#my sweet shart loving friend
zinzinina · 1 month
HI S!!! missed u <3 I hope you're doing good <3333
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Omg Sira my beloved hiiii! I missed you! I hope you have been good and taking good care of yourself and eating good snacks 💕🦈 x
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pumpkinsy0 · 19 days
Hi, I'm the "crush on friend anon"; I didn't even see that you posted my anon till later today. Well since you posted it I'll drop more lore: After I sharted in class EVERYONE laughed at me (deserved). Yeah even he did. A few other things I did for him for his attention (cause if i can't have him love me, i at least want his attention---so Curly coded) was draw him pictures of the character Cloud (We were both big into FF, him more than me and Cloud was his favorite) I would go and get "the good snacks" from the vending machines in the teacher's lounge to share with him and a this one time in wood shop I engraved our names onto some trivets we made in class. I lied and told him they were for his mom (who was like a 2nd mom to me) and totally not because i envisoned us using them in our shared apartment when we got older. And we'd do doughnuts on my dirtbike in the parking lot. Eventually I confessed to him my feelings back in 2019 after we both are happily married and got a few kids of our own; he gave me this dumbfounded look and told me he couldn't believe he had a crush on me during his limp bizkit phaze----hey maybe it was the spiky hair. So thanks for posting my anon and I hope you share this one too :)
this is actually one of the best asks ive ever gotten it checks off all the boxes
1) funny as hell
2) its sweet as hell
3) purly
4) ABSOLUTELY insane from start to finish
5) the 2000s mentions
this was the update we all needed, anon i hope u and the guy and ur families r doing TERRIFIC and im glad yall at least stayed in contact w each other and can look back of ur lives and laugh, this was absolutely great to read, im sobbing this was so cute</33
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araneapeixes · 7 months
I love your Shadowheart art, I'd love to see your Tav. Do you have any headcanons with you Tav and the party? Romance/friends bffs etc?
Omg that's so sweet, I can't believe someone is interested in seeing my Tav 😭❤️ This is her, her name is Ren, pronouns she/they (in game I sometimes switch between she/her and they/them using the magic mirror basically lol)
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They're a half-drow fighter with urchin background, basically a scrappy street kid who had to learn to survive. Her main drive is that she would do anything for her friends, and as someone who had never worshipped any gods or had reason to trust in figures of authority, she just wants everyone to understand that they are fine the way they are and don't need the approval of some god. She doesn't seek authority or power and thinks that doing so never ends up being like, good for you (holding Astarion and Gale by the scruff of their necks)
Before the events of the game they'd say 'yeah i basically just want to survive and not be bothered lol' but when put in a situation where they have the power to help someone less fortunate they will ALWAYS take the opportunity to do so - too much of life spent being the one less fortunate!
Despite being a half-drow they'd never actually seen the Underdark before the events of the game and never met their drow father either so all that ancestry has really been to them is the assumptions people make.. In her appearance I was going for like, softer features than most drow seem to have and kind, human, brown eyes<3 You can'r rly see it in the pictures but she also has the neck rose tattoo.
They're a bit on the quiet and pensieve side (especially for a fighter) but have a cheeky sense of humour and always stay positive!!
This is the only art I've really done of Ren so far lol
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Sketched it out after the first Shadowheart romance scene so YEAH Shart romance obviously hehe Ren was immediately drawn to her because 1)hot goth girl hiiiii and 2)she could see the incongruity between what SH said she was and believed and her actual morals and behaviour. And Ren's calm, kind and unjudgemental presence made Shadowheart trust her very quickly. Basically an immediate attraction and fascination that quickly turned into a strong bond, ik that's not very unique or interesting sorry they're just in louve<3
as for the other party members she feels very close to Astarion (just drawn to edgy bitches with a dark past ig!!) and is basically trying to domesticate him and show him the joys of found family. Karlach is also a very easy natural friend for her as they're similar in many ways although Ren is much quieter and less intense lol but they're Best Bros and drink beer together and arm wrestle and laugh at stupid shit
also good buds with Gale despite his initial romantic intentions and she helps him with the cooking<3 She admires Lae'zel and feels for her struggle a lot but had a bit of a harder time with her at first because of the rough bossiness but they grew closer over time and respect each other greatly. and loves Wyll obviously who doesn't love Wyll but rolls her eyes at his dramatic heroism. Really vibes with Jaheira's sense of humour and thinks shes hot too
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nomomio · 8 months
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TW: Allusions to SA, CSA, and physical abuse
Something that's been really driving me nuts is the reading of Karlach as a metaphor for healing from years and years of a physically and s*xually abuse, notably abuse that occurred during formative years.
