#my fav animal as a kid for context
youarealwaysenough · 2 years
I respect all of the "this rock reminded me of you" gifters, but for me gift giving is about being known. Of your loved ones paying enough attention to know even one thing you want or need.
I'd trade all the half-hearted my parents got me as a kid for a cheap plastic giraffe on a keychain. Hell I'd probably still have it on my keys to this day.
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jet-teeth · 6 months
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Finally got caught up on that funky Bravern show the other day and omg. It's so much fun. Have some scribblin' More yelling under the cut (and also mild spoiler alert if you haven't seen any of it:)
Loved seeing more of the other Deathdrives, even if they were kinda short-lived on-screen and all (guess that's what happens when a buncha story stuff needs to get compressed into just 12 episodes)
I'm enjoying the hell out of this silly show it's fucking BUCKWILD. I can't remember the last show that made me laugh this much I am just constantly chimpanzee screaming at the screen Wasn't super sure at first because I was a bit "???" about where this was going in the first few eps but oh my god. It's def become a fav now. It's for sure meant to be a parody of itself/commentary on the entire mecha anime genre and all the tropes that it's loaded with but then the story actually gets interesting too. The TWISTS. IDK it just seems like they had so much fun making this Also, sentient robot characters yippee! (That stuff just seems to be super rare, I've always kinda wondered why, but it's like the mecha genre is allergic to the concept unless you go full into Transformers territory (which is its own whole thing at that point.) Like idk maybe I'm the weird one for loving that idea, but I do wish more of that existed outside of the context of parody or "for little kids" or whatever. Anyway I'll take whatever I can get on that front. I'm adopting all of these idiots) Cupiridas is my fav, Extremely Silly Guy. Kunus (Cunus?) is completely off her shits but I actually love that super wingy design. Pessimism has some really cool silhouette nonsense going on, can def approve of straying from the usual humanoid look. I could throw in some sketches of the main mechs (Bravern, Superbia) but they already get most of the fan art, so I wanted to doodle some of the others..
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starnana7 · 3 months
i honestly don’t know who is more of a loser when it comes to sam and dean. like they’re both so pathetic and nerdy it’s really funny. we have sam as a theater kid, obsessed with serial killers and being all smart, reading a lot of books and knowing like all the history and niche stuff of the world. while dean is into larf, knows every rock band and history of all of their albums, songs and context, likes cowboy wayyy too much and can recite all movies lines and references and watches Anime. men aren’t they just So geek. my fav loser brothers
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spittyfishy · 1 month
If the Pokemon world had their own "Remnants of Despair", who do you think would be in it. (Junko somehow made a portal there or something.)
Buckle up fellas this is gonna be a long one
Ooo okay that’s a super interesting thing to think about! There’s a lot of things to consider when picking remnants in this sort of context (fighting tooth and nail against the instinct to just bonk my favs with the villain au bat but I shall resist!)
I think it’s important take how the Pokémon world works into account, like having Junko just physically torture someone into despair (think Chisa) wouldn’t fly, Pokémon’s ratings as a franchised wouldn’t allow it. So I’ve only picked characters who already had something that Junko could pull on to manipulate them into despair. I also tried to get at least one person from every region! I'm not 100% certain about some of these, so I’d definitely love to hear other people’s thoughts! (And let’s see if anyone can guess which character I had the most thoughts for lol)
Chloe: I think I’ve talked about Chloe’s villain au potential before, but at least during the early part of the Journeys anime she fairly closed off and distant, her dad paid more attention to Goh and Ash then to her, and there were loads of instances where he put his Pokémon work above her needs and family plans.
Jessibelle: Listen, Jessie and James are too whimsical for something like this but Jessibelle was already a physically abusive gold digger lol so I’m sure Junko would have something to work with there.
Silver: Not only is his dad a globally wanted criminal, but he also abandoned Silver when he went into hiding (I think that’s the backstory at least), and Silver has a lot of dialogue about treating Pokémon only as tools. If being a strong trainer didn’t get Giovanni’s attention, then maybe being a Remnant would.
Clair: Okay I’m going to be honest, I realized there weren’t enough girls on the list and threw Clair on last minute, but she also is super annoying in the Johto games lol. Like come on I won the battle just give me the badge!!
Courtney: So in the Pokémon Masters phone game there’s a bit where Courtney is shown to really believe in the Team Magma cause and really hates Team Aqua even after everything had been resolved at the end of ORAS, so I think Junko could get her that way. Have Courtney convinced that it’s her duty to keep Team Magma’s ideals alive even if the rest of the team forgot them.
Cyrus: Cyrus failed. All that effort to create his perfect world, catching the lake spirits, scaling Mount Corinette, he got so close— Just to have it all come crashing down at the last moment. His life’s work destroyed by some kid! He already had little to no patience for humanity, so thanks to Junko’s influence fine, he’ll make this world so unbearable to live in that people will beg him to create his perfect world at last.
Saturn: Saturn will follow Cyrus anywhere, both Pokémon Masters and the Chronicles of Arceus movie showed that if the Commanders are put in a situation without Cyrus they will go to any lengths to get him back. Saturn's devotion runs deep, so if Cyrus says despair is the answer then that’s what it’ll be.
Roxy: I’ve got nothing to justify this one with other then Junko wanted an Ibuki replacement to preform silly little despair concerts and I needed someone to rep Unova.
Sycamore: I’m not the first person to say Sycamore and Lysander were in love if not in a full blown relationship when everything went down in Kalos. But Lysander died, crushed under the weapon he’d risked everything to restore. The longer Sycamore goes without him the more he notices the flaws in humanity Lysander was talking about. People are selfish and greedy, look at the state of the world! Professors in Paldea nearly caused an ecological nightmare! The president of the Galar region Pokémon league almost plunged the world into eternal darkness! Not to mention what the morons over in Hoenn tried to do. If even people that were supposed to be trustworthy were causing this much chaos then there was no hope for the rest of humanity. If he could just get Lysander back, just see him one more time— tell him he’d been right, Sycamore was sorry for not seeing it sooner, that he missed him, and that if he could go back he’d have never given those kids the Pokémon that he was ultimately defeated by. If he could just get him back— if there was just some way— like if there was a big, giant, ancient machine that was capable of bringing back the dead still sitting in pieces in Geosenge Town…
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Faba: Is anyone really surprised? Faba is a little weasel of a man and will jump ship to whoever currently holds the most power. He could be a Branch Chief again! Or even better, if he does a good enough job maybe Junko will give him the whole Aether Foundation as a reward! (She won’t, but the possibility would always be held over his head to keep him in line)
Hau: Okay but hear me out— in the Ultra games specifically Hau has a few interactions with Guzma where he taunts him about being in his grandpa’s shadow and never being able to prove himself as a strong trainer. Gladion’s dialogue reinforces this, that Hau is always too busy goofing off and never takes anything seriously. If Hau’s just stuck there, his friends surpacing him, his rivals surpacing him, the mantle of Kahuna an unattainable goal constantly hovering over him, all those expectations and the realization he’s never going to meet any of them— it might become too much to deal with.
