#my favorite person in the world is a gemini (mom <3) so i will hear no gemini slander
miamignonette · 1 year
geminis slay so hard idc what anybody says
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winwintea · 2 months
nct and pet names
pairing ▸ random!nct members x reader (yuta, ten, jaehyun, renjun, jaemin, chenle, riku, sakuya) author's note ▸ i was inspired by another post, but wanted to go for a more realistic feeling, especially towards the foreign idols. enjoy my brainrot. also there needs to be more wish content on here i beg
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yuta - naishinno 
this man would definitely call you ‘gorgeous’, ‘divine’, or ‘princess’. but he’d prefer and be more comfortable to say such words in his native tongue. he also found out how much you enjoyed hearing him speak japanese, so sometimes on purpose he’ll sneak up behind you and whisper, “naishinno…'' (meaning princess in japanese)  startling you but also making your ears turn pink. yuta also has no problem with using the pet name within earshot of others, and as much as you protest, he assures you that no one really understands.
ten - mi mi 
hear me out guys. hear me out. ten our beloved cat mom would definitely call you something relating to cats. he’s not calling you “kitten” because um that’s kinda cringe… but he would go for something cuter. “mao mi” is the chinese word for cat, (I KNOW HE'S THAI. BEAR WITH ME OKAY) and people usually refer to kittens as “mi mi” (it’s like the most basic name an owner can give to their cat too) most of the time, nicknames are usually duplicated characters, and mi mi is also a very common nickname for girls. it also means ‘tits’. so ten decided that was the best nickname in the world and he was an absolute genius for coming up with it, and so now you’re stuck with being called his “mi mi” for life. good luck. 
jaehyun - cara mia/mi amor/ma cherie 
jaehyun LOVES pet names. it’s a rare feat if he ever calls you by your first name. ‘sweetheart’, ‘darling’, ‘honey’. he uses them all. but jaehyun is a classy bitch, and he likes to keep things fancy, so his favorites are using different languages, just because it somehow sounds more expensive and full of taste and that’s exactly what he feels you deserve. some of his favorites include: “cara mia” the italian words for ‘my beloved’; “mon amour” & “mi amor” the french and spanish words for ‘my love’; and finally, “ma cherie” the french words for ‘darling/sweetheart’. (stream mon amour by gemini guys)
renjun - qin ai de/qin qin/lao po 
okay yes renjun is using chinese, but not straight away into the relationship. let’s get that cleared up out of the way. he’ll initially start with ‘my dearest’, and uses his sweet voice to his advantage. “qin ai de y/n, could you do something for me real quick? pretty please?” but eventually as the relationship progresses on and he feels more comfortable, he’ll start dropping the “lao po” (‘wife’ in chinese) on you, which initially comes as a culture shock, because you haven’t even thought of getting to that stage yet. renjun teaches you of how common it is in china for non-married couples to call each other husband and wife, and even teaches you how to say ‘lao gong’ (husband)
jaemin - pookie
once jaemin discovers this word it’s joeover for you. one day you accidentally call him, ‘pookie’ to his face (which is what you would often use when referring to him around others) and he is so intrigued by the word he demands an explanation as to what it means. and when he realizes it’s true purpose, it’s true meaning, he’ll be taking that word to the GRAVE. and this brat uses it EVERYWHERE. on text, in person, in front of your friends. he will never spare you the pain and embarrassment. but he just wants to let you know how much he loves you, truly. his pookie <3
chenle - bao bei
immediately into your relationship chenle throws around ‘babe’ and ‘baby’ like crazy. this man knows what he wants because he quickly found out that if he slurred his words while saying, “bao bei a~” you would fold immediately. not afraid of saying it in front of others because the only one who understands are the c-liners (but eventually everyone catches on) chenle also somehow makes it seem so casual and natural. ‘bao bei’ also directly translates to treasure, and he’ll occasionally add in a ‘xiao’ (little) at the beginning when praising you or giving you compliments.
riku/sakuya - pan-san
I was originally just going to do riku, but figured i’d just shove these two together, but mostly write about riku.
sakuya and riku both like bread, the only difference is that while both want to work at a bakery, sakuya cannot cook to save his life and riku can actually bake. these two actually share so much in common it's actually insane, for one being absolute shits in general. regardless, ‘pan’ means bread and ‘pan-san’ is actually so cute and it rolls off the tongue really well. (i was originally going to say ‘pan-pan’ but a quick google search said no.) 
although riku enjoys teasing you, he still wants you to enjoy the pet name given to you. ‘bread’ is sweet, it is simple, and it is certainly delicious. literally the best nickname anyone could ever have and you should be grateful. but you don’t seem as pleased as he is. you have to process that your boyfriend is naming you after bread. not even like ‘cupcake’ or ‘sugar cookie’ or something else, just. bread. but after riku yaps about it for an hour, adding in compliments and phrases, you give in, and allow yourself to be called bread.
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(do let me know if you want to see anything for the other members! i'll try my best 🙏🙏)
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knifefather · 3 years
wahh congrats on 400+ followers!! 💞 this is honestly one of my favorite blogs. if you’re still doing them i’d like to have a matchup! if not then just don’t pay any mind to this lol.
i’m a woman, straight, i’m 5”3, have long curly/wavy brown hair, hazel eyes, i kinda got a baby face (round head, chubby cheeks, y’know) and i gots the chub (aka plus sized, and i think pear shaped body?). i’d say my love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch. i’m also an INFP and a gemini!
i’m really passionate about the arts! i love music, art, literature, and as geeky as it sounds i’ve been in love with theatre ever since i was little. i LOVE to act and sing, i’ve been in shows and concerts for years. i tend to break into song and dance a lot when i’m cooking or in the shower lol. whenever i get the chance, i like to write and draw sometimes too! i’m also a geek when it comes to video games, movies and anime too!
i’m a huge animal person. i can never choose a favorite animal because all of them are perfect in their own way! i like to call myself an omnivert because i love to hang out with my friends and go places, but afterwards my social battery takes a looong time to recharge. and y’know, a gal just needs some alone time now and then! i also tend to be the listener or the big sister/mom of the friend group. i usually just listen to what others have to say instead of adding to the conversation. i do have bouts of self consciousness every now and then when it comes to my body, but i’ve been a lot better at accepting myself throughout the years!
thank you so much for taking the time to read this! can’t wait to read your future works!!
Thank you so much, I appreciate it! I hope you like the matchup. :3 Also... you said “baby face” and I had to!! lol
The Knife Father matches you with...
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➼ Melone falls so hard for you that he wants to start a family with you. Kidding. But not really. He gets attached to you because you’re very sweet and give him the time of day. He also believes that you’re one of the only interesting people around to talk to: your interests in the arts always keeps the conversation flowing. It’s not because Melone enjoys the arts as well, it’s actually the opposite! He’s not very cultured in music, movies, or theatre, so it’s a whole new world when he interacts with you. He ends up falling in love with certain pieces of media because of you, and when he consumes that media, he always thinks of you. 
➼ He’s really into your body type. Melone really likes the chub, and he thinks that small, curvy girls like you are very cute! Especially since he’s pretty tall and skinny. The difference is just really hot to him. He frequently likes to grab you by your sides and lift you onto his knee so he can love on you. He wraps his arms around your middle and hugs you close, enjoying the feeling of your soft, warm body against his. 
➼ Which leads me to my next point! You and Melone share very similar love languages, which makes for a very successful relationship between the two of you. Physical touch is a big yes for Melone. If he had it his way, he would be in physical contact with you at pretty much every moment. He loves to hold your hand, hug, and cuddle, but he also likes subtle ways of showing affection as well. Just touching his thigh to yours when you’re both sitting on the couch is good, or draping his leg over yours when you’re laying in bed together. Our lavender-haired friend is also happy to let you know how he feels about you verbally. He blabbers all the time about his love for you and how much he would love to spend his future with you! If you let him ramble for long enough, he will usually always circle back around to having a family lol. 
➼ Admires your ability to empathize with others. He notices that you’re usually quiet and the big sister/mom towards your friends, and he loves that about you! He knows that you spend a lot of energy helping other people, so he tries to take care of you as much as he can. He knows that giving can really take it out of someone.
➼ Melone loves to hear you sing. He’s watched you perform before, but it’s different when the only audience member is him. He sits and listens, a smile coming onto his face when you start singing one of your favorite songs. Your passion shows through the lyrics, the way your notes tie together and you crescendo at all the right parts. He  rises to his feet and claps after you’ve finished your song every time. Any time you sing at home, like when you’re in the shower or cooking, he always pays attention and turns his ear towards your direction. He’s really just so incredibly in love with you that the sound of your voice gives him instant euphoria. You’re definitely his baby. 💜
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clementineesotsm · 4 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 3, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
Here comes the yoyo boy and KSJ mom in front of book store, believe me them showing up giving me goosebumps and also because we got to see the scars on Gon’s shouldsr for the first time. Its like, its related. Creepy.
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The way this series giving you subtle clues was amazing and if you can catch it, its fun because its either make you a clown or give you answers towards the end. Here we could see they give us a glimpse of Lee Rim flute, so that we knew where he kept it and makes us confused at the first time why he has so many umbrellas and i personally makes a lot of speculation out of it (aka overthinking) but it turns me into a clown later 🤣
Enough with the creepiness, here comes our lovey dovey slash mystery scene. I love how JTE was thinking of Gon’s and actually got smitten while driving. It give us clue that she actually cant get him out of her mind 🤓 The cars stop. I love how Gon’s asking JTE to tie her hair and drink water while waiting for him to come 🤣 Now comes the mystery part, while speaking to JTE, times stop. This scene was so beautiful, you need to watch it with earphone on and listen to the quite sound while the times stop until the music plays. Cool! And how they plays the cameras to the surroundings and then finally Gon lays his eyes to JTE. She is seriously beautiful and stunning here. I can really feel it when Gon says that he saw something beautiful. Because it is indeed. Of course JTE did not believe when he explain that times stop, but she kind of soft now to him. Maybe because she get used to his weird world explanation already.
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Then we saw Lee Rim also visiting the book store! And someone actually inform him that the King was outside palace. I appreciate how they decide to say that Lee Rim forgot that time has passed so quickly, for me it kinds of help to explain why it took Lee Rim to long to did whatever his plan is (beside because of he is trying to collect as many people to be on his side). Here we also see Gon’s realizing / kind of speculating that Lee Rim still alive, has the other half of the flute, has crossed between 2 world and the flute being the key and the lock of both universe. That he should have realize it sooner before he lays his eyes to something beautiful. That is kinda sad, because he might knew already that the future will be ugly.
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Because of this thinking and also because he alreay out of palace for way too long, he decide to go back home now. Before Gon go we can see KSJ asking Gon about the logo, and here because Gon still not realizing Lee Rim plan, he did not suspicious about why KSJ could know the logo. Which i think quite weird. People that smart like Gon should take this questions as a suspicious thing and ask a lot of question on why can he knows about the logo rather than just pissed because KSJ is a close friend to his girl. Thats 1 complain for this episode from me 🤓
The last part of the episode was 1 of my favorite. We can see Gon visiting book store and searched for Kim Sowol poems, then we can hear piano plays with lady Noh’s voiceover the poems. Wow that was sad. At first i dont know why they used lady Noh voice everytime we hear Kim Sowol’s poem until later on eps 12. Using thos poem was a clever moved by the writer because it is match the feeling of this series amf actually because of this poems i always felt like this story will have sad ending. The poems also why makes me to follow this series, because its beautiful but bitter. As the voiceover continues we can see Gons ready to go back home and JTE looking for Gon’s but he is nowhere to be found. Gon looks back before he go and JTE looking around for Gon was sad. Because those separation was kind of expected but when it happens its quite disturbing and very sad. The cinematography plus the music also added to the tense - can i cry now - 😢
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Bonus appreciation:
1. Jangmi as a person and his email ! He is a scene stealer indeed. He makes the PPL was bearable and funny though
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2. Love hate relationship between the criminal and the detective. Im might be weird but i love them 😅
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3. Joyeong and Gon’s pic
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4. Cute height difference
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How it made me feel:
Im feeling every possible feeling that exist in the world though. This episodes finally throw us into the possibilities of the chaos that will happen. And also what a fun episodes because they throw many things, the yoyo boy, the book store, the time stopped (inline with time stopped om Lee Rim side), the flute, Kim Sowol’s poem, Lee Rim’s minions, JTE unsolved case, KSJ knowing Corea logo, theres a lot of homework and detail to be remember and solved.
