#my fave character to draw is phoenix
strawberrycowtime · 1 month
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closeups under the cut
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dipndotz · 1 month
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get a load of this guy
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oodlyenough · 4 months
aa4-1 turnabout trump
alright i finished the first case of aa4 last night!
despite my efforts i think i'm more spoiled for aa4 than i realized, or at least most of the hanging mysteries from the first case are ones i think i already know the answer to. kind of a shame but i don't think there was any way to avoid it. oh well, this case was fun anyway. i think 3-1 is my fave tutorial case still but this one was great even if i embarrassed myself by hitting the wrong button. also after banging my head against the wall through aai for five months it was nice to play a case where i could just use my brain and solve it because all the logic made sense and clues progressed naturally lmfao. i know first case are usually the easiest, but still.
apollo seems fun enough but the real draw of this case for me was FINALLY getting to meet beanix, whose characterization i know to be somewhat controversial lol. i've enjoyed him so far although fandom primed me to expect a weird secretive asshole -- will see if that changes as the game goes on. i missed phoenix a lot playing AAI so i am clinging to his ankles. was very exciting when his musical cue started in court. get his ass nick
the forgery ace stuff is... hm. i'm reserving judgment until i finish the game. also, lmao not to reference AAI for the thousandth time, but the conclusion of its grand finale was "illegal evidence is good sometimes" so i guess we already crossed this moral event horizon.
i've also been eager to meet trucy, who didn't do much in this case but have a bug-eyed stare. one thing i'm glad to be spoiled for actually is trucy and her approximate providence because the game trying to tease that as a mystery would've bugged me so much LOL and it's very funny to play when everyone is like "you have a DAUGHTER?!" and phoenix is just like :) yeah and as the player i am probably meant to be asking all kinds of questions about what happened there when i know the truth is just
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i think the biggest hurdle this game is going to have with me personally is the level of suspending disbelief i have to do that maya and edgeworth are just totally uninvolved and unhelpful while phoenix is embroiled in whatever kind of conspiracy plot is going on. on a real-world level this is almost certainly the result of the franchise wanting to pivot to new characters, so there's not much explanation beyond that. but it's a bit hard to rationalize in-universe, especially because i also know the franchise immediately goes "lol lmao nvm" in 5&6 anyway. phoenix said something in this case about needing a lawyer he could trust, in reference to apollo, and i was like yeah if only we... knew one of those....
but whatever i guess. the true gift aa4 will give me is finally being able to read all the 7yg fics i have marked for later on ao3. onwards to 4-2!
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animeyanderetalker · 18 days
Hi would it be ok if I ask you some questions ?
if you can join any guild in fairy tail ; what guild what you join?
What clan would you join ; if you were in Naruto ?
What dragon would you have in httyd ?
vampire or werewolf in a dating sense ?
vampire or werewolf; what monster would u be ?
Any new faves in one piece ?
what arc are you on in one piece ? What’s your thoughts on it so far ?
Would you be a Pirate or marine ?
what canon devil fruit would you have ?
if you had to make your own devil fruit what would it be ?
Sure, that's what this blog is for.
1.I know that the Fairy Tail guild is the main guild we get to know in this Anime and I obviously have a huge fondness for them but I wouldn't choose them. I am quite introverted and my energy and patience would just plummet after a few days since they are a very loud and rowdy bunch. I would actually choose Mermaid Heel if I had the chance because from all the guilds I feel like I would be the most comfortable in there.
2.I honestly am quite fine with a lot of clans unless it's the Hyuga, Uchiha or some other clan that got eradicated or had other problems. If I had to choose I would probably have to draw to decide between the Nara, the Inuzuka or the Akimichi. As of right now I would probably choose the Inuzuka though because they work together with dogs and wolves and I have a soft spot for those animals, especially since I have one myself.
3.If I could choose any dragon I would want to ride and not only limiting it to those that were shown being ridden, there are quite a few choices to make. One would probably go to the Crimson Goregutter because not only is it a big and tough dragon but also has a very docile and relaxed demeanor. A Hobblegrunt would also work for me because they are also rather calm and sensitive and since they change colours according to their feelings, I would always know whether or not they are comfortable with a situation or not. A Raincutter would work nicely too because I despise hot weather and love rain as much as this dragon does.
Dragons such as Deathgrippers also caught my interest but they were shown to be rather aggressive so I don't know how good I could bond with them. Whilst not to quite the same extent, I would also doubt myself with a Scauldron since they are also not that easy to train and a Seashocker may also be in the same category where I am not sure how well I could train them. If you're asking me for the most reckless decision I could make, I would love myself a Screaming Death, although I highly doubt that I could train one.
