#my pops and ma are also awake and telling me to go to bed
luminlunii · 5 months
I have sat at my desk drawing and farting around for like I think eight hours? And I have not in fact finished any art. I was updating my commission info carrd and making scheduled posts for the rest of the month
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This what I have after two hours and then some
I have gotten up like
less than five times
I'm feeling as right as rain (which is funny because it's raining and thundering rn) I'm doing great :)
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dumbkiri · 1 month
𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖄𝖔𝖚 2
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ
𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
You both asked for it and I couldn't resist. If this is well received as much as the first part, part three will include Rhaenys v Aegon v Aemond
Apologies for any mistakes spelling wise and story wise. HOTD is confusing okay!
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[Name] woke up at the beginning of dawn with a knock at the door. The knock only stirred him awake because he trained his body to wake at any sound, also because he stayed alert after what happened last night. He couldn’t allow another assassination to happen under his nose. 
He blinked his eyes open and looked around the bed. Somehow Daenerys and her dragons made their way in between him and Helaena, the little girl being embraced by her mother protectively. The man sighed at the peaceful sight and he took himself out of bed with smooth movements. He didn’t want to stir his family from their sleep, not yet anyways.
The person at the door had a great amount of patience, [Name] noted. So the list of names got shorter. It couldn’t be his twin, Aegon, or his younger brother Aemond. Both would have stormed in without a second thought. His mother had patience, but her anxiety would have made her knock on the door again. The other people on this list like the council members, he didn’t want to talk to at such an early time. 
Politics were boring. 
Even still, he slipped a loose shirt over his head and popped his arms into the sleeves. Then he walked over to the door, the sleep gone from his eyes and his lips ready to spew out a curse here and there at the person for wanting to have a conversation so early. 
His hand grabbed the handle of the door and he opened it up to reveal a disheveled Aegon. His twin brother looked like a terrible mess and [Name] swiftly brought him into the large room. Aegon didn’t need to be seen by the castle people. Lords and Ladies would be talking about him for days, maybe even weeks about how he looked. 
The curse words on his lips fell short when he caught a glimpse at his twin. [Name] led Aegon over to the couch and sat him down while he took a seat across from him. Aegon sniffled and looked over to the left where he saw bodies laying on the bed with relaxed breathing. 
“They’re making mother and Jeyne follow Jaehaerys on a cart,” Aegon said softly looking back at [Name], “they s..stitched his-”
“I know, brother,” [Name] responded with a defeated sigh. It was no secret what those ratcatchers did to Jaehaerys. The poor boy had no reason to go through that pain and suffering. “You can tell Otto not to go through with this. You can grieve in a healthy way, Aegon. Have you seen your queen at all?” 
Aegon looked down at the floor with his hands fumbling over with each other, “No.”
[Name] leaned back into the sofa and said, “You should go and see her.”
“She can’t see me like this!” He whispered, gesturing to his messy look. His red eyes puffy from all the crying he did. His breath smelled of wine too. 
“It’ll be good for her to see you like that,” [Name] replied, “because it shows Jeyne that you are a grieving father. She is a grieving mother, you think she looks pretty like a queen right now?”
Aegon processed his words and he wiped his nose with his sleeve. Then he asked, “How do you not look like me? How can Helaena sleep as if her son didn’t die?” The glare didn’t go unnoticed by [Name] and he leaned forward feeling animosity radiate off of Aegon’s body. If Aegon wanted to speak ill about him and his wife, he should have spoken to someone else. 
But he bit his tongue and relaxed, his twin just needed to understand. To learn how to grieve properly. 
“I don’t look like you because I leaned on my wife for support. Helaena could sleep knowing I was in bed with her along with our daughter. Listen to what I have to say Aegon, you need your wife and she needs you. Nothing is more important than her. You do your best to love your family and to protect them.”
The lilac eyed man clutched his knees and sneered, “I regret not being there for them. I regret taking Balerion on patrol when I should have been asleep already. But she lifted the weight of my shoulders and loved me. She understood my plight despite dealing with her own. A husband and a wife need a sturdy foundation to stand on. If the floor beneath her crumbles, I know I’ll be there to hold her hand. To repair that foundation with her. That’s what you and Jeyne need to do. Grieve together, love each other and repair the foundation.”
[Name] lowered his voice when he saw a small body rise up in her bed. The little girl looked around frantically and finally spotted her father sitting on the sofas across the room. Quickly she slid out of bed and her feet carried her over to her father. 
“Daenerys,” [Name]’s features softened and he opened his arms wide to capture his little girl in his arms, “why are you crying, little one?” 
Aegon watched how loving his twin was. He never admitted it out loud, but [Name] made high expectations in being a father. He didn’t drink every night, he trained his son every day, cared for their studies and even joined Daenerys in her embroidery classes. To which brought happiness to Helaena. 
“You weren’t in bed, I thought you left us,” Daenerys cried and hugged her father tightly. Meanwhile [Name]’s heart constricted with a little heartbreak. Left us, she said. Daenerys recognizes the danger without him, the consequences of an absent father. [Name] rubbed his hand up and down her back, bouncing the leg she sat on. 
“Everything is alright, Dany. I’m here, I’m here,” He repeated and pressed a kiss at the crown of her head. After a time, her sobs quieted down and she remained in his arms, not wanting to go anywhere else. 
Aegon with a small smile on his face said, “I forgot how close Dany was to you.” He spoke the truth. Daenerys very rarely left her father’s side besides when she had to go to classes. She often flew on Balerion with him and watched Rhaegar train in the fields. Daenerys admired her father a lot, no one could ruin his image. Not even the ratcatchers. 
“You hear that Dany,” [Name] peered down and nudged his forehead against hers, “Your uncle thinks you spend too much time with me.” 
Dany wiped her tears and said, “Not enough time, uncle. You always take Father away.” Her teasing glare made Aegon feign a surrender, his hands held up high. A chuckle left Aegon’s lips and [Name] came to another realization. Aegon didn’t need Jeyne to help him grieve. 
“Please forgive me, dragon warrior,” Aegon playfully responded, “but your father is an exceptional fighter. He protects this kingdom so well and always stands up for me.” 
Daenerys laughed and sat up wanting to play along with her uncle. The little girl wrapped her arms around [Name]’s neck and said, “But who will stand up for Father? Do you think you’re worthy enough to protect the Warrior of Light, the rider of Balerion?” 
Aegon subtly looked at his twin and [Name] mouthed, “She takes play pretend seriously, you’re in for it now.” 
To which, Aegon didn’t mind because this moment distracted him from the night before. His niece took away the pain, her demanding words and playful attitude brought him into a different world. Play pretend, [Name] called it. How often did his twin brother play like this with his children? 
[Name] knew exactly what Aegon was thinking and he spoke up, “Daenerys and Rhaegar are very creative and imaginative. She plays the role of a dragon warrior, defender of the realm while Rhaegar played as a priest, a man of truth and light.” 
Aegon smirked and before he could ask what was up with that, [Name] shook his head with a grin, “Don’t ask me why, Rhaegar was different in many ways. Anyways Helaena, chosen by Rhaegar, was the Queen and you could only imagine what they made me.” 
“Oh~” Aegon kept his smirk, “they made you a king?”
[Name] laughed and responded with mirth, “A bloody peasant in love with the widowed queen.” 
Aegon hollered and fell back into the cushions of the sofa. “Your kids hold you very high in opinion, but in their world they made you a peasant!” Aegon could not believe what he heard. 
“Yes, we all dress up for our game too,” [Name] laughed again, “my clothes are very itchy, I tell you.” 
The brothers laughed together, but [Name]’s died down a bit before Aegon’s. The older twin enjoyed seeing that smile on his brother’s face. Aegon needed him, [Name] told himself. Him and his family to cheer him up. But they were to leave, very soon. Guilt ate at him and he debated whether to tell Aegon of his plan, but his brother wouldn’t take it lightly. 
[Name] planned to move to the other side, taking Dreamfyre and Balerion with him. Taking Moonlight, Nightmare and Frostfang, his children’s dragons. That’s adding two dragon riders to the Blacks. Technically one because Helaena could never burn people. [Name] would have to make that point abundantly clear to the Blacks. 
“Aegon, there’s something I must tell you.” 
[Name] saw Aegon catch his breath, a faint smile still present on his face. 
“You are strong, brother,” [Name] kindly said, “Yes, others may think you’re only a drunk. But I’ve seen you in the throne room trying to help out your subjects. Only to have Otto strike you down. I’ve seen you try to take charge, only to have that fire stoked out by the council members.”
[Name] brought his lilac eyes to meet Aegon’s shining eyes, “Do what you must to keep your fire burning. Because once it’s out, who knows how long it’ll take to rekindle it. Don’t let Mother strike you down, don’t let Otto control you anymore and most of all, don’t let Aemond underestimate you. You are their King, not their pawn.” 
A spark ignited in Aegon’s chest. Little did [Name] know, his fire was already out. But his words ignited the hearth in his heart. And it burned with strength and passion. Then [Name] stood up, carrying a quiet Daenerys in his arms. 
Aegon followed quickly and shook his head, “You should have been King, [Name]. I don’t know why Father chose me when you were the perfect candidate.” 
Smoothly [Name] responded, “I never wanted it.” The confusion on Aegon’s face made [Name] continue, “The crown, the throne, it’s all a game. I don’t know how to play it and you don’t know either. But Otto does, he played it well too. Having his daughter court our father while he grieved for our half sister’s mother was a ploy to get one of us on the throne. To have someone he can control. Do you think you sit on the throne, brother?” 
Aegon blinked then casted his eyes onto the floor, “Not really. No one takes me seriously. The council meetings take place with my opinions never heard.”
“Which is why you announce your presence. Every member of the council is afraid of Aemond because he rides Vhagar. Everyone is afraid of me because I have Balerion. What can you do to make them afraid of you?” 
“I don’t know.” Aegon replied. 
[Name] shifted Daenerys to his other hip and said, “We all have something in common that people are afraid of. Dragons are dragons, beasts the normal folk cannot begin to understand. Not like us. So show them you’re a dragon rider and a king, make them afraid of you. You’re the rider of Sunfyre.”
Aegon cleared his throat and walked over to the door. He felt a shift in the room and he looked back at his brother. This moment, it felt too somber and Aegon had to tell him something too. 
“Brother, thank you for this.” 
[Name] nodded, “I always have your back, Aegon.”
After Aegon left, [Name] moved over to the bed and wasn’t surprised that Helaena woke up. Perhaps she had already risen long ago. 
“Hello, my sweet lady,” [Name] sang and placed Dany on the bed next to her mother. Then he leaned over and pressed a light kiss on Helaena’s lips. His hands held her face with love and he pressed into a little deeper. She returned his passion and asked in between his kiss, “Did you mean it when you said it to Aegon?” 
“Of course, I did,” [Name] pulled back and sat by her bedside, taking her hands into his own. He rubbed her knuckles and brought them up to his lips. He kissed her gently and put them back on her stomach. “Now we shall get ready for our journey before the rest of the castle wakes.” 
Helaena pushed herself upward and suddenly embraced her husband. His eyes widened in surprise and he looked down at his wife with questions. Nonetheless, he kept his mouth shut and embraced her back. She felt amazing with her chest pressed up against his. He could feel her heartbeat, hear the slow breaths her lungs took in. Without noticing, his hands dragged themselves lower holding onto her waist. 
He dipped his head down and his lips started leaving a trail of kisses on her neck. One hand held her back pressing her further into him while the other hand held her head. His fingers threading in her long hair and pulling the strands gently down, so she could look up at the ceiling. It gave him more access to her neck, to her breasts. 
He would have dived straight for them if she didn’t remind him who was watching. “This isn’t the place, [Name],” Helaena spoke timidly and he pulled back to see Dany covering her eyes with her small hands. He chuckled with an apology to his wife and daughter. 
“You’re very hard to resist, my love. Excuse my behavior.” He pressed a sweet kiss on her cheek and stood up, ignoring the beautiful look in her innocent eyes. 
Helaena smiled at his bashful look and pushed the throbbing in her core away. Yes, he was also very hard to resist. She’s surprised they didn’t have more children running around them. In due time, she told herself. 
They’ve been in the air for quite some time and the morning sun began to rise with soft yellows and pinks.  [Name] opted out on wearing his black armor while riding with his children, but kept Hellfire strapped to his waist. 
Viserys, given a medicine to help him sleep during the flight, drooled onto [Name]’s shoulder. The father didn’t mind and he looked down in front of him to see Daenerys holding onto the cages that kept the three tiny dragons there safely. Her long hair braided into two and she wore a light blue dress paired with her mother’s. 
[Name] looked to his left and watched Helaena fly quietly next to him. She was a good distance away from him because of Baelrion’s long wingspan. So he kept a careful eye on her from time to time as well as their surroundings. If the Blacks attacked them now, the fight would be devastating for his surrendering family. 
He came for answers and sanctuary. He didn’t want a fight. 
Finally Dragonstone came into view and [Name] commanded Balerion with a powerful voice to land on a beach near the Black’s base. Balerion roared into the sky to announce their presence, no doubt alarming the people in Dragonstone. The descent was a little too fast for Viserys and the tiny boy cried all the way down, alarming Helaena who followed after the Black Dread. 
When they touched, Balerion dug his claws into the sand and lowered his neck so the Targaryen family could climb down. [Name] being the first one off the giant dragon helped his daughter down. The small girl watched hopped into his arms, careful that the cage didn’t smack him. 
Helaena touched down fast next to Balerion and released the reins on Dreamfyre while [Name] moved the swaddle from his back to his front. 
He tried to ease Viserys and when he turned around to ask his wife for help, Helaena was already next to him. A worried mother is quick to help her babes, he’s always reminded. [Name] handed Viserys over to his wife with no hesitation and she soothed him with gentle caresses and hushed mumbles. 
Then a loud screech resounded in the sky and he looked up to see three dragon riders making their way to the beach. A golden dragon, a burning red one and a small one. [Name] knew these dragons and their riders, Rhaenyra, Rhaenys and Jace. Luckily for him, Daemon wasn’t with them.
The three landed on the beach a safe distance away from Balerion who challenged them a little too quickly for [Name]’s liking. The black beast held his head high and covered [Name]’s family with a wing. Daenerys awed at the sight and Helaena looked at [Name] wearily. 
“Lykiri, Balerion,” [Name] walked forward with a hand raised at his defensive dragon, “lykiri.” 
Balerion quieted down, his throat bobbing up and down a few clicks and groans rumbling in his chest. His tail swished about on the sand and he lowered his head down to his rider, pressing his large head onto [Name]’s side making the man stumble on the sand. 
With a quick pet, [Name] ran his hand down the scales and rough skin of Balerion’s snout. His eyes dragged away from his beast to the three hesitant dragon riders across from him. He looked back at his family and Helaena gave him a nod of approval. This wasn’t a fight, [Name] reminded himself as he walked forward. Be respectful and pledge your support to Rhaenyra. 
Offer yourself and Balerion to her cause, he told himself again. 
When he walked up to a respectful distance for a conversation, [Name] greeted his estranged family, “Sister, cousin and nephew, I don’t mean to alarm you.”
Was that a good start? To let them know that he wanted no fight. He didn’t use their titles, not quite used to addressing them as so since he acknowledged his brother as the king and such. 
“If not to alarm us,then what do you want?” Jace questioned, resting his hand on the pommel of his sword. 
[Name]’s own fingers itched to rest on Hellfire, but if he did that Balerion would take it as a sign to defend his rider and his family. So he kept his hands at his sides and responded with a calm tone, nothing like Jace’s hostile tone. 
“Originally I came here looking for answers-”
“With two dragons at our front door, one bigger than the rest of ours?” 
Rhaenrya and Rhaenys both snapped their heads over at Jace to silently tell him to keep his mouth shut. Both being mothers and both wanting to know the reason why [Name] was here. But if the lilac eyed man kept getting interrupted, then he wouldn’t get to the point. 
“Please, nephew, let me finish my sentence,” [Name] gritted his teeth, his patience running thin, “I came here looking for answers about my son’s death. They are pinning Jaehaerys’ death and Rhaegar’s on your shoulders. So did you or did you not give the order to murder our sons?”
He directed his question to his half-sister. 
“Sons?” Her voice faltered and she took a step forward, “Rhaegar was killed as well?” Rhaenrya looked behind [Name] and saw a visibly concerned Helaena with Daenerys and Viserys by her. But no Rhaegar. 
[Name] sadly nodded, his throat constricted closing the airways painfully. He cleared it away and said, “He died trying to protect his cousin. They slammed him up against the wall and strangled him. My boy didn’t stand a chance against a ratcatcher.” 
“I-I,” Rhaenyra’s eyes watered up, “I did not give the order, this was done without my knowledge by my husband.” 
Immediately a scoff left his lips and [Name] looked over at the water. He muttered with a disdainful look on his face, “Of course he did, I’m sure he did it to get revenge for you. Aegon is looking to do the same, but I am not. I blame my mother and her cunt of a guard, Cole.”
“What happened?” Rhaenys asked, trying to get the whole story. They received word that Jaehaerys was killed, but no mention of Rhaegar. Now [Name] put the blame on his own mother and her sworn protector, Criston Cole. 
“I went out to fly Balerion in the night while Helaena and Jeyne entertained the children in their rooms. One ratcatcher and a man of the Night’s Watch came in claiming ‘A son for a son’.  They cut Jaehaerys’ head off while another strangled Rhaegar. This happened because the knights were relieved from their watch on the order from their Lord Commander. While the boys were on their way to their deaths, Jeyne and Helaena took the remaining kids out of the room looking for help. But there was none. So Helaena went into our mother’s room.”
He took a deep breath in and balled up his hands, he looked back at Rhaenyra and finished off his explanation, “My son died because my mother wanted to get a good fuck in before she turned in her bed.”
Rhaenyra couldn’t believe it, but at the same time she did. Alicent always posed as this woman of faith. Cole posed as a man worthy of the white cloak, ordering people here and there like he was above them. But they were scum, trash beneath her feet. They disgusted her. 
“We are very sorry to hear about this, [Name],” Rhaenys spoke for the emotional Rhaenyra, “We would never order something like this, we want to avoid fighting as much as we can. We tried reaching out to your mother-” 
[Name] rubbed his chin and pulled his sword out, it didn’t ignite into flames, but it unnerved the three members of the Targaryen family. Their dragons, mainly Syrax and Meleys, roared at the action. In turn Balerion puffed out his chest and let out a louder roar than those two dragons combined. 
The sand hit his back and [Name] took a knee, surrendering his valyrian sword over to Rhaenyra. With his head bowed, [Name] spoke, “I don’t care what happens to my brother or mother. I only care about my remaining family. As a father it’s my responsibility to choose them. So here I am, pledging myself and my dragon to your cause. If you’ll have us, Queen Rhaenyra, I will put an end to the Hightower-Targaryens. I will answer your call and go to battle with Balerion. You do  not have a need for an army anymore when you have us.” 
The three Targaryens looked at each other very shocked to see a Green kneel before them. Pledging his support to Rhaenyra, she couldn’t believe the rider of the Black Dread was doing this. The Blacks have always been afraid of the green monstrosity Aemond rode even more so of Balerion. 
Yet the rider, [Name] Targaryen, had different views in this war. 
“I accept you and your family, brother.” Rhaenyra walked up to [Name], her dress fluttering in the light breeze. She could hear the small protest Jace let out of his mouth, but Rhaenyra knew [Name]. 
He was the only brother she didn’t feel threatened by. He always stated that he was happy father named her his heir, saying that he never wanted the crown and its burdens. Plus she saw the love for Helaena in his lilac eyes. He would never bring her harm. 
Rhaenyra kneeled down and picked up his head with her hands. The tears running down his face cemented the fact that [Name] needed her to accept him and his family. His hands dropped his sword and he hugged Rhaenyra tightly, holding onto her like a son does to his mother when looking for comfort. 
“She didn’t apologize to us,” [Name] growled out, “She had my son killed and she defended Cole instead of admitting to her faults.” 
Rhaenyra accepted his hug and said, “I don’t know why she did that.” His words carried in her stomach heavily, he truly did blame the death of Rhaegar on Alicent. It almost felt like he hated his mother. Rhaenyra pulled away from him and wiped his tears away with a frown on her face. 
“You would fight for me? Kill your brothers if the situation calls for it?” 
[Name]’s eyes hardened and he didn’t falter in saying, “I pledged my help Rhaenyra, I will answer any call and support the Blacks in the battles to come. I will support you.” 
Rhaenyra’s frown curved upward into a gracious smile, “Let’s get you and your family settled in some rooms. You can send Balerion and Dreamfyre to hunt after we land in Dragonstone. Then we can talk about your place in the council.”
“My place in the council?” [Name] asked and picked up his sword from the sand and followed after her to stand proudly. He sheathed Hellfire back into its holster and watched Rhaenyra. 
His sister nodded her head and said, “There’s a lot of old men on my council. They say they support me, but disagree with me on almost everything. They want to spill blood, but we don’t have capable dragons to do so.” 
[Name] agreed with her words, “Yes, that is true. Father always said your dragon was more of a spoiled mother than a warrior. Meaning no offense to you or Syrax.” He chuckled seeing the expression on Rhaenyra’s face. 
“Yes, well the ones capable of fighting are Meleys and Caraxes, but we need them for Vhagar or even Balerion.” She looked over at the Black Dread and his red eyes pierced her bright ones. “Now that you’re here, we could do a lot of defending our supporters and their homes. I will pair you with Rhaenys, you two could pose to be a formidable duo. One with speed and the other power.”
“Well we do pose a huge threat to Aegon’s claim to the throne, sister,” [Name] looked back at his wife and remembered something important. 
“But I will not allow Helaena to fly Dreamfyre. Both of them will remain in Dragonstone, safe from any battle.”
Rhaenyra understood his demand, but she had to know why. “Any particular reason why she cannot fly her dragon to battle?” 
“Have you ever seen Helaena hurt a creature, crawling or walking?” [Name] shot back feeling defensive for his wife. 
“Well no, I heard she likes to keep bugs and take care of them.” Rhaenyra responded with a small laugh. 
[Name] smiled back, “That she does, sadly we had to leave the ones she had in King’s Landing behind. My point is she cannot give the command to burn people, sister. Please don’t make her do it.” He begged. 
“Of course not,” Rhaenyra reassured him, “She will remain here with your children.”
“There’s something else I would like to ask of you,” [Name] stopped Rhaenyra and looked back at Balerion. “I don’t know if you noticed, but Rhaegar…he’s with us too. We would like him to be honored here at Dragonstone in Targaryen tradition.” 
“We shall set it all up for you, will Balerion be the one to ignite the pyre?” 
“No,” He stretched his hand out and Daenerys immediately ran over to her father. As his little one ran towards him, Rhaenyra spotted the two dragons; one perched on her shoulder and the other clinging to her hip. “Daenerys has bonded to two dragons, Moonlight and Nightmare; Rhaegar’s dragon. She will command them and we shall see if Nightmare truly bonded with her or just smells Rhaegar on her.” 
“An interesting child, you have,” Rhaenyra commented lightly. 
And [Name] would have it no other way. 
The Targaryen family stood behind the Hightower family respectfully watching Balerion with weary eyes along with their council members and guards. If [Name] wanted to he could turn his attention on them and have his beast burn them in black fire. 
But Rhaenyra reminded them of his oath to support her. After all, [Name] came to Dragonstone to honor his son and protect his remaining family. 
Daenerys stood at the side of the pyre holding back her tears. She watched Rhaegar being tackled by the ratcatcher, heard his last words then the clang of his dagger when it fell from his hand. She was going to miss his stupid jokes and his protective nature. She held her hands out, Moonlight perched into her right hand and Nightmare on her left hand. 
They looked at her as if they waited for her command. “Brother,” Dany spoke quietly, no one could hear her over the crashing waves below the cliff, “In our next life, I hope we live long enough to rule the skies together.” 
A moment passed then she gave out the infamous command, “Dracarys.” The two dragons looked away from her and aimed their snouts at the pyre. Slowly they opened up their mouths and breathed out a stream of orange fire. The twigs caught on fire first before the chain reaction began. 
The funeral rite went slow and [Name] walked up to Daenerys, letting go of Helaena’s hand. He pulled his daughter away from the small fire, so he could finish it off with Balerion’s black fire. He gave a subtle nod to everyone surrounding Rhaegar’s body and immediately they all backed up. 
“My love,” He spoke to Helaena and handed Daenerys’ hand over to hers. Helaena hugged a crying Dany who could no longer hold her tears. Then he walked a bit forward away from his mourning family, holding the pommel of his sword tightly.
“Balerion!” He shouted over the waves.
The black dragon shook his whole body responding to his rider’s call. The ground beneath his clawed talons broke under the pressure of his weight. 
Balerion puffed out his chest, his wings spread out and his neck peered over the pyre in a grim image to the rest of the people. His large mouth opened up and all they saw was a dark pit, the fire blending in the dark of his mouth. With a resounding screech, Balerion breathed his black fire onto Rhaegar’s body. 
[Name] watched on in silence, hearing his wife and daughter cry out in anguish. They couldn’t express their sorrow the night of. But here, they let the water flow out of their eyes like a river. The crackling of the fire, the waves below and their cries felt unreal to him as he lost himself in his thoughts.
If he ever sees Criston Cole on the battlefield, he’ll snatch him from the ground. He’ll bring the oathbreaker into the skies, above the clouds and let him fall to his death. He wanted to instill fear into Cole. He wanted to burn Cole, he wanted to behead him. There were so many ways to kill a man. 
The black smoke reached the skies and he turned away from the pyre. He outstretched his arms and embraced his girls. Daenerys clung to his leg while Helaena wrapped her arms around his neck. 
Aegon may have gotten to the ratcatcher first, but Cole was his. This he will make sure of.
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sucredreamer · 2 months
how i met your mother ᯓᡣ𐭩 aurélien tchouaméni
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what’s it giving ᯓᡣ𐭩 in which Aurélien tells his son just how he met his mother
pairing ᯓᡣ𐭩 aurélien tchouaméni x black! reader
warnings ᯓᡣ𐭩 cussing, heart warming fluff, some ill french translations lol and the possibility to completely fall for Tchoua if you haven’t already. (a Jules cameo as well!)
A/N ᯓᡣ𐭩 i got tired of being an anon and put my imagination to work, i hope you freaking love it! (also i’ve given you the nickname Lovie 🥰)
y/n & aurélien’s interlude ᯓᡣ𐭩 forever my lady x jodeci
w/c 3918
Waking up to the sun shining through the curtains and his alarm clock blaring, Aurélien groaned, cuddling closer to you. He felt the warmth of your body next to his and sighed contentedly, savoring the few extra moments of peace before the day began. The soft light illuminated the room, casting gentle shadows that danced on the walls. You stirred slightly, your hand finding his and squeezing it gently.
"Turn that shit off, please" You mumbled pulling the comforter over your head as he let out a light laugh.
“I’m sorry, mon amour. I’m getting up now” He said, trying to move but finding it difficult as you were now latched onto him. {my love}
“I said turn it off, not get out of bed. What are you doing?” You pouted, hugging him from behind while he sat on the edge of the bed.
Aurélien chuckled, feeling your arms tighten around him. “I guess I misunderstood” He teased, reaching over to turn the alarm clock off. “There, it’s off.”
“Good,” You murmured, resting your chin on his shoulder sending tender kisses to his skin. “Now come back to bed”
He couldn’t resist your plea, the softness of your voice and the warmth of your vanilla scented embrace. He shifted back onto the bed, pulling you close as he laid down again. Cuddling into his side, your eyes began fluttering shut as he rubbed circles on your thigh that was placed over him.
“Me and Halo have busy day, mama” He mumbled into your temple before adjusting your bonnet to completely cover your hair. Their busy days consisted of trying a new sport, getting ice cream or a treat and buying you something just so you knew they were thinking of you the whole time.
“I know, have fun getting him out of bed” You laughed. Halo, just like you, was the furthest from a morning person anyone could be. “Just be careful and make sure to send me pictures please” You said as your eyes fluttered closed once again.
“Always baby. You get some rest” Aurélien said gently kissing you back to sleep. “You too, ma princesse” He whispered to your growing belly before leaving a soft kiss on your skin. {my princess}
Getting up he slid his feet into his slippers before heading to his sons room. After sending two knocks to the door he opened it to find Halo asleep. Half on and half off the bed, tangled in the sheets, much to his father’s amusement.
“This kid” Aurélien chuckled, shaking his head.
As he sat on the edge of the bed, he heard a deep sigh which brought a mischievous grin to his face. “C'est l'heure de se lever, mon bébé” Aurélien murmured, his hand gently tracing soothing circles on Halo’s back. {It’s time to get up my baby}
Opening one eye to take a peek, Halo noticed his father’s full attention on him making him snap them back shut. “Is the sun awake?” His little voice spoke just before a sleepy yawn escaped his lips.
“Yes, and the earth says hello,” Aurélien smirked as he playfully began to tickle Halo, who responded with a burst of heartwarming giggles.
“Tell the earth I need five more minutes, please,” Halo said, trying to catch his breath as he wrapped both arms around Aurélien’s neck and pulling him down onto the bed.
“Just five more minutes?” Aurélien asked, gently placing Halo on his chest. Halo responded with a sleepy nod. “I guess football will just have to wait, then” He said with a playful shrug.
Halo’s eyes popped open in pure excitement as he sat up on his dad’s chest. “We’re going to play football?!” He exclaimed, holding both sides of Aurelien’s face affectionately.
“Yes, of course, but if you’re too tired—” Aurélien began with a smirk, only to be cut off by Halo’s excited interruption.
“Nope! I’m up, just waiting on you, man,” Halo declared, patting his dad’s chest before hopping out of bed and grabbing his hand.
His smirk softened into a warm smile as he stood up, lifting his son into his arms. “Oh, so I’m the hold up now?” He teased.
Aurélien set Halo down as they headed into the bathroom. He grabbed his step stool and placed it in front of the sink. After applying toothpaste to both of their toothbrushes, Aurelien started the two-minute timer. With a few playful hums and silly faces that coaxed sweet giggles from Halo, they finished brushing their teeth together.
“You ready, papa?” Halo asked in his small voice, and Aurélien nodded in response. Early in your relationship, you made it your job to guide Aurélien through affirmations every morning, and it had slowly become a cherished daily ritual—one that continued even after your two became three.
Standing together in front of the mirror, Aurélien and Halo recited in unison, “I am loved. I will do great things today. I am smart and capable. Feel the love, catch it, and put it in the wind.”
Once they were both dressed and ready for the day, Halo suddenly realized they had forgotten something. “Papa, we forgot ‘handsome’” He said as Aurelien finished lacing up his mini Nike Phantom Luna 2 boots.
“That’s a given, baby boy, we’ve got that covered” Aurélien said with a confident smirk. Halo nodded, a grin spreading across his face. “You’re so right” He agreed, matching his dad’s energy.
The two made their way to the room, they saw you sleeping soundly. Bonnet long gone, your hair spread out across the pillow and Ocho curled up at the foot of the bed. “Can I give her a kiss?” Halo whispered to his dad, who nodded with a small smile.
“À plus tard maman” Halo murmured softly, placing a tender kiss on your cheek after being gently set beside you on the bed. {See you later, mummy}
“All right, let’s roll,” Aurélien said, tossing Halo over his shoulder, prompting a burst of laughter. After buckling him into his seat, they exchanged a playful wink before heading out to start their day.
"I can't wait for Mommy to play at the park with us again," Halo said, staring out the window as the trees blurred by.
"Me too, baby," Aurélien replied, glancing at Halo in the rearview mirror. "Y’know, your mama and I met at that park?"
"Really?!" Halo asked, excitement lighting up his eyes.
"Mhm," Aurélien replied, his voice softening as he reminisced. "It all started at one of your grandma’s cookouts..."
"Thank you, Lovie!" Your little cousins chimed in unison after you finished applying sunscreen to their faces.
"You're so welcome! Have fun!" You called after them as they ran off to play.
It was your family’s annual cookout at the park, and everyone and their mother was there. Since moving to France at the ripe age of five, your family decided to bring your family traditions to the new environment, inviting everyone you’ve come to love since settling there.
