#my parents call my sisters whores when they look in a man’s direction
The double standard in my family is wild af.
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reallyromealone · 6 months
Title: young and beautiful
Fandom: Shrek
Pairing: prince charming x male reader
Warnings: tall strong reader, size difference
Notes: April fools (if you saw this by accident no you didn't ❤️)
(Name) sighed as he slipped his drink, another ball he was forced to attend as his sister ran off with her husband and played house in a swamp, everyone in far far away that mattered was here including the fairy godmother and her son, woman and men alike fawning over him as (name) just wanted to go back into the palace and avoid this mess.
"Why don't you go talk to the prince?" Queen Lilian tried to urge her son, (name) had no interest in talking to that blond twink as he downed the rest of his drink "oh no, I'm out of wine" he said robotically as he went to the table of wine glasses and ignored the servers with champagne and wine, fully planning on slipping away from it all and go anywhere else, though luck wasn't even remotely on his side as Prince charming locked eyes with him and ignored his fans, (name) knew his game and knew he was going to try and slut his way into a crown.
He wasn't going to allow him to do that, he wasn't going to fawn over this man.
"My~ aren't you handsome" charming said with a low chuckle as he gently touched (name)s bicep but the crown prince had no interest as he stared at him blankly "best you got?" (Name) said as he took another glass, champagne this time and stared at the blond "I am not swayed to pretty words and touches" he said before walking away and charming looked furious at the fact his flirting failed laughably, (name) barely paying him mind.
"You don't get to walk away from me!" He huffed and followed the prince as (name) walked into the palace "can and I will, my palace I can do what I want" (name) said simply and charming glared "why aren't you interested in me?!"
(Name) halted and looked at him "I have seen you a million times, a pretty face who wants a pretty castle and pretty things but no interest in me and use me for my fortune, tell me charming... Would you love me when I'm old? When I'm no longer young and beautiful? Or would you only marry me for wealth?" He asked as he loomed over the bond prince, staring down at him coldly before leaning into his ear and whispering "I'm not going to be swayed by a twink with nice hair, I marry for love not so my partner can treat me like a cash cow"
Charming wasn't sure what to do, no one spoke to him like that and frankly... It was kind of hot.
"And he called be a blond twink!" He seethed to his mother who went over her budget reports "he's always been a prickly prince, sweety" the fairy god mother said lovingly to her son who grumbled as he wandered back to his bedroom and thought about the altercation once more, he was so demanding and serious with him! Calling him demeaning names and looking at him like a common whore.
He wanted more.
(Name) sighed as he worked on his coronation, his parents getting up in years and wanting to retire so he had to make sure it was perfect as it would reflect on him, he needed to have the best start to his rule after all.
"Sweety why don't you take a rest" Queen Lilian tried to urge her son but Howard huffed "leave him be, my love" (name) was always the serious one compared to his sister which said something, the two very different in their attitudes in life and (name) just wanted the kingdom to go in a better direction "will you be... Inviting your sister to the wedding"
"Her and the family are invited yes, it will take them till the coronation to get here" he never met his nieces or nephews but he was curious about them... He never saw an ogre baby.
He didn't see charming till three and a half weeks after the ball, a dinner party this time, the two set right beside each other as Charming looked at the strong king to be, wanting to provoke him to get another one of this reactions again but the other just sighed "why do you insist on my attention? Haven't I already told you?" He grumbled and charming just seemed giddy at the glare "come now, you can't possibly not like me~" he flirted and (name) just looked at him blankly before returning to his meal, the other guests giggling quietly at them, to the others it sounded like an old married couple bickering.
It wasn't until the end of the night when (name) had enough, and dragged charming to a forgotten hallway where the blond grinned but his breath was knocked out when (name) had him pinned to the wall, nose inches from his own "can you kindly fuck off? I know your angle and frankly I'm not impressed by your insistence! You are fully aware I have no intentions of being with someone who is only after the crown and yet you p e r s i s t" his voice cold and deep and he would have pulled away if it weren't for the raging erection that pressed against (name)s thigh "oh dear..." Charming and (name) both looked down and (name) sighed "were you being annoying and such for a reaction due to your degradation kink?" He asked bored and Charming sputtered out some things and looked flustered much to the normally serious kings to be amusement "oh please! Like I would do something like that! What do you take me for?! Some harlot?!"
Things connected for (name), he probably wanted him for the crown at first then realized he was into how blunt and such (name) was and subconsciously seeked out insults once he figured out he liked being put in his place.
It made sense, seeing as he needed attention constantly.
"I just don't understand how she could do something so /tacky/! It's completely disgusting to be wearing such clashing color combinations and think it's fashion!" Charming grumbled as he had his face mask on, doing his nails as (name) read the paper and listened to his husband bitch about what Snow white did, his crown on a pillow on the bedside as was charmings on his side "can you believe it!"
"I can hardly believe it, my dear" (name) mumbled as Charming huffed but knew (name) was listening, he was always listening to the blonds words even if you (name) it was absolute nonsense as he slept on the others broad shoulder and (name) flicked off the lamp that hung on the wall.
"Goodnight my love"
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I am so into Lenny treating Midge’s kids like his own!!!!! It is simply too cute!!!! Were there specific instances when the kids started treating him like their dad?
Steiner's has a couple of little boats available to go fishing, and Lenny makes a point to take one out a few times when he's there.
He's dressed and ready early - even before Abe is up, and he's surprised to find Ethan sitting outside on the porch, also dressed for the day.
"You're not usually a morning person," Lenny points out as he picks up the little bucket of supplies by the door. "What's up?"
Ethan shrugs. "I was hoping you'd take me with you."
Lenny grins. "You haven't wanted to get since you were little."
The kid shrugs again. "Can I?"
"Course you can. They've got extra poles near the docks."
They head in that direction, enjoying the coolness of the morning, and once they get there, Lenny helps him pick a fishing rod, and does a refresher on getting the bait on properly.
Then it's boat time, and soon, they're both quietly waiting for a bite, not too far from the docks.
"So?" Lenny asks. "You just had a yen for fishing this morning?"
"Kinda," the twelve-year-old says as he looks out at the water. "But...I was hoping we could talk. Man to man."
Lenny nods. "Sounds serious."
Ethan nods. "Pop called Ma a real bad name last night. Real bad."
"She didn't mention," Lenny says slowly, looking concerned.
"She didn't want you to get upset," Ethan explains. "But it bothers me. And Esther, too, but I couldn't wake her up early enough to catch you."
"Well, she's only eight, and your bubbe stuffed her full of candy last night," Lenny chuckles. "So, your mother didn't want to talk about it, but it bothers you, and if you go to your father, he'll be Joel about it? Am I reading the lake right?"
Ethan nods. "That's the basics."
"Okay. What'd he say?" Lenny asks.
"He called Ma a junkie's whore."
Lenny freezes. "Uh...huh."
"Esther didn't really know what it meant, but I do," Ethan says. "And I don't like it. And I need your help."
Lenny takes a breath, saving his anger at Joel for later. He'll have to talk to Midge about this one, and it won't be pretty. "You know you've got my help."
"I don't wanna spend time with Pop for a while," Ethan tells him. "You're nicer to Ma, and actually, you're nicer to Esther and me, too. So...if we could just maybe...take a break"
Lenny feels a tug on his line and starts reeling it in. "You know that if it were just up to me, you could take as much of a break as you wanted. But it's a big conversation that will have to involve both your parents. But if it helps, I'm on your side."
Ethan frets. "Pop's never gonna go for it."
"He might not have a choice," Lenny shrugs. "If you and your sister really don't want to be around him for a while, I have a feeling that if he and your mother try to make you, you're going to make things difficult."
The kid smirks.
Lenny chuckles as he pulls up a good sized fish from the lake. "Hey! Breakfast!"
Ethan laughs. "Yuck, for breakfa-" he doesn't get to finish as there's an aggressive tug on his line. "Whoa."
"Oh, you got a big one," Lenny marvels. "You got it?"
"I-" Ethan starts to slip forward. "I don't got it."
"Hold on. Don't let go of the rod, keep reeling it in!" He gets up and stands behind him, helping him hold the rod. "Jesus, kid, did you find a dead body?"
"Oh man, that'd be cool!"
"No, it would not, I get into enough trouble with the law already!" He grabs the rod, helping to steady it, and eventually, they manage to pull up the biggest fish Lenny has ever hooked. "Holy hell, kid. That is some catch!"
"Now THAT is breakfast," Ethan comments.
Lenny laughs.
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Emerge From Water - 02
Chapter 2
Summary + Chapter list:
The next seven days passed by quickly, and Harry had received the return letter mentioning their shock about Harry’s lack of knowledge regarding the Wixen World, which struck him as odd because how big and wide spread is the Wixen World and how was he connected to it. Thankfully, the letter also promised to send a Professor to explain.
Though, before Harry could contemplate, a knock on the door distracted him. Harry watched as Petunia walked up to the door with a plastered fake smile to greet the guest. Yet, when she opened it, her face lost all colour to it, “You!” She scowled at the guest, who was a man with slightly long hair and dressed in a black business suit and had a sneer on his lips.
“Tuney.” The man drawled, “Where is the boy, I am a busy man, I need to finish this quickly.” Saying that, he glanced across the room to see Harry cooking in rags and a look of fury passed his face. “You disgust me Tuney.”
Petunia spluttered in offence, “You freaks left him on my door! I didn’t even want a freak! My sister was enough!” She shrieked. “Get out! That boy is going nowhere!” Harry, who had the forethought silently slipped into the cupboard without alarming anyone to change into better clothes, Harry despised being dirty. 
As he changed, Harry prayed to whoever would listen that the man would take him to the school, Harry didn’t want to stay with Petunia and Vernon. Harry also quickly put everything of value, like the wooden box, into a backpack and waited to see the result of the screaming match.
Suddenly, the cupboard swung open and Petunia’s hand roughly grabbed his arm and yanked him out. “You! Get out and never come back again!” She pushed Harry onto the man, “Grab your things and leave!” But the push had triggered Harry’s anger that he kept in check, “So you knew? How could you keep this from me? Was my Mum different too? Is that why you said she died in a car accident!? HOW COULD YOU!?” 
And as always, his anger brought his magic to life and things started to float until Harry snapped back into reality and stopped everything as he heaved heavy breaths. His Mother died for him, she died bravely and should be respected rather than being called a whore by her pathetic sister.
“Enough.” The man demanded sternly, and Harry quietly nodded and went to retrieve his things, “I’ll be back in a minute.” And true to his words, Harry came back in a minute with his backpack ready to leave. The man then sneered at Petunia before turning and walking out the door. Harry followed with his head up, he rather die than return to the Dursleys.
Harry cautiously watches the man raise a stick, up in the air, and then silently pulls Harry back. Before Harry could ask, a large purple bus appears and the man shoves Harry into the bus and directs him to a seat. “Diagon Alley.” He spoke curtly as he handed the bus driver the money before sitting in front of Harry.
“Well, Mister Potter, what exactly do you know of our world?” He asks in lieu of a greeting. Harry scans the man’s features, a hooked nose, pale skin and slightly greasy hair. “I know of nothing, Aunt Petunia, decided it was for the best to lie about my parents, so I am unsure if what she told is the truth or lies.”
The looks slightly taken aback with the amount of scathing hatred Harry had for his Aunt, but he schooled his expressions so effortlessly that Harry was jealous. 
“Well, I am Professor Severus Snape, and I will start from the beginning, we are Wixen, people born from Magic and Nature Herself.” Harry listened with great concentration, as he tried to avoid the temptation to take out a notebook to write in. 
“We Wixen, banded together and hid away from the Muggles, non-magical people, for centuries to avoid another Witch Trials.” Professor Snape stopped to see if Harry was following, and over their five minute bus ride, Snape had explained how Wixen had three types of Magic, Light, Neutral and Dark, and that the type of Magic you have dictates which branches of Magic suits you better. Harry wondered what type of Magic he had. It turns out Magic type were genetics, rarely did it change. 
Harry also learned that the majority of the old families are Pagan, they devoted themselves to certain holidays and Gods. Professor Snape also informed Harry of the shopping districts Wixen made; they were heading to the most commonly visited district called ‘Diagon Alley’. If Harry could ask questions, he wasn’t aware how the Professor would react to him asking questions or else he wanted to inquire about the other ten magical schools besides Hogwarts.
Professor Snape paused as they got off at a pub-like building before continuing. - The Leaky Cauldron - The surrounding of the pub was crowded as people moved from left to right speaking about Harry Potter as Harry himself hid behind the Professor.
The Professor had said that they would talk about the war and Harry’s parents after shopping. With that being said, the teacher had led Harry to a large building, that was a bank, with weird writing written on it and the words; ‘Fortius Quo Fidelius’. “Strength through Loyalty.” Harry murmured, the Latin books Harry read came in handy after all, besides its usage in the spellcrafting he had done after being inspired by story books from the Library.
Walking in, Harry realised the bank tellers weren’t human at all, at Harry’s dumbfounded look, Professor Snape whispered, “They are Goblins, they take care of all of the Wixen money and vaults, so show respect.” Harry nodded and silently stepped in line with the teacher.
After a few minutes it was their turn, and the Professor handed the goblin behind the desk a key, “I would like a private room.” He said, leaving no room to argue against. The Goblin looked up and barked for another Goblin called Griphook to take Harry and the Professor to a private room as requested after handing back the key.
Griphook led them into a beautifully decorated room before curtly asking, “What business do you have?” Professor Snape showed the key to the Goblin, “I have business with the Potter Goblin.” Griphook sneered but nodded and left the room.
Harry could help but ask, “Why is that key important?” The Professor turned to face Harry and handed him the key, “This is the key to your money, and before you ask why I have it, I was given to it by your Magical Guardian.” Harry must have let the alarm he felt slip onto his face because the Professor continued, “A Magical Guardian cannot remove anything from the vault unless given permission by you.”
That tidbit of information did calm Harry down, but he still had a question, “What is a Magical Guardian?” But before Harry could receive an answer, another gruff voice interrupted, “Why in Gaia’s name does Heir Potter-Black not know of a Magical Guardian?” The newly entered Goblin seemed furious at the information, so Harry didn’t want to make a mistake by not replying, “I wasn’t aware I was a wizard until last week.”
The Goblin looked murderous, but gestured to the wizards to sit down on the couches in the room. “Heir Potter-Black, I need you to do an Inheritance Test whilst that works its magic, I’ll explain exactly what a Magical Guardian is.” Harry nodded his consent and the Goblin flicked a bowl and a knife towards him. “Three drops, exactly.” 
Harry picked up the knife only to be stopped by Professor Snape, “You’re a child, you’ll ruin it, palm up.” The Professor spoke sternly without giving Harry time to be offended by the slight against him, but Harry listened and offered his non-dominant hand. 
It took a few seconds and the bowl was filled with three drops of blood and left to the side. “I am Craftblade, the Goblin incharge of the Potter and Black Family vaults at Gringotts.” Craftblade introduced himself, yet it left Harry with more questions. “Vaults, as in plural?” He questioned and Craftblade nodded yes.
“We will get to that,” He said, “But first, a Magical Guardian is a person assigned by the birth parents to take care of you. Originally, your Magical Guardian was Sirius Orion Black, the recently named Lord Black, and one of your parents.”
It took Harry more than an entire minute, “Is he dead? Mum mentioned Sirius when she was crying about someone named Peter doing something against them.” Harry felt like crying, he had another parent, God knows how, but he could have met Sirius. “What about Remus?” He asked after realising Craftblade hadn’t mentioned Remus.
Mentioning Remus made Professor Snape sneer for some reason, but Harry couldn’t care less right now. “Mr. Lupin is alive, but you have not met him yet because werewolves are forbidden from entering Muggle populated areas.” And wasn’t that a shock, Harry knew realistically anything could be possible, but werewolves wouldn’t be his top choice.
The Goblin interrupted Harry’s thoughts before the conversation changed, “Heir Potter-Black, would you be willing to submit your memory for court to help with Ironclaw’s - the Goblin who deals legalities - case for Lord Black’s lack of trial?” Harry nodded as fast as possible, “Yes!” He didn’t even care if it hurt. Then Harry frowned, “Lack of trial?” But rather than answering straightforwardly, Craftblade nodded and replied, “We will get back to that.” 
“You are the Heir to the Ancient and Noble Houses of Potter and Black, you were named Heir the day you were born.” The Goblin flicked a sheet of paper towards Harry, “Buy if needed, and read these books, I will compile all of your vaults’ information and get back to at a later date as I finally realised as to why none of my letters were delivered.” 
That information rubbed Harry the wrong way, “Was someone stealing my mail?” Craftblade stared straight at Harry and grinned bloodthirsty, “The rest of your mail was redirected to Gringotts and was organised into categories that you can revisit at a later date.”
Harry then remembered something and asked, “Who is my Magical Guardian currently? Can it be changed? And have my parents left wills?” The people in the room assessed Harry’s questions with raised eyebrows, most would assume he was an innocent and naive child, but Severus knew better, Potter had lived with Petunia, she held no love for anything related to Lily. Severus suddenly felt a pang of sadness.
Craftblade nodded, “Your current Magical Guardian is Albus Dumbledore, and it can be changed, but I think you would prefer not to have a Guardian at all, and it is possible to do if you accept the Heirship and/or Lordship Rings.” The Goblin explained as three small reptile skin boxes appeared in front of Harry.
Tentatively, Harry picked one of the smaller boxes first, the box was labelled as Potter Heir Ring, then Harry looked at the bigger box, it too was labelled as Potter, but instead it was the Lordship Ring. Hence, Harry put down the box in his hand and chose to wear the Lordship Ring, it would hold more power, and in an unknown world, the more power he had, the safer he would be.
The Potter Lordship Ring was made of gold and had rubies embedded in it with the centrepiece being a deer’s head with its antlers being made of onyx. Harry adored it, and if Harry wasn’t going mad, the Ring seemed to adore him too.
“I have missed you.” Harry doesn’t know why he said it but it felt right. Then a rush of Magic wraps around Harry like a tight embrace, Harry feels loved and cared for. Calming himself, Harry moved on to the Black Heir Ring, it too was made onyx, but was embedded with shards of diamond shaped as miniature stars. It felt much different to the Potter Ring, it felt cold but welcoming in a bizarre way. Harry knew from the Magic that surrounded him that the Ring expected great things from him and would accept nothing less.
Harry took a few minutes to centre himself before turning to the rest of the people in the room, “It’s been a half hour, and we still need to go shopping.” With that being said, the bowl left aside was brought in front of them again. 
Professor Snape wanted to give the illusion of privacy and got up to move back just as Craftblade activated privacy wards. Harry nodded in acknowledgement, and turned to the Craftblade, who handed him a paper. 
Name: Izar Harrison James Potter-Black
His name caught Harry’s eye as he didn’t know his first name was Izar, what else had he been deprived of.
Birthday: 31/07/1980
Birth Parents; 
Mother - Lily Rosaline Potter nee Evans - Deceased
Father(s) - James Fleamont Potter - Deceased
    - Sirius Orion Black-Lupin (Adopted by Blood and Magic) - Alive//Wrongful Incarnated
GodMother(s) - Marlene  Jessica Mckninnon - Deceased
           - Alice Holly Longbottom nee Fortescue - Incapacitated due to Injury 
GodFather(s)  - Sirius Orion Black-Lupin (No Longer Applicable due to Blood Adoption)
           - Remus John Black-Lupin (Can not provide Guardianship under updated version of the 1947 Register.)
- Main; Lord to the Ancient and Noble House of Potter
Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Black
*Please remember most of the Wixen world is interrelated, hence many heirships are possible but are not included if not considered one the first three in line for the Heirship.
Family Magics; 
- Inherited: - Full ParselTongue - Potter Family Magic 
      - Half Metamorphmagus - Black Family Magic
*Certain Family Magic can be inherited in some capacity and/or limit.
- Gifted: - None
*Certain Magic can be inherited in some capacity and/or limit.
*Deities can give and take given Magic at any time they wish.
- Conquered: - None
*Can be given certain Magics if requirements are met.
- Residual: - Αφροδίτη Μαργαριτάρια δάκρυα - Aphrodite’s Magic in the form of Pearls made of tears.
*Residual Magic refers to Magic left by the interventions of Gods and Deities.
Creature Inheritance;
*Creature abilities inherited by Creature Blood present in the bloodline.
- Inherited: None.
*Certain Creature Blood can be inherited in some capacity and/or limit.
- Gifted: None.
*Certain Creature Blood can be gifted in some capacity and/or limit.
*Deities can give and take given Magic at any time they wish.
Potter Family: Seer
Black Family: Metamorphmagus 
Magical Guardian: Unneeded per emancipation under Magic’s Will and Law.
Previous: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
Properties and Vaults:
*Ask Goblin incharge of Vaults to provide a list of properties and vaults.
It was a lot to take in, but it explained some things like his tears, but Harry had a lot of questions. “What is blood adoption? What is Family Magic? How does Residual Magic affect me? And are there books to read about these?” The Goblin frowned when Harry asked about Residual Magic, but explained the rest first.
“Blood Adoption is a way to adopt children in both the sense of blood and Magic. You could add another parent or even rewrite your own genetics into a child removing the previous parents’ genes.” Harry nodded along, that made sense, and that reminded Harry that Sirius could be given a proper trial, since according to the Goblins, Sirius was never given one to begin with. 
Craftblade then moved onto the next question, “Family Magic is Magic based on the family itself, it usually deals with gifts like Parseltongue, the ability to speak to snakes, and Metamorphmagus, the ability to shapeshift.” He explained as he pointed to the Family Magic section, “It also deals with any creature blood present in a blood line.” 
Then the Goblin’s terrifying and small finger pointed at the heading, ‘Residual Magic’, “As listed, somewhere along the lines, Her Ladyship, Aphrodite intervened and left Divine Residual Magic that manifests in..” Craftblade looked at Harry for an answer.