- Too hot to touch + Practically throwing herself at you if youre slightly good: As a survivor myself the impossible to touch just screams how much touch feels like it will legitimately burn after getting out of a situation. The years of *desperately* wanting loving touch but something always telling me it's wrong, that it will hurt, that somehow I'll hurt them even.
And combined with the moments where you feel you can get touch and you jump on it like a poor child in a marshmallow test. It's normal to want touch, love, affection, intimacy. But how often do we jump into it without a single thought prior when traumatized, because of that near desperate want. In my second playthrough romancing Shart, my sweet angry baby did her little "hey soldier, you awake?" scene second night of being in my camp, with the only companion approval level lower than hers being Lae'zel. Legit just be nice to her, and get the first upgrade for her heart, and she wants more. And lawd I relate.
- Dammon's upgrades: To me these are early understanding in healing. Early jumps in therapy. Finally finding a medication that works. You feel so elated, ecstatic, alive! You can be fixed! You can be okay! You get told by professionals that C-PTSD, BPD, dissociation, whatever. It never truly goes away. Just managed. But you don't care, you don't really integrate that notion because holy fuck for the first time in years, ever even, you can see a light of fucking goodness at the end of the tunnel.
- Getting to Act 3, the "it doesn't go away" catches up and she starts burning hot: Just about everyone I know who's gone through/going through this intense of healing all have a point where we relapse in some way. The dissociation gets bad again. Mood swings get volatile again. SH tendencies creep back in. The reality sets in that you can't distract from things with how good things can be when you're okay. It's *always* there. You're stuck with what happened forever.
- Total meltdown after killed Gortash: This monologue GUTTED me. I hid and the washroom and SOBBED after it. I have had similar internal meltdowns so many times. No matter what happens to my abuser. Despite the fact that I can still go to court and send him to prison if I wanted. It won't change that what was done to you has been done. When it sets in that everyone around you who loves you will get to have a normal life and you *never* will. You can put in as much work, as much effort, as much heart as possible to try to fucking heal, only to realize that some things will never go away. Some wounds simply will not heal. And you get angry. So so angry. And then you collapse. It isn't fair. It's not. Fair.
The writers at Larian did SUCH a good job capturing the sheer degree of pain in her lines. Samantha Béart's performance deserves all the awards and accolades because capturing that nuanced raw emotion is so so hard. I so desperately wish we could fix Karlach properly, let her stay in Faerun. But. Maybe her good ending being returning to Avernus with you is truly her realistic good ending. I won't ever fully be free of what happened to me as a child. Its a naive hope that ill ever be completely free of it. But I know I don't have to go it alone. My husband, my friends, those I've chosen are with me through it. Karlach can't change her past, but with Tav, Wyll. She doesn't have to go it alone.
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dinobotisland · 1 day
today's session notes. highlights: change god, everyone being so sweet and cutes. once again we are fighting the king tomorrow
loop 19 - -ok we are doing this right THIS time!!!!!! -there's a chance the party will remember if sif does? -UH OOPS? I made sif remember something with the coin hoping loop would react -"you'll always forget about the things you love" siffrin are you good buddy???? -ok i'll do isa's event again tomorrow god fucking damn it i can't believe i forgot to ask about time craft in the library -well to be fair siffrin i would also make my friends happy forever if i was stuck in a timeloop -isa asking if sif drank a tonic… huh? OH IS IT BC i'm not encountering the saddnesses… uh oh. sif so fast and elegant -hmmm it would kill you dead to use timecraft…. so whats keeping sif in the loop… -odile won heads or tails again -i keep making odile suspicious of me help, i'm trying to see new dialogue -bonbon i would let you explode every kitchen -wait. no ghost on the second floor ? is it random chance??? -attacking the door seems scary to isa… -some crafts have a distinct smell? ooo????? -rock craft smells like wet rocks, paper like wood or leaves, scissors like scissors, and time craft is sugar ? -sif feels happy that they're in the loop ? -oh change god talking to bitches real?? huh! -HELP *LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER*. they can just do that with their mouth??? -i love the your little emotes please keep talking forever -change god don't give a shart -i also love the stupid ugly face… so cutes…. -*BEAMS YOU AWAY W MY LASER* -even the change god knows sif doesn't have a middle or last name -loop is sif's sponsor buddy???? -change god enjoying siffrin suffering and changing -she didn't say they were allies at best this loop that's true! sif just oopsied so hard lol -they're family… awhhhh so cutes -AWHHHH ruffling his hair -OMG the save menu text changed too… your family members' -oh my god so sweet… combing his hair :-) -sif stops smiling every time they aren't looking…
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chiveburger · 10 months
so... crazy week, but all in a good way. firstly, I met up with a close friend for dinner the other day and it was soooo swell.  I think we last spoke 3-4 years ago but she’s still so sweet. we shared the same sentiment of missing each other and met because we wanted to catch up. It was really nice seeing her and I felt great afterwards knowing that connection was not severed through time and distance. so! another crazy thing that happened is that 1) I splurged on a new macbook pro and 2) I GOT A FUCKING KITTEN!!!!!!!!!! I’m shitting and farting I’m sharting like... everything fell exactly into place that I’m so stunned? I’ve been mulling over getting a new laptop mostly for editing because I couldn’t stand doing it on my brother’s rusty desktop anymore. so I shelled out a couple thousand for the 14 pro which as if right now... I love. then, to the most important part of the story, I got a new kitten!!!!! she’s 3 months old, grey with black stripes and her name is moon. this all came together because my coworker’s friend had a litter she was trying to give away and crazily enough, moon looks so much like my late cat 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I teared up in the parking lot a little bit thinking about it but she’s so playful and adventure but gentle and very cuddly. I know you’re not supposed to introduce cats together right from the get go but my adult cat took her appearance so well so I think the prospects are really good. so many big changes happened TODAY specifically that I’m so shocked it all worked to my favor. god loved me wholeheartedly today and I felt it. 
