#my friend asked for me to to draw jimmy in his normal clothes so i draw jimmy in every season except his normal clothes đŸ„°đŸ„°
imtoohotmilk · 5 months
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jim outfits â–Œăƒ»áŽ„ăƒ»â–Œ [other traffic designs]
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 6
A/N: seeing y'all freak out over the last chapter when i have the outline and i know that things get worse... it feels me with evil glee. also vyeoh drew some amazing art of the last chapter, show them some love!! <3
Warnings: crying, hugging, arguing, threats of violence, heartbreak
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost
Jimmy still felt like he was in a daze when they made it back to his empire. Lizzie hadn’t let go of his hand once, and he was grateful for the grounding touch. She was still murmuring words of comfort and asking what happened, but Jimmy could only nod numbly. Every single thought and feeling he had of Scott felt tainted now. Was anything he had felt even real? Or did Jimmy just fall right for Scott’s plan (whatever it was) hook, line, and sinker. Just thinking about it made Jimmy feel nauseous.
Katherine and Joel landed beside Jimmy and Lizzie, and Katherine looking equally as distraught as Jimmy felt shook him out of his stupor slightly. Wordlessly he let go of Lizzie’s hand to pull Katherine into a hug. He held her tight as she hugged him back, crying into his shoulder.
“It’s gone. It’s all gone. There’s barely anything left of my castle,” she hiccuped. Jimmy didn’t know what to say as he held her, but gently rubbing her back seemed to help.
“Fwhip was plotting against the House Blossom Alliance the whole time, Sausage too. I think Gem, Pearl, and Scott were involved as well,” Joel explained. Jimmy just about shuddered at the mention of Scott, trying not to cry.
“Why would they do that?!” Lizzie gasped.
“Fwhip said something about how the alliance was too argumentative, and should be destroyed before anything worse could happen and bring down our empires,” Joel explained. Katherine let out another hiccupping sob at Joel’s words, and Jimmy murmured words of comfort to her. Then he looked up to the skies, and his heart froze. Three figures were flying towards them- one with elytra, one with bright yellow feathered wings, and one with white feathered wings tipped in gold. Joel noticed Gem, Pearl, and Scott in the air as well, and grit his teeth as he put a hand on the hilt of his sword. Lizzie rushed over and put a hand over Joel’s, shaking her head.
“Stay on guard, but let’s hear them out. We only know that Fwhip and Sausage were the masterminds behind this. But if they are here for trouble, we’ll make sure they regret it,” Lizzie said, tone going dark at the end of her statement. Joel hesitated for a moment or two, but dropped his hand from his sword with a frustrated sigh. He and Lizzie did, however, stand protectively in front of Jimmy and Katherine as Gem, Pearl, and Scott came to a landing in front of them. Jimmy let go of Katherine, but she didn’t go far, taking his hand and gripping it tightly.
“I know we’re not high on your list of people to see, but hear us out. We didn’t know that Fwhip was going to take such
 drastic measures,” Pearl explained, hands up placatingly as her wings fluttered anxiously.
“But you did know Fwhip was up to something,” Joel countered.
“We knew he wasn’t super happy about the House Blossom Alliance, but we thought that he would just pull a harmless prank or pick a fight with Jimmy or something. Not destroy Katherine’s castle,” Gem continued, Pearl nodding along with her. Scott stayed suspiciously quiet, and Jimmy’s mouth settled into a firm line as he let go of Katherine’s hand.
“But Scott knew. Didn’t you,” he accused, glaring at Scott. His expression immediately turned guilty, and that was all the confirmation Jimmy needed.
“I wanted to tell you, really! But-”
“But you kissed me instead of telling me or ANYONE about Fwhip’s plan!” Jimmy shouted, stepping forward and gesturing angrily, that cold numb feeling from before now replaced with molten fury. Lizzie gasped, drawing her sword and fully intending to lunge at Scott, but Joel quickly scrambled over to hold her back.
“Joel, let go of me, I need to give Scott a piece of my mind for taking advantage of our sweet swamp boy’s heart!” Lizzie fumed, straining against Joel’s hold. Joel glared at Scott, but his grip on Lizzie didn’t let up.
“Scott, you better have an explanation for this, or I will let my wife loose on you,” Joel warned. Scott actually looked a little terrified, and part of Jimmy hated the fact that he was relieved at that.
“I should have warned people about the TNT, I know. I just- it was stupid of me to hope that Fwhip was going to change his mind. And I was going to tell Jimmy, but then I saw Fwhip in the distance, and he had his crossbow aimed at him. I- I figured that Fwhip wouldn’t take the shot if it meant hitting me too. So that’s why I kissed Jimmy, and by that point it was too late to warn anyone,” Scott explained, his expression pleading and apologetic. Joel and Lizzie seemed to accept his explanation, as Joel let go of Lizzie and she sheathed her sword- but they both still glared at him. And Jimmy wanted to believe him, wanted to say he forgave Scott and rush back into his arms again- but there was something else that bothered him.
“What did Fwhip mean, when he said something about ‘playing the part?’” Jimmy asked, absolutely terrified of the answer but needing to know the truth anyway. Scott swallowed nervously, expression overcome with guilt once more.
“Fwhip told me to keep an eye on you, make sure you wouldn’t be a problem. It wasn’t just Katherine goading me into being nice that kept me coming to your empire, at first. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t-”
“Leave,” Jimmy growled, having enough of Scott’s excuses. Scott flinched at Jimmy’s tone. Good, it was about time people stopped seeing him as the sweet swamp boy or the friendly Codfather. He was done being pushed around, done being used and tossed aside.
“Jimmy, please- believe me, I really do care-”
“I don’t wanna hear it! I’m sick of your lies and manipulation! I never want you to set foot in the Cod Empire again, if I ever even SEE you again I will make sure you regret it,” Jimmy shouted, the words fracturing his heart into a million pieces. But he couldn’t afford to trust Scott ever again.
” Scott trailed off, any fight finally leaving him as his wings drooped. His gaze shifted between Jimmy’s angry glare, the tears on Katherine’s face, the glares from Lizzie and Joel, and the sympathetic and apologetic expressions on Gem and Pearl’s faces. He looked back at Jimmy one last time, eyes glassy- before taking off into the night sky. Jimmy couldn’t even watch him leave.
“We truly are sorry for everything that happened. We know it doesn’t make up for it
 but we wish you the best, Codfather and allies,” Gem said softly, before taking off into the sky as well. Pearl gave them a weak smile before following Gem. Jimmy waited until he could no longer see either of them in the sky, and finally let himself cry, falling to his knees as ugly sobs wrenched their way out of his throat. Lizzie scrambled to his side, pulling him into a hug and letting Jimmy cry into her shoulder.
“It’s okay, let it out. I’ve got you,” she soothed.
“He tricked me. And like a fool I fell for it, I fell for him,” Jimmy said between sobs, desperately clutching at Lizzie. Joel came over to kneel at their side, pulling both of them into his arms and rubbing Jimmy’s back. Katherine joined the hug pile too, on the opposite side of Joel. Jimmy wasn’t sure how long the three of them all stayed there with him, but they all held him until he finally had no tears left to cry.
After Jimmy had finished crying, Lizzie gently prodded him into changing, insisting that he would feel better in his normal clothes. She was right, and a lot of the tension drained from his shoulders once his trusty cod head was back on his head. From there, Lizzie and Joel brought him and Katherine to Lizzie’s empire, saying that Katherine could stay in the embassy she built, and that neither of them wanted either one to be alone at the moment. Katherine and Jimmy didn’t argue, neither of them wanted to be alone either. So they ended up huddled together in Katherine’s embassy, a borrowed blanket from Lizzie over both of their shoulders. Lizzie stayed with them and made sure they were comfortable, while Joel flew to Pixandria to update Pixl on everything that had happened.
“This is all my fault,” Katherine said numbly, after a long silence. Jimmy and Lizzie looked at her in confusion.
“It’s really not, you didn’t blow up your own castle, after all,” Lizzie pointed out. Katherine smiled weakly, shaking her head.
“But none of this would have happened if I didn’t insist on making friends with everyone. Everyone would have been fine if I just stayed out of it and stopped trying to bring people together,” Katherine said, voice watery.
“Katherine, if you hadn’t tried to bring us all together, I’m sure much worse would have happened. Who knows how many empires would have been destroyed if it wasn’t for you,” Jimmy countered softly. Katherine let out a small sob, hand clasping over her mouth as she tried to collect herself.
“But if I hadn’t started those meetings, pushed you and Scott to be nice to each other- then you wouldn’t have to be feeling this way,” Katherine said, voice as fragile as glass when she dropped her hand from her mouth. Jimmy shifted to face her, gently gripping her shoulders and looking Katherine in the eyes.
“Katherine, listen to me. My- my heartbreak is not your fault. None of what is happening is your fault. If anyone’s to blame, it’s Fwhip. You hear me?” Jimmy asked, voice gentle but no less serious. Katherine’s eyes went wide.
“You’re heartbroken?” she asked in a shallow gasp. Jimmy gave her a sad smile, throat growing tight as he felt his eyes watering again- funny, he thought he had run out of tears.
“I learned what love was, only for it to get crushed barely a day or two after. So
 yeah. I think I am. But that still doesn’t make it your fault,” Jimmy said, tone forlorn before it turned gentle and serious once more. Katherine let out a shaky sigh, nodding her head.
“Okay. Okay. I’m still sorry you’re feeling this way, though,” Katherine said softly. Jimmy just smiled, pulling Katherine into a hug.
“So what’s our next step? Plotting our revenge on Fwhip?” Lizzie asked, and Jimmy couldn’t help but chuckle at her casual ruthlessness.
“I think before we do anything revenge-related, we should help Katherine rebuild her castle,” Jimmy replied, frankly not wanting to think about getting revenge on Fwhip, because that would likely lead to getting revenge on Scott as well. And Jimmy definitely didn’t want to think about Scott at the moment.
“I don’t know if you’re the best person to help me build,” Katherine teased lightly. Jimmy gave her a weak smile in response.
“I think I’ll be able to manage if you’re guiding me,” he replied softly.
“I would definitely appreciate the help,” she said with a smile, and it was the first time Jimmy had seen her smile, truly smile since the ball.
“Then I’ll help, mediocre building skills or not,” Jimmy insisted, glad to have something to look forward to so he could think about anything other than Scott. He was done with him, no matter what his traitorous heart thought about his sunshine smile, his laugh of gold, or those icy blue eyes that contradicted them both. So much about Scott felt like a contradiction, now. He snarled and teased and jabbed, but there was a hidden fondness too, or at least it seemed like there was. Jimmy wasn’t sure if it was ever real to begin with. Then there was how he sided with Fwhip, even though Katherine was his true ally, a business partner too. Nothing made sense, and Jimmy wondered if he should have let Scott explain- no. Jimmy was never going to give Scott a chance to use that silver tongue on him again, paired with a smile that was only gold-plated. He wouldn’t be hurt again.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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Today was a sleepy day. I did not mean to take a 3 hour nap at the end there. But I had gotten way to overheated and I apparently needed it. I am not shocked. It was not a bad day though.
I slept alright last night. And woke up at 830 in a good mood. James has given me a kiss before they left. And I was feeling alright. My foot was still really hurting but I was ready to make it through.
Anne had said we were going to start our garage sale at 10. I had a few more things to bring and I figured so we would have time to set up I would get there at 930. So I got washed and dressed and realized it was way hotter then I expected. So I changed to a lighter materialed dress. I had a little breakfast. And soon I was heading over there.
I am not gonna lie. I was pretty frustrated again. James had checked in and was told that she had hung posters and posted on social media and in the neighborhood app and stuff. Well apparently none of that had happened? So I was like. Well did you make signs? No. Alright get me some paper and I'll draw up a bunch.
So that's what I did. I tried not to be angry. But I just don't understand why she wants to keep having these if she isn't going to follow through at all. I tried not to be hurt but also like. I didn't need to be there. I could have just donated all my stuff months ago. Like I normally do.
It didn't help that my foot hurt and I was to hot. But I decided I would just. Shake it off and try to not feel upset anymore. And hoenslty it was a nice day overall. We chatted about rehearsal dinner. I finally got her to have a conversation with me about wedding stuff. Which now I know that she didn't know half of the stuff, they all would have known if they would have actually talked to us but whatever. At least she knows now. James is going to send things over to her so she can know who she needs to send invites to and plans for what she's responsible for. It was a good conversation and I feel better about stuff.
And we did sell things! We made about $65, with $10 of that being Tucker's bobble heads. We had some fun chats with people who came through. Lots of laughs. A nice set of girls who kept telling me I was so smart or a genius when I would tell them about how I like to donate small bags of clothes every time I thrift to get a coupon every time. And a nice couple with a dog. The girl is starting her first teaching job on Monday!! So proud of her. And we had a lovely older man who bought a bunch of stuff and I got his phone number to pass on to Tina out landlady as a possible new handy man for when Mr Will retires for real. His name is Jimmy and he was very kind. He decided my nickname is 'the graduate's because I misunderstood a question (I thought he asked if I was in school, and I was like what no? I have my masters. But he was asking something else and I just misheard! But it lead to a nice talk about art and stuff). I had a good time.
We finished up around 1. And puked everything back in the garage. Covered things with sheets and maybe will have one more before winter but almost all my weekends are promised to other things between work and the wedding. We will have to see I guess.
I was excited to go home though. The heat has really gotten to me and I was very hungry. I decided I would go to Burger King on the way home. I have had that in forever. And while impossible burgers kind of make me nauseous, the one at Burger King doesn't usually do that.
The line was pretty slow going. But I got my food. And a milkshake. And got back home around 130. I got in and didn't even unpack anything. Just made my plate and ate and watched a video. I felt really exhausted.
I wish I had done more this afternoon. But I did not. I just laid down. Watched a show. And eventually fell asleep.
James woke me up briefly coming home but I fell back asleep and would keep sleeping until 6. James was playing DND with their friends online.
I had the rest of my milkshake I had put in the fridge. And went to work on my alphabet blocks. I got another set done, only one set left. But my tablet wouldn't stop disconnecting from the internet and so I could like get a brainless flow going and I got frustrated and gave up. I'll finish the last one tomorrow.
Now I am going to go shower and get ready for bed. Tomorrow I hope to do lots of art. I may go buy yarn for my temperature blanket. But mostly I want to rest and make things. I hope it's not so hot. And you all have a great day.
Goodnight everyone! Take care of yourself!
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indestinatus · 4 years
smoke gets in your eyes
for my dear friend @ocheabutter who supports me in everything i do <3 ly mel
It couldn’t be that hard.
Tony looked once again in the mirror and his reflection laughed at his face. He shook his head, the bags under his eyes now part of his persona as he tried to pull all his life together, one obstacle after the other. 
He asked for the millionth time that day if he was ever going to learn how to be a proper father.
Tali was biting the handle of a bright new hairbrush he had just purchased that afternoon. Her big doll-like dark brown eyes studied him with interest as if she too knew he hadn’t the faintest idea what he was doing. 
He scoffed. That reminded of someone he knew.
Tali sat on top of the sink countertop in front of him babbling words he couldn’t understand, and his eyes drifted momentarily to the shampoo and conditioner flasks next to her. He had done what everyone had recommended, from Jimmy’s advice on which brand to use to McGee’s insights in how to convince a toddler to have their hair washed to even calling Abby asking for any bit of help. 
Somehow he always ended messing something up, from buying clothes to types of baby food to ways of teaching her English, and many other things. There was no way this wouldn’t be the same, with Tali’s curls looking too entangled from where he was standing, imagine after he so clumsily made her blind as shampoo burned her eyelids.
He blinked, probably knowing he was taking it too far.
To his credit though, Tony had to turn from a no one to a single dad of a little human in mere hours, with no warning, no preparation and absolutely zero skills with children.
He sighed, knowing there was no other way. 
That child needed a bath, and she needed it badly.
Tali didn’t mind him taking her clothes off, nor being carried to the small bathtub sitting at the shower floor. Tony had rolled up his sleeves and tested the water temperature almost ten times already, but he sighed in relief all the same as Tali only giggled once she was inside the bath.
First step complete.
He opened the shampoo bottle, smelling its scent for a moment and wondering when was the last time he had taken care of his own hair like that. Probably never.
“Hmmm,” he said, then immediately cursed in his mind. That was shampoo, it wasn’t food she needed to think it was delicious. Teaching a child to drink shampoo is not the best way to go, he thought. 
He put some in his palm and rubbed them together, only to remember he had to rinse her hair first. After a deep breath and a series of self-doubting thoughts, the game started again and lukewarm water was being cupped by his hand and almost too gently poured onto Tali’s head.
There was no reaction. He frowned. That was a good sign, wasn’t it?
He slowly started massaging her scalp with shampoo, bubbles appearing with foam. Tali kept singing in a language he understood nothing of but was glad she was being distracted. He had no idea if he had done a good job, but soon enough he had just rinsed the shampoo off twice and was ready to pour some conditioner. 
A smile crept out in Tony’s mouth. This was going better than he thought, the warm feeling of pride spreading across his chest.
Then he gently grabbed the brush by its bristles from where Tali was bitting it and in an instant, it all went downhill.
Her face contorted almost instantly to sadness, tears already streaming down her cheeks as Tony tried his best not to let her hear his cursing. He quickly let her bite the hairbrush handle again, and sighed in relief when that was able to calm her down, at least for now.
Then he realized he would need another brush.
“I like to wash my hair, wash wash wash my hair,” she sang as he made her lean under the tap, holding her in place. “Bubbly, bubbly, bubbly,” Tali repeated.
“How does Rapunzel say?”
She started singing the main song from the movie, the one he knew was her favorite and she was going to repeat it many times. Enough times to let him do his job.
Soon her hair was spiked up, foam covering his hands as Tali only giggled at the funny faces he was pulling, falling back to singing right after. 
“What does shampoo mean?”
“Shampoo it means uh-” Tony tried to think of a good answer. “It’s like soap that cleans your hair.”
“Ooh, I forgot.”
He started massaging her scalp under the tap, cleaning the bubbles away. 
“It feels good,” said Tali, closing her eyes.
“I bet it does,” he smiled. “Abba is a master of it, isn’t he?”
Soon it was time of conditioner and disentangling, and he swiftly put Tali to sit onto the sink countertop again in order to brush her curls properly. Tony grabbed the bottle to pour some in his hand and she held her own little hands out, demanding to let her have some too. 
“In my hand!”
“This is not for your hand,” he said laughing. “This is not lotion. It’s like shampoo but it’s called conditioner.”
“May I have conditioner?”
“Uh, how does Elsa say?” He was going to run out of princesses to use, but if he had any luck she would soon forget it and start singing the songs all over again. 
To no surprise, she was soon humming another one of her favorites, distracted enough that he started to untangle her curls without much problem.
Everything was fine and today was a great day. Tony smiled.
Then the song changed.
Tali started singing it quietly at first, a jumble of words muttered under her breath. He laughed, asking her what new song she had come up with. 
Then his heart died in his throat.
She was singing in Hebrew.
His hand stopped midair but Tali continued to sing, eyes not directed at him but rather at the Barbie on her hands. Tony caught a few words with his limited knowledge, but the meaning was too vague for him to truly understand it. His heart was beating too fast for him to think properly.
Ziva, Ziva, Ziva, was all that was ringing in his mind. 
Tali stopped singing once she looked at him. 
“Did it get it in your eyes, Daddy?” she asked concerned, patting her own eyes with the towel that was around her shoulders instead, as if it would also help him. “It hurts?”
Tony quickly wiped his teary eyes. “No, no, nothing hurts,” he said.
It was a lie.
She studied him for a second but soon was singing again as if nothing had happened. The song wasn't in Hebrew anymore. Tony cleaned his throat.
“Tali,” he said, and she looked up at him again. “Tali, who taught you that song?”
Her forehead furrowed, but she spoke all the same. “Song?”
“The one you were just singing.”
She was a smart girl, maybe she could tell him something. Something, anything about her memories of her. Tony had been desperate to know what her life had been before him maybe since the day he met her. 
The despair must have shown in his eyes because Tali was soon shaking her head with worry in her face. 
“I don’t know,” she said.
His heart sank once again.
“It’s- It’s okay, sweetie. Don’t worry about it,” he kissed her hairline and felt her relax under his touch. It wasn’t her fault. Nothing was her fault. Nothing of it.
Soon Tali was singing Disney songs again while Tony disentangled her hair the same way he did almost every day. He asked her what movie they should watch and she answered the same one they’ve been watching for the whole week. Everything went back to normal. 
He spent the whole night thinking about that song though.
For some reason, he was sure it had her hand in it.
“One-two-three, UP.”
Tali giggled as she was lifted up in the air to sit on top of the sink countertop. It was morning. The smell of lavender insensed the bathroom, vapor covering the mirror and making everything warm.
Tali turned to it, drawing a ‘T’ next to a heart. She giggled, her eyes bright.
A moment after, another hand placed a 'Z' just next to it.
Ziva laughed as well, the sound of their laughter echoing all around the bathroom. She opened the door to let the air in and grabbed a fresh towel to put around Tali’s shoulders.
“Daddy said we would make pizza today,” she said with a big gap-toothed smile.
“Did he now?” Ziva started drying her hair with another towel, rubbing her head until Tali was all giggles and laughter.
“Do you think he can beat my bread with his pizza?”
“No,” said Tali giggling, then covered her mouth as if it was a secret, but the smile was still very visible behind it. 
“Hmm, maybe he can surprise us.”
Ziva started untangling her hair, a brush swiftly undoing Tali’s curls that were a match to her own. 
Tony leaned against the doorframe, shaking his head as his throat started to close.
Ziva was singing. She was muttering the melody under her breath, Tali smiling at her.
It was in Hebrew.
It almost undid him. 
Tony didn’t even feel the time passing, for a moment he was watching her and the other Tali was already dressed, running between his legs. Time had a different feeling to him now, as if they suddenly had too much of it. Past and present seemed to overlap more often than not. 
“Are you alright?” asked Ziva frowning as she placed her hand on his chest. 
He wondered if she could feel his heartbeat pounding inside. 
Tony pulled her close, kissing her hairline. Smoke clouded his vision.
“I love you,” he said. 
Ziva laughed, it was something he said all the time and they both knew that. 
“Why do you say it at most random things? Is it not something to be cherished? To be guarded for special moments?” she asked, looking up, her hands circling his body.
“Oh, Dah-veed,” Tony shook his head, pulling her even closer as he replied in her hair. “Prepare to hear it for the rest of your life.”
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kxhlzn · 4 years
[01] I WALK THE LINE // connor.
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SYNOPSIS: Hank meets an unlikely companion in a bar, and an interrogation becomes heated. You have some questions regarding Androids.
GENRE: Sci-Fi, Romance, Angst.
PAIRINGS: RK800!Connor/Reader, slight Gavin/Reader.
WARNINGS: Profanity, Gore, Sexual Innuendos, Bigotry.
SONG REC(S): I Walk The Line by Halsey is the leading theme of this fic.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I think Gavin has some potential, so he isn't completely despised here. In fact, he's your best friend and roommate. Unedited and messy. I'm not really that proud of this lmfaooo.
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There was always something chilly about Detroit, Michigan, in the fall— the way the community seems to curl in for the night, ducking into their ratty homes, only ever coming out when the post comes 'round. People are colder, their behavior growing critical and isolated once the leaves crinkle and spiral to the ground. By late October, the streets were littered with merely crooks and the homeless, save for a few ignorant folks who decided to be too slaphappy for their own good; be it from substances or plain stupidity, you couldn't be sure. With the invention of Androids, they too, roamed the uninhabited streets of downtown Detroit; they were usually the first to be mugged, which became almost laughable to Hank Anderson, whom's distasteful viewpoint is made public once he's had a few rounds of whiskey. Some might have called his opinion plain pessimism due to his naturally prickly attitude, but Hank was a realistic, honest man — he wasn't one for fake positivity, and that reflected in his daily life as well. Even if you didn't share his angle, you couldn't write it off so easily — while disheartening, it truly reflects the state of the world on its judgment of Androids.
"Lieutenant, may I ask you a personal question?"
The cool autumn air trickles down your spine in small waves, and your body involuntarily shivers from the sensation; you want to blow warm air to your fingers, but they are clasped tightly around your coat, tugging on the leather. Hank, as you call him, strolls beside you in a leisurely fashion, his own body clad in massive winter clothing. His silence draws a continuation from your mouth. "Why do you hate Androids so much?"
He's suddenly tense from your words, his blue eyes scanning downtown Detroit for an excuse to change the subject. The cold wind ruffles his silver hairs from underneath his coat, and it runs across his exposed neck and into the dip of his shirt. Dejectedly, he wets his lips and rolls his eyes— at you, or himself, he's not sure.
"Because I do, kid. There's not a fucking reason," Hank's tone is distant and gruff, and if it were anyone else, you would have fallen for the lie.
You had always considered Lieutenant Hank Anderson to be a genuine man, despite his unhealthy tendencies — when he lies, there is a reason, so in a normal circumstance, you would have accepted it and moved on. However, you've known Hank for a good year since your raise to detective — you would often visit the pub together, or spend a long night in his house with Sumo, "looking over cases" — which roughly translated to playing cards and watching movies, and glancing over the files once in a while. To see the man close down so easily from a simple question causes you to wonder if you aren't as close to him as you forced yourself to believe, or the extent of the reason is that severe.
"Aye," you almost whisper, your lips chapped from the dry fall air. Hank's stiffness forces a purse of your lips, and he is climbing over himself in an attempt to avoid your eyes.
Hank swallows deeply, hesitantly turning his body in your direction, just for a brief moment. "I'm headin' to Jimmy's."
