#my dad wanted to get lunch with my sis and i but our mom was home and in the kitchen and yk
todayisafridaynight · 9 months
Underrated Sibling Moment is actually mitsu being like ‘i dont want to go back to the captain alone are you insane’ after ichi fumbles the loan collection and ichi has to ditch him for a few hours and mitsu can only kill time and Not think of The Inevitable until they can go back to sawashiro together as if that’ll save them from The Inevitable like if you get it You Get How Real That Was
#snap chats#the best part about getting a new phone. ‘’’new’’’#is that i can make goofy posts ten times faster now that i dont have to wait a year for the app to open#ANYWAY NO YK WHAT I MEAN#LIKE AS IF GOING TO YOUR PARENT TOGETHER WONT JUST GET BOTH YOUR ASSES BEAT#growing up it was the same shit with my sisters and i#if we were out of the house and knew mom was home we’d find any and every excuse to stay out until she was asleep#or she locked herself in her room to do work all night#STOOOPPP I REMEMBER THE WORST CHRISTMAS EVE EVE OF MY LIFE#my dad wanted to get lunch with my sis and i but our mom was home and in the kitchen and yk#we can’t just leave without saying where we’re going ig#bro when i say my sis had a whole breakdown because she did not want to tell our mom#it was painful like TRULY#SAME PLAY OUT TOO NOW THAT I THINK OF IT in the beginning she acted Not Mad#and then very quickly Was Mad and it was just awful all around#made it very gard to enjoy lunch ngl but hey.#after that I Do Not Lie she and i just hung out at the mall for the next eight hours LMAO#but yeah. the accidental story time is integral to understanding this feeling i promise#ITS JUST SO REAL ESP WHEN YOU FUCKED UP AND YOU JUST KNOW YOUR PARENT GONNA FIND OUT LMAO#the most evil shit is when your parent starts getting mad and thrn your siblings clear like roaches#LIKE OH OK. I THOUGHT WE WERE RIDE OR DIEHDVEC#anyway shout out my man mitsu i dont mention you ever but know i see you and ily
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ginax0916 · 4 months
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✮‧₊˚✩ 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 ✩‧₊˚✮
Little Sister (8yrs old) x triplets
Genre - Sorta Angst & Fluff
Synopsis - When the triplets little sister has been staying with them for a month but she suddenly feels home sick but also guilty.
Matt pov:
Our little sister y/n has been staying with us for a month since our parents wanted to go on vacation. We don’t mind it at all, it’s been pretty fun lately. It just gets hard when we have to film videos or go to meetings that she can’t be in.
“Y/n you ready to go?” Chris called out.
“Yes I’m so excited” She yelled as she ran down the hallway jumping into Chris’s arms.
He laughed and carried out to the car where Nick already was.
“Took y’all long enough” He grumpily said looking at me.
“Hey don’t look at me! It’s y/n who took so long” I lifted my hands in defense.
“Matt! No I didn’t I was very quick!” She protested slurring her words a little as she talked.
“Yes you did sis don’t listen to them” Chris took her side as her buckled her into her car seat and kissed her cheek.
It’s clear that Chris has a favorite sibling.
LS Pov:
My brothers were taking me to Canes for lunch. It’s not much, but to me it’s the best food in the world. A lot of my friends seem to not like it but I don’t understand how! It’s too good.
I remember how mom would take me to this other restaurant in Boston that also had chicken tenders and we would order a big plate and share. I miss her.
Or when dad would take me to the dinner back in town to eat waffles for breakfast every Saturday. I miss him too.
But I’m with my brothers I shouldn’t be missing my parents right?
“Ok we’re here!” Matt yells.
I’m only 8 which means I still have to sit in a car seat. It’s so stupid I’m sure I could be a big girl and seat on the actual seat. I can’t even get out of the car without the help of my brothers because for some reason I can’t get the seatbelt to unlock.
“You exited?” Matt says as he helps me out of the car.
“Yes very” I reply as I take his hand.
“Awwww look how cute they look! She looks so small compared to Matt!” I hear Nick say behind us and a camera click.
We get a table and we order our food. But as we wait a woman that I could’ve sworn was mom walked in.
“Is that mommy?” I ask my brothers. They all turn their head to look at the woman.
“No y/n it’s not. Moms in Hawaii with dad remember?” Nick laughs.
“Oh yea sorry” I say now embarrassed.
“Hey it’s ok I thought it was her too at first” Matt comforts me. I smile at him and rest my head on his arm since he was sat next to me.
I start to feel sleepy since I haven’t taken my daily nap yet. I do everything to keep my eyes open but nothing works. They fall shut and I start to loose consciousness.
“Hey baby wake foods here” Matt rubs my back waking me up.
“Yay” I say in a tired voice as I sit up from Matt. My hair all messed up and my eyes still closed.
“Good nap?” They all laugh and I do too.
As we eat our food I see a little girl walk in with her mom. They’re holding hands and they’re laughing together. She’s holding a shopping bag so it looks like they went to the mall together. It reminds me of me and mom. Is it bad that I really miss her? I shouldn’t miss her I’m with my brothers that I only see once in a while since they live in L.A.
“You ok?” Chris asks.
“Mhm” I nod.
We were just waiting on the check when I see a man walk in. He walks over to the table where the girl and her mom are. He’s the dad. They all sit together and the girl is laughing with her dad and the mom seems to be taking pictures of them. I miss my dad too. I miss being home and going out to eat with my parents. I feel so guilty about missing home because my brothers are doing so much to take care of me. I shouldn’t feel this way.
I feel tears well up in my eyes but I quickly blink them away before my brothers realize.
“Can we go now?” I quietly ask.
“Uh yea come on” Matt says confused at my sudden change of emotion.
As we walk out I feel two pairs of arms launch me up in the air. I start giggling and screeching like crazy and I’m thrown in the air and back down.
“You want ice cream?” Chris says as he holds me instead of launching me.
“No not really” I reply as I rest my head in the crook of his neck.
“What you always want ice cream” He says stunned.
“I’m full I don’t really want any” I lie. Truth is I do want ice cream I just don’t wanna see more families there that will remind me of home.
“Ok so what ice cream place do we go to?” Nick asks looking at Chris who’s carrying me.
“Uhh she said she doesn’t want ice cream so just go back home I guess” Chris replies.
“What? But y/n you always want ice cream” Matt questions.
“That’s what I said” Chris chuckles.
“I just don’t want it ok!” I say with a ruder tone.
“Ok ok Sorry we’ll go back home” Matt replies looking at Chris and Nick confused.
Once we get home I run into the room where I have been staying and jump onto the bed quickly getting a hold of the stuffed animal my parents gave me. It’s a little frog which is my favorite animal. My dad had sprayed his cologne on it so it would smell like him. And my mom had put one of her bracelets as a necklace on it. So I just laid there on my bed hugging my little frog while looking at a picture of my parents and I. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. I miss home.
Nick pov:
I have been editing videos since we got back from lunch. I usually hear y/n laughing or screaming with either Matt or Chris as they play a game or watch a movie. But today it was silent. More silent than it’s ever been. I also don’t hear her little footsteps running around the house which is odd. She had started to act weird after the comment she made about the woman at Canes. And she didn’t want ice cream, which she always wants. I start going downstairs to ask Matt and Chris about it. I see them both sitting on the couch watching Sam and Colby on the t.v.
“Fuck you scared me” Chris yells.
“That’s what you get for watching paranormal videos at 9 pm dumbass” I laugh.
“Ok but on serious note have you guys noticed how down y/n looks today?” I ask them while sitting down at the end of the couch.
“I did yea she seemed upset after lunch” Matt adds on.
“She hasn’t come out of her room since we got back from lunch” Chris comments.
“I think we need to go check on her c’mon” I say standing up heading to her room.
Chris Pov:
I open the door to her room to find y/n asleep hugging her frog stuffed animal with one hand, and hugging a picture with her, mom and dad on it.
“Oh baby” I hear Matt say as he sits next to her on the bed. Nick and I following after him.
“Hmm?” Y/n hums as she starts to wake up.
“You ok?” I ask.
“You guys promise you won’t get mad at me for it?” Y/n sniffles as her eyes start to get glossy.
“We promise” Nick says.
“I- I just really miss mommy and daddy” She starts to cry. Matt quickly wraps his arms around her.
“Hey hey it’s ok” Matt quietly whispers to her as her soft cries are muffled by his sweatshirt.
“Why would we ever get mad at you for missing mom and dad?” I ask her as I pick her up her tiny hand and she wraps her small fingers around mine.
“Because I feel guilty that I really miss home when I’m with you guys” Y/n softly says as she snuggles into me.
“Oh sweetheart you don’t have to feel guilty. It’s ok to miss home. You’re still a kid and you’ve never been away from mom and dad for so long. We’re not mad at all cuz we feel like that sometimes too” Matt says while running his fingers through her hair, something that always calms her down since she was a baby.
“So you’re not mad?” Y/n asks.
“Of course we not y/n. We can FaceTime them together later” Nick chuckles and joins the hug.
“We love you always” I say and kiss her forehead.
“I love you always too” Y/n giggles.
✫・ 。.・゜✭・.・
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daisyrb-gvf · 3 months
Cruising Into Love-Part 2
d.r.w. x f!reader
I'm so excited to be posting this so soon after the first chapter! The third may take a while longer, but this story is just pouring out of me.
Words: 4.6k
Summary: On a solo adventure to the waterfalls of the Bahamas, you run into Danny, off on an adventure of his own.
Warnings: language, cheesy sibling love, hot and heavy make out, that's pretty much it for this one
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“Danny…Danny….DANIEL, HELLO!?” Josie leans across the table, waving her hand in front of Danny’s face, snapping him out of his daydream. “I’m attempting to have an enjoyable lunch with my big brother,” she jokes, taking a bite of pineapple. 
“I’m sorry, sis. I think that run must have tired me out,” Danny replies, “What’s up?” 
Josie chuckles, looking down at her plate, absent-mindedly moving some lettuce around with her fork. “Yeah I bet so.” She flicks her eyes up to Danny before stabbing another piece of fruit. 
“What do you mean?” Danny asks, trying to put on his best confused expression. 
Josie gives him a knowing stare, boring her eyes through him, “You can fool mom and dad, and-if you’re really good-you can maybe even fool Sam, but you know you cannot fool me.” 
“Jos, I really don–” Danny cuts himself off, knowing the attempt is futile. She’s right. Everyone thinks your brothers-especially Sam-know you best, and while they are very close, no one knows you like your little sister. “Okay, fine. I’ll admit she may have gotten me a little distracted. I’m sorry. I’m here now. What were you saying?” 
“Oh, nothing important. Let’s talk about this girl!” Josie gushes as she pushes her plate aside, resting her elbows on the table and propping her chin up with two little fists. 
Danny chuckles and sighs, crossing his arms as he leans back in his chair. He glances out at the ocean through the floor-to-ceiling glass window next to the table. His lip twitches up into a little smirk that he tries to hide from his eager (and nosey) little sister. “I mean…you’ve seen her basically as much as I have, with the exception of our run, and it’s not like we were talking during that. There’s no way I could have. She is fast.” He cracks a smile and picks up his glass of water, the condensation cool and wet on his calloused fingertips. 
“You seemed to be having a nice little conversation with her before I came out there,” she replies kindly, not wanting to sound accusatory. 
“We only talked for a couple of minutes, and it was really just small talk. I don’t even think she’s told us her name,” he chuckles.
“It’s y/n,” Josie replies, matter-of-factly. 
“Yeah, I know, but only from the cruise itinerary,” Danny says as he steals a strawberry from Josie’s plate. 
“Come on, dude! The buffet is right there. Go get your own food!” 
“You just pushed your plate away! I didn’t want it to go to waste. What would Sam say?” he asks, feigning offense as he plucks another strawberry from her plate. 
Josie rolls her eyes, “Clearly, the girl is flustered around you. Give her a break, and maybe she assumes you know her name because of the itinerary. Did you consider that?” 
“Okay, I hear you,” Danny says, putting his hands up in defense. “All I’m saying is, I hardly know anything about the girl, other than the fact that she could probably kick my ass in a foot race and she is a talented musician.” 
“Oh, yeah. No big deal. Just two qualities you would love in a woman,” Josie replies sarcastically, kicking his shin gently under the table and grinning. 
“Sis, we are on this boat for seven more days, and then what? I’m not gonna be the guy that has a week-long fling and just…disappears,” Danny says, before taking another sip of water. 
“Why not?” Josie asks, a genuine curious expression on her face. 
