#my mommy was still packing me lunches for school two years ago & I got a 2 on the AP macroecon exam in case that helps contextualize me 👍
compacflt ¡ 1 year
I love that your Ice (and Mav from what I can tell) are bad with money. Why? because they should have set up an LLC to share their money. Wingmen inc. LLC LMAO.
The new thing in this economy (not so much back in the 80s) is that everything is so unaffordable, especially housing, that investment partnerships and buying houses with your friends is being touted as a solution by many financial influencers.
Ice and Mav buying a house together as "investies" *totally platonic natch. would not make many blink an eye these days. Its the new path to home ownership when houses cost like a half a mil for a starter home.
And they want to live in San Diego?!! They will need a third co-investor.
lol i was a teenager not two months ago so i might be the wrong person to seriously talk to about the financial logistics of my own fanfic lmao
in october when i was editing that chapter where they buy the house (which they should not have done, i have grown as a person & know better now, but too late) i had to ask my mom about how “two friends would go about buying a house” (ultimate cringe.) and had the intelligence to screenshot that conversation for history LOL so see fig. 1 for reference as to how utterly clueless I was
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13 notes ¡ View notes
falcqns ¡ 3 years
partner in crime lV
pairing: August Walker x Reader, August Walker x OFC (Maeve)
summary: August attempts a mission and looks for a nanny.
warnings: ANGST, mentions of graphic death, fluff, mentions of character death, mention of harm inflicted upon an infant. 18+ ONLY.
a/n: This one got a little dark, sorry! Hope you enjoy! also if I missed ANYTHING in the warnings, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I have mom brain so it wouldn't surprise me if I forgot something!
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August hung up the phone with a sigh.
Sloane needed him for a mission.
It wasn’t a high risk mission or anything, Sloane had taken him off of those when he’d informed her he’d be taking Maeve in, but August was still nervous. He didn’t really have friends, and the friends he did have were coming on the mission with him. He had no contact with his mother, his father was dead, and he had no siblings.
He had no one to watch Maeve. He sighed, and flopped his body down on the bed, being careful to avoid the sleeping baby just inches from him. He didn’t know what to do. Sloane said she’d watch her, but she was needed at the Capitol, so his only option was his mother.
He still had her phone number, and she still had his, but he was still nervous. He found her number in his contacts, not under any name, just a number, but he knew it was hers. He took a deep breath, and hit ‘call’.
She answered after the fourth ring. “August?��� She said, in a rather monotone voice.
“Hello mom.” He said hesitantly. He heard a slight laugh on the other side of the phone.
“I’m guessing you need something. You never call me.” She said, and August swallowed the lump in his throat, sparing a glance at Maeve.
“Yeah, I do. I um-” He took a deep breath to try and stop the shakiness in his voice. “I have a daughter.” He said simply, and when there was no response, he continued. “I-I only found out about her 2 weeks ago. Her mother died, and I’m all she has left. But, I have to go on a mission, and I don’t have anyone else to watch her. I was wondering if you could.”
“Of course I can.”
August let out a huge sigh of relief. “Thank you. I know you and I aren’t on the best of terms, but I have to leave tomorrow night and I haven’t found a nanny yet.” He said.
His mother laughed breathily. “August, I know I wasn’t the best mother to you, and I apologize for that. It’s one of the biggest regrets of my life, pushing you away. If I can make it better, then I want to. And she’s my granddaughter. It’s my job to be there and help you.” She said, and August felt a tear drip down his face.
“Thank you, mom.” He said, a smile breaking onto his lips.
“You’re so welcome Auggie.” His mother said warmly and full of love, a tone and nickname he hadn’t heard since his father was still alive.
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August took a shaky breath. He was fully packed for the mission, and his mother was almost there. He knew Maeve would be perfectly fine without him for a day or two, but he didn’t know if he would be. What if she had a trauma meltdown while he was gone, and his mom didn’t know how to handle it? What if something happened to her, and he couldn’t get there quick enough? He’d never be able to live with himself if something terrible happened to her. Despite going into this agreement of taking in Maeve with pity for her situation rather than love for her, she had a hold on his heart, and their bond was the strongest one August had ever had.
To be honest? Maeve had become his reason for getting up in the morning. It used to be his job, but when Anais walked through his door with Maeve in her arms, that little girl became his reason to live. Finding out who hurt Maeve’s mom was a top priority. He couldn’t let his little girl down.
Although he hated to think about it, or admit it, he knew that one day, Maeve would ask what happened to her mother. She’d probably ask him her first day of school.
He could just imagine her on a crisp September morning, a little dress on her body, running shoes on her feet, and her curly hair in two little braids. A backpack practically the size of her on her back, and her eyes full of excitement. He could see her bounding up to him in the school yard after her first day, and the first sentence out of her mouth.
‘Daddy, why don’t I have a mommy like everyone else in my class?’
His breath caught in his throat merely at the imagery. What would he tell her? He wasn’t religious, so telling her that her ‘mommy is up in heaven’ would mess with both of their minds, and his moral compass. How do you explain to a child, any child, that their mother is dead, and you didn’t know why?
A knock at the door pulled him from his reverie, followed by a squeal from Maeve who was playing at his feet. He stood up, and pulled her up to sit on his hip. He took a deep breath, and the father daughter duo made their way to the door to greet his mother.
He opened the door, and there stood his mom. She still looked the same, with a few more wrinkles, and a few more grey hairs. The only thing that was different was the warm smile sitting on her lips.
“Hi Auggie.” She said tentatively, and August smiled back. “Hi mom. Come on in.” He said, and she followed him inside the apartment. She looked around in an amazement at his rather large apartment.
“Your place is beautiful, honey.” She said, and August smiled again.
“Thank you. We recently moved because she needed her own room and playroom and my one bedroom bachelor pad wasn’t cutting it.” he explained, and him and his mom shared a laugh, the first one in many years.
He showed her around the living room, kitchen, his bedroom, her bedroom, the bathrooms, the office, and the both balconies. He dropped Maeve off in her playroom, and August and her mom made their way back to the kitchen.
“So, you might have noticed she doesn’t have a crib.” August said, and his mother nodded.
“Yes I did. Is there a reason she doesn’t have one?” His mother asked.
August took a deep breath and began to explain. “I mentioned that her mother had died, but I didn’t mention how. Her mothers name was Adriana. We were never in a relationship, I barely knew her. We had one night together, and I never saw her again. But, a little over 3 weeks ago, I got a call from a lady named Anais Torres from Child Protective Services and she told me about Maeve. Adriana was killed. In front of Maeve. I won’t go into detail about her death because it was awful. They also hurt Maeve. Not as bad as Adriana, but still pretty badly. She has some scarring around her wrists from it, but mainly it’s emotional trauma.” He said, and reached out to hold his mothers hand when she began to cry.
“That poor baby,” She said, a sniffle coming out as well. August nodded. “She seems so happy though.”
August nodded again before continuing. “She is. She has ups and downs. She doesn’t fully understand what happened, but I think she has PTSD. She goes to a psychiatrist next week and I’ll find out for sure, but I’m pretty much certain she does. The crib is the main trigger. They restrained her to a crib, and she was forced to watch her mom die through there. I put her in it the first night, but she was already half asleep when I laid her in it, so she didn’t notice. She had a nightmare a few hours after, and that’s when she realized she was in a crib. I thought about a playpen, but I assume she’ll have the same reaction. Her other triggers are handcuffs, guns, small spaces. She’s also having an aversion to the smell of peppermint gum, so I think whoever killed her mom was chewing peppermint gum.” He explained, and his mom nodded.
“Okay. If she does get triggered, what do I have to do to calm her down?” “Hold her.” August said simply. “Just remind her that she’s safe and loved and nothings going to hurt her anymore. It can go on for a while, but it never goes beyond crying. She’ll settle down, and fall asleep. She’ll be a little off and emotional for the next few hours, but she’ll be back to normal soon enough. Playing with her hair helps a lot, as does her pacifier.” He said, and his mom nodded.
“Okay. Does she have a daily schedule?” She asked, and August nodded again.
“I usually wake her up around 6:30 because I have to be at work for 7 and she comes with me, but I’ll let her fall asleep in the car again. If I let her sleep, she’ll wake up around 9 or 9:30, so don’t worry about waking her up. She has a floor bed, and she’s been staying in it really well. She doesn’t nap in it, she prefers to nap in my bed, which I allow. For breakfast she has formula, oatmeal, dry cheerios, and some fruit. She’ll play for a few hours, and then she’ll have a nap. She’ll sleep for an hour or an hour and a half, but don’t let her sleep longer than an hour and a half. Then she’ll have lunch. Usually she’ll have the same thing I have, so whatever you make, just give her some of it. Just make sure it’s in small enough pieces. She has a bottle after, and I let her have a little bit of screen time. Her favourite show is Mickey Mouse ClubHouse, so I let her watch a few episodes. She’ll have another bottle, and another nap, and then she’ll play again for a few hours. By the time she’s done playing she’ll be ready for dinner. After dinner, she has a bath, then a book and bed. She usually goes to bed between 6:30-7.” He said, and his mom nodded.
“I put her schedule on the fridge in case you forget anything, along with her triggers. If you need anything, call me. I managed to convince Sloane, my boss, to let me keep my phone on in case you or her need anything.” He said. She just nodded again, and then a chime from his phone was heard, signalling that Ilsa and Benji were on their way to pick him up.
He sighed. “I should go say goodbye to her. I’ve gotta go.” He said, and his mom followed him into Maeve’s playroom where she was building (or trying to) a tower with big lego blocks.
“Maeve?” He called, getting down to her level and watched as she whipped her head around and gave August a big smile. “Come to Dada,” he said, and she dropped the Lego she was holding to crawl over.
He heard his mom chuckle behind him. “She listens a lot better than you did at that age,”
August smiled as he scooped her up. “I always think the same thing. Definitely learned it from her mother.” August remarked sadly. Partly out of what he had learned about Adriana, but mainly because he was going to miss the little girl he’d come to love so easily.
“I’m gonna miss you, but you’re gonna have so much fun with your grandma. I love you.” He said, and she smiled and cuddled him back, her curly head resting on his shoulder. His phone chimed again and he let out a sad sigh.
“Dada has to go. I’ll see you in two days, okay?” He said, and tried not to cry when he handed her off to his mom.
He said goodbye to his mom, and gave her another kiss on the head, before walking out the door, and trying to ignore the sounds of his daughter's pained wails for him. He grabbed his bag, and headed out the door.
Benji and Ilsa were waiting outside in a normal, inconspicuous looking car. He took a deep breath, cleared his throat, and put on his tough face. He didn't want to cry in front of the team. He needed to be tough, and crying wouldn’t make him ‘The Hammer”.
“Hey Walker.” Benji said as he got in, and August gave him a smile.
“Where’s the mission?” He asked monotonously.
“Germany. We’re investigating a target who we believe is a part of The Amiens Family gang.”
At the mention of the gang, August almost choked on his own saliva. “D-did you say Amiens?”
Benji nodded, a confused look spreading on his features. “Yeah. Apparently they’re trying to find a civilian who escaped their custody once before thanks to the police, and according to the files Ethan and I recovered last week, this person has a lot of information, mainly about the financial aspect, and they are not happy in the slightest that this person escaped. One of the targets is in Germany following a lead of their own, so we’re following him.” He said.
August sighed and nodded, and was thankful that no one suspected him yet. He had to practically beg Sloane to keep Maeve off of his file, and he wasn’t ready for everyone to know about her quite yet. She was going through a lot, and the next few months were going to be tough on the both of them as they got to know each other, so the less people involved, the better.
Then, a thought popped into his head. “What’s this civilian’s name?” He asked.
Benji glanced down at the file before speaking. “Alexis Amiens. I think she was very high up in the family, but I couldn’t be sure.” August nodded, and tried to appear unbothered by this information on the outside while he had a freak out on the inside.
If he was remembering correctly, Alexis was the twin sister of Adriana. So, they were after someone who was out to get Maeve’s aunt. That scared the shit out of him. Not just the fact that they were going to be tailing someone who was either a close relation or close contact to the people who killed Adriana, and hurt his daughter, but the fact of who it was. It could have been a coincidence, just like Maeve’s screaming was, but just like the screaming, August didn’t think so.
Were they after Maeve? And if they were, what did they want from her? He desperately needed to fully read her file, but he couldn't very well pull it out in the middle of the car with Ilsa and Benji, who would question him about it, and then demand to know who Maeve and Adriana were. He agreed with himself that he’d wait until he was in Germany, and he’d find time to sit down and read it.
He’d read bits and pieces, but after what Anais had briefly told him about Adriana’s family, he never looked in the family section. Hell, he only barely glanced at it for her name and age before, so he should probably read up on it.
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By the time they made it to Germany, August wanted to go home.
He missed Maeve, and his mom had called him and told him Maeve was having a meltdown because she heard police sirens, and it set her off. She calmed down, and was fine, but he wished he could be there for her.
The poor girl was probably so confused, August thought to himself. In the past month, her mom was killed in front of her, a gun was held to her head, she was saved by the police then handed over to CPS, dropped off at some random man (in her eyes) house, and just when she was feeling comfortable, that man had to leave, and she was being watched by another random person she’d never seen before.
But, as much as August wished that he could be with her 24/7, he knew that wasn’t a reality. He had to find a nanny to take care of her during the day, but how would find one that he trusted? He knew for a fact that there were probably people out there who wanted him dead. It was just a part of the job description. Before Maeve, he didn’t care too much.
He always told himself that everything happens for a reason. If he was killed on a mission, it was his time to die. Unfortunate and untimely but still, it was clearly the universe deciding his life was finished. But, now he had Maeve. He had a 7 month old to take care of. If he died, that meant leaving Maeve.
He knew it would happen one day, but he’d always hoped it would be from old age, not an enemy or stray bullet. He didn’t want that on her conscience. He didn't want the idea that ‘everyone I get close to dies’ in his daughters head because that wasn’t healthy.
No. He couldn’t die. Not until he heard her say Dada, not until she took her first steps, until she went to her first day of school (a thought that made him slightly teary eyed, despite being a good 3-4 years away). Not ever. He would not leave his daughter.
He’d lucked out and got his own hotel room. He had a feeling that it was because Ethan was still a little wary of him, as he was new, but he didn’t care. As soon as he was handed the key to the overpriced hotel room where the gala that they’d be attending the next night was being held, he was off towards the elevator, his duffel bag and briefcase in hand.
The second the door shut behind him, he pulled out the file, and sat down at the table that was located beside the big windows and balcony doors. He opened the file, and read through it thoroughly, making sure to not miss anything.
Name: Maeve Luna Walker
Age:  7 months old
Birthday: March 15th, 2020
He knew that. He kept reading.
Mothers name: Adriana Cora Amiens
Fathers name: August Nathaniel Walker
Godmothers name: Alexis Luna Amiens
He swallowed roughly. Alexis was not only his daughter's aunt, she was her godmother. And, Maeve was named after her.
Reason for removal from household: Mother’s death.
Next of kin: August Nathaniel Walker (father)
He was the only one listed, and that satisfied him. At least CPS knew better than to put her with her mothers side.
Description of conditions of the environment where the child was living:
August took a deep breath, before reading the paragraph.
Maeve was found by LAPD police officer (REDACTED) doing a wellness check called in by neighbour (REDACTED).
August rolled his eyes at the word redacted. He could get the information, but that would have to wait until he was back in Washington.
She was restrained to the bed using metal, police grade handcuffs. The diaper she was wearing had been soiled in more than once, indicating she had not been changed in several days. She was extremely hungry and dehydrated. The doctors at (REDACTED) hospital observed that if she had not been rescued when she was, she would have died within 24 hours from dehydration and starvation. There was no physical evidence of abuse on her, other than some light scarring on her wrists from the metal handcuffs. However, she is exhibiting signs of emotional trauma and will likely develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is unclear at this time whether or not she witnessed the murder of her mother, Adriana Amiens, or not.
Addition: as of September 17th- it has been confirmed through viewing of security camera footage that Maeve was indeed present and conscious during the murder of her mother, Adriana Amiens.
He pushed the file away after reading that paragraph. His poor little girl. She almost died because of what happened, and although she wouldn’t have known what was happening, she most definitely recognized the feeling of being hungry, thirsty, and soiled beyond belief. August told himself his little girl would never experience hunger or thirst again if he had anything to do with it.
He took a deep breath to calm his anxiety that had blended into anger, before reading further, specifically on her mothers family’s history.
Adriana Cora Amiens, born August 5th, 1989, was the daughter of Amiens Family Mob leader Charles Jacob Amiens, nicknamed The Master, and his wife, Rose Alena Amiens (formerly Anderson). She was the twin of Alexis Luna Amiens.
Not much is known about her early life, or her education, other than she had a twin sister, an older brother named Andrew, and was privately schooled.
She had very few long term relationships. Her longest relationship has been noted as one of her fathers lackeys, Anton Filho. They began dating in 2000, and the relationship endured until 2005. Sources close to the family state that he was killed by Charles for ‘deflowering his daughter’.
Adriana reportedly emancipated herself due to the murder of Filho, and had zero contact with her father, and the rest of her family, including her twin sister Alexis because of it.
In 2019, she fell pregnant. Sources say that the father is unknown, while others believe it is Fritz Corleone, a former mobster she had been spotted with, however this was never confirmed or denied by either party. It is rumoured that she regained contact with Alexis, who emancipated herself from her family not long after Adriana did, although Adriana did not know this, but this has not been confirmed.
It is unknown whether she went through with the pregnancy and if she did, it is unknown of the child's whereabouts after the birth, and following Adriana’s death.
Adriana died on September 15th of this year. The cause of death has not been announced.
August rubbed his eyes roughly with his fingers. That was a lot of information to take in at once. He definitely thought she made the right choice by emancipating herself from her family after what her father did, but it didn’t go into detail about her father at all. His last hope for that lead was Wikipedia, which meant he’d have to cross reference all the information with the CIA database. He had planned to do so when he originally found out Adriana had been murdered, but he’d been so traumatized by the pictures he found of Maeve that he never looked at it again.
He pulled his laptop out of the briefcase, opened Google, and typed in Charles Amiens on one tab, before opening the CIA database on another. He typed the same thing in the database browser, before heading back to Google. He clicked on the wikipedia link and began reading.
In the files he read previously, there were no pictures of the family. In Charles page however, there was a man who looked just as you’d assume a mobster to look. The greasy slicked back hair, the scowl on his face, the curl in his eyebrow. August didn't dwell on the photo, but rather skipped down to the text on the bottom.
Charles Jacob Amiens was born on November 18th, 1967 to father Jacob Amiens and mother Elizabeth Amiens (formerly Jones), in Brooklyn, New York, New York, United States of America.
It is currently unknown where he obtained an education, both primary, secondary and post secondary.
August switched over to the database to check on the schooling. He confirmed that it is unknown where he obtained his schooling, but on the database, it says that it was a private schooling program named “The Family”. Something about that name was familiar, but he resolved to check on it later.
Amiens took over the head of the family mob the day he turned 18. Suspiciously, this was also the day that his father, Jacob Amiens, went missing and was not found until 2 months later, when his body was found in Prospect Park, although it was clear in the initial investigation that the murder did not occur there.
Now that sparked August’s interest. Did Charles really kill his father or was that just another one of the many coincidences that he’d come across in the last few weeks? Much like the other ones, he found it highly unlikely.
Charles has been associated with over 1500 murders in the upper California area, where he relocated his entire family and employees soon after his fathers body was recovered.
August checked this information as well, and it was also true. Just as he was about to go back to the wikipedia page, something caught his eye.
A notable pattern in the murders that Charles himself carries out is that he carves into his victims, specifically the initials MA, which most take to stand for Master Amiens, which is what he has his men call him.
August slammed his computer shut at that.
Adriana was murdered by her father. He thought back to the photos of the gun being pointed in Maeve’s face. Was Charles the one who inflicted all of this pain on his tiny 7 month old baby currently asleep in Washington under his mothers care?
August felt conflicted. On one hand, he wanted to murder Charles and all those who ever laid their eyes and hands on Adriana and Maeve, but on the other hand, he had a feeling that there was more to Adriana’s murder.
What kind of father would do that to their daughter? August knew he wasn’t the best person. He had a dark history, especially one with the Apostles, but ever since Lane revealed they were going to use Julia as a pawn in the game, he couldn’t do it, and he backed out. He’d changed. It doesn’t mean that he’s a perfect person, but he could never even think to do the things that Charles had done, much less to his daughter.
August glanced around the room, and his eyes landed on the warm and inviting looking bed, and decided to leave the research for tonight. Maeve was safe, and he had a mission to think about. He grabbed the file and lifted it up to put it in the briefcase, when a small envelope addressed to him fell out.
He put the file away, and bent down to grab the letter. He sat down on the bed and opened it.
I’m writing you this letter in case anything happens to me.
After our night together, I fell pregnant, and gave birth to a little girl. Her name is Maeve Luna Walker. I made sure she got your last name, and that you were on the birth certificate. I never wanted her to grow up without a mom, but I think I’ve known since the minute I found out I was pregnant that she’d end up with you.
I’m loving being a mom. It’s the best job I could have, and I want you to know I’m not keeping her from you on purpose. We didn’t talk about our families that night, but I come from a rather dark one. I won’t go into details, but us having contact would ultimately result in your death. I don’t want that to happen. The CIA and the world needs you more than Maeve and I do right now.
If anything happens to me, please find who did it. There are people after me, but I don’t know who. I do, however, have a suspicion it has to do with my family. You’re a great man, and an excellent CIA agent. I know you’ll be able to do it.
When you find the woman of your dreams, I want her to adopt Maeve. It pains me to say that, but it’s the right thing to do. Maeve deserves to grow up in a happy and healthy household, a household that I know only you can provide. I need you to protect our daughter. She is the light of my life, and I know she’ll be the light of yours too. She’s a sweet little girl who is sweet and kind to everyone she comes across. She amazes me in the same way you did.
I’m so sorry if I’m gone when you’re reading this, but if I am, it was my time to go. I know we only had one night together, but I want you to know that I love you. I never stopped thinking about you, not for one minute. I love you so much. I will never stop loving you, especially for giving me Maeve, my light in my otherwise pitch black world.
I know you’ll be the best daddy to our little girl, and I’m sorry I won’t get to see her grow up. If she’s anything like her father, she’ll be the best.
I love you. Thank you. I’m sorry.
P.S. I wrote Maeve a letter as well. I was hoping you could give it to her when you feel it's the right time.’
August dropped the letter to the ground and let out a sob, his hands coming to cover his face. Adriana knew that she was going to die, and that there was nothing she could do. Even in that horrible, unthinkable and terrifying situation, she put Maeve first. She thought about Maeve’s safety and wellbeing, both physical and mental. She wanted their daughter to grow up happy and healthy, and wanted him to be happy too.
He felt awful. He’d thought about getting her number, but ultimately decided against it. His line of work didn’t exactly allow him time to have a relationship like that. Hell, it barely gave him enough time to parent, but he managed that. Maybe if he had just gotten her number, he could have saved her from all of this pain. He could have seen the moment that his child took her first breath. He could have seen her first words, the first time she crawled, all of it.
He picked up the letter and folded it up before placing it into his wallet for safe keeping. He picked up the file again. He grabbed the letter addressed to Maeve, and placed it in a different section of his briefcase. Once he was home he’d put in his safe until he was ready for her to have it. He thought about peeking at it, but ultimately decided against it. Adriana wrote that for Maeve, not him. When she read it, it would be up to her if she let him see the contents. He doubted he would let her read the one from him anyways.
Once everything was put away, August flopped on the bed, fully clothed still. It wasn’t long after his tears began to flow freely, and he thought about the mother of his child, who was never going to see her little girl again. He thought back to that night, and suddenly, he could remember every little detail. The colour of her hair, her eyes. The shape of her nose and lips. The way she embraced him with her arms, and touched him with her hands.
Just before he fell asleep, he grabbed his phone off the bedside table where he’d thrown in, and opened up Adriana’s instagram. He found a few selfies that she had posted around the time that they had met, and screenshotted them.
He found one that captured her beauty perfectly, and made that one his lock screen. His home screen was Maeve, the first night they were together, asleep on his chest. That way he had both his girls on his phone no matter where he went, even if one of them wasn’t actually his anymore.
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August awoke to banging on his door the next morning.
He groaned, but stood up and answered the door. He was greeted by Ethan, with a stupid grin on his face.
“Rough night?” Hunt asked, and August nodded, stepping to the side and allowing him in.
“Need something?” He grunted out, and Ethan nodded.
“Benji asked me to check on you. He mentioned that you and him had spoken about the Amiens family when him and Ilsa picked you up, and you seemed a little on edge. I just want to make sure we’re both on the same team here.” Ethan said, a serious look on his face.
August always respected Ethan, despite them not always being friends. Ethan trusted his team, and if he had any doubts about anything, he always confronted them himself. He never let things play out. August could come up with a lie about why he was uncomfortable about it, but Ethan had a knack for smoking out liars, so he couldn’t do that. He didn’t want to risk anything.
“I’ve actually been investigating them on my own, is all. I-” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I have a connection to them.” He said simply, and he almost hoped that that would be enough to make Ethan leave it alone, although he knew it wasn’t.
Ethan sat on the chair next to the table that held his briefcase. August sighed and sat on the still unmade bed. “My daughter.”
Ethan sputtered slightly before speaking. “Y-You have a daughter?” he asked, and August nodded in response.
“I do. She was born in March of this year, but I didn’t find out about her until the beginning of this month. Her mother was a part of the Amiens family. Specifically, Adriana.” He admitted, and Ethan sighed.
“Wow. That changes things. Wasn’t she murdered recently?” Ethan inquired, and August nodded once more.
“Yes. In front of Maeve.” He said, and corrected himself when he saw the confusion on Ethan’s face. “Her name is Maeve. They handcuffed my 7 month old to a crib, and forced her to watch her mother be murdered by her grandfather. That’s a speculation though, I’m not 100% certain. He also pointed a gun at her head through the crib, and I assume they were going to shoot, but the police raided where they were being held at that moment.” August said, and Ethan sighed in sadness.
“That’s rough. How is she doing now?” Ethan asked, and August smiled at the thought of his little girl. “She goes through waves. One minute she’s a happy and healthy little girl whose only concern is what toy she’s going to play with next, and the next she’s almost frozen, and seems to be reliving what happened to her and her mother all over again. She can’t sleep in a crib, or a playpen. She hates police officers, guns, handcuffs, and the smell of peppermint. In some ways she’s a normal baby, but there are so many things she’s struggling through, that I’m worried about her development.”
Ethan nodded, and was about to open his mouth to speak, when August’s phone went off. August picked it up, and answered.
His heart dropped into his stomach at his mom's words. Maeve had woken up and realized that August wasn’t there, so she called out for her Mama. When August’s mom had said that her Dada would be back in a few days, she was immediately sent into a meltdown, and his mom couldn’t calm her down, even after half an hour.
“Fuck. Okay. Let me think of something and I’ll call you back.” He said, and his mom thanked him before hanging up.
He turned to Ethan. “How badly do you need me on this mission?” he asked, and Ethan furrowed his brow.
“Is something wrong with Maeve?” He asked and August nodded.
“She’s having a meltdown because I’m not there and my mom can’t calm her down.” Ethan’s eyes widened.
“We can make do without you. You can go home, you’re needed there more than here at the moment.” He said, standing up, and helping August to get packed. August nodded, and as soon as he was packed he turned to Ethan.
“Thank you. I know this mission is important.” He said, and Ethan smiled at him.
