#my prof didn’t even see me walk late into class this morning lol
hop3wrlds · 2 years
shameless vent time bc i’m not in therapy nymore when i should be: but i am so sick of hearing ppl say i hav sm potential n that i’m "gnna do great things" when clearly i am absolutely incapable of that . what good does ~having ideas~ or ~being well spoken~ do if i can’t be successful where it counts ? "you’re gnna do big things seriously" … HOW if i can’t get through the day w out having a panic attack ? if i still can’t get my academic life together ? i’m nineteen & horrified of asking for help — i can’t break out of the self sabotage cycle . so TELL ME why any of that "you have sm potential" bs matters . being mediocre is eating me alive . i cant amount to anything . i should’ve never had dreams or ambitions .. pathetic .
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prettyboongi · 4 years
Morning Ride
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fem!Reader x Park Jimin
Word Count: 1,902
Genre: Smut (w/ some crack)
Rating: Mature 
Warning: grinding, dry humping, car sex, nipple play, public sex, sexual humiliation, numerous mentions of Jimin’s juicy lips lol
[A/N: So this story really came out of nowhere. Please forgive me if this comes off as super cringy, I tried my best with this one. Oh and you might notice that I’m kinda obsessed with Jimin’s lips lmao Please feel free to leave any kind of feedback.]
You were contently eating your blueberry bagel, waiting for the guys to pick you up for school. It had just turned 10 am so you knew they should be on their way. Unlike Taehyung, Jungkook and your boyfriend Jimin, your classes don't actually begin until the afternoon. It was just more convenient to wake up early and tag along with them. While the guys attended their classes, you usually just spent time in the university's library reading a book or studying.
As you sipped your lukewarm green tea, you finally received the text you were expecting. 
Jiminie: We're here. Come outside
On that note, you quickly finished your bagel, slipped on your shoes, grabbed your bag and headed out the door. 
You reflexively covered your eyes with your hand to shield it from the bright, mid-morning sun as you walked towards Taehyung's gaudy purple car. While the car was nice, you never understand why he chose the color purple for it. "It looks like something a pimp would drive, dude," you clowned him when he first got it. But seeing that he would be gracious enough to give you and the gang rides, you refrain from further making fun of it. At least not to his face. 
You gave the guys a little wave as you were approaching and they waved back. With Taehyung driving, Jungkook was in the passenger seat beside him. Leaving your boyfriend, Jimin, the love of your life, in the backseat behind Jungkook. You see him smile brightly as you walk towards them; even after 3 years of dating, his smile never fails to make you feel tingly inside. 
As usual, you get around behind the car to sit on the other side of the car. 
"Wait, Y/N, there's-," you hear Taehyung say to you from his opened window but you had already opened the car door. Expecting to see a free spot next to your boyfriend, all you see is a huge block of metal in your way. 
"What the hell is this?," you asked Taehyung. 
"Oh that's my safe," he answers matter of factly. You took another look at the metal box and it was, indeed, a safe.
"Okay better question: why do you have a safe?" 
"So I can keep stuff in it. Duh." He responds, as if that was the most obvious answer in the world. 
"Can you please move it to the trunk or something?" It was too early to deal with your friend's eccentricities. 
Taehyung shakes his head. "No, it weighs a fuck ton. You'll just have to sit on Jimin's lap." 
"What?!" Not only you knew that option was illegal and potentially dangerous, you also knew the type of person your boyfriend was. One word: handsy. 
"Come on, y/n!," you hear Jungkook whined from the passenger seat. "Just get in, we're gonna be late for philosophy and I really don't wanna be berated by Professor Lee again." 
Feeling defeated, you slammed the door shut and walked around towards Jimin's side. Once you opened his door, you find Jimin giving you a cheeky smile. He pats his tights and says to you in a playful tone, "Well hop in, honey." You huffed at him but it's not like you had a choice. 
You carefully sild into the car and sat on his lap. As Taehyung starts to drive again, you turned your head back to Jimin. "No funny business, you understand?," you whisper. But he just give you a smile, the mischievous kind where you know he's going to be up to no good. 
During the drive, you listen to Jungkook rant about how much of a weirdo Prof. Lee was. You were laughing at Jungkook's insistent whining when you started to feel something on your back. It felt soft and warm, it doesn't take you long to realize that you were feeling Jimin's lips pressed against the fabric of the shirt.
"Dammit, Jimin," you cursed in your head. You were about to turn around and silently scold him but the feel of him leaving delicate kisses on your back was so heavenly, it stops you. You tried your best to ignore his kisses and listen to your friends' conversation. However, it was super difficult to focus due to your boyfriend peppering your back with his soft lips. As he was doing just that, Jimin began to grip your hips, which immediately made you reminisce of the countless times you would lose yourself while frantically riding him reverse cowgirl style. With that, you couldn't help yourself but respond to his actions by slowly grinding on him. You tried your best to be subtle since it would be more than embarrassing if Taehyung and Jungkook found out the two of you are practically dry humping on the backseat. 
When you thought this gratifying torture wouldn't end, you and guys finally arrive at school. As Taehyung finds and parks in an empty spot, you feel Jimin leave one more lingering and loving kiss and wrap his arms around you. You honestly want to stay in that moment but second the engine stopped, you had to get out. You quickly got off Jimin and out of the car, so he can get off and for you to cool down your flustered state. Even though the fresh air does feel good on your hot skin, you were still incredibly horny and you needed to think of a way to relieve it. 
"Um, Tae," you called out for him as he got out of the car, "is it alright if I could take a nap in your car? I didn't really sleep well last night and I could use some rest." 
Taehyung looks at you quizzically. "Aren't you heading to the library? Just take a nap there. Jungkook does it all the time." 
Jungkook nods. "Surprisingly their encyclopedias make great pillows." 
"Actually, the librarians are cracking down on renegade nappers and kicking them out," you lied. 
"Well," Taehyung hesitates but you shoot him your signature pouty puppy dog look, knowing it will soften him. And you succeeded. 
"Okay, okay," he says annoyed, "just remember to lock the door when you leave." 
"Thanks, Tae," you give him a small smile. 
As you watch the boys walk towards the campus, Jimin stops and turns his head to you. He winks, indicating that he knows your plan and starts to walk away again You feel your face getting hot again. 
You got in the passenger seat and put up Taehyung's sun reflectors to block each window. When you're done, you slide off your already partially damp panties and toss them in the back.
It was going to take awhile so you just leaned back and closed your eyes, causing you to actually drift off a bit. You were then woken up by a tap of the window glass on the driver's side. You unlocked the door and Jimin quickly got inside. 
"Sorry, it took me so long. I had to wait for the Professor Lee to be well into the lecture." Jimin slightly lifts himself up above his seat and pulls down his jeans and boxers, with his erect pens already springing up. 
"Oh," you said in a rather flattered tone, "I didn't think you wanted me that much." 
"Of course, Y/N," Jimin blushes a bit,"the minute I found out you had to sit on me during the drive, I knew I was a goner." 
Seeing Jimin's sudden bashfulness, compared to his bold actions from before, made your heart fluttered. And somehow it made you even more aroused. 
As you lifted yourself up from the passenger seat, you hiked your skirt up and carefully straddled onto Jimin's bare lap. Slowly and teasingly, you slide yourself down until you completely engorged Jimin's rigid cock. 
"Ah," a low moan escaped your throat. Placing your hands on Jimin's body shoulders, you begin to rock your hips back and forth. You gradually pick up the pace, causing you to pant and moan vigorously. 
"You drive me so fucking crazy, you know that?," you lamented, having trouble steadying your voice. 
You watch Jimin's eyes flutter, lost in total ecstasy. "Isn't that the point, Pop Tart?"
Like earlier, you felt Jimin grip your hips tightly. He pushes himself further inside, matching your rhythm. 
"Fuck, Y/N," Jimin groans, "Unbutton your shirt." 
Obediently, you untucked your button up blouse from your skirt and swiftly unbuttoned it, exposing your pink-white polka dot bra. 
Jimin lifts up his hands from your waist and begins to grope your breasts firmly. You throw your head back in pleasure as Jimin kneads your chest and rubs your peaked nips through the fabric of your bra. Not being able to take the teasing any longer, you unhooked your bra in seconds, causing your breasts to spill out and jiggle inches from Jimin’s face. 
As if without thinking, Jimin pulls you towards him and takes one of your tits in his mouth. The feel of Jimin’s supple lips on your nipple and his tongue swirling around it makes your mind go fuzzy. You rock yourself faster and deeper onto Jimin’s cock, clenching your sides around him. 
Jimin stops sucking your nip and leans back in his seat. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he moans breathlessly, “Just like that, baby.”
The air in the car was starting to getting thick with your heated breaths and the familiar aromatic scent of sex. The lack of fresh air was making you feel a bit lightheaded but that somehow made this tryst even more erotic. 
You feel your core tightening, sensing your orgasm arriving. You lean into Jimin, tightly gripping his shoulders, preparing for the feeling of fireworks exploding throughout your body. 
But instead, you feel the rush of cool air as the driver is opened wide. To your horror, you and Jimin turn your heads to find an extremely displeased Taehyung. 
“What the fuck are you two doing in my car?!,” he shouts. 
“What do you think we’re doing, genius?,” Jimin retorts. 
Taehyung's eyes darken in anger. “Both of you, out now-.” 
Before he could finish his sentence, as the situation wasn’t humiliating enough, you unexpectedly found your body writhing from one of the most explosive orgasms you ever had. 
“Ah!,” you loudly moan, involuntarily rolling your hips to ride out the pleasure. 
Taehyung freezes in place, not believing what he just witnessed. 
You then proceed to feel Jimin’s cock twitch and thrust deeply inside you, moaning audibly for Taehyung to hear as well. 
“Ugh! You two are fucking gross!,” you hear Taehyung yells before slamming the door shut. 
After a moment reeling from your intense climaxes, the both of you looked at each and burst out laughing. 
“Oh my god,” you said, face palming, “I can’t that just happened. I’m so embarrassed.” 
Jimin smiles at you. “Yeah, me too. But at least it felt good, right?” 
You smiled back at him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “Yeah, really good.” Cupping his face, you leaned in once again to kiss him more passionately. You savored the feel of Jimin’s ever soft, buttery lips, the same lips that never fails to drive you absolutely wild. 
You both knew for the rest of the day and possibly week, Taehyung was going to continue unleashing his wrath towards you two. But really, it was his fault for leaving that stupid safe in the backseat. 
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dreamsafterhours · 4 years
college boyfriend!markhyuk au series: II (donghyuk’s pathway)
a universe in which roommates!markhyuk meet each other's s/o in class
markhyuk are roommates, my/n and dy/n are roommates, mark and dy/n take classes together and so do donghyuk and my/n — how will their fates intertwine?
genre: fluff pairings: platonic!mark+dy/n format: dotpoint AU universe: non idol, college best friend warning: a lil swearing (best get used to it lol)
or click here to continue your friendship with paediatrics!haechan!
I ⇤ | II | ⇥ III
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II: relationship consolidation.. it’s platonic i swear
the fellowship continues (mark + dy/n)
so the month that follows your first meeting
is full of
a mixture of crackheadedness and tortured artist vibes
a lot of it is sending lit memes and other shit to each other at 2am when u have an 8am the next morning and yelling at each other for keeping u up so late but then laughing again at whatever the ridiculous punchline was
“to quote shakespeare’s hamlet, act v, scene ii, line 270: no”
/deep inhale/ /unhinged laughter/
that’s your inside joke for a whole two weeks mark couldn’t get the numbers right the first few times uwu poor confused thing but he got it after a while so good on him
in the second class after the first day, you try your best to find in him the crowd of people lining up to go into the lecture theatre but you can’t and it’s almost time to go in and—
oop you’re getting swept by the current of the masses
you still try to look for him even then
and luckily your attempts pay off !bc you do see him further up the stairs
,, but he’s
,.talking to another person, sitting in a seat on the end of the row 
slightly disappointed that you can’t sit together and get to know him better and hopefully become friends but !! still optimistic that you’ll just make new friends
you file into an empty seat near his row a little further down the stairs from where he was sitting
you take out your materials and start to go over your notes from the day before when
someone plops himself down on the seat next to you
you look up and before you can smile in greeting, you recognise
it’s mark!!
he says “heyyy” in that rlly soft voice idk if you’ve seen the vid of him going ʰᶦ but that’s the voice he uses here
and you’re like “oh hi! wait i thought i saw you sitting over there” pointing behind u
and he’s like “oh i just met a friend and i was saving his girlfriend’s seat haha.. she just arrived so they kicked me out and i saw u and !!yeah”
and u nod at him like “nice nice i thought you ditched me” jokingly ofc
“no no i was actually trying to find you but.. you’re too short”
“i’m what”
/whispers/ “i’m sorry omg don’t kill me pls”
/stands up straighter to assert dominance/ “say that again, marcus. say that again”
ajsagdfo cuties
“ok then should we meet somewhere before the lectures”
so you decide on the benches outside the building as Your Spot™
the lecture’s just an introduction to the first text in the syllabus bc . second class
and so there’s quite a bit of note taking,, naturally
mark forgets what the prof says before he can write it down and this particular prof, you learn, is prone to talking fast and then switching the lecture slides before anyone can write anything important down
poor mark is doing a lot of looking up at the slides and then down at his notebook and :(((
so r u but u seem to have better memory than him so u either have the lecture slides up if you’re a typer with your notes or manage to write your notes and still listen to the prof if you’re a writer idk yalls preferences so
meanwhile mark whispers under his breath,, half to himself
“what” don’t we all,, mark.. don’t we all
and he does that a few times so you look over and he’s written barely anything so at that point he’s almost just resorted to listening to the prof and not taking notes at all
then he seems to catch himself and he starts writing down whatever key terms the prof is spewing and you realise
kid’s blanking out lmfao
so you tell him you’ll send your notes over to him after class and he’s like !! R U SURE im so sorry im not used to this sPEED and i can’t put my hand up and ask him to slow down someone else has to do that
and u just nod and tell him it’s all g
so class ends and you wave goodbye (confirming to meet at the benches next week too) to go to your tutorial class that happens to be right after the lecture and so does he,,
and this is your thought process for the next five or so minutes:
there’s only one exit so surely he’s only going outside and not the same way as me
oh look he’s going the same way as me.. i’m sure he’s just going to another building ooh that’s a pretty cool tree
hey we can walk to our next classes together and then split up where we have to go in different directions
is he turning left or right left or right i’m going left left or right left or—wait oh cool
ah there’s a bunch of classes in this building too surely he’s on a different floor. see he’s going up the stairs—wait he’s going up the stairs.. so am i..,,,
nah surely he’s going up another floor
wait if he’s going up another floor.. why isn’t he going on the elevator
does he have a fear of enclosed spaces
does he have childhood trauma in an elevator
maybe he keeps fit by climbing stairs
lol this is my floor, be funny if..
hang on a second
“HANG ON A SECOND” that wasn’t one of your thoughts btw that was. out loud
very loud
and he turns around, startled at your voice again
looking up from his phone and eyes getting wider than they were in their initial reaction
he’s giggling at this point bc it’s so funny to him
“HOLD—YOU’RE?? in this tute too??”
