#my blog isn’t just Simon snow
yellobb · 2 years
Yellobb’s Year In Review
I definitely stole the idea to make this shortened and not as ugly, so thank you Em and Raen for that 😆
I posted 1,900 times in 2022
That's 749 more posts than 2021!
126 posts created (7%)
1,774 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,305 of my posts in 2022
Only 31% of my posts had no tags
#the simon snow series - 339 posts
#simon snow - 286 posts
#baz pitch - 245 posts
#toh - 213 posts
#snowbaz - 205 posts
#the owl house - 203 posts
#m rambles - 103 posts
#toh spoilers - 94 posts
#hunter toh - 73 posts
#current events - 72 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i didn’t make either simon or baz a vscode user in my fic because you only find vscode after you’ve healed internally and they haven’t lmao
My Top Posts in 2022:
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My Simon Snow birthday art, where I screwed up and gave the last Simon a random age instead of looking up how old he really is
118 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
That post about how 40k words is classified as a novel got me thinking: how many people in the Simon Snow fandom have written not only a novel, but a longer novel than the source material?
Please note that, while I could probably get the data for what authors have written more than one/all of the books composite, this is mainly focused on the lengths of individual works. I used the Carry On fandom tag on AO3 for searching, since the Simon Snow and related fandoms tag has one fic that would place, and it’s a Fangirl fic, not a Simon Snow fic and AO3 is where most of the fics seem to be posted anyway.
This post is too long and I tagged too many people, so shortening it for y’all
180 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
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Based on this reel I saw the other day that immediately screamed Simon and Baz
(Click for quality)
209 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
Thinking about how viscerally affected I was watching Kate in Don’t Look Up. How she is the only one who shows the very human reaction of being furious that people are making light of this thing that will be everyone’s doom at the beginning, but is essentially written off as being too emotional and “crazy”. How throughout the entire film this brilliant astronomer who LITERALLY DISCOVERED THE FUCKING COMET is discredited and ostracized for being just a tiny bit upset about everything and made out to be an idiot that no one should listen to. How she chooses to grit her teeth and bare it, but it blows up in her face because she still isn’t acknowledged. How she continues to try with all her might to save everyone until there’s no other way, but she still fails because there’s just too many forces working against her. How even when she doesn’t give a shit anymore because she’s just so tired of being pushed down she still cares so much, she just has to come to terms with the fact that she tried, and maybe that wasn’t enough, but that’s all she could do.
431 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Eldest AFAB sibling, queer, neurodivergent, former gifted kid, perfectionist culture is curling up in a ball and sobbing at all three of the Madrigal siblings’ solos
436 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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siriusleee · 7 months
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For @glitterypirateduck Call of Duty Christmas Special. Author's Note: For the holiday season, I wanted to write some things for some of my mutuals I've met the past year I've had my blog. This is for @lethargicluv - have fun with finals. Christmas Movie: White Christmas Premise: Simon is your neighbor; neither of you want to spend Christmas alone.
It’s bitterly cold outside, but the plates in your hand keep you warm as your boots crunch across the snow covering your yard. Thankfully it’s a quick trip next door; you knock the crusted snow off of your boots on the steps before juggling the plates around so you can knock on Simon’s door. 
You see his curtain twitch and know that he’s looking out to see who’s knocking. Half a minute later, you hear the locks being undone and the door swings open.
“I brought you dinner,” you say before he can say anything, shoving the plates towards him. “I saw your truck pulled in late, and I had extra. I figured you hadn’t eaten.”
His eyebrows knit together above the black hospital mask he’s always wearing, but he still reaches out to take the plates from you. 
“No problem!”
The two of you stand awkwardly in the cold until finally, you give a half turn, shooting a smile over your shoulder at the man glowering in his doorway.
“Have a good night!”
The next day the plates are washed and stacked on top of each other outside your front door. 
It starts a game between the two of you: every time you bake something there’s just too much extra for yourself, and every time Simon spots something wrong at your place he’s there to fix it, grumbling about your shit landlord. 
“You’re going to break your neck one of the days,” he grumbles at you, bouncing on your front steps, the wood bowing beneath his weight. You frown at him from your spot at the front door; you’re still bleary-eyed from the sleep he interrupted with his knocking on the door. 
“I’ll call the landlord and have him fix it,” you tell him, biting off a yawn. 
“Don’t worry about it.”
You can tell from the way he stands that in less than an hour, he’ll be there with a hammer to straighten everything back up. 
It goes on for weeks until you’re knocking on his door again, but this time empty-handed. Simon opens the door, fully dressed like he somehow expected your request. 
“Do you think you help me get a Christmas tree?”
You almost expect him to say no, but agrees without question, and an hour later finds the two of you wandering between pre-cut Christmas trees. The snow falls lightly, tangling in the fur around your hood. 
The aisles are thin, picked almost clean of everything but the Charlie Brown trees. You pause to look at one, fingertips tracing the green needles before moving on to the next.
“Bit late for a tree isn’t it?” Simon asks from behind his mask, hands tucked into the pocket of his hoodie. 
“Yeah probably. It just felt a little depressing around my house.”
You’re evaluating the trees with an air of expertise, but not knowing what you’re looking for. While you do, you find yourself talking to Simon, just to fill the silence. 
“I usually go home each year, but my parents are going on a vacation this year. I wasn’t going to decorate for just myself, but then everything seemed so boring and drab. What do you think of this one?
This one is skinny and little but still filled out more than most of the trees on the lot.
“I don’t think it’ll hold any ornaments,” Simon says, amusement coloring his voice, “but it isn’t the worst-looking one.”
“That’s fine because I don’t have any ornaments.”
You step back, admiring the tree before giving yourself a small nod. 
“Yeah, I think this one. Do you think we have to ask the guy-”
You don’t have the sentence out of your mouth before Simon gently nudges you out of the way and shoulders the tree. You trail him back to the front of the lot, watching how green needles shower onto his back. He pauses just long enough to let you press a bill into the lot owner's hand before setting off to his truck. 
He doesn’t let you help tie the tree down in the back of the truck, telling you to go buckle in instead. You watch him wrestle with the limbs in the rearview mirror, hurriedly pretending to be playing on your phone when he climbs in.
“You hungry?”
“I could eat.”
Christmas music plays on the radio as Simon takes the two of you through a drive-through, passing your burger and fries without hurry. The two of you eat in the parking lot, and you try not to stare at his face as the two of you eat. 
“Are you - are you doing anything for Christmas this year?” You ask timidly, picking at your fries. In all the weeks the two of you had spent rotating around each other, you’d never seen anyone else at his house, never heard him mention anyone else. 
“Watch TV and sleep,” Simon replies, wiping his hands on a napkin before tucking his trash into the bag. “Don’t do much other than that usually.”
“Oh.” Is your simple reply, and then you speak again before thinking. “Do you want to come do Christmas at my house? Just me and you?”
You see the way he moves slower with the trash and the way he hurriedly pulls his mask back over his face. You think you’ve overstepped a boundary, but Simon finally answers as he puts the truck into reverse.
It starts a nervous excitement in you. You can’t remember the last time someone’s come by to visit, much less the last time you’ve had someone over for a holiday. You find yourself nearly on your hands and knees scrubbing at the baseboards to try to get the place gleaming. The Christmas tree Simon carried into your house is sparsely decorated, but what you lack in ornaments, you make up for in enthusiasm. 
You hadn’t known what to cook - would a guy like Simon like traditional Christmas food? You’d spent forty-five minutes at the grocery store standing in front of the Christmas hams before your hands migrated over to the steaks. What man doesn’t eat steak? You’d chosen two: a bigger one for Simon, and promptly spent too much money on all the sides. 
It all culminated in your house being cleaner than you’d ever had it, the steaks cooking in the oven, and your fingernails nervously bitten down as you tried not to watch out the window obsessively to see when he would finally exit his house. 
Five minutes before he agreed to be at your house for dinner, you spotted Simon exit his front door, not bothering to lock it after it swung shut behind him. You leave the television on to try and fill the silence - Bing Crosby talking about Christmas in White Christmas - and open the door just a minute too early to be completely casual. 
Simon stands on the bottom step, too tense to be casual himself. His black mask is gone for the evening, and it’s an act of extreme willpower not to stare at his face. You have to force yourself to keep your eyes on his own.
“Hi,” you feel lame, so you keep going, “you’re right on time.”
“Traffic was pretty light tonight.”
You laugh; the corner of Simon’s mouth twitches up, and your stomach flips. You step aside, a wordless invitation, and Simon takes it. 
He looks gargantuan in your living room as he takes in the last-minute Christmas decorations, and the classic Christmas movie on the TV. His nostrils flare.
“Smells good.”
You feel a satisfied blush start at your chest, so you scurry around him to try to hide it. 
“Thanks; it’s the chef special tonight.”
You check the potatoes; the entire time you can feel Simon’s eyes boring into your back. It makes you nervous in a way you haven’t been in a long time, your fingers hesitate on the pan before turning around to face him again.
Simon’s leaning against the kitchen island - much too casual for the irregular heartbeat that you’ve had since you first opened the door for him. Nervously, you rub your hands on your dark jeans and try to think of something to say that doesn’t make the conversation fall flat. 
“I didn’t get you a present; I couldn’t figure out what to get a guy like you.”
“I don’t need anything; it’s nice enough you invited me over.”
You lean across the counter, emboldened by the look on his face. You trace the edge of the countertop and let yourself study the wrinkles and scars that litter Simon’s face. 
“How else was I supposed to pay you back for all the things you’ve done around here.”
Simon shrugs, a mischievous look in his eye that you want to follow, but not tonight. He pulls out one of the bar chairs with his feet, settling down on it like he’s always been there. 
“You’ve got some loose shingles on the roof - I think I’d fix those for a New Year's dinner.”
Your grin is so wide it nearly breaks your face apart. 
“I can do that.”
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asexualsimonsnow · 3 months
pinned post!!
i made this blog because carry on is my special interest and i wanted a space to talk about it and reblog posts i like about it :-)
this isn’t my main blog, so likes and follows will be coming from somewhere else
i feel like some of my headcanons might not be popular, or line up perfectly with canon, but i’m okay with that! also, i’ve read the sequels, but i don’t care for them nearly as much as the original, so i tend to focus on the first book.
if you have carry on blog recommendations, or have ao3 account/fic recommendations, or just want to chat feel free to reach out :-)
#simon says — original posts
#simon writes — my fanfics
#simon snow collection — my book collection
#simon hc — my headcanons
#fine-tooth comb — favorite posts/posts I want to keep track of
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my-ace-life · 7 months
Interests Intro
I know I’m making a big assumption that anyone cares about what content I’m consuming, but when I hyperfixate on something, oh boy will I never shut up about it. So, to spare my friends and family from my extensive rants, I will be posting here about it. Feel free to not read any of this and get to the juicy stories on other parts of this blog, but to get a comprehensive view of my life as an asexual person, read ahead to see what content catches my interest!
Disclaimer: there will be a lot of discussions of old emo and pop punk bands in this section, and no I will not apologize for it.
That being said, here is a list, current to Nov 2023, of a bunch of stuff that I'm into:
Music - format: Artist {favorite album and/or “song”}
Fall Out Boy {Folie à Deux - “(Coffee’s For Closers)” and American Beauty/American Psycho - “The Kids Aren’t Alright” and Save Rock & Roll - “Miss Missing You”}
Sleep Token {Take Me Back To Eden - “Euclid” and “Chokehold”} Who gave them permission to include the lyric “So if your wings won’t find you heaven I will bring it down like an ancient bygone” in “Euclid” ??? Gives me goosebumps every time I listen
The Vaccines {“I Always Knew”}
Troye Sivan {There pretty much isn’t a song of his I don’t like, so I will just say that my favorite from his new album is “Still Got It” and I will always listen to “10/10” from In A Dream}
Wasia Project {“Remember When”}
I listen to a smattering of Kpop and Jpop bands: Official Hige Dandism, Gen Hoshino, Eve, The Oral Cigarettes, BTS, and Red Velvet
Hell’s Kitchen (Maybe this makes me a bad person, but I love watching Gordon Ramsey yell at people at the end of a long day)
Heartstopper (because I am basic)
New Girl (a classic)
Red, White, & Royal Blue (also because I am basic)
Young Royals (because sometimes you need to witness a love story that will shake you to your very core)
DreamWorks’ Voltron: Legendary Defenders & She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (they are a set and no I will not be taking criticism on that)
Video Games
Five Nights at Freddy’s (I know way too much about the lore of this series. It's borderline a problem.)
Oxenfree (I haven’t played the second one yet but the first one has a very special place in my heart)
Pokémon (I’m a Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl stan but I understand that is probably an unpopular opinion. I just really love Luxray, okay?)
Leigh Bardugo’s Grishaverse: The original Shadow & Bone trilogy and the Six of Crows duology. The magic system is really unique and I love how Bardugo writes her characters.
Red, White, & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
The Simon Snow Trilogy by Rainbow Rowell
Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz. This book (and the sequel) always destroys me emotionally, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The Rook by Daniel O’Malley: The only adult science fiction book series I enjoy reading
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao: It’s like Pacific Rim combined with Chinese folk stories. It’s so cool.
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
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Here I was, going “I’m going to read so many fics”, and then I didn’t. So yeah, I skipped a week because last week all my free time went to the viddy game Ni No Kuni II. The only thing I read last week was non-fic (Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid) (which apparently got adapted into a TV show), only to give my Switch a break after being on for 6 hours in a row.
But I finished the game and here we go!
First off, last Friday I woke up to an AO3 e-mail, saying that @thnxforknowingme​ has written a gift for me. Yeah folks, it’s Plucking Daisy Petals, the unofficial, but definitely canon, prequel to my fic Ljubim te. It’s been a week and I am still not over it. It’s Blaine/Quinn, which will not be everyone’s cup of tea, but that is kind of the point. Comphet, babey! I will not shut up about this fic.
Not a fic, but I also read the first two graphic novels of the Percy Jackson series. I read the Lightning Thief in Dutch, because that was the one available in the library, and the Sea of Monsters in English, although someone drew a lot of dicks in it.
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Back to fics, sort of. It is a fic for all intent and purposes. I read @truffeart​‘s Zelda AU String of Fate. I am a sucker for Zelda AUs and Zelda redesigns and this one is just lovely and the art style is gorgeous! (This post also taught me that you cannot chrono tags on Tumblr’s app-desktop hybrid lay-out.)
I also finally posted some SJAEU content and someone kudo’d it. Broadstrokes on AO3 also has 4 small SJA fics and I read them all. Ah, the pain of being in a small fandom. It’s a small fandom AND a lot of the fics posted on AO3 are crossover fics, with SJA being mashed together with others, especially with other Whoniverse shows. I am not judging. I did the same thing when I wrote A rip in time, or as I call it, the Ultimate Doctor Who clusterfuck, but that means that when there’s a SJA fic that’s only SJA, I go 👀👀👀. Aka, I read all Broadstrokes stuff and I also read Still holding my hand (canon MCD warning... untagged... ah well) by Beezonia on AO3 and now I am incredibly 🥺🥺🥺.
@cerriddwenluna​ has been recommending some smaller fics on @the-lima-bean​! @starsanchor​ wrote Waves Are Rising, a new take on the superhero trope. It isn’t about superheroing, it’s about being a loved one waiting for a superhero to come home.