"Baby, you're so good with kids, when you gonna have one of your own?" Your grandmother, Cicily, asked you making you scrunch up your face slightly.
"Nuh uh, don't even speak that into existence! I'm young and turnt!" You replied, grabbing a strawberry Fanta out of the cooler before heading back to the picnic table.
"You know it takes the right man to change that," Cicily said with a knowing smile. "I remember I was young and hot too, until I met your grandfather." Her eyes softened as she reminisced about the good times she had with her late husband, Quincy.
"Now this is something I have to hear," You said, amused. "What was so different about Pop that made you finally settle down?" You couldn't help but grin, knowing from the stories your grandma had told you that she was quite the maneater until Quincy came along.
"Not only was he a great man, but he had the walk," Cicily said with a flirty grin, her eyes lighting up with the memory. "I’d recognize that walk anywhere." The other ladies around her giggled in agreement.
"What walk? It can’t be just any regular walk," You asked, intrigued.
“No, you’ll definitely know it when you see it!” Cicily said with a playful nod.
“They walk like they’re carrying some heavy artillery” Lola, your grandmas close friend, remarked with a wink causing you to burst out laughing.
“You’re all so cheeky, but I get it,” You said, making air quotes with your fingers. “I’ll keep an eye out for this ‘walk.’”
The elders drifted into their own conversation while you watched the kids play. Suddenly, you heard a familiar voice, as sweet as ever, cutting through the chatter.
“Hey, Mrs. C!” Jules, your best friend, called out cheerfully as he approached with a taller, handsome man beside him.
Your grandma’s face lit up. “My sweetest boy!” she murmured warmly, her voice full of affection. She waved at him with genuine delight. “Hi, baby!”
Jules, with his easy smile and doe eyes, had always been like a grandson to Cicily since he met you, a cherished presence in your lives.
“Nana, you’re so obsessed,” You laughed, shaking your head before turning your attention to the unknown man.
He was undeniably one of the most handsome men you had ever seen. His deep-set eyes were a mesmerizing shade of brown, framed by thick, dark lashes. The way his lips curved into a perfect, confident smile was almost disarming, and his facial structure was enough to catch all of your attention.
Every feature seemed to be sculpted with careful attention, making it clear that he was, without a doubt, one of God’s favorites.
“Take a good look at that walk, sis” Selene, your close friend, said with a flirtatious tilt of her head toward Aurélien.
You watched him intently and soon realized that the walk was as captivating as Lola had described. “Armed and dangerous?” You mumbled making her laugh at your teasing words.
“Qui est-ce?” Aurélien asked, nudging Jules with a flirtatious glint in his eye. His eyes roamed from your stylish Chanel Dad sandals to the form fitting sleek Jacquemus rib-knit romper that accentuated your every curve. {Who is that?}
Your bohemian braids added a touch of elegance, and your radiant glowing skin, with just a hint of makeup that only highlighted your effortlessly stunning natural beauty. But it was the lip gloss—glimmering with every movement—that truly drew him in.
"C'est mon meilleur ami; we call her Lovie," Jules said, pulling up two chairs to sit in front of you. {She’s my best friend}
"Best friend? Why haven’t I met her before?" Aurélien asked, clearly intrigued, his tone feigning playful offense.
“Because I don’t need you and your deep French accent wooing my dawg, man” Jules said with a laugh as they sat down.
“You’re late, Koundé” You added with a playful scowl.
“I know, I’m sorry, lil’ bit” Jules replied, as the two of you did your handshake from childhood. “I was dropping off flowers to Mama,” He said, referring to your mother, who was at her teaching job. “And I brought my guy along.”
“Oh, so you’re my competition?” You said with a playful smile as you’ve heard so much about Jules having another best friend, extending your hand.
“Aurélien, how are you?” He replied, his thumb brushing against your knuckles as he held the shake a moment longer than necessary before you pulled away.
“I’m fine, how are you?” You asked, opening the cooler to offer them a drink.
“I can see that you’re fine, I have eyes” Aurélien said with a teasing smirk. “How are you, really?”
You glanced up, a hint of a smile playing on your lips. “Well, since you asked so nicely, I’m doing amazing. Thank you for asking” You shamelessly blushed, closing the cooler and meeting his gaze.
“You guys still doing the annual reunion games?” Jules asked. It had been a while since he had been able to make it to the cookout due to his busy schedule.
“Yes, it’s girls vs. guys, and the guys are going to lose just like every year,” You shrugged, while Jules rolled his eyes.
“Y’all get beat every single year?” Aurélien asked, laughing as Jules waved him off.
“Bro, every single year,” Jules said, shaking his head. “We have a different person at each course, and we almost win until we hit the one versus one basketball game and come face-to-face with MJ over here,” He said, pointing to you.
“Oh nah, your winning streak ends today,” Aurélien said, shaking his head and setting his drink down.
“Is that so?” You asked, smirking as he nodded confidently. “And why is that?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Because I’m a pro bébé. Football is just a side quest” He joked, grinning as the other men hyped him up.
“Yeah sure, we’ll put that confidence to the test today” You replied playfully rolling your eyes.
As the games kicked off, everyone settled ready to dash to their stations, eager to be the first to arrive. An extra point was on the line for whoever got there first, and the competitive energy was electric as everyone was ready to race to gain the early edge.
“On your marks, get set—NO CHEATING, SELENE—Go!” Cicily shouted before blowing her whistle, sending everyone off in a flurry.
You took off toward the court across the street, with Aurélien hot on your heels. As you picked up speed to outpace him, he slowed down, a grin spreading across his face as he took his time, savoring the view.
Years of volleyball and track had sculpted your body into something truly striking, and you wore that confidence effortlessly, turning heads wherever you went.
“Mec, come on man get on your zoom, we need every point we can get!” Jules yelled, passing his friend as you laughed, turning around to send a wink Aurélien’s way.
“I’m just a man bro, how strong do you expect me to be?!” Aurélien shot back as his face lit up with a playful smirk.
Once they reached the court, Aurélien decided to try his luck with some small talk. “So, Lovie, how come we haven’t met before?” He asked, spinning the ball on his fingers with a casual grin.
“You won’t catch me at the same spots you kick it, superstar, but I’m definitely outside” You said, crossing your arms and giving him a teasing look.
“Outside? Doing what, exactly?” Aurélien asked, his face scrunching up in a joking manner.
“Boy, acting bad! As I should,” You teased, knowing damn well that you were always home by 11 p.m., fully moisturized in bed and men were the least of your concerns.
Aurélien flashed a playful grin as he sunk the ball into the hoop. “Oh, we’re going to have to put a stop to that” He said, his eyes lingering on yours.
“Love your confidence, but that’s not happening, sweetheart,” You said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Aurélien leaned in, his voice a soft, seductive murmur. “How about this? If I win this game, you’ll take a break from your hot girl escapades and let me take you out for the weekend,” He said, his gaze intense as he bit his bottom lip gently.
“You have really pretty eyes,” You said, dismissing his earlier words.
“Thank you,” Aurélien replied with a smirk. “You have really pretty everything, Miss Lovie”
“Miss Lovie? That’s cute,” You said, playfully stealing the ball from him.
“Real cute,” Aurélien replied with a teasing grin, “but how much better would it sound with ‘Tchouaméni’ right behind it?”
“Hm. Deal. But if I win, you let me drive that beauty over there,” You said, pointing to his stunning red Lamborghini convertible.
Aurélien’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Deal,” he said, his voice low. “But don’t get too excited—you’re not winning.”
From the corner of your eye, you saw Selene sprinting toward the court to hand off the flag.
“Use this time to warm up, babygirl,” Aurélien said with a laugh, watching as Jules lagged far behind the girl he was racing.
“Come on now, this is just embarrassing,” You said with a laugh as Jules approached the two of you.
“Nah, man, she tripped me at that tree back there,” Jules protested, pointing behind him as he handed Aurélien the flag.
You dribbled the ball between your legs before passing it to him.
“Ladies first, ma belle,” Aurélien said with a grin, passing it back.
“Big mistake,” You shot back, smirking as you took a deep three-pointer.
“What are we playing to? 21?” Aurélien asked, rebounding the ball as you got into position on defense.
“Yes, sir,” You replied as he maneuvered past you and laid the ball in. “Let’s get it,” He said with a determined grin.
You both went shot for shot until the score was tied at 18, and you found yourself struggling with the ball.
“Back your nasty ass up” You giggled as pressed himself against you, almost causing you to momentarily lose focus.
“I’m just playing the game, bébé” He whispered in your ear, his breath warm against your skin. With a quick move, he stole the ball and took a three-pointer. The ball swished through the net, and the men cheered while the women muttered a chorus of “boo’s” and “whatever’s.”
He turned around, shrugging cockily. “Don’t worry, we’ll take her on our date,” Aurélien said with a wink, pointing to his car. You playfully rolled your eyes and waved him off.
As mealtime approached, it looked like the universe had decided to hit the pause button on dinner plans…
“Jadyce! You were too busy doing the electric slide, and now look!” Cicily yelled, pointing to the food burnt to a crisp on the grill. Your uncle stood there in playful surrender, a sheepish grin on his face.
“You know when Candy comes on I gotta get down” He said continuing to dance to the music as your grandmother scolded him.
“How about some pizza?” You asked getting cheers and thankful mumbles in return.
As you, Jules, Aurélien, and Selene shared a table at your favorite diner, you couldn’t help but eye Jules’ plate. His personal pizza looked just a little too tempting.
“Jules, that looks really good” You said reciting one of your favorite tiktok sounds. “I should’ve got that”
“Yeah, you should’ve. Read my lips, Lovie—no,” He said, stretching out the “o” as you rolled your eyes.
Turning your attention to Aurélien, you tried your luck once again. “Wow, Aurélien, that looks really good. I should’ve got that,” You said, pointing to his personal pizza while wigging your brows making him smile.
Sliding half of his pizza onto your plate and half of your pizza onto his, you let out a fake innocent gasp. “Oh, for me? That’s so nice,” You said with a playful grin.
“It’s your world, pretty girl,” He winked, then went back to enjoying both his food and the group's lively conversation.
As the sun set, you and Selene decided to call it a night. You both stood from the table, exchanging heartfelt goodbyes and hugs all around.
“It was so nice meeting you, Aurélien” You mumbled into his shoulder as he rocked the two of you side to side in a long hug.
“The pleasure’s all mine, ma belle” He said as his large hands rubbed your back falling just above your ass before sliding back up.
After pulling away, You and Selene intertwined your hands and made your way out of the diner, trying to shake off the tingling feeling his touch left behind.
“You’re such an idiot, you know that?” Jules said, shaking his head at Aurelien, who looked puzzled.
“What did I do?” Aurélien asked, genuinely confused.
“How are you going to take her on a date without her number, dumbass? And I’m not giving it to you” Jules laughed, as Aurélien facepalmed.
“Oh Mon Dieu!” Aurélien murmured, realizing his mistake. Turning around he saw that the two of you were just in front of the diner and took his chances. {Oh my god!}
Hearing a couple knocks on the window, you and Selene turned around to see Aurélien standing there, playfully mugging you. He motioned with his finger for you to come closer.
Approaching the window grinning, you crossed your arms, waiting for him to speak. Aurélien pulled out his phone, pointed to the numbers keyboard, and looked around with a cheeky, fake nonchalant expression.
Putting up your fingers to represent the digits of your number while giggling at his antics, you soon heard your phone ring.
“Hello,” You said sweetly, still gazing at him through the window. “Just wanted to hear that pretty voice again,” He replied, making your cheeks flush with a new shade.
“Why don’t we cater to all your senses and let you see something?” You said, turning around with a sultry smile. You began to walk toward your car, each step a deliberate, sexy strut, leaving him mesmerized as he watched.
“Mmmm. Can you, those legs adorned with a pair of heels and a way to cater to all the rest of my senses see me tomorrow at 7?” He asked before tucking his bottom lip inbetween his teeth still intently watching you.
“Yes sir” You smiled settling in the passenger seat as the two of you ended your call.
“So, about your fine ass friend. Jules was it…” Selene started as you laughed at her instant infatuation.
“And that, mon fils, is how I met you mama” Aurélien said finishing the story, leaving out certain details for his innocent ears, as they finished up their ice cream. {My son}
“You didn’t let mama win?! I thought we were supposed to be gentlemen” Halo exclaimed perplexed, taking a spoon full of his father’s ice cream.
“If I let maman win, she wouldn’t have let me take her on a date” Aurélien explained as his son nodded in understanding.
“Well I think she would’ve, mummy likes you a lot” Halo explained making his dad chuckle lightly.
“You think so?” Aurélien asked Halo, his tone filled with warmth. “Yes, sir. She prays for you every night before bed, and I do too,” Halo said, his innocent sincerity making Aurelien blush and smile with a tender pride.
“Is that right? Well, before we go, do you want to get her something?” Aurélien asked, standing up. “Yup! I think we should get flowers this time,” Halo said, grabbing his dad’s hand as they headed down to the market together.
Meanwhile, back at home, you were preparing lunch for everyone. The night before, Halo had eagerly written on the chalkboard fridge that he wanted "the world's greatest sandwich" for lunch today.
“Mama! We’re home, and guess who we got something for?” Halo said, running in with flowers in hand. “Hmmmm. I don’t know, who?” You asked, putting on a thoughtful expression.
“You of course! Here you go,” Halo said, handing you a bouquet of white lilies. You gasped in delight. “They’re gorgeous, thank you so much,” You said, leaning in for a loving kiss from Aurélien.
“And these are for Sissy,” Halo said, holding a small bouquet of pink carnations up to your stomach. Your hand flew to your mouth as tears welled up in your eyes. “My sweet boy,” You whispered, touched by the thoughtful gesture.
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1lenii · 1 year
FAOTP, FaceTime!
E42!Miles x F!Reader
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Basically what the title says
Falling asleep on the phone with Miles(works for both miles, I’m not picky 🥰
PLEASE TELL ME YA SEE WHAT I DID WITH THE PICTURE 🙏🏽 and maybe in the fic itself;)
I present the inspiration for this fic!!
Enjoy loves⭐️
“Cmon Ma, I promise it’ll be fun”
(Y/N) listens to Miles beg for the one chance opportunity as well as hearing the aggressive pressing of buttons on the controller he was holding.
Falling asleep on call.
(Y/N) isn’t opposed to the idea, if anything she’s all for it. Except for one factor.. Miles snores and more often then not when he’s over it disturbs (Y/N) beauty sleep.
Still considering the idea (Y/N) responds nonetheless
“Cause you snore.. like really loud”
“Nuh uh, do not”
“Do too, I’ll tell you what. You get what you want if we make a deal”
Miles eyes her through his screen skeptical. Now twisting his off his headset and untangling the wire from from one of his twin braids shaking it loose, taking the phone which was propped up on the console.
“‘Nd that would be?”
“Cant flake out on our study dates”
“Pero ma eso no—”
“No buts. We’ve been over this” (Y/N) cuts him off with a click of her tongue
“Fine princesa, You have a deal” he smirks at the screen already getting ready to head to his bed
(Y/N) doing the same.
(Y/N) was dosing off as Miles passionately expresses about his art, and graphite and how he almost got caught cause his dad wasn’t in duty, instead was at a trip with his mom to San Juan. (🇵🇷)
Miles noticed this
“Hey mami”
(Y/N) takes a few seconds to process with her tired mind and responds with a faint ‘mhm’
“You tired?”
“No no not At all keep going, I enjoy your rambling”
(Y/N) tries to open her eyes completely, even with her futile attempt they go back to the siren shape from when she tired. Miles took a quick screen shot, one where (Y/N) did not notice.
Miles stopped for second to take in the sight of his lover. Shoulder cover in a thick warm comforter, the squeezed peluche under her hold peaking out from between her phone and the herself. And the faint light of her skin glowing in oppose to the light the is emiting
Right when Miles is about to continue his story he hears soft snores. Softly smiling to himself as he watches you sleep.
(I would assume due to Spiderman/prowler duties he doesn’t get much sleep so he’s able to stay up late)
Miles enjoys the moment as an idea pops into his head. He slowly shuffles to grab his phone pressing the + volume and turn off button and starts spamming screenshots of (Y/N) sleeping face to later set as a his Lock Screen.
Sooner or later Miles dozes off muting himself for the upcoming alarm in the morning set for 8:00 am (hate the am like not even tryna quote hobie anymore in really hate waking up early)
Miles wakes up gets ready to head out, and do his Mile errands while also stopping by (Y/N) dorm delivering her groceries as she usually forgets leaving her to crash at his due to the lack of snacks and food.
He inserts the keycard to enter, now leaving the groceries on the counter as well as his phone and keys to find (Y/N) now exiting her room.
“Goodmorning princess”
“Morning” (Y/N) strutted over to the counter sliding Miles phone from it previous spout while Miles puts away the groceries he got earlier.
“Miles. Que diablo is this.”
“What? You want me to leave my girl starving?”
Miles looks over his shoulder knowing that’s not what his lover meant, just to see (Y/N) on his phone.
Opening the phone with her Face ID, she’s stares wide eyed at the phone, a picture taken back when she was barely awake last night
“Last time falling asleep on the phone with you Morales”
(Y/N) hops outta her seat at the counter heading back to her room, mumbling a bunch of i hate you’s and never again’a
Miles closes the cabinet laughing while trailing after his girlfriend
The phone all forgotten about.
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xnuwax · 7 months
Cao Guangyan’s Monthly Report Letter for Pu Yiyong
Yiyong, it’s me your number one friend and here’s your monthly report.
Your Ma's doing well, she's a strong woman. But of course sometimes she seems sad, we often tell her "it'll be alright" even though those words are pointless. I'm trying my best to be there for her, so don't you worry. She's not alone, my Ba & Chuying jie are her drinking buddies now.
Talking about Chuying jie, she’s getting busier. She's working on new cases, ‘real’ human cases fortunately. We still meet often, talk about our daily lives and you. We always talk about you.
My Ba's drinking bar is really popular now. Grandma next door is still his frequent costumer. She's way older than us and healthier than you. Boo you suck Pu Yiyong.
Enough talking about others! I just started working as an intern at the hospital this year. I'm busy, so maybe when you wake up we won't be able to see each other as often as before. But I'll always spare my time for you and you'll always find a way to annoy me right?
I'm not gonna lie though, working is killing me. No one is waiting for me at the bus stop anymore. Well sometimes Chuying jie picks me up but that's different. She's not you. I want you to pick me up, after all you have a lot of free time.
Anyway, I'm having trouble falling asleep. I can still feel your blood on my hands and I have to physically force myself to leave my bed every day.
During boring hours of my internship, memories of our meaningless fight and the thoughts of seeing you when I get home are what keeping me afloat. Also It's silly, when I'm on my break I sometimes visit your manhua web page, hoping that a new chapter will magically appear.
Walking home, my body keep dragging me to yours. I hate opening your bedroom door and seeing you lying there.
Your house no longer feels warm. Maybe because you aren't awake to fill the house with your stupid actions. Strangely, I still spend my time in your room. I've read almost all of your comics, they're great but I still like your work the most. I sometimes fall asleep on the floor of your room, too lazy to go home and my bed feels cold without you curled up next to me.
I know your Ma's sick of seeing me in your room. Believe me, I'm sick of it too. When is it your turn to curl up in my room? FYI, my window is open in case you want to sneak in like you used to.
Ah shit, it's getting late. I have to wake up early tomorrow.
You'll probably get bored reading all this huh? Anyway, the point of this letter is, when will you wake up??
Chuying jie is getting bored of dealing with humans, there are so many ghosts we have to help. Oh and, Director Fang wants his cup back.
Ma's also having a hard time cutting your hair with you lying in bed.
And I miss seeing your name pop up on my phone. I miss being surprised to see you suddenly appear in my room.
A-yi, I’ll buy you delicious foods, so promise me you'll wake up soon okay?
From ‘Oh No! Here Comes Trouble’ universe
-Nuwa 180424-
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meredith-harper81 · 1 year
Part Of Your World🫀
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Prepping for the Oscars 🏆
Chapter 2:
Pairing: Chris Evans x Elyse Harper
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1k
‼️More Chapters are uploaded on Wattpad.. link in my bio :)‼️ Elyse Pov
I woke up startled, by a loud ringing.
"Jesus Christ," I open my eyes and adjust to the light coming into the room. I curse myself and remind myself to close the curtains next time I sleep as the sun is coming in hot. I come to my senses and realize my phone is ringing.
As I go to answer, I see it is Dakota, face timing.
"Why are you awake right now?" I say groaning while jumping out of bed and shutting the curtains and running back to the warmth of my bed....
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you... I just didn't make the flight yesterday. I'm still in the East Coast time zone," she says and her voice sounds sick.
"Dakota, don't tell me you're sick," I say with a bit of sadness in my voice.
" I'm sorry babe, the flu hit last week on set and I tried to avoid it but look at me now," she says as she coughs.
Now that I am fully awake. I take a good look at her, and she doesn't look too good.
"That's okay. Take care of yourself. Sebastian is attending and will just have to replace you this weekend...Thanks for that, by the way, I wink at her... Rest. I'll speak to you soon then". I tell her.
"Enjoy and don't stress Elyse and try to have a good time... break a leg and tell Chris I said Hi," she says before she hangs up and I roll my eyes at her.
I decided to stay in bed a little longer since today is supposed to be a relaxing day.
Today's to-do list is a workout and go to the hotel booked for tomorrow.
I eventually ended up falling back asleep.
Soon I wake up on my own accord and check the time. Only to see it's now 12:30 in the afternoon.
I get out of bed, wash my face, brush my teeth and make my way downstairs, and make myself something to eat.
As I'm eating some toast, my stomach starts to cramp badly. I think nothing of it and I get a quick workout in.
After I've showered and changed for the day, I head back downstairs and Maria hands me my protein shake and tells me to have a good day.
I get a phone call from Haley, she tells me I'm needed sooner at the hotel. I get in the car, pop a Tylenol and drive myself to the hotel with a raging headache and sore back.
"Great start to this weekend," I mumble to myself.
Chris Pov
I grab my NASA cap and put it on as we are preparing for landing. I thank the flight attendant and the pilot as I'm waiting for my ride to pull into the airstrip.
The flight attendant asks for a picture. I happily take one with him. I tell him to have a good day as a car pulls in. I sit in the back and dial Scott. I let him know I had landed safely and to let Ma know.
" Chris, do not screw this, and all the best man," He says as I roll my eyes and hang up.
I stare out the window and look to see we were approaching traffic.
I check on Google Maps and notice it's going to be a long drive home with all this traffic. LA Traffic sucks, I mumble to myself, now feeling annoyed.
I was hoping I would be able to spend more time in Boston after filming, but I guess after this will have to do.
Finally, after a long two hours, I make my way inside my house.
I go take a quick shower and put on some shorts and a red T-shirt.
As I do so I notice some of Willow's things are still in the closet. I debate about throwing them out.
I end up calling Megan and tell her I've arrived. I also tell her the Willow situation and she tells me she'll handle it by tomorrow if I leave my house keys under the mat.
Megan informs me Ilaria, my stylist, is coming over to drop off my suit for tomorrow. I hang up and she tells me she will see me tomorrow afternoon.
In the meantime, I give Mackie a call since he will also be in attendance tomorrow, asking him to pop by and we can hang out have some dinner.
Ilaria comes and drops off the suit and tells me what to do with my hair. Plus, she gives me some shoe options.
Mackie agrees and is on his way over as Ilaria leaves. She tells me she is exhausted and had a long day and tomorrow is an even longer day with her newer clients.
She wishes me all the best tomorrow and to call her if there is any problem.
It's now late and Mackie is coming over soon, so start to make dinner. A classic kale salad with some chopped chicken and rice.
I grab two plates and a 6 pack and head to the living room just in time as the bell rings.
I go to greet Mackie, I bring him over to the living room and we turn on a football game and discuss Marvel things and just catch up, and have a few beers.
" So... I hear you are presenting with Elyse Harper tomorrow?" He says as he takes a sip.
"You heard right, my man," I say as I blush a little.
We get to talking and I tell him how at first I didn't know who she was.
"Are you living under a rock, Chris... I mean come on dude, she's gorgeous... how have you not heard or seen her?" He questions.
I shake my head and laugh. "I don't know man, I guess I've been too busy with work, and with my ex," I say with a bit of sadness laced in my voice.
Mackie pats my back, "Well, you're meeting her super soon man," He tells me.I nod and smile.
"Do you think she's dating someone Mackie?... I mean have you seen her...," I say, blushing like a 5-year-old.
"Chris man, I have never seen you blush so hard when talking about someone, but I hate to toot your horn... but... she's never dated anyone... As far as the media knows... She's super private," Mackie says.
I give him a shocked look. " I don't know man maybe, she has never been spotted on TMZ or Dailymail, I guess you will have to wait till tomorrow to find out, and maybe meet Mr. Mystery Man," He says patting my shoulder. I give a small smile.
We finished the 6-pack and our dinner. Mackie helps me clean up and I walk him out. I lock up the house and get ready for bed... As I lie in bed, I smile and am actually excited to attend an event for the first time in ages.
Elyse Pov
I was sitting on the edge of a white hotel bed, staring out into the busy city below me. I so didn't want to be here today, but again I don't have a say in my career and everything is discussed without me... at least we aren't doing a vogue get ready with me tomorrow. Thank god!! I hate doing those.
Suddenly, Haley's cold finger brought me out of my thoughts.
"What's wrong, Elyse?" She asks me.
"Nothing, I'm fine," I tell her.
She tells me the nail tech lady is here to do my nails for tomorrow. Haley also handed me my script for the next day. She tells me good night and she'll see me in the morning.
I smile and greet the nail tech and sit in the chair. I look over my script and see the category and when I'm presenting and the timeline of the show, and thankfully I don't have to sit in the crowd...I am just presenting the 2015 best picture film with Chris.
I'm a little nervous to meet Chris. I've heard so many stories of him being a playboy, or him cheating on his ex. he seems so cocky, and rude being all Mr. America...but nobody knows if that's true... do they.
I always read something about him going back to his old ex-Minka... I remember meeting her at a shoot one time, and I cringed she was so self-centered... I try not to think too much about that, as I will be meeting him tomorrow, and can really know and judge him for myself. I take a deep breath and look back at my lines.
I practice my lines while I get my nails done. I look down and smile as the nail tech paints on this pretty nude color. I thank her after she is done.
I take a hot shower, and as I'm finishing up, I notice my stomach cramps again. I hope I don't start my period, but I already got it this month and I remind myself to make an appointment with an ob-gyn soon ...I didn't even bring anything with me if I do start my period..... I groan and go to bed, hoping this all ends soon.
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Guest Side Story
Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Sarah Wilson Rating: T Word Count: 3214
Summary: Sam told Bucky not to flirt with Sarah. But this is her house, so Bucky's pretty sure she makes the rules.
Bucky’s missed white lies. Ones that don’t hurt anybody.
“Is that cigarette smoke I smell on your coat, James Barnes?” “No, Ma. ’Course not.”
“And you’re sure this dame knows it’s my arm she’ll be on?” “Sure, Steve. She’s been after me to fix the two of you up for weeks.”
Stuff like that.
Past few years, Bucky’s either been transparent or a brick wall, all lies or all truth. Which one he loses more sleep over just depended on the day. The most human thing, he’s learning, is to work with a little of both: fact and fiction. Give something here, hold something back there. Lying doesn’t have to be mean-spirited and telling the truth doesn’t have to make him feel hollow and guilty. Maybe you can only realize this kinda thing when you find your way home, even if the home isn’t yours.
Bucky’s standing in the kitchen listening to Cass teach him how to fish. It’s purely theoretical, no gear involved, just the overexaggerated motion of Cass’s arm as he mimes casting. Laughing, Bucky lightly grabs the boy’s elbow before it can collide with the refrigerator on an especially big swing. Cass downsizes his demonstration without pausing the excited flow of his instructions.
AJ catches Bucky’s eye; from the look on his face, he’s beginning to suspect that Bucky might already know how to fish. While Cass is focused hard on his hands pretending to show how to fit live bait onto a hook, Bucky smiles at AJ over the smaller boy’s head and raises a finger to his lips. White lies. Let Cass believe he’s the expert.
When Cass is winding down, Bucky moves around him with a grin, carrying an empty plate to the sink.
“I got it!” AJ declares, whisking it from Bucky’s hand and pumping a squirt of dish soap in the center while his other hand runs the hot water.
Cass slotted the Pop-Tarts the plate lately held into the toaster for him (no better end-of-the-day snack, Bucky was told) and now AJ’s cleaning up. They’re a hospitable family, all day long. No phoniness, no insincere offers of help that they’re hoping Bucky won’t take them up on. He actually had to race the kids to the shed to store a toolbox earlier. On the boat, Bucky has room to put in the effort for the Wilsons, but inside the walls of their home he’s not allowed to do a damn thing because he’s a guest. Per square foot of property, he doesn’t think he’s ever been treated this well in someone else’s house.
“Fine,” Bucky concedes, “but I’m doing all the dishes tomorrow—breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And don’t get up early to drink a glass of orange juice and try to wash it before I’m awake, ’cause I’ll be listening.”
The boys giggle and Bucky leans against the counter, hovering while AJ hands the plate off for Cass to wipe dry and pretending not to listen to Sam and Sarah talking in the next room.
…But there isn’t a full wall separating the kitchen from the living room and Sam knows Bucky’s hearing’s good, right? He doesn’t think they’re discussing anything that private and if Sam’s annoyed with him later for what he supposes Bucky might’ve heard, Bucky’ll just offer up another white lie and swear he couldn’t hear a thing. And Sarah… Sarah wouldn’t think any worse of him if she knew. Bucky imagines she’d have a lot of compassion for his frequent urge to give Sam a hard time just for the hell of it. He flicks a quick glance over his shoulder, just to see her, and concentrates on what they’re saying, giving himself vague permission because he overheard his name.
“This was your idea,” Sarah’s saying. “You brought the stray cat home, just like when we were kids.”
“Don’t compare him to something cute,” Sam complains. Bucky’s mouth tenses to keep his smile from spreading too far.
“He is a guest in my home, Sam, and he’s more than earned it after the work he’s been putting in with the boat.”
“And what about the work you’ve been putting in watching him do that work?”
“Sam. Grow up.” Sarah’s voice is playful and Bucky almost turns, wondering what her expression looks like.
“So you’ve just been appreciating his skill with a wrench and some sandpaper,” Sam says skeptically.
“If I’m also appreciating his shoulders in that shirt— if—” she emphasizes when Sam tries to interrupt, “—it’s nobody’s business but mine.”
“Ok, you definitely can’t have him sleeping on the couch.”
“What do you think I’m gonna do? Try to sneak him to my bedroom after lights out? With you listening, trying to catch us? Uh uh. Your sister is a grown woman with two children, a home, and a boat she couldn’t manage to sell, and she can lust where she damn well pleases.”
Bucky snorts out a laugh and AJ gives him a funny look. Kid’s too perceptive.
“He’s tricky,” Sam lectures. “You can’t see it, but I do. I’ve been around him a hell of a lot more. You think he smiles like that at everybody? If he smiles at me at all, I gotta assume he just looked up and saw a meteor hurtling towards where we’re standing and is only smiling because we’ve got seconds to live and I won’t be able to tell anybody.”
“You are hilarious.”
“No, I’m not.”
“You’re telling me your friend is charming. That’s what you’re describing. Don’t I deserve to be charmed? Where else is he gonna sleep, huh? With you? In one of the boys’ little beds while they share the other one? Because I know you’re not suggesting we skip the pretense and put him right in with me.”
Sam lets out a noise of obvious frustration.
“Time to intervene,” Bucky tells Cass and AJ, leaving them to swap confused shrugs in the kitchen as he saunters into the living room.
“Hey,” Sam greets stonily, arms crossed over his chest.
Just for fun, Bucky decides to be all the friendlier.
“It’s so great of you to put me up. Thanks, Sarah. This beats a hotel by a mile.”
“Our gourmet kitchen does offer an impressive range of sugary cereal,” she jokes. “I might even cook you boys a special breakfast tomorrow before you head back to the dock.”