You bite on your lower lip as you follow his gaze upward; into the dark sky, whose lights were twinkling with mischief and a burn to stay alive. They are fighting for life, battling the reflection of thousands of city lights pouring into the atmosphere. They're fighting an everlasting battle, but yet they persevere. A twinge erupts in your heart, and you can feel in your bones there's a serendipitous moment waiting to burst tonight. Hank's footsteps retreat towards the direction of the bar, and your stomach hops into your throat.
A gush of wind pushes you forward, your body rushing to keep up with Hank's. Instinctively, your fingers reach out gingerly for his coat; gripping the material in your palm brings you a sense of security, and the older man glances behind him, a majority of his face hidden by the collar. His bushy eyebrow quirks and you shrug bashfully, your shoulders slumping in exhaustion.
The fall air is crisp against your chilled cheeks, but there's a warmth rising in the pit of your stomach, a knowing feeling; a gut feeling, one buried deep in your bones; little did you know tonight would mark the beginning of a series of events, ones that will carve the future for both Androids and humankind.
Jimmy's was dark and dreary, as one might expect of a dilapidated Detroit bar. Voices hum a sad buzz throughout the small building, men tucked away deep in the booths, hands wrapped around bottles. Their eyes held a thousand threats and a thousand secrets; they roam down the two of you as if they hadn't seen you before. The Asian man seated at the farthest booth barks out a laugh suddenly, saying a sentence along the lines of, "Hank, my man! Looks like you brought the detective, huh?"
"She's like a leech some days, but others, she won't talk to me for almost a week straight. Today is simply luck of the draw," Hank utters in response, collapsing on a bar stool, leaning his forearms against the worn wooden counter. You mirror his action, and Hank orders you both a couple of shots. The alcohol rushing down your throat burns, but it's worth the buzz. You push yourself to stay sober enough to walk the two of you home because you know Hank won't.
You can always tell the man's on the edge of shitfaced when his eyes droop and his face nearly falls completely. His shoulders drop to his hips, and he loses his stiff posture. Hank always looks like if you poke him, he'll melt to a pool on the floor. Jimmy eyes you with concern, but you shrug nonchalantly and order a glass of water for yourself and to help sober Hank up.
Jimmy steps back to your half of the bar, his hand wrapped around the glass; before he slides it over, his attention is snatched by the door to the bar opening with a rustic jingle. You pay it no mind, reaching over and grasping the water in your palm. You take a leisurely sip and ignore the hushed whispers now erupting across the establishment. A tension rises in the air, and you finally force your stool back to see past Hank's large arched back.
Eyes scanning the bar, a tall man strolls in with a surge of destination in his step; he has a goal to be reached. You don't even notice he is an Android until his LED swirls a vibrant yellow, stopping to scan a man's face. It would have crossed your mind sooner if the lighting in this joint wasn't so poor. The shadows overlooking his attire hide the serial number and the bright blue contrast to the overall white and dark grey color scheme. His hair is a deep brown, a bit messy in the front but perfectly trimmed and maintained in the back. One defiant strand curls on his forehead, where his brows are knitted together in thought. Below, are a pair of cocoa irises, focused and determined. His entire face exuberates attention to detail, and it takes his eyes rising to meet your curious ones to break you from your trance.
The hairs on the back of your neck rise to the occasion, and you twist in your seat to face the racks of alcohol ahead of you. Heavy footsteps click against the floor, swifter than before. Your breath holds in your throat until a cool, nasally voice greets you and Hank.
"Lieutenant Anderson, Detective, my name is Connor. I'm the Android sent by CyberLife. I looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were. They said you were probably having a drink nearby. I was lucky to find you at the fifth bar," The Android spoke softly, his shoulders pushed back politely. When he notices Hank refraining from looking at him, he bends between you and the lieutenant, leaning his forearm against the bar. His swift movement causes you to reel back, nearly tipping you out of your stool. You receive a strong whiff of his scent, a mix of lemon and vanilla. His right blade presses into your shoulder, and it sends shocks throughout your skin.
"What do you want?" Hank spits, downing another shot, which makes you grimace; the Android had interrupted your meager attempt to sober the old man.
"You were assigned a case early this evening. A homicide, involving a CyberLife Android. In accordance with procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators," Connor continues.
"You mean the Carlos Ortiz case?" You blurt suddenly, your eyes focused entirely on Connor. He tilts his head at you, seemingly interested in your presence now. When he nods firmly, you smiled excitedly. "Why are they assigning an Android to aid us?"
"The CyberLife team believes it will be most efficient, due to the excessive rate of deviant Androids," Connor states.
Hank scoffs beside you, his fingers gripping the shot glass tightly. His eyes are hooded and dark, and your face laces with concern. "Well, we don't need any assistance. Especially not from a plastic asshole like you. So just be a good lil' robot and get the fuck outta here."
"I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but I must insist. My instructions stipulate that I have to accompany you."
"You know where you can stick your instructions?"
 Where?" Connor inquires quizzically, and you snort into your glass of water. His attention draws to you briefly, but it soon snaps back to Hank, who rolls his eyes.
You've fallen asleep by the time Hank pulls up to the home in downtown Detroit, as the traffic had been a little hectic so the ride was delayed. You hadn't woken until Connor's strong hands were shaking your shoulders, his leg propping the car door open. "Detective."
You jolt awake, and Connor leans over you to unfasten your seatbelt. You wave his hands away, finishing the job yourself while he pulls back and awaits your exit. You peer over the vehicle to get a good look at the house, which is rusty and poor in quality. The dilapidated structure seems to moan each time a gust of wind strikes its walls, which irks you into being a bit hesitant to immediately enter. Ben Collins stands on the porch, his arms crossed and his foot tapping impatiently against the cracked wood.
As it turns out, Hank isn't too keen on Connor joining the two of you on the investigation. He hightails it into the building like his ass is on fire, fully aware that those at the police tape will hassle poor Connor into twiddling his thumbs in Hank's vehicle. As expected, once you and the Android reach the vibrant yellow tape, a Police Android hums, "Androids are not permitted beyond this point."
The rain pours down heavily, and you've grown a bit exasperated by the amount of disrespect that follows the presence of Connor. When your eyes rise to meet his face, his expression is hard, like he isn't bothered or stunned by this occurrence. You bump his shoulder with your own and twist to face one of the human officers. "He's with me."
You jump forward to grasp the android's palm. You pull him towards you, and he's swift to duck under the tape. He fixes his gaze on the officer briefly, but soon rushes to walk beside you, as if to reiterate the point of your association with one another.
"Bout time the two of you got your asses in here," Hank snaps when he catches your eye once you and Connor are inside the rank building, "Decided you wanted a quickie before you started the case?"
Connor's eyebrows furrow immediately. "A quickie—?"
You slap a firm hand on his chest, stopping his question, and you shake your head. He accepts your answer, but he's still rather confused, judging by the puzzled expression on his face.
"So," you begin, your eyes darting across the living room, "What have we got?"
"You didn't read the file report?" Hank remarks, a smug expression on his wrinkled face.
"No, sorry, I was busy having a quickie with Connor in the backseat of your car," You quip back, opening the vanilla file to freshen your memory of the case.
Hank's lip quirks up in disgust, his attention drifting to the Android hovering over you. "Hey, you. You don't talk, you don't touch anything, and you stay out of my way, got it?"
"Got it."
Ben Collins steps out of the kitchen and heads over to Hank, rubbing his hands together. "So
 Two of you got an Android, huh?"
"Oh, very funny. Just tell me what happened," Hank barks, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.
Detective Collins shrugs and motions the three of you over to the man's body. "We had a call around eight from the landlord. The tenant hadn't paid his rent for a few months, so he thought he'd drop by, see what was going on. That's when he found the body... Jesus, that smell! Was even worse before we opened the windows. The victim's name's Carlos Ortiz. He has a record for theft and aggravated assault. According to the neighbors, he was kind of a loner... Stayed inside most of the time, they hardly ever saw him."
"Looks like a total douche," You whisper mostly to yourself, and Hank snorts softly.
"Looked," Hank replies darkly. He crouches next to the rotting body, disgusted by the sight. "Uh, state he's in... Wasn't worth calling everybody out in the middle of the night. Could've waited 'til morning."
"I'd say he's been there for a good three weeks. We'll know more when the coroner gets here. There's a kitchen knife over here. Probably the murder weapon," Collins says, gesturing you to the kitchen, where there are several evidence markers.
"Any sign of a break-in?" You ask, crouching low to get a good look at the knife. There's nearly a ton of blood on the blade, and it forces a little swirl in your stomach, so you stand.
"Nope... The landlord said the front door was locked from the inside, all the windows were boarded up. The killer must've gone out the back way," Collins states.
"If the Android went out the back way, there's bound to be tracks with the rain today to uncover them," You inquire, but your shoulders soon slump. "But with your men running around, they can easily be mixed in with the rest."
"What do we know about this Android?" Hank adds in.
Ben Collins's reply is weak. "Not much. The neighbors confirmed he had one, but it wasn't here when we arrived
He glances once more at the corpse leaned against the wall, and he nearly gags. Stepping towards the front door, he says, "I gotta get some air. Make yourself at home. I'll be outside if you need me."
"I added a little bit of sugar. Looked like you needed the extra kick, going by the grimace. If you squeeze your face together any more, people might think you're about to soil your jeans," You say, bending over to put the steaming cup on the desk, "Then they'll finally realize your old age is getting to you."
Hank grunts disapprovingly, and gripping the cup and nearly downing it in one swallow. He stands slowly, groaning due to his aching bones; he's equally exhausted as everyone else in the room, give or take. "Wish me luck."
The lieutenant's polished shoes click against the concrete as you take his seat, and he begrudgingly heads for the interrogation room. In the corner of your eye, Gavin runs his hand down his face in irritation and you swirl back around to face him in the office chair. Your grin draws his eye, and he nearly pouts as he looks in a different direction. Offering your own coffee cup to him as you stand, he takes it and sips softly before returning it back to your hands. You lean against the wall beside him, and glance past him to Connor just after Hank's booming voice echoes through the observation room.
"Why d'you kill him? What happened before you took that knife? How long were ya in the attic? Why didn't you even try to run away? Say something, goddamnit! Fuck it, I'm outta here
Seconds later, his tall physique shoves through the door, his face drawn in furiously.
"And there goes his jeans
" You say wistfully, and Gavin can't help but have a bittersweet sneer and pass you an expression mixed with both weariness and amusement.
"We're wastin' our time interrogating a machine, we're gettin' nothing out of it!" Hank seethes, throwing his hands up in exasperation.
"Have you tried asking him why he killed Ortiz?" You remark, and Hank is almost on the last straw with you.
"'Could always try roughing it up a little. After all, it's not human
" Gavin adds with a spiteful smirk, and he avoids your eyes for sole acknowledgment of your annoyed scoff.
"Judging by the cigarette burns on his forearm, I think he's had his share of getting roughed up," You snark, and Gavin shrugs nonchalantly.
"Then what's one more time?"
Before you can bark back, Connor speaks up, "Androids don't feel pain. You would only damage it and that wouldn't make it talk. Deviants also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations."
Gavin rolls his eyes dramatically, clearing desiring a chance to go home. "Okay, smartass. What should we do then?"
Connor glances between all three of you as if testing the waters; deciding he's got the stage, he suggests, "I could try questioning it."
There's a tense silence for a few moments, and you can practically hear Gavin's disapproval beside you. You attempt to calm him by bumping your hip against his, and the man gives you a side-eye; not a hostile one, which implies your intentions weren't futile.
Hank sighs. "What do we have to lose? Go ahead, suspect's all yours."
"I want to go in with him," you jump, standing straight suddenly.
Gavin grabs your arm, his expression wild and very unfavorable of your proposal. "Are you fuckin' nuts? I won't let you lock yourself in a room with two unknown robots. One of them is a fuckin' criminal, for fuck's sakes."
"Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Just rustles my jimmies," You quirk, placing your hands on Connor's shoulders and giving him a brief shove towards the door.
Your initiative is to comfort the Android before Connor questions him. As you've learned, when confronting a possible hostile, it's important to appear as small and submissive as possible if you have the intention of communicating with it. To do this, you made sure to squat beside him and watch his eyes and his LED. The Android appears bewildered, so you raise your hands so he sees them clearly.
"Hi, there. I'm one of the detectives here at the DPD. We aren't going to hurt you, I promise, okay? Let's get to know each other a bit, is that alright? May I ask your name?" You speak slowly and softly. It's important to make the hostile feel in control of the situation.
The Android is very tense, but his eyes are steady; Studying you.
"We won't hurt you if you tell us what we need to know, okay? I want to help your kind; make sure they get treated right, but I can't do that unless you tell me why you did it. Did your owner
 Was he hurting you? Is that why you're scared of me?"
Connor suddenly slams down into the chair across from the Android, making it jump and push you away. Your eyes narrow at Connor, who doesn't acknowledge your presence. He slides the file photos to the other side of the table as you stand and dust off your leggings, and stand behind him. "You recognize him? It's Carlos Ortiz. Stabbed, 28 times. That was written on the wall in his blood
Deciding your method was futile, you head back out of the interrogation room and into the one Hank and Gavin were in. Sighing softly, you run your hands through your loose hair and Gavin mirrors your breath of fatigue.
"I have some Hot Pockets in the freezer. C'mon," He says to you, his palm resting on your shoulder. You shrug and follow him out of the room and into the main section of the DPD. The office area is nearly deserted save for a few hard-working employees, diligently wearing their minds away at their desks.
You plop down in a plastic chair at a small circular table in the employee lunch break space, and lean your head against the surface. In the background, you catch the rustling of plastic bags as Gavin tosses some Hot Pockets in the microwave. While they cook, he seats himself across from you and runs his hands together in thought.
"That plastic bastard being here really pissed me off," He complains, his eyes dark.
"I don't mind him all that much, but he's so
 Cold," You reply, "But not even in a harsh or hateful way, more
 Blunt? Empty?"
"You mean, like a robot?" Gavin says snidely.
"I really hate that word, Gav."
"You know what I hate?" He responds, "Fuckin' machines comin' in and taking jobs. You remember Amber, the secretary?"
"She told me she was supporting four kids by herself. She got replaced last month, by guess what? An Android," He continues. "I grew up with kids whose dreams were shit on because machines did the job better. I was here thinkin' my job would be safe, 'cause God forbid one of those things take our Law Enforcement, but here we are."
The microwave beeps loudly, forcing Gavin to slam his seat back and retrieve the warm food. He tosses you a water bottle and refills his plastic seat, taking a Hot Pocket and sliding the paper plate to your side of the table.
"Has anyone ever told you how unlikable you are?"
"No fuckin' duh."
"I like you, despite that. You're real and honest," You announce, running your index finger along the rim of the plate. You tilt your head to the side and allow your cheek to press against the cool surface, your eyelids fluttering shut. "I've always been pretty liberal towards the Androids, but
 I guess I never considered how it affected other people until now. For someone so selfish and ambitious, you really care about others."
You can feel Gavin's eyes burning holes in your face, so you crack one of your own slightly to get a good look at him. His expression is deep, full of thought; when he realizes he's been caught, he scoffs nonchalantly and turns to face the counter on his left. His knee repeatedly hits the bottom of the table, a sign of his unease.
"Gavin— you always tell it how it is. No bluffing
" Your words drag off slowly as your exhaustion meets up with you, and you nearly slump off the side of the table. Gavin stands and gently adjusts you so you're not at a threat to tip out of your seat. The man heads back to the interrogation room.
"Goddamnit!" Gavin's voice rings in your ears, and you absentmindedly rub your eyes of the few minutes of sleep you could capture. You run your hand through your hair, blinking a few times to process the situation at bay.
Gavin is power strolling in your direction, his palms balled into violent fists. Brows drawn in furiously, he avoids your gaze and simply pulls at your arm. "Fuck it, let's go. I'm tired of their shit."
"What'd they do?" You inquire, voice a bit dry from your nap. Your bag is at your desk, so you wave away his hands and turn to walk backward in order to speak with the fuming man.
"Just being assh— Nothing, don't worry about it. None of your business, anyway."
"Whatever shit you put them through is my business, G," You say, the corner of your mouth quirked in harmless amusement. "You can't bully Hank too much, the old man might keel over and have a heart attack."
"I heard that!" Hank shouts from across the station. He too is coming to his desk.
You shrug your shoulders and face the surface of your workspace which is piled in manilla folders. You sigh softly and pass Gavin your sympathies. "I think I might have to stay in for a bit. I've been neglecting my files."
"Suit yourself. I'm heading home to my bed, 'cause I love myself," Gavin says, but he's already out the door before you can reply.
Hank's chair groans with his weight, and he twists it so he can see your expression; He studies it only for a moment. His fingers interlock as his elbows hit the desk, and the pads of his thumbs massage the bridge of his nose. "You gonna ask how it went?"
You laugh softly, your palm running over the top of the manilla folders. "Judging by Gavin's reaction? No, I don't think I will."
You spot Connor's silhouette before his body appears out of the hallway, as hardy as ever in his stride. You shouldn't be all that startled by his endurance, but you are dumbfounded nonetheless. How one can persist this continuously is astonishing. He is an Android, after all. If they weren't capable of such a feat, they wouldn't be as flawless as CyberLife seems to believe, but you suppose fortitude isn't their main concern in the dysfunction department at the time being.
"Shall we continue digging through deviant files, Lieutenant?" His bubbly voice asks, and you slam your forehead against your desk. Connor tilts his head in your direction, perplexed by your behavior. "Are you feeling unwell, Detective?"
He receives mumbling as your response. Fatigue is eating away at you like a disease, and the words that slipped from Connor's mouth make your thoughts spin rapidly. "No, no. Can we take a break?"
Hank groans low in his throat. "Fuck it, I'm going home."
He pulls himself up from his chair and stretches his arms in an attempt to wake. His body is nearly as droopy as the bags under his eyes, and he looks as if he might tip over should a light wind rustle through.
You scan over the pile of folders on your desk, and regret not leaving with Gavin, who you know would get you home safely, with your lack of car and all. You push your face against your forearm and sigh softly.
Hank glances you over briefly and bites his lip. "Uh, Connor, you mind?"
Connor blinks at him. "Mind what, Lieutenant?"
"Taking the girl home, damnit," Hank replies gruffly, gesturing lazily to the gloopy puddle that is you in your chair. "Detroit's not safe at night."
You peer up at him and study the wrinkles creasing his face. You blow air out onto your wrist while you slowly sit up. "Hank, aren't you going home?"
"Yeah— Just gotta hang back for a bit."
You bite back the urge to argue with him; However, Hank can immediately catch your internal battle, and he just barely smirks.
"If you know me at all, you'd know that I won't do more work than I have to," He reassures you, and gestures to the hallway, "Go. Get some sleep."
After careful consideration, you finally agree to let him be and collect your things so that Connor can walk you home. You used to live on your own, but you stayed over at Hank's or Gavin's so often that your rent was expensive and really wasn't worth the money. So, as a consequence, Gavin kindly let you move into the office in his apartment — And it turned out to be a wise choice, if not also the safest and easiest. Splitting the rent was simple enough, too.
The streets are dark as Connor trails just a step behind you, his silence leaving you awkward and uneasy. You attempt small talk — Asking his opinions on current issues, art, and nature — But he's blunt, in an oddly soft and sociable way. You don't think he realizes the tension; That, or he doesn't mind.
Overhead, birds' chatter is kept to a minimum, and there's always a distant siren— which does nothing to calm your nerves. You focus your attention instead on the beauty of Detroit, the way the lights curl amongst each other to create intricate value shadows. This lightens your mood by a landslide, and you find yourself cheery, even despite the dreary weather.
"Connor?" You test the waters again.
"Yes, Detective?" His tone is difficult to read.
"Do you believe in a higher power?" The question leads to deep answers, and likely more questions. You don't expect a detailed response.
In your peripheral, Connor's LED colors yellow, his brow line drawn in.
"Detective, I don't
 I don't have the necessary components to form my own opinions," His tone shifts to confusion, but in a vulnerable way, "But I can answer factual questions you might have."
"I detest factual conclusions, Connor," You say, fumbling with a clean tissue in the pocket of your coat, "They make for boring conversation."
A stale silence ensues. If anyone else were to walk you home, you'd feel their body warmth graze your side. You'd hear the way they inhale air and the way they exhale. How is it that he looks and sounds so human, but lacks many aspects of humanity that you'd never find yourself appreciating so much until now?
The gate to the apartment building shakes with the wind whistling through as you gently push it open. Connor doesn't stay far behind you as you slowly stride up the stairs to prevent any excessive creaking.
Once you've reached your door, you turn to face Connor with a small smile. He seems to return it, but likely just so you don't awkwardly stare at each other.
"I will head back to Cyberlife Tower, then. See you tomorrow morning, Detective," Connor says politely, and he descends down the stairs. A part of you wants to tell him to stay so that he's within an actual living space, but you imagine that wouldn't go well for a few reasons.
"U-Um, thanks for walking me home!" He's already gone, but you think he knows you're grateful.
"Yo," Gavin's gruff voice rings once you've locked the door, "Hank drive you?"
You place your bag down on the kitchen table and shake your head. Gavin is laying on the couch, his hood pulled up while he, seemingly, naps. Approaching the couch, you pull up his legs and sit down, letting them rest against your thighs. "Nope. Connor walked me home."
You can practically smell Gavin's apparent irritation. He scowls deeply. "You let the robot take you home? Do you realize how dangerous that is?"
"Oh, please, Gav— Not tonight, okay?" You push his legs off your lap and instead, crawl up onto his chest and rest your head on his clavicle. He sighs but doesn't say anything else.
After a few minutes, you whisper, "We should probably go to bed. Long day tomorrow."
He groans, his chest rumbling your entire upper frame. It's a telltale sign that neither of you are going to be moving until morning.
The tiny Detroit apartment is dark, save for the dim kitchen light hanging above the dining table. It has a yellow tint, making the space feel cheaper. Outside, the night spares only the chirpings of a few crickets; But the low hum of the heater helps swallow the silence.
"... Gavin?" You whisper, testing the waters. You peer up slowly to meet his dark eyes, but it's hard to capture the emotion with the lack of lighting, and it takes a second to realize they are closed. He makes a guttural sound in his throat to alert you of his acknowledgment.
"Do you
" You swallow. "Do you think
 Do you think that Androids ever get lonely?"
He remains silent a moment. "I, uh
 No, I don't. What makes you think that kind of shit?"
"I dunno, it's just—" You sigh. "I mean, how can they not? They don't get
 At the end of the day, they just— They just go back to their charging stations, or, or.. Cyberlife Tower, you know?"
"... Is this about that plastic fuck? Cuz, I really don't think you should be—"
"No, God, Gavin—! Listen," You bark softly, and he adjusts himself slightly, "It has nothing to do with Connor. You can call him that just so you know. Your little Android KKK group isn't going to come to hunt your ass down for calling him by his name."
Gavin scoffs, but it seems less malice and more offense.
"I just
 I can't imagine they don't feel lonely."
"Why do you care so much about how they supposedly feel?"
" You swallow again, trying to word it so that he might understand it.
"Because I know... That if it were me..." You pause, licking your lips. You take a second to trace Gavin's locked jaw with your eyes, and eventually, they travel up to his. His expression is hard.
"Because I'd want someone to give me the benefit of the doubt too— Even if I didn't know I wanted it yet."
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justauthoring · 5 years
False Hope [Jimmy Darling] (1/2)
Prompt: If only you hadn’t fallen in love with the freak.
A/N: I just couldn’t help myself. I love this boy and even though i’m only half way through the season, I already know this boy deserves better then what he got. Anyways, I meant for this to only be one part but it got to be a lot longer then originally intended so... part two?
Please don’t plagiarize my work! Word Count: 1,919
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“It’s late. I should be getting on home now.”
Jimmy holds fast the second you move to get up, fingers softly pressing into your hips as he tugs you back against himself. You don’t fight him, falling against him with a light giggle mix with a sigh as you let your head rest against his chest, your hand coming up to rest next to you.
“Stay here a while,” Jimmy murmurs, pressing a soft kiss against the top of your head. Your eyes flutter shut at the action, relishing in the moment briefly as his left hand rubs circles on your bare lower back. “It’s not safe for a lady like yourself to be walking home this late anyways.”
You roll your eyes at his comment, shifting slightly as you’re propped up on your elbows, able to meet Jimmy’s warm brown eyes easily and steadily. Your head comes to rest in either of your palms, smiling up at him softly as he leans his hand against his pillow comfortably, his curls brushing into his eyes slightly which causes him to blink them away once in a while. “The curfews been lifted, remember, darling? After you caught that maniac.”
Jimmy’s cheeks warm slightly, and he shakes his head, abashed. “I didn’t do nothing.” 
“You’re still a hero to me,” you shrug, moving your head to your left hand and allowing the right to draw soft circles in the middle of Jimmy’s chest where a small, light patch of dirty blonde hair resides. You lose yourself in the moment slightly, lost in your own thoughts as Jimmy watches you carefully, a soft smile on his lips as he takes in your beauty but his eyes concerned slightly at the frown that begins to curl on your lip.
Raising his hand, Jimmy’s careful to use his knuckles (still ashamed of his hands despite how many times he’s told you there ain’t anything to be ashamed of) to brush back some strands of your H/C hair out of your face. He dips his head slightly, enough that he can get a better look at you, the smile that had once occupied his lips fading as he frowns worriedly down at you. 
