#my new bestie is moving into her summer place and i am going to help her move :-)
proteuus · 1 year
pros about being my friend: I will help you move
cons about being my friend: I will talk about a boy so god damn much
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
July’s almost done and we are in the middle of what’s supposed to be the big draught post S4 PR. But tell you what – it does not feel so dry! So let me catch up real quick:
We have yet to see the big hard launch / kissing pics, right? Or did I miss them? What I’ve seen is a real life praying hands emoji sat on a table with an 🐜 at GQ, a swimming teacher in LA and continued swimming lessons in Italy. In all of which L’s expression reads like he has zoned out of his body and is in fact a robot. I get it, he is dating the 🐜 since god knows how many months. He obviously likes spending time with her, because why else would he take her anywhere he goes, except -maybe / no longer- the bathroom. To be fair, I haven’t seen her toilet-dancing in a while. But why does the man always look so miserable about it? Just put her out there, stuck your tongue down her throat, cuddle, press her to your burning loins, we don’t even care or pretend to be shocked at this point. And what’s with the face? Did you sign a “strictly no smiling or looking happy when with gf” policy?
On a more serious note, I am wondering how he is doing mental-health wise at the moment. He does not give sound vibes and despite me doing heavy-eye-rolling at his actions and being quite fed up with him frequently, I can’t help but feeling worried, when I look at him. That there is not a happy man.
Catch me up on his career / new projects? Anything going? His career besides BTON seems to be somewhat non-moving, I mean we don’t know what is in the pipeline but it feels like his big “leading man” moment and energy is slowly fading and career-things should have come out of it by now. Could be because of his messy private life but I doubt it plays that big a role. Why then, if not for that, is he seemingly not moving at all, career-wise? I won’t say “look at N”, because she is a different type entirely, but he seems to be just disappearing in to another HBS without even doing as much as a play. Should he not be thriving right now?
Same same as usual with the friends, right? This group is deeply worrying and I do not mean because of 🐜. They give seriously damaging vibes, maybe they just want to keep him close because of freeloading, maybe they don’t want him to be too successful because of jealousy, maybe they really are entangled in a weird way, the whole dynamic is just giving unhealthy vibes. And with this group of leeches hanging on, he will have to be very strong to disentangle.
I don’t even think about him with N right now. He is in no place where he could be in a grown-up relationship with his soulmate, he needs to sort out so many things before going there. Hopefully S4 filming will have some impact on that. It does seem however, that N is having a happy, quiet summer with her bunch of friends, filming etc. and I love that for her. Did I miss anything important on her? Dating allegations, except for her gay bestie JD?
Let’s see what fresh horrors August will bring – I’ve never been that ready for fall to come in my life!
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moonstruckme · 5 months
Okay sorry I don’t want to burden anyone I know irl so rant below ! Cw for anxiety maybe? Please feel no need to read, everything is fine in my part of the world :)
I’m graduating on Saturday and that’s already more scary than exciting unfortunately, but a couple of days ago I got turned down for the only position I wanted in the city I live in now, so I’ll officially be moving away at the end of the summer. The thing is, I have no idea where !! I’ve always wanted to move out of my home state so it was never the plan to stay here, but there was a weird sense of comfort in the idea that I could potentially just stay where I am right now, continue to hang out with my friends who are doing grad school, kinda sorta pretend to just still be in college for another year or so. Which maybe wasn’t the best idea, but the familiarity was like a security blanket. Now, I cannot stop thinking about how I have no idea what I’m going to do.
I really hoped I’d have a job lined up by now, but as it stands it seems like I’m going to be working 3 jobs until my lease ends in August and after that I have no clue where I’m going. Jobs in my industry are worryingly scant and while I’m trying to make my peace with working in like a coffee shop or a bookstore or something (which I think I would be perfectly content with, at least for a while) the amount of decisions that leaves me with is stressing me out so bad. I have to figure out where I want to live, get a job there, go and find an apartment with some roommates, make all new friends, etc, etc. I’m terrified.
I have literally one friend who isn’t going on to some kind of higher education and she’s already gotten her dream job after applying to two (2) places, and I’m genuinely happy for her but it makes me feel like such a failure that I’ve applied to dozens and not even gotten an interview. I want so badly to just do something I care about but I feel like soon I’m going to have to settle for whatever pays rent. I keep telling myself that that’s fine, because plenty of people live that way and I’m sure that so long as I keep writing and have some good people in my life I’ll be happy, but it’s so so scary to know that in a couple of months I’ll be leaving all my friends and family behind but have no idea where I’ll be going.
I’m really not trying to whine, I know that I’ve been extremely lucky to go to college and enjoy barely paying for anything the last few years (I have a scholarship that pays for most of my rent and my parents help me with grocery money). There are genuinely awful things happening all over the world right now, and I live in a country that affords me a good amount of safety and have parents who I know would step in to help me if I were literally starving. I’m just sort of coming to terms with this being the first time in my life that I’m completely on my own. I’m confident that I can find something to keep myself alive, but I’ve been very lucky to have great friends and a very contented life so far, and I’m both grateful for that and terrified it’s going to end soon.
I can sort of feel myself on the edge of a wee breakdown and that really cannot happen right now because my family and my long-distance bestie get here tomorrow for graduation so I’m going to have to be very smiley and confident for at least the next few days ! And anyone I shared this with would be taking on the burden of feeling some kind of guilt, which of course I don’t want to put on anyone. So yeah. Sorry to do this here, but I really felt like I had to externalize this somehow and you guys are my unfortunate victims!
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 years
KP watches the live action Monster High Movie
watching the MH movie with review watching thoughts. we started this somewhere around 10 am...ended around 1:30 pm. oh goodie, this is a LONG post
right off the bat that’s not Deena, that’s my Leena. sorry i don’t make the rules. 
but also, how was it comfortable for her ears to be in that helmet? and how has she lived with those for 15 years and no one noticed? was she just homeschooled? and she’s now the tofu eater?? and aren’t almonds dangerous for canine? (i know she’s a people too, but werewolves aren’t supposed to have chocolate (sometimes) due to their canine side so...) and her mom also had constant ears too?? but what? i thought, from the preview texts, that she had JUST started to become a wolf, as in she looked human up until recently? how did her mom hide out in the human world? where even IS her mom? (you’re only a min and  half in KP geeze) that family portrait implies she stuck around longer than Aquaman’s mom did so she didn’t at least drop baby Deena off and ran i guess...but yeah mom and kid had ears and that was a JCP portrait; didn’t the photographer think that was strange?? i just...i’m only a min and  half in and i am having far too many questions, i can’t let this spiral like the netflix death note watch review did, i just...i just can’t...
ok so Deena got a hogwarts letter...i guess she applied online? heh “dark web’ sure i’ll give that for a pun. but her dad knows all about monster stuff? ok...but people at the park don’t? i...what is world consistence?!?!?!? i mean, MH always has that problem about how closely linked the human and monster realms are, how much bleeding into one another there is. but i...no, no, just move past it, we need to get hairy pawter to magic school for the plot. but also, half-monsters are a regular thing????? no, no, moving forward...
i know people pointed out the license plate saying “bark” but i wonder, was 9/25 the original release of MH something or other? also...what state is that plate from??? the closest i know is the DC plate, but it’s not exactly right and the mountainous landscape doesn’t match places around there...is it just a made up plate design?
lol yes walk through the spooky skeleton mouth portal. but dad is kinda far too chill with this...kids’ movie though, so that’s to be expected.
oh musical number 5 minutes in...yeah we are a kids movie. but hey the school’s render, though not super top tier (tv budget) does look good. but yikes that poor backgrounder in the neon yellow body suit who’s face paint does not match. that’s rough buddy.
oh hey Ula. just...dropped in with no introduction. and Abbey is...yeah not  gonna touch that yet. but Frankie, also just dropped in. this really relies on you being familiar with the MH lore and setup going into this, doesn’t it? heh mummies in combat boots. but cleo....is not over the top enough...and being besties with piranha Lagoona is still weird to me...i can *kinda* forgive the “i broke up with Deuce over the summer” plot point because that does open us up to new story lines for them (as in them getting back together, not just them dating other people). and Lagoona’s CGI still looks very cheap ^^; but honestly why isn’t she pink like her doll? everyone else gets colored (though now thinking about it Deuce isn’t really green is her...) the fact you have folks with human skintones really doesn’t help your “no humans allowed” sentiment when a class photo looks like half the student bodies are human passing.
wait Heath is bit more bro-mode and less weenie, but kinda right in the hitting on everything that moves (that was Abbey right?). and no Deuce is green, so yeah why isn’t Lagoona pink?
oh hey Ghoulia
ah Mr OC teacher is the newbie student teacher. that’s nice.
and we are starting with teh anti-witchcraft. but ohho, Dracula calls it a “human practice” so my thought that it’s frowned upon BECAUSE it’s humans pretending to be monsters kinda dealio was right. ok, cool, i’m good with that. i also can’t help but wonder if giving that to Drac to complain about has anything to do with his past employment of romani...but we won’t go there since again, kids’ property, it ain’t really gonna go there.
is that Spectra Deena says hi to in the dorm hallway?? also, hey the dorms! we get to see them for once! i have always liked the idea of the school dorms for those monster kids who have to travel too far from home. i mean, i guess now everyone lives there without question, so that’s cool too. but yay dorms.
wait, Ghoulia speaks normally? uh...ok...well, the trend of taking away the neat unique character bits is a thing for G3. but she her line “that always gets the freshmen” (why not freshmeat boo) implies she’s at least a sophomore? that’s kinda cool, it’s nice to have some grade divisions. and i guess Deuce is too since it seemed this was at least his second year at school.
Frankie is kinda awkward but sweet. although, they’re made from famous people parts huh? not just...general parts...or possibly the Skull Shores lady...made from specific famous people parts...like Herman in the new Munsters movie...and Ula is a witch vampire just like Lilly...uh...moving on.
that window looked like it was just glued onto the wall
ok wow, Ula’s personality feels like a complete 180. she’s not into community? she was president of the vegan vampire club and always doing community outreach before. she was into sharing and group activities. i know she’ll grow out of this through her arc i’m sure, but just wow. she’s got more Cleo attitude than Ula.
oh, ok, i take back a little positive points from the castle, it looks not as good in daylight. but also, why is there daylight in a monster realm? eternal night would seem better for most species wouldn’t it?
ok if Frankie’s parts came from folks that didn’t have schools, how can the parts be viable enough to be useable for them in the modern times? did their parents have super juice that rehydrated them or something? (you’re only 15 min into this 90 min movie, you’re never gonna make it KP)
ok if you have on campus dorms, why would you require lockers? that's more me just asking not critiquing the movie’s choices, because logically that just doesn’t make sense to me. lockers are to store your personal and extra school stuff...but you have a dorm room for that here. maybe to cut back cross-campus traffic i guess? just seems redundant to me.
ok wait, Deuce broke up with Cleo, not the other way around? ok...i’ll take back a few of those “i’m *kinda* alright with it” points because it could still be because of Cleo’s family stuff that caused it...
calling Frankie a “walking jigsaw puzzle” could work as an insult...if they looked more mismatched. but they look pretty uniform, just you know, greenish blue. their outfit even coordinates enough. also Deena that was a tiger roar; you are not Tora. and Abbey and Heath are chatting behind Deuce...those two are still going to be a thing aren’t they...
hey Deena is taller than Frankie here. that doesn’t line up. also, was Deena’s surname Wolf before? was her dad named Mr Wolf? is that how her parents met, cause her mom thought she was meeting another werewolf but turned out to be a funny human dude that she ended up falling for? does the monster and human tinders crossover like that if you don’t hit the right setting? or was it a “my gym partner is a monkey” situation and it stuck dad on the monster’s side? i have no basis for any of this, i guess i’m starting to wonder a bit...only 18 min in, that’s not good
heh Bloodgood’s office is in the clocktower. that’s kinda cool...but would be annoying to get to? all those stairs i’m sure. but wait, joan of Arc gave her the coffee mug? ok, ignoring the “i hate mondays” gag would not have been a thing back then, wasn’t she, oh idk, HUMAN???? WHY would you brag about knowing a human (even in the past) well enough to get gifts when your whole culture is AGAINST humans??? she was burned as a witch; was she really one in this setting? but she still would’ve been human then maybe. i know it’s a stupid gag, but you aren’t even following your own lore rules??
ok lore drop. so...the school was founded when the monsters broke free from human oppression. so...they built this pocket for the school so their kids could grow up safely. ok, i can get behind that. does that mean that adults live out in the human world? is this like BeaStars where the kids are separated until adulthood? also...Bloodgood knows momma Wolf; does she know she ran off with a human dude? if not, where does she think Deena came from? ok she makes a joke about him being human...but does she know? is Bloodgood really pro-human and reunification/integration and that’s why she’s making Deena important? also, why is her mom such a big deal; if she wasn’t just a generic werewolf someone should’ve noticed she went missing when she ran off with dad. also, also, Pierre could totally be a monster name, he’s just french-canadian guys (which oh look, i’ll count a half point on my OC checklist since my Leena *is* canadian-american). oh but now Bloodgood is saying humans bad, and hah did make the french joke...but why would a french wolf be rare? again, canadian solves that easily, lots of space for wolves to be free.
LOL Ula making toilet hooch potion. ok, that’s funny, score a point for you movie. but on the other hand...you should’ve locked that door and that’s a public bathroom, you really should’ve been doing that in your dorm’s (or your dorm floor’s) Ula. i get it, you grew up in a castle with a zillion bathrooms no one used, but still girl, plan your secret spell casting better.
ok so Deena turning human is the new change, not that she became a wolf. ok, i’ll give you a point for switching it up...but again that begs the question on how did she stay hidden for so long, especially when they weren’t really hiding -.-
wait so Mr OC Teacher doesn’t have teaching degree? he just quit an accounting job and decided to teach high school? no wonder he sucks
ok school, if you are sentient, and you *know* Deena is human, why not just lock her out of everything? why be cryptic? unless...you don’t mean Deena and you mean Mr OC. GASP! you do mean him don’t  you! because he’s teaching without a license and encouraging the segregation! Deena is a misdirect! also, MR OC is only in this movie as far as i know, so him being kicked out at the end would clean that up nicely... i cracked the code. now to see if i’m right
oh wow, bright daylight on the castle...yikes...
and more Abbey and Heath...meh. also why woudl you want to eat that foot after playing with it, won’t it be gross? also also, was that a HUMAN foot??? so you hate humans, keep segregated from them, but you’ll still use them a food source? what?
Frankie...why do you have innate monster physiology knowledge? all the smart brains you claimed to have were human related. also, why is everyone ok with you being made of human parts if humans bad? GAH! the inconsistence of what parts of humanity are bad is annoying and we are going to be her all day with me pointing them all out. (spoiler: i’m still going to be pointing them out)
oh goodie the “i hate humans” musical number is about to start. 24-25 min in, so i guess the musical numbers are spaced out well enough, so point there.
ok lore dump; 1071 the school was started, and yes it was to gives the kids a safe space, and again human are bad. but we learn about Jekyll/Hyde...so Jackson does not exist...and hey was that mom Wolf? was her name Selena? and she was in school with Eddy and...Drac?? ok...is Ula’s dad not Vlad then? is he like Dracula the 3rd or something? i could buy Eddy and Mom being in school together sure, but if Ula’s dad is the original Dracula that doesn’t line up at all. also, also, that photo must’ve been taken with a digital camera because vampires don’t photograph due to the silver used in film/developing. so again, that would line up kinda with Mom’s age...but why would Eddy’s attempting to be monster/human be that recent? the school was founded in 1071, there were no halfbreeds from then to the 90s? or were halfbreeds allowed up until Eddy??? because Eddy isn’t really a halfbreed, at least not like Deena here is. he wasn’t integrated, and if he worked like Jackson, was unaware of the two consciousnesses. so yeah, he would be a danger to exposing them. while Deena is a halfbreed, despite her puberty hiccups, is integrated. also Eddy did not look like a teenager...BUT again, he was a liability, so kicking him out could still expose the lot of you you know. i get an angry mob killed him apparently (and labeled a “mutant’ so...could he be Mikey’s foster dad then??? O.o) but if he’d stayed human mode he could’ve blended in and plotted revenger, just saying...
wait does Heath have a mullet?? oh wait that’s his hood, ok it looked like his hair ^^; zomr there’s a backgrounder who’s lime green with fizzy dark roots to blonde hair, and i just laughed cause that’d be Betty-Sue easily XD
oh no Cleo don’t try to seduce your teacher! i know you’re thousands of years older than him, but he’s your teacher!!
oh so the lab they find later is Eddy’s not Sparky’s or Hexikiah’s. but he was making a potion to get rid of his human side? so...the opposite of the original story...that’s cool. but also (i say also A LOT don’t i?) does that mean he might be a descendant of the original Jekyll/Hyde then like Jackson? so he was born this way, but the serum kicked in when he hit puberty and that’s when he discovered his human switch (again, like Jackson but reversed since he grew up thinking he was human (the later retcon not withstanding) ). he’d still not be a halfbreed mind you (unless one of his parents was human and that’s why the dormant serum effects were active in him)
i applaud the actors all talking super clearly with fake fangs on. good job kids, you’re doing wonderfully.
her claws are naturally purple? the  air being naturally purple i guess...and wouldn’t  it hurt more to change out ears? eh, at least Frankie is taking the situation well. but you have WWII brains??? i’m pretty sure that guy was human too here my dude. (though i am once again curious how WWII influenced the monster world and how they interacted with that and other historical events). but realistically, you need a sypher key of some sort to decode things, as far as i can tell Frankie is just making up what that book says without any evidence to back it up (then again, i want “realistic” in this? ha! i’m dumb). however...it was vague enough to suggest that maybe he wasn’t purging his human persona, but was looking to integrate...or he discovered his missing piece was his human heritage...
wait Deena can video chat with dad through dimensional layers? so...my jokes about monster tinder might be right? you’d think the monsters woudl have their own cell service and internet that wouldn’t be able to interact with the human ones...but did she have an iCoffin before coming to school? is that why it works? did they jailbreak it?
ok Deuce usually helps at these yearly dinners...has heard it a bunch...so is he a junior? or does this school also house the Middle School? (i’ll take a point for that) i know species age at different rates, but the school year shouldn’t be repeated over and over until you reach the developmental milestone; you’ll have the knowledge, just go to the next grade. or is this not a yearly event, but a bi-yearly one? he’s still not a freshmen. i guess you could get away with him being held back a year, since they keep suggesting he was a trouble maker (though we have no evidence to support that) so he could be a sophomore, and repeated freshman year once. the other option is his mom’s on the alumni committee so he’s attended the event as a guest before i guess
haha “nocturnal feeders please report to the cafeteria”, thank you for acknowledging the  night class
Phil Hermiton? Frankie’s “uncle”? ok, so if he’s in a monster graveyard, then he probably was a monster...so not all their parts were human, i’ll give you that one. but...why? he died at age 30 in ‘04. ok some monsters are shorter life spanned but...he died 18 years prior, his parts wouldn’t be viable for usage. did Frankie’s parents just collect parts when they became freshly available and invented suspended animation to keep then viable for decades?
aww sweet moment of Deena and Frankie connecting.
and Ghoulia lives in the graveyard. i mean...i guess that makes sense. you could use that as an undead dorm, but housing them in a crypt would be better.
oh NOW you’ve learned toilet potions are bad lol. and again, citing witchcraft is a human thing. and another musical number at the halfway point, about being yourself and having friends who don’t judge your weirdness. yeah, sure. 
i need lunch. this 90 min movie has been going on for 2 hours...and we’re only halfway through...ok 30 min later we are back to the movie
hey wait, is it really wise to be loudly singing about spellwork and stuff there when you know Ghoulia’s bed is like 10 feet to the left? but ooo mysterious shadow, dundundun
wait another musical number? oh no just the radio. and the coffin bean is on-campus? i knew mayo was an evil magic! but oh the lore breaky coffee cup is plot important. 
purple haired backgrounder named Scary??? huh...
waitwaitwait confirmation that humans who die become ghosts, because of that Queen Elizabeth I joke????
oh good, the movie had a decapitation for all of 5 seconds
no don’t talk about magic plans, i wanna hear about the dragon lore girls! historical lore for world building!! and dragons!!!! wait...Mr OC has a two toned outfit...half and half...is he gonna be a Hyde? is  that why he’s a nerd and doesn’t look a thing like a minotaur? cause that’d be dumb...
oh it’s mirror zoom call time with the Darculs. so yeah, Drac is now Ram and Ula is Cleo. and vamps vs witches for centuries??? 
monster biology? not biteology? boo
wait Gorgons are ostracized in the monster community? is it because of their human ancestry? the whole “snake hair and turn to stone” can’t be it, other monster species have more deadly powers than those. and Deuce is the first in his family to go to the school? (doesn’t ruin Seth, that’s fine there) so his mom is not an alumni...so he is older than 15 and possibly was held back.
oh it’s another musical number for real this time, 58 min in. again, his glasses aren’t tinted dark enough; i’d give you they could be the proper prescription to reflect/block the goron gaze, but the “they think i’m sleeping” line does not work. maybe he used to have darker glasses in his “a few years i was on a dark path” phase, but it’s not now. but good on Deuce for not getting mad at Deena for saying “i just waned your snake venom”...though he sorta should have...
see Ghoulia is right there and listening to you guys, she knows all your witchcraft and halfbreed secrets. you guys are just lucky she’s cool and not a narc
ok Cleo just admitted she was once mortal, aka human. WHY is she cool to be here??? you guys hate humans. is it because she’s been undead for X-amount of time? it can’t be because she was affected by/used magic since witchcraft is also bad and hated.
“you should be ashamed for not living up to the standards expected of you” well Bloodgood, that’s your fault for assuming these children should be untouchable paragons of monster purity or whatever; you teach high school, you should know better, kids are dumb idiots who do stupid things, whether they are monsters or not
and Cleo’s going to become good because Deena saved her unlife. well...the power of friendship was good, but this is a good way to start that off i guess. the school throwing a tantrum though; why would it “tear itself apart" because of an internal threat? shouldn’t it be trying to purge itself of that threat? or is it more like it’ll rip apart the pocket space they’re in, and phase the school back into the human realm?
oh musical reprise time, 1:05 into it, ok. but surprised she could run away so easily, since you know just caught galivanting past curfew, no one was watching the dorm? and Ula can travel to the human world too??? Frankie too? so anyone can travel that portal? did the other kids all travel by portal/s?