“My tears turn into pearls, I have them on me currently, would you like to see?” Harry answered as he pulled his backpack closer to take out the wooden box. Seeing the Goblin nod, Harry brought out the box and removed a pearl, only to notice how Craftblade’s eye widened at the pearls.
“Pure Magic.” The Goblin said breathlessly, “There are only a few ways to produce it, and it is still very rare to get your hands on it.” Craftblade then urged Harry to put the pearls back into the backpack, “Do not let them be seen, though I would recommend keeping them at either Potter, or Black Ancestral Manor.”
Harry then remembered that special items like his tears also appeared in books and movies and were very highly coveted for all reasons, and people would do anything to get their hands onto them. So Harry swiftly put the box back.
The Goblin then regained his bearing, and brought over two huge files labelled Potter and Black respectively. “Mentioning the Ancestral houses, I would recommend waiting a few days before living in one of the properties, so in the meantime you can have a team of Goblins check the houses for any damage and renovations.” As he explained, Harry flipped through the Potter files first, he had no idea he was so rich!
The Craftblade removed the wards and beckoned Professor Snape, it felt slightly colder, but Harry assumed it was his imagination. The Professor silently took a seat, “The reading of the late Lord and Lady Potter’s Will shall commence in three days time, on August the third, and according to laws, both Lord Black and the current head of the Department of Magical Laws Enforcement, Lady Bones, will be present.”
Professor Snape sharply nodded as Harry accepted a pouch and card from Craftblade, “The pouch is linked to all of your vaults, all you have to do is think about it and it will appear,” He spoke as Harry inspected the palm sized black and silver lined money pouch. “I also added the Vault files, Inheritance Test, and wards that are keyed just to your Magic.” Then the Goblin pointed at the simple rose gold coloured card, “You can also pay by the Gringotts card, many establishments will accept them.” 
Harry nodded along before standing, they had been at the bank for roughly over an hour, “Thank you for the help Craftblade, have a wonderful day.” He thanked the Goblin, as he collected his money pouch and card and placed it into his backpack. Harry then removed his book list from the bag and gently picked up the list of books Craftblade provided.
Harry then followed the Professor out of the bank after completing formalities. Checking the time, it was only 10:00 in the morning, and they had already spent the past hour and half at the bank. Harry had hoped it would have been done earlier, but there was no avoiding it. 
Now, the first thing on Harry’s list was to go to Ollivander’s to get his Wand. The shop the Professor led Harry to looked dusty, that was the best way Harry could describe it but he remained silent. “I wondered when I would be seeing you, Mr Potter,” An excited voice said as an old man slid across the shelves to reveal himself. “It seems as if it was only yesterday that I was handing your Mother and Fathers their Wands.”
Harry watched in interest as Mr Ollivander pulled out a Wandbox and handed Harry a Wand, “Give a swish!” Harry nodded and lightly waved the Wand, suddenly an entire rack of boxes fell off the racks. Apologetically, Harry put back the Wand. They repeated the process for another twenty minutes before Mr Ollivaner silently pulled out another Wand, “I wonder.” He murmured and that put Harry on the edge.
Trying the Wand Harry felt a connection yet the strangest thing happened, the wood itself burned leaving a beautiful red feather in its place. Before Harry could apologise, Mr Ollivander intervened happily, “It has been a while since something like this has happened!” He spoke cheerily, “Well, pick it up and follow me.”
Harry turned to look at the Professor who nodded his agreement leaving Harry to follow the eccentric Wandmaker. Harry followed Ollivander into a workroom of sorts, it was quite messy. The old man beckoned Harry to a table of boxes, “Hand me the feather, and I want you to reach out and pick the box your magic has the strongest pull to.” Harry then quietly waved his hand above the boxes until he picked one labelled, ‘Horned Serpent’.
The choice had Ollivander staring at Harry, “When a Core connects with a Wixen but the wood is unsuited, then it might separate and leaves the wood an ugly charred look,” He explained as he usher Harry to another table lined up with boxes, “But, if the wood breaks in multiple pieces, that means not only is the wood incompatible with the Wixen, the core needs another Wand Core to balance it out.”
Ollivander then opened the box to show Harry a horn, “Horned Serpent Cores signify a sensitivity to Parselmouth.” Harry’s face must have shown confusion, so the Wandmaker continued, “Snake speakers, Mr Potter, but fear not, I do not explain sold Wands unless necessary.” Harry understood the subtle meaning of Ollivander’s words, the Wixen world did not accept Parselmouths. 
Repeating the process with the boxes once more, Harry picked out a box labelled ‘Ebony’. “Ebony represents people that stick to their own beliefs and care not of the opinions of others.” Ollivander responded to Harry’s choice in wood before ushering Harry to the front of the store where Snape was waiting. 
“It will take me a little over an hour without distractions, so I recommend doing the rest of your shopping first and then returning here.” With that being said, Harry and the Professor went ahead to get to the ‘Trunks and Tents’ to buy Harry a trunk. In a record time of fifteen minutes, Harry walked out of the store with a Trunk with a hundred and thirty book spaced library compartment and an entire closet and potion storage area. Besides that, it also came with the standard enlarged space with three compartments for school supplies and extra space for anything that didn’t fit in the closet. 
It cost a lot, but it was worth it. Harry then went to the shop right next to ‘Trunks and Tents’ called; ‘Scribbulus Writing Instruments’ to get an array of quills and inks. Before leaving, Harry also grabbed an Owl Order Catalog after the Professor explained that Harry could order anything to wherever he was with his ring. 
After getting his writing supplies, Harry was escorted to the clothing stores to buy his uniforms. “Professor, which place is preferable to get an entire wardrobe?” Harry asked as they walked down the Alley. The Professor said nothing, but rather stirred Harry to a shop called ‘Twilfitt and Tattings’. Walking into the store, Harry understood why this was preferable to the other store they had passed called, ‘Madam Malkins’. 
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ljxlj48 · 3 years
My duty, as princess
chapter 02
Tumblr media
Lee Jeno x fem reader
Preview, 01, 02
Genre: arranged marriage au!
Warnings: explicit language
Word Count: 5.7K
Authors Note: I feel like this chapter is kind of confusing so my bad for that.  Also I hope there’s someone that actually enjoys this story because idk what I’m really doing lol 
Finally, you laid in your bed, you finished getting the Na family settled. There was Lord Na, and his wife Lady Na. The lord was the brother of the queen, their parents also came. They insisted you call them grandfather Na and grandmother Na, instead of their names. Then Lord Na’s son, Na Jaemin. 
When escorting the Na family to their own personal chambers, there was a few minutes. A few minutes alone with the infamous Na Jaemin. The tales of Na Jaemin have made it around the palace more than once. As soon as the maids heard about the early arrival of the Na family, the talk was nonstop.
According to Fei and Mei, Na Jaemin was a ‘whore,’ a ‘flirt,’ the ultimate playboy. The paparazzi of Northcy would picture Jaemin with a different girl. There’s even the rumor that Jaemin doesn’t have a preference. When you saw him, his smile, the way he walked, how he talked, you understood. Jaemin always had his head tilted a little to the right, whenever you spoke, he made direct eye contact. It was captivating, memorizing, it made sense why men and women praised the ground he walked on. 
“You’re very beautiful, Princess,” Jaemin said to you when you escorted him to his chambers, “my cousin is a lucky man.” 
Those are the words that you thought about as you slept.  
Luncheon with grandmother Na, Lady Na, and the Queen, that is where you sat at the moment.  The middle of the palace’s private garden, wearing a peach tea length satin dress, across from Lady Na.  She wore a shin length straight skirt, that was a lavender color, a simple off-white straight neck lined blouse, tucked into her skirt. She kept her head down during the majority of the luncheon, refusing to look the Queen directly in the eye.  The queen never addressed Lady Na either, rather speaking to Grandmother Na.  
“Jaeyeon, this isn’t your wedding, allow the girl to speak,” Grandmother Na spoke in a scolding tone, looking at her daughter disapprovingly.  
“It’s quite alright grandmother Na,” you started off, unsure what else to say.  You preferred not to talk about the wedding at all, still hoping for a way out of this union. If by some miracle there was a way you could deny this. 
“Well, it is your wedding after all, you do have a say in this right?” Grandmother Na asked you, almost daring to say the truth. 
“Of course, Grandmother Na,” is what you opted to say, instead of ‘Of course not, if I had any say, this wouldn’t be happening, if I had a say I would not be here, if I had a say this would never have even been an option.’ I am not allowed a say; is what you thought to yourself.  
The queen had seemed to pick up on your discomfort of the topic, opting to change it.  “How is home, mother?” The Queen looked to her mother with what appeared to be hopeful eyes.  
“Home is just alright, Jennie has started a charity, the first event will take place just before the new year,” Grandmother Na said looking at Lady Na, her head remained lowered though.  
“This is the first I am hearing about this, I hope you didn’t plan to not invite me,” the Queen said, her voice sounding condescending as ever.  It was like Queen Jaeyeon was becoming a different person before your eyes. 
“Of course, you’re invited your majesty, I would never purposely leave you out,” Lady Na spoke, her eyes not meeting the queen’s.  It was obvious Queen Jaeyeon didn’t like her sister-in-law. 
“By my name, must you act so high and mighty, Na Jaeyeon,” Grandmother Na spoke out, the same scolding tone returning just much worse this time around.  “Jennie has done nothing but try to earn your approval, and nothing she ever does seems to meet the criteria.  Jennie was your lady-in-waiting for your wedding, she didn’t ask for anything during her wedding, she waited until after it was confirmed that you were pregnant to get pregnant, she has continued to do good work, while taking care of me and your father, as well as making your brother happy.  The least you can do is pretend to like her for one lunch.” Grandmother Na slammed her hands down on the table looking at her daughter furiously.  
After Grandmother Na finished her rant, the Queen was red in the face, the anger clearly evident.  Lady Na was the first to speak, after an overly extended amount of silence, “If you don’t mind, I shall excuse myself.” 
“No, we don’t mind,” Grandmother Na huffed out, her eyes still trained on Queen Jaeyeon, “my dear princess (y/n), please escort Lady Na back to her chambers,” Grandmother Na spoke now looking at you softly.  
“Of course.”
You and Lady Na walked towards the grand staircase, up to the second level, the majority of the bedrooms remained on that level. Lady Na kept her eyes trained on the floor, almost like a maid would.  The outfit she wore was too simple to be considered classy, it was too commoner like.  Her hands looked rough, like a laborer’s hands.  Her skin seemed aged, too dry in certain areas, and littered with sun spots.  It was all too clear, Lady Na didn’t come from a prominent family, she was a civilian.  
“I was a maid,” Lady Na spoke almost as if she could hear the revelation you made in your mind. “I worked for the Na family, I arrived at their house when I was 14.  My parents died in an accident, there was no money set aside for me, and the job of a maid comes with housing as well as food.  When I went to work, Joon was only 16, and I didn’t try to weasel my way into a better life.  I was content being a maid, I certainly wasn’t overjoyed with the idea of working, cleaning up after two spoiled brats, but I made peace with it.  I had a job, a way of making money, I had a place to sleep and I had food, I was content.  Me and Joon didn’t start getting close, until after Jaeyeon was engaged to the crown prince at the time.  She left home and Joon didn’t have his best friend, he turned to the maid that was there from before.  I didn’t seduce him to buy a ticket to an easy life, I love every part of my husband and no matter what Jaeyeon tells you.  Even if Joon had nothing, I would still love him.” Lady Na looked at you, she was tired, tired of trying to please an unpleasable woman, you feared you would become Lady Na.  Will you become tired of trying to please Queen Jaeyeon? 
By the time Lady Na finished you were already outside of her chamber doors.  “I apologize for my outburst, you didn’t deserve that,” she spoke to you, before you could even think of a response, she was already shutting the door.  Leaving you to your thoughts, a maid has married the brother of the queen, that must’ve made quite the headline for the papers and evening news.  
Slowly make your way to your bedroom, it seemed as if now you never saw Fei or Mei.  The two of them often moved in silence, seemingly coming out of the shadows when you needed them.  They were nearby though, you could feel their presence, it was close.  As you neared, it looked as if someone was waiting by your door.  It most definitely wasn’t your two guards, it seemed like even Chan and Hyunjin got busy, leaving you more lonely than ever in a palace full of people. 
It was Jaemin, Jaemin stood outside of your doors, hands behind his back looking towards the ceiling.  “Something interesting up there?” you asked standing next to Jaemin now looking at the ceiling.  
“Ah princess, I was wondering if I could have a private word with you?” Jaemin asked, looking at you, with the head tilt and direct eye contact.  
“What would you like to discuss?” 
“Privately please,” Jaemin said, gesturing towards your doors.  He wore white tight pants, with black boots that went over his pants, and a long sleeved button up tucked in.  A pair of black gloves in one hand, he must’ve just finished a horse ride.  ‘Me and Jaemin are racing tomorrow morning,’ that’s what Jeno said the night before at dinner.  
“Very well”
Jaemin and you sat at the table placed in front of the large window.  Fei had brought in a fresh brewed tea, shortly after she saw you entered your room, you knew they were close, hiding in the shadows, waiting for you to call them out.  Jaemin sipped his tea admiring the view of the courtyard, his head tilting side to side often.  
“Do you want to marry Jeno?” Jaemin blurted out, now looking at you.  No, Jaemin’s gaze was reaching deeper, he wasn’t looking at you, but looking into you, into your soul, your heart of hearts.  “I am asking you as the cousin of your fiance, and I want you to answer me as my cousin’s fiance.  Not Princess (y/n) of the Modia Kingdom, but just (y/n).” 
Jaemin was asking you, the person you, not the princess you, he was asking just you.  He was asking you if you wanted to marry Jeno.  The answer was quite simple without the titles. “No, I do not want to marry Jeno.” 
“Alright, I’ll make the arrangements,” Jaemin said, getting up from his seat making his way out of your chambers. 
“Excuse me? Arrangements? What are you talking about?” You asked as you stood to follow Jaemin.  
“My cousin doesn’t want to be married and neither do you, so I will make arrangements to get you out of this palace and on a flight back home in one week. We shall be in contact, Princess.” Jaemin said exiting the room leaving you in utter shock.  Can Jaemin possibly do that? Have you, on a plane back home in a week? I mean you could get yourself on a plane back home, it’s not like anyone was holding you hostage. 
Before the arrival of the Na Family days bled into each other, meetings always seemed to overlap. Now that the Na family was here it seemed as if the days dragged on longer and longer. Your lunchtime was always with a new different person, of the Na family. 
Lunch with grandmother Na, was filled with stories from Jeno and Jaemin's childhood, apparently those two were thick as thieves. Always running around the palace pulling absurd pranks and just causing trouble, and Haechan played with them often.  
Lunch with Lady Na, was more filled with advice on what to do after the wedding. How to act, talk, walk, dress around the family. You felt pity for Lady Na, she never lived up to the expectations, and all she wanted was to feel like she belonged to the family. 
Grandfather Na, told stories of his time in the war. Lunch with him was the most unbearable. He spoke of his triumphs, the battles he won, the people he’s killed. Your people, the men and women you sworn to protect, the people that willingly gave their life to defend. By the time lunch was over with Grandfather Na, you felt sick to your stomach, tears flowed freely down your face. You even refused to go down for dinner, unable to sit and dine with that man. Rumor has it grandmother Na gave scolding to him, but the words were already spoken. 
Lunch with Jaemin was filled with the plan to get you out of the country. You were to leave the palace at midnight, and drive to a private airstrip, owned by Lord Huang, whom apparently owed Jaemin a favored. There you would board a private plane that will fly to Teraha. In Teraha, you would spend a year traveling across the country eventually crossing the border into Modia. By that time the union between you and Jeno will have been dissolved and you would no longer be “missing.” 
“It’s perfect Princess, you would have been missing from Northcy for an entire year, there’s no way they would hold you to a year old union. And if you’re unsure, you could always extend your missing period,” Jaemin said, certain his plan would work, “if I didn’t believe in this plan myself I wouldn’t have suggested it, your highness.” 
“Are you sure Jaemin?”
“Of course I am Princess. The biggest issue isn’t what to do when you left the country, it’s how to leave the country unseen. Luckily for you, I can provide passage out of the country undetected.”
Jaemin’s plan left you wondering, could you really escape? Leave this unwanted marriage? Have freedom? No one said you had to be “found,” you could pull out enough cash and exchange it for Teraha currency, to at least start a life there. There’s no doubt that as soon as you left Northcy, you could survive and not have to go back. 
The day finally came. That morning, after Fei and Mei helped you dress, you made your way to breakfast with Lady Na, Grandmother Na, and the Queen. There was more talk of wedding arrangements and guest seating. The conversation seemingly dwelling on and on, you weren’t taking much interest in it. 
You stared at Lady Na, she was perfect in every way. The private luncheon with her, she acted as one should, she was respectful when speaking about every member of the family, she never said anything outrageous and chose all her words carefully. Even here at breakfast, she acted merely perfectly, her eyes trained downward, not to make direct contact with anyone unless warranted, she didn’t speak unless spoken to, you wouldn’t even notice she was here. You wondered, is this how it would be as Jeno’s wife? Would I be expected to be perfect? You thought and Jaemin’s plans became insatiably tempting. The idea of running far far away, living freely. 
You had to tell Chan, tell him of your plans. Tell him where to meet you. Of course you both couldn’t disappear together, they would know if you did. You would go, run away and live freely. Then after setting up a life, you would write to Chan, under a name only he would know. He would join you and you guys would be free, free to live happily ever after.  It seemed all too simple, too easy.  
Finally the sun set, and you were back in your private chambers. You sent Mei and Fei away for the night already. You slipped a note to Chan, explaining you needed him for a midnight escapade. Chan was to meet you at the back garage of the palace, at exactly 10 to midnight. 
You grabbed a leather duffel bag out of the closet, throwing in a week’s worth of clothes inside. Along with certain necessities needed.  Changing out of pajamas, into something warmer and more appropriate for a midnight escape. 
Earlier  in the day Jaemin slipped a note into your chambers explaining the route to the airstrip. Note in one hand and bag in the other you made your way down to the garage, and already there Chan was. He was in casual clothing, a pair of dark blue jeans, a regular hoodie with a leather jacket thrown over. 
“What is this midnight escapade, you have me going on?” He asked, looking you up and down. 
“I’ll explain, first get in” 
The two of you got in the car, you driving and him riding passenger. Chan thought back to summer nights in Modia, you were restless some nights. So Chan would sneak you out of the palace and take you to car meets that he and some of his friends would attend. That’s where you first learn to drive, where you first did a street race, where you first ran away from the police. You were a different person in Modia, a different person before the third letter. 
As you finished explaining what was going on you pulled up to the airstrip. “My princess, are you sure about this?” Chan asked you, as you both got out of the car to exchange seats. “I wouldn’t see this version of you doing this,” he came to your side of the car, as you stood right outside the door. In Modia, you were reckless, carefree, never one for following the rules. 
“I was sure, but being here, I don’t know anymore,” you said, honestly, you were those things, but you’re not anymore.  It was like when you go out and then all of a sudden life is drained from you and you just wanna curl up in bed. You were so excited, almost jumping out of your seat during lunch with Lord Na today, just aching to escape and be gone. You were prepared, ready for a new life. But now, being here, Jaemin and the plane ready to take you away in front of you, you weren’t so certain. 
“Whatever choice you make, my princess, you shall always have my support,” Chan offers with a genuine smile and knowing eyes. Unable to form words of gratitude, a simple nod being all you could manage. 
You made your way to Jaemin, stopping right in front of him. “Are you ready princess? Lidia will meet you when you land, she’ll get you situated in Teraha, with identification to help you get around the country. Teraha has been neutral territory since the start of the war, so there’s no need to worry if someone picks up on your accent.” 
“I can’t,” you start off, Jaemin’s mention of the war throws you back to reality. This marriage, this union between you and Jeno was ending a century old war. How could you be so selfish, you thought to yourself. The alliance being freshly formed, there’s no telling what would happen if you were to disappear. Northcy could declare war on Modia for not honoring the union, Modia could declare war for losing the only heir. Mother and father would be absolutely devastated, they would think they lost all of their children. Not to mention, your responsibilities, your people, your country. How could you ever think to turn your back on them? 
“I’m sorry Jaemin, I know this must’ve been a lot of work for you, but I can’t. I can’t run away from my responsibilities,” you said to the boy in front of you. He looked confused, like he didn’t understand the words coming out of your mouth. 
“You’re gonna marry Prince Jeno, princess?” 
“I am… it’s my responsibility to my people,” you said with a sigh. 
“You will be an unhappy princess,” Jaemin said with a firm look, he didn’t agree with your decision. “You will be alone, in a marriage with a man you don’t love. Your maids and guards will be sent back to Modia, you will have no one. You will be unhappy.” 
“Yes,” you breathed, pausing, unsure how to continue, “yes I will be unhappy, but isn’t it worth it? My unhappiness for thousands of lives? I will be unhappy and alone in Northcy, but I will save thousands of people, my people…  it is worth it to me.`` You turned and began to walk away from Jaemin back to the car where Chan sat waiting to see your decision. 
When you got in the car, the tears flowed freely, never stopping the entire ride to the palace. Chan placed one hand on your thigh and another on the driving wheel. You thought, there it goes. You've done it yourself, you have nailed your coffin shut. There was no turning back now. 
“I'm proud of you, my princess,” Chan said, pulling your hand to his lips, placing a chaste kiss. 
Jaemin stood there watching the car the princess got into drive away back towards the palace. Pulling the walkie-talkie, from the back of his pants. Bringing it up to his lips, pressing the button speaking into the mic. “Stand down, guard.” 
Jaemin was never gonna let the princess get away. There were palace guards on board the plane, waiting for the princesss to enter.  That was the plan, entice the princess with the idea of escaping the impending marriage. Allow her a way to get out of the country and when she boards the plane, palace guards will be there to restrain her and the union would have been broken. She would have been caught trying to willingly escape, going back on the union, allowing Northcy to invade the rest of Modia. 
