#my thoughts directly ehehe
segretecose · 2 years
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betweenlands · 1 month
[[Psst! Hey you! If you are here without context, go vote for the Well in the MCYT Prisons Contest!]] (and also for the Ghost's Vault, too)
“You tubed which Lying!?” Avid’s patron sputters.
Avid winces at the loud feedback screech accompanying their outburst, resisting the urge to clap his hands over his ears – instead, he looks directly over towards the most recently occupied tube, giving its new resident a quick once-over for identifying features. Fox ears, kind of runny mascara (the tube isn’t doing it any favors), raven wings, big floppy hat with a wide brim and a pointy tip.
He snaps his fingers. “Witch Lying! Yeah, that’s the one.”
“You,” the Nameless King says, and then mutters something completely unintelligible. “Avid. You have priorities. You are supposed to stop people from falling into the Void. This sort of diversion is–”
“I thought of that, actually!” Avid says brightly, leaning back against the stasis chamber. “Actually, they were like, a pretty high priority target once I realized I had access to other worlds through this whole… prison bracket… thingy.”
“I’m still not sure how that works, to be honest,” the Nameless King sighs.
“It’s really not that complicated! See, the other Avid is busy being possessed by some weird dark entity called the Old One or whatever, who I assume is like a rival of yours so I’m not going to linger on that because I certainly wouldn’t want to be asked about my exes, but anyway – he’s busy, I’m not –”
“–You have a job–”
“– and so I figured, what the heck, might as well just kinda sneak in there and see if there’s anyone that’s being particularly unsafe! And hoo boy, buddy, you are gonna be glad I did that.”
A pause, then more discontented grumbling from the other side of the line. “You had better have a good reason for taking your eyes off our biggest issues. Marmalade’s still at large, and that Fool could be–”
Avid snickers, rapping his knuckles against the tube despite the sign he’d put up next to it clearly reading DO NOT TAP ON GLASS. “Okay, so here’s the deal. It turns out this sucker right here, the Witch, they’re like – immortal immortal.”
“Most people are somewhat immortal. Respawn exists.”
“Yeah, I don’t think they’ve taken a respawn in a couple centuries,” Avid says, stretching and moving over to the readout of the tubed figure’s genetics chart. “From an old modded generation – they’ve got some sort of immortality machine somewhere. Couldn’t figure out how to disable that but I did my research and, oh boy, you are gonna be glad to hear about this one.”
“Again. This had better be good.”
“Man, you are tetchy today.” Avid sighs. “I’ll make it quick. Immortality machine runs on death protection poppets. Death protection poppets block void damage. Void deals void damage. People go into Limbo if the Void can’t kill ‘em. You want people not in Limbo. Ergo, pickled Witch in the Woods.”
A long silence.
“Did I oversimplify?”
“No.” They sigh deeply. “Frankly, I’m stunned that you managed to create and follow a totally logical train of thought to completion. If what you’re saying is true, you actually have saved us both a great deal of hassle.”
“Aw. That’s sweet of you.” Avid leans back against the tube again, grinning.
“Don’t get used to it. But… well done.”
Avid grins widely, almost to the point where he has to cover his own face to hide how much he’s smiling. He’s done a good job! He did it! He’s getting a good grade in tubing people, something both normal to want and possible to achieve!
“I asked you a question, Avid,” the Nameless King says. Oops.
“Yep! Definitely heard you the first time, but, could you maybe just… rephrase that in full for a reason that is totally unrelated to me not hearing you?”
A long-suffering sigh. “I asked how you got them in the first place. Didn’t you lose the last round?”
“Eheh.” Avid’s grin turns almost uncharacteristically nasty. “See, that’s the thing. I did. I’ve been picking off the losers for the most part, so everyone’s been worrying about little ol’ me. I mean, who would even bother going after the immortal that won this round? If anything, they’re a suspect.” He waves one hand. “It’ll take people a little while to realize anything’s up – in fact, I can probably pick off a few more people in the quarterfinals before anyone figures out that the Witch is missing.”
“Make your pitch,” Avid’s patron says. “Quickly.”
“You got it.” Avid rummages in his inventory and pulls out a hand-drawn map of the upcoming tournament and a ballpoint pen that was probably Trog’s before they got tubed. He clicks it a few times, tapping it against his chin. “So, this round the Well looks like it might get bodied. Last round got something like a thousand votes – really close call, this place called the Desert versus these things called ‘where is’ blogs.”
“Please tell me you didn’t take out Ross,” the Nameless King says. “I don’t have the time or resources to deal with the Red Sun, and neither do you.”
“I may be dumb,” Avid says, “but I’m not stupid. I didn’t mess with that round. It was too high-profile, and keeping the Desert guys at large means they’re another prime suspect for the disappearances. Which brings me to the winners of that round.”
“Which was…?”
“The where is blogs. Apparently they put people in situations and it’s very popular. But, if they win, I’m thinking I could call in a little request for their next location.”
“Hm.” Avid gets the distinct sensation that the Nameless King is tapping their fingers against something. “Yes, that could work. If they let their guard down after winning like the Witch did, you could sweep in and get a lot of people at the same time – define where they are, as it were.”
Avid twirls the pen around his fingers a couple times before scribbling something down in the margins of his notes. “See, this is why we make such a good team! That is exactly what I was thinking we could do.”
“Excellent. Then make sure they win the next round – and don’t let me down.”
Avid nods, and then realizes that his patron can’t see him doing that, and then decides that he doesn’t really have anything to add. Awkward silence fills the air for several seconds.
“One more thing,” the Nameless King finally says. “You said you were picking off the losers, didn’t you?” Their voice is dryly annoyed again – so much for being happy with Avid’s job performance. “I would love to hear who else you’ve wasted our time on.”
“Not a waste of time!” Avid says brightly, hopping over the top floor railing and down to a lower floor. “So, there’s this really cute version of Viking that I would, just, love to talk with over drinks sometime, seems like a really fun dude, has this beautiful vault –”
“Avid. Focus.”
“Uh. Right. Probably won’t be able to talk to him face-to-face unless he gets into the finals, so I’m gonna have to work really hard to see if I can–”
“Sorry, sorry!” Avid waves a hand as he checks over the occupant of the next tube. “Anyway, the guy he beat was really distracted and kind of stormed off muttering about how people should’ve had new perspectives or something? He was alone, so I bopped him over the head and tossed him in a stasis chamber.”
Avid looks over the catboy in the tube appraisingly. He’s wearing all-black with green and yellow highlights – he kind of looks like an emo version of Viking, if Viking actually wore hoodies. And had brown hair. And didn’t really look like Viking other than the heterochromia. “I don’t know his name, but apparently he’s Canadian? Whatever that means, I don’t think Canada canonically exists in–”
“You’re not serious.”
“I am! We cannot confirm Canada to be like, a canonically existing thing, that’ll break suspension of disbelief! Or at least that’s probably what Anathra would say.”
“I don’t care about the relative canonicity of Canada. You’re telling me you captured Kenadian? The person known for breaking into and out of places faster than anyone else? The prison escapist?”
“Ohhh,” Avid says. “He’s not Canadian, his name’s Kenadian. You know what, that makes so much more sense.”
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papillon-stories · 1 year
Go Eunhyuk x reader ꕥ Argument headcanons ꕥ
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OMG, I'm so sorry... ! 🫣 I was so caught up with classes and work!
I’m not blind to the requests you sent me, I just paused everything because these last few months were so intense. But I feel like writing about Eunhyuk is my only pleasure of the day (in my era delulu)
But I didn't give up, ehehe. In the meantime, here's a little headcanon, hoping you'll like it. I love you all! Please have an Eunhyuk in your life, it's important for your well-being.
Happy reading !
Warning : No warning, just a lot of fluff and broken English
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He hates arguing with his s/o.
Most of the time, he is the mature one in the relationship. Most of the time.
Eunhyuk is generally very calm and not the type to start a fight, but he also has a bit of a temper.
In truth, arguments with Eunhyuk are very rare because he keeps a lot to himself, but like in any couple, arguments happen.
If something is bothering you, he will give you time to confide in him.
He wants to resolve the problem, but he tries to think about it on his own before discussing it with you.
It's important for him to understand the problem on his own (poor guy, he's going to get gray hairs from it).
If he can't find the solution himself and he sees that you're taking time to confide in him despite clearly showing your annoyance about something he might have done or said, he will eventually ask you directly what bothered you (at the right moment).
Generally, during a big argument, he prefers to leave if he feels his temper rising.
He doesn't avoid conflict, but he doesn't want to regret saying something mean out of anger.
Eunhyuk knows where it hurts, and when he's annoyed, he has a hard time holding back his words.
He can be very direct and straightforward.
He will take the time to calm down and come back to you when he's no longer heated.
You communicate a lot, and he doesn't want to be someone who leaves his significant other sad or angry at him... he doesn't want to be like his father.
Eunhyuk always takes your feelings into consideration and respects you a lot.