OH! she needed a HUMAN hand to open the door. ok, i did not notice/think of that, so kudos. but why did you invoke the name of your principal as a declaration of shock?
uhoh you left the crypt open, rookie mistake ghouls.
lol Frankie wanting to make a bomb.
oh look it’s Mr OC...and *sarcastic gasp* no way you’re telling me minotaurs are HALF HUMAN. the guy who looked the most human in eth whole school was HUMAN. who would’ve thunk it! i am in complete and utter shock. and he’s not Eddy but Eddy’s son with a minotaur lady? so...he’s a quarter human? whatever, he’s the bad guy and the unclean spirit, hurray i win. but...if he’s Eddy’s son, and Eddy and Wolf Mom were in school together why is he older? did Eddy knockup his prom date or something? but he did say “mother’s maiden name” implying she and Eddy were married? or she married someone...why do i care, he’s the bad guy now, can we just roll with that. so wait, he couldn’t open the door because he didn’t get the human switch (ignoring his hands look human anyways) so...he’s not half human then, because he only got the Hyde not the Jekyll. he makes no sense. G3 Jackson you are not good sir (thank ra). and yeah, is that’s closer to what pure minotaurs look like (and we go know how Manny looks too mind  you) how did no one think he wasn’t a pureblood to begin with???? yeah sure, go threaten to destroy the place as an act of revenge for your dad, that’s fine. i’m still confused by your biology and the world’s politicking here my dude.
ok, so an uber monster that can steal others’ powers...that’s actually a great idea for a villain.
oh hai Lagoona, sorta forgot you were a character here
oh that’s Abbey being a server at the diner...i thought that was a white werecat. kinda wondering who all the alumni donners are though...we got a Nosferatu and a Minotaur (again, we see him there, HOW did you think Mr OC was a pureblood???) but what are the ladies? is the white haired one a ghost lady?
so powerless Ula can still magic, because witchcraft taps into magic and is not innate. good good.
why is Ghoulia rushing in to help out? i get Heath and Abbey having followed Deuce, but she was dirt napping to the left and didn’t bother to jump in to help until now?
it’s funny how human!Deena looks more like Deena than G3 Deena does
and really, we defat the bad guy THAT easily? uhg, kids’ movie
ok so Deena thinks she’s getting kicked out. but again, letting her run out in the human wilds AS A WOLF would just reveal yourselves. you should lock her up...but again, she’s not getting kicked out, she gets to stay cause everyone decided that centuries of segregation might’ve been a bad idea. uhhu, sure. but i guess confirmation that momma Wolf is dead since the “she would’ve been so proud” line kinda suggests that?
dad, cubs aren’t wolves...but wait he’s Apollo? he’s the sun? and momma the moon?? i...that’s cheesey. lets just roll into the closing musical number as everyone’s arcs are quickly wrapped up. Deena gets to stay, Ula gets to study magic with Drac’s approval, Frankie gets to have friends, and Deuce gets to be a politician.
oh and sequel baiting with some witch thinking Ula can destroy all vampires? meh, sure i guess.
so...wow it took me 3 hours to watch a 90 minute movie. but unlike the netflix death note, it wasn’t from rage i just...i like lore, i’m fairly familiar with the G1 lore, and this couldn’t hold it’s own consistency you know? it’s far from a **bad** adaptation. i honestly like it far better than WtMH as a restart of the property. but it...idk. it was far less Descendants than i thought it’d be, so that’s also good. apparently the series is not directly tied to this, this is semi-stand alone as far as i’m aware? idk. it was good to watch it, but probably not something i’ll watch again on my own.
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sammy-writes-tmblr · 2 years
"Therapy Sessions-CH. 1"
before you begin reading
This story is after everything that has been happening in the last couple years in the marvel universe. Some things have their own twist.
Trigger warnings: None really, mentions of death and helping sam find bucky
You are Lauren Greenwood, long time friend of the Lang family and Stark family (recent years, through internships and Scott and Tony knowing each other. Morgan's babysitter!) Best friends with Steve before everything happens, work buddies but merged into besties.
You are coping with becoming an adult and losing a lot of people you worked with in the past couple years, helping Sam find Bucky, going to therapy to help cope with the losses. REALLY angry at Steve.
I am NOT romanticizing Bucky's trauma AT ALL! I am simply giving a perspective of a girl who falls for him.
Lauren was close with Steve but didn't see Bucky much because of his time spent in Wakanda. Remember this girl is not an avenger, she's a college kid who worked in Tony/Bruce's lab. First chapter is getting to know Lauren and her story!
It was a few weeks into Lauren's summer break, and resting was mostly the only thing she had been doing. Currently she was taking a much needed sleep in her apartment in the Avenger's compound, where she currently had been living for some time now. When Tony was renovating the warehouse after the Ultron situation he decided to give himself an apartment. After his death, which still didn't sit right with her, Pepper asked if she would like to move in.
The letter read:
"Dear Lauren Greenwood,
I wanted to write you a letter, because I simply just can't say all of this in person. You are so dear to us, my daughters babysitter and lab assistant for my husband. Which I still can't wrap my head around how you dealt with him on projects.
Selfishly, I must admit, I wanted you to have somewhere to stay closer to Morgan and I, with all that has happened.
If you would like, during the summer when you are interning at the Avengers compound and helping on projects or even just visiting upstate you have a place of your own to stay.
Tony would want you to have this apartment,
After all, Pepper was right. Lauren knew that she needed her own place in upstate New York. She's from Ohio, her family is still there, and visits them quite often thanks to the private jet. Thanks to Pepper!
You're probably wondering how she met Cass? Cassi was born and raised in San Fransisco. But they originally met in Scotts hometown of Coral Gables, Florida. Both of the families vacationed there often, bought a beach house together after a couple years of friendship, and its been summers spent together ever since.
She slowly got introduced to the Avengers with Cassandra Lang being her best friend. Scott didn't like them around all of the commotion but as they got older, they became lab geeks, soothing all of his worries.
Often she helped Tony, which led to her being closer with him and Steve over the rest of the team. She wasn't playing favorites, that how it all panned out.
She moved out of state for college and during the summers would spend half of her time back home with her family. The rest of her summer break would be spent here, in the compound with Tony as her boss and Steve as her friend.
Tony and Pepper were like her out of state parents, actually Pepper was. Tony was more of an older annoying brother in the beginning. As the years went on, and Lauren witnessed him soften a bit. Getting married and having Morgan didn't change his personality much. He just became a better person because of it and Lauren was so grateful she was able to witness it.
Steve on the other hand was a more sudden friendship- It was hard to explain. Lauren would not deny to herself that she had a crush on Steve, because she did. As she got older and in Steve's terms "became a woman" which quite frankly made Lauren cringe. They became really close.
But not in the way you're thinking, not denying that there wasn't something there. It was in fact purely platonic, but even Tony and Pepper knew those two really cared about the friendship between them.
He was her date to the prom in high school (masquerade ball, no one recognized him, thank God). Trained her in self-defense, which much to Lauren's disgust of exercise Steve encouraged it. She turned out to be a pretty good opponent according to Steve, she still doesn't know if he just said that to make her feel better.
Overall, he was really what she needed.
Their year long friendship soon came to a quick end, it all seemed to happen so fast. News broke that Tony was gone, the funeral and then just this empty feeling that she couldn't shake. Then Steve happened and- it was just too much for Lauren to bear. She told Pepper that she needed time away.
Pepper understood, she held a team meeting and said there was therapists on call for anyone that needed them. Pepper left most of the responsibilities of the compound on higher up people. If Lauren wasn't in the state she was in now, Pepper would've advised her to over see everything until her and Morgan got back.
It had been about a month, Lauren thinks. All the teammates eventually dispersed. With Nat, Tony and now Steve gone it really didn't feel like there was much of the original team left.
All of the sudden someone knocks on Laurens door. She popped her head up from her pillow. "Who is it?" she asked.
"It's me" a male voice said from the other side of the door. Lauren couldn't put her finger on who it was, Tony was so big on security the door was probably a foot in width.
A sight escaped Lauren's lips, "Hi me, how are you?" she laughed softly as she got up and opened the apartment door.
As she opened it she realized it was Sam Wilson, also known as Falcon. New teammate, good friend of Steve's, helped him find Bucky for the first and well... second time.
"I-" Sam couldn't get a word in before Lauren interrupted.
"Listen, I don't want to be rude" she let out a deep sigh trying to hold back tears. "I'm not ready to go into the group therapy sessions yet- or even by myself if I'm being honest. And truly I really don't want to talk about him-" Lauren was trying not to get angry. All of her grief with Steve has been turned into frustration, and mainly isolating herself from everyone else.
Pepper was helping her cope with the loss of Tony, and more importantly in Lauren's heart she was helping Pepper as well.
Even though it pained her, she could see herself, within time of course, understand. Tony found peace, literally, saving the world. Sacrificing himself for his wife and his daughter. Natasha sacrificed her life so her best friend could live on with his family.
But Steve, that was a completely different story, in Lauren's eyes what he did was not self-less it was selfish. He left Sam, her and now James. Who really needed him the most out of anyone, to start his new life. Now, Lauren didn't know much about this James Barnes person-besides the fact that he was Steve's best friend growing up.
But he knew how fragile he was, and since Steve-well. Since Steve has been gone Lauren hasn't heard anything about him, because he's missing.
Deep down, Lauren gets it, she wishes she could run away right now, every time she leaves her apartment she's reminded of what her life was like before everything happened. When everything was some what normal.
Sam put his hand on the door- attempting to stop her from shutting it. "I know, and I get it. But we have a bigger problem on our hands right now"
"What are you talking about?" Lauren asked puzzled, quite frankly this was her biggest problem. Steven Grant Rogers, her so called best friend. Leaving her, running Peggy's life by going back in time and changing it. Basically deleting her kids from existence. All of it.
"Bucky is missing, from knowing you and Steve I know how close you to were" Sam was being cut off again.
"Yes we were, past tense, as in never going to see him again and quite frankly I never met James. No offense to him, but I'm not going to waste my summer break running around trying to find his so called "best friend". She made sure she got her point across with air quotes.
Sam raised his eyebrows, giving a shocked look. "I just thought with everything going on you would want to help- and listen I get it."
"Get what? Steve being an asshole and abandoning us? All of us? Without a thought?" She scoffed
"Yes, but what I really understand is your anger. Hey, don't get me wrong" Sam placed his hand on her shoulder "I'm pissed at him too, I could probably see smoke coming out of my ears if I looked in the mirror. But the look on his face Lauren. The look he gave me when he came back. I know he was happy with his choice. For some reason that gives me peace." He let go of her.
"You have every right to be pissed off, don't go to therapy if you aren't ready, that is 100% your choice. But right now, Bucky is missing. Possibly in danger, and I need your help. Because quite frankly everyone else is scared of him"
fast forward to-> finding bucky and bringing him back
BREAK: Honestly I had no ideas to write with the whole finding buck. Where would he have gone? Idk it just didn't seem like he was upset in the movie when steve magically appeared back as an old raisin.
back to our regular scheduled program
He was drenched, in mud and something else- Lauren covered her nose. Sam put him her bathroom, well what used to be her bathroom at least. Now it smelled and her white counter tops had muddy hand prints on the faucet handles.
"Where were you?" Sam asked, trying to get James to say something, quite frankly he hadn't spoken this whole time. Car ride, walking up to the stairs to her apartment. Not a peep.
With no response, Sam sighed. He continued to clean Bucky up, decided on calling the medical team in the morning with no serious signs of injuries.
He was there, sitting on your toilet-with the seat down of course looking like he had the life taken out of him. There was nothing in his eyes.
Lauren thought it was best to occupy her self with doing something. She thought cooking would be the best idea, really the only idea. Instead of standing in her bathroom door way looking like a creep.
While she was cooking she quickly noticed Sam shutting her bathroom door and entering the kitchen. He looked stressed.
"I have a favor to ask" He sat down at the kitchen island, pulling the bar seat back and plopping himself down.
"Fire away" Lauren looked up at him, she platted the food and slide it across the counter over to him. She poured him a glass of lemonade
"Would there be a chance that he could stay here, just for tonight?" Sam asked, with that stupid look on his face when he wanted something.
Lauren almost choked on her lemonade but tried to play it off. She set her glass down.
She leaned in trying to whisper "You bring this man here" She pointed to her now shut bathroom door, she could hear the shower running.
"Filled with dirt, mud and only God knows what else.... mind you into my VERY clean apartment. Now you have the balls to ask me, to let him stay here?" She sat back in her seat, wiped her face with her napkin and waited for a reply.
"You're almost as bad as he is, leaving me-except this time with a person" she stated. They locked eyes for a second. "What am I suppose to do with him? All I think of when I see him is Steve."
Sam got up quickly, cleared his plate in the garbage and rinsed it in the sink. You now were facing each other while he was washing away.
"I understand how you're uncomfortable with this, really, I do. But I have no other choice. I can't keep moving him around and around. He'll be gone by morning I promise you." He dried the dish off.
"Fine" Lauren said rolling her eyes while Sam's back was turned away from her, putting the plates away on the shelf.
"I'm leaving some clothes here for him, I'll take the dirty ones." Sam unpacked a bag.
"What if he like freaks out or something?" Lauren said.
"Our biggest issue with Bucky right now is his nightmares and getting him to go to therapy. He's not a threat." Lauren could sense a little bit of a shove in that last sentence.
"Oh-kay" She said sounding out the word to get her point across "Whatever you say" she sighed.
I've decided to use a more book like style format. You can still be Lauren- but its going to be a little harder to read instead of having y/n the whole time!
*I do not own any of the characters in the marvel universe mentioned in this story or anything marvel related you will read, all rights to the proper owners*
*I do however own the character Lauren Greenwood!*
let me know if you guys want a chapter two.
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Hi bestie it’s age gap crush anon and I’m here with a little update about how things have been! So overall absolutely wonderful! We’ve been spending a lot of time together and I’ve been staying overnight at his place quite a bit and it’s actually been him asking me to. He’s definitely been making an effort to show that he’s serious about this and he’s not just jerking me around.
Now this is a big one… he asked me to go to his parents for Christmas Eve. I would absolutely love to and I hope I get to but I’m not sure about my family plans. We’ve barely even been back together for two months now and it feels like forever. Do you think it’s moving too quickly? I’m not sure but I’m so nervous that I’ll make a fool out of myself in front of his parents and im clueless on what to get for gifts! Any help is appreciated
Anyways love you lots and I hope you’re having a lovely Christmas season and staying warm!! ❤️🎄
Hi bestie im so so sorry i left this late!!!!
First up, if it isn't too late and u haven't made plans you should take the leap and go for christmas eve with him. Its kinda cute and not too serious but like, will show him youre into all this too and that you're taking it serious.
Honestly its like he's a whole new guy at this point he sounds so different from the age gap crush of summer!!
I think the speed at which a couple moves is entirely a personal choice on their part and how quick they feel they can move. If you feel uncomfortable taking a step, or you get a gut instinct not to take a step then listen to it, but if the thought of going to his for christmas eve fills you with excitement and happiness then do it. Also don't confuse nerves for a gut instinct not to do something, sometimes we feel nervous about things we really want to do.
For their christmas I'd say you don't have to get them something big. I always get B's family a bottle of wine, some chocolates they like. This year I'm going to put together a wee hamper with some wine and some crackers or something for them.
It doesnt have to be fancy just so long as you've tried. Ask him what wine they like and start there lol.
Also in terms of meeting family for the first time, that actually is nerve-wracking. I haven't had to do it for agesss and with B's mam i met her way before me and him were together. But with his grandparents i was nervous because they were kind of way more important haha.
I just got thrown into the deepend as well there, fully dropped in it because they just turned up at his house one day when I was round and started talking to me.
But my general rule is smile, be polite, and try to answer their questions in an open way rather than just saying yes or no. And like, if you are feeling any more confident than that, you can ask them questions. But usually if parents are excited to meet you they will just ask you a million questions and all you have to do is keep smiling and laughing at any jokes haha. Thats how i got through the first meetings.
Now they just sit and take the piss out of B haha.
Anyway, because i havent already said it in this message, i am so so happy that this is going well for you and that you're happy and excited to be back in this relationship. Im so glad he's treating you seriously and not jerking you around this time. He's maybe worked through those issues of the past and is feeling ready to be with you which is amazing. Sometimes these things just take patience <3 try your best to relax into it and enjoy your time with him. It sounds so cute how into one another you are <3
Also merry christmas hope you have a lovely season! <3
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iceprincessviviane · 3 years
Eyes in the darkness
Paring: Yandere!C!Technoblade x BookwormEnchanter!Female!Reader
Type: Romantic (Technoblade is yandere). Trilogy - part one. Next part.
Warnings: swearing, possessivness, yandere, angst, injury, sugestive content, threats, blood, silly jokes created by me.
Summary: Technoblade was watching Y/N for some time, trying to stay in the shadows. Unfortunately voices and thoughts won against the logic and he want her now on his side forever.
Author's note: Inspiration from a lot of things, but especially: Hades and Persephone, Beauty and the Beast. This used to be oneshot, but I changed my mind, ut will be trilogy. English isn't my first language, so sorry for any mistakes.
Words in red colour are Technoblade's voices.
Words in blue colour are Y/N thoughts.
Y/N didn’t know when was the last time she ran for her life. Probably during one of the pillagers attack on the village or maybe in the Nether. But none of them was that type. Now she was being chased by something way much more dangerous than besties. At the moment, she’s being followed by the Blood God himself. Despite the aching and pain of her muscles and her throat feeling dry from gasping for air, Y/N was still asking herself how did on earth this happen?
Y/N always loved books and reading, she came to Smp two weeks after Foolish arrival. Actually her friendship with him leaded her here. They exchanged the letters and she was interested in staying somewhere for a while. After some time, she decided to come. Her divine friend already started to build his summer home and had few buildings done. She stayed there for few couple of days, they decided to build something for herself. She already have met most of Smp members including Dream Team, Bench Trio and rest, but owning home, place for stay was good idea. Sometimes Y/N liked to be alone. Eret allowed her to build something behind his castle, it was always nice to have someone close.
It took time before she ended house, it was cozy one with big field in front, farms, cellars and most important - library with enchanting place. It was huge, biggest part of the house with plenty of regals and reading spots. Y/N loved to spend there time and collectin more books or texts. Foolish had a lot of ancient scrolls or manuscripts and liked to share them with her. They could spend hours discussing about their favourite ones.
Books caused that Y/N met Phil, because he was the second person on the Smp, which had great collection from centauries. Shark god took her at trip to Tundra. Y/N was excited to meet such person and nervous too. Happily, everything went all right, Technoblade wasn't that time in home, so they had chilling conversation. Winged man was very curious about her skills and enchants. Of course during his travells and lifespan he met enchanters, but didn't paid much attention to them. Now, he could meet one in chill ocassion. Their three had a lot of talking, giggling and being wholesome. Phil promised to borrow more interesting books and Y/N said, that she can give some enchantments.
When Technoblade came back he immediately felt, that Foolish was there with... someone else... someone new. It smelled like pine and old paper, very nice. Phil told him about visitors and Y/N, he ignored it a little bit, but voices... voices liked this smell a lot.
'So strange.' 'Which woman can smell like that?' 'Where is she living?'
Y/N was peaceful person with no intention to harm anybody, staying in her place. She stayed in positive relations with almost everyone, providing needed enchantments and helping caused, that a lot of members were friendly to her. Y/N liked to hanging out with Bench Trio, although they were sometimes so chaotic. Usually she went mining with Ranboo, when it was needed, cutting trees with Tommy for his buildings and staying in Snowchester with Tubbo. That is why she came with almost everyone, when Tommy and Tubbo were in Dream bunkier fighting with him. Discs were just items, but... Dream's obsession, it was dangerous and teenagers were her friends. After that a lot of things changed. Putting him into Pandora's Vault was meant to protect them, but she was getting cold shivers each time she looked at black walls of prison. Knowing that everyone could be locked there...
After Egg's influence grew stronger she tried to find some infromations about it and how could ghe possible defeat it, but that took time. Foolish and Phil were so helpful handing their ancient texts, to make research. Suddenly with crimson vines everywhere, Smp became less safer, at least she felt it that way. More members were busy with their business and stuff, they finally could do them, when Dream was locked. For example Foolish agreed to build big mansion for Tubbo and Ranboo, which got platonical marriage and Tommy started his hotel. Meeting Michael was so wholesome and funny, little zombie piglin started to like her and at each visit she read him fairy tales and stories.
Y/N decided to not think about bad sides of Smp, just being busy and tried to help, if someone needed it. Before Doomsday wandering around could be dangerous, especially for La'Manburg citizens, because Dream and Technoblade were unpleasant for them. Now she enjoyed visiting almost everyone everywhere. After a few visits, she could tell that something was wrong, Y/N couldn't tell what, but it was almost like being watched, blaming Egg and vines was her answer for that, but actually why? Why did it do that? She would never joined their side. Never ever. Sometimes she spotted the Phil's corws, but that wasn't a s surprise, birds were telling him a lot of informations around the Smp. Easy way to know almost everything.
Y/N was heading to her house, stepping at Prime Path. In opposite direction she spotted Quackity, slowly walking by from prison direction, which was surprise. She smiled softly to him and he smiled back.
"What's up?" Big Q asked when got closer to her.
"It's good I am coming back home, need to eat and get some nap, and you?"
"I... ended some buisness." His face stiffened and his look became more serious.
Y/N nodded little unsure about his changed emotions. Suddenly she spotted that his sleeve is covered in fresh blood.
"Are you hurt?" She asked worried.
Quckity looked at his shirt as surprised as she and frowned, he checked axe which hanged down from his belt.
"I guess so then, but I don't know where did that come from."
"Let me take care of this." Y/N suggested with warm smile. "My home is closer than Las Nevadas."
After a few moments he nodded in agreement. They together headed to her place. Weather started to become stormy, dark cloud covered the sun, threating to start raining.
Then went inside, but when she was closing door, feeling of being watched hit her with dubled strength. House was in the spine forest, but fenced and had a gate. In filed were some farms, trees and small garden, but everything seemed to look normal. Big Q sat on the couch in living room and Y/N brought bandages, water in bowl and even healing potion. He rose sleeve, wound wasn't long, but deep, something cut his arm, probably weapon.
"It doesn't look good, but you will be okay." She said after looking at cut.
"Good." He sighed with relief.
"What did make it? Do you have an idea?"
Big Q looked dead in her eyes and remained silence. Of course he knew what, but he didn't even noticed the wound before leaving the prison. Well, someone will pay for this.
"Maybe working at Las Nevadas, you know... I am still building there." He spoke after a while.
"Oh... ye you have right, but be careful next time." Y/N suggested and started to work on cut carefuly. Starting on cleaning, then gently bandaged it.
"Thank you." Big Q said after seeing the results.
"No problem, just don't walk around with untreated wound." Y/N giggled softly.
He stood up and moved his eyes on windows. Black clouds didn't go away, even became worse.
"I will go now, weather is getting worse, I want to be in home before storm." Big Q said with soft smile.
"Of course, see you next time."
After he left, big storm came, darkness fell upon the Smp, rain and wind were too strong, for coming outside. Y/N decieded to take a chance and nap. She baked some cookies and sit down on a couch with another book, which Phil borrowed her. Only the torches gave light, sometimes thunderbolt stroke and filled room with unatural blue light. Drops hit hardly, making loud sounds, but Y/N was too much into a book. Two hours has passed and slowly night was coming. She moved eyes to meet clock, yep that was supper time, put the book away and up, Gods thr storm didn't let go. Y/N watched for a while outside, then go to kitched. She grabbed blanket and wrapped it around her posture, damn there were cold.
Again feeling of being watched kicked in. She was alone at home, that was sure thing. Outside was deep dark and behind the windows was the wall of the water. Y/N bite her lip and shook head, it was just her imagination, a feeling which stayed for no reason after putting Dream into Pandora's Vault. She took an kettle and suddenly was seeing something in the corner of the eye, something red and unusual in the spine forest. Her figure frozen when she moved back eyes. Deep in the dark, around sprouce trees in the line of forest, Y/N spotted pair of shinning, red eyes, high above the ground. They were locked at her figure.
'This has to be spider... or something else...'
Right after this thought, ceature turned back and disappeard in the darkness, cold shiver went down at Y/N spine. What was that? And why it was here? At least she was safe in home...
'More.' 'Training is boring, let's find someone to fight.' 'We demand blood.'
