slammed. 
He was trying his best not to be impatient. It wasn't Penny's fault, the Hard Deck was always like this when a new class arrived to base. 
But damn was it frustrating. The minutes seemed to tick away. Jake looked around, unable to spot his fiancé amidst the sea of khaki. 
Until he heard that whistle. 
He looked around, Bradshaw finally moving his bigass head to reveal the person that made his heart soar. 
She was sitting with the rest of the gang, smiling. She looked at ease, as if she had always been a part of this crew. 
Jake knew this was possible, that she had it in herself to open up and connect, rather than sit at the bar and wait for him to come. 
But sometimes she forgets that she can. 
So when Jake doesn't need to remind her, he can't help but beam. 
"Hi loverboy!" His heart fluttered when she sent him a wink, along with her smirk that he fell in love with the first time he saw (it also made him hard but that's neither here nor there). 
So yes, he did gently push some people out of the way to get to the table. And he did knock a drink over when he went to pick her up. But in Jake's defense, he hadn't seen her since seven-thirty in the morning and it was only Bradley's drink. 
"Hi baby," He said as he pressed his lips to her cheek. 
She rolled her eyes, though the smile still remained on her face, "You act like you haven't seen me in forever."
"Because I haven't," Jake murmured against her skin, "It's been ten hours." 
"Ten hours?" She repeated, her tone teasing, "You're incorrigible." 
"I don't know what that means, but thanks V," He said before pressing his lips against hers.  
Before Jake, she wasn't used to PDA. It wasn't a matter of not desiring it, she did. But none of her past relationships were into it, so it wasn't something she pursued. 
And then she met Jake. Jake, who would just grab her hand without saying anything. Jake, whose natural inclination was to wrap his arms around her. Jake, who would make the effort to kiss her, even if he was just passing by to get a drink or to unload the dishwasher. 
She liked it. She couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face as his lips moved to her nose, then forehead. 
"Can you put me down? You're looking a little desperate GI Joe," She teased, quickly placing a chaste kiss on his jawline. 
"You like it," He whispered in her ear, gently setting her back down. 
"Debatable," She rolled her eyes, trying to fight back a smile as Jake pressed another kiss against her cheek. 
"Debatable?" He questioned, "The ring on your left hand says otherwise sweetheart." 
Venus looked down at the ring, "I guess." 
"You guess?" Jake hummed, his arms now wrapped around her waist, his chin resting on top of her head. 
The noise and chatter of the Hard Deck slipped away when she looked up, meeting his emerald eyes. She bit her lower lip, trying to hold back a lovesick smile. 
It was no use, as it came out anyway. 
"Oh my God they're adorable," Bradley whispered to Natasha, stunned. 
"What the hell is happening?" Natasha whispered back, equally as stunned. 
"I think they're…in love?" Mickey didn't sound too sure of himself, if at all. 
"Of course they are, is it not obvious?" Bob practically scoffed. 
"Careful," Natasha teased, elbowing Bob playfully, "Think she still wants to adopt you. Remember who your dad would be." 
The rest of the night wasn't anything unusual, save for Natasha, Bradley, Mickey, and Bob asking Venus questions while Jake, Javy, and Reuben played a round of pool. 
"So he listens when you tell him to shut up? Like deadass?" Mickey asked. 
She raised an eyebrow, "He listens to me regardless of what I say." 
"I don't believe it," Bradley started, "We can barely get him to listen to us and-" 
"Hey Jake?" Venus called out, remaining in her seat. 
Jake looked up from the angling his pool cue, his eyes lightening up when they met hers, "What's up darling?" 
"Do you think Sammy and Jess deserved to win Love Island?" Bradley couldn't help but scoff at Venus' question, there was no way- 
"Jess did, because she had the best personality of that season and was actually likable. She would have won regardless of who she coupled up with," Jake explained as he briefly looked back to his aim, "Unfortunately she was stuck on Sammy, who did not deserve to win, dude's a fuckboy if I've ever seen one. Is your drink empty?" 
The squad wasn't sure what was more shocking, the fact Jake had been able to make a perfect shot without looking again, or how focused he was on another person's needs. 
Venus, oblivious to this confusion, raised her empty drink, "I am! Can you get me another gin and tonic please?" 
Jake immediately set his pool stick down, ignoring the confused cries of Javy and Reuben as he went to Venus to give her a kiss on the cheek and pick up her glass. 
"What did you just do?" Mickey asked as soon as Jake headed over to the bar. 
Venus shrugged, "I asked him for another drink. I got his last drink, it's only fair." 
"But he was in a middle of a game-" 
"The less you think about it, the less confused you'll be," Javy explained, cutting off Reuben. 
Javy had long since learned that Jake's focus was now all things Venus. He was pretty sure once Venus became pregnant, she would be able to pry Jake away from a Texas football game. 
"How do you get him to listen to you?" Bradley asked, stunned. 
"I love her," Jake scoffed because wasn't it obvious? The only people who didn't seem confused by all this were Javy and Bob. 
Jake now understood why Venus wanted to adopt the bespectacled WSO. 
"So what are we? Chopped liver?" Natasha remarked, a teasing glint in her eyes.
"He just loves y'all a little less," Venus teased, taking her drink from Jake's hands. 
Bradley scoffed, "Dude, I was your bunkmate." 
"Yeah but did you give him blowjobs frequently?" Venus asked, unaffected by the number of aviators who nearly choked on their drinks. Jake could feel the tops of cheek heat up. 
"Well, depended on-" Bradley started, much to the delightful shrieks of Natasha, Javy, and Reuben. 
"Alright, it's time for us to go pick a new song," Jake stated loudly, practically pushing his fiancé to the jukebox. 
"You're finishing that story later!" Venus called out, pointing to Bradley. 
"Only if you convince him not to play Free Rider!" Bradley called back.
Jake dragged away his fiancé, who was now laughing at the antics of his coworkers. 
He couldn't help but smile at the sight. She was beautiful like this; eyes squinting, cheeks round as she smiled, skin glowing,  not having a care in the world. 
Jake would do anything to keep that smile on her face. 
"I get to pick," She said, taking the quarter out of Jake's hand. 
"Why do you get to pick?" Jake teased before placing a kiss against her temple. 
"Because it's my first time here," she started, because wasn't it obvious? "Plus, I want Bradshaw to finish the story."
"You're really about to give Bradshaw what he wants?" Jake put his hand over his heart, "V, that's the most offensive thing you've said to me." 
Venus simply raised an eyebrow as she scoffed, "That's the most offensive thing I've said to you? Compared to all the other stuff? Compared to what I said when we first met?" 
"I thought it was charming," Jake was completely sincere, which Venus didn't know if she should find that cute or concerning. 
"I think you liked being called a Ken doll," she muttered, looking through the list of songs. 
Jake wrapped his arms around her waist, nestling his head on her shoulder, "I liked the woman who called me a Ken doll. So much so, I plan to marry her." 
Her teeth tugged her bottom lip, a tall-tale sign that she was flustered. She didn't blush, but Jake had learned the signs; she would bite her lip, her lashes would flutter. Her hand that wasn't pressing buttons on the jukebox drummed against the machine, looking for something to do. 
"I love you," he whispered. The declaration made her head turn, allowing Jake to steal a kiss. 
"Could have just asked."
"Where's the fun in that?" He pressed his lips against a heated cheek, leaving tiny kisses. 
Her eyes softened upon looking up at Jake, "How did the meeting go?" 
He squeezed the soft flesh of her hip, "Cyclone thinks I have a decent shot at the instructor position. And that I would be a good fit." 
The statement caused her eyes to light up. Jake could see that she was trying to hold herself back, trying not to get her hopes up. 
"So he'll write you a letter of recommendation?" 
He grinned, showing off his pristinely (and blindingly) white teeth, "Him and Mav." 
"We stan a short king." She said it half in jest, purely to see Jake's brows knit together in confusion, the five year age difference showing. 
"Is that a Tik Tok reference?" 
She stifled a giggle as she shook her head, "No. But you're getting there!" 
"You make me feel so old," Jake sighed. He thought he was doing so well, until Venus informed him that Instagram reels were just Tik Tok videos shown two weeks later. 
She pressed a kiss to his cheek, "So you think you have a shot at it? The position?" 
Before meeting her, Jake would have scoffed at the suggestion he wouldn't get something. He knows who he is, what he's capable of. 
But he doesn't want to let her down. To disappoint her. They both know what this position would entail; permanence. Not having to be deployed on missions. Not having to be away from her for months at a time. The ability to settle down with her. 
"I think so. Cyclone says I have the track record to prove I know the material and I now have the temperance to show I can teach it well." 
She grinned, "that's the most polite way to say you're no longer a cocky asshole." 
Jake wiggled his eyebrows, eliciting another soft giggle from her. 
"Are you sure you're okay with this? If you get the position?" She asked, biting her bottom lip in an attempt to hide her nerves. 
When Jake first brought up the idea of applying to the instructor position, she thought he was joking. Why would someone give up the chance to travel around the world, playing the role of a real life superhero? 
But then he kept bringing it up, announcing he was going to apply. When questioned, Jake said it was simple.