Because communication is good, but without understanding, it's useless.
If something annoys or saddens you, he won't dismiss your feelings and will simply try to fix it.
For him, there's always a solution.
Like you pointed out that this girl was crazy about him? She's already non-existent in his eyes.
But sometimes he finds your random outbursts of anger toward him amusing.
He finds it cute and doesn't take them too seriously.
"Why are you laughing? I'm serious."
There are no real reasons to be angry with each other.
Maybe out of jealousy?
YES ! In a relationship, he has no reason not to be honest with his feelings.
If something annoys him, he will probably take his time to talk to you about it.
He has enough trust in you to know that you won't hurt his feelings.
Despite his attitude, Eunhyuk is someone who thinks a lot.
He constantly questions himself.
The truth is, he will distance himself from you to sort out his thoughts because he knows that talking about it in the heat of the moment can escalate things.
You will notice his change and decide to talk to him about it.
Again, the last thing he wants is to hurt you.
But he knows that sometimes his silence can hurt more than harsh words, so he will come back quickly.
The best thing about your arguments is your reconciliations!
You cherish your relationship.
If he acted poorly, he will be the first to come to you and timidly apologize.
Conversely, if you are at fault, he will wait for you to take the first step.
He doesn't really expect apologies; he just wants you to understand his point of view.
Depending on the severity of the argument, he might ignore you at first.
Again, he needs time; he is constantly reflecting when it comes to you.
But he will never push you away if you come to make peace.
In essence, arguments are rare, but when they happen, you know how to handle them.
Thank you for reading ! Do you have any suggestions ? :)
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Okay we've seen Ren/Redacted crumbs. We've seen Leon and Jae crumbs. We've, ugh, unfortunately, seen Teo crumbs /lh) How about my girls Violet and Elanor? I know Elanor is ace so her crumbs don't need to be explicit. :3
Also your own head canons of Mer Ren crumbs? For me? As a treat? /lh /silly
✦゜ANSWERED: FINALLY...... FINALLY I CAN TALK ABOUT MY WIVES...... MY LOVES......... Oh look Mer Ren is there too >:3c
A switch, but prefers to top/dom if her partner has a cooter
She's really into blindfolds, sensory play, praise kink (giving), and shibari/tying/being tied up.
Her thighs are extremely sensitive; merely gliding your fingertips across them will have her legs twitching and back arching.
She makes the prettiest sounds!! Nothing too loud or vocal; just soft moans and airy sighs. Violet responds to almost any form of physical contact, even if it's just brushing hair from her face or pressing kisses against her collarbones.
Violet enjoys intimate positions the most. She likes being able to see her partner and the pleasure on their face. It also allows her easier access to kiss you, though it usually doesn't cross her mind unless she's directly staring at your lips.
Greatly prefers to share these intimate encounters in the privacy of her own home (or yours)! Public woohoo isn't really her thing, but she won't shame those who enjoy it (she's looking directly at Ren and Leon)
Violet is better with her fingers compared to her mouth, but that just makes it easier for her to whisper praise into your ear or leave a trail of butterfly kisses down your neck.
Adores the fantasy romance genre and secretly wishes to find love in a similar way.
Gets embarrassed reading smut in public, so she either wraps up her novels with homemade book covers or downloads them onto her Kindle.
They've read aaaall kinds of spicy genres, ranging from flirtatious fae, cunning spiderfolk, and all the way to possessive werewolves. While she isn't into anything too extreme, you'd be surprised by her taste in books.
Often likes to let you rest your head in her lap while she reads, but also likes to sit in yours while she does your makeup/skincare. It's very romantic and intimate to her.
Playing with their hair is a sure-fire way to get Elanor red and stuttering. She'd be happy to wear your masterpiece to work if you can spare enough time to do it in the mornings — even if it's embarrassing on her end.
Mer Ren
His kind bonds for life, and comes with a few additional quirks and side effects.
For starters: when mating season rolls around, both Ren and his mate will feel the same wants and urges — almost as if you��re sharing the same thoughts and wavelength.
You'll be able to feel every pang of need and desire that washes over Ren as he patiently waits for your return to your secret meeting place. And in turn, he can practically feel you get closer with each step you take.
His gills are faaaar more sensitive too, and touching them will have him pressing his body closer and slotting his mouth against every patch of available skin he can find.
Most of his fleshy scars and wounds start to glow when he's getting close, and all of his fins flare out once he cums.
Mating season is also the only time you can feel all of Ren's emotions as well. You'll be able to tell when he's feeling lonely or jealous as he runs his webbed fingers across your body or possessively ruts himself against your heat.
Mer Ren has more endurance (compared to his human counterpart) when submerged in water, but he finishes a lot faster. On land, he tends to dry up quicker and becomes more lethargic.
He has two..... you know......... down there :D ehehe
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This post is basically me copying something I wrote for a friend to help her get off, so if anything sounds weird I do apologize.
Anyways keep reading below the cut if you're wanting to read something that's apparently really good smut. Also it's long fair warning
CW: breeding, eldritch tentacle monster, consent given before scene, aphrodisiac drug use, minor pain, choking, double penetration, forced orgasm, probably overstim, large amounts of degradation (reader is called toy, fleshlight, cumdump and pet), reader is a vagina haver (pussy, clit and cunt used) and boob haver (tits, breasts and boobs used), but also has a prostate because this was originally written for a transfem who wanted full fem parts in roleplay
Please let me know if there's anything you want added to the content warning list :)
"Oh... oh you want that type of cuddles ehehe~"
The tentacles near your mouth and pussy start to get slimier and wetter.
"Well I would be happy to oblige if you're sure~"
You nod you head in confirmation, knowing full well what's about to happen and wanting every second of it. Almost as though I can hear your thoughts the tentacles on your arms begin binding them together, while the ones wrapping your legs spread you apart.
Two more tentacles come out of my back and wrap around your beautiful tits. I give them a squeeze and start flicking the nipples with the tips of the tentacles.
"M-Mistrum--" you say, somehow whining and moaning at the same time.
"Yes toy~?" I reply sweetly while I continue my work.
You try to open your mouth to speak again but only flustered moans come out as you feel little pricks on your skin all where the tentacles rest. The skin around the pricks feels warmer, more sensitive, and somehow softer. Your pussy starts to drip uncontrollably from the sensations, from the pleasure the drug I have injected gives you.
"m-mistrum--" you try again, softer this time.
"Yes toy~?" I say in the exact same way as the first time. I know full well at this point that you won't be able to talk because of the pleasure you're feeling, but that doesn't stop me from teasing you at all. "Have something to say~?"
"M-mmmmm" is all you can get out as another wave of the aphrodisiac takes you.
Then suddenly the pricks all over your body stop. You're left feeling hot and so fucking needy and horny, desperate for anything to happen to your body. The tentacles squeezing and playing with your tits feels almost unbearably good. The tentacles at your legs coil all the way up your thighs and each start to tease one of your holes. You feel the same pricking sensation down there as I inject more aphrodisiac directly to your most sensitive areas.
After I let you squirm and whimper, I say "I guess not" with an evil giggle. The tentacle near your ass inserts itself inside and you feel more pricks followed by more warmth. It quickly finds your love button and rubs against it. The tentacle at your front keeps teasing you, coiling around you pretty cunt but not touching anything in it.
"I'll put it in the front once you've finished twice from the back alone ehehe" I whisper huskily into your ear.
"Don't worry, it shouldn't take that long~" and with how sensitive you are it really doesn't feel like it either. The breast stimulation was already almost too much but when I start rubbing your prostate it is unbearable. You have to release somehow, let all this pleasure out of you. You try to squirm more, moaning as your back arches and hips buck. Heat washes over you and you cum the first time, your body becoming far more sensitive afterwards, amplified by the aphrodisiac running through your veins.
"Good pet, that's one~"
A new tentacle moves down to your pussy and starts to flick your clit and circle it while your still in the midst of cumming. The tentacle in your ass keeps wriggling inside you, milking the orgasm all the way out. I lean down and start sucking your squished breast. There's nothing left in my mind but a desire to feel you move out of your own control beneath me ❤️🩵
When I feel you getting close again I bite into the nipple to maximize the sensations you receive, giving you the bit of pain you crave.
"a-aahn~ mistrum--" You moan out as you push against me, whimpering and grinding against everything you can manage, hands grabbing at nothing.
"Open your mouth for me toy~"
"ahh,,," You open your mouth, sticking your tongue out obediently.
The tentacle at your head wraps all the way around your neck and then your jaw. It starts to squeeze gently, threatening to cut your blood and air flow at any moment. The large tip probes the entrance to your mouth and dives in. You feel it forcing past your feeble gag reflex and down your throat, further constricting your airway.
"Good toy, cum for me like this and I'll use your cunt~"
Your back arches and you shake, going over the edge again. You feel your brain melting, any semblance of free thought sloooowly dripping away...
Then I suddenly I pause for a moment, concern coming over my face, "still green? Anything you want more or less of?"