Rose: He was only trying to help! Why couldn’t anyone see that? Galar needed Eternatus and the dynamax particles it could make, Rose had been saving the world! They were all so ungrateful, locking him in jail for saving them, who do they think they are? He made this region into what it is today! Everyone relies on Macro Cosmos, and he ran the entire Pokémon league on top of that! That Leon would be nothing without him! It was a region of ungrateful brats. But even so, he’ll still keep working to ‘help’ them all again, you’re welcome.
Oleana: *holds up photos of Oleana and of Peko* Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures. They’re the same picture.
Raihan: He had to beat him. If he just trained harder, more sandstorms, bigger dragons, if he wanted it more. Leon couldn’t be invincible, he couldn’t be, and Raihan would prove it. Turn all of Galar to a battle ground if he needed, but he was going to take down that champion once and for all.
Kieran: Again, no one’s surprised. Just take BB league champion Kieran and turn him up to 11, and boom. Remnant Kieran. He’s still on a hunt for a legendary Pokémon, if he can just find one of those then he’ll be strong enough to defeat anyone right!
Bonus, all the Team Star bosses: I’m thinking they’d be like the equivalent of the Warriors of Hope, not really part of the Remnants group but still very much in despair. I mean come on, a group of bullied teens like that, Junko would have a field day.
And there we go! 15 Remnants plus five Warriors of Hope! I thoroughly enjoyed this ask, I know some of the concepts were much more fleshed out then others, I almost went with Misty and Brock for Kanto (his parents abandoned him to raise all his younger siblings while being the city gym leader, and Misty was so stuck in her sister's shadow she ran away from home) but I just couldn’t do that to two of my childhood faves. (Pierce and Gladion also almost made the list).
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dollya-robinprotector · 5 months
Giggling because I love making post with multiple character tags and then wait for the wrong face to be featured on all the tags ksksksks
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This sydney looks soooo sillyyyy
Anw I just thought about my past so story time under the cut.
When I was in secondary school, I once knew a friend who was bullied.
For the context, it was a decent school, with 4 grades, each had 4 classes: A for lower-perform and naughty students, B for normal, C for better than average, and D for the Elites who will most definitely have bright future ahead. We are Asian children, study means EVERYTHING for us. Our worth are defined by how well we perform in school, how many awards we have and how good our grades are.
That friend was in class C. I was in class B. Normally we don't make friends outside of the class, but I once saw him being poured water on in the hallway, defended him and we became friends. Or something like that. Let's call him Z because I forgor his name now.
My parents didn't do well with the fact that I failed my entrance test and was stuck in normal class. They didn't have money to upgrade me to class C either, so they made me study extra hard. Back since I started going to school, I was being teased and harassed a lot too cuz I love to draw (what's the problem of kids being mean to artistic kids btw???). But since I was one of the best performers in study, I soon gained some respect and the soft bully subside. (I was terrible in math, but everything else were straight A okay??)
Z wasn't so lucky. I learned that his grades were terrible eventhough he was in class C. He stuttered a lot, always looks down when talking to people, never dare to engage in any conversation, etc... His appearance did not help, and he had some funny smell when I stood close to him. One thing though, he loved drawing too (urgh artistic kids again) and really admired my skill. The only times he would smile are when we talked about our fav anime. Looking back, I think maybe he had something to do with autism? I can't be sure though, but I know his parents spent a LOT to keep him in that better-than-average-class.
The bully was not too terrible, at least from what I saw and heard. He often got splashed by water, threw dirty rag or left-over food at, made fun of, laughed at, his belongings often went missing and be found somewhere dirty, etc... I used to went through all that too, so I helped him to somehow deal with them. Those sort of soft-physical bully were nothing scary once you got used to them. Just a little annoying. He got used to it too, I think, and we didn't mention those when we talk. I admit I might had some savior complex, and that friendship is not entirely friendly. It was more like I thought he would be helpless without me so I can't leave him alone.
And then one day when I was going home from school, Z approached me and asked if I want to go to his house. He said he has a very big greenhouse, and there were some pretty blooming flowers he wanted to show me. I never saw a greenhouse before and I love flowers, of course I said yes!
We rode our bicycles to his house. I've never been to his house before nor meet his parents. I didn't even ask my mom for permission to go but well, I was excited.
We went for a long time, and I started to realize he was leading me into the forest. I still went with him for maybe half an hour more, before I said I was tired and you didn't tell me your house would be this far. Then I look around and truly there was nothing bu trees surrounded the two of us. He looked back at me, clearly exhausted too, and said nothing. I started to realize the situation I was in: a 12 years old, in a forest, with no directions and a strange friend who I didn't really know. Yeh atm I was pretty scared.
I asked Z again where exactly is his house. He stuttered and said I don't need to worry, we would get there very soon. He said if I was too tired I can hop on his bike and he would get me there. Then he attempted to take my hand but that creeped me out so I stepped away from him. I turned my bike, ignored his calls, and just went as fast as I can toward the direction I thought would lead me out of the woods. He called out to me and began to chase after me too, but gave up after some times.
I then just rode my bike with full speed, somehow got out of the woods into a strange road I didn't know, asked around for direction and got home safe. My mom scolded me for being so damn late and I apologized. I never tell anybody, and never talk to Z ever again. He didn't bother me either. And that's the end of the story.
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heyhellohihowareyou · 11 months
Why “Ball Game Tournament Time” is underrated as hell
BASEBALL EPISODE! BASEBALL EPISODE! Any anime that has a baseball episode in it is bound to get Hailey hooked!
And this one is about her Sugi boy! She’s all for him getting more screentime!
Out of context picture
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I’m pretty sure that this was the episode that started the “Jiriki Hongan Revolution” intro (Correct me if I’m wrong) and since it’s tied as my fav AC intro, this episode gets points for starting it!
Baseball fanatic Koro is best Koro!
Anyways, did I mention I love baseball episodes because I love baseball episodes
Found a cute side character with freckles. Appreciate her NOW!
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Two very good boys right here!
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Kimura gets to do something! We must savor this moment while we still can!
Awww a cute Mimura!
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I live for a badass Sugi boy (Even though this one is in Shindo’s head 😅)
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Also, start the count for how many times Shindo looks like he’s about the piss himself
Ain’t this such a great episode! 3-E is succeeding and showing the main campus kids what’s what! Boy I sure hope no one ruins-
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Bitch. Can you please stay out of my feel good sports episodes and not traumatize people at all? You’re bringing down the vibes man 😕
Well the girlies are back at least! Kind of wish we got to see them play though.
Kayano: “It’s just that the other team had huge jiggly boobs! It made me so made that I couldn’t concentrate!” Kaede sweetie you are not beating the allegations 🩷💜💙
Nothing to say except I like Maehara’s bewildered face
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I hate the man but those eyes though
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Irina: “Aha! I think I get it! So you hit a ball with a stick!” Never change Irina. Never change.
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Did I mention that I adore Sugino. Well, I ADORE SUGINO!!!
