#my towel is rainbow with sparkles
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playfulpony · 1 year
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Northwest Beach Towel: My Little Ponies
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nicks-ponies · 2 years
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poniesart · 2 years
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Here is a little comic I made about some thoughts I’ve been having recently. I don’t ID as transmasc, and I have noticed that since I’m nonbinary and AFAB, some people in queer circles (online and irl) label me as transmasc! This has increased since I started T. Much love to my transmasc siblings, but I don’t identify with that term, and it misgenders me.
I figured if there’s not a lot of acknowledgement or discussion about non-transmasc and non-transfem people who physically transition, I can make some myself :)
Thank you to @/rjalker for the ID below!
[ID: A nine panel comic, done is low-saturated colors, mostly featuring soft yellow and shades of blue and purple.
Panel 1 reads, "I am an AFAB trans person on T." showing a surface with a towel, and an open packet that reads, "1% 25mg".
Panel 2 continues: "And I'm not transmasc." and shows a rainbow flag, and a nonbinary flag hanging above some jewelry.
Panel 3 shows a person walking on a hill, the sky pale yellow and the ground in shades of blue. It reads, "My gender isn't woman, or man, or adjacent to either, or neutra/ 'in-between'." The venus and mars symbols float in the air, in red and blue.
Panel's 4, 5, and 6 read, "It's a separate, other, gender." Showing shoes worn under a light blue skirt, a person wearing a shirt, jeans, and vest waving, and a person without clothes floating among stars.
Panel 7 reads, "Queer people who know I'm on T, or even just know that I'm AFAB, often think I'm transmasc." "They label my experiences automatucally." The same person from before is shown between the two sentences, sweating nervously as though being trapped.
Panel 8 reads, "It feels like misgendering. From people who should know better." The person is shown sittign facing away from the camera, head bowed, lifting one arm across zir shoulder, where half a dozen flags have been stabbed into zir back like arrows, all dark blue, and marked with either the blue mars, or pink venus symbol.
Panel 9 reads, "'Masculinizing' HRT doesn't mean I'm transmasc." Next to a small picture of the person smiling away from the camera, wearing blue glasses, with stubble on zir chin. The next small image is of the chemical symbols for testosterone, with text next to it that reads, "It doesn't mean my gender is male, or male-adjacent." Followed by another small picture of the person, smiling with hearts next to zir face, wearing the nonbinary pride flag like a blanket or cape.
The yellow background fades downward into the nonbinary flag, with stripes of yellow, white, purple, and black, here with the purple and black in shades of blue. The text reads, above a final drawing of the person, wearing a pink sweater and a blue skirt, smiling up at the camera and surrounded by small sparkles, "It just means I'm a nonbinary, genderqueer person who is becoming more like zirself. And that just happens to involve HRT!" with a smiley face emoji at the end.
End ID.]
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etheries1015 · 8 months
Lilia x reader - A sneaky intruder and the unfortunate bathroom incident.
General warnings: Gender neutral reader, suggestive, minors pls dni
Lilia was notorious for finding his way inside of your dorm for a wide variety of interesting (and poorly explained) reasons. Ranging from sheer boredom (at least he was honest) to "needing more space" in the kitchen for cooking his interesting concoctions, it was practically a given for you to always expect him to come by and possibly find him inside your dorm one way or another.
It's not always fun and rainbows, though. With invasion of property can also sometimes bring an invasion of privacy....on accident, of course. Lilia never truly intends to cause you any form of distress.
On one of his routine visits to Ramshackle, letting himself in (you could have sworn the door was locked) he stumbled upon...singing. The sound of a shower rang through the horribly old pipes of the dorm, your singing bouncing off the walls and filling the rooms with the sound of your (good or bad?) musical display. With a smile of mischief, Lilia decided to enjoy the show. It doesn't particularly matter if you were good at singing or not, he continued to listen on with a smile on his face as he sat in front of the door to bask in your serenade.
It wasn't long until the water turned off, but as fast as you turned the water off, you were already out the door with a towel covering your body and Lilia welcoming you. He opened his mouth to greet you and compliment the show you put on for him, however, he did not expect you to beat him by screaming in surprise and falling backward before thumping to the ground, and unfortunately, the towel followed suit, revealing yourself for a mere second before you scrambled at lightening pace to cover yourself up again.
It was too late. He saw everything.
Queue the moment where you were back on your feet covered by your towel, Lilia on his knees and looking downwards as you scolded him. He wasn't used to being on the receiving end of a lecture, it was an...interesting twist of events.
"I don't mind you coming into the dorm to do things, but this?! What in your right mind did you THINK was going to happen you dumbass?! I was obviously showering!"
"But your singing captivated me-" He tried to justify, but you were quick to cut him off.
"I do not care!" You cried out with a face of red, "Lilia Vanrouge, you are banned from Ramshackle!!"
Yet there you were, pouting with your hair still wet and baggy clothes on, chin resting on your hand that was propped up against the counter as you gazed in annoyance at the fae who
"You think you can buy my forgiveness with half baked cookies and an apology?" You muttered, staring at the plate of slightly misshapen and charred cookies that Lilia had presented to you. Lilia looked at you with his smile only widening. You looked at him...he looked at you...you looked at him... then down at the cookies. They looked edible, at the very least. He said silver helped, so surely they were not bad.
"Well, you're right. your ban is lifted." You took a bite of the cookie and walked away, Lilia bouncing up in joy and floating over to you with a sparkle of mischief in his eyes.
"Oh, wonderful!! Now, will you be so kind as to serenade me once again? I bragged to Silver all about your singing- oh and let us talk about your physique! truly a work of art. I saw that cute beauty mark on your-"
"yes, my little bat?"
"Shut up."
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theclaravoyant · 4 months
platonic 911 prompts? please please pleeeease buck coming out to hen
AN ~ omg yes! technically this is set after the actual coming out part (compatible with 7x06) but they get to talk more and be ridiculous queers about it. I LOVE THEM
The next day, as Buck bounds back into the firehouse kitchen, Hen is waiting. She has a massive grin on her face, only barely concealed by the coffee mug as she takes a sip.
“Soooo,” she greets. “'Evan,' huh?”
“Shut up.” He rolls his eyes, but he can't help grinning and blushing, like he does every time so much as the thought of Tommy crosses his mind.
“Come on, I'm teasing,” Hen promises. “I think it's cute.”
“Yeah. Me too.”
This - This euphoria, he's heard people call it, is still buzzing through his veins like it has been since the moment Tommy first kissed him. It's been fuelled by a bunch of Googling. The learning, the rabbit holes, the everything falling into place, it's a wicked high. And a bit of a mindfuck. Then again, he supposes, he is making up for lost time.
He takes a deep breath and asks;
“Did you... know?”
“About me? Or about you?”
“Well, me is easy. I knew for a long time. Had a crush on a girl in my high school science class. I just knew I wanted to kiss her, and that was that.”
“Okay. About me, then.”
He almost winces as he waits for the answer. He can't look at Hen, so he fixes his eyes on the window above the sink. He doesn't even know what he's worried about. Honestly. That she's going to say he's been somehow walking around with a limp wrist and a big flashing neon sign above his head this entire time? That he's the last one in on the joke?
Sensing his panic, Hen drops her teasing air.
“No one ever really knows, Buck,” she explains. “That's something straight people made up to feel better about stereotyping us.”
Us. It sparkles in his chest.
“But honestly?” she continues. “I wasn't surprised, no.”
“Why not? 'Cause I was a massive jealous dick about Eddie?”
She laughs. “Well, that might have been a point in the column. But no. There's just sort of... something about you. Once you've been around the block a while you'll probably know what I'm talking about. The overcompensating, the feeling lost, the whole found-family thing you've got going on... It's very queer of you.”
If you say so, he thinks at first. But it does make sense. He'd spent so much of his life jumping from job to job, country to country, relationship to relationship, searching for something that he'd only found when Tommy'd kissed him; the answer to a question he'd never even thought to ask. But it wasn't just that. He'd never really understood why so many people found it weird that he was so invested in Christopher's life or that he'd die for Bobby but barely called his relationship with his parents love, but it was something a lot of the queer people in his life seemed to take without question. Maybe because so many of them had, or knew people who had, been disowned or thrown out of home or kept out of hospital rooms or from seeing their own kids and turned to their own friends to make a family. Their own 118.
“Huh. I guess it is.”
“Plus, I mean,” Hen adds – biting her lip because come on, she's only human. “You do put a rainbow flag in your bio every Pride month.”
Buck groans. “Tommy told you about that, huh?”
“Buck. I love you. But did you really think I didn't know that same sex adoption's only been legal in California since 2003? I've literally same sex adopted a child.”
“I just think it's bullshit!” he protests automatically. “You're a great parent!”
“And you're a great Ally.”
He snatches a tea towel, balls it up and throws it at her as the sirens began to ring out. She cackles and darts away, and Buck follows. Beaming.
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msfeyredarling · 2 years
Seven days of Solstice
Merry Christmas everyone!
Summary: On Feyre’s fiftieth, Rhys decides to celebrate Feyre following the seven days of the winter solstice.
My @acotargiftexchange present for @charliespringsleftconverse. I hope you enjoy <3
Read on Ao3
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The city beyond the frosted glass was bustling with life. Buildings were decorated with crystal lights, banners wrapped in tinsel and shop windows filled with solstice ornaments. The streets were teeming with citizens, everyone preparing for the start of the Solstice holiday. The citizens of Velaris began the celebrations seven days before the holiday. It was said the ancient night gods awoke for seven days before slumbering again when the sun began to rise the day after the longest night.
Feyre stood by the windows in the river house, snow falling outside the warmth of her home as she watched her people begin the festivities for the first day of the solstice holiday. Her pointed ears picked up a whoosh behind her and as she turned she noticed a crisp white envelope with her name. Inside was a letter filled with beautiful and delicate scrawl, she recognised all too well.
To my dearest Feyre, 
Solstice is upon us once again which means your birthday is not far. This birthday happens to be a very special one. To celebrate fifty years of my Feyre Darling, we will follow the traditional seven days of solstice partaken by lovers. To start, on the first day of solstice you’re true gave to you a riddle. When you solve the riddle, the answer will appear. 
