#my flabber was gasted
teadreamsims · 19 hours
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This is actually the most brutal review I've ever read 😭 bro don't sit there smiling with 3 stars over your head then give our girl Demi the worst review known to mankind what the actual heck?? This is why Demi never has fun running this business istg
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nbkdramathings · 1 year
Me when I heard the shower:
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Me when I saw Rowoon’s BARE. BACK. in the shower:
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incarnadinedreams · 1 year
"WWX is the kindest person in the novel" "WWX would NEVER intentionally cause pain" "EVERYTHING WWX does in his life is to help the common people"
Hmm. Really. Is that in the book. Is that what actually happens. What qualifies as 'intentionally causing pain' because... uh... Are you sure you aren't confusing him with... someone else...?
Sarcasm aside I am genuinely baffled how people come to the 'HERO OF THE COMMON PEOPLE' take. Yet another point where I have that 'am I reading a different book than everyone else?!' moments. Literally where does he do anything for any commoner (aside from occasionally helping them via night hunts, which is of course a good thing to do - but none of the major plot points involve devoting his life to helping commoners and a few minor ones involve inconveniencing them via stolen lotus pods and chickens, ruining the floor/ceiling of their business/livelihood with bath water, and making them uneasy with pet ghost girl harems).
As much as I love WWX, none of the people he does significant things to protect in the story are commoners. Not JC, not the Wens who are, well, Wens - they're all cultivators and some (like WQ) were very close to the top of the cultivation world as a favored protege of WRH before they were dragged down. Mianmian might be a 'servant's daughter' and lower status than most people there at the indoctrination camp, but that's in the context of being cultivators belonging to/associated with clans important enough for the Wens to demand they send disciples to their camp - an extremely privileged and narrow subset of the total population that is still substantially higher status than actual commoners.
That's not to say it's a bad story! And it's not to say they weren't worth protecting because they weren't commoners, or change the fact he did so at great personal sacrifice and with considerable panache! But 'hero of the common people' is just not what his story is about??
Anyway why can't people just enjoy a sexy necromantic torture-revenge to tragic downfall to accidental resurrection with pet donkey to fucking in the bushes character arc for what it is?
Unless I'm wildly misremembering something, I'm pretty sure JGY is the only major character who actually put any significant effort into doing anything actually substantial at any sort of personal cost/risk to help common people, or made it a substantial goal and produced results. (I guess if you count XXC and SL as major characters them too but I don't because I don't care about the Yi City arc much at all lol)
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makedonsgriva · 2 months
“If‌ ‌I‌ ‌could,‌ ‌I‌ ‌would‌ ‌have‌ ‌you‌ ‌use‌ ‌me‌ ‌as‌ ‌your‌ ‌stepping‌ ‌stone,‌ ‌the‌ ‌bridge‌ ‌you‌ ‌take‌ ‌apart‌ ‌after‌ ‌crossing,‌ ‌the‌ ‌corpse‌ ‌bones‌ ‌you‌ ‌need‌ ‌to‌ ‌trample‌ ‌to‌ ‌climb‌ ‌up,‌ ‌the‌ ‌sinner‌ ‌who‌ ‌deserved‌ ‌the‌ ‌butchering‌ ‌of‌ ‌a‌ ‌million‌ ‌knives.‌ ‌But‌ ‌I‌ ‌know‌ ‌you‌ ‌wouldn’t‌ ‌allow‌ ‌it.”‌ ‌ ‌
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kakejiszkas · 4 months
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no see actually i’m totally fine and chill and cool about him
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raconteur-wanpi · 7 days
Finally found the time to talk about this one. I already talked a bit about a certain character in an earlier post, but here we go into the full thing.
