#my favorite whumpees
aceofwhump · 4 months
I've been really into anime lately (which is super nice. I've missed being in my weeaboo phase. It's been a long time.) and I'm rewatching Fruits Basket (my all time favorite) and ahhh YUKI!!! His story will never not break my heart. This boy has been my favorite character since I was in middle school. And not just my favorite in Furuba but my favorite in any anime/manga and one of my all time favorite characters EVER. I adore him with my whole heart. He was one of my first true whumpees and I'm sitting here thinking about his childhood and trauma and how much he's able to heal and grow and I want to cry for him.
Yuki was born cursed. Literally. To turn into a rat when hugged by a member of the opposite sex or when he's weak. And he was a sickly child with asthma so as a child he was weak often. He was given to the head of the family by his mother to be a play thing, a "tool". Said family head then proceeded to mentally and physically abuse him for YEARS. His mother and older brother didn't care about him and rejected his cries for help. He was kept isolated from the rest of the family. Not allowed to speak to them or play with them or go to the same school. The one time he made friends at school their memories were erased and he was alone again. Every day Akito would fill his head with dark things, telling him he was useless and unloveable and disgusting and worthless. His mother hit him. Akito hit him. He was later kept locked inside a dark room for years, alone with only Akito and their abuse. He stopped talking for a long time. Just went mute because his words meant nothing so he locked them away. He hated himself. At one point his body just gave up and he nearly died due to his lung problems. He begged so many people to free him for so long and everyone brushed him off. Eventually his cousin saved him and brought him to his house to live but it was NOT out of the goodness of his own heart. And even then he was still cursed and his abuser would continue to show up in his life and continue the abuse from his childhood. Yuki has anxiety and triggers (locked dark rooms, dark paint splattered against a wall) and self esteem issues and breathing problems.
But he finds people who love him and accept him and help him. He finds purpose and hope and happiness. He finds unconditional love and support. And I love him so much. SO MUCH
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letitbehurt · 5 months
Whumper pressing a knee into Whumpee’s back, pinning them to the ground with their own weight. A gloved hand yanking at a fistful of hair. A knife angled against Whumpee’s throat, Whumper’s voice whispering a warning or a threat into their ear.
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seth-whumps · 2 months
migraine whump but specifically when the Smart™️ gets them. it's so hard to think straight through the pain. shaky, unsteady, fatigued, nauseous, all of the things they shouldn't be. their literal only job is to be steadfast, to make the decisions, to have the plans. and they're rendered useless, unable to reason. the team finds them by their desk, head in their hands, trying desperately to breathe through the pain. gentle hands, soothing words. "let's get you home."
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whumpfish · 3 months
"Take me instead," but not because the chosen target, B, is A's love interest, or the weakest on the team, or a recently redeemed character or someone A wants to show how much they really mean to the team.
"Take me instead," because A has suffered too great a loss already. "Take me instead," because A can't live through another loss, won't survive another funeral. "Take me instead," because A would rather be dead than have to watch one more person die, no matter who the person in question is.
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whumperly · 6 months
"Litte [animal]" type pet names for whumpees will always drive me feral, especially if they're prey animals.
"Little mouse."
"Little rabbit."
"Little deer."
"Little bird."
Oh, man, little bird is my favorite, actually. It scratches a very particular itch and has a specific undertone of affection that the others don't. Whumpee is just a little bird in a cage for whumper, something for them to admire and play with until they get bored or whumpee stops singing for them (literally or figuratively!)
Prey animal pet names don't work for every whumper or whumpee, but they are sooooooooooo good when they do. I'd love to see them used more often.
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cyberwhumper · 6 months
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Shouldn't have been running your mouth.
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tender-traps · 27 days
GOD i am such a sucker for cinderella whump
all the possibilities for an awful home life. forced to work, vilified, beaten, starved, locked in isolation, you name it. and of course being denied a blanket and having to huddle close to the fire in winter.
then they're free for just one night, or maybe three. just a short little step into a world where all of it goes away.
and then there’s the stranger. god this perfect stranger, beautiful and kind, who sees something worthwhile in whumpee. when they catch whumpee looking sad, they actually care.
and then they go back. and that taste of freedom makes it all the more painful. and when they think of the rest of their miserable life their spirit starts to break.
but the stranger!!!!! dropping everything, maybe making a personal sacrifice of their own, just to find their missing friend, because they CARE. someone finally cares enough to make it stop. and they do.
and that's where the story ends a lot of the time but we don't do that here. the aftermath. the scars, all of the toxic shit whumpee believes about themself, the feeling of being indebted to their savior. i'll take all of it thank you <3
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montammil · 10 months
TW: Stalking, yandere whumper, kinda nsfw? really just suggestive, whumpee is just as batshit insane as whumper
Imagine an obsessed Whumper who stalks Whumpee all day.