“Being a father trumps all of that. You have a little girl, a little girl who just went through hell, so don’t even worry about it. Go make sure she’s okay.” He said, and August nodded, a smile peeking through on his lips.
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August dropped his bag as soon as he made it through the door, in favour of finding Maeve. The door shutting behind him seemed to alert his mom to his presence, and a few seconds later, she appeared in the doorway of his bedroom.
“Hi, honey.” She said, opening her arms for a hug. August let himself relax in his mothers embrace for a few moments before leading him into the bedroom.
“She managed to cry herself to sleep, and hasn’t woken up yet. I thought you being here when she woke up would be better than anything else.” She said, and August nodded.
“Thank you.” He said, sincerely, and his mom smiled. “It’s no problem. Other than her huge meltdown she was a perfect angel. I’ll get going, and let you two spend some time together. If you need anything at all, just give me a call, okay?” She reassured, and August thanked her again.
“I’m really glad you’re giving me a second chance, Auggie. I hate what I put you through after your father died. I hate the person I became. I thought I couldn’t be a single parent, but after seeing you do it, I don’t know why I ever thought that.” She said, a tear slipping down her face.
“Mom, it’s okay. I never hated you. I didn’t really understand why you were so cold and distant all of a sudden, but I get it. I wasn’t an easy kid, and I’m sure Dad dying didn’t help,” He joked, pulling a laugh out of his mom. “You were too much like him for your own good.” She said, and August smiled in agreement.
He watched as his mother gave Maeve a kiss on the head, before giving him one as well. “You’re doing a terrific job. I love you, son.” She said, and now it was August’s turn for a tear to fall.
“I love you too, mom.”
He walked his mom to the front door, and closed and locked it behind her once she left. He glanced at his watch, and decided to let Maeve sleep a little longer. Her poor little body was probably exhausted, just like his was from the quick time changes. He walked back into the bedroom, kicked off his shoes, and laid beside his daughter on the bed.
As soon as his head hit the pillow, Maeve’s eyes opened, and a huge smile broke out on her face when she saw her Dada. She cooed and placed her hand on his mouth again. August pressed a kiss to her flesh, and to August’s amazement, she smiled and giggled, instead of crying and asking for Adriana.
“Hello, my love. I missed you,” He whispered, as his daughter snuggled up to him, and closed her eyes again. August followed suit, and the pair were out within seconds.
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It took a few days for Maeve to be back to herself fully. Everytime August would leave a room, she’d get anxious and cry, almost as if she thought he wouldn’t come back. August knew that it was his fault. He shouldn’t have taken the mission, she wasn’t ready to be left with random people yet, at least for days on end.
As he sat on the couch working on his laptop, Maeve playing with some cars while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at his feet, he realized he needed a nanny. He really didn’t like the fact that he’d been bringing her to work everyday. No one else cared, but he’d rather her first words she says with him not be ‘gun’ or ‘murder’.
He had gotten a few numbers from one of the other agents who was also a parent, but had yet to call any of them, so that’s what he worked on while Maeve was distracted.
A few hours later, and he’d been having terrible luck. Everyone he called either couldn’t do it because of another job, had another family, wasn’t nannying anymore, or was 16. He was beginning to give up hope, when he looked at the last name on his list.
Y/N Y/L/N - (xxx) xxx-xxxx
He tried not to be too hopeful going into the phone call, but when you said that you were available anytime, and were willing to meet with him the next day. He was very pleased to learn that you had worked with children in the past who had PTSD, and developmental disabilities. He knew you were the one already, and knew Maeve would be in the perfect hands with you.
He had religiously cleaned his apartment last night, making sure it was up to standard for a nanny. As he vacuumed Maeve’s playroom, he realized she needed more toys. She had a few, but definitely not enough to support her development. He also needed to get her more books.
Maeve seemed to know what was happening the next morning, because when August woke her up she was all smiles, rather than her grumpy and cuddly self, who cried over August accidentally dropping her favourite pacifier on the ground.
He got her changed and dressed, and put her in her playroom while he got showered and ready. It was a Saturday, and he knew that you wouldn’t be staying for more than an hour today, but he also wanted to appear professional in the beginning. You’d get to see the mess that he was after some missions later.
He immediately liked you. The meeting time was 10:30, and you showed up at 10:25. You had told him that you once worked a job where you had to be on the floor 5 minutes before your shift actually started, so you were in the habit of showing up 5 minutes early to everything.
Maeve instantly liked you as well. She’d crawled up to you, and gave you a hug, and then refused to leave your grasp once she was in it. You had brought her a stuffed elephant, and told her and August that you loved elephants and always gave them to new children you nannied.
He showed you around the apartment, and blushed when you commended him about the floor bed rather than forcing her to sleep in a crib. You also mentioned that it made you happy when parents cared less about fixing the PTSD and cared more about supporting their child and their needs at that point in time because the majority of parents you’d worked with used exposure therapy.
By the time that you’d left August’s apartment, he knew that he’d found a lifelong female presence for Maeve. He wasn’t blind, you were insanely beautiful, but he didn’t want to imply anything because if he was wrong, the only one who’d end up hurting was Maeve, and he didn’t like that.
August watched as Maeve crawled over to the couch, and climbed up. His heart melted when she pushed the curtain aside and waved a chubby hand as best as she could at you as you left the building.
August walked over and scooped her up. “Did you like Ms Y/N?” He asked, and took her excited babbles and hand gestures as a yes. August smiled, and set her down. She took off running (crawling) towards the playroom, adn August turned to make dinner.
As he cooked for the two of them, he thought back to what you had said about exposure therapy. It made him happy to know that he was doing what was considered the right thing, and not forcing her to sleep somewhere that was the cause of so much of her trauma. While he wasn’t thrilled he assembled it for nothing, he knew it wasn’t her fault. He could have fully read the file and skipped the crib when he was shopping, but at least he saved another mother some money and assembly time.
Later that night, as he sat with Maeve in her room as she drifted off to sleep, her hand curled around his pointer finger, he really hoped that this would work out.
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@kpopgirlbtssvt @nerdypinupcrystal @sohoseb @bieberhoodforever @crazy-avengers-gal
Henry Cavill:
@amberangel112 @rocket44 @angelicwolf98
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pixiedoodlein ¡ 3 years
I’m so fucking mad that a year and a half into this pandemic I am back to 11th hour debating another year of homeschool. The first stretch of homeschool, in NYC, when the toddler was a baby, and husband was home on unemployment, was good, nice even, a quiet piece of something good when the world outside was falling apart. The next stretch, the Oklahoma stretch, with a particularly climby toddler, husband working 10 hour days, me doing remote contract work, somewhere we had no family around to help w/ childcare, was challenging. I was not always my best self. Some days were delightful, muffins and math games. Other days I was more Miss Trunchbull than Miss Honey, fractions were squeezed in between crying (usually mine) and netflix (way too much of hers), and I held on to any shred of sanity by telling myself “just a little longer, just until the vaccines.”
Well here we are. Husband & I have been vaccinated for months, but the kids aren’t yet. The upstate NY town we moved to is a very small town (pop: 838), was mostly untouched by previous waves. When we got here, I couldn’t understand why everyone was so lax about it- no masks, no panic. Our first day here, when I came home from the market and saw through the window a gaggle of unmasked kids in my living room (the neighbors coming to welcome us, they heard a kid moved in) I almost had a heart attack. In fact, I was so tired from the drive from OKC that for a moment I actually thought I was at the wrong house, that I was hallucinating, because how in the world could there be unmasked bodies in my living room.
Then I started talking to people here. And I realized that the way I thought they were insane for not being deathly afraid of covid, they thought I was insane for being petrified. Because the disease hadn’t hit here; their businesses were destroyed and their kids were out of school (in a rural area with barely functional internet, remote school = a lost year) and their lives were totally fucked up, for a disease that never arrived at their doorstep. I came to understand why they weren’t worried, why here life looked (almost) normal. I told them about what it was like to live somewhere covid tore through, the freezer trucks of bodies on the FDR Drive and my previously healthy 27yld brother so sick with it the first spring he thought he was about to die (but too scared to go to a hospital), my dad’s relative in the next NYC wave on a vent for months and lucky to be alive but may never walk again, the doctors in OKC pleading on the news to please wear a fucking mask because the hospitals were fucking full, and the neighbors stopped thinking I was psycho when I carried extra masks for their kids, and made them put them on, when I took them to town for ice cream. I never stopped masking. But we did indoor dine here (once, BBQ, it wasn’t delicious enough for how anxious I felt) and I did bring all the kids, including my toddler, to a fairly crowded children’s museum in the big (small) city an hour away, where the rest of us were masked but the one with his hands in his mouth, who was all up in other kids’ faces, the one who really should be masked, wasn’t because he won’t leave it on for more than a minute.
Actually it’s a lie to say that I never stopped masking- I have dashed into little stores here, without one, because I’m vaxed! It’s safe here! Covid felt done. We had friends come here to visit this summer. Friends who are vaxed, but that doesn’t seem to really matter enough anymore. We had the neighbors over for meals, indoors (you see, more indoor dining! A minute ago I was just thinking restaurants, but why would plagues only spread in restaurants?). They had us for meals. The girls are a crew, new best friends, making my daughter’s life here so, so much happier, constant sleepovers (their kids were at our house this afternoon; my kid is at their house right now). The parents and grandparents are wonderful, making my life here, and husband’s life here, so much easier, so much better. We help them with stuff, they help us with stuff, there isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t see each other, unmasked. Some of the adults in their household are vaxed; some of the adults in their household are not. The kids are all too young to be vaxed. But it (living, doing shit again, seeing people again) really stopped feeling scary; it really felt like everything was fine, normal-ish, normal-er. The end of the pandemic felt in sight.
I signed my child up for school here. Real school, not mommy school, school with a school bus. She was a little anxious, I had to talk her into it, I sold it hard, I bought her whatever pair of new sneakers she wanted for her new school (she hasn’t had gym class in a year and a half; for a phase in Oklahoma she wore one boot and one sandal every day, why not). She wasn’t anxious about sneakers or covid; she was anxious that maybe she hadn’t learned enough in homeschool (I am not a teacher! I did not homeschool because I am good at it or love it or wanted to, I homeschooled because I was scared of her getting covid at school and dying), that she would be behind. She isn’t behind. I followed the real school curriculum as best I could (as in: sometimes totally and sometimes not at all), and somehow, when I gave her the standardized “real school” test “at the end of the year” (aka the day I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to focus on my work or I wasn’t going to have an income, the day I’d decided we’d done as much as we could and it was time to be done), she sailed through it, this kid is smart. Smart as in needs to be in actual real fucking school to stay smart and learn and reach her potential.
She got excited- one of the neighbor kids is in her grade. The other kid is older- but the school is small, she’d see her tons. She was excited; I was excited. I registered her for school. Her new teacher sent a nice note. We all were excited. She’s never taken the school bus before but the neighbors take it and she’d be fine on the bus with her besties, the bus would pick her up in front of their house since there’s nowhere to turn around up our hill (we are VERY rural), they’d all get on and off the bus together. She has been backpack shopping. We have been discussing what she’ll have for breakfast (honey nut Cheerios), what she wants me to pack for lunch (she says just Goldfish, I say turkey sandwich, we’re working on it).
But now, 18 days before school starts here, I am thisclose to pulling her out, to embarking on another lovely (not), gratifying (not) year of homeschool, because of covid, delta. When we got to our new home in our new tiny town in June, there was no covid here. Now, our county is listed by the CDC as a high transmission area (is there anywhere in the US that isn’t?). 80% of senior citizens here are vaxed; 50% of the total population is, well below the national average. 15 cases per 100,000, in a county of 100,000. I guess this is less rampant than our previous pandemic locales, NYC (currently 25/100K), OKC (49/100K). This is splitting hairs, everywhere is bad. This is what panic does to me: are we better or worse for every decision we’ve made in the past year and a half, every decision that got us here? There are fewer cases here but fewer people and fewer vaccinated people and fewer ICU beds. We aren’t safe even here, but at least we are happy (happy aside from fear of delta death).
I don’t know whether to send my kid to school in 18 days. There will be masks but masks aren’t enough (how many masks do I make her wear? two, ten, a thousand?). This choice feels crazy— in March 2020, when that covid was mostly sparing kids, I yanked her out of school. Now, this covid does hurt kids. How much longer, how many more years, can parents be in this position to make this nightmare choice? What will hurt her more: school or no school? There are vaccines, more than enough in America. We shouldn’t be having to make this choice.
As it is, because of toddler— not because of toddler, because of being a parent to children in a pandemic— my work life, and husband’s, will be severely impacted this year, again. I can’t send him to daycare because he’s too little to leave a mask on (he won’t even leave his pants on!) in a room full of other unmasked toddlers, whose families may or may not be vaxd, may or may not wear masks (there has been a noticeable increase in supermarket mask wearing since we got here, but still not enough, is any of it enough?), may or may not be going to parties and weddings and funerals, daycare providers who may or may not be doing all the same. This means I can only apply to remote jobs, so I can be home with him. Husband has some flexibility, more than he did in OKC, but god forbid he has to work while I have a work call or meeting or work due I didn’t manage to get done at 4am or 11pm when the house is quiet. He can’t bring toddler to work with him, his work is up on scaffold, stenciling ceilings. This will be another year of me muting myself on Zooms while toddler pulls his diaper off and hurls poop at the cat. Would it really be so much harder to also be trying to teach parts of speech to our daughter at the same time? Yes, it would, but I don’t know if I can send my kids back out into the world until they’re vaccinated. I am counting the days, holding my breath, until they can be.
I used to believe in personal choice. I don’t anymore. I want this shit to be mandated, I want the government to line us up and force mRNA into holdouts’ arms, I want it to be required, to be able to function in and interact with and benefit from society in any way, shape, or form. I have been very lucky in the pandemic. Privilege stacked on privilege on privilege, to be fussing over my Zooms in my hamlet. I had been pretty pandemic perky, baking my pies and playing with my pandemic pets and (thinking about) doing puzzles, but I’ve reached my breaking point. This shit could be done, but it’s not, and I’m scared it never will be.
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17caratssi ¡ 3 years
Wonwoo! Will you stay
Jeon Wonwoo! A short series pt one | two | three | four After the rejection, Wonwoo finds your persistence cumbersome. Surprisingly, the quarrel results in you getting new friends.
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Our current parents are not the ones who really had you. In actuality, you were adopted to a loving couple that has had no child for 7 years. Your biological parents were too poor to raise another child, and they chose to put you into adoption when you were only 5 months.
When the couples saw you in the centre, they immediately fell in love with you and agreed to take you as their child. You had your name registered under your father's last name and basically became the daughter of their family.
It was illegal at that time, but your parents were desperate to have a child.
It didn't shock you the first time you were disclosed to this information. You don't look like your mother or father, and the brats at school keep suggesting that you're adopted. Your parents then decided to tell you despite your young age.
"You are our daughter. No matter what others say, we love you with our full hearts. Don't forget that, darling," was what your mother told you 12 years ago.
You know they are the best family you could ever have, and they always do. Occasionally, you would thank them. Your mother was never fond of you thanking them, and your dad doesn't have the heart to scold you for the same reason.
He hates it too, but you want them to know that you're very grateful to them.
Your father turns to look at you and stroke your head tenderly. "Where can I find the best daughter like this in this world?"
"You can't anymore. The world only has one best daughter, and that's me~."
"You're super right!" he pinches your nose playfully and has you giggle. "Let's go home. Mommy said she has something for you,"
The next day, you walk to your seat and sit quietly. You feel quite tired from the lacking of sleep. Your friend from America called you last night, and it continued until 3 in the morning. You were too guilty to tell her that you have school in the morning and have to sleep.
In the end, you only got 3 hours of sleep before getting ready for school.
You rest your head on the table and shut your eyes. The students are not making any noises, and you quickly fall asleep.
Wonwoo comes in when you already wake up. He is pretty late as compared to others.
You greet him with a good morning and directly ask. "Your house isn't that far. Why are you late?"
Wonwoo pulls his chair and sits. He's quiet on usual, so you don't know if he's normal or moody.
"Wonwoo, what do you think they have for lunch?"
"Wonwoo, can you teach me Physics? I'm most terrible at it.."
"Wonwoo, what club are you planning to join? Let me join you, OK?"
"Wonwoo, what did you say?" you ask again. You have lost count of how many times to call his name. Wonwoo... Wonwoo... It just rolls off the tongue.
Wonwoo raises his head and faces you. He opens his thin lips and repeats his words.
"You're. So. Freaking. Annoying," he utters word by word as if tearing your heart pieces by pieces. It sends you into speechless mode.
Though he tries to speak through his teeth, some students can still hear him. The girls in front of you are flabbergasted by the vulgar word Wonwoo used.
Never have they ever assumed Wonwoo could be crude to a girl. They study your face, but you're smiling.
"I thought I made it clear yesterday that I'm not at all interested in you. I find you annoying since the first time we meet. You're just a stuck-up rich kid that has no shame," Wonwoo canes his chin with his palm and continues.
"Just look at you. Which part of you is charming? I'll tell you this. Maybe you can get the white boys to line up within a snap of a finger, but I'm not like them. I hate all the girls most when they're rich and think they're superior to others. I don't have to clarify with you which category you're in, right?"
When you and the girls think he's done, you all are wrong.
"I think I should be more clear with you-"
"Enough." the girl with shorter hair stands up and kicks his table. "You could've just rejected her nicely, but you prefer being an asshole, don't you?" she says. Her eyes are burning with rage as he stares at Wonwoo, and they only calm after her seatmate pulls her arm.
"Yeah, Somi's right. I'll talk to the teacher about this, Y/N. We'll have you swap seats with some boy," you read her nametag- Umji, and you're about to say something when Wonwoo interferes.
What he has to say is just him admitting that he agrees with Umji. "Tell everything to the classroom teacher. I can't be bothered sitting next to someone's so annoying,"
"Stop it now, will you?" Somi flares again, and Wonwoo resumes his previous business.
Umji and Somi really keep their word and tell the homeroom teacher the morning incident. The arrangement changes, and you sit with a girl in the second row.
Since then, it's quite difficult to peek at Wonwoo without being noticed.
Every day after school ends, Wonwoo flees before you catch up to him. You want to apologize to him, but the whole week has passed. In the meantime, you make friends with Somi and Umji. The depressing, lonely days become less severe with them.
During the recess, the three of you go to the field and settle on a metal bench. Somi's boyfriend is a basketball player, so she always watches over him at the basketball court.
"Why are your face so red, Y/N?" Umji cups your cheeks and jiggles them. "Are you sick?"
You shake your head from side to side and breathes out loudly. You've been holding to ask them about Wonwoo, and now's the time!
"I want to ask something, but don't get mad. How's Wonwoo's doing?" you literally rap.
"Slow down, Y/N! I don't get you-" Umji holds your shoulder and soothes your nervous heart, but Somi is quick-witted. She reiterates to Umji and then glances at you.
"What's so nice about that a-hole? You still think about him?"
Umji doesn't deny that, but she's curious about Wonwoo. "I don't know. Is it me, or Wonwoo appears to be quieter after you change seat,"
"It's good, though. I hate it when he opens his filthy mouth. I can't forget what he said to Y/N!" you keep silent when Somi makes a comment.
"Maybe he cares about me after all?" you say, unabashed.
Somi frowns and leans forward. "Have you lost your mind, Y/N?"
You shake your head rapidly. "To be honest, I don't feel angry at him for saying that to me. I was wrong in the first place, so he has all the right to snap at me," you sip the grape juice.
Somi and Umji are in disbelief, and it entertains you.
"I don't know if this is true love or you're too naive,"
Umji chooses, "True love, it is," which sounds extremely unpleasant to Somi. She turns away and fakes a gag. "Blergh! Don't you dare encourage her, Umji,"
"Let's go to class," Somi says after regaining her composure. You've been straining the urge to pee since the break started; therefore, you excuse yourself to the toilet, and the two go back to the class without you. On the way, you accidentally bump into your seatmate, Ahin, in the toilet.
She's with her friends, talking about someone.
As you enter a cubicle, you hear a familiar name being mentioned by a girl.
"Wonwoo..." following after is barely audible, "...bullied,"
Wonwoo packs his things up and is ready to leave. He hangs the strap on his shoulder, crossing his torso and kicks the chair. The others who are aware of his precedented action make way for him.
You see him and quickly follow after. Close.. very close, and you grab by his bag.
"You're so fast!" you pant.
"Let go,"
"No! Are you getting in or not?" Not responding to you, you pull him by force into the elevator. Good thing; there's no one else besides you two.
You don't waste a second as you make a quick X-ray on him.
"No bruise, no cuts? Are you really being bullied?" you are still gripping his hands while asking him.
Not liking the skin contact, Wonwoo twists your limbs, dominates your wrists and rebukes. "I'll not repeat it. Get your hands off me!"
"I won't do so until you tell me," You undo the action and hold his again. "Are you being bullied, or you're the bully?"
The elevator opens, and Wonwoo escapes. You're too weak to hold against him, but he was just being kind as to not hurt you.
Since you can't do that again, you just chase after him a bit before jumping on his back. You adjust his bag and cling tightly to his neck.
"What are you doing? People are watching-"
"You don't like the attention, right? You might as well answer me!'
Wonwoo stops in his track. It's dangerous to move since you're not stable.
He exhales.
"The latter. Satisfied?"
"You're the bully?" you stretch your head to look at him. You did not expect that answer from him and squeal nonetheless.
"Thank god! I thought you're being bullied 'cuz if that's the case, I don't know what I'd do,"
What was that?.. Wonwoo wonders how could someone be happy when they're just met with a bully.
"Aren't you a fool?" he struggles to stand straight as you shift your weight to the side. "Get down now,"
"Oh," You climb down and instantly admire him again. "You're so cool!" with your clapping hands, you quick to remind him. "Don't let anyone bully you, alright?"
"My dad's here. Bye, Wonwoo!"
Wonwoo can't read you. He looks up to the sky and ponders. "Why would I listen to just anyone..."
Sorry for the short chapter. The next ones are much longer, at least to me lol (¯▿¯)
If you like this story, you might as well check out the others here !
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untaemedqueen ¡ 4 years
Little Prince or Princess
Jung Hoseok x Single Mom!Reader
WordCount: 7.7k
Genre: Smut, Fluff
Warnings: Impregnation Kink, Fellatio, Cunnilingus, Hair Pulling, Orgasm Denial, Multiple Orgasms, Cum Eating, Somnophilia, Degradation (Cum Slut)
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Hoseok enters the practice room early in the morning, he was always so good at learning the dances but this dance was especially difficult. He flicks the lights on with a yawn as he takes off his beanie. There were pieces of garbage scattered across the ground and on the seats.
"Mina!" Hoseok hears as a little girl runs into the room. Hoseok raises an eyebrow as the little girl waves at him. 
"Hi!" Hoseok says with a confused smile, you run into the room before bending down to pick up your daughter. 
"Sorry." You murmur sheepishly as you pick up your four year old. Hoseok takes in your worn out sweatpants and your two times to big sweatshirt with the tilt of his head. 
"What're you doing in here?" He asks referring to you and your daughter in the Big Hit building.
"Uhhh." You bite your lip nervously, "Sejin, do you know Sejin? He told me to stay here because we had no where to go. So I clean up in the night time." Hoseok sucks a breath in between his teeth. 
"Yeah. I know Sejin, he's my manager. Alright, then. I'm Hoseok." "Y/N. Mina. Just pretend we aren't here." He looks at Mina, how naive she looked, such a sweet looking little girl.
That was two years ago, "Baby!" Hoseok calls to you as he steps out of the bedroom, his hands scratching roughly at his bare chest as he yawn throwing his head back. You hum to him as you pack up Mina's lunch. 
"What's my girl doing?" Hoseok asks rhetorically as he kisses your temple. His feet padding against the heated floor as he opens the fridge. 
"Mina's lunch." You say putting the kimbap you made into her lunch box. 
"And where is my princess?" Hoseok asks looking around, as he cracks open his water. 
"She's sleeping still. I haven't had time to do it yet." Hoseok notices the way you press at your back with a tender touch, you had bags under your eyes and your skin looks dull. 
"I'll get her. Take it easy baby." Hoseok mutters, rubbing your lower back before walking towards Mina's room. You moved in a year and a half ago. Hoseok had kept it a secret that you lived in the Big Hit building for a while, to not embarrass you. And, to your surprise Hoseok always showed up hours earlier than he needed to be at the studio to help you clean and to play with Mina. He had really fallen for you, so when you had moved in everything felt like it was falling into place. But, as of late Hoseok has found something missing, something he couldn't put his finger on.
Hoseok opens Mina's door gingerly. Who he considers to be his daughter is laid up in her twin bed, her face pressed into the pillow as she sleeps on her stomach. Hoseok snorts shaking his head as he walks toward Mina. With the bend of his knees he is shaking her gently. "
Princess, it's time for school." Mina groans turning her head away from him. 
"Princess." Hoseok calls again gently. 
"No Daddy. No!" Mina whines loudly moving into a fetal position.  Hoseok smiles putting his elbow on the bed and his hand under his chin. 
"If you get up like a good princess you can come to practice with Daddy later and see your Uncles." Mina blinks her eyes before turning towards Hoseok with a smile. 
"I'm up." Hoseok chuckles as Mina hops out of bed. 
"Let's brush those teeth and get your uniform on." Mina nods yawning and wiping at her eyes. Hoseok pulls her uniform off of the back of the bedroom door before looking at the room. Mina had picked out the room decorations herself and Hoseok was surprised that he liked them as much as he did. His six year old had great taste as he looks around the artistic room. It was basically just a bunch of rainbow paint splatters with the Disney castle in the background but to Hoseok it was pretty. It represented Mina well. She was indeed Hoseok's princess, he had love for her as if she was his own child. He felt so blessed to have her and Y/N come into his life. Hoseok lays the uniform on Mina's bed before heading back out to the kitchen.
Hoseok smiles as you scoop rice out of the rice cooker. 
"Mina's going to come to the company later after school. Just stay home and relax, you look so tired." Hoseok announces as he slinks his arms around you. You were so happy he was home from tour, you don't know how you survived before him. 
"Alright. Thanks." Hoseok kisses your cheek sloppily making you laugh, 
"Anything for my Queen." He slaps your butt before grabbing the bowls of rice and putting them on the table. 
"Where's my princess?" Hoseok calls loudly as you plate up the fried eggs. You smirk at his words as he grabs kimchi out of the fridge. 
"Coming!" Hoseok smiles to himself as he closes the fridge door, leaning on it as he surveys his apartment. Mina's toys neatly piled up in the living room, the way you cook breakfast as a family, Hoseok couldn't be happier and still there was something missing. Hoseok blinks before tilting his head. 
"Is something missing?" He asks quietly making you turn towards him with a raised eyebrow. 
"Missing? Like materials missing?" Hoseok shakes his head before puffing out his cheeks. 
"No, I just... I can't explain it. Nevermind." He sets the kimchi in front of Mina's plate. 
"Yah! Jung Mina!" It wasn't long ago she adopted his name and you secretly got married in the court office. Silence creeps through the house as Hoseok peaks down the hallway. His feet pattering quietly before peaking into the room. Hoseok laughs loudly as you set down the rice on the table. You begin to laugh due to his infectious laughter. Mina lays in bed, half her shirt on, her school tie on her forehead as she sleeps with her mouth wide open. 
"Princess!" Hoseok bursts out dying of laughter falling to the floor putting his hand over his mouth.
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"Jung Mina!" Hoseok calls as he sits next to Yoongi as she jumps around to their new album. She turns to him, her hands on her knees as she giggles. Hoseok leans back against the wall with a smirk as he folds his arms. 