4.I would probably be more tempted towards dating a werewolf as well as being one because a vampire is immortal and I am not so sure if I would want to live forever because it would be awfully boring and make everything in life quite meaningless.
5.My favorite is still Nico Robin. After having finished Impel Down though, I must admit that I have found myself quite fond of Buggy and Mister 3 as well as all of their moments together. Their combination was for me one of the best things to come out of this arc.
6.I just started with the Marineford Arc and since this is an Arc highly praised within the fandom, I have high hopes for it because there are a lot of characters present at the moment.
7.I would be a pirate because working for the Marine is not as rosy as it may seem. I would probably not cross the Grand Line though unless I have a strong crew and would just chill in the East Blue and stay low for safety sake.
8.I'm pretty sure that I haven't even seen half of the devil fruits in this series. If I have to choose one I have already seen in action, I would either choose Robin's Hana Hana no Mi or Marco's Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix. If I can choose one that I haven't been introduced to yet but know about anyways, I would choose this devil fruit which can cut off sounds around you because that would kind of fit in nicely with my rather introverted personality.
9.Good question. As I said, I haven't gotten to know all devil fruits in One Piece yet so chances are that I may make up something that already exists within the series or bears resemblance to it. I would either like a devil fruit that can actually control plants and flowers which would make it a Logia type or I would like a devil fruit that would also fall into the category of a Mythical Zoan type. My choices for beings would then either be a Hydra, a Cerberus, a Hellhound or something inspired by the tale surrounding Arachne and her unfortunate end at the hands of Athena.
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transguydeuce · 5 months
uhh pinned post time?
hi you can call me phoenix or moth and i recently decided to make a sideblog for twst! looking for mutuals atm!
abt me:
i write, draw, and do headcanons sometimes!
blurb/doodle requests are encouraged (but not guaranteed)
currently working on my college au fic!
i rb other people's stuff a lot! mostly running on a queue
i like and follow from @meowmoths
@riddle-rosethorns is my beautiful boyfriend <3
other's art is tagged cool art
my original stuff is tagged my stuff
stuff by my friends is tagged friend stuff
stuff by my bf is tagged <3!
characters: deuce, lilia, cater, rook, ortho, kalim, trein
ships: poly freshie 5 (especially epeldeucejack), rookvil, mallerollo, idiasil
i am a big multishipper tho, anything can be fruity if you believe
i don't make or interact with x reader content, nothing against it, just not my groove!
fyi, this blog is incest and teacher/student free, if you post that kind of thing you'll probably be blocked (unless it's lilia in which case he's 700 and should kiss old men if he wants)
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So if you beta for flames desire whats the part you like most or something youre looking forward to in it? Thinking of reading it but was worried about the first chapter rating
Ah yes my favourite job, advertising Flame's Desire :]
That's totally understandable where you're coming from though chapter 1 as it stands is a lil dark with the events that take place in it but i promise! It's not graphic or gratuitous!
Rougie's description of the events don't go overboard or take it too far so if what you're fearing is super graphic descriptions of the bad stuff then you're all good! And so far chapter 1 is the darkest of the uploaded chapters so it starts off heavy but the tone lightens up in the following chapters.
As for what I like most about FD there is the general of me liking Rougie's writing a lot. And this is not just cause rougie's my good comrade, i think they got a really good handle of writing character interactions and setting up plot points. Plus i deeply enjoy how Natsu's written in FD.
But if we are talking specifics that i love then we might be here the whole night😅 because there is something in each chapter that i enjoy no joke. I really could talk on and on about each of em. But i am particularly attached to chapters 4&5 respectively with the long journey of the story kicking off and i am such a sucker for travel sequences plus lore drop and a development in Natsu and Lucy's friendship. And chapter 8 has a fight scene that i am really dying to draw.
And for what im looking forward to, i technically got one in the chapter im beta-ing now being a fire dance scene at the spring festival that Rougie teased me with from last year so im over the moon about finally getting it now.
The other is actually an upcoming scene in the chapter rougie's writing right now! A fight scene that i really can't spoil bcus its too important (im serious. They held this scene to their chest and almost didnt wanna tell me when i figured it out. If i spoil i lose beta privileges) but it's something that really has me on the edge of my seat due to the build up towards it (@kiliinstinct rougie if ur out there blease drop a crumb of spoilers in my DMs)
And aaaaaaaa man, i would drop in some screenshots of my fave bits but they don't hit as hard without the context yknow? You just, gotta trust me on this one here.