‘You made me perfect but eventually I’ll be destroyed. You hide me but you will give me away forever. When we depart, you'll be happy that I'm gone.’ 
I wish you luck. With all my love,
Rhys x
Feyre chuckled at her mates extravagance. She should have expected it, her mate did have a flair for the dramatic. It was typical of him to make her work for it, he made everything a challenge so it should be no surprise she would have to use her mind to figure out the riddle to receive her gift. Feyre paused, then gasped aloud. A gift was made perfect, a gift was hidden, a gift was given away forever. A gift was the answer to the riddle. 
As if the magic could hear her thoughts, in a blink, a black box with a red bow appeared. She slowed pulled the red ribbon and inside was a piece of card. 
Today is the day of riddles, my love. 
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
After unsuccessfully interrogating her mate through the bond, she sighed as she sat down at the kitchen bend. Her head turned as a new letter fluttered towards her. 
To my brilliant mate, 
On the first day of solstice your true love gave to you another riddle, just to keep you on your toes. 
‘I am every colour but I can be just one. I am wet but I can be dry. You can change me on a whim or keep me forever. You can probably see me right now. What am I?’
Sending my love,
Rhys xx
Feyre glanced up, brows drawn together in confusion. She couldn’t see anything that matched her clues. The riddle asked for something that was a rainbow but a single colour, something dry and wet. Water? Towels? Trees? Flowers? She thought about the last one, flowers came in an array of colours, could be wet or dry but didn’t match the last two parts. 
She searched her brain for anything, her hand tangling in her wild curls. Feyre huffed in frustration as she began to pace the halls. Whatcouldbewhatcouldbewhatcouldbe raced through her mind. Her mate was certainly a trickster and he knew exactly how to leave her a confused and desperate mess. She glanced at the letter again, re-reading for any hidden meanings. Below the riddle began to sparkle as words appeared. 
Need a hint, darling?
She snarled down the bond, a laugh echoed in the back of her mind. If he was going to toy with her and make it a game, she would make damn sure she was going to win. 
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
The sun had begun to set, the horizon sparkling as the light glinted of the snow. She still had not a clue what the answer was. Feyre was sitting on the floor, back resting against the wall. She looked around again, all she could see was the kitchen, chairs, walls and walls. Mats on the floor, art hung up, even chipped paint. 
She sighed, ready to give in but she paused, the answer may be simpler than she thought, maybe she was looking too hard when the answer might be simple. The next time her eyes scanned the room, she really looked. Door handles, stained glass, a marble bench, six cabinets painted a dark blue. Her eyed glanced around, her mind trying to figure out the connections. Everything had a colour that was painted on. Her face lit up as the dots in the mind connected. Paint. The answer was paint. 
A slip of paper appeared before her eyes. 
Meet me where you decided to be mine. 
Feyre smiled, she knew exactly where her mate was. 
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
She trudged through the snow to the place that was like a second home. She didn't feel the cold, her excitement filling her with adrenaline. The door to the cabin opened, inviting her inside. 
As she stepped over the threshold, she was startled by what she saw. The inside of the cabin had been decorated in fairy lights and candles which casted a soft glow for the dark room. As she walked futhur in, she saw an area littered in many canvas on stands and surrounded by paints of beautiful colours. In the centre of it all was a dark blue couch in which Rhys laid, his head resting on his fist. He was completely nude and as she took him in, he smirked. 
“You found me Feyre darling,” he purred, adjusting his position so the light fully illuminated every glorious inch of him. “Happy first day of solstice.” 
“My first gift is you nude?” 
“Feyre darling, if you wish to see me clothless more often you only have to ask,” his eyes glittered with a devilish glint. “I do remember your thoughts drifting to how I’d look on a canva, especially if I was naked,” Feyre blushed at his words. So he did her artistic rambling. 
She approached the first canvas, a brush already in hand. Her eyes drifted to the many paints. Each was different from the last but all shimmered with the light. She had never seen anything like them in Velaris, her mate must have searched far for these. 
Feyre dipped her brush in the unique paint and she began to sketch a ruff outline before she truely began the art. 
As the night dragged along, Feyre filled many canvas and Rhys experimented with different positions. Many times Feyre laughed at the absurdity of it. When she finished, she began to paint on a different surface, one of hard muscle and golden brown skin. Their painting session lasted for hours and wouldn’t be close to ending until the sun began to rise. 
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
The next morning, Feyre awoke blissfully happy. She rolled over, seeking the warmth of her mate as her arm reached out. All she meet was cold sheets. 
Blinking the eyes open, she saw that Rhys was nowhere to be found. The only thing left was another letter. She groaned as she read its contents. 
To my true love,
Our fun has only just begun. Today is a new day which means a new hunt. 
On the second day of solstice, your true love gave to you all of his heart. All of his love. All the air he needs to breathe. 
Find me where you first captured the air from my lungs. 
With all of my heart, 
P.S. I love you
A sleepy smile bloomed on her face. She rubbed her eyes as she stretched. She trudged out of the comforting warmth of her bed and put on whatever she could find. Wings bloomed from her back and she launched into the sky. 
The flight was short and as she approached the house of wind, she dropped out of the sky. Feyre followed the tug in the chest, the bond that would forever lead her to Rhys. 
She found her mate on the balcony, the place she first realised she was falling in love. As she neared, Rhys turned. His eyes twinkled with stars as he smiled at her.
“My love,” he held out his hand to her. She placed her hand in his, entwining their fingers. 
“My darling Feyre. You are the sunshine of my day, my shining star of my night. You guide my path and bring light to my soul. You are the minutes in my hour, the hours in my life. You are the wings upon which I fly, the ground upon which I tread, the air in which I breathe. You are the one that lights my fire, the light within my eyes, within my heart. You are the love that's taken hold of my heart forever. You are my everything. As your birthday fast approaches, I want to share my love with you in every possible way. I want you to know of the love that has continued to deepen all this years,” she wiped out the tears that had fallen. Rhys let go of her hands and suddenly a box from his pocket world appeared. The box was black and wrapped in a red bow. 
Her hands shook as she pulled the string on the bow. She lifted the lid of the box and inside were dozens of letters. Each one addressed her in perfect scrawl and was dated. “Over the years, on every one of your birthday’s, I wrote you a letter, saving them to give you now. Each explains how my love for you has and will always be eternal,” his hand copped her cheek, she leaned into it. She took the box from his hand and began going through letters, starting from the most recent.
Feyre hadn’t even made it halfway before she was a complete and utter mess. Her chest hurt with how much she loved her mate. Nothing in the continent or beyond could  fully express her love for him. 
It took her many hours before she could make it through the letters. Once her tears had faded, she lounged on the couch, Rhys behind her and a fire in-front, warming her toes. 
“Today was beautiful,” Feyre said as she rested her head on Rhys’ chest. “Thank you.”
Her mate placed a soft kiss on the top of her head. “Just wait until tomorrow.”
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“Rhysand, it’s too much,” she said as she pushed it back towards her mate.
“No it’s not, you deserve everything. On the third day of solstice I am giving you everything you deserve.” 
Feyre sighed, she knew her efforts would be fruitless. She glanced down to her newest gift. Shinning studs and sparkling jewels greeted her eyes. Her mate had gifted her the most beautiful piece of jewellery. 
At the centre of the necklace was a crescent moon with bordering stars. It was set with the most beautiful diamonds and would sit just above her clavicle. It had already become her favourite piece. 
“Thank you Rhys, it’s gorgeous,” he grinned, pulling her in for a kiss. 
“That’s not all.”
“There’s more?” She whispered. She didn’t understand what she did to deserve her mate. Her feet were quiet as she trailed after him. He led a path into their room, then the wardrobe. 
At the centre of the room was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. A long black dress hung on the model. Glittering black fabric started at the bodice and cascaded down, slowly changing back into plain black satin. Black silk hung as the sleeves and lined the neckline. Feyre simply stood and stared. This dress was as beautiful as her starfall gown and it was almost the total opposite. 
Her mate placed his hand on her back, guiding her forward. “My mother made this dress, for you,” he whispered, his breath fanning over the shell of her ear. 
A lump formed in her throat. His mother had made these dresses before Feyre even existed, yet somehow through the dresses, it was like she knew Feyre all along. 
“I would be honoured if you wore it tonight, along with the necklace.” 
Feyre sharply turned to Rhys. “I would be honoured to wear anything of hers.” 
“Good because we have dinner at six. I look forward to seeing you in it.”
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
The person who stared back in the mirror was almost unrecognisable. The dress fit her perfectly, hugging her curves to pool at her feet. It sparkled and shimmered with each movement. What she hadn’t realised was the slit that travelled up very far. She still loved the dress all the same.
Her hair had been swept to one side in a single curl. Her eyelids has been darkened and her lips were painted red. She wore the necklace her mate gifted her. 
Feyre walked down the stairs, heels clicking against the floor with each step. As she reached the bottom, he came into sight. Rhys had his usual form fitting black attire. Feyre stopped, just to take him in, he seemed to do the same. 
She finally broke their reverie as she walked up to him, he offered his arm. They walked the streets of Velaris, arm in arm, occasionally stopping to take in the sights of their beloved city. They finally arrived at a familiar location. 
“Sevenda’s place?”
“The first restaurant you visited in Velaris,” he confirmed. 
Over the years, they became regulars at her restaurant, dining there whenever they could. As they entered, Sevenda showed them to a table in the corner that overlooked the sidra. Wine was poured into both of their glasses. They talked about everything, every now and then stopping to listen to the band. The food began to be brought out as they dined under the stars. 
Rhys lifted his glass in the air, Feyre followed suit. “To my beautiful mate, happy birthday,” he clinked his glass against hers. He was truely making this the best birthday and solstice. 
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
The snow had begin to fall, blanketing the city in a white wonderland. The sleepily citizens had yet to awake for the Winter Solstice. 
Feyre stood in her studio, adding the finishing touches to her Solstice gift for Rhys. She glanced out the window again, a smile forming on her face recounting the last week. Rhys had shown his love for her through the seven days of solstice. 