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dreamsandtadpoles · 4 months
Thoughts on BG3 companions / people so far (not that far in game but have seen spoilers in other acts so basing on both those things)
Starting at the beginning of things
(Characters I have met already / know things about)
Losiir- Why can't I keep you I like you a lot more than Lae'zel can i switch her for you please?
Lae'zel - Really am on a meh state with her honestly I don't mind her as much as others do I feel like she'd go well with a character like DURGE because of how they both are violent / done with shit. Oh and the actress who plays her after watching interviews I will protect with my life.
Shart - (First who's idea was it to name her this XD) I actually like her a lot she's sweet and kind I just hate that I have to leave either her or Lae'zel behind when I make options most times lol. Oh and her with white hair is FUCKING YES PLEASE QUEEN
Astarion - Okay! So I have never liked Vampires in anything ever, nor do I like popular characters, I like those nobody likes tbh. HOWEVER after watching scenes with him I officially love this little shit head xD
Gale - I liked him at first however the more I have seen things later of him I REALLY do not like how vain he is / thinks he is better than you at magic and really anything. He's probably lower now on my list than Lae'zel.
Ethel- XD she makes me laugh and I kind of love her oh my god can we just be friends please why fight?
Karlach- Love a woman who can throw me over her shoulder like a ragdoll and also curses every 3 sentences like me X3
Wyll - T_T Why do you hate me *cries* i didn't do anything *Glances at Karalch still alive and that I want to fuck the devil* I DON'T GET IT?!
Raph - DADDY 👀that is literally all, just daddy
_______________________ CHARACTERS I HAVE SEEN BUT NOT MET
Harleep - Above same with Raph but like MORE SO O///o hello Halsin- I honestly still find him cute >////< he reminds me of a character I like from another game series Balduran? - Don't fucking judge me >///< Kar'niss- Okay but like hear me out...I get it. 👀
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lyricsofgoldendaisy · 2 years
Alrighty, so @eddiemunsonscurl came up with an oc yesterday, a shark named Shart who plays the mandolin and serenades the fish with his sweet songs 🎶
I decided, after not drawing much for a few months, to ignore all my other WIPs and projects to make this character come to life. Metaphorically speaking, of course, it’s not like my Apple Pencil and iPad are gonna pull a Doodle-Bob or anything like that
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ANYWAY, one of my friends had the idea to put this shark design on my Redbubble shop cuz they thought Shart would look great as a sticker- and since Phoenix encouraged the idea, I’m about to do it! I just have one question-
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I have a version with just him and I have a version with the ocean background- would one work better as a sticker as opposed to the other? Or should I try uploading both? I was originally going to just do the one without a background but I figured I should ask for feedback before doing anything 😅
(Also tagging @chaoticmunson cuz Phoenix told her about the shark and that’s how this whole thing got started- and @eddiemunsons-girl @muns-trosity-main and @myobmaya cuz I showed them all my design for Shart the shark last night and they loved it so I would love to hear y’all’s thoughts, ilyyyyyy🥰)
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kenziejustquietly · 3 months
Lent & Asceticism Journey: Journalling
Friday 23 February
I'm writing this from the blissful comfort of a rainy Saturday morning, with the love of my life softly sleeping next to me and my sweet puppy in her crate jiggling the locks, trying to get out for a cuddle.
Yesterday was Friday.
I woke up and worked the morning from home, wrestling with Facebooks ad centre. I took a shower and used my new auburn brow pencil so my eyebrows don't immediately give me away as a fake ginger.