I also like we get to know a bit of KSJ becakground, how he ended up on the side of justice rather than be a bad guy. And they also show us how he potentially be the bad guy actually. To probably confused us a bit about how he will be a friend or a foe later on. Which i love a lot. I love specualting about him. And damn boy acting was good !
I dont know why people said they dont feel any chemistry or why people dont get it how can this 2 could fall in love. Episode 1-3 gives us many clues about how they grow their feelings and it may starts with curiosity but it turns into daily activity and they think of each other while they are not together. I dont know whether the writers looking into their Zodiac sign to create their character or not, but Gon is definitely match Scorpio and JTE is definitely Gemini. Based on this information itself i kind of understand why they attract each other.
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mercheswan · 4 years
Dig a Little Deeper
Thanks for the tag @impractical-matters ❤️. Sorry I didn’t do it sooner, last week I went to the beach with my family and I didn’t pack the computer. To do this type of long tag games I need it 😅
1. do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? I use blue pen 90% of the times.
2. would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? City 100000000%. I can’t help it... the countryside and me do not get along well haha
3. if you could learn a new skill, what would it be? I would to know how to play an instrument. Guitar or piano.
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? Oh! I drink sugar with tea yes 😊. (Yep, I wrote it right 😂)
5. what was your favorite book as a child? Ohh I was never a big fan of reading, but I loved a book series called Lilli the Witch (in Spanish the girl’s name was Kika, I’ve just discovered that she had a different name in every country and I’m looking at my books with a sad and betrayed face haha. Why did you lie to me about your name Kika! Why!?)
6. do you prefer baths or showers? Oh I remember the moment my parents told me that I was old enough to take showers haha. I hated them! And now I don’t recall the last time I took a bath, I alway shower because it’s faster.
7. if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? I would like to be a witch, because I like the idea of being able to do magic.
8. paper or electronic books? I can do both. If it’s to study and memorise them I need them in paper though.
9. what is your favorite item of clothing? Dark blue jeans.
10. do you like your name? would you like to change it? I love my name. It’s my mom’s name and when I have a baby girl I would like to call her Mercedes too. It’s kinda a tradition in my family.
11. who is a mentor to you? Oh... well at the moment, I guess it would be my private tutor for the Judge exam. He is the one who controls that I study and who prepares me to pass the exam.
12. would you like to be famous? if so, what for? I do haha, I guess everyone does in some way. I would love to live the celebrity life, like a singer or an actress... but I don’t think I’m very talented for that so... 😂.
Maybe I would like to be “famous” when I become a judge because of one of my sentences. Like doing something meaningfull that could change something for the better because of it, I don’t know...
13. are you a restless sleeper? Yep haha I have trouble sleeping. I have always had.
14. do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? In a way... the problem is that I’m not very affectionate. I don’t usually do hugs and holding hands and stuff like that haha. So I guess I can look like a cold person from the outside, but deep inside I do want a love story that fills me, and someone to share my life with.
15. which element best represents you? Water. It can be cold or hot, calm or agressive. I don’t know I have always liked water more than the rest.
16. who do you want to be closer to? I guess my family, I’m very close to them, my family is my everything, they are the people I love the most in the world.
17. do you miss someone at the moment? I really don’t, I’m lucky to be able to talk or visit the people who mean the most to me.
18. tell us about an early childhood memory. I remember playing with my little brother in the living room. We have two big sofas and we used to take the cushions that they had and create a fort with them. Playing also the floor is lava and jumping form one sofa to the other.
19. what is the strangest thing you have eaten?  Cocodrile, Zebra and Kangaroo.
20. what are you most thankful for? My family.
21. do you like spicy food? Nop. I hate it haha
22. have you ever met someone famous? Well... I have met famous people in Spain, like some reality TV people and also Politicians and Judges from the Spainish Suprem Court.
I also when to a CD signing of Ashley Tisdale (I’m a big fan of High School Músical 😂), i managed to get a photo with her. And I do have a CD signed of Miley Cyrus and her father.
23. do you keep a diary or journal? No, I tried once but didn’t last a week.
24. do you prefer to use pen or pencil? It depends. If it’s to take notes on the side of a book, it has to be pencil. If it’s to write in a paper, I use pen.
25. what is your star sign? Gemini
26. do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? Crunchy!
27. what would you want your legacy to be? As I said in Q12, in the profesional department I would like to be recognised as a judge who helped make my country a little bit more fair.
I also want to be a mother someday, I would want my children to remember me fondly.
28. do you like reading? What was the last book you read? As my life consist on memorising and readings laws all the time, I don’t really read novels, only fanfiction 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
29. how do you show someone you love them? I tell them or do things for them, try to help them in any way I can.
30. do you like ice in your drinks? Yesss
31. what are you afraid of? Spiders. Like... terrified.
32. what is your favorite scent? Vanilla
33. do you address older people by their name or surname? In Spain we use (or at least I do) the word “Usted”. In English the word “you”, can be translated in Spanish as “Tú” which is informal or “Usted” which is formal and commonly used to address older people.
We also use the word “Don” if it’s a male or “Doña” if it’s a woman, followed by the name (ex: Don Fernando) to adress people in a more formal way. I used to call my college teachers using the Don/Doña + Name formula 😂.
34. if money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I would buy a big house. I would stop studying and create a law firm (I would still want to do something and help people with their legal issues)
But I would live the good life... hahah traveling, buying expensive things... ���🏻‍♀️
35. do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? In pools. I’m not afraid of water but I can see that the ocean it’s more dangerous than a pool.
36. what would you do if you found $50 in the ground? It depends. If I know the person who lot then I would return it. If I don’t I would keep them haha
37. have you ever seen a shooting star? did you make a wish? I don’t think I have... ive seen rainbows... 🤷🏻‍♀️🌈
38. what is one thing you would want to teach your children? I don’t know... I would tech them to be responsible and good people.
39. if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? I don’t like tattoos for me, so it would be something very little in the feet haha
40. what can you hear now? The shower. My brother is in it and my room is near to it.
41. where do you feel the safest? In my house.
42. what is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? I want to be a little bit less shy... like try and get out more and do more plans so si can meet new people.
43. if you could travel back to any era, what would it be? Umm. Ancient Rome, I have studied it a lot in School and in College (we study roman law because it’s the base from Spanish and many European countries’s law) and I have always been fascinated by it.
44. what is your most used emoji? 😊
45. describe yourself using one word. Honest
46. what do you regret the most? I don’t really regret anything to the point of being very sad that I didn’t do something. Maybe... not fighting to keep a friendship, but the other part didn’t fight either so...
47. last movie you saw? Ironman 2!
48. last tv show you watched? The Vampire Diaries.
49. invent a word and its meaning. Rebozeision - Action that consist of, while being in bed, covering with a blanket creating a burrito with you in it, and rolling from one side to the bed to the other. Usually done in the mornings, while trying to accept the fact that you have to get up.
I tag @sunel0 @msmischief101 @thiamislove18 (ignore it if you don’t want to or have already done it!) and whoever wants to do it! ✌🏻
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alicenyras · 4 years
dig a little deeper
tysm @ahtropos for tagging me !!! <3
1. do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? black
2. would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? city as of rn
3. if you could learn a new skill, what would it be? god i mean i’d love to learn drums or bass or something??
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? i drink my tea w 2 sugars :) and i hate hot coffee lol
5. what was your favorite book as a child? depends on what time period, from like age 5-10 it was clarice bean (if u remember those books ur a real one) but then it became harry potter
6. do you prefer baths or showers? showers
7. if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? hmmmm can i be basic and say dragon ...
8. paper or electronic books? paper now come on now
9. what is your favorite item of clothing? i love a good big sweater
10. do you like your name? would you like to change it? i like it :)
11. who is a mentor to you? my parents
12. would you like to be famous? if so, what for? well i’m in film school rn so that’d be pretty nice ig
13. are you a restless sleeper? ehh i’m okay
14. do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? yeah ... unfortunately lol
15. which element best represents you? air or water
16. who do you want to be closer to? tumblr mutuals !!!! if y’all wanna be friends im always down😌
17. do you miss someone at the moment? my bf i haven’t been able to hold his hand in months bro
18. tell us about an early childhood memory. the earliest memory i have is going out after dinner to sit in the road and watch the sunset w my dad :)
19. what is the strangest thing you have eaten? when i was like 8 my friend made me eat a mixture she’d made of ketchup & mustard 😐 it was terrible
20. what are you most thankful for? the people in my life
21. do you like spicy food? mehh
22. have you ever met someone famous? no :/
23. do you keep a diary or journal? yeah :)
24. do you prefer to use pen or pencil? pen
25. what is your star sign? gemini
26. do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? crunchy what
27. what would you want your legacy to be? love !!!!!
28. do you like reading? what was the last book you read? i do but i don’t read enough tbh. last book i finished was a feast for crows
29. how do you show someone you love them? i love giving out compliments but i think just attention is the best way to show love
30. do you like ice in your drinks? nooo it waters that shit DOWN bro
31. what are you afraid of? the future 😐
32. what is your favorite scent? my bf 🥺 also the sea i think
33. do you address older people by their name or surname? uhhh i mean it’s either/or depending on the context
34. if money was not a factor, how would you live your life? go to university like 12 times to learn everything i wanna learn & also travel the world between that lol :) and make a shit ton of films like whatever pops into my head
35. do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? pools i hate seaweed
36. what would you do if you found $50 in the ground? ...... pick it up ...... does that make me a bad person
37. have you ever seen a shooting star? did you make a wish? i don’t think i have
38. what is one thing you would want to teach your children? to love themselves & to be empathetic
39. if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? i wanna get wings on my ankles for hermes :)
40. what can you hear now? my mom
41. where do you feel the safest? in my bedroom
42. what is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? self doubt
43. if you could travel back to any era, what would it be? oh boy um the 80s?? or the renaissance maybe
44. what is your most used emoji? 🥺 lol
45. describe yourself using one word. passionate?
46. what do you regret the most? not being kinder to myself & not leaving behind the people who weren’t kind to me
47. last movie you saw? oldboy ... shit was crazy
48. last tv show you watched? im in the middle of law and order rn
49. invent a word and its meaning. no❤️
i tag @rapanzel @wespers @nobodys @daviincis @jamespotthrs @skywaelker and anyone else who wants to :) (no worries if u have already/don’t want to !!)
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limitless-rose · 4 years
The Signs as things I wanted to be when I grow up
[This has literally been in my drafts since December because I wasn't sure if each option matched with the sign I chose but whatever (it's also a long post again, oof)
Also I didn't really post anything related to 2020 so... Happy New Year, let's hope something good will happen this decade!! 💖]
♈ Aries: Be part of the army. I was quite fascinated by the idea of guns and protecting the nation and actually getting my life together. I was actually thinking about it for quite a while until I realized that in order to get accepted (at least according to the Greek system) you need to have excellent grades (especially maths/physics), to be taller that 165cm and to be excellent in sports. Guess what, I don't understand physics/science/chemistry, I've been about 158cm for the past 3 years and the only two sports I'm good at are badminton and tennis (while you need to be good at running, swimming and things like that I guess 😕)
♉ Taurus: A chef/baker. Cooking and baking always seemed pretty fun. I would always sit by my grandma whenever she cooked/baked goodies and observe the whole process. I also got inspired by the movies "The Princess and the Frog" and "Ratatouille" and thought that one day I could possibly come up with my own recipes and open my own restaurant. But while growing up I realized that I can't cook properly when I'm stressed/multi-tasking (I'm capable of burning the food AND the kitchen if I get slightly distracted, ooof)
♊ Gemini: A TV presenter or a weather woman. My mom told me that from the age of three I would always pretend to talk to an audience and answer questions from the callers or announce news/talk about the weather. Maybe that explains why I talk to thin air (as if I was a YouTuber) about anything and everything when I'm alone. Though it sounds cool, I don't really think I could do it now because I have social anxiety.