On the fourth solstice day he gave her one of the best gifts she could ask for. A surprise visit from her son. She rarely saw him and missed him dearly. They spent the day sledding down the steeps just outside the city. 
The fifth day consisted of a trip down memory lane. They recreated all their precious moments and at the end of the day he gave her a wrapped gift. Inside was a small canvas filled with a mirage of colours. She remembered how the painting sparkled with the light as she opened the wrapping. She remembered gasping as she stared at the artwork of starfall, Feyre’s first one. It was the first time she ever smiled at Rhys, the painting capturing their happiness of the moment. 
Her eyes burned with unshed tears. She placed the picture on her desk where she could see it daily, a reminder of the journey and sacrifice she made to have what she did now. 
On the six day of solstice, Feyre had complete control of Rhys. She throughly enjoyed it, especially when she got him to wear an ugly solstice sweater. It was the most hideous thing and looked ridiculous on him since he never wore anything but black. She had laughed herself horse as he pouted. That was until she brought out her own sweater, to match his. He spontaneously decided he quite liked the sweater, for the most part with how it looked on her. 
Feyre chuckled, her mate had made this solstice the most memorable. She lifted her brush back to the canvas and became enthralled in her work. 
That’s where Rhys found her when the sun was shining high in the sky. His arms encircled her waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder. He placed a soft kiss on her cheek as he watched her. He couldn’t see what she was painting, she made sure to cloak it in darkness. 
“Happy fiftieth Birthday, darling,” he whispered into her ear. 
“Don’t remind me,” she grumbled. “You make me feel old.”
Rhys chuckled. “Well if you don’t want to talk about your birthday let’s talk about solstice,” Feyre turned around, her mouth parted. “Happy Solstice my love,” he grinned, knowing he beat her to it. “Come with me.” 
She took his offered hand as he lead her out of the studio. “On the seventh day of solstice, your true love gave to you the best birthday party.” 
The area has been over decorated in balloons and streamers, how she hadn’t noticed, she wasn’t sure. All her friends and family stood in the room. “Happy birthday Feyre!” They said in unison. 
And she would have a happy birthday. With her friends and family she could enjoy celebrating her fifty years of life. And when the day progressed on, they could begin the festivities of the winter solstice. This holiday season would be the most memorable for many years to come, all because her mate loved her enough to celebrate her for the seven days of solstice. These memories, this time, the love shared, was a gift. All of it. 
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multifandom-worlds · 2 years
Waltzing in the Rain
Genre: Fluff
Rating: SFW
Word count: 1k
Authors Note: Reposting some of my favourite works from my AO3. This one was from 2020 with some 2022 revision
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5pm, Friday afternoon. No more meetings are required to attend, and Goldman can finish the paperwork for me. Whatever he can't complete can wait until Monday. I'm going home.
I called out to my assistant, informing him of the plan. "Goldman. Have this paperwork on my desk by my return Monday morning."
"Yes sir!
Goldman takes the stack of papers and leaves my office. I close everything down before I take my leave. With my phone to my ear, I make my way out of the office. No answer. Again. What could she possibly be doing?
Stepping onto the sidewalk, the summer sun is slowly replaced by an ominous rain cloud. On the drive home, I tried her again. Still no answer. What on earth could my dummy be doing? She's rarely without her phone.
The house was oddly silent when I arrived home 10 minutes later. Setting my keys down in the bowl by the front door, I glance around the house, trying to locate her.
"Where are you, dummy?"
My voice echoes through the empty rooms. Where could my wife be? I try her phone again, hearing it ring in the bedroom. Napping? At this hour?
Following the sound, I push open the door to find her not in the bedroom either. Just her phone. While I'm here, I might as well get changed.
Entering the room, movement outside the window catches the corner of my eye. Making my way over to the window, my eyes are greeted by a beautiful sight. 2 stories below me, amongst the green of the grass and the rainbow of colours stands my wife, my favourite blue and white dress gracing her flawless figure.
Whenever the sun shines, her red hair ignites into fiery crimson. Like a vision she walks through the yard, barefoot in the grass, stopping every so often to delicately pick a flower from the garden and add it to the ever growing bouquet in her arms.
It's times like these I fall even deeper in love with her. To see the world through her eyes would be a treat beyond any imaginable. I lean against the window frame, mesmerized by this ethereal beauty that goes about her business without a care in the world.
Before long, the sun gives way to clouds which open themselves up, pouring from the heavens a gentle rain. I expect her to come inside within a few minutes so I remove myself from the window, the reason I entered our room leaving my mind.
When she hadn't come inside after 5 minutes, I resign myself to having to go collect my wife from the rain. Grabbing a towel from the bathroom cabinet, I remove my suit jacket, and roll up my shirt sleeves up to my elbows before opening the back door.
To my great surprise, my love has put her flower bouquet down and is twirling in the rain, much like a young child would do. The faintest of smiles tugs on my lips. I love that despite everything that's happening in her life, she is still able to appreciate the small things, like dancing in the rain. Although I do wish she'd cut it out, she's going to get sick.
I open the sliding door and yell, "What are you doing, dummy?"
"I'm dancing! Come dance with me," she replies.
"Darling. It's raining. You're soaked."
"And? Please Victor?"
Her heterochromatic eyes meet mine. I've always been intrigued by her eyes. One is as blue as the summer's sky, the other as dark as the dirt of which everything beautiful grows.
She saunters her way over to me, absolutely dripping wet from the rain but a smile on those perfect lips tells me she's fine. Her delicate little hand grasps onto my tie, slowly pulling me out into the yard and into the rain with her.
How does one say no? Here I have the closest thing to a goddess, the rain sticking her dress to her body, further accentuating her curves.
With a sigh, I place one hand on her waist, taking her other hand in mine. Her eyes sparkle with such happiness. How the littlest thing can make her happy. She places her free hand on my arm.
I lead us in a slow, romantic waltz around the garden. It may not be a proper waltz but right now, the only sound around us being the raindrops, I cease to find any reason it needs to be proper.
I dip her backwards, her laughter echoes through the garden as the rain lands gently on her face. I pull her back up, her body ever closer to mine. She rests her head delicately on my chest as we dance, listening to my heartbeat, soft and steady.
Outside we dance for what feels like an eternity but it very well was only a matter of minutes. The clouds open up more, the rain falls heavier and harder, as good a time as any to retreat back into the safety of our home.
"Come on Mrs. Li. It's due time we exit the rain."
My love picks up her bouquet before following me into the house where I have a towel waiting for her. Removing her dress, she wraps the towel around her body before she moves deeper into the house to further dry herself.
I follow suit, peeling my wet shirt off my body, followed by my pants before donning a fresh, dry pair of pants and a t-shirt. Gathering up our wet clothing, I place them into the washing machine while she showers.
10 minutes later she emerges clean and dry, except her hair of course. She sits on the couch, beckoning me to join her. Two cups of tea in hand, I join her on the couch. The only sounds in our house being the rain on the window and our soft breathing.
She rests her head on my chest, my fingers drawing indiscernible patterns along her spine. Not my ideal way to spend a rainy Friday afternoon but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.
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clockworkspider · 2 years
M. Subaru!
A note that I have no idea if there's anything in canon that indicates Subaru's preferences on weather phenomenons. But I think he'd like rainstorms. I think he's the kind of kids that gets excited for rain storms.
When it rains & storms
It rained on the day of his father's funeral, a heavy downpour.
Perhaps a sunny day would have been more suitable for a bright and shining person like his father, but Subaru liked to think that the sky was grieving too, and took comfort in that.
Subaru liked rain storms. He liked them more than the frequent light rain of the summer seasons. He liked catching the moment the clouds cleared, and the world brightened, and you could see the first rays of lights reflecting upon the puddles on the ground, the wet tiles of the roof.
When he was small, he'd run out to find the rainbow, and point it out to his parents. And his father would take him in his arms as they danced and sung, splashing around in the puddles in their rain boots, and the water droplets would sparkle as if they were in a fairytale.
"It sounds like you're actually a fan of the sun, tho?" Mao pointed out, wiping his hair with a towel. They've managed to duck inside just as it had started to pour, so it wasn't too bad.
"But light is never as bright on sunny days tho? And the sun doesn't sparkle, but water puddles do!" Subaru said, shaking the water droplets off his body and hair as Mao wisely took a step back without complaint. (He'd made sure nothing but air and floor was within his splashing zone. Subaru knew how to be at least a little bit considerate.)
"I suppose you're right, I've just never thought of it that way. It always just seemed troublesome. Ritsu catches a cold easily when he was younger, so he'd use it as an opportunity to get me to fuss over him, and if I also have to pick up my sister that day he'd get sulky. And now that we're idols, any damage to our throat would be seriously dangerous."
"Sari is so popular, I'm jealous too~"
"Please don't start too. I'm just trying to be useful." He took a fresh towel and used it to roughly dry Subaru's hair. The motion was fast enough to make Subaru giggle, but not so rough as to actually hurt. "In any case, they're both old enough to take care of themselves now."
"If Sari doesn't have to worry about all the things that makes his brows furrow, would he like the rain?"
Mao shrugged. "Dunno," he said, before pondering for a moment, "But the rain as you described sounds beautiful. Maybe we could incorporate that into our next live, I'll talk to Anzu."
He turned to glance out the window.
The rain appeared to have let up as quickly as it came. The pattering begun to fade away.
Before him, Sari's eyes widened ever so slightly, and shone the way he did on stage, the way sunlight reflected upon the water droplets. "Subaru, look," he said, with wonder as if he was seeing the sight for the first time, "it's the sun."
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splashtailstar · 2 years
aro reigen agenda
Go vote for Reigen in the tie breaker for aro character showdown!
(yes, this is almost every single aro reigen pic vi have on vy phone)
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[ID: A manga panel from Mob Psycho 100. Mob asks Reigen, “But when it’s time to confess, I don’t know what I should say… or what I should do. Like, the etiquette for confessing… What does everyone else do in that situation?”. Serizawa watches Reigen as he struggles to respond. “Well, that’s… It’s like…”
Reigen then looks at his flipphone and tells Mob, “Cleanliness, look around the store, no alcohol, listen well, build the mood, smiles are important, make her heart pound, a heavy atmosphere is no good, premise of marriage, invite her to a meal, sincerity”.