I searched for the source of weird smells in our bathroom and bedroom and found nothing but removed all bedding, washing, towels, and old things anyway, just in case.
Grace picked me up and we went back to her place to see her dog. I met her flatmate, she was lovely. Grace gets out a lot. She has a lot of third places. I felt like I am not doing enough to enjoy my city hearing her talk about all the bars and friends she has in her back pocket.
We went to get lunch and get some to take to Rach. I had to get the most boring thing there - brown rice maki sushi - because of lent. The others got my favourite food, poke bowls.
We arrived at Rachel's and Charlie was having a feed. He was so cute and looks like an old British man sometimes. I love Him. He cried a lot and also sharted which was fucking hilarious.
We hung out for ages talking to Rachel about how her life is going now. I confessed I missed her a lot when she left.
We left and Grace dropped me home. I put my hair in sponge rollers. Connor arrived home and made fun.
I also read quite a bit more of Sorrow and Bliss. It's a good 3 star read so far. There's a difference between a good 3 star and a bad 3 star. This one is definitely good. It's engaging.
We had skyrim food for tea. I only had two buns instead of three. I felt guilty because it was so delicious. It was meant to be rustic.
I drank a lot of sparkling water, read some more, and fell asleep next to my husband. Joy and Bliss.
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wyllzel · 7 months
sorry i am only capable of talking about bg3 but man now that i'm playing with a gale / lae'zel / wyll A Team i can't imagine playing it any other way 😭🙏 obvi this is a bit of hyperbole lol but they really are so fun and their approvals / disapprovals generally don't conflict so far, so it actually genuinely feels like we're all getting along running around murdering people lol :')
plus from what i understand wyll and lae'zel are the 2 youngest origins and they're both around my actual age so it feels like same-age friends 😂 also i rly love gale and wyll's 'running around' dialogue w lae'zel bc gale just asks her questions about her culture/science and wyll flirts poetically and idk it just feels sweet and like fun vibes 😭
i rly thought astarion would be the character i wouldn't be able to let go of lol but i think it's actually lae'zel :') her "fish out of water" narrative and the way she slowly allows herself to be a little less harsh with the group is so 😭🫶❤️ i can't leave her at camp!!!!! she's on the A Team in my 1st and 3rd runs and i was constantly swapping her in on my 2nd run :')
plus i think i'm getting more comfortable with combat and strategizing for certain fights haha so i don't need to rely as heavily on shart for healing... astarion is grounded in camp atm but i just gave the lockpicking ring to my durge and that's that taken care of 😅
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0zzysaurus · 3 years
Joey’s Super Epic Poggers Butternut Squash Soup (ft. dubious ingredients and haphazard measurements)
1 Butternut Squash - cubed
3 large Sweet Potatoes - cubed
3 large White Onions - eighthed
7-10 halved Garlic Cloves (I know that sounds like a lot but please trust me)
4-5 medium Carrots - sliced
3tsp of minced or sliced Ginger
Enough chicken or vegetable stock/broth to fill the pot above the veg
60ml Double Cream
1tbsp Butter (optional)
1/3 tsp Paprika
1/3 tsp Turmeric
Salt and Pepper to taste
Coriander (Cilantro) Sprigs
1. First up, you’re gonna wanna cut up all them vegetables. Have that done first. The squash took my entire sharting life but trust me it’ll be worth it. Put the pan on the stove but don’t light it yet, and wack all the vegetables in there.
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2. Next up, you gotta boil up that broth. I prefer the flavour chicken stock gives, but if you wanna make this veggie/vegan friendly, just use vegetable stock.
Fill up the pot above the vegetables and turn the heat on, high. Make sure you’re putting the lid on or the broth is gonna evaporate into the Heavyside Layer.
Let that mf bubble and boil away for 15-20 minutes OR until you can stab a fork really smoothly through the largest chunks of squash.
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3. Okay, this part is fun but you gotta make sure you don’t scold yourself so be careful when you use the hand blender. If you’re not sure how to use one, google is your friend.
So!! If you’re veg is all nice and soft, turn the heat off the stove and move the pot carefully to a stable, flat surface. Then, take out your hand blender and blitz the ever loving cock out of it until it’s smooth and consistent all the way through.
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4. Here, we add in the cream, the turmeric, paprika, butter if you want it, and if you wanna be brave and do it right away, the salt and pepper. If it’s too runny, just let it boil away some more without the lid on until it reduces down. Now you’re good to go!
Get that shit bowled up, add a lil drizzle of cream to make it look pretty, and smack those coriander sprigs on there so it looks proper fuckin’ fancy-like.