Bucky’s grin widens.
“Oh yeah? I wouldn’t wanna—”
“No, it’s no trouble—”
“Well, that would be—”
“Both of you stop it,” Sam orders.
“Sam, go outside,” Sarah orders right back. “Play some tag with your nephews.”
“Sarah, I’m beat. We’ve been working on that boat all day.”
“Mhmm, you and the rest of the neighbourhood. You worked all day and you come home and there’s still two kids to entertain. But guess what?” She smiles deviously at her brother and throws a few fake punches at his stomach. “You’re Sam Wilson, the Falcon! Looks like you’re special after all. Me and Bucky here know you’ve still got some gas in the tank. Go on.”
Sam looks fairly planted to the spot as he glares from his sister to Bucky, but he eventually moves with a lurching step.
“I’m gonna be right outside,” he warns.
Bucky sidesteps out of his path and says nothing, though it’s hard to resist the instinct to egg him on.
“We’re gonna have a super-secret discussion about which towels he can use,” Sarah goads at her brother’s back.
Sam ignores her, corralling his nephews in the kitchen and guiding them out the door into the fading daylight with a hand on each of their narrow backs.
“Great kids,” Bucky observes.
Sarah nods, watching her family disappear, then turns to him.
“We’re not really gonna talk about towels.”
Bucky’s eyebrows rise in surprise and delighted anticipation until Sarah grabs a folded blanket off the back of the couch and passes it to him.
“We’re making up the couch.”
This is ok too. Actually, really nice, standing next to Sarah and unfolding the blanket as she stuffs a pillow into a clean case. Her eyes find his already on her and he swears he almost blushes; he’s been smoothing out the same crease in this blanket for a good thirty seconds with no result, just watching her easy movements, the way she flips her braids back when they fall forward over her shoulder.
“I hope you’re comfortable,” she says, lingering once they’re done.
“I woulda slept on the floor. A closet, even, like Harry Potter.”
“You read Harry Potter? Don’t tell the boys—they’ll be bugging you to play wizards with them.”
Bucky laughs and shakes his head.
“Nah, I just watched the movie.”
“Which one?”
“There’s more than one?”
“You really better not bring it up then,” Sarah advises. “They’d try to tell you everything at once.”
“Yeah, wouldn’t want to get in out of my depth.”
It feels like a significant look they exchange after his words. Bucky wants it to be—he thinks he does—but he feels awkward, romantically clumsy. Heartstrings tied together like shoelaces, waiting to trip him up. He’s been telling himself she’s only being kind, but after eavesdropping on her conversation with Sam, he knows she’s interested. In his shoulders at the very minimum. Was that right? His shoulders? Just in case, Bucky does his best to square them. Can’t hurt.
He’s fucking ecstatic when Sarah does glance down briefly, her gaze returning to his face with something flustered in it. Sure, she’s a mom and she runs a business, but it’s like she told Sam: she deserves to be charmed. Bucky’s not entirely sure he’s doing it right though.
“So,” she says, “Sam was just being a pain when he tried to convince me you can’t sleep on the couch because you’ve got a bad back, right?”
Bucky sighs but keeps smiling. It’s natural in her presence.
“I’d say that’s him making old-man jokes about me.”
“I apologize for my brother and his bad manners.”
“Ah, he’s not totally wrong,” he concedes, perching on the arm of the couch. “These last few birthdays have required more candles than you could fit on a cake.”
“Then you just have to get yourself a bigger cake.”
Bucky laughs.
“I guess optimism’s pretty much a family trait?”
“We work at it. They say you need to take the good with the bad, but they don’t tell you that means creating the good out of nothing a lot of the time, if you want any at all. The Wilsons worked that out some time ago, so we mostly do alright.”
“It’s a good feeling to be around,” he tells Sarah earnestly. Clearing his throat, he gets to his feet. “Feels good, being around you.”
“We’re… I’m happy you could stay with us.”
The light’s softened in the room and her voice has gone with it. Bucky shifts on his feet.
“It’s a pleasure to be here,” he assures her.
Sarah’s eyelashes flutter when she looks from his mouth to his eyes. Probably too try-hard to bite his lip now. God, Sam thinks Bucky’s so suave with Sarah, but it feels like he’s only got one move and it’s fucking smiling. Some Casanova he is. Sarah, meanwhile, is beautiful and authoritative and generous and moving closer to toss the pillow he’ll rest his head on tonight onto the couch.
“Anything else you need to be comfortable?” she asks, gaze slipping from one of his eyes to the other. “Another pillow? Pajamas?”
“I’ve got some, but…”
Sarah gives him a questioning look and Bucky starts summoning the courage to make a move. He’ll touch her waist—no, take her hand. He’ll cup her sweet face so there’s no doubt what he means.
“But,” he picks up, “if I get cold in the night…”
There’s longing in her eyes, Bucky knows it, but Sam bangs in the screen door right then, one nephew squealing where he’s been slung over Sam’s shoulder.
“Well,” Sam announces loudly to the house at large, “that’s it! No more gas in the tank! Everybody get to bed!”
Sarah appears sorry as she steps back. Bucky almost reaches out to pull her in, to take another shot with another lousy line. Shit, he’s bad at this.
“There are more blankets in the hall closet,” she says, and slips away.
“Thank you,” he calls after her.
Sam walks past, Cass still dangling upside-down over his back while AJ runs ahead, and watches Bucky like a hawk (or some other bird of prey) as he digs through his overnight bag. What’s Sam expecting him to pull out? A strip of condoms? Bucky extracts a green toothbrush and holds it up with an expression of fake wonder. Sam rolls his eyes and heads off down the hall.
They are going to bed early, barely 9pm. That’s probably late for the kids though. Bucky’s pleasantly weary after a day outdoors, more working than talking, feeling like part of something as the Wilsons’ community came together to repair the boat. Seeing Sarah throughout. Flashing Bucky a smile while she spoke to a neighbour, grasping his outstretched hand to let him help her aboard so she could see their progress, checking Sam’s work like she’s his foreman while Bucky grinned and watched the siblings good-naturedly pick at each other. Sam was probably out like a light and Bucky should be too.
He’s not.
He can’t get to sleep right away, but it’s peaceful to lie here on the couch, on his back, while the house gets dark and darker. Sarah left the nearest window cracked for him and a gentle breeze washes in with the chirp of insects. Bucky’s already looking forward to being woken by the sun streaming through in the morning. It’d be good to get from now to daylight in a single stretch of sleep; that’s what he fantasizes about while he lies on his back: no nightmares. His head’s propped up by the pillow he tells himself smells like Sarah, though it probably just smells like her laundry soap.
It’s hard to put his finger on what’s missing, why he can’t fall asleep, until he hears the soft shuffle of footsteps on carpet. They’re too close together to be Sam’s—either hesitant or made by child-sized feet. Bucky cranes his neck around, expecting to see someone walk past on their way to the kitchen for a glass of water. His gaze roams over nothing for a minute, then he slumps back as the footsteps retreat. Maybe it was Sam after all, getting up to look in on his nephews or something. It’s the sorta thing Bucky would do if he were an uncle; he’d treasure the time with those kids, try to remember everything about his visit so he could hang on to it when he found himself half a world away, in Berlin or Riga or Madripoor.
He’s settling, trapping the blanket against his chest with a heavy hand, when he hears the footsteps approach again. Then back away seconds later. Slowly, Bucky starts to smile to himself. It’s Sarah. Can only be her. She’s either trying to psych herself up to come in here and talk to him and failing, or trying to resist venturing down the hall and succeeding.
On her next attempt, she gets closer, and Bucky sits up, kicking the blanket aside, and drops his feet to the floor in anticipation of her rounding the corner. He’s nervously gripping the couch cushion on either side of his knees when she does.
“You sneaking past Sam?” he asks quietly.
Sarah jumps, pressing a hand to her chest.
“You scared me. I wasn’t sure you’d be awake.”
Bucky shrugs, dreamily fixated on her smile. One of her neighbours turns on their porchlight and now Sarah can probably see his smile too.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he says.
“Shoot. Did you need something else?”
Kinda funny how she’s pretending she was coming out here for another reason and is just making a detour for him. He knows better, but he’s got enough remnants of being a gentleman not to call her out on it.
“Nah. It’s nothing to do with you.” Bucky stares at her a few seconds and changes his mind. “You know what? Actually, it is you.”
“What is?” Sarah asks with a hushed, confused laugh.
“The reason I can’t get to sleep. Sarah…”
But she smiles and does what he did to the boys earlier—holds a finger to her lips.
With the confidence of a woman at ease in her own home and her own body, she steps forward. She wore a yellow t-shirt today, but the one she wears now is pale pink. It’s loose and worn and reveals the strong, elegant curve of her shoulder when she moves and it slips. Gazing up at her, Bucky shifts until he feels the back of the couch. His hands hover in the air as Sarah digs one knee, then the other, into the cushion on either side of him. She lowers herself onto his thighs.
Moving slow like the hour, deep like the black sky, Bucky runs his hands up her back.
Sarah’s palms land on his shoulders and, smiling, she confesses to him, “I like these.”
He’s smirking when she ducks her head to kiss him.
Now that he has her here—on his lap, in his arms—Bucky forgets every way he wanted to touch her earlier. How he was gonna woo her with tender contact applied just right. Well, thank god for Sarah. She sets the pace of the kiss and, when his hands go still at her upper back, reaches around to bring one of them back down to her waist. He can feel that there’s no bra beneath her shirt.
“Rusty,” he breathes when their mouths slide apart.
“You were on that old boat all day,” she reminds him. “You know I’ve got patience for rusty.”
Still, Bucky wants to do a little better, prove that maybe he’s what she had in mind when she decided he was worth smiling at. He cradles Sarah closer, pulling her in, dipping his fingers into the valley of her spine when she arches into him. They kiss firmer, then faster. At her quick nod of encouragement, he moves his hands to her hips. Lower.
“Sarah?” Sam slurs sleepily from down the hall. “You outta bed?”
Sarah presses a hand to Bucky’s chest and pushes off his lap, other hand over her mouth to muffle her laughter. He chuckles too.
“As the Falcon, timing is one of his greatest strengths.”
“And as his sister,” Sarah counters, “it gets on my last nerve.”
“Well, I didn’t wanna say that, but…” Bucky grins.
“Sarah?” Sam calls out again.
She sighs.
“Is he trying to wake the boys?” She takes a step away from the couch, wearing a regretful smile. “I better go.”
Bucky catches himself before he can blurt out I’ll miss you. Overeager fool.
“See you in the morning?” Sarah checks, something shy about her now, but not in a bad way. Cautiously hopeful, Bucky thinks. He’s been feeling that way himself.
He gives her one more smile for the road.
“You bet.”
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xxreader-writerxx · 3 years
Study Buddy (Part 2 I guess)
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, fingering, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, exposition, and cursing.
Y/N= Your Name L/N= Your Last Name Y/H= Your House
You walk into where you and Fred usually meet, his dorm taking off your jacket still stressed from Hermione’s interrogation. You get shoved against the wall lightly, feeling his warm lips on yours. “Hi Freddie...” You giggle when he finally lets you go. “Hello darling...” He says while playing with your blouse buttons. “Woah woah woah… Where’s the work?” You ask, smiling goofily matching his smile and he moves over to show you his desk. You look at his papers which have close to chicken scratch writing all over it. He massages your hips standing behind you with his chin placed on your shoulder humming as he fights the urge to leave hickeys all over your neck.
“This problem is wrong.” You point out a few and he sighs. “Just the tie then? Or like halfway unbuttoned? Or cuddles?” He asks and you laugh nodding. “Fix the problems and we can cuddle.” You tell him and he nods turning faster than light to his papers. You watch as he bites his lip as he tries to correct them. He finally finishes and you nod smiling. “Perfect.” You tell him, kissing him quickly as you take off your shirt beneath his view. “What’s that for?” He asks, smiling. “You did finish your work. Just rewarding you.” You mumble going in for another kiss as you both lay down. As he wrapped his arms around you falling asleep quickly from his insane day of Quidditch you couldn’t help but remember how it all started.
I sit eating my favorite meal at the Gryffindor table laughing with my friends, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Lee, and Angelina. I’m in Lee and Angelina’s year but I never really made friends with anyone else in my year. Lee keeps trying to introduce me to the Weasley Twins every now and then but I either choke up last minute or get busy. The Weasley twins are the hottest people, and sadly the most troublesome, in our year. I can tell the two apart from a scar on Fred’s eyebrow but we’ve never truly met. I have classes with both but we haven’t talked. I’m the top of my year and I was always on time for class so me and them never really ran in the same circle. They rather prank and be wild. I love a good prank but I rather study.
I head to potions and the twins have already created havoc. The room was filled with a smoke and I realized it from the smell right away. I cover the bottom of my face with my sleeve running over to the cauldron which has a lot of already sleeping students next to it. I throw a lid on it and use a vacuuming spell to get rid of the leftover smoke quickly. I make a batch of the counter potion and put it in a spray bottle. I walk over to the first few students spraying it on them. I get to the end finally spraying the potion on Professor Snape. Everyone is awake and coughing. I go over to the culprits checking if they're ok. “Hi?” Fred says and I shush him checking for any lung harm. “That was dangerous.” I mumble and he nods rubbing his eyes. “George. George, wake up.” I say shaking the other twin. He pops his head up and looks at me quizzically. “H-How did you know who was who?” He asks, still groggy. “It's fairly obvious.” I mumble still in Healer Mode. “And who are you?” He asks as I move on to the next student. “Y/N L/N” I spit out and they nod. “I can handle this Y/N” Professor Snape instructs and I move so he can handle them.
“Now...” I say turning to the two boys. I slap their heads and they groan, rubbing their heads. “That was an idiotic thing to do. You are lucky I got here in time. If I didn’t that sleeping potion would make your lungs stop working and numbing your body. Let alone the others in the room. You better apologize and I will be writing to your mother.” I start to ramble but get cut off by Fred smirking. “You’re cute when you’re angry.” He says smiling and George nods. “Very kissable.” He agrees and I blush against my will. “Listen flattery won’t get you anywhere. Your mother Molly will be hearing of this.” I say and they whip their heads to see me. “Y-you know our mother?” George says now nervous. “Yes. I visit a lot you two are just too insane to notice.” I spit and they look at each other then me with their eyes squinted. “Oh my god- Y/N?! The no-boobs Y/N?! Well you certainly- Grew.” Fred says and I give him a death stare. “Sorry.” He mumbles and I nod.
I walk over to Snape and check his pulse and everything since he cannot do it himself. I nod curtly stepping away and he fixes his collar. “Good job Y/N/ 150 points to Y/H, 115 points from Gryffindor.” He reports and I nod going to my desk. Instead of my usual partner I get greeted by Fred who is smiling wildly. “Yes?” I ask and he shrugs. “I like this seat.” He explains and I nod.
We finish our class and Professor Snape calls me up. I walk over and he points at Fred. “He and George are falling behind. They have potential but waste their time doing pranks and jokes. Could you help Fred do work? I will give you extra credit. Me and his teachers think you and another girl are the best for the two. Top of your years of course.” He explains and I nod. “Yes sir. I will definitely get on that, no extra credit needed.” I say making him raise an eyebrow. “The joy of teaching of course.” I mumble and he nods questionably.
A few hours later I’m banging on Freds door. He opens the door only wearing sweats and I cover my face with papers. “Sorry. Thought you were my roommates.” He explains shyly grabbing a shirt off of the ground out of the millions of piles. I look around with my nose scrunched at the mess. “I always love getting that reaction. Helps the ego.” He says looking at the mess before him.
“Anyways...” I say and turn, giving him the books. “Read these. I have noticed your usual reading rate is around 160 pages per minute. But when you like the book it's 300. Try to meet me in the middle. I also noticed you dog ear pages. When you do that its bad for the book. Bookmark. Now what I think we will start off studying potions and finishing that workload. When you finish that we do transfiguration. Then some DADA homework. And-” I stop myself seeing him walk over to his bed reading a pranking magazine. “What are you doing?” I ask and he looks up at me. “Zonkos.” He points out showing me the magazine. “I know that… Why are you reading it?” I ask sitting down moving his legs. “Work.” I point out the books and he nods. “Read em all.” He explains. “What do you mean?” I ask and he laughs. “I read 'em. How do you think me and George make those potions? We know our shit, it's just the work we don’t bother doing.” He explains. I nod grabbing the magazine earning an upset groan. “How bout each workload you finish you get to read an article.” I propose and he groans getting up.
A few minutes later he’s finished and snatches the magazine from me grumpily. I smile reading the work. It's perfect. Some mistakes but it was only the hard stuff. I smile hugging him lightly and I back away quickly realizing I just hugged Fred Weasley. “Sorry.” We both say and chuckle. “Ok. Next piece of work.” I say and he groans, giving me the magazine. “This counts as slavery” He points out and I shake my head laughing. “I did want to say, your laugh is my favorite.” He says and I look at him confused. “Just because I didn’t remember you doesn’t mean I don’t notice you. You aren’t stuck up like most of the smart kids. I always liked that.” He tells me and I blush. “Just do your work you flirt.” I say blushing and he winks grabbing his quill. “Only flirt with the pretty ones.” He says and I blush more.
He finishes all his work after about two hours the whole time we joked around and laughed. I get up to leave but he stops me smiling. “Want to stay a little longer?” He asks and I kiss his cheek sweetly. “Gotta study myself.” I say and see he’s now blushing. “You studied this entire time.” He tells me and I laugh. “I have advanced classes, always gotta study.” I explain and he nods his smile only dropping a tiny bit. “Maybe later.” He says with a wink. I walk out blushing and sit next to Hermione who laughs at my state.
***Fred POV***
I walk over to Ron with George. We grab his collar from behind lifting him up and bringing him into a nearby storage closet as he yells. “WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!” He yells at us and we look at him annoyed. “OH GODRIC- MIONEEEE- L/N- SOMEONE BLOODY HELP ME THESE TWO ARE GOING TO HURT ME I KNOW THE LOOK!” He yells banging on the door. We grab his collar again earning a shriek. “CALM DOWN I JUST HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT Y/N YOU TWIT!” I yell over his screams and he looks at me confused. “Y/N? What about her? She came over last christmas.” He explains and we look at each other slapping each other’s arm. “Why the hell do we not remember?!” We ask each other and he shrugs. “Fred was snogging some girl and George was drunk and high.” He explains and we look at each other annoyed.
“So what are your questions?” He asks and we nod. “We need the insider information. The pretty girl that he’s been drooling over is actually Y/N. She’s tutoring Freddie Boy and he’s got a crush.” George explains and I blush hitting his arm. “Do not.” I say and he scoffs.
“Do too.”
“Do not!”
“Do too!”
We start shoving each other and Ron stops us. “What the hell do you want to know?!” He asks and I nod. “Stuff like her favorite flower, favorite food, favorite everything.” He asks and I nod. “Well- She likes Blue Irises, but she’s allergic. Her second favorite is roses, she loves when guys know the meaning behind them too. I remember you read up on them so go with that. She doesn’t have a favorite food but if you want to be alone with her she’s always in the library after dinner. Tell her you wanted some extra study time or something.” He explains and we look at him skeptically. “Why are you telling us this?” I ask and he opens the door a little and points at a table in the Great Hall. “Malfoy’s making moves on her. I much rather Fred than him.” He explains. I watch as she giggles with Malfoy smiling besides her. “He’s probably just trying to use her. She’s hot as hell and smart too.” Ron admits and we nod.
“Well that isn’t happening.” I say and conjure a bouquet of light pink, peach, and coral roses. I walk over to her table and hold them up for her. She looks at them putting a hand to her chest. “Oh my god Fred what are these?” She asks, smiling and I smile back warmly. “I just wanted to say thank you for helping me with my school work.” I explain and she smells them smiling. “So the pink is for how sweet you are for helping me. Then the orange means appreciation because I really do appreciate it. And finally coral means friendship.” I say lying on the last part. She chuckles taking the coral one and smelling it. “Coral actually means desire but this was so sweet!” She says hugging me tightly. I smile at the short girl trying her best to wrap her arms around me and look at Malfoy as he sneers at me. “So Draco… As I said I’m now tutoring Fred, and have been for bout a week, so sadly I can’t tutor you. But maybe when his grades get up I’ll help with yours.” She explains and quickly kisses his cheek. I feel as if I just got a bludger to the chest and I keep my composure.
***Y/N’s POV**
I’m studying inside the library when I hear scuffling at the doors. I walk over to see Fred fighting Ron and George as they shove him into the library. I laugh quietly watching as they shove him inside. I can’t make out what they’re saying but they finally get him inside. They talk for a few seconds and Ron grabs his shoulders then slaps him a few times. He stands up nodding and they leave. He tries running out but they shove him back inside and I laugh a little louder. It gets his attention and he fights them harder making me feel a little upset. I walk over as he fights them and tap his shoulder. “If you’re afraid of me you can just say that.” I tell him and he looks down at me blushing. “N-no no no. I just don’t want to be studying but they’re forcing me.” He explains and I nod.
“Want to study with me? The library’s a little stuffy so I was just about to head to my dorm. If you’d like I would love it if you’d join me.” I ask shyly and he looks down at me smiling. “Well… Don’t want you to be lonely...” He says and I laugh holding my hand out. I drag him to my dorm sitting on my bed.
After some time of studying I catch myself looking up at him even though his back is turned to me he’s hypnotizing. I watch his strong arms move from one book to another or how he would lean his head back all the way. I rub my thighs together lightly as I try to take my mind off of it but I soon realize I have a mirror right in front of him. He spins around in his chair looking at me with a smirk. “Watcha doin?” He asks and I shrug acting innocent. He nods turning around chuckling.
A few days later I’m tutoring him in a classroom as he sits at the desk and he finally gets annoyed. He pushes all of his books on the ground getting my attention. I turn and see him walking up to me smiling flirtatiously. “I have been staring at your ass for way too long for that to be allowed.” He says and I blush furiously. “What?” I stutter and he grabs the side of my face kissing me. I give in to the kiss holding the back of his head and he slips his tongue past my lips. I moan lightly at this as he picks me up massaging my ass. He sets me on the desk when he finally retracts his head, placing his forehead to mine. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” He whispers out of breath. I kiss him again and feel his hands start to undo my polo. I place my hand on his chest and he looks at me worried. “W-we shouldn’t be doing this...” I mumble and he kisses me lightly. “We don’t have to, but I do think we totally should.” He says and I chuckle. I kiss him again and pull away stopping myself. “Godric why do you have to be so hot?” I ask and he shrugs smiling.
“What if...” He starts. He walks over to his desk and taps it. “Each piece of work done. One article of clothing. Then you're still doing your job and we still get to have fun.” He proposes and I chuckle shyly. He picks me up from the front desk placing me on his with my legs on either side. “Well?” He asks again and I bite my lip. “We would be breaking the rules...” I mumble and he laughs as if I said the funniest joke ever. “Like I care. Now. One piece for one piece of clothing?” He asks and I finally give in nodding. He kisses my thigh and I feel it go all the way to my core.
He rubs my thigh absent-mindedly as he works on the paper. He finally gets the first one done and hands it to me as he unbuttons the polo I have on. I check it and place it behind me. “First one done.” I say as if my shirt wasn’t off and he wasn’t eyeing my chest. “One kiss?” He asks and I laugh kissing him. He starts kissing down my neck and I finally stop him, handing him the next piece of work. He gets that done quicker than ever and tries taking off my bra but I stop him. “Underwear last.” I tell him and he nods, kissing my thigh again sending shivers through my entire body. He helps me shimmy off my skirt and throws it on the ground. “Godric you are beautiful.” He mumbles looking at me with a hunger I’ve never seen before.
He finishes another assignment at record speed. “Are you sure darling?” He asks before taking off my bra. “Please.” I mumble and he nods taking it off. He keeps his eyes on my chest making my cheeks turn pink. “Darling… You are gorgeous.” He tells me, kissing me roughly. He massages my chest making me moan. He drags my hips to fall into his lap as I feel contact with my aching clit and his trousers I moan louder into his mouth. “I know darling..” He mumbles as he moves to my chest sucking on my nipple and massaging the other. “Freddie...” I moan as he leaves hickeys on my chest. I remember the work and almost don’t care but making him wait would add so much more fun.
I give it to him sitting back in my place and he groans hitting his head on the desk lightly. “You are murdering me here.” He mumbles and I chuckle massaging his head lightly. He picks it up, moving his work back on the desk. Every now and then he’d glance at my chest smirking and working harder. He finishes the homework, giving it to me and I read it over slowly. He finally grabs it viciously and slamming it behind me, making me jump. “Darling please take off those horrible panties before I cut them off.” He tells me and I nod quickly. I shuffle them off and he flicks his wand to silence and lock the room.
He tugs my hips to the edge of the desk kissing my inner thigh. He moves to right above where I want him to be kissing it and I whine lightly. “Aw darling… Would you like me to lick your pretty cunt clean?” He asks and I nod furiously as he finally licks all the way from my entrance to my clit and lightly swirls his tongue around it making me moan. He starts eating me out (is it obvious I don’t know how to word it-) and rubbing my clit as I moan his name over and over again. He pulled away right before I was about to come, leaving me to let out a whiney moan. He kisses me lighty and pulls away chuckling. “Sorry I just can’t take the trousers right now.” He mumbles softly. He gets up taking his clothes off and I watch biting my nails lightly.
He kisses me finally and I stop him before he sits down. “I-I’ve never. Ya know...” I mumble and he kisses me. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He tells me and I shake my head. “No I just want to warn you...” I explain and he kisses me softly. “You sure?” He asks and I nod, biting my lip. He sits down and moves me slowly on him. It hurts at first but Fred’s kisses helped me and the pain turned quickly into pleasure. I nod and start moving when he gives me the go-ahead. I feel his hands guide my waist as I go up and down against his dick. He chuckles, kissing me, moving one of my hands that are clutched to his shoulder to my stomach, smirking. “Feel that? I shouldn’t even fit” He chuckles and I nod kissing him roughly. I feel him massage my ass with one hand still guiding me with the other. He moans my name, moving his head back. I feel myself get close as he keeps moving me sucking on my chest. “Freddie ‘m gonna come.” I mumble and he nods kissing my shoulder. “Go on. I want to see your cum spill on my lap.” He mumbles and I nod, continuously going up and down.
I moan out his name loudly when I finally come all over his dick and he lightly praises me. I keep going until I feel him cum inside me and I fall into his arms exhausted. “So… Do I get out of tutoring now?” He jokes and I laugh lightly. “I will not succumb to your seduction.” I mumble and he laughs. I feel his chest rise and fall violently from laughter and I just hum in ecstasy.
We get dressed and he stops me blushing lightly. “Is this… an only one time thing?” He asks and I laugh. “If you think you will take my virginity and it being a one time thing I will hex your cute ass.” I tell him and he smiles pulling me in for a long kiss. We sit down facing each other and I grab my notebook. “Whatcha doin?” He asks and I click my pen. “We need rules” I tell him and he nods.
“Ok so You follow the school rules, I follow yours. You don't, you don't fuck me for a week per rule broken got it?” I ask caressing his cheek as he melts into it smiling goofily. “Yes ma’am...” He mumbles and I write it down. “Let's also make the clothing=work. Not all the time, just when I’m tutoring you.” I tell him and he nods happily. We continue making rules while he rubs my wrist lovingly.
I get snapped back to reality as Fred is giving me a light backrub to soothe the tension from Hermione’s questioning. “Right there darling...” I mumble and he moves a little to go to where I was pointing. “What were you thinking about?” He asks and I nod as he tries his best to massage my back. I smile at the question and rub his hand. “When we got together four months ago.” I mumble and he chuckles. “That was a many blow and hand jobs ago.” He jokes and I slap his hand laughing. “Can’t believe they still haven’t found out! Like should we tell them already?!” I ask and he laughs shaking his head. “It's funny watching them prod and wonder.” He tells me. I hear the door rattle and George mumble a spell. I jump to the floor and roll underneath his bed quickly. Should I make a part 3 where they get caught? So sorry if its bad
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firstofficerwiggles · 4 years
Chapter 6: Where No Mando Has Gone Before
Link to Chpt. 5 -- For other chapters please visit my Masterlist
Pairing: The Mandalorian x female reader
Rating: M/E, 18+ only
Warnings: SMUT, Flirty!Din, Jealous!Reader, swearing, kissing, use of blindfold, groping (in public), oral sex (female receiving), explicit description of unprotected sex (be safe in the real world please), still pretty fluffy though
Word count: ~12.5K (I know, but it’s worth it I promise)
Author’s Note: This takes place on Angel One a matriarchal planet from Star Trek, the Next Generation. While that episode of TNG is honestly not good, I have been intrigued by the idea of that planet and always thought they could have done so much more with it. (Btw, I do suggest you look at the costumes from that episode because they are hilarious.) So anyway, I’m pretending that Angel One is in the Star Wars galaxy. Also, in this I describe the women of this planet as being taller, broader, and generally much larger than the reader. I always try to keep the reader as physically non-descript as possible, so just know that no matter how tall and broad you yourself may be, to these women, you are petite. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!
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For the third morning in a row, you awake to strong arms wrapped around you and the solid, warm body of Mando, or rather, Din, by your side. You’ve fully recovered from being shot, but Din has still been on high alert for any pain or discomfort that you could be feeling. He pretends to protest each evening that he should let you rest, before you easily convince him to climb into bed with you and cuddle all night long. Honestly, at first you thought he was just putting up with the cuddling to make you happy, but turns out, he seems to truly love it, as he is the one who continues to pull you closer any time you roll away in your sleep.
You’re lazily tracing circles with your fingers over his chest now as you think about him. He’s sleeping in a shirt and boxers, and even though you can’t touch the skin of his chest directly, you can feel his warmth easily through the thin fabric. He’s been so incredibly caring these past few days and he’s hardly let you lift a finger. Even when you’ve worried about him sleeping in his helmet and offered to sleep blindfolded so he could take it off, he’s dismissed the idea in favor of your comfort. Although part of you wonders if he’s still too nervous to consider taking off the helmet in front of you despite the presence of a blindfold or darkness.
You really are feeling so much better this morning, and you figure you’ll take over breakfast today. It would be nice to start getting back to your normal routine. You move to loosen yourself from Din’s hold and slide out of the bed, when you feel him stir and yank you back to his side.
“Where’re you goin’?” he asks you sleepily.
“I was going to make breakfast, and let you sleep a bit more,” you reply softly.
“Mmm, no, stay with me,” he says.
You shift a little so you can look at him more directly and tell him, “I’m so tempted, really, but you know someone else will be awake and hungry very soon.”
“Stay,” he repeats, “Wanna cuddle more.” You give in to him, and snuggle closer; it’s too hard when he’s insistent.
Din’s hands are starting to wander now, slipping just under the hem of your pajama top to caress your lower back. You let out a contented sigh at the feeling of his skin against yours.
“You must be feeling much better, if you want to make breakfast,” he says, sounding more awake, as he continues to trail his hands up your back under your top.
“I am, I feel completely better,” you reply confidently.
“Better enough to do other things?” Din asks with a husky tone to his voice as he brings one of his hands around to caress the upper part of your stomach, just below your breasts.
“I could do other things,” you say in a breathy voice; breakfast is now the last thing on your mind.
Din lets the hand on your stomach explore upward and over your breast, lightly palming you and teasing the sensitive tip. It’s been so long since a man touched you like this that it’s enough to make you moan softly. Din lets out a low rumbly sound in his chest and his hand becomes bolder, kneading you and rolling your hardening nipple between his fingertips. With his other hand, he pulls you in closer to him so that your hips brush up against his, letting you feel his arousal. Experimentally, you rock your hips against his, slightly grinding against him, drawing out another deep growling sound from Din’s throat.
“Been wanting to touch you like this ever since I got in bed with you,” he says.
“Me too,” you tell him as you let your own hands finally run up underneath his shirt and over the hard planes of his stomach and chest.