Jaemin wanted the princess to turn his proposition away, but he wasn’t hopeful for it. Nevertheless, Jaemin left the airstrip glad you turned him away, glad that you wouldn’t be held prisoner in Northcy, glad that you were going back. 
Jeno paced his room back and forth awaiting news, the idea of catching the princess trying to escape was Jeno’s idea.  Jeno didn’t want to rule Northcy, he didn’t want to get married, so if the princess was caught trying to escape and go back on the union, that would throw his father for a loop.  The union would be postponed, alliances would have to be renegotiated, Northcy wouldn’t enter a time of peace and his father would stay on the throne. The ringing of Jeno’s phone pulled him from his thoughts.  A picture of Jeno and Jaemin appeared on the screen, it was from a ski trip a few years back.
“Hello? Jaems, is she on the plane?” Jeno spoke into the phone. 
“You owe me 10 mons dear cousin,”  Jaemin replied 
“You’re kidding right? She didn’t get on? Did you tell her she was gonna be unhappy here?”
“I did, and she said it was worth it.  Her unhappiness was worth thousands of lives, thousands of her people’s lives”
Jeno ended the conversation there, opting for a quick telling him to return to the palace and make sure no one knows of this.  Jeno didn’t like the princess, not one bit, but he sure as hell respected her. He respected the decision she made, the responsibilities she took on, the role she lives.  Jeno wasn’t planning on making this marriage work, but he decided that he wasn’t gonna make life difficult for the princess.  Jeno sat on his bed and thought to himself, ‘whatever, whomever, she wants, she will have, all she need do is ask.’ 
The next morning came, your head aching from all the crying you did.  You remembered laying in Chan’s arms crying as you two laid in bed, unsure of when you stopped or when you fell asleep.  Chan wasn’t in your bed anymore and it was probably best he wasn’t, but that didn’t mean you didn’t wish him in your bed.  Fei and Mei made their way in your room, helping you dress, they ignored your puffy eyes and pale look, but you knew that they knew.  To anyone else nothing seems out of the ordinary, but you knew better, you knew Fei and Mei, you knew that they knew.  
You had breakfast privately in your own chambers, grateful that no one called you down to eat.  You wanted to do nothing but hide away in your chambers, curl into bed and watch the world around you fall into a black abyss.  You pushed the food around, unable to bring the fork up to your mouth, nothing seeming to appeal to you.  
“Take it away,” you said to Mei as she stood in the corner watching you with sad eyes, Fei just joined her side, having finished setting the bed. 
“Yes, your highness,” as mei made her way to clean up your plate, there was a knock at your door. 
“Send them away, I don’t wish to see anyone right now,” you said with a dead look. 
“Yes, your highness,” Fei answered, she gave Mei a worried look, this was how the princess acted when the third letter came home. Mei quickly shook her head.  Fei made her way to the door and opened it to see Prince Jeno standing on the other side. Mei quickly made her way past Fei carrying the tray of food out the door. 
“Oh perfect, the princess finished breakfast already,” Jeno said, pushing his way past Fei into your chambers.  You stood against the windows looking down onto the courtyard, there were children down there playing, they were servants' children.  “Princess?” 
You turned around to see Jeno standing there, with hopeful eyes.  You didn’t have the energy for this, you needed time to mourn the loss of a what if life. “Fei, I said I didn’t want to see anyone right now.”
“I apologize, your highness.”
“I am sorry Prince Jeno, but now isn’t a good time,” Jeno looked at you utterly confused, you weren’t doing anything, why would this be a bad time? 
“Fei, leave us,” Jeno said with authority laced in his voice. 
“Yes, your highness,” now it was your turn to look confused, your maids never took orders from Jeno, they always looked for your approval before acting, but Fei quickly made her way to the door not even sparring you a second glance. 
“Princess, what is the issue?” Jeno asked, taking a stride to close the gap between you two.  
“Your highness, I am completely fine, there is no issue, now is just not a good time,” Jeno showed lots of emotion in his eyes, but so did you.  For royals trained to not allow anyone TO know what they thought, the eyes gave both you and your fiance away. 
“I do not believe that princess, would you like to try again?” Jeno was intimidating standing so close to you. You looked away not wishing to meet his gaze. 
“Jeno please,” you sighed, not wanting to do this right now.  
“Alright princess, but I need you to follow me”
“Why?” you asked, Jeno ignored your question, grabbing your hand lacing your fingers together pulling you out of the room.  Taken aback you stared at your hand laced together with Jeno’s, it was odd how the two fit so perfectly together, almost made for each other.  
As the two of you left your chambers, Chan and Hyunjin stared at you two, unsure if they should follow. After a moment they both followed you and the Prince, Chan looked down to your hand, his heart hurting at the sight.  Jeno had pulled you into his own private chambers, that was down the hall from your own.  Chan and Hyunjin stopped and posted guard outside the door, the ache in Chan’s heart growing as each second passed on.  
Jeno’s private chambers were similar to your own but larger and darker.  The walls were painted a dark gary, there was a balcony, the floor was littered with books here and there.  There was a couch in the middle, across the wall held a TV as well as what looked to be several game consoles. Spoiled you thought to yourself, the prince had many toys to keep himself occupied.  In between the couch and tv there sat a nice wood coffee table, on top a large package.  Jeno gestured towards the package, “for you,” was all he said.  
You took a step closely examining the package, it was a puppy.  A small doberman puppy, shock all too evident on your face.  You picked up the small gleaming puppy and held, what you assumed a he, close to your chest, petting him. “Hi there, do you have a name?” you asked looking for a dog tag on the collar.  “What is the meaning of this?” you said looking towards Jeno, the dead look no longer present. 
“I heard you had a dog, back home in Modia.  This won’t ever be home for you princess, but I hope this gift can offer some semblance of home,” Jeno said looking straight into you, just as Jaemin did only a little over a week ago. “You can name him what you want, it is a boy,” Jeno said, confirming your suspicions.  
“Thank you Jeno,” you said, although your dog back home wasn’t a dobermann, it was the idea that Jeno tried to make this new place a little homey that warmed your heart.  Now turning to look at the puppy in your arms, “What should we call you boy? Does your dad have any suggestions?” you asked, turning to look at Jeno not realizing what you said. 
Jeno looked at you shocked, quickly recovering, “I don’t know, what about gae?” 
“No, no, ilio?” you suggested. 
“No way, inu?” 
“No,” you gave Jeno a disgusted look, “it needs to be a strong name,” you said as you sat down on the couch placing the puppy on your lap, Jeno sitting next to you petting the puppy. 
“King?” Jeno suggested with a chuckle 
“Sarge?” Jeno grimaced at your suggestion 
“Hades,” Jeno said, looking at the dog, it was no longer a suggestion. 
“Hades,” you repeated, have chosen a name for the doberman puppy that sat in your lap.  You and Jeno spent the rest of your morning in his chambers playing with the dog.  He got the dog plenty of toys to play with and plenty of doggy treats as well.  Apparently Jeno left the place early this morning and went down to the city to get the puppy and all his stuff.  After hours of you and Jeno playing with the dog, the dead look has left your eyes long ago, you thought maybe this union wouldn’t be as bad as you imagined. 
You laid on the couch, the puppy curled up next to you taking a nap, your eyes felt heavy as well. Jeno sat on the floor, back against the couch, there was a movie playing on the tv, too tired to try to pay attention.  Jeno looked over his shoulder looking at the puppy curled next to you, hoping that this would be enough for you for right now.  There was a knock at the door, pulling Jeno from his thoughts and to his feets.  The knock startled you awake, now sitting up, Jeno sparring you a glance to make sure you were alright for a guest. 
“Come in,” Jeno’s voice was cold, calculated, borderline strained. 
The door pushed open to reveal Jaemin and Haechan, the two making their way into the room. Jaemin dressed simply wearing jeans and some sneakers, with a hoodie on top. Haechan dressed a little more formal, having jeans, with sneakers but instead of a hoodie, he wore a nice dress shirt.  “What is going on here?” Haechan asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
“Jeno,” You started, stopping to correct your mistake, “Prince Jeno, gave me a very generous gift,” you slightly bowed your head showing the dog to the two others. 
“(y/n), relax it’s just us no need to be so formal,” Jaemin offered with a smirk, the head tilted to the right and the direct eye contact.  Heat rising up Jeno’s spine at his cousin’s blatant flirting. 
“What do you two need?” Jeno’s question comes out a bit too rough, even causing you to slightly flinch at the tone. 
Jaemin smirked clearly seeing the effect his flirting has, “We just came up wondering where you were, you didn’t attend breakfast this morning and you already missed lunch with the General, he wanted to see you, considering he won't be back until the wedding.” 
“What time is it?” Jeno asked, looking for a clock frantically. 
“He left already, he assumed you were upset about what he said at yesterday’s outing,” Haechan responded to Jeno. 
“Damn it,” Was all Jeno said as he ran a hand over his face, not realizing he missed seeing his brother off.  Jeno then turned to you, “I’m sorry princess, I must leave you now, please feel free to stay as long as you please.” All you could do was shake your head no, trying to tell Jeno not to worry about you. Jeno walked to the door, Haechan offered a small smile and a wave, whild Jaemin shoved his hands in his pockets and gave you a knowing smirk. The three of them exit the room, leaving you and Hades alone. 
You looked around the room, this was the first time you were ever in Jeno’s room. His room held some semblance of personality, there was a desk in front of the balcony doors, and a trophy case on one side of the room next to the double doors that opened up to the sleeping area. Jeno’s desk held a framed picture of him and his brothers and another framed picture of him and a girl. She was stunningly beautiful, shorter than the Prince, with long sleek raven colored hair. Her figure was thin but she had a nice tanned complexion. It was like everything you wanted to look like embodied into one person, her. 
You didn’t even know this girl and already you didn’t like her, you didn’t like that she was everything you wanted to be. You didn’t like that her picture sat on Jeno’s desk. You didn’t like that Jeno looked at her and not you when he worked. What is wrong with you, you thought. Why do you care, why are you so jealous, the question coming to mind. Realizing that there was seriously no reason to not like this girl. 
“Gosh (y/n) get a hold of yourself, you don’t even like him,” you muttered to yourself moving away from the pictures to the paperwork on the desk.  There was a document that caught your eye. ‘Accommodations for the Modia Princess’ the top line read. You scanned the paper, it was a list of accommodations that needed to be made to ensure your comfort here in Northcy. It wasn’t until you reached the bottom of the Document that you were seriously confused. The document was written by the Prince, and was awaiting approval from the queen. 
“Why would he make a list of things for me?” You muttered again to yourself. Hades coming to your legs to paw at your feet. You picked up the dog holding him against your chest. “Aren’t you a spoiled boy? Yes, yes you are,” you spoke in the baby voice to the dog. “Let’s go take you for a walk.” 
You went to the basket that sat on the coffee tables filled with all of Hades’ things. Finding a leash, you attach it to the dog's collar, exiting the room. There you found Chan and Hyunjin standing guard. “Look at my new gift,” you told the two. 
“Very nice, princess,” Hyunjin said to you.  You walked, Chan and Hyunjin were on your trail and you walked the palace halls, letting the puppy see everything.
02 > 03
145 notes · View notes
disrespect ~ oberyn martell;game of thrones
word count: 1799
request?: no
description: the prince of dorne doesn’t take too kindly to people disrespecting his paramour, especially not lannisters
pairing: oberyn martell x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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(Y/N) watched the buildings and the people of King’s Landing pass by as the carriage drew nearer to the palace. All eyes turned to watch them pass by, trying to sneak a peak at the latest guests for King Joffery’s wedding.
A warm hand on top of hers brought her back into the carriage, where the true royal guest everyone was excited to see smiled lovingly at her.
“You seem distracted my love,” he noted, bringing her hand to his lips.
“I was just watching the people of King’s Landing,” she responded. “They are...dirty looking.”
“The bastard king does not care for his people,” Oberyn responded. “If they are poor he has no use for them, so he lets them struggle and die as he pleases.”
(Y/N) winced. “These poor people.”
Oberyn squeezed her hand slightly. “The minute the wedding is over we will return home my love. Try not to despair for too long.”
(Y/N) chuckled humorlessly. “It is hard not to despair when I am dreading our arrival and introduction to the Lannisters. I have no doubts that they will make it known that I am unwelcome.”
“You have every right to be at this wedding. You are no less than I am.”
“I am a whore in royal clothing.”
“You are my wife. You are a royal lady, and you are much better than any Lannister could ever dream of being.”
(Y/N) smiled and leaned over to kiss her husband. He cupped her face with one hand, the other trailing up her skirt. Her legs opened instincitvely, allowing Oberyn’s hand to slip between them. Before they could go any further, the carriage came to a stop.
“We’re here, My Lord and Lady,” the coachman told them.
(Y/N) pouted as Oberyn took his hand away and fixed her skirt. He chuckled at her reaction. “We will finish this in private.”
They were approached by one of the King’s guards who then led them into the palace. King Joffery, his future wife, Margaery Tyrell, and his mother, Cersei Lannister, were all sat together in the throne room as Oberyn and (Y/N) entered.
“Your Grace,” the guard announced. “Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne, and his wife, Lady (Y/N) Martell.”
Oberyn gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as he plastered the best fake smile he could muster on his face. “Your Grace.”
“I believe my invitation reached the wrong brother,” Joffery said, giving the two of them a sour look. “I invited Doran Martell, the true heir to the Dornish throne.”
“Do not be rude to our guests,” Margaery mumbled to the King. “Welcome Prince Oberyn and Lady (Y/N). We are glad to have you as our guests.”
(Y/N) tried not to make eye contact with Cersei, but it was hard when the queen was glaring daggers into her. It wasn’t hard to tell that she was only married into the royal life, not born into it, and anyone who was less than royal was scum in the eyes of the Lannisters.
As if noticing her discomfort (or Cersei’s glaring), Oberyn wrapped his arm around (Y/N)’s waist and held her tightly to him. "Do you mind showing us to our room? It has been a very long trip for the two of us.”
“Of course,” Margaery responded. She waved a hand for one of the guards to show the two of them out.
She’ll make a great queen, (Y/N) thought to herself.
The room that was provided for them was large and already lit by a fireplace. The bed was bigger than (Y/N) could ever imagine. She threw herself down onto the comfortable bedding, her aching muscles from the long journey feeling more relaxed than before.
“That went about as I expected,” she said. “I cannot wait until the wedding so we can go home.”
“It will come soon, my paramour,” Oberyn said, standing between her legs at the end of the bed. “Now that we are alone, shall we continue what we were doing earlier?”
(Y/N) smiled and quickly pulled her husband down on top of her, causing him to laugh as well as he pressed his lips against hers.
The next day, when the sun was high in the sky and warming the land, Oberyn decided to take (Y/N) for a walk around the palace. It had been so many years since he had been in King’s Landing, back when his sister Elia was married to Rhaegar Targaryen, but he could still remember the beauty of the place as if it were yesterday.
(Y/N) loved to see the beauty in places. Before catching Oberyn’s attention, she was stuck in the filthy whore house that barley let her see the outside world. Oberyn had the utmost respect for women who were only able to sell their bodies as a means to get by, but he had no respect for the men who treated their prostitutes so poorly. Now that he had (Y/N), he intended to show her every beauty that the world had to offer.
“This place is beautiful,” (Y/N) breathed as they walked through a beautiful flower garden.
Oberyn smiled at her and paused for a moment to pick one of the flowers from the ground. “A beautiful flower for my beautiful flower.”
Blush creeped across (Y/N)’s face as he placed the flower gently into her hair. “You could get in trouble for that.”
“I could get in trouble for many things, but still I do as I wish.”
(Y/N) smiled brightly at her husband and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her, wanting nothing more than to just hold her forever.
“Ah, my apologies.”
The couple pulled apart to see a very familiar face entering the garden - that of Jaime Lannister, the King’s uncle and Cersei’s twin brother. Oberyn tightened his hold on (Y/N)’s waist as he regarded the Kingslayer.
“I was not aware anyone else was out here,” Jaime said as he approached the two lovers.
“We were just passing through,” Oberyn said. “I was showing my beautiful wife the sights of your lovely land.”
Jaime glanced at (Y/N) for a moment before smiling at the two of them. “You must be Prince Oberyn of Dorne. It is nice to finally meet you.”
Oberyn begrudgingly shook Jaime’s hand, keeping one arm firmly wrapped around (Y/N) still.
“I do not believe I have heard of you,” Jaime said to (Y/N). “You are Prince Oberyn’s wife? How long have you two been wed?”
“Over a year now,” Oberyn responded instead.
Jaime shot the man a look. “I believe I asked your wife that question.”
(Y/N) felt nervous in that moment, but managed to make her voice even enough to respond, “We have been wed over a year. We celebrated our anniversary just before we left for King’s Landing, actually.”
“What family are you from, if you do not mind me asking.”
The grip on her waist tightened. (Y/N)’s back straightened as she responded, “Before I married Oberyn, I was a Sand.”
Jaime’s head tilted, but he didn’t look as condescending as his sister. “That...that is the name of the bastard children in Dorne, is it not?”
(Y/N) nodded. She wanted to shy away behind Oberyn, but she knew the only way to beat a Lannister was to hold your pride no matter how much they tried to rip you down. “It is. I am unsure as to who my true parents are. I was delivered to the steps of a religious building and left to be raised by others. I was originally raised by the priest, but eventually they brought me elsewhere for the remainder of my childhood.”
The genuine look of sadness on Jaime’s face shocked both Oberyn and (Y/N). “I am so sorry, my lady. Were you raised by a kind person at least?”
“Well...kind of. I was....I was raised in by the owner of a brothel until I was old enough to work there myself. He gave me the option, luckily enough, but I was raised to think it was the only job I could ever possibly have.” She turned and smiled at Oberyn. “That is how I met my love.”
Oberyn smiled back at her and kissed her cheek. “I was taken by her the moment I saw her. I knew I had to make her mine.”
The memories of the day that (Y/N) first saw Oberyn flooded her mind. She thought he would just be another customer, but by the end of their session she realized he meant the sweet nothings he was whispering in her ear.
“Oh, I guess that is where I recognize you from.”
Oberyn’s head spun so quickly to glare at Jaime. “I am sorry, what did you say?”
The sly look on Jaime’s face was a direct mirror of Cersei’s, and (Y/N) felt her heart drop to her stomach as he spoke. “Your wife, she looked familiar. I could not quite place it, but now I realize it is because I just did not recognize her with her clothes on.”
Oberyn tried to advance on Jaime, but (Y/N) took hold of his arm and held him back. “Don’t, my love, he is not worth it.”
“Yes, Prince Oberyn, I am not worth it. Take it from your wife, she would know.”
Oberyn’s face turned blood red and (Y/N) had to physically pull him away before he could strangle Jaime. The Kingslayer was still calling profanities to try and rile Oberyn up.
(Y/N) took him back into the palace, cupping his face to make him look at her. “Oberyn, my love, calm down please.”
“Fucking Lannisters,” he hissed. “They think they can get away with everything! They think they can insult my wife like that.”
“Oberyn,” (Y/N) repeated, her voice softer this time. He looked at her and his face also softened. Oberyn loved the way she could always make him calm down so quickly. “It is nothing I have not heard before.”
“But coming from his mouth...” Oberyn said, his eyes darting to where they had left Jaime for just a moment.
“Means nothing,” (Y/N) finished. “He can try to degrade me all he wants, but at the end of the day I am still the whore that married a prince. I was chosen to be brought into this life, unlike them who were brought into it at birth, and I still have more class than that whole family combined.”
Oberyn smiled at his wife and kissed her passionately. “I love you more than anything.”
“And I love you more than the world, my love.”
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Beautiful Mischief [Pt. 3]
Bad Batch x Reader • Angst/Fluff/NSFW (yknow the whole deal) • Mechanic [hidden Jedi] ! Reader • Female reader
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Fall on your knees, sweet girl
Sweet girl...
“And how the fuck would you know that?”
“You think she used the force?”
“She did! Don’t believe me?! Wait till the next incident”
Y/N frowns outside the cockpit hearing Cross talk about what he saw with Hunter and Tech. She straightens up when Echo came into the common area seeing the angered look on her face. He didn’t say a word. They stood in the silence and Y/N felt overwhelmed all of a sudden causing her to leave the room, before he could reach—-
“Don’t touch her Echo. We don’t know what she’s capable of” Tech states witnessing what just happened as Echo gave him a worried look.
“You’re taking on a Padawan? You know what Anakin turned out to be. You think you’ll produce a normal one?”
“They are Anakin’s age now. Not a child. I believe I can train them to be the best”
“A little late to find a force sensitive being”
“I didn’t find her, she found me”
“I trust you Obi Wan. But—“
Don’t be surprised by the hardships
Wrecker finds himself in the storage compartment looking for extra ration bars in their food supply when he saw Y/N sitting on the ground propped up against her crate staring at the ceiling.
“Hey?” He tilts his head confused seeing the redness in her eyes and swollen cheeks. “Hey Y/N...what’s wrong?” He decided to sit with her waiting for her to respond and if she didn’t, he would’ve stayed as a comfort.
“I’m a monster Wrecker”
“What? I don’t think so”
“Crosshair does, he’s telling everybody what he saw in the forest. Just another monster in this galaxy full of darkness”
“Okay now that’s a lot of talk. I’m going to need context”
“He didn’t tell you? None of your brothers did?”
“Honestly I ignore what most of them say” Wrecker laughs as he handed her a ration bar seeing her take the offer.
“I worked on your ship for a year before you decided to add me on this journey with you all. Then it’s been six months and as much as you’re all close with one another...I don’t think I’ll ever been looked at normally ever again”
“Y/N...from the time with the scar thing. Scars are scars. It was stupid of us to push you to tell us what happened. As for this recent thing. Speaking for myself, I don’t care what you are. You’re Y/N. A badass mechanic that knows a lot more than we expected. And if shit changes. Who gives a fuck? Imma still like you for you. Besides. Half of my face is a scar and I don’t give a fuck” Wrecker smiles hearing her laugh a little, feeling better.