"Getting that job means I get to stay here, with you." 
That's what he said then and it's what he said now. 
"Besides," he added, "the chances of me becoming an ace are low. I'm more than happy to be the only one with two confirmed kills in my generation." 
Venus' eyes narrowed at him and without breaking eye contact, she pressed a button on the Jukebox. 
The notes of Queen's I Want to Break Free filled the Hard Deck, which was followed by the sounds of the squad clapping and thanking Venus. 
"Babe!" Jake nearly whined, putting his hand on his heart, "Really?!" 
"Oh please, you absolutely deserve that." Venus stated before walking towards the bar. 
Jake all but ran after her, grabbing her closest hand. 
"So is now a bad time to tell you that today I parked within the lines?" 
Venus stopped, her eyes slowly turning towards her fiancé, "Both lines?" 
Jake nodded, a proud, albeit cocky smirk adorning his face. 
She took a step forward, her face now inches apart from Jake's. 
"You know," her voice was low, "If you want me to fuck you, you can just ask." 
Jake visibly gulped, the smirk fading as heat rushed to his face, "I mean I, uh, I always want you to-" 
"Did you take a picture of it? Your parking job?" She rested her chin on Jake's head, wrapping her arms around his waist. To others, the gesture was very sweet. 
But Jake could see the desire in her eyes and it was making his knees weak. 
"It's um, how I parked outside of here-" 
"I want to see it. And then I want to go home and fuck you," with that, she was walking towards the door, her fingers hooking themselves around one of Jake's belt loops to ensure he followed. 
Not that he needed encouragement, he was already trailing right behind her. 
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minimoxha · 1 year
When will my life begin? (Tangled, Pt.2)
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Summary: After his wife and daughter died he thought he lost everything. However, you for some reason, you’d didn’t disappear. So, Miguel locked you up. He had to find some way to protect you so you couldn’t be taken from him like Gabriella. What better way to do that then keep you in his dimension where he could get to you in case of anything
Warnings Low key bad parenting, Mother knows best lyrics, Cussing if you squint. Maybe bad Spanish, things I grew up listening to.
Series Masterlist
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Even the way he spoke was cool.
Hobbie stood with a certain vibe to him that screamed confidence. As if he wasn’t afraid of anything and Was ready to do anything. More than that, he’d been outside. He was a teenager that had gotten to live through everything that she had been dreaming of all her life. And he looked so cool while doing it.
“Have you ever been to a party? Have you ever ridden a bike? What about the mall? Have you ever been there” She asked, intrigued and unknowingly stepping close to the boy who seemed to loose color every time he moved.
“Yes? That’s pretty common. Look, I need to get big boss man it’s an emergency.” He sighed, getting ready to leave the door. If he left, she’d loose her lady chance to see the world her last chance to get out and make a life thats fun for herself. She needed to see the fireworks.
“Hobbie have you ever seen the fireworks? The ones behind the big spider-man building?” She grabbed hobbies hand in which he reacted by pulling away, not to cause anger but to show uncomfort. He gave a nod before leaning on the counter next to him, disinterested. To him? The fireworks were a thing that happened every year, much to his demise. “Can you take me to them? I have never seen them up close. Please?”
Hobbie looked at the girl as if she was a random piece of goo on the ground. She couldn’t just go to the city and see them herself? Why did she need him? “They are there, go see them. Why do you need me?” Hobbie said, accent thick as ever while crossing his arms. The girl took notice of his wrist that was littered with bangles and bracelets. He truly was an interesting person, not line one she’s seen on her tv or laptop that’s for sure. He was special— He was different.
“My dad- your boss- he won’t let me out. I want to see the fireworks more than anything! Please, you have to take me to them I’ll do anything!” Y/n begged, grabbing onto his arm yet again to which hobie raised an eyebrow in wonder. If she was that hungry to go see stupid fireworks then how much more hasn’t she seen? “Will you take me?”
“I don’t have to take you anywhere, i don’t listen to orders. Though, I could take you to them just because I won’t follow miguel’s orders to leave you alone.” Hobbie thought for a second. This would make Miguel mad which he didn’t usually want to invoke but he didn’t mind seeing how red the man got when he lost his shit. Part of him also felt bad that she had been cooped up in this house for years without actually experiencing a life.
“I’ll take you then.”
The girl felt a smile rise on her face, bigger than she’s ever imagined. This could finally be the chance she has to get out and explore the world. Although, she couldn’t help but second guess herself as Hobie walked to the window before opening it for her.
“Are you coming?”
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A/n: My work is kind of improving from my long ass year break from writing so bare with me. There will be more just let me know if you want to be tagged!! <3
@fairycorequeen @onyxstarhigh06
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ponybedazzle · 1 month
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HEY GUYYSS !!! this is my smiling friends ocs !!! her name is Slima Squishy and she’s 23…as seen above ! i maadee her some funny lore ina google docs but ill copy and paste it here if anyone is interested in thatt…..
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also i havent quite mastered the artstyle yet,,, forgive me guys….
WARNING FOR SXCIDE MENTIONS BELOOWW !! its not super crazy but it is mentioned so if ur going thru a rough patch it might be best u didnt read this ⤵️
Introductory Episode (The first episode she’s in) “Slimed”
It’s time to satisfy another customer!
Mr. Boss tells Charlie and Pim a man called in pleading that they help his daughter smile again. Before he could explain the situation, a loud female sob rang out and then a slimey splat noise ended the phone call. It’s not like Charlie and Pim could opp out, this was their job, so they left to check out the situation.
Charlie and Pim arrive at the address and knock on the door. A short, fat, slime critter
welcomes them inside and introduces himself as Sliman Squishy, the father of Slima. Once again he tries to explain what’s been happening and warn them of issues they might encounter but the two don’t pay attention as they are more captivated by the interior which was covered in goo.
They tell the man not to worry and with Sliman’s guidance, arrive at Slima’s room.
Opening the door was like popping a balloon. As soon as they opened it, loud sobbing hurt their ears.
Charlie calls out to Slima hoping it would make her be quiet.
He asks her what’s wrong and Slima finally stops crying. After a few sniffles she tells them she’s upset because she feels like her life is over. She just graduated college and now she has no plans, nothing to do, no direction in life at all.
Pim is optimistic, he tells Slima that she can do anything she wants, she just has to put her mind to it. That causes Slima to yell that she doesn’t know what she wants! and then she starts to cry again….which somehow makes a bunch of slime from her body explode onto Charlie, Pim, and her room which is already covered in slime.
Charlie, who is already very annoyed from the loud noise the girl makes, sarcastically thanks Pim for his hard work…which has paid off soooooo well. That’s when Pim has an idea…hardwork huh? Work…he works for Mr. Boss at Smiling Friends! it’s something he looks forward to everyday…so maybe it would be something Slima can look forward too aswell.
Pim tells Sliman they will be back later and they go back to Mr. Boss to ask him if he needs a new employee! Mr. Boss thinks for a moment (It makes the viewer think he will say no) but then exclaims that more is merrier!
Pim and Charlie go back to the Squishy residence to deliver the good news but find that Slima is missing. Lucky them, Slima left residue for them to follow.
The trail leads them to a Serial Killer Convention specifically for the killers who have anxiety. Slima went there in order to convince someone to kill her since she was too scared to kill herself…fortunately they were all too afraid to do it.
Charlie and Pim convince Slima to come home by telling her she has something to look forward to (Working for Mr. Boss) ….after remarking how unconventional her way of suicide was and how she was another Desmond.
Upon hearing the news, Slima finally lifts her head and smiles…then she thanks the boys for saving her life.
The episode ends with Slima in the break room with the rest of the Smiling Friends cast.
that was very short and sweet….to the point on PURPOSE !!! i hope u liked it tho, me personalllyyy,, I LOVE HER !!
heres some more stuff about her
Slima’s personality :
She is very dorky and a bit awkward. She’s also very unsure of everything and needs the validation of others to apply herself. Other than that, she’s nice and very sillyyy.
Has a speech impediment
Her head is too heavy to hold up so she typically has it tilted down on the side with the most hair.
heres a doodle of her dad….the sliman himself
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storiesbyjes2g · 4 months
3.122 Sweet potato
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I bought a robe. Since there'd be three of us soon, I figured my days of walking around half naked in the morning were over. It's strange that this piece of clothing, not my wife's growing belly, made me feel like a dad. I wasn't the most stylish dresser to begin with, but I'd never owned anything so...mature looking. Not that maturity was a sign of fatherhood. Maybe it just reminded me of my own dad. Sophia entered the second trimester late last night, so we decided to go to the doctor and make sure everything was okay. We also opted to discover the gender, if possible.
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We ate slowly, gushing and speculating about what our child would be and what we should call it. Like me, Sophia wasn't concerned about the baby's gender and just wanted a smooth pregnancy and a successful birth. Part of me wanted a boy just to add more male energy in my life, but I would be totally happy with a girl. Mama gave Less and I our grandparents' names, and while that was an honorable thing to do, I wasn't sure I wanted to repeat that. Not saying my parents didn't deserve to have anyone named after them, but I didn't want my child to be haunted by relatives it hardly knew. My sister was named after Gammy, but she had no memory of her and never showed an interest in learning about her. My grandfathers, Luca and Winston, passed on way before my parents even met. I barely knew anything about those guys. Hopefully, my parents would be around long enough to develop lasting relationships with my children, but they're running short on days and won't be around forever. I think it's best to just give our kids their own names, but we'll see. It's not completely off the table.