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And there u go! I’ve made this a couple of times now and while no one in my house likes butternut squash, I’m fuckin’ ride or die for this recipe.
If you want somethin’ to go with it, tiger bread absolutely fucks with this.
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babyboibucky · 3 years
Stages - Part 1
Pairing: AU!Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1,072
Summary: Bucky slowly realizes that he wants to cross the line of friendship with you.
A/N: I started a new series and this is the result of listening to Lauv’s Feelings so y’all might want to listen to that. A good ‘ol classic friends to lovers trope...if they do end up together in the end lol
Bucky was sure that it was just platonic, his friendship with you. Being friends since your ugliest days back in college, it wasn't that hard not to keep it platonic. You sported the most hideous haircut back then, wore braces that made you spit on Bucky's face whenever the two of you argued and you cursed like a motherfucking sailor.
There wasn’t even a hint of sweetness in your entire personality. Bucky literally cried to you out of fear when he almost failed a major and you merely laughed at him, called him a pussy for getting emotional over something so trivial and bought him a bucket of beer to make him feel better.
"She's totally not girlfriend material." Bucky used to tell everyone and you always agreed without even feeling offended.
Why would you be anyway? Getting attracted to Bucky never crossed your mind even though he didn't seem to have that awkward teenager phase, that lucky bastard. He was already good-looking with his piercing blue eyes and boyish grin that made every girl in the university swoon. Sure, he had some baby fat back then but his goddamn charm was undeniable.
Too bad it never worked on you.
You’ve seen how Bucky flirted, heard his cheesy pick-up lines over and over again and they just made you cringe. You almost wanted to throw up when Bucky shamelessly engaged in phone sex while he hung out at your dorm. Thank god he didn’t whip his dick out and jerked off while you studied, he just groaned and cursed into the phone, talked dirty to whoever it was he was talking to and boy was Bucky terrible at it.
“You want me to fuck you with my 8-inch dick?” Bucky grunted into the phone as he laid on your bed.
You rolled your eyes and slammed your laptop shut, deciding to continue reviewing somewhere else. You left your dorm but not without grabbing Bucky’s phone, interrupting him in the middle of his disgusting sex talk.
“8-inch dick? More like 8 inches divided by 4. Good luck sucking his micropenis, sis.”
“You fucking, bitch!”
The both of you knew each other very well too, a tad bit too much at that. You knew each other's deepest darkest secrets like that one time in sophomore year when Bucky had food poisoning during a test and had to swallow back his vomit again and again until he finished the exam. Or when you went on a blind date for the first time, sharted, and braved through the entire day with shit in your underwear.
You also knew he wasn't one to settle down and all the times that he did commit, he always ended up breaking the poor girl's heart. Bucky was also aware of your trust issues given your family history. Having witnessed your parents fall out of love and into resentment, you refused to believe in relationships.
“I heard you rejected Tyler. He isn’t so bad you know?” Bucky asked as he sat next to you in the library.
“You know I don’t do relationships, Buck.” you told him, leaning your face against your palm as you flipped through the pages of your handouts.
“I heard you dumped Dot.” you asked back. “I thought she was the one. I mean, you sorta changed when you started dating her. Thought you stopped using your dick to think.”
Bucky shrugged, “I got bored of it.” he responded.
You snorted and turned to him, “Guys like you are the reason why I don’t do relationships.”
“Yeah well, girls like you are the reason why I don’t do commitment.” he snapped back. “You’re too cynical, I mean c’mon. Have fun, suck a dick without attachments.” he said out loud, earning a chorus of shushes from the other students engrossed in their books.
You rolled your eyes at Bucky in embarrassment and started gathering your things, preparing to leave the library.
“I already did.”
“What the fuck?! When and whose dick did you suck?!”
It was pretty clear that romance was out of the books between the two of you.
Bucky was sure that it was just platonic, his friendship with you. Until he slowly began to realize that maybe, just maybe...you might be girlfriend material after all.
As the years went by, Bucky started noticing the little changes in you in all aspects...and as a man, it was the physical changes that he started to notice first.
Sleepovers weren't unusual for the both of you, in fact, the both of you were comfortable letting each other stay the night at each other’s dorms. Junior year in college, Bucky decided to stay at your dorm to work on a project. You had just finished taking a bath when Bucky knocked on your door and almost choked on his own spit upon seeing you in a tight cami top and the tiniest pair of shorts.
It wasn’t really the first time you paraded around Bucky wearing such, but for some reason, he couldn’t get his eyes to look away from your chest that night because fuck, when did they get that perky? Bucky felt bad for sexualizing so he decided to go through your old pictures (you with the ugly-ass hair and braces) to rinse his brain and fortunately, it worked.