“are we??—”
“—in the same class?” yall say that in unison bc that’s the proliferation of a Wholesome Friendship™ right there
u laugh bc wow this is my new best friend
“this is crazyyy”
“yeah what the f..” he highkey cuts himself off bc i mean day 2 guys
but then you
“exactly what the fuck...”
lmfao he knows then that it’s ok to swear with you
n e ways
y’all keep talking until your tutor arrives and lets you in the class
ofc you sit next to each other in the tute as well
you have a great time and class ends quicker than you thought bc you’re having fun and that’s always gewd
so the next few weeks u’re just vibing with each other
walking to class together after ur lectures
walking each other to other classes
studying together in the library in your spare time catching up on content and exploring ideas discussed in tutes for your shakespearean sonnets class
"o romeo, romeo, wherefore were thou and juliet teenage dumbfucks”
he couldn’t stop laughing at that for three days straight
getting pretty close basically
sharing hobbies and music tastes (u find out he plays guitar and it’s the biggest possession he brought into his dorm from his house and listens to frank ocean and john mayer a lot, watches fullmetal alchemist)
sometimes you’ll come to meet him at the benches full on catwalking down the path with your airpods in and resting bitch face on listening to some dope shit while the crowd parts for you and he’s just like O.O
how is she friends with me
he thinks you’re so cool it’s cute
but he’s also alr convinced himself that you’re so out of his league he highkey won’t dare try and make a move
n e ways
he sees ur airpods and he’s like “aren’t you afraid you’re gonna lose them one day”
and you just look at him and go “do i look like a fool, marcus”
he laughs so hard at that
complaining to you abt his roommate in real time over text like
marcus the fool 🤡: “dude he’s whining at me to ‘play with him’ i don’t want to play with him”
marcus the fool 🤡: “now he’s getting jealous of u”
marcus the fool 🤡: “he asks who u think u r”
you: “tell him i would fight him”
marcus the fool 🤡: “he says u won’t win”
you: “bet”
marcus the fool 🤡: “i told him u don’t need to fight for my attention bc uve alr got it”
marcus the fool 🤡: “now he’s fake crying”
marcus the fool 🤡: “he’s telling me to leave the house and leave the kids”
you: “am i a homewrecker now”
marcus the fool 🤡: “he calls u a homewrecker”
you: “tell him i’ll kiss it better”
one day like a month or so into your friendship
you rush to the benches with that look on your face that says you’re about to murder someone which usually disappears when you see him and take out your airpods bc rbf
so he ,, approaches with caution ,,, easy does it,,
yes he’s wondering if it’s your time of month
ngl it åctually was which makes things worse
t e n t a t i v e l y he asks on the way into the lecture theatre
“hey dy/n u ok?? u look.. ok nvm”
bc u lowkey glared at him but u didn’t mean to i swear u just looked at him but u were alr in a bad mood
so ure like “sorry yes i’m fine i didn’t have my coffee today so i may be a bit cranky”
“what happened? u sleep in or smth”
“yeah i slept at 4 last night”
“wHY did u do that”
“idK but i was running late just now and the line at the cafe was so long i stood in line for five minutes and i said nop class is abt to start”
“oh okey”
this keeps bugging him all throughout the lecture
so he turns to u when the lecture is over and he’s like
“u have another lecture next right”
“yes marcus i have another lecture that you’re taking with me”
“come ditch with me i’ll shout u a coffee”
“what really”
“for sure, we can catch up on the lecture in the library tonight”
and you remember that you’d made plans with your roommate my/n to go to the library that night anyway so you agree and let him know
so he’s like “oh rlly? can i bring my roomie along too he probs doesn’t have other plans anyway i hear they’re doing some kind of project so he better not be going anywhere” with a lil frown uwu angery mark
“sure don’t see why not. we’ll all study together”
“nice i’ll let him know”
u see where i’m going with this
waggles eyebrows
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wink wink nudge nudge
click here to continue your friendship with paediatrics!haechan!
I ⇤ | II | ⇥ III
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shoheiakagi · 5 years
Summary: In which HOMRA is a bunch of college frat boys trying to get in your pants. Or: “Come back, I’m not done wasting your time.”
Warnings: Some might be a bit ooc since they’re all fuckboys in here (some more than others), y/n culture, angst, somewhat explicit ***, unrequited feelings, Chitose in his natural habitat, Fujishima is a furry, Yata still can’t talk to women, and Bandou still can’t get laid.
Word Count: 5.6k lol
Notes: OKAY, IT’S FINALLY HERE. I was working on my FwB piece with @mangoqueens when we were suddenly like, “Okay, but fuckboy!homra tho.” Also, not including the trio in this one cause I wanted to focus on the younger guys more. A quick shoutout to @anewmourning for helping me come up with ideas for fuckboy!fujishima. This is my first ever time doing something like this, so I apologize for any grammar mistakes or stale dialogue. Reblogs/replies are appreciated!
This is pretty self indulgent, so ignore it if it’s not your thing.
Obnoxious in a completely different way from the average fuckboy (as in he doesn’t break your heart. Well, not intentionally).
That one guy who always shows up to your Philosophy class late with loud rap music blasting from his headphones, with a skateboard under his arm.
But if he’s not coming to class late, he’s skipping. You don’t think you ever saw him come to class on time (seriously, why is he even in this class?).
If he’s not sleeping in class, he’s always arguing with someone, even the Professor. Usually, that random student happens to be you.
“What the fuck do you mean we don’t have free will?” “I mean that there’s something called fucking fate which means everything is destined to be, you asshat!” “The fuck did you call me?”
You happened to be the lucky student he fights with cause of the one time you ‘accidentally’ told him to shut the fuck up (but in a ‘kind’ way cause you can’t just go around cursing during class) and you’ve been on his radar ever since.
But not in that “damn, i wanna fuck her” way, more like “i hate her, i gotta ruin her life” type of way since you pretty much embarrassed him in class.
Doesn’t really hate you or wanna ruin your life though, just likes to start fights with you over petty shit (Bandou would be proud).
Intervenes whenever you’re flirting with another guy in class with the pretext of trying to “save” him from you.
And everyone definitely notices his behavior towards you cause no matter how obnoxious Yata is, he never picked any fights with girls (except for that one busty blonde who’s part of the student govt).
If he’s really feeling bold (and stupid), he would sometimes tug on your hair or jab you with his pen to get a reaction out of you in class.
Pretty much the embodiment of the whole “you know a boy likes you if he teases you a lot.”
Your philosophy class is practically a war zone at this point with how much you two bicker (which really pisses everyone off). 
One day your prof assigns the class a group paper and partners you and Yata up (probably for some sadistic reason). 
You refuse to have anything to do with Yata at first but then he just declares that you can write the whole paper then. So you bitterly suck it up and force him to contribute just out of spite (you know if you write it yourself, your grade will be higher. But you’re honestly willing to take the lower grade if it means Yata will suffer in the process). 
He stands you up whenever you arrange to meet in cafes, the library, etc. You leave him really angry, nasty texts and tell him to go to hell.
You were over it one day and marched up to his dorm room, banging on the door, demanding that he let you in. He opens the door, irritated with you, and you push through and start going OFF on how much of an idiot and a dick he was. 
And as cliche as it is, you guys were too busy yelling at each other to notice how the distance between you two was getting shorter and shorter until you had him backed against the wall. Yata looked at your lips, before looking up to glare at you, “I fucking hate you.” Before you can respond some equally nasty shit, he immediately slammed his lips against you. 
What started off as a kiss, eventually turned into you getting fucked by Yata against the wall (God, you never knew a day like this would ever happen...and that he would actually be a good fuck despite his height and inability to talk to most women).
You both eventually fall into this pattern of sleeping with each other, since it’s an easier way to deal with anger and stress.
But other than sex, nothing changes between you two. You still treat each other like shit.
And in the end, your paper got a C+ so at least you passed.
You didn’t notice that you caught feelings for him until a friend pointed out that you seemed to have softened up on Yata (which you denied, of course).
But once you realized that his smile is probably one of the cutest things you’ve ever seen and how his usually obnoxious laugh suddenly became endearing to you, you noticed a change in his behavior.
He...he doesn’t pick a fight with you that much anymore? That’s a good thing, right?
But...he doesn’t really talk to you that much either, other than some half assed replies. And he stopped coming over for sex too. 
Was fighting (and sex) really the only way you guys communicated with each other?
You try not to think much of it and decide to treat yourself to your favorite drink at the cafe nearby.
And it wasn’t until you were halfway across campus when you hear that familiar voice and your heart started beating like crazy when he came in your view.
But before you can call out to him, you notice the petite figure walking next to him. And then you really take a look at Yata this time.
For the first time ever, you see Yata unlike his usual, loud self. He’s patiently teaching the pretty girl how to use his skateboard, and when she holds onto him in fear of falling, you see how broad his smile gets, despite his awkward stammers and obvious blush. It was only when the girl leans over to kiss his cheek, when you decide to walk away.
It’s just in your fate for your first heartbreak to be like this.
Ah yes, the king of ghosting™
So here’s the thing, you didn’t think much of him at first. But then you found out that he’s one of them and suddenly, he was just another annoying ass fuckboy to you.
So you were shocked to see him join the home economics club you were part of. 
Didn’t take you long to change your opinion again cause despite his sketchy appearance and friend group, he was such a sweetheart??? He was always making sure all of the club members were appreciated and acknowledged for their efforts, would bring food for everyone, etc.
And you find yourself becoming friends with him, learning about how his parents owned a liquor store back home, how he spent his first couple of years in college undeclared cause he was following Yata around so that they can major in the same field, which obviously didn’t work out (fortunately, he was able to discover his passion for cooking).
It was during a rainy day when he was walking you back to your dorm when he leaned over to kiss you. And it was after a couple of dates, you decided to ride him in your dorm when your roommate was out. 
And all was well till it was the end of the semester and it was time to go home for summer break. Despite promising to keep in touch over the summer, you notice the good morning texts becoming rare until it just stopped showing up. Replies to your texts would be vague or one worded (if it’s one of those lucky days where he finally decides to text back). It doesn’t take that long for you figure out what’s happening.
He’s ghosting you.
aka he’s breaking up with you without even letting you know.
He wants to play that game? Then fine, you’re not the type to beg someone to stay anyway. Out of sight, out of mind.
“Easier said than done,” you mused to yourself as you search for his Instagram later on.
You don’t know what you were expecting to see on his page, but you definitely were not expecting to see this thin, surfer looking guy pop up, donning the same name and username as Kamamoto.
You check his instagram and see his latest selfies and you can’t believe what you’re seeing???? Who is this guy and where is Rikio???
You thought that Kamamoto must have changed his @ until you realized that the names still there and that the other homra guys are following him (with jealous, bitter comments from Yata, Bandou, and Chitose).
He posts a lot of pics with so many pretty girls, his comment section is filled with girls, he’s out partying with so many girls. 
And you can’t help but notice this petite girl named Ayumi, who keeps popping up in his comments (and the fact that he’s always replying to her).
You eventually give up. Maybe this is a sign from God that it wasn’t meant to be.
But when you come back to uni, you noticed that he’s back to his normal shape. How does he lose and gain that much weight in such a quick span of time??? And his hair???? 
Ironically, he suddenly remembers your existence and pretends as if he didn’t ignore you during the summer.
When he waits for you outside of your classroom with a boxed lunch for you two to share, you immediately turn around and walk away.
You loved yourself too much to let yourself be used like that.
You know him cause everyone on campus knows him, judging by the large amount of followers he has on social media, and how he’s always seen hanging with all types of people on campus.
The type to constantly post shirtless pics and gym selfies, so that he can show off his abs and biceps (you may or may not have drooled at one or five pics). Posts videos of his crazy nights out, which always include girls and alcohol. Strangely enough though, with the amount of girls he’s seen with, you don’t hear any crazy rumors about him with any of the girls he’s seen with other than a casual hookup here and there.
He also happens to be in your consumer behavior class. And unlike the majority of the class, he’s one of the rare people who takes this class cause he actually majors in marketing. It fits him though, he’s an extremely social person who is good at persuading people, as proven during his presentation of why students should invest in the shitty gym near campus (y’know, the type ex convicts work out at), rather than the one provided by Uni.
It wasn’t until you worked with him in a group assignment that you realized that he’s a lot nicer than he looks. Suddenly, conversations about the group assignment transitioned from sitting next to each other in class to actually hanging outside of class and making plans.
It didn’t take a long time for you to realize that you were whipped for this full time student, part time delinquent with puppy dog eyes and a boyish grin.
Despite your sudden revelation, things were normal between you two. As much as you wanted your feelings to be reciprocated, you knew there was a line between your fantasies and reality. The way he interacted with you was pretty much how he interacted with everyone else and that is something you have come to understand. You guys were just friends, and nothing more.
Well, that’s what you thought until that one party homra threw a party in celebration for Bandou getting a C- in his Cultural Anthropology midterm that he thought he was going to fail (at this point, they were just desperate to throw a party).
Shouhei was a social butterfly with a lot of friends, so you weren’t surprised that he didn’t remain by your side after greeting you and your friends since he was busy rotating between different groups of people throughout the party. 
But what you didn’t expect was him coming over to talk to you about the upcoming marketing exam while you were dancing along with one of your guy friends. But you realize that it’s just an excuse when he puts his hand on your lower back, inviting you to his room so that you guys can talk in private (but you didn’t care).
Next thing you know, you’re laid up on his bed with his face buried between your thighs.
Ever since that night, things have changed between you guys. Suddenly, study sessions in reserved study rooms would end up with you bent over the table while he thrusts into you. And if you didn’t know better, you would’ve thought this was his infamous friend, Chitose you were dealing with. 
But you know it’s Shouhei when you find out that you guys are exclusive (which relieves you when you remember how many pretty girls he’s friends with) and how there are times where you guys would have sweet pillow talks where you both talk about general shit like future aspirations but also some deep shit like family issues.
But things get difficult cause you guys act like you’re in a relationship, even though you aren’t.
You want to be in a relationship with him, but he’s not sure if he wants to settle down yet.
But he also doesn’t want to let you go, preferring to have you as his girl, but w/o officially being his girl.
You deal with this clownery shit for a few more weeks (cause you’re weak) until you finally decided to put an end to w/e you two have going on, and blocking him on social media right before the semester ended.