"I'm gunna get you!" Jimin yells making Mina squeal loudly as they run around the practice room. Jimin stepping behind her gingerly as she runs around 'chasing' her. 
"I'm proud of you." Yoongi says randomly as Sejin shuts off the comeback music. Hoseok turns his head towards Yoongi with a lazy smile. 
"Thanks, hyung." Jimin picks Mina up tossing her into the air making her scream with laughter. Hoseok chuckles as Jungkook walks over taking a seat on the floor next to his hyungs. 
“Hoseok hyung, when are you and Y/N going to have a baby of your own?” Hoseok tilts his head to Jungkook’s question. 
“We haven’t really talked about it.” Hoseok’s mind begins to drift, imagining you with his baby in your belly. He smirks closing his eyes, small dimples near the corners of his lips gracing his face as his cheeks bounce upwards. How beautiful you would look with his baby inside you, his thoughts remembering how gorgeous you looked in pictures you’ve showed him of when you were pregnant with your Mina. He gives a sigh of happiness as he pictures you combing your hair in front of your standing mirror your eye trained on you growing belly. Or even when you both lay in bed, how he could rest his cheek on your belly reading a story to his unborn baby. Hoseok groans loudly as Jimin throws Mina on to his lap, his eyes shooting open as he wraps his arms around her. 
“Hi Daddy!” Mina squeals happily hugging his neck. 
“Hi, princess.” Yoongi chuckles before looking back down at his lyric book. 
“I would like one.” Hoseok says to Jungkook and Jungkook begins to tickle Mina, her body thrashing around on Hoseok’s lap as she laughs loudly. 
“Mina! Come play with me!” Taehyung yells from across the room opening up his arms. Mina gasps happily before shoving herself off Hoseok making him wince as she steps on his foot. 
“Don’t run! You’re going to hurt yourself!” Hoseok calls out to her as she runs at Taehyung. She looks back at Hoseok before slowing her steps to a walk. 
“I mean, she is my daughter too. Y’know?” Hoseok lowers his voice hoping Mina doesn’t hear him, she hasn’t really put two and two together to know he isn’t her real dad and if she has, she never voices it. Which would be shocking because children are just basically drunk adults that say whatever they’re thinking and just trip and hurt themselves a lot, also they cry a lot like a lot of drunk people. 
“You and Y/N’s baby would be so cute though! Not..saying that Mina isn’t cute. She is. But-” 
“Stop talking or you’ll find yourself in trouble with her dad.” Yoongi says with a laugh to Jungkook. Hoseok chuckles before putting his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder. 
“I understand your heart. We should really talk about it, Y/N and I. I would like us to have a baby together.” Jungkook thrusts his fist up in the air. 
“See, that’s all I’m trying to get at.” Hoseok looks on as Jin and Taehyung dance with Mina in a goofy manner. Their limbs jutting out as they shake themselves to the rhythm of the song. Hoseok sits up putting his elbows to his knees as his fingers knit together under his chin. He stares at the floor thinking about you pregnant. Maybe that’s what is missing. His own baby with you. The practice room door flies open as you step inside, your face all smiles as you hold bags in your hands. 
“MOMMY!” Mina screams happily. 
“Hi my Mina bear!” You call sweetly as Jimin helps you with the bags, Hoseok stands up surprised. 
“Yah. I thought I told you to stay home and rest!” He chides walking over to you, you shrug with a smile as he wraps his arms around you and kisses you gently. 
“I brought dinner, I thought you would be working hard. But, I see that’s not the case.” You say eyeing as Jin and Mina dance together. Hoseok chuckles petting your head. 
“You didn’t have to, thank you baby.” 
“Y/N noona, is the best!” Jungkook cheers rifling through the bags of food. 
“Excuse me! What do you mean I’m not working hard! Look at this! I’m sweating! Dancing is an art! AN ART, Y/N. And, I am helping Mina become used to being an ARTIST.” Seokjin yells thrusting his pointed finger at Hoseok’s secret wife. You laugh before nodding. 
“Okay, oppa. Okay.” You pat his arm as you walk past him towards the table helping take out the boxes of food you’re been cooking all day for the members and Hoseok. 
“Mommy! I want soondubu jjigae.” Mina whines sitting on a chair at the table, her little legs swinging back and forth making Jimin and Taehyung squeal at the cuteness. 
“You do?! Well I must be the best mom ever then. Because guess what you get to eat?” Mina claps happily as you set down the bowl of stew in front of your daughter before taking off the lid. Hoseok kisses your cheek before grabbing two chairs for you and him. 
“Sit. Relax.” He says to you as he grabs the box of stir fried chicken. He watches as you talk to Mina, his eyes glancing over your whole body. He was a very lucky man, God really smiled down on him the day he met you.
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You lay in bed as Hoseok practices a few dance moves in your mirror before tilting his head. 
“I don’t know, it looks weird. I’ll have to talk to hyung tomorrow about it.” He jumps onto the bed with a loud groan, you look up from your phone with a smile as he puts his cheek on your breast. 
“I wanna talk to you about something.” Hoseok looks up at you, his eyes alight with happiness, you lock your phone giving him your full attention as he sits up straight. 
“Can we have a baby of our own?” You look down at him surprised. You hadn’t really thought about it, everything has been so perfect that you didn’t think of things like this all too often. he’s made your life so amazing and meaningful that you would do anything for him. 
“Yeah, of course we can. I didn’t know you thought of things like this.” You whisper as Hoseok drags his fingers over the skin of your thighs absentmindedly. 
“I haven’t thought of it too much but recently it’s like something is missing you know? And today Kook brought up a kid of our own and I love Mina, I mean she’s my princess but a child of my OWN y’know? I want that, I want us to have a baby.” You sit up resting against the light grey wall. 
“I get that. I want us to have a baby, too.” Hoseok leans in and kisses you gently. 
“You should stop taking your birth control then, let’s get prepared for it.” The aura between you and Hoseok was always a natural thing, there was never any weirdness or ill words spread between you. You were each others rocks, both leaning against each other in case one would end up falling. The most intimate things talked about between you both were held with such confidentiality and were toned with such comfort. Hoseok rubs your flat stomach putting his head on your shoulder. 
“I want a boy. Will you do that for me, Y/N? Will you give me a boy?” Your lips sputtering into a giggle as you lean your head on top of his, “I can try.” 
The sound of Hoseok’s return chuckle making you smile, “Whatever we have, I’ll love.”
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The morning spring air rises over Seoul in a gracious sweep as Hoseok steps out of the rental car coming from the airport. It was always nice to be back home, especially when he was away from his wife and daughter for two months. The rest of the boys piling out behind him as he gives a large stretch of his arms. 
“See ya! Yuna made me breakfast!” Taehyung calls with a smile as he diverges off to his own apartment. 
“Come on, hyung. Singletons like us should eat together, no?” Jungkook says to a sleepy Jimin as he swings his arm over his shoulder. 
“Give Mina a kiss for me.” Yoongi says to Hoseok as he pulls his hoodie over his head, heading in the direction of Taehyung’s apartment building. Hoseok had been thinking of different ways to bring up making the baby, of course the obvious way would be to just initiate sex but he wanted something romantic. He wanted Y/N to feel as if she was being transported to cloud 9. 
“I’ll see you and Mina later?” Jin calls to Hoseok pointing at him as his feet carry him to the adjacent apartment building to his left. Hoseok gives him a thumbs up ripping him out of his thoughts. The plans for tonight were a weekend getaway, just Hoseok and Y/N. It was blatantly obvious how they needed a vacation, especially Y/N with how hard she works to take care of Mina while Hoseok is pretty much always busy. He finds time for his family but tonight, just him and his secret wife would be going on a weekend getaway. 
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Hoseok grabs a bag throwing in some of your clothes as he peaks quickly at the shut bedroom door, you never shut doors in this house and if you were to see it Hoseok knows you would get suspicious but he was counting on you getting Mina ready for school. Hoseok grabs a bra of yours and a few random pairs of panties before stuffing them into the bag. His eyes constantly shifting nervously to the door. He could hear you talking to your daughter out at the breakfast table, your melodic voice creeping through the walls to grace his ears. 
“Shirts, pants.” Hoseok mumbles quietly to himself before he hears your footsteps. 
“Babe?” You ask confused knocking on the door. Hoseok lets out a sigh as he slings the bag on to the bed as the door opens. 
“Yes?” He asks quietly trying to look normal, your head peaks in and you look around the room before spotting the bag on the bed. You nod to it, an eyebrow raised. 
“What’s that?” Hoseok pouts before sitting on the bed. 
“I wanted it to be a surprise.” Hoseok sighs loudly before throwing himself back on the bed, his bottom lip puffing out as he pushes out his cheeks in sorrow. You laugh entering the room and shutting the door behind you. 
“A surprise?” You sit on his lap and his hands on instinct rise up to hold you steady not to fall. He looks up at you before letting out a cute whine. 
“I was trying to do it quickly but you are too good at knowing when someone’s trying to be sneaky.” He sits up rocking you back and forth as you pull his face mask off his ears with a chuckle. 
“That’s called mom instinct.” Hoseok snorts hooking his chin into your shoulder. 
“When we have a baby will I get dad instinct?” You purse your lips before nodding. 
“Probably. So, what’s the surprise?” Hoseok closes his eyes, he didn’t want to tell you but if you didn’t know you probably wouldn’t go with him. 
“I’m taking you on a weekend getaway.” He whispers leaning his forehead onto the shell of your ear. You gasp happily before turning towards him. 
“Really?! It’s been so long since we’ve gone on a date.” He hums in agreement kissing your forehead. 
“Mina is going to stay with Jin and Eunbi this weekend, is that okay?” You tilt your head before looking towards the closed door. 
“This is the first time she’ll be without me.” You feel guilty leaving your daughter but sometimes you want just you and Hoseok time and that doesn’t count when she goes to bed and you lay with Hoseok in bed for two hours talking and then falling asleep. 
“You deserve some get away time, my wife works so hard to take care of our princess. No? Let’s just take this weekend to get away and relax.” And make a baby, although he wasn’t telling you that. He has been tracking your ovulation after your last period, even having an app on his phone letting him know when you would be fertile for his baby. It was hidden away in his schedule planning folder in case you went into his phone. “Alright, one weekend wouldn’t hurt.”
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“Let’s go Mrs. Hoseok.” Hobi whispers putting on his black bucket hat and his sunglasses as he steps out of the company car. Sejin looks back from the drivers seat before giving you a wave. 
“Have fun!” You wave back at him as Hoseok grabs your carry on bag. It was a weekend trip to Japan, you had gone only once with him and it was troublesome. You couldn’t enjoy your stay when Mina got sick with the flu on that trip. Hoseok was out with the guys filming for most of it while you stayed holed up in the hotel room with Mina, getting sick yourself from taking care of her. But, this time you would get to experience Japan brightly. 
“What part of Japan are we going to?” You ask quietly as Hoseok pulls your wrist quickly as girls wait for whatever kpop group would be leaving Korea today. You look over Hoseok’s attire, it was incredibly plain. No special name brands to speak of as he ushers the both of you off to the side of the entrance. Hoseok clears his throat as you get inside, his feet padding over the floor quietly but with urgency. Him being so cautious was normal to you, especially since you both were a secret. Camera’s couldn’t be everywhere all the time but if one camera could capture him perfectly, you were both screwed and you wouldn’t want that for the man you loved so dearly. Screams echo behind him and Hoseok jumps out of fright. 
“Aish.” He whines putting his hand over his heart as his grey hoodie sags forward with his body. 
“Pick up the pace, babe.” He whispers lowly as you reach the check in desk. 
“Good morning.” Hoseok bows handing her both of your passports and tickets. 
“Very good, Mr. Jung we’ll take you back to VIP.” Hoseok was happy that the attendant was an older woman, gives less of a chance to know who he is, although she didn’t indicate anything by looking at his passport photo. She comes out from around the desk before escorting you to the VIP lounge. 
“Fuji, Japan.” Hoseok clarifies your earlier question, you squeal happily making him chuckle as you clutch onto his waist now that you both were out of sight walking through the VIP hallway of the airport. He ruffles your hair pulling down his face mask with a smile. “Anything for my Queen, hmm?”
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Fuji, Japan was beautiful in the spring. Cherry blossom petals falling all around you as you sit on the deck of the cabin over looking the Fuji mountains. The sunset was incoming and it brought the most gorgeous pinkish hue to the landscape in front of you. All of the trees clustering together in uniformity brings a calming sigh to your lips as you stare off into the vast distance of Japan’s wondrous views. Hoseok leans against the door frame of the cabin’s balcony taking you into his sights as he holds a glass of wine in each hand. Your body shielded by your black night gown. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Hoseok announces to the open mountains as you turn to look at him with a smile, your elbow landing underneath your chin as he walks out shirtless. 
“Is this everything you wanted?” Hoseok asks handing you a glass of red wine, his arm snaking around your waist as you look over his six pack abs. 
“Everything.” Hoseok smiles widely, his eyes shutting in the process as he shows you his perfect teeth. 
“Good.” He was such a happy virus you could never feel down when he’s around. 
“This is gorgeous.” Hoseok says taking in the view, the wind blowing through the distant trees as the fireplace on the balcony begins to crackle as logs of wood catch fire. Hoseok leads you over to the two woven chairs in front of the fireplace. You sit down before throwing your feet over his lap as he takes a sip of his wine. Hoseok lets out a groan of happiness loudly before hearing it echo.
“Oh! My God!” He says in English before you two sputter off into laughter. Hoseok begins to rub your calf putting his wine glass down on the small square table in between your chairs. 
“It’s been two years but it feels like forever.” Hoseok says as he watches the flames engulf the wood, watching embers burning and rising before falling flat. You nod to his words before drinking the wine in hand. 
“So much has happened but it feels like it’s always been this way.” 
“Right?! Wah. We’re something else, huh?” You giggle at him before folding your arms. 
“I have a wife and a daughter now, that’s so crazy. And soon we’ll have our own baby.” You didn’t really talk about it after that night Hoseok had asked you for a baby of his own but you knew it would happen when you were ready. Hoseok’s fingers begin to massage at your skin, the warmth of his fingertips radiating into you. 
“Sometimes I think about what would have happened if I showed up to the company an hour or two later. How disappointing my life would be if I never got to meet you. God really knows how to smile on those when they’re going through a rough time.” 
“It’s true. I was in a really ugly place when I met you and look how happy our life is now.” Hoseok nods before picking up his glass, watching as the legs of his wine run thickly back into the glass. 
“Come on, let’s go inside, it’s getting chilly.” He says patting your calf as the breeze blows your hair around, chilling you thoroughly to the bone.
Hoseok was on you in seconds as soon as you step inside, the alcohol fueling the raging fire deep in his heart and in his loins as he wraps both arms around you. His lips kissing you fervently as he pushes you towards the bed, you whimper against him feeling the urgency of his steps. 
“Give me.” He says grabbing the wine glass out of your hand before discarding the glasses on to the side table of the room without a second glance. Your hands beginning to roam over his toned abs as the back of your knees meet the edge of the bed. You wobble for a second before pulling Hoseok down with you, your hand hooking around the back of his neck. 
“I love you.” He whispers against your lips as his fingers begin to lay with the hem of the night gown he loved to see you in. You mutter out an, “I love you.” As Hoseok begins to lift your night gown, his tongue peaking out and licking his lower lip as you gaze up at his flushed face, whether it was the alcohol or his arousal you wouldn’t know. It was a good kind of strange knowing you wouldn’t have to worry about your daughter waking up in the middle of your sex to ask for water or to tell you she has to use the restroom. Something which Hoseok alerts you of as well as he takes a sharp inhale of breath when he sees your already damp panties. 
“You can be as loud as you want tonight, baby.” Hoseok’s fingers begin to run circles around your inner thighs, his thin pajama pants beginning to rise to the occasion as you whimper out for him once more calling his name. 
“I love to hear my name fall from your lips.” Hoseok whispers before capturing your lips with his as he straddles you, one knee pressed down into the cabin room’s bed on either side of you. His hips grinding down on you making your head lull back as his lips trail down your neck. Hoseok’s tongue lavishing over the heated skin of your neck as he gives gentle sucks, his hands coming up to fondle your clothed breasts. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby.” His touch is needy but romantic all the same as begins to roughly shove up your night gown. His bottom lip now tucked in between his teeth as his pupils blow out with lust as you lay under him naked. Your breasts swaying as you lay back down as he throws the night gown across the room. 
“Oh Christ.” He whispers before his head dips down, his tongue flicking at your nipple before enveloping it into his mouth giving harsh suckles. Your moans ricocheting off the walls for Hobi as you try to press your thighs together. 
“Open.” He whispers above your breast smacking at your inner thighs before giving your nipple a playful nip. Your chest begins to rise and fall unevenly, like the wind has been sucked out of you leaving you lifeless. Hoseok’s fingers begin to rake over your panties, feeling your arousal through the thin fabric. 
“So horny for me. I love it.” His lips trailing sloppy kisses down your stomach before reaching the top of your underwear, his teeth capturing the band before pulling them lower. Hoseok never takes his eyes off you, loving how completely undone you become underneath him. 
“Look at how hard you make my cock.” He says pulling down his pajama pants, his cock springing back leaving a spot of pre-cum against his lower stomach as it makes a small thud against his body. 
“So fucking hard for me.” You whisper palming at his two-toned cock, the lighter half becoming red with anticipation. 
“Everything you do feels so good. Fuck.” He whispers before taking off your panties fully and discarding them elsewhere. 
“Let me see my pussy.” He shoves your legs open, prying at your knees before coming face to face with your swollen, needy cunt. He licks at his lips before pulling your body down towards him, although his frame was thin he was strong. His muscles defined in all the right places as hooks your legs over his shoulders. 
“How sweet do you taste?” His brown eyes staring up at your face as he gives a flat swipe with his tongue, licking up your spilling juice. You moan loudly as his lips encase your clit.
Hoseok pays attention to what you like, which is why whenever you’re in bed together you’re on cloud nine, giving you multiple orgasms. Hoseok wasn’t a show off while you were in bed, he says all the right things and gives you a good fucking and you could never be mad at it but tonight something was different. His urgency, the willingness to please you, he had something up his sleeve. His tongue licking quick circles around your clit as he shoves a finger inside you without warning. His own lips letting out a moan against you at how tight and sopping wet you were for him. His finger grazing over that one rough patch inside your pussy that had you weeping underneath him. You tasted so sweet, you must be fertile for him today. He wouldn’t stop tonight until you were pregnant with his child. He slips in another finger before pulling back from your clit, his mouth, chin and cheeks coated in your arousal. 
“You taste so fucking good baby.” You moan Hoseok’s name once more as he begins to finger you quicker, the veins in his arms bulging out as he watches from above with a cocky smirk. 
“You love when I finger fuck you, don’t you? How about when I do this?” Your eyes roll back as he gives constant taps and stokes against your g-spot. 
“Oh Fuck!” You cry out gripping at his shoulders, he hums in agreement before going down on you once more. His tongue doing the classic spelling of Hangul against you as he works you towards your orgasm. A deep ache working its way into the pit of your stomach as you pull at Hoseok’s black hair. His face looking divine as he scrunches his eyes up loving the way your body twitches at his actions. 
“Hobi!” You cry out, your body beginning to crest at the peak of your pleasure, Hoseok gives a harsh suckle to your clit and just like that. It was as if fireworks had gone off, your thighs shaking as you squirt over his face and neck. He chuckles darkly pulling away from you, thrusting his fingers in and out gently letting you ride out your high. 
Hoseok had done a lot of research for tonight, looking up the best position to be in to get pregnant, the best motions for his cock, everything. So when he picks your arousal up off your pussy lips and taste it, he doesn’t find it odd how stringy and how candy-like in sweetness it tastes. 
“You made a mess of me, lick it up.” He says pulling you up into a sitting position, your mind still swimming as you feel boneless. 
“Come on, baby.” Hoseok goads you caressing your cheek as you watch as your cum drips down his collarbone towards his chest. You blink rapidly collecting yourself before pushing him down onto the bed, he smirks as you take charge. His hands bunching up your hair into his fist as you lick up your cum. 
“You taste how sweet it is for me?” You moan in response licking over his neck and his collarbone. 
“It’s so sweet because you’re fertile.” You stop your licks before pulling back and looking down at him, Hoseok’s hands begin grazing over your hips. His tongue pushing into the indent of your hip bones making you groan. 
“You’re fertile to have my baby inside you. I’m going to fuck my baby into you tonight.” You go wide eyed as Hoseok grabs your hair once more. You furrow your eyebrows as he smiles up at you. 
“You’ve been keeping track?” You ask almost embarrassed. 
“Of course I have, I want nothing more than to see my baby inside you.” You press your legs together, your lower body beginning to thump in pleasure at the realization. 
“Don’t you want that? My baby making you all pretty and swollen? Getting to rub your big belly with my baby in there?” You let out a whimper at his words, he was fueling your fire for the second time tonight as he pulls at your hair. 
“Suck on my cock baby and I’ll tell you how badly I want to see you impregnated with my baby.” You comply to his request, taking his long cock into your hand. You give a few good pumps before kissing the tip of his head, Hoseok groans happily as you pull back his pre-cum stringing from his cock to your lips as you lick it up. Your mouth encasing the head of his cock, tongue swirling circles around it making Hoseok throw his head back with gritted teeth. 
“Oh fuck, you’re so sexy. You suck such good cock.” You hum in agreement as you dip your head down his length, pumping whatever doesn’t fit in your mouth with your hand. 
“I can’t wait until you suck my cock with my baby inside you. How sweet you’ll look rubbing your belly for me as you take a load in your mouth.” You moan as you feel arousal dripping down your bare thighs, Hoseok’s eyes catch sight of this and he bites his lip. 
“You like it too? The thought of being so heavy with my baby? I love picturing you like that.” He begins to pull at your hair, taking a deep breath in through his nose as your flat licks begin to send his cock throbbing in your mouth. 
“Stop, I don’t want to cum in your mouth.” You lift your head off of him slowly, his mouth opening slightly as he watches you lick at the tip. 
“I said stop.” He mutters pulling at your hair making you bite your bottom lip. He takes your face into his sights, the way your pupils are blown out and how red and swollen your lips are makes him weak to you. 
“You look like a sexy little cum slut, right about now.” His thumb and index finger opening your mouth as he thrusts his thumb in, you give his thumb gentle suckles as he sits up, his free hand rubbing at your breast. Hoseok lays you down, pumping his cock as you spread your legs for him. 
“I’m only cumming inside your pussy until you are pregnant with my baby.” He waits until his orgasm goes back to lying in wait before aligning the head of his cock to your pussy. His cock wasn’t the thickest but it was long and pleasurable in it’s own right and by God, did he know how to use it. 
“Fuck, you’ll look so pretty with my kid in you.” Hoseok rolls your nipples between his fingertips as he prods the head of his cock into you, once again you become a moaning mess underneath him for the second time tonight. 
“Yes! Hoseok! Fuck me!” 
“What do you want, baby? Tell me what you want.” He teases you pumping just the head in and out. 
“Fuck! I want you to fuck your baby into me.” Hoseok smirks before pushing his hair back off his sweating forehead. 
“Good girl.” With one thrust he’s deep inside you, the head of his cock ramming into your cervix entrance making you moan loudly. 
“Oh my fu-” Hoseok bites out a moan as he thrusts into you, the heaviness of his balls slapping against your ass with every thrust as he moans loudly for you. 
“Y/N! Oh, fuck, baby.” Hoseok’s forehead pushing into your neck as he begins to plunge his cock deep inside you with every thrust. His hips changing from straight thrusts to rolling his hips around. Your throat going dry from your moaning as you grab at his back, scratching your fingernails into his tan skin. 
“I can’t wait till my baby is deep inside you, Y/N.” He whispers into your ear lovingly, his hips rolling against you gently letting his bare pubic bone graze against your clit. 
“Hoseok.” You moan wantonly grabbing onto his arms. 
“You’re going to take my cum like such a good girl, aren’t you baby? Going to let me swell up your belly and make your breasts filled with milk.” Your eyes rolling back into your head as he grits his teeth once more pulling your knees up to your chest. 
“I want you put your baby into me so badly.” Hoseok’s head falling back as he feels his orgasm coming on stronger than before he denied it before. “I have a big load of cum for you too. So much of it for you.” 
Your take your breasts into your hands as Hoseok fucks you roughly, his eyes watching as you flick at your nipples begging for his cum. The bubbling feeling in the pit of your stomach comes in full force as Hoseok spits on your pussy, his fingers rubbing at your clit. 
“I want to watch you cum again, become a moaning mess under me.” The room was stagnant with heat as the over pornographic sound of your wet pussy fills the room. 
“Hoseok!” Your eyes squeezing shut. 
“Fuck, Y/N. You’re so tight. Jesus Christ!” Hoseok curses, his body developing that sheen layer of sweat you love to see knowing he works so hard at pleasing you. 
“I want your baby so badly! Please fuck a baby into me!” Hoseok moans lowly as he pulls up the hood of your clit, the bubbling feeling in your stomach reaching the precipice and fizzling out as you cum loudly practically screaming for your husband. Your pussy clutching at Hoseok’s cock, trying to siphon Hoseok’s cock of his cum. 
“Oh-ho, fuck!” Hoseok opens his mouth before groaning loudly, cumming without warning as he gives one last harsh thrust into your pussy. His body falling onto yours as the head of his cock makes contact with your cervix opening. His cum coating the inside of your womb and your cervix as you whimper out feeling the warmth of it. Hoseok breathes heavily picking himself off of you, you giggle as he lets out a large sigh before smiling. His cheeks bouncing upwards as he pulls your knees up to your chest. 
“Stay like that for a bit. Don’t let any come out.” He pulls his cock out slowly before grabbing some tissues from a box by the bedside table and wiping his cock off. He throws himself down next to you before kissing you gently. 
“I love you, baby girl.” You kiss his cheek before letting out an exasperated sigh. 
“I love you too.” Hoseok sputters his lips before kissing your flat tummy. 
“I can’t wait until my Jung Prince or Princess is in here.” He rubs at your stomach before putting his head on your breast. His eyes shutting in comfortable delight as he listens to your fast heartbeat begin to level out.
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Hoseok wakes up before looking around, it was pitch black outside in Fuji, Japan. “Oh right, we’re in Japan.” The dream that he had that sent his mind into overdrive waking him up lingers in his thoughts. 
You were helping Mina with her homework, sitting on the couch comfortably as you supported your heavy belly with your hand. One arm underneath the engorged skin and the other rubbing comfortable circles as Hoseok’s baby squirms around inside you. Hoseok watches on at the scene from the kitchen as he grabs a pepper out of the fridge to get ready for dinner. “Baby?” Hoseok calls out before holding up the pepper, “Okay for our little one?” Hoseok asks making sure spiciness was okay for the baby. You look over before giving him a smile and a thumbs up. 
“It’s a boy.” Hoseok mutters before looking at your sleeping figure. Your hand on his chest with your leg thrown over his as you sleep peacefully beside him. Hoseok could feel his cum leaking out of you onto his leg and he raises his eyebrows. 
“Fuck, it’s all coming out.” He whispers panic stricken, his fingers trying to shove the cum back inside of you before whining quietly. 
“What if our boy doesn’t come?” Hoseok pushes your leg off of him slowly before inching down the bed at a slow pace to try and keep you sleeping. He situates himself sitting back on his knees as he pries your legs open watching as globs of cum begin to relieve itself out of your pussy. 
“No.” Hoseok whines as puts a disappointed hand to his forehead. Maybe he should fuck you again just in case. He begins to pump at his cock watching how his cum trails down to your perineum. How would it taste? Your cum and his mixed together deliciously, he begins to lap it up with his tongue. His eyes rolling back at the musky yet sweet taste of it. 
