#my good omens spin-off
sophiesophsofia · 4 months
Ok, so
I thought if I could change a plot of Holy Paranorma season 1
I mean, I feel like it would be better if it was about an solving an issuue of hunting blight
What I ment is after Anamaria came back on earth, she brings a curse on our world, which consists in the fact that hundreds of dead souls from hell come to our world and start possessing everyone, killing living souls so that the possession spreads.
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the-glacian · 9 months
A girl doesn't need therapy. She needs exactly two (2) things to happen, Six of Crows spin-off and Good Omens 3, that's it. Crops watered, skin cleared, resources replenished, full health restored.
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ineffabildaddy · 7 months
it’s my birthdayyy<3
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camellcat · 10 months
thinking about angel!Liam just absolutely fucking decking demon!Theo
Liam is, at first, completely horrified, right? like, oh, dear heavens, he just punched someone! that's not very holy of him! ...but also, Theo is a demon... surely he's just... acting within his angelic duties... to thwart demon wiles... yeah...?
and Theo cannot decide whether to laugh his ass off because he just got an angel to punch someone or start panicking that maybe he's pushed Liam too far and he'll be discoperated or smth. which ofc he won't be bc Liam (as much as he loath to admit it) does not hate Theo, but they are not at the stage in which Theo is certain of that!!
but once Theo gets him back it (dreadfully, in Liam's opinion, and cruelly giddily in Theo's) becomes a Thing.
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placeofwonder · 9 months
having a list of books I think I'd enjoy reading this year pinned on my blog VS the urge to re-read familiar books for comfort
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10moonymhrivertam · 2 years
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phyrestartr · 2 months
Divine Favour | Sukuna x Kitsune!Reader (TEASER)
#full is NSFW, mild yuuji/reader, yuuji and gang are v early 20s, heian sukuna, male reader, typical kitsune shapeshifting, mentions of abuse, typical canon violence, morally grey reader, sukuna has FEELINGS but is BAD AT FEELINGS
A/N: this fic is so long rn lol I just have to release a piece of it into the wild :sob: feel free to reply if you want to be tagged for the full story when it's ready
You were never supposed to be anything more than a trinket. You were a gift from some family trying to show off for Sukuna, so much so that they offered him a delicacy, something he surely didn't have yet–a yokai. A kitsune, to be more exact. One with peculiar black tails. 
Sukuna found it interesting, and similarly desperate, to be brought such a creature as tribute. Certainly, it was meant to be seen as a high honour, yet somehow it felt…off. Why would humans give up something so powerful? 
Unexpectedly, it'd be you who told him. 
They submit me for the sake of convenience and mockery, your withering voice whispered where no one else could hear. You sounded weak. Tired. Maybe afraid, yet brave enough to reach towards the king and unveil the intentions of the men who brought you before him. 
Sukuna's eyes flicked to you, his feigned interest in what the sorcerers said falling straight into dismissal. You were much more intriguing. 
“Oh?” Sukuna asked, a smile creeping onto his face. The speakers ceased their jabbering and stared at your back with fierce intensity. Sukuna grinned wider. Oh, how he loved the way fear twisted mortal faces. 
You didn't shift or crumple into yourself under the eyes of so many, however. You pushed on with what little energy and life you had, so intent on dragging that clan through the mud. 
What I say is true, you assured simply. I expect to die today–
“Speak so everyone hears you, fox,” Sukuna commanded.
“--so I–I–” you coughed and cleared your throat, trying to rid your voice of the scratchy, weakness it struggled through. “I wish to not die with regrets.
“They have rendered me ill and unable to produce children, they see the black of my tails and regard me as an ill omen; yet they bring me to you, daring to spin sweet tales about the value of such an offering. But they lie,” You hissed. Your eyes glinted with molten malice, and Sukuna fell captivated. “They throw me to you as they would diseased meat to dogs.” 
The courtyard fell silent, and Sukuna basked in it. You really were such a little troublemaker. A quietly chaotic force of nature. 
The king stood, rolling his shoulders as he did, and his pride flared as you dropped to your knees before him in respect. He walked to you and patted your head as one might a child's before appraising the sorcerers stood before him. 
“What a disappointment,” Sukuna sighed, raising another hand. The couple took up position, pooling their cursed energy in hopes of fending off the monster standing before them. The effort was quite cute. “Here I thought your clan might actually earn my mercy.” His hand dropped as the two lunged. Then, the two clansmen fell, too, both in neat, vertical halves. Quite overkill, yes, but he had a point to make. 
Where he expected a reaction from you, he got nothing. Only panting and poorly-stifled coughs came from you, racking through the entirety of your skin and bones frame. Sukuna could see it up close now, the way your body trembled from fatigue, the sickly greying of your skin, the scent of disease clinging to you. 
That wouldn't do. Sukuna liked his things to be in good shape. 
“Uraume,” Sukuna droned as he stared down at you, “fix this.”
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chronologicalerrors · 10 months
Why Crowley Was an Archangel, And Why it Matters: A Fan Theory
Neil Gaiman has said that Season 2 is a bridging season, setting up what is to come in Season 3, which will be based on a story he and Pratchett outlined many years ago. This season is therefore moving characters into place and establishing facts and mechanics of the Good Omens universe that we need as an audience in order to understand what comes next. It moved Aziraphale back to Heaven, and removed Gabriel and Beelzebub. This season has also been heavy on the references to Crowley’s past as an angel.
Season 2 of Good Omens has been practically inviting us to speculate on who Crowley used to be. If we’d just been given that one glimpse of him in the first scene I wouldn’t make so much of it, but we also saw him return to heaven in disguise and reject an offer of being returned to full angelic status. We have to conclude that there’s been so many sustained hints at this because it will be important next season!
Some of this has already been suggested by others, but GO2 has taken over my brain and I need to write this all out. So, let’s have a look at what we already know about Crowley’s angelic past in-universe, and what else we might be able to guess at from that. 
What’s special about Crowley’s powers?
Crowley is the only demon or angel who is shown being able to stop time. When asked about this Pre-S2, Neil Gaiman said the following:
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We first see him do this in Paris in 1793, and the second time to speak to Adam to avert the apocalypse at the end of S1. The first time was something he did casually, while the second required a huge burst of power – it needed to hold off Satan, after all - and happened at Aziraphale’s urging.
A: Come up with something or… or I'll never talk to you again.
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(GIF from fyeahgoodomens. There’s a collection of gifs of Crowley stopping time through S1 here.)
When we see him stop time this season, in Edinburgh in 1827, it’s also directly at Aziraphale’s request:
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This bit is absolutely key to me, as this establishes that stopping time is something Crowley can do that Aziraphale cannot.
This also seems tied to the crank handle of his Bentley. When Crowley has stopped time to hold off Satan, he is gripping the handle in the same way Aziraphale carried his flaming sword, and spins in when he comes to restart time.
C: I'm going to start time. You won't have long to do whatever you're going to do.
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By itself, this doesn’t mean anything. Until we see the same handle at the start of Season 2, in the hands of Angel Crowley. He uses this to start up his nebula, as a tool for setting time into motion.
