#my favorite photoshoot of top tbh
storyspinner91 · 3 days
Twenty Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @littleblackraincloudofcourse
Tagging @lowkeyed1 @evodevo-geekmonkey @dianels @bisexualshakespeare @spybrarian @blackdalek
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
7 (3 are WiP)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Willow! ...Technically other things too but really it's just Willow with playful skins.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Red Embers: dark alternate future AU, resistance fighters against the Wyrm's tyranny, grim & gritty
Like Constellations, a Million Years Away: sprawling mecha sci-fi AU set in the world of the Lancer tabletop roleplaying game. The Questies all pilot giant mechs; four books (2 done), one focused on each of Jade, Kit, Graydon, and Elora (in that order). Posthumanism, anticolonial to the extent a fanfic can be, utopian, dramatic.
Soft Blazing Crowns: Tanthamoretober one-shot. Modern AU. Elora helps Jade with a sexy photoshoot for a gift for Kit.
Full: (E-rated) Tanthamoretober one-shot. Modern AU. Straight-up smut drabble, 100 words on the dot. Extremely funny to me that this is in the top 5. :P
The Loving Hurt: Canon-set one-shot digging into the violence implied by the canon against the Bone Reavers, Scorpia's backstory, how Jade got her name. Dark, grim, not pleasant to write and in some ways probably not to read TBH. I was in A Mood!
5. Do you respond to comments?
Religiously! Sometimes it takes me a while, but I do.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
Hmmm. I mean I think it's gotta be The Loving Hurt. Like I said. Dark. Blame the show's writers, I do. :P
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Gonna resist the temptation to say Full and instead say I think that it'll probably be Flawless Five vol. 1 when it's finished in a few weeks!
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Not so far!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
The only thing I'd consider smut is Full. Otherwise, not anywhere that you can see. ;)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
No true crossovers, though Like Constellations is set (loosely) in the Lancer Universe.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so! They're too weird!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
No but I'd be so honored.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I am a Tanthamore diehard, what can I say.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
If you'd asked me recently I'd probably have said "all of them." Fortunately I'm feeling a little better lately! I hope to finish all of the current ones; Constellations is a slow, weighty project, F5 I hope to have done very shortly, Embers...we'll figure that out after F5.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I think I'm pretty good at dialogue, and I'm decent though not incredible at humor (especially character-based humor). I'm also a decent mimic - though this can feel a little clunky sometimes, I think I'm able to adjust my voice pretty easily to suit a situation, genre, or style. My unhinged and unpopular fic Excerpts from a new translation... is a pretty good example of that, lol. And on that note: I have a lot of fun with wacky metatextual stuff.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Taking the wacky meta stuff too far; not being bold enough in straying from the established character arcs/plots in canon; I don't think I'm great at writing really juicy interiority. Starting very large projects that will take forever to finish. ':)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I'm comfortable enough in Spanish to write simple dialogue in that language. I've done one line in Latin (which I'm comfortable with since it's functionally a dead language) and made up some words in a conlang for Constellations. Wouldn't try anything via Google Translate though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Willow! At least if we count conscious fanfiction. If we're going back to the Days of Yore probably Animorphs when I was a wee one.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
Difficult to pick...but Like Constellations is the baby, the one I'll finish come hell or high water (I hope). On the other hand, Flawless Five is probably the most fun (to write, and maybe to read if you like that sort of thing) and Red Embers is the one that in many ways I find most exciting. Like I said - hard to choose!
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morkofday · 6 months
Every month of 2023 ✨
Post your most popular and/or favorite edit/gifset for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
thank you so much for tagging me zey [x] @smileytharn, mj [x] @forcebook, jessi [x] @daymork, and antania [x] @raypakorn ♥ it was so lovely to look through all of your creations! you've all worked hard during the past year and i hope i get to see more creations from all of you throughout this year ^^
i'm collecting my creations for each month under the cut but let's look at some fun statistics at first! (inspired by antania's post ♥)
i created 68 edits
additionally, there were 5 photo collabs (jimmysea photoshoots)
and 4 text post meme posts (for last twilight)
the most edits i made in may (due to our skyy 2 episodes)
most of my edits were related to vice versa (13 in total)
the second most popular ones were bad buddy (8 edits) and last twilight (10 edits)
most of my edits were either lovely/warm or angsty
i got deep into episode edits this year
and also took inspiration from other than poetry and lyrics
thank you so much for being part of all this!
my most popular edit was this vegaspete set i made for @spicyvampire ♥ i actually like it a ton! but my personal favorite from this month is my bad buddy characters + the real 5 love languages set. i like the meme a ton and i loved how the set turned out (+ for me, it's super funny).
my most popular edit this month was the toddblack differences edit i made for @i-got-the-feels ♥ it was a very different type of edit and i'm very happy ppl liked it this much. personal favorite is this jimmy(sea) set for the varitda mv he/they appeared in. i loved the aesthetic of the mv and i feel like i captured that very well.
the most popular edit in march was my akkayan + one direction piece dedicated to @fitfmybeloved ♥ i think i need to make something else with a similar style sometime. my favorites would be the puen & talay's top 10 outfits edits which technically happened in february and march. i had a ton of fun with them and i honestly adore looking at the results.
my birthday month! the most popular creation was my beyond evil edit which was interesting to make according to @nongnaos's request ♥ i had never edited this show (or any kdrama) before and i also struggled a bit with figuring out the layout. it's a very simple set but felt fitting. my favorite this month would be this puentalay set made for you antania ♥ it took a lot of time, especially all the coloring, but it was worth every second! (special mention for my sea bday set which i still cannot believe the bday boy actually saw and liked on twt ;; i love him so much!)
i think it's very deserved that my most popular edit in may was this puentalay one for my our skyy 2 episode edits series. it's for the first vice versa episode and tbh also my personal favorite out of all those episode edits i made ^^ the coloring just worked super well there. my true favorite of the month was the pran's life anthem edit i made for @pransobrave ♥
as is fitting for pride month, my most popular edit and also my personal favorite was my our skyy 2 couples edit where i tried to describe all of their different loves through the colors of a rainbow. it was a lot of fun to do!
