#my photography and editing and doodles
aimseytv · 1 year
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a-ramblinrose · 2 years
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The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System Vol. 4 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu!!!!! I ordered the special edition and all the bonus goodies are amazing!!!!!!! I tried my best to get photos of everything but lacked a large surface with great light. Please accept some better lit closeups under a read more for details. 
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
How can I cultivate the same, "just keeping making stuff all the time" kind of energy you have? It's very impressive and something I wish I could do!
well, theres a couple reasons i think! one is that i just found ways to be satisfied with small amounts of work. its in part because of my ADHD, but my parents were always trying new things (motorcycles, leatherwork, acrylic paint, collage art, photography, video editing) so that definitely rubbed off on me; i had a great example of people just wanting to try stuff. i keep making stuff all the time because i love trying out new things; you don't have to be an expert to try something new! you just have to have a desire for it! wanna make a zine? google it! wanna write a comic? give it a shot! wanna get into woodworking? buy a carving knife and find a stick or something! i think theres plenty of ways to find entry points into interesting stuff and you gotta let yourself be okay with making shit that sucks just because its fun. which leads me to my second point!!
im okay with being dogshit at stuff! i try new things, i kind of suck at them, and i think it's either 1. cool that i made it this far or 2. kinda funny that this is what its like at the moment. i know that sucking is never permanent, everything can be improved with time, and rarely does anyone ever magically get good at something first try. i think of myself as a talented artist, but its over the course of 2+ decades of drawing; im always improving, and no matter what im going to find things i want to get better at, so why fault myself now for not being perfect? a couple of months ago i really wanted to try woodcarving, so i made spoon with my dad. did it turn out great? not really! you cant even use it as a spoon! but im glad i tried it, it was fun, i had a great time with my dad, and now i know a little bit more going in next time. the idea that you have to be perfect or make tangible progress every single time you try something new is a recipe for burnout. i promise you, it doesnt matter if something doesn't come out like God's Gift to Humanity! Did you have fun? did you learn something? are you satisfied in some small part? good!
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(pictured: tha spoon)
last, im just really easy to please myself! I'll make a doodle or implement an idle animation in my game or color a piece and go "wow! thats so cool i did that :)" and it really is just a matter of realizing that its fucking COOL to create stuff, no matter how small! whatever you made didn't exist before you, especially in your own unique way, and now it does! doesn't that rule?! i'm obsessed with it! even if its just a stick figure, its a stick figure you made, and it wasn't there before. thats fucking awesome!!! art is so cool!!!! i think that being happy with small goals and victories is a great way of trying out new things and showing off cool stuff u made, no matter what skill level. :) this turned into a whole big thing, but i hope this helps! tl;dr is try things if they seem fun, be okay with not being good at them, and find stuff about it that makes you happy or satisfied!
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chainsawmascara · 9 months
Figuring out where every companion fits in my Suddenly A Thing art school au doodle world is. Going to be interesting.
God's favorite princess who started it all is in general fine arts. She loves charcoal, painting feels like a necessary evil but it's secretly what she's always wanted to do.
Lae'zel is clearly in metalworking/sculpture.
Astarion is in textiles, specifically embroidering and fashion design/history. He has an entire brand built in his head. He works at an upscale fashion store part time. He judges EVERYONE.
Wyll???? Wyll's studying art history and debating going into curation. He's a trust fund kid and his father is deeply disappointed THIS is what he's doing with his college fund. He spends free time in the dark room. Darkroom photography has no place in the world these days, but he loves the classics and waxes poetic about 35mm film and its versatility - he does some oil painting over certain photos for flourish. It's phenomenal. He doesn't think it's that great. Everyone disagrees.
Gale is. Gale is the english major from the sister university who decided a double major is a good idea (it isn't, he is suffering) and hurled himself into abstract/surrealism. (It works very well in his favor when tara steps in his paint and walks on the canvas. He had a three hour anxiety attack and decided he did it on PURPOSE.
(Part of me wants to slam him into dark room photography and i will not elaborate. Maybe he sneaks in to hang out with wyll. He cannot be good at everything but he NEEDS TO BE GOOD AT EVERYTHING. He's a recurring subject of wyll's work.)
Where the FUCK do i put karlach. She's on a roller derby team outside of school. But what does she DO. She's in there somewhere but WHAT DEPARTMENT.
Dammon shares classes with Lae'zel bc that's The Most Obvious Thing. He's a natural.
Isobel? Pottery. Aylin doesn't go here. She's just The Girlfriend also on the roller derby team and hangs around.
Rolan is obviously into impressionism. He's the manet of the school, trying every artist's style in a desperate attempt to find his own despite cal and lia both knowing he HAS his own style and it's GORGEOUS but he just can't see it himself.
