pyrothecary · 11 months
america's most eligible wedding edition finale spoilers
i swear i'm almost done with ch0ices guys. almost. but for now here's a compilation of all the screenshots i took of book 3 while i was pining after slater while being engaged to another man 😍 i don't know why i took this many and i dob't know why my hoarder instincts extend to useless screenshots but i need to put these somwehre before i delete them. just in case i need them at some point. (idk why i named my mc 'yum' either but it was so funny when people were trying to be romantic and they just went '... yum... 😋')
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flamingpudding · 1 year
The Ghost King is my Uncle Drabbles #2
A/N: Some more linked to a prompt week writing I did
Original this builds on: Link
Rowdy Cousin
Batman swore internally, from the outside he stoically sat in his chair and did nothing to indicate the absolute chaos that was going on in his mind. The Meeting rooms light flickered and the speakers once more started up loudly blaring a song all over the Watchtower. He was pretty sure one of his sons had told him once that playing that song was a meme.
"Someone do something about that kid! He is Rickrolling us!" Green Lantern screamed above the music.
"Constantine is already trying to do something." Superman's hands covering his sensitive ears as the music must sound to him even louder.
Batman very much only looped one thought in his head. -It's only for world ending purpose, I cannot use it right now.-
He had a responsibility to uphold, he was the patriarch of the earth branch family. This was not something that required him to use that. No he would not use it. He refused. This was not a world ending matter. Surely Constantine or anyone else of the Justice League Dark would solve this problem any second now.
The screens flicker and Batman did anything he could in his mind to not let his eye twitch even if no one would be able to see it. Cat videos were playing where second earlier statistics and observatory programs had been running.
No he would not, they could handle this problem no need to involve family.
The music stopped and some of his hero colleagues let out a relieved sigh only for a familiar laugh to echo through the watchtower and a new song starting to play. One that apparently counts all 100 dumb ways to die.
"Why is Klarion even targeting the watchtower like this?!" The Flash shouted over the lyrics before turning to him.
"Did one of your kids piss him off or something?!"
"No." At least not as far as he knew, though considering the recent discovery as well as the surprise visits his uncle had done lately he might have a guess why the witch boy was targeting them right now. Didn't mean he would elaborate this reason to the other heroes present.
Before Wonder Woman could comment John Constantine stormed in the room and slammed his hands down onto the table staring right at Batman with blood shot eyes. "Call him."
"Don't play fucking dumb bats. You know who I mean. This is not the witch brat alone. There is another entity and if you don't want the fucking watchtower crashing into earth you call him right now."
"Bats, he is not talking about who I think he is?" Superman carefully asked while the other heroes looked at him just as questionable.
He held his staring contest with Constantine a little longer before he grunted and reached into his utility belt pulling out a small bat-shaped pendant. A personalized upgraded calling card, his uncle had gifted to him as well as each of his children and extended family members.
This was not how he imagined a meeting in regards to his new discoveries and a possible sure fire contingency plan against world ending emergencies would go. He rubbed his thumb against the engraving waiting for a short moment for it to pulse, before tapping the pendant three times, paused and tapped it two more times. This was a non-emergency call, even if his colleagues might disagree.
He still thought they could very well handle this situation without the help of his uncle.
The present heroes watched in stunned fashion how a white haired, 20 years old man stepped out of a green portal and instantly zoomed across the room to hug THE Batman around his head rubbing his cheek against the bat's cowl mindful of the pointy parts.
And Batman was letting the man do that only looking resigned.
"We agreed that I would only call on you with this pendant for emergencies."
The white haired man only hummed before his head turned sharply and green glowing eyes narrowed at Constantine, who visibly paled and took a step back standing straight and looking very much like he regretted what he had asked Batman to do. "Trading game is not being rude to you is he?"
The bat only grunted and the white haired man finally let go of him, humming as he took in his surroundings, eyes glinting in mischievously as he saw the flickering lights, animal videos on screen and heard the blaring music over the speaker. "When I okey-ed Klarion to go playing with his cousins I didn't think he would seek you two out. He had been talking about his older cousins starting another game of 'who's the better demon lord' in different dimensions. I thought he was joining their bet."
Wait did he say two? Batman grunted and the white haired guy chuckled. "I will be back in a second."
Not even the Flash could react as fast as the white haired man disappeared and reappeared with Klarion next to him. Clearly pulling on the witch boy's ear like a father would when their child had been naughty. The flickering lights and blaring of music over the speakers had stopped.
"Ow DAD what in the name of chaos are you doing here."
"Your Cousin called me. You are disturbing his work and risking them crashing into earth with Technus' help."
"Technus get out of their network or I will lock you up on a Medieval Island for three decades."
As if the present heroes weren't confused enough a face appeared on one of the screens. Glaring at the white haired man. "You wouldn't dare."
"Watch me, if you stay in there any longer. I will also dig out the old thermos and soup you additionally for a decade or more."
The face on screen grumbled and the heroes nearly flinched back as a ghostly, green skinned man came out of it, looking every bit frustrated and annoyed. "I was just getting a good look at this modern technology, you have banned me from any big shot Industries…"
"We had that discussion 100 years ago, Technus. Back to the Ghost Zone." The white haired man commanded by opening a portal next to them with the wave of his hand and surprisingly, the green skinned guy listened.
"Sorry about this Baby Bat and Little Demi. Klarion will be grounded for a bit and re-educated in how to bond without risking potentially killing any bystanders. Oh and remember I will come by later for Baby Ghost to get his checkup with Frostbite!"
"Dad, please no grounding! Anything but that!"
"I am sure your Grandpa will be happy to have your help during your grounding."
"Dad! NO! I don't want to keep time in order! I live for chaos not order!"
The man was just smiling and completely ignoring Klarion's complains as he turned towards Batman and Wonder Woman, for reasons the hero's didn't understand.
"Well we will be on our way then Baby Bat, Little Demi!"
Batman grunted and the white haired man chuckled, leaving through the portal and dragging along a whining Klarion, who apparently was that man's son.
Just before the portal closed, the man stuck his head back out looking towards Wonder Woman with a mischievous smile. "Oh before I forget! Pops Clockwork sents his regards Little Demi . He doesn't want me saying this, but he is glad about the path you choose. Says you're set on a pretty good timeline!"
The head disappeared into the portal again and it finally closed. Wonder Woman was left blinking at the empty space, her mouth slightly open with the silent question of "What?"
"Bats, who was that?" The Flash was the first to break the silence that had followed as eyes turned to the dark knight.
"His Uncle." / "The Ghost King."
Superman and Constantine spoke at the same time. The JLD member flinched back as he looked at the glowering bat. Muttering something the man took his leave or rather escaped the room as quickly as possible as Batman kept glaring. Meanwhile Wonder Woman was slowly having a crisis of her own as suddenly family relations that had been hinted to her through Pandora made sense. "Clockwork... no, Titan Cronus? The Ghost King... Uncle Daniel?"
Chaos broke among the present heroes.
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in-loving-memory-of · 6 months
Takashi Morinozuka x fem reader -> crush/early dating stage head-canons (sfw)
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honestly, i fuckn hate hcs, but i’m gonna put them out there anyway, since mine are simply better cuz i said so
- Takashi isn’t the type of guy to just go up to a girl and ask her out because he thinks she’s cute or anything, so you would 100% have to start off as friends before he made a move (and even then, you’d probably be waiting a while)
- Probably would not initiate a conversation with you on his own (shocking)
- I could see Honey noticing Takashi’s special interest in a girl and deciding to talk to her, and maybe even invite her to the club
- If he did this with Takashi present, he’d be super nervous but secretly grateful that his cousin set him up, cuz lord knows it wouldn’t have happened otherwise
- Once Honey had Takashi’s crush engaged in a conversation, he’d start trying to, not so subtly, gauge whether or not she’s a good fit for Takashi
- If Honey doesn’t like you, then you don’t get to be with Takashi, period.
- If anyone asks at any point during your friendship if Takashi has feelings for you, he’ll either outright deny it or just stay silent, even though it’d be super obvious to anyone who knows him to any capacity
- He would be more engaged in conversations with you than anyone else, MAYBE aside from Honey
- He’d help with anything he thought you may be struggling with (you don’t even have to ask)
- Need help finding something? He’s got you. Pickle jar too hard to open? No problem. Can’t reach something on a high shelf? Well, thank god a certain giant has nothing better to do (he was just admiring you anyway)
- Once the club catches on, any possible privacy the two of you had is gone. Especially if they can tell the feelings are reciprocated
- Tamaki, the twins, and Honey would all try to get the both of you into situations where you’d be alone together, or they’d talk about how cute you would be together, or how cute your kids would be, etc.
- Even before a relationship begins, Takashi will think it’s disloyal or unfaithful to interact flirt with any other girls, so he would be extra quiet during club hours (unless you’re there 🥰)
- Speaking of relationships, when Takashi does finally ask you out, expect it to be a simple question, such as: “Would you like to get coffee with me tomorrow?” or something similar. He’d probably do so when you two are completely alone (mostly so the other club members don’t try to trail you on your date)
- If the date went well, and he felt like you were interested afterwards, that’s when he’d ask you to be his girlfriend.
- The poor guy’s heart would be pounding out of his chest and he’d be blushing like crazy, which would only get worse when if you said yes
- Once you’re official, any reservations he previously had regarding closeness are gone. He wants to hold your hand and just be near you all the time
- He’s not into the PDA shit, though. It’s not like he’d pull you into a make out sesh in public, but he does like to be near you at all times
- Honey absolutely loves that Takashi found someone he truly cares for, especially since he thinks you’re fun to be around, so he and Takashi can still be close as ever
- The other members (mainly Tamaki) are ecstatic about the relationship as well
- Seeing their normally stoic friend all head over heals for you is just too sweet
- Once you start dating, it isn’t long before he wants you over to meet his parents and vice versa
- He doesn’t even see it as a huge step or anything. I mean, of course he wants his family to meet his darling partner
Alright, I’m gonna call this a part one, and basically just write others to be more tailored to a reader with specific personality traits, cuz writing so vaguely is driving me insane.
(I have no writing experience, but I promise I’ll try harder next time, so hopefully they’ll get better after this 😭)
If there’s anything specific you want to see, feel free to request headcanons or fics for Takashi (or any of the other characters for that matter), as that’ll make it way easier to write something worthwhile lmao
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flowerandblood · 25 days
Archmaester Gyldayn's Chronicle
The Price of Pride Chapters from 1 to 8
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Archmaester Gyldayn's chronicle combines information gathered by Septon Eustace and Mushroom concerning what happened after Prince Aemond ordered the abduction of Daemon Targaryen's eldest daughter with his first wife, Rhea Royce. As is common in history, lies and truth become one.
Previous part ➽
Sources disagree on when exactly Prince Aemond ordered the abduction of his cousin — Septon Eustace believed it was an attempt to repair his image in the eyes of his family after the murder of Lucerys Velaryon, Mushroom, however, argued that the Prince desired her for himself out of sheer vanity, displeased that he had to marry the daughter of a mere Lord. This is how Septon Eustace described her arrival in the Keep:
The guards were surprised by the calmness and dignity with which she endured the discomforts of her cell — apparently this also impressed the young Prince, for although cool and mocking in his manner, he appreciated her steadfast character and attitude by assigning her one of the chambers. King Aegon received his cousin with joy and treated her as a member of his family. “Our family has forgotten you,” the ruler was to say when she was presented before him, “and I am deeply sorry for it.”
Mushroom, however, believed that the story had been falsely presented in a light favourable to King Aegon and his brother, maintaining that Prince Aemond had taken his cousin by force on the very first day, delighted by her beauty. According to reports, just after the act was over, the Prince was to say to his guards that he was surprised that she was a maiden.
Whatever might be the truth, the familiarity between the Prince and his cousin did not escape the gaze of the court, and their solitary expedition to the Vale together only furthered the rumours about the nature of their relationship. The fact is that the pair returned victorious, flying on their dragons over King's Landing.
Eyewitnesses recounted seeing Vhagar and another large, terrifying dragon flying side by side in the skies — a few days later, Sheepstealer was circling alone with his Lady during a patrol, his shadow causing fear and panic among the commoners.
Mushroom mentions the reaction in Dragonstone to the news that Princess Rhaenyra was not the only one who was trying to consolidate her position in the war with the help of dragon seed.
The Rough Prince, when word was passed to him that his daughter had tamed the mighty dragon sat down in his chair, hid his face in his hands and wept. “You have abandoned her and she will take revenge,” his wife told him, “we will all pay for how cold your heart is.”
The Prince's lone expedition with an unmarried woman aroused envy in his betrothed, Borros Baratheon's daughter, Floris, who came to the Red Keep demanding an explanation. Septon Eustace describes the events in detail:
Lady Floris was received with honours by the Prince himself, who walked out to greet her — they were seen strolling together through the corridors of the keep, walking hand in hand. During the evening feast, Borros Baratheon's daughter loudly expressed her displeasure and insulted a royal relative.
“I did not know that you look so ordinary, my Lady,” she was to say, referring certainly to the dark hair and eyes of her betrothed's cousin, for which the Prince was to rebuke her in front of everyone. “Jealousy does not suit you,” he was to reply, humiliating his betrothed “just as the gown you are wearing.”
However, the cup of bitterness overflowed when Lady Floris assaulted Prince Aemond's favourite in one of the corridors, hitting her on the back of her head with a candlestick in a rage of jealousy. The Prince's fury was great and he ordered her to leave the keep immediately, himself spending the entire night at his cousin's bedside.
While Mushroom confirms that Floris came to King's Landing demanding an explanation, he depicts recent events as having taken place completely differently.
When Lady Floris walked into her betrothed's chamber, intending to wish him a good night and place a kiss on his lips, she saw to her despair the bare bodies of her Prince and his cousin in a tight, hot embrace. The servants said they did not notice the poor girl for some time, absorbed in their own pleasure.
Floris Baratheon left the Red Keep the next day drenched in tears. When she returned to Storm's End, according to Mushroom, her father was furious.
Lord of Storm's End rose from his stone throne, calling his daughter a foolish goose. “For centuries men have had wives and mistresses — a wise woman knows which is more important. You could have been a princess, and you will be a nobody.” Despite his desire for revenge, after what happened to Lucerys Velaryon, Lord Baratheon dared not put up any real resistance to the One-Eyed Prince.
The betrothal between Prince Aemond and Lady Floris was broken with no effect on the alliance, and from that point onwards it was certain that the Prince began to take his cousin to his bed. Septon Eustace depicted their fiery affection as follows:
The young Prince became inflamed with affection for his cousin, appreciating her wisdom, courage and sincerity. Rejected by his father and suffering through the sins of his past, he sought solace in her person, spending whole nights in her company. Out of respect for her, he did not take her maidenhood, simply enjoying her presence, spending long hours discussing history, philosophy and poetry.
Mushroom is not so lenient in his assessment of their intimacy, leaving no illusions as to what was taking place behind the closed doors of the chamber:
The guards recalled loud moans of pleasure coming from the Prince's chamber every night. It is said that Prince Aegon desired his brother to share her sweet, shapely body with him; however, Prince Aemond, being a vain and jealous man, refused him, telling him to return to his own wife, for which Prince Aegon was later to take lavish revenge.
Previous part ➽
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perfectsunlight · 2 months
warnings: none
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ivory sat in a bustling building, surrounded by her bandmates preparing for their latest award show pre-recording. they’d been at it all week just going over the final details of the choreography. truth be told, she felt like she could run her choreography and lines in her sleep.
thankfully, their first stage went well. despite the initial nerves, ivory knew she was ready. she had done her part and she knew her members had done theirs as well. everything went according to plan, except for her not planning to feel so empty after performing.
the fans cheered so loudly she could hear it even backstage, but she felt as if she was missing something. she watched her other members calling their mothers and fathers, sharing hugs and exchanging laughter over the phone.
she had everything in the world right now, but she was missing the only person she wanted around. however, she knew better than to ask jennie to come, especially after the last time she didn’t show up.
as they watched the playback and discussed their performance, a curious glance from one of the members pulled ivory from her thoughts of her mother. 
“are you left-handed?” chaewon asked, pointing to the way ivory held a microphone with her left hand. sakura joined in with a playful gasp, shocked to see this new information from one of the youngest members. “are you actually?”
ivory paused, caught off guard by the sudden attention to her hand preference. “yeah, i’m left handed.” she exchanged a quick glance with eunchae, who simply grinned and pointed at herself. “i always knew.”
yunjin playfully nudged eunchae, “you two go way back, of course you knew.” kazuha hummed in agreement. “but there’s no way we didn’t notice before. are you sure you didn’t recently become left handed?”
“yeah,” ivory replied with a small smile, her fingers wiggling in front of her members. “i've always been left-handed.”
chaewon raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued. “you know, left-handed people are supposed to be more creative, right?”
sakura nodded eagerly. “yeah, and they say left-handedness runs in families. do you have any other lefties in your family?”
ivory thought for a moment, a nostalgic smile playing on her lips. most families were related, but her family was a bit different.
“only my aunt.”
JAPAN 2017
“aw, who is this?” lisa cooed as she watched jennie carry a toddler backstage. the bustling energy of a pre-concert atmosphere surrounded them, with staff members moving hurriedly and the other members of blackpink preparing for their performance. the soft hum of instruments being tuned and snippets of chatter filled the air space.
“this is jane, my baby cousin,” jennie lied, smiling softly as she shifted the little girl in her arms. jane wore a tiny pink dress with matching shoes, her chubby cheeks and wide eyes making her look like a living doll.
ivory’s brow furrowed slightly at the unfamiliar word "cousin," but she didn't say anything. she looked up at her mother with confusion, not fully understanding why jennie had introduced her that way.
the toddler stayed quiet, clinging to jennie as the members of blackpink gathered around, cooing over her.
“say hi to auntie lisa.”
jane ivory kim, with her big brown eyes and wisps of dark hair falling into her face, looked at lisa with a mixture of curiosity and shyness. she buried her face in her mother’s shoulder, peeking out occasionally to see if the thai girl was still there.
lisa laughed softly, reaching out to gently stroke the young child’s arm. “hi, jane! you’re so cute!” she turned to jennie with a playful smirk. “i didn’t know you had a cousin this young.”
jennie nodded, adjusting the toddler in her arms. “yeah, she’s visiting for a bit with some of my other family members. just thought i’d bring her along today.”
as they chatted, rosé walked over, her eyes lighting up at the sight of jane. jisoo stood next to her, smiling while waving at both jennie and the tiny girl in her arms. “who’s this little cutie?” the australian whispered, causing a pair of curious eyes to peer out from jennie’s hair. 
“this is jane,” jennie repeated, her smile never faltering. “she’s a bit shy.”
“hi, jane,” jisoo said softly, her voice as warm as her smile. jane’s eyes flickered between the women before she gave a small, tentative wave. “i’m jisoo.”
“she kind of looks like you, jennie.” lisa said with a small grin as she took in the toddler’s features more closely. their eyes were the same, cat-like and a warm shade of brown, and there was something about jane’s demeanor that mirrored jennie’s own.
jennie felt a pang of panic in her chest at her member’s observation but managed to keep her smile. “yeah, i guess the genetics are strong,” she replied, brushing a strand of hair from jane’s face. she was grateful for the dim lighting backstage, which helped hide the emotions swirling in her eyes.
lisa and jisoo went off to take instagram photos while rosie left to find her phone. jennie looked down at her daughter while ivory gently played with strands of her mother’s hair, causing the idol to groan softly. “hey, what did i say?” she whispered to the young girl, trying to maintain a stern tone despite the affectionate smile tugging at her lips.
jane giggled, her tiny fingers tangling in the soft waves. “i’m tired, mommy,” she whispered back, fighting back the urge to take a nap right there on her mother’s shoulder.
jennie’s blood ran cold at her daughter’s words. she quickly cleared her throat and gave her daughter a look that jane had never seen before. “i’m not mommy, not here,” she said firmly, her voice low and urgent.
ivory’s gummy smile faded, replaced by a confused pout. “why?” she asked, her small voice barely above a whisper. jennie’s heart ached at the confusion in her daughter’s eyes. she bent her head down, bringing herself to jane’s face. “just trust me, okay? don’t call me mommy,” she explained, hoping her daughter would understand.
the young girl nodded slowly, though she didn’t fully grasp the reason behind the lie. she remained silent, her eyes reflecting a mix of hurt and uncertainty. all she did was stare at jennie with a look of betrayal that cut deeper than words. jennie sighed, guilt weighing heavily on her as placed the girl down while straightening her own clothes. 
she ruffled jane's hair, trying to mask the guilt she felt. “now, be good for rosie, okay? i'll be back soon.” she whispered while holding her daughter’s hand and walking her to the greenroom where rosé was.
“hey rosie posie, can you watch her while i get my hair fixed?” the idol asked with a signature smile, gently ushering the young girl at her feet towards the brunette. the australian grinned warmly at jane. “of course, i'd love to hang out with you!” she said cheerfully, kneeling down to jane's eye level. “we can have so much fun together.”
jane nodded hesitantly, her uncertainty about her surroundings evident in her eyes. she clutched onto her mother's hand for a brief moment before letting go, giving jennie one final look over her shoulder as she was led away by rosé.
rosie looked through her bag before pulling out a pink pen and handing it to the young girl next to her. “do you want to draw?” she asked sweetly. jane hesitated for a moment, then nodded eagerly. she took the pen with her right hand, holding it awkwardly as she looked down at the blank sheet of paper rosie had set in front of her.
“here, let me show you.” rosie gently took jane's hand and guided her through the motions of drawing simple shapes. jane watched intently, her brow furrowing in concentration as she mimicked rosie's movements.
“there you go!” rosie praised, her eyes twinkling with encouragement as jane managed to draw a lopsided heart on the paper. “you're doing great!”
jane beamed with pride, her small fingers gripping the pen more confidently now. she continued to draw, each stroke becoming a little smoother as she got the hang of it.
rosie leaned back, watching jane with a fond smile. “you know, i'm left-handed. that's why i hold the pen like this,” she explained casually, not realizing the impact her statement would have.
jane paused, looking at her own hand and then at rosie's. “left-handed?” she echoed, her curiosity piqued. “yeah, it means i write and draw with my left hand,” rosie clarified, demonstrating with a few quick doodles on another piece of paper. 
jane glanced down at her right hand, suddenly aware of how different it felt compared to the brunette’s way of holding the pen. she quickly moved the pen to her other hand, mimicking rosie’s grip as best as she could.
“do you want to write your name? here,” the idol guided jane’s hand, helping her form the letter “j” with deliberate strokes. ivory’s brows furrowed in concentration, but soon a small smile spread across her face as she successfully wrote her first letter with her left hand. encouraged, she eagerly continued, with rosie patiently guiding her through each letter of her name.
by the time jennie returned, her hair freshly styled, she found jane writing on the setlist paper with rosie’s pen. “look,” the australian grinned while motioning towards the young girl who was too busy drawing to notice her mother’s return.
jennie's heart swelled with pride mixed with a twinge of guilt. she approached quietly, not wanting to startle jane. “wow, look at you.” jennie whispered softly, leaning over to admire her daughter's messy writing.
ivory looked up, her eyes lighting up with a mixture of surprise upon seeing her mother. she didn’t say a word, but simply held up the paper proudly.
“when did you learn that?” the idol chuckled while taking the paper to admire it. she glanced down and noticed which hand her daughter was holding the pen.
"left hand. rosie taught her how to write, not me." she thought to herself. jennie's smile faltered before it was replaced with genuine happiness spreading across her face.
“i guess she’s left handed. but seriously rosie, thank you for watching her,” jennie said sincerely, her gaze shifting to the brunette idol beside jane.
rosie nodded warmly. “she's a natural learner. it was my pleasure,” she replied, a gentle smile gracing her lips. 
“blackpink, you’re on in 5.”
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egg-emperor · 2 months
Why I love how Eggman talks about Maria in the Shadow 101 + the connection that can be made to his feelings on Shadow:
I love this part so much and I wanna go into way too much detail and depth to explain why lol
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The things this could imply are things I've thought about for a long time and to keep getting new official things that align with my theories on how he feels about Maria lately with Frontiers and now this is awesome!