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Is this the same handle? It certainly appears this way. Like Aziraphale’s flaming sword, was this a gift from God that he’s managed to hang on to for thousands of years (And it just miraculously happens to fit his Bentley)? It certainly seems that the Bentley crankshaft handle is more than it seems, and that Crowley can use it as a conduit for power – as he needed to when stopping time to hold off the ruler of Hell himself.
The link between this object, a relic from his time in heaven, and his rather unique ability to stop time, suggests that Crowley was once an angel of great power.
What rank did he hold?
We saw Crowley return to Heaven, in disguise, in S2 E6, with events hinting that he was once a very high-ranking angel:
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So, we know for a fact he was above the level of Thrones and Dominions. So where does this place him on Heaven’s organisational chart? My analysis here is metatextual – I don’t think looking at external hierarchies of angels is that helpful to understanding the Good Omens universe, so I will only focus on what Neil Gaiman has confirmed when asked, or has been demonstrated within the world of the show itself.
Good Omens has its own Hierarchy of Heaven, but Neil Gaiman has clarified that the Archangels we see are amongst the most senior personnel in Heaven. This runs counter to many hierarchies of angels (which are often contradictory in and of themselves) but is consistent with the depiction in John Milton’s Paradise Lost as well as Jewish tradition, where the highest ranking Archangels are given the title of “princes” of heaven. “Prince of Heaven” is also a term that Metatron applies to Gabriel in S2 E6.
Of the heavenly entities mentioned in the show, we can infer the following angelic hierarchy:
Metatron (NG confirms here)
Supreme Archangel (Gabriel, now Aziraphale)
Other Archangels (Michael, Uriel, Sandalphon, in that order – See NG here)
Cherubim (Aziraphale at the Garden of Eden, when he was the Angel of the Eastern Gate –NG Confirms here)
Thrones & Dominions
Principalities(?) (Aziraphale after the Garden of Eden – NG doesn’t state if this is a promotion or demotion, but it feels very demotion-y)
Other lower-ranking angels (As a Principality, Aziraphale was supposed to lead a platoon of angels into battle in S1 – so there must be many levels below him – see NG here)
Scrivners (Muriel and the level Gabriel would have been demoted to. Appears to be the lowest rank in Heaven, suggested by NG here)
There are likely many other levels in-between these that have not yet been mentioned onscreen. Saraqael, for example, seems lower down than an Archangel (addressing Michel and Uriel as “your beatitudes” before approaching them in Episode 1), but above Aziraphale. You’ll notice Seraphim aren’t in this list, because they’ve not been mentioned on screen – but I suspect they do exist in this universe and are a class below Archangels but above Cherubim.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that Crowley was an Archangel, but confirms pretty explicitly that he was once near the top.
So who was he?
Neil Gaiman has stated that his name when he was an angel was not Crowley/Crawley, and the first scene of Season 2 sees a bit of redirection when Aziraphale tries to get angel-Crowley’s name:
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This is quite deliberate, and sets up his name as something important to be revealed later. However, I can’t see why his name would matter to the narrative, unless it’s something recognisable from biblical canon – or, that it’s not necessarily his name, but his rank as an angel that was important.
There are numerous pointed references throughout Season 2 to Archangels, in such a way that feels like the show is setting up for this to be revealed in the future. The misdirection about Angel-Crowley’s name may have been because Aziraphale was likely to have recognised the name of an Archangel.
More than this, I personally do think, that before his fall Crowley wasn’t just any old Archangel, but the Supreme Archangel. This is based on the following 7 points (you know God likes sevens):
The very deliberate way the camera pans to Crowley’s impassive face after Gabriel says “I’m the only first-order Archangel in the room or, you know, the universe.”
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2. Metatron’s statement, “For one Prince of Heaven to be cast into the outer darkness makes a good story. For it to happen twice, makes it look like there is some kind of institutional problem.”
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While it’s quite clear that we’re supposed to associate this line with Lucifer himself (and yes, I know NG confirms that's who this was alluding to!), it’s interesting that ‘Prince of Heaven’ is a title associated with Archangels in Jewish tradition and very specifically with Gabriel on screen in the universe of the series. That Jimbriel also repeats this line to Crowley in the bookshop specifically feels significant...
3. Crowley also recognises Metatron in the bookshop, where no other Archangel does. Metatron deliberately avoids using his name in this scene, calling him ‘demon’. Which is not inaccurate, but may suggest the Metatron remembers Crowley’s angelic name. It may also explain Metatron’s very dark look at Crowley as he exited the shop – the two of them have some history.
4. It’s never stated explicitly that Gabriel hasn’t always been the Supreme Archangel since the beginning, but there’s enough vagueness in the text to guess at this. When Michael and Uriel are discussing what to do in Gabriel’s absence, Michael and Uriel have this exchange:
M:There is, of course, no question of replacing the supreme archangel. I am the Archangel Michael, you are the Archangel Uriel. U: We aren't in charge. Right now, as of this moment, Heaven does not have a supreme archangel. M: There is always a supreme archangel.
“There is always a Supreme Archangel!” not “Gabriel has always been the Supreme Archangel!” According to some traditions, the Supreme Archangel was the first angel ever created, which would support Michael’s statement: There is always, and there always has been, a Supreme Archangel, since the time of creation. It’s possible that someone else held this role pre-Fall, and Gabriel was appointed as successor after the War in Heaven.
5. The way the other Archangels behave around him. There’s a wariness, but also a strange deference. On being discovered by Saraqael in heaven, they don’t immediately throw him out, but let him watch Gabriel’s trial – even ordering Muriel to show him it. Michael and Uriel then follow him back to Earth without much fuss, giving him quite a look, while Crowley seems to be enjoying himself:
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(This also feeds into why I think Crowley looked so different during the Job segment. He knew he might encounter a few Archangels he’s not seen for a thousand years or so, and so appears in disguise.) 6. The lightening! I’ve seen someone point out that Crowley’s electric temper tantrum in S2E1 mirrors the lightening used by Gabriel to travel to Earth in S1E6. This could be a coincidence of VFX, or it could be a Clue.
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7. That last conversation between Aziraphale and Crowley:
A: I don't think you understand what I'm offering you. C: I understand. I think I understand a whole lot better than you do.
That’s such a weighted statement, and could be interpreted in so many ways. But, viewed in this light, it sounds like a warning from a former angel who used to be very high up in Heaven indeed – and has absolutely no desire to return there.  
Why does any of this matter?
Obviously just theorising here…
The story is setting us up for a reveal here – Crowley’s status as an angel, and who he was before the Fall is clearly going to factor into Season 3 in some way. Why tease us with it so much and so often if it’s not important?
In terms of the narrative, a powerful revelation would be that Crowley used to have Aziraphale’s new job. That it led him to asking questions about the Almighty’s plan and then, ultimately, falling. And that the Supreme Archangel, for one reason for another, eventually turns against Heaven – it happened to Crowley, to Gabriel (after a few thousand years), and then will have to happen to Aziraphale too.
I could be way off here, but at some point the show needs to explain why Crowley is so different from other demons and has powers that no other demon or angel seems to possess. A reveal that he was once very, very senior in the organisation of Heaven, before asking too many questions and being cast out, would serve as a explanation and be a meaningful development to the narrative of Season 3.
I don’t think we’ll necessarily get a name (because we don’t need one) – but I do think we will get a rank or some idea about who he used to be, and that’s what’s going to be significant. TLDR: Supreme Archangel Crowley!?