Another one is A “Safe” Choice by @special-bc-ur-part-of-it​. Iz, I am a sucker for people lifting small things from their own lives for fic, so learning about a safe guy. A Hot Safe Guy, in this case. A Hot Safe Gay Guy, sorry Tina. This is also so funny to read right after listening to the podcast episode where Jenna explains where Tina’s crush on Blaine comes from.
An older one is Spotlight Shining by @singingquietly​. Ah, Tumblr madness. Pure cuteness. Klaine being famous. Flirty duets. You know the drill. This was really sweet.
As usual, here are the tags on my personal blog, for if you want to browse:
Klaine fics (klfics)
Brittana fics (bsfics)
general Glee fics (glee fic)
Whoniverse fics (dw fic)
Check, Please! fics (omgcp fics)
Simon Snow series fics (co fics)
general fic tag (fics)
original writing tag (writing)
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artqueen02 · 2 years
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I posted 121 times in 2022
That's 121 more posts than 2021!
18 posts created (15%)
103 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 42 of my posts in 2022
#carry on - 4 posts
#asexual - 3 posts
#snowbaz - 3 posts
#gay - 3 posts
#simon snow series - 3 posts
#awtwb - 2 posts
#long post - 2 posts
#(depending on how long it takes/the amount of notes this gets i might give a hint) - 2 posts
#ttp - 2 posts
#spotify wrapped - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#im hooked on the simon snow series although i’ve finished the books i wanna read snow for xmas but i can’t get scattered showers anywhere
My Top Posts in 2022:
(no smut please)
4 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
I was suprised by the lack of genderbent snowbaz for the wlw coc prompt so I made a thing. I litterally wrote this in half an hour, and it hasnt been BETA'd or proofread so its really short thats fun.
Cw: brief mention of breasts but in like a very non-sexual way
also dysphoria ig?
It went sorta angsty i swear that was not intended
anyways under the cut
Read It On AO3
Crowley I hate this so much. 
My hair is too long. And I cant get comfortable with these infernal breasts. Aleister Crowley. 
Some fourth year was trying to help their friend with a transitioning spell and completely butcherd it and  now everyone on campus is cursed with being in the wrong body for a day. 
Though I suppose for some it would be the right body. For some it would be more of a blessing than a curse.
Not for me.
Snow is sitting next to me, raking his (Her? His.) fingers through my hair and trying to convince me that its all going to be okay. Aleister Fucking Crowley, Snow, of course its not going to be okay, this is an absolute disaster. 
What if it dosent go away after a day?
“Hey, Baz, love? This is all gonna work out, you know? The spell will wear off after a day - maybe two at the longest - and everything will be back to normal - no, not Normal just normal”
I don’t respond
“Love? We should probably get up and get dressed now, hey? We have to get to class”
Merlin and Morganna I dont have any clothes. I make no effort to move, there’s no way I’m going to class today. 
“Okay love, you can stay here, but I’m going to go to classes today, okay?”
He moves arround the room, getting ready for the day. Once hes ready to leave, he stops by my bed. 
“Is it alright if I kiss you?”
“Yeah” No
He kisses me, and its all wrong. Nothing’s the right shape, nothing fits. I pull away and hide under my quilts. (Because I’m pathetic) (Ask anyone).
“Alright, love. Im gonna head off now okay? I’ll check in on you between clasess, if you want to talk about anything, let me know, alright?”
4 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
Okay so I’m listening to love and luck rn and I have come to the conclusion that Kane and Jason are literally Drew and Harrison from kaleidotrope just in a different lifetime
6 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Just got my period and feeling extremely sapphic and In need of a gf to cuddle in the middle of the night
6 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Nico likes
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Isn’t his type
21 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bonniebird · 3 years
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December 2021 event masterlist
December 2021 event information
Christmas prompt list
Fandom List
Blog Rules
Ask a question or make a request
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+ "What do I turn into? the abominable snowman. but it's more of, like, a wintertime thing. you know, seasonal."
- Requested by: Anon
- Stiles x Reader
+ "I'm a friend of santa's and he sent me here to wish you a unmerry christmas."
- Requested by: Anon
- Peter x Reader
+ "I'm still carrying a little holiday weight."
- Requested by: Anon
- Scott McCall x Reader
+ "Wow. So, what time is the Ghost of Christmas Past coming to visit you tonight?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Jim Moriarty x Reader
+ "We’re snowed in..."
- Requested by: Anon
-  Reggie mantle x Reader
+ "Aww, too bad santa's dead."
- Requested by: Anon
- Peter Hale x Reader
+ "You're skipping christmas! isn't that against the law?"
- Requested by: Anon
- Derek Hale x Reader
+ "What to get the shadowhunter who has everything."
- Requested by: Anon
- Izzy Lightwood x Reader
+ "You can't put alcohol in the hot chocolate."
- Requested by: Anon
- Magnus Bane x Reader
+ "Simon, aren't you worried about what to get (y/n) for christmas?"
- Requested by: Anon
- Simon Lewis x Reader
+ "The price limit was 20 dollars!"
- Requested by: Anon
- Magnus Bane x Reader
+ "You get more stressed out by christmas than anyone I know."
- Requested by: Anon
- Malia Tate x Reader
+ "Meet me under the mistletoe."
- Requested by: Anon
- Brett Talbot x Reader
+ "I knew you'd forget, so my gift to you is a gift for you to give me." 
- Requested by: Anon
- Stiles Stilinski x Reader
+ "Do you want to build a snowman?"
- Requested by: Anon
- Isaac Lahey x Reader
+ "It snowed last year too: I made a snowman and (Character) knocked it down and I knocked (Character) down and then we had tea." 
- Requested by: Anon
- Theo Raeken x Reader
+ “(Character), aren't you worried about what to get (Y/N) for Christmas?” 
- Requested by: Anon
- Adam Winchester  x Reader
+ Christmas moodboard - Sirius Black
- Requested by: Anon
- Sirius Black x Reader
+ "Merry Christmas, you filthy animal"
- Requested by: Anon
- Peter Hale x Reader
+ “I love days when my only problem is how many hot chocolates to have.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Jordan Parrish x Reader
+ "Just here for the Christmas cookies."
- Requested by: Anon
- Sweet Pea x Reader
+ "Meet me under the mistletoe."
- Requested by: Anon
- Sweet Pea x Reader
+ “Hugs, wishes, and mistletoe kisses.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Jaskier x Reader
+ “I'm a friend of Santa's and he sent me here to wish you a merry Christmas.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Bella Swan x Reader
+ "Call me elf one more time."
- Requested by: Anon
- Fangs Fogarty x tall!reader x Sweet Pea
+  "If santa and I got into a fight who would you think would win?"
- Requested by: Anon
- Reggie Mantle x Reader
+  “Hugs, wishes and mistletoe kisses”
- Requested by: Anon
- Tyler Lockwood x woc reader
+  We go together like hot chocolate and marshmallows
- Requested by: Anon
- Bonnie Bennett x Reader
+ “Oh, I know exactly what you’re trying to do. But you will not ruin my Christmas. Not again. Not this year.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Erik Lehnsherr x Reader
+ Off to Reader's house we go
- Requested by: Anon
- Bennett x Male!Reader x Prudence Night
+ Meet me under the mistletoe
- Requested by: Anon
- Clary Fray x Male!Reader
+ “Interesting reaction. But what does it mean?” 
- Requested by: Anon
- Kaz Brekker  x Reader
+ "What do I turn into ? The abominable snowman. You know it’s like a wintertime thing. Seasonal."
- Requested by: Anon
-  Psychic!Fangs Fogarty x reader x Stiles Stilinski
+ “We’re snowed in…”
- Requested by: Anon
- Derek Hale x Reader
+ "Call me elf one more time!"
- Requested by: Anon
- Alec Lightwood x Reader
+ “Rats. nobody sent me a christmas card today. I almost wish there weren't a holiday season. i know nobody likes me. why do we have to have a holiday season to emphasize it?"
- Requested by: Anon
- Magnus Bane x Reader
+ "Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone."
- Requested by: Anon
- Billy Hargrove x Reader
+ "Seeing is believing but sometimes the most real things are the ones we can’t see"
- Requested by: Anon
- Regina Mills x Reader
+ “Oh, I know exactly what you’re trying to do. But you will not ruin my Christmas. Not again. Not this year.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Theo raeken x Rebekah Mikaelson x Reader
+ "Need a spiked hot chocolate in my hand."
- Requested by: Anon
- Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
+ "We go together like hot chocolate and marshmallows."
- Requested by: Anon
- Reggie Mantle x Reader
+ Reggie Mantle moodboard
- Requested by: Anon
- Reggie Mantle x Reader
+ “You cannot do what you did last year.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Bucky Barnes x Reader
+ “It’s supposed to snow today!”
- Requested by: Anon
- Jimmy Woo x Reader
+ “You and I are on the same team. Must be Christmas.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Theo Raeken x Reader
+ “I got myself for Secret Santa. I was supposed to tell somebody, but I didn't.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Jordan Parrish x Reader
+ "I got this, I watch food network."
- Requested by: Anon
- Peter Rumancek x Reader
+ “Guess who signed us up to go Christmas caroling?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Eddie Diaz x Reader
+“Umm just so you know, I’m kind of stuck in the Christmas lights.” 
- Requested by: Anon
- Pietro Maximoff (Avengers) x Reader
+ "Aw too bad santa is dead" - Vampire!Fangs x reader
- Requested by: Anon
-  x Reader
+ "We can do this guys. No one dies tonight" 
- Requested by: Anon
- Marko/Lost boys x Reader
+ "Surprise, I am your Christmas present!"
- Requested by: Anon
- Brett Talbot x reader x Liam Dunbar
+ “If me and Santa got into a fight, who do you think would win?”
- Requested by: Anon
-  Rebekah mikaelson x theo raeken x Reader
+ “Listen here, Kringle. I may have gotten naughty this year, but by today's standards, naughty's nothing! I didn't get anybody pregnant, I didn't Facebook a kid to death.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Reggie mantle x Reader
+ How long did this take you? 3 hours?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Chris Argent x Reader
+ “We’re snowed in…”
- Requested by: Anon
- Jordan Parrish x Reader
+ “You and I are on the same team. Must be Christmas.” 
- Requested by: Anon
- Jughead Jones x reader / Stiles Stilinski x Reader
+ “Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” 
- Requested by: Anon
- Derek Hale  x Reader
+ "I'm a friend of Santa's and he sent me here to wish you a merry Christmas." 
- Requested by: Anon
- Cheryl blossom x fem reader
+ “It's hot chocolate weather.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Josie McCoy  x Reader
+ “Will you help me go Christmas shopping?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Scott McCall  x Reader
+ "Why are you even worrying? The kid's just going to ignore the toy and play with the box."
- Requested by: Anon
- Derek Hale x Reader
+ “All I want for Christmas is food.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Theo Raeken x fem!Reader x Reader
+ “Where's my sweater?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Clary Fray x Male!Reader
+ “All merry, no stress.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Yelena Belova x Reader
+“I'm the official Christmas cookie tester!” 
- Requested by: Anon
- Bonnie Bennett x Reader
+ “Weirdly, this is not the first time (Sweet Pea) has failed to NOT mention elves in a crisis situation.” 
- Requested by: Anon
- Sweet Pea x Fem!Reader
+ "Rats. Nobody sent me a Christmas card today. I almost wish there weren’t a holiday season. I know nobody likes me. Why do we have to have a holiday season to emphasize it?"
- Requested by: Anon
- Reggie Mantle x Reader
+ “Strange to see how a good dinner reconciles everybody.”
- Requested by: Anon
- David Powers x Reader
+ “I'm a black belt in gift wrapping.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Isaac Lahey x Reader
+“That was like a crazy trust exercise.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Emmett Cullen x Reader
+ “Wow. So, what time is the Ghost of Christmas Past coming to visit you tonight?” {Lost boys Cross over}
- Requested by: Anon
- Billy Hargrove  x Reader
+ "Meet me under the mistletoe."
- Requested by: Anon
- Brett Talbot x Reader
+ "What's in that drink?"
- Requested by: Anon
- David {Lost Boys} x Reader
+ "May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas Eve."
- Requested by: Anon
- Midge Klump x Reader
+ "Oh, by the way, don't eat the yellow snow."
- Requested by: Anon
- Psychic!Fangs Fogarty x reader x Stiles Stilinski
+ “For several weeks, my Secret Santa has been giving me pieces of a machine that I've been attempting to assemble.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Archie Andrews x Reader
+ “I knew you'd forget, so my gift to you is a gift for you to give me.”
- Requested by: Anon
-  father!Sheriff Stilinski x Stilinski!reader x brother!Stiles Stilinski
+ “I just want to bake cookies and watch Christmas movies all day.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Derek Hale x Reader
+ “It’s cold outside.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Sweet Pea x Reader
+ “I’ve got marshmallows for toasting to eat while we’re caroling out in the snow.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Wanda Maximoff x Reader
+ “If me and Santa got into a fight, who do you think would win?”
- Requested by: Anon
-  Yelena x Reader x Wanda
+ “I’ll be home for Christmas!”
- Requested by: Anon
- Wanda Maximoff x Reader
+ “Joy to the cookies, the oven has dinged!”
- Requested by: Anon
- Wanda Maximoff x Reader
+ “Strange to see how a good dinner reconciles everybody.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Wanda Maximoff x Reader
+ "Merry everything and a happy always."
- Requested by: Anon
- Sweet Pea x Reader
+ “We go together like hot chocolate and marshmallows.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Sweet Pea x Reader
+ “Hey. I know... I know you're trying to avoid me, but just take this gift I got you and I will walk away.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Sweet Pea x Reader
+“It's just a bit of a tradition at Christmas parties that I have with my friends. See, we do a cookie competition, and then the winner gets to take home all of the leftovers to their families on Christmas Day.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Bella Swan x Reader
+“Want a cookie?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Bella Swan x Reader
+ “You want me to shop until I drop, and I don't want to drop.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Bella Swan x Reader
+ "The price limit was 20 dollars!"
- Requested by: Anon
- jackson x lydia x poor reader
+ “(Sweet Pea), aren't you worried about what to get (Y/N)for Christmas?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Fangs Fogarty/Sweet Pea/YN x poly!relationship
+ “Umm just so you know, I’m kind of stuck in the Christmas lights.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Rebekah mikaelson and theo raeken x Reader
+ “Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
+ “Listen here, Kringle. I may have gotten naughty this year, but by today's standards, naughty's nothing! I didn't get anybody pregnant, I didn't Facebook a kid to death.” 
- Requested by: Anon
- Jason Todd x Reader
+ “Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Derek Hale x Reader
+ “Is that mistletoe hanging from the light?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Khal Drogo x Reader
+ “Is that mistletoe hanging from the light?”
- Requested by: Anon
- The Weird sisters x Reader
+ "Rats. Nobody sent me a Christmas card today. I almost wish there weren't a holiday season. I know nobody likes me. Why do we have to have a holiday season to emphasize it?" 
- Requested by: Anon
- Jesper Fahey x Reader
+ "I'll just be hanging around the mistletoe, waiting to be kissed."
- Requested by: Anon
- Malyen Oretsev x Reader
+ "Umm just so you know I'm kinda stuck in the Christmas lights"
- Requested by: Anon
- Buck (9-1-1) x Reader
+ “Put that cookie down. NOW!”