Alfira is also in the textile department. Astarion hates everything she makes. She plays music at local clubs on the weekends. Lakrissa is her bartender girlfriend who studies sequential art.
I need to keep this going, I'm on to something here.
But where the FUCK do i put KARLACH.
Edit: 9 fingers is the drug dealer. I went to art school, i promise you there are so many gatherings based solely around that, she'd be there constantly. Jaheira and Halsin are figure study models. Jaheira probably has her hand somewhere else in the school, she'd definitely have something to do with installation pieces, I'll get there let me cook on that one. Minsc is. Fuck. I need to figure that out. We're GOING SOMEWHERE HERE, WE'RE MAKING THIS HAPPEN.
Someone is in the jewelry department it's someone it's SOMEONE maybe lae'zel dips into it bc metal casting NO IT'S MINTHARA. MINTHARA. YES. I WILL JUSTIFY THIS WHEN IT'S NOT 2AM BUT TRUST ME IT'S MINTHARA. Intricate wire wrapping with gem stones she gets from 9 fingers, she has 5000 tools for it and no one realizes how violent whitesmithing tools are but I've BEEN THERE TRUST ME and the wire wrapping gives big spiderweb vibes, it's perfect, i love it, yes, she's in cahoots with astarion on a future design house and the bickering is CONSTANT.
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gangles-toybox · 7 months
Little doodle of Trophy helping out Salt n Pepper at Hotel OJ!!
Basically my idea from watching the art class & butterflies comic dubs on yt is that Trophy likes photography and Salt n Pepper like to be stared at so I thought it would be sweet if after they started dating, that Salt n Pepper would want a photograph taken & edited by Trophy :) I feel like Trophy probably wouldn't necessarily ask ppl to be subjects of his photographs probably like a weird pride thing if that makes sense but he would absolutely LOVEEE to get more work/commissions/requests!!
He would probably argue that it's less about helping people and more so improving his own skill cuz idk he seems like the typa guy to hide something inherently selfless/kind with something more arrogant not to be soft.
ANYways here's da doodle!!!! :33
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❝ You don't have to believe every single thought that tumbles through your head, just 'cause it sounds like you talking! Sometimes all you can do is say goodnight and tuck your demons into bed, 'cause they're not worth fighting! ❞ - TURN OUT THE LIGHTS, THE CRANE WIVES, 2016
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Hi there! Or, as we say in Unington, howdy-doodle! Welcome to the corner of the net where you can find anything and everything to do with the town of Unington! This blog is run by 6 5 people, and we have 2 admins! So, without further ado, let's introduce our lovely little blog's showrunners, along with our admins!
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Hi there! Name's Kel, but my friends call me Kelsey! If you want, you can too! But not Kelly. Never Kelly. I like cats, producing music, and my favorite food is a nice cup of coffee paired with a nice hot bun from The Suave Cafe (or Peggy's, as us locals call it :> )!
my text will look like this!
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AAA HI EVERYONE !!! I'm Yashiro Nene, but you can call me Yash!! :D Some things abt me!! I like my friends (love you nerds >:] <3), strawberry rice cake, fishies, boys (ignore that, that was cringy :P ), romance novels, disney movies, the occult (somewhat, i'n not toooo into it, but it's fun!) annnnd thats it! I'm suuuper happy to be here! :]
my text will look like this!
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Hey, losers everyone. I'm Mitsuba, and no, you cannot call me Mitsu like my friends. It's Mitsuba. You hear me? Mit-su-ba. I'm the designated pink guy of the blog (NOT YOU YASH STOP TRYING TO STEAL MY COLOR ISTG IM ABOUT TO WWE GRAND SLAM YOU), and the 'group asshole'. I take that title with pride. Things I like...uh, my friends, begrudgingly, the buns + anything sweet from Peggy's, photography, oversized shit, and...yeah, thats it.
my text will look like this.
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Hi! I'm Kou!! My name's too short so I don't get a nickname rip 😞🙏‼️ (Technically they all call me ed sheeran because I'm GINGER but thats MEAN so don't call me that) I'm an exorcist (please do not ask me to prove this I suck ASS at it), and some things about me: I like baking, exorcising ghosts (WHEN I CAN DO IT IM SO BAD AT IT GUYS ITS HONESTLY UNFUNNY), taking care of the house and my friends and family (even if they call me a housewife, i still love you stinkers), and my friends! :]
my text will look like this!