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neverknoah · 3 months
I love the concept of Noah and y/n being more than friends but not quite in a relationship yet 😮‍💨 all the sexual tension and giddy feelings of it being new and yet they are so scared to push the boundaries of becoming official and risking the friendship 😫 can you please elaborate and give fluff of just some moments in that time. Like them sneaking touches or inside jokes to the point where everyone sees it but them, that they are so in love 🧍🏻‍♀️🗿 I am a sucker for friends to lovers
oh my goodness this is so stinking sweet!!!
-everyone around yall can see it clear as day but the both of you are too scared to admit anything because you’re too scared it will ruin the friendship the two of you have had for years
-yall definitely have little inside jokes that only you and him get where someone will say something and the both of you look over at eachother and start belly laughing and everyone around y’all is just like 🤨
-i feel like if the crew is having a movie night you and him are snuggled up together. even though yall aren’t together you look very coupley snuggled up together sharing a blanket
-noah loves to hold your pinky in public/big crowds because it makes him feel more comfortable that your safe and he can keep his eye on you. it gives you the biggest butterflies in your tummy
-be brings you little knick knacks from touring and has a special story behind it or a special meaning to ya’lls “friendship” *wink* *wink*
-I do not know about y'all, but I am definitely shorter than noah, so if you are taller.... I'm sorry, skip this one. But, noah definitely makes fun of you sweetly, like he'll rest his arm on your head ike an armrest or he calls you nicknames like "mouse" or "bunny" or "thumbelina." I can imagine thumbelina becoming like a second name to you where the entire band also starts calling you thumbelina because noah started it
-noah is also just a very affectionate person in my head. he loves to hug you and hold your hand and just small gestures of touch that make your tummy erupt into butterflies
-I think if the strings of his hoodie are messed up or his hair is doing something weird you'll just fix it for him and sometimes it catches him off guard. you being so close to him without him being able to really touch you, but he can smell your shampoo and feel the smoothness of your skin while you fix whatever was out of place. it gets him flustered really fast.
Also along with this is after you've gone shopping you'll do a little try on haul for him. modeling all your new clothes and him asking you to do a spin so he can admire you the outfit in all it's glory. THIS gets him so flustered so fast that afterwards he has to have some "alone time."
-I think how you guys actually end up a couple is super sweet and spur of the moment. You came to surprise Bad Omens on their last show of tour and when the concert concludes the guys are running off stage with no idea that you're there and when Noah spots you his eyes light up all big and he's running over to you, engulfing you in a big 'ole sweaty hug and you're definitely squeezing him back. When he releases his hug on you he's staring into your eyes and you're looking back up at his eyes so full of love that he can't help but kiss you then and there. Of course you're a little shocked at first but you're immediately melting into his lips and tugging him closer.
Meanwhile Nicholas, Jolly, Matt, and Folio are all like
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wathcing the two of you. But, at the same time they're all like "for fucks sake finally."
When Noah pulls back his only words are "thanks for being my biggest supporter." and you response with a "forever and always." and he leans back down to kiss you again.
thank you, anon, for sending this in. sorry it took me so long to get to it!!!! I hope I did your ask justice <3
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sophiesophsofia · 3 months
Okay, guys ! Who wanna hear a story about mascular girl, who is a saint, (that is really admired in Heaven) and wants to distroy the antichrist and then one day she meets a the antichrist - boying goth-punk girl who is Hell's messaw, but both of them somehow started to coperate with each other ?
@tomatodogplush, @euphreana, @bleucalire, @little-cereal-draws, @goingtohellwithyou , @xxlunadrawsstuffxx, @samuell-art, @em10-nimonafan2009, @zipzaptoastainthebath , @zyrafowe-sny
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moongirldreamer · 2 days
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Lighthouse keeper!Eddie x siren!reader
Happy Eddiversary to those who celebrate (this is so late lol)
words: 1k
cw: none i don't think.
a/n: besties this is my first ever fic please be nice to me I tried my best.
Thank you to my friend @theold-ultraviolence Irma i wouldn't have come up with this au or written any of it, if it wasn't for you and our Self Indulgence Sundays. Thank you for nudging me i love you <3
Lightkeeper!Eddie headcannons
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August 17 1824
It's been a week since the mysterious lass appeared on my doorstep. Two more till the supply dingy visits, it's been strange, readapting to living with a person but we’ve fallen into a routine. I've found a smile on my face many a time as I'm working. Her voice carries on the wind, it's almost as if it’s blowing it directly to me. 
Eddie hardly counted the sailors he’d met and slept next to people, not civilized people at least, forced to wash with salt water to preserve the limited supply of fresh water. He spent many a night with a makeshift mask over his face to hopefully block out the scent of sweat and the sea but when she arrived, he found he didn't mind it, almost like he missed it. 
The keeper's house contained 2 rooms as the tending was intended to be a 2-man job, he never realized how empty the small space was until she occupied it. Grown used to the loneliness the sea brings he forgot that the ocean also gives, and she had given him a beautiful gift. He tried to be the perfect housemate before he went off to his tending. He left coffee already brewed in a small metal pot for her to reheat when she woke, fetched a bucket of water for her from the cistern and left a note on the kitchen table : back at sunset. Will cook dinner- E
Morning work was easy enough; take inventory, rain fell last night meaning the cistern had to be woken up with chalk and a good mixing and then any odd maintenance works the buildings needed. He would always know when she was awake no matter how far he wandered from their quarters, her voice seemed to carry on the wind straight to him. Often time he found himself singing along, whistling is a bad omen on ships he remembers this even on land. He knew quite a few sea shanties, picked up a few local songs while he was on the mainland, but she often sings songs he's never heard before and sometimes he thinks in a language he can't understand.
At noon he returns to a simple meal tack and stew she so proudly displays to him half burnt and over salted, but he grins and eats it anyway. She told him in the first week with misty eyes
“I don't want to be a burden, let me….. Let me cook lunch at least you work so hard let me help you” lip trembling and how could he deny her.
“The poor thing” he thought “could make anything taste like salt water and gruel” but he eats anyway.
“Thank you darling, what would i do without you?"
“You're welcome" grinning she looks down at her plate before shyly muttering
"if you're not too busy, would you like to join me on a walk at sunset?"
"OfCourse, anything for you" he smirks leaving her with a kiss on her hairline.
Sunset at the lighthouse made it seem like the sky and sea were competing for your attention, seeing which could glimmer brighter, but Eddies attention was elsewhere. He was enchanted by how her beauty seemed to be enhanced in the golden light.
"Open your hand" she blinks up at him one her fists closed tightly. Wordlessly he gives her his palm and she places an oyster shell, no longer than his pinkie, in it
He grins "an oyster?"
"Yes, my mother told me they were a sign of good fortune"
"Huh I only know them as dinner"
She laughs, mouth opening to give him a clever word or two when she suddenly goes stiff looking over his shoulder. 
"What is it?" he spins to look at what could've possibly rattled her, and behind him on a boulder is a seagull, a bit unremarkable too no missing limbs or gnarled features.
So, he laughs” You're scared of that little thing?”
“Yes, they're retched beasts of the sky with no manners” she grips his bicep keeping him between her and the bird.
