#my main theory before all this happened was just that he caused an accident that killed a load of people 🤷
thatwitchrevan · 2 years
My only solidified theory on what Egbert may have done is that he had some part in harming a dragon or ruining efforts to restore gold dragons. The pieces are not all there. It's a little (a lot?) obvious. But with a little more information it would make sense and be very thematically appropriate.
IF it's the case my main question is then whether saving this gold dragon will be sufficient atonement for the Dragon Dor or if Egbert will spurn the Dragon Dor or not be granted atonement, but it'll be his personal Growth Moment, yadayada. Honestly I find it pretty funny how unconcerned Egbert generally seems with getting atonement and more want to know what is up for the drama and/or hilarity of it, and it's worth noting that while Egbert is very casual about his penance he's decidedly not happy to discuss what he did and remains cagey about it and wary of Shattershield.
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Buck & Eddie: "My Buddie Crack Theory"
Since the finale airs tonight, I decided I'm finally ready to share my theory with details.
Question: What is "My Buddie Crack Theory"?
Answer: Buck's still in his coma dream.
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I've included the details below the cut but please note, if he is still in his coma dream, it's NOT A NEW CONCEPT because it's been done on network TV before. (Details about the TV show "Dallas" and the main character "Bobby Ewing" are below the cut.
After season 6 ended, I read a post on 911blr that contained a screen shot from the show's IG page and it included a statement from someone who works on the show. It indicated season 6 was an "experiment" and it piqued my curiosity because I remembered reading about a TV show that did something similar in the 1980s. If it's true and KR was doing an experiment, then, it's possible 9-1-1 is doing something similar with Buck's coma dream.
In 1986, a procedural drama, "Dallas" did it with one of their main characters. The gist of it is, after main character "Bobby Ewing" was killed in a car accident at the end of season 8, he came back in season 10 because one of the actors who was still on the show asked the actor who played "Bobby" to come back because their ratings dropped. He agreed and the writers retconned the entirety of season 9 and turned it into a dream sequence for Pamela, Bobby's wife. Supposedly, she dreamed everything that happened before she woke up in 10x1 and when she walked into the bathroom, he was in there taking a shower 🙄. ISTG this is true and I know it's soapy and weird but here's a link to one of the articles that discusses it (Dallas).
How does this relate to 9-1-1? Well, it relates because since the beginning of season 7, there have been many indications in the interviews from the main cast about the possibility that TM is retconning seasons 5 & 6 and doing a mirror image or carbon copy of season 4 so he can get the main characters back to the point they were at in 4x14 (Buddie and Bathena). It's when he left OG in the hands of KR since F*X wouldn't allow Buck and Eddie to go CANON.
Before I delve into this, I need to make three points. First, I'm not making this about one specific character because the show already did that so please if you're going to be salty about it, please don't read this. If the things I've identified are correct then, that's on 9-1-1 and their writers. Second, these are my interpretations and observations of all the off kilter, retconned and unhinged things I've noticed since last season. Third and finally, when the season is looked at as a whole, it appears Buck still being in a coma is the only thing that makes sense.
Disclaimer: No one has to agree with my theory and please understand I'm not asking anyone to. The purpose of me doing this post now is because I wanted to wait until just before the season ends before I posted it because I wanted to see if the trend would continue and it has, for me at least. My theory could be right and it could be wrong but the point is someone else may have a difference of opinion and if they do, it's perfectly ok because two people's opinions can co-exist.
Now back to the regularly scheduled program...
Several things happened in seasons 6 and 7 that caused me to believe Buck's still in his coma dream and since the beginning of season 7, I've felt like all the mains have been acting OOC at different points and their actions have been off in someway or another. I'm not the only one who noticed it and there have been viewers who've commented on this topic in post-mortem articles and on social media. When I looked at the entirety of 6B and season 7, IMO, it seems like everything is being told from one character's POV, i.e., Buck's. It's a flawed and skewed one that in order to understand, one has to go back to review the details in 6x11.
After 6x9 aired, to me it seemed like Buck and Eddie were already together in a romantic relationship but Buck got struck by lightning and it halted everything. If they were, then everything about Buck still being in a coma makes even more sense and it explains their actions.
Here's a brief summary of 6x11: It appears Buck woke up TWICE in his coma dream and the first time he did, he was talking to Daniel but the first person he remembered from his life was EDDIE. After Daniel told him the next time he climbed a ladder, he should be sure there was someone available to have his back to which he responded, "I did". Reminder, after his brief flashback, Eddie wasn't included in Buck's coma dream anymore in season 6. I think the second time he woke up was when he was talking to Maddie before the 118 entered his room. Also, while he was playing gin with Bobby, Bobby told him he couldn't believe Buck returned from a world where he could fix everything but he replied, "Not everything."
I think he was still in his coma but he thought he woke up and when he had a coffee date with Natalia, he told her, "I woke up in a world that was both everything and nothing I ever wanted it to be" and other than the two things he told Maddie in 6x12 (included below), that's all the audience heard about his dream.
Now, in season 7, Eddie's the ONLY person Buck keeps thinking and talking about non-stop which could mean he's still in his coma but this time he's seeing his romantic life. Reminder, he was confused in 7x4 about whose attention he was trying to get but the viewers knew it was Eddie. Additionally, everything that happened in his dream has come to pass in some form or another but it's possible it might not be real.
Maddie and Chimney got married in 7x6 but it wasn't the wedding Chimney described to the team in 6x16 they were planning before he proposed. In his dream, he told Chimney they should get married because they already had a kid and a house.
Bobby retired and he died (temporarily) in 7x9 which both of those things happening have always been part of Buck's biggest fears. In 3x10, he told Bobby he's one of the most important people in his life and in 6x11, Bobby being Buck's found dad was CANONIZED by May Grant. Reminder, Bobby was dead in Buck's coma dream when he was talking to him.
In 7x10, it's possible the 118 might get split up (hopefully they won't but with Ortiz and Gerard around 🙄 who knows what's going to happen) and that's another thing that scares Buck, him losing his family. In 3x16 he was worried about them being split up and he worried about it again in 6x5 during Hen's medical school party.
In 6x11, when he was running towards his hospital room, he ran past Chris but Chris asked him to help him find his dad but Buck told him he wasn't real but the truth is he was (related post).
After he woke up the second time, the audience didn't see Buck's recovery from him being depressed and everything they did show was kind of off but not so much that it would be noticeable. The conversation Buck and Eddie had in 6x15 in the cemetery in front of Marie's grave was interesting and that's when Buck admitted he felt like he had to be the same old Buck mostly for the sake of everyone else. Viewers who watched the last few episodes of 6B remember what a cluster "F" they were and several recurring characters acted OOC too.
Now let's fast-forward to season 7.
I've been posting about my theory since the end of season 6 but I really dialed into it after 7x1 aired because the timeline Athena stated surrounding when Bobby purchased their cruise tickets was OFF. For those who watched 5x18, they know Bobby purchased the tickets then but their trip got delayed at the end of 6x1 after Athena's father had a stroke. But in 7x1, her scene with Frank started with "Two months ago" then she said, "Last week, my husband... he did something, he... booked us on a cruise". Why is this a problem? It's an issue because the TIMING IS OFF. For Athena's timeline to be accurate, seasons 5 & 6 wouldn't exist since Bobby actually booked the cruise in 5x18 which happened more than a year before they left.
Additionally, all of Buck's biggest fears are being addressed in season 7 and they're happening one right after the other.
Bobby retiring (mentioned above).
Bobby dying (mentioned above).
The 118 being split up (mentioned above).
In 7x10, it appears the Diaz parents might be taking Chris from Eddie and moving him (hopefully temporarily to El Paso). In Buck's coma dream, he was worried that Eddie lost Chris because he wasn't there to introduce him to Carla (she hasn't been mentioned once this season - related post).
The sun setting behind Eddie and Buck in scenes during season 7 are also part of this because in 6x12, Buck told Maddie, "For some reason, it's never nighttime in my coma dream". IMO, it appears Buck's running out of time to figure things out and it's possible he just might by the end of the finale, that is if the narrative continues.
Furthermore, NONE of the things that happened to Buck in season 6 have been addressed in season 7 and they remain unresolved (related post). There hasn't been any mention of the sperm donation, the baby, his quest for captaincy, his recovery from being struck by lightning and he never had a breakdown, even though he's well overdue for one. It's kind of like everything that happened wasn't addressed on purpose and before 7x1 aired, in an interview, TM said he didn't want Buck focusing on all the stuff that happened in season 6 because he wants to be happy.
I'm including a lot of one-offs that happened to add credence to my theory. Before reading the items below, don't forget, Buck is Midge in the movie "Vertigo" and she was waiting for Scottie (Eddie) to move on from his deceased wife. Well, isn't that what Buck's kind of doing now with Eddie? YES!