Serizawa notices the flipphone and thinks, “Ah… He’s cheating! Reigen-san doesn’t know either?!!” End ID]
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[ID: A manga panel featuring Reigen and Serizawa. Reigen says, “Tsubomi-chan and Mob... They can exist without distorting each other... I hope I can become a partner like that...” Serizawa notices this and is surprised. End ID]
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[ID: A manga panel. Reigen tells Dimple, “Lust? But what of love, Dimple? Not that I want to have this conversation with you.” Dimple replies, “That ought to be my line, you son of a bitch.” End ID]
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[ID: Seven icons of Reigen over various aromantic flags. He smiles as he confidently says something and bends his wrist. Flag 1 is a regular aromantic flag. Flag 2 is the aroace flag. Flag 3 is an aromantic flag with pale white sparkles over top. Flag 4 is another sparkly aromantic flag. Flag 5 is a sparkly alloaro flag. Flag 6 is an aromantic flag colorpicked from him. Flag 7 is a color adjusted aromantic flag. End ID]
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[ID: Six icons of Reigen over the aromantic flag, except the last one is slightly different. Icon 1 is a manga panel of Reigen with a neutral expression. Icon 2 is Reigen looking forward with a bored expression. Icon 3 is Reigen drinking from a mug. He is shirtless and has a towel around his neck. Icon 4 is Reigen holding a cake and trying not to cry while his eyes turn red. Icon 5 is Reigen talking on his flip phone and looking to the side. Icon 6 is an edited screenshot. Reigen has a determined expression. Behind him is a blue sky with a cartoon sun and a rainbow with the stripes of the aromantic flag. End ID]
The last icon is by @maddiataz​.
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[ID: Five icons of Reigen over a sparkly aromantic flag. Icon 1: Reigen closes his eyes and rests his elbow on a ledge. He is cast in shadow with a rim of light on his right side. He isn't wearing his jacket. Icon 2: Reigen’s photo from his website. He sits and smiles at the camera, looking off-model. Icon 3: Reigen aims a gun at the viewer with an angry expression. Icon 4: Reigen confidently destroys Ishiguro’s gravity spheres. Icon 5: Reigen rests his chin on his hand, sweats nervously, and smiles. End ID]
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[ID: Five various aromantic flags colorpicked from Reigen. All of the flags, except for the last, have been colorpicked from the same image. Reigen wears a blue suit and tie and holds a cardboard box. Flag 1 is aromantic. Flag 2 is aroace. Flag 3 is alloaro. Flag 4 is non-SAM aro. The fifth flag, which is also aromantic, is colorpicked from an image of Reigen holding a birthday cake. End ID]
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[ID: Reigen over three different aromantic flags. In the first image, Reigen crouches in a corner, puts his hand on his chin with a questioning look, and looks down at the viewer. Text on the image reads: “Let’s get Ramen”. Text at the bottom of the image reads “To:” and “From:”.  Image 2 is Reigen smirking at the viewer. He is over a semi-transparent aromantic flag. Image 3 is Reigen with a shocked expression over an aromantic flag. End ID]
Images 1 and 3 are from @purplecladmerchant​ and @yourfaveshouldvebeenaro​ respectively.
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[ID: An interview answer by Reigen from the official Mob Psycho 100 fanbook. Text over an aromantic flag reads: "In love? Me? Why are you looking at me while smiling? Do you think I'm lying to you? Oh, my. Well, I can't just talk about it casually as it would infringe on the privacy of the other party, you know. I've had a few passionate love affairs in my time. Remember that time when I held a woman on the bow of a certain huge ship? Huh? There's a similar scene in a movie? Did I remember it wrong...? Okay, let's move on.. Getting married is one of the many possible lifestyle options available to you. Follow your own heart." End ID]
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shadows-starlight · 1 month
Shadows and Starlight
Book 30: Malakar's Morning Bubbles
The faint smell of lavender and soap filled the air as Malakar stood in his bath chamber with Aurora in the crook of one arm and tested the temperature of the water that resided inside the large, copper wash basin with his other arm.
This morning, Malakar was preparing little Aurora's morning bath, a bubble bath to be more precise. The bubbles in the water sparkled like tiny rainbows in the morning light and just for a bit of amusement, Malakar added some bath toys for Aurora to play with; a rubber duck, a little plastic boat, and a rubber ball.
In his arms, Aurora squealed in delight as bath time was one of her favorite times of the day both in the morning and at night. She reached her little hands out to the copper wash basin.
Malakar chuckled, "Looks like someone is eager for their morning, Ey my little star?"
Aurora giggled and clapped her hands as Malakar gently lowered her in the tub. The second her tiny toes touched the warm, soapy water, she let out a delightful squeal and Malakar couldn't help but smile.
Her tiny hands splashed around in the water, sending bubbles of different sizes flying into the air. Malakar watched with a soft smile as Aurora's eyes widened in wonder, tracking the bubbles as they floated all around. One large bubble in particular landed square on her nose and she blinked in surprise, her mouth forming a little "o" of curiosity.
It popped and Aurora laughed when it did.
Malakar laughed a little and picked up a damp washcloth. "Let's get you all cleaned up, dear."
Aurora gurgled happily in response, her hands still swatting at the floating bubbles. Malakar dipped the already damp washcloth into the water and began to gently scrub her, starting with her tiny feet. As he worked, he hummed a soothing tune, a melody that seemed to make the bubbles dance even more.
Noticing the bath toys floating in the water, Aurora started playing with them. She splashed the rubber ball in the water, squeezed the rubber duck causing it to make noise, and gently pushed the plastic boat around making it glide.
Aurora kicked her legs playfully while holding the rubber duckie in her hands, sending a small wave of water splashing over the edge of the tub and onto Malakar's sleeve of his robe. He laughed, shaking his head. "I see someone is determined to give me a bath as well," he teased.
As Malakar continued to wash her, Aurora's attention shifted back to the bubbles. She reached out and caught one, giggling as it popped in her hand. Her giggles filled the room as Malakar continued to rub and scrub Aurora down.
"You are surely full of surprises, aren't you?" Malakar mused, moving on to scrubbing her arms.
Aurora responded with a happy babble, her eyes following the bubbles as they drifted by. Malakar finished washing her and set the washcloth aside, reaching for the little plastic boat and letting it gently glide across the water.
"Here comes a ship, sailing through the bubbles," he said playfully, steering the boat in circles around her and letting out a little "toot, toot!" now and then, causing Aurora to laugh.
Malakar watched her with a fond smile. "You have such a vast and curious mind, Aurora and I can only begin to imagine all of the wonders you will discover as you grow." He gently lifted her from the tub, wrapping her in a soft, fluffy towel, and draining the water from the wash basin. "But, for now, let's get you dry and ready for the day."
Malakar gently dried Aurora with the towel and conjured a gentle warmth with a wave of his hand to keep her from getting cold. “There we go, all fresh and clean,” he murmured as he dried her off, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
Aurora giggled at her father feeling content and cozy in the towel.
Once Aurora was dried up, Malakar moved Aurora to her changing table, put her in a clean diaper, and dressed her in her burgundy dress, pale yellow socks, and camel brown leather shoes before brushing her shiny auburn curls.
He couldn’t resist tickling her belly a little, earning a giggle that made his heart swell with joy.
“All ready for the day, my little star,” Malakar said as he lifted Aurora into his arms, cradling her close. “What adventures shall we have today?” He gazed into her eyes.
Aurora reached up and placed her small hand on his cheek, as if to reassure him that whatever the day held, as long as they were together, it would be perfect.
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Lie Again
Synopsis: Loki leaves a mortal lover in the year 1820, his life takes a huge turn when she reappears centuries later at a Stark Industries party.
Pairing: Loki x Vampire Reader
Warnings: SA, Slight Angst
Word Count: 2059
A/N: Been a whole ass while since I've written anything (so I'm sure this won't turn out THAT well), and I'm fully aware I haven't kept a lot of promises being that I have fanfics that are unfinished, but I just really had to put this ideaa out there. Y/A means Your/Alias by the way. I didn't know how to put it out in words so---
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They’ve met before. A century ago, but the god never bothered to think of even pursuing his intentions and left one night, knowing she was a mortal - and her aging would only be nothing but pain for the both of them. What would seem like a sad memory for him, a heartbreak to be carried over years was the beginning of her vexation, the origin of her search for immortality, the beginning of her quest to look him in the eyes and torment him with her presence, to make him remember the night he left. 
Her skin devoid of oils, powder to touch under its light, eyes forever sparkling, gaze captivating - aura intoxicating, no longer was she a damsel in distress, a desperate lover. Y/A walked toward the towel draped on the back of her chaise lounge, dripping wet, naked. She covered herself and approached the balcony, wondering where her feet would drag her for tonight’s feast. She’s heard about him, back on what he calls Midgard, and for a while she hasn’t interfered. It felt like she could never solo the moments, she waited until everything calmed. She knew just how to brew the perfect storm for him, if he ever remembered her. She hoped, but even so, just in case he didn’t, she’d make herself remarkably unforgettable.
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“How is it that you always look at the sky when you’re with me?” She looked up at him, her head resting on his lap. “Already eager for Heimdall to throw that rainbow lifeline and go back to pleasing daddy?” She reaches her hand up to caress his jaw when he catches it before she could touch his skin.
“Don’t ever talk about my father, I doubt he’s done parading his golden child around to take over his throne.” He feigned disinterest, but she knew more than anything how much weight the issue holds on him. 
She pulls  him by the collar and kisses him, distracting him from whatever thought it might’ve triggered. It was how Y/N knew to cope, not knowing how to react by listening but by using her body. Loki noticed this, but didn’t mind, he didn’t want to pry what made her this way. She avoided almost any serious conversations with it.