“Oh shit.” He whispers prodding his tongue into your cunt trying to grab it all on to his tongue for a quick swallow. You stir in your sleep as Hoseok keeps the cum on the flat of his tongue, swiping it up and down your folds letting it froth up white on your pussy lips and clit.  He swallow what is left on his tongue before pulling back to admire his work. 
“Shit. Look at that.” He whispers pumping his rock hard cock to the way your pussy looks deliciously coated with his seed. 
“Baby?” Hoseok calls to you quiet, the sounds of nature slipping into the room as Hoseok aligns himself trying not to wake you. 
“I’ll fuck you awake then.” He whispers, he enters you holding back a moan, your pussy wet from all of his cum. He gives short strokes rubbing at his own chest and arms. His eyes watching as your eyebrows furrow in your sleep. 
“Good girl.” Hoseok whispers as he begins to pluck at your nipples with your fingers. 
“How gorgeous you’ll be with my so inside you. So fucking sexy.” He lets out a small moan as his hips begin to pick up speed, a whimper leaving your mouth as Hoseok bends over you taking your nipple into his mouth as he rolls his pelvic bone against your clit grinding down on it. Little flicks of the tip of his tongue against your nipple stir you awake, you blink confused before pleasure takes over your bottom half as you wake up. 
“H-Hoseok?” You whimper out looking out the window at the pitch black sky. Hoseok lifts his head off your breast to groan at the feeling of your pussy. 
“It was all coming out, I have to put more in for our baby.” He announces noticing that you’ve woken up. You moan as he begins to thrusts deeper and harder all the while clutching at your hips. 
“I have to put another load into you, you need to get big with my son. Like in my dream.” He rambles like a mad man, your eyes shutting as mewls roll off your tongue. Your fingers dipping down between your legs as you rub at your clit. Hoseok grabs at your tits pumping you full of cock.
“I can’t wait to taste your sweet milk from your breasts. How puffy and dark your nipples will be for me and my baby.” You moan at his words rubbing quicker circles on your clit as you feel his cock beginning to throb inside you. 
“I can’t wait to be big with your baby. I want you to fuck me rubbing my big belly.” Hoseok groans just thinking about how nice and big you would be on all fours in front of him, his chest meeting your back as he rubs your belly while pummeling his cock into you. 
“You’re going to look so beautiful.” You work towards your third orgasm of the day, your moans beginning to get louder and louder as you mind finds itself fully awake from sleep. 
“I’m so close!” You whimper out putting your head back into the pillow. 
“Me too, baby. So close to giving you more cum.” Hoseok’s teeth grinding down as he raises your legs over his shoulders giving him the perfect angle to have both sets of eyes rolling back. 
“H-Hoseok! I’m gonna cum!” Your orgasm imminent as Hoseok begins to pre-cum deeply inside your pussy. 
“Oh fuck, yes. I’m cumming, babe. I’m- Shit. Y/N. Fuck!” Hoseok orgasms loudly putting his head back as his orgasm rips a sob from his chest. Tears almost spilling over his cheeks from the pleasure. 
“Yes!” You moan loudly, the warmth of his cum setting off your own orgasm as your pussy sucks his cum deeper inside of you. 
“Oh shit!” Hoseok groans out, his eyes alight with wonder as your pussy clamps and pulls at his softening cock. 
“Good girl, baby. Take all of my cum in your fertile womb.” He pulls out of you slowly being mindful of your twitching legs on his shoulders. He lays back down next to you, pulling your body into his arms as he kisses at your cheek and forehead. 
“It’s going to be a boy. I was it in my dream.” He whispers as you cuddle yourself into his chest. 
“Really?” You ask with a giggle. He hums in agreement rubbing his large hand on the soft skin of your back. “It’ll be a boy.”
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There was silence as Hoseok throws the onions into the heated up pan. The sizzle of the pan draws your attention as you look up from the couch.
“I’m putting peppers in the pasta.” He alerts you as he throws the peppers into the pan. You hum to him in agreement as Mina jumps onto the couch, her face coming to rest on your belly as you lean back into the couch.
“He doesn’t want to play with me.” She whispers before poking your bloated belly button. Hoseok peeks out of the kitchen before chuckling as he watches Mina rub your belly. 
“I think your brother is sleeping.” You tell her, running your fingers through her hair. Hoseok grabs the handle of the pan before picking up and flicking his wrist to move the vegetables in the pan as they seer. 
“Why does he need to sleep? He has to play with me!” Hoseok chuckles before putting the vegetables in the pot for the sauce. He lowers the burner to a simmer before wiping his hands on the towel and heading out of the kitchen.
“Dinner will be ready in a little bit.” He whispers before picking Mina up and placing her on his lap to sit next to you. His arm snakes around your shoulders before putting his hand on your belly. 
“Daddy, the baby won’t play with me.” Hoseok gives a big smile, his perfect teeth shining in the living room before kissing her forehead. 
“Your brother needs to sleep to become big and strong like his big sister, prince-” As he whispers to her, a small flit of movement happens within you making him stop short.
“He’s moving now, he’s awake.” Mina gasps before putting her face to your belly, her legs swinging on Hoseok’s lap as he wrinkles his nose at the sight. 
“Daddy, is little brother your little prince just like I’m your princess?”
Hoseok hums before hugging her tightly and kissing the top of her head. His eyes find yours before relaxing and pulling you into his side.
“Always. Your both my little prince and princess.”
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star-gamerxox ¡ 3 years
I is 18 now
Also happy anniversary @fallingraeofsun
Now enjoy this writing I did
The character you’ll see that is new to you, is my way older oc. Indie Vira, or Indigo Vira/Virus is an older oc of mine. Cause I have no memory of exactly when I first made Indigo, I’ve always sorta put her birthday around my own.
Indie doesn’t fit in the second canon timeline. She doesn’t usually exist but I wanted to add her for the birthday special.
Her spouse isn’t in this as I don’t own him and I don’t know how the creator would feel about me including their ship kid in this specific story but anyone else I created is here.
(Indie is a horrortale frans kid. She was made years ago but I can’t bear to change her past so I take no rude judgement. As a baby her mom hid her and Error found her.)
I also made EveFalcity 17 for continuities sake.
“Are you sure she’ll be okay with it?” EveFalcity asked and Zenai nodded as he helped her pack the van. Error was currently helping get car snacks and Ink was trying to get Viri, still 2, to settle down enough for the car ride.
“I mean, I’d sure hope so. She’s technically your big sister.” Zenai hummed and Eve laughed.
“Sure she is. She has never been in my life before.” EveFalcity whispered coldly as she finished packing.
“Are you sure your parents don’t wanna come?” Error asked, making both teens jump.
“Yea. Dad and Fell don’t really wanna drive all the way out there to see her.” Zenai explained and Error sighed.
“Once upon a time, Blue adored her…” he looked down. EveFalcity watched him quietly, putting a hand on her papa’s shoulder.
“I feel as if it’s my fault… she had to leave for her safety… she was six last time she lived with us, and Eve was a baby…” he gulped a bit.
“Well she asked you to come. She obviously still wants you in her life. You visited her at least once a year and she’s a mother now… she probably better understands why you had to do what you did.” EveFalcity whispered and Error sighed.
“Yea… you’re right.” He sighed softly.
“Hey! If we don’t leave soon, we won’t make it there in time to be there for lunch tomorrow.” Ink called as he came out with the triplets, Viri, and Syntax.
“Sounds good!” Error started to smile again. Ink grinned as he buckled Viri up into her car seat. Error went to the driver's seat and started the van. It was a nine seater so they were lucky there were exactly nine people on the trip.
“You know, if you have any more kids, or allow your kids to bring more friends, you’ll need a minibus instead of a van.” Zenai called and Error rolled his eyes.
“Is everyone sitting down and buckled up?” Error called as he started up the car. Once he got the okay, he started out of the driveway towards Indigo’s house.
Indie looked out the window while her older biological brother, Blade, picked up her son from school.
“Things are gonna be different now… don’t worry momma,” she whispered, holding her locket close. Her mother and Blade had found her when she was in high school and her mom died before her son was born.
“I reached out to papa and asked him to come here… I might in fact take Roman with me and go home… Blades been wonderful but with my husbands… well, he left me with Roman and a soon to be second baby.” She said although finished speaking to her mother’s picture when Blade came home with Roman who was five.
“Mommy!” Roman squealed and Indigo turned to pick him up.
The next morning, around 11, Error arrived and Indigo couldn’t help but run out to hug her dad.
“Happy 24th birthday sweetheart.” Error whispered as he held her close. She closed her eyes and clung to him, smiling. If there was one thing she learned as she grew up, she had to seize the time she had.
Please continue to read the note as its part of the birthday special
Note from the author:
Hello everyone. I’m sorry if this story doesn’t make much sense, it’s not exactly supposed to. It’s only really written to make me smile.
In my 18 years of life, the biggest thing I’ve learned is that time passes so fast. A big example of this is the fact I had planned to do a big art piece and a better writing but now it’s the 9th and I haven’t yet even finished this writing. I hadn’t even started it.
I care so much about everyone who follows me and I want you all to know that. People like you make me wanna keep writing.
For a while I didn’t think I’d make it to 16. My step mom had hurt me but never physically. She made me doubt everything I was and I felt like giving up.
But here I am, turning 18.
She convinced me no one would truly love me but here I am, reaching two years with my girlfriend.
She told me my fanfiction and fanart would mean nothing but it gave me this group of people that care about my work and about me. It gave me more friends from places I didn’t think I could have friends from. I have friends all over the world and I’ve created so much more than I thought I could ever do.
I’m 18 but in many ways, my heart will always be of a child, full of ideas and love and everything I was when I was little.
When I was 6, my school did awards (my first elementary school did this every year) and I got a principals award. I got the principals award for best story teller. That was just the first step.
As a kid I never simply played. Every game I played, with other kids or with toys, I created a story. Some of them were the kinda stories no one would expect a kid to come up with but I created them. A woman who betrayed everyone and took their shoes to drain their life force. A pair of best friend who were trapped in a world and without the other, they could die. That kinda stuff.
And I would have lost so much of my creativity but I’ve always had people pushing me to continue.
So for anyone out there of any age, don’t give up. It’ll be okay. If you ever need someone to give you that motivation, I’ll be there as fast as I can.
Thank you so much for supporting me and I hope you continue to as I grow.
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i-need-entertainment ¡ 3 years
Not Scary To me
Character: Washio x single mom reader
*Timeskip spoilers*
TW- mentions of insecurity, Washio has past ~trauma~, mentions of divorce and toxic relationships.
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If you asked anyone who knew Washio Tatsuki if he was a scary, mean and dangerous man, they would probably laugh in your face. Since he was a teenager Washio was no stranger to being judged by his appearance. He was always taller than the other kids, much more muscular and his general demeanor screamed ‘intimidating’. Which was why people were typically scared of him and unwilling to get to know him. So when he entered his first year in Fukurodani, it was no surprise to him when no one wanted to be his seat mate. That is, until you appeared. 
“Is this seat taken?” He looked up, and he felt his heart stop. In front of him was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. She had warm and kind features, and the most welcoming smile he’d ever received from a girl. Well, a girl who wasn’t his mom or his older sister anyway. He quietly told the girl ‘no’ and nodded when she asked if she could sit there. Over the course of just a few months the two had become fast friends. They always ate lunch together, studied together, hung out after school and she always made sure to be in the front row when she watched his games. 
For the next three years, the two became best friends. They were there for each other through all of their highs, their lows, their problems in their love lives. Er- Y/n’s problems in her love life. Throughout high school she dated this guy, Ken Hashimoto. He was your typical high school heart throb. He was charming, popular and very attractive the whole school saw them as the ‘it’ couple. But to Washio, they were anything but. 
Putting aside his bias, he never really like Ken. To him Ken was sleazy, dishonest, and cunning. Washio lost count of how many times you had called him during terrible hours of the night crying over something the jerk had done. Or worse, when the two of you had fought and it was up to Washio to console you. But no matter how many times he picked you up from rock bottom, he’d always be there to pick you up again when that jerk pushed you down. Why? The reason was simple. 
Washio Tatsuki was in love with you. And he had learned to accept a long time ago that you would never love him the same way. 
Throughout the next three years you and Ken were off and on. He was a jerk, yes. He was selfish and dishonest. And…he hurt you. A lot. But for whatever reason you…couldn’t leave him. You had experienced too much with him, felt too much with him. He had too much to guilt you into staying for longer than you should have. You and Washio were very good friends, but for some reason after high school, your friendship didn’t last. You both tried to stay in contact, see each other every now and then. But with him going pro and you pursuing your interests, you both agreed it was okay you couldn’t see each other as much. 
For you that was the case. But for him, it was simply because it was too painful to constantly be reminded of what he didn’t have every time he caught sight of the engagement ring sitting on your left ring finger. Not long after he left for Hiroshima (It doesn’t say where the EJP Raijin are located, but they’re based off of the JT Thunders which are in Hiroshima Japan) to play as a middle blocker for the EJP Raijin (Eastern Japan Paper Mills Raijin). 
It’s been about five years since the two of you have seen each other. When you and Washio had graduated, you had started drifting apart. During that time you and Ken had actually been doing okay. He was treating you much better (well, by the standards of you guys’ relationship anyway) and it seemed like it was going places. So when he proposed, you didn’t think twice. Especially since the only man you think you’ve truly loved was soon leaving for Hiroshima. 
That’s right, you, Y/n L/n were in love with Washio Tatsuki. Before you rage quit reading this, bear with me! Yes! You loved him so, so much. But you couldn’t leave Ken. You knew he wasn’t a great guy, you had experienced it first hand! But no matter how much you wanted to you just couldn’t go, plus…you couldn’t go to Washio, he didn’t deserve that. 
So you kept quiet, married a man you tried to love and forget the man you always did. Here we are five years after the two of you graduated. Washio was still playing for EJP, and you were living in Osaka with your three year old little girl, Emiko. Currently you were working as a sports manager for the MSBY Black Jackals. Well that was the job they paid you for, but on most days, you felt like the MSBY Black Jackals baby sitter instead. 
“What? No- Bokuto you cannot go sky diving before next weeks game- I don’t know! No, don’t ask Akaashi, you know he’ll side with me. Atsumu don’t encourage him!! Bo, if you ask him, I promise you he’s going to tell you the same thing I did. *sigh* just- get here on time. We have a practice match today.” Bidding your goodbyes and letting out one more painful sigh you put down your phone and rubbed your temples. 
Don’t get me wrong, you loved the MSBY four, but man did they give you some big time stress. “Mommy?” All your worries faded away as you looked to the doorway, your little girl Emiko standing there with her favorite stuffed bunny in hand. “Hey there baby, ready to go?” Emiko excitedly nodded her head and walked towards you, lifting her hands above her head for you to carry her (she is only 3 after all). After getting the necessary items and a bag for Emiko the two of you left the house and headed to the MSBY Black Jackals stadium. 
The Black Jackals had a daycare center in the stadium, so working parents could leave their kids there while they did their jobs. It was nice having it in the building, especially since Emiko was a painfully shy kid. She was very quiet and usually didn’t talk to strangers, or people she knew for that matter. It was unusual for her to utter more than ‘hi’ and someone’s name (other than to you or your parents of course, or people she felt comfortable around). As soon as the two of you arrived you said your greetings to your co-workers and made your way to the daycare center. 
Until “Bunny!” this particular part of the building was always crowded, and you daughter just realized that between here and the front door she had lost her stuffed animal. Before you could re-grab her hand, she was gone and a sickening amount of panic settled in your stomach, you of course immediately ran to go get her.
 At the same time, Washio and the rest of EJP Raijin had just entered the MSBY stadium for the practice match they’d be having. When they got settled, the coach told them they had about 2 hours before the match started, giving them about 1 ½ hours to kill. Komori and Suna went off to antagonize Sakusa and Atsumu while Washio explored the stadium. (Bokuto and Hinata were not there yet for reasons better left unknown.) 
Before Washio could get very far he saw something on the floor. ‘Is that a…bunny?’ squatting down he picked up the toy to notice it was indeed a stuffed bunny that he guessed belonged to a child. He picked it up and made his way back to the entrance, figuring he’d leave it at the office for someone to find. But before he could get there, he heard a small “Mister…?” He looked down to see the cutest little girl he’d ever seen tugging at his pants, with tears in her beautiful e/c eyes. 
For a moment he stilled. He didn’t dislike kids, quite the opposite actually! It’s just…kids didn’t usually perceive him very well, usually they were afraid of him. Trying to make himself as approachable as he could he put on a gentle smile and knelt down before the girl. Sure he was still much bigger, but he was less intimidating. “Are you okay?” The little girl shyly looked at him before she shook her head ‘no’, and after some inner contemplation said “Bunny” Washio then gently smiled and showed her the bunny he had in his hand, noting the way her familiar e/c eyes lit up as she excitedly reached for the stuffy. 
She happily squealed as she hugged the toy. Right around that time you, who was running adrenaline and two cups of coffee, also a huffing and puffing mess had desperately turned the corner. “EMIKO!” The little girl turned around and smiled, triumphantly holding up the bunny. “Mommy! This nice man found bunny!” Looking past her you finally realized the man who had been kneeling (but is now standing) in front of your daughter. Both of your eyes blown wide as you both looked at each other. 
”…Tatsuki?” Washio nodded as a familiar but buried feeling fluttered in his chest as he choked out a ‘Y/n?’. You quickly ran up to him and gave him a hug, one he gladly returned. Your daughter looked at the two of you confused before acting like the two of you didn’t exist, she had some business with her precious bunny she had to take care of! “But- Wha- how? What are you doing here?!” You asked him as you pulled away from the hug. His hands went into his pockets, a nervous habit you vividly remember him having, as a smile overtook his features. 
“I’m on EJP Raijin, we’re here for a practice match. What about you? I thought you were still in Tokyo with…him.” Y/n’s expression faltered at the mention of her ex-husband. “I’m the sports manager for the Jackals, have been for about a year now. And, uh, he’s not in the picture, he left last year.” Y/n maintained the small awkward smile on her face as Washio nodded. Washio’s eyes slightly widened, “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” You waved him off as you picked up your little girl. “Don’t be, I kind of figured we’d never last long anyways…” Washio just nodded. 
“But! It’s not all bad, I got through school during all…that, got my degree and when we were getting divorced, I found this job. So, when it was done, we packed up and moved here and got started on our life together.” You continued to smile fondly at your little girl, she laid her head on your shoulder and looked at Washio with an unreadable expression. “Enough about me! How have you been? Anyone special?” 
You asked him, you wanted to know he was doing well, that he was happy. But there was also that little part of you that wanted to know if he was single. He let out a small chuckle, the sound taking you back to high school. “I’ve been alright. Not long after we graduated, I moved down to Hiroshima to play for EJP, threw myself into my career and here we are But, uh no. No one special.” You two were smiling at each other when Emiko tapped your shoulder. She leaned close to your ear and cupped her small hand around your ear. 
“Mommy?” You were holding back a giggle at her cute action. “Yes, baby?” Emiko nervously looked at Washio, and he felt a sort of dread come over him. ‘here we go again’ he thinks as he waits for the tears to start… ”What’s his name? I like him.” As if it was even possible your smile got even wider. “Well, why don’t you ask him?” The little girl looked at you before looking at him, you gently placed her on the ground and encouraged her. “Uhm….mm..” She looked nervously to the floor as she tightly clutched her bunny, making some noises of discomfort. 
She then looked up to him. “What’s your name…?” She asked in a small voice. He smiled and knelt down, holding out his hand to her much smaller one. “Washio Tatsuki. What’s your name?” She smiled and she took her hand and lightly shook his. “Emiko…Emiko L/n” she then released his hand and presented her bunny’s hand instead, wanting him to shake it (which he did). “This is bunny.” The little girl continued to smile, happy that this nice man was not only nice to her and her mommy, but also bunny. That scored a lot of points with her. 
The little girl turned around and looked at her mom. “Mommy?” You looked down to her as you started to stroke her long brown hair, which was seemingly the only trait she received from her father. ”Can we see Washio again? I want him to be my friend…” You couldn’t tell if the swelling feeling in your chest was from your daughter wanting to be someone’s friend, or the prospect of seeing Washio again, but after five years of loneliness, it was a welcomed feeling nonetheless. 
You looked up to meet his equally surprised but happy eyes. “Well? What do you say…”? He smiled down at the young girl before nodding his head, the little girl happily giggling and clutching his leg in a sort of hug before quickly returning to your side. “Oh! I need to get this little one to daycare, and I need to get to work! Uhm, why don’t we exchange numbers and we can get dinner or something, the three of us?” Emiko just nodded, even if she wasn’t really listening, while you and Washio exchanged information and said your goodbyes. You dropped Emiko off and made your way to the gym, since the practice match would begin in just under an hour.
*I have split this into parts bEcaUse it ended up reaaall long :) The next parts should be out soon*
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oskea93 ¡ 4 years
My Heart Has a History (1)
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Sleeping was starting to become impossible.
I tossed and turn all night, having to get up 20 times or more to use the bathroom. It was starting to get so bad that Matthew opted to start sleeping in the guest room just to get some sleep himself. The only bad thing about it was that I would be up all night and by 5:30 in the morning, I would finally pass out for a few hours and be late for whatever it was I had to do that day. 
Case in point, dropping my son off to his father.
I had been up all night, tossing and turning, I don’t even remember falling asleep. The only reason I finally woke up was because my cell phone started to vibrate against the table. I lazily reached my arm over to the table and unhooked it from the charger.
"Lo?" I answered.
I had no idea who was calling since I didn't bother to look at the screen. "It's about time you answered." Jax's voice sounded through the speaker. "I've been texting you for the past hour." I slowly began to wake up and looked over to the alarm to see that it was almost ten in the morning. I started to slightly panic since I had to be at the bakery in 45 minutes. "Why didn't anyone wake me up?" I slightly yelled. I could hear Jax laugh on the other end as I tried my best to get out of bed. Getting out of bed while pregnant hadn’t gotten any easier as my second pregnancy moved further along. When I was pregnant with Wyatt, Jax had to help me up all the time. The first couple months were fine but it got harder and harder each month.
"Like I said, I tried texting you but your phone must've been on silent or something." I ran my fingers through my hair as I finally reached the side of the bed. "I was playing a game last night since I couldn't sleep and I put it on silent so I wouldn't wake up Matthew. I guess I just forgot to put the ringer back on." I explained myself. Jax stayed silent as I struggled to get off the bed. "I have to stop by the bank real quick and then I’ll be able to drop him off. You can meet me at the bank if you want?" I suggested. Usually, I would drop Wyatt off at the garage or Jax's house. It just depended on how early in the morning it was going to be. "Yeah, that'll work." I let out a sigh of relief once he agreed. "Gemma's having dinner tonight; why don't you stop by when you pick up Wyatt?" I stayed silent for a moment before answering him, "I'll have to see." Dinner at Gemma's either went two ways: okay or terrible. Every dinner that I’ve attended at the Morrow house was filled with screaming and accusations. It was either between Clay and Jax or Gemma and Jax. That family had no idea how to have a decent dinner. The last time I had dinner with everyone was the night Jax and I decided to call it quits. We didn't plan on telling anyone of our plans but our body language said it all. We were cold towards one another and the most telling part was that we decided not to sit next to each other. Gemma was the first to point this out and basically turned the whole evening into a hell storm. I had to end up leaving early because I couldn't take it. "Okay, well I guess I’ll see you when you get here." And with that, he hung up.
I couldn't help but feel a bit sad about telling him that I was more than likely not going to attend Gemma's dinner. Jax and I weren't together anymore; what would be the use of going? I was all for Wyatt staying and having dinner with them but I feel like I would just be an unwanted guest. Plus, Gemma wasn't my biggest fan. "Mommy?" Wyatt's little voice sounded as he walked into the room. He was already dressed and ready to go. "Mommy, when are we going to daddy's?" I watched as he walked into the room and jumped on the bed. He looked just like his father. Blonde hair, green eyes, and that smile was contagious. He was the spitting image of Jackson Teller. "Real soon, baby." I gave him a smile as I wrapped my arms around him. "Did you get dressed all by yourself?" I looked down at him as he nodded his head. "I wanted to look like daddy." I just nodded my head as I looked at his attire. A plain white shirt, jeans, and his little work boots. I wouldn't personally put him in this type of outfit but I give him points for dressing himself for the day. Plus, he was going to be in a garage where he was bound to get messy. "How about you go and watch TV while I get ready and then we'll go see daddy? Does that sound like a plan?" He just nodded his little head, pressing a kiss to my cheek before jumping off the bed. I waited until I heard the TV turn on before I waddled towards the bathroom. I had told Jax that I would be there as soon as I could but I had to get ready for the day and there was no way I was going into the bakery without looking my best. If I could get Wyatt to him in under an hour, then that would be an accomplishment… I looked at the clock as I frantically moved around the kitchen. It was already after 11 and I had told Jax that I was on my way 20 minutes ago. "Mommy, I couldn't find them in the living room." Wyatt ran up to where I was. "I even looked in Nettie's house." I continued to claw my way through different boxes that I knew my keys wouldn't be in but I was desperate to find them. The last time I saw them was last night when I contemplated if I wanted to make a McDonald's run since I was practically starving. I must have stared at the damn things for almost an hour before I decided to go back to bed. The only thing was that I couldn’t remember where I put them after I decided not to go. I decided to just forgo the search and take Matthew’s car instead. Luckily, a friend of his picked him up this morning, leaving the BMW sitting in the driveway. I watched as Wyatt gathered up his little backpack, making sure to put his jean jacket on first since it was a bit cool out. We were out the door and on the road within 5 minutes. I knew that Jax was probably pissed since I had told him that I was on my way almost 30 minutes ago. I'm surprised he didn't send one of the guys to come look for me. It wouldn't be the first time.
The often 25-minute drive turned into a 15 minute one as I pulled into the parking lot to find Jax's truck sitting near the entrance. I had told him numerous times that I didn't like Wyatt riding on the back of his motorcycle and I’m glad he finally decided to listen. When I was with Jax, I didn't even like riding on the back of that thing. It scared me to no end and seeing as Wyatt’s still young, I didn't feel comfortable with him riding either. 
"Daddy!" Wyatt cheered from the backseat. As soon as I put the car in park, he was out and bolting towards the truck. I watched as Jax removed his sunglasses before exiting the truck and wrapping Wyatt in his arms. "Hey bud." Jax whispered in his hair as he held onto him. Instead of just waiting around for him to start yelling at me for being late, I decided to speak first. "So, I packed his lunch since Gemma lets him eat anything he wants and I made sure to put an extra outfit in there as well in case he gets dirty or something. I also don't want you smoking near him or using words that aren't friendly to anyone's ears." I rambled. "It might be late before I can come get him but please have him in his pajamas when I come and pick him up." Jax just rolled his eyes as I gave him the same instructions that I’ve told him for the past year. I was only being the good mom that everyone praised me for being. To me, being a good mother was something that I prided myself for. I wanted to be able to give my son and future daughter the love and care that my mother gave me. I didn't come from a broken family. My parents had been together since high school and I hardly ever heard them argue. If they did in fact argue, they must have been awfully quiet about it. I was supposed to follow in their footsteps but that changed when I met Jax. My parents tried to remain calm and optimistic about mine and Jax's relationship but I could see the disappointment in their eyes. I was supposed to marry someone like Matthew and remain married to that man for the rest of my life. I guess you could say they were overjoyed and embarrassed at the same time when I decided to leave Jax. It was what they had been hoping for but that left me a single mother and that wasn't supposed to happen either. "You act like I’ve never taken care of a kid before, Pres." Jax chuckled as he readjusted Wyatt in his arms. "I know the whole routine babe." My heart fluttered a tad at the mention of that pet name.    "Gemma's gonna take him home with her when she leaves for the day. I have a few things to take care of before the dinner tonight but I should be back before you get there." I shifted slightly at the mention of Gemma's dinner. I knew he wanted an answer but I didn't want to tell him no in front of Wyatt. "Have you decided if you're coming or not?" 
