#my tingzzz
tingyyytingsss · 26 days
Shout out to the JJK fans that haven't made it past the first season. You are the sole supports of sanity in the fandom.
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itchyfrets · 1 year
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self portrait collage of sad girl things ig
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notthatgoodofaperson · 4 months
gotta love being just this side of disabled bc like yeah i can walk for longish periods of time but god forbid i take a sit. i wont be able to put my full weight on my left ankle for at least 30 minutes and will be limping for the rest of the day and the entire next
yes i do consume a worrying amount of acetaminophen and ibuprofen, why do you ask
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xxoxobree · 9 months
Int’l Players Anthem.
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Miles Morales x Uncle Aaron (platonic ofc 👀, family tingzzz strictly.)
A/n: I love this songs. Little blurb of Miles and Uncle Aaron Bonding.
WARNINGS: Like 3 cuss words
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This was one of the first songs Uncle Aaron played for Miles, and it’s the reason he loves rap so much. Even to this day, it remains one of his favorite songs. The memory of that day is etched in his mind, as if it happened just yesterday. Miles was only six years old when he was at his uncle's apartment, with Uncle Aaron tasked with babysitting while Miles' parents, Jeff and Rio, were on a date night.
With innocent, bright eyes, Miles watched every move his uncle made. To him, Uncle Aaron was the coolest. As Miles sat there, focused, Aaron got a record out of the crate and turned toward him.
"You like music, Miles?" Uncle Aaron asked, a smile on his lips.
"Yeah, my mommy lets me listen to Sesame Street," young Miles, his voice filled with excitement as he bounced on his knees.
Uncle Aaron chuckled at Miles' response, gently placing the record onto the player. "Well, tonight we're gonna listen to something different," he said. Aaron sat down next to Miles on the couch, anticipation filling the air.
As the needle touched the vinyl, the room filled with the words and melodies of the track.
Miles listened intently, gazing up at his uncle for approval. The beat dropped.
“My bitch a choosy lover, never fuck without a rubber.”
Miles' eyes widened with surprise as he covered his mouth, Aaron quickly put a finger to his lips and whispered, "Don't tell your mom." He laughed and bopped his head to the beat, encouraging Miles to do the same.
Miles quickly caught on and began bobbing his head to the beat.
"Yeah, Miles, you like that," Aaron said, his smile stretching from ear to ear.
Miles, being the excitable child he was, stood up and started dancing, moves that were too good for a six-year-old.
"Okay, bust a move then," Aaron said, his laughter filling the room.
These were the memories Miles cherished most about his uncle. Miles now older a year without his uncle, would often grab his headphones, retreat to his bed, and close his eyes. He would play the song that reminded him of his uncle, allowing the memories to come flooding back
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menalez · 1 year
Hey Mena, do you have some good lesbian blog recommendations?
oh hell yes!!!!
@kronkk for more light-hearted fun stuff
@niazame for more stuff focused on iranian women
@djuvlipen for more stuff focused on romani women
@the-rainbow-lesbian for more radfem & lesbian-related content she justifies & dismisses genocide so nvm
@kaz-fluffdragon for more lesbian-related content and casual stuff too
@rad-by-nature for more black-centric, woc-centric, and lesbian-centric content. also a massive sweetheart
@tejuina for latina-centric (mexican iirc) & detrans content. mutuals for years and ive only seen her give the best most eloquent takes ever.
@ozzy-rae for lesbian-centric content & more discourse
@shamelesslyunladylike for more radfem content & also separatism
@lesbiankind lots of stuff about eastern woc, lesbians, and radfeminism
@clitoralfixation more black lesbian-centric content & also some more casual stuff
@goldstar-futaba lots of talk about lesbian stuff and also radfem stuff
@lez0mbie lesbian, islam-critical, and woc-centric content. one of my long time mutuals and she’s fabulous & soooo underrated
@jotadyke lesbian stuff mixed in with memes and feminism
@thatraginglesbian some lesbian stuff, some feminism, and lots of her interests and cute uplifting things
@madwomxxn lotssss of stuff about butch lesbians specifically, also some feminist stuff and stuff about gender non-conformity in general
@blackfemmex mostly radfem & lesbian stuff
@marshajohnson also lots of radfem & lesbian stuff, also lots of memes and casual posts. she’s also a very lovely person 🥹
@lesorus arab lesbian!! lots of radfem stuff but also lesbian stuff in there.
@totally-halal also middle eastern lesbian. memes, feminism, lesbian stuff
@lavenderfeminist lots of great original posts, talks a lot about lesbianism & feminism!!
@callme-alma2 also an arab lesbian. talks about her experience being iraqi which is always great to learn more about
@shostakovichsymphonyno7leningrad mostly memes but some lesbian posts and feminist ones here and there!!
