#my friend had the “we ❤️
thesis-rose · 2 months
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Went to Raw last week and my sign on TV while rewatching (cm punk sign two stars)
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autism-swagger · 1 year
Anyone else ever notice how many opportunities Amber had to kill Tara that she didn't take?
1. The opening attack. She very easily could've killed her. Her and Richie's goal of luring Sam back to Woodsboro would've still been achieved even if Tara was dead, and yet Amber doesn't kill her.
2. The hospital attack. Amber once again could've very easily killed Tara, but she doesn't. She drags out the attack, and doesn't even do any physical damage to her.
3. Right after shooting Liv. Once again, perfect chance to kill Tara, and yet she ties her up and puts her in the closet instead.
4. When Tara attacks her with the crutches. Amber could've killed her once she got the upper hand. But she doesn't, again. She incapacitates her instead.
We see Amber intentionally pass up opportunities to kill Tara four times. Instead, it feels like she's trying to get her away from the danger.
She's not protecting her, obviously, but it almost seems like she's convinced herself she is.
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kezcore · 1 year
i hate to break it to you, millennials, but gen z does, in fact, know what dvds and cds are. we grew up with them. we grew up with a lot of stuff y'all obsess over, actually. not my fault all the tech companies collectively decided to get rid of dvd players
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yanyanderes · 1 year
me crawling out of my coffin to tell my followers i’m not dead i swear
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little ramble in the tags-
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dimsilver · 8 months
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xannerz · 8 months
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amethysttribble · 9 months
You know, I kind of feel like wider fandom trends (tho not only fandom; this is very very present in mainstream media and has bothered me for a long time) has pushed this… preoccupation with oddly strict older&younger sibling dynamics, wherein the older takes care of the younger, and the younger exists as a vessel for the older’s suffering and sacrifice
There’s this weird dynamic of debt, actually? Like, poor put upon Eldest Daughter Syndrome Character #1,348 has done so much for the younger one(s) they should be grateful. And if that younger sibling character is not appropriately Grateful, they are a horrible annoying brat that our sainted eldest must suffer through
In fact, the only way in general to make up for the sin of being the Younger Sibling (implied to be an inherent burden to our theoretical blorbo eldest) is to either be uwu soft and grateful, and/or Step-Up and Take On responsibility for the eldest and provide some comfort to this hurt
It’s all very *waves hand to gesture in Crazy-ex Girlfriend musical number*:
“After everything I’ve done for you-“ “-that I didn’t ask for!”
That younger sibling character is still a character, you know? Not a prop to make the eldest look good or put-upon.
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string-cheese-cake · 7 months
"sorry babe I can't have sex until I've finished painting my miniature"
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As someone who isn’t married I like having married friends so much because they absolutely (1000% understandably) are swallowed by their responsibilities and their work and their families in a way that unmarried people don’t where they just disappear for a bit and then they resurface like “life has been CRAZY here are 10 million things that have happened” and tbh it really is very steadying and kind of wonderful for me
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fanfictiongreenirises · 2 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY IRIS! sending you allll the best wishes!
(and i hope it's actually your birthday and i didn't just get the date wrong, otherwise happy regular day)
!!! THANK YOUUU <3<3 sliding over birthday cake and a goodie bag to you 🫶
(it's not exactly my birthday but it's my birthweek :D)
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pyrothecary · 8 months
america's most eligible wedding edition finale spoilers
i swear i'm almost done with ch0ices guys. almost. but for now here's a compilation of all the screenshots i took of book 3 while i was pining after slater while being engaged to another man 😍 i don't know why i took this many and i dob't know why my hoarder instincts extend to useless screenshots but i need to put these somwehre before i delete them. just in case i need them at some point. (idk why i named my mc 'yum' either but it was so funny when people were trying to be romantic and they just went '... yum... 😋')
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arionawrites · 3 months
1. it’s my 24th birthday today, so my goal of being published by the time i’m 25 is now a one year looming monster, but i never specified what kind of published and am currently looking in various literary magazines that are recommended for writers who have yet to be published, so i’m surprisingly confident that i can make it work? and tbh even if whatever i write isn’t officially published before my 25th birthday, if i have someone in the process of being published then i’ll be happy!! no matter what though, i’m gonna try to be proud of myself for at least giving it my best shot!!