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At the hospital, we arrived at our appointment early, but just like always, we sat in the room and waited an eternity for the doctor to arrive. The room was cold and had colorful medical posters plastered over the bland beige walls. Some of them made me laugh because they were so corny, but I suppose corny art was better than boring, authoritative posters. Finally, the doctor hurried in and introduced herself. Dr. Kira McKnight was her name, and she was gorgeous with long, thick hair, just like Sophia's and smooth looking cocoa skin. I could be wrong, but she looked to be maybe just a few years older than us.
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Before she turned on the machine and showed us the magic, she and Sophia chatted about the pregnancy. Sophia said she'd been feeling great and hadn't been sick at all. Dr. McKnight was surprised and said she was a blessed woman. From the sounds of it, Alessia would agree. Overall, the doctor seemed very satisfied with Sophia's answers to her questions, and that relieved me. I didn't expect that anything would be wrong, but we couldn't take anymore bad news.
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She fired up the machine, put the cold jelly on Sophia's womb, and invited me to come watch the show. The wand glided back and forth across Sophia's belly, searching for our little celebrity. Finally, Dr. McKnight said, "there you are!" She pointed at a certain part of the screen, saying that was our baby. It didn't look like much, honestly--just a big ball of goo. But it was my ball of goo, and I loved it. Luckily, she zoomed in so we could see the details, and I saw a head, fingers, and toes! It was my baby!! After taking some measurements, she said the baby was a good size, probably about the size of a sweet potato.
"Awwww," Sophia cooed. "Our little sweet potato, Luca!"
I could tell from her puppy dog eyes and the way she said it, sweet potato was definitely going to be a thing. It was a cute nickname; I guess.
"Can you tell what it is yet?" I asked.
Dr. McKnight wielded that wand, fishing around for something. Probably the thing.
"I'm looking. It hasn't shown me yet." She kept moving the wand back and forth until she found what she was looking for. "Ah ha! I just needed her to move that leg."
"Her?!" Sophia and I both shouted.
"Yep! It's a little girl."
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A little girl. Finally, we could stop calling her "it!" I'm a girl dad!! That news filled me with so much joy. A smile spread across my face, and happy tears glistened my eyes and rolled down my cheek. The anxiety I had felt earlier disappeared, leaving only immense love for my daughter. Love and excitement and relief, that is. Every cell in my body seemed to jump for joy as a warmth came over me. If Dub's baby is also a girl, maybe our kids would also be best friends.
"I would tell you the worst is over now, but you've been on easy street already," the doctor said. "You still may experience fatigue, but it won't be so bad. The baby has all her organs and systems now, so she's gonna start growing, getting longer and heavier, so your back might bother you from time to time. She'll start moving around soon."
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"That sounds so magical," Sophia said.
"Oh, and you also may start feeling contractions."
Even though I knew that was part of the process, something inside me just panicked.
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She giggled.
"Don't worry. It's completely normal. They'll be mild and won't last long, but it's important to know it's normal. The baby isn't trying to come early. No need to panic, okay?"
"I understand," Sophia said.
"Now, I don't like this next part, but I have to tell you," the doctor continued. "I see you just had a birthday yesterday?"
"Okay. You're still young age-wise, but your body is not. Adult pregnancies can be hard. You seem to be doing great so far, but if you start experiencing other symptoms, just know it comes with the territory. There's nothing wrong with you. It just is what it is. Relax as much as you can and keep stress as low as possible."
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She asked if we had questions, then left us to await the nurses to run additional tests. Now that Sophia was pregnant, our lives could go back to being more joyful and carefree, so I wasn't concerned about the stress part. But of course, I would do everything within my power to make sure Sophia's life was as easy as possible. The only problems she would have during this pregnancy would be within her own body on my watch.
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fairytsuk1 · 2 years
being tomura's assistant was... hard.
what started out as some kid sitting in a dimly-lit beige room transformed into joining orgs, e-sports, drinking too much, and giving you a non-stop headache.
@tomraki: dream is fucking ugly lol
another headache. your jaw drops as the retweets begin to grow and the quote retweets threaten to drop your dear streamer's address or beloved ... well, anything. dream stans were ruthless.
"tomura!! you cannot, under any circumstances, say something like that!" he eyed you lazily before surfing through his files, saving fanart and writing down stream ideas.
"i'm not allowed to say the truth?"
"no! you aren't! you're getting devoured and what are you going to do if your org retaliates against you? we already had an issue with your gambling and then Twitch banned it and then you made a statement! again!"
he sighs drearily, "they banned my fucking revenue, i'm allowed to make a fuss about it. and aren't you supposed to support my every move?"
the way his eyes pierced you, and the slow creeping grin etched on his face grew every second. he was right, he was your boss.
but you weren't some doormat. you were shigaraki tomura's assistant for god's sake! you always retaliated.
"right, of course. that's why i scheduled a minecraft manhunt with you and him together for next week! so maybe you can tell it to his face next time."
"you didn't."
bouncy steps flee out the room before he can exact his wrath, "have fun!"
... oddly enough, he could be sweet. you'd seen him with fans too young to be watching him; he didn't go goo-goo eyed but he held a softness because he too was once a watcher of his favorite creators.
the circle of life, you guessed.
"are you having fun?" somehow, shigaraki had been lumped in with some of the more American streamers when he travelled from his cozy Japan studio to sunny California.
"no." "well, i know you like that whiskey sour." "it's mid. americans can't do anything right."
you shrug, that's enough of that. you lean against the wall while sitting next to him. he has a bit of a flush, but he needed this considering he saw StickyTape (Sero, an unfunny and bad gamer in his opinion) walk in. he knew people would be gunning for him to interact, post selfies, play happy streamer...
and his eyes wandered over to you again. god, could he quit it?
"you look nice." "do i? i wore my best skirt! figured i'd be seeing lots of famous people and networking for you, had to give em' something to look at."
the whiskey sour's in his veins now, and he decides to give up on filtering.
"your face is good enough." "what?"
are you that stupid? did you not hear what he just said?
tomura was no stranger to flirting with you, he liked to tease that eventually you two would fuck and that you'd be whining about wanting to be his and only his. and maybe you sometimes felt special knowing that you were backstage because he demanded you be there, not because it was just your job. and a long time ago, on a night he was falling in your arms due to the alcohol buzzing through his system that he whispered ...
"you're the worst assistant ever." "why?" "because you'll never love me the way i want."
what was appropriate to say? he snored into his pillow as you tenderly took off his shoes. obviously, he wasn't getting as many girls as he claimed if he couldn't see the love woven into every interaction with him
"my head hurts." "wanna go home? karl jacobs is looking our way, maybe it's best to get going anyways." "jesus, yeah let's go."
and just like that, the two of you left hand in hand.
@tomraki: how do you confess your love to someone?
@rakistanz: just tell her!
shigaraki (work): i love you
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zoobus · 4 months
What's your favourite entry on mangadex with a 6.xx score?
(Re: #Everything on mangadex with a 6.xx rating is either a powerful contender for best of the year or extremely niche fetish softcore)
Ugh, this is a hard one because I haven't been reading a lot lately and I lost a huge chunk of my saves after mangadex was killed off for some months. (Also because I don't actually finish anything I read, lots of my "favorites" are a first volume I loved so much I couldn't finish it. That's how my brain works. I haven't finished anything on this list.) Also best of the year *for the kind of story it's telling.
TW, a good chunk of these have sexual assault and/or skeevy sexual themes
Manga about girl with strong signs of BPD using sex to self-harm, I don't remember the name, sorry - Extremely pathetic girl, desperate to not get bullied ever again, thinks she can fool her peers into thinking she's one of them but nahhh, you see the looks the popular girls give each other - it's like cats watching a wet and whimpering mouse wearing cat ears bite the throat of other mice, looking over her shoulder for proof that this is worth it, that they think she's a cat too. Made me understand how self-harm sex works.
I Would Die for Your First Time - Okay, it's sitting at a 7.09 *now,* but when I read it like five years ago it at 6.18. Guy who looks like a stereotypical fat faceless hentai man marries so far out of his league, it causes him immense distress. Even though his super hot wife clearly loves him, he's unnerved by the fact that she's had so many partners before him, while he only had her. She swears that if she could go back in time, she would make him her first and oh wow is that literally the worst thing she could have said.
Because he does go back in time, and he does try to hold the assurances of his 30yo wife to her 15yo self who doesn't have a clue who he is, and he does find himself ruining the life (and the original timeline they shared) of the poor woman who made the mistake of loving him over and over and over again.