the most popular edit this month was the pran set i made for @punpunsutatta ♥ i had a lot of fun with this one bc i got to try some new things with it. personal faves and my peak as an editor (in my own opinion) were the two puentalay edits i made this month. this sam smith song inspired one i made for you zey ♥ i adore the layout and the colors, it makes me think about vintage images and letters. and this other one was born bc the quote haunted me. i love the pink in it a lot, it's so soft.
for august, i felt like i was making a ton of things even if i didn't have the energy or the time. in reality, i didn't make that many but i made a couple of very big sets. one of them and the most popular one this month was my winteam set made for @jimmysea ♥ making it took some research and then i had to go through the episodes a little while i searched for the fitting scenes. personal favorite was this akktheo set bc it turned out looking very cute. i think it captures their feeling as a couple and their story well. special mention for my jimmy bday set bc i poured my heart into it ♥ i love this man so much (and i currently wish he is fine and gets well soon, he's apparently in the hospital ;;)
things got hectic in september as i started my internship and had to travel around a lot. i was too tired to do much else but work and study and watch dramas without any brain. that's why i only made two edits. my most popular set was my last request edit for my event. it was patpran with the lyrics from ford arun's song come closer and made for @celestial-sapphicss ♥ i love the colors in this so much. personal favorite, only barely, is still my puentalay + 8 types of love set. i had a blast making it as a kind of collab with @dimpledpran who made the patpran version!
made only two edits (or well, one cut into two parts) in october too due to being very busy and tired. they were quite big tho bc i used a long while gathering material for them. it was its own type of research project when i wrote down all the times puentalay told each other 'i love you' without saying those exact words to each other. i struggled with the layout too as mimi can probably remember :'D but i love these sets a lot so they're both my favorite and most popular ♥
finally in november last twilight came to save all of us and so it's no wonder i created a lot for that during this month :'D i honestly wished to make more but i was still mostly busy with my internship and with starting my thesis. my most popular one was this last twilight trailer edit. i think it was fun to kind of make it similar to my mock trailer edit all that time ago. my personal favorite is the mork + linkin park edit that probably caters to only myself lol. am honestly obsessed with each song mentioned in this bc i can see it with mork so well. it was a relief to get that one out.
haven't really had the time to dive as deep into last twilight and make as many edits for it as i'd wanted due to using most of december to catch up on sleep and all the studying i couldn't do during my internship, but hopefully now i'll have more time to devastate yall ♥ the most popular post was this last twilight + random tweets thing and my personal favorite is the only morkday quote edit i've managed so far. i love the colors and the whole concept to bits, and cannot wait to make more ^^
thank you if you read this far! i'm not sure who hasn't been tagged yet bc i'm a bit late with this one but if you have done this already, you can always send it my way! i almost demand you do. i love appreciating all your art ♥
tagging: @dimpledpran @jimmysea @moonkhao @chinzillas @khaotunqs @pranink @dengswei @taeminie @psychic-waffles (i'd love to see your art!) @yilinglaozu @eohachu @difanghua @mooninagust @namchyoon ♥
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dalkyum · 5 months
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EVERY MONTH OF 2023 IN CONTENT! I was tagged by @taegyunie and @dazzlingkai, thank you for thinking of me!! 💕
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
I know this is late so no pressure to do this at all but I'll tag @tamburins @hwangelbaby @jae-bums @jftk if you'd like to do it!
this is literally going to be emi reviews all of her gifs of yugyeom but like. let's go skfjdkjf
JANUARY most popular: yugjae from youngjae best friend radio (deserved) my favorites: this yugyeom instalive set!! also I think this set from the ponytail mv came out really pretty
FEBRUARY most popular: jinyoung album shoot (I think this is literally my most popular gifset jdjkfj) my favorites: ok I love this set from one of the aomg tour stops because well. wet. also he's cute. and this markjingyeom set that I did for the ahgase admirer event is the most like. technical gifset I've ever done and I think the colors came out so good
MARCH most popular: youngjae errr day behind (I need to do another set with this formatting I think it's so fun) my favorites: yugyeom aomg online concert cuteness, this youngjae performance set is soso pretty, and these dyeary gifs of yugyeom bc I always wanted to make big gifs of this clip even before I taught myself how to gif so they are special to mee
APRIL most popular + my favorite: another big gif yugyeom dyeary set as is my right
MAY most popular: yugyeom falling in love radio perf (apparently I was not giffing in april or may skjdkdf but I do like this set a lot of people said it was pretty)
JUNE most popular: YUGYEOM @ SEOUL WATERBOMB (DESERVED!!) also my most popular yugyeom set in general. also one of my faves 💕 my favorites: I think this set is cute too:) and!! this yugyeom w korea edit, I think I colored this so well. just absolutely killed that evil green filter
JULY most popular: yugyeom from it's live's tiktok (also a fave tbh) my favorites: this lolo performance set! and this one too, I think the coloring came out really nice
AUGUST most popular: just some guy for my isa's birthday (love this set, the clips go together so well it's so satisfying kfdkjd) my favorites: apparently I like everything I made in august so these are my most favorite posts. yugyeom dazed korea photoshoot is my best edit to date I love these sm. this yugyeom it's live set came out so hd looking and the colors are pretty:) I also love this lolo ending fairy set the coloring came out so good. AND no one cared abt this one but I love this set of yugyeom on monstop he's so prettie
SEPTEMBER most popular: yugyeom daebak show set (also a fave!! amazing. glad we all agree) my favorites: this yugyeom ig live set I think he looks so good in the blue 💙 I really need to make more ig live/vlive gifs they're truly my calling and yet I never make them skldfk
OCTOBER most popular: yugyeom lolo curv live my favorites: I love both of these sets of yugyeom at octopop he looked so amazing incredible this is one of my fav looks on him ever (yes I know it's just a tank top don't worry about me I can't be saved)
NOVEMBER most popular: my fancam set of yugyeom performing lights in berlin (screaming crying throwing up. nothing to add. obviously also one of my favorites, the lighting is so pretty and warm 🥹) my favorites: apparently I also like everything from november asdklf this youngjae suit dance set came out exactly the way I wanted 🩷 also yugyeom's birthday post of course. and yugyeom x buzzfeed uk just bc I didn't stop staring at this set for like a week. the first gif alone gave me enough serotonin to survive for a month
DECEMBER most popular: yugyeom take you down perf 220331 (this set came out so good. deserved) my favorites: I love this youngjae mencert set, this also came out exactly how I wanted skfjd youngjae has the best performance videos I swear. and this gifset of yugyeom performing take you down is so beautiful to mee I redid it a lot of times and I like what I ended up with!!