You eventually link up with another guy from uni over the summer and things go great with him and you guys return to the new semester as a couple.
You forgot all about Shouhei until you come across him with Bandou and Chitose on the hallways while walking with your man.
Shit, you just made eye contact with him, time to pretend you don’t know this guy.
But he calls out your name anyway, and asks you how’ve you been since you’ve been pretty awol.
(Even though Shouhei stopped walking in order to talk to you, Chitose and Bandou continue to walk past you. You don’t know if you should be relieved or worried).
You tell him that you’ve been pretty busy (trying to pretend that you didn’t block him on ig) and introduce him to your boyfriend.
You couldn’t help but notice Shouhei sizing up your man while talking to you. “So you went off and got yourself a boyfriend, huh?” His tone was carefree and nonchalant, but you knew better.
“Well we had some pretty good times together last semester too. Did you tell him about me?” *Cue implications of sexual (and semi romantic) relationship you shared with him to make your bf jealous and to back off*
You grab your bf’s hand and walk away from him before things can get messy.
Pretty much resorts to sending you texts asking if he can see you, and that just cause you’re in a relationship, doesn’t mean you can’t hang with other guys. Leaves you drunk messages and voicemails, begging you to come back to him, and how he thinks he fell in love with you.
First one to wish you a happy birthday text (even before your own bf) at 12 a.m. despite you not talking to him for months.
You want to save his texts and messages for memories’ sake (and that somewhere deep inside of you, you still have some leftover feelings for him) but you end up deleting it just incase your bf comes across it.
To move on is to grow.
That one weird, quiet kid who usually sits in the back of the classroom, all bundled up in a hoodie and a dark pair of sunglasses (yes, even inside the classroom). 
You initially thought he was pretty harmless (despite his suspicious apparel) since he usually minded his own business and worked alone.
But you were wrong. so so wrong.
It happened to be one of those days where the professor randomly announces some assignment in class and everyones already paired up, leaving you no choice but to partner with little miss sunshine at the back.
And that is when you unfortunately get to know him. For someone who doesn’t talk much, he’s hella loud. If he’s not cursing at every error message he receives from entering a code, he’s ranting about the smallest (and dumbest) shit you can possibly think of. But it didn’t really bother you that much until it happened. 
 While working through the assignment, you would feel his gaze on you. But anytime you would look up to meet his gaze, he would quickly turn away with a small smirk on his face. This goes on for a while until you finally hiss at him to stop staring at you. He immediately goes on defense and sneers at you, “Well shit, I didn’t know it was a crime to look at people these days. You should probably seek therapy if people looking at you scares the shit out of you.” 
And you swear you never wanted to smack someone this bad before.
You were hoping that the assignment would be finished asap, so that you wouldn’t have to deal with him any longer. But fortunately for you, the professor decided to extend the deadline for the assignment, so that means more quality time spent with your partner. You frown, while Bandou smirks.
If you thought he was bad in person, he’s even worse in social media (you refuse to give him your number). Always sends you a message, especially after you post a selfie. 
Pretty much the embodiment of texting like a straight white boy.
“Oh so you’re alone in your room now?? What are you wearing now??” *gets no responses back*
As per tradition, sends you an unsolicited dick pic while messaging you about a class assignment.
You see him without his stupid get up for the first time in a party thrown for him by his friends. And wow, he’s actually really fucking cute??? Who knew fucking Bandou would be that good looking? But alas, his annoying personality remains the same. 
He tries to pull a move on you while on the dancefloor, whether it’s to give you a kiss or to have you grind on him. He gets annoyed when you reject him (again) and tells you to leave the party since you’re not giving him any action, with a (cute) pout on his face.
“Y’know, this party was held for ME. It’S MY party so I can tell people to leave whenever I want to-wait you’re actually leaving????”
And maybe it’s because of the realization that Bandou is a lot cuter than you thought, or the fact that you have grown used to his company (and advances), you’re on your knees in an empty bathroom stall, giving him the best blowjob he’s possibly ever had. 
Which you ended up regretting since the next day you were met with whistles and smug smirks when you walked passed some of the guys of homra, immediately knowing why when your eyes zeroed in on a smug Bandou, who threw you a kissy face.
You were planning to ignore them and go on with your day, since this type of behavior is expected from them, but once Bandou made that infuriating kissy face with his infuriating ass face, you went straight up to them and smacked him right across his face, leaving the others stunned. 
You looked at them with a raised eyebrow, silently challenging them. Chitose stepped up, about to say something, but Kamamoto grabbed him back.
Once you were sure none of them did anything, you walked right past them. Your face was heated up. A part of you was shocked that you actually smacked Bandou, that too in front of his friends. Another part of you was super embarrassed that you ended up giving that fuckboy a blowjob, which gave him the opportunity to brag about it to his fuckass friends. You don’t even know why you’re so angry, you knew this was something to be expected. Maybe it’s cause you actually found Bandou cute that night, or maybe it’s cause you lowkey ended up having a soft spot for him. Cause as annoying as he was, there was something endearing about him, especially with the way how he would nag about you being a bitch to him, but then immediately helping you with a coding problem that you didn’t understand without you even asking.
But that doesn’t matter now, since what’s done and done. Bandou Saburouta is just as much as an asshole as his friends, and you don’t want anything to do with that. 
Before you had class with Chitose Yo, you knew exactly three things about him: 1. He’s pretty much the ringleader of all the fuckboys (it makes sense since he’s a finance major), 2. He briefly considered majoring in the liberal arts field just because it had more girls (you heard this one from one of your friends who hooked up with him last semester), and 3. He hooked up with the young T.A. of the required psychology class he had to take. Needless to say, that did not end pretty.
Being a part of the campus’ social scene, you’ve always heard about Chitose Yo and his womanizing ways. He was that one guy who was always surrounded by girls in parties, eventually leaving soon with his (victim) date. 
But you’ve never actually interacted with him until your Business Policy class. You weren’t surprised when he comes to class late, giving the professor a sheepish grin and grabbing the empty seat next to you. 
He didn’t notice your presence until the professor called out your name during attendance. You knew you were a goner once he turned to look at you, slowly checking you out with an infuriating (albeit, sexy) smirk on his face.
It took you approximately two classes to be charmed by him, and a party to sleep with him.
You guys become fuck buddies, and you become accustomed to the “you up?” texts he sends around 3 a.m. (obviously turns out to be full blown sexting between you two).
As much as you hate to admit it, you eventually catch feelings for him. Not only is he the best dick you ever had, he is a genuinely funny and charming person. 
Unfortunately for you though, Chitose is strict on his “stay away from relationships” rule. You know that if he ever finds out about your change in feelings, he will lose interest and cut all contact with you (and you honestly don’t think you’ll be able to take that), so you bottle it up and pretend not to care when you hear of him sleeping with someone else (this asshole even asked you to join him and this other girl for a threesome), or when he always chooses party and alcohol over you.
In the bright side (well, as bright as it can be), he’s at least honest with where you guys stand and doesn’t string you along. But you know that’s just bare minimum at this point.
You thought you were able to endure it all. But then that happened.
You guys were having sex when your roommate went out. And for once, he was actually being super romantic and soft with you. For a moment, you couldn’t help but think that maybe he’s finally coming around. But that all changes once called out a name that definitely was not yours.
Oh. Oh.
Needless to say, it got awkward real quick and you guys didn’t finish.
He admits to you that he called out his ex girlfriend’s name...His ex girlfriend from high school... Someone who he never got over, and how their breakup affected him a lot more than you thought.
“I’m sorry to hear that, but I think you should leave.” You don’t think you can do this anymore. Fortunately, Chitose does not fight back and immediately leaves.
This guy needs a therapist, but that’s not your job.
So heres how it goes: you know Dewa through Chitose (who you were so close to having sex with but the party you guys were hooking up in was crashed by the R.A. (it was one of those small, congested parties held in a dorm)). And you know that he’s not your biggest fan since he thinks you share one brain cell with Chitose and all of his other girlie friends (doesn’t help that you once threw up in his favorite hat during a party)
That’s fine with you cause you don’t like guys who act like there’s a stick up their ass anyway.
Dewa is a different type from his friends. Where his friends were loud, obnoxious, and brass, Dewa has a superior complex in which he thinks he’s better than everyone else (honestly with that attitude, he might as well be part of the student govt. rather than a frat house). To this day, no one knows how him and Chitose are best friends. 
But you can’t deny that underneath his glasses and that ridiculous derpy hat, he’s hot. A different kind of hot from Chitose, but hot (and that you really wouldn’t mind riding him, but that’s a conversation for another day).
He’s one of the few students who actually knows what the fuck is going on in your accounting class, so you couldn’t help but swallow your pride and ask him to tutor you (unless you wanted to retake this class for the third time).
So you both agree to meet up in the campus’ library during the weekend when its more quiet than usual and there’s not that much people around, and you’re not sure how you feel about that (but it’s only an hour long tutoring session. You will be able to tolerate him for that long, right?).
So far, the tutoring session has been pretty surprisingly quiet, aside from a couple of snarky remarks from Dewa, which you chose to ignore (considering your temper and mouth, that is a feat and honestly, you deserve to treat yourself once the session ends). 
You were just about to think that maybe getting tutored by Dewa wasn’t so bad until you felt a warm hand slide up your thigh (you just had to wear shorts too, dammit).
You looked up at him in shock, only to see that he’s not even paying attention to you. Instead, his gaze was locked on your exam paper, and if it wasn’t for the hand on your thigh, you wouldn’t think he was interested in you. “Wow, you’re stupid. You seriously don’t know the difference between a balance sheet and an income statement? That’s some basic elementary shit right there,” he remarks in a bland tone.  
“Shut the fuck up, I already told you that I don’t fucking get this shit,” you snap back at him. But as you two were arguing, his hand keeps sliding higher and higher till you eventually reach over and stop his hand. 
Only then does he look up from the paper to glance at you. “I can leave if you’re not interested.”
You take a good look at him, wondering what he’s playing at. You decide to play along, eventually loosening up and letting his hand continue its journey. 
Throughout the session, he “rewards” you with a kiss on different parts of your body (from innocent places like the inside of your wrist to more dangerous places like your inner thigh), every time you get an answer right. It didn’t take that long for you both to end the session quick, immediately rushing over to his dorm. 
(And boy, did he look cute moaning underneath you while you rode the fuck out of him).
Maybe it was stupid of you to think otherwise, but you made the mistake of asking him about the next tutoring session, and how you guys can grab lunch right after.
The look he gave you made you feel like utter shit. “You don’t really think I’d go on a date with a girl like you, right? I thought I made it obvious that I have higher standards than Chitose.” 
Despite the angry tears threatening to drop (dammit, you promised yourself that you would never cry over a boy), you immediately slapped Dewa before quickly dressing up and getting the fuck out of his dorm. 
He’s not a fuckboy like his friends, but you’re beginning to think that he’s a lot worse.
Fuck him (and this time, not literally).
Probably the more intimidating one out of his group since you don’t think you can ever recall him with a genuine smile on his face (and no, those sinister smirks don’t count). But that didn’t matter to a lot of girls, including you.
Despite his quiet and standoffish demeanor, Eric is noticed for his Eurocentric features, accent, and witty remarks. 
In your eyes, he fit the look of a European prince who has come to take you far, far away from everyone else and live happily ever after (yes, you’re in college, not in middle school).
You genuinely had a crush on him when you first saw him, but never had the guts to talk to him, let alone confess, since you’ve seen him coldly reject other girls (as much as you hate to admit it, you’re not good at dealing with rejection).
But you’re pretty sure you got over him since you now share an English literature class with him (you’re not sure why he’s even in this class if all he does is sleep) and actually got to know him. Somewhat.
Whenever you would participate in class discussions, whether it would be to discuss the current book you’re reading or to speak in english, you would always hear a smartass remark or question from him, which usually ends up with you looking dumb in front of the whole class. 
It especially doesn’t help that he stares you down while he calls you out on any mispronunciations you make. And you don’t think you’ve ever felt as self conscious as you do in this class because of him.
You do hate him for it but you don’t really stand up for yourself against him (he’s too intimidating and you like to pick your own battles). 
And to be fair, he’s probably just being an asshole. He doesn’t really know who you are (or care).
That’s what you thought until you go to the party thrown by his friends one night. 
And maybe it’s because of the alcohol in your system, but you immediately snap at him when he mocks your broken English accent.
So used to you not speaking back to him, Eric couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow before letting out a chuckle. “So she speaks!” he says in a sarcastic tone. But before you can reply, he immediately leans over and kisses you.
You won’t deny and claim that you never thought about kissing Eric, you’ve had way too many daydreams with him. But this kiss was nothing like the kiss you imagined in your daydreams. 
For someone who appears quiet and somewhat soft-spoken, Eric kisses rough, and it’s nowhere near romantic as you wanted it to be. His hands grip on to your shoulders tightly, before sliding over to your hips to pull you closer. You pull back from the kiss, in favor of placing kisses on his neck and collarbone.
(You didn’t imagine getting with Eric like this, but you weren’t going to let go of this opportunity, either).
He eventually pulled you into a nearby room, making sure to kick out the half naked couple that was on the bed. It wasn’t too long before he pounded into you while you were on your hands and knees.
Once it’s over, you were left staring at the ceiling while he puts his clothes back on. Without a word, he leaves the bedroom. 
So much for a prince charming, huh?
The Soft Boy™ 
Double majors in animal biology and zoology to become a vet for fuck’s sake.
You start talking to him cause he’s probably the softest and sweetest boy you’ve ever met, despite his appearance. 
But boy were you wrong (x2).
He listens to you attentively, offering kind words and good (generic) advice, assuring you that he’s nothing like those other boys (he’s lying, look at his friend group).
Tells you that unlike those other guys who want to fuck and dump you, he wants to get to know you and make love to you.
And everything is all fine and dandy until holy shit, you realize that this sweetheart you’ve been talking to, has a dark secret.
He’s a furry. 
A. Goddamn. Furry.
Legit has a fursona in the form of an Ethiopian wolf (hint: cause its red). But he also likes dabbling into mythology so sometimes he would take the form of a lycan.
You indulge his fantasies for a while, thinking that yeah it’s weird but at least he doesn’t have a foot fetish (but it is worse than a foot fetish) and how no one’s perfect.
You wear animal costumes to sex. At first, it starts out with pretty normal costumes like a playboy bunny. Then it starts to get weird and oddly specific with wolf costumes, roleplay scenarios as animals during mating session...
Once you were finally close to getting into a commitment with him, he starts acting funny.
When you let him know that you’re not super comfortable with your eccentric foreplay, he gets offended and starts sprouting bullshit about you being just like the other girls, which is so disappointing cause he thought you would be different and actually understand his rather…unconventional needs.
