#my family members have their locations on at all times. who they're with. who they aren't with. if they're alone.
emdotcom · 2 years
I got a policy on all new tech that I don't know -- I hate it from the get-go, & it needs to prove it's useful before I'm willing to accept it.
If a piece of tech isn't improving anything, you don't need that tech*. You need what that tech is trying to replace.
*I'll specify that this is a case-by-case basis for each individual. I.E. I wouldn't buy a smart soap dispenser -- I can buy an analog one, & I have no difficulty using it or need to slap a sensor onto it, meanwhile somebody with fine motor movement issues might find it easier than trying to press down a hand pump.
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thecloudsarefalling · 4 months
Just kinda want to rant
I cannot stand what Israel is doing in the slightest. It's nothing short of a genocide. But on a more personal note, they're ruining the childhood of one of my closest childhood friends.
She would travel to Palestine every summer to visit family, I was never entirely sure of the exact place, but I definitely remember checking her location from time to time while looking over the Snapchat map to check my cousin's backpacking trip through Europe over that same summer, and I had definitely seen her within the Gaza strip many times
She has so many family members in Gaza, a handful had been caught in the US, lucky enough to evade the genocide, but not all of them. It's disheartening to see her childhood ripped apart by an overzealous army who have no idea who she is
Who any of the people in the Gaza Strip are
or those on the West Bank
When I repost the hundredth TikTok of the day about the genocide in Palestine, I mean it. I mean look at all of these people having their lives ripped away from them. I mean look at the lives of all of these children who will never get to experience the beauty of Palestine in the way my friend has. I mean look to all the people who have passed and those who continue to pass. Those committing suicide because their outlook for the future is dim. I mean look to those who could never begin to escape, killed by disease, illness, and the destruction of Gaza. I mean watch for the journalists who are being slaughtered in constant bombings and targeted sniper attacks for speaking out against Israel. I mean the family of both my childhood best friend and all of those whose lives, and land, are currently threatened by this genocide.
No one should have to be a martyr, not because of the cruelty of Israel, famine, disease, and most certainly not of greed. No parent should have to witness the death of their child, nor child witness the death of their parent. No partners, siblings, pets, or families should be torn apart because of greed.
I am outraged over this, but I feel so small because I don't have any way to help people escape Gaza. All I can do now is use my voice, and though I no longer subscribe to any religion, I pray for the freedom of those in Gaza, and for those in Palestine, that they'll be able to survive and live freely as they are meant to.
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catsvrsdogscatswin · 5 months
Underutilized bit in LOTR, I feel, is how deeply out of his depth Boromir is within the Fellowship.
And by that I don't mean that he's the weakest or the stupidest or any of that, but rather that –against all appearances– he is the sole member of the Fellowship who is a Regular Normal Human, and he would have such a shocker slowly figuring all that out over the course of their journey. I mean:
Age. Legolas and Gimli wouldn't surprise him, since the lifespan of elves and dwarves seems commonly known to be way longer than humans, but Gandalf? The hobbits? None of these ages work as advertised and when he goes down to sit and commiserate with Aragorn about being the only Men in the company and how weird this all must be for them both Aragorn has to cough into his fist and mutter "Eighty-seven." "WHAT?!" (Yes, I know that Gondor keeps records of their Númenórean ancestors and said ancestors' extended lifespans, but consider this: the blood has thinned so much in Gondor that practically nobody lives longer than regular humans nowadays, and Boromir is canonically the jock in a family of scholars. He had to look up what/where Rivendell was after he got Faramir's Prophecy Dream, for god's sake.)
Bilbo. The entire Fellowship except Boromir has a personal relationship with Bilbo, and Boromir has neither seen nor heard of this creature in his life. Everyone else is starting off this quest with significant background knowledge of Bilbo's life and The Hobbit, whether having been told by Bilbo himself or having had family members personally involved at the time it occurred, and Boromir, again, has no clue what they're all on about.
Moria. Dwarves presumably have some built-in sensory adaptions for living underground, elf eye physics are bullshit, hobbits are stated to be far more comfortable/better navigating underground than most races, Gandalf is an Istar, and Aragorn has been hunting and tracking in various ungodly locations for most of his eighty-seven years. This means that, once again, Boromir is the only Normal Person trying to Normally Navigate a mostly-pitch-black cave system while everyone else side-eyes him for bumping into walls all the time.
Elves can sleep with their eyes open. This is admittedly not the most common thing among the Fellowship, but please imagine Boromir, still struggling to understand the fact that he's surrounded by nonhuman beings who have no shared concept of the passing of time, rolling over at 2AM to see Legolas bluescreening contentedly up at the sky, and then everyone acts like he's the weird one when he starts freaking out about it because all of them are used to traveling with/know more about elves than he does.
Even just remembering stuff off the top of my head, Boromir must have had such a weird time adjusting to being the only normal human being among the Fellowship before he, y'know. Died.
(Plus I can totally imagine Merry and Pippin giving him shit for "Well, if you're the only normal one amongst nearly a dozen people, then that's not very 'normal', is it? Maybe Men are the odd ones out and everybody else is normal.")
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purity-in-heart · 1 month
No More! It's Time to Rally!
I'm officially calling it, to all of the cardiophile community here on Tumblr! I say no more! For too long, female users especially have been pushed around and harassed to an illegal amount, pushing and breaking our limits. This recent string of harassment has exploited the vulnerable and left them scared to an illegal degree. Some have been dehumanized to their heart and sex, others have been doxxed and give their exact location. When users aren't seemingly-purposefully insensitive about being unable to understand how posting again can be so hard, they're threatened and/or insulted. This isn't the full case, but it gives an idea on what has become of our community by one or a handful of people who often exploit the anon system because they know they will get an answer and attention when they don't flood DMs. For as long as I had been on here, this community breathed some beautiful new life into my own and I had met many wonderful people in every way imaginable. I have, too, seen the occasional fool, but I have never seen things like this nor have I seen it so bad. Even non-cardiophiles who look into heartbeats are being dragged into our situation and put in the crossfire. I say no more! No more! No more! No more! No more! This is my righteous anger, and I ask- No, I'm genuinely beyond asking. This is too important. So I demand it! It's time we raise the banner and wave it high! This is our community! Let's take it back!! I call to EVERYBODY in Tumblr's cardiophile community! It's time! We will rally and unite, and defend our family, our home, and protect our lives from these harassers, if it's not one person! We will not let them tear us down or turn against each other and we will not compromise! But we can only truly do this if we do it together!
I'm calling for every member on here who is still here! If you're sick of this, voice yourself in defiance. This is what we'll do for now until these harassers are banned and peace is returned:
- No answering toxic anons - Block harassing DMs and report the sender. - Pool together every last bit of information, no matter how irrelevant it may seem, we have collectively until we can pinpoint who this person or these people are and where they're coming from, so we can ban them and make this community safer. - Never act unless with absolute certainty so we don't turn on each other and accidentally ban an innocent user. - Never harass or insult a suspect or anybody who might be guilty, it will only breed more harm and toxicity and give these harassers what they want. - Never ever let them push us around or make us feel afraid, angry or insecure again. Ever. These harassers feed on this and the attention like vampires. The time is now, people! Stand together or be afraid. We won't know if something, anything, will work unless we try and never give up. Which would you rather do? Because we are not powerless and I won't let anybody feel that way, much less be made to feel that way.
I stand
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leighsartworks216 · 4 months
Walten Files 4 Notes/Messages Transcribed
Anything I couldn't read is in [], with my best guess at what it says or "can't read", if there isn't enough information to make a guess with, or "unsure" if I cannot understand the writing.
At 2:54
Charles Brook: 10.10.1970 Hi! Just got hired officially as the computer supervisor for "Unnamed Bunny Smiles Restaurant" (though I've been coming up with a few names myself) I've known these guys for a while, they're family! I've done some work for them along with Susan for years now, even before CyberFun Tech! Getting to meet the Waltens and the Krankens has been super fun! So excited to get to work! The future is bright. C. B. P. 27:12
Worth noting, P. 27:12 is a proverb from the bible, "The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty."
At 8:40, in text that is upside down and flipped
Mr. Kranken This is Norman. I’m sending you this letter on behalf of our deal between Bunny Smiles and CyberFun Tech and most importantly, the well-being of our Cyberfun staff. We’ve been getting a lot of complaints about a member of our staff going missing who was highly associated with you and your team. Susan Woodings has been missing for a week now and here in CyberFun Tech we are working as hard as we can to try and manage to get in contact with her. Is there perhaps any detail you could hand us to help locate our missing employee? I’m going to be entirely honest with you, Mr. Kranken, and tell you I have a ton of questions and suspicions about whatever is going on with your company. Whatever it is, it’s making both your company and mine look bad to public light so, again, if there’s anything that could help us find Susan, write us back immediately. Thank you. I’ll see you Monday.
A second later, a sentence appears
At 9:14
Employee Notes #[404?] By: C. B. BSI Notes [crossed out] The BSI Console The Bunny Smiles Incorporated console allows the robots of Bon's Burgers feel a lot more lifelike and allow for a more fun and interesting experience. I think this is an ambitious and innovating concept I would've never expected to make in my life. Susan did not disappoint at all. Absolutely stunning and delicate work. Jack was fascinated. Never seen anything like it! Felix was both amazed and scared, he doesn't understand a thing about how it works!