“You’re so soft- oof!” Din’s compliment is cut off by a sound of surprise and you realize why as soon as you see a little green head pop up over his shoulder. The sneaky kiddo has managed to climb up on the bed and his little claws must have grabbed Din’s arm to hoist himself up. Din immediately yanks his hand out of your top as the child meanwhile is crawling over Din’s chest to get to you. You scooch away from Din to make room for the little guy and also to discreetly put some distance between you two so that you can both calm down.
“Good morning, buddy!” You say a little overly cheerful, trying to come back to your senses. You look up at Din and mouth ‘sorry’. He just shakes his head lightly as he pats the child on the back.
“I think someone is a little jealous that I keep taking all the cuddles,” Din says with a chuckle, “Tell you what, I’ll make breakfast and you two have some snuggle time.”
“Aww, come here, buddy, and give me a hug,” you pull the child into your chest and kiss his wrinkled little brow. He lets out a series of happy coos making you laugh.
After breakfast, you get dressed and join Din in the cockpit where he’s putting in coordinates to a new destination. The child is sitting in one of the passenger seats playing with his silver ball. You come over to stand next to Din and look at the star chart he’s using.
“I’ve got an idea for our next move,” Din tells you, “But it will require us to carry out some deception for it to work.”
“Deception, huh? Well, I’m intrigued already,” you reply with a smile.
“I’ve heard from several of my guild contacts that the bounty on the child has increased,” he says concerned, “There’s also a bounty out on me too.”
“Oh, that explains the hunters.” Your voice is more serious now.
“It’s fortunate that no one in the guild will support the job, but although it’s an off-the-books bounty, the price is high enough that there’ll still be hunters after us.” Din explains.
“So what’s your plan and how can I help?” you ask.
“You’re an integral part of it, particularly since no one knows you’re with me,” he tells you, “Have you ever heard of a planet called Angel One?”
“No, never.”
“It’s a place that few people have visited,” he explains, “They have a matriarchal society and you’re only allowed to visit the planet if you’re accompanied by a woman.”
“Ah, I see, so no one will expect you to be there.” It’s a good idea.
“Yes, but there’s more,” Din says, “They’re very particular about whom they let stay on the planet for a visit, and from what I’ve heard they usually only let powerful or influential women visit for more than a day. Any potential visitors need to be fully vetted by one of their Mistresses to be allowed to stay.”
“Hence the deception; I need to pretend to be someone powerful or influential,” you respond.
“Yes, I thought you could pretend to be a princess and I’ll be your bodyguard,” Din proposes.
“A princess?” You reply, a touch startled by the idea.
“You’re as beautiful as a princess,” Din says, his voice flirtatious, “I’d definitely believe it.”
“Stop,” you say, rolling your eyes a little at him, “But, seriously, do you think I can pull that off?��
“Why not? You’re intelligent, well educated, and you seem to have a knack for socializing with people, you put them at ease and get them to trust you right away, I’ve seen you do it a lot.” Din compliments you in such a matter-of-fact voice that you find yourself thinking that just maybe you could do it.
“Well, and in your beskar you definitely look like a royal bodyguard,” you say thoughtfully, and then flirt back with him, “My knight in shining armor.”
He chuckles at that, “See, you’re already in character.”
“What if they notice that we’re…” you trail off and just gesture between you two with your hands. You’re uncertain how to define what you are, together? involved? You haven’t really discussed it.
“A couple?” he asks. Ok, so he’s defined it.
Din thinks for a moment and then chuckles again deeply, “You’ll say I’m your consort.”
“My consort?” You snicker at his choice of words.
“Yeah, your consort,” he repeats, and you can swear by the tone of his voice that he must have the biggest grin on under that helmet right now. “I kinda like the idea, my job being to protect you and service your every, ahem, need.”
“Din, the kiddo is right there,” you whisper a little flustered at his suggestiveness.
“Come here, my princess,” he says playfully as he pats his lap.
“You’re having too much fun with this,” you tell him, but you move towards him anyway because you can’t help yourself.
He tugs you down to sit in his lap, “Oh, we’ve only just started having fun.”
The landing crew that meets you on Angel One is most decidedly not about fun. When you descend the Crest’s ramp, you are met with five of the largest warrior-like women you’ve ever seen in your entire life. They are all broad, muscular, and statuesque, decked out in black and gold armor on their arms, chests, and legs, and wearing capes decorated with animal fur. Their makeup is like war paint and they seem to share Din’s love of weapons. You can’t deny that they are all fiercely beautiful and you suddenly feel insecure. Geeze, no wonder Din wanted to come here, these women look like a Mandalorian’s wet dream. You take a deep breath and tell yourself that you are a beautiful and influential princess. You repeat this to yourself a few times and steady your shoulders as you do.
You hold your head up as high as you can and address the women, “Good morning and thank you for welcoming us to your home. We hope that your Mistress will find us worthy of a visit.”
One of the women nods to you as she says, “Right this way Your Highness, Mistress Lagertha is expecting you.”
You follow the woman as she leads you into a large governmental building. Both Din and the child follow behind you allowing you to be the more prominent figure in your little party. The building is a very grand stone structure with sweeping columns and polished stone floors. The furnishings are mostly dark, grey and black with a few metallic accents. You pass several people, all women, who stop to stare at you as you walk down the long corridor. When you reach the end of the passageway, you are ushered into a large office where you see a majestic blonde woman. While this woman is not wearing armor, she exudes power and once again, you are dwarfed by her size. She rises from her desk when you enter and offers you a small half bow.
“Welcome, Your Highness, please have a seat and we will begin the interview.” She pointedly addresses her welcome only to you as if Din isn’t even present. You approach her desk and the proffered chair, while he remains quietly by the door with the child’s pram.
“Thank you for being willing to speak with me, it’s an honor to meet you, Mistress Lagertha,” Now that you’re both seated you feel a little more confident as it’s easier to look her in the eye.
“It’s very interesting to meet you,” she says with a smile, “I’ve never seen an off-worlder before.” She looks over your appearance carefully. In helping to perpetrate your ruse, you’re wearing a summer dress in a pink floral fabric. The dress has a long swirly skirt and it seemed like the most princess-y thing you owned. You’ve also taken extra care to do your hair and make-up in a slightly fancier style. You even took the time to dress up the child as your little ward, wrapping a brightly colored scarf around his tunic like a sash and pinning a costume jewelry broach to it. He seemed to like it, once he stopped trying to bite it. Of course, Din is handsome as always in his well-polished armor and you think all together you should be able to fool these people who haven’t seen many real royals.
You’re surprised when she starts to laugh lightly after looking you over. “I’m sorry, it’s just, I wasn’t expecting you to look so manly.”
“Excuse me?” Your confusion could not be more evident as you look down at yourself. This is quite possibly the least manly you’ve ever looked.
“Well, I knew you would be small, those who’ve seen off-world women have always described them as small, but the pastels, the flowers, even your make-up, you look like one of our men.” She chuckles again lightly.
“Ah, I see,” you reply trying to keep your face neutral, “Where I come from, this would be considered very feminine.” She smiles widely at this and laughs again. Well, if anything you’ve certainly broken the ice.
“That’s hysterical!” She says, delighted, “Plus your man is wearing armor! I’ve never seen such a thing.”
Oh Maker! You really wish she wouldn’t laugh at Din. To his credit, Din makes no reaction whatsoever; he’s doing his silent suit of armor thing again.
She asks you a long series of biographical questions most of which are very easy to answer and require little to no lying at all. Thankfully, you and Din practiced speaking about your invented past and so when you do need to be untruthful it comes out naturally. The only time you feel you really slip up is when she asks you about your views on the New Republic.
“Well, clearly there is much we can learn about your culture and so much that we can share with you about ours,” you say diplomatically.
“I support the New Republic, but I wish they would be more persistent in going after former Imperials. There are still too many evil men out there wreaking havoc in the galaxy.” You can’t keep the bitterness out of your voice and you know you’ve dropped your polite expression in favor of a frown. Uh oh, probably should have given a more politically neutral answer.
Fortunately, Mistress Lagertha says, “A very good point. Men seems to be particularly bent towards doing evil.”
While you can’t agree with that blanket statement, it seems better to simply nod and continue with the interview. For the rest of the time, you try to be your most charming self and it seems to work, because you’re starting to feel like she’s almost a friend the more you converse. When she gets to the part about the reason for your visit, you have a more elaborate answer about cultural exchange prepared, but she says,
“Of course the reason for your visit must be the Jubilee of Astrid which begins this evening. It’s our most sacred and special time, and the most common time for off-worlders to request a visit.”
“Yes, I would be truly honored to be able to experience your sacred celebration,” you say in an awed tone. You have no idea what she is talking about, but this is clearly the answer she expects to hear.
“I understand as a princess there must be certain pressures on you, especially from familial demands,” Lagertha says.
“Yes, there are,” you agree with her demurely, but still clueless as to what she’s getting at.
“Well, you can be certain to have your prayers answered while you are here, and enjoy yourself immensely! May Astrid bless you!” She gives you a cheeky grin as she says this and her eyes flick back to Din for the first time in quite a while. “Incidentally, if your man isn’t up to the task, I’m sure we can find you a man who will find your uniqueness appealing.”
“I assure you that won’t be necessary, my guard is always prepared for any task,” you tell her. You’re still not sure of her meaning, but there’s something in the gleam in her eye that tells you that you only want to be with Din for whatever ‘tasks’ are involved in this holiday of theirs.
“Well, that’s good then.” She’s smiling at you again and then extends her hand, “Welcome to Angel One, we would be honored to grant you permission to stay on our planet for as long as you like.”
You grasp her large hand in your smaller one and give her a beaming (and relieved) smile as you thank her. You’ve successfully secured your visit.
A communication device on her desks beeps and she presses a small button, which allows a voice to state, “Mistress Sigrid wishes to meet the off-world princess.”
“Thank you, Brenna, please let her know that we’re ready for her at any time,” Lagertha replies. She then turns her attention back to you as she explains, “Mistress Sigrid is our leader, the Elected One, and I must confess she has been monitoring this meeting.” You nod and smile, it doesn’t surprise you really, considering how cautious they are about visitors.
“I am delighted to have the opportunity to meet her.” You hope this is a sign that you’ve made a good impression if their leader wants to say hello.
A door in a side wall opens and a stately woman enters. You rise to your feet out of respect as she approaches. She’s older than Lagertha but still moves with the athletic grace of a younger woman. Like the other women you’ve seen here, she is striking with shrewd eyes and a small scar on her cheek that adds to her mystique rather than marring her beauty.
“Your Highness, how lovely it is to meet you,” Mistress Sigrid greets you and reaches out to shake your hand.
“It is a pleasure, Elected One,” you reply, craning your neck to meet her gaze, as once again she is incredibly tall.
“I must say I have never seen or heard an off-world woman quite like you before,” she tells you with respect, “The others I’ve met have been rather anxious and shy, and so easily intimidated.” She dismisses them with a wave of her hand.
“It is a shame you haven’t met more off-world women then, many are quite strong and accomplished. Perhaps while I am here, I can demonstrate how capable we can be,” you reply. The way she says that irritates you immensely but you know you need to stay overly respectful towards her and so you swallow any other comments you’d like to make.
She laughs warmly at your response, “See, I knew I liked you already! You have a spark about you.”
“Thank you,” you say.
“And this is your little ward, hmm?” She walks over to the child who is starting at her with big eyes and a slightly wary expression.
“Yes, my guard rescued him and he is in my care.” You follow her over, reach down into his pram to pick him up, and hold him so she can see him better.
“Hello, tiny child,” she says to him, “Aren’t you a cute little thing?”
He looks mesmerized by her for a moment, and then is suddenly shy, turning his head into your chest. She merely chuckles and you gently place him back in his pram and hand him one of his stuffed toys to hold.
“Shame he’s a male though,” she comments. You don’t know how to respond to that terrible statement and so you elect to simply stay quiet.
“And this is your bodyguard, a Mandalorian.” Mistress Sigrid approaches Din now looking him up and down with curiosity. “I’ve never had the fortune to see a real Mandalorian, I’ve only heard stories,” she says with interest. It’s the most attention anyone has paid to Din this entire time.
“What do you call him?” Mistress Lagertha pipes up.
“Mando,” you tell her, knowing that you can’t share Din’s real name with anyone.
“Mando, will you turn around, I’d like to look at you,” Mistress Sigrid says, speaking to him directly. Something about her tone of voice rubs you the wrong way and you’re fortunate that she’s looking so intently at Din because you fail to hide your displeasure on your face.
Din complies with her request, rotating so she can look at him. He had heard that the women openly objectify the men on this planet and so he knows this is the type of treatment he can expect. It doesn’t really bother him too much as he’s used to people staring at him no matter where he is. He knows Mandalorians are unique and the beskar will always draw attention. He has to bite his lip though to keep from laughing at your expression as Mistress Sigrid ogles him. You look positively jealous.
“That is sufficient, Mando.” The Elected One seems to have gotten her fill.
“Mistress,” he replies softly.
“So unusual to see a man so large and wearing armor,” Mistress Sigrid is turning back towards you with a smile and a little shrug.
Din sees that you’ve managed to paste a bland smile back on your face as you tell her, “I’m so accustomed to it that it would be odd to see him in anything else.” He catches your eye and gives you a nod. It’s the only thing he can do to reassure you that everything is going well. Honestly, he’s so thankful that you were able to do all of the talking for this meeting. You handled all the questions so well and he knows you were able to be charismatic in a way he doesn’t think he ever could. It’s a real credit to your communication skills, especially as Mistress Sigrid is now inviting you to stay at the Elected One’s state residence.
“That is very kind of you, Mistress Sigrid,” you say, “But we wouldn’t want you to go to any trouble on our behalf.”
“Nonsense, it will be delightful to have you there,” she replies, “You will be my special guests for the Jubilee. I do hope you have something red to wear, it is the official color of the celebration.”
“As a matter of fact, I have just the dress,” you tell her.
Mistress Sigrid arranges for two of her staff to accompany you back to the Razor Crest so you can collect your things before they will take you to get settled at the state residence.
“I’ll see you tonight at the opening gala for the Jubilee, and may Astrid bless you!” Mistress Sigrid says before bidding you farewell for now.
The state residence is an elegant mansion and you have to remind yourself that you’re supposed to be a princess and so you shouldn’t be overly impressed by any of this. Still you can’t help letting your eyes wander over the beautiful furnishings and art. The mansion reflects much of what seems to be the core beliefs for this society, that women are strong fighters who have accomplished great things, while men are beautiful decorations. You haven’t seen any men in person yet, but in the artwork, they are portrayed as soft and fragile looking creatures with dainty features dressed primarily in flowery pastels, just like you at the moment.
Every woman you pass still stops to openly gawk at you and now you are even hearing laughter accompanied by hushed voices no doubt discussing your odd appearance. You try to ignore it, but you’re not used to being assessed like this so much. You look over to Din and wonder if this is what it’s like for him on a daily basis, not that people laugh at him, of course.
When you reach your room at the residence, you are astonished by the grandeur of the accommodations you’ve been given. Your ‘room’ is actually a large suite with a sitting room, bedroom, and elegant bathroom. After briefly showing you around, Mistress Sigrid’s staff finally leave you alone to rest and relax before the grand gala tonight.
“Thank the Maker!” you say flopping onto the giant four-poster bed. “I feel like I’ve been under a microscope this whole day.”
“Yeah, they really seem quite fascinated by you,” Din says chuckling. He hands the child a piece of fruit from the generous buffet of treats the Mistress’ staff has provided for you. The little guy chomps down on it quickly and you smile at his cuteness.
“I’d say they’re fascinated by us, or at least Mistress Sigrid sure was,” you say still a little miffed at the way she practically undressed Din with her eyes.
Din laughs again, “Your face when she was making me turn for her nearly had me in stitches,” he says.
“What do you mean?” you ask sitting up to look at him better.
He walks over to you and cups your cheek in his hand gently, “You looked rather jealous.” His voice is still full of mirth as he says this and you get the impression that he liked it, at least a little.
“I didn’t like the way she was treating you like an object,” you say reproachfully, but then you look up more directly at him, “Ok, but fine, maybe I was jealous too,” you admit.
“Cyar’ika, you don’t have to be jealous,” he says, “But it is kinda cute.” He’s still chuckling as he steps in between your legs and his hands move to your shoulders, squeezing them lightly.
“It’s hard not be when they’re all insanely giant, stunning, war goddess women,” you reply. Looking up at him thoughtfully, you say, “Seems like that would be just the kind of woman a Mandalorian would find incredibly attractive.” You can’t help the note of insecurity in your voice as you say that.
He shrugs his shoulders, “Not this Mandalorian, besides, I’m already with the most beautiful woman in the galaxy.” He taps your nose playfully as he says this and you smile back at him.
“You really do say the sweetest things, Din.”
“Only to you, cyar’ika.” He replies and you can hear the smile in his voice.
The sound of inquisitive coos interrupts your conversation, and you look over to the child. “Maybe they’ll let us visit the gardens for a while. I think the kiddo could use some fresh air.”
“That’s a good idea, especially because it sounds like our entire evening is already planned with their gala.” Din nods his head as he says this.
“I’m just going to change first, maybe if I put on something black they won’t stare as much,” you tell him.
“Ok, the kid and I’ll wait in the other room.”
You take a moment to hang up your gown for tonight as well as your black dress that you thought to bring too. You put a few of your other things away in the dresser in the room to help keep them organized, when you find a few things that have been provided for your stay, some soft robes, slippers, and a couple black satin sleep masks. Your mind instantly goes to a naughty place as you feel the soft material between your fingers. You slip it on over your eyes, blindfolding yourself completely.
“Hey, Din, come here and look what I found,” you say playfully. You hear him come back into the room.
“What? Oh.” Din’s voice seems to drop several octaves with just that one small sound. “Can you see anything with that on?”
“Not a thing,” you reply.
“Stay there and keep it on,” he tells you and you hear his footsteps approaching you until you can feel that he’s right in front of you.
“You really can’t see anything?” Din asks again.
“No, I promise.”
You hear a soft hiss followed by a metallic thunk on the dresser behind you. Then you feel Din pull you in close to him and he lowers his face towards yours, letting his bare forehead touch yours for the first time. He nuzzles into you more, letting his nose caress yours and then you feel his warm breath against your lips.
“May I kiss you, really kiss you?” Din asks his lips practically brushing against your mouth with his question.
“Yes,” you breathe out.
His lips melt into yours in a sweet kiss as his hands come up to rest on either side of your neck. He seems just a little hesitant, so you slowly start to move beneath him, guiding. He follows your lead, letting his lips explore more. You part your lips slightly so you can tease his plump bottom lip in between yours. He parts his lips when you do this and daringly, you let your tongue lick into his mouth just slightly. His reaction is immediate, as he opens his mouth more to give you greater access. You deepen the kiss and brush your tongue against his. He groans deep in his chest when your tongues meet and he pulls you in tight to his body. You let your hands roam around the back of his neck and into his soft hair. You’re kissing him passionately now, showing him what you like. Din’s response is enthusiastic, as he chases your lips and tongue wherever they wish to lead him. Just before you pull away to catch your breath, you give his bottom lip a suck making him groan again.
“Is kissing always this great?” Din pants out.
“No,” you tell him honestly, “I think it must you.”
“It’s us,” he says before capturing your lips again. This time he teases you with his tongue and tries sucking your lip the way you did to his. It draws out a moan from you; he’s clearly a very quick learner.
A sudden crashing sound from the other room reminds you both that you’re not alone and that you promised the child some outdoor fun. Din groans softly before giving you one more quick kiss and then pulls away from you. You feel him reach for his helmet as you try to take a deep breath and collect yourself.
“Ok, you can take off the mask now,” he says, “But, put it somewhere safe for later.”
After a nice afternoon spent exploring the mansion’s lush gardens, followed by a hot cup of tea and several delicious snacks that were thoughtfully provided, it’s time to get ready for the gala. You already know you’ll wear your new red gown, but you decide to go more avant garde with your hair and make-up to hopefully create a better impression on the women tonight. It’s a good look, but something is missing that will give you a certain edge that you want to achieve. You look through your meager jewelry collection but nothing gives off the right vibe. You look over to where the child is playing with Din and you have an idea.
“Buddy, can I borrow your mythosaur for tonight?” You ask the little one. He smiles up at you and gives you his happy coo. You gently take the necklace off him and drape it over your head. The silver pendant comes to rest just above your cleavage, and it’s perfect, much better for the darker image you’re trying to achieve.
You turn with a flourish towards Din, “Well, what do you think? Still a princess but maybe more to the standards of this place?”
Din cannot respond to you because his mouth has gone completely dry. He thinks you look outstanding in that sexy dress that he bought you and then, it’s made even better because you’re wearing his mythosaur around your neck. Fuck! He looks at it sparkling against your bosom, it’s like you’ve put on a giant sign that says you belong to him. It creates a primal reaction in him and it’s taking all his self-control not to grab you and claim you as his right now.
“Din? Is it too much?”
“No, I like it,” Din practically growls at you, “I like it so much, I’m thinking I’d like to pull you back into that bedroom and show you how much I like it.”
“Di-in,” you stretch out his name as you can feel your cheeks blazing with his praise and it makes you giggle a little. He’s never been so outrageously direct like that before.
“I’m serious,” he says, “That’s how good you look. In fact you better pick up the baby to keep me in check.” He’s teasing you now, but his voice still sounds predatory. Your heart is racing and he’s making you feel lightheaded.
“Stop, you’re being naughty,” you flirt back at him, but you do pick up the child in any case. As much as you’d much rather stay in the bedroom with him, you know you have an obligation to go to this gala tonight. And as if on cue, there is a knock at your door.
Mistress Sigrid is there and for the first time, there are men with her. The men are much smaller in stature, dressed in soft pastel colors and wearing make-up that resembles what you had on earlier today. You notice that one of the men is more conservatively dressed, while the other is wearing a rather revealing outfit with a dramatic deep vee neckline that practically screams ‘boy toy’. You’ve never seen anything quite like it. Both men clock you with big eyes and smiles, like the women, they appear to be amused by you too, only at least they don’t laugh out loud. When they glance at Din, however, their smiles falter and they seem taken aback at his presence. You wonder if Din looks somehow feminine to them going by their standards. Your thoughts are interrupted by Sigrid before you have more time to consider the men.
“Good evening, Your Highness, you look festive,” she says, but from her tone it doesn’t exactly sound like a compliment. She is also wearing red, but instead of a gown, she has on a sharply tailored suit, almost like a red tuxedo.
“Thank you.” You just smile at her diplomatically.
“Gregor is here to collect your little ward for the evening to take him off to the nursery to play with the other children and provide him with a nice place to sleep for the night.” She motions to the more conservatively dressed man who is smiling and waving at the child.
“Oh, I wasn’t expecting that, he usually just accompanies me everywhere,” you respond. Although Gregor seems nice enough, you feel reluctant at leaving the little guy with someone else.
“Nonsense, you don’t want to bring a child to the gala tonight. It isn’t done.” Sigrid declares.
“Well, I need to see the nursery first, before I decide if I’m going to let him stay there.” You want to be certain you and Din know exactly where the child will be and how to get to him quickly in case of an emergency.
“I suppose,” Sigrid sighs, but then she smiles at you again, “There’s that feisty spark I saw in you earlier.”
Gregor motions for you to follow him, “This way Your Highness,” he says in a shy voice.
“Gregor, do you take care of many children?” You would like to know more about his background.
“Oh, yes, I am the nanny for all of the mistresses on the High Council for any of their children under age 5.” He smiles warmly at you, “They will all be there tonight too, so your little one will have plenty of other children to play with; there’s about a dozen all together.”
“Is it just you taking care of all of the children?” That seems like too many for just one person.
“No, no, I have three assistants too,” Gregor says, “You’ll be able to meet them at the nursery.”
You continue to pepper Gregor with questions about childcare and the nursery and he seems positively delighted with all the attention you’re paying towards him. You sometimes hear Sigrid let out a sigh as if she finds the entire conversation boring, but you don’t care, after all the child is your primary priority. When you arrive at the nursery, you can see that everything is quite nice and it does seem like a safe place for the little guy to spend the evening. You kiss him goodbye and Din pats him on the head and gives him a soft reminder that he should be on his best behavior.
“Oh isn’t that cute!” The boy-toy guy coos as he watches you and Din say goodnight to the child. It’s the first you’ve heard him speak.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t ask you your name earlier,” you say to him as you’re leaving the nursery, “I didn’t mean to be rude, I was just very focused on the child, you understand.”
“Well aren’t you sweet, Your Highness,” he says beaming at you, “I’m Trent, I’m Mistress Sigrid’s lover.” He seems very proud of that fact.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Trent,” you reply with a nod. You slip your hand around Din’s elbow deciding that they already seem to know you two are a couple, so you might as well feel free to show a little affection. You tilt your head towards Din as you say, “This is Mando.”
“I know,” Trent says giggling a little, “The man in armor, it’s so shocking.” Trent sounds both amused and a little scandalized. “It’s super nice to meet you, Mando. I can’t wait to hear more about you and your princess at dinner. You’re all anyone is talking about.” He winks and flashes his dazzling white teeth.
“Nice to meet you,” Din says. His voice and body language don’t give anything away but you wonder if he’s a little taken aback by Trent’s enthusiasm.
“Yes, the men will have plenty of time to get to know one another during the feast since they’ll be sitting together at their table,” Sigrid explains, and then addresses you directly, “You’ll be with me at the head table with all the other mistresses of the High Council.”
“Oh, you don’t sit together as couples?” With the insinuations that Mistress Lagertha made earlier about the Jubilee, it seemed like this was going to be an event for couples or at least dates.
“Not during the dinner,” Sigrid tells you, “It gives us women time to have serious discussions while the men can chatter about lighter things. Trust me, your Mando will have a much better time conversing with the other men. He won’t miss you at all.” You doubt that, but say nothing and simply grip Din’s arm a bit tighter as a way of silently communicating with him.
“Besides,” she continues, “You’ll have plenty of time to sit together during the entertainment.”
“Ooh, it’s going to be so good this year too,” Trent says, “My best friend is one of the performers and he’s been filling me in on all the juicy details. I’ll tell you all about it, Mando.” Oh my, seems Din’s made a new friend already.
“Just be sure you don’t spoil it for him though, Trent,” Sigrid says patting his shoulder.
“Oh, I won’t,” Trent beams up at her. He reminds you a bit of an eager puppy just so happy to please her in any way.
At last, you come to a large room festooned with red, black, and gold decorations and several round dining tables. The table in the middle of the room is the biggest and it is raised up on a dais so that it is more visible across the entire room. There are several people milling about with glasses of wine and a few servers passing appetizers throughout the space. You’re thankful to see that several of the women are also wearing red gowns, so at least you’re not the only one in a dress. But once again, your attire is much more feminine by your standards. Where your gown is more revealing and designed to show off the curves of your figure, theirs have long sleeves and high necklines designed to showcase their muscular frames. The men are almost all dressed like Trent in soft pastels of varying colors with revealing tops that show off their chests and very tight pants that show off other assets. As you enter the room with Mistress Sigrid, a gong sounds to announce your arrival and every eye that wasn’t already staring at you is suddenly on you as a hush comes over the room.
“Good Evening, all!” Mistress Sigrid’s voice booms out, “I am pleased to welcome you to this year’s opening gala of the Jubilee of Astrid, may she bless you all!” Cheers and applause follow this statement. Sigrid holds up her hand and waits for everyone to quiet again.
“Tonight we welcome our special guests, a princess and her Mandalorian!” Polite applause follows this along with several whispers and small bouts of laughter. You smile placidly at the room and nod your head in greeting.
“Take your seats and let’s begin the feast!” Sigrid announces and the cheering and applause build back up.
“C’mon, Mando I’ll show you where our table is,” Trent motions.
“Just a moment,” Din replies, before turning to you and dropping his helmet to your forehead, his voice is low so that only you can hear it as he says, “Have a good dinner, cyar’ika.”
“I’ll see you later,” you whisper back to him and give his hands a squeeze before being led away by Sigrid.
“You two are very affectionate with one another, I think you’re going to enjoy tonight’s festivities quite a lot,” Sigrid says smirking at you.
At the table, she introduces you to all of the mistresses seated there, most of whom look you over with amusement and curiosity. There are a few though who seem displeased by your presence and they openly frown at you. You suppose it is due to your off-worlder status more than anything else, but you sincerely hope you haven’t made some type of social gaff that may have offended them. You look over to the men’s table and notice that Din has positioned himself so that he is seated in your direct line of sight. It puts you at ease knowing that you can look up at any time and see that familiar helmet and visor.
One of the younger mistresses, Eira, seems the most interested in you and she seems to be one of the friendliest so you strike up a conversation with her. She tells you about her background as a professional fighter, and how that fame brought her into the arena of politics. You’re telling her a little bit about your travels with Din, when one of the other mistresses, Runa, pipes up,
“Yes, tell us all about the Mandalorian.”
“Well, he’s an incredibly skilled fighter, very brave, and I trust him with my life,” you say, thinking that’s what will most likely impress them.
“No, no,” Runa says, “Tell us about your relationship with him. And not just the lovey-dovey stuff, the good stuff.”
“The good stuff?” you repeat, rather surprised.
“Yeah, like what’s it like sleeping with a man who’s so large?” Eira asks, apparently also curious to hear about Din.
“Well, it’s great,” you tell them, “He’s very big and strong and I like the way it makes me feel when I’m in his arms.” You know you’re being liberal with the definition of ‘sleeping with’ here but they don’t need to know that.
“Huh?” Eira responds, “It just seems so weird. I like my men the smaller the better, like I can just wrap myself around their whole body.” The other women nod along with her and several look at you like you must be crazy.
“I suppose that’s just one of the differences between our cultures, but I would say that where I come from, people are very accepting of all different types of bodies and partners. I’m sure there are women from my society who prefer smaller men like you do.” Eira smiles at you when you say this.
“Yes, but when you say big, is he big everywhere?” Runa asks you pointedly and motions with her hands holding them side by side and then expending them outward little by little.
You laugh at loud at that, especially because of the alarmed look on her face as her hands get wider apart. You notice too that now the entire table is waiting for your answer, so much for Sigrid’s ‘serious discussions’. You smile, amused by their interest, and you can’t help but glance over at Din for a moment before you tell them,
“He is very well endowed.” You might not have direct knowledge of that, but from the time you saw him after swimming and the times you’ve felt him against you lately, you know your answer is correct.
“But doesn’t that, you know, hurt you?” Runa wants to know. Her face is very concerned and you do all you can to keep from laughing again so that she won’t think you rude.
“No, it doesn’t hurt,” you tell her, “Quite the opposite, actually.”
“Tell us more about him as a lover,” Lagertha says, her voice loud as it carries across the table. You cringe a bit internally at that because you know that the men’s table has to have heard her. You look right at Din and he tips his helmet in a way that you know means ‘really?’ and you give him a slight shrug in response.
Maker, what can you say to these horny women? Your experience with him is so limited as it is. You decide to just go off of what you do know and then let your imagination fill in the gaps. You figure as long as you keep them entertained with this, they’ll be less likely to ask you any other questions about your invented background that could potentially poke holes in your story. So you tell them all about how generous Din is as a lover, that he’s tender and caring, but then able to be harder and rough when you want him to be. You make him out to be a complete sex god for these women and they are entranced.
“Well, then, it seems like you have the perfect partner for the Jubilee,” Sigrid says chuckling, “I’m sure he’ll get you pregnant.”
You choke on your wine as she says this. What the hell?
“Of course he will, you don’t have to worry,” Eira says and she pats your arm supportively, “After all, that is the point of a fertility festival and Astrid is sure to bless you even if you’re an off-worlder.”
Sweet Maker above! You can only imagine what the rest of this Jubilee will entail.
You and Din are finally able to be back together after the dinner. It feels like a relief to have him place his hand on the small of your back as you both follow everyone to a large ballroom where the entertainment is scheduled to begin soon.
“So, what am I like as a lover?” Din leans down to ask you discreetly, his voice is teasing though.
“I knew you had to have heard that,” you say embarrassed, “But these crazy horny women just wouldn’t stop asking me about you.”
“It was the same for me,” he tells you, “All the men wanted to hear about how we fell in love.”