Needless to say, you ended up blocking him. You needed to preserve your sanity, after all. 
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flannelpunkcalum · 6 years
“you wish i wanted you.” Or “I’d rather blow a chainsaw.” With Calum. I can’t choose!
*2007 meme* why not both? as always, i am writing this way too late at night, so if it doesn’t make sense it’s not my fault
“That’s Calum Hood?”
Y/N looked away frantically. “Keep your voice down.” 
“You didn’t say he was hot.”
“Keep your voice down.” 
Y/N didn’t look up from her notes until she was sure Calum was out of earshot. “He’d be hot if he wasn’t such an asshole.” She admitted, very reluctantly. 
Her friend Arya was pretending to fan herself with her calculator when Y/N looked over. “If I had known he’d be here, I’d come to lecture more often.”
“Stop.” Y/N said, leaning back in her chair. They had a good five minutes before lecture started, and thankfully Calum was up at the front of the class asking the prof a question. But she knew what came next. He’d come and sit down behind her and distract her all through the fuckin’ lecture, rattling his pen around or texting with his keyboard sounds and god knows what else. And then, at some point, he’d ask for her number. He did it every time and honestly? If she ever snapped he was first on her list. “He doesn’t even like me, he just likes to piss me off. He’s always making things sexual. Like, we get it, you’ve got eight whole pubes.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to give him your number?” Arya said. Y/N prayed she was joking. 
“Frankly, I’m good.” She said, ducking her head back down as Calum headed over to his usual spot and, by proxy, her usual spot. 
Y/N didn’t have to look up to know he was smirking. She could practically smell it on him. “Morning, sunshine.” 
“Ain’t your sunshine, sunshine.” She said without glancing up. He did this all the time; like yeah, it was so funny to be flirting with her, haha. 
“Mm, more than you’ll ever know.” Calum said back, just as easily. Bitch. Her ears felt hot. 
Y/N knew she should just ignore him, like she did every other day. She didn’t know what made this morning different; maybe it was her friend beside her, maybe she’d just had enough. Regardless, for the first time all fucking semester, she turned around in her seat to face him. “Calum Hood.” She said, “What’s you problem? Like, seriously, are you done?”
To his credit, Calum only looked surprised for a second. “Not gonna be done till you admit how much you like this.” 
Why on Earth had she given him her last name? Well, and first name. First day of class, she hadn’t known how fucking annoying he’d get. “You wish I was into you.” She said, but he’d won this round; she’d hesitated too long, she could feel it fall flat. 
Calum smiled outright. It was better than his smirk, at least - “Well, when you figure it out, you know where to find me.” Actually, no, it was just as bad. 
“There’s nothing to figure.“ Y/N said, turning her red face away.She hated how easily he could rile her up. 
Calum was mercifully silent for a second, until she heard him shift in his seat. Then he was so close she could feel the warmth off his skin. “You gonna tell me you’re not thinking about me? Like you don’t watch me walk away? Y/N-”
“Alright,” the prof said, “let’s get started.”
Calum drew away, but Y/N couldn’t move for a long moment. She didn’t know how to - well, she knew how to react. He was just toying with her; she needed to call him an asshole and move on. For some reason it just didn’t come.  
“You’re so pretty when you blush.”
Well, apparently she could call him an asshole. 
hey y/n it’s cal from lecture
oh my godhow did you get this number
that doesnt matter
was it arya???
yeah lol she totally sold you outi actually just needed to ask you for the lecture notes from the third class
yeah whateveryou can get them from me monday
it’s an emergency
i really want to see you
drop dead
:((((((((((are you at the library? i’ll bring you coffeepleaseill stop bothering you in lecture
sounds like you’re bothering me outside lecture now
please? i need it for the mid
ughventi dark caramel latte with an extra shot i’m in the earth sciences section
you’re an angel
you’re satan
at least you think i’m hot ;)
don’t push it
"So, you got plans for reading week?”
“None that involve you.” Y/N said breezily. She’d given Calum her notes, and he’d taken a few pictures of them, but now he was sat across from her cheerfully working through problems like she wasn’t glaring daggers at him.
“Ouch.” Calum hissed, having at least the dignity to look wounded. “You’ve got such a smart mouth on you, Y/N-”
“-I’ve got something for you to do with it.” Calum smirked at her again. Didn’t his mouth ever get tired? 
“I’d rather blow a chainsaw, thanks all the same.” Y/N said. She was trying her best to keep her eyes on her work. 
“I was gonna say you could have one of my granola bars, but since you mention it…” 
“Jesus Christ,” Y/N murmured. 
“You can just call me Cal.”
“Do you ever fuckin’ stop talking?” Calum ducked his head down and went back to his work, but Y/N couldn’t let this lie another second. “Real talk, thought, why do you keep hitting on me? Is it really that fuckin’ funny to you?”
Calum huffed out a long breath through his nose, staring at his work. “You know what?” He said after a moment, lifting his head. “I have no fucking clue why I want you so bad. But you know what, Y/N, if you think you’re too good for me or whatever why don’t you just move?” 
What the hell was he saying? “I don’t think- I was here first.” Y/N insisted.
“No, I mean in lecture. You sit in the same spot every class when you know I’m just gonna flirt with you until you go nuts. Do you get off on tearing me down or what?”
“I don’t get off on anything you do. It’s easy to see the slides, and I shouldn’t have to move because Mr. fuckin’ Universe thinks its funny to try and play me.” 
"Wait, what?”
Y/N sighed. “Mr. Universe. You know, like the bodybuilding pagent, since you’re clearly just looking for attention and you’re compensating-”
"No, no, I mean- did you think I was just trying to fuck with you?”
Y/N took a sip of her coffee so she didn’t have to answer him. She needed at least a half-second to process this. Calum looked hurt. She didn’t think she liked it. “I mean, you did offer to make strip flash cards once.” 
Calum didn’t take the bait, didn’t even pretend to laugh at the memory. “This whole time, you thought I was just- Y/N, Jesus, I’ve been begging for your attention for months. I can’t stop thinking about you. I saved your seat all day the one time you skipped, just in case. I bought you a six dollar coffee.”
On the surface, this didn’t sound like much - rom-com punchlines, that was all. And yet Y/N felt her stomach twist. Calum looked so soft in his beanie, looking up at her under his eyebrows. Small as these gestures had been, they were sincere, every one. “Oh,” she said, since her brain had apparently short-circuited. “Sorry.”
“S’alright.” Calum said. 
They both bent their heads back down and pretended to work. 
“Hey, Calum said, breaking their small silence, “if I asked you out without, like, making a blowjob joke, would you say yes?”
Y/N felt her heart start to beat again. “Only one way to find out.”
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
okay, so. I woke up some time before my alarm went off (I don’t remember exactly when) and quickly deduced I felt like utter crap thanks fo my period, and was just like yeah today isn’t happening, so I sent a quick email from my phone to let them know I wasn’t coming for the babies room and went back to bed. I woke up sometime around 12 or 1, something around there, to the sound of my roommate apparently cleaning our whole apartment, which was pretty great because our dirty dishes stack was growing pretty high and when I’m already stressed out about school stuff cleaning shit like just gives me even more anxiety and I legit like, cannot function with it lol so I just end up not doing it and then feel bad about it, but whatever, it’s done now. So I had some breakfast (leftover fried rice from Friday night and a few oreos) and set to work on this stupid legal drafting assignment that’s gonna be the death of me. The more I think about it the more irritated I am about my grades because like, I know, objectively, that I am a good writer. And with the last assignment I sent it to my brother, who is a bona fide lawyer to look at it first and give me feedback, and he changed a few things but ultimately said it was good so like.....is it just something about this lady that she hates my writing, even when I was actually working in the office we’re pretending to be in my supervisor thought I was the best writer and gave me super complex motions to draft and argue in super high profile cases because he believed in me that much?? I’m just hoping, praying, that there is some sort of curve to the grading, probably not the traditional curve because there’s not enough students in the class from that, but so that I don’t end up flunking the goddamn class. If I end up getting a shitty grade (which I probably will) I have half a mind to challenge the grade because  it think there’s a fairly good chance I’d win on that claim, but at the same time assuming I at least pass I’ll be graduated and does it even really matter? Like one shitty grade, assuming my other ones are solid, really won’t affect my GPA very much. Sure it’ll look shitty on my transcript, but what’s one shitty grade out of 30 A’s, A-’s, and B+’s? sigh, I’m ranting. it’s just really gotten under my skin lately. Anyway. I set to start walking, but my prof hadn’t answered either of the emails I wrote her yesterday about the format of the motion or what kind of cases we should be citing, and I didn’t really know how to move forward from there, so I ended up texting the one other person in the class that I actually know, who was actually one of my mentees last year which makes me feel bad for going to him with questions lol but I didn’t have many other options here. So he clarified what exactly the format should be, so from there I started writing the introduction, and then got to the argument and figured I’d start writing the rule based arguments and then worry about the case based arguments. So I found the relevant portion of the statute, and just started typing, and before I knew it I’d written 3 full pages of argument. I always do this, I get super super anxious about writing the argument section of things because I always think I can’t do it, but then when I actually get to it, it just happens like it’s the easiest thing in the world. I just wish I could convince myself of this for once instead of going through the anxiety every damn time. Sigh. I started looking at cases again to see if I can find anything on point, which is difficult because what I’m looking for is a very specific case type, and out of those cases the courts almost always side with the state when I need cases where they side with the parents and those are pretty much nonexistent, so hopefully tomorrow my professor will answer my email regarding the cases and I can have somewhere to go from there. It was like 6:45 at that point and for some reason I was craving vanilla cupcakes, so I found a small batch recipe and started making those, popped them in the oven soon enough and got them out right before Brooklyn 99 started. It was airing two new episodes in a row tonight, and they were both fucking hilarious. This show is just so damn good, I don’t even know how to describe it. After that I figured I might as well watch the last episode of Jessica Jones season two, and much like the rest of the season, I was rather underwhelmed. The scene with them saving the family from the burning car was pretty good, but the rest of it was just.....idk, it just didn’t have any of the same appeal as the first season and was just a pretty disappointing storyline. I was especially disappointed by their storyline between Jessica and Trish, because I’d heard it was supposed to be good, but IMO it was very much....not good. I don’t really know what they were thinking there, but oh well. I was finished then so I figured I’d start watching Krypton since that was on my list to catch up on. So I watched the pilot for that, and the first half was relatively boring, but the second half was actually pretty damn good and I enjoyed it, so I’ll keep watching and see what happens going forward. And oh yeah, I did laundry sometime in between all of this, which means I accomplished all of my goals for the weekend except cleaning up the disaster area that is my room right now, but that’s alright, I can live with that. And yeah, after the episode ended I started getting ready for bed and ended up folding some laundry beforehand so the thicker items could finish drying all the way because our dryer sucks and never full dries things like jeans. sigh. but yeah, that’s about it. I have PT in the morning, but it’s supposed to be in the 20′s and snowing, so I am really not looking forward to having to deal with that. lovely. oh well. Talk to you then. Goodnight babes. Have a good one.
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0vv0b · 7 years
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I say con report but things about the con is barely mentioned in this...this is just a roller coaster of events that happened to me in the span of 2 days.
Day 1 (SAT)
I was so ready for this con right like I drew the prints a month before printing and printed them 3 days before the con so I can prepare for any last-minute thing that might happen like I was SO ready!! But then just as I was about to leave for the con my dog suddenly peed on my shoe;;; I was meeting my tablemates that morning but I was the last to get there because I had to wash and dry my shoe first.
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Our table!!
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Everything was calm in the morning but around noon people started to come in lots. The MC in the back was very loud and I was getting worried because I couldn’t tend to people fast enough (can’t hear clearly), I also ran out of change so I started to panic big time it was really embarrassing… (lol why am I like this)
I was supposed to leave around 3:30 pm for class but I kept delaying because it still wasn’t confirmed if the prof was going to teach or not lmao. We have a group chat and most my classmates didn’t really want to have classes because it was raining really bad. The prof cancelled around 30 mins before classes start so I was able to stay til end of day 1! (would’ve been better if it was cancelled early because my nerves were killing me hhhhhhhhhh)
There were lots of BNHA cosplayers!! There was a cheer squad group cosplay and people were swooning all over them! They wanted to buy my BNHA prints but hnnnggs already sold out, except my Kirishima print, which the Kirishima cosplayer bought!! 
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It looked like kiri was his fave (if the cosplay wasn’t obvious enough lol kou) because he was so happy buying the kiri print!! it was like seeing irl kiri!!! HE SMILE SO PURE!! SO BRIGHT!!! 
I remember there was a Dabi, Toga, and Shiragaki group that bought our stuffs! 
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The Shiragaki cosplayer was so cute they were pointing at which prints they wanted to buy because they couldn’t speak properly wwwwww
sorry I couldn’t take pics I was a dead tired granpa with a hurting back who slept under our table
Day 2 (SUN)
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Day 2 was a lot stressful so buckle up. Note that I was carrying that grid thingy THE WHOLE TIME from house til i got to the con.
I was supposed to wake up early to reprint stuffs but I overslept I rushed out of the house with nothing but coffee for breakfast (big mistake). Sunday traffic was super light though! Very different from a weekday!
Anyways, en route to print shop I had to take transit I was making time but I was still rushing I didn’t notice I went into the driver’s car, which I didn’t know was half reserved for senior citizens and there was a chain border thingy that’s kind of a hassle to step over so I just stayed put.
It was really awkward the granma and granpas were looking at me and then the granpa beside me farted that lasted 2 stations.
I had to keep a poker face and take shallow breathes I didn’t want to hurt his feelings because I know he can’t help it and I was in the wrong car anyways so I had to face The Consequences lmao
When I got to the print shop the guard there told me they were closed on Sundays but there was a branch nearby that’s supposedly walking distance. It wasn’t though… I’ve walked 3?? 5?? km before decided to take a cab ToT . The area was a super windy too because i think there was still a low pressure area in the country so I was like
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I got to the print shop but I was running a bit late and I’m starting to get tired and hungry my arms spaghetti but when the guy opened my prints folder I foRGOT MY PRINTS WERE KINDA… HONKA HONKA I didn’t think they minded tho bUT I KINDA DID AND WHEN ONE GUY WAS ABOUT TO CUT OUT THE CRAIG PRINTS I HEARD HIM GO—
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lmao I was half tired half embarrassed I just didn’t care that much. I thought their reactions were funny.