- Requested by: Anon
- Dad!Peter Hale x Reader
+ “Do they know it’s Christmastime at all?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Evan Buckley x Reader
+ "Hey I thought you didn't want a Christmas tree"
- Requested by: Anon
- Bucky Barnes x Reader
+ “So many plastic christmases ruined.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Evan Buckley x Reader
+ “For several weeks, my Secret Santa has been giving me pieces of a machine that I've been attempting to assemble.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Evan Buckley x Reader
+ “Surprise! I’m your Christmas present.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Evan Buckley x Reader
+ “Interesting reaction. But what does it mean?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Evan Buckley x Reader
+ “Little reminder... uh, tonight is for Secret Santa gifts only.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Evan Buckley x Reader
+ "Love the giver more than the gift."
- Requested by: Anon
- Evan Buckley x Reader
+ “Christmas is just so stressful... with the lists and the lines and-and the dancing girls at TV Town Song Room."
- Requested by: Anon
- Evan Buckley x Reader
+ “It's just a bit of a tradition at Christmas parties that I have with my friends. See, we do a cookie competition, and then the winner gets to take home all of the leftovers to their families on Christmas Day.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Evan Buckley x Reader
+ “It's Christmas Eve! Who's going out crashing other people's Christmas parties?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Yelena Belova x Reader
+ “I ordered the one with the highest alcohol count.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Yelena Belova x Reader
+ “Hey, I love you this many dollars worth."
- Requested by: Anon
- Yelena Belova x Reader
+ moodboard - Jaskier (The Witcher)
- Requested by: Anon
- Jaskier (The Witcher) x Reader
+ "Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone"
- Requested by: Anon
- Vampire!Fangs Fogarty x Reader
+ "Hey. I know... I know you are trying to avoid me. But just take to gift I got you and I will walk away."
- Requested by: Anon
- Reggie Mantle; Vampire!serpents universe x Reader
+ "Surprise ! They are your Christmas present! "
- Requested by: Anon
- Vampire!Sweet Pea x Reader / Vampire!Fangs x Reader
+ "Ugly Christmas sweaters look better when we wear them together.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Derek Hale x Reader
+ Surprise! I'm your Christmas present
- Requested by: Anon
- Tyler Lockwood x Reader
+ “Put that cookie down. NOW!”
- Requested by: Anon
- Toni Topaz x Reader
Bonus Posts
+"If I hear this song one more time there will be blood." 
- Requested by: Anon
- Jackson Whittemore x male!reader
+“(Character) got run over by a reindeer, walking home from our Christmas Eve party. You can say there’s no such thing as Santa, but as for me and (Character), we believe”
- Requested by: Anon
- Kol Mikaelson x Forbes!reader
+ “It's Christmas Eve! Who's going out crashing other people's Christmas parties?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Reggie Mantle x Reader
+ Derek Hale moodboard
- Requested by: Anon
- Derek Hale x Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- vernon boyd x Reader
+ I watch food network
- Requested by: Anon
-  Allison Argent x Reader
+  I'll give to someone special
- Requested by: Anon
- Scott McCall x Reader
+ "Hugs, wishes and mistletoe kisses." 
- Requested by: Anon
- George Weasley x Reader
+ “Tell me this, sweetheart, have I asked you for a lot this year?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Charles Vane x Reader
+ “That was like a crazy trust exercise.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Brett Talbot x Reader
122 notes · View notes
august-anon · 3 years
Complete Masterpost (as of 7/30/2021)
Here is a complete rebloggable masterpost of all my works sorted by fandom. Beneath the fandoms, they are sorted in order of when I posted them (except for series, which are sorted together). You can also find these on ao3 under august_anon, or on the Masterpost Page on my blog (which is sorted better tbh). Thanks for reading my works!
Avatar: The Last Airbender
(’20) Tickletober Day 3 - Stocks - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Aang, Ler!Sokka, Katara, Toph, Zuko - What else is Aang supposed to do when he finds a set of stocks in an abandoned town? NOT see if he could fit in them? 1151 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 9 - Ganged Up On - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Zuko, Ler!Aang, Toph, Katara, Sokka - They’d been plotting all week, and it was driving Zuko insane. The actual reason turned out a lot more innocent than Zuko was worried about. 713 words
You’re Dead - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Zuko, Ler!Aang -  Aang has a little fun at Zuko's expense. 131 words
Lullaby of Laughter - [ao3] - Suzukka - Lee!Sokka/Ler!Zuko/Suki -  Sokka's a bit too restless to fall asleep, and unfortunately all his fidgeting is keeping Suki and Zuko awake. Suki decides to show Zuko just how she tires Sokka out enough to sleep. 2038 words
Boku No Hero Acadamia (My Hero Acadamia)
(’20) Tickletober Day 18 - Holding It In - [ao3] - EraserMic - Lee!Aizawa/Ler!Yamada - Hizashi demands Husband Cuddles on their day off, but Shouta is being difficult. Luckily, Hizashi knows how to get his way. 799 words
Unrestrained Revenge - [ao3] - EraserMic - Switch!Aizawa/Switch!Yamada -  Hizashi decides to take advantage of Shouta getting a little tangled up in his capture weapon. Shouta, of course, can't let that go without revenge. 1872 words
Lounge Day - [ao3] - EraserMic - Lee!Aizawa/Ler!Yamada - Shouta had made it rather clear how he wanted the day to go, but what fun was that without a chase? 934 words
We Can Try - [ao3] - EraserMic - Lee!Yamada/Ler!Aizawa -  Hizashi comes clean about something he's been craving for a long time, and Shouta is more than happy to assist. There's only one problem... Hizashi's convinced it won't work. 4347 words
Carry On/Simon Snow Series
On Love’s Light Wings - [ao3] - SnowBaz - Lee!Simon/Ler!Baz - Simon and Baz are having a quiet moment together under the stars, and Baz discovers something interesting about Simon's wings. 2888 words
Detroit: Become Human
(’20) Tickletober Day 16 - Massage - [ao3] - RK1000 - Lee!Connor/Ler!Markus - The new software patch has come through, and androids can now feel sensations a lot more similarly to humans. Markus plans to use this to treat his overworked boyfriend to a massage, but things don’t quite go as planned. 1770 words
Gravity Falls
(’20) Tickletober Day 1 - Unusual Spot - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Dipper, Ler!Mabel - Mabel not-so-accidentally reveals one of Dipper’s tickle spots. 610 words
Good Morning series
(’20) Tickletober Day 13 - Wake Up! - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Dipper, Mable, Ler!Stan - Stan may have difficulty recalling anything now, but at least he knows the kids will be a constant. 1691 words
Tickle Monster - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Ford, Stan, Dipper, Mabel -  Dipper and Mabel complete their mission, distracting Great Uncle Ford, with flying colors. Unfortunately for them (and for Stan), Ford knows how to fight back.��1720 words
Miraculous Ladybug
(’20) Tickletober Day 15 - Stuck - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Adrien, Ler!Marinette - Thanks to a little yo-yo malfunction, Ladybug finds out something very interesting about her partner. 989 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 17 - Revenge - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Marinette, Switch!Adrien - In Marinette’s humble opinion, this was one of the most ridiculous scenarios she could imagine them finding out each other’s identities. 799 words
Sanders Sides(/Cartoon Therapy)
High School AU
Still Got It - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Virgil/Ler!Roman - Roman is frustrated that he’s never heard Virgil laugh. Logan presents a solution. Turns out, after all these years, Virgil is still ticklish. 2350 words
You Brought The Laughter Back - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Roman/Ler!Virgil - Virgil may not have the experience Roman has, but his fingers definitely work magic, if Roman’s reactions are anything to go by. 2170 words
I’m Not Ticklish - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan/Ler!Roman -  Logan has had a thing for tickling as long as he could remember, and he’s rather good at hiding it. It only takes one slip-up for Roman to find out and make his fantasies come true. 5588 words
Calorie Counting - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton -  Roman is struggling with his new system of trying to lose weight. Luckily, Patton is always there for him. 1496 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 1 - Feather - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Patton, Roman, Virgil -  Someone’s been sneak-tickling Logan, and he’s determined to find out who. 727 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 2 - Fingers - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Patton -  Logan is ever so rudely awoken from his nap. 278 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 3 - Unusual Spots - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman - Roman finds a rather unusual method of warming his hands, leading to the discovery of a rather unusual spot for Patton to be ticklish. 278 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 4 - Stocks - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan - Roman agreed to help Logan with some of his “experiments.” He would never admit how much he loved it. 864 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 5 - Tools - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan -  It’s Virgil’s turn to help with an experiment, and he’s getting a little impatient waiting for what he truly wants. 684 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 6 - Gang Tickling - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan, Roman, Patton -  Virgil’s been in a certain kind of mood for a number of days, now. It’s a shame no one’s noticed enough to take advantage of it. 674 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 7 - Light Tickles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -Logan isn’t sleeping. Again. Luckily, Virgil has a remedy. 461 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 8 - Hard Tickles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan -  Patton really wants to be wrecked. Logan is happy to oblige. 455 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 9 - “I’m not ticklish” - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Roman/Ler!Virgil -  Roman insists he’s not ticklish. Virgil insists that’s impossible. What else is there to do except test it out? 446 word
(’19) Tickletober Day 10 - Arms Up - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton - Virgil did ask for this, after all. Now all he needed to do was actually hold out. 218 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 11 - Sneak Attack - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan -  Patton is really much more sneaky than anyone gives him credit for. They really should start expecting it by this point. 233 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 12 - Unusual Tool - [ao3] - Royality - Lee!Patton/Ler!Roman - A not-so-peaceful moment together of doing chores leads to the discovery of a new possible tool of torment for Roman and Patton. 269 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 13 - Feet - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Virgil - Virgil can finally get his revenge on Patton for all the tickling, with the help of a few little piggies. 289 words
(’19) Tickletober 14 - Favorite Spot - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman, Patton, Logan -  It was no secret that everyone in the mindpalace had their favorite spots, whether to tickle or be tickled. The rare thing was that, for one specific side, the favorite for everyone was unanimous. 194 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 15 - Cuddles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil, Patton, Roman - Logan’s been overworking himself and refuses to relax, even when everyone forces him to take a break. Luckily, his fellow sides know just what to do. 661 words
Work of Art - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan/Ler!Roman -  Roman just really wants to paint on his super attractive boyfriend. Logan, surprisingly (or not so surprisingly), is very willing. 1357 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 16 - Tickly Kiss - [ao3] - Moxiety - Lee!Patton/Ler!Virgil -   Patton’s having one of his “bad for no reason” days. Luckily, Virgil always seems to know what to do. 578 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 17 - Tickle Fight - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman, Virgil, Patton - Virgil wasn’t sure how it started, but he was going to try his hardest not to lose. 211 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 18 - Chase - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton, Virgil, Logan - Roman may have wanted it, but he certainly wasn’t going to make it easy for them. 194 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 19 - Stuck - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton -  Roman probably should’ve thought this through before he did it… 242 words
Hysterical series
(’19) Tickletober Day 20 - Hysterical - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -  It’s Virgil’s turn to experiment. He wants to know what it takes to make Logan hysterical. 343 words
Broken Logic - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -  Logan had done enough ticklish “experiments” on the others to know that they would be ruthless in their revenge, but truly? He wasn’t complaining. And he certainly wasn’t complaining when he heard Virgil’s threat to absolutely break him. 2689 words
The Attack of the Garra Rufa - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman -  Roman recently acquired a new spellbook and he is very excited to test out the new spells inside. 712 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 21 - Accidental - [ao3] - Logicality - Lee!Patton/Ler!Logan -  Logan didn’t mean to brush against Patton’s side, but he definitely didn’t expect the reaction it produced. What did Patton expect him to do when he realized the mind palace’s tickle monster was ticklish? NOT tickle him? 642 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 22 - Tickly Massage - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan/Ler!Roman - Logan’s been overworking again, which was causing his back pain to flare up again. Roman comes by to make sure he has a break. 994 words
We’ll Be Here, Always - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan, Virgil, Roman -  Patton can’t always be happy, as much as he loathed to admit it. Sometimes he had bad days. Sometimes, those bad days had no rhyme or reason or cause. Luckily, his family’s always there to support him. 5039 words
Could Use a Laugh - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton -  Patton’s got his hands on Roman’s new spell book. He can’t wait to put it to use! His first target? A grumpy little side who could use a little more laughter in his life. 1063 words
The Prettiest Monster - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil -  All Roman wanted was to teach Patton makeup. He didn’t expect to be playfully attacked in response. 1054 words
Feathery Feet - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman -  Roman has decided it’s his turn to play with his new tickle spells on the mind palace’s favorite emo. 664 words
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bright - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan -  Logan knows that Patton is plotting on coming for him next with those silly new spells. He figures the best way to counter that is by getting him first. 892 words
It’s Christmas, Wake Up! - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Roman, Logan, Ler!Patton -  Patton thinks his fellow sides are taking a little too long to wake up, and he’s ready to start the day’s festivities. Luckily, he has the perfect idea for getting them out of bed. 1224 words
Even Santa’s Elves Need Naps - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman -  Patton’s been attempting to take on the monumental task of planning and setting up Christmas all on his own. Roman has decided he needs a break, and maybe a good laugh. 751 words
Dancing Around the Issue - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan -  They were supposed to be rehearsing. It wasn’t Roman’s fault he was so ticklish. 1665 words
The Featherswords series
Prince Feathersword - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan, Patton, Virgil, Ler!Roman - Roman’s been on a bit of a nostalgia binge, recently, and couldn’t help but remember a special sword a certain tickly pirate had… 3878 words
Professor Feathersword - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Roman/Ler!Logan -  Roman didn’t expect revenge, but he wasn’t necessarily complaining. 2107 words
The Tickle Monster Always Wins - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton -  Roman really shouldn’t have doubted Patton’s skills as a ruthless tickle monster. He was really in for it, now. 3220 words
Content (Valentickle) - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Switch!Virgil/Switch!Roman -  It was meant to be some cuddling after a Valentines Day well-spent. Not that either of them were complaining with the playful turn things had taken. 1605 words
Kitten’s Got Claws - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -  Virgil’s suspicious of Logan’s motives now that he’s started using Roman’s tickle spellbook as well. He figures he might as well be proactive and get the nerd, first. 895 words
Giddy Kisses - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan/Ler!Roman -  Roman has a quite the sweet gift for Logan. It’s not his fault his boyfriend is so ticklish. 599 words
Scooch - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman - The couch may be a comfortable place for a nap, but Virgil is sorely mistaken if he thinks he’ll be able to commandeer it for long. 401 words
Joyful Noise - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan, Roman, Patton -  Virgil tiredly lets something slip on his Christmas list, but it doesn’t turn out as bad as he fears. 1222 words
Cold Fingers, Warm Laughter - [ao3] - LAMP - Switch!Virgil, Logan, Roman, Patton -  Maybe Patton was right and Roman should’ve worn gloves during their snowball fight, but was that going to stop him from starting something? Absolutely not. 1109 words
Color By Tickles - [ao3] - Gen - Ler!Virgil, Lee!Roman -  Virgil was feeling more confident with these spells, now. Meaning it was the perfect time for revenge on a certain Prince they all knew. 961 words
Connected - [ao3] - Gen - Ler!Logan, Lee!Virgil -  What, did Virgil think that Logan wouldn’t get revenge? 596 words
Fluttery Feelings series
Fluttery Feelings - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Magic(?) -  Roman had planned the perfect prank for movie night. He just really hadn’t anticipated it backfiring on him. 2229 words
Fluttery Feelings 2: Helpless Revenge - [ao3] - Gen, Lee!Virgil, Patton, Logan, Ler!Roman - Roman had the perfect prank planned for movie night. This time, he would make sure it didn't backfire. 419 words
Provoked - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan -  Patton should have known to provoke Logan so far, but really, maybe that was exactly what he’d wanted all along. 967 words