Trust this Phoenix.
There are heavy themes and stuff in the story but it's not overbearing or too in your face. It's a really fuckin good fic.
Go read FD, wont disappoint you. Pinky swear
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frosty-the-killer-doll · 11 months
15 questions, 15 mutuals
tagged by the lovely @icedteaandoldlace
1. Are you named after someone?
I MEAN. I have four names, not including dead ones. Two are taken purely from fictional characters uncaring of the meanings beyond that (Alice as in Alice Kane and Caitlin as in Caitlin Snow), one is partially from a fictional character but not really considering I felt a connection to that name long before hyperfixating over that guy when I was like 13 (Leo Valdez), but my most prominent name, Aidan, comes from nobody.
2. When was the last time you cried?
i forgor❤️ i think it was when rewatching legends of tomorrow s7e3 WVRDR_ERROR_100 Oest-of-th3-Gs.gid3on notFound a month ago
3. Do you have kids?
rao no. i'd sooner die. these eggs are being donated and these tubes are getting tied and a biological child will never be born of my loins. foster kids when/if i'm an old bat and that's it<3
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What's sarcasm?
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
none, amen hallelujah
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
i suppose height because i'm small
7. What's your eye color?
Blue, but others have called it gray and who am i to argue
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I don't think they're mutually exclusive. Happy endings in scary movies!
9. Any special talents?
Drawing, writing, poetry, I'm told I type fast and I'm really good at being nocturnal
10. Where were you born?
i don't remmy:3
11. What are your hobbies?
Drawing, writing (fanfic, original stories, poetry, songs, yeah), binge-watching, comics reading, playing transformice, drinking ungodly amounts of pepsi, making my silly little posts about silly little faves on tumblr dot cum
12. Do you have pets?
Many, yes. We've currently two cats (used to have six), a bearded dragon, two bunnies, and a doggo.
13. How tall are you?
short, i'm bad at numbers
14. Favorite subject in school?
English/Literature my beloved
15. Dream job?
Author, screenwriter, just anything that's a paid fiction writer. god won't let me into a writing room bc he knows i'll make every fucking character an aromantic bisexual
Tagging (let's see if i count right here): @phoenix @mossyisme @dance-is-life27 @wolfsong02 @forthehonorofgrey @lilliannarose13 @laurenxreynoldsisdead @nblizzieforbes @bisexual-enby-jellyfish @star-cadaver @ashetheshade @thefastestqueeralive @gingrrsnapped2002 @malevolentcrow @stereksouls
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riseninsaturn · 1 year
one trope that i really adore and that has appeared in a lot of fanfictions i’ve read, particularly regarding phoenix and apollo’s characters, is the idea that a character (these two, here) might do something deeply infuriating that upsets those who love them, but those who love them note that the things they are doing are what make them the person who they love. 
or in simpler words, fics about phoenix’s recklessness when it comes to the people he loves, how his willingness to literally run across a burning bridge for maya permeates every facet of his personality and makes him the phoenix people adore but also holy shit phoenix stop doing that 
i just find it really interesting but i also think it has a lot of angst potential because it’s like sometimes? you have to draw the lines. and i just think a lot about apollo & phoenix and how both of them respectively need a wake up call at some point that these things aren’t sustainable.
apollo is one of my fave characters so just to talk about him for a sec, i love fics that explore how apollo’s nature (especially seen in later games) to kind of act On His Own and do these large altruistic and dangerous things actually kind of creates significant problems interpersonally? because his decision to stay in Khura’in, though we never see the immediate payoff, has undeniable consequences on the way that his relationships progress and his actions in the courtroom bombing too kind of reflect that. 
and i just think it’s kind of interesting and a whole separate tier of catharsis and hurt/comfort with hurt/no comfort rolled into one to have those characters need to face that repercussions of actions that the public would deem as altruistic. i think that’s the heart of it -- apollo and phoenix are undeniably good people, but there is so much carnage that comes from doing the things they do.
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lostxtosunlight · 3 months
🔥 (@phoenix-of-jade)
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. | accepting
I've been part of the art community for a long time and this has bothered me.
Disclaimer: I'm a white person. So I'm gonna try not to go too hard.
Anime characters (as in, anime produced in Japan) are Japanese unless they are SPECIFICALLY mentioned otherwise. Yes, even Naruto, the blond haired blue eyed fave. So stop drawing them with white features, Janet.
Some anime characters are not light skinned! So when one of my favorite, best girls, who looks like this:
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Is drawn like this:
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That's not cool!
"But Lily, it's just the lighting!" Hate to tell you that dark skinned people are still dark skinned in the sun.