He doesn’t even have to ask to know what’s got you so worried.
“It’s your father isn’t it?”
Your flicker your eyes back up to his own at that. “Even after all these months, he still as cruel as ever. Half of the time I have to sneak off, or worse, he catches me and I have to fight to leave.”
“He don’t approve of me, do he?”
Biting your lip, you shake your head.
You catch it, just quick enough because Jimmy only does it for a faint second, but Jimmy’s eyes flicker down to his hands and as such, his hand that had once been cupping your cheek falls to his side with shame. Before he can though, you reach out to catch his hand, pulling his eyes sharply on your own as you press it against your lips, kissing his knuckles first before trailing up to the tips of his fingers. 
“He’s small-minded,” you say without a moments hesitation, keeping your eyes steady on Jimmy’s own. “He don’t see how wonderful you are, like I do. None of the people in this Godforsaken place do. But, Jimmy, there ain’t a damn thing he or anyone else can say to me that will change how I feel about you.” Pressing his hand against your cheek, you lower your voice to a whisper; “how much I love you.”
“But, maybe...” And Jimmy hesitates, clearly hating the words but unable to deny how he believes them to be true. “Your father’s right. You deserve someone more than a freak like me. Someone normal--”
“You’re not a freak.” You say firmly, promptly cutting off whatever other profanities and lies Jimmy was about to speak of himself. Setting your eyes, hard and determined but still filled with so much love, you squeeze Jimmy’s hand gently. “You’re Jimmy Darling. The man I love. The man who saved that woman and child from that maniac. The man that can sing like no other.” Letting out a soft laugh, your lips curve into a bright smile as you nuzzle into his touch. “That has never ever done anyone any wrong.”
Jimmy smiles, finally returning your grip as he pulls you close, pressing a kiss against your lips. It’s quick, but he pours every ounce of his gratitude into that kiss. He holds you tight and firmly and there isn’t an ounce of hesitance or doubt in him as he molds his lips against your own. And you return the kiss with just as much ferocity. Enough that you find yourself out of breath by the time either of you pull back.
“I wish I could just stay here with you forever.”
“Why don’t you.”
Jimmy’s words shock you. Yours had been a meaningless whisper -- it was something you truly did wish, but something you believed entirely impossible. You knew that your father would never let you leave, especially if he ever found out it was to be with Jimmy. You didn’t know how far your father would go to prove that, given that it was tough enough to even get out of the house for a few hours, but you didn’t want to test it either.
Jimmy easily understands.
“Well, why not?” He shrugs. “We may not have much, but we’re a family here. And i’m sure Elsa could find something for you to do around here. That way we wouldn’t have to hide, wouldn’t have to go days without seeing each other.”
“But, my father..,” you argue, shaking your head. “Even if I did manage to get out, he’d find us right away. He knows exactly where i’d go.”
“We’d deal with that when the time came but... we all love you here. We’d protect you.”
Jimmy words make you think. Moments ago, the entire idea had seemed impossible but you trusted Jimmy and you knew he meant his words. And the idea of being able to be with Jimmy, freely, was entirely to enticing and exciting and everything you’ve ever wanted to not even be tempted.
Cupping your cheek, Jimmy pulls your eyes on him; “pack your things tomorrow. Wait til your father leaves for work and then come here. Once you get here, we won’t let him touch you. I won’t let him touch you/”
You’re hesitant. You want to, but you fear your father and more so, his wrath.
Sensing this, Jimmy tightens his grip on you, just enough that it shows just how serious and determined he is. “I promise you.”
And when you look into his eyes, you see nothing but sincerity. 
“Okay,” you whisper, the crack of a smile growing onto your lips. “Let’s do it.”
Your father watched you constantly. When you were home, he always had at least an eye on you. It didn’t matter if it was actually him or one of his faithful servants that roamed the house consistently. There wasn’t anything you could do that he didn’t know about.
Until, you went to your room.
You don’t know why. You’ve never understood it. But, for as long as you can remember, your room has always been a place of solace. When you were a child, it was where you would break your dolls and throw tantrums. As a teenager, it’s where you would smoke and drink. It was where you broke every strict rule your father had ever put on your head in this prison.
A part of you knew that he he did know what went on behind the closed door of your bedroom. But he’d never stopped you, so you let your naivety get the best of you and believe that this fact alone would allow you to break free. Pack your things and leave when he did for work. His servants didn’t scare you, unlike he did, and they wouldn’t actually harm you. So, by the time he ever found out, you’d be long gone with Jimmy and him and the rest of his friends would protect you from any harm.
You’d acted like nothing was different. You packed quick, rapidly and you made sure to be out of your room by the time your father was leaving for work so you could kiss him on the cheek goodbye like you always had. 
You truly believed nothing had been out of the ordinary.
In the end, it was your naivety you cursed.
When you thought your father was long gone, you were in your room, gathering your things. Your heart raced with fear and anticipation but also excitement. The idea of finally being able to free had you bouncing with happiness and you couldn’t wait until you were back with Jimmy, safe in his grasp.
But the second you opened your bedroom door, all hopes of that happiness was crushed.
Your father, face red in anger, didn’t respond to your cry. Instead, he simply yanked the suitcase out of your hand and tossed it behind him, it thudding loudly against the wall before crashing against the ground, cracking open, your clothes and other necessities spilling across the floor. His actions caused you to flinch in fear, instinctively taking a step back, but your father snatched your wrist before you could make it very far.
“You really think i’d let my daughter run off with some freak?”
Feeling anger flood you at the cruel insult, your eyes flash. “He isn’t a freak! He’s--”
Before you can say anything more, there’s a sharp sting across your cheek and you find yourself falling back, landing on the ground with a harsh thud. A gasp rips through your throat in response and your wide eyes flicker up to meet the frightening ones of your father as he descends upon you.
He crouches before you and you feel your eyes water, moving to crawl back, but your father simply grabs your ankle, yanking you towards him with a simple tug. “I’ll show you,” he begins, voice gruff, “i’ll show you the kind of freak he is. The monster that boy is. I’ll help you learn, darling. I promise.”
Heart spiking, you let out a cry, slapping away the hand your father extends towards you away. His surprise allows you to yank your foot out of his grasp and scramble up to your feet, moving to race out of your door. Screw your belongings, you just need to get to Jimmy. He’ll protect you. He’ll keep you safe.
However, the second you make it to the door, two hands grab either of your arms.
“No! Let me go! Let me go!”
The servants holding you turning you, so that you can stare up at your father as you kick your feet wildly beneath you and tears stream pathetically down your cheeks. Your father simply stares down at you, his eyes emotionless, before he turns to the servant on your left.
“Throw her down in the basement.”
Your eyes widen at that. “What?” You cry, your struggling increasing tenfold as your heart drops with terror. “No, wait! Please! I’ll be good! I won’t go! Just please don’t put me down there!” 
Your father simply takes your chin his hands, tsking down at you. “Some isolating will do you good, baby. I promise.”
The next second, you find yourself being dragged backwards.
“NO! Please, daddy! No! Please!”
To be continued?
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crystalninjaphoenix · 4 years
Scary Stories
A Horror Septics Short
“...and all that was left were the bones! Ooooo!” The teenage storyteller lowered the flashlight, looking around at his audience—three other teens, all of whom looked very unimpressed. “Well? Not even a ‘oh no’?”
“I saw that coming from a mile away, Derrick,” said one of the others, adjusting her pointed glasses.
“Oh come on.” Derrick frowned. “You could’ve at least pretended to like it.”
“Your voice isn’t really cut out for horror, anyway,” said another, poking the campfire with a stick. 
“Well, can any of you do better?” Derrick looked around at the circle. The four friends were sitting on chairs, set around the central fire pit. There was a picnic table nearby with a kerosene lamp providing extra light, and a large tent big enough to fit all four of them. The campsite was a bit isolated, surrounded by large trees that hid the light of other fires lit by other campers. 
“Honestly, I don’t think any scary stories can get to me anymore,” one said.
“Oh really?” Asked the one in the glasses. “Why’s that, Winston?”
“Don’t say my name like that,” Winston scowled underneath the brim of his baseball cap. “And it’s because, Lilah, I know it’s all not real. I mean, yeah, if the story’s good it’ll come back to haunt me late at night, but that’s when all judgement has been abandoned. I can’t find a story anymore that’s good enough to freak me out as it’s happening.”
“Creepypasta has ruined you,” the last one muttered.
“That it has, Charlie. That it has.”
“Okay, I got an idea. Derrick, pass me the torch.” Lilah reached over and the flashlight, shining it under her face as was typical of scary-storytelling, though the illusion was a bit ruined by the sparkly pink ribbon in her hair. “Let me tell you an actual, real-life scary story. Let’s see if that rustles your jimmies, Win.”
“Let’s see if it does.” Winston smiled, settling back into his chair.
“So. You all know my cousin Eve, right?” Lilah started.
“The journalist one, right?” Derrick asked.
“Well, kinda. What she does is she writes articles for a travel magazine. So she goes around Europe, finding cities that don’t have much of a tourist industry and looking for things about them that would, like, draw people to the place. Also she had a partner, Kyle, who she had to write articles with.”
“Ugh, Kyle,” Charlie commented. “What a name.”
“Oh yeah, Kyle sucked. Whenever the family met up, Eve would always complain about him.” Lilah shook her head. “He was like, the kind of guy who always thought he knew best, and when people contradicted him he’d be all like, ‘yeah, sure.’ Then he went ahead and talked shit about them. She always had to double-check their articles before they went up to make sure he didn’t add any bullshit. Needless to say, he didn’t like her much either.”
All the teens muttered among themselves. The disapproval was clear. “Anyway, Eve and Kyle get assigned to go to this city in Germany,” Lilah continued. “And it’s like, a nice place. Clean, has some neat museums, the hotel they’re staying in is pretty swanky. So far, Eve is taking some favorable notes for the article. Kyle is annoyed at everything, though, bitching about how the service is terrible even though there’s nothing wrong with it.”
“Okay, so that’s the set up, what happened to change it?” Charlie asked.
“So, end of the first day, dawn of the second. Eve’s taken notes of everything they could do in town, and she goes down to the hotel desk to get advice on what’s best. The hotel clerk is friendly, answers all the questions. It all goes normally, until right at the end of the conversation, when the clerk said, ‘oh yes, you und your frund vould do vell to be off ze ztreets by nightfull.”
Winston suddenly burst out laughing. “Is that supposed to be a German accent?!”
“Yeah, what’s that supposed to mean?” Lilah said defensively.
“I’ve heard more realistic accents from children’s shows!”
“What, can you do better?” Lilah muttered.
“Ah, in fact, I can!” Winston said, putting on an accent. “And I say your accent is simply terrible, Fraulein!” 
“Hey, we’re not here to judge by the quality of the accent, only the spookiness of the story,” Derrick said. “Keep on keepin’ on, Lilah.”
“Thanks, Derr,” Lilah said, grinning. “Anyway, the clerk says not to be on the streets after nightfall. Eve asks why, and the clerk says, ‘it gets very dangerus out zere, zat iz all. I vould hate for anyzing to happen to—’”
“Oh my god, stop, it’s hard to hear!” Winston groaned.
Lilah made a face in his direction, but obliged. “ The clerk says, ‘I would hate for anything to happen to you and your friend.’ Which is a bit sketch, and Eve knows it. She mentions this to Kyle, because even though Kyle’s a bitch she doesn’t want him to get physically hurt, and he’s just like, ‘This clerk was a girl, right? Of course she doesn’t want to walk out late at night.’”
“Ohhh, fuck this dude,” Derrick said.
“Fuck it sooo muuuch,” Charlie added.
“Right?!” Lilah nodded furiously. “Like, at this point with Eve telling this story, I was like, ‘I hope this dude gets eaten by a wolf.’”
“Wait, where did the wolf come from?” Winston asked.
“Shit, I forgot about that. Anyway,” Lilah continued. “They go throughout the city, visiting restaurants and these museums and looking around at the local architecture. At dinnertime, they go to this seafood place, and get chatting with the waiter. They mention they’re from out of town, and that they’re writing an article on the city to hopefully help out tourism. The waiter says, “Vell—sorry, well, if you are from out of town, you should know not to stay out after dark.’ Eve, having heard this for the second time, asks, ‘Why, what happens?’ And the waiter says, ‘Uh, well, we have some problems with wild dogs. They hunt at night.’ And Kyle says, ‘Well, that’s not gonna bring in the tourists.’” Lilah paused while all the others groaned. “So, after dinner, Eve notices it’s getting late, and convinces Kyle to go back to the hotel with her. But of course, he complains about it, and says that they have to check out the nightlife in town and see if there are any after dark specials running.”
“Well, from a business standpoint, he’s got a point,” Winston said. “I mean, he doesn’t have to be an asshole about it, but that is their job.”
“And I’m sure Eve would’ve agreed with you,” Lilah nodded. “But she’s noticing something weird. Most of the local shops and businesses are closing up. Not any of the chains, like McDonald’s or...I don’t know, chain clothing businesses. But the businesses unique to the city, that she’d usually be checking out and putting in the article? Closed. So she thinks there might be something to this. And, in the morning, she goes down to the lobby and there’s a local woman there. Eve starts chatting with her, and eventually the woman says ‘Oh, you are a visitor? Make sure to not go out after sunset, there are some gangs in the area that roam around after dark.’”
“Wait, what?” Charlie perked up, at attention. “Two different excuses? Ohhh that’s not a good sign.”
“Eve thought the same thing,” Lilah said gravely. “And she drew two conclusions. Either there are both wild dogs and street gangs, or the real reason why you shouldn’t go out at night is much worse than either of those. So it’s the third day they’re there, and it goes generally normally, but Eve and Kyle keep getting the same sort of thing whenever locals find out they’re not from around town: don’t go out after nightfall. So, most people would decide not to go out that night, right? Wrong!” Lilah jabbed her finger in the air. “Because here’s Kyle, an asshole who thinks he knows better than anyone else who’s ever lived. He starts to leave the hotel room, and Eve tries to stop him. Instead of doing literally anything sensible, Kyle blows up that she’s always been jealous of him and has always tried to stop him from succeeding, then storms off.”
Winston let out a long, low whistle. “Let me guess, he died?”
“Hmmm I didn’t say that,” Lilah said slowly. “So, Eve goes down and tries to stop him, but he’s already left, and it’s after sunset at this point. The clerk is like, ‘I saw your friend run off. Poor guy. Anyway, would you like some room service?’ Clearly trying to bribe her into staying in the hotel. Eve’s a bit nervous about Kyle, but she really doesn’t want to go out, so she stays in the room. Kyle doesn’t show up the next day, and she calls the local police, worried something happened. They say they’ll get on it, but in that tone of voice that suggests there’s nothing that can be done about this.”
“So, the Kyle guy just disappeared?” Derrick asked.
“Oh, no, not at all.” Lilah’s voice turned low and serious. “About a month later, she’s back home, she gets a call from this out-of-country number. And it’s a police officer from this German city. They need her to come in real quick so she can identify this head they found.”
There was a sharp inhale throughout the circle. “Just the head?” Charlie asked.
“So, Eve goes down to Germany,” Lilah continued. “She sees the head, and yeah, it’s Kyle. Missing his eyes and teeth and with a big hole in the back of the head. She asks the police what happened, and they found the head in a dumpster, along with a bunch of...flesh. And itty bitty pieces of shattered bones.”
Charlie covered their mouth. “Oh my god
“That is so fucked,” Derrick muttered.
Lilah looked over at Winston. “Well? What d’you think, Mr. Horror Aficionado?”
Winston adjusted his cap. “Pretty good.”
“‘Pretty good’?!” Lilah repeated. “This guy disappears, and the next month, he’s in pieces!”
“I’ve heard it before,” Winston said, a little smugly.
“Yeah, in stories, I have too!” Lilah put down the flashlight, and put her head in her hands. “This is something that actually happened to a guy my cousin knew, worked with a lot! And they never caught whoever did it, apparently!”
“Wait, how do you know they never caught them?” Derrick asked. “Do you just go down to—what’s the city name again?”
“Ah, I don’t remember,” Lilah shrugged. “Something that started with an A.”
“Do you just go down there regularly?”
“Well, no, but most serial killers don’t get caught, and given how everyone knew about this shit happening in the city, I’m assuming that’s what it is.”
“Where’d you hear that, Buzzfeed Unsolved?” Winston asked.
“Oh, speaking of which,” Charlie jumped in. “Did you guys see the last one? Of the last True Crime season? The finale?” The other three made various negative noises. “Oh.” Charlie shrugged. “I just thought it was funny.”
“What’s the case?” Winston asked.
“Oh, a recent one. I mean, like, two years ago. A YouTuber disappeared. And the boys went on this whole tangent about what if they disappeared.”
Lilah frowned. “How do YouTubers just...disappear? Wouldn’t people notice if they stopped uploading?”
“Not if it was a kinda small one,” Derrick pointed out.
“Well, this guy wasn’t small,” Charlie said. “He had like...ten million subscribers. But a few months before he disappeared he said he was gonna take a break from uploading and other media, so I don’t think the community noticed when he actually disappeared. Though, I guess they started wondering eventually...and that’s why it’s a famous case. Dude straight-up left. Why? The case remains...unsolved.”
“Maybe he just got tired of YouTube drama,” Winston muttered.
Charlie frowned. “I don’t think so. Personally, I think he went kinda crazy. Like...actually had problems or something. After watching the Unsolved episode, I went to look at his last uploaded videos and they were...weird. I’d link you the episode and the video, but y’know. No wifi.”
“Feel free to send it later, sounds interesting,” Winston said. “Anyway—”
“Do you guys hear that?” Derrick interrupted.
“Hear what?” Lilah asked.
The group fell silent. After a few seconds, Charlie said, “I don’t hear anything.”
“Exactly.” Derrick frowned. “There were, like, crickets. But they just stopped.”
“...huh,” Winston said. “That’s weird. Why—”
“Oh my god!” Lilah pointed at something. “What’s that?!”
The group all turned, and saw a shadow, flickering against a tree in the light caused by the campfire. It got bigger, and shifted, and a large man rounded out from behind one of the nearby pine trees. “Sorry, did I frighten you?” he asked in a low, rumbling voice.
” Derrick looked around the group, then back at the man. He looked a bit like a lumberjack, with a big bushy beard and a flannel, but the illusion was ruined a bit by the patterned pajama pants. “A little bit, sir.”
“Hmm.” The man nodded slowly. “It wasn’t my intention. I heard you kids discussing...scary stories?”
“Um, yeah,” Charlie said, picking up the stick they’d been using to poke the fire. “I mean, not exactly stories. True stories, I guess.”
“True stories,” the man repeated, nodding again. “I see.” He walked over to the picnic bench and sat down, stumbling on the last few steps. “Well, I have a few true stories of my own. Would you like to hear one?”
The teens exchanged looks, clearly uneasy. Lilah slowly reached into her pocket, seeming to grab something. “Uh...sure, mister,” she said.
“Excellent.” The man leaned forward, the firelight casting deep shadows on his face. “This is a true story, as well. It took place over a hundred years ago. There was a...person.”
“You don’t sound too sure about that,” Winston muttered. All the others instantly made shushing sounds at him.
“There was a person,” the man repeated, unphased. “They were a dollmaker.” Winston rolled his eyes quietly. Of all the group, he was the only one who was unphased by the appearance of a tall, burly man in the middle of the woods. He seemed more interested in critiquing the story’s cliches. “What did they do with these dolls? Which one became evil?”
“This is not a story about dollmaking,” the man said, suddenly stern. “I’m telling you what they do so that you can better understand. The dollmaker puts—put pride and care in their creations, trying to make them last as long as possible. Their life was average, for what they were. Until one day. The dollmaker was home, just about considering going out and starting on another doll, when the phone rang. Now, this was odd. This was long before phones could be carried about in your pocket, and in fact, phones were a new device. A phone had to be wired to a house, and the house the dollmaker was in had no phone wires connecting it. But they were curious, and thinking a friend had found a way to call them, they picked up the phone. ‘Hello?’ they said. But there was no answer. Just the vague crackling of static before it was called so. And after a moment, the dollmaker heard their own voice repeated back to them. ‘H-he-he-hello-o-o?’ Strange. Though the dollmaker said more, the other end never said anything else. So they thought it was a mistake, and dropped it.
“But the next day, the phone rang again. The dollmaker answered it again. And there was indeed a voice on the other end this time, but it was breaking, barely able to be understood as a voice and not just some strange noises. The dollmaker was not dull, it—they knew something strange was happening, knew something was behind it. But they were overconfident. They believed that whatever was calling could not touch them. The phone rang three more times over the following week, and they didn’t answer it at all.
“Then, one day. The dollmaker returned, having been out all night making a doll. And the lights of the house were flickering. Strange. The dollmaker went inside, and the phone started ringing once more. This time, they picked it up. The same voice was on the other end, though they still couldn’t understand what it was saying. Uneasy, the dollmaker dropped the phone. And then they looked out the window.
“There was something there. A many-eyed something, pressed against the glass, smearing blood across it. And it smiled at the dollmaker, and said something that was utterly incomprehensible, but somehow—somehow understandable. ‘I will make you mine,’ it said. ‘I will take what is yours and use it.’ And the dollmaker was frightened for the first time in m—in their long life. So they ran.
“They ran for three years. No matter where they went, the many-eyed thing was always right on their trail. Sometimes it caught up, and they had to fight it, and barely got away. After every conflict, they grew weaker. And the next time it caught up, they were not prepared. They were hiding in a house up north, alone with a single doll who they eventually lost. And when the many-eyed thing showed up, they couldn’t run fast enough. It took...them.
“It was nineteen years before they could find their way out. By then, they could not speak. They could not walk. They could not do half the things they once could, and spent one year with their friend in the wilds, finding new ways to do what they needed. And the many-eyed thing was still out there. Decades passed, and they heard of similar things happening to others, including a doctor who is very like themselves. Nobody and nothing is safe. The eyes continue to lurk.”
Complete and total silence fell. The group of four stared, wide-eyed, at the man. Even Winston, so cocky and unafraid before, was speechless, looking around as a chill ran down his spine.
The man stood up, the movement so quick it caused the four teens to jump. “Well, I’d best be going. You kids here for any longer?”
After a moment, Derrick cleared his throat and answered, “We’re going to leave in the morning.”
Suddenly, Charlie shrieked. Everyone tensed and looked over at them. “S...sorry,” they said. “I just thought I saw something...there.” They pointed at the tree behind the man—or rather, above the man, at the branches above his head.
“Don’t worry about it,” the man said dismissively. “There’s all sorts of wildlife out here.”
“It looked...big,” Charlie said hesitantly.
“Then it was your imagination.” The man tilted his head, and turned on his heel. Without another word, he left.
The total silence continued for a few moments more. Then Charlie jabbed their stick at the fire, and it started crackling again, the crickets chirping once more. “Should we...go to bed?” Lilah asked.
“Maybe some of us...but not all of us,” Winston said slowly. “Just to be...safe.”
Nobody said what they were trying to be “safe” about. Maybe none of them knew. But slowly, the group dispersed, and over time, fell asleep.
When they were leaving in the morning, they passed by a woman talking to one of the rangers, practically frantic. Her husband had disappeared last night. Nobody had heard anything. Anything at all.
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Hey, babe! I'd like to submit a request for a Roman Godfrey x female reader work. He and the reader are still in high school, and food friends (with benefits) but nothing more. He normally drives her back to his house after school once a week to 'study' and then maybe spends the weekends at her house when her parents/family aren't home (maybe some car sex as well?) but when he sees another guy (anyone, either character or hypothetical) start to talk to her more and more often he gets possessive.
(A/N): Hello lovely!
Thank you for this ask, it low key got me quite good and exploring some darker side of writing...
Also since I know that I low key might have gone a bit outside of this ask (you said “car sex” and I was like... fainting at the ground), so please if it sucks or anything, just let me know and I’ll write something better!
Thank you for the ask, I honestly loved it!
And keep them coming!
WARNINGS: Rough Jealous Unprotected (You know the drill boys: no condom, no sex) Sex, Creampie, Fingering, Dirty Talk, Light Choking, Restraints (hands restraining) and just generallly car sex and Roman being an asshole, but we love him for this!
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Whenever you would wear that skirt, Roman wasn’t able to contain himself.
And you knew it.
So, he knew that whenever he would see you with that black pleated skirt, you were teasing him to his death.
But that day, after he had graciously put his hand under your skirt, you had immediately screeched and backed up, in the little space of his vintage car, which you loved almost more than Roman, himself.
You had sent him a glare that usually would have frozen anyone on the spot, except Roman, who had grown some kind of immunity to your glares, since he received many, each day.
He tried another attempt, but this time you slapped his hand away, before humming annoyedly something about an appointment.
 what is that, sweetheart?” he asked jokingly, raising your chin to meet his eyes, staring deep into you, seeing your annoyance, although he could totally also see some kind of interest on your part.
“I can’t fool around today, I have a project to create” you repeated, spelling anything slowly, as if you were explaining to a child, which got Roman to roll his eyes, but what gave him an heart attack were the following words you spoke “
 Jim should come by in a few minutes”.
He wasn’t sure her had heard you right and sent you a dumbfounded look.
“What is it?” you asked, adjusting yourself, since before he tried to sneak his hand in your panties, you had been making out passionately, since he was sure you would be continuing this in her home, since your parents had left for the weekend, and you had an empty house.
It was tradition for him to spend every night when your parents were out, at your house, at first just as friends sharing a pop-corn bowl and watching a movie, but as soon as he had noticed you growing up and blossoming into a woman, your plans together where certainly less chaste.
You had always known each other since you were just children, since Roman had been pulling on her braids and he kept on doing that, but in a much more pleasurable way