First of all, I wouldn't say him taking Maria's death personally is an example of him having good standards or implying genuine moral goodness above G.U.N, considering he was cool with pointing a gun at Amy's head, who is around the same age as his cousin was who died via bullet, aboard the very place she died on.
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He really didn't care about how he would've been no better than the soldier that killed his similarly aged cousin, with the same weapon, in the same place!
With the harshness of his threats and how he gets increasingly pissed during Crazy Gadget like "Sonic, if you don't come here, she WILL die!" and how he already tried to kill Tails and tried to kill Sonic and Tails again after this, his threats weren't empty.
So I'm seeing it as him taking it personally on the basis that she's a member of the family, the Robotnik family name, so an attack on a family member makes them a threat and enemy to him too.
Think about it, there's a conflict you're not a part of at all, you're just an observer but then two members of your family/your people/community etc become a target- that's when you go "oh this just got personal" because they're related to you, of your blood, and it means you're now a part of it too with your connection to them.
It's like that, except with Eggman's selfish nature, he's looking at it for how it poses as a threat to himself personally for his connection. They killed his grandfather and cousin in their slimy shady operations and they don't want to stop at them, that's when it became personal and a threat to him too and they have tried to directly take him out since multiple times in SA2 and Shadow 05.
Plus he's making Maria's tragedy all about himself with that in true Eggman fashion too, which we'll also get into.
And I want to note the very interesting difference in how Eggman acts on the subject of Maria when in private all alone to himself with his private memos, where he seemed to express absolutely no care about her tragedy and only expressed jealousy and resentment for how he feels he should've got all the attention instead.
He didn't expect anyone to ever hear these memos, he said many private things he'd never say to anyone else in them, a real intimate glimpse into his thoughts and feelings and that's what makes them so cool. He can express his bitterness and jealousy and resentment towards Maria to his heart's content.
Then compare that to how he talks about her in the Shadow 101- which isn't a private memo, it's a data log that he can present to someone else, us, the viewers. Which is why he talks like he's actually talking to someone else (Ex: The "treat him as extremely dangerous" part)
It's certainly very interesting difference to how he talks about her when people aren't supposed to hear at all in the memos huh 👀 After how much he heard "everyone" talking about her like she was so special, he knows what others want to hear.
And what comes right after this? Eggman's rant about how he was the one that released Shadow and he had to go ahead and be such an ingrate. This is very important to note because it works as him attempting to convince the viewer that Shadow not being on his side is this horrible disservice to him “after all he did for Shadow” and how he “cared so much about Shadow's only friend, my cousin” and he clearly actually finds the former amusing and scoffs at, by the way!
Two key things here, he's establishing Maria's importance to Shadow with her being his "only friend" and he's stating his own connection to Maria in being related to her as his cousin.
While he literally couldn't help but scoff at Shadow just wanting to live in peace with his only friend Maria, he still recognizes how he can use that in his attempted manipulation and argument for why Shadow should be on his side- and use the way that she's his cousin.
I'm related to his only friend Maria, I recognize how tragic her death was (because he heard everyone talk about her like she was special instead of giving him the attention he wants! He's putting it to use, eh 👀), I found and released him- these are all reasons he can feel and argue that he's entitled to owning Shadow
I'm also reminded of how Flynn said Eggman can be an unreliable narrator, which he specifically said when asked about implications to his past with the Egg Memo about Maria.
He's extremely biased and unreliable in his intended to be kept private memos, of course he's not going to be entirely truthful in his data logs and presentations too!
And his usual manipulative streak is very important to consider, especially on the subject of Shadow with his entitlement to him. It's his whole deal in the story of Shadow the Hedgehog 2005 which I've done extensive analysis of.
This 101 history video gave us yet another example of his "I'm entitled to him as a member of the family, I did so much for him, he's so ungrateful" attitude that he's always had towards Shadow. Behold, the entitlement compilation lol:
The first few examples are when he's saying how dare Shadow disobey him because he "made him" in lies and gaslighting. But in the route where Shadow knows the truth, even then he pulls the "it was MY grandfather who created you" card to express his entitlement. Literal emphasis on the MY:
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He has always felt entitlement based on family connection, he can use both Gerald and Maria for this.
So he's still using a combination of that and now the way he was the one who found and released him as the reasons why he's still entitled to him now, creator or not.
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And man the ME? ME! being the only word on his screen at the end of both sentences is perfect, really emphasizes how it's all me me me in his mind. Of course he's going to make everything about him, that's his whole mindset as the most egotistical self-centred narcissist of all time.
Of course he's gonna take it personally if something bad happens to a family member and he's gonna take even the smallest opportunity to make something about him. How can I make this thing about me, how does this affect me, how can this either benefit or harm me, etc. And whenever he can use it to his advantage, he will.
So yeah, I believe his words on the subject are very carefully chosen in this 101. He knows how to set up his case for why Shadow should be on his side, his weapon, his puppet, his property that he tried to trick and manipulate him into in Shadow 05 too. When lying about the origin of his creation with attempted gaslighting of him being an android doesn't work, he starts taking advantage of the truths.
I always theorized that Eggman would also try to use Maria's tragedy as a way to do so as well, if he were to actually mention her, many years prior to Frontiers. The way the only times he's cared to mention her was her name being the password in SA2, on the topic of his bitterness and jealousy in Frontiers, and as a precursor to his rant about Shadow- those are all under very interesting circumstances that are important to note. And boy do I like the implications hehe 💜
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tarjapearce · 1 year
soccer family Miguel meeting wife’s family for the first time and vice versa?
Oh dear. What a bumpy ride. 🙃
Bit of angst in the end. (Will do her meeting his family later, don't worry ~)
Pt 2 here
Teeth pulled at the inner soft skin on your lips, chewing and biting away the waves of raw anxiety that washed over you.
"Stop that. You'll hurt yourself."
Miguel mumbled as he drove to your family's home. It was an unsettling surprise for you to know that your family wanted to meet him. But what truly surprised you was the fact that they knew.
Ever since you moved out from your family's home at 18, many things stopped happening. Fights, verbal and emotional abuse that went both ways, the constant comparison to your other same age family members and you, and of course, you being pushed around and invalidated.
College was a different kind of freedom for you. And the start of a new life without them. You barely visited them, even skipped the most important holidays to be away from them. In a way, it was thanks to that that you met Jessica. She had been a wonderful support on your life.
"I know... just-"
His large hand covered yours to then give a kiss on the back of your palm
"You'll be fine. And if you don't feel comfortable enough, we can go."
"I'm uncomfortable already and we haven't even arrived yet."
"They can't be that bad"
You deadpanned and sighed.
"Corazón, look. I know family's difficult. I really do, but a couple of hours won't kill you. It's a good chance to prove them wrong."
"I've got nothing to prove them, Miguel."
"Right. Still, won't be a bad idea for them to see you doing fine. Talvez asi se callan el hocico y te dejan en paz" (Maybe that way they'll shut the fuck up and leave you alone)
You giggled at his words.
In truth was that you told him everything, it was sort of sad yet amusing that you bonded over trauma sharing. It was a mutual catharsis that somehow ended up strengthening your relationship. He didn't know them, but for the things you had shared with him, he knew he'd be curt and polite.
You'd warn him about their modus operandi. They'd present themselves as kind and welcoming, but bit by bit the snide and passive aggressive remarks and comments would show up. You had hope that after years of barely visiting they'd change.
Something you were about to find out as he parked outside the colonial looking home.
"No matter what, stay away from the Horchata. My auntie thinks she is good at it but... it's yuck."
He chuckled and soon, you'd get out the car. Miguel rubbed your shoulders soothingly in an attempt to ease your restless nerves.
"Buenas gente" (Hey, People)
One of your elder aunts, the only one you truly liked and always supported you back in college came to greet you with a loving hug, "Mija!"
"Hola tía" (Hey auntie)
You hugged her back and mumbled a quick 'I missed you' before letting Miguel come into view.
"Tía, This is Miguel. My boyfriend."
Auntie gasped at the sheer size of him but gave him a gentle smile.
"Nice to meet you, mijo."
"El gusto es mío, madrecita" (The pleasure is mine)
"Oh! He speaks Spanish!"
The two shared a brief laugh as auntie invited you further. With a hand Miguel held a small present, a bottle of your dad's favorite rum and bunch of roses for your mother. and the other one he held your hand.
It seemed like a regular carneada for him, except that this time there wasn't meats to roast, but soup. Your mom's special seafood soup that was only done in special occasions. You could tell it would be difficult to leave emotionally unscathed when your mom and dad, three aunties, two cousins, and your brother were there.
Upon you making an appearance before all of them, the world stopped for a second, your breath was caught in your throat as you mentally prepared for the game of pretense.
"Mi niña! Come here!"
Your dad followed by your brother made the first ones in making an approach. The size difference sure was shocking for them all. Your father and brother had to crane his head up to see Miguel.
"¿Qué tal? Un gusto conocerte." (How's it going? Nice to meet you)
Miguel shook his hand with him firmly, something your dad approved. And then Miguel handed the packaged rum to him.
He had explained how you'd told him about his favorite drink. Your dad invited you and introduced Miguel to the whole family.
Some of your cousins oggled him shamelessly. Earning a frown from you.
However the biggest challenge laid ahead. Your mother had been watching both from afar, tending to the food with some of your aunties.
And when it was her time to be greeted, you held tighter on his hand. His thumb rubbing on your skin, reassuring.
You'll be fine.
"Mamá" You mumbled and her so ever deep stare settled on Miguel. Not even in you first, but Miguel.
"Fo you, Ma'am" Miguel gave her the roses which she took with a strained smile.
"Thank you very much. Miguel was it, right?"
"Así es." (Correct)
"Are you hungry? Made your favorite soup."
Her stalking gaze shifted between Miguel and you.
"Thanks. A bit would be nice."
"Hm. Go sit, Miguel. We'll tend to this."
Her gaze returned to the food and you nodded at him. He wasn't comfortable with the idea to just sit and watch. But by the things you had told him, it was better to not create unnecessary drama for you.
Everyone seemed at the expectance of something happening between you and your mother. Your brother was trying to make casual conversation with Miguel, but his curt and simple answers made him desist. Plus, it didn't help his mahogany eyes seemed lighter.
If they were nervous about him looking so big with deep red eyes, they'd surely freak out by his fangs. It instantly made your stomach churn, you knew Miguel didn't appreciate people pointing at his insecurities so brazenly, even worse without knowing him.
Everyone sat down, a little blessing before anything and soon the feast begun.
Of course, eyes were settled on both of you and your interactions. Miguel followed your instructions to then help you break the crab.
One of your aunties smiled at it.
"So, Miguel, where do you work?"
Here we go
"Lab Manager at Alchemax."
Your brother whistled and nodded approvingly, just like your father.
Your relationships with him sure was strained, but at least he seemed to have a bit more self criterion than the rest when it came to pick sides. You'd rather him neutral. Just like your dad.
"Wow, you surely outdid yourself this time, cariño."
That cariño sat sickly fake in your stomach. She was the one that always instigated the fights further when you thought everything would calm down. You didn't smile, just ate.
Miguel was given a beer, a round of collective gasps as he tried to open the beer with his fangs. Your other auntie made a cross sign on herself and your mother's eyes widened.
A custom you still couldn't get out of him.
"Do they hurt?"
"How does one get those? They look so cool!"
"Are they comfortable?"
Your eyes caught the glimpse of him tightening his grip on the spoon.
"Ya pues!" (Knock it off!)
"There is no need to yell"
Silence immediately came to the table as your gaze and your mother's clashed.
"Disculpa eso, Miguel." (Im sorry for that, Miguel)
your dad shook his head at your cousins.
"Do you plan on having kids?"
You couldn't help but hide your face in your palm.
"Mamá, stop."
"What? I just wanna know! You're getting old enough to have kids. And Emanuel is always asking about you."
"We haven't discussed it yet." Miguel cleaned his hands with lemon, rinsing away the fishy smell out of his fingers. The coldness in his voice only matched your mom's icy stare.
"But do you want to have kids, Miguel?"
"Dios mío, ma! Ya basta." (My god, Mom! Enough.)
"Why are you so mad over a question?"
Miguel's jaw clenched. It made sense for him why you didn't visit. The way you rolled your eyes, made the ones that had finished already to stand up and leave. Their cue to leave things unfold.
Your elder auntie seized your mom with a glare. Your dad only recoiled to himself and your brother sighed.
"Ma, eso no se pregunta." The only attempt of him to calm the boiling tension between the two. (Mom, you don't ask such things)
Miguel gave you a 'do you wanna go now' stare. And you shook your head. Leaving would only make things worse. But you found the perfect excuse to leave the table.
"Need help, mi amor?"
He was perceptive to pick up your cues, the both cleared up the table and took the dishes to the sink.
"I'm so sorry you had to put up with it." You mumbled as you washed and he dried. The kitchen felt tiny for him.
"Are you mad?"
"A bit uncomfortable. But no, not mad."
"We're leaving after we're done here." a deep sigh escaped your lips, "This is exactly why I don't come here."
"Whose Emanuel?" You groaned and shook your head.
"A man mom thought it was fun to pair me with a long time ago. I never indulged him but he never got the memo ever since I left this place"
"Sounds like he never got over you."
"Yeah, cause mom kept feeding his hopes of me getting with him together."
"Is that why you moved out?"
"One of the reasons, yeah."
You finished the dishes and Miguel excused himself to the bathroom.
He could hear the voices from the other side. One of your aunts surely and your mom.
"I give them a year."
"Did you see his... fangs? I've never seen something like that! And his eyes too!"
"Esta niña... Me va a sacar canas verdes. From all The guys she could pick, she gets one that is twice her size. Why she can't pick up normal guys?" (This girl, will get me green hairs)
Miguel's eyes turned apprehensive as his mouth settled in a straight line.
He had to hunch over the sink to take a look of himself in the mirror. He looked pretty normal, by any standards, until of course, he smiled. Pointy canines bigger than the average people stood out the most. His eyes were a different shade of brown. That was all.
He was fine.
He was normal.
He knew things like this would happen, he expected a bit of trouble. Not this.
His head felt heavy. Sudden spiral thoughts plagued his mind, corrupting the good things he held dear in his mind.
"As long as he's rich, don't care."
"Emanuel's surely richer than him"
That was the final straw. He knew you weren't that type of woman. Hell, you had invited him multiple times, knowing that you'd get broke for a couple of weeks. And still did it anyways. You loved to pamper him.
His steps guided him back to you. You were stressed and surely would cry at night. But so far you were keeping it together.
Your heart sunk a bit when looking at him. Neither of the both could stand being a second longer in the house. He followed you as you said your goodbyes. You didn't hug none but your elder aunt, and your dad, though the latter got an awkward hug.
You went back home. Neither of you said much during the trip back.
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 5 months
Dark Moon | Chapter Fourteen
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Pairing | yandere!Jimin x Reader
Word Count | 4,5k
Warnings | +18, yandere themes, Stockholm syndrome, fluff, smut, slight panic attack at first, body worship, pussy worship, pussy eating, face riding, fingering, nipples licking, couch fucking, vaginal sex, intense orgasms and devastating emotions, soft yandere Jimin, mentions of ruined childhood
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This fanfiction is yandere, if you don't like the genre, don't read and if you are not of age, don't read.
I don't want to hear any complaints in the comments, thank you.
This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | She just wanted to escape her past, take charge of her life and break out of her steel cage, praying in God for a miracle that could change her life for good.
And her prayers were heard, but it was not the Divine that answered her.
That was certainly the devil in the guise of an angel, she thought as those corrupted and empty eyes searched her soul with extreme voracity.
He turned a sweet, false smile on her, before pushing her into the abyss.
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➢ Author's Note | Hi, guys! 🥰❤️
Hope you are happy with this update! This one is a bit longer than the others! Always let me know your thoughts, you make me very happy ❤️
PS: Forgive me for the mistakes, it was not an easy week for me and I did not have much time 😭❤️
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"I finally found you," huffed Seokjin in front of Choi Minhoo, the man had been tied to a wooden chair, only Minho, Seokjin, Jungkook and Namjoon were present in that warehouse. The latter were just waiting for Jin's order to act; they were vibrating with fury.
"Be careful, Jin! My family members won't be happy about this!" he ranted with foam at his mouth, as frightened and rabid as a rat in a trap, Jungkook growled at those words, put his hand to his gun that he faithfully kept in his pocket, but a glance from Seokjin froze him in place.
"Uh, that's scary," put on a fake pout Jin with those beautiful rosy lips of his, "Now I'm going to shit my pants, look."
"Take the piss out of me, they're going to destroy you anyway," he growled, but that only made the man in charge of the Bangtans smile more broadly.
"That slut of a cousin of yours hurt Jimin when he was just a little boy, the result was that her body was dismembered by my dogs, and she was still alive while they ate her, you kidnapped and raped his woman, which amounts to another member of my family now," he began as he walked toward Minho, before grabbing the collar of his torn jacket, "I'm tired of having to pick up the pieces of what you and your damn family break, I will kill you all, child or adult, I will eradicate you from this world as the haughty and arrogant scum that you fucking are," he hissed, tightening his grip so tightly that the tendons in his wrists trembled before he pulled away.
Inhaling before recomposing himself, Namjoon and Jungkook looked at each other with a smirk-that was Jin.
"Jin! Jin! Kim Seokjin, stop!" shouted Minho after him as the man walked away, giving way to his bodyguards, "You said you were interested in politics, right! I can introduce you to the prime minister!" he finally shouted desperately, but Seokjin ignored him expressionlessly.
Neither he nor Jimin would have soiled themselves for such a being. He had deliberately decided not to tell Jimin about Minho's capture, knowing him he would have wanted to kill him with his own hands, but he wanted him to spend more time with Y/N.
He knew that sooner or later Jimin would fall into the arms of a woman he would love with sincere passion, that was what was needed for a troubled soul like his.
They needed to be done with the Choi family forever, all of them.
For days there had been a tense air in the house, Jimin was not there-according to him he had vital research to do-and in his place Taehyung had arrived to keep her company. He did not even use the guest room, preferring the living room sofa to Y/N's dismay.
The living room was her favorite place to read and eat, with Taehyung having conquered that piece of the apartment by now she could always be found hanging around it and disappearing.
Taehyung on his part tiptoed around when she was present, feeling uncomfortable.
He had endangered her with his indifference, plus he had also seen her in an extremely delicate moment, where she was weak and naked in every way.
He always peered at the girl with a pout, undecided how to start a possible conversation, she was not helping him at all in this, she was always so quiet and on her own....
With a snort he saw her head for the kitchen for a snack. He had to do it now.
"Y/N" when he reached her the woman gasped slightly, she had not expected him to come and talk to her, they had ignored each other so peacefully until now, inside she regretted leaving her room.
"Yes?" she huffed slightly, turning away.
At first glance Taehyung looked like a man of integrity, serious and good at his job, but at that moment he was showing his face full of emotion. He seemed nervous about something.
"I ... would like to apologize to you," he said with a note of embarrassment, the girl's eyes widened.
"To me?"
"Yes, it was my fault that they managed to catch you that day. It was my responsibility to control and protect you, I broke my word and for that I apologize" Taehyung bowed respectfully, Y/N was simply stunned.
They had never treated her with that much respect, why now?
Something told her that Jimin's hand was present.
"It's not totally your fault, I attacked your friend and you were reasonably pissed off, I apologize for making you worry about Jimin's condition.... I lost my mind in that instant, I did the only thing I thought was right so I wouldn't suffer anymore," she explained with regret.
"You did what anyone would have done," Taehyung replied, "My anger aside, Jimin was not behaving well with you and you did what you thought was right, that doesn't mean I would allow you to do it again, but I can still understand and yes, it remains my responsibility what happened to you, there won't be a next time."
Y/N nodded a little embarrassed, the determined expression in those languidly slitted eyes put her slightly in awe.
"Um... would you like some strawberry tea? I've made too much for myself," she said turning slightly toward the full teapot, with a small smile Taehyung agreed.
"I love strawberries."
Jimin came home with such a serious look on his face that it made Y/N guess that it was better to turn away from him.
Taehyung had left ten minutes earlier and the idea of being alone with a Jimin in that state unnerved her, she did not want to think that the boy would attack her again for his frustrations, so it was best not to pull the cat's tail too much.
The boy in question noticed the girl's strange attitude, she was moving in a hurry to wash her dishes, she wanted to run to her room and this would have been clear even to the least empathetic person in the world.
"Y/N" the sound of his voice uttering her name so quietly made her freeze suddenly, the water continued to flow in the sink without any more purpose and she did not move to stop it, "Can you come here please?"
She closed her eyes with a soft, inaudible sigh, counted to three before turning away with a slight smile.
She left everything in the sink and turned off the water, then walked over to him who sat at the table staring at her with predatory, glittering eyes, one rings-decorated hand tapped on his thick, muscular thigh, the elastic fabric of his pants wrapped around it beautifully and she found herself swallowing, "Sit here."
She did as she was told and the boy's arms soon wrapped around her at hip level, Jimin buried his head between her neck and shoulder, inhaling her sweet scent.
Y/N felt herself flaring up, the sensation of Jimin's warm breath warmly caressing her made her heart, already swollen with unexpressed emotions, throb.
"I've missed you," he repeated the words with which he had returned her the day he found her, Y/N instantly relaxed noticing that Jimin did not mean to hurt her in any way.
"I missed you too," she returned the hug, sinking her face into the soft locks of the man who smiled broadly in response.
"It's been especially stressful to handle things today."
"Are you looking for Minho?"
She asked quietly, not giving away how much even mentioning his name destabilized her, but Jimin knew her well by now; in fact, he sent her a reproachful look.
"Don't ask things you don't want to know, baby," he softly stroked one cheek still marked by a light bruise.
"I just wish you would confide in me, you keep everything inside and then you get sick."
"I won't be sick if you're with me," he replied seriously, peering longingly at her, his eyes lowered to her sugary lips and he closed his eyes, trying to hold himself back.
"Y/N." he stopped her by pronouncing her name firmly, "I want to make love to you."
A delicious twinge of pleasure made her intimacy throb, the arms she held tightly around the boy's neck trembled, "Jimin, I don't know if..." she felt so confused.
Fuck, she wanted him. She wanted him with all her heart, but she didn't want to be reminded of Minho, or his henchman hitting her repeatedly as she and Jimin lost themselves in their moment.
"Let's try it," she narrowed her eyes at the man's pleading tone, it was a new side of Jimin she never thought she would see, perhaps he had never begged any woman to fuck, the idea that she was the first one he begged even for a kiss appealed to her, "If anything happens I will stop immediately."
After that reassurance she found herself nodding with soft legs, Jimin kissed her with transport, savoring those sweet lips that tasted of tea and strawberries, fuck, it could become his new favorite taste.
Y/N reciprocated more calmly, trying to keep up with the man's voraciousness that did not just stop at her lips, but sank into her mouth languidly seeking the woman's tongue, gently intertwining in a perfect dance for them.
In a way she found it touching how tender Jimin was in squeezing her hips without hurting her, she had never experienced such intimacy with a man before, she liked it, and she did not want it all to end and go back to the dry old normal.
When they parted a few tears escaped from the young woman's eyes, Jimin stepped back slightly wiping the path they traced along her tender cheeks.
"Should we stop?" he asked sympathetically, but Y/N denied it immediately.
"No, it's just... I liked it, I've never done it like that," she said.
"Like that?"
"So intimate, with someone who loves me" she pulled up with her nose crinkling her eyes.
Jimin's blood froze in his veins, not that he had been a saint, but those words punctuated how much the childhood of the girl he was holding in his arms had sucked.
He kissed her again, feeling in his mouth the salty, lukewarm taste of her small tears that broke his heart, yes, Park Jimin now felt sorry for a past that did not belong to him, but love did that and more, it changed people and Jimin fit perfectly into that category.