At 9:20
Walkaround Test (Week 1-2) By: C. B. Week 1: Banny knocked over the table! Rework room recognizing feature!  Bon test went well, recognized Sophie right away! Sha is next Boozoo's magic trick bit went well, [unsure] but he'll do better next time. Week 2: Banny fixed, test went as planned. Mask broke down from last incident. Bon walkaround test went well, way better than expected. Mask broke down Get new mask by Friday! There should be a spare one in the workshop
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bellastay99 · 5 months
(fem!Reader x SKZ)
Dealing with you scared even to go outside after JYP release the note confirming the relationship with him...
(Is quite big, I write a lot...)
Hyung Line
This last two months, Dispatch released a photo of an idol having regular dates with a unknown woman. Fans confirms that is a member of the group STRAY KIDS and they made up theories that she may be dating him for at least a year, she appeared in photos at the airport, waiting rooms at events, performance events and etc. Some others, said that she may be only a staff, but most of the fans confirms that no, a staff wouldn't go out in romantic date with the idol. Look at some knetizens positive comments:
"He's lucky...she's also lucky"
"People still thinking she's a staff? They're holding hands"
"At least she's pretty"
"I actually said hi to her once...I tought it was a staff, but she's super sweet!"
"Oh! My baby is growing up!"
After the rumors, JYP immediately responded to the case confirming the dating between a member of Stray Kids and this girl, who the name wasn't reveled:
"Hello, this is JYP Entertainment,
This note is a response to the dating rumors that is being on internet in those last two months.
We confirmed that, a stray kids member is officially dating a woman (non public person) for at least two years. The couple didn't want their private life exposed to soon, so we agreed to wait for the right moment.
We're very happy for them! We all wish good energies and lucky to the couple, this person has been helping the entertainment and the group in the last years. We trust our members, we trust the ones who follow and love them, so please, send happy messages! :)"
Of course that the attacks would be large, but worse then we expected. Threats, locations being exposed, dangerous mailboxes and photos of lethal weapons being posted on Twitter with the hashtag: #ComingForYou, has being alerting the fandom, the JYP Entertainment and the Stray Kids group that has already showed their disappointment toward the fans behave.
After the threats started, according to the fans, the group member hasn't being posting photos as usual and his bubble message to "try me first".
Stays are in shock and trying to help banning hate users and warning the police, but also, relived that no one knows the girl's identity, that way, she can stay more safe.
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Not happy....at all.
I mean, he's happier and more chilled after starting dating you
His sleeping is much better
He still working his ass off, but...well, he's a workaholic and you understands him
That's one of the reasons he loves and protects you so much
You know Chan from Australia, a year before he went to South Korea to be a trainee.
From all that time, both changed messages
And soon, you'll be also moving to Korea
Cause you loved him
And he send it to you a voice message confessing his love before a show
Yes, he got the adrenaline and confessed.
You immediately got your saved money and moved to Korea
You couldn't handle one more year without him.
You lived in a family house
Bangchan paid your collegue
You got a work inside of JYP administration area
Thanks to him
Bangchan PAID a apartment for you
Cause he really wants you to stay
Then...soon, very soon, both were dating
He talked to the CEO and yes, he accepted, cause he knew both of you
He never had being so happy after Stray Kids formation
The boys loves you
They protect you
They help you two hide your secrets
Bangchan is a little jealous, cause they're very touchy with you and treats you like a little sister
Well, they love you!
About the threats...
Oooh man...ooohohoho! He got so pissed off!
And you know how pissed off he's when he's pissed off!
We all can imagine!
How would he deal?
Make a song...for sure. Unreleased, but he made it.
Talk about that at lives, very mad. Not happy at all.
And the most...scary one...
Delete his bubble photo...
And send a message like: "Very disappointed..."
The boys would have to chill him sometimes
He abandoned internet for days because of the threats, also for him, but...specially about you.
You're afraid to go out...
He would make sure to where his armour and sword to protect you
On live...he would also "threat the threatners"
Bangchan: Also, before end the live...I wanted to say that, I'll go see the Wonka movie soon...and yes, she will be coming with me and she will be protected by me and bodyguards, and JYP and myself, the boys, will be dealing the threats with the best way possible: Law Suit. So, we already have a team for that and she got bodyguards everywhere. I had to convince my boss to protect and prove to him how bad it was. I'm done, she's done...Stray kids and JYP are done with this...bullshit, sorry the word, but this is all bullshit, is coward, is childish, dangerous and a criminal. If you're a criminal, you're not a Stay. If you're a murderer, you're not close to be a Stay. Not even close to be human. So...with this message, I say goodbye, sorry, no hugs today...I love you Stays, you know that...but, I'm fighting against this too, we're not in the best mood. Stays! The real ones! *smiles* She love you guys so so so soooooo much! She said that will thank you guys soon as possible! And I'm so grateful too! Love you guys so much...so much. I love so much at a point I want to marry her one day, and...have a family *laughs* . You guys are our guardians... our guard angels! *giggles* See you guys soon! Bye bye~
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He's angry, of course...very angry
But he's terrified as well
He was waiting for the hates
But not in that intensity
Fans can record him looking around all the time
He can barely focus on what's going on
The boys have to always call his attention
In the first week of threats
Minho let you stay at his mother's house
Cause he was so afraid...but so scared to lose you
By someone crazy enough to put their dirty hands on you
Do and say evil things to you
He couldn't handle that
Again... He was terrified
He would never give up on his girl
After years he finally got the chance to confess to you and talk to the CEO
That he fell deeply in love with his only girl friend...best friend
You used to be a colleague of him at the dance academy on his pre debut era
He fell in love very fast
And when he realized that they were debuting
He promised himself to write for you everyday
To not, never, lose contact
A man of word
You end up being friends with the whole Stray Kids
You're his princess, his treasure, shelter, everything
You're the only person that Minho can call: Mine
And he's jealous and protective
So... For that situation, he became a little paranoid
He let you stay in his mother's house and his dorm
Never your house, cause the crazy people were exposing location wherever you go
You're also terrified (of course) and he doesn't show what he's truly feeling about the situation
So he's always trying to calm you down and not letting you see the internet
Everyday he's ending up saying that he'll protect you and everything will be ok
And a kiss on your forehead
He would probably try to express himself on bubble app
First taking off his photo
And change the bio to: Over my dead body
And send a message in the first week, terrified
-Is cute Lino here
-Of course it is me
-And I'm scared...
-I'm terrified...
-For her life...
-You guys are scaring me too
-A lot
-This is how you crazies show love?
-I don't want that...
-I really don't
-I will make a law suit for this, soon as possible
-I'm disappointed
-And disgusted
-Leave her alone...leave us alone
-If you're attacking her, you're attacking me!
-So I'll attack back...wait for your consequences
-JYP will soon release a note about this with a law suit
-For the innocent stays that had to read this, I'm sorry, I see you guys helping us😻
-Thank you so much, we love you and you guys deserve the world❤️
-I normally don't express myself like that, but for that situation...I'm really, really thankful...
-Rest well and SKZ love you❤️
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You have a personal body guard
He's worried to death
Unfortunately, outside, he's not trusting no one...
He let you walk only in front of him
Not even by his side
Ready to fight 24/7
Won't make you go out by force, would wait the right moment
Probably would definitely let you stay at their dorm
If he's out for work, he would, or take you with him or spam messages asking if it is all alright with you alone
You would have to calm him down sometimes
If he sees something about you (a bad comment) anywhere, he would get very, very stressed out for the rest of his day
He wouldn't be afraid to talk in public about that
He would get so stressed out that maybe would start a discussion
He would be confused by how people could do things like that to you
He is not fighting with you, he's just...trying to understand why
And not understanding a situation, makes him mad
His voice is raised, he can't stop moving around, his breath is out of control
Then...starts to cry, looking at you with desperate eyes
Scared, confused, angry...mixed feelings
You know, he's trying his best too
He probably would be so done with this...
But would never give up
Changbin breaks down in tears at the fanmeeting...
On the last fanmeeting of Stray Kids, Changbin couldn't hold back his tears of fear anymore. Apparently, a "fan" screamed out many times asking for his girlfriend's location, asking if she was there. Changbin and the boys seemed to ignore her for the past 20 minutes, but Minho stepped forward to confront and protect his two friends. Changbin can be seen walking behind the curtain and kneeling starting to cry, Chan walks to him to give him support, and only a heartbroken question could be heard far away from the mic:
"Why are they doing this with us?!"
Stays felt the pain in Changbin's voice and everybody started to cheer for him saying that it will be alright soon, and of course.. Stays couldn't hold back the tears.
A video has been posted right at the exact moment of the girl screaming at the boys, but the user soon deleted it to respect Changbin privacy
Stays at the fanmeeting, said that the girl screaming was indeed a user of the hashtag #ComingForYou and she seemed out of her normal. She was banished from the place and some other Stays confront her outside the place before the securities take them back inside.