“Two lightsabers? Ha! This will work nicely for you young apprentice”
Y/N stares with grey covered eyes standing still like a solider as the dathomirian receives the kyber crystals for the hilts before handing the new and improved sabers to his mindless slave.
“You’ll receive a new look. Keep you hidden away from the so called Jedi you used to call your family. Little do they know your parents died and adoptive sister left. Or you left her. I’ve always wondered why you did so”
“I wanted to become a Jedi, Odious...” Y/N says groggily before freeing when he started to force choke her. “I’m sorry sir...”
“Mmm. Are you truly, sweet girl?” He smirks pushing her against the wall and keeping her there like a wall ornament. “We don’t want you to remember to good old days...we need information and you will kill for it if it deems necessary” Odious laughs squeezing his hold hearing her choke. “You will kill if they won’t expose their secrets. We will take down the Jedi council”
Soon Y/N dropped on her side feeling the cold ground turn into a cold surrounding. Feeling like death was crawling in but she quickly stood to their feet seeing Odious’s accomplices approach her to start the appearance change.
No one said it was pain-free
Returning to Coruscant, Y/N thought she was being dropped off but Hunter assured her it was for Echo to receive some simplicity with his brothers in blue.
Even the clones need to go back to their home.
“You coming?”
“But come on. The mess hall will have more of those ration bars you like” Wrecker adds as Y/N stayed glued to her seat feeling a weight grow in her chest when she sensed him. “Y/N?”
“I can’t Wrecker...I know we’ll be here for three days but I’m safe here”
“Well you know where we’ll be” He smiles being the last stepping off the ramp as it closed behind him.
But it didn’t take until nightfall for Y/N to step out and take a look at something that over came their thoughts.
“You’ll be staying”
“No Obi-Wan”
“Y/N you’ve come so far. Why give up training now?”
“Your master was a grey-Jedi because he didn’t believe in the rules the council had held accountable on us all. I can’t live in a cult that doesn’t want me to seek out for more in my life”
“But you can—“
“I’m not becoming a whore of the Jedi council all because I can fuck every man that steps into the facility. I want to fall in love. I want to be free. Free from my personal burdens. Reunite with my sister. Go home. I won’t be corrupted Obi Wan. You can keep your tabs on me if you like. But I cannot be here”
“Y/N. Please”
“Take a look behind you Obi Wan, and what do you see?”
Obi Wan turns around to look at the city of Coruscant erupt in colors and volumes of plenty. He was about to say something but when he turned around.
She was gone
And now she’s returned
Y/N stepped into the quarters she stayed in during her time there. The nostalgia started to hit when the familiar feeling returned.
“Leave me alone” She frowns clenching her fists. “You shouldn’t have come out of whatever corner you were in”
“Y/N it took courage for you to come back inside this place. Please just let me spe—“
Obi Wan suddenly hit the wall outside of her room as she stepped out quickly leaving.
“General I heard—“ Cody stopped talking seeing Y/N and his General on the floor, triggering him to take out his weapon. “You stay right there”
“Don’t hurt him Y/N”
“I’m not a monster like you Kenobi” Y/N frowns lifting her hands and before Cody could even do anything, she booked it in the other direction.
“What the—“ Cody started chasing after her as Obi Wan quickly gets on his feet following in suit after the two.
Having no obstacle in the way made it easy, until Cody called in reinforcements from Rex and a few more from the 501st.
“It’s Y/N. Why would Cody—“
“Cody explain?!”
“Cody stand down for maker’s sake” Obi Wan states. “You can’t just—“
“NO” He snaps as the distress in his voice made Cody finally stop thinks but the actions still confused his brothers. “Now leave. All of you. Except Y/N”
As the sun sets on today
We’ll never know about tomorrow
“General Kenobi. New information has come up”
“What about this time Cody?”
“About fugitive x. You said to dig up anything on them and we got something”
Obi Wan turns to Cody seeing the information on the datapad and taking it, leaving to process this all.
Fugitive X
Name: Y/F/N Y/L/N
Found in the streets of the black market wielding duel lightsabers. Nothing life threatening. But they were found with a kyber crystal that was floating around in the market.
“This...isn’t giving me anything...” Cody frowns flipping through the pictures and finding the video from one of the street cameras of them taking out a knife and suddenly—-
“Why didn’t you come back once you escaped?”
“Why would I?”
“What do you mean...”
“Just because you had spies in my life to keep tabs on me. Doesn’t mean they saw everything. You......” Y/N stops talking as she brings her knees to her chest staring out in the scenery as Obi Wan sheds his robe to be comfortable around her just enough. “You...you lost your master. Imagine that pain, but with your humanity, sanity...”
“Y/N, what happened?”
“A lot...”
A lot that nobody knows
Until now
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kikyan · 4 years
~Pop goes [Y/n]~
Yandere! Laughing Jack x Female!Reader
“ Hey [Y/N]?” 
“ Yes, dear old brother of mine?” 
“ I finally made a friend. . .” 
“ Oh? What does this friend look like? What’s his name?” 
“ Well his name is Laughing Jack and he is a clown!” 
“ Oh, a clown? I love clowns!! When can I meet him!” 
“ He’s my friend [Y/N]. . .” 
[Y/N] little brother whined as he looked at his sister hanging upside down from the tree in their backyard. [Y/N] wasn’t like most girls, while most girls would ignore their brother, younger or older [Y/N] didn’t. She absolutely adored her younger brother Zach. 
“ I’m not trying to take away your friend silly!! I just want to meet him!! How does he look?” 
“ Well. . . he is super tall and is black and white all over. Plus he-” 
“ Wait. He is black and white?” 
“ Yes, dummy if you listened-” 
“ Why isn’t he colorful like the rest of the clowns we’ve seen?” 
“ I don’t know but I can ask him!” 
“ Please do because I am curious! Can’t keep me in suspense now can you?” 
Jumping down from the tree [Y/N] fixed her clothing which consisted of jeans and a hoodie, complementing the cold temperatures plaguing her small town. Fixing her hair so it wasn’t in the way, [Y/N] ran to engulf Zach in a hug as she twirled him around laughing, causing Zach to smile and laugh as well. 
“ You know I love you right Zach!” 
“ Of course! You tell me that everyday sister!” 
“ Well, I don’t want you to forget okay! Now let’s go back inside because I am freezing out here and I know that we are both craving some food right about now.” 
“ Okay [Y/N]! Also, Jack told me that he doesn’t have color because he isn’t like most clowns!” 
“ Well, that’s interesting, we don’t attack creativity or originality so that’s good!” 
As the screaming raged on [Y/N] Zach close by as he was sobbing in the hug. Asking his big sister why their parents were arguing and why they were screaming, most importantly why they were hiding but [Y/N] only smiled as she laughed and placed a kiss on Zach’s forehead. 
“ It’s okay Zach! Remember the song I taught you, “ Half a pound of tuppenny rice, Half a pound of treacle, That's the way the money goes, Pop goes the weasel!” 
Zach nodded before singing as soft gasps came out as he tried to calm his breathing and stop his crying as he sang with [Y/N]. Soon after the screams ended  [Y/N] smiled as Zach fell asleep with his cheeks all puffy and slightly red. Kissing his forehead slightly, [Y/N] whispered as she promised Zach a promise that she has yet to break. 
“ I’ll protect you Zach, I swear it. Nothing and  no one will harm you for as long as I live.” 
The next day [Y/N] woke up with Zach’s hand holding her own as she guided him down the stairs after brushing their teeth in the morning. [Y/N] smiled as she and Zach both jumped down from the second step to the floor, giggling a bit as they skipped over to the kitchen. To their surprise, their mother was already up and running cursing small curses as she tried to make breakfast for her kids. 
“ You kids are awake! Great I have an interview at 9 and it’s 8:45! [Y/N], you can finish the rest of the breakfast right? Remember chores first and games later okay! See you soon!” 
Their mother ran as she hurriedly put on her heels and grabbed her purse, exiting the house soon enough. [Y/N] stood holding the spoon that was used to mix the contents of a pot wondering what the hell she was supposed to do. 
“ Um. . . Zach, sit at the table and I’ll make us breakfast okay!” 
“ Okay [Y/N].” 
[Y/N] grabbed a chair and climbed it to peek at the contents, it was just oatmeal but it couldn’t be that hard to make, could it? She simply got the container and read the directions making sure to follow it correctly. After making the food [Y/N] served it and handed a plate to Zach and placed hers next to him. 
“  [Y/N] I’m thirsty.” 
“ I think we have some spare orange juice, I’ll see if I can find it.” 
Going to the fridge [Y/N] opened it and found a small bottle of orange juice that was filled enough for both of them to drink from. As she made it back she served her brother a cup of juice which he drank rapidly. [Y/N] only smiled as she picked up her own spoon only for Zach to say, “ [Y/N] my food is hot. Can you blow on it?” 
Sighing a bit she laughed and picked up the spoon blowing on it slightly to cool down the oatmeal and decided to play around with it. 
“ Zach! Here comes the airplane!” 
Making childish sound, ‘vrooom’, ‘ Zooom’ she spoonfed Zach the oatmeal she prepared, it seemed like the disaster that occurred yesterday was being drowned out of the laughter of Zach as he enjoyed playing with his older sister. 
“ [Y/N] I’m hungry.” 
“ Hold on Zach if we could rush cooking trust me I would, I am starving.” 
“ Jack gave me some candy that I could have.” 
“ And he didn’t give me some? I am offended.” 
“ Because you are a girl [Y/N]” 
“ That does not make sense but okay I guess, treasure your candy and I’ll treasure our dinner.” 
“ Wait, I want to eat dinner too!” 
“ You already have candy Zach, you can’t have dinner if you have candy!” 
“ O-okay! I’ll put it away!” 
“ I’m just playing Zach but if you have candy before dinner it will give you a tummy ache, and you won’t enjoy candy if you do that.” 
“ Hmm... Okay [Y/N]” 
Mixing around the chicken noodle soup [Y/N] pondered and thought where her brother got the candy from. He said Jack gave it to him, but Jack wasn’t real was he? Unless. . .
“ Hey Zach, question what kind of Candy did Jack give you?” 
“ Hm. . . not sure all I know is that they are colorful though. I would share but Jack doesn’t want you to have any.” 
“ Hmph! Fine! That’s fine, I guess I won’t share my soup with him either! His loss. . .” 
At the sound of this sarcastic remark, Zach jumped up to say, “ H-he says that he can’t give you candy because you aren’t special but your soup looks tasty!” 
“ Oh? Well, thanks for the compliment Jack but it’s a shame that I’m not special enough for candy. If there is extra feel free to take some soup I guess.” 
[Y/N] began to serve dinner with a pondering thought. ‘That candy came from nowhere so it’s only safe to assume that Zach is lying or Jack is real, what did he mean by special? There isn’t much difference between me and Zach aside from age, I would say the both of us have vivid imaginations and similar personality. Wait! Could it be age? I’m gonna have to keep Zach close by... .until I get to the bottom of what’s happening.’ 
[ Y/N only stared at Zach eat the soup with a smile on his face, Zach was the only reason [Y/N] could even smile in this world. 
“ Brush your teeth?” 
“ Yes.”
“ Wash your face?” 
“ Yes.” 
“ Ready for bed?” 
“ Keep it down Zach! Before the neighbors come after my as- I mean come complain!” 
“ Were you about to say a naughty word?” 
“ Yes, but I didn’t. Anyway’s we are having a sibling sleepover because mom isn’t coming home till late so.” 
“ Yay! Does that mean I get to cuddle next to that bear dad got you?” 
“ Yes, yes it does. Now onward child to my room!” 
“ Yay! Wait, Jack is asking why I can’t sleep by myself.” 
“ Well, Yah see Jack, Zach and I have sibling sleepovers that not even mom can stop so, it’s a tradition and I will be shook if it ends now!”  
“ What does that mean?” 
“ It’s best if thy don’t know!” 
“ Hmph! Rude.” 
“ I-, okay well someone ain’t getting cuddles!” 
“ Aww C’mon!” 
“ Well hurry to bed.” 
“ Okay, wait,  Jack where are you going?” 
“ Is Jack leaving or something?” 
“ He said he is going to walk around the house.” 
“ Huh, okay just make sure to watch out for some steps.” el
Suddenly, sleep overcame everyone as Zach cuddled into [Y/N] as [Y/N] only stared in horror as she saw the silhouette of another being, assuming they are only staring at them. It was a tall-skinned being with shaggy hair. [Y/N] could not see who or what it was but she tried to steady her breathing and make it seem like  she was already sleeping. 
Suddenly the being began to move and [Y/N] closed her eyes and clutched onto Zach tighter afraid that this being would harm Zach. The being shifted and officially left the room and began going down the stairs only to briefly pause, before stepping over a step and continuing his way down. 
‘ He knew about the step, he knew the stairs had strange steps! Either he was here for some time inside the house already or he is Jack!’ 
[Y/N] stayed awake for some time before succumbing into a deep sleep, not before staring into the eyes of a tall-skinned monochrome man resembling that of a clown. 
“ Hey Mom, I’m sorry to bug you but will you be gone all week, at night that is?” 
“ Yes, but why do you wanna know that sweetie?” 
“ Well, let’s just say that Zach really misses you and stuff.” 
“ Zach has you right?” 
“ Well yeah but having a mother seems better, I’m not saying I don’t like taking care of Zach but it’s just that maybe it would be safer if you got here earlier. What in case someone breaks in or something?” 
“ This is a good neighborhood so I doubt that, besides you have the next door neighbors in case of anything so don’t worry. On top of that, why do you ask now? What happened all of the sudden?” 
“ Nevermind mom, I get it, you have to work and I’ll just try my hardest okay! Have a safe day today mom!” 
“ Okay sweetie, remember get Zach to school and you too okay! Bye! Call me or the neighbors if you need something!” 
As [Y/N]’s mom left for work once again in the morning, [Y/N] pondered on the thought that again, like always nothing changed. 
“ You have your lunch right?” 
“ Yes!!” 
“ Okay good boy Zach! Now off we go to school, I’ll pick you up after my school okay?” 
“ Okay! Does that mean we can play later after school?” 
“ Of course silly!” 
“ Hey don’t call me that [Y/N]!” 
“ Okay, if you say so, but also if you get good grades! Don’t forget to be nice to ‘ Everyone. . .’.” 
“ But I am!” 
“ Okay but why did you fight with that kid named Tommy?” 
“ He said that the boys had to take care of the girls and that I was a baby because you still took care of me!” 
“ Zach. Let me say something.” 
[Y/N] crouched down to meet her brothers height as she began to speak. 
“ Zach, mom is a girl and she takes care of the both of us! Does that make us babies?” 
“ W-well n-no” 
“ I am your older sister so I have to take care of the younger people! Does that make you a baby?” 
“ No. . .” 
“ You’re not a baby Zach. . . in fact I think you’re a strong boy! Who saved me from the pirates? Who saved me defeat the giant in the backyard?” 
“ I did!” 
“ Exactly, now would a baby be able to do that?” 
“ You’re right [Y/N]! Thanks. . . you really are the best sister in the whole world!!” 
“ I know I am! Now get to school before we both get in trouble-” 
Zach began to run across the field to get to his class as [Y/N] ran to get to her class before her teacher called roll. Upon entering her classroom she was met with her teacher calling roll, luckily, [Y/N] name hadn't been called and she quickly sat down. 
“ I feel so bad for her. . .she was telling me how much she liked that kitty she got. On top of that all those spooky things going around her house.” 
Feeling intrigued, [Y/N] asked about the so called ‘spooky’ things occuring. 
“ Well, Sarah. You know Sarah right? Well, anyways her cat was found last night hanging from the tree, cut open and was spilling some form of candy. It was so gross and Sarah was crying and crying. Her little sister was horrified but Sarah said that all these weird things happened ever since her little sister got a new friend.” 
“ A new friend?” 
“ Yeah, Sarah thinks it was an imaginary friend at first but then her little sister started appearing with treats and whatnot, just something that an imaginary friend wouldn’t do, but she just assumed that her friend was some neighbors kid or a homeless. Anyway, that’s all I know.” 
“ O-o-oh, well if you have Sarah’s number let her know that she has my condolences.” 
“ Of course! Oh wait! [Y/N] don’t you have a little brother?” 
“ Yes I do.” 
“ Has anything strange has been happening so far?” 
“ Well not really we both have a vivid imagination so it shouldn’t be much.” 
“ I see. . . take care of him okay? If it is someone, make sure to keep him safe. There are a lot of strange closeted freaks around here.” 
“ O-oh. . . yea of course! Nothing is going to happen, over my dead body!” 
After class was done, [Y/N] took out her phone and began to search for anything occurring matching those descriptions. 
‘ What would make a good search that might get me something other than clown giving candy’ 
[ Y/N] laughed at her search idea but dismissed it as she remembered that this was important and began to continue searching. 
‘ Hmmm. . . animals dead cut open spilling candy?’ 
“ that might work” 
Once hitting the go button she was met with grotesque images but nothing of the sort. Sighing she tried maybe searching for a more personal thing. 
‘ Black and White imaginary clown’ 
Some lazy articles were present but one that caught her eye was, “ WOMAN CLAIMS HER SON WAS MUR. . . .” 
Without thinking, [Y/N] clicked on the link and was sent to an article talking about a woman who claimed her son was murdered by a monochrome clown. It talked about how the mother had a son named James who told her he had an imaginary friend. However later that day she had a nightmare, of other children in a fair playground. Her son was given candy by his friend but she thought he was lying. Later that day the dog was murdered, cut with candy spilling out. She ran and alerted the neighbors, the cops telling her that it was a robbery, but she swore that everything was locked. The next day she kept her son in, setting a baby monitor to listen for anything strange, but suddenly she claimed her son was killed and nailed onto the wall. She tried to kill the clown except she stabbed her son on accident. She is now in a criminally insane institute and someone keeps playing, “ Pop Goes The Weasel,” outside her room. 
“ Well damn, this clown is one fucked up clown.” 
[Y/N] put her phone away and began to think. The mother found out and after 3 days her son died. This is strange, if this follows a pattern, this is the second day and something should be dead spilling candy late at night. We don’t have an animal so I don’t think that’s gonna happen, but if he improvises, well damn. She checked her phone and link again to find out the clowns name, “ Laughing Jack.” 
‘ Shit. . . it’s the same name as Zach’s friend. . .no doubt about it. This is the same clown we both are dealing with. I swear. . . Zach will not die by his hand!’ 
“ I’m sorry [Y/N], but he called you a naughty word and I got mad.” 
[ Y/N] tried to hold back her laughter when she went to pick up her brother that day. According to the teacher, Zach and Tommy got into a fight because Tommy called out a bitch and you just had to laugh. Yet, it was a cute sight to see your brother defend you. Zach kicked Tommy in a certain place, normally Zach would be in trouble but other kids heard what Tommy said so it outweighed the crime. 
“ It’s okay Zach, you tried to help me and that’s all that matters. By the way, did you really kick him there?” 
“ Yes, I know you told me never to hit there but I had too!” 
“ just between us, good job!” 
“ Thank you [Y/N].” 
Walking down until they reached their house, [Y/N] told Zach to put away his things before coming downstairs for lunch. As [Y/N] was preparing a meal she began to think of Jack. If Sarah’s sister happened to have the same friend that would explain where Jack was always leaving to. It all started to make sense, but if her cat died yesterday that would mean that Jack would. . . no he wouldn’t. He would need also need to kill an animal and give it to us, but what if he works differently and there is no pattern? I mean she was the only witness I remember even being on the web. 
“ [Y/N]! What are we eating?” 
‘ I mustn’t think like that, Sarah will be safe, her sister will be safe. Everything will be fine. . .’ 
“ Anything you want Zach. . .” 
Setting in a nice room and sleeping, what could go wrong. A loud clunk was heard, waking the siblings with a jolt. This scared Zach, but for [Y/N] she was both scared and glad. If It was jack then luckily Sarah’s sister was safe, but if it wasn’t Jack that would mean that it was a robber and that Jack was going after Sarah’s sister. 
“ [Y/N]. . . what was that? I-is m-m-mom back?” 
“ Stay here Zach!” 
[Y/N] was walking in silence, avoided the step that made noise, and walked down only to hear Zach come down the steps and whisper, “ [Y/N] the bear dad got you is gone!” 
‘ An animal. . .” 
[Y/N] sprinted down and ran the steps to see her teddy bear, the giant one her dad got her for her birthday before he left hanging from the ceiling fan, with candy spilling out. Relief washed over her as she realized that Sarah’s sister would be okay if it weren’t for Zach screaming, alerting his sister to his side. [Y/N]’s eyes widened at the sight, a red liquid. . . ‘ Blood?’ except followed by the blood were a pair of eyes, blue eyes like those of Sarah, small baby teeth, and a tongue. [Y/N] wasted no time and grabbed her brother and ran to the neighbors calling their mother and the police. 
No doubt about it, the police said the same thing. It was probably a robber, but they warned their mother that she shouldn’t leave her children like that alone ever again or CPS would be involved. Their mother thanked them and apologized to the officers along with the neighbors for staying awake and taking care of the children. The police went inside the home to recover the bear and the organs, explaining how they might be connected to a murder that happened recently, right across the street from them, two blocks down. At the sound of this, [Y/N] panicked and asked if the victim was a little girl, blue eyes, light brown hair, an older sister, etc. The officers were surprised and suspicious of [Y/N] for knowing a lot of info and began to question the girl. 
“ How do you know that?” 
“ I heard about some strange things occurring at her house, you see she is one of my classmates and I'm worried! Was it her?” 
“ Y-yes it was, but the conclusion we came to would be that the person who did it probably tried to scare you too and they snuck in to display what you saw in your house. You will be questioned later but be safe. Parts of the crime scene were found in your home, either you’re the next or its someone who gets a kick out of these displays.” 