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Wsp! Hanako here, do NOT call me Amane, I will shove my foot. up your ass. You can call me Hana tho! That is allowed!! Nywho, things about me. I like donuts (ESP FROM THE SUAVE CAFE PEGGY IF UR READING THIS PLEASE STOP REJECTING MY APPLICATION I SWEAR I WONT STEAL ALL THE DONUTS AGAIN I SWEAR I SWEAR), the ladieeeees ;] (and men i swing both ways hmu ;]) [MOD EDIT: Nobody hit Hana up. Please. You'll give him an ego. ~ MOD M], ghosts n spooky shit like that, helping ppl out (yeah ik im "☝️🤓"), animals, my friends, and having fun! I'm a cool dude. I think. [MOD EDIT: Due to the other 4's request, I would like to state that no, Hana. You are not as cool as you think you are. ~ MOD M]
my text will look like this!
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here, we would like to highlight our two amazing mods who're helping with the blog!
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Howdy! Name's Bendy! You probably know my face from your childhood, haha! Anyways, I'm a father of one, unhappily married, I like the arts, the burgers from Peggy's, and moneyyyyyy >:] That's all, folks!
my text will look like this! my mod edits will be signed off with '~ MOD B'!
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Hi! I'm Monika, but you can call me 'Mon', if it's easier! I run a club with me and my four best friends (Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki, and MC! Love y'all :] ) called the literature club! It's fun. Anywho, I like coding, baking, piano, valentines day, and the color emerald green! (P.S. Thanks, Kel, for letting me use it :] ) I'm a mother, and a wife, sadly. I'm so happy to meet you all!
my text will look like this! my mod edits will be signed off with '~ MOD M'!
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Whoo-wee! That was a lot of people! Welp, at least you got to meet us all! Well, we're all so excited to be here, and thank you for stopping by! See you all soon!
~ The Unington Crew
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Kai Drew was Unington's shining star, a singer, a daughter, a sister, and a friend to all. She was 17 years old, and a firecracker to boot. Nothing could keep her down.
Also, she's not dead.
She just left to go on tour in this town called Hatchetfield and we really miss her.
Come back girl we miss you :[
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#kelsey speaks - Kel's tag for posts! #yash's yaps - Yash's tag for posts! #mitsu contributes - Mitsu's tag for posts! #hana says shit - Hana's tag for posts! #kouposting - Kou's tag for posts! #mod b: back from the dead - Bendy's tag for posts! #mod m's quotes - Monika's tag for posts! #ask and ye shall receive - Tag for posts where asks get answered! the proper tags for which character is speaking will be added!
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singsongraptor · 2 years
So this is my little kalanchoe plant. This is the only indoor subject I've had to photograph in at least 2 years. The flowers are the size of pennies.
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Meanwhile, here are a couple of the shots I made with my camera and which you'll get to see on my side blog @lunarrisephotography when the queue spits them out. You can also see many of the pieces I've made with outdoor subjects, which make up the bulk of my portfolio
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I'm posting this just to say, photography is an art, a conglomerate of skills, both technical and artistic, and I work hard at them. Just as anyone can pick up a pencil and doodle or write, so can anyone pick up a camera, but that doesn't necessarily make them an artist/writer/photographer. That isn't wrong or ableist to say.
Yes, I'm still upset that people have insulted me and my craft by saying that AI art is "just like" photography and that photography is merely allowing the technology to create an image via button press, simply recording information, nevermind that cameras aren't stealing thousands of pieces of other people's creations and compiling them.
I didn't spend two hours with this plant friend and my tripod and camera in front of a window to be treated with such contempt, or 3 hours editing after the fact. I don't spend hours outside, with my disabilities no less, taking photos of the tiniest flowers and plants, growing from lawns and sidewalk cracks, holding my breath and fighting the wind for clear shots, to have my work reduced to a button press that I'm barely responsible for.
This photo was taken with a phone camera, but compare it to my morning glories, or my other cellphone photos on my page, all taken with the same phone as this photo of my kalanchoe. The difference is my effort and my eye, my skill and artistry with my tools, and whether or not I used them vs recording information, not *only* the technology in my hands.
My Olympus, my fancy camera, means nothing without the skills I cultivated and am still cultivating. You can see where I've learned something new just in the last year with my Olympus, just by comparing my macros last year to the kalanchoe! The improvement wasn't just getting a new lens, I learned a new shooting and editing technique too!
Even if you only compared macro shots from 2022, you can see where I learned new editing techniques. I am almost entirely self-taught, as many artists are, and like most, if not all, artists, I constantly seek to improve. AI art steals from the hardwork, dedication and love for art. It does not improve, it only steals someone else's improvement and claims it as its own.
