#my brain go Brrrrrrrrr
chain-draws-stuff · 11 months
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Hello hello! Welcome to my blog! Also the The original art is from @caldraws! He's an amazing artist so please go and check him out! This AU also belongs to him! And yes as you can see in my description I only do checkpoint, my oc's and ofc some random AU's! Please go and follow my main blog @glichsworld! I post AVM and AVA and some other things there! So please go ahead and check out my blog! Thank you for reading this and i hope you enjoy the rest of the things I post here! :D
Sona reference! >:D
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Art requests are also available! So don't be afraid to send me your request! :]
No NSFW plssssss :'(
For the people who read chapter 12 first before the first chapter. You've just ruined the whole excitement of the EndKing!Steve AU...but who am I to stop you? Im not God himself. But I still would recommend reading the first chapter before the new ones when reading this story that I've made...you can read this if your 13+ and when I say 13+ I mean 13+ because there's going to be some random fucking shit in this thing and yeah also 18+ gore! So...read at your own risk I guess...
Here's the link to the first chapter
The EndKing!Steve AU ask will only be available until January 2! So don't be afraid to ask them or me your questions! Request are also available until January 2!
Fuck that shit, it's forever open >:]
I might want to update this so stay tuned!
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rowanhoney · 1 year
permanently overwhelmed 🫶
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poisonousquinzel · 23 days
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harley love I'm so sorry that a rude ass woman like alexis would call you a slur smh
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Honestly LBSC stuff was what drew me to your account (after seeing them on pintrest very clueless- I try to direct ppl to u in comments now) and after that I just kinda stayed along.
Ur art is so cool and I never thought I'd get into one piece but here we are lmao>>
stay awesome, love everything u do<3
Thank you so much! I have a lot of interests and tumblr is the place where you can watch my excitement in real time 😂
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Usopp friendship with Mihawk had to be the funniest thing added in the OPLA, year 1 of Kuragaina goth rooming nightmare and the three of them end up bonding over Ussop of all ppl. Because Shanks shows up on a "bother Mihawk" whim and they all subconsciously decide to bully Yassop about his shitty parenting choices. Perona escorts them to the main house ranting a mile a minute about Ussop this Ussop that and how he is immune to her fruit and what that means and how that means that obviously Ussop suffers from daddy issues(only issues Ussop isn't suffering from but Yassop doesn't know that) and Yassop is already squirming but then Zoro is there. He is looming in a corner, menacingly (as much as he can anyway, he is scrawny and more bruised than an overripe apple at the bottom of the barrel) and he just gives them a flat look, murmurs smth vaguely rude about them being the deadbeat pirates(Shanks catching strays about his less than stellar parenting choices) and leaves to go train. Now everyone has caught on more or less on the Yassop bullying campaign the residents of Kuragaina have decided to embark on but they hope Mihawk is like, uninvolved. Except he isn't unaware of Ussop, no he is genuinely fond of the boy, would have vastly preferred he showed up out of nowhere because "at least Ussop seems to understand the notions of body odour and daily showering Roronoa" and while not done deliberately, he does bring up Ussop as a positive example for things like cleanliness and "not bothering people with incessant chattering and complaining Perona" (Zoro laughs at this, if only Mihawk knew). This lulls Yassop in a false sense of a security. Yeah, Mihawk is praising his son, but surely he wouldn't say anything about his parenting. So he relaxes, even feels a little proud of his boy making such a good impression, is planning on bragging to the crew about his cool as fuck son who charmed the fuck out of Mihawk after they leave and then it happens. Mihawk gets a glint in his eye and delivers the final punch: "one would think the two of you are the fatherless ones, with the way you are acting. The boy grew up with no father in his life and still behaves more dignified than both of you. To your rooms." Yassop goes back to the ship after this and sobs in his rum bottle.
"The Yassop bullying campaign" being a thing is extremely funny to me. Everybody loves Usopp. Everybody is overprotective of him. Perona and him are actually besties and she kind of wishes to see him again because the second her ghosts affect him, that'll mean he's more or less fine mentally (girl is worried sick about his self-esteem). Zoro? We know Zoro loves the fuck out of him. That's his sniper. Back off. He's ready to fight Yasopp if needed, even. And you're completely right about the OPLA thing because I swear the Mihawk/Usopp friendship makes me the happiest person on earth. Mihawk has a favorite son and I won't say who he is because it's obvious. Now Yasopp is shaking with fear and regret because three people apparently hate his guts for his son and now he's extremely scared of meeting Usopp again.
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greykolla-art · 1 year
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So much crime, not enough lunch brakes.
And this is a manic gangster…but could be a pillow.👀
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beldaroot · 1 year
thinking about how any mention of rem is completely ignored by knives.
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he was willing to spare her during the big fall but the fact that she sacrificed herself to save the human ships was the last nail in the coffin. so, he pretends he has no guilt over killing her.
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but it's so evident that he still loves her; that the betrayal hurt that much more because he loved her so much.
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while knives killed her, vash keeps her alive. and in doing so, wasn't all the love that vash learned from rem what saved knives in the end?
