#my cat of 16 years and she's just gone
I just saw someone with a really old cat on tiktok and she referred to this time as his "sunset years" and I am not okay
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elliespuns · 4 months
There's this deleted dialogue between Ellie and Dina (video) where all of our theories of how their friendship/relationship started are confirmed. I took the time to write down the whole thing before analyzing the hell out of it.
Dina, is pink. Ellie, is not.
I was asking, if I hadn't come on to you in Jackson, how would you have hit on me? Like I would have hit on you. You totally would've hit on me. How bad could it have gone? You might have rejected me and then what? I'd have to watch you fall for someone else. Okay, worst case, it would be a little awkward and we just move on. There's no way we just move on. Yes, you would have. What if you were grossed out? What if you didn't wanna be around me anymore? Such a pussy. Okay, who was the one that had this blinding urge to kiss me for 4 years and didn't do shit?
Tell me about when you first realized you were into me. Was it my swagger, my overwhelming beauty? I was into from the day we met. Go on. The day we met, you introduced yourself to me and Joel like you were the major or something. Because I thought you were cute. *blushing* shut up! I hate you. No, you don't. Yes, I do. No, you don't. I love you. I love you too.
Okay, so, as Ellie says, she was into Dina from the day they met. Which was when they came to Jackson with Joel. Ellie was still 14 (I guess more likely freshly 15 at the time, actually). Dina is probably like a year older, so she was 16. I mean, now I can't stop imagining 15-year-old Ellie meeting 16-year-old Dina and being all twitterpated by her. Just remember the cuteness when Ellie was shown to be in love with Riley. Imagine this when she's 15 and meets Dina. Just adorable.
Also, quoting Ellie "Okay, who was the one that had this blinding urge to kiss me for 4 years and didn't do shit?"
This means even Dina had a crush on Ellie in the early stages. 4 years ago, Ellie was 15, so that means she either started to like her right away or a little bit later on. The girls were into each other, just tiptoeing around one another not to do anything stupid or ruin their friendship.
This also gives us a pretty clear picture of how things were between Ellie and Cat. She was already in love with Dina at the time she was going out with her, and remembering how Dina always disliked the fact that Ellie was hanging out with Cat only proves that Dina was jealous all along. Her relationship with Jessee must have been something similar to what Ellie had with Cat, although I believe that Dina started dating Jesse a lot sooner and had already been good friends before that.
Ellie seems a little hesitant when it comes to relationships (this whole dialogue confirms it too), so maybe if it wasn't for Cat making first steps, Ellie would have never gotten into any relationship to begin with. It seems to me that she just wanted to explore and wanted to know what it was like, but she didn't really made herself believe that she loved her. She surely cared for her and liked her, but knowing she was in love with Dina at the time, it was probably even the reason why Cat broke up with her (I always thought it was her who ended it). She probably knew all along that Ellie had eyes for her best friend anyway.
I also appreciate how Ellie admits she was insecure about asking Dina out. "What if you were grossed out? What if you didn't wanna be around me anymore?", I love how deep this digs into Ellie's personality and how, even though she is a strong and independent girl, she still struggles with abandonment issues. Now she doesn't feel like this only towards Joel, but towards her best friend too. Like, she is lovely, nice, funny, and beautiful, but she still feels insecure. Help me with this girl, she deserves the world because she'd rather love her friend from afar than ending up without a friend. Under the layer of thick skin and a strong mind, this girl is so fucking sensitive and fragile it physically hurts me.
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This gives the dance scene a whole lot of new meaning. It's probably the very first time Dina says to herself, 'Okay, now's the time. It's now or never.' and after all those years of resisting, she makes a move on Ellie, knowing the girl must feel it too. The girl is too quirky and shy to hide it anymore whenever she's around Dina.
And Ellie? She has been loving Dina for too long, probably trying to convince herself she wouldn't have a chance with Dina, thinking she's into guys, not girls, let alone her girl best friend. And there she is, suddenly grabbing Ellie's hand and leading her on the dance floor, wrapping HER ARMS around HER BODY. Ellie's arms around her body. What is happening? Is she just imagining it? Ellie's heart must have missed thousands of beats at this moment. I love how it's shown in her facial expression as Dina whispers in her ear. Ellie is so awestruck that she doesn't even realize all Dina wants to do is something she should've done 4 years ago.
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shadowsndaisies · 8 months
codename: nightingale - usual suspects
Reference: Young Justice Season 1 Episode 25
WC: 7.4k
synopsis: fuck cadmus tbh, robin needs to work on his timing, kaldur’s got birdy’s back, and roy finally gets what he wanted
main masterlist
codename: nightingale series masterlist
a/n: guys, there's only one more in the season after this. i cannot belive my little hyperfixation fic of pure self-indulgence has come this far. i love you all so much and your support means so much, especially when i know that i go months without posting but you all come back so excited with each update! xoxo
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WASHINTON, D.C.December 30th, 09:16 EST
You were all in the Hall. The mega screen before you shows the official Justice League Induction and announcement playing on every news channel. Wally and Dick were standing on either side of you, and all of you had your eyes glued to the screen.
“The Justice League was formed for two reasons: first, as an acknowledgment that no single individual, no matter how powerful, can solve all the world's problems alone. And second, to uphold the values of truth, liberty, and justice,” Superman was making the announcement this year. Usually, it was him or Wonder Woman, seeing as the Bat didn’t exactly exude charming. “That, uh, last one's even in the name,” Superman muses, gaining a few laughs from the crowd before him. “These five heroes have sworn to uphold those values,” he continues, and the camera pans over Doctor Fate, Plastic Man, the Atom, Icon, and finally, Red Arrow.
Your lip quirks a bit as you stare at Roy. he had sent you a message this morning, reminding you that you could be standing with him today, but you had just laughed and mused that with how badly he’d wanted this, it’s surprising anyone else can stand up there with him, never mind you, who would undoubtedly steal the spotlight. You were happy for him, you were, but you were also bummed. You all had just gotten into a groove with Roy on the Team, even if it was only for a few missions, and once again, he was gone.
“You are watching live coverage of the Justice League's induction of its five newest members,” Cat Grant’s voice pulls your focus back to the News. “Looks like the entire League has shown up to welcome the new blood. Everyone from Batman to Captain Marvel!” she exclaims.
“I’m glad they didn't kick Billy out,” Wally decides, and you can’t help but nod. Dinah had mentioned briefly that there had been a chance he wouldn’t be. “And I love the fact there's a ten-year-old on the League,” he says, taking a bite of his apple.
Dick hangs his head, and you see Kaldur turn toward your redheaded best friend while the new girl, Raquel, turns to you all, “There is?” she asks.
You elbow Wally squarely between his ribs, and he hunches over, “Ow, Birdy!” he groans.
“Way to keep a secret, genius,” you scoff, glaring at him through your blacked-out lenses.
“Hey, she's on the Team now, right?” Wally defends, one arm rubbing at his side while he eats his apple.
“Is this going to be a regular thing, you just blurt out secrets whenever we get new people?” you ask.
Wally has the audacity to look affronted, “I don’t-“
“You told me about the Watchtower,” Zatanna cuts in before he can say anything else, and you snort.
Wally retorts by taking another bite of his apple and glaring at you.
Everyone’s attention shifts back to the screen, “Superman is now handing out official League membership cards starting with Doctor Fate…” You and Dick both step forward briefly to squeeze Zatanna’s shoulder in solidarity, something she smiles gently in response to, and you can feel the comfort she takes from the action in the seconds you’re touching. “…The Atom, Plastic Man, and Icon.”
“You know, I was the one who convinced Icon to become a hero in the first place. I should be celebrating with him, not hidden away in here!” Raquel complains, and you bite your lip to keep from laughing.
“Welcome to our world,” Kaldur laments.
“Well, I suppose there's an upside, too,” Raquel flirts as she eyes Kaldur. Quietly to Rob, you roll your eyes and fake a gag, which gets a silent chuckle out of him.
“Finally, Green Arrow welcomes his former protege, Speedy, now known as Red Arrow, to this roster of heroes,” Cat’s voice continues, but it’s quickly drowned out by your cheers.
“Way to go, Roy!” Wally shouts, pumping a fist in the air.
“At last, he has his wish,” Kaldur nods.
“Woohoo!” you exclaim, smiling at the screen. “The first of us to make it,” you breathe.
“No one'll call him a sidekick anymore,” Dick nods.
“Wait- Since when is being a sidekick a bad thing?” Raquel demands, and you can feel the twinge in the air. “You sidekicks were my inspiration.”
“Well, see, six months ago-“ Robin explains, but he’s quickly cut off when his communicator starts to beep.
You hover over his shoulder to look at what he’s looking at and can’t help but frown. In the background, however, you can hear as Cat Grant finishes her report, “So there you have it. The world's officially a safer place!”
There are tons of questions being shot out to Superman, who was still running the press conference.
“Looks like we can’t stay,” you announce, and everyone turns to you.
“We have a mission,” Robin tacks on, and the shift is evident as we all turn to the Zeta.
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SMOKEY MOUNTAINS December 30, 10:48 EST
“Are you sure it's her? I mean, are you absolutely positive?” Artemis asks, and it’s easy to pick up on her anxiety in the enclosed space of the bioship.
After the alert, you quickly got to the cave and changed before loading onto the bioship. The alert in question had been about a Cheshire spotting. After everything that’s happened in the last few months, especially in Taipei and then again in Louisiana, catching her was a top priority for the team.
“See for yourself,” Robin says, displaying the details on the screens in the bioship.
“This is the security footage from the Asheville Regional Airport. Facial recognition confirms that's Jade Nguyen,” you explain, having witnessed the details when they first came through Robin’s wrist computer. “But you've seen her without her mask. What do you think?”
Artemis stares at the screen for a second before her lips tug down, “It's Jade. Cheshire,” she confirms.
“Agreed, but focus on what she carries,” Aqualad hints. “Is that the case you saw in New Orleans? The one that got away?” He asks.
Artemis’ eyes harden, and her jaw sets, “Yes.”
“Okay, I'm guessing from the mug shot that this Cheshire's the bad guy. But what's so important about that case?” Rocket asks.
You have to bite back the urge to say you mean other than the fact that we fumbled the ball and lost it? Luckily, Robin speaks up first.
“Remember the Injustice League?” he asks, pulling up a photo of your friends from the bayou.
“And their giant evil plants? Uh, yeah,” Rocket confirms.
“Evil and Nasty plants,” you mutter lowly, glaring at the photo.
“The Team and the League put them in prison, but their allies still scheme, and whatever is in that containment case seems important to their plans,” Aqualad explains.
“We had a chance to grab it in New Orleans, but someone-“ Wally tacks on, but you interrupt him with a glare that he seems to miss as he focuses on Artemis.
“But we screwed up,” you correct. It was a team mission and the team’s attitudes and environment that culminated in what had happened. You weren’t going to place the blame squarely on Artemis.
Wally’s eyes dart to you, and you quirk a brow challengingly. He, in turn, scoffs and turns back to face the front instead.
“Approaching Cheshire's jet,” M’gann announces.
Everyone’s focus turns to the front, but when you get close enough, you let out a low gasp, and a wave of shock rolls over everyone at the scene of the downed plane. The crash had evidently been rough, but it’s a sharp note of grief that hits you that has you turning to Artemis, who is resolutely not staring at the crash anymore.
“Looks like there were no survivors,” M’gann notes, and your lips tug down as you try to assess the scene from the air.
“We need to go down,” you decide.
“NG-“ Wally’s scoff has everyone turning to you for an explanation.
“We need to check the wreckage,” you state.
“Are you serious?” Rocket asks, eyebrows raised.
“Cheshire and the case are our responsibilities, we check the wreckage,” you affirm.
It’s quiet for a moment before Kaldur speaks up, “open the hatches,” he agrees, and Wally lets out a puff of air, shaking his head, but stands up regardless.
M’gann opens a few drop hatches for those who can’t fly while the rest go ahead.
Soon enough, you’re spread out through the crash, analyzing anything you could find and looking for any indication that Cheshire was still in the plane when it went down or the case itself.
“How come Homeland Security and the N.T.S.B. Aren't all over this?” KF shouts, asking anyone.
“Cheshire's ID was a League alert,” you answer from where you’re crouched near the front of the plane, grabbing the black box and tossing it to Rob.
“Authorities didn't pick it up, and her jet didn't follow its flight plan,” Robin supplied.
“Flew under the radar, literally,” you note, standing back up.
“The Watchtower auto-tracked the jet and recorded the crash,” Robin continued.
“Then why isn't the League here?” Rocket pressed.
“Because our Boy Wonder has hacking skills and arranged to get the alert first,” Zatanna smirked. “Well that, and because Nightingale said to make it so,” she teases, gaining an eye roll from you.
“And because Cheshire and that case represent our unfinished business,” Aqualad corrects.
Superboy moves another part of the plane before asking the question that everyone had been wondering, “Where are the bodies?”