Tamarowa/Who Wants to Marry a Billionaire? - I both get and don't get the hate for this one, harem stuff seems to make people very mad. Anyway, Tamarowa is like if Danganronpa was about Who Wants to Marry A Billionaire, uncut HBO version. And if Danganronpa was good. Great example of horny and good story. Whenever some cornball suggests good writing and fetishistic, hand in pants writing are mutually exclusive, I think of Tamarowa. "I need you to psychoanalyze one of the contestants in my place. Go do ageplay with the milf and deduce the odds she's trying to murder me."
His Favorite Idol Moved Next Door - A fan has a crush on his idol. The idol has a merciless and cruel crush on him back. 6.02 because god forbid we cater to actual female sadists rather than masochists for once 🙄
The Villainess Wants To Punish The Sadistic Prince - I will probably get around to translating the final volume. One day. Please see first paragraph about loving things so much, I don't finish them.
By the way, it might be my pride speaking, but I wouldn't include the last two entries in the niche fetishcore category. That's more for like "my childhood friend is annoying! and also keeps getting splattered with smushed bug goo every chapter" or those collection of pics titled stuff like "The women in your life flirt with you while insulting your gf's small boobs"
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myloveforhergoeson · 2 months
taking icy’s lead and sending you the playlist thing for rames!
hi hi hi!! so excited to do this~ i was obsessed with your jelisa post and your answers hehe. normally i try to keep my playlists centered around the time the story takes place but if i'm allowed to pick, my taste is a bit more modern-ish lol! i do my best to put the chapter titles as little soundtracks to go along with the story, but that doesn't always work out. most of the time they're just reflecting the chapter content with the title, not the lyrics
opening credits: l.a. baby (where dreams are made of) by the jonas brothers!
perhaps i'm cheating by picking a song that's already an opening credits song, but i think if their life was a TV show/movie this would be so perfect for them!
meeting for the first time: tracks of my tears by smokey robinson and the miracles
not because i think it reflects their situation but because i think roxy remembers this as the song she first heard him sing. their meeting isn't really anything miraculous + not love at first sight, but i think if they were a movie it would be cute if this was playing in the background when they first meet :)
hey, i kinda like you: crush by david archuleta
super super rames; playing on the radio when roxy decides to ask james out as like a little peek into what's running through her mind
i’m going to kiss you now: dig what you dug by wallows
:) love this song its sooo so so rames, but especially right after they kiss for the first time and james tells roxy he loves the way she says his name. that scene was inspired by this song in the first place!!
falling in love: jump than fall by taylor swift
self self-explanatory and chapter title stealing again...
your place or mine: last man in the world by the band camino
naked in bed: hands down by dashboard confessional
my one mistake is using this to title a dak centered chapter... but it is also so very rames
first fight: that's what you get by paramore
cheating again and stealing chapter titles... but i mean come on! that's basically what happens lol
maybe we should take a break: my happy ending by avril lavigne
speaks for itself i think... especially because rox is pretty far gone for him at this point...
i want you back: iris by the goo goo dolls
I KNOW I KNOW but just imagine it's raining and james and roxy are in the street and they're apologizing to each other after their break because they realized it was such a bad idea and that they're better together and they love each other too much to see the other hurt and the instrumental part is playing in the background AHHH
will you marry me: songbird by oasis
not only is this their song (to me...) but everything about it is just so loving and tender and i think it fits this section perfectly. while i don't know if james and roxy are marriage people just yet, i think i could see this being something rox walks down the aisle to or perhaps their first dance song :)
first child: cecilia and the satellite by andrew mcmahon in the wilderness
like the last one, i'm not sure if james and roxy are parent material lol and i don't know many songs about children, but this is one of my favorites :) i think if anything james would be a super cute girl dad (as i think all boy band members would be) and i could imagine him writing/singing a similar type of song :)
we’re getting older: 18 by one direction/act my age by one direction
<3 we can forget they're 17 when they start dating okay <3
if you die i’ll go with you: i'll follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie
if you've never heard this one you might want to grab some tissues. my hands are shaking as i write this.
end credits: the flower garden by joe hisaishi
im imagining the screen fading to black after their story ends while this plays and seeing the credits roll and GAH IM SUCH A MESS HELP!!!!!! (and now im imagining a howl's moving castle au so someone needs to take google docs far FAR AWAY FR OM ME but they fit those roles so well HELPPP)
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jonmyblaze · 1 year
Zelda: Why I ask did you never be with me until my final hours! Why did you allow for our kingdom to die and be plunged into death and misery for 100 years. Why would you never answer m me..
was I not right.? was I not worthy?"she asked her goddess on her knees the goddess herself stood in her golden form looking at her blood incarnation
Zelda expected contempt bitterness and disdain but not this
Hylia : it was never you who was unworthy, it was your environment and you're expectations.
"What?" Zelda asked her goddess,
Hylia :My child I am the goddess of time, I am not the goddess of power nor courage or wisdom. Those are the original Golden girls, Den forore and Nayru.. yet I am worshiped as a Creator goddess
I am not. I merely watch and observed time and ensure that dark forces do not consume the mystic land for goo.
Like the many people who expect me to be all powerful all-knowing goddess
The people who believe that you were hyrules only hope was part of the problem,
The environment that you were raised in, the stratification of power, and and how isolating your upbringing was, it did not Grant you love. It granted you only bitterness, envy and above all a feeling of worthlessness..
Zelda looked at the ground, there was no need to remind her of that. But then her thoughts landed on what Hialeah was putting down. It almost sounded like it was against the monarchy.
For my powers to truly be unlocked, it requires not the pain and self torture self-deprecation to the point of near suicide at my own altar through hypothermia.
Zelda blushed embarrassed remembering that traumatic incident.
You ran yourself ragged in an attempt to appease Powers both Royal and paternal. Yet you were unable to put yourself above some vein collections of towns and settlements loosely connected to the crown that had the gull to call itself a nation.
Zelda was pissed
But Hyrule my kingdom!
Hylia: Fuck the kingdom!
let yourself live!
But the Royal line!
Destroys the monarchy for all I care.. the people lasted 100 years without a crown above their heads.
Hylia:Look I'm going to give you a simple piece of advice, and heed my words.
Retire with your blonde twink. And be a normal scientist, and researcher. You earned your peace
If any one tries to bring up Royal lines and succession or purity of Royal blood , you have my permission to use the master sword on those wannabe suitors. You earned it you earned life far more than the monarchy did.
you do don't have to kill yourself for the sake of a Nation that won't recognize you as their Queen by their own standards Damned if you do damned if you don't but live the life that makes you happy.
This is the best gift I could offer. Bye-bye now
---+goddess disappears in light.----
Zelda sat there, mulling over hylias words unsure how to proceed. She knew she had to get back to her knight but she felt like a certain weight was lifted from her shoulders. Maybe her goddess was right. The kingdom had suffice so far without her rulership and it was rebuilding itself.
Maybe she could take it easy, now if only she could find where her twink is.
Link*moans in bottom*
Zelda: oh thank you Hylia
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mask-of-prime · 2 years
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VG: Kiss Me
It was past patrol hours. The Guard stirred, paced, and sparred to practice for their next missions. Any sort of trouble had been quiet for a while, which would normally put one at ease, but had put the Guard all the more on the lookout. They always made sure to expect surprises. Vitani gazed at the moonlight that illuminated the Lion Guard Lair, remembering a sweet, cherished, and life-changing night under this same full moon. She sighed sentimentally before turning away from the entrance, grunting as she plopped onto the podium-shaped rock that generations of leaders before her sat. She lightly doodled on the surface with a claw, not realizing she'd been smirking. Tazama, ever the observer, picked up on her leader's rather rare expression. Her watchful eyes causing a domino effect of Imara slowing her sparring to look at what Tazama was looking at, Shabaha noticing Imara looking away, and Kasi stopping her heckling of the spar when she saw it end. Vitani's heart jumped when her Guard was all suddenly gathered close to the podium. She quickly covered a nonsensical doodle she'd made with a paw. "...What?" "What'cha thinkin' about?" Kasi teased, placing her paws on the ledge. "Nothing..?" "We know that look. That's your Tiifu smirk." Vitani glanced away in thought, utterly lost about Kasi's logic. "It got me thinking," Kasi continued anyway, "I've always wanted to ask this, but... who kissed first?" The question riled up the others, interjecting their curiosity as well. There was no getting them off Vitani's back now. "I... I don't remember, we were just so lost in the moment..." "Come on!" some Guard members whined. "Guys, please! I need to retrace my steps. Let's see..." Vitani thought back to several months before. It was currently spring, now. and the memories traced back to that last summer...