For a while, Bucky managed to ignore the physical changes you were going through. It didn't last long though, because right after graduation Bucky started to notice a lot of things about you. Your hair had grown longer and for some reason, Bucky found himself wanting to run his fingers through your locks. He loved the natural waves in your hair, sometimes he'd tug at them to annoy you but truth was, he just wanted an excuse to touch it.
You had your braces removed in senior year too but it wasn't until your graduation that Bucky noticed how it totally changed your smile. You were pretty insecure about your teeth and when you finally got them straightened out, you learned to smile more and with confidence. Bucky remembered your habit of covering your mouth with your hands whenever you laughed so when he first saw you laugh freely, he thought you looked the most beautiful.
Were the changes in you that blatant for Bucky to start noticing them or was he just paying more attention to you?
Bucky didn't know why. At least, not yet.
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @hersilencedscreams 
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
dating connie springer hcs
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simp alert simp alert simp alert
connie is abt to be a regular on my blog i love his himbo ass so much also i’m tired of the lack of connie fics
also i am a connie kin and i am in love with him, yes i am conceited
warnings/notes: cursing, sex jokes, modern au!, canon au too, connie being a himbo, LOTS OF FLUFF, angst <3
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modern au!
ok first of all, mr springer here would probably not even notice u at first, he’s literally in his own world
but when he does he’s like ‘awooga awooga😻’
whenever he has a crush on someone, be it anyone, i feel like he acts like a lovestruck girl.
like i feel like he does the same thing as me, like if u were dating him and said smth really sweet like “i love you so much you are my world” he’d be like “STOP IM GONNA SHART”
he doesn’t exactly know to handle love in a serious way, he’s just not in relationships tht much!
he’s very smitten and sweet on the first date too, this mf will be so cryptic
like all of a sudden ur getting texts that say “heyyyyy so what’s ur favorite thing to do? haha i’m boreddd” like connie just... just ask
connie also loves pda, he will give you kisses in public around anyone. he does not care
he’ll text you at like 3 am and be like “miss u🙁” like go to bed
i feel like connie doesn’t get jealous but he DOES get insecure. he’s not mad that you’re spending time with other people but it will make him questions if he’s good enough for you sometimes
if connie were to get jealous i feel like he’d be extra touchy
if you were to have any classes with him while you both are students, he will literally cheat off you
“babe, i’ll take you on a date on friday if i can have the answers!!”
“say less.”
i feel like connie is secretly sad about whatever. he doesn’t tell anyone but jean, sasha, marco, and you about it
connie probably also wouldn’t know how to efficiently comfort you if you were upset.
whenever you do come to him, he gives you encouragement and reassurance and love and then decides to slip in a little joke to see if you can handle it
he ends up joking with you for the rest of the night
i genuinely think that connie is secretly a diehard kung-fu panda fan? sometimes on date nights, he makes you watch it with him
with a guy like connie, you barely have to second guess him loving you.
connie is generally friendly with everyone he comes across. he has a big heart and isn’t afraid to let his friends know that he loves them
but with connie, i think he’s a lot like me and just likes to be alone a lot and left alone. he will hours without texting you and then text u and be like “wait what happened?”
this man will fight with you on the daily
like you’re sitting on the couch watching tv?? connie punches ur arm
standing up just to stand? connie is shoving you and then putting his fists up
laying in bed together? connie is smacking your forehead
oh my god, he will literally come up to you all lovey dovey and lay on you then will coo “omg babe, i love you so much ur so cute!! i love you” which is suspicious in itself
like not cute little toots, FULL ON FARTS THAT STINK
connie is so loud. literally so fucking loud
it’s cause he’s comfortable around you and you can’t help but be like ♥️♥️ because of it, he’s too cute
whenever you post on instagram, he’s in your comments acting like those creepy sugar daddies and porn bots
conniesprings: so beautiful!! send boobs😁
conniesprings: wanna have some fun with me? check dms😉
he makes the fuckboy emoji every time you snapchat him a selfie of you with the caption of “haha ur so sexy.... nudes⁉️”
i feel like connie would facetime you every time he has to poop. you always get so mad and hang up but he will spam you with calls until you answer. claims it’s a “bonding experience”
he put his contact name as ‘dad😩🥵⁉️’ on your phone because he thinks he’s so funny
also anytime you bend down/over to pick something up or to look at smth he literally grabs ur hips and pretends to fuck u 😭
he’s also so shameless, he will smack your ass in public; he does not care
literal menace to society but we love him
he loves you with his whole heart and soul, he wouldn’t trade you for the world
canon au!
connie would not get in a relationship in canonverse, but he would fall in love possibly
he would never act on it, he doesn’t have the luxuries because he’s a soldier.