Danny looks surprised by her response. “Because…well, it’s kind of shitty, isn’t it? Getting some girl all blissed out on me and then just leaving?” 
“First of all,” Josie starts, leaning back in her chair, “she’s not the only one who would be getting ‘blissed out’ okay? Clearly, the feeling is mutual there, so don’t be all macho, dude.” 
Danny laughs and rolls his eyes, “You know I didn’t mean it like that.” 
“I know, but your little sis has to make sure you know your place. All the crazy fans out there are gonna give you a big head, so I’m just doing my job,” she smiles proudly, crossing her arms. Danny smiles and softly shakes his head. “Secondly, she works here. She knows that the people she sees for a week or two will likely never cross her path again, so if she seems interested, I’m sure she has that in mind as well.” 
Danny considers for a moment with pause, “...yeah, I suppose so.”
“And lastly-the big one-she doesn’t know who you are.” 
“Wait, how do you know?” 
“Because I heard her ask you what you do as I was walking outside earlier today. She has no clue you’re a rockstar. And that is a huge win for you,” she says with a smile, her big hazel eyes-slightly more green than Danny’s-glinting in the sunlight pouring through the window.
“So, what…do I just lie to her?” Danny asks, shifting in his seat uncomfortably. 
“Of course not, but she doesn’t need all the details. You two can geek out on music and sports and whatever-the-hell other things you undoubtedly have in common, without throwing in ‘oh, by the way, I’m a super famous Grammy-winning rockstar that girls and gays swoon over and write thousands of fanfictions about,” Josie replies, mustering up her best impersonation of her brother.
“Oh, God please don’t remind me of the fanfictions,” Danny buries his face in his hands, his elbows on the table. “You know mom started to read one once?” he laughs. 
Josie giggles uncontrollably, getting a few looks from the family sitting at the table next to them. “Oh, poor mom! Was it at least a sweet one?” she asks between giggles, wiping away a stray tear.
“Definitely not. I heard her talking to Karen about it. ‘Oh, Karen, it was awful! That’s my baby boy!’” Danny mimics his mother before breaking out into a loud belly laugh. 
“Stop! I’m gonna pee my pants!” Josie chokes out between giggles, wiping tears away again.
“Okay, I think we should go,” Danny says in between laughs, glancing over at the family who is clearly getting very irritated with their antics. 
Josie grabs her purse and sweeps her long, brown, wavy hair over her shoulder as they both stand up and make their way out of the restaurant. Danny follows, slipping his phone into the pocket of his khaki shortie shorts. Holding the door open for his sister, she stops and turns to him. 
“You deserve to have a little fun, big brother,” she smiles at him kindly. Danny smiles back as they begin to walk down the hallway. He wraps his strong arm around his sister’s dainty shoulders, giving her a small peck on top of her head. 
“Thanks, sis.” 
“So, since I beat your ass during our run earlier, let’s say we go play some mini golf so I can beat you at that too?”
“You’re on,” Danny replies, ruffling her hair like any annoying big brother would. Josie playfully shoves him before smoothing her hair out
“So, be honest: how many fanfictions about you have you read,” Josie asks, laughing again. Danny stays silent for a minute, his face turning red. “How many?!” she asks again, her eyes widening and jaw dropping in a big smile. 
“Just a few,” he purses his lips, trying to hold back a smile. “What about you, sis?”
“Ew. None. You know there’s nothing out there your sister would want to read,” she replies, a disgusted look on her face. 
Danny laughs loudly, “That’s a good point, but what about the Kiszkas, huh?” He wiggles his eyebrows and smirks. 
‘........just a few.” 
They both laugh loudly as they head into the elevator, making their way to the top deck. 
– – –
The sun beats down on your skin as you stretch out in the little parachute hammock you hung at the bow of the ship-one of the few places the guests can’t access. The boat is being docked and you can hear the bustle of people anxious to get to their excursions and shopping sprees. You debate on going out for a little excursion of your own once the ship starts to empty out. You love Nassau, and you are dying to explore that hidden trail again that leads up to the waterfalls. You decide to go have a little adventure, so you pack up your hammock and head back to your bunk to put on your hiking shorts, tank top, and Chacos. Once the bulk of guests have funneled off the ship, you head out and hop on one of the shuttles into town. Getting off at the last stop by the trails, you follow a group of people through the trees. You know that there is a fork in the trail that the excursionists take a right on. Once you reach it, you make a left and start the hike on your own. Some tourists have taken the trail before, but once they reach a dead end they turn around. You, however, explored your way through the trees for about another half mile last year and found a small little swimming hole with a waterfall flowing down into it. It felt like your own secret spot. A reprieve from the constant bustle of people and tiny bunk that you have to share. 
As you meander through the trees and brush, you take in the sights and sounds around you. Lush, bright green trees and bushes of all types, little patches of flowers sprouting up every few feet. The mossy, soft ground padding your footsteps. You stop for a moment and close your eyes, inhaling deeply, enjoying the sounds of birds singing and bugs chirping. The smell of the vegetation and the distant ocean overtaking your senses. You smile and increase your pace once you hear the low rumble of the waterfall. Almost there. The cool mist sprays against your sweat-dampened skin, offering relief from your slightly difficult climb. You start to make your way down to the little shore area, but stop in your tracks when you hear a splash in the water. Slowly, stealthily inching forward, you peek behind a tree to see who could have found your secret spot. Your stomach sinks for a moment, sad that you’ve lost what you thought was just yours, and hoping it’s just a skilled explorer on vacation. After a moment, the culprit emerges from the crystal clear water. 
Mess of curls, sopping wet and sticking to his sculpted cheeks, water dripping down his broad, tanned shoulders and defined pecs and abs. Your jaw drops when you see him run his hands through his hair, pushing it away from his face and closing his eyes as he tips his head back, feeling the sun’s heat wash over him after the cool dip. You can see each muscle in his arms, shoulders, and torso flex with his movements and your breathing intensifies as your eyes roam, hungry to take in as much of this Adonis-looking man as possible, taking mental pictures to commit to memory. The smattering of hair on his chest and just below his belly button look oh so enticing. You lick your lips, eyes hooded as he turns around. His shoulders flex and move and you can see the definition in his triceps as he extends his arms out to either side, as if he is welcoming nature to envelope him completely. His entire body glistens in the sun, emphasizing every detail that’s making you weak in the knees. You start to feel a little creepy ogling him like this without him knowing, but you are having a hard time tearing your eyes away, especially as you feel your swimsuit bottoms dampening from the sight of him. You force yourself to turn around, frustrated that your personal nirvana has been taken from you, and even more frustrated that you know you won’t be able to focus on anything else but the way his wet, toned body looks for weeks. 
“Do you want to join me, or would you prefer to just enjoy the view,” Danny calls out as he turns around and smirks in your direction. 
You stop in your tracks, eyes getting wide as your whole body flushes from embarrassment. Well, you’ve been caught, and it would probably be creepier to run away, so instead you slowly turn around. 
“Oh, um…I…I just got here a minute ago…I thought no one else knew about this place, so I was..uh, just…surprised.” Your face is beet red and you’re awkwardly fidgeting with your hands. You drop your backpack so you have something to busy them with, even if just for a moment. 
He chuckles and glances down for a moment. He seems a little shy, surprisingly. He sounded so confident with his invitation. 
“So…what do you say? Want to join me? The water feels amazing.” He sinks further down and slowly tips his head back, feeling the cool water tickling his scalp inch by inch.
You did come all this way, and you suppose there’s no reason not to enjoy it, even if it isn’t what you expected. You would also be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t aching to get closer to him, seeing his wet body in all its glory gleaming in the sun up close. You kick off your sandals and slowly peel off your tank top and shorts, revealing your hot pink string bikini underneath. You swear you see his eyes darken a bit as he gazes at you, but it’s hard to tell with the distance between you two. You’ve always felt comfortable and confident with your body, but suddenly you feel very vulnerable and exposed. You muster up a weak smile as you slowly walk toward him, dipping your toe in the water. It’s a shock to the system after sweating in the humid heat during your hike. A shiver runs through your spine, and you're not sure if it’s from the cold water, or the man walking toward you, the water receding down his body with each step. He offers his hand to help you over the slightly rocky shore, as you gingerly step in. You breathe out a quick puff of air, sinking further into the water as he walks backward. Your nipples harden as the water reaches them, and you notice Danny’s gaze move to them for just a moment. God, he is just so beautiful. His sun-kissed face is practically glowing, emphasizing his features. You get a better look at his boyish freckles dusted over his cheeks and perfect, sharp nose-a slight curve at the end of it. His eyes are a lighter hue in the sunlight, and a few droplets of water drip down his face, one drop catching on his long, dark lashes. He blinks it away, and you notice a rogue little freckle just under his right eye. You suddenly have the urge to kiss it softly, causing you to look away in embarrassment. Once you’re both fully immersed in the water he releases your hand and moves to his back, floating peacefully as he closes his eyes. 
“So, you’ve been here before?” he asks, eyes still closed, looking so peaceful and happy in this moment. 
You bob in the water, using this opportunity to drink him in some more while his eyes are closed. The water ebbs and flows across his hard, yet impossibly soft-looking chest and stomach, a little pool of liquid settling in his belly button. You notice he has those little yellow shorts on again. The water lapping against his legs causes his shorts to alternate between flowing around him and sticking to his legs, showing off his muscle definition. He must run every day to get muscles like that. 
Snapping yourself out of it, you reply, “Yeah quite a few times, actually. I thought I was the only one who knew about this place. Have you been here before? I’m not even sure most of the locals know about it.”
“No, I haven’t, but I like to explore, and I have a pretty good sense of direction. I just headed the same general direction that I knew the falls were at, and eventually found my way. Once I heard the water, I just followed the sound. How did you find it?” 
“Actually, the exact same way,” you chuckle, moving onto your back as well, floating next to him. 
Your hands brush together for a moment, the water pulling you closer together. The electricity that ran through your body caused your eyes to widen in surprise. 
Danny feels that same electricity. If he is being honest, he felt it the moment he realized you were watching him from behind the trees. He never thought of himself as an exhibitionist, but he just couldn’t help showing off what you were clearly enjoying. Plus, he hoped it would entice you to stay. Imagining seeing you in a little bikini he hoped you were sporting made his blood run hot through his veins and surge down to his groin. Actually seeing it made him very glad you were in cold water. 
“Are you disappointed?” Danny asked after a moment. 
You looked over in surprise and he returned your gaze. “Why would I be disappointed?”
“That I found your spot. I assume you staked a claim since you said you didn’t know anyone else knew about it, and if you’ve been here several times with no one knowing about it, you probably decided to keep it to yourself. So…are you disappointed?” 
You stay silent for a moment, because you did feel disappointment…at first. But now, you feel content sharing it with him. “No. I’m not disappointed at all,” you reply with a soft smile. 
“Good!” he responds cheerily, popping up to swim a few laps around the small pool. 
You giggle as the water splashes you before dipping under, washing away the sweat (and probably dirt) from your face. Popping back up, you run your hands over your eyes and through your hair, smoothing it back and away from your face. You open your eyes and catch Danny staring. A smirk forms on your face when you think about the role reversal. Danny doesn’t look away this time. Instead he slowly swims closer to you, keeping eye contact as his body floats mere inches from yours. 
“Wanna play?” he asks, his lips curling up into a boyish smile that takes your breath away. 
“Play?” you ask breathlessly, matching his grin. 
“Yeah,” he grins wider, flashing those bright white teeth. 
You giggle, heart racing over how adorable he is. “What, like Marco Polo or something, or were you thinking mermaids?” you laugh. 
“Both sound fun,” he chuckles, “but I say Marco Polo. I’ll go first!”
He looks so excited that it makes your heart ache. It seems so silly, but why not? Who says two 20-something year olds can’t play Marco Polo and have fun like kids get to? 
“Okay yeah! Let’s do it!” you giggle and wait for him to close his eyes. 
“1…2…3…” he starts to count. 
“Wait!” you stop him, “What are we counting to?” 
“Hmmm, it’s a pretty small swimming hole. Let’s say 10. Sound good?” 
“Yeah! Okay, start over,” you giggle again. You haven’t giggled like this in longer than you can remember. You push away a tiny pang of sadness, realizing how truly lonely you’ve been. 
“Okay,” he grins again, starting back up, “1…2…”
You dip under the water and swim as silently as possible to the little overhang next to the falls- almost like a shallow cave- trying not to giggle in anticipation. 
“9…10! Marco!” he calls out, swimming around excitedly. God, it must be nice to still hold on to that child-like excitement over a little game like this. 
