#my oc stuff in my head: YES FUCK YES I'M A GENIUS THIS IS SO GOOD
ichorblossoms · 1 year
i should be more deranged on this blog
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mr-laveau · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
Tagged by a darling, @autisticempathydaemon! Thanks for the tag!
Tagging @agentplutonium because I wanna pull some SH style interrogative shenanigans/lh
1 - How many works do you have on AO3?
Seventeen, not a lot but it's to be expected somewhat I suppose since I'm busy writing NeXus.
2 - What's your total AO3 word count?
64,509-Oh look I beat Lexi/j/pos
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
Redacted mostly, I have some unreleased Castle Audios fics, an unfinished JJBA SDC fic to finish and a Scott Pilgrim fic to start.
4 - What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1 is an Ironpanther Marvel Fic of Avenger's Academy I have not touched in forever called "How Tony Stark landed a king and how T'Challa landed a genius". It was fun tho cuz my hc of T'Challa being demisexual was really well received to my knowledge. #2 is "Spitfire", which admittedly is a good FL/Damien fic and people should read it. #3 is "Ghost of the Past", my Sam/SH fic where they both used to be roommates in DUMP. #4 is "Friends...Am I right?" which was a really fun Darlin/Sam & BE+Fred fic. Finally, #5 is "Moments That Flash By" which is a really good Darlin/David fic for my soul.
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do respond when I remember...ADHD makes me do silly silly things like forget that stuff exists. I like comments and they let me know I'm doing s good job.
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Easy! "Shattered Glass Makes a Good Weapon" Gods, I love that fic so much. It was really fun for me to reach deep down and write Darlin and Quinn like that.
7 -What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhhhhh I dunno, probably a Marvel fic called "Crossing Buckies and Dotting Hawkeyes", I am a winterhawk girlie and I had fun writing that, others might think it's "Spitfire" or "Break time, Gorgeous" but subjectively, it's that fic.
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
If I have then I haven't seen it. I don't really engage much with fandom to care about hate comments because "haha, look at you getting mad over words about fictional characters kissing", like shut your goofy ass and move on.
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have but I'm not releasing it. I don't feel compelled to do it-mostly cuz it's for me and I like toying with the idea in my head and the people of my current fandom are not ready for the depravity I could unleash.
10 - Do you write crossovers?
No? I have ideated one but I'm still not sure if I want to do it.
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nuh uh.
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Uhhhh no but I have ideated with Lexi about one and I have been too busy to finish the first chapter.
14 - What's your all time favorite ship?
My redactedsona/redacted men What? who said that? It's Darlin/Sam/David/Angel/Damien/Asher/Baaabe/SH/Milo. It's my ship and yes, they're all poly, yes, they're a network and yes, I am happy with myself.
15 - What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
"Platinum Portrait", It was an old JJBA fic with my OC/Jotaro and I really liked how it was going. Dunno, we'll see how it goes.
16 - What are your writing strengths?
I'm good at dialogue and characterization as well as pacing(?).
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
Gore, writing long fics, Dead Dove Do Not Eats (I wanna do those at some point with Quinn or Hush OR Porter OR OR OR Imperium Vincent) I like dark shit, idk what to tell y'all and I wanna get better at exploring darker topics properly in my writing.
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Gods, I love doing it. If you've read "Break Time, Gorgeous" then I want you to know, I love you and it was fun as hell to write.
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
Marvel. Specifically it was my Ironpanther fic.
20 - Favorite fic you've written?
An unreleased Sam/Darlin smut fic where they fuck in an alleyway. I think it's fun.
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hazelhavoc · 2 years
Should I upload my OC's on here? As well as my art of them? *strokes chin thoughtfully*
I have no idea how to make like- subposts for Tumblr. Maybe I'll look it up and learn a bit. I don't want my posts to be all over the damn place, especially if I'm doing stuff for my OC's. :]
Besides- I have a LOT and I wanna do stuff with them so badly.
-Transformer OC's. Yes. I am currently interested in Transformers so...
Perhaps when I upload my OC's, you can ask them stuff!
Or maybe I should do it here. Yeah, ima do it here.
I will have bigger descriptions of them when we DM or talk- and I share them. Haha
TW// This will have dark themes. I won't go into detail, but I'm just warning you. It's just mentioned though.
Neutral OC's (Can be added to)
Atomsplitter - Neutral - Mech
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Age: 20 million years old
Profession (in his opinion) - Quantum Physician/Researcher and Experimenter
Alt-Mode: Quantum X Hover Craft/Jet, he upgraded himself.
Before the war he left, so he only knows about it due to intercommunication chatter. Very disconnected from his planet, since the Functionalists tried to put him in a job he didn't want. Plus, they feared his genius processor. Basically, he has his own ship he made himself and explores just like how Cyberyronian's used to do!
Fyri - Neutral - Mech
Age: 8 million years
Profession - Organic Researcher / Explorer
Alt-Mode: Small, sleek four wheeler (pays mind to his symbiotic friend on his body so he doesn't crush it)
He's also keeping on that the current Cybertron has abandoned, traditional Cybertronian's would explore the stars and new worlds. He's an expert in organics, and maps the cosmos! Returning to planets if a long time has planned. He is also friends with Atomsplitter, they have a private comm but they aren't super close. Just fellow Neutrals- he found out about Cybertron and the war when he returned to see his Sire. Coming back to a dead planet.
Vaikus - Neutral - Femme
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Age: 14 million years
Profession - Star mapper, cultural researcher, sort of fucked up in the head because of what the Senate did to her previously. She's an artist as well.
Alt-Mode: Two Wheeler, more of a hover bike.
Basically, the Senate decided to try and mess with her processor. Just to see if they could manipulate her into doing what they want. Sort of like shadowplay, but it was a failed attempt. Instead of removing her emotions, they amplified them to an extreme and she ended up escaping. She ended up leaving Cybertron, unable to handle being trapped on that planet. Not to mention, being discovered again? Primus no, she didn't want that. Ended up coming up with a type of personal medicine for herself, Supressers. Helping with the overwhelming feelings she has, but it can be a huge problem even when said medicine is in affect.
She wants to be normal again, and not feel so overwhelmed all the time.
Paradox - Neutral but hostile - Femme
Age: 27 million years
Before the war:
Spacebridge Engineer, Top Medical Officer on her space station, Biomechanical Scientist
During the war:
All the same, but now a loose canon, Weapon Specialist and Inventor is added to her list
She started out humbly, a dreamer, though she's quite prideful of all that she's accomplished. Never loosing tha curious spark that made her who she is today. Having a Sire and Creator who were especially pressuring- given they were both elite scientists.
Alt-Mode - Triple Changer:
A four wheeler with modifications done to herself. A jet that's also been modified. Both are lightweight but she made it so her armor can absorb blaster fire for a short time and make a shield around her if need be.
Paradox didn't turn out snobby per say, though she did develop a god-complex early on, which hides an inferiority complex. Confident until she 'fail', and then she doesn't act like herself after everything. Her Sire and Creator didn't help in this regard. Being viewed as a perfect femme, and being expected to be a perfect femme, and high expectations to meet. She did meet them.
She improved upon technology.
Paradox was smart, having an overly developed processor that could store more information than most, and calculate faster as well. Getting top marks in the Crystal City Science Institute. She was one of the ones that new AtomSplitter before he left Cybertron to do his own research. Treated him sort of like a brother, but not really at the same time. He was one of the only ones that can actually challenge her.
Paradox isn't emotionless. No, she shows emotions. Not her real ones though. Keeping up appearances is what she's skilled at other than her gifted processor and calculations. All thanks to the wrong bots around her, she has to be seen as perfect and successful or she'll break down. Having such weight on her shoulders, especially when she was younger just made her mentality worse. Whenever she failed, she'd be seen as a failure. It's as if she's been stripped of her purpose- needing to prove herself all over again.
He left.
And she never got close to anyone again. Finding that the pain of watching someone leave was too great. Keeping herself only barely at arms length, so nobody tries to get any closer.
So when the war started, she was already on a seperate space station with a ground bridge. Only able to watch as war rampaged through the planet. Now even more hangs on her shoulders. All the mechs and some femmes in the space station she needs to take care of. On one servo she revels in the control- of course taking care of the Cybertronian's to the utmost of her ability. On the other servo, her mental state has become distressingly fragile. Outbursts becoming more common, but Paradox tries to make it up to whoever it was aimed at.
Sadly, taking care of an entire space station has it's own cons. Of course she knew they would starve, or others would take themselves out due to the war raging on the surface of Cybertron. Or even join the war by leaving the space station. Due to most leaving, and others going offline around her, she was left alone. Only able to live off the excess inner-most energon and going down by herself to grab energon. Slowly becoming more inclined to make weapons, defenses, tighter security, and guard the space bridge. Never turning it on- it costs much energon. Thanks to the stress of the war, she ended up using herself as a way to improve technology. Weapons, inventions, and others becoming her solace in this mostly empty station.
Outbreak - Non-Aligned (Neutral) - Mech
Age: 30-35 million years
Before the war:
Graduated from Vos' medical academy at the top of his class. Became quite renowned for his medical expertise, as well as finding antidotes for diseases and plagues.
During the war:
Was sent to Garrus-9 after being found to harbor and make new viruses, unleash them on a small populous and then take the sick to 'cure' them- when in actuality it's an excuse to make new viruses.
Escaped containment after releasing a deadly pathogen that caused delirium and paralysis soon after. It wasn't fatal, thankfully.
A bulkier medical type but he asked Paradox, an acquaintance and lone experimental scientist to give him a new frame. She did. He's a Cybertronian jet.
His love for it slowly turned to obsession though, but he wasn't crazy of course. Being pressured by higher caste systems, and watching as Cybertron slowly fell into a deep void of problems. He got more and more holed up in his offices. More private. More secretive. Even when he returned to help the medical field in higher caste systems, he never spent too much time there.
He found the medical field fascinating when he first started and was given his role. Especially smaller living organisms that can't be seen with the naked optic. Saving lives and studying pathogens was his life. He enjoyed it, was in awe of how life can go on even when so many dangerous things can form from a single mixup in chemicals, or just rapidly evolve. Outbreak didn't mind the slight gritty work of handling outbreaks, he enjoyed it and making solutions too.
Nor was he greedy for fame, he went out of his way to go to the lower caste systems and open small medical facilities to help.
He was eventually caught…Autobots caught him when they were doing a review of his facilities in lower Iacon. Outbreak can admit that it was foolish of him to think they'd overlook a switch into the lower levels especially after a small outbreak suddenly rose and he miraculously cured it before it could get worse. Arrested during the war, being seen as guilty of 1st Degree Murder, Genocide (but not of a specific group, who he experimented on and used was very diverse), Illegal Weaponization of Diseases and Pathogens, and the Production of Deadly Diseases, and Kidnapping. Not to mention planning to spread the disease.
Slowly, Outbreak started to experiment with different diseases, viruses, ect. Having a perfect way to hide it all, and take fresh corpses to see what would happen. The living were slowly taken though, most that were sick. He was…calm but excited, maybe he can make some type of undetectable disease? He agreed with the Decepticon's for the most part but they were slowly becoming hostile. Not to mention, the growing tension between factions. It put a strain on his work since he didn't particularly lean into any other side. Outbreak never pleaded Insanity, because he was always in his right mind. Sure, he was a bit obsessed with making new deadly pathogens, but he did intend to always have a cure on hand if it happened to break out. Excluding all the deadly, specific airborne diseases he made for different frame types and the like- just in case he needed to kill any.
He was sent to Garrus-9 during the war. Even when he tried to convince some of the Enforcers that the diseases he made can improve their immunity. It wasn't in desperation though.
He's intelligent and calm, a bit obsessed with his experiments but overall very reliable if you trust him. Even in G-9, Outbreak was cooperative even in the lower level he was put in. A bit above Maximum Security, but not taken lightly either. Maybe he went a big stir crazy, but not enough to be considering unstable. Wings aching for flight, he never mentioned anything about compartments in his frame that have small vials of specific diseases he made.
Upon serving his sentence here in this very fortified cell. Outbreak was relatively quiet. Silently working out a plan to escape. Even as Autobots and Decepticon's alike came in from the war.
Tempest - Predacon - Femme ("Aligned with a side" is complicated since she is very morally grey- will take the best route to survive)
Not necessarily part of the Predacon's.
Age - ??? (Pretty damn old but doesn't look it)
Before the war -
She was from The Underworld and part of the Acid Wastes, but went to the Sea of Rust. Very clever and intelligent, so she is interested in other species and her own kind. Though, she can be quite violent if she's pissed off so she's a big fighter when that happens.
During the war -
She is very critical of which side she should help. Tempest isn't particularly keen on either one of them- but helps the Autobots the most. They treat her well, and (most) don't seem scared of her. ~~Very unpredictable when given survival is top priority in dangerous situations~~
(Also because the Decepticon's tried to force her to join them near the beginning of the war.)
Alt-Mode -
Simply put, she is a four legged dragon. She is rather large in her dragon form, but not as tall as Megatron or Optimus in her bipedal mode. Very compact.
(She is light and dark grey, with yellow accents, hints of luminescent blue and green, and some black. The middle of her chassis, under her protoform, it glows a blue when she's charging up her fire. Her optics are a yellow and blue color. Blue takes over all of her optics when she's in dragon mode or using her flames.)
Knows Primal Vernacular and fluent in it, but can speak well in the common tongue. She has an accent because of it though. Also speaks an ancient language that most likely was used by her species.
Tempest has been around for a long time. The dragon doesn't mind how long she's lived, and barely remembers her days as a sparkling given how long it's been. (She has vivid memories of the disaster that took her parents away though.) Witnessing different wars through the eras- she is grateful to still be online. She never had a strong opinion on the Senate since she stayed away from most civilizations. What interests her are the places that many of the populous don't occupy.
She likes her solitude, and can survive well off on her own. Though, there has been times she's assisted bots in different regions of Cybertron. Saving them from offlining.
Strangely, she acts quite noble despite her slightly...unhinged nature. Tempest has been alone for quite a long time. Most of the friends she made along the way, end up dying even when she saves them or tries to help them. She thinks fate might have something against her because of her misfortune. That's why she has strong survival instincts but also...
Heavy survivors guilt. It's a real push and pull mental turmoil in her processor. Especially counting that disaster that took her Carrier and Creator away from her.
Throughout the many millennia, she hasn't had a clear consciousness and it only got worse when she gained someone and then lost them.
Ignorant individuals think she is dumb as well, even when she is not. It's irritating to her, and really put you on her bad side.
Tempest has a strong sense of loyalty. Especially if she puts her trust in someone. Socially inept but relatively friendly. Can act quite animal-like when she trusts her surroundings or someone. (Sorta like a dog in a way but it's a dragon lol.)
If her loyalty is broken by someone she trusts, then that person better wish they never angered her.