Technoblade sighed and stopped, voices today were very, very loud. That was why he decided to train, but during it, they became even worse. He hid sword and walked into home. Phil wasn't here today, he had to do something, but didn't bother to tell him what it was. Blade went back to home by his old path through the forest. His training place was near the cottage, but still hidden from common people. All members of Syndicate knew where it was. First of all he need to take shower. When cold water touched his skin, he felt like even his bloodlust became less, quiet hiss left his lips. He earned some chafings this week. Next, he changed his clothes to common and made a cup of tea, then sit in the kitchen. Immediately his thoughts went to Y/N.
Somehow voices were acting diffrent around her and he even found himself acting that way. They were focused around Y/N and he was more calm, like just her pressence was comforting him. Technoblade remembered their first meeting, it was common day, when someone knocked on the door. He opened it and rose his eyebrows in surprise, outside was standing fragile woman, without any armor and only with trident on her back. They shared awkward eye contact, when suddenly she introduced herself as Y/N. Of course he saw her couple of times, but it wasn't officialy. Y/N has known who was he for sure, she swallowed hard and looked down with shyness. Phil yelled across the room, that she could come in. Ah yes... she loved to read books and his old friend was borrowing her them a lot. Technoblade again felt the spine and old papers smell, for him, it could stay here forever. After short visit, Y/N took books, gave back book of enchantment and left.
Techno's curiosity has increased, when he heard about her more. She was peaceful, friendly soul, completly opposite of him, maybe that was, why he felt so... diffrent around her and voices too. Piglin hybrid enjoyed watching her from the distance, in the shadows, but lately... lately it wasn't enough. Now he wanted to breathe at Y/N scent, holding her close and pressed soft kisses at forehead. He was under voices pressure so long and now his salvation was so close. But what would he make it? As longer he has thought of that, a diffrent ideas came to his head. She was delicate creature, he had to get plan at all. Techno knew almost everything about her: hobbies, traditions, friends and fighting skills. Phil told him a lot about enchanters, they could make enchanting books after years of studying and had magic talent sometimes. As they knew, Y/N could enchant books at any spell, so she had to studied a lot. Technoblade sighed and grabbed his cloak, time to keep an eye on few things.
'Let's not go quietly!' 'Let's go quiet as grave...' 'Blood for the Blood God!'
That was busy week, Y/N could only one time saw Foolish and Phil, but whole Smp seemed a little bit diffrent... luckily she was able to go on mining trip with Ranboo and Eret visited her with a couple of books, which were about Smp. Now was afternoon and sun slowly started to set, she was heading to her house, where waited for her snow fox, which she found in Snowchester. Cute, little ball of fur stole Y/N heart immediately. When she finally stepped inside, Snowflake - that how she named it, ran into her squeaking high.
"What happend my little one?" She knelt down and pet it's head.
Fox looked at her with big brown eyes and squeaked once more, then jump into her arms.
"Oh oh oh... are you afraid of something?" Y/N hugged Snowflake and looked around. Everything in home seemed normal, door was closed, in a field same, animals were quite nervous, but everything was good. She frowned and stepped inside, then put fox into basket with small blanket.
"I will bring you some berries, you will like it for sure." Y/N smiled gently.
Unfortunately, she didn't have any at this moment in home, Snowflake was there only for three days, so she couldn't make berries farm so fast, because she had to set up a space. Luckily, she lived around coniferous forest, so didn't even hesiatate, Y/N just grabbed backpack and went outside. Sun was lower in the sky, but still it was warm and brightly. Birds were humming quietly and around was quite quiet. Berries bush weren't so far, she founed some, but in order to make supplies, decided to find more, then plant them around the house. It would spared the time and work.
"Y/N." She heard deep, lazy voice and immediately turned at it's direction.
The Blade was standing under big sprouce tree with satisfied grinn on his lips. Eyes locked on Y/N figure, which completly froze at the sight of him. She have never been with him alone, in tundra always Phil or Ranboo were around, now it felt... strange and risky, she still remembered what happend to La'Manburg citizens.
"Technoblade." Y/N spoke softly, being careful to not crack her voice, despite building feeling of fear. She noticed, that piglin hybrid under his royal, crimson cloak was wearing armor, probably not his best one, but still enough to win fight. Part of hair made into bun, rest were freely in his back and shoulders. From his belt was hanging netherite sword and netherite axe was sticking out from behind. She spotted, that his weapons were a little covered in blood, same as his sleeves and parts of shirt. He was killing monsters right? Or just hunting? Uncomfortable, awkward silence reminded between them, only forest noises distrubed it from time to time.
Voices were too loud today, too agressive, too greedy, killing monsters and pillagers wasn't enough, Quackity has already tasted his steel, well he deserved that after showing up in Y/N home. He had so much fun with him, but after that he needed some rest, comfort and calm. That is why without even thinking too much Technoblade went straight to Y/N house. He hoped, that everything will change, that he finally will has some break from voices, violence and killing. Of course he liked his way to be... but yes sometimes, you have to make a nap.
"Are you wounded?" Y/N asked quietly breaking the silence. After all, if he needed help, she would help him, without hesitation.
Technoblade's grinn became more sinister, he put hand on sword hilt and slowly tilted his head on right side.
"This isn't my blood." He said without caring at all.
"Oh, that's good then..." Y/N whispered, but he could hear that.
Piglin hybrid studied her posture, she had only trident at her back, backpack in left hand, no armor, no more weapons. Poor little girl, that's not how you are going outside your home, she was literally unarmed in his eyes.
"So... what are you doing here? Alone? In the forest?" Technoblade asked and moved closer to her.
The way he spoke these words, made Y/N shiver inside, outside, she grabbed her backpack harder. Surely there was nothing to worry about, she has never done something wrong to him or Philza, she wasn't dangerous or wanted to has any power. Techno is probably just passing by. Suddenly he was so close, now she could for real see the height diffrence, for the gods sake, her head reached around his breastbone. Y/N looked up only to meet piglin hybrid's burning gaze.
"I... I was collecting berries for my snow fox. Something scared her, so I thought that she will calm down after getting some and I ran out of them..." she suttered and swallow hard.
"How sweet." Technoblade commented and his smile widened.
"So... you are just passing by?"
"Not really."
Sudden grip on her chin caught Y/N off guard. Technoblade forced her to look straight into his eyes. His face stiffened a little bit, she hissed quietly, when claws touched harder gentle skin. Then she realised... Blade's eyes were red and she heard, that it could glow in darkness. Her skin became pale and pupils widened. It was him, that time during a storm, he was watching her...
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked quietly, without any clue, what was going on.
'She is so innocent.' 'We love her scent.' 'Let her know.'
"I have something to tell you." He leaned and immediately her scent hit him harder, resisting to take deep breath wasn't that easy.
"What excatly?"
"I was watching you for a while Y/N. Belive me or not I found that interesting, because your pressence is calming for me, I can fall asleep while listening your voice and push away my violence behaviour, when you are around." He stroked her cheek by his thumb and smiled haughty. "I am always getting , what I want and I want that so badly, you can't even imagine."
Y/N shook head and made few steps back, leaving his grip, couldn't belive what she just heard. That's impossible.
"I don't know what to say... I can admit, that I had strange feeling of being watching but... I blamed the Egg..." She looked deep into his eyes, trying to put everything together. "What do you mean, you are always getting, what are you want? How am I suppose to understand that?"
"Listen sweetheart, we can do this in two diffrent ways: good or bad. If you choose first one, fine politely you will go with me. Second way? Well I can be very convincing, when I want to." Technoblade frowned.
None of this options was good for her. Y/N sighed and her shoulders dropped. She couldn't do anything literally...
"Come on princess. I can take care of you, I promise, you will be happy." He gave her his hand, but gripped sword hilt harder.
Y/N always avoided the conflicts and argues, never has started any, that was easier and better way to live. She could take care of her interests, powers anf friends by being supportive or neutral. Technoblade's behaviour made her shiver and feel sick, there was no guarantee that he will keep his words, even if it were sweet and promising. Y/N knew that fighting him was pointlees, he were ten thousand better than her, she didn't even have armor or second weapon. But surrender just like that? Without any resistance? She always was determinated, miss 'you can always find a way, solution'. Not a chance.
"I think I have better option, which lay in the middle." Y/N smiled gently.
"Well, tell me then." Technoblade rose his eyebrows with curiosity.
With one smooth move, she put backpack on and immediately started to run. The Blade's pupils widened, he burst out laughing.
"It will be funny."
She has known, that she needed to lose him in forest. Going to home wouldn't help, because door or gate couldn't stop Blood God. Lost him and then ran away from Smp, at least her current living location. Y/N realized that she couldn't even ask for help anyone. Probably Technoblade would come after her friends, helpers, so that was it. Y/N versus The Blade, she was on her own.
'How did she dare to run away from us?!' 'Chase her, catch her.' 'Faster, faster, faster!'
It seemed like running away from Tommy for fun, came in handy and long trips with Ranboo caused her to move fast through forest. Y/N nimbly jumped over obstacles and avoid rocks or roots. Her pace wasn't the fastes, but she could hold it for pretty long time. She wasn't thinking a lot, just tried to run away as far as she could.
'Don't look back, don't look back, it will make you slower.'
Hiding could be good idea, but not now. As long as he was close, she couldn't stop at all. Breaking through the forest was only hearing noise, soon, she heard her heavy breathing. Heading to unknown direction wasn't so wisely, but Y/N had no choice. After a few minutes, she stopped to catch breath. Around was sudden so quiet, cold shiver went down at her spine. Too quiet.
"Already tired?" Technoblade's voice surprised her from left side.
She turned head, just to see him leaning against the tree. In his right hand he held sword, didn't even look like he was running.
"You can't outrun me little one. A lot of people tried, now they are dead." He aimed sword at her. "We can end this farce here. I am not mad, honestly, you made me smile a little bit."
"You will have to catch me, if you want me going with you." Y/N said and then continue to run away.
"Oh I will princess, that's what predator does to the prey."
Y/N started to feel really tired, muscles aching, throat dry from gasping for air, hair dispelled and cheeks red. She ran for a while, but now had to stop. Technoblade immediately appeared in her field of vision. He was walking carefuly, but still looked intimidating.
"Don't come closer!" She released a cry.
Piglin hybrid stopped about eight meters away. He leaned sword against the ground and looked at her with curious gaze.
'Here she is, our reward.' 'Let's finally take her with us.' 'We like that sound.'
"I think, I just caught you." A little grinn appeared on his lips.
She looked straight into his eyes. Her gaze full of fear met a calm and determination. Y/N didn't even want to think what would happend, if he fulfilled his desires. Gods sake, she was free human being, none could take her freedom, she didn't ask for this. In an act of desperation, with the last of her strength, she used her powers. Feeling of warm through fingers and energy drained from her veins, but then burning light. In Technoblade's towards direction flew literally fireball, but he was too skilled for this. He made a dodge and looked at Y/N with mix of proud and shock. She dropped to her knees, struggling to stay conscious, despite the pain at her whole body and tired mind and unclear vision. Technoblade immediately was with her, he knelt down and support her, by putting arm around her waist. Y/N leaned back against his chest, fatigue prevailed over reason.
"Enough for today princess. You run out, if you will keep resisting." He whispered calmly.
"Please, please... please I don't want this, I want to go home." Her voice was cracking, tears strimming down at her cheeks.
"Hush darling, everything will be all right."
Technoblade's body radiated warm, his tone suddenly was so calming and sleepy. She wanted to close eyes so badly, but still fear was too big.
"You are safe, nothing can hurt you I promise."
After this words Y/N gave up and lost consciousness. Sun went down and shadows became longer and darker.
Phil careful closed the doors, then walked quietly down. Technoblade sat in kitchen with cup of hot tea, he immediately looked at his old friend, his eyes were worrying.
"Y/N is good, she lost consciousness, because was too tired. You said that, she used her powers."
"It was literally fireball, but I dodge that easy."
"Well, now we know about her powers at least... interesting, what you are going to do, when she wake up?" Phil asked and sat in opposite site.
"I know, that you are not glad about this, but I will figure this out. She won't cause any troubles." Techno's voice became deeper.
Winged man sighed and looked at his friend. He knew what he was going through, when voices became louder and demanded blood, each moment of silence or when they were quiet, Technoblade cherished and tried to make it worth. Phil couldn't be angry or mad for his friend about that deed, but... he was torn.
"Come on spit it out. I can see that you want to tell something important." Piglin hybrid said slowly.
"We were through a lot of shit, we know each other for almost ages and we blew up the nation for gods sake, kidnapping isn't the worst thing you have done, but..." Phil started and looked at Techno. "I wish you best and everything good, but I don't know how will I act around. Y/N has come to me for books, we were talking about stuff, I gave her cookies and tea. How will I explain, that I am supporting your decision? And I am always on your side." Phil said aloud his worries.
"I will give her time to get used to. After certain amount of time Y/N will understand." The Blade was lost in his thoughts.
He was so greatful of his friend statement, but still a little bit unsure. This case shloudn't affect on their relationship or Phil's life. Honestly Technoblade belived that his pressence will comfort Y/N at least, as he said they were close and enjoyed each other company.
"Someone will notice her disappering. What then? And Ranboo is visiting us a lot." Phil sighed a little.
"I've got this, trust me."
"I trust you with my own life." Winged man nodded.
Sunlight kissed her skin gently, when it showed up on window. Y/N felt softness under herself and on her back. Quiet sigh left her lips, when she opened eyes. In the room was very bright, but for sure it wasn't her room. Immediately cold shiver went down at her spine. Still weak, she tried to lift herself, because she was lying on stomach. Bed was big, with good beddings and pillows.
"Don't move, you are still weak." Technoblade's voice was soft, but loud.
Y/N bite her lip and then lifted head. He was standing near the bed and observing curiously, looking completly diffrent. White, linen shirt and high waisted, leather trousers, hair braided tighly. In this version he was... more open and accessible, not so scary.
"Where am I?" She asked slowly and rolled at her back with quiet hiss. Muscles still hurt and throat was dry.
"In my house, in tundra safe and..." He cut off, while noticed that Y/N is trying to get up. "What did I say?" He stepped closer and sat on bed.
She sat unsure on mattress, just to met Technoblade here, he gripped again her chin, as in the forest and forced her to look at him. This time it was more gently.
"Darling please..."
"You can't take my freedom!"
His eyes darkened immediately and Y/N regreted her words. She swallowed hard, when Blade looked deep into her eyes.
"Of course I can and I will, if you don't behave good. If you didn't notice, you aren't chained or tied, but pretty comfy in my bed." He said slowly with threat in his voice. "Think about it."
Technoblade released her and got up. She looked down thinking about situation, yes he didn't tied her, but still it wasn't good case. Y/N just wanted to be free, do stuff which she want and meet friends. Maybe Smp wasn't perfect, but still now it was her home, there were a lot of wars or argues, but she still had house and persons which she cared about and this was mutual, now everything was unsure.
"I am just afraid... " Y/N whispered quietly.
"As I said earlier you are safe here, you are safe with me. Nothing can hurt you." Techno grabbed bowl with soup and came back. "Here, eat, you need to recover."
"Thanks." She smiled weakly to him, took bowl and started to eat slowly.
'Good girl.' 'She will behave for sure.' 'We can teach her a lesson.'
Y/N was napping for the rest of the day, Technoblade gave her one of their books, so she wasn't bored. Probably tomorrow or next day she will stand up.
The sound of closing doors, caused her to closed book and put it away. Piglin smiled gently and took off his shirt suddenly. Y/N eyes became big.
"Wait wait wait..."
"Calm down princess, I am just going to sleep, nothing else." Technoblade smirked for her panic.
"So... where shloud I move?" Y/N asked looking around the room.
"Nowhere. You are staying here with me."
Immediately her cheeks went slighty red. She looked at him curiously. His pink skin seemed gentle from the distance, a lot of scars marked his chest and arms. Some of them little, some of them large, the biggest one was through both sides of chest. Technoblade released his hair and came closer. Y/N moved to make him some space. He laid down, she followed his steps but remain distance.
"Goodnight." She said and turned back from him.
"Goodnight sweetheart."
He blow up torches near the bed and silence fell upon them. Not even a five minutes passed, when Y/N felt sudden grip on her waist. She froze, Technoblade hugged her and pressed kiss on her shoulder.
"What are you doing?" Quiet whisper left her lips.
"Snuggling and cuddling." He whispered softly.
Y/N couldn't help, she giggled quietly. Techno took this as premission, her back touched his chest and second hand slowly stroked her hair.
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ahh im obsessed with the summer prompts. Can I request Lifeguard Tom with prompt 36 please? preferably fluffy ending but its all up to you thanks!
This became very long sorry bestie. I hope you still enjoy it tho! Love you so much, thank you for the request love!
Reminder to everyone else that the Summer of Love is still going on and I'll be accepting requests for it until September 22nd! You can find the prompt list here!
Let’s Give It a Shot
36 - It’s the last day of summer, and your last day together
Pairing: Lifeguard! Tom x Reader
Summary: Tom shows you exactly why you love him so much
Warnings: angst, crying, fighting
Summer of Love
Tom peaked at the bed as he pulled his shirt over his head, a smile came over his face at the sight.
“Good morning angel,” he cooed, “Like what you see?”
“I liked it better when you had your shirt off,” she teased, her voice still raspy and tired, “Remind me why we agreed to work today?”
“It’s only till noon,” he reminded as he bent to kiss her. He laughed as she attempted to pull him into bed, “I’ve got to get going, swim class starts at 7.”
She rolled onto her back and groaned, “Who the fuck takes their kids to swim class at 7?”
“Their toddlers angel, most of them have been up since 5,” he pecked her lips one final time before standing up, “I’ll see you at 8?”
She hummed, nodding once before she closed her eyes again, “Love you.”
“Love you too,” he watched her settle back into bed before leaving, closing the bedroom door as quietly as he could behind him.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
“Bye bye,” Tom waved to the kids as they padded through the lobby.
“We’ll see you all Thursday,” Harrison added.
“Well I really appreciate it,” Tom smiled in response, falling into the spinning chair that she usually sat in, “Seriously, I owe you.”
The kids filed out, being ushered away by their parents while the boys hung around the front desk.
“I can’t believe I agreed to take you shift,” Harrison yawned, stretching his arms above his head, “You’re such a dick.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m the best,” he glanced towards the door, just in time to spot (y/n), “Oh shit, fun’s over Tom, time to get back to work.”
“Ha ha,” she rolled her eyes, “What are you two doing at my desk huh?”
“You’re desk?” Tom smirked, “This is my desk today angel.”
“Oh and I suppose you want me to save the drowning children?”
“No,” he stood and grabbed her by the waist, “Haz is going to watch the pool today and I’m going to help you up front.”
She raised a brow and turned to Harrison, “Really?”
He nodded, “Course sweetheart, happy to give you a little extra time together.”
“Aw, thank you Haz,” she cooed, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“You’re welcome,” he gave her a squeeze before dropping her, “Alright, I’ve got to go clean up, you two just make sure everything is done. I don’t want to get in trouble because you two were making out instead of working.”
“We will, don’t worry,” she laughed, “Thank you guys, I couldn’t have dreamed up a better last day.”
“You’re welcome,” Tom hummed, pressing his lips to hers as she tried to reach for the computer behind him, “We could do this everyday if you stayed, I could switch to the front.”
“Tom you know I can’t,” she sighed, “I don’t think we should be having this discussion at work either, it’s just gonna make us both emotional.”
“You’re leaving tomorrow morning so I’m gonna be emotional no matter what,” he sighed, “You never want to talk about this.”
“Because I don’t like thinking about leaving. I don’t like the idea of being far away anymore than you do.”
“Then don’t leave,” he grabbed her hands, preventing her from getting to her job, “Just stay here. You can move in with us, Haz adores you, he won’t mind.”
“Tom I can’t. I have to go back to school, and right now I have to open, so can we please save this for later?”
He sighed and nodded, “Yeah, yeah, we can talk about it later.”
“Thank you,” she kissed his cheek before pushing across the floor.
He laughed as the chair spun away from her, “I don’t know how you expect me to help from all the way over here.”
“I expect you to go make sure the bathrooms are stocked,” she flashed him a cheeky smile while she popped open the register, “And I’m gonna count the cash.”
He sighed and dragged his feet towards the closet, “Fine, fine, I wouldn’t do it for anyone else though.”
The day continued as normal, despite Tom’s best attempts to distract (y/n) from work. Tom had surprised her by doing most of the work throughout the day, insisting she simply sit and handle the register. It was a nice change, normally when Tom hung out in the front it was just to steal drinks and tease. Tom busted through all of her tasks, seeming impossibly determined to get them home as soon as possible. He’d managed to do it too, Harry arrived at exactly noon and he’d rushed (y/n) right out the door.
“Hurry,” Tom shook her shoulders while she gathered her things.
“I am, I am, sheesh,” she shoved her phone into her purse and stood, “What’s the big rush?”
“I’ve just got a lot planned for today,” he beamed at her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, “Now come on, our first stop is this way.”
“Our first stop?” she knit her brow as he led her towards the pool, “Wait why are we going to the pool?”
“Because it’s our first stop,” he repeated, stopping just outside the doors, “See that?” he pointed to one of the lifeguard’s chairs.
She nodded, trying to imagine where he might be taking the conversation, “I do see the chair Tom.”
“It’s the most important chair in the world,” he kissed the top of her head with a smile, “Because I was sitting in that chair the first time I saw you.”
She flushed, biting her cheek to try and fight off her smile, “Stop.”
“I remember it exactly. You walked out of there and I just couldn’t take my eyes off you, you wouldn’t believe how disappointed I was when they said you were gonna be up front.”
“I thought you were pretty cute too.”
He laughed, “Thank God you did.”
“Did you bring me out here just for that?” she raised a brow, “You’re not trying to throw me into the pool?”
He shook his head, “No, just wanted to be a little sappy. Now I’m gonna take you on that date and be even sappier.”
“Lucky me,” she chuckled, “So, where are you taking me now?”
“Minx,” he smirked, “Alright darling, just get ready for the best date of your life.”
“Back home, I can’t parade around the town dressed like this,” he motioned to his swim trunks with a smile, “As much as you might like that.”
“I’d rather save that for tonight,” she teased back, “When I’ve got you all to myself.”
Tom took her home, refusing to reveal even the tiniest detail about their date as they both got ready. He claimed it would be long, that’d they’d be out until that night, but refused to give her any more details. He even went as far as to try and blindfold her when they got in the car, but he quickly dropped it when she refused. She expected he’d be taking her somewhere new or out of town because of this, she was completely in shock when he just drove her to a sandwich shop just up the street from the pool.
“Seriously? We eat here like everyday,” she rolled her eyes, “This cannot be it Tom.”
“It’s not,” he laughed, “Obviously I’ve got something more than this planned. I just thought we could stop here.”
“Because, if you remember,” he began to explain, a smile overtaking his features, “You stayed late to help me clean the pool and I took you to lunch as thanks. It was like our first half date.”
“Half date?” she laughed, “That is not a thing Tom.”
“Yes it is, it was the first time we hung out outside of work together, and it’s when I asked you out, it’s a half date.”
“Those are very specific circumstances that define a half date,” she pursed her lips, fighting her urge to smile.
“Whatever, the point is, this place is special because it reminds me of you,” he leaned over the middle console to press a kiss to her cheek, “And I just wanted to tell you that before we got to the real date.”
“Aw,” she cooed at him, “Don’t tell me it’s going to get even sappier than this.”
“Oh angel, just you wait, it’s only getting worse and worse from here.”
She watched out the windows as Tom drove her across town to another restaurant, though this time she knew exactly why he’d brought her there.