♋ Cancer: A writer. I really like writing, I don't know why. Authors have been inspiring me since my childhood, I remember I used to read so many books and try to write something of my own based on it. 😅 I like taking notes and then re-writing them more neatly. I like re-doing old homework in a different style and see if I have improved. I really like writing in a diary/a bullet journal too, I feel like it's much better than bothering others with my problems anyway. I also love coming up with random scenarios/stories/characters and writing about it but I don't know if I should share it. Idk, sometimes I feel like my writing is a bit boring or that it's nothing that impressive. So, honestly, if more people took writers seriously instead of thinking it's a hobby as it doesn't always pay well (when did the world even start revolving around money that much, oml) and if I was more confident about my work I'd definitely chose to become a writer/author (I'm still keeping it as a hobby no matter what I end up doing, lol).
♌ Leo: A model. Omg, I honestly don't know why I even thought of it. Probably because I really liked watching ANTM when I was younger (and I specifically chose the American version because the one we have in my country makes me cringe a lot, just hearing girls from my school talking about it is painful). My friends also liked the outfits that I put together or how I would always pose for pictures (a few years ago, I'm too awkward now asdfghjkl). Looking at it now it's just so funny. There's literally so much competition in the name of beauty, the community can get kinda toxic sometimes and the standards are pretty high. Also I'm way too short and I still can't walk like a normal person when wearing high heels lol.
♍ Virgo: A teacher. Specifically, a teacher for elementary or even kindergarten. Back then, the concept of teaching seemed pretty fun to me and I had lots of ideas about how to make class more interesting. The thing is that I have good chemistry with most kids and I actually kinda dislike teenagers because of how rebellious we can get when it comes to school (idk but like teens in my country are like pretty rude to everyone 😐). I'm not so sure about it now, though it's still an option.
♎ Libra: A psychologist. I always liked helping others out and offering advice when they're having a tough time and I was also curious to see what makes each person feel angry, sad or stressed and the way they respond. It's also interesting because you can learn a lot about someone's personality, preferences and way of thinking or understand what caused someone to commit a crime. I still really like psychology and it's one of my main options for uni. The only problem is that psychology is pretty much overrated in my country so people say it's best to choose something else. 😒
♏ Scorpio: A criminologist. And, surprisingly, I still want it. I was always intrigued by things that required research, was interesting in learning what caused a murder/crime to be committed and I would always watch crime thrillers with my dad. I also like it because it's a field of Sociology which is one of my favorite subjects. I'm just hoping finals aren't super difficult so I can get accepted in the college that I want on the first try lol.
♐ Sagittarius: A flight attendant. Back then I found it kinda fun, as I was always curious about what going on a plane is like. It could also be because of their outfits (like the ones you see in movies or in Britney's MV for Toxic, idk why 😅). Plus I would get to travel around the world without paying as much as the passengers. But then, at the age of 14-15 I got on an airplane 4 times and I saw that it wasn't really like the movies and that literally everyone ignored the flight attendant so yeah, it's not an option anymore. ✈️
♑ Capricorn: A fashion designer. So because I would always draw and constantly ask for new crayons/markers and other art supplies, my mom bought me a few coloring books that focused on fashion. It came along with stickers, stencils, ideas for Victorian dressses, advice for how to design lace or mermaid tail dresses and I was so impressed. A few years later, my grandma showed me a few dresses that she had made for my mom when she was younger (which were so gorgeous like I'm definitely going to wear one of them on my graduation day) and taught me sewing. I also got to see these small floral designs that you usually see on lingerie and it was so pretty, I wish I could do it as perfectly as her. I decided to follow my grandma's advice and keep it as a hobby instead (because she ended up doing nothing but designing clothes and repairing them which she regrets 🧵🧶).
♒ Aquarius: An astronaut. This was pretty random, I have to admit. I guess I really liked space and looking at at the stars in the night sky. I read a few books about space and learned a few things about NASA back in elementary too, though I realized that it's something I could never really do, as you have to sacrifice a lot. I'm still fascinated by this profession but there's no way I could ever do it, since I can't even understand basic physics or mathematics. 🤷‍♀️
♓ Pisces: An artist. Honestly I didn't really care if most artists didn't get recognition/fame or if they didn't earn enough money, I just wanted to make art because I liked it. It's also fun because while you are expressing your thoughts through an art piece, another person might interpret it differently, based on their likings and thoughts. Art also plays an active role in my life: I've been drawing and painting since I was 5 and I would always watch the show with Bob Ross on TV with my grandma. Instead of completely giving up on this idea, I thought that I could choose another profession (also my family didn't really like the thought of me doing art for a living 😐) and keep art as a hobby.
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aurcrabcrealis · 4 years
⌠ LEIGHTON MEESTER, 33, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, AURORA “RORY” RIVERS! originally hailing from GALLAGHER, this alum specializes in LINGUISTICS, CULTURE, & ASSIMILATION. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of notes scribbled in the margins of old books, designer dresses with the tags still on, dancing with a handsome stranger, a faint smell of roses and cedar, not recognizing your own reflection.  it’s the (gemini)’s birthday on 5/26/1986, and when they were still in school their most requested dish was LEMON BARS from the school’s chefs. hopefully their presence can help ease the minds of gallagher students.
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(hit me up here or on discord @ scoops troops#4933 to plot!!)
aurora’s mother, madeleine merchant, came from a long line of respected spies. she went to gallagher in the late 70s/early 80s and studied seduction & flirtation and linguistics, culture, & assimilation. she was known as a master or disguise, though madeleine always fit best in high society, the world in which she had grown up. aurora’s father, richard rivers, was also a spy, but came from a much more modest background and his occupation was kept secret from the rest of his family. richard went missing during a mission when madeleine was eight months pregnant with rory. he hasn’t been seen since april 29, 1986, so if you see him, let me know.
becoming a mother didn’t change madeleines lifestyle. she had the means to supply rory with the finest nannies and tutors that money could buy. (madeleine had rory’s nannies replaced every three years, which was what she believed to be the appropriate amount of time for rory to become proficient in their native language. though she will say english is her first language, she was learning french at the same time. by the time she graduated from her spy prep high school, rory was fluent in english, french, spanish, italian, german, japanese, and cantonese. it’s excessive). 
rory was a quiet child, especially in contrast to her mother’s outgoing personality. she was always hiding behind her mother’s skirt at cocktail parties and sneaking away to read. she spent a lot of time with her nannies, and learning how to cook or play different instruments. she lacked her mother’s self-confidence, but she did pick up other things from her mother, most importantly the ability to fake it and be whoever she needed to be in any given situation. she watched her mother as she went back and forth between different personas at ease, and over time rory became a natural at putting on masks and transforming herself as if she were playing a character. there was never a debate about whether or not she would be a spy, but if she’d had the chance to try out a different career, rory would have made an incredible actress. such a good actress that she found herself forgetting which traits were really her own and which were part of an assumed personality.
her real personality is quiet and unassuming. she’s always been a wallflower and would rather not speak if she doesn’t feel she has something important to say. she’s very warm and sweet and honestly just pretty soft. but often times in social situations she’ll put on a more bubbly persona, because that seems to make people more comfortable.
rory studied the same things as her mom at gallagher: seduction & flirtation and linguistics, culture, & assimilation. she basically studied lca throughout her entire childhood and it’s an area in which she thrived. seduction & flirtation was somewhat more difficult for her because of how shy and self-conscious she can feel, but it’s something she became good at when she’s pretending to be someone else. 
after gallagher, rory did a lot of traveling and has worked for a handful of different agencies. she’s not of the same caliber as her mother, but she has built up a reputation as a competent field op with an uncanny ability to blend in when undercover. her missions are most often recon. very few people in the spy world know how shy she naturally is. they do know that madeleine merchant is her mother and that has definitely given her a leg up. yay for nepotism. 
when she was contacted about coming back to gallagher, rory jumped at the opportunity. she loved her time there and hopes she can have a positive impact on the current students’ experiences. 
other stuff about rory: she’s an amazing baker. she can play the harp, violin, and piano, but really you should hear her sing. she’s ambidextrous but prefers her left hand. her favorite color is purple. she reads in 90% of her free time. she has died her hair so many colors its a miracle she has any left. she’s an avid journaler. she’s a terrible driver. she definitely has some abandonment issues relating to her father’s disappearance, her mother’s frequent work trips, and her nannies being replaced even though she totally loved them. she doesn’t have a great relationship with her mom, but they do love each other. 
i feel like i’m missing so much but i was supposed to go to bed an hour and a half ago
wanted connections!!
mentees, kids majoring in lca who she can help
students who are super confident and intimidate her even though she’s a grown ass woman
students who are shy and remind her of herself so she wants to help them but they’re both shy so it’s hard
students from spy families who have heard of her mom and are disappointed that she isn’t more like her
people from her time at gallagher!! friends, roommates, rivals, anything (she was there 2005-2009)
people from spy families who she’s known her whole life (idk where she grew up so i might just wait to make that fit a connection). but she also travelled a lot so the where doesn’t necessarily matter. maybe they get along, maybe they don’t!
people she’s worked with or come across while working. could be friends, could be someone she just can’t manage to get along with, could be someone who she met while they were working at rival agencies
gimme that angst!! exes, something where they were never a thing but they were something ya know, a flirtationship, they both think the other isn’t interested so they never make a move, opposites attract, enemies to lovers, slow burn, all of the above
and really anything, that is just all my brain can come up with because it’s 3 am what the fuck am i doing
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copperbadge · 6 years
Podcast Recommendations
So, I asked for podcast reccs and boy howdy did you guys deliver :D I didn’t really have a response to a lot of the comments but I wanted to both acknowledge them and also share them, so I thought I’d compile them here. I’ve taken out duplicates, and bolded and added commentary to ones I’ve encountered; as I try them out I’ll come back and add more. (At the moment I’m way behind and catching up, so it may be a few weeks.) 
Because I don’t want this to become like A Thing, I’m not going to add any more recommendations or respond to reblogs -- sometimes I just need to make a cutoff point. Thanks for all your thoughtful suggestions, guys! 
biblioaesthetica replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
Fiction podcasts: Solutions To Problems is a little Night Vale-ish but snappier and funnier, premise a space alien and a human in the future give out love advice and time machines are tricky. 
The Strange Case Of The Starship Iris is like if Firefly were only overheard by the evil empire, it's queer, and the tension and mystery is great. 
The Bright Sessions is about a therapist's sessions with extraordinarily powered people. There's an underlying spooky tone to this
myjennieblr replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
You might enjoy The Fridge Light, a CBC series about the providence of many of our staple foods and changing trends in them. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thefridgelight
timetravelingvampire replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
Up and Vanished. Host investigates missing persons, one person per season. Season 2 just began
jessiqa82 replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
LeVar Burton Reads is probably my favorite podcast. Each episode LeVar reads a short story. The genre differs story to story and it’s really just nice hearing his voice.
ilacatz replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
I really like the Phileas Club: 3 or 4 people from around the world talk about recent local and international news, with occasional specials about certain topics/countries
wordsandshadows replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
Apocrypals is a really great show - two guys having in-depth discussions on books of the Bible & the Apocrypha (which I actually found, weirdly, because the writer of Magnus Archives mentioned it on twitter)
skulkingwriter replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
I would give a qualified rec to the Black Tapes 
maybe the first series of Tanis - when the slow burn faux-real urban legend horror stuff works it works, when it doesn't it gets a bit repetitive and shark-jumpy.
andromeda-reinvented replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
My roommate listens to “And That’s Why We Drink” which is like, combo true crime/weird shenanigans. She really likes it and the couple times I’ve listened in, I enjoyed it as well.
dragonmuse replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
If you like My Favorite Murder, you might enjoy S'laughter which is two British women discussing British crime some historical, some more modern.
bigwigs replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
Re: true crime, I’d strongly recommend In the Dark - its focus is on the police investigation surrounding a couple of cases and it’s fascinating (though difficult) listening
ohgreatblackbunny replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
Pounded in my butt by my own podcast by Chuck tingle is a fun romp for occasional listening. 