We all hope Changbin and especially his girlfriend are well... We wish them the best and good energies!
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He's tired of injustice...
Him itself has tasted
Hide yourself because of bad people? Is it worth it?
Open more space for them to act like maniacs?
He won't hide you...
He'll show them that he loves and will protect you at all costs
He'll be at the coffee shop with you, none of you guys with masks, glasses or hats
No hiding...
No pretending that's ok
He'll post photos with you much more often
Post videos of you on the shorts of Instagram
Paint pictures of you
He'll prove to everybody that he won't give up
More hates? More reason to stay with you
He's not happy with those "Stays"
He doesn't let the paparazzi take too many photos of you
He would nicely ask to step back and put down the cameras
And if they don't hear me, he would get mad and walk away with you far away
He is a good man, golden heart and very gently
But don't mess with him
Don't make him angry... Don't provoke him
He will be taking legal actions if somebody cross the line
He will protect, he will prove his love to you and throw in their faces
He will not give up
The bubble bio is changed to: Try me first...
He is a gentleman and a warrior for his love
He'll throw his love for you on the haters faces...
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"I've been feeling chased, my life is in dangerous together with my girlfriend. My feelings are mixed, angry and sad, disappointed. I'll handle that with her, we'll stay together until the end.
I really hope that changes... I'm disappointed with all of you that call yourself Stays while doing that..."
Continue in part 2 - Maknae line
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
Better than me - Charles Leclerc x Reader P4
Plot: You are a rookie in your first f1 season, adding to the ever-growing amount of Brits performing in the grid.
Credit to countingstars-17 for the GIF
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You woke up the next morning on the Monday a little later than expected. You were so exhausted from your first race in F1 and then all the social interaction that followed.
You had got Charles back to his hotel room with the help of Lorenzo his older brother who you'd found in the lift. You went straight back to your room, showering of the smell of alcohol and smoke that made you cringe before flopping onto the comfy hotel bed that was calling your name.
You stayed in the bed for a while before you realized it was getting closer to the checkout time of the hotel and that you should probably check on your fellow drivers. You and Alex would be on the plane back to Germany for debrief before he flew to the UK to see his family as there was a larger break between Bahrain and South Korea which had been added back onto the list of races this year.
"Alex?" you asked knocking on his door. In seconds he came out a smile on his face.
"Hello Y/N ready for the flight?" he asks smiling towards you.
"Yes, I'm all packed and my stuff has been sent to the airport, I just wanted to check on Charles before i left. He was pretty wasted last night" you exclaim smiling hoping he's come with you.
"Oh, he's already gone. I saw him down at breakfast this morning!" Alex smiled at you before taking your hand and dragging you towards the lift.
"He left? With who?" you asked him confused.
"Erm, Carlos i think. Guessing they're flying back to Maranello" he smiles pushing the ground button on the lift.
And that was that, you didn't hear from Charles. You flew to Germany where the Audi HQ was located before you went back to see your family for a week in the UK. On the Monday you and Alex went to South Korea together Lily joining the both of you on the flight. You liked Lily a lot, she had become a good friend of yours now that you were Alex's team-mate and you were basically there adopted child now.
Thursday came around so quickly and more people were filling up the paddock, it was insane how the race weekend was such an intense build up.
"Hey Y/N can we steal you for an interview" Martin said smiling walking over to you.
"Yeah of course" You smile fixing your hair under your Audi cap.
"So, you had an amazing first race last weekend in Bahrain, you are an exceptional driver P6 on your first race in F1!" he exclaims making you laugh and blush a little at the praise.
"Yeah, i think i made a few mistakes that the car 100% made up for. Audi are clearly going to be a great competitor this year and I cant wait for Alex and I to climb the ranks together!" you nod.
"Yes, what is that like, do you have have more of a friendship or a professional relationship of are things tense there like some grid members"
"Alex is an amazing team mate. He has really helped me settle into the grid and into racing in F1. I cant thank him and Lily enough, and for that I would consider him a friend. I hope to be team mates with him for a few more years"
"That's really good to hear that you have that kind of support there as it must be hard coming onto the grid as the only female! How are you relationships with the other drivers?"
"Yeah I'd say after getting to introduce myself in Bahrain everyone has really welcomed me into the sport and i cant be more thankful for that! You know some of the people on the grid have been my idols since I first got into a kart so its amazing to be here racing with them and have the support of incredible ex drivers!"
"Well good luck for the weekend I'm sure we will see amazing things from you on this old track in South Korea that the FIA have decided to reinstate this year!" he smiles before waving her off and she walks back towards the Audi garage.
She had media for the rest of the day, her and Alex trying Korean food and drinks for their TikTok page before they went to discuss the weekend.
You needed a drink desperately but were only just entering the paddock. You were hot and dehydrated and people could see just how pale you were.
You'd managed to get past Haas, Mercedes and Williams but by the time you got to Alpha Romeo and Ferrari, people started to notice the slight wobble in your step.
"Hey Y/N lets get you a seat. You look faint" Will Buxton says running over to you, he guides you to the nearest seats which happen to be outside the Ferrari Hospitality running in to grab you a bottle of water.
"Y/N?" Charles asks seeing your pale face and sweat lining under your eyes and across the brows that were currently shaded off by your hat.
"Charles, erm hi" you say, feeling a little dizzy.
"Are you okay, what are you doing here?" he asks looking around to see if you were with anyone that would explain why you were sat on a Ferrari table.
"Erm Will pulled me here because I haven't drank today and i feel dizzy" you tried to explain to the best of your ability but it was slower and you could tell how tired you were after this Saturday Quali.
"P5 is amazing today. Most of us haven't done South Korea so it was a new track for all of us but the dinosaurs" he jokes, it was a stolen joke of course. One he had heard Lando and Daniel talking about. which made a few people around them laugh so he thought he'd test the waters with you.
"That's true, it would be Lewis, Valtteri and Sergio right?" you say thinking about the current drivers on the grid and who would have been racing in 2013.
You both sat in silence neither knowing what to say to each other.
"You didn't talk to me after Bahrain, did i do something wrong?" you ask now feeling better that you'd sat down.
"No, if i'm being honest I was rather embarrassed after my brother told me how you had to support me the whole way back to my room" he admitted sheepishly knowing he should have reached out, even if it was just to thank her as she had been a great help.
"Oh" you say quietly.
"Did I upset you?" he asks softly.
"A little, when I told Alex i was going to find you, he told me he'd already seen you down at breakfast and that you'd left already. Then you didn't say anything" you explain, you'd spent two weeks wondering if you'd just messed up a friendship.
"Y/N you must understand that it wasn't my intention!" he says leaning forward and encasing your hand in his with a genuine smile on your face.
"Fine, but you owe me dinner after tomorrow's race. Before the party!" you suggest.
"Done!" he exclaims, he hops up and walks into the hospitality as Will Buxton walks out.
"Here you go" he smiles handing you the bottle he'd managed to haggle from Ferrari.
"Thank you so much!" you says opening it and chugging it down.
"I'll walk you back to Audi, just to make sure!" he exclaims and with he does exactly as he said he would.
"And where had our P5 Queen gone" Lily exclaims in outrage that her friend didn't come to see her after the race.
"Sorry, but I'm here now!" you smile flopping onto the sofa laying your head on her lap.
"Are you really trying to steal my gf Y/N we've been over this" he chuckles with a teasing groan of mock annoyance.
"Look just because she likes me better doesn't mean you should get a mood" you grin turning into Lily and hugging around her stomach. In no time with the background sounds of the mechanics working in the garage and Lily lightly playing with your hair while talking to Alex you found yourself falling asleep.
"She is literally our child" Alex says to the interviewer who had come to find them in the garage. He looked back at where Y/N and Lily were still on the sofa, Lily letting the younger girl sleep.
"And how proud are you of her P5 today in a GP that only has 3 current grid members who have driven here in South Korea?" she asks.
"So proud, I know she's been feeling the pressure to make a good impression with everyone, from the people in the teams, to all the drivers and to the fans and public eye. She's just so natural and i think that's one of the things that pulls you into a friendship so strong with someone like Y/N" he explains.
"Yes, it seems earlier that she's been getting extremely close to some of the other drivers, what do you think about that?"
"Well on the track we all are doing our best to win, and so we become rivals. Of the track Y/N is another Daniel or Lando where there isn't one person on the grid that she wont get on with. Y/N is a friend of everyone" he smiles not to sure the direction that the interviewer wanted that question to go in.
"I'm talking about her and Charles Leclerc specifically?" she pushes and Alex looks at the person confused.
"Sorry?" he asks, he racked his brain wondering if this was why you'd been asking about Charles in Bahrain.
"Will Buxton reported seeing them together earlier outside Ferrari hospitality. She wasn't feeling well and he offered her to sit and get her and drink and he saw Charles and her talking. Some fans even got pictures of the interactions.
"Oh, well I'm sure if Will was kind enough to help Y/N when she was reporting as unwell that Charles also was concerned and was checking in on her!" Alex smoothly deems, the interviewer tries to hide their annoyance as the lack of gossip she was gathering but nods and thanks Alex for his time.