I swear to god Gakuhou doesn’t have life WHY ARE YOU HERE!?
Also, anyone else felt bad for Shindy this episode? Sure he was sort of a cocky bastard for the first part but man is he put through hell here.
Karmster using his bitch powers to good use (Yes, Karmster is his new name now)
Also this should be a meme template
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I saw the glowing red eyes and my first thought was “Baki?”
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Nothing to say except that I find Isogai’s little sigh cute
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Bewildered Shindy
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Gakuhou: “Crack a skull if need be.” Why aren’t you in jail yet?
We love Karmster’s little bitch face
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Karmster: “Swing like you’re trying to kill us.” My guy is in distress
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Nagisa: “That’s got him pretty shaken up.” Pretty Shaken- MY GUY IS TRAUMATIZED!
Again, poor Shindy. Like seriously get this boy some help.
I’ve caught two bright smiles in one screenshot!
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Sugino: “Didn’t mean for things to get so crazy.” Shindy needs to go to therapy
Juuuust Karmster
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Hadn’t mention before but I love listening to Sugi’s dubbed voice. For someone who shares a voice actor with the loud mouth that is Katsuki Bakugo his voice is nice to listen to
Sugino: “It was about being proud of my new friends. I wanted to show them off.” Sugino I fucking love you.
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Welp that’s it. That was a good ass episode that we as a fandom should talk about more! It’s season 1’s version of leader time to me. In fact it’s part of my top ten favorite episodes of the series (I really need to make a list) I don’t say it that much but Sugino as a character brings me so much serotonin so watching this episode was a joy for me! Combined with the fact that I love baseball this episode was an absolute delight.
I keep forgetting how bad I feel for Shindy boy here. Like, he was just slightly cocky and he ended up getting manipulated left and right. Seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up having nightmares about the 3-E students sniping him in his sleep or something.
Anyways, like I said. This is a good episode and we should really discuss it more. We should discuss Sugino more. DISCUSS THE BOY! <—— Barely discusses the boy in question
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morallygay · 2 years
🟩⬜️⬛️ Animes for aro/ace people - Part 2 ⬛️⬜️🟪
The list was getting a bit too long so I decided to make a different post.
~if you see this post as a reblog, make sure to go to the original post, chances are I edited and updated it! ;)
part 1 here
“Yofukashi No Uta” / “Call Of The Night” (13 episodes)🔻
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The protagonist wants to become a vampire, but for that to happen you need to be bitten by a vampire you are in love with, and he’s aro (can be both seen as aroallo or acespec). It’s not canon canon in-universe, but like, it’s canon, that’s literally what the plot is about. It has awkward wording/takes coming from the characters sometimes but it got the spirit. I haven’t finished the manga but I’ve been told that the character’s aromance is not invalidated to the end, and the story is precisely about how he doesn’t need to be “fixed”. The show tackles amatonormativity and the value of platonic relationships :). If you can’t handle or don’t like sensual/sexual stuff though, know that it’s omnipresent.
“Shimanami Tasogare” / “Our Dreams At Dusk” (4 volumes)🔻
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An LGBTQ+ manga with multiple kinds of representation, including an AAA battery (character who is agender/nonbinary and aroace). Canon and they said the word! Although they didn’t differentiate between aromantic and asexual; in my translation they used ‘asexual’ and meant it as aromantic as well I assume.
“Death Note” (37 episodes)🔻🔹
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Another big one but I’ll assume you don’t know about it so, basically: So misogynistic it’s gay. But also so homophobic it’s aroace. And since it’s a psychological thriller, romance is virtually nonexistent, except for a side character annoying girl who is in LOVE with the protagonist. Protagonist who does not show any interest whatsoever in romance/sex. He’s a serial killer but #diversity win I guess. I have admittedly only read the manga once when I was 12 so I may not remember these things accurately.
“Jormungand” (12 episodes)🔻🔹
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A personal fav for its eccentric and amoral vibes and characters. I see the protagonist (woman with white hair) as aroace. Problematic points: she has a weird groomer thing going on with the kid character; it’s implied that she’s teasing and she kind of does this with everyone and it’s part of her personality but it’s still uncomfortable. Also a secondary woman character has romantic feelings for her. This is a cool point but it’s also eh because it’s done in a pretty fetishistic way.
Also heads up: our main cast are arms dealer and there’s violence and war and child soldiers and it’s morally ambiguous
“Mob Psycho 100” (37 episodes + 2 OVAs)🔹
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A must watch regardless. But in this context, a show about life wisdom and connection in the most fundamental human way, which makes it a very platonic show. Because of the nature of the relationships between the protagonist and the other main cast (master/‘parental’ figure, brother, intergenerational friendship), there is literally not even the place for shipping, apart from the 1 friend his age. And these platonic relationships, oh boy, are they explored and developed and heartwarming. The protagonist has an idealized crush on a girl and that’s the only romantic element there is, and it’s handled maturely and to carry the same main themes I mentioned earlier; it’s absolutely not there for the sake of being romanticized.
! Mp100 is a phenomenal show in many ways, queer representation is not one of them. it is very much incredibly cishet. warning for transmisogynistic humor.
“Kimi No Sekai Ni Koi Wa Nai” / “Is Love The Answer?” (1 volume)🔻
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Another manga. It is a queer manga specifically about aromance and asexuality, following an aroace character (touch repulsed) and their experience of comphet and general compallo, feeling alienated, and then learning about this identity, finding queer community and accepting herself. It delves into the topics of labels and identity, acknowledging and embracing fluidity, vagueness, and spectrums. It actually presents specific aspec microidentities I’ve never seen acknowledged anywhere else in fiction, much less explored. It made me feel like crying and kicking my legs with glee. I won’t go say everything it talks about but I truly recommend it for anyone, not just aspec people; in general but especially if you want to learn more about the world of aspec identities. (Also not that any are reading this but I recommend it to exclusionists. Like idk how you can read this and not feel it evident that aspec people are queer)
The same author also did a manga called “Mine-kun Is Asexual” prior to this one, and wrote other things on the topics of romance, sexuality and gender identity :)
“Koisenu Futari” (="two people who can't fall in love" idk the official engish translation if there is one) (8 episodes)🔻
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This is a japanese drama. I have broadened the original topic of these posts a bit but I realized that with the microscopic amount of representation we have, why would I intentionally deprive people from knowing about the existence of this show? It is specifically about aromance and asexuality, and follows 2 aroace people who decide to live together and form a queerplatonic relationship. There are many other elements to the story and it touches upon multiple aspects of the aspec experience (lol aspects aspec), starting obviously with allonormativity and amatonormativity. Also our 2 main characters are both fully aroace but the show does make the distinction between aromantic and asexual, and shows a alloromantic asexual character at one point just for that clarification.