“Here's one. And it is stunning….” a voice all but purrs, grabbing everyone’s attention.
You can’t tell if you’re relieved or annoyed that Cheshire is standing tall, all in one piece, but you’re positive that this was the best outcome you could’ve hoped for, at least you were until the next voice pipped up.
“I am flora, not fauna,” the voice begins, and your gaze shifts as you spot the camouflaged ninjas along the mountainside. “I am foliage, not trees,” it continues, and your gaze keeps moving up, counting the adversaries before stopping on the man in green. “What am I?” The Riddler possesses his question, and you spot Shimmer and Mammoth behind him, too. He snaps his fingers, and suddenly, pylons are popping up from under the snow, and you groan at the realization.
Within seconds everyone is trapped underneath a green dome, “Seriously? A trap? We’re idiots,” you huff, soft enough for only Dick to hear, and he just shakes his head.
“Come on, you can get this. I am shrubbery, not grass. What am I?” The Riddler urges. “I…
“Am bush,” Robin grits, and you don’t hold back the groan that escapes this time.
“Didn't you think we'd be tipped you were on Cheshire's trail?” Riddler asked. “We're tired of your interference, kiddies. This is the end game. Ordered from above and executed by their master strategist, moi.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes. There was something about Riddler that screamed Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but that could be something you picked up from Dinah’s files.
“Miss Martian, is everyone linked?” Aqualad asks, and the second you hear him, your hands reach back to your back holster, fingers wrapping around your escrima sticks. “Yes,” she confirms, and you make brief eye contact with Dick, tilting your head slightly to indicate a direction. He responds with the same small action in confirmation. “Go!” Aqualad orders, and everyone splits up.
Zatanna makes her move first while you and Dick rush up behind and around her, “Ekahs siht ebolgwons!” (shake this snowglobe) she chants. Within your pylon-ed dome, snow flurries, creating an excellent interference from any direct attack.
The rest of the team jumps into action, using the moment of surprise and confusion to take on the ninjas.
You’ve just knocked one down when Aqualad speaks up again, “Superboy, the pylons,” he orders, and you risk a glance toward your friend with the S.
“Working on it,” he announces out loud, and you focus back on the enemies before you.
“KF-- cradle?” you inquire as you run up, behind Wally. “Ready,” he confirms, turning and dropping down, proffering his hands.
You run up and, with no hesitation, step into Wally’s grip. He’s pushing your body up a second later, giving you enough air to wail your escrima sticks down on the underprepared shadow. It’s reassuring that Wally will always have your back, even in disagreements. As he falls, knocked out, you quickly scan the rest of the battle and manage to spot as Rocket gets hit.
“Rocket’s down, she needs an assist K, and we’ve got a Shadow two tiers up, with some sort of electric disk device, looks like fatherbox tech to me,” you inform the team.
Robin quickly gets up, knocks out the Shadow, and Kaldur moves for the disk. You almost move to help him when you spot a Shadow coming up behind him, but you see M’gann moving in. You turn back to take on another Shadow, this time with Dick at your back fighting his own, but you see it when Conner launches into the air. You’re waiting for gravity to start pulling him back, but it doesn’t.
“That’s impossible,” you note as you use the electricity feature on a Shadow, who then crumples at your feet.
Robin turns his head, and his eyes widen as he stares at what you are.
“SB, you're flying!” he gasps, and your eyes widen too when you catch him using heat vision a moment later.
In his rage, he seems to miss the results of his attack. Your gaze drops, and you can see the top of Artemis’ head.
“Avalanche!” you shout into the link, hoping she’d cleared out of the way in time. You really weren’t trying to relive the Arctic in the real world. It’s silent for a moment, and then your anxiety takes over, “ARTEMIS!” you’re screaming into the link.  “I’m alright!” she confirms, and you let out a breath.
Rob taps your shoulder and gestures up to where Riddler’s still standing, and you nod. The two of you make your way up, targeting Shimmer and effectively knocking her out cold with a mix of a smoke grenade, Robin’s bola, and your well-aimed punch.
With Riddler’s focus on you and Rob, Zatanna floats behind him as the smoke clears, “Tekcajtiarts!” (straightjacket!) she announces, and Riddler’s suddenly restrained, unable to get free.
“No!” he shouts. “I am not the straightjacket type! I am strictly Belle Reve not Arkham!” Riddler argues.
Zatanna huffs out a, “Gag mih!” (gag him!) effectively silencing the Riddler's little tirade.
“Hey Rob, what is broken when you name it?” you ask, a shit-eating grin on your face as you crouch down beside Riddler, who only glares at you in return.
“Silence,” Robin smirks, earning Edward Nigma’s ire.
“Hguone htiw eht ebolgwons,” (enough with the snowglobe) Zatanna’s shout echos’s across the mountain, and suddenly the snow stops.
You all quickly work on the remaining pylons before loading the bioship with Nigma and the captured Shadows.
“Cheshire?” you ask out loud.
“Gone,” Artemis confirms.
“From you? Again?” Wally challenges. “That’s like the third-“
“Enough,” Kaldur cuts in quick. “We need to drop these prisoners off at Belle Reve and return to the Cave, I imagine, the League will want a debrief and an explanation.”
“I guess it’s a good thing, I got the case, though,” Artemis adds, and you can’t help but smile at her.
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MOUNT JUSTICEDecember 30, 15:45 EST
You felt like he was staring right at you. Given the whiteouts of his mask, Batman could be glaring at any of you, “Tell me if this sounds familiar. You hacked League systems, disobeyed protocol, and endangered your lives,” he pauses. 
You have to fight the wince when you catch Dinah’s eye. She’s standing behind Batman with Red Tornado and Martian Man-Hunter, and she’s got an eyebrow quirked as she stares straight at you.
“And your initiative resulted in the capture of three escaped felons proving Warden Strange runs Belle Reve as a cover for criminal activity…. Well done,” he affirms, and you let out a small breath, gaze darting over to Robin, who quirks his lips in a small smile, one you match.
“And then there's this,” he adds, forcing your attention back as he and Icon approach the case that Artemis had recovered, “Bio-technology integrated with some form of nano-circuitry.”
“Though I am unfamiliar with the species, the bio-component is clearly not of Earth,” Icon confirms.
“We'll take it to the Watchtower for further study,” Batman decides, and the Leaguers head back toward the Zeta.
Canary lingers before walking over to you, mostly everyone else disperses, but you can feel Wally and Kaldur behind you, and Dick’s still at your side.
“I get the feeling that this decision was not made on your own?” she inquires, staring at you.
“I have a team,” you reply loftily. “I don’t have to make these decisions on my own.”
“No, you don’t,” she smiles gently at you, running a hand across your cheek, and then turns to the boys, “and I’m glad to know you see it too.” She says nothing but offers you a pat on the shoulder and turns to the Zeta.
As soon as Canary and Icon zeta out, you turn to the team, shoulders set, “You realize we were set up,” your tone is even, despite the worrisome nature.
“Yes,” Aqualad confirms. “Cheshire and Riddler were tipped and ready for us.”
“They knew we were looking for her, specifically,” you point out, and you can’t help the way your gut swoops.
“Not the mole thing again,” Artemis groans, and your lips turn down. How was it that Roy got to move on, but you were still battling the same demon.
“Mole thing?” Rocket asks, concerned. “Again?”
“We had intel that there was a traitor on the Team,” Wally explains, tone resigned.
“Namely, Artemis, M'gann, or me,” Conner huffs, his bravado cutting through as he steps forward with clenched fists and levels a glare at you specifically.
“It is more complicated than that,” Kaldur argues, placing a hand on Conner’s shoulder.
“And we-“ you gesture between you and Kaldur “-never said that, we only tried to look into the claim to see if it were true,” you argue.
Conner scoffs and shoves Kaldur’s hand away, turning to leave, “But your recent behavior does concern me,” Kaldur adds, following after him. “Your attack on Mammoth nearly got Artemis killed.”
Conner doesn’t respond, though he does stop for a moment. When he winces, your brow furrows, “Conner?” you call cautiously.
“There’s something I need to do,” Conner says, turning back to face you, but his tone is wholly different. “Something I need to tell you,” he admits, and you shift as you pick up the unease of everyone in the room. “Last month, on Thanksgiving, I went back to CADMUS and found a few things out.” Your eye twitches slightly at the mention of CADMUS, but you fight to keep your expression neutral. “When I was cloned, only half the DNA was Superman’s. The other half was human,” he admits, and there’s a shift from everyone else. “That's why I don't have, will never have, full Kryptonian powers.”
Your brow furrows, thinking about what you’d seen today, “You sure? Because you sure seemed to have them today,” Robin teases, voicing your thoughts.
“I've been using these,” Conner says, pulling up his sleeve and showing a patch, “Shields. They suppress my human DNA. I get the flight, the heat-vision, but I think I also get angry. Well, angrier… I’m… sorry,” he explains and only one question comes to mind.
“Conner, where did you get those?” you ask, voice lethal.
Conner winces at the question and your tone but meets your gaze. There’s an honesty there that hasn’t existed in a while, a calmness that stems from finally unloading the truth, “From my human father… Lex Luthor.”
There’s an audible intake of breath from someone behind you, and everyone’s eyes are blowing wide, but you? You’re fuming because if Lex Luthor had that much reach, it meant he must have been the silent bankroller for CADMUS, which in turn means Lex Luthor was responsible for the death of your parents, and that? That was not something you’d be letting go of, not now, not ever.
“Lex Luthor, is your dad?” Dick asks. The surprise is evident, and if not for the topic, it would’ve been a moment to commemorate, catching the Boy Wonder off guard.
“He's summoned me to Santa Prisca,” Conner continues.
The silence is deafening. Your shoulders tense as you try to gather your thoughts, and as you open your mouth to say something about Conner’s decision to keep these things secret, Artemis speaks up.
“Ahhh, listen,” she sighs. “Superboy’s not the only one suffering from bad DNA,” she admits, and you tense further, turning to look at the blond. She pulls up three IDs on the holo-computer before beginning. “My mother is Huntress, an ex-con. The rest of my family aren't even ex. My dad's Sportsmaster, and he's sending my sister, Cheshire, to fly me to Santa Prisca, too.”
You gape at the screen, but it all makes sense: her need to prove something, her secrets, her mother’s desperation, even the reason why Cheshire always seemed to escape when up against Artemis.
“That's why-“ Wally’s voice cracks, and you’re hit with a wave of understanding and regret from the speedster as he stares at the archer.
“Yeah,” she mutters. “I was so desperate to make sure none of you found out. “
“I knew you weren’t GAs niece, but-“ you mumble but stop as eyes shift to you.
“I knew,” Dick negates, and Artemis’ eyes blow wide, and you can’t help but gape at him. “Hey, I'm a detective!” he defends but quirks a smile, “But it never mattered. You aren't your family. You're one of us,” he reminds her.
“You always have been,” you manage to choke out, “nothing to prove,” you remind her, and you can see how the tension melts away from her.
Wally pushes forward and stops beside her. He hesitates on what to say but eventually settles for a small smile, propping an arm on her shoulder and jokingly asking, “So who's next?”
“I am,” comes the somber response from M’gann, and for the first time since the start of these revelations, you watch as she seems to curl up into herself.
“I swear I was kidding,” Wally says desperately, hands up in surrender.
“Queen Bee's been blackmailing me. She wants me in Santa Prisca too,” she admits.
“Blackmailing?” Kaldur repeats as if he hadn’t heard her correctly.
“How?” you press. Your voice is rough, and you notice how M’gann’s not the only one to flinch at it.
“She knows my… true… Martian form,” M’gann admits, but the way she says it makes it seem heavier than your first instinct.
“Bald M'gann? Who cares if-“ Robin wants to make a joke, to lighten the mood, but M’gann cuts him off, and before she shifts, you know why: Bald M’gann had been another cover for a secret she hadn’t been ready to share.
“No,” she interrupts, taking a deep breath before shifting.
If you thought the reactions to Luthor being Conner’s human dad were extreme, it was nothing to how almost everyone reacted to M’gann’s true form. She stood before you, a towering creature, a White Martian. While your information was limited, you had enough to assemble a theory.
You fought not to react, to stand firm and impassive beside Kaldur, just as he did. The only other person not to react was Conner.
There’s a whispered “woah” from Rocket as everyone else releases startled gasps.
“I realized you would never accept me if you saw what I really am,” M’gann tells us, and you ache for her. You struggled sometimes balancing Nightingale and (y/n) Roxo. You couldn’t imagine having kept your true self a secret from everyone, having no one to turn to. It had to have been incredibly draining and lonely… so lonely. Your anger was fading with each revelation, but there was one point where you were still stuck.
“M’gann, did we truly seem so shallow?” Kaldur inquires, and though he sounds the same, you can hear the hurt in his words, the edge you recognize as him questioning his abilities in setting the tone of his leadership.