“You are having a boy over?” he asked, clearly hoping he hadn’t heard right.
Their relationship wasn’t exclusive, but half of the school knew better than to bother who was universally recognized as “Roman Godfrey’s girl”, and the other half didn’t seem interested in you or had been threatened by Roman, himself.
Also, since your “agreement” had started, Roman, himself had stopped hanging out with any girl that wasn’t you, although flirting wasn’t off the limits, and he still felt your annoyance, whenever he would be doing it, straight up next to you.
But it was all worth it, whenever you would push him, almost jumping on him, in the first secluded area, you could find.
“I am not having a boy over” he breathed down a big huff of relief, but before he could bring himself to breath properly again, you spoke again “
 he is just coming over this afternoon so that we can work on a project”.
“What kind of project?” he mumbled, harshly, although he knew which project Jim, or whatever his name was, wanted to work on: nobody dared to make a move on you, because Roman was there but he knew that you were one of the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
 the English Literature project” you huffed out, a bit annoyed, as if you didn’t sense Roman’s jealousy “
 you were paired with Peter, so I had to choose another, and Jim seemed to need help, so
He could detect, still, a bit of jealousy on your side, mostly because he had been working a lot with Peter, lately, not because he actually liked spending time with the werewolf (well he did, but he didn’t want to admit it) but because he was actually busy trying desperately to solve the mysteries around the murders happening in Hemlock Grove.
That was also why, he didn’t want another male near you, knowing it might end up being the murder who was targeting girls mostly.
“Are you jealous of Peter?” he tried to tease you, to alleviate the annoying heavy mood which had set through his mind, after the news about Jim.
You simply rolled your eyes and shot him an annoyed look, mumbling:
“No, I am not” and then you, as the little minx you were, moved your hand towards his crotch, in a teasing attempt, meanwhile Roman was too taken aback “
 why should I be jealous, when you always come back to me?”.
And then you leaned in for a soft kiss, just a chaste push of your lips against his, and as soon as it had started, it was over, and you opened the door to Roman’s car.
He thanked his strange reflexes, for his ability of reaction.
He grabbed roughly your wrist, making you whine at the rough grip, and pushed you back into the car seat, locking with his other hand the door of the car, meanwhile he crowded you against the door.
It took you a moment to react, screaming at Roman about what the hell he was doing.
“I have an appointment in five minutes with Jim” you reminded him, trying to push him away, kicking and twisting your arms, now in his strong grip “
 you better release me before I kick you in the balls, Godfrey”.
“You aren’t going nowhere, (Y/N)” his voice had gripped a dark point, but as he moved a knee against your legs, to prop them open, he found a pleasant discovery: wetness coated your thighs, meaning that even more coated your core “
 you are soaked, and certainly not for Jim”.
“It is very bold of you to assume that it is for you” your blush showed your true emotions, and as Roman brushed his knee closer to your molten core, you tried to straddle it, in a useless attempt to relieve the pression inside yourself, just to hear a dark laugh leave Roman’s mouth.
“And you still manage to rut on my thigh as a bitch in heat
” the blush on your pretty cheeks became even darker, and he felt the warmth on them as he leaned down for a kiss, much less chaste than the one you had shared before, pushing his tongue in your mouth and biting roughly on your upper lip, drawing blood.
It hurt, and it showed on your eyes, but you didn’t seem to care, spitting on his face, which got him to react roughly, switching the grip of both your arms to one hand, so the other could push itself between your legs, finding your panties full of wetness, and your core definitely warm and aroused.
You pushed yourself against his hand, moaning softly, rutting indeed like “a bitch in heat” into him and his hand.
 you say have an appointment, but I don’t see you dying to meet your beloved Jimmy” he made fun of you, finishing his discourse, delivering a sound slap to your clothed core.
You whined lowly, trying to keep your tone down, due to being in an extremely public space.
You were thankful your little black skirt covered Roman’s big hand; the road wasn’t trafficked mostly at that hour, since everyone was either at their work or already at home, but you didn’t want to show yourself to a noisy neighbor.
But you weren’t able to contain the following moan, high-pitched and free, when Roman moved two fingers into your womanhood, slipping them easily due to all the slickness he had collected, setting a rough pace, but that kept you unable to breath, only able to groan gently into Roman’s ear, meanwhile he teased her both with his fingers and words.
“Are Jimmy’s fingers making you feel good, right now, sweetheart?” he stated, puncturing each word with a sharp thrust of his fingers, which hit you deep and teased that spot inside of you that got you mewling of pleasure, biting your bloody lip.
The taste of iron in your mouth made you ecstatic, but it was Roman who was looking at you as if he hadn’t seen anything more delicious.
“I am going to make sure that it is only me you are going to yearn for, from now on”.
And before you knew it, his fingers were out of you, and you pouted, just to be pushed onto Roman’s laps.
His hand went around your throat, loosely, and his other took himself out from his pants and boxers, after he had barely pushed aside your panties.
You welcomed him warmly and certainly, if the hiss he let out was any indication, he appreciated it, almost as the startled but pleasured moan that escaped your lips, before your hips started bouncing on their own on him.
As he got back from the initial shock, he pushed into her with much more violence, his grip around her throat becoming tighter and he smirked at you, eyeing the way your body was reacting to his thrust, the only thing that could be better was your naked body against his.
But running against time, you didn’t have the luxury of undressing, completely.
“You should be studying with dear Jimmy Boy, and you are here,  bouncing on my cock, like the little pretty whore, I know you are” he taunted you, pushing himself deep inside you, in a slow thrust that made you feel each inch of his adored length “You better hurry up, or he might catch us”.
The thrill of it had you almost coming in that moment, but you were stopped by Roman’s dark glare, and an intimidation of his words, ushering you to come back before you went too far.
 don’t you dare finishing without me” and he pushed you closer to him “
 you are here just for my pleasure don’t you forget it”.
And you couldn’t help but nod, into his grip, pushing yourself to slow her rhythm, completely feeling him against her, in a slow dance, till he indeed let out an hazy whimper, falling and pushing himself over the edge, but worst of all coming in you.
You screeched and immediately pushed him out of her, taking advantage of the loosened grip on her throat, and saw half of his cum leave her center, staining his expensive pants, meanwhile he looked at her sheepishly.
“Did you just cum in me, asshole?!” you replied, angrily, seeing half of his seed, falling down her legs.
“Thank God, you are on birth control!” he mumbled jokingly, meanwhile he reached out for his lighter and his pack of cigarettes, just getting a roll of eyes from you, before you grabbed him by his shirt, regaining the upper hand and forcing him to face you.
“You are nothing but a jealous spoiled boy” and you bit his lip, before pushing yourself off of him, trying some kind of damage control on your body and clothes with your paper tissues, before you readjusted your aspect, checking yourself in the mirror of the car.
Roman stared at you for the entire time, amazed by that daily ritual, but he was snapped back by the deaf sound of the mirror of the car being put back in its place and the car door being opened, meanwhile she put her backpack on one shoulder.
“At what hour, tonight?” he joked, just to receive the infamous “bird” and for her to move away, meanwhile he laughed, trying to clean himself up, although the stain would have stuck till it got washed, but it got him an infinite amount of satisfaction to know that you had some of him inside yourself.
He spied in the mirror on your side, you meeting with a disgruntled boy, who immediately lighted up as you smiled at him, but what got him to smirk and leave happy and satiated, was the little trick of cum he saw on her inner thighs, as she moved to go up the stairs.
His work there was done.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 109 2Xs2) "Welcome To The Hotel Diablo"
@crystalbaby12 @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @5sosfam1dlover @rosefilledhearts-blog
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El Diablo begins play as the lights go up. The masses lose their minds at the sight of the full stage. Luna's next to Colson with Casie. Pete, Ashleigh, Dom and Ashley are close by. Sam's near Baze as Dub, Noah, Mod, Caroline, Naomi, Trippie and Skies spread out around them.
Only Colson has a mic but you can barely hear him as everyone rapid fires the lyrics with him. Luna dances with Pete, Ashleigh and Casie while teasing Colson as he moves around his friends on stage. All of them loudly shouting how they KEEP THEIR CIRCLE TIGHT.
It's a fun and unique sight. Something that will never be recreated again. A true gift from Colson to his original fan base.
"THANK YOU!! WE FUCKING LOVE YOU FAM!! SEE YOU AT ESTFEST!!" Colson screams as the lights go down one final time.
Kissing Casie's cheek, he glances over at Ashleigh. Her nod tells him she's Got It. With that, he slings a squealing Luna over his shoulder and trots OffStage. He's got his own Backstage Ritual to attend to.
"That was so fucking intense, Bunny!" Luna exclaims once Colson sets her down.
"I know." His mouth buzzes into her's as they strip off each other's clothes.
Colson lifts Luna up onto the small table against the wall. Having lit a joint as he carried her down the hall, she lifts it to his lips.
"I love you." He lightly chuckles as he exhales.
Guiding his thick cock into her warm pussy, Luna groans out in pleasure. Wrapping her legs around him to pull him in closer as he begins to thrust into her. Luna sucks on Colson's neck before lifting the joint to his lips. Grabbing her by the back of her neck, he kisses her hard. Exhaling his hit and filling her lungs.
The extra carbon dioxide makes Luna heady. She closes her eyes and runs her hands through Colson's hair. Enjoying his cock as he plays with her pierced nipples and nibbles on her ear. There's a sweet electricity to Colson and Luna's sex. It's passionate and rough but not aggressive.
Clenching herself around his dick, Luna lowly moans out Colson's name. Letting him wash over her as she gets them high. Colson grips her ass and lower back, making his way deeper into her. With her head back and neck exposed, Colson draws his tongue over her tattooed skin before opening wide and biting her JUST enough to make them both cum.
"Holy FUUUUUCK, Bunny!!" Luna cries out as her body shakes with his in pleasure.
"Can't say I don't know your spots." Colson sighs with a grin as he kisses her.
"I love you too." Floats from between Luna's lips in a content sigh as she closes her eyes and leans her forehead against his.
Dressed in a pair of tight, black shorts, sheer tights, a printed black tank and knee high black boots, Luna's hair is still loose. Colson had tossed on a dark T and jeans while Luna had cut out their lines. Burning, kissing and snorting before making their way BackStage.
Everyone's in high spirits, celebrating the epic show and album's success. Casie reminds her dad of the necklaces and helps Colson pass off the coveted Double X chains to Naomi, Trippie, Ashleigh, Skies and Dub. They all go on to toast Colson, Hotel Diablo's release and each other while hugging and joking together.
It's not long before they have to head out to Velvet Dog for the release party. Casie gets huge GoodByes and Love before Bullet leads her and Ashleigh out to a private SUV. Her and Bullet will meet back up with them after dropping off Casie to Emma.
The rest of them pile into multiple other SUVs. They're headed DownTown to a smaller, more intimate nightclub. Each of them chatting, drinking and getting stoned along the way in the five seperate vehicles.
Leaving Agora wasn't a problem. Pulling up to Velvet Dog, they can see it's gonna be much more of a hassle getting in there. Fans and The Paparazzi are surrounding it from all angles. The venue's own security is doing it's best at controlling the chaos. Benny's driving Colson, Luna, Rook, Baze and Sam.
"What do you wanna do, Kells?" Benny asks looking over his shoulder.
"Fuck it, make a path and let's get the fuck in there." He shrugs at Benny. Turning to Luna, he looks at her seriously. "Do NOT let go of my hand." He asserts before kissing her.
Luna nods a silent Yes as Benny taps on the window. Grabbing Luna's hand, he confirms everyone's ready before opening the door. Making Luna laugh when he shouts WE OUT.
Outside in the dark it's bright. It's loud. People are aggressive and Colson is on a mission. Clutching Luna's hand, he pulls her through the crowd behind Benny. Colson's super focused. Knowing how much she hates crowds, he's trying to successfully get them inside before anyone can stop them, seperate them or say anything to piss either of them off.
He does. Like a champion. Winning him a thousand happy kisses from a grateful Luna.
Inside is just as crazy. Record executives are there. Other artists from Interscope. More family and friends from Cleveland along with fellow supportive friends who flew in from LA and Philly.
Normally ones to seperate and work their own aspects of a room, Colson keeps Luna close to him tonight. She doesn't mind, happily staying by his side as he introduces her to those she doesn't know and they greet mutual acquaintances and friends they have together. Watching them in action, they truly are a Power Couple. Both of them smart, charming, gorgeous and engaging. Easily laughing and enjoying each other as they glide through to the nightclub celebrating Colson and The Boys.
They run into Johnny, Colson's partner in his 27 Club coffee venture. Unlike Dub, Johnny isn't leery of Luna. Colson listening with amusement as the two easily connect over music, the pain of starting up a business and his shocking love of her paintings.
"Yeah, I caught your exhibit back in '15.... Your shit is incredible. I wanted to buy a piece but none of it was for sale surprisingly..." Johnny trails off with furrowed eyebrows.
"That's myyy girl for ya." Colson laughs as he tosses his arm carefully around Luna's shoulders. "Dawg, she's a snob. She don't sell shit... if I didn't hear them myself, I wouldn't even believe she has seven fucking records!" He laughs looking down at Luna's rolling eyes as he kisses her forehead.
"Maaan..." Luna begins to whine with a smile.
"Why don't you sell your stuff?" Johnny asks.
"I hate you." Luna lightly chuckles as she nuzzles her head against Colson's chest before answering Johnny. "Most of my physical work is made for someone or something intentional. I'm not comfortable with someone else owning something that holds my intimacy with another." She tries to explain to his accepting nod.
"So then why release your music?" Colson challenges her.
"Because that's universal.... And it's MY guts I'm bearing not some..."
"You got like 20 mins, Kells." Ashleigh interupts them.
"Oh shit, alright. You coming with me, Kitten?" He asks looking down at her.
"Of course." She reassures with a smile. "We'll catch up later. It was a pleasure to meet you." Luna beams as she shakes Johnny's hand.
Before he can agree, she's gone. Hand in hand with Colson. Blonde hair trailing behind her like a memory.
Their performances during the record release party were equally on point. Some more fun while others are more thought provoking and gut wrenching.
Catching certain faces before he had hit the stage, Colson decided to have Luna pop OnStage during Hollywood Whore. Cutting in only to recite the changed lyrics the way he wanted her to. As always, on and off stage, Luna was nothing short of a wreckage to be dealt with. Her powerful voice reaming out the room with Colson's truth as she moved her tiny, tattooed body seductively around her Lover before propping herself against his slender one.
đŸŽ¶It's because of y'all//He couldn't understand//The worth of his career//'Cause of y'all//He hated himself//For so many years//'Cause of you//He never thought//That he could trust//But//You better watch your back//Cuz he's about to wife//ME upđŸŽ¶
Her slip in had been flawless. Sending their friends into an uproar as Colson grabbed Luna's ass. Neither missing a beat while she trotted OffStage.
The rest of the gig went off without a hitch. Smoke and lights exploded around them constantly while Naomi and Phem's voices were on perfect pitch. Trippie and Lil Skies nailed their own features with Colson and Dom killing their performance of I Think I'm Okay.
With no encore planned, Luna and Colson went HARD on Bad Things. Both of their voices strong as The Boys roared behind them and they passionately played and pushed off each other. Their performance intense and extremely sexual as Luna ran the stage with her presence and Colson with his guitar. To this day, it's both of their favorite times OnStage.
Trying to escape to his dressing room with a laughing Luna over his shoulder, Colson is stopped. By Diddy and Jimmy Iovine of all fucking people. Setting her down, the couple addresses the two men.
"Yo!! Be proud, Son. That shit was fire!!" Diddy proudly proclaims as he pulls Colson in for a full on hug.
Luna and Jimmy stand eyeballing each other. He doesn't know what to say to her and she's not fucking up Colson's Big Night.
"You too, Kid!" Sean says to Luna as he pulls her in for a hug once he's released Colson.
"That was an extraordinary show." Jimmy says, offering his hand to Colson.
"Thank you. I appreciate that. I leave everything I have OnStage every time I perform." Colson answers as he shakes his hand.
"It shows." Jimmy nods his head, never seeing Colson perform before he's beyond impressed by the underrated artist.
"He's going overseas..." Sean says to Luna as Jimmy and Colson interact.
"I know." Luna answers with a nod.
"With Hotel Diablo debuting so high, if the momentum keeps up I'm adding more US dates after." He says as he studies her reaction.
"Then you better get us a bigger bus... And. I don't want fucking Don." Luna eyes Diddy with a seriousness to her tone.
"What's your problem with him?" He asks with a laugh.
"He's a fucking douche who has no respect for Colson.... You know how I feel about that, Sean." Luna giving two answers that they both know.
"Alright, no Don." Diddy laughs at her.
"And a bigger bus?" Luna pushes.
"We'll see." Colson's boss laughs at his girlfriend. "Just don't mention any extra dates. I don't wanna hype him up til I'm sure..."
"So, bigger bus?" Luna smirks.
"Yeah. Bigger bus, you bitch." Diddy laughs as he pulls her in for a hug. "He's lucky to have you. You're one of the very FEW I give into." He continues to laugh as he kisses her cheek.
"I know." Luna grins at him. "And I love and appreciate you for it." She asserts before squeezing him again tightly and making him laugh even more.
"You better marry this bitch before she changes her mind!" Diddy continues laughing as Luna releases him from their hug.
"Psh... As quick as I can, Boss." Colson laughs as Luna tucks herself under his arm.
"YEEEOOOOOO!!!" Comes a loud voice above them.
"Looks like you got more shit to attend to. We'll catch up soon. Congratulations, Slick. I'm proud of you." Diddy says, dapping it out and hugging Colson once more before disappearing with Jimmy.
"I SAID YEEEOOOOOO!!" Tyree shouts as he bursts through the BackStage crowd.
"My mans!!" Colson hollers in delight as they embrace each other while Lamar and Luna happily greet each other in the meantime. "You made it!!" Colson says excitedly.
"Yeah... But without Ash we'd be dust in the wind, Homie." Ree replies with an annoyed look.
"My bad, Yo. But you're HERE!!" Colson shouts as he pulls Luna, Lamar and Tyree in for a group hug.
"Look at these motherfuckers." Dub comes up with a laugh.
Lamar and Tyree turn to greet their longtime friend. Dapping and laughing, the boys catch up while Luna stands awkwardly amongst them. Finding her exit clause, Dub calls her out.
"She don't like me." He teases her.
"Nah, Motherfucker. Don't put that shit on me.... You're the one who came up in here all Strong Man, Strong Man." Luna cocks her lip as she narrows her eyes.
Standing amidst Lamar and Tyree, Colson can't help but laugh at Dub from behind her. They may know... But he has no idea what he's in for.
"I don't know what your fucking problem with me is or where the fuck you get your Word from but until you climb on that bus or in a house with us... You better check your resources MOTHERFUCKER cuz you don't know shit. Bestfriends or not, we can buck. Right here. Right fucking now." Luna snarls with squared shoulders and a deadly look in her eyes.
"Ho!! Calm down, Shorty!!" Dub laughs, putting his hands up. "Don't shoot. I don't wanna fight, I was just pressen' you. You know. I gotta make sure you live up to that hype if you gonna lock my boy down!" Dub continues to laugh.
"What's goin' on over here?" Slim asks as he throws his arms around Luna and Dub.
"You, Bitch." Luna asserts as she ducks out from under his weight. "Don't think I don't fucking know." She spouts as her drunken eyes bounce between Slim and Dub. "It's alright though... He'll learn just like you did." She asserts as she snakes her head at both of them before dropping a middle finger, a kiss on Colson's long neck and turning to find someone more fun to hang out with.
"For real?" Colson asks both of them.
"Hey, I'm just goin' off what Slim said." Dub defends himself.
"Dawg, I AIN'T SPOKE TO YOU IN LIKE A WEEK!!" Slim uncharacteristically shouts, refusing to be thrown under the bus.
"Annnnnnnnd?" Dub cocks back.
"SHIT CHANGES!!" Slim continues to holler at his high school friend.
"Yo... Yo... Yo... Chill." Colson interupts them. "If anyone should be pissed it should be me, you back alley bitches. You got questions, words or problems with me and Luna, you come to ME. Don't be a couple of old lady pussies talking shit behind my fucking back."
"It wasn't shit, Kells." Slim starts to explain.
"It was enough for Dub-O to form a negative opinion about her before meeting her though, wasn't it.?" Colson shoots back as he tries to hold his anger.
Slim looks down sheepishly at Colson's words. He hadn't trusted Luna. At all, for a while. Even after she'd thrown down for his bestfriend multiple times. It wasn't until she stepped up when Bleta threatened Ashleigh and Benny and refused to lie to Colson, did Slim finally accept her. Dub doesn't know these things though because he wasn't on tour with them.
"Hey... Hey... Hey..." Dub comes jogging up behind Luna. "I'm sorry..." He says as he grabs onto her shoulder.
It's the wrong choice. The music and noise are too loud. The small BackStage area is filled with too many people. Not hearing Dub and only feeling his firm hand upon her, the New Yorker in Luna kicks in as she turns and lands a solid blow straight into his nose. Busting it wide open as he stumbles back off of his feet and onto the floor.
"WHAT THE FUUUUUCK!!" Dub shouts as he grasps his face.
"Don't ever fucking touch me." Luna replies emotionlessly before grabbing her leather and disappearing.
"Hey.... You okay?" Colson asks after finding Luna alone on the steps out back of the nightclub.
"I don't know... I think I'm losing my shit..." Luna sighs as she passes the lit joint she has to Colson.
"Why?" He asks as he takes a hit.
"I don't know... I just laid out one of your bestfriends, was rude to a fan on the street and fought with my Mom-Mom all in the last 3 days ." Luna let's out with an annoyed sigh.
"Why'd you fight with Patti?" Colson asks.
"Fuck me and my big stupid mouth." Luna mentally curses herself.
"It's nothing." She tries to brush Colson off.
"No, it's not." Colson isn't having her bullshit, he knows Luna doesn't fight with her grandmother.
"I need a PreNump." She sighs with frustration.
"Okay?" Colson asks with confusion.
"What do you mean okay?" Luna's drunk and irrational.
"I mean okay. I'm not marrying you for your shit so.... OKAY. I'll sign whatever as long as I still get YOU. That's all I want, Baby." His voice breaks as he climbs on to the step behind her and wraps himself around a confused Luna. "You."
"You don't care what the PreNump includes?" She asks with a slight attitude.
"No. I don't give a fuck." Grabbing her chin, he pulls her eyes to him. "I'm marrying you, Luna. Not THAT Brooklyn Bitch. Not Patti Smith and Robert Maplethorpe's granddaughter. Not the coolest chick in The World. Just you. My own personal Addy." He grins as he begins to attack her with sweet, sloppy kisses.
"Ahhhh!!! Stop!" Luna giggles as she tries to wiggle out of Colson's grasp. It doesn't work. Submitting, she holds his face in her hands as she stares into his beautiful blue eyes. "Thank you." She says first as she gently kisses his lips. "And I'm sorry for hitting Dub."
"He shouldn't have fucked with you." Colson replies with a shrug and a smirk. "Back inside, please?" He asks as he stands and offers Luna his hand.
"Yeah." She agrees as she rises to kiss him.
Back inside, the nightclub is going off. The DJ playing Hotel Diablo again in full as everyone dances and grooves. The words maybe alarmingly dark but the bop is on point.
"Yo. My bad." Dub immediately approaches Colson and Luna. "I was just trying to fuck wit you and clearly I shouldn't." He apologizes with a light laugh.
"No. I shouldn't have just swung, I'm sorry." Luna apologizes as she begins to rub her forehead.
"Nah, Ma, you good. I pushed to see how hard you'd rock... I didn't expect this shit but now I know!" Dub laughs at himself.
"I still feel like an Asshole." Luna admits.
"You good. I'd rather have Kells with a chick holding a solid right than some VSCO boujie bitch. We ride hard... And as much as it kills me to say it... I think you might ride harder!" Dub laughs again as Colson joins him.
"Enh... I got my name for a reason. Still, I'm really sorry about all that." Luna says as she gestures towards his nose.
"Stories, B. Stories." Dub winks at her with a smile as he opens his arms.
With that, Luna and Dub become friends. Her appreciating the lengths he will go to for Colson. Him respecting her fierce loyalty and the strong right fist she has for herself and her man.
The album release party is still in full swing. Colson dips off as Luna grabs her and Dub drinks before she looks at his nose. Apologizing for the thousandth time to his laughter before they make their own way into the party.
Sam and Baze are making out like teenagers in a corner. Luna finds Naomi, The Ash's and Dom as Floor 13 kicks in. Drinks in hand, they jive, jerk and rap along Colson and the unique beat. Colson's with Slim, Benny, Pete, Mar, Ree and Dub by the bar busting it up. Noah, Caroline, Mod and Phem find Luna, the Ash's and Dom, easily coaxing them to the dance floor as Roulette begins. Rook can be found macken' on girls with Trippie and Skies while Bullet watches all from his perch at the bar.
"What cha guys doin'..." Luna asks as she approaches The Boys at the bar.
Bad choice. Colson and Pete immediately pounce on her like the night at 30 Rock. Linking their arms together, they catch her again like they're playing London Bridge. Shaking her all about as they happily sing their made up song.
đŸŽ¶We gotta Moon Pie. We'll never let her get byđŸŽ¶
"Whhhyyyy????" Luna moans as they justle her back and forth.
đŸŽ¶Even when she asks why. She's our drunken Moon PieđŸŽ¶
They continue to laugh as they toss her around. It takes strategic planning to get out of a mess like this, only a skilled mind could handle the pressure. Being a smart cookie, Luna turns and throws her arms around Colson's neck and pulls him in for a perfectly distracting kiss. With her fingers climbing up his neck into his hair and her tongue dancing in his mouth, Colson has no choice but to let go of Pete's hands as they begin to roam around Luna. Pressing his large palm in between her shoulder blades as he kisses her deeply.
"Man... Fuck you guys." Pete complains as he leaves them be.
"đŸŽ¶And a Moon Pie got awayđŸŽ¶ Luna sings to herself as she enjoys Colson's mouth much more than his and Pete's stupid ass game.
"Mmmm... You may taste good but you're not slick." Colson smirks once their mouths seperate.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Luna replies with a devilish smile.
"Okay, Moon Pie." Colson laughs before kissing her again. "Grab a drink?" He asks as he gazes at her.
"Yeup." Luna smiles brightly at Colson, standing on her tippy toes to kiss him before they make their way to the bar.
"KELLS!!!" Naomi comes barreling up to Colson, grabbing him around the waist into a huge hug. "I haven't seen you but I met Luna!!" She exclaims. "I LOVE her. Where is she??" Naomi adamantly asks.
"Right here." Colson laughs, pointing behind him to Luna's back, she's facing the bar ordering them drinks.
"She is the best." Naomi drunkenly decides. "Do you know that she keeps dry shampoo in her bag and that she's got these weed candies that taste like yellow SweetTarts? She gave me two. One for now and one for later... Who does that, Bro? She's like a tiny, beautiful, little, tattooed drug pixie. I think you should marry her." Naomi declares.
"Good thing you chose first then, hunh?" Luna comments with a huge smile as she joins Colson and Naomi.
Holding her Old Fashioned, she passes Colson his Henny straight up. Always having a trick up her sleeve, Luna easily passes Naomi her seltzer and lime as a vodka and seltzer. She's too drunk to tell the difference and water is gooood.
"I love this SON OF A BITCH!!" Naomi shouts as she grabs ahold of Colson. "Will you take a quick picture of us?" She asks Luna, handing over her phone.
"Sure... Hold on... Ready?" Luna asks trying to set them up.
It's in the the dark. On a phone's camera. In a club. Looking at it, it is definitely NOT her best work.
"I can retake it." Luna offers.
"No!! I love it" Naomi gushes as she hugs Luna. "Catch you later?" She asks, pointing at Colson's confused nod. Two quick kisses to each of their cheeks and she's off with a "Cool... Love you guuuuyyyysssss!"
"She's fantastic." Luna states as she watches Naomi disappear.
"SHOTS!" Rook hollers as he makes his way towards Luna and Colson.
"So, I heard you hit Dub." Rook immediately states once they've downed the clear liquor.
"What the fuck... I'm never gonna live that down." Luna groans as she puts her head in her hands.
"Nope." Colson and Rook say in unison, their laughter makes Luna groan even more.
The release party keeps going. Top shelf liquor easily flowing. Everyone's having a blast. Dancing, drinking and joking as they enjoy each other's company. They keep the party rolling until they're kicked out around 430A.
Almost EVERYBODY comes back to Colson's. That would be The Blonde Don himself, THAT Brooklyn Bitch, Rook, Ashley, Dom, Lamar, Tyree, Noah, Caroline, Phem, Mod, Trippie, Skies, Benny, Bullet and a gaggle of girls.
Ashleigh had decided to go home to her family instead. While Baze and Sam tried to catch some privacy at his spot and Naomi some sleep in her hotel. Slim deciding not to go home but to follow the party as it rages on.
Always having instruments on hand, they begin a jam session. Starting off with the original riffs from Hotel Diablo before twisting them into acoustic versions. Luna and Noah subbing in for Naomi when needed.
Alcohol and blunts roll through the room as they run through different songs, joke and laugh at each other. The party going well into the ACTUAL sunshining morning.
"Yo. That could work.... That acoustic jawn. It's something different and totally sick..." Slim tells Colson as he stops him and Luna on their way upstairs, knowing exactly the seed he's planting.
"I'm so proud of you." Luna coos as she pulls off her shirt and bra.
"I'm proud of those titties!" A naked Colson laughs. "Now bring 'em hear!" He demands as he pulls Luna closer to him and buries his face in her plump breasts.
"Mmmm.... Show me more of what your proud of." Luna giggles.
"I'm proud of this nipple and this nipple." He says as he lightly nips at them. "I'm proud of this scorpion." He says as he traces it with his tongue. Pulling her shorts off, he kisses each thing. "I'm proud of this leg and this leg...." Colson looks up at her with a cocky grin, grabbing her ass cheeks he pulls her closer to his face. "I'm proud of this pussy." His deep voice says, his lips just barely touching her lips but his baritone easily vibrating her skin.
"Alright." Luna pants as she pulls his face up to hers. "You got me, now give it to me." She says after she kisses his soft lips.
"Get on the bed the way I like." Colson directs Luna.
On all fours she goes, ass in the air, perky and dying in anticipation. Colson gives her one HARD
Making her squirm in delight before dragging her closer to him by her hips. Running his fingers along her lips he can feel her dripping for him. Reaching around, he sticks his finger in her mouth as he enters her. Luna's back arches as she sucks her juices off his finger. Both moaning in pleasure as Colson makes his way deep inside of her.
Releasing her mouth, Colson slaps her ass again. Making Luna buck against him. Slamming her ass into his hips as he fucks her from behind. Colson runs his hand up Luna's bare slender back to the base of her hair. Wrapping his fingers inside her long locks, he grips her hip tighter. Demanding her to cum.
Luna's already came twice before so a yank of the hair is just icing on the cake. Letting her body go, she shakes and quivers as she feels Colson's dick pulsate inside of her as he drops his load.
"Fuck, Luna." Escapes from his pants as he moves her hair to kiss her lower neck, making her purr.
They lay there quietly, Colson's still inside of Luna as he plays with her hair. Just as she's about to drift off, his voice brings her back to reality.
"You're still gonna go tomorrow?" Colson asks lowly as they lay together.
"I have to." She replies lightly as she tries to train her breath.
"You HAVE to take a shit. "You don't HAVE to see Jackson." Colson states as a matter of fact as he rolls out of her.
"But I do have to mindfully wipe my ass after I take a shit." Luna retorts irritated by his frustration.
"What does that even fucking mean?" Colson jerks his head to look at her.
"I don't know..." She giggles as she pulls his face close. "I don't wanna fight though... Can we just be? We never get to just be." Luna says as she drunkenly snuggles into Colson neck.
"You're coming home tomorrow?" He asks with a trembling assertiveness to his tone.
"Absolutely.... Now, can we just be Us?" She answers with a pout as she lifts her head to kiss his neck in reassurance before snuggling deeper into him.
"Yeah, we can just be Us." He sighs as he holds her naked body close to his and kisses her tossled hair.
"It better be just Us...." Colson's heart pounds. "I swear to God, I'll kill 'em both.... Fuck, she's gonna leave me like my mom... She can't... I'll will FUCK some MAJOR shit up... Calm down, Kells. You trust her.... Don't fuck this up by spinning out.... You're not Justin.... You've got her. She KNOWS that.... She loves you." Colson's mind is trying to battle all the underlying insecurities that are bubbling up.
"Bunny... You feel alright?" Luna sits up asking.
"Yeah... Why?" Colson lies.
"Because I can feel you not breathing and your heart pounding through your chest... So... What's up?" She asks as she begins to stroke his hair.
"Ahhhh... Nerves." He sighs, half lying now.
"About?" Luna pries as she continues to stroke his blonde hair.
"Fucking Jackson." He slightly admits as he reaches for a joint.
"And...." Luna continues to lead as he sparks it.
"And that you'll leave me like my mom did." He exhales a cloud of frustrated smoke.
Luna pulls Colson into her chest. Stroking his hair again, she's silent as they share the joint. It's not an awkward silence. It's the sad silence of two children who never had their mothers for different reasons.
Once the joints finished, neither need to speak. Colson reaching over to turn the side light off as Luna slides down comfortably into the bed. Resting his head on the pillow with her arm under his neck, they lay face to face in the dark. Colson pulls her closer by the small of her back as they tangle their legs inside each other. Luna let's out a shuddered breath of content as she falls into Colson's body and hold. Stroking his face, in the dark, there's no words. Just a heartfelt, lingering kiss and one thought that drifts between them both as they fall asleep.
"FUCK, I fucking love you."
Word Limit 2 of 2
To be continued.....
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alvacchi · 5 years
Susan x Ray scenario, please? I want this ship to become popular
Your wish has been heard loud and clear!
This turned out longer than I thought! I will put part of this under cut to not take up people’s dashboards haha.
There isn’t much information on Susan, at least not in English! So this will be based off of assumptions! It could be read as a close sibling bond at the same time!
Here’s my own interpretation of how Ray and Susan’s relationship went! Enjoy!
[This contains spoilers from A Letter from Norman, Prologue and Chapter 1. Also spoilers up to Ch 32/Episode 11]
SCENARIO: Numbered: Susan’s Story
Year 2038
Emma, Norman, Ray = Age 4
Susan = Age 5
Olivia & Michelle = Age 6
[Ray was sitting against a tree by himself, reading his book and humming a lullaby as the others were playing tag.]
Ray: đŸŽ” đŸŽ” đŸŽ” ~
Susan: What a beautiful melody!
[Ray stops singing and looks up from his book to see Susan looking down at him.]
Ray: Aren’t you playing tag?
Susan: Don’t feel like it. What about you? Aren’t you going to join?
Ray: It’s a nuisance.
Susan: Did you compose it? The song?
Ray: Not going to tell you.
Susan: Well I think you should sing more! You got a nice voice.
Ray: Hm [he goes back to reading his book]
Susan: Hey, are you listening?