my goals for 2024 are to post more gifs and keep being normal about that man 🩷 I can literally see my improvement from the beginning of the year to now and I think that's really cool:)
if u have ever reblogged my gifs I love u. I'm literally over here just doing my thing and u are all so kind. kiss kiss
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baekslight · 6 months
Every month of 2023!
Tagged by @baekhyunnybyun! thank you bex ♡
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
I want to start by saying that I didn't even go into 2023 thinking that I will be going back to giffing after I stopped in like 2012 or something. Ended up deciding one day that I really miss it and since I wanted to create a space for more Baekhyun content I thought I'd give it another go. My list will be starting from May since I started posting gifs from there <3
The second gifset I posted and I didn't even expect it to get that amount of notes because I wasn't sure whether it looked good or not lol
my CBX gifset reached over 300+ notes which was the first gifset do that well (i never expect that my sets will go viral or whatever so as long as people enjoy it i'm happy tbh)
this cream soda MV gifset got almost 500 notes which is already mind blowing to me tbh. so thank you to everyone who enjoyed and shared <3 this month was really busy since EXO had their comeback i made so many gifsets lol i just wanted to mention some favorites that i really enjoyed making as well: baekhyun in the gown, album photoshoot and one of my favorite kyoongtube videos from 2022 from my favorite moments with baekhyun series i started (and need to get back to i promise i will!)
most popular this month was my baegle line set hehe they are so cute TT my personal favorite is this take you home gifset bc no one gets this song like i do (it was my 2nd top song of 2023 in my spotify wrapped)
baekhyun in the gym got the most amount of notes in september!
when chanyeol included baekhyun in his music video for good enough! that was such a good surprise ♡
i didn't have as much time to make content as the end of the year is the busiest time at work. but with 260 notes my seasons greetings set was the most popular
the year is coming to an end and this month (like november) was so busy at work i spent almost all my free time resting hence why i didn't post as much as i would've liked my recent baekzreal set got a lot of notes which makes me really happy :) thank you folks!
tagging (no pressure to do this. i just wanted to show some appreciation for y'all): @exo-stentialism, @dazzlingkai, @tipannies, @byunvoyage, @baekhyunnybyun, @exocean, @minsoek, @monwillica, @baekonbaek, @bethereforme, @dokyunqsoo, @pinktaeyeon, @petitbaek, @crazy-form, @jftk, @dinoboos, @jaennie, @suuho, @amaranth, @kokaibop
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dublinurvixen · 7 months
This is my 18+ blog so MINORS PLEASE LEAVE THIS ISN'T FOR YOU!!!
Your age must be in your bio/pinned or get blocked.
Also DNI if your a SH/Feeder/ED/Gore blog/blank blog or if you are racist, transphobic/homophobic,terf, MAP, P3doba!t, I WILL BLOCK ON SITE! 
.・。.・゜✭Hello There ^-^  I’m Dublin <3 .✭・.・✫・゜
❥ I'm a 23 year old Kinkster from Northern USA. EST time zone
❥ I'm Bisexual (not a whole lot of experience with women, but MMM WOMEN~)
❥ Submissive, Pet and little. My pet side is way way more prevalent than my little side Though.
❥ I am a Fox, Wolf, Racoon or Kitty pet-player. Most seen is puppy and kitty space. Which is your favorite?
❥ Can be the biggest brat or softest service sub it just depends on how well you train me 
❥ I'm currently in a flexible relationship with my Daddy Dom/top BF of three years and I am Polyamorous, not actively looking for a relationship and I will not do long distance. That being said, he knows about my “Hoe activities” and doesn't mind. I have several IRL FWB and a few online that he knows about <3 Our relationship is all about trust and communication and expression. I love him a lot.
❥ I'm starting to post my own text posts and pictures, if there's anything you want me to post, send me an ask and I'll see about creating custom content. 
❥ Also If you wanna tip me, I'm $DublinUrVixen on Cash App and I also have a wish list here. If you buy me something from my wish list, you will get your own personal photoshoot in the items you buy me <3 just DM me and let me know. I'll get to be you your little pet or doll <3
❥ When I'm not reading smut, you can find me drawing! I love drawing my characters and nsfw poses as well. My commissions are open, DM me if you're interested in me drawing you or your characters, NSFW included!
❥ Always down to RP or sext/dirty talk,  please ask before you send pictures, feel free to send me fantasies or concepts or gifs <3 more likely to send pictures if you tip me!
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.The juicy Details!.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ❥ Finger sucking gifs are my kryptonite, they get me so dumb and subby I can't even!
❥ Into: Impact, masochism, choking, breathplay,hair pulling light exhibitionist, Cnc, Corruption, Power Dynamics, bimbo/bimbofication/Dollification, Hypnokink, Monsters (ugh werewolves especially) Pet-play, light age play, Bondage, overstim, edging, denial, breeding, cages, knife play, masks, kidnapping, light bladder control, humiliation, degradation and praise, leather and boots, uniforms, thigh-highs, hands, voices, growling, primal, Domestication, somnophilia, oral fixation, cock-warming, demons {wow none of this is in order} ❥ Not Into: piss/scat, ema, blood, food, man-ass, feet, race-play, incest, fauxcest,
❥ Pet names: I love: pet, kitten, kitten, puppy, pup, baby baby/girl, angel, sweetheart, darling, princess, vixen, mutt, slut, doll, brat. Mostly everything tbh!