Vitani and Tiifu set their sights on each other long after the merging of the prides. For months they were both afraid to shoot their shot. Vitani's busy schedule filled with missions that took up most daylight hours, and Tiifu's training to be the healer of the Lioness' Hunt took much time to get properly acquainted away. Tiifu had always liked girls, but never found one who shared the same feeling. As a teenager during Kion's journey to heal his scar, she'd resigned to the idea that she wouldn't find someone, and that was okay. Not everyone had a lover. Until Vitani joined the pride a year later... Tiifu was floored by the former Outsider's seemingly polar opposite vibes from the rest of the native Pridelanders. It was a refreshing change of pace, and it awakened a wild side of Tiifu she never knew she had, being a sheltered, mild-mannered, and passive lioness. Meanwhile, Vitani never saw herself with anyone, and thought that mushy, goo goo-eyed stuff was only for her brother to revolve his life around. Though she'd long turned to a more peaceful life, she felt she had no true place to maintain that newfound restful, warless life. No one she'd already been close to took her out of that old life, and most of the lionesses native to the Pridelands were older, and traditional, only ever talking about things like grooming, hunting, and caring for babies. Until she saw Tiifu... Tiifu was like pure innocence and peace with a body, a rather curvy body at that. Vitani wanted to open her mind to a more positive, sunshiny outlook on life. A light of hope in dark moments, a chance to preserve one's innocence, something she couldn't do with herself as a cub. One day, and coincidentally that same, particular day, Vitani and Tiifu both confessed to their respective friend groups what had been wrong with them these past few months. ____ Within the main den of Pride Rock... "I really think I found the one!" Tiifu's tail curled up in excitement. "Who? Who is it?!" Zuri bounced eagerly with her best friend. "It's the new leader of the Guard! She's, just, so dreamy..." Tiifu stared off, it almost looked like stars glistened in her eyes. Zuri stopped bouncing, "That one?" "Well..." "Well, I think it's sweet." Kiara smiled. "You don't think it's weird? I mean she's, like, Kovu's sister and all, and me and you are, like, best friends..." "No way!" she placed a paw on Tiifu's shoulder assuringly, "And I've spoken to Vitani. She's a trustworthy, kind lioness." "I wish I could talk to her like you can..." "We can make that happen." Kiara turned towards ouside, "Come on, we'll take you to the courtyard and give you pointers..." ____ Meanwhile, in the Lion Guard Lair... "Every time I see her, I just... feel weird. I haven't stopped feeling weird. My chest hurts, I'm all hot and tingly. I must be sick or something..." Vitani shook her head. "Does she give you a bad vibe?" Kasi tilted her head, "Is she one of those stuck-up Pridelanders that gives us the cold shoulder?" "No. She... she makes me feel, I don't know, hopeful? Like I can't stop thinking about us in the future?" she then scoffed, "I feel like a creep..." "Do you think that this may be a crush? You remember how much it changed Kovu..." said Tazama. "Yeah, but... why me? I never thought I'd feel that way about anyone." she looked down, "I wonder if I even should, I mean, you guys saw how much just thinking about her's been distracting me..." "I think you should!" Kasi nodded. "Better to answer that feeling instead of letting it loom over you all the time, I think." said Imara, "Patrols haven't been out of the ordinary lately, why not just skip this one? Just, go see her." Vitani tried her best to hide a chill that ran down her spine. She worriedly looked towards the entrance of the lair. They were right... ____ Vitani gulped. Time to look for her... She ascended from the lair. She stared off worriedly before glancing around, not realizing how paranoid she'd looked. Her heart jumped to find Tiifu already very close-by. She quickly hid behind one of Pride Rock's walls. Closing her eyes and taking deep breaths. She took one final, big, deep breath before heading back to what felt like her hardest mission in months. On her way, her ears picked up rustling and whispering in the bushes beside her. She stuck her head into it. "Hi'ya, 'Tani!" Shabaha greeted with an eager wave, speaking a little too loud. A large paw suddenly clamped over her mouth. Vitani glanced around to see the whole Guard in the tight crook of boulders and bushes With the exception of Tazama, who sat up front with her head in the bushes, spying. "What are you guys doing here? This is supposed to be private!" Vitani hissed, fuming. "We just wanna make sure it goes well." Imara shrugged. "I thought you believed in me?" Vitani was baffled. She unsheathed her claws, "I, oughta-" Suddenly, Vitani felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. No time to bicker with the Guard now. “Hah, hi.” said Tiifu’s shaky voice. She tried not to lose her composure. “Uh…” Vitani’s wide eyes relaxed to a flirtatious smirk, “hey, there.” “Heard you got the day off…” “Yeah!” "This is just awkward..." Shabaha continued to complain, "She's killin' me! This love thing is messing Vitani up." "Quiet..." Imara said in a low, irritated voice. Tiifu swayed idly, “Do you want to, um… hang out? If you don’t have any other plans, of course.” "Yes, Tiifu, good start!" Kiara praised in a hushed voice. Unbeknownst to the Guard, Tiifu's very own friends hid in another bush just on the opposite side. Vitani tugged at a few clumps of fur on her chest. There was no turning back now. Either answer would change her life. A no would keep her in painful mystery for the rest of her life. A yes would put an end to the mystery, and she would find that this lioness was the ticket to a committed partner and a positive reinforcement in her life, or she wasn't what Vitani hoped she'd be, which would add to her pain. She was taking a long time, now. Tiifu glanced around at Vitani's body language nervously. "Uh, oh. Vitani's freezing up." Tazama reported. Concerned over Vitani's sudden silence, the Guard muttered amongst themselves. "Welp, we tried." Shabaha shot up and began to head toward home, "Guess it wasn't meant to b- G'uh!" Suddenly, Imara had gotten a hold of the Bravest's tail before she could make another step towards the direction of the lair. Having a story to tell was better than the torture of not knowing at all. Vitani took her chances. "I'm up for that. Sounds great." she finally answered. "Yessss!" Kiara held up a fist in victory. She and Zuri high-fived. "Where to?" Tiifu piped, hoping Vitani wasn't the one about to ask that same question. She truly had no clue where if it were her decision. "Hmm..." Vitani glanced to the side, bouncing a little. Her train of thought was bombarded when her Guard suddenly loudly hissed suggestions. "Lake Shangaza!" suggested Imara. "Mbali Fields!" suggested Kasi. "Lake Matope." Shabaha darkly joked, not taking this seriously. "Shh, shut up! Shut up!" Vitani hissed back, swatting threateningly in the Guard's direction. "I-Is something wrong..?" Tiifu could unfortunately see Vitani, who looked like she was swatting at the air. "G'ah, nothing..." Vitani shot a cold scowl towards the bushes, "Just a couple of annoying little insects..." "Oh." "She's not expecting Tiifu to know where to go, is she?" Zuri muttered to Kiara, "We didn't give her a plan." "We'll just come up with one on the spot, then..." Kiara turned to her green-eyed friend, "Tiifu, suggest Urembo Meadows!" Tiifu, unsure of how to not look like she was talking to the bushes, instinctively decided to just ignore them. Vitani stood up tall, feeling adventurous. "Why don't we just go wherever our paws take us?" Tiifu picked up on Vitani's bravado, "Yeah! Somewhere far, too!" Vitani nodded, "I like your style!" Vitani eagerly headed out the courtyard, and Tiifu followed suit. Both smiled at the beginning of what could be a beautiful evening. Kiara and Zuri simultaneously let out hushed squeals in pride of their friend. They hugged each other tight in glee. They slid out of the bushes, unseen and unheard. "I think that's our cue to give the two lovebirds some time alone." Kasi said in a low, hushed voice as she watched Vitani and Tiifu depart. "Finally..." Shabaha mumbled. "Have fun, you crazy kids." Imara lightly chuckled, glancing back before heading back to the lair. Being second-in-command, Imara promised herself to keep things in order while her leader was out. ____ Without a plan, the two lionesses headed northwest, and evetually stumbled upon a waterfall neither had seen before. It was a landmark of the Pridelands known by the name of Msingi Falls. It was basically one of the corners of the Pridelands, bordering the Outlands and Theluji Mountains, and seemed to be where water from the Great Big Lake had streamed. Tomight, the full moon glistened against the water, giving it an almost heavenly glow. It was strangely rather unoccupied, with the exception of various nocturnal insects that either created ambient chirps, or swarmed around the moonlight. Vitani had the idea to get a better look at the falls on the acacia tree that towered the cliff just next to the fall. She stuck out a paw to help Tiifu up the tree. The two gazed at the scenery and exchanged a few words, their hushed anecdotes and gossiping masked by the rushing water, giggling as their tails intertwined subconsciously. Soon, their mingling had turned into silent gazing, which turned into an excruciating silence as neither had noticed the other's face journeys. Tiifu eventually noticed a sullen look across Vitani's face. "Vitani...?" The lioness in question broke away from her racing thoughts. She turned to Tiifu. "I don't know how to put this, but... You're a little different than what I thought you would be. You're super polite, and very gentle." "Well, I..." Vitani sighed. "And you've been looking really uncomfortable all night, is the date not going okay?" "No! I mean, it is, I mean... Why would you think I'm uncomfortable?" "Well, you haven't been hiding your nerves well at all tonight." Vitani glanced away with big eyes. She was being caught. Tiifu giggled at Vitani's silly look, "You're funny..." "Truth is..." Vitani scratched the back of her head, "I'm not usually this gentle with anyone. I just thought you'd like that... as a Pridelander. I just thought my roughness from a hard life would be too much for you..." "Vitani, I like that rough side of you, that's what makes you you." The former Outsider was taken aback, pleased to hear that from Tiifu. "You know... I  kinda having that same thought run through my head," Vitani spoke up, "that whole different-than-I-thought thing..." "Really?" "Yeah... you're more gutsy and dark-humored than I thought. I kinda thought you were just nothing but a little ray of sunshine." "Funny thing..." "Don't tell me... you were faking it, too..." "Well, I wouldn't exactly say it was 'fake', but... yeah, I really wanted to fit in with you, y'know? I was worried you were gonna think I was lame." Tiifu