“Polo!” you call out, hoping the sound of the falls throws off your location. 
He swims in the opposite direction and you throw your hand over your mouth, trying not to giggle. You’re so giggly right now. It feels foreign, but so nice. 
“Marco!” he calls out again from further away. 
He starts to swim in your direction and you feel the same anxious excitement you did as a kid, playing in your parents’ pool with your cousins. 
“Polo” you call out as quietly as possible so he can barely hear you. 
“Hey, that’s not fair! You’re cheating!” he complains, but his grin tells you he’s still having a blast. 
You want to argue with him, but you stay silent, not wanting to give away your position, especially since he is getting dangerously close. He approaches you, under the overhang where it’s much quieter and has an echo. 
“Marco!” he calls out, a small look of shock on his face, not realizing where he is. 
“Polo,” you say softly. 
He darts toward you and you squeal, swimming away. He catches your foot and you laugh loudly, trying to swim away from him. 
“Gotcha!” he exclaims, opening his eyes. 
Danny’s breath is almost taken away seeing the way your grin lights up your whole face. Pure joy. You’ve only looked nervous or out of breath around him so far. He already thought you were beautiful, but that look…the way you bit your bottom lip and giggled as you looked at him. He can’t look away. He swims closer to you, inches away again. 
“Your turn.” His voice is low and barely above a whisper. Your breath catches and your eyes roam across his chest and shoulders, settling on his neck-droplets of water slowly gliding down over and around his Adam’s apple, like yesterday, but today it is so much more enticing being alone and secluded with him. 
“Okay,” you breathe, slowly swimming back to the center of the pool. “You ready?” you call out once you reach your destination. 
“Alright, 1…2…3…” you count to 10 immediately yelling, “Marco!”
“Polo!” His voice is like velvet, and it makes it hard to focus. He’s actually really well-spoken, now that you think about it. He enunciates well, more so than most men his age, and his pitch isn’t low, but the timbre of his voice is. It makes you wonder what he would sound like speaking softly in your ear.
You shake yourself out of your daydream, swim toward the sound and call out again, “Marco!” 
He sounds a lot closer now, and you’re surprised he’s not trying to be quieter. 
“Marco!” You swim closer to the falls, the spray hitting your face. 
“Polo,” he says quietly, but only because it sounds like he is right next to you. 
“Marco,” you say softly, reaching out and feeling the water falling onto your hand. 
“Polo,” he whispers. You can feel his hot breath inches from your face. 
You touch his chest and open your eyes. The water from the falls assaults his back as he leans in, his lips so close you can already feel them. You suck in a breath, looking down at his lips…so soft and supple and oh so inviting. You place your other hand on his chest, feeling it rise and fall with each breath, his skin so warm and soft, the muscles firm under your fingertips. Just how you imagined. 
“Can I kiss you, y/n” he whispers, his lips so close that they brush yours when he says your name. 
“Yes,” you breathe, running your hands up to his shoulders. You're so eager and dying to claw at his shoulders, latch onto his lips and steal the breath from his lungs, but you let him take the reins. 
He moves in slowly, so slowly you don’t even know how it’s possible considering how little space there is between you already. You feel your hardened nipples rub against his chest, and you feel hot to your core. You want to devour him. He finally locks his lips with yours, softly. Oh so softly. You let out a small whimper. He tastes so much better than you could have dreamed. His lips are warm and gentle and they mold perfectly with yours. He settles one hand on your hip under the water, and caresses your back with the other. It feels so intimate that your heart aches. You glide your hands around his shoulders to his back, one settling there while the other moves up and snakes through his wet curls. Your lips intertwine in a perfectly choreographed dance. You still feel the urgency to taste more of him, but God this feels so good-savoring one another. He introduces his tongue, lightly brushing it against your lower lip, and you happily welcome it, opening your mouth and softly licking back, your tongues now entering this slow dance. He pulls you flush with his body and you gasp, feeling his groin against your heat. He’s already getting hard, and you relish in it. You wrap your arms tightly around his shoulders as he wraps your legs around his waist, both of you still bobbing in the water and giggling when you move toward the falls, the water breaking your kiss. You both swim back over a couple of feet, not leaving your embrace. You take over, gripping his shoulder and kissing him deeply, moaning into his mouth. He whimpers softly-a sound that you will most definitely be committing to memory-and runs his hand through your hair, holding you steady as he pulls back from the kiss for a moment. 
“I…I need just a minute,” he says with a small laugh. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” you say, embarrassed as you pull away. 
“No! God, no, please don’t leave.” He gently pulls you back to him and wraps his arms around you, caressing your back again. “I just…if I don’t stop now…Well, I don’t know how I’ll be able to hold back,” he confesses, looking down shyly. God, your heart is aching for this man you barely know. 
“It’s okay,” you breathe, gently guiding his chin up with your knuckle. “We should probably head out soon anyway. It looks like an afternoon storm is rolling in.” You both glance up at the sky and see dark gray clouds forming overhead. 
“Yeah…I guess we should,” he says, sounding disappointed, but somehow relieved at the same time. “Plus, you have a performance tonight, right?” he asks. 
“Yeah, I do,” you reply with a small smile, looking intrigued. “You looked for me on the itinerary?”
He looks down again shyly. It’s so cute how nervous he is right now. You thought he was just so confident and sure of himself before. “Yeah, I did. Josie and I thought maybe we would bring our parents tonight. They would love it.” 
“That’s sweet,” you smile. “I would love to see you there again. Any requests?”
“Anything by Elton John,” he replies as you both start to swim to shore. 
“That, I can definitely do,” you giggle again as you both step out. 
Pulling towels from your respective backpacks, you dry off quickly before throwing on your clothes and shoes. Pulling on your packs, you make your way to the trail. 
“I hope we can beat the storm,” you say, worriedly. 
“Wanna race?” he asks, flashing that adorable grin again. 
You laugh and dart off in front of him, before he catches up to you, grabbing you by the waist and tickling you to slow you down. 
“Cheater!” you accuse, laughing loudly as you run after him, a smile taking over your whole face. A smile you hadn’t felt in such a long time.
Again...I'm a slow-burner! More spice and sibling love in chapter 3!
Go to Chapter 3
@spark-my-nature @dazeebean @smoking-jakelane @dogwood-blossom
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b-courageous1010 · 1 year
NYC Sight Seeing
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Omg I’m soooo excited to take my sister into the city Wednesday!! She’s a sight seer like me so I’m making sure we hit all the notable sights! My love language is sight seeing so it bring me soooo much joy to be able to experience this with her. Even though she lives in NY with my dad they have never taken her (I will be having a long talk with him because I’m hurt they never took her) But big sis is here to step in and Here’s our list
Ice Skating
Although my mom did take me and my sister (on my moms side) to city for Christmas when we were younger, we didn’t have the money to go ice skating so this will be a first for me and her!
Waited too long to get tickets for Rockefeller center (should have known better) but got us tickets for another rink near by
I got morning tickets so we can get it out the way and have the rest of the day to do other things
So she’s tik tok obsessed and one of the places she wanted as a must see was Koreatown
I was thinking we could find a place for lunch and find the shops she’s talking about
Evening/Browse store fronts
The main attraction (for me)
The store fronts 5th ave were absolutely breathtaking and I loved every min of it when we went.
I’m bringing my camera with me so I can practice taking pictures. (If they look good I will be happy to share with you all)
I’m so excited I can’t contain myself!! Idk what it is but when I go to the city but It’s truly another world. If I had the funds I would definitely move to the city!! It’s so much possibilities and wonder around every corner and I LOVEEE the big city aesthetic!
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chaselynnreads · 9 months
The Pact: Chapter 1
Freshman Year
“Dad, are you kidding me?” I ask in disbelief. My sister Brenna bites down a laugh. My dad on the other hand stares at me like I'm the crazy one. “Emerson it will not be as bad as you are making it seem.”  I roll my eyes at that. My father is the head hockey coach at Briar University, where I am moving into tomorrow. Correction was going to, my dad wants his four new freshmen to live with me. 
“Come on Em take it as a compliment.  Obviously dad thinks that living with these boys will be good for you.” Brenna says while laughing. I sigh loudly for both of them to hear. One thing about growing up with a hockey coach is that I know that sport in and out. From the actual rules and how the game should be played to how these kids act. Dad will complain or praise them every single night. Dad says that all freshmen guys want to do is bang girls. He said that these four boys are going to be great, that they have so much potential to be pros. He shouldn't be wrong considering that one of them is Phil Graham's son.
“You will be living with four guys Em. I need these boys to be focused on the ice. I need them to eat, sleep, and breathe hockey. You need to be their female buffer.” I roll my eyes for the 1,000th time tonight. “Damn dad way to make a girl feel good about herself.” I tell him. He glares at me. “Please be good about this.” He said quietly. “I know it’s not ideal I truly do. I just really want you to do this for me Em.” 
I go up to Brennas room and sit on her bed. She walks in right after getting out of the shower. “You need to call me if they are hot. Get me a man” She said. I chuckle. Brenna and I have always been close with each other. We are two years apart but we could literally be twins.  My hair is shorter and a shade of brown lighter than Brenna’s almost black hair.  The only other thing that helps tell us apart is my boobs and Brennas butt. See my ass is practically non existent but Brenna’s looks like she should be Kim K herself. On the other hand my boobs are giant. I promise its not a flex. Being a 32 HH at fourteen was a horrible time. Im now a 34 I and it's not a fun time. 
“Bren I’m going to miss you so much.” I told her. She looks at me with sadness in her eyes. She smiled slightly. “ I love you so much and i'm so proud of you. I just know you are going to do great things.” She is silent for a moment. When she looks back up at me her big eyes are filled with tears. 
“Mom would be so proud of you Emmerson.” She whispered. I gave her a sad smile. Our mom died when I was 7 and Bren was 5. “I know B. I love you little sis.” I hugged her tightly. “Just for the record, mom would be proud of you as well. I’m proud of you.” She lets the tears fall over her lash line and hugs me again.
The next morning comes too fast. I look around my empty room and go through all my memories. As I walk down the stairs my dad is standing at the bottom of them with nothing but pride filling his eyes. 
I tilt my head and ask “What is it?” He looks at me. “My baby girl. You” He stopped. “Emmerson, you are such a beautiful woman.  I’m so proud of the person you have become.” 
“Oh dad.” I said, wrapping my arms around him. He let go of me and wiped his eyes. “Let's get you to school.”
  Brenna and I finished decorating my room an hour ago.  Now Dad, Brenna, and I are cleaning up from lunch. I turn and see them looking at each other. Dad turns his head to me and says “Well, that’s it honey. Bren and I are going to go home.” I look at Brenna who runs to the other side of the island to hug me. “I love you. Talk soon?” I hug her tighter. “Always B.” 
Dad joins us in a group hug before kissing the top off my head and leaving the two-story townhouse. Brenna gives my hand a squeeze and follows him out.
I sit in silence before turning around and start putting my dishes away. 
When I stand back up I’m met with the most beautiful greens eyes on the planet.
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pina-anarchy · 6 months
On the Road with Uncle Willard and Dad
My Sis and I knew something special was going to happen this Christmas because Dad and Mom were acting really weird. Cousin Ronny said something funning was going on at his house, too. Sis and I looked all through the house trying to find what it was that Dad and Mom were hiding. But no matter how hard we looked, we couldn't find a thing.
Christmas morning came and went. We opened each present with great anticipation, but all we got were the usual toys and new clothes. Soon all the presents were open. Dad got up and said he had to go to the bathroom. Mom went into the kitchen to get some more eggnog. Sis and I looked at each other and sighed.
Suddenly we heard a loud honking outside. It was Dad in a big, new camper. So that was why Dad and Mom had been acting strange. Sis and I ran outside to check it out.
"Pack your bags, kids," Dad said when we opened the door to the camper "We're going away for a week!"
Sis and I ran outside to check it out.
"Pack your bags, kids," Dad said when we opened the door to the camper. "We're going away for a week!"
We ran back into the house. "Mom, Dad pulled up in a big new camper!" we cried out.
"Yes, isn't it great," she said. "And we're going to go on a trip right after lunch," Mom told us. "Now hurry upstairs and get some clothes ready." Sis and I bounded upstairs to our bedrooms and began getting together the clothes we'd need for the trip. Mom came up soon and helped us pack them into our bags.
As soon as we were packed, we hauled our bags down to the camper and helped Dad and Mom get ready for our unexpected trip. I was so excited about the camper and the trip that I forgot to call cousin Ronny. I was about to run back into the house to call Ronny when we heard some honking right behind us.