“Y’know on the ships they say they’re the souls of drowned sailors, so we treat them kindly just like our human shipmates” he laughs as she moves her glare from the gull over to him.
“I think they should be chum” she says, squinting at the bird, almost daring it to attack.
In a sudden move the gull swoops over their heads missing hers by a centimeter and continuing out to sea.
"Did you see that! that that monster nearly killed me"
"Maybe you need this more than i do" he dropped the oyster back into her palm
"What? no, no i want you to have it, besides you'll need it if you're going to try befriending those creatures"
He chuckled, the sound like warm honey in the cool sea breeze. "Alright, if you insist. But I promise, no more gull attacks on my watch."
Shakily she grabbed his arm again as they continued their walk down the shoreline.
"Do you ever miss it? sailing? "
"Hmm, sometimes" he sends a wistful look out at the water the sun spilling over it as the last of it slips below the horizon.
"it was my life, the only thing I was good at" he grins, but it's sad round the edges.
"but i needed the change, it was getting too repetitive"
"so you decided to tend a lighthouse? the same job day in day out" her eyebrows pull together eyes squinting in confusion
another smile this one woven with affection "well I'd travelled a while but i needed to return to the sea almost- almost as if something was"
"Was calling you back" her tone changes, her voice becomes layered whispers singing and screaming. her eyes gleam, a secret understanding.
"Yes like-like it was calling me" he steps towards her without thinking, mechanically putting one foot in front of the other, eyes locked on hers until he feels wet? Looking down he realizes his boots are drenched, shin length in the waves his brows furrow.
"What are you doing?" asks melodic laugh behind him and he turns to see her, face lit up with the last of the afternoon glee and a smile.
"Think I wanted to go for a swim" the end lifts like a question, he looks back down to his feet barely visible in the water
"But it's getting dark, we should head back" again her voice changes and he moves without remembering, until they're back to their quarters and she bids him goodnight.
That night as he refills the oil and cleans the lense at the top of the lighthouse out in the distance on a cluster of rocks he sees a figure bathed in darkness. He can only make out a humanoid figure with their hair whipping in the cold sea air behind them. Leaning over the railing to squint into the darkness his blood runs cold as a wail crosses the distance, then a soft whisper, as if it was said over his shoulder, of his name.
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nieded · 10 months
#RainbowRoad for Rainbow Railroad Charity Drive
Hello, everyone!
As you may know, a couple of years ago I wrote a Good Omens fic called Sit Tight, Take Hold. It kicked off an amazing friendship with a group of people who have now come together to organize a fundraiser to support an LGBTQ+ non-profit.
I'm really excited to announce that we are running a charity drive to support Rainbow Railroad alongside the release Good Omens Season 2 and the third and final part of the #rainbowroad series, Fools Rush In.
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What is Rainbow Railroad?
Rainbow Railroad is a non-profit organization that works to relocate at-risk LGBTQ+ individuals to safety globally.
"As a result of Rainbow Railroad, more LGBTQI+ individuals can access lives free from persecution, and ultimately, we envision a world where LGBTQI+ people can live lives of their choosing, free from persecution."
If you've read STTH and AALS, you may remember that Formula 1 visits a multitude of countries that have poor human rights and are unfriendly to LGBTQ+ individuals. I vacillated between many charity organizations before settling on this one, which encompasses the global nature of the #rainbowroad universe and some of the challenges the characters face. Thank you, @kookaburra-laugh, for suggesting this charity!
Great! How can I help?
@dustandhalos, @blairamok, and @cinnabarmint are releasing prints of their art for #rainbowroad on Etsy. Art options include:
a. A 5x7 postcard pack of 6 prints featured in STTH!
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b. An 12x18 poster of Crowley's C8ZR1 from part two, Accept A Little Spin
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c. And last but not least, an 18x24 print of Ezira's signed Anthony Fucking Crowley poster.
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[Preview images are protected with anti-AI cloaking technology Glaze, and may depict slight pixelation and/or distortion. Printed art will not depict this distortion.]
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL. WE ARE PRINTING SIT TIGHT, TAKE HOLD. Thank you, again, to @blairamok, who made the astounding cover art.
I will update everyone once I get the physical proof, but the book includes 428 pages incorporating the tumblr posts, news articles, and text messages. The dimensions will be 6x9x1, printed in color on 80lb matte paper.
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How does this work?
Preorders open TODAY and will run for a month until Friday 9/1. Once preorders close, we will submit the orders to the various printers. All proceeds will go to Rainbow Railroad, minus the cost of printing and shipping orders. We hope to start shipping out merch mid to late-September. Depending on how many orders we get will depend on how quickly we can ship everything out, but we will keep you posted once preorders close.
Hopefully, if you order something and live in the US, it will arrive by the time Fools Rush In finishes posting on 10/13.🤞🤞🤞 We will be shipping internationally as well!
What if I can't afford to order anything?
That's okay! Please reblog this post so more people can see it. It will bring more attention to the charity drive and more attention to Rainbow Railroad!
What the heck is #rainbowroad?
#rainbowroad is a trilogy about our favorite Good Omens characters reimagined as Formula 1 drivers. I have no idea how this came into my head beyond binging Good Omens and Drive to Survive at the same time. The final part of the main trilogy, Fools Rush In, is currently posting and slated to end on 10/13. It is COMPLETE.
Thank you to my friends and all the readers who have made this possible! I am so excited to share this with you. Please reblog to boost awareness. If you have specific questions, shoot me an ask!
Massive thanks to @dustandhalos, @blairamok, @cinnabarmint, and @kookaburra-laugh for making this possible!
ni <3
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reyadawn · 3 days
Worlds Apart
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*image not mine, credit goes to owner*
Summary: A chance meeting of the lead singer of Bad Omens has the reader questioning her current relationship...
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x OFC, Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x Tan (OFC)
Warnings: 🔞, language, kissing, hair pulling, degredation, fingering, choking, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), cream pie, basically filthy smut 🤷‍♀️
Word Count: 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤣
The top was down to the red Convertible that I rode passenger in, wind blowing through my hair as I rested my chin on a folded arm perched on the car door. The sun shone brightly overhead and it was a scortching 87° in L.A.
A faint buzzing sound reverberated from the car and I heard an audible sigh escape from my best friend Tan, who was in the drivers seat.
"You realize that's the fifth time Jake has blown up your phone in the last twenty minutes? Just fucking talk to the guy", she said, her own dark locks billowing in the wind as we continued the drive through the suburbs.
"No. Not until he stops being a controlling twatwaffle", I replied, still gazing out at the scenery. Smaller houses started merging with much larger ones and I realized we were in the rich part of town.
"Girl, he's a man. That'll never happen. That's just wishful thinking on your part. Good thing we're headed to this house party because you need to relax", Tan said, glossy full lips curled into a smirk.
"What's that supposed to mean?", I snapped, tossing my best friend a dark scowl. Tan only chuckled.
"You're wound too fucking tight. I mean, I know Jake sucks in the bedroom but maybe if you had a proper orgasm you'd feel better", Tan laughed.
"Tan!", I exclaimed but she only laughed harder. "Where exactly are we going?".
"Noah Sebastian's house", she deadpanned. I stared at her in shock.