I shouldn't be surprised since the technology was created by entitled tech bros and the colonizing impetus among that group is strong, nevermind that they are often rather lazy, but my point is this: support actual artists and stop insulting those of us that do digital art.
Also consider, AI stealing photographers' intellectual property and art is also being used to create propaganda and is destroying the ability to utilize photography for *actual information recording*. Comparing photography work to their theft is going to end up destroying the ability to use photographs as evidence and in journalism. It's already casting doubt on genuine historical photography as the artifacts from digitization, decay of film and photos, and the limitations of historical photographic technology have similar looks to the mistakes that AI makes when it fakes a photograph, and that will lend itself to revisionism and propaganda as well.
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pinned post! latest edit: April the 10th
Howdy!!! Call me whatever name you’ve heard. Any pronouns are fine!
I have an unreliable sleep schedule/forgetful/message notifications don’t show up- so if you need me uhh keep yelling until I notice? Aaahhh...
I put reblogs in a queue or schedule!! If I like an art post of your but don't reblog, don't worry, it'll be out in a week or so. Probably
Tag list, ordered by most common to least common in each category. Starting with my personal tags, then general navigation tags.
Art tag: wolfys art (my art), 2022 artchive (specifically my art from 2022)
Cool art by pals: grand showcase of arts
Doc says something: wolf chats
All art month challenges: Just Here To Have Fun
Kiley and co stuff (commonwealth setting): little wastrels
NOTE the au is getting rebooted so old stuff is not canon.
second fallout au (island setting, custom location for an rp): badlands crew
My main story stuff, not fallout: Split Fates au
posts that vaguely relate to my ocs: jeanposting, jerposting
Other aus- SCP Jailbreak!, museums monsters n marvels, voidspace crew, When Multiverses Collide, eternal spring
I kind of hit my story with a hammer and it shattered into a million pieces. oops
Misc fandom tags: fallout, whump stuff, bg3, doctor who, ace attorney, hermitcraft, qsmp, warrior cats, good omens
Misc common tags: described (posts with image or video ID), michaelnordeman (his animal photography), birds, food
important tags: reblogging for future reference (general tips), promo (friends news), boost (donation posts), flashing, eyestrain, psa
"You have to reblog!" And similar phrases: rebait
Subcategories of tips tags: drawing tips, writing tips, fave (personal favourites), cooking tips, health tips, tech tips. (more to be added soon)
Note- these are not tagged reliably: ghouls, zombies, blood, skeletons, suggestive, insects, spiders, guns, drug use, smoking, all caps, partial nudity, death
Characters that frequently appear are... ( updated 10 April, more descriptions to be added soon, please hold!)
Rabbit: A human-sized anthro rabbit! Light grey and white fur, green eyes. Usually in a grey suit with a green tie and gold scarf- or in white robes with gold jewelry. Sometimes drawn with long curved gold colored horns.
Wolfy: A cartoony anthro wolf, exactly five feet tall! Medium grey fur, has oval mirrors (with two shine marks) in place of eyes, and has grey and purple wings and a bird tail over his wolf tail. Always in a medium grey suit with a purple tie. Sometimes drawn with deerlike antlers.
Parsure: Looks like a blonde and light skinned human dude with dull blue eyes! He has shoulder-length hair with jagged bangs, and has a goatee and mustache. Always wears jeans, a white t shirt, red converse shoes, and a leather jacket. There's a large red bullseye on the back of the jacket. There's patches on the left sleeve: A red X symbol, and a night sky with a black stripe down the right side. On the right sleeve: A yellow axe symbol, and grey hexagon with a blue and orange background.
Jerome Drew (should be updated to Jerome Heulwen, I'll get to it soon), <- my main guy :D
Rev -(belongs to hollyrosecheeks),
Vince: A were-snow leopard! Um. Imagine a snow leopard, but with gold eyes.
Jodie: A were-pine-marten! Like a ferret but bigger, brown furred with white patches on the face and chest.
Kiley: (new oc, aaaah- I will redo my reference soon)
Jean: (probably) human dude with short brown hair! Wears a full mask that looks like a crow’s face. Usually wears a white shirt, grey vest and tie, grey slacks, and brown dress shoes. Sometimes wears a simple black jacket. Or a scarecrow's hat and black gloves.
Psst if you have a spare dollar can you pass it along to my pal Fern!
Cashapp: cash.app/$AustinToach
PayPal: paypal.me/AustinStidham
Venmo: venmo.com/u/Austin-Toach
uh if you show me you've donate something I'll draw you a doodle-
End of the post! Have a good day, wahoo
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steddieas-shegoes · 19 hours
Hey! Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers. (Only if you want to, of course!❤️)
Sorry it’s taken so long to get to this!!!! @steddiesmuttyseptember has kept me much busier than I planned and I’m over here running low on brain cells by the time I’m done doing what I gotta do for real life 😂
Thank you so much for sending this to me, you know how much I appreciate you and your never-ending support! ♥️ I’ve done this before but I don’t remember what I said so if I’ve said all this before, oh well.