It was Uncle Willard, Aunt Lenora, Ronny, and Hellen. And they were in a camper, too. It turned out that Dad and Uncle Willard had wanted to get campers for a long time so they could take vacations together. This was turning out to be the best Christmas ever.
For the first couple of hours we followed Uncle Willard down the highway. But when sis and I started fighting, Dad signaled for e Willard to pull off at the next rest stop. The adults decided that maybe it would be better if the men were in one camper and women in the other. Sis stuck out her tongue at me as she went into the other camper with Mom, Aunt Lenora, and Hellen. I stuck my tongue out back at her. I'd rather be with Ronny, Uncle Willard, and Dad any day.
Dad and Uncle Willard sat up front while Ronny and I settled into the upper bunk at the rear of the camper. It was great. There was a curtain we could close so no one could see us. Ronny and I watched the scenery and the cars and trucks as we rolled down the highway. When we passed trucks Ronny and I held up our fists and pulled them up and down to get them to blow their horns. We weren't having real good luck until Ronny had this bright idea that if we pulled our weewees out, they'd sound their horns for sure.
At first I wasn't so sure about that, but when Ronny pointed out that we were up too high for any cars to see us, I went along. It worked like a charm. We'd wave our weewees and pump our fists and every single trucker we saw blasted their horns as hard as they could.
Ronny kept getting nastier, and even pumped his until it was hard and sticking up high. I laughed and joined him. But when I got mine all stiff and hard, Ronny went further and pulled off his jeans. Then he took off his shirt. He lay their naked as a jay bird getting every trucker to sound their horn. Of course I had to do the exact same thing.
We passed one truck with two truckers. When they saw us in the back of the camper, they speeded up and followed us real close. Then they both took off their shirts and then the trucker who wasn't driving sat up and he wasn't wearing anything underneath. He swung a really big, hard one at us and then pumped it. He stroked it while they followed right behind us. It was real exciting.
"He sure has a big one," Ronny sighed.
"Yeah, and look how fat it is," I noted. Ronny and I were stroking our wieners and getting all worked up. The truckers were as excited as we were. Then the trucker pressed his wiener right up against the window pane and white cream shot out, coating the glass with a glaze of milk.
"Wow," Ronny exclaimed. He pumped his pecker hard until he let out a gasp and cream splattered all over his belly. I followed soon behind. Then we both laughed and laughed. We'd never had so much fun. The truckers let out a long, loud horn blast and then slowed down. As we wiped up our juices in the sheets, we laughed.
We were still naked and talking about what had happened when we noticed that the camper was slowing down.
"Shit," Ronny said. "They're pulling off the freeway." We scurried to get our clothes back on, and just in time. The camper came to a stop and Uncle Willard pulled open the curtain. He looked at us and took a deep sniff.
"Ready for some lunch, boys?" he asked.
"Yeah," we said.
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heaven-s-black-box · 7 months
Deathless- ensemble
Return to File
Recovery date: July 17th, 2020
Description: nobody dies AU
Notes: An entry from my 2020 research project into the universe of Ace Attorney. You can find the next entry here.
Word count: 826
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“Franziska? Have you se-”
“Did you lose more evidence?”Mia asked, laughing from her desk.
“Wha?! I- no, I just put it down, and it’s not where I left it,” Miles stumbled over his words.
“I have it brother. You left it on my desk when you went to talk to your boyfriend,” Franziska sighed, waving the file around.
“He is not my boyfriend!” Miles yelled. Then the door opened, and everyone turned.
“Hey, is Mr.Edgeworth here right now? Our new guy is here,” Ray said, as he poked his head in.
“Father’s out investigating. What do you mean our new guy?” Franziska asked, frowning at her lack of information.
Ray laughed, before opening the door all the way and walking in. Behind him, was a boy with horns, who looked completely star struck.
“Hey kid, you gonna introduce yourself?”
“Uh, right! Sorry. I’m Apollo Justice and as of today I’ll be a part of this office! It’s a pleasure to meet you all!” The boy yelled, causing everyone to wince.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Miles said, extending his hand. “I’m Miles Edgeworth, this is Mia Fey, and that’s Franziska von Karma. You’ve already met Raymond Sheilds and my father, Gregory Edgeworth, I’m assuming.”
“Yes! Thank you!” Another knock came from the door.
“Hello everyone, look who I fou- Oh Apollo, hello. I wasn’t expecting you till later,” Gregory said, as he entered the office.
“Ah, sorry. I got here a little early and Mr. Shields told me to come up.”
“Hey Mr.Edgeworth, the foods getting cold!” A girl's voice yelled from outside the office. Then two heads popped around the corner. “Hey sis!” The girl yelled.
“Maya, Phoenix. Did you two bring food?” Mia asked, standing up to greet her sister and friend by the door.
“Yes ma’am,” Phoenix said, “We were told you were getting a new member, so we thought a group lunch would be nice.”
“Alright, bring the food over here,” Ray called, from where he had cleared a table. “I wanna get to know Pollo.”
They set up, and passed out drinks and burgers for everyone. Phoenix was introduced to Apollo as Miles’s best friend since grade school, a part time assistant here at the Edgeworth and co. law office, and an aspiring actor. He also found out that Maya was Mia’s sister, and had a tendency to get accused of murder. “You aren’t officially part of this office until you've defended her,” Mia had laughed.
“So how ‘bout you?” Maya asked, around a mouthful of burger. “What’s your story?”
“Ah, it’s kind of long.” 
“We have time,”Maya cut in, and everyone nodded.
 “Well, back when I was younger, I met an amazing defense attorney. He saved me and my dad, actually you might have heard of him. His name is Dhurke Sahdmadhi from the kingdom of Khura’in,” Mia and Maya choked on their drinks. But they didn’t say anything, so he continued. “Anyway we were supposedly dead, so until that was cleared up, we were stuck in Khura’in. When we came back to LA, it turned out my mom had remarried, and had a daughter with her new husband. But, long story short, he was a bit of a dick and she still loved my dad, so they got a divorce and she married my dad again. And that’s it…”
“That sounds like quite the adventure,” Phoenix said, “How old are you again?”
“I’m twenty two, oh and I did work at the Gavin law office before this. That’s abou-”
“Wait! Gavin law office? As in Kristoph Gavin who forged evidence?” Franziska asked in disbelief. She always kept an eye on cases of forged evidence, she never wanted anything like what happened with her father to happen again.
“Uh, ya?”
She pulled him into a hug, “You poor thing.” Apollo looked rightfully confused, as the rest of the office snickered.
“So, any other friends?” Gregory asked.
“Hm, I have a friend from middle school. His name’s Clay Terran, he’s doing astronaut training. He’ll hopefully be joining the HAT-2 mission,” Apollo hummed. He wouldn’t normally talk this much about himself, but he figured it would be best if his boss knows this stuff.
“HAT-2? Oh, do you know Dr. Cykes?” Gregory asked.
“I’ve met her a few times, why?”
“We consult her ever now and then,” Ray said. “Nice lady. I think her daughter is in school to become a defense lawyer, isn’t she?”
Gregory nodded, “I’ve already offered her an internship here if it interested her.”
Maya looked up, and her eyes nearly bulged out of her skull. “Shit! Nick, we need to go or you’ll miss the audition!”
“Huh?” He looked up at the clock, “Shit! Sorry, we have to run, it was nice meeting you Apollo. Bye Miles, Bye everyone!” He yelled as him and Maya ran out the door. It was silent before Franziska spoke up.
“Not your boyfriend huh?”
“Shut up!”
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db-gochifan · 1 year
GoChi Winter Event 2022 - Day 7
Days [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Title: The Bike Thief Pairing: Goku/Chi-Chi; Videl/Gohan Characters: Goku, Chi-Chi, Gohan, Goten, Misaki (OC), Videl Summary: Misaki gets to see a side of her mother that hasn't come out since she was born, and she loved it. Cross-posted on AO3 and FFN
Goku and Chi-Chi had woken up very early that Christmas day to pick up the large amount of gifts they had bought for their children and for their friends’ ones too. Bulma was going to throw a Christmas’ lunch for the Z fighters and their families later that day. Somehow she managed to convince Goku to dress as Santa to give the kids their gifts. The couple was stuffing the trunk of their car with presents. “This is the last one.” Goku informed when he handed his wife the final package. “If Trunks, Marron and Bulla are the only kids besides ours, why are there more gifts in the trunk?” “Because I didn’t want Goten and Misaki to feel left out there, so each one of them is getting two presents this year. The other two are for Gohan and Videl.” “I see.” “Don’t worry, yours is under our tree.” “But I didn’t say anything.” “You don’t have to.” Chi-Chi looked at him with a grin. “I know exactly what you think most of the times.” “I’m not surprised.” He smiled and approached her, running his hands through her arms and kissing her briefly. “I got something for you this year too.” “Really?” Her face beamed in happiness. “What is it?” “Not saying. You’ll find out very soon.” Goku slid his hand towards hers and intertwined their fingers together. “Shall we go in and wake up our children?” “Absolutely.” She rested her head on his forearm and they walked inside, not realizing there was a bag next to the car and that they left their front door open. “Hey, look! I just got a brand new game and I’m going to play it alone.” Goku said loudly from the door of Goten’s room. “What?!” Goten woke up all of a sudden, yelling. “What the… dad!” “I’m sorry, son.” He couldn’t stop laughing. “I couldn’t pass on this opportunity.” “There’s gonna be a payback, you better be sure about it.” “Revenge isn’t the way to go.” “Really, dad?” The child jumped out of the bed. “You’re gonna throw that at me? You?” “Okay, okay.” Goku put his arm around Goten’s shoulder, the same way he used to do with Gohan. “There’s a Christmas present waiting for you under the tree.” “Cool.” “Last one to arrive loses!” Misaki dared her brother when she ran down the hall and then downstairs towards the living room. “Do you mean you?” Goten quickly pressed two fingers against his forehead and teleported to the room first. Goku counted two seconds before her voice echoed in the house. “Goten, this is not fair! You know I’m still not allowed to use this.” “Sorry, sis. I won.” “No, you didn’t!” “Yes, I did.” The boy looked at Goku, who had just appeared in the room. “Tell her, dad.” “He won.” “Daddy!” “I’m sorry, Misaki. There was no rule saying he couldn’t teleport. He won fairly.” “Ugh!” Misaki frowned at them. “Just wait until I’m old enough to learn how to fight.” “I can’t wait for it.” “Hey, no fighting you two. Mom doesn’t like it.” “Daddy, can we open our presents now?” “Of course! This large one is yours.” “Cool!” She exclaimed excitedly and quickly began to unwrap it. “How come she gets big presents and I don’t?” “Because you didn’t ask for a bike.” “I got a bike?!” “Oops!” Goku couldn’t help but laugh. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you. You were meant to find out on your own.” “Dad, who are these other two for?” “They’re for Gohan and Videl. They should be arriving at any moment, so we can all go to the Capsule Corp together.” “I miss Gohan so much. This house isn’t the same without him.” “You shared a room with him for a long time.” “Since I was one. It was so strange not having him around, but I also love having my own room finally.” “That’s great, son.” The oldest Saiyan ruffled his hair. “So did you like your Christmas gift?” “I did, but you had taken away all the fun from finding out by giving it away earlier.” “What are you talking about? I didn’t give anything away.” “Dad, you joked about it. Face it, you’re the worst person to keep a secret in this house.” “I’m offended.” “Sure you are. Wanna play a little until Gohan arrives?” “I’m in. Let’s go.” **** Misaki was so eager to ride her new lilac bike that she didn’t mind the small amount of snow that was left from the night before. About twenty minutes after she started riding it, Gohan’s car stopped by the house. “Gohan!” She exclaimed and ran towards him as fast as she could, embracing him by the legs. “You’re finally here!” “Hello, princess.” Gohan picked her up and she looked at him with an eyebrow raised. “What?” “Princess?” She looked at Videl. “What did you do to him?” “Nothing. He’s just getting used to the idea of being a father.” “What?!” Chi-Chi dropped the fruit basket she was holding behind them and the couple turned to look at her. “You’re pregnant?” “I am.” The blue-eyed woman absentmindedly rubbed her belly. “Oh my God, this is amazing!” She screamed and ran to them. “I’m going to be a grandma!” “What’s going on over here?” Goku asked when he appeared with Goten. “We’re going to be grandparents for the first time, Goku! Can you believe that?” “What? Are you serious?” “We’re four months pregnant.” Gohan said. “We wanted to tell you sooner, but in the first three months the chances of a miscarriage is high.” “That’s true.” “I’m so happy for you both.” “Thanks, dad.” “Come on, let’s go inside. We bought some presents for you.” “Let’s go.” Little did they know there was someone lurking around the house, secretly analyzing every movement of the family. **** “So tell me how you found out you were expecting a baby?” Chi-Chi placed a plate full of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and pushed it towards Videl. “Have some.” “Thanks, Chi-Chi, but I had breakfast not too long ago.” “Oh no, you didn’t!” Gohan exclaimed in shock. “What?” She looked at her husband surprised. “I was just being honest.” “You should never refuse food when my mom offers. She takes it as a personal offense.” “But that wasn’t my intention. You know that.” “I know. Have just one then.” “Okay.” Videl looked the plate in front of her and grabbed a cookie, eating a bite right away. “Wow, this is actually very good! I can never make such tasty cookies. What’s your secret?” Chi-Chi looked at the clock above the kitchen window and grinned when she returned her attention to her daughter-in-law. “We have enough time to bake another batch before we leave for the party at the city. I can teach you if you want.” “Absolutely.” Videl stood up and followed her to the kitchen. “Something tells me your mother and your wife will get along pretty well from now on.” “You have absolutely no idea how happy that makes me.” Gohan sighed and a smiled quickly appeared on his lips. “Gohan, do you want to play some videogame?” Goten asked. “I’ve got a pretty good game this Christmas.” “Sure, let’s go.” He stood up and went to the living room, along with Goku. What kind of game?” “A fighting one. The best kind.” “I still can’t understand what’s so great about these games. The real thing is much better.” “Dad, you said the same thing last year. It’s much more enjoyable playing it virtually.” “And you don’t get hurt and there’s no fear of dying, which is good.” “That’s a very good point, brother.” “This is actually true. But the adrenaline isn’t the same. There’s no thrilling emotions before a fight with a very strong being.” “I’ve had my fair share of punches and kicks, trust me.” Gohan grabbed one of the controls from Goten’s hand and sat down on the couch. “That’s too bad, because I’d really love to have a good friendly fight with you again, son.” “Sorry, dad. My power also decreased a lot in these three years since we defeated Buu.” “You can make up for it in a few months if you start now.” “Maybe.” About five minutes the boys started playing videogames, Misaki sighed with frustration and slid out of the couch. She put on her light blue coat and purple beanie and went outside to ride her bike some more, but couldn’t find it anywhere. And then she saw a man dressed as Santa taking it away. “Hey, come back here! Mommy!” “Misaki, what…” Chi-Chi rushed outside with Videl right behind her. “What’s going on?” “Santa is taking my bike away!” “Oh no, he’s not!” She started running towards him and hit him right in the back with her right foot, knocking him down immediately. “Chi-Chi, oh my God!” Videl screamed, attracting the attention from the men inside the house. “What’s happening here?” Goku asked when he stepped outside with his sons. “Someone dressed as Santa was stealing Misaki’s bike away and Chi-Chi went after him.” “Really?” He lifted into the air to have a better look. “This is going to be interesting.” “Gohan, you should do something.” “Mom is going to be fine, Videl, trust me. I’m more worried about the Santa thief.” Gohan glanced up and saw his father was sitting on the kitoun, completely amazed and amused by the whole situation. Then he looked down at Goten. “Wanna go up there too?” “Oh, absolutely.” He replied with a large grin and started levitating towards Goku. “I wanna go too!” Misaki said and her oldest brother placed her over his shoulders. “Ready?” Gohan held her leg with his right hand while held Videl’s with his other one and the three people ascended in the air as well. “Wow, this is so cool!” She exclaimed. “I wanna know how to fly.” “Hold on tight so you won’t fall.” “Gohan, can you teach me how to fly?” “Uh…” He looked at Goku. “I think dad wants to do it.” “You two can do it. Goten too.” She cupped her mouth with her hands and screamed as loud as she could. “Go, mom!” “How dare you pretend to be Santa and steal the gift from a child?!” Chi-Chi hissed when she turned the man around and grabbed him by his collar. “Are you out of your mind?” “I’m sorry, man! Please don’t hurt me.” “I could be merciful because it’s Christmas, but you really deserve a punch on the face. No one steals from my baby girl.” “Ouch!” Misaki flinched when her mother punched him, but she was already squealing the next second. “Mom is so strong!” “You haven’t seen anything yet.” Goku said in the same amused and proud tone that was shown on his face. “You knew she was that strong?” “Of course. That’s how we met again after some years.” “What?” “We were each other’s opponents in a martial arts tournament during our teenage years.” “Mom was a fighter like you all?” The girl turned her attention to Chi-Chi. “She still is. She helped me training too.” “That’s so cool! Dad?” “Yes, Misaki?” “I want to learn to fight.” “If your mother agrees, I’d more than happy to teach you.” Goku glanced down to where Chi-Chi was and then stood up on the kitoun. “Let’s go back down.” “And that’s for you to learn not to mess with my daughter and my family. Go get the hell away from here.” “Uh, Chi-Chi?” “What is it?” She turned to Goku and found him next to their car. “I think that man also stole my Santa costume.” “What?!” She ran towards the guy again and grabbed his arm. “I believe this costume is also ours. Take it off.” “I can’t.” “Why not? Where are your clothes?” “Listen, lady…” “No, you listen to me! Where are your damn clothes?” Chi-Chi repeated, grinding her teeth and tightening her grip on the collar, causing the man to start gasping for air. “I’m gonna ask you this one last time. If you don’t want to get beaten up by the strongest man in the world, you better answer me. Where are your clothes?” “They are by the river.” “Great.” She let go of him, who fell down and started coughing. Then she glanced at where her family was. “Goku, would you mind escorting him to the river?” “Of course not.” Goku grinned with satisfaction, like he always did when he was about to fight someone really powerful, and his fist punched his palm as he walked to them. “I’d be happy too.” “It’s not really necessary.” The thief said panicky and rushed away to the river, trying to stay as far from the Saiyan as he could. “Wow, mom!” Misaki ran to her when as soon Gohan put her down and jumped into her arms. “That was so cool!” “You really think so?” “Yes! When I grow up I want to be just like you!” “I feel flattered, sweetheart.” Chi-Chi kissed her in the cheek. “Your bike is safe and sound.” “Thank you. Do you think dad really beat that guy up?” The girl looked towards where they had gone a few minutes ago. “Absolutely not. If anything, he’d let him go with his Santa costume.” Gohan replied. “He better not do that or he’ll sleep outside tonight.” “Mom, that’s so mean.” “I’m just joking, Misaki.” She looked at her sons and daughter-in-law and then headed to the front door. “Let’s go back inside, it’s much warmer. And you, little lady…” Chi-Chi put her down. “Make sure to take your bike with you, so no one else tries to steal it.” “Okay!” Misaki ran to her newly received present and took it inside the house. **** When Goku returned a couple of minutes later, he was dressed as Santa and his clothes hung over his forearm. He appeared in the middle of their living room and saw that his whole family was looking at a photo album. “Your dress is so pretty, mom! Do you still have it?” “Of course, I could never get rid of it. It’s in its box above my wardrobe. I’d love for you to wear it on your wedding day.” “I don’t want to get married, I wanna be a fighter like you.” Misaki threw some punches in the air and everyone started laughing. “You can do both, darling.” Chi-Chi watched Goku pick her up and put her on his shoulder like he did when Goten was her age and glanced at Videl, smiling kindly. “You have two examples right here. Videl used to fight too.” “Really?” The girl’s face beamed with happiness. “So cool! Did you and my brother fight too?” “No, but he taught me a lot of things about it, including how to fly.” “That’s it!” Misaki stood up and grabbed his hand. “You are teaching me how to fly too, right now.” “Do I have a choice?” “No. Let’s go.”
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hipsofsteel · 1 year
deeply personal below the read more, tw for thoughts that could be read as suicidal
were housesitting the nextdoor neighbor's cat rn, and the neighbor kinda wanted us to stick around with her for a bit of time so that the kitty didn't feel terribly alone. ive been taking over things i have to have done b4 xmas and doing them so the cat has someone to vibe in the house with
today, i took over the blanket that i need to have finished for my grandma by tomorrow. it took me a while to sew in all the ends. and then i played with the cat and went home.
mom was clearly upset when i got home, and sis and dad were upset at each other. im just trying to get out of my cold weather gear, set down the stuff i'd finished, and figure out whats going on. sis comes out to complain to me and mom, i dont think i really said much (at least this time, i definitely have in the past), and then a bit later, dad storms by with the trash. mom, whose been trying to deal with our window blinds that just broke yesterday, turns to me and angrily says
"I'd leave all of you if I could. All of you. Fucking merry Christmas..."
You know the five stages of grief? I immediately enter "acceptance" and work backwards, other than denial. Mom later apologizes, saying she was very upset, and I went "No. You're right."
Didn't end up having lunch after that. Rest of the family had dinner about 2 1/2 hours ago, but I didn't move from the bed when my mom came to try and get me. Been crying on and off all day.
I just... I don't want to be comforted really. I don't want to be argued with that she's wrong, or was wrong to say that. Because she's not. We all put so much stress on her and it's not fair to her, and she's right to be done with all of us.
I just wish I didn't have to be a burden to her anymore, at all, or ever again.
Which means that basically, I'm kinda wishing I didn't exist.
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maskfree · 5 months
We went out for lunch today and I'm still feeling the exhaustion yesterday. We just ate, not much talk. I honestly don't know why my bro suddenly wanted us to eat out. Not sure if he senses the wall I place on them. Well I feel bad my sis-in-law doesn't know anything. But I'm just there, silent and tired. As usual, I couldn't mask. But they seem like they're looking for the masked version of me. Even my sis looks at me differently. But I'm sorry. The masked me, whose eyes that used to sparkle, might never come back.
Anyway, it was sorta a terrible ride going to the restaurant. It's not about the driving but more of the chat in the car. Well, I felt that the more things you know and discover about the world, the more you get disappointed with the reality. My dad, uncle, and mom were all talking about some of our neighbors. And they were pretty judgmental. You know, the typical Filipino mindset. "Pokpok kasi 'yun" (she's a slut). "Ang pangit ni ganito" (xxx is ugly). "Mukhang di naliligo si ganire" (xxx looks like she doesn't take a bath). My god, I'm embarrassed of these comments coming from people who want me to be active in church. They think too highly of themselves. Where's the humility??? These toxic masculinity and conservative mindset all should go down the drain.
In the end, my bro, sis-in-law and other sibs went on another trip. I joined the rest going home. I would have wanted to join them to buy a strainer but I thought well, there's still a next time. I just couldn't find peace with my bro anymore. I want our distance to remain. I don't like him being too comfie with me and tease me again with his thoughtless remark. As we finished our meal, I seriously thought of dying. What a disconnect, right? I didn't want to participate today to be honest. But I feel bad for not attending my sis-in-law's birthday so I decided to come today unmasked (thinking it'll be a bit more acceptable for them).
But I don't think they're comfortable with the unmasked me either. This is why it's better for me to not attend these family gatherings. I don't want to ruin their mood and atmosphere. I don't want them to be awkward around me. Yet they want me to be in it and expect a certain enthusiastic behavior from me. And if they don't get it from me, they probably talk behind my back and say whatever they assume about me. Oh well, I'm too tired to care about whatever assumptions they have of me.
All I want is some space for me to be able to fully unmask. I am just so done with all these social expectations, which aren't being genuine and respectful of my preferences.
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Some vent stuffs idkk because life is a dread lately and i feel like throwing it all out....