he shows his love in small affections though, but not small enough where sasha and jean don’t notice it.
he’s always checking in on you, and if you’re a scout, always making sure your equipment is working and that your gas is filled
however, he won’t try to convince levi, armin, or hanji to keep you out of dangerous situations.
saving the world is his top priority.
if you are put into a dangerous situation, he will pray for you to be alright and safe.
sometimes late at night when everyone is asleep, he stays up and cries. he wishes for you both to have a different life without any of this, for the two of you to be together
connie doesn’t joke as much as he used to, but he will always try to make an effort for you.
he would devastated if you were to die.
he usually isn’t allowed to have time for mourning or grieving, so whenever he does get rare chances to be alone, he cries to himself with his head in his hands
connie springer’s smile is gone at this point. he’s lost everyone and everything.
he’s just a shell of a man now.
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gryffindors-weasley · 3 years
who are some of your closest mutuals and what do you love about them? (i’m sending this to a bunch of bloggers because i think it’s such a wholesome thing to talk about!)
I love this sm omg andkksndnd where do I even begin
@belouva — my bestie sharty I love with my entire heart and then some. the shart to my fart I love you so much. you’re literally so funny and amazing and the best kind of friend to have and I can’t imagine a day going by where we don’t talk I love you poopy <3
@gxtitobxby — sof omg bestie she’s my ben barnes dean winchester enthusiast I love talking to her. there’s no one I’d rather thirst with and it really shows in our dm’s. she’s always fun to and sunshine to see on my dash and in my inbox I love her sm
@heloisedaphnebrightmore — Gina! she’s so sweet and so caring and an absolutely amazing friend. she’s always got the best talent for aesthetics and writing, and she’s got a heart of gold. any time I talk to her or see her in my inbox it always brightens my day 1000000%
@wnterwidows — lanie is my leo gryffindor bestie and I love her so so so much. she never fails to make me smile and she’s one of the most kind and compassionate people I’ve met on here. she’s an absolutely wonderful friend who’s incredibly talented in everything she does
@nancybycrs — my bby mere is an angel on earth and literal sunshine on my dash. she’s my hype girl who writes the most beautiful fics I’ve ever read and she’s got a beautiful soul and the best personality ilysm mere <3
@weelittleweasley — lexi is the love of my life fr. she’s so kind and so supportive and an absolute angel. she never ever ever fails to make a bad day better and she has the funniest personality. she’s so talented and caring and someone I’m always incredibly grateful for
@sunrisefairy — elle my goodness I love her. she’s stunning, she’s amazing, she’s hilarious, she’s a queen and just seeing her name makes me smile I love u sm :,)
@ch0colatefr0gs — mel my cloud wife. she’s the cutest and sweetest and I adore her. I could talk about clouds and Ron Weasley with her all day she’s my sunshine and she’s got the best marauders content in the world she’s so talented <3
@lumos-barnes — marissa is an absolute angel I miss her all the time even when I talk to her. she has the sweetest soul in the world and she’s the bestest kind of friend to have. she’s precious and talented and just seeing her on my dash is enough to make my day sm brighter
@rcwenaclaw — kai is fabulous, stunning, absolutely everything. she has the voice of an angel and she’s a literal goddess and she’s got the best sense of humor. I love her more than words :,)))
@iliveiloveiwrite — Millie! she’s the most supportive and caring and generous friend in the world. she’s always there for me and she’s the sweetest in the world. she’s so incredibly talented and has the absolute best taste in literature I swear
(not me getting literally so carried away omg ily all so much and all my mutuals have a special spot in my heart ilysm :,))
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dinobotisland · 3 hours
loop 20 notes are more of interest my policy is just to post whatever loop i just finished as well
loop 19 - -ok we are doing this right THIS time!!!!!! -there's a chance the party will remember if sif does? -UH OOPS? I made sif remember something with the coin hoping loop would react -"you'll always forget about the things you love" siffrin are you good buddy???? -ok i'll do isa's event again tomorrow god fucking damn it i can't believe i forgot to ask about time craft in the library -well to be fair siffrin i would also make my friends happy forever if i was stuck in a timeloop -isa asking if sif drank a tonic… huh? OH IS IT BC i'm not encountering the saddnesses… uh oh. sif so fast and elegant -hmmm it would kill you dead to use timecraft…. so whats keeping sif in the loop… -odile won heads or tails again -i keep making odile suspicious of me help, i'm trying to see new dialogue -bonbon i would let you explode every kitchen -wait. no ghost on the second floor ? is it random chance??? -attacking the door seems scary to isa… -some crafts have a distinct