You laugh as you tell him, “Oh no, the women only wanted to hear about sex. But I am curious to know what you told the men.”
“And I’m curious to hear what you told the women,” Din replies.
“Well, obviously I had to do some speculating, but in essence I told them you were a very generous and highly-skilled lover, oh, and that you’re very large.” You wink at him as you say this and give him your most flirtatious smile.
Din pulls you in closer to him and tilts his head down to tell you, “I think that’s a fairly accurate description but I’d much rather you’d experience it first-hand instead of just taking my word for it.” You shiver in anticipation at that.
“Ok, now, what did you tell the men?” You’re very interested to hear this.
“I told them the truth, that you’re the most beautiful, kind, and caring woman I’ve ever known, that you make my life so much better, and that I couldn’t stop myself from falling for you, I also told them that you’re a wonderful kisser.” He says this so sincerely that your heart swells with happiness.
You drop your voice to a whisper so that there’s no way anyone will overhear you use his name, “Din, that’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard,” you have to pause for a moment to collect yourself before you tell him, “I hope you know that you make my life so much better too.” You want to tell him more but it’s too public here.
“Thank you for telling me, cyar’ika,” he replies, his voice sounding warm even in a whisper.
Speaking of romantic, the ballroom is set up like a large cabaret with small tables for couples all around, only instead of chairs, each table has a rounded booth with a high back, positioned to face the large open area in the front of the room. As couples start to be seated, you can see that there’s quite a bit of privacy for each table despite the large number of attendees.
“Trent said we can sit wherever we like, but I get the impression we should pick something near the performance area so they’ll think we’re really interested in the show,” Din tells you. You find a table in the second row with a good view of the stage area. The booth is very comfortable and you lean into Din as he places his arm around your shoulders.
“Did Trent give you details about the show?”
He groans slightly, “Yes, probably too many, the best I can tell you is that we’re going to see an erotic celebration designed to honor their goddess, Astrid.”
“Ah yes, I found out something else about this celebration,” you tell him, “This whole Jubilee is a fertility festival; everyone thinks we’re here so that you’ll get me pregnant, that’s what they mean when they say ‘may Astrid bless you’.” Your face feels hot as you inform him of this.
“Well, I’ll certainly give it my all, cyar’ika,” Din tell you, his voice sounding deeper.
“Very funny,” you reply, “I have an implant in any case.”
“Still, practice does make perfect,” he says, laughing, “And the thought does intrigue me.” You giggle in response to that and then start to quiet down as the lights dim.
Truthfully, Din is more than intrigued by the idea. The men also filled him in on the purpose of this holiday during the dinner and he has been thinking about it ever since. Honestly, he hasn’t been able to stop thinking of taking you to bed all day, and his arousal has only been growing. While impractical, the idea of seeing you pregnant with his child is appealing to him in ways he never knew were possible. The reality of how much he wants that someday with you is so strong it’s almost overwhelming to him. In the past, the idea of becoming attached to someone never interested him; the women that he met were good for a sexual release but they were never anyone he wanted to spend time with outside of the bedroom. But with you, everything looks different, feels different, and he wants things he’s never wanted before.
Din’s thoughts are interrupted by the arrival of several dancers, male and female, who have started their performance. He watches a bit at first but then becomes bored and turns his attention back to you. He likes the way you’re cuddled up to him, he’s glad you’re not shy about showing him affection in public. Din is also enjoying watching your face and your reactions as you watch the performance unfold. You seem enthralled until you notice his visor is turned toward you instead of the dancers.
“Is everything alright?” you ask, blinking up at him. He simply gives your shoulder a squeeze and nods.
He keeps looking at you instead of the performance though until he sees your eyes widen and you gasp. Din turns his attention back to the dancers to see that they are removing most of their clothing to reveal their bodies. The dancers then start to pair off and dance together in what can only be described as the most sexual dancing Din has ever seen. There is grinding, thrusting, and a lot of groping. Turns out Trent was right about it being an erotic spectacle. He chuckles a bit to himself at the description and really, it’s nothing worse than some of the pornographic holovids he’s seen before. He looks down at you however and notices that you have become a little restless next to him. You can’t seem to tear your eyes away from the dancers and he sees your tongue come out to wet your lips as you watch. This is turning you on, he realizes. As he glances around the room to see if anyone is paying attention to you, he notes that several of the couples in the booths have started to put on their own performances, so to speak, and no one is interested in the two of you anymore. Never a man to let an opportunity pass by, Din decides to take full advantage of the situation and he reaches over and pulls you into his lap.
“Din, what are you doing?” You gasp, surprised by his actions.
“Shh, cyar’ika, look around,” he tells you. You look over at the other booths to see that most everyone else is making out all around you.
“It’s ok, keep watching the dancers, I can tell you like it,” Din says as his arms wrap around you. He holds you like that for a moment as you continue to watch the performers simulate various sexual acts. But before long his hands begin to wander, starting by running his fingers lightly over your collarbone. He traces the line of your necklace down to the mythosaur and then brushes against the tops of your breasts just along the edge of your bodice. Din hears you let out a small whine as he touches you and it emboldens him to palm one of your breasts fully. Between the layers of fabric of your dress and his gloves, it’s only a tease, but as he continues to grope you, he can hear the pace of your breathing increase. Din wants more and his hand finds the long slit in your dress allowing him to run his fingers up your thigh. He can feel your warmth as he gently kneads your flesh. Each movement he makes seems to elicit a small sound from you and he’s eager to hear more. Din slowly makes his way higher up your skirt thinking he’ll just tease the edges of your panties or maybe touch you over them, when he realizes he’s not finding any.
“Oh, my naughty girl, are you not wearing anything under this dress?” Din asks.
“Didn’t seem necessary,” you whisper to him.
He lets his fingers lightly explore between your legs, and when he can feel how wet you are already he can’t keep himself from letting his hand become more bold. He runs two of his fingers through your damp folds and up to the small bundle of nerves that he knows will bring you the most pleasure. Din feels you shudder against him as he circles your clit before bringing his fingers back down. The movement makes you shift your hips over his making you grind against his cock and he lets out a deep groan. It’s more than he can take and he says,
“We’re going back to room, now.”
“But, the show is still going on,” you say a little worried about being rude to your hostess.
“No one will miss us,” Din insists, “Let’s go.”
You quickly slide out of the booth following Din and he grabs your hand to hustle you to the exit. He’s right that no one seems to notice you at all, except for one other couple that is also sneaking out early. Din and you practically run back to your room, but once you get inside all you can do is stand there for a moment looking at each other.
“I want to make love to you,” Din says, his voice deep, “Please tell me you want that too.”
“I do, so much,” you reply.
He sweeps you into his arms and brings his helmet down to your forehead, as he asks, “Can we use the sleep mask? I really want to kiss you again and be able to use my mouth on your body.”
“Yes, but can we get undressed first?” you ask, “Because I’d like to see your body for a bit before.”
“Absolutely,” Din replies and he starts to pull off his armor. You have a lot less to remove, so with a simple whoosh of fabric, you’re standing before him in only your bra and his mythosaur necklace. You unhook the bra and toss it aside.
“You’re so gorgeous,” Din says, as he yanks at his own clothing in an attempt to be faster. You reach to lift the necklace off, when Din stops you, “No, don’t, I’d like it if you’d leave that on.”
“I like seeing it on you, especially when it’s the only thing you have on,” he rasps out.
He’s finally almost totally naked except for his boxers and his helmet. Din can see you are transfixed with the way you are practically hopping from foot to foot in anticipation. It makes him smile how enthusiastic you are to see him. He slows his movements to draw out the moment and watches your face intently as he leisurely lowers the boxers from his hips. He sees your eyes widen and he chuckles as your mouth makes the most adorable little ‘o’.
“Wow, Din, you are the gorgeous one,” you reply practically in awe, “And I was right, you are large.”
Din chuckles at that comment, “I’m glad you like the view.”
“I don’t think I could ever get tired of it,” you say as you walk closer to him and as soon as you are in arms reach, Din pulls you to him so he can finally feel you. The sensation overwhelms him and all he can do is hold you there reveling in the feeling of your naked body against his. He lets out a loud groan from deep in his chest.
“I never thought this could feel so good,” Din breathes out. You shift against him and he groans again, “Please can we get the blindfold now? I need to kiss you.”
You pull away from him to reach into the nightstand drawer where you stashed the sleep mask. You take one last long look at his nude form before giving him an appreciative smile and slipping the mask on over your eyes. Not a second later, you hear a clunk as the helmet hits the floor and then Din is on you. He kisses you like he’ll never get another chance again, so full of passion and desire that it makes your head spin. His kiss is so all consuming that you don’t even realize that he’s picked you up and carried you to the bed, until he’s lying you back onto the soft cover. Din breaks the kiss just for a moment so that he can climb on top of you and come to rest comfortably between your spread legs.
Din could kiss you forever if you would let him. He loves the way your lips mold to his and the feeling of your tongue tasting his. He only pulls away to let you both catch your breath slightly before he’s back, trying to kiss you with even more fervor each time. Finally, you break the kiss so that you can explore more and the soft feel of your lips on his neck is magical. You find a sensitive spot just under his ear that makes him moan with pleasure. That moan quickly turns into a growl though as you use your teeth to nip at the spot.
“Ah, cyar’ika, let me try that on you,” he says, moving so that he has better access to your neck. Like you, he starts with soft kisses before biting into your neck to mark you as his. You’re more vocal than he is, letting out little mewls and whines of pleasure the more he kisses and sucks on your skin. He works his way down your neck to your chest, kissing and nipping at you the entire way. Finally, he’s at your breasts and Din does something he’s been dreaming of forever. He takes your hardened nipple into his mouth, pleasuring the sensitive peak with his tongue.
“Din!” you cry out his name and arch your back beneath him from how wonderful it feels. You can’t keep still as he suckles you. You run your fingers through his thick, wavy hair and then down his strong shoulders. When he tries out his teeth on your breast, you scratch your fingernails down his back. You feel his responding groan vibrate against your chest before he lifts his head from you,
“Do that again, cyar’ika, I liked it,” he tells you before switching to your other nipple to lavish it with the same mind-blowing pleasure. You rake your fingernails down his back again and again, as you writhe beneath him. It feels so good but yet, it isn’t enough.
“Please, Din, please,” you beg him.
He pulls off your breast with a soft pop of his lips, “Please what?” he asks you, his voice sounding amused.
“Touch me,” you pant out, “Please.”
“I am touching you,” Din teases and he drops his head back down so he can lick in between your breasts and down your stomach. “Or do you want me touch you somewhere else? Maybe here?” He licks and nibbles just above your belly button.
“Yes, but lower,” you say.
“How about here?” Din kisses lower, near your hipbone.
“Din!” Your voice comes out as a whine and he chuckles, Maker, he’s such a tease.
You feel him shift his body down and even though you can’t see him, you know he’s looking right at your pussy. You wait in anticipation of his touch and then start to wonder, as he doesn’t move.
“Just enjoying the beautiful sight,” he says, his voice full of desire. He waits just a beat more and then you feel his tongue moving through your wet folds.
You shudder and let out a loud moan as he licks you. He’s moving so slow, like he’s trying to savor you, and it feels wonderful but it’s also so maddening.
“Please, please more,” you beg him, your voice shaky in your need.
Din is happy to oblige you and he lets his tongue begin to explore you in earnest. His hands are splayed on each of your thighs as his mouth moves over you. As he licks you higher, he holds your lips open with his thumbs so he can have better access to your clit. Each time he lets his tongue brush over the little pearl, you cry out. He keeps this up for a bit, tormenting you, until he finally latches his lips around it and sucks your clit into his mouth. You cry out his name so loudly when he does that and you thrust your hands into his hair gripping it tightly.
The sensation makes him groan and he’s pleased when you do it again. The more he suckles and tongues your clit, the harder you tremble against him and he has to push down on your hips to keep you still. He pulls away from you for just a moment and lets his thumb draw circles on your clit in place of his tongue.
“You’re the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted, cyar’ika,” he tells you, “Wanted to do this for so long, so much better than I could have imagined.”
All you can do is moan in response because the mounting pleasure has robbed you of all logical thought. Din dives back into you, licking his tongue around your entrance before he pushes the muscle inside you. You cry out again and you grip his hair even tighter as your orgasm begins to close in on you. You feel yourself surging higher and higher, your thighs pushing tight around his head, until suddenly you are at the peak, feeling the most sublime pleasure as you gush on his tongue.
Din slows his movements as he lets you come down from your high, but he wants more. He’s waited so long to be here, he’s going to take his time until you’re begging him to stop. He lifts his mouth from you so that he can suck two of his fingers into his mouth, wetting them thoroughly.
“Is that really the first time you’ve done that?” You’ve regained enough composure to ask him.
“Yes,” he says, chuckling.
“If you get any better, you might kill me,” you tell him still sounding rather breathless.
“Well my darling, I’m not stopping yet,” Din replies as he pushes one long finger into you and drops his head back down to tongue your clit again. The high-pitched cry you let out makes him smile against you and he sees what he can do to hear it a second time. He can feel you flutter around his finger and he can’t believe how tight you are. He knows it’ll be easier for you to take his cock if he can make you come a couple more times on his fingers first. He slowly adds his second finger to you before he starts pumping them into you at a steady pace while licking and sucking your clit the entire time. He just barely crooks his fingers upward to brush the top of your walls when you’re coming apart again, shuddering so hard you almost buck him off you.
“Ahhh! Din, how’re you doing th-at, fe-feels so go-od,” you try your best to praise him but you can barely get the words out.
“Does it, cyar’ika? Does it feel good what I’m doing to you?” Din asks as he keeps his fingers working within your body. You clench around him hard.
“Talk to me,” you pant out, “like it so much.”
“You want me to talk to you, tell you how wonderful you feel around my fingers, how hot and wet you are?” Din replies and all you can do is moan in response.
“Mmm, you came so nice and hard for me before, gripped me so well, I can’t wait to feel you around my cock, going to feel fucking amazing.” The more Din talks dirty to you the more you cry out and thrust your hips against him.
“You really like this, don’t you, my fingers stretching you out, getting you nice and ready for me,” Din’s voice is so deep that the tone is doing just as much to pleasure you as his words do. “Tell you what, I’m going to keep this up and I’m going to suck on that beautiful little clit of yours until you come again for me.” And with that, his mouth returns to his favorite spot.
All you can do is cry out his name as the pleasure burns through your body. It’s so strong that you feel tears welling up in your eyes and you’re shaking all over from the sheer delight of his actions. It feels as if you are being tossed on a sea of pleasure, rising and falling with each wave, until finally you reach the largest wave of them all and it crashes over you. You lay there boneless and panting until Din finally stops and kisses his way back up your body before finally lying down next to you.
When you finally feel your breathing calm, you reach for him and bring him into a passionate kiss, tasting yourself on his lips. He moans his approval and rolls over on top of you.
“Wait,” you say breaking the kiss, “Don’t you want me to touch you? I’d love to taste you too.”
“I’d like that, cyar’ika, but some other time,” Din says, “Right now, I need to be inside you.”
In response, you widen your legs for him and draw them up to frame his hips, “I want that too, Din.”
 “Tell me again, please,” he says as you feel his cock glide over your folds spreading your wetness all over him.
“I want you, Din, I need to feel you inside me, I need you to make love to me,” you tell him, your voice full of emotion.
“Oh, ner cyar’ika,” Din says before he kisses you and begins to push into your narrow passage. Even with as wet and ready as you are for him, he wants to go slowly both so he can be sure not to hurt you and so that he can enjoy every moment of this first time.
You gasp into his mouth as he gradually stretches you open; you saw how big he is, but feeling him now, he seems enormous, but the sensation is amazing. He’s unhurried as he lets your body adjust to him and you feel nothing but pleasure as he continues to push forward. You know he’s been delaying his own pleasure this entire time that he’s been devoted to you and you marvel at his control now. Finally, he is completely sheathed within you and he breaks the kiss so he can let out a moan. He drops his forehead to yours and just stays there without moving. You let your inner muscles flutter around him as you enjoy the feel of him deep within you. He moans again.
“You little minx, do it again,” he says before kissing you anew. So you do, you tighten and release him almost like you’re trying to pull him deeper inside of you. You do it again and again until finally he starts to withdraw from you to begin thrusting. Din continues to move at a languid pace, allowing you to feel every delicious inch of him as he brushes your walls. Every time he reaches the deepest point inside you, you clench around him as tight as you can, in a vain effort to keep him there.
“Din, you’re so good, I love the way you feel,” you tell him.
“You’re perfect, cyar’ika, you’re so tight and hot and perfect,” he says and he starts to roll his hips into yours so that he strokes firmly on the most pleasurable part inside you as he pulls out. It makes you cry out his name.
“I love the way you say my name, my wonderful girl,” Din praises you and you wish you could compliment him back but he’s making you forget how to speak it’s so good, and all you can do is repeat his name.
Din reaches down to shift your legs higher on his hips and it changes your position so that he can thrust even deeper into you. He feels you lock your legs around his narrow waist and he adores it. He feels so close to you; it’s the most intimate sex has ever been for him. He wants to tell you how great it is but all he can get out are a string of random words of praise. He knows he’s getting close, but he wants you to come one more time before he does. He slides his hand between the two of you so he can reach your clit and he circles it roughly as he begins to piston into you at a fast pace.
“Yes, Din, yes, right there, don’t stop!” you call out to him. His hips are rocketing against yours now and you know you’re almost to another climax. You feel your thighs start to quake with your release and you know it will be a strong one.
“Please, please cyar’ika, come for me,” Din begs you and his voice urging you on is what you needed. You feel yourself explode and everything feels white hot as you clench hard around him. Din thrusts twice more before his own orgasm overtakes him and he spills himself deep within you, his cock pulsing. He shudders above you and his arms give out, making him sink his full weight into you. It feels wonderful and you wrap your arms around him to hold him tight.
When you can breathe again, you tell him, “Din, that was so amazing, I don’t even have the words, just incredible.”
“For me too,” he pants out as he is still catching his breath. You let him relax as you run your hands over his back gently. Eventually though, he picks up his head and kisses you so sweetly.
“I had no idea that anything could ever feel this wonderful,” Din tells you, and he kisses you again before rolling to the side and snuggling next to you with his head nestled in the crook of your neck and his hand resting on your stomach.
“So did I live up to the reputation you gave me as a lover?” Din asks, his voice flirty and teasing.
“Oh, you surpassed it,” you reply, “You are even better than the sex god, I described.”
“Ah, sex god, I like it,” he laughs, “Feel free to call me that any time.”
“Should I tell, Sigrid, to announce you as such tomorrow?” you laugh with him.
“Absolutely, may I present to you her Royal Highness and her Sex God.” He’s still chuckling and shaking the bed with his laughter. He calms down for a moment and he lets his hand trace lazy circles on your stomach before it comes to rest just below your belly button.
“So?” Din drawls, “Do you think you were blessed by Astrid?”
“I think modern science may have thwarted her in that,” you respond with a giggle.
“Hmm, maybe I should try again?” Din replies as he turns you to face him and pulls your leg over his hip. You’re surprised to feel that he’s already hard again as he grinds himself against you.
“I suppose you should,” you tell him encouragingly and you find his lips again in an adoring kiss.
Thank you again so much for reading! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Go to Chapter 7: The Mando Games
Tag list: @grogusmum @wellofeternalthirst @idreamofboobear @theamuz @fangirlalexia @callmekane @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11 @theravenreads @nicotinebirds @boomtownboy @nova646 @wandering-storm-lost-shadow @becks-things @sleepwithacommunist @mackycat11 @som3thingcr3ative @punkdalek @pinkninja200 @s-unflowxr @ladyjenny19 @peppywitch @haley7242 @the-bottom-of-the-abyss @imthemandalornow​ @overtly-cuteashell 
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Helter Swelter
Rating: MA, NSFW
Spoilers: None
Trigger/content warnings: alcohol, semi-public sex, implied voyeurism
This is for the IN THE POOL square of @thatesqcrush 's Sexy Summer Bingo, and was requested!
"This is a fucking disaster," Olivia sighed, throwing her bag onto the bed in frustration.
Amanda rammed the heel of her hand against the sputtering A/C unit in the window and frowned. "I don't know why you ever expect anything more from Daddy Dodds than a fuckup," she muttered.
Liv ran a hand over the nape of her neck under her hair, finding it moist with sweat, and surveyed their room. Dodds had told her that he had booked them at a high-class hotel for the Extended Learning conference that weekend. A five-star, full-service, swanky joint, he had sworn.
Yet, here they were - sweltering during the peak of a heatwave, in a barely passable room with one double bed and a busted A/C unit. Even better, they weren't even in the right city for the conference - a fact discovered when they called Dodds upon landing to tell him that nobody had heard of the hotel he named.
Fuckup was putting it mildly.
"I'll go talk to someone at the check-in desk and see if they can do anything about the air conditioning," Olivia announced.
"I'm going to take a cool shower in the meantime," Rollins said, palming sweat from her forehead.
The young man at the front desk looked at Liv as though he'd fallen asleep and she had walked out of one of his fantasies into the lobby. Handyman? Not on weekends, it turned out.
"The pool's open 'round the clock though," he shrugged. He finished up by giving her some info on what was available to order from the kitchen, then went back to the glare of his cell phone screen.
When Olivia got back to the room, Amanda was already out of the shower and had changed into light cotton shorts and a sports bra. Liv shrugged apologetically and tossed the info about food to her on the bed.
"No-go on the A/C. There's a pool though." She stopped at the bed long enough to grab her bag. "My turn in the shower, I guess."
Amanda nodded disinterestedly, perusing the menus as the brunette disappeared into the small bathroom.
The clock in the room was ticking past 1:30am. On the coffee table in front of the room's armchairs was a plate of mostly-eaten chicken nachos, and what was left of a six-pack of beer, still sweating condensation.
On the bed, the SVU detectives were also sweating, awake atop the bedclothes. Olivia was on her back, eyes to the ceiling, Rollins was on her side. They breathed the overwarm air and tried not to move too much, but neither could sleep. Amanda's tossing and turning was more irritating with every creak of the narrow mattress.
Tick -
Always followed by the dying, strangled hum of the useless A/C.
This is it, this is how I'm going to lose my mind, Olivia decided.
Tick. Tock. Tick -
"Amanda!" Liv snapped, "Can't you stay still for five minutes?!"
"I"m sorry!" the blonde whined, "I can't fucking sleep!"
Liv rolled her eyes. "I thought you grew up in the South? You must've had nights hotter than this."
"We slept out on the porch in the Summer."
"Be my guest and go sleep in the parking lot if you'll be more comfortable."
Amanda gave a surprised huff that was partway between amusement and annoyance. She leaned up on her elbows, shot Olivia a look, then rolled to her feet. "I'm going for a swim," she announced.
Liv's head turned on the pillow. "Amanda - it's nearly two AM."
"It's still almost 97 degrees! I can hardly breathe, I'm so hot," the blonde groaned. "Plus, I bought an expensive new bikini to wear at the hotel Dodds promised, and it's a damn crime for it to go to waste."
She crossed to her suitcase and unzipped it. "'Sides, you don't have to come. Stay here and melt, if you'll be more comfortable," she mocked.
Ten or so minutes later, both women slipped into the elevator, dressed in thin complimentary hotel robes, bikinis and sandals. In their robe pockets they had tucked cans of the warming beer from their earlier order.
On the main floor, they followed the signs to the door that lead to the pool and pushed outside into the thick, hot night air. The pool was somehow cleaner than their room, and they had it all to themselves. It rippled and beckoned under the starlight and the few florescent lamps that lit the tiled area around it.
Amanda stopped alongside a lounge chair and emptied her pockets of beer before she slipped off the robe. "What do you think?" she asked Liv, hands on hips.
Olivia swallowed dryly, glancing quickly at the bikini and then away. "Very nice," she murmured, busying herself with her own robe and cans. As Amanda walked away toward the pool's edge, Liv took another, more surreptitious look at the bathing suit. It was a dark green color, highlighted with square, gold rivets along the straps, the band under the bust, and along two split straps at the front of the bottom, which tied at each hip.
She popped open a beer and took a long pull from the can. I've seen underwear with more material than that entire suit, she mused. Her own suit looked conservative by comparison: a sporty black two-piece with boyshort bottoms ruched at the sides, and a crocheted, mesh high-neck top that covered her cleavage.
Amanda let out a loud, satisfied groan that startled Olivia out of her bikini thoughts, nearly dropping the drink in her hand.
"Oh my God that feels so good!" she cried. Blood rushed into Liv's face and groin simultaneously. "Hurry up and get in - and bring me a beer!" Rollins urged excitedly.
Olivia shed the last barrier between her bikini and Amanda's gaze, and grabbed two cans of beer. She leaned down to hand one to the blonde at the pool's edge.
"Thank you," Amanda said, and smiled genuinely for the first time since their plane touched down. It raised a relaxed twinkle to her blue eyes, and Liv stared until she caught herself.
She let herself down carefully on the tile and then scooted to the pool's edge, stretching her long legs into the water. Amanda was, of course, right - the water felt fantastic against the cloying heat - and Liv sighed with relief, letting her head fall back as her eyes closed.
The Southern blonde smirked and drank her beer, feeling more herself now that she wasn't sticky and uncomfortable. Setting her drink down, she plunged under the water and wet the rest of her body, kicking hard. When she split the surface, she was a few feet away from Olivia, who was still kicking her legs, watching.
"You didn't come all the way down to just sit on the sidelines, did ya?" Amanda teased.
"What, you wanna play Marco Polo?" the brunette tossed back, smiling as she raised her can to her lips.
"Don't make me drag you in here, City Girl!"
Liv set aside her drink and rolled her eyes, pushing her weight up and over the side with both hands against the concrete tile. The soothingly cool water ribboned over her warm skin, sending goosebumps racing in every direction.
"Better?" she grinned.
Amanda put a finger to her lips thoughtfully. "Mostly . . . " she drawled, "just - " Then she spread both arms wide and used them to scoop and splash water at Olivia, laughing.
Liv opened her eyes as the water settled, letting drops drip from her jawline and hair. "I'll make you regret that, Dixieland," she said calmly.
Rollins laughed and tipped backward into the water, kicking her feet and floating along the surface. Liv ducked under the water to finish cooling off, then swam back to the side for another drink. The dehydration from the heat was making the beer go to her head more than usual; she felt good, and she was enjoying Amanda's flirting.
"You'll have'ta find me, first!" Rollins giggled from behind Olivia.
Rolling her eyes, Liv swallowed what was in her mouth and replied, "Right, because the pool is soo - " she turned around to face the water, finding herself alone, " - big," she faltered. Scanning the pool she didn't see ripples or bubbles - no sign of the blonde mermaid.
Olivia shivered, partly from her lowering body temperature, and partly from the eerie silence of standing there in the water alone.
"Enough, Amanda," she called. "you're not funny." When there was still no response or sound, the brunette turned defiantly back to her beer. The quiet, early morning dark wasn't so peaceful, suddenly.
With absolutely no hint of movement or sound of warning, Amanda tunneled up out of the water behind Liv, the noise breaking the surface like rolling thunder as splashes rained down. Liv let out a gasping yelp as she startled, then Amanda's arms locked around her middle from behind.
"Marco Polo!" she shrieked in glee as she pulled Olivia underwater against her.
Sputtering, they broke the surface again together after just a beat, Amanda still holding tight. "Jesus, Rollins!" Liv coughed out, "You gave me a heart attack!"
They stilled as Liv caught her breath, heart pounding from being caught unawares. Slowly, the feeling of Amanda's wet body wrapped around her from behind began to register with her senses: their legs, sliding against each other, cool skin on skin, the press of hard nipples against her back where Amanda's wet suit pressed. It sparked another shiver, but this one went to Liv's center.
"I don't think that's how Marco Polo is played," Olivia murmured softly.
"Well, we didn't play it that much in Georgia," Amanda chuckled, her warm breath tickling the back of Liv's neck. Then, just as suddenly, she let her go.
Liv pushed away slightly, back to the side and the drink that had been interrupted. But her mind was buzzing about more than beer now, wondering if Amanda's flirting was purposeful, natural or beer-induced. She kept her eyes on the stone tile as the blonde floated over and resumed her own drink. Their bodies were unnervingly close. Liv's breathing shallowed as she bored a hole in the spot she focused on.
Then, Amanda's foot, sliding against Olivia's ankle. Too pointed to be an accident. Higher - the leg was slipping against calf. Underwater footsies, Liv mused, a little drunkenly. Still, she refused to turn her head, not wanting to break the tranquility.
Rollins drained the can she was holding, then set it poolside before shifting her body so that she was directly behind Liv again. Cool, wet lips pressed against the nape of Olivia's neck, and she drew in a ragged breath, held it.
The kiss warmed and went on, lips dragging over the water drops on the sensitive skin there until finally her tongue joined in. Liv's eyes closed, relaxing into the touch as she exhaled. Next there were fingers at the strings where her bikini top was tied, tugging slowly, gently, giving plenty of opportunity for the brunette to call the stops.
All of it felt too good, however, for stopping to enter Olivia's mind. The water, the touch, the buzz from the beer - it all beat an Extended Learning conference to hell and back.
Amanda pulled the ties away slowly, one side at a time, kissing and nibbling warmly over Liv's shoulders, while her legs continued to playfully rub and slip around and between Liv's underwater.
Liv felt a hand return to her middle, pressing firmly, while the other arm crossed her upper chest. Amanda tipped Liv's head to the side with wet fingers to the jawline, then licked the point of her tongue up the curve and pulled an earlobe into her mouth.
A moan escaped Olivia as she wriggled against the blonde's hold, turning in her arms. "You taste like salt and flowers," Rollins smirked, her voice thick and deep. It was all she got out before the brunette framed her face with dripping hands and kissed her mouth.
Her tongue was a shock of heat in comparison to her hands, and Amanda gave back everything she received, their kisses as deep and wet as the pool itself. The turning in her embrace had taken care of moving Liv's top out of the way, and Amanda could feel the brush of wet breasts as the brunette made out with her madly.
She fought to get her hands between their bodies, then the smooth weight of those same breasts filled her palms. The sensation sent a ripple of desire throbbing through her swollen center. Amanda's thumbs grazed over the hard peaks and it finally broke their kiss, Liv's head lolling back.
"Fuck," she hissed, spurring the blonde on to rub harder. When she couldn't take it any more, she pushed her hands under Amanda's arms and grasped the bottom of her bikini top, yanking it over her head.
Olivia ducked low, her mouth just as hungry for this as it had been for Amanda's tongue. One cold, dripping nipple, then the other rolled under the brunette's tongue and pebbled under the scrape of her teeth until Amanda was panting, fingers slipping in their search for purchase on Liv's shoulders.
Kicking her feet, she steered them back to the pool's side until she could leverage her weight to regain dominance. Amanda pushed her knee in between Liv's thighs and made contact with the place she wanted to touch most. Immediately, Olivia's head dipped to the blonde's shoulder, her breathing quickening. She turned so that her lips were just under her ear and breathed, "I want you to make me come."
Without a breath of hesitation, Amanda buoyed Liv's weight up with her hands spread on her outer thighs, and deposited the dark haired woman on the pool's edge. Both hands tugged on the bottoms Liv still had on, until they rolled down and were tossed to the tile with a wet splat.
Amanda pulled Olivia's ass flush to the edge and wrapped her arms around her tan thighs, then lowered her tongue to the dewy pink valley between. Her clit was swollen and aching, twitching as Amanda nosed over it and sucked it gently.
Impatient, Liv bucked her pelvis into every touch of Rollins' sweet mouth. "I'm so fucking wet, Amanda, please . . . "
"Patience is a virtue," Amanda grinned. "Guess they don't teach that in the city," she teased, running her tongue down and inside Olivia's dripping entrance with a moan. She brought two fingers into the mix, slipping then inside carefully, then rubbing firmly against the G-spot.
The normally restrained SVU detective was sprawled on the pool tile, propped on her arms with her head dropped back and her legs over the Southern blonde's shoulders. Mouth open, thighs quivering, Olivia could hear the roar of her blood rushing and the sound of Amanda's talented fingers fucking her blind.