I narrowed my eyes at him. "I told you that I would have to see." He just looked at me with those green eyes as a smirk played on his face. "Well you can tell that to Gemma today when she stops by to get the deserts." My face instantly fell. Gemma never came to my shop unless she wanted to be nosey. "Excuse me?" I tried to keep a small smile on my face in front of Wyatt. "I didn't get an order from Gemma for today?" Jax just shrugged his shoulders. "Mommy makes good desert." Wyatt decided to announce. Jax and I both laughed at his statement. "Thank you baby." I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I was extremely close to Jax at that point since he was holding Wyatt. I think at one point, my stomach accidentally hit against his side. I quickly backed up as Jax just stared at me and then to the ground. "Well-" I began. "I think it's time I get to work." I brushed the hair out of my face. "Seems that I will have some needy customers today after all." "Wyatt-" Jax spoke as he set our son back on the ground. "Give mommy a kiss goodbye." I looked up at Jax briefly but my attention quickly snapped back to the toddler that brushed up against my legs. "Bye, mommy." I bent down the best I could and wrapped my arms around his little body. "Bye, baby. You be good for daddy and grandma, okay?" He just nodded his head and ran back to Jax, grabbing his extended hand. "I'll call you later." Jax spoke. I just nodded my head, giving him a small smile. "Sounds good." I watched as two of three most important men in my life walked back to the awaiting truck. I waited until they left before I jammed myself back into my vehicle. The whole way to the bakery was filled with questions. I was questioning myself a lot lately. I don't know whether it was baby brain or the hormones that were all out of control, but I was starting to develop feelings for Jax again. It wasn't anything major but just seeing him made my heart skip a beat. I felt like a teenager that had a crush on the upperclassman but knew she had no chance with him. I don't even know why I was having these feelings. I was happily married to Matthew. I think a part of me would always love Jax but we could never be a couple again. It didn't work out the first time, there wouldn't be any chance at a second go-around. Jax and I lived very different lives, even when we were married. I was never into the whole SAMCRO party scene. If the club had a party, I would either stay in the back room or at Jax's house. I didn't feel comfortable being around that kind of environment. Don't even get me started on the women that hung around there. I'm not gonna say that I was little miss perfect but I would never walk around in the clothing or lack-thereof like those girls. I don't know whether the girls had bad childhoods or just wanted the attention of a man, but it was an awful sight to see. My first SAMCRO party consisted of watching a group of girls take turns with a member. I can't even remember the guy's name but it was not a pleasant sight. Jax and his friends didn't even bat an eye to the situation and here I was standing there like I was in the middle of a horror movie. That was the first and last party I ever attended and I was okay with that. That was the way Jax was brought up and I wasn't going to forbid him from attending those parties. To Jax, those parties represented who he was. He was a member of the Sons of Anarchy and he deserved to let loose and drink a little beer after a stressful week. The one thing I did not approve of was the fact that Jax and his club were associated with a porn business and its stars. Some of the girls were as normal as you and I but there were a certain few that made me feel embarrassed to be a woman. Ima Tite was one of those girls. She was the cause of Jax and I's problems starting out. I would go to the clubhouse and find her all over Jax and not even caring that I had just walked into the room. Ima was the type of girl that needed attention and it was Jax's attention that she craved. He was the Vice President of a powerful club and she hated the fact that I was his old lady and all she could ever get out of him was a random fuck in the sheets. I knew that he had slept with her on a couple occasions, I wasn't stupid. I also knew that Ima wasn't the only girl that Jax had sex with. Gemma and the other old ladies tried to assure me that the boys were doing no wrong when they went out on runs but I knew better than to believe that. Jax was a very attractive guy and he could get any girl he wanted just by looking at them. I mean that's how I ended up in Reno during the biggest snowstorm they've had in years…. When I arrived at the bakery, there was no sign of Gemma's car. I let out a sigh of relief as I gathered my things and starting walking across the street. I slowly opened the door and made a quick glance to see if anyone was there. A couple of the girls that worked for me were setting out freshly baked cookies while a few random customers made their orders for the day. I was just thankful that Gemma hadn't arrived yet, if she was gonna come at all. 
"Oh thank goodness you're here-" One of my employees came running over. "Gemma Teller has been calling all morning looking for you. She even set one of those guys from the club over here to see where you were and why you weren't answering." She was a bit frantic but who could blame her. "She said that she wants you to call her as soon as you get in."
I let out a sigh and nodded my head. "I'll be in my office if you need me." 
She looked at me with sympathetic eyes as I passed her the tray of coffees that I had gotten everyone. I slowly walked towards my office and threw my stuff down on the couch. I wasn't in the mood to talk to Gemma. She was probably the worst customer to have and I’ve had some winners in my day. I decided to call her back on my cell phone since the number was already programed. It only took two rings for her to pick up, meaning that she was sitting by the phone. "It's about time, Presley." She sneered. "I've tried calling you all morning and that little tart that works for you kept saying that you weren't in yet." I let out an annoyed sigh as I listened to her ramble on. "I was starting to get worried but Jax told me that you overslept." I just made a noise, not caring to reply. "I'm sure Jax told you that I’m having a dinner tonight and I need two cakes and tray of Chocolate Cookies." What kind of person orders two cakes and a tray full of cookies to be delivered the same day? I think Gemma honestly thought that she was my only customer.    "Gem, I can't just drop everything I have to do today to make your two cakes and dozens of cookies. Baking takes time you know." I heard her let out a sigh but I wasn't going to back down. "I'll see what I can do but I’m not gonna guarantee anything." Most girls would never speak to Gemma the way I have in the past. There had been times where curse words were flying out of my mouth before I even knew what I was saying. Gemma would just stand there and take it but I knew deep down that she wanted to tear me to shreds. I may have looked meek and small but I wasn't going to take someone barking orders at me when they had no right to do so. "Now, if you would excuse me, I have to get to work." Before she even had a time to respond, I ended the call and placed my phone back in my bag. I sat there for a second, rubbing my protruding stomach. Both Gemma and Jax would get me so worked up about things but I slowly learned not to let them get to me. I sat for a couple more minutes before I got up and went back into the showroom. I had so many orders to fill and Gemma's was the least of my worries at this point. Maybe if she had called in an order, I would have gotten them done and over with. Maybe when she realizes that she's not gonna have any desserts for her dinner tonight, then she'll see that the world of Presley's Sweets and Treats doesn't revolve around her either…. Jax's POV "Hand me that wrench, son." I spoke from underneath the Toyota I was working on. Business was going on an usual at the garage, probably the busiest it's been in days. "Here you go, daddy." Wyatt's little hand handed me the tool. "Thanks bud." I muttered as I took it out of his hand. I could see from the corner of my eye as his little legs swung from the stool he was sitting on. I can't even begin to tell you how much I loved bringing Wyatt to work with me. I could teach him things that the pencil neck that Presley married couldn't. I was able to teach him all about fixing cars, tools, and how to become a future member of SAMCRO. He was my mini-me, the club life ran in his blood. If Presley knew I allowed him to hear about the club, she would probably kick my ass but it was his birthright. He was Wyatt Jackson Teller, not Wyatt Jackson Abbott. I had no problem with Presley's husband, but I knew he had a big problem with me. He hated the fact that Pres dropped Wyatt off to me every morning. He wanted Wyatt to go this little prep school so he could start his education. Hell, he had all the education he needed here at the garage. It's not like I put him in a corner and had him do nothing all day. He helped me and the guys with everything he could. He knew what tools were which and what types of cars we were working on. Gemma would even take him in the office and he would help her with accounting and stuff like that. My kid wasn't stupid! He didn't need to be in a classroom yet. He needed to be with the people he loved and cared about. I didn't go to daycare and I ended up just fine. I'm pretty sure Presley didn't go to daycare either and she's fucking brilliant. I guess you could say that I didn't really like the guy either. I hated the fact that Presley decided that Matthew was the guy that completed her. I hated that Matthew was the one that gave her the life that she wanted and deserved. I hated that Matthew turned Presley into a Stepford Wife. Lastly, I hated the fact that Presley was pregnant and it wasn't mine. That girl was my heart and soul. I knew from the first day I had seen her that I was meant to be with her. There were no other girls that could compete with her and I had to have her. I had to put up a fight that's for sure but I could tell that she liked me as well. To be honest, I can still see it in her eyes….
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avis-writeshq ¡ 5 years
Crush x Oblivious!Reader: Through the Years
Requested: Nope
Pairing: Male!Crush x Fem!Oblivious!Reader
Summary: A friendship that began when you were only kids can turn into so much more if you give it time, love and a lotta joy.
Warnings: Swearing, very much fluff, and trash writing
Other: There is a gay couple in here because PRIDE, so if you are not comfortable with that, you can either read with an open mind or read something else. If you do not agree with my choice, please do not DM me or hate on me. Thank you very much xoxo
Word count: 3,116                                                                                            
 Things you probably wanna know, for all you ‘x reader’ illiterates:
(Y/N): Your Name
(H/C): Hair Colour / Color
(E/C): Eye Colour / Color
(N/N): Nickname
(C/N): Crush’s Name
(C/H/C): Crush’s Hair Colour
(C/E/C): Crush’s Eye Colour
(B/F/N): Best Friend’s Name
[Age 5]
You pouted from behind your mother’s legs, clinging onto her skirt for dear life. You didn’t want to meet your new neighbours. You didn’t want to meet their son. You didn’t want to be outside. You wanted to be inside, helping your dad make cookies. You should be inside, adding extra chocolate chips to the cookies. Not talking to a bunch of strangers.
 “This is my daughter, (Y/N).” Your mother said, and you scrunched up your face in distaste. “Come on, hun, don’t be shy…”
 You shook your head, holding onto her legs tighter. And that’s when you saw him. A boy your age with sparkling (C/E/C) eyes and a bright grin on his face. “I’m (C/N)!” He says immediately, holding a hand out for you. “Are you (Y/N)?”
 You nodded, taking a step backwards. No, no, no, you didn’t want to make friends! Making friends was… scary! But you didn’t want to be rude. That’s what your mother taught you, isn’t it? “Hi…”
 You awkwardly shook his hand and his smile widened. It stretched across his face and you felt as if his face was going to split in 2. “Do you wanna be my friend?”
 What was the worst that could happen? “Okay.”
 Ever since that day, (C/N) came over to your house to play with you. The both of you were outside in your garden, playing in your garden when he wandered up to you, his usual smile on his face. You blinked at him, confused when he took you by the shoulders.
 “You’re pretty.”
 Pretty? No one has ever called you that before. Well, other than your parents, but they don’t count. “Huh?”
 “Well, my daddy tells that to my mommy all the time, and he said that you tell girls you love that they look pretty.” He grinned at you. “And you’re a girl I love.”
 [Age 10, in 5th Grade]
“Hey, (Y/N), over here!”
 You blinked, hearing your name. You had been sitting on a bench, alone, as per usual, as you drew. Your little scrapbook was almost out of pages, meaning you had to get another one. You snapped the book closed, turning to the direction of the voice. It was (C/N), your best friend since you were a little girl. Well, your only friend.
 Packing up your stuff, you went over to where he was. “Hi, (C/N).”
 “(Y/N), this is Alphie, he’s in my class!” He smiled at you with the same eyes that looked into yours all those years ago; glistening with excitement as he met another person.
 “Hiya,” the boy said, effortlessly brushing his blonde hair out of his eyes.
 You raised an eyebrow at him but smiled nonetheless. “Hello.”
 (C/N) quickly spoke for you. “(Y/N) is a little shy… but don’t worry! She’s a good friend of mine. We’re neighbours.”
 “It’s nice to meet you,” you said, trying your best to be friendly. From what the girls in your class had said, you were apparently ‘intimidating’ because of your quietness.
 “You as well,” he said, smirking.
 You didn’t say anything after that because of the lack of conversation starters. You didn’t really want to be the first to ask a question about him, either. What if (C/N) and Alphie thought you were annoying? You didn’t want either of them to leave you. (C/N) must have sensed your unease and bumped his knee with yours.
 “You okay?” He asked, smiling his usual charming smile.
 Nodding, you tried your best to reassure him. “I’m okay. I stayed up all night trying to finish my maths homework.”
 He snickered, “why do you have to be so bad at maths?”
 Rolling your eyes, you stuck your tongue out at him. “Hey, I’m not the one who got a C on his Science Assignment.”
 (C/N) pouted at you, “Biology is hard, okay? Not my fault. Maths is just adding numbers together.”
 “And times tables, and division, and we still have to learn about brackets!” You let out a groan, clapping the palm of your hand with your forehead.
 From across from you, Alphie scoffed. “You think that’s hard? English is the absolute worst.”
 “English is easy!” You and (C/N) exclaimed at the same time. The three of you burst into giggles.
 “Hey, (C/N), you’re right. She is really pretty,” Alphie remarked, thinking.
 “See, I told you!” He said, pointing a finger at him. “You didn’t believe the fact that I know a girl.”
 Alphie rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well, I’m not the one who tried to impress everyone by balancing a pencil on his nose.”
 “I balanced it for 5 seconds!”
 You watched as the two boys laughed together and you couldn’t help but smile. (C/N) talks about you? Is that what friends do when they care about each other? Questions whirled in your head but you decided to ignore them. You might as well cherish the time right now. Pretty… were you really pretty to him?
 [13 years old, 8th Grade]
You had been lucky enough to be in the same class as Alphie and (C/N). The three of you were glued together ever since 5th grade, and you were known as the Silver Trio, mainly because all of you claimed that there was no better trio than the Golden Trio of Harry Potter. Of course, now you weren’t as shy, and after talking to a few more people, you seemed to be much more comfortable at school.
 “Hey, (Y/N)!” You looked up from your book to be met with a brunette, her bright blue eyes staring at you.
 You smiled, “Good morning, (B/F/N).”
 “Isn’t today wonderful?” She asked, smiling at you. “The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, too! Do you think sensei would let us out early for lunch?”
 “I doubt it. We have a maths test, remember?”
 Her once happy-go-lucky smile morphed into a horrified one. “Ah, damn it! I completely forgot that! I thought it was next week!”
 “Sensei said it was this Wednesday, ergo, today is the day of the test.”
 She pouted at you, “Can you at least lend me your notes?”
 You nodded, fishing for your notes when you felt two hands wrap around your eyes. “Guess who!”
 You tapped your chin, grinning at his childishness. “It’s (C/N), isn’t it?”
 “Right you are, (Y/N)! Ready for that maths test this afternoon?”
 “I was just getting my notes to help (B/F/N) study.” You offer him a cheery smile. “Your notes helped me a lot. Thanks for letting me study at your house yesterday.”
 “No problem! You can let me know if there is anything else you need help with, okay? I’m gonna go find Alphie. Bye!”
 You waved him goodbye and turned to look at (B/F/N), who was smirking at you cheekily. “Is something wrong?” You ask her, slightly confused.
 “You cannot be serious.” She let out a huff, frustrated at your obliviousness. “When are you and (C/N) gonna date?!”
 “Yell it out to the world, why don’t you?” You roll your eyes, teasing her. “And what are you even talking about? (C/N) and I are best friends; we’re not dating.”
 “But don’t you think he’s cute?”
 “I never really thought about it…” you thought for a minute before shaking your head. You can’t like him. “The worst thing you could ever do is date a neighbour. What if we break up? We’re going to have to see each other every day. And he’s my best friend. I don’t anything to change.”
 (B/F/N) shook her head, “there you go being all-wise and stuff. This is life, (Y/N). Live in it!”
 You blinked. “Live in it?”
The maths test came and went, and you found yourself feeling particularly confident. Maybe you didn’t do so badly this time. It was a nice thought to have. You were sitting on one of the benches underneath a bright cherry blossom, waiting for (C/N) and Alphie. They both wanted to get lunch from the canteen (or cafeteria) today, so you decided to save a table for them. Then you felt someone slide into the seat beside you.
 You looked up at this mystery person. You recognised him to be one of the boys in your grade. From what you remember, he was one of the more… mischievous boys and he tended to be quite irritating to be around.
 “You’re (Y/N) right?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
 You nodded, “yeah, that’s me. Is there something you need?”
 He smirked, shaking his head. “(C/N) talked about you today in art. Wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Ya know, if you took a little more time to get your hair done and nice and splash on a little makeup, you could get into the popular group.”
 Ah, yes, the popular group. It contained not only the richest people but the best looking. They all had something to offer. Most of the time they only talked about fashion ideas and what you should wear regarding the latest trends. You, however, didn’t really care about fashion. Yes, you took pride in what you looked like and had a lot of self-care regimes, but you weren’t really one to follow trends. Not only that but what was the point of getting new clothes every month when you could wear the same clothes from the month before? And besides, nowadays the trends were things that you weren’t comfortable wearing, such as crop tops and miniskirts.
  You were just about to answer when you heard a familiar voice come from around the corner. “Hey, (Y/N)! This is Kaden; he’s in my art class. Dude, what’s up?” (C/N) high-fived Kaden, who smirked and clapped him on the back.
 Kaden looked at Alphie who grinned and ruffled his hair. “Hey, man, wish you were back in our class. Damn, teachers love to torment kids, huh?”
 Alphie rolled his eyes but nodded. “Hey, (Y/N), how did you go on your maths test? All good?”
 You shrug, smiling still. “It was fine. I think I did alright. Thanks, (C/N) for helping me out yesterday. Algebra is trash.”
 “Oh, guys, guess what I heard?” Kaden leaned in to whisper his little secret. “I was walking around the popular table, and guess who was talking about (C/N)?”
 You raised an eyebrow. You were never really one for gossip, but this piqued your interest. “Who?”
 “Gertrude! You know, the leader of the populars? Dude, she’s totally into you!” Kaden sAlphieered, shoving (C/N)’s head fondly.
 You leaned back, suddenly feeling a little disappointed. Was (C/N) going to leave you for them? The bratty and the idiotic? You swallowed thickly looking at your sandwich. He wouldn’t… right?
You and (C/N) walked home together, as per usual. It was a nice day today; the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. But even while you felt the sunlight on your face, you couldn’t help but feel a little down.
 “Hey,” you felt (C/N)’s shoulder bump with yours, “you okay?”
 You offered a smile, trying your best to reassure him. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
 “That might have fooled me before, but I’m not a kid, ya know. I know when you’re lying.” He sighed, stopping you from walking by standing in front of you, looking at you in the eye. “Is this about what Kaden said at lunch today?”
 You couldn’t help but nod. “I don’t want you to go with them. You can’t just leave!”
 “Hey, you’ve been my best friend for 8 years. I’m not gonna leave you. I care about you too much to do that,” he placed a hand on your hand, smiling at you. “Remember when we were little and we played in your garden?”
 You nodded, “We played there every day.”
 “Well, one time, I told you something. You remember, right?”
 You did remember. But you wanted to hear it from him. With a cheeky smile, you looked up at him. “What did you say? I need reminding.”
 He laughed taking your hair out of your ponytail. “You had your hair out, I remember. It was a little shorter than what it is now, but it was kind of flowing in the wind. I was supposed to be looking for a stick to pick up the ladybug you found. Then I told you that you looked pretty.”
 He grinned at you as you looked at him curiously, continuing to speak. “You had the same expression of your face. You remember what I said afterwards? I told you I loved you. You got mad at me, though, because the ladybug flew away. But we don’t abandon people we love, right? So I’m not going to abandon you.”
 [15 years old, 10th Grade]
True to his word, (C/N) didn’t leave to go with the populars; no matter how much they begged and pressured him to be. Since that day in 8th Grade, he stood out to you in a completely different light. You didn’t know how to explain it but he was more… attractive? He stood by your side through thick and thin, so you were glad to know that he was there. Of course, you had Kaden, Alphie, and (B/F/N), but you always had a connection with (C/N).
 You were definitely a lot closer to him now than you were before. A lot of people mistook you as a couple, even when you made it blatantly clear that you weren’t, no matter how much you wanted to be. However, you and (C/N) did the most platonic things known to man. This included hugs from behind, forehead kisses, late-night calls… but you were not dating. At least, that’s what you told everyone.
 You didn’t want to be needy, of course, so if (C/N) didn’t want to hang out with you, you would never pressure him to. And he never pressured you into anything, either. It was all strictly platonic.
 “Hey, (Y/N)!” You heard him say from behind you, wrapping his arms loosely around your neck.
 It was the school holidays, thank god, and you were waiting for the group to wander into the cafÊ. You were always early to meet-ups because you had the irrational fear that they were going to leave you behind if you were the slightest bit late.
 You smile upon hearing his voice. “Hi, (C/N). Why are you early? You’re almost never on time.”
 You heard him chuckle, kissing your hair. “I knew you’d be here at least half-an-hour early, and I didn’t want to leave you alone all by yourself. There are terrible things happening, you know?”
 With a small scoff, you pulled him down to sit at the table. “You act as if you weren’t there for my karate lessons.”
 “Actually, that was impressive.” He grinned at you. “You flipped 3 guys in 5 minutes and they were both 2 years older than you?”
 You smirked proudly, nodded. “Yes, I did. I was awesome back then, huh?”
 “You’re still awesome now,” he smiled at you, lifting your knuckles to his lips.
 At that moment, a face gag was heard from behind you. “You guys are disgusting!” Alphie exclaimed an arm around (B/F/N) waist.
 At the sight, you couldn’t help but smirk. (B/F/N)’s cheeks were dusted pink and she caught your gaze. “Alphie, (Y/N) is bullying me.”
 You giggled, shaking your head. “I didn’t do anything. Besides, what could your man do to hurt me?”
 “Are you calling me weak?” Alphie demanded, faking a gasp at the insult. “Hey, I’m not the one who still hasn’t confessed to the girl that he likes, (C/N).”
 The said boy rolled his eyes, but a blush was still painted on his cheeks. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said as (B/F/N) and Alphie took their seats.
 “Sure you don’t,” he smirked, “go on, why don’t you tell her now?”
 You cocked your head to the side, oblivious as always. “(C/N) likes someone.”
 Alphie gaped at you, stammering over his words. “You don’t… you don’t fucking know?!”
 “He may be my best friend, but he doesn’t have to tell me everything…” you shrugged, grinning at the (C/H/C) boy. “We don’t really talk about that stuff.”
 “Please tell me she’s joking,” you heard (B/F/N) mumble to her boyfriend, who nodded in agreement.
 “Joking about what?”
 “YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!” Alphie exclaimed, slapping his palm to his forehead. “I can’t… this – I can’t even.”
 Before he could get up to leave, another voice sounded from behind you. “Hey guys, you’re all early, huh?”
 “Hey, Kaden!” You smiled, “You even brought your boyfriend! I’m (Y/N).”
 “I’m Danny,” the boy greeted, a small smile on his face.
 “We’ve heard a lot about you, Danny. I’m (C/N), and this beetroot-” he gestured to Alphie, “is Alphie, and this is his girlfriend, (B/F/N). Great to finally meet you.”
 “Oh, so you’re (C/N). From what I’ve heard, you’re not man enough to tell the girl you like that you likeher, even when there is so much sexual tension around you.”
 “Why does everyone keep saying that?” (C/N) muttered, rolling his eyes, “and it is strictly platonic. We’re not like that. Besides, she’s an oblivious piece of work, so no matter what I do, she never sees it.”
 “Ey, (C/N), you should tell me!” You frowned, feeling suddenly deflated. “Everyone else knows but me…”
 “Well, that’s because,” Danny began, but Kaden quickly slapped a hand over his boyfriend’s mouth.
 “We are going to order, right love? We’ll be right back…”
 At that, Alphie and (B/F/N) nodded as well. “Yep, we’re going to order something too. Gotta go!”
 You blinked, watching the 4 of them leave before turning back to (C/N). “Come on, who is it? I won’t tease you, I promise.”
 “You really are a dummy,” he rolled his eyes before tapping your nose. “Why do you think I give you hugs from behind? And why do you think I kiss your forehead every time I see you in the morning on our way to school? (Y/N), why do I tell you that I love you every night before you go to sleep?”
 “…because you’re a friendly person who doesn’t want me to feel alone with (B/F/N) and Alphie’s, as well as Danny and Kaden?” You ask innocently.
 (C/N) sighed, shaking his head. “No, it’s because I like you. More than a best friend.”
 “Oh.” You grin up at him. “I know.”
 “You what?!”
 “Well, if I said that I knew, I never would have heard it from you, right? And the others already make it stupidly obvious, but I want you to say it to me when you’re ready.” You smile, kissing his cheek. “I already knew, (C/N). And by the way,” you take his hands in yours, “I love you, too.”
If you like my work, please like and reblog! xoxo
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lancetuckershairgel ¡ 4 years
Tumblr media
Warnings: angst, mentions of abuse
Words: 1290
Taglist (open): @southernbell91 @mycupoffanfiction @marvelgirl7 @book-dragon-13 @buckysforeverprincess @tranquil--heart @brat-in-a-teacup @jamesbarnesappreciationclub @jobean12-blog @buckysteveloki-me @anxiousamandapanda @msruchita @bonkybarnes107 @i-have-arrived-bitch @jhangelface0523 @godofplumsandthunder
For the first time Chris dreaded seeing Lily st lunch. He didn't want to tell her what had happened to Lucy after the attempted run away, but he knew she would have questions. He almost went to hide in his office for the period but knew he couldn't disappoint the little girl especially since she was going through so much. He sucked it up and made his way through the line then to the table.  
"Hi Lily" Chris said as he sat down
"Hi." Lily said quietly 
"Are you okay?"
Chris tilted his head. Lily seemed off, sad. Even during the time she lived with her father Lily was always happy, smiling, and oblivious to anything bad going on. 
Lily just shrugged and took a bite of the quinoa and avocado bowl her foster mother packed for her lunch. She wrinkled her nose but ate anyway. 
"If something is bothering you maybe I can help?" 
"Everyone hates me. The kids in my class said my daddy left me because he didn't love me and my new mommy and daddy won't love me either. No one will."
"Lily that's no-"
"They're wrong though." Lily interrupted Chris, looking up at him "Lucy loves me."
"Lucy loves you very much." 
"I wish she hadn't got caught. Is she in jail? Can she come see me?" 
"I...uhm...erm.." Chris didn't know what to say "She's...safe right now. Everything is getting sorted out and it just takes some time but I hope the two of you will be together soon.".
"I hope so too."
"Lily, lots of people love you. Your foster parents love you very much, look at your adorable top and all the yummy food that your foster mom packs for you. Your teachers love you, I love you." 
"You do?" Lily's eyes widened 
"Mhm" Chris smiled softly
"I wish you could be my dad." Lily muttered as she looked at her avocado
The two continued to talk through lunch and by the time the bell rang, Lily was giggling again.  
"Hey Chris?" Lily turned around as she was walking toward her class line "If you see Lucy can you tell her I miss her?" 
"I will" Chris promised 
He knew the girls were having a hard time with the change of life they were experiencing and his heart hurt for them but until the judge reviewed his case there wasn't anything he could do except continue to see Lily at school every day and reassure her that things were going to be okay. 