TacTickle Advantage - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton -  Virgil should know better than to accept a challenge from Patton when he has that devious grin on his face. 716 words
Distraction - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Emile, Ler!Remy - Emile slips up and gets a bruise. Remy has just the thing to distract him from the pain. 512 words
So Close - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Roman, Virgil, Patton -  Logan was so close to winning the bet, all he had to do was not laugh for another five minutes and he would be in the clear. Of course, it was at that moment Patton had to drop the secret to one of his biggest weaknesses. 945 words
Asking for Attention - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Roman/Ler!Virgil -  Roman’s been pulling pranks all day. Virgil knows what he’s really after. 509 words
Patty-Lee - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman, Virgil, Logan -  Patton’s in a dangerous ler mood, but the others decide it’s high time he got a taste of his own medicine. 1137 words
Learn Your Lesson - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Virgil -  Patton should’ve known better than to go after Virgil alone. Now he was really in for it. 1181 words
“Feared” Ler - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Patton, Logan, Ler!Virgil -  When Virgil gave you that grin, you knew to submit yourself to your fate. 1660 words
Get Up - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton - Patton just wants to get up and have breakfast! Roman, unfortunately, is being a little stubborn. 1076 words
Changing Channels - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Logan, Switch!Virgil -  Virgil’s sick of Logan’s documentary, but he’s not exactly keen on changing the channel. Needless to say, a playful little fight breaks out. 846 words
Dance if You Can - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman -  Roman held the unofficial title of “Best Dancer” whenever their friend group played Just Dance. Virgil, the new addition, was about to show him how it’s done, but Roman was nothing if not competitive. 2975 words
Broken Rules - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton - Virgil knew the consequences if he broke the rules of the challenge, he really did. And yet, here Patton was, needing to give him his “punishment.” Maybe it wasn’t a punishment at all, based off Virgil’s reactions. 702 words
Helpful - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -  Logan’s neck has been hurting him. Virgil’s only trying to help. 551 words
Prince Gigglee - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil, Patton, Logan -  Roman’s in a very giggly mood. Logan finally figures out why. 1021 words
Not So Fast - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan -  Virgil isn’t quite as sneaky as he thinks he is, asking for something indirectly. 634 words
Let’s Hang Out - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan -  If Roman was going to (albeit accidentally) ignore him, then Virgil was going to ignore Roman right back. He just didn’t expect the consequences that followed. 2085 words
Shark Attack - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Virgil, Switch!Logan - Logan and Virgil are together again for summer break, and Virgil decides he’d like to play one of their childhood games to reminisce. 1210 words
Countdown - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Logan, Patton, Ler!Roman - Roman has a favorite game he likes to play with the other Sides. While most of them would never admit it, they like playing it with him, too. 1085 words
Bedtime - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, LerLogan - Patton is refusing to go to bed, but Logan has a few tricks up his sleeves. 685 words
If You Do… - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil - Roman had asked Virgil to do his makeup, but he hadn’t anticipated how much the makeup brushes would tickle. 536 words
Bonding Exercises - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Emile - Emile thinks that he and Virgil need to bond, and he has the perfect idea as to how. 699 words
Better Than Coffee - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -  All Virgil had really been after was a hug. It wasn’t his fault Logan was so sensitive. 280 words
Losses and Laughter - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -  Really, Logan should’ve known better than to make that bet. But was it really the worst way to lose? 332 words
Tricks and Teases - [ao3] - Analogical - Switch!Virgil/Switch!Logan - Logan had been planning to tickle his boyfriend silly. Not have it go the other way around. 548 words
Instincts - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman - It wasn’t Patton’s fault he squirmed so much at even the threat of being tickled! 316 words
Delicious Laughter - [ao3] - Logicality - Lee!Patton/Ler!Logan - Patton had the perfect plan set out to get Logan to tickle him. Logan just happened to go a little off script. 425 words
Fall of the Fortress - [ao3] - Logicality - Switch!Patton/Switch!Logan - Really, all Patton had wanted to do was cuddle. But when a tickle war was started? He was not going to go down without a fight. 733 words
Bully - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan - Logan’s been teasing Roman all day, and he really hopes there’s a laughter-filled payout after all this. 400 words
Begging For Lies - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman - Virgil should’ve known better than to provoke Roman, seeing how ruthless he could be. But maybe that was exactly what Virgil was counting on. 469 words
Cookie Monster - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Virgil - Virgil helps Patton pass the time until his cookies are done. 560 words
Dr. Monster, M.D. - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Roman - Well, if Logan thought his ideas were too fantastical and unrealistic, Roman would just have to use that against him, wouldn’t he? 458 words
Please? - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil - Virgil isn’t normally so bold, but with Roman looking at him like that, how could he resist? 390 words
Noisy Giggles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton - Patton had no idea that vocal cords could tickle someone so well. 503 words
Learn to Lie - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil - Virgil just wants his makeup back. If only Roman would own up to his thievery. 425 words
It’s Okay to Laugh - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil - During some late-night bonding, Virgil decides to help Logan loosen up a bit. 586 words
Cuddle Time - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton - Patton’s in the mood to cuddle. 202 words
Strange Spot - [ao3] - Remile - Lee!Remy/Ler!Emile - Emile makes a fun discovery about Remy. 265 words
Glittery Giggles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan - Logan thinks he deserves some payback after Roman’s latest prank. 522 words
Lazy Day by Law - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman - Roman’s made it his job to make sure Patton obey’s the laws of “Lazy Day.“ 425 words
Problem Solving - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan - After a long day of Roman being purposefully irritable, Logan finally finds out the reason. What kind of friend would he be if he didn’t help Roman out? 537 words
The Labyrinth - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton - When Roman finds himself in a certain kind of mood, he knows who to ask. 677 words
Bready or Not - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Roman - Logan should’ve known that Roman noticed his moods. At least he was willing to help out. 795 words
Anywhere? - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Patton - Logan’s managed to avoid Patton’s tickle-monster rampage for this long. Will he be able to hold out? 182 words
Cuteness Quota - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton - Patton never missed an opportunity to make Virgil smile.133 words
As Long As We Need - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan - Patton really didn’t know what he was getting into when he agreed to help with one of Logan’s experiments. He found that he really didn’t mind. 247 words
Sugar Sweet - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman -  Patton’s run out of ingredients for his cookies. Luckily, Roman has something even sweeter in mind. 206 words
Shadowhunters (TV)
Your Lips Create a Symphony - [ao3] - Malec - Lee!Alec/Ler!Magnus - Early on in their relationship, Magnus makes a little discovery while he and Alec are making out. He exploits this weakness to the fullest. 2236 words
Late Night Discoveries - [ao3] - Malec - Lee!Magnus/Ler!Alec - Alec makes a little discovery in his efforts to get Magnus to sleep. He takes full advantage of it in the morning. 1320 words
Star Trek: The Next Generation
(’20) Tickletober Day 5 - Drawn On - [ao3] - DaForge - Lee!Geordi/Ler!Data - Data had only wanted to experiment with a new form of art, Geordi couldn’t fault Data for his own sensitivity interrupting them. 674 words
Star Trek: The Original Series
(’20) Tickletober Day 14 - Light Tickles - [ao3] - Spirk - Lee!Spock/Ler!Jim - In a quiet moment, Jim discovers something new about Spock. 961 words
Energy Well-Spent - [ao3] - Spirk - Lee!Spock/Ler!Jim - Jim is determined to show Spock the perks of doing things the human way. 694 words
Liar, Liar - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Bones, Scotty - The tranquilizer's got Scotty and Bones feeling a bit silly. 602 words
Demonstration - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Uhura, Ler!Spock - Perhaps Uhura should know better than to tease Spock, but it's just too much fun. 685 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 12 - Hard Tickles - [ao3] - Destiel - Switch!Dean/Switch!Castiel - Dean should know better than to start a tickle fight with an angel. 349 words
The Adventure Zone: Amnesty
How to Ask - [ao3] - Danbrey - Lee!Aubrey/Ler!Dani - Aubrey's been craving some playful affection lately, but there's no way she can just ASK for it. No, this requires a plan. 1135 words
I’m Not Scared - [ao3] - Danbrey - Lee!Aubrey/Ler!Dani -  Aubrey and Dani want to try something new, despite their nerves. Dani happens to make a new discovery in the process. 1305 words
The Adventure Zone: Balance
Touch - [ao3] - Taakitz - Lee!Taako/Ler!Kravitz - Touch and Taako have always had an interesting relationship, but it was time he started figuring it out with this new world, since they seemed to be sticking around. 2349 words
Not-So-Silent Treatment - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Magnus - When Taako decides to give Magnus the silent treatment, he decides that that just won’t do. 324 words
Taaco Fight - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Lup, Switch!Taako -  Tickle fights aren’t exactly an uncommon occurrence between the twins. 346 words
Need Something? - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Lucretia - Taako is the type to annoy people until he gets what he wants. Lucretia isn’t the type to take that sort of behavior. 484 words
Attention and Affection - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Magnus - Magnus knows exactly how to deal with Taako when he’s looking for attention. 418 words
Don’t Stop - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Magnus - It wasn’t the response Magnus was expecting from Taako, but who was he to deny such a request? 301 words
Sore Loser - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Lup - Taako lost the bet, and now he had to deal with the consequences. 460 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 8 - Interrogation - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Magnus, Ler!Taako -  Taako’s hat is missing and he’s going to find the culprit, no matter what it takes. 707 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 11 - Death Spot - [ao3] - Taakitz - Lee!Kravitz/Ler!Taako -  Kravitz had long know Taako’s death spot, having found it far too easily. Taako has to work a bit harder to find Kravitz’s. 1096 words
His Impatient Song - [ao3] - Taakitz - Lee!Kravitz/Ler!Taako -  Taako thought this was meant to be a romantic night, and so far Kravitz had done everything right. So why was he now fiddling with something in the corner, ignoring Taako entirely? 403 words
Dr. Magnus Will See You Now - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Magnus - Taako's been hiding an injury, but Magnus is determined to convince Taako to get it healed. 683 words
Cold Hands, Warm Hearts - [ao3] - Taakitz - Lee!Taako/Ler!Kravitz - Taako would love nothing more than to cuddle close with his boyfriend. Unfortunately, the heat of the kitchen and the chill of Kravitz’s hands don’t quite mix. Kravitz doesn’t intend to give up so easily. 1736 words
Like It series
You Like It - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt - For a man who claims to know what tickling is “in theory,” Geralt certainly has a lot of questions. He might even require a demonstration. 2018 words
Maybe I Like It, Too - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier -  Jaskier knew that everyone had to be at least a little ticklish somewhere, and he wasn’t going to give up until he had Geralt laughing underneath him. 3239 words
We Like It - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt - Geralt wants to test out a few things that Jaskier showed him the other day, and it just so happens that he's decided to make Jaskier his test subject. 1975 words
Just Let Go - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier -  Geralt would never admit it out loud, but he quite enjoys the touches that Jaskier blesses him with. And then Jaskier figures out that he’s sensitive to a different kind of touch. 1470 words
Fresh Discoveries - [ao3] - Geraskier - Switch!Geralt, Switch!Jaskier  -  Jaskier makes a rather interesting discovery while helping Geralt during one of his baths. 617 words
Get His Attention - [ao3] - Geraskier - Switch!Jaskier/Switch!Geralt -  Jaskier was determined to get Geralt’s attention, no matter what it took. 905 words
Wake-Up Call - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt -  Geralt is awake and ready to go, now the only issue is getting Jaskier up. 819 words
Beauty in Strength - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Jaskier’s found a new game: brushing against scars and asking after them. If only it wasn’t so ticklish when he did so. 2271 words
Snickers and Snorts - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - It was one of Jaskier’s favorite games to play, “How Long Until the Big Bad Witcher Admits He’s Ticklish.” As of yet, Jaskier hadn’t technically won, but that didn’t mean he was going to give up. 1119 words
Dissonance - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Geralt thought that Jaskier should know better than to annoy him. Jaskier proved to him that Geralt should know better than to provoke him. 906 words
Does This Tickle? - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Jaskier insists that he’s not that ticklish. Geralt proves otherwise. 599 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 2 - Feathers - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/LerGeralt - Jaskier seems to have misplaced his quill. He finds himself in a rather ticklish position once Geralt finds it. 1663 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 4 - Spidering - [ao3] - Geraskier - Switch!Geralt/Switch!Jaskier - Geralt is not nearly as amused with Jaskier’s Halloween decorations as Jaskier thinks he should be. 1216 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 6 - Kiss - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Geralt’s a bit weird about having his neck touched. Turns out, it wasn’t for the reasons Jaskier thought. 1863 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 7 - Unusual Tool - [ao3] - Geraskier - Switch!Geralt/Switch!Jaskier - Jaskier’s impulse-buy leads to a rather giggly evening, in the Rivia-Pankratz household. 854 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 10 - Feet - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt - Jaskier’s complaining about the roughness of Geralt’s feet, so Geralt gives him something else to complain about. 317 words
Swearing Off Sewers - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - After a nasty fight with a zeugl, Jaskier tries to help Geralt wash the stench of the sewers off. Unfortunately, Geralt is a little too sensitive for that. 1693 words
Lazy Days and Late Mornings - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt - Jaskier wants to stay in bed. Geralt thinks it's time to get up. 788 words
Shut Up, Bard - [ao3] - Gen/Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier, Ler!Geralt, Lambert, Eskel -  Jaskier causes a little too much annoyance, and the witchers decide it's about time they took him down a peg. 682 words
Habit - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt  - Jaskier has a little habit of tickling Geralt whenever the urge strikes. Geralt seems to have finally hit his breaking point, ready for revenge. 1657 words
Certain Sensitivities - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Geralt accidentally finds himself drenched in a very potent sensitivity potion. Unfortunately, attempts to neutralize the effects prove to be rather... ticklish. 809 words
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Hello, lovelies! Tell Me Something Tuesday is a meme created by Rainy Day Ramblings and currently hosted by Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life, That's What I'm Talking About, For What It's Worth, Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell and Offbeat YA. It provides weekly discussion prompts on various book and blogging topics with optional participation. You can sign up for prompts here.
This week’s prompt is: Who is your all-time favorite couple or character?
I can never choose just one favorite of anything, so here are seven of my favorite book ships!
7. Zuzana & Mik from Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor Okay, I know they aren't the main ship of the series, but this romance between side characters is one of my favorite parts. Night of Cake & Puppets is the fluffiest, most magical first date I've ever read.
6. Cress Darnel & Carswell Thorne (Cresswell) from The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer This series is full of OTPs (and Meyer excels at them in general), but of all the ships, Cresswell is my favorite. The differing personalities, the saving each other, the way they make each other better--love it.
5. Alice & Hatcher from Alice by Christina Henry You were expecting at least one totally messed up ship from me, right? These two escape from a burning hospital and go on a villain-killing revenge spree in Old City, and I love them for it.
4. Anita Blake, Micah Callahan, & Nathaniel Graison from Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter by Laurell K. Hamilton These were my OT3 before I even knew the proper name for polyamory, and they remain my favorite romance in the series (narrowly beating out Anita and Jean-Claude, which takes some doing). I love the way they all protect and care for each other, and they're the happy ending none of them ever expected to have.
3. Neil Josten & Andrew Minyard (Andreil) from The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic Did I mention I have a thing for messed up ships? All the Foxes are disasters I can't look away from, none more than these two. I love how they're each other's fiercest protector, from other people and themselves.
2. Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase (Percabeth) from The Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan I always liked Percy and Annabeth together, but it wasn't until HoO that it became fully real for me (and them). "As long as we're together" is one of the best OTP lines ever written, and I'll die on that hill.
1. Simon Snow & Baz Grimm-Pitch (Snowbaz) from Carry On by Rainbow Rowell Enemies to lovers isn't always my favorite trope, but it's written to absolute perfection in this book. I, too, am obsessed with knowing whether Baz is plotting, Simon.
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amphtaminedreams · 3 years
Sitting Front Row at...(On a Budget Obvs): Lookbook no.15
Hey to anyone reading!
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And welcome to my fave lookbook I’ve done in a longggg ass time! Yes, that’s partially because it involved making collages and doing the low effort work of scouring Vogue Runway for “research purposes”, but I promise, that statement wasn’t made out of COMPLETE laziness-I am super happy with it too. It’s been a good use of pre-part-lockdown-lift time in the interim between that brief period of Christmas celebrations and eateries finally fucking opening again because let’s be honest, I always knew I was gonna get distracted by oat milk vanilla lattes and veggie all day breakfasts once I could actually sit down with them at my fave local cafe. You could say I was very much operating on a self-imposed deadline.
The “what I would wear to sit front row at...[insert designer here]” TikTok/Instagram reel trend was something I wanted to get on board with ever since I first saw one and whilst the option of doing my own live action take-I really cannot bear the thought of having to edit footage of myself awkwardly attempting to sit nonchalantly in front of a camera for hours on end-was off the cards considering my complete lack of screen presence, I decided a Tumblr text post would work just as well, and if not even better in a way. Given the absence of the time limitations you face when you’re making a reel or a TikTok I thought it’d be cool to present the looks as part of a mini moodboard for each designer which adds a bit of context to each look even if you aren’t familiar with their past collections and establishes the general vibe of the brand I’m attempting to replicate. Not to sound snotty or as if I am the font of all knowledge on anything high fashion related but even with my amateur knowledge I noticed that as the video trend took off and was adopted by big name influencers, it became less about the average person putting their own personal spin on the aesthetic of the labels we can’t ordinarily afford and more about them building outfits that only vaguely resemble the general public perception of the brand around the real corresponding (and often gifted and thus inaccessible to someone who doesn’t makes thousands for a sponsored post) pieces they own SO I thought I’d take the trend back to its roots and get a bit resourceful. All that being said, in no particular order, here are the outfits I would wear to sit front row at Gucci, Vera Wang, Miu-Miu, Marc Jacobs, Dolce & Gabbana, Brock Collection, Alexander McQueen, Etro, Burberry aaaand Saint Laurent based on their past collections and guess what? They didn’t cost a shit tonne of money :-)
-disclaimer: will include an asterisk before any new purchases if from a high street store though to be honest, I don’t think there are any, we shall see! I do include where I got old purchases from in case anyone wants to search anything on Depop/Ebay-
1. Saint Laurent (formerly Yves Saint Laurent)
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-blazer from identityparty on Depop, pleather trousers from Zara, jewellery from Dolls Kill-
I know technically abbreviating Saint Laurent to YSL doesn’t really make much sense anymore given the brand’s name change in 2012, but I’ll always think of it as that in the same way I’ll always associate it with the slightly dishevelled yet simultaneously glitzy rock n’ roll aesthetic. The thing is, whilst YSL hasn’t done anything wildly out of the box for a long time, it’s rare they put a look on the runway that I wouldn’t wear; they never end up being a fashion week standout but the Parisienne take on grunge we’ve seen Anthony Vaccarello establish as his go-to will always have a place in my heart. 
2. Alexander McQueen
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-embroidered leather jacket from Ebay (originally Topshop), harness from Amazon, dress from ASOS, boots from Koi Vegan Footwear-
Alexander McQueen is a brand that is pretty much universally liked, from the historically extravagant and groundbreaking shows the man himself put together to Sarah Burton’s more toned down but still beautiful collections. Obviously I didn’t attempt to do justice to the former, so I tried my hand at putting together a look inspired by Sarah’s blend of delicate femininity and nomadic edge, and it went...okay? Like it’s definitely not my favourite of all the looks because it does give off slightly cheap copycat vibes buuut outside of the context of this lookbook it’s cute.
3. Brock Collection
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-boater hat from Ebay, midi skirt from morganogle on Depop, corset top from ownmode_, heels from amybeckett1, bag from Primark-
Brock isn’t as well known a brand as most of the others in this list but I adore everything Laura Vassar Brock does and I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to try and channel the vision of one of the OG pioneers of the cottagecore vibe through my own wardrobe. I mean fr, this woman’s work as a steady provider of meadow photoshoot worthy dresses and corsets and skirts is v slept on and I will not stand for it. I will sit in front of a camera and then write a paragraph in my blog post begging anybody who reads to give LVB (an abbreviation I acknowledge is unlikely to catch on because Lisa Vanderpump anybody?) some form of acknowledgement for her services to period romance novel inspired moodboards everywhere.
4. Marc Jacobs
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-coat from House of Sunny, white shirt from Retro World Camden, co-ord from Sugar Thrillz, bag from Poppy Lissiman-
If there’s one thing Marc Jacobs always does, it’s COMMITS. TO. HIS. THEME. I just KNOW he has a secret Pinterest with separate boards for every fashion era of the 20th century and he is putting those boards to good use providing us with collections that are as immersive as they are eclectic year in year out. 
5. Miu Miu
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-beret from H&M, hair clips from H&M, jewellery from Primark, coat from mollyyemmaa on Depop, shirt from YesStyle, sweater vest from YesStyle, skirt from Depop, diamanté belt from Brandy Melville, shoes from Koi Vegan Footwear-
We all like to talk about Bratz dolls and Monster High dolls and Barbies as fashion inspo but can we all focus on Cabbage Patch dolls for two secs so as to acknowledge the fact that a Miu Miu collection is basically all their fits grown up? And made boujie as fuck? If I want my fix of Wes Anderson meets Scream Queens (what a combo) inspired outfits, if I want prissy and girlish but also glam, if I want to look like a bratty rich girl whose one redeeming quality is her eye for vintage clothes, I know where to look and that is the Miu Miu section of Vogue Runway. 
6. Vera Wang
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-blazer as in no.1, velvet bralet from catdegaris on Depop, harness from Amazon, skirt from Ebay, knee high socks from Ebay, lace up boots from Ebay-
Vera Wang’s RTW aesthetic, a blend of the ethereal, ultra-feminine bridal designs she’s known for and British style punk rock influences, is something I feel has only become firmly established in recent years but it is everything I ever wanted and more. I always find myself trying to balance the part of me that loves everything girly and delicate and pretty and the part of me that would love to be in a biker gang and Vera’s collections are always an inspirational reminder of just how well it can be done.
7. Burberry
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-coat from charity shop, suit from emmafisher3 on Depop, top from simranindia, shirt underneath from Zara, jewellery from ASOS-
Now I’m not gonna lie, I’m not the biggest fan of Burberry but there have been a few looks over the past few years I’ve really liked and as someone who owns numerous trench coats, high necks and way too much plaid, I thought it’d be an easy one to replicate. Plus, if you can count on Riccardo Tisci for nothing else you at least can rely on him giving you some layering inspo which is very much needed in a country where it literally just snowed in April and where my plans for today have just been cancelled because the iPhone weather app did a Karen Smith and didn’t predict rain for today right up until it started raining so thanks for that one British meteorologists. Your incompetence strikes again.
8. Etro
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-corset from Urban Outfitters, vinyl trench coat from Topshop, boots from Ebay, black slip dress from kaoanaoleinik on Depop, fur trim afghan coat from louisemarcella-
Like with Brock Collection, Etro isn’t a hugely well known brand, but it is always one of my favourites-to add a spanner into the works of any attempts to cultivate a firm sense of personal style, I live for the ornate Bohemian look that Etro does so well just as much as I love both grungy and girly pieces, and so I really wanted to include a brand whose collections go down that route. It was a toss-up between this and Zimmerman, the flirtier, free spirit counterpart to the dark romance of Veronica Etro’s designs; her vision really shines through the most when it comes to the brand’s winter collections, imo, and given that I live in a country where winter or some weather state resembling it does seem to take up 70% of the year, I did decide on channelling her work rather than that of the equally talented Nicky and Simone Zimmermann this time round.
9. Dolce & Gabbana
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-flower crown from ASOS, tiara from Amazon, earrings from YesStyle, dress from alicealderdice1 on Depop, opera gloves from Ebay, boots from Koi Vegan Footwear-
D&G is a brand I felt really conflicted about doing-I don’t include their current collections in my fashion week reviews based on the actions of designers Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce over the last few years because I don’t want to mitigate the collective effort of fashion critics to push them towards irrelevancy. Though people like to claim the brand has turned a corner since Lucio Di Rosa was brought on board as the manager of celebrity and VIP relations last year (they are as prolific a force on red carpet fashion as ever), we haven’t seen any real meaningful apologies or reparations made by Dolce and Gabbana themselves which once again leaves us in the all too familiar quandary of whether or not we can separate the art from the artist especially when it is far too much of a simplification to only credit the two men for their work given there’s a whole design team behind them. There are a LOT of shitty people working in fashion, the whole industry is a bit of a cesspit if we’re honest, but I don’t think that should stop us from at least being able to appreciate old collections if we make sure we aren’t engaging in any kind of promotion of current works whilst doing so. D&G are a brand of high highs and low lows, with looks that range from hideously ugly to showstoppingly beautiful in a single show-when the looks are good, they are GOOD-and their presence in the fashion world is most definitely felt whether we want it to be or not. It would just be shit to refuse to recognise the existence of some real iconic runway moments, the practical work that went into the ornate detail and opulence that helped cement D&Gs place in sartorial history, the styling that’s made goddesses and fairytale queens out of modern day women as they’ve glided down catwalks, the far more extravagant and, let’s be real, sexier version of our world D&G shows have transported us to in the past. Will I talk about D&G ever again? No, and if you Google the scandals their brand has faced over the past few years, there are more than enough reasons why, but just this once I did want to pay homage to some of the collections, the snippets of which I saw on my Tumblr dashboard back when I was about 13, that first got me into fashion.
10. Gucci
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-fur coat from Topshop, clips from Zaful, glasses from Ebay, dress from gracewright246 on Depop, shirt from Boohoo, blazer from charity shop-
Now last but, if you ever read any of my fashion week reviews (the likelihood of someone actually having read one of them and reading this is incredibly, incredibly slim lol, I wouldn’t read me either) you’ll know, definitely not least, is Gucci because Alessandro Michele comes through every!! single!! time!!
The man is truly the king of quirky throwback maximalism and it hurts my heart that a lot of people seem to think of it only as a brand associated with ostentatious displays of wealth. Year after year since Michele was made creative director he has released purposeful, fully-fleshed out collections which unravel themselves to us on the runway like time capsules containing the belongings of the rich and whimsical and yes that can sometimes result in outfits which are *ahem* a bit mismatched but it doesn’t matter because through fashion he manages to take us to a vivid version of the past where people could dress as freely and lavishly as they wanted to, into the wardrobe of a person unaffected by the side-eyeing of others. You get the impression he doesn’t design so much as plays around with some kind of enchanted dress up box and takes inspiration from there and to give that impression is only a credit to his talent-to make outfits so kooky and extravagant look like they were meant to be takes a boldness and genuine love for clothes that I do tend to feel a lot of the big name designers have lost in the pursuit of profit and the necessary placating of the dying customer base that keeps that coming in. Of course I'm not for a second saying Gucci does not care about profit, but at the very least, they have on board a creative director who genuinely has fun with what they’re putting out there and wants to make a statement too and that really shows; you can rest on your laurels and sell tweed boucle jackets to rich old white women for eternity but nobody’s going to mention your brand name and the word groundbreaking in the same sentence ever again unless they’re talking about what it was a century ago, you know (mentioning no names...unless...did I hear someone say Chanel)? That feels like such a shady way to end, lol, but I’m sure said brand will survive-to be fair, they’ve been included in every other What I’d Wear to Sit Front Row At video I’ve seen so although I’m always slagging them off for doing the saaaaame thinggggg year after year, for that same reason their aesthetic is instantly recognisable and so will always be a source of imitation. There are obviously pros and cons to being a brand which constantly reinvents itself but I think it’s totally possible to do that whilst maintaining an overall mission, and Alessandro Michele’s work at Gucci demonstrates that with ease.
Anyway, if you got to here, thanks for reading! I know I’m super behind on this whole TikTok trend and I know a Tumblr post instead of a video is a bit of a cop out but all the real, physically awkward ones out there know that watching yourself back is excruciating lmao, so I hope this does the trick. After this, I’m gonna get back to the reviewing S/S21 collections post though knowing me I’ll probs take a few days to get back into that because I feel like since I left full-time education (RIP me going back in a few months) writing continuously like this for any longer than about 15 mins fries what brain cells I have left. Again, thank you for reading and if you are, sending many good vibes your way! Stay safe!
Lauren x
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nev3rfound · 4 years
almost lost, but not quite : avengers
brief summary: you are hydra’s weapon, something no one would expect. but when you’re forced to fight the avengers, they realise how vulnerable you actually are
word count: 2.1k requested: yes by @sevenmorningstars​ - thank you for reaching out a while back with your idea i hope you like it! warnings: mentions of abuse (scenes described similarly to winter soldier) 
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it isn’t me. all rights reserved. - thank you to everyone who helped regarding the wattpad situation, you’re all amazing)
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You listen as the door is unbolted, but you keep your eyes trained to the floor. 
Three pairs of boots were stood in front of you now as the door creaks in desperation. “Soldier,” The superior speaks up and you slowly lift your head up, locking eyes with the man in the middle wearing his full uniform. 
“What is my assignment?” You question, void of emotion as he nods. 
You watch as the men either side of him stand at your sides, lifting you up. 
Fighting against their hold, they look to the superior with concern. He sighs to himself as you continue to struggle in their hold. “Come, soldier, don’t fight.” He states. “We don’t want a repeat of last time, do we?” 
The memory causes chills to run through your body, and you stop fighting. You fall limp in their arms, letting them drag you through the door and down the endless corridor filled with screams and sorrowful pleads of freedom. 
 Within minutes you enter a room that you’re no stranger to. A single chair awaits you, the ties ready to be wrapped and a Doctor on standby with a metal tray of instruments he won’t hesitate to use. 
“Sit, soldier.” The superior motions to the chair, and you comply. 
Sitting down, you shut your eyes as you feel hands around your wrists and ankles, securing you into place. Privacy was a luxury you could only dream of now, it was long forgotten and something that was never introduced into this unit. 
“What’s my mission, Sir?” You question again as the ties are secured and the men stand in front of the door, their guns already loaded and waiting to be fired if required.
You watch as images flash in front of your eyes, a dozen people that you recognise in New York city. “They’re planning an attack on us, on this unit.” The superior explains as he paces around you, watching closely for any sign of sorrow. “They will steal everything we’ve worked for and burn us to the ground.” He scoffs. “Not that they’ll get that far.” 
“Where do I come into this, Sir?” You look up at him, blinking the projection away as a smirk form across his lips.
He bends down, resting his hand on your thigh and squeezes it forcefully. “Your job is to defeat them, protect us as a family.” You can feel his nails digging into your skin, drawing blood. “You’ll do that, won’t you, soldier?” 