glanced down. "Nah, you're not-" "Usually I am kind of a square, but..." Tiifu looked back up, "Vitani, you just really bring something out in me that I didn't even know I had. I'm sorry if I'm not who you thought I was." "No, I really like that about you." "The lying?" "What? No..." Vitani glared before returning to an admiring look, "You're kinda spicy, I think it's cute on you." Tiifu giggled, "If it makes you feel any better, I like your chivalrous side. It's kinda hot..." Vitani snorted. This one was funny. She saw Tiifu's paw slide close to her. With slight hesitation, Vitani placed her own paw atop Tiifu's. The former Outsider glanced up in thought, "To think we were both putting on a facade to impress each other. But, really we just had to be ourselves. But then, we realize we like these other sides of each other. It's like one of those drama performances I've seen around here..." Vitani snapped out of her rambling, "Sorry for talking so much, I..." "Please don't ever stop." Tiifu stared, eyes big, dark, and glistening like the night sky above them. Vitani gazed into Tiifu's dark olive green eyes, and Tiifu eventually found herself gazing at Vitani's stormy blue eyes. They absentmindedly leaned closer and closer, until they couldn't hold back anymore. Their lips touched. Pressing harder and harder. They leaned and tilted their heads and sighed in relief and passion. Gnats and moths circled around them and gravitated towards the light of the moon. The rest of the night was a blur to them. ____ "So... it was at the same time, basically?" Kasi tilted her head. Halfway through the story she'd been lying down, as the rest of the Guard were. "Guess so," Vitani shrugged, "Guess we were just so lost in our feelings that no one was really keeping track." "'Our feelings'..." Shabaha muttered and rolled her eyes, "Gag." "Anywho..." Vitani sat up and headed toward the moonlight, which had long shifted and illuminated other parts of the lair, now. "I think I'll spend the night upstairs. Pleasant dreams, losers." The Guard each bid Vitani goodnight in their own various ways. The Leader of the Guard hopped from the lair into the night, on her way to spend yet another memorable night with that very lioness. ____ ((Author's Note: To save this from seeming too out-of-order of the storyline, I made up the opening and closing frame of the story on the spot to make it look a little like a "Remember the time?" filler episode of a sitcom (though normally shows end seasons with this kinda episode lol) Also, the title of this upload is a reference to the song of the same name by Sixpence None the Richer, which has always felt very sapphic to me tbh Speaking of music, I'd like to think a love ballad musical number would've played before the part where they climb up the tree. Would've filled so many gaps and tied the scene together if I were a lyricist lol. I'm thinking the song would be about how they see themselves, their places in each other's lives, and if they're making the right choice Lastly, Msingi Falls is not a location seen in The Lion Guard. It's kinda my... idk my location OC I guess lol. "Msingi" translates to "base". Its multiple meanings will be evaluated on in future appearances Happy Belated Valentine's Day!))
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vertumnanaturalis · 8 months
A lot of people seemed to like my last one, so woe! More fic ideas be upon all ye again; compilation of au ideas I posted in LQ and haven't been edited to be easier to read edition!
(below the cut, because theres like 12 of them and its a big messy mess)
Nem?Tang fic where they wake up in some ancient convergent domain plant device with only hazy memories of how they got there but nothing solid enough to work off of, and also why is their hair so long, and where are their clothes, and where is the goddamn colony? Because oopsie daisy! it seems that somebody put them in the ancient alien magitech healing goo and forgot to take them out when they were done, and now two hundred years have passed and everybody else they know and love are long dead, and also apparently some giant ass fleet of earth guys tried to land while they were having a snooze but! oh! whoopsie! yet again! somebody sent them the wrong information about how to safely get through the wormhole and the majority of the fleet did not make it to the surface in one piece!!! and the some of the survivors may or may not have folk stories about people that may or may not be Nem and Tang’s loved ones doing either great or terrible things during those two hundred years they were sleeping through!!
mermaid au where Besk was a mermaid trapped in a research facility and Instance broke her out during her ecoterrorist days but Besk couldn’t go back to the ocean because (hand waves) so she stayed with Instance as a slightly-more-free test subject who could technically come and go as she pleases, and she did, and eventually came back from one of her outings with two whole goddamn babies, and despite their both their hopes both babies seem to be pretty much normal human babies except for the occasional weird non-human thing, like eating whole raw eggs or Tangent having an overnight sex change shortly after saying she’s a girl, and feeling like she’s the only mermaid left in the world eventually leads Besk to doing the same thing she always does, and now Instance is stuck with two ambiguously half-human grieving kindergartners, and now it’s the world’s words hybrid of Wolf Children and The Thirteenth Year (with a mild dose of human experimentation sprinkled on top)
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modern day/modern-ish all humans on earth au fic where Sym is a pre-school teacher(or aid??) who just moved to a new town with his beloved edgelord of a boyfriend who never wants to talk about his past or childhood and Sym only knows bits and pieces that he’s mentioned over the past few years (but that’s fine he’s just got his secrets nothing new there), and at his new job with his new class there’s a young single parent of twins that also moved into town only a little bit after he did, and apparently they don’t have anybody in their life besides their kids, they don’t have any family and the kids dad isn’t in the picture, so he does the nice friendly thing and offers to lend a hand if they need help with anything, and one afternoon as he’s supposed to be leaving work after making sure that the kids are all picked up, he spots said single parent and said beloved edgelord talking/arguing about something, because apparently they used to know each other but haven’t seen each other in a long while, and his boyfriend doesn’t wanna hear what “actually super important and kinda immediately relevant” thing that his old friend wants to talk about, and before Sym can really stop them the two kids go running to greet their parent, and look we all know where this plot is heading fellas
(not sure if this one should follow Tang or Dys primarily but Imma go with Tang side for this) fic where there’s more people than canon but they’re still on Vertumna with little research on it & Sol has dream memories (maybe use part of the old idea about the Helio arriving as part of a mini fleet instead of a lone ship?), and Tang’s intelligence is lauded like in canon and she’s put into the best position to learn smarty smarts stuff, while Dys’ rebelliousness gets him no favors with the Man and gets himself marked as a troubled kid and moved away from his sister, with Tang being told that she can seek him out once she’s an adult if she still wants to but for now not to waste her time or energy on worrying about him and focus on her studies. She keeps hearing him being mentioned in passing as being part of some big secret alien-centric program to so she knows that he hasn’t gone awol, but she still doesn’t see him for the next 3 to 5 years even tho she still gets to see most of the other kids (bar Sol, who was also yoinked by the secret alien program). Fast forward to her being an adult enough adult who seems appropriately level headed for doing amoral sciences, so she’s invited to see the big important secret alien project, and “_so Tangent, you know how some of the xenofauna can pass information and feeling between individuals of different species through physical contact, and that there’s some functional technology leftover from the alien civilization that lived here beforehand? And that your brother spent a lot of time exploring ruins? And how sometimes science needs sacrifices? For the greater good and all that? :)?” and Tang gets to see her brother as one of the star subjects of the project’s attempt to recreate a messy version of the array (while not even understanding what it actually is)
like 3 different variants (Geranium, Flulu, and Hal+Tonin+Sol’s she group on a field trip” of “like 3 weeks after landing somebody falls into a mini wormhole and comes out 25 years into the future, except none of them went missing in the second timeline, and now they’re in the future having to deal with the way life actually turned out, and they don’t even know all of the stuff that their other selves do/did, because they may or may not be alive still in this other timeline”. (Actually what got me into working on all those future kid things because I wanted to know who’d be doing what when and with who)
au where Besk blacks out shortly before her suicide attempt and wakes up in a cave on Vertumna, having 0 idea where she is or how she got there, and stumbles around thinking she’s dead until one of the surveyors finds her, and upon getting back to the colony she finds out that she’s supposed to have been dead for the last 11 or so years, with her two five year olds now being sixteen (the same age as her when she left Earth & also how long she spent on the Strato), and she has to learn how to adapt to everything and being alive when she shouldn’t be while there are so many others who died and aren’t magically alive again, and also has to do all this while more or less locked under constant observation, because BOY nobody is going to casually leave her alone for like, so many reasons
fic that opens with Kom waking up in the medbay after the age 14 glow attack and Nem and their younger brothers and all his friends are so unbelievably glad he’s awake and ok, but he keeps learning about the not canon possible things that happened either during the attack or while he was healing (like his mom dying while helping the kids evacuate the creche or chief Rhett and Sol’s parents having died defending geoponics), and he’s just stuck with this unending feeling that he’s supposed to be dead right now, but he’s not, and I’m not sure where to go with the story past that
au where Kom wakes up five years before the Strato reaches the wormhole with the knowledge that he’s going to die ten years from now, and it more or less follows a dreamer Kom story except that he knows that his story only has one conclusion, and rather than trying to prevent his own death he spends that time trying to save and protect as many people in his life as he can (maybe prequel to above scenario?)