Come into my DMs with any of the above and ill be a puddle on the floor!
Send me asks, DMs, fantasies, gifs, and just pay attention to meeeeee <(>△<)>
⋆ ★ Results from bdsmtest.org ★ ⋆
100% Masochist 
100% Non-monogamist 
100% Primal (Prey) 
100% Rope bunny 
100% Submissive 
100% Pet 
97% Brat 
96% Slave 
95% Degradee 
88% Boy/Girl 
69% Experimentalist 
63% Exhibitionist 
57% Ageplayer 
57% Voyeur 
18% Vanilla 
13% Primal (Hunter) 
12% Sadist 
0% Daddy/Mommy 
0% Rigger 
0% Brat tamer 
0% Degrader 
0% Dominant 
0% Master/Mistress 
0% Owner 
0% Switch 
this is a picture of me! my hair is way longer it looks short in the photos
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chal-latte · 2 years
ok I’m here to drop some inspo ✨☝🏻 what about y/n!actress with timmy at a friend’s wedding and well of course y/n sings so she performs ‘my man’ (Barbra’s song but glee version, yeah I’m a musical person lol) and of course she glares and looks at timmy all the time (maybe some fans uploading photos of their outfits and stories about hearing y/n singing) 💌🌷 I hope I can send some more inspo soon <3 love you!
a/n: HI LOVER <33 wait fuck I LITERALLY REAd ur text wrong this whole time i fucking thot u asked for them getting married not them attending a friend’s wedding IM SO 😭😭😭😭 SORRY OMG SJFJJSJDJS PLS DONT HATE ME FOR MAKING U WAIT AND THEN PROCEEDS TO GET THE MESSAGE WRONG 😭😭😭😭 I WAS DONE W ALL THIS THEN I REREAD UR TEXT omg i hope this could do it anyway haha lmk what u think
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liked by voguefrance, tchalamet and 2.031.039 others
y/i/n may we find each other in every lifetime, timothée 🤍 
tagged: @tchalamet​ @dior @samyoukillis @samvissermakeup 
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*pinned by @y/i/n
fanpage10 god rly has favorites huh
alanabc certified milf 👼
enews congratulations y/n and timothee!
fanpage57 she’s so angelic 
dior we’re very honored to be trusted for making your wedding gown 🤍
nicoleflender qu’est-ce qu’elle est belle, la jeune mariée ❤️
↪️ y/i/n oh nicole ❤️❤️
bellahadid im rewatching the vid i took when you sung my man and im still crying im just SO FCKIN HAPPY FOR YOU Y/N PIE!!!!
fanpage37 and they say romance is dead
devonleecarlson princessaaaa 🫶🪷🫶🪷🫶
fanpage29 apparently if you search best wedding 2022 on google, this pictures will appear on top
alexademie all my love 
gigihadid what a day to remember!! love you lots y/n!!!
louispartridge_ my twin sister 👯‍♀️
↪️ y/i/n haha louis i was supposed to be the only one in white 🙄
fanpage38 everytime y/n and louis are bitching at each other i find another will to live 
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Liked by y/i/n, tchalamet and 94.021 others
pauline.chalamet having you by my side until now has been the greatest gift life could ever give to me. then you brought y/n along and now we’re content and complete. she’s been in the family since forever but onto eternity 🥂 everybody welcome y/n chalamet! 
tagged: @y/i/n @tchalamet 
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sillyblondepsycho Y/N 🗣🗣🗣 CHALAMET 🗣🗣🗣
stephanebak 🔥🔥
fanpage11 that all black suit slaps i swear 
jeannedamas congratulations!!
fanpage88 they r so hot!!! best siblings of the century tbh
itsjuliebowen truly happy for you! can’t wait to meet the newlyweds
fanpage22 cant get over the fact that pauline wrote a poem for them both 
↪️ fanpage20 i thought it was a no phone party
↪️ fanpage22 @fanpage20 check deuxmoi
irisapatow cUUuuuuUtEee
helenepambrun trop trop trop contente ❤️❤️❤️
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Liked by y/i/n, jacquemus and 6.041.129 others
tchalamet la femme de ma vie, y/n chalamet. 
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y/i/n et toi, mon coeur ❤️‍🔥
fanpage29 theyre so fucking in love its beautiful oh my god
fanpage11 for fucking real!!!
fanpage28 me when
gretagerwig i believe i wrote about you guys in the past life. but anywho, let’s celebrate! 
fanpage13 it should’ve been meeee
↪️ fanpage98 lol let them be happy ffs
h.a lovebirds
jamie_grooming you guys are shining ✨✨
jessicachastain there you go tim! promise i’ll make it up for my absence ❤️
↪️ tchalamet we’ll happy to welcome you
↪️ y/i/n @jessicachastain YAY MOTHER 
theweeknd true love 🖤
dunemovie from arrakis with love🔥
fanpage81 i believe they have had several photoshoot together pre wedding bc this isn’t what he wore yesterday
↪️ fanpage67 i think so too based on hélène pambrun’s insta
fanpage33 HIS SPEECH THO
↪️ fanpage48 when he quoted, “whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same.” yeah. people died. y/n cried and i DIED.
opheliamillaiss they made me believe in love again
jacquemus LOVE WINS ❤️✨🕊
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Liked by y/i/n and 82.042 others
vogue congratulations to the it couple, @tchalamet​ and @y/i/n. settling down their vows they have celebrated a private enchanting wedding in bali. discover more about their relationship timeline link in our bio. (photo: @gregwilliamsphotography)
tagged: @tchalamet @y/i/n
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fanpage92 the most beautiful couple
fanpage10 i wish i was invited
fanpage20 they were glued together all night! 
fanpage16 harry styles performed golden in their ceremony and it was the most. charming. thing. ever. i cried so bad omg
↪️ fanpage43 and when y/n walked down the aisle with lana’s video game playing <\333
fanpage77 young love <3
fanpage71 ❤️❤️❤️
tchalamet tagged @y/i/n in a story
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mactavishwritings · 2 years
Hello! I just saw your post about cod men and their wedding and it was amazing! Can you please do pt.2 about alejandro, rudy, and könig (if not then its fine)
Thank you.
these are my favorite types of posts to make tbh!! <3
BIG wedding. my man has a huge extravagant wedding because he wants to spoil you. at the wedding, his best man was Rudy and one of his nieces was the flower girl and she was the cutest. the wedding was held at Alejandro's ranch.