The next day he left work a little early to visit Lucy at the detention center for visitation day.  He checked in at the front, received the pat down and had his weapon confiscated, then was escorted to the day room where families were already gathering to visit their wayward children.  He sat down at a table that had a few board games and a deck of cards on it and waited for Lucy. 
"Griffin. You got a visitor." A guard yelled from the front of the bunk room.
Lucy was one of the few girls forced to stay out of the day room during visiting hours which made them feel even more like prisoners. Lucy had already assumed she wouldn't have anyone come see her so she was laying in her bed staring at the ceiling. 
"Griffin let's go."
Lucy sighed and climbed down from the bed.
"Who is it?" She asked curiously as she followed the guard out of the door, the heavy bars sliding closed as they exited
"A man, your dad?" The guard glanced over 
"Don't have a dad." Lucy grumbled "And if I did he wouldn't come."
The guard frowned. Most of the girls in here didn't have one or both parents in their lives and it was hard on them when someone talked about theirs. Lucy entered the day room and rolled her eyes when she saw Chris. The two looked at each other for a moment before the guard nudged Lucy.
"Go on." 
Lucy sat across from Chris, looking away from him. He studied her for a moment before finally speaking. 
"You doing ok, Luce?" 
"I'm great Chris. This five star resort is just the vacation I needed to get away from all of life's stresses."
He sighed. Lucy was still angry at him.
"Why are you even here?" 
"Well, I thought you'd like some company, see if you need anything."
Lucy looked up at him with narrowed eyes.
"Why am I the one you picked to be your charity case, Chris?" She asked bitterly "Out of all the kids you know you chose my life to fuck up."
"You're not a charity case, Lucy. I genuinely care about you and your sister. Why is that so hard to believe?"
"Because no one else has ever cared about us."
Chris looked down. He couldn't imagine the years Lucy spent under the abuse of her father and being ignored by teachers or neighbors. If people had more balls to report situations like hers she could have gotten out a long time ago. 
"My whole life it's just been me and Lily, and you come along wanting to 'help' and just mess it up. We were fine without you." 
"No you weren't." 
"We were." Lucy argued
Chris bit his tongue and decided not to push her further. He could tell by the way she was slowly rocking, picking at her nails, that she was agitated. An outburst would mean trouble for her. He decided to change the subject. 
"You want to play a game?" He asked
"Come on" Chris picked up the deck of cards and unwrapped the rubber band "Can you shuffle?" 
"Of course I can shuffle." Lucy snapped, grabbing the cards from his hand and began to shuffle them
"Know any card games?"
Chris raised his eyebrow. 
"What?" Lucy shrugged as she began to deal the cards "Old man's friends would come over, they'd play. I watched and learned. Mostly because I had to."
"Why'd you have to watch?" 
Lucy placed the remaining cards down and stared deep into Chris' eyes. 
"Usually I was the bet." 
She laughed dryly when he became noticeably uncomfortable. 
"I'm figuring that's not the case here though. Do me a favor, go get a pack of gum and m&ms from the vending machine."
Chris did so and returned with the candy. The girls were only allowed vending snacks if their visitors purchased them and their behavior charts were green. Lucy opened both packs and divided the candy between her and Chris and began the game. 
"How's Lily?" Lucy asked as they played
"She's doing okay. The family she's with is wonderful, they're doing a lot for her." 
"I'm sure they're great." Lucy muttered 
"She misses you." 
"Just play the game." 
Chris could tell that Lucy was getting emotional by the crack in her voice. He stopped talking and played until she beat him, smugly taking all of the candy and shoving it in the pocket of her pants. 
"You're good."
"Well..when I got old enough the old man would let me play. If I won he'd buy food. Had to get good quick."
"Seriously?" Chris thought to himself, wishing he could find Lucy's father just to kill him. 
Visiting hours were almost over and other families were beginning to leave but Chris stayed until the final minute. 
"Lucy, listen. I know things are hard right now and it seems like it's not going to get better but I'm trying. Things just take a little time. Everything is going to be okay, kiddo." 
Lucy looked away from Chris and crossed her arms over herself. 
"I'll see you Sunday okay?" 
Lucy just shrugged. 
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iliketowrite1996 ¡ 4 years
Lunch Buddies
Part 1:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614617294578089984/his-best-girl
Part 2: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614969499334197248/meet-the-music-teacher
TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- abandoning child, mentioned of dead spouse, moving and starting over, single parenthood
‘’Jasmine. What on earth are you doing?’’
   The ten year old freezes in her spot at the sound of Steve’s voice, before looking up at her dad with wide, brown eyes.
   ‘’Um… I am making you lunch,’’ she responds, slapping yet another slice of bread on top of the sandwich that she is constructing.    
   ‘’Alright, Jasmine. What did you do?’’
   ‘’I did nothing!,’’ she insists, stepping over to the cabinet and getting out some tupperware and a top.
   ‘’I guess this wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you got your math test back yesterday, hm?’’
   Jasmine looks at Steve with wide eyes before sighing, looking to the floor, and trudging over to her book bag. She returns with her math paper… a giant red ‘’F’’ in the top, right by her name.
   ‘’Jasmine, come on now,’’ Steve sighs, shaking his head slightly as Jasmine constitutes stare at the floor, ‘’What happened?’’
   ‘’I studied, daddy,’’ she looks up at Steve, big, brown eyes filling with tears, ‘’Honest, I did! But when it was time for the test, I got so confused.’’
   ‘’Have you asked Mr. Isaac to help you?’’
   ‘’Yes,’’ she wipes at her eyes with the back of her hand, ‘’But I don’t get it the way that he explains it, either. Deshaw tried to help me and Alexandria tried to help me, but it’s still so confusing.’’
   ‘’Okay, don’t cry, come here,’’ Steve says, allowing Jasmine to lay her head on his shoulder like she used to do when she was little, ‘’Don’t cry. Everyone makes mistakes.’’
   ‘’But I KEEP failing!,’’ she eventually wails, and Steve pulls her in for a hug, smoothing her curls down as he does so.
   ‘’Shh. Sweetheart, calm down. WhenI was your age, I didn’t understand science, and I had trouble with social studies. Your grandma had to get me a tutor. And, you know what? That’s exactly what we are going to do. I’m going to ask Tony if his intern will tutor you.’’
   ‘’Peter,’’ Jasmine lifts her head up and looks at Steve, continuing to wipe her tears, ‘’From church?’’
   ‘’Yes, your crush,’’ Steve teases to which Jasmine giggles.
   ‘’Okay. Do you think that he can help me pass math?’’
   ‘’I’m sure that if he can’t, he knows someone that will. So, what do you say, kiddo? Ready to get yourself a tutor?’’
   ‘’You bet,’’ she nods, looking at his lunch, then the time on the clock, ‘’Daddy, we have to get to school! I want to give my music teacher her bracelet that I made her!’’
   ‘’You’re right. Grab your boots and let’s hit it.’’
   September has given way to fall, and Steve and Jasmine crunch the leaves under their feet as they make their way to the school building. Steve has to drag Jasmine along a bit, seeing as they got in late from church last night. But she perks up when he brings up her music teacher again.
   ‘Daddy, she is so nice! Yesterday, we got to makeup songs about school supplies,’’Jasmine reveals, sticking her arm out so that her dad so that he can guide her across the street through the crowds of people coming and going.
   When the duo makes it to the school, they share their customary high-five before going their separate ways.
   ‘’Good morning, Mr. Rogers,’’ you smile as you walk past him to your classroom.
   ‘’Good morning. And call me Steve,’’ he beams at your retreating form, ‘’I assume I’ll be seeing you today?’’
   ‘’Actually, we should be all good,’’ you turn around to face him as he comes closer, on the way to his class, ‘’Unless you just like seeing me.’’
   ‘’I-I, um, you know-,’’ Steve begins to sputter, causing you to giggle a bit.
   ‘’Steve, relax. I’m kidding. But I do thank you for being so kind to me these first few weeks. I’ll see you later,’’ you turn around, taking your key to unlock your classroom.
   And Steve tries to ignore the slight pang of disappointment that accompanies that statement. 
   ‘’Thank you so much for your help, Olivia,’’ Steve smiles as he high-fives the five-year-old, who beams in response.
   ‘’Thank you, Mr. Rogers,’’ she nearly whispers, following her kindergarten class into the hallway and back to there room
   No sooner than the students leave is Steve interrupted while organizing for the next class to come in.
‘’Mr. Rogers.’’
Steve looks up from where he is placing materials on the tables in preparation for his next art class to see you at the door, dressed in a blouse and professional bottoms…
With a giant coffee stain on your shirt.
‘’Woah, what happened,’’ he questions as you enter, futility scrubbing at the stain with a damp paper towel.
‘’Fourth grader running down the hallway. Luckily, it’s ice coffee,’’ you huff, tossing the paper towel away, ‘’Um, I’m here because Jasmine said that you had a pen to get stains out. I was if I could borrow it?’’
‘’You know,’’ Steve chuckles, walking over to his desk to retrieve it for you, ‘’We’ve got to stop coming to each other when we need things only.’’
Since your arrival three weeks ago, you and Steve stop by each other's rooms frequently. After all, you’re right down the hall from each other.
He needed a stapler, you needed a case of pencils and couldn’t find the janitor. Mr. Smith. He needed to know what time the assembly started, and you needed help with the copy room printer that always jammed and he didn't mind, did he?
‘’Thanks,’’ you sigh in relief, scrubbing at the stain, ‘’I sense you’re prone to messes, too?’’
‘’Not me. Jazzy,’’ he shakes his head fondly, ‘’She’s always moving, always rushing. She gets that from me, but her mom always used to spill on herself, too.’’
‘’I see,’’ you smile gently, pressing the cap back onto the pen before giving it to Steve, ‘’Thank you, Mr. Rogers.’’
‘’Please, call me Steve. We’re cowowrkers,’’ he reminds you, and it takes everything you have in you to bite back the smile that is beginning to form on your lips.
Okay, okay.He’s cute. But you’re his co-worker, you just got here, and you’ve got a lot on your proverbial plate already.
‘’Oh, um, listen. I’d packed Jasmine some lasagna that I made last night, but DeShawn’s mother packed her lunch today. So, if you want, since we have the same planning period…’’
‘’I’d love to. We can eat in my class, okay?’’
‘’Okay,’’ Steve nods, shoving his hands in his pocket.
‘’I’ll see you at 12:30,’’ you agree, exiting his classroom and heading back to your own to prepare for your first graders from Ms. Wilson’s class.
Just in time to miss Steve’s fist pump.
And he doesn’t see you do the same thing in the hallway.
   When you first moved to New York from Texas, it was for a fresh start. You’d parked your car, and moved in with your aunt and your uncle. Your uncle is the pastor at a local church, and he was more than happy to let you move into their house in New Jersey with them until you could get your bearings.
and he’d heard about the opening for the music teacher as a way for you to more easily get on your feet. In fact, you have a meeting with a landlord tomorrow to look at a one-bedroom apartment a few blocks from the school.
   You’ve been taking time getting used to your new surroundings. Every day, you take a walk right before work, taking in your surroundings and casually absorbing people. On the weekends, you find one new restaurant to try with your ‘’restaurant buddy’’.  After church, you say hi to one new person.  At work, you make it a point to say hi to one new co-worker each day.
   For a while, though,you seem to be making it a point to find any reason to talk to one Steve Rogers.
   Steve is one hundred percent handsome, and very  kind. He always has a smile on his face, he is so good with the students, and you can see how much he loves his daughter.
   ‘’Hi, mommy!’’
   You’re broken out of your thoughts by a young kindergartner who is waving at you as she clutches a hall pass.
   ‘’Hey, honey, why aren’t you in class?’’
   ‘’Teddy got sick in our class bathroom and I’m going to the big kids’ bathroom,’’ she beams, feeling proud of herself.
   ‘’Oooh, that’s a big step! Now make sure you go and get right back to class, baby. Mommy’s gotta go get ready for ehr new class. And you go with Ms. Potts after school, I’ll pick you up from  her classroom at 4:40, alright?’’
   ‘’Alright, mommy,’’she nods dutifully before trekking off up the hallway to the bathroom.
   Your five-year-old daughter is your first, and only child. She started kindergarten here when you moved, and it’s taking a while, but she’s slowly coming out of her shell.
   When your daughter was born, you had just finished college with a degree in teaching. Though her arrival was about five years ahead of your timeline, you were ecstatic. You’ve always wanted to be a mom, and this journey just began earlier than you expected.  Her dad, your then-boyfriend, Darryl, was less than thrilled at the prospect of a new baby, but he agreed to be there.
   That is, until he wasn’t. One day, the texts stopped being returned, the calls went unanswered, and he didn't drop by. A quick visit to his apartment confirmed your fear- only three months after your daughter’s birth, and he had decided that this was not for him. No conversation, no warning, nothing.
   And had you not had your faith, your church family, and family and friends, you’re not exactly sure where you would be. The combined forces have helped you get through your first year of teaching, your move, apartment, hunting, and most importantly, raising your  beautiful baby girl.
   Your next class is milling in now, so you put on your best smile and greet the students, earning high-fives and hugs from the class of second graders.
       And so begins another class.
   ‘’Hey, lunch buddy,’’ Steve appears at your doorway, right on time.
   ‘’Hey,’’ you smile at him, nodding for him to enter.
   ‘’I warmed it up for you, hope that’s okay,’’ he speaks, placing your lunch on your desk and pulling up a chair for you as you pull two bottles of water from your bag.
   ‘’Thanks for sharing with me,’’ you speak up, ‘’Otherwise it would have been peanut butter and jelly again.’’
   ‘’Hey, nothing wrong with a classic,’’ he grins at you, ‘’I forgot to tell you, and I hope I’m not overstepping… you look really nice today.’’
   You’d woken up a little earlier today, so you took care with your hair, slicking it back into a bun and taking the time to gel down your edges. Your favorite, red jumpsuit is on, and you’ve got the red ballet flats to match.
   ‘’Thank you, Steve,’’ you return the gesture,completing his outfit.
   You enjoy your lunch with Steve. The teacher lounge is great and everything, but you like quiet conversation during your lunch. So  it’s nice to spend time with your teacher neighbor, and relax before your last two classes of the day, and glee club practice.
   ‘’So, how long have you been teaching here,’’ you ask after praying over your food, silently reveling in the taste of the pasta that he’s given you.
   ‘’About ten years. I was hired here the year before Jazzy was born. This is, uh, actually where I met her mom,’’ he reveals, a look that you don’t quite understand crossing his face before he shakes it off, ‘’How long have you been a teacher?’’
   ‘’Five years ago, I started out in Texas as a grade-school special education teacher. I’m dual-licensed,’’ you move back in your chair, looking out the window, ‘’It’s quite different going from having a classroom full of students that you’re with all day to only seeing students a few times a week for 45 minutes.’’
   ‘’I imagine it’s also really difficult to come here from Texas. Did you have any family?’’
   ‘’Yeah, I moved in with my aunt and uncle. They’ve been a great help, but I think I ‘m ready to head out on my own. With their help, of course,’’ you amend, tapping your fingers against the desk, ‘’I don’t know. I just like the feeling of being independent.’’
   ‘’Well, you still seem pretty independent to me. But, you know, if you'd find a place, you’ve got two people that’ll help you move in. You’re Jasmine’s favorite teacher. She talks about you non-stop at home.’’
   ‘’She’s wonderful,’’ you shake your head, laughing fondly, ‘’And very headstrong.’’    
   ‘’Always has been,’’ he chuckles, ‘’Just like her mother.’’
   Before you can respond to that, they’re calling you over the PA system, and lunch is cut short. Steve follows you out, allowing you to lock your class door and head to the office.
   And giving you a minute to feel just a tad bit sour on missing the rest of your not-a-date-lunch-date with Steve.
   After the glee club picks up, you’re exhausted. Thank goodness you’re aunt is making dinner tonight, because you plan on crawling straight into bed after dinner.
   ‘’Mommy!,’’ your daughter screams,rushing forward and leaping into your arms.
   ‘’Gey, you know we don’t get that loud in the school building. But I’m happy to see you,’’ you smooth down her flyaway curls, ‘’Girl, what did you do to your hair?’’
   ‘’We were discussing static electricity,’’ Pepper informs you, walking over holding a first grader and a kindergartener's hands. ‘’She was absolutely lovely and so well-behaved. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?’’
   ‘’Okay,’’ you and your daughter nod before you take her to the parking lot, ready to head home.
   ‘’Mommy, are we having pizza for dinner again?’’
   ‘’No, we’re having whatever Auntie is making. And you’re going to be polite, even if you don’t like it. Understood?’’
   ‘’Yes, momma,’’ she nods, to unlock the car and place her in her booster seat before heading around to the driver’s side.
   Your night time routine is, somehow, a bit more chaotic than your morning routine. Baby girls are always tired from school, your aunt is exasperated after dealing with high school students all day, your uncle is tired from whatever volunteer or service he has done that day, and you’re just tired. But you’ve got to feed  your daughter, bathe her, do her hair, help with her homework, and send her off to sleep before working on your own planning.
   ‘’So, honey,’’ your aunt tells you as you send the resident kindergartner to the bathroom to wash her hands, ‘’I’ve got this great guy at church I’d like to set you up with.’’
   ‘’That’s gonna be a no from me,’’ you sneak a cucumber from the salad your uncle is making, causing him to playfully glare at you.
   ‘’Leave that girl alone,’’ your uncle jests.
   ‘’She’s a smart, lovely, beautiful young woman and he’s a good man!,’’ your aunt defends.
   ‘’I don’t have time for dating! We just got here, I need to put down roots first. Besides… I’m not even sure that I want to be dating right now.’’
   In some ways you’re still reeling from your relationship with Darryl. And you’ve been on dates, but nothing serious.
   ‘’Oooh, have you got sights set on someone at work,’’ your aunt smirks, earning a groan from you, which she laughs heartily at, ‘’You do!’’
   ‘’My sights are not set on him, but he is attractive. He’s with someone, though, so… there that goes.’’
   ‘’And here goes your daughter, so pipe down,’’ your uncle whispers, knowing you hate discussing dating in front of her.
   Soon, dinner is served and you're grateful to put the issue to bed.
   When it’s time to tuck your daughter, she’s smiling at you as she strokes the curls of your hair.
   ‘’Your hair is pretty, mommy.’’
   ‘’Thank you, sweetheart. Your hair is pretty, too,’’ you respond, taking her hand and kissing it, ‘’Time for bed, ladybug.’’
   ‘’Okay. Good night, mommy.’’
   ‘’Good night, Olivia. Mommy loves you,’’ you speak.
   Then, it’s time for you to head in for the night, leaving all thoughts of blind dates, school, work and Steve Rogers behind before drifting off to sleep.
DISCLAIMER- I own no rights to any Marvel characters, places, etc. 
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westannatasharomanoff ¡ 4 years
THG AU Chapter 25
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3     Chapter 4    Chapter 5    Chapter 6 Chapter 7   Chapter 8   Chapter 9  Chapter 10   Chapter 11 Chapter 12  Chapter 13 Chapter 14  Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17  Chapter 18 Chapter 19   Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22  Chapter 23   Chapter 24
TW: Major Character Death, Bomb Mentions.
* Natasha and Wanda watched the television in shock. That morning, The Capitol had “accidentally” bombed several sections of District 3 while they were on the train.* 
Woman on TV: The hovercraft accidentally dropped several bombs which were meant to be shipped from 3 to District 2 to help with peacekeeper training. The Capitol is still trying to take a census to find out who survived this tragic accident.
President Snow: (on the TV) Until we know more, we’re going to have to suspend all trains and hovercrafts going to, from, or through District 3 as well as all communication between District 3 and the rest of Panem. Don’t worry too much, though. Most of the labs and factories were completely fine, so the economy of District 3 should be completely back to normal within a month. 
Natasha: Unbelievable. Thousands of people are dead and this guy is concerned about the economy. 
Wanda: This was no more of an “accident” than the one in 12 sixteen years ago! *stands up* I can’t do this again! I’ll show them rebellion!
Natasha: Wanda, no. This is their game. If we don’t play by their rules, we face the consequences. 
Wanda: We can’t just let them walk all over us! Next time they strike, we’ll lose everything.
Natasha: They only strike when we step out of line, Wanda! I can’t take that risk, and neither can you.  Next time, it’ll be my parents. It’ll be Pietro. Not to mention we don’t even know who survived the attack on 3. 
Wanda: So you think they’re okay? Why do you think Snow gave us these? *pulls out wilting rose* 
Natasha: *tearing up* I don’t think they’re okay! I hope they’re okay, but I know they probably aren’t! I feel like my world is falling apart! I’m still coping with what happened to Clint, and I can’t handle this right now! Actually, I don’t think I can handle anything right now and I need to be alone.
Wanda: And I need my brother. *Wanda goes home*
*Natasha grabs her rose and runs to the edge of the woods. This was the place she met Bruce, the hillside she and Clint used to roll down as kids, the place where she and Yelena would build snow forts, the hill near Clint’s favorite hunting spot. It was her safe space. Natasha’s eyes burned with tears as she turned the wilting rose around in her hands, over and over. She let out a sob and threw it into the woods. *
* District 3, ten hours after the final bomb hit. *
The mayor (over an intercom): Attention citizens! A thorough search has been conducted and there are no undetonated bombs on the ground. It is safe to come out of your hiding spots.  We are trying to get a head count, so please stay put as much as possible. That being said, feel free to try to find your loved ones in an orderly fashion. 
Tony: I need to find Pepper and Morgan! 
Bruce: I need to call Natasha! 
*They go outside to see victor’s village and Tony’s street are completely fine, but Vision’s street is completely obliterated. A building right next to the lab they were moving things from was also gone, as well as a wall from the building they were in. *
Tony: No no no no no. Pepper! Morgan!
Bruce: What’s wrong? They should be safe if they were at home. 
Tony: They went to visit Pepper’s sister this morning! She lived right near Vision. 
A random rescue worker: Are you Tony Stark?
Tony: What do you want? 
Rescue worker: Is this your daughter?
Tony: Morgunna! *grabs Morgan from the worker* Thank you so much! Where did you find her?
Rescue worker: She was in a partially collapsed storm shelter from the dark days.
Tony: Okay, Morgan. Can you tell me where mommy is? 
Morgan: *crying and terrified* Mommy said stay in the hole. 
Tony: *panicking* Yes. And then where did mommy go?
Morgan: She left me in the little metal hole. It was dark and scary.
Tony: *starting to cry* Okay. Do you want to go home, Morgunna? *Morgan nods* Let’s go home. *Goes and puts his name and Morgan’s name on the survivor log* Mommy might come find us later. 
Bruce: Tony? 
Tony: Hm?
Bruce: I hope you find her. And I’m really sorry if you don’t.
Tony: *hugging him* Thanks. I hope you get the chance to call Natasha soon.
*Tony took Morgan home and Bruce put his name in the survivor log.*
Bruce: *to the Capitol citizen running the census station* Is there any way I could call my wife and let her know I’m alive? 
Person running the census station: What’s her name? Not to be that person, but she might not have survived. 
Bruce: She actually lives in District 12. I was wondering if I could call her.
Person running the census station:  Oh, you’re Bruce Banner! I’m sorry, all communication with other districts is cut off until further notice. 
Bruce: Please? She probably thinks I’m dead. 
Person running the census station: There are no exceptions to this rule. Don’t try to call her from home either, the lines are down.
Bruce: Okay, can I send her a letter?
Person running the census station: All communications are blocked, sir. 
Bruce: What am I supposed to do then?!
Mayor: *from behind Bruce* The president said that if you survived, you should finish packing. He wants to send you to 12 as soon as things calm down. Start with anything personal you have in your lab space.
Bruce: Fine. 
* Meanwhile in District 12, Wanda was trying to make dinner.* 
Pietro: Hey, sis. I saw the news. Well, actually, we saw it while we were on the train, but we didn’t want to upset Natasha. We didn’t want to upset you either, but I was the only one who knew you had any sort of attachment to District 3. 
Wanda: I’ll be fine. I’m just going to make dinner to take my mind off of it.
Pietro: Do you need a hug? 
Wanda: *starts crying and hugs him* Yes!
Pietro: It’ll be okay, I promise. 
Wanda: What if they get 12 again?! 
Pietro: Don’t worry. We’ll be fine. 
Wanda: Promise?
Pietro: Promise.
*Five days later, Natasha was sitting on her bed. She hadn’t slept since the bombing, and she’d hardly eaten anything.*
Melina: *walking into the house through the front door* Natasha? Are you still hiding in your room, sweetie?
Natasha: Yes.
Melina: I brought you dinner. It’s cottage pie. Remember when you were little and we would try out new spice blends on this because you and your sister just loved it so much? 
Natasha: Yes. I remember. I’m sorry, I’m not hungry. 
Melina: Dear, have you been crying again? You look like you’ve been crying. 
Natasha: I’m just so worried! What if he-
Melina: Don’t do this to yourself, darling. He’s probably alive. We haven’t gotten any news yet. Have some hope.
Natasha: How far has hope really ever gotten me? 
Melina: It’s allowed you to get through some rough times. It’s kept you whole.
Natasha: You think I’m still whole? I’ve been losing pieces of myself for years now. There’s the piece I left with Yelena, the piece I left in the arena, the piece I left with Clint, and now that Bruce is probably gone, you could say that there’s barely any me left. 
Melina: That’s not true. I still see the same precious girl in there. My same precious girl. I still see the rebellious toddler that always wore us out by running off at the marketplace. I still see the same compassionate 5-year-old that met her best friend by sharing her lunch on her first ever day of school. I still see the competitive 10-year-old who would always win snowball fights, even when nobody else was playing. I still see the intelligent girl that excelled in all of her classes from the very beginning. I still see my daughter, and my daughter is strong enough to get through anything.
Natasha: *hugging her* Thanks, mom. 
Melina: Now, I need to get home, but please be sure to eat. I brought you some tea as well. *sets down tea and kisses Natasha’s forehead* Take care of yourself, okay? Get some sleep tonight.
Natasha: I’ll try. 
*She ate and tried to fall asleep. She managed to sleep for about two hours. The next five days were difficult and Natasha still could hardly sleep. Ten days after the “accidental” bombing, a train arrived in District 12. It had the District 3 emblem on it. Bruce got off of the train.*
Natasha: *running towards him* Bruce! 
Bruce: *pulling her into a tight hug* Nat! I’ve missed you so much.
Natasha: I was so worried! I thought you were- *tightens hug* I’m glad you’re safe.
Bruce: I wanted to call you, but we weren’t allowed.
Natasha:  None of that matters now. I’m just so happy you’re safe. I’m sorry I look so...dead. I’ve slept about one hour a night for the past ten days. 
Bruce: You look perfect. Let’s go home.