1. My event planning organization on here. I love doing it, and I’d say I’m at least halfway decent at it by now 😂 I like running events that inspire people to write, especially if it’s their first time posting or participating in an event, or if they’ve been struggling and were inspired by a specific prompt.
2. Being the cool mom! I’m not scared to say it! Idk if it’s just because I’m 5-10 years younger than most of Liam’s friend’s moms, or if it’s just because of who I am as a person, but Liam tells me some stories and I’m just amazed. Like I let him doodle on his homework and his hand because he’s 1) a very good artist and 2) not hurting anything and his friend said her mom once took away her tablet for drawing on her hand in pen. Like??? In pen??? That washes off??? Girl be so for real. But anyway, I’m pretty proud of the fact that I let Liam experience being a kid.
3. My sports photography has gotten better this season 😂 I am Liam’s hockey team’s media person (this is not a paid job I’m just dumb as hell and volunteered) and I don’t even have a decent camera. But I do have a basic concept of editing images to make them look like they’re professional. And also the coach hardly plays half the kids so I have to get creative getting pictures of them.
4. I try to put one physical thing on these lists because I’m always very harsh on myself with that stuff, so I’ll say my eyes. They are blue as fuck and it’s my most complimented feature by a long shot. I get the “are those real?” question often. Babe, I’m half blind and if the sun is even slightly out I need sunglasses; They’re real 😂
5. My bang fic! Does this count? I’ve been working on it for so long, it feels like a part of myself at this point 🤣 I’m really proud of it. It’s the first time I’ve put so much work into outlining something, writing something, editing something, etc. The fact that it starts posting Friday feels unreal.
Thank you so much again ♥️
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wolfire4909 · 26 days
Intro Post 🥳🥳
I'm months late on this but who cares!!!!!!! This is going to be so messy but oh well!!!!!!!!
Im Wolfire!!!!!! People may see me as odd or weird, but that's okay. I'm still a nice person. If you hate me, that is also okay. Just don't be a meanie about it. If you find me annoying, don't make a big deal out of it.
She/Her pronouns please!!!
I occasionally post here due to the fact I use pinterest more, though I don't post anything there. I just have a lot of boards. If you ever find it, come say hi I don't mind at all!!!!! :D
"Why don't you post your pinterest @ wolfire???" I like playing hide and seek. Also, it's quite obvious on what my @ is.
"Why do you have 4909 in your @ here though??" Thats my signature number. I used it on my first ever roblox and Prodigy account.
I also post a lot of art, thank you to those who like it. Thank you to those who atleast take some time out of their schedule to atleast look at it. Thank you for rebloging. Thank you for enjoying my art. My style is quite similar to roblox art style?? Is that how you call it??? I don't know, but I've been doing this style since 2020. I use my Ibis Paint X and use my finger to draw.
Fandoms and Stuff I like: Jackson's Diary, The Kiss Bet, Dead Plate (and other games by the same dev!), Minecraft Story Mode, Flicker Roblox, Doodle World, Project Sekai, Project Diva, Vocaloid, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun, Unikitty, Demon Slayer, School Bus Graveyard, Cookie Run, Word Girl, Miitopia, Deltarune, Prodigy Math (sometimes), Photography, and Sanrio!!!!!
Cinnamon Cookie's #1 Fan (CROB), Jean-Claude and Miguel fan (Roblox Flicker) (It's hard to express my love for them. 💔), Ken's greatest supporter (Jackson's Diary), and Spunny enjoyer. (Doodle World) My favorite Sanrio Characters are Badtz Maru, Pekkle, Tuxedo Sam, Pochacco, Kerropi, and Chococat!!!
Some cool stuff I can do: Write long essays, Science, throw a discus 52 ft (my personal best!!!!), being part of a cool track team, running for long distance, use complicated words for dramatic effect, clear lvl 27 pjsk expert songs, talk way too much, getting myself into the worst scenarios possible, hating on W*lli@m Miller (hate that ugly leprechaun 🙄🙄) and talking about my ocs!!!!
I don't have a specific tag. I just put the most unhinged tags. Thats.. probably my specific tag. Maybe I'll make one. Sooner or later.
Anyways I've talked way too much. Thank you for reading until the end. I would edit this when I feel like it. Oh well!!!! Sorry for flooding your feed, and thanks for atleast visiting my blog!!!!!!