He loved her and would get anything that made her sad out of the way, he slid into the neckline of her blouse, kissing every available flap of skin before he himself pulled off every single button that separated him from that body that drove him crazy. From the first time he had seen her, he knew he would desire her every hour of every day, sometimes it hurt so much it was unbearable.
When he freed her from that restraint he found himself face to face with the young woman's bare breasts, he inhaled wordlessly at the sight, god how much he had missed this, even as Minho's now superficial footprints on that divine temple made him growl.
Then he frowned, "Were you bra-less the whole time with Taehyung around?"
Y/N shrugged her shoulders, "It hurt..." she mumbled embarrassedly, referring to the bruises clearly, the bra pressed painfully against them.
Jimin inhaled softly, again bridging the distance between the two of them with yet another kiss of the evening, lulling her gently with his breath, his hand slipped over a rosy little button, teasing its tip, which rose turgidly under Jimin's expert touch, which descended to gently lick the areola before gently biting the tip of the sensitive nipple.
Y/N in response pushed her chest into Jimin's mouth, sighing in sweet waves of desire.
The man pulled away only long enough to effortlessly pick her up and carry her to the sofa in the living room, Y/N held back a surprised sob, and she watched the man's playful smile.
"Will we do it here?" she asked curiously, Jimin chuckled.
"We'll do it everywhere, sweetheart," he sighed, attaching himself to the girl's neck with his mouth, sucking and kissing her soft neck to leave his personal mark; he wanted to remove Minho's presence everywhere from her, "And I'll make you feel sensations you never had a chance to experience."
"Mh..." she squeezed her eyes shut under the weight of Jimin descending lower and lower, marking a glowing trail of wet kisses and bites all along her belly, with his hand he passed the barrier of her panties and barely grazing her pubis he sank his hand into her intimacy, gathering between his fingers a large amount of transparent essence that had already left her throbbing slit. It was the first time he had felt her so soaked for him; it felt like a dream.
"Fuck," he cursed excitedly, quickly slipping off his pants with his free hand, giving his big, hard cock some relief.
He went back to sucking one of her turgid nipples as his fingers began to play between her folds, Y/N moved her hips willingly against his hand, in her mind the only thing present was the idea of Jimin taking her on that couch.
"How do you feel?" he asked blowing hot air on one nipple, Y/N's clit twitched seeking attention.
"It feels good... so good," she whimpered, her thighs trembling, "And I want to feel you inside me, Jimin."
The latter smiled, amazed at the woman's stance, before a more wicked grin furrowed his cheeks.
He leaned closer to the girl's ear before murmuring, "And I'm going to come inside you with my cock and my fingers, soon my cock will be the only thing you'll feel between now and tomorrow, baby doll," he ignored the girl's faster breathing and continued licking her earlobe between his lips, "But first I want you to feel what my tongue can do, I'm going to lick your pussy so well that you'll cry for it," he took off his shirt as well, showing off his well-delineated and strong abs, a deep V went down to below the layer of his boxers that he hastened to carelessly throw on the floor, the sight of his swollen cock already moist with precum made her swallow without any more saliva.
She simply spread her legs for Jimin, but the position reminded her of the one they had forced her into and she stiffened.
"Jimin..." she closed her legs again shaking her head, Jimin immediately reached for her.
"Hey, hey...what's going on, baby?"
"I can't do it like this, I'm sorry" she still couldn't get over her trauma, she was about to have a panic attack and didn't want to disappoint Jimin, but the boy hugged her again.
"There are many ways to do it," he chuckled lightly trying to make her calm down, "Don't feel wrong, you're not."
"R-Really?" she looked at him curiously, wanting to have sex with him, but other than missionary and doggy style she had not tried anything else, ever.
The man nodded, "Give me some space, love."
She did as she was told and saw Jimin lie down in her place, she stood looking at him confused.
"What should I do now?" she asked innocently, Jimin gave her a smug look.
"Sit on my face."
The woman widened her eyes, what was she to do?
"I ... are you serious?"
"Trust me, we'll both like it," he replied biting his full lips, making Y/N's legs tighten.
She sighed slightly and listened to the boy, with some difficulty due to her inexperience she found herself with Jimin's face at the height of her soggy core, she found it incredibly awkward, but that feeling of imprisonment was gone.
From his side Jimin gazed in ecstasy at her wet intimacy, licking his lips he opened her folds with a gentle thrust of his fingers, before leaving a long, slow streak of saliva with his tongue, until he stopped at her swollen and needy clitoris, Y/N widened her eyes and collapsed onto the man who did not complain.
With her nose pressed against the young woman's pubis, she sucked conspicuously on that sweet trembling pearl, Y/N cried out in shock at those strange sensations she had never experienced before, Jimin's soft tongue enveloped her softly, but the pleasure was intense, it was all so terribly beautiful and hard at the same time that she began to shake her hips trying to escape from the continuous strokes of Jimin's fast tongue. The boy seemed to love eating her.
"Fuck, oh... oh! Jimin!" she shrieked breathlessly, the man held her thighs tightly preventing her from escaping, sinking his tongue into her hot and wet entrance, Jimin's eyes rolled back at that sweet taste, he could drink Y/N's essence all his life, she would never be enough for him, his cock trembled releasing thick whitish liquid, he could have easily come that way, his balls throbbing painfully with every moan or scream the girl let out without any more reins.
"Please, please stop!" she cried as she felt something coming, something powerful and devastating.
With the tip of his tongue Jimin again played with the shiny, quivering clitoris, finishing with a light bite that made the young woman stiffen, locking her in the grip of a powerful and strong orgasm, breathtaking in places, her first fucking orgasm.
She began to tremble and weep, no longer even able to bear the gentle caresses of the man adoringly wiping away all her pleasure that had soiled the inside of her thighs down to Jimin's chin.
She rolled to the side clutching her legs and wincing again, Jimin lying on his side wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck and shoulders, gently brushed one thigh and invited her to raise one leg, "That's it, baby girl... let me feel how good I did," he chuckled as he aligned himself with her entrance, lightly pushed the massive tip of his cock already lubricated with his own cum against her ultra-sensitive slit, Y/N gasped slightly with blurred vision, but let him.
Jimin pushed himself into the sublime depths of her pussy with a delighted sigh, tried to be gentle and delicate, but her almost impossible to groove intimacy soon made him lose his mind, the girl's previous orgasm had made her walls more perceptive and consequently also tighter, each thrust was an immense rush of pleasure and stun for the boy, who pounded hard until his swollen balls popped against the girl's sweaty skin, who opened her mouth wide, feeling a stunning mix of enjoyment with a hint of pain that made her lose her mind, pressed her mouth against the back of the couch to keep from screaming, Jimin gasped against her ear.
It was different from all the other times, she was experiencing pleasure, those thrusts were delicious, not painful, Y/N was simply happy.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck! You hold me so tight, my love," he sang lost in his daze, his swollen shaft began to quiver and tremble over and over again, he was coming, "Aaahh... Oh, my-! Fuck, Y/N!" he growled her name like a prayer, quickly sank his cock deeper, touching her cervix again and again, causing the woman to tremble wordlessly as she reached for the man's hand to clasp it between hers.
"I'm coming!" he exclaimed without now a breath, the girl nodded.
"Me too, oh God, me too," she replied without any more concern for her moans, Jimin smiled proudly and taking the young woman's chin in his hands he forced her to look at him.
"Open your mouth" he grunted with dark eyes, Y/N obeyed already knowing what was about to happen and accepting it with pleasure, Jimin spit into her oral cavity and before giving her time to swallow he kissed her, mixing their flavors and tongues, that was enough to make the young man's cock throb, whose pleasure exploded in violent spurts of white liquid in the girl's lap, over and over again he pumped himself into her, who came in an orgasm more intense than the previous one, she could not even find the strength to scream, she just stood there taking the man's seed in spasms.
Jimin waited for her to calm down before leaving her with his now soft and satisfied cock, he lay down beside her more comfortably and kissed her many times, wiping her face of tears with his lips and and gifting her affectionate gestures that even he did not know he was capable of.
He was fucking in love with her.
"I have a surprise for you," he murmured in her ear.
Y/N turned to him with a joyful smile, it had been two weeks since that intense and wonderful evening, Jimin had woken her up the next morning with a series of sweet kisses and breakfast in bed, he was so different from the man who had kidnapped her and that helped her fall in love with the boy even more.
"Really?" she asked trying not to appear too excited, Jimin nodded softly.
"Close your eyes," he said, but the girl looked at him suspiciously.
"Is this perhaps another one of your wild sessions that see your mouth eating me, Park Jimin?" she said with a raised eyebrow, Jimin at first had spent so much time telling her that he would never give her pleasure with his mouth, she still could not believe how much the boy liked to use his tongue to fuck her over and over again, he seemed almost obsessed. She obviously did not complain.
Jimin grinned slyly, "That one later, love," he chuckled, confirming the girl's thoughts, but Y/N stopped at that affectionate nickname, he always called her "love".
She smiled with a warmed heart once again and closed her eyes, when Jimin was satisfied he moved on to the next step.
"Now open your hands."
Y/N puffed slightly, but listened to him once more, something very light and rectangular was placed on her palms.
"Open your eyes."
When she opened her eyes again, she found herself in front of an emerald-colored letter. It was beautiful, little gold leaves were drawn around the edge, intertwining, but still she did not understand what the boy was getting at.
"You wrote me a letter?" she laughed softly, but Jimin shook his head.
"Open it..." he said simply, and there Y/N could see all his nervousness.
She looked at it again, opening it slowly and pulling out a parchment-colored wrapper, she unwrapped it too and her breath caught.
She brought a hand to her mouth and sobs immediately escaped her control, Jimin held her by the shoulders to prevent her from falling.
In her hands were two photographs, the first depicted her sister smiling in the arms of a man with western features, it had been taken at a park well lit by green trees and sunlight, she looked so happy and healthy.
In the second she always had a big smile on her face, but in her arms she held a small bundle that she looked at with eyes full of love.
"She's alive," she sobbed against the chest of Jimin, who nodded relieved to have seen no negative reaction.
"Yes, she ... was bought by a wealthy american, he wanted to give her to his son as a birthday present, but he didn't expect that his son would fall in love with her and decide to marry her, she is fine and lacks absolutely nothing, Y/N."
Y/N lifted his flushed gaze into that of the boy, "Thank you, Jimin.... I know you shouldn't have investigated a client, but you did and I thank you," she hugged him as if he was her only pillar of support, which he really was.
But the boy did not look happy, shortly afterwards he sighed.
"There is also another thing in truth."
Y/N broke away slightly.
"I know everything, I know why you ran away from your family, I know why you changed your name, everything."
The woman froze.
She began to shake her head, trying to pull away, but Jimin held her back, "How did you… no, why?" she was lost, why would Jimin do such a thing? She wanted to forget her past!
"How long have you known?"
"Since you disappeared, the last words you said to me… I had to understand, Y/N."
"No! You shouldn't have done-"
"Your uncle met the end he deserved to meet," he said suddenly.
The implication was there, heavy in both their minds.
They looked at each other a few moments, then Jimin hugged her out of the blue.
"I love you, I love you, I love you," he began to repeat like a mantra with his lips pressed to her temple, "He won't hurt you anymore, baby," he whispered, Y/N snuggled softly against him.
"Never again?" she made in a tiny little voice, as if the child self was asking for reassurance from the man who had become the center of her world.
"Y/N, I haven't changed," he said, the steel in his eyes confirmed to the girl what she had suspected. Jimin had not changed, he loved her and treated her well, but the killer behind those half-moon eyes that smiled at her was always there, ready to snap at Kim Seokjin's every command, and to tell the truth that realization calmed her, "I made him pay for every single disgusting thing he did to you and I made sure he will never do anything like that to anyone else ever again," he concluded, returning his mind to the moment of capture.
It had not been easy to track him down, it had turned out that he was a loan shark under the command of another Korean Mafia family, that was what got him a lot of money unlike his brother and sister-in-law.
"He played us, he said he was going to help our family," she trembled with her eyes glazed over and grainy, looking at Jimin with sadness and sorrow, "Instead it was just an excuse to..." a gasp of vomit blocked the words in her throat, Jimin brushed a light kiss against her forehead.
"That bastard got the punishment he deserved, now you're with me, that's what's important, okay?" Y/N nodded quickly, seeking comfort in his arms. Little Y/N cried bitterly in the mind of the now adult girl, seeing her mother giving in under her father's pressure, the man feared losing her brother's favor and ending up on the street.
"Do you really love me?"
"More than my own life," Jimin replied immediately, Y/N licked her lips.
"Good, because I love you too, Jimin," she whispered dimly, but the boy heard her anyway, smiling relieved he still cradled her with his chin resting on her head.
"I'll take care of you, I won't let you lack anything," he promised, Y/N closed her eyes letting him carry her to bed like a cute little doll.
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redheadspark · 7 months
Summary - Azriel decides to take you on a getaway
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Warnings - SMUT in this oneshot, NO MINORS ALLOWED! You have been warned!
A/N - This is part of my Ocean Eyes Series, but no Alec in this one. Just some cute and spice between Azriel and the Reader
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Your POV
"Cousin, may I have a word?"
"You can always have a word with me, Rhys,"
Your Cousin, High Lord Rhysand, chuckled as he walked over to where you were perched in your chair, outside in the garden at the Townhouse.  The sun was shining down, not blazing hot but still brought some warmth with the first signs of spring around the corner in Velaris.  You wanted to have some time out of the cottage, it felt like you were cooped up there for days on end with the constant rain and cold winds from the mountains.  But with the first signs of warmth and the sun peeking through the dark clouds, you flew to the Townhouse to get some fresh air and help tend to the garden since Elain was too busy planning her wedding and finding a second residential home in Autumn Court.  
Alec was with his father for the day, Azriel knowing you needed some solo time and he wished to have some father-son time.  You were glad to see the pair of them off, Azriel taking him to the beach and along the bay, Mor tagging along as an excuse to buy Alec presents and spend time with him.  
"Are you well?" He asked you, almost nonchalantly as you eyed him from your chair. He sat opposite of you, across from the small patio table while you folded your hands in your lap.
"As well as I should be," You answered, then eyeing him with a hint of suspicion as he merely smiled, "Something you wish to ask me, Rhys?"
"Only if you're well," he replied in a shrug, then pausing for a moment as you saw some softness in his eyes and in how he shifted in his chair, "You've been through plenty these past months: tending to Alec, dealing with Eris in Autumn Court—"
"Rhysand," You gently said his name, wanting to reach over and take his hand in yours own to give him a sense of comfort, "Everything is okay, alright?  I promise you, I am well."
You adored Rhysand tending to you to make sure you were well and safe, long before Alec came around.  Rhysand took you under his wing when you two were young, learning well from his mother and sister, and was the first real "family" member you ever had.  No matter if you ran Night Court without him for those 50 years he was held Under the Mountain, he still wished to protect you.  And now that you had your own family, you had your own little life that was growing by the day, Rhysand never once forgot his promise to his mother, your aunt, to keep you safe.  
"You may be well, but I still worry for you because I love you," he reminded you, making you grin as he shrugged, "You're my blood, and because of that I want you to be more than well.  As a father and as someone who knows how exhausting it is with a little one, I have a proposition for you,"
You raised an eyebrow at him as he rubbed his fingers together on the table, "For me?"
Rhysand rolled his eyes, "For you and your lovely Spymaster of a mate.  You two are incredible parents, and your son is an exceptional boy because of you two…but when was the last time you and Azriel had time together,"
"Time together?" You questioned him again, hearing him clear his throat a bit uncomfortably.
"…Alone time?" He asked, then ducking suddenly as you threw your gardening gloves right at him. He laughed and saw you were blushing like mad.
"Rhysand, if you even think about talking to me about my personal and intimate life with Azriel, I swear to The Cauldron—" You were about to scold him when he threw up his hands in surrender.
"Believe me, I know for a fact you two are healthy in that department," He replied cooly, you then threw a towel which landed right on his head.  He tossed the towel down as he spoke again, "I am simply saying, and suggesting that you two go away for the weekend."
Though you were still blushing, you were then eyeing him in suspicion again as he simply smiled and folded his hands in his lap again, his ink hair almost highlighted in the sunlight as you cocked your head at him.
"Are You suggesting Azriel and I go away for a weekend?" You asked, almost in disbelief yourself since this would be the last thing Rhysand would ever ask of the pair of you.  Not that he kept you from having your own family time when you needed it, but that was when Alec was involved.  Azriel would still be on call if Rhysand needed him, so to hear this from your cousin, you were a bit surprised and almost challenged.
"I only say this from experience: when Nyx was born, Feyre and I hardly had any time to ourselves.  As much I loved, and still do, having my son with us…I missed that time with Feyre."
"With all due respect for you and my High Lady, I would rather not hear the details," You teased, seeing a flash of blush on your cousin's cheeks.  You had to giggle, seeing the High Lord of Night Court and one of the most powerful beings blush like mad at the thought of his mate made your own heart tug a little bit.
"You should have that time again with Azriel," Rhysand urged you, his voice sounded calm and sincere as you thought about it.  You knew he made a good point: your personal time with Azriel has been severely limited.  Although you both loved being parents and tending to Alec, you did miss having that solo time with your mate.  No matter if you two have been together for centuries since you were teenagers, having time with only Azriel was something you craved.  He was your better half, not because you two were mates, but because of how long you two have known and grown to love one another.  
So maybe…maybe it wasn't a bad idea.
"As it happens, I know the perfect place for you two to have your weekend together,"  Rhsyand hummed, sounding like his causal self once again as he flicked off some of the petals that were falling from the cherry blossom tree looming over the pair of you.
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The front door opened into the cabin, and the swift scent of pine and open mountain air filled your lungs as you both walked into the foyer and drank in the silence.  You could faintly hear the water on the lakeshore, along with the swaying of the trees that were towering high above and the winds echoing along the mountain walls.  It was a contrast to the bustling city, but you didn't mind it one bit.
This modern cabin you have used in the past with Azriel and Alec, perhaps a handful of times when the three of you wanted to get away from Velaris for a night or two.  You knew the layout of this cabin well by now: the foyer that was made of magnificent wood and pine with stairs on the right hadn't side leading to the second floor that held the master's suite and bathroom.  In front of you past the foyer was the living room, one massive plush couch with two armchairs in front of a massive fireplace made of stone and marble, and a gorgeous view of the lake and mountain range beyond.  
To the left of the foyer was a guest room attached to a powder room, and a sunroom tucked next to the kitchen and dining room that was towards the back of the cabin.  Although it was cozy and rustic in aesthetic, it had all the modern finishes that made it desirable all the more. Some of Feyre's paintings were hung on the wall, along with wall decor and pictures of the Inner Circle.  Feyre’s eye for interior design made the cabin look enchanting for any of its inhabitants or guests.  
After handing Alec off to Feyre and Rhysand earlier that afternoon at the River House, you watched with wide eyes and a hint of worry as Feyre took your son inside to find Nyx waiting for him.  Feyre and Rhysand has watched Alec over a dozen times, mostly to have Nyx and Alec play together and to spend time with their nephew.  Deep down you knew your son was safe with them, he would be safe with anyone in the Inner Circle for that matter.  But it was still hard not to have Alec on your hip or strapped to you, to not hear his babbling constantly throughout the day or see his smile.  But Azriel simply took your hand, you both taking to the sky together with the bag Azriel packed for the pair of you, and you finally made it to the cabin.
"I already have a dinner planned for tonight," Azriel said to you as he held your bag in his hand, you looked over at him as he smiled warmly at you.  His smile, no matter how many years and moments you've seen it, always gave you butterflies like the first time you saw his smile.  It brightened his face, his mood, and even his soul too, making you smile in return as he leaned over to kiss your cheek to let the kiss linger, "Why don't you get settled, my love,"
You felt the kiss like liquid fire along your cheek as you smiled at your mate, feeling him nuzzle his nose against yours before swirly moving away and over to the kitchen area, leaving you out of breath from the small gesture.  Azriel had that kind of power over you, from a simple smile to a kiss on your cheek.  You would still find yourself out of breath with him, and it was something you never wanted to lose.  
Making it to the Master Bedroom, you saw the massive windows that were showing the breathtaking views of the mountains.  The tint of orange and purple from the setting sun made it seem like a painting that Feyre would make instead of the real thing, you touching the top of the lush covers of the bed. You loved your little cottage that was a bit too cramped, it was your home and the first home you built with Azriel.  
But you were beyond excited to sleep in this lush and comfortable bed.  
Something moved in your vision, outside the cabin and over by the little pier of the lake.  You walked over to the big window that was above the bed, looking out to see your mate walking along the dirt path and onto the pier.  His wings were relaxed against his back, and his hair that has grown a bit was flowing in the wind as he approached the end of the pier.  As he walked, you saw him strip his shirt, tossing it on the pier, and then toeing off his boots.  His tan skin glistened in the sunlight, his muscles were evident along his backside and arms as he stood at the end of the pier, looking out at the water in his jeans.  
What you didn't expect to see was your mate, stripping down naked, and dipping into the lake.  
Your heart was pounding in your chest, your breath lost on your lips from seeing Azriel duck his head under the water and then back out again.  The water rolled down his muscular backside and off his wings, his hair stuck against his neck and glistening in the sun with shine.  He seemed so free out in the lake, away from prying eyes and judgment that you knew he had to endure for years on end.  Always under the microscope, always needing to look over his shoulder or for others.  Yet there, out in the lake bare for all to see, he seemed free.
Or perhaps, only for you to see, which made your heart quicken all the more. 
Still to this day he made your heart race and gave you butterflies from his unique and rare beauty.  You saw him as beautiful, from his tan skin and his ink hair to his bright hazel eyes and sensational smile.  But beyond the persona that he had to show in front of others, Azriel was so calm and kind.  You saw the softer side of him, a side he never showed to others and wouldn't dare to expose to anyone but you.  His heart was always tender, even beyond the scars and callouses that were there from past tragedies and heartbreaks.  With you, Azriel was willing to give you his heart, his tender and fragile heart that he's protected all of his life and with all his energy.
You took it, knowing it was the most precious thing he could ever give you. 
Your feet took you out of the cabin, across the small garden that was already growing thanks to Elain, and onto the little pier that was leading you to your mate.  The warm air hit your skin as you stripped off your sweater, letting it hit the floor and then towing off your shoes.  Azriel heard your feet, turning around and looking at you slowly stripping off your clothes.  His eyes were on yours, a smile on his face while you were taking off each piece of clothing.  Not in an alluring way, though it felt like it because of how he was gazing at you.  He stared at you as if you were the only being that would catch his eye, that would distract him, and that would bring him joy.
You were all of those things to your mate, and he was those things to you.
Finally, being bare in front of him and almost shivering from the wind, you watched in anticipation as his smile never faltered.  He drank in the sight of you, the curves along your hips and thighs, the freckles etched along your arms and cheeks from being in the sun.  In any other circumstance, you would wish to shield yourself and hide away. But not with Azriel, the love of your life.
He held out a hand to you, the scars along his skin and knuckles shined in the sun as he finally spoke with one single word on his lips:
You took his hand willingly, Azriel's voice was a siren call for you as walked to the edge of the pier.  His fingers laced with yours, his eyes never leaving your own while he helped you into the water with ease.  The water was cool to the touch, far too inviting thanks to the sun beating down on the water as Azriel wrapped you in his arms and kissed your soundly.  You hummed, your fingers sinking into his ink-black hair while his fingers were pressing into your waist and hips.  Being bare in the water, pressed up against Azriel, and feeling him hold you against him in such an intimate manner, you could have sworn you had tears in your eyes.  
Your emotions got the best of you, all from being in this space with him and the rest of the world melting away.  At the core of it all, you've missed this: having Azriel to yourself and pouring your love into him.  With every kiss he gave you, his fingers brushing against your skin and one hand curving up to cup one of your breasts in his calloused palm to make you moan against his mouth, you were tumbling for him.