@slayerlez talks a lot about lesbianism. also violence. also loves yaoi (controversial)
@lizlisafem also a lesbian and a woc. talks a lot about those two things & some of the experiences of not being western as well
@gowonsmossball also an eastern lesbian & woc. she doesn’t make many original posts but she’s a sweetheart
@regenderation she’s just memeing and havin her live laugh love era and i love that for her
@sapphicgem a total sweetheart, talks about lesbian & woc stuff a lot. not much discourse/drama i believe which can also be a great way to cool off
@blacklezrage lots of black woman & lesbian centric content & also feminism
@maleswillbemale lesbianism, misandry, and feminism! triple threat
@dyke-bars-never-last talks more about the experiences of east asian lesbians esp irt china. also a total sweetheart
@femaleboyfrriend lesbian stuff, feminism, and stuff about woc too
@mogumon lesbianism, memes, feminism too
@radicallytired mostly feminism stuff but also discusses racism & lesbophobia!
@villanelleisgod this woman is pure at heart fr and is so kind. mostly aesthetic stuff with some feminism & lesbianism thrown in
@dread-and-despair-dyke i can’t even summarise her blog so ull just have to check it out but it’s also got stuff outside of feminism and serious topics which is a good breather for many
@lasdelaintuicion she has some very hot takes. major commie. also lots of original posts
@gaynecologist truly pure hearted as well. she posts feminism stuff a lot. she’s a lovely person overall
@greenwire talks a lot about middle eastern lesbian tingzzz. also about the experience of growing up in post-9/11 USA, and growing up in the middle east too iirc.
@ciccadas mostly reblogs feminism stuff,,, one of my v long term mutuals 🥹
@sweet-simple-duck lesbianism, feminism, personal stuff
@vriskarights only just started following but she seems like a genuine & kind person, her blog has a lot about lesbianism as well
i hope i didnt forget anyone or misremember dhdhshs.
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youremyheaven · 29 days
I'm currently in my Venus md and although it is supposed to be a good dasha, it's been kicking my ass since the beginning 😭 Ketu dasha was a strange experience, a lot of turmoil in friendships (and BRUTAL breakups) but mentally I felt kind of stable like almost stoic. But girl Venus dasha is something else, idk what's going on in the stars but it's like the guardian angel had enough and decided to troll 💀 I have Venus in taurus krittika (praying for a sun/venus man 🙌) conjuct Rahu and aspected by Mars, what do you think about this ? Do you know how to balance Venus influence ?
Btw I love your posts 💜 your insights are so interesting and unique! Can't wait for you to expand more on spirituality 💫
2022 was a Venus year and it was easily my most unhinged, chaotic and delulu year lmao,,, i was def experiencing all the typical Venusian themes of love, indulgence, feeling gorg, but also feeling sad, excluded, unable to connect to others etc,, it was very imbalanced and out of proportion. i attracted a lot of attention but that included a lot of negative attention as well
i think your experiences reflect your placements. you must have a good Ketu placement if you felt stoic during it omg😩
i think the Venus conjunct Rahu is what is causing the imbalance. Rahu blows things out of proportion and exaggerates the effects of Venus,,, on top of it all, its also aspecting Mars?? 😩girl which house is your Venus?? Mars has a tendency to be destructive 😬so the overblown Rahuvian Venus keeps running into accidents 😔
the thing that has helped me a lot is decentering my fixation with Venusian things (beauty, love, relationships etc) and channelling it thru other more "stable" venues like making art, writing, finding new hobbies. the more you feed Venus, the more it grows. im not saying you should starve Venus but you need to cut its air supply a little bit, if you catch my drift. i lose myself in relationships very easily and im VERY aware of that, so detaching from it to consciously focus on myself helps me "balance" my Venusian influence, its also easyyy to hyperfixate over beauty, romance etc and honestly i find it very freeing to not look in the mirror picking myself apart and tbh i feel like ive become prettier since 🤪 they key is to distance yourself from Venusian indulgence and focus instead on Venusian creativity. you can appreciate beauty through music, film, art etc instead of making it a self centered activity (i dont even know if these are things u struggle with bc of your Venus dasha but im just sayin')
affirmations have helped me a lot and doing spiritual tingzzz and dabbling in glamour magic and witchcraft has helped me feel beautiful from within. feed your spirituality and watch your peace and vibrancy grow. i started praying to my ishta devata during my Venus year as well <333
tysm<333 id love to post more about spirituality tbh,, lmk if there's anything specific youd like for me to talk about
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henneseyhoe · 6 months
Updates and tingzzz + a thank you:
(Tw: mentions of depression and d*ath, please skip first paragraph if it makes you uncomfy <3)
I’m really trying to get back into the swing of things with my mood and writing, but it’s a bit hard for me rn. I have to kick up the gear and work extra hard on studying since I will be going off to college next year 🥲 not only that but it’s just an extremely emotional time of year for me because I have seasonal depression, I’m back in a bit of a grieving stage rn since having three deaths back to back around this time last year and going into early this year so I’m kinda emotional about that rn and everything is just kinda a lot, BUT! I will power through it and work + update (me manifesting LMFAO) 😭.
When it comes to country lovin’(cause I know some of yall wondering when that’s getting updated) I plan on releasing those chapters when it isn’t so cold. IM SORRYY, but I just don’t have the vibes to write it like that rn because country lovin’ is such a summertime read and I associate it with summer so much that it’s kinda hard to write it when it’s cold, especially since the winter makes me sad and country lovin’ is supposed to be warm for the most part. Hopefully, I can get rid of that association and still write for it though cause I already have more plans for it and I really enjoy writing it. Killa hotline on the other hand, I honestly don’t think I’ll update it again. It’s a possibility, but I’m just not focused on that storyline rn sooo yeah.