“ Thank you officer and of course, you will be informed if anything changes!” [Y/N]’s mother apologized and thanked them once more. The house was secure and they could return, the only shocking thing was that Zach was speaking to Jack again. Zach was a little uncomfortable that jack arrived a little later after all this happened and that he was laughing. Zach just kept asking Jack where he was and if he was okay. 
[Y/N]’s mother was a little confused but rushed her children inside the house. [Y/N] walked over to her mom and they began to talk, mostly about the incident. 
“ Mom, hey. . . I think it’s best if me and Zach stay home. . .” 
“ I want you to go to school, it’s safer.” 
“ If someone did some inside the house to scare us, let’s say we are next. That means that they might stalk us and if we go to school, which means that will find out where we are will only lead to more danger.” 
“ If you stay home where he might come back you’ll be in more danger, [Y/N] listen to me, it’s not that hard to listen to your mother is it?” 
“ Why can’t you take the day off and take care of us? You always come home late, ever think that maybe we are more in danger because of that?” 
“ No need to raise your voice nor get sassy! As your mother I am doing the best I can for you guys but if you want to complain then complain to someone else because I am sure we are all shaken up after these events-” 
“ If you were around the house more you would know! Ask your boss, I am sure she will be okay with you staying home or coming home back earlier-” 
“ I bring food to this table, to this home by working more hours! If you had a job then maybe you would understand how difficult it is-” 
“ I do have a job and that’s being the mom you FAILED TO BE!” 
‘ slap’ 
Zach came down the stairs and ran to [Y/N]’s side in fear for her. Their mother sighed and told Zach to go back upstairs to sleep, but Zach refused. [Y/N] laughed a little before grabbing Zach and saying, “ No wonder Dad wanted full custody of us. . .” 
“ I said what I had to say! Dad saw that you could never be a good mom and look, I am that proof! Who is playing house now?” 
[Y/N] tucked in Zach before giving him a kiss on the cheek and saying good night. She walked back to her room, before Zach said something to [Y/N] that made her smile. “ Y/N, b-be safe, I love you and Jack wants me to tell you, good job for standing up to her.” 
“ Thank you Zach and Jack, thanks for that.” 
Another day, and Sarah didn’t come to school so nobody heard the details about last night. [Y/N] has only tonight, because if everything so far has been based on the pattern, Jack was going to kill Zach tonight and [Y/N] wasn’t going to let that happen. She thought of some ways that she could outsmart Jack. 
‘ Jack can teleport because all the doors were locked and he killed Sarah’s sister yesterday and did his whole charade thingy. Anyways, if that’s the case then he can’t know where Zach is but he hangs with him all the time and if I tell Zach to run Jack will only get to him faster, Jack could also kill me too. . .My only choice is to confront him. .’ 
Once having her resolve, [Y/N] left school a little earlier than usual, her mother would be getting a call so no doubt about it she will find out, but in the end she would thank [Y/N] for saving Zach. Except that never happened. It was late at night and [Y/N]’s mother wasn’t going to come home and just stay late working. [Y/N] had a plan to confront him, simply put they were going to have another sibling sleepover, if Jack only killed children he would have to take Zach away from her giving her enough time to bolt with Zach or to tell him to go over the neighbors and leave her with Jack. 
“ Zach, mom is going to be late again so come and sleepover in my room. I don’t have the bear anymore but still, I can be the next teddy bear.” 
“ Okay [Y/N]!” 
Zach was safely tucked in the bed and was snoring peacefully, [Y/N] pretended to be asleep and heard a soft shuffle, only for a voice to speak. 
“ You’re not asleep.” 
[Y/N] opened her eyes, bridal style carried Zach and ran. She had to make it downstairs and at the very least make him go with the neighbors. Zach awoke within the ruckus and was confused when [Y/N] told him to run to the neighbors when she opened the door. Jack apeared right in front of them halfway down the stairs, only for [Y/N] to jump over the railing and continue to the door. 
Zach ran and kept ringing the bell until the neighbors opened, Zach was safe! [Y/N] turned around to meet with Jack, she sighed before she told him that he would never get Zach. 
“ Thank’s for the compliment but I’m not going to let you hurt Zach.” 
“ Out of all the children I’ve killed, every home I visited, you are the only one who paid attention, cared even, if only the others were like you.” 
“ Thanks, but like I said I don’t intend to let Zach die here!” 
“ You aren’t stupid, you know that I could easily kill him, but I admire that side of you. If only Issac was like that, shame really. I came for life and a life I shall have, so tell me, wanna strike a deal?” 
“ Please help my sister!! She is trapped with someone scary!!” 
“ Of course! Let’s call the police!” 
By the time the police were called onto the scene, [Y/N] was long gone. [Y/N]’s mother was arrested for child negligence and for not administering parental supervision such as a babysitter or a relative coming over. Zach was forced to live in an orphanage but his neighbors gladly took him in, unknown to the rest they were trying to have a child for so long but haven’t been able to, Zach didn’t mind. Except, he wanted his sister [Y/N]. 
Christmas rolled around and Zach was opening the gifts his new parents got him, except one was wrapped nicely in decorative paper. Zach’s parents weren’t sure who got it, but it was for Zach. It was a big bear, one like [Y/N] had. Zach cried a little at the memory before smiling, his sister was alive, he knew this, but where was she. She was right outside watching him smile, [Y/N] smiled at the sight before an all too familiar clown arrived to pick her up. He grabbed her hand, feeling nothing from him,  [Y/N] thought back to that night, the night he claimed her as his, mentally. Whether it is for comfort or for something else, Jack was glad to have someone like [Y/N] with him, someone to care for him. He looked down at the girl as he ruffled her hair before leaning forward. 
His hand got closer and closer to her cheek before he touched it. 
“ Pop Goes [Y/N~”
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youwontlikethisblog · 3 years
Brutas! La Policia!
I've read a few analysis on this episode before so while watching it again I was mindful to pay attention to certain details, for example; Armando's facial movements and the way he spoke while also paying attention to Marcela's behavior throughout the episodes that take place for that night (I think there's two or three.)
Now to start this off Armando is already at the drag party. He calls Marcela up and explains he'll be at the apartment. Now Marcela's reaction reminded me a lot of how abusers behave in public. They smile, they laugh, they're kind, loving, understanding, and most of all the perfect S.O so when you complain about it absolutely no one believes you because "they're so perfect" she often giggles when conversing with him, instead of yelling like she normally would she lets things slide.
Now up to this point of the series we've seen a pretty...dysfunctional relationship but they have their ups more than their downs. We know Armando is a cheating whore and that Marcela is aware of this but lets it slide even though she yells at him all the time. However Marcela is often seen more loving towards Armando, the only time they truly have heated arguments that aren't related to Armando cheating, they're related towards Betty and her role in the company and his life. See up to this point(Before Marcela came back from New York) we as viewers have seen Armando be annoyed at his fiancé but she was still his number one girl, meaning that yeah he could have his side pieces but at the end of the day (As he said himself) she was the woman he wanted to be with, was it for the sake of his parents or just for the company, whatever it may be he wanted to be with her. By little things like asking Betty to stay in meetings, to asking her to sit beside him during meetings Marcela's behavior begins to change. I noticed that when she came back from NY and entered his office, he went and stood next to Betty and looked at her and then Marcela, smiled and commented on her new look (Something that I find interesting and I'll comment on that when I get to that ep) he then went and kissed her, now I know it could have been interpreted that he was feeling guilty over the conversation he was having with Mario and Betty (the company getting seized by Terra Moda) which could be true but I find it interesting that in that moment they didn't show him staring at Mario and then Betty or vise versa but instead he stood next to Betty and glanced at her for a moment.
Why do I bring this up when it happened days before the Drag Party? Because it speaks on the shift that they begin to have in their relationship. Often we see Armando as the main instigator and I won't sit here and justify that man's actions. He was a serial cheater, a whore if you will, and had no regards for anyone's feelings, even his own, though his egoism made him think so highly of himself, showed that he was truly an insecure person(I could write down a post dedicated entirety of this character personality because the writing, the directing, and the acting added so much dimension to a character I'd otherwise find repulsive with no grain of redemption.) However; when you look at this dysfunctional and complex romantic relationship between Marcela and Armando you begin to see why the relationship is so terrible and it isn't soley based on his cheating.
Again, Marcela is playing this act of being an understanding and easy going girlfriend in front of Patricia Fernandez, the model, she lets Armando's erratic behavior slide and even behaves when he hangs up on her, instead of calling him multiple times and yelling at him. When her bestie Patty tries to instigate her, her sister Beatriz tries to calm her by saying 'Maybe something did happen and we're not leaving this apartment 'til he shows up' but this entire time we see a compose and calm Marcela, something we all know is not like her. Now, she had spoken to Armando before that scene, where she told him she could go get him and for a brief moment Armando agrees, seeming a bit reluctant at first but he agrees to receive her help, then Daniel and Beatriz show up and he finds out and decided he no longer wants her help.
Who does he call?
Betty agrees to go get him on his terms, whereas Marcela said she was taking her siblings with her, or otherwise they'd stay in his apartment(he didn't want them there in the first place). Even when they find him and Betty freaks out, she doesn't judge him. Instead she tells him that she understands not to ask questions and that his secret was safe with her, even though she doesn't get what's going on. Had Marcela reacted the same way?
I want to mention this now, before when Armando had to go to the gay bar to apologize to Hugo he said he felt like he had lost a part of himself, he felt vulnerable (Something we know that dude doesn't ever do) and Marcela's go to, instead of listening to him or truly paying attention to him was simply saying she was going to remind him that he was a man and bam seggsy time.
Now back to this episode, Betty goes to pick him up, he explains what happened, Betty asked one question and once he answered her back the conversation regarding that is let go of. They then go to Eco Moda, cops show up, Betty laughs once the cops leave and Armando, after his hellish night, finally laughs at the situation. In a night he himself calls hell, Betty helps bring some sort of comfort and brightness to it.
Later at her house Armando hears Don Hermes express himself regarding the way he treats Betty(Now lets scratch the tape here and rewind just a few scenes before; Armando seemed annoyed at being in Betty's home, once she left the room we see him roll his eyes once he sees where he is, which shows just how stuck up that foo' is and he could catch these hands.) and cut to the scene of Armando leaving her house in Don Hermes's clothes and he asks her if he was truly awful. Now the interesting part of this is that first he asked if he mistreats her, to which she answers back no, he looks truly sadden and disturbed with the idea when asking that that he could be mistreating her. He then mentions that her dad has a bad impression of the company, then he proceeds to say that he had a bad impression of him, indicating that he cares about his image and the way her dad thinks of him. Betty tells him that he doesn't need to worry and that her dad won't beat him up, to ignore him and he then asks her "Is it really that awful to work for us? Is it a nightmare to work for me?" once more showing us, unlike before, that he isn't soley preoccupied with the company, but he actually cares about what Betty thinks of him and the way he treats her as he later says that he'll work on yelling less at her. This entire time Betty is a trooper, as always, she listens to him, tries to reassure him, doesn't judge, and helps him deal with what ever it is he's dealing with.
This leads to Armando showing up to the apartment, Marcela goes to greet him and then takes notice to what he's wearing and instantly a judge-y look falls upon her face.
You can tell by his body language that he feels embarrassed, warned out and frustrated but Marcela goes to the room instead of paying attention to his body language and his reaction she goes to question him. To add to this she is instantly irritated at him and in the room goes to tell him "Do you have any idea how much embarrassment you've made me go through? in front of everyone?" tell me that doesn't sound abusive, I'll wait.
She then goes to name everyone in the apartment and that he knew exactly who was there, how could he be so selfish as to go to his own apartment, dressed in clothes he borrowed from his assistant's dad because he had to go settle a bet he made so Hugo wouldn't quite the company, therefore hurt the company they all love? How dare he do that to her? Marcela goes to tell him "You better think of something good to tell me!" and his facial expression the entire time is dead. He looks done but when he speaks to her, as he has his back to her, his voice sounds kind, though his facial expression looks dead. He replied "Nothing my love... I dressed up in drag" she doesn't believe him and he tells her the whole truth. He even admits that his biggest mistake that night was not being honest with her from the get go and she goes to sniff him, then shoves him away from her.
This is where Marcela shows her true colors. In the eyes of the public she is the poor girlfriend who forgives her cheating boyfriend who is always yelling but behind close doors with just Armando she is emotionally abusive to him.
People often justify her behavior because Armando is a cheater, there fore hey no harm no foul. However no matter what his actions are she is emotionally abusive towards him. In this instance the problem wasn't him cheating or running off. He was truthful to her about his whereabouts and took responsibility for his mistakes but Marcela's behavior is still wrong. She makes his embarrassment about her, daring to insinuate that he's selfish in that instant for causing her to look bad in front of her guest. Not once thinking about how he could have felt, she's supposed to be the one that is in love in the relationship. She's supposed to be the one that picks up on the cues and cares about him because he's supposed to be the jerk who is selfish at all times and disregards her and thinks of her as just an object to screw at night, right?
Remember how I mentioned the night Armando went to the gay bar?
In this breakdown of this scene I want you to remember that incident.
Marcela, in a loving voice asks him "I don't understand why you couldn't tell me something so dumb?" she is using emotional manipulation here because in the bedroom her tone hadn't been that. It had been angry. What she truly wants is for Armando to confess some wrong doing, something to give her an excuse to act out. However Armando is honest with her once more and tells her that to him that wasn't dumb but had been an entreat(in Spanish the word used "Suplicio" interprets that it had been a deep inner begging for it to end, osea, it had been suffering.) Marcela seems truly concentrated and caring to what he is saying. She does after all care for him. He is being communicative and opening his feelings up to her, something he didn't do with Betty and this is where once again Marcela makes it about herself.
I'm not saying she didn't have a right to but if your S.O is opening up their feelings about something that just happened to them and how deeply it affected them, going as far as to say "you have to understand me" and then you say "and you had to go to someone else?" this turns to focus away from the person who is being vulnerable and turns it towards you, what would you call that? Trying to find fault in someone's feelings and invalidating them by dismissing them and making their reaction a personal attack against you and your relationship is abusive one way or another. She wasn't looking to comfort him, she wasn't looking to show she was truly the one he could count on. She was trying to justify her actions, trying to justify that she has a right to behave and react the way she does because he lied and didn't call her so she could aid him. His body language then proceeds to shift from being the one that was being vulnerable to then having to defend himself.
She warns really, though it reads as she is asking him, to not involve Betty in his personal life. That Betty is only supposed to be part of the company's time. He sits standoff-ish, a nervous tick of him that I've noticed is that he often bites his thumb nail when feeling nervous(duh) he then stands up and stares at her for a brief second before letting out a sigh and hugging her and agreeing.
Have you ever had a conversation with someone that just makes you feel so emotionally frustrated that instead of talking it out you just sigh and agree with them? You set aside your own experience and emotions because you're just tired of having to defend your feelings? So you bend their way in hopes it ends the discussion?
Yeah Armando feels that deeply.
This isn't the last of these scenes. Often their dynamic of a dysfunctional relationship, toxic relationship if you will, is seen more focused when Armando is yelling at her or cheating on her. The subtle ways Marcela is abusive is often seen as a "Poor Morch she is just trying to be in his life" you don't try and be in someone's life by making it all about you, invalidating their experiences, not taking no when they say they're not in the mood(often even before Betty and him got involved when he'd say no to her she'd kiss him and wouldn't stop until he finally gave in.) and then threatening that you'll destroy them if they leave you.
Once again the acting, the directing, and the writing itself tell us a very hard telling truth. In relationships, often when they are toxic on both ends, it isn't always one person who is the instigator. Often they shift. One moment someone is being reactive to the abuse, the next the other is being abusive. However this sets the domino effect we later see with Armando and Marcela always at each other's throats, especially the day of the new collection launch, when Armando finds out about Betty's platonic love.
You can compare both of these relationships and their S.O. While in one the S.O is always making it all about themselves, the other is allowing the other to be the main focus(Betty deserved better than the beginning steps of her romance with Armando(once again I can go off on this character and their behavior in great detail lol)). Armando was never the main focus or really any focus of his relationship with Marcela. It was always about her and his parents. While with Betty, even in this episode, we see them both dealing with it. In the company and now for the first time in a setting outside of the company, Armando isn't facing something on his own or going through the motions of something for the sake of everyone but he is very much present.
I really don't know if any of this makes any sense. I think it plays out the dynamic of the relationship and what's to come of it very well. It also highlights Marcela's toxic behavior and abuse as well and why Armando seemed so unhappy by the point that he accepted to romance Betty.
To add to this; This is all just days or weeks apart from the day the plan to make Betty fall in love with him to secure the company is created. The change between Marcela and Armando has been slow but it comes to an exploding halt by then.
Marcela's behavior is abusive. You cannot look at it any other way but that. She is possessive, jealous, emotionally manipulative, sexually manipulative, and over all views Armando as an object that belongs to her. When he bends her way her love is unconditional and she's happy. The correct term is that she is in the honeymoon stages. If your S.O is so afraid of making any mistake due to your reaction; IT'S ABUSE. You're an abusive person. She isn't physically abusive or sexually abusive towards him but she is verbally and emotionally abusive towards him.
We often see him have a tone that is kind and loving while his entire body and facial expression shows the contrary. It shows a man afraid to speak his mind.
Yes he yells at her, he cheats on her, and he isn't the greatest boyfriend. He tells her that he'll do her the favor of marrying her, that he'll end their relationship if she tells his parents the true state of the company. He manipulates her, he is a gran manipulator. He isn't the best but what makes him different from Marcela? That he takes accountability for it. He feels an immense guilt for lying to her and cheating, not only sexually on her with Betty, but emotionally and mentally. He carries that load while Marcela not once has ever show guilt, remorse, or accountability for her abuse.
While one shows to have some form of redemption the other still believes and tries to justify their behavior. Often she is looking for things to be upset about regarding Armando. As if she just needs one small reason to throw every mistake in his face, to yell, to manipulate, and to be over-all a possessive, controlling, abusive girlfriend.
Now this doesn't mean Armando is innocent. There is a reason why their relationship is toxic because they're both abusive towards each other but I noticed that often times, when the subject isn't infidelities', Armando's abusive tendencies come from a reaction rather than the instigator. He is an instigator at times(he cheats for god's sake) but Armando's abuse is manipulation and gas lighting, which are bad too. Those are the moments he is the instigator, when he is being manipulative, gaslighting, or cheating, the rest are reactionary abusive tendencies towards Marcela, who feeds the cycle of toxicity because due to Armando's cheating and gaslighting she's a possessive control freak and the cycle feeds itself. They are both bad people, they are both at fault of the dysfunction in their relationship and they are both abusive towards each other. I think it's important to note why it is that Armando even began to have feelings for Betty as he himself said that their relationship was harmonic whereas what he had with Marcela was anything but that.
Now I'm not saying Armando is the victime here. He is both the victimizer and the victime as well as Marcela.
Once I collect my thoughts to better express and breakdown scenes where Armando is the instigator in the abuse in his relationship with Marcela I'll make a post for it and I'll definitely make one about his abuse in his relationship with Betty.
But let me just say this, I don't hate Marcela. I actually like her, outside of her relationship with Armando and how vile and abusive she has been towards Betty from the get go, she shows to care about her employee's her siblings, and is companionate towards others but I've seen one too many people always act like she was only a victim and never did any wrong. Her character is meant to be realistic which means she is no saint and neither are any of the characters in this novela.
'Til next time.
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imaginesxthevamps · 4 years
I don’t know if this is angst or fluff or both.
People break into the venue before a meet and greet and see you and Brad sat on the stage. He’s playing something on his guitar and then kisses you but the fans catch everything and expose your relationship.
Thank you 🙏🏻❤️
Exposed | Brad Simpson
Words: 2.1k
Tags: Bradley Will Simpson, Brad Simpson x reader, the vamps, imagine, the vamps imagine, Brad Simpson imagine, fanfiction, request
Warning: none
A/N: I made it angst and fluff for you anon and I made it extra long so enjoy! And thank you for your request!❤
 Today the boys have a show planned in Birmingham. It's in a smaller venue but that does not hold them back to build a big party. They are all excited as it was the first show of the year. To celebrate that family and friends are invited to come and watch the show.
You arrive at the venue together with Brad as you’re his girlfriend. He lives in Birmingham and went to the venue in his car, while the others have to come from London. That’s also the reason why you arrive first at the venue. When you pass by the entrance you see already a lot of fans standing in front of the doors while the show isn't starting for another six hours. Brad parked his car on the private parking where the backdoor is where artists can enter.
After you get out of the car and Brad picked up his stuff, a security guard let you into the building. He gives you both a pass, you don't have to explain who you are as you were noted down onto a list. The man leads you through the building to the dressing room where there is a sign with ‘the vamps’ on the door.
“When are the others arriving?”, you ask Brad when you’re left alone.
“I just got a message from Con, he says they will be here in half an hour”, Brad answers you while he’s unpacking his stuff.
You look around the room while Brad’s busy. It’s a quiet big dressing room, there are three sofas and a little table in the centre. There is also a table against the wall with food and drinks. On the other side, you see tables with mirrors where the boys can get ready for the show. And next to it there is a door that leads to a room with toilets and showers. Besides that, there is just a lot of space for guests.
“You okay?”, Brad asks you while his arms sneak around your waist.
“Yeah, I was just looking around”, you say and give him a small kiss.
Suddenly the door swings open and the other boys, their girlfriends and the manager enter the room.
“You guys are early”, Joe, their manager says.
“Yeah well I live here, I don’t have to ride an hour”, Brad says.
“So you already installed?”, Joe asks.
“Yes, that’s why I’m going to look at the stage with y/n”, Brad says and Joe nods.
After Brad and you have greeted everyone he takes your hand and leads you out of the room. It’s like he knows the building out of his head while you would never find your way back. The boys already played this venue a few times so he knows where he needs to go.
When you arrive at the stage you realise how big this venue is. It’s the first time you’re here with Brad, it’s the first time you will see them perform this venue.