He knew staying longer in Midgard than usual was already chipping away his chances of getting on his father��s good side, and he has been debating over staying with Y/N, she was a mortal for Asgard’s sake. She would never be able to align with his father’s ideals. And he’d only put her in danger, or so that’s what he thought, and maybe he was just trying to soothe himself into making decisions that he thinks is righteous, but this has been a plan of his for a while now. He loved her, but his rationality came in the way of it. His panic has taken over his body, and staying in 1820 Midgard didn’t feel sustainable.
That night, he left. Leaving only a snake pin for her to remember him by, emerald in gold as small as the half of his thumb. Y/N woke up clutching it, crying, not able to process what it meant. Maybe she knew but just couldn’t believe it, but before she could process any of it, the door swung open, a group of men violently entered and grabbed each of her hands. She’s heard of the crimes happening downtown, but never anticipated being a victim herself. One of the men put a dirty cloth over her mouth and tied it behind her head. She felt her skirt rise up, her heart was beating so fast, her brain couldn’t process anything at all. She was thrusted from one heartbreak to another. Her eyes settled above, her gaze looking at the sky and fixated on it, counted the stars and felt as if her body was not her own, that she wasn’t the one experiencing the violations being done to the body she’s currently in. That she’s a passenger in her own skin.
“I like this one, not a screamer.” one of the men said to the other, one of them licked her neck, but she’s already blocked the whole ordeal, nothing but the night sky. 
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It had to be today, no matter how much time didn’t seem to bother her anymore. The need for urgency, seeing as how she’s lived for centuries and realized she has all the time in the world. But apparently he’s one of them now, a hero. A reformed villain. How ironic, the turns of his life. From desperately trying to win his father, to becoming a selfish, entitled god, to a version of his own making - a saint. Unfair. Y/A found it ridiculous. But she was hungry, and dinner hasn’t arrived, so she guesses she’ll make a night of it. 
One of her pets informed her of a sighting, but to be honest, she’s got Loki’s routines to a tee. Not only was she immortal and bound by blood to live, but she could control and communicate with animals. Along with that came the strength not as strong as a god but well enough to defeat a handful humans in one seating. 
“Game time” she told herself as she got ready, wearing a sleek emerald dress, his snake pin, altered to be an earring. She pulled her hair back revealing a scar, a bite and put on perfume on the back of each of her ears  and wrists.
Today’s the anniversary of Stark Industries, it would be wrong if someone who’s lived as long as she has to not have accumulated great wealth over the years, she took her invitation and put it in her purse. She was so ecstatic to be there, to see if tonight will be the night. She was feeling promiscuous. A smirk plastered on her face as she got in the car.
When she arrived at the event hall, eyes followed her, turning away from their private conversations and looking in her direction. What good is a vampire without the power of persuasion to lure in a couple of drinks to quench her thirst? Her movement was slow and cold, oh these mortals are so giddy with life, she thought. It must feel so stressful to fear that any moment your life would end. But then she’s gotten so used to being alone, that her life hasn’t found its meaning at all, it felt like she was living for revenge, For the power she holds, she uses for anyone who dares touch another human without their consent. And no matter how much time has passed, unfortunately, humans have not evolved their primitive ways. 
In less than no time, a super soldier named Bucky Barnes appeared, brooding and keeping to himself. She wondered how the blood of an enhanced human like him would taste.That would be interesting, but so would a god’s. In the corner of her eye, she could spot Pepper Potts, a business associate, she only ever knew Y/A from seeing her signature finalized on big contracts but never had the luxury of having a conversation with her. Y/A would like to keep it that way, but for tonight, she’d make an exception. Before Pepper could approach her, there he was, as dazzling as the day he betrayed her. She grabbed champaign from a tray that passed her, and lifted it up to her lips as she continued her gaze. 
“Y/A! So nice to finally have you join us” Pepper chimes. Y/A gives her a kiss on the cheek, flashing her emerald and gold snake earring. The reflection was so surreal, the light bounced and caught his eye. His chest felt heavy, it can’t be. It must’ve been an heirloom by now, or an antique gotten from an auction. He looked to see Y/A’s smug look. She was talking to Pepper, but for some reason he knew as well as Y/A did, that her sly smile was for him. He was caught unprepared, it's impossible. It can’t be, she can’t be here, how? Loki debated on a lookalike, on a terrifying spot on lookalike, or a granddaughter - that could happen, right? Before his legs could wake up from the coma they were in, the second he looked back at her direction she was gone. He ran up to Pepper to ask where her companion went but even she didn’t know. A rush of worry and confusion crept up his mind, he needed an explanation or else he’d believe he was losing his mind. 
He looked around, desperately. He wanted to conjure multiple versions of him to search for her. He knows he won’t be able to sleep until he gets to the bottom of it. A couple more steps and there it was, the reflection of light. Light that could only come from the pin he gave her. It seemed like miles before he could reach where it came from and when he did, he saw it on top of the bar counter, the wearer gone. Loki couldn’t believe his eyes, someone must be playing tricks on him. It’s impossible. So few only knew about her, even his brother did not dare ask who he frequently visited Midgard centuries ago. It felt like such a cruel joke, but a joke he nonetheless felt he deserved to be toyed with. 
“Did you see the person who left this?” He asked the tender, he shook his head and continued to concoct drinks. Once again, Loki was clouded in agony, emotions came rushing and he couldn’t place it. He returned to where Pepper was, and asked her who she was conversing with earlier, how he could reach her and every little detail he could give her. Pepper at first joked about having a little crush before saying anything, but the torment in his face made her worried and suddenly she could understand that he knew her, in one form or another. 
“I only met her in person today, she usually just signs contracts and has people do her work for her. I’m surprised she even came, she’s been absent for forever, we almost didn’t send her an invite.” Pepper quipped. “I’m sorry Loki, but as much as I’d like to help you, I only know her company building address, and I’m sure she doesn’t even step foot in it. Worth a shot though.”
“Thanks Pepper, sorry to bug you with all this.” 
“No problem… Are you sure you’re alright?” A look of concern washed her face.
“No, yes - I will be. Thank you.”
“I’ll leave you to it, but please, enjoy the night, I’m sure she’s still here somewhere.”
“I hope so.” Loki ends the conversation and steps out into the crowd, once again in search of her. But hours pass and she still hasn’t made a reappearance. His feet settled at the balcony, head in the direction of the night sky. He was ready to claim the whole situation as a nightmare, a terrible prank, it just couldn’t be real. Even with his chat with Pepper, and the different name she told him, it just couldn’t be her.
He pulled out the pin and stared at it, for a second he caught himself praying. A god, praying, he laughed at himself. He was tossing it up and down, playing as he gathered his thoughts when a crow swooped in and caught it by its beak. 
“Damn it!” He shouted as he tried to lean forward to get it back even when he knew he wouldn’t be able to reach it. The bird flew interestingly in a disciplined manner, as if it had a specific direction it had to land on. Loki’s eyes followed it, heart beating out of his chest, and that’s when he felt it stop for a second. The crow landed on someone’s bare shoulder, a woman with an emerald dress. Her hand held out to catch the pin, and put it back on her ear. It can’t be, Loki thought. But there she was. Her head lifted, looking up in his direction, he wasn’t sure if she smirked, everything felt surreal. She then turned around and got into a limo. The crow flying out of a window as if it just accomplished an important mission. 
“Y/N.” Loki breathed.
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chibinightowl · 3 years
"We should lay an egg together."
Tim snorts his coffee out through his nose--which, OW--at Jason's statement.
The dragon is clearly amused if the twitch of his lips is any indication.
"You did that on purpose," Tim accuses once he has his breath back.
Jason hands him a towel that he conjured out of nowhere and grins, flashing fangs that never quite vanish even in his human form. "I did."
"So you're not actually serious."
"No, I am."
Tim lowers the coffee mug he'd been about to take another sip from and stares.
He and Jason have been together now for eight years. It's a drop in the bucket for a race as long-lived as dragons, especially one who's barely considered an adult by the standards of his kind. But Tim has some Elven blood in his ancestry (on both sides), so unless something kills him, he'll likely live for at least a couple of centuries.
So where is this coming from?
"Is this some obscure draconic mating ritual you've decided to just now spring on me?" It's a legitimate question, because they have decided to mate. Well, officially. What they do in bed, that's been happening since Jason learned Tim can breathe fire too (that's thanks to the firebird addition to his lineage on his mom's side).
Apparently, it's a turn on.
Jason shakes his head. "No. It's just..."
"Just what?" Tim asks, leaning over to set his mug on the table. There's a note in Jason's voice he doesn't like.
"I've been getting a lot of crap about mating you," Jason finally decides to elaborate. "That I'm too young, I shouldn't even be interested in sex yet, let alone a mating. That you don't even have any dragon blood in you, that you're--"
Tim's eyes narrow because he has a feeling he knows exactly who has been filling Jason's head with these doubts. "That I'm what?"
Jason's eyes lower. "That you're a mongrel."
"It's called mixed blood, thank you very much." Tim isn't ashamed of his ancestry, not in the slightest. His parents aren't either and they're high ranking members of the North American Mage Council. That doesn't happen by accident.
(No one has ever been able to pin the source of the curse that turned Carmine Falcone blue and made him fart rainbow sparkles on Jack Drake. It was simply a coincidence that Falcone's spot on the Council as Gotham's representative passed to Janet Drake when he had to step down after an accident that just so happened to involve copious amounts of lentils.)
Tim takes Jason's hands and squeezes them. For a dragon, they're downright cold. "Jay, I love you. I love you with every part of my very being. I would love to have kids with you, I really would. But I want it to be when we feel like we're ready and not as some way to get your family to accept me."
A low stream of smoke blows from Jason's nostrils as he sighs. "You're absolutely right. I just thought that it might shut my flight leader up if she knew we were expecting."
"Talia can kiss my ass."
Jason snickers and presses a warm kiss to Tim's forehead. "You know I love it whenever you say that."
"That's not why I said it."
"I know. But I still do." Jason shifts Tim's grip and raises one of Tim's hands to press a kiss to his knuckles. "You know what I think?"
Tim recognizes the fire starting to burn in Jason's emerald eyes. "What?"