"Oh God, Amanda . . . don't stop, please . . . don't - yes, fuck me fuck me . . . " she babbled, unsure if she was even coherent.
Rollins couldn't stop grinning as she sucked and fucked the trembling brunette with fervor.
"I'm going to - oh fuck, oh oh Amanda! Ungh I'm going to come!"
"Damn right you are," the blonde mumbled as she pulled her fingers out and replaced them with her tongue again. Olivia squeezed her thighs and rode her orgasm out on the thrust of Amanda's tongue, dripping hot juices.
Pleased with herself, she released her grip on Liv's thighs and cupped pool water in both her hands, dousing her face and hair to cool down. "God, you're fucking incredible," she grinned.
Liv let out a laugh. "You did all the work! Get up here, Amanda."
She did as told and joined her on the cool cement tile. Olivia liberated her from her bikini bottom, then straddled over her on all fours. Delighted to once again be presented with Liv's slick, pink pussy above her face, Amanda wasted no time in sliding her fingers back inside. She was distracted this time, however, by the long, gentle brush of Liv's own fingers, spreading her own pussy open.
"Fuck, look how wet you are," Liv praised, gathering the slickness on her fingertips and swirling them around the blonde's hard clit.
"Jesus!" Amanda cried, her hips quaking at the touch as she remembered to pick up her thrusts into Liv.
A greedy race to the finish line started as both women worked to make the other come first with fingers and tongues as the pool threw reflections of light and the stars winked down on them.
When they returned to their room, the morning was rushing toward dawn. Olivia opened the door and was startled to hear the hum of the now completely functional A/C unit.
"I'll be goddamned," Amanda drawled from over her shoulder.
Liv crossed to the unit and put her hands in front of it to make sure the air was cool. As she did so, Amanda found a new six-pack of cold beer on the coffee table. A post-it was stuck to the table beside the cans.
"Fixed your A/C, beer's on the house," Amanda read aloud to Liv, followed by, "But please feel free to enjoy another night swim anytime." She looked at Liv quizzically.
The front desk kid. Liv rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Oh, God."
"Good thing we ended up in the wrong place, after all," Amanda giggled, and pulled open another beer. "Cheers!"
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impala666 · 4 years
The One With The Boobies Part Four (The Real Reason)
Here we are! Another part and another finished episode!!! Hope you all enjoy!!!!! I love all of you!
Last Part (Part 3), Series Masterlist 
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After you had talked and confided in Monica and Rachel about what happened between you and Joey, you had ended up passing out on their couch. So when you woke up you couldn’t help but feel groggy, you had work to go to but you were so grateful that Monica had called off for you without even asking. You knew that you should have gone to work but you had basically stayed up all night crying your eyes out, and now that you were awake after finally sleeping. You still didn’t feel rested, you just felt sad and numb. But a knock on Monica and Rachel’s door caused you to escape your thoughts and sit up to see who was at the door when Monica got up from the table ro get it. “Hi.” Ronnie greeted Monica before she smiled and waved at you to which you responded with a halfhearted wave as you walked to the kitchen to get some coffee. 
“Hi.” Monica smiled at the woman who was a stranger to her. “May I help you?” Monica politely asked the woman. 
“Yeah. Joey said I could use your shower since Chandler’s in ours.” Ronnie told her, but Monica still had no idea who she was. But she guessed that any friend of Joey’s was a friend of hers. 
“Okay.” Monica agreed but still needed to know. “Who are you?”
“Oh! I’m Ronnie. Ronnie Rappelano” She introduced herself as she reached out to shake Monica’s hand. Which Monica took and shook, but the name meant absolutely nothing to her. But Ronnie must have noticed Monica’s confusion, so she clarified. “The mistress.” That was what got Monica when she let out an ‘oh’ of recognition. Monica turned back to share a surprised look at you and Rachel to which you both shared. 
“Um, come on in.” Monica waved the woman in.
“Hi, I’m Rachel.” Rachel introduced herself to the older woman. Ronnie greeted Rachel as she walked into the apartment. “Bathroom’s up there.” Rachel directed her as she pointed up the step. “Hey, listen Ronnie.” She quickly stopped her on her way to the bathroom, when an idea popped into Rachel’s head. “How long would you say Chandler’s been in the shower?” 
“Oh, like uh, five minutes.” Ronnie answered Rachel.
“Perfect.” Rachel smiled at her in thanks before Ronnie made her way into the bathroom. “Fasten your seatbelts. It’s pee-pee time.” Rachel announced with a look of evil on her face as she walked over to the door. Rachel walked out and across the hall when Monica held it open, then closed it and walked over to sit in the kitchen chair next to you. You sat at the table just staring down into your mug of coffee, but you could feel Monica’s concerned eyes burning into you. When you finally looked up at her she flashed you a sympathetic smile and reached forward and placed a comforting hand on your arm. 
“How’re you feeling?” She asked. 
“I don’t know. I’ve been better I guess.” You shrugged, not wanting to get to into how you were feeling, which she nodded in understanding. “It’s almost weird,” you told her as you rubbed your hands down your face. “I still love him and still want to rip his heart out.” Monica chuckled.
“That’s how you know he’s a good one. But I still can’t believe that he couldn’t say that he loved you! He always seems to be showing it to you in different ways.” Monica let out her own feelings on the situation, feeling frustrated. Joey almost always could never keep his hands off of you, and it just made no sense to her. 
“Then I don’t know what to tell you.” You let out a sigh. You heard the door open as you rubbed your hands over your eyes, but jumped when you heard it slam shut. “What happened?” You asked in concern when you saw Rachel out of breath and he face as white as a sheet. 
“I saw the wrong pee-pee.” Rachel said out of breath still surprised. 
“Who’s did you see?” Monica couldn’t help but ask out of curiosity.
“Joey’s.” Rachel carefully looked at you, and so did Monica when they mentioned his name.
“You can say his name.” You told them, now annoyed at how they walked on eggshells around you. “He is still in our friend group.” Monica and Rachel gave each other a look when they realized what they had been doing to you, they had been trying to be protective of you because they love you. Which they knew you appreciated, but it just wasn’t something you needed right now.
“Well, regardless. You can hide out here for the day while we’re at work. So you can get over your break up, since I’m sure you aren’t ready to go back across the hall.” Monica offered, when you flashed your first small smile she knew that that’s what you needed. You looked at her to see if she was serious and once you saw that she was, you looked over to Rachel who smiled in agreement.
“Thanks, you guys.” Your voice started shaking when you realized that you still had a safe place to feel your emotions. 
“Oh, of course.” Rachel told you as she walked over to you and leaned down to give you another hug.
“Believe us, we get it.” Monica told you she also hugged you before her and Rachel made their way to the door so that they could start their day. Leaving you in the silent apartment all by yourself, you felt another tear roll down your face. You got up and made your way over to the couch and flopped down onto it, you always hated being so emotional over men like this. But what could you say, this one really got to you.
Joey kept trying his best to put the pull out bed back into the couch but he just couldn’t do it, but he had his mind on other things, like his dad cheating on his mind. Chandler knowing why Joey broke up with you, you still not talking to him, and the fact that he knew that you were hiding away from him across the hall at Monica’s and Rachel’s. He had finally almost gotten the bed back in, but of course there had to be a knock at the door. But he had to answer it just in case it was you for whatever reason. It wasn’t you on the other side of the door, but the person made him smile just as big. “Ma! What’re you doing here?” 
“I came to give you this,” she told him as she handed him a paper bag of groceries, “and this!” But then gave her son a smack upside the head after Joey had taken the bag from her. 
“Ow! Big ring.” Joey reacted as he held the spot on his head that had just gotten hit and closed the door. 
“Why did you have to fill your father’s head with all that garbage about making things right? Things were fine the way they were.” Mrs. Tribbiani yelled at her son. “There’s chicken in there, put it away.” Joey quickly listened to his mother and quickly put the whole bag into the refrigerator. “For God’s sake, Joey.” She threw her hands up when she saw that the bed was only half put away, as well as the women’s clothes and suitcase that was in the corner, but she would have to get back to that in a moment. But the best she did for that second was put the bed back into its couch position without a problem. 
“Hold on. You knew?” Joey asked her. 
“Of course I knew! What do you think?” She turned to face Joey. “Your father is no James Bond. You should have heard some of his cover stories.” Mrs. Tribbiani decided to give one as an example. “‘I’m sleeping over at my accountant.’ I mean what is that?” She explained, Joey knew that if you were here you would be laughing like crazy at the horrible and clearly lie that his father gave his mother. But Joey still didn’t understand how his mother could just be okay with it, and when he tried to ask questions he got cut off again. “Do you remember how your father used to be?” She asked her son, to which he nodded. “Always yelling. Always yelling. Nothing made him happy. Nothing. Not that wood shop, not those stupid little ships in the bottle, nothing. I mean it’s nice he has a hobby.” Mrs. Tribbiani told Joey, now looking on what she thought was the bright side. Joey took a seat at the stool next to his mothers when he knew she was about to start speaking seriously. 
“Ma, I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but… what the hell are you talking about?” He asked his mother, baffled by her reaction. If he ever even tried to do what his father did to you, you wouldn’t take it. He knew you would be gone. “What about you?” He asked in surprise and concern. 
“Me? I’m fine.” She reassured her little boy. “Look, honey. In an ideal world, there’d be no her, and your father would look like Sting. And I’ll tell you something else, ever since that poodle stuffer came along he’s been so ashamed of himself.” She said, letting her son in on a little secret. “He’s been more attentive. He’s been more loving. It’s like every day’s our anniversary.” She shrugged when she finally told her son the truth, but it felt so good to have it off her chest.
“I’m happy for you?” Joey stilled tried to be supportive, but he was still son confused about the life choices that his parents were making. 
“Well, don’t be!” She yelled at him again, making Joey look down at his shoes. “Because now everything is screwed up. I just want it the way it was.” She yearned as she walked her way around the counter and into the kitchen. 
“Ma, I’m sorry. I..I just did what I thought you’d want.” Joey stood up on the other side of the counter as he told his mother that he thought his intentions were honest for her. 
“I know you did, cookie.” His mom chuckled. “Oh, I know you did.” She reached over and lovingly ran her hands down Joey’s face. “So, tell me. Did you see her?” Mrs. Tribbiani couldn’t help herself but asked, and also be scared of the answer.  
“Yeah, You’re ten times prettier than she is.” Joey smiled when he saw his moms smile grow.
“That’s sweet,” she smiled brighter and chuckled as Joey kissed her knuckles. “Could I take her?” She asked, her voice growing serious. 
“Oh, with this ring,” Joey lifted her left hand that he was holding and smiled brightly at his mother. “No contest.” He reassured her. 
“Alright, now more importantly, tell me about this girl you’ve been seeing?” Mrs. Tribbiani told him, apparently her son broke up with this girl Y/N because he didn’t love her, but when they first got together Joey wouldn’t shut up about her. So she knew that something was going on, and she needed her son to figure that out. She wanted grandkids soon. 
After talking to his mom about you and walking her downstairs, Joey knew that it was time to talk to you about what was really going on. He didn’t want you to be sad and heart broken. Plus after his talk with his mother, he knew that it was now or never and he wanted to be honest with you. Not lie like his dad did with his mom, because if you love someone then you don’t lie to them, period. Joey lifted his hand up to knock, but he knew that you would most likely slam the door in his face so he just barged his way in to see you sitting on the couch, in your pajamas from last night, and watching Disney movies. Which you always watched when you needed to be cheered up. 
You turned your head to see who it was, but your jaw dropped as you stood up. You weren’t sure what you were supposed to be feeling though. “What’re you doing here?”
“We need to talk.” Joey told you as he walked over to the couch and stood in front of you.
“About what?” You asked, tensing up. Which Joey couldn’t stand, he liked it when you felt good about yourself and he took that way from you. 
“About the real reason we broke up,” Joey told you as he reached down for the remote to turn off the tv. 
“Yeah, because you don’t love me.” You protectively crossed your arms over your chest. “I think you’ve already made your feelings perfectly clear already.” You couldn’t believe that he was trying to bring this up again, but clearly Joey wasn’t done. When you tried to walk away, Joey quickly took your wrist and pulled you to sit on the couch next to him. 
“That’s not why, please believe me that that is not why.” Joey begged. “Just please, please let me explain and make this right?” He asked, hoping you would take it well. Joey didn’t think that he would be able to stand not being able to see you every day.
“Fine, 5 minutes.” You mumbled, you never really were ever able to say no to him anyway.
It was way more than five minutes but Joey had finally told you, but he could not read the expression on your face. “Can you say something now? You’re kind of starting to freak me out.” Joey spoke after a few minutes of silence. 
“So, you do love me?” Was the first thing you said.
“Yes, Y/N, more than anything. I just want you to be able to get comfortable with everything else. You just got to the city, you should get to explore it. Plus you just started school and a new path, and I want you to have no distractions.” Joey said, but you went quiet again. 
“I think I love you even more.” You whispered in frustration under your breath. “I think that is the sweetest and nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.” You looked at Joey and you just felt your heart melting for the man. “Thank you,” you mumbled as you leaned forward to give him a hug as you tried to keep yourself from crying happy tears. Joey let out a sigh of relief as he wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you back. 
“Thank God. This means I still get to see you every day.” Joey sighed again. 
“Joey, come on. We still would have seen each other.” You told him, not believing that he thought that you would leave that soon. 
“Yeah, I know. But this way you won’t hate me.” Joey blushed as he spoke his fear as he pulled away from the hug. 
“I don’t think I could ever ever hate you, Joey.” You smiled and blushed at him as you took his hand.
“So you talked to your dad, huh?” Monica asked Joey as she reached over for another slice of pizza out of the box and you all sat and ate dinner together in her living room. 
“Yeah. He’s going to keep cheating on my Ma like she wanted. My Ma’s going to keep pretending she doesn’t know. And my little sister, Tina, can’t see her husband anymore ‘cause he got a restraining order.” Joey ended with, but you weren’t sure what it had to do with what happened with his parents. “Which has nothing to do with anything, except that I just found out today.” Joey added when he looked at your face as he sat on the arm of that chair that Chandler was sitting on. 
“Things sure have changed here on Walton’s Mountain.” Chandler joked as Joey finished on his family drama. 
“So, Joe. Are you okay?” Ross asked his friend. 
“Yeah, I guess. It’s just...you know, they’re parents. After a certain point, you gotta let go.” Joey said to him. “Even if you know better you gotta let them make their own mistakes.” 
“And just think, in a couple years we get to turn into them.” Rachel just had to point out that fact to all of you. 
“If I turn into my parents, I’ll either be an alcoholic blonde chick, chasing after 20 year old boys or...I’ll end up like my mom.” Chandler automatically decided.
“So I get to have a sex change and have a headlining show in Vegas?” You couldn’t help but ask as a joke.
“I’d pay to see that.” Joey laughed his comment to you.
“So, how are you two doing?” Chandler asked, to make sure after learning that Joey told you everything. 
“I think we’re fine.” You answered making eye contact with Joey. “But I think I’m going to have to start looking for my own place now, which I really can’t afford.”
“How about you just come stay with me,” Ross quickly offered.
“Really?” You asked, perking up all excited. 
“Sure,” Ross shared your smile.
“Thank you so much, Ross!” You quickly got up and bent over to give him a big hug. 
“Hey,” Phoebe announced as she quickly walked into the room after closing the door, and you all greeted her as you took a new spot on the couch in between Ross and Monica. 
“How’s it going?” Rachel genuinely asked her.
“Oh, okay, except I broke up with Roger.” Phoebe told all of you, which explained why she seemed to be a little down. 
“Oh,” you all somewhat reacted.  
“Yeah, right.” Phoebe sat next to Chandler calling all of you out on how fake you sounded. 
“Ohhh,” you all tried again. Putting in more effort. “What happened?” Rachel asked her. 
“I don’t know. I mean, he’s a good person and he can be really sweet and in some ways, i think he is so right for me.” Phoebe wondered. “It’s just...I hate that guy.” Phoebe said angrily, to which you all agreed. Happy that she finally saw Roger in the creepy light that he truly lived in. 
“Hey, Joey.” Phoebe greeted as she saw the man walk into the apartment as she steeped her tea.
“Here for the boobie payback express. Next stop Rachel Greene.” Joey smirked an evil smirk as he went  to the bathroom door. But when he opened the shower curtain he was in for a surprise.
“Joey, what are you doing!?” Monica ordered the man as she chased him out of the bathroom. 
“Sorry, wrong boobies.” Joey tried to apologize as he opened the door to leave the apartment, but he just couldn’t help himself when a smirk came to his lips as he looked over at Monica, casually checking her out.
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theficplug · 4 years
|Next Lifetime|Erik Killmonger|
previous chapters : Part 1 Part 2  Part 3 
erik killmonger x black reader
|part 4|
warnings: um definitely smut this chapter at the end. so 18+ for this chapter! and a possible trigger warning for grief but i promise it gets better and its a romcom.
synopsis:  reader grieves Erik until she doesn’t (i’m trying not give too much away). This one is a long ass chapter. So, grab you a snack and something to drink! I hope y’all like it.
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“You promised on our birthday that you would give me something far more special than the charms you would gift to me. In 2018, you wanted to avenge your birth parents and you went off and did something foolish and when you- when they returned you to me you were-.” you struggle for a bit to find the words to explain it all to him as he takes a step back to gather himself. 
He rubs his eyes before grabbing your arms gently and massaging them . He leans down to look you in your eyes before asking “Ma, did you take something before I came to pick you up? You alright? Cause what you saying don’t make no sense at all... Your pupils don't look dilated though.” 
“I know how this must sound. Batshit crazy. I know it sounds crazy to me too. I’m still trying to figure out if I’m losing my own damn mind. I don’t know how or why. I just know that you came back to me.” you say to him and he shakes his head. 
“Erik. You’re talking about your ex boyfriend...The one that passed... . Alright, I’m going to take you home now... I still don’t understand what’s going on here and I’ve had about all I can take of trying to understand what’s going on here.” N’Jadaka says quietly to you before going around and opening your car door. 
The drive was silent as you picked at your nails and let the soft r&b roll over the tension between the two of you. 
Your own thoughts were going in about a billion different directions again. It didn’t feel right to just sit on all of that and not say anything at all. As ripped from a science fiction film as it sounded at least he knows. 
He was never one to think quietly because you could practically read his thoughts with the changing of expressions across his face.
The relief of seeing your building washed over you as he offered to walk you to your door. 
It was bittersweet because there was still so much of him in this different version of him. Even when he was upset with you or livid with whatever ghost that was haunting him back then,  he still showed nothing but tenderness to you.
You nod and give him a small smile before following him up the stairs , to your elevator, and finally your door. 
“I know that this is a lot. I mean who in their right mind would be able to process all of that.I wish there was any other way to say it... But thank you, I had a really nice time.” your soft words snap him out of staring at your face as if he was trying to piece it all together.
He knew deep down that there was something about you and what happened that weekend while dreaming in colours and other worlds but he couldn’t wrap his head around all of this happening in real life.  
You lean up to kiss his cheek and he grabs your shoulders softly. “With all due respect. You seem like a lovely person and a good woman, but I just - this all a lil too weird for me and I don’t think it’s a good idea that we continue seeing each other.” 
He kisses your hand and leaves with one look over your shoulder as you call out “Meet me at our spot. If you are still anywhere in there. You’ll know what I mean.”
“What the hell happened ? I didn’t expect you back until tomorrow morning?” Iri says as she settles on the other side of the sofa and patted the spot next to her as you kick off the sandals and lay your head on her lap with tears already prickling your eyes. 
“Oh you didn’t? Please don’t tell me you told him about the soulmate reincarnation thing? Sweets, you probably scared the hell out of that man. We needed you to keep that waaay down in the vault.” Tiki adds as she pops the cork off the bottle of wine in her hand and pauses the movie playing on the screen in the background. 
“Here’s what we’re gonna do . You’re gonna text him and tell him that you had just gotten your wisdom teeth removed earlier today and the meds had you unexpectedly zooted as fuck. “ Iri suggests and you chuckle softly.
Meanwhile at N’Jadaka’s house he was already being pestered by Lina and Penn for some type of details about what happened during the date. Orleans was already in the kitchen cooking and ear hustling but went back to his conversation on the phone with Big Mike when he realized there wasn’t any tea. 
“I don’t feel good. I’m finna go lay down. I’ll talk to y’all in the morning”. He says simply to them before trudging his way to his part of the house.
They had been friends since college and just got used to the idea of living together as they did in the dorms so they made it work after graduation. 
It helped them save money for when they finally separated and all of their schedules kept them busy so they didn't have time to get sick of each other. They also knew him well enough to know when something was bothering him and to leave him alone when he gets this moody.
"What the fuck?" He whispered under his breath 
"What the fuck was all that?" He continues talking to himself as he strips and walks past the bathroom mirror to the shower. 
He stops when something catches his eye. He sees a birthmark on his chest that almost resembles the shape of claw marks. He lets his fingers linger over the mark for a second. Thoughts of a panther mask clouded his memories for a moment before he shook his head and entered the shower. 
A few hours later of talking through it with your girls about possibly seeing a therapist about all that's going on and you were ready for bed. 
It didn't take long to drift off, you were ready to put the whole thing behind you. 
The familiar setting of purples , pinks, and hues of blue came into focus and you looked around letting the butterflies land on you again.
 You walk through the flowers and find Erik sitting by a stream of water weaving some of the flowers together. 
"What the hell, E?" You ask as you run over to him and wrap your arms around his neck
He turns to you and smiles big , his dimples on full display before shrugging. 
"It ain't perfect but it's the best I could do. They said it's like a do-over or something like that. I get a second chance but as a result of the way I did things the first time it's a lil different. Like when you restore a computer and it lose all it's files and shit. I get a new life but I'm still kinda stuck. I kinda like it though. I don't remember all the other shit when I'm awake. It really is like starting over. Shits crazy to explain when you think about it. But for you , you already know. I'd find you in this life and the next and the one after that. I don’t think I’mma ever fully remember what happened with all of that when i’m awake. I’m cool with it. It ain’t something I’m tryna remember." He says tipping your chin up to look at you and kissing you softly 
"I know. At least I get to hold you in the real world. It's just different. But guess what I saw today? I seen that bench that you and me signed all them years back. It's still there." You say to him and he places the lil flower bracelet around your wrist as y'all sit and talk for the rest of the night.
By the time you wake up with the aroma of breakfast wavering throughout the loft you feel a little better about the whole situation with Erik, not Erik. 
You opened your phone and sent him an I'm sorry gif with a few extra words inspired by Tina's wisdom tooth lie. 
 After easing into the kitchen and standing in the doorway you see the two lovebirds dancing around the kitchen singing to each other and laying food on the plates. 
"Morning lil sleepy head. Don't forget that I'll still be coming down to the center with you today for the seminar. You hungry?" Iris asks as she places the plate in your hands with a kiss to the top of the head. 
"Of course. There's a young girl, Sophie there that I really think would love to talk to you. She's just starting her transition. And her parents are wonderful but they don't really have much money. She hasn't really had the chance to get more “feminine” presenting clothes and she likes makeup.  " You say and she nods catching your drift.
"Well it'd brighten anybody's day seeing a beautiful successful trans woman like myself honey. But let's lift her spirits even more. I'm gonna bring some of the makeup I got from pr packages and some of the clothes from this collection. I really hope it helps." She answers and Tika just saunters over to her proclaiming her love for her. 
"Alright alright alright. I get it. I'm single as hell." You say laughing softly
Two weeks ticked by with radio silence on N'Jadaka's end. After the 4th day when he gave you the cold shoulder at a coffee shop, you decided to stop trying.
Maybe it wasn't fate and maybe you were just believing what you wanted to believe. 
You reason with yourself as you walked around the loft making notes about the new housing project you were working on. 
Finally having the house to yourself with the lovebirds gone for the day on a little adventure. You got to work budgeting and calling different areas to rent out apartments to you for women and lgbtq+ with housing insecurities. 
Your ramblings and thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door , thinking that Iri or Tika left something behind. 
"I told you to take your sunscre- Daka?" You question as he stands in front of you
You cross your arms and furrow your brows while waiting for an answer from him.
He stands for a moment like he’s trying to gather all of his thoughts together in a way that makes sense to both of you. 
"What're you doing here?" You ask putting your hand on your hip. 
He drops his shoulders and lets out a soft sigh before looking at you.
"I didn't wanna believe it. What you said that night cause like how the fuck does something like that happen? I’mma be honest.  I wanted to just believe that you were a lil off and leave it at that but something keeps telling me that you right. I can't remember shit before college and all I wanted to do was be with you. From the moment I met you in the store. I was like, this is it. This is what's missing. A piece to a puzzle that's all jumbled up." He admits and you nod slowly before letting him in. 
You walk around the kitchen getting a cup of tea for yourself and sitting a cup of coffee down on the counter for him.
“Don’t worry it’s black, I know you dont like it sweet.”
"You know I didn't exactly expect my fiancee that I buried months before to show up at a damn supermarket of all places. This isn't some movie or fanfiction. These kind of things don't happen in real life. Daka you, you had claw marks all over you. The last time I laid eyes on you. And now you're here in front of me. I thought that I was losing my mind." You say and he starts to unbutton his shirt.
"These." He says peeling his shirt off and showing you the birthmarks on his chest and shoulder.
You trace your fingers over it before leaning your head on his shoulder. 
"I asked my parents about my childhood and when I passed by my old neighborhood a few days ago andI remembered some things. I remember what happened to my other parents, in pieces. Shit’s brutal." He says dropping his gaze
"It's okay." You whisper to him and wrap your arms around him. You rocked him for a moment letting him let all of those feelings wash over him. 
He embraced you for a moment before kissing you tenderly. You tug at his bottom lip before deepening the kiss when he press you against the counter. 
"We'll figure it out... Something telling me I'd be a fuckin fool to lose you again." He says quietly against yours lips. 
"Are you gonna make love to me or are you going to keep looking at me like that?" You ask as he studies your whole face like he's looking at art. 
"A memory. It's you. We stood right here and I kissed you the same way. You were saying something like "you bring yourself home to me"." He says and you nod frantically, holding him closer to you.
"I did. It was right before you left." You admit and he nods before lifting you up onto the counter and kissing you heatedly this time. He kisses down to your breasts before looking up at permission from you to unhook your bra. 
Always a man that knows what he's doing. He takes kisses around your breasts and nipples. He takes his time to lick and caress you until he works his way down.
You shake your head yes before moving to slide off your panties but his kisses and his mouth is already beating you to it as he kisses down to your thigh.
He slides your panties off with his teeth and tosses them over his shoulder. 
You tilt your head back as you feel him wasting no time massaging over your clit and working you over with his fingers, curling them and stroking you gently. 
Your soft moans fill the room when he hooks your leg over his shoulder and begins to suckle your clit softly , swirling his tongue over it. 
"Tika will kil- Ooh god. How does your tongue feel like it's vibrating?" You ask and he only chuckles and grips onto your cheeks to bring you closer to him.
He was feasting on and devouring you like he was going to lose again and you could grind your hips down against his tongue and moan his name sweetly.
He didn't stop his tongue or fingers working in you until your legs are shaking and you're gripping at his head. 
"You have- fuck. I'm a squir-" you moan his name brokenly while trying to get out your words and lean back for a moment licking his lips before realizing what you're trying to say.
"Hold that for me. I wanna come with you." He says to you and you pout and protest as he removes his fingers. He picks you up off the counter and carries you bridal style asking you which room is yours.
"Left , left." You giggle into his shoulder as he helps you slide your dress off and you unbutton his jeans for him. 
You capture him in a kiss for a moment feeling his soft plump lips against yours again for the first time in what feels like forever. 
"It's been a long time since I've done all of this. . . Gentle." You say and he runs a calloused finger over your cheek moving a curl away from your face as he looks at you. 
He gets a quick flash of a memory of you and him in bed. You wore a smile on your face before telling him "happy anniversary".
He trailed his fingers down your body remembering almost every scar , every moment. 
When Erik got to a scar at your side. He chuckled, unlocking a memory of you two running from the neighborhood rottweiler , Smokey. 
That old ass dog hated you and he hoisted you over the fence first after being out late one night in high school. The gate had caught your side when you jumped. 
Erik felt so bad he brought you food from anywhere you wanted everyday from to school for a month. 
He leans down to place open mouthed kisses to it. 
He traced over your thighs to the cellulite and stretch marks remembering when you first got them. 
He was moving homes at the time and he wasn't ready to be further away from you yet.  You two just sat for hours at the park in the grass, talking. 
" You know white men behind all of that anyways. They want y'all to feel like you gotta look the same way. That's how they make them billions. My mama had 'em . Yo mama , and generations back. And it ain't ever stop them from being the women they are. Besides if any dirtneck nigga ever try you , just tell me. Imma handle it." He would say as you sat with your head on his lap, staring at the sun setting, knowing good and well your grandparents were gonna ground you for being late when you get home. 
They never did though cause you were with Erik they knew you were gonna be alright. 
"Nothing to worry about. I… I've never done any of that stuff before…Have you?" you question hesitantly as you stare off. 
"Tisha. From Ms. Wilkes class. We was coming from the kick back-" 
"Uh uh . That's your business , you ain't gotta tell me all of that." You say slightly upset at the fact that Tisha of all people was his first. 
"I got you." He says kissing your forehead then your nose before hooking your leg over his hip and easing into you slowly while his lips are still on yours. His eyes never left yours as he cupped your face sweetly like he didn't want to lose you again. 
In this moment he gets a glimpse of prom night and how things changed between the both of you forever. 
He wraps his hands around your waist. One of his hands splayed across your belly. 
He remembers the pregnancy scare you both had afterwards with him holding your hand and telling you no matter what happens he wanna be there for both of you.
Luckily, nothing came of it but you were definitely closer because of it.
You let out an open mouthed gasp at the feeling of being so full of him after so long. 
You rest your hands on his neck and shoulder and he bottoms out fully settling into you as he moves his arms next to  balance himself. 
You close your eyes as he begins to stroke into you trying to set a rhythm for you as his praises for you fall from his lips. 
He kisses his way down your neck licking the marks that are already starting to form there. 
"My lil baby." He mutters out after licking a freshly formed hickey forming on top of your breasts. 
You open your eyes slowly , looking at him and the way he's looking at you . 
"It's been way too long since I've heard that from you. You're remembering?" You ask quietly as you let out a soft moan.
N'Jadaka's muscles flex and tighten as he picks up his pace. His abs clenched as he  pulls out almost completely and filled you at a different angle.
 The sounds of your moans filling the room with every stride and stroke of his hips,  it seems like you're closer to floating in space. The man was fucking you like his life depended on it and at this point all you could do is wrap your arms around him again to comfort you as he shutters and rolls his hips deeper into you. Your walls tighten around him as you relish in the feeling of him. 
"Fuck. I remember all of it." He says half chuckling at the way it's coming to him and half nearly in tears cause he really missed being with you. 
"I also remember that this is your favourite position cause you like to see my face." He teases before leaning down to kiss you again with them plump ass lips.
"E?" You ask , grabbing his face with trembling hands.
"Baby?" You ask again 
He moves his hands from your waist and places your hands in his. Then moving them above your head as he flashes in between making love to you for the last time and now.
You roll over with him and place your hands on your chest riding him slowly getting the rhythm as he strokes into you from below. 
He laughs softly when he realizes what you're doing. 
"Are you spelling my fucking name , baby?" He asks and you tell him that you can spell both.
You let out a whimper when he brushes your spot and let him take over as he runs his hands over your thighs to your butt and over your back as he strokes into you. 
He plants his feet on the bed and work your hips in rhythm with him. 
It didn't take long for you to orgasm with a loud shriek of his name . You had forgotten how he gets when he's close as his hands on gripping all over your thighs and your back. You were already feeling sensitive with your second orgasm coming through and this man felt like he was trying to put it in your belly. 
He rolls you onto your side giving it to you deeply. 
With a loud hiss and panting from him he cums , holding you in his arms.
"I don't think it has felt like that since our birthday last year." He says into your ear as he pulls you closer into his arms. 
He engulfs you fully in his embrace and presses a kiss to the side of your head. 