I was already running because it was past lunch and my tablemate was texting me that there were people waiting for like an hour to buy my prints I WAS LIKE HOLY SHIT WHAT IM SO SORRY I zoomed through the station all sweaty like a mad man and rode the transit again (got in the correct car this time) and ppl were looking at me funny;;;;
After transit, I had to commute via jeep then walk for a bit to get to the venue. But when I stepped off the jeep it started raining like hell I thought my prints would get wet so I
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I went up an overpass soaked all over ( lol and the security guard looked so sorry for me he didn’t even check my bag he just let me in. T-thank you........ ) and when I went down it had already stopped raining… 
By this time, I was power walking and I see the venue but my joints are hurting because light breakfast and almost no lunch I was thinking “I’m finally here!! Yay!” When I got inside though the escalators were dead.
The con was held at the 5th floor :)
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Day 2 Table set up!!
When I got to our table there really were lots of people waiting in line I FELT SO WARM AND TENDER AND SOFT BC AWWWW (also the things that happened prior already butchered me) BUT ALSO FELT GUILTY BECAUSE IF I DIDN’T OVERSLEEP I COULD’VE GOTTEN HERE EARLY IM REALLY SORRY!!
Day 2 went by so fast for me because I got to the con late and I stayed under the table most of the time to dry myself off and rest T_T (I didnt wanna walk around with wet clothes gjkdshdgd gross) One of our table mates was sleeping under here too and I was like yea dude same.
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By the time I was dry and able to roam around it was already closing time but managed to grab a few loots because they were price dropped last-minute (Oshawott and Snivy plushies). Lucky!!
Closing time was WILD: everyone was (aggressively) trading merch to each other and it was extremely sweet, fun, and cute!! lots of screaming!
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ALSO?!???? Kami (@kittlekrattle) delivered my copy of the suits zine herself i met up w her outside the con???? I also kinda met her mom too gjkhfdsdjghdfg THANKS KAMI!!!
Then we had post con dinner at this Japanese food place called Yabu! They refill your side dishes and drinks for free!!! Everything was so delicious!! (except the wasabi... don’t ask...)
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We kept dropping our chopsticks so much we had to ask for spoon and fork lmao
If I learned something important from this experience its to NOT. SKIP. BREAKFAST
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choiced · 7 years
TXT TLK; chris x oc (?)
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my take on the prompt phrase, “that was fun, let’s do it again sometime!” set in a canon-divergent version of the freshman, where a wrong number text turns into something more.
author’s note: i wanted to try something a little out of my comfort zone, so here’s a “fic” written entirely in texts. this is pretty self-indulgent tbh, and written with an OC instead of the MC (since being roommates wouldn’t quite work with this concept), but i hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless? thanks @hollyashton and @zigisbisexual for hosting!
     Chris P.      - 9:57 AM hey do u remember which hall prof atiyah’s class was moved to?
     Chris P.      - 9:57 AM im gonna be late
     xxx-xx73:   - 9:58 AM Assuming you mean her gen ed class in two minutes, we’re in Block G, second floor. The room next to the vending machine outside.
     Chris P.:     - 9:58 AM thanks zack. why r u typing funny?
     xxx-xx73:   - 9:59 AM Are you implying typing with proper capitalisation is funny, or just that my typing style is unusual to you?
     xxx-xx73:   - 9:59 AM Also, not Zack. That might explain it.
     Chris P.:     - 10:00 AM ...not zack?
     xxx-xx73:   - 10:00 AM Nope. Delilah.
     xxx-xx73:   - 10:02 AM Atiyah just walked in. You might want to speed up a bit.
     Chris P.:    - 10:02 AM damn it
     Delilah:     - 10:11 AM Are you the blond guy who just came in?
     Chris P.:    - 10:11 AM ha, yeah, that was embarrassing
     Delilah:     - 10:12 AM I think Professor Atiyah is just inclined to humiliate any and all tardy students. No need to be embarrassed, “Mister Powell”.
     Chris P.:    - 10:13 AM oh god, just chris will do. please
     Delilah:      - 10:16 AM Haha, alright. Chris, then. Nice to meet you.
     Chris P.:    - 10:18 AM i’d say nice to meet u too, but i’m not sure who i’m supposed to be looking at
     Chris P.:     - 10:18 AM i spot at least seven people on their phones right now
     Delilah:     - 10:20 AM If their texts are coming from people as entertaining as you, I don’t blame them. Especially in the face of this dull lecture.
     Chris P.:    - 10:21 AM entertaining?? i can’t tell if u’re flirting with me or insulting me to be honest
     Chris P.:    - 10:22 AM and you didn’t answer my question about who you are. where are you sitting?
     Delilah:     - 10:22 AM I think I’ll keep the mystery going for a while longer.
     Delilah:     - 10:23 AM And I’m definitely not insulting you, so I guess by process of elimination...
     Chris P.:    - 10:24 AM ha, cute
     Chris P.:    - 10:24 AM so if this is a mystery, can i make guesses or something
     Delilah:     - 10:25 AM Guess away.
     Chris P.:    - 10:28 AM ur name’s delilah, so im guessing u’re a girl? are u the one in the front row? two seats from the far left
     Delilah:     - 10:29 AM Ha, god no. I haven’t sat at the front of the class since sophomore year of high school.
     Delilah:     - 10:30 AM Also, that girl’s hairstyle is way too cool for me to pull off.
     Chris P.:    - 10:31 AM hmm
     Chris P.:    - 10:34 AM are u the one in the middle row? yellow jacket. hiding her phone behind her textbook
     Delilah:     - 10:36 AM Nope, I’m a little more bold about my ‘misconduct’, as Atiyah would no doubt call this. And totally staring at you now, so this should make your guesses a lot easier.
     Chris P.:    - 10:36 AM i dont see anyone staring at me?? wait
     Chris P.:    - 10:37 AM oh
     Chris P.:    - 10:37 AM hello
     Delilah:     - 10:38 AM Ha. Hello.
     Chris P.:    - 10:40 AM u were totally my next guess
     Delilah:     - 10:40 AM Pfft, of course. Also, stop turning around before Atiyah catches us.
     Chris P.:    - 10:42 AM sorry. it’s just nice to look at u
     Chris P.:    - 10:42 AM i mean
     Chris P.:    - 10:43 AM u know, because we’re talking and it’s nice to see someone’s face when u talk to them. not because u’re really pretty or anything.
     Chris P.:    - 10:43 AM i mean you ARE pretty, but
     Delilah:     - 10:44 AM Damn, I can literally feel you freaking out from over here. Stop worrying, it’s fine. I get what you mean.
     Delilah:     - 10:45 AM ...Nice to know you think I’m pretty, though ;)
     Chris P.:    - 10:47 AM i mean, yeah?
     Chris P.:    - 10:47 AM and for the record, u could totally pull off that other girl’s hair
     Delilah:     - 10:49 AM Haha, good to know. But if I ever dye my hair, I think I’d sooner go for purple than green.
     Chris P.:    - 10:50 AM actually yea, i think purple would suit u
     Delilah:     - 10:52 AM Definitely. I’d be a total babe, ha.
     Delilah:     - 10:52 AM What about you? Ever thought of dying your hair?
     Chris P.:    - 10:53 AM nah. but the whole rainbow trend really speaks to me
     Delilah:     - 10:55 AM Pfft.
     Chris P.:    - 1:04 PM hey! i wanted to stop u at ur desk to say hi earlier, but u disappeared right after class finished
     Delilah:     - 1:05 PM Hi again. Yeah, sorry about that. I had another class right after, at the other end of campus.
    Chris P.:    - 1:05 PM ah, understandable
    Chris P.:    - 1:08 PM i was wondering if maybe u wanted to grab lunch with me?
    Chris P.:    - 1:08 PM with a few of my friends! we’re walking into town to check that new pizza place that just opened
     Delilah:     - 1:10 PM Crap, I don’t think I can, sorry. I’ve already made plans. Rain check?
     Chris P.:    - 1:12 PM ok, sure, no problem!
     Chris P.:    - 1:13 PM see you around!
     Chris P.:    - 11:58 AM hi stranger! how’s your morning?
     Delilah:     - 12:01 PM Hello Chris. It’s been good so far. Only had one class earlier, so today’s a breeze!
     Chris P.:    - 12:03 PM awesome! i was wondering if you’d want to hang out? 
     Chris P.:    - 12:03 PM i just remembered prof atiyah’s assignment from yesterday so i was thinking of hitting up the library for it
     Delilah:     - 12:04 PM Um, I’ve actually got a meeting with my RA soon. Maybe next time?
     Chris P.:    - 12:05 PM oh yeah, sure
     Chris P.:    - 4:32 PM uh, hey delilah
     Chris P.:    - 4:34 PM i was just thinking about our texts? and, um, i just wanted to say, im sorry if i came off as pushy or anything. i talked to one of my roommates and she said maybe u weren’t cool with the idea of hanging out with some guy u only know because he texted you through a wrong number lol
    Chris P.:    - 4:35 PM so it’s cool if you dont wanna meet up! i hope you still want to chat, at least. i kind of like talking to you
     Delilah:     - 5:27 PM Hi again, Chris. Wow, that’s really thoughtful of you. But please don’t be sorry! If anything, I should be the one apologising.
     Delilah:     - 5:29 PM Well, I mean, it’s kind of complicated? And maybe a little stupid. But I’m not very... talkative... outside of texts. I get really nervous talking to people face to face. And when I get anxious, I get quiet. Then I don’t talk much?
     Delilah:     - 5:32 PM So I’m a little bit scared you won’t, um, actually like hanging out with me in person. I’m sorry if it seemed like I was avoiding you, or anything like that. You’ve been a blast to talk to, and it’d be nice to chill at the coffeeshop some day or something. Just, uh, be warned?
     Chris P.:    - 5:34 PM ok wow u have no idea how relieved i am
     Chris P.:    - 5:35 PM i dont really know what to say except i’d still love to hang out with you? i mean i know we haven’t actually texted that much but for what it’s worth i think you’re great company.
     Delilah:     - 5:35 PM That’s... really sweet, thanks.
     Delilah:     - 5:36 PM But I guess it’s just easier to turn up the charm through text?
     Chris P.:    - 5:36 PM psht, who said anything about charm? :P
     Delilah:     - 5:36 PM You did, obviously. Clearly, you find my awkward charm very irresistible. 
     Chris P.:    - 5:37 PM LOL
    Chris P.:    - 5:37 PM Aaand there’s the wit I’ve missed
     Delilah:     - 5:37 PM Ha!
     Delilah:     - 5:38 PM ...Thanks for talking to me about this, Chris. It was nice.
     Chris P.:    - 5:38 PM no problem, it’s all good!
     Delilah:     - 5:39 PM Oh, and... I know it’s kind of late for coffee, but if you wanted, I could meet you at the cafe in twenty? Just... for a quick chat or something.
     Chris P.:    - 5:40 PM i’d like that! at six?
     Delilah:     - 5:42 PM Six it is! I’ll be there.
     Chris P.:    - 5:43 PM awesome! 
     Chris P.:    - 5:43 PM uh, you remember what i look like, right?
     Delilah:     - 5:44 PM Of course. Well-set features of an all-American golden boy...
     Delilah:     - 5:44 PM With the subdued expression of a kicked puppy as Professor Atiyah chides him for being late.
     Chris P.:    - 5:44 PM oh god, that’s the worst impression of me you could possibly have
     Delilah:     - 5:45 PM Haha, hardly. But I guess this coffeeshop date is coming at a good time! I can get even better impressions :D
     Chris P.:    - 5:45 PM date, huh? 
     Delilah:     - 5:46 PM Um, I mean. Appointment? But that sounds too clinical. I just... You know what I mean.
     Chris P.:    - 5:46 PM to quote u, “damn, i can literally feel you freaking out from over here”
     Delilah:     - 5:47 PM Ha! Touché. 
     Delilah:     - 9:13 PM Hi, Chris. Thanks for hanging out with me earlier, that was great! Though coffee, dinner and dessert has probably left me two breaths away from a genuine food coma.
     Chris P.:    - 9:17 PM hey del! im glad u had fun. and the crepes were ur idea, so
    Delilah:     - 9:19 PM True enough! But really, thanks. I haven’t had an evening out in a long time, and I guess I really needed it.
     Chris P.:    - 9:19 PM no problem! im glad we did this, it was fun. we should do it again some time
     Delilah:     - 9:20 PM Yeah, I’d like that, I think. I’ll see you in Professor Atiyah’s class tomorrow?
     Chris P.:    - 9:20 PM definitely. good night, delilah!
     Delilah:     - 9:20 PM Good night, Chris.
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Teen Clash
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By: Celeste Amor Gawat
“...does it ever drive you crazy,
just how fast the night changes?
Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of,
Disappearing when you wake up.
But there’s nothing to be afraid of,
Even when the night changes,
It will never change me and you…”
       Crowds were shouting after Vern sang. Tonight is the last night of being a Junior high school, means we will separate ways, say ‘hi’ to a new school tomorrow, new surroundings, a new group of friends and a lot more. 
       Speaking of Vern he's my ex-lover but not my true love, and still keeps entering my shuttered life, well caused by him. And I'm hoping that I will be over him this college because I will be encountering lots of people and he will too, good for us. 
       'Good morning world! today's my first day and I'm hoping that I will have a friend immediately, I'm not good at approaching still. so good luck to me!'
       I was about to enter the gate of my new school when a pal grabbed my hand and said "hello, need a friend? since it's our first day, I bet you're looking for one?" then smiled, of course, I smiled back. We enter in the gymnasium to finally get our class schedule. Oh well, fortunately, Cheryl and I have the same. The teacher's talking and yet Cheryl keep on showing me guys as if I'm interested, I mean not really because I'm new to this school I don't want to ruin my reputation as a freshman. lol. 
       "How about this?" well I didn't know what I felt but there's something in him but I didn't show it to Cheryl. She's so talkative, well it's nice though since I'm not that extrovert but of course, I'm not used to this place so as much as possible can't show my true self. 
       I needed fresh air so I decided to go to the so-called garden of this school. I told Cheryl about that and went there finally, as I'm walking I didn't know that I would bump into this certain guy. The guy that Cheryl once showed to me. 
       "Sorry, miss" and when he finishes saying those words, I heard a group saying "damn man!" basically boys are boys. Seems like it was being planned. I just walk fast and went straight to the garden. 
       They say college year will be fun, so much excitement and happiness. But if k-12 was not approved, we will all be in the second year of college and still, some are not yet mature, look at what happened a while ago. We will all experience the things we didn't experience when we're in senior high, encounter all the obstacles that God has given to us. 
       After I satisfied myself being alone, I went back to Cheryl.
       Our first day finished just like that. Eight in the morning until four in the afternoon. Same routine. Same on the second day and...
       I was about to eat my dinner because my watch is already alarming and suddenly, "Hi Summer" an unknown number texted me. Who on the earth is this, and where did he or she get my number?
 Time, days, weeks passed...
 “I like you too!”
“Really?!” – Alfred
 That day I was so very happy because of all I thought I wouldn’t be over him, well, Vern.