“Tom,” she bit her lip as she spoke, “This is incredibly cute.”
“Ah not here angel,” he grabbed her hands as she tried to open the door, “Just being sappy again. Remember what happened here?”
“Our first date, how could I ever forget that?” she smiled as she reminisced on the happy memories, “We got all dressed up and you brought me flowers. Then we talked until they closed, and we still couldn’t get enough of each other so you drove me up to that cliff side and talked all night.”
“No, no, it was nothing like that,” he rolled his eyes, “I picked you up and you looked so fucking gouregous I could barely speak. Then I took you to this restaurant and I tried so desperately and to seem interesting enough to keep your attention. For some reason you put up with me, and we talked and talked and talked. I thought you’d want to go home at the end of the night but you still weren’t sick of me so we drove up to that little lookout point and I fell madly and deeply in love with you while we talked the night away.”
“You did not fall in love with you on our first date,” she rolled her eyes, “You’re just trying to make me emotional.”
“I fell in love with you the first time I laid my eyes on you, it just took me a little while to realize it.”
She sighed, letting her head fall onto his shoulder, “I fell in love with you the first time we kissed. I’ve never felt like that with anyone else.”
“Mine was cuter,” Tom hummed as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“Oh whatever,” she rolled her eyes, “Alright, are we going to the real date now?”
“You’ll see, you’ll see,” he shushed her, driving just a few parking lots over to the local bowling alley, “Remember here?”
“Another one?” she sighed, “Alright, you took me here to introduce me to your brothers. I found out that I majorly suck at bowling that night.”
“Yeah you do,” he laughed, “But my brothers adore you, they treat you like a sister and it totally melts my heart.”
“Yeah, I think they’re cool too,” she chuckled, “So, is there an actual date or are you just taking me on a victory lap of the city?”
“There is a date, at the end of the victory lap,” he admitted, “There’s just a couple more things I want you to see first.”
“You’ll see, just give it a second,” he hummed.
Tom drove her all over the city, stopping anywhere with even the tiniest amount of significance. He took her to the club where they’d spent Harrison’s birthday, the fairgrounds where they spent way too much money on rigged games, even the local park, where her and Harry had gotten way too competitive with a game of frisbee golf. He took her to more sentimental spots too, like where they’d had their first kiss, the hill where they’d fallen asleep watching a meteor shower, the place where they’d first said I love you, where they’d had their first time. It was like a montage of their greatest hits, that had her falling in love with Tom, and the city, all over again. She was almost in tears when Tom finally declared that the tour was over, and it was really time for their date.
“Okay, where are we really going then?” she pressed, her eyes glued to the window for any clues, “I mean we’ve pretty much been everywhere already…”
“Looks like we’re heading to your place, or work,” she knit her brow.
“Does it?”
“Does it?” she mocked, “We have to get out of this car soon or I’m gonna pee myself.”
“Well,” he flicked his blinker on and turned into the pool parking lot, “Good thing we’re here.”
“Tom I swear to god I-”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he laughed, “But you can run inside real quick and use the restroom before we go.”
“They’re closed.”
“I have my keys,” he flicked off the car, grinning as he waved for her to follow, “Hurry up angel.”
She followed him inside, suspicious that he had some kind of ulterior motive, “We are not fooling around in there Tom.”
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” he hummed as he opened the front door, “Go on, take care of your business.”
“Thanks,” she scampered off to the bathroom, only to find Tom was missing when she returned, “Tom?” she peaked around the lobby but found nothing. She got no response when she knocked on the men's locker room door, and the employee lobby was empty. “Tom?” she called again, peeking at her phone for any hints, “Come on,” she sighed and headed for the pool.
Out jumped everyone she’d spent the summer with, Tom, Harrison, his brothers, everyone they’d worked with at the pool, all the friends she’s made across town. The pool was all lit up, lined with tables full of food and drinks. (y/n) was in shock, her jaw hung open as she took it all in.
“So,” Tom’s arms wrapped around her waist and he pressed a kiss to her cheek, “What do you think?”
“This is amazing,” she squeezed his hands, “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome,” he kissed her cheek again before stepping away, “We all wanted to make your last night really special.”
“It’s perfect,” she confirmed, “Seriously, I couldn’t imagine anything better than this.”
“Glad to hear it love,” Harrison wrapped his arm around her shoulders for a quick hug, “Come on though, you’ve got lots of people to say goodbye too.”
She was led around to say hi to everyone, progressively becoming more and more emotional as the night went on. Tom stuck right to her side, doing his best to comfort her as the night went on. It was nice, she appreciated the gesture and everyone being there, but the realization that this was her goodbye just kept creeping back up. Tom could tell she was drained by the end of the night, obviously ready to just curl up in bed.
“Angel, are you ready to go home?” he hummed.
“No, no, I’m okay,” she insisted, “We should stay and help clean up.”
“You can’t clean up your own party,” Harry rolled his eyes, “We’ll stay back and clean it up. If you’re ready to go you and Tom can head out.”
“Are you guys sure?” she wrung her hands nervously, “We can stay and help.”
Sam nodded, “Yeah, it’s not very much anyway, we’ve got this.”
“Thanks guys,” Tom squeezed her side, “Let’s get you home then yeah?”
She nodded, “Thanks guys.”
She moved to give each of them a hug, mumbling a quick goodbye, hoping to escape to the car as quickly as possible. Harry seemed to have other ideas in mind though.
“I love you,” he squeezed her tight.
“Aw, I love you too,” she chuckled.
“I’m gonna miss you so much sis,” he patted her back as she pulled away.
She forced a smile as she stepped away, waving to them while her and Tom slipped away.
“Are you alright?” Tom squeezed her waist.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” she insisted as she climbed into the passenger seat, “I just wanna go home.”
“Alright, we’ll go.”
“He called me sis.”
“Harry called me sis.”
Tom chuckled, “Well yeah, I told you earlier, they think of you like a sister.”
“But it’s different when he says it,” she sniffled, her facade finally crumbling, “I don’t wanna go Tom.”
He moved to her side as quick as he could and pulled her into him, “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to angel. If you want to stay you can, Haz and I would be more than happy to have you.”
“But I can’t! I can’t just ditch everything for a summer fling! I have to go back to school and my family and I have to go home! But I don’t want to go back there! I want this to be home, I don’t want to leave!”
Tom took a deep breath and kissed the top of her head before scooting back to his seat, “I know we went a lot of places today angel, but I’ve got one more thing to show you alright?”
“No I don’t wanna go fucking see anything else Tom! I just want to go home…”
“We will, I just want to show you one thing angel, it’ll make you feel better,” he promised, slipping a hand over hers, “It’ll be quick.”
She was quiet the rest of the short drive, he’d taken her to a small cafe, they’d only been there once before.
“Come on angel,” he waved for her to follow him.
“Why would you bring me here?” she scoffed.
“Just come on,” he insisted, smiling as she slammed the door behind her, “Come sit with me,” he patted his lap.
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms before falling into his lap, “Why are we here?”
“Do you remember what happened here?” he hummed.
She nodded, “Yeah, we had our first fight here, and it seems like you’re trying to have our second too.”
“No, I’m making a point,” he corrected with a smile, “We had our first fight here, and then we never came back here again. But that is not why I brought you here, I brought you here because that fight made me think about us, and the fact that you had to leave at the end of summer. I kept trying to think of ways around it or ways for us to minimize our time apart, but you know what thought never crossed my mind?”
“What?” she sank into her chair.
“That when summer came to an end we would break up, because we aren’t a summer fling. We never were, not even for a second, and the sacrifices we make are not for a summer fling, they’re for a real relationship that both of us treasure. If you really, really don’t want to go then you can stay, and I mean we’ve got a Uni nearby and you’ve always got somewhere to stay here. But if I’m the only reason you don’t want to go then you need to go, and we’ll suffer through the long distance until my lease with Haz is up and then I’ll move to you.”
She shook her head, “It’s not just you, I love this town, and the friends I’ve made here, it’s everything about this place. I just feel like I belong here, and I’ve never felt like that back home.”
“Obviously I’m biased here,” he chuckled, “But you could always just give it a semester out here, transfer back if you hate it, or vice versa. Just remember this long distance thing is going to be temporary no matter what, and even then we’re only a couple hours apart.”
She was silent as she tried to sort out her thoughts, “Yeah, school’s a little cheaper out here too, that’d be nice. A-And I haven't paid for anything yet this year so I’m not really obligated to go…”
“You don’t have to justify anything to me angel, obviously I want you to stay” he kissed her shoulder with a frown, “If you wanna give it a shot then I think you should, but if you don’t, we’re still gonna make this work, because I love you.”
“I love you too,” she sniffled while he wiped her eyes, “Thanks Tommy.”
@niallberry @namoreno @spideyssunshine @thevery-firstpage @outshineallthestars @roseke @zspideyy @tomsirishgirlx @emistrash @andreagf956 @peachyafshawn @spideyspeaches
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trshpando · 4 years
Rewriting Twilight (2009) cause I’m bored
- I may or may not be looking into this as a modern thing bc fuck the 2000s lmfaoooo so let’s say... 2017? that works right ?
- Okay, starting off, can we pLEASE give Renee a better reason for ABANDONING HER TEENAGE DAUGHTER? literally just the while leaving to be on the road thing just, pisses me off so badly
- okay okay okay hold on if i have to go into that route to fit with the story🙄 can we at least do it so that renee and phil take bella to forks instead of just being like “yup here’s your plane ticket see ya whenever” like renee at least takes bella and helps her settle in, even if she and charlie aren’t on the best of terms they’ll get along for their daughter
- growing up, charlie was way more involved with bella. she would spent several weeks during summer with him in forks, and the occasional time in several other places given that charlie got the time off
- while in forks, bella and charlie would spend time with the blacks; billy, rebecca, rachel, and jacob. she and the twins were closer than she and jacob ever would be, but the four of them were always disappointed when bella had to return to arizona
- bella and renee were like a perfect lil mother-daughter duo up until bella realized how lonely her mother was and encouraged her to date. although she was the one to encourage her, there was an immediate shift in their relationship
- when bella moved to forks, she hadn’t seen charlie for years—having decided herself to just, stop visiting. the few days renee was spending in forks with her were very much, as the kids say, awkward as fuck
- the boys in the high school weren’t just, so attracted to her? like have you been a new kid in a school? you’re the interest for like a week or two and then everybody is like eh whatever
- she still met mike, jessica, and angela and whoever the other guy is, um his name isn’t on the wiki so pardon me and they are absolute best friends, minus mike who 100% has a crush on her from the moment he sees her
- jessica, angela and bella totally have girl nights and you cannot tell me otherwise i mean theyre 17 ofc theyre gonna have girl nights and hangouts all the time
- jessica and angela help bella settle into the school, angela actually asks for bellas help for tips for the newspaper from time to time
- bella and edward are intrigued with one another but after that one day in science (biology? idk science class let’s go) bella thought he was kind of a massive dick and didn’t want anything to do with him, especially after jessica mentioned that he was totally closed off from everyone except his family
- okay fr cullen time
- i 100% am keeping the stories of emmett rosalie esme and carlisle cause yes
- one thing i do want to change, my girl rosalie is poc<3 fuck that white cullen vampire bullshit
- jasper was nOT a confederate soldier, fUCK THAT he was drafted, upset about it, but he still tried his best to make his country proud—which maria took advantage of.
- alice is poc too<3 we love poc women in this home<3<3
- (im only saying poc the rest is up to you<3>)
- can we pUHLEASE have the cullens act like regular people? instead of “oh those foster siblings and their love lives, oh dr cullen adopt me pls” can it be like, yeah carlisle and esme are foster parents and the only ones they’ve really “adopted” are edward and alice. rosalie and jasper are twins, and they just kind of have permission to live with the cullens and then emmett comes from let’s say an abusive home and the cullens were like wow fuck that shit we give you shelter AND THATS LESS WEIRD THAN FOSTER SIBLING LOVE
- okay back to regular programming
- edward still saves bella from getting crushed, and bella tries to talk to him about it but after edward is rude once again bella just says fuck you and bounces off
- jessica angela and bella say fuck boys and decide to do a girls group to prom bc my girls are besties
- edward knows that bella is his mate but he is pushing her away bc of her being human and he’s hurting bc of it
- despite his protests, alice befriends bella on her own and becomes close to her, with bella even inviting alice to join her and the girls to girls night — alice 100% tries to invite rosalie, but she only goes when she has nothing to do
- victoria james and laurent are still 100% tracking the cullens
- jessica angela bella alice and rosalie all go dress shopping. rosalie goes for the dresses while alice goes to watch over bella for edward. bella still detaches from the group, and gets harassed by that group but ITS ROSALIE THAT SAVES HER bc fuck if she’s gonna let another woman go through what she went through
- it’s through alice and rosalie that bella realizes the truth about the cullens (with the help jacob and his lil group making comments about the cullens)
- alice invites bella over to the house a lot, mostly trying to get edward to get close to her but it mainly just became a thing of bella getting close to literally everyone but edward bc he’s a pussy and doesnt wanna be near her out of fear of hurting her
- it isn’t until the baseball game (which rosalie thoughtfully invited bella to) and james victoria and laurent attack that edward finally admits that he is attracted to bella but at this point she’s like yeah that’s cool but you’ve been nothing but rude to me so
- as much as it pains him, he settles on just being friends with her
- the same tricky james story is the same. he tricks her to the ballet studio and tries to kill her blah blah blah
- edward tries to suck the venom out of bella’s system and nearly kills her in the process; rosalie and carlisle practically have to drag edward off of her, with rosalie taking him out of the building while carlisle takes care of bella
- everything is happily ever after, bella is in the hospital but edward isn’t there. he can’t trust himself around bella anymore, nor does he want to be near her after having almost killed her, though she doesn’t blame him cause he was really just trying to save her life
- bella still goes to prom, but it’s as a group instead; her, jessica, angela, mike, eric, and tyler (the guy that almost killed her with his car lmao) all go as a group.
- the cullens be there too with edward watching over bella but the moment she tries to talk to him, edward bounces.
- victoria still watches over, a plan already set in motion to kill bella as revenge for the cullens killing james
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scottfuckingreed · 4 years
It’s a Pogue thing - JJ Maybank
Warnings!: Swearing, drugs and alcohol, and SMUT!
“Morning guys!” I beam as the boat comes to a steady stop at the edge of my front garden. It’s almost like a routine. More often than not we sail into an open set of water. Sometimes we fish, mostly we just simply do nothing. Pope extends his hand out to help me onto the boat. It strikes me sometimes that, although we are all the best of friends, it probably seems a strange mix of people to some people. We’re the scraps of the island. The ones who no one really acknowledges. Kiara and I would technically be Kooks. Both of our families have money but it doesn’t really mean shit. Everyone from ‘our end’ are airheads. They care about nothing and no one but themselves. Pope’s parents have worked their asses off, so they’re in a stable place. They don’t understand why Pope hangs with us, and sometimes I wonder the same thing. He has a real chance of getting out of this place. John B and JJ are childhood besties. Their upbringing is similar, except John B’s technically an orphan, and JJ’s father’s a piece of shit. But that’s just pogue life.
“Is your mum still out tonight?” JJ asks, making my head slowly turn towards him. Do I even need to ask? “I mean, yeah-” “Great! We’re throwing a party,” I raise my eyebrows. “Hahahahaha, definitely not.” The last time I had a party with these idiots, so much shit broke in my house. I’m not getting grounded again. “Come on Y/N! It’s summer. We could all use a party!” I roll my eyes at his words. I open my mouth to shut him down but John B lets out a cough. “Actually, Y/N, I agree.” Kiara looks just as confused as I do. His father’s been missing for almost a year. Recently he’s been looking more in depth, which I support to a certain extent, but it’s at on overload right now. I’m surprised a party would even be on his radar. “I need to talk to Sarah Cameron.”
Sarah Cameron. She’s like Kook royalty. I don’t think she’s too bad. A bit sheltered maybe, but her and Kiara have a history. So you can imagine the change in look on her face as he mentions her name. “She mentioned something that might help me figure out what’s happened with my father. Do you think she’d come?” Okay that makes sense. Ki’s face doesn’t change, and the rest of us just glance between each other. “I mean, probably... but I don’t really wanna hang-” “I just need to talk to her, then you can call the party off,” a smile - too shiny and wide - spreads across his face. John B’s always had this affect on people. He gets exactly what he wants.
As soon as I get home I scan my house. Anything fragile, valuable, or anything of the sort needs to be hidden. Vases, mini statues, ashtrays from holidays abroad. Things that make this house a home will be locked in an upstairs bedroom. I’d like to live this life a little longer.
So here I am; picking an outfit for a party I don’t wanna go to. A party that I’m apparently hosting! Since I’m not dressing for anybody, I go for a simple short black dress. It really resembles my mood. Almost as soon as I put it on, I hear my front door shut. I jog down the stairs, adjusting my boobs into their rightful positions to come face to face with my intruder.
“You should really announce yourself or something. I thought I was gonna get murdered,” in front of me stands JJ. His outfit consists of a pair of lovely beige shorts and a colourful shirt; left open to show off that torso of course. “I could kill you,” he flirts. His eyes immediately go to my cleavage. This is nothing new. I think he’d fuck a table if it gave him the right vibe. “Hey!” I snap my fingers at him. “My eyes are up here you know.” Before I go to kick him, he makes a very boyish comment of how I look sexy and whatnot. He wanders away into the kitchen, probably to raid my fridge before the party. Let’s get this over with.
More and more people start to gather in my house. In the Outer Banks, everyone kind of knows everybody. I don’t actually know all these people, but I’ve seen them around. I close my eyes for a second, before pouring a drink for myself into a classic red cup. “Are you okay?” Ki nudges me with a smile. Ki and I are very similar people. She probably doesn’t wanna be here either. She could leave, but I know she won’t. “I just realised I’m the host, and I don’t wanna be here,” I laugh it off and hold my drink up to her. “Cheers!” I add.
After about 2 and a half drinks, I’m really starting to feel this party. The music is average. It’s the ‘for everybody’ kind which means it’s majoritively overplayed and everybody more or less knows it word for word. Despite that, and despite the fact that I didn’t really want this party to happen, I drag Ki into the dance area and boogie with her. Well- I dance, she stares at me with a concerned look on her face. “The trick is you have to pretend you’re having a good time,” I giggle into her ear in a slightly tipsy tone. Although she shakes her head, I can see her trying to contain herself from moving to the music. I take her hand and spin myself into her. Her eyes give me the ‘can I go now’ look. Grunting, I give in. “Fine! Please if you see anyone doing or touching shit they’re not meant to, beat them!” I smile innocently after my words, and she scurries faster than she should. Damn. Am I that bad of a dancer?
Music vibrates the walls. It’s been almost 2 hours since the party started and it’s actually going quite smoothly. John B has asked every 5 seconds if Sarah’s here yet. I shush him with my finger. “I promise I will let you know when I see her. Honestly, you sound a bit obsessed with her...” I chuckle. “Hey!” I poke JJ on the arm. At this point, just call me mother. “Please don’t smoke that in here,” I gesture towards the spliff in his hands. “It’s a party Y/N! Relax!” With that, I snatch it out of his hands. His face grows serious. Confusion fades as I realise it’s not aimed at me. Both JJ’s and John B’s eyes stare at the group entering my house.
First in, Sarah. Like I said, I don’t really have a problem with Sarah. She comes across a bit self centred sometimes. That’s minor.
With her, her boyfriend Topper. Topper’s a dick but I think he’s harmless. He’s honestly a pussy.
And his best friend. Her brother. My ex boyfriend. Rafe.
There’s a saying; dead things should stay buried, or something like that. That relationship should be 6 feet under, but times that by 10. I guess it was a ‘serious’ relationship. It lasted about a year. It was almost perfect at the beginning, that I can’t lie. As both of our families are respected, and very close anyway, it just seemed right. There was no disgust. He was accepted. I was accepted. We did everything a couple should; went on dates, were around each other 24/7, even did weekends away together. And we argued. The thing about Rafe is he’s an over thinker. He’s paranoid. When traits like that mix they can... make a monster. The last time he set his hands on me was about 4 months ago. I’ve avoided him like hell ever since.
“This is why I shouldn’t have a party,” I sigh. My eyes can’t seem to leave that area. It’s strange to see him. I don’t want him here. “Why’s he even here? He does have some balls,” John’s tone sounds somewhat impressed. I’m not. I’m not sure if my body is ready to cry, or laugh, or scream. Finally, I blink my eyes away, and set eyes on my two friends. Before I speak, JJ opens his mouth. “We can kick him out,” he assures me. The slight nudge on my shoulders by each boy is comforting. “It’s fine,” I sigh, taking JJ’s drink out of his hands. As much as I’d love to see Rafe get his ass kicked and thrown out, and I can promise you I would, this is my battle. I can’t avoid him forever. “Fuck,” I whisper, knowing what I’m about to do. I bring JJ’s cup up to my lips and tip the entire contents into my mouth. “Shit Y/N, I wouldn’t-” before he can warn me fully, I swallow. My eyes instantly water. “What the fuck!” I gasp at the disgusting taste. I’m sure a toilet would taste better than that. And yet, that concoction would be easier to digest than the conversation I’m about to have with Rafe.
The walk over felt somewhat unreal. As if, if this was a movie, my passionate walk would be in slow motion. Between the music and my racing heart, my dramatic ‘I am the main character’ strut was complete. If only I wasn’t totally shitting myself. A brave face Y/N. Just fake it.
And then I’m in front of them. Perhaps my slow motion moment wasn’t quite slow enough. It could’ve been everlasting for all I care. “Hey Sarah,” I smile. Her sympathetic smile is warming, but ultimately useless in this situation. I doubt Rafe told her the whole story, but I can imagine she knows too well what he can be like. Maybe he even made something up. I wouldn’t be surprised. She drifts away rather quickly. I don’t know what the deal is with her and John B, but I imagine Topper intends to watch her like a hawk. He’s that type of guy. Topper doesn’t even speak, just stands slightly behind as if he’s one of Rafe’s minions. To be honest that kind of describes him perfectly. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rafe just has him around to lick his ass. When I have to, I finally look at Rafe’s face. “What are you doing here?” I ask. My eyes scan everywhere on his face but his eyes. The thought of doing that makes me uncomfortable. “It’s a party Y/N,” the smirk on his face screams fuckboy. “Plus, I wanted to see you,” he raises his hand to my face, going to tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear. My hand forcefully bats his away, making a loud slap sound; even over the music. “I’ve missed you,” he leans closer so his shouting can quieten a little. My limbs instantly tense at his words. Somehow it makes me feel kind of sick thinking about it... thinking about us. The fact that it was a thing is just... “You need to leave Rafe,” my attempt to sound blunt and assertive is a massive fail. Instead my voice echoed in a wobble, making me sound weak and pathetic. “You don’t mean that, come on-” his hand wraps around my wrist, taking my back to a time I’ve tried desperately hard to forget. I pull my arm away once, but his grip holds too strong. As I go to pull away again, a pair of large hands push against Rafe’s chest. “What the fuck man?!” Topper’s voice erupts from Rafe’s shadow. A henchman fighting his duties. I turn to see JJ, red faced, standing with a threatening stance. “We don’t want no trouble JJ, my girl here is just being a tease,” Rafe’s tone is patronising. “Leave it, JJ,” my right hand gently squeezes his left shoulder. “Let’s get a drink, Topper,” I wanted him to leave, but I watch him walk towards my kitchen. I hate that he’s in my house, but at least he’s away from me. For now.