“Last Gender” (2 volumes + 3rd and last one to be released in English in June)🔻
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Similar to Shimanami Tasogare; it’s an LGBTQ+ manga. This one is centered around a sex bar which 'accepts anyone of any gender or sexuality'. It has an aroallo character, a lithromantic character, and a character who, to my understanding, would be the closest labelled as greyromantic and greysexual. That’s just for the aspec characters but there are other, particularily underrepresented, identities and kinds of people in this manga, like a pansexual person, a bigender person, polyamorous people, or ‘simply’ a gnc woman.
content warning: it’s sexually explicit. I mean the setting is literally a sex bar.
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akai-anna · 8 months
HEY THERE MY LOVELY MUTUAL <3 <3 (I love when you reblog and queue my posts ur actually amazing ily so much I love reading your tags hugs hugs hugs <3 <3 <3 im in love, giggling kicking my feet everyday)
TAKAGI. BABY BOI OF DCMK (I remember seeing a poll rolling around somewhere about the most dcmk baby girl and Takagi won)
I will also have to have to ask you about Kaito HAHAH (my fav blorbo i will admit)
ok the thing is im from australia. choose an australian animal of your choice bc i am Intrigued. im not too sure how the bingo would translate though hahahah I don't think it would work very well
(feel free to also ask me anything or talk to me and about this bingo too >v0 b)
Firstly: WE'VE NEVER TALKED BEFORE BUT LET ME TELL YOU, I WAS (still am) SMILING LIKE AN IDIOT WHEN I SAW YOU SEND IN AN ASK! Yes, I keep track and i'm always happy to see you in my activity and my dash! (I'm also really happy to see we mutually share that feeling; I relate to the giggling kicking feet sentiment a lot.) I'm happy to have this chance to interact with you, in a sense, face to face! Bless you, darling, and I'm sending hugs right back at you.
Thirdly: warning notes apply, as stated in previous asks:
I tend to interpret things liberally: only my own rules apply, which means ->
I check everything that makes sense to me, even if they might seem contradictory
The Character Opinion Bingo in question
Prepare for endless ranting. And as a certain someone says: さあショーの始まりだ わ!
I. Takagi Wataru
The Babygirl and Malewife of My Heart Personal Special Tag: #takagi is a good man
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Points that I feel need a little elaboration:
I am so normal about them: I use the word "normal" as a synonym for "utterly obsessed with" and "absolutely love and adore". (I don't like the word in itself, hence, the only context I use it in, is this. But that is another story.)
*puts them in a salad spinner*: as in, the salad spinner is my brain, and he keeps rotating in it at high centrifugal force.
Canon isn't real if I don't look at it and That's a solid design right there: Detco Canon is... As much as I love it, I think we can agree it has its shortcomings/issues, and one of them is coming up. These two points go hand in hand at this moment because LOOK AT HIM!!! LOOK AT HIM!!! THIS MAN IS A BABY!!! LOOK AT HIM, HE'S PERFECT!!! THE SPIKY HAIR!!! THE SHAPES!!! THE COLOUR PALETTE!!! HE'S SO CUTE!!
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I resonate with this particular video: his new design in the anime (partly thanks to the general Square-and-Pointy-fication) is just... THEY HAD THE PERFECT MAN. IT'S A CRIME. Bless that he is at least still cute in the manga, even if not the same way as in the early anime. The sharp cheekbones and soft looking hair have their charm.
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My point is: THIS!!!! MAN!!! IS!!! A BABY!!!!
Literally I would kiss them and I want to BITE them: he makes me go FERAL with LOVE, and makes me feel like I want to gnaw on something or eat a whole fridge or scream endlessly into a pillow. I wouldn't do it to HIM (I'll leave that to Satou Miwako), but generally, the feeling is there. (Okay, I'll be honest, I would totally give him forehead, cheek, or hair kisses.)
To close his section, have one of my favourite bits about this Baby Of A Man. That poll was absolutely right about him, THE ULTIMATE BABYGIRL (and Malewife TM).
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II. Kuroba Kaito/Kaitou KID
The Local Mischief and Chaos Bringer Personal Special Tag: #the magical agent of chaos
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Some points are the same as for Takagi, but here is elaboration on the ones that don't match:
Bastard, A Beast Unleashed and They didn't get bullied enough: let's be real. He's an Absolute Menace. And I sort of love that about him. Highly competent (competency makes me go weak), and if that is not scary (and hot) I don't know what. And sometimes he also goes too far (lifting skirts is not okay at all, Kaito) and needs someone to put a leash on him (or kick a soccer ball at him/chase him in a classroom). I feel that sometimes he needs a bit of bullying a challenge, to think about things. And again, honesty: I love seeing him suffer a bit, I love his Panic Moments LOL. Not in a mean way. But I also love how kind he is; the baseball chapter in the MK manga has my heart, and the Clock Tower Heist, and the Red Tear chapter... Not to mention the Nightmare arc. He cares about people and making others happy. I feel I went on a tangent here. Onto the bastard bit: he CAN BE SUCH A BASTARD AND I LOVE THAT ABOUT HIM TOO. Two of my favourite bits of Bastardry from him include 1) HOW HE DISGUISED AS RAN AND HOW HE BAITED SHINICHI AT THE VERY END OF THAT ENCOUNTER and 2) THE WAY HE SENDS SHINICHI CAREENING IN THE SIDECAR LIKE IT'S NOTHING (but also Shinichi getting right back at him and setting fire to the fckin fuel.) Pure Bastard Energy.
I want their gender: I love the way he is just so free-spirited about how he dresses/disguises. And I love the thought of him and Aoko doing outfit swaps (I blame that competition in MK for these. Also look at these delightful posts on the topic).
Canon isn't real if I don't look at it: I have... issues, with canon, you could say. Like the way he has no support system, especially bothers me. I would like to see his character treated with more care (be it MK or DetCo). I live for good character development, and I crave that for him.
To close this section, have one of my favourite conversations between these two menaces of nature.
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III. Australian Animal of Choice: Koala
Fun fact: I've been in love with koalas ever since I got a keyholder plushie from relatives in Australia when I was like... in kindergarten? Or early elementary? Also don't worry, *puts on sunglasses* I wouldn't have mentioned animals, if I thought I couldn't work with them.
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Elaboration is needed here I feel.
I am so normal about them: I'm not as obsessed as I used to be but I'm eternally fond of koalas. Did you know their fingerprints are so similar to us they could be mistaken for human fingerprints? Or how they spend most of their time sleeping because the eucalyptus they consume is toxic? Or how they can actually swim well? Or how they are literally surviving by being Dumb As Shit because Being Dumb Saves Energy? Yeah, I'm totally normal about them.
*projects onto them like a mf* and I want their gender: Oh to be a koala, just existing, sleeping, sometimes waking up to eat some eucalyptus, then going right back to sleep. I want that.
They are so silly and They Sure Do Exist: how did this animal even come into existence? Weird lil creatures. THEY ARE JUST SO SILLY. THE NOISES THE MAKE. Like oh my god.
IV. Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan
*Prof Agasa voice* He has many nicknames, like Gremlin Child, Absolute Menace, Ultimate Baby, Lil Nerd, Walking Encyclopedia Son, or Disaster Child. I think I call him as many names as I do my dear Rosie, so that is quite telling LMAO Personal Special Tag: #the detective gremlin
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EDIT: FCKIN TRIPLE BINGO AS @vampirecatsw POINTED OUT oh my god, I'm blind
Again, some thoughts on relevant bits.