The tentacle in your mouth pulls out so that you can speak, and you quickly say "Very green, as green as is possible."
"You're sure?"
"Hehe alright, yey" I say with a catlike grin. "Now be a good toy and let your thoughts fade~"
I push the tentacle back into you. My head tilts up to watch your face as I fill you. "Mmmmm how long will you last once I've filled all your holes ehehe~" I say before going back to biting your tit.
The tentacle that's been teasing your cunt for soooo long finally fills it entirely, stretching the walls and rubbing against the other tentacle in you.
"Let's find out~"
The tentacles inside you all begin thrusting and pulsing in time with each other, leaving you feeling so empty and then so incredibly full. On your boobs you can feel the tentacles start emitting lubricant. They squeeze and stretch your breasts before letting them return to their normal position in time with the thrusts.
Restrained and barely able to move from how weak the pleasure makes you, you're forced into an orgasm again. And again. And again. After the seventh your mind has gone completely blank and your eyes have rolled back into your head.
"Oh that didn't take long at all~" I keep stimulating every inch of your body, inside and out. Occasionally I give you more aphrodisiac to keep the pleasure at the absolute max you can feel, doing everything in my power to break you, ruin you, *make you mine*. Even after you cum it's barely five seconds before you're forced into another mind melting orgasm.
At some point you feel the tentacle in your pussy pull out and something else get shoved in, not that you're in a state of mind to comprehend anything other than the pleasure it gives you. You hear me moan above you as the object in your pussy starts thrusting into you, out of sync with everything else. "How do you feel cumdump~?"
With all your little remaining mental strength you eek out "s-sooo good...mmnn"
"Ehehe I'm glad, now milk my girldick with your orgasms~" I respond with a moan at the end.
The tentacle in your ass goes deeper to get the thicker part inside, just to make your pussy tighter around me. "mmmm fuuuuck, you're a perfect fleshlight. Mistrum is going to breed you now, she's going to fill your pussy with her seed"
Upon hearing the word breed you start to incoherently beg for me. Having just watched such a hot person be forced to make such pretty noises quickly pushes me to the edge. I have the two tentacles at your legs spread them completely flat so I can go as deep as possible when I bottom out in you and paint your insides white. I moan loudly above you as I finish, clearly enjoying my orgasm just as much as you enjoyed all of yours "good breeding pet, such a good toy for me ❤️🩵"
I give you one last orgasm to ensure that you milk me dry before pulling all the tentacles on and in you back into myself. My body collapse on top of you, girldick still inside to ensure nothing spills out. I purr with content as I hold my precious puppy in my arms and kiss their forehead
"You took me really really well. Thank you. Did you enjoy it too?"
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paintedvanilla · 1 year
fight club fanfic rec list <3
hiiiii. this is gonna go in ascending order of rating (beginning with general ending with unrated) and each fic will be marked accordingly. 
I made this at my silly little desk job. getting paid to recommend fight club fanfic. 
*markers denote my absolute favs, i would not be able to live or breathe without them.
here they are:
Sit. Stay. by redvineshark (Rated G) — this fic is sooo fucking cute it has some great moments with great dialogue between tyler and the narrator and it makes me chuckle. a very fun light read. 
Indulgence by anorchidisnotaflower (Rated T) — this fic is very quick and also very sweet I think it’s a very fun version of their first kiss and it makes me mild to severely ill on any given day (affectionate)
*I am Joe's "it's complicated" status by DoubleMastectomy (Rated T) — this fic!! this fic is sooo important to me this fic opened my third eye this fic was giving me revelations. I am deeply obsessed with the dynamic introduced in this fic and the way tyler and the narrator and marla intersect oh it made me absolutely crazy. and the ending scene with the bus ride made me lose my entire mind. 
A Reversal and Continuum by anorchidisnotaflower (Rated T) — these fics are the first two in a series, I enjoyed them so so much they do a great job at exploring tyler and the narrator’s dynamic post canon. the ending of continuum makes me kick my legs and giggle it’s so sweet ehehe. 
*Leash Called Love by edsvard (Rated T) — this fic!! This fic is soo!! I’m absolutely obsessed with the dynamic between marla and the narrator in this one, their bickering back and forth that just ends up dissolving into a normal conversation half the time is so so good. another fantastic getting together fic for the narrator and tyler. eek!!
In the Backseat of an Impala by kingdomcomeundone (Rated T) — eee this fic is quite short but it’s sooo sweet I love fics that manage to capture a bit of fluff that still feels in character for them, and I think that’s done excellently here <3 
Tease by jayyxx (Rated T) — this one is!! I loooove this fic i adore it. something something submissive tyler durden oh it has a chokehold on me i have visions of this fic while i’m trying to fall asleep at night. 
*Just To Be Real by seven2seventy (Rated T) — THIS FIC!! this is one of my absolute favorites!! this fic makes me literally lose my mind it’s one of the only fics I’ve read from tyler’s pov that gets it so so right, it’s amazing it’s incredible it had me fathoming things i had never thought to fathom. I was talking about how much i liked this fic at manar’s graduation ceremony i was spreading the gospel out loud and in person. a masterpiece tbh. 
your heart is a muscle the size of your fist by citrus_boots (Rated M) — this fic is another fun, quick one that explores the dynamic between tyler and the narrator post canon. I love reading these, they’re always so varied even though they often follow a lot of the same points, and this one does it spectacularly. 
Trip My Wire by edsvard (Rated M) — this fic is sooo fun i think it’s a really interesting getting together moment for tyler and the narrator. I’m shocked i haven’t seen more fics that incorporate breathplay and the narrator’s tie. this fic had me shaking in my boots. 
Sit-ups by catsinagraveyard (Rated M) — just another sweet, short one. exactly what it says on the tin. I love these characters so much (i am actively slipping into insanity).
*Bathtub Mermaid by load_star (Rated M) — THIS FIC WAS WRITTEN BY MY LOVELY FRIEND MANAR who i dedicate all my fics to because they’re the one who got me into fight club in the first place. I love this fic so much it makes me crazy and insane and so so happy. mandatory reading. 
So, When Do I Get My Pony? by GlitteryV (Rated E) — this is a classic, this is one of the very first fics manar sent me, directly responsible for the spores getting to me. just a fun, smutty read. 
*A Handshake of Carbon Monoxide by Weeklyoatmeal (Rated E) — THIS FIC!!! I am absolutely obsessed with this fic. I've been thinking about it all week!! It’s a great long one, one single chapter, absolutely phenomenal. literally had me shaking in my boots during my first read through, I really enjoyed this version of tyler and the narrator getting together and the ending scene is. hehe well it’s very good. 
*too much, too late by TheWholeEatingBreadThing (Rated E) — do not let the incomplete label on this one frighten you off the chapter that is posted stands alone!! please this is one of my absolute favorites!! the dynamic is something i never really would have considered, but it’s written so well i enjoy it so much!! I think about the line “I'm ovulating right now and I'd rather have your kid than his” literally every day, no exaggeration. 
Familiar Faces by Chommi (Rated E) — okay this one is actually incomplete, but I’m kind of obsessed with the premise of it?? everything posted so far is excellent and I love it so much, please if you read it leave a comment!! (and not just a “please update” comment, let the author know what you enjoyed about it!!) I’ve not seen a concept like this before and I find it very cool and fun. 
kerosene dream by ictus (Rated E) — this is another classic. when manar and i started exchanging fics, this was the first one i rebounded back at them. it’s excellent. well written, good characterization, just an overall great read. 
*recidivism (nouveau) by snuffbby (Rated E) — this. fic. oh GOD this fic. my ao3 history says i’ve visited this fic 38 times since my first read in march and i fucking believe it. this is my absolute favorite fight club fic HANDS DOWN. nothing beats this fic. literally the best getting together fic I’ve read about tyler and the narrator, incredible characterization, i love the way both of them are written, the narrators… narration, it’s SO SO GOOD. their dynamic as a couple makes me INSANE. it's got a great pace, not entierly a slow burn, more like a medium burn, and i reread the chapters where they finally get together so often. this fic made me fathom things i didn’t think i ever would, this fic influences everything i’ve written about tyler and the narrator, it opened my third eye in terms of how the two of them can fit together in a relationship. they make me crazy. please read this. it’s the best. 
Exchanging Body Heat In The Passenger Seat by chemicalburntjack (Rated E) — another absolute classic. I don’t have much to say about this one other than it’s incredibly good, I love the dynamic they’ve got going on, feels very in character for the narrator and for tyler. another excellent getting together fic, they really would go 0 to 100 like this. 
*King of the Wild Things by seven2seventy (Unrated) — another one of my absolute favorites of all time! I am OBSESSED with the religious imagery in this one, the way the narrator worships tyler ugh it makes me literally go crazy. this is another must read for me. 
thanks for checking them out. if you find a fic off this list that you enjoy, make sure to leave a comment on said fic letting the author know what you enjoyed!! <3
also not to self promote but if you haven't, feel free to check out my own fight club fics. ehehe.