"That was weird" he whispers taking his seat next to Lily again.
"What do you mean?" she asks not having heard what they were talking about.
"They were asking me about Charles and Y/N, and after Bahrain i was just confused" he admitted. Of course at the time he had told Lily about your odd reaction to Charles having left early but not having thought too much off it, but now he was for sure thinking on it more.
"Lets just focus on tomorrow!" she smiles.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc
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shooting-love-arrows · 6 months
What’s Yandere Barbarians kinks? (I assume one of them is breeding? 🥰)
Also I assume that the men of his clan are raised a certain way to follow in their fathers’ foot steps, but what of the women born into his clan? What’s their role? (I think you said that they were “traditionalists”?) And how would courtship work for them since they aren’t abducted or anything?
*I just wanna be a house wifey/mother to my lovely barbarian man 🙈
Dear Anon,
What of the women born into his clan? What’s their role? The barbarian woman:
Stay in the village most of the time. They aren't trained enough to go on the raids or fight bigger armies. But that doesn't mean they're harmless. They are trained in basic combat and to wield a white weapon so that they can protect themselves in case of an intruder or attack.
They hold the power in the village/camp/location they are currently residing. They are the one to decide if the place is good enough to camp, make sure there's enough supplies (food/medicine/sacrificial artifact/etc). If there's not enough, they turn to males who are responsible for bringing the females necessary supplies. 
They are considered gifts from the beings above. Since the birth of females is rather low among the barbarians, when one is born, it's a moment a family should fervently pray for giving them such a blessing. After all, it is the woman who is a gifter and nourishes life. So with that in mind, they are also considered a link between the mortal world and eternal one. They are the priestesses. 
They're the one to lead sacred ceremonies, give blessings, organize the funeral, pray and give sacrifices to gods. If one doesn't have the necessary blessing from a head female of their family (which is usually the oldest), then there is little to no chance you can do in some matters. You can always try persuading the head female but you never know how it can end up, since they can end up cursing you.
How would courtship work for them since they aren’t abducted or anything? Barbarian courting traditions when it comes to their own people still includes kidnapping.  Since I mentioned earlier, there is significantly less females in the barbarian population. This means there is high competition among male members of the population. So in the end this part of the courting is still a bloody mess. At first, the male is supposed to woo the female with a show of power/wealth/ability to provide and protect her. Those are the generall first stages of courtship.  Kidnapping comes as the last step. It is the ultimate test of his ambition and abilities. The difficulty lies in the fact that he has to kidnap the bride from her household/family. Remember, all of them can harm him and they will protect their daughter with all they have since they are probably made aware that there’s a bachelor interested in her in the first place. If he succeeds, then he's supposed to bring her to his tent/house, where the members of the bride's family have a last chance to take her back by attempting to buy her out of captivity.  If the family fails, the woman and man are considered engaged and are supposed to be blessed by the head females of each of their households. From this day onward, the future bride is to live in her future husband's household. 
What’s Yandere Barbarians kinks? Yandere! Barbarian (some of the) kinks would include:
Breeding. It's only normal to desire an offspring(s). And since Yandere! Barbarian lets his primal instincts take control in most situations, I think he'll like to have one too. 
Blindfolding their partner. You don't need to see him during your passionate and rough love making. You only need to feel him and bask in the pleasure he gives you. He just loves how confused and helpless you look. Sprawled on the bed, swallowed by thick furs and left at his mercy, not even knowing what’s to come next. 
Role play (prey [the reader] and a hunter [Yandere! Barbarian])/chasing. He loves a good dose of adrenaline. The feeling of his heart speeding up to the point it’s ready to burst out of his chest, the thin layer of sweat on his skin and the wind blowing his hair and filling his lungs with fresh air. It’s what gets him going. So with that in mind, he’ll let you run away from him, only to chase you down and in the end catch you. Once he does, there’s no escape. He will hold you tightly, hugging your body to his like he’s trying to be one with you. He'll most likely take on the spot he has caught you.
I hope that answers some the questions. I am sure you'll be a perfect wife for him :)
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Hey Bones, I saw your thing about a Bat family member becoming a ghost and it reminded me of a very heart breaking au a friend and I came up with a while back that I don't remember if I submitted or not. Either way, be prepared to have your heart broken.
Tim is dead. He's been dead for a while actually. But No one seems to have noticed. He looks and feels just as solid as he did before he died, even if he's got a lower body temperature and doesn't seem to get hurt on patrol beyond bumps and bruises. Never anything that would land him in med Bay, never anything that would make his family check on him.
No one has noticed the way he doesn't eat anymore, or the fact he doesn't sleep. He's extended his patrol hours and cut back on time at Wayne Enterprises. He's pretty sure not even Alfred noticed. He knows the Kryptonians aren't worried about him not having a heart beat and they have no reason to tell anyone. They know he has a special device that can hide him from their senses and tests it on Kon a lot to make him focus on spacial awareness beyond his hearing. He used it a lot before he died. They just think he hasn't turned it off in a while.
Tim remembers how he died. Not fully, but there are pieces. He remembers he was fighting someone on a bridge and he didn't call for back up because he thought he could handle it. He doesn't remember who he thought he could handle. He remembers something stinging his arm. A bug? No a bug couldn't bite through Kevlar, it was a needle. Then everything started going dark and he was stumbling back. His back hit something hard and he tiped over it. He thought he could land on the other side. He remembers wondering why his suit felt so damp and heavy as the world went black around him.
Tim's body is still at the bottom of the bay where it will likely stay forever with so, so many other bodies. It makes Tim wonder, why him? Why not everyone else who ended up down there? Why not everyone who has died in Gothem? Did he come back like Jason did, is it something to do with being a vigilante? Tim checks his own pulse again while he's alone. Yep. Still dead. He continues on his patrol and tries to shove those thoughts away.
So what if Tim's dead? He's still here and he still has work to do. His family is full of detectives. If they can't figure out that something as important as death has happened to one of their own? Well then Tim thinks they need to pay more attention. He ignores the pain that curls in the back of his mind at that thought.
It's been 6 months. Why hasn't anyone noticed? Tim can't help but wonder if they ever will.
Howdy its me @bonebrokebuddy answering. I'm Twone's (twin bones) twin who is helping answer asks because this fucker has like, over 100 of them in her ask box and I help her with making prompt ideas frequently so she trusts me to not horribly fuck up her account.
This is my first answer for her I've written because I had my screen on low brightness and on darkmode, so your profile jump scared the shit out of me when I scrolled past it. Therefore im answering this one first.
Anywho, from my chronic inability to write angst here goes: Tim died, came back and none of the Bats seemed to care. So what? It's not like his best friends hadn't done the same thing. And he was tired and sick of the Bats thinking his entire life revolved around them.
So he packed up his bags and headed to Kansas.
The Bats might not be worried but neither was Kon or Bart. They're actually thrilled after getting over their initial grief that Tim now has also personally experienced death and came back. The funeral was a rather small, breif, and quiet afar. Kon made sure to help locate Tim's corpse and Bart helped with the eulogy (surprisingly heartfelt and moved them all to tears.)
Sure, they're sad that Tim died but he's right in front of them, it's a little more difficult to morn when you've been laughing at said dead guy who got stuck halfway through phasing out of the wall. And now Tim can keep track with them!
Kon is a little pissed that Tim can now go intangible and escape his TTK so he can't take away Tim's coffee anymore. But it's kinda worth it. The first time he took Rob on his favorite flight path, he's never wanted anything else than to hear Tim's breathless laugh and see his frighteningly perfect smile again. They now often go on flights together, high above the clouds with no-one else but them for thousands of miles around. (it almost felt like a date)
Bart knew this would happen one day. He was from the future, of course he knew that Tim Drake, formerly Red Robin, died at age 19 and changed his alias to The Grey Ghost. It doesn't mean that Bart doesn't morn the passing of his friend. Tim means a lot to him and the brief guilt that he did not stop Tim's death also quickly passes. He can finally show Tim that hiding space in the walls that no one else can get to without phasing through the wall! One other thing. Bart is unsure if Kon has noticed yet, which he knows Kon isn't the most observant of the old young justice crew but he has to have noticed it by now. Ever since Tim left Gotham he's developed an insane appetite despite claiming that he didn't need to eat while in Gotham and also being dead so why does he need to eat? (Unknown to Bart, Kansas doesn't have as much ambient ectoplasm as Gotham and Tim is starting to experience the withdraw symptoms. If the trio don't realize how to fix Tim's worsening symptoms soon, Tim might actually die for good this time.)
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geekgirles · 3 months
I'm rewatching the episodes in French and Dathura hasn't made a reappearance has she? She just up and vanished.
Sorry to keep you waiting. First I had to take some screenshots and then my laptop's battery was always on the verge of giving out, so I couldn't just sit down and answer sooner.
But honestly, yeah! I actually wanted to point that out too!