She has great fighting capabilities, but can can get a bit too into it. It's a Primal way of acting for her but it's natural to gain complete victory in battle. Though, if she's in a blind rage, you better get the hell away from her general vicinity.
Uses blue, scorching flames to fry/melt her opponents. She can condense the flames to turn white but it can also harm her if used for too long. They are very dangerous.
Tempest may act animalistic at times. Acting like an actual dragon, and exhibiting actual animal like traits. Depending on the person, this can be dangerous or fairly harmless.
Autobot OC's (Can be added to)
Glint - Mini-bot - Femme
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Age: 16 million years
Alt-Mode: Cybertronian hovercraft, four wings and six thrusters. Can also float in the air with careful control of her thrusters on her pedes.
Occupation before the War:
-Air control for landings, messenger relay, weather surveyor
Occupation during the war:
-Flyer, messenger, investigator, tracker, assistant to Prowl, logistics officer, documenter
Glint, as well as other mini's, we're never that well respected. It was fortunate she got a good job, especially in Iacon, but that didn't mean other bots didn't treat her any less shitty. Her boss was an aft, and trying right live as best as she can even when she knew she was getting paid less shanix then everyone else. Thundercracker, Skywarp, and Jetfire treated her with respect at least, but that didn't last when the war started. It was frightening for her. Joining the Autobots was one of the best decisions she ever made though! (Even if some of them looked down on her.)
Sova - Beastformer - Autobot (doesn't have the insignia though) - Mech
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(Red rings in his optics indicate hostility/warning/fear. Usually he has normal, wide golden optics.)
Age: 9 million years
Occupation before the war: Lived near an abandoned area once. Was then taken from his home, treated as a 'pet' and like a lesser being. Had to learn on his own but was either punished for it, or ignored.
Occupation in war: Information gatherer (sometimes), he doesn't like leaving Rung and Ratchet alone nor does he like to worry anyone. He does it to be on look out so he can protect others.
His beastform is a giant owl, armored and talons sharp. His wings and tail are naturally razor sharp, he can cut through most things. He can move fast, quiet, and swift. He prefers not to talk but will if he needs to.
Before the war be always liked to help others but thanks to him being a "beast" he never had that much of a home or job. He didn't know how to handle his emotions, he never learned from anyone. He does feel things but he never expresses or shows it, all he does is have a stoic face. Although, despite this he was taken from his home and into Iacon by some snobby mech. Of course, Sova didn't know how to show gratitude or fear. He felt warm, but that went down the drain fast when he was treated like he wasn't some sentient being. He didn't have much of a choose and stayed with the mech, even through the abuse, mental, physical, and sexual (mainly by a 'medic'). Thankfully, he was rescued by Ratchet when the bombing from the Decepticon's started.
Breeze - Dinobot - Femme
Age: 25 million years (probably older)
Before the war:
Was part of Primal Vanguard- and well versed in stealth tactics, has high medical experience. Was paired up with Grimlock and Slag. (Much to her dissatisfaction)
During the war:
Still part of the Dinobots! Medical officer in the group, stealth officer.
Prefers not to fight, but can be a ruthless killer if the need arises.
Was a regular four-wheeler before, but was forcefully given a Achillobator alt-mode. (Dark green, red, and light grey with yellow optics)
With one look of her, one wouldn't expect her to be so violent when she's fighting. Sweet, but reserved. Even a bit prideful when it comes to her skills. Consequently, she doesn't like listening to orders from Ultra Magnus, Prowl, or Optimus Prime, even Grimlock sometimes! This was amplified when she got her Achillobator alt-form. Though naturally falling into a pack, she can be troublesome if she wants to deal with something herself.
Because of this, she likes the Wreckers quite a bit, but ultimately always returns to her designated group.
Breeze eventually comes to like her fellow Dinobots, though it takes a while for her to come around.
Lucidity - Insecticon - Autobot - Femme
Age - 26 million years old
Before the war - Taken away from her home just for being curious of the beauty of Praxus at night. Taken in by the higher power and wealthy and made into an entertainer for them. Also a beautiful singer, she is pretty famous in high society.
During the war -
Medic (but is also in Special Operations under Jazz)
Outlier - Psychosis
-Certain sounds cause a paralyzing effect, most of them others can't hear.
-Patterns she displays in her optics and wings have a hypnosis effect. She has compound optics, multiple lens in her optics, so it's extremely effective.
-If she wants to, she can dispel micro particles that can invade someones mind and cause a euphoric reaction. In reality, this decommissions any motor functions if overused/inhaled too much.
-Can blend into her surroundings in her alt-mode.
Alt - Mode:
A beautiful butterfly. She has six legs in this form, and can fly silently.
In her bipedal mode, she has four arms and to legs.
(Purple and blue optics, plating is white, light purple, dark blue, and some hints of black. Can change her biolight's color naturally)
Extremely beautiful and was taken by the higher ups in Praxus because of her beauty, effects on others processors, and the "entertainer" factor. Her singing was hypnotic in every way. All her pattern like movements that were reserved for personal performances. Used as a pillar of release, lies, distractions, and entertainment. Many on the lower levels believe her to be snobby, rich, and pampered. In actuality, she was being controlled fully by her "managers". Unable to ask for help, or get away. Lucidity has tried many times to leave her captors but after many tries…she learned that she was trapped. Stopping herself from escaping now that she's in this position.
Inspired by:
Grimes - REALiTi (Voice sounds like this)
Grimes - Shinigami Eyes
Villain - Bella Poarch
YOASOBI - Idol「アイドル」
In time, trying desperately to enjoy it and find some kind of purpose from it. Even so, she was naturally very private and sweet- and doesn't do well with lot's of attention. Even so, during many private performances she tries to endure it even when it caused great damage to her mind. Especially her natural power being used to gain highs. But she learned that if she controlled it enough, they'd be high but not too much to notice they are paralyzed. Even so- there was a restriction placed on her abilities so it didn't matter in the end.
Aside from being used as some stress reliever/tool, she found some kind of happiness in singing and making others happy. All the personal finances she got in Shanix, was mostly pushed towards charities anonymously with enough for her to get by (and keeping it under the radar from her captors). Sure, she was being used for deed that made her want to cry but at least she could help those in need.
Lucidity can't help but feel alone and not real, like she's in some kind of pocket dimension that forced her to be a puppet for others entertainment.
There are times when she has identity crisis'. It was more common earlier in her "career" because of all of the drastic changes and struggling to come to terms with her situation.
What's more common now is her derealization. Often happening when she is brought in for meetings, being lectured by her superiors, or being alone with her "clients" (corrupt enforcers, her managers, ect). There are often times when she wakes up sore but alone.
They never got to try and find where she went, given the Decepticon threat and leaving the safety of Praxus would mean going on Decepticon territory.
There was a change. A chance.
One night, after one of her performances. Nobody was there to take her back to her suite, only a way to leave the life she had. A chance to get someone- anyone's help. There were shackles on her as she ran out of the building and into the empty streets. So she escaped. Her captors never thought to put a tracker on her. They couldn't do that- given her stardom. Maybe that was a blessing in disguise?
Lucidity joined the Autobot's, believing it to be a safe haven. Somewhere she can stay away from Praxus and any other city for that matter. Having no idea what any other cities would try and do to her.
And it was. It was more than what she could ask for. But with a war on the horizon, she couldn't continue with what she was doing before. It was all she knew anymore- so she was lost for a while. Still experiencing what it was like to fade in and out of reality.
It became another occupation of hers that she enjoyed just as much as being a medic. Efficient in silent takedowns and flooding a battlefield beforehand with her "pollen" like particles, or Decepticon bases with it. She killed others only when necessary. Her abilities were extremely useful when cornered too.
But she did find a purpose. Being able to access more information, and being given suggestions on what to do from others around her. She became a medic at first, enjoying the feeling of helping others and trying to get over her fears of touching others. The use of her four arms and servos came in handy.
Her quiet entrances, use of her abilities to numb patients minds to pain naturally, and overall mask on her faceplate. Well- it didn't go unnoticed by Jazz and others in the stealth division.
But…there was always a part of her that felt like she was wearing a mask always. Sweet and perky, even alluring at times. How she'd been "trained". She wishes she'd have someone to see her real self. Wishing she'd have a place to be comfortable, and to open up to someone. Get rid of the disgusting itch phantom touches, aches, and nightmares she experiences constantly. For now, she keeps it all inside. Too afraid to take off the mask she's always had on. Even if others think of her as ignorant (she's far from it).
Stutterbolt - Autobot - Femme
Age: 10 million years
Racecar hovercraft that floats. She won't get rid of it even if the others insist. She's attached to her Cybertronian vehicle mode.
Outlier(?): Has fits of exhilarating electricity that speed her up in short bursts. Even when she's in her bipedal mode.
15 foot femme
Before the war: Racer, went to an academy in Iacon and visited Kaon to watch the gladiator's fight
During the war: Backup, sniper, messenger. Actually rather good at spying.
Having been from Velocitron, otherwise known as the Speed Planet, it's quite obvious how she acts. She doesn't speak fast like Blurr, but she can be rather antsy if she sits still for too long. Sleek and smooth, she is able to cut through wind like a missile. Finding obvious enjoyment when she is able to fulfill that racers spirit of hers. When she first joined the Autobots, she had to climb the ranks like others. But she was quickly noticed for her speed and sharp optics. Ending up being pulled aside to be tested for her abilities by Optimus and Ultra Magnus. With her sharp eyes, it was obvious she had amazing capabilities for long distant combat. Her speed was no joke, and finding her abilities even more useful, she was put into combat after training to get her abilities at least somewhat combat worthy. Sadly, thanks to an incident with being raided by Decepticon troops, she was badly injured on the helm and on her left shoulder plating. Stutterbolt managed to drag herself to the comms room when the Decepticon's left after their raid. Calling for medics at the outpost.
Having taken heavy damage, she was never able to fully recover. Still having sharp senses, she was able to fight. She stutters more often, and has dull pains, and sometimes forgets things but she's an otherwise capable soldier.
Hyperdose - Autobot - Mech
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Age: 12 million years
Occupation before the war:
Was an entertainer from Praxus but ended up being moved to Kaon when they found no use for him anymore
Occupation in the war:
Was seriously injured in the early starts of the war thanks to the Decepticons finding out he's joining the Autobots. He's a bit of a Communication's Officer, as well as an entertainer on the side since some bots need some positive.
He turns into a Cybertronian high frequency speaker and recorder
Instruments he can play:
Erhu, Guzheng, Violin, Kalimba, Harp, and Electric bass. Obviously his voice too.
Hyperdose can be defined as several different things.
-The Blind entertainer that knows his way around several traditional cybertronian instruments
-Great at communication, social and war related
-Surprisingly great at being sneaky, and can be used as a device to tell where enemies are on a stealth mission
Hyperdose was a great entertainer. A bar in Praxus, made a steady income of shanix, and had perfect pitch. Maybe too perfect, and his audials could hear the drop of a pin easily from the other side of the bar while there's quiet murmuring. Either way, bots of all kinds enjoyed him and his music. The entertainment days came to a halt when the higher up that held power over his district said he's being sent down to Kaon. It was a sudden move, and he couldn't do anything about it. He tried to be hopeful, maybe he can light up their lives a bit? It would be nice to have some soft music to take the edge as you relax with your engex. It was...eventful, to say the least. Several very overcharged mechs came onto him, which he politely denied. (Some had to be taken out due to not accepting his declines.) And there were plenty of fights. Fights that he tried to stop sometimes but ended up getting in the way.
When the revolution started, he wasn't on any side but he leaned Decepticon. Agreeing that the lower caste should be treated fairly. But once the civilian casualties started? Well...
That's when he became fearful for his own spark.
Who could blame him when he decided to leave to join the Autobots? Believing that a gradual change would be good for everyone, as well as defending civilians that had nothing to do with this war? Quite a couple Decepticon's blamed him. They assaulted him, leading to his optics being ripped out and getting absolutely pummeled. Not dead though. He dragged himself to someone who could help, fortunately there was a bit who did.
Staticflame - Autobot - Mech
Age: 12 million years
Occupation before the war:
A doctor and scientific researcher.
Occupation after the war:
More of a crazed soldier after his sparkmate was killed on the battlefield. He couldn't save him. It drove his already stressed mental state to the brink. He can still perform medical, but that's not a good idea because of the PTSD he has.
Alt-Mode: Slim frame, a two wheeler that's more for quickly getting around the field instead of transport. Can hover as well.
He had a sparkmate by the name of Rainstrider. Both Staticflame and Rainstrider knew each other from just small sparklings. They became Conjunx Endura once they were assigned their jobs. They're both from Iacon. Rainstrider was a four wheeler and had a better frame for fighting, so he joined the enforcers. Thanks to this, Staticflame excelled in the medical field, inspired to help heal. As well as keep his sparkmate in good health. The tension between the Senate, Autobots, and newly named Decepticon's became apparent when the first civilian attacks happened. It was breaking down into civil war. So, Staticflame followed with Rainstrider into the Autobot ranks. Getting acquainted with Ratchet, First Aid, Perceptor, and among other Autobots.
Staticflame didn't like seeing his sparkmate getting hurt so badly, but it made him proud that he was so strong. The proudness turned to horrible pain when he was sent as a field medic during a skirmish between the Autobots and Decepticon. It was the brutality he saw that scared him, trying to stabilize as many as he can on the field. To hide them behind rubble and broken buildings.
Rainstrider was in this battle, having to retreat. Staticflame truly thought that he was going to get out without any heartache. So when he was grabbed and covered by his sparkmate, only to watch as an explosion went off right where they were standing. Skidding across the ground, he half thought he was hallucinating in the disorienting atmosphere when Rainstrider was shot in the spark chamber by a Decepticon soldier. The bot probably thought Staticflame died since he flew off, but that's far from the truth. The next moments were terrible.
So much energon, it covered the ground and his servos. Crying lubricant, sore all over but ignoring his own pain to try and save his lover. All the stress of this war, it was his breaking point. Trying to keep his servos steady, his own spark chamber aching. Rainstrider only held Staticflame as he went offline. Even through the agony of having his Conjunx ripped from him, he continued to try and revive him. Anything. That never happened though. So he vowed revenge against the Decepticon's. Becoming more of a brutal soldier, a warm criminal. No longer a medic (too much PTSD, he doubts his skills heavily).
Codeburst - Autobot? Grey Area/Leaning Neutral - Mech
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Age: 14 million years
Occupation before the war:
(High Ranking code breaker for the Senate but nobody needs to know he manipulated the information given to the public, as well as an ex-criminal; nobody but him knows this though)
Occupation during the war:
Hacker, information gathering, [Redacted]
Small four wheeler, with modified wheels that can hover for a short time.
Not many know who he was before the war. It feels like it's all been deleted or wiped. He wears a screen over his face, and makes expressions through that even if he's almost always seen being a statue. He has a small build, but is quite fast. Great at sneak attacks...like he's done them before.