A Beast Unleashed: another MENACE OF NATURE. You cannot let him roam free, he finds trouble like it's Breathing. Also love it when he goes ballistic. Or when he shows how competent he is. Like GOD. HE'S AMAZING, and he's a danger to criminals and himself, mostly.
Everyone else if wrong about them: not EVERYONE, just... some people. We agreed with a friend that some of our issues in portrayal lies with the fandom sort assigning him traits that Hakuba has, but not Shinichi (Hakubification). Of course, people can have their fun with it, but it's not for me and have my own opinions on the matter.
Canon isn't real if I don't look at it: again, DetCo has issues. Like the lack of continuity/ erased character development, or not bringing up issues ever again, and the like. Early DetCo was GOOD at these, and I miss those times.
That's a solid design right there and I fuck with this aesthetic so hard: HE IS!!!! SO SHAPED!!!!! SO ROUND!!! (or at least used to be) THE GENTLE CURVES OF HIS FACE!!! THE SILLY HAIR!!!! NOT TO MENTION HIS FCKIN WARDROBE!!!! I'M OBSESSED WITH HIM!!! Also, I have a huge thing for blue eyes and dark hair combination, not to mention the glasses... I'm fckin weak for glasses... god. He just hits all the right spots in my heart and brain. (Not to mention his personality, I WANT TO CRY I LOVE HIM SO MUCH-)
They didn't get bullied enough: I live for others teasing Gremlin Child. It's not quite bullying (never HURT HIM FOR REAL, I'LL CRY), but he needs to be TEASED MORE FOR SURE. I guess Bastardry also fits into this, that's good too.
SQUEAK: sometimes he is just so DUMB I want to SQUISH HIM HARD OR SHAKE HIM. I LOVE HIM, I SO DO, even if he is an idiot at times. God. I love him.
I have way too many favourite bits related to this boi. So. Have these random screencaps from my DCMK folder.
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I hope you have fun reading this madness, Cyn! I HAD AN ABSOLUTE BLAST, YOU HAVE MY ETERNAL LOVE, may you have an absolutely blessed day, dear.
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luckyshotwrites · 10 months
I know no one asked for this. However, I want a way to easily treasure those asks ya'll have sent me. THANK YOU for them! I'm always accepting more and I AM STILL WORKING ON A FEW. The, well, life right now is fighting me but ANYWAY ENJOY! THESE ARE NOT ALL OF EM' I don't think, IM STILL LOOKING AND ADDING, PROMISE! My computer broke recently and looking for them on mobile sucks!
Random Questions: Simply the goofs/the stuff I think are fun
Alexander and Lynette - Will he see her more than food? Does she consider anyone there as a friend?
As Kids - How the night crew were as kids. Spoiler free as possible.
Cat or Dog person - I did a lot of individuals in this ask, what animals they vibe with.
Coziest Sleeper - The coziest Sleeper
Favorite Character - without using their name, species, or gender describe your fav (already introduced) character from widfali.
IF I was trapped in a room - Which character from Widfali would I want the most and least, I answered with Main Crew.
Lev - Does Lev have elemental breath?
Lev with a human friend part 1 - How would Lev treat a friend? Would he eat you with consent or not? Would he still want you to be unwilling and scared? Would he comfort you if you needed it?
Lev with a human friend Part 2 - What if Lev had a human friend that was scared of him, and if said human friend was in danger? If they didn't know he was a monster would he risk revealing himself to save them?
Lynette - As Patrick Star (still gotta draw her in costume)
Main Cast as Teachers - What classes would they teach and how would they be?
Main Crew Songs - Songs I have for the Morning Crew and Wicks
Morning and Night Crew Emoji's - Described using Emoji's, plus Wicks
Night Crew Character songs - Songs that I associate with the night crew of Widfali.
Night Crew Parody Songs - These are more of their joke songs that make me laugh to listen too.
Oc Ask Game (Alexander) - 6, 19, and 21
Oc Ask Game (Drake, and Alexander) - 9, 10, and 12 for both
Oc Ask Game (Elliot) - 7, 8, 10, 14, and 19
Oc Ask Game (June) - 6, 8, Badly injured, collections
Oc Ask Game (Lev) - Number 8, what does he collect as a Dragon
Oc Ask Game (Lev) - 7, 19, 47
OC Ask Game (Lev, Zilla, and Zane) - For this ask game, Lev - 12, 20, 39, Zane - 28, 33, 49, Zilla - 12, 20, 31
Plethora of Questions - Craziest Sleeper, Calmest, the heaviest sleeper, and lightest sleeper out of day and night crew. How Beatrice feels about humans, Zane and Zilla's closeness, and lastly the best and worst with horror movies.
Pizzeria Crew Forming a Band - Night and Morning Crew forming a band, who plays what and their band name!
Silliest Character - Who do I think is the silliest?
Silly Vore Ask Game (Lynette) - 1, and 7 for this ask game
Soft 'Spoiler' Angsty Facts - Facts/hints for the main crew.
Videogame-Fali - What kind of Videogame would Widfali be?
Widfali's First Concept - The creations of the cursed!
Widfali Au List - I have plenty of more, a whole list on my server now but these were the originals.
Who would Lynette take to the Wedding - Out of the Morning and Night Crew (plus Viola on Mid-shift) who would Lynette take and why.
Worst Au - As will be explained in the post.
Worst Character - Which character in Widfali would I want to be real the least.
Worst and Best Roommates - I did this for Morning and Night Crew
Theories/Questions: Explanations or Needed context?
Will contain spoilers in most of these, make sure you're caught up first!
Alexander's Standards - Alexander being nice?
Early Bind Lore - Some information/Chapters where binds are explained.
My First Official Theory - I still think this was cool and very close!
Widfali Prediction List - A bunch of theories!
Suggestions/Talk/Sweet Encouragement: As the title says.~
A ship - Between my two idiot Oc's
Alexander Development - Did he really?
New Favorite Character - Lev Anon having a change?!
JUNE - June Hug
Positive Dance Time - A song recommendation for June!
Why can't I be trusted with a Knife - Because of darn Lev.
About my pfp (Alexander Mouth) - Is Alexander my poster boy?
Took a Nap - Widfali haunting dreams 😈
How Long does it take with each Chapter - My estimated time on each.
Don't Apologize - I had a lot of stuff bopping, and this was a nice.
Art Style Be Like - The compliment I received for my art style being similar to Haikyuu
"Lynette's a girl?!" - A goofy response to one of my favorite parts
Lev and I have no knife privileges
How The Privileges Got Revoked - Undeserved 😛
Doing Fan Art for Me? - *joyful tears*
As always!~
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the-stray-liger · 10 months
Where do you recommend someone start out with the .hack franchise? 'cuz there's a lot of stuff and it's kinda intimidating to get into
RUBS MY GAY HANDS TOGETHER a friend just asked me this on discord lol
OKAY so there's a ton of games and a lot of anime and manga to read and I'm kinda trying to remember it as I go because it's been years
ok so the first wave of games that you should check out in chronological order is infection, mutation, outbreak, and quarantine. Along with those came 4 episodes of the Liminality anime which goes along the game but happens outside of the game in real life. Liminality is very worth checking out if you play the games in that order.