 ‘Not talkative much? Wait
is he reading about farming?’
[The others were starting to gather around now. Eventually, tag was over.]
Olivia: Susan! You should come play tag with us more!
Michelle: That’s right!
Emma: Ray, you should come too!
Ray: I’ll pass. Who’s going to keep track of the time?
Emma: You can do that while you play!
Ray: I’d rather stay and read.
Emma: [pouts]
Susan: Haha I’ll join some time!
‘Maybe I’ll be able to get Ray to play too.’
Year 2039
Emma, Norman, Ray = Age 5
Susan = Age 6
Oliva & Michelle = Age 7
Ray: Why am I playing tag again?
Susan: It’s important to move your body around more! It’s good exercise.
Ray: Right.
Susan: [covers Ray’s and her footprints up as they move around the forest]
Ray: Heh~ you’re really good at this.
Susan: Of course. This makes it so they can’t track where we are

[Susan sees a scratch on Ray’s ear.]
Susan: Ray
Ray: Yeah?
Susan: What happened to your ear?
Ray: ! [He immediately puts his hand over his ear] It’s nothing. It’ll heal up.
Susan: You’re going to get an infection if you don’t bandage that! Let me see that!
Ray: No
Susan: Ray–
??: AAAAAA!!
[Ray and Susan run over to the source of the scream. Norman is seen collapsed on the ground exhausted with Emma worrying over him. Ray grabs a stick and starts poking at Norman.]
Emma: No there wasn’t! But Norman fainted!
Isabella: He’s sick. Listen you can’t go near the infirmary for a while. Okay?
Everyone: Okay! [Emma stands there shocked.]
Susan: ‘Ray, he’s hiding something but he’s always been secretive. Maybe it’s not that important
Year 2040
Emma, Norman, Ray = Age 6
Susan = Age 7
Helena: Susan, you’re always talking about Ray nowadays.
Susan: What? No I’m not!
Abbie: Yes you are.
Susan: I’m just worried that he’ll stay being alone. He’s always sitting by the tree reading his book by himself.
Helena: That’s true. He seems to keep his distance from everyone.
Abbie: Don’t Emma and Norman go play with him? Aren’t they the same age?
Helena: Maybe he’s afraid of getting close to us because we’re going to leave the household one day.
Susan: Olivia and Michelle have already left with their foster family. I wish he’d warm up to us more. I’ve been trying to get him to