Codeburst can talk.
It's quiet and methodical, his speech can be slow sometimes. Thinking about his every word, as if he'll get punished for saying something wrong.
Cluster - was a Decepticon first, then an Autobot, but later forced into being a Decepticon once more - Femme
Age: 9 million years old
Occupation before the war:
Was a psychiatrist and writer in the higher caste system, but chose to go to Kaon and continue work there because she saw what the caste system was doing. Also to give some type of therapy to bots down there.
Occupation during the war:
Psychiatrist, Historian/Archivist. Even for the Decepticon's, she is one. Can fight, but not the best at it.
Small drone form. Thin wings aimed down.
White, blue, and pinkish red
White optics
During Cybertron's Golden Age, she was given a high education thanks to her Creator's influence despite her having an aerial alt mode. Having an excellent mind for small detailed, and reading other Cybertronian's moods and body language early one. She was given the job of being a psychologist. Though, she more so wanted to be a writer thanks to her imaginative processor. Sadly, she couldn't voice this. Not wanting to give her Creator a bad reputation, but also being quite scared what others will do to her if she were to voice her opinion.
So she took up the job.
Despite her not really wanting the job, she actually grew to like it somewhat since she was able to help others processors.
It grew increasingly irritating though when other bots clogged her schedule up with problems that aren't traumatic. Like she's someone to come to to get advice on a disobedient sparkling. Also noting the discontent and unrest in the less fortunate parts of Cybertron.
Fizz - Autobot - Mech
Age - 21 Million Years
Before the War -
Has always been a space ship engineer. Admires Atomsplitter even after he left the planet, and tries to follow in his pedesteps. Admires Perceptor too!
During the War -
Space Engineer and helped make the Ark. At first, he was very nervous around the other scientists. They are knowledgeable, and intimidate him- but he's always admired them. So when he was asked to help make the Ark and make upgrades to existing ships- well, he was just ecstatic!
Alt-Mode - A Cybertronian Hovercraft. Make modifications to his thrusters and wings during the war with Brainstorm's help. (May have gotten a weapon upgrade too just in case.)
A dark blue and white, his optics are white.
With so much dedication and thought put into his work- is he confident? No. He's been talked down many times by his superiors. Sure, he knows he can do it but there is also that knawing in the back of his mind that if he messes up, its all over. He worries for his abilities, and strives to be perfect. Fizz is a perfectionist, but to a fault- having serious issues with failure. He can take constructive criticism, but if he's insulted or just rudely told his design is flawed? Well, he won't show it but it'll all bubble under the surface. He'll fidget, and laugh it off but when he's alone there is a 50/50 chance of what he'll do.
Fizz was always fanatical about large ships, especially ones used in the Exploration Era of Cybertron. Admires all kinds of designs, but one day wishes to make his very own ship. That's why he admired Atomsplitter. He was confident enough to make his own ship in secret, and then leave to take part in his own experiments in deep space!
Now see, Fizz isn't that confident. Sure, he's intelligent at what he does, and nobody can beat his expert craftsmanship when it comes to handling spaceships he's been commissioned. When he gets to work, he can really hyperfixate on the thing unless someone pulls him away to refuel.
The fear of failure and yearning for praise has mainly to do with his Carrier, who criticized every little thing he did until he didn't get as many comments about it. It was also partly because of his employer's, he rarely got much credit because of the company he worked for. It didn't help that his own framing was discriminated against and hated. But when he was given praise, or others acknowledged him, he'd be ecstatic. Work harder. Better.
Lock himself in his habsuit and let the negativity consume him.
Or he'll slave away with no rest, to make what was wrong with the craft as perfect as it can be. As strong as it can be.
Of course, the war had to start when he was being recognized for his work a bit more.
There was no way he was going to let them get the upper hand. Sadly, he doesn't know how to fight very well. Sure, he has blasters installed but he freezes up when there is a threat. That has resulted in his capture once…being forced to work for the Decepticon's was NOT fun. How would it? It was terrifying, the harm brought to him did a number to his nerves- not to mention his already race of acknowledgement and praise. Abused with both words and frame.
All that recognition hit him right in the face. Being targeted by Decepticon's, Autobot's, and Neutral's alike…
Fizz joined the Autobot's since he knew killing makes his spark weak. A more peaceful solution to functionalism is way better, right? Let the ones responsible accountable in a court. Sadly, that never happened. But this is a place he felt somewhat welcomed. Able to work, and be given some sort or positive reinforcement by his peers. Though, the weight of responsibility in making ships with weapons- and having to make sure they don't fall apart. Plus, the Decepticon's were trying to win a race to more advanced machinery.
He'd get rescused by the Autobot's eventually. He was forever changed.
Fizz still had wide-eyed admiration for his peers, excitalable curiosity, and motivation for his work. But there was a much more…fragile vulnerability to his mental state. Hyper aware of mistakes he'd make. As well as being extremely scared of those that may get angry at him, or frustrated. The hyperfixation became more like escapism for him when working on his ships.
Other than that, and war trauma, he's always been quite cute and quiet- but happily talks about the ingenuity of ships and detailed explanations of his creations. He's just more hyper-aware now and has an even deeper fear of failure now (given that when he purposefully messed up stuff fornthe Decepticon's he'd get punished).
Fizz is gentle by nature and not very socially aware. He's kind of socially inept (but not as much as Atomsplitter).
Decepticon OC's (Can be added to)
Blight - Mini-con - Mech
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Age: 13 million years
Before the War: Doctor
During the War: Poison / Chemical / Toxin Specialist
Before the war, he always had an interest with mixing chemicals, and making different liquids. Already being a doctor though, he had to do this privately, in how own time. He's not crazy enough to go around where he works, flaunting dangerous substances.
There was also the case with his...Master. Abused heavily, and manipulated by said mech, he didn't live much of a great existence. Even if he was a doctor, a mini no less! It was not enough even for that bastard of a mech. Not to mention the inequality and mistreatment even when doing his job- it really fucked with his processor. Photographic memory really is a blessing and a curse. Even before the war, he went through harsh treatment. Especially with other mechs, he was necessarily a servant of any kind. He was cornered once, and it went off from there. It's very personal and I won't put any details. Let's just say it's what his PTSD revolves around (as well as his Master). He didn't have his phobia back then either.
He, of course, like other bots, attended speeches that Megatronous did. He mostly listened to them over speakers as he had a break from his doctor duties, or in his free time at his home. Especially behind it for the equality because of how many Minibot's are discriminated against.
The short version; when the war broke out, he got traumatized as a field medic + having PTSD from what has happened to him in life? He doesn't like when others touched him, and decided to become an expert in all things toxic, chemical, and poisonous.
Apantesis - Insecticon (Sort of Neutral) - Femme
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Age: 16 million years old? Perhaps older, nobody knows.
Occupation before the war:
Was guarding energon ley lines from any strange creatures, as well as helping keep the lines clean. Only popped out a couple of times to try and look at the shining bright light that came through the cracks in Cybertron
Occupation during the war:
Wouldn't really consider herself on any side, having been discovered by Decepicon's down below in the caverns of Cybertron. She doesn't like being a science experiment...
Perhaps you can count her as a scout.
Alt-Mode: A Cybertron's Moth. Around 15 foot, maybe 14 foot. Not that big! Her wings are around 20 foot when spread out though.
-Can control people by using her lovely wings
-Doesn't use it unless she's cornered or forced to
-Can also brighten her biolights until they're blinding, but that's just naturally something she can do.
She's been around for a long time. Maybe longer. It's obvious she knows Cybertron's caverns like the back of her servo, and takes care of it with loving ferver. It's her home, and she thinks the blue energon lines are absolutely beautiful. Vital for all of their survival. Along with other Incect-bots, she commanded a small hive.
Of course...she wouldn't consider herself a leader, but she was one of the few that was actually scentient and not in a Swarm Hive-Mind with them all. After all, she's checked above around before and has learned some basic language. Though, she speaks Insecti-bot and Primal Vernacular the best. Neocybex is a bit hard for her to learn, but she knows enough to understand it. Having trouble pronouncing, lisping most of her words. It was crucial to keep the energon lines safe lest their home deteriorate and all the other bots above die out. Apantesis notices immediately when she saw the energon was deteriorating. Primus, have mercy on us, is this really true? It was an increasing concern through the cycles. So she investigated.
Much to her horror, she found the above ground much more...dangerous. From what she can read in the modern language, a Civil War. Sadly, she was nabbed by Decepticon scientists, as well as some other Insecti-bots. Trying to reason with these new faceplates- Decepticons? The side that's very violent and wants a forceful revolution? Sadly, they didn't listen, subjecting her and the others that we're captured to experiments.
They weren't able to clone her, nor the others. Only a small sentient group came from her...she guesses. But they didn't look like her at all. The Decepticon's ended up with a lot of mindless Insecti...con drones.
Now? Apantesis keeps clear of the labs and even medical bays (needed to be out into stasis to even get repaired). Bombshell, Kickback, and Shrapnel are her friends. Dear to her. They are the first to be sentient like her, so she taught them her Insecti language, as well as Primal Vernacular (though they didn't get very good at it, they know a couple phrases though). Neocybex was their primary language, given to them by the scientist. Shockwave...she didn't like him. She actually hates him, and doesn't want to be near him.
She's more of a pacifist...killing only when she absolutely has to.
Highrange - Predacon - Femme
Age: 28 million years (probably older)
Before the war:
Was with Kup and the other Predacon's, learning how to fight. Original she was quite wild dangerous but now she's calm- almost too much. Following the others to the gladiatorial pits, enjoying that she can out her skills to the test and improve.
During the war:
Part of the Predacon's of course, an Assault Group. Though she'd calm and keeps the others from fighting too much, she can blow up easily. Loses herself in battle occasionally. Thank Primus Razorclaw is there.
Amazing tracker, as well as ambushing
A large turbowolf (much bigger than a turbofox) (yellow, white, and red)
If anyone calls her a turbofox, they're getting mauled.
"When my denta tear out your voice box, call me a turbofox again! See where that gets you, a one way ticket to the All-Spark, that's what!"
Thanks to always being in a group, she's very much protective over her fellow Predacon's. Only trusting a select few outside of said group. Being the most distrustful and cautious around strangers. She's also highly territorial, so whatever she claims is hers, it is hers. The only ones she shares with is her team.
Thanks to Kup's training, she's learned to lessen her wild urges most of the time. Instead, channeling them into her fighting- it gets hard when outside of it if someone is threatening her though. What she doesn't appreciate is being underestimated, especially by bigger bots (which most are bigger than her). Sometimes her calm demeanor is overshadowed by predator anger and she used that to take down larger bots than her.
Complimenting her wolf like nature, she thrives in packs and therefore tries to take care of everyone. Usually checking if everyone is alright. Highrange is quite smart, giving input where input is needed when Razorclaw takes the lead.
Echostream - Decepticon - Beastformer - Mech
Age: 20 million years (probably older)
Before the war:
Stubbornly entered Praxus despite being given unfair judgement- subsequently gaining the interest of some Senators for his want to learn. Sadly, this resulting in his naivety getting manipulated.
During the war:
Recon, Ambushes, Escort, and infiltration
Underestimating this mech is what gets most bots killed. Whether it's joking or serious, he will not hesitate to strike you.
Large cybersnake, venomous of course. Similar to a king cobra. (White/red, black, and tan)
Having a strong sense of determination, he pushed himself into this foreign society despite the prejudice and disgust. It fueled him to change their minds. He could change into his bipedal mode, frustratingly- most mistakened him for a femme. He has a naturally slim build, given his alt-mode.
It was quite clear to him that Cybertron's non-beast like residents were struggling even from the outside. The Sea of Rust is where he lived previously, but he made it to Praxus through various different methods. Mainly traveling by himself, but hitching a ride where he could find it. It was even more apparent in his processor that the peaceful times probably wouldn't hold up when he got there. The bots there. They judged him before even getting to know him.
Treating him like some primitive animal. How could they live like this, not realizing what they do is hypocritical?
The Senate unfortunately took notice of the strange beastformer that waltzes into Praxus.
It couldn't have gone more wrong.
Being lured in with the promise of more grand knowledge, manipulating his hopeful nature to change what is happening.
Captured and sedated by that digitally masked mech, then handed to the Senate on a silver platter. They ran experiments on him, making his venom exceptionally more dangerous. Fascinated by how his own body could even produce these liquids. More than half his time there was spent half delirious and half numb. The pain didn't even feel like pain anymore. His sensors overloaded- they had tampered with those too. He's so sensitive now, each movement aches. Using his deadly venom for who knows what. Echostream hated them, and they underestimated his intelligence and will.
He mapped as much as he could of the place he was held in in between experiments. Thanks to his newly improved sensored (that still plauge him to this cycle) he could sense the movements of those even with his optics offline, and audials shut off. It was an inaite ability he always had and they just made it more deadly, as well as his venom.
So he executed his escape plan flawlessly when the Senate was too distracted with rising discourse.
Ending up in Kaon was not his intention. Being loyal to Megatron after many of his species was not his intention. Becoming part of his special forces was not something he expected- but to be treated as an equal. To be able to fight for a cause that didn't leave beastformers out- my, it made him feel joy.
It was excruciating.
Moving overwhelmed him but he didn't give it anymore thought then just getting away.
Tempjià - Decepticon - Mech
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Triple Changer
Age: 18 million years
Profession during the war: Assassin and Intel Gatherer, can fight extremely well, takes dangerous missions as much as he can
Before the war: A criminal, torturer, killed off some bad bots and raided places under the wing of his Sire.
Cybertronian Hover Jet Drone / Four Wheeler (both are silent)
Growing up in a more trashy part of Cybertron has it's downfalls. Kaon. Not having much of a childhood or friends caused him to grow up early on. Especially with a strict criminal mastermind of a Sire. It didn't take him long to realize how dangerous it is and how harsh the world can be.
He watched his Creator die at the hands of his Sire. His Sire teaching that not even he can be trusted. Although, still being taken care of by said parental figure. Tempjià never really had any close friends, they were always more like minions that listen to him. He never developed a superiority complex, more like being smart and strategic. Even against his own Sire. He learned from his Sire, took in techniques and training, killing. Becoming obsessive over his weapons and how the rush of murdering someone in cold blood-- err, energon, gave him a high. Sadly, he would get a bit soft over a mech that actually seemed to care for him when he joined Tempjià's gang, well his Sires.
His Sire never let Tempjià do anything fun, or get vulnerable. He was always on edge and sadistic, which in turn made Tempjià that way as well. But the mech was kind, and someone reliable. Tempjià, having no experience, quickly became infatuated with the bot. Albeit, secretly. They became involved after knowing each other for a long time, Tempjià growing more to be an independent. Although, his Sire made him do something that broke him, even before the war but close. Tempjià made a mistake, he showed love for someone. His Sire saw.