Both of you take a seat at the side of the stage. Brad picks one of his guitars which are already set up and sits next to you again.
“So which song do you want to hear?”, Brad asks you with a smile.
“Surprise me”, you answer him.
Immediately Brad starts playing a song. When you hear the first chords you already know what he’s playing.
“I was walking away, but she’s so beautiful it made me stay”, Brad sings and you start to smile.
Brad knows this is one of your favourite songs of them, he has already sung it to you several times. He knows how much you enjoy it and that’s why you immediately start to sing along with him.
Caught up in the moment you don’t realise that a few fans managed to break into the venue. They found a way at the back of the venue and searched themselves a way to the stage where they see you and Brad. They watch how Brad sings to you and how you sing along and smile at him. After he is done playing the song he connects your lips with his in a passionate kiss, not noticing that fans are taking pictures. Although you guys have been dating for several months you weren’t out in the public yet, but that would change very fast as these pictures will spread like fire.
Suddenly the group of fans is storming to Brad, eager for a picture, eager to talk to him.
“Oh shit”, Brad says when he sees what’s happening.
You turn your head in the direction he is looking at, gasping as you see the group coming to you. The group consisted of ten fans.
“Go, I’ll take care of them”, Brad says.
“But I don’t know how I have to get back”, you say.
“Just run and call Joe”, Brad says and you do what he says and start running.
You try to remember the way back to the dressing room while calling Joe.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?” Joe asks.
“No, a group of fans managed to get in and stormed to Brad and me, I’m on my way back now to the dressing room but silly enough I don’t know how to get back as this building is a maze”, you answer, panic rushing through your body.
Joe explains how you have to go back to the dressing room before he ends the call and goes to the stage himself to handle the situation.
When you arrive at the dressing room you notice that more people arrived, probably family.
“Hey what’s going on?”, James asks when he sees your worried face.
“A couple of fans managed to get into the building”, you say and tell him what happened.
As bad as it sounds you are not so much worried about how they get in but about the fact they will expose your relationship with Brad. You know you have to do that eventually but not like this. You’re scared about the comments and everything that comes with it. There are definitely people who are going to be against your relationship. What if Brad listened to them and breaks up with you. You know that sounds silly but all these wrong scenarios are running through your head. Earlier today you were excited but right now you are scared as hell. Especially because the boys have to do a Q&A with fans that bought the VIP package.
As you already were expecting, the fans asked about your relationship with Brad. They wanted to know who you are. That’s what Brad tells you when the boys are back from soundcheck, Q&A and VIP. Now it is only an hour until the show will start.
“Everything will be fine, okay?”, Brad says to you and kisses you on the head.
The last hour before the show is the busiest, the boys are hyping up and getting ready. That’s why you don't have the chance to talk to Brad about how you feel in this situation.
The time was finally there, the boys enter the stage and the venue goes wild. You and the other girls are watching the show besides the stage. You enjoy seeing them perform but at the back of your head, you are still panicking. Scared, worried, it feels like everyone in the venue is looking at you although they can't see you.
When the show is done, Brad runs off the stage to hug you while he’s all sweaty.
“Babe, now your sweat is all over me”, you whine, Brad smiles in response and gives you a small kiss.
“We can shower together”, Brad says in a naughty way making you giggle.
Back into the dressing room, there is a small party going on. Everyone is talking, drinking and there is some loud music. The boys decide to shower first and get changed before joining the others.
“You sure you don’t want to shower with me?”, Brad whispers to you.
“Brad, not when everyone is here”, you say shocked.
With puppy eyes Brad leaves you to go into the shower alone, making you laugh.
It is already eleven O’clock when someone suggests taking the party else where as it is time to leave. You aren't really in the mood to party, partly because you are tired but also because you don't want to be in a public place right now. You are still kind of feeling odd about the situation from earlier.
“Is it okay if I go back to your house? I’m feeling tired and I’m not really in the mood to party”, you say to Brad.
“You sure? You want me to go with you?”, Brad asks.
“No, it’s okay, go make some fun with your friends”, you say with a small smile.
“I’ll drop you off at my house and then I will join the others”, Brad says.
Not much later you arrive at Brad’s house. You’ll be alone as his parents left earlier at the show because they booked a weekend in Brighton and his sister was also gone. It’s a relieve to know you’re alone as you have to process the earlier events.
“You okay babe?”, Brad asks before you get out of the car.
“Yes, I just need some alone time”, you say.
Brad pulls you in so your lips are connected for a sweet kiss.
“See you when you get home”, You say and peck his lips for the last time.
The first thing you do is taking a shower to wash off your thoughts. Brad’s home became your home too. The last few weeks you’re a lot there, and his family just makes you feel at home.
After your shower, you go to the kitchen to pick something to eat. When you have everything you head up to Brad’s room and install yourself in his bed. You put on the tv in his room and start watching something on Netflix while you eat. It’s already one O’clock but you’re not tired. The more time passes by, the more you’re wondering what people are writing about you on socials. You know it’s a bad idea to look at the comments but it’s stronger than yourself. You pick your phone and go to Twitter. Immediately when you refresh your feed, tweets about you and Brad are showing up. There are good reactions but also a lot of bad reactions.
“Who is she?”, “She doesn’t deserve Brad”, “Brad deserves better”, “She is ugly”, “What’s her name?”, “I hope Brad will break up with her”, “Who does she think she is?”, “They won’t last for a week”, “Brad’s ashamed of her, that’s why he held it a secret”, “whore”.
Tears start to flow and before you know it you’re sobbing, your phone falling onto the bed. Those comments are all rushing through your head. “They don’t like me”, is the only thing you are thinking. You start to believe every word, that you don’t deserve Brad, realising that reading those comments was a bad idea.
“Y/n?”, Brad says shocked when he enters the room.
You had been reading these comments for two hours, you can't believe it.
“Brad, you have to see what they are writing about me”, you sob.
Brad was already sitting next to you, his arm over your shoulder, trying to calm you down.
“Did you read those comments? Babe don’t believe them because you’re only looking at the bad ones. I know how bad they can be but please do not believe them okay?”, he tries to reassure you.
“I don’t deserve you”, you say.
“Baby that’s not true, listen here”, he tilts your head so you’re looking at him, “I love you, what they say is not true and I will never listen to that, hell I would never read them because they are jealous of what we have. What we have is something special and I will never let those comments ruin that okay. Listen here, you're the only one for me, I would be a fool to let you go”, Brad says honestly.
The only thing you do is connecting your lips with his. They are moving perfectly in sync like you’re made for each other.
“You want to cuddle and talk until we fall asleep?”, Brad asks and you nod.
While Brad makes himself ready for bed, you make yourself comfortable in bed. When Brad enters the room again he gets into bed and pulls you onto him, kissing you softly. You never felt this happy and you’re glad you could talk about what bothered you. He makes you feel loved and at home and that’s all you need. The rest of the night you spend cuddling and kissing with Brad until you finally fall asleep at five in the morning.
The Vamps requests open
New Hope Club requests closed
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princesspiratecat · 3 years
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The Rise and Fall of the Shepard Family Part 29: Summer, 1084 & Fall, 1085
Part 1& Part 2
Part 3 & Part 4
Part 5 & Part 6 & Part 7
Part 8 & Part 9 & Part 10
Part 11 & Part 12 & Part 13
Part 14 & Part 15 & Part 16
Part 17 & Part 18 & Part 19
Part 20 & Part 21 & Part 22
Part 23 & Part 24 & Part 25
Part 26 & Part 27 & Part 28
It was strange to be back. 
Most of Gwendolyn’s memories of the Allard estate were from a time when Aélgarda had been alive. During her exile at the hovel, she had come to miss so many things about it, and had reveled in the little luxuries she had once had. The fire was always roaring, the meat had always been cooked to perfection, and her feather bed had always afforded her a good night’s sleep when her mind was quiet. But now the house had a coldness about it that she hadn’t remembered from before. It was dark and damp and surprisingly dirty.
Gwendolyn wrinkled her nose at the smell of dog and garlic from last nights’ dinner that hung in the air in the Great Hall. There was something else there that she couldn’t account for....rotten vegetables perhaps? 
They made their way to down the hall to the stairway and she could feel her palms getting sweaty. Frances met her eyes and offered her a reassuring glance, but she still felt a burning tightness in her chest as they treaded up the stairs.
Courage. You need courage.
“Oh brother! I am so glad you’re here!” Francine’s face was a mix of nervousness and fear as she hugged her brother tightly, and then hugged Gwendolyn. She had never seen her so frazzled before. Francine had always been the girlish one, full of giggles and frivolousness. But today, that was all gone, and she looked older than her eighteen years. “He is getting worse by the day, yet he still insists on coming down to sup and drink his mead. Then he is in his cups until he passes out. Frédérique says she will be here in the morning with her husband, but I am hoping they will arrive sooner. I cannot handle him anymore.”
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“Mead? Is that wise?” The beautiful features on her husband’s face flashed with a look of concern.
“I cannot stop him. He won’t listen to anyone and keeps ranting about how he cannot trust women. I don’t know what to do!” The look of helplessness and hopelessness on her face disarmed Gwendolyn. She had seen that look before. It was the look her father had shortly before her mother died.   
“Take us to him.” Gwendolyn could see exactly what he was feeling without him having to say anything, just by the tone in his voice. He was nervous and slightly terrified. 
We all are. 
The room smelled of sweat, vomit and stale air. She had never been in the Master’s bedroom before, but it was a beautiful room, despite the smell. The bed was large with fine fabrics that seemed to shimmer in the light, and the furnishings were inlaid with beautiful carvings done by a highly skilled hand. The light streamed into the room through long windows, which, under different circumstances would have been pleasant, but just then it made her feel exposed. The floors were covered in a variety of fine furs, and the niches were filled with silver candlesticks and beautiful decorative wooden boxes. In the corner sat a bucket of unknown contents, and Gwendolyn tried not to think about what might be in it.
Marcelle had lost a considerable amount of weight since she had last seen him. He was frail and old looking, with dark circles under his eyes. But she noticed he was dressed in a long elaborate robe in the Norman fashion that set him apart from all the other men who wore the Saxon style. There was a finely carved silver medallion at his breast, which Gwendolyn found an odd thing to wear when one was sick. Had he dressed purposely for the occasion? 
He still wants to remind us of his status. Of course.
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“What are you doing here, Shepard girl?” The raspy words slithered out of his mouth like a snake before she could even think. Upon his features was a look of disgust, reserved especially for her. She bristled under his gaze and felt her anger surface.  
“I am come to support my husband.” She looked away, intimidated by his hatred of her. She wanted to add that she had also come in the hopes that the breech between them could be healed, but after seeing his face she knew that it had been a foolish hope. Why was she here? The whole thing seemed like a stupid idea now, and she wished she had stayed away.
“Get her out of here, Frances.” He said his son’s name between clenched teeth, and her heart fell. What had she done for him to hate her so? Besides being born and falling in love with his son, she had never caused him harm or hurt him purposefully. If anything, it should be her that hated him.  
Perhaps it was better for her to go. If Frances wanted peace, then she was likely standing in the way of that just with her mere presence. But a small part of her hated being rejected by him, and it hurt her more than she expected it would. She got up and looked at what seemed like dead eyes and held his gaze to the point of making him uncomfortable. She wasn’t going to waste this chance to speak her bit, and he was going to hear it.
“I have come to inform you that I have forgiven you for all of the terrible things you have said and done. For exiling me, and for stealing my dowry, and for the hurt you have caused both of us. Although you really don’t deserve my forgiveness, nor my pity, I give it anyway.” His gaze was empty, as if he found her ridiculous. 
Then she moved closer to him and half whispered in his ear, ”Your time has come old man. You better get down on your knees and pray hard that your God will forgive you too for all of the rotten and disgusting things you have done.” She could feel her lip quiver in anger as she reflected back the look of disgust he had given her. His eyes grew wide with surprise, and it gave her a slight thrill. He hadn’t been expecting her to speak that way to him. In the past she would never have dared.
Before he could respond, she walked out of the room with more confidence than she felt. She noticed that her hands were shaking and her heart seemed to want to burst out of her chest. 
As soon as she walked into the long hall she felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had said what she come to say, and now it was over. She never had to think about that man again, and once he died, she would be free of him forever. But she couldn’t stop her tears from falling, yet she refused to give into the ache in her heart. 
Not here. 
She left word with a servant to tell Frances that she would be at the orphanage, and on shaky legs made the short walk down the lane to see her sisters. She wanted so much to collapse into Gwyn’s embrace, and after a few short moments, she did exactly that. 
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She told her everything, in between sobs and sniffles. And when she had gained enough composure over herself, she asked her sister’s opinion. “Do you think I was too harsh on him? Do you think I should have said something kinder to a dying man?”
“Marcelle?! No. He is lucky indeed that more don’t make their opinions of him known. His wealth protects him. But most people have turned against him since what he did to you has come to light, they whisper about him. People are disgusted by his abuse of power against a helpless orphan girl. He’s no longer seen as a gentleman. If I were you, I would have said much more.”
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Gwendolyn felt a small sense of relief that the village was on her side, but she was still worried about the rest of her new family. Where did they stand on the issue? Would they turn their backs on her once Marcelle was dead? 
During the ride back to the Inn, Marcelle explained everything that had happened and what his father had said. 
“Of course he chided me for leaving, and for marrying you and called me a simple fool. He called me simple!” Gwendolyn said nothing at this, as it was hardly a surprise. “Honestly, I thought he was going to be more angry and refuse to see me. But Gwendolyn, then he said the strangest thing- he called my mother a whore and said that myself and Francine are the only ones he can be sure are really his!”
Gwendolyn gasped in shock. “How could he say that of Aélgarda?! What an absurd thing to say! She dedicated her life to all of you, and the village.  And as for your parentage, one only has to look at your siblings to know they have the same parents as you do. They are all different arrangements of his own face!”
Frances nodded in agreement. Every one of his siblings had the same dark eyes as Marcelle, the straight sharp noses, and even the same shade of that beautiful sable colored hair. Gwendolyn thought that Frances was the best looking out of all of them, of course, but there was no denying that they were all related. It was as plain as day to anyone that cared to look. 
“I can only imagine that he is suffering from delusions. Perhaps a combination of poppy juice and mead?! He looks awful. I’ve never seen him so weak. It made me pity him.”
“Well, did you make your peace with him? How did you leave it?”
“In a way, I suppose. He said that I would inherit the estate since I am the only son he can be sure of...which shocks me to my core. I think the things you said to him had quite an affect on him, because he then told me to leave so that he could ‘make peace with his maker.’” He gave her a look just then, and she could see he was still recovering from shock. “What exactly did you whisper to him when you got close? I’ve never seen him pray in my life!”
She pinched her lips together and said quietly, “I told him what needed to be said. It was for his ears only.” 
His mouth curled into a little smile and he let out a chuckle. “Something about god? I’ll make a note never to cross you, as I have to say that I never want to see the look you gave him directed at me.” His eyes were teasing and he kissed her gently on the neck. “What a saucy Tigress you are.” She laughed and then he kissed her again. 
                             * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
In just a week’s time with the arrival of autumn, another nasty illness had spread to Barton Upon Humber from the North, and then made it’s way to Grimsby. Most people remained indoors, fearful that another plague would wipe out as many as it had several years ago, or more. Their fears were not unfounded, as it had been reported that twelve people had already died in the nearby farms and villages.
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First it hit the Merchant household of Handel, and killed not only Master Uddulf Handel, but his young son as well. Everyone was surprised it had brought down such a large, healthy man, but luckily his wife and daughter were spared. 
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Next it hit the Merchants, and killed the Irishman, Fáelán. For a time people thought that it would take Aoifé and the children as well, but they narrowly escaped death after several weeks.
Soon after it traveled to the house of the late Olric, where it bedded his widow, Agatha. The three children had to be sent to the orphanage while their mother was too sick to care for them, and she died just days afterwards, alone. 
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But finally it ended it’s travels at the Allard estate, where it made short work of Marcelle, who had been hanging on. It also banished Francois to his bed, where he clung to life. Yet just as quickly as it had spread, it was gone again, leaving the living to mourn the dead one more time. 
As soon as Marcelle died a messenger was dispatched to the Inn. Frances had been summoned to the estate where the reading of the will was to take place, and they hastily began to pack their trunks. As Gwendolyn began to carefully fold her clothing, she couldn’t help but wonder why she felt as if someone had punched her in the gut. It was true that she mostly hated Marcelle, but now that he was gone she remembered the days when he used to come visit their father and offered them fresh cherries from his orchard. He would sup with them sometimes, and her father had always been so proud when he did. She had considered him a father figure for so long. 
What had made him change so much?
She glanced over at Frances, as tears silently rolled down his cheeks, and she could feel his sorrow. She stopped folding and clasped her hands in his. He looked away at first, too ashamed to look her in the eye. Then the tears gushed out, and he quietly began to sob. He rested his head on her shoulder, and she could feel him shake with misery. She gently rubbed his back up and down, up and down, until he sobbed even harder and it all came sputtering out. 
“Now we’re both orphans,” he whispered. 
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
The Moment They Met
An AC3/AC:R Headcanon/Fic?
Word Count: 2,265 Warnings: Explicit Language
Author’s Note: So this is the first moment where the reader meets Shay and Haytham, but they’re set in different times? Like after the beginning events of AC3 and after Shay joins the Templars? So technically AC:R time period. Enjoy! -Thorne
           She growled as she looked through the closed window, the sound of revelry still coming from the dock across the street. Her sister frowned as she watched her from her bed, murmuring, “Come now, (Y/N). They’re not worth it.”
           (Y/N) turned her glare towards her sister, throwing the blankets from her body. “I don’t care.” She rolled out of the bed, griping, “This is the fifth night in a row they’ve thrown a drunken ramble. I’m absolutely sick of it.”
           Her sister stared as she walked to the closet, pulling on her overcoat. “Where are you going?”
           “I—” she started, hoping on a foot as she pulled on a pair of simple flats. “am going over there to give them a piece of my mind.”
           “I…I don’t think that’s a good idea, sister.” The other worried, pulling the covers to her chest. “Who knows what they might do?”
           (Y/N) stood straight and tied the overcoat around her waist. “Well I think sleep is a good idea and they’re disturbing it.” She crossed to the door and opened it. “I’ll be back in a few moments.”
           As she neared the ship, the party grew in noise, and so did her anger. Thousands of words crossed over her tongue and as she walked up the gangway, someone drunkenly stumbled over to her. “Hey—” they began but she held up a palm, effectively silencing him as she stepped onto the deck.
           “Excuse me!” she called, but no one seemed to hear her. “Excuse! Me!” Again no one paid mind and in a flash of indignation, (Y/N) yanked a bottle of alcohol from a sailor, who certainly hear her then. She threw it to the deck, and it shattered, much like the stupor everyone was in as they turned to look at her. “All of you shut up!” The sailors stared in surprise at the young woman in her nightgown and overcoat. “Which one of you is the captain?”
           A man in a simple tunic and leather pants raised a hand, walking to meet her. “That’d be me.” He stuck out his hand. “Captain Shay Cormac. And you are?”
           (Y/N) slapped his hand away. “Who I am is none of your business.” Ignoring his shock, she thrust a finger to his chest and admonished, “You and your crew have been in port for almost a week and every night since you got here, you’ve been throwing a party until midnight. It stops now.”
           He raised an eyebrow, an amused smile crossing his lips as he quipped, “Oh?”
           She narrowed her eyes, hissing, “Yes. It does.” (Y/N) gestured to herself. “Some of us in New York actually have real jobs they have to attend to in the morning and your drunken debauchery is keeping us from our rest!” With each word, her voice had risen and thinking she possibly looked like a raving madwoman, she took a deep breath and slapped a pleasant expression on her face, politely requesting, “So…if you would, please wrap this carouse up and go to bed, so that the rest of Greenwich can go to bed as well.”
           The captain stared into her eyes, but (Y/N) was no coward and met his stare head on, sending a withering one back. After a moment, he huffed and raised a hand, motioning to the crew. “You heard the lady, lads. Party’s over.” Her jaw dropped in surprise, but she quickly snapped it shut as groans began to surround her. Shay looked to them with a glare. “Oi! Shut your mouths and do as I say.”
           A chorus of ‘aye captain’ and ‘aye sir’ echoed from them and (Y/N) cleared her throat, hiding her embarrassment by curling her arms across her chest as she remarked, “Well, I’m glad we’ve straightened this out.”
           He tipped his head in acknowledgement. “On behalf of the Morrigan and her crew, I apologize for our ‘drunken debauchery’.” Shay let out a chuckle at her expression and she turned away, starting towards the plank.
           “Apology accepted. Goodnight, Captain Cormac.”
           Before she could get far, he appeared in her peripheral. “Hold a moment, lass.” She halted and waited. “I can hardly let a young lady such as yourself walk home alone.”
           (Y/N) cocked an eyebrow and countered, “I am more than capable of protecting myself Captain. If you think I need a man’s protection, you are sorely mista—”
           “It’s not a matter of needing a man’s protection.” He interrupted. “It’s about doing what’s proper, and what’s not proper is allowing a young woman to walk home in the dead of night by herself.” Shay pressed a hand to his chest, asking, “Please, allow me to accompany you at least to your street so I can see you home safely.”
           She regarded him a moment with suspicion, then muttered, “If you try anything, I will kill you.”
           Shay snorted. “Duly noted.” They started down the walkway and after a few minutes, they arrived at (Y/N)’s street.
           “This is me.” She said.
           He nodded and held his hands behind him. “Aye then. I’ll watch you from here and then return to the Morrigan.”
           (Y/N) met his gaze. “Goodnight Captain Cormac.” He smiled warmly at her.
           “Goodnight lass.”
           As she walked off, she stopped and turned. “Captain?” His expression turned curious as he waited and she murmured, “My name is (Y/N).”
           Shay’s smile grew and he tipped his head. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss (Y/N).”