M’gann crosses her arms, her gaze cast down. Dinah called that stance protecting by avoidance, “I couldn't take a chance,” M’gann admits. “Being a white Martian among the green on Mars, I endured constant rejection….I couldn't face that from-“
“From me?” Conner asks, carefully stepping forward and taking her hand.
The way they stare at each other is enough to tell that they are now having a more private conversation. Dick takes the opportunity to grab your shoulder, forcing you to turn to him, Kaldur doing the same.
“Now might be a good time for anyone else to share secrets regarding CADMUS,” he hints, and your lips part- he hadn’t even bothered to whisper.
“What are you talking about?” Zatanna’s question echoes from behind him, but you standing stock still, staring at him.
“You must be joking,” you hiss as you shrug out of Dick’s grip.
“C’mon, Birdy,” he urges, and you feel Kaldur’s hand on your shoulder.
You shrug off Kaldur, too, before spinning on your heel, pushing past Artemis and Wally and to the computer. Your hands shake a bit while you type, but you pull up everything you have; the news article about your parent’s death, the report on your blood from Dinah and Bruce, and the readings on the genomorphs at CADMUS. You take a deep breath before turning back to everyone now looking at you and at everything you’ve pulled up, eyes jumping between each article and report.
You sniff before reaching into a compartment of your belt and pulling out a mask adhesive dissolution wipe. When you start pulling at your mask, there are a few wide eyes, and when your glare lands on Robin, all he does is smile in return.
“My name is (y/n) Roxo, and when I was six years old, I witnessed the murder of my parents,” you begin. Everyone but Kaldur and Robin focus on you with lips parted and wide eyes. “They were Wayne Enterprises scientists, brilliant actually. They noticed some discrepancies with a project in the labs, cover-ups, and false reports. One had to do with an instance when I was in their lab and was accidentally exposed to whatever the project had been focused on,” You begin. “When we went to CADMUS on the Fourth of July, something about the genomorphs seemed familiar. I later discovered that’s because when I was young, I was exposed to a replication of their abilities, the beginnings of the research that led to the cloning capabilities. It’s what gave me the empath abilities and why J’onn thinks I could manifest further powers, just like the genomorphs have,” you explain.
“Which is why you looked like you were about to whip out some kryptonite when SB here said Luthor was his dad,” Artemis pieced, gaze jumping toward you and Conner. “Because CADMUS-“
“Because CADMUS is his project, and he funded, orchestrated- he was responsible for my parents murder,” you affirm, eyes meeting Conner’s.
“Holy shit,” Wally mumbled, and you couldn’t help but agree.
Conner was staring straight at you despite how focused he had been on M’gann only moments before. His blue eyes were wide as he stared straight at you, his lips parted but closed, and then his expression shifted as he took in the rage in your eyes and again when he saw the hurt. His shoulders sag slightly, and he slowly takes steps forward until he is right in front of you.
“I- I’m so sorry, Bir- (y/n),” he stutters over your name for a second, and you want to hold onto the anger. You want to be mad at him, but his eyes are so open and honest with you right now, and you’re reminded of the Conner who saved you from Cadmus back in July, the one who wanted to do good, to be good.
“It’s not okay, but I don’t… I don’t blame you,” the fact that your blame fell squarely on Lex Luthor went without saying.
He offers a curt nod, “a problem for later?” he adds quietly, and you give a silent nod in affirmation.
“So uh.. I know I’m new, but what now?” Rocket asked, and everyone’s eyes jumped from person to person, waiting for someone to speak up.
“We know that CADMUS has played a much larger role than any of us anticipated when we began this team six months ago, and we know that Superboy, Artemis, and Miss Martian are all expected at Santa Prisca,” Kaldur begins, and everyone’s attention shifts to him. “So we go as a team. Prepared for whatever they may throw at us. The backroom deals and secret alliances end today.”
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SANTA PRISCADecember 30, 17:57 ECT
“Superboy’s about to make contact,” M’gann’s voice echoes as everyone focuses on the exchange.
You and Robin were in the bioship with M’gann. At the same time, Kaldur, Wally, Rocket, and Zatanna had taken discreet positions on the island, each of you waiting for the call.
You could feel Robin staring at the back of your head, but you ignored him instead of focusing on what was happening on the ground below you.
“Welcome, Superboy,” Lex Luthor’s voice sets you on edge the second you hear it. Still, you force yourself to watch as Suberboy dismounts the Supercycle. “I'd like to introduce you to my associate, Queen Bee.”
Even though it was expected, your heart begins to speed up a bit in reaction to the developments, “My pleasure,” she greets.
“I believe you know everyone else. Sportsmaster, Mercy, Blockbuster. And our new friend Bane, who's allowed us use of his island in exchange for certain considerations,” Luthor introduces as everyone around him steps forward.
“No one wanted to listen when I said following Bane was a bad idea, and here we are,” you huff into the link, but the rest are silent.
“So the Injustice League was just a distraction. You two have been behind everything from the start,” Conner surmises, painting his expression with shock.
“Heh, a flattering notion, son, but we have many friends,” Luthor sidesteps, and your skin crawls at the way he calls SB son.
“This one of your friends now?” Conner asks as a helicopter begins to approach and then as it lands.
“No, my boy,” Luthor smirks. “One of yours.”
Conner glares at the copter until the door slides open, “Artemis?” the name rings out with a tone of shock, and you roll your shoulders, trying to force yourself to relax.
To her credit, she plays her role well, “The hero thing wasn't working out. You get how it is. No trust,” she scoffs, seemingly indifferent to the developments around her. “This is where I belong,” she adds, and you flinch.
“You’re up, Miss M,” you announce, and she backs the bioship up a bit, making a circle around the island and de-camouflaging the bioship before parking it in the air above the group.
“It's a fast-growing club,” Queen B announces as M’gann descends to the ground.
You reach for the rope, securing yourself to the repeller in preparation for when you’ll all be making your move.
“So… you’re just going to ignore me?” he asks cautiously.
Your glare sharpens in his direction, but it’s difficult to make out with your mask back.
“I know you’re upset that I-“
“Upset? Dick, I’m furious, you pushed me into revealing things they didn’t need to know! Things I trusted you enough to share about, privately!”
“They needed to know!” he argues. “(y/n) you consistently come to the rescue, you throw your life on the line for us, you did it in the Bayou, you did it for Wally in Seattle, you did it last week for me in the Circus. You do it all the time, because you know these things about everyone, you know when they need the support, but no one- outside of Kaldur and I, even had the slightest inclination. They needed to know, because today is more than the conspiracy of the last six months. Today could be the end, of it all, for you. Today could be the answers you’ve been looking for since Dinah took you in.”
“It wasn’t your call to make,” you hiss.
“No, it wasn’t. But this team fights better, fights stronger, when it’s united, and you’ve always been able to make us get our shit together better than anyone else can,” he sighs.
You glare at him but refuse to respond, and his shoulders drop.
“Why are they here?” M’gann’s startled gasp forces you both to look back to the ground from your spots within the ship. “You promised!” she cries.
“I’ve kept your secret and my promise,” Queen B argues, tone deadly. “Now, you keep yours,” when M’gann ducks her head, the monarch smirks, “Good girl.”
“Give me more shields, and I'm in, too,” Conner decides, and your lips twitch down. Espionage was not his forte.
Luthor walks closer and stares at Conner briefly before smirking, “My boy, you're a terrible liar.”
Conner’s eyes blow wide before winding back for an attack. However, before he can, Luthor plays his card, “Red Sun.”
Conner does well with his role. His entire body relaxes, face falling flat, arms hanging limply at his side as he stands straight with a muted expression, staring at Luthor.
“What do you want us to do?” Artemis asks, stepping forward, prodding the meeting along.
Luthor nods his head once, and Sportsmaster gestures to Artemis and M’gann. “You two, follow me.”
“What about Superboy?” M’gann asks, eyes sliding to Queen B.
“He'll be fine. He simply requires a few adjustments…” she trails off.
Everyone but Superboy begins to follow after Sportsmaster, “Bring him along,” Luthor orders, and Blockbuster moves toward Conner.
Your breath catches as you wait to see what happens. You’d all agreed that it’d be Artemis, M’gann, or Conner’s call on when to move, given they were the three in the thick of it. So when Artemis starts running forward, bow in hand before shooting at Blockbuster, trapping him for the moment, before turning around and aiming at her father.
“Sorry, Dad. Wanted to play you like you tried to play me but I can't let them mess with Superboy's head!” she shouted.
“M'gann, be a dear and take Artemis down,” Queen B orders.
You look at Rob as you both step up to the drop-hole.
You let out an audible groan as you stare at the boy across from you, “After,” is all you say.
He nods in affirmation, “milkshakes?” and you nod in agreement.
M’gann lifts Artemis in the air but then uses the distraction to fling Queen B backward and into a tree. She falls to the ground unconscious, and you wait for the verbal confirmation. Artemis shoots a shot at her dad, and then M’gann lets her down.
“Queen Bee is down,” M’gann confirms. “Superboy, you're safe from her control.”
"I may not be much of a liar, but I fooled you,” Conner announced as he approached Luthor.
“And I'm so proud,” Lex states sarcastically. “I take it Miss Martian cleaned Red Sun from your mind?”
“And confirmed Nightingale, Aqualad, Robin and Kid Flash rescued me from Cadmus before you had time to install any other programming,” Conner shoots back.
Luthor sighs, “All true. Personally, I blame Dr. Desmond.”
As if verbally queued, Blockbuster frees himself from Artemis’ trap, charging at Superboy.
You observe as Bane’s goons start engaging, and the supercycle quickly lays down cover fire while SB gets busy with Blockbuster.
Artemis and M’gann alternate between defense and offense until, “Guys, reinforcement time,” the blonde calls.
Rocket and Wally are the first two to make it to everyone, and you glance at Rob, “Ready?”
“Go,” he confirms, and you both drop-down, trusting the rope and the bioship as you go. You yank the stop when you’re only a few feet off the ground, and both you and Robin stop abruptly before releasing yourselves, dropping to the ground and landing agilely on your feet.
You take a second to scan your surroundings. You spot Kaldur facing off with Luthor and his assistant, an unconscious Queen B in his arms. You turn instead to take on some of the goons. You and Rob were methodical in knocking down person after person, you hear the cocking of a gun behind you, and you turn with wide eyes,
“Ekoms dna srorrim!” (smoke and mirrors!) Zatanna chants and the gun turns to smoke, which then turns into a giant serpent, winding its way around the goon’s body. “Egnahc ekans otni sgnidnib!” (change snake into bindings); she continues, and the snake becomes a rope.
You’re frozen in surprise for a second, but that’s knocked away when Bane appears and charges at Robin, Zatanna, and you simultaneously.
“Shit!” you manage to grit out in surprise.
Your hands start moving blindly, a hand going to your hip where your grapple is. You quickly twist the cord out of the gun before whipping it and your arm out to the side in an arc. The tensile strength of the cable is enough to stop Bane as he falls forward with the three of you.
You and Rob push him off and to the side. Robin covers you while you quickly peek at Zatanna, who seems knocked out. You look up in time to see Bane get back up and start fighting with Robin. You're on your feet when he gets pushed back, facing off against Bane.
“Hola Chicita, it’s been some time,” he teases, head tilting down at you.
“Not nearly long enough, Bane,” you huff.
“Etaerc Elagnithgin Snoisulli!” (create nightingale illusions) Zatanna’s rushed chant whips through you, and you can feel the prickle of her magic as it washes over you, and suddenly, there are dozens of you all facing Bane.
Bane’s surprise is visible as he scans each and every duplicate of you. "Gotta love an army of NG,” Rob smirks as he pushes himself up.
You smirk in return and pull out your ring daggers, several duplicates doing the same or arming themselves with escrima sticks and marble bombs before you’re all running at Bane. He gets distracted by the ones jumping up at him directly and misses when the true you slip around him with one of your blades out. You cut through his tubes of Venom, weakening him. Then you turn with an escrima stick crackling with electricity and plant it firmly at the base of his neck, watching with satisfaction as it brings him to his knees and then as he collapses.
You pull back, and with the moment you have, you take in a deep lungful of air, finally able to breathe. As you look around, you realize the fighting has stopped. Artemis and KF are standing by an unconscious and tar-trapped Sportsmaster. Superboy, Miss M, and Rocket are posted up by Blockbuster. You stare down at Bane as you realize who isn’t still here, and Robin joins you a second later.
“NG?” his voice is hesitant, as he notices how you’re gripping your escrima stick and dagger, your body tense, as you stare at Bane.
“He got away,” your voice cracks as you say it, and your fists clench tighter. "Luthor-"
When Robin touches your shoulder, you both recoil quickly; his lips part as he stares at you and his hand.
“I.. I felt-“
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, tugging on all the strings threatening to burst free, trying to cram your emotions back in their place to keep them from leaking out and affecting everyone around you. You drop your weaponry, hugging yourself as you try to compact your feelings.
A different hand lands on your shoulder. When you turn your head, you see Kaldur beside you. You can feel yourself unraveling just as fast as you attempt to stuff it all down.