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your dress is probably a big ballgown style and you guys do a first look. Alejandro tears up and he holds you close to him. You did do a boudoir photoshoot before and you hand him the photo album and wrapped up. He opens it up and just nods. "Yup...That'll do." You laugh and he tried to kiss you.
at the reception, the food was made by his mother and refuses to let you pay her. The rest of the 141 boys are there and they all turn up. they just cause so much chaos and you love it.
let's talk honeymoon. Alejandro spares no expense. he goes all out for you. he probably takes you to Fiji. He spoils you the entire time, buying you everything you look at. He brings you back to the house he bought for you (bc lets face it...wedding gift) and takes you on every single surface in the house.
similar to Alejandro, but not as big. he wanted a nice, but smallish wedding. he would leave the planning to you for the most part. as long as he had his boys there, he was happy.
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you guys did a first touch instead of a first look. you two felt it would be a little more intimate and that way you could still have that walk down the aisle and Rudy could see your dress for the first time.
at the reception, Rudy stayed by your side the entire night. you two sat at the sweetheart table and he hand his arm resting on the back of your chair. you guys know that video on tiktok a while back of that wedding where the couple had their friends guarding their sweetheart table while their ate? yeah that Alejandro and Soap for you guys. no one was allowed to talk to you guys until after you were full and happy.
for your honeymoon, you guys just took some time off work to relax. he takes you to spas and to gets your nails done. after, he'll take you home and each time he'd carry you across the threshold. He'd then bring you to your room to pump you full over and over again.
okay listen....winter wedding! i feel like he'd be the only one to have a winter wedding. it would be a half indoor half outdoor, because fuck the cold but it would be so pretty. like Ghost, he wouldn't wear his sniper hood for you.
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Your dress was fitted on top with long sleeves and a flare bottom. König almost cries when he sees you at your first look. He gifts you a necklace and you cry as he places it on you. it has a pearl on a gold chain.
at the reception, he hovers behinds you like a shadow. he does drink a little, but he mainly stays with you. you get more drunk than he does and he takes care of you. he adores you and plays with the pearl necklace while you look at him through your lashes all seductively.
that night, you drag him back to the hotel room and he lets you push him on the bed and you ride him until you're a whiny mess. he flips you over and chuckles. "let me take over, ja?"
for your honeymoon, he takes you on a two month trip through Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Sweden. he plows you in each major city and makes sure whenever you whine about being cold, he warms you right up.
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lolexjpg · 5 months
dts s2 e3-5
e3: -i love this episode because i've always said that carlos & daniel's careers are parallels. their journey's could've easily been swapped based on luck and chance. as will buxton points out if things had gone differently it could've ended carlos' career. so much chance is involved in this sport, more than we're usually comfortable with acknowledging!! -daniel backing into dany is 23japan checo pitstop level of absurdity. love it -i hope cyril was fucking him silly. tbh -"where's the fucking boot?" top 10 dts quotes -i miss the orange/blue racesuits So Much btw
e4: -so so so excited for this one -flashback sequence abt mercedes rise to power makes me emotional. v motivated to go back and watch those years -also is somehow comforting in the midst of the rb domination era. mercedes were SO dominant at this time it felt impossible to overcome, and if they could fall off so could red bull, so could anyone, its all constantly changing and thats good! -"be a bit more intelligent today than normal" obsessed. gunther v toto german-off is iconic -lewis casually talking abt having a ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR DEGREE FEVER and still coming to work is insane to me. there should be more safety standards regarding illness fr -the side effect of me watching s4 first for the first time ever is that max v lewis is wired into my brain anytime they're mentioned or seen next to eachother, on track or off i go INSANE all the connections in my brain go haywire -long pit stops are always legitimately PAINFUL to watch. not that i could do better in a high pressure situation like that, but i'm just wincing the whole time waiting for it to be over
ep5: -love how this episode starts with christian horner being choked out by his child -hope whichever daughter of his who said her favorite driver was lewis knows how iconic she was for that -loved max's smize in that photoshoot. he's a natural, i was not insane when i wrote that model!max au -pierre is SO little. i'm so glad he stopped shaving that mustache it is SUCH a better look -pierre's narrative is a) classic red bull chew em up spit em out but b) also highlights how EXPECTED both nyck & logan's struggle was last year. it is NORMAL to struggle when you first get in an new car when you're in your first or second year. anyway so glad my baby (logan) is in a team that doesnt take a red bull approach!!! -geri insisting she works harder than christian is so iconic AND shes right -pierre getting lapped by max -> daniel getting lapped by lando in s4 are cinematic parallels btw -this is another NARRATIVELY well done episode!! obviously i already know whats going to happen, but even if i didn't the episode creates this sense of increasing dread as it goes on, where you can maybe guess where its going but gets you to hope so strongly it doesnt. the peeling off of all of pierre's stickers is just the final blow and the PERFECT choice to end the arc
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briankang · 6 months
tagged by my favorite loves @chanstopher & @chanrizard to do my 2023 wrapped!!! it's time to link my favorite and most popular post from each month!! but first i'm sure everyone's done this but!!! @sweetyoungk, @chrizztophers, @dinoboos, @hyunpic, aaaaand @yonglixx!!!!
most popular: miroh u will always be famous
favorite: i really did love that i the text effect on this top 5 skz songs i was so proud lskdjglkds
most popular: parasocial relationship was kicking y'all's ASSES
favorite: it took me sooo long to do this 5th anniversary set but i did it all myself with no template idk how i'm gonna top next year's tbh
most popular: love me like this. love me like that. changbin i love u.