As for the Halloween fics that didn’t come out, I’m not sure I’m gonna put those out at all actually. I might wait till next year spooky season or something idk. Or maybe if I get in the spooky mood I’ll release them lmao.
And finally for the requests, they are closed 😭 I write many projects at the same time and I kinda bounce back and forth from them and I’m just now finishing up ones all the way from spooky season which is crazy LMFAOOO I really apologize for that like that’s horrible. It’s mostly cause I’m a really bad procrastinator and a perfectionist, but I’m trying to work on that. Anyway, requests won’t be open till sometime after new years and the tag list is currently being made sooo yeah!
ANYWAY! This was really long so I’m sorry for that, but I’d also like to say thank yall for 1.4K followers 🥹 ts make my heart skip a beat, I can’t believe this acc grew so quickly! And to say I was just bullshitting when I came from Wattpad to here LMFAO. I really wanna do something or write something for yall as a thank you, but idk who to write it about or if I should put a twist on it. I’ll think of something lmao. But seriously tho, thank all of you 🩷
- love, Henny <33
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bbyluvz · 2 years
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Sleeping beauty tingzzz <3
AlwayZ catching Z’ss but it’s a must with my tiara ! ♡ ♡ ♡
The dress is fashion nova !
💞 tips are appreciated 💞
Dollette• princesscore •princess• dainty• aesthetic• feminine fashion• rococo• coquette• pfg• fairycore• fairykei• BbyluvZ •fashion Inspo
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tingyyytingsss · 1 month
My biggest fairy tail hot take:
Cana should be the next master
Raised in the guild
A master of sacred spells
Fully subscribes to the family life of the guild
Plans to spend her life in the guild, might as well get a job out of it
Technically s class level but never bothers to go through it it all
Erza was an okay temp choice but (no shade to the 🐐) she CRACKS under emotional pressure
Ie: being a parent
Ie: the guild master🤭
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vampire-luv · 13 days
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Hello!!! My name is Mai and I am a HUGEEE geek!!
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(actually me)
20 years old and a student at KU! my fav colors are pink, black, blue.
always busy wishing i was a vampire
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fave thingsss:
music: BTS, my chemical romance, ghost, ateez, NCT 127, aespa, waterparks, most classic jazz (thx to fallout), pierce the veil, and moreeee
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fav shows/movies: fallout!!!!, black swan, logan, fargo, nightmare on elm street, gossip girl, strangers from hell, twilight, the winter soldier, all prime marvel movies, all spider-man movies (maguire, garfield, holland), alice in borderland, all final destination movies
video games: valorant, left4dead2, fnaf, fallout 4, mortal kombat, minecraft, little nightmares 1&2
random: sanrio!! (cinnamoroll, pochacco, pompompurin are the top 3), emily the strange, magic the gathering, vampires, horror related things, MY BFFFF!!!!
i collect many things too! i love to collect albums (kpop and non-kpop), pop figures, blind bags, sanrio tingzzz
if u follow i'll probs follow back!! pls only follow if over 18 tho :)
follow my twitter @catsnkiwi
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thereseocs · 6 months
My Seoul-o trip. Airport tingzzz. Met new friends.
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thotsfortherapy · 3 years
i think a really big part of recovery for me has been just been learning to trust myself. i've spent my entire life having my own abilities questioned at every turn, and that shit worms its way into your brain BAD. it does such a good job of getting into your head that you don't even question the fact that you question yourself. but when i moved into a healthier environment, i started to realize that i was capable. capable of deciding where to eat or when to hang out or even if i wanted to hang out at all. and all those little pieces get built up until one day you look back and you realize that you can do it. you can trust yourself to make big scary decisions, you can trust yourself to not do things you don't want to do, you can trust your feelings and your guts and hey maybe you're not overreacting actually. and you know you can trust yourself because the evidence is right there!! in all the decisions you've made, in all the people you've kept in your life and the ones you've left behind. you can build the life that you want, and god, it's such a good feeling.
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youremyheaven · 1 month
Areeee..... Poori kundali nikal di itne main aapne to!!! Everything on point! 🤣🤣
How am I doing? - I'm crying rn with how accurate this is. Pursuing psychology and yes this is my 3rd degree! Burnt out, low self maintenance and yeah I'm so unmotivated these days 🥲 exams coming up soon. I need y'all to keep me in your prayers pls 🥺❤
I enjoy your blog so much thanks a lot! 🥺❤
hehe 🤓i be good at deducting tingzzz 🤪
will keep u in my prayers sweetie, acche se padhai karna but tension zyada mat lena 😌🫶
tysm 🫶
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betelguwuse · 3 years
Every song on Marie Mai’s album Version 3.0 heckin slaps my dudes. Even the 2 slowish songs which I usually wouldn’t vibe with are so good. But yeah the other ones go so hard.
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frightsdeath · 5 years
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