NOW imagine a Whumpee that enjoys the attention. They tease Whumper while keeping their innocent and unknowing facade, all while Whumper becomes more and more obsessed, their patience and limits being pushed.
It's very amusing to just imagine Whumpee purposefully dressing up in revealing clothing because they know it'll send Whumper wild (and hurt/kill anyone who flirts with them).
Whumpee knowing Whumper breaks into their house at night and going to sleep naked/wearing lingerie on purpose, sometimes making movements that they know Whumper loves.
Whumpee crying when someone (especially their coworker) says something mean to them because they know that person will never be seen again.
They're just happily waiting until Whumper can't take it anymore.
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Skye Robinson
- ex-pet whumpee (recaptured at 45)
- was a travelling wasteland hero for almost 15 years
- has an adopted 13 year old daughter
- (from Acacia Aneura)
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Huge huge huge fan of this very niche trope that I don't see NEARLY enough of! When the whumpee has the ability to reincarnate/revive to a state of perfect health, but no healing abilities, and so - when things come to a head and whumpee is mortally wounded, they're resigned to the fact that it would just be easier to die and come back. But - but don't you see??? How devastating would it be for their teammates to be desperately doing everything they can to keep whumpee alive? How traumatizing it would be for them when whumpee pries their bloodied hands off so they will hurry up and die, so the pain will stop? How sickening it would be when whumpee tells them that everything's fine, to let them go? How awful would it be for whumpee if their team refuses to let them go without trying everything in their power, which just prolongs whumpee's suffering?
Yeah? Got that in your brain?
Now imagine that again, but their teammates don't have any idea that whumpee can come back.
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whumpy-wyrms · 3 months
✋ and 🥰 for Dew please?
ask game
✋ - A hand carding gently through their hair
🥰 - Post-nightmare cuddles
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aceofwhump · 17 days
Who are you top 3 whumpees and please share ONE favourite gif of each!
And no cheating ;)
I love this! Okay I'm basing this off of how often I read whumpy fanfics for them, how wide a variety I can whump them, how often I think about their whump, etc. It's really hard to just choose 3 but here are what I think I consider (at this moment in time cause I know I'm forgetting about someone) my top 3 whumpees:
Danny Williams
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Thomas Barrow
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letitbehurt · 4 months
It’s a good day to grab Whumpee by the hair and shove their head underwater.
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snakebites-and-ink · 10 months
Conditioned whumpees crying for their master ❤️❤️❤️
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Hear me out?
Whumper is actually very gentle with whumpee. They give them head pats, bring them to bed to cuddle, feed them regularly, etc., never actually hurting whumpee.
That’s until whumpee, still disoriented from the sedative or whatever other drug whumpee injected them with, panics and tries to do something to get away. For example hits Whumper with their head, scratches them with their nails and so on.
Then whumper decides to resort to more violent methods.
ahhhhh!! i love this so much! there's just something so so good about a whumper who's all sweet and gentle, but whumpee knows that if they fuck up, they'll be getting punished.
cw slapping, intimate whumper, conditioned whumpee, drugging, threat of punishment 
Whumper smiled down at the figure curled up on the bed beside them. Whumpee always looked so peaceful when they slept, none of the worrying or overthinking or anxiety they were prone to. The drugs helped, of course—that was why Whumper did it in the first place. They liked making sure their angel got a good night’s sleep, without the nightmares or insomnia that had plagued them when Whumper first started caring for them. 
A soft, sleepy noise came from Whumpee as they stirred awake. Their eyes fluttered open, but the expression on their face wasn’t the contented one Whumper was used to seeing—it was panic. 
“Whoa, hey,” they said when Whumpee began flailing. “Calm down, honey, it’s just me.” 
Their words seemed to startle Whumpee even more, and they jerked away from the hand Whumper placed on their cheek. “W-wha...” 
“Whumpee,” they said, voice more stern. “Stop freaking out. You’re okay.” 
“Nng.” Whumpee groaned, trying to bat Whumper’s hands away. In their disoriented state, they ended up smacking Whumper right in the face. 
“Shit,” they hissed, backing away. “That hurt.” 