Then you can give a spin to .hack//SIGN which happens in the same version of The World as the first games, it's super interesting and emotional and I highly reccomend it. It includes a parody episode called GIFT that actually used to put me on my ass as a kid.
I didn't like legend of the twilight, it's an anime that even to me in my peak anime cringe moment was very anime cringe, but I guess you can check that out too.
Then we have G.U. which happens in a different version of The World for reasons that I won't spoil, and revolves around a different character. These were my fav games: Rebirth, Reminiscence and Redemption, the third one being my fav out of the whole saga because it made me cry a lot.
There is an anime prequel to G.U. called .hack//ROOTS. I believe there's also a cd drama that I had my abusive exboyfriend rip for me back when we were together and he used gifts to demand physical affection for me but I have no idea what it is about so if you don't speak japanese you can skip that. Roots is very interesting too, I feel like it gives you a lot of context for Haseo (the MC of G.U.). But I did watch the anime after playing the games so I dont feel like you need to do that in chronological order.
There's also the G.U.+ manga which is like a G.U. alternate spinoff and honestly I really really really loved it and I think it's worth checking out
This is where it gets complicated for me because I stopped paying attention to .hack// for a few decades following a really bad breakup in 2010-11. I think .hack//Link came out next but I didn't keep up and I'm not sure of what comes next.
G.U. Last Recode came out in 2017 I believe, I own the game but haven't played it; I think it's like a remake/summary of the G.U. saga with a few things added in and others taken out. Liek I said I haven't played it yet so I can't speak for it.
But that's all of the .hack// knowledge I can provide at the top of my head. Hope that is helpful! And I really hope you can give the .hack// franchise a chance, it has some really beautifully thought out lore and some characters that even 13 years after playing it for the last time still live rent free in my head!!!
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coffbeanie · 2 months
How powerful is Mei compared to her brothers?
And how powerful is Mei compared to her father and Lloyd?
What are some abilities that Mei have?
What does Garmadon (all versions) and Wu and Lloyd and the Fsm think of Mei?
this is a wordy one :)))))
1. She’s a bit weaker compared to them bc she wasn’t made to be able to defeat them. In a fight, if she played her cards right she could maybe outlast them and tire them out, but they were made to be stronger than her since their elemental powers were meant to be more powerful, and they are more technically skilled as her training mainly focused on defense, while Wu and Garmadon’s training focused on offense.
2. She’s definitely weaker than her father but he’s literally god so I feel like that applies to everyone lol. As for Lloyd, I’d imagine she’s stronger than him just because she has more years of training behind her
3. For some context in my AU, Wu, Garmadon, and Mei used to hold the elements of Creation, Destruction, and Life respectively, but after Garmadon got bit, the FSM stripped them of their powers. He split their each of their elements into four separate elements (one bc he realized how dangerous it was for someone to have all of that power, and two a regular person probably wouldn’t even be able to hold all that power) and this is how we get our first EMS. Mei’s element Life split into the elements of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. When she used these abilities, she could control weather patterns (on a small scale, just messing with the weather around the monastery) the life span of living things (She only used this on plants) and emotions (She never really used this though) If she had more time with her abilities, she could have learned how to control the weather on a larger scale and the life span of other living things, such as animals and humans, and the emotions of multiple people at once.
She doesn’t have these powers anymore but besides that she does know Spinjitzu, is most efficient with straight hand to hand combat, and is also really good at reading people if that makes sense? She’s spent a lot of time with people she just knows how to tell what people are feeling or if they’re hiding something. Also just being being out with the people of Ninjago she’s picked up different hobbies that she’s just become more skilled with years of practice (gardening, cooking, painting, playing instruments-she likes playing the piano and the flute the best. you name it she’s probably semi good at it bc she’s god’s unemployed daughter who’s really really old how else was she going to spend all those years?)
4. Wu and Mei never really developed a personal relationship, so they typically resort to the baseline instincts they have that came with their elements and overall creation-that Wu wants all things good to prevail and that Mei wants to keep Ninjago in balance. This leads him to be frustrated with her most of the time as he feels she is always blaming him for everything (which he’s not entirely wrong-he is not her fav brother and he knows it) and she also tried to interfere to his training of the Ninja. He thinks good can prevail and feels that she is getting in the way of bringing complete peace to Ninjago.
-Lloyd finds Mei to be the most “normal” person in his family, and he appreciates it. He feels that when he just wants to vent about his feelings, he can just go to Mei and she’ll never try to teach him anything or make a lesson out of it-she’ll just listen and help him feel more normal
-The FSM did overlook Mei slightly growing up. For all of his kids, while he was a good teacher and mentor he wasn’t exactly the best dad (he tried!! he did care for them but he cared for them the way he cared for everything else in Ninjago and only kept them close because he gave them so much power) It was just that Wu held his power of Creation, Garmadon required some extra attention due to the Devourer’s bite, and Mei…well Mei seemed fine on her own. He’d train her and help her study but for everything else, she had the power of Life! She could connect with her powers by being out with the people of Ninjago, she didn’t need him for that. (also just for this ik the FSM has both creation and destruction, but in this au destruction comes from the creatures that were on Ninjago when he first arrived, and he developed the elements of creation to oppose the destruction that originally made up Ninjago, so he has more pride in it which makes Wu kinda his fav kid)
(i think this is what you meant by all versions of Garmadon)
-Lord Garmadon was too focused on making Ninjago in his own image to care about the balance, the balance his sister tried to keep in place. When he was fully controlled by the evil within him, he saw Mei as an obstacle, something that stood in his way, but when he felt a little more like himself, he remembered how Mei told him that she’d understand that his actions weren’t always his own, as someone who would always care for him and try to see his side when no one else wood.
-Master Garmadon was always able to find comfort with Mei. Before being sent to the Underworld, there was a stigma around him, first from his element of destruction, and then it was bc of his bite, and even after the evil left him, he still had to deal with the legacy of Lord Garmadon. Even so, she was the one who could see past this. Bc he was Lord Garmadon, he gets the most public attention out of all his siblings, and bc of his bad reputation he feels the need to keep up this “aways good” appearance just to get people to stop thinking he’s evil, but with Mei he can be more himself with all his faults without being judged.