“Stop,” you say as you attempt to shrug him off.
“It is okay to feel angry, my friend,” he reminds you, eyes burning with the same rage you feel, and you know in that second that it is the same rage, it is your rage, that he’s taking it on, for you.
“Kaldur, stop, that’s not- you shouldn’t-“ you huff, but with each move back, he follows, until suddenly he’s holding you in a tight hug, and you can’t move anymore. “Stop,” you beg, gripping on to his arms.
“Allow us to help, epitrépste mou na sikóso aftó to város. stiríxou páno mou, chrisimopoíise ti dýnamí mou, méchri na anaktíseis ti dikí sou. Eímai statherós, paliós fílos. (let me carry this burden. lean on me, use my strength, until you regain your own. I am steady, old friend).”
His words wash over you, and you finally do that. You stop pushing against the bits that are bleeding. You can feel Kaldur stiffen when he finally feels the whole barrage of your emotions, but quickly, he tightens his hold on you. When tears start to fall from both of you, all you can do is sag into him in relief.
“Den eínai díkaio. Xéfyge. Tha éprepe na eínai edó. Tha éprepe na logodotísei gia ta enklímatá tou, ton rólo tou. Échoun fýgei kai eínai exaitías tou. Eímai tóso kourasménos kai tóso thymoménos, to niótho óli tin óra kai prospathó tóso sklirá na min to afíso éxo. Allá giatí eínai eléftheros?” (It's not fair. He got away. He should be here. He should have to answer for his crimes, his role. They're gone and it’s because of him. I am so tired and so angry, I feel it all the time, and I try so hard not to let it out. But why does he get to be free?) the words tumble from your lips in sobs of atlantean.
Part of the truth you’re admitting was too raw to admit to everyone else, none of the sidekicks had ever seen your anger, your rage— Kaldur had. Kaldur was the one who he lped you learn how to manage it. He was the one who taught you, the one who showed you how to channel it into something better.
“Thýmose, Poulí, tha diatiríso tin isorropía kai gia tous dýo,” (Be angry, Bird, I will maintain the balance for us both) he answers, his voice as calm as ever, and you can’t help but marvel at him, how he can hold your anger, your hurt, your rage, but present as calm, and keep it from seeping out when you can’t do anything but make a mess.
You know the team’s watching. You know they’re concerned and want to tell them it’s okay, that you’re okay, but you’re not. You know that. Dinah would know what to say and how to tell the team that they did a good job and that they should enjoy the win, but you can’t. You can’t tell them that you can’t enjoy it, not when the mastermind of it all managed to escape.
Quietly, Kaldur helps you back onto the Bioship. Vaguely, you hear the conversations happening around you. 
“It is always like this,” Rocket scoffs, dropping into her seat. 
“Told you,” Wally chimes, but you can feel his gaze on you.
“Hey, disaster averted. Feeling the aster,” Robin muses as he settles next to you but keeps a distance.
“Agreed, this has been a good day,” Kaldur nods, fists clenched as he turns to you, “but it is not the end.”
“No,” you ground out in confirmation, and you can feel the promise in his words, “it’s not.”
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runa-falls · 1 year
scratches and bites - 2
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Reader
Warnings: Could be a little off-canon for some characters, lots of plot, slight angst, Miguel is an helicopter mom, reader just wants some friends :(
a/n: ok. i didn't realize how much i wanted to put into this chapter so spicy stuff is coming NEXT chapter. promith. i've already written some of it. anyway, i'm glad y'all are enjoying my O'Hara content. I hope this lives up to your expectations lmfao
Summary: Miguel O'Hara is a grumpy man and you make him grumpy. You regularly go against his orders, create chaos, and invite danger. This is what you've been doing since he swept you away.
w/c: 2.2k
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So being “Spider-Woman” turned out to be harder than you thought. It’s not all swinging from and shooting webs like you imagined. Apparently, there’s a spider-specific physical regimen you’re required to keep up with. Every day. 
You’re almost convinced that you’re being hazed into the spider-verse community because you are yet to see anyone else doing upside-down web squats on a 100-story building. Not to mention the life-threatening training simulations you were thrown into as soon as you arrived in Nueva York. 
“They can’t hurt you, Kid. They’re holograms.” 
“Yeah, that’s what they want you to think O’Hara, but my ass has been kicked enough to prove differently.”
“Alright, well they can’t kill you.”
Miguel has been “training” you for the last few months to become the best Spider-Woman you can be, pushing you harder than you’ve ever been pushed before. Though these days, this “training” is actually just him telling Parker to drill you in whatever he thinks will work. 
O’Hara attempted to do it himself for like three days, and it turns out he’s too impatient to take in a spider apprentice or even be in a room where you do anything but exactly what he commands. 
You should’ve expected it. 
Sure, Miguel is a naturally grumpy man, but you swear he has it out for you. He literally tenses whenever you enter the room and makes sure to barely meet your eyes when he’s forced to talk to you.
Actually, ever since you were dropped in the middle of Spider-Central, O’Hara has been ignoring you. Treating you like the plague. Always making the excuse that he’s too busy with things that are far more important than anything you’d ever have to say. As if he wasn’t the one who forced you to come with him in the first place…
It’s not fair. He was literally all you had. 
Months ago, he showed you a side of him, the one that convinced you that he actually brought you here for a reason, but now he can’t even look at you. Sure, you’re a particularly slow learner, and one that never really liked PE, but you deserve some slack. You left everything for him – for them. 
Meeting people who’ve gone through similar circumstances as you was quite interesting, to say the least. And it doesn’t stop at people either. Spider cars, dinosaurs, and cats were just the beginning. 
You’ve made a few friends. There’s Gwen, a 15 (or was it 16?) -year-old who mostly talks about her friend Miles, music, and…uh, Miles. It’s sweet how she gushes on about some guy without fully realizing how into him she is. Miles sounds great, really great, but you’ll probably never get to meet him because of the number of restrictions placed on your watch. Fucking O’Hara and his parental controls. 
Gwen is cool, she plays the drums and can do a bunch of acrobatic things that you’d never even attempt, but she’s also almost a half-decade younger than you. There’s only so much you can talk about before you start getting homesick. Of course, despite her young age, she’s still given more responsibilities and missions than you. If Miguel has one hobby, it would be undermining everything you do. 
“She’s been in the game longer than you have.” He always makes that excuse. 
And you always counter it with: “But I’m older! I can do more than just scream for help!”
“This isn’t a discussion.” That honestly might be his favorite phrase to shut you up these days. “You’ll be called on when you’re ready, Kid.” And that. 
“I am ready. And stop calling me that. I’m not a kid, I’m 20 years old!”
“Yeah, whatever.”
There’s also Peter Parker, your reluctant coach. He’s…something else. Sure, he’s your friend, but he’s more like a substitute teacher and crazy uncle type of guy. Usually, he listens to everything Miguel says, acting like a glorified babysitter, but sometimes, he’s up to bend the rules on some things.
Once he let you visit his dimension, claiming you’d need some real-life experience as a “friendly-neighborhood spider-woman”. You spent that day chasing down petty robbers and helping old ladies cross the road. Sure, it was a small field trip, but that was only the third dimension you’d traveled to at the time. 
Parker is also always trying to get you to hold his daughter whenever she comes to work claiming that “it’ll be good for your mental health, trust me.” Of course, for Parker, every day is “bring-your-kid-to-train-the-new-spider-woman-day”. And really, you don’t mind holding her, but not when you’re in the middle of sparing 5 of Doc Ocks tentacles. 
The baby is adorable, but you do worry about how she crawls up the walls. Parker doesn’t seem fazed. Actually, neither does O’Hara. 
Sometimes you wonder if O’Hara wants kids one day. He certainly handles Mayday like a pro, letting her crawl over his shoulders and paperwork. Would he possibl– No, actually, it doesn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter, because he left you. He’s not – couldn’t even be an option. – Anyway…
Parker and Mayday are nice company and the only real constants in your life, but you really just want to be a consistent part of the team. You don’t know how much longer you can spend your days doing swinging drills and spider crunches (don’t even ask). But Parker has actually been your rock these past months, to give him credit. He’s one of the few people that makes you feel like you belonged in this distorted array of spiders and dimensions.
Then there’s Hobie. 
The first time you met him you probably had literal stars in your eyes. Donned with a spiked vest and several facial piercings, he caught your attention right away. He catches everyone’s attention. Even his suit is cooler than everyone else’s with a spiked mohawk that surely gets in the way.
Unfortunately, just as you were hoping to take on the Brit as your mentor for all things spider, he was decidedly off-limits, courtesy of O’Hara. Apparently, his rebellious nature and brash energy make him a “bad influence”. 
“Seriously? You should be glad that I’m taking a bigger interest in my training.” You have your hands posted up on your hips, trying to make yourself look bigger than you actually are. Damn, O’Hara and his domineering presence!
He rolls his eyes openly, genuinely already done with the conversation. “Yeah…your ‘training,’ sure.” 
“What is that supposed to mean!” You practically whine it out.
“Don’t get distracted gatita, just do as you’re told.”
“Ok, what does that mean? I don’t speak Italian.”
“That was Spanish dumbass.”
Of course, that doesn’t stop you from hanging out with him anyway (though he’s not around as much anymore). Who knew making friends as Spider-Person would be so hard. You’d think you’d have a lot in common with everyone around you, but really, you’re all alone. Sometimes you think the spiders actually resent you deep down because you’re the only one that has never lost anything. Or had anything to lose in the first place. 
For now, you’re just moving through a sea of spiders, trying to catch a glimpse of what you’re supposed to be doing here. Trying to figure out why you were chosen over the infinite other versions of you in the multiverse.
So far you’ve been on 2 and a half missions. The half was when you were forcibly sent home and effectively grounded for a week. Apparently, talking to civilians while standing guard is prohibited, even when they’re selling dip’n’dots. What? It was a long ass mission. And it was hot! 
This one is your official third mission. It’s quite simple, in theory. Just travel to Earth-275A, infiltrate a tech lab, pick up some – worryingly volatile – equipment, and go home. Easy. 
Except, it didn’t exactly go that way. 
It’s just you, Miguel, Gwen, and Jess on this mission. You and Jess were placed on lookout duty (you on the roof and Jess on the ground with her bike), while Miguel and Gwen broke in and out of the building. It was all running smoothly, each spider occasionally muttering quietly through the radio whenever their positionings changed. Otherwise, it was silent. And frankly, a bit boring. 
You idly kicked around some pebbles that somehow found their way onto the roof of this tall ass building, sometimes smacking them against the half wall separating you from falling a thousand feet downwards. You were actually dying to get back to HQ because you briefly spotted Hobie talking to Parker and Mayday before you had to go. He’s been quite absent lately, and you want to show off some of the new moves you learned this week.
Then, there was suddenly action. 
A huge explosion surges out the right side of the building that O’Hara and Stacy were infiltrating. That mission plan was not kidding when they described the ‘volatility’ of the shit inside of those supply crates. Deep creaking and smashing objects follow the blast. You watch as the tallest building in the city starts to tilt. Shit, the explosion must’ve taken out some of the support beams.
You hear Miguel yelling your name through your earpiece, as well as heavy breathing and crumbling concrete in the background. 
“Y-yes? Copy–”
“You and Gwen collect the crate and get out of here. I already called for a portal. Jess and I will get surrounding civilians away from danger.” 
“Understood, sir.” You don’t usually call him anything like ‘sir’, but the stakes are high and complete compliance is needed at this moment. 
“Crate is located on the top floor, Stacy is already there waiting for my word.” You briefly shake yourself out, mentally preparing yourself to scale the larger building in front of you.
With a quick fwp, you attach your web to the nearly as tall building next to your target to give yourself some leverage. You jump without even giving yourself time to think about it, tugging slightly at the web, making sure to collect as much kinetic energy as possible. You release the web when you get to the highest point and spit out another web to get you to the top floor of the building. Luckily the blast took out the windows so you could easily enter the floor. 
There, Gwen stands next to a crate with several scientists and guards nicely pasted onto the walls with perfectly placed webs on each limb and over their abdomens. 
“Took you long enough.” 
“It’s been 30 seconds!”
“Relax, I’m teasing.” She shoots out a couple of webs and connects them to the crate. “Here, help me out with this.” You follow her movements, pulling at your webs slightly to get a good evaluation of its weight. Surprisingly, it moves quite easily, almost three inches from your soft tug.
“Why’re we both doing this when it weighs 100 lbs. We have super strength.”
“I dunno, Miguel just gave us the orders. There’s probably a reason. It doesn’t really matter.” You frown realizing you could’ve been down there helping O’Hara save actual lives but instead, you were ordered to assist a teenager on a one-person job. “The portal is opening in a few seconds on the roof of the building behind us.” Gwen doesn’t seem phased. “We can just swing it with us.”
“Isn’t this shit going to blow up if we move it too harshly?”