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I’m not sure if user was looking for an answer here (if you weren’t, sorry oops), but I’ve been thinking about this for a long time and wanted to share my thoughts and drop some lore ehehe.
Spoilers ahead probably.
We were a little vague in this post, lol, but it was actually Draxum who performed heart surgery on One. Two built and programmed the EPCVI and what I like to call the Gate, which is sort of a protective hatch that lets Two access the artificial heart without having to go into full surgery every time he’s gotta do maintenance. Mystic technology and super smart stuff lol.
The operation in question on the original post was the experiment Two lead, independently from Draxum, that messed up One’s heart in the first place. And it is sorta odd to think about, letting a sibling do very questionable and untested experiments on you. But they were young. They didn’t care about the risks, they wanted to make themselves better so that their dad could succeed. So they did a really really irresponsible thing out of their desperation to be useful. And, naturally, it went terribly terribly wrong.
I do think that One trusted Two. He had watched Draxum train Two and teach him all these amazing and intelligent stuff his whole life. Draxum would always be talking (although not directly complimenting, because he doesn’t understand that he has to) about how smart Two was. It also helped One’s decision that Two was very confident about this particular trial. 
Two used to do some minor experiments on One (not sure if he asked first tbh) for the same purpose: make us better. But One stopped participating after it got out of hand and he got (a little) injured. After that, Two did the experiments on himself. But for this particular experiment, Two offered, and Two was really confident that he had gotten the formula right. So, One consented to the experiment and risked his life because he trusted his twin’s abilities and progress. Also, at that point One had been teaching himself first aid and medical skills, so he probably thought if anything went wrong he could fix it no big deal lol
I would also like to note that a lot of One and Two’s relationship deals with the conflict between loyalty to Draxum and loyalty to each other. In the case of The Accident AND The Incident, they prioritized Draxum’s happiness over each other’s health. But once everything goes catastrophically wrong, Two regrets performing the experiment and does have to live with what he did. (I’d like to note this is not the first time he caused a casualty by one of these experiments). But I think he sorta tries to make up for it by taking really good care of the EPCVI, installing features One would like (bluetooth music feature), making it easy to access the heart via the Gate, and other things we haven’t thought of yet.
As for One:
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jujumin-translates · 1 year
Misumi Ikaruga | [SSR] Apathetic Daidarabotchi | Summer Festival Once More
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Izumi: Good morning, Misumi-kun.
Misumi: Morning, Director-san~...
Izumi: You’re up early. Are you working today?
Misumi: Yeah~.
Izumi: Here, have some of the breakfast I made then.
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Misumi: Okay, thanks…
Izumi: (Misumi-kun has seemed a little out of it the past couple of days… I wonder if there’s something wrong.)
Izumi: …Something on your mind lately, Misumi-kun?
Misumi: Lately? …No, it’s nothing!
Misumi: I’ll get to eating now!
Izumi: If you say so…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: That was yummy, thanks for the food. I’m gonna go to my job now.
Izumi: See you later, have a nice day!
*Door closes*
Izumi: (He still seems a little off. I hope he’s okay…)
Kumon: Morning, Director! Uwah~, something smells good!
Izumi: Good morning, Kumon-kun. I just made breakfast.
Kumon: Thanks!
Izumi: By the way, has Misumi-kun seemed off to you lately, Kumon-kun?
Kumon: Ah, you’ve noticed too, Director?
Kumon: Sumi-san has seemed a little depressed since the last summer festival.
Izumi: I think so too.
Izumi: The last summer festival was the Veludo Way Ayakashi Summer Festival. Hmm, I wonder why…?
Kumon: I asked him about it and he just said “It’s nothing~”--.
Kumon: But I can think of one reason why he could be off.
Izumi: You can?
Kumon: Yeah! It’s probably because…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: …
Masumi: …
Misumi: Waah, Masumi! You startled me~. Good morning.
Masumi: …Your face is weird.
Misumi: Eh?
Masumi: …Reminds me of the face your brother was making when I last saw him on campus last time.
Misumi: Ehehe, well, we are brothers, after all~.
Masumi: That’s not what I meant.
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Misumi: It wasn’t?
Masumi: Since the summer festival, your brother has been asking me about you more often.
Misumi: Madoka…
Masumi: You can just contact him directly. …You don’t need to bother me about it.
Misumi: Got it, I’ll try and do that! Ehehe, you’re so nice, Masumi~.
Masumi: …It’s nothing.
Misumi: You’re headed to school now, right, Masumi? I’ve gotta go to my part-time job, so let’s leave together!
Masumi: Whatever…
Misumi: Yaay!
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Misumi: …
△△△: How are you, Madoka?
*LIME End*
Kumon: Found you, Sumi-san!
Misumi: Ah, Kumon.
Kumon: Good job at work today!
Misumi: Good job at school too, Kumon~.
Kumon: Good. You seem to be feeling a little better than you did this morning, Sumi-san.
Kumon: Did something good happen?
Misumi: Um, well, Masumi told me that Madoka has been wondering about me~.
Kumon: Gotcha, I knew it was about Madoka-san.
Misumi: You knew it was about Madoka?
Kumon: You’ve seemed a little off lately, so all of Summer Troupe and the Director have been worried about you.
Kumon: And you had a lot of opportunities to see Madoka-san at the summer festival, right?
Kumon: But then I thought that maybe you were sad because you didn’t get to see him as much as you wanted.
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Misumi: Ahaha, you figured it out, Kumon~. Sorry for worrying you all.
Misumi: I actually re~ally wanted to play with Madoka more.
Misumi: Even though I got to see him at the festival, I didn’t get to spend that much time with him… Is it just greedy that I wanted to spend more time with him?
Kumon: Not at all!
Kumon: I had to live away from Nii-chan before I joined the troupe, so I kinda get how you feel.
Misumi: Kumon…
Kumon: When Nii-chan came back to our parents’ house and I went back to the dorms, I felt lonely for a while.
Kumon: So if you wanna spend more time together, you should say so, Sumi-san!
Misumi: Ehehe, is that so? …Yeah, I’ll try and talk to him.
Misumi: Thanks, Kumon!
Kumon: Ah, fireworks!
Misumi: Yeah! Hey, hey, let’s go tell everyone!
Kumon: Yeah!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kumon: Guys, there’s fireworks going on now~! You can see them from the roof!
Taichi: Ah, we were just talking about those!
Citron: Yaoya~!
Tasuku: It’s tamaya. (1)
Tsumugi: They set them off at a lot of festivals during the summer, don’t they?
Misumi: Yeah~. I wanna go see them with Madoka.
Kumon: That’s a great idea. You should invite him!
*LIME Notification*
Masumi: …Just sent you the location and dates for the festival on LIME, Misumi.
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Misumi: Really!? Thanks, Masumi~!
Masumi: It’s nothing. I was just looking into it to invite the Director to it.
Misumi: Still, thank you~.
Misumi: Ah, Madoka just replied!
Madoka: I’m fine, but why are you asking so suddenly?
△△△: Let’s go to a festival together, Madoka!
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Misumi: Sorry for the wait, Madoka~. Your yukata really suits you!
Madoka: Thanks. Your’s suits you too.
Misumi: Ehehe, thanks! Well then, where should we start?
Madoka: The closest stall to us looks like a takoyaki stall.
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Misumi: Let’s get takoyaki then! I wonder if they’ll have triangle takoyaki~?
Madoka: Fufu, I think they’re usually pretty round though.
Misumi: What do you wanna get after takoyaki? Yakisoba~, karaage~, or maybe something sweet!
Madoka: Everything looks really good, but I’m sure we’d be full in no time from eating all those different things.
Misumi: Then we can split all of it!
Kazunari: …Oh my God, that convo. So many feels, man!
Muku: K-Kazu-kun, you’re gonna get us caught…!
Misumi: Hm? That voice sounded familiar…
Kumon: Wah, he turned this way!
Misumi: Huh, it’s Summer Troupe and Director-san!
Tenma: We’ve been caught…
Yuki: Well, that was clearly Kazunari’s fault.
Misumi: What are you guys doing here~?
Izumi: Well, when we heard that you were going to a festival with Madoka-kun, we got a little curious…
Muku: Sorry, we didn’t mean to intrude…!
Kumon: You were probably surprised that we just came out of nowhere, right? Sorry, Sumi-san and Madoka-san!
Madoka: No, it’s okay. You’re still all as friendly as usual.
Misumi: That’s true, but I think the reason you all came is because I’ve been a little off lately…
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Madoka: You have?
Misumi: Yeah, that’s why everyone’s been so worried about me.
Misumi: But it’s all okay! I’m doing so much better now, see!
Tenma: We know. You’ve been practically bouncing off the walls since you decided to go to the festival with Madoka.
Yuki: Well, either way, I wasn’t all that worried to begin with.
Kazunari: Seems like TenTen and Yukki aren’t being too honest right now~. You two were both just as worried as the rest of us were, weren’t you?