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knives killed her and it killed him but it also saved him and in turn saved her legacy.
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happy mother's day y'all <3
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renaissancebadboy · 3 months
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Day fourteen of Fangfest 2024!
Ramona Nguyen! Xe was the ghoul retainer of Gomorrah (PC played by @dragomirthewizard). Xe greatly desired the Embrace but was not keen to lose xyr technological prowess as Gomorrah was Lasombra. Like any good Domitor, Gomorrah asked another PC, Amari (played by @tweltchy and pictured above) to perform the Embrace.
Ramona died and rose, far later than hoped, as a Thinblood. Which, in the grand scheme of things, was probably the best outcome for xem.
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you can tell work is stressing me out atm because the last week my mental state has just been like
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alvfr · 2 months
if the next thing I post is 3687 words long I'll have a word count of exactly 1,000,000 on AO3
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chain-draws-stuff · 8 months
I can finally draw something in ibispaintX. ITS BEEN SOOO LONG
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Nether King design! And full body to :D the nether star acts like a heart to the character I just did it for a unique design like τέλος ender pearl heart. Yes he does have a halo behind him :)
The art is till not finished but it will soon
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canayams-art · 2 months
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Anyway I’m teaching myself how to write again for them (qianxiu).
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ghost-t-cryptids · 7 months
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"I keep....having nightmares about it....in them, you're aware of what you're doing...but it still isn't you."
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on Aziraphale’s fear as internalized homophobia
shooting the shit with @ahurston after reading The Sanford Flower Show - I said it allowed me to clarify and name an important piece of Aziraphale’s characterization for me which is that he will wring his hands and perseverate until the eleventh hour and then he will do something so balls to the wall insane and unpredictable.
And she said it helped her to understand that “Aziraphale's hesitance when it comes to Crowley as rooted in fear rather than a false sense of superiority …The self-righteousness is just a front for absolute terror.”
And yeah, almost all of Aziraphale’s struggles and distancing behaviors read to me as coming from a place of fear.
I’ve always read it as very internalized homophobia vibes - like “I see myself in you and we’re more a,Ike than I’m willing to admit but you’ve been cast out and scorned and what does that imply for me?”
Crowley knows himself and knows he can’t change it and doesn’t want to, fuck what grandma thinks. And Aziraphale knows it in the core of himself and it makes him so happy to steal the little bits of time and affection with Crowley, because he knows he’s accepted, he feels seen and it’s real, but at the same time he knows what happens to People Like That, and so he’s terrified to acknowledge it outside of their code, he’s so scared that he’ll be Found Out and it’ll mean he’s also dirty and unworthy of love. (Not that he believes this about Crowley, not on the surface, anyway. But it’s been repeated so often that it’s internalized,) and he can’t get away from the abusive family even though he’s enjoying his little weekends and then grandma’s like “well, bring your best friend to thanksgiving!” and you end up with Aziraphale saying “let’s go to gay conversion camp together!”
And for what? That’s the thing here, being queer is an intrinsic property. You’re never going to be able to magic or pray or cut that part of you away enough to be seen as “worthy” by those who have decided you don’t deserve it.
(and then this morning @bardraelyn put a point on it when they said “he’s on the cusp of breaking free but he’s held back by his own terror of losing a support system that doesn’t actually exist” and…yeah. Shit.)
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robinsnest2111 · 5 months
this just came to me in a vision
Benson out in the woods, hunting. He's following a deer to a clearing when suddenly, something big falls from the sky. Landing with far more grace and making way less of an impact than something this size and shape should realistically make.
Turns out that something is looking very human. The deer long gone and forgotten about, Benson approaches the still figure. On closer inspection, it's a strikingly beautiful young man, a boyish face, short blonde hair, and very much naked. Benson keeps his eyes strictly above the boy's waist, and kneels down to check on him.
A fall from this height should've torn him to shreds, scattering his long pale limbs all over the forest floor, but here he is, in one piece, virtually untouched. Benson turns him over, gently running his hand over the back of the boy's skull, checking for any injuries. That's when he notices strange wounds near his shoulder blades. They look like they've only recently healed, the flesh still bright pink, and looking fragile and tender. Like a single too rough touch could rip them right back open.
As weird as this entire situation is, Benson cannot bring himself to leave the boy here all by himself, naked, unconscious, at the mercy of whatever wildlife will stumble upon his body.
So he takes off his long green coat and wraps it around the boy, being careful not to agitate the strange wounds on his back. Once he's sufficiently bundled up, Benson carries him back to his car.
On the way home he's trying to make sense of what happened in the forest but cannot find a rational explanation. If he were more of a believer he'd think the heavens must've dropped an angel at his feet.
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imwritesometimes · 10 months
If you told me when I walked into a movie theater back in 2016 to watch a dysfunctional PI & professional bruiser crime solvers buddy comedy that it would become the media & niche ship that made me experience symptoms of the stigmata, clumb the walls of my enclosure, gnash my teeth, forever from that day forward, I would have thought you were huffing paint...
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