I think Marisol doesn't have a last name because Buck doesn't know what it is. He met her in 6x5 the same time Eddie did and when they went back to her house, I don't think he was worried about her and Eddie dating later on. However, I do think she's the only woman Buck could think of since she was the only one he saw Eddie with before he got struck by lightning. Eddie didn't mention Buck to Felisa in 6x7 when he told her about Shannon dying and Chris getting caught in the Tsunami even though everyone knows Chris was with Buck that day. Also, Buck never met Vanessa in 6x14 since Pepa introduced her to Eddie and it was after the lightning strike anyway. It appears Marisol was the only woman he could think of that Eddie might end up dating. Eddie's never said her last name either which is suspicious. Reminder, Eddie used to say "Ana Flores" all the time which means he knew her full name.
In 7x1, Eddie said, "Welcome back to the land of the living Buck, you were truly missed". It was an odd comment because they were still working together and if they saw each other every shift, why would he say it like that? It seems like he's still waiting on him to wake up.
In 7x4, Buck told Tommy, "I haven't had this much fun since the night I got struck by lightning." 👀 IIRC, that night wasn't fun for anyone especially him, so it was a strange comment for him to make and when Tommy asked him about it, he replied, "I'm just using it as a point of reference." Therefore, it seems like the show wanted the audience to remember Buck was in a coma and it's possible he still is.
In 7x9, Tommy said it had been 5 years since he left the 118 which was WRONG because he left before Buck started which happened 7 years ago. It's another weird timing discrepancy but I think it was included for a reason and it relates to Buck and Eddie. It appears Buck was once again confusing his feelings for Eddie with Tommy since later in the same episode, Eddie told Kim it had been 5 years since his wife died but if the math is done, it's also been 5 years for Eddie working at the 118. Reminder, he quit in December 2021 and he didn't return until May 2022. Therefore, Buck's known Eddie for 6 years but Eddie's only been at the 118 for 5.5 years.
IMO, Buck's encounter with Kim in 7x9 was him coming face to face with his worst fear (related post) and it involves the way he believes he'll never be able to measure up to Eddie's first spouse, even though the audience knows he's fulfilled the role as coparent in Eddie's life since 2x4 when he stepped in and helped Eddie find childcare for Chris.
The retconned ages in season 6 have continued to be up for debate but I think while in his coma dream, Buck got Eddie's, Shannon's and Denny's and his own ages wrong and I think the show made a point to highlight them because if TM really is retconning the last two seasons, then it's true, Buck would be 30 years old since he was 29 in 4x5 and it's possible he would have had a birthday before 4x13 aired (if the show was on their normal schedule). They've never stated Eddie's age so who knows how old he is.
It's possible Tommy's a figment of Buck's imagination especially since he's so much like Eddie.
Kim's comment to Buck in 7x9 about how the firehouse looks bigger in person than it does on FaceTime was a direct callback to season 2 when Buck slide down the fireman's pole and walked up behind Eddie after he had just finished a FaceTime call with Shannon. Buck told him he should ask Bobby for a discount when Eddie asked him if he thought they'd have to get married again (Buck was being petty).
Now if 9-1-1 is planning to retcon seasons 5 and 6 within Buck's' coma dream, then everything makes perfect sense because in 6x11 and in 7x4, one thing was clear, IT WAS ALL BEING TOLD FROM BUCK'S POV which everyone knows was flawed. Even TM admitted Buck wasn't seeing what he thought he saw because it was from his point of view. Buck remembered things that didn't happen the way he thought they did in his coma dream. One of them includes him believing he saved Bobby but the truth is he didn't because Chimney did when he took Bobby to meet a couple whose baby was saved after they got a blood transfusion with Bobby's blood in season 1. Also, Buck's memory was so jacked up that he thought Eddie wouldn't have been able to stay at the 118 if he hadn't introduced him to Carla. He also believed Eddie would have had to fight his parents to keep custody of Chris which was WRONG for two reasons. First, Eddie will sacrifice anything for Chris and second, Bobby RECRUITED Eddie and convinced him to join the 118 instead of station 6. So logically, if Bobby would have been dead from the plane crash in season 1, Eddie NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN AT THE 118 BECAUSE BOBBY WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN THERE TO RECRUIT HIM. It also means Hen and Chimney wouldn't have met Eddie; therefore they wouldn't have known he had a son.
If 7x10 ends with Buck waking up from his coma and him remembering he's already in a relationship with Eddie, I won't be surprised because that's what the narrative was showing in season 6. Also, AB and MJW both said, "Something biblical was going to happen in the finale" and the only thing I can think of is Buck coming out of his coma.
Can the narrative change, of course it can and it has several times over this season alone with last minute scripts and storylines but hopefully, this season will end on a good note because IMO, it's been underwhelming thus far.
With regards to Buck and Eddie, I think TM (showrunner) has done his best to confuse viewers this entire season so they won't see what's coming. I'll admit, I might be completely off base with "My Buddie Crack Theory" and none of the mishaps that I've identified mean anything but it's also possible they could mean everything. Tonight's episode will tell the tale so I'm curious to see how it will all turn out.
Hopefully, it has all been a dream and Buck and Eddie will end the season together in preparation for season 8.
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paper-gold-theories · 10 months
Villainous Spoiler Theory: Miss Heed Will Die
Previously, I made a theory that Micias is a metaphor for Flug and the things that have happen to Micias, like him crashing his plane and things that will happen to Flug how Micas playing chess with the other guy is like how he will rekindle his rivalry with GoldHeart as they both try to outwit each other with their plans like a game of chess.
But I think I might misinterpreted some parts like how I thougt Micias losing losing his arm was referring to Airlock deteching her arm when it might actually be Flug the one losing his arm in the future. (Still really hoping this is a red herring, poor boy has suffered enough 😅).
Hence I think I also misinterpreted this part. I theorised that people blaming the death of Micias girlfriend on him as a metaphor on the media indirectly blaming Flug for Miss Heed's arrest.
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So my new theory is that Miss Heed will die.
Evidence to support this was when Alan mentioned that was when Alan and Miguel told the story of the Raven “Nevemore”, and Alan drew Flug as the main character and Black Hat as the raven. Someone asked, jokingly ‘who’s Flug’s Lenore (the dead love interest of the main character)’ and Alan surprisingly answered very ominously, saying that he can’t answer that, and even Miguel put the question in the comments so we’d ‘think about it’.
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Hence I believe that Flug's Lenor is going to be Miss Heed and I theorised this is how she will die:
An Accident:
I theorised during a heated battle with The Golden Rule, Flug might have accidentally shot Miss Heed resulting in her death. This is because the other character called Micas a stray bullet and was dead because of him which is defined as a bullet that, after being fired from a gun, hits an unintended target. Or it might not be literal and is just a metaphor and instead her death was caused a plan gone wrong possibly on one or both sides.
GoldHeart knew what Miss Heed meant to Flug and saw how affected by her death, will use the opportunity to say that because Flug is a stray bullet it lead to the death of Miss Heed, similar to the guy talking to Micias, in order to try to convince Flug to reform to stop all this unnecessary deaths.
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However something might have happened in between leading to both sides retreating in battle.
Similar to the main character in The Raven, Flug would be mourning the death of his once friend.
Afterwards GoldHeart makes a announcement on television that Miss Heed is dead and murdered by Flug, twisting the death to be intentional instead of accidental. GoldHeart's purpose for doing this might be to move forward his plan to end Villainy and to do that he needs to do something so drastic and horrible that it will make P.E.A.C.E, The Golden Rule and him look like the "villain" unless he has something to make them look good in doing so and even gain public support for doing it. And that reason might be to "avenge one of his teammates death".
As a result, similar to Micas, everyone blames Flug for the death of Miss Heed.
Afterwards GoldHeart still needs Flug's perfect formula for his plan to end Villainy forever, hence, he will place an extremely high bounty on Flug for the death of Miss Heed to be brought back alive reasoning so that P.E.A.C.E can deal with him, making him the most wanted Villain in the world causing heroes, bounty hunters and other to hunt him down for the reward.
(Flug mentioned in an orientation video that putting a price on a head and letting the bounty hunters go crazy for the money is not something he would do, but I theorised GoldHeart being the opposite would do this or just have been in a losing end in their fights and was desperate to win before its too late.
The reason is that although there are some benefits it can lead to unnecessary failures giving heroes time to prepare for the final confrontation. Which I theorised will give The Villainous Gang time to prepare for the final confrontation against The Golden Rule.)
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A Conspiracy by The Golden Rule using Flug as a Scapegoat:
An alternate theory is that Miss Heed will die, but her death will not be caused by Flug evidence to support this was mentioned in Codigo Guajolote that Micias was only blamed for his girlfriend's death, but never said he was the one who caused it.
Another evidence to support this is Micias reaction to the other guy's accusations, looking as if he is so done with him. Flug will probably have somewhat of the same reaction, knowing what really happed to Miss Heed and GoldHeart's manipulation tactics.