His Sire made him kill the mech he loved. That was...the first time Tempjià had cried. It was the first time in a while that he wanted to kill his Sire, to rip him to pieces. Although, as his lover died he said it wasn't Tempjià's fault and that he wishes he had more time to at least be even closer with Tempjià.
He killed his Sire that night. Tortured and then murdered in cold blood.
Tempjià still has a piece of his fallen love, he never really let go even though he knows he should, it's in his subspace. He's brutal now, more brutal than he was. He lost most of his morals when his lover died, but deep down maybe he still feels something. Nowadays, he is one of Megatron's elites, finding enjoyment in watching mechs die. Going on suicide missions with no sense of self-worth, but barely returning with a scratch. He may be small but he is "happy". Sometimes he can be gone for a long time, but others are always on edge around him. Especially Starscream, Megatron let's Tempjià have a couple hits on him sometimes.
Nighthawk - Decepticon - Mech
Age: 7 Million years
Field Medic
Assassin/Spy (sometimes)
Interrogator (half of the time)
He has always been a medic, even before the war. He liked helping others and healing them, although if he messed up he would really be in a state of panic. It was always easy to calm him down though. It's rather funny, since he worked on fixing up criminals. Maybe he was just too sympathetic to them, because he did a better job at talking to them and helping them, even with his shy nature. Surprisingly, he's good at handling serious people as well. Usually others would probably get annoyed quickly.
Sometimes he was found indulging in the speeches that Megatronous gave out, sitting in the back and away from the commotion of the crowd. It's not like he wasn't fascinated, he just doesn't want to bother anyone. Especially when he's so small, he might get pushed around by all the strong mechs and femmes in the crowd. So he'd hang back and twiddle his servos in front of his chassis and smile softly because of the rights Megatronous is striving for. He agrees that everyone should be equal afterall.
When the war broke out, he was quick to join the Decepticons, those equal ideals fresh in his processor. He didn't fight much, knowing he wouldn't really last long unless he had the upper hand with a surprise. He wasn't expecting to get pulled to Megatronous so quickly, and thanks to him being a medic, he could see the dents in his armor. Not to mention his...now changed demeanor. It wasn't long after telling Megatronous his profession and some previously known skills he had (like being quiet when not even trying) that he was...sent into battle! He was in the backlines, now being pushed into being a field medic. Having his medical supplies and going to fix up fallen Decepticons as quickly and carefully as he could. Trying to reassure the soldiers as best as he could, even when he wasn't used to talking to others.
In the battle for Iacon, it went like it normally did. He helped others, but quickly realized how many were falling. So he had to work fast (with other field medics as well but they were slowly starting to hide or fall). The mech didn't hide, he wanted to help as many as could. Sadly, he was tackled by an Autobot, but before he could react he felt a blade he shoved into his left socket. Pain quickly took over his face and frame, a desperate and pained scream came from. Already having his processor overwhelmed with nightmares from previous battles, even soldiers he couldn't save. It didn't take much for him to push the hesitant Autobot off him and get out one of his blades. His mind was pushed too hard and now he's standing in front of a dead Autobot, energon splashed across him. Said energon running out of his neck cables and spark chamber ripped over thanks to the violent stabbing he did with his blade.
He doesn't go into front row battles anymore (unless he's absolutely needed). He'd rather stay back and do what he does best.
Duskstar - Outlier - Decepticon - Femme
Outlier Ability - Space distortion (sort of like telekinesis, but less over-powered. She can make things stop mid-air, as well as push things back. She doesn't know the full extent to it, but it gets painful if she uses it too much)
Occupation Before War - Senator Shockwave's assistant, graduated from his private academy with flying colors.
Occupation During War - Megatron's Second in Command next to Starscream/Still Shockwave's assistant, but he became less like the bot she knew before the war.
Can also be considered the strategist, planner, organizer of the troops.
Alt Mode - Two Wheeler and Small Hover Craft
A good 16 foot femme.
Duskstar was helped by Megatron but at the time his actual miner designation was D-16 (then named himself Megatronus, then Megatron). He was a simple miner, but happened upon an injured femme after completing his work for the cycle. She remembers him clearly, he was the first person to help her despite the dangers she posed to herself and others around her as an Outlier (someone with abilities that aren't helped by other technologies).
Yeah. She was beaten and thrown out to rust by others since Outliers are shunned do to being so different. It wasn't inline with the Senate. Duskstar has Space Distortion (basically able to condense space...sorta like telekinesis but has more options). Anyone harboring an Outlier would basically be terminated but D-16 didn't care for such things and led her to a cavern which was his abode. Helping her recover with his little resources and such.
She was helped by him. Of course she didn't want such kindness to get in trouble so she left. Hesitantly promising when she has more control over herself that she'd come back to see him. Then, by the whims of Primus she was later found by Senator Shockwave, who welcomed her to his academy with open arms. Giving her a place to stay and hide, where other Outlier's hid as well. Senator Shockwave was...kind, seeing promise in the Outliers. He had hope that they would change the future of Cybertron and steer it away from the fate it was beginning to dive into. Opression, classism. He didn't see it as right to denounce others with unique abilities and talents. Of course, thanks to Senator Shockwave's disappearance, she left and joined Megatron's revolution. Becoming a Decepticon, after Soundwave. She was second in command, a bit of competition with Starscream.
Duskstar never treats it as a competition though. Remaining rather calm in the face of Starscream who tries to demote her or sabotage her. Oddly enough, she finds it rather admirable that he's so persistent. Not really liking when he tries to become the Leader of the Decepticons though.
It's quite obvious Starscream is staying right where he is.
Flicker - Outlier - Decepticon - Femme
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Outlier Ability:
Perception Control
-Can manipulate a processor to see hallucinations (can be wide scale if she concentrates enough)
-Can also disguise herself as other bots if she gets a full picture of them
-Can go invisible for a short time and still interact with objects.
Age: 9 million years old
Occupation before the war:
Was in prison, thanks to her outlier ability being found out but she escaped when the first bombing of the Senate happened.
Occupation during the war:
Tracker, Assassin, Spy...can also be substituted for a Commander.
Silent Cyberyronian drone
Being discovered with her abilities was not on her to-do listen. To have been caught in a bar fight when she was just growing into her armor sets was an even worse time to experience this. Going invisible in front of the bots, it caused a cascade of reactions. Coming out of being invisible, it caused her dizziness but...seeing that there was hatred in the others eyes. She knew the jig was up. Only at 1 million years old too.
As fast as Flicker could, she ran.
Ran as fast as her legs could take her without them failing her. Living almost between Kaon and Praxus, it was a hotspot for bad mech and femmes alike.
She was on the run for at least 500 stellar-cycles (500 years) before she was finally captured. Dragged to the prison, even when she didn't even deserve to go there. No trial, nothing, just unfair judgement.
Desperate to survive, she adapted to the new dangerous environment faster than she would have liked. Avoiding anyone with a paranoid, cautious optic. It got worse for her, since she was prohibited from transforming like everyone else. Wings being statis-locked from the get go. But by far, the worst part were the radiation testing. It burned her spark so intensely that she felt as if she was going to offline multiple times. It was an overwhelming amount. Eventually, she got used to it and they even stopped for...whatever reason. Being so drained of fear and kindness, she became rather notorious in said prison block. There were some mech that were 'kind' but only because it benefited them. Flicker was taught to fight in there, hide important information, steal, deadly kill techniques, track, spy, and a multitude of other stuff.
Given a rough education, and no emotional stability. Her mental was fucked up, but Flicker made did her best to keep her sanity intact lest she act like the brutes in this prison. Thanks to her deadliness and tendency to be unpredictable, nobody tried to make a grab at her except for a few. She offlined two, and severely injured one. This all happened over a span of 4 million years. The next 4 million would be improving her abilities as quietly as she could. As privately as she could. Having grown into her plating already, it didn't take her long to realize that these idiots don't know how to supress her Outlier abilities. Not to mention, those radiation tests just seemed to make her abilities that much more powerful, though she never told anyone. Not even some mechs she 'trusted'.
Having a photographic memory, she was able to memorize the guards routes. Carefully and meticulous coming up with an escape plan. Patiently waiting for the opportunity to arise where she can get out undetected. Making a rough replica of the key to the stasis cuffs on her wings. It'll be painful to transform after not doing it for so long, but she's been through worse.
Much worse.
So on the day of the bombing, that was it. It was her chance. The panic went all the way to the prison.
During the panic, she slipped through the cracks and meticulously planned route to get out. It worked, thank Primus.
For a whole 3 cycles until she ended up trying to steal from the Decepticon's. Flicker didn't care much for what was happening around her, but it became clear she was taken by a faction with some...good ideals. The idea of becoming equal, to not be judged for her Outlier abilities, it sounds amazing. After hearing Megatron speak of equality, and destroying the functionalist society to rebuild a more just one made her feel at home. Like she found her bots. Flicker joined, especially after finding out Soundwave was also an outlier. He was such a high rank too, clearly this was a good place!
And that's about it for now. I'll probably put the pictures seperately. I don't have them all on my phone so yeah. I'll definitely put them on this post-- or on a different one. Or just in seperate posts.
You may ask my OC's anything you want. Don't make it super weird though. I'm ok with NSFW questions, but don't get too crazy.
I do ship my OC's with canon characters so you can also ask questions about other canon characters to my OC's and stuff! :] Have fun but keep it respectful too.
See ya! And thanks for reading if you really did read it all!
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lovelywingsart · 3 years
Metallic (18+)
-- Karl Heisenberg X OC (AFAB, She/They) --
Oh lord here we go- Ok, first off, y'all get a small paragraph beforehand, please forgive me. :'D I've... never posted smut THIS PUBLICLY before. This is admittedly incredibly nerve-wracking and I'm hella nervous because I feel like I write... 'conservatively'? You'll see what I mean. So... Please go easy on me for this one...? I'm great for sweet stuff and angst, but smut is a whole other beast despite NSFW being one of my favorite art forms when drawing. I mean, I've already made a few *spicy* art pieces for them, but just... Writing is difficult. I mean, I really hope you guys like it anyway!! But fair warning. THIS is new for me. QuQ I do have a few more smut pieces in the works, but this was the first one written.
So uh... on to the story, I guess...!
**Small reminder that I have a small 'Masterlist' for these!**
*Warning?: Hella smut, lots of biting, choking and kisses, some blood from said biting, just rough sex in general? Normal, to rough, to fluff. not entirely sure what else to add?? :'D It's all consensual, no worries.
Summary: With some high tensions, a smart mouth, and some unfortunate forgetfulness, Emelia gets herself into a bit of... 'trouble' with the notorious Metal Man. But maybe this time she bit off a bit more than she could chew... Not that she really ends up minding.
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A pair of footsteps echoed through the underground tunnels of the factory, almost mimicking the constant sounds of pickaxes being dug into the stone. The walking man looked around every once in a while, seemingly proud of whatever progress had been made.
"All is going well. Good, good." He said proudly, puffing on the cigar he held between his fingers. The woman next to him rolled her eye. The small lights of the tunnels glinted in the glasses he wore as he turned his head to glance at her. "Is there a problem?" He chuckled.
"If by 'well' you mean 'excruciatingly slow by dimwitted slaves', then yes."
"Would you like to join them then, Emmy?"
"Bloody hell, no. I'm still sore from lugging those damned carts around..." Emelia mumbled, reaching to rub behind her neck. The man next to her chuckled again, handing over his cigar. He stepped forward slightly as she took it, holding out his free arm.
"And yet you're still walking!" He chimed, looking back at her as she puffed on the cigar, herself. "We'll change that soon enough."
"I'm not working myself to death, Heisenberg." She huffed, picking up speed and shoving the cigar back into his face. "While factory productions are important to me too, perhaps learn the definition of a 'break', and not as in 'break my back'."
Karl took the cigar with amusement as she walked forward ahead, clearly heading back to the main building.
"First you tell me to work harder, then you say not at all." He mused, following closely. "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I can do what I want?"
"And yet, what you want is what affects YOUR factory in the long run... Timing, Karl."
"You act as if you know more about MY factory than I do."
"And what do you know?"
"Good, then you know I'm heading upstairs to rest for a moment."
"I assumed so."
The two wandered along the corridors to a hall with stairs leading to a metal door, sharing the cigar before she went forward and kicked the door open, snorting as she heard an irritated grunt behind her.
"If you break that, you're fixing it." He muttered, setting his hammer down to the side as he took the cigar from her. She snorted, tossing her own weapon to the side, watching it land on a pile of fabrics used for either covering machinery or covering herself when she slept, whichever happened to come first.
"You say that as if it would be difficult." She retorted, taking her hair out of the tie it was in and running her hand through it before stretching slightly as he walked past her to sit in a chair next to a desk in the room they were in. It was similar to a bedroom, but not quite. 'More like an office with a small bed' , she always said, occasionally taking residence on said 'bed' when she was tired. She felt Heisenbergs eyes on her as her muscles stretched and popped, and she let out a satisfied groan.
"It wouldn't be, but you'll have to make a new one from scratch." He said, arching a brow as he leaned back in the chair. She rolled her eye, moving to stretch her arms in front of her.
"Again, not hard." She shrugged, finally moving towards the desk he was next to. "Making a door takes less brains than you already have."
"Are you calling me an idiot?"
"I'm not calling you a genius."
She almost laughed as she saw him pause before taking a long drag on the cigar.
"I'm going to pretend I didn't just hear you say that." He sighed. She shrugged, leaning over the table and looking over the papers that had been laying on it.
"It's a joke, Heisenberg. I'll admit you're more intelligent than you let on." She said, moving the papers and other objects slightly while looking at them. She then paused as she held them, her eye going over the plans, x-rays, and sketches. "Did you leave out the other Soldat plans?"
"They're in with the cadou notes. I thought you would have seen them." He said simply, reaching for a manila folder on the corner of the table. He put the cigar in his mouth as he opened it and flipped through with a huff. "The new ones haven't been functioning properly, damn things... I'm thinking of rewiring the circuits to the brain.".
"Wouldn't that cause more damage than good?"
"Not if it's done properly." He chewed on the cigar for a moment before flipping over one of the papers. "The worst that could happen is the head exploding from the current. In that case-"
"Lycan food?" She suggested. He nodded in agreement.
"Lycan food. They're mostly useless to me otherwise..."
"As are most things..." she muttered, earning a glance. She looked back at him. "What? Am I wrong?"
"Not necessarily. Others do still have use."
"How?" She asked, turning to face him. "No head means no use."
He shrugged, tossing the folder back onto the table before leaning back in the chair.
"Replace certain muscle tissue and bones with pneumatic or hydraulic systems, whichever proves to be less of a pain in the ass that day, hot wire circuits to the remaining muscle structures, add an engine system into the chest with a strong battery..." he tilted his head slightly, almost as if he were picturing the plans in his head, thinking of more details as he went along. "They would quite literally be mindless, but a few shocks and currents would make them go just fine."