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kisnet ¡ 4 years
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Memories of a lifetime I have many memories throughout my life, some happy and some sad. During the 1970's growing up I remember we used to look after a beautiful female foxterrier whom belonged to our next door neighbour, her name was Suzi. This was my first best friend and it felt like she was my dog as we used to take her in quite often when our neighbours went on holiday. One sunny day it was late in the afternoon and the neighbours facing our front door had a red brick wall next to their house and I was over by the neighbour playing with their kids outside in the garden. I decided I was gonna climb this wall cos being a young small boy I was always very curious and up for a challenge as to find out what certain things would be like after exploring them. So I climbed the wall and found out in no time that this wall was not sturdy (cement plastered) and gave way as soon as I climbed it. It collapsed in an instant and I had got such a fright but after sustaining some minor bruises on my leg. My ego was the biggest injury I sustained though, 😂 😂. At the age of 4 I had an accident after falling into hot tub and sustained a fair amount of burns to my body as described in 'my life story'. I also had a great fear of heights and at the age of 11 or 12, I went to a school friend's house and his dad was also in the military. They had a huge trampoline in the backyard and always enjoyed playing and jumping on it as a kid the few times I did visit them. They also had a big old tree in their backyard and they had a wooden platform fitted across some of the tree branches (tree house) high up in the tree. So I climbed up the tree and attempted to move across to another tree branch and my hand slipped of the tree branch and I fell to the ground flat onto my back approximately 3 to 4 metres down. I had some pain but it was more so the shock of that moment as I could not believed what had just happened. I swiftly got up and walked home crying. Whilst living in the southern suburbs and after getting my first BMX bicycle for Christmas in 1983 or 1984, I had my personal transport and couldn't wait exploring other areas outside of our home suburb. So I would choose a day during the school holidays and during the week and go out for the day on a trip with my BMX which was very adventurous to me. So I would plan the day in advance and get everything ready for my day trip out to areas like Kirstenbosch, Constantia, Newlands public swimming pool, Wynberg military base where we had lived previously and my mom would make me a bunch of sandwiches that I'd take with on my travels. I would also have a 2 litre Coca-Cola or Fanta orange and some sweets with a small amount of money to buy something in addition to my cold drink and picnic foods I already had. Some times I would take a friend with me to enjoy my travels in and around Cape Town's southern suburbs. Many times my mom and my brother and myself would take a trip to town taking the train into Cape Town which I was always very exciting to me because I loved the train rides as a kid. We would spend the day in Cape Town walking the streets up and down and end up doing shopping 🛒 in The Golden Acre and having lunch upstairs in the restaurant in the OK (now Shoprite). As a family we would sometimes travel to family either in the Eastern Cape and / or the Transvaal. I used to love the long trips although they were few and far between. Nevertheless it was a blast and we would stop along the way and my mom had made chicken and cooked potatoes along with some rice and other veggies. We would also have pudding which consisted of instant pudding and jellies all pre-packed into a picnic packed set of containers my dad purchased especially for the long trips during the holidays. As a small boy I was very close to my mom but later years things changed as I then got closer to my dad as I was rebellious as I grew older and had many clashes with my mom but would later years get better over the years as got used to it but never stopped loving my mom. There would be certain words exchanged which I would later regret as I still very naive and still had alot to learn still about life in general. My dad was a very strict straight forward person and did not stand for any nonsense whatsoever. If you didn't listen, he would merely lift his big hands and take a good hard swing at us and you know what you have done wrong and believe me, it did not tickle. It hurt like hell. Those were the good ole days and I never regret my upbringing ever. It taught me respect and improved my character as a person. One day my dad sent me down to the garage to collect some potatoes as it was kept in the garage. I would always get in my dad's car and play with the car switches until one day snapped the cable that unlocked the bonnet. My dad was very enraged and he gave me good beating as a result. He had to spend money to have it repaired. As a ruling because of similar events that resulted in things breaking, I stopped fiddling with other people's property as I was always curious what a button on a radio or some or other piece of equipment would do had I pressed it. It would always end up breaking something or something falling and breaking, so I eventually learned my lesson as a kid and stopped messing with stuff that either didn't belong to me or did not apply to me. Memories with my Dad (Adolf) As a kid I didn't spend much time with my dad as he wasn't always the emotional type but loved him to bits always. The times we did get to spend together, was always very special to me. When I was still very small, my mom used to buy a magazine on a weekly basis which had a kids magazine inside and one afternoon on the weekend my dad had me lying next to him on his bed and he read some of the stories out of the kids magazine to me. In 1989 I had written my exams after studying part time at Cape College 3x a week. Me and my dad came from town for some or other reason. I was over something but my dad comforted me as we approached the military base to return to work as I was busy with my military service at the age of 18. Well he turned around right there and then as I had mentioned to him that I didn't find out what my results were after writing exams and wasn't sure whether I had failed or passed. We arrived back in town at the college and I went upstairs to get my results. I came back downstairs and got in back into the car and told my dad I passed. My dad was in tears instantly as he heard that I passed. We drove back to work and that was one of the very special times together with my dad. It's these memories that makes thoughts and happy moments like this make remember my dad as my hero. He was hard on the exterior but very much a softy on the inside. In 1988 it was my last year at school and I had finished school although I failed, I was with school as I wanted to get on with my life. I think my dad was off that day and we went somewhere as it was a weekday and school was done. We went for a drive down to Fish Hoek and Simonstown and my dad showed me and told me alot of his past during when he was stationed in Simonstown. He went to show me where the house stood where he lived many years ago with his first wife and where he also had lived prior to Simonstown in Fish Hoek in a flat. That building still stands today. I went back to that building when I was still mourning my dad's death during the nineties just like I remembered the day he showed me the building, where he lived many years prior to that day, as I was reliving that time in my mind and was trying to picture myself back in the time frame my was living there. This was one of the ways I dealt with father's passing. The drive we took in December 1988 I will always remember as one of the highlights in my life. My dad and I spent alot of time together at home when he would repair something like the stove, washing machine door locks and general maintenance around the house and I had learnt alot from those times. I would often fix the vaccuum cleaner when needed some minor repairs with knowledge I was taught by my dad. In 1993 after my dad had fallen ill, I went away on holiday for about two weeks and when I arrived back home my dad was in tears to see me and so I hugged him and told him "don't worry I'm home now" I miss my dad like mad and wish he was still here on earth with me. Memories with my Mom (Christine) I was a mommy's boy when I was a small kid as I was the youngest and probably got away with alot. But those were my favourite years as well cos I used to get alot of attention from my mom. I spent most of my time with my mom as my dad was at work all day. So my mom would walk me to school and then I would get so lonely because I saw my mom walk away going home after dropping me off at school and felt very vulnerable and would burst into tears 😭 but over time it got better and I got used to school. My mom left to attend her brother's kmy uncle) funeral in Pretoria and I would be alone with my dad but missed my mom so much. Then when she got home after about a week I was overwhelmed with excitement and could not wait to see her after I got home from school that day. I always felt my protected me when I was still very small. My mom was my everything at that point in my life. My mom and I used to play alot of games and jokes over the years even until shortly before she passed away we had our little games and jokes we used to play ▶. My mom told me quite alot about her mother (my grandmother) and I wished I had known her. Memories with friends During my lifetime I met and have had some great friends. I would like to name two of them. Their names are Damian and Chris. I met Damian and Chris in 1991 and we formed a bond as friends and used to spend alot of good times together like having parties, braai and go drive around or go watch stock cars at the old Goodwood show grounds. As a small boy I didn't have many friends as I was very shy and didn't like strangers. It was almost like I used protect myself in that regard. It was only after I was working my first job and had my first car that I started wondering farther then just work and home. I got introduced to alcohol and over the years drinking got worse when I would visit friends or attend a party etc. After a very bad experience with alcohol in February 2009, I decided that this was the last time I would ever touch alcohol and stopped smoking, drinking as well as drinking sodas. That was a wake up call for me and a turning point in my life. Everything changed for me that time. The two friends that always stood by me through thick and thin has been Chris and Damian. Chris was there for me for emotional support when my dad passed away in April 1995. Damian has been there for me as well many times since my mom passed away and helped me with lots of different things in life over the years even before my mom's passing. These are two friends I regard very highly as my own family.
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yrpspiritsintheshadows ¡ 4 years
A Strange Arrangement
A Strange Arrangement
Hideki sighed in content as he watched the whipped cream he was making double in size in the stand mixer.
There really wasn’t anything quite like the feeling of success at seeing a technique work out just like you practiced it.
“Alright, soon as this is whipped, I’ll get it into the cake and-”
There was a tugging on his apron, causing him to jump. He looked down to see Ken was giving him a puppy eyed look, tugging again on it.
“What’s up, Shark Pup?”
Ken smiled, jumping back.
“Can you make me a lunch?”
“Like, to eat here or a bento? And for that matter, why? I thought you already ate.”
Ken sighed, giving him a kicked look.
“I shared my lunch with my friends. I’m gonna be hungry real soon… Pleeeaaase?”
Hideki glanced at his mixer, checking the consistency of the whipped cream. Fluffy and nearly coming out of the bowl, just how he liked it.
“Maybe later. I need to finish my roll cake. If you’re patient, I’ll put a piece in there.”
Ken perked up, letting out a little gasp.
“Really? Can you put two?”
Hideki gave him a curious look, getting his roll cake set out on the counter and spreading the filling out atop it. 
“This is really rich. It’s chocolate with strawberries and I’m gonna cover it with a ganache before freezing it. You’ll get a tummy ache on two.”
“I won’t! The other piece isn’t for me.” Ken put both his hands together, giving another pout… throwing in a whimper for effect. “Pleeeaaase?”
Hideki flinched, trying not to make eye contact. He knew that look. He had become very accustomed to it.
“Ken, please don’t make that face.”
“Pretty please?”
“Ken, who are you even hanging out with? You know you can’t feed chocolate to the dog.” 
Okami, as if understanding this, let out a loud whine. Hideki rolled his eyes.
“She’s a really good friend of mine from school.” It wasn’t a lie, Ayami was waiting for him outside and he wanted to share a snack with her. “We’re going on a big hike.”
“I don’t remember hearing you talk about this friend before. Which one?”
“Her name’s Ayami.” 
Hideki hummed in thought. He remembered seeing a few kids playing with Ken during park trips but never anyone by that name.
“Ayami, huh?” 
He nodded, bouncing on his heels a little, leaning up to watch his big brother work. Hideki’s hands were fast as always, rolling the cake up carefully but securely before sliding it into the fridge. He moved to the stove, starting to melt chocolate together with heavy cream. 
“So, can I have it? Please?”
“How long are you gonna be gone? Did you tell Dad or Mom?” 
“I’ll tell them in a bit, but Mommy would just go “You have food at home, you two can eat here.” and… they don’t know Ayami’s mommy.” Ken pouted. 
Hidei nodded, very familiar with that rule. He grew up with it from Aika and Daisuke. Before the age of ten, no friends were allowed in the house unless they talked to their parents first.
“Well, why not ask her to bring her mom over then? She’s gotta anyways if she’s being dropped off, right?”
Ken went very quiet at this, biting his lip.
“... Ken?” Hideki narrowed his eyes. “I’m not helping you keep a secret.”
“But it’s an important one…” Ken looked down at his shoes. “I promised.”
Hideki sighed a little. He knew that all too well. He wasn’t comfortable keeping secrets like this though. Especially if it went against their parents’ rules.
Sure, he’d gladly sneak the kid an extra cookie or stay up an hour later than he said because his favorite show was on… but when it came to going off alone, or rather, anything involving Ken’s well being after the nightmare incident, he wasn’t comfortable with that.
“Ken…” He looked up from his cooking, meeting his eyes. “I want to respect your wishes but I’m not gonna keep secrets from Mom and Dad. That’s not my thing.”
Ken looked down, breaking eye contact.
“Ayami’s not normal though.”
“Is she like you? Or like me?”
“.... She’s…” Ken mumbled something, looking away from Hideki. The teenager frowned, raising an eyebrow.
Ken smiled sheepishly, guilt in his eyes.
“She’s a ghost.” 
Hideki’s eyes widened before he put a hand to his face.
“Keeennny, why didn’t you just start with that!?”
“Ehehe?” Ken kicked at the floor a little. “She’s not like a regular one though. She’s a Ghost Guardian… You know what those are, right?”
“Yeah, of course. Ghost kids who stay behind and work under Lady Phantova as her warriors against the undead.” Hideki took his pot off the stove, pouring it over the cake before shoving the entire thing into the freezer. “So, that’s who your little friend is, huh?”
“Ahuh… You see why I can’t just go “Bring your mom over.” since her mom is y’know...a GODDESS!?”
Hideki nodded, wincing a little.
“Yeah… I can imagine. At least tell Dad since I think he’d be more okay with this.”
“I’ll tell him later, Ayami’s waitin’ and I can’t cook.” 
Hideki sighed, lowering his head. 
“Okay, but just this once. I mean it bub.” He gave Ken a stern look. “And if you don’t tell, I will. This is not gonna be like your bad dreams. Okay?”
Ken nodded.
Hideki sighed before getting started on a relatively simple lunch, making sure there was enough for two.
“And if she offers you ghost fruit, you don’t eat it until you tell the folks. Alright?”
“Okay. Why?”
“I heard it doesn’t wear off that fast and you don’t wanna scare them with thinking you died and came back to pretend all was normal.”
Ken’s eyes widened before he nodded.
“Got it…. And Hideki?”
Ken hugged him tightly.
“I love you.”
Hideki smiled softly.
“Love you too, Shark Pup.”
Things just keep getting interesting don’t they?
Honestly though, might be just the thing he needs to practice those gifts. He’s gonna see worse things than making a friend out of a dead kid.
It wasn’t long before Hideki saw Ken off, the little boy running off as he joined Ayami’s side. The ghost girl looked over her shoulder at him, giving him a thumbs up.
“Be careful.” He looked down at Okami, the dog giving a huff of annoyance. “What’s her issue?”
“It’s hard for her to keep up.” Ken frowned a little. “Okami, stay-”
The large dog bolted to his side, whining.
“Alright, alright. C’mon!” 
“Be safe you two.” He waved, before the kids started to walk off… Only to jump when Hideki let out a yelp.
They looked back, seeing Eiji was standing right behind Hideki. The man raised an eyebrow, motioning with his finger for them to come back.
“... Uh oh.”
Ken gulped, hurrying back over, as Eiji knelt to his level.
“Am I in trouble?”
Eiji held up a finger, taking off his reading glasses. 
“Not yet.” He gave a firm look. “First, I heard about half of what was going on in the kitchen. I was grading papers in the living room.”
Hideki winced.
“You’re not in trouble. Like I said - not yet.” He gave Ken in particular a stern look. “Ken, can I finally meet your friend properly?”
“You knew!?” Ken yelped.
Eiji shrugged a little.
“I played with Ghost Guardians when I was little too. Kind of not a surprise to me, that you’d make friends with them too.” He was nostalgic as he looked Ayami over, nodding as he recognized the armor style. “Yup, the real deal… Which is why I’m not mad. But Ken, you should never be worried about this stuff, like I told you before - you can tell us anything and we won’t be mad.”
“Even if I tried to keep another secret?”
Ayami hurried over.
“It was my fault.” She insisted. “Please don’t be mad at Ken.”
Eiji looked at her, giving her a gentle look.
“I’m not mad. Like I said, I just want to know what my kids are getting up to. The woods aren’t entirely safe but if he’s got a friend like you, I think I can trust he’ll be alright… but I do want to at some point meet with your mother. Is that alright?”
Ayami nodded quickly.
“Frannie wouldn’t mind. If you played with us Ghost Guardians before then you’d know her too, right?”
“Yeah but it’s been about twenty years, give or take.” Eiji patted their heads. “But, no more of these little secrets, okay?”
“Good… and Ken?”
Eiji kissed his head.
“Be good and be safe.” 
Ken smiled, hugging him tightly, relieved he wasn’t in trouble.
“Thank you, Daddy. I love you!” He grabbed Ayami’s hand as they ran off, Okami chasing after the children. “C’mon Aya!”
Hideki and Eiji watched them go, before Eiji sighed a little.
“She’s so tiny…”
Hideki looked up at him.
“How young do you think she was?”
“Given I’ve seen Ken playing with someone I couldn’t see since he was about 4? I’d imagine she was five. She’s presenting herself as six right now but she’s still learning. Could be awhile before she decides her final age so to speak.” Eiji sighed. “Makes me just sad for her parents, if they were good ones.”
Hideki looked back to where they had gone.
“If they were anything like mine, they’d just be happy she has a life somewhere. Even if it’s just her afterlife.” 
“Yeah… Welp, guess this means we might have a deity dropping in on us.” Eiji headed back inside. “I’m gonna go back sure I swept.”
“... So wait, that’s it? If Titan just showed up here, you’d be this nonchalant about it?”
“Kind of?” Eiji shrugged. “Honestly, this is just par for the course for me. I remember meeting her once when I was Ken’s age but that was twenty years ago. She probably doesn’t remember me.”
“Aww… Who could forget you?”
Eiji ruffled his hair.
“Aww shucks… Now… How about that cake eh?”
“Oh, you’re gonna love it. C’mon!”
Hideki hurried back inside, calling out for Hikaru and Carmen. Eiji looked back towards the forest, as the wind picked up around him.
The more things change… the more they stay the same.
Ken and Okami were keeping up at a decent pace with Ayami, who was flying above them. The kids were relieved they hadn’t been in any actual trouble. 
“Hey, my big brother packed a big snack enough for two people. Do you wanna share it with me?”
“Sure! When we get to a good rest spot.” She did a flip through the trees above them. “Wee!”
Ken saw a large boulder coming up. He picked up the pace, before leaping over it, forcing himself into a flip before he kept running.
“Oooo nice! You learn that recently?” She clapped a bit.
Ken grinned. The extra lessons while practicing with Chase and Eiji were paying off.
“Ahuh! Just can’t do it often.” 
“Got ya…” She came to a stop, standing on a high tree branch looking around the forest. “Let’s see… Where to go…”
Ken looked around, Okami whining a bit as she nudged him along. 
“Oof! Hey.”
Ayami looked down, raising an eyebrow.
“What’s up with her?”
“She smells something she doesn’t like.” Ken moved along, knowing very well that trying to go anywhere Okami deemed “danger” was a bad idea.
Ayami narrowed her eyes, looking around them, focusing on the energy of the forest.
Something was nearby but… it didn’t feel like a threat. Still, she swooped down, pulling Ken up, flying at a pace to keep up with how fast Okami was sprinting away from it.
“Oof! Hey!”
“I don’t think it’s bad but we’re not alone. Let’s not tick something off.”
“Right.” He looked behind them… He saw a bush rustle. “... Let’s get far away. Fast!”
Ayami looked behind them before using her strength to grab onto the scruff of Okami’s neck, lifting them both up.
“ARROOOOOOO!” Okami howled in alarm. She smelled it… It was close but she smelled it. 
And she didn’t want it anywhere near her pup or the strange, not living pup.
“Um, Aya what are you-EEP!”
She phased them through a large brush of trees, before stopping at a large rock that had a relatively smooth surface, enough for all three of them to lay across.
“We’ll just stay here a bit.” She gave a salute. “I’ll go investigate.”
Ken frowned.
“It can’t hurt you can it?”
“Naaah. I’m already dead!” She boasted. “Nothing can hurt me!”
Ayami gave a salute, before hurrying off, turning invisible. She came back to the path they had been on before, peering through the bushes and trees…
Whatever it was she had sensed and what scared Okami, was long gone now. She couldn't pick up a trace of it.
Weird… Maybe a forest spirit?
Ayami shook her head. No, that wasn’t right. It hadn’t felt dead. 
The presence was alive… very much alive.
Maybe it was nothing. Probably a fox.
Still, she made note to keep close to Ken during more of these excursions if she didn’t have training. 
Ayami hurried back to where Ken was waiting for her, already setting out their snack.
“Well?” He looked up, worried.
Ayami frowned.
“I couldn’t find it. It’s gone.”
“That’s good… right?”
“I think so but I’ll keep around more.” She sat on the edge of the rock, picking up a sandwich, taking a large bite out of it. “Mmm! Oooh that’s yummy! What’s in it?”
“Hideki makes this yummy sandwich spread, with veggies and cream cheese. It’s really good.” Ken smiled a little. “Aya, don’t worry, okay? I know you got my back.”
“And I intend to keep doing that.” She offered him a fist bump. “Ghost friends?”
“Not secret friends.” He nodded, bumping his fist with hers. He looked out over the forest, closing his eyes.
The forest’s energy was the same as ever but… his gut told him something else was around. He wasn’t entirely sure what it meant yet…
But he hoped it was nothing scary.
Just don’t let it hurt my family. 
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lunanight2012 ¡ 5 years
A Tale as Old as Time? Pt 1
This is a story beween my oc Cindy Luna Charming, twin sister to Chad Charming Jr, and Harry Hook. I know its not that great but I hope you guys like the first part of this story!
I took a deep breath, two days ago King Ben and Lady Mal took down the barrier forever. Now school is back in session and some of those vks were going to be going to Auradon Prep. 
"Including him." I muttered to myself, rushing back to my vanity, organizing what little stuff I had on it. 
Harry Hook. The one VK who, on the day the barrier came down, stole my heart. Yes, I know it sounds cheesy but he did.
"Lu, you coming?" Chad asked, peeking into my room.
"Yes, just grabbing my camera!" I exclaimed, grabbing my Polaroid camera.
Chad Charming Jr. Aka my twin brother. He got the looks, i got the brains. My name is Cindy Luna Charming, but I just go by Luna. 
"Why do you use that old thing?" Chad asked me, gesturing at my camera.
"It's so I can have physical pictures. Plus you know how much I love this camera. It may be outdated but I can get refills for the film online." I explained with a smile.
"Whatever, come on, Audrey is waiting for me!" Chad exclaimed, rushing ahead of me.
Today we welcome the new VKs to the school. Including one Harry Hook. Fixing my light blue skirt one last time I walked outside and towards where Jane and Carlos were. 
"Luna! Good timing! The Limousines are just pulling up!" Jane exclaimed. 
I uncovered the lens of my camera and took a picture of the Limousines pulling up, I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck standing up as the band, led by Doug, started playing.
The Limousines parked and Jay got out of the driver's seat and like a chauffeur, opened the back door.
Placing my first photo inside an album i quickly took another picture of Uma, daughter  of Ursula, getting out. Putting the photo away to develop later, I get ready to take another picture.
Next was Gil, oldest son of Gaston, strong but naive. Jay had mentioned he was going to skip a year of school and go adventuring with Gil. But I think he will do that after graduation next year.
Taking a picture of Gil and Jay chest bumping made me giggle. Putting the picture away I placed my camera to my face to take a picture of the next VK to step out.
Harry Hook. Taking the picture I froze, he seemed to be looking around for someone. I highly doubt it was me. He was probably looking at all the other girls. Pushing up my glasses I quickly placed the photo in my album.
More VKs piled out from the other 2 Limousines. Celia, Dizzy, Squirmy, and Squeaky, the VKs that were invited over before the barrier was taken down came out of the 2nd limo.
From the third limo, I didn't really recognize any of them.
"Who are they?" I asked Carlos, as I took pictures of each VK exiting. 
"That's Diego De Ville, my cousin, he's got a band pack on the isle but I'm sure him and Doug will get along great. And those two are the sons of My mother's henchmen, their names are Jace and Harry. And that last person is Yzla, daughter of Yzma." Carlos explained, waving at the four.
I nodded, I remembered hearing about them, well, their parents. King Ben and Lady Mal welcomed the new VKs to Auradon. I took the chance to take a few more photos, hiding my face every time I saw Harry looking around. Soon I was able to sneak away back to my room to develop the photos. What I didn't realize was that Harry was watching me.
Back in my room, I take a breath and walk over to my small couch and take all the photos out and start to shake them, letting them develop.
I pick back up the one of Him. My face heating up as I realize I caught him looking directly at me.
"No…. It's a coincidence. Nothing more." I explained to myself putting the photo in my photo album.
A strange tapping came from my door. I froze, that wasn't Chad's knocking, and it sure wasn't Jane. 
"Who is it?" I asked, a little nervous.
"Luna! It's Mal, can you come out for a moment?" Mal asked through the door.
I sighed with relief and walked over to the door, opening it up.
"Guys this is Luna Charming. Chad Charming's twin sister. She knows this school inside and out. She can show you to your dorms and you all know your classes! Uma, I shall see you later, the rest of you if you have any questions please ask me, Ben, Evie, Carlis, Jay, or even Luna." Mal explained.
Crud, I forgot I was in charge of showing them to their dorms. Rushing back into my room, stumbling over my bag I grab my clipboard that had all of their dorms on it.
"Luna right? I would have thought Cinderella would've named her daughter a C name." Gil questioned, earning an elbow to the side from Uma.
"Actually my first name is Cindy. Cindy Luna Charming. But everyone calls me Luna." I explained, looking at my clipboard. I could feel Harry Hook's eyes on me.
"This way!" I exclaimed, closing the door to my room. I led the group down the hall, stopping to show where Uma and Celia would be bunking, then letting Dizzy know she would be staying with Evie at her castle, ahem, starter castle. Then we got to the boy's area. Harry and Jace would be bunking together, Diego got a room with the twins, and Harry Hook and Gil were bunking together.
I bowed my head and scurred off before Harry could say anything. I was so embarrassed. I ran to my room and closed the door, plopping down on my bed as I pondered what momma would say. 
"You need to find yourself a good prince." I imitated my mom. 
Sighing I sat up and got ready for my first class, Flora and Fauna, also known as Plants and Animals.
"Maybe he won't be in this class." I muttered hopefully as I headed to class.
Arriving at the class, I was happy to see that Harry wasn't in my class. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I took my usual seat. Pulling out my notebook and my book, getting ready for class to start.
"This seat taken?" An all too familiar voice asked, causing me to freeze up, I shook my head, keeping my eyes on my notebook.
He pulled out a chair and sat down, setting his hook down on the table next to me as he pulled out his stuff. I took a peek at him. he was wearing black eyeliner and a black pirate vest with buckles going down, and he looked like he has just came straight from the isle. I quickly look down before he could see me.
"Luna right?" He asked.
"Y-yea." I stuttered out.
"Well lass, I believe we met a couple days ago. At that party." Harry explained grabbing his hook.
I could feel goosebumps going down my arms.
I could feel his hook on my ponytail holder.
"I would love to see you with your hair down Luna." He stated.
Before I could respond Chad walked in and rushed over.
"That's my seat Hook." Chad glared at Harry.
"Oh but I am already seated Junior!" Harry taunted.
"Students! Quiet! Chad take a seat next to Doug." Mr Happy, the dwarf explained.
Chad glared at Hook before sitting across from me, next to Doug. Class began, learning about Hook's crocodile. Harry being a tiny bit of a teacher's pet, knowing all about it.
"If ye make tick-tock noises at the crocodiles they will follow you, making it easier to lead them away from a drownin fella." Harry exclaimed.
I took diligent notes, trying my best to not doodle on my notes. The bell rang.
"Alright class, next week we shall discuss the other sea creatures."
I packed up my stuff and rushed out of there, my face red and my heart racing. I got to my locker and switched out books to my Photography and you class.
"What was that about Lu." Chad asked, startling me.
"What do you mean Chad?" I ask, a bit confused.
"The VK! I know Ben and Mal say they can be reformed to be good but I don't trust him." Chad explained glaring down the hall, I turn to see Harry at his locker chatting with Gil and Uma.
"Give them a chance bro. They did help save everyone. And from what Carlos told me, they found you in a closet wanting your mommy. If it wasn't for Harry, Uma, and Gil I wouldn't be here! I'd be a statue still." I explained, poking his chest.
"Fine whatever, but if he hurts you he will not be in a good place." Chad tried to threaten. 
"Behave. I have to get to class. Bye Chad!" I exclaimed as I rushed to my Photography class.
Harry hovered behind Lonnie. "Is she taken?" He asked her, gesturing at me.
"Luna? No, I don't believe she's ever had a boyfriend." Lonnie explained before heading to fencing practice.
Harry smiled a toothy grin before following Uma and Gil to their goodness class.
Lunch time finally came around which meant I could go to my room and go through all the photos I took that morning. Smiling at the one of Gil and Jay chest bumping.
"Two bros hanging out." I said to myself, giggling.
My mom used to tell me I got her skills and her laugh, but I never particularly liked my laugh. Too frilly.
I sighed as I added the photos to my scrapbook. Save for the Harry Hook one. I put that one under my pillow. After hiding that picture i went back to decorating my scrapbook. 