It was not a rushed process, it flowed naturally and organically as Azriel's lips moved to trace your jawline and then to your neck, hitting your pulse point since he knew it was a sensitive spot for you.  Recently you two would have to improvise, so to speak, when it came to being intimate together and having time together alone.  You both were busy with his Spymaster duties and your duties to Rhysand, along with having an infant to look after, it barely left any time to be intimate in the way you wanted.  With quick kisses and lingering touches, Azriel quickly fucking you in the shower after Alec was put down for a nap for the night, even the heavy petting in bed together seemed to work at the time.
But this, this was the slow build-up you both craved and ached for. 
His hands were roaming all over you, making your inside feel so warm and your mind going blank.  You loved it when his hands were on your skin, almost like he was mapping your body to memory.  Azriel knew your body so well: every dip and curve, every freckle and mole, he knew where to touch and kiss, where to trace his tongue and fingers.  You were putty to him when you two were like this, even in that lake and Azriel lightly pressing you against the pier and you molding into him as he kissed and touched.
"Mother I missed this," He said with a groan, his fingers under the water were now touching your folds and making you whimper as he ran his fingers along your folds slowly and with precision.  You felt him tremble while you clung onto him with your back against the wood of the pier, "I missed being able to do this with you."
"Me too," You said as you kissed him hard while he slipped a finger inside of you, you moaning against his mouth as he slowly started pumping his finger in and out of you in a steady rhythm, "It's been too..too long—fuck Az!"
He curled his finger, hitting that spot deep inside of you that made you see stars as he mouth against your neck and his other hand reached behind you to brace the pair, gripping it tightly and in a death grip as a second finger slipped inside of you and made your head fall back against the wood.  He took that as a sign for him to leave love bites on your neck, your pulse quickening and your pleasure was getting higher by the second.  
"You look gorgeous like this," He hummed against your skin, his fingers still going in and out of you but going a pinch faster as he watched you come undone.  You had no care that you both were out in the open for anyone to see, but that would be nearly impossible since both and cabin and the lake were enchanted to be undetected by anyone or any being.  Knowing it was just the two of you, your guards were down and that sensation alone was memorable as Azriel gulped and spoke again in a growl, "Nothing else will satisfy me more than doing this to you,"
"Az…don't stop please," You moaned as his finger that were still moving inside your aching pussy were going faster now under the water, your pleasure is getting higher and more recent by the second.  You were thinking of nothing else but him making you reach your peak, his hard body in front of you, and how you could feel his cock harden and be pressed against your thigh, his breath along your neck and his teeth nipping at you to bring you closer to the edge.  But it was when you hooked your arms around his neck just as his hand on the wood by your head moved to run his finger along one of your wings to bring you white-binding pleasure.
Your moan was so loud it echoed off the top of the lake.  
"Let go for me, sweetheart," he begged, his fingers tracing your wing again to make you shutter and let out another gut-wrenching moan from the tingling sensation of your wing being caressed, one of the most sensitive parts of your body.  Azriel was clearly using it against you and for himself, you've done it to him in the past as well since it was such a pleasure point for Illryians.  Now you were literally melting in his hold, about to fall over the edge into pure bliss.
"I wanna see you cum on my fingers," he whispered against your cheek as his fingers were now pumping rapidly, his other hand moving from your wing to sink into your hair and kept you in one spot, "Watching you cum is one of the most…fuck…most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life.  Please, baby.  Please cum for me—"
You screamed, your orgasm washing over you like a massive title wave. 
 The rest of your senses were white hot, nothing else was running through your brain but pleasure that was going on for what seemed like long minutes, not seconds.  All you could do was feel, from the top of your head to your toes and even along the membrane in your wings.  It even felt like you were flying, soaring over the clouds and amongst the stars.  
You wanted and chased that feeling, and now feeling again thanks to Azriel.
Azriel watched you unravel, his eyes wide in amazement and filled with pure genuine love as he watched you ride out the pleasure that was now seeping into your bones.  To him, you were the true rare form of beauty that brightened his darkest days and warmed the coldest of nights he would have.  He would give you any treasure or trinket that would bring you joy, move mountains for you if you asked him to, and kill any being that would threaten your life.  You were everything to him, from the moment you two met in your youth with no hope for a bright future.  
You were in fact a shooting star that soared into his vision.
After you finally calmed down, you slowly blinked at Azriel as he reached to cup your face cradling you close in his hold.  Although you were barely shaking, you hummed as your forehead touched and Azriel softly smiled while you were nestled against him.  
"Hi," You breathed, a grin on your blissed-out face as Azriel chuckled and nuzzled your nose against his.
"Hi," He repeated, then pressing a soothing kiss against your lips.  
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"We should do this more,"
"What?  Have a proper getaway just the two of us?"
"Why not?"
You giggled, the fingers that were in Azriel's hair still making a soothing rhythm against his scalp as his head was on your bare belly, his fingers tracing along your hips and the soft skin near your bellybutton while the rest of his body was nestled between your parted legs.  The soft sounds of the nightlife in the mountains came through the open window of the master bedroom, both you and Azriel were simply drinking in the silence while tangled in each other arms.  
Morning was not too far away, the twilight stars were especially bright in the mountains as some birds were starting to sing.  You looked out at the dark blue sky, the smallest hints of the morning coming over the mountaintops as your fingers were still raking Azriel's locks with ease.  
The last several hours were filled with pleasurable bliss, starting of course in the lake against the pier and then ending up tangled in the master suite on the king-sized bed.  Every moment you shared was spell-bounding, Azriel taking you on the couch as he ate you out to make you see stars, then carrying you bridal style into the master tub amongst the warm water doused in oils and scented bubbles as you rode him and made him come apart.  In the end, he held you in his arms as he pounded into you repeatedly to cum at least two more times.  
Although you both had a healthy sex life, it felt ten times better. Almost like you two were truthfully reuniting as lovers again after being away in such an intimate way for so long.  You loved your life, you lived in the small little cottage you had and the two-year-old son that you both were parenting together.  
This life you had was a pure blessing, but you did miss this.  Having your mate all yourself at this level and this deeply.  It wasn't just about sex with Azriel, it was sharing your body and your life with him and having no walls up because of that.  You both worked hard on each other to break down those walls you had around one another, through plenty of fights and arguments along with long talks and confessions.  In the end, this beautiful relationship you two had nurtured and helped flourish over centuries was better than ever.  
"I've missed this," Azriel hummed, his head along your belly as his fingers were running up and down your thighs as you watched him with a smile, "Just having this time with you and not worrying about anything else.  This just feels..."
"Happy?" You suggested, your fingers massaging his scalp as he grinned.
"Feels like home." He mumbled, you paused with your fingers as he wrapped his arms around your hips and snuck a kiss along your belly, "You were always home to me: no matter how far I went, I always would come back to you."
"You're my home too," you replied softly, Azriel blinking slowly as he held you a pinch tighter and you grinned, "You and Alec are my home, and even before we had him you were my home and center."
"But still….I have missed this," Azriel confessed, then looked up at you with his hazel eyes making your heart skip a beat.  His ruffled hair from your fingers, the flushness in his cheeks that made his eyes bright, even the way he parted his lips and his skin was glowing from the soft light that was lit in the bedroom.  
He looked beyond heavenly, he always did.
"Me too," You admitted, Azriel cracking a smile as he then moved up the bed to be face to face with you, almost nose to nose as his arms and fingers were around your bare back.  His body heat made you barely shiver as he searched your eyes.
"Maybe we can try this again every once in a while," Azriel suggested while he pushed some of your hair out of your eyes, "Have it be something we can look forward to: A mini honeymoon,"
"You can't call it a honeymoon if we're already married, baby," You reminded him as he chuckled.
"I think we can, and if I could I would marry you as many times as I could," He admitted to you, having you look at him with a hint of shock.  Perhaps it was the post-coital bliss and high you were feeling, or how Azriel was looking at you with so much love in his eyes, but you were speechless.  
"You would?" You asked sheepishly, seeing his smile widened slightly as he nodded his head.
"I would marry you every day," He vowed, you taking in a short breath as he reached up to cup your jaw lovingly with one hand, "I know I have told you this thousands of times, but I do mean it: You have changed me in the best way and I don't ever wish to not have you in my life.  I consider you my better half, and I will do anything, be anything, to keep what we have for the rest of my life,"
"Az," You cooed, leaning in to nuzzle his nose and feel some tears escaping your eyes.  You loved and craved it when Azriel was soft and soothing in both his tone and in his gestures, no need to be harsh and hard when he was the Spymaster.  This side of him, the side he only wants to show to you behind closed doors, was the side you would take for the rest of your life.  
He loved you, cherished you, and made you his priority before anything and anyone else.  
"Let me marry you again," He said almost in a plea, tracing the tears away with his thumb, "One time Is not enough for us, I think.  At least not for me,"
"Just to keep me to yourself?" You teased wetly as you cried some more, grinning like mad as Azriel's smile never wavered, "What a selfish fool you must be,"
"I've been called worse," he replied smoothly and with no hesitation, "But I'm willing to be a fool for you.  As long as I can marry you again and call you mine," 
"I am yours, Azriel," You reassured him, "And you are mine. And if you want to marry me again, then let's do it,"
Azriel peppered you with kisses as you giggled and squealed, yet when you tried to push him away he held you close with an arm around you and his hand still tracing your jaw.  It was still fresh and new with him as if you two fell into bed for the first time so long ago.  Back then, it felt like the future was bright and thriving in front of both of you as your paths were now molding into one amazing path.  That path never broke apart, it moved and swerved as time went on, maybe a crack or two here and there along with hills and valleys to conquer.  
But the path was still there and still moving forward, a pinch bigger thanks to the birth of Alec.
The End
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Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams @prettylittlewrites @fxckmiup
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Salt & Sea ⛵| HOTD Headcanon
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Content warnings: slight canon divergence, (Gwayne Hightower pairing) | GOT/HOTD Masterlist
Being the olderst daughter/middle child of Rhaenys and Corlys Velaryon would look like:
Like your siblings Laenor and Laena, you're born on Driftmark, the ancestral seat of House Velaryon amidst salt & sea. And given your mother is the Princess Rhaenys Targaryen herself, a dragon egg was placed in your cradle, hatching not long after and bonding the two of you for life. Naming the winged beauty, Zarraxes. And when she grew, you found yourself claiming the skies when not sailing the seas. 
The middle child of the Lord of the Tides, you had great expectations despite not being the heir. That belonged to Laenor, which you could not complain about since it granted you a tad bit more freedom than your brother. You got to bond more with dragon, learn the ways of the seas, watch tourneys with your sister and cousin, Rhaenyra. Corlys even encouraged you to pick up a sword. Something he'd learn to regret once you managed to knock Laenor down a few times and challenge other young Lords. That's when Rhaenys stepped in to have you focus more on Septa lessons. 
You were close to your siblings growing up. Spending most days learning high Valyrian and enjoying the beauty Driftmark had to offer. Sneaking away from the Septas to play on the beach. Zarraxes and SeaSmoke shared a sibling-type bond, flying around the island when you and Laenor stayed on the ground. Laena followed you like a shadow as children, enjoying the moments you read to her of your family's history and the dragons that conquered Westeros. Her fascination with Vhagar had you predict early on she'd be the one to claim the mighty beast as her mount. And when she did many years later, you were bouncing off the walls in celebration. "I knew you could do it, sister! This is an amazing!" 
Instead of Velaryon blue and white--which you only wore on special occasions, you often preferred red and silver in tribute to your dragon and your mothers, Meleys. The Red Queen sharing a small bond with you after Rhaenys took you flying when you were only a few moons old. The red also contributing to the colors Rhaenys birth house of Targaryen. Corlys at first was upset by your preference of attire but settled when you promised to wear sea-blue and white for you wedding and events your family was to be present for. 
As expected of a daughter to a member of the Royal House of Targaryen, you were raised to be a respected, well-mannered Lady of the court. Once of age, your parents brought you to King's Landing in hopes to find you a suitable husband. Your line of suitors was quite impressive, from sons of Starks, to Lannisters, and even a Dornish knight pinning to win your hand. In the end, despite your parents' initial reluctance, you were betrothed to Ser Gwayne Hightower. At your age of eight and ten, he was only a few years older than you and already garnered himself as a respected knight of the Seven Kingdoms. Your union was pleasant, and despite his arrogance at times, you two found friendship that eventually grew to genuine love. 
"Darling girl, to be granted your favor will ensure my victory in this tourney. Will you bless me, and I shall reward you with the crown of love and beauty?" "After a promise such as the one you've bestowed, Ser Gwayne, it would do the Gods injustice to reject you."
When Gwayne is a spectator at tourneys instead of a competitor, you two sit in the royal box and visibly judge whispering gossip under your breath. A small trait you took from your parents, having watched them interact over the years. When walking in the gardens or attending banquets, you two will send looks to each other whenever someone says or does something deserving of a side eye. 
Your time is broken up between Driftmark and Oldtown. Gwayne maintains his post at his family's home, while you take flight when homesickness becomes too much. The few times you return to the Red Keep after your wedding was to attend Viserys' to Gwayne's sister, Alicent (an occasion which prompted numerous side eyes from the both of you when no one was looking), Rhaenyra's to your brother Laenor (concerned side eyes as you know your brothers preference of companionship), and finally the wedding of your sister Laena to Daemon Targaryen (concerned side eyes considering Daemon's reputation).  
"My dearest, you appear in distress on such a happy occasion." "This family is going to run us to an early visit with the Stranger, Gwayne."
As children are born to your family, you witness the pride and joy in your parents' eyes. Laenor's sons, Laena's daughters, and your children are the future of House Velaryon. The future of the skies and seas. You're a dotting aunt, sending ravens and name-day gifts when unable to attend in person. Your children pretty much learn to sail a ship, wield a sword, and ride a dragon before the ages of eight. 
Because although you may now light the way, you and your line will forever be tied with the salt and sea. 
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madschiavelique · 9 months
˖𓍯. 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬. ★. ₊ ⭑
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⟢﹒ pairing : matt murdock x audhd!reader x frank castle
⟢﹒ summary : your family is an ordeal to endure, full of disparaging remarks that make for a horrible evening. fortunately, Matt and Frank come to keep you company during the family diner and take you home to look after you.
⟢﹒ content warnings : hurt/comfort, extremely self-indulgent, reader's family are degrading, audhd reader close to breaking down, reader having sensory issues, reader getting overstimulated, the guys in this are so lovable and sweet boyfriends, afab!reader, no use of Y/N
⟢﹒ word count : 9,3k
⟢﹒ note : had quite a shitty christmas ngl, so i thought writing this piece of comfort would be helpful ! if you only want to read the comfort part, i'll place a separation by using a black divider between the hurt and comfort part. a huge thank you to my bestie @sunflowersandsapphires who proofread this <3. have a good read lovelies!
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You passed a q-tip close to your eyes in the hope of correcting the curve of your make-up, trying with that scatterbrained perfectionism that accompanied you in even the most minute tasks to ensure that everything was symmetrical.
Nothing too extravagant, just something elegant, neutral, but that would do. The standard was just to look presentable, from the face to the rest of the body. Jeans, an oversized hoodie, nothing special.
This lack of personal distinction was undoubtedly due to the rejection of perception, the insistent stares, the embarrassing compliments that could suddenly put you in the spotlight tonight, an idea that made you feel profoundly uneasy.
You stepped back a little, checking to see if the much-desired symmetry had been achieved, and no sooner had you put down your utensil than you were asked to do the little cousins' make-up.
Tonight was an annual family reunion: Christmas, where aunts, uncles, grandparents and grandchildren got together over foie gras, salmon and dubious discussions. Where guests who have just left are criticised, where disparaging remarks are exchanged, and where the meal always ends up drifting into politics with more or less heated debates at the table.
You anticipated the evening, an anxious knot already forming in your stomach. You had a particular link with your family, of which the affection was strangely displayed if at all in a way you despised entirely. Every year was a different pain, a different bitter taste that lingered in your thoughts like poison, and you were not delighted to participate in this celebration when you would’ve preferred staying home.
Only one thing held you in place and convinced you that the night wouldn't be a constant and unrelenting hell: Matt and Frank were coming over.
This winter, it was the first time you would’ve been accompanied by them, and by anyone in fact. Knowing the rather strong opinions of your family, the simple idea of saying that you shared your life with two men in a more than platonic way had been dismissed a long time ago. A trouple? If that fell in the ears of one of your family members, you could be sure that you'd become the next freak of the night.
So you talked it over with the boys and came up with a plan to make sure you could bring them both along and not make a big deal of it: one of them would pretend to be your boyfriend, while the other would just be your friend that had nothing better to do for the celebration.
The choice of boyfriend fell on Frank, and friend on Matt.
He had asked why, and you had explained that it was obviously in no way because of favouritism or anything of the sort, but rather the simple fact that he would get more compliments behind his back if he wasn't with you than if he was. 
He'd frowned, but you'd had to explain to them how your family was sometimes built on clusters of shrill gossip, talking behind others' backs and later making remarks to their faces in tones of passive aggressiveness and wicked irony.
You also had to educate them, that no matter what was said about you tonight, not to react. They'd probably be itching to, it would be like a thread sticking out, but they were forbidden to pull on it.
You looked at the clock, seven past. You'd texted Frank to ask where they were and when they'd arrive. Eight thirty had been their reply, and you took a deep breath. An hour and a half to go.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, assuring yourself everything was alright and that you were presentable enough. You can do it, you kept telling yourself, this night knows an end.
The first complications arose sooner than you thought. 
First of all, you'd managed to find a decent seat in an armchair and not on a sofa. However, this seat was very close to the fireplace, where a blazing fire licked the brown logs with appetite. Very close, too close, close enough that it felt suffocating. 
You moved your chair back slightly as best you could, trying not to disturb the conversation that was already well underway.
You tried to take a few snacks, perhaps some cashews, crackers or cherry tomatoes might ease your boredom and distract you from the growing heat.
You pulled out your phone, hoping that Frank and Matt would get here sooner, and would've sent a message to that effect. Or perhaps was there a notification from any of your friends, a reel, a meme, anything-
"Put your phone away, we're with the family."
You looked up, your mother watching you and taking her glass in hand with a look of dissatisfaction. In a single instant, your cheeks heat up all the more as the fire in the fireplace presses against your skin, and you gulped.
"I just wanted to check if I had any news about Matt and Frank's drive," you explained simply, gently stuffing the phone into your pocket.
"They'll arrive when they arrive, but for now, be with us."
You nodded, discreetly biting your cheek as one of your only escapes for tonight went up in smoke. You would have much preferred to be able to escape a little and block out what was going on around you, even sorting out your gallery and deleting useless pictures would have been a more pleasant and less stressful activity.
But you couldn't, and you said nothing when it was your mother's turn to pick up her own phone and connect to the speaker to play her Christmas playlist. 
The children played together, which should’ve been a joy, but their overexcited screams, incessant movements and all that noise were enough to make you feel the headache setting in.
There were easily three different conversations going on around you, and your mother turned up the music in response. You waved, putting your hand in front of you as if you were lazily dribbling an invisible ball to indicate her to lower the volume, and she turned the music down a notch.
You clenched your jaw, thinking to yourself that this was a good start, even if everything else was getting harder to hold on to.
Choosing to wear a hoodie became almost a regret as the ambient heat from the fireplace worked its way up your spine to the nape of your neck, creating an unpleasant feeling. Soon enough, you had to take it all off as the first signs of nausea began to make themselves felt.
You weren't particularly comfortable with the idea, but everyone's attention was obviously diverted enough to take no notice of your actions. Except perhaps for one.
"You could have made an effort on your outfit, it's not very festive." Your mother sighed before taking a sip from her glass of champagne. "Hadn't you lost weight? It would be a shame to spoil the occasion."
You swallowed, the ground looking awfully interesting at this very moment. You knew what would have been said to you if you'd worn something more in the spirit of it, "You've got a nice body, you should wear that more often," and other remarks falling into the famous "you should insert-disobliging-action more often" category.
You should wear that more often. You should smile more often. You should come more often. But none of these requests were of the taste to be fulfilled by you tonight.
So you simply shrugged, having nothing in particular to say, and feeling your heart clench. You were stuck in this contradictory place where if you made one move slightly changing from your usual self to them, you were reprimanded on it, but if you didn’t do anything in particular, they highlighted the fact that it was disappointing you hadn’t done anything.
"Well, we're delighted to have you with us tonight!" chuckled an uncle, raising his glass to you.
"It sure makes a change from knowing she's in her cave," chuckles an aunt.
You smile, but there's no warmth behind the gesture. By cave, they mean your bedroom. Your habit of isolating yourself had brought you a certain reputation within your family, and for years now it has been a recurring joke. They laughed about it every time, but you saw it more as a broken record replaying the same snippet of music... speaking of which, your mother turned up the sound again, thinking you wouldn't notice.
"Could you turn it down please? It's really loud." you ask politely, in the most calm, composed and polite tone you could produce at the moment.
"Oh come on," your mother grumbles, rolling her eyes, "we're allowed to have fun."
She turned up the volume once more, and finally someone other than you told her it was too loud. Reluctantly, she lowered the sound slightly, but it was still not enough for you. Your hands lodge over your ears, hoping with all your heart that this would ease the strain on your eardrums.
Conversations sought to drown out the music, each member pushing their voice for any discussion. Kids were still running around, chasing one another by screaming at each other, and adjusting your eyes on anything without the certainty of getting a headache felt like mission impossible. 
Your hands on your ears helped slightly, and it was only then that your mother looked at you with a surprised expression.
"Does it really hurt?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.
"Yes," you nodded, "it really does."
Finally, she turned it down, and you exhaled as the others resumed a more appropriate though still higher volume of discussion than you'd prefer. The kids had been changed of room, making it more bearable for you to live through. 
"So, what have you been up to lately?" asks one of your grandparents, "how's work?"
Your cheeks heat up, the discussion now turned towards you, prompting you to take your glass in hand just to have something to quench your throat suddenly arid as the sahara.
"Very well, business is good." you smiled falsely, forcing your face to display the features they might normally expect to see.
"Great, and those two guests coming tonight, do you know them from work?"
How could you say that the circumstances in which you had met these two men were in a situation that included Frank and Matt falling into your flat, bloodied, and asking you for help? 
Karen, who you’d known through college, had advised them of your address, and when the first opportunity came up, they had taken the chance to make the most exceptional introduction you'd ever had in your life : stumbling at your place with cuts all around
"In a way, yes," you replied, pressing your lips into a thin line.
"One of them's her boyfriend, and the other's a lawyer," your mother informed the others, who seemed delighted by your seemingly noble company.
It's a good thing the flames in the fireplace were dying down and that it wasn't so hot anymore, because both your cheeks felt like you were resting the back of your hand on hot embers. It was a never-ending embarrassment to have such behaviour around you, saying aloud everything regarding you without you consenting to any information to be given. Wherever ridiculous actions or the slightest subject that was even a little new and out of their boredom-inducing daily lives occurred, they swarmed.
Nevertheless, the conversation drifted away to your delight, and at the mention of your loves, you couldn't stop thinking about them. You would have liked to check the time, to see if they had any problems on the way that might have delayed them, but you knew that such conduct was likely to earn you an additional remark about the use of your telephone. After all, she could find openings as easily as water in a colander.
Just then, a dance song began to play which, objectively, had nothing to do with the Christmas spirit. So everyone stood up, moving the chairs to get more room, and you helped in this cacophony of moved furniture. 
You stood to one side as everyone got to the centre of the room, their dance steps resembling a veritable collective epileptic seizure of which you had no desire to become another member.
You took the opportunity to take refuge in the bathroom, carefully closing the door behind you and sitting down on the toilet to take a deep breath. The after-effects of all these mixed sensations were beginning to make themselves known.
Your body was as taut as a bowstring, as if every muscle had contracted from a high fall, and it felt as if releasing all the tension would break you in thousands of small pieces. Your heart wasn't beating particularly fast, but it was beating hard, and you couldn't ignore it.