smell? ooo????? -rock craft smells like wet rocks, paper like wood or leaves, scissors like scissors, and time craft is sugar ? -sif feels happy that they're in the loop ? -oh change god talking to bitches real?? huh! -HELP LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER. they can just do that with their mouth??? -i love the your little emotes please keep talking forever -change god don't give a shart -i also love the stupid ugly face… so cutes…. -BEAMS YOU AWAY W MY LASER -even the change god knows sif doesn't have a middle or last name -loop is sif's sponsor buddy???? -change god enjoying siffrin suffering and changing -she didn't say they were allies at best this loop that's true! sif just oopsied so hard lol -they're family… awhhhh so cutes -AWHHHH ruffling his hair -OMG the save menu text changed too… your family members' -oh my god so sweet… combing his hair :-) -sif stops smiling every time they aren't looking… -the universe helped the king? he wished for it…. -an article about the king… head housemaiden's office or some shit fuckkk -siffrin can never go back home… -oh no… everyone sees something is wrong now with the head housemaiden loop back part… no… -can't shift his expression fast enough. he's a deer in headlights
loop 20 - -oh siffrin is not fine -loop is not a star… uh huh…. "more like a mirror" huh -loop in disbelief that we saw the change god? -talking to the head housemaiden is something that keeps you from advancing somehow hmm… -what goal is impossible though… everyone seems happy? -I GET TO HANG OUT WITH LOOP? YES. "i'm lonely!" -loop stop being so judgemental siffrin is literally bad memory georg of course he needs the coin to remember -"do you think i'm supposed to be here?!" uh oh, oh loop is stuck here huh. lied just so siffrin wouldn't question it. no home to go back to. -i think the only person who could understand is siffrin… -ok so loop's event might take up the rest of the day like isa's? ig i can do the rest and skip him for now ? -HELP DID I VISIT LOOP TOO MANY TIMES IN A LOOP? HELP -ahhhhh secret tutorial is just for the showing loop items thing i already know about bc i tried it instantly with the star leaf -spend a loop with loop… lol -loop knew siffrin before they even met… yeah checks out. they know so much. "kind of" ? i don't believe you, fucker. -LOL i did think loop was trapping sif here. but i'm not sure anymore -loop knows how it feels to be stuck somewhere with no hope of escape… were they in a timeloop too? -both siffrin and loop said "i'd rather not" when asked to tell more about themself…. hmmmmmmm… -HOLY SHIT. that's so bright… the king's attack???? -SIF just drew their weapon on loop? omg? -wait that's true… sif just looped back… bc they realized their friends died… it's not losing… of course its not it would happen automatically when you're "softlocked" -it must have something to do with their friends? but what? they all seemed happy in the end? it's just siffrin who's missing in that regard then, they don't have an "ending" i guess? i guess if it did actually end after the king, everyone goes home and siffrin will just just, keeps traveling, without them, alone. huh. and the loop knows this somehow? someway? -and we just established siffrin controls it somewhat… so then, it's siffrin? siffrin needs to not be sad? siffrin needs a happy ending? -hmm i guess it was also established that it IS what siffrin wants, they did wish for it didn't they? i picked the mirabelle option at the start, but i don't remember exactly what it was, to keep traveling with them? -ok so i need more info on the king, and i guess i just ? do the friend events again. and climb the whole house, again. the 20 hour runtime of isat is not looking good with my 27 hour file gang. -hm i guess while i'm here i can figure out what's going on with the ghosts! -sif purposefully tripped on a rock… to not seem really powerful -bonbon you don't know what stars are? -FUCK I HAVE TO GO INTO THE STAR ROOM ON PURPOSE…. its fine. its fine. i don't need the extra skills its fine. we're so fine . i guess i might as well figure out where the second ghost spawns, and i won't get to do the third again. -odile won heads or tails again, i think this is a given i can stop writing it down -odile thinking about time craft… looking at sif… did this happen last time it might have…? maybe i shouldn't skip interacting with the time craft book again.
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IM HAVING TO HOLD MYSELF BACK FROM BINGING UR WORK BC ITS SO GOOD!!! I literally told my friend ur my fav blog rn and proceeded to send them one of ur things (they loved it btw!) 💀it's so good dude omfg--- like the way you write is so like peaceful and pleasant to read 💕 please like idk know that ur appreciated and that you do a great fuckimg job and that people (me kts me I'm people) are shaking and foaming at the mouth over ur work. like dude I love it too much. I'm so excited for some pt 2s 😫 and I love so much that you write for the underrated boys (sero toko shoji tetsu) ALSO THE WAY YOU INTERPRET THE CHARACTETS IS SO GOOD AND I AGREE I AGREE IA HEEECNCNCNSKS i love you thanks for existing and making things for me to shit and cry over
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