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Similar to above, during a heated battle between The Golden Rule and The Villainous Gang, Miss Heed was accidentally shot by Flug or caused a plan gone wrong possibly on one or both sides.
Something happened in between leading The Villainous Gang and The Golden Rule to separate.
Miss Heed survived, but was injured, but was finished off by one of The Golden Rule Members, as ordered by GoldHeart because she was a threat and/or no longer useful to GoldHeart's plan to end villain forever and afterwards the other members planted evidence to make it look like Flug was the one to kill her.
Similar to the main character in The Raven, Flug would be mourning the death of his once friend, until he realised what really happened.
Afterwards on television, GoldHeart pins Miss Heed's murder on Flug, using altered evidence to implicate Flug. GoldHeart's purpose for doing this might be to move forward his plan to end Villainy and to do that he needs to do something so drastic and horrible that it will make P.E.A.C.E, The Golden Rule and him look like the "villain" unless he has something to make them look good in doing so and even gain public support for doing it. And that reason might be to "avenge one of his teammates death".
The media and heroes at P.E.A.C.E, painted Flug being the one to cause the death leading the public believing it to be so and as a result everyone blames Flug for the death of Miss Heed.
Afterwards GoldHeart still needs Flug's perfect formula for his plan to end Villainy forever, hence, he will place an extremely high bounty on Flug for the "death of Miss Heed" to be brought back alive reasoning so that P.E.A.C.E can deal with him, making him the most wanted Villain in the world causing heroes, bounty hunters and other to hunt him down for the reward.
The failures of the bounty hunters in seizing Flug will give The Villainous Gang time to prepare for the final confrontation against The Golden Rule.
When GoldHeart meets up with Flug during their final confrontation, he will try to sow self-doubt on him as he knew what Miss Heed meant to Flug and saw how affected by her death, say that because Flug is a stray bullet it lead to the death of Miss Heed, similar to the guy talking to Micas, in order to try to make him irrational with emotion so that he will mess up during the fight and/or to convince Flug to reform to stop all this unnecessary deaths.
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As mentioned above, with Micias face looking so done with that other guy, Flug will probably have somewhat of the same reaction, knowing what really happed to Miss Heed and GoldHeart's manipulation tactics.
Before angrily calling out that GoldHeart and The Golden Rule was the one responsible for Miss Heed's death.
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swordswoman97 · 1 year
So I've been thinking more about what's going on with the temple, and the hooded guys, and Owen and I think I've come up with a theory.
Now as I've said before, I don't think Owen is dead. For one thing, we didn't get a fallen message for him like we did Aimsey and Guqqie on twitter. For another would cc!Owen put that much effort into the casino if he knew he'd never get to build it? He's programmed two games, and started planning a potential third, he's commissioned Ros to build it, and had Luanne design a whole new get up for P!Owen in her "Miss Snapdragon" persona, so much effort went into it so far. Why if it's never gonna happen? And finally, I don't see them adding new members to balance out the factions when they're gonna kill someone else off so soon after.
So Owen is probably alive, possibly being tortured if my theory that the screaming is supposed to be her. Which then brings us to the question of why? What do they want with Owen? Why her? And why keep him alive rather than just turning him to stone like they did Guqqie, like they did that other dude, like they at least seemed to be planning to do to Eret, CPK, and Jojo.
Now I've seen some theories that they wanted Owen specifically cause of something in her backstory but I don't really like this explanation. For one thing it doesn't give much explanation as to why they want him alive rather than just killing him. And they're not using him as bait, they seem to be trying to get people out of that area quickly based on the invisible person who keeps pushing people down the hole back to the beginning. They don't want anyone else lingering there. Plus, when Owen first saw the hooded figures he showed no sign of recognizing their robes. Now while it's possible she ran into part of their organization that doesn't wear the robes, you'd think their non-robed uniform would at least be similar enough to have some resemblance Owen would pick up on. And finally, if they wanted Owen specifically... they sure left that up to chance. Whether Owen just fell into their hands on accident or if it was orchestrated by the hooded guys, it was left very up to chance. What if Owen didn't take the quest? What if Owen brought someone else along?
Which brings me to my theory. I don't think they wanted Owen specifically, they just wanted a pirate and Owen was unlucky enough to be the first to show up. As for why they wanted a pirate, you know how in the temple we see a shrine or something to the Sun God? What if the hooded guys worship the Sun God? Which brings me to the main part of my theory.
Now we know from Owen's and El's backstory that this is a world with homophobia and misogyny. But those aren't things on the isle, three of the four faction leaders are women, no one bats an eye at women in positions of power. Similarly, no one bats an eye at the idea of dudes liking dudes or girls liking girls. Gay shenanigans, women in positions of power, gender weirdness, all just... normal on the faction isles. And they possess what seems to be a very important artifact in the form of the Sunset stone.
If we assume the hooded figures hold similar views to society outside the faction isles, it wouldn't be strange to imagine that they view it as sacrilegious that the pirates have something like the Sunset Stone. If the hooded figures want the Sunset stone it would explain both why they set this particular trap and why they're keeping Owen alive. They didn't care which pirate they got, they just needed a pirate, and they have to have Owen alive to get the information out of her. AND if I'm right that the screaming is her, it would explain why he'd be screaming. He's being tortured to get the info.
Whether I'm right or wrong though, Owen is def not having a good time right now.
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d4rkshad0w · 1 month
So, we know that Kieran has talked about how he feels something dark in Faerie because of how he's connected to the land. Do you think that darkness will specifically be Janus because he's not of this world and from Thule or do you think it will be Ash because of everything he is (Shadowhunter, possibly mixed with some demon because of Sebastian, and Faerie royalty)? Or possibly it's even Kit since he is starting to reach for his powers and Mother Hawthorn once said that when the First Heir reached for their power all of Faerie would fall under shadow?
I've been thinking about it lately and I was just curious if you had any thoughts of your own!
i haven’t really thought about this before but i doubt it’s Janus’s connection to Thule that causes a problem, although he is from Thule and not of their world how would he affect Faerie, he’s also the same as Jace so if Janus were to effect Faerie wouldn’t Jace also effect it, and when Julian and Emma went to Thule, Sebastian couldn’t tell that they weren’t from that world so i don’t really think that Janus being from a different world would effect Faerie if anything it would effect the Nephilim
i think it’s either Ash or Kit, it could be Kit because of what Mother Hawthorne said about him reaching the full extent of his powers, he was safer in TDA because he didn’t know that he was the First Heir but after his encounter with the Riders or Mannan/him using his powers and then with what Jem and Tessa told him about Auraline. i think that by tlkof he will definitely know more about his powers and what he can really do because i’m pretty sure his powers have come out by accident a few times, so if he goes into battle and uses his powers with purpose to their full extent then he will definitely be dangerous to Faerie and their future, or it could also mean maybe a curse about how the First Heir can control the land or something and with Kit being older and more of a threat that’s probably what the “something darker” Kieran feels
i think it’s mostly Kit because he’s the main character 😅 but it could also be Ash and his blood (angel, demon, faerie) like maybe the Seelie queen dies and Ash becomes influenced by Janus to take over the Seelie Courts or maybe Janus takes over the Seelie Court but if either becomes King i’m sure something bad will happen and i’m not saying it will be Ash’s fault but i think that Janus will use Ash and his royalty/connections to do something bad to Faerie, like maybe he tries to shut it off from the shadow world/ earth i guess Ash also had his connection to Faerie and how creatures and animals are drawn to him so maybe he gets mad at something that someone did and creates an army to go like fight them and in doing so he destroys part of Faerie, another one of my theory’s is what if the Seelie Queen finds out about Kit and uses Ash to take Kit to Faerie and maybe Ash succeeds but Kit escapes and bring the battle to Faerie where it’s Kits First Heir powers against Ash’s connection to the land and while they’re fighting they destroy a big part of Faerie
i just think Kit and Ash will play a huge role in the future of Faerie and Janus will be helping escalate the situation
Kieran feels something dark in faerie because of his connection to the land but Ash is also connected to the land so what if he’s sensing Ash’s powers and his demon/angel blood so maybe it is Ash
i never really thought much about Kieran’s little ‘prophecy’ but thank you so much for bringing it up and asking for my opinion and sorry it’s so long 😭
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aromantic-diaries · 10 months
so, im both aro and ace (despite the amount of sex jokes and calling people hot, still asexual)
well, this is a long story, sorry in advance
so, im talking to this friend (A) here, he says something that is sooo aro-coded, and im like "this guy is probably aro-spec too and maybe he doesnt know so lets help a little" and i tell him to read loveles because 'the main character is very relatable', he ends up with him knowing about aro identities, he questioned his own sexuality before and he isnt aro, but with the 'very relatable' part i sold myself out as aro, and he wasnt arophobic (he literally said he almost used the label so) so it was okay
fast forward a year , we are talking, sexuality ends up as a topic, and i confess i didnt come up to anyone, the only people who knew were him and another friend who found out by accident (really supportive, even though im not sure that i was ready), he ask about this other friend of ours (B) and why i didnt come out to her, considering she is queer herself. i think im not ready to do that, both times i came out were not intentional and though it didnt end up badly still, not ready, also, my relationship with this friend is, well we mostly talk about gossip and all of her crushes, boyfriends, etc., basically it was purely sexual acts and romance, not my favourite topic of conversation but i we dont have anything in common outside shared memories (childhood besties) and school and we are both pretty unpopular so no more people) plus we never talk deep shit so i felt weird bring it up
few days later, the three of us were in class and talking about our teachers (and shipping them cause we are nosy), we get to his teacher and i say that i couldnt picture her with an special other and A says "like asexual, you mean", (it was more like aro but i didnt feel like explaining the difference plus i was panicking a little because i knew where this was going) and A countinues "B, what do you think of asexual people?", B says something in support, and then he asks me "[my name] do you know any asexual people in real life?" with a look on his face saying 'come out', i kinda evade the question so he asks B if she knew any, and B answers she had the theory that i was ace (i mean, she was right). i didnt know what to do so i made a joke "was it so obvious?"