obligatory single “nice” modern au fic except that nice has to be in quotation marks because technically it’d be about Dys breaking into Sym’s house after committing a major felony and definitely in a big hurty thinking that it was abandoned, but like surprise! it’s not! and even tho Dys fully expects Sym to call the cops on him and wake up in jail he instead wakes up in Sym’s guest room and immediately assumes that he either died already, accidentally tripped into the fae realm, or Sym is some kinda polite hannibal ass serial killer, and it’d be just a whole bunch of Sym being genuinely kind and nice to Dys while Dys is just “y tho like literally what is wrong with you”, and it takes like 2 years and several more major felonies for them to get together. also this might’ve spawned off of the earlier pre school teacher one but it’s not 100% attached to it so that’s why it has it’s own bulletpoint
2.5 flavors of a Hunger Games AU, which are "special games where its announced that this year each district has to send two siblings/other close family members, and the twins get reaped in their district", "one of the younger boys gets reaped but Kom volunteers in their place", and "Tang watching as Dys gets reaped the first year he's applicable for it and she can't do anything about it, and then having to watch as Kom (in his last year of being applicable) volunteers in her brother's place and all of his siblings are now freaking out" which only came to me as I was sharing the first two.
also have this flawless related image
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au where Sym sees videos of wild animals in urban areas being relocated to a better habitat on the data thing Sol gives him and he comes up with a fresh new idea; cut to his two favorite humans (age 13/14) waking up on a strange beach some few thousand kilometers away from the colony several weeks later with 0 idea how they got there (ark opening tune starts to play)
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also whatever this is
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anyways, that's definately not all of the random au ideas I've had and don't include some of the more developed ones I've actually made effort to work on/flesh out, but these were on hand and I wanted to share them too
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Original Fiction
Wildflowers of Deliverance (three-part series)
Red, like my bleeding heart in your hand - 25k (complete--editing) novella prequel (the childhood years) - Follow Nash, his sister Jo, and his best friend Teddy in Deliverance, TN as they take on bullies and grow together, only to be ripped apart before they reach their potential
Blue, like don't forget about me - 60k (complete--editing) queer romance - Twenty years after Nash and Teddy lost touch, they reunite at a funeral and find all of the too-big feelings from childhood are still there, bubbling under the surface
Violet, like these delights - 50k~ (outlining) sequel to Blue - Jo's POV, coming of age in your 30's - Jo gets the freedom she thought she always wanted and finds, it kind of sucks actually
Woolen Hollow - Drafting Percolating - fantasy, magic systems, found family, accidental chosen one; a story about choice, family, and that weird forest kingdom girl who's obsessed with fortune tellers
Hot Air Balloon Town (working title - percolating) - In a small town famous for their hot air balloon museum and annual festival, a young woman decides she's going to break the world record for highest altitude in an open basket. However, the ghost in town is complicating things.
Spideypool (Peter Parker/Wade Wilson)
Paradise (spread out with a butter knife) -- slowburn soulmates au where friendship is magic (or the one where Peter and Wade are literal soulmates but don't realize it for literal years because they're literal idiots)
The Little Barnacle -- Peter panics and botches Wade's proposal by proposing first like the babbling disaster man he is. He also turned out hella aro and this was his choice.
GwenMJ (Gwen Stacy/Michelle Jones)
michelle.mp3 -- Michelle breaks up with Peter and retreats to her grandma's house in the country to lick her wounds and meets Gwen, her insufferable neighbor who also happens to be the drummer and songwriter who upended her perfectly adequate life and is apparently back for more.
Parkner (Peter Parker/Harley Keener)
*deep breath*
Freak Out 'Verse -- It starts with a kidnapping, evolves through a summer romance, and ends with a portal to another dimension, team dynamics, and... shit tits? am i reading this right? ...really? Yeah folks it says shit tits what the fuck
Peaches 'Verse -- It starts with Abbie and Harley. It starts with leaving. It ends with Abbie and Harley and Peter and May. It ends with a room and choosing to stay.
The Distance Between (You and Me) -- Harley struggles to get a grip on his PTSD while his kidnappers are still out there, the board of directors at Stark Industries are looking for any excuse to deny him his future right to inherit the company, and his "bodyguard" drives him up the fucking wall.
For the First Time, Eye to Eye -- Peter and Harley have a lot of shit to work through and Harley's family reunion (while they pretend to be boyfriends of five years rather than workplace rivals), is not the time or place. And yet...
Lemon Boy -- Post-Endgame (sorry) Harley takes in Peter as a roommate to help with expenses while he remodels his deceased uncle's house. Both grieving in their own way, they eventually learn to see the other clearly--through the mask and despite the barriers.
Parkner One-Shots
Heart (in hand) Home (in you) - 2.5k - Harley-centric sick fic
An Insignificant Problem - 1.2k - De-aged!Peter; Fed-up!Harley
Wouldn't Dream of It - 2.3k - Harley-centric alien goo induced trip down memory lane
The Human Kind - 3.7k - Spidey and Laddie play hide and seek :) (mind the tags!)
Undercover? I thought you said under covers... - 3.7k - what it says on the tin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Peter, no - 3.4k - Peter is an awful outdoorsman. Harley is in love with him.
Rhythm and Blues - 1.3k - Flash POV! He's stuck late at school and sees something he isn't supposed to.
No Need to Rush - 5.3k - It's simple: Harley loves Peter. Yet complicated: Peter loves Harley.
Second Chances for Second Guessers - 3.7k - Peter is a flighty little whimp afraid of falling in love
Pete, I'm Fake Drunk and Wanna Go Home - 2.9k - Peter needs a night off and Harley has a fool-proof plan to make him take one
The Devil is a Hopeless Romantic - 2k - tried to write angst. it's only okay
Completely and utterly devoid of sex appeal - 1.7k - Peter has the hots for Harley when he wears a certain outfit. Unfortunately it's his work uniform. And they work together.
Fake Romance Crap - 3.4k - sure he fake married me an hour ago, but do you think he likes me?
Apeshit - 2.1k - A Freak Out 'Verse one-shot written for the prompt: You know what, maybe they ARE tired of being nice. Maybe they DO wanna go apeshit.
adventures with hair dye and feelings — In Space! - 8.7k - 5 times Harley and Peter don’t kiss +1 time they do (in space!) Written for the combined prompts: 8) every single kiss so far has been a disaster but it's really funny and 46) don't have a one night stand with your coworker on the spaceship
Put in the Work - 54.7k - Rated M - fka the nasa au, now with minimal nasa (sorry). Harley built his whole life around two things: his daughter and his career at NASA. It's nothing but bad luck that he's laid off at the same time Hazel is pushing for independence. To cope, he falls back on his usual stress-relief, hotel sex with a hot stranger, but bad luck arrives in threes and it's definitely bad luck to fall in love with your one-night stand. If only he had a friend to vent to other than his sister, his daughter, and his strange quasi-friendship with Spider-Man via twitter…
Come on, take a joyride - 6.8k - 5 times Harley takes Peter for a ride +1 time Peter takes Harley
Free Pass - 9k - Rated E - a smutty New Year's Eve one-shot that got plot in it somehow...
another time, a difference place (I have loved you before) - ??? - In-progress (I'm posting as I go for once) - Endgame parkner fix it fic. Peter and Harley were together inside the soul stone. Unfortunately, neither of them remember anything and these frequent bouts of deja vu are getting weird.
Coming Up...
Baseball Smut - Rated E - parkner one-shot. Baseball uniforms are sexy, okay?
Your Mom Freaked Out - ??? - An addition to the Freak Out 'Verse that occurs sometime before the final scene of You're Freaking Out's epilogue. Harley gets blasted with temporal rays when Peter and Tony's time machine experiment goes wrong. It's just his luck that he wakes up handcuffed with Officer Benjamin Parker sitting at his bed side...
Not Spider-Man 4: Bring it on Home (working title) - ??? (LONG) - Gen fic (no romantic parkner), Harley-centric, trans ftm!Harley, canon compliant, post NWH - Harley built his own Iron Man armor and he uses it Robin Hood style to keep Rose Hill from blinking out on the map. Abbie thought she was helping by sneaking off to meet with reporter Betty Brandt and her photographer, Peter Parker, to shed some light on the dire situation in small towns like Rose Hill post-blip and the extremes people like her brother go to to keep people fed and healthy. But getting kidnapped is rarely considered helpful.
Spider-Man 4: Bring it on Home - ??? - Peter/Michelle - Sequel to Not SM4: BioH - Michelle POV (maybe with some Peter POV too--i'll decide when I actually get to writing it hah) -- Inspired by the events of Not SM4, Peter sets out to Boston get his friends back. Meanwhile, Michelle is trying to solve the mystery of why she and Ned have gaping holes in their memories. Ned has it worse than she does and has the therapy and medical bills to prove it, which is all the more reason for her to get to the bottom of this before his episodes get any worse. She's positive she could have solved it by now if not for the universe throwing constant distractions in her face--like the cute guy that recently started frequenting the shop where she works. And what the hell is Spider-Man doing outside of New York. One mystery at a time, Em. You'll figure it out. You always do.