 I went to Starbucks for my dinner, I know it's late but I want to treat and relax after a long stressful week. It is so hard to be a Captain in my Cheerleading squad, I need to manage the group all by myself. 
 "Yes, ma'am, can I have your order?"
"One Grande of Green tea tree please"
 After taking my order I sat down, sipping my drink while scrolling up and down to my social media when suddenly a guy showed up in front of me.
 Did I hear it right? I know this voice, it is very familiar. "Summer" he repeated. I look up and saw Vern. I can't feel anything, I feel numb. I just realize my tears are slowly falling.
 "Summer, I missed you"
 No, this is not right, don't let Vern enter to your life again Summer. You're already with Alfred, you're in love with him. Vern, such a wrong timing. 
 "I missed you too"
 What the f?! Summer, are you dumb?! You should not have said it. 
 I outcaste my thinking and just continue to converse with Vern because I knew that Vern knows everything of me. Maybe I just surmised that because of grieve, I fell in love with Alfred. I will never forget Vern for he is the love of my life. 
 Later, at my History Class...
Prof: History repeats itself. So if it is already in the past don't bring it up again. What's done is done. But when it comes to love, much say "love is sweeter than the second time around"
 After lunch Alfred texted me…
 “Hi Summer, can we talk later at 7? Dinner? I’ll pick you up”
 Later at the Resto
 “Summer, one of my teammates saw you with Alfred, seems like you’re getting in touch again, are you going to choose him over me? I showed you my real intentions, I love you."
 "I don't know if I will say, I love you too. Maybe I'm just in love with the thought that you love me, maybe I didn't move on, or maybe I cannot."
 "If that's the case then, I'll free you. If you're happy, I'm happy too. I'm happy that I met a girl like you. I'm happy that Summer loved a boy like me."
 "I'm so sorry Alfred, I didn't know this would happen"
 "It's alright Summer, come back to me if you'll change your mind, I love you"
 After Alfred utter those words, I went out to the resto and hail for a grab. I went home and didn't realize I slept without changing clothes. 
 2 months passed.
 "Alfred, I love you too"
 If I heard it right, it's Alfred with a girl behind this wall talking plus flirting? I thought he'll wait for me? Why am I like this? I shoo Alfred knowing that inside of me loves Vern. 
 "Good for you Alfred" then I smiled. 
 Alfred's POV
 "Veronica, help me"
 "What is it, Fred? Are you going to make a scene again?"
 "No, V, this time it's real"
 "Summer is always at the Garden behind the white walls, you'll say you love me if we see her approaching. Got it?"
 My plan with V ends up fail. I thought if I will make Summer jealous she'll come back right away, but I was wrong. 
 No, I'm happy for Alfred, okay? Be happy Summer. It's all your doings. I dialed Vern's number after three rings he finally answered,
 "Hello? Who's this?" a girl answers Vern phone and seems like she just woke up. 
 My Prof's right, "history repeats itself", this ain't new anyway I'm used to it, that's Vern, an ever playboy lad. I comfort myself, I tried not to show my real feelings because I'm in the middle of the crowd. But I fainted.
 "Where, where am I?"
 "Summer, are you okay?"
 "Alfred? Why am I here? What am I doing here?"
 "You fainted Summer that's why I brought you here at the hospital"
 "Where's your girl? She'll be mad if she'll know you are here with me?"
 Alfred chuckled, "You mean V? She's my Friend, I talked to her to say "I love you" to me when you're near approaching for you to be jealous. But we failed."
 I felt Alfred sincerity. 
 "Alfred, I got cheated on again"
 "I know that'll happen again Summer, that's why I told you to come back to me. So? What now?"
 "Thank you for everything, Alfred. Time heals. See you soonest."
As I finished uttering those words, he kissed my forehead and went out. 
 Months passed. Alfred and I are happy to be together again, to be in his arms again. I remember the feeling when he first held my hand intertwined, got butterflies in my stomach. Maybe, Alfred's really my true love.
 "I love you, Alfred"
 "I love you too, Summer"
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elvesofnoldor · 7 years
i screened my thesis project again today along with my classmates, and honestly it went way better than yesterday, so my state of being has gone from “death” to “i think i’m a neurotypical now!!” even though i have a group assignment worth 30% due tomorrow and we more or less just started lol (i got it under control though, its just a fake grant application for a hypothetical arts project). Yesterday, and today morning, I was really worried about “grainy” images--they were not very grainy at all, but they aren’t the most pleasing visuals either.  i can’t really help with it beside making images too soft on edges or with a editing software plug in, so whatever, the images look better when they are projected anyways. 
More people showed up, no one walked out--and a prof who apparently walked out on many other classmates’ presentations stayed for mine and said he liked mine. Couple of more people complimented my project. Oh boy I kinda wish he’s grading my project now, because the profs grading my project were not fans lmao! (Francis--one of the profs grading my project--said the video essay was “very good” but im pretty sure she doesnt like the film itself, which is understandable considering that i basically shot it myself and had some help from a friend). I actually have such complicated feelings about this prof that liked my film (hes called scott). Like, first of all, i think i have a good shot at getting an A in his European films course right now, and he actually LECTURED in this course while he didn’t really do that for any other courses he taught in lol (i got ok grades in his two other courses but not an A yet). On one hand, Scott is just a very typical fine art department prof for not giving a heck in terms of lecturing, but on the other hand, hes super cultured and actually pretty laid back. His lecture in the European cinema class is so rich in content that I think if i recorded his one hour lecture and edited it, it’d be a very solid film editorial. He’s a cool leftist dude, he just doesnt give a heck sometimes. Anyways, my little short film is based on Wong Kar Wai’s aesthetic, and in Scott’s comment, he said that he could see how wong kar wai and Godard (a French new wave pioneer) influenced my short film, and considering that he didnt seem to stay for any other people’s project, I’m pretty sure that the fact that my film reminded him of one of the new wave filmmaker is THE reason he stayed for mine. Ofc he’s the only one who could truly appreciate it. Obviously, weird/unconventional story structure basing off obscure aesthetic influence just doesn’t go well with 0 dollar budget and mediocre film equipment and no professional help! But most importantly! No professional help! This would have worked out if the profs kept in mind the limitation we have and the limitation they have while they graded us!!! Godard also shot with basically no budget as well, but again he was a PIONEER--that’s why his films are any value in this time and day. 
Our class is meeting the thesis course’s profs again on this Wednesday, because we need to discuss our final project submission. i really want my profs to give me feedback on the changes they want, cause i need to give my shot at getting a decent grade in this 6 units course (a full year course done in one term, actually). I already got into grad school, and i dont think anything above B- would ruin my GPA--tbh I’m expecting a B or B+, and i’d throw a goddamn party if i manage to get a A- with the grade i got from mid term presentation (i participated a lot and attended all the classes and got a A- on my proposal, its just that one shit ass grade on mid term). It’s not fucking fair though, I could have a shot at A-, but they didnt properly explain what they wanted from me--or anyone tbh--on the mid term presentation and gave me shit grade for their own incompetence lol! I’m not the only ones who dislike them--most of the class don’t. I could have gotten an ok grade for my mid term if i knew what they wanted! It’s not like I’m not capable of providing the information at the time! Like I said before, they failed people (not me, thank shit) on the mid term based on arbitrary terms. They also got into trouble later because five people out of 26 ppl in the class have gone to our department head and complained lol! And i know the class in general didnt do great on the 25% mid term presentation. So for our final 35% of the mark? They better grade us according to the resources we are given! which is none!!!  They were seriously no help whatsoever, and I will shit on them till I fucking die lol. I don’t shit on profs or teachers often, but how they structured and dealt with the class was beyond unacceptable. i didn’t really talk to one of them, but today at the dinner, she said it to my face--”well we told you, you can’t shoot a film on your own”. WELL SHIT BITCH! YOU DIDN’T GIVE ME ANY SUGGESTION ON WHAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE INSTEAD WHEN KNOW I DONT REALLY HAVE HELP, AND YOU ARE FUCKING PAID TO DO THAT!! SO!! The only positive thing that came out of this experience is that i figured out that i dont wanna have anything to do with shooting on set or directing after this project, because coordinating people and putting together a crew are NOT my strongest suit and I accept that a little too late. If I wasn’t so obsess with wong kar wai, i might have see reason early on...but oh well, i did this, and at least im not doing something like that ever again. To be honest, im in film because im most passionated about story construction anyways, so after my M.A, hopefully I can have a strong enough profolio to apply for screenwriting program. I think i should really write a featured screenplay over the summer, they are easier to churn out and i gotta do it for my career lol. The longest consistent thing i’ve written is a 20 pages short story, but i also wrote that in only two nights. I just gotta sit down and do the stuff, cause i either don’t write at all or i write a lot super fast--mainly to meet a deadline.  But dude i dont wanna figure this important info out regarding my career path on the expense of my grade lol!! i know that we university students are supposed to figure a lot of things out on our own blah blah blah, but that doesnt mean we are paying profs $300 per course for them to sit around and giving us shit grades for nothing!!! Fucking film profs i s2g, they are either no help whatsoever and snobby af, or doesnt give heck and no help whatsoever. I was nothing but polite and civil and sweet when talking to my thesis course profs, but believe me, when i was thinking abt the way they behaved, im in such mood to go off. 
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
late, but I don’t have to get up in the morning so it’s alright. pretty good day, all things considered. I was in and out of sleep for a while, then got out of bed when my alarm went off at 11:20 (lol, I still love that being my wake up time because I love sleep way too much). Got dressed, got stuff ready, grabbed some cereal (in a sandwich bag to take with me, I don’t do cereal with milk besides a few exceptions) and headed out I was pleased to find out the temperature was actually in the 40s, which is obviously vastly superior to it being in the 20s or 30s, but I still packed my cold weather gear (hat, gloves, and scarf) because who know how cold it’ll be when I have to walk home tonight. Things were kind of wet but not actually raining, so I can deal with that. Got on the train, got to school with plenty of time, got to see Anthony for a few minutes and felt bad because I had literally no cash I could give him and I even emptied out my quarters for laundry :/ I’ll have to make sure I have some cash the next few weeks for when I see him again. He’s really become such a dear friend of mine over the past two years and I always want to help him however I can. But yeah, stuck my food in the fridge and dumped my excess stuff (coat, books for my night class) in the PAD office and headed up to class. This is the one I have twice a week, and missed the first class period for my doctor’s appt on Monday. I saw one of my friends who was doing the DV clinic with me last semester so I sat by her, after making sure they didn’t do a seating chart or anything yet, which they actually did today so that works (profs don’t care about you sitting in a specific seat, but it makes it easier for them to see who’s there when they’re cold calling people). The class was pretty interesting, civil rights, mostly the historical cases in the 1860′s after the civil war and some in the 1960s with the civil rights act and such. I think it’ll be a really interesting class. That let out at 2:15, so I headed back to the PAD office to start the reading for my class tonight. my guy friend who was on the e-board last year with me was hanging out in there, so getting to see him was nice. I dug into my secured transactions reading, because I had to get 40 pages done before 5:50, and it’s always hard to tell how long reading is gonna take you because it can differ vastly, but I ended up being able to at least read through it, though I didn’t do the “problems” in it, which I figured we’d go over in class (and we did). Once again I didn’t bring adequate food with me so I ended up hitting up the vending machine, and then doing leftover chinese food for dinner. Eventually headed up to class, ended up sitting closer than usual but whatever. The class actually wasn’t that bad, I was able to pay attention without too much trouble, and while it’s certainly not my field I think I can find it interesting enough to at least pay attention enough to get a good grade, so that is good. Prof was cool, and he wrote the casebook, so that’s always encouraging lol. We went until 8:30, then I headed home. The weather would’ve been perfect if it wasn’t kind of wet out, but I was glad it wasn’t freezing (it actually said 49 at some point like, after the sunset and I was like what???? this is witchcraft). Walked home from the train, dropped my stuff and started on episode two of Runaways. I’m liking this show a lot so far. It’s smart and engaging, and very much a realistic teen situation (though I find the fact that their upscale private school doesn’t have uniforms to be completely ludicrous) and very entertaining after all. I watched the second and third episodes, so they’re starting to get into all the cult stuff, though I still don’t really have any idea what’s going on there, other than they’re using human sacrifices for some reason and they probably used the one girl’s sister as one at some point, and now they said they need a new sacrifice, and I get the feeling they’re gonna try to make it Molly, but I don’t think they’ll succeed. Ah well, we’ll see. And yeah, after that I started getting ready for bed, and now I’m tired, so I think I’ll call it a night here. Goodnight friends. Peace be with you.