"Sounds a bit like you..." Emelia snorted, turning back to the table to organize the papers as he glared at her. "Shall I pick a few poor sods from the village to test this?"
"Or I could just use you..." he muttered.
"You wouldn't dare."
"Keep making your ass-backwards comments and see what happens." He shot back, finally pushing himself up to stand. "Yes, I'd like you to do that. Fresh bodies work best for the experiments. I'll send out the Lycans as well, given they don't tear them apart."
"That wouldn't matter anyway, Karl. You'll just stitch them back up like you always do."
"I could, couldn't I?" He started, taking a step closer to stand next to her with a sinister smile. "Or I could make YOU do it. You seem to have fun with tearing things apart and putting them back together-"
"I'm NOT sewing your bloody creations together." She interrupted. "I'll kill them and I'll tear them to shreds, or I'll assist with the inner workings of the mechanics. I don't sew."
"You'll learn."
"Like hell I will."
"I'll make you."
"Keep talking, Emelia." He dared, his voice lowering in a threatening manor. "I'm not in the mood."
"You were before we got here." She challenged. She only held her breath as he suddenly snuffed out the cigar on the table itself while his eyes seemed to stare directly through her.
"That's what happens when you keep insulting me, Emmy. I start to get angry. You know that."
She felt a chill down her spine at his voice. It was different from any other time she had aggravated him... It was as if she were in actual danger. His face was only inches away from hers, and he smirked once he noticed her hesitation.
"Scared, Emelia?"
She kept her eye on him, watching his movements carefully. No, No she wasn't in danger... Maybe.
"No." She replied, lifting her chin slightly as he arched a brow.
"What is it you say to me...? I'm 'in a mood'...? Because I believe you're currently in one, yourself." She asked, finally moving forward and brushing past him in a nonchalant manor despite being somewhat stiff in her movements. "Drink some coffee and throw a few things around with that power of yours, you'll be fine."
She felt his eyes on her as she neared a cushioned chair against the wall.
"I'll throw YOU around..." He growled, taking amusement in her body slowing down as he spoke. He walked towards her as she turned to face him. "See how that pretty mouth works after your head goes through a wall."
"You forget I've stopped your hammer with my arm." She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest before smirking. "You smashing my head through a wall would be as effective as Sturm trying to hold something with his nubs."
"You don't seem to understand what I can do to you, Emelia."
"And you don't seem to understand the amount of fucks I don't give, Karl."
His arm twitched slightly, and she glanced over as metal pieces on the floor began to shake just slightly. She just hoped he wouldn't direct his power towards her...
"If you would like to play, I'll GLADLY entertain you."
She suddenly got in his face, a mischievous, antagonistic spark in the gold of her eye.
"Entertain me HOW? Throw me to the Lycans? The Varcolacs? Hell, let Urias get ahold of me, see what happens."
He bared his teeth in a snarl, though the corners of his mouth stayed in a malicious grin.
"I'll turn YOU into a goddamn Soldat, you'll be so full of metal you won't be able to FUNCTION without me-"
"I'm more afraid of your SISTER than I am you!"
Her smirk widened as she saw a sudden spark of anger in his face, his smile faltering.
"Don't you dare attempt to bring that bitch into this, I'll put my hammer straight into your skull-"
"TRY ME, THEN-" She started, only to give a yelping gasp in surprise as Heisenberg slammed her against the wall by her throat.
"Shut your damn hole!!!-" He snarled. His grip was tight, but he seemed to stop once he glanced at her open mouth. All of a sudden the air around them changed, and she stared at him with confusion in her one golden eye. "Oh, Emmy, you didn't tell me!" He said with a sudden cheerful tone, moving his hand from her throat to her jaw. He switched so quickly...
"Wh-" she began, only to stop as her jaw was yanked open. She was confused until she saw the reflection of her tongue piercing in his glasses.
"Well well, I guess you've got some metal in you after all. I won't have to try as hard..." He chuckled, tilting his head as she stared at her own reflection. "What else are you hiding from me, Emmy?"
Her eye was wide in simultaneous fear and curiosity. She knew she couldn't have hidden the piercings forever, but certainly longer than this. She usually at least took the one out of her mouth when around him given how often they talked for this reason... But even then, he had never noticed it before. Why now?! She kicked herself for forgetting. She wanted to shove him away... Shove him and run. Would he chase her? He was most definitely trying to scare her, she knew that much... But she also wanted to know how far he would actually go if she did nothing. Would he rip them out if he found the others? Use them as control like he mentioned? Or would he leave her alone? Something told her the latter was out of the question as he showed growing interest in her silence.
"N-.... Nothing..." she managed, nudging her jaw out of his grip. "I just-"
"You're a liar, Emelia." He said, his grin growing wider. She gave a huff and shook her head.
"I am not, you ridiculous-"
She was stopped with a startled gasp as a gloved thumb was shoved between her jaws, nearly propping her mouth open.
"Now now, this'll go far easier if you do it my way. Now open up."
He lifted his other hand to his face, taking a finger of the glove between his teeth and sliding it off. The glove fell to the ground between them, and she watched as he reached for her face with his bare hand. She flinched slightly as his fingers pressed against her lower jaw, though admittedly relaxed as his thumb drifted over her bottom lip. The skin was expectantly rough, she found, calloused and covered in smaller scars. She closed her eye as it drifted over her sharp lower teeth before thrusting over her tongue, pushing it back and causing a small gaging reflex. It tasted... metallic... Metallic with hints of other things. Not quite metal, not quite blood... Maybe residual oil? Maybe a hint of the cigars. She couldn't tell exactly what it was, but the mixture wasn't bad... She really didn't mind much. She could almost feel the interested look on his face as she relaxed, though she attempted to hide it. Oh god, was she enjoying this...? She only flinched as he pressed his thumb against the muscle, pushing it out of her mouth somewhat to see the piercing fully.
"Let's see how much you're hiding from me, shall we?" He grinned.
There was a moment of confused silence before she felt his thumb press against the metal rod, her eye snapping open with a gasping yelp as what felt like electric sparks and currents traveled through that piercing, as well as the others.
All the others.
The sparks lasted only a second, but a second was all that was needed as her back arched slightly away from the wall. Heisenberg took a step back in surprise as Emelia suddenly collapsed to her knees, shaking and panting ever so slightly out of shock and... something else. She doubled over with a wide eye, an arm covering her chest and the other pressed against her abdomen and ever tightening thighs. What the hell WAS that...?! What the fuck did he do?!
"W-.... Wh-...." she tried, trying to voice her thoughts. But alas, despite the tingling feeling up her spine disappearing, she couldn't. She couldn't even move as she heard movement directly in front of her, the shock of the feeling only allowing her to look up as he grabbed her chin and lifted her face to meet his. She watched as he kneeled, only to look up and see the most smug grin she had ever seen.
"Liar liar, Emmy... You know how I hate liars." He chimed, adding to the smug aura he held. It pissed her off, but she couldn't do much about it now... She then grew nervous as he tilted his head, taking in her reaction fully as she stared at him with an ever-deepening red blush on her cheeks. "If I was more foolish, I'd say you enjoyed that."
"I-I... D-did NOT...!!" She snapped, stopping with a small squeak as he shoved his thumb back into her mouth to silence her.
He was met with another squealing whine as he pressed against the piercing once more, gleefully sending more currents through the metal pieces in her body. Emelia reached up to shakily grab his arm as the piercing was left alone once more, though the residual shock still remained. She wanted to say something... Say ANYTHING... but the feeling in her face, chest and thighs was so odd and... and good... It kept her silent, and Heisenberg took interest.
"Lycan got your tongue?" He joked, chuckling as she let out a growl. He found it amusing, of course. She only frowned as he tilted his head with the ever present smirk, his sharp teeth glinting in the dim light of the room. "You know, Emmy..." he started, yanking her forward by the jaw slightly as she kept her hold on his arm. "I can't help but wonder how it tastes."
She felt another shiver down her spine at the sickeningly curious tone in his voice. Taste... Taste?? She stared at him as he removed his thumb from her mouth, though nearly started to form words immediately in stupid curiosity. The answer came to her quickly, however, in the form of a hand around her neck, a mouth to hers, and being shoved against the wall once more. She made an almost strangled noise as her back hit the concrete, her mind attempting to play catch-up as she felt something being shoved into her mouth. More sparks traveled along the piercings as his tongue slid over hers, and she let out a whining growl in response.
The taste of metal and the slightest bit of sweetness filled her mouth, along with the taste of the cigar they had shared only minutes prior. But... Why did it taste so good? Why wasn't she fighting him? She found herself frozen for a few moments as the realization set in that she... truly enjoyed this. He couldn't have known, could he? There was no WAY he could have known... Oh god, what was wrong with her? She generally wanted to strangle the man, but now...
She allowed the frustration from earlier to bubble in her chest, giving her control of her limbs for a few moments. Heisenberg began to back off, thoroughly satisfied in her reactions and his 'taste test' before she suddenly grabbed the front of his jacket and yanked him back against her, giving a quiet grunt as her back was forced against the wall again with his weight. He was brought to his knees at the force of the tug, and it was her turn to feel satisfaction as a startled grunt left this throat.
Emelia returned the forceful kiss with all her strength, her back arching somewhat with the now consistent current from the piercings. Her legs shook slightly as she felt a warm feeling in her thighs from the current, unintentionally letting out quiet whimpers and heavy breaths into the kiss. His hand stayed pressed to her throat before he moved it to the side of her neck and shoved her head upwards with his thumb. He tore himself away to attack her neck immediately, licking along the skin before closing his jaws around it. She gasped as he moved along her neck, leaving bloody bites and bruises while using his free hand to nearly rip at her shirt. The fabric was pulled it from its tucked position, his grip tearing a few holes in the worn fabric as he held it taught away from her skin. She couldn't help it as her heavy breaths turned into pants, and she gripped his arm tighter as she felt the fabric continue to tear from a mixture of his grip and her squirming from the feeling between her legs. She shuddered as he finally pulled away from her now very bruised neck, his lips hovering right against her ear.
"Let me taste all of them, then." He growled, returning his hand to around her neck and squeezing along the bottom of her jaw.
Her squirming paused in his grip. 'Please, oh PLEASE-' she thought, secretly wishing to rip the shirt off, herself. But he couldn't know that... If he did, she knew he'd taunt her mercilessly. Not that he wasn't doing the same now... Instead she shook her head just slightly, trying to even out her breathing.
"W-Wait-" she started quietly, only to gasp once more as he finally tore the front of the shirt clean off from the seams. He tossed the fabric to the side as her back arched to meet the new air her front was exposed to, the newly revealed silver nipple piercings glinting as her body moved.
"Too late." He chuckled deeply, grabbing her by the side and bringing her chest forward as if he were claiming a prize.
He leaned down slightly, his arm wrapping around her as his mouth returned to her skin. He kissed and nipped to her shoulders and collarbone until his lips met the tip of the large scar that rested between her breasts. She swore she could almost see something flicker in his shade-covered eyes as he seemed to study it before nipping at it carefully. The nips were... oddly careful. It was as if he knew what it was... She managed to compose herself enough to speak, one of her hands moving to nudge his shoulder. She couldn't help but give a nervous gulp as he looked up at her, his eyes burning as if her touch had fueled the fire.
"N-... N-Not... um..." she tried, her voice oddly timid. She knew what was happening, though the idea made her nervous... "N-Not... here..."
"Hm?" He tilted his head slightly, loosening his grip on her neck. He then followed her gaze to the small 'bed' in the corner of the room- though it was more like a single mattress over a solid 'frame' with random odd pillows along the wall and multiple covers lumped on top. It was how she liked it.
"Th-There... uh..." she looked away for a moment, heavily aware her burning cheeks. "P-... P-Please..."
She could nearly feel his smile against her skin as he chuckled, though he didn't reply. It was then that she was suddenly picked up with a surprised yelp and tossed over his shoulder, her knees pressing against his sides to balance herself. She managed to hold on long enough before he walked to the 'bed', landing roughly onto it as she was tossed. She nearly scrambled to sit up until she looked up at him, watching him quickly close the space between them, removing his thick jacket and single remaining glove.
"Stay still, Emmy. The show is just getting started." He taunted, unbuttoning the long sleeve shirt he wore before kneeling onto the cushion and looming over her. She couldn't help as her vision traveled down what she could see of his chest, seeing similar scars along his skin.
She opened her mouth to speak, giving a quiet yelp as she was shoved into the sheets by her neck, her legs now situated around his waist. Her back arched as he leaned over, biting at her shoulder and collarbone once more before around one breast and onto the other. She gave a whining gasp as he reached the peak, his tongue swirling around the sensitive skin and the small bar of metal pierced through it, his teeth grazing the it ever so slightly. He used his other hand to trail along the scar on her chest and down to her pierced belly, his rough fingers caressing the skin until they pushed underneath the tied overalls. Her legs twitched as his fingers reached the piercing between them, feeling as it was surrounded by a moist warmth. He smirked.
"I knew it." He said, rubbing against the piercing and bundle of nerves with another jolt of electricity before removing his hand. She couldn't help the whine that left her throat as her hips bucked lightly from the feeling, and he chuckled. "Easy..." he muttered, returning the palm of his hand to her stomach and shoving her down.
He dug his fingers into the skin around the belly piercing as she glanced down, and she made another strangled noise as he sent another wide current through her piercings. Her back arched as he pressed harder to keep her down, though she was startled as he suddenly crushed his mouth against hers once more. The small currents pulsed in a slow rhythm as she returned the kiss, her legs shaking and tightening against his hips. She let out a soft cry against his lips as the pulses increased, her grip on his arm tightening and even pulling him closer as the waves of a small orgasm rushed through her in spasms. The feeling was strengthened with the addition of... something pressed to her thighs underneath their clothing. But the waves... The small spasms that affected the muscles of her back and legs... While it hadn't been something she had felt even when human, and while she knew what it was, all she knew was that it felt good. REALLY good...
She could have sworn up and down she hated the man at any point before this, but as he broke the kiss and pulled away to look at her, she couldn't help but feel... want? Desire? Whatever it was, she knew she didn't want it to stop at the moment, and that's all that mattered to her. She still didn't want to give in so easily... But god damn was this feeling hard to fight off.
"D-... D-Damn you..." she nearly whispered, her voice wavering slightly. She was met with an amused chuckle as he removed his glasses and lightly sent them to the table they had been at before.
"Just what I like to hear..." He taunted, removing his hand from her throat. "Tell me, Emmy... Do you want more? Feel free to say nothing if you do."
She stared at him as he gave another sly grin, opening her mouth as if to protest... But she couldn't. Instead, she remained silent, though gave an irritated, embarrassed huff as she glanced off to the side. Her lip curled into a silent snarl as he gave another chuckle.
"I thought as much." He replied, leaning up. His fingers were dragged along her skin as he moved, trailing along other scars that littered her skin.