favorite: ok i'm cheating here but this subzero-esque 5-star trailer chan set & the pics i edited of young k's photoshoot from 1st look that i blacked out in the middle of making i think are equal in my heart those are my men!!
most popular: the han jisung lovers were HERE
favorite: i love elmo wearing felix to the moon and back
most popular: HUGE day on dowoonyoon dot tumblr dot com. seungmin and young k did this for ME
favorite: whatever the hell this video was. day6 should do another
most popular: you are all SO HORNY this is my biggest set of the YEAR
favorite: a tie between this odaiba day/stay day set & this dowoon set i color corrected to hell and back. i was super proud of both!!
most popular: i'm glad u guys liked this chan set as much as i did. i love the pinks.
favorite: to nobody's surprise. the letters with notes trailer.
most popular: i'm not gonna lie i popped off with this nothing but/ex parallel gifset i'm glad y'all agreed
favorite: guys did u know i really like that young k guy and liked his concert a lot
most popular: oh prince felix of niziu mv fame u are so famous
favorite: this was technically a flop but i spent so long doing this sungjin & young k set during the skz survival show w/ all the blurring. also they looked good.
most popular: minho's office moment with his phone tree is so...
favorite: i was gonna make this the 2min/young k dance but i decided it had to be this set of him and wonpil instead it brings me so much joy i missed them so bad
most popular: the chantuals LOVE to gif 24 to 25 chan (and we're RIGHT)
favorite: ok i only made like 3 sets this entire month lksdjglks so i'm putting both young k sets here because i was proud of how this stage came out and we all know i hate doing stages but also i LOVEEE the bday set i did for him this year
i feel like i really improved in doing new techniques and color grading and getting outside of my comfort zone this year!! i was really proud of a lot of these. i also dont know why i just didnt gif in feb. what was going on. anyways this was soooo fun i love looking back. you can see the immediate my day descent so quickly which i find insanely funny. happy new year hehe
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woozi · 2 years
sorry if this is random but what are each of the members’ iconic looks in your opinion, like outfits/hairstyles that you can clearly associate with each of them? for example vernon’s rainbow hoodie + beanie + weird sunglasses outfit
it’s for science…. (if this is too much, no need to respond <3) hope you’re having a good week!
ion think tumblr will allow me to insert more than 10 pics so i'm just gonna give u links to the pics/vids <33
pioneer eyebrow studs cheol literally changed the trajectory of my life <3
hana & haru/happy ending jeonghan is sooo dear to me tbh but this one of him in a yellow beret takes the cake <3 and these ones from your choice (the way they did his hair in that pc </3) & hit era (the blue shirt lives in my mind rent free for some reason) AND THE BURBERRY SHIRT LOOK
joshua in that yellow shirt for lnr’s studio choom perf 👁 really got me interested in svt tbh it was The Beginning of The Journey for me fsdkjfhsdjfhs also red cardigan milf shua
jun is ALWAYS gorgeous but him during the last BeTS concert has some kind of spell on me 😭 maybe i feel this way bc it’s recent but like <333 he looks good what can i do :/ AND THIS JUN <3 beret jun <3 AND HIM FROM THAT ONE PHOTOSHOOT
hoshi’s lnr fits tbh (the racecar suit especially 😭) also him in touch 👁 and the pink slutty fit from spider 😭 AND THE CUTE NEON HOSHI BANDAID AIRPORT ONES <3
everyone was rb-ing lnr crop top wonu which also led to me getting into svt (not for his crop top but like.. i kept seeing em on my dash since then JKFHDSJHD) mama 2019 fear wonu... PURPLE WONU
this woozi...... dispatch hit woozi...... cherry shirt an ode woozi.... not obsessed w the look itself but woozi from kcon in that funky yellow shirt....
this magician red suit dk was the first thing that came to mind please do not ask 😭 also rmb being SOOOO taken by this specific semi;colon press con dk he’s still my phone’s lockscreen to this day <3
mama 2019 mingyu... are we all seeing this.. also grab driver mingyu
green fit hao from lnr <3 mullet hao (my favorite look on him tbh and the only mullet i can accept) <3 mullet hao pt 2 bc i love it vm <33 and OH MY GOD.... this one... HAUNTS ME EVERYDAY PLEASE
1st look boo in the white dress shirt...? also sumn abt him Changes during concerts tbh he’s absolutely glowing here’s an example, and another one, and another one (i call it the Concert Look)
you’re right abt That Vernon fit + the one with goggles but honestly... this vernon selfie... anything with beanies tbh.. ok but his fts teaser is sumn else tbh the tatts were SOOO
OK BUT THIS SPECIFIC HIT DINO......................... OR SHHH CHAN.................. dear GOD have mercy (sumn abt 2019 dino in general tbh),,,  BLONDE DINO... ALSO ANYONE KFDHJHJDS i literally saw everyone turn into dinonaras it was one of the best days of my life (also was the starting point of his hot boy era for a lotta people tbh) or the home;run teaser pic that sealed the dinonara fate for me <3 i’m lying actually just wanted to show u all of those but my absolute favorite is blue dino <3
ik u were prob just expecting 1 each but i got so carried away i’m saur sorry KJFDHSJFDSHD 😭😭😭😭 i’m also prob forgetting SOOO many looks but these are the ones i can think of off the top of my head <3
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lonelyvomit · 2 years
rules: list your top 5 favourites of your fics, what they're about, and why you're proud of them, then tag some fic authors to do the same!
thank you @mondayborn 🖤🖤
I’ve seen a bunch of my writer friends already do this tag so I wont tag anybody, but someone who hasn’t done it yet and just wants to talk about their own fics for a bit, feel free to yoink it here ✨
1. I’m not sad, I feel nothing.
Something between an angst ficlet, a vent post and a song analysis.
I needed to get my feelings about this song out somehow, try to explain why it means as much to me as it does. this little thing was incredibly cathartic to write and although far from my most popular, it’s the one I’m most proud of anyway.
