#my knit projects
befuddledbrynntrovert · 5 months
I finished my first knitting project: a sweater for my brother!
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This was a bit of a challenge because I, in my hubris, decided to make a sweater without a pattern as my first knitwear project lol. And despite that, I think it turned out pretty good, actually! Alongside the absolute fundamentals of knitting, this project taught me how to construct a bottom-up raglan sweater, how to translate measurements into stitches (and how to shape stuff like shoulders accordingly), a few cast-on and bind-off methods, the fact that knit-3-purl-1 ribbing still will curl upwards if followed by stockinette (whoops lol. hopefully blocking will fix that, and it's only a problem at the hem), magic loop circular knitting (it's rather different to "magic loop" in crochet lol), left and right leaning lifted increases, k2tog and ssk decreases, picking up dropped stitches with crochet hooks, shaping a crew neck vs a boat neck, and probably more. Expectedly, I had to frog several times (particularly the arms) because I either didn't do calculations at first or messed something up in a way that demanded unraveling, but I got quite a lot of knowledge out of it and both my brother and I like the end product as well.
Next, a crochet tote bag and knitted cotton summer cardigan for a friend. I'll probably try learning knit cabling and adding buttons for that latter project, which will be cool. I'm also brewing ideas for combing, spinning, and dyeing my own wool yarn, and I found a small loom we had which I can use to make patches for my denim jacket with (I already made a rainbow pride flag patch on a cardboard DIY loom lol).
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noirandchocolate · 1 month
Several weeks ago one of my coworkers called me over into her cubicle and gave me a very unexpected gift. Her mother passed away recently, and she'd been packing stuff up at her condo to give to relatives and sell, so the home could be sold. The mother was an avid knitter and crocheter, and when my coworker came upon her stash of equipment, she told me, she "immediately thought of me as someone who might get some use out of it."
So, I have inherited a varied collection of knitting needles and crochet hooks, cable needles, sewing needles, and, best of all, now-out-of-print pattern books, mostly for blankets, because that was what this lady loved to make most. Plus, I also have a bunch of gauge swatches she made, pinned to little bits of card covered in perfect schoolteacher handwriting setting out the patterns they were made to test.
And also...
My coworker brought another bag, full of yarn and...knitted blanket squares. Her mother's last started project, before she got too sick to continue. And she asked if there was anything I could do with it.
It turned out, there are twelve completed squares, and I quickly located the pattern book they are from amid those given to me. It's a book of 60 patterns, meant to be put together however the maker wishes into blankets of 20 squares. I figured out which of the numbered patterns were already made, and selected eight more that I thought might go well with them.
So now! I am working on completing! My coworker's mother's last knitting project!
And I really am feeling very good about doing it.
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The Evenstar is finally finished! This project has been a really fun time but I'm also SO glad it's over.
The knitted on edging took. Literally half a year. Not because it was difficult but simply because it was SO BORING. It looks so good and was so easy to block but I'm not sure I'll ever have the Willpower to knit this edging ever again.
My shawl also turned out significantly smaller than the pattern says. It's supposed to be 60 inches and mine is closer to 48 inches. This is probably because of the yarn I used? (Cobweb instead of lace weight) I also chose to knit under gauge because I didn't like the way the fabric looked at gauge. Thankfully it doesn't bother me.
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daughterofsarenrae · 27 days
10pm is a dangerous time to have adhd. You will be sitting watching a random youtube video essay and then u black out and are attempting a new craft youve never heard of before. The craft is completely unrelated to the video and you have no idea how or why you stumbled across it. You are filled with hubris. You have work tomorrow
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fldx2 · 2 months
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my hand-knit dallas stars blackout jersey (sweater edition) is complete! just in time for game 1 round 1 of their 2024 playoff run 💚
this project was such a labour of love and the pictures above are the culmination of three months of planning, two months of knitting and too many days procrastinating weaving in all the ends 🥲
if anyone is curious about the project details including yarn amounts or how i did the intarsia logo, please feel free to send me a message and i’ll answer as best i can (or will send you the link to my ravelry page for this project) ☺️
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thirstyvampyr · 2 months
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this came to me in a dream
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thackeroy · 3 months
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I took my frog to the library with me for my craft group, the women loved him and one kept putting flowers on his head, now I need to make him some flowers to wear!