If you want to just learn about cults (Cults) is a good one. 
I like a lot of the how it works podcasts-stuff you missed in history class/stuff mom never told you/ridiculous history. 
(Sam’s Note -- I couldn’t get into Stuff You Missed In History Class, I think possibly because I knew a lot of the content, but I don’t think it’s a bad podcast, just not fitted to me.)
For news and current events I like 1A. 
And if you feel like old nior style radio drama The Control Group is a fictional story about institutionalization involving murder, brainwashing, abuse of power. It's an interesting take on a dark part of mental health care.
sphinxyvic replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
Have you been recced to listen to Futility Closet?                    
gemini-melia replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
I've listened to a couple of true crime series by Wonderly, Dirty John and Dr. death. They are short enough and engrossing but I feel you on the iffyness of true crime glamorization.
vr-trakowski replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
You might try The Hidden Almanac, described as Prairie Home Companion meets Lovecraft. It doesn't always have a plot but it's often hilarious. And each ep is only a few minutes long.
brilliant-starlight replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
You might like "You're Wrong About" ... looks at both historical and recent past events, on a wide range of types of topics.
mstornadox replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
Becoming Mother Nature just launched. Fiction, about a teen girl who finds out her grandmother is Mother Nature.
knownasbelen replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
I love anything produced by Gimlet Media, but their Crimetown podcast might appeal? It’s true crime ish but the first season is about politics and the mob and they have great production values.
Sam’s Note: I really wanted to love Crimetown and I think for a lot of people it’s a great podcast, but I couldn’t keep track of who was talking -- I fell way behind and didn’t understand what was going on because they kept quoting people in rapid succession and I’d end up thinking a cop was a criminal or vice-versa. 
tardis-stowaway replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
Have you tried Criminal? It’s a true crime podcast where the crimes range from the harrowing to the silly (like a guy who streaks at major sporting events). There are also episodes about more loosely related topics, like an interview with trauma surgeons about gunshot wounds or about the forensics of shark attacks. It’s part of radiotopia, the same organization that supports Allusionist and 99% invisible.
spiderine replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
If you like the Allusionist, you'll LOOOVE "Answer Me This". It's done by the same woman (plus co-host Ollie and Martin The Sound Man) and it's both erudite and utterly hilarious.
dreamwaffles replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
I highly recommend Wine and Crime, where three Minnesotan friends discuss themed cases and review a related wine for the week (relation of wine to the crime: varied). They hit some true-crime classics, but most are new to me. Also they’re ridiculously funny.
the-other-sandy replied to your post “Out of curiosity, which podcasts are you into?”
For True Crime, I listen to The Vanished (ongoing) about missing persons cases. 
If you're willing to branch out, I also like Countdown (limited series) about space program accidents.
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bunnis-babes · 5 years
So @queennerd-love tagged me to do this forever ago, and I just kinda… didn’t. But I’m bored and angry about accidentally deleting the same HCs for the second time, so I’m doing this to distract.
Star sign?
5’5” I’m a moderately size girl, just kinda average.
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 4.
So uhhh… all of these are undertale/deltarune because thats my go to playlist, it’s what I use when I do pretty much anything so… :/
1. The Legend (Toby Fox)
2. Spear of Justice (Undertale Remix by Game Chops)
3. Dogsong (Kazoo cover by Tsuko G.)
4. Don’t give up (Toby Fox)
Grab the nearest book and skip to the page 23, what is the 17th line?
Uhm… the closest book I had was a manga so this doesn’t really apply all that well, but I’ll just give the last spoken line. “He’s calling to give you his answer…” If you can guess where it’s from that’d be fun.
Ever had a poem written about you?
Yeah actually, he had to write Haikus about our classmates one year in junior high. I think my best friend and I wrote about each other, but I can’t be too sure.
When was the last time you played air guitar?
Uhhhhh… over a year ago? Like sometime in 2017 was the last time for sure.
Name one sound you hate one you love?
The sound of a books binding being destroyed is something I can stand. It hurts my should when I hear that noise. A sound I love is orchestral sounds its just pleasing to my ears.
Do you believe in ghosts? Aliens?
Ghosts, but not aliens. I don’t want to explain why, but magical little men living on mars just doesn’t sound… plausible. The idea of ghosts is just, it makes more sense then these E.T. beings.
Do you drive/have you been in a car crash?
My dad hit a deer on the way to the hospital when my mom went into labor. Other than that, no.
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Meh… Sharpies smell way better.
Last movie you saw?
Into the spider verse
Worst Injury?
I fell off the monkey bars and sprained my ankle. It hurt a lot and couldn’t walk on it for a while, because pain.
Your Obsessions?
BNHA, Gravity Falls, Cermet, Undertale (The game itself please don’t hate me), Deltarune, A silent Voice, MHA: Vigilantes, Waitress, The Arcana, many more.
Hold Grudges?
Only one, and that bitch deserves it. She was an ass to me and my friends and she did this shit to herself.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I’m unlovable.
When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
When I stepping into my home to day after school.
What view would you like to have out of your window?
A bustling city in the distance, separated by a small field with a nice solid tree growing in it.
If you could instantly know how to speak another language, what language would you choose to know?
Japanese is the first one. Most likely Spanish, French and Norwegian after that. I’ve got a whole bunch more, but those are the main contenders.
What would be your strategy for surviving an apocalyptic epidemic?
Have my close friends with me and be sure to have plenty of food and meds and other basic shit like that. Probably die, idk I wouldn’t really give a shit if the world died.
When does time pass the fastest for you? The slowest?
It passes fastest in Biology and slowest in Spanish.
You can broadcast one sentence to every TV channel and radio station and have it translated, what would it be?
“Dude what the fuck, I don’t know what to sa- hEY ARE YOU ACTUALLY BROADCASTING THIS SHI-“ And then the entire broadcast is shut down.
What are you completely over and done with?
People telling me I can’t enjoy Undertale because of the fandom, fake bitches, my depression/anxiety getting in my way of having a successful school career, my health teacher, not being comfortable with a lot of guys, not being able to ask for help.
Who haven’t you seen in a while and want to see if their okay?
@home-of-the-trash and @blackdevilina
What do you wish people would stop asking you about?
“Why can’t you just talk to people.” “Why are you so anxious and awkward all the time.” “It’s not that hard, just ask them.”
What is the most unusual fear you have?
That we have a rooster living in our attic thing area place.
What’s the biggest lesson life has taught you?
Not to trust everyone right away.
Of you could hear when people say positive or negative things about you, which would you choose to hear?
Positive, it would be nice to hear and a good confidence boost. Plus, negative things would just push me further into depression.
What’s the best piece of advice someone has given to you?
“Don’t depend on people as much as you did with her, they might hurt you and I don’t want to see that happen again.”
What do you think people automatically assume about you when they look at you?
Quiet, awkward, and not too attractive.
When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?
Just today.
What’s your story?
It’s a lot of me living life obliviously before realizing why I am the way I am and being sad suddenly, but I’m getting better.
What do you wish you had more time for?
Writing, art, classes I want to take, friends, trips, fun things I want to do.
What’s the most unpleasant sounding word?
If you could dedicate your life to solving one issue, what would it be?
What feelings do the colors Turquoise, silver, purple, or brown represent to you?
Turquoise: Calmness, Serenity
Silver: A burden, great wealth
Brown: Grossness, disgust
Purple: Pride, Royalty
What is your favorite way to meet new people?
In a casual way. Just walk up and introduce yourself to me and try to get me talking. I have a hard time making friends and putting in effort to make them, but I will try to make friends with someone who wants to.
What is your favorite non-drug/non-alcohol high?
Being able to laugh, it’s a good reliever and I feel happy and amazing while doing it.
What kind of personality traits do you associate certain names?
Elizabeth: Nice, friendly, basic
Andrew: Smart, goofy, brotherly
Lilly: Boisterous, funny, a gremlin
What is the best thing you could tell someone to cheer them up when they are feeling down?
There isn’t much you can say to make them feel better a lot of the time, I really default to making terrible puns and jokes and that normally brings a smile to their face.
What’s the best decision you’ve ever made?
Opening up to my amazing best friends.
What’s weird about you?
I’m thinking just about everything is strange personality wise; but physically I have a little bump in my nose. Everyone tells me it doesn’t really distract from the rest of my face and it makes me pretty, but I don’t like it.
What are you hyped about?
My next school break, summer break omg, Spanish class to be fucking over.
What do couples do that seriously annoys you?
Uhm… some of them make out right in front of us and its just disgusting. Like, yeah your in love, go make out in the bathroom, thanks.
Oof, wrote half of this at 1am and half of it in first hour! I’m really bored, so I just did this because why not. Hope you liked it!
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wydmariana · 6 years
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well hellooooo beautiful people !! i’m so freakin excited u don’t even know… anyway, i guess i should introduce maself. i’m dani, i’m 19 & i’m from canada aka the est tz. i’m also the ari mascot on the main !! i’m gonna put some info about my babygirl below so pls hmu or like this to plot :~)
a SELENA GOMEZ lookalike was strolling down broadway street in their louis vuitton’s. mariana cavello just had a birthday bash for her twenty second birthday. she has been living in new york city for her whole life. i hear she tends to be reticent at parties, but also kind of quixotic. ( cisfemale & she/her )
☇   ❪    ˚・゚ ❛ STATISTICS :
full name: mariana marisol cavello
nickname(s): mari
age: twenty two
date of birth: june 4th, 1996
hometown: new york city
current location: upper east side, new york city
ethnicity: half mexican
nationality: american
gender: cisfemale
pronouns: she/her
parents names: tanner hastings, liliana cavello
orientation: pansexual but she doesn’t like labels
religion: grew up catholic, undecided
political affiliation: democrat
occupation: singer/songwriter
living arrangements: lives in her own mansion in the upper east side
language(s) spoken: english, spanish
accent: american
face claim: selena gomez
hair colour: x (most basic/accurate/but it changes)
eye colour: brown
height: 5″5
weight: 120lbs
build: petite
tattoos: mostly selena’s canon, but x instead of the music note
piercings: x (both ears)
drugs/alcohol/sex: yes/yes/yes
pets: one cat, 5 years old, named sergio - x
astrological chart: gemini sun, cancer moon, scorpio rising
☇   ❪    ˚・゚ ❛  BACKSTORY/CURRENT :
mariana was born to tanner cavello (famous hotel owner, entrepreneur, multimillionaire, been on forbes, think bart bass) & lilliana cavello (hispanic model/socialite)
her parents marriage was very much settling, the two of them cared about each other & were excited to start their life together in effort to please their parents and keep their images pristine
they were quick to fall out of love though, if you could say they were even ever in it
once mariana and her brother became teenagers, their dad started having affairs with his employes, the hot, young ones of course. & their mom found out, but confided in a 16 year old mariana about her father’s actions
( sexual abuse tw ) this infuriated mariana, especially considering the hours she would spend waiting outside her father’s office doing homework while his business partners molested her in the empty conference room starting at the age of 14
she never told anyone about it, although she knew her father had known the whole time, remembering how many times he’d interrupt it by summoning his partners for work or a meeting
mariana began absolutely hating her father, while still yearning for his approval, & this went on for 4 years until she turned 18 and got revenge by sleeping with one of her dad’s business partners & allowing his wife to find out
so his wife threatened to tell the media about this little scandal, unless mari’s dad paid them off, which is exactly what he did but not before taking his anger out on mariana & blaming her for the whole mess
she has barely talked to her dad since & moved out right as that whole situation went down. she does her best to avoid family gatherings, doesn’t visit the house to see her parents too often. she does have weekly phone calls with her mom & tries to see her as often as she can, no matter how much she resents her
she got into the party scene around 17/18 as well, and became new york’s resident “wild child rich kid/socialite” in her teen years, so she has that reputation in the media still to this day
her parents have been rich as fuck since the day she was born, so she’s definitely a spoiled brat, never worked a day in her life, had daddy’s credit card whenever she needed it
music had always been a passion of hers though, being her favorite class in school (on days when she would actually attend)
so when she was 20, she started getting back into writing, sold a couple of her songs to artists like zendaya, the weeknd, etc
when she turned 21 she released her first single & album within the same year, began touring, and got to the top of the charts almost right away & gained a huge fanbase, whom she loves
she works hard though, & loves writing and releasing music now and never wants to stop. it’s truly the thing that makes her most happy in the entire world and keeps her sane
☇   ❪    ˚・゚ ❛  PERSONALITY  :
mariana can be a brat, to put it simply. she thinks she’s always right about everything & it’s rare you’re ever gonna get an apology from her when she’s done something wrong (unless she really cares about you which….)