"But I can't draw dark skinned characters!" Why not? You have access to a color wheel, reference pictures. The artist who created the character drew them with dark skin, so why can't you?
Anyway. It just bothers me.
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ariondevereux · 2 years
ALSO ALSO BDSI YES YOU ARE SO RIGHT ABOUT SHILOH 🥰🥰🥰 i’m not strong enough to break the pattern. i always always have to romance the best friend especially if they’re flirting with me right in my face 😔🫰🏼not so fun fact but i actually named my gang “draken” after ken and i hc that the gang logo is the dragon tattoo on the left side of his head. he’s so schmexyy <33 i will make shiloh watch and read tokrev so he knows his gang’s history
Yes it's me again (so sorry for cluttering ur inbox😭😭) Omg!! I would love to know some more facts/hcs about your BDSI Draken and shiloh pls. Only if u don't mind of course. 👀👀👀🙏🏾
I named mine Phoenix after P from golden because they're one of my faves (ik so original 😂😭). Like I give my Ocs the most random names. Sometimes I look at the oc I created and go "yeah they look like their name is Rohan😌" other times I look on baby websites for names because my brain is too tiny. I would love to know the process behind how u name ur Ocs. Draken has one of my fave character designs and he was such a sweetheart, I loved him sm. Friends to lovers is top tier and no one can tell me otherwise, the mutual pining, the teasing from their friend group, the "I love u but I don't wanna ruin our friendship", the whole idiots to lovers situations, the slow burn its all so good. A variation of this trope I really like is when they're childhood friends and then they get separated for some time and one of them or both doesn't remember each other for a bit and when they do the other person's personality changed due to some stuff that happened and then there's just angst and slow burn gallore jdjdjdjdjd. Kind of like rivens route in sinners and saints by @/sinnersandsaints-linwrites.
WAIT NO I WAS KIDDING ABOUT BDSI DRAKEN SHEJAKSJJA but yeah he was my inspiration for the gang name and logo <333 back before my mh went to shit and i could still draw, i wanted to make a silly fanart of shiloh dressed as draken 😭 like pls i love draken so much he’s the reason i got into tokrev. he’s such a gentle giant and he’s so noble like he’s the least insane out of all of them UGH i just know he’s boyfriend material i love himmmm
oooo tell me more about phoenix 👀 and no cause it’s a pretty name!! that’s also one of my spare names for future ocs with “nyx” as the nickname hehe
Sometimes I look at the oc I created and go "yeah they look like their name is Rohan😌"
THIS IS LITERALLY ME LMFAOOO one of my ocs is named olivia and my fc is gracie abrams because i was like “hmm🤔 she looks like an olivia” and it’s funny because i came across one musing blog here and one of their ocs is also olivia with gracie abrams as the fc nsnsjsksjs but most often i give my ocs names that i wish i had. except for annika, my former wayhaven detective. technically we have the same name, mine’s just spelled differently but i wish it was spelled annika lololol but yeah once i come up with a name, i’ll just try to think of a surname that i think flows well with the name
AND YES YOU CAN NEVER GO WRONG WITH FRIENDS TO LOVERS !!! like other tropes are pretty but they’re not f2l 🤭🤭 and the scrumptiousness of childhood friends to lovers…….. you get it. i don’t know if you play tears of themis but there’s this character named luke with this same trope and god the angst is so so good i think you’re gonna love it
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leafeonb · 4 years
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it's him. mr phoenix wright :-) 🌻
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flowertot-s · 3 years
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goin back to my roots w the original husband
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whetstonefires · 2 years
If you feel like answering, I'm curious who's your blorbo (and others) from mdzs!