I fade away. Without full control, my body makes it’s way upstairs. Just to breathe for a second. Almost as soon as I drop my body onto my bed, the door reopens. Startling me, I come face to face with JJ. “Hey,” his voice rings soft. When he closes the door behind him, the music becomes muffled. Peaceful. I press my lips together into a forced smile. “Should I tell everyone to fuck off home?” He gestured towards the door. I shake my head, cracking a smile. “It’s fine. I just needed a minute away from... that,” his arm extends, a red cup at the very end. I screw my face up at the smell. “How do you drink this?” Just from sniffing it, I feel myself getting more and more tipsy. “If you need it, it goes down quite easily-” he pauses as I take it. “Plus I’m really cool and manly so.” “Ah, of course.” A big part of my body (probably my stomach and liver) starts screaming no. I have no idea what alcohol is in this cup. I know it’s a lot. After this cup, I will probably be more or less gone. A micro part of me says fuck it. That’s the part I listen to. The liquid burns down my throat, and yet it strangely goes down quite smoothly compared to the first.
“I am sorry about Rafe,” JJ has taken a seat next to me on my bed. Usually I’d banish people away from my room, but I feel like JJ saved me tonight. He’s a bit of a prick at times, and an absolute idiot, but I trust him. Maybe I trust him too much. “It was gonna happen at some point,” I shrug. “He’s such a pussy,” when I start laughing at JJ’s words, I realise that the alcohol may have sunk in. A hiccup escapes my mouth. “Fuck.” I whisper to myself as my smile fades. I’m an idiot to have ever gotten with him. Young and dumb maybe. “Hey...” JJ rests his hand on my knee and squeezes gently. My body, in my tipsy state, reacts to this motion is a strange way. Why did that just give me butterflies? He’s only comforting me. My eyes drift up to look at him properly. Is he... leaning in?
I stand up before he gets close. I rub my eyes frantically. Maybe I’m about to wake up from a nap or something. “I’m sorry... I just...” I breathe. The crazy thing is, I felt it too. My body is reacting in crazy ways right now. I think I’m turned on? By JJ? That’s something I never thought I’d say. I mean... he’s hot. I’m not blind. I guess I’ve never looked at him like that. But I am now. I’m looking at the blonde hair, and the jawline, and the smile. Okay, that’s enough. I’m just in shock of seeing Rafe again. That’s it: “Pogue on Pogue isnt allowed,” I state, mainly to myself. I need massively convincing right now. I need JJ to tell me that I got the wrong idea. Tell me it’s disgusting and I’m too much like a sister. We’re meant to be family. Come on Y/N! That’s gross! Before he says anything, he shrugs. That damn fucking shrug. In my state of mind, it’s attractive. “I don’t really care,” that’s it. I’m convinced. I needed him to say something else, but that’s ultimately the answer I hoped for. “Me neither.”
I practically jump onto him, straddling him and crashing my lips onto his. The softness, yet passion, against my lips is something I’m not sure I’ve ever felt. This should feel wrong. Only, as JJ’s hands smooth up and down my body before sitting on my waist, it couldn’t feel more right. Without a second thought, I glide my tongue into his mouth. I can sense it takes him by surprise. The most attractive moan escapes him, which I can imagine was not intentional. The kiss proceeds to get more and more intimate. Somehow we just move in sync. He slowly lays back, our lips not separating once before he’s fully beneath me. Maybe JJ was previously holding back, but a rush of ‘horny teenage boy’ suddenly rushes over him. Both hands go to my ass. As much as I don’t want to fall apart under his touch so fast, the immense pleasure radiates through my body. I break away from his kiss slightly and moan massively into his mouth.
We stop kissing for a second. Our heavy breaths bounce against each other. It’s a strange moment to be in. Was this always bound to happen at some point? “Should we stop?” Confusion hits as he speaks those words, and yet he proceeds to trail kisses down my neck. I push his head down onto the pillow with my right hand cupping his chin, bringing my face close enough to his that our noses are pretty much touching. “Do you want to?” I simple ask. I’d be almost offended by his words, but only if his hands weren’t grinding me down onto his crotch. Perhaps it’s a guilty conscience. We are both massively likely to regret this in the morning. We are also likely to get caught and get grief from our small circle of friends. They are good enough reasons to stop. They are good enough reasons for this to have never started to happen in the first place. They just don’t amount to one thing, and that’s that I want this right now. His head begins to move side to side. I can’t help but begin to smile massively. “Then shut up and fuck me.”
It was as if that was a jump start. JJ’s manly hands flip us over immediately. I let out a giggle as he begins to undo his shorts. The speed of the removal of both his shorts and boxers was impressive. They get thrown wherever they go. My eyes quickly glance at his penis, before looking back up to his eyes. I suck in my bottom lip before pulling him back down to kiss me again. This shouldn’t be this easy. His tongue slides back into my mouth, battling with mine for dominance, all too easily. I’m not even a little bit nervous... until I feel his fingertips glide up under my dress. He hooks his finger under the waist band of my thong and does nothing for too long. It might’ve only been seconds, but those seconds were some of the longest seconds of my life. He pulls them off ever so slowly. I was becoming a literal puddling mess beneath him.
He knows what he’s doing. He knows he has me wrapped around his finger right now. His tongue plays against mine skillfully; slow and passionate. He’s doing everything right. Once my underwear finally reaches my feet, I just can’t hold it back anymore. “Are you done teasing me now?” I practically beg. I’m soaked, a mess, and almost fully sober. If anything, I wanted this more now than I did when we started. My heart continues racing, but I stay composed and reach over into my bedside table. I rip it open. I simply hold his shaft with two fingers. JJ takes a deep breath in. Fuck. He watches my hand roll the condom down with his mouth slightly open. “Time to break some Pogue rules,” he whispers before lining himself up. I should not be this ready for this.
Even with just the tip, I could’ve come apart then and there. I haven’t had sex in months. Whether you believe me or not, I had not imagined it would to be JJ Maybank who I was going to break my ‘no boys’ commitment to myself with. When he begins inserting himself inside me, I realise this is actually happening. The slow, easy slide in had me in pieces. I was already moaning and he wasn’t even moving properly yet. He stops. “This-” I pause to steady my breath. My entire being is, dare I say it, excited. “This has to stay between us,” I compose myself. Although this is a one time thing, it has potential to ruin a hell of a lot. So, even as I wrap my legs around his body, we have to make this promise. “Scouts honour.” He brings his pinky up to me. Kissing the backs of our hands, it was sealed.
He starts pulling out slowly, making my jaw gradually open wider and wider. He pauses before pushing back in. His eyes lock with mine, and he smiles cheekily. I’m not certain what that smile means, but I can sure take a guess. There is a part of me that wants to stop. Nothing’s really happened yet. But no part of me actually wants to. When he pushes himself back inside me, my fingers spread into his hair. His lips land back on mine, my tongue swirls around his like it’s an everyday activity. I pull gently on his hair as he begins steadying a pace. “Shit,” I moan against his lips.
Fingertips glide across my thigh, tracing patterns and sending my stomach into spirals. I couldn’t hook my legs around him tighter if I tried. The wave of tremendous pleasure of each thrust was like a drug. Every time his body collided with mine I wanted more. I needed more. To feel this, in this moment, with JJ was wrong. So why doesn’t it feel that way? His lips leave mine slowly, tracing kisses across my cheek until his lips land near my ear. “You feel so fucking good,” the vibrations of a deep husky moan forces a moan out of me. His teeth latch around my ear lobe, sucking down before moving down to my neck.
The friskiness of JJ’s lips and tongue is like motivation. With strength I didn’t know I had, and confidence in myself I thought I’d lost, I push against JJ and flip us over. Lust fills his eyes. I just sit there, only for a second, actually liking the way JJ is looking at me. Yes, it’s because I’m straddling him half naked. It’s still nice. His hands squeeze the tops of both of my thighs as well as moving up to my hips... then my ass. It was as if he pressed fast forwards.
I move my body up to start thrusting onto him again, with his helping hands guiding back down. “Fuck JJ,” I moan, leaning forwards to bring my face close to his. My moans become more and more prominent between our kisses. The hands, that remain on my ass cheeks, remain strong and steady. The way he still controlled my body, even though I was on top, was such a turn on. I reach for the headboard. If there wasn’t a party going on downstairs I think everyone would be hearing us loud and clear. The bed starts making a rather persistent squeaking noise. I let out a laugh-moan when the headboards makes a ‘one time’ bang against the wall. I could tell, with the way I was grinding myself down onto him, he was close. What a relief!
“I’m so close,” I moan against his lips in a muffled whisper. Although my body grew tired, JJ continues helping my body thrust up and down. The knot in my stomach started to tighten. My heart rate increases quite a bit. “Fuck Y/N, you feel so good around me!” His fingers grow stronger against my hips as he came closer and closer to finishing. Even with his grip being quite forceful, all I could feel was an astonishing amount of pleasure flushing through my body. The release felt like a long time coming. Once I started to let go around him, it only took seconds for JJ to reach his climax too. With his help, we ride out our highs. I grow slower and slower, until both of our climaxes finished. My heart is racing. I lift my body with the last piece of energy I had. My sensitive core flinches as he pulls out from me once more. Collapsing onto him, I fall into the crevice on his arm all too well. “Shit,” I mumble. I don’t think it’ll actually sink in until tomorrow. I’m too scared to punch myself in case I don’t wake up. “That was... uh...” he doesn’t even need to finish his sentence. “I know.”
The next morning
I wake up in a strange yet awfully familiar place. The walls, the blanket, and the view outside my window are all home. The curtains weren’t drawn last night. When I roll over, there’s something that shouldn’t be familiar. I set eyes on a naked JJ sleeping soundly next to me. My eyes widen. I can’t help but sit up drastically fast. I first find my thong. As quietly as I can, I open a drawer beside my bed and rummage for a t shirt. I find one and put it on, only to turn and see JJ’s eyes staring my way.
“Morning sunshine,” he smirks. His bed hair sticks up in every direction. I notice his boxers across the room so I stand and throw them his way. I watch as his face changes, but the proud smirk on his face remains. “We fucked last night,” he chuckles, standing to put his boxers on. I press my top and bottom lips together. “Don’t look too impressed with yourself,” using the hairband around my wrist, I quickly whip my hair up into a ponytail. My legs make their way to stand next to the boy. “It was better than I’d imagined it,” he adds. I backhand him on the arm. “Hey!” His eyes are warming. This is when I realise that I don’t regret it. At least, not half as much as I thought I would. It’s not even awkward. Part of me automatically assumed it would be. “Right,” I clap my hands together. “Are you ready to clean a house?” I ask. His rolling eyes scream loudly. Before he can even protest, I butt in. “This is your party, your mess. You’re lucky I’m gonna help you!”
With each step down the stairs, more of my messy house is revealed to me. “If anything’s broken, you’re replacing it,” I warn him. Red cups, empty beer bottles, even clothing was scattered across the floor. I start imagining the way people probably started behaving when JJ and I went upstairs. What if people fucked on... well... anywhere?! “I think we should just go back upstairs,” JJ suggests. This is going to take so long to clean. I feel JJ’s hand slap against my ass. “It’s never happening again,” I say simply. Yes, it was pretty amazing. No, I do not regret it. No, it should never happen again because our friends will kill us. “Whatever you say babe.”
Click here if you’re interested in reading PART TWO
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youareinlovees · 3 years
bestie give me like an hour or so and i’ll get you the dive bar fic
Anonymous asked: Here’s a 2230 word dive bar night fic for you bestie 👀 enjoyyyyy (also ignore spelling mistakes i wrote this in an hour lmao)
/// it’s very smutty beware 🤪
Taylor had always been a night owl, but tonight she was calling it quits early. She had had one hell of a year. Hell, it had been one hell of a summer. It was late August now, August 31st. It was lightly raining outside when Taylor plugged her phone in on her nightstand and let her head hit the pillow. Things had been tough lately, so at least sleep was an escape.
Only a few minutes passed before Taylor's phone vibrated softly and lit up in the dark. She sat up begrudgingly in bed and grabbed her phone. It was Joe Alwyn. They met at a party in LA earlier this year, and he had charmed Taylor that night. He was handsome, tall, and British. He was kind and well-spoken as well, and he had a boyish look, but just from speaking to him he acted like such a man. Taylor cringed at herself when she remembered how she had mocked his accent when they were introduced.
"You up? I'm in New York, at a dive bar."
"Let me know if you wanna come, you can meet me in the back" the texts read.
Taylor decided she wasn't that tired anymore.
"Where are you?" She replied and hopped out of bed to get dressed.
Taylor slipped out of her car into a dimly lit, and damp parking lot. The rain had ceased for now. He pulled out her phone to text Joe that she was here and told her driver she'd let him know when to pick her up. Suddenly, a back door opened up, startling Taylor.
"It's just me! Good to see you," Joe said with a cheeky smile on his face.
He was wearing a black t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and Nike sneakers. Taylor felt a bit overdressed in her own attire. She was wearing a low cut, dark green minidress and the best push-up bra she could find. She smiled at him and pulled him in for a friendly half hug.
"Great to see you too! Thanks for dragging me out tonight, I really needed this," she admitted.
"Alright let's head inside, I'll buy drinks," Joe offered, "What'd you like?"
"Whiskey on the rocks for me," Taylor answered, happy to accept his offer.
The dive bar was a quaint, dark room that wasn't too crowded. Joe and Taylor had found a couple stools in the back to sit at. Taylor was conscious at first of everyone else, worried that someone would see her and recognize her. Joe seemed to notice this and shifted his chair so that she could only see him. After a drink or two or three, Taylor felt comfortable again. The two hit it off quickly, talking about work, and life, and politics, and family. Before she even realized—and only partly because she was drunk—it was nearly 2 am.
"It's pretty late, Joe. Or early I guess. It's been so nice tonight, but I think we should both head home." She places her hand gently on his as she stood up. "I can give you a ride if you need one," she offered, her eyes tracing the outline of his face, her intentions clear.
"Sure, I'd love a ride," Joe says, taking the bait and sliding out of his seat and out the back door behind her.
As they settle into the car, Taylor's driver asks where they want to go first. They both pause, the windshield wipers squeaking in the silence.
Taylor's eyes slide over to Joe, "I rent a place on Cornelia Street." She mentions, casually.
Joe's eyes lock on hers, "I'd love to see the place."
"Welcome." Taylor says as she lets Joe in the door from the garage.
"It's a beautiful place, Taylor." Joe says as he looks around.
"Thanks. I'm renting it while my Tribeca apartment is being renovated." She remarks as she gets out a bottle of wine from the kitchen, not that either of them need more to drink. "There's a deck upstairs off the main bedroom if you want to go there," she says, letting a sly grin in Joe's direction.
"I'd love to go there." Joe says back in a low voice. If Taylor wasn't sure before, she is now—he knows where she wants to go.
Soon enough they're standing in her bedroom, Taylor's hand on the door-handle to the deck.
"Oh. I forgot it was raining." She spins back around to face him, he'd moved closer while her back was turned so she skims his chest with her fingers when she turns around.
He's so tall, Taylor thinks. His chest is right in her eye-line. They hadn't turned on the lights when they came up so she could see his skinny, yet muscular build shadowed under his shirt. She realizes she's been staring at his chest this whole time and looks up. He's looking at her. As soon as they make eye contact, Taylor feels her herself melt. Joe steps closer to her until they're inches apart. He slowly moves his delicate and strong hands up to cup her face. Taylor is so entranced that she doesn't wait for him to move in for the kiss before she tilts her head up, gets on her toes, drapes her arms over his broad shoulders, moving her face so close to his that their noses touch. Joe let's out a little laugh at her eagerness, and presses his lips against hers. They start slow, and it's a romantic kiss—but then lust takes over and they kiss more passionately. Taylor's hand run up and down Joe's chest, tugging at his shirt. One of Joe's hands still cups her cheek but the other is on her waist now, Joe's long fingers reaching down to the bottom of her dress.
Taylor pulls away from the kiss just long enough to pull Joe's shirt over his head and throw it carelessly onto the floor. Joe leans back into the kiss, now sliding both his hands onto the back of her thighs, lifting her up. He carries her towards the bed and gently lies her down on the edge of the bed. He hovers over her and Taylor wraps her legs around his waist to pull him back into her kiss. Joe eagerly kisses her back, her legs still holding him. He starts getting even hotter as he could swear he could feel her through his pants.
Joe pulls away from her kiss and kneels on the floor in front of her. He makes eye contact with her as he slowly reaches his hands up her thighs and under her dress. Taylor props herself up on her elbows, staring right back into his eyes, she wants him. Joe grabs the lace hem of Taylor's underwear and pulls them down her legs. He leans forward to place a wet kiss on her lips and tosses the panties on the ground before moving his hands slowly back up her thighs. This time he pulls her dress over her head and it joins the rest of their clothes on the floor.
Taylor loves to feel his touch, but she's getting antsy from all the teasing. She wants him. She quickly takes her bra off before Joe can get the chance. Joe takes a couple seconds to stare at her naked body, and Taylor quietly giggles at him.
He grins back, "What? I'm admiring you," He mumbles. Taylor just smiles back, puts her hands on his shoulders, and lets out a small moan before pulling him into another passionate kiss. Joe's kisses soon make their way from her mouth, to her neck—nibbling and biting a little bit on the way—, to her breasts. He grabs one forcefully, but surprisingly gently, with one hand and then sucks on her other nipple and places kisses all around. He takes his time here, switching back and forth between her boobs and giving small, teasing bites here and there. He places a few final kisses down her chest to her stomach before gently pushing her onto her back and hoisting her legs over his shoulders in a swift movement.
He pauses just a moment before going down on her, to make eye contact one final time and give Taylor a cheeky half-smile. He goes in fast, his tongue sliding over her clit and the lips of her pussy. Taylor gasps as soon as he makes contact and grabs his head, running her fingers through his hair. Joe picks up the pace, sliding his tongue in and out of her now. Taylor can't remember the last time a guy was able to make her feel this good while going down on her. Eventually, Joe deploys his long fingers to rub her clit and slide inside of her wet opening. He continues sucking at her clit and gently slides his teeth out every so often to tease her. Taylor continues moaning quietly in a slow rhythm that reflects the rhythm to which Joe's fingers slide in and out of her. As he continues her hips move upwards, pushing her further into his mouth, and her grip on his hair stays strong. He slows down now, he sees what he's doing to her and wants to make it last. He pulls his mouth away at last, and pushes his fingers forcefully into her one last time. His fingers are soaked when he pulls them back out. Joe can't help but notice how hard she's making him. He feels like he could cum just from looking at her wet pussy.
Getting annoyed by his teasing again, Taylor pulls him onto his feet, now tugging on his pants. Joe obliges, and Taylor—still sitting on the bed, completely naked—slips her fingers over the waistband of his boxers and pulls them down to drop to his ankles. Taylor is impressed by his already hard penis and wastes no time giving him a wet blowjob. It's sloppy since she's too drunk to focus on doing it well, but Joe moans in approval as she gets faster and faster. Joe's enjoying this blowjob, thrusting his hips towards her face ever so slightly, but he can't take it anymore either. He pulls Taylor's head back and pushes her back onto the bed again.
He's standing over her naked body at the end of the bed now. She's wiping her mouth from the wet blowjob, and smiling at him. Joe smiles back and begins placing more kisses on her delicate skin, starting at her ankles and eventually he's leaning over her. They both pause for a second, breathing heavily, with their lips only inches away from each other. Joe licks his lips, he can still taste her, and then leans into Taylor, roughly kissing her and sliding his tongue in and out of her mouth. Taylor reciprocates the kiss and runs her hands up and down his muscular arms. Joe lowers his hips just enough so that the top of his long dick grazes her clit, causing Taylor to moan loudly into his kiss. If Joe thinks he's hard, Taylor can barely control the feeling in her lower stomach—she wants to feel him inside her more than she's ever wanted anyone before.
Joe pulls away from the kiss to guide his dick across her clit a few more times, causing Taylor to get even wetter. Then, he swiftly enters her, thrusting hard, causing Taylor to yelp and dig her short fingernails into the skin in his arms. Joe grinds his hips into her, paced like a Motown beat. He's so big that when he pushes all the way into her, Taylor can't help but to gasp when he reaches her cervix. She's so wet that Joe can barely contain himself. Taylor can barely keep her eyes open, and she's so close that she growls commands at Joe, "Faster. More. More. Fuck me."
Joe is so close too that his thrusts get faster, but less consistent and sloppier as he's about to cum. Taylor can barely believe the amount of pleasure she's experiencing, she can feel how tight the knot in her lower stomach is. As Joe's hard dick continues to slide in and out of her wet pussy she starts to yell, starting quieter and getting to a scream as her hips slide up off the bed and towards the ceiling. She feels the knot inside of her snap, letting out a final yell and then falling back to the bed, breathing heavy from the intense orgasm she just experienced.
Joe slides out of her and before Taylor can even wrap her hands around his dick again, he's reaches his points and cums all over her stomach and chest.
After they cleaned themselves up in the bathroom, Joe wanders back into the bedroom to collect his clothes. He slips back into his boxers, but before he can put the rest of his clothes on, Taylor's takes the clothes out of his hands and tosses them back onto the floor with a sly smile on her face.
"Stay? I want to do that again tomorrow morning," she admits and gets on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his lips. Joe chuckles at her, but agrees and crawls back into bed with her. They fall asleep together to the sound of rain pattering on the windows.
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
Dear Lover... ❥
full masterlist
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Word count: 5,689 
Warning: pure fluff. pure feelings. a little bit of angst but with a happy ending 😌
Summary: you dance with bucky barnes in the obscurity of your room as you recalled the first time you met and how three years later you ended up tangled in each other’s arms. (based on the song “lover” by taylor swift) 
a/n: this one’s a love letter to the love of my life aka bucky barnes. it took me awhile to find the will to write about him because i truly wanna write something that gives him justice, because this man deserves nothing but happiness and love. hope you like it. please leave a like & comment. 
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It was a quiet Thursday evening, precisely at 8.35 PM. The rain outside of the Avengers tower was pouring, splatters of misty droplets bedewed the window glass. Through the lens of your shared room, transpierced the lights of the bustling city of New York. The city that never sleeps, as one would say. You could hear the sound of honking cars and sirens going off somewhere and it truly eased your mind.
You loved New York. You were born and raised in this vivacious city. Though your parents took the chance to move to Manhattan and fought to survive the exorbitant living cost, they managed. They taught you to fight hard and work tenaciously if you wanted to make it. The city was all you knew your entire life. But most importantly, you loved the man you were sharing this bedroom with more.
You had been dating Bucky Barnes, aka the former Winter Soldier, aka the White Wolf, for three summers now. Your first encounter with him wasn’t exactly the most romantic “how I met your mother” kind of story.
You were in the kitchen, late night, trying to make yourself a nice hot chocolate to cool down your nerves. Moving into the Avengers Tower had truly wearied you. Of course, you were aware that you weren’t supposed to be since there were literally a super soldier, a former Pararescueman, a man with a highly advanced iron suit, two highly trained assassins, a powerful witch, a (part-time) green beast, and an actual living human android helping you with your belongings. You couldn’t have asked for better movers.
But the adaptation of change still drained some of your energy. Maybe more mentally than physically, but whatever, you just needed a nice, sweet warm drink before you can finally sleep in your fresh, new, never used before bed. It was nearing four am and everyone had returned to their private quarters, except you.