"I think we don't have to lay an egg together yet, but we should still practice." A devious little smile tugs at the corners of Jason's mouth. "You know, just for when we're ready and all."
It's a spell Tim is more than willing to fall under. "Well, practice does make perfect."
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binniesthighs · 4 years
❀on a summer’s eve | reader x hyunjin | ❀
or, a sequel to on a winter’s day 
Pairing: self insert, female reader x hwang hyunjin 
Genre: the fluffiest smut 
Tags: confident!reader, shy!hyunjin, dancer au, college au, softnsubby!hyunjin, dom!reader,  fluffy established relationship, comfort fic, slow-ish burn, popsicle/temperature play, face sitting, orgasm denial, oral (m & f receiving), choking, nipple play, dressin’ up hj like the pretty boy he is, praising, unprotected sex (be safe loves!), cockwarming
Word count: 5k 
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There are many things about Hyunjin that seem like they must be too good to be true. Often, you’d find a chuckle slipping past your lips thinking about how you must’ve done something world saving in your past life to deserve someone as unbelievable as him. 
Gone were the days when you would plead for him to stay just a little while longer so you could savor just a couple more moments with him. Now, he was all yours. The nuisances of your feelings for him had dissipated like the little snowflakes that would melt into his skin. 
“I want to stay with you like this forever.” 
Hyunjin would draw little pictures into your skin when you would hold him in your arms. It was otherworldly how his bare body felt against yours as your limbs would be woven into the thin sheets of your bed. The two of you would wonder at the glow stars on your ceiling as if they were real constellations, and he would tell you every little thing about his day, or the songs that he wanted you to listen to. 
During the cold months, he promised you that he would take you to see the real stars, not just the inkling of them that you could barely see due to the city’s glow. Hyunjin would actually make dozens of promises to you, so many, that you had lost track: 
I promise to never miss you dance 
I promise to share everything with you 
I promise to hold you as tight as I can 
I promise to keep you company when you are sad 
I promise to hold your hand when it’s cold, and when it’s warm 
I promise to take you to the sea 
I promise to take you to the stars 
Hyunjin’s silvery blonde hair whipped at the slide of his face, getting little strands stuck in his mouth. Every once and a while you would hear him make little pah pah pah sounds to get it unstuck from his lips. It was partly his fault: he was the one that wanted the car window open. To your right, the great expanse of the sea stretched for as far as your eyes could fathom, and the foamy waves bubbled at the shore. It had been years since you had consumed the ocean’s aquamarine color. 
The summer warmth kissed your skin as you outstretched your hand out from the window to wave your hand in the airstream. The outline of our hand traced the shimmering waves, pretending that you had become one with them. 
You rested your chin on the windowsill, feeling Hyunjin’s hand reach out to you and squeeze your thigh. From the corner of your eye, you knew that he must have been smiling. His long fingers interlaced with yours and he pulled your hand to dote a tiny kiss on it. 
“This has to be my favorite place!!” Hyunjin raised his voice over the wind. “Do you like it?” 
“I love it!!!” you rang both of your hands in the air, motioning to the gorgeous scenery in front of you: it was the perfect little sea-town hugging the coast, built a little to hills which were adorned with blooming wildflowers and the greenest trees. 
“I can’t wait to share it all with you.” His adorable little smile shone back rivaling  warmth of the setting sun. 
The waves were loudest in your ears once you had reached the beach with gravel crackling under the tires. Seeing as it was nearly dinner time, the beach had cleared out slightly, leaving only a few beach-goers with their rainbow umbrellas and neon colored folding chairs. In front of you was the most breathtaking sunset that you had likely seen in all of your life: it appeared to be so impossibly real that you surmised that your brain tricked you into thinking you had dreamt it into reality. 
“wow.” you gasped. 
For being one that loved hearing the sound of your voice, there were often times when you were left speechless, and when you were, you would never forget. 
Your fingers reached out to the glass of the windshield, following the way that the sky faded from sapphire blue, to azure, to burnt orange and red, then to pure white and yellow. A stripe of the sunset reflected upon the horizon that sparkled. 
“Are you ready?” Hyunjin tucked a rogue strand of your hair behind your ear. 
ding-ding-ding went the opened car doors. 
Hyunjin slicked his sweating roots under a cap, then grabbed out his camera. The humidity that rolled of the ocean flooded your pores and made your whole body swell with warmth. Your boyfriend fiddled with his camera settings with the sunset behind him, and you thought to yourself for the millionth time: he really was pure art. 
His sleeveless shirt flapped at his sides where he held your hand and the heat from both of your bodies intertwined as you padded though the burning sand. You couldn’t remember the last time that you had felt the sand between your toes. 
“Is it okay if I can take pictures of you?” Hyunjin shyly asked, squeezing your hand. 
“Of course you can.” you allowed. “But! You have to let me take pictures of you as well! That’s my condition.” 
Hyunjin groaned a little in retaliation. “You know that I don’t like--” 
“--Jinnie, trust me, if you were in my head, you’d know how much I’m loosing my mind over how gorgeous you look here.” 
“Nooo...I don’t think so--” 
“I mean it!! Would you please let me show you?” 
Hyunjin worriedly crossed his brows. 
If only he knew what a fool for him you were.  
With little warning, you launched yourself into his arms, nearly tackling the both of you to the ground. 
“Hwang Hyunjin you are the prettiest boy that ever lived!! And I love youuuuuu!!” 
Your boyfriend’s flushed face wrinkled into a smile and the little smile lines around his nose made your favorite appearance. 
He laughed out, “And I love you tooooo!!!” then gave a peck to your forehead. “Fine, you can take pictures of me...but can we just keep them to ourselves?” 
“Oookay then, if that’s what you would like.”
Tenderly, he cradled your face in his hands, holding your eyes with his own, then pressed his forehead to yours. 
“Thank you for being my safe place.” 
His whispers faded into the sound of the ebbing waves. 
The setting sun warms your whole body when he leans in to kiss you with lips parted slightly. You must have kissed him hundreds of times, but it never changed. Each kiss with him was like the first: as if he cared for nothing else in the world, only you. When the two of you became one like this, you felt whole; bathed in the sense of utter peace that he would give to you. He found himself in you, pouring his love in every one of his fluttering kisses, and you would give it back, telling him wordlessly that he made up your world. 
Hyunjin’s tongue slowly tested your bottom lip, eliciting a tiny squeak from your mouth, barely audible. 
“Shouldn’t we save that for later?” You giggled into him. 
He returned with an embarrassed little smirk to you. “I just...wanted to kiss you somewhere beautiful.” 
You snuck your hand between the two of you, stealthily grasping the camera strap that hung loosely around his neck. 
“I wanna go first!! 
Hyunjin tugged you out to the ocean, closer and closer until your feet sunk into the sand underneath you. By now, the red sun was nearly fully set into the horizon, and the two of you stood soaking up the last bits of its essence. 
You slung  your arm around Hyunjin’s waist, gripping hard. “Well, we’re getting in aren’t we??” 
“We’re what?!” 
“I hope you don’t mind getting wet!!” 
The blonde boy stumbled after feeling your hand grasp around his wrist to pull him into the water. 
“Wait wait wait!!!” He yelped with wide eyes. “My-my clothes?!” 
You stomped into the white crests, splattering droplets all over your jean shorts. “There’s towels in the car!” 
The deeper you got, the more shocked Hyunjin became, and only held tighter to your hand. 
“Come on,” you hushed, “I promise I won’t let go ‘Jinnie.” 
Your boyfriend adorably gulped, following your steps until the water adhered the fabric of his clothes to his body. Of course, you pretended not to notice how they hugged him, but this was no easy task. 
“It’s not as cold as I thought it would be.” Hyunjin nervously laughed out. 
The two of you walked on, at least until you were able to stand with the water draping over your shoulders. For a couple moments, you simply stood, letting the waves pass by you and the current suspend your bodies. He had wrapped his arms around you, holding on tight light you might float away. 
“Thank you for bringing me here.” Your pruned fingers ran up and down his arms. 
He sighed out with a tiny smile, “I had to keep my promise.” 
“Can we...kiss again? I think it’s--ya know--really beautiful here too.” 
Hyunjin answered you by pulling you into his body and angling the back of your neck up to meet his lips. It was a little hypnotic even, feeling so lightheaded from his affectionate kisses and the water bobbing your bodies up and down lightly. Something about it all gave you goosebumps. Hyunjin’s lips tasted very faintly of the sea salt while he pressed smiling gifts upon yours. 
Distantly, you thought that you had heard the shriek of a seagull, but it turned out to be something much different: 
“Ewwww MOM they’re kissing!!!” 
Hyunjin would go on to fulfill another promise to you that evening when he suggested that the two of you eat dinner outside: out in the little garden that looked as if it hadn’t been tended to in years, but still held some kind of whimsical magic to it. In many ways, how the weeds and mosses would cover the stone pathways and underbrush made it appear forest-like. 
The garden wasn’t the largest, and held no more than a couple flowering bushes, some lanterns and a well-loved hammock. As he grilled the vegetables for you both, he told you to sit back and just...look up. 
Dawn had faded into night, and blanket of darkness consumed the sky. However, it wasn’t desolate in the slightest, but rather was splashed with the most magnificent array of twinkling white stars. In the opaque city sky, you hadn’t ever seen them as brilliant. 
Hyunjin rocked you back and forth on the hammock, arm wrapped around your shoulder while you admired them together. 
“Miss the glow stars?” He breathed out a teasing chuckle. 
“-Nah, this puts them to shame.” 
“I wish we could always see them like this.” 
A contented silence filled between you, and your eyes traced the shapes in the sky trying to make out the constellations that you knew. 
“I think you’re making this my favorite place, Hyunjin.” 
He giggled, “I haven’t even shown you my favorite part.” 
“I actually...you’re the first one who I’ve ever shown this.” Hyunjin fiddled with the door handle at the end of the hallway, poking a key into the lock which was tied around a red string. 
“Huh, this feels a little familiar right? You hiding some kind of colossal mess in there like when I showed you my apartment for the first time?” 