i dont think i was ready to come out to her and i didnt want it to happen, but the conversation didnt end up bad, she was supportive but still i wasnt ready. i dont think it counts as getting outed because he just forced the conversation that way but didnt really say "[my name] is aroace", but i dont know of B hadnt mentioned her theory, would he had outed me?
i dont know how to feel, im basically venting, maybe do you have any advice for this situation?
I really don't think anyone should make you come out if you don't want to do it and it's supposed to be your choice so this sounds like something you should really talk about with friend A and explain to him that you didn't want to come out yet and that this wasn't okay. It is lucky that friend B was supportive though because this type of situation is even messier when the other person is not supportive. But even so it's still a gamble because most of the time you can't predict how someone will react and it's better to not take the risk of coming out to someone, let alone put someone else at risk. I hope you can talk this through with friend A
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lex-n-weegie · 1 year
Ok ok SO over a year ago now I drew some kind of "concepts," and now I've redone them since we got an actual design for one of them!! Also also, since a bunch of stuff I've been doing is super far from canon, I've made it a separate little AU! I present to you all...
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The "Under New Management" AU!!
These are the designs of Glamrock Bonnie(now fixed) and a "Glamrock" Foxy, or as he's known as, Captain Foxy.
The TLDR for the AU is that Hazel brings back/fixes a couple of animatronics, adding 4(technically 5) new animatronics to the Pizzaplex! These are just two of em.
Also here's a random alt for Foxy to see his chest better lol
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Rambles about these two's roles and the old drawings underneath the cut!
Art Taglist [pm or send an ask off anon if you’d like to be added or removed from my taglist]: @amessageonthewind, @nerdstreak, @starlitships, @eggsywifey, @swapthewoz, @queenieboo22, @in-broken-mirrors, @little-miss-selfships, @little-bullheaded-shit
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Glamrock Bonnie
At the start of the Pizzaplex's life, it was just Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Roxanne(The company deemed Foxy as too "different" from the main three, so making Roxanne was their attempt to add a new four member). Soon after the success, they had started to experiment by making extra robots to occupy different areas and attractions, like the Daycare Attendant or DJMM. Montgomery was one of them, and he and Bonnie actually bonded quite well. Unfortunately, Bonnie was blind to the worse treatment non Glamrocks got, the workers usually viewing them as "experiments." It caused Monty to sometimes lash out, but he usually remained chill.
One day however, a horrible accident happened. Bonnie went to talk to Monty on the Gator Golf catwalks, but the Gator had another small outburst and in anger, pushed Bonnie away. The safety railing broke, and Bonnie fell and snapped off his legs and arms. Monty tried to fix him, even tried to get help, but at one point things suddenly went black, and the next thing he remembered was waking up in parts and service, apparently having had an "accident." A guard, Vanessa, said she found Monty in a broken state, and took him to be repaired. She claimed to have not seen Bonnie, and Monty was then used as a replacement, millions of theories spewing as a result.
Years later, when Hazel is turned into a attraction, she sees a new wall in Bonnie Bowl that wasn't there before, and low and behold she finds Bonnie's broken body. She slowly repairs him, but due to some blunt force head trauma he's lost some memories and skills, such as his bass playing. Since he's back and all fixed up, he's now reduced to a mascot for Bonnie Bowl, the company stating that he's now "retired from the band life."
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Captain Foxy
While Roxanne semi replaced the fox fiend, the company still had plans to include him in some way. Tying in with the old show, the plan was for Captain Foxy to be a seasonal animatronic. For a week or longer he'd "kidnap" the Glamrocks and claim to now own the Pizzaplex. As time went on however, they randomly decided he wasn't worth it and was scrapped in the middle of building.
Hazel later found his endo and the scrapped plans, so she did what she does best and built him, her programming and experience with Bonnie making the process go smoother and quicker this time around. With him up and running and the company not wanting to waste a perfectly good opportunity to test him out, he was set out to do what he was planned for: take over the Pizzaplex every once in awhile. Only the main four Glamrocks were captured, the other animatronics being spared for not being Glamrocks, or in Bonnie's case, no longer being one.
While his performance has him acting like his show counterpart, behind the scenes he was actually super kind, like an uncle. He doesn't hate the Glamrocks like his performance implies, he actually really likes them and is particularly close to the OG three: Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie. He's of course close to Hazel too, as she's the reason he's even there.
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glitchy-anime-fan · 10 months
Detail I noticed in the Ghost Hunt manga
Spoilers for the first “arc”/case file!
So I’m a big fan of Ghost Hunt, I’ve reread the manga a few times, I’m currently trying to read the light novel, and I watch the anime at least one a year. It’s my Roman Empire, what can I say?
Anywho, while I was rereading the first case file in the manga I noticed an interesting little detail i hadn’t noticed before; Naru is playing with a nail in the late beginning, early middle of the case that’s brought up by the end.
What do I mean by this? Well, after we’re introduced to our main cast of characters there’s an incident roughly between pages 80-84 where Ayako gets trapped in one of the old school house classrooms. Takigawa ends up having to break down the door because it won’t open.
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Followed by the scene where they’re trying to figure out what’s going on. At one point we get a close up of Naru as they’re talking about what each specialist theorised is happening. In this panel we actually see Naru holding the nail.
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Mai even makes an offhand comment about Naru “playing” with the nail-
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Before we see her thoughts on the matter, where she mentions the “locked” door on the next page.
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Now why is this important? How does this tie into the nail detail/forshadowing? Well, the thing is that nail is actually why Ayako got locked in the room in the first place.
Pretty much, by the end of the case we find out that Kuroda (the one who was unconsciously causing the poltergeist in the building) was getting back at Ayako for being rude to her the entire case. So she pretty much closed the door behind Ayako and stuck a nail in the floor so it wouldn’t open.
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Do we see where I’m going? That nail that Naru holds up, the one he thought “wasn’t important enough” to mention? Yeah, that’s the nail he’s holding earlier in the case! It’s such a small detail that on my first read I didn’t even make the connection at first, but it’s a pretty subtle foreshadow when you look back on it. I’ve definitely watched the anime more and I’m almost certain that Naru doesn’t have any nail on his person until the end of the third episode, which made this detail stick out when I actually caught it.
Idk I just love catching little details during rereads that I didn’t notice sooner. It’s such a fun little experience that makes me happy.
Fun fact: in the first case, Kuroda herself also kinda foreshadows the resolve of the story! We find out that Kuroda is the one behind the poltergeist, unknowingly, and if you pay close enough attention you start to notice that all the poltergeist activities only seems to happen when Kuroda is in the building. A lot of the earlier incidents are proven to be accidents until Naru gives his original theory on ground subsidence being the cause. After that Kuroda starts unconsciously creating the poltergeist activity, but either way the odd happenings - things that couldn’t be explained by the land sinking anyway- almost always happen when Kuroda is around. When she’s gone almost everything is else can be logically explained away.
If you stayed till the end of my little info dump on a series that I’m sure has been dead since the early 2000’s…have some tea and cookies!
☕️ 🍪🍪🍪🍪
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commenter2 · 1 year
Imagine Chaz and Helsa interacting
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Chaz was an interesting new character as along with being the acquatic demon version of Blitzo, it was nice that we got to learn more about Moxxie's past through him and how him ditching Moxxie actually led to Moxxie meeting Blitzo. Heck we even learn that Millie dated him which was a big twist for me, and I love it when the Helluva Boss writers alter/move away from the usual tropes and cliches in shows. That is why I am shocked that the writers killed him off.