Tenma: S-Shut up!
Misumi: Thanks, guys~.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Choice 1: You’re back to your usual self, Misumi-kun.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: You’re already back to your usual self, Misumi-kun. We’re relieved.
Kumon: Yeah, yeah! You were feeling so off that you were hardly talking about triangles.
Misumi: Now that I think about it, I haven’t looked for triangles in a while either! I wonder if I’ll find any new festival triangles.
Madoka: New festival triangles, huh…?
Muku: Wonder what that could be…?
Yuki: Maybe there’s some triangle prizes or something.
Kazunari: The sections of a pinwheel might look kinda triangular when they’re separated!
Tenma: You’re right.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Choice 2: Glad you’re feeling better.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: We’re really glad you’re feeling better, Misumi-kun.
Misumi: Was that why you asked me if something was wrong at breakfast that one day? Because you were worried about me?
Misumi: Sorry for not saying anything then.
Izumi: Don’t worry about it. We’re just glad you’re feeling better!
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Misumi: Thanks, Director-san.
Misumi: I was also really happy to have help from all of Summer Troupe and Masumi~.
Misumi: So next time something happens to you guys, I wanna return the favor!
Izumi: Fufu, that’s very Misumi-kun-like of you.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Muku: Ah, if we stay here for too long, we’re gonna get in the way of the two of them.
Kumon: You’re right, let’s get going!
Izumi: Well then, we’re gonna walk around a bit and then head home, so enjoy the festival, Misumi-kun and Madoka-kun.
Misumi: Kaaay, we’re gonna go then!
Madoka: Bye.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Madoka~, c’mere, c’mere!
Madoka: Nii-san, you don’t have to pull so hard…!
Misumi: Masumi told me that we could see the fireworks better from this hill~.
Madoka: Eh? The fireworks--.
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Madoka: Waaah…!
Misumi: They’re so pretty~.
Madoka: Yeah, they’re really pretty…
Misumi: I’m glad you could come to the festival today, Madoka.
Misumi: We got to visit a lot of food stalls and we had a lot of fun chatting… It was reeeally fun.
Madoka: I think so too, Nii-san.
Madoka: The last summer festival was also a good memory.
Madoka: But I actually regretted that we didn’t get to spend that much time together.
Misumi: Really? So we felt the same way.
Madoka: …You too, Nii-san?
Misumi: Yeah! I wanted to have more fun with you, Madoka. That’s why I invited you to the festival today.
Madoka: Is that so… Thank you, Nii-san.
Misumi: You’re welcome! Let’s go to a festival again next year, Madoka.
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Madoka: …Yeah, let’s.
• • •
(1) Tamaya is something that’s shouted when viewing fireworks.
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rypnami · 2 months
20 Qs for fic writers
tysm for tagging @kaidynsarell ily pookie xox
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How many works do you have on AO3? - 5! i do have a few privated but i don’t count them
What's your total AO3 word count? - uhhh good question. 7416. pretty low cos i mostly write oneshots lol
What fandoms do you write for? - hogwarts legacy and harry potter
Top five fics by kudos? - well, i only have 5. but in order: potions tutor, skipping stones, more than anything, always you, a weasley christmas
Do you respond to comments? - i try to but i’m shy. i do re-read and cherish every comment i get though!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - i haven’t actually posted an angsty ending i don’t think. i’ve written them though.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? - more than anything will have the stupidest sappiest ending of all time i promise ❤️
Do you get hate on fics? - not directly but there was that confession sent to the confession blog that was very obviously about me. trans!leander still lives on regardless 🥰
Do you write smut? - from time to time. only published it once though (and i’m planning a part 2 ehehe)
Craziest crossover? - i’ve never done one i don’t think. i’d certainly like to someday.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? - mayyyybe? i really don’t think so, but i’ve been writing for a while so it’s possible some time a long time ago, but i highly doubt it.
Have you ever had a fic translated? - no, not many people read my work so it doesn’t feel necessary yet.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? - no but i would love to!
All time favourite ship? - PREWLOW mannnn anyone who’s been on this blog knows how obsessed i am with them. i rotate them constantly in my brain. i have like 400 aus of them going in my head at all times. my babies. they’re everything to me. leander needs more love
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - i’m sort of worried i won’t finish my current wips because i’m drifting in and out of the fandom. but i’m trying!
What are your writing strengths? - i really don’t know. i suppose i’m good at writing angst and fluff interchangeably :) spellbound definitely knows my angst habits lmao
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? - i enjoy it and probably should try writing it. most of my ocs are at least bilingual and i have a pretty high fluency in spanish so it would be a fun challenge.
First fandom you wrote in? - harry potter. although i removed it a long time ago when i was 15 i wrote a wlw hufflepuff x slytherin fic
Favourite fic you've written? - my knee-jerk reaction is to say more than anything because it’s very important to me, but honestly i have to say skipping stones. i had a fun time writing it and exploring sebastian (as much as i could in a oneshot anyway)
No twentieth question - i haven’t always had the easiest time in this fandom, and i know i’ve made mistakes, but i love all the people i’ve met through it and i cherish you all who are reading this. you’re wonderful. marry me xox
tags! (sorry if double tagged): @girl-named-matty @limonnitsa @blueraineshadows @plxnetn1ne @crushribbons anyone who wants to <3
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thebest-medicine · 1 year
By the Fire Light (AKA Who Would Win In A Tickle Fight?)
Summary: mighty nein shenanigans. relatively early campaign fireside party chill time… you know how it is with silly tieflings when they’re bored.
A/N: based on this fan question and the subsequent answer ehehe (link to vid clip)
[AO3 Link]
Words: 3026
Nott and Caleb are gathered rather close, not unusual for them on an evening around the fire. She’s going through some of the trinkets, treasures, and other little things she stole over the last few days. A few gold pieces, someone’s pen, a dagger…
Caleb turns from examining her spoils, looking at the rest of their party across the flames. Jester is smiling, wriggling in her seat a bit as she animatedly speaks with Mollymauk. Fjord is sitting not far from them, though he doesn’t seem to be contributing to the conversation. Beau is gathered up as near to Yasha as she can be without looking too desperate, pointedly not looking directly at her to avoid losing her train of thought or saying something stupid. Caleb feels a warmth settle in his chest, a strange contentment he has not felt for a very long time.
“Caleb! Do you and Nott want some wine?” Jester asks sweetly, holding out a bottle that she and Molly are sharing.
Caleb’s mouth lifts a little on the side. “Sure. Thank you, Jester.” He answers for both of them.
Nott reaches into one of the coin purses she had snagged, and finds it goes much deeper than she thought. “Oooh!” She exclaims. “I think we’ve got something interesting here!”
Jester brings over 2 cups of wine for the pair of them. “What is it, Nott?”
“Feels like a bag of holding! Wonder what’s in here!” She stands, wiggles her fingers. “Money? Perhaps?” And places them into the opening.
She pulls nothing out. “Well that’s a shame. How about weapons?” And she dunks her hand again.
This time it connects with something. A smooth, heavy handle of a weapon. She pulls it with a grin, and finds a large black mace.
“Cool! Can you swing that?” Jester claps. “Are there more?”
“Let’s see!” Nott thinks again of weapons and puts her hand in again.
A few minutes later, several daggers, arrows, and a shortsword, are all she has pulled from the bag.
“Should we try to like, dump it?” Jester asks. “That can’t be it.”
“Um. Maybe not here… now…” Nott suggests.
“Aw, ok, later then.” She climbs back over near Molly and Fjord.
“Hey, what do you guys think would be like, the weirdest thing we might find in there?” She asks.
“I dunno. Whoever had it seems like they were kind of boring.” Molly says, glancing at the small cache of weapons Nott has removed.
“Maybe like… a big, huge sex toy!” Jester theorizes. “Nott try thinking about sex toys and try to pull out something.”
Nott laughs a little. “I am not going to do that… Be my guest though!”
“Aww. Don’t be shy.”
“Not shy. I’m just- who knows where something like that’s been.” She shudders.
“There could like, definitely be blood and guts and brains on the weapons you pulled out.” Jester teases. “But fine… um. What were we talking about before Molly?”
“Who do you think could handle the most ale?”
Jester turns to the others, smiling and raising an eyebrow as to direct the question to them.
Nott smirks. “I think I-“
“I think Yasha probably could drink the most.” Caleb looks at Nott as she squints at him. “I mean, physically. Without getting sick or passing out.” He holds his hands up in a small defense at Nott’s small scowl.
Beau nods in agreement, and Yasha lets out a small laugh.
“Umm…” Jester taps her finger on her chin. “Who do you think would win if you were wrestling? Beau or Yasha?”
A few more hypothetical questions go by, and a pattern seems to form.
“Is every answer just gonna be Yasha?” Molly laughs. “We need to ask about some other people.”
“Ooh ooh I have one! Who do you think would win in a tickle fight? Nott or Caleb?”