Smaller, more structured cast! Let's see if this is more or less challenging than the vastness of DC/Batman.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) ...Lan Wangji. I don't know he's just compelling. He's a mood.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) Wen Ning? Yeah. Wen Ning. Lan Zhan hit me like this initially and I still want to obnoxiously pinch his cheeks sometimes but he's just so much of a dick also. Oddly not Sizhui much as I love him, I weirdly have too much respect and also the camerawork in The Untamed kept handling A-Yuan like a prop instead of a character and it squicked me out.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) Oh this is harder, there aren't like. That many side characters allowed in mxtx's writing style, and everyone seems to have a little fandom of their own atm due to the high pitch the fandom's running at. Jiang Yanli. She is criminally underrated, sometimes even by people who like her. I saw a fic the other day tagged 'make jiang yanli relatable' and I'm like maybe she's not to YOU. Maybe she's just not for you! She's pretty thinly written in the novel but she's got a reasonable character core and her drama actress did great work! (Do not talk to me about animated Jiang Yanli pls.) Particularly underrated is the part of her power move at Phoenix Mountain where she declares wwx is her little brother, and should be regarded as such wrt things like whether she needs a chaperone to be alone with him, because like. He's definitely never been formally adopted, so the only way for that to be literally true is if he actually was Jiang Fengmian's bastard. So what she's doing there is drawing the line that her dead father's reputation is expendable if it will help protect and maintain her connection to her living foster-brother, which in that social context is bananas. This woman knows her own weaknesses intimately but she is fearless.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) For reasons cited above this is literally impossible unless I want watch The Untamed enough times I memorize the extras' faces and pick a fave from amongst them, which admittedly I would if I did. Maybe it'd be that guy who's sitting with Lan Qiren basically in his lap, after he goes down in the cursed objects saferoom trying to deal with the arm, because that guy is a real champ for watching Hanguang-Jun and this random flute maniac music together at the problem like that, and just rolling with it. I wonder how many scenes that guy would turn out to be in if I did. I wonder how many sects he belongs to lol. But it's Ouyang Zizhen. He gets left out all the time, including from scenes he is definitely supposed to be in in the donghua, and I adore him.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) Haha I mean I think wwx is technically a meowmeow and he's built around fucking with villain and villain-protagonist norms. But. He's also the MC. So. Oh, it's Lan Xichen. He is very pathetic by the end of things and while his popularity in-universe is titanic he's got a lot of live human haters and people who hold him casually in contempt. As we know from the existence of the Oldest Sibling Cinematic Universe, he is my Jane Bennett and I love him.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) I...look the leads of this romance are built to be tormented. If I'm tormenting anyone it's them. Also maybe Jiang Cheng a little but only for his own good.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) Jin Guangshan I suppose, he is The Worst. Nie Huaisang already basically handled sending Jin Guangyao to the torment dimension, and he doesn't really inspire that kind of aggressive impulse in me anyway I just want him to cease from problems. Oh. Lmao it's Xue Yang then I suppose. I really, really want that guy to die and stay dead. Which is after all the true meaning of superhell.
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taketheringtolohac · 3 years
i’ve been working on the most self indulgent au for about a week now and I thought i’d share my thoughts. now presenting... my ace attorney blaseball au! including teams, positions, modifications and more about all the ace attorney characters i could think of and how they would play blaseball. you can also find it on ao3 here, but ive included all the information i have below the cut!
Blase Attorney (Blaseball Ace Attorney AU)
Team: Yellowstone Magic
Position: Batter
Modifications: Seeker
Details: one of the first replacements in the game, he was originally just a blaseball fan who was following around miles edgeworth his childhood friend to his games (disguised as him going to see Larry play) and sort of wished that he could play so he could get closer to miles and is at a magic/steaks game that miles is pitching when someone gets incinerated and suddenly he’s on the field in a jersey with a glove and that really messes him up, he's a pretty good player not a star player but definitely a solid one, gets the seeker mod in the season 19 tarot reading
Notable Forbidden Knowledge:  REALLY high martyrdom
Team: Yellowstone Magic
Position: Batter
Modifications: Haunted
Details: she replaced Mia when she was incinerated and isn’t a season 1 player but has been here so long that it FEELS like she is, isn’t great at the game and has like really bad forbidden knowledge stats but she occasionally hits a surprise dinger and the fans love her so they infuse her and she becomes a serviceable batter, is constantly filled with guilt and emotions about being the person who replaced her sister she gets the haunted mod in an election
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: high base thirst, really good divinity that only gets better after her infuse
Team: Dallas Steaks
Position: Pitcher
Modifications: None
Details: season one player who didn’t really want to join blaseball but he took it in stride and he wasn’t very good at first but he got a blessing that MADE him good and he’s miraculously been on the team the whole time, originally placed in good league because Fran was in Evil and von Karma wanted them to dominate the game and become the best in their respective leagues, still one of the best players in the game, his dad still dies somehow, refuses to “buy into” the dad bit from the steaks and insists that he was just placed here