"I'm sorry but Noah Sebastian? Of Bad Omens? How the hell did you score an invite to his house and why am I being dragged out here?", I asked, damn near choking on my saliva. I suddenly glanced down at my attire feeling very selfconscious.
"Oh, I'm fucking Jolly. I didn't tell you that? Besides, you're my brst friend so you coming with me is a given", she replied nonchalantly. I could only blink owlishly at her like she grew three heads. Tan tipped her head back and laughed and I simply shook my head in amusement.
"You failed to mention this, bestie", I smiled in return.
"We'll discuss my lack of communication later because we're here", she said, parking in a driveway that was already housed by at least six other cars. The house was two story, modern and an off-white color that was completely surrounded by privacy trees and bushes.
I got out of the car and smoothed the front of my red low cut blouse that Tan insisted I wear complete with black skin tight leggings and flats. Casual but not over the top. Tan rolled her eyes at me before grabbing my hand and pulling me behind her.
Entering the house, we stopped in the foyer to slip our shoes off. There was a dark cradenza along the wall that housed a modern day lamp, a wicker bowl filled with random sets of car keys and cell phones and a framed picture of a black dog to which I smirked at. Above the cradenza was a large mirror with a dark wooden frame.
After we dropped our keys and phones into the basket we made our way around the corner and into the livingroom. Two leather couches were divided by a large rectangular coffee table that was scattered with drinks of all sizes and flavors along with red solo cups and random bowls filled with chips and candy. Black curtains covered the windows and a large cieling fan was turned on full blast overhead.
All the members of Bad Omens were seated and engaged in conversations with a few other guys I didn't know. I shot Tan a worried look but she only shrugged in response before pulling me once again in her wake.
"Tan! Hey, karaste!", Jolly said, emerging out of the kitchen to scoop Tan into a spinning bear hug, breaking the hold I had on her. His long hair was neatly combed and pulled half up. His white tshirt clung to his lithe frame, legs encased in dark denim and black biker boots. Definitely Tan's type and I smiled at them.
"Hello, ladies", a deep voice said behind me. I turned, my body crashing into a very broad chest as a pair of heavily tattooed hands grabbed my hips. I had to crane my head back almost all the way to my shoulders to look up into the face of one Noah Sebastian. His long hair was neatly combed and hung loose down to almost the center of his chest and the long sleeve white shirt he wore was pulled up his forearms revealing more tattoos. His dark chocolate eyes roamed over my face and his full lips pulled back to reveal a mouth of perfectly straight white teeth.
I swallowed hard, my thighs pressing together and my heart hammering in my chest.
"Don't mind her, she just has brainrot", Tan said, coming to stand at my side with Jolly's arm slung over the top of her shoulder. I shot her a dirty look, earning a chuckle from Noah and Tan smirked.
"Let me give you a tour of the house, Angel", Noah said, his hand stretched out in invitation. I glanced down at his hand, noticing the size of his palm, the length of his fingers and I shifted on my feet, my thighs pressing together and liquid heat pooling into my panties. Good thing my leggings were black. Noah chuckled softly at my movement as if he could sense the effect. My mind briefly flashed to Jake but seeing as his attitude sucked of late, I shook him from thoughts and took Noah's hand.
I glanced at Tan over my shoulder who merely blew me a kiss and gave me a thumbs up. I shot her a dark look and flipped her off as I watched her disappear with Jolly down a hallway on the other side of the kitchen.
Noah led me up a staircase that opened to a series of hallways. We hooked an immediate left and I stopped in the hallway to admire thier albums in frames that decorated the wall. Noah turned to me and regarded me quietly as I looked at each album that was showcased.
"I don't know you, Noah, but I'm proud of what you've accomplished", I said softly, running my fingertips over the edge of the frame of one. Noah gently reached for my hand and motioned for me to follow him and I did without hesitation.
The last door on the left at the end of the hall was Noah's as he led me inside. It wasn't an overly large room but it was big enough to hold a book shelf on the wall followed by his bed and then gaming desk complete with professional microphone and gaming chair. His walls hung framed copies of thier albums.
The sound of his bedroom door shutting had me jumping and I turned to see Noah lock the door handle.
"Is this a habit of yours? Dragging girls to your room that you just met?", I asked, crossing my arms under my breasts. Noah slowly sauntered closer to me and I turned, backing myself against the wall next to his closet door until Noah's chest was eye level. He raised his arms, planting his hands on either side of my head and lowered his head until his lips hovered over my own. He shoved his thigh between my own, the pressure to my clit causing me to whimper and drag my hips over the hardened muscle.
"Needy little thing aren't you? Look at you, grinding yourself on a man you just met. How desperate you must be. Poor thing. Your're clearly not being satisfied", Noah taunted, running his fingertips across my cheek.
"That's none of your business", I fired back, glaring up at him.
"Oh, but it is, Angel. Your body has already betrayed that fact. Let me show you how a woman is supposed to be touched", Noah sneered and lowered his full lips to mine. His lips were soft, pliant as his tongue traced my bottom lip to silently ask for entry. I opened my lips to him, letting his tongue explore and taste my own. My brain short circuited and I worked myself harder on his thigh as a hand came up to wrap around my neck, the other tangling in my hair.
"Come for me, Angel...open those pretty eyes and look at me when you let go...", Noah said, squeezing my throat just a little more. I barely registered Noah's face as my orgasm hit me, my body nearly convulsing in his arms. "Good girl".
Noah pulled the top from my body and kneeled to peel my legging from my legs leaving me in just my red lace lingere. He let out a low whistle as he gave me a once over before going back to his knees and pulling my panties off.
"Look how wet you are, Angel...you're soaked and all I've done is kiss you...let's raise the stakes", he said, thrusting two long tattooed fingers inside my dripping cunt, curling them. I threw my head back against the wall and moaned, my thighs clamping around his hand. In and out his fingers plunged, thumb working my already swollen clit. I squirmed and whimpered, my breathing labored as I fought for control, for breath.
"Come on, Angel, give me one more...give me one more and you can have my cock", Noah said, fucking me faster with his fingers. At his words, my release hit, cunt clamping around his fingers. I screamed, my hands going around his forearm and he slowed his ministrations.
Noah lifted me off my feet, my legs instinctively going around his waist. He brought a hand between us to line his cock up with my core and pushed himself inside me until I felt him at my cervix. I thrashed in his arms as he gave me no time to get used to his size as he fucked me brutally against the wall. Short, hard, deep thrusts as his hands gripped my hips that I was sure was going to sport bruises. My arms wrapped around his shoulders, thighs squeezing his hips as his cock jackhammered inside me, relentlessly hitting my cervix.
I couldnt speak, the overstimulation rendering me speechless. Noah slipped a hand between us to thumb my clit and I cried out.
"Let me hear you, Angel...come on...let me hear how fucking good you feel...bet that asshole boyfriend of yours can't fuck you like this, huh? You're mine now...you belong to me...my own personal cock sleeve...fuck, you're so tight...gonna' come soon", Noah said, breathing ragged.
I couldn't do anything but let him rail me against the wall, my body damn near on the verge of blacking out.