she’s lowkey a softie, bc of her cancer moon tbh. she tends to get herself into relationships and then mess them up for the sake of it or because she stops trusting herself to be in the relationship at all
but when she loves someone, she LOVES them, like w every fibre in her body u know?
and she cares fiercely about people, it ends up being a problem for her a lot of the time
she hasn’t worked through her trauma & probably never will, she bottles that shit up tight & doesn’t let anybody know it’s there. the only way she’s ever opening up is if she’s writing, cause she wants that shit to be real
but she’s still gonna hoe it up, catch her in the club trying to get some dick for the night, u know what i mean?
super depressed if we’re being real here. she’s sad, and she has abandonment issues because of her dad. so her mindset is- there’s no forming attachments, because everyone leaves me anyway
( drugs tw ) she loves cocaine, is most definitely an addict (but who isn’t in this city), tequila is her alcohol of choice, but she’ll drink anything you give her & weed is her creative saving grace
she started popping pain pills on her 21st birthday, opioids occasionally & mostly xanax, stuff like that, is most definitely also addicted to those
we love a bitch who doesn’t care about her health!
her management team frowns upon it, but she does smoke cigarettes pretty often, but mostly only when she’s stressed
mariana’s the type of bitch to call the paparazzi on herself, she loves attention. but with her music career now it’s been 10x harder for her to keep her life private, not that she cares. but at least she doesn’t have to call the paps on herself anymore lol
she thinks it’s important to treat people w kindness and respect, but no doubt she’ll be ready to fight a b*tch if she has to…
catch her at any protest that involves saying “fuck you trump”
her instagram is a big mix of stories of her cat, dumb selfies, ig model posts, her friends, career stuff & political posts. she’s very active on the gram & snapchat lol
honestly thank U for reading this trash if u didnt...i understand. catch her pinterest board for more here & i have a wanted connections page here ! ok bye i love u, plot w me <3
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hellostarseed · 6 years
Witchy Tag - Part 1
1. Are you solitary or in a coven?
Solitary. A coven sounds nice though as at present I don't have any witchy friends.
2. Do you consider yourself Wiccan, Pagan, witch, or other?
Eclectic witch, as I don't follow any specific set of beliefs but pull from many different beliefs and cultures to form my own path.
3. What is your zodiac sign?
Sun and Moon in Pisces, and Ascending in Gemini.
4. Do you have a Patron God/dess?
I don't, but being raised Christian, I still believe I'm the God I was raised up with. However, I don't see him at all in the same way that I used to. I don't even think he had a gender - despite me calling God a 'he' out of habit. I see him now as loving, intelligent energy that is within and around all of us.
5. Do you work with a Pantheon?
I do not.
6. Do you use tarot, palmistry, or 
any other kind of divination?
Currently I use Tarot and Oracle. I have tried using a pendulum but have not really had any accurate results with it. I'm interested in expanding my knowledge though to be able to read runes, palmistry, and perhaps crystal ball scrying down the road. We'll see!
7. What are some of your favorite herbs to use in your practice? (if any)
Being a new witch still, I haven't really dove in too deep on herb knowledge yet, however I have made a sleep pillow with lavendar to enhance sleep and added sage and many different essential oils for protection. It's worked well for me but I haven't done much else.
8. How would you define your craft?
Being a Pisces, I'm very go-with-the-flow. I feel that same mentality goes with my craft. When I see something I feel pulled to, I incorporate it in my practice.
9. Do you curse? If not, do you accept others who do?
I do not, because I believe what I put out into the world will be reflected back onto me. I've been hurt many times by people and truthfully don't have many friends because of it, but I believe the treatment they have shown me will be reflected back to them in other ways throughout their life. I know from my own experience with my own wrong actions, I have also learned many lessons. So I don't see cursing in a positive light, but I also don't frown on it so long as those who curse do it under extreme circumstances (ex. Someone raped you, killed your friends, etc). Those who curse someone simply because they got their feelings hurt or broke their heart, I am strongly against that. But to each their own.
10. How long have you been practicing?
Just a little over a year.
11. Do you currently or have you ever had any familiars?
I'm not really sure to be honest. Does my dog count? Once I had a vision of a baby dragon hatching which may very well have been my familiar as I was entering spirituality, but I haven't perused discovering it because I don't fully understand it, so I'm unsure if it is still there.
12. Do you believe in Karma or
I believe in both. However, I believe reincarnation is optional. I think we come to this earth to gain experiences and learn things, and when we're done we can continue to grow in the astral realms but it may not be as quick as we would grow here on earth - or we can choose to come back for another lifetime. I feel like I kind of have a glimpse now that I've awoken of what I had planned to do here. But I'm still figuring it out as well as I go.
13. Do you have a magical name?
Aevis. I started going by Polaris for awhile recently for personal reasons, but Aevis has been a name that has resonated with me for quite a long time. I had actually thought I made it up, but it appears to be a Latin noun which means time/eternity. Perhaps it's no coincidence I thought of this ancient word. :)
14. Are you “out of the broom closet”?
Nope, and I don't know that I ever will be.. though I've left hints and I'm pretty sure my husband suspects it. I've left a few hints for my mom as she follows a similar path, but I don't think she suspects it.
15. What was the last spell you performed?
I've never consciously created a spell, but I did once by writing down the man of my dreams down to the very last detail. When I turned 21, this man came into my life and matched about 95% of everything I had written down. Words are powerful. We've been married for 4 years this coming October. ❤
16. Would you consider yourself knowledgeable?
In some areas, but I also feel a strong connection to my higher self which often ends up answering many of my own questions. 😊 Although my conscious self feels like a constant beginner, I feel my subconscious is filled with ancient wisdom that peeks out from time to time.
17. Do you write your own spells?
When I do start spell work, I will be using all my own spells. So yes.
18. Do you have a book of shadows?
If so, how is it written and/or set up?
I do! I have it organized into sections and once I finish it, I'll have a table of contents.
19. Do you worship nature?
Not as much as I wish I did, but I do feel a connection to it. I am very solitary and I feel a bit clustered where I live because of all the people surrounding. But once our finances are in order and we can move, I want to buy a little house out in the countryside where we have privacy. I want to be outside all the time and have my own garden oasis.
20. What is your favorite gemstone?
Probably Moldavite. Within the first few weeks I received it, I had a brief but amazing out of body experience. It has made me feel so much safer as well being a stone that protects you from negative energy and entities latching onto you. I also just love that it is quite literally stardust.
21. Do you use feathers, claws, fur, pelt, skeletons/bones, or any other animal body part for magical work?
I do love feathers! Peacock and ostrich feathers are my favorite. I have an ostrich feather attached to a pen I use for my BOS and my BOS is decorated with peacock feathers.
22. Do you have an altar?
A portable one, but where we live at the moment we don't really have the space for a full set up. Once we move though I would like to. ❤
23. What is your preferred element?
Water 🐳
24. Do you consider yourself an Alchemist?
I don't. I was interested in it for awhile, but when I tried to learn about it, it was a bit too complicated for me.
25. Are you any other type of magical practitioner besides a witch?
I'm hugely interested in astral projection and spirit work. I have had so many experiences with those unseen, and I feel like as humans we've become so disconnected with the beings around us. We've pretty well spoken them out of our existence saying they aren't real and are just in our imaginations.. it saddens me because as a whole, we've lost out on so many incredible experiences and relationships with them.. and how different our world would be if only the vast majority of us were aware.
26. What got you interested in witchcraft?
I've been drawn to it ever since I was a child (like many of us!) but I was never able to practice or get into it because of my Christian family. But I remember on Ebay back in the day I was looking at spells and spirit vessels and I was just SO intrigued. I almost bought a vessel with a djinn spirit, but never did because I was afraid of my parents would discover I brought someone into the house and I knew they would think he was evil because of their beliefs. So I waited until I lived on my own to delve into it again.
27. Have you ever performed a spell or ritual with the company of anyone who was not a witch?
28. Have you ever used ouija?
I haven't, and I probably never will to be honest unless I am very experienced in spirit work and astral travel and know how to handle unwanted entities. But until then, there's just too much surrounding it that I can't dive into right now.
29. Do you consider yourself a psychic?
I think everyone is psychic. We all have abilities. Whether we choose to pursue and develop them is really what determines that question. But yes, I do consider myself psychic, like I believe everyone else is in their own way.
30. Do you have a spirit guide? If so, what is it?
I believe I have two - a male and a female. The male I think may be a twin flame who's been watching over me, and the female I've seen in dreams several times that I feel was a best friend of mine at one time or perhaps even a sister. I just recently invited a Pegasus spirit to come live with me - I'm just waiting for her vessel to arrive but I am so excited to build a great relationship with her as well. ❤
31. What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started?
Protect yourself!! When I first dove into this, I got so excited and I could feel so much energy and I heard spirits talking all the time and I was having incredible dreams, but I feel like because I opened myself up SO much and didn't think to set up any kind of protection, negative entities also came in. Last year I had to battle them for months and I literally thought they were trying to possess me. They never did thankfully but it took a lot of help from my guides and archangels to get them out. I've found it a bit more difficult to hear spirits and connect, but I feel that's because I've been set up with protection until I can properly protect myself. So I am thankful for that.
32. Do you celebrate the Sabbats? If so which one is your favorite?
I don't, but I think in the future I would like to. Especially if I can find some witchy friends nearby to celebrate with.
33. Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children?
Absolutely. I wouldn't force it on them, but I also wouldn't let them live a life oblivious to the magick and spirits around them that most people are taught are imaginary.
34. Do you meditate?
I do.
35. What is your favorite season?
Autumn. Just when it is warm enough that you don't have to wear a heavy coat, but cold enough that the leaves turn into vibrant shades or yellow, red and orange.
36. What is your favorite type of magick to preform?
Currently, I don't perform any magic really, but I am focusing my energy on learning astral projection. I believe once I can learn that, everything I want to learn will come much easier. I would like to be a healer and learn to work with spirits.
37. How do you incorporate your spirituality into your daily life?
I do exercises to increase my focus. I also write in my book of shadows almost daily. I am always thanking the universe and my guides and angels for little surprises they leave me throughout the day, or messages they send me.
38. What is your favorite witchy movie?
I don't know of many to be honest. Does Harry Potter count? 😂 I'm a huge fan of the Chronicles of Narnia which I feel has many truths about magick, however it is unfortunate the villain is a witch.
39. What is your favorite witchy book, both fiction and non-fiction. Why?
Because I am still closeted, I don't have any witchy books but I do have many spiritual books. The Secret and The Magic by Rhonda Byrne are amazing and I think would help many witches understand manifestations your desires on a deeper level. The Celestial Prophesy is another amazing read for those who want to learn about energy work and how to become more intuitive.
40. What is the first spell you ever preformed? Successful or not.
The one I mentioned previously about how I unknowingly wrote a spell that manifested my husband.
41. What’s the craziest witchcraft-related thing that’s happened to you?
Literally manifesting my husband LOL. It's like he was customer ordered honestly. 😂
42. What is your favourite type of candle to use?
I LOVE scented candles, but realizing their toxic effects over the years, I've pulled away from using them. As for using candles in spells and rituals, I currently don't at the moment as fire makes me nervous.