Though I do like how this means the writers are willing to kill off characters with connections to the main cast, I'm surprised they didn't save him for a possible future story as I could have seen him returning in a Hazbin Hotel episode where he is involved with Helsa von Eldrtich. Admittedly though his role and goal in the ideas I have would be similar as in "Exes and Oohs" it would still lead to some interesting character development and growth while possibly adding to the series main plot, not to mention that hasn't stopped the writers before like how "Seeing Stars" is a bit similar to "Loo Loo Land". I could picture an episode where the two are shown to be engaged and Helsa, in another attempt to annoy Charlie, ask her to help plan her wedding as since she is a princess, I could see Charlie having the power to marry people. Obviously Charlie doesn't want to do this but she changes her mind because of something, like Helsa offers her info on something that is effecting the hotel or (based on my Hazbin Hotel season 1 premiere theory) Charlie thinks helping her rival could in turn get her the support of another one of her angelic uncles/aunts that she needs to get her redemption plan approved by Heaven. Though we see that the Helsa and Chaz are compatible and seem like a fitting couple, along with how Chaz got rich offscreen, Charlie and the others realize that they are also getting married for selfish reasons which some of the characters have a problem with, especially Charlie. I could see Charlie trying to persuade Helsa to not go through with the marriage right now until they properly want to be together but Chaz and Helsa, espeically Helsa ignore that. Though Charlie wants to fight more about this, she lets it go after realizing that she has to accept other peoples decisions but is proud that she at least tried to do good and hopes for the best for Helsa and Chaz. At least she can make this a wedding both can be happy about. Luckily (if you could call it that) Charlie's hope works as someone crashes the wedding to attack Chaz, either the people he stole the money that got him rich or someone like my OC Ratchet who along with having a grudge for the von Eldrtich, is mad that Chaz stole his robotic best friend which Chaz thought was a toy he could give to Helsa. During the fight Chaz ditches Helsa to almost perish in an accident to save himself, but luckily Charlie saves Helsa while Alastor and the others capture Chaz and Helsa calls off the wedding, he is given to the attackers. Though saddened by what just happened, Helsa thanks Charlie for all she did and tried to do for her and we see them show some respect for each other before quickly going back to hating each other. Then when Charlie thinks that this was just another crazy day for her and the others, Charlie gets the reward she was promised/hoping for and starts to focus on what to do next to aid the hotel and her redemption plan. I also could see a funny ship moment when after Helsa throws the bouquet, since she no longer needs them, someone accidentally catches it which causes them and their love interest to blush. What could you see happening if Chaz and Helsa interacted? Characters are owned by Vivziepop base by Cindyter
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sadrichie7 · 2 years
Richie’s insane rambling time: VTSOM ⚠️SPOILER⚠️ edition
Ok, I feel like I’m the only one who is super curious about this fact? What is the “accident” Victor got into that caused him to loose his arms and eyes and why did it happen? I’m sorry but knowing what we know about this world there is no way it was just a simple “accident” there has to be more factors at play. I’ve been developing on my own theory on why and what could have possibly happened. (Keep in mind this is just a theory about what could have happens in why that have been formed in my tiny reptile brain based on the limited time I’ve known about the game, so knowing me it’s all probably completely wrong and I’m doing Olympic level mental gymnastics, but hey, that’s the fun of theories to me)
We only really get one instance about him talking about his accident (and by talking I mean dodging the question). It’s when Vanora first wakes up without her memories and we see him in the guest room with her. If the player chooses to ask about his arms and eyes, he gets noticeably uncomfortable by the question before replying “Well what can I say? There are things in our lives that won’t always go our way huh?” then shrugs off the question. Now he could have very well just been caught off guard by such a personal question and didn’t want to talk about something that brings back traumatic memories with someone he just meet or he knows is an enemy to Vincent, sure, but I still think that interaction says something
Ok, so my main theory is going off of the “Victor is the Chaser” theory. However I don’t think Victor would willing be able to betray Vincent in such a horrible way. From their college memories and flashbacks, their bond seems very genuine in my opinion. So why would Victor willing work for the person that ruined his “purpose in life’s” life. Now he could have been with Myers from the very beginning, has never cared about Vincent, and is just a very good actor. However that would mean he was like 18-19 at oldest when joining Myers and was told to keep an eye Vincent (whom was in college at that time to, he wasn’t a threat to Myers yet, he wasn’t even hired by them yet). I also doubt he would forfeit his memories to make Draco if he didn’t care about Vincent. So why then? I think he’s being forced to be the chaser under threat of something (if it’s his own life, Vincent’s, or something else entirely). I believe Myers had something to do with his “accident”. If Myers wanted to use him as a guinea pig to test the robotic limbs and eyes they may have fabricated an “accident” (similar to Vincent’s car crash), or they could have just called him into a room before brutally mutilating him and threatening him with something (like his life or someone else’s). So now he’s trying to help Vincent get his revenge on Myers (whom also wronged him as well) while reporting back to them against his will, likely trying to keep information as vague as he can. He may feel that his is in debt to the Myers corporation (to me it’s the most likely place that would have made something so advanced) for his arms/eyes and also follows for that reason. If I remember correctly he had his new arms/eyes before the G4 incident as we see in the flashback with Winston. Therefore his “accident” happened before Vincent was turned into a cyborg and had a reason to hate the Myers corporation. So he may have just been someone Myers tested on before then he was made to become the chaser to keep an eye on Vincent.
Again i may post a more clean and properly formatted version is this insane rant (I wrote this during a four hour car ride so I was pretty delirious lol) and going on my past luck with theories in works of media I like, it’s probably completely off and I look very dumb to everyone right now, but like I said, I think that’s the fun of theories when in comes to things like books, shows, games, ect. Putting together little puzzle pieces yourself and seeing if you happen to be right, and if your not, oh well! Theorizing about works of media and it’s world/plot says to me that you really do enjoy it! It’s just another way to show you’re so passionate and interested in it.
So moral of the story……. Theorize all you want about media and don’t be discouraged if your wrong! The fact you have so much thought to your theory in the first place shows how much you love that piece of media! Part of the fun of puzzles and mysteries is learning along the way, and it’s especially true with works like VTSOM. Don’t think your “not a true fan” or something if you didn’t subscribe to a certain theory or your isn’t correct. Hindsight is a powerful! So yeah that’s my rambling, it’s probably full of spelling mistakes and bad grammar but that’s how I do thing lol.
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mimikiplovesgaming · 2 years
Pokemon ⚡Violet⏳ Synopsis
Okay so I beat the main stories and after story of Pokemon Violet! Here are my personal thoughts on the game:
*Warning for spoilers*
From the start, the graphics were okay. When the npcs are in the further background, it looks like something out of the N64 days- and Kirby 64 looked better on the console itself
Controls were pretty good, felt pretty smooth for the most part. Riding Miraidon felt nice, there wasn't too much trouble. The only thing that bugs me is the glide. You glide at a nice sloping descent before falling down at a steeper angle and you pretty much fall straight down with no chance to slow yourself. I wish it was more like PLA, where you could dash and control how you glided through the sky
Arven and Penny were my favorite NPCs and storylines. Penny reminded me of my old middle school friends and there was a sense of wanting to care for and protect her. Arven, while having parental issues, was also dealing with trying to save his doggo partner Mabosstiff who he has had since he was a child. That need of wanting to help the only real family he had spoke so deeply to me. Because that proves that family doesn't have to be biological. Family can be your best friend or the pet you have, whoever you have close bonds with. And as an animal lover, I teared up when that part happened.
Okay- let's talk Nemona. I personally did not like her all that much. Her character trait is that she likes battling- and that's it. That's all she likes. Just combat. There's no real personality to her. She was more annoying to me than anything else. She didn't have any character growth or arc like the others did. Again, this is just my own view of things.
I know some people will complain and argue that some of the Pokemon designs are lackluster and "going downhill". Need I remind you that Gen 1 had very not so great designs too- Geodude and Voltorb are examples. I actually didn't mind the designs of the newer Pokemon! Meowscarada was a decent bipedal evolution for Sprigatito, but it could use a bit more detail. Miraidon was adorable, I loved Fuecoco, the Tinkaton line was simple and effective, and I enjoyed the Paradox Pokemon! My favorite is Iron Valiant, the way they combined Gallade and Gardevoir was so well done with just the right amount of detail from both evolutions.