Such a rollercoaster of emotion today. Woke up with in a dreadfully tired state so i cheer myself up by watching some vids of my favorite boy during lunch. Afternoon showed up in class and found out we all failed a previous subject because our lecturer hated us all so she marked everyone as fail. Cried in the toilet because I was scrolling through my facebook to see my ex commenting on another girls pic, called her a wife, how pathetic. Returning home and told my parent that school treated me unfair and I needed their help but what I received was my dad lecturing me a long life lesson that has nothing to do with what I needed and I ended up getting too angry I screamed in agony out loud during dinner. Mom came home, instead of comforting me she inspected me and when I couldn't give her a clear answer she scolded me so my anger just got worse and it ended with me throwing plates and bowls into the sink and ran into my room. Thank god I didn't cry, but it was horrible. But it got better a while when my sis asked me if i want to play some dress up game with her and a friend invited me to her whiteboard and we drew all the most random thing together while I forgot about everything today, yeahh maybe life is not that bad, even when I'm upset. Good night
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arzooooo · 1 year
aww @napworthysunbeam ty for tagging me 💗
nickname: so many people call me so many things! childhood friends call me gayu which is why I get a very warm nostalgic feeling when anyone calls me that, my parents call me choti si, babyloo, yoli, latta tendel (small coconut in tullu cause as a child I wanted to be an astronaut but couldn't pronounce it so I said I wanna be a coconut) all random sorts of variations, my best friend calls me gayuumi, etcetc. I love the concept of special nicknames special people call you
sign: Gemini
height: 5"4
lucky number: 7
last google search: painting kit cause my bf and I wanna paint my new tote bag
number of followers: I actually don't know cause I've never checked it or been curious
song stuck in head: a shitty love song by jye, my bf introduced me to it in the valentines playlist he made
amount of sleep: oscillates wildly depending on the day, if I've been out a lot of if I'm feeling low I sleep more
what are you wearing: I have such a watpad bad boy look rn... I didn't realize. It's black boots, black jeans, black leather jacket, white t back top
fav media: star trek, gilmore girls, the good place, everything ghibli, love jab we met, watch zindagi na milegi dobara like 6 times a year
fav song: changes constantly, but rn I'd say Somewhere a Judge by Hop Along, Curls by Bibio, White Morning by Seoul (can't pick!), also love Gulzar's lyrics about life (Dil Dhundta Hai, Tujse Naraz Nahi Zindagi)
fav instrument: hmm... I love classical Indian instruments... sitar.. veena.. sarod...
fav author: oh I love love ursula le guin I've almost finished earthsea but I love her scifi stuff more like the dispossessed and left hand of darkness, I love ted chiangs short stories also, in non fiction I like reading anthropology I've been reading David graeber
aesthetic: I love pastels, especially pink and green. I love heart shaped objects. Basically I love wholesome happy things, the sun shower streaming down between the leaves, cats lazing around, sparrows eating grains, pastel maxi dresses, windchimes, artworks by Agnes Martin and Kurt solmssen, for love and lemons, cinnamon rolls, I love anything that emphasizes the wonderful euphoria of daily living and the mundane aspects of life, japenese haiku from masters like Basho and Yosa Buson, japenese woodblock art
fav animal noise: we keep rice grains on our window for sparrows, so I guess sparrows chirping!
random: this one and a half year I've had free of academic and professional pressure because I've been placed have taught me so much about myself. I've had the chance to do things I wouldn't have otherwise. I colored my hair pink. I learned pottery. I traveled. I wrote a short story. I know better now who I am and what I enjoy. My ideal morning is exactly this: wake up early, have breakfast with my mom, take a shower while listening to my favorite indie mellow songs, do pottery, cook lunch, settle on the couch to watch gilmore girls while having lunch, go on a post lunch walk with dad to look at the building cats. All this puts me in such a good mood. But I know soon it's all going to go away. I'm going to enter the drudgery of corporate law firms. How will I feel my sense of individuality intact? How will I remain soft and sweet? How much of myself am I giving up to ensure I have a secure future?
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twinstarlovers · 1 year
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LMFAO look at my heart shaped egg for my mom. Yes the plate is pretty big. I moved it to a smaller one. She has a tiny stomach so this will fill her up. I’m actually exhausted from cooking. It was only for an hour but still. I made breakfast for my mom, dad & older sis & made lunch for my mom. This makes me not want a family 💀. I don’t even cook fr like I don’t even know how. But my somewhat cute blueberry pancakes yuh 🫐🥞.
I do breakfast every once in a while. It depends if I’m awake & I think about it. I took a nap early so I’ve been up & I was like let me be nice today. I even gave buddy food LOL. He eats chicken from the store LMFAO. He only eats his dog food if he’s hungry hungry. Bruh I heard a scream last night when I was getting out the shower. It could’ve been the sink cus I was washing my hands but like idk it sounded like a scream. I be thinking that later on in the day police are gonna come knocking on my door asking if I heard or saw anything suspicious like yes. LMFAOOOOOOOOO I think too far ahead for no reason but idk. It could be my clairaudience thing but it only happens when I’m half awake so but one of my friends isn’t texting me back & she always does & I think something may be wrong if she’s not texting back so the scream could be her? Idk but anyways I deleted my main account 2 days ago too cus like…. that account is so haunted & it makes me uncomfortable OMG WAIT DID WE HAVE CONVOS ON THERE. No right? It was on wanderjukai aka deathriot but like the first encounter ever was main account me but I have a screenshot so it don’t matter 😌 LMFAO. We need to talk about what’s gonna be our story on how we met cus ig sounds kinda ugly but like it’s true. I like to be annoying so I would say some shit like “we met lifetimes ago” LMFAO but people gonna start asking questions so nvm
Okay I’m tired af bye 😴… bye 👋🏼😊💘 have a nice day ☀️🧸💘💐🥹
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wosoimagines · 3 years
Protective - Jill Roord/Reader
prompt: Continuation of Little Sister where R is still with Arsenal and dating Jill Roord and now they’re living together, but she hasn’t told Kelley who is coming to visit.
warnings: none
words: 2049
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I let out a soft groan at the knock on the door from my spot on the couch. Jill chuckled at me. I didn’t want either of us to move so I was hoping that whoever was there would just leave. I thought they had since there were no more knocks for a moment, but, of course, the person knocked again.
I huffed as I got up from the couch and my spot cuddled next to Jill. I wasn’t sure who was here or why they were here. I opened the door.
“Hey, little sis,” Kelley grinned as she pushed past me and into the apartment. Jill got up from her spot on the couch once she saw Kelley. “Love what you’ve done with the place.”
“Kelley, what are you doing?” I asked as she put her bag down and looked at Jill.
“I’m visiting,” Kelley declared as she turned to look at me. She glanced at Jill. “Isn’t this only a two bedroom apartment?”
“Yeah,” I nodded. I wasn’t sure what Kelley was trying to get at. “Why?”
“Well, where am I supposed to sleep while I’m here?” Kelley complained.
“You can stay in my room,” Jill spoke up. Kelley turned to look at the Dutch player while I furrowed my brow in confusion. “(Y/N), you could take Kelley to that pub we all like for lunch. I can stay on the couch while Kelley’s here. I can move my stuff to your closet? I know you have a ton of room.”
“Yeah, sure,” I nodded. Kelley grinned at me as I grabbed onto her wrist. “Come on.”
Once Kelley and I got back, I was surprised to find Jill wasn’t home. But I did notice that she had dragged the air mattress out.
“I’m gonna take a nap,” Kelley said. I nodded and watched her as she headed for the guest bedroom. I noticed that there was some of Jill’s stuff in there so I assumed she put it in there.
I sent a text to Jill to figure out where she was. It didn’t take long for her to let me know that she had gone to the practice field. I left a note for Kelley that I was going out to practice and that she could text me when she woke up.
It didn’t take me long to get to the practice field. I stopped at the edge to watch as Jill was working on her shots on goal. I could tell that she was frustrated from the way they were so sloppy and barely went in.
I ran out to join her and took the ball from her. I could hear the frustrated groan from Jill as I ran behind her and stopped to look at her. Jill turned to stare at me with her hands on her hips.
“You know, you didn’t have to move your stuff into the spare bedroom,” I softly said as Jill looked away from me. “You also didn’t have to offer to sleep on the couch. We could tell my sister.”
“Well, then, why haven’t you?”
“Because we haven’t even talked about telling anyone outside of our Arsenal teammates,” I pointed out. I wasn’t even sure if her own family knew that I was dating her. “On top of that, Kelley is nosy and she can’t really keep secrets that well.”
Jill sighed before walking over toward the sideline. I watched her for a moment before I decided to  follow behind her. I waited for Jill to sit down before sitting down myself. I made sure that we were facing each other, so that I could get a better read on how Jill really felt if she didn’t tell me the full truth.
“It’s just- Her being here?” Jill asked. I furrowed my brow. “How is it going to affect us? We have a routine. I don’t want to stop doing those things with you. Our weekly date nights? In our life, I love getting to look forward to those.”
“We don’t have to stop doing them,” I assured. I rubbed the back of my neck. “Look, I’m okay if we tell Kelley. Hell, I’m okay if we tell the world. So long as I get to be with you? I don’t care who knows. And no matter who comes to visit us, we never have to stop our routine.”
“I promise.”
Jill sent me a smile before darting up. I was quick to follow her as she ran for the ball. I couldn’t help but laugh as she tried to keep it away from me.
“I wanna make sure you’re okay with telling her,” I said as I got in front of Jill so that I could lean against the door. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable if you don’t want to tell her. If you don’t want to tell anyone, we don’t have to. It’s entirely up to you.”
“I want to,” Jill softly said. “I want to be able to show people that I’m with you.”
I smiled at her before pressing a quick kiss to her lips.
“Well, then, let’s tell my sister, yes?”
I reached behind me to open the door before we walked into our apartment. I wasn’t too surprised that once we dropped our gear off in the closet, we found Kelley cooking.
“Hey, I wasn’t sure when you guys would be back. I’m making chicken parmesan,” Kelley smiled at us. She threw the pan of chicken into the oven before actually turning to us. “How was practice?”
“Well, once someone was able to start hitting their shots on goal, it was pretty good,” I nudged Jill.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” Jill rolled her eyes. “Just because I was having a bad practice day.”
“Actually, there’s something I wanna tell you,” I said as I looked at Kelley. Kelley raised a brow as she turned to do something else. “Kelley, this is serious.”
“So is dinner,” Kelley said. She motioned to all three of us. “We’re all athletes. Gotta make sure that we’re all eating healthy.”
“No, Kel-”
“Which would you prefer? Mashed or roasted potatoes? I know you’re picky about them.”
“Roasted, but that isn’t-”
“So roasted potatoes it is.”
“I’m dating your sister,” Jill blurted out. Kelley stopped what she was doing immediately. I looked over at Jill and she glanced at me before looking at Kelley. I was a bit surprised that Jill was standing tall cause Kelley was glaring at her. “I’m dating her and we aren’t going to hide it just because you’re here.”
“What do you mean you’re dating my sister?”
“Exactly what I just said,” Jill said. She wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to her. “We’ve been dating for a while now.”
“Get your arm off of my sister,” Kelley said as she pointed the knife in her hand at Jill. Jill, however, stood strong and left her arm there. “I mean it. My little sister doesn’t date. Because when she dates someone, she gets hurt. And I am not going to let anyone else hurt my little sister.”
“Kelly, put down the knife.”
“You don’t get to make choices for me! I get that you’re my older sister and it’s your job to be protective over me, but I’m a big girl,” I huffed. I pushed Jill’s arm off my shoulder as I walked around the counter to where Kelley was. “I’m allowed to date people. Besides, if I was going to date anyone, you would want it to be Jill.”
“No, because I don’t want you to date anyone.”
“Kelley, you don’t get to make decisions for me! If you don’t like it, you can go back to the US!”
I immediately turned around and headed out of the apartment. I wasn’t too surprised when I got out onto the street and I could hear Jill calling after me. It wasn’t until Jill grabbed onto my wrist and turned me around that I stopped.
“I’m sorry, I just-”
“It’s okay, (Y/N),” Jill quietly shushed me as she pulled me in for a hug. “It’s okay. You’re allowed to feel betrayed. You told your sister something huge and you wanted support.”
“Yeah, well, it seems to be a recurring theme with Kelley,” I softly said as I pulled back to look at her. “Can we just go to Viv and Lisa’s or even Daan and Beth’s for a little bit.”
“Yeah, of course,” Jill nodded. She pulled me back in for another hug. “Whatever you want. Your sister isn’t the only one who gets to be protective over you.”
Jill and I had stayed with Viv and Lisa for a couple of days while we let everything cool down. The only times we had stopped by our apartment was so Jill could run in to grab our gear so that I didn’t have to see Kelley. But it was after practice one day, that I figured that Jill and I should probably go home so that I could talk with Kelley.
It was why I found myself sitting in the car with Jill staring at our apartment building.
“I could always come in with you,” Jill said as she grabbed onto my hand.
“This is something I need to do by myself,” I smiled at her. Jill gave me a soft nod before pressing a kiss to my hand. “Go hang out with the other Dutchies. I know you guys love hanging out together.”
I got out of the car and I grabbed both of our bags before I headed in. I wasn’t too surprised to see Kelley jumping up from the couch once I shut the door. I dropped the bags by the door.
“We have to talk.”