           Haytham was tempted to tell her. Oh so tempted to tell her that the man she was giggling at would do nothing but sleep with her and leave her in the morning. Tempted as he was, he figured experience was the best teacher, and the next morning, she would learn better than to let her guard down so carelessly. He let out an inaudible sigh, thumb lightly tracing the handle of the mug he held. Somewhere downstairs, the door opened and closed and soon, footsteps followed, rapidly flying up the stairs. He felt some form of guard enter his system, but a woman, a few years younger than he, came around the corner.
           “(S/N) (L/N)!” The young girl on the man’s lap jumped and cast a wide-eyed glance to her.
           She scrambled out of the man’s grip and stood, hands wringing in front of her. “(Y/N)! Y-you’re here!”
           The woman stomped over and snatched her by her ear, ignoring the yelp of pain. “You’re damn right I’m here! What do you think you’re doing in a place like this?!”
           The girl had now raised to her tiptoes, voice twinged with pain as she replied, “I was just having a conversation!”
           “That is not what it looked like to me!”
           “I’m sorry!”
           The woman let her go and shoved her towards the stairs. “You get outside right this instance. Do you understand me?”
           The girl nodded rapidly and hurried down the stairs. “Yes! I understand!”
           When she was gone, (Y/N) turned to the man her sister had been sitting with. “You are a sick bastard.” She thrust a finger in the direction her sister had gone. “That girl is barely older than nineteen.” She pointed at him. “If I ever see you around her again, I will cut your cock off and shove it down your throat. Do I make myself clear?”
           The man’s mouth opened but an answer seemed to fail him and Haytham cut in, “Thomas understands.” He turned his steely gaze to the man. “Don’t you, Thomas?” The man nodded mutely.
           (Y/N) turned her attention to him. “Are you this man’s boss?” Haytham nodded. “It is not your place to do so, but I ask that if you see my sister coming around here, you send her straight home.”
           Seeming to have found his voice again, Thomas argued, “Why are you so protective? She’s grown.”
           She glowered at him and hissed, “I am all that girl has left and I made a promise to our parents on their deathbeds to watch after her.” She pointed at him. “I am not about to let her have her innocent heart trampled over by a man-whore like you.” Thomas’s jaw dropped, not expecting the face-slapping truth. “I know who you are. I know all about you and your gallivanting ways. You would use her and leave her and she…she is worth so much more than that.” (Y/N) felt herself become emotional, the tears gathering in the corners of her eyes as she finalized, “There is someone out there who will love her and take care of her and I am not going to let herself be fooled into believing that that someone is you.” She inhaled deeply and set her shoulders, warning, “You stay the hell away from her or else.” (Y/N) turned away without another word, silently descending the stairs.
           She stepped outside, immediately seeing the young girl in tears. Her heart hurt and in that moment she felt so regretful of her anger and reaction. Wordlessly, she handed her sister a handkerchief, watching her wipe her eyes. “Thank you, sissy.”
           (Y/N) gazed at her a moment, then took her into her arms, feeling (S/N) wrap her arms around her middle; she buried her face in (Y/N)’s shoulder and sniffled. “There, there, (S/N).” She pulled away and wiped the girl’s cheeks. “Come now, no more tears. It’s over, it’s done. Let’s go home.” She took her sister’s hand, gently tugging her along.
           They walked in silence a few minutes, then her sister said, “I was dropping off a letter to Miss Catherine and she asked me to go give the beer to them.”
           (Y/N) sighed at that. “She shouldn’t have done that. It wasn’t your job to serve them.” She glanced at the younger girl. “Next time, just politely decline and leave.” Her sister nodded and she squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry for embarrassing you like that. I…didn’t mean to react like so.”
           “No…I understand why.” Her sister stopped and looked at her with a clarity. “You’ve sacrificed so much for me and here I am acting like a fool.”
           (Y/N) frowned and cupped her cheeks. “…(S/N)…”
           “Mummy and daddy would be so disappointed in me.” She lamented.
           She felt her heart drop. “No. No, don’t say that.” (Y/N) made her look at her. “Mother and father would never be disappointed in you. You were their everything. They loved you so much.” Tears welled in her sister’s eyes. “I’ve been working so much, and you’re left alone all the time.” (Y/N) let go of her face and took her hands, squeezing them. “I’ll ask Mister Lenoir for a night shift rather than the day, so I’ll be around you during the morning and afternoons.”
           (S/N) looked at her. “You will?”
           (Y/N) nodded. “Yes. And I’ll start looking for a better job where we can both go and work together so neither of us will have to worry.”
           Her sister frowned “But there aren’t many job openings for us. How will you find one let alone two?”
           Before she could respond, a rather eloquent voice sounded from behind. “Your sister has an excellent point.”
           (Y/N) jerked, moving (S/N) behind her back as she turned to face the owner of the English accent. It was the man from before, Thomas’s boss. “Can I help you?”
           “While you were putting Thomas in his place, I wasn’t able to introduce myself. Allow me to do so properly.” He held his hand out to her. “Haytham Kenway.”
           (Y/N) regarded him suspiciously but reached for his hand. “(Y/N) (L/N).”
           Haytham took her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it, causing her cheeks to warm despite her reservation. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss (Y/N).”
           She pulled her hand away and stared at him. “Is there something you need, Mister Kenway?”
           “There is.” He looked at the two of them. “You’re looking for a job that will allow you to stay around one another, yes?”
           “And what is it to you?”
           Haytham cleared his throat and placed his hands behind his back. “The mansion I had contracted to build is now complete and while I’ve recently moved into it, I’m still looking for a staff to keep it in order. I’d be more than happy to offer you both jobs.”
           (Y/N)’s demeanor shifted instantly, turning from suspicion to straight awareness. “To what end?”
           He cocked an eyebrow, a bemused look crossing his face. “I don’t understand.”
           She tipped her chin up. “Birds of a feather flock together.”
           Haytham seemed to understand then, because he huffed a laugh and added, “Until the cat comes, Miss (Y/N).” His face turned solemn and he stated, “Don’t confuse me with Thomas. He and I are nothing alike. Never will be.”
           (Y/N) looked away, going silent for a moment, seeming to consider the situation, then she inquired, “Say that I—that we accept…” he nodded. “You won’t pull any tricks? You won’t bring that—that brute around?”
           Haytham placed a hand to his heart. “You have my word. Thomas won’t step foot on the property and no tricks will be pulled on either of you.” He looked them both over. “I’m in the business of bringing change to the world. It starts with the everyday people.”
           She scoffed. “I’m sure empires don’t form from two maids, but I’ll take your word for it.” (Y/N) stuck out her hand. “Shake on it.”
           “Like a man?” he amused but took her hand in his larger one.
           (Y/N) gripped it tight and pulled them closer, until they were nose to nose and countered, “Like a woman.”
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smokes-and-bullets · 3 years
"But still, you think people would notice a nineteen year old with red and blue eyes and snow whit hair." The brunet comments, shooting a murderous blood curdling glaring at a man who was acting like tough shit with a women who was minding her own busyness, trying to get her to go with him. When the man met eyes with the brunet he paled and bolted.
"My sister... if she doesn't want people to know of her she has her ways." The blond says, noticing Francis and was keeping an eye on his every move as if the man might jump him.
"Night sleeps around as much as I do, Chaos." The brunet said, turning his attention back to the blond. Noticing that he was keeping an eye on someone and followed his gaze to Francis. He averted them but was now aware of the other blonds presence.
"She may do that, Darkness, but should have checked in a month ago." Chaos states, pulling out two cigarettes and handing one to Darkness. Lighting his own and taking a drag, he seemed to calm down a bit. Darkness lit his as well.
Okay two more weirdos it seems has entered the city, the shitty part. What else was new. Rolling his eye as the two walked by, Francis remained where he stood and was now looking up at the sky while he smoked. Wow stupid names, calling each other that. Poor fools probably had dumb ass parents or something. God these two were loud, did they want everyone listening in on their mind numbingly stupid conversation? Why weren’t they walking off already. 
Groaning under his breath as he exhaled smoke, the man opted to ignore the two but damn were they already getting on his nerves. Waiting for them to leave the street already. Were they slow in walking too or overall not there in their manner of speech and physical abilities. 
Tapping the cigarette on hand he faced the direction of a few girls trying to grab the attention of men in cars. Whores on the streets, nothing new here. They were just trying to make money. Francis wasn’t here for any particular reason himself. Lounging about and enjoying the night on his own. 
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pinelife3 · 4 years
An investigation: if supermodels are so dumb and vapid, how do they pull artistic geniuses?
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This is a picture of Nick Cave and his wife leaving the inquest into their son’s death. Their 15 year old boy fell from a cliff after taking acid and becoming disoriented. 
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I cannot even conceive of how terrible it must be to lose a child. The drugs and the cliff make it an episode of Skins (or Euphoria for the zoomers) but that’s your little boy. It was a stupid accident and now you never get to see him again. A teenaged tragedy. Unendingly unfair. 
Ghosteen, the 2019 album from Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, is a complex, existential album in conversation with the death of Nick’s son and his feelings of loss and grief. Nick Cave is an artist - his life’s work is to share how he feels and what he thinks. What he’s expressing with Ghosteen is sorrow and longing - and some larger angst about the purpose of existence.
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Through all this tragedy, I’m sure you couldn’t help but notice... who’s the babe with the shiny hair and the fabulous gazongas? That’s Nick’s wife, man! Susie Bick - or sometimes Susie Cave. She was a major model in the 80s and 90s. A model and an artist - it’s actually fitting. 
And what’s more, Susie is the founder of The Vampire’s Wife - a label which has become super popular in the last couple of years. (Fashion people eyeroll The Vampire’s Wife because every dress has the same silhouette, but that’s out of the scope of this blog.)
There is a perception that models are are vapid and unserious. Their job is to look good, keep their mouth shut, and move merchandise. They cannot offer anything profound because their value is surface level. Men and women both push this way of thinking. 
For example, when Brad Pitt was recently revealed to be dating 27 year old model Nicole Poturalski, people were disappointed. Brad Pitt has been a cultural fixture for decades - after all this time, people still find him fascinating. And they expect him to date someone who is equally compelling. Clooney married a human rights lawyer - why is Brad dating someone who makes posts like this on Instagram...
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This was Lainey Gossip’s take on the new girlfriend: 
A model, younger, it’s so predictable it’s almost boring.
Nice! I guess we’re all feminists until the woman in question is young and hot. 
It's easy to assume the worst of a person who is unknown to us, but is beautiful and hooking up with someone famous. A million mean thoughts spring to mind. “A model, younger”. That’s scorn. You know exactly what she’s saying: hot but dumb. An uninteresting person. We know what Brad really wants her for... 
If Brad Pitt is compelling to you, how compelling must Nicole Poturalski be to have won and held his attention? Brad Pitt has not been celibate in the four years since he separated from Angelina Jolie, but not until Nicole did we have confirmation of someone who he was definitely seeing. He allowed himself to be photographed with her en route to his French chateau. And what ensued was a weird story - she’s in an open relationship with some old German restaurateur and she has a son? She’s a sugar baby? Why would Brad fucking Pitt get publicly involved with someone who has a messy personal life: why hook up with a married 27 year old and weather months of stories about her open marriage if he didn’t actually like her? Why even be seen with her? The relationship is a little weird - but the reporting on it has been nasty. The new sugar baby angle which has emerged in the last week (late October 2020) is basically calling her a whore. This is the level of suspicion and derision directed at a model dating a public fixture like Brad Pitt. The notion that Brad Pitt would pay for female company or sex is patently absurd. 
If our assumptions about models are correct, why do so many models end up with artistic geniuses? I don’t care about the Victoria’s Secret models who hooked up with the bassist from Kings of Leon. I’m talking about beautiful women who made it with icons, the premier humans of the past century:
Nick Cave and Susie Bick
David Bowie and Iman
Kanye West and Amber Rose
Bob Dylan and Sara Lownds
Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall
Mick Jagger and Carla Bruni
Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin
Eric Clapton and Pattie Boyd
George Harrison and Pattie Boyd
Madonna and Jesus Luz
Salman Rushdie and Padma Lakshmi
Donald Trump and Melania (lol)
Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni
Evan Spiegel and Miranda Kerr 
Hitler and Eva Braun (What?! She had a brief career an artist’s model...)
Michael Jordan and Yvette Prieto
Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall 
ACTORS (perhaps not artistic icons... but still creative and interesting)
Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves
Johnny Depp and Kate Moss
Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk
Bradley Cooper and Suki Waterhouse
Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse
Vincent Cassel and Tina Kunakey
Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubrey
Leonardo DiCaprio and half the VS roster
Huge congrats to all the models with more than one entry on the list. You’ll note that there is a dearth of female icon/male model pairings - this is kind of interesting but not something I feel like getting into.
To some extent, the prevalence of the artist and model pairing makes sense. Men like good looking women. Rich, powerful men are high status and have access to good looking women. Plus, an artist needs a muse.
Many of the models in the list above are actually iconic in their own right. Like, when someone is having a great day on RuPaul’s Drag Race and looking sleek and skinny and flawless RuPaul might compare them to Iman. People pay $10,000 USD for handbags named after Jane Birkin. 
Conversely, in the case of Amber Rose, she became the most desired woman in the hip hop industry c. 2010 because she was with Kanye. And most especially because she broke Kanye’s heart. Everyone wanted the girl from “Hell of a Life”. People point to that song as being about Kim - it was prophetic, yes, but not written about her.
Anyway. Could an icon, a legend, a genius, make it work with someone who had nothing to offer but a fast metabolism and a beautiful face? Do poreless skin and puffy lips make up for never finishing high school? 
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Wouldn’t being with someone superficial or unserious mean the artist was fundamentally boring in some way too? This is increasingly the assumption about Leonardo DiCaprio - seen above photographing his 23 year old model gf for her Instagram. Even Reddit mocks him for his age gap relationships with models.
And here’s where I try to make my point: 
Kate Moss’ daughter, Lila, recently had her modelling debut during Paris Fashion Week. It was big news because she’s celebrity spawn - and of course her mother is one of the most iconic models ever. She was eviscerated. 
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On The Daily Mail, the comparisons to her mother flowed. What’s interesting is that Daily Mail readers do not like Kate Moss but they will defend her 90s modelling career with their life. They laud her bone structure, her waifish figure. An irresistible, undeniable face. 
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It seems silly to praise someone for the shape of their head and the way their skin fits over it... it’s not a talent, is it? Maybe it is! There is no shortage of hot girls in the world - but there may be a shortage of girls with preternatural charismatic beauty. Lila Moss (left above) is attractive - she even looks quite a bit like her mum. Perhaps in the pic above she even looks hotter than her mum (right above). But Kate Moss is more interesting: less perfect - half her eyebrow is missing, she’s less manicured. She exudes some kind of darkness, newness. Lottie Moss, Kate’s younger half-sister, is a similar story. Obviously attractive, obviously interested in modelling - but she’s lacking something. 
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Bella Hadid came from a similar-ish background to Lila Moss (Bravoleb parents, frequent appearances on Real Housewives of Beverley Hills in her teen years, groomed by her ex-model mother) but Bella Hadid has it. She may have risen through the ranks due to nepotism and cosmetic surgery but she is someone people want to look at. She is sought after - not foisted upon us. Again, it’s not because she’s the hottest woman on the planet. She is gorgeous, but on top of that, there’s something beguiling about the angles of her face.
What’s this thing that clicks in your head telling you that Kate Moss’s face is more interesting than her daughter’s? It’s an intrusive thought: her skull shape is pleasing, let your eyes linger. A command: you will not forget that face. 
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Iman has it. Look at her. On meeting Iman, Bowie said: "I was naming the children the night we met... it was absolutely immediate." How many beautiful women had Bowie met in his life? How many had this effect?
Can you imagine trying to keep David Bowie or Bob Dylan interested in what you’re saying? Or Madonna? Or Michael Jordan? Most of us do not have a single thought in our head which would be of interest to these people. The models I listed earlier transfixed them. Mick Jagger could have romanced every woman on the planet - but he only wanted Jerry Hall (pls disregard affairs so I can make my point). 
When a model hooks up with an artistic genius, it’s illogical to assume she’s vapid or that the icon is with her for shallow reasons. What we should assume is that she is the most interesting woman that icon has crossed paths with in a long time - which would make her very interesting indeed.
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thebadgerclan · 4 years
Mrs. Weasley
Pairing: Bill Weasley x reader
Requested by Anonymous
Summary: He never loved her....
A/N: Apparently Fleur isn’t even considered a half-blood (she’s considered “part human”) because she’s 1/4 veela, and veela aren’t “beings”  Fun facts!
This was it, the day you’d been dreading for months.  Bill Weasley was getting married, and it wasn’t to you.  He’d still invited you, you being his closest friends, and who were you not to attend?  Molly and Arthur loved you like a daughter, and it was, and still is, their hope to have you as part of the Weasley family.  But Bill was marrying Fleur, that French whore, instead of you.  Bill liked her well enough, but it was clear from your conversations that he was by no means in love with her.
“She’s alright, I suppose,” he’d confessed to you one night over a butterbeer.  “Her parents want her to marry into a pureblood family, and apparently they want her to marry me.”  You could only nod, sadness and grief filling you.   “Apparently they have some pull with the Ministry.  If it were up to me, I wouldn’t marry her at all.”  You nodded again, tears slipping from your eyes.  “Hey,” Bill said, taking your hand.  “I may be marrying her, but you will always have a special place in my heart.”  “Thank you, Bill.”
That was last night, and now you were seated in the front row of chairs, Ron to your left, Ginny to your right.  She looked about as unhappy as you flet, though you made an effort not to let it show.  Fleur made her vows, hardly understandable in her thick accent, then it was Bill’s turn.  “Everything I am is yours,” he began, and you felt tears prick at your eyes.  “You are my everything.  My shoulder to cry on, my light, my love.”
As he spoke, you couldn’t help but imagine those words were directed at you.  “I promise to love you until I die, I swear to you Y/N, you are mine eternally.”  Everyone gasped, and Bill flushed scarlett.  You turned around, Fleur’s parents were charging up the aisle while Molly and Arthur whispered to one another.  “Vat iz zis?” Madame Delacour demanded.  “Ze name ov anozer woman?  Explain yourself!”  Molly approached her son.  
“It’s clear that Bill, unfortunate as this may be for your precious daughter’s blood status, does not love her and does not wish to marry her.”  “‘Ow dare you speak to my wife in zis manner!” Fleur’s father said angrily.  “I suggest you step away from my wife,” Arthur said.  “She casts a viscous hex.”  The Delacours grabbed their daughter’s arms and Apparated away, their guests following suit.
“Bill,” you stood and approached him, hope blooming in your chest.  He met you halfway, pulling you into his arms and kissing you.  You heard Molly gasp behind you, but you could tell it was one of joy.  The kiss lasted for almost a full minute before Bill pulled away, resting his forehead against yours, keeping you in his arms.  “Y/N, I love you, it’s always been you.”  You were crying again, and Bill dried your tears.  “I love you too, Bill.  I’ve loved you since-”  “Sixth year.  I know, so have I,” he finished your sentence.
The officiant, while touched by your love, sighed.  “Is someone getting married today or not?”  Bill looked at his parents, who both had tears in their eyes, and his siblings.  Ginny was smiling ear to ear, while Ron, Fred, George, and Harry were fondly shaking their heads.”  “Y/N M/N L/N,” Bill said, dropping to one knee.  He flicked his wand and the most beautiful diamond ring flew into his hand.  “This is so sudden, I know, but will you make me the happiest man in the world and become my wife?”
“Bill,” you said, tears once more flowing freely.  “Yes! Yes, I will marry you!”  He slipped the ring onto your finger and kissed you.  When you pulled away, Molly transfigured your dress into a gorgeous white gown, and Bill took your hands, nodding at the officiant.  “I won’t even bother with the drabble, do you have vows?”  Bill nodded.  “Y/N, I love you more than words can say.  It’s always been you.  I can’t imagine the suffering you felt seeing me with her, but I swear you will never have to experience that ever again.
“You possess my very soul, and you are the one person I can’t live without.  I will protect and cherish you until the end of my life.”  The officiant smiled and nodded to you.  “Bill, I can honestly say I didn’t expect to get married today, but the joy I feel right now has no words to describe it.  I have loved you for years, and I will love you for the rest of my life.  I trust you with my everything, and I am so excited to start my life with you.”  “With these vows, these persons have bound their souls.  You may kiss your bride.”
Bill kissed you, lips dancing over yours.  “Well Mrs. Weasley,” he said, smirking.  “What do you say we head out on the honeymoon?”  You laughed and kissed him again.  “I don’t think I could object to that, Mr. Weasley.”  Bill scooped you into his arms and carried you out of the tent, pausing so you could speak to Molly.  “Y/N,” she said, wiping her eyes.  “I’m so happy for you, so happy for Bill!  There’s no one I’d rather have as a daughter-in-law.”  “Thank you so much Mrs. Weasley.”  “Oh please, call me Molly!  Or Mum, if you want.”  “Thank you, Mum”
Tears sprang back into Molly’s eyes as Bill, still carrying you, spoke to the rest of his family.  “I am not putting you down,” he said when you mentioned it.  “No buts, this is happening.”  Ginny did her best to hug you while still in your husband’s arms, her smile hadn’t faded.  “I’m so glad you’re my sister now and not Phlegm!”  “Ginerva!”  “What!  You hated her too!”  Molly laughed.  “I did.”
A half hour later, Bill Apparated you to your honeymoon destination.  “I did plan this trip with Fleur in mind,” Bill admitted.  “Do you mind?”  “No.  I’m your wife now, you’re my husband.  A vacation hardly matters.”  “But it will be nice,” Bill added, setting you on your feet.  “I love you so much,” you said and he kissed you again.  “I love you too Y/N, now come.”  He took your hand and led you into your hotel suite.  “Just a moment, love.”  He stopped at the receptionist’s desk.  “There’s been a small mistake.  My wife’s name is Y/N, not Fleur.”  “So sorry Mr. Weasley, we’ll fix that right away.”  