-Reborn Garmadon finds Mei to be an annoyance, especially when he first returned. She kept mentioning things that he didn’t remember, things he didn’t care for. This obviously left her disappointed, but he didn’t quite care. Eventually (during March of the Oni) while he still couldn’t understand her feelings of sadness and disappointment, he could at least realize that she was feeling like that, and that it was his fault. He was able to recognize and acknowledge her to be a good, strong person, someone that his son would be safe around (after he started reconnecting with Lloyd kinda)
-(also i don’t remember how he was in Crystallized cause i haven’t rewatched it but for rn i’ll say that uhmm they’ve maybe seen each other in passing? Mei is probably leaving it open for him to talk to her, but he probably hasn’t)
This is also maybe a good time to mention that i haven’t read the books oops!! I need to get my hands on them and I know there are some with good Wu and Garmadon content and i’m pretty sure they’re canon to the show so I should read them but for rn I’m not taking those into consideration
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vilvermin-sqwirl · 1 year
i know i just info dumped abt my fav little guy 2 seconds ago but this is completely unrelated i just need to rant a bit more
cw // negative post , transphobia mention
i genuinely think youtube comments have the mental capacity of a puddle of motor oil-poisoned brine shrimp you would find on the side of the road. i can be called one million slurs but when *I* say "hey fucker. don't do that." suddenly i'm being hostile?
so tldr context is: when i was 14 i made a fan animation for a webseries i liked. now the creator is undergoing backlash for cancelling the series due to Situations That I Will Not Explain. i will not explain any further because man I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!! everything RELATED to that community is fucked up and i'm NOT DOING THIS AGAIN!!!!
anyways now my fan animation is spontaneously getting a whole lot of stupid snarky comments like "ummm.. this didn't age well!!" and people are now using this whole thing as an excuse to be genuinely transphobic. on MY SILLY ANIMATION. THAT I MADE WHEN I WAS 14. DUDE.
the reason i bring this up is i can't help but REPLY to these comments because i am mentally ill. (however i do not reply to outwardly awful comments because i know better than that.)
sometimes i straight up wanna delete my channel man i hate youtube and all the little bacteria that flock to it. i know its mostly kids and i feel bad for getting so fucked up over it but its draining yknow??? i'm obviously never gonna do that but the urge becomes more present everytime some shit like this happens
anyways check out these out of context comments that i got that are really funny <3
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wiffhuff · 1 year
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My dude is as skinny as a cheese string
Anyways wow!!! 2 for 1 deal today!!! I felt like if I didn't post Doug and Lao relatively together, I'd get struck down by lightning or something ^^
I liked to think Lao has even longer hair than he does canonically cuz he has given up trying to deal with it. I stuck with giving him a sleek type hair cuz it's probably greasy eUGH. That's def why he tied it, cuz imagine being slapped with it lol
Do not ask what happened to his tie, he does not know as well and frankly does not care.
Had him wear his uniform shirt unbuttoned since he's a rebel and that's kinda the trope in anime. As well, he usually is wearing some random shirt and changes it every couple of days.
My fav part is def his non-uniform jacket he always wear. Unfortunate you cannot see the back design, but it does have a Pathfinder logo :)))) I added some elements of his canon fit to make it semi-inspired.
He got piercings!!! But only simple ones :> You can't even see his right ear so no one notices most of the time.
-Doug is one of two people who can convince him to go to school. The other is Lin, but Lao only sees her by chance. Students have seen Doug nagging Lao on his phone, or literally dragging him into class.
-He's all edgy not because wife and kid died (Chenshi would not even exist in this AU), but because he's a hormonal teen who feels like he knows everything. So an edgy idiot.
-Elma and Lao are not on good terms with one another. Elma feels upset with him all the time since she feels he can def excell (See little sketch of angry Elma up there for context). But Lao doesn't bother most of the time if as long as he passes his classes.
-Despite him not caring, I still feel like he gets somewhat good grades. He atleast gets enough good test marks to make Elma raise her eyebrows.
-Yuppers Charmaine exists, but she's in a different school (idk if it would be too tropey to have her school and the [Blade Academy/XCX school idk the name] to be rivals). People are kinda surprised that Lao fell for her since she seems aesthetically the opposite of him (Bubbly, charming, sweet). But I'd like to characterise her with a "You can't fool me" vibe to explain how she is able to wrangle Lao. She def does not put up with any bullshit, and Lao is kinda charmed by that.
-I'm still thinking what sport/physical activity he should do outside of school. It would be silly if he did Kyudo (Japanese archery) plus it would def be so cool to draw him with a bow!!! I know Kyudo clubs exist in some schools, but I imagine Lao didn't join since he likes doing it as his OWN activity.
-In that silly trio friend group I mentioned, Lao is the enabler of the stupid shenanigans the guys get into. Or more of the catalyst I'd think. Like he would go try to jump the school gate, Doug tries to stop him, Frye joins in, and somehow they all got stuck up on the roof of the school building
Translation notes:
Left: Lao secretly reading some stuff on his phone with the caption "Checking his phone in class" and Doug behind him saying "Psst. Dude do your test!". A pissed off Elma sketch with a convo going on: "Lao, did you do alright on the test?" then Lao says "Meh I missed a few marks so only a 98" and Elma said "Huh??" as she holds her test with a 96%. Lao listening to Lin talking about the things happening at her school. A nametag on a girl that says "Charmaine" with her saying "Oh hey Lao, you're hanging here again?" then Lao doesn't respond out of nervousness, which prompts her to say "You good?".
Right: SIde view of Lao that points out his "eternal eyebags". An inaccurate arrow shoing how long Lao's hair is with a caption saying "Hair is about to reach his butt". A showcase of "Lao's fit" consisting of: "Opened dress shirt", "Non-uniform shirt (Whatever he finds in his room", "Baggy pants", "Sneakers". Bottom picture depicts the backside of Lao's main jacket.
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pink-tk-a-latte · 5 months
HIhi! Nice to meet ya! I have some questions before I request.
How far are you in Bungou Stray Dogs?
Any characters from BSD you don't write for?
Any shippings/pairs you don't write for?
Any other writing boundaries etc that I should know?
Have an aweeesome day!
-🫧 Anon~!
I’m caught up with the manga but I haven’t watched past Season 3 Ep 3 of the anime lmao (so I haven’t actually watched the Cannibalism arc…). I’m familiar enough with all of the characters tho!!
I’ll write for any of the main characters, except ❌ Mori or lee! older/middle age characters, like 40+ (I’m sorry dilf and milf lovers). Young children as lees only in a purely wholesome familial context or all characters featured are children.
I won’t write for any illegal ships ofc, also no romantic Dazai/Atsushi, Dazai/Akutagawa, Oda/Dazai, Atsushi/Kyouka, or ships with age gaps of 10 or more years. Any and every platonic pairing entirely welcome!!!!
No nsfw, k!nk, f3tish, non-con ofc. I would also appreciate some guidance/ideas for the prompt!!
Thank you for your consideration (and for motivation to write smth lolol)!!! I hope this was specific enough but not too specific?? Anyhow, looking forward to the request!! <3333333
(Under the cut are my fav characters and pairings, if that helps)
Pookies 💘
Atsushi, Dazai, Kyouka, Kenji, Haruno, Chuuya, Higuchi, Gin, Kouyou, Q, Lucy, Louisa, Poe, Margaret, Twain, Aya, Sigma, Nikolai, Bram, Mizuki, Agatha, Teruko, Tecchou, Yuan
Romantic 🌹
Atsulucy, Akuatsulucy, Ranpoe, Soukoku, SigSkk, Siglai, Sigzai, Higugin, Marthorne/Hawmitch, Suegiku, Kyoukenji (in a crushy/wholesome way)
Platonic 💛
Atsushi and Kyouka, Atsushi and Dazai, Kouyou and Chuuya, Chuuya and like all of the kids
I know some of the favs I listed are not main characters... sorry for being a hypocrite /j
Romantic pairings can also be platonic!!