“Not when it’s in this protective crate.” She steps closer to the broken window, mentally measuring and planning out the escape route. “That explosion earlier was from an open container.” You hum, still torn over leaving Gwen to do the delivery so you can help people get out of the way faster. “You ready then?” She’s been watching you. Clearly, your thoughts are painted on your face.
You nod briefly, “Let’s go.” Together you take each side of the crate and use your other arms to swing yourselves over to the portal that magically appears. This time, that odd purring sound of the portal is completely blocked out by the chaos going on around you. Somehow the building has still only tilted a little bit since the explosion. 
As Gwen pushes the crate into the gateway, you look down at the streets, watching as Miguel and Jess work impeccably together as they save hundreds of civilians from falling debris and the inevitable demolition of the building.
Then you look back a Gwen, who’s ready to head home. Then you look down at them again. 
Then your eye catches on a red sedan sheltering a terrified family that sits under the chaos.
Gwen catches your eye. “Don’t.” 
“I have to.” 
“Would do the same.”
“--Will mur-der me.” You sigh, but quickly shoot a couple of webs downwards without looking. Gwen has her arms folded, sharing that unamused expression that Jess loves to sport. Her feet are now temporarily stuck to the floor. You’re sure she could get out of it in a second, but you can tell, she’s not going to stop you. “Don’t die.”
Right before jumping off the ledge, you send her a cheesy smirk, “Me? Never.”
Taglist: @deputy-videogamer @danaeaurelia @reuxxi
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3lder1ch-l0verz · 2 months
Hello ❤️
I hope your doing well ❥
I wanted to request a male reader x Jason and Male reader x Michael Myers
Like I wanted jason/Michael and reader being best friend since kids and before they become slashers and everything reader had to leave because his family was having trouble after years he come back but even. thought he knew jason/ Michael become slashers he still loved each one of them deeply (I am and at explaining)
Can you do them separated or together :)
Hey Dove! I'm so sorry this is late! I've been busy and lazy lol. Anyways, I can totally do your request! I hope this is of satisfaction! I apologize in advance if it's bad! I didn't know which version of MIchael you wanted, but I mostly had RZ! Michael in mind.
Side note: Since this one was so long, I'll be doing a second part to this request. The next fic I work on should be Jason :)
TW: Mentions of blood, (possibly OOC) Michael Myser
Old Friends...
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It had been ages since you last saw Michael. At the time, you were both 16 and he was still in Smith's Grove Sanitarium. Due to your mother being a nurse working along side Dr. Loomis, you pretty much got a free pass to see him whenever you wanted.
Of course, he never spoke to you. He usually just stared at you. Though, you didn't mind, you were used to him being the quiet one.
However, the peace didn't last long. One day Michael attacked your mother, which lead to her death. Stuck with fear, your father decided to move away.
This left MIchael, well, angry. You were his, you needed to stay with him. Not somewhere he had no access to you.
That was years ago though, and you had made your peace with it. It was Halloween night, and you had finally finished unpacking all of your things. It felt good to be home again, inside the same house you speant most of your life in.
It was now 11:35. The candy had been passed out, pumpkin pie had been made, an extra pumpkin carved in honor of the best season of the year.
Your house was quiet, not a sound to be heard. Most of the children had gone home, silence filled your street. You had just laid down in your bed when you heard the sound of glass shattering downstairs.
You felt no panic or fear, you had a cat. Yes, your cat...you had almost forgotten to check up on her before you went to bed.
You walk downstairs, and go straight for the kitchen.
"MayLee, little lady, what are you doing down here? Breaking dishes again? So naughty." you chuckled to yourseld as you enter the kitchen. There on the floor was a broken drinking glass, but no cat in sight.
"Oh, I see, a little game of hide and seek? Come out, come out wherever you are..." It was a game you and MayLee played, hide and seek. She would hide, and you'd have to find your beloved cat.
You failed to notice the looming figure in the corner, and the droplets of blood dripping next to it.
You searched for a while, almost giving up until MayLee jumped up onto a window seal and meowed, startling you.
"Jesus! You scared me MayLee. Where were you hiding old girl? You weren't in your usual spots. Did something scare you little lassy?"
You picked her up and held her, causing her to meow again. She was a calmcat usually, but right now she seemed...on edge. Tense and frightened.
You start walking towards the stairs but halt when you see a large siloughet of a man. You felt the cold grip of fear grip you for the first time in years. The figure tilts it's head and then steps towards you, causing you to step back.
This continued until your back was pressed against the wall, next to an old picture of you and Michael. The man points at the picture, and then at you.
You were tense, your cat jumps down out of your arms and runs off to hide. The man points again.
"I-i don't know what you want..." The man points again, this time a bit more aggressively. He reaches out and grips your chin. He makes you look at the picture.
"T-that's me and my best friend...his name is MIchael..." you didn't know what else to do. You remained tense, what was he going to do?
You yelped in shock as he lifted and tossed you over his shoulder.
"What are you doing?! Put me down!"
The man ignores your words and walks out of the house and towards the old Myers resident. You weren't let down until you were inside the house, inside MIchaels old room. Surprisingly, the man took his mask off. You were still tense, and you could only stare at the giant.
You slowly relaxed as realization fills you. You've seen this man before, how could you have not noticed?
"...Michael....is that you?" The man nods, shocking you again by wrapping his arms around you and hugging you.
You hugged back, heart punding against your chest. It was really Michael...
"I...how...Michael...you're back...How did you escape? How did you know I was back? I...It's good to see you again, Mikey..." He huffs and held you tighter.
You rub his back as you two sat there and held each other. It stayed quiet for a few minutes, pure comforting silence.
"(Name)...I love you...." You felt felt your face warm up. His voice was raspy, and strained, not surprising considering his frequency in talking.
"...I love you too, MIchael..."
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
It is June finally, summer polishing it's restless claws, and you are dying.
You didn't love me at first, and i was alright with that. i remember back when there were bunkbeds in the middle room, and you'd sit on top where my sister slept, how i'd climb up the ladder just to look at you. you where always so good, so quieht and invisible when you'd hunt in the autumn leaves, delicate paws that have now started to curl with arthritis and age.
i remember the first time you bit me and i didn't tell mom, because i thought she'd get mad at you and think you weren’t worth petting, and I didn’t want her not to touch you.
she didn't get mad. But she did notice my bloody hand clutched to my chest. “It’s not that bad,” It was never too bad, for me to keep trying with you. you've lived in my house for 21 years now.
i wish you'd let me clip your claws, but somehow that feels like something you wouldn't want on principle. You were always so quick to use them whenever someone reached down to pet you that you didn't like. hissing and biting were your language the way you told my family and me /no/ before i had the experience to know how important that was. How essential it was to say the word /no/.
I learned. Oh, how I /learned/ from you.
My family likes to joke that i'm still the only one out of them that knows how to set healthy boundaries, i can't have learned it from my parents. The way i see it, it has to be from you. You taught me how to fight tooth and claw for what i know i need. You taught me that there is always room to be loved better, always a reason to teach the people who love you how to love you in ways that won't hurt.
and although it hurts now, i think it's just because the love i have for you has no were to go, now that i know that you're dying.
i still remember the first night you really /asked/ me to pet you. the first time you asked for more than the occasional chin rub (those are still your favorite) i was 16, and spending alot of time in my room because the stalking had gotten particularly bad. you were always in my room too- because it was always soft and quiet- the same room i write from now. where underneath you are dying beneath the porch (i won't be cruel and try to move you if thats where you've chosen to rest, i know how to respect what you want now, you taught me so well!).
The same room you died in, because you couldn’t stand it, how I kept trying to bring you back to my room.
The first time i pet you because you wanted it, i had a bottle of benedryl and two bottles of advil on my bedside table and i knew that taking them would make my organs fail. God, i was sitting on the edge of that single bed and sobbing. Ready to go. Ready to end it,
And then you started circling my heals and /meowing/ at me. the cat who never wanted to be touched hopped up on my bed, wormed its way between my knees and started nudging at my hands and purring. begging for touches that i barely knew how to give.
i was sobbing too hard to see, but i could feel you purring against my fingertips. Maybe you knew, animals have a 6th sense about things. but i don't think i knew how much i needed to not feel alone right then. i think you stopped me from taking them, i don't know if it would have killed me.
You stopped purring 3 days ago.
I’m convinced You saved my life regardless, it’s a pity that there’s nothing I can do to save yours now.
i didn't feel alone after that, and i suspect i won't feel alone until your body is cold and you're gone. i suspect it will be hours now, i'll check on you again before i go to sleep and once more before that, after i'm done writing this.
later in life, you got softer. kinder, less likely to swat and attack, i think maybe you realized that you actually liked me a little or at the very least you knew i was hurting and needed love too. We made up for lost time you and I.
i started to pet you a little longer, even though you were hairy and thick furred and tended to get orange hair on everything. in the winter i'd sit by the fire and pet you until i had enough fur to felt a hat with, and in the summer, you'd tollerate sweaty nudges of my fingers. i always pet you more in wintertime, you always hated the cold. I got up and closed the window, just before you died.
i always gave you one more pet after i thought i was too tired to give you anymore if you didn't walk away from me first, one more. just one more. I used to say, just one more so that when she dies I’ll know I gave her all the love I could and then some.
That was a lie, I have so much love for you left and when you die there will be no where for it to go. I should have given you double, or triple the love I did.
i really hoped, this last winter, that you'd make it to see the summer, just because then you'd be more comfortable, and maybe you could go back to watching the chiptmunks in the garden. Your days of chasing them long over. maybe i should feel happy, you got to see the spring. it's june now, 7 days shy of summer, and i know it's your time to go.
i just want to say thank you, thank you for being my friend, thank you for being my cat. if i'm allowed one more lifetime, i'd like to spend it with you <3 you where the best cat ever.
i promise i'll listen and learn to love you just as well next time <3
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starryyskies · 4 months
Are you she her now? What's been up? I've been gone from this for like-- 6 years? A lot has changed i see
6 years, wow, that doesn’t seem that long but when I was 16-17, that felt like forever ago. Lol, let me explain in the shortest way possible.
I was born a female, (I got the parts to prove it lol), when I first started posting stuff online when I was around 14-15 (from ending of middle school to high school) I identified as trans male, stuff happened, and I changed my mind at the age of like 17. I was already a year on hormones and legally changed my name to Jeremy.
Now, I’m 23, I am female and I identify as one. I haven’t changed my name yet. I do not plan on going back to my birth name, rather a new name so I can still be called Jay, since that’s what I go by.
So if I’m reintroducing myself here, I’m still the same old me, just a bit more myself I guess. One day I’ll change my name it Jaiden, and still go by Jay. But I’ve got other concerns I gotta worry about lol.
BUT regardless of all that, I’ve been doing okay!! A lot has happened in my life. I got engaged, moved out, have two beautiful baby girls (they’re cats lol) and I can’t complain. I hope you’re doing well! Thanks for reaching out and saying hi :3
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remembertheplunge · 4 months
Two men with no choice but to be there
May 18, 1995
Donald had a stroke. He was too ill to talk to me tonight on the phone. Pat was there, caring for them both, Donald and his Mom. I said I’d be there Sunday AM for a visit.
May 21, 1995
Drove to Patterson to take Donald donuts and fresh flowers. He and his Mom were thrilled.
Donald now loses his hearing.
May 22, 1995. Monday
Talked with Donald tonight. He sounded drifty, floating. Yet, he was crystal precise as to fact and time. I told him that I was very concerned about his physical deterioration. His 84 year old Mom can’t care for him alone.
July 6, 1995
 My Mom said to me tonight “Don’t match up with a person with Aids again soon…I’m worried about your mental health.”
July 11, 1995. Tuesday
Los Gaviotas  Restaurant in Patterson threw a big 5 year anniversary party tonight. There I sat, writing my notes and enjoying the spray of events! Then on to Donald, and then to his Mom’s, and then back to Donald.
Donald sees men in his room One man is in a tank top. One looks like his boy friend. They are men who are not there, at least our eyes. They at times speak to Donald.
I’m so glad that Donald is in the hospital. He needs that close care. But, how much longer must he endure this?
July 14, 1995
Sweet time with Donald. Such an alone experience. Two men with no choice but to be there (Donald and I)…one giving a back rub, one receiving it. I asked him “When all is gone, what’s left? What’s the meaning? He said He’d go to a gay bar in Stockton. (after death) I said “Where is the meaning there? He said “I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.” I said “ You have handled this so graciously. You are so kind (Donald now being nearly blind due to complications caused bt Aids),  He said “Oh great, I get the posthumous award?” I said “ Yea, a great thing!” A nurse wanted to show him pictures of her grand kids. He tried , but he could not see them. She, wearing her badge complete with Aids red ribbon, then proceeded to tell him what they looked like, what they wore.. Fuck the eyes! He’s got ears. As one nurse walked by laughing, he yelled out, catting around with her.
I massage him, especially his back. He loves that.
 Around 5pm, he started yelling for home. His Mom was there.The nurses and I tried to console him. This is home, as horrifying as it is.