“Interesting.” Molly says as he turns to regard the pair sitting opposite the fire.
Caleb stops drinking, just managing not to cough, and fixes Jester with a bewildered stare. It takes a moment for the words to process in his mind. He replies, somewhat snarky. “Hm…what a question.”
“Is there already a victor? Care to share?” Mollymauk waggles his eyebrows.
“Well I, uh,” Nott begins, turning to look at Caleb, “I guess it never came up in our time together?”
Jester leans in. “But didn’t you guys ever snuggle real close when it was cold? You never ever tried to tickle him?” She seems to be in genuine disbelief. “But, like, he’s so grumpy all the time.”
“Ja, we were not wasting our time with such childish things.” Caleb speaks pointedly.
Nott catches a hint of pink creeping up the back of Caleb’s neck and ears that did not seem to be there a minute ago, something not from warm brightness of the fire.
“Just, what was it? Conning people and stealing?” Mollymauk laughs. “Yes, very mature of you.”
Caleb moves his eyes over to Molly. “We did what we had to, to get by.”
“Okay, but like, smiling and laughing is very, very important!” Jester insists with a bit of a whine. “Did you at least tell jokes?”
“I can be funny.” Caleb huffs at them.
“We are losing track of the question!” Jester declares. “I think that Nott would probably win, her sleight of hand is crazy.” She turns from Molly to Nott. “I bet you make a good tickler. Are you ticklish?”
Nott smiles shyly, ducking her head. “To be honest, I used to be, but it was, uh, a long time ago.”
“Why don’t you guys just have a tickle fight right now?” Jester suggests excitedly. “Or we all could, I mean-“
“You.” Caleb’s voice is deeper as he fixes his friend with a glare at her suggestion, pointing at her accusatorially. “Shut the fuck up.” There’s a tiny wiggle of his mouth, a falter in his stern expression. It’s gone in an instant.
“Are you ticklish though?” Molly prods on. What a team they make, these two strangely colored, trouble making tieflings.
Caleb rolls his eyes, looking petulant like an unhappy child. “I am so done with this question.”
“No you’re not.” Mollymauk chides.
Caleb’s eyes light up with something akin to fear, though not as serious, nervousness perhaps. They flick to Molly.
“Seriously,” The tiefling wiggles excitedly. “Are you ticklish?”
If Caleb could cast using his eyes, Molly is almost certain that he would be six feet under from the look the wizard gives him. Caleb takes a breath, steadies himself, tries to take control of the situation. “I’m sure that I am, and I’m-“
Mollymauk snorts and laughs along. “What do you mean you’re ‘sure that you are’?”
“-and I’m also holding a mace.” Caleb finishes harshly as he points the weapon Nott had just found a few minutes earlier out at the group, slowly panning between them.
“Oh.” Beau laughs. “Are you gonna take me in melee?” She’s suddenly much closer than she was a moment ago.
“No offense, Caleb, but you’re not very strong.” Jester’s smile conveys some hint of sympathy despite the clear overtone of mischief. “I think we could probably all take you in a tickle fight, really.” She wiggles her fingers at him and he jumps back an inch.
“Well…” Caleb can’t keep up the angry facade in the face of the trickster tiefling. He deflates a bit. “It seems, then, that you have an answer. Is your curiosity satisfied?” He takes a step back.
“Nope.” Molly answers instead of her. “Who knows? You could surprise us.”
“You know there’s only one way this conversation is going to end.” Beau rubs her palms together.
Caleb swallows a whine in his throat. His eyes dart between his companions, looking for an opening to rush far enough out of the way to get his hands into his component pouch. And then still, if they got to him before he could get the verbal components out…
An hopeless groan falls from Caleb’s lips as he finds himself cornered, pinned under each of his friends’ intense gaze. “What can I do to convince you to let this go?” He tries.
“You can let us tickle you!” Jester supplies with an impatient whine.
“Well that rather defeats the..” Caleb trails off. He sighs.
A mage hand appears above his own grip on the mace. “I think I’ll be taking this back.” Nott’s voice interrupts. “Don’t want you falling on it and hurting yourself.”
A small smile is working it’s way into Caleb’s slightly exasperated expression as he looks at his goblin companion, then lets go of the mace, which is swiftly carried out of range.
“Well, well. No more mace, Magic Man, now you’re just… what was it?” Molly continues in a chopped attempt at Caleb’s accent. “Sure that you are ticklish?”
Not knowing what else to do, Caleb backs away from the group slowly. He only makes it a few steps before Beau is on him in a flash. A millisecond of struggling before Beau has him grappled from behind, his arms pinned out to the sides in a full-Nelson. A desperate, strangled sound comes out of his throat as he is held steadfast, a grinning monk pressed against his back. “Beauregard.” He tries. “I will kill you.”
“Yeah, how are you gonna do that?”
Caleb panics for a moment when he realizes he cannot pull his arms in enough to cover any part of himself, his torso, his face. Gods, what he must look like, blush ripening on his face.
Jester practically pounces in front of him. “Oooo where are you ticklish, Caleb?” She contemplates giddily.
Caleb catches the start of a laugh in his throat; the silly absurdity of his companions has been growing on him. He stares up at the sky and pointedly not at any of the Nein. “That seems very unwise to tell you right now.”
“Are you ticklish here?” She presses on, prodding into the softness of his belly a few times.
Caleb’s breath hitches. “Mist- Jester!” He bites his lip, squirming already under just a few pokes.
“That would be a yessss.” She giggles, continues teasing. “What about here?” Two fingers walk over to his side to pinch a few times. “You’re so soft, Caleb!”
Caleb’s legs are practically dancing in place as he tries to wiggle out of the path of Jester’s fingers. “Plehehease-“ He gasps as he chokes back a laugh.
“Yeah you are pretty ticklish there too.” She turns to the rest of their party. “Are you guys gonna help me or what?”
“Nein! No- plehease do not!” Caleb almost shrieks out as Jester pinches up his ribs. He feebly kicks out as she climbs higher.
Yasha puts a hand on Molly’s shoulder when he starts to creep closer to Caleb. She looks between him and Beau. “Listen, I’m all for finding out, but he might not have the same… tolerance.. as you or I for this type of mischief.” She squeezes Molly’s shoulder and he turns to look at her, a little disappointed somewhere in his mind that he probably wouldn’t see what the wizard looked like completely breathless, ravished, unable to stop laughing and smiling tonight. She continues. “We don’t want him to run away on us in the middle of the night.” He gives her an understanding look.
Jester is deterred temporarily by his leather and books, thank gods, but then she just moves right up under Caleb’s arm. His arms flail about (as much as they can), absent any pattern, an outlet for the nervous, ticklish energy building up what feels like exponentially in his system.
“Alright, fine, don’t have to ALL get him right now but, like…” Jester wiggles the fingers on the hand not tickling under Caleb’s arm. She continues talking as he fights unsuccessfully against his laughter. “It really would be faster finding out all his spots if I had a helping hand or two.”
“Noho- Whyhyhy!“ Caleb chokes out between what are dangerously close to full on laughs.
Fjord is snickering to the left of them. He holds his arms up defensively. “I’m not trying to get on the bad side of our wizard.” He takes a step back, content to observe.
Caleb feels Jester pull back from under his arm. He’s still frantically fighting to keep his eyes shut or pointed upward, to will his blush to die down, to squelch the laughter bubbling up in his belly and into his throat. Then, there are fingers against the side of his neck and Caleb is scrunching down as best he can. “Nohohoho-“ Caleb whimpers giddily, a smile plastered on his face.
“Your neck is really ticklish, Caleb!” Jester cheers. “Well, like, pretty much all of you is so far, but-“ She brings her other hand over to trace a path down his other side from under his arm to his hip. Caleb shrinks away from the contact, still awkwardly curled in on his neck as much as he can. “I guess earlier I should have just asked if there was anywhere you weren’t ticklish.”
Caleb’s mind is swirling with the teasing words from Jester. He can’t stop thinking about how everyone can see him, hear him, is watching him right now. He feels - he’s not sure.. It’s intense and silly and unbearable and tingly. Some part of him grasps at the word fun. Still, everyone is looking at him.
“Hey, can you?” Caleb barely registers Molly‘s words, luckily he’s not talking to him. Beau seems to pick up the gesture and question Molly is asking of her as Caleb feels a nod behind him. “I wanna try something.”
Caleb is vaguely aware of his legs shifting and his body moving closer to the ground. His knees bend as Beau sits down behind him, keeping his arms in place, and tucking him easily into her lap despite his wriggling struggles.
Caleb kicks at the air while Jester leans back in from the side to poke and prod at different little spots along his torso. He jumps at each touch. Giggles start falling out almost freely.
Molly grips firmly on Caleb’s ankle and for the first time his eyes make contact with a member of the Nein. “Don’t.” Caleb grins at him nervously.
“I’ll be nice.” Molly assures him with a wink, tugging off his shoe. He can feel Caleb attempt to kick a little, but it seems more for show than anything. Maybe the wizard is just that weak.