You nod in response, knowing you have no choice out of this. “Yes, Sir.” You tell him, keeping a straight face as you ignore the tears welling up in your eyes. 
Once, a long time ago you knew the Avengers. You admired them and what they did for Earth and those who lived on it. But then you watched them tear apart Sokovia, the damage caused. You watched everyone you knew disappear, pools of blood soak snow as you stood and pinpointed those you cared about, dead. 
When HYDRA found you, they knew something about you was special. They told you to trust them, and as a young adolescent, you had no reason to not comply. That was your biggest mistake, you should’ve noticed the soldiers holding guns ready to shoot if you tried to run. You never had a choice in the matter. 
From the moment they laid their eyes on you, you belonged to them. 
“Good.” He states as he rises back to his feet. “Just to be sure, Doc?” He waves the Doctor over as you turn your head, seeing him holding the mouth guard. 
“Wait, please,” You begin to panic as you try to fight against the restraints, but they’ve learnt from last time. “you don’t have to do it, I, I’ll comply. I promise!” You try to reassure them, but the superior shakes his head.
“We just have to know, Soldier. This is the only way.” He smiles to you sweetly as he reaches out, resting his hand on your cheek.
You spit in his face, watching as he harshly steps back. “Full power.” He yells to the Doctor who forces the guard into your mouth as you fight back tears. “There’s no coming back now, Soldier. Good luck.” He turns on his heels and the guards part from the doorway as you watch him leave. 
Cool metal rests against your forehead as you look at the Doctor. “I’m sorry, dear.” He mutters to you as he shuts his eyes, pulling the level as you scream. 
Securing your gun to your side and knife into the sheath you were ready. 
“You know the plan, right?” You feel someone tug on your uniform, tightening your belt around your waist. 
“Yes. Do you?” You retort, looking over to your accomplice with a sinister smile as he secures his helmet. “They’ll be here any minute,” A laugh escapes your lips as you take a deep breath before walking out onto the roof. 
“Won’t know what’s hit ‘em, will they kid?” Simon turns to you, watching as you shake your head in anticipation. “Come on, we better get into position.” 
Lying on your stomach, you hide behind the edge of the main unit. Closing your eyes, you listen out for the sound of footsteps and muttered commands.  “Two left, three to the back.” You listen to a voice instruct and turn to Simon, giving him the signal.
“Be safe, kid.” He tells you as he stands on the edge of the roof, jumping down as he rope around his waist eases him to the ground. 
You rise to your feet as you watch Simon trying to fight against three of the Avengers. Your eyes follow their movements, memorising their basic combat training and main stances. “Too easy,” You mutter under your breath as you build energy into the palm of your hands, watching the trees beginning to shake.
“What the hell?” Steve yells as more soldiers walk out from the unit, firing guns.  “Just keep going, try and get inside Cap.” Tony calls out as Natasha tackles several soldiers whilst Bruce throws multiple at once. 
Tony rises from the ground and flies forward, unaware of the tree being lifted from its roots and being thrown in his direction. 
“Tony, watch out!” He turns just in time to avoid the tree as it crashes beneath you. 
“Damn.” You sigh as you lift three trees up at once, focusing on them as you hover them above Captain America, Scarlett Witch and Black Widow.  Just as you go to drop them, you’re tackled off of your feet to the ground. 
“What’re you doing?” Iron Man yells at you, trapping you beneath him until you punch his shoulder, sending him flying back. As Tony hovers in the air, disbelief crosses his face as you stand up, brushing gravel from your clothes. “That, that’s not possible.” He states as you run at full speed and jump from the building with nothing to hold you back. 
Landing on the ground, you watch as soldiers part for you to walk through. 
“They’ve got a weapon oncoming guys.” Tony announces, watching as you pass through, taking a gun and firing it. “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” He mutters to himself as he flies over, firing down at HYDRA soldiers. 
The Avengers continue to dodge your bullets and Natasha runs toward you. 
As you fight her, she struggles to keep up. “You’re a kid?” She questions as you smile sweetly before punching her square in the face, knocking her unconscious with your sheer force.
Quickly you weave through their defence systems and attacks. You might be outnumbered, but they’re underestimating your potential.
“Kid, give up. You don’t wanna do this.” Steve stands in front of you as blood covers his face. 
You wipe away the blood that coats your lips as you hold your fists up. “Trust me,” You start, squaring him up once again. “there’s nothing I’d rather be doing.” 
Steve can feel himself losing momentum and looks around for a split second, noticing Natasha in Bruce’s arms as he runs back toward the Quinjet. Wanda is trapped by three trees as Vision fights off anyone who comes near her and Tony is above firing down on the soldiers surrounding them all. 
Holding your gun in front of Steve, you watch as he lowers his shield. “You giving up, Captain?” You raise an eyebrow as he pants heavily. 
“No,” He tells you, securing his shield as you both remain still. “I just have to ask, why are you doing this?” 
Steve watches as your hand twitches. He can see you fighting with yourself as your eyes remain focused on the gun, but your hand wants to lower it. 
“I have no choice, Captain.” You admit sadly, a glimpse of yourself fighting through. “They’ll torture me and kill me eventually if I give up.” You tell him, and for a split second, Steve can see Bucky in you. 
“I have a friend like you,” Steve steps closer cautiously, keeping his eyes on you but occasionally glancing to the gun. “he was HYDRA’s weapon, so I understand that you feel like there isn’t a way out. But I promise you, there’s a way out.” He explains, resting his hand on your gun. 
Your eyes plead to be saved, but your hand remains tightly locked around the gun. 
“I’m sorry,” You mumble as you pull the trigger, watching blood seep through the blue on his shoulder as he falls back. 
His shield falls to the ground, and you lower your gun. “It’s done.” You tell yourself as you close your eyes, stopping the tears from returning. 
“You’re just a kid,” Tony lands behind you as you quickly turn, holding your gun back up as your trembles return. “let me help you.” He states and you shake your head.
“Why should I trust you? I’m safe here, I, I’m home.” You try to hide the fear in your tone as the soldier's retreat, leaving you alone on the field as your mess is left for the superior to review. 
“This isn’t a home,” Tony states, motioning around you. “this isn’t somewhere you should be kept. We can help you, stop them from using you in this way.” 
“I can’t. If I try they’ll kill me.” You tell him. “The last person who tried to escape didn’t make it to the gates. He was hung there for weeks to serve as a reminder.” What you didn’t mention was how you had been at HYDRA for a month at that point, a twelve-year-old exposed to the true horrors they held. 
“They didn’t have the Avengers to help them though, did they?” He retorts as he removes his mask, revealing a kind face. “Let us save you, we can stop them from getting into there.” He points to your head. 
“How do you know it’ll stop?” You question, desperation in your tone as you wish for freedom more than anything. “How do I know you won’t just kill me? I’m HYDRA after all.” 
“You deserve a chance.” Tony tells you, his eyes focusing on you closely. “If you can release my friends, I promise to get you out of here alive.” 
You sigh to yourself as you look over to see the trees still crushing Scarlett Witch. “I thought she could’ve gotten herself out.” You mutter under your breath before forcing the trees up. 
“Are you alright, Wanda?” Vision helps Wanda to her feet as she stumbles over her footing. 
Holding onto Vision tightly, she looks over to you with fury in her eyes. “Don’t, Wanda.” Tony states. “She means no harm.” 
“She’s HYDRA, of course she means harm.” Wanda bitterly retorts. 
“I’m sorry,” You call out, lowering your gun to the ground and holding your hands up. “I, I had no choice.” 
Wanda can see your whole body shaking as Tony looks back at you. “Were you in that room?” She questions, walking closer toward you as Vision closely follows. “With that Doctor?” 
Flashes of the events run through your mind as you nod. “Daily.” You tell her and her heart breaks for you. 
“It’s okay,” She tells you, resting her arm around you. “you’ll be safe.” 
“We better go before more come back.” Vision states as he takes Wanda, flying off with her as Tony helps you and Steve. 
“He’ll be okay, won’t he?” You motion to the unconscious soldier in Tony’s arms as you fly alongside him. 
“That’s like having a papercut, kid.” Tony jokes, watching as you finally crack a smile. “We just need to make sure you’ll be alright.” 
“Thank you,” You mutter as you reach the Quinjet, looking up at it before glancing back at the gates now behind you. “and I, I’m Y/n.” 
Tony smiles softly to you as he steps aboard the Quinjet, waiting for you to follow. “Come on, then Y/n. A new life is just ahead.”
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astrarche-x · 3 years
I read “Fangirl” by Rainbow Rowell after I finished 2 books I got for Christmas. It was staring at me from my sister’s shelf and I’ve heard something good about this book, Rowell is also quite famous YA author, so I decided to give it a try. 
It certainly didn’t match my expectations; in fact, my disappointment grew with every page and I grew tired of the heroine, Cath - an introverted first year college student and fanfic writer-  and other characters.
Why so?
- At first, I thought that snippets of Cath’s fanfics are a cool addition to the book, because it’s such a crucial part of this character, and I also thought that they will be somehow related to the events happening in-universe. But they weren’t! They didn’t help me as a reader to understand Cath, didn’t expand my understanding of the events of the plot, didn’t really give me any “story within a story” because they were so fragmented (I know there is a whole book about Simon Snow, but that’s not relevant now, is it?) and I already felt like I knew Cath’s writing style after like 3 examples, so idk why there were so many.
- I felt like the characters don’t develop at all. And what’s the point of the story if it’s not character development? In the end of the book, the only thing different from the starting point is the fact that the heroine has a boyfriend. She isn’t more open, she’s still talking to like 2-3 people (and writing is not like a movie, adding a character doesn’t cost you money, right?) and it’s not like those relationships change a lot. Cath and her roommate Reagan? They form a bond in the middle part of the book and it stays the same. Wren, Cath’s twin sister? They lose contact during the plot and Wren has a new friend to prove she’s a separate person, but eventually they make amends and sisters are together again. The other friend disappears. No big talk about being separate people but still needing each other, no reflecting on that in any way; they make amends and then Wren is just there, spending a lot of time with Cath like her own life never happened. Relationship with dad and mum? Stays the same, even though they were written in a way that suggests big plot points.
- Levi, Cath’s boyfriend. He doesn’t have an inner life. He’s just a smiling, nice guy with learning difficulties. But Cath can always feel safe with him and count on him; honestly, how is he different from her ex? Also some can say that Cath and Levi were cute tohether and they kind of were, but for me it was too much sugar and when their relationship became the focal point of the plot I couldn’t take it anymore. How many times a writer can describe the same physical features with exactly the same words? Like yeah, we get it, the character is in love, change the subject.
(Also his attempts at unneccessary chivalry... ugh. Not cute).
- Nick from the library. He was actually the guy I was shipping Cath with (and myself as well, if I had the chance). They had so much chemistry! But it was also strongly hinted at that he won’t be the endgame; in fact, I don’t really see the point of his existence as a character. He’s Cath’s crush, but after he stops playing this role, he’s mentioned only twice and then dropped completely. But the point of him being the crush and the writing buddy/rival is not even relevant! It’s not reflected in Cath in any way except that she’s a bit sad.
- Cath doesn’t develop as a writer. Actually, after reading a few sentences about how writing is so important for Cath etc, I thought that I would see more of her as a writer, but mostly it looks like “...and she wrote 5000 words that night”. No description of creative process. Talk about how her life influences her writing: 2 times (at the end of the book). Pressure from readers who? I don’t know her. Also I was really surprised that she said “I only ever want to write fanfiction, I want nothing of my own!” - like... who would say that? Sure, they are people who just write fanfiction as a hobby, but there are others who start with fanfic and then create their own stories, so if Cath is an established fanfic writer and went on to study English lit and take creative writing class, then having her say something like this sounds super fake. 
- Cath herself was a boring protagonist. And I’m not saying this because she was an introvert. Lots of introverts make interesting protagonists; take, for example, Offred from The Handmaid’s tale. Cath is boring not only because she literally sits in her room and cries for like half of the book (giving me Rodion Raskolnikov vibes and he annoyed me like hell), but also because so little of her inner life is described in detail. Like, c’mon, I’ve opened this book, I want to know what’s going on in her head. But instead of paragraphs of her thoughts, we are only given a sentence, maybe two or three. And one of them sounds often like “she thought about all the reasons she had to dislike their mother” but then none of said reasons is listed, making this sentence effectively worthless. Very often Cath’s remarks about other people are repeated; I don’t even want to count how many times she noticed that Levi smiled a lot. And then she noticed noticing it; and then she noticed him smiling even more times. Seriously that’s his only feature? (That and his hair). Because this makes the heroine very unobservant; I don’t want to look at the world through her eyes, because it’s nothing there to see. 
- Cath as a (titular) fangirl: she doesn’t really interact with the fandom during the course of the actions in other way than writing and that’s... unusual? Who limits themselves to only one form of fan content? I know she had merch and fanart, but she doesn’t interact with other fans (except for her sister and a random stranger). She also mentions having internet friends at the very beginning, which I assume would be very likely for a fanfic author of her status. Then her roommate says “internet friends are not real” (yes. literally.) and Cath’s internet friends are not mentioned again, because, you know, internet friends are irrelevant to your real life. Generally this book makes it look like belonging to a fandom was about the merch you own and maybe writing your fanfic, if that’s what you use as a coping mechanism for real life. No talk of reading other fanfics, visiting sites like Tumblr or other blogs, no interaction with other fans, no conventions, stuff like this. It made fandom look like something for sad and lonely people, and while it kind of is, it’s also a source of joy and satisfacton for many; in Cath’s case, I only saw it as a straw to which a drowning man clutches. 
(Also I found it kinda weird that sex in this book is like Schrodinger’s cat: existent and nonexistent at the same time. Does Cath write erotic scenes? I guess. Is it adressed? Yes. And then immediately dismissed in order not to talk about it. She also wants it and doesn’t want it at the same time, which is fine irl, but confusing in a book, especially when she doesn’t reflect at that confusion much). 
I thought I will see in Cath a glimpse of myself - first year of uni was also stressful for me (even though I’m certainly not an internet-famous writer). But she was almost extremely unrelatable. And then I started comparing “Fangirl”  with “Loveless” by Alice Oseman, which has very similar setting - first year, loneliness, outgoing roommate, introverted protagonist having trouble opening up, breaking of a sisterly bond, fanfiction (even though Georgia, the protagonist, only reads it). I’d recommend “Loveless” a lot more. You won’t get much talk of the writing process, but hey, you weren’t getting it anyway. You will be given queer characters instead.
My final thought was that I’m probably just too old for “Fangirl”. That it was written for 17-year-olds who are anxious about going to college. But my sister is 17-year-old who is anxious about going to university and she didn’t like this book either (this post is brought to you by our displeased brainstorming last night), so it’s probably just bad, shallow writing. 
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palimpsessed · 4 years
The Welsh Red Dragon, Kurt Vonnegut, and Social Activism
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The inspiration behind Shepard’s pins
(original post with full artwork here.)
So, I spent A LOT of time thinking about the kind of pins our good friend Shepard (from Omaha, NE) would have on his denim jacket. Like a lot. Like an obsessive amount of time. I made a list, which seemed appropriate for this fandom. And because I’m a nerd and this sort of thing really interests me, and I’m proud of what I came up with, and because I think some of these items open up the possibility for some good, good literary analysis, I decided to make a whole post dedicated to Shepard’s pins. You’re welcome.