2. Post-Mortem Photoshoot
Boys being boys, doing some casual Saturday night grave robbing. Chris' first time with Wednesday as his mentor.
the first fic I ever posted and yet it remains one of my favorites. the Chris/Wednesday pairing is my niche baby. it’s also just so god damn on brand for me - of course I would start my fic writing posting (implied) necrophilia. tbh I’d love to go back to writing more deranged shit, but I don’t feel the BC fandom is safe to do so in.
3. Grounding Techniques
Jerking off your friend is an acceptable form of fidgeting actually.
I made myself laugh calling Olli a boy-fidget-toy and I was really happy about starting the ship tag, exploring a pairing that didn’t (and in my opinion still doesn’t) have an established dynamic.
4. Sorry Niko. Sorry Joonas. Sorry Jesus.
does two people and a hand puppet count as a threesome?
somebody’s gotta do the shitposting around here, and I seem to have picked up the clown wig. I started writing the fic on my phone at 430am while groggy on sleeping meds and my god did it turn out even more stupid than I anticipated.
5. Your Sense Of Care
Niko is stressed and needs someone else to take the control for a bit.
The Pegging Fic(tm) aka the most self-indulgent piece I have ever written which I continue to be either proud of or violently embarrassed by. at 3700+ words it’s my longest fic to date and louder than God’s revolver.
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scattered-winter · 2 years
kyle for the character ask!
favorite thing about him
it's all about the LOVE
he's just. he's an artist he's a romantic he sees the best in people he mastered all 7 colors of the emotional spectrum he's the best of them all he's traumatized to hell and back he's the torchbearer he's the first he's the last he's the white lantern he's the golden boy he's just a kid trying his best I just think he's neat <3
I also love how dark he gets sometimes ! like. idk I like em a little fucked up, ya know?! he tortures and kills bad guys and doesn't show a bit of guilt and I think it's great <3 he's so good and hopeful and loving but he's also a little messed up <3
least favorite thing about him
idk I guess....his stubbornness? I usually don't Hate things about a character just because even their bad traits make them multifaceted! 3 dimensional! but I do admit it's a little annoying when he refuses to budge on something. his follow-your-heart attitude, while GREAT, also tends to give him tunnel vision, and it can be hard for him to see another point of view (especially if he has personal stakes in the matter.) what I'm thinking of right off the top of my head is during Kyle and Connor's teamup, when they meet Kyle's "dad" and Connor is suspicious (rightly so!) but Kyle is so blinded by his emotions that he refuses to even consider that Connor is wise to be cautious. it ends up causing some problems down the line, and temporarily damaged their friendship. from a writer's standpoint it's a brilliant character flaw because it can also be a strength, depending on the situation! Kyle's free heart have done a lot of good and it's why I love him! it just...isn't always good, ya know? from a reader's standpoint it can get frustrating to see him refuse to even consider another point of view even though he really probably should. idk it's all relative
favorite line
just gonna drop these here <3
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y'all know I'm a jaykyle stan to the extreme <3 they could make each other worse in the most entertaining way possible
also like. the PARALLELS
Kyle is a white lantern! protector of life!! Jason died!! they're both willing to do whatever's necessary to protect people! I just think they're neat <3 and I'm a slut for enemies to lovers. what are ya gonna do about it
I also feel like Alex doesn't get enough appreciation. that's probably because she died like 2 issues in but STILL. her ex boyfriend gets a power ring and she's just like "aight let's get you some publicity!" and starts a photoshoot almost on the spot. she was so supportive of him from the get-go and where did that lead her?!
I also cry every time I read Circle of Fire so yeah. I remember my roots I'm a Kyle/Alex truther at heart
I'd also like to put connorkyle as an honorable mention ! I love their friendship so much and I wouldn't mind seeing it with a dash of romance thrown in!
I haven't come across anything in fandom that's made me go NOPE tbh! I'm always pretty chill with shipping anyway but I just don't really have many strong feelings about Kyle's love life outside of those stated above
his and Connor's friendship is just. GOALS. they meet up during a fight and decide "oh we're besties now" and go on a road trip to find Kyle's dad. along the way they get into a bar fight (Kyle started it) and also start a fight with an entire town of lawyers before finally meeting aforementioned dad (who wasn't really his real dad but shh). they banter they tease and Kyle makes constructs for his friend to carry him around and Connor has to haul Kyle out of ridiculous situations he keeps getting himself into. I fuckin love those two.
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just guys being dudes <3
I'd also like to point out that in this scene, Connor is wearing a construct trench coat because he didn't have any other clothes to wear over his suit. truly nobody does it like them <3
random headcanon
I think he draws his friends a lot! sometimes he gives them the finished product as a gift but most of them he just keeps in his sketchbooks. idk I think it's sweet <3
unpopular opinion
he should have an animated series or something. he should have been in Green Lantern: the Animated Series actually. you know what I would give to see Kyle and Razer interact?!? I would kill a man
favorite picture of him
I had to narrow down his Ion appearances to make them all fit under the picture limit, but just know that the entire Ion run is on this post in my heart <3 also included is my favorite background Kyle from his very first solo comic, some of my favorite panels from dark crisis (again, haven't read it yet but bro I am Looking 👀), and Kyle being endearing <3
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send me a character!
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statementlou · 1 year
I know you're just vibing but is it okay to ask what's your fav and worst Louis Tomlinson photoshoot (that happened this year) ?? Also love your hot takes btw uwu 💖
OFC!! the fun kind of vibing! Unfortunately this question does not play to my strengths which barely include knowing what year it currently is let alone what happened when and also photoshoot analysis SO I'm just gonna pick something that maybe definitely is not what you meant....
I really like how they went to that half torn up house* to shoot the OOMS video** and were like we're gonna make a DAY of this and knock out SO MANY THINGS AT ONCE and then did that. I found it very entertaining to watch the endless trickle of various different things filmed and photographed on that day appear (if they've stopped it was VERY recently, the last track by track only came out a day or two ago.) Best part ofc being seeing how many different tops they packed for Louis to change into, I picture him in a weird empty room with a clothing rack pulling shirts on and off between 20 minute sessions all day (and then having to have his hair fixed each time.) They did at least two full photoshoots in there off the top of my head (the apple music photoshoot for which you can see a mysterious wire Louis is holding as if he were using a wired remote shutter, I still want to understand, and some basic 'FITF out now' ones that were used for interview backdrops and spotify and stuff), all the promo video spots for different platforms and countries and stuff, the music video obviously, the footage that played on video screens behind him in album release interviews, the track by track interview.... I can't remember what else. Maybe some other stuff too. Anyway I really did like those apple music pics maybe that would have been my pick anyway!