Abbie: I’m sure you’ll be able to!
Helena: Yeah! Believe in yourself!
Susan: Thanks you guys! I’ll do my best!
Year 2041
Emma, Norman, Ray = Age 7
Susan = Age 8
[Ray and Susan were sitting outside by the tree as the others play tag. They started talking more often now.]
Susan: A ghost hunting adventure? You, Norman, and Emma went?
Ray: Yeah! I was dragged along to find out if ghosts exist or not, even though it was obvious they don’t. Olivia and Marcus were saying there were ghosts at night and Emma thought of writing a letter to the ghost. It was ridiculous! Turns out also that Chucky was the ghost in the hallway and Robert was the piano ghost. Emma got a reply to her letter but I believe the one who wrote back was Mama though. I’m sure Norman caught on but Emma probably doesn’t realize.
Susan: Haha that sounds like Emma! Did that happen? Ah, I wish I wasn’t sick that time! I miss Marcus and Robert now! They already left the household not long ago. Olivia and the others too. You sure talk a lot about Emma and Norman. They mean the world to you huh?
Yeah. Yeah they do.
Susan: That’s nice. I envy that. Hold them close and make sure you don’t let go.
[She pats Ray on the head with a smile.]
could I hear you sing that song once more?
Ray: I don’t feel like it right now.
Susan: Heeh please?
Ray: I’ll tell you something about it instead. I learned it when I was in the womb of my biological mother.
Susan: Huh?! Really? How is that possible?
Ray: I don’t have childhood amnesia.
Susan: Woah. How nice~. I want to remember something that far back! Then, maybe I’ll know something about my parents. We’re orphans though.