Speaking of the Paradox Pokemon, let's talk the afterstory. Holy crap. The fact that the real professor died in an accident and was succeeded by an android they created to assist them was crazy. I don't think we've had a game where you fight the professor as a final boss- usually it's the champion or your rival or something. The turn this game took with the ending was shocking and I am here for it. I really wish there was a moment between the AI Professor and Arven where they hugged each other goodbye. That would've ripped my heart out even more and provided some form of comfort to Arven knowing that despite everything, that one moment of tenderness was what he needed to know his parent loved him. (Side note- the Professor's spouse walked out on them after Arven was born, which was even crazier when you realize that it's what started his abandonment issues
Then we come to the final thing on the list: the Ruinous Quartet Pokemon. Four cursed artifacts that became Pokemon and were sealed away for fear of their strength and the destruction they caused. It makes me wonder why they're a thing in the game. Will we eventually get more story on them? Will they become more prominent as time goes on? As for their oppositions, I strongly believe they were designed to oppose the Swords of Justice. Think about it- the Quartet are Dark Types and the Swords are Fighting. Then add the elemental types and they match the weaknesses of the Swords perfectly. It's just a theory, but there's some ideas behind it
Overall, I think the game wasn't too bad. It wasn't that glitchy for me and I had an enjoyable time playing. People were diverse, story was good, and gameplay wasn't half bad. I'll give this game a 7/10- good, but could be better. At least with the graphics issues and Pokemon going through walls XD
Give me your thoughts as well! Do you agree or disagree with anything I mentioned? Add your thoughts in the comments or reblogs, I'd love to hear what you think!
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gothicblog · 2 years
Blog entry about the story "The Familiar" by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
This is my second blog entry. This time about the story “The Familiar” by J. Sheridan Le Fanu. 
Before getting into the plot, let's discuss some elements of this story. This story is set in the late 1700s- early 1800s in Dublin, Ireland.  The main characters are Mr. James Barton (haunted by the watcher), Ms Montague (the woman Captain Barton wants to marry), Lady L and Ms. Montague's father. Captain Barton seems like a man, who is haunted by his past actions (which might have happened in War). The mood of the story is kind of creepy and eerie, with a little bit of horror.  I would consider this story written in chronological order. This story is written in third person. This story covers the events of a few months. 
The story starts with a man, Captain Barton, who has just returned from war and has decided to marry Ms. Montague. One day, he starts getting haunted by The Watcher, who also sends him letters. Then Ms. Montague's father also comes back and allows them to get married, but they don´t, because of the haunting. They then go into complete isolation, so that they don´t leave their home for months, and it seems to be working, until Captain Barton is dead.
Now a little bit about Captain Barton and his personality. This man seems to be an overall good person, but the mistake he has made haunts him. He's aware of his actions and regrets them. By this James Barton shows that he's not a full on psycho- or sociopath, but someone committed a crime by accident and has feelings of guilt, unlike criminals who don't even care about the people they´ve hurt and the harm they´ve caused. I would describe him as a fair, remorseful person with generally good intentions. 
My view of this is that the watcher symbolizes a secret of the captains, which he tries to hide. Captain Barton is so afraid of this secret being exposed, that he starts panicking and hallucinating about the watcher, a mysterious figure who stalks him and sends threatening letters. I personally think that the reason behind Barton's death is a heart attack, as at that point he was genuinely afraid for his life. Maybe he heard or saw something that made him freak out even more, and his heart couldn't take it anymore.
Another theory- maybe there really was a ghost haunting him? It could have been someone who he deeply hurt or murdered. The ghost might have woke up from the dead, just to kill their murderer. The ghost could have transferred into the bird and then swoop in and mysteriously kill captain Barton. Third idea, maybe there was a person who did try to frighten Captain Barton, because they were affected by his actions and wanted revenge, because assuming that Barton didn´t have some kind of mental disease which makes him hallucinate, only a person can send letters. 
Could this story take place in real life? I believe that almost all the theories I have discussed could be in reality. Imagine this- a man does something terrible at war, the guilt is eating him up. He is scared of someone finding out the truth and so is in a constant state of panic. Now the idea of a ghost haunting him could be either real or not, depending on your belief in ghosts existence, but the idea of a real life human stalking him is possible, as when humans are very angry at someone, they tend to want revenge and the person could have gotten that by scaring Captain Barton. 
Why did the author write this story? Well, I believe the author wrote this, because they wanted to teach people about how your past does affect your present and we have to be really careful about our actions, as they could come back later to haunt us. 
The main metaphor in this story is clearly “The Watcher”, as it symbolizes his guilt and regret. The bird swooping in when James dies could symbolize death finally capturing him, as the man had been haunted by the idea of death for a few months. 
The moral of the story is that it doesn't matter how much you try to run, you can never hide from your past and that if you do something bad, something bad might happen to you as well. The themes in this story are that earlier bad choices affect who you are today, 
Wait until next week to find out the topic of my next blog! 
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illusionlockarchive · 3 years
In defense of Montgomery Alligator: An alternative take to a popular theory
As various discussions of Security Breach’s lore rise up, there has been much speculation on the haunting presence of Glamrock Bonnie as a character that is simultaneously stated to have existed in the universe of the game’s story, yet never shows up in the actual game.
Those familiar with this case will know that the rabbit animatronic was stated to have been fully operating at some point once before he was damaged badly and then had his spot in the band taken over by Montgomery Gator.
This, coupled with the evidence that Bonnie was last seen going into Monty’s Gator Golf, has led many to accuse this beloved alligator animatronic of intended murder.
But do these accusations go on undisputed, or is there perhaps another side to this story we haven’t yet considered?
You see, as I investigated some of the other message logs pertaining to Montgomery Gator, this particular log caught my attention:
"ERRANT BEHAVIOR REPORT - Monty didn't show up for the main stage performance again. We found him in the same place we always do, the catwalks over Monty Golf. We can't have a repeat of last month. Someone hit the hole in one and the hurricane bucket knocked him down. Both legs were broken and required emergency parts and service work."
Now, as you all may know, logs of this type are not uncommon, a more trained eye may understand these relate to hints as to how to take down the animatronics. Still, who’s to say these can’t have lore significance as well?
The first sentence itself is already very important to put our dear popular theory in check. Monty didn’t show up for the main stage performance… again.
As in, my friends, this is recurring. Now, why would Monty want so badly to replace Bonnie, and then after he gets that desired spot in the band, miss performances more than once? Something does not add up. Could it be it was never really this spot he was after, or maybe there is something else catching his attention, making him miss these performances?
Whatever it is, it seems very strange that Monty would presumably kill for this position, and yet is now avoiding it. Maybe because he didn’t kill at all? But let’s move on.
The message also states they “found him in the same place [they] always do”, which is intriguing to me because, again, it signifies this is recurring. How long has this been going on, and how many times it has happened is anyone’s guess, but it seems to really not be just a coincidence or an isolated incident.
So now we know two things: Monty has been frequently missing performances, as well as every time he has missed these, he has been found at the exact same spot: the catwalks at Monty’s Golf.
Interestingly enough, isn’t this… the same place Bonnie is said to have disappeared? So why is Monty returning there so often, to the point of entirely missing something as important as performances, which you would think he wouldn’t miss if he cared about them so much?
But then! Things get even stranger! Because not only is he returning to that exact same spot, when he shouldn’t be missing something important, but the message also states that this has already caused him to get knocked down by the jackpot bucket, damaging him severely.
And the cherry on top? It could happen again.
So why is Monty, who presumably would have killed for a position as bassist in the band, consistently missing performances, and on top of that, returning over and over to the last place Bonnie was last seen? And on top of that putting his own being in danger?
Could it be that, maybe, Monty did not destroy Bonnie like many speculate, but instead witnessed something, or perhaps was part of an accident which left Bonnie incapacitated, and is now reliving the moment due to survivor’s guilt? After all, if you witness your peer suffer a horrific tragic accident and then later get told that actually, they will not be getting fixed up or coming back, but instead you will be put in their place to fill their duty, it could make you feel pretty bad and guilty.
It may be that the reason he was left vulnerable enough to get knocked down by the bucket was simply because he was freezing up, perhaps reliving the moment, and it came down on him. And the fact that the message suggests there is a risk of this happening again could suggest he may be prone to seeking this out, which yes, implies almost self-destructive behavior.
All in all, there is no way we can say what happened for certain between Monty and Bonnie, but, personally, I think it’s worth giving this another look, because to me it really doesn’t read like Monty would have just gone and destroyed Bonnie like that only to start showing this really odd behavior.
Another interesting observation one can make is if you read the message that talks about Monty’s claws upgrade, which actually lets us know were given to him specifically so he could play the bass like Bonnie did. Here we have two important points of information: one, Monty did not have as many assets to cause damage previous to Bonnie’s destruction, and two, his claws are actually a direct result of him taking Bonnie’s position.
The message also goes on to add that when not performing, he uses his claws to cause destruction, so we know that, despite the seemingly innocent nature of this upgrade, Monty uses it destructively. But, if we combine this with the previous theory, it may be possible Montgomery is actually lashing out in frustration of being given an upgrade that was meant to belong to the peer he witnessed the destruction of, which makes his grieving harder to bear, making him vent out his frustrations through using the very upgrade he got to destroy things.