July 16, 1995
I again didn’t visit Donald. 2 days away now. Poor dear thing. My whole soul and being however are with him. I just needed breathing space.
July 17, 1995
Sweet time with Donald tonight. He wants to die happy, meaning, with the knowledge that he will be remembered.
He feels abandoned now by friends and family and by and large , he has been abandoned. Yet, his Mom is very devoted. Pat was there tonight and Donald’s friend Bob showed up. Even in this advanced stage  of Aids, Donald wants to score!
July 18, 1995
A visit again with sweet Donald. He floats in and out of full and of partial hallucinations. He goes hot, then cold, in a minute.
July 28, 1995
Rodney died yesterday at 11am. Lots of gasping, per the nurse. Rodney’s Mom had just stepped out. The nurse ran to get her. His sister was not there. Donald and his Mom set feet away, in their space. Grueling beauty. Unspeakable. (Rodney was Donald’s Aids patient room mate. They were patients in the  Patterson hospital , where the last stage Aids patients in Stanislaus county were sent Note. 2/12/2024)
July 29, 1995
Donald said as I left today “You made me happy.” He made me happy, too. I had purchased a card for Rodney , his roomy who died. Donald’s Mom, his friend Randy and I signed it. So will the hospital staff. That meant a lot to Donald. And, I brought him flowers which he can’t see, but that he appreciates. His Mom can see them however.
White flowers for brevity of life and for peace.
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theadventurek9 · 5 months
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Goodbye 2023 and Hello 2024
We lived a full year in Utah and had so much happen and changed. Lots of snow exploration, new friends, no experiences and challenges. I got engaged to this wonderful man and we're trying to build a life together.
My training business has been open for a full year now, and is doing better than I thought, but somehow is still harder than I expected. I haven't gone under or bankrupt yet, I guess so overall it's good.
Rebel has been with us for almost a year and a half and is a typical teenage cat spending her time trying to get Aayla to play with her or getting mad at Aayla for no reason. She has waves of confidence and fear that we keep trying to work through.
Aayla has had a hell of a year. 16 new titles, taking the ASCA world by storm and really just excelling. We had an amazing time at our first nationals. She is a little more stiff than the previous year but is more sound than she was this time last year.
I think this year has the chance to be our last serious trial year. I will probably have Aayla retired from obedience and the ASCA agility we are doing when she turns 10. Then she can finish her RACH for Rally after that.
For goals I hope to be a better handler, work harder on my ring entry and between exercise routines, and change my marker for in the ring.
Then for my dreams I want Aayla to get her UDX with AKC before she retires. (8 legs to go!) Then just maybe she can get an OTCH. It's unlikely to be able to trial enough for it, but hell it is a dream.
Then after that for ASCA I hope that Aayla gets her UD and UDX this year. (UDX is only 5 2Qs for ASCA) and works towards that OTCH (I'm pretty sure she can get that OTCH before she retires). I'm also going to get her RMX, RTX and REMX this year. Then after that work to her RTCH. Then on top of that I want to get Aayla's GSDA-E, RSDA-N, RSDA-O and RSDA-E. (agility senior ACE titles). Then of course to go to ASCA Nationals this year, hopefully qualifying for Utility or Superdog Finals. (Superdog would require her to qualify in both open and utility 5 times and she only has 5 possible times to do that this year, so it is unlikely. BUT all 5 times will be at the place where we train)
Lots of things I want. Yet as always I try and remember those are just dreams and it's okay if we don't reach those dreams. They're not goals for us.
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paradoxcase · 1 month
Gideon the Ninth audiobook reactions
I listened for a little over an hour, to the end of Chapter 3, and so far it's been great. It's a little odd making notes for what I think about it though - with the ebook I could visually skim over what I read before and take specific screenshots and everything, currently I've just been taking notes in a text editor and it's a little awkward. I had to look back at the pronunciation guide, which was also a little awkward, since the audiobooks are on my linux partition now and the Nook app is on Windows, so I keep having to reboot. I think I decided that for my next computer I'm not going to partition and will just run linux in VM
Anyway, for the name pronunciations:
Nonagesimus: Yeah, that pronunciation is going to bother me, but realistically I think she is going to be saying it so often that I'll just get used it it
Aiglamene: This was stressed on a syllable I didn't expect, but after consulting the pronunciation guide, that is how it was described and I was just wrong. Woe
Glaurica: Not how I pronounced the au. I note there's no instruction in the pronunciation guide about how to pronounce the au, the "phonetic" spelling also just says "au"
Palamedes: Also stressed on a syllable I didn't choose, but I knew full well that that was how the pronunciation guide said to pronounce it and was just in denial. I don't know if I'll get used to this one, we'll have to see
Character voice opinions:
I love Crux, he sounds kind of like Locked Tomb Gollum who doesn't double-mark plurals
I always headcanoned Gideon as having a low voice, probably because I have a low voice I want to see more representation for women with naturally low voices, this audiobook is not giving me that and I just have to accept it. Otherwise it's pretty good, although it's not always distinct from the narration
Aiglamene's voice is perfect
Harrow is also pretty good, but I'm curious if it will change when the main person she's interacting with is Ianthe, because right now it's very aristocratic and I feel like that would sort of overshadow Ianthe being even more aristocratic
The Glaurica voice was great
I'm not sure how I feel about Ortus's voice, but I guess I'll have to wait for the next book to reassess that first impression, since Ortus is now officially gone for the next 16 hours
Just regular stuff about the text that is hitting different a second time:
The Eighth House being described as "The Forgiving House" in the Dramatis Personae made me go "lol nope". Also it feels like a, uh, call-forward, I guess, to Mercy talking about forgiving John
The book opens in the year 10,000. I remember being Gideon and Harrow's age when we got to the year 2000, and we were all having endless arguments about whether the millennium actually began in 2000, or 2001. Why are none of the nerdy young people in this book getting really overinvested in the question of what is the actual first year of the myriad? I can see Harrow and Gideon having an incredibly violent argument about this and it would have been a great callback to some early aughts culture, which is something this book absolutely loves to do
Not really hitting different, but even after reading the whole thing I am still mystified by Gideon's apparent knowledge of Pluto's seasons
At some point it said "they chipped her". Did they put a tracking chip in Gideon, like you do with a cat?
Harrow says "I swear by my mother I have nothing on me" but Gideon was asking her to confirm that it was a fair fight, and it absolutely wasn't, haha
"My parents should have suffocated you" followed by "I'd like to see them try that now." Oof
Harrow saying "my parents have been waiting long enough" at the end of Chapter 2 hits a bit different when you already know at this point that they are dead and its their zombies that are waiting to be puppeted by Harrow. And everyone in the room knows this, she's not like pretending her parents are still alive for the benefit of some random nuns who aren't in the know
"In the Ninth everyone knew [cavaliers] were chosen for how many bones [they] could hump around" - I remember last time someone filled me in on this after Gideon's fight with Naberius and someone else said it was a spoiler, but it's actually stated quite plainly in Chapter 3
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bumblebeerror · 1 year
It’s been on my mind today but I need you to know.
Hitting 25 has been one of the best things to ever happen to me.
I don’t say this lightly - I lost my father who I loved dearly at age 18, I grew up a bit above the poverty line and now only *just* live above it. I’ve been treated for severe mental illness and learning disabilities since I was a child, starting at 6 years old. I have a physical disability and chronic pain. I have had some bad fuckin times, I’ve been through my share, and I’ll go through more I’m sure.
But I can tell you I feel so much better mentally at age 25, unable to stand for more than an hour or so without severe pain, on a consistent schedule of prescribed pain pills, discovering just how hard I was masking some pretty serious autism, struggling with my ADHD meds being less effective, and only leaving the house three total times a week because I’m immunocompromised than I was at age 13 when “all my problems were school”.
Because at age 10, nobody close to me had ever died before. At age 11, I had never lived in a new place before. At age 12, I had never felt so cold and empty and tired. I’d never endured my peers teasing me for crying about a death in my family. At age 13 I had never felt like I wanted to die before then, like the world was on fire, like it was ending. At age 14 I hadn’t known what it felt like to have period cramps so bad my mother sent me to school with a muscle relaxer and still had to pick me up by lunch, to have this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that being a girl was a lie and I was a liar. At age 15 I’d never had people remind me so viciously that I wasn’t like them, I’d never felt so throughly upset by the idea of one more person calling me she. At age 16 I’d never had my heart broken before, I’d never dealt with a friend turning on me completely. At age 17, I’d never had my family feel so broken. At age 18, I’d been petrified of the idea of my father dying, and he did. At age 19, I’d never actually thought about how I would kill myself before. At 20, I’d never gotten drunk before. At 21, I’d never gone inside a bar.
You get the picture.
Your teen years suck because you’ve never done so much shit, and on top of the terrifying experience of doing it all for the first time, you also have all your peers picking at you for doing it wrong the first time. Your teen years suck because they are chaotic and new and stressful and you don’t know how to handle them yet. You’re not supposed to know yet.
Hitting 25 was the realization that I wasn’t going to just up and die, that now I have to actually plan. I have to do taxes, and that I actually know how to. That I have to care for my pets and I know how to. That I have to drive to work and do my job and I know how to.
25 was what made me realize that I had things I was supposed to be around for. People and pets who relied on me, who loved me and needed me and wanted me.
That I can have a panic attack and know that I’m having one. That something can piss me off and I know I can take a moment before I respond. The awareness that I do not have to do everything for the first time all the time anymore, that I know stuff, that I’ve been around the block and can use those tools is INVALUABLE. The fact that I can look at my intrusive thoughts and, if I truly wanted to, CHOOSE to indulge them? That I can sit here and be the cat that doesn’t wish to go to the vet and the concerned cat owner?
It changes everything.
It was the realization that I am the one punishing myself. That I can and should respect myself as a person because it means I can respect more deeply the care that other people have for me. It sounds so stupid when I explain it but it’s absolutely a whole different ball game.
The fact that I think the only thing that could severely tank my mental health is if I were to become homeless in winter or actively abused or something similar should speak volumes to you what I mean when I say that not having to do everything for the first time all the time is a huge mental weight off you.
I promise. It will feel better when you are 25. I promise that even if it isn’t fixed, it will be easier. And if I’m wrong when you hit 25, you can come yell at me about it. Probably I’ll still be here.
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electricpurrs · 5 months
the more ive been thinking about grief lately the more i think one of the things that haunts me the most is the fear of forgetting the thing im grieving.
in the bizarriest way possible whats sparkling this in me is my favorite monster energy flavor recently being discontinued, and i feel a certain horror at the idea that there was a day where i drank my last can of monster, and now im scared im going to forget how it tasted. like i didnt pay attention enough to the flavor while i drank it, unaware it was going to be gone forever, and so all i have now is the faint memory of what it tasted like.
they discontinued that flavor to replace it for a new, similar, cheaper to make flavor. i tried the new one and it tasted kinda the same, but not as good as the old one. im not sure if i really think that or if i just believe so because i remember liking the old one, even if it wasnt really that different. im scared of the idea that if i keep drinking the new one im eventually going to forget what the difference was at all.
my great grandma died about over a year ago. it had been months since i last talked to her. i wish i could have talked to her one last time if i knew i wasnt going to ever again. im scared of not remembering what her voice sounded like. i dont have any videos of her.
a couple years ago my childhood cat died. my mom adopted her when she was a kitten and i was a toddler, and we proceeded to grow up together for the next 16 or so years. because i was so attached to her i still have this idea she was the best cat ive ever had, and i cant help but compare the love i had for her as greater than the love i have for any of the three cats i currently own. im not sure if i really think that or if i just believe so because i remember loving her, even if do love my current cats.
its a mess of being afraid of the idea of forgetting them, afraid of the idea that the more time passes the less of them i remember, of the idea that the more time passes the more my own leftover memories of them get warped, being chewed and reconstructed in my mind over and over until i dont remember them, but remember my own memories of them. i dont love them, i remember my own memories of loving them. like forgetting them is losing them a second time. its losing them forever.
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billkaulitzwife · 1 year
I know u only have 1 post so far but i literally love ur writing 😭 <3 can u do headcanons for the gang and how they'd be if the curtis brothers had an 8 year old kid sister? how they'd all treat her and such and how she'd feel about everyone <3 thank u!
AWHH!! TYSM NON! i actually write a lot of short stories, add me on snap or disc and i can share them🫶🫶
The Curtis's 8 Year Old Kid Sister.
Ponyboy :
this man is amazing with kids, like he'd work at the daycare or something
He's always lookin out for his kid sister.
they're dead. gone. obliterated.
she says she's got a crush?
soda, dal, johnny, and pony surround her like
i feel like she'd play soccer or track like pony
because he's her favourite.
when pony bleached his hair she didnt recognise him and she thought he died🥲
Pony would always comfort this kid
hed die for her
if she was in that fire, she'd be the first one outta there
Pony would stop studying just to comfort her about anything
-immediately turns away from his work- "What's up, sis?"
dress up. this man would sacrifice his dignity for this girl
"Sodaa! Let's play fairies!"