He tittered sweetly, “No, it’s not like that.” 
“Ahhh come on, I’m dying to know!!” 
At last, he swung the door open with a creak, revealing the pitch black room. He flung the light switch on.
“When we would come visit here over the summers, this room was all for me.” 
Hyunjin’s voice echoed and bounced off the walls of the nearly entirely empty room. It was furniture-less, save for one corner which stored a velvety and cushy looking chair on a circular rug. A little basket next to the chair held a couple children’s books. There was yellow sticky-tack that had bled into the paper of the crayon-pictures that dressed the walls nearby the chair. 
“Did you...draw these?” 
“Mm-yeah, a long, long time ago...I know, I know, they’re super cringey.” 
“No, I think that they’re super cute.” 
“...thanks.” He blushed. 
“So was this like your playroom or something?” 
“Yeah, kinda like that.” 
“How come it’s so...empty?” 
Hyunjin looked out past you, to the windows on the opposite wall. The giant glass panels ran from floor to ceiling, and you could see nearly the whole sea-town from where his summer home was situated on a hill. The yellow glow of lights form other homes flowed down the hillside like a collection of fireflies. Further out, the crescent moon illuminated the ocean. 
From the light of the room contrasting with the evening’s darkness, the windows appeared mirror-like. 
Then, you knew. 
“Is this...where you would dance?” 
He nodded solemnly. 
“I think I figured out that I wanted to be a dancer here. I would look out there at night, and there was something deep down inside me that just knew. Before I even knew how to dance, I would sorta just, move around in here, listen to music. It’s kind of...embarrassing--” 
“--No! No, it’s not! I think, I think that it’s beautiful. Don’t feel embarrassed.” 
Hyunjin tangled his fingers among yours, “Can I dance for you?” 
“Yes. Of course.” You smoothed down a couple silvery strands. 
First, he tore off his cotton tee. 
“Woah there!!!” In your surprise, your eyes greedily ate him up as you stifled your laughter. “I thought you were dancing, not stripping.” 
Your boyfriend impatiently rolled his eyes at you. “It’s part of the dance.”  
“You’ll see.” 
He set to work finding the song on his phone, and you pretended to be heavily invested in your strawberry popsicle you had brought along. It was your own fault that you stung your teeth trying to take a bite, realizing that Hyunjin’s bare chest was just a little too distracting. 
He kicked off his slippers, saying, “This is the one I’ve been telling you about, the one that I’ve been choreographing for a while.” 
“M’kay!” You huddled down into the chair to fold up your body, now getting hotter by the second. Two more strawberry licks and you hoped to cool down. 
“It isn’t finished yet...so...” 
“Go ahead! I’m sure that it’ll be amazing.”
Hyunjin let out a determined little huff before inhaling deeply and flaring up every muscle on his sculpted chest. The music began to play, then his expression dropped to dead serious, just as it would every time he would start his movements. There was nothing but pristine focus in his brown eyes. 
It was nothing new to you, but every time that Hyunjin would dance for you, it was like you were seeing him do it for the first time. After all, his dancing was one of the things that made you fall in love with him in the first place. 
He had a way of turning himself into the music. It was like he was no longer human, but fluid water, leaves in the wind, snowflakes wafting in streetlights. The inhuman way that he would tense every muscle in his body to lift himself from the ground almost like a sparrow was utterly breathtaking. 
Hyunjin’s bare feet hit the floor with a thud as he spun himself around, and his sharp inhales met each beat. The song didn’t have any lyrics, but it was as if his body was filling the room with words; telling a story with his body. 
Two drips from your nearly uneaten popsicle waterfalled down your hand. Conversely, two drips of sweat fell down Hyunjin’s body where he finished his dance curled into a ball against the floor. The room was filled with silence and his shallow breaths. 
“Hyunjin...oh my god, that was...” 
“I know, it’s really rough, I’m still working out the middle part--” 
“--I-its unbelievable! I-I mean, you’re unbelievable!” 
“Yes! Really.” You rose to attack his sweating body with the biggest hug you could manage with one hand holding your cold treat. “You always take my breath away when you do that.” 
“You liked it that much?”  
“Would I lie? God, I don’t have a clue how you do it.” 
“I just...practice.” 
You lead him over to the velvety chair. “Tell me about it. What does it mean?” 
“Well, I was thinking it’s about breaking through what makes you vulnerable and insecure, and trying to find yourself when you aren’t sure who you are. Did you...get that?” 
Truthfully, he had lost you a little bit. What was more preoccupying was how enraptured he looked reflecting on something so personal to him. 
“That’s so beautiful ‘Jin.” Your fingers framed his face with a subtle brush.
“Hm-thank you.” He nuzzled into your hand. 
The urge to be as close to him as possible to him was suffocating, so you let your body lead your actions before your mind did: straddling him where he sat to circle your arms around him tight. He let out a little surprised “oh!” but held you back just as tight. You needed nothing more than for him to hold you like that for just a little while. 
Two more red, syrupy drips, fell down your wrist. 
“Can I please have you tonight? You can do whatever you want to me, I just...want you.” 
“Oh, Jinnie...” 
He knew all he had to do was say please. 
“I wanna be...close.” 
You granted him the taste of strawberry on your lips, filling his wanton mouth with your answer. Your thumb rubbed into his cheek, where you felt one of his tears wet your skin. 
“Why are you crying my love?” 
He sniffled, “Because I’m so happy.” he giggled quietly, “I never thought that I would share this place with someone that I care for so much.” 
You blinked back tears of your own. “I promise to take care of you always Hyunjin, and to always make you happy, ’kay?” 
His needy fingertips dug into our hips, and you involuntarily found yourself grinding into his lap. You both sniffled a little more, but found comfort back by the corners of each other’s mouths. 
“You-you can use me...however you want.” Hyunjin moaned prettily into your mouth. 
The heat from your clit became overwhelming as you rubbed into his growing hard-on. 
“Okay my love. I’ll do that.” 
The cold of your popsicle in your hand fed miraculous little ideas into your head. 
“Let’s take these pants off, alright?” Hyunjin nodded, hastily unbuttoning his linen pants. 
You took two fat licks up the red length of your freezing popsicle, not breaking contact with his eyes. Just to make him whine, you flicked your tongue over the tip of the sweet treat, just like you would do to him. You used your free hand to palm at his bulge, sucking in as deep as you could down your popsicle. 
“You want my mouth, pretty boy?” 
“Yes what?” 
“Yes please.” 
You let your hand trace down his gorgeously thick inner thigh to take your position between his legs, kneeling on the carpet. The tips of your fingers hooked under his waistband, tearing off his briefs. Nearly as pink as your stained tongue, his marvelously long dick twitched in his anticipation then shaky breaths quaked in his chest. With one hand, you tugged at his length rubbing his own pre-cum over his tip. 
“Fuck, you’re so cute.” 
Hyunjin’s biceps flared as he searched for something to grab onto to steady himself, settling one in your hair, and the other digging little crescents into the skin of his pearly thigh. You switched to give more attention to the popsicle, licking at it agonizingly slow all for him to watch. 
“You’d like it like this, wouldn’t you?” 
“Mmhm.” He whined with a little shake of his hips. “Please.” 
“Okay, you deserve it.” 
Streams of strawberry juice fell down your hand as you lent your mouth to his neglected cock, then you traced your freezing tongue up and down the skin. Hyunjin gasped in sharply, wincing a little from the sensation. A broken little “oh” reverberated in his chest. 
“Too cold?” 
“--No!” He interjected, “No, I-I love it, don’t...don’t stop.” 
At last you took in his full length, mixing the sweet taste of freezing fruit with the burning hot warmth of his veiny cock. Today, you’d let him hear you gag a little. As shy as he was, you still knew that his ego swelled by the hundreds hearing you choke on his dick. 
Your sugary drool fell down the side of his length as you let go, moving to return back to your mess of a popsicle in your hand. The loss of contact made Hyunjin whimper out helplessly. 
“Look at me,” You commanded, sucking in the popsicle several more times. By now, his eyes had entirely glazed over with his lust for you. It was that same look that he would get in his eyes when he danced. He was enthralled. 
“M-more?” He begged to you. 
You prowled over his hips, kissing the side of his dick as you let those red drops drip onto him, lapping at them after a few seconds. 
His entire body shivered viciously while he pitifully groaned into the room. 
Your devilish little laughs kissed into his inner thighs, where you bit into the skin. 
Your popsicle was then gone in seconds, then you ridded your hand from the sticky juice by providing them to your boyfriend who sucked at them greedily. After you felt as if your mouth had warmed enough for it to be tolerable, you kissed his tip, then resumed your work, bobbing up and down, just as you knew he liked it. 
“I’m gonna--mm--if you keep doing that.” Hyunjin threw his head back in his euphoria. 
“Let’s move this somewhere else then shouldn’t we?” 
There was nothing prettier than the way that your love bites would fade into Hyunjin’s skin after a while, fading from violet to lavender as they healed. You could still see a couple of them tracing his collarbones while your fingers tweaked at his angrily hard nipples. 
Little mewls from his mouth spilled into your dripping pussy riding his tongue. One pinch, two more pinches...and his hips buckled. He’d take one of his long arms to travel up your body and pinch at your own nipples and kneed your pretty breast in his hand. 
“fuck yes, fuck--your mouth feels so good baby.” 
His tongue flicked at your swollen clit, causing your whole body to jerk with each touch. He lent tender kisses into your folds, then would switch to fucking into your leaking entrance with his pointed tongue. 
“Go slower, slower...” 
You pleaded out your instructions, and he was always one to obey. With the combination of his tantalizing licks and the slow grind of your hips, he coaxed out your orgasm so naturally; he left your thighs shaking on both sides of his head. While you came down, Hyunjin would press careful little kisses into your twitching bud, just as you had taught him. 
“Your turn.” You huff out, then carefully shift to move off your boyfriend. 
“Please...I want you to touch me so bad, ‘hurts a little...” 
“Aw does it?” 
You kiss his lips wet with your slick. 
“I have a present for you though, before I get to that.” 