Whatever theory you choose to subscribe to, though, I do believe there’s something else about Monty. Another thing to consider before you go is that, the animatronics talk to each other, they interact, and even if Freddy is rather gullible, the others may not be, and I’m sure there could be some more hostility implied between them if Monty was suspected of such a crime. In fact, one may also suggest even the employees would have been more hesitant in giving Monty the spot in the band if there was a suspicion Monty would have gone and destroyed Bonnie, after all, it seems counterproductive to fuel an animatronic with a tendency to destroy the others.
Of course, there is one last problem that I’m sure people will bring up, which is the infamous easter egg of Freddy in the garbage while Monty performs with the band in the arcade game. And to that I say… nothing stops that from being seen as a cool or funny easter egg. After all, I doubt that the arcade games were developed by the animatronics, rather it makes more sense this was programmed as a cheeky joke by whoever made this, making it unlikely that we can say for certain whether this game reflects any actual will that Monty may have towards Freddy.
TL;DR: There is a high possibility Monty didn’t destroy Bonnie, but rather witnessed his destruction in some way at the golf course, and is now dealing with the memory and often visits the place where it happened again, freezing up so bad to the point of missing entire performances as well as putting himself in danger.
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Daemon and Rhea
(Spoilers for ep 5 and 6) 
So random thought of the day, since seeing the pics of Laena and Daemon it got me thinking about his first marriage to Rhea and how the two seem so different. There was open animosity between Rhea and Daemon, but from the pics with Laena we can see that Daemon is capable of being a loving and tender husband. Which got me thinking what caused this animosity between Rhea and Daemon? Was it simply that they didn’t mesh as people or was there something else going on? Before getting into the main part of this post though I just wanted to put out a disclaimer, in no way is this meant to be a hate post against Daemon, he is one of my favourite characters and I love him, but I can also admit that he has some flaws and this post is going to be talking about some of those flaws. Also I am going to be talking about the umm, delicate, for want of a better word, subject of impotence but I am going to try my best to keep things as classy as possible. So anyway I have a theory on what might have caused Daemon and Rhea to become so hostile towards each other and it was brought about when I watched a documentary on Henry VIII and his wives, I know weird comparison maybe, but I promise it’ll make sense.  
I am wondering if Daemon and Rhea’s relationship was a similar situation to that of Henry VIII and Anne of Cleaves. The story with Henry and Anne goes that on their wedding night Henry failed to perform, so to speak. This was post jousting accident so he had an open wound on his leg and was obese and just not the strong, healthy and virile man he used to be. There had also been rumours going around about him having problems in that department, so to save face and present himself as still being a man, he started talking about how ugly Anne was and stated this as the reason why he was unable to consummate their marriage. He made Anne and her looks the joke of the court so much so that history came to remember her as Henry’s ugly wife, when in fact many other contemporary sources stated of her appearance that she was pleasing to look at, it seems that whilst she was not some great beauty, she was far from ugly either. 
We know Daemon has had issues with impotence when he is feeling under emotional stress such as in episode 1 when he was worried about being replaced as heir. We also know that Rhea was not his choice and that their marriage was never consummated. It would make sense to me that Daemon was most likely feeling very stressed on his wedding day, this wasn’t something he wanted to do and it wasn’t a woman he loved, or that he chose. So I think when it came time to consummate his marriage the stress meant he could not complete the act. I also think this may have been the first time it had ever happened to him. Needless to say Daemon was probably then feeling a mixture of embarrassment and also wondering what was wrong with him. Rhea was also probably feeling rejected and undesirable because her new husband wasn’t able to bed her. Then to make matters worse Daemon starts telling people that his wife is ugly, that the sheep in the Vale are prettier, all because he is feeling insecure about himself, to make himself feel more like a man again he tells himself that it’s Rhea that’s the problem, that she is just not attractive to him. He might also be worried that word will spread of his failed wedding night so he starts spreading this idea that Rhea is just not good looking enough to bring out his carnal desires, much like Henry VIII did with Anne. Those comments make it back to Rhea who naturally is hurt by his comments, I also think she is not one to take it laying down so the next time she sees her husband she has no issue telling him exactly what she thinks about him and his comments. Its not just her looks that he attacks either but her personality referring to her as his ‘bronze b*tch’ he paints this picture of her being very cold and hostile, likely brought on by the fact that Rhea was happy to confront him about his attitude. When Laena tells him she was sorry to hear about Rhea’s passing he replies that he wasn’t because she ‘wasn’t very nice to me’. Another significant moment is when Rhaenyra says Rhea is lucky because Daemon hasn’t put a child in her. Here he is being reminded of a husband’s duty and that he has failed to perform that duty and provide an heir to his wife. His response is again to place the blame on Rhea, ‘I doubt a child would be able to grow in such hostile environs.’ It’s again him telling himself its not my fault that I can’t perform its hers because she is hostile to me, because she is unattractive not just in looks but in demeanour. Even that first conversation with Otto where Rhea is first brought up and Otto is chastising him for not doing his duty as a husband, Daemon’s response is to refer to her as his ‘bronze b*tch’ and remark that the Vale’s sheep are prettier than the women. Its just interesting to me that his demeaning remarks about his wife tend to follow comments about a duty as a husband to lay with his wife.  
I really do think that after a disastrous wedding night, every time Daemon thinks about or sees his wife he is reminded of that failure. As much as I love him Daemon is an arrogant and proud man so I think this inability to lay down with his wife probably messed with his head quite a bit and (unfairly) blaming his wife for it was his coping mechanism. Daemon is a Targaryen, he has the blood of the dragon and dragons are fiery and passionate, he also cares alot about his family legacy and contributing to making his house powerful and great through his heirs and I think all of this adds to his feelings of failure and inadequacy. It probably doesn’t help that people keep reminding him that he should be in the Vale performing his husbandly duties. 
 I also think there is some relevance to his night with Rhaenyra in the brothel and him once again not being able to go through with it because it feels wrong, how he is denied her hand because he is already married. So now not only is Rhea a reminder of his intimacy issues, she is the reason why he can’t have what he wants, a Targaryen wife in Rhaenyra, a wife of his own choosing who he could produce pure blooded Targaryen dragon riders with. It is also possible that the fact that Rhea is not Targaryen is a contributing factor, with how passionately Daemon feels about following Targaryen traditions, with one of those traditions being wedding each other, Daemon may have found any wife without Targaryen blood as lacking. We haven’t seen the episode yet so we can’t know for sure but judging by the fact that they’ve got two daughters and another babe on the way Daemon didn’t seem to have any issues performing his husbandly duties with Laena. Sadly I feel like in his mind that’s just going to reinforce the idea that the problem was poor Rhea and not him. Afterall now that he is rid of her he has been able to lay with his new wife and produce heirs. He’s a virile, passionate man once again. No problems here. 
So in conclusion I feel Daemon and Rhea’s marriage was doomed from the start. Daemon is an insecure, arrogant dick (a lovable insecure, arrogant dick but still) and Lady Rhea Royce is a stunning goddess who deserved so much better. I do think their marriage shows how difficult a political arrangement for a marriage can be to maintain, especially when the parties involved didn’t want the marriage. It’s also an interesting contrast to Laenor and Rhaenyra’s marriage, whereas Daemon and Rhea’s fell apart and was very hostile, Rhaenyra and Laenor made the best out of theirs and came up with an arrangement that suited them both. Still I am glad at least to see that Daemon seems to treat Laena with respect and with love so maybe he has grown as a person.      
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evilphrog · 3 years
Watching Wheel of Time without reading the books: episode 4
Continuing this because it blew up much bigger than I expected it to.  Okay, folks, here are my thoughts on the new episode:
New theory: the dragon is actually all 5 of them.  They were reincarnated into 5 different bodies, for reasons I am not yet sure of.  But yeah, Nynaeve, Egwene, Perrin, Mat, and Rand are ALL one soul split into fifths.  Makes sense for why they are so devoted to each other, and universally supportive/forgiving of each other.
I really thought for a second that Mat had killed that family.  Like one, single, soul-crushing second. I thought the evil knife possessed him and he was going to have to wake up to the knowledge that his own actions directly led to him killing them.  And then I realized he was trying to protect them from the Eyeless, and my heart broke even more.  I can see his guilt complex blaming himself entirely, because he took the girl’s protection doll, and because he couldn’t stop the eyeless.  
Thom is very interesting as a character.  He says he knows the past.  I can’t figure out if he means that he remembers his previous lives, or that he studies history.  I love that his main concern upon suspecting Mat of drawing on the One Power is to protect him and keep him safe.  Getting strong shipper eyes for those two.  Mat has daddy issues as it is, I could see this working for both of them.  I might just see this because I am projecting hard onto Mat.  