"Hell yeah, kid!" and Steve would stare at him like 🥲
Steve: damn. someone took my bitch.
Sodapop would be the exact same about bullies and crushes.
He'd make her TWO cakes for her birthday (he has a favourite sibling)
Soda is SO defensive of his sister
When Darry and Pony get to arguing, Soda is the sibling to calm her down and hush her back to sleep
Nightmares? This man will do anything to not have them happen. Cuddles, stories, ANYTHING
hes TOO GOOD with kids
hed let her put makeup on him and put him in a princess dress (i literally did this to my brother)
the moment she turns 16 is the moment he dies inside
he'd play sixteen candles (not in a romantic way ofc)
He tries not to get upset when she colours on the walls or gets into trouble at school
She once brought a blade to school for show anc tell and Darrel got in SO MUCH TROUBLE
He tries to get her to stay away from Keith and Dallas
Darry's the kinda brother to not stand for any shi goin on.
like he'd slay? SLAUGHTER. somebody for looking at his kid sister wrong
The moment S/N brings a boy home
he dies of a heart attack
he has his blade out and ready😋
Anytime Dallas is around or running from the cops it's automatically
"Soda, keep S/N in the house."
Darry would sit on the floor colouring with her all because she didn't wanna be alone while Soda was at work and Pony at school (a sick day ykwim)
"Who's this?"
"I'm S/N who the hell are you?"
"ATTA GIRL" -highfive-
he'd teach this girl attitude.
obviously has a soft spot for this kid
the crushes "tell me. is he cute? nice? hot like me?"
"hes real cute like johnnycakes!"
johnnycakes: HUH😰
Dallas would tell this kid to stay away from cigs until she's about Pony's age.
Darry thinks hes a bad influence, but he teaches her a lot
When its raining hed sacrifice his jacket since STEVE DOESNT WANNA WEAR ONE
if he was babysitting and S/N had a nightmare, he'd let her hold his St. Christopher while hugging or sum
He tries to keep his smoking to a minimum, but.
its ol dally we're talkin about.😐
He isn't the best when it comes to kids, but he'd kill someone if they hurt his neice
"hey, kid!"
Loves S/N almost as much as he loves Pony
He'd protect her life with his, even if it meant gettin jumped again
He's quick to worry about her
"It's about S/N, Joh-"
"Shes failing math"
He's the sweetest little thing with her
He'd let her play with his hair and ask questions about his scar
When Johnny babysits, Pony, Darry, and Soda always come home to a slumped S/N resting on a slumped Johnny's chest
He keeps his smoking to a zero when around her.
Johnny always admires the way she's so outgoing with people around her
Like they're the black cat and golden retriever duo
"Uncle Johnny?"
"Can we colour? Or watch Mickey? Or read a story? Or-"
"Alright, alright."
If S/N ever ran away to the lot because the boys were all fighting, he'd be the one to comfort her and walk her home.
Water fights in summer.
he treats this girl like she's his sister
Soda: steve thats my sister, where the hell are you going-
Like he'd be like "hold the light so I can fix this"
He'd play dress up with her and Soda and wonder how his life came to be
He'd be wearing fairy wings and a pink dress with makeup everywhere on his face
When he brings Evie around, she absolutely loves on S/N
Evie: what a pretty young lady!
"I'm eight"
"S/N, be nice-
"That's enough"
When he's babysitting it's always baking together and colouring on the floor (and the walls)
He teaches her how to do push-ups and sit-ups and basically, this girl can punch.
She once punched Dallas in the balls cuz Steve told her to
He limped for 3 days.
Two-bit :
Since he has a sister at home, he brings her over when he babysits
He makes sure S/N tries staying outta trouble, but when the Shepards are busy and so is the gang, Two would be drunk while watching her
He'd take her to the movies whenever a princess movie was playing
Two once accidentally took her to see a horror movie and he couldn't watch her for 2 months
Darrel grounded him.
He's forgetful of a lot of stuff
"Hey, kid how old are you again?"
Dallas: it's perfect.😍
He loves S/N so damn much.
When his sister started growin up, he hung around S/N just to bring some of the youth back
Whenever there's a rumble between outfits, or greasers and socs in general, he'd most likely be voted to stay back and watch her
Him and her get in each other's faces about different colours and princesses
THAT'S ALL!!! tysm for the request! hope you like them <33
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addi asking the boys whos babysitting :))
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skinwalker-bratz · 10 months
My experiences from shifting to a realistic creepypasta reality.
i'm gonna tell you guys about my shifting experience to a REALISTIC creepypasta reality. Remember that you have to at least be 14 or 16 to read this because there are very messed up and disgusting stuff in this post, and most things look like it came from a the boys episode so DON'T READ IT if you're too sensitive to this stuff.
And a reminder that english is not my first language
One day me and smile dog made a bet about something i don't remember much, but he lost and i made him dress like paw patrol for a week.
once I had a mission in an abandoned factory and I hadn't to kill anyone just rob an item there, but there was criminals in there and an innocent man, so I decided to save him, which was extremely hard for me but he ended running from me frightened because of me... and he ran to a avenue where a truck ran over him.
one day masky made me mad, so I sneaked into Toby's room and extracted his cum on the floor and put it in masky's coffee.
I had a crush on Dr smiley once so I decided to write him a letter confessing to him. but the letter ended up in Slenderman's hands and later he told me he felt the same.
During a phase of my childhood when I was 7 years old, I had a kitten, and one day my cat had disappeared and I had been very sad, so my mother had prepared a meat soup to cheer me up, and when I had finished eating she showed me a piece of my cat's head and said: "was it good?". And then she laughed.
When i was a normal human in my 14s i had an encounter with a zalgo's prophet on Omegle's and they said that they were coming to me, so i thought that if i acted weird in my webcam they wouldn't come. So i started to do wild animal noises and pissed myself.
The prophet or zalgo's proxy, didn't came to get me so it worked.
one day I was in my real form, when I saw a girl with black hair wearing a white sweatshirt that I thought was Jeff, so I started following her, until she turned to me and screamed: "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" and threw pepper spray on my face.
I've already eaten a piece of Jack when he had an accident and was on the operating table, so they removed a piece of meat from his ribs that was very damaged and hanging and left it on a tray next to him. I was passing in the corridor and when I looked inside the operating room I saw the piece of meat on the tray and that Dr. smiley had gone out to get something, I sneaked in, took the piece and ate it and left the room.
I don't know what came over me, but at least it was good.
I found out that he regenerates, so this accident was no big deal.
One day I'd been bullied by everyone in the mansion, so i "accidentally" dropped some drug in the soup i was making and the people there ended up eating it, and everyone, except the ghosts, went high. And i got punished for it.
One day I made pasta (not a Creepypasta) as dinner and everyone who ate got sick and almost shit themselves. And again I've got punished and gone to the mansion's dungeon.
One day the proxy trio humiliated me in front of everyone, and i wanted revenge so i posted anonymously a hentai of them three in the mansion's web, and everyone who had phones saw it.
I dated Jack for a while there, and he started to like me to the point where he revealed his face to me. When he did that I realized he was so ugly that I almost cried when I kissed him. After about two weeks I broke up with him.
during my first Christmas in the mansion I saw offenderman using the Christmas turkey to do things u know what... but I was too shy to tell anyone, so during the dinner everyone ate the turkey, except me.
During a mission me and some proxies were discussing a plan and soon we got to a part that involved opening degrees, so I made a joke telling masky to open my legs 180 degrees and I got punished for it.
Note: proxies have a higher ranking than other creepys or lone rangers as they're called there, so you can't disrespect them at all
I already made at least 3 people go to a mental institution.
One day i got to knew about Jeff's and Liu's parents, so while Liu was very drunk i called him on a caller ID and i did my best mom impression voice to say: "it's me Liu, your mother, and I'm coming back for you." While playing hell background noises.
when i was 8 i hated clowns with all my forces but one day i had the bad luck to laughing jack find me. i hated him too much but i was good in not showing it, so one day I've set fire on him and Lucky that my mother found out about my "friend" and got rid of him.
my mother was a witch in that reality.
One say i fell out of my bedroom's window and broke a few bones, and i was brought to the medical office of the mansion and explained what happened to me to nurse and and she just said: "skill issue".
Of course, these are the funniest and light stuff that happened to me. Going to this reality just messed with me, and I'm still scared of some things, but my mental state is fine there's nothing to worry about me.
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abcketchup · 8 months
Seokjin x reader
Drabbles, Bakery au!
Warning: None.
Wc: I don't count for this one, but I think it's pretty short around 1k ~ 2k something.
A/n: I had this from 16 NOV 2021. Now it's out and become another commitment of mine to finish. I don't even have any title for this.
You really want to sell all of your possessions just to gain some money to buy this damn bakery. Sadly, your possession is not that much worth money- mostly your clothes were bought from a pile of bundles with the most affordable price at 5 bucks which you went crazy and ecstatic at the time.
Anyway, you really love that bakery, they make the most delicious pastry ever! Bonus, the owner, Mrs. Dora is really kind to you. Always give you the warmest bread and a hug (yes, bread comes first).
Talking to you fondly with warm gaze and motherly caress. But all of that will be gone. It's gone. Soon. Why?
Because, one day in a warm, peaceful evening. You were peacefully arranging the freshly baked pastry for display when Mrs. Dora decided to break the news.
"Sweetie, soon I'll sell this bakery. Because now, I have enough money to live my dream life! In my dream house with the love of my life." She sighed blissfully. Her hand skillfully kneading the dough, the result of years of working.
You froze after she said that. She didn't mean...
"What about me madam?" you timidly ask. Well, she should think about her staff, right? Because you know she is the kindest person you ever met, she will not just abandon you like that right?
"Hm? What about you?" Mrs. Dora tilted her head, confused.
You flounder after yourself, "I mean if you sell this bakery, what about me?" timidly you piped, shoulder slumped, "Am I fired?"
Mrs. Dora, who was kneading the dough for the second time, was startled and nearly spilled flour everywhere., "Oh my god, no! No sweetie, of course not." She quickly comforts you.
"You will still be working here. It will be just a change of ownership; thus, you will be getting a new boss!" She exclaimed excitedly.
"He's incredibly gorgeous and a true gentleman! How fortunate you are to have him as your boss, y/n! If my hubby was that old grouchy and I wasn't pursuing my dream, I would snatch him for marriage in no time!" Somehow you could feel the heated jealousy glare from behind where her husband doing his job.
Sulkily you said, "But I would rather have you, madam." You pout, hands twirling around the rug, "I am comfortable with you." not knowing your words tugging her heart- or maybe you know, either way.
"Oh, sweetie," she eyes you guiltily, "Don't say it like that. You made me want to take back the agreement," - "Please do!" you interject, "I can't sweetie. He already paid for this bakery." Mrs. Dora shakes her head pitifully.
"Don't worry y/n, I vouch with my husband's name that he is really a good person. He will take care of you and this bakery." The said husband was shocked, turning his head with his side-eyed beloved wife, who was oblivious to his side-eyed stare.
"Ah, he also would make for a good husband," she winks.
And that was the last thing she said to you.
Not only had Mrs. Dora betrayed you (you personally think she is, even if she's not), but she even didn't tell you last month, whereas yesterday, was her last day.
And now, you are facing this handsome stranger, with his printed cat apron on, claiming that he's the new owner here. And apparently, his name is "Kim Seokjin." And he wanted you to "Please, take care of me."
What the hell.
Out of instinct, you turn around. Wanted to bolt out of the scene as soon as possible.
"Wait!" No, you can't. It seems like your legs have their own minds, running as fast as they can.
Yet, you still are no match with his long leg, easily catching up to you, and pulling your elbow. "You're y/n, right?" he huffed, ah not really athletic.
"How do you know?" You didn't remember telling him anything, except for the greeting of little 'good morning'.
"Mrs. Dora once showed me your picture." He explained. Not only did she betray you, but she also spread your picture around (only this Kim Seokjin).
"She said that you will help me manage this bakery." Ah, also decided without you. Who said that you're going to still work here? (you will though).
"I didn't agree to anything. Hell, she didn't tell me anything. Except for this sudden new owner." You clarify, pulling back your arms from his grip. Now, that you are aware he's been chasing you with his cat-printed apron, catching some eyes from the passerby. (He still looks good, how unfair.)
"I didn't even know that it was today that the new owner came in." you huffed, steering a little to the side so as to not block people from walking, "She didn't even say goodbye." You mumbled, lips pouting a little bit as you felt upset. You really do adore the old woman and his husband.
They took care of you a lot. Even though you are a clumsy and slow worker. Always timid and not really sociable, always have problems to handle customers. They always let you work around the bakery, cleaning and organizing. Always give you some warm bread even though you know you are not much help. Always pay you, sometimes more than your worth. That's why when they left you like this, it's upset you more than you thought.