A knock on my door startled me but didn't pull me away from my task.
"Come in!" I called.
The door opened, and a male chuckle sounded.
"So this is what yer room looks like lassie, it's nice." Harry exclaimed.
I jumped a good foot off my chair, falling over. Harry rushed over and caught me in a tilted position.
"Ye okay lass?" Harry asked me, a bit of concern on his face.
All I could do was nod. He set me back on my feet. I straightened my skort and my top. 
"So you take pictures eh? But I don't see one of me?" Harry questioned.
I felt my face heat up. "T-the picture didn't come out right! S-sorry!" I stuttered out.
"Oh? What tis this?" Harry asked grabbing the photo of him, that I hadn't realized was peeking out from under my pillow, and held it up. 
My face must've been incredibly red from my embarrassment. I stuttered nonsense, trying to hide my crush on him.
Harry chuckled, setting the photo down on top of my pillow before walking back towards me. The look on his face was that of a predator, and it gave me goosebumps and a bit of adrenaline.
"So my little duckling why did you hide the photo you took of me?" Harry asked, a shit eating grin on his face.
This is where I surprised even myself.
I gave him a smirk. "Maybe I just didn't want anyone to see it." I commented, grabbing the tip of his hook.
Harry went wide eyed for a moment before chuckling.
"Well then. You intrigue me my little duckling." Harry explained as he took his leave.
The moment Harry was out of the room and my door closed, my legs finally gave out and I crumbled to the floor. A shit eating grin on my face.
"That felt amazing." I stated to myself. 
Being around Harry gave me adrenaline. A big smile stretched across my face. And I absolutely love the feeling.
I sat up straight when the bell rang. "Oh no! I'm late for class!!!" I exclaimed grabbing my bag, books, and notebooks and rushed out of my room.
Fairies 101 was always an interesting class, Fairy Godmother was probably my favorite teacher. Granted I'm best friends with Fairy Godmother's daughter, Jane. Mal was in my class too. This week we were discussing the fairies in Neverland. But I couldn't focus on that. Looking down at my notebook I realized I had been sketching Harry's face.
My face became bright red as I quickly flipped to a new page. He was all I could think of. All I could be thankful for was that there were only two people that knew about my crush. Jane and Carlos. My two best friends. 
As soon as class was over I was rushing to my room, I was done with classes and I wanted to get a head start on my homework and hope a hook wielding pirate wouldn't run into me.
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blankdblank ¡ 5 years
If You See Him Pt 2
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… Pt 1 ...  Brief mention of poisoning and miscarriage but otherwise angsty/fluffy
“Music of the night”
Two days. Two days you had been trudging along the now snow coated path and another deep sigh left a huge plume of mist from your lips and you grumbled remembering you still had to the next bend in the road before you could finish off your next lembas bar. One of your habits packing snacks just in case, well it certainly was in case territory now. “Half Vanyar, half bottomless pit.” You nodded, “Great genes. Immune to the cold but not the buffet table,” a groan left you at the growl your stomach let out. Again the wind kicked up and fidgeting your fingers around the strap on your shoulder as you tried to ignore the imaginary sound of a motor you had once again found yourself dreaming up in hopes of it whisking you off to food.
All of a sudden a hood came up on your left and you heard a voice calling out, “Car break down?”
Turning your head you blinked at the change of wind blowing your hood back nearly knocking you back a step, “Lotta wind,” you mumbled.
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“Jaqi?” Instantly your eyes snapped up and your mouth fell open as the couple in the back leaned forward looking at the woman who had supposedly died centuries ago.
“Dew Drop?!” In more of a shout than a whisper you had imagined you took in the face of your long lost fiancé who had fled when the war shifted to Doriath leaving you lost to everyone you knew. “What the-,”
Your hand latched onto the frame of the window in another gust of wind as Gimli forced his door open saying, “Here, I got these.”
Collecting your bags while Legolas leaned over the passenger seat to let you inside, “Climb on in.” Carefully you kept hold of the door the wind swung it open and you climbed inside while Gimli carried your bags, closing your door behind you, he carried into the back seat to slide over it into the back before tugging his door shut.
Once inside Thranduil rolled the window up and watched as you reached up to fling the braid tangled around your neck over your back turning to look at Legolas as he asked, “Were you driving?”
You shook your head, “No. I,” you shrugged saying, “You know that ski resort?”
Thranduil, “Please tell me you drove! It’s at least a days drive from here!”
You nodded, “Managed it in two, would have been here by lunch if it wasn’t for that ice, and that, crazy, crazy looking goat.”
His dark brows were knitted together and you couldn’t help but smirk, “You got your dad’s forehead wrinkle.” As his eyes scanned over your face you asked, “He ok?”
Thranduil nodded, “Yes, Naneth too. How-,”
Finishing his sentence you said, “How’d I make it?” He nodded and you wet your lips, “Oddly enough, and, there was this pipe thing, they burst first, so I grabbed my bag, we all poured out in the halls then it just all flipped and tore apart as it rolled, when we tipped over I got sucked under a hard current. Then there was this school of turtles, that bit my bag after I hit my head and helped me out to the surface. Most of us actually made it, a lot of fish, and we washed up on Alqualonde. Mom and Dad made it to Tirion, but they got sick after from the fumes. I got sent to Lindon to the grottos with the other orphaned teens after I heard Doriath was gone.”
Thranduil wet his lips again and you looked to Legolas who said, “Ada, Gran and Gramps evacuated to Lindon too, then went off out here to Greenwood. Met mom out in Rivendell on a trip,” In Thranduil’s anxious nip at his lip Legolas added, “Didn’t last a year, she found an agent who said he could make her famous, just took off when I was two months.”
He shook his head to say it wasn’t troubling him anymore, then you looked to Gimli who glanced at Thranduil saying, “You look hungry.”
Thranduil nodded and forced himself forward Shifting gears, “Right, you’ve been out here for days you need to eat.”
Gimli again caught your eye as he said, “We got Jenga, you like Jenga?”
Weakly you chuckled, “Once I get the feeling back in my fingers sure.”
Gimli, “Thought Elves didn’t feel the cold.”
“I don’t, but that goat, sort of rammed my hand pretty good trying to take my bag, not broken just a bad bruise, but still,”
Gimli’s grin spread seeing Thranduil’s fingers tapping on the wheel anxiously making him ask, “So, ski resort?”
“Ya, the, well, that’s another lovely gem of a story. I’m on a fifth date with a guy and he answers a skype call from his mother, who in the twenty minute long call she kept calling me different names and insisted I come along to the family ski resort. Flew out, private jet and all, on which he said it’s fine to bring me they invite the help all the time.”
Gimli, “Ouch.”
Legolas, “Asshole.”
You nodded, “And not four hours after he took off to be shoved into his circle of pedigree exes I get called in to talk to mommy. Who says I lack pedigree and if he stayed with me they would cut him off. And I didn’t feel like staying for two weeks, so, I left my key to my closet of a room and started walking.” In your glance at Thranduil who was struggling not to stare at you, “How’d you get out here?”
He glanced at you quickly then back to the road again to steer through the growing waves of snow as the storm picked up, “Live just a couple miles up the road.”
Legolas, “You’d love it, 800 acres. Full Elk herd too.”
In a squeaking grin from you Thranduil felt himself grin and start to blush when you asked, “Seriously?”
He nodded and stole a glance your way, “Seriously. Got tired of the city. I manage the firm from out here, just spend a few months total at my parents place in the city when they can’t manage without me.”
“Oh, before I forget, I have your Grandad’s compass he used to loan me for trips back. It lost one of the opals on the cover in the mermaid tail, but I managed to get it repaired from the water damage at least.”
He nodded, “Ada will be pleased to hear that when he’s steadied breathing after hearing you’re safe.” Naneth might take a few days to calm.”
Legolas grinned, “Good thing we’ll be snowed in for a week with this storm.” His grin stirred yours out and you looked forward at the storm trying not to worry about all you’d missed in his life. On your lap your fingers folded together to keep from tapping them and Legolas asked cheerfully, “Any kids?”
You glanced back at him and shook your head, “Almost, once.”
Thranduil stole another glance at you and Gimli said, “Oh,”
Shaking your head you said, “Not in the plan for me back then. It’s alright.” Looking at Legolas you asked, “How bout you? You must be..? Four hundred?”
Legolas smirked saying, “No grandbabies for Ada just yet, and close, 385.”
You looked to Gimli and he shook his head, “Me? Nope. Adad barely found out Leg and I are going steady, if I showed up with a pebble Adad would never let me out of the house again.”
Peering down at your locked fingers Thranduil caught your free thumb stroking the top of your index finger making his heart pound even harder wondering in you had your ring he bought you under those gloves of yours. Inching up in your seat you spotted a cabin in the distance. Thranduil caught your gaze saying, “That’s it. One of the few in these mountains.”
Gimli, “You live far?”
“Honeycomb square in Lothlorien.”
Legolas, “Gran works near there! In the glass mural building across from the park.”
“I know that one, used to sketch it all the time when I first moved in.”
Gimli, “You work near there?”
“Um, my dark room is there, it’s my spare room in my loft. Not much, but it works for now and the guys next door keep an eye on the place when I’m traveling for jobs.”
Thranduil, “You know them well?”
“No, but they’re King Amroth’s nephews, they study hard and they prefer to give their guards some room to pace since our places split the East portion of the floor, and I can never finish a tin of cinnamon rolls even with my appetite so we split them and they don’t mind looking out for me in passing.” Down the driveway you turned and softly you whispered, “Wow.”
Easing out Thranduil’s grin and making Legolas say proudly, “Ada spent a good fifty years perfecting the place before we moved in.”
Parked inside the garage you opened the door and eased out feeling like you were ready to split in half but you remained calm and before you could turn around Legolas and Gimli had slid out with your bags saying, “We’ll unload, Ada you can give her the tour!”
Weakly you chuckled and turned seeing Thranduil strolling up to you looking like he was going to hug you, at least until your foot shifted like you were going to step back, in a minor crouch a few inches you said, “I really want a hug but can I use your bathroom?”
Thranduil chuckled in relief and pulled his knitted cap off pointing to the door he guided you to, “Absolutely.” Unlocking the door he watched you fumble your jacket open you shrugged out of leaving it by the second door on the left he pointed to, “Through there.” In your failed bump of the door with your heel he reached out closing it and stood along the wall as the couple carried everything in passing him in his spreading smirk hearing your muttered fumbling with your gloves and belt.
Biting each glove you dropped them to the floor and tugged your belt free and wiggled your pants and jeans down and sighed bending in half nearly as the flood gates burst free as soon as you sat down. With the flush you stood and inhaled deeply buckling your belt again over your secured jeans and walked to look at yourself in the mirror while the water ran. You didn’t look too awful and looking down your eyes snapped straight to your ring as you washed your hands, your right clearly bearing a telling dark bruise on the last two knuckles up over the back of your left hand. To yourself you mumbled, “Damn goat.”
Turning around after drying your hands you bent to pick up your gloves and hat feeling your sweater shifting around you as you stood, behind the door you opened Thranduil’s eyes fell on you in the turn of his head as his grin eased out again. “Thank you,” exiting the doorway you peered up at him and saw his lifting your coat he’d picked up.
“This way. I know Legolas said that it was perfected, but sadly I only have two beds.” He stole a glance at his son passing, “’Someone’ got sick when he was ten and decided to get sick on the guest bed instead of in his toilet. Never had a need to replace it.”
Legolas rolled his eyes, “I had a fever and the shower monkeys lit the toilet on fire. The guest room was the only safe room.” Giggling to yourself you followed him through the tour starting in the living room where he hung your coat up and shrugged out of his. An action luring his eyes to you taking in his much broader defined frame after years of working these lands and building this home making him turn his head to keep himself from ogling your slightly more matured and toned figure. Gimli took to feeding the fireplace as Legolas ensured the crystal lamps were glowing while you eyed the portrait of an Elk over the mantel.
The kitchen was next as it was just to your left and the laundry, pantry, main study along with the bare spare rooms around the music room, then he led you upstairs where his office and the double master bedrooms were located across from Legolas’ study. Guiding you from your inspection of the growing storm outside, “This’ll be your room.”
Smirking to his broad back you followed him inside asking, “You mean out of the two beds I get to bump you out of yours?”
“You’ve walked for two days!” Turning around he caught your brow raised stare at the massive bed he could lay across and still have over a foot to spare with your bags at the foot of it, “I don’t care how much you argue you are taking the bed.”
In your challenging smirk his way one split across his face and you said wiggling your fingers at your sides, “I bet if I hit just the right spot I could win that argument.”
“You are not tickling me out of this.” In his deep inhale looking you over fully he missed your hand lifting to pinch and tug on the sweater over his belly drawing him closer. Tightly you were latched around his torso and his arms folded around you in return pinning you to his chest with his head lowering to nuzzle against yours feeling your hands clutching at the sweater on his back. “I never should have let you go.”
In a whimper you mumbled into his chest, “Ow,” Opening is eyes as you retracted making his eyes scan over you falling to your badly bruised hand your other hand was cradling, “Sorry, damn goat.”
Tenderly his hands cradled yours turning it over in his hands then he said, “We need to coat this in creams and brace this.” You nodded and he said, “First aid kit’s in the laundry.” Smoothing his free hand across your back in guiding you back downstairs.
“You’re not giving up your bed if I have to tackle you onto it.”
Playfully he rumbled back keeping your hand level, “You know how that always ended.”
“You in my skirt?” In your giggle he rolled his eyes chuckling to himself, “Though your hips are a bit too broad to fit most of them now,” making him chuckle again.
Leaning in he rumbled by your ear seeing the couple readying supper, “Trust me, if I want to try them I will find a way.” Calling out he asked, “Little Leaf could you fetch the First Aid kit?” To which he hurried to fetch as you sat down on the couch he led you to. Sitting on the table across from you he thanked Legolas for the kit and let your hand settle on his knee while he found what he needed, when he looked again with bruise cream in hand his lips parted seeing the ring he’d given you on your index finger. Tenderly he swiped a finger of the cream over your bruise, “It doesn’t feel broken, that’s good, still binding would be wise. And preferably no more battling goats.”
“He started it, stubborn jerk.”
“And just what did you get out of it?”
“The satisfaction of scaring off a goat.” Making him chuckle, wetting your lips you said, “Would your landline work still?”
Thranduil nodded, “Yes, you need the phone?”
“I was going to call my neighbors, they like having my current locations in case they need me.”
He couldn’t help but smirk, “They must really love you.”
“I am an excellent neighbor and I’ve done a few family portraits.”
“Ah, there it is, Royal Photographer.” Making you roll your eyes in a weak giggle.
“Nowhere near that official.”
His gaze lowered to your legs as he set the support brace he wrapped around your bandage coated hand. “Do your feet hurt?” Catching your eye he asked, “Hopefully you didn’t kick the goat and break a toe or something.”
You shook your head, “No, they don’t really hurt..”
His brow inched up, “Not really?” Exhaling he said, “Alright, one thing to do,” once he was done with your hand he reached down to grab one of your feet to start unlacing your boots he set aside along with your socks. Tenderly he inspected the pair of them that he began to rub saying, “After dinner I’ll pour you a bath so you can relax,” His eyes darted to yours, “No arguments.”
All at once it washed over him and at your playful jab of, “Well you’ve got me by the foot, how could I possibly argue?” You were here in the home he had built for you, alive and healthy, in tact for the most part and hopefully after dumping your ex two days ago possibly willing to give the both of you another chance.
Legolas chuckled coming up to your side offering you a hot toddy, saying, “To help warm you up.”
Flashing him a grin you accepted it, “Thank you.”
His other hand passed you the phone, “For your neighbors. I’d say we’ve got half an hour maybe for reception.”
Thranduil hummed in, “More like ten, till those darker clouds close in when the wind shifts again.”
Gimli’s head popped in saying, “Let me know when you’re off the phone so I can close the storm shutters.”
You nodded and nipped at your lower lip dialing the number on the adorable phone receiver shaped like a sleeping Elk you raised to your ear. Three rings later and you heard, “Coltov cookies, how may I direct your call?”
Smirking to yourself you said, “Hey, it’s Miss Pear from next door,”
“Ah, how is the ski trip?”
“Didn’t go as planned, wanted to let you know I’m still up in the mountains.” Stealing a glance at Thranduil, who was staring at your foot pretending not to listen in smirked as you said, “That fiancé I told you about, ran into him and he’s letting me stay with him through a storm,”
Legolas tapped your leg, “You’re welcome as long as you want.”
You nodded and glanced at Thranduil, who peeked up at you with a hopeful glint in his eyes as you heard, “Might we have the address and record this number for his home?”
You mouthed for the address and Thranduil answered allowing you to relay it before well wishes were given and the call ended freeing you to hand the phone back to Legolas, who asked, “That’s it?”
You nodded, “That’s it. Really don’t need much. I’m not that special to them.”
Legolas stood, “I beg to differ. No doubt if your ex has said anything they are calling off a full scale search for you. You don’t need to make another call?”
You shook your head, “No, had an assistant few decades back, but we took different paths.”
Gimli hurried out to switch the key in the control box closing the metal shutters outside the house, “She stole from you?”
“In a matter of speaking.”
Legolas, “Why do I detect a matter of boy troubles wafting up?”
Weakly you chuckled saying, “I was in a relationship with her brother, but somehow along the way when I told her I thought I was late something snapped in her, she loved me more than she let on, or more than I cared to admit. Long story short I ended up in the hospital with poisoning, and he left me and took everything not bolted down when I had my miscarriage. Said I was barren and I broke his sister, who was committed to an institution for 200 years.”
Gimli sat on the arm of the couch next to you as the other two sat open mouthed looking at you for a moment as he asked, “So little?”
You looked at him, “They were from Bree, Men, not Elves. They died over three centuries ago.”
Thranduil lowly whispered, “Jaqi-,”
You shook your head, “It had to happen. He was nice, at first, and I was in a weak place after my parents and everything. But then I met Rumil, a friend of mine, he helped me move to Lothlorien, gave me a job in his gallery till I could buy my own camera, loaned me one of his till then too. I’ve grown since then and let it be.”
Gimli popped up at a ding, “Ooh, the roast.”
Trotting away making you smirk and look up at Legolas, “Good choice. I know a thing or two about Dwarves, he must be a stunner.” You looked at the now blushing blonde, “You better hold onto that one, bet he knows the best songs to lull you off to sleep.”
Thranduil chuckled as Legolas nodded and cleared his throat awkwardly before saying, “Ya Gimli, I’ll get some apples!” Darting out of the room making Gilmi glance through the doorway at your giggling self and Thranduil with his shoulders shaking in his struggle not to laugh.
Softly you asked, “Did I say something?”
Thranduil shook his head still chuckling then answered, “No, just still in his bashful phase. Only been together a few months but they’re Ones.” As his hands smoothed up onto your ankle he was rolling and massaging at the same time testing for sprains or weariness before moving up to your lower leg after rolling up your pant leg. A white jagged scar splitting up your left leg parted his lips in feeling it yet when he looked down he shifted your leg to see the side of it eyeing the pink cherry blossoms tattooed around the scar camouflaged to be a twisting cherry tree with a resting elk and his mate under it. “From the crash?”
You nodded, “Used to work kids parties a lot and festivals in the summer, didn’t like scaring the kids, wore tall socks till I could afford it.”
“It’s beautiful.” Slowly working his hands up your leg to massage up to your knee.
“Thank you. You have tattoos?”
Thranduil weakly chuckled saying giving your leg a tap, “I have this, on my right side, though I have a squirrel Legolas asked me to add on the Elk’s antlers. Still have the original you sketched up when we were kids, it’s framed in my office, if you missed it. You just have this one?”
“Just that one.”
Releasing your leg he left propped up on his lap he started to rub your other foot and caught your glance at his ring, “Is the ring pinching you?”
You shook your head, “No.”
Legolas again was back and had a refill for your drink you thanked him for, sharing more about his school goals and sharing more about his and Gimli’s plans before asking, “What are your plans for work now? I mean, any special jobs you want besides portraits for the King?”
Weakly you chuckled then answered, “I actually wanted to have a whole show on the mountains,” widening their grins, “King Amroth actually sounds rather interested in it. Encouraged me to try and get out of the city so he could see what I come up with. Even brought my camera on the trip, got a few pictures from the plane.”
Thranduil all but hummed, “Well there’s plenty to capture out here when the storm lifts. Take as long as you need we can show you the best spots.”
“Sounds like fun.” Grinning up at you he worked up over your second ankle and towards your knee until dinner was called when he shifted to lift you in his arms carrying you to the table. Flat against his chest your unwrapped hand rested feeling his heart pounding between steady breaths as you settled in his arms for the few moments it lasted. A joke from Gimli set it off and as if you were in a dusty old vacation homes the dust coated cloths covering the furniture flew off and somehow the centuries just blew away leaving you both at home. Right in front of the young couple footage from old tapes of who the man that shaped Legolas to adulthood once was, bright and vivacious with a near catty joking banter with you, the woman they understood to have been the one to unlock the true happiness in the sullen Elf. Pain had locked his joy away and barely an hour together and the whole house lit up with laughter and joy flooding from stories of his father and grandparents Legolas had never heard before.
Mid squeaking loud laughter while his father bent over shaking with loud laughter Legolas’ cheeks hurt from smiling so wide in anticipation for the rest of the amusing tale, “And then as always we get caught playing an old album and dancing to it, and of course Oropher come in and joins us learning the moves only to drop back into his signature dance.”
Legolas chuckled, “I never knew Gramps could dance.”
In a stunned crack of your voice from you making Legolas chuckle at your open mouthed stare at Thranduil who was wiping tears from his cheeks peering lovingly up at you, “You have robbed this young man.” Looking to Legolas you said, “Give me a minute,” Shaking your head you mumbled, “For shame.”
Popping up to your feet to trot upstairs only to come back down with a waterproof pack etched with maps parting Thranduil’s lips, “You still have that?”
Playfully smirking at him you replied, “Your Ada bought me this traveler’s pack. The only thing that kept my laptop and films safe in the crash.” Opening it you brought out an old laptop you turned on and played an old video out of thousands you had of you and Thranduil dancing as kids awkwardly to an upbeat song used for pairs dances usually for bumping feet or hands to certain patterns in one footed hops or sways to the tune. From a peek in through the door Oropher and Taule came into view trying to learn your unique dance, “Here it comes,” you said breaking Legolas and Gimli’s giggles. Randomly Oropher’s hip would jut out and throughout the dance he would throw one bump after another only making everyone laugh louder as the video flashed through the years showing more proof of his love of the bump to any beet possible.
A few more old videos were shared from Thranduil’s collection as well with you settled somehow between Thranduil’s legs in front of the couch smoothing your fingertips against his bare arms under his rolled up sleeves that were draped around your middle. Slowly his eyes had drooped shut resting his cheek against your head adoring you in his hold. A yawn from Legolas had the film paused and leaning over Thranduil pulled him closer to kiss his forehead saying, “Off to bed you two. See you at breakfast.” Sluggishly the couple stood and made their way upstairs to their room and your head leaned back to settle on his shoulder, “I’ll draw up your bath.” Shutting the lamps down to a low glow as the fire died out he carried you upstairs where he sat you on the edge of the bed to pick your clothes while he started the tub.
Lowly through the walls you could hear Gimli humming ‘Music of the Night’ making you smirk through hearing Thranduil lighting a series of calming candles in the bathroom meant to lull you into a peaceful state after two days of travel. When he entered the room again his loving smile in looking you over made you snap back to a defensive joke to hide your fear of his possibly being nostalgic and not open to another chance. “So I take it you often get to hear the Music of the Night?”
Rolling his eyes he turned and shut the door severing the music and you giggled at his hummed answer of, “I do not think about their ‘music making’. Up you get.” Scooping you up in his arms, right where he wanted you to stay where he could be certain he couldn’t lose you again. To the tubs edge he set you down then added some oils and herb salts to the bath as you carefully eased your arms through your sleeves to remove your sweater. Your fresh clothes were set on the sink and when you were stripped and helped to clip your hair up you lowered into the tub while he chose his own change of clothes then sat on the edge of the tub to relax with you.
“Feeling better?”
With a nod you replied shifting your wrapped hand on the edge of the tub to ensure it stayed dry, “You can kick me out when you want you know-,” his lips parted, “Sometimes it takes a while for me to find the right thing to capture on film.”
“I never want you to leave,” he said smoothing his hand over your arm keeping his eyes on yours. “You kept the ring?”
You shrugged saying, “Hoped I’d find you eventually. You wouldn’t happen to be single?” You asked timidly and wet your lips when he shook his head.
“I happen to be very much engaged,” the turn of your head was stopped at his looped fingers easing under your chin as he leaned in purring, “It sounds terrible, but I’ve always considered myself engaged to you, and if not for Leg I would hate having slept with another. In a few days, there’s a lovely spot for a picnic, we could make a day of it?”
“Sounds good to me.”
A finger on his neck had him squirm and you smirked asking, “Is that a freckle?”
Chuckling back a “Yes,” he grinned at you laying his hands over your injured arm.
“Since when do you have freckles?! Show me!” Again he chuckled and your other hand grabbed his sweater over his belly you pulled upwards, “Come on, strip.”
“Oh it’s an order now?” He joked back.
Slowly you began to chant, “Strip, strip, strip,” At the third one he rolled his eyes and reached down to tug his sweater off and gave a quick shiver at your fingertips ghosting across his shoulders and pecs. “I love your freckles.” Making him smirk in his lean in again to relax while you soaked, “Do you want to come in?”
Lowly he chuckled and slowly shook his head, “I would love to but I can’t trust myself naked with you in a tub right now.”
You nodded, “I’ll get out then.”
Thranduil smirked saying, “I’ll move the candles,” anything keep himself from ogling you as you dried and dressed. But a few minutes later he saw you seated on the end of the bed with legs tucked up close to you under his bunched up favorite school shirt he had given you to wear to bed until you could be together again.
He approached the bed and up you got onto your feet urging his eyes to shut at the hands sliding up to his shoulders. A tug of his neck brought him down and in your kiss his arms reacted how they used to, picking you up to wrap around him only the inhuman grumble he gave at the rubbering of his knees made you giggle in his fall above you onto the mattress.
No time at all could have blocked him from knowing just what and where to touch or kiss in a rapid descend through the centuries into your loving moments again in the awkward slide up to the pillows in a stripping tangled mess of love lasting through the night until you finally both gave out and held on for dear life until the morning. And every morning after it was more of the same until once the storm had cleared a grey sunrise found you torn from sleep by a loud shriek.
The source of the noise altogether innocent as Legolas approached the room saying, “Hey Gran, thought you should know Ada’s engaged.”
Her and Oropher both shouted out, “What?!” To which he added, “Not that I’m not glad to hear he’s so happy, however, to who?”
Smirking to himself he said, “Well about a week ago out before that storm we saw this woman just walking down the street, had been walking for days. Brought her home and now Ada says they’re engaged.” His smile spread, “Want to say good morning?”
He didn’t give them any chance and there under Thranduil’s shoulder with him half latched around you and slumped over to the side nuzzling into you a clear shot of your face was given after Legolas brushed your curls back. The phone for the video call was turned and both of your eyes jolted open at the shriek bubbling into a big rehashing of all that had been missed and plans to meat for dinner when Thranduil came back with you to Lothlorien for your work thing, but only to help you pack for a much longer stay with him out here on your land to learn the best spot for your small wedding in the spring.
All –
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @here2have-fun​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim​, @jotink78​, @pastelhexmaniac​
X Thranduil - @evyiione​, @sweetlytenacious25​, @tigereyesf​, @pastelhexmaniac
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