You laugh softly and roll over to face him , resting your forehead against his.
"I remember. You took me to Paris. I had never been and at the time I was obsessed with everything Parisian. We fucked on the balcony and somehow I ended up popping the straps to my favorite dress. You still owe me by the way." You tease and he shakes his head laughing. 
"I think we ended up saving they marriage from across the way though. They was arguing the whole time. Then they gon watch us like we ain't see them." Erik says laughing as he squeezes your thigh playfully.
"I know they was trying some things." You joke 
"I missed you so much. You don't even understand." You admit with a somehow saddened and relieved expression. 
"I know.  I want to start over this time. All of that Erik Killmonger shit is over with. I wanna keep the name N'Jadaka and just start over. All of that was too heavy on me to carry. I wanna let it all go. I wanna do it right with you." He explains 
"Good because if you put me through that again. Wakanda will be the least of your damn worries." You say to him and he nods giving you his word, sealed with a kiss.
"It'll be alright. Everything happens for a reason. And I think that right now a bath needs to happen and I'm gonna need you to do that thing again that you did in the kitchen cause I'm tryna figure out when you learned that-" 
At some point after the bubble bath/ shower combo you were both out like a light until Iri and Tika decide to come busting in like they usually do with little gifts and food for you. 
"Guess who's your fave- SHE GOT A WHOLEASS MAN IN HER BED" Iri announces to Tika before your pillow hits the door as she closes it. 
"Sorry about that. This is kinda our cuddle hour so they're used to just coming on in." You say sleepily and he just laughs it off while holding you closer. 
"It's all good. I remember that I ain't know them much before but when we did spend time with them, they were good people." He says, still trying to piece it together.  
You fell asleep more peacefully than you had in a long time. Now granted, good sex didn't fix the many layers of issues and mysticism surrounding everything.
But for now, you knew that you had him, you had your girls, family and your business. Everything felt alright again. 
Right up until the point of sleeping through the first alarm to meet the property owners.
"Bae. Bae your phone going off." N'Jadaka whispers in the dark room , voice still riddled with sleep and grogginess. 
"Shit. Shit. I'm gonna be so late." You call out , quickly jumping out of bed and stumbling around the room. 
It takes you about 25 minutes to speed through getting dressed in your best skirt suit. 
N'Jadaka sits on the end of the bed putting on his shoes and watching you shuffle around. 
He had offered to drive you there and stay with you and check out the property with you. 
He slows you down by grabbing you by your arms gently and placing a kiss to your lips. 
"Good morning, handsome. Let's go" 
You walk through the living room with Iri and Tika already posted up in the kitchen placing two breakfast burritos in a container to grab and go. 
You grab your things from the counter all while thanking them and jetting towards the door.
"Good luck pooh!" Tika calls after you. 
"Byyyyeeee Dakaaaa" they call out after him
"Here it is . These are the apartments. I know they don't look like much now from the outside. But from the pictures it looks great. And they'll be safe and comfortable here-" you babble on to N'Jadaka while you both stand outside of the building where Erik grew up , until you notice two women walking to  a car that clearly wasn't from this area. 
You notice Shuri and your breath hitches in your throat. 
Frozen in your anxiety, the seconds ticked by and it was too late to leave. She looked you dead in the eye and then at N'Jadaka like she had seen a ghost.
She gasped and Nakia followed the eyes before back into the car. 
"SHURI WAIT - PLEASE" you yell out to them but the car was already speeding  away. 
tag list : @doublesidedscoobysnacks @chaneajoyyy @mirandkimy @doitforthevine67​ @amyhennessyhouse @dasia21​ @depressionandfandomsinc @sinfully-dope @ambitionwood @heybriheyyy @wholelotta-melanin @theesotericqueen​ @mbakuwife​ @spookys-girl @teardropzih @bigchoose @ceo-of-baby @sweetpeachjones @lost-ssoull  @shyblackgurl @justpeachee @nijajoha @imayhavemisunderstood @beautifullmelodyxx​ @alookintohersoul @rbhp @champagnesugamama​ @just-peachee @almeda-344  @mahogany2021 
143 notes · View notes
gently rings a little bell in your ear My fic updated with two new chapters when you weren't paying attention! but now i am tilting your chin up with the point of my sword, forcing you to look. its very villainous and cool. this is part three of an increasingly convoluted story, part one can be found all the way over here but if you just want the high school romance stuff and don't care about found family, that's fine, i guess, but like, what's your deal
The weekend is a welcome relief from everything at school. He’s tired of feeling like shit, so Saturday, annoyingly bright and early, he startles Lydia awake by flopping on her bed. It causes her to bounce, and she groans, pulling the dark purple blanket further over her head. “Beetlejuice…” “I was thinkin’, today we should spend th’ whole day outdoors, in th’ park or somethin’,” he grins, and she lifts the blanket just barely, to glare at him. “You only want to play outside because all your stuff was taken away,” comes her accusation, and she’s not exactly wrong, but he just wiggles a hand under her blanket and gives her nose a poke. “Let’s go get lost, somewhere. Come on, Lyds, please?” She tries to hit him with a pillow but her grip is tired from sleep, and all she manages to do is shove the thing at him.
Twenty minutes later, she’s dressed and ready, bouncing on the balls of her feet, as he mulls over which button up to wear, the highlighter yellow with purple bugs, or the dark green with orange bones. They’re two equally ugly shirts that kind of give him a headache to look at, and both are favorites. “I can’t believe you woke me up at eight so I could stand around watching you go through your wardrobe.” “This is important.” He settles on the bugs, finally, and pulls it on before turning to Lydia, but she’s gone. He blinks, and sticks his head out his door, in time to headbutt her as she comes back in. Both siblings reel back and hold their heads. “Beetlejuice…” she groans. “Lyd-eee-uhhh,” he mimics her. She huffs and throws what she’d gone to her room to retrieve at him. He catches it, then stares. It’s his hoodie, his ruined one from that disastrous Halloween. He can still see that faded dark copper stain in some places, but it's better than it was. Also, the holes slashed in the arms have been very sloppily stitched with a thick, black embroidery thread. He looks back at his sister. “You seemed like you were having a hard week,” Lydia says, shuffling her feet. “I never sewed anything before, I’m sorry it looks kind of messy, and I tried really hard to get the bloodstains out...” He slips his familiar stripes back on and feels much more at ease. “It’s cool,” he tells her. “I like messy.” He holds open his arms and she falls into them, pressing her face against his stomach. It's a nice moment, and for once, he doesn’t feel inclined to ruin it, just pats his little sister’s head. “Love you.” “Love you too.”
``````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Charles, ever an early riser, is surprised to see his children in the kitchen this bright eyed and bushy tailed on a Saturday. He’s pouring two coffees, one for himself and one for Emily, who is sitting at the table, head propped up on her hand, and still functionally asleep, when Betelgeuse and Lydia come bounding in to raid the fridge. “And what are you two getting up to today?” he asks, and the siblings pause to look at him. “Goin’ to th’ park.” “You think so?” Betelgeuse’s shoulder slump. “Seriously? You take all my stuff away an’ now I can’t even go out?” “You’re still in trouble. Why should you be allowed to go out and have fun?” “Cause that wasn’t specified!” Betelgeuse tries, and then turns to Emily. “Ma, tell him!” Emily mutters in her sleep, and Charles wordlessly sets the coffee down in front of her. The smell hits her nose, and robotically, she lifts the drink to her lips, eyes never opening. “Let BJ go do stuff,” she manages, maybe not as eloquent as she normally speaks, her voice gruff from sleep. Betelgeuse grins up at Charles. His father sips his own coffee, and then pats his son’s head. “Home before dark. No fire, no demon nonsense, no taking drugs from strangers.” “Home at midnight, commit arson, summon Satan, enjoy stranger candy. I gotcha.” Both his children receive a kiss on the head before stuffing Lydia’s little black coffin bag with snacks, and heading out.
It’s a big city, and there’s not a loss of things to do, especially with his powers, and there’s no adult supervision today. They find a café and enjoy a big breakfast, then he turns them invisible and they sneak away before the check comes, only reappearing a block later, Lydia grinning wildly. “Food tastes better stolen!” she says, and he pats her head. “There’s my little criminal.” They sneak into a movie, next, some horror thing Lydia had wanted to see that even Emily, the fun parent, had said she was too little for. It’s absolutely a gore fest, but not especially good, and they throw popcorn at the screen and cheer whenever the killer scores another victim.
“I think you’d die early in a slasher,” she says after, scattering their uneaten popcorn on the pavement in front of the theatre. She gets the attention of a whole flock of pigeons, which land and begin pecking at the kernels. “What’s your logic, there?” “You die on screen early and then the twist is you faked your death and were the killer.” “Ohh, classic. I love it.” “I’m a total final girl,” Lydia turns the half empty bucket upside down, much to the joy of the starving sky rats. “And then at the end, it’s like, I knew you were the killer the whole time, and I was just acting. Cause we’re in it together. You know, partners in crime.” He picks her up, slings her over his shoulder. “Always.”
He takes them to Central Park, next, holding her hand behind the theatre and apparating, accidentally, up a tree. She gasps and clings to him, and he digs his claws into the bark of the tree to steady them. “No worries, no worries. I just gotta..” They appear on the ground below, and Lydia looks dizzy. “Feels weird when you do that,” she tells him. “Like riding a rollercoaster, except your limbs are all asleep. But.. Kinda not that, at the same time.” It feels normal to him, but he regularly eats tin cans, so what does he know about normal to begin with?
Lydia takes her camera from her coffin bag, and readies it. It’s a little instamatic she got for her birthday, a few months ago, and she’s going through film like crazy, taking some pretty shitty pictures. He’s not that blunt to her face, though. It’s not like he was a rockstar on the ukulele when he first started, and she’s got a lot of enthusiasm for taking photos. He’s not going to be the one to squash that for her.
Also, he’ll bite off the hand of whoever tries.
“You think this can take pictures underwater?” she asks, aiming her camera at a random woman jogging by. The jogger makes a face, which seems to be what Lydia expects, because she snaps the picture as the woman continues on her way, and the little photo pops out the bottom. Lydia gives it an aggressive shake.
“I’m gonna guess no. Besides, it’s too cold for you to take a swim.” “So let’s go somewhere warmer. I’m thinking Hawaii.” “Good idea, genius, an’ how do you think we’re getting there?” “You can teleport us.”
He actually has to stop and think about that. “I don’t think I could do it in one straight shot,” he says at last. Lydia has moved to a different kind of voyeurism, because she’s on her stomach on the grass, following the movement of a trail of ants with her lens. “I’d probably have to do little distances, an’ get tired and need a nap in th’ middle.”
“Maybe through a mirror? Like Sam?” She adjusts the optic, an entirely useless motion, because this camera doesn’t have any kind of zoom feature. But she’s seen people do it in nature documentaries. “Never done mirror travel before.” He mulls that over. “I’ll practice when I get home, an’ see if I can even pull you through.” “You’re not allowed to go to Hawaii without me,” she gets what she considers her perfect shot, and then stands, brushing off her dark red dress. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
They go bone hunting next, Lydia’s camera still at the ready, his keen nose leading the way. It’s easy to find owl pellets, and she breaks one open with her bare hands, as he teases her.
“Ew ew ew, Lydia gross, you’re touching it!” he pitches up his gruff voice to sound like a tweenage girl, and she rolls her eyes. “No skull in this one,” she frowns, wiping her hands on his hoodie.
“Maybe there’s a bodiless mouse head around here, livin’ it’s best life.” She looks doubtful.
Another, different smell hits his sensitive nose, just then. It’s death, new and fresh. His pupils dilate, and he follows it, her trailing after him, assuming he’s on the scent of more animal bones. What they find instead is an old man propped against a tree. He’s still warm, but the color is draining from his face, and rapidly. He doesn’t look hurt, he’s not bleeding. It’s like he sat down for a rest and died.
Lydia doesn’t get it, not right away. Death is a funny punchline in an overly gorey movie. She’s never seen the real thing, before. “Should we wake him up? It’s cold to be sleeping here.” He lifts the man’s arm, and it flops bonelessly back down. Her eyes go wide. “I doubt he’s gettin’ back up, kiddo.” She lifts her camera and takes a picture.
“Hello?” He hears a voice, and turns. The old man is standing next to himself. He looks back at Lydia, but she’s staring in fascination at the corpse, so he leaves her to it. “Hey,” he nods to the man, who looks relieved. “Can you call my grandson? My phone battery died,” he says, not seeming to understand the position he’s in. Betelgeuse tilts his head to the side. “You’re dead,” he says, a bit unkindly, and Lydia, who has been kneeling by the body, poking it, looks up at him. “I am?” “Wh- No, not you, Lyds, th’ stiff.” He gestures to the ghost, who has seemed to notice “himself” laying there. Lydia looks at her brother, confused. “There’s no one there.” “Sure there is. You just can’t see ghosts.”
“That’s me,” the old man says, not that anyone’s listening to him. “Should we tell someone about this?” Lydia asks him, and Betelgeuse shrugs. “Why? Someone will find th’ body eventually. You know. When it starts smellin’ like shit.” “I don’t want to leave him out here.” “Please, don’t leave me out here!” “I wouldn’t want to be left out here.” “Lucky for you, you’re never gonna die. You even try it an’ I’ll shove your soul back down your throat, if I have to.”
He smells the netherworld, and grabs Lydia, pulling her back, in time for another ghost to appear. A guide. The guide doesn’t even take a moment to look around, just instantly busies herself with getting the newly dead situated, and Betelgeuse picks Lydia up and carries her away. “That’s so sad,” she says, taking one last picture of the body from atop his shoulder. “I guess.”
They find the next official looking person they see, someone cleaning up trash, who doesn’t believe them, clearly, until he sees one of the photos Lydia took. The deathly pallor of the old man convinces him to go looking. Thirty minutes later, that part of the park is crawling with breathers, and the two of them are stuck on a bench, being talked to by cops. It’s a whole, boring process, and it’s drawing a big crowd. “Told ya, we shoulda minded our business,” Betelgeuse nudges his sister. Lydia is looking overwhelmed. Neither sibling ever gets this much attention. There’s even a news crew, though he can’t imagine what for. It’s just one old dead guy, and it’s not even a murder. Someone with a microphone tries to approach them, and he turns their mic into a black and white striped snake, forcing them to fling it away from themselves in a panic, and then he grabs Lydia.
They blink from existence and appear a ways away, and Lydia’s clutching his hand harder than she needs to. “Hey, come on.” His grating voice is soft, for her, as he kneels to her level, and she throws her arms around his neck. “How are you so calm? Doesn’t it make you sad?” she asks, softly, and he gives her an extra squeeze. “Happens to all breathers, Lyds. But it’s not somethin’ I gotta worry about, ever. So… no, not really.”
“Will you be sad when I die?”
He scoops her up, holding his little sister in his arms, and stands, her still clinging around his neck. “When you die at a hundred and twenty,” he tells her, carrying her along the path. “Wherever in the netherworld you end up, I’ll go too. Won’t even have time to be sad, me an’ you’ll be too busy causin’ trouble, even then.” She seems satisfied with that answer, and he doesn’t mind carrying her, so they enjoy the autumn leaves like that, her in his arms, as he follows the winding pathways of the park.
They don’t tell Charles and Emily, when they finally do get home, the sun just barely still peaking over the horizon. It doesn’t seem like a good idea, and Lydia doesn’t especially want to talk about it anymore. She pins her new photos up on the twine strung between the tall bedposts in her room. There’s a couple nice ones, and she lets him eat the ones she decides she hates. “Does it count as part of being grounded if you watch my tv?” she asks, and he grins. “Let’s find out.” She pops in Coraline, which he has to assume she’s got fucking memorized at this point, but they also talk through most of it. By the time the tasty looking bug furniture is on screen, her eyelids are drooping. “I dunno why they make her eatin’ bugs so evil. I wanna try beetles from Zanzibar,” he complains, and she just snorts in response “I’ll get you some fancy beetles, for your birthday.” “Kay. Sounds good.” She falls asleep on him a minute later, and he waives a hand, snuffing the lights, but lets the movie finish playing as he settles next to her, and sleeps.
``````````````````````````````````````````````````````` That next week is boring, but normal. Adam’s in the library every day, despite his earlier insistence that he had better things to do. Betelgeuse honestly just wheels the cart along and lets Adam shelf the books, now, which the nerd seems to unironically enjoy. He’s all smiles as he gets to put things away neatly. It’s embarrassing how endearing and cute Betelgeuse finds that. It’s Tuesday, Barbara isn’t there that day, at least, not right at that moment, so Adam is babbling about her. “Barbara and I aren’t really performers,” he’s telling Betelgeuse, returning a stack of history books to their proper places on the shelves. “But we thought it would be fun to try theatre together, and then we really enjoyed it, so we’ve been in the last two productions. She can really sing, she does this high note, and it’s-” “Angelic, I bet.” Both boys give a stupid, love sick sigh. Adam pauses, and nods, and then studies the other teen. “So.. You.. You like her?” “Yeah,” he says easily. “But that doesn’t mean anythin’.” “What do you mean?” “I mean,” he clarifies, flopping across the cart, stomach first, and laying on it, staring down at Adam, who is crouching to reshelf some more books. “That despite me being a hot piece of ass, I’m probably not her type. I imagine she goes more for…” he studies Adam, trying to think of a nice word for boring, plain and vanilla. “More stable guys,” he lands on. “Like you. I bet she even likes how cute your butt looks in your khakis. I know I do.” Adam flushes. “You think so?” “It’s a good butt.” He nods, and Adam goes redder. “I meant, you think Barbara.. Might like me?” “Well, don’t push your luck, or nothin’, but you probably got a better chance with her.”
“You’re not entirely unlikable,” Adam offers. Betelgeuse lets out a guffaw that’s too loud, because someone in the next aisle over shushes him. “You already forget what I told you Friday?” he rests his head on his hand, tone condescending. “I know no one wants me around.”
“You’re setting yourself up for failure, with that attitude.”
“You think so, huh? Think I just need to hold hands round th’ campfire and sing kumbaya with all you breathers? I don’t think anyone would even take my hand. Probably couldn't get away from me fast enough.” There’s a pause. He doesn’t realize what he’s said until Adam is repeating it. “Breathers?”
He doesn’t get a chance to reply, because he feels a push on the cart, and turns to see Barbara, hands on the handle. “You’ve completely given up even trying, haven’t you?” she says, and he thinks she means about the books, and smiles. “No point. Adam’ll just do it for me.” “I mean with talking to people. With making friends.” His smile falls quickly into a scowl, and he runs a hand through his wild mess of green hair. “Lay off me, Babs. I’m bein’ friendly right now, aren’t I?”
“Sure, it’s plenty friendly, letting Adam do your work. But you don’t try, and then you get your feelings hurt when no one does it for you.” That’s not laying off, and it’s irritating him. “You can’t imagine anyone being nice to you, so you’re rude and push everyone away the first chance you get, in case what? In case you make a friend? Kevin probably needs you, right now,” she presses, physically too, making the cart he’s still lying across lurch forward. “I told you what happened to his dad, and you just said he wasn’t even your friend, when everyone knows you spent the last few months holding hands and making googoo eyes at him, and only talking to each other.”
“S’none of your business,” he tugs at his hair, pulling a tuft down to watch the color. Still green. He’s okay, but he keeps it there, in front of his eyes, focusing on it and not having to look at Barbara. “I’m making it my business. What are you so afraid of? What’s with the barrier? I saw you with your sister, you’re normal and nice, to her. So it’s other people you’re afraid of?” “M’not,” he growls out, standing up off the cart. “Afraid of anythin’.”
“You are,” she says, letting go of the cart and stomping to stand in front of him. She’s got him cornered, his back pressed to the bookshelf behind him. He keeps his eyes on that green tuft, biting his bottom lip. “You’re afraid of rejection, so you don’t talk, or you’re a jerk to people. You’re so afraid of other people, you make yourself sit alone every day, even when there’s an empty seat next to someone else.”
“No one wants me around!”
God, that hurts. He can see purple forming in the tip of his hair.
“You think I haven’t tried?” he rasps at her, letting his hair go, and finally looking directly at her. “You think I like sittin’ alone, bein’ the weird kid in every class, not havin’ anyone to talk to? It sucks!” he hears himself being shushed again, and he expends a burst of power in that direction, knocking books off the shelves to hit the person who can’t mind their own business. The sudden noise makes both Adam and Barbara jump. “You ever noticed that anytime I’ve tried, people can’t get th’ hell away from me fast enough? I’m tired of bein’ alone, but every time I try, somethin’ goes to shit, or I'm ignored! So maybe it is easier to just be a jerk an’ not worry about gettin’ hurt, than to keep tryin’ and ache all th’ time.”
It’s the most honest he’s ever been, out loud. Barbara clenches her fists, but doesn’t say anything. He sees Adam push his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.
Lunch isn’t even close to over, and he’s just made more work for himself by knocking those books off the shelf, but he doesn’t care. He grabs his backpack from the cart and pushes past the two of them, and he storms out, forcing the library door to slam, even though it’s a soft close door. It feels more final, that way.
He spends the rest of lunch invisible, to avoid any more trouble with adults, and slumps into his customary seat in the back of every class, for the rest of the day. No one talks to him. He doesn’t try to talk to anyone. It’s a system, it works. Stupid Barbara. What does she even know? Like she can somehow understand anything he’s going through. She’s pretty, and cool, and has a ton of friends, he thinks, absolutely bitter. She doesn’t get it.
He trudges to the drama room after school, and pushes open the door with his shoulder. The seats are in a circle, again, and he chooses a random one, pointedly, away from Adam and Barbara, between two other people. He sits there, silent, and after a moment, the two kids both move seats. How miserably predictable. Come on, he wills himself. No purple, no red. Just stay green. You can go home and freak the fuck out, but just stay green, he begs his hair.
He wipes his nose hard with his hoodie sleeve, and focuses on that, on the texture of the fabric and the way he rubs hard enough for it to hurt. Pain is as close to relief as he can get. Then the chairs next to him are scooted closer, and he blinks, and realizes that Adam and Barbara have settled on either side of him. He doesn’t.. Get it. He can’t understand, but then both of them reach a hand out, and take one of his, and give it a squeeze. It’s grounding. He takes a breath he doesn’t need, and then a couple more, shaky and painful, and he gives their hands a squeeze back, like he’s making sure they’re real. They are.
When the club starts, he tries, very sincerely, to focus on what’s being said, and not the bright hot feeling blooming like a flower in his chest. Read the rest here!!
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palettepainter · 3 years
Wanted to do a quick story with Taiho since he’s the least developed of the Higari siblings. 
Taiho is the worry wort of the family, he does all the paperwork for the family business so that causes him to stress a lot. Thankfully big brother Higari is there to lend him a hand, and tell him when to go take a nap you dumb idiot
Taiho murmed in his sleep at the unpleasant feeling of something hard and cold jabbing his cheek. 
He tired to turn away, rolling his head in the opposite direction, but that only got whoever was poking him to shake his shoulder. He grumbled and tried to shake them off with a roll of his shoulder
“Taiho. Tai. Wake up!”
Taiho finally stirred awake and, with effort, sat up at his desk, one hand brushing his fringe out of his eyes “Mmnnnrr?”
Higari, his older brother, stood at the end of his desk - and though his fringe hid most of his face, it was clear in his crossed arms and tone he wasn’t impressed with the state he found him in “You’ve been overworking again haven’t you?” He said while glancing towards the messy pile of paper on his brothers desk
Taiho blinked slowly, like a bear waking from winter “Whuzzah?” Taiho observed his desk for a long moment, looking at all the bills and paper forms scattered across it. He waved his hand “No no, I’m fine! Really, this doesn’t happen as often as think Higari”
Higari rose a bold brow and then pointed to Taiho’s face, where a piece of paper was stuck to his cheek “You’ve drooled all over your work”
Taiho hummed and then lifted a hand to his cheek. So he had - an old payment form from a car repair they’d done last week was glued to his face “Uh..” he sheepishly pulled it away, quickly placing it down onto his desk and trying to ignore Higari’s piercing stare
Higari sighed “Go to bed Taiho”
“Higari I’m fine, really“ Taiho attempted to bargain, but he should have know that Higari would not be deterred so easily. Higari rose his brow higher, and tapped his foot - Taiho gulped “S-Seriously, I’m fine!“ Clusmily, Taiho scrapped his arm over his desk in an attempt to shove all his paperwork to one side, but that only made him knock over a pen pot and then his half empty cup of tea, which had gone disgustingly cold hours ago. Higari watched as Taiho then scrambled to pick up the mug and pens “I just- We’re a little behind on paperwork, that’s all! I-I mean-” he did a rolling motion with his hand “With Chikara and Suru actually doind the repairs and Hono with his demolition job, a-and Ma takin’ care of the house-”
Higari sighed and shook his head “Alright, do me a favour” Higari held both of his arms out infront of him “Hold out your arms like this”
Taiho hesitated, sensing an ulterior motive “U-Uhm, I don’t really w-”
“Do it” Higari repeated strenly
Taiho made a noise of discomfort, looking almost embarrassed as he shyly raised his arms out like Higari had shown. His arms where shaky
Higari once again, sighed “You can’t keep workin’ Taiho ya need rest”
Instantly Taiho drew his arms back to him and turned in his chair away from Higari, who didn’t falter despite his brothers whinny, childish behaviour. “I’m fine” Taiho gritted, cheeks turning pink at the fretting “Theres just been more..paperowrk then usual this month” he tried to defuse the situation, shrug off the problem, his attempts where futile as - with stupid ease - Higari yanked Taiho’s chair away from the desk with one hand, drawing a startled yelp from his brother who’s hands grabbed onto the arms of his seat to prevent him from falling out 
“Yer a real stubborn piece a work ya know that?“ Higari said while making his way towards the desk, scooping up handfulls of the scattered forms and placing them into a pile. Taiho went to stand “Ah, Higari, you don’t have to-”
“Sit down, or I’ll make you“ Higari half warned, still cleaning up the paper.
Taiho knew better then to test Higari’s patience, and without a word, promptly sat his rump back into his chair, lips pressed together into a thin line
Higari turned to him briefly, then looked back to his mine field of a desk, one corner of his mouth turned up into a grin at how easy Taiho had been put back in his place. Once you could see the desk again and the paper and pens had been put back in their rightful places, Higari looked back to Taiho, who was slouching and rubbing his neck, looking guilty.
Higari’s tone was softer when he spoke “You know you can’t keep doin’ this to yourself right? Yer not gonna be able to help if you’re contantly burnin’ yourself out. Ya gotta remember to takes breaks every now and again”
“I know..“ Taiho replied quietly, looking far more interested in the floor “It’s just...I dunno“ he shrugged lazily, hands pulling back through his hair “Chikara and Suru are so busy with doing the actual repairin’ and such, and with Hono and his job I-..I-I’m the only one who can really do this stuff“ Higari, sensing Taiho had more to say, simply kept quite and offered Taiho the chance to continue. Which he did: “And if it’s not done, we don’t get the payment through or- o-or the right parts ordered, or the machine part delivered back to the right person! A-And- And then EVERYTHING becomes a mess!“ He threw his arms out for exaggeration, Higari leaned back to avoid getting smacked
“A-And...and...“ Taiho deflated, letting out a long sigh that ended in a groan, his hands cushioned against his face as he rubbed them over his fave, muffling another long groan.
“Hey..“ it was Higari’s turn to talk as he reached forward to put a hand on Taiho’s shoulder. Taiho didn’t pull his face away from his hands, but did peak out to his brother through the gaps between his fingers “Don’t get yourself worked up over what if’s and maybes. You’re smarter then that, heck, you’re probably the smartest kid outta the family!“ Here did Taiho pull his face up from his hands, up close Higari could now see clearly the dark circles under his eyes and how his beard look more scruffier then usual “The town is pretty small, everybody more or less knows each other and their neighbours - has anyone ever gotten mad over a mistake before?“
“No..” Taiho answered, scratching his neck
“Then why would anyone start now? The communicty knows you, Chi and Suru are all runnin’ the business by yourselves, you guys are all good but yer still three people“ Taiho glanced to him and then looked away again, obviously still ashamed at getting so burried under his work load. Higari was unsure what to do, but had an idea pretty quickly “Sides, if anyone gives you trouble, I’ll give em something to really kick up a fuss about”
Worry suddenly overcame Taiho’s face, Higari couldn’t help but snicker “Please..d-don’t do that” Taiho said with a wave off his hand, unsure if Higari had been joking or not.
“Hey, you guys are still my little brother and sisters.“ Higari held a hand proudly to his chest “Only I get to yell at you“ 
“I’m not that little anyone“ Taiho joked lightly, the tiniest of smiles coming to his face as e gestured to, even sitting down, the height difference between the two. Higari gave a dry laugh, rolling his eyes playfully - the short jokes where an easy pick he thought, but he’d let his family and Ecto get away with them. 
“Har har, yeah yeah, you’re a goddamn beanpole“ At the drop of the silly nickname, Taiho let out a light chuckle, which Higari was hoping for “But that’s what big brothers do...and they also tell their little brothers to go sleep“
“Ah..I was kinda hoping you’d forgotten“ Taiho admitted, peering behind him towards the doorway and then back to his desk, hesitant to leave work unfinished. Higari peered back towards the pile of paperwork, compared to the world load he’d had and seen Ecto do, Taiho’s work load looked like a walk in the park. 
“Okay, look-“ Higari pulled Taiho from his chair with strength only Chikara could rival, hoisting Taiho to his feet as he pulled the chair back round to the desk “I’ll finish up your work, and you go and rest. I’ve done this kinda paperwork a hundred times over at UA, so just and goes and rest up for a few hours“
“W-What?“ Taiho blinked down at him “No no! That’s MY work, you don’t have to-“
“Tai, I really don’t mind“ Higari jumped up onto the set, already grabbing at a pen and the first piece of paper of the pile he’d made “You’d offer the same if our roles where reversed, and this way you don’t have to worry about working when you get up“
Taiho looked ready to argue back, so while popping the lid of his pen Higari used his ace card “Ooor I could tell Ma you’ve been over-workin’ again - your choice”
The smugness in Higari’s smirk was grossily obvious as Taiho seemed to freeze up at the mention of their mother. His mother would have his head if she found out he’d gotten in such a state over work, she’d probably ban him from being near a work desk for a week till he was well rested
“U-Uh- N-No no!“ Taiho cracked a nervous chuckle under the pressure “T-Theres no need to get Ma involved“
That’s what I thought, Higari thought, but chose not to voice it. Instead he jabbed a thumb over to the small office sofa “If ya want you can always snooze ‘ere, you ain’t even gotta leave the room if you’re that nervous too”
Taiho eyed the sofa, and then the hallway, before he shuffled over to the red furniture piece on the other side of the room. Taiho laid down, hands on his chest, feet slightly hanging over one arm with his head propped up with one pillow . “Are you SURE you’re okay to do it?” Taiho asked again, sitting up as if preparing to stand up again
“With the amounta paperwork I’ve gotta work through and send off at UA, this stuff I could do with an arm tied behind my back“ Higari finished over the first piece of paper, typed some things up onto the computer screen, then reached for another form “Now stop worryin’ you muttonhead. One nap won’t ki-“
Higari stopped mid sentence at the sound of light snoring
He looked over to the sofa with a hum, and then snickered. Taiho was fast asleep, mouth open in snores, one arm and leg drapped off the sofa with the other leg hanging off the armrest. His hair was sprawled like strings of hay over the cushion behind him, and a small string of drool dribbling from the corner of his mouth. Everyone now and then he’d mutter something incoherent in his sleep, or make a weird expression, but he was thoroughly and utterly fast asleep
With Taiho at last alseep, Higari turned back round to the paperwork
..after he took a very quick picture of course
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
Amore in Italia Pt. 1
Title: Amore in Italia Pt. 1
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Italian!Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​​
Words: 1,423
Warnings: Fluff
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711​, @fioccodineveautunnale​, @phoenixhalliwell​
Author Notes: This was a fic request from the lovely @fioccodineveautunnale​! Her request was for a Whiskey x Italian!Reader who was younger and the two fools were in pining love for each other. I hope you enjoy it sweetheart! There will be a part two to these two fools. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Gif Credit: @pedroispunk​
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         The steady beeping of the heart monitor was soothing to him. It meant she was alive. After such a mess of a mission he was thankful for that one fact. She was alive.