She glanced down to follow his hands, watching as they trailed over her hips and around to her front where the knot in the tied mechanic suit she wore. With one quick movement it was untied and loosened, and she jumped as everything was suddenly pulled away and off of her hips, sliding down her thighs. She froze at the new rush of cool air surrounding the warmth between her thighs, and suddenly the entirety of the clothing was removed as he seamlessly pulled it away from her legs. Now she was completely bare in front of him... Exposed.
The desire to cover herself was overwhelming as she met his eyes, seeing the smugness and sense of possession he gave as he took in every visible inch of her skin. Her arms and legs twitched in an attempt to cover any vulnerable areas, but she suddenly found her arms pinned next to her head and his hips against the backs of her thighs to keep them open.
"Don't you dare." He grumbled, a smirk still on his face as he glanced down slightly before looking back up at her face. "I haven't tasted everything yet."
"Wh-..." she tried, her legs twitching again.
She was met with another kiss as he leaned down, though it didn't last long. She let out quiet pants as his lips and teeth moved along her jaw to her neck, leaving more bites and bruises among the ones that already stained the skin. Her arms twitched as he reached her breasts again, hit tongue repeating the same actions as before on both piercings before finally returning to the large scar running down her sternum. He planted light kisses and nips along it, earning her confusion as he continuously moved lower. She watched as he nipped along the skin of her stomach, the corner of her mouth twitching as he seemingly, almost playfully, gently bit the piercing in her belly and glanced up at her. She rolled her eye for a moment before he sent another current through the metals, and she let out a soft whimper. It wasn't until he let go and moved to kiss and bite around her hips and thighs that she realized, her head shooting up with slight panic as she felt his lips against the inside of her thigh.
"Quiet Emmy." He purred, the tone of his voice making her freeze. She watched as he kissed the inside of her thigh once more, her head landing back against the cushion with a shuddering gasp as he bit along the sensitive skin. Her hand flew over her mouth as he moved closer to her core, whimpering as she felt his tongue gliding along the skin.
"K-Karl, wait-" she whimpered through her fingers, only to take in a sharp, gasping breath as she finally felt his tongue against her, moving slowly as if savoring her reactions.
She tried closing her legs, though found it nearly impossible due to his hands forcing them to stay where they were. She could almost feel the bruises form where his fingers pressed against the skin, though that feeling was second in her mind compared to the pleasured sparks up her spine with each movement of his tongue. She couldn't help as her hand left the sheets, finding its way to his head as he played with the small piercing through the bundle of nerves, sending small electric pulses through her body once more. She felt the vibration as he chuckled against her, gripping his hair with small gasps and whimpers as his tongue delved into the warmth. Her back arched slightly with each movement, her thighs shaking from the new sensations. Why did it feel so good...?! She let out a long whine as the electric pulses continued, eventually biting down on her hand as to attempt to prevent any further noises. She could feel the tightness return as his teeth grazed against the piercing, and suddenly her hand was gripping his hair in a fist as she came again, a multitude of muffled whines and mutterings of his name escaping her mouth while her back arched. She barely heard the grunt he gave as he was pressed against her, not even realizing as he was able to pull himself away.
She flinched as Heisenberg reached up to grab her wrist, her body shaking slightly as he managed to nudge her hand away. He ran a hand through his hair to smooth it out, rising to loom over her once more as he licked his lips. Where the actual FUCK did he learn that?!
"That hurt, Emmy." He purred, keeping his grip on her wrist as she finally looked at him. Her face was red as she panted, her legs trembling as they rested against his hips once more. "Good girl."
He smirked as she stared up at him, his tongue swiping over his teeth before he leaned over and yanked her other wrist from her mouth, pinning both of them to the cushion beside her head. Her breath caught in her throat at the sudden movement, her eye widening as it met his. There was a moment of silence as they held a stare down, only ending as he shifted her wrists into one hand and used the other to undo the belt and button of his own pants in one swift motion. It took her a moment to register the movement, keeping eye contact once the full realization of just how far- and how fast- this was about to go hit her. She squirmed slightly in his grip as she glanced down, nearly breaking said grip, only to get caught in yet another rough kiss as she felt something warm press against her thighs. She could taste herself on his tongue, and somehow it made her arousal worse...
She let out a whining groan as she was rubbed against, her back arching once more at the new feeling, only to give a surprised and somewhat pained cry against his lips as she felt him enter her quickly and fully with a grunt. She gasped into the kiss as he returned his hand to her neck, her back arching into his chest and her thighs once again tightening around his waist. More of the pleasurable feeling shot up her spine as he moved a few times, pressing against her roughly as she gave small whimpers and whines. It felt... good... so good. Why did it feel good? Why did all of this just feel GOOD? What the hell was she missing from her old life that didn't include THIS?? She couldn't help the small moan she gave as the kiss was broken, and he shoved his hips against hers. He tightened his fingers around the sides of her neck with a sly smirk as he stayed where he was. Although the glint in his eyes may have looked malicious, his actions proved otherwise as he allowed her a few seconds to relax.
"Am I being too rough with you, Emmy?" He asked, his smirk widening into a grin as she mindlessly shook her head, though it was more like a few twitches.
"N-... No... N-Not rough enough..." she growled with a challenging tone, though her voice was still light. She was met with a dangerous chuckle.
Emelia glared up at him with a somewhat clouded eye, her breaths coming in light pants that turned into gasps and moans as his movements continued, growing faster and harder with each passing second. She struggled to keep her voice down despite the feeling of each thrust sending sparks into her chest. The sounds of his low grunts and deep breathing weren't helping, she found, and it made it much more difficult to control her own pleasured noises. She was then aware of a low laugh from him.
"Ah... I didn't think... you could sound like THIS, Emmy...~" He purred, his grip on her neck tightening. She opened her mouth, nearly flinching as she let out more soft moans.
"S-... S-Shut...." she tried, though was unable to finish any thought with her gasps and whines.
Her arms struggled in his grip, shaking with each thrust, only to suddenly be freed as he let go in order to take ahold one of her hips. She mindlessly reached for him almost immediately, gripping the edge of his shirt with one hand and grabbing the necklaces around his neck with the other in order to yank him down. She was rewarded with another rough kiss, her head being jerked up as he kept a hand around her throat. She let go of the necklaces, instead reaching under his shirt, her fingers trailing over his own scars until her nails dug into his back. There was an internal satisfaction as she heard Heisenberg give a surprised grunt, only to give a yelping cry as he suddenly pulled away to replace his hand around her neck with his teeth.
Small sparks of pain made their way through her shoulder as his teeth broke the skin, though they seemed to amplify the feeling as the thrusts became rough and quick. She finally reached her other hand around and under the shirt he wore, her nails dragging down the skin of his back as her moans and whines grew louder.
"F-... FuCK...! K-Karl...!!" She said suddenly, her voice cracking somewhat as she was met with a possessive growl and the slight smell of fresh blood as he let go of her neck. She couldn't help but gasp as she felt his cheek against hers, his beard scratching against her skin as his lips nearly against her ear.
"You're MINE, Emelia..." He growled.
Emelia felt as more pulsing currents were sent through her piercings, and she couldn't help but cry out as the pulses caught her by surprise. Her muscles tensed, her nails tearing at Heisenbergs back as she felt the waves of a strong orgasm, making her body shake and her legs flex around his waist. Her thighs tightened at his hips, halting him enough to keep him where he was as she came, but not long enough to stop him entirely. He let out a low growl as he kept up his movements until he slammed against her hard enough to move her up a few inches. She gave a gasping moan as could feel his muscles shudder and a strange warmth in the pit of her stomach as he filled her, and her back arched against his chest as she nearly hugged him to her for dear life.
There was small silence as their movement ceased, each breathing heavily. Emelia held onto the man over her as if it meant life or death, momentarily forgetting her irritation around him in the first place as there was a sudden feel of lips along her neck in a multitude of small kisses. They were gentle against her bruised skin... The odd tickle of the facial hair made the corner of her mouth twitch as she panted, unintentionally laying her head to the side for him as she very slowly but surely relaxed. Her irritation only slightly returned as she heard a chuckle from her neck, and she glanced down.
"Th' bloody hell is so funny...?" She muttered, unable to keep the lightness from her voice. She watched as he looked up from her neck, a sly smile across his still bloody lips.
"You're adorable, Emmy." He said simply, making her groan and start to push him away.
"Piss off...!!" She growled, only to gasp as he suddenly leaned over her with a chuckle, nearly being pushed into the mattress again as he finally slipped off the button-up shirt.
"Precious little doll, you didn't seem to hear what I said."
'Doll' ...? Emelia stared at him, now also shirtless, taking in the rest of the scars she had never seen. She could feel her face heat up more as he leaned over her, holding himself up with his hands on either side of her shoulders.
"Wha-" she started, only to let out a gasping yelp as he gave a single hard thrust to silence her.
"I told you, Emelia. You're mine. In more ways than one, it seems." He nearly purred, leaning down to press his nose to hers.
Her single eye widened as he grinned, only to be met with a quick, relatively gentle kiss. It took a moment for her to calm down before she returned it, staying where she was and secretly holding herself to that proclamation. She didn't want to admit it... She never would. But somehow, despite how he could be, this made her feel... wanted. It was an odd feeling, and one she knew she would be hesitant on getting used to. But she still hated him... Right?
She gave a soft whine as he pulled away, physically removing himself from her with a shuddering breath. She let out a whimper as she relaxed back against the covers, feeling an odd coldness and even a slight sense of loneliness as his weight left the mattress. She opened her eye with confusion and watched as his pants were fixed before her vision trailed up his back to see the bloody scratches she had left.
"Whoops..." she muttered, earning a chuckle and a glance back.
"I'll let you relax for now, Emmy. I don't wanna break you just yet..." He joked, nodding to the shirt he had left. "Use that for now, we'll get you another shirt later."
She couldn't help but smirk, her face red.
"Done already...?" She asked, her smirk faltering heavily as he glanced back with an odd mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Never said I was, Doll. This is for your sake."
Emelia watched as he began to walk to the jacket he had left, but she felt... sad. Not because he had stopped. Not even because she almost wished they would keep going immediately... No, it was another reason she couldn't quite place with every step away he took. She carefully pushed herself to sit up, wincing at the tenderness that settled between her legs before reaching for her discarded jumpsuit. But she only grabbed the simple boxers she had, managing to slip them on with minimal issue. She saw him slow his movements as she managed to stand, her knees just the slightest bit weak. Holding on to a support beam on the wall, she shakily made her way over to him as he glanced at her with an odd curiosity. She didn't care if she was entirely naked save for underwear, simply covering her chest with her arm as she reached for him. She stumbled into his back, feeling his muscles tense as her arms slowly wrapped around his torso, her fingers lightly drifting along the hair and scars on his chest.
"Don't you dare leave me like this, Heisenberg..." she muttered, pressing the scarred half of her face against his back. She knew he could feel her trembling as her legs threatened to collapse on her.
There was a moment of silence before she heard and felt him chuckle.
"You really are an odd one, Emmy..." He chuckled, turning his head to glance at her over his shoulder before giving a dramatic sigh. "Have it your way, then."
Emelia jumped as he suddenly turned in her arms, her cheeks going red as his face was suddenly mere inches away from hers. What was she DOING? Why she acting this way? She didn't know... But she was pleasantly stunned as she felt his hand raise and nudge her chin gently. However, instead of it going around her neck again as she expected, he simply caressed her cheek, avoiding the scars around her missing eye; Even he knew she hated them being touched, and now didn't seem like the best time to annoy her. In fact, he almost enjoyed her more when she was calm like this... She couldn't help but feel relaxed as the rough pad of his thumb brushed over her skin. Relaxed enough to settle her cheek into his hand fully, ever so slightly trying to remind herself that this wasn't who he was all the time. This was temporary... But she could do temporary.
"... Don't tell anyone..." She muttered suddenly, keeping her hold on him as he leaned back against the shelving next to them to stay comfy. He chuckled once more.
"Who do I have to tell, Emmy?" He chimed. She stared at him for a moment before shrugging, laying her head against his chest.
It was a moment of domesticity that she vaguely remembered wanting as human... Something about someone being close physically always seemed tantalizing, yet there was no way to achieve it here... Or so she thought. If she could just have more time like this... Though she knew it wasn't meant to last, especially not with him... But for now, she appreciated it. It wasn't until her senses focused on the machinery noises outside of the room that she gave a sigh, reluctantly pulling away from him.
"I should get back to work, then..." she mumbled, taking a few steps away, her fingers dragging along his chest before she turned, not seeing Heisenbergs face as he watched her walk away and run a hand through her hair to push it out of her face.
She made her way over back to the bed-like cushion, absent-mindedly picking the button-up shirt he had been wearing and slipping it on, herself. She'd take it since he offered, and because she didn't necessarily feel like hunting down new clothing. It was only slightly loose over her frame, being only slightly smaller than him in stature, and she felt his eyes burrow into her back as she buttoned it up. Quiet footsteps approached her from behind, causing her to jump with a small gasp as arms surrounded her while the shirt was only halfway buttoned. Heisenberg pulled her back against his chest, one hand on her hip and the other around the front of her waist.
"What are you-" she started, only to stop as the arm around her waist raised to nudge the collar of the shirt off her shoulder, placing gentle bites and kisses along the skin as soon as it was shown. Small shivers went up her spine with the movements, and she let out a wavering breath in attempts to not laugh from the tickling of his beard. "K-Karl, stop-"
"I never told you to get back to work..." He said simply, his now semi-serious tone interrupting he train of thought and causing any hint of laughter to disappear. He trailed kisses and bites to her jaw and her ear once more. "Indulge me then, Emmy, and I'll let you go. Let me have my fill."
Her face fell slightly. His fill... Did he mean...?
"W-What, be your toy until you're done?" She huffed, turning her head slightly to face him. Though he was on her blind side, she could almost feel the grin.
"Well, when you put it that way..." he started, letting his hands wander. One trailed under the shirt slightly, his fingers drifting below her belly, while the other found and gave a gentle squeeze to a now exposed breast from the shirt being moved before resting over the large scar. "Yes. But don't worry. I take care of my toys... I said I wouldn't break you so soon. And besides..." he pressed another gentle kiss behind her ear, "You seem like you want more. Am I wrong?"
Emelia took a shaky breath as she felt the odd sensations once more, reaching to hold onto his forearms as his hands moved. Well, of COURSE he was right... She knew there wasn't much else she would have to do around the factory today anyway. She worked constantly, and the factory ran relatively smoothly without her. She even came here for a break, anyway... And, despite her feelings about him, what the man had just shown her was... Well, her legs still held a slight wobble. To say she wanted more was an understatement. And so, she have a small huff and looked forward, tilting her head to allow him at her neck.
"... Go ahead..." she muttered, her voice an embarrassed tone. She felt his grin against her neck taking a breath as he gave a small, rough bite.