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: EXCEPTIONAL ruthlessness (one of the highest in the game), good other stats as well, just a really solid PITCHING statline, his other stuff isn’t good
Team: Hades Tigers
Position: Pitcher
Modifications: Friend of Crows
Details: season one player who fans LOVE even though she hates everything about the game and the circumstances in which she’s here, she’s a naturally good player but she lets up a lot of home runs, she receives the friend of crows modifier in season 10 much to her dismay, ALMOST pitched a perfect season and then absolutely RUINED it in the last game and it crushed her
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: higher highs than miles but also lower lows, in particular her overpowerment isn’t very good, she is also a more well rounded player and would also be a fine batter (solid thwack)
Team: Originally on the LA Unlimited Tacos, then feedbacked to the San Fransisco Lovers
Position: Batter
Modifications: Siphon, Attractor
Details: season one player that is beloved by the fans and he’s decent at the game but he always tries to steal bases but he is so bad at it, he’s the teams siphon but he NEVER drinks blood except to draw a walk, he ends up getting redacted because of consumer attacks and is probably one of the first to do so despite him having QUITE a bit of soul, he becomes Wyatt Gumshoe in the Wyatt Masoning
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: GREAT thwackability, bad everything else which makes for a really interesting player to say the least
Team: Miami Dale
Position: Pitcher
Modifications: None
Details: POWERFUL ARMS also she is a replacement player she probably becomes a replacement after Simon does and she got into blaseball because of that cute flowers pitcher and now she’s here but she LOVES Miami and she LOVES being bad at the game, she leans really hard into the neon aesthetic
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: good unthwackability and ok ruthlessness, shakespeareanism is her highest stat, would also be a great batter and has really good thwackability and divinity, GREAT vibes
Team: Mexico City Wild Wings
Position: Batter
Modifications: None
Details: founding member of the wings legal team who’s another replacement player that FEELS like he’s a season 1 player, he isn’t very good in general but REALLY good for the wings and is probably the mvp at some point but like he’s a really inconsistent hitter but when he DOES hit its POWERFUL and he gets a lot of RBI’s 
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: SHOCKINGLY good musclitude and ground friction, GOD awful moxie
Team: Dallas Steaks
Position: Batter
Modifications: None
Details: season one player who is like the teams designated player we beat up on because they’re awful but we love them, gets shadowed in the expansion era because he just wasn’t good anymore and he REFUSED to leave, he is the definition of “YOU CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS,” would always party but his forbidden knowledge is TRASH so it was never worth anything because he’s top ten in the league for career strikeouts
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: REALLY HIGH PATHETICISM HOLY SHIT but good ground friction and like, ok musclitude
Team: Kansas City Breath Mints
Position: Batter
Modifications: Fire Eater
Details: replaced the first player incinerated on the team so she has a lot of fans because she’s been here a while but like also her career is forever impacted by the fact that people mourned so deeply before really appreciating her and a lot of fans can never really love her in the same way, but she has fire eater now and WILL cut a bitch down to size, she’s also definitely been attacked by consumers though, she also parties a LOT
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: good defender, high omniscience and tenaciousness
Team: Houston Spies
Position: Batter
Modifications: Maximalist, Siphon
Details: replaced a SUPER popular player who was REALLY good at the game and struggled with a lot of the implications of their legacy but he ALSO became really good and a really iconic player to the team and eventually became a fan favorite, LITERALLY cannot stop freaking drinking blood hes so fucking massive now holy shit but like only his baserunning
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: PHENOMENAL baserunning just in general but his base thirst is low so he doesn’t actually steal that much, SUPER high moxie and musclitude
Team: Baltimore Crabs
Position: Pitcher
Modifications: Returned, Debt
Details: season 1 player who was a really aggressively middling player who had deceptively high stars and they could never get rid of him until he finally got incinerated in late season 6/early season 7 but he gets necromancy-d on accident and no one wanted this now he just haunts the league, he joined blaseball to get notoriety and some level of fame and convinced Klavier to join him
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: high coldness and ok ruthlessness, unthwackability is fine, shakespeareanism is also good
Team: Originally on the Crabs, but feedbacked to the Seattle Garages
Position: Batter
Modifications: Spicy
Details: he signed up when Kristoph did. because he said that this would be something good to do as brothers and they even signed to the same team, carcinization really freaked him out but he was a season 1 crab and no one knew what would happen, he Feedbacked in like season 6 and kris got incinerated really shortly after he feedbacked which messed him up, he loves the garages vibes WAY more than he liked the crabs
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: high moxie and indulgence
Team: Charleston Shoe Thieves
Position: Batter
Modifications: Flippers
Details: shoe thieves, batter, she was originally a shadows player and just sat there doing great thief things until she got called up for having very sneaky good stats (rod.net style) where she singles a lot and then just steals her way to third/home, voted to trust her in season 11 and now she has cool flippers
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: really high basethirst and laserlikeness, also very high anticapitalism, good thwack subpar musclitude
Team: New York Millennials, possible feedback to the Thieves?