The receptionist flicked her wand and smiled.  “That takes care of that.  Enjoy your stay, and congratulations!”  Bill nodded his thanks and rejoined you.   The suite was massive, the bed covered in rose petals, Bill and Y/N spelled in the center.  “Bill, this is amazing.”  “Nothing is too much for my wife.”  “I love you so much, Bill,” you reiterated, and he kissed you yet again.  “And I love you more.”  
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megalony · 4 years
She’s a good girl- Part 11
Here is the latest part in my murderer! Ben Hardy series which I hope you are all enjoying, there is more fluff than angst in this part for you all. Feedback is always appreciated.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem​ @butlegendsneverdie​ @langdonzvoid​ @jennyggggrrr​ @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah​ @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6​ @rogertaylors-lipgloss​ @sj-thefan​ @omgitsearly​ @luckytrashgooprebel​ @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac​ @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @peterquillzsblog @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh
Series taglist: @onceuponadetectivedemigod​ @lelifesaver​​
Series masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) is a good girl from a church-going family and her brother, Joe, is trying to put Ben behind bars. But when (Y/n) starts to fall for the dangerous killer, things get complicated.
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"(Y/n) get away from him now!"
A surge of fear shot through (Y/n)'s body that both petrified her and paralysed her to the spot she stood on. Her eyes focused on her big brother who was stood on the other side of the road looking the way she felt. Joe's eyes were wide in their sockets like they were about to pop out, his nose crinkled up and his upper lip curled into a snarl when he looked at Ben and his jaw seemed to grate and click side to side.
If Joe had possession of a gun (Y/n) knew it would be in his hands by now and pointed at Ben.
Daring to move her head, (Y/n) looked around like she was looking for a quick escape or something to focus her attention on but all she saw was people of the church stopping and staring at them. Eyes were watching them from close up and afar, unsure what was happening especially since no one had seen Ben here before so their attention would undoubtedly be focused on him.
What was she supposed to do?
Joe hated Ben with every fibre of his being, he was setting up an investigation to put Ben behind bars for good and here was (Y/n) about to get married to him next week. There was no way that (Y/n) could hide Ben from her brother any longer because their parents had seen him now and they would tell Joe who he was if (Y/n) didn't.
"(Y/n) I'm being serious get the fuck away from him." Joe looked perplexed as he hurriedly crossed the road to reach Ben and his little sister.
He wanted (Y/n) as far away from Ben as possible but it was very clear to Joe that Ben was the secret boyfriend she had. But the way Joe was looking at (Y/n) made a weight settle in her stomach like the baby suddenly weighed over a ton and was dragging her down. Joe didn't know. He thought (Y/n) was oblivious to who Ben really was because he didn't know (Y/n) had seen Ben's file that fateful day at home. He was under the impression that (Y/n) was being led on by Ben and that she was all sweet and innocent and oblivious to who Ben really was.
When in reality (Y/n) knew who Ben was from the moment she clapped eyes on him and it made no difference to her. She was a religious church-going girl who was stepping out with a murderer, clearly there had to be something wrong with (Y/n) and her faith.
The moment Joe was within reach, he leaned over and grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist so he could tear her away from Ben who was desperate to either barrel his fist into Joe or pull (Y/n) back towards him. But Ben stayed put, he knew better than to start a fight with a police officer, whenever he was arrested he went willingly and gave them no more reason to arrest or charge him. He wasn't stupid.
(Y/n) felt herself beginning to shake when Joe pulled her behind him like she was his baby sister he was protecting from a fight in the playground. She dared to rest her hand on his shoulder but he didn't even spare her a glance, his eyes were solely focused on the murderer standing in front of him like a demon.
"Joe please... w-what are you doing?"
How was she supposed to play this? Would it be better if (Y/n) played the dumb oblivious act and pretended she didn't know anything about Ben's dodgy dealings? That would certainly make Joe and her family happy and feel relieved. But if she did that then her whole family was going to expect her to stay with them and keep away from Ben and Joe would be more determined to put Ben away, he would think Ben took advantage of (Y/n) or led her on. (Y/n) would be back trapped with her family, they would do everything in their power to stop her from marrying him and keeping the baby.
But if she told Joe she knew who Ben was and what he did, Joe was never going to forgive her for this. He was on one side of the law and Ben was on the other and this would place (Y/n) on the wrong side with Ben. Her family would disown her for good but it was Joe she couldn't bear to lose.
When Joe turned on his heels to face her, (Y/n) saw the fear, anger, aggression and the pain in his eyes. He didn't know what to do because he clearly thought that he would break her if he told her who Ben was. (Y/n) felt tears welling up in her eyes and her frame shuddered when Joe cradled her face in his hands and leaned down close to her like he was about to tell her a secret. (Y/n) brushed her thumbs over Joe's wrists to try and calm him down but both of them were shaking.
"You need to come home with me, you can't be anywhere near this guy (Y/n). It's him, it's the guy I'm trying to arrest. Come on I'll explain everything but you have to come with me now." He whispered everything very quietly as not to let Ben hear but he frowned when (Y/n) shook her head.
"Joe... h-he's the guy I told you about, the one I'm engaged to." (Y/n)'s lips curved up at the corner's but it was a sad smile that only made the tears fall faster from her eyes.
"(Y/n), sissy please come with me now. You can't be with this guy, he's a murderer, okay? This is the man who kills people and gets away with it and I won't let him do anything to you or the baby-"
"It's his baby, he won't hurt me."
Joe tipped his head back like he was trying to stop himself from shouting at her to get her to see this from his eyes before he let go of (Y/n)'s face and instead moved to hold her arm and her waist. He turned her in the direction of their parent's house but he couldn't pull (Y/n) properly when her feet scraped against the pavement because she didn't want to go back there. That was the home where she had been cast out and called a whore and was deemed a traitor to their religion. (Y/n) wasn't going back there without Ben.
"I'd rather you didn't drag her like that. She doesn't want to go with you, let her go."
Ben placed his hand very lightly on Joe's shoulder just so he could stop him from walking away and he let go quickly when Joe turned to face him, watching as Ben's hand motioned towards (Y/n) but his eyes focused on Joe. He was desperate to tell Joe to get off her and leave her alone but he knew how close (Y/n) was to Joe, her brother wasn't at risk of hurting her, that was her parents.
"And I'd rather you step the fuck away from my sister because she isn't going anywhere with you." Joe kept himself between (Y/n) and Ben like a barrier and (Y/n) was surprised how much confidence and authority her brother had. He was holding his head up like he was trying to be the same height and level with Ben and he was keeping his cool in front of someone he wanted to punch and slap in handcuffs.
"Why don't you ask her what she wants to do?"
Joe shook his head very slowly but at the same time, he cast a look over at (Y/n). His eyes pleaded with her just to stay behind him or say she was going with him rather than go anywhere with Ben. But even if she said she wanted to go with Ben, Joe wasn't going to allow it, he wasn't letting his little sister walk off with someone who posed a very dangerous risk to her.
"I'll go home with you if Ben comes too."
"No, (Y/n) I don't know what lies he's told you or what he's said but he isn't a good man he will hurt you and I can't let that happen don't you see? He can do whatever he likes but you need to come with me I won't say it again."
"What does that mean? I live with him Joe, I'm having his baby, you can't just tell him to leave and expect me never to see him again. I'll come home with you and talk it over if he comes too but I'm not going anywhere without him."
(Y/n) didn't know what Joe expected her to do. He couldn't seriously believe that if she left with him now she would never see Ben again. She loved Ben and she was living with him and this was his baby, (Y/n) couldn't cut him out of her life entirely and Joe had to see that. Even if (Y/n) was so stunned by Ben being a murderer and wanted nothing more to do with him, she was having his child and that would tie her to Ben forever. If Joe wanted to talk (Y/n) would talk but Ben had to be there too.
"He's dangerous-"
"He's never once hit me or hurt me or called me a whore or said one rude thing to me."
Not once had Ben ever scared (Y/n), he'd never tried to hit or attack or hurt her, he hadn't pushed her or got physical with her in all the months they'd been together. He never pushed her do have sex with him or do anything she didn't want to do. Ben had never called (Y/n) a whore or said anything remotely rude to her and they hardly ever argued at all. Ben was an angel to (Y/n) even if he was a demon around everyone else and she was safer with him than at home with their parents.
Pulling out of Joe's hold, (Y/n) looked over at Ben before she crossed the road and expected both men to follow after her. She tried to drown out the sound of Joe telling Ben he had no right to go after (Y/n) but Ben didn't listen, he simply followed after (Y/n) when she took out her keys and unlocked her old family home. She knew Cora and their parents wouldn't be far behind them but she didn't care. If Joe wanted to talk that was what they would do.
(Y/n) headed straight for the living room but once inside, she didn't make a move to sit down. She had sat down to argue last time and it led to her getting her hair pulled and her body thrown into the sofa by Paul. If she stood up and something happened she could cower behind Ben for protection or make a very quick exit out the door.
Her arms cocooned around her chest as tightly as she could over her curved stomach and her eyes focused on Ben when he walked into the room and headed straight over to her. She could see his eyes sweeping around the room, taking in the few pictures hanging on the walls and in frames on the mantle piece but his eyes always found a way back to (Y/n) stood beside him.
When Joe walked into the room it was clear he didn't know whether to sit or stand, whether to pace up and down the room or stand as still as a statue.
"Alright, (Y/n) I don't know what he's told you but whatever it is it's a lie. This man is a murderer, he kills people in cold blood, he threatens and blackmails, he betas people up when they don't listen, he's been done for profiteering and money laundering and whatever else. His list is miles long, you shouldn't be with a man like this."
Joe kept pointing his hand at Ben like he was a magician trying to conjure up some kind of spell or make Ben disappear or prove a point but it wasn't working and his act wasn't magical.
(Y/n) didn't know what she was supposed to say. She knew what Ben was capable of, she had read the file and had seen first hand what the list looked like and what it contained. She wasn't saying Joe was lying because she believed him and knew where he was coming from, but the problem was that Joe wasn't going to understand where (Y/n) was coming from with this. Saying she loved him was never going to be enough for Joe because Ben was a criminal that he wanted to put away for good. But if he tried to put Ben away (Y/n) would never forgive him and Ben would find a way to be free anyway.
"I don't care." (Y/n) couldn't help but shrug her shoulders and hold her hands out at her sides to further prove her point. There was nothing she could say except the truth and the truth was that (Y/n) didn't care.
She had ignored what Ben was capable of since the first moment she met him and part of (Y/n) didn't know why. Maybe it was because Ben was the first person to treat her like a proper adult. He talked to her and listened to her and treated her fairly and like a woman, like someone he cared for. Ben loved her and he gave her respect and did more for her than anyone else in her entire life had done for her. Being a murderer wasn't the side of Ben that (Y/n) ever saw and it was a side she could ignore because when he was around her, he was an angel and that was more than enough for (Y/n).
"Y- you don't care?" Joe smiled in a way that made (Y/n) unnerved and sure that he was going to start laughing at any moment. "You don't care that you're engaged to a murdering bastard? How... how can you not care when God says thou shalt not kill? You're really telling me you've lost your faith and you're willing to let this man be a father to your baby?"
"And I haven't killed anybody, I have no such sins and no quarrels with God. If Ben does... kill people, that's not my choice and he doesn't have faith so God can punish him how he likes. He isn't testing or ruining my faith because it's mine, not his, I can't control him. And he is the father, I won't stop him from seeing the baby."
(Y/n) didn't go against God, she hadn't killed anybody like he said not to do and so (Y/n) had no problems or arguments with the Lord. It was Ben who was killing people and she could never stop him or be blamed for that so it was therefore not to do with her or her faith. (Y/n) might not like what Ben did but it didn't involve her and therefore didn't go against her faith when it was his choice and Ben didn't have any faith himself.
"What have you said to her? The (Y/n) I know wouldn't be with a fucker like you, if you've threatened her-"
"If (Y/n) wants to leave me she has every right and will to do so. Unlike your parents, I give her a choice, she isn't obliged to live with me or forced to work for me or do anything I ask of her." Ben folded his arms over his chest but the smile on his lips was grating on Joe's last nerves.
"Work for you? You said you work at the journalism place in town?"
(Y/n)'s shoulders slumped as she looked away for a moment, biting her bottom lip as she tried to gain the courage she needed to talk without breaking down or riling her brother up anymore than she already had done.
"You're with the police, Cora's a shitty receptionist in a law firm... if I told mum and dad I worked in a boxing club you know what they would say and I knew you'd talk me out of it. I like my job, it's like a freedom compared to living here."
If (Y/n) told her parents where she really worked they would be disappointed and furious that she was't aiming higher with her life and her ambitions and they would have eventually talked her out of it or looked down on her until she quit. But (Y/n) was happy, she didn't want to be a high achieving police officer or try and climb the ladder at a law firm and she didn't want to be a journalist. (Y/n) didn't know what her dream job was yet but for now the job she had with Ben was more than enough for her and it suited her to do so many different things in the club like he allowed her to do.
"Can't you see he's making you depend on him? He's using and seducing you because you've never been with anyone before! You work for him, you live with him, you're having his child, you're totally dependant on him and that makes you vulnerable."
"Why would I want her to be dependant on me, she isn't a child." Ben had no reason to make (Y/n) dependent on him because he was only after her love, he wasn't after anything else from her and he didn't want her to rely on him for everything because that was abuse and he got nothing out of that.
"I'm not dependant on him Joe, I work for him but I've got my own wages now, I live with him but that means I can leave whenever I want because the house isn't legally mine. I've got a car, I'm not relying on him and he isn't using me."
(Y/n) didn't need to rely on Ben because she was becoming independent. When she lived at home she relied on her parents for money, for a roof over her head, for permission to go places and do things, she was controlled when she lived here. But with Ben he gave her a job and her wages were her own, Ben didn't look after her money for her he gave it to her to do what she liked with it. The house wasn't hers but (Y/n) liked that because no ties to the house meant that if they broke up (Y/n) could find somewhere else to live and she had no rights to the house so it wouldn't be something tying her down or tying her to Ben.
He'd given her a car that was in her name so he couldn't just take it back from her, it gave (Y/n) freedom to go places and do what she liked when she liked without relying on her parents or Joe or the bus timetable. Ben was helping (Y/n) gain her freedom, he wasn't taking it away from her.
"And what happens when he loses his temper with you? I've seen what he does to people (Y/n), you're not special just because your having his baby. I've seen it all, broken sternums, broken bones, shot in the knee, punctured lungs, splints on broken bones, he beats people to a pulp and that could be you. Why would you want to take that chance, what if he hurts the baby?"
The anger in Joe's voice seemed to evaporate and became replaced with pure pain.
(Y/n) had seen the reports too, she'd looked through Ben's file that was more like a book and it wasn't pretty. She'd read the post-postmortems and she'd seen the hospital records of what Ben had done to people, he beat them to within an inch of their lives and they were too afraid to go to court in case he came back to finish the job. Just the thought of what Ben did made (Y/n) shiver, she never asked whether the bruises and broken knuckles he came home with were because he'd been boxing or blackmailing people because the truth might scare her.
But Ben never hurt her.
"And what happens when your reverend loses his temper with her? Never once has (Y/n) come home with a bruise or emotional abuse from me but I've seen the bruises when he hits her or pushes her when she's pregnant and I didn't throw her out of her own church or call her a whore. What happens when he takes it one step further because I'd say she's in more danger here than with me."
"Don't you dare start with me-"
"Or, what? You keep saying I've killed people and I've done all this shit but if I did, where are your witnesses? Why haven't you arrested me yet?"
Everyone in the room knew what Ben had done and that he was guilty, he was simply pushing buttons because he could and he wanted to see what kind of reaction he was going to get if he did. The way he rose his brows and curved his lips into the smallest of smiles made Joe's hands clench at his sides and he was coming so close to throwing a punch and starting a fight.
"Joe... I'm happy, for once I'm the happiest I've ever been, I'm not leaving him because I love him. I'm sorry you don't like it."
(Y/n) wasn't doing this anymore, she wasn't arguing when there was no reason for it. She wasn't going to leave Ben and nothing that Joe or her parents would say was going to change her mind or change how (Y/n) felt towards him. She loved Ben and they were going to get married next week and have a baby, that was all there was to it and nothing was going to change that.
(Y/n) reached out for Ben's hand before she attempted to walk out of the room but just as she got to the door Joe moved in her path. He wasn't trying to barricade her in the room with him or grab her and prevent her from leaving because it was very clear he wasn't going to change her mind or make (Y/n) stay. But he didn't want to stop talking yet.
"What do I do if I get called to a scene and it's you he's broken? If you marry him I can't help you, you'll be on the wrong side of this."
"He won't hurt me."
"I hope so for your sake because when you walk out that door, I won't follow. You'll be at his mercy and he'll be at mine when I get the evidence I need to arrest him. I'm not stopping until he's behind bars."
"I pity you and the long wait you have ahead of you." (Y/n) turned her head away from Joe and bypassed around him to get out into the hallway. She knew Joe was cutting ties with her the moment she left the house, he wasn't going to be in contact with her or even look at her unless she called to say that Ben had hurt her or she would testify against him. But they all knew Joe would be waiting a very long time to get the kind of evidence he needed to put Ben away for a long time. That was a dream that was near impossible for Joe to have come true and they all knew it.
"What's the matter?"
When (Y/n) felt Ben's arm that was around her waist tighten and his hand begin to feather over her stomach, she kept her eyes closed and stayed deathly still curled up into his side, praying that he would believe she was still asleep. Truthfully she had been sleep about an hour ago since it was getting late but she couldn't seem to stay asleep. There were too many thoughts rattling around in her head that were waking her up and it was starting to make her feel panicked.
It had to be around eleven o'clock or later but they had a usual routine, Ben liked the tv on in the background because somehow it lulled him to sleep. (Y/n) didn't see how it made him sleep but it did and she could sleep with it on in the background when she managed to drone out the voices and the volume. But Ben sounded as awake as ever right now.
"Doll, I know you're not asleep. Come on, what's wrong?" Ben knew (Y/n) well enough by now to know when she was actually sleeping and when she was awake and right now he knew she was awake and he could see something was rattling through her mind.
He looked down at her, watching and patiently waiting until (Y/n) opened her eyes and lifted her head to look up at him, leaning her cheek on his chest. "I'm just thinking."
"About what?" Ben's voice was gentle and his hand feathering up and down her stomach made (Y/n) feel a bit more relaxed against him. Their eyes locked for a few moments as (Y/n) debated how to word what she was thinking because she knew Ben would get it out of her eventually so there was no point trying to lie or dodge the subject.
"My dad and Joe. I... sometimes I never thought I'd get away, sometimes I just thought it was okay, to let everyone dictate what I should do. But I always had this fairy tale idea, you know? I wanted my dad to perform my wedding and Joe to give me away a- and I always thought it would be in that church."
(Y/n) wasn't complaining, she really wasn't, but she couldn't help but dwell on everything. Growing up she assumed it was fine to be told what to do and where to go and when to do things, it was a normality that Ben showed her was not in fact okay. But she had this idea for years that when she got married it would be in her father's church and he would do the ceremony and Joe would walk her down the aisle. She would wear a white dress and everyone would be happy and she would marry someone her family approved of.
The reality was that she wasn't getting married in a church, her family wouldn't be there and no one would approve of who she was marrying. She hadn't even chosen a white dress because it didn't look or feel right.
"I'm sorry-"
"No, it's not... I don't want it to be in that church anyway, I don't even know if I want to go back there and I couldn't have my dad officiating things anyway after what he said. I'm happy about marrying you I want to and I want it to be our way... I just never thought being happy and being free would be at a price."
(Y/n) didn't fancy going to another sermon at that church where she knew everyone and knew how they would think and look at her and she didn't want to be around her family if they were going to be so hostile and disappointed in her. She wanted to marry Ben and this way she got to choose where and when to get married and what she would wear and her mother and sister wouldn't be there putting her down or commenting on how she looked. And no one was going to object or frown at who she was marrying.
She just didn't realise she would have to lose Joe and all of her family in order to be happy and to have what she wanted in life.
(Y/n) lifted her head up from Ben's chest and pushed herself up into a sitting position next to him when he sat up straighter against the headboard.
"Come here."
"Ben no-"
"Come on, come up here I wanna hold you." (Y/n) looked at Ben warily but sighed when he was already holding her arms and pulling her over to where he wanted her. It was rather normal now for (Y/n) to sit on his lap and she loved it when he wrapped his arms around her and reeled her in like he always did but her growing stomach was starting to make it a bit harder to sit like this.
But nevertheless (Y/n) crawled over until her knees were on either side of Ben's thighs and he could wrap his arms around her back with her arms hooking loosely around his neck. She watched his eyes rake over her and stop on her stomach that was a bit more hidden due to the fact that she was wearing one of his shirts to sleep in. But he could still see the curves of her stomach and he straightened up and leaned a bit closer until her tummy was pressing into his.
"I know you're close to Joe and it isn't the same, but you've gained a new family by losing them and this way your life is actually yours."
Ben knew it was never going to be the same but he hoped that (Y/n) didn't regret being with him because it was Ben who had caused her to lose her whole family and effectively her church. But by losing them she had gained so much freedom and the ability to live her life the way she wanted, not to mention Ben loved her and they were having their own little family now with the baby.
"Plus, there are other churches around here doll. Moving church doesn't mean you're testing your faith or losing it. You might feel better and more accepted somewhere else."
If (Y/n) felt that she couldn't go back to the church her father was at then there were many others around that she could consider. (Y/n) moving church wasn't like she was changing her religion or losing her faith, it might allow her to feel more accepted and start fresh and to meet people. It would help her faith too if she kept going to church rather than missing sermons which were part of her life and routine.
Ben thought for a moment that the tears leaving her eyes were ones of sadness or upset but his eyes widened before falling closed when (Y/n)'s fingers tangled in his hair and she leaned forward to kiss him deeply.
"I wouldn't change this for anything."
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