"You won't regret it, Emmy."
She gave a small, joking snort.
"I'll believe you if you can prove it, Karl..."
"Oh, even after what I've just shown you?" He played, his lips pressing to her neck once more. She said nothing, only somewhat easing against his chest with a huff. She rolled her eye as he chuckled, though her breath caught in her chest as his hand left the scar, letting his fingers trail up and along her throat. "I didn't think I would have to prove anything."
"You never do..." she muttered suddenly, only to close her mouth as she felt him freeze behind her. Where the hell did that come from...??
She was silent for a moment before clearing her throat.
"Th-That, ah..." she started, only stopping as he grabbed her throat and pulled her to him roughly.
"What?" He growled, ever so slightly moving them forward. She took shaky steps, following his direction.
"N-Not... what I... mean..." she finally managed, glancing down with a quick breath as she felt the edge of the work table against the front of her thighs.
"Hm. What did you mean then, Emmy?"
"I..." she tried, though was unable to find her voice. What was this rush of excitement...?? The tone of his voice sent chills down her spine as he nibbled at her shoulder while awaiting a response. She then decided to just speak. What could go wrong?
"I-I mean...." she managed, gaining a smirk and holding onto his arm. She could feel as he tilted his head in curiosity. "You haven't quite done so thus far, how am I to believe you could...?" she continued, feeling his grip tighten. Good. She pulled away from him slightly to aggravate him. "You always need to prove yourself Karl, you won't get far without it-"
She was stopped with a surprised grunt as she was suddenly shoved down against the table, giving a surprised grunt of pain as her chin hitting it with a light *thunk* . He kept his hand between her shoulders, using his weight to keep her down as she moved to rub her jaw. Her hand was then suddenly yanked away as he twisted her arm behind her back, earning an uncomfortable grunt.
"Bloody hell- H-hey-!"
"I don't give proof, huh?" He growled suddenly, leaning down over her to talk into her ear. "I assure you, Emelia, I have all the proof you need."
She opened her mouth to speak, only to shut it with a surprised noise as he suddenly bit down on her neck and yanked her towards him. The backs of her thighs hit his hips, and she let out a small, surprised whimper. He slipped his fingers under the waistline of her underwear with his free hand, taunting her by slowly dragging them down. There was a sudden spark at her piercings once more while her lower half squirmed, and she couldn't help but give a small, moaning whine as she felt the sparks increase. Waves of pleasure traveled up her spine, causing her back to arch into the table somewhat and nearly bite her bottom lip until it bled. Small goosebumps covered her skin as she felt her underwear finally fall to her ankles. It wasn't until she felt him adjust himself behind her that she attempted to look to the side, only to be met with a growl and his teeth digging into the skin more.
She could smell the blood as it began to seep from between her skin and his teeth... It made her head swim as she finally felt him rub against her roughly, the small sparks of pain from his teeth adding to the odd pleasure she was feeling. He removed his teeth from her neck for a moment to speak into her ear, sending more shivers down her spine.
"I've got your 'proof' right here." He purred, his smirk nearly audible. He shoved her down again once more. "HERE!!"
He gave a rough thrust forward as he spoke, filling her quickly once again and earning a yelping moan; but this time, he didn't stop. A mixture of pain and pleasure racked her body as he kept up the rough thrusts, simultaneously twisting her arm more behind her back to hold her there. She couldn't stop the now loud moans and whines she gave as she panted, nearly digging her nails into the metal table supporting her. She could feel the pulses of her muscles threatening to tighten and mutate as she was slammed into nearly mercilessly, her fingers creating small dents in the material as she forced her mutation back once she felt a familiar flutter in her chest. He seemed to notice, letting out a low chuckle through his own grunts and growls.
It wasn't long before she felt the sudden waves of an orgasm, making her give a loud cry as she shifted under him, pressing back against him for a moment. She reached forward quickly and gripped the edge of the table, easily denting and nearly crushing it in her grip with light cries as he continued his thrusts through the tightening spasms. Her body shook while he didn't slow down. Instead, he increased his movements, and she almost felt tears come to her eye with the overwhelming sensation.
Her other arm was suddenly freed as he moved to grip both of her hips, leaning down to bite at her shoulder once more with low grunts and growls. He kept going... Oh god, he kept going. She couldn't speak, the only noises leaving her throat being whines and cries. She couldn't help but lean into his jaw, almost begging him for more despite the overstimulation. Her neck was bitten multiple times as if she were being marked, each bite breaking the skin with ease. Beads of blood slowly dripped from the wounds and over her skin every time he let go, only to feel his teeth elsewhere. She felt tightness below her belly once more as she let out a wavering cry of his name, only to be met with slower thrusts and a growl at her ear.
"What do you want, Emelia?" He growled, his voice low and strained. She couldn't help but squirm and push back against him with whining whimpers as he slowed more, quickly becoming frustrated and seemingly desperate. No... No, why was he stopping... Why was he slowing down?!
"N-.. N-No...!! D-Don't- fuck- D-Don't slow-...!!" She managed, earning a dangerous chuckle.
"Tell me Emelia, or I swear to God I'll stop right NOW." He played. She could hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke. She knew this was amusing to him... It was payback for her insults. Her body shook out of desperation and anger as the thrusts slowed considerably, and she put her forehead against the table with a growling whine. He held her hips in place against the table to prevent her from moving against him. She couldn't take it anymore... She wouldn't even try to fight it. It was as if she were being denied a prize, and she hated it already.
"F-Fuck- I-" she started, barely able to get words out, "Y-YOU Heisenberg, you bloody idiot!!! I want YOU!!!" She finally yelled, her voice cracking somewhat. "J-Just... D-Don't... Don't FUCKING stop!!! Fuck- PLEASE!!"
She could almost feel the pride-filled smirk he gave in knowing he had won, but she didn’t care... Her little outburst gave her slight confidence as he chuckled, his last breath coming as a low growl.. She jumped as she suddenly felt an arm around her waist, roughly pulling her back towards him as his other hand reached to pin and hold hers as if keeping her in place. A wavering whine left her lips as he gave a possessive growl, looming over her with obvious intent.
"Good girl." He grumbled, only giving her a chance to inhale before returning to the powerful, near brutal thrusts from before, pulling her to him with each movement.
She didn't even attempt to hide her voice again, her cries and moans growing louder with each passing second. She almost didn't want the feeling to end, allowing herself to melt into him as her back arched into his chest.
"D-Don't... D-Don't stop... F-FUCK- Don't stop...!!!" She repeated, her voice wavering with uneven pants and gasps.
"You. Are. MINE." He suddenly growled in her ear, not letting her respond before biting into her shoulder once more.
More electric pulses were sent through her piercings, nearly making her scream while gripping the hand over hers. The orgasm she felt then was strong, traveling through her body in waves and overstimulation as the pulses continued. The feeling was amplified as he kept moving for a few seconds, finally pressing her roughly against the table with a loud, wavering growl and swear as he came as well. She let out another gasping moan as she felt him twitch inside of her, shuddering with the light warmth she felt at the pit of her stomach.
The room was filled with the sound of their panting and deep breaths as their rode their highs, and Emelia finally relaxed against the table with a shaky, satisfied sigh while still panting. She felt... good. Great, actually... Very sore now, as well as numb, but good nonetheless. It was as if any frustration she felt had melted away with the thin layer of sweat on her body. She gave a quiet whimper as she felt Heisenberg shift somewhat. He removed his jaws from her shoulder, nudging her head and pressing his cheek against hers as his grip on her loosened to allow her to relax more.
"Are you alright, Emmy?" He asked quietly, his voice low and catching her off guard enough to flinch. She only made a small, confused noise as she glanced over. He chuckled, catching a glimpse of the residual pleasured tears that stained her cheek. He reached over, dragging his thumb over her skin to wipe them away. "Is that a yes?"
She kept her eye on him for a moment before giving a small nod and setting her head back on the table. She attempted to shift, but found her body was... unable to move. The numbness had begun to turn into the feeling of being a puddle, she found. Her muscles shook as she tried to push herself up, and she almost collapsed under him. He nearly laughed while kept his grip on her waist, keeping her upright while he watched in interest.
"Would you like some help?"
"N... N-No, I..." she tried, her voice quiet. There was silence for a moment before she gave a shaky sigh, putting her head down once more in defeat. "... y-yes..."
"I thought so." He chuckled, finally pulling himself away with a quiet grunt. She could hear the amusement in his voice. "Alright. Keep steady, now."
Emelia glanced back as he partially adjusted himself, not bothering to fully fix his pants before he let go of her waist. A small panic entered her chest as her legs began to collapse under her, barely able to use the table to keep herself up before she felt him at her side. Her body shook as she tried to lean up once more, reaching to hold on to Heisenbergs arm as he draped it across her shoulders. He didn't even flinch as she leaned her full weight on him, and he chuckled.
"Come on, then." He said, suddenly leaning down once she was fully off the table. She let out a surprised yelp as he swept his other arm behind her knees, bringing her up into a cradling position against his chest as she held onto him tightly. She tightened her grip more as he started to walk, her face red. "Something wrong?" He asked, amusement thick in his voice. She watched his movements, only somewhat relaxing as they neared the bed.
"N-No..." she replied quietly, slowly easing herself in a sitting position the tattered covers as he set her down, wincing again at the soreness she felt. While the fabrics weren't always the best for relaxing, right now they were comforting, and a godsend for her shaking muscles. She then jumped as he sat down himself before he laid beside her with a huff. She stared at him for a moment as he held his arm out for her. What was he doing...?
"Well?" He asked expectantly, raising a brow as she looked confused.
"... what?"
He rolled his eyes.
"You're wearing my shirt Emmy, the least you could do is lay down."
"What-" she started, only to look down. "O-Oh... um..." She had admittedly forgotten what she had been wearing, and sheepishly pulled the shirt over her now throbbing shoulders and neck. She then adjusted herself on the mattress with a quiet grunt. "Ok..."
"NOW you're embarrassed??" He asked, nudging her arm slightly. "Should I describe, in detail, what I just did to you?"
She glared at him and gave a small huff as she managed to lay down.
"Shut up..." she mumbled, somewhat begrudgingly cuddling onto his chest as he smirked.
"It was an honest question."
Emelia only grumbled in response, though relaxed as she felt his arm go around her. She adjusted her head on his chest, pausing as she felt a heartbeat. It was slow and rhythmic, lulling her into a relaxed breathing pattern. He glanced at her as her arm wrapped over his chest as well, though he froze as she mindlessly began to trace over some of the smaller scars over his skin. She watched her own fingers move, an amused smile creeping on her face as she felt him tense and relax at her touch. She tilted her head slightly as she heard a light grumbling from his chest, her fingers pausing. He shifted under her, and she looked up to meet his eyes.
"What...?" She asked, resuming the movements. She watched as his eyes traveled between her and her fingers multiple times, his breathing easy with small grumbles in each inhale.
"Nothing." He replied simply, only to lift his chin slightly in confusion as she moved her hand to the scar across his neck. She felt his breath hitch as she traced it, and he looked at her again. "What are you doing, Emmy?"
"Nothing." She copied, almost laughing as he rolled his eyes.
"Don't get soft on me now Emelia, just earlier you were threatening me." He snorted.
"I still can if you would rather that."
"Hm. No, I'd rather fuck you again."
She went silent for a moment, her face heating up once more with embarrassment. "You said you wouldn't break me." She huffed.
Heisenberg gave a chuckle before turning to face her, gaining a smirk when she looked at him in surprise.
"I won't. I can't, actually." He said matter-of-factly, suddenly pushing her shoulder to have her lay on her back. She jumped, staring up at him in a stunned silence. "That doesn't mean I can't try. I haven't had that much fun in years, and I know you're durable. So am I."
"I-I can tell..." Emelia managed, clearing her throat slightly. Well, she knew he had a point... Despite being sore, she still felt oddly energized... Sure, the light exhaustion was there, but she knew she would have gone back to work immediately if she were physically able to. And she had to admit... She enjoyed this. It felt... normal. Almost.
She kept her eye on him for a moment before taking a breath. Was she really debating on this? The reality of the current situation hit her full force like Sturm on a rampage. She was silent for another moment before gulping slightly.
"What... What is... 'this' , exactly...?" she asked, her voice quiet. Karl drew back slightly, caught off guard by the question.
"Excuse me...??"
"I... You... You piss me off, Heisenberg..." she started, her arms resting at the sides of her head. Each movement of her shoulders resulted in a dull pain from his teeth, and his mouth twitched as he realized. She paused as she saw the smallest... tiniest twinge of regret in his eyes. But she shook her head, looking down at herself.
"I don't... I've been here for... only a short time compared to you, Karl... And now I... We do... THIS..." she continued, looking back up at him as he held his place over her. "What are we doing...?"
It was his turn to stay silent, obviously contemplating his answer. She had seen the same look on his face when discussing important factory matters... It almost made her feel better.
"What do you want from it?" He asked finally, tilting his head with a light shrug. She blinked.
"... What?"
He rolled his eyes, giving a small smirk.
"Ah, who's asking the hard questions now?" He played, chuckling as she glared at him. "I don't quite care what this leads to, I know what my goals are." He explained. "What are yours? What do YOU want out of it?"
"I..." she started, looking to the side. "... I don't know."
"Then don't worry about it!"
"But I-"
"Look, Emelia. If you can't figure it out, then focus on something else. Is it really worth wasting the energy if you don't know right away?" He asked.
She was silent. He... He was right.
"That... That's the most intelligent thing I've ever heard you say."
She nearly laughed at his insulted expression.
"I'm joking, Metalhead..." She sighed with a small smile. There was silence for a moment before she finally gave a huff. "Just... For now just..."
"Come on, we don't have all day." Heisenberg joked, smirking as she glared at him.
"... Shut up you daft idiot." She growled finally, reaching to yank him down by his necklaces.
The movement startled him, but he seemed to know exactly what to do as his lips met hers with a light chuckle. The kiss was... gentle, oddly enough, but she relaxed once more under him. Light shivers traveled up her spine as she felt his fingers travel along her skin. The shirt was fully unbuttoned once again and nudged to her sides, and she took a deep breath as she felt the air on her chest. She only whined as her legs were moved, making him pause. There was a soreness between them from his roughness beforehand, sending small waves of a low, pulsing pain through her body. He gave a questioning hum against her lips, and she spoke against his.
"Sore..." she admitted quietly, feeling his amused smile.
"Good." He replied simply, adjusting himself and his pants to rest between her thighs. Emelia let out a quiet whimper as she was rubbed against, her legs shaking against his hips and her arms reaching out to his onto and wrap around his shoulders.