Position: Pitcher
Modifications: None
Details: his dad was a famous blaseball player before the ILB so he signed him up to play and didn’t get on the roster until maybe like season 9, really dramatic arc where he starts out really bad but slowly through incremental stat increases becomes pretty ok but then has a devastating allergic reaction and ends up having to be shadowed because he’s just unsaveable at this point, but still a big fan fave and people still talk about them, he would’ve been a pretty ok batter with really high defense but peanut destroyed that too
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: high highs and low lows and vibes are just… there
Team: Boston Flowers
Position: Originally a batter, but reverbs into Pitching
Modifications: None
Details: season 1 player who is really popular amongst the fans but isn’t well known outside of the fanbase she joined blaseball because she didn’t really have a choice and she was just working at the garden, she wasn’t a great batter but she’s a shockingly good pitcher, she had partied so much that she is now just undeniably good solely because she has partied THAT much
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: SHOCKINGLY good ruthlessness, its her only good stat though until parties make her good
Team: Chicago Firefighters
Position: Batter
Modifications: Ego+
Details: another late season replacement that was made to be a edgelord with really good stat set up and he’s a super consistent batter who just also gets walked a lot and has a LOT of thirsty fans, REALLY good at dunking, one of the best idols for solo seeds but ONLY for a SINGLE season because he just underperforms his stars for NO reason and its infuriating, joined because he didn’t want athena to get recruited but she followed him anyways to find out what the hell happened to him and why he just vanished
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: HIGH musc/thwack/martyr with really low patheticism, absolutely ATROCIOUS vibes
Team: Hellmouth Sunbeams, roams to the Tokyo Lift and then to the Canada Moist Talkers
Position: Pitcher
Modifications: Roamin’
Details: a season 1 player who would be a MUCH better batter but REFUSES to leave the rotation with deceptively high stars and one of the first players to get roamin’ and actually becomes good because of it infuriating LITERALLY everyone
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: have you seen bright zim? Yeah its just that. He has sixteen fingers for no reason
Team: Originally a Philadelphia Pies player, but feedbacks to the Yellowstone Magic
Position: Pitcher
Modifications: None
Details: Phoenix becomes her dad after she feedbacks, later season replacement probably surrounding the s7 instabilities and beanings and she got REALLY popular REALLY fast with the pies fans and over siesta but then she gets traded like the Monday after and it breaks the fans hearts, she’s not very good but she gets alternated into BEING good
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: moxie queen! Also chasiness and continuation, as well as good musclitude and vibes
Team: Originally on the Beams, but feedbacks to the Hawai’i Fridays
Position: Pitcher
Modifications: Attractor
Details: expansion era player who replaced an absolutely GARBAGE player so the fans are DELIGHTED by him, lets up a lot of walks but has shockingly pitched a no hitter despite only being here since season 13, was infused because of his good forbidden knowledge stats, still gets faxed out of the game because he has games where he just lets up a RIDICULOUS amount of runs, actually fit in really well with the Fridays, was observed (by Kristoph?) and then got redacted 
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: uncle plasma… 2! Also REALLY big vibes range
Justine Courtney-
Team: New York Millennials, traded to the Breckenridge Jazz Hands
Position: Pitcher
Modifications: None
Details: joined the team before Sebastian probably around season 5, was pretty average at pitching but ate a peanut and had a yummy reaction which made her slightly above average but subpar ruthlessness made her still not great, traded away to the Jazz Hands after Sebastian was shadowed, really polarizing for fans there was a lot of fighting about whether or not to trade her from fans
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: ok ruthlessness
Team: Yellowstone Magic
Position: Batter
Modifications: None
Details: was the season 1 stand out batter for the magic, she was a REALLY good season 1 player that fans STILL talk about even though she’s been dead since season 3, she was the person who was standing next to Phoenix when he appeared on the field and caught the ball that was flying towards him before it hit him in the face and she took it upon himself to get him acclimated to the game, she thought of him as a kid brother, she tried to keep Maya away from blaseball but couldn’t stop her from watching on TV, she originally joined to get away from the Fey clan and to try and do something with her life and also possibly find out what happened to her mother and she was promised social power and unlimited access to information
Notable Forbidden Knowledge: really solid statline for someone who never saw any improvements
Phoenix and Miles get together around season 6, right before the Jaylen stuff, then break up because they were both having a lot of emotions about the whole necromancy business and Miles was always on the idol board and there was a lot of uncertainty in their lives. I think a necromancy of Kristoph probably happens in the Expansion Era and he tries to get revenge on Phoenix for god knows what, and Miles ends up getting close with him again after a whole Grand Siesta of just being really emotionally charged friends and finally get together AGAIN in season 13 after a consumer attacks Phoenix, but this time they STAY together and probably get married because they're just so scared of losing each other.