Molly scribbles three claws against the ball of Caleb’s foot and he wails, tugging his leg inward a bit harder. “Plehehehease- Scheiße! Beau, let me, let me gohohoho!” Caleb cackles, trying to roll himself over and become one with the dirt. His eyes squeeze shut.
“Hey Jes!”
“Yeah, Molly?”
“Feet are a pretty good spot.” He reports to his devious partner in tickling. “I’m gonna try his legs.”
Caleb is rocking back and forth, squirming in Beau’s grasp as Molly tickles along the different parts of his sole. He pinches a toe, earning a little yelp. Then his fingers tickle lightly along the tops of his feet and up to his calves. He pinches lightly along the back, toward Caleb’s knee.
This one surprises Caleb. He’s been tickled in all of the, what he would consider, usual places. Friends and lovers long ago had taken advantage several times. No one had ever tickled his calves before. He didn’t know they could be ticklish. Where else were they going to find he’s ticklish?
Caleb’s free leg is desperately trying not to kick Molly directly in the face, but he’s not sure how long he will be able to keep it up.
Thankfully, he doesn’t have to worry about that much longer as he feels Yasha’s hand close around his free ankle when it swings a bit too close for comfort.
“H-Help!” Caleb cries out as Beauregard’s fingers flex deftly in his armpits. He slams his now freed arms down, but it’s far too late to do anything about Beau or Jester’s hands.
“Alright, alright. I think you’ve established he’s ticklish.” Nott puts a hand on Jester. “You kill him and I’ll have to kill all of you.”
Molly and Yasha set his legs down gently, smoothing a palm over his shins. Jester starts to mimic the motion on his arms.
Beau laughs. “Well you’re gonna have to give me my damn hands back, if you want me to stop.” She taps a few times. Caleb shudders.
“N-No you’re-“ He lets out a giggle and a whine. “You’re going to-“
“Guess I’ll just stay like this forever, then?” She pinches under his arms and Caleb shrieks.
Still shaking a bit, he slowly moves his arms away from his sides.
She slowly starts to pull away. But, really, how can she resist? She wiggles her fingers when Caleb lets the arms move away from his sides just a bit more, and he immediately slams his arms back down with a shout.
“Hey!” Nott pushes a little at her. “That’s enough!” She’s smiling as she scolds.
Yasha stands, giving Caleb a hand sitting up as she moves over to Beau behind him. “That wasn’t very nice.”
“Wait.” Beau pales, scrambles to get up.
Yasha has her caught around the waist in a flash. Molly and Nott help give her a little taste of her own medicine while Jester plays with Caleb’s hair.
“You okay?” She asks him tenderly, a smile on her face.
“Yes, yes. I’m- it’s just.” He laughs, smiles bashfully. “It’s been a while.”
She brushes the last hairs out of his face and pinches his cheek. “That was pretty cute.”
He elbows her away playfully.
“I think you would probably lose in a tickle fight against, like, any of us.” Jester teases, looking over to where Molly, Nott, and Yasha have Beau squealing beneath them. “Maybe not if everyone gangs up on someone else.” She shrugs.
“Oh, I still have some tricks up my sleeve. You never know.” Caleb shoots her a wink as he lays back against her thigh, partially exhausted. He closes his eyes, content to relax into the positive touch and influence of his friends.
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eluxcastar · 1 year
Heavens forbid, I know I've sent a request at around 4am because I woke up out of nowhere at 1am and just scrolled. I hope it was you I sent my idea for the One of Repetition, and I assume it was incomplete so I'll just to continue it. I kinda envision Arlecchino being confused as to why is she gradually becoming a therapist to reader, like fr why the heck is she? Reader is actually emotionally torn up mess inside, just wasn't able to process it thoroughly. Do you think reader is a people pleasing type? (Eheh, Taylor Swift coding) The fatui members who came from the House of Hearth, in my mind, are directly under Knave's command. If you somehow write reader being around Arlecchino anywhere but Snezhnaya, which is sad because I wanted to include the orphanage - but, we're tryna not let reader be beheaded amirite? Those few fatui soldiers or at least grown up House of Hearth children up who notice reader being a frequent speculate their relationship, some are like "yep, there's something going on alright 👀"
Just woke up and I've been possessed with ideas and this is just a few I could articulate for now, THE VOICES. 🗣️
Omg yes I'm pretty sure I did get it and only just got around to responding to it but YES YES I love the idea that reader is emotionally going through it because oh my god they spent too long always having a safety net and then they just got abandoned like?? They don't even know how to live because I don't think they remember what their life used to be like 😭 also the people pleasing tendencies love that because what has their life been dedicated to besides making their Mom happy
But I like it as a possible point of contention or at least discomfort because of the fact that reader is so obviously not ready for more emotional commitment in any capacity, maybe doesn't even see that themselves but Arlecchino does and it depends whether the mild to medium obsession I may or may not wanna write into her ends up coming through and trumping the rational part of herself that would prefer a healthier end goal with a good foundation
If we go by the assumption that not many people know what reader looks like they could very well end up in Snezhnaya at some point but I don't think they wanna get beheaded either it's not time to start pulling a self-inflicted Robespierre on themselves yet 😔⁉️
actually the thought that people may become suspicious because of how much time they begin to spend together also tickles my brain, because it would probably be written off as them being associates at least by Arlecchino while everyone around them is like "Huh yeah 🤨 associates according to who" 😭✋ like they KNOW but they can't really say it
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outismm · 7 months
OUTIS send help, Doctor Who is the gift that keeps on giving 😭😭😭 i thought the Toymaker would be the end of it but folks in my Toymaker server made a few jokes about Six. and i had -no idea- about what kind of character Six is. holy FUCK i am in LOVE with this pompous, arrogant asshole 😖💖💖💖💖 he's so cute!!!!! so abrasive!!!! so......PASSIONATE!!!!!! i didn't know he was such a freak!!!! yes yes yes please do rewatch his era because i'm doing it for the first time and having a blast 😂💖
yes,,,, YYYYEEESSSSS. This is perhaps the best development that could have happened. I need you to know how quickly I scrambled downstairs like some sort of Ghoul to try and find the old boxsets and AUGHE!!!!
He's got such an incredible amount of drama and charisma and wild-eyed charm inside of him, I can't believe how this man has slipped to the back of my mind for so long. Even outside of his borderline regeneration-induced-mania during his first storyline, he's just. such a delight. Colin Baker is having the time of his life delivering every line, and you can TELL
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Look at him - what's not to love?
Also, this isn't directly related to our dear multicoloured man, but - thank you for giving me an excuse to Stare Affectionately at Classic Who! There are so many of those delightful quirks and silly set-pieces you can only really find in early 70s-80s sci-fi, sprinkled all throughout, I just,,, ah <3333 it has been so long
OKIE IM RAMBLING BUT >:) EHEHE I cannot wait to see you slip further and further into Doctor Who Fevers. Come yell with/at me anytime, I love seeing ppl experience Classic Who and all the wonderfully wild things it has to offer
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cerastes · 1 year
So finally got around to watching the Ultrakill VOD, and I have to say, I was not expecting it to end with you fucking W+M1ing V2. I don't think I've ever been this simultaneously impressed and angry. Well done.
For what it's worth, and I don't know if this is something you've already had conversations about or thought about, but, I suspect part of the problem you were having was how consistently you were staying away from V2, and thus not being in range to heal. Between you moving around trying to avoid damage and V2 doing... well, the exact same thing, it's definitely pretty easy to wind up having that happen.
Right up until you went "fuck it" and ran in to start beating the shit out of that red fucker, anyway.
EHEHE NO ONE LIKED THAT ❤️ I hope the VOD was fun.
I think you’re right! Let me explain my logic for going in like that on V2: He was majorly chipping me out with shotgun pellets most of the time, and I was too far to heal. V2 also has that distance based enrage, so my first thought was “oh it enrages him because it puts him at a disadvantage for too long”, but when that clearly wasn’t working, the follow up thought was “Oh, I’m going about it wrong, the game is trying to tell me that staying far away is bad, and is punishing me for it, because I’ll get no healing, I have to go IN so I can damage and heal, I’ll look for the sound cues in order to know when to dash, and if I get hit, it’ll never be a OHKO so I can heal it out.”
So I started moving directly at V2 dashing whenever I heard a cue for an attack, and initially, I did plan to use the shotty and the nail gun, but… The revolver was just working out so well that I thought “man it’ll be probably be hilarious if I just only use the revolver” so I committed to the bit. I played it like a Dark Souls boss, basically.
In hindsight, it makes a lot of sense and I think V2 is well designed: NONE of my losses against V2 felt unfair or like I was cheated, and his enrage only really kicks in if you stay FAR away for a while, meaning you are only dealing damage with revolver potshots, MEANING you are laming it out and going against the game philosophy of being hyper aggressive and up close with enemies. Kinda like how Sekiro will punish you for, funnily enough for this context, playing it like Dark Souls.