[After some time of peace and quiet, Susan suddenly started giggling to herself]
Ray: Why are you laughing?
Susan: I’m just glad to see you opening up a little! Do you remember? During that time Norman got sick, you were forced to wear that mask. You were giving some ideas to Emma so Mama taped up your mouth.
Ray: Do you have to remember the worst parts about me?
Susan: Sorry! But I thought it was cute!
[flustered] I’m not cute

Susan: You’re so mature for your age, despite being shorter than me.
Ray: I’m not that much younger than you. And besides I’m still growing.
Susan: Hehe maybe you’ll get taller than me one day!
Ray: Yeah
one day

[There was a hint of sadness on Ray’s face for a split second before it goes back to normal. Susan didn’t miss it.]
Susan: ‘Huh? Why did he look so upset?’
Year 2042
Emma, Norman, Ray = Age 8
Susan = Age 9
Isabella: Congratulations Helena. You’re going to join a foster family.
Abbie: Helena! Congratulations! You’re so lucky!
Chucky: More and more of you guys are leaving!
Jimmy: Darn, it’s going to feel more lonely!
Abbie: Hey you guys! This is a time for celebration! Let’s be happy!
Susan: Helena, make sure you write back!
Helena: I will! Hey, what do you guys want to do when you go outside? I’m going to become an artist and draw animals outside!
Abbie: I think I’ll want to go on a boat and see some cute bunnies!
Chucky: I want to see a fairy!
Jimmy: Oh yeah I read about fairies in a picture book! They’re cute!
[As they were talking about their future plans, Ray was helping out in the kitchen with the others, cutting up vegetables. He listens in to their conversation.]
Susan: I want to meet more people! Being together with you guys is already so fun! Just thinking about getting adopted makes me so happy!
Ray: ‘It’s not something to be happy about!’
[Ray accidentally cuts himself with the knife.]
Ray: Ah.
[Susan and the others noticed the commotion in the kitchen. Isabella was going to go with Ray to get his finger bandaged up in the infirmary, but Ray insists he can do it himself. Susan comes to see him there, worried.]
Susan: Hey. Are you that bothered about me leaving the house some day?

Susan: Ray
you know I’ll be writing to you. You don’t have to be so upset. I won’t let you be lonely. Besides you have Emma and Norman to keep you company!
Ray: I wasn’t even planning on getting attached to them. ‘Much less to you’
Susan: [smiles] Friendship isn’t planned Ray. It just happens~
Year 2043
Emma, Norman, Ray = Age 9
Susan = Age 10
[A hide and seek game was going on. The children were scrambling to find a place to hide in the house. Susan decided to sneak into Isabella’s room and hide underneath a clothed table. She hears the door open and a couple footsteps.]
Susan: ‘These footsteps
two people?’
Ray: So the next shipping will come next year? That’s quite some time.
Isabella: Yeah.
Susan: ‘Ray and Mama?’
Ray: Who’s turn is it? It’s Chucky, isn’t it?
Isabella: Susan
Ray: ! [A dreadful feeling took over his body the moment she mentions Susan.]
Susan: ‘Me? What about me? What are they talking about?’
Ray: Wait why?!
Isabella: Why so distraught? I’ve been shipping out low quality products, Abbie being the previous one. Susan is the best one in a long while. She’ll be turning 11 soon.
Ray: ‘Shit that’s right. I’ve been so focused on the low scores, I didn’t realize the age limit is 12.‘
Ray: Can’t you wait longer? The human brain will still continue to develop after 12.
Isabella: Ray. That cannot happen. The higher ups demand the best quality products right now and the rules are to ship out anyone before or once they turn 12. They are willing to wait for a year but no longer than that. The harvest must be perfect. So, everyone else will have to wait. Besides, why are you suddenly asking that now? Are you suggesting you’re breaking your end of the deal?
Ray: No. Why would the thought cross my mind?
‘Damn it. It’s too risky!’
Isabella: The shipment will go as scheduled.
[Isabella leaves the room. Susan leaves her hiding spot and confronts Ray who was surprised to find she’s been hiding there the whole time.]
Susan: Ray
what were you and Mama talking about?
Ray: It’s nothing important.
Susan: What happened to Abbie? Olivia, Michelle, Marcus, Robert, Helena
our older siblings
Didn’t they find happy homes?
Ray: You don’t need to know.
Susan: I have a right to know! They’re our friends! Our family! You and Mama were also talking about me right? So it is my busine–
Susan: [flinches]!
Ray: Sorry. It’s better if you stay oblivious. But if you really want to know so badly, figure it out on your own. You’re a smart girl Susan. The fact that you’ve been able to stay alive for 10 years. Why don’t you put the puzzle pieces together?
Susan: ‘Alive?’
Susan: Why are you being so difficult right now? What are you saying? I don’t understand! ‘Just when I thought we were getting closer!’
Ray: That’s great.
Susan: Ray.

Susan: You know what? You’re right. I’m not stupid. You were acting really suspicious a few years back. There was that time you scratched your ear and you wouldn’t let me see it. Mind telling me about that?

Susan: [Sighs] ‘He’s not talking
Do the others know? Do Emma and Norman know?

Susan: ‘I’m going to have to go with no’
Susan: Alright fine. You don’t have to tell me. But!

let’s make the most of our time together. Okay?

[Susan leaves the room. Ray stays standing there for a long while.]
Ray: ‘If only I could bring her along too..but’
[He clenches his fist in frustration]
‘It’s too early
I don’t have enough materials to disable the transmitter. Damn it
Damn it!’
Year 2044
Emma, Norman, Ray = Age 10
Susan = Age 11
Isabella: Congratulations Susan. You’re going to join a foster family.
Hao: Congratulations!
Susan: Ah. Yeah

Cedi: What’s wrong? Aren’t you excited?
Susan: It’s just Ray and I had a fight and it’s been going on for a year now. I hope we’ll be able to make up before I go.
‘Ray, why are you avoiding me? I’m glad you’re hanging out with Emma and Norman more now but please
 come talk to me too
.I really miss our talks
[The next day]
[Susan stares out of the window on her final day at the house. Then, she decided to go see Ray. She finds him in his room, looking out the window like she was and facing away from her.]
Susan: Ray.
[Ray senses her presence and hears her. However, he makes no move from the window.]
Susan: I gave what you said some thought and I think I understand now. What you’ve been doing and why you are doing it. What you’ve been hiding

Thank you.
Why are you thanking me? I’ve done nothing worthy of thanks.
Susan: You’ve tried to stop the shipment, didn’t you? You say something but you act differently. You’ve given me hints and clues throughout the past year. You were watching me from afar. In truth, you care.
[Ray clenches his teeth as a mix of anger, sadness, and disappointment welled up in his chest.]
.I couldn’t protect you
[Susan sees his shoulders slightly shaking as he tries to keep it all in.]
Ray: I couldn’t save you

I thought if I could at least let you smile a little longer

‘I thought if I kept my distance, it wouldn’t hurt this much
I kept it from you this entire time.
Susan: You don’t need to be sorry
it’s not your fault

[Ray hears a sob from behind him. Susan begins to cry a lot, tears running down her face.]
Susan: I know already but! I’m scared. I’m really scared right now!
[She tackles him with a hug from behind. Ray’s eyes widened and wavered as he felt her hold tighten around him.]
Susan: I don’t want to die!!! I want to live longer! I want to see you grow up and become a fine man!
[Ray feels his eyes begin to water. A teardrop manages to escape. Isabella appears at the door to find them.]
Isabella: Susan. It’s time.
[Susan wipes her tears away and tries to smile. Ray doesn’t see it though, refusing to look at anything but the window.]
Susan: Farewell Ray
happy birthday to me

[Ray hears Susan and Isabella’s footsteps as they head downstairs, his hands clenched at his sides and his head hanging low.]
Isabella: Everyone, Susan is going to leave now!
[Everyone comes over to say goodbye to Susan.]
Gilda: Bye Susan! I hope you’ll get to wear some pretty clothes on your birthday!
Don: Happy Birthday! May you live happily with your new family!
Emma: Huh? Where’s Ray? Why isn’t he coming down?
Norman: He’s probably sulking.
Susan: Emma. Norman. Please take care of Ray. I’m counting on you two.
Emma & Norman: We will!
Susan: Bye everyone!
[Susan exits with a smile on her face. She walks with Isabella outside towards the gate.]
Isabella: đŸŽ” đŸŽ” đŸŽ” ~
Susan: [shocked] Mama
that song