"What's the matter, pretty girl? You fucked so dumb you can't speak? That pretty head of yours empty? Brainrotting? Nothing but empty fucking space?", Noah teased and picked up his pace, rubbing my clit harder and I arched my back off the wall as the final thread snapped. My release coated his cock and balls at the same time he roared out his own and filled my cervix with thick ropes of come.
A few hours later, when I could finally walk straight, Noah and I went downstairs and into the kitchen for something to eat.
"Go find Tan. I'll throw together a BLT and some chips for us", Noah said, kissing my cheek. I wandered out of the kitchen and down the hall I saw Tan and Jolly disappear down earlier. First door I came to, I knocked and cracked it open just enough to see Tan on all fours on the bed. Jolly was behind her, one hand on her hip and the other in the center of her back to press her into the mattress. Jolly's snap of his hips had Tan screaming and fisting the covers and I slowly closed the door, tip toeing back down the hall.
Entering the kitchen, I went up to Noah and wrapped my arms around his waist as he finished preparing our meal. Noah paused to plant a kiss to my temple.
"You find Tan?", he asked softly. I nodded.
"She's currently getting railed into the next century so she'll be a while", I smirked, popping a chip in my mouth. Noah laughed and it was a beautiful sound as I followed him to the livingroom.
"So...you gonna' ditch the fucktard you're with to be mine?", Noah asked as we sat down on the couch to eat. I paused mid-bite of my sandwhich and looked over at him.
"You want me to be? Think we put the cart before the horse", I smiled.
"I definitely want you to be. We already know the physical chemistry is there. I want to see the rest", Noah replied, caressing the side of my face.
I smiled and nodded, the future suddenly looking a little brighter.
@lilhobgobbler @livingdeceasedgirl @concreteangel92 @darling-millicent-aubrey @lma1986 @thefallennightmare @artificialbreezy @amourtoken
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hi Mr. Gaiman! My name is Bella, i’m 14 and a really big fan of your work, especially the Sandman, Coraline, and Good Omens (american gods is on my list)
I don’t know if you’ve answered this question yet, but today I finished reading the Watchmen, and at the very end there’s a doodle of Rorschach as a dog saying “Dead human in the gutter- the city is afraid of me. I have smelt it’s lampposts…”
Under it, it reads “sketch of a watchmen spin off suggestion by a young neil gaiman.”
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Would you ever write a Blot the Dog spin-off? If so, what would it be about?
Thanks for being such an inspiration,
I will leave the Watchdogs spinoff to someone else.
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bbabymesssss · 7 months
"You go too fast for me, Jophiel. There's only one place I truly want to see again, and you can't take me there."
Jophiel dropped onto the steering wheel, letting out a frustrated sigh. The conversation had ended worse than he had imagined.
Trembling, he looked at the lighter the owl had given him. Despite everything, he had given it to him.
He thought about how curious happiness was and how it could vanish from someone's body in a matter of seconds. How everything around him felt warm with Azazel's presence, with that talk where he had confessed in the most adorable way possible his desire to be called angel by him. And how the cold had taken over the car at the same moment the owl had said those words before leaving, leaving him completely alone.
Frustrating, was the best way he could define all that. It was frustrating that so many of his conversations ended that way, that they left him with a strange feeling in his body. It was frustrating to feel that there was never enough for the demon, that he never found the exact right words, that something was always missing.
Maybe it's that he couldn't compare to the faith that Azazel still maintained. Of course not, how could he compare himself to God? How stupid.
But he couldn't help but feel mad. It was pretty obvious that Azazel wanted to return to heaven, even if he didn't say so verbatim. That same heaven that once rejected him, that had caused him so much suffering and that, even nowadays, that same suffering only complicated his life. Hurt him.
He had always questioned certain ideals of heaven, even if it was risky to do so from his position. He was aware that he was not the best example of an angel. It was increasingly difficult for him to understand what had pushed Heaven to expel Azazel.
What sense did it make to abandon someone so devout, with a purity that bordered on the impossible. With an innate goodness that was dangerous to the owl himself and a faith that was eating away and devouring him day by day?
How did they even dare to turn off a light like his?
If anyone deserved a place in heaven, it was certainly him. His angel. His light. And even then, he had fallen and had to live with it for the rest of his existence. With that sorrow. With that sadness in his eyes, his incessant nervousness, his words. The burns on his hands. Oh, the burns.
They must have hurt, right?
He promised to himself that if God didn't protect him, he would. How was he going to protect him from himself?
How frustrating. Azazel was frustrating. The love he felt for him was incredibly frustrating.
Not that it mattered, of course. He was going to love him either way.
Jophiel asked himself if love always was like that. Exasperating, infuriating, confusing, maddening, all at once. And at the same time, so tender, so sweet and warm.
Even now, when he was feeling so miserable and defeated, his mind couldn't stop spinning around the fact of how devilishly adorable Azazel was. In the enormous desire he had to see his face again, to hear his voice, to make him smile and laugh and, perhaps, some occasional blush. His heart felt at peace just by that thought. But it also raced so fast that for a minute he thought it was going to explode.
He wondered how it was possible for love to be that complicated. How was it even possible that it caused so many different emotions in him.
He felt like he was going to lose his mind at any time.
"What a tightrope we walk on, angel."
But oh, how much he loved him.
How much he adored him. How much he worshiped him.
another little thing based on the best good omens au ever, oopsie!omens by @asleepyy bc they are all i think about lately. hope you enjoy it!🩷
(english is not my first language so i apologize in advance if there's any mistakes)
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quoththemaiden · 2 months
I hope everyone enjoyed the finale of @mrghostrat's Big Name Feelings Good Omens AU as much as I did. While ghostrat ended his story perfectly with a beautiful and realistic close to the part of their relationship we as an audience get to see, I had one more scene idea close to my heart and so I'm putting it out here because my heart still sings with love for this story and its characters.
These fanscenes now also appear on AO3. Along with the four I've already posted here (1, 2, 3, and 5), you can find a scene I kept off Tumblr ("Ch. 12"). You can read the final scene ("Ch. 17") below, but you can also find it on AO3, where it shows the text messages in graphical form.
Bilv, thank you once again for creating such an amazing story! I'm happy to say that my mind is no longer filled with your middle-aged men and their middle-aged-man problems. Instead, please enjoy these 3k words of pure fluff.
Crowley dumped his bag on the hotel room floor and did a lazy spin to take in the space. "Not bad, eh?"
"It's very posh," Newt agreed, setting his bag down more gingerly. "You're sure we can't pitch in for it?"
"I'm not dealing with you setting your phone on fire trying to do a transfer." Crowley waved the offer off and flopped onto the couch. The hotel suite had two small bedrooms plus a nice little sitting area that would be perfect for board games. It was set up to mainly accommodate a family with kids, albeit a family that could afford to splash on a multi-room suite for the family vacation to Spain. Crowley stretched out, shamelessly taking up the whole couch in a bid to ease the stiffness in his hips. "Tell ya what, if you're feeling guilty, you can buy my drinks tonight."
Anathema laughed and gave Crowley a poke in the side, looking quite satisfied at his jerk and yelp. "Knowing you, that will end up being a fair deal. And I'll take care of renting the wheelbarrow to cart you back here."
Crowley rubbed his side dourly. "Maybe I preferred you on the other side of the ocean."