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ichorblossoms · 4 months
*pulls up a seat* i would actually love to hear your thoughts behind the Grimm with flowers piece!!
HI HELLO!!!! OKAY SO this piece isn't as Symbolic or intense as some of my other ones, i moreso had a vibe and also wanted a piece that (somewhat) more directly conveys that hey, grimm's got some fun gender stuff going on. also i wanted to fuck around with drawing hair. i think i mentioned it but i'm trying to strike a balance between stylized and flowy but also not too unrealistic so it's. at least a step in that direction. idk i'm still figuring things out and shrimply fucking around at all times
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it's not an Issue really but some of the tags (which i do always appreciate) that i've gotten from ppl on some of my grimm and/or grimmyarrow pieces had me like hm. i think you're interpreting grimm as a man and they are. not that. which, in-canon grimm just goes with whatever people think it is (which is usually a man) and doesn't care about being misgendered so i can't fault ppl for that. but it's important to Me that ppl understand that they've got a fun gender, or at the very least that they're nb. like i talk abt it on this blog but it's pride month and it's even more of an excuse to be more deliberate abt it on main
that all being said, i do like me some occasional flower symbolism though :3c this piece is only semi-deliberate with it bc at the end of the day i wanted a) nb flag flowers and b) at least some sonoran desert wildflowers but it's got:
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yarrow- self explanatory. has all sorts of good symbolic meanings like love, courage, healing yadda yadda. medicinal plant and poisonous to dogs. also the scientific name is partially derived from achilles which is something i've had simmering in the back of my mind for awhile smthin smthin having only one specific weakness. also a royal pain in the ass to draw if i'm getting detailed with it. i don't do that here hdkghfdlk
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(black) rose- mostly for grimm's general black color scheme really. black roses have their own symbolism like mourning and rebirth that do fit but also. rose typical romance flower + black bc grimm. yeehaw
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coulter's lupine- i see these bitches on the side of the road when i drive through the desert in spring and it's really cool to see them in full bloom hehe. i consulted my book on desert flowers and saw the name like. oh fuck yes dog-coded. i mean i'm particular about when i cross between wolf and coyote symbolism and try not to really draw wolf comparisons to grimm bc of that BUT sometimes you need a good the dog motif regardless of what kind of dog it is <thinks about this too much
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brittlebush- yellow :) also these are just. pretty common i see em every now and again and i like putting familiar things in my work ehehe
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blamebonk · 1 year
uuu..... i tried to send an ask just now and i dont think it worked....... sorry if you get two in your inbox!!
But thank u for sharing HCs (not the original anon but just a hc enthusiast.....) i'd love to hear any more you have for Beel! Or perhaps Lord Diavolo.... he's a very fun character to me
ORRRR, perhaps, any takes on the Devildom/the realms, if youre into thinking about the worldbuilding side..... fank youuou ^_^ i give funny image in exchange
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LMAO THANK U!!! I’ll take ur image and give you world building thoughts because that sparked something in my brain
Devildom headcanon talk!
Devildom is so super fun so I like to think the demons come in literally every shape and size, some don’t look human and don’t really have a human form ( more like minotaurs or some deep sea creature). Like okay Beel and Diavolo are big but there’s bigger!
There’s also demons out there that are there purely to harm and kill and there’s no school program or threats from royalty that could change them. Demons like those are like…human world cryptids, a lot of biblical sort of horror too as well.
Now that I think about it ( pretty sure this isn't canon like at all??) but the brothers def weren’t the only angels to fall and I guuuessss some of those guys could have also turned into good ol human looking demons….but I think there’s more that don’t have any ‘humanity’ in them. Not powerful enough to fully survive falling in a way... they look like, freaky as fuck HAHA
Like imagine you’re the human exchange student it’s like your 3rd night here and you look out your window and YOO!! A figure at your window, it’s got a deathly complexion but you can almost feel it’s heart beating from here and it feels like you know them and they're telling you to open the window PLEASE just open the window- they need help- the window- there’s a pounding now it’s eyes are burning into your vision-- oh omg mammons here telling you to come out and eat dinner! Stupid human!
Like I’m not good at horror or writing but you get I’m i'm 'gettin at? more brain vom under here!
So there’s creepy scary demons in devildom and also ones that are spooky but you sit next to em at lunch!! Succubus, incubus, demons of ice, demons of fire, demons with two heads, some with six arms…. Demons the size of houses and some the size of Luke.. some chick you passed in the hall looked really slimy but that could have just been a potion accident ..?? And more with specific powers and stuff!
Maybe I’m injecting a little too much silly fantasy Halloween cartoon special into this but like…is that not fun to think abt? HAHAE
I don’t think ALL these demons go to RAD so I bet Diavolo takes Mc with him on a trip outside of the city one day and is like “ we’ll have a lovely brunch outside with Hebulaie !!” Or something and Hebulaie is 20x TIMES DIAVOLOS' SIZE? LIKE NO WONDER WE’RE OUTISIDE!!
One of Beel’s fangol teammates has a cow head and another looked completely human until he turned around and had warthog tusks.
Brothers aren't exempt either! they're some of the most powerful demons out there. they can't seem human forever. Belphie gives me boogey man vibes, you see the outline of some darker figure at right outside your door in the dark ass hallway and it's like not moving at all. you can sorta make out features but its warped and too dark.... then it fuckin MOVES and u freak the hell out. Belphie snickers at you and hops in bed. ( i would maul him immediately )
When you're trying to sneak up the stairs the attic to figure out why you've been having dreams that wake you up in tears, you get a weird feeling and look down the stairs and are met with Lucifer staring right up at you and directly into your soul eheh.
One of Mammon's poker buddies has an arm made of gold, they can't move it or brake it off since it came from a curse of greed. They will tell you the whole story about how the object that cursed him RIGHTFULLY belongs to him!! you think that's why they're still cursed.
All demons have a few forms too, not just the regular human one with wings or tail! Leviathan probably has a sea serpent form bigger than Lotan...Asmo with a centipede like form,, so many hands and legs...ouhrhhggg
there’s demons but there’s also mythical fauna and flora!!! Like centaurs, fairies, jackalope…but also strange shit like a goat that can eject it’s organs out and you’re like “what’s the purpose of that” ‘n Satan tells you “ it’s carnivorous”…as if that explains anything!!?!?
The gay plant from the white day event that specifically goes after demon noses GHAHA i like to think some devildom florist is probably growing some of and advertising them as a fun prank gift...also the amount of harmful things that target or can be used to target humans that are in every day demon life... so fun!!
you know the weird scenarios that happen in adventure time? like the episode where this group of blank eyed girls scare the hell out of finn and jake and it's just really strange but ultimately harmless? stuff like that happens all the time in Devildom LMAO tons of weird unexplainable things happen and most the time it's like,,,okay going to move on with my day now i guess.
I just realized you said REALMS so i wanna add that the human realm isn't devoid of these things. as much as Dia, Barbs, and Luci may try there are alot of demonic things that live in the human realm. I believe the Sorcerers Society + witch covens are a big part of cover up and 'care'. I like to think that makes Solomon's and Mc's time up in the human realm very interesting, especially when Mc becomes his apprentice! Mc gives the brothers SO many gray hairs.
That's all i have right now, i hope that's what you were askin for? I'd love to hear yours and others HC's and input too!! i'm also a HC enthusiast
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cherrytree-irl · 3 months
Do you like your job?
hm... yeah, i think i do. i'm pretty happy that i'll get to go back to work soon, which is a sentence i never thought i'd say, haha. (they do want me to stay home a few days after i stop feeling sick to make sure i'm not contagious... which kinda sucks but i get it)
i like making the flower arrangements and stuff. i don't talk to my coworkers very much but they're nice when i do... and they put up with it when i ask them to film me eating tarot cards... ehehe... and we only occasionally have crazy stuff happen. like... charizards.
and most of the time i'm not talking directly with customers (which i'm also very thankful for), so the annoying ones usually aren't my problem... hehe.
I like what I do. It's typically an unfortunate circumstance that leads a Pokémon to be given to the shelter... but I'm glad that I get to make a positive impact on the lives of those Pokémon.
However, I have... mixed feelings on some of the people I work with. Many of my coworkers seem to prefer keeping their distance from me. That's fine.
There is someone there who likes to talk to me... perhaps a little too much. She simply seems to have a greater interest in me than I do in her. But there are certainly worse situations I could be in than "Having a nice coworker who likes to talk to me." Hahah.
My boss is a nice enough man, but he insists on calling me "Kid." I've asked him not to, but he continues anyway... I know he's older than me, but I'm not a child. I know that's not necessarily what he means, either. But I still don't like it, and I wish he'd respect that.
Recently, someone new was hired. He knows who I am, and has made his displeasure at working with me very apparent. I'm fine with people disliking me, I understand completely... I just hope that situation will not get in the way of either of us doing our jobs.
...Ah. Yet I ramble. Sorry.
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