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Compared to the rest of the Brotherhood of the Forgotten, Dathura's disappearance is just plain weird. I watched an interview where Tot revealed that, unlike what the Kickstarter trailer might suggest, the demigods wouldn't really play a major role in season 4. And honestly, that's fair. Given the show is about the Brotherhood or the Tofu and, more importantly, they had just learned their purpose in life ended up being their being manipulated by a megalomaniac with daddy issues, realistically, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with action for a while either.
There's of course the fact that each of them asked to be sent to completely different locations and had very different goals. For example, Coqueline, Kali, and Sipho just wanted to pick up the pieces of what Oropo and especially Echo started and live as a family. And despite both of them ending up in Bonta, Ush wanted nothing to do with Black Bump.
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Which makes Dathura's disappearance from the main plot all that weirder. Because she is about the only demigoddes who has any business participating in the main plot by virtue of her actually being there.
Seriously, once again, the Sadida Kingdom is at the very centre of everything. They're the Nécromes main, or at least first, target. And yet, there is no sign of Dathura helping out as the powerful demigoddess she is despite her accepting Amalia's invitation to live in the kingdom and even going as far as remaining by her side the entirety of the third episode.
She was never even introduced to Armand and Aurora despite both of them being there when Amalia returned with her. Made all the more jarring by the fact that she remained by the princess' side even as she mourned her father's death and the next day (?) she just...vanishes with no explanation?
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Seriously, out of all of the members of the Forgotten, the two with the most reason to have a bigger role in season 4 are Dathura and Ush. The former because she is supposed to be living there at the time of the Nécromes' attack, and the latter because he was the one who informed Joris of what was going on.
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In Ush's case I can understand he decides to stay on the sidelines since he isn't exactly a hero, he mostly just does his own thing. But Dathura's disappearance can be very jarring.
What, did she awkwardly leave Amalia to mourn her father while she went to check in on Ogrest?
Oh, well. The season's been great so far and I don't really have any trouble with this. It's just weird, it's all.
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giftplane · 4 months
some transcriptions of things that were on screen in TWF4. may not include everything (and may have misread some things), sorry. under the cut. There aren't any timestamps, sorry, i didn't write them when i sent them over discord
"Charles Brook: 10.10.1970 Hi, just got hired officially as the computer supervisor for "Unnamed Bunny Smiles Restaurant" (though I've been coming up with a few names myself) I've known these guys for a while, they're family! I've done some work for them along with Susan for years now, even before Cyberfun Tech! Getting to meet the Waltens and the Krankens has been super fun! So excited to get to work! The future is bright. [P. 27:12] C.B."
"Mr. Kranken This is Norman, I'm sending you this letter on behalf of our deal between Bunny Smiles and Cyberfun Tech and most importantly, the well-being of our Cyberfun staff. We've been getting a lot of complaints about a member of our staff team going missing who was highly associated with you and your team. Susan Woodings has been missing for a week now and here in Cyberfun Tech we are working as hard as we can to try and manage to get in contact with her. Is there perhaps any detail you could hand us to help locate our missing employee? I'm going to be entirely honest with you, Mr. Kranken, and tell you I have a ton of questions and suspicions about whatever is going on with your company. Whatever it is, it's making both your company and mine look bad to public light so, again, if there's anything that could help us find Susan, write us back immediately. Thank you. I'll see you Monday."
"Employee Notes #404 BSI Notes [???]
THE BSI CONSOLE The Bunny Smiles incorporated console allows the robots of bon's burger's (to) feel a lot more lifelike and allow for a more fun and impressing experience I think this is an ambitious and innovating concept i would've never expected to make in my life. Susan did not disappoint at all. Absolutely stunning and delicate work. Jack was fascinated, never seen anything like it! Felix was both amazed and scared, he doesn't understand anything about how it works!"
"BSI Employee Notes
WALKAROUND TEST (WEEK 1-2) WEEK 1: Banny knocked over the table! Rework room reorganizing feature! Bon test went well, recognized Sophie right away! Sha is next
Boozoo's magic trick bit went well, little rusty but he'll do better next time.
WEEK 2: Banny fixed, test went as planned. Mask broke (d)own from last incident Bon walkaround test went well, better than expected (Notes on side: "Mask broke down, get new one made by Friday!" "There should be a spare one in")"
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Incel, femcel, or themcel. We just need a greasy, chronically online mean person to be a yandere. Any ideas on how that would work?
(The best idea I could come up with is streamer reader)
Livestream began twelve minutes ago.
"Oh? Shit, is that V? What's up, buddy- welcome back."
You're so perfect. Near a quarter of an hour late, and you still grace them with a greeting. They knew you weren't like the others they wasted their time on. No, you're kind. Inviting. God they loved you so much.
V stumbled across your channel on night during a drunken relapse into pouring their hours into viewing the lives of random strangers online. It was all they had to do after work with none of the potential partners they messaged ever responding to their texts or calls. Their lost.
You were in the beginning period of streaming with only ten followers to your name; majority likely close friends and family. V planned on giving "light" critic of your performance, but something about the brightness in your eyes as they joined the stream sobered them up and glued them to their seat completely.
"Hi, welcome. Your name is actually too long to fix on the screen. Is it cool if I just call you V?"
And they were hooked on you ever since.
Little by little, your fanbase grew to the comfortable size it was today; your first real viewer front and center for each recording. Despite the boost in popularity, you never forgot those who gave it to you in the first place. V likes to think they're the most valued member with their donations and the equipment they sent once they had convinced you to open a p.o box. Shame they never pin pointed the location before you announced your move and had it closed.
"Since you're here. I can try on that jacket you sent me before I finish packing. It's so cute."
V wipes specks of drool off their screen as you sort through a cardboard box and slip the coat on. You were wearing something they touched. Fuck, you're so cute they could just devour you alive. With no roomates, they could get away with licking their phone unlike last time, but they refrained from said temptation for now. Cat ears sprout atop your head as you pull the hoodie on. You rub your shoulders as the jacket's interior snuggles your frame.
"Whoa, much warmer than I expected. I might wear it during my flight."
You better. Since you forced the thought into their head, if they see you with anything else in your photos they might blow a gasket. Just imagining random commentors wondering where you got the coat and you answering with a nod at their existence gave V the ego boost of a lifetime.
"It's getting kinda late. We'll do some more chatting then I gotta bounce for the night."
V watches the rest of your stream with the loudest voice of the crowd. They wait until it ends to begin their nightly routine of screenshotting their favorite moments of the stream. The highlight was a frame of you posing like a cat following another's chatters request. Having so many pests ruined some of their enjoyment, but times like this they'd let slide. For now.
V sits alone at the bus stop the following day. The prized picture taken previously was now their lockscreen photo. The fifth change in the last two days. A creature like you was bound to have unworthy trash throwing themselves at your feet daily, but they knew that with your history it would only take one hello for you to fall as madly in love with them as they were you. You're different like that. If only they could meet you.
V is pulled from their moment of bliss by a tap on their shoulder; scowl ready for whoever dragged them from heaven - until they see whose standing in front of them.
"Hi, I hope I'm not bothering you, but do you know if this bus goes to this street? My taxi didn't drive out that far apparently...."
The stranger blinks, cat ears shifting.
"Sorry- have we met before? You seem familiar. "
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xanadontit · 3 months
The ongoing saga of my brother's college application process and my resentment over how I'm included/dismissed as a member of this family continues. A two-for-one bitch fest! Keep reading if you're into that kind of thing.
My brother applied to about a million universities and got into roughly 75% of a million of them, which is great. He has some wonderful options and hopefully won't go into bonkers debt for it. He also sounds genuinely excited by the idea of getting to pursue things that interest him (computer science, robotics, engineering). Great. Love this for him.
As previously noted, my parents have been very "hey whatever, man" about this process which is lovely in theory (he doesn't need more pressure) but also creates a last minute crisis/crisis-lite when it's 11:45pm and applications are due at midnight and he's having a panic attack about if he should apply to CalPoly or something. They also decided it was pointless to tour any schools until he was accepted because they didn't want him to fall in love with a place and not get in. Which...OK. But, did he also maybe apply to places sight unseen that he wouldn't have had he even traveled to the city where the school is located (looking at you, Northridge)? Yes he sure did. I voiced my concerns about this and dropped it once it was clear that my opinion was noted and dismissed.
Now that he has just under a month to make a decision it's this mad rush to go on "real" tours (not just drive by the campus, which my stepmom thinks is basically the same thing) and make a decision and figure out what to do since he was waitlisted at his first choice but feels good about his second choice and and and. A lot of questions but instead of picking up the phone and calling the admissions office to see what's up they are doing nothing and are all out of ideas.
Maybe you can see where this is going.
Now that they're overwhelmed guess who they want to step in and help? GUESS. Why yes, it's your friendly neighborhood eldest daughter/only remotely organized person in this family. Except my job doesn't have a ton of flexibility so I can't just fly down to Long Beach or drive up to Chico on a random Tuesday, and I don't think it's my job to call UC Davis and see what's the deal with the waitlist. It just isn't! Hell, he's 18 and it's where he wants to go. Get dialing, Kid!