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fictionbish · 10 months
introduction to mildred :)
hi! welcome to my page :) <3 i'm mildred (she/they) :D
❤️ i hope to become a movie director and/or screenplay writer. i love to write stories and songs/poems.
❤️ i'm taken by my favorite person in the world, and i have many close and supportive friends.
❤️ personality: annoying, depressed, ambiverted, anxious, childish, bright.
❤️ peter parker and yelena belova (no context, just hot marvel characters)
❤️ fandoms:
-marvel cinematic universe -glee -wizarding world -once upon a time -star vs. the forces of evil -heathers -the little mermaid (2023) -f•r•i•e•n•d•s -animal crossing -beetlejuice -osemanverse -mean girls -gravity falls -hamilton -high school musical: the musical: the series -frozen -tim burton -luca
❤️ current pfp: anna of arendelle &lt;3 i played her in a production of frozen, so i feel like she's a part of me.
❤️ likes:
-musical theater -reading -music -friends -family -mutuals &lt;;3 -daydreaming about things that will never happen -pinterest -spotify -tumblr (duh) -shopping -celebrating -road trips -disney world -the moon -late nights -facetiming my bf -journalling -scrapbooking -80s/90s/2000s movies -spiderverse <3 -books -sleep -converse -vans -roses -chandler bing -crafts -ducks -doodling -video editing -photography -tom holland -florence pugh -my 7th grade english teacher -butterflies -olivia rodrigo -conan gray -taylor swift -coldplay -radiohead -lana del rey -melanie martinez -joshua bassett -harry styles -loki -peter parker -marshmallows -strawberries -pretty dresses from fantasy movies -frogs -axolotls -tattoos -gift boxes -wolf cuts -pixie cuts -hair dye -unhinged photos -pretty nails -mini brand earrings -tony stark's father-son bond with peter parker -songwriting -cringy fandom povs -luberto -elmo -cute phone cases -bluey -pin collecting -vinyl stickers -making endless playlists -aesthetically pleasing quotes -renée rapp 🥵 -funny wallpapers -gay clothes -cool makeup -guitar music -vibrato <3 -my vocal coach -my chorus/theater teacher -the time i played pinocchio in shrek the musical -anna of arendelle (favorite role i've played)
❤️ saggitarius♐️
❤️ asexual and biromantic 🖤🩶🤍💜🩷💙💜
❤️ pda autistic and probably adhd :) #neurodivergentgoals
❤️ anxiety and depression as well :( mental health matters!!
❤️ i really just post a lot of random stuff lol whatever comes to my mind. if you follow, thank you so much! i hope we can become mutuals :D if not, that's fine, too :)
everyone have a great day 😘
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filmdesque · 6 months
alias / name: noah birthday: april 24 zodiac sign: taurus height: 5'7 hobbies: listening to music, writing, playing viola/guitar/piano/ukulele, reading, cooking, playing minecraft/various steam games, doodling favorite color: depends on what i'm doing with the colors, i'd probably say earthy tones but i like myself a nice calming blue current book: headcase: lgbtq writers and artists on mental health and wellness, edited by stephanie shroeder and teresa theophano last song: james arthur - train wreck last film / show: she-ra and the princesses of power (which i finished last night btw and omg the Feels) inspiration: music, nature/the weather, aesthetics, other movies/shows story behind url: so i came across the aesthetic suffix -esque for rp blogs like a couple months or so before making this blog, and i tacked on 'filmd' as a prefix inspired by jonathan's photography aspirations!! fun fact about me: i have two tattoos - a treble clef heart on my left wrist & a httyd design on my upper right arm - and five piercings - two on each ear and on my left nostril. i'm also a massive nerd and can literally spend hours collecting data on a topic i'm interested in. lmfaoooo
tagged by: @chaos--mode tagging: YOU!! seriously pls yeet this from me .....
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kurjakani · 2 years
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Kani / Kurja / Kanerva / Brutus ( +little Beepo, Minmo)
✧・゚: ✧ 26 y/o, they/them or it/its
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ graphic designer / illustrator
✧・゚: ✧ aspiring selkie / fishwife
kaniart kaniwips kaniedits (fandom edits) kanivids (my own videos) kanipics (photography) kani goes to artschool kaniworks (job related) kanitalk (all of my chatting)
oc blog: @foulfeast
selfship crap: @darling-bites
my nsfw art can be found on: pillowfort, twitter
you can ask me about my personal nsfw account.
NOTE! I love collage & artistic crossover & art tribute etc, and due to that I have a guide on how you're allowed to use my artwork & photos at the end of this post, under cut.