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OK, starting off with where we left with Yamato in the cover stories -yep, it seems people in Wano are getting kidnapped and/or going missing. Last chapter we saw Minamoto the carpenter has disappeared as well. Honestly, as for who is doing the kidnappings, there's actually plenty of candidates. I think most of, if not all of the Beast Pirates were dealt with, so we might be dealing with somebody else. IIRC, the Big Mom pirates seem to have returned to Tottoland without their mother (we see Smoothie back with her siblings watching Vegapunk's message in Egghead, and she was leading the ship). It could be Perospero if he's alive somehow, but I think it'd be an interesting twist if it turned out to be something like the wild giant boar that Oden slayed back in the day, thus giving Yamato the chance to fulfill his role as a parallel to him or something. Who knows! We still don't know Kaidou and Linlin's fates, so Wano is a location to keep an eye out on for sure.
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Anyway, getting in the chapter, it's so nice to see more of the classic Strawhat party celebration! Seeing them all together chilling like this is always one of the best parts. My circle has already plastered my timeline with Usopp and Sanji being inseparable again, of course. My foils meta keeps being fulfilled, let's see if Usopp ends up returning his favor and his words to him if this arc ends up mirroring Enies Lobby.
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Hey what if I cried. I'm not going to sugarcoat it: I teared up like a child at this. They finally got to see the sky and the sun together, they got to sail together!!!!!!! Nobody talk to me, I think I will never recover after this page. God, if Kuma dies I'm going to be devastated. The theories around the number-named devil fruits going to the strawhats have destroyed me, and the Nikyu-Nikyu fruit being the last possible combination of numbers and the right shape for the tangerines is.... worrying me.
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Bartooooo!!!! He is the GOAT of this chapter. He was already one of my absolute favorite One Piece characters, but this man's willingness to die on the spot for Luffy just cemented him even higher on the list. Thank god it was a fake-out! Everything's gonna be fine, right? Haha? Right?
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Aaand there it is. Wow. OK. I cannot lie this caught me so off guard I am still reeling from it. This, is the part I made an earlier post about. Yasopp, of his own accord, after Shanks decided to spare the Barto Club and even seemed to be charmed by them, chose to shot them down. Shanks clearly didn't give the order, and it seems Yasopp might have been going for the kill, too. Perhaps he was just trying to destroy the ship, but seeing that explosion... Not to mention the narrator says after this "it is unknown if there were any survivors". This is such a merciless act from him. And for me, the reading I have of it is that it's setup by Oda for us to start feeling (even more) conflicted about his character, and this is going to be relevant going forward in Elbaf as an Usopp arc. This is a reminder of how different he is from him, he brutally shot down the Barto Club knowing well they are his son's allies and friends, with no remorse. Usopp has shown mercy and compassion most of any strawhat, I think he would be mortified by this. I wonder if this begins the setup of Usopp realizing he has put his father on a pedestal, and the idealized image of him in his head doesn't reflect reality. A lot of people didn't like Yasopp already, but this is going to put him on a looooot of fans' shitlist. Anyway, if Barto is dead I am going to jump into the ocean. Fingers crossed harder than his when he puts up his barriers.
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Going back to the Blackbeard pirates; Garp's alive!!!! It seems that Kuzan couldn't take his life after all. He says "he survived", but in my eyes, he definitely chose to spare him, perhaps even unconsciously.
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PUDDING CAMEO!!!!!!! MY SPECIALEST GIRLIE IN THE WORLD!!! Oh my god I'm glad she's still OK. Pudding get him. Bite him. Scratch him, do something, get his ass. Stay away from her get a joooooob. Jokes aside, I am curious about what the Big Mom pirates are planing; between their mother being Put In the Soup in Wano (status unknown), their eldest brother being well... status unknown, and Pudding getting kidnapped, they have too much going on on their plate, and I do wonder which thing they are trying to deal with first. I am not jealous of the mess poor Katakuri has to deal with right now, assuming he has been put in charge at the moment. I like to imagine he is definitely planning for ways to get Pudding back; his siblings are the most important thing in the world to him, after all.
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Sigh. Caribou is still here too. For some reason. Like some sort of cockroach that just won't croak. The information he has on not one, but two ancient weapons is very concerning, and the fact he is about to deliver it to Teach of all people is definitely gonna be a big, terrifying development.
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This isn't plot or anything but please look at this image of tiny Bonney holding on to Jinbe's robes. Her collection of big dads grows ever steady. That is all.