You took a deep breath, letting your head fall back as you closed your eyes. Your throat and chest were tight, so tight that you felt like crying right now. But you couldn't, it would be too noticeable once you got out of here, and you didn't want to give them the pleasure of having an extra subject to talk about at the end of the evening once you'd gone. It would do them too much honour, and you couldn't afford to give them any.
You were so tired, you couldn't take it any more, the fatigue coursing through your body like you'd run a marathon of shame. You breathed in again, feeling your previously tight chest slowly relax as your body was jolting a bit from the unease.
This wouldn't last forever. By the end of the evening, after dessert, you wouldn't be in this house surrounded by all these people, all these eyes, all these mouths, all this noise.
That's when your phone buzzed, and without missing a beat, you pulled it out of your pocket. On the screen was a single message from Frank that gave you tremendous reassurance:
We're here.
You bit your lip, nodding slowly. One last breath for courage and you stood up, opening the door of the bathroom. Without anyone noticing, you grabbed your hoodie and stepped outside into the cool of the night.
The sudden chill brought you unparalleled comfort, biting your cheeks hot with frustration and embarrassment. Perhaps the night would heal you, that its cool caress would apply its balm of softness to all that pressure and relieve you of your tension.
You turned your key ring to find the one for the gate a little further on, trying to walk and not sprint to it. Inserting the key almost frantically but controlling your excitement and relief at their presence, you opened the game.
And there they were, smiling at you.
"Evening sweetheart," Frank smiled when he saw you.
"Sorry we took so long," Matt apologised, pressing his lips together.
You looked behind you to make sure no one had followed you outside, closing the gate slightly so that you wouldn't be seen. You knew that even from here, your group of three could be seen as a pile of meat around which the vultures would circle, and you didn't want to risk being their next meal.
You hugged them both, relieved to have them close to you, and the suddenness and desperation in your gesture almost seemed to surprise them. They hugged you back, kissing your temple.
"Your cheeks are warm," Frank chuckled, pressing his face harder against yours, making you giggle.
"Is everything okay?" asked Matt, stroking your hair, "you're all tense."
Of course, Matt noticing every microscopic detail as usual, couldn't help but pick up on how stiff your body looked, and how the smell of stress covered your skin in the thinnest film. There was no point in lying to Matt, or pretending to divert the subject with Frank, so you sighed.
"Lots of noise, not much serenity," you replied, letting your head fall against the devil's chest.
You were trying to cherish all this a little more, because once you were back in the house, you and Matt wouldn't be able to touch each other again except perhaps to pass a plate across the table and let your fingers deliberately brush against each other.
They'd already been told by you what to expect, and even if they were prepared, they were sorry to find you like this.
"We won't stay here the whole night," Matt reassures as he wraps his arms around you, stroking your back. "Let's hope we get out of here before Frank goes so far as to take the silverware from the table and threaten anyone with the butter knife."
"You're ruining my fun, Red. Now I've got to find something more inventive," sighed the latter.
"Take the star at the top of the pine tree, it'll be sharp enough," you suggested, turning your head towards him, cheek still pressed against Matt's chest. 
"See that, that's Christmas spirit," smiled Frank.
You loosened your embrace, Matt gently kissing your lips. He savoured the moment, and so did you, because this kind of proximity with him wasn't going to happen again for several hours. 
"Ready?" asked Frank, letting his pointer finger form a hook to caress the skin of your cheek.
You looked at the lights further away from the house, hearing the music from here and already preparing in the second part of the night.
"Ready," you breathed in before reopening the gate and letting them through.
You felt your heart clench again, the unpleasant tingle of anxiety coursing through your veins in a fluid traffic that seemed impossible to dilute. You tried to breathe calmly, preparing yourself once again to face the suffocating interior of sounds, movements and remarks.
"Remember, if you need to take a break from all this and go outside, squeeze my hand three times, okay sweetheart ?" reminded Frank, placing his hand on the small of your back.
"Yeah," you swallowed, nodding softly as a tight little smile spread across your lips.
You'd agreed to pretend, in case things got desperate and you needed a break, that Frank was a smoker, and that you and Matt shared his ciggy break together.
All of this preparation had come from the fact your mother had passed an entire questioning about your boyfriend - or at least one of them - to prepare herself conventionally. You knew how she was, and such coaching with the guys was for the better.
Still, his hand on your back was reassuring, and made things easier to bear.
You opened the door, and everyone turned to you with a big "Ah" of satisfaction. Introductions were made as both took off their jackets. Frank remained friendly but guarded - as usual, typical Frank - and Matt seemed to bloom in this social environment like a freshly blossomed flower.
It didn't take long for most of your family to decide that they loved Matt. His well-timed humour, his natural charm, his eloquence, everything about him made him a man to be admired.
"Isn't there any way he could be your boyfriend instead?" said an aunt, approaching you as Matt and Frank continued to be introduced.
"He's way out of her league," sneered another, "they both are, actually."
You pressed your lips together, blowing falsely from your nose to feign amusement. You knew Matt could hear every little jab at you tonight, and if he was feeling any frustration, he was hiding it perfectly.
"Where did you get them? I want one too," said the first, making the other laugh.
"Might get the lawyer's phone number," she replied.
"Yours is very fine too," remarked the other, "how'd you manage to get him ?"
They both said these sentences as if their own husbands weren't in the room, and as if the possibility of you being in a relationship with one of them was a miracle, or just a huge stroke of luck.
"Through work," you replied mechanically and through clenched teeth before moving into the kitchen to help with the dishes.
You knew these sorts of remarks were to be brought up, on how you’d managed to surround yourself so well. Matt and Frank had long wondered how your confidence in yourself was so low, but maybe tonight would’ve been the perfect example as to why it was the case.
The transition to the table was almost seamless. Everyone sat down, the seating order meticulously adapted for everyone. Fortunately, you found yourself between Frank and Matt. You were inwardly grateful for the choice of decorations when you realised that the tablecloth was quite long, and that the reassuring hand Matt had just put on your thigh wouldn't be noticeable.
You breathed softly, the warmth of his hand anchoring you better in all of this and giving you something to focus on that was sweeter than any mean remarks.
Of course, with every new person around the table comes an interrogation to get to know them. Questions of all kinds followed for the boys, about their work, their activities, your aunts of course looking for answers as to how you and Frank had ended up together.
You'd worked it out and decided that Matt had introduced you to Frank and that, through your shared tastes in literature and other things, you'd ended up bonding.
"If books are the new way to getting to a man I've got some reading to do," joked one of the aunts, making the table laugh unanimously, "never thought you'd manage anything of the sort."
The pique directed at you made you feel as if you were swallowing a large ice cube with difficulty, but you covered your discomfort with an expert fake smile. Masking all that discomfort since the start of the evening was beginning to prove complicated, but you weren't going to use the smoking-break Joker just yet.
You could see in the corners of your eyes how Matt was wearing a stiff smile, and how Frank's jaw was tense. Gently reaching under the table, you took both their hands, turning to Frank with another smile that this time wasn't imbued with the polite mask you wore, but with sincerity.
"Let's just say I was lucky " to have found two such extraordinary people who fill my life with love on a daily basis, would you have finished.
You squeezed their hands, drawing small circles on their skins as they both smiled.
The starter was over, the main course continued as your stomach was refusing to let you eat anything, and the whole thing brought together discussions that made you uncomfortable to say the least. All sorts of unconscious or simply cruel racist, homophobic and even transphobic remarks were placed on the table. 
You remained silent, not speaking particularly. You had no desire to take part in this kind of discussion, given how horrible the venom on each other's tongues was. You just hoped it would all be over soon, looking forward to going home with Frank and Matt.
The cousins were chatting away like fascists, one talking about Napoleon, and the old days being the best, while talking about the questionable politicians he was listening to on the radio. 
The cheese arrived, and then came the little break just before dessert. They put on a film for the children, so that the adults could have a quiet chat without all the heckling.
Hearing the parents' arse jokes, you'd think they'd be fucking each other on the table if they thought it was funny. You could very well let your own sassy tongue out, say that if this aunt isn't listening to what's being said already it's because she's working out her next gossip, but you have to forgive her because she wouldn't be like this if her husband wasn't cheating on her, or maybe he's cheating on her because she's like this. 
To tell the uncles that they're less likely to die from terrorism than from alcoholism, to tell one aunt to strap the kids up tight because her husband is going to be driving as if he had an autonomous car. And that you would’ve liked to finish by saying that no matter the smiles, the village fete, all it took was a small difference for everyone to see the real faces.
But you said nothing, keeping to yourself those comments that would only serve to fuel their hatred. 
As Frank came up to grab another drink, your mother sat next to you on the sofa while the two boys came to be monopolised by aunts and uncles. A procession of rednecks near Frank discussing his familiarity with weapons and his military past, while the aunts were wiggling around Matt hoping to curry favour with the young lawyer.
"It's too hot in here," you murmured as you shifted a little from your mother, but she wasn't letting go and placed her head on your shoulder.
"But I want to be close to you," she said with a pout, the alcohol making her visibly affectionate.
You tensed, the desire to get away from it all running through your body, screaming under your skin. But there was nothing you could do, frozen there in the middle of it all, having to endure the situation as best you could.
The familial conversation drifted onto the subject of intellectuality, on the fact that your family was made up of nothing else, or at least for the most part. And you felt tiny, because they were generally right: they were all huge readers of the classics, who knew a lot about history, literature, philosophy and other human sciences. 
All these subjects were familiar to you, because you had had to learn them, to master them in the face of the global family demand for the cultivation of excellence.
Even though you were the ugly duckling of the family, that didn't stop you sharing this knowledge and they were all aware of it. You were able to inject the conversation with valid arguments and insights you'd learned on your own that were important to the topic, and whenever the occasion to say something wise came up that you grasped, they seemed more tolerable to you.
When the discussion turned to the descendants of a painter, you were asked to verify the accuracy of certain statements. So you looked it up on your phone, but barely half a minute later, your mother couldn't resist reprimanding you:
"What did I tell you on your phone? Not when we're with the family."
Irritation from all the previous events of the evening was beginning to press down on you, and it was with some irritation that you replied: 
"But I've been asked for some information."
Your voice was almost like that of a child defending themselves against someone calling them a liar, and this tone seemed to displease her when her gaze hardened.
"Don't talk to me like that, and put your phone away."
You bit the inside of your cheek so hard it felt like it was going to bleed, and said nothing as you put your phone back in your pocket while the conversation around you resumed.
You didn't meet Frank's gaze, nor did you turn to Matt, because you knew that this simple gesture would show weakness and a cry for help. However, you had made them swear not to interfere, and you remained silent for a while, trying to calm yourself down as you watched the fire ripple in the fireplace like an orange veil dancing in the wind while you fiddled with your fingers.
The tic was automatic; Matt and Frank would have preferred to have taken your hand in theirs to prevent this torment. 
What irritated you most of all was the profound injustice of the whole evening. You wouldn’t say anything, and you’d be considered too silent so people would ask you questions, but once you opened your mouth they were not satisfied with your answers. You couldn’t take your own phone, when all the aunts had their own, texting to their friends and all. Children had the right to get away in another room and watch a movie, while you had to stick there doing nothing but listening to whatever was said.
You couldn’t wait for the night to come to an end.
It was time to store the presents everywhere and pretend to the children that Santa had stopped by while they were watching the movie. Everything was placed in colourful piles, and when the children were called, they ran down the stairs and began the frantic tearing of gift wrap to an orchestra of shrieks and shredding.
All the accumulated sounds made you grit your teeth, tightening your throat and making you want to cry. You could feel the limit coming, and you needed a break to prevent you from imploding.
This time you took Frank's hand and squeezed it three times. He turned to you immediately, stroking your cheek before telling Matt. As quickly as they could without looking rushed, they put on their jackets and went out after you.
The night air calmed some part of you instantly, the contrast between all the hectic ambiance inside and the calmness of the outside felt like two extreme opposite worlds living by the only separation of a door.
To make sure that even from the outside there would be no doubt about this cover, Frank had to play along by taking out a cigarette and lighting it. He seemed irritated, and the idea of that Joker card almost seemed to play a real asset in all this to calm him down.
"How the fuck do they sleep at night?" he grumbles as he puffs out his first drag, "it's like they take every opportunity they get to pull you down."
"It's alright, let it slide." you sigh, crossing your arms over your chest.
"No it's not," he continues, "I can't believe you managed to handle their company for all these years."
"Didn't have much of a choice," you breathe.
"I know you said it was bad, I just didn't imagine it was constantly so," Matt confirmed.
"If I go back there I might actually punch them in the face," Frank grumbles before taking another drag on the cigarette.
"All that's left is the presents from the adults, then the Yule log, and then we'll be off, okay?" reassured Matt, placing his hand gently on your shoulder.
The touch of his hand brought a comforting warmth, and his words managed to reassure you. You looked at them both, thinking about how it would’ve been without them : unbearable, definitely. You had barely been able to handle it before they came, but now that they were here, you felt safe, like half of the poison that was thrown at you was not as effective.
They had changed you, made you feel loved, cherished, proud. They had been trying to break these patterns, the self depreciation, the self sabotage, the lack of self confidence. They were helping you build yourself back up from the ruins everyone else had left, and you were the most grateful to the universe to had brought them in your life.
"Thank you both, for being here," you admitted, your voice almost cracking, the coolness of the night giving you a feeling of security that was enough to relax your knotted throat.
They turned towards you, their faces softening. They knew what you were going through, what you were enduring for the night, and how complicated and unpleasant it must have been until they arrived. 
Frank took you in his arms, the smell of tobacco already permeating his clothes. Matt must not have been enjoying it at all, smelling that darkly sugary, smoky smell all around him, but whatever personal discomfort he was experiencing he didn't let it show. 
"It's the least we can do, beautiful," he replied, stroking your back.
"We just wish we could shut their mouths," Matt agreed, holding back from participating in the embrace as you’d instructed him.
"And stop this whole group of women from praising you?" sneered Frank, which made you smile.
Matt's nose scrunched up and his bottom lip curled in disgust at the remark.
"One of them wanted to feed me appetisers, and another asked me about being blind and whether I'd mind being in a relationship with someone whose looks I can't see." he said with a sigh.
"And then?" asked Frank curiously as you both turned to face the lawyer.
"I told her that I didn't need to see to know who was good-looking, and that if I chose my relationships purely on looks, I wouldn't know true friendship or love."
"All those poetic words must have pleased her," Frank punctuated with a whistle.
"Not until I told her my grandmother wore the same perfume as her."
You and Frank both laughed softly, truly impressed at how Matt was handling all this flirting and cringe from several women altogether. 
But this calm moment had to have an end, as the cigarette grew smaller and smaller by the minute. Frank broke away from your embrace to finish it and stubbed it out on the wall.
This little outing had done you a world of good. The cool night air had refreshed you, its delicate silence giving you a break from all the noise and the terrible comments from your family all the while Frank and Matt allowed you this break from constant barbs.
You returned again inside, the end of the opening of presents for the children welcoming you. And so the opening of those for the adults began, all the parcels being stored on the table in more chic and sober wrappings. The grandparents started, Frank standing behind you with one hand on your shoulder and the other holding his glass of champagne.
One by one, they all opened their presents, until it was your turn. Embarrassment gripped your body as all eyes were on you, and you dreaded the opening simply by being watched with boredom mixed with curiosity - to see how you might react and make the slightest faux pas.
You went about it slowly, wishing to unpack properly and not act like a barbarian tearing everything apart at once. Your aunt beside you imitated a yawn at the fact that you were making them wait, and everyone laughed, a tense little smile nailed to your cheeks.
What you got in the end wasn't too bad, nor too far from what you could appreciate, surprisingly. Of course, you had to force yourself to smile at most of the useless gifts that gave you absolutely no pleasure, but you thanked everyone, and the presentation of gifts moved on to the next ones.
"Didn't you get her anything?" your mother asked the boys.
"Her presents are at my place," Frank informed her.
The sentence made your heart spike up, a sudden warmth colouring your chest in pink softness as the sparkles of it brought the tingling sensation of tears at the corners of your eyes. Presents, they had gotten you presents. 
You were not going to cry, of course not, but the lump formed in your throat gave you enough of a hard time that you had to grab your drink and sip on it.
"Speaking of your place, have you looked at the traffic to get home?" questioned Matt, "I don't think I want to take too long."
"I'll have a look," he said, taking his hand off your shoulder to pick up his phone.
You wondered if Matt had had enough, if his own senses had been overwhelmed by all of this and he was pondering on going home. But then realised what they were doing : feigning traffic disruption in order to get home early and save yourself a lot of awful time.
"I think we're going to have to go," Frank nodded as he put his phone away. "Sweetheart? Ready?" he asked, bending over so that his chest pressed against your back.
"Yes," you said as you took a big breath and stood up, saying goodbye to the whole family.
You dreaded the hugs, the kisses on the cheeks or simply the fact of pressing them together and imitating the sound of what should have been a fake smooch, but with a surge of tiredness you objected to this using the excuse of " time is running out".
In no time at all, Matt and Frank had gathered up all your things and were carrying them, heading for the entrance hall to collect theirs.
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In less time than it takes to say it, you were finally outside, walking up to the gate. You felt as if your lungs were being squeezed as you went along, almost expecting to feel a rope being pulled tight inside you to tie you to the house, for someone to come out and catch you or whatever. You felt almost like a gnat trying to escape from the spider's web in which it had been stuck a little too long.
You stuck the key in the lock of the gate, turned it hastily, then opened it to let them go with you, closing the big opaque metal door with that step. The pressure hadn't gone away from your body yet, every limb feeling like it was made of thick, rough foam where multiple needles had pierced you in the many crevices they'd already left and were digging even deeper. 
You looked for the car in the hope of getting to it as quickly as possible, but you let out a little squeal of surprise when your feet flew off the ground as Frank swept you up in his arms like a princess.
"Ain't no way you're gonna walk, you've had enough exhaustion for the night," he said, tightening his grip on your back and the back of your knees.
"But-" you began reflexively, although the idea of giving up this position didn't bring you any comfort.
"Ah ah," he stopped, "don't wanna hear about it." If he had his two hands free and was being childish, he would have put them over his ears, singing la la la and pretending not to hear anything.
But his hands were firmly under you, giving you all the security you could have dreamed of and the beginnings of a comfort that would last all evening until you'd sleep.
"Circus night is over," Matt huffed, taking a deep breath, "I think I've heard enough nonsense for one year."
"Lucky for you, next one's less than a week away," sneered Frank.
"I'd rather lose a second sense than inflict this on myself and our angel a second time," the demon replied as he grabbed the car keys from Frank's pocket and opened it.
He opened one of the rear doors, letting Frank gently place you in and strap you in place, placing a kiss on your forehead as he stepped aside to let Matt pass and place the few bags in the boot.
Matt sat down beside you, and you let your head fall on his shoulder. You felt the tingles of anxiety under your skin lodge in your legs and squeeze your chest, the rush to get out of here weighing heavily on your head.
Frank sat in the front seat, turning the car key and making it purr, then drove off. 
As the car rounded the corner, all the tension began to dissipate and you let the breath you'd been holding in escape from your chest. Your whole body felt heavy, your hands gloved with marble, your legs booted with lead and your head stuffed with cotton.
You felt the softness of Matt's lips as he placed a kiss on your forehead, his hand coming to rest on your thigh as you hummed under the sweetness of his comfort.
"It's all over now," he said, resting his chin on your head, "we're going to take care of you."
You snuggle up to him, your hand coming to rest on his as you breathe softly. Your fingers drew soft, formless patterns on the back of his hand, fighting the fatigue that had fallen on you like an anvil.
The moment was sweet, Matt's warmth through his clothes spreading close to you as you turned his hand onto his back to gently trace the lines from his palm up to his callused fingers. 
"I'd have to get rid of some of them," grunted Frank, who clearly hadn't yet calmed his frustration, "I'm sure they'd be much better off in an asylum."
"It's an insane asylum, not an asshole asylum," Matt remarked, "you'd have to build asshole asylums but... you can imagine the size of the buildings."
"Yeah, still, maybe I should have burnt my cigarette on one of their cars."
"What a nice Christmas present," chuckled Matt.
"I can be generous sometimes," confirmed Frank.
"Especially when you threaten people," you agreed.
"A pittance," Matt snickered, "Is that one of my sweaters by the way ?
"Yes," you sigh, "I'll have you know it's been criticised tonight."
"Really? By whom."
"I'll let you guess."
"A bit bold coming from someone dressed like Norman Bates who dresses like his mother," Frank grumbled.
You laughed softly, a sort of little venting session taking place in the car like a debriefing following a bizarre situation.
"With all those women around, Red's charm knows no bounds," laughed Frank, "you've caught the eye of one in particular it seems."
"My aunt? She's suffering from too much oestrogen. If you're interested, I can put you in touch," you grinned.
" I'd rather sleep on cotton sheets." grunts Matt as his hand grabs your thigh and squeezes a little tighter, letting a small chirp of amusement escape from between your lips.
The ride continued, and your stomach went all hollow, grumbling with displeasure at the emptiness you'd left it.
"Didn't eat much, did you ?" asked Matt softly.
"Barely touched her plate," confirmed Frank at the front.
"Didn't feel like it," you murmured.
"Is there anything you'd like when you get home?" proposed the demon, interlacing his fingers with yours.
"Something sweet," you hummed, adjusting your chin to rest it on his shoulder.
"Anything else?"
"Two pairs of arms around me," you smiled.
They both grinned, and the ride went by in a flash. You untied yourself once you'd arrived, stretching slightly as you shifted to open the door beside you, but Matt's hand from your thigh came to grab your hip and pull you back to him in a gesture that seemed immensely easy.
You turned to face him, confused for a moment, as he kissed your cheek.
"No walking, remember?" he smiled as Frank opened his car door to come towards yours.
You sigh, shaking your head slightly as you roll your eyes. They were overdoing it, but you weren't going to stop them. 
"Come here princess," Frank said as he pulled your hips towards him to take you in his arms again.
You wrapped your hands around the back of his nape, nestling your face in his neck and smelling his subtle cologne on his warm skin.
Matt took the bags and went ahead to open the door for you. The familiar smell of your real home seemed to wash all your worries from your body as you took a simple breath.
The bags were deposited in the hallway, Frank walking over to the sofa to set you down.
"Stay right there and don't move," he informed, hands on either side of you as he kissed you softly.
"What happens if I move ?" you asked, placing one of your hands on his arms.
"I'll tie you up like a pretty present," he chuckled as he kissed you again, "the most perfect present we'd ever have."
"Is that a threat or a promise?" you teased, your foreheads pressed together.
"It's a statement," he concluded.
He straightened up, and you were already missing his presence near you, but you respected his request - or rather his order - and remained seated on the sofa. Your head fell back, your body moulding itself to the shape of the couch under the effect of the evening's emotional turmoil. The tension drained away more and more, relaxing your tired muscles and making you yawn. 
It wasn't long before Matt and Frank returned with more casual outfits and packages in their hands. You straightened up, bending your knees on the sofa about to get up, but remembering the fact that walking wasn't a possibility, you explained: 
"I've got some for you too, am I allowed to go and get them?"
"For us?" said a surprised Frank, pointing at himself as if there was some mistake.
"You mean the packages under the first step of the stairs?" questioned Matt, "I thought those were packages you forgot about for the others."
"No, these are for you," you confirmed as you sat back down on your knees on the sofa.
They stood like that, one blinking repeatedly while the other kept his lips parted.
"You really didn't have to-" Matt began, but you stopped him immediately.
"Tsk tsk, if I don't have the right to stand up, you don't have the right to stop me from giving you presents."
"But-" resumed Frank.
"Ah ah," you smiled in the same tone he'd given you earlier, "don't wanna hear about it."
He parted his lips in a smile but said nothing as Matt laughed softly to the side. They approached you, Frank placing the packages on the coffee table as Matt turned away.
"I'll get them," he eventually says, heading for the top step, cracking it open and pulling out three packages to take back to the coffee table.
"The medium one is for you," you say, pushing the first one towards Frank, "and the big and small one are for you," the two boxes sliding across the smooth table towards Matt.