You walked into the kitchen leisurely in nothing but your Bambi pyjamas, as you reached for the kitchen cabinet to search for a jar of instant hot chocolate. “Make yourself at home,” Tony said earlier as he was giving you a quick tour around the tower. The tower was so spacious and palatial, it was easy to get lost. “We’ve got everything here; food, snacks, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, ice creams and more… But don’t eat the half-eaten fried egg chicken on the fridge, though. That one belongs to Clint and he wouldn’t hesitate in shooting an arrow through your skull if you stole it.”
You poured the hot water into the glass and then you were ready to drink it up. You were so pleased by the taste of hot chocolate streaming through your tongue, you didn’t hear the faint sounds of footsteps approaching. Bucky had just returned from a solo mission to Brussels and he hadn’t had the chance to properly introduce himself to you. He had only heard about you through Fury and Tony’s narrative when they informed the team that they were going to have a new addition to the team.
Steve had texted him a picture of her earlier, picking up her boxes to her new bedroom… She looked lovely. She was only wearing a simple white shirt with high-waisted, ripped blue jeans to complete the casual look but, she didn’t have to try hard to catch his eye. He couldn’t wait to go back to the tower and talk to her. He crossed his finger hoping that he wouldn’t mess it up or embarrassingly stutter his own name whilst shaking her hand.
Bucky soundlessly walked towards you as he placed a hand on your shoulder, trying not to startle you but you weren’t expecting anyone to be awake, and you didn’t know that Bucky was supposed to return today. Your brain had been so occupied with moving in, that you forgot there was one member of the team missing because he was on a solo mission and that he was supposed to return in the early morning.
So you accidentally dropped your glass, spilling your little taste of heaven all over the counter, as you turned around and punched him on the face. You shrieked as soon as you felt a palm touching your shoulder, thinking it might’ve been a ghost or worse, an intruder. For a second there, you nearly forgot that you weren’t living all by yourself in a tiny apartment anymore. You were in the most highly secured building in New York, surrounded by vigilant superheroes that had fought bigger guys than a callow thief or more lethal than supernatural forces.
Bucky’s hand immediately went to his face, as he shrieked in pain. He absolutely didn’t expect a punch from you, considering he meant well. He slightly backed away on his feet, clutching the nose that had bled due to the robust force. You soon realized that he was Bucky Barnes, the Avenger that had just gone back from a solo mission Steve told you about, and you had just realized that you punched… The Winter Soldier. Oh my God. Your guilt rushes through your gut and you immediately covered your mouth with your hand in panic.
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was still awake, I’m so sorry.” You reached out to his hand, trying to see the damage that you did.
“No, it’s okay, doll. I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that, I’m sorry.” He wiped the blood that leaked out his nose.
“No, no, no, it wasn’t your fault at all, I shouldn’t have reacted like that… Please, let me help you with that.”
“I got it doll, really. It’s nothing.”
“I insist. Please, otherwise I’d feel really bad.”
You moved to the couch in the common room, as you began patching him up. You both finally introduced yourselves properly this time, and you talked for about an hour until the sun was starting to rise. When you realized how late it had gotten and how exhausted Bucky must’ve been, only then, you returned to your individual bedrooms. And thus, a friendship was born. The beginning of something eternal and profound.
The next morning, things changed. Bucky would act differently around you whenever the team was around. Or anyone, at all, was around. Bucky would often avoid your eyes and act awkwardly around you. You didn’t see the man that you had a warm conversation with at 4 in the morning on that first day anymore. You felt like talking to a stranger that you had to walk on eggshells with. When Steve asked Bucky whether he had met you or not during breakfast, Bucky with his head down simply responded, “yeah… We’ve met.” That elicited a furrowed brows from you.
Steve later counselled you about it, “don’t worry. He’s like that with everyone. It’s not easy to start a small talk when you are the former winter soldier.”
You tried to tell yourself not to overthink it or take it personally. Of course, you were aware of the history. It was told in every history class. But you still couldn’t shake the need to get to know him more. You’d do it deliberately, you weren’t going to force him to break out of his shell, but you wanted to let him know that he had nothing to be ashamed of with you.
And so, you would often knock on his bedroom door since your bedrooms were on the same floor when you brought something from your favourite bakery shop. Or when you hear the excruciating screams at night, because he couldn’t tame down the demons in his sleep, reminding him of his inevitable, vicious past that spilled a lot of blood and caused him a lot of pain. Mentally, emotionally and physically.
At first, he would give you a sardonic look as he asked you of why you were here. You’d tell him that you thought he could use a company and so, the friendship, or whatever that you had with him would bloom through the murmured secrets and the late-night rendevous. It turned into a nightly thing that only you and Bucky shared. Nobody else had to know.
During the day, there were a lot of stolen glances and lingering tension in the room, everyone could sense it except you and Bucky yourselves. But yet, you didn’t speak many words about it to each other. Everyone who saw you two knew that you two hid some amount of feelings for each other. But yet, neither of you dared to make the first move.
Sam, Wanda and Nat were your closest friends and therefore, they knew the most about your unspoken feelings for Bucky. Starting from the awkward chats to the time where this new agent shamelessly flirted with Bucky in front of you. Of course, you were aware that anyone could flirt with Bucky, he wasn’t yours, to begin with. But it was still rude and disrespectful and you being the irrational, jealous person that you were, you’d often ramble to either Sam, Wanda or Nat in their private quarters until you felt better again.
One night, where this agent, Samantha or whatever her name was, had boldly touched Bucky’s arm at one of Tony’s flamboyant parties, in front of you, you immediately texted Sam, Wanda and Nat in the group text called “Besties” to gather up in your room because you needed to vent.
“Look, y/n, if you’re so annoyed by her flirting, then why don’t you just tell Bucky how you feel?” Wanda said.
“I don’t understand…” You squinted your eyes at her. It’s not like you didn’t actually understand what she was saying, but the concept of confessing your feelings to Bucky sounded like an absurd idea.
“Look, I’m just saying, what’s the worse that could happen?”
“Okay, Wanda, now you’re just talking shit.”
“Y/N” Sam interposed. “He might like you too. He may not say much but we all caught those stolen glances, don’t you think we didn’t see it.”
“You don’t know that for sure, Sam. Besides, it’s not just about him not liking me back… What if he’s just not ready to date? What if he likes me but not in that way? There are a million things that could go wrong. So, please, let’s cross out the idea of telling him how I feel because it’s definitely not happening.”
Sam, Wanda and Nat exchanged a look. “Okay, it’s your life anyway. But y/n, if you don’t move now, then you might lose your chance forever. Samanta could be seducing him into her bed right now as you are rambling about her to us.” Natasha closed it.
Her words had truly struck you light lightning. You never thought of it that way… You always thought you had every second in the clock, just waiting for you to be ready. Or him to be ready. But you never thought of the possibility of Bucky and Samantha actually going on a date… What if she had asked him to go out with her next weekend? And what if he had said yes? The thought hurt. It crushed your heart like a shredder. It twisted you inside out like a sickness.
And so, after Sam, Nat and Wanda returned to the party, you stayed in your room. You told them that you’d catch up, you just needed to rest your feet from standing in heels for too long. You were lying. You needed some time alone with your thoughts, as you were trying to plan your next move. You recalled all those late-night rendevous and midnight conversations, and you felt it in your heart. That mighty urge in your heart. Like the entire crowd you were standing before are chanting the words loudly to you. “Tell him! Tell him! Tell him!”
You felt all the feelings you contained inside for him rushed through your veins, like a power surging through your cells, bestowing you the courage to stand on your feet, put on your heels and reapplied your lipstick. You straightened the frowns of your dress in front of the mirror as you took a deep breath. “You got this.” You stared your reflection dead in the eye and convinced yourself.
When you were satisfied with your fixed appearance, you immediately went back to the party. You couldn’t wait to find him. Giddiness, nervousness, and anxiety were swirling in your chest. You ordered Friday to take you to the lobby, where the party was held, as you leaned back on the glass wall of the elevator and you folded your arms around you, trying to ground yourself. You tried to stand steadily and not face-plant yourself on the marble floor in front of Bucky. You would never be able to live with yourself.
When the elevator finally reached the main lobby, the metal doors separated, showing you the people in fancy suits and dresses chattering with one another, with a glass of sparkling Champagne in their hands. You immediately searched for Bucky. A slick black, long dark hair, clad in a black dress shirt and black pants. Your eyes gazed into every corner of the room, focusing thoroughly on the large chunk of a man.
You finally spotted him by the bar. He was sitting with a glass of tonic and gin in his hand, as he took a sip of it, then he put it down on the bar counter. It would’ve been a tantalizing sight that you’d love to sit back and observe if it weren’t for the person sitting next to him. Samantha was sitting with her legs crossed beside him, her body was fully faced to Bucky as she tried to reach out to feel his bicep again for God knows how many times that night. She was laughing and even from the distance, you could see the glint in her eyes at something he just said.
You felt like you had been hit by a truck. The butterflies in your stomach turned into a monster that was devouring your insides with its tapered fangs. You felt dizzy as you felt like you were going to drop on the floor if you don’t hold onto something. Steve happened to be walking past you thankfully and as soon as he saw you looking unwell, he immediately grabbed your arm, awakening you from your daze.
“Y/N, are you alright? You don’t look so good.”
“I’m fine, Steve... I’m…” You cleared your throat, trying to pull yourself back into consciousness. “I think I need to lay down. I’ll see you in the morning, Steve. Please tell Tony that I’m not feeling well.”
“Alright, yeah, go ahead. I’ll inform the team if they ask about you.”
“Thanks, Steve.” You nearly stumbled on your feet as soon as you took your first step.
“Whoa, do you need me to walk you to your room?”
“No, it’s fine. I got it. Night, Steve.”
“Goodnight, y/n.” He watched you warily, feeling hesitant whether he should really let you walk to your floor alone or not. As soon as you went inside the elevator, and the mental doors had closed, you slumped on the wall as you tried to muffle your cries. Nothing could hurt you more than seeing the man that you were secretly in love with, flirting with another girl. You couldn’t find it in you to give directions to Friday. So you just stood there, listening to the Jazz music playing in the background.
Until you were finally wearied enough to say the word to Friday. The AI politely responded, “yes, miss.”
As soon as you reached your floor, you took off your heels as they swayed with every step that you took. Your cheeks were tainted by ruined mascara, and your hair was slightly dishevelled. You couldn’t care any less. You should be dancing to the slow music or even kissing him drunkenly at the bar with your hands wrapped around his neck right now. But no, he was probably doing those with Samantha. You knew you were being unreasonable, crying over a man who was never yours, to begin with. But you allowed yourself to feel the pain and then, you can figure out a way to move on. You just needed to unleash it all out first.
You put your heels in the corner of your bedroom and stripped yourself out of the white cocktail dress. You immediately ran for the shower, your limbs felt more ponderous than ever. The last time you experienced a broken heart was in eleventh grade when you ran into your senior crush, Peyton at the mall with a girl who didn’t go to the same school as you, in his arm. You nearly walked up to him to say hi but your plan was instantly crushed before you even found the courage to talk to him.
Ever since then, you made a pact with your heart that you were never going to fall in love first ever again. You were okay with being single, you weren’t the kind of person who constantly needs romantic love. You focused on self-growth, you focused on your skills which is martial arts and military tactics. You invested your mind and energy into self-love, friendship and your education.
When you were finally ready to roam around the city at night as a vigilante, you’d sneak off every night to sit building rooftops and you looked after the small guys around the neighbourhood. Until your small vigilante works were heard and Fury snuck into your apartment to recruit you himself.
After your shower, you changed into an oversized grey hoodie that you once stole from Bucky’s closet, one night while having one of those clandestine rendezvous in his room. You were cold and you were only wearing a thin-layered white shirt with a worn-out pair of old swimming shorts that still fitted you.
“Here, wear my hoodie.” He walked to his achromatic closet and revealed the tidily-placed pile of black and white shirts and pants. He didn't have that many clothes but, it was enough to secure his enormous figure cosily. He pulled out one of his fresh from the laundry sweatshirts from the heap. He handed them to you and inserted yourself into the aromatic material.
When you were both finally too somnolent to keep your eyes wide open. He walked you to your room and you didn’t realize you were still wearing his hoodie until you said your final goodnight. When you tried to take it off your body, he said, “no, it’s alright. You can return it to me in the morning.”
But you never did. And he was okay with that. At least you thought. Because never once he asked for it back. You’d even catch his demure smile when he saw you wearing it.
You did your nighttime skincare routine and went to bed. The scent of his hoodie was faint but enough to make you yearn for him. It’s ridiculous, really. To miss someone who was never yours, and someone who practically lived right next to you, considering how long he could spend hiding in his own room.
You felt the tears brimming in your eyes as they ran down your cheeks and soaked your pillow sheets. You sniffled as your mind harked back to the shared moments in the gloom and the timid touches when words could no longer bear the intimacy. The moon knows more about you and him than anyone ever will and if you could no longer feel his skin against your anymore even for just a second, you were going to hold onto the memories.
You were lost pacing down the memory lane until you heard a subtle knock on the door. Three taps and you instantly knew who was standing on the other side. You tried to neglect it, hoping that he would get the message of leaving you alone. You weren’t ready to face or talk to him. But he wouldn’t relent. He knocked once more, telling you that he wasn’t leaving until you answered him.
You stayed in the exact same spot until you were peevish enough to keep listening to it. You finally stood on your feet and opened the door with a sour look on your face. He greeted you with a nonchalant smile, his hair now was tied in a low bun.
“Hey, Steve told me that you weren’t feeling well, what happened?” His expression was filled with concern.
“I’m fine, now. You can go.” You sneered. You tried to shut the door, not even wanting to face him any longer or listen to his unprompted “I got a date!” story.
He was appalled by your anomalous behaviour, as he immediately stopped the door with his hand from being slammed on his face. “Hey, hold on a second. What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“I said, I’m fine, Bucky. Just leave me alone, please.”
His chest tightened at your sardonic words. You had never acted this way around him before. Did he say something wrong? Did he wake you at the wrong time? Were you on your cycle? He was bewildered.
“I just wanna know if you were alright. Steve said you looked really pale at the party and you had to leave early and if you are then maybe I could bring you a soup or something.”
“I just need to be alone, Bucky. Alright? I was feeling much better until you showed up.” You didn’t mean to be so spiteful and blunt. You just needed some space. And his presence was intoxicating and the longer you see him, the harder it would be for you to let go.
Bucky didn’t respond immediately but the look on his eyes was enough to beckon his hurt. “What did I do? Did I say something wrong?”
“No, Bucky, it’s not you, it’s just-” You inhaled. Trying to cool yourself down before you continued. “Just not tonight, alright?”
“I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” He puffed himself up, masking his frustration. No, no, he wasn’t ready to let you go before he could even tell you he loved you. So if planting himself on his feet would make you enlighten him, he was going to do that.
“Okay, then just fucking stand there all night, I don’t care.” The cool in you vanished, turned into a small flame of counterwork.
“Why are you acting like this? Huh? You can’t just knock on my door whenever you feel like and shut me out like this.”
“Well, why don’t you just vent to your new girlfriend, then? I’m pretty sure she’ll be more than happy to listen to your ramblings all night.” You stormed into the room, trying to slam the door behind you but Bucky stopped it as he followed you inside. It wouldn’t be wise to keep this argument in the hall where the whole tower could hear you.
“What? What the hell are you talking about? I don’t have a girlfriend!”
“Oh, of course, Bucky. As if you hadn’t practically just gone on your first date with her at the party.”
“You’re being ridiculous, y/n! We were just talking.”
“Bullshit! Like no one could see the bedroom eyes she was giving you. She was practically fucking your brains out at the bar. Oh and not to mention, how she was groping your biceps like you were the only two people in the room!”
“What is this? Jealousy?”
“No! Stop flattering yourself, Bucky.”
“Okay, so what is it? I can’t fix whatever this is…” His fingers motioned to the invisible string binding the two of you. Who are you kidding? You both knew there was something more than a platonic bond between the two of you, you were just too dastardly to admit it with words to one another. “…If you don’t tell me the truth.”
Deep down, you knew the jealousy was senseless but in the heat of the dispute, you couldn’t stop your mouth from conveying the words out loud.
“Because I like you and I don’t want you to be with anyone but me, okay? There. I said it. Are you happy now? I like you and I know I’m being unreasonable, but I don’t like the thought of you being with someone who’s not me.”
Bucky was aghasted by your vehement declaration. Did he get it right? Did you really just tell him the words that he had always wanted to hear? The words that nearly escaped his lips more times than he could count, but never found the courage because he thought he wasn’t good enough for you? Was he dreaming? This felt surreal.
“You… You like me?”
You scoffed. “Yeah. I do, Bucky. Unfortunately. But now, I understand if you wanna go out with Samantha or if you never speak a word to me again, I get it. But at least you know that I li-”
He abruptly grabbed your face and pressed a brief kiss on your lips, taking your breath away like a typhoon. It was short-lived but enough to knock you off your feet. He retreated and gazed deeply into your eyes, hoping that you could see the suppressed emotions you made him feel whenever he was with you. He wasn’t a man of many words, after all, but after spending months of excavating each other’s secrecies, you got the message. Words were futile, anyway, when the feelings that you had were stronger than anything else you had ever felt.
“I like you too, y/n. So much.”
“You do?”
He nodded, a grin spread across his face, making his eyes gleam in the obscurity of your room.
“What about Samantha?”
“Sweetheart, I never had any feelings for her. She can flirt with me all she wants, but you gotta know that I only have eyes for you, darling. And there’s no one else I wanna be with other than you.”
“You mean that?” Your smile had made its way back to your face. The smile that only Bucky could evoke. Your eyes were twinkling with hope.
“Every word.”
And that’s you ended up here now, three years later, sharing a reposeful room with the love of your life. You had just returned from a late sparing session with Natasha in the training room. Crazy, how three years ago, you’d incessantly ramble about the same person and the same topic, which is Bucky’s cluelessness whilst running on the treadmill with her but now, you talked about various random things like two normal friends would. As if the issue that you had with Bucky had been resolved. All’s well that ends well.
You spotted your boyfriend, who had a much shorter hair now, sitting contently on the bed with a Sci-Fi novel in his hands. His long fingers sophisticatedly enveloped the cover as he thoroughly focused on the words on the pages but, it was quickly disrupted when you walked into the room, greeting him with a smile. “Hey, baby. What are you reading?”
“This sci-fi novel that Sam got me for my birthday but I didn’t pick it up until now. How was the training, sweetheart?”
“The usual. Nat, being the competitive little shit that she is, kicked my ass but I got her back at least. Twice.” You had showered in the gym bathroom before you went upstairs to see your boyfriend so you didn’t have to bother concealing your musty scent due to the sweat.
“That’s my girl.” He got on his feet and walked towards you, as he looked at you with so much admiration and love in his eyes, it overwhelms you sometimes. The way he’d hold you whilst being starstruck by every feature on your face, and the way he’d tell you he loved you, with so many sincerity behind the words, even after three years of being together. You were lucky. You both were. To find a home within each other.  
He kissed you deeply like he hadn’t had the pleasure to see you in three months even if you had only been gone for an hour. His lips enthralled you every time and he wouldn’t mind giving you the solace as much as you desired. He needed it more from you, anyway.
When your lips were apart, he pressed his forehead to yours. The vague light from the table lamp beside your bed illuminated the room along with the dimmed city lights, casting a dainty glow on the two of you. Like a spotlight on a stage, and you were the star-crossed lovers of the tale, illustrating a true story of unbreakable love.
“Dance with me.” Bucky said.
“Well, then, I shall put on the perfect song, sir.”
You ordered Friday to play the song “Lover” by Taylor Swift, as the first hits of the drum immediately moved your bodies against each other, his hand seized yours as you tucked your head under his chin. His other arm wrapped itself around your waist, holding you as close as possible like it was your last dance. But certainly not. This was merely one in a thousand dances to come.
We could leave the Christmas lights, up ‘till January
This is our place, we make the rules
You swayed to the nostalgic song playing in the background, echoing the words of love all around the room. Like you were the only lovers on the grand dancefloor, as the singer harmonises only for you.
And there’s a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear
Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
You leaned your head on his chest, his slow heartbeat thumps in your ear. The beat grounds you like gravity, reminding you of how the term ‘home’ isn’t only a structure with four walls and a ceiling, but rather, a figure with serum-injected blood coursing through his veins, an injured skin layering all the organs, fashioning one magnetic force of a man.
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close?
Forever and ever
His gentle hand rubbed your back, as his feet swung with the tune. He was a man out of his time. Despite being alive in the modern world long enough now, he was still taking baby steps in adapting to the culture and that includes music. Back then, this wasn’t exactly the kind of music he’d ask a girl to dance along to, but he learned to appreciate your musical preference and slowly, he grew fond of them too.
And ah, take me out and take me home
You’re my, my, my, my lover
Because the lyrics had truly hit close to home. If someone had delivered him a mail during his Winter Soldier years, that he was going to find a beautiful, loving woman who willingly took his hand; scars and all. Despite the demons in his mind and the ghosts in his past, she was going to love him faithfully and she would offer her own hand to guide him through the path of daylight… He’d laugh on their faces and told them to piss off because they were wasting his time by speaking baloney.
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
But he was wrong. You walked into his life and gratefully punched his face on that night and he will forever thank the lucky stars for that. Because what he didn’t have a single clue of was that, it was the beginning of something tangible and something that became his religion. Something that became his lifeline. Despite still dealing with his own demons that he wasn’t sure whether they will ever truly leave him or not, he was a happy man. He didn’t think it was possible to say that. He was a happy man, in love. And it sounds strange to accept that as the truth but, it was what it was.
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
He twirled you around gently. Careful not to trip you. He caught you in his arms as you bent your body with peremptory trust, his handsome face never failed to mesmerize you.
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
You swayed on your feet once more, but really, you were just spending time, embracing the security in each other’s arms. You don’t care about the past heartbreaks or the haunting memories. You are not even stressing out to think about what tomorrow promises, you simply wanted to live every second of this moment with him.
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be over-dramatic and true to my lover 
But whatever the future plans for you, you knew there would be no hurricane violent enough to shake your ground as long as you had Bucky by your side.
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover
You were going to hold onto him through the agonizing mornings or vicious nights. You were going to hold onto him through Spring until the first drop of snow starts to cover the ground in white again. You were going to hold onto him through the Christmas Eves and New Years. Whether it be when you’re sharing a midnight kiss or when you’re hungover for all the drinks from last night.
You took a vow that no matter what happened, there would be no more unspoken words that would be an emotional barrier between the two of you. You only wanted to have eyes for him because everything fades into the background and the stars align when your bodies were intertwined, unable to tell where you began and he ended.
You’re permanently stuck with each other and that’s all you ever really wanted.
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angellissy · 4 years
the stars that lit up the sky
Based on this lovely request> Would you do another Cameron sibling one with rage and Sarah? I really loved the first one!
Thank you!! Means the world and I am so sorry it took so long. 
Rafe Cameron x Sister Reader
AN> Sorry for my lack of writing but I will try to get more fics up. I am graduating tomorrow so hopefully, my first two weeks of summer will be spent writing outer banks fics for you guys. Shoutout to my bestie Ellie, who helped me come up with a concept and who also just exists. I love u @myjjbaby . Enjoy!
Tossing and turning, seemed to be the only thing you had been doing for the past hours. The white linen sheets always seemed to find a way to tangle themselves with your limbs, making sleeping impossible. The sun had gone down hours ago, bringing all the sound that usually echoed throughout the house, with it. The clock ticking on your wall served as a constant reminder of the hours of sleep you lost. Unintentionally causing your breath to quicken, the fear of never falling asleep had always been a factor of stress. You were unsure why, but it always lingered in your mind. Sometimes making it even harder for your mind to relax and escape into another world, which usually caused you to stay in this one.