"Ah", his eyes wide in realization, "I was supposed to come in the next few weeks, but Mrs. Dora seemed to have some urgency in her hometown and asked me for help to look after the bakery for a few days." He scratches his neck awkwardly. "And I thought it would be nice to familiarize myself with the bakery."
"Mrs. Dora said that I just have to ask you anything regarding the bakery. You have worked for her for a long time now." He added. That caught you off guard. Yes, you did work for a long time, but all you did was the bare minimum.
"Well, yeah." You paused, before you slowly started, "But basically, all I did was clean around the bakery. And organize the fresh bread or something like that. Not much really. I don't think that I would be any help." you admit, somehow ashamed. And yet, his reaction is the opposite of what you think he would be.
"That would be great though! Let's go now, I just left the bakery with Jimin, and we should open now!"
Okay, wait, now who is Jimin?
a/n: this is just for fun. I don't think anyone would read this shshsh
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
Slogged through V9E6, thoughts are under the cut
As always, I am worried that Jaune’s arrival means he’s going to start sucking focus away from the other characters again. Here’s hoping the writers remember he’s best used as a supporting character.
Jaune why did you grab the weird thing that looks like a clock what did you think was going to happen
Don't touch weird shit you idiot it's like rule #1
I hate the Ever After so much
So did he just sit there for years until he got DILFed? Lmao.
I'm sure this change will have long-lasting ramifications for both Jaune's characterization and the narrative as a whole.
Well, this was a wonderful, touching moment until it was immediately ruined by Weiss’s daddy kink
Like seriously who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have Jaune admit that he’d gone through a horribly traumatic experience and been incredibly lonely for what’s indicated to be literally decades based on his physical changes and then have Weiss immediately start thirsting for him like we literally see his eyes watering and then not seven seconds later Weiss is looking at him with do-me eyes
These writers genuinely have zero understanding of tone or how to set and maintain it effectively it’s amazing it's like they watched the MCU and the only lesson they took away from it was that every moment that might possibly have any kind of emotional impact needs to be undermined by a snappy quip as quickly as possible because otherwise someone might make the mistake of assuming your show is sincere about anything
Anyway girliepop’s showing her whole ass right now way to keep your fetish under wraps Weiss
Yang’s looking at her like “I know what you are”
Nice try Yang like I didn’t see you eyeing up Jaune too feast on the crumbs my fellow pan Yang truthers
Miles is genuinely never beating the “Jaune is a self-insert” allegations holy shit
Like if you want people to believe that the character you voice, who's received a disproportionate amount of narrative focus throughout the series already and has received repeated criticism for it, who's already been presented as attractive on at least one occasion, isn't a self-insert, maybe don't have one of the mains openly thirsting after him once you've written an excuse for him to be aged up so that he's both closer to your age and significantly older than she is after you've already posed for a picture with a body pillow of an underage girl from the show you write for and your coworker has posted that picture online with the caption "She's still only 16, don't get too comfortable". Like maybe consider the optics for 5 seconds. It'd be 5 seconds longer than you typically think through your writing choices, at any rate.
Wow, finally someone is engaging with the fall of Atlas, Team RWBY’s part in it, and the ramifications of both the previous things. Only took half the fucking Volume.
I actually like the pretty distinct perspectives and the conflict between Weiss and Blow. Weiss is the one who has the most reason to be attached with Atlas and Blow has the most reason to feel negatively about that Kingdom, so having them be the ones arguing here is a good choice.
Yeah, Weiss, you did fail, but it wasn’t just you. Most of the blame rests on the shoulders of Ironwood and these dumbass fucking writers.
That said, you guys didn’t exactly pass your trials with flying colors.
Good point, Ruby.
Yang is the first one to engage with Ruby’s distress again, even if she’s not exactly on the money here either in terms of her actual position on Ironwood or how to help Ruby.
I feel like this is one of the few moments of actual substance we've gotten this Volume and I really wish we'd spent more time digging into it. Unfortunately, He-Jaune, Master of the Universe, cuts it short. Not a fan of that choice unless we pick this up again at a later date.
He-Man’s a little bit of a jerk. Interesting. I kinda want to see where this goes.
He also doesn’t seem to like the Cat. He gets points for that.
He-Man, Master of the Jauniverse, does not want them going to the Tree. Given what apparently happened to the Herbalist, this implies something sinister about the Tree and Ascension.
You read my mind, Weiss.
Jaune has a very different perspective on Ascension than the Cat. On the one hand, the Cat is a denizen of the Ever After and probably knows more about how it works than Jaune does. On the other hand, Jaune is far more inherently trustworthy as a character we’ve known for 8+ Volumes, whereas the Cat is sinister as fuck. They've been creeping me out since their introduction.
Once again, Ascension is equated with death – you lose your memories, lose who you are. Whatever you used to be is gone.
Good pun, Yang.
Who the fuck is Lewis?
Oh, wonderful, Alyx had a brother. An irrelevant character had another irrelevant character to hang out with. Can we please stop expanding the cast?
Go off, Weiss (and Yang)
What the fuck did the Cat just do
I love you Weiss. There really is just no end to the Ever After’s bullshit, is there?
Where the hell are Blow and Yang?
You walked right into that one, Weiss.
Love how He-Man’s just done with everything. I am too, buddy, I am too.
Here it comes, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Maybe we’ll get something decent out of this Volume after all.
I could cross that shit and I don’t even have superpowers
You have perfectly good ropes right there
Yes I get that it’s a metaphor for taking the next step in their relationship blah blah blah but the metaphor is shit
This Volume really likes presenting challenges as insurmountable when Team RWBY has regularly handled far more difficult ones it keeps breaking my willing suspension of disbelief
I'm normally pretty willing to buy into what a show is going for but I just can't do it for this Volume
Was that Summer in the reflection?
Looks like the reflections show everyone’s issues – Summer for Ruby, Penny for Jaune, Atlas for Weiss
Oh, so Alyx was a little shitter, huh? I’m sure there’s nothing negative about the choice to portray a (female) character of color this way, especially in a show known for being racist produced by a company known for being racist.
Okay yeah Jaune you probably fucked up here trying to railroad her into the book’s storyline. Somebody’s never played D&D before and it shows
Poor guy’s really hurting though, can’t blame him for feeling like a failure
I’d like the show to unpack all this but I don’t even trust it to handle Team RWBY’s issues (or even address them in a meaningful way) so we’ll see
I feel like we have to take everything Jaune says about the Cat and the Tree and the Ever After with a grain of salt, but the Cat is genuinely creepy as shit, so I feel like there’s some validity to this, at least.
So Jaune thinks the Cat fed Lewis to the Tree. Is he right? Who the fuck knows?
But it does set up some sinister implications about the Tree, the Cat, and the nature of the Ever After. If the Tree’s not an option, how does the gang get home?
I get the feeling that Jaune is at least partially wrong about how the Tree works, but what he's saying makes sense based on what he knows.
Yang you fucking dork
Anyway if Blow has a really good brain it’d be nice to see more examples of it beyond “she’s the bookworm”, I’m sure setting her own house on fire was a great demonstration of intelligence. I feel like this is another indication that I’m right when I say that RWBY would’ve really benefited from another Beacon Volume to really build the relationships between the core cast that the show tries to convince us exist.
Also, Yang is smart even if Blow makes her brain turn to mush. She seems to have figured out the trick here. She sounds so sweet and sincere when she mentions liking Blow’s ears, though I feel like this is another instance where the show isn’t taking Blow’s status as a minority seriously, what with the potential elements of fetishization here. Still, I’ll try to go with the writing’s intent here.
Honestly it probably wouldn’t even bother me if this Volume hadn’t insisted on continually comparing Blow to a cat
You did, in fact, nail it, Yang. Such a fucking dork I love her
Okay, Blow, maybe you do have a really good brain after all. Again, would’ve been nice to establish this a bit earlier, but oh well.
Yang you fucking dork lmao
Damn, Blake went hard here. Yang went with the surface-level stuff and was probably expecting the same in return and Blake just started pouring her heart out. I love the way Yang’s eyes and face just softened the moment Blake said she was an extraordinary person. Girlie was not expecting that at all.
“I like that you’ve never been intimidated by me” BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yang she fucking flinches like a dog expecting to be beaten every time you raise your voice around her she’s the only one in your friend group who’s ever been intimidated by you even Jaune is fine around you and that boy’s afraid of his own shadow
Jk I lied the other abuse victim on your team also has negative reactions when you act aggressive
Anyway I guess we know why we got that line about Yang not being scary (even though she could be if she wants to) back in Episode 1.
Yang how are you missing with every line Blow gave up on Adam and the White Fang and that was a good thing because it let her escape his abuse hello?
Oh and she sure as hell gave up on Qrow and Ironwood when Qrow crawled into a bottle and Ironwood decided to raise Atlas, and she was literally the only person on her team who didn’t believe in Yang’s innocence when Cinder framed Yang during the Vytal Festival (guess who was ride or die for Yang in that moment? I'll give you a hint: her name starts with a W), and she ran away from her entire team when Weiss was racist for two episodes. Finding her was the whole fucking plot of the V1 finale. Like I’m not even arguing that she was wrong or unjustified for any of that but if you want her to be the one who never gives up on anyone then maybe fucking show her never giving up on anyone
Does Blake really know what matters to her, Yang? It sure as hell wasn’t Faunus rights during the Atlas Volumes.
That fucking lighting lmao
Just spit it out you idiots lets get this over with my expectations are dropping with every line
God Yang is such a fucking dork I genuinely love this for her it would’ve been so easy to make her the cocky flirty one all the time and they didn’t
For all my frustrations with this show I do genuinely like that.
I like how Yang hesitated a bit and didn’t quite commit but Blake went full-bore.
Oh my God it’s so sappy and cheesy and romantic
I can understand why people love it even if for me it crosses the line to narm like honestly this scene just feels ridiculous but that's just a personal taste thing, it feels too over-the-top for me but there's some charm to it as well
I feel a little bad for the Cat but honestly they strike me as manipulative more than anything
Every scene just gives me bad vibes
Damn, they were makin out, hands changed positions and everything
Nice little leg pop Blow
You and the fandom both, Jaune.
Kinda wonder when you figured it out though because you were not picking up on it in Volume 8 ("Ruby?" "Yeah... Ruby.")
Good to know the Bees thought confessing their feelings was more important than getting home or stopping Salem. I like both characters less every time they treat the Ever After as a vacation.
The little hand touch is cute though.
Okay, Ruby is not reacting well to the return of Crimson Rose, probably because it represents the burden of being a leader and a Huntress.
She's pushing her insecurities down again. That's gonna burst out sooner or later.
Jaune thinks Alyx traded Lewis to the Tree in order to leave. My guess is that either Jaune or Ruby tries to trade themselves to the Tree so the others can go home.
Damn, Ruby’s rejecting Crescent Rose pretty emphatically there.
Music is still forgettable I don’t think there’s been a single song that I’ve remembered a not of when it’s not actually playing for 6 whole episodes
Miles gave a solid performance here and so did whoever voices the Cat.
Okay, so, here it is: the scene we’ve all been waiting for since Volume 2 at the latest. The Bees are an item now, and it’s really obvious that it meant a lot to CRWBY. They put a lot of love into that scene, and it shows. Visually, it’s gorgeous, the voice actresses clearly put their hearts and souls into it, the music is meant to scream romance...
Unfortunately, I don’t like it. Perhaps this is just a nitpick on my end because I’m a stubborn ornery cantankerous bastard who hates being told what to do, but this confession doesn’t feel organic. It feels like they were forced into it by outside factors (the stupid fucking punderstorm that wouldn’t let them leave until they told each other their feelings. If I'd been in their place, I would've sat my stubborn Texan ass down and told that fucking weather condition that it could let me out right now or move along on its own time, but I'm staying right here until it does. Ain't no fuckin rain clouds gonna tell me what to do).
I don’t like that in and of itself, but it gets worse when you consider that both characters are A) queer and B) were only coded and not explicitly confirmed as queer within the show prior to this scene. It feels like two queer characters are being forced out of the closet, which would be bad enough on its own, but gets infinitely worse when the company behind the show named itself after a homophobic slur and then built a company culture around bullying and bigotry and the lead writer on the show has been openly biphobic and fetishized bi women in the past. Good job, morons, you managed to take a ship I’ve supported since the characters involved met in the Emerald Forest and make it feel gross to me. Between this and Blake’s jokes about Yang’s arm in Episode 2, I’m officially not a Bumbleby shipper anymore. You’ve fumbled the bag that badly. Please never hold a job in any creative industry again.
Overall rating: Horrendously Bad And Specifically Disappointing On Top Of That/10
Amazed that I can't definitively declare this a bottom three episode of the Volume because 3 of the 5 others I've watched so far were also this fucking bad. Truly an accomplishment.
Everything that wasn't Weiss's thirst for DILFs and the Bumbleby confession was okay (not amazing), but the writers fucked up so badly with the parts that sucked that they accomplished something incredible: they executed a scene I've been waiting for for ages so incompetently that I don't ship Bumbleby anymore.
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