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canaryatlaw · 8 years
Omg I'm so tired. Today was good, it was just LONG. Very long. Sigh. I'm so dead but I still have a lot to talk about and decompress from (if you haven't noticed by now, these posts are my main way of decompressing from my crazy days). Okay. So alarm went off at 7, got up and went to work. I look through the file for today's hearing for a while, then my supervisor asks if I want to go down to court and observe some permanency hearings and I can take notes and such to see what gets asked and all that. So we do. First is a 17 year old girl who's there, and also her 16 year old sister who wasn't there, so after they do the first girl for confidentiality reasons they ask her to step out for her sister's part and the GAL and someone else (I forget) were like "oh will she be ok out there on her own?" and I was right there so I volunteered to go sit with her for like 10 minutes, so we talked. Nice kid, wants to be a cop and looks like she's actually gonna make it to college (this is an incredibly sad fact, but the percentage of foster kids that make it to college is like 3%) so that's good for her definitely. They didn't take too much longer, and then there was another permanency hearing that took for fucking ever, but it was interesting, just sad too. The kid was a 12 year old girl who was there with her grandfather who's the foster father right now and man, I just felt so bad for this kid. Her bio dad is incarcerated and apparently her mom married this asshole and had another kid with him, then he starts smacking the mom around and starts hitting the girl too and the girl is telling her mom but she won't believe her daughter and like, when the girl talked to the court you could tell that she was just so hurt by all of it. Like just so so hurt to feel like her mother betrayed her like that and now she doesn't even want to be in the same room as her, which are pretty intense feelings for a 12 year old. She was really bright too, definitely a smart kid. She really didn't want to do any therapy which I understand, but the judge pushed her into saying she would at least try a few sessions because even if she's not feeling the effects of the trauma now it could affect her down the road. And of course the mom has substance abuse issues and gave a drop that was positive for cocaine in January. I seriously just wanted to hug this poor kid. And the mom is also refusing to let the girl have visits with her little sister, who's like all of 18 months old, as long as she's not visiting with her which is like, so fucking slimy but because the baby isn't court involved there's nothing the judge can do to make that happen (I'm gonna see if there's any case law on that though). And then he yelled at the caseworker because they weren't monitoring the little girl, who only didn't get removed from the home because she was living apart from the mom with her dad at the time (so now she's living with her abusive mom and domestic violence committing father, lovely) so now that she's with them both they need to be watching that. Then there was a whole debate on the permanency goal, because the caseworker was recommending guardianship but as far as permanency goals go you have to rule out the better more permanent options before getting to the less permanent ones, so the judge wanted to know why adoption wasn't being considered, so that was a big thing but he decided not to enter a goal for today and just continue it to the next court date, which makes sense at this point. I did remark to the grandfather and we were walking out that she seems like a really great kid, and he just smiled and was like "oh believe me, I know" and it was really cute. Sometime during my morning I had realized I left my lunch box in my fridge this morning like a fucking middle schooler, so I had to go run out and get food for lunch and dinner because I had packed both, lol. Got pizza first for lunch from that bakery that makes the best New York style pizza I've had in Chicago (I know, a bakery selling pizza sounds ridiculous but this place is just awesome) then ran to the deli to grab a sandwich for later. I got back and started writing up my questions based on the notes I took, and pretty soon it was time to go down for the hearing I was doing. We spent a while talking to the foster mom, and I was alone with her for a good 10 minutes while my supervisor handled another thing. She was really just pissed at the agency because she felt betrayed by how the kids almost got taken from her over the whole heroin dealing boyfriend incident, and some of what she said had legit points but most of it was kind of nuts haha but she was ranting so I mostly just nodded and placated her, saying I understood but as long as the kids are in the system we have to jump through these hoops until they can get officially adopted (she was upset they wanted her to do a psych assessment) and she seemed to understand that mostly. She did bring up God a few times and we had a good little exchange on caring for others and the blessing he puts on our lives. It was good. And then, we were ready to go and I was set to do my first hearing! Ahh, so exciting. It was fine, very basic, though it managed to go on for over an hour (and my feet were killing me by the end). The judge kept kind of interrupting and going on tangents with the worker but he was cool about it like "I don't expect you to know what specific things I want more info on, so I'm sorry for interrupting" which was fine with me haha. But yeah, asked my questions and they mostly resolved the remaining issues. There was a lot of discussion regarding services the kids should be receiving, I know they both have some sort of learning disability/mental processing issue so they need to be dealing with that, and they all want the adoption to go through already because it's already been 2 years since the parental rights were terminated. But yeah, it was good. It was like, 4:20 by the time we got out, so I went back to my office and pulled up my LARC syllabus hoping I could see what reading I had for class tomorrow only to find out the syllabus says there is no class tomorrow, because we're doing individual conferences this week! I was happy to hear that, lol. I headed out a few minutes early to make sure I could make it to the gym for my 5:30 class on time, which ended up being a good call on my part. My job is like, one train stop west and a few blocks south of my church, so I can generally take the bus up the blocks, then take the train west, except now that entrance to the train station is blocked off for construction, and the other entrance is a full two blocks down the road and did I mention it was like 20 degrees out? Yeah, fuck that shit that would make me late anyway. So I called an uber haha and got there in time. For ready, then somewhat confused about which class I was going to because I thought it was Krav Maga when it was really more grappling, which I'm fine with but it is more or less the same class I broke my wrist in so I hesitated a few times with that, lol, but it was mostly fine. There were 6 of us, and I was the only girl. The warm ups and class itself kicked my butt of course, though I do feel good at doing like somersaults and shit because I'm always able to land on my feet with enough force to stand straight up and it works well lol. Then we practiced moves for a bit but it involved hooking an arm around your opponent's neck and kind of pulling them forward, and after a few of those my head started getting a bit dizzy from the pressure on my neck I think, so I bowed out of that a bit early so I didn't wind up like passing out and injuring myself again because I'm sure they are soooo over me getting injured there, lol. But that ended at 6:15, which gave me 15 minutes to get to my conference with my LARC prof because this was the only possible time I could fit it into my schedule, so I ubered again cuz that was the only real choice haha and it worked pretty well. The conference was good, she's an adjunct and doesn't have an office at school so we met in her office in the firm she works at which was cool. She was very encouraging, definitely picked out that I was having issues just organizing stuff because it's all supposed to be so precise, but she said she could tell I was a really good writer, which (as much as I know that already) I always like to hear. I had some time to get back to church for small group that started at 7:30 then, so I took the train instead of doing uber number 3, but this would prove to not be a good idea for reasons I definitely could not foresee. I'm getting off the train at the stop when my phone falls out of my coat pocket, dangles precariously on the end of my earbuds for a few seconds, then slips and falls into the gap between the train and the platform. I was literally just like "oh FUCK." Like ugh are you fucking kidding me???? So I get off the train of course and it pulls away a few seconds later, and thankfully it's on the side of the track and not on the track so it didn't suffer any damage from the train. There were two teenage girls who saw it and said they'd run and get the attendant, and were like "don't jump down and get it yourself!!!" which I may have been considering a little haha but I figured if I could avoid it I probably should, because that could turn out to be a really terrible move (there was like, amble space on the other side of the track so that if I was down there when a train came I could definitely get out of the way, but still, not preferable) though if I didn't have any other options I probably would've. But they get the attendant, who radios over to her supervisor (who's taller) who jumps down and gets it then is able to prop himself back up to the platform which I'm not certain I would've been able to do without help at least, so it's probably good I didn't try. I was very thankful of course and felt like an idiot, but the attendant was cool and was like "I mean, at least a phone is important, we get people wanting us to go down over gloves" so that helped me feel slightly less stupid. So I now ran back to church since I was now late (UGH) but got there quickly and of course filled in my new small group on my last minute adventure. It was nice, seems like a fun group of people. We did a like either or ice breaker game where you like stepped into the circle for the first thing or remained in your spot for the second, and I was wearing my batman t-shirt when he's like "batman or superman?" and every turns to look at me and I'm just standing there like....I like superman better!!! Haha it was funny. And then of course we talked for a while, the subject of the group is "knowing God and loving others," and while it was one of two groups that I could pick that actually worked with my schedule I liked the idea of that and it was pretty good! At this point I'm like, good at speaking theologically on things so it wasn't a stretch for me and they seemed to all like what I was saying. Ended a little after 9, train to bus and made it home and was soooo dead. But I did want to relax a bit and I considered rewatching this week's legends (which I'll definitely do some time this weekend) but I've had this week's flash podcast episode staring at me since Wednesday and haven't been able to watch the flash yet to listen to it, so I did that instead. Pretty good episode, though I'll probably keep my comments short because I'm tired. I'm glad they finally told Joe. I like the mentoring dynamic going on between Wally and Barry. CAITLIN AND JULIAN THOUGH. YESSSSSSSS. You better not kill him off or make him go evil though writers, because you need to fucking let Caitlin be happy, k? K. The whole phasing an entire train thing was obviously totally impossible even on a superpower level for so many reasons, but logic, I know (I did a full analysis of the medical reasons why Gideon was able to bring back Sara yesterday and everyone was like....uh, Rachel, you might've thought too he's about this....). And yeah, those are my basic thoughts and I'm finally done talking about my day and GOD am I tired. So goodnight pals. Happy fucking Friday.
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canaryatlaw · 8 years
Okay it's late and I have to wake up at 6:40 so let's get this thing going. I woke up some time around 6 and my apartment was literally freezing. I check the thermostat and the temperature was already pushed up to like 75 or so so there was like nothing I could do, so I just went back to sleep and by the time my alarm went off at 11 it was fairly warm. I texted my roommate about it and she said the issue is the furnace is having trouble kicking on or something so when it gets down to a temperature that would kick it on it just doesn't turn on and it just continues getting cold. Lovely part of living in an old building, but hopefully we have it working better now. I just hate being cold, lol. But once I woke up again I started getting ready to head down to school for class. Walked to the train and it was fine, train to school and got there at like 12:40 for my 1 o clock class, and there's like nobody in the room. Am I in the right room...? Generally the first week of class everyone is here like at least twenty minutes early....but I checked online and it was the right room, so I sat down and pretty soon people started trickling in so I felt better. There were about 12 of us I think, that's generally where the larc III classes cap off. Ah yes, back to larc. Quick refresher, larc is my schools acronym for what's basically legal writing (it's "legal analysis, research, and communication," but it's legal writing) and I got a semester off of it because for second year they have the first half of the alphabet take it in the fall semester and the second in the spring (and my last name starts with M, which initially was the cut off for the fall, but then got bumped to spring). So I wasn't too thrilled about starting it up again, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do. The prof seems cool, she's an adjunct who works at one of the downtown firms. The actual class period was like, insanely boring because it was about researching for administrative regulations, which is as boring as it sounds like it would be. I mean she couldn't really do much writing wise until after we give her our first assignment, so she had to fill it with something. The first assignment is due in two weeks, just the argument section of a trial brief, 1750 word limit, so not bad. What will be fun from here is trying to figure out what exactly she wants as compared to what my larc prof from last year wanted. It's strange like, there's my concept of legal writing that I do on memos and finals (apparently well enough to get me A's and school boards to change their decisions) but then there's what you do for larc, which is basically an entirely different concept. It's difficult to explain like this, but it's just very very technical and requires extremely specific pieces in order to work right. So that should be interesting at least. I did pull an A in my last semester of larc, so that is encouraging (I mean, I worked my ass off for it, but I did get it). She let us out like 15 minutes early, so that was nice. Headed back home, where I pretty immediately started on laundry because that really needed to get done. Put a load in, then relaxed for a little while while also getting a bunch of little things done. I also decided to make this recipe I saw a few days ago for banana blueberry muffins that looked good, so I did that and they turned out very nice. Watched the latest episode of frequency, which I still need to set to record on my TiVo so I don't forget about it, lol. I'm glad it worked out that Raimy is *not* being charged with first degree murder for obvious reasons, although I have serious doubts of whether in that situation that actually would've happened. I'm also glad Frank didn't get busted with a guy in his trunk hahaha so that's good. It's interesting to see where they'll go from here, because it's almost as if by everything they've done to try and stop their mom/wife from getting killed has actually put her on the guy's radar all the more, and given him more motivation to target her, which is very scary because this douche is fucking terrifying man and I really hope they get him soon. I mean of course they won't really be able to take him down until the season finale, because television, but you know what I mean. I'm enjoying the show though. After that I didn't have anything else to catch up on so I switched to daredevil season 2 again, which saw the so called downfall of the punisher and then the arrival of Electra. I find the punisher to be such an intriguing character, and I almost wish they dug into his story more than they really do, because there's just so much there that they could've worked with. I mean I'm rewatching it because I know I missed a lot the first time around so maybe they will get into it more, but I remember being disappointed in their story of his trial (though that was probably more from a legal perspective) and how unhappy I was that Matt essentially abandoned being a lawyer this season because I need my lawyer superheroes, okay? (Don't talk to me about Laurel.) I'm liking that though. I have always liked Electra, but mainly from a superficial perspective because I never really dug into her story (most of my actual comic knowledge is DC, not marvel) I just knew about her as a character and liked how kick ass she was, and I definitely went to a superhero party dressed at her (which was like, a red shirt, a short red skirt, and red leggings) when I was like, 16 lol. So that was good. I basically just chilled out and did that for a while, which was nice to just relax and get some stuff on my to do list done. Around 9:30ish I started getting ready to go out for the party I was invited to. It was a birthday party for my summer job friend and another one of her friends who I'm friendly with, just at her apartment. So I ubered there because it was a Friday night and it was already 10 o clock, and there wasn't a simple public transport route there, and it was cold lol. But got there and started talking to some guys from classes, and talked about school because we're dorks like that and what else where we gonna talk about? Lol. It was pretty basic, didn't really do anything besides stand around and talk to different people while everyone else got sloshed and I drank coke lol. It was good though, talked to some different people. I ended up taking to two guys for a little while that were, for lack of a better term, quite stupid, which of course was...interesting. And they later like came back over to talk to me specifically and I was like.....okay haha I'm gonna go over here now. Sigh. I talked to a girl from my trial ad group for a little though and that was good, then various friends for a little, and some 1L's, just the usual about surviving first semester and what to expect post-finals and going forward. It's strange because I've met like, no 1L's this year besides my mentees haha so I felt like I should talk to them a bit. And yeah, that was pretty much it. Pleasant enough, as much as a party can be when you're pretty much the only sober person there. I left at like quarter to 1, because they were moving out to a bar then and there's not much point going to a bar when you can't drink, lol. I made plans with my spring break friend to meet up with her in the morning to drive to the donate a day that pad is co-sponsoring, so hopefully she won't be too hungover lol. Took an uber home for obvious reasons, and had a very nice conversation with the driver about the world and politics and everything, and then about my work and fostering, and she was saying that she had considered being a foster parent but didn't because she thought giving them back would be too hard, and I said that yes it absolutely will be hard, but we so need good people that are willing to make hard decisions like that for these kids that need to be loved even if you have to give them back, and she seemed to really take to that and said she was really going to reconsider it now, so that made me quite happy to hear. Got home and basically got ready for bed, and here we are, gotta be up in a little more than 4 hours to go volunteer to do something with some kids (I don't even really know what we're doing, something about an MLK Jr. peace rally, whatever that means, but it sounds like something our world could use about now) so that should be interesting, and I'm gonna get some sleep now. Goodnight peeps. Happy weekend.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Alright, so today was good, not exhausting probably because I got to sleep in which was like 🙌🏻 even though I was extra lazy and took a Lyft to Ulta to get my hair cut so I could get another 45 minutes of sleep 😂 at least I didn't blow off anything actually important, and I was SOOOO overdue for a haircut, like omg. So I got to catch up with my stylist who I love and we always trade crazy stories, so I was telling her about all the mayhem that is juvenile court and all the fun we've been having there (that's a pretty loose definitely of fun, of course). But I finished up there around 3 and walked a few blocks down to the blue line and took it back to school. I dumped my stuff in the PAD office because I always have way too much stuff with me, then went searching for where I was supposed to turn in my appellate briefs because I didn't want to be responsible for holding them anymore like here just take them haha I literally was keeping them in a plastic ziploc bag in an attempt to keep them undamaged. So I was happy when I accomplished that. Back to the PAD office, and had barely a few minutes to copy case briefs for this week's crim pro reading into my notes (because lol who does the reading anymore what am I a 1L? And that was the only class I was actually reading for to start with 😂) and then had to meet my spring break friend because they were doing the pro bono service awards for the students that hit the most hours. As of now I'm at 148 and I still have some more to log from this year, but the highest award is just for 3L's who've broken 200 so I'll definitely get that next year haha but I got the 100 hour one for this year. I hung out with my friend and the two guys from the public interest law board that we're friends with. The ceremony was nice enough, the lady like forgot to call my name which I thought was more amusing than anything else haha because I really did not care but she was like "omg I'm so sorry!!!" and freaking out and I was like haha it's fine really. So we hung out there for a little bit longer before heading back to school (it was in the building next door that's still owned by our university but isn't the "college of law" building), and I copied the rest of the case briefs before heading to class. It was fairly interesting, all 6th amendment right to confront your accuser stuff and there was one case that was substantially similar to a case we cited in the motion I wrote at work about a child abuse victim testifying via closed circuit TV and everyone was talking about protecting the defendants rights to a face to face confrontation of their accuser and I was just like ".....so you guys know in juvenile court we do this stuff literally all the time right?" Lol like I know juvenile court is technically civil court but it quasi-criminal enough that you get a public defender. So that at least was somewhat interesting. Our prof just like, gave us a random 20 minute break and said it was so we could do our professor evaluation but it looked like she really just needed a minute haha it seemed her thoughts were getting a bit jumbled there. But then we finished up pretty quickly and she let us out like 45 minutes early (I just think she doesn't like classes being that long) so I got home a bit earlier than I would've. Nothing new recorded, so I watched crazy ex-girlfriend which is of course reaching whole knew levels of craziness and I do love the show, but I also want to be done with it because there's so much I want to watch right now, lol. I want to catch up on APB which I haven't started at all but have a bunch of recorded episodes of, and I need to see 24: Legacy at least as long to when my bby Tony shows up, and then there's the pressing Netflix shows I really want to drop everything and watch because everyone is talking about them. I know Iron Fist was getting pretty mixed reviews, at least in the comic-media world I frequent, but I'd very much like to see it. And then of course everyone's been going nuts over 13 Reasons Why, which I find interesting because what's gotta be like 8 or 9 years ago now (I was 16 I think) my friend lent me that book to read (I was highly suicidal at the time and I guess she thought maybe it would help? Idk) and I remember reading it, and then starting the lovely bones right after that. It's interesting to see the different feedback to it, and I know there's been some pushback from the mental health advocacy community based on some aspects of the story so I just really want to watch it for myself so I can share my thoughts on it (post-finals, probably). I think I always may have more thoughts on the bullying angle now because of my experiences on tour with that subject. So I'd like to do that. But yeah, that ended my day but I think I had a few more things I wanted to talk about. One would be classes for next semester. The school, for whatever reason, significantly cut down on how many classes they were offering which is a major wtf for all of us, but I'm basically just worried I'm not taking enough bar-tested courses (only certain areas of the law are tested on the bar exam) and more like the ones I'm interesting in, which are great, but may not help on the bar. Tbh though it's not like I'm very worried about not passing the bar. I've always been an excellent test taker, and I know if I prep correctly and give myself enough time to grasp the concepts of the tested classes I didn't take (like how I taught myself all of property in two weeks) I'll be just fine. But as it stands right now, I have adoption law, poverty law (both of which would be very good additions for my line of work), business organizations (which is obviously bleh but it's a must for the bar) and then a legal drafting class we have to take. They have different topic ones you can take, and I didn't really want to do the family law one because I knew it really just meant divorce and I don't really want to do that, so I picked civil litigation on the hopes that maybe I will end up in the outside the govt civil sector fighting for child rights, like I'd really really like to be doing....but we'll see. I'm also seeing the timing work out pretty well, right now I have adoption law and poverty law on Monday and Wednesday nights (one on each night, I just can't remember which night is which), then bus orgs on Tuesday and Thursday from 1-2:40 (my only meets twice a week class, bleh), and then legal drafting on Thursday right after from 3-4:30, that way I figure I can still get home to enjoy a Thursday night. I'm trying to make it so I do have bit more breathing room and I'm not coming home late every single night of the week. This plan would presumably have me at work then class on Monday, one afternoon class on Tuesday, one night class on Wednesday, two afternoon classes on Thursday (and somewhere between those last 3 days slip in my DVLC shift) and work on Friday, which sounds pretty good to me, so hopefully that will work out well. The other thing I wanted to talk about is once again my fucking back, because it was killing me again today and now I'm wondering if I shouldn't go to the grappling class I'm signed up for at the kickboxing gym tomorrow night, but like at the same time it's super easy to talk myself out of these things if I'm not like super strict about it so I don't want it to just be like an excuse, but I also don't want to aggravate it.....idk, I haven't made up my mind yet. We'll see how I'm feeling in the morning and how the day goes. Okay, that's about all I got. Goodnight darlings. Sleep well.