Kelley only nodded before following me to the kitchen. I grabbed a water from the fridge before offering one to Kelley. Kelley nodded and took it from me.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry. I just-”
“I know, Kelley,” I said as I sat my water down. “I’m a big girl now. Mom and Dad have accepted it. Why can’t you? You can’t protect me from everything. Hell, I need to be able to make my own choices. I need to be able to make mistakes and learn from them. So why can’t you let me?”
“Do you remember when you were in kindergarten? There was this boy named Billy,” Kelley started.
“Yes, I remember Billy. I got a black eye making sure some other boys didn’t pick on him,” I nodded. I remember it well cause Mom had been worried sick but Dad was proud of me for standing up.
“I was picking you up one day and Billy asked who I was,” Kelley softly said. “When I told him who I was, he told me that I was the reason why you stood up for him. Because you said you wanted to be a protector like me. I never wanted you to have to feel like that because that was my job. I am the one who is supposed to do the protecting.”
“You can’t stop me from living my life, Kelley,” I said. Kelley sighed as she lowered her head. “A protective sibling talk would have been one thing. But you don’t get to make decisions for me. No one gets to make decisions for me but me.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know, but that doesn’t mean anything. You told me that I couldn’t date my girlfriend,” I shook my head. “You fought me on making a decision about my career. You didn’t even want me to move here when this was the best option for me. I want you to leave.”
“Kelley! Please,” I begged. “Just go home. Go home and I will see you whenever I visit.”
Kelley didn’t move. I didn’t want to snap at her, but I didn’t even want her in England anymore.
“Now, Kelley!”
Kelley hung her head as she headed to the spare room to pack her stuff up. I shook my head before heading to my own room. I didn’t want to have to watch as my sister left because I wasn’t sure if we could even fix what was broken now.
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emf005 · 3 years
Sirius Black x Evans!reader
Warnings: a bit of angst, My terrible writing
You stared out the window of the classroom, enjoying the lovely pitter-pattering of the rain on the glass that was, much to your delight, drowning out the teacher. You had woken up with a severe headache that morning and were in no mood for classes, let alone Ancient Ruins with a ghost teacher. You had in no way, shape, or form, any need for-
“Miss. Evans.” Your head turned to the teacher who was, along with the rest of the class, staring at you. “Care to translate?” He motioned to the board which the class had begun to decode.
“Sure. ‘To everyone who wishes death in some form or another, drink from a goblet which has no master’.” He stared at you with a nearly angry face.
“That is correct.” he spoke through his gritted, transparent, teeth. “Please try and pay attention from now on.”
“Of course, sir. But, as you have just seen, I have been paying perfect attention the entire time. Please continue on with this painfully exciting lesson.” He stared at you for a moment more before gritting his teeth again and continuing on with the lesson. You turned your attention back out the window, blocking out his lesson yet again.
Lily, your twin sister, caught up to you at lunch and started to ask how classes had been going in her own cherry way that made you want to hurl. You were not the typical Evans. You were not a goody goody twinkle toes like Petunia. You were not a sweet flower like Lily, you were just you. Your family referred to you as the “Biker” which was weird because you had no interest in leather or motorcycles or teasing your hair up to atrocious heights. You had no clue why no one would let you just be, ever. You were a tired anit-social introvert who got social anxiety that resulted in you being overly sarcastic and awkward. Lily, was your opposite and was completely oblivious. Well, you couldn’t take it that day. No you most certainly could not.
“Lily! Just shut up! Please! I just lived my entire day, I don’t need to recite it to you! Christ all mighty woman!” She stared at you, taken aback by your sudden outburst. She opened her mouth to say something but the only thing that came out was:
“Oh.” After a moment more she mumbled an apology and walked away glumly. You felt bad. You had never yelled at your sister before. You had never yelled at anyone before. You barely ever spoke three words unless you had to, class that day being the exception. You were just so tired of everyone being on your case.
“A bit harsh, Evans don’t you think?” You turned and stared at your tormentor. A true “Biker” in your opinion. Or, technically “Greaser”. I mean, seriously, the shine on his hair from how greasy it was was truly a feat you had no idea how he managed.
“Shove off, Black.”
“Oh,” he said dramatically. “The hurtfulness of the words! How will I ever be able to move on?” You grounded your teeth and stared at him, hating how short you were. You blew a strand of brown hair from your eyes, getting your looks from your dad and not your mom.
“I said, shove off. I’m not in the mood.”
“Oh? And what's this? She knows more words than just ‘shove off, Black’?”
Sirius Black. Your tormentor since first year. You had no idea how the stupid little rivery started between the two of you, nor did you care. You hated him with all of your being, more than you hated most people.
You raised your middle finger at him and brushed past him. He scoffed.
“Best you got, Evans?” He mocked.
“Figured your hair was disgrace enough. Don’t need me to say anything to embarrass you when you got that mop on your head!” You shouted back. That got him to shut up and you scurried to the owlery to meet with Henry, you beautiful brown horned owl.
You scratched your owl’s head and he gladly rubbed his head against your palm with an affectionate and grateful hoot. You laughed lightly and sniffled, shoving the tears off of your face. You placed your head against his and took a breath in and out, composing yourself. The anxiety bubbling back down from the day’s attention.
“Well well well. What do we have here?” You froze at his voice. Had I forgotten to mention your other tormentor. Or rather, group of tormentors? “Little Evans and her stupid little owl.” Lucius said. You heard Bellatrix cackle behind you and a few more snickers. How many were there today?
“Heard you were a bit mouthy today, love.” Bella said, walking around you. She was so close you felt her breath on her neck and it caused a chill to run down your spine.
“Please leave me alone,” you whispered. Another cackel cut through the air and you jumped. Your owl screeched as a means of trying to protect you.
“Aw, Mr. Owl wants to protect his little bitch?”
“Leave him out of this!” You yelled. Getting protective of the only good thing you had ever had.
You felt a hand grab your hair and yank you backwards. You yelled as you fell back onto Lucius Malfoy.
“What did you say to me? Are you giving us orders?” You swallowed and before you could say anything, your owl lunged at Lucius and attacked.
He dropped you as a means to protect his face but the sound he let out let you know that Henry had gotten his target. Lucius had a small scratch on his face beside his eyes that had begun to bleed.
“You stupid beast!” he yanked out his wand and before you could do anything he shouted out his curse. “Petrificus Totalus!” He shouted. Your lovely brown bird dropped mid-flight and hit the floor with a thunk.
“Henry!” You yelled and began to crawl to him, only to be dragged backwards by your hair.
“Teach you and your stupid beast to mock me.” He grumbled and threw you against the wall of the tower. You felt something wet drip down your neck.
Is it raining out?
Your ears were ringing loudly.
Who's ringing bells?
And your vision was blurred and fuzzy all over.
“Get her Lucius!” Bella shouted and you felt a sharp pain in your side. You let out a noise that didn’t sound quite human, or animal for that matter. You saw your bird, his brown feathers and beautiful wings spread out and frozen in their place.
You let out another whine as he abused your body more. Where you had no idea. It all hurt at this point that it was impossible to pinpoint a designated spot.
“Hey!” Someone shouted. The abuse stopped, but your body still throbbed mercilessly. You heard footsteps and people talking, but you couldn’t make anything out. All you could focus on was how tired you had gotten and how badly your body ached.
Why was it hiring again?
“Hey.” someone said again and you felt someone gently grab your face, causing you to whine and try to pull away, but they wouldn’t let you. They just turned your face to get a different perspective. You whined and tried to pull away again.
“Prongs!” You heard them shout, making you cry out in pain. Your head spun. “Sorry. I’m sorry. You’re going to be f-”
“H-henry. My-my owl. Get him first. Is-is he ok?”
“Your a bit more hurt than-”
“Please.” You cried. “Please he’s my-he’s my only friend. Please get him first. Please.” He was silent for a moment and more footsteps made their way up the tower stairs. “Please… you whispered.
“Ok… ok.”
The noises coming from the owlery were not ones that should be and they were just the ones that made Sirius Black pick up his pace just slightly. Remus and James were waiting for him at the bottom. A five second trip was definitely going to take a bit longer.
He rounded the corner to find a mess of white hair focused on something on the ground. A mess of curly black hair egging him on. And three more stooges from the Slytherin house snickering in the corner watching it all happen. An owl was laid out frozen on the ground but he paid no attention to that.
“Hey!” Lucius froze and gave one more swift kick before looking over his shoulder and smirking.
“Well. If it isn’t Si-Ah!” Sirius yanked him away from whoever he was kicking and threw him towards the door. His dear cousin yelled at him but he just glared at her and the rest of them.
Lucius pulled himself off the ground and brushed off his clothes.
“Let's go. He’s not worth our time.” Lucius grumbled and scurried off. The Slytherins all glared at Sirius but left.
Sirius turned to see who it was they were bullying. The figure lying on the floor, bruised and bloodied, caused him to freeze. Y/N Evans.
He rushed to her and knelt down tilting her head so that he could get a better look at her face. Even worse than what he had originally thought. The sight caused him to cringe.
“Prongs!” He shouted. She cried out, loudly, and he froze before profusely apologizing. “You’re going to be f-”
“Henry,” she said weakly, making his insides twist. How badly had they beaten her?
“H-henry. My-my owl. Get him first. Is-is he ok?”
“Your a bit more hurt than-”
“Please.” She cried. “Please he’s my-he’s my only friend. Please get him first. Please.” Sirius stayed quiet for a moment. He swallowed and just stared at her. “Please…” she whispered desperately.
“Ok… ok.” He said. James had arrived at the stairs and ran to the two of them.
“What happened?” He asked, Remus right behind him.
“Not quite sure. Come on.” He lifted up Y/N and she groaned again.
“Henry.” Sirius sighed and shook his head.
“And bring the damn bird,” he grumbled.
You woke up in the infirmary, god only knows how long later. It was dark now, so you definitely missed lunch. It would explain why your stomach was doing flips.
Your body ached all over, inside and out. You sat up, holding a groan in as you looked around the room. Well, as much of the room as you could see. The white sheets separated your section from the other patients’.
It was completely silent in the room. Well, except for someone’s breath right next to you. You looked over to see the one, the only, Sirius Orion Black sleeping in the chair right next to you. You stared at him for a moment and opened your mouth to say something (like you would have) when you heard someone clear their throat in front of you.
You looked to the opening of your section to see Madame Pomfrey standing there with her cart. She looked you up and down before looking to Sirius.
“You have a good friend there, you know.” You stared at her, slightly confused. She walked in, pulling the cart with her. “He refused to leave until you woke up. Poor thing must have fallen asleep waiting for you.” She hesitated and looked at you very seriously. “Don’t tell anyone I said that. I have a reputation to uphold, I trust you understand that Miss. Evans.”
“Why did he stay? What even happened? I-I don’t remember-”
“He came in here with his friends, Potter and Lupin, carrying you and an owl. The owl was easy to fix, he’s resting back in the owlery, you on the other hand were a bit of a challenge.”
“But I still-”
“You were severely beaten by one of your classmates, it appears. Mr. Black was kind enough to bring you in. I told him that you would be fine but he was quite insistent that he stayed until he knew you were better. I’m surprised he’s stayed as long as he has. On second thought-”
“How long was I out for?”
“Three days.” Your eyes went wide.
“Three-but I-how?”
“Much blunt force to your head. But you are healing nicely.” You looked over to Sirius who was slouching uncomfortably in the hard chair.
“Why did he stay?”
“As I said Miss. Evans, you have a good friend. Or are you-”
“No.” You answered, still staring at him. “No we aren’t.”
“Hm,” she hummed, checking you over. “Well, I would reevaluate the situation if I were the two of you.”
The wounds she was worried about were fine for the evening. She told you to get some rest and she would recheck you in the morning. When she left, though, you didn’t fall asleep. All you could do was stare at your tormentor and wonder why. Why was he still here? Why did he save you from Malfoy and his pack? Just why?
It was just breaking dawn when Sirius started to stir. You had been preparing yourself for what you were going to do when he woke. You were going through your options and finding a nice way to thank him and ask all your questions. But by no means were you prepared to speak with him so quickly!
His eyes opened and you stared at the stormy ones with a blank mind. It took him a minute to register that you were awake. He shot up from his chair.
“Y/N!” He was so loud it made your head spin. “Are you ok? How do you feel? What has Madame Pomfrey-”
“Why are you here?” you asked bluntly, cringing at the way it came out. He opened his mouth a few times before sinking back into his seat.
“I-I just wanted to make sure you were alright.” He stuttered. You couldn’t believe it. You had never heard anything but confidence in his voice, but now? Pain? Hurt? Worry? Unsureness? This was not the Sirius Black you had grown to hate.