The packets seemed a particularly complex conundrum to them, but you urged them to open their presents.
Matt opened his and discovered a 7kg weighted blanket and an anti-stress ring that could be twirled on his finger.
"I know you sometimes ask me or Frank to lie on top of you because the weight makes you feel better, so I got you this, which should help if neither of us is ever there to give you what you want. As for the ring, I know that times at the Court can be stressful, so I thought it might help you find a point of anchorage." 
Matt seemed at a loss for words, taking the duvet between his fingers and touching the silk sheet you'd wrapped it in. Putting the ring on his index finger, which fit perfectly, he smiled to himself.
As for Frank, he removed the wrapping and his lips parted.
"I've been looking for these for months," he said, looking at the few books he'd been talking about over and over again. "How did you... ?"
You'd scoured countless bookshops, searched book repositories, researched the clearance of certain titles by libraries to find these books that had all but disappeared very quickly while the work was being republished and retranslated.
"A good girlfriend never reveals her secrets," you smiled.
The two of them placed their gifts on the table and came to embrace you, nestling their faces in the crooks of your neck. They held you close, gently kissing your skin between hushed "thank you's", dotting your neck and face with soft pecks.
"What did we do to deserve you," Frank murmured, pulling back slightly.
"I could ask the same about you both," you smiled, running your fingers through their hair.
They kissed you again, then handed you their own gift. You opened it, and it was something you'd talked about several times before, something that was very close to your heart and that they'd decided to give you. This time it was your turn to hug them, and they laughed as you showered their faces with kisses.
"What do you say to a nice bath, and then some dessert before bed?" offered Matt.
"I think that's the best idea of the evening," you confirmed, caressing his cheek and kissing his nose.
Without further ado, Frank took you in his arms like a koala, letting your legs cross behind him as you pressed your cheek against his shoulder. He led you and Matt into the bathroom, the devil bending over the tub to prepare the bath.
Frank lifted you slightly and sat you down on the wash basin counter, letting his hands fall on both your thighs and stroking them gently.
"As much as I love your makeup, we're gonna have to remove it sweetheart", he explained, kissing your cheek.
So mechanically, you grabbed your make-up remover, ready to start the process. But Frank stopped you in your tracks, gently taking the bottle in one hand and a cotton pad in the other.
He poured a small amount onto the white disc, dosing as you did regularly.
"Close your pretty eyes for me," he murmured, taking your chin between his fingers and starting to remove your make-up.
Frank had this charming habit, in the evenings when you were getting ready for bed and he wasn't out playing vigilante, of watching you remove your make-up. He knew a lot about your day by the way you went about it: slow and thoughtful was the result of a good day, faster and more jerky obviously reflected one full of frustration, and sometimes when your movements were slow and your eyes half-closed, it generally meant that the day had been very, very long.
He concentrated, pressing tenderly against your skin as he removed iridescent, matte and mascara from your eyelids, occasionally pausing to kiss your lips, making you smile and giggle softly with each peck.
You almost wanted to put lipstick on his lips and let him kiss your whole face until the red of your cheeks was indistinguishable from the colour of the lipstick.
He asked you to look up this time to clear away the mascara smears and the black marks left in their path. He was doing this with the utmost precision, and this personal attention sent tickles all the way to the back of your skull.
"Look at me?" he asked and you complied, a smirk forming on his lips. "The prettiest girl."
He came over and placed a strand of hair behind your ear before stepping aside to throw away the little cotton disc.
"I'm gonna go and check what snacks we have, Red? I'll leave you my favourite part, but only because it's christmas alright?" he informed before kissing the tip of your nose one last time and stepping out of the bathroom.
Matt, so far checking the temperature of the bath water to make sure it was correct, shook off his damp fingers and wiped them on a towel before standing up and moving between your legs.
"I'll have you stand up just for a bit," he cautioned, taking your hands and pulling you slightly towards him to get you to your feet. "Arms up."
At his request, you raised your arms. His hands pinched the bottom of your hoodie and pulled it up your body. He laid it to one side, continuing with your t-shirt, his fingers still warm from the water sliding delicately against your skin.
"So that's Frank's favourite part?" you smiled, "undressing me?
"I have to say it is," he stated as he unbuttoned your trousers and panties, sliding them to the floor where you lifted your feet to get out of them.
"And what's your favourite part?" you asked as he took off your socks and raised up to your level.
"The one that's about to happen."
He guided you to the bath and let you slide in gently. The temperature was perfect, just as you liked it, and you let out a moan of ease from between your lips until most of your body was submerged in the bath.
Matt took a stool from the bathroom and placed it beside you, taking a cup at the same time to pour water over your hair. He applied himself with great care, taking his time to make sure no drops got into your eyes.
Your muscles relaxed naturally with the heat, finally eradicating the tension in your body once and for all.
You felt Matt's fingers dip into the bath water, sliding up from the skin of your thigh and gently up your body, tracing your silhouette under the water.
"You're beautiful," he whispers as his wet fingers rose from the water to caress your cheek.
"How could you know?" you asked softly, watching as he stared into the emptiness.
"My hands don't lie to me, and I know the beauty of the mind at first sight of the heart" he smiled as he took your bottle of shampoo, pouring some into his palm before massaging your head.
To help him, you straightened up, pivoting slightly to get your back to him. His fingers snaked through your hair, massaging gently and lathering everything up slowly. He worked the back of your neck, muscles tense, letting your head go with the movement of his hands.
With your neck now leaning back, Matt smiled gently before kissing your forehead.
"That's my favourite part," he confirmed, resuming the massage.
You let your eyes close, surrendering to the gentleness of the moment and Matt's touch. He was pressing, caressing, painting with his fingers as if he were holding the most beautiful and delicate material in his hands. 
Too soon for your liking - because you would have preferred this moment to have no end - he rinsed your hair, letting the white mousse spread over your shoulders and applying it lightly to your skin. He took the sponge, soaking it in shower gel before squeezing it into a foam so that he could spread the bubbly cloud over your skin.
He took one of your arms, raising it so that he could get it straight and soap you up properly, and he kissed the length of your skin before the softness of his kisses was erased by the little soap bubbles that the sponge left in its wake. He did the same for your second arm, and your leg, and the second after that, covering your whole body with kisses and softness.
At first you thought it was unfair, because no sooner had he placed a kiss on your skin than he wiped it away with white foam. But you were soon comforted by the idea that these weren't kisses being chased away, but kisses being kept, kisses that seeped under your skin and brought you all the warmth that the bath was beginning to no longer contain.
Before the water got too cold, he gently rinsed you off and got you out of the tub, wrapping you in your bathrobe.
Frank came back into the bathroom at last, bringing clean, more comfortable clothes in his hands. They both took their time drying your hair and dressing you, whispering sweet nothings to you as they kissed your cheeks and temples.
Each kiss washed away the stress you'd been feeling, replacing bitterness with sweetness, and you relished every moment of it.
Once again they carried you in their arms to the sofa, where Frank had placed a plethora of foodstuffs of all kinds on the table, snacks and other sweet products that you might have wanted at the time.
You watched several episodes of a series that you'd been watching together lately, commenting on it and falsely - or actually - taking offence at the particularly stupid choices made by the main characters.
You didn't need any more than that. All the love in the world was with them.
They had taught you how one hand changes when you put it on top of another, that another world is possible but is present in this one, that there is always a dream asleep.
They were standing on your eyelids, and their hair was in yours, they were engulfed in your shadow. Their eyes were always open, they wouldn't let you sleep, their kisses in the light made the sun evaporate.
Back pressed against the chest of one, face hidden in the nape of the other's neck, tonight you fell asleep, fulfilled, safe and loved.
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katelynnwrites · 1 year
I Think Of You (When I Think About Forever) | Felicitas Rauch
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warnings: mean words
word count: 1430
summary: felicitas is your forever no matter what anyone else says
a/n: requested, part two to You Are In Love (True Love)
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‘I’m so in love with you.’ Feli declares.
You giggle, ‘You’re only saying that because I’m giving you a massage.’
‘Not just that. You know it’s not only because of that.’ Your girlfriend complains.
‘I know.’ You promise, kissing the back of her neck.
Felicitas smiles and then in one swift movement, pushes you down onto the bed beside her.
She straddles you and you groan, ‘Feli.’
‘Liebling.’ She mocks and you roll your eyes.
‘I love you.’ The older woman reminds you before bringing her lips down to meet yours.
You melt and your girlfriend makes a pleased noise at the effect she has on you.
She kisses you a few more times and then pulls back just enough to breathe.
Her eyes are sparkling and you can’t help but softly whisper, ‘I never thought I would be doing this here.’
‘Doing what?’ Feli prompts.
‘Kissing the love of my life in the bedroom I grew up in.’
Felicitas laughs, ‘Want to do that again?’
Very eagerly, you pull her close by the collar of her shirt so that you can answer her question.
A few hours later and you have reluctantly stopped making out with your girlfriend, in favour of making yourself presentable.
Your parents had decided to host a dinner for all your extended family so that you could spend time with them.
In playing for Wolfsburg, you have missed out on a lot of family time. It bothers you sometimes but you make the trip from Germany to England as often as you can.
This time though, you’ve brought your girlfriend with you.
You pick up on Feli’s anxiety easily, your German girlfriend having changed her outfit three times already.
‘Feli you look stunning. Don’t worry, my parents love you and I’m sure that the rest of my family will too. Honestly, my love relax.’
‘Are you sure?’ She nervously asks.
‘I’m positive. Besides, you’ve already impressed the most important members of my family. Anyone after that is a bonus. Although I will give you extra credit if you get my baby nieces to like you.’
You kiss her reassuringly and after a moment, you feel her smile against your lips.
Felicitas proves you right.
Your grandparents welcome her with open arms and your baby nieces adore her.
They chase her around your parents’ backyard and she lets them catch her.
It’s a pile of infectious giggles that you walk up to and your youngest niece raises her arms, asking to be picked up when she sees you approaching.
You do as she asks and your sister’s daughter leans in to conspiratorially whisper, ‘Your girlfriend is cool.’
‘I know she is.’ You tell her just as seriously.
It makes Feli, who is eavesdropping on the whole conversation, laugh.
‘Want Mama now.’ She whines and you chuckle.
You glance over at Felicitas to check if she’s okay to be left alone with your other niece for a while and she nods.
So you take her over to your sister. She kicks her little legs excitedly and then thanks you sweetly when she’s back in her mother’s arms.
Your sister gives you a smile and then your niece starts telling her all about Feli and how she hopes you’re going to marry her.
You blush and excuse yourself quickly, not wanting to be teased by your older sister.
Though you do know that you share the same hope as you make your way back to Felicitas.
It’s a lovely night and you’re thankful for the rare chance to see your relatives.
Though your parents have invited more members of your extended family than you had expected.
You’ve seen the cousins you grew up with and the aunts who doted on you as you were doing so.
Even one of your more distant cousins, who you haven’t seen since you were twelve has shown up.
You are having a good time and from the way Feli is laughing with your mother, you think she is too.
You can’t resist going up to her and pressing a kiss against her cheek.
‘Hello liebling.’ She murmurs and you smile.
‘I’m just going to get another water from the fridge and then I’ll be right back. Do you want anything?’
You shake your head with another grin and your girlfriend kisses your forehead before leaving.
Your mother chuckles, having observed the whole interaction.
‘What Mom?’’
‘She’s so taken with you. It’s a mutual feeling I can tell.’
You flush a bright red again and your mother tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
‘To be honest I was a bit worried when you first told me about Felicitas. Now that I’ve met her and seen how in love the both of you are, I’m not at all worried. In fact, I’m so happy for the both of you.’
‘Thanks Mom.’
Feli reappears with her bottle of water then.
You pull her into your side and she instinctively reaches for your hand.
Something isn’t right with your girlfriend. She has always had a tendency to be on the quiet side but now she’s unusually so.
You’re worried she is overwhelmed so you take her to your room and sit down beside her. Most of your relatives have left now anyway.
‘What’s wrong love?’
Your girlfriend lets out a shaky breath.
The pair of you are long past trying to hide anything from each other so she quietly begins, ‘I overheard your distant cousin saying some things…’
‘What things?’
‘She um, she said…’
Felicitas squeezes her eyes shut tightly and then recounts what she’d unintentionally heard.
The moment is fresh in her mind.
She’s walking past the living room when she hears your cousin mention her name.
She didn’t mean to pry but she could not stop herself from listening in.
Your cousin is sitting with a few of your other relatives that you had already introduced Feli to earlier.
As Felicitas lingers outside the living room, your cousin says, ‘Look I know that it is accepted for people like my dear cousin to not be with a man now but can’t she at least find a looker? Her girlfriend looks ten years older and those eyebags she has isn’t helping. Doesn’t she sleep?’
Feli chooses not to hear anything else, quickly making her way back to you.
You swear rapidly after your girlfriend relays your cousin’s words to you.
‘I’m okay with whatever others have to say about me. That doesn’t bother me anymore but when they talk about you that way, it hurts.’ Feli barely audibly continues.
‘It has to be hurting you too liebling.’
Your girlfriend worriedly reaches for your hand and then squeezes it with concern.
She makes your heartbeat stutter with just how much love you feel for her.
Here she is, trying to check that you are okay after overhearing one of your family members making rude comments about her.
You shake your head, leaning in close to kiss her with as much reassurance as you can.
‘It doesn’t. My cousin, the one who is talking about our relationship like she knows us? She’s an idiot. She is never going to get it. You’re beautiful Feli, inside and out. You make me so happy, happier than anyone ever has. I love you and I don’t give a shit about what anyone says because I want to be with you. I want to love you like you love me. I’m proud of the love we share.’
Your girlfriend tears up and nods, whispering, ‘I’m proud of the love we share too.’
‘I’m sorry you had to hear those awful things.’
‘It’s alright. Like you said, she doesn’t know either of us and she is an idiot.’
You laugh and kiss your girl lightly.
‘She moved out of the area when we were pretty young but before that, I used to practice my slide tackles on her. That’s probably why she doesn’t like me.’
Felicitas giggles and you kiss her again.
Sharing kisses with Feli will always make the butterflies in your stomach come alive, no matter how many times you do so.
‘Ich liebe dich.’ Feli murmurs and you smile.
‘I love you too.’
If later that night, while Feli is in the shower, you walk up to your cousin just as she’s leaving and threaten to make her life unpleasant if she ever says anything bad about your girlfriend again well, Felicitas doesn’t need to know that.
It does give you an immense sense of satisfaction as you cuddle up to sleep beside your girl though.
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German Translations:
liebling - love
ich liebe dich - i love you
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briefalpacashark · 1 year
!!!!Miles can Salsa!!!!
Miles X reader. Miles 42
For some reason, I just believe that Miles is a really good dancer. I strongly believe his mum would drag him to the dance floor to teach him how.
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There you stood, in front of the door that lead out to the roof for Miles' apartment complex. My hands rung the yellow sun dress I wore before nervously fixing my hair. Beyond the door I heard the chatter of people, the sound of music and the sweet, sweet smell of Rio's cooking. I would never tell my dad, but damn, Rio's cooking was the best in the world. I don't know how I could think about food at that moment. My stomach was doing flips. Why was I so nervous you ask? Well, I had been to these cookouts for eighteen years. You would think I would have the hang of it by now. Well, this time it was different. You see, for eighteen years I had been coming to these gatherings as Miles' friend. Now I was going as Miles' girlfriend. Girlfriend. The word still brought a stupid, giddy smile to my face. Remembering back to how he had asked me, I couldn't help but chuckle. Shaking my head, I took a deep breath. It wouldn't be any different. I had grown up with these people. Plus, Miles and I had only made it official a few days ago, there's no way they would know, right? Cheeking my bag to make sure I still had Miles present, I pushed open the door. As I stepped out, everything seemed to stop as everyone turned to me. 
“Uh, hi guys,” my voice cracked as I did a little wave. They totally know.
“Ehhhhhhh, there she is!” Uncle Tito exclaimed and before I knew it, I was rushed by smiling faces, everyone hugging me and congratulating me. 
“Welcome to the family, Nina!” Miles' cousin exclaimed picking me up and spinning me around. I stumbled slightly when I was put back down, smiling as an auntie brought me in, kissing my cheeks.
“I'm so glad. You just won me quite a bit oh money,” she chuckled cheekily before shuffling off. I frowned, only to spot Miles trying to make his way through the crowd.
“Hey, hey let her breath you animals,” he ordered, stepping up to my side, placing a hand on my lower back and shooing his family and friends away. Reluctantly, they did so. 
“Well, you certainly made an entrance.” Underneath his calm and cool exterior, I caught a brief glimpse of the nervous boy he once was. He was embarrassed by how his family acted, even more embarrassed by the fact that the reason they acted that was was because he had blabbed to everyone he knew that we were finally together. I smirked, rising to my tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips, an act that still made us blush. 
“What was that for?” he asked, slightly dazed.
“Happy birthday Miles,” I said. Hearing a loud wolf whistle, I blushed, dropping my head to Miles' chest as he sighed, fighting off the embarrassment as he half glared at his family members that called out some saucy comments.
“Where is she? Is she here?” Rio pushed through the crowd, her eyes setting on me.
“There she is, my daughter-in-law,” Rio opened her arms out as she rushed towards us.
“Mum,” Miles groaned.
“Oh stop it,” Rio waved dismissively at him, taking my hands.
“Thankyou, I know your way out of his league and I know he sometimes smells,” I laughed at Rios words.
“Mum. Are you serious right now?” Miles asked, running a hand down his braids.
“Callado, come, I want you to tell me everything,” Rio waved dismissively at her son before she hooked her arm on mine and dragged me away. 
Translation=(Be Quiet)
Later that night, when Rio had finally let me go, I stood by the barbeque beer in hand with Miles. He sat on a large esky with me planted between his legs, one arm around my thigh, his large palm pressed against the soft skin, just under the hem of my dress. Little did I know, but he was thoroughly enjoying himself. The fact that I was now his girlfriend and that he was able to hold me like this made him tingle. Noticing Miles' gaze on the makeshift dance floor, I reached up, rubbing his shoulder, gaining his attention.
“Wanna dance?” I asked. I didn't feel offended by the chuckle of laugher he let out. They knew me for being a terrible dancer. Last time I took to the floor, I almost knocked my dancer partner off the roof. 
“Nah, not tonight, had too much to drink,” he said, holding up only this third beer. I expected that answer. He hadn't danced in a long time.
“Well, if you won't. Mi Señora,” Uncle Tito offered me, his hand seeming to appear out of nowhere. 
“Your funeral man,” Miles shrugged. I propped an eyebrow at his condescending tone.
“Wow, ill show you,” I huffed, gently slapping my bottle to his chest, to which he grabbed it.
“Oh, come on, I'm sorry I,” he huffed, but I had already taken Uncle Tito's hand and let him lead me to the dance floor. Everyone expected a shit show, and some even moved to block the ledge.
Only they were all pleasantly surprise as I spun on the balls of my feet taking the perfect salsa position. Then the music started and boy did I dance. 
Miles' jaw literally dropped as he watched me. I was actually dancing. I was performing a perfect salsa. I was moving and stepping to the beat, spinning on the balls of my feet, all guided by Uncle Tito. Everyone was shocked, to say the least. Not to toot my own horn, but I was doing a damn good job. I could feel Miles' eyes on me, on my hips as they rolled and shock to the beat. He had to admit it was hot. 
“She's been taking lessons, wanted to surprise you,” Rio whispered next to her son's ear. 
“You knew about this?” Miles asked, gesturing to me.
“Who do you think taught her that hip roll?” Rio asked, gesturing to the wide hip roll I threw out. 
“She's good, right?” Rio asked, nudging him.
“Eah, I guess she is,” he muttered. 
“Well, if I were you I would step in before your uncle steals your girlfriend,” Rio's suggestion had Miles chuckling. Although, as his uncle threw you into a dip, his hand catching your knee did tickle his jealousy. And the way you smiled and laughed brightly at it. Taking a sip of beer, he shock his head before setting it down and walking up to the dance floor. 
“Disculpe, cree que puedo bailar con mi chica?” Miles asked, placing a hand on his uncle's shoulder.
(Excuse me, you think I can dance with my girl?)
“If the ladie wants to dance with you,” Uncle Tito shrugged, leaving the decision up to me.
“You sure Miles? Wouldn't want to send you to an early grave,” I quipped with a challenging smile. He huffed, running his hand down his mouth. As Uncle Tito spun me he slid in between us one arm, taking my waist the other my hand as he continued spinning us out of Tito's reach. We came to a sudden stop, with Miles pulling me into him. The music slowed as his hand snaked around my waist, coming to rest on my lower back. Trailing his other hand up my side and down my arm, he took my hand in his. A minor slip of air left my lips as he pulled me flush against him, and when I say flush, I meant every area. He smirked at my slightly shocked reaction, not wasting my surprise as he started to dance. Now salsa had a rich history. Just like the sauce, it was a mix of everything, Fron tango to rumba to swing dance. It was also a sensual dance. He held me tightly as he rolled his hips to the music, my hips attached to him moving as well. We danced together, doing some basic spins and steps. When I recovered from my shock I huffed in amusement. He had total control. Well, after his comment from before I couldn't let that happen. As he spun me out, I let go of his hand, stepping back. Salsa was a give and take dance. Which meant you went along with anything. Which meant as I walked back he followed. As his arms went to encompass me I ducked under his arm, dragging my hand across his chest and shoulder as I stepped around him. Facing away from him, I popped my leg right between his legs, my foot stopping inches from his groin. Placing it back down, I threw my hip out, bumping into him and sending him stumbling slightly. Everyone watching let out howls of ohhhhh’s. Miles spun back to me, a stunned but impressed look on his face. I smirked, giving him a small shrug as I started to dance again. Now in salsa you could take turns to do a little freestyle. Either to give the other person a chance to rest or to show off a little under the spotlight. And I did, spinning and stepping, finishing with a pop of my chest. I didn't know what had gotten into me. Where all the confidence had come from. Mabey it came from everyone cheering me on. He extended his hand to me and as I place it in his, he used my own trick against me, spinning me around so that my back was pressed to his chest. His hands planted firmly on my hips as he swayed us. Leaning my head back, I reached up rubbing my hand down his cheek.
“Not bad, hey?” I asked.
“I've seen better,” he shrugged. 
“Oh, really?” I asked.
“Oh, Mi Amor you haven't seen nothing,” he grinned. I was about to ask him when he spun me around so quickly that when I stopped I barely registered that he was now kneeling, he had used the momentum on my spin to lift my leg and prop it over his shoulder. Slightly off balance my hand reached out clasping the back of his neck for balance. He smirked, his lips pressing to the inner side of my thigh as everyone went crazy. My face flushed a hundreds shades of red as his other hand rose up the back of my other thigh and slightly under my dress.
“Thats my boy!” Uncle Aaron yelled proudly. Bouncing my leg off his shoulder, he stood rolling his body into mine, catching my knee and wrapping it around his waist. His hot breath fanned my face, only inches apart. Stepping back into a lung he lowered us, my other leg outstretched. I almost became a stuttering mess as his hand trailed from my knee up my thigh, grasping it firmly. 
“Better?” he asked teasingly. Jotting out a nod, he chuckled, returning us to the standing position. Yet he didn't let me go keeping me close. It was a whirlwind as we spun around each other, Miles now taking the full lead. The dance got faster and faster. Ending in a big bag of sound, to which Miles took me by the waist and knee and dipped me. He couldn't stop his eyes from railing down my cleavage, to the small beads of sweat lining my chest. Slowly raising me back up, he pulled me close. 
“That was, well wow,” I struggled to find the words not having to worry much about it when he pressed his lips to mine in a deep hungry kiss. His tongue quickly parted my lips. Another round of wolf whistles sounded, only this time I smiled into the kiss. Miles smiled as well rising his fist in victory earning another round of cheers. 
Later that night, Miles and I were dancing again, only this time it was a slow swaying type song. My head rested on his chest. We both glanced to the side where a very drunk Uncle Tito was singing loudly along with the song.