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commissions: closed
doodle requests: always open but don't expect me to complete them
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i'm slow to & bad at answering messages & communicating, just get very withdrawn & nervous sometimes, but all messages & tags & etc are cherished!!!!
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stuff i'm into: horror (slasher movs, monster designs, horror themes), columbo, the dark crystal, lord of the rings/the hobbit, cyberpunk 2077, silent hill, whispy old men, the ocean, sailors, the magnus archives, the adventures of tintin, borderlands, making OCs, video editing, recycle crafts, eating a bunchh of soup. Sleeping.... daydreaming....
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Seal dividers ||| Blue dividers
Drawings & paintings depicting OCs: none, please don't use these!
Drawings & paintings depicting fandom content or any other non-oc stuff: please credit me in your work. Please don't use these commercially, unless you've asked permission & the work is strongly transformative.
Drawings & paintings I label as non transformative studies: use in any way you want, no credit nessecary!
Photography of nature, documentative photography: use in any way you want, no credit nessecary!
Photography that's more artsy & expressive: please credit me in your work. Please don't use these commercially, unless you've asked permission & the work is strongly transformative.
In general: please dont use my work with cruel intentions, towards me or other people.
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chaotixdragon · 5 months
Intro Post!!!
Okie dokie, finally got around to making a pinned post about myself! Hi, I'm Chaotix! My pronouns are He/they. I'm a trans-masc furry artist. I'm also an open therian! My theriotype is a British Columbian Coastal Sea Wolf. I'm Autistic and have ADHD, as well as mild dyslexia, so if I make any spelling mistakes or break any unspoken Tumblr social rules, I apologize. (I'm still navigating this site sort of.
Adults can totally follow me, just please be respectful and mindful of my age, and I'll be mindful as possible of any adults who don't want minors interacting with their stuff.
DNI LIST!!! -Zoophiles, Pedophiles, or any other paraphiles. -Proshippers -Pro-Israel, zionists (Free Palestine) -Endo systems -Nazis -Anyone who hates alterhumans -Anybody who's an asshole in general I'm pretty chill when it comes to most people, but if you believe in harmful things or are harassing me, I'm blocking you.
Fun Things!
Fandoms and Communities: I'm in a lot of fandoms, but the main one right now is Transformers, but here's a cohesive list of the main ones: Fandoms: -Transformers -D&D -Hollow Knight -Warrior Cats -Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -Resident Evil (There's more but those are the main ones) Communities: (I'm not implying at all that these communities are 'fandoms' which is why they're separated) -Alterhuman community -LGBTQ+ community -System community? (I have no clue what ya'll like to call yourselves, i don't interact much, I just know I'm a system.)
My Art!
I work with a few mediums. Digital art is my main, but I also post traditional art, and eventually I wanna post music and even some voice acting too. I love photography and editing. I also love writing, and eventually I want to post short stories about my OCs and D&D campaigns on here too! Feel free to repost my art to other platforms, save, and reference it, but please don't trace and post my art saying it's yours. Do not trace my art in general. If you want to reference it, please credit me if you post it. Please credit me if you repost it too, like on Pinterest or something.
Interacting with me!
I'm always open for asks, commissions and DMs if anybody wants to chat! I love meeting new people and making friends over my interests. I go absolutely feral over comments, reblogs and asks. Ask me anything! Want a stupid doodle of a transformer smoking a fat blunt? Done. Wanna ask me what my favorite color is? Well it should be obvious its green and purple, but ask away!
You can also DM me for my discord if you wanna chat there, I prefer discord, but I also have a twitter (which i don't use very much) and an instagram, all under the same/similar name.
That should be everything, feel free to interact with my account as much as you want, spam doesn't exist to me and I'm happy to see anything and everything! Have a good day and thank you for reading! You are amazing and the world is just a bit brighter with you in it :3
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yurissweettooth · 1 year
My Typical Art Process✨🌈
Was gonna reply to anon with this, but figured it was a bit too unrelated so I'll make a separate post! I do kinda wanna share my process anyway for anyone curious. I made something similar for twitter once but I no longer use twitter and my style has changed since then so here's a new one!
Tl;dr I draw for fun only and I have learned that textures and overlays and post-processing can do a LOT when it comes to making something look more "complete" while also not taking a lot of additional time. This is just my personal style spawned from my laziness and my love of harsh colors😆
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I'll put it below the cut because it's long!
So to begin with, when I doodle (as opposed to a proper drawing that I take my time on) this is my typical "lineart":
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I just draw the… what do you call it? The under parts… Like the circle and shapes, etc. to get the pose. Then lower the opacity and do another sketch on top of that. Then I lower the opacity of that and do ANOTHER sketch on top. 😆 I do that as many times as necessary until it looks like something. I don't worry a ton about anatomy or messiness or stray lines, it's just for fun to get an idea out of my head :)
Sometimes I also leave the under-sketches in or sometimes I turn the layer off. For this one I left them in.