And of course there's the "we thought you'd want to help" guilt bullshit that compounds my frustration, but when I offer a solution or point out that Chico has their prospective student event this weekend and I could take him then it won't work because of baseball or other plans. Oh and he's spending part of his spring break on a road trip with friends so there's 5 days he won't be doing anything. I cannot bend space and time so maybe we work within the calendar days we have and make a plan and then execute it. He was accepted into four schools before Christmas and had months to schedule tours and didn't. Yes I want to help where I can but could they try not to make it such an assache?
I know in the end it will be fine or even great but in the meantime it's a hassle which it doesn't need to be which is the worst kind, to me at least.
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murfpersonalblog · 1 month
IWTV S2 Ep2 Musings
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I absolutely adore the title cards; the "fangs" reflecting main locations of the episodes/seasons. GOD this show's attention to detail.
We open with Lou & Claud in Paris bickering about French & money; already shown in the Pix11 preview (I gave my opinions on the full scene, and another post about Claudia specifically.
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Then we get Dubai. O_O Omfg. I made a separate post all about Louis & Loumand, cuz those queens were DIABOLICAL this episode.
Skipping ahead a bit! To the coven/theatre! ^0^
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Ohhhh....that's a Children of Satan/Darkness nod! 👀 Only thing's that the old guard from the CoS/D actually weren't part of the Coven/Theatre anymore by the time Louis & Claudia arrived (Alessandra, Eleni, and the rest of Rhoshamandes' fledglings Santino indoctrinated & had train Armand).
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So Armand is REALLY showing off, tryna impress Louis; cuz none of the members of THAT Theatre troupe are older than Armand, and not even he's as old as Charlemagne. Armand, your yaoi is showing. XD
It's wild how on one hand we have the coven simping over how pretty Louis is (except Santiago, cuz ofc 🙄); while just HATING on Claudia.
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Naw, let her stay! Estelle is THIRSTY and I love her for it, bless! XD
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Santiago, you shady wench, you're already on my hit list, BUFFOON; but THIS striped heifer, Celeste--
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Wench, are all Parisian vampiresses frumpy busted haters like YOU?
Anyways. 🙄 I hate this effing coven already. 😒
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Foreshadowing AF, Mr. I Could Not Prevent It.
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Sure, Jan. 🙄 But not all violence/abuse/trauma is physical/sexual. By allowing the Theatre to put their hands on Claudia, Armand harmed Louis more than anyone ever could. Claudia was the glue keeping Louis together when he was already falling apart, and he hasn't been right ever since. BOTH of these dudes are living in a fantasy, frikkin la-la-land, as they think they're HELPING e/o, going thru all these theatrical acts & performances. But are they REALLY happy? Esp. cuz we know who's endgame for them in the books. It's bittersweet, cuz their affection's REAL. But this weird codependency just isn't healthy or right. U_U
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Eff you, Daniel Hart. tryna make me cry!
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Eff you, Daniel Hart, tryna make me laugh!
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This scene with the naked lady (Annika) was SO GOOD! I'm glad they tastefully didn't fully show her whole body like they did in the film--if we can't see full frontal nudity for the dudes, then I don't wanna see it on the gals either. 😤 Fair's fair!
But WOAH, the sexckshuhality~!
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I don't even have words for this! 😅 Claudia! Let the man win ONCE!?
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But I LOVE how candid this show is about everything from sexuality to race--and ofc discrimination.
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Oh they're cooking. O_O
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Armand gets to lead the coven through meritocracy, not racial privilege. HOWEVER, we've got bleach-blonde Santiago still waiting in the wings, so.... I can't wait to see more of their dynamics.
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We been knew, Louis, it's ok. U_U
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Armand clearly been knew, too! Like: Yeah, I'm not surprised he's cruising all the gay parks--I could tell by the way that American walked! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I KNOW this bish ain't talking, not Mr. Polynesian Marys! Not Mr. I Did What I Had To Do To SCORE. Not Mr. We Met In A GAY Bar. Not Mr. Black Tar And Heroin! Not Mr. Is Alicia Even REAL!? I KNOW he's not tryna shade Louis for cruising, when his closeted arse can't even handle being in a room with Armand making come-hither eyes!
I love Daniel, how he's written & acted, but ISTG I hate his character.
As opposed to Santiago, who is just--BRUH. WERK.
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And this is exactly what Lestat was getting at, too. And why Akasha was wrong when she said men are the problem. Like, don't get me wrong, THEY ARE, but chile, ALL HUMANS are the problem; eff gender. Homegirl sold that old dude down the frikkin river, just to save her own skin, and her family's. COMPLICIT. OFFAL.
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Santiago's disgusted by humanity, and Annika proved his point.
As for Lestat, his cold willful detachment stems from his attitude that humans are just The Meat. This version of Lestat is SO dang jaded, that humans are reduced to mere food--just like he called Miss Lily.
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He doesn't need the Evil Doer creed, if he thinks ALL humans are evil/irredeemable; only worth living if they can sing & make music or something artistic. Otherwise who cares? (Which makes it VERY interesting to see what AMC!Les would say to Memnoch the Devil....)
Speaking of....
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I frikkin knew it. ISTG Lestat must be asleep in 2022--if y'all have him do a Merrick and wake up in the finale, I will pass out and DIE.
The question is: WHAT put him to sleep? Is he just sad & grieving post-trial? WTF is Raglan James doing in 2022? Are we post-Memnoch? Where are TWMBK? I NEED ANSWERS, AMC! 😭
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
Can you do ❤️💜🖤 and maybe bit of dark romance with Manjiro sano,Haruchiyo Sanzu,Ran & Rindou Haitiani. 
I hope 🤞 I’m doing this right and not over stepping my boundaries. Anyway I Love,Love,Love, your bonten Yandere headcannon where Reader successfully flee except reader this time reader had a abortion (since she was pregnant with their child) behind their back. 
Reader was able to have a whole new life without them finding her and now she is married to a other man that isn’t one of the Bonten gang member,She has two kids with this man and is pregnant with his third child. This man that reader is married to,made her a whole new different person,she not the same sweet submissive woman they once knew her when captured her,She confident, independent woman with a successful job,and a firecracker who won’t hesitate to put up a fight with the Bonten gang member if they ever come back for her,she is ready for them. 
How they feel about whole the situation,and how would they feel about finding out that reader was once pregnant with their child,but got a abortion behind their back than running away afterward to start a whole new family with this man and having kids. What will they do to reader and her new family? How would they break her down before rebuilding her the way they want her to be?
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄!𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐲, 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮, 𝐑𝐚𝐧, 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮
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╰┈➤ . . . 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚊 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: 𝚃𝚘𝚔𝚢𝚘 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘 "𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢" 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚘, 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚢𝚘 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚣𝚞, 𝚁𝚊𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚒, 𝚁𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚞 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚒
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 , 𝚄𝚗𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚎𝚝, 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛, 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚍𝚛𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝙸𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚕 𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚜, 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚗 𝙱𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍 [𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚍], 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙶𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚞𝚛𝚝, 𝙵𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚞𝚙 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢, 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢'𝚜 𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚣𝚢 𝚊𝚜𝚜 💀, 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚌𝚎𝚍 𝙸𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗, 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚌𝚎𝚍 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜, 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚣𝚞, 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝... 𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚝, 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚃𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎, 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚑𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍, 𝚁𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚞𝚙, 𝚁𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚜, 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚍𝚛𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚘𝚗-𝚌𝚘𝚗
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: This is me letting out all the frustration and anger I've had for the past week in a very healthy manner... And this is the product of it... Why am I like this 😭😭😭 This gon be fucked up 😭😭 But not you leaving the two somewhat sane men [Koko and Kaku] out of this 😭😂😂 at least they would've dropped the kids at some orphanage... Okay but I'm serious there's some really fucked up stuff written on the headcanons... Even I grew a little uncomfortable while imagining it 💀Also I merged Ran's and Rindou's cuz they're sharing you since they were too similar with eachother-
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-> 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 "𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐲" 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨
First off, I am so sorry.
When Mikey pinpoints your location- And he realizes you have a family? It's not going to be pretty-
You were just having some family time in the living room until his men raided the place and Mikey arrived in all his insanity.
Man thought you were kidnapped and held against your will by your husband. And that the husband forced you to have his kids. It was an assumption because Mikey wanted to save the little bit of sanity he had left because of you.
Mikey shot the man on the shoulder as soon as the executives held him down.
Only then for you to intervene, yelling at him instead of being thankful that you were saved.
"Angel...? What's wrong? I'm here to help you... It's okay, you don't need to be scared anymore. You don't need to act like you're in love with him... I'm here for you now..."
But you didn't budge, glaring at him with such anger and hatred.
Then Mikey came to terms with it.
You WANTED the current family you had.
You DID escape on your own.
You LOVED someone that wasn't him.
He will stop just to go to you and cup your face, fingers digging on your face. Staring into your soul with crazed eyes and you glared right back.
"I see... So you're not MY angel anymore, huh... Heh... Hehe~"
Even the executives weren't able to breath when Mikey started laughing.
A chilling smile on his face as he walked around the living room, probably creeping everyone out with those lifeless eyes and soft humming as he took in all the you had made here memories. He glanced at some of your framed family photos and grabbed one, only to smash it on your husband's head a second later, the creepy smile now a full on terrifying glare.