My understanding of how magic works so far: men and women tap into the One Power from different sources.  The dark one tainted the source from which men draw their power, which causes them to go insane.  This can be very destructive, which is why magic is outlawed for men. But it also appears that men who draw on magic mostly do so by accident.  I get the impression everyone is connected to the One Power, and it is a source of their life force or energy or reincarnation or something.  Gentling severs that connection.  Thom said it is horrible for men who have tasted the power, but it must also be horrible for men who haven’t.  Otherwise, I feel like it would be common practice to just gentle every man upon birth, so they don’t risk falling into madness on accident.  Do people who are gentled lose the ability to be reincarnated?
The Aes Sedai interacting gave me flashbacks to middle school lunch tables.  The blonde one with the red robes I am going to refer to as JK Rowling from now on.  I know she has a name and  it starts with L, but she is 100% JK Rowling.  Anyways, she is the girl in middle school who has rich parents and can wear all Abercrombie clothes, who understands makeup before anyone else. By contrast, Moirane seems to be the girl who has a hyperfixation on insects and tries to connect with the other girls by showing them a really cool beetle she found on the playground.  I now have the understanding that she basically ran away, and I can see why.  She doesn’t really fit in with the other Aes Sedai any better than she does with the villagers.  Lan is basically her only friend in the world.  A few of the other Aes Sedai are willing to be nice to her privately, and seem to want to show support, but they ultimately follow whatever JK Rowling says because they don’t want to be kicked out of the lunch table and have to go eat in the bathroom.  Getting a strong feeling that JK Rowling orchestrated everything that happened there, because the only person to die was the one who spoke against her, and she got her way in the end, being able to gentle the false dragon.  
The nomad people, I am pretty sure, is where my husband derives his entire life philosophy.  He follows the way of the leaf for sure.  Listening to the grandma explain that the best revenge against death is life, and the best revenge against violence is peace, it gave me a huge insight for how my husband read these books as a child and how they shaped his life.  This is the opposite of the bartender believing the only way to end the cycle is to end the world.  This is “If the world is cyclical anyways, everything will happen as it is supposed to.  I do not have to go against my morals to make hard choices, because the choices have already been made and everything will play out as it is supposed to regardless.”  This is the same belief system interpreted in wildly different ways, and I appreciate that juxtaposition.  If the wheel keeps turning, why NOT choose to lay down your arms and accept death when it comes, secure in the belief that the world you are reincarnated into might be more peaceful?  I also love the mythology of the Song, and how the elders take religion much more seriously than the children.  That is a nice touch of realistic world-building.  Pretty sure the nomads are all low-key psychic.  Possibly drawing unconsciously from the One Power, but at a low enough level that they don’t get madness?
I hope Perrin finds immense healing in that life philosophy.  He is such a fantastic character.  Side note, but I love the actor who portrays him.  I don’t know that I could successfully portray “Appears vacant and stupid to others on purpose, but inside his mind is swirling with complex thoughts that he will not voice until he has them solidified in his head 5 days later.”  He does such a good job of showing extreme intelligence that he prefers to keep hidden from others.  I don’t think Perrin sees himself as intelligent, but he clearly is.  He seems like one of those uncommonly gifted and sweet and caring people, and when others tell him how rare and special he is, he doesn’t believe them.  He thinks most people are the same as him.  
The more I learn about Lan, the more my original impression holds true.  He is horny for anyone who can kick his ass, especially Nyneave.  They will 100% bone.  His warder buddies certainly seem to think he has a type, which has me wondering about his past.  I had originally read him as totally asexual, but he just isn’t isn’t attracted to Moiraine.  The two of them talking in the tent was hilarious.  
Moiraine: states facts, but also displays loyalty. Holds his hand, but still speaks neutrally.
Lan: God, you’re so emotional when I drink.  
Probably gonna make a few memes of them later, because they are RIDICULOUS. Remind me of Amy Santiago and Captain Holt trying to express affection for each other. I loved getting to see Lan with his warder buddies.  It was interesting that two of the other warders are clearly in a triad with each other and the one Aes Sedai.  That side bit let me know that A) yes warders and their Aes Sedai can be romantic, Lan and Moiraine just don’t see each other that way. B) homosexuality and polyamory are actually super normal in this world. There was a lot of world-building packed into that one little scene.  
I had Nyneave all wrong before.  She projects the unhinged full agro vibes because it is her armor against fear.  Very “courage is not the absence of fear, but choosing to do the right thing in spite of it” of her.  It appears that she tries to keep that persona on to stave off the panic attacks?  Wonder if her developing relationship with Lan will have her reworking her coping skills, since she seems to be more and more inclined to let her guard down around him.  Interesting that her village was invaded when she was a young child.  Explains a lot about her.  Was that the village of the two rivers, or another village?  I can’t remember if she moved there later.  If not, man that village has some shitty luck.  Love how she chose to hang with the warders, and not with the Aes Sedai.  Reminded me of Kaylee in firefly at the fancy ball surrounded by dudes asking about engine maintenance.  She’s actually not surly and a loner.  She just only opens up around people she feels comfortable with.  I was so glad to get to see a softer side of her.
Edit: I forgot to say, but I was super excited at the tiny touch of realism that the family at the farm had two Mediterranean parents with blonde children. I never see it portrayed on TV because I assume many white audiences would not believe the kids are biologically related to the parents.  I was so excited I basically screamed when I saw the kids.  It is such a tiny detail that probably meant nothing to anyone else, but it was huge for me.  (For non-Arabs, our hair frequently starts out blonde, then darkens up as we age. I have no idea why, and have never bothered to ask or look it up)
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lex-n-weegie · 1 year
Ok ok SO over a year ago now I drew some kind of "concepts," and now I've redone them since we got an actual design for one of them!! Also also, since a bunch of stuff I've been doing is super far from canon, I've made it a separate little AU! I present to you all...
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The "Under New Management" AU!!
These are the designs of Glamrock Bonnie(now fixed) and a "Glamrock" Foxy, or as he's known as, Captain Foxy.
The TLDR for the AU is that Hazel brings back/fixes a couple of animatronics, adding 4(technically 5) new animatronics to the Pizzaplex! These are just two of em.
Also here's a random alt for Foxy to see his chest better lol
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Rambles about these two's roles and the old drawings underneath the cut!
Art Taglist [pm or send an ask off anon if you’d like to be added or removed from my taglist]: @amessageonthewind, @nerdstreak, @starlitships, @eggsywifey, @swapthewoz, @queenieboo22, @in-broken-mirrors, @little-miss-selfships, @little-bullheaded-shit
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Glamrock Bonnie
At the start of the Pizzaplex's life, it was just Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Roxanne(The company deemed Foxy as too "different" from the main three, so making Roxanne was their attempt to add a new four member). Soon after the success, they had started to experiment by making extra robots to occupy different areas and attractions, like the Daycare Attendant or DJMM. Montgomery was one of them, and he and Bonnie actually bonded quite well. Unfortunately, Bonnie was blind to the worse treatment non Glamrocks got, the workers usually viewing them as "experiments." It caused Monty to sometimes lash out, but he usually remained chill.
One day however, a horrible accident happened. Bonnie went to talk to Monty on the Gator Golf catwalks, but the Gator had another small outburst and in anger, pushed Bonnie away. The safety railing broke, and Bonnie fell and snapped off his legs and arms. Monty tried to fix him, even tried to get help, but at one point things suddenly went black, and the next thing he remembered was waking up in parts and service, apparently having had an "accident." A guard, Vanessa, said she found Monty in a broken state, and took him to be repaired. She claimed to have not seen Bonnie, and Monty was then used as a replacement, millions of theories spewing as a result.
Years later, when Hazel is turned into a attraction, she sees a new wall in Bonnie Bowl that wasn't there before, and low and behold she finds Bonnie's broken body. She slowly repairs him, but due to some blunt force head trauma he's lost some memories and skills, such as his bass playing. Since he's back and all fixed up, he's now reduced to a mascot for Bonnie Bowl, the company stating that he's now "retired from the band life."
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Captain Foxy
While Roxanne semi replaced the fox fiend, the company still had plans to include him in some way. Tying in with the old show, the plan was for Captain Foxy to be a seasonal animatronic. For a week or longer he'd "kidnap" the Glamrocks and claim to now own the Pizzaplex. As time went on however, they randomly decided he wasn't worth it and was scrapped in the middle of building.
Hazel later found his endo and the scrapped plans, so she did what she does best and built him, her programming and experience with Bonnie making the process go smoother and quicker this time around. With him up and running and the company not wanting to waste a perfectly good opportunity to test him out, he was set out to do what he was planned for: take over the Pizzaplex every once in awhile. Only the main four Glamrocks were captured, the other animatronics being spared for not being Glamrocks, or in Bonnie's case, no longer being one.
While his performance has him acting like his show counterpart, behind the scenes he was actually super kind, like an uncle. He doesn't hate the Glamrocks like his performance implies, he actually really likes them and is particularly close to the OG three: Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie. He's of course close to Hazel too, as she's the reason he's even there.
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