Whumpee was still breathing heavily but their eyes started to focus, and a fresh wave of terror washed over them as they realized what they did. “Oh my god,” they whispered, voice still raspy from sleep. “I’m sorry, I didn’t...” 
Whumper grabbed a fistful of their hair and yanked them up, Whumpee’s little whimper of pain only fueling their anger. “You’re such an ungrateful brat. I feed you, clothe you, let you sleep in my bed, I cuddle you like you asked, and this is the thanks I get?” 
Whumpee was sobbing pathetically by then, pleading as much with their teary eyes as their words. “Please, I'm sorry,” they choked out, voice trembling. “I didn’t mean to, I swear, it was an accident...I’m sorry, I—” 
Their begging was cut off when Whumper’s hand connected with their face, hard. Shocked silence followed—they had never hit Whumpee before. Neither of them knew how to react. 
After a moment, they pulled Whumpee into their arms, holding them close as they sniffled. “I’m sorry, baby,” they murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of Whumpee’s head. “You know I never want to hurt you. But you can’t behave like that, okay?” 
“I’m sorry,” Whumpee repeated in a small voice. “You’re so good to me, I didn’t...I wanna behave. Just, when I woke up I—I didn’t know...” 
“Shh, it’s okay, sweetheart,” Whumper cooed. Their hand rubbed soothing circles on Whumpee’s back. “I forgive you. But if you ever do something like that again...you’ll be getting a lot worse of a punishment. Do you understand?” 
Whumpee whined, nodding slightly. They nestled further into Whumper’s arms for comfort, muttering against their chest, “It won’t happen again, I promise.” 
“Good,” Whumper said. “Now come on, I’m ready for breakfast.” 
They went about the rest of their day like normal. Neither of them mentioned the incident from that morning, although Whumpee was even more affectionate and compliant than usual. Whumper, however, was contemplating how much to raise the dose of the sedative they were going to give Whumpee that night. 
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 1 month
what do you think about a whumpee coming very close to death, but not actually dying? do you think that would be peaceful too? or just.,, agony?? (i definitely lean towards it being painful, but i love your posts about peaceful death and i was wondering what you'd do with an NDE)
Why not both?
Honestly, I really enjoy when pain is used to signify the line between life and death! Dying hurts. The burning pain that steals your breath, the pounding of your heart that only makes your blood spill faster. The pain is unbearable, and the terror that comes with dying is maddening. Dying hurts.
Being dead doesn’t hurt. It’s a painful road with a peaceful destination, one that becomes easier the longer you’re on it. Because pain is for the living, those who still have a chance to survive. As that chance fades, as whumpee’s body gives up on them, the pain fades with it.
Whumpee’s senses dull as their body gives up, shutting down. Their heart slows, adrenaline fading as their body loses the energy to struggle. The agony becomes a distant throb, the terror sinking into a confused, delirious daze. They can’t feel the cold anymore, even as their lips turn blue.
Whumpee is dying. They know it, but the knowledge grows more distant as everything fades. All they can feel is the sticky warmth pooling around their body.
And! I just love how it inverses our understanding of pain and peace. Suddenly, it’s comfort and peace that represent danger. Suddening, resting is a death sentence, escaping pain is to embrace damnation. To be alive is to hurt, to scream and cry and writhe, fighting against the pain with everything you have. In this moment, peace is a deadly temptation.
It also puts caretaker in an interesting situation. As they’re cradling Whumpee’s bloodied body in the ambulance, they can’t help the mix of sorrow and terror and relief at the look of agony on whumpee’s face. If Whumpee is hurting– fingers clenched into tight fists, sweat trickling down their brow, tears spilling from their eyes—it means they’re still alive. Every moan of pain is a promise that they’re still there.
Caretaker comforts them as best as possible. They run shaking hands through sweat stained hair, uncaring of the blood staining their fingers. They promise that Whumpee will be okay, they refuse to leave whumpee’s side for a moment. In that moment caretaker would give Whumpee anything they’d ask for. Anything but rest.
When whumpee’s eyes begin closing, caretaker doesn’t hesitate to shake them away. They don’t hesitate to pinch sharply at their sides, slap roughly at their pale face. Caretaker doesn’t hesitate to push into Whumpee’s wounds until they scream.
It hurts them to see Whumpee like this, it hurts them to cause Whumpee so much pain. It hurts when whumpee’s hazy eyes turn up to caretaker, a look of betrayal and hurt stretched onto their features. It hurts when Whumpee begs to be allowed to sleep and Caretaker has to refuse them.
But Caretaker will do it. They’re willing to do anything to keep whumpee alive, even if that means hurting them.
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