         As his eyes darted over to where she lay on the hospital bed. Her skin looked pale and clammy, there was a sheen of moisture all along her body. Her body was still in the healing process. Bruises littered her body like a patchwork quilt in various different colors. Her shoulder was still bandaged up with gauze and the white cling wrap fell across her chest to the other side hiding the gunshot wound that she suffered from while on the mission.
         Whiskey could still hear the loud gun fire in his ears as he sat silently in the hospital room. They all knew going in that things could go sideways but they hadn’t expected the situation to go this sideways. The mob ring that Whiskey has been tracking for the last six months with the Italian equivalent of Statesman had held a large meeting with multiple gangs in the area. Conveniently gathering them all in one location.
         When Agent Tartufo had been made by one of the gang members all hell had broken loose. Bullets pierced the air from both sides of the room. Whiskey had been crouched down behind a table he had overturned. When he looked to his left he had seen her crouching down behind her own table taking cover as she periodically fired back at the gang members. It was then as she was peering over the table to get a good shot that one of the bullets from the gang blasted through her left shoulder knocking her back onto the floor. All he remembers after that is him rushing towards her and shouting her name.
         Six months in Italy and Whiskey found himself enamored with the country. All of the sites of historical buildings like the Castel del Monte or the Grand Canal in Venice had entranced him to the historically rich country. And the food, goodness the food. Whiskey didn’t think he’d ever eaten anything so rich and fresh as the food here. But what had really made him fall in love with Italy was the young woman laying in the bed next to him.
         Agent Capricciosa had greeted him on his first day at the main facility in Rome. She had eagerly stuck her hand to him with a soft smile and bright eyes.
         “È un piacere conoscerla Agente Whisky, sono l'agente Capricciosa. Non vedo l'ora di lavorare con lei.” It is a pleasure to meet you Agent Whiskey, I am agent Capricciosa. I look forward to working with you. She had said while shaking his hand. He had been surprised by how young she looked and how small her hand was in his. Even after she had walked away from him and his guide she was still at the forefront of his mind.
         He had learned a few things about her that day as he slyly asked around about her. She wasn’t a relatively new agent having been with the agency for at least eight years by then but she was one of the youngest agents they had. Being only in her early twenties Whiskey had learned that her family was in the business and she had gotten her start early on because of all the generations in her family before her. He’d also learned that she used her looks and young age to her advantage, being able to sidle up to targets and seeming naive to them until it was too late and she struck.
         It was while at meetings and informal gatherings that he started to talk with her and got to know her better straight from the source. She was passionate about what she did and it was reflected in her work ethic and in the way that she talked. Oftentimes he would find himself daydreaming of her voice as she spoke to him in perfect lilting Italian about anything that came to mind. But now all he heard from her was the steady beeping of the heart monitor.
         Sighing softly he reached over and grasped her fragile looking hand in his. Six months with this woman wasn’t enough. He wanted more. He wanted so much more with her. She had managed to weasel her way into his life fairly easily and with no resistance at all she had even managed to weasel her way into his heart. 
         It might’ve been during the training sessions where they would spar together or it might’ve been during the time that they spent together researching intel on the gangs. Or hell it could’ve been when she would convince him to go explore her country, always promising him a good time in that alluring Italian language. He didn’t know when it happened but he had fallen irrevocably in love with her.
         “Cosa ti rende così triste, agente Whiskey?” What is making you so sad Agent Whiskey? His eyes snap up to stare into her tired dazzling orbs.
         “Sei sveglio. Grazie a Dio.” You're awake. Thank goodness. He says in response as he rises from his chair and moves closer to her. She smiles softly at him before grimacing as she shifts her body. He hurriedly moves to her and helps her sit up in the bed. “Non muoverti troppo, aggraverai la tua ferita.” Don't move too much you'll aggravate your wound. He says as he gets her settled back in a comfortable position.
         “Non hai mai risposto alla mia domanda. Cosa ti ha turbato di tanto?” You never answered my question. What has you so upset? She asked again and his eyes darted over to her silently as he tried to muster up the courage to tell her how he feels. She’s looking at him soft tired confused eyes and he sits on the edge of her bed at her hip scooping up her hand in his.
         “Devo dirti qualcosa. E ho bisogno che tu ascolti prima di dire qualsiasi altra cosa. Tutto a posto?” I need to tell you something. And I need you to listen first before you say anything else. Alright? He almost pleads with her. He needs her to be patient with him as he tries to place words to his feelings and emotions he’s experiencing. She nods at her once as her eyebrows furrow softly in concern. “Pensavo di averti quasi perso l'altra notte in missione. Quando ho visto che ti hanno sparato, tutto il mio mondo è capovolto. Ci tengo a te Capricciosa. E non so come ti senti, ma se non te lo dico ora mi sento come se potessi perdere la mia occasione.” I thought I almost lost you the other night on the mission. When I saw that you were shot my whole world flipped on its head. I care about you Capricciosa. And I don't know how you feel but if I don't tell you now then I feel like I may lose my chance. He watches as her eyes begin to shine with unshed tears and his hand comes up to cup her face where she leans into his embrace. “Sono innamorato di te.” I'm in love with you. 
         He can feel the air in his lungs escaping rapidly as he watches the tears fall silently down her cheeks and some even catch on his hand where he holds her. She grins a watery smile and leans backwards into the bed sighing.
         “Agente Whiskey, sono innamorato di te da quando sei entrato nella struttura principale. Ero troppo spaventata per dirtelo perché temevo che mi avresti giudicato in base alla mia età.” Agent Whiskey I have been in love with you since you sauntered into the main facility. I was just too scared to tell you because I was worried you'd judge me by my age. She whispered softly as her eyes fell shut. 
         Whiskey grinned as he scooted higher up on the bed so that he could lean over her easily without hurting her being mindful of her injuries. Her eyes popped open when she felt his warm breath ghost over her lips and he watched as a knowing smile fell on her lips. Her hand came up to cup his own cheek and she leaned forward to press her lips to his softly.
         The two of them sighed into the kiss and Whiskey felt his heart begin to soar in his chest. He was definitely falling in love with Italy. 
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vsquadgoals · 4 years
Settling Down (J.W) Part Three
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Part One 
Part Two 
When Karyn finally pulled up to the pickup area she smiled wide when she saw her baby brother standing next to his beautiful girlfriend who was slowly pushing her stroller back and forth. Once she parked, she hoped out of the car and pulled her brother into a tight hug. “Hey stranger” he said chuckling a little. Once he let go of her, she smiled at Milena pulling her into a Warm hug as well. “Ugh it’s great to finally meet you!” Milena beamed at Jeff’s sister. “I know you too! I’m so glad you guys are here!” She peaked down at a sleeping Alethea and smiled “oh my gosh she’s so beautiful.” She whispered looking back at Milena. “Isn’t she? I’m so excited for you guys to all get to finally spend time with her.” Jeff says smiling proudly at his sister. Jeff loaded their bags into the trunk of his sisters car as Milena put Aletheas car seat in strapping it in tightly before going around to the other side of the car and sitting in the back seat next to her daughters car seat. Jeff got into the passenger seat and ran his fingers through his hair as they started to drive toward his parents' house. Milena sat in the back looking out the window watching the scenery as they passed it, although she was enjoying the view, she couldn’t stop her leg from bouncing with nerves. Jeff and Karyn were talking and catching up and she couldn’t focus enough on the conversation to know exactly what they were talking about; her anxiety was too high.  
Once they pulled into the driveway of Jeff’s parents' home Aletha was awake again smiling at her mom. Jeff unloaded the bags and Milena took out the car seat and opened to wheels pushing it to grab Alethea’s diaper bag from Jeff who was carrying their suitcases. Jeff kisses his girlfriend's forehead and before they follow Karyn into the house, Jeff helps lift the front of the car seat to get it up the stairs and into the front door. “You guys go upstairs and get some more sleep. The play pen is set up in Jeff’s old bedroom.” Karyn tells them closing the door behind them, Jeff and Milena go upstairs, and Alethea is starting to wine and fuss in the car seat. Milena puts the diaper bag on the floor and takes Alethea out of the car seat rocking her gently sushing her. Jeff set up her sound machine on the nightstand and closed the bedroom door as Milena sat on the bed and lifted her shirt to feed Alethea. “You okay mama?” Jeff asks running his fingers through his girlfriend's hair, she looks up at him and nods smiling a little. “Just nervous to meet them and tired.” She admits and Jeff nods. “It’ll be okay. We’ll get a nice nap and have a delicious breakfast in the morning.” Milena nods and smiles at Jeff “I love you.” She tells him puckering her lips up at him. Jeff smiles and chuckles before leaning down to kiss her lips.  
Once Milena was done feeding Alethea, she put her into the playpen once she was asleep, she changed into one of Jeff’s t shirts before climbing into bed with him. Jeff pulled her close and she snuggled against him quickly falling asleep. It was around 9am when Alethea was fussing in the playpen, Jeff carefully climbed out of bed and picked her up kissing her cheeks. “Morning Angel.” He whispered when she snuggled into his neck. Jeff quickly changed her diaper and then slipped out of the bedroom quietly trying not to wake Milena who was sleep fast asleep. Jeff went downstairs to find his mom and dad standing in the kitchen making breakfast, he smiled wide when his mom looked at him her eyes widening when she sees Alethea. “Hi honey.” she says kissing his cheek before looking at the very smiley baby in his arms, “Hi Ma.” He said smiling at her. “This is Alethea, she’s so excited to meet you guys.” Alethea is smiling widely at Jeff’s parents.  Jeff and his parents catch up a bit while he feeds Alethea her oatmeal.  
Milena walks downstairs slowly after getting dressed in something a little more appropriate to meet your boyfriend's parents in, she just wore a pair of jeans and a simple black oversized sweater. She also brushed her hair and teeth definitely stalling a little bit but here she was walking downstairs, and the smell of breakfast food filled her nostrils and made her mouth water. Milena smiled hearing Alethea’s coos and laugh while Jeff and what she assumed to be his mom talked to her. “Good morning.” Milena said her voice soft as she entered the kitchen. Jeff and his parents both turned to face her. “Good morning beautiful.” Jeff says smiling wide. Milena smiled and looked at his parents approaching his mom first. “It’s really nice to finally meet you.” She says as his mom pulls her into a tight hug. “It’s amazing to meet you too Milena, we’re so glad you guys could come! And that Alethea is the sweetest little thing in the whole world.” Milena’s cheeks blush a little. “Thank you.” Jeff’s dad pulls her into a hug next. “How did a pretty girl like you end up with my son?” He teases making Milena giggle, Jeff rolls his eyes but chuckles. “He’s not wrong.” Milena smiles at his parents. “I’m the lucky one here, he’s been the best guy in the entire world, so sweet, kind and the best father figure to Alethea. I’m beyond grateful to have him in our lives. You guys raised an amazing man.” Jeff’s mom’s eyes fill with tears and she pulls her into another hug. “Thank you.” She whispers to her kissing her cheek. Jeff smiles and wraps an around Milena’s waist pulling her close and kissing her. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” He tells her making her smile.  
Milena sits at the breakfast bar next to Jeff and kisses Alethea’s cheek. “Mmm someone had her oatmeal.” She hums after licking her lips. Jeff smiles at her and nods, “She did, she ate all of it too.” Milena kisses him and smiles. “Thank you love.” Milena takes Alethea from Jeff and smiles at her. “Hi baby girl.” She coos nuzzling her nose against Alethea’s chubby cheeks. They all sat at the kitchen table and ate breakfast together while Alethea sat on the floor playing with her toys next to Milena. “This breakfast is amazing that you so much.” Milena says smiling at his parents. “Oh, it’s our pleasure, it’s the least we can do to thank you guys for coming to visit us.” his dad says making her smile. They continued to talk and get to know each other, his parent’s asking her any question they could think of making Jeff beaming with happiness watching them get along. Once everyone was finished eating Milena stood and grabbed everyone's plates bringing them into the kitchen and starting to wash them for Jeff’s mom who tried to fight her tooth and nail over it. Jeff’s dad smiled down at Alethea ask she scooted her bottom across the floor to his chair and pulled on his pajama pants. He picked her up and sat her on his lap as she smiled wide at him. “She’s the best, isn’t she?” Jeff asks the happiest smile on his face, it was just them in the dining room, his mom and Milena were in the kitchen talking and cleaning the mess from breakfast. Jeff’s dad looks at his son and nods smiling. “You really love these girls, don’t you?” he asks, the question should catch him off guard, but it doesn’t, he just simply nods at his father before looking at the gummy grin on the baby’s face. “They’re it for me, Pops.” Jeff says not taking his eyes off of Alethea who’s now reached across the table for Jeff who happily stands and takes her before sitting back down. “We’re very happy for you. Milena is wonderful, we love her so much already.” Jeff looks at his dad and smiles. “Thanks dad. It means a lot that you and ma approve of her and the whole situation, I know its hard to understand and complicated but I’m so in love with Milena and at the end of the day I’d do anything for this little girl, she means more to me than I thought anyone could.” Jeff’s dad smirks and nods. “That’s what being a dad feels like.” He says honestly making Jeff look up at him. “That’s what you are Jeffery, you’re this little girl's dad. You may not be by blood but you two are raising this girl together.” Jeff bites his lip and looks at Alethea who is now snuggled against his chest with her tiny fingers tangle in his facial hair like she always does when she’s tired. “Do you think I can handle this... I don’t want to screw her up dad.” He says looking at his dad who shakes his head and smiles. “Look at you Jeffery, look how happy you make that girl. That’s the thing about babies, they can sense a bad person and she's madly in love with you. You’re made for this son, you’re more ready then you think.” Jeff smiles at his dad and nods. “Thanks dad.” At this point Alethea’s hands have stopped moving and she’s breathing deeply small snores filling his ear. Jeff walked upstairs and sat on the bed rocking Alethea slowly closing his eyes and holding her close tears slowly filling his eyes.  
Milena walked into the dining room and frowned not seeing Jeff or her daughter. Jeff’s dad smiles at her. “He brought her upstairs, she fell asleep.” She smiles and nods, before she can go to find them Jeff’s dad grabs her hand. “Can I talk to you Milena?” He asks and she nods her stomach turning with nerves, she sits down in the chair next to him. “Is everything okay?” She asks chewing her lip nervously, his dad smiles at her and pats her forehead reassuring her. “Of course. I just want to thank you.” She’s even more confused now. “I’m sorry Mr. Wittek I don’t understand, thank me for what?” He smiles at her and removes his hand from her arm. “For everything you’ve done for our boy, he’s truly happy with you and that little girl. We worried about him for a little while, when he broke up with Ciara we didn’t know what was going to happen to him. But since he’s met you, he’s a whole new person, he’s genuinely so happy and we’re so grateful that you are that person for him, you’re such a good thing for him.” Milena is listening to Jeff’s dad and looking at him, but her eyes are blinded by tears. “Thank you.” She manages to choke out wiping the tears that are rolls down her cheeks. “I hope you know how much he loves you and Alethea; he loves her like she is his own daughter.” Milena clears her throat and smiles nodding. “I know, she is his, he does so much for her and I. I couldn’t have asked for a better dad for her.” Jeff’s dad pulls her into a tight hug. “I’m glad you said that.” Milena hugs him back and he kisses the top of her head. When they separated, she wiped her eyes again and chuckled a little. “Go ahead and go upstairs.” He says smiling at her.  
Milena opens the bedroom door and is shocked to see Jeff holding Alethea close to him tears streaming down his face while he rocks her. “What happened? Is everything okay?” Fear washes over her as she rushes over to them then notices that Alethea is okay and fast asleep in her usual position on Jeff, her face nuzzled into his neck and her fingers tangled in his beard from playing with it until she falls asleep. Jeff clears his throat and wipes his eyes nodding at her. “Yeah I’m okay.” Milena takes Alethea from his arms and lays her down in the playpen. She stands between his legs and cups his face making him look at her. “Jeff, what’s wrong?” She asks wiping his cheeks. Jeff looks into her eyes and bites his lip. “I’m just so grateful to have you two in my life. My dad called me Alethea’s dad and I don’t know it really hit me.” he admits making Milena smile and peck his lips. “You are her dad baby. Making a baby with someone does not make you a dad, what makes you a dad is taking care of that baby, staying up all hours of the night comforting that baby until they go back to sleep. Or sleeping next to their crib when they’re sick and having a hard time sleeping so that you will be there when they wake up. Supporting the person that gave birth to them no matter what and helping their when they can’t even keep their eyes open cause they’re so sleep deprived.” Tears streaming down her cheeks now. “You’re her dad because that little girl looks at you like you’re her entire world, she is so obsessed and in love with you probably even more then she loves me. She feels so safe around you and can’t get enough of you. Those are the things that make a dad Jeff, all the things that you do for Alethea.” Jeff grabs the back of her neck and pulls her down kissing her hard. They both have tears streaming down their cheeks now. Of course, it was an unspoken thing at this point but now that they had laid everything on the table, and it had been said out loud it made it real. Once the two separated she leaned her forehead against his and smiled. “I love you so much Jeff.” Jeff smiles and runs his thumb over her cheek. “I love you more then you’ll ever know.”  
Once Alethea finally woke up from her nap Milena and Jeff decided to go to the park to get some fresh air and have lunch. Milena also wanted to see the neighborhood where Jeff grew up. Jeff told her that the park wasn’t too far away so they could walk there and see the area a little more. Milena changed from her sweater into a white t shirt since it was getting warmer outside. Once they had everything packed up into Alethea’s diaper bag and they had ordered their food to pick up on the way the said goodbye to Jeff’s parents who refused to join them no matter how many times Milena begged them. Alethea was sitting in her stroller chewing on a teething ring wide away while they walked. Jeff took them past the old barber shop that he worked at and learned how to cut hair, “Nick’s here if you wanna meet him.” Jeff says looking through the glass windows, Milena smiles wide and nods. “I’d love to!” She said excited, Milena wanted to meet anyone she could from Jeff’s hometown, it was fun to meet the people that knew Jeff before he moved to LA. Milena followed him into the shop where he was greeted loudly by the guys inside, He smirked. “Hey losers.” He joked chuckling a little. A slightly taller bald man pulled Jeff into a tight hug and looked over Jeff’s shoulders at Milena and the stroller before whispering into his ear. “Is this her?” Jeff patted his back and nodded before they separated. Jeff waved Milena over and she smiled brightly at the two before walking further into the shop and over to Jeff and who she assumed what Nick. “Milena, this is Nick, Nick this is Milena and Alethea.” Nick smiled and pulled her into a warm hug. “It’s great to finally meet you, Jeff has told me a lot about you, actually he never shuts up about you two.” Nick tells her once she’s out of his grasp, she blushes and smiles at him. “I’ve heard a lot about you as well.” Nick leans over to look into the stroller and smiles at Alethea who’s looking around at her new surroundings. “Hello their beautiful.” Nick says smiling at her. They stayed at the shop for a few minutes talking and Nick and Jeff catching up with each other. Once they said their goodbyes and left the shop Jeff looked at her while they walked. “Sorry I didn’t think we would be there that long.” Milena shook her head and smiled. “I loved every second of it, I like meeting your friends.” He smiles and kisses her cheek. “They love meeting you.” Once they grabbed their sandwiches and finally made their way to the park Milena laid out a blanket on the grass and took Alethea out of the stroller and sat her on the blanket laying her favorite toys in front of her.  
Jeff sat on the blanket handing Milena her sandwich and the two talked while they ate and Alethea played. “So, how are you liking it here so far?” he asks Milena while cleaning up their food, she lays down on her side facing him and Alethea. “I love it.” She admits. “Let’s never leave okay?” Jeff chuckles and kisses her forehead. “As happy as I am that you’re happy here we do have lives in LA baby.” Milena frowns and nods. “I know, it’s just nice being around your family. I miss being around family all the time.” She says and he frowns. “I know, but we’re a family, and our friends are family. And your mom comes often, right?” Milena nods and bites her lip looking from him to Alethea. “Yeah you’re right.” Milena laid like this for a while, watching Jeff play with Alethea and watching people and families in the park pass by then and smile happily at them. “I love you Jeff.” She says randomly making Jeff look away from Alethea and to her. He cocks his head to the side a little confused but smiles. “I love you too mama. Are you okay?” He asks and she nods smiling. “I just love our family, and I’m so grateful that you came into our lives and completed our family.” Jeff smiles wide and leans over kissing her. “Thank you for trusting me enough to make me part of your family.” Jeff sits back and picks up Alethea kissing her cheeks. After about 10 minutes Alethea was fast asleep and laying on the blanket next to Milena, Jeff looked around the park sighing happily before taking out his phone and checking the snapchats from his friends and group texts. Milena put her hand on Alethea’s belly and looked down at her watching her sleep with a small smile on her lips, she wanted to stay like this forever, happy with her little family and safe. He looks up at Milena and smiles before snapping a picture, it was too precious of a moment to miss. He posted it on his story with a simple caption ‘Family.”  
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It was 20 minutes before they had to leave for the airport to head back to LA and Milena and Jeff’s mom were practically clinging to each other, tears streaming down their cheeks. “Thank you so much for coming to see us Milena, hopefully you can convince Jeff to come visit more often.” She says finally pulling away from their hug. Milena smiles and nods wiping her own cheeks. “I will I promise. Thank you for having us, it was truly a pleasure. I appreciate you guys accepting Aleathea and I with open arms, it means more the you know.” Jeff’s dad hands Alethea back to Jeff after he hugs his mom. “Take good care of these girls Jeffery or I will fly out to LA and kick your ass.” Milena giggles and hugs his dad. “Don’t worry I’ll call you if I need some muscle.” He chuckles and pats her back. “Good.” “We also need at least daily pictures of Alethea as well.” Jeff’s mom says making them both chuckle. “Sounds good. We promise.” Jeff kisses his mom's cheek before getting a text that their uber was outside. “The car’s here.” He tells Milena as he puts Alethea into her car seat, she nods and gives his parents one last hug before grabbing the diaper bag and following Jeff out the front door pushing the stroller and he had the suitcases. Once they were at the airport and their bags were checked they were sitting at their gate waiting for boarding time. Milena looked over at Jeff and frowned. “I miss them already.” She admits making him smile and wrap his arm around her shoulders. “I know mama, me too.” Jeff tells her kissing her temple. Alethea sat happily on Jeff’s lap while he read her a book trying to keep her calm while they waited to board the plane. Jeff’s phone started ringing and he handed Alethea off to Milena before standing and walking to a quieter area making Aleathea frown and reach of him. “He’ll be back tookie.” She says kissing her daughters keeps.  
“What’s up Dave?” Jeff asks once he answers the phone. “So when do you land back in LA?” David asks barely even saying hello to each other. Jeff sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. “Dude, I haven’t even boarded yet. We should land around 9AM.” He tells him and David groans. “Forget it, I needed some baby content.” David says and Jeff chuckles. “Sorry man, it’s also gonna be rough to get her back on her sleep schedule with the time change.” The younger one chuckles. “Wow Jeff, you sound like such a dad. We’ll see you guys soon; tell Lena I say hi.” And with that David hangs up, Jeff goes back to his girlfriend and a fussy Alethea. “What’s wrong Angel?” He asks chuckling a little when she throws herself into his arms. “She wanted her daddy.” She says not realizing the words leaving her mouth until they did, Jeff looked at Milena wide eyed unable to hide the huge smile on his face. “I’m sorry... I hope that’s was okay. It just came out.” She said biting her lip and frowning a little. Jeff shook his head and grabbed Milena’s chin bringing her into a loving kiss. “It was more than okay.” He whispers before kissing her a few more times. He sits back next to her and Alethea starts cuddling against him getting sleepy. “David says hi by the way. He was hoping for some baby content.” Milena rolls her eyes and giggles. “Imagine if we went long then 4 days, his head would explode.” She says making him chuckle. “He’s a needy boy.” Jeff teases making her shake her head smiling.  
Their flight went very smooth and Alethea slept for most of it, when she was awake, she was cuddling with Jeff while he played with her and read her some books which gave Melina plenty of time to sleep so that once they landed she could take care of Alethea and he could sleep. Jeff only woke her when they were starting to land. Alethea was wide awake now and she was sucking on her pacifier playing with her toys in their extra seat while Jeff repacked all their things. “Oh shit, I slept the whole flight? I’m so sorry, why didn’t you wake me up?” She says rubbing her eyes. Jeff smiled and shook his head. “She did just fine my love, we read some books, she slept, she played, it was fine.” He said reassuring her, she leaned over and kissed him a few times. “Thank you.”  
Once they were back at her apartment Milena forced Jeff to go get some sleep and promised she would go pick up Nerf from Oscars apartment. She put Alethea in her highchair and made her some oatmeal sitting down next to her with her own bowl before starting to feed her. Milena decided to facetime her mom to let her know they were safely back in LA and to catch up with her, she propped her phone on the table against a candle she had so she could see herself and Alethea. “Hi mama!” Her mom answered the facetime happily. “Hi mom! Is it a bad time?” She asks continuing to eat and feed Alethea. “Of course not. How was NY?” “It was amazing mom, we had such a great time, his parents are fantastic. Alethea loved them.” Milena’s mom smiles wide watching her daughter beam happily. “Oh, honey that’s great. I missed you guys.” She tells her making Milena frown. “We miss you too, come and visit again soon?” “Of course, maybe next week.” Milena nods and smiles at her mom before handing Alethea a bottle with some water in it. “I called Jeff Alethea’s dad yesterday.” She tells her mom biting her lip nervously. Her mom's eyes widen, and she nods. “Are you sure you both are ready for that?” She asks her bluntly, that’s one thing about Milena’s mom, she said what was on her mind. Milena nods and looks at Alethea before she looks back at the phone. “I think so, Alethea loves him so much and he loves her more than anything. He does a lot for us mom. I walked in on him holding her while she was sleeping and crying because his dad told him that the way he feels about Alethea is the way a father feels about their children.” Milena smiles and shrugs. “And the words just came out when we were talking, I didn’t even think about it.” her mom smiles and nods. “I agree. The way he is with her and the way he looks at her is exactly how your dad was with you.” “Really?” Her mom nods again. “And your dad would go to the ends of the earth for you. Plus look at her, she’s obsessed with Jeff, she wants him at all times.” Milena giggles and nods. “No kidding, she barely wants me anything.” Her mom giggles too and shrugs. “That’s how you were with your father growing up.” Milena smiled at her mom Alethea starting to get annoyed about being in her chair and fussing. “Thanks mom, I’ll call you tomorrow okay?” “Okay, bye girls I love you.” “I love you too mom.” She blows her a kiss before hanging up the phone. Milena cleans Alethea’s hands and face before she takes her out of the chair and changes her diaper and changes her into an outfit and out of her pajamas. “Wanna go get Nerf?” She asks Alethea making her smile wide. “You love Nerfy huh?” Alethea wiggles on the changing table making Milena giggle.  
Milena texted Oscar letting him know that she was on her way to pick up Nerf with Alethea. Thankfully Oscar didn’t live too far from her apartment and once she pulled up outside the building, she texted him to let him know, he agreed to bring Nerf down, so she didn’t have to take Alethea out. Once she saw Oscar exiting the building she got out of the car and hugged him. “Thanks again for watching him.” Oscar smiled and waved her off. “No worries, anytime.” He opened the back door and leaned over the car seat smiling at Alethea. “Hi pretty girl! I missed you.” Alethea smiled wide and cooed at him, Milena opened the passenger door and picked up a very excited Nerf. “Hi handsome boy.” She said putting him in the passenger seat and scratching his head before taking the bags from Oscar and putting them on the floor of the passenger seat. “How was he?” She asked closing the door, Oscar shrugged and closed Alethea’s door. “He was fine, he’s a good boy I never have a complaint when I watch him.” “Okay good.” Milena hugs Oscar again. “Thanks again, we’ll see you soon.” Oscar nods and waits until Milena is driving away before he heads back inside. Nerf is planted on Milena’s lap the whole drive back to her apartment. Before she goes back into the apartment, she decides to take a walk with them, she opens the car seat into a stroller and puts Nerfs leash on him and clipping his poop bags to the stroller. Milena decides to go to the dog park that’s right around the corner from her apartment, she lets Nerf off his leash once they're safe in the gated area. She tosses his ball back and forth for him a few times before he loses interest and starts chasing after some dogs around his size. Milena sat Alethea on her lap who was happily watching all the dogs run around and giggling once and a while when one came over and sniffed her. A woman sat next to Milena and smiled at her and Alethea. “She’s adorable. How old?” Milena smiled at her, “She’s almost 6 months.” The woman nodded and smiled at Alethea who was too busy watching the dogs. Milena didn’t realize how long they had been there until her phone was ringing, “Hello?” She answered not even looking to see who it was. “Hi baby, where are you?” He asks confused. Milena looks at her phone and frowns noticing the time. “Sorry Jeff, I picked up Nerf and we walked to the dog park. I lost track of time, we’re gonna come home now.” Jeff chuckles. “Okay I’ll see you soon.” She hung up the phone and started putting Alethea into her car seat buckling her in before calling Nerf over to them, he quickly waddles over to her and she clips his leash on. Milena smiles at the woman that she was sitting and chatting with before they start walking back to her apartment with a very tired Nerf following her closely.  
Once Milena opened the apartment door Nerf flew into the apartment in search of Jeff making her drop his leash and shake her head giggling. Jeff kneeled on the ground playing with a very excited Nerf laughing. Melina smirks and takes Alethea out of her seat and puts her into her walker which she has become obsessed with because she can follow Jeff around the house with it. After she puts everything away from Nerfs bag she goes into the kitchen and washes her hands before starting to cook a late lunch for the three of them. “How was the park?” Jeff asks sitting at the kitchen island, she smiles at him before going into the fridge and taking out what she needed for a salad and some raw chicken breast. “It was great, Nerf had a good time and Alethea loved watching all of the dogs run around and sniff her.” Jeff chuckled and shook his head. “He hasn’t been to a dog park in a while I’m surprised, he liked it.” Milena looked at him and frowned. “I hope it’s okay that I brought him there.” Jeff chuckled again smirked at her. “Of course, it is.” Milena nodded and smiled over her shoulder at him, she seasoned the chicken before putting it into the pan on the stove. While the chicken cooked, she made some mashed potatoes for Alethea to have for lunch with her baby food. Jeff was sitting at the kitchen island now finalizing a video that he was posting today; Alethea was chasing Nerf around in her walker. When the chicken was finished, she cut it and put it into the salad and added Jeff’s favorite dressing before putting it next to his laptop for him with a bottle of water. “Thank you love.” Jeff smiled at her, she picked up Alethea from her walker and put her in her highchair in between Milena and Jeff’s chair’s. Once they were all settled Milena fed Alethea her food while she ate her salad until Alethea wined and turned her head away from Milena leaning toward Jeff. She frowns and looks at Jeff who kisses the little girls head and chuckles taking the food from Milena and finishing feeding her. “Such a Daddy’s girl.” Milena says rolling her eyes as she takes a bite of her salad. Jeff smirks and kisses Alethea’s cheeks. “I wouldn’t want it any other way. Girls are always more attached to their dad; you were a daddy’s girl, weren't you?” Milena rolls her eyes again giving Jeff the answer he was looking for. “Exactly, plus when we have a boy, they’re totally gonna totally be a mommy’s boy.” Jeff says nonchalantly while he feeds Alethea.  
Milena looks at Jeff with wide teary eyes. “You wanna have a baby with me?” She asks biting her lip to keep it from quivering Jeff looks at her confused frowns. “What? Of course, I do Milena. Do you not want to have more kids?” He asks concerned. Milena stood from her chair and walked around sitting on Jeff’s lap straddling him, she held his face in her hands and smiled at him. “Only with you.” She whispers before kissing his lips lovingly. “Thank god.” Jeff mumbles against her lips holding her close.  
A/n: This part is just pure fluff. I’m sorry its so short! 
It was a very developmental chapter for their relationship. 
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