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milezryn · 2 years
I would love to hear all your thoughts on Hop. All of them. Use the full word allowance(/lh)
ohhhhh my god you have no idea what you're asking of me.
thoughts under the cut cuz this post got long ehe. thank you for the opportunity my brain was going to explode <3
ok hop is DEFINITELY one of my favorite rivals in the franchise (at least out of what ive played aha) and has some of the best character development to me. i know sometimes the writing in swsh is a bit clunky but idc, the context is more than strong enough ok. heads up some of my own hcs might creep in here but i can't help it i have so many thoughts abt him all day
FIRST OF ALL the idea of our rival being the champion's younger brother is really great. i love love love it. hop starts off as borderline worshipping leon and fully believing himself to be destined to follow in his footsteps as champion. and why wouldn't he!! he grew up watching his awesome big brother on the tv, seeing how powerful and happy he looks, and his mom probably echoed a lot of those praises back at him as he grew up. lots of "oh, you're going to be just like your brother when you're older, aren't you?" especially when he's had his own first pokemon (wooloo<3) for a while by the game's start!!! like dude!!! this guy has big dreams and he's probably never had anyone tell him otherwise, he's barely had any exposure to anything else, of /course/ he's gonna think he's meant for this!
and we know from some of sonia's dialogue in the games that leon "practically raised" hop, and there's really no other father figure to be seen, so. just saying his only real guy role model is his bro like. of course he's gonna idolize the hell out of him
and i think that starting him off as this cocky and honestly kind of full-of-himself personality while still being a good kid at heart is a really cool thing, /especially/ when we get to see how his character develops through the story!!!!! his loss to bede paired with his repeated losses to the player /and/ his first gym loss at circhester is such a major hit to him, and we /see/ that!
seeing take wooloo off of his team is SO IMPACTFUL because it's shows how desperate and conflicted he feels! we see the cracks in his confidence forming and it culminated in this harsh move of removing his #1 pokemon, the one he's had since childhood, just to try and he stronger! he's grappling with having the idea of this dream he's been wanting his entire life shaken /and/ repeated losses /and/ the stress of trying to follow in his brother's footsteps?? the feeling that he's letting leon down, that he's not good enough?? that he's somehow a stain on leon's reputation just by being himself??
BRO!!!!!!! break my heart in half why don't you!!!
that moment honestly cemented him as one of my favs. just seeing him that desperate to win </3 and then the satisfaction of seeing dubwool leading his team afterwards, when he's realized that even if he does want to win, it won't matter if he's not doing it his own way. seeing dubwool again was like getting to see his arc starting to come full circle, not nearly as unshakably confident as before, but /genuine/ for probably one of the first parts of his story!
facing him in your battle is so great </3 seeing him emulate leon's movements like the little cheek slaps and when in the way he's animated directing his pokemon is so sweet. you really see that all he wants is to live up to this unreachable shadow he's lived under his whole life, and it's so heartbreaking to beat him!! seeing him get frustrated and pull himself together!! knowing that he still cheered you on in the champion battle, knowing you took that dream from him, because really, it's not even what he wanted. we see that at the end of the game when he takes on the research position under sonia, when he's finally able to act genuinely and start exploring interests that are his own rather than those he's grown up idolizing.
who knows if being a professor is really his passion?? who knows if he won't switch career tracks 4 more times in his life?? that's the power of it!! he had nothing else to look up to his whole childhood, so he never really let himself think about those things. at the end of the game he's finally doing it just for himself, to explore himself as a person, not just as a carbon copy of his brother! he gets to tell his own story instead of following the path of leon's and it's so good!!! thinking abt how he can flourish as a person, how scary it might be to finally be without a set path in front of him but simultaneously how freeing it might feel!!
i could talk abt him for DAYS
AUGH. he is so underrated </3 i hate how much hate he gets, it's unwarranted. yes some of the writing is weird yes some dialogue could be better written, but hop's character is just so interesting!!
i have so many headcanons abt him and leon and sonia and like. everyone but <3 here are some hop thoughts thank u for indulging me <333
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fish-bowl-2 · 9 months
Which was the first episode you ever watched? This immediately made you a fan?
Or which is your fav episode and why?
The first episode I remember watching was back when I was around five years old (I think). I was watching it on Cartoon Network in one of the few times I got to go on the channel (my mom wasn't a fan of CN or Nickelodeon, so at some point when I was 7 she scared me into avoiding the channels alltogether lol I was very dramatic growing up).
It was the episode "Hot Buttered Ed". The details of the episode REALLY stayed with me. The fact that Kevin took their spot by the lake, the depiction of the heat, the Eds transversing the top of the rocky hill, the way they get sunburnt at the end. Even though I wasn't an avid watcher of the network or the show, this really stuck with me! Seeing the episode now, I still enjoy it a lot. I like seeing the Eds camping in their yard. Very cute : )
Another episode I remember viscerally is the beginning portion of "Mirror Mirror, on The Ed." Specifically, the scene of the kids playing spin-the-bottle. The part where it is Jimmy's turn and Kevin dares him to give away his turn was so funny to me. Every time spin-the-bottle comed up as a subject, I think about that scene and Jimmy's "aw :(" of disappointment.
Neither of these episodes made me a "fan" though. Honestly, what made me a fan was when I decided I should watch the show on a whim and started on "The Edtouchables". It was so funny and down-to-earth in a really refreshing way despite it being now 25 years old (happy birthday!!!) I rewatched it some time ago, and it is still is really fun. Learning about it in tandem with how the show was pitched is so interesting to me as someone who wants to go into the field of animation.
As for the other question, selecting a favorite episode is super difficult. I love so many. I guess "Rent-a-Ed" is the one I rewatch the most. I just find the whole concept super funny, and the way the punchline expands is so good. Love it when the Eds doing one unconsequential thing leads to a bigger problem that ends with huge destruction. If I had to choose an episode to introduce the show to people, it would probably be that one. Other episodes I like are "Ed, Ed and Away" and "Don't Rain on My Ed". I like it when all three Eds are trying to reach a goal, and Murphy's Law is enacted. It is really funny. I dig how the show uses it as a way to explore the neighborhood. It's amazing how such a small location can feel so big depending on the context. "An Ed is Born" is also both narratively and technically fantastic. The storyboarding and cinematography are so complex, and it deepens a bit of Eddy's relationship with Bro. There is a lot to enjoy. (Plus, as a film buff, it tickles me seeing kids making home videos. I love that shit) Yeah, this is a huge list, sorry. It is really hard to choose. Hopefully, I can narrow it down soon.
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