“Well, I've never heard this song before,” I mused. We winced as he sung a particularly high note.
“What you've never head of the most romantic song of all time?” he asked.
“Romantic?” I asked, pulling my eyes away from Tito.
“Oh yeah,” he nodded. Then softly, he started to sing along. I was surprised, he never sung. But hey, I loved it. I wasen't great at Spanish. But as Miles sung sweetly to me I didn't need to know the words. I smiled a rare content smile as we rested our foreheads together.
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brummiereader · 10 months
Don't Fear The Reaper (Dark!Tommy/ Part One)
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Summary: After what was supposed to be a chilled night in with a friend you end up playing a game that unintentionally summons back the dark presence that had haunted you most of your early adulthood. With no way of avoiding the inevitable reunion you are forced to face the otherworldly being and the unfinished business he is set on fulfilling. That unfinished business, you.
Warnings: Language, angst, supernatural themes, dark romance, mentions of blood, stalking, murder, obsessive behaviour, controlling behaviour, dark!tommy (This is a dark series with heavy potentially triggering undertones, please read the warnings before continuing)
Authors note: This series is inspired by the song "Don't Fear The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult, one of my all time favourite tracks.
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November 1923...
" Today we gather in sorrow. In remembrance, as we lay Y/N Y/L/N to rest. A beloved granddaughter..." the Reverend said as he glanced up from his sermon to your grandfather, his eyes filled with unspent tears, a man of his time desperately trying to conceal the grief he felt at the vicious loss of his only remaining family member as he clutched his fingers around the single red rose in his weathered hands, scared and calloused from the years of manual labour he had endured. "a friend..." he continued as he looked at the many people gathered around the freshly dug grave, heads cast down, tears staining their reddened cheeks nipped by the cool November air of winter slowly approaching. "...and a blossoming love cruelly snatched away before it's time" he finished as he looked up across the casket to a man dressed all in black, his face concealed by the dark shadow cast by his peak cap, his eyes fixed on the muddied grass below him as a gust of bitter wind blew a scattering of dried leaves past his boots tumbling into the six-foot deep hole before him. His name, Thomas Shelby, the infamous keeper of Birmingham. " Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done..." the priest prayed, raising his hands as all those present began to recite the Lord's prayer in unison whilst Tommy pulled his gold pocket watch out, his brows knitting together at the lengthy time the service had already dragged out. He had things to do...places to be. "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from, evil" the priest finished casting his gaze down in a moment of silence as Tommy's eyes darted up, met with the glaring stare of his Aunt as she held onto the Black Madonna around her neck. Her tear streaked face was visibly shaken from the anger rapidly coursing through her as her nephew dismissively turned his attention above to a hoard of black crows leaving their nest in a nearby tree, the ear-piercing caw of death parting in search of another poor soul of Small Heath to take to the underworld resonating through the gloomy cemetery. " We therefore commit this body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust..." the priest hummed as he walked around the grave to the man whose path had fatefully collided with your own. Presenting him with a small ceramic pot Tommy lifted a handful of dirt from within the jar, tossing it into the grave as he bent down on one knee, rubbing the remaining soil that had scattered on the grass between his gloved fingers.
" Let's give 'em a show eh?" Tommy whispered as he stood up wiping his forefinger across the bottom of his lower lash as he locked eyes with his cousin. His jaw tightening his teeth clenched, Michael was one breath away from doing something he would undoubtedly regret as Tommy, who was amused with the whole situation, sent him a playful wink, his cousin's angry demeanour clearly not enough to stop him from riling him further up.
" Tommy..." Ada sobbed as she clutched onto her brother's arm wiping her tears away at the tragic event that had brought this day about as every attendee proceeded to bid their final farewell whilst the coffin was slowly lowered into the ground.
" What even was the point?" Ada sniffed as she walked beside Tommy down the gravelled path. "An empty casket Tommy..." She said stopping her brother as she looked back to the workmen shovelling heaps of muddied dirt back into the grave. The finest casket made in Birmingham, Tommy made sure of it. But weightless, empty, a disgrace in Ada's eyes that her beloved friends body had not been found, the only thing left in its expected place a small pool of blood and a dishevelled flat.
" To say goodbye Ada" he said as he rubbed a cigarette across his lips squinting into the distance as he watched the numerous mourners part from the cemetery, the same cemetery he seemed to have frequented more than any other place in his lifetime.
" Shit. I'm sorry" she said turning back to face her brother and the solemn expression he had conjured up settling on his face. "How are you?" she sighed, concerned with her brother's wellbeing and the persistent stoic demeanour he refused to let falter, even in times such as these.
"As expected" he said flatly as he blew a cloud of smoke to the greying sky, rubbing his brow with his thumb.
" You can talk to me Tommy. I know you hadn't been together for long, but..." she said crossing her arms as she bit her bottom lip trying to hold back the tears welling in her eyes. "...you loved her and she loved you, any fool could've seen that" she finished as she looked down at the ground, a tear slipping over her cheek as she dug the end of her shoe into the grass whilst Tommy observed his sisters turmoil in the corner of his eye, something be had yet been able to muster up himself. " Fuck, who invited him?" she spat looking to Michael as he got into one of the many Bentleys lined up at the bottom of the path.
" Polly" Tommy replied taking one last puff of his cigarette before throwing it onto the gravelled path beneath him, stubbing it out with the flat of his boot.
" Well he has no right" Ada said glaring at her cousin as she took a step closer to her brother. "Y/N was scared of him Tommy. She didn't want to worry you but..." Ada sighed as she watched Polly follow her son into the motor vehicle that could undoubtedly feed the whole of Small Heath for the next five years. "She'd convinced herself it was him following her. And she's not alone, me and the girls from the office think it was him too. You need to do something Tommy" Ada added in a hushed voice, despaired that justice hadn't yet been delivered on behalf of her dear friend.
" And I am, alright?" Tommy replied his brows raised in irritation, his sisters relentless questions regarding your presumed untimely demise starting to get on his last nerve, the beloved boyfriend a far cry from the grieving one he had been trying to portray.
" Wait, where are you going?" Ada asked as her brother turned to leave for his car.
" Away" he replied shortly as his sister stepped in front of him, her brows creasing at the sudden patch of blood staining the collar of his freshly laundered white shirt, snagged by the sharp movement of Tommy's head snapping back to her.
" Jesus Tommy, what the fuck happened to you?" she said as she pulled his collar further down, a large cut that had all but been concealed for the entirety of the service suddenly making itself known.
"Must've nicked myself shaving" Tommy said dismissively as he pulled his shirt back up, hissing at the sharp friction of the cloth grazing against the bloodied wound on his neck.
" Nicked? Was you wrangling a wild animal whilst you was shaving?" She scoffed as she folded her arms eyeing up the crimson stain for a second time, the cut resembling more the grooves of human fingernails scratched into flesh than any injury made by the act of male grooming. " Tommy, what...what about the wake?" Ada called out to her brother as he ignored any further remarks on the suspicious gash to his neck making his way down the path.
" I need time to think, alone Ada. In peace" he called back whilst she watched from afar, an exasperated huff leaving her throat before grief overcame her once more and she headed back up to the grave to say her final goodbye in private.
"Fill her up lads, to the top" he said handing a bundle of King George notes to two more gravediggers in passing on the gritted walkway, his black coat blowing open as a gust of wind cut through the cemetery creaking the leafless branches of a weeping ash tree nearby. Lighting a cigarette Tommy looked up to the top of the graveyard, eyeing up the spot he had chosen for your supposed resting place as a devilish smirk formed on his lips, hidden to those nearby by the cloud of smoke pummelling into the crisp Autumn air. Devilish indeed, manipulative, a wicked lie fabricated for those that would never come to learn the truth of what really happened on that fateful night, all but two of course.
Pulling at your restraints you cried out as your wrists scraped along the ropes, the sharp burn of the twine searing your skin as the all too familiar sound of a car driving along the muddied grass haltered your attempts to call for aid. Cowering yourself into the corner of the small vardo you brought your knees up to your chest as the door opened and the sweet smell of tobacco filled the the room.
" Tut, tut" you heard him say as he grabbed your wrists inspecting your pathetic attempts to escape.
The man you had determined to have been following you, stalking you, now inches from you, his breath hot against your cheek as he leant forward gently untying the cloth from around your eyes, slowly pulling it away. He had fooled you into loving him, convinced you he had kept you from harms way, and he was back again to convince you once more into understanding why he did what he had so selflessly done. Albeit with a wicked grin mischievously playing on the corner of his mouth.
" Hello darling"
November 2023...
"Fuck, shit...fuck!" You yelled as you pulled your hand from within the file of papers you had decided to spring-clean, a rather late spring-clean of eight months that was. " Fuck..." You resorted one last time just for the thrills of dramatising the injury you had acquired in your attempts to be an orderly person. Said injury, a bloody paper cut. One that seemed to have amassed it's very own heartbeat in the space of a few seconds. Painful, but not the worst injury you had brought upon yourself. The great stubbing of ones toe in the summer of 2022 when you decided on rearranging your whole flat during a existential crisis had yet to be topped. Avoiding the scattering of crap that now adorned your bedroom floor you headed for the bathroom to wrap your bleeding finger in whatever was available. Toilet paper should do the trick you thought to yourself as you grabbed a roll of Andrex Supreme Quilts from your bathroom cupboard, only the finest for your ass. What on earth made you think this was a good idea? You thought to yourself as you looked around your home that had started to ressemble an episode of hoarders when a small box peaking out under a stack of folders caught your eye, its recognisable pattern embellishing the sides of the cardboard making your heart skip a beat. " What the..." You said aloud as a heavy feeling of dread and confusion settled in the pit of your stomach, your eyes wide at seeing the one item that had all but destroyed any attempts you had made to have a normal life. The same item you thought you had thrown out along with all the memories of the years you had spent trying to understand why they chose you, why it was you their voices never left your thoughts in peace. Is that how it all started? Your ability, or as your referred to it, curse. A stupid board game that had single handedly cast you out from not only your childhood friends but your own family. The same family aside from your beloved granddad that had dragged you to every psychiatrist in the county, every priest, every professional that had prescribed you not with help or sympathy but the label of burden, attention seeker. But a child's imaginary friends were not so imaginary. They would seek you out, knowing you were their connection to the living world for years up until your early adult when another deathly presence appeared, one that stayed in the shadows, always watching from afar. He was not like the others, he stayed back, his gaze always hidden by the shadow his peak cap would cast on his face. And unlike the others he scared you, really fucking scared you. Picking the box up you marched into your kitchen throwing it on the table as you reached into a cupboard for a bin bag. You had been rid of him for years and you would be rid of this game too. After all, it was because of him you shut your eyes from the unliving, ignored their whisperings, determined to live a normal life as normally as you could. That was your plan until the doorbell obnoxiously rang five times in a row and your friends voice reverberated through the corridors of your flat building.
" Open up whore, I brought booze! " she giggled loudly as you heard her stumble forward. Bloody hell, was she already drunk?
" Helena.." you smiled as you opened the door to her standing with a bottle of Smirnoff Ice in her hand, hell-bent on recreating her teen years taking shots from the bottle cap. Oh great, she brought friends, you thought to yourself as you rolled your eyes at the two smartly dressed men behind her.
" You are a klutz babe" she lovingly remarked looking down at your makeshift bandage tightly wrapped around your finger with a kiss to your cheek. " Barneby and Hugh" she introduced you to the two men that had already made themselves at home, currently splayed across your sofa as the nauseating smell of their aftershave they had doused themselves in filled the room. You would never comment on the name anyone had been bestowed upon by their dear parents but, my god...had they just walked off the polo pitch? Londoners no doubt, private upper schooling you thought to yourself, your suspicions only confirmed when the tall blonde Hugh stood up from your sofa with his hand out for you to shake his accent quickly making itself known.
" Hugh. We work for Goldman Sachs in London, took a detour to take in the local..." he cleared his throat as he looked back at his friend with a smirk. Idiot. What an opening line, was he about to present you with his business card? "...sights of Birmingham on our way up north when one of our associates introduced us to the lovely Helena" he said sitting down on the arm of your sofa as he eyes roamed over your body. Detour... What did he think Small Heath was? The local petting zoo to gawk at, the same way he was gawking at you? Yes there was your average oddball here and there and the man that walked around town shoeless, regardless as to whether it was pissing it down or scorching hot outside. But it was your town, and you wouldn't have any jumped up city boy put it down.
" Hmm, how is the big smoke?" you quipped back as the perfectly groomed man with a suspiciously tinted beard grin widened.
" She's feisty Hughey, just how you like them" his friend laughed as his grin settled into a cocky smirk. Hughey...give me strength.
" Helena, I thought we was just gonna watch a movie get some takeou.."
" What the heck! No no, you're not throwing that out!" She screeched as she bolted up from the armchair to the Ouija board you had intended to bin. She was unusually chaotic than her normal bubbly self. The Smirnoff had clearly already been tasted, enjoyed and partly consumed, you thought to yourself as you eyed up the bottle missing a good chunk of it's contents. " I've always wanted to have a go with one of these. Why didn't you say you had this naughty game in your possession?" she asked clutching it to her chest.
" I prefer strip poker but this could be a laugh " the other Londoner remarked with a chuckle as he stood up taking the box from your friend. Could you will your curse to him, you thought to yourself as your eyes narrowed in on the game in his hand. They were getting increasingly annoying. Could they just, fuck off?
" How about it Y/N?" Your friend smiled with joy at the idea of exploring the supernatural side of life.
" I, I don't think it's a good idea" you said as you snatched the box away from the man who had started rootling through it, feeling overly protective over something you intended to discard of, a sudden longing to be comforted by your childhood companions, your only companions. Would they come back if you let them? Or had too much time passed since you had shut your eyes to the spirit world, since you had pushed them out of your life?
" Don't be a spoil sport Y/N" the blonde said prying the board from your bear like grip as you began to feel as if someone was taking a part of what made you uniquely you away from your whole being.
" We can't do it here, it's not the right setting" your friend said looking around your place wanting a full immersion into whatever overly exaggerated scene she wanted to recreate from one of the many movies or shows she had watched " Ooh let's go to that passing by the riverside. You know, the one from all the story's about the dark mysterious figure that resides down there as smoke blows from the old wagons chimney" she said grinning from ear to ear recounting the story every resident of Small Heath had heard since childhood.
" Helena, that's private property" you said as she began to drag you with her to the front door, grabbing your jacket on the way out as she linked arms with you.
" It's just a bit of fun, please? " she pleaded as she waited for a response. A bit of fun, you could list a whole page of other activities that sounded funner. The first being getting take out and drinking yourself to sleep, the original plan for tonight. Could you risk delving back into the otherworldly land you had cut off? Had your ability vanished for good? What if they reappeared, what if he appeared the one you had been painstakingly avoiding for near a decade. It had been so long, surely he was gone, right?
"Fine" your reluctant response slipped out not wanting to be the that person as you headed out the door when just like any generic horror movie your friend was desperately trying to duplicate an uneasy feeling suddenly settled in your stomach. You had become the very character you would scream at your TV screen, violently throwing popcorn in its direction to not be a cliché and go into the creepy woods with a Ouija board, one slightly pissed friend and two idiot tag alongs. But yet here you was, about to ignore every fiber of your being telling your to turn back.
" Hello Mr magpie how's your wife and kids" you whispered quietly to yourself watching the black and white bird perched on a large log that had undoubtedly fallen during the storm that had come through last week as you clutched the thinnest jacket your friend could have possibly picked out for you around your body. Fashion over functionality, that was Helena's Moto you thought to yourself feeling your fingers go numb from the cool air of the bitter Autumn night. One for joy, two for a boy, how many was it for death...no fuck, that wasn't it. You mentally hummed to yourself as you looked around for a second magpie having forgotten the silly superstition your grandad had always recited to you in the presence of the blue tailed bird.
" Can warm you up if you like?" Hugh laughed putting his arm around you which you automatically shrugged off. " You're as frigid as this weather" he joked as you stormed ahead of you with an irritated huff, catching up with your friend who was a few feet ahead of you as your eyes darted around the open area surrounded by numerous large oak trees, the soft sound of the riverbank gently colliding with the muddied ground pricking your ears. As peaceful as it looked in the silver moonlight casting array of shadows onto the dewy grass you didn't want to be here, something felt...off. You was sure you had never once entered this area In your whole existence but yet, something felt eerily similar about it. What you wouldn't do to be in front of the comforting fire of your late granddads home, watching him nod off in front of the TV with a bowl of striped humbugs in his lap, his dentures floating in a glass of water beside him...not the most poetic image you could've conjured up as your anxiety started to make itself presence, but it was home, and it was where your heart was. Your thoughts had become so tangled, since he passed, uncomfortably intrusive. You felt lonely, so lonely in a world surrounded by people that life had become one long draining experience day in day out. You was desperate for relief from the crushing weight of the cards you had been dealt in life.
"Ooh perfect" your friend said snapping you out of your thoughts as she walked up to an old wooden picnic table in the middle of the passing, the worn emerald green vardo that had fallen apart like the rest of the upkeep of the area feet from you, silently stuck in times from before. " Right come on then, tell us how it works"
" Guys I don't think this is a good..." You started to say when Brian, Barney, Barneby, whatever his name was rudely interrupted you.
"You know what I think sweetie, I think you're scared" he laughed as he went to sit down, his nose turning up at the rotten wood he was about to place his Tom Ford three-piece suit that's trousers looked two sizes too small. If he was trying to accentuate what he was packing he needn't bother.
" You can sit next to me if you like" Hugh winked as you purposely made a point to sit across from him, covering your exposed cleavage with your jacket from his pervy leering eyes. The quicker you got this over with this the quicker you could distance yourself from these two imbeciles, you thought to yourself as you pulled the box In front of you, your hands tracing over the pieces of your childhood. The game in itself was pretty simple you each placed two fingers on the triangular shaped piece of wood and proceeded to ask questions. That was it, what happened after was open for debate.
"We call upon the spirit world and welcome those into the circle who wish to speak with us" you said aloud, your mouth suddenly going dry at the passage you never thought you'd hear leave your lips as the tall blonde seated in front of you scoffed at the words you could only image he thought were nothing more than absurd ramblings of wishful thinking.
" It's not doing anything" your friend remarked, now fully submerged in the game she wholeheartedly believed was more than something teens would play in abandoned buildings late at night, desperate for her own supernatural experience.
" It can take some tim..." You started to say as the planchette started moving, both idiots opposite you nudging eachother under the table as your friends eyes stayed fixed on the moving piece of wood, your own attention startled by the arrival of a dozen people slowly approaching through the wooded area, their deafening whispers muffling out your friends voice. Your eyes darted between Helena and the two men she had brought along with her, willing them to see what you could see as the small crowd of people closed in surrounding the table as they called out the names of their family. Mother's, sister, brothers, fathers, grandparents, begging you to pass message after message onward to their loved ones. "Stop..please..." you said quietly, closing your eyes as you pressed your hand to your forehead. There was too many of them, it was happening too fast. You wanted it to stop to just stop, just fucking stop...
" Enough!" A loud deep voice boomed through the crisp night air as the dead retreated back and the form of a man leaning against a tree dressed all in black came into your view, a cloud of smoke pummeling above his head, his eyes cast down at the ground as he rolled his cigarette between his fingers. It was him, he was back. " Leave" he commanded to the others as he slowly strode towards you.
They couldn't see him, why couldn't they see him? He was standing right there, right fucking next to you. You thought to yourself as your chest heaved up and down from the sheer panic rapidly coursing through you, your breaths coming in ragged shallow ripples as his black tailored coat grazed along your arm sending a burning shiver down your spine. A dumb game, a stupid dumb game. Why did you agree to this? You had unknowingly invited him back, summoned him after all the years you had painstakingly tried to keep his presence at bay, you panicked as you looked in the corner of your eye to see him rubbing his thumb over his forefinger, enticing you to look up, taunting you to meet the piercing glare you was certain you'd be met with if you dared to look his way. But yet you stayed motionless, frozen as your eyes slowly settled on your hand resting over the intricately detailed planchette as your friend beside you giggled at its erratic movements on the board below it, which either one or both of the idiots she had brought along with her were undoubtedly doing.
" Alright I've had enough, which one of you wankers is moving it?" Your friend Helena demanded to know as you looked across to the prick that had been hounding you since the moment he laid eyes on you, a faint smirk playing on the corner of his mouth when a leather gloved hand crept across the table placing itself over yours, slowly lacing it's fingers between your own. Your whole body trembling, you desperately tried to pull your hand away when the sinister figure standing beside you grip tightened, keeping your from escaping his inevitable presence as the wooden triangle started to move.
" Y/N…" Your friend said looking to you as the planchette stopped, your name having been spelt letter by letter in a gentle dance of toing and froing that swept across the board until all those present eyes widened not only in fear but confusion. If they weren't moving it, who was? Releasing his hand from yours he reached up, brushing away a lone tear resting on the top of your reddened cheek that had settled in the midst of the spine-chilling ordeal. "Babe, what's wrong?" your friend asked, your frightened, shaken demeanor concerning her enough to pull her hand from the game as she placed her arm around your shoulders in attempts to comfort you when you felt the very figure you had been evading for near a decade rest his thumb gently on the end of your chin, the sound of his leather gloves creasing sending a nauseating chill throughout your body as he turned your head to face him. And there he was. The man, the presence you thought you'd never see again, his face masked by the shadow of his peaked cap now visible to your eye, his ghostly pale skin brightened by his piercing blue eyes boring Into you as a smile formed on the edge of his lips…
" Hello darling. I've been waiting for you" he said as your bottom lip began to wobble, a cascade of tears now streaming down your cheeks wetting the leather gloved thumb still resting on your chin as he tenderly gazed into your eyes. " Shhh" he hushed your frightened sobs as his hand moved to your cheek cupping his fingers gently around the side of your neck.
" What's with her?" the man opposite your friend said as your gaze stayed fixed on the presence before you, watching the irritation build on his face at the the tender moment he had played through his mind countless times spoiled by he annoying chattering of the man accompanying you.
" You're shaking gorgeous. Offer's still there hm? Can warm you up in that broken down gypsy thing" Hugh snickered along with his friend as Helena glared at him, an array of insults leaving her lips. " We'd be better off naked though, we'll warm up quicker that way" he laughed obnoxiously when the presence before you head snapped in his direction, the blue hue of eyes quickly replaced by a sinister black as he threw the table over in front of you in one quick deliberate motion. With his hand clenched into a fist he turned to the man who had not only embarrassed you but insulted you shamelessly In front of everyone with the suggestion you were as crude as him, landing a brutally violent single punch to his face.
" What...what the fuck! What was that?" His friend stuttered leaping from the bench as he looked down at his dazed friend, blood dripping from an open gash on his bottom lip as Helena screamed in horror at what had just happened, her brain simultaneously trying to compute how it had happened. " We're getting the hell out of here" he said lifting his friend from the ground that was holding his lip together as the being beside you rested his hand firmly on your shoulder, squeezing his fingers into your flesh in a clear message to not dare move.
" Babe...Y/N we gotta go" your friend cried trying to pull you from the bench as you stayed seated and the dark presences grip on you tightened.
" Leave Helena " you cried not wishing harm to come to anyone else. He wanted you, he had haunted you for all those years. Your friend and the two men accompanying you were a mere inconvenience. And after what had just transpired, you feared what he could and would do next.
" What! No come on..!" She pleaded shaking you from what she thought was a state of shock when the man she had invited let go of his bloodied friend and started pulling her away from you. " Y/N!" she cried, the distant sound of her fighting with him as he dragged her out of the gated area slowly disappearing as you was ultimately left in silence, alone, with him.
" Please...let me go" you wept as you turned your head to face him.
" Let you go? I've only just got you back sweetheart" he said as he released his hand from your shoulder, his fingers now brushing through the locks of hair framing your face. " You invited me back love, and that was one invitation I could not refuse" he said as you stood up taking a step back when he reached out and grabbed your wrist." Now now Y/N, we have unfinished business" he said pulling you back to him, his pale ivory face inches from you, lips drained of blood tauntingly close.