Would've started saying some "You seduced my angel you bastard!" 💀 Mikey would've salem witch trialed your husband if you stood quiet. Full on "He used some fucking voodoo or some cult shit." Route.
Then you started yelling at him and despite Mikey giving you a look that would've sent the old you crying and pleading for forgiveness you didn't back down.
So Mikey didn't hesitate to walk over and slap you so harshly your cheek started bleeding "I'll fucking teach you a lesson for disobeying me like this." He then ordered the guys to take you and your family away.
You tried getting a word in and Mikey pulled the gun right on your stomach, his angry expression turned into an uncaring glare as he leaned super close to your face.
"Don't be like that darling, you were gone for so long. I need to have my fun too now..."
Then you were knocked out. When you woke up again you were in the ever familiar slaughterhouse. Yaaaay...
Mikey kept you there for months, forcing you to watch how he tortured all of your family members one by one- yes even the kids.
And no matter how much you shouted that you'd hate him forever, screamed, begged, cried, even gave up and agreed to be his again, nothing stopped Mikey.
Mikey was stubborn, always glancing back at you when you begged and said you loved him, smiling without any emotion "Just teaching you a lesson angel, if you love me that much then this isn't a problem right?" He was definitely mocking you.
The screams and cries of your loved ones would forever haunt you, including the friends who you made along the way in your new life.
Even you fell victim to Mikey's physical beating once he learned you were pregnant with HIS child and aborted it.
He cried nonstop for a few weeks, did you hate him that much? Was his love worth that little to you?
Mikey even considered double suicide between you and him but then realized that was too merciful.
Super Dark Impulses™ kicked in.
So Mikey kept torturing you by keeping your husband alive through it all, even after killing the kids.
Directing all the hatred he felt for you towards the poor man...
"It's your fault... Maybe if you didn't exist [Y/N] would've stayed by my side... YOU'RE THE REASON MY ANGEL DOESN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE! IF YOU DIDN'T RUIN HER I WOULDN'T HAVE SUFFERED ALONE ALL THESE YEARS!... I would've found her so much sooner... She would've still loved me..."
When your husband dared to look at you Mikey immediately blinded him in one eye. Couldn't be completely blind just yet.
If you were early in the pregnancy Mikey would've forced you to abort the baby.
If you were too late in the pregnancy you'd never see your child since the doctors Mikey called to help you with the delivery took it away, he never told you what happened with that child either.
Then made the husband watch as Mikey impregnated you and broke you down to his liking yet again.
After he deemed it was enough Mikey would gently kiss your head and steadily hold your hands to grip the gun pointed at your husband, he's basically forcing you to kill the man you once loved, even though that person is just a shell of what he used to be after Mikey's torture.
Just know that Mikey will never be the same after this, no matter how much you listen or stay quiet he will always remember this, his trust on you is completely broken. Even if he acts as affectionate as he did before he always has that unhinged look in his eyes. Staring, observing if you were trying to escape again.
"Now angel, hold still and pull the trigger... You're taking too long darling... Would you like me to play with him some m- Ah, there you go. Right on the head just as we practiced. Good~ Hmm but you're crying again... It's annoying. There's no need for that, you know it's bad for the baby so just relax. That man should've never been a part of your life to begin with. You're mine. You've always been mine. It's easier to just accept it... Accept that you belong to me and make this easier for everyone."
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-> 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮
Dear lord, when he finds you again after so long he would already be furious then he finds your FAMILY!? And that you're HAPPY!? Happy WITHOUT HIM!?
Oh he's raiding the place in the middle of the night as soon as he can.
-Might've killed one of your kids out of rage the second he arrived-
You and him definitely had a full blown argument right then and there in the middle of the hallway in the dark while you tried protecting your husband and child.
Sanzu might've been on the bring of tears because of frustration, sadness, anger and betrayal. Especially when you yelled back at him or tried attacking him, rightfully so because he killed your kid but that just got Sanzu even more heated, why would you care!?
And you'd scream right back at him, explaining how you loved that man and your family and would be damned before letting Sanzu take you back- then letting it slip that you hated him and even aborted the kid because you wanted to escape anything that had to do with him so badly.
Now that made Sanzu freeze up. Even Sanzu didn't realize it but he had started crying, a soft "Eh?" In surprise after processing your words. Lowering his gun and staring with wide eyes.
He did want this somewhat domestic life with you because you behaved and listened to him well but you threw that all away for... For a life like this? A life without him?
You didn't process anything until Sanzu probably shot you on the leg while glaring at you so to keep you in place.
"If you want to be such a bitch about this then fine, two can play that... I... I thought I'd just have to take you back but clearly that's not enough."
Yes you had to watch helplessly as Sanzu probably killed your family right then and there. All slaughtered mercilessly and painfully in front of you while you couldn't do anything.
Once he was done he'd walk over to you, all bloody with his tear stained eyes but unlike before he's calm and nonchalant.
It's creepy. To watch his face stuck to an expressionless gaze with swift and quiet words opposed to his usual loud voice.
Yanking you by your hair to make you look at him and pointing the gun at your stomach.
"Beg. Beg for me not to shoot and kill this useless little shit. If you beg me properly like I taught you maybe I won't kill it once it's-"
"Fuck off and drop dead Sanzu."
Sanzu would give you an unimpressed stare as you glared at him with tear filled eyes.
You were crying because he killed your entire family and now you didn't care about dying?
Sanzu would sigh, tears falling off his eyes again and he didn't care enough to stop them, all Sanzu knew is that you betrayed him and he hated you right now.
So obviously he didn't do what he should've done; kill you. Instead he slammed your head on the wall and decided to teach you all over again.
"Wrong. Not only did you interrupt me as I was talking but you also used the wrong name, you're supposed to call me Haru while pleading and whimpering like a good pet. Try again or I'll shoot."
In comes the second try and yet you didn't obey. The final warning yet you still kept up, glaring at him through the blood dripping down your face with a determined expression.
Sanzu was too tired emotionally from today's shock to explode on you so he shot at your stomach -or just grazed it, idk how medical stuff works, just know he didn't have any intentions to kill you- without much care. Easily picking you up and carrying you out of there.
Sanzu had half a mind to swerve in hopes of killing you both but stopped, he still needed to consider Bonten.
So after that risky abortion he had to get to work again on breaking you down. You were already used to the old methods so he's gonna try a few new things.
Obviously he'll try to get you hooked on the drugs first, break you physically down until you can't do anything without him, unless he's working he's definitely with you punishing you in any way he can.
All the time you never see him smile, the stilled expression on his face seems more so emotionless, only getting annoyed when his teaching methods don't work.
"Annoying... Seems like I have to try something else."
You definitely got pregnant tho... If you looked too happy for it, like just a hopeful look in your eyes or a twitch up from your lips, Sanzu forced another abortion on you- no, he doesn't care if it was his kid.
Though you finally started showing signs of "progression" after that. Once Sanzu saw how he made that crack on you he had an easier time picking off at your new personality.
When you're finally back to how he remembered, seeing you cry for his name oh so sweetly while pleading will have Sanzu finally smiling...
Then he'll smack you, snickering when seeing the familiar fear flash in your eyes, his hands snaking down to grip your neck harshly.
If your life was hell before you left this is even worse. He was so hellbent on teaching you again Sanzu had forgotten how to fully have fun.
"There you are... Welcome back [Y/N]~ God I missed you so much! Ahh after that last stunt you pulled? Just know that I'll NEVER forgive you for it... To think my little pet caused me to suffer so much, I hope you had your fun out there because your punishment is still not done."
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-> 𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢, 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
... I'm left speechless of the guts you have to escape them.
-Here comes trouble, make it double bullshit-
So were they when arriving home and didn't see you patiently waiting at the door or asleep on your shared bed. The camera footage corrupted.
Ran was in shock and the penthouse was turned upside down before he sent his men to search for you, man looks annoyed and angry 24/7, none of that smiling stuff. Meanwhile Rindou was completely losing it, probably the one who cried himself to sleep a few times. Ran sometimes has to legit knock him out to put him to sleep because Rindou isn't taking care of himself.
Doesn't mean he was any less dangrous 💀 they became even more threatening after this, poor Rindou was taking his anger out on everything and Ran was straight up cruel.
Then they found you a full on 5 years later having fun at an amusement park with your family.
Did a double take to confirm it's you, once that happened Ran and Rindou all but exploded from anger and hatred.
At first they were so relieved and happy to see your face, then saw your belly, husband and kids trailing after you. Shock and happiness turned into a homicidal rage because God doesn't want you to be safe anymore. Both staring in a crazed state of anger.
"To think she's been here... How confident and stupid, knew she couldn't have done this alone, that trash must have done something to her."
"Don't be too hasty Rindou, let's do a bit of research first... If our little doll wants to play so stubbornly we have to break her down completely so she learns her lesson."
They were a lot more sneaky about it, because if they jumped at you on first sight Rindou would have ripped you to pieces and Ran might as well have killed you.
First they kept targeting people closest to you, then your kids and husband, even if you tried to move once noticing the signs it was impossible to escape again.