Anathema grinned at him, unrepentant. "If you want to stay at my place while I'm here, I'll lend you my keys." She ducked a thrown pillow with a laugh.
The weather was perfect for sipping cocktails outside, and their mutual agreement to all try drinks they'd never had before helped keep the night from slipping away from them too quickly. Being able to chat without the artificial framing of a webcam was a delight, too, but all of them were too continuously connected to be interested in a strict phones-down policy.
Anathema rolled her eyes and took another sip of her drink before answering the text that had just popped up on her screen.
Aziraphale: Are you certain he doesn't know I'm nearby? Anathema: I didn't tell him, Newt doesn't know, and he doesn't have a magical angel-detecting sense does he? Aziraphale: I'm not so sure about that last point. Some of his last texts seem awfully pointed. Anathema: You're being paranoid
Anathema slipped her phone away before leaning over to look at Crowley's phone screen, where he was lining up a very artistic shot of his drink, showcasing as much of the swanky beachfront seating area as possible. She blinked at him slowly. "Have you been sending Aziraphale 'wish you were here' texts?"
Crowley glanced at her sideways, his thumb paused over the shutter button. "Maybe."
Anathema sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Are you an adult who can handle a vacation with friends or are you going to pine after your boyfriend all night?"
"I'm here, aren't I? It's not like we're tied together at the hip."
Anathema shook her head in fond exasperation. "Getting these printed on postcards for him would be funnier than this text spam." Crowley barked out a laugh and sent Aziraphale his next promise to take him here sometime anyway.
Anathema pulled out her phone again, tapping out a quick message.
Anathema: He says he's a full-grown adult who can handle being away from you.
There was a pause before Aziraphale responded to her — probably due to dealing with a barrage of messages from Crowley.
Aziraphale: A very convincing claim.
Anathema looked up as Crowley put his phone away. "All done?"
"Yeah, he's taking an early night." Crowley took a languid sip from his drink.
"How have his workshops been going?" Newt asked, fiddling with a vibrant russet cocktail in a type of glass he couldn't name.
"Good!" Crowley's eyes lit up with excitement, his cheeks pink. "We polished his presentation before he left—"
"I heard about that!" Newt cut in. "He said it was more like beta-testing than beta-reading."
Crowley snorted. "If you want to see what happens when someone goes against the script, I'm your guy."
"The reception's been okay?" Anathema asked. "I know getting audience participation at workshops can be pulling teeth."
"Nahhh, it's different in the library world. Those weirdos actually care about their jobs."
"So do I, but it would be pulling teeth to get me to do a 'group active learning exercise.'"
"Fair." Crowley grinned. "They know how to talk like humans, then. And they really are interested in anyone with tips on how to break into digital spaces in an authentic way."
Newt hummed thoughtfully. "He's really okay with talking about his online presence at work like that? I'd be way too embarrassed."
"Nah, you stop caring about that stuff when you get older."
Anathema snorted. "I'm still saying it's pure luck you didn't chase him offline again with that con nonsense."
"Pfffft." Crowley made a sound that was all plosives and no vowels. "Never even close."
"Right," Anathema replied with tasteful sarcasm.
Crowley cut her teasing short by slapping a yellow canvas pouch down on the table. "C'mon. Let's play a game!"
"Oh, Bananagrams!" Anathema accepted the diversion and unzipped the banana-shaped bag, pouring the Scrabble tiles out between them. She deftly started flipping them letter side down. "I don't think Newt's played?"
Crowley nodded and waggled his fingers at the pile of tiles. "Rules are easy: Everyone's building their own board-free Scrabble grid. You start with 21 tiles. Say 'peel' when you've used yours up to make everyone take another tile from the stock. Say 'dump' to trade one of your tiles for three from the stock. The first person to say 'peel' without enough tiles left for everyone to take one wins. Simple, right?"
Newt nodded slowly, watching as Anathema divided the tiles out neatly. "So they're putting Scrabble in bananas these days."
Aziraphale: Is he up yet?
Crowley gestured Anathema towards the table where their phones sat in a cuddly pile of charging pads and wires. "You got a message while you were in the shower. From Aziraphale?"
Anathema kept her face carefully schooled as she sauntered over and picked up her phone, using the need to adjust her towel turban as an excuse for not making eye contact. "Mm." She picked it up and read the incriminating message, then snorted. "Bracing himself for when your wall of texts will start, I imagine."
"Nahhh, he loves it!" Crowley snagged the glasses cleaner out of his bag and sauntered into the bathroom. He'd be wearing them all day and he'd murder someone if he had to deal with the scummy film left by hotel soap.
"Whatever you say, lover boy." Anathema breathed a tired sigh.
Anathema: Yeah, and he saw this. We should be at the conservatory by 11
She should have just taken the phone into the bathroom with her, steam be damned.
The botanical conservatory was, frankly, gorgeous. The greenhouses were so large the ceilings weren't even noticeable, and the outdoor gardens were a riot of native plants. Crowley devoured the signs about plants he was unfamiliar with with gusto, and pointed out those he recognized with the enthusiasm of a man determined to prove he wasn't hungover. Newt listened with unfeigned interest, while Anathema wasn't shy about slowing them down to take photos of particularly artfully arranged displays.
They'd been there about half an hour when a patter of English broke through the background chatter of Spanish. "Could you spot me the entrance fee for the butterfly room?"
"Aziraphale!" Crowley immediately spun to his right, his whole face lighting up in delight before realizing that seeing him here was, in fact, quite odd. "What are you doing in Spain?"
"I left right after my last workshop. I thought it might make a nice surprise."
"It made the best surprise." Crowley pulled him into an ardent kiss that went on long enough for Anathema to cough something about public displays of affection. Crowley eventually relented on the kiss, as much for the sake of their breathing as anything else, but kept his arm slung firmly around Aziraphale's shoulders. "You're a bit of a bastard, you know that? I could've been looking forward to this the whole time."
"Only as much of a bastard as you deserve," Aziraphale teased right back with easy familiarity. His heart kept pounding hard anyway.
"Heh. What a way to butter me up while you're angling for a free ticket." Crowley snuck another kiss onto Aziraphale's cheek. Aziraphale laughed as he slipped his arm through Crowley's, relishing the contact after their weeks apart.
The butterfly room, when they got in, was a riot of fluttering wings. The promise of iridescence was enough to get Crowley to remove his sunglasses, and a quiet compliment on his eyes from Aziraphale was enough to get him tucking them into his pocket instead of putting them right back on afterwards.
They left the butterfly room — with some careful mutual inspections to make sure no one was harboring a stowaway, involving perhaps a bit more care in running fingers through another's hair than was strictly necessary for the task — and emerged near the exit to the rose garden. Crowley's hand moved towards his sunglasses but Aziraphale put his hand on his arm. "Just a couple more minutes? There's something I want you to see first." Aziraphale glanced over at Anathema, who nodded slightly but otherwise kept her expression carefully uninterested.
Crowley looked between them and shrugged. "Not exactly subtle as far as hangover tests go, but a'ight." Aziraphale laughed breathlessly and kept a firm grip on his arm, drawing him deeper into the garden.
The rose garden featured small offshoots to the main path where groups could sit for a little while to rest. It wasn't until the third one that they came upon an alcove that was empty, and Aziraphale promptly pulled Crowley aside, Anathema holding out her hand to keep Newt just outside it with her.