First, a little bit about my thought process. How did I decide what kind of pins to give Shepard? Well, he’s a guy full of stories. Stories that he can’t wait to tell anyone and everyone. And stories that others (mostly Maybes) have told him, once he’s earned their confidence. So, I wanted his pins to tell a story, his story in particular. What is the story that Shepard wants to tell about himself? More precisely, what is the story he wants to tell his new magickal friends on a disastrous summer holiday? The story is that of his own magickal credibility. His journey to magic (his come to Crowley moment, perhaps?) (I’d apologize, but I’m not sorry…) and his trustworthiness as evidenced by all of the Maybes he’s met along the way. He’s gotten drunk off dandelion wine with a creek dryad, given a toothbrush to a Sasquatch. spilled the tea with a jackalope, midwifed a centaur foal. Shep’s journey is just as impressive as Simon’s, and while Simon has been collecting notches on his dead dark creature bedpost (that’s a weird fucking metaphor…) (and now I’m thinking about dark creatures and Simon’s bedposts…so, you’re welcome, Basilton), Shep’s been collecting notches of the friendly variety. (Shoutout to @adamarks who did some super lovely analysis on Simon and Shep as mirrors here: https://adamarks.tumblr.com/post/188046272067/ok-so-when-shepard-said-he-was-cursed-the-first). So, I decided that I wanted to use Shep’s pins as a way to show the notches on his bedpost, so to speak. (Okay, I’m really losing this metaphor, but I think you’re still with me.)
Let’s dive in!
(I’m working my way down one side of his jacket at a time, for those following along at home.)
Welsh Dragon: I made this one very large, and easy to spot on his right shoulder. Of all of his accoutrements, this one felt like the most important. Mainly, because of Simon. Simon is, after all, half-Welsh. (The Mage, may he rest in pain, came to Watford from Wales.) And, of course, Simon, just like the Welsh Dragon, is a red dragon. (Or in the process of becoming one? Or a half-dragon? Or a dragon kitten?…) And the dragon that Simon and Baz fought on the Watford lawn, when they first worked together, and first shared magic, was a red dragon. Of course, the actual dragon in question here is Margaret. Shepard would absolutely have a pin to commemorate his friendship with her. And since I was going to give him a pin with a dragon, I knew I was going to have to use the Welsh Dragon because it would perfectly capture his burgeoning friendship with Simon, as well. Now, I want to go on a slight detour here (this blog post will be its own Odyssey) and talk more about the Welsh Red Dragon. I took the design for the pin from the Welsh flag, which is the thing that first made me think more about Simon’s Welsh connection. I’m not really making a point here, I just think it’s fascinating! There’s a lot of Welsh lore about the Red Dragon (and Margaret herself calls Simon “Great Red” - that ‘R’ is capitalized, by the way, so this seems to be a proper name for the kind of dragon that she thinks Simon is). Full disclosure, I am not Welsh and I am not a scholar on any of this by any means. That being said, a cursory, and super academic, perusal of the Wikipedia article on the Welsh Dragon led me to a few different history websites that linked the symbol of the red dragon with Merlin and King Arthur (son of Uther Pendragon, literally dragon head). Merlin, one of the most well-known magical figures and Arthur, one of the most well-known Chosen One figures in literary tradition. I know very little about Arthurian legend, and Welsh history, and dragon lore, though, so I’m going to just say, do a little research on your own when you’re bored and feeling nerdy!
Resist!: Shep is a young black man (and reasonable human being) living in the U.S. during the [redacted] Administration. I should hope this one is self-explanatory.
Hoover Dam: At some point in his visits to see Blue, I’m sure Shepard stopped off at the gift shop and bought himself a souvenir pin to mark the incredible experience he had making friends with an actual river. (This pin design is based on an actual souvenir pin of the Hoover Dam I found on Google Images—along with most of the other pin designs. I think it’s vintage, which just felt even more like Shepard to me, because he’s the kind of guy who would appreciate stuff that’s got a past.)
Deathly Hallows: I mean, IF the Harry Potter books/movies exist in the Simon Snow universe (which hasn’t been confirmed, as far as I know, by our Queen) I’m sure Shepard would have been totally into it as a kid, and probably would have found greater significance in its magical lore once he discovered that ACTUAL MAGIC EXISTS! So, he would have a pin to show his belief in the magickal world, and maybe also as a nostalgic reminder of when magic was still just something fictional he could turn to for escapism (and not something that would result in being cursed by a demon…).
The Truth is Out There: So, I know virtually nothing about The X-Files (my sister was obsessed with it to the point that she wanted to become a FBI agent for a few years, but I never watched it), but I’m sure Shepard is a fan. If nothing else, the sentiment is awfully apropos.
So It Goes: This one is very hard to see. It sort of looks like a black teardrop with a bar on top of it (it’s supposed to look like a bomb). The pin I based this off of reads “So It Goes”, which from my very superficial research, is a line repeated in Vonnegut’s anti-war novel Slaughterhouse-Five every time someone dies. I don’t know anything more about it, other than that it is a Kurt Vonnegut-inspired pin available for purchase on Etsy, and Shep mentions that he wanted to get a Vonnegut quote tattoo, even though “everybody has those.”
Green Alien Head: You will never be able to convince me that Shepard does not 10,000% believe in the existence of aliens. If he were still in the U.S. during the Area 51 Raid, I’m sure he would have stopped by, just, you know, for science…(I’m thinking he was probably still in the UK, but I guess we’ll see in AWTWB.)
Centaur: This one is also hard to see, but I took the design from a pin I found of one of the centaurs (the blue-haired, blue-bodied one, if that rings a bell for you) from Disney’s Fantasia. (Fun fact: I was super into Fantasia as a littlun, and I attribute my lifelong love for classical music in large part to the centaur sequence and my latent lesbianism—I mean, it was ludicrously erotic. Watch it sometime and tell me it would not make an impression on a sapphic three-year-old.) Midwifing a centaur foal was probably a very emotional and formative experience for Shepard. Buying this pin would be his way of remembering that experience, and the excitement and gratitude he likely felt to have been entrusted with that kind of acceptance from the centaur(s).
Jackalope: It doesn���t help that this pin is almost the same color as Shepard’s jacket, but it’s based off a design of a jackalope’s head that, again, I found on Google Image search (honestly, I don’t know how I ever made art without it). We know that Shepard once got some gossip from a jackalope, who vented to him about magicians calling “themselves ‘magicians’”, like “they’re the only ones with magic”. (This is totally irrelevant, but I always think of Americans when I read this. I am an American, by the way. America is a continent, but those of us living in the U.S. calls ourselves Americans, like everyone else living in America doesn’t matter.) Anyway, the jackalope offered Shepard some valuable insight into the political workings of the magickal world, so it gets its own pin.
Pansexual Pride Flag Pin: I mean, technically, canonically, we don’t know what Shepard’s sexuality (or asexuality) is, but I just get some vibes from him. Plus, if we take him as a mirror for Simon (who is somewhere on the bi-plus spectrum), it’s not a far cry to imagine he also identifies somewhere on that spectrum.
Pentagram: This is another symbol that I chose based on my interpretation of Shepard’s character, and not so much on a Maybe or a story that he mentioned. The pentagram, or pentacle, is typically associated with the occult and witchcraft, which is something that could potentially also be said of Shep.
Sasquatch: You don’t go backpacking—or not backpacking—and introduce a Sasquatch to the benefits of dental hygiene without getting yourself a souvenir of the hike.
I [heart] Mystery Spot: The Mystery Spot is a weird sort of phenomenon in California (my home state). It’s a place outside the beach town of Santa Cruz that boasts of a “gravitational anomaly” on its website. I went once, years ago, and while you’re there, it can feel pretty convincing. (Also, I was probably like 10, so…) People outside of California will likely never have heard of this place, but driving around here (at least in the Bay Area, where I am, which isn’t that far from Santa Cruz) you’ll see yellow Mystery Spot bumper stickers on cars everywhere. I’m not really sure what the thing is with the bumper stickers. Like, I’m sure not that many people actually think it’s legit, and maybe it’s like one of those things that Californians just do (like freak out and forget how to drive when we feel water falling from the sky). But yeah, these bumper stickers are everywhere. Anyway, Shepard drives around a lot. He knows about the Vampires of Las Vegas (how is that not an indie rock band?) and the Katherine Hotel, and the Next Blood. So, he’s probably made it past Nevada and into California before. And while he was there, it’s not a great stretch of the imagination that someone who chases after magic wouldn’t wind up at a place called the Mystery Spot and get himself a pin while he was there. (And maybe even a bumper sticker.)
Black Power Fist: Unfortunately, this one is also hard to see, because the fist is black and I didn’t have anything to go over the outlines of the fingers with, which I sort of didn’t think about when I colored it. This one also feels self-explanatory. Shepard is black. Blackness has long been treated in itself as a crime by non-black members of law enforcement, and just the general racist population of the U.S. Young black men are especially vulnerable to racially motivated violence. I’m sure Shep, who drives all over the country by himself and gets into high speed chases at night in the middle of nowhere Nebraska while hunting super shifty rando Maybes has had a run-in or two. Stay safe, Shep!
Every Pronoun Belongs Here [Trans Pride Flag background]: Also, super hard to see because the letters are too small to read. I found this exact pin in a basket by the register at my local bookshop. (Support local bookshops, people!) They were being sold as a fundraiser for a LGBTQ club at one of the high schools, and I loved the idea that I could help them raise money and add this pin to my own growing collection to show off my support for trans rights. (Support trans rights and trans people, people!) I decided to give Shepard this same pin, because I could imagine him having an almost identical book buying experience in a dozen other towns that he’s probably visited. And I love the simplicity of the message, because it’s one of belonging, which EVERYONE is desperately seeking, no matter who they are or how they identify, and Shepard, and every character in this picture, is no exception. (Plus, it seemed like a cool way to connect my pin collection with Shep’s. Maybe I should have mentioned the fact that I’m also a pin person at the beginning? I walk to work and on my lunch breaks, so I carry all of my stuff in a backpack. And I proudly display my random pin collection on my backpack. Including several Simon Snow-related pins.)
Don’t Panic: This was based off a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy pin. I don’t really know anything about the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (including if it’s okay to abbreviate it as HGG? THGTTG? whatever), even though I did watch the movie years back when it was on TV and I still lived with my parents who had a TV. But the sentiment felt appropriate, and Shepard is a sort of magickal hitchhiker. Apart from managing to hold down a job at Dick Blick, he appears to lead a somewhat nomadic lifestyle. He tells Penny, “the road is my teacher”, and if that’s not a hitchhiker slogan, I don’t know what is. (Ass, gas, or grass?)
Black Lives Matter: They do. Just sayin’.
Magic Troll Doll: When I was growing up, the Troll doll was all the (nightmare-inducing) rage. Trolls are one of those magickal creatures that are continually mentioned in the series. Shepard talks about lonely trolls under bridges. Simon talks about killing trolls. Agatha would rather kiss a troll. And Baz was kidnapped by numpties, who are sort of like trolls. I couldn’t not include a troll. And the Troll doll specifically felt perfect, because the full name was Magic Troll Doll. You can bet if Shepard had to pick a troll-related pin, it would be a magic(k)al one.
[Asshole]: This is another Kurt Vonnegut pin. It looks like a messily drawn asterisk (*), but it’s actually meant to be an asshole (taken from the preface of Vonnegut’s novel Breakfast of Champions, and drawn by Vonnegut himself). I just thought, why the fuck not? So, here. Have an asshole pin. (I should have put it on a buttonhole…)
Shepard’s Phone Case: Remember that line I quoted earlier, about Shep wanting to get a Vonnegut quote tattoo? Well, when I was trying to figure out what to put on his phone case, I thought that seemed like a reasonable place to start. So, I googled Vonnegut quotes, to see if I could find one that I thought Shepard would like. Here’s the quote: “a purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.” I just loved that for Shepard.
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oyabun-draws · 4 years
I feel like I've really lost a lot of my love of the Simon Snow series in the past year because of Wayward Son and I don't really know how to get back into the fandom. Hopefully AWTWB will help, but that's next year so *shrug*. I did really enjoy the premise of WS and Shep!!! I love him. But the rest of it wasn't my cup of tea. Anywho, I hope you're having a good day and taking time to do things you love
hello!! sorry it took a bit to respond to this one, i had to think about how to articulate my response. i can’t say i lost my love, but wayward son definitely changed the way i felt. wayward son literally ripped my heart out of my chest and tossed it to the lions. i honestly kind of pretend it doesn’t exist.
it’s not that i dislike it, it’s like. extremely well written and so relatable but to a fault for my own experience as a reader. it felt like i was reading about all of my trauma. there were parts of wayward son that made me sob for days. after i read wayward son my actual mental health was so much worse for several months, it was pretty bad. (did anyone else have this extreme experience? i know raegan did but aside from her did wayward son like actually make anyone else extremely emotionally unwell?)
shep, and baz learning more about vampirism are kind of the only positive things to come out of wayward son fsshshshhs
as for advice for getting back into the fandom, i’ve found that i just mostly focus on the events of carry on, and draw only scenes from carry on aside from requests based on wayward son. (and made-up scenes of course)
i think you can still have an enjoyable experience in the fandom even if wayward son wasn’t your cup of tea. the key for me is that 90% of the carry on blogs I follow are from long before wayward son came out, so wayward son isn’t like. as much of a topic of conversation as carry on. for the people who read wayward son right after reading carry on, they view the two books as both essential parts of the series, and talk about them equally. but for those of us who were here long before wayward son, carry on is still very much the forefront, and more important of the two. so there isn’t as much content about wayward son. at least with the people i follow. i just try to follow very positive blogs, i don’t like discourse and try to focus mostly on carry on, or the characters detached from the story. hopefully that all makes sense. 
anyways, i totally understand what you mean. i havent really dug into wayward son enough, so when i think of it i mostly think of “sad.” i can’t say my feelings are less strong, but they have shifted. and it goes without saying carry on is the better book of the two haha. i am really excited for awtwb and i hope it brings the story together. one of my biggest issues of wayward son was the lack of any form of conclusion or resolution. i understand it’s because it’s a middle book. but still, it was very un-enjoyable for me. in general i did not enjoy reading wayward son. again, not because it wasn’t well-written. but because it was not what i wanted. i don’t really know what i did want, but it wasn’t that. i hope awtwb can give me some closure, because that’s what i truly want most from this book. (and happiness of the characters, of course.)
i hope you’re having a good day as well!! and doing some things you love. i’ve been drawing a lot, reading fanfic and watching anime as per usual.
thank you so much for sending in an ask, i really love interacting with you guys. and i apologize for letting this get so long, i tend to ramble. and its hard to articulate just how wayward son made me feel. 
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great-skies1 · 4 years
Be My Mistake
Hoo boy. My first ~official~ fic for this fandom! 
I wrote this after seeing the “SLOW” prompt on the wonderful @carryonsparks blog! I’m about a week late, but hey, at least I finished something?? 
Oh yeah, and since I’m pretty new at this whole fanfic writing thing, I would love to hear some feedback! If you have some constructive criticism you would like to send my way, feel free! I would really like to improve my writing some more, and keep posting fics in the future. 
Also yes, I shamelessly stole the title from the beautiful 1975 song with the same name. 
I hope that you like this angsty, short, pre-Wayward Son fic about the boys talking things out and taking it one step at a time.
Simon Snow is lying on the sofa. I’m standing in the doorway, trying to figure out how to approach him without causing another fight. I’m sure that walking right into his apartment had caused some kind of alarm, whether or not it was enough to get him off the couch. But the television is blaring, and Simon really isn’t his most perceptive self these days, so he might not have even heard me at all.