Isabella: [smiles]
[The next day]
Emma: Ray! Come play tag with us!
I’ll pass.
Emma: Come on! You shouldn’t sulk all the time! I’m sure Susan will send a letter to you some time!
Norman: He’s reverting back to how he used to be.
Emma: I won’t let that happen! We promised Susan we’ll take care of Ray!
Norman: That’s right. Ray is our friend and family. Give him some time though. They were pretty close to each other. It wasn’t that long ago since she left.
Emma: Okay.
[Norman and Emma leave Ray to his devices. Ray sits in his usual spot by the tree. It didn’t feel the same though. There was an empty feeling from where Susan would sit. His thoughts were talking as if Susan was still there.]
Ray: ‘Don’t worry I’ll make sure those two stay alive. They’re important to me.’
‘Susan, wait for me
.soon I’ll see you on the other side..’
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marvel-queens-world · 7 years
Heated Argument
Requested by @nikki124566
Word Count: 1598
Warnings: Language, NSFW
Tags: @mikayleet @emmiiclare21 @poolpartyingwithjaws @serpentdarling @kay18115 @jimmys-afterlife-love @iwriteforyall @searchngsoul
You stormed into your home with Sweet Pea closely following behind you. What had started as a great night had ended in the two of you arguing in front of your friends. All you could remember was on minute you were talking to Reggie and the next minute you were being dragged away by Sweet Pea and of course that had started an argument in which you ended walking away from him and headed home. So here you were both glaring at each other and getting ready for round two of the argument.
“I can’t fucking believe you.” You shout.
“Are we really going to start this again.” He shouts back.
“Yes because you need to get it through that thick skull of yours Reggie is my friend and nothing more.”
“Oh it really looked like it from where I was standing.”
“I don’t care what it looked like. You can’t just go charging in like you always do with that stupid temper of yours.” You scream
“He had his hands on you Y/N. He has not right to be touching you.” Sweet Pea bites back.
“That is still no reason to drag me away like that.”
“Why did you like it when Reggie was touching you.” Sweet Pea seethes.
“Maybe I was. What are you going to do about it?”
You knew you shouldn’t have said that because it would just wind Sweet Pea up even more but you really couldn’t care less at the moment, you were really pissed off at him so you wanted to get to him even more and it worked because in seconds he was right in front, he pushed you up against the wall and put his hands either side of you so that you couldn’t escape.
“You are mine Y/N. No one is allowed to fucking touch you apart from me.” He growls.
“What are you goi—.”
His lips crashed down into yours, filled with frustration and anger, cutting off your words. You should have pushed him away but you couldn’t, his hands settled onto your waist and yours pulled him closer, you let out a moan when you felt his erection against your heat earning a groan of approval as his fingers tightened on your hips sure to leave bruises there in the morning.  Normal Sweet Pea would get right to the point but after what had happened he decided that you deserved to be teased. He began to leave teasing kisses on your neck making sure to leave a mark to let everyone know that you were his and his only. Sweet Pea made his way back up to your lips, this time it was more passionate and less rough, he was asking for entrance and you didn’t bother hesitating in letting him in, but you didn’t give him complete control either as the kiss deepened. Your tongue battled his the second it entered your mouth.  His hands worked the way to your clothes, he decided that he had enough of going slow so with a quick pull of your shirt it was off. He was determined to touch your skin. You moaned in pleasure at the feel of his hand on your stomach, but he simply swallowed the sound. Pulling you back into the moment expertly with nothing more than his sinful mouth. As the cool air hit your bra clad breasts, goosebumps formed along your skin. His warm, hands stroked along the soft flesh of your hip, drawing a shudder through your body before they moved to your ribs. His hands traveled upwards to play with your breasts, his lips left yours to bite the tops of your the before he licked them earning more of those delicious sounds he loved to hear.
“Pea, lets go to my room.” You gasps.
Without a word, he picks you up whilst kissing you and takes you to your room, once there he throws you on the bed before hovering over you his hand resting on your breast.
“Take it off.” You pant.
“Anything for you Princess” He smirked.
Moving back forward, his mouth reaching down as his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you up to him, finally getting rid of your bra. Your hands tangled in his hair as he latched onto your nipple, dragging a cry from your lips. Demanding you arch into his mouth, his hand massaged your other breast, and rolled your nipple through his fingers. He had no mercy as he sucked, licked and nipped the sensitive buds while moving back and forth between the two.   Your hand that was tangled into his hair tugged in a way that made him groan against your skin as the pleasure shot through him. The other trailed down his back. Feeling his muscles beneath his shirt that was still covering him. You managed to pull him away from playing with your breasts so that you could take his top off, needing to feel his skin on yours. He lay you back down on the bed and started to kiss the whole of your top half of your body, your hands tangled themselves in his hair again and you urged him further downwards. He seems to get the signal as he begins to make his way down to your jeans.  Sweet Pea was desperate to taste you and the feel of you urging him on had him more turned on than he’d ever imagined he could be by you but being the tease that he was he came back up to you and started kissing your lips but is hand moved downwards on your body, he reached the button of your jeans and started to undo them, he managed to take them off and began to tease you over the top of your underwear.
“Pea, Please.” You moan.
“What do you want Princess?”
“I want you to fuck me with your fingers.”
He doesn’t need to be asked twice, taking off your underwear so that now you are completely bare to him, he enters a finger into your wet pussy, causing you to throw your head back in pleasure.
“So wet for me Princess.” He smirks.
He continues at a slow pace which makes you frustrated, you needed more from him and he knew this
“Pea. Stop. With. The. Teasing.”
“But, you love it.” His low voice made your skin prickle.
He decided to add another finger to stretch you. You bit your lip at the feeling of him brushing against your g-spot, closing your eyes as you fought for control. You pulled him in for a kiss and kissed him deeply. Earning a growl, an actual growl, from him before his hand started moving. You gave up all of your control at the rapid movement inside of you, and the way he brushed his thumb against your clit. He made his way down to your pussy and dived straight in giving you no warning what so ever. He kept his finger inside of you whilst licking your clit with his tongue, you knew with the speed he was going out at you weren’t going to last much longer, as you could already feel the familiar feel of you orgasm approaching.
“Pea I’m close.’
“Cum for me baby.” That was all it took for you to let go and when you came, it was hard and fast, you didn’t get anytime to recover as Sweet Pea had taken off the rest of his clothes and was back on top of in an instant. This time he decided he wouldn’t go slow. He slammed roughly into yours as your body moved in time with his, somehow going deeper and picking up speed with every thrust until he was at a wild speed. Trying to get off. Taking out every bit of anger inside of him out on your body. His brown eyes locked on yours as he thrust before his hand grabbed both of yours and holding them up above your hand whilst his other hand rested on your hip, never breaking eye contact.   You knew you were going to have marks from his fingers, and maybe even your lower body as he slammed into you but you didn’t care. You loved that he was being this rough with you and you love that Sweet Pea was groaning at the way you squeezed around him, you were screaming his name and you knew that your neighbours could probably hear you but you didn’t care. All you cared about was how it felt. Which was, in one word, amazing.
“Fuck.” He was getting close. His rhythm faltered, becoming more erratic. “I’m gonna-” A deep groan escaped his lips as he did.
“Pea” You cried out, as you followed behind, spurred on by his orgasm.
A few more thrusts as you spasmed, rolled your hips against him, and you were both done. Panting and pressed together, bodies slick with sweat, he carefully rolls off you, as the both of you try and regain your breath.
“That was—.”
“Amazing.” He panted.
“I think I should piss you off more often.” You smirk.
“Oh you don’t need to piss me off for me to be rough with you Princess.”
Not having the energy to think of a sarcastic comment to say back, you curl up against him as he wraps the blanket and his arms around you before you both fall asleep.
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ritacaroline · 6 years
In The Light          Jimmy Page   Fan Fiction             Part 49
Part 49   After Show Party
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The men arrived backstage in the open room and were dripping sweat and exhausted looking. Jim’s hair was soaked and he was wiping off his forehead with a fresh towel. People backstage were putting their hands out, trying to touch him, but he just blew right past them. He needed a rest and a cold drink immediately. He saw Jill ahead and worked his way right to her. He put his arm around her waist and kissed her. Then they walked together to a sofa there and sat down. He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and put his head down while continuing to dry up the moisture. Jill rubbed him along his back as he did this. An assistant immediately came by with ice cold drinks for him and Jill. He drank his right away, since he was feeling dehydrated from the exertion. Jimmy put his head back against the wall, he was spent. Tons of people were coming by saying, great show Jimmy, awesome playing, glad you’re back. All he could do was smile or nod, words were too difficult just then. The performances really took a lot out of all four of them. The evening was so demanding and draining. The guys put so much effort into the playing and singing.  After a while of pulling himself together, catching his breath, Jim brought Jill with him to the back and he got a quick shower back there and an assistant gave him a soft robe when he got out. He walked with Jill to the little dressing room, where street clothes of his were hanging fresh for him. She helped him get redressed as he was struggling with exhaustion just now. Jimmy checked back with his friends and with Peter that he would see them later at the party at their hotel. He showed Jill that he had to inform his security person, and she needed to also inform hers, that they were fine and leaving. This was an important step. He led Jill outside where a limo was waiting for them, and they got in and drove off back to the hotel. He was becoming himself again, since he had gotten some quiet and peace for a little while. With Jill in the limo now, he pulled her right up against himself with his arm around her, and gave her a few kisses on her sweet lips. Soon they were back to their hotel and Jill opened the wine and poured a glass for each of them. They laid down on the bed together for a half hour or so.  They just rested there quietly, coming down from the excitement of the concert. Jim’s head was ringing. The after concert party would be taking place downstairs in a banquet room and Jimmy was expected to attend. Of course he wanted Jill to join him. She took a fast shower and put on a short black leather skirt. The gorgeous black top with glittering rhinestones about the front and neckline was a perfect combination. Jim wore a white dress shirt topped with a black suit jacket which was somewhat casual, and slacks that matched. Jill’s hair was really sexy that night with blond highlights shimmering all over and soft curls at the ends. The skirt outfit she wore hugged all her gorgeous curves. Jimmy was way impressed at how awesome she looked. He stroked her pretty locks and said, “Baby, you’re so hot in that outfit, I feel like staying here instead, with you and kissing you from head to toe all night. But we have to attend this event and I’ll make it up to you tomorrow. By the way, thank you for spending the entire evening by my side today, angel. I was extremely thrilled having you with me. Tonight, I don’t know how long I can stay at the party, I am so exhausted even now.”
Jill comforted him by telling him, “Well Jim, I’ll stay near you, and if you get falling down exhausted, I’ll try to notice on my own or you tell me. I’ll help you get to the elevator. I’ll bring you to the room, help you get your clothes off, then I’ll put you into bed and cover you up.  Basically, I’ll look after you. Then I’ll get undressed, turn off the lights and get under the covers with you and put my arms around you. Then I’ll gently stroke your hair while you relax. And we’ll drift off to sleep at that point. He got the sweetest smile on his face and said, “That sounds heavenly, let’s skip the party and just go with that plan. Your voice is so soft and lovely, it’s so sweet to me. Going back to what you were saying a minute ago, maybe you could add in some kissing and caressing me, too, while you’re at it.”
“Anytime darling, my pleasure.” And they kissed for awhile, and he loved that. She petted his hair and kissed him on his forehead at his hairline. He lavished in her arms and could feel how much she cared about him, in her warm embrace and expression. No wonder he would prefer to stay like that.
They arrived at the party and tons of people were there already. Again, most everyone they passed, put their hand out to shake Jim’s hand and congratulate him on an awesome, successful concert. People slapping him on his shoulder and trying to hug him. He was showered with attention and affection. He was extremely well loved. Everyone wanted to interact with Jimmy. And the other three bandmembers as well.
It was a lot of pressure for Jim. He wasn’t the most talkative guy in the world, often got overwhelmed by being swamped with questions and people fighting for his attention. Jimmy got caught up in a conversation with a fellow guitarist. Jill saw her friends there, Clare and Linda, and they all got drinks and sat down to chat. People began to stretch out getting comfortable now and it seemed more roomy. While chatting with the girls, Jill felt a hand on her shoulder, so she put her hand over it and squeezed it, then pulled it to her mouth and kissed it in a tender way. When she turned to look up into Jimmy’s face, she was startled to see not Jimmy.  But, Julian. The new security worker, leaning down to her to deliver a little soft kiss to her face, near her mouth. What the fuck ? She was sure it had been Jimmy at first, when he held her shoulder. That was something Jim typically did when they were apart at any gathering. The last thing she expected to see was this other man, Julian. And his lips heading for her face.
. what’s happening ?” she asked, confused.  Julian said, “Hi, Jill, I’m so glad to see you. I don’t know many people here, you know, this is my first night working security for this band. I was really surprised earlier when Grant suggested I attend this party. So I could start getting to know everyone.“  He was comfortable placing his hand onto Jill’s shoulder, previously, because she had been so sweet toward him earlier. He felt compelled to go to her when he saw her, since he could feel that she was such a nice person. Then, when she squeezed his hand, even kissed it, (because of mistaken identity), to him, it indicated she was extremely glad to have him right next to her. So, how could adding in a small kiss hurt, he thought.  With the added familiarity that he’d been in charge of her safety earlier, he interpreted the entire incident, as perfectly natural and acceptable.
In Jill’s mind, however, he had overstepped his boundaries.  But, she thought, people have all different levels of what they consider a normal friendly greeting. So she let it go.
Julian on the other hand, was feeling the beginning of an attraction to her. She was certainly gorgeous and refined. He loved that, and in addition, her body was a sight to behold. Not often does one come across a woman of such intense beauty and sexiness, who is also sweeter than honey. He felt a strong draw toward her. And his interpretation of her kiss to his hand, which was unexpected, gave him more self confidence to try for more.  In the meantime, Linda noticed his gorgeous blue eyes and sweet face. His calm gentleness and tall manly body was evident immediately to Linda. She nudged Clare and asked how they knew him.  Clare explained and pointed out his beautiful blues. Linda wasn’t saying, but she had already noticed them. He was hot. The two ladies were both in a little bit of awe of Julian. He was striking. Jill on the other hand, barely noticed and just spoke to him normally, as she would anyone else in this world. However her sexy long blond hair and breath taking eyes with the fluttery lashes and the sweet alluring way in which she spoke, were extremely attracting to men everywhere. This occurred even when Jill was doing so unintentionally. She was gentle and lovable to everyone, men and women alike. Her friendliness was sometimes misconstrued for possible romantic interest in the minds of others. As Julian conversed with the three women, it became evident that he was the owner of quite the interesting personality. He was so open, extremely comical, laughed easily and was actually so much fun to be around. He had them all laughing loudly as he told various stories of places he’d been, people he’d met and with so much humor. He was also interested to know all about the 3 ladies, regarding where they came from, what type of work they did, what were their interests. None of the ladies was tired of his presence and some there found him to be quite the sexy devil. As he held his drink, he laughed while he entertained the women. Julian had his large hand opened and pressed ever so lightly against Jill’s back. She noticed it, but didn’t mind a bit. His demeanor was so light and carefree and his kindness was apparent, so Jill simply didn’t mind and allowed the personal gesture. His touch seemed purely one of friendliness. Soon, Bonz and Rob came by and took their girls by the hand, to go grab a plate of food.
Jill was about to join them and told Julian she’d see him tomorrow at the show. He leaned down and gave her a light gentle hug as a goodbye. She thought nothing of it, nor did she notice he had placed his face into her gorgeous locks and breathed in her scent, deeply. To her it was nothing. To him, it was a lot more than nothing, it was something. He felt attraction to Jill and a strong urge to take her in his arms and kiss her beautiful lips. And maybe lure her into his bed later as well. He wasn’t as kind and light and easy as it seemed. He was a man with male hormones surging through his veins and he was horny.  And Jill was his new interest. But, he had just met her today, so for now, the ideas were newly forming. He would try to let the feelings develop first, before acting on any of them. Jill walked away, and Jimmy nearly walked right into her, on his way over, looking for her. As they met, he gained the most glorious smile and put his arms out as an invitation to come to him, which she did. He wrapped them around her and kissed her with a lot of emotion. “Oh, baby, I’ve missed you. Let me hold onto you so I don’t lose you again. This night is crazy. People are all over me. I need to get out of here soon. How are you doing so far, my darling ?” he asked and hugged her.
“I’m ok. People are a bit off kilter tonight, I’ve noticed. I wouldn’t mind exiting with you, when you’re ready. Take your time, this is a big night for you, sweetheart.” she said. 
“Nope. I’m about ready to go.” he said.  “I’m exhausted and I’d much rather go lay down with you and relax."  So, they headed to the elevator.
Next Part 50 :  https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/post/177332809261/in-the-light-jimmy-page
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cheekygeek05 · 6 years
The Impossible Impostor (Part 3)
Summary: Alexus King is a FBI Special Agent of the BAU who is uprooted from her home and sent to London to work for Scotland Yard. Upon arriving she quickly loses what little enthusiasm her naivety had allowed her. Turns out the British don't take too well to imposing Americans. Who knew? Kind of a Xover, mentions Criminal Minds maybe some guest appearances!
Words: 2376
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Previous Part
Alexus watched Sherlock leave. Maybe she had been a bit mean
After all there was no need to make enemies so soon. Though she could already feel Donovan's eyes boring into to her as she stomped out. At least she had Greg. Speaking of which, where'd he swan off to? Walking outside she found him talking to Sherlock looking quite exasperated. This man must have the patience of a saint. Alexus thought to herself, as she approached them.
"Gentlemen." Alexus greeted.
"Alexus I was just going to see if you were ready to go." Lestrade responded.
"Whenever you are toots." She answered accompanied with a smile.
"Are you accustomed to speaking to near strangers with such familiarity, or is that is reserved for a special few?" Sherlock grunted.
"Aww. Sweetie all you have to do is ask, I'll be happy be flirt with you. Just don't go falling in love with me because I have no intention of following through." This was said with her most flirtatious wink she could manage. She was pleased to see his composure shift, becoming a bit more flustered.
"Please stop embarrassing yourself." He retorted.
"Oh love, I'm not the one blushing. It's getting cold, how bout we take off?" Alexus turned to the DI who was currently staring, surprised at his new partner's boldness.
"Oh yes. Of course." Lestrade said offering her his arm. He didn't miss the snort that escaped Sherlock.
Taking his arm, she began her walk back to the car. Smiling to herself. Alexus was starting to think she would be alright after all. She would still miss her old job and team, but she could see herself enjoying her time here. She would most enjoy the game she had started with the obnoxious Sherlock Holmes.
"You were fantastic earlier." Lestrade complimented once they reached the car.
"Thanks. I was taught well. I'm afraid not everyone was as impressed as you."
"You just have to give them time to get use to you. They will, fairly quickly once you prove you're nothing like everyone's favorite consulting detective."
"I'm just used to saying whatever I see. Back home that's what we did. We said what we saw and waited for our team mates to see something we didn't. That's why we were so good, everyone contributed. All-stars sell tickets, teams win games." Alexus quoted her mentor since childhood. He had told her that when she joined the team and it never left her.
"Unless the all-star is Sherlock Holmes." Lestrade scoffed
Alexus smiled although she completely disagreed. Her team could beat Sherlock. No question. She could see Lestrade cared for Sherlock. She admired him for that. She was quickly coming to realize there was a lot she admired about this man. Maybe being partners wasn't such a grand idea. She could easily see herself liking him. She looked at him again. He had such a kind face. Worn and weathered, but kind. He looked over at her and smiled.
"Eyes front soldier." She teased grinning.
"So, did you always want to be a detective?" Greg asked once the laughter died down.
Alexus was surprised by the question. Her childhood was not something she enjoyed discussing. She wasn't sure how to answer. He apparently noticed her hesitation. He quickly added.
"Because I have since I can remember. There was a two-year period where all l wanted to be was 18." Chuckling nervously after.
Bless him.
"Really? I can't imagine you as anything else."
"Oi give me a chance here I'm not completely two-dimensional!"
"That's not at all what I meant. All my favorite people in the world are law enforcement." Alexus' mind went back to her team. She had some phone calls to make when she got back to her place.
Lestrade pulled up to her place and stopped the car.
"I know it's not exactly home, and I'm not your team. If you ever need anything you can tell me. I mean it."
"Thank you." Alexus' only reply before exiting the car and walking to her door. She waved one final goodbye to her favorite Detective Inspector.
Alexus put water on the stove. She had already tried the whole English tea thing but decided it wasn't her thing. She had discovered long ago, the best thing in the world for just about anything was a steaming cup of hot coco with whipped cream and marshmallows. After everything was ready she picked up her phone and played phone roulette.
"Hey! How's my girl?" Of course she would get Derek.
"Oh, you know just the normal, corpses, blood, murder, sociopath and hostile coworkers. You?"
"I thought you didn't start till tomorrow."
"Yeah my boss called and asked if I wanted to start early he'd just gotten called in for a case. It went pretty well." Alexus let it end there.
"You can't hide things from me baby girl. What's wrong?"
"It's just different. It seems they're not close like us. They just all seem to wander and do their own thing. It's strange. Then there's this guy who calls himself a consulting detective. He actually seems like fun."
"And by fun you mean?"
"Not like that. He just seems really uptight and callous. I definitely am looking forward to messing with him."
"Be careful sweetheart don't be cruel." Morgan couldn't help the smirk he wore. He knew his girl, she could be quite the heartbreaker.
"Yeah, yeah. Trust me he's in no danger of that. He'd first have to acknowledge someone other than himself. Lord knows that'll never happen."
"So, I'm bored and now more than a little interested. Tell me about it."
"Everything. Start with this guy. Talk me to sleep baby."
"Alright. Well he's your typical smartass. He tried to profile me. He said I going off my age I was inexperienced and therefore less than incompetent for my position. He then insulted my clothes saying they meant I didn't take my job seriously. Luckily, I'm good enough to feel I don't have to prove it so I ignored him for the time being. It took everything in me not to profile him right then and there. It was really amusing though, seeing his face when I completely disregarded him. I guess he's used to get a reaction. Probably why he does it. Wait I almost started a profile."
"You know what I said earlier, about taking it easy one him?"
"Give 'em hell baby girl!"
Alexus couldn't help but laugh. God, she loved this man.
"Will do. So how are my favorite profilers?"
"They're good. It's weird not having you though. Hotch called on you several times yesterday. He even told Reid to go to the crime scene with you. It was awkward. He misses you. We all do. Spence refused to let anyone in your room. He's decided it stays exactly the same for when you come back. He's pretty down about the whole thing."
"So am I, trust me. You have no idea how empty this place feels. I'm going to see if anyone needs a roommate. Or whatever it is they call it here. It's so quiet I'm pretty sure I'm going to go crazy. Besides rent is insanely high here it's just not practical to live one my own."
"The rent is too damn high!" Derek declared, doing his best Jimmy McMillan impression.
The two friends burst into laughter.
"Derek Morgan I am going to miss having you here like it's nobody's business!"
"I already miss you like it's no one's business baby girl."
Just then there was a knock on Alexus' door.
"Hey Derek there's someone at my door. I just texted you a number to call if you hear trouble ok?"
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah it's just nobody but my partner Lestrade knows where I live. Did you get the number?"
"Got it ready."
"Alright I'm gonna answer it."
Alexus went to the door, revolver in tucked away on her person.
"Obviously!" Sherlock replied dryly. Walking in completely uninvited.
Sherlock pranced around the house looking for anything clues to help in his quest. While Alexus couldn't seem to fully comprehend what had just happened.
"It's very rude to remain on the phone when receiving company." He reprimanded.
That was all it took for Alexus to snap out of her momentary shock.
"Good thing I'm not receiving company tonight." She said grabbing him by the arm and dragging him towards the door. Where she quickly pushed him out, shut and locked it.
"That was weird
" She finally said.
"Who was it?" Derek asked expectantly.
"Oh shut up you heard the whole thing. I put you on speaker just in case."
"No idea."
"I got nothing."
"Drawing blanks here." She answered, pondering the same questions. "Anyways. Is Garcia there?"
"Do you think I could keep the fact I'm on the phone with you from her?"
"They went to seem some local production."
"What language?" Knowing Dr. Spencer Reid was involved, said production would probably be in a foreign language.
"Russian. I'll never understand why you went with him to that stuff."
"He didn't like to go alone. Once I started going he went more often. He deserves to enjoy himself."
right. And that's the only reason right?" Morgan asked smiling.
"Listen here seniorita! We have flushed that topic out,"
"Says you,"
Alexus could almost picture him sticking out his tongue at this point. She couldn't help but grin at that. She must have looked ridiculous sitting on her kitchen counter drinking hot coco and smiling all by herself. The thought made her smile grow wider. She looked over to her left and noticed a red light flashing on her mantle place. She wouldn't have seen it from any other angle. Oh that mother of a camel!
"Listen babe, I gotta go and take care of some stuff." Or shank someone. It could go either way.
"Alright. You all good?" He asked concern leaking into his voice.
"As John Wayne in a western."
Morgan laughed at that.
"Goodnight then baby girl!"
"Goodnight. Kisses to all my lovelies. Tell Hotch hi and I'll call him soon."
"Will do. Peace"
With that she ended the call, grabbed the bug from the mantel piece and stalked to her door. Opening her door, she found none other than Sherlock on the curb with headphones. Alexus walked over ripped them out of his ears and dragged him into her apartment.
"Rule #1. Don't mess with me when I'm happy."
Sherlock looked at confusedly. Not understanding her meaning.
"I won't always be able to call home and when I can, I don't want to be interrupted for petty games!" She said losing her will to be angry but having no intention of letting him know that.
"The next words out your mouth better be an apology followed impossibly quickly with an explanation."
Sherlock was not one to back down from confrontation, but the on her eyes told him she wasn't fooling around. So, he tried his very best to find a happy medium. Okay maybe happy was stretching it. A satisfactory medium.
"I want-"
At which point he was interrupted. Rude!
"Apology first."
"I apologize if I scared you." He said hoping that would suffice." By the glare he was receiving he imagined it wasn't. "And for unwittingly interrupting your phone call."
She had better be happy with that because there was no way in hell he was going to give her anything else.
"Apology accepted. It needs work, but it'll have to do for now."
Sherlock was beyond himself. This woman is impossible!
"Now for that explanation."
"I wanted to ask you if there was anything I could do to help you settle in to London. I know this place better than anyone."
"And where does the bugging my apartment factor in to 'helping me settle in'?"
" Sherlock faded out not knowing how to get out of that one. "How did you find it anyway?" genuinely curious. He made sure and put it somewhere she would never see it.
Alexus was not about to admit it was completely luck. She didn't want to risk him trying it again.
"Come on sweet cheeks. What's a girl without her secrets?" She said leaning into his personal space. Completely aware of the discomfort it caused and loving the blush that came with it. "I'll tell you. Boring."
Sherlock grunted. This was not at all going how he imagined.
"So now that you're here let me be clear on one thing. Bugging my apartment, never going to happen again. Capiche?" She said, for it was in no way a question. "If you want to know anything about me you can ask me or observe it. Bugging is cheating. Cheating means you're incapable. Are you incapable Mr. Holmes?"
Sherlock did not like her implication at all. He was completely capable. He wouldn't, for one minute, have her believing otherwise. So, he did the only he could think to do.
"You will find there is nothing I am not capable of." His answer assertive and much too sure of itself.
"I'm glad we're clear. Now the sirens who inhabit my bed are singing a song that is much too beautiful for me to ignore. Are you planning to stay the night or will you be showing yourself out?"
Sherlock considered taking her up on her invitation, if only to snoop. John would tell him to leave. No question. Then again, when did he ever listen to John? He looked up and saw a question in her eyes. He saw a lot more to her question than he first thought. Maybe John was right.
"I can show myself out." Sherlock turned to leave hoping he had made the right choice. Before he got far he felt her pull him back. She gave him a hug, kissed her hand and hit his forehead with the same hand. He had no idea what that meant, but it made him want to smile all the same. Luckily he still maintained some of his senses, with which, he held it back. Just barely.
"Goodnight Mr. Holmes." Before he could respond she was gone.
Oh, the game is, most definitely, on!
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penstotheend · 7 years
You Bag Him, I’ll Tag Him
the boys are in New York City for two games...  the first part of their NY hunt has them giving some Junior Rangers a lesson in love....    look for the full installment soon over at AO3... but here’s a preview...
Tyler and Jamie finish lunch, it’s not the normal way their hunts have gone, with some bet involved or even a little bit of flirting at the red line.  The captain of the other team begged Jamie and Tyler for help getting their semi-rookies’ shit together.  Time for Jamie to dig out the Professor Love get up.  Thankfully, Tyler’s bag has been packed for some of the eventualities during this long east coast trip - hand cuffs, ropes, chains. You know, the basics.
 The team had invited Jamie and Tyler out for dinner and a drink, but they have some hunting to do.  The swing by the hotel to pick up Tyler’s bag and grab the subway toward Battery Park, stopping by the Whole Foods to pick up something to cook their foursome to eat while they go through the lecture before the practical portion of their course tonight, ultimately deciding on steak and fries, two things that only require salt, garlic, pepper and ketchup.  They also got a skillet and baking sheet figuring these two probably don’t even have that!
 They walk up to the tiny New York apartment.  Apparently, an NHL salary doesn’t buy you much here, the apartment hardly looks lived in.
 “Welcome to our humble abode, Professor Love and his pup.”  Jimmy smiles at Tyler and Jamie as he apprehensively opens the door to two people, who will be sworn enemies the next day.  Brady is sprawled out on the couch and just waives at the pair and mumbles out a hello.
 Tyler grins. “We figured you two haven’t had a home cooked meal since the start of the season, so we brought you one.”  Tyler holds up the shopping bags.  “Why don’t you get acquainted with your professor for the evening while I cook.”  Tyler kicks off his shoes and pads over to the oven, turning it on to preheat, then seasoning the steaks.
 Jamie joins Jimmy and Brady at the table by the window, admiring the view of the ball park below and the new World Trade Center off in the distance. 
 “So, your captain says you two need some lesson on how to get it on in bed.”  Jamie lectures.  Jimmy and Brady bow their heads and turn a brilliant shade of red.  “Tyler and I can help you out, maybe.  Why don’t you tell me about what you two have problems with.”
 Jimmy starts.  “Well I like fucking Brady, but he comes the moment I stick my dick in his ass.  So, then we tried some bull whips to spice things up.  We ended up leaving deep gouges in each other that took weeks to scar over.”
 “Okay.”  Jamie draws out the word, taking in the information.  “Well that’s a little too much too soon.  You need to work on slowing things down.  In so many ways.  So
 Brady what do you like to do and not do?”
 “Well umm, I come a little too quick.  I love to get fucked but just taking a cock is too much sensory overload.” 
 Tyler snorts in the background.
 “Ignore him, god knows I wish I could, continue.” Jamie says, dismissing Tyler with a wave of his hand.
 “I love foreplay, just now sure what all I should do.”  Brady finishes.
 Tyler serves up a dinner of steak-frites, making sure that he cooked Jamie’s until its almost unidentifiable as a steak.  Thankfully Jimmy and Brady had enough sense to have basic silverware.
 “Ty, this one,” Jamie points at Brady as he swallows a bite of fry, “is quick on the trigger.  Who’s that sound like.”
 “Funny, my stallion.”  Tyler glares at him, then his features soften as he smiles widely.  “But, I’m sure they can learn, just like I have, all the fun to be had if you can hold back.  They just need to show them the right way to do things.”
 The foursome finishes dinner discussing how to be careful in bed.
 “So, would you care to show us that secret closet, Jimmy?”  Tyler asks hanging on the last word.
 Jimmy blushes now, knowing they’ve seen the video that they did at the start of the season.  They all march back to the end bedroom, which looks more lived in than the master suite.
 “We figured we’d give Hayes the master bedroom, so he had his own bathroom. We set up shop in the other bedroom.  That pile of clothes was just for appearances in the video, and the girl in the picture was really one of my high school friends.”  Brady says.
 Jimmy opens the closet and what Jamie and Tyler see is a series of whips, chains, and paddles.  That explains the scars and bruises.  Jamie closes the closet door.  
 “Ok so that is a little advanced for you two, they stay in the closet for now.  Once you get the basics, you need to get in touch with Jonathan and Patrick the next time you play Chicago or Ovechkin and Backstrom in Washington.  They know how to use that stuff.  Now tonight it’s gay sex 101.”
 Tyler walks back to the front door and picks up his bag, then rejoins Jamie, Jimmy, and Brady.
 “Okay, so Brady likes foreplay, so Jimmy kiss Brady and slowly undress him.”  Jamie assesses the action as it unfolds.  It looks clumsy and uncoordinated when Jamie chimes in, “Slower Jimmy, this is a marathon not a breakaway, like this.”
 Jimmy slows down and the fumbling with Brady’s shirt steadies, but still too fast for Professor Love and his lab model.
 “Alright guys, hang on there.  Allow us to demonstrate.”  Jamie turns and pulls Tyler to him.
 Their students watch on as Jamie cups Tyler’s chin and kisses him passionately on the lips with Tyler parting his lips and sucking in Jamie’s tongue.  Jamie moans as Tyler starts to unbutton Jamie’s shirt finally ripping it off after he undoes the last button.  Brady and Jimmy look on with gaping mouths and palming their hard dicks as the porn unfolds in front of them.
 Jamie repeats the moves, taking his time unbuttoning Tyler’s shirt. Jimmy and Brady clue in and start with that part of the foreplay, easy to execute.  After Tyler’s shirt is extricated from his torso, Jamie and Tyler watch on as Jimmy and Brady finish disrobing from the hips up.
 “Okay you two can make out and remove shirts, that’s a good start.  Brady, suck on Jimmy’s nipples.”  Brady complies as ordered.  Jimmy lets out a gasp, then a moan as Brady flicks at Jimmy’s nipples with his tongue.  Brady reaches for Jimmy’s belt and open’s his pants exposing some Rangers boxers, a wet spot starting to form where the shape of Jimmy’s cock head is settled.  Brady gets a hand underneath Jimmy’s balls and Jimmy lets out a low moan.
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kaiyeti · 7 years
*The Atlas army stands in front of an abandon building facing the night covered road before them.*
Winter: General. Are you sure about this? *Winter asked Ironwood as he continued to keep his eyes forward.* This threat could be a bluff.
Ironwood: I would normally agree. However, I know these two and I know what he is capable of and it is not a risk I will take. *Ironwood said cold, tightening his grip on his gun.*
Soldier: GENERAL IRONWOOD! WE HAVE MOVEMENT! *A Solider shout as all two hundred and fifty six soldiers took aimed as Ironwood and Winter themselves draw their weapons. Suddenly, spot lights from the airships turned on illuminating the road reveal two men.*
Winter: Oh my god. *Winter muttered along with a few soldiers gasping in shock and horror. For marching down this old road was Kai, clothes ripped torn and riddled with bullet knife holes while numerous daggers, skewers, and other weapon stabbed into his body where ever their would be a major arteries and vital organ. He's eyepatch mask gone showing his beast scarred side of his face and his aura pouring out of his injuries. As for the other, being dragged by Kai with his claws through his shoulder is a bond beaten blood Edge, heaving with shallow breaths despite a sword through his chest and his smile never leaving his face.*
Ironwood: *As the two men closed in on the building Ironwood took a deep breath and began to walked toward them and meet them half way. Him and Kai stopped only a few feet away staring at each other, Ironwood with a look of determination and stubbornness while Kai's was cold tired and annoyed.* Kai.
Kai: James. *Kai replied scanning all the soldiers behind him.* I see you got who you could.
Ironwood: And about three thousand more are on their way. Along with a dozen Huntsmen. *Ironwood told him, raising his gun and aiming it at Edge's head as the orange ringed silver eyed madman began to chuckle.*
Edge: Ha. ha. Ha. COUGH! COUGH! ... Jimmy boy.~ Is that a gun in your hand or are you just happy to see me. heheh-COUGH! *Edge laughed before coughing up more blood.*
Ironwood: *The general frowned and said.* Just leave him here and walk away, Kai. We will take care of him.
Kai: *Kai moves in front of Edge.* Afraid I can't do that James.
Ironwood: *He glares at Kai and grits his teeth.* He is holding the entire kingdom of Atlas hostage. If we don't end him now. Everyone in Altas with be infect with the virus and died.
Kai: This isn't going to happen James. Now step aside and tell your soldiers to move. *Kai told him not even flinching as Ironwood moves his gun to point right at Kai's right eye.*
Ironwood: People's lives are on the line Kai! Millions of lives! I will not risk them for one psychopath!
Kai: And I am walking into that building and Saving him so those millions of lives can have a tomorrow.
Edge: He's... Got a point Kai... I'm not... Exactly the trust worthy type... *Edge added* Hehe... The world... against Kai... He saves me... Or the world kills me in forty-eight hours... Hehehe.
Ironwood: You heard him Kai. That was Forty-five hours ago. Now hand him over or You can join him. *Ironwood threaten.*
Kai: *However Kai takes a steps forward so Ironwood's gun is against his forehead.* Come and get him. But just remember, James. *Suddenly, Ironwood, Winter, and all of the soldier are surrounded by Kai's aura, blades and fanged mouths ready to kill them all.* I kill all of Mantle's armies when I was very very crossed. And right now, I'm not that far off. So once again. Move.
Ironwood: ... *The two stare at each other until Ironwood lowered his gun and steps aside, allowing Kai to walk pass Dragging Edge along but not before asking.* Why?... You two have been trying to kill each other for years. Why save him?
Kai: ... *Kai pauses before continuing to walk towards the building and said causing Edge's smile to fall.* He's my friend... Closest thing to a brother I got left.
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fester-ing-blog · 7 years
unearthly thing (4/?)
a jane eyre inspired AU / read on ao3
It was long past nightfall by the time Will had returned to the estate.
He discovered that a walk that normally took him no longer than an hour took twice as long with a dog in tow, particularly a dog that kept attempting to chase after wild rabbits, leaving Will to scramble after him. Not to mention his distraction after meeting the stranger on the road who somehow knew his name – the town nearby was a small one, and though he had not socialised greatly with its inhabitants, he was sure he’d recall seeing the man if they had previously met in passing. Besides, he was dressed far too well for a village local. Perhaps he had come to visit the estate and somehow heard his name there?
He headed straight for the porter’s annex, hoping he could at least borrow a pail from Jimmy to wash the worst of the dirt off of Winston before they went inside.
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Jimmy chuckled as he opened the door.
Will hadn’t even considered how he must look after wading through fields and running after a dog for hours. He’d rolled up his breeches so his trousers would be saved the worst of it, but he’d had to hold onto Winston more than once and his jacket was undoubtedly filthy.
“And you’ve brought home... A beast of some kind?”
Will sighed. “A dog, yes. I found him wandering the moors, and thought I could at least bathe him. I know I can’t keep him in the house, but perhaps he could stay here with you? At least until Count Lecter returns home and I can ask him if Winston might be permitted inside once I’ve trained him.”
Jimmy raised an eyebrow. “You don’t know?”
“Know what?”
He grinned. “Let me get a basin first. The poor thing’s more dirt than dog.”
Will washed Winston slowly and thoroughly, making sure to rid him of every ounce of dirt. He grew even filthier than before, covered in the brown water that ran in rivulets off Winston’s fur. It was almost certain that the shirt he was wearing was now completely unsalvageable.
Once Winston was clean – and significantly smaller than he had appeared when Will found him – he left him with Jimmy, hoping he could get to his quarters without being noticed to change his clothes before dinner.
He had just made it through the front door, glancing around him to make sure no one was around, when he collided into something. A warm, tall, solid something.
Will looked up into the eyes of the man he’d met out on the moors.
“Mr Graham, you seem quite determined to knock me to my feet,” he said, smiling.
Will’s eyes widened in recognition. “I am so, so, sorry, sir. Entirely my fault, I was not paying attention-”
“Will!” Alana was walking quickly down the staircase towards them. “Ah, good, you’ve met Count Lecter – Will, what on earth happened to you?”
Oh, God.
His clothes. And the count, of course he knew who he was, the new addition to the household. Will sent a quiet prayer for the earth to open up beneath him.
“Indeed, Mr Graham and I were fortunate enough to meet on the road.” The count said, seemingly unbothered by Will’s current state of disarray.
Will could not remember ever feeling so humiliated. “Excuse me, sir, but I should change into something clean.”
“Yes, of course. But won’t you do me the honour of joining me for supper in the drawing room once you are dressed?”
At that moment, Will wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and hide in shame for the rest of the foreseeable future. Still, he knew he could not refuse the offer. He nodded, bowing slightly before turning to make a hasty retreat.
“Mr Graham?” Count Lecter called after him just as he was climbing the stairs.
Will stopped halfway up the stairs, turning back to face him. He hoped the blush he could feel burning his face would pass as the aftermath of a hike through the fields.
“Where is your canine friend?”
“Oh, I – he’s with Mr Price in the porter’s lodgings. I didn’t think you’d want him inside, sir.”
The count smiled wide again, baring sharp teeth. “I see no harm in letting the beast inside on occasion. I trust you to keep him well trained.”
“Of course, sir.” Will hesitated. “And thank you.”
Count Lecter just continued to smile up at him as he finally made his way upstairs, walking as quickly as he could without seeming rude.
After changing into clean clothes and splashing his face with water in an attempt to lessen the redness of his cheeks, Will made his way through the endless maze of hallways to the drawing room. It had taken him quite some time to learn his way around without a servant to guide in, and, in all honesty, he still lost his way on occasion.
Somehow he made it without getting lost, aside from the slight diversion when he accidentally turned left instead of right. He hesitated at the door, suddenly unsure if this was a good idea. After all, had he not already made a bad enough impression upon his employer? There was no need for him to demonstrate how hopeless he was in prolonged social interactions.
But the count had asked him here himself, and it would be unspeakably rude to turn around now.
Will knocked.
Miriam, Abigail’s handmaid, opened the door and smiled up at him unsteadily. She was a mute, and the story behind the loss of her voice had become a sort of legend at the estate. Will did his best not to listen to any of the fantastical tall tales. She was a kindly woman, if a little nervous and on edge.
“Thank you, Miriam, you may leave us.” Count Lecter called from where he sat by the fireplace.
She hurried off without so much as a look back, leaving Will to step inside and close the door behind him.
“Mr Graham! Mr Graham, look what Count Lecter brought me!”
Will startled for a moment before realising Abigail was sat on a stool by the feet of the count, obscured behind him.
“Abigail, should we not start conversations with a ‘good evening’?” Count Lecter admonished.
The girl frowned slightly. “Sorry. Good evening, Mr Graham.”
“Good evening, Abigail.” He replied, standing awkwardly behind the count’s chair.
Count Lecter looked up in amusement. “Please, sit.”
Will murmured his thanks as he sat in the chair opposite, staring into the flames. He could feel the count’s gaze burning into him.
“Supper should be served momentarily. Perhaps you might show Mr Graham after we have eaten, yes?”
Abigail nodded, moving from the stool she was perched upon to sit next to him.
“Abigail speaks very highly of you,” the count said as the servants began to set the table. “She assures me that you are the best tutor in the county.”
Will felt his cheeks redden slightly, and glanced down at his plate. “I think perhaps my talents have been slightly exaggerated, sir. But I do enjoy teaching Miss Abigail greatly.” He turned to look at the child to find her beaming up at him.
Count Lecter observed them thoughtfully for a moment, before turning his attention to his meal. “Nonetheless, I am most grateful. I hope you will stay with us for many moons to come.”
“Mr Graham will stay with us forever.” Declared Abigail, delicately cutting into her dinner with a table manner surprisingly unlike that of most children.
“Is that so?” Hannibal caught Will’s gaze, his eyes twinkling with mirth. “Well, then. To our Mr Graham.” He raised his glass.
Will looked away, doing his utmost best to concentrate on eating without choking and embarrassing himself further.
Supper passed slowly, Will growing more and more uncomfortable each time the count caught his gaze. When they had first met, he had seen nothing in those eyes, but now, up close, he felt as if the veil there has shifted just ever so slightly. The mask had moved just enough for Will to observe the emotion lying beyond, namely amusement at Will’s obvious discomfort at being praised so openly.
Later, once their bellies were full and Will felt he was growing feverish with blushing so frequently, Abigail sat by the fire and showed him the gift Count Lecter had brought her. It was a brass telescope, clearly an expensive one – though he would have expected nothing less, naturally. It was an odd gift for a young girl, perhaps, who would be expected to prefer lace and ribbon and fine gowns, but Will had never been one to believe in such rigid roles between genders. It was a gift she clearly treasured, much more so than she would have any frills or silk dresses.
As he watched her peer through the telescope, face illuminated by the flickering flames behind her, Will felt warmth spread through him and settle in his bones. He cared for the child deeply, in a manner that could almost be called paternal, despite the obvious face that he was only a handful of years her senior.
More than once, he felt Count Lecter’s eyes boring into him. He gazed without judgement, simply observing the two of them while he continued to sip his wine.
“Abigail, dear,” he said eventually. “I believe it is time you went to bed. Miriam must be waiting on you outside the door by now.”
The child acquiesced immediately, packing up her telescope and bidding them both good night. Will smiled softly as she watched her leave, taking Miriam’s hand after opening the door and waving at him with the other.
“She is very fond of you.”
Will glanced back at the count. “And I her, sir.”
He hummed. “Good. Her last tutor was not of your disposition. I am most glad to see the two of you get along.” He stood, walking over to a table in the corner where a glass bottle stood. “Do you drink whiskey, Mr Graham?”
“Yes, sir.” Though only whatever cheap spirit he and Matt could find, nothing like whatever Count Lecter offered.
He walked back with two glasses in hand. Will had already drunk more than one glass of wine with supper, and hesitated for a moment. But he could hardly pass up on what was sure to be the finest whiskey he had ever tasted. He thanked the count, sipping from his glass.
“Do you not wonder how I knew you on the road, Mr Graham?”
“Will,” he said automatically, and ah, that would be the wine talking. “I-I only mean you – could call me Will if you wished, sir.”
The count’s lip quirked. “Then I should instruct you to address you by my given name, Hannibal.”
“Oh no, sir,” Will’s eyes widened. “That would be improper. Forgive me-”
“William,” he said softly. “I did not mean to make you uncomfortable. I know I am your employer, but I would certainly not be opposed to a certain closeness. God forbid we become friendly.” He grinned.
Will suddenly found his mind stuck on the phrase a certain closeness, and he swallowed. “Yes, sir.”
“Yes... Hannibal.” The name felt heavy on his tongue.
“Good,” Hannibal refilled his glass. “And now that we are friends, I shall ask again: Do you not wonder how I knew you on the road, good Will?”
Will frowned in confusion. “I thought you made the assumption upon learning that I was returning to your own estate, sir, and, since you did not recognise me, deduced that I must be the newest of your household.”
“Well, there is that,” Hannibal acknowledged. “But I must admit that I already knew your face.”
Will’s eyebrows shot up.
“I visited your academy once, perhaps three years hence,” he explained. “And I saw you there, working. Your teacher seemed to question you the most harshly, yet you responded correctly each time, proving yourself to possess intelligence well beyond that of most your age. I have somewhat of a good memory, and I could recall the moment with complete clarity as soon as I read your advertisement.”
Stunned, Will took a long sip from his glass, draining it once more. “You knew of me?”
“Indeed I did. I was most delighted to know you were looking for employment. I knew that there was no one better I could find to tutor Abigail, and ensured that Mr Crawford would allow me to offer you a position.”
Will nearly dropped his glass. “You talked to Mr Crawford...” He said slowly. Indeed, it had been strange how the man was so willing to let him go. He was notoriously stubborn when it came to accepting resignation.
“He is an old friend,” Hannibal admitted. “I hope I did not overstep.”
“No, I,” Will rubbed at his head, beginning to feel a lightness. Perhaps drinking so quickly was not a good idea, especially when the wine had already had some effect on him. “I’m not sure what I should say, in all honestly.”
“Then say nothing,” Hannibal told him. “Simply know that I have the utmost respect for your skills.”
“...Thank you,” he replied after a moment. “I think – I think I should retire to bed now, sir. The whiskey may have caught up with me.”
“Certainly,” Hannibal said smoothly, standing as Will did. “Good night, William. Sweet dreams.”
“Goodnight, Hannibal.”
He shut the door behind him gently, before leaning to rest his weight against the aged wood, letting his head fall back.
Count Lecter was nothing like he had expected.
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