We Were Gods (we were kids) - 100k~ - parkner childhood friends to estranged almost lovers to superheroes fighting on opposite sides to reluctant allies to lovers (this is the OG OG Blue like don't forget about me, back to its roots)
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blackjackkent · 6 months
Highlights from Rakha's further explorations in the tiefling camp:
She terrifies the group of small children trying to train for battle when the trainer asks her to encourage them. "Soak the battlefield in blood. Do not resist death, but embrace it!" The trainer is unimpressed by this: "Good job. Now they're even more scared." Rakha doesn't see why that's her problem.
The super inept fellow striking at a nearby training dummy has a slight panic attack on seeing Rakha's face; apparently he's not too familiar with orcish folk. Rakha is pretty fucking angry about this (especially in light of Aradin's 'half-breed' comment); she doesn't care about her own heritage but she knows what an insult is and is starting to realize that from some people she garners them just by existing. There is no option to punch him in the face, which she totally wants to do (and more, and more, spill his blood all over the training floor) but I suspect Wyll probably steps in instead and starts helping him, so she contents herself with sarcasm from the sidelines. "Try hitting the target."
She chats with Bex and Danis, who ask about her plans after reaching Baldur's Gate. "How can you make plans? I can't remember what I ate for breakfast," Rakha says. Bex, excited for their new life ahead, encourages optimism. The Narrator purrs in Rakha's head: "Surely destined for the slaughter. What would be more perfect than to die by your love's side, and know love was not enough?"
Okta, the woman at a giant cauldron on the camp's lower level, offers Rakha a bowl of gruel for having helped them fight the goblins off. The scent of the food triggers something strange in Rakha's head - memory. "Grey goo. I think I ate things like this in the past. When I was desperate." No image comes along with the thought, but the scent is familiar and goes along with a feeling of bewildered loneliness. She half-expects the woman to take it as an insult, but strangely, she doesn't, just offers the bowl more firmly and asks if Rakha has had similar hard times. Rakha feels tremendously perplexed and has no answer to offer, but she suspects the answer is yes.
INCREDIBLY unexpected little interchange: Another old woman near Okta - human, not tiefling - is selling potions. Ethel has a Durge-specific response to how tore-up-from-the-floor-up Rakha looks: "Oh! You're twitching something fierce, love. And your eyes! You look like you don't know the meaning of the word sleep." True enough. Rakha's two long rests have been scattered and fitful at best. This attention to her well-being from this stranger startles Rakha enough to admit: "I've had such a pounding headache recently." The woman of course has more questions, and slowly, Ethel manages to draw out from Rakha all the salient facts: she has no memory, she has intrusive thoughts, she sleeps with dreams of blood and slaughter. Ethel tuts and offers crooning words of sympathy and concern along with a healing potion. "Were you hurt recently?" she asks. Rakha shrugs sharply. "All I know is that right now, I'm imagining drowning you in the boiling stew over there." Her companions, who have never heard Rakha speak so candidly, all look at each other in bewilderment. Ethel laughs. "Oh, you cheeky pup," she says, and pokes Rakha playfully in the arm. "That might scare someone else, but I know what naughty girls need - a bitta love and care. If I was back at my teahouse, I'd make you a cuppa and tell you to put your feet up. Alas, here I can only tell you to be kind to yourself, petal. And encourage you to browse my bits and pieces, of course. Let me know if anything catches your eye." She chuckles and gives Rakha a wink. "Myself included." Rakha stares blankly at her. Any subtext is pretty much lost on her, but the strange kindness completely undeterred by the knowledge of Rakha's violent cruelty is... perplexing. "Thank you. For being nice to me," she hears herself say gruffly. "Sure! What else am I here for?" Ethel says airily.
"Well," Gale says cheerfully as they wander away. "That was a refreshing bit of kindness in this little wilderness waystation, was it not?"
"Chk," mutters Lae'zel. "Platitudes and insipid benevolence are no solution; they merely invite carelessness." She squints at Rakha. "Do not be taken in; our business has not changed. We have no time for such prattle, or a visit to this 'tea-house.' Let us find Zorru and be gone from this place."
Rakha shrugs and says nothing. No doubt Lae'zel is right; it was a wasted conversation.
'Be kind to yourself' - what does that even mean? The words rattle in her head like scattered caltrops, stinging, painful for some reason she can't define. There is no kindness to be had in her, not for other people and certainly not for herself - nor does she wish it.
She wants vengeance and she wants answers. And she agrees with Lae'zel - this strange old woman can provide no answers; certainly not the ones she needs.
So why did Rakha thank her? Why did she even listen at all?
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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To the surprise of no one, Liz and Sophito immediately dumped their baby so they could bang 5 minutes after Liz gave birth. Thankfully we have Sophie, who remains the only competent adult this family has ever seen.
-Felina baby, I don’t want you to worry, I’ll love you even if you end up inheriting Liz’s horrible Frances Worthington eyebrows! -Goo goo! 
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It’s time for the pets to get to work procreating, because the lot isn’t nearly laggy enough as it is. 
-Ok Kitana, it’s time to have kittens with Klaus! -’Klaus’, more like Cucklaus! I hate him! -I know you do baby, I hated Cyneswith too but I still did my duty! -And produced SUGAR.  -I promise you your kittens won’t be like Sugar! -Well if they are I’m giving them to the wolf! 
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Preggo chimes on the first try, great job bbs!
-Ya great job, Cucklaus, round-headed asshole. -Go to hell, Shitana, I can’t believe I’m wasting my genes on you.
Ok then, let’s move on to the dogs!
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I’m shocked to say I’ve finally discovered something Don is good at: getting pets to knock each other up.
-So what do you think, Servilia, wanna have some puppies? -I don’t know, Don, Xander is so hot but what if our kids turn out like Sugar?? -They won’t, baby, Sugar was a freak accident!
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First try again, and Servilia and Xander actually really like each other❤️
-Xander! Xander you big stud, come in here and do me again!  -I will babe, let me just catch my breath, you’re a whole lotta woman!
Ya ok gross, going for more of a puppy love vibe here, guys- 
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-Then look no further than us! I’m pregnant again!  -That’s right, I knocked her up before the umbilical cord was even cut! 
WHAT. That’s it, I’m turning autonomous woohoo off, you two are gonna drown me in babies, we’re having 2 and that’s it, the lot lag is UNREAL..
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..in no small part because of this goddamn wolf-attracting forest I had to plant.
-Are you seriously gonna keep deleting and replacing this thing every night?
Well the fucking wolf has left us no choice now, has he? HAS HE.
-I worry that you’re going a little Captain Ahab over the wolf.
What nonsense, I’m completely sane! Now you sit there and don’t move till the sun sets again in 12 hours, and I’m not moving either, I don’t care if the entire household dies in the meantime.  
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HERE HE IS. Alright, asshole, your relationship is at 100/100, NOW BITE HIM
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-Oh moonflower, isn’t it so nice to reconnect now that autonomous woohoo has been disabled? We can finally really talk about our relationship and not just bury our problems under passionate geriatric woohooing!  -You’re so right, Donnie, this is the best time ever, now let me just go check if iVan needs a late night tune up🌸
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Ok you know what?? Between the lag, psycho Aiden, and the worst digital animal to ever exist, I have officially HAD IT. Tonight I’m solving 2 out of 3 of those problems!!! 
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-Aaaaaiden! Get over here buddy, it’s time for your first kiss! 
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-You’re not Cyneswith! 
Ya sorry Aiden the Cyneswith kiss ain’t happening but don’t worry, I found you Clarabelle here who is very willing!
-Hmmm! Well, that’s an interesting perfume..
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-Wow Clarabelle, you know, despite being half-cow half-plant, you really are beautiful in your own way.. Very striking.. I love your teeth..
Why don’t you get a little closer Aiden, our Clarabelle is shy!
-Oh that’s sweet, she’s demure! Nothing like that slut Cyneswith! 
You can say that again!
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Ugh his stupid glasses upset her stomach! Poor bb.
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-Good girl, Clarabelle.. I’m glad I got one last murder with you💜
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-And now, to prolong my life for one more wolf party.. At least Aiden died for a good cause! 
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Alright, Jojo, this is it. Tonight IT ENDS
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WELL HELLO, FUCKER. Bet you didn’t expect us waiting for you western duel style, did you!!! Now why don’t you step into our yard in this new beautiful fenced area we built, don’t worry it has a door! Just follow Jojo in..
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Is it happening?????
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iVan wants to become a werewolf too, which LOL, so here you go, iVan, you’re a robowolf or whatever the fuck now! 
-𝙰𝚆𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾𝙾. 𝙸𝚂𝙽'𝚃 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝙵𝚄𝙽, 𝙹𝙾𝙹𝙾? -Yes yes, it is..
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And here you go, Jojo, I deleted the cute default so you can have a proper menacing appearance! 
What is it? 
-You know, I’m not totally sure being a werewolf is for me after all..
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