2. i honestly love that my birthday is on the ides of march because the ides of march meme shitposting is only a thing on tumblr but it also being my birthday makes it easier to like. be excited about the ides of march outside of tumblr. like even in person i can be like “it’s my birthday! i’m an ides of march babe (:” and if someone is like oh what’s that? or if they say something along the lines of oh like julius caesar? i can be like yep!! and even if it’s a small thing outside of tumblr it brings me immense enjoyment and amusement being able to bring it up off of tumblr
3. transportation situation has been very rough since june 2023 when i totalled my car, my gap insurance are being assholes and i ended up putting my foot down on the phone with them yesterday which i’m pretty proud of because i am NOT a confrontational person (something i’ve been working on this past year, so seeing some improvement with my ability to hold my ground and not be a pushover yesterday was very cool!!) i was told i’d get a response from them by friday next week no matter what, and if i don’t then friday of next week i will continue to wreak havoc upon them. but my moms car which i’ve been using since my accident broke down yesterday, hopefully it’s fixable but my parents were saying it might be done for, so trying to think of how i’m gonna get to work next week is kind of stressing me out lmao, but for now i’m just gonna focus on enjoying my birthday the best i can because i don’t want to start off being 24 with an overwhelming anxiety for something that won’t be a potential issue until monday. plus i already messaged my boss today to let her know that i’m going to do everything i can to make it work out but just so she’s in the loop and knows of the potential of me not being able to make my morning shifts (one of my coworkers said she’s more than happy to give me a ride for our afternoon shifts which does help relieve some of the stress!) and i told her i’d let her know for sure sunday so that if necessary she can have time to figure out someone to fill in for me in the mornings!
overall: life is weird and i ended being 23 yesterday with a shitty situation but a positive outlook and i am going to enjoy my first day of being 24 no matter what because honestly i fucking earned it. happy friday everyone, i hope it’s a good day for you and me both!
#aritalks#i did cry a little bit when i first woke up because i dont really know what to do about work and also i hate not having a car i can use#not only because of the work aspect but also getting my license when i was 18 gave me a freedom i didn’t have before#and i don’t like having to rely on other people just to like go to the fucking store or something yk#but then my best friend/roommate messaged me happy birthday and i was like fuck it! today is going to be a good day!#the stressful uncertainties can wait until tomorrow#also one of my best friends who hasn’t said happy birthday to me the past two years#(not intentionally im p sure they were just busy on my birthdays the past two years#and then had that moment of ‘oh shit i didnt send a message fuck i think its too late now’ which i totally get bc anxiety things yk)#was one of the first people to message me happy birthday!!#i’m also hoping to still be able to go see my mom and then stay the night at my dads tonight#so i can see both my parents and also my baby siblings for my birthday#my dads working today but after he texted happy birthday i sent him a text asking if he thinks we could still make it work#my mom is asleep still i think (she called me at midnight and left a voicemail singing happy birthday!! but her sleep schedule has been all#over the place recently so i’m waiting until 11:30 to call her which is in like 30 mins)#but she said something yesterday about driving out to me to give me a hug and also bring me my diabetes stuff that got delivered#(her house is my mailing address because i know it’s not going to change bc it’s my great grandparents house that she’s partially inhereting#when my great grandpa dies but since i have moved out of my dads my address has changed twice and i didnt have a mailbox at my last place so#just for the sake of consistency and not having to worry about important shit getting sent to the wrong address i’ve had her house as my#mailing address since i moved out of my dads at 19)#so i think i’m gonna ask her if she can just pick me up instead so i can go to her house w her and hang out with her#and hopefully my dad will be able to at least stop by with my siblings so i can see them too#i’d like to stay the night with them but if we can’t make it happen then i can also stay the night w my mom and hopefully tomorrow figure#out the car situation. might have to rent a car for a week if i can afford it? best case scenario is my moms car can be fixed but i still#dont know whats wrong with it ik there are two potential problems and one is fixable the other is not#the fixable one would cost like $150-$400 to fix depending on if we get a used part or a new one#if its $150-$200 ish i can probably afford to pay for the whole thing or at least most of it#but if its more than that hopefully my dad or one of my family members can help#and i can just pay them back in like $50 increments with my next few paychecks#just realized i said i wouldnt worry abt the car thing today and also i think im at tag limit to i’ll stop now lmao xoxo gossip girl ❤️
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stinkrascal · 9 months
oh also next wednesday me, bf, and our two best friends will be flying to colorado again for a trip! so i probably won’t be very active next week and i prob won’t post straud either bc i don’t like to post my story when i’m not near my computer to be chatty about it ha. but i’m soooooo excited to go back, i’ve missed co so much!!!
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izzy-b-hands · 2 months
At what point do i stop bothering to differentiate between the panic and anxiety attacks when they just. meld into each other and seemingly feed off each other
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toadallytickles · 1 year
In other news
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dix-rose · 6 months
It’s such a foreign concept to me that bad people get to be happy. I know we as people make our own happiness but I don’t understand how people who went out of their way to hurt people get to be happy while the people they hurt have to suffer with what they did to them.
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