"Crowley—" Aziraphale began, his breath catching in his throat as he caught Crowley's full attention. "I, ah. I actually came here because there was something I wanted to say."
Crowley's hand twitched reflexively towards his glasses again, but this time he kept it down himself, even as his heart started to pound. "...yeah?"
"Yeah," Aziraphale breathed out as he sank to one knee, reaching into his pocket. His fingers were trembling, and his smile was nervous but so very adoring. "If I ask you something, will you promise to laugh?"
"—huh?" Crowley blinked in confusion, then stared as Aziraphale opened a jewelry box to reveal a simple ring.
"Anthony J. Crowley, would you be my snouse?"
It took a few seconds for Crowley to register any of the words Aziraphale had just said, but then he barked out a laugh as the last one hit him. "Really? That's how you ask?"
"You don't like it?"
"I just... I thought if you did it, you'd do a whole speech for it. You even brought us out to a rose garden!"
"I'll be honest, I had one of those planned. I just... couldn't quite seem to bring it to mind." Aziraphale had no idea how he was managing to talk even as much as he was around the tightness in his throat. "You haven't answered my question, dear."
"Pfft..." Crowley closed both his hands around Aziraphale's. "Yes. Yes, of course I'll be your... your whatever. Forever and always."
"Thank goodness." Aziraphale half rose and was instead greeted by Crowley also kneeling, both of them moving together for a kiss that was slow and deliberate. Aziraphale could feel the pounding of his own pulse against the tight hold Crowley had on his hands, and he could tell how Crowley's heartrate had risen to match his by the way their kiss kept shifting for quick intakes of air. Aziraphale finally broke the contact only so he could gently extricate his hands from Crowley's. It took every scrap of concentration he could scrape together to find Crowley's left hand and slip the ring onto his finger. "...it fit okay?"
"Nggh," Crowley replied before pulling him into another kiss.
They might have stayed there all day if Anathema hadn't cleared her throat — snapping another quick photo as they looked up at her, flushed and frazzled. "We are still in public, I'm afraid."
"Yeah," Crowley breathed.
"Huh..." Aziraphale added, just as coherently.
Newt shook his head at the unlikely prospect of them getting up anytime soon, and looked over at Anathema instead. "How were you so prepared?"
Anathema flashed him a smile. "I knew this was coming. Aziraphale asked me to take the photos."
"Is that why you're here?"
"It was the other way around," Anathema replied. "Aziraphale realized he could arrange his schedule to join our trip partway, and we worked out how to take advantage of the situation."
"Bastard," Crowley muttered in response to nothing and everything, pressing tender kisses to Aziraphale's left ring finger like he could imprint a ring there with his lips. "Did you measure my finger while I slept?"
Aziraphale smiled as he watched him, his heartrate finally settling closer to normal under Crowley's reassuring touches. "It's scarcely my fault you're so easy to send to sleep, dearest."
"You're ridiculous. Adorable. Incorrigible."
"Are those all synonyms in your mind?" Aziraphale leaned in to steal another kiss.
Crowley laughed breathlessly at how easily they'd returned to comfortable teasing and carefully pushed himself up. He tugged his clothing straighter and tried to pretend he was put-together as he glanced at Anathema, who was grinning unabashedly at them. "I'll want those pics for... for everything. All of them."
Aziraphale put his hand on Crowley's arm for support as he straightened his own creaking knees. "I'm claiming Tumblr first, if you don't mind."
"Eh—" Crowley gave him his full attention again, not that it had strayed for more than a moment. "This will really get you notice, Angel."
"Good." Aziraphale took Crowley's hand and leaned in to kiss him. He rubbed his fingertip over the ring settled firmly onto a finger that had never borne one before. "Let them know who's claimed you."
Crowley snaked his arm around Aziraphale's neck, chasing down another kiss that went on long enough to have Anathema clucking behind them. "We're gonna get kicked out of the garden, Angel."
Aziraphale smiled against Crowley's lips. "Let them. The one we made is better."
Three bottles of wine sat open and mostly-drunk on the table, divided between four glasses that were using the remnants of the previous night's game of The Quiet Year as a coaster. ("We set it in an idyllic countryside and it all went downhill from there," Crowley had explained when Aziraphale came in and started examining the hand-drawn map. "I think the arrival of the dog was the real turning point to madness," Newt had chimed in. "It was doomed from the start," Anathema declared with a resigned sigh.) The red rings of wine stains could have added as much to the group narrative as anything they'd purposefully drawn.
"I came in like a wrecking ball~! I never hit so hard in love~!" Newt sang raucously, a broad grin on his face while Anathema laughed into her hand. Aziraphale tilted his head as he watched them, visibly processing the music.
"All the other kids with their pumped-up kicks, you better run—!" Anathema joined in as the tune jauntily transitioned to a new melody. Aziraphale's face froze into an expression of fond but intense confusion.
"Problem, Angel?" Crowley drawled, utterly amused as he watched the tableau.
"I'm fairly certain that isn't how those songs go. And isn't that polka?"
"Never heard of Weird Al? Bit bigger overseas, I s'pose." He gestured to Anathema's phone, which was supplying the impromptu karaoke party.
Aziraphale nodded, confusion dissolving and leaving just a hint of distaste in its place. "And a different generation, I suppose." He took another sip of his wine, a nice Syrah, as the melody shifted to a new and equally abrasive polka.
"I wear your granddad's clothes," the millennials continued singing, until one of them glanced at Aziraphale and started laughing and the other followed suit, wineglass held out in an attempt to insulate it from deep belly laughs. Crowley snagged it deftly and set it on the table, another drop of wine rolling down to stain the paper there. Aziraphale rolled his eyes, much more amused at their drunken good humor than offended.
Crowley patted Aziraphale's thigh. "Want to take the rest of that Syrah back to my room and leave the loverbirds to it?"
"It would still be rather noisy if we stayed here," Aziraphale replied with a tempting smile. "Why don't you come back to mine?"
Crowley leaned forward eagerly, only a fraction away from jumping up at the unexpected invitation. "Oh?"
"Well, the room may not wind up being quite as nice as the one you got, but I thought for our first night together as a formally promised couple..." Aziraphale's smile said everything.
"You're a genius." Crowley kissed his cheek and grabbed Aziraphale's hand to pull him up with him, then firmly refused to let it go despite the challenge of tucking a wine bottle under his arm while juggling a wine glass and his phone.
Aziraphale laughed. "We can take two trips, since you'll want your bag. Did you leave it packed?"
"Like always." Crowley grinned. "Not going to rib on me for that ever again, huh?"
"One occasion of convenience is not worth the wrinkles, my dear," Aziraphale responded with all the primness he could muster around a wide grin.
Crowley laughed and took the opportunity of Aziraphale opening the hotel room door to crowd closer and steal an eager kiss that was just as eagerly given. "You really managed to hold in that you'd gotten us a room all day?"
"I kept the trip secret from you too, didn't I?"
"Age will not wither," Crowley chuckled and nipped Aziraphale's ear. "C'mon, let's see that room. Coming back for pyjamas optional."
The two of them left the hotel suite hand-in-hand, with everything they truly needed already right there with them.
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