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
Fiber artist challenge of the day: weave in those damn ends
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maybe unpopular opinion but probably one of the least useful pieces of advice I've ever got as an auDHD person to the question of "how tf does one make friends" was to go and join clubs/groups that do hobbies I enjoy. Not only does this not actually answer the question of how to make friends (yknow, how to approach people, how to start a conversation, how to appear friendly enough that they don't immediately reject you for existing, how to actually keep them as friends later on, etc), but also the chance of me choosing to force myself into the discomfort of "making smalltalk with random strangers" is absolutely nonexistent when the alternative of engaging with a hyperfixation is not only socially acceptable but even encouraged
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lucky-stitches · 2 years
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A lovely knit maple leaf shawl. I like how it makes me feel like some kind of autumn witch when I wear it!
Yarn: Loops & Thread Woolike
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borzooy · 1 year
i am beating the mentally ill allegations by feeling all the yarn in the yarn aisle
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befuddledbrynntrovert · 4 months
speaking of things being done step-by-step and ever-so-gradually, cotton knit cardigan update:
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I've mostly just been following this Ravelry pattern by Sandnes Garn (warning: instructions are exclusively in Norwegian. That, or I'm dumb and have been teaching myself Norwegian knitting terminology for no reason), however, I decided to wing it and add internal pockets like what you would find in pants rather than just sewing on a square of material or something. This was kinda impulsive of me as I didn't really look up any tutorial on how to do this, I just kinda feel like I have an idea. I also want to make the pouches of the pockets themselves out of a woven material so that there isn't any issue with holes or gaps caused by stretching (plus, they'll be a little more resilient to potential damage of whatever may be put in them when woven). Also, I get to implement a new skill, so that's neat.
I've been using K+C Essentials cotton yarn, and I really like the stitch definition it has. It's a bit pricier than even the Lion Brand cotton DK weight (in terms of yardage per dollar), but my friend ended up buying the bulk of the material and choosing it for himself so that was not so much a concern for me. It has made for a pretty soft and cool cardi so far, which is very good!.
Originally, I had wanted to go with something more complex and cable knit, but I realized that some of the cables didn't appear to look right (I assume this is because I used cotton instead of the fluffier merino wool that was suggested) and it was absolutely eating through the yarn faster, which would also have probably made it quite a bit heavier -- something that cotton already kinda has as a drawback. Instead I let my friend choose the design he wanted me to use, which, while a bit plain by contrast, is safer in terms of his aesthetic preferences, which is more important in the end (what's the point if it won't be worn but once?).
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Lastly, I also made a tote bag out of crochet for him, which I will be giving alongside the completed cardi. This only took a single day to make, even though it's comparably sized (albeit smaller). By contrast, I've been working on the cardigan for 2 months. The absolute difference in time it takes knitting something in weight 3 yarn versus crocheting something with weight 6 is... very pronounced. Still, a weight 6 crocheted cotton cardigan would probably be the biggest waste of money anyone could ever make lmao.
edit: The tote bag is from a pattern made by Alexandra of "Two of Wands"; forgot to credit her and link to the pattern in case anyone else is interested.
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fossilknits · 2 months
i just remembered that @rat-detector follows my main, and in honor of that, here's a rat i made last summer for my bff's birthday
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it was supposed to be a baby dumbo and i'm pretty sure i nailed it 🐀
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foolishcrafting · 3 months
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My finished hand-spun and hand knit, 100% Welsh wool sweater! 🕺🏼
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theknittinggoblin · 8 months
It's finally doneeeee 😭🎉
I've been working on this cardigan for over a year
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batcii · 4 months
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the five outfits i’ve been wearing the last six months while i’ve been living out of a suitcase
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