" I came in peace, with no intentions to offend. I say goodbye and bid you farewell" you recited the words you had learnt by heart after any encounter you once had speaking with those from the other realm.
" Oh sweetheart, now who taught you that little rhyme eh? I'm afraid it doesn't work like that love" he chuckled cocking a brow at the idea that your silly little riddle would cause him to simply vanish before you. " My girl" he said as his thumb dragged down to the corner of your mouth, tracing the curve of your trembling lips, staring at you like a lover would gaze at their partner.
"I, I don't know you, I'm not who you're looking for" you sobbed as you looked down at your hands, clutching them together from the drop in temperature his presence demanded.
" Oh but you do know me darling. You know me very well" he said as his lips parted and his eyes drifted down to the soft flesh of your neck, down to the curves your blouse beneath your jacket hugged your body. " I've waited a century for this very moment, for us to finally be reunited. And believe me sweetheart, my patience is starting to wear thin, very thin" Is that what this was...He thought you were his dead lover, a reincarnation of her that he had been waiting a hundred years for, an anomaly where everything that makes something uniquely individual to them, their genes their likes their dislikes repeating itself into a second copy days, years, thousands of decades later, you thought to yourself as your eyes widened at the realisation of what he had been waiting for, what he had been watching you for as you turned to make a swift exit.
" I can't let you leave Y/N" he said as the large metal gate to the opening slammed shut making you abruptly stop in your tracks.
" I want to go home. I'm not her, I don't belong here..." You cried in a panic, turning back to face him as he strode forward to you his with his hand out, calmly waiting for you to take it.
" Then let me show you" he replied intertwining his fingers with yours as he gently cupped your cheek with his other hand, the welcoming chill from his leather gloved hand soothing the heat radiating from your reddened tear stained cheek. "Let me show you who you were, who you were in 1923..."
Tag list: @mysticalbouquetwolf-posts @prettywhenicry4 @smayhem
391 notes · View notes
lowkeyerror · 9 months
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Notes: Slightly sad but overall happy and super fluffy, Christmas themed, happy holidays everyone!
Summary: You miss your family during the Christmas season, making you feel isolated. However Wanda reminds you that there are still people who care about you here.
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Christmas was hard for you. It reminded you of all of your losses. Your parents, your sister, and your team. Watching the snow fall together only reminded you of those that fell with you during the war. You were always a little more zoned out during the season. Focusing was harder than it ever would be.
You had a new team that was not dissimilar to your military family, the Avengers. This wasn’t your first Christmas with them, but it was the first time you couldn’t pretend to be filled with the Christmas spirit.
They didn’t really know what was going on with you, but they could guess based on your past. Earth’s mightiest heroes were string warriors on the field, but they weren’t savvy when it came to emotional turmoil. So, they let you sulk to an extent. They would drag you out of the house, but they let you sit out any activities.
That’s how you ended up sitting alone in a nearly emptying ice rink Tony had rented out. You watched as members of the team skate on the ice with their friends and family members. Clint had brought Laura and the kids, Tony brought Morgan, Bruce brought his cousin Jen, Thor had brought Valkyrie along with Loki. Even Natasha brought Yelena out for the day.
You hold a sad smile on your face seeing them enjoy each other.
“You aren’t going to skate?” Wanda sits next to you adjusting her skates.
You shake your head, “I think I’m good just watching.”
Wanda sighs at your words, “Where’ve you been these past couple of days?”
Your brow furrows, “I haven’t gone anywhere.”
Wanda jabs a finger against your forehead, “We both know you haven’t been present up there. What’s bothering you?”
You want to close off and you are prepared to do so, until you catch Wanda’s eyes. They’re filled with genuine care and worry. As much as you hate to admit it to yourself, you don’t want to push her away.
“I miss my family. My parents, my sister, my friends, they’re all gone. It’s hard to not think about them around this time of year. The past couple of years I’ve been good at keeping it inside, but it’s too much this year.”
Wanda understands, probably better than anyone else in the building. She finds herself reaching for your hand, “Tell me about them.”
Your eyes grow wide for a second, but nonetheless you search for a memory to share, “For Christmas my mom would always make this pie. It wasn’t really a pie, more like a cheesecake. She called it a banana split pie. My sister and I would always have some silly competition for the last slice. One year we did a performance for my mom and dad and the winner was supposed to get the last slice of the pie. So, picture me 13 years old, scrawny as can be, determination on my face, as I belt out the lyrics to Last Christmas by Wham. It’s just as over the top as you’re imagining it.”
Wanda laughs a bit, which only widens the small smile playing on your lips.
“Now my sister wasn’t going down that easy, she did a dance routine to All I Want For Christmas is You. My parents were split, they couldn’t pick a winner. So, while my sister and I were arguing about who was better, my dad ate the last slice of pie,” you can’t help but roll your eyes.
Wanda cackles openly this time, “All that hard work for nothing?”
“Exactly! I poured my heart out, I could almost taste the pie.”
The two of sat with the warmth of your story. The woman had succeeded in lifting your mood. It almost made you want to go out and skate with the others, but there was a lingering sadness after you realized that you’d never share a moment like that again.
“I miss my family too. Pietro loved Christmas. I never really knew if he preferred getting gifts or giving gifts. I think he was just happy to have everyone together” Wanda speaks up.
“Do you have a favorite gift from him?”
Wanda smiles while looking at the ring that adorns her finger,” He gave me so much more than just physical items. For a long time, it was just us, my parents died when we were young. Piet gave me comfort, more than anyone probably ever will. This ring belonged to my mother; it was a gift to her from my Papa. I thought it had been lost in the bombing that destroyed our home. Years later, after our parents were long gone, he gifted me this ring. I don’t know how he got it, but he did. I don’t think I ever hugged him that hard. I cried against him, and he held me. I was only a teen, still a child really, but I cried like I was a 4-year-old. This ring, it’s like my entire family on my finger. My mama, my papa, and Piet.”
You have tears brimming your eyes as they shift from Wanda to the ring, “It’s beautiful, Wanda.”
She nods her head, holding back her own tears. She takes a large breath and holds out her hand, “Skate with me.”
It’s not a question, but even if it was, you doubt you’d say no to her. Reluctantly you lace the skates and follow her on to the ice. The red head nearly falls after her first step onto the ice. You were quick to place your hand on her waist.
You chuckle from behind her,” Have you done this before?”
You don’t see the rosy hints of her teeth, “Yes, I’ve just never been particularly good at it.”
Once you’re sure that she’s steady, you move to face her. This time you hold out your hand and she looks at it skeptically, “And you’re good at this?”
You scoff and tell her to watch you. Skating around the rink is simple enough, you show off a bit with a simple figure 8. Then you skate back up to her, “I think I’m pretty ok, what did you think?”
She gives you a side eye, “I get it you’re a professional skater.”
You shake your head and extend your hand again, “Let’s do a lap together.”
Wanda hesitates.
You reassure her once again, “We’ll stay close to the wall, I promise to not let you fall.”
She places her hand in yours, “If I fall, I'm taking you with me.”
“Fine by me.”
The two of you begin to skate laps in the rink hand in hand. Wanda refuses to let go of the rail for the first few laps, until she’s content with just holding on to you. True to your word, the woman doesn’t fall. You revel in the happiness that radiates off of her as you move on the ice.
“Teach me how to do the 8.”
“I can’t promise you won't fall if we're going to do the 8,” you warn her.
She shrugs a bit, “Just promise you’ll catch me, and we should be fine. “
Now it is you that has the tint on your cheeks. You nod and slowly show her how you do the figure 8. You can feel her eyes intensely watching every little detail of your movement.
She tries a few times on her own, coming really close but not being able to complete the 8. The frustration that’s building within her shows on the outside. It reminds you of a child having a tantrum. It’s quite adorable. She’s nearly ready to give up and you can tell.
“Hold on to my hips, we’ll do it together.”
Wanda lets out a huff of defeat before carefully skating behind you. Her hands rest respectfully on your hips. You begin to make the figure 8 and she follows holding you tightly, scared she might fall. Once you’re down you hear a small applause erupting for the two of you.
“Double infinity, nice,” Tony says slow clapping.
“I think the real miracle is Y/n keeping Wanda from falling on the ice,” Natasha chimes in.
“Careful Nat, before my powers accidentally trip you,” Wanda playfully taunts the spy.
Nat holds her hands up in defense, “It was just a joke, Wands.”
This moment feels warm, like the memory of you singing your heart out in front of your family on Christmas day. It’s partially the playful banter from the Avengers, but the other part is the woman standing besides you with her arm steady around your waist.
Her kindness, her comfort, it was like a heater in a cold room.
The attention naturally shifts from you and Wanda when the kids call for attention. You take this as your moment to head back to the benches and sit for a bit. Wanda trails behind you, a little more skilled than when she first stepped on the ice.
“I needed that, thank you” you say to Wanda, eyes shining up at her.
“It was nothing, Y/n. Besides I feel like the one who won the exchange, now I can skate without falling on my ass.”
The humor does little to cut through the sincerity of your voice, “I mean it Wanda. Thank you for skating with me.”
She matches your sincerity, “I know it’s a hard time for you, but it’s nothing that you have to face alone."
“Wanda, Y/n! You lot done for the night already?” Thor screams from across the ice.
Wanda looks like she wants to skate some more, but she can tell that you want to rest.
You beat her to it, “Go, I’ll join back in a bit.”
She eyes you tenderly, sticking out her pinky finger “Promise?”
You nearly snort at the childish antics, but still find yourself locking your pinky with hers, “I promise, now go."
She gets back on the ice, and you watch gleefully as she skates around with much more confidence. Fearful of breaking your promise, you find yourself back on the ice not long after Wanda. You skate with her and the others until it’s time for the rink to close. You almost don’t want the day to end, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t exhausted from the activity.
As soon as you’re back at the compound you quickly shower and then prepare for bed. For the first time this month the minute your head hits the pillow you’re out like a light. No intrusive thoughts, no unwanted feelings, just sleep. It feels good when you wake up a full 8 hours later.
You get ready for the day in your room. As you open the door to exit, you’re met with your skating partner from the day before.
“Good morning,” she says cheerfully.
You send her a grin, “Morning, what can I do for you?”
She extends her hand, and you grab it, letting her lead you through the compound.
“Where are we going?”
“The kitchen,” she says as if it is a full answer.
You continue to allow her to pull you around, “What’s in the kitchen?"
She shrugs, “You’ll see in a second.”
Once you’re finally in the kitchen, Wanda stops walking right in front of the refrigerator. “Okay, close your eyes.”
You give her a look as if to say ‘really’ the look in her eyes directly challenges yours and with a huff of annoyance you shut your eyes. You hear Wanda going into the fridge but resist the urge to open your eyes. It seems like an eternity before you hear the fridge close. You fidget in your spot a little as your anticipation builds.
“How long until I get to open my eyes?”
“Open them now.”
When you open your eyes, they immediately widen. Tears build at the edges of your eyes. Your eyes move from the counter to Wanda.
“Is this- did you make my mom’s pie?”
Wanda smiles softly, “I don’t know if it’s exactly like your mom’s, but after hearing your story, I Googled a recipe. You didn’t really describe it in great detail, but I wanted to do this for you.”
Without any hesitation, you wrap your arms around the redhead. You hug her tightly, unable to properly express the immense amount of emotions you are feeling right now. She hugs you back just as tight, rubbing your back soothingly.
“I know it’s morning, but do you want a slice?” Wanda’s tone is delicate as she speaks to you, knowing how vulnerable you are at the moment.
You pull away from the hug and wipe at your eyes a bit, “I would love a slice.”
Wanda cuts you a slice and watches nervously as you lift a fork full to put in your mouth. As soon as the dessert hits your tongue, your mind is flooded with memories of your family Christmas parties. It was just like your mom’s. This time the tears spilled over as you put the fork down.
Your glossy eyes meet Wanda’s, “It’s just like hers.”
There’s so much more you want to say to Wanda, but you can’t. The tears are flowing too fast. The magic user attempts to wipe them away, but they’re coming faster than she can manage.
“I really hope there are some happy tears in there or else I’ll just feel like an asshole for making you cry,” she continues wiping away your tears.
Her statement makes you laugh, “They’re all happy tears, I promise. I’m just- this is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me.”
“Just think of it as a thank you for the skating lessons,” Wanda says nonchalantly.
“Why did you make this?”
Her eyes don’t meet yours as she gazes at the floor. You can see the bright pigment dusting her cheeks as she plays with the ring on her finger.
“It just seemed like the right thing to do. I wanted to do something nice for you for the holidays.”
You want her to look at you. In fact, you need her to look at you. You place one of your hands on the small of her back pulling her closer to you. Once she is as close as can be, she has no choice but to meet your eyes.
“I want to thank you,” you say, eyes boring into hers.
She nods ever so slightly, “Thank me then.”
Your lips press against hers gently. The first thought that slips into your mind is the softness of her lips. What follows is the feeling of warmth spreading across your body as the two of you kiss. You wonder for a moment if your lips taste like bananas (they do). Wanda doesn’t mind, your lips against hers fills her heart. The same warmth you feel courses through her. The kiss doesn’t end until you hear someone clearing their throat in the kitchen, but even then, you don’t jump apart, you just pull away from each other.
“I hate to interrupt, but uh I was wondering if I could get a piece of that pie,” Clint says eyeing your pie.
A protest was about to leave your lips, but instead a smirk played on them instead, “Sure Clint, you can have a piece.”
The man reaches for the pie, but you pull it out of his reach, “If you can beat me in a talent show.”
Clint looks from you to the pie a few times before rubbing the bridge of his nose, “Fuck it, I accept.”
You smile at the archer, “5pm sharp, hope you can impress the team or else no pie for you.”
He leaves the kitchen grumbling, but the smile never leaves your face.
“Old habits die hard I see,” Wanda says teasing you.
“It’s the pie, it makes me do it,” you laugh, and she laughs with you. You peck her lips again, “Thank you, Wanda. This means everything to me.”
“I’ll make it over and over again if it keeps you kissing me like that,” she says like a joke, but you hear a slight seriousness to her tone.
“I still have to kiss you a thousand times, just to thank you for this one. So, expect plenty more kisses in the future. I think kissing you might just be better than the pie.”
The two of you laugh again, warmth filling the kitchen of the Avengers compound. It floods into your system as you revel in this moment with Wanda. She feels it too, as she tries to memorize every detail of this moment. It was more than just a first kiss; this was the moment that you knew Wanda was the warmth you needed to get through the winter.
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auburnitzy · 2 years
if you’re up for requests, do you think we could have some hcs for Redson, MK, and Wukong noticing a ring on their crushes left hand and being bummed cuz they think their chance is gone, but turns out it’s just a gift from a family member they wear out of habit, so now they’re just thinking about how good they look with a ring?
please, and thank you 🙏🏽
WORDS - 2000+
AUTHOR'S NOTES: "I have no idea how to write Wukong. His personality is a mystery to me, but I hope I wrote him decently!"
"Also, I altered the ask a bit! Hope you don't mind!"
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- At first, Red Son would mistake it for one of the many jewelries he's gifted you in an attempt to impress you. He's given you so many that you have a huge collection full of shiny trinkets that he either stole or bought with his own money.
- The jewelry he mostly gives you is consisted of gold and red gems that match the color of his hair, not to mention that his scent lingers on said jewelry - just so demons would know that you were under the protection of the infamous Red Son. So he gets smug whenever you wear one, because to him, it sends a message that someone already had their eyes on you.
- So when he notices you wearing a ring clearly made of silver among the golden bands on your fingers, he's feeling three emotions - surprised, amused, and infuriated.
- Surprised, because he finds that you had another suitor. Amused, because it was only a miniscule piece of cheap silver compared to the expensive gold that he had been giving you. Infuriated, because who even dared to give you a ring?
- He'll sneakily glance and give the ring a burning glare whenever you're not looking while he internally thinks of many different ways to burn your other suitor to a crisp.
- This doesn't go unnoticed though. You'd catch the crimsonette with a sour face when he thinks you're not looking.
- You, who's worried and concerned, have to eventually confront him because he's acting like he has a personal vendetta against the ring that your cousin gave you.
- He's not gonna tell you that truth that easily. This is Red Son! Not only is he fiery-tempered, he's also stubborn.
- But when you finally catch him, corner him into a place where he can't dodge your question nor escape, he'll eventually give in and tell you.
- He'll feel his face burn up at the close contact, and the fact that he has to tell you the truth on why he's been glaring holes at the silver ring on your hand, before mustering up the courage and telling you how he's been trying to woo you with gifts, and that he can't stand seeing that ring on your hand because it's infuriating him.
- "You and that!- That ring!" he huffs, pointing at the jewelry around your finger. "I've been trying to court you with many jewelries, yet you choose to wear such a frugal item on your hand! Is gold not to your liking?! I will give you as much silver as you want to prove myself better than your other suitor!"
- And then it clicks on your head. Red Son likes you and he's been courting you without you knowing!
- The both of you will just stand there for a moment, with Red Son's eyes darted away from you, his arms crossed while you repeated his words in your head. The idea of Red Son being jealous over a ring a family member gave you causes you to snort before full on laughing.
- He'll get confused at your sudden burst of laughter, until you explain that the gift wasn't from a suitor, it was an early Christmas present from your cousin, that you were only wearing it to add variety.
- While you continue to laugh, Red Son's hair will burst into flames, a furious blush painted on his face as he realizes that he had been envious for nothing.
- If you remind him of this in the future, he'll vehemently deny that it happened.
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- MK hasn't gifted you any jewelry as he can't afford it. He's not as rich as Red Son or Mei - but that doesn't stop him from giving you gifts.
- Like Red Son, he's been trying to impress you for a while now. He'll show you the cool moves he learned during his training with the Monkey King, all the epic stuff he did during his battle with the Demon Bull King, anything that comes to his mind just to see a smile painted on your face. You don't know it, but the rest of the gang knows that MK is smitten for you.
- If he gets a bonus from Pigsy, or an extra tip from a customer, he'll either spend it on flowers or chocolate to give to you (and because you're dense, you misunderstand his actions, taking it as a gesture of friendship.)
- But if he notices a band of gold on one of your fingers one day, he'll mistake it for an engagement ring and will choose to avoid and distance himself from you from now on. No more gifts, no more boasting about his abilities, just short greetings and awkward smiles while he walks past you.
- In his mind, you already had someone, and he doesn't need to overstep your boundaries or have his feelings be hurt, no matter how much his heart yearns for you.
- Of course, this doesn't go unnoticed by you, but since he didn't want to be anywhere near your vicinity, you decided to give him some space.
- MK's friends will notice MK being bummed out and unusually quiet. Pigsy will find that MK's been doing more orders than usual (sometimes even getting the orders wrong), Sun Wukong will take note of MK's head being in the clouds and his movements being sloppy and sluggish during training, and Mei's invites to go to the Anti-Gravity Arcade on weekends will be turned down in favor of staying in his apartment alone.
- It gets to the point that Pigsy has to lessen his workload and for the Monkey King to tone down the difficulty of his training just so MK can keep up.
- Mei will launch an investigation with Red Son begrudgingly tagging along (truthfully, he misses fighting with the brunette as its one of the few ways to let off some steam, but the latter's not even showing up, claiming to be busy.)
- They eventually find out that the last person he talked to before his mood plummeted was you, so they'll give your house a visit and will ask you questions about what happened between the two of you.
- The interrogation inquiry goes smoothly. You didn't do anything wrong, and that's what stumped them.
- ... Until they notice the ring on your finger.
- It leads them to bombard you with questions, all asking about your "partner", and who gifted you the ring, and why you didn't tell this to anyone, and even more questions relating to your "engagement".
- You on the other hand, are confused. What in the heavens were they talking about? What engagement?
- When they pointed towards the ring on your finger, it all pieces together for you, before you proceeded to vigorously shake your head.
- You explain to them that it was a gift from a family member, that there was no engagement, and that you thought it would compliment your appearance.
- Mei and Red Son both blink at you, before giving a short glance to one another as they realized the reason why MK had been so bummed out this week.
- The both of them will eventually leave your abode and make their way to the apartment above Pigsy's Noodles.
- With Red Son by her side, Mei knocks on the door.
- There's no answer at first, but after some time, MK will answer with a "yes?", but will refuse to open the door.
- Mei will call for him to come out, but again, MK will refuse to open the door. Red Son, sighing, will grab Mei's shoulder and step forward, deciding to take matters into his hands.
- "Your friend isn't engaged, Noodle Boy." Red Son rolled his eyes. "It was a gift from a family member. Your pitiful episode is getting on my nerves, so cease your moping or I'll have to burn this door down."
- Then it all goes silent, and Red Son actually considers burning the door down, before the sound of something shuffling followed by hasty footsteps was heard from behind the door.
- MK finally opens the door with a surprised look on his face. His hair was messy, his iconic jacket and bandana absent from his form. "What?"
- "I didn't stutter, did I?" Red Son rose a brow as he crossed his arms.
- Both Red Son and Mei could see the light rekindling in his eyes, before MK gives them a hug, grateful.
- The next day, MK will show up at your door, flowers and chocolates in hand as he prepares to finally tell you what he feels. He's gotten a glimpse into what could happen if he lets you slip away, so he's gonna make sure that it won't actually happen.
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- Jewelry is one of the many things Sun Wukong gifts you in an attempt to court you. ...Aside from fruits and maybe merchandise of himself.
- The man is aware that he's popular, not to mention he's literally the Great Sage Equal to Heaven - he's bound to be overconfident and smug about himself.
- He can't differentiate the difference between his and others gifts by sight alone, as he tends to forget what he's given you- but he can differenciate them by their scent.
- Like Red Son, his scent lingers on the gifts given to you. It's to ward off weaker demons away from you and to tell them that you're under his protection (it may or may not have backfired once, with you getting kidnapped by one of his many enemies to get under his skin.)
- So when he detects a different scent lingering on you, he's both curious and surprised.
- He'll eventually pin the scent down to the ring on your finger and figures out that he didn't give that to you.
- It didn't belong to humans, nor any powerful demons, but it did belong to a weaker demon.
- He went through all that effort of placing his scent on you just for a demon a thousand times weaker than him to try and scent you as well?
- He realizes that he had a "rival". Was he not being forward enough for you? Or were you just really, really dense? Just what did this guy have that he doesn't?
- He'll ask you about it, and if you answer him clearly and truthfully, that it was only given to you by a family member, it'll ease his nerves and tell you that it got him worried for a second. He trusts you that much.
- But if you decide to be vague about it, telling him that it was only given to you by someone close and that it didn't matter, he'll be suspicious.
- If he sees your family member come over and interact with you, he'll actually end up watching in one of his many forms, be it a bird, a bug, or any kind of creature that can blend into the surroundings.
- Is it just you, or does that butterfly closely resemble MK's mentor? Hmm, maybe that's just your imagination!
- He'll take mental notes of your companion to try and find a way to one-up them. He's competitive, especially when it comes to you.
- When the family member eventually leaves, he'll eventually pop out and greet you, acting like he just recently came.
- "Oh hi, Wukong! A surprise to see you here, but a welcome one."
- He'll greet you back, before glancing towards the back of your cousin, the latter's figure becoming smaller and smaller in the distance, before asking you how your day was.
- "It was good!" you answered, and his posture visibly shrinks from how happy you looked today. "My cousin decided to drop by today and swap something. Apparently, he gave me the wrong gift! The one that was supposed to be for his partner."
- "... Your cousin?"
- "Yeah!"
- Sun Wukong blinks, processing what you just said, before his tail begins to swish left and right while his expression visibly brightens up.
- He's relieved and internally celebrates at the fact that it was only a huge misunderstanding, before shaking his head as he walks closer to you, taking your hand and encasing it with his calloused ones.
- When you ask him what he's doing, he'll give you a toothy smile.
- Since his attempts to woo you by giving you gifts doesn't work, he decides to be more straightforward this time.
- "[Name], will you be mine?"
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Don't follow me for content like this. I rarely post stuff like this as it's mostly OC x Canon.
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