Ran and Rindou started stalking you more intensely, leaving messages, texts, clear indications that they were there to get you paranoid and anxious. You thought you were going crazy.
The more you refused and shot back, full of confidence, the worse they got.
They won't stop texting you, sending you pictures they took of you right that minute, your house is definitely bugged by the way. You and your husband lose your jobs, then Ran and Rindou keep saying how they'll target your kids next and that's when you lose it and demand they stop.
They don't.
The brothers don't even directly talk to you honestly, they just DO stuff and then sent you proof that they're controlling everything that happens.
"I liked the other dress you wore better! Of course it would look prettier if you weren't carrying that abominable inside you. Just saying~"
"Ran is right, that husband of yours is ugly too- ah maybe it's because neither of you have the money to do better right? How sad~"
"Just leave me alone already!"
"How about we do you a favor and swat one of the three dead? One less mouth to feed ^^~"
"You look so pretty crying [Y/N], but we'll get bored if we just keep looking at you from the monitor you know~"
The anger was starting to disappear into sadistic amusement because of this so the brothers knew they wouldn't kill you if you stood in front of them now.
When you're finally out of money they'll abduct you and your family. But they're completely ignoring you during everything, just make sure to take care of the essentials and barely talking or looking at you.
Instead they talk about what they'll do to your family, all the fucked up shit said right in front of your face and you can't even reach in to rip out Rindou's hair or smack Ran's face. Especially when they started planning what they'd do with your other child once they're born.
Just saying if you start crying Rindou might want to crack -to tease and mock you ofc- but Ran stops him- they definitely get more vicious though, the fact you care about your family annoys them to no end.
Ran absolutely drug up your husband and make the club girls have fun with him then shows you the videos with that same innocent smile.
"Looks like he's having fun~ Why would you pick a cheater like him doll?~ Someone so incompetent while my brother and I were with you?... That's why you need us, to take care of you so you don't make such dumb decisions..."
Ran's hand was definitely shaking as he held the phone, man was so angry and his ego was hurt that you left them.
Rindou was the one to give reports- or more so just talk about what would happen to your kids until he stopped giving any info.
You started growing nervous and began crying and demanding Rindou to tell you what happened.
He finally snapped to fully look at you, too bad it was a poor choice of words.
"Hurt? Hurt...? You know who's hurt [Y/N]? Me, Ran. WE'RE hurt! Hurt you'd abandon and run away with some random bastard! What!? Were we not good enough!? We fucking loved you more than anything- AND STILL DO! Gave you everything! And you abandoned us- BETRAYED us by creating a family with someone else!?"
Rindou broke character and was a crying, raging mess without Ran there to keep him calm, probably gripping tightly at you and in the midst of the screaming match you revealed the abortion part.
"H-huh... What?... B-but we... Were supposed to..."
Now Rindou was in a state of shock, he didn't do anything but stare for a minute then left. Definitely went to snitch to Ran who unlike Rindou just got even more angry with you.
"You run away, betray us, not to mention how much you've made Rindou cry for the past years, now this... Ahhh we've been patient enough with you, [Y/N]"
Ran genuinely despises you a little for making his little bro so unstable, he had trouble being a support for Rindou during the 5 years and this just crumbled Rindou down yet again.
Ran took it upon himself to torture you a little, of course all mental and a few knife slashes. Dealing with Ran alone was terrifying, the other held no sympathy for you whatsoever even as you pleaded you'd change, only stopping once he deemed it was enough.
Had to wait until you gave birth to your final kid before happily patting Rindou on the back and telling him how they could try again for a kid with you.
Being a good older bro, Ran let Rindou go first and seemed relieved when Rindou finally started smiling and looking alive again.
They ignored how empty you looked and continued the habit of talking to each other and never refering to you until later on, except for now always hugging or touching you in some way.
"See? Told you it would've worked Rindou, our doll is even more well behaved than before~"
"Guess you're right Ran, don't know why I made such a panic before... Well, doesn't matter, I'm just glad [Y/N]'s finally back to normal and won't cause trouble anymore~"
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unicornbobatea · 1 month
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So y'all know how @leslielumarie has a Corruption AU for her character Papaya, right?
Well, since Reese here is also doomed by the narrative, I thought it'd be pretty cool to do a darker Reese AU as well. This post was originally going to be dedicated to my old Nightmare Demon OC "Cinnabar", but all of the aspects that were associated with that OC went into making what I call "Crimson!Reese". Please enjoy the short story snippet below, which is followed by some design notes.
Luca sat quietly on the train, reflecting on recent events. How was it possible for someone to kill one of his family members? And not just any of his family, but Vance of all demons was the one to die. Who could've done such a thing? A man from across the bus looked at Luca and spoke up with a weak croak.
"Where are you headed, boy?" the old man croned.
"Amanita," Luca said quietly. No need to hide the fact that he was headed to a town in the middle of nowhere.
"If you're just going there to wander around, I suggest a different location," the man says. Luca only raises an eyebrow. "Folks over at that town ain't themselves nowadays. They drag their feet and hallucinate, talking about horrors too personal to share. Like they're dreaming while awake or somethin'," the old man rambles on. Luca slowly turned his gaze to look out the window. If what the old man was saying were true, then a Nightmare Demon could very well be in the sleepy old town of Amanita...
The sun's descent crossed with the moonrise as Luca got off the bus, ignoring the old man's warnings. Just as the old man had said, there were a few wandering people who were dreaming with their eyes wide open, something only a Nightmare Demon could force upon people. Luca walked forward, going deeper into the town as night fell upon the streets.
The moon took its position high in the sky, yet none of the street lamps would light.
Luca's ear twitched as a ferocious punch came from behind him, dodging out of the way and continuing to evade as more punches came his way. Luca threw his palms forward, catching his attacker's fists in his hands before grabbing the assailant's wrists and throwing him far away towards a wall.
Whoever tried to hit him, his facd was covered by a mask, with only his glowing yellow eyes showing. He wore no shirt, but covered his torso in a heavy, teal denim jacket with beige fur. His black jeans were ripped at the knees, and his black canvas slip-ons were heavily scuffed.
"Long time, no see," the attacker smiled, unmasking himself.
"No... it can't be..." Luca whispered to himself. He knew that voice, and he knew that face, but he didn't know the Nightmare Demon standing before him. Reese would never attack him, and Reese would never destroy a town like this.
Reese launched another onslaught of attacks at Luca, firing streams of Nightmare Gas that Luca deflected with his own blasts of Nightmare Gas. Reese wasn't even close to Luca's skill level, but he was still giving Luca a hard time.
"Seems like this old thing's weighing me down..." Reese snarled, taking off his jacket. He came at Luca again, but much faster this time, forcing Luca to take him seriously, to the point where Luca would admit that Reese was keeping him on his toes. At some point, Luca saw Reese's back, which shocked him. He never thought he'd see Reese develop a gash, much less one that was blood-red.
"You know, when I killed Vance, I thought it was too easy. Thankfully you're as much of a fun challenge as I'd hoped!" Reese laughed, meeting Luca blow-for-blow. Luca couldn't dwell on the fact that his cousin's death was at Reese's hand, and focused on finishing the fight.
Eventually, after an hour or so of fighting, Reese slipped up, giving Luca an opening to grab his head and slam him into the ground.
"Reese! This stops now!!" Luca yelled into the night. He was met only with wild, pained, echoing laughter.
"YOU'LL HAVE TO KILL ME FIRST, LUCA!!" Reese yelled back.
Reese went insane after losing both Papaya and Enoch. After Luca cuts contact with him, Reese sees it as "abandonment", leading him to go insane.
Reese has a block of pale highlights in his hair. Unlike Corruption!Papaya, who (I would assume) got streaks in honour of and due to his attachment to Luca, Crimson!Reese's highlights are a form of mockery.
Reese's gash is in the shape of a heart, and is located on his back in the middle of his trapezius. This is something that was taken from my discarded NMD OC, Cinnabar.
LeslieLu Marie mentions that Luca's purple gashes are a property of his bloodline. Most NMDs have blue gashes. No official mention of red (yet), but I'll bet that Reese's red gash probably breaks existing NMD lore. On my part, I used red because 1.) Hearts are typically depicted as red and 2.) Red for Rage bro, Reese in this AU has unending rage.
Reese's jacket used to be Enoch's. Where did it come from? Well, "we do a little grave robbing. As a treat".
Reese has much more visible musculature after going insane.
Reese killed Vance as vengeance for Vance killing Papaya.
Reese still has a happy-go-lucky personality, but it's only a front, and he takes an unseemly pleasure in murdering both human and NMD alike. You know Flowey from Undertale? Yeah, that.
Reese's goal is to either kill Luca or die by his hand since there's nothing else to live for, at least in his mind.
In order to kill Vance (and possibly Luca), Reese becomes a capable fighter and enhances his strength and his speed to the point that he can dodge an arrow aimed directly at his head. This is another aspect taken from Cinnabar.
I really like what I've come up with! I always liked Reese as a character, and I really liked Corruption!Papaya. I knew I wanted to do a similar AU for Reese at some point, and here it is!
Papaya in this AU is probably rolling in his grave huh?
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