43. What is your favorite witchy tool?
My Tarot and Oracle decks. ❤ I feel most of the time they give answers that really make sense and hit close to home.
44. Do you or have you ever made your own witchy tools?
Yes! I made my own rune set. 😄 I also started making a wand, but it's been a work in progress for awhile and I'm thinking now that it's a bit too large. I'm still figuring out what to do with it.
45. Have you ever worked with any magical creatures such as the fea or spirits?
I have not, but I hope to work with my Pegasus companion in the future through astral and dream work.
46. Do you practice color magic?
I'm not really sure what that is to be honest! *goes to look it up*
47. Do you or have you ever had a witchy teacher or mentor of any kind?
I don't sadly. Part of me wishes I did or at least have a friend to share experiences and exchange tips to for different things, but I think once I become well trained in astral travel, I will connect with my guides and hopefully they will help me develop more. What better mentor to have than someone who lives and breathes magick? :)
48. What is your preferred way of shopping for witchcraft supplies?
Online shopping is my best friend. 😉 That's not to say I don't support my local metaphysical shops. However, I've found over the years that the things I can buy online are 100 times cheaper than buying from anywhere near me. So I will usually shop online because of the value - even if it takes a month or two to arrive which has happened in some circumstances.
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lookwhatilost · 6 years
cool, i have an hour to kill so im jst going to answer this dumb ask meme that i saw on my dash under a cut, bc i definitely do not have enough followers to engage w stuff like this the normal way
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  spotify
is your room messy or clean? messy
what color are your eyes? brown
do you like your name? why? i’ve hated it for as long as i can remember. thinking it’s jst the combination of it being an unusual first name, being picked on for it a lot bc kids are mean, and having everyone around me insist that i’d love my name come adulthood bc it never ended up happening. i still want to change it legally but i have to figure out something i won’t tire of. “jackie” is working for now but idk abt committing to that one
what is your relationship status? disinterested
describe your personality in 3 words or less turbulent
what color hair do you have? dark brown
what kind of car do you drive? color? blue honda civic
where do you shop? forever 21, h&m, a few places online
how would you describe your style? trying too hard
favorite social media account i like kbnoswag on twitter lmao
what size bed do you have? queen
any siblings? jst col and my two step sisters
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? probably anchorage bc it’s scenic, the housing/rental market is abt the same as it is here, but the wages tend to be higher
favorite snapchat filter? when they make special versions of the dog filter for different holidays... i love those
favorite makeup brand(s) nyx mainly
how many times a week do you shower? i do it every day but if im in a shitty place mentally, i wont on my days off
favorite tv show? bojack horseman
shoe size? 9
how tall are you? 5′7″
sandals or sneakers? sneakers
do you go to the gym? i work out but i dnt go to a gym bc i’ve always had exercise equipment at home and my apartment has a fitness center, so i cant justify paying for a membership
describe your dream date i dream abt other things
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? $70
what color socks are you wearing? blue
how many pillows do you sleep with? 4 bc i love only using 2 and then kicking the other ones off my bed somehow when im asleep
do you have a job? what do you do? yeah, i’ve been doing hair for 4 odd years now
how many friends do you have? a decent handful but i only consider myself very close w two of them
whats the worst thing you have ever done? a lot probably but nothing rly sticks out to me as the objective “worst”
whats your favorite candle scent? yankee candle makes one called “golden sands” and i like that one a lot
3 favorite boy names/3 favorite girl names for various rzns i’d rather not answer the baby names question. pass
favorite actor? i can’t think of one off the top of my head, but i like jim carrey a lot
favorite actress? amy adams!
who is your celebrity crush? i’m not invested in famous ppl like that, but if you asked me this when i was 12, i’d have said pete wentz lmfao. probably my only one ever
favorite movie? this is hard lol. arrival, interstellar, and gone girl come to mind, though
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? i do. difficult to pick favorites bc i like more nonfiction stuff... i liked a brief history of time a lot
money or brains? brains. i have my own money
do you have a nickname? what is it? jackie is technically a nickname i guess. fati calls me “salvadore” and i hate it w a passion
how many times have you been to the hospital? a lot but i’ve only stayed there for an extended period 3 times
top 10 favorite songs stop they’re all special to me in different ways... 
do you take any medications daily? i did for a while
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) oily
what is your biggest fear? nothing that hasn’t already happened lol
how many kids do you want? none
whats your go to hair style? i cut it into a bob periodically and let it grow out until it annoys me, rinse and repeat til i die
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) average?
who is your role model? no one. all people are jst people
what was the last compliment you received? probably someone calling me smart or something. i hear it a lot but i dnt rly believe it
what was the last text you sent? “yes binch”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? probably pretty young if i was ever lead to believe it period. i dnt remember ever having any faith in that
what is your dream car? i had my dream car and it was more of a hassle than anything. a good metaphor for life, probably
opinion on smoking? cigarettes? do whatever you want. weed? do whatever you want, but stop saying it cures cancer. meth/crack? maybe you should chill
do you go to college? that didn’t work out
what is your dream job? being able to sustain myself without one
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs definitely. lived in rural areas before. driving 30 minutes one way to the grocery store is not something i ever feel inclined to experience again.
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? depends on what they are
do you have freckles? yes
do you smile for pictures? only when my mom makes me
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 2377
have you ever peed in the woods? no
do you still watch cartoons? i mean bojack is a cartoon. but ones for children, no
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? stan wendy
Favorite dipping sauce? chick fil a sauce
what do you wear to bed? long old tshirt and this jacket i have from middle school typically lol. i have 3 actual pairs of pajamas though
have you ever won a spelling bee? i’ve never had an opportunity to even enroll in one. my schools never ran them
what are your hobbies? i read and write a lot, still trying to kill the rolling stone 500 albums list, i paint sometimes, jst general Bitch Desperate For Escapism things
can you draw? i used to a lot more than i do now but i’m still halfway decent at it
do you play an instrument? guitar & bass. i’m better at bass. i’m better at guitar hero but that dznt count
what was the last concert you saw? fall out boy i think? i’m having trouble remembering if that was before or after roger waters
tea or coffee? both but tea is a little easier to make so i drink more of it
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? bux. jesus christ
do you want to get married? not planning on it
what is your crush’s first and last initial? i’m too disillusioned to feel that way abt ppl rn
are you going to change your last name when you get married? definitely not
what color looks best on you? pastels
do you miss anyone right now? yeah but it dznt matter
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed
do you believe in ghosts? absolutely
what is your biggest pet peeve? when customers make a scissor cutting motion w their hands when they’re describing their haircut to me. it’s sooooo weird and stupid and idg why so many people do it
last person you called` ian
favorite ice cream flavor? mint chocolate chip
regular oreos or golden oreos? regular
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? i hate sprinkles bc they are pointless
what shirt are you wearing? a tank top
what is your phone background? my lock screen is a pic i took of the lacey street theater in fairbanks the first time i was there. my background is a pic i took in denali when i was there w ian
are you outgoing or shy? i want to socialize but i dnt know how. shy i guess?
do you like it when people play with your hair? no, honestly i find it rly unpleasant
do you like your neighbors? katie and alexis are the best drinking buddies anyone could ask for. isaac is great. everyone else i could take or leave
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? yes and both
have you ever been high? yeah
have you ever been drunk? constantly
last thing you ate? 1/2 of a jimmy johns veggie club
favorite lyrics right now uhhhh idk i dnt get stuck on music like that
summer or winter? winter
day or night? night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? i dnt rly like chocolate
favorite month? october
what is your zodiac sign gemini
who was the last person you cried in front of? ian
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smokescreen24 · 6 years
Get to know me Questions
1. What is your full name? Jessica. I only hear my full first name when I’m in trouble. 
2. What is your nickname? Jess to family, Jazz to @sabotage-prowl, since she’s the one who gave me that nickname. 
3. What is your zodiac sign?  Taurus/Gemini cusp, but I have more Taurean traits, so I just say Taurus for simplicity’s sake. 
4. What is your favorite book series?  Oof, that’s tough. Probably either the Nightside series or the Secret Histories series. They’re both by Simon R Green. I’m actually reading the last book in the Secret Histories, and I’m ready to cry.
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Aliens? Not so much. Ghosts, yeah, a little. Hard not to when you’ve actually seen spooks in real life and in real time. 
6. Who is your favorite author? Simon R Green. Seriously. I love his writing. 
7. What is your favorite radio station? I don’t have one - I don’t listen to the radio that much. Why listen to mostly commercials and some music when I can pay Spotify 10 bucks and listen to just music?
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Vanilla. I drink and eat a lot of vanilla flavored stuff. 
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? My instinct would be to use the word awesome. I use that one a lot, to be brutally honest.
10. What is your current favorite song? Currently? Probably either Legend by The Score, or Superpower by X Ambassadors. 
11. What is your favorite word? Fuck. I say it A LOT. 
12. What was the last song you listened to? Miss Jackson by Panic! At the Disco. It’s damn catchy, and thus is stuck in my head. I’m humming it now, tbh. 
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Huh. That’s tough. I watch a lot of shows, so I don’t think I could recommend just one. 
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? The Man From Uncle. That movie is hilarious, and Napoleon Solo gives me life. 
15. Do you play video games? Uh, yeah. Fairly frequently. I’m a FO4 fan, and I also play a lot of Diablo 3. 
16. What is your biggest fear? Spiders. This girl will nope the hell out of the room. Then make my guy go kill it. 
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? I’m not too sure, actually. My reliability? 
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? Oh, this one I know, though. One of them is my inability to communicate. I’m bad at it - I miss calls, I miss texts, or alternatively,  I get the calls, or get the texts, then forget to call or text back. For like, days. Then wonder why everyone’s mad at me. I’m trying to work on it, but it’s a work in progress. 
19. Do you like cats or dogs better?  I really do like both, but I like cats that little bit better. 
20. What is your favorite season? Summer. Otherwise known as Monsoon Season here in Central Florida. 
21. Are you in a relationship? Yup! I’ve been married for about 7 months now, but we’ve been together for a lot longer than that. 
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? Naptime. I’m so serious. 
23. Who is your best friend? @sabotage-prowl!! This chick! She’s my ride or die, she’s got my six, and she’s the Prowler to my Jazz. 
24. What is your eye color? Uh, right now? They’re silver-blue. I’m wearing a light blue shirt. 
25. What is your hair color? Brunette/Purple. I’m letting my hair grow back out, so the ends are a light purple. 
26. Who is someone you love? My other half. He’s in the shower right now, humming to himself, even if he thinks I can’t hear it. 
27. Who is someone you trust? Again, my husband and my bestie. I trust those two with everything. 
28. Who is someone you think about often? My Dad, interestingly enough. I have a lot of his things in my apartment. 
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? Not particularly? Today’s Monday. Who gets excited for Monday??
30. What is your biggest obsession? My obsessions come and go, tbh. 
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Oh my Lord, that’s tough. I watched a LOT of TV as a kid. 
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? I married the dude, if that tells ya anything. 
33. Are you superstitious? Yeah. The only superstition I don’t believe in is the black cats. I’ll cross a black cat’s path, just so I can pet it. 
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? No, they’re pretty usual. Spiders, heights. 
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind it, but every now and then, I get my picture taken anyway. I don’t mind it. 
36. What is your favorite hobby? I read. My other hobbies come and go. 
37. What was the last book you read? I’m currently reading Night Fall, by Simon R Green, which combines the Nightside and Secret Histories. Someone’s gonna die, and I’m gonna be sad, I know it. 
38. What was the last movie you watched? Who Framed Roger Rabbit? God, that film is not for kids, and the villain STILL creeps me the hell out. 
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? None - though I have been known to torture a guitar from time to time.
40. What is your favorite animal? Cats. Big cats, small cats, I DON’T CARE. GIVE ME ALL THE CATS.
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? @argentlune, @sabotage-prowl, @m-is-for-mungo, @leggylance, and last but certainly not least, @shiroismydadson
42. What superpower do you wish you had? Teleportation. Do you know how much easier my life would be? 
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? I’m such a homebody, so home and late at night, usually. 