*this is apparently just a house people rent to shoot videos in or smth??? IDK I have questions, but I saw that one of the indie bands defending Louis on twitter in the most recent dust up (Crawlers, if anyone wants to go thank them or whatever, they're a girl band even) were like funny story we shot our video in that same house. Someone should go find out info about the place for me us all from them!
**the director of that video also shot the Silver Tongues video and wrt to that one he talked about how surprised and skeptical Louis was when he said he'd only have to be on set for a few hours, rather than like 16: on the one hand, given how much they did other than the vid that day assuming this was the same, otoh guessing this was one of those 16 hour days
Least favorite photoshoot hmm I pick the X Ray cause you know ouch... although tbh I kind of liked getting to see it 🙈
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wnjunhui · 9 months
top 5 jun looks + favorite comfort films ✨💕🌼
1. this look for that hot performance
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2. the entire nylon photoshoot, but specially this look
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3. this psycho look!!! i'm obsessed
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4. this gose look. he's so shoujo manga male lead coded
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5. this look when he was exploring japan
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(this was super hard, because all jun looks are my fave. i tried to pick looks that are different from each other)
1. kiki's delivery service 2. about time 3. begin again and tbh any ghibli movie, i don't really watch other movies more than once
put “top 5” anything in my ask
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starrybluez · 1 year
Howdy! 🎅🏼
Thank you for sharing that lovely video for “Save a Prayer”! i really enjoyed that one actually ☺️ I love when my favourite artists get creative and film music videos in the most beautiful locations. It’s such a wonderful concept ✨
Lovely Paul and Linda 🥰 they both just look so photogenic in all their photoshoots. they’re honestly one of my favourite classic rock couples, I think they’re just so lovely together 💞 and you’ve just reminded me, I should listen to “Ram” again bc I feel like it’s one of those albums I don’t listen to enough.
And those other groups you mentioned are fantastic as well! For me personally, other than The Beatles (who are my all-time faves) I also like The Stones, The Who, Led Zeppelin (mainly bc of John Paul Jones tbh lol), 10cc, Supertramp, Chicago, America, Rush, The Eagles and Pink Floyd!
Also, idk if I’ve asked you this but do you play any instruments? I play guitar and currently in the process of learning bass 😊
Hey there! 🎅😊
Glad you enjoyed the video! 💙 Such beautiful imagery with the silhouettes against the sky. There is an innocence about it too. Especially with John and Nick - they're like little kids on that elephant, it's such a cute moment.
Paul and Linda are a beautiful couple, I agree. I have many posts of them tagged "fave hippie couple" throughout my blog! 💕 I should listen to "Ram" more often too - I think you can hear their combined efforts the most in that album.
And thank you 😁 love your music taste as well! I forgot to mention Supertramp. My older siblings had a lot of great classic albums and "Breakfast In America" was one of them. Their top hits are on there, but my favorites are "Oh Darling", "Lord is it Mine" and "Casual Conversations".
Wonderful that you can play guitar and bass. 👏 Songs with complex and prominent bass lines tend to be my top picks. It may have something to do with the fact that my 2 main faves are both bass players! 😅 When I was younger, I learned to play the piano, but it's been so long that I'm sure I'm rusty now. I've always enjoyed singing though and often like to harmonize to songs on the radio. I sang in choir several times and keep meaning to get back into that.
Have a lovely week! 🎅💙
P.S. - how do you usually like to get in the spirit and get ready for the holidays? This evening was a fun one for me, attending a classical Christmas caroling concert and then baking cookies while listening to the Charlie Brown Christmas album. 🎄 Also love seeing the light displays every year. Here's 2 pics that I took:
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ahxiang · 2 years
i occasionally search nine's tag for music and photoshoots. I'm glad to know that his hard work pays off! he deserves it! he's really talented me thinks. also i occasionally miss j9 sooo much and rewatch videos with them or just search for some old posts. I can't stop thinking about what would happen if they both joined gmmtv. manifesting book and nine in one photo because forcebook wanted to travel to china and why not jdbdjdn
anyway thank you for answering me! thank you for complimenting my taste in man for some reason it was very nice to read bdbdjd have a very good weekend ❤️ and I'm glad that you miss nine too. tbh I just like to see your thoughts (just like i love to read your tags)
he really does!! it must have been so scary to uproot his career and move to china. i'm so proud of him and hope he continues to grow!! he really is very talented. luckily i didn't get into bl at the height of 2moons2 and j9, so i don't miss them all that much, but they were one of my absolute favorite pairings and i def still miss them 😭😭 their chemistry just really popped off, i wish they had other projects together besides 2moons2. nine would have thrived at gmmtv. he'd have taken the thai acting industry by a storm, i just know it. but instead he's taking the chinese music industry by a storm, so it's okay, absjsh.
no listen.......... i need forcebook to go to china now. with or without meeting nine, i need a forcebook show real china-based s2. and also for them to interact with nine, that'd be the cherry on top. honestly i'll just take a regular forcebook show real s2. i'll take anything @ gmmtv, pls give me more forcebook, i beg 😭😭
anon you're gonna make me cry 🥺🥺 thank you for sending in your ask!! and you're welcome ofc for complimenting your taste in men, it was what must have been done. we appreciate men and those that love them in this household!! and i'm so so glad you enjoy reading my tags i'm 😭😭 sometimes with social media it feels like just screaming into the void, so it's nice to know that my screams are heard and appreciated, abskgfd. my thoughts are always here for y'all's perusing pleasure, lmaoooo. feel free to grace my inbox with an ask again!! i'm always up for talking <3
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