As a child your mind would be restless, you could lay awake for hours. Your eyes would often be looking at your ceiling, at the bright yellow stars that your older brother had glued there. Using the stars, he had created yours and his zodiac sign. The two of you were not only bound together by blood, but also by the same stars. So when the sun went down, the stars lit up and gathered your attention for the next hours. It helped calm your mind and whenever your older brother opened the door to your room and peeked inside, you would be laying still, holding a teddy bear close to your chest.
And as a child, those illuminating stars would be enough to lull you to sleep. But when you had reached a certain age, your dad had them removed, arguing that stars were for children and that you no longer, in his opinion, were a child. So the stars disappeared, ending in up in some charity box that your dad gave to the less fortunate. From that day on, you had to find new strategies. One included not sleeping at all, and as you got older another one meant partying all night to avoid having to deal with trying to fall asleep.
Tonight it looked like you would be choosing the first option, so you sat up, pushing the countless blankets off your exhausted body. When your father removed the stars from the ceiling, your brother desperately tried to come up with a new idea that would lull you to sleep. His solution was to build something similar to a bed on your windowsill, making it possible for you to watch the stars once again, though this time they were real and sometimes covered by clouds. So that was where you went whenever your brain failed to relax. You brought one blanket with you as you climbed up on the windowsill. No stars were in view tonight, the only thing that lit up the sky was the white moon. But still, it was not as bright as it usually was. Sometimes you couldn’t help but wonder if your mood was reflected in the weather, it always seemed to be that way at least.
You furrowed your brows when you saw two shadows reflected on the ground beneath you, the porch light was giving them away. With quick finger movements, you pushed the window open, making it possible for you to lean out. The beats of your heart quickened as the adrenaline rushed through your veins. What if it was a burglar? Or one of Rafe’s peculiar friends? Nevertheless, you would probably not dare do anything about it, but maybe if you did your dad would finally give you some credit. Or even better, maybe your older brother would start paying more attention to you than those bags of white dust in his pockets. You leaned further out, this time the sound of hushed voices reached your ears. 
“How are we supposed to get inside?” The only thing you could make up was that it was the voice of a female. It did sound pretty familiar, and you understood why when the second person opened their mouth.
“Well Sarah if you weren’t such an idiot and dropped the keys, we would’ve been fine.” That was the sometimes infuriating voice of your older brother, there was no doubt about it. You would have known that voice anywhere. When you were younger it was his voice that guided you away from the sadness that engulfed you whenever your father yelled at you, blaming him for mistakes that weren’t even yours. It was also his voice that managed to say something that would draw out a big laugh from you.
“Can you‐” Sarah sighed, breathing in and out. “Can you keep it down?” You heard Rafe mutter something in response and decided that it was your turn to shine since you also were their only way inside.
“You need some help or something?” They jumped at the sound of your voice, seemingly startled. Rafe was holding one of his hands against his chest, trying to calm his heartbeat into a normal rhythm. Meanwhile, Sarah was looking relieved by the sight of your face, as she also knew that you were their savior. Hoping to freak them out a little more you hopped down from the window on the floor without a word, quickly making your way down to the front door. As quietly as you could, you unlocked it and opened it, letting in both of your older siblings. Both reeking of alcohol and other substances, but you were used to it. Particularly the way the smell of alcohol had intertwined with Rafe’s perfume, it seemed to never leave. Always a lingering smell, no matter how hard he tried to hide it on those days when being intoxicated was not socially acceptable.
“Thank you very much.” Sarah gave you a small hug and a kiss on the cheek before dashing up to her bedroom, most likely to talk to that boy she just met. As soon as she was gone it was just you and Rafe. The sibling that constantly seemed to avoid you, always coming up with excuses not to hang out. His hand flew up to his hair, scratching it ever so lightly. You coughed a little, unsure of what to do.
“Yeah well uh‐” His eyes darted between you and the staircase behind your body “I should probably head up, but thanks.” He was about to walk past you when you stepped in front of him, blocking his way and making him look at you through furrowed brows.
“Why do you not wanna hang out with me anymore?” He gulped and backed a few steps away from you. “Um, come with me.” He turned around and walked towards the kitchen, even though you were confused you followed him. Not wanting to miss out on the opportunity to hang out with your older brother. He gestured for you to sit down on a barstool, and you did, watching him as he started to get things out from the refrigerator.
“What are you doing?” He gave you a small smile as he shrugged his shoulders. “ Well, I suppose you were too young to remember this.” He paused while he turned on the stove and placed a frying pan on it. “When you were younger and were upset with me or Sarah you would make us or the nanny make you a grilled cheese, it was the only way for us to be able to talk to you.”
Your lips parted slightly as you dug inside of your mind, trying to find this specific memory. “I don’t remember that.” You mumbled, feeling slightly ashamed that such a sweet memory could have disappeared. He nodded, stumbling a bit as he turned around to put the sandwiches in the pan. “So that’s what you are doing now then?” He gave you a small smile and nodded.
“Never been very good with expressing stuff.” You snorted and he furrowed his brows at you, but his smile did not falter. After a couple of minutes, he put the grilled cheese on a platter and served it to you. You took a bite, the taste instantly melted in your mouth, it was so good that you could have cried. You put it down and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand before asking him once again, why he had been avoiding you.
He rested his head in his hands, looking down at the countertop. “I am supposed to be your big brother, a role model of some sort. But I am not exactly suited for that role anymore.” A bitter laugh escaped his lips and you swallowed hard, surprised that he was actually telling the truth and not some half-hearted lie.
“But I don’t need you to be a role model Rafe, I just need you to be my brother.” You paused, searching his eyes for some reaction, but he still looked down, making it very difficult. “You are going through some shit but that’s exactly the time when you shouldn’t push me away, just let me be your little sister again. And let me help you.” He looked up, a small smile on his lips as he walked around the kitchen isle just to wrap his arms around you.
“I don’t need your help, but I’ll try to regain the best big brother title you gave me as kids.” You nodded against his chest, that promise would be enough for now. As long as you got your best friend back.
“Care to tell me why you were still up at this hour?” He said when he let go. A small sigh escaped your lips “Couldn’t sleep.” He nodded, then gestured for you to follow him once again. This time you ended up in his room, you had not stepped foot in here for ages and you felt like neither had he since he looked a bit confused. After a bit of thought, he opened the door to his clothes, walked inside and asked you to follow.
“Turn the off the lights.” You did as he asked and the second you did, the room became illuminated by a different kind of light. The on that had adorned your childhood bedroom for several years.
“You kept the stars.” You whispered, astonished over the fact that he had done that and that he never told you.
“Yeah, I didn’t want dad to know so I kept them here, I should have told you sooner.” You brushed him off with a little wave, your eyes were still glued to the ceiling. You moved closer to his side and let him pull you into his chest, both of you were starving for hugs. The two kids that barely received any from your parents, that was why it was so important that you two were on the same side. If you were, you could dismiss the cold gazes and angry remarks from your father, together. So side by side you watched the stars, and side by side the two of you helped each other survive. 
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daydream-believin · 4 years
Sure Took You Long Enough, Babe
Summary: (wlw) Reader pulls an all-nighter with coworker Zoe
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, uh i think i remember mentioning people doing drugs, that trademark wlw obliviousness
Word Count: 4374
a/n: g-g-gorlfren... *slaps roof of fic* this baby can fit so many gay fantasy tropes in it. yes, the bars in cali stay open till 4am idk
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Your alarm blared it’s cheery tune, startling you awake. Strangely enough, the happy melody never inspired happiness, just rage. Yet, ever the eager beaver, you shot right up and slammed the button as you slid out of bed, not allowing yourself to dilly-dally. As much as you’d like to stay asleep for three more hours at the least, you forced yourself into a good start for the day. Today was the first day of your new part-time job at Hextech, and lucky you, you got the morning shift. Curse of being fresh meat, you supposed. As long as you could make it through the day without getting too terribly hazed, you’d be fine.
Back home in Arcadia Oaks for the summer, you’d needed a new job or you’d go crazy. What were you supposed to do? Relax? Nah. You’d start taking double shifts as soon as you could. It was a bit tricky finding somewhere that would be a good fit for you. Okay, that was a lie. It was a bit tricky finding somewhere that would even be willing to hire you, apparently. Really knocked your pride down a few pegs.
By a strike of fortune, you had been catching up with one of your old high school buddies over coffee yesterday. You know, the one you used to hang out in the graveyard and practice tarot reading with? Yeah, Evan. It was nice to be able to talk to someone who was just as excited as you were that My Chemical Romance was back. When you two ordered, he pulled out that old joke about taking his coffee black like his soul and it still made you laugh as much as it did in high school. Evan was doing good, new boyfriend, new job, new band. You felt happy for your friend. You were happy that he was happy. He deserved it.
After you’d lamented that you couldn’t find work, he told you about how lately he’d been working for that electronic store Hextech. Not subtly named, was it? He’d told you about how it was run by hedgewizards like you two. They only hired through connections, since they were a magical company run by magical people. You, thankfully, had one of those connections. Your buddy put in a good word for you and, just like that, you were in. They put you on the schedule crazy fast. Like, the first shift of the very next day fast. Good. You were going out of your mind having so much free time. Your relatives were starting to ask you *shutter* questions about your personal life.
You looked in the mirror, slicked back your hair into a neat style, and admired how you looked in your new work shirt. Of course, it would eventually join the trophy quilt of old work shirts you were making, but for now it was nice and new. A pretty baby blue, it will go well sewed next to the royal blue Domino’s shirt from last semester. You added about a dozen earrings to your ears as a finishing touch and headed downstairs. After downing your coffee and hastily scarfing down a still-warm blueberry muffin, you kissed your grandmother’s cheek goodbye as you headed out the door. You tossed a crumpled muffin to the crows waiting by the front door. The greedy bastards inhaled every crumb. As much as you loved having a job again, the sun was still asleep when you started your walk to work. Fuck that.
As you walked through the door at Hextech, you were astonished to see the absolute angel who was waiting there for you. An absolute angel who looked kinda hungover, actually. Well, it was 6 AM on a Sunday. The doors didn’t actually open to customers until seven, but you were here at the ass-crack of dawn so she could train you some before throwing you to the customer wolves. Said pink-haired angel introduced herself as Zoe. What a fitting name for someone as cute and feisty as her. You had to catch yourself from staring too much into her striking blue eyes, that reminded you of lightning, pure electricity, before she caught you. And really, they were distracting. It was hard to focus on what she was telling you, which was a bad thing since she was giving you vital information. You forced yourself to focus. As much as you could.
After going over the ropes of working the wizard-bar, she took you through a cool hidden door to show you around the back. The back had such wonderful rooms as the kitchen that someone microwaved fish in yesterday, workrooms, one of which had a poor guy who looked like her never left last night, tinkering away at some techy-thing, the room Zoe introduced as the room she went to scream in, and a common-room type thing with a sick floor to ceiling screen (or was it a window?), depicting a soothing nature scene. She told you that after you had been working in the front for a while and proved yourself, your bosses would move you up to the repairs and phone troubleshooting. Maybe even invention if you were talented enough. That filled you with dread, despite the inspiration it was supposed to be. You had to admit, you knew almost nothing about the technical/repairs side of electronics and you did not belong here. You were more of a coding/hacking type of hedgewizard. You’d have to fake it till you make it. You were sure Zoe could tell you were bullshitting through this, but thankfully she was gracious enough not to call you out on it. Although, you didn’t mind that impish grin that found it’s place on her face.
Damn. You did not need to get involved with a coworker. No matter how enchanting she was. Or how pretty. This was just a summer job. You would be moving back across California for school soon enough and you were not going to do long-distance again. Although, is a few hours really that long? Definitely not as long as your last relationship. Shut up shut up shut up. No. You don’t even know if this chick is into girls, don’t get ahead of yourself. Mmm, she is very pretty though. You can admire from afar. What’s the harm in that?
There was much, much harm. Stars, you had it bad. You had only been at Hextech for a month now and it felt like hell. Perhaps it was hell. Maybe you were dead, and this was your eternal punishment. Damned to forever pine after the loveliest wizard you had ever met. She took a liking to you instantly too, inviting you out for drinks that first night, and every weekend after that. And she’d invited you over to her place for movie nights and to hang out with her friends. Some nights she’d take you to go dancing with her. She’d taken to calling you Baby. Perfectly normal things for gals being pals right. You guessed this is what girl besties do. You wouldn’t know, you’d only ever really hung with guys. Really feminine goth guys, sure, but guys nonetheless. She seemed hellbent on spending time with you. Not that you were complaining, but it just made your emotions stronger. And harder to shove back into the abyss.
~ ~ ~
One Friday night, you two were just chilling up in your bedroom. A rest before one of coworker’s birthday party tomorrow night. Zoe was telling you that she really wanted to try out a new makeup technique. And you told her she could try it out on you. The joy that painted itself across her features is something that will be burned into your memory forever. But not as high a degree of burn as what came next. Zoe straddled your waist, eyeliner pen in hand, and pushed you back against the headboard so she could better reach your eyes. Your breath caught in your throat. You were helpless to do anything but stare at her face that was in super close proximity to yours. You were caught in a trance as you obeyed when she told you to do this or that so she could properly apply the makeup. Her pink lips were pursed in concentration, and her pink banged strayed into her face. Her signature pink style matched the pink of your cheeks. You were sure she could feel your heart pounding, her elbows were on your chest, basically. She moved on to eyeshadow. Weird, you were always an eyeshadow first kinda person but who were you to critique this goddess’s methods. As she rolled on the perfectly matching lipstick onto your lips, you couldn’t help but think about this being an indirect kiss. This lipstick has been all over her lips and now it’s on yours? Stars.
Once she was finished with her masterpiece, she leaned back to take a good look at it. You felt the heat blaze under your skin as her blue eyes scanned your face. Finally, she seemed satisfied and nodded. Zoe helped you up and you went to go check it out in the mirror hanging on your wall. It was brightly colored, garish even, yet perfect, in your opinion. Like Zoe’s personality distilled into something you could wear. She crept up behind you and put her hands on your shoulders as you both admired her skills.
“My best work yet if I do say so, Y/n,” She grinned like a Cheshire cat, “Hmm, I know it’s already like, 3 in the morning and we’re supposed to be relaxing, but we should go and show this off.”
You both had a shift in four hours but you didn’t know how to say no to those eyes. “Alright, Zo,”
You grabbed your jackets on the way out, careful not to wake any of the other inhabitants of the house, but unable to keep the giggles in. Zoe had thought it would be fun to swap jackets, and you weren’t going to say no to that. Her jacket was cozy, black leather, and smelled of her rosy perfume. You never wanted to take it off. When you put it on, her eyes lingered on your form, commenting how good it made you look. You were very thankful for the cover of darkness that hid your flush, rosy like her perfume. You thought she looked marvelous in yours too, but you weren’t as brave in order to say that out loud.
Suddenly you were in some club across town, being introduced to Zoe’s friend Mimi who was working the bar that night. Mimi looked you up and down, then cocked her brows and clicked her tongue, while nodded to Zoe? Who turned pink and angrily said something under her breath to her friend. You couldn’t make out what she said over the music, you were too busy trying not to put too much weight on this interaction. Telling your heart to stop jumping. Jumping just gets you hurt. Mimi snickered as she scurried off to the other side of the bar to fix up your drinks after Zoe finished her rant. She turned back to you and laughed nervously, leaning on the bar.
“That Mimi. What a card.” You nodded in response, not sure what to say.
You three chatted while you sipped at your drinks. Zoe had ordered you something fruity, sweet, and vibrantly colored. It was very tasty, whatever it was. Must have had a high percentage because your head was already fuzzy with just this one. You stopped after finishing it, not fancying being drunk at work, but Zoe got another. Her alcohol tolerance was way stronger than yours. You fucking lightweight. Mimi had started cleaning up since the bar closed soon. Zoe grabbed your hand unexpectedly.
“How about we dance until we get kicked out, Babe?” She said with a sparkle in her eye.
“Uh- y- yeah,” was all you managed to get out before she pulled you over to the dance floor. It was almost vacant, since it was nearing 4am and most people had either moved on for the night, passed out on one of the club’s couches, or were getting their fix in the bathroom. Nice. It was like the floor was just for you two. Zoe was really jazzed, spinning you around to whatever trashy party song was playing. It was infectious. Her energy, not the song. You were having a lot of fun with the pink girl dancing with you. She tossed her hair back laughing at one point. Right then and there, you decided to throw all those things stopping you out the window. If you missed her come fall, you’d just drive the trip to see her. It would be worth it.
The other trio of people who had been dancing left, and now it really was just you two. It would have felt like just you two even if the floor was full. As the current song ended, the DJ looked at you in sympathy. “Alright guys, this is the last song okay, we close in ten.” He switched it to a Viper song.
“OH! I love this song!” Zoe’s smile got even bigger. You didn’t know that was possible. Somehow, she got an energy boost too. You had completely no idea how the firecracker you were with could stay lit well into the morning. If it wasn’t for your manic pixie dream girl here, you’d be groggy by now. She flittered around you, having a blast. It was adorable. She mouthed the words of the song to you, which would have been rather cute if they hadn’t been considerably sexual lyrics. You felt that blush come back for the umpteenth time that night. And she had that impish grin plastered across her face again, like she knew what she was doing. Zoe had gotten closer to you as the song winded down, you hadn’t noticed until it faded out altogether. Your eyes were wide. She booped your nose, giggling. You blinked, surprised. You felt your heart squeeze at how fucking cute that was.
She took your hand again as she pulled you over to go give Mimi a quick hug goodbye before you two left. You still had two and a half hours to kill until your shifts started at six thirty. Zoe’s favourite coffee house wouldn’t be open until five. As much as a nap sounded good right now, you both knew that it would just make you sleepier. And grumpier from being woken up after such a short time. Might as well pull out an old goth kid staple.
“Wanna go hang around in the graveyard?”
~ ~ ~
Zoe tossed her head back laughing so hard she hit the gravestone she was leaning against.
“Oof, you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” She rubbed her head and turned back to look check the name on the engraving, “Sorry Howard.”
“It’s too late, he’s offended now and he’s gonna haunt us,” you snickered, “Nice going, Zo.”
“Don’t worry Baby, I’ve been working on my exorcism skills. You know, since a certain dumbass brought spirits into the party last week.” Ah, Douxie, what a guy. Of course he hadn’t meant to ruin everyone’s night and release those ghosts. It just sort of happened. He was accident prone and you didn’t understand why people trusted him with cursed stuff like that to begin with. Luckily, within the number of wizards gathered, you guys were eventually able to find a way to banish all the spirits before any real harm came of it. It wasn’t a bad way to spend a Friday night. You got to live out your childhood dream of being a ghostbuster.
You looked around. The cemetery wasn’t as spooky as most people thought it was. Sure, there were strange noises, and endless headstones with disembodied names that meant nothing, and creepy mausoleums that cast big shadows in the moonlight, and a creaky gate that swung back and forth whether there was wind or not, but it wasn’t scary. Well, maybe that was just because you’d spent most nights of your teen years here, so you were desensitized to it. Zoe didn’t seem to mind it one bit either.
You glanced up and saw three of your crow friends on the top of the mausoleum across from you and Zoe. If crows could smirk these would be smirking. Fuckers. They were always around whenever you’d go out with Zoe. Watching so they could tease you later. Damn nosy birds. Why did you ever start feeding them. They were even there in a set of three, just to mock you. They may as well be singing “Y/n and Zoe sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”
You ignored the crows, pulling out your phone and flipping to your ebook app. Because you know what would make this just like old times? Some dramatic goth poetry. What a way to woo a girl. Zoe was fond of the idea of some poetry reading too. She told you that you could pick. At first you thought to read some Poe, perhaps starting with ‘Serenade’, but decided against it lest the bastards on the roof started demanding you read them ‘the Raven’. It’s happened before. You settled on some Keats instead. And you knew the perfect poem. A poem you could put all your emotions into. The most sapphic poem ever written by a man, in your opinion. If she didn’t feel the same, you could always deny it and say that you were just getting way into character. Either way it was going to make work weird, but you didn’t think you gave a fuck anymore. Here goes nothing.
“Had I a man’s fair form, then might my sighs
Be echoed swiftly through that ivory shell
Thine ear, and find they gentle heart; so well
Would passion arm me for the enterprise:” You took a big gulp of air. Zoe’s gaze was locked on you, and that didn’t make this any less nerve-wracking. You could feel your hands shaking. “But ah! I am no knight whose foreman dies;
No cuirass glistens on my bosom’s swell;
I am no happy shepherd of the dell
Whose lips have trembled with a maiden’s eyes.” With those words, a sudden burst of boldness in your heart caused you to take her hand. Must be the alcohol. Yes, that which hath made them drunk hath made you bold. Zoe didn’t appear to be breathing anymore. You looked back into her electric blue eyes. “Yet must I dote upon thee, --call thee sweet,
Sweeter by far than Hybla’s honied roses
When steeped in dew rich to intoxication
Ah! I will taste that dew, for me ‘tis meet,” Your voice became breathy as you uttered these last verses. “And when the moon her pallid face discloses,
I’ll gather some by spells, and incantation.” You just froze there, breathing. The ball was in Zoe’s court now. Speak of the devil, she was really close, like really close. When did she get so close. You hadn’t realized. She lifted a finger to your face and brushed a loose strand of hair behind you ear. Your breath caught in your throat. She drew closer, your noses touching now. Her eyes slipped down into a half lid. Your eyes flicked to her lips and she watched you. It occurred to you that she was waiting for you to close the gap. So you did.
It was fireworks. Of course, you were kissing a firecracker herself. It was a sweet kiss, but laced with that fire. You both pulled back for air, but quickly returned to each other’s lips. Zoe’s hands drifted down to your hips and she pulled you into her lap, leaning back up against that headstone. And now you were snogging in the cemetery. Mary Shelley would be proud. Howard, however, was probably pissed off for sure now.
Your breaths mingled as you gasped for air. Zoe caressed your cheek, cupping your face. She chuckled, “It sure took you long enough, Babe. I was starting to think I’d have to spell it out for you.”
You all but collapsed back into her arms, exasperated. Stars, it sure did take you long enough, didn’t it. You could hear and feel Zoe’s snort through her chest. You raised back up to gaze into those baby blues. A pang of adoration shot through your heart like one of cupid’s cursed arrows.
“How about I buy coffee, for our first official date?” Zoe agreed to your offer. You got off of her, legs wobbling like a baby deer. Speaking of deer, you were happy to see that the herd that usually hangs out here in the graveyard in the early hours was peacefully grazing around you two. You hadn’t noticed them come in, too busy snogging. You reached out a hand and helped Zoe up. You two brushed the grass off your clothes and gave one last apology to Howard before setting off for the coffee shop. Zoe checked her phone for the time. It was 5:23, you two still had almost a full hour to spend lounging in the coffeeshop before you had to head off to Hextech. Zoe reached for your hand as you walked back to Zoe’s bike. You threaded your fingers together. Something as small as that shouldn’t have felt as nice as it did. But it did.
You completely adored riding on the back of Zoe’s motorcycle. You got to cling to her, arms around her waist, pretending that you were holding her for romantic reasons and not so you wouldn’t fall off a moving automobile. You wouldn’t have to just pretend any longer now. The thought made you giddy. And now that you think about it, that was probably why Zoe had insisted on giving you rides everywhere for the past month. You were so fucking oblivious. It was painful. Thank the stars above she was patient with you. You snuggled further into her back, inhaling that rosy perfume. It truly was intoxicating, Keats. A girl could get used to this.