44. What makes you smile? It doesn’t take much to make me smile. I’m pretty cheerful as a rule. 
45. What sports do you play, if any? Paintball, and some backyard football, if the appropriate people are there. 
46. What is your favorite drink? Coffee. I’ll drink coffee all damn day if you let me. 
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? Man, years ago, back when my babe was doing his hospital rotations. We passed a journal back and forth for about six months.   
48. Are you afraid of heights? OH YES. The last time I was on a roller coaster, I passed out. 
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? This stems from my time in retail - if you have exact change, GIVE IT TO ME BEFORE I OPEN THE TILL. DO NOT HAND IT TO ME AFTER I’VE OPENED THE TILL - I HATE THAT. I’M NOT GOOD AT MATH, AND NOW I HAVE TO BALANCE IT IN MY HEAD.
50. Have you ever been to a concert?  No, not to my knowledge. 
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? Not at all. I did not claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat leaves. 
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? An astronaut. Oh, little me, so full of hope. Then I discovered I didn’t like heights. 
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? The Transformers universe. G1, though. It has to be G1. 
54. What is something you worry about? I’m an adult, so bills, usually. 
55. Are you scared of the dark? Nope. I like the dark. 
56. Do you like to sing? Yes. Can I sing? Not really. 
57. Have you ever skipped school? Once, and it wasn’t even for fun - I had to clean the house to make sure that my mom’s ex wouldn’t ground me for the next eternity. Never mind that the house was already stupid clean. 
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? Um. I don’t know? 
59. Where would you like to live? London. I’d love to live in London. 
60. Do you have any pets? Yes. My cat, Cleopatra. She’s fat, old, and spoiled. 
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night owl, for sure. 
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets. If I’m up early enough to see the sunrise, something’s wrong. 
63. Do you know how to drive? In theory. I can drive if I absolutely have to, but it stresses me out so much. I do better on two wheels. 
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Earbuds. I wear glasses, so headphones actually press the stems into my skull, and that hurts. 
65. Have you ever had braces? Nope! 
66. What is your favorite genre of music? Pop, with rock thrown in. 
67. Who is your hero? My Mom. She’s done so much, with so little, it’s honestly amazing. 
68. Do you read comic books? Yes - I loved the Spidey/Transformers crossover! 
69. What makes you the most angry? I’m super defensive of my family and friends. Mess with any of them, and get ready to catch these hands. 
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? It’s a pretty even split. It depends largely on where I am. 
71. What is your favorite subject in school? English. Can’t you tell? 
72. Do you have any siblings? Yes! Two brothers and a sister!
73. What was the last thing you bought? Groceries, unfortunately. Because I’m a grownup. 
74. How tall are you? 5′2″. I’m tiny. 
75. Can you cook? A little? I’m not great at it, but I don’t set things on fire, either. 
76. What are three things that you love? My friends and family, music, and books. 
77. What are three things that you hate? Boredom, blood, and spiders.
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? More guy friends - I get along better with dudes
79. What is your sexual orientation? Heterosexual! 
80. Where do you currently live? Central Florida. 
81. Who was the last person you texted? @sabotage-prowl! She was giving me shit because she can. 
82. When was the last time you cried? A while ago. It’s been a while. 
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber?  I don’t really watch enough Youtube to have one. If pressed, I’d say either Markiplier or Tobuscus. 
84. Do you like to take selfies? Sometimes - I’m not super into selfies, I tend to take more pictures of my friends and family. 
85. What is your favorite app? Uh, Tumblr. I spend waaayyy too much time on here. 
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? My ma and I get on like a house on fire! She’s an extremely tolerant woman. 
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? An English accent. Take your pick of region - I love them all. 
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? *points to above answer* Take a wild guess. 
89. What is your favorite number? I don’t have one, as such. 
90. Can you juggle? Not at all - my hand eye coordination is AWFUL. 
91. Are you religious? Yes. 
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? “Kick ass, go to space, represent the human race!” applies here. 
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? A little - there’s not much I won’t try. 
94. Are you allergic to anything? Penicillin and Codeine. I’m allergic to one of the most common antibiotics on the planet. 
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yup! Into a very tight curl if I try. 
96. Can you wiggle your ears? Yup! It feels weird when I’m wearing my glasses, though. 
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? Um, fairly often - my hubby is more right than I am, usually. I hate admitting that, though. 
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? BEACH, BEACH, BEACH!!!!
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? “You have to take the leap. Because if you land on the other side, you’ve reached your goal, but if you fall short, you have tried, and are wiser for the attempt.” - My Uncle Steve said that to me years ago. 
100. Are you a good liar? Not really. I’m a bad liar. 
101. What is your Hogwarts House? Slytherin! 
102. Do you talk to yourself? All the time. I get asked to repeat myself a lot by folks who hear me mutter, and think I’m talking to them. 
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Ambivert. A little from column A and a little from column B.
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? Nah - I’m bad at keeping up with the entries. I don’t write often enough to justify it.
105. Do you believe in second chances? Depends very strongly on what happened to make the first one go away. 
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Try to find the owner. I’m not a complete monster - I’m a broke millennial, I know that something like that could fuck your week or month up.  
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? Yes. My youngest brother is a good example of that. 
109. Have you ever been on a plane? Yep! It was fun! 
110. Do you have any piercings? My ears! I wanna get my nose pierced, but it’ll have to wait till allergy season is over. 
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? That’s tough! I have several I’d like to meet! 
112. Do you have any tattoos? Two! My family’s zodiac on my right wrist, and the Spartan II’s insignia from Halo on my left clavicle. 
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Tough to say. Lemme get back to you on that.
114. Do you believe in karma? I believe that it’s a bitch, and the wheel turns for all of us. 
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses! 
116. Do you want children? Eventually. I’m not ready for them yet - I’m too broke. 
117. Who is the smartest person you know? @sabotage-prowl
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? So not telling you that! 
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? From time to time. It’s not fun. 
120. What color are most of you clothes? Blue, black, or red, primarily. But I’ve got other colors in there. 
121. Do you like adventures? Heck yes! I’m ALWAYS down for adventure! 
122. Have you ever been on TV? Nope. I’m not important enough. 
123. How old are you? 30. Yeesh, I’m old. 
124. What is your favorite quote? “So, you’ve got a plan?” “Oh, yes.” “Am I going to like it?” “Almost certainly not.” “If I weren’t already dead, I’d think I’d be very depressed.”  
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Both. Both is good.
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beautifulrzilience · 6 years
And suddenly you know...It's time to start something new and trust the magic of [new] beginnings.
Spiritual Guide Book
Hey everybody! 😘
I hope you’re doing well on this beautiful Sunday! It’s 10:40 a.m here on the East Coast and I’m getting settled in so I can write  about this last week, which has been quite the warm and soul nurturing one for me.
For those of you who know me, know that I am a very organized person. I have a big calendar hung up on my wall of my desk, a planner in where I divide up my homework for the week, and then I have my Passion Planner, which serves as a birds-eye view of my goals (both personal and academic) for the week.
Now, what I really love about Passion Planner’s is that not only can you break down your hour by hour schedule, but if you notice (below) on the left hand side there are boxes that say “This Week’s Focus,” “Good Things That Happened,” and a little quote with some kind of challenge or mantra for the week, to incorporate a mindfulness for your mental health wellness. I really appreciate it and have found myself taking up these mental health challenges seriously.
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For this week (4/15-4/21), the quote was “Never say ‘no’ to adventures, always say ‘yes,’ otherwise you’ll lead a very dull life” (Ian Fleming) and the challenge was to say ‘yes’ to five new experiences and to reflect on what I learned by the end of the week.
As you all now, Sundays at 11:00 am on the dot, I go see my therapist, Michelle, and this past Sunday was no different. As usual, our session was beautifully profound, enlightening, painful, and eye-opening. There was definitely a lot of crying. The focus was on re-claiming how I define strength, vulnerability, and finding closure for myself to continue on my path towards radical self-care, self-love, and healing. 
One huge take away I had was that many times we have this understanding that to be strong is healing, however, Women of Color have time and time again redefined healing as strength. And while I was writing this letter to my former partner, pouring out some  of my most painful childhood memories, in the hopes of shedding some understanding of some of the choices I had made in our relationship, I was feeling like I was actually falling deeper in love with him, as opposed to simply writing to find closure in our relationship. I was having a hard time figuring out the fine line between how much to share (for transparency and honesty) and protecting my heart. 
But in this session, Michelle helped me have 4 important epiphanies: 1) remind myself that I actually don’t have a problem sharing my personal life, 2) while most people fear sharing intimate details of their personal life because they fear that it will be used against them (which makes the process of healing a little more complicated), I actually fear being vulnerable with people because I am not confident in their ability/care to actually listen and/or empathize with my pain, 3) the times that I have tried to be vulnerable with people, I have felt uncomfortable with people’s responses because they are not used to seeing me in pain, I am the friend who (for the most part) listens and empathizes with my friends’ pain and suffering, so I really live in this box of either I am happy go lucky or broken, but don’t have the people to hold space to hold me in my in between of happy and broken, and finally  4) realize that I can be strong and (rather than state ‘but’) cry; I am strong and I have gone through pain; I am human; and it doesn’t take away from me being a ‘strong Xicana.’
I know. Some deep shit.
Now usually post-my 45 minutes of soul searching and understanding with Michelle, I go home and write my post-therapy notes in my journal to decompress and process everything that I said and felt in Michelle’s office, all the while burning either some sage, cedar and tobacco, or some palo santo.
Interestingly enough, the day before, while I was perusing on Instagram, I had come across this flyer for a writing and wellness workshop for “Woke women and girls of all ages” hosted at Cafe Con Libros (one of my favorite coffee shop/book stores in Brooklyn), curated by a woman named Leah Hart (@her_musing). Whether it was already written in the universe or was coincidental, the theme for this workshop was to explore Personal Truths while tackling the tough question: When did you last belong to yourself? Granted, it was going to take place at 7pm in Brooklyn on April 15th (my therapy days). Knowing that I usually like to sit with myself in my apartment on those days, I was debating on whether or not to buy the $10 ticket to attend.
But for whatever reason, when I got home, wrote up my post-therapy notes, I felt this urge to go. Something about the theme of the workshop and asking myself “When did I last belong to myself” was so relevant to me, especially post my break up with my former partner.
Then I got a text from my homie Beto, “What are you doing?” So I let him know I was heading to Cafe Con Libros, to which he responded, “I’ll meet you there.” So I hopped on the 4 train and within 45 minutes, found myself beating the rain, sitting comfortably perusing through some of the new books that had arrived and were carefully placed on the shelves of CCL. 
So, this workshop became my first yes and my first adventure of the week.
1. {Personal Truths} When Did You Last Belong to your Self?, HerMusing 
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[SIDENOTE: So you may be wondering, why is Beto’s bald ass doing in the picture and in the workshop? He actually had no idea that the workshop was exclusively for WOC, but as his mom always says, “The universe always provides,” and dealing with some of his own hurt and pain of this particular week, maybe without even realizing, he needed a safe space with WOC to work out some of the challenges he was dealing with, guided by the workshop question. I’m glad Leah didn’t boot him out when he joined our circle because I learned how crucial it is for men of color to also have spaces to meditate and heal.]
It was beautiful to sit in a circle with all these Women of Color (of all ages) to talk about our reflections on the question Leah had posed for us to write about during the workshop. Although I found it difficult to write in the journal she provided, I just pushed myself to write. Maybe I wasn’t ready. Maybe I would’ve preferred to have written in my own personal journal. But Leah was so encouraging and patient with us. Reminded us that it is our duty to write our personal truths so that we could share with others and the power  that is in the act of writing. It reminded me of Audre Lorde’s quote “Your silence will not protect you” and Zora Neal Hurtson’s “If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.”