You swallowed and shifted under his gaze. It was heavy. So heavy. Heavier than the canoe your uncle made you carry last summer to the lake.
“I’m fine.”
Why were your words so harsh? What was wrong with you?
You watched as he slunk back into himself further.
“Well then I guess-” he stood and panic took over your body. “I’ll leave.” He cleared his throat and pushed his hair back. You stared at the mop. Less greasy than it had been. There was no shine, it was instead like the night sky. Pitch black. So black nearly blue. It was actually mesmerizing. Naturally bouncy.
He had bags under his eyes and unease in his posture.
What was wrong with you?
He waited a second for you to say something but you never did. He hung and shook his head glumly before leaving the area. All you could do was watch him go. None of your questions answered and guilt was coursing through your entire body.
You were discharged a week later. Lily brought you your school work while you were in the hospital, but never really said much else. She still must not have gotten over when you had yelled at her, which you felt terrible about.
But now, freshly out of the infirmary, you were determined to set things right with her and Sirius. Although, you had been saying that for days now.
One day you tried to apologize when she had come to give you your work. It didn’t exactly go according to plan.
“Here is transfigurations, potions, herbology, and divinations. If you have any questions or need any help-”
“Lily, I’m sorry.” She paused and looked up from her folder.
“Uh yeah.”
“Sorry for what, Y/N/N?” You swallowed.
“For snapping at you, the other day. At lunch?”
“I remember. I’m not mad at you, Y/N/N.”
“You're not?”
“Not for that.” You stopped and stared at her.
“Then for what-”
“I’m upset that I had to find out that my twin sister has anxiety from someone other than herself.”
“Know? Yes. I know, Y/N. Why didn’t you ever tell me? Did you feel like you couldn’t? I just… I don’t understand.” You stared at her for a moment, not knowing how to respond. Your heartbeat sounded in your ears and your breathing became restricted a little.
You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Lily just shook her head and sighed. Almost like she expected you to say nothing.
“Listen, Y/N, I’m your sister. Twin sister. Does that not mean anything to you? At all? You're supposed to be able to tell me everything. So, yeah, I’m a little hurt that I had to hear this from Sirius.”
“Sirius Black?”
“No, Y/N. Sirius Dawson. Yes, Sirius Black! Why? Did you swear him to secrecy? I didn’t even know you two talked.”
“We… we don’t.” She looked at you, staring for a few minutes.
“Oh.” She stayed silent and looked down. “I… well… I’ll talk to you when you get out. At James’ game, maybe? On Sunday.”
“Yeah. Maybe.” She smiled and squeezed your leg. Then she got up and left.
The first stop you made, on this particularly snowy Saturday, was to the owlery. Henry came flying over to you the second you stepped foot in the tower. He hooted and rubbed his head under your own. You giggled and scratched under his chin.
“Miss me, did you buddy?” He hooted again and you walked over to the balcony to look over the snowy scene of the Hogwarts grounds. “Look what I brought you.” You unraveled the nut and seed cake you had in your pocket and held it up to him. Henry hooted happily and started to peck away at his treat. You laughed and set him on the banister alongside the cake.
The two of you sat in silence as you stared out at the scene. Henry pecked away happily and you sat there miserable. The gears in your head spinning faster and faster as you thought more about what Lily said.
You weren’t surprised Lily didn’t know that you had anxiety. You were surprised that Sirius knew. And even more surprised to hear that he had told Lily. Why? In defense of you? You didn’t understand.
Henry hooted before flying off the edge and to someone behind you. You never saw him do that to anyone but you before. To say you were a bit jealous that he left his cake unfinished to see whoever had walked in would be an understatement. But then you turned around.
He climbed the stairs up and up to the owlery. He came at the same time every day since Y/N had gotten hurt. Henry was a very dependent and protective creature. When Sirius came the first day, he was a mess. A flurry of feathers and in such a tizzy. Since he recognized him as one of the good guys from when she got attacked, he flew immediately to his shoulder. Since then, Henry greeted Sirius each time he came to visit, each time more friendlier than the last.
Today was no different. As usual, Henry flew immediately to his shoulder and nuzzled the side of his face in greeting. Sirius chuckled and rubbed his head. He started to walk to the balcony when he noticed that today was different. Someone was standing there watching him.
You were standing there watching him.
He swallowed and the two of you stared at each other awkwardly.
“Hi.” He said when he finally found his voice again. He was so relieved to see that you were alright. You didn’t like him, he knew that. He knew why, too. He just didn’t know how to change that. The sad fact in it all was that he loved you. He had always loved you and he knew he would continue to always love you.
“H-hi.” You said, he felt his heart skip a beat. Your voice was quiet and you were fidgeting with your hands. Merlin, you were perfect.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, slowly walking over to you.
“Fine, I guess.” You answered, scratching the back of your neck. You began to fidget and Sirius could tell you were about to run. He couldn't have that. He couldn't let you leave him again. He shouldn't have left the last time, he knew that and he regretted it.
You took a step and he jumped in front of you without a plan in mind. You jumped back, startled by his sudden movement. He backed down when he noticed how he reacted and caused you to receive even further.
“Uh, sorry. I just-I want to make sure you are fine. Completely fine, and all.”
“Um… Yeah. I-I’m fine.” The silence returned as Sirius waited. He didn’t want to push you to talk, but he was a bit desperate to speak with you. He had avoided you for an agonizing week. A whole week! Well, sort of. He would often sneak into the hospital wing in the dead of night when everyone, including you, were asleep. Not like a creep like he knew it sounded, he was just worried. He always was.
From day one he had noticed your anxiety, both him and Regulus suffered from it, in different ways but still suffered from it. When he noticed your closed figure and down cast eyes first year he knew immediately that you were not ok. He had tried to be nice to you, to ease you a little bit, but nothing he did worked. It all backfired on him. And I mean all I mean ALL. Everything he would say came out wrong and every gesture he did simply made you more uncomfortable. Some time around 3rd year everything turned hostile. Your anxiety had gotten worse and instead of just shrinking away you had a tongue that was sharper than a knife. For some reason, this drew him in even more. He had no idea what had caused the switch in you, but he could tell you had become worse from when you had left Hogwarts. Ever since then, he had watch you closely, occasionally teasing you since that was the only way he could get any sort of interaction with you.
“Sirius-” He looked at you with wide eyes eager to hear what you had to say, but you stopped, leaving your mouth open. He waited. “How… How did you know about my anxiety?”
He swallowed.
“And more importantly, why did you tell Lily?” He was silent and now you waited.
“Lily was… well, she was hurt by your reaction and wouldn’t stop… um…”
“Complaining?” He hesitated but nodded. You sighed.
“I… I got tired of listening to it and snapped, I guess. She didn’t have a response.”
“You stood up for me?” He nodded. “Why?”
“Why would you stand up for me against my sister and the Slytherins? Why help me to the Hospital wing and insist on staying until I wake up. Why sneak in when you think I’m sleeping?”
“You know about that?”
“Do you know how impossible it is to sleep on those beds?” you smirk. He let a crooked smile lift the corner of his mouth. “But, honestly, Sirius, why?”
“I…” He cleared his throat and itched the back of his head, looking away. Was that blush you saw on his cheeks? “I just was worried about you.”
“Why? You don’t like me.” His head shot up, eyes wide with panic which startled you.
“That's not true.”
“It-its not?”
“But all the bullying and…”
“It's the only way I could get any sort of attention from you.” You furrowed your eyebrows, itching your hand. He could see the skin about to open, so he grabbed your hand making you jump. He placed it at your side and let go. “Listen, Y/N. I like you. I understand that you probably don’t like me. But, I had no idea how to get any sort of attention from you. I never did anything out of malice, even though it sounded like it. Honestly, I’m sorry, Y/N.”
You swallowed not knowing if you should believe him or not.
“I would like it if we could be friends, Y/N. I know what you’re going through. The anxiety.. Maybe I could help you?” You bit your lip. Should you trust him? You had never trusted anyone like this before.” Please. Give me a chance to make things right.”
You nodded and he let out a breath, one he didn’t know he had been holding. He wouldn’t mess this up. He couldn’t. Not for anything in the world.
Hey guys! Hoped you liked it! Let me know in the comments. Also let me know if you want a part two!!!!
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Kita crushing on/dating the Miya Twins sister
Thank you so much to the anon who requested this!! I love doing headcanons, so this is a nice change of pace from the oneshots lol. Thank you and I hope they turned out okay!
Character: Kita x reader
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You guys met at a practice one morning.
Kita had been over by the coaches, going over the practice schedule for the season and such.
Y’know, ~captain things~
You had been on your way to the gym bringing your ever so forgetful brothers their lunches that they had left before you went to your class.
You had walked up to him, “Uhm, excuse me, do you know where Atsumu and Osamu Miya are..? I’m here to bring them something.” 
Kita turned, expecting to be met with an underclassmen fangirl or something.
But instead, he saw you.
You were in the same class as Kita, and he had noticed you for a while now.
He was a little shocked to see you here though, as far as he knew you weren’t huge into sports or anything like that.
Not that he really minded that you were here, he did find you very kind and very pretty after all.
“They’re actually in the locker room right now...can I ask why you need to give it to them.”
You sighed, friendly smile still on your face.
“I’m actually their older sister, they somehow both managed to leave their food at home, and the last thing I need is a hungry Osamu running around.” Kita lightly chuckled at that, bringing a scarlett hue to your cheeks.
...It wasn’t like you didn’t find the captain as attractive as he found you~
“That’s the last thing any of us need, thank you for brining it Miya.” You shook your head, “Y/n’s fine..It’s weird being the only sibling called by my last name.”
He smiled, nodding his head. “I hope this isn’t too forward of me, but could I get yer number?”
Your eyes widened as you nodded, “Sure! Uh, here!” 
After you exchanged numbers you waved goodbye to him and the other members who were there, leaving the gym and heading to your classroom.
“What’s got ya smilin’ captain? Ya got a hot date or somethin’?” Atsumu smirked Suna listening in to the conversation as Osamu yawned, eyes widening in joy as he saw his lunch sitting on the bench.
“Yup.” Dismissing any more questions he started practice.
In doing that, he missed the intrigued expressions of the three troublesome 2nd years.
Later that night, he called you wanting to get to know you better and become friends.
And become friends you did~
You hung out for a good 2 months, before Kita realized that he had grown feelings for you.
So, asking you to meet him for the walk home one day he decided to ask if you’d be his girlfriend, to which you happily agreed.
Fast forward to 2 months later, you had met his family already (they loved you of course~ Granny Kita is already planning the wedding) but he had yet to meet yours.
You hadn’t told your brothers yet...
It was for their own good I sWeAr.
That’s not to say everyone on the team didn’t know...
Aran, Omimi, Akagi and Ginjima all knew because they were deemed *trustworthy*.
....The twins and Suna not so much.
There was really only 1 reason why you guys had yet to tell them.
Because you knew the moment you did the teasing, annoying and general tom foolery would never stop and would probably follow you the rest of your days.
But, they needed to know eventually.
So, you planned a dinner with your parents telling them you wanted to have your boyfriend over for dinner.
They of course agreed, and you told your brothers your boyfriend would be over.
Atsumu scoffed, “Nuh-uh, not on our watch. No scrub’ll date our older sis.” You looked to Osamu, hoping for a somewhat more rational answer only to see him nodding his head in agreement.
“Well, too bad. You two don’t control me~ Be ready for dinner at 6, and behave.”
Pouting they left to go to their room, no doubt making a plan of intimidation to ‘scare’ the guy away.
Completely unaware of the fact that that guy is the one and only Kita Shinsuke.
Kita came around 5:30, brining fresh flowers for your mom and greeting your dad with a firm handshake as he introduced himself.
Your parents were absolutely smitten with him; which you weren’t shocked about, it’s Kita!
At around 6 your mom had finished dinner and put it on the table, your dad was at one end while your mom sat at the other, you and Kita sitting side by side, backs to the stairs.
Yelling for them to come down the two boys walked down the stairs, trying to be intimidating before they froze.
...they knew those white-gray locks.
Gulping they walked around the table, brown eyes widened in shock? Fear? You couldn’t tell.
They sat down, backs straight and mouths shut as they gratefully accepted the food being served to them.
To say your parents were enjoying this was an understatement.
For the next two days the twins were silent with shock, that is until they found out that everyone else knew.
Suna was surprised but remained unbothered, intrigued to know he might finally have something to hold over the stoic captain.
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