 Kay gets to fight god in season 9, no this probably wouldn't have been possible if she was a shadows player originally but uwu <3
Kay and Miles get to know each other because she tried to steal Miles shoes, but he caught her. He offered to make her dinner and they just had a good time, Kay hadn’t really been shown that kind of kindness in a WHILE and she... missed that sort of father figure in her life... so she just keeps trying to steal things from Miles and getting caught until he finally tells her that she can just... come over through the front door. He will never say that she is his daughter out loud, but the collective dadconcious Knows, and tells him that they are proud of him.
 Maya and Franziska are rivals. They hate each other. When Maya gets 0 no it only makes it worse because it "ruins" Franziska's perfection as a pitcher and forces her to throw balls. They get to know each other over these pitch offs and start to realize that they actually aren't that different. Gay rights. They kiss. They have a great time over the Grand Siesta and make fun of their brothers, but they both have emergency bags in case the other one dies.
 Dahlia Hawthrone would never get involved in Blaseball and everything she does is outside of the game but if she was she'd be on the Boston Flowers and she would be her team's Pudge. A god awful player who on occasion actually does something good and half the fans love her because of her character and half the fans hate her for the same reason and also she sucks at the game.
 Most of them also still have their law degrees and also keep some semblance of what they do in the actual ace attorney games, except Ema who has of course factually failed the bar exam by nature of being on The Breath Mints.
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rogueflora · 7 years
Tumblr media
“Is it true that you shouted at Professor Umbridge?” “Yes,” said Harry.[...] “Have a biscuit, Potter.” -J.K.Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
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caffeinated-shifter · 3 years
yknow what screw it, cym jasper edition
except im super late lol
(under cut bc i talk a lot)
@im-shifting-to-the-moon - astronomy class last year. you seem just so cool and a vibe, kinda like my teacher. he was really really cool!
@lilytek - going to my grandmothers farm. she used to have this huge farm, and had a flower garden. she would take me to pick flowers and i always made sure to pick some of my faves, tiger lilies!! (even if i have seasonal allergies, lol)
@lil-shifting-shit - watching superhero movies with my family. we are a huge marvel family, and it was fun to watch and analyze and theorize with them! plus just,,, they look cool.
@chaos-bb - main memory im thinking of is watching the entirety of gravity falls in one sitting. it was so nostalgic and fun to rewatch it!
@shifting-lark - since i associate you in general with water, i would have to say my fishing trip with my grandpa and brother when i was very young and woke up at (iirc) 5:55 am?? i kept catching the same turtle it was very fun, would go again.
@poppythewitcher - talking with my sister in law about the witcher. she was so interested in how pretty it was, but couldnt get past the tutorial. bonus memory! my chemistry teacher making me listen to the witcher 3 (i think?) soundtrack in class bc i was listening to the red dead 2 soundtrack. chem teacher was so cool he was the best.
@gen-is-shifting - so idk why but??? catching every legendary pokemon in alpha sapphire with ultra balls only. also playing pokemon x and meeting xerneas,,, it was so cool??? serotonin levels said stonks
@shifting-soot - listening to mother mother in the rain. i cant explain it but. mother mother in the rain, whilst drawing. plus just,, anytime i watch dsmp bc the serotonin,,,,
@shifting-inspos - psych class this year! my teacher was so so cool, and i had so much fun with everything! most favorite part was getting to talk to this one girl about certain brain functions.
@shifty-bandit - okay this one needs an explanation. so i was hosting a dnd session, and my gf was playing a tabaxi rogue, my one friend was playing a dragon type, and my bf was playing a tiefling. my friends character was a bitch, so my npc was gonna try to poison them, but he used milk. so my gf, being a cat, takes it and drinks it. she then almost dies bc of her failing her 3 saving rolls. i let her live tho bc it had literally only been,,,, not even 30 minutes.
@peachshifting - after my grandfather died, my grandmother got remarried in 2012-ish, so like 8 years later. but then he died. but the second husband isnt important. my grandmother had moved in with him, and they had a cute lil peach tree in the side yard, and when she had too many, we would eat some then, and also bring them to her neighbors.
@romeshifting - buying phoenix wright for the ps4 to play with my bf, and then passing out before we even finished the first trial. in my defense, it was very late! but, it was fun! plus watching phoenix wright with my gf while mildly sleep deprived! 
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