One thing I found so interesting during the workshop, was that although there was diversity in age in our group, a lot of the women were in their mid to late 20s, which Beto and I later wondered if that spoke to the kind of healing and soul-searching that people in our age/generation are experiencing as a collective. Serves as a reminder, that you-I-we are never alone. One thing I really appreciated was that Leah, at the beginning of her workshop asked us to thank ourselves for showing up for ourselves, because by showing up to the event, on a NYC rainy day, spoke to our commitment to reclaiming ourselves and our space. I was so grateful for all the stories, words of encouragement, and love that all the women (and Beto) shared with one another in what became more than just a workshop, but a healing circle that was guided by all the ancestors and inner children that folks said they brought with them to the space when Leah had asked us to introduce ourselves. 
After getting treated by Beto with some Jamaican Jerk chicken (my favorite) and hanging out at his place, I took the 4 train at midnight back to my home in Harlem. I was having a hard time staying up on the train, so hearing my own inner voice and intuition, and perhaps Leah’s voice, I pulled out my journal, and really began to reflect on the question, when did you last belong to yourself? And I came to the conclusion, that I never really have. And it dawned on me, me being 26 (going on 27 this May! Go Gemini Baby’s!) in the city of New York, is the perfect place for me to be on my journey towards finding radical practices of self-love, self-care, and healing.  
2) Decolonizing Memory Studies Graduate Panel, Columbia University
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One of the members of my dissertation committee had (months ago) let me know that Columbia University (which turns out is literally a 27 minute walk from my place) was hosting this graduate student panel on Decolonizing Memory Studies. Given that I am interested in this kind of work, I had set my heart to attend the event. However, due to the snow storms in NYC, the event had been postponed a couple of times. Finally, when the day arrived, I had made sure to plan accordingly to attend the event. Funny enough, the world tested me to see if I was really committed to this being one of my 5 adventures for the week. I had originally thought that the event started at 6:30, so I had left the Graduate library at 5:15pm. But when I was looking at the event flyer, I quickly realized that it actually started at 6:00pm. I arrived to 116th St. Harlem at 5:40pm. I was tired, it was cold, and I was hungry. To go or not to go? With the weeks challenge ringing in my head, I started power walking. I was hoping that even though the event was supposed to begin at 6pm, that the introductions would buy me time. 
After climbing more than these 100 steps that I did not know I would have to climb to get to Columbia, sweating like a little meatball, I found the building where the event was taking place. I saw this side door with a doorbell. I started ringing it only to find this Latino man coming towards the door.  When he opened it, assuming he was Latino, I said “Hola!” and had asked him if this was the entrance to the campus.  He said that I actually had to keep walking up towards the gate to the university to get in. I’m sure he could read the dissappointment on my sweaty face and with some compassion, he said he would let me go through the worker’s corridors, but to hurry because he could get in trouble. I was so thankful! Asked him for his name, to which he responded, “Luis.” So with a huge smile, I thanked him and said “La Raza siempre tiene que unirse!” 
So with his help, I was able to make the event and as I stepped in the room, filled with all these white and old academics, they were barely about to start the event! Winning! Even though the event wasn’t what I expected, I enjoyed my walk to the campus and was inspired to come back just to enjoy the quiet and peacefulness of the university.
3) Neuyorican Poets Cafe
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NEUYORICAN POETS CAFE! I had been itching to come to this famous poet’s cafe but never had anyone I wanted to go with. So I kept putting it in the back of my head, but since I had gotten back into writing poetry, I was itching not only to see other people perform, but I wanted to speak my truths into a mic in this space. So last week I had asked my friend J if he wanted to join me, which he had responded with an eager yes. However, me havin issues with commitment, was proloning on buying the tickets. Not sure why I was being so hesitant! It was actually annoying me. So when Friday rolled up, one of my new homies, Martin had hit me up to see what I was up to. At that moment, I was like, man fuck it, I’m going to this event, and invited him to come through. I didn’t think he would say yes but when he did, I ended up getting ready, hopped on a train to J’s house, and from there we took an Uber to NPC. The tickets had to my horror sold out online, so we made sure to get to the cafe by 9pm. As the line grew, I worried that I would disappoint J because I dropped the ball in getting the tickets and that we wouldn’t be able to get in. But to my wonderful surprise, we were so close to the front, and were able to get in! Man! As we walked in the building, African dance hall, old school hip-hop, the new hip-hop was blaring off the Dj’s set. The place was bumping!! Turns out it was the Grand Slam Finale so it was no ordinary Friday. We got to see some amazing poets and it definitely inspired me and J to come back this upcoming week.  
4. Women of Color in Solidarity: Transnational Resistance as Healing, 2nd Annual Conference, April 21st & 22nd, NYC
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When I had started opening up to my close friend’s about my breakup, one of my former students then-turned friend, Diana had let me know she was coming to NYC for this Women of Color Conference which was being hosted by WOC for WOC. When I started looking into the event, it had definitely peaked my interest, but I wasn’t completely sold. I wanted to see the itinerary. The ticket was only $7 so I should’ve just bought the ticket, but I kept pushing it back. Until the week of, 4 days before the conference, Diana had forwarded me an e-mail with all the workshops that were being hosted. With titles like, “Altar Building as Storytelling to Reclaim Ancestral Knowledge,” “Regular Degular Feminism: A Hood Feminist,” and “Women of Color in The Academy,” I realized that I needed and wanted to attend this conference! So I immediately scrambled to see how I could get a hold of ticket. Thankfully, I was able to do so and on early Saturday morning, rushed out the door to head to the conference.
However, since I had stayed out late the night prior, attending the Grand Slam Finale of Neuyorican Poets Cafe, I had arrived home at 1:30 am and woke up  at 7:45 am. This resulted in me quickly showering, making myself a shake, realizing I had forgot my headphones at J’s house, and not have a meal prepped to take to the conference. Consequently, I was hungry at the conference, and there was no lunch provided by the conference, it was beginning to be hard to stay present during the workshops. Eventually, Diana and some of the other women, and I left the conference to get some food. My body was really shaky and wasn’t feeling too well. After getting some sushi, I hopped on the 6 line to head back home. I made myself a quick bite and took a nap. I thought my night was going to be over. I definitely wanted to get rest for Sunday. 
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[One of the workshops I attended was how to make yourself an altar. The curator of the workshop was Amanda Everich (@amandapoints), a Brooklyn teacher, and naturist. She encouraged us to pick whatever earth materials we were drawn to and build ourselves an altar. I ended up building one for myself. Mine is the one with the black and red felt. She later encouraged us to make a story out of our collective altars. My group and I noticed that our altars carried the theme of youth and ancestors, life and death, symbolizing the cyciclical nature of life. I decided to take my altar with me and put it in my personal altar at home. Really appreciated getting to sit down and go with the flow of my ancestors.]
5. Hanging with my A Squad Papis: Beto & Nick
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[Beto, Matt, Nick and I ended up at one of “Nick’s” bar spots, called La Marcha Cocina, Dominican owned grill & bar. There were a lot of beautiful people, great music. Definitely makes me want to come back again!]
Now on that same Saturday night of the conference, I had had it in my head that I was going to stay in and rest. I didn’t want what had happened to me on Saturday to be the case for Sunday. I didn’t get to work out, didn’t meal prep, felt rushed out the door, which resulted in me feeling off balance. So again, when I finally got home, I made myself a quick shake to appease my growling stomach, and took a two hour nap. Earlier in the day, my homie Nick had invited me to go out with his friend who was visiting from London. I wanted to go because when my girl Tatiana had come, I had invited Nick to come out and he did. I wanted to show that same reciprocity, but when I woke up and saw his messages asking me if I was coming, when I looked at the price of the Uber, it was going to be $40 roundtrip! So I let him know that I was going to stay in. Turns out he had invited Beto out too and when I had sent him that text, Beto and he insisted I go. I let them know that it was too expensive to Uber. This is where my heart kinda melted. “I got a dub on it,” I read in my text message from Beto. “Do you want me to spot ya,” replied Nick. These fools clearly wanted me to come. Now usually, I don’t like taking money from friends let alone asking for it. But since my contract ended with one of my side hustles, I don’t have much cash flow coming in, and NYC is no joke in terms of living expenses! So I said, “Ok fuck it!” So I got ready, got an uber, and headed out to Nick’s. Got to meet his friend who had come from Japan (who was NOT Japanese haha) and we all went to this really cool Dominican food spot/bar. I enjoyed some witty British banter and shit talking and by midnight, took an uber back home.
So what did I learn this week?
As the week progressed, I started noticing I was having a hard time committing to doing the very things that I was interested in! It was so annoying lol. And the more I pushed myself to say yes to adventures, I realized how much fun I was having, and how quickly the week was zooming on by. I think the huge take away for me was that I need to stop second guessing myself and just commit to saying yes to new people, things, and experiences in my life! If not, I am going to be missing out on all this fun and laughter, and personal growth that I have been seeking to have. I am only young and 26 once in NYC, it’s time I take the city by its reigns, and go about with my bad self. By saying yes to these adventures, I was really saying yes to myself.
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what i like about her is that she blooms. whether you water her or not. whether you give her light or not. she exists without your existence 
Don’t think I haven’t been keeping up with my fitness challenge! This marks Week 4! 
While it hasn't been easy, having constant internal battles of whether I really want to love myself or not and not loosing motivation, here are the results: 
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4 more weeks to go!
Can't believe I'm at the halfway point of this fitness challenge.
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Got tagged by dear friend @xxfangirlanonymousxx thanks hun! Answering on this account rather than the main one, okay? So:
1. Who’s your favorite celebrity?
I think it’s Carrie Fisher. Her lessons on taking care of your mental health and being unapologetically true to yourself, paired with her amazing acting skills and her kind heart makes my space mom my favorite!
2. Who’s your favorite fictional character?
Ugh! Gemini’s can’t pick favorites! Hmmmm if I HAD to, I think it’s ARC Trooper Fives. He’s so much similar to me in some aspects, and he’s also what I aspire to be in many others.
3. What’s your dream job?
Comic book artist or designer or writer, anything that lets me use my artistic skills and my creativity.
4. Is there any book/movie/tv show that’s positively impacted your life?
So many? I would say especially Lord of The Rings, Artemis Fowl and Harry Potter. These were the books to which I’d resource to when I was growing up. I could always go back to Middle-Earth, Hogwarts and the Fowl Manor when things got tough.
Also, Tolkien’s description of the battle of helm’s deep was the first piece of literature that actually made the entire world die away around me and made me entirely focused on the scene. I couldn’t hear the other kids running and screaming during recess, all I could hear was the uruk-hais battering ram hitting the doors, boom, boom. This still gives me goosebumps. Amazing.
5. What’s your favorite song?
I think it’s Insanity’s Crescendo, by Dark Tranquility, or The Heart of Everything by Within Temptation.
6. If you could live as any other person for a day who would you choose and why?
If you’re asking this for fun purposes, id love to be Hayden Christensen and have Anakin Skywalker’s face for an entire day lmao. I’d take so many pics.
If you want me to be an overthinking dumbass, I’d take over some super-rich, shitty person (say, Tr*mp) and just donate all his money to me and others in need and then I’d lock myself in a vault and just wait to be re-assigned to my body. Two good deeds in one and now I’m rich.
7. What’s your favorite type of flower?
Cherry blossoms! They’re so delicate!
8. Do you have a special comfort food?
You know those pizza-flavored crackers? I wish I could eat those all day long. Also, chocolate cupcakes, they cheer me up.
9. Did you have a big realization about your gender/sexuality at any point?
Last year I found out I was bisexual. It was... really groundbreaking for me. I’m still learning a lot about myself, who I really am and who I want to be. It’s being really illuminating.
10. Are you religious in any manner?
Nope, never really was and ended up an atheist but I respect all religions and I’m always willing to learn something about them, if a person of faith is willing to teach me.
My ten questions:
What’s your favorite smell?
Favorite animal?
If you could study something magical, what would it be? (Potions, spells, dragons, elemental magic...)
What fictional universe would you like to live in?
Favorite season of the year?
Coffee or tea?
Do you prefer reading fanfic or writing fanfic?
Pet peeve?
Favorite movie?
Favorite game?
I tag @micyclethearcangle @mandalorian-slut @deepseacritter @jooferslannister @kristsune @artemis-the-changeling @leprecon98 @aint-summer-here and anyone else who wants to play!
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