~ ~ ~
The coffee house barista recognized you two as you walked in and started making your orders that he had memorized. He greeted you cordially as you handed over the cash. He looked down at Zoe’s hand joined with yours, raising his eyebrows teasingly but not saying anything. Did everyone in this fucking town know about you two before you did? You think you might have beaten that Parisian catboy at his own game. How embarrassing.
Zoe got cozy on you guy’s usual couch while you carried over the coffee. After you set the mugs on the coffee table and plopped down, Zoe swung her legs up onto the couch, and over your lap. Didn’t exactly take you by surprise. Zoe often sat like this. You were used to it. Wait, was this also flirting? Stars, you didn’t even know anymore. This was so confusing. She noticed the face journey you had taken with the internal struggle, and grinned, shrugging her arm around your shoulders to ease you. You snatched your cup of the table and downed as much as you could handle before it got too hot. You were still really nervous, despite her being very clear about how she felt, and Zoe thought that was pretty funny.
“So, we’re gonna have to say something to people tonight,” Zoe started.
You just nodded in response. Hopefully this wasn’t going to make anything weird. You hadn’t been working at Hextech long enough to know how the dynamics worked. Maybe someone had been pining after Zoe too and now hated you. Maybe someone was Zoe’s ex and now hated you. Maybe someone was just really homophobic and now hated you. There were plenty of possibilities, you could go on.
“I was thinking we should wear these matching dresses I found last week, and sort of bought already, to double our cute couple factor.” She had murmured that middle part but you still heard it loud and clear. You had to hold back a squeak. That was so sweet. And adorable. She just saw the dresses in the shop and thought to herself ‘I want to wear that with Y/n’? You could die right now. You settled for downing more of that coffee.
“Yes! That’s so cool? I- What color are they?” You didn’t know how to handle this.
Zoe pulled out her phone and leaned over to show you the pics she took of them. They were matching, made of the same brown floral-patterned fabric, but different styles. Either one would go great with Zoe’s leather jacket, which you were still wearing. You’d go for your denim one. Not the purple jacket that currently hung off Zoe’s shoulders. The colors wouldn’t clash but the style of it would. This was going to be awesome, anyways. Matching dresses, telling your friends the best news you’ve had all year, having fun at the party, not having to spend the whole night miserably shoving your feelings aside? You couldn’t wait.
“Which one do you want?” You picked the looser, more flowy one. Zoe was more comfortable with tight stuff that showed off her body. You had a sneaking suspicion she already knew you’d pick that one, and was giving you the illusion of choice. It was sweet, really. Your phone alarm went off, alerting you that it was time to start the walk for work. All the relaxing time was gone. A crying shame, but you’d still get to spend the day with your favourite person just the same, so not truly that big of a loss. Albeit, Zoe didn’t look too pleased to have to go back to work. Laughing, you stood to your feet, and held out your arm for her to link through.
“Shall we go milady?” You two waved to the barista as you headed out the door. “I think you should do our makeup for the party again, really show off this time.” Zoe perked up, excited at the prospect as Hextech neared.
“And I’ll show off my hot new girlfriend too.” There was that damned blush again.
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puckngrind · 4 years
Marry Me - J. Toews
Song inspiration: Marry Me by Jason Derulo
Warning: swearing, mentions of sex
Word count: 2066
Part 2
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🎶105 is the number that comes to my head.
When I think of all the years I wanna be with you. 
Wake up every morning with you in my bed.
That's precisely what I plan to do. 🎶
Your announcement that you accepted a position in Chicago, found a roommate, and leaving your hometown in the matter of 2 weeks didn’t go over well. You didn’t exactly care because you fell in love with Chicago the moment you stepped foot off the plane for the interview. Your best friend went with you to cover up the real motives and you two hit all the suggestions including the way too fancy for you restaurant. This is where you actually ran head first into him. Your head was down making your way to the restroom and he was turning the corner. You made your apologies and your eyes wandered up to the very tall handsome man who’s suit cost more the entire contents of your suitcase. You were sure of it.
“Sorry, my fault.” His fingers brushed your elbow as you scurried past him. Not even giving him a chance to continue. You could feel the pink in your cheeks before even hitting the door. It was a tell-tale sign how embarrassed you were about the run in. Collecting yourself and returning to your table you were attempting to act like you didn’t just physically run into the most handsome man you’ve set eyes on in real life.
“You good (y/n)?” Your bestie, Savannah, takes a long sip of her drink and takes in your mood change.
“Yup, just embarrassing myself like normal.” You pinch your nose and recount the run in...literally.
“Handsome man? Where?” Savannah pops up a bit from her seat to see if she can put eyes on this man. You were focused getting her to stop that when the server placed the drink on the table you physically jumped.
“From the gentleman over there. He sends his apologies.” The server brought your attention to the room off your best friend’s shoulder where the same man you ran into was standing drink in hand and raised it up towards you. You do the same and the silent squeal coming from Savannah’s mouth was only noticeable to you.
“I swear (y/n), if you don’t go thank that fine fine man I’m gonna for you!” You worked up all the nerve possible and walked towards him.
“Thank you for the drink but I really should be apologizing to you.” His smile was intoxicating.
“Call it even then? I’m Jon, and you are?” He puts out his hand to shake yours. You nervously wipe your palm on your dress and place your hand in his.  His grip firm but gentle.
“(Y/N). Are you having a party or something?” You blurt out taking in the room behind him with maybe twenty similarly dressed men loudly joking around.
“Um, something like that.  It’s a work thing.”  You look down at your hands realizing he hasn’t let go of yours.
“So you are from around here?”  You slip your hand out his.  Shocked at how large they were.
“No, I work here.  You?” His stare into your eyes is intense that you some how babble on about the job interview and possible move.  He listens intently.  “This may sound forward, but I would love to show you around if you get the job.”
“OH!  That’s...wow...uh...how will you know?”  You fumble realizing it and bringing your gaze down to your shoes that are kicking at the carpet.
“How about you give me your number and we can start from there?”  His phone comes into view at your hand level.  You nervously type in your number and name and hand it back.
Jon types away and smiles.  “Well, (y/n), I’ll let you get back to your dinner and I’ll talk to you soon.”  He reaches out again to pull your attention to his face before retreating to your respective tables.  
“Your phone vibrated while you were gone.”  Your best friend just looks down at your phone that was face down at the table and then back up to your pink cheeks. 
“Yeah.  I assumed Jon texted me.”  You flip over the phone to find an unknown number.
Jon: Hi, this is Jon.  The man you ran into.  I’m hoping you respond to this after you finish your dinner.
You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face the next two weeks.  The two of you texted back and forth and he was so excited when you sent him word about the job.  He helped you find a roommate.  One of his co-worker’s girlfriends.  You were slightly concerned about rooming with a stranger but something about how Jon treated you made you trust him.
Jon met you and Savannah at your new place with some of his friends to help move you in.  You didn’t have much by Kelly said you didn’t need much.
“We are going to go clean up and will meet you out to celebrate.”  Jon side hugged you after finishing getting you settled.  You and the girls fall on the couch and start talking.
“So they aren’t all from the US are they?”  Savannah finally questions Kelly.
“Nope.  Actually most of them aren’t.”  Kelly just laughs.
“And what exactly do they do?  Savannah continues.
“I was told not to disclose that information.”  Kelly pops up and heads to change.
“What does that mean?”  Savannah waits to hear Kelly’s door before blurting out.
“I don’t know.”  You think Jon will tell you sooner or later.
“And how can the two of you afford this...in CHICAGO?”  Savannah has moved to the view which you will admit was not what you were expecting.
“Again, I don’t know.”  Kelly emerges as you finish your statement.
“Let’s go ladies!”  She claps and you grab your bags and head to her car.
Jon is waiting for you on the sidewalk.  You take in the third style you’ve seen him in.  Suit, sweats, and now jeans and a button down that hugs him just enough.  All makes him look so damn sexy.  You shake the thought out of your mind.  Savannah snags a pic of you and her before heading inside.
The first night in Chicago was amazing.  Deep dish pizza even though Jon just got a salad, a bar for drinks, then back to your place.  You hardly even looked at your phone but decided to step out to the patio to text your mom.  The door was caught behind you and Jon was standing there.
“Want company?”  He asks.  
“Sure.  Just texting my mom.”  You finally look at your phone since before dinner.  Your brother’s text notification on the screen
Brother: Why is the captain of the Blackhawks behind you in the snap Savannah sent me?
“OH!”  You answer aloud
“Oh?”  He questions.
“My brother says the captain of the Blackhawks was behind me in the picture Savannah sent.  I didn’t even realize.”  You click into snapchat and Jon’s hand stops you.
“So....” He grabs your phone and places it on the table.
“Jon, why did you do that?”  You look up at him.
“I’ve got something to tell you.”  You seem concerned but his soft expression doesn’t make you less worried.
“Ok, what is it?”
“Kelly told me Savannah asked what I did for a living.”  Jon leans against the railing.
“Yeah.  Said you wanted to tell me.”  You lean about two feet from him.
“And I knew when I met you that you had no idea who I was or any of my coworkers.”  
“Should I?”  You question looking back at the gathering in your now living space.
“If you watched hockey, maybe.”  He chuckles a little.  “I am said captain your brother is talking about (y/n).”  Jon’s hand covers yours.
“Holy shit!”  You blurt out.  “How...why...fuck.  Sorry.”  Jon laughs uncontrollably.  “Why are you laughing at me?”
“Because I was terrified what you might think.  I like you (y/n).  I’m not sure exactly how you feel about me.”
“I like you too.  Which is weird because this is only the 2nd time we’ve seen each other.”  You look up and Jon has closed the distance.  His hand comes up to your face.
“And knowing what I do doesn’t scare you?”
“Why would it?”  Your eyebrow raises.  
“Some previous women only wanted to date me because of my status.”  He admitted.
“Well that’s dumb.”  You look into his eyes and he smiles.
“It is. Can I kiss you?”  His thumb slides down your cheek.  You nod because your heart is beating out of your chest and words were not forming.  His lips grace yours and that’s where your relationship started.
That was two years ago and you two didn’t spend much time apart.  The first summer you stayed in Chicago and you realized quickly when you met him in Winnipeg that you couldn’t ask him to stay in Chicago with you during summers.  You loved seeing him home in his element.  You moved in that August and found a job that was more freelance giving you a schedule that could bend around his season.
“I love that I get to wake up every morning to you.”  Jon whispers in your ear one morning.
“You mean when you aren’t on the road.”  You giggle.
“Yeah, but your face is the first I see on the road too.”  His lips ghost yours.  “Eventually my career will be over and we will be an old retired married couple.”
“Married couple huh?”  You question as his body presses into yours.
“Not rushed, but yes.  We will be retired in our 40s bugging the hell out of our kids.”  You feel him growing between your bodies as he kisses your skin.  The conversation left to explore each other.
🎶 Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush.
But one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough.
I'll say will you marry me.
I swear that I will mean it.
I'll say will you marry me.
How many girls in the world can make me feel like this?
Baby I don't ever plan to find out.
The more I look, the more I find the reasons why.
You're the love of my life.🎶
Your phone buzzes with a text while facetiming Savannah.  Your weekly bestie time.
Jon: Wear the dress you wore the night we met and an Uber will pick you up at 7pm.
You: Okay?  Any reason?
Jon: Trust me.  Love you.
With that you went to the back of your closet to fish out the dress and got ready.
As promised the Uber was waiting for you when you left your shared condo.  
“Where are we going?”  You look up from your phone without the driver answering and realize you are heading towards the restaurant you first ran into Jon.  He’s standing out front in the same suit he was wearing that night.  Opening the door he holds his hand out for you.
“J, what are we doing here?”  You eye your handsome boyfriend and he takes your arm in his and escorts you in.  “No one is here Jon.”  You look around at the normally packed restaurant.
“Well, I wanted to bring you back to the place we met.”  He stops at the door where you gave him your number.  “This is the place I realized I needed to know more about you.”  His expression wasn’t one you’ve seen before.
“Same.  I couldn’t stop smiling for two straight weeks.”  You admit and he chuckles breathes in deep.
“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I to shout out it from the root top that you are mine.”  He starts then reaches into his pocket.  You gasp realizing exactly what was going on.  He gets on one knee and holds your hand.
“I love you with my whole being.  Would you make the the luckiest man on the world and be my wife?”  He pops open the box with one hand to reveal the perfect engagement ring.
“YES!”  You shout as he stands and kisses you passionately.
“Cannot wait to make you Mrs. Toews!”  He places the ring on your left ring hand and you wipe the tear from his eyes.
“I love you Mr. Toews!” You breathe out as he pulls you in.  
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Princess of the order; Chapter 2
Previously On the Princess Of the Order
Damian asks me a question. However, I don't hear it. All I hear is my head yelling " YOU LIED!! YOU ARE JUST LIKE SOPHIE!". I wring my hands. My head is right I am a liar just like Lady Sophie. I couldn't take this anymore. I look up to Damian (who is an inch taller than her) and say " I need to tell you something. I-I can't do this". He looks at me concerned. I drag him to the edge of the order. I spill all my secrets. Every. Single. One. I had to!! Those beautiful green eyes of his melted my heart and my life was too much for a 5-year-old!!! After I finish my rant he looks at me. I then realize what I have done. My eyes widen. What if Damian snitches?!?!?! Oh no, you messed up Marinette. " Hey, Hey! Don't worry!! Your secrets safe with me." I look up to Damian. " really?" He nods. I quickly hug him and tell I'm to meet here again same time tomorrow and just as I was about to head back to my palace Damian had grabbed my hand and gave it a chaste kiss. " Have a Good night Sahib Alsumui "
From that day on they had met up at the same spot. Sometimes Marinette had to go in her royal wear, but it was a small price to pay. This went on for years until one fateful day...
Damian and I had just finished exchanging gifts. Both of our 10th birthdays had just passed. I had received a necklace with angel wing charms and devil horns saying "Sahib Alsumui". That had become a nickname only Damian had used. Marinette had made a special announcement about how no one was allowed to call her that claiming she wanted to have a less formal relationship with her subjects. Damian had received a similar gift, a gold ring with dove wings, and inside the ring, a secret message was engraved. Marinette put the ring on him not letting him see the message and made him swear not to look at the message unless she said. Why? Cause the message was short and simple, yet meant a lot. It had said I love you, Dove. The two children had just released each other from their hug when Marinette had to go to Castle of Creation to meet the past ladybug. Just as she was about to go the League of Assassins drops in. Some Monks nearby grab Marinette.
" DAMIAN!!!" Marinette yells as she sees an assassin behind Damian. " NOO" she screams right before her eyesight blurs and she slumps.
I jolt up, breathing heavily.  It's okay Marinette that was 6 years ago. Breathe.
   Tikki flies up to my face and squeaks " Are you okay Marinette?" her voice laced heavily with concern. I had been waking up very often in the middle of the night for the past month always waking up with labored breathing. Tikki had kept me notified of all my strange behaviors in the night. " Yeah, I'm okay Tikki." "Well, there is no use in sleeping now bug, there only 2 minutes till your alarm goes off so I suggest getting ready early." I give a small smile to Tikki and joke " At least my nightmares are helping me with my school schedule now". Tikki just looks at me with a lost look in her eyes before flying back into my purse. I shrug it off and get ready for school. The rest of the horrible day plays inevitably in my mind.
I wake up in a quaint room. My memories were quite fuzzy but I had a feeling that I could trust the place. I head downstairs to only find my Auntie Sabine and Uncle Tom. They rush over to me mouths moving only I wasn't listening. My memories were coming back. I.....I was to head over to my Aunt's place only in an emergency. My eyes widen. In a quavery voice, I ask
" Where is Damian?" not wanting my conclusion to be true, praying to the gods that he's alright. I look over to my Aunt and judging by the look on her face.......Damian didn't survive. I fall to my knees crying body shaking sobs as my Auntie and Uncle hug me.
My Aunt's yelling snaps me out of my trance. I finish doing my pigtails, straighten my purse and head downstairs. Wanting to be early and speak with Adrien before everyone else arrives I grab a croissant and I quickly head over to the school.
I wave over to Adrien who is sitting on the stairs smiling goofily at his phone. He's probably texting his boyfriend. "ooooh Adrien's got a crush!!" I tease while looking down at the boy lounging in the steps. He sticks out his tongue back before saying " Hah hah ha".  I squish myself between him and the railing, Adrien quickly moving over for more space. Adrien quickly turns off his phone and rests his head on my shoulder.
" So, how's the Night Terrors?"
" *snort* Horrible as always"
" Look Adrien, I'm fine okay!! They're just old memories replaying in my mind, and the night before the last, I dreamt the first time I met him so that's a point!!!"
Adrien lifts his head off my shoulder and gives me a skeptical look. I shove him gently and say " okay okay enough about me, how's your mom?". Today marks the 2nd week of Hawkmoths defeat. I recall how I made up a whole team, calling upon almost all of the miraculous for the fight, but as always it ended with me and my kitty against the world...as always. I had healed Mrs. Agreste since Adrien needed a guardian. He wanted to bury his mother in peace but the law required for him to have at least one of his parents unless he wants his father's company ripped from him until he is adopted or is old enough to take charge of it. " She's okay, but still catching up on what happened during the last 5 years" Adrien stated resting his head back on my shoulder. I hum in response happy she's catching on. We sit there gazing at the beautiful city in front of us. It had been a rough 5 years for all of the Parisians but all that was in the past.
" Ya know... I'm still pissed at the JL for ignoring us, but I'm kinda grateful too??" I state. Adrien glares at me from my shoulder and says in a cold voice " Why? ".  I wasn't taken back by his voice as it was understandable. If they had helped earlier then no Parisian would have to see their loved ones get murdered and resurrected in front of them. I sigh and jokingly say " well I don't think that I would be able to fight off an akumatized Batman, how bout you?". We burst out laughing.
Our laughing dies down 2 minutes before Alya, Nino, and Chloe arrive.  Despite all the things that happened these past 5 years Marinette and Chloe becoming friends were the craziest. Not finding out the identity of ladybug and hawkmoth but their ever-evolving friendship. Like always they ask about Marinette's night terrors and she shrugs them off saying that they were getting better. Yeah, no these were lies. Tikki had often reported to me about the terrors and I became increasingly worried. We all know about Marinette's past but I'm pretty sure what we knew was just a fraction of a bigger and more horrifying story. This Damien character was very important to her and he was her bestie in the Order. Very intriguing.....
More students enter the schoolyard and we started walking toward homeroom. We enter the room. Alya and Chloe pull me aside, with matching looks on their face. " Ninos distracting M, now spill, we know the night terrors aren't getting better." Sweat rolls down the back of my neck as they give me the look. I swallow and stammer out " I-I can't my lady trusts me so uh I like can't really t-tell you guys". Just as they are about to retaliate Mme. Bustier walks in with the biggest smile adorning her face. I signed in relief and made my way towards my seat along with the others.
" Good Morning Students!!!!  Today we have a video call with Lila and then I will be handing out the summer job packages for Gotham and New york!"
Shit, I forgot today's the last Wednesday of highschool. Damn, we came far. Mme. sets up the projector with help from Markov and suddenly Lila's face pops into view. Yaaay. I cant practically feel the hate coming from the 3 girls behind me. I shiver. These girls behind me are the most terrifying in the world when they need to or want to be. I discreetly pull out my phone, zone out Lila, and text away to Jon.
~~ a Lil time skip if that's okay~~
Lila had finally ended the call claiming that she had to go the sleep bright and early to help Prince Ali. I was very excited. Jon said he is living in Gotham for the summer so  I decided to surprise him. The minute I had gotten the forms for the summer jobs I had filled in the Gotham form and placed it in my knapsack. I turned around and asked the girls where they're going. Nino is honestly fine with anything so he's going with Alya.
" hmm I might go to Gotham but New York does have..." Alya mumbled to herself
" Ugh, I can't decide!! I might decide over a drink later though" Chloe had said picking her nails.
I faced my lady and she just sighed and said: " I might join ya".  Alya and Nin agreed with them so I knew I was going to end up coming with them to drive their drunk asses home or at least to my place. The bell ringed for lunch since our school days had shortened ever since Hawkmoths defeat. We went to lunch chatting.
-Another time and POV skip cause this chappie has been a bit bland no?-
I ran out of school, before stopping at the edge of the sidewalk. I sat down at the ledge, my breathing more labored than it was when I snapped out of my trance. My hands meet my hair as I run my hand halfway through. I had another night terror although I wasn't asleep this time. I was fully awake and I saw a bloody Damian pop in front of me and stabbed me in the lung. Normally I wouldn't have flinched but.....this...this was different.
I hear the doors slamming open and running. Alya and Chloe drop down beside me. " M are you okay? Nino and Adrien are grabbing our stuff." Alya says concern dripping in her tone. I sigh shakily and say " I--Im good I just really needed a breath of air". Chloe and Alya share a look.
" *sigh* okay no I'm not. I have been having night terrors of my best and only friend in the league and it breaks my heart every damn time guys. I..." my voice cracks " I can't handle this" tears stream down my face and I bury my head in my hands. My friends hung me and rub circles on my back while I sob. I can barely hear the sound of Adrien and nino dropping down next to me. they hug my back.
After a good solid 2 minutes of crying which is the most, I have done in 5 years. I get out of their grasp and wipe my eyes. I get up grab my bag and look down at them. " Wanna have a drink?"
They grin at me and I grin back. We quickly make our way towards the mayor's hotel.
~After they have 5 shots of tequila and Adrien has one shot of vodka ;) kudos if ya get it~
I take a lazy glance at the room. Adrien is on the floor balancing bottles on his stomach, Alya and Nino are making out and Chloe is well, Chloe. I blink at Chloe and point a finger at her she looks at me. " hEY wHY arEnt yOu dRunK?" she looks at me with a bored expression and says " Darling I only survive life in general because I take shots every morning. Try Me. "
I gasp. Nino and Alya stop eating each other's faces and surround me and Chloe. I glare at her as hard as I could while being wasted that is. Adrien gets up and pours each of us 5 shots of the strongest we have.
" Aight start on 3, 1...2...3!"
We start. before I can even get into the 4th shot I look over to see Chloe already done and taking selfies. Being the drunkard I am I fall out of my chair and start to chant Chloe's name while bowing down at her. I don't notice Adrien recording it though. Since we just consumed the strongest alcohol ever we decided to fill out the job forms, while we were drunk. 
After a while, we all fall asleep on the floor the bottles on our stomachs shaking the slightest.
I wake up in a room full of darkness and 2 people in white jackets. I look around confused and spot a little boy who I notice is ...Damien! The last thing I remember is taking shots in front of Chloe, where......where exactly am I? Damian yells and struggles in his binds I yell out a "NO!" as he screams in pain -
I jolt up screaming. All the bottles on my stomach rolling back onto the ground. " Wass wrong? Akuma?" I hear adrien slur out of habit. I look over to him unable to stop the tears flowing from my eyes. His body structure relaxes as he realizes it wasn't an Akuma. He scooches over to me. Without saying a word he hugs me and I cry softly into his shirt as he kisses my forehead and whispers soothing words.
It's bland I know, has a bit of comedy tho. And a bit of what I guess would call angst? Meh, the next one is Damien's POV so it will be better. The reason it's so long is that I wanted to make it less bland but I Obviously failed. oh well
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