0 notes
canaryatlaw · 8 years
So today was pretty good, and I'm not too abominably tired (just a little abominably tired) so I can deal with that for now. My alarm went off at 7 but I had basically figured I could pass off my morning obligation since it was for the judge shadow for the child and family law association and another e-board member would be there anyway so I texted her and went back to sleep until my typical Friday wake up at 11:10, then got ready to go to school, which turned out to be a bit of a bust because it turns out I didn't actually have class....I thought that may be the case because we were supposed to have oral arguments this week (despite mine not being till next week), and that's all it says in the syllabus in the week, but the week where we just had individual conferences and no class it specifically said no class in the syllabus so I figured we had it....apparently not, lol. I mean it makes sense since our prof has a trial to deal with right now, but I got there and nobody else was there so I texted someone and confirmed we didn't have class lol. I wasn't too mad though because it just meant I could take my time at the gym and have a good workout, so I went to do that. Took the bus to the gym, and did the whole arm and leg workout thing for a while before moving on to abs. I was trying not to piss off my back too much because it's really been bugging me lately, but I managed to do so anyway. I got a good amount of ab workouts done though, so I was satisfied with that. By the time I got to the exercise bike though my back was really killing me and my stomach was starting to hurt, probably from overdoing it on the abs even though I tried not to, so I wound up bailing from the exercise bike after 20 minutes because I didn't want to overdo it more and injure myself in the process. It was still a really good workout though so I was satisfied. I stopped at the little tea place that's right there that I've wanted to stop in on (and it's the more prudent choice then stopping in on the Dylan's candy bar that's right there) and got some hibiscus Apple cider and a croissant which were both very good. Took the bus back to school then and chilled out in the PAD office till our meeting, and in the mean time I did a couple communication based things and also caught up on updating the company tumblr because I was nearly 3 weeks behind and the queue was down to like, 110 posts, which is at least half depleted haha so I had to deal with that obviously and restock it properly. I had been texting my mom about my tiredness issue and why I didn't want to go to a doctor about it, and she was saying she just started seeing a new doctor there that's been good. It's not that I don't want to go to a doctor, I just don't want to go to a doctor who doesn't know what he's doing, and unfortunately I've had a good amount of experience with those. It's hard too because when you google "mono experts" almost all of them are some form of alternative medicine and like at this point I have almost no trust in any sort of alternative medicine just because of all the bs I've been through with it, and I don't want to walk out with some loony diagnosis nobody's ever heard of and they find in everybody who comes in, because been there done that and it hasn't helped at all. Sigh. Idk what to do there, we'll have to see. I was also emailing with children's rights about an estimate for when they can let me know about the internship. This was prompted by an email I received the other night from my current office regarding a conference in May they always send all their law clerks to that sounds really damn cool and they want to know by March 15th if the law clerks want to go, so if I'm staying there for the summer I'd want to know by then so I can definitely go. They said they could definitely let me know within the next two weeks, so that's good. I'm still feeling good about them, I think they're just analyzing all their recipients before making any final decisions which I can understand. So around 5ish people started arriving for the meeting so I talked with them and all, and we started at 5:30. It was a pretty basic meeting, just talking about plans for the rest of the semester and such and everything we need to get done. My spring break friend who runs the donate and days had texted me yesterday asking if we wanted to sponsor the march donate a day so I brought that up and we decided we could, and someone else could attend (as I'll be at HVFF that weekend) so that was good. We also decided to scrap the other March service event I was supposed to be doing, some sort of bracket game for March madness that I didn't know the first thing about, just because it didn't ever make much money, so that's at least one less thing for me to have to deal with. Heading home after the meeting, had some food and then turned to my tv shows while catching up on other stuff online. Apparently my tv decided not to record this week's episode of Powerless, so I'll have to figure that out at some point. Same with Suits, which I'm now behind on (which I'm somewhat apathetic to since I've not been enjoying the show all that much lately). Speaking of such, I started with 24: Legacy which was enough to finally get me to call it quits with the show. I gave it more than an ample chance and it just wasn't doing it for me, so I'm done with it for now and I don't feel bad about it. Next up was Riverdale, which I had to watch last week's episode and this week's episode of. I have to say, Riverdale has become like the land of shitty parenting. Like there was so much crappy parenting going on in these two episodes it made me so angry. Like you're just asking for your kids to be screwed up. The plots were good though, plenty interesting. I'm of course interested in where they're going with the whole Jason thing, and I have to say POOR CHERYL MAN she has to deal with some crazy ass parents, clearly. That sucks. I felt very bad for Josie as well during her storyline with her dad, who seems for all intents and purposes awful. I definitely appreciated the whole Polly storyline, especially with Betty finally finding her sister and (spoiler) finding out she's pregnant. Dude, if I were Betty and I found out my parents did that to my sister I would never trust them with anything, ever. So messed up. Like I said, land of shitty parents. But like I said, overall I enjoyed both episodes. Lastly I watched this week's episode of Training Day, which was of course preceded by a short but sad tribute to Bill Paxton. Still don't know what they're doing with the show going forward from here. They can't really keep it going without him, so they'll have to figure out how to end it one way or another, which sucks because it likely means Kyle will never figure out who killed his dad, which was kind of the whole point of this thing. Sigh. The episode was good though, interesting topic, but I liked following the prisoner's escape and finding his family and trying to save them. It was a well-executed plot, although I have to strenuously object to it being that easy to break out of prison, lol. If it were, the folks at prison break did WAY too much work. But yeah, I like the way they wrapped everything up and just generally did a good job with it, and that was about it for my night. Sleeping in tomorrow of course, then hopefully making a target run and doing a couple other errands like hitting up the post office and possibly visiting my friend Louis in his nursing home, I'll have to call and inquire about visiting hours and hope they work for me. Hopefully I won't sleep all that late so I'll still have time to get shit done, although I do of course look forward to the sleep, which I'm going to get a start on now. Goodnight mah people. Lots of love.
0 notes
canaryatlaw · 8 years
God I'm tired and I've only been up for 12 hours. Sigh. I'm so ready for this week to be over. Woke up at 12:10, got ready and then walked farther than normal to get on a different bus cuz I had to go to the gyno because I was running out of birth control and I haven't been there since last March when he first prescribed me birth control, lol. Do I got there and we just did a quick visit, though he made me promise to come back in March and get an annual exam done and a Pap smear and shit (I just didn't want to do it today cuz I'm busy and shit and Pap smears hurt like hell too) but he gave me some birth control so then I took another bus down to school and sat in the PAD office for a while writing this stupid motion for LARC that didn't wind up being as bad as I thought it would be mostly because it only had to be like 2 pages. It's funny, cuz according to LARC we have like a 2 page motion and then a long memo "in support" of it listed cases and shit whereas at my job in actual court(TM) I wrote a full 9 page motion with cases and everything in it, but who cares about real life right??? Sigh. But I finished that up then worked on editing my memo to put the final touches on it so I could turn it in tonight before leaving for mock trial tomorrow. I got it up to 3721 words, which is good enough for me (the word limit was 3750). I finished up the outline I was working on for arguing my real motion in court next week which is more or less an abbreviated version of the motion because what the fuck else am I supposed to argue???? My notes from LARC say oral arguments shouldn't be a regurgitation of the motion but like, that's my fucking argument with precedent and everything so there's really not much else I can do. I'm not too concerned though. Shortly after that I had to go to class, which was fine. We were still working on Strickland, the ineffective assistance of counsel case, but mostly just the notes around it. I semi-paid attention and semi just worked on the shit I still needed to finish up. At one point they were talking about funding for experts and my prof asked if anyone had ever seen a shaken baby case so I raised my hand and spoke about the case I'd seen yesterday, even though it's not fully what she was asking because she meant a criminal case, but it was close enough for these purposes. And yeah, we ended around 7:45 and after I went to print the final versions of my mock trial stuff and stick them in our trial box so I'd have everything with me, then headed home. Louis was outside the train station again, and he asked if I had any cash on me and I only had $20s, but I said what the hell and gave him one, if only because I'd run into like 6 homeless people today and felt sad that I had to say no each time because I didn't have any food/singles/fives. Walked the rest of the way home and watched Arrow, which was a decent episode I suppose. I thought it was kind of weird that they had Liza join the girl villain squad when she like really wasn't a super villain type, like I feel like there are a lot of other characters that would've been better to bring back, but I guess they wanted to tie in the plot with Quentin or whatever. Oliver's outrage at Thea was seriously laughable, like really buddy you have no right to say anything when this damn reporter was definitely out to get you anyway. Stupid. The whole police trying to arrest the green arrow for the death of detective guy thing was stupid and I've been saying this since that scene happened, but Oliver's DNA is ALLLLLLLL OVER THOSE ARROWS he left in detective guy and we know his DNA is in the system from the many times he's been arrested so there is 100% no way the police wouldn't know that Oliver is the green arrow and the person who did it. Also, lol, I was cracking up when reporter chick asked him if he was green arrow and he was like "and you immediately jumped to the most absurd conclusion?" Like, Oliver, really buddy, two years ago you fucking confessed to being the green arrow in front of the whole fucking city, and only got out of it because Roy tried to take the fall for you but then got "killed" but HEY the green arrow's still here!!!! Like I've said many times before, there's no way there's anyone left in star city with half a brain (I could end the sentence there) that doesn't know that Oliver is the green arrow. Period. As far as Prometheus, my only observation is it would be a great plot twist if Prometheus is actually the mother of the guy they think is Prometheus, lol. And yeah, that's about all my thoughts on the episode. While watching it and somewhat after I made final edits on my memo and motion so I could send them in. I emailed a copy to my prof like I was supposed to, then tried to turn them in on safe assign through lexis which is a new thing they're having us do only for the website to be like lol nope we're not gonna let you do this so I had to send another email to my prof telling her that. It's probably an easy fix, but I'm kind of annoyed I can't just be totally done with the assignment and just focus on mock trial for the next few days. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon enough. After that I packed up my shit and just generally got ready to leave in the morning, then got ready for bed and here we are. Tomorrow we go to DC and I'm really just ready for this all to be over, but hopefully maybe I can enjoy some of it too (that would be nice) and not just feel insanely stressed out the whole time. That'd be nice. Sigh. Guess we'll have to wait and see. Until then I'd like to get some sleep though, I can get almost 9 hours hopefully if I can fall asleep quickly, though I doubt that'll be enough given how I've been lately. Sigh. See you in the morning then. Goodnight peeps. Have a lovely Thursday.
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