The dull throbbing sensation continued as he pushed into her once more, earning a somewhat pained whine as her back arched. It hurt... But the feeling lessened to a light sting after a few seconds, and she took lighter breaths. She couldn't help but wonder as he stayed still, his words and question playing in her mind as he returned to his position of leaning on his forearms over her. What DID she want from this...? Did she truly wish for any sort of stability from this? Or just survival? Maybe this was the first and last time she'd experience this, or maybe it would be regular. Did she WANT it to be regular, though? She didn't know... All she knew was that his touch swung wildly between rough and gentle every time he touched her, even before this. He always switched between harsher interactions and kind ones, making her angry and thankful at the same time. And yet, when he touched her NOW... Even while over the table, it was almost careful, hesitant to push her too far even while leaving bruises in her skin. Somehow, while sharing this intimacy, he was a perfect mix of the two. And somehow, it calmed her and even gave a small hope in the back of her mind.
Her thoughts stopped, letting out a breathy moan into the kiss as he started moving, this time at a slow pace. This time she kept her arms around him, hugging him close enough for their bare chests to press against each other. Her breaths and moans came from a different sort of pleasure, almost willing to believe that sharing this with him would allow some sort of normalcy. Her nails dug into his shoulders as he set a careful, hard rhythm, one of his arms moving down to press his hand against her stomach.
A single second passed before Heisenberg sent a low pulse of electricity through her body and piercings, causing her back to arch as she pulled away from the kiss with a gasping whine. She felt as he lowered his head with a low groan, starting to kiss and nibble along her jaw. Her nails dug into his back as his movements increased somewhat, creating more scratches to match the ones he already had. Her voice came out in quiet whines and moans into his ear as she clung to him. Sure this was making the soreness worse, but she almost couldn't tell between the low pulses and thrusts coming from the man. Her body shook while simultaneously encouraging more. She WANTED more... She already admitted as much to herself. Another whine escaped her lips as he nibbled just below her ear.
"Fuck, Emmy...~" he nearly purred into her ear, lifting her hips slightly and switching to smaller quick thrusts.
"K-... K-Karl-! F-FUCK-" she managed, her voice breaking somewhat as she allowed her legs to loosen at his sides to bring him closer. She whimpered as he suddenly leaned up, her nails digging and sliding down to his biceps before gripping them as she felt a familiar tightness below her belly; he could feel it, too.
Emelia suddenly held her breath in a surprised, wavering gasp as he slid his hand up her body from the belly piercing, his fingers dragging along the large scar on her chest before lingering and pressing against the sides of her neck. Her whines and moans continued, even as his hand moved higher to her jaw. She then jumped as his thumb pushed past her parted lips, resting on her tongue. She attempted to look up at him, but found it difficult to even keep her eye open... Heisenberg gave a low chuckle at the sight, pushing on her jaw slightly. He didn't even have to say a word as her mouth nearly closed around his thumb. Her whines and whimpers grew louder and her grip on him tightened, and she could only gasp as he pulled his thumb from her mouth and replaced it with his own.
The kiss was returned instantaneously, followed by her wavering, now muffled cry as she finally came once more. He grunted into the kiss as she tightened around him, her legs wrapping around his waist once more while her back arched. She wrapped her arms fully around his shoulders with overstimulated whines as his pace quickened before he finally let out his own wavering moan against her lips. She joined him with her own moan as he shoved his hips against hers, feeling the warmth enter her as he rode out his own orgasm with shaking muscles. God, it felt... It felt good... The warmth and twitching from him kept her whines going as they panted, her body shaking under him.
Both were silent for several moments, the kiss lessening to gentle movements before breaking.
"D-... D-Damn..." Emelia nearly squeaked, her head rolling to the side as her jaw was nuzzled.
"Hm. Are you alright?" Heisenberg asked, earning a small nod.
"... gonna be sore..." she replied quietly, relaxing somewhat as he kept his face against hers. He chuckled.
"You wanted it."
"Shush..." she huffed. Her breathing eased, feeling his smile against her skin. This was... Nice, she had to admit... An uncomfortable whine left her lips as he began to push himself up and away, only pausing as her legs twitched around him to keep him there. "N-No... stay..." she whined, watching as he raised a brow. "... P-Please..."
"I've never heard you say 'please' this much." He joked, earning a light glare. But he simply returned to his place over her with an amused chuckle, nearly laying on her.
She was relaxed despite nearly his entire weight on her torso, though she had no issues. He was really warm... She could almost purr with the warmth both on top of and inside her, the feeling relaxing her to the point of her limbs going lax around him. She felt him chuckle against her skin, taking a breath as his lips found her bruised neck. But her mind wandered elsewhere, and she found herself pressing her cheek to his.
"Can we... Not talk about this...?" She asked quietly, earning a confused hum as he glanced at her.
"Oh? What do you mean?"
"J-Just... Um..." she tried, turning her head to look at him. "M-Maybe this could be... just... stress relief...?"
She jumped as Heisenberg shifted, his face now hovering over hers with their noses together.
"Just stress relief?" He asked, amusement dancing in his eyes as her face reddened. "Is that what you want?"
She simply nodded, her fingers traveling over small scars that covered his upper back and shoulders. 'For now...' she thought. Wait, 'for now'...?? Did she really mean that...? She was pulled out of her thoughts as he pressed a quick kiss to her forehead.
"Then so be it." Heisenberg said simply, meeting her gaze. She stared up at him before nodding and taking a breath. But he moved before she had a chance to even think, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Hold on."
"What-" she tried, only to cling to him with a surprised yelp as he pushed against the mattress to lean up with her against his chest. She let out a light whine as she was shifted on him, small sparks shooting up her spine as she was settled against his hips while he sat and leaned back against the wall. He couldn't help but smirk as she let out a whimper, her legs twitching. "Better?"
"I..." she tried, though couldn't manage words as she felt him shift against her to make himself comfortable. So she simply nodded before leaning against his chest.
It was his turn to freeze as she nuzzled to his neck, giving a pleased sigh as his arms hesitantly went around her waist. She relaxed against him, enjoying the warmth he gave and the feeling of his arms around her.
"... You're warm..." she said quietly, earning a surprised chuckle.
"I would almost hope so." He replied, reaching up and under the shirt she still wore to drag his fingers along small scars on her back. He smiled as she relaxed. "I'm going to assume you're not moving any time soon?"
He nearly laughed as she nodded against his shoulder.
"Fair assumption..." she mumbled, closing her eye.
While she wasn't necessarily tired, there was a sliver of exhaustion in her chest. She had to admit, there was still pain from the bite marks that now covered her neck and shoulders, and the soreness of her legs came as a dull throbbing. But she oddly didn't mind... She held her breath as she realized her enjoyment of this. The touches, the intimacy... Even the dull pains she felt. Maybe she didn't even mind HIM...
No, no... She DID mind him. Did she...? She still found him infuriating... But the way he held her now was... Well, it made her question quite a bit.
She finally sighed, relaxing fully against him. She focused on his touches against her back instead of the thoughts in her mind, willfully ignoring them for once. She'd enjoy what she had for now... Her attention went to the sounds of his heart and distant machinery, letting them lull her into a light sleep. She didn't NEED she sleep at the moment, but to her, it was almost perfect.
She only hoped it would stay that way.
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ufuckingpastry · 2 years
Oh for the fanfic ask game: 4, 5, 26 and 34
4) Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them?
*grabs your face and pulls you close* My friend, I have as many characters as I have au ideas, if not three times as many. And yes, there's some kind of vague story that always goes with them. A few off the top of my head:
Obligatory fantrolls: Sckech - purpleblood clown troll who's got synthesia and she uses violinkind. Moirails with Paeler. Kismesis with Unujad. Paeler - yellowblood nerd who's got a special interest in dating games and ashen quads. Moirails with Sckech. Ashen midleaf of Ricorn and Unujad. Uses gauntletkind, but most people don't know that and thinks he uses bombkind.
General Use: Rek - mute, originally a VLD galra oc, from a different universe, very tech oriented, probably a genius, likes to find tiny places to hide in and watch from above Senji - a rp character, half demon, from waaaaay back in my neopets days (Xohlia, I miss you so fucking much)
Do you have like 3 days for me to dig up all my OCs and tell you every thought I've ever had about them?
5) What’s a tag you never want to use for your works even when it applies?
I'm really not a fan of having to use "Not RPF" on my works, lest people think that I am writing RPF. Alas, this is the fandom I've chosen to suffer in hyperfixation hell.
26) What would you describe as OOC?
Most crack fics. There are some that have some really good in character stuff though, but most are written without care given to actually write the character.
Also my tendency to make Technoblade swear. Sometimes, the word 'fuck' is the best thing to use and I suffer every day where I have to change it to fit a character.
34) Do you write to improve? Or is that not a concern for you?
I'll say yes and no. I started writing fic because I just really wanted to write some things that made me feel super happy. I did notice that my writing improved significantly after writing a bunch (funny how that happens).
Nowadays, I still write the things I want to write, but I'll tend give myself challenges in writing stuff that I'm not good at or don't have a lot of practice in. Dialogue, fight scenes, kinks that I'm personally not into, etc.
Thanks for asking! Link to the ask meme
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petals42 · 8 years
ok i'm watching big hero 6 with my parents and?? this check please au writes ITSELF has anyone done this??
I don’t think I’ve seen a Big Hero 6 CP AU! It’s all you, bro!
I just have one concern– who are you going to kill????? like who is tadashi in this situation?? Who is Hiro? like, for real, this is the danger of the Big Hero 6 AU imo… you either write an OC which is easier bc everyone is still alive but it doesnt have quite the same emotional impact as killing “one of the gang” as it were… gosh, since I’m on this jack/shitty friendship binge i’m almost tempted to say that you make Shitty Tadashi– aka Shitty and Jack are best friends and Shitty introduced Jack to the wonder that is applied-science (instead of theoretical) and Shitty would be the type to just make a robot to want to help people but then he dies and Jack, who never quite joined the friend group, is force to lean on Ransom, Holster, Lardo, and Bitty for support as he creates a superhero team to avenge his friend…
… BUT THEN THERE IS NO SHITTY BC SHITTY IS DEAD AND EVERYTHING IS tERRIBLE!! (oh shit, plus you could add like… idk Jack is pretty famous in the science world (bring in that hockey pressure from canon CP– its not quite the same as BH6 in which tadashi dies like the minute hiro is discovered but fuck it, its an AU, bro) so sorry this is a hell of a sentence but: Jack is famous, especially for theoretical physics; Shitty is his friend who convinces him that robotics is where its at; when Shitty dies, people aren’t certain why it affects Jack so much (because it’s not like they are related and actually accounts say they just met up a few years ago so, really, the fact that Jack has dropped out of everything is a bit ridiculous, Frank. You’re not wrong, Steve, plus his inventions benefit all of humanity so like… it was a tragedy but I dunno, I think Zimmermann needs to refocus here…) So basically, add to all this the fact that people are pressuring Jack to just go back to work as if work wasn’t only made bearable by the fact that Shitty would bust into his office at least once an hour and laugh with him and all the others seem too intimidated by him but Shitty never was and-and-
It’s Bitty, the tiny scientist who always thought that Jack did Not Want to be bothered, (who specialized in heat ray particle physics designed to like… bake things from afar but remain safe for human flesh?? idk) who finally decides to reach out. With a sympathy pie. Because, yes, they are usually for the family, obviously, but Shitty’s family hasn’t even been by to clear out his office and hasn’t visited him in years and so…
Facing mounting pressure from everyone after a month long sabatical, Jack returns to work– only to sit at his desk and struggle not to either cry or destroy everything. He sits blankly for three days and then suddenly there is this short blond kid knocking on his semi-open door (he always leaves it part way open; shitty would just barge in anyway) and offering him pie. And then Bitty ever so tentatively mentions that no one has been by to pick up Shitty’s things or look at his data and no one was really sure what Shitty was working on but maybe Jack–
Jack didn’t know what Shitty was working on. For as much as the man could talk your ear off, he equally loved playing the “Mysterious Man of Science” at any opportunity. All Jack knew was that “It is going to change the world, brah! Gonna be fucking sick!!!” But Jack will be damned before he lets all of Shitty’s research go to waste and, fuck it, apparently he is a genius. If anyone can figure out what Shitty was doing and finish his work, it’s him. 
So Jack goes with Bitty, who is charming and friendly and Jack can’t decide if that’s soothing or if he wants to punch him in the face because dammit, he is sad and mad and, to be safe, he keeps his answers to one syllables. His jaw aches from the effort but at least he’s not crying or yelling so that’s a win.
Shitty’s lab is madness. Partly because it’s the common lab where five scientists work instead of Jack’s private lab/office but also partly because, as Jack sort of knows based on Shitty’s stories, everyone is crazy. Obviously, everyone is a bit subdued because Shitty had died only a month ago but Jack politely asks them what they are working on and they light up a bit at that and, also, keep in mind, they have been leaning on each other for support for this last month while Jack has been alone so they get a bit hyper and it’s like hearing an echo of Shitty. All Jack can think is how well Shitty would fit in here.
And how much he doesn’t. Especially not now. He’s not sure he even wants to. To finally hang out with Shitty’s friends now that Shitty is gone seems like the worst thing he can do. So he nods politely and grabs Shitty’s work (a mid-sized box, a laptop covered in neon stickers, and frightfully few notes, tbh) and heads back to his office. 
So Jack meets Baymax and Baymax takes one scan at Jack and tells him he is suffering from Depression and needs companionship (and Jack thinks, no, he needs Shitty) and calls everyone in the lab to come to Office- S01 immediately. 
Bitty, Ransom, Holster, and Lardo tumble in and–
“Wow!” Holster says, looking up at Baymax. “Shits never let us see what he was working on!”
“He’s so bouncy,” Ransom says, poking Baymax in the stomach. “I love him already.”
“Surprised Shits didn’t give him a killer ‘stash,” Lardo says. 
“Oh, he’s lovely,” Bitty adds, looking a bit close to tears himself. 
Everyone is too content to talk about Baymax to notice or care when he stands and closes the door, announcing: “Let’s all have some bonding time!”
Baymax seems blissfully unaware that Jack does not belong in this group. In fact, the group seems blissfully unaware too because they settle right now and start digging through Jack’s stuff and asking questions and even when Jack doesn’t really answer, they let the conversation flow around him so there’s not that much pressure and when they leave, Bitty pats him on the shoulder and says that he should join them for lunch “whenever he would like.”
Jack nods and thinks he’s never going to do that.
What he is going to do is perfect Baymax. He goes through all of Shitty’s notes and then when it turns out most of those are limericks and Pink Floyd lyrics, he hacks into Shitty’s laptop. (The password was “ZimmsAss4ever” which took Jack an embarrassingly short time to figure out bc honestly, Shitty told him that on the daily).
It’s in Shitty’s e-mails that Jack finds the threatening messages. Messages from big evil corporations who are furious that Shitty wants to produce Baymax for free and provide them to low-income area hospitals first and Jack doesn’t want to believe it, but he goes digging– armed with his nanotechnology and then Baymax and, well, he’s going to need help so…
Big Hero 6
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