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Then I turn on all my textures, overlays, and H/S/L correction layer and crank the saturation up. The selected colorful layer was something I made once and saved it as an image material so I can just slap it on any time as an overlay. You will see it in almost all of my art, she's my beloved crutch and also I just like it lol. Other than that, I sometimes use paper textures that CPS came with and sometimes I make a perlin noise layer with the smallest grain size and set it to 'soft light'.
I also have recently been using a manga screentone overlay that comes with CSP.
Then I start coloring underneath!
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This is how it looks without all of the blinding colors and textures I put there to distract you from the mess lol
Even in ones where I DO put in effort and try to use better anatomy and clean up a lot of the scribbles I pretty much never use clean lineart simply because I cannot be bothered 🤷🏾‍♂️ I don't really do anything different here, I just spend more time one it:
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Also, even then the overlays and textures do a lot of the heavy lifting. Some of the overlays and effects I draw myself like the rainbow boarders around them and of course the doodle hearts. I don't draw backgrounds very often but I don't like an empty background so overlays or little doodles or text effects typically go there.
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I should also mentions that I use the lightroom mobile app to further enhance all of my art, as shown above in the before and afters. I don't really have much to say on this point. I used to use lightroom mobile a lot when I did doll photography and I pretty much just wing it based on what I learned doing that. I like to mess with the texture settings and do masking edits to change the foreground and background independently to get better color balances. Like a bozo I pay for the subscription but I bet you could use any old editing app.
Oh, and I do pretty much everything with these brushes here. I got them a while back when they were free for 48 hours but unfortunately they are no longer free and cost 80 clippy now :( Should also warn you that they saturate any color and idk how to stop it from doing that so I just adjust the color accordingly before using or edit in post. Very nice though!!
Some other (free) things I like and use a lot:
Warm color set
Watercolor paper texture (free)
Cloud brushes
Watercolor auto action
Real paper textures
Prism brushes
Freckle brush
Aaaaand that's basically it!
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scaryboocat · 7 months
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tadaaaaa a post
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edit so u can read the music if u want to
starting in the top left corner it says "SCARYBOOCAT" in all caps. below that is a line of flags. the progress pride flag, the gay mlm flag, the aroace flag, the trans flag with blahaj on it, and the american flag. the american flag is on fire. below that is a little sign saying im 5'2". under that, taking up most of the space, is a drawing of me. im leaning forwards slightly, lifting one hand in a wave. my other hand is clutching the strap of my messanger bag. it has gir from invader zim on the front, multicolored pins down the strap, and a red voltron keychain. my hair is shaggy and red, and im smiling. im wearing a button-up, a crop top, cargo pants with cutouts in the thighs and shins, a choker, kandi, and boots. all my clothes are black. at my feet is a plush humanoid rabbit with one eye and horns. theres an arrow pointing at him labeling him "richard". theres an uncolored doodle of my waterbottle, and a handful of stars filling the empty space around me.
to the right is a group of five boxes. above that it says "meet the artist!". the boxes are labeled likes, dislikes, music, pets, and things i have on me.
the likes are on a bullet point list. the bullets are hearts. it reads: monster high, supernatural, the magnus archives, music, art, lps, photography, dolls, my chem, red, black, pink, night at the museum, invader zim, my pets.
the dislikes have broken hearts as bullets. it reads: crowds, loud noises, silence, disk horse, drawing (jk), writing (jk), polypropylene doll hair (lets fight). there is an arrow through the list, pointing towards the likes list, and the bullets switch back to hearts. my friends, glow in the dark, primary colors, glitter, hanahaki, textured art brushes, lining pens.
the music box has a pair of wired headphones draped across it. all the songs inside are screenshots. some of them are starred. they read: take me to war (live), ribs, canary in a coal mine, never love an anchor, little soldiers, hollywood baby, gender is boring, sweet tooth stomp, no children, ill sleep when im dead, crustfall, more about alcoholism (live), lonely machines, hollywood, haunted, desert song, vampire money, sing, save yourself ill hold them back, famous last words, house of wolves, dead!, cemetery drive, i never told you what i do for a living, hang em high.
pets: uncolored doodle of a cat and a dog laying next to each other. the cats labeled flower, and the dogs labeled dexter.
things i have on me: my phone, my wallet, notebook, pens, hat, band aids, hermie. all of them are accompanied by uncolored doodles. hermie is an lps hamster.
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