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And here is our conclusion! The group of strawhats that was on the Sunny has disappeared together with it, while the rest of the crew and the giants where knocked out from the booze. They wake up looking for them and the Sunny all baffled. It seems Jinbe, Robin and Franky are the only strawhats left with the giants, although I saw some people say Brook might be with them as well. Nami, who was with those missing, wakes up in Elbaf-style garb already, inside some sort of toy-lego-house... I wonder if this means our missing strawhats have been kidnapped by another group of giants!? A toy-like dollhouse is where you'd put a tiny person in, isn't it? Dorry and Broggy and their crew said that Elbaf is still days away, even with their ship's speed, so could someone from there have somehow hijacked them in the middle of the journey? Could it be Loki himself? I guess we have to wait to find out!
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gablehood · 14 days
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Blending in seamlessly
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verdiiiii · 2 months
Janja is SO strong it's insane everyone struggled to cross their legs over that boulder while keeping their balance and she just said "nah not doing that" and jumped over the whole-ass thing
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yubellum · 2 months
louis de pointe du lac got dicked down so good in s1 ep1 he forgot lestat levitated them, even i forgot, i think we all forgot he was very capable of levitating from the beginning of the season
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boilingteakettle · 1 month
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I had to.
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negasonic9403 · 1 month
I'm watching Shield season 2 now and wow so much has happened and I'm only five episodes in
So Fitz has a brain injury from saving Simmons and also Simmons was working undercover at Hydra. I was floored. Bobbi seems like a goddess so far
I know Fitz has a brain injury, but he gave autism in season one and now he gives more tism with the way he struggles for words. I do the exact same thing when I get overwhelmed so sorry to brain injury patients everywhere if that's offensive but I'm clutching at straws for good autism representation and I identify so much with Fitz that it hurts
Mack helping Fitz when he's struggling with words gives me life
Also Fitz recognizing that the Jemma he's been talking to was a creation of his subconscious also means that everything she said about Mack was actually spawned by Fitz's own thoughts
Fitz bonding with the guys!!!
Skye is an alien??? Also Coulson is going crazy like Garrett?
Watching May fight herself was very interesting and I'm glad they didn't show real May being tortured
Ward is actually being useful and also good on Fitz for not killing Ward when he had the chance. Self control is hard
Speaking of Ward, I think it was episode one of season two and he just nonchalantly tells Skye he tried to unalive himself in his cell multiple times. Like why is this show trying to make me feel for Ward more than I already do. I really want him to get redeemed but I'm fairly certain that won't happen
Raina is back, hell yeah!
Skye's dad scares me
So sorry these thoughts are so disjointed. I wrote them as I thought them lol
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derpyfins · 13 days
Listen, I'm not mad, I just
Build fire wings and no one bats an eye
Put on a plaid shirt and everyone loses their minds
I mean
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(on the second pic: no hashtags we die like men)
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Is it because I showed my slutty forearms?????
(Does the fire make me somehow, paradoxically, more invisible? Someone ran right into me at Anime NYC and destroyed my ODM gear while I was in this getup:
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Still not sure how they missed me. Fuck you, random Panty and Stocking cosplayer)
I just have a lot of questions.
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thesuetyouforgot · 25 days
UK what are you doing to your liquorice?!? It tastes like leather marinated in espresso...
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raddestrose · 2 months
This regret of Cunshan is wildin
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
NO u do not UNDERSTAND it's about the fact that Mobius M. Mobius aka Don just casually threw out there to an attractive man that he puts the single in single father and did he mention he's single when the mcu is all about the flashing neon no-homo WHAT THE HECK
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kingkat12 · 4 days
since when are there 300 OF YOU HERE?????????
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WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?? THIS WAS DAMN QUICK?? feels like just yesterday that i was celebrating 200???
i love you. this is such an honour, i can't even begin to describe how insane it is to me that there are so many of you here. thank you to every single one of you for giving me the joy of writing for an audience!!!😭💜🌸
... might have to do a little something to celebrate🥸💅🏻 (pls give me ideas omg, what do people want??)
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