Bunce had insisted that a surprise visit would do Simon some good, and maybe give him enough energy to stand up and move. I wanted to argue that Snow would not be appreciative right now—and that he probably wouldn’t get up for anyone—but fighting with Penelope Bunce is a hopeless battle, even for one as persuasive as myself. So I didn’t say a word, I just took the spare key and drove all the way here from my parents’ estate.  
After standing there silently for a few minutes, (looking like a complete oaf, I might add,) I decided that there’s just no right time to approach him, so I might as well just bloody well do it and hope for the best. We may be snogging, but I still have to tiptoe my way around Simon sometimes, like he’d go off on me for any sudden movement.
He's been snapping at me or Bunce quite often these days, whether we want to help him get off the couch or just make him a cup of tea. I know he’s not upset at us necessarily, just upset at the world, and the way that his entire universe crumbled before his very eyes. I’ll never understand what that’s like—to have the only place that’s ever been considered home be taken away from you so abruptly. Or to have your one certainty in life—that you’re the bloody Chosen One—be stripped away from you so suddenly, without a trace of the power you once held inside. I guess he’s gained a pair of dragon wings and that ridiculous tail, but those do nothing but remind him of what he’s done, and how there’s no turning back to the world we all once knew. It’s true though, as much as he may deny it, but Simon saved the day in the end. He’s the hero of this story, and I’m lucky enough to be alive to see it. Merlin does fighting not give me the satisfaction that it used to—not when I can be touching him softly instead.
Read the rest on Ao3!!!
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august-anon · 3 years
On Love’s Light Wings
Alright if you’ve look at my blog the past three days you’d know that I’ve been obsessively rereading Carry On/finally reading Wayward Son lol. 
I wrote this inbetween finishing Carry On and starting Wayward Son yesterday, so it’s not really canon compliant with how we learn their relationship has been fairing in the interim, but who cares because that’s all pain and I’m here to write about fluff lol.
Fandom: Carry On/Simon Snow
Ship(s): SnowBaz
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Simon/Ler!Baz
Word Count: 2887 words
Summary: Simon and Baz are having a quiet moment together under the stars, and Baz discovers something interesting about Simon's wings.
[ao3 link]
Things became a right mess, after the whole ordeal with the Mage and the goatherd (Ebb, Snow would tell me. Her name was Ebb.) and the Humdrum.
We were questioned and carted around, barely getting a chance to breathe. Everyone wanted to know what happened, and once they knew, it was time to get the kids out of the way so the adults could handle it. 
I went home to my family. Snow went home with Bunce.
It was hard for a while, getting a chance to see each other. Simon and I would steal moments, when we were called to meetings together. We would sneak away, hold hands. Sometimes we would kiss.
But Simon had drawn back. I wasn’t surprised, with everything that had happened, I would’ve been more surprised if he hadn’t. But he drew into himself and wouldn’t come back, and I didn’t know how to help. Kisses were chaste and brief, hand-holding was tight and desperate, and most everything else was off the table.
He’d flinch away from my touch anywhere else.
It had hurt, but I had spent nearly half my lifetime hurting for Snow. I could do it a little while longer. And my patience paid off. Snow healed, albeit slowly. He started letting us -- me and Bunce, he had even shut her out after everything -- back in. I was able to see him more often, sneaking away from Watford for the weekends. I was allowed to place my hand in the middle of his back, on his neck, his stomach, his sides, his legs.
But there were two things I could never touch (or maybe it was three, if you counted them as separate limbs), that no one could ever touch, and frankly, I couldn’t find it in myself to blame Snow for that. His wings and his tail were a delicate matter. A harsh reminder. I teased him about them once and he didn’t speak to me for three weeks. I’ve learned my lesson now, I won’t tease him about them until he’s ready.
We’re curled up on the hood of my car, now, the echoing heat of the previously-running engine keeping us warm in the chilly early-spring night. Well, keeping Snow warm. Vampires don’t need to keep warm like humans do. We’re already so cold. 
I’ve got my arms wrapped around him -- in the middle of his back, carefully placed in the space between where the bases of his wings end and where his tail sprouts from his tailbone -- and he’s got his head on my chest and we’re staring up at the sky. I don’t think either of us has said anything since we got situated on the hood, but I don’t mind, and I doubt Simon does either.
Instead I sigh -- it ruffles his curls, makes them tickle my nose, but I don’t mind -- and pull him even closer.
I don’t think Baz knows he’s doing it. He’s got his hands between my wings and my tail -- and that’s something I’ve really appreciated these past months, Baz doesn’t push like Penny does, he doesn’t even ask when I’m going to let him touch them -- but they’re brushing up and down. I think it's a subconscious movement, because his fingers keep bumping against the base of my wings and he isn’t even reacting. Normally, he gives them a much wider berth.
I’m trying to hold still. I don’t want to break the moment, it’s peaceful and calm and quiet and everything we haven’t been able to have in a very long time, but it feels weird and it’s hard not to squirm. If I squirm, though, Baz will pull back. And he’ll ask questions. And maybe he won’t want to hold me again because he’ll be afraid of touching my wings -- not that Baz is afraid of much of anything.
But the thing is, maybe Baz isn’t afraid. Maybe he thinks my wings and tail are as weird and inconvenient as I do. Maybe he’s disgusted by them, and that’s why he’s never pushed to touch them like Penny has. Maybe he’s just being nice by staying with me as I mope around with these mutations sprouting from me.
No, that doesn’t make sense. Baz isn’t nice.
But what does make sense about our relationship?
Snow’s been slowly tensing up for minutes now. I can’t tell if he’s upset about something or just uncomfortable, and it’s infinitely harder to tell without being able to see his face. I wish I could sweep my hands up and down his back to let him know that it’s okay, but I’m not allowed to touch his wings and I’m not going to push.
Not like Bunce. I saw him shout at her the other week. Her curiosity is going to get her in trouble someday -- as if it already hasn’t.
But the thought does draw my attention to my hands, and I realize that they’re already moving. I don’t know how long they’ve been moving for. And I freeze when my fingertips brush against the base of Snow’s wings.
That’s why Simon’s been so tense.
Simon flinches when I freeze, and I try to calculate how big of a mistake I just made. I pull my hands away like I’ve been burned and Simon flinches again, this time pulling back from me.
I never apologize -- Pitches don’t apologize -- but for Simon I just might.
For Simon, I just might do a lot of things.
Simon’s bottom lip is drawn between his teeth when I’m able to finally get a glimpse of his face. He looks nervous and upset and confused, and I’m not sure what to do with that combination. Before all of this, I might’ve pushed. Tried to make him cry, upset him in every way possible because it was the only thing I knew how to do aside from love him.
I’m trying to learn how to do new things now, though.
“Simon,” I start, and he meets my eyes at the use of his first name. “I--”
But he doesn’t let me finish. He squeezes his eyes shut tight and blurts out his words like they’re vomit. Simon’s never been good with words, and that hadn’t changed in the months that they’d been dating.
“You-can-touch-them-if-you-want-to,” he says, and his words run and slur together like alphabet soup. I can barely understand him.
I stare at him, to make sure he really means it. To make sure he doesn’t feel like me or Bunce have pressured him into it, that he’s really giving me permission. Once upon a time, I wouldn’t have cared. But once upon a time, Simon didn’t love me back, and I wouldn’t go back to that time for anything.
“Unless--unless you don’t want to,” Simon tacks on, and I know what I have to do.
Instead of answering him, I slowly raise up a hand. Simon’s wings twitch and fan out, but they’re trembling like they want nothing more to squeeze back shut against his back. I move a little faster so they don’t do that before I get there.
His wings feel exactly like I expected them to. Warm and leathery. They don’t hum with magic like I expected them to, but that makes sense, because Simon’s magic is gone now. He’s never going to hum again, and I’m okay with that.
I still don’t know if he is.
Either way, he’s still my Simon.
His wings twitch more at my touch, my fingertips dragging across them. Simon makes an odd face in response, all scrunchy and kind of confused.
“All right, Simon?” I say, and it comes out softer than I meant it to.
Simon doesn’t acknowledge that. He nods. “It feels weird.”
I tilt my head. “Weird how? Weird bad?”
Simon shakes his head. “Just weird.”
I roll my eyes and make my touch a little firmer. As I continue to trail my hand across the wing, the angle gets awkward, and my touch becomes more fingernails than fingertips. Simon’s eyes bulge wide out of his head and he squeals. For the second time that night, I rip my hand away as though I’ve been burned.
“Simon?” I ask.
But Simon’s not listening to me. His eyes are locked on the wing I was touching, wide and nervous. I can’t tell if I hurt him. It’s frustrating. I don’t want to hurt him, anymore. 
This is absolutely unfair. I’d managed to hide it from Baz all these years. Penelope knew -- then again, Penny knew everything, it seemed -- and Agatha suspected, but Baz never knew.
His former mortal enemy, Simon Snow, is horribly, unbearably, stupidly ticklish. (And he maybe didn’t mind it as much as he would pretend to).
And of all the things to reveal that secret, it had to be my wings. Because it wasn’t enough that the rest of me was ticklish enough that a stray poke would send me rocketing into the ceiling, my magical wings were ticklish enough that Baz’s fingertips almost sent me flying away.
“Simon,” Baz says, and something tells me it isn’t the first time he’s said it. “Are you all right?”
And I want to deflect. I want to say it felt weird, or it hurt, or literally anything but the truth, but I can’t. Because Baz’s eyes are filled with guilt -- and I’ve gotten better at that lately, reading Baz’s emotions in his eyes when he refuses to show what he’s feeling on his face -- and I know he’s beating himself up over it. He probably thinks he actually hurt me.
“Fine,” I say, then I start stammering. I finally manage to force out, “Just tickled s’all.” I immediately regret it.
Baz looks like the cat who caught the canary.
Simon Snow is fucking ticklish, and I never had any clue.
It makes sense why I didn’t, we were enemies after all, and that wasn’t exactly the kind of weakness you want your enemy to know. I don’t know if I would’ve used it against Snow if I had known, though. It was a rather intimate thing to do, and I had been in the business of touching him as little as possible unless it was a punch. Touching him could be quite painful, back when I was hopelessly in love with him.
It’s not quite so hopeless anymore.
I can hardly move fast enough in my excitement to know more. My hand instinctively goes for his wing, seeing as that’s what I’d been touching when I found out, but I stop just short of touching it. I’m not sure if touching it is still allowed.
Simon’s wing twitches into my touch. Based on the way Snow’s eyes go wide, I’d say that action wasn’t entirely under his control. Seems the wings have a bit of a mind of their own, or maybe they acted off of Snow’s subconscious impulses.
But I don’t care either way. Bunce could solve that mystery, she’s the one who likes to do that sort of thing.
All I care about is exploring this new world Snow’s opened up to me.
I trail my nails across Simon’s wing again and it twitches violently as he squeals again. I wiggle my nails with a little more purpose against the leathery skin and Simon breaks into actual giggles. A hand flies up to cover his mouth and I reach out and grab it with my free one, interlacing our fingers.
“None of that,” I say. “I want to hear you.”
“Baz!” Simon squeals, but I ignore him.
I decide that wiggling my fingers around aimlessly is going to get me nowhere. No, I need to seek out the real sensitive spots. I try to pull back the hand I’m holding Simon’s with, but he squeezes it tight in his grip. He’s probably realized what I plan to do with it. He always was good at sensing when I was plotting (though I suppose it’s not that hard when the answer is all the time).
It doesn’t matter though, because I can do what I want just as well with one hand. Simon doesn’t seem to realize he has a second hand fully capable of stopping me. It’s flailing around uselessly, and it’s disgustingly adorable.
Simon’s giggling gets louder and more frantic as I spider my nails up his wing, moving towards the base of it at his back. I can’t help the grin that comes to my lips, I just hope it doesn’t look as soppy and lovesick as I feel. Not that Simon would notice, his eyes are too scrunched up with laughter. His nose, too.
Once again: disgustingly adorable. It makes me sick.
Simon’s laughing deep from his belly, now, not just giggling anymore. It’s still getting worse the higher I go, so I don’t change directions. He actually wails in laughter when I get to the inside curve of his wing (it’s almost like an armpit, but for wings. Wingpit?), squirming so frantically that he collapses back into my chest. I can’t help but laugh with him.
I’ve heard Simon laugh before, but it’s gotten rarer and rarer as the years have passed. I haven’t heard it at all since the incident with the Mage and Ebb and the Humdrum, and it’s a refreshing sound. It’s like when you’re parched and you’re finally given a cold glass of water. I didn’t realize how thirsty I was until hearing it again.
Baz’s fingers are driving me mad. The touch is so light and teasing, it’s making my skin crawl. There are goosebumps all up and down my arms, and they’re not from the cold. I wish he would move to a different spot, or make his touch firmer, or something. It’s torture. The best kind 
I can barely breathe through my laughter, with the new sweet spot he’s found, and my stomach aches with the force of it. It’s invigorating. I didn’t realize how long it had been since I laughed until Baz forced it out of me. Not that I really minded.
I feel like I’m flying.
He’s laughing with me now, too, and it only makes me laugh harder. It’s not his usual sneering, cocky laugh that he always used to give me back in school, back before our truce. It’s more like the laugh he gave me when he was drunk -- or drunk on my magic -- light and bubbly and a little bit rough, like it’s out of practice.
Maybe I should tickle him back sometime. Get it back into practice.
But that’s the last coherent thought that I’m able to have before Baz’s fingers find a sweet spot inside the sweet spot. I’m lost to my cackling, the only thing on my mind being Baz’s tickling fingers. I wonder if it’ll drive me mad.
Snow’s laugh used to make me want to throttle him. Or at least punch him. It was just another reminder of what I couldn’t have, what I would never be able to have. Because Snow was my enemy and he was dating Wellbelove and we were going to kill each other someday.
Now, his laugh just makes me want to kiss him. It did that before, too, but I always buried it beneath the urge to beat on him. I’m allowed to kiss, now, though, and so the urge to punch him is gone. 
I feel like I’m floating.
And I really want to kiss him.
But he’s probably bound to run out of air, and I think it might be a little difficult to kiss his open, laughing mouth (even as much as the idea of swallowing his laughter into my own lungs is enticing), so I pull away. Simon goes boneless against me, panting and giggling, his wing still twitching from my lingering phantom touch. They furl up protectively against his back, and I get the urge to kiss them, too.
Maybe later.
For the time being, I satisfy myself with pressing my lips against Simon’s own, now that his breath has somewhat returned. Simon wastes no time in kissing me back, still with far more finesse than I can manage. I’m learning, though, and I’m clearly making progress based on the heady little noises he makes into my mouth.
I don’t need alcohol to feel drunk, or even Simon’s former magic coursing through me. I could get intoxicated on Simon alone. Not that I’d ever let him know that, he’d use it against me every chance he’d get. And I’d let him.
We spend the rest of our evening kissing under the stars, long after the hood of the car has gone cold under us. Simon’s wings wrap around us like a blanket, warm and smooth, and we keep kissing. The stars twinkle above them, painting beautiful shadows across Simon’s face. I trace them with my lips.
I have to be back at Watford in the morning. Simon has to be back at the Bunce’s before they notice he snuck out with me (though I imagine Penelope herself likely already knows). The world outside the little bubble we’ve created here continues to turn round, but we don’t have to rejoin it just yet.
For now, it can just be Simon and me, and everything can be all right.
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