You can see how needy he is in his eyes, but he still puts on a thankful little smile for you. 
“Oh really? I’m sorry, I didn’t get you anything...” 
“It’s okay! I wanted to surprise you anyway. Besides, you’re a gift enough for me.” 
He snickers, “That was kinda cheesy.” 
“I thought that you liked when I was cheesy!?” 
“I do, I do.” 
You dip into your duffle to pull out the tiny cardboard box. 
“What’s this?” He sits up to take it from your hands. 
Inside he finds the dainty white lace choker, woven to have little flower-like shapes on the top edge, and tiny fake pearls beaded into the bottom edge like little dewdrops. 
“Oh my god.” 
“Do you like it? I thought that it would look really pretty on yo--” 
“--I love it. Thank you so much.” He plays with the clasp. “Do you...want me to wear it right now?” 
“I thought that you could--” 
“--Can you help me?” He beamed at you coyly, providing you with the clasps. 
“Um-sure.” You find yourself getting flustered over your fantasy of seeing him in that choker for weeks finally becoming a reality. 
Before you sweep it around his neck, you press one kiss into his neck. 
“There. You look gorgeous.” 
Hyunjin’s cheeks turn rosy at your compliment. 
“Hyunjin, you’re absolutely mesmerizing. I promise to never stop reminding you.” 
His lithe fingers tangle up in your messy hair, and you kiss him all over his chest, renewing some of the hickies that had faded away. The sensation tickles him, and his beautiful giggles are like music to your ears. Slowly, your fingers trickle down to his hips where you take up his half-hard cock back in your hand. He hums a little “mm” once you do so. 
“I’m going to make you all mine baby boy, wouldn’t you like me to fuck you until you don’t know anything else?” 
Harder you jerk at his cock while you take in the sight of his fluttering eyelids and the way that the veins on his neck pulsate under the pretty white lace. 
“Use your words my love, what is you want?” 
“-Want you to fuck me, fuck me so good, please, take care of me...” 
Hyunjin’s hips thrash this way and that from your teasing provided by your thumb on his slit. 
“Close! I-I’m close--” He chokes out the words. 
“Already? You’re that pent up for me hmm?” 
“Wanna cum...” 
You coolly remove your hand. “Not yet darling.” 
His whining moan is just a little too bratty for you--it’s not like your Hyunjin to be like that for you. You decide to try another method. 
“Wait just a little longer for me okay my love. Let’s not get impatient.” 
“No buts.” 
Your hand snakes around his neck to press into his airway, and his eyes roll back sinfully as you do so. In your palm, you can feel the pearls press into his skin. With your other free hand you take back to flicking his nipples in your knuckles. He must not have been lying: the head of his cock is angrily flared. Your grip loosens at his neck, and he gasps out with his moans getting tangled in his inhales. 
“ M’sorry, I’ll be a good boy for you.” 
Hearing him reassure you makes your head spin, and you feel your clit ache out horribly for stimulation. You want him just as bad he wants you, and you’re almost ready for him to know it. 
“Come ‘ere, sit on the edge of the bed.” 
He follows you, and those pretty pearls shine in the dim glow of his bedroom. 
You fall down to permit him a couple wet stripes to his cock and he’s already a mess once more. Mutterings of words muddle his lips, but you can see that he’s holding them back for you, trying not to pressure you or whine any more. 
“You are being a very good boy Jinnie, let’s give you what you want how hmm?” 
His eyes blow out with his realization then he eagerly watches as you mount his lap facing him, lowering your entrance over his dick, falling down bit...by bit. Your knees are planted on both sides of his legs, supported by the bed and his arms holding you nearer. 
There’s nothing that Hyunjin loves more than feeling how tight you are around his cock, it nearly turns his whole body into jelly with the first contact. For a couple moments, you simply exist connected in this way, letting the sense of intimacy consume your entire beings. 
“I love you Hyunjin.” You start to bounce, and it takes all of his will to say the words back to you. 
His arms fall back to prop himself up, and Hyunjin lets you bounce up and down on him as hard or as fast or slow as you like, taking his dick to pleasure yourself in any way that you see fit. It’s when you graze your g-spot the deepest that both of your bodies fold together, trying to maintain your upright position. Hyunjin’s arms start to shake and you push his chest back, and his body bounces a little on the mattress from your force. You pay no mind, spreading out your hands flat on his chest to ride him with every bit of energy that you have left. 
“oh god, oh god, shit-” He tries his best to hide his curses from you. 
You can’t help but obsess over his angelic form under you, topped with the beautiful choker that makes him look nearly fairy-like. The sense of possession that you soak up from his moans all for you drives your orgasm right up through your body, tearing through every nerve you think you must have. 
Hyunjin clenches his teeth, hissing air through with his eyebrows crossed tightly. 
“Cum for me baby, you can cum for me now my love.” 
Hyunjin’s neck flares against his choker with his spewing of nonsense words and erotic moans while he cums inside you, both of you throbbing against the other. 
He laughs a little, chest rosy and rising and falling for vital breaths to calm himself. 
“Are you okay?” 
He nods with that adorable little smile you love, “Mmhm.” 
“You want to say like this for a second?” 
“Okay. I need to catch my breath too.” 
You press your body flush against Hyunjin’s chest letting him hold your sweating bodies together. Every few seconds or so, one of you would shake with little aftershocks from your orgasms. 
“Did I do okay?” Hyunjin asks you after some time. 
“Of course. You don’t even have to ask, sweetheart” You give one last kiss on his forehead messy with stringy silver tufts. 
...I promise to always be good for you.” 
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bangtangalicious · 3 years
the glow up (6) | kth, pjm
pairing: taehyung x reader, jimin x reader
summary: after going off to college, you & your best friend committed to working out. a year later, the results show, and you cant wait for your hot hometown friends to see you. now all you wanna do is wild out and have lots of sex, and enjoy it without feeling insecure
genre: angst, smut, childhoodfriends!au weightloss!au (is that a thing) friends-to-lovers!au
word count: 3k
warnings: cheating, explicit smut: heavy making out...like HEAVY, in a pool, oral (f receiving), shower sex, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, slow burn, feelings, slut shaming, slight exhibitionism, alcohol use, choking, small daddy kink, taehyung calls you princess, swearing
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7                                                   masterlist
Taehyung let his feet sink into the water, warmed by the body heat from the many ex-classmates of his who populated the pool. He stared out onto the horizon, the suburban hills a largely underwhelming contrast to the party vibes. He felt a presence come beside him, and the overwhelming designer perfume scent let him know it was Hobi.
“What’s up champ? Got eyes on anyone tonight?” Hobi asked, placing his hand on Tae’s back playfully. Taehyung simply sighed.
He was playing a losing game. He knew from the moment he kissed you that it was a mistake. He knew you would pick Jimin in the end, and he would get heartbroken.
But somehow he couldn’t deny you. Whenever you would text to hang out, his heart would flutter. He did his best to make as much time for you as he could this summer, soaking up every word you said, every smile you sent his way. He knew you just wanted him to have sex. But he enjoyed your company more than you knew.
He was an idiot. He pushed you too far too fast, he understood more than anyone why you needed freedom to explore your body and sexuality. You had insecurities you needed to deal with. You weren’t ready. You never were.
“I don’t think so…maybe I’ll just double team with Jungkook” Taehyung faked a laugh. Hobi gave him a fist bump.
“Fucking Jimin almost started a fight with him, so I sent them and Y/n inside to sort their shit out” Taehyung felt his stomach flip.
“Oh yeah” He couldn’t even find it within himself to pretend to look amused. He was pouting. He didn’t even care. He knew exactly what Jungkook was likely going to make of the situation, and he knew you would let him. Jungkook, like him, was more promiscuous, and had a bad reputation behaving with girls, but he never expected him to treat an old friend the same way. He called him out, but Jungkook did not have any apologies.
“She likes it Tae. I guarantee it” Jungkook had said before Taehyung almost punched him in the face.
“I hate this” Taehyung muttered, tilting his head up as he felt his eyes getting wet. The prospect of you having sex with Jungkook hurt him a bit too much. He shouldn’t care, it was your life. You guys weren’t exclusive at all. He hadn’t been loyal to you either. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” Taehyung groaned in frustration. Hobi chuckled.
“You’re in love with her”
Taehyung clenched his fists. He hated that he understood what you were going through. He hated that he was able to read your every thought and understand your every desire. He hated what you were doing to him.
“You should at least tell her. She probably doesn’t think she has a genuine shot with you. Let her know her options.”
“She’s not gonna pick me over Jimin” Taehyung laughed, “Jimin is her best friend. She literally can’t go a fucking week without him. Even if she dated me, she would still go to him for everything because he knows her better”
“You should give yourself more credit. From what I’ve heard anyway, Jimin’s been sort of a little bitch to her about all this. Some people are just meant to be friends, others maybe something more. Let me tell you…” Hobi wandered off onto a tangent about his own relationship and Taehyung tuned out. He downed the bitter watery beer left over in his cup, mentally noting to go for something stronger next time. His phone vibrated.
jungkook: ur girls tits are fire
Yeah. He definitely needed something much stronger
You woke up slowly to the sound of a booming base, realizing quickly that the party was still going on. You tried to turn but Jimin’s cock was still inside you. You smiled.
“Jimin, wake up” You called out softly, reaching your hand to stroke his head which was lazily muffled into your neck. He mumbled something incoherent, the vibrations of his voice on your skin making you blush. His body was sticky with sweat and you were both a mess. “Let’s freshen up, I don’t wanna miss the whole party come on” You nudged him and he stirred. You slowly rolled away, his cock sliding out of you causing him to groan in frustration, reaching out blindly for you on the mattress.
“Where’d you goooo” He complained, his eyes finally opening slightly. Seeing your naked figure sitting besides him he simply couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest guy in the world.
“I’m gonna go freshen up.” You informed him, kissing his forehead slightly. “I feel gross”
Jimin sat up and cupped your face. “Y/n…wait…let’s just sort this out. I hated what just happened okay. I’m sorry but I did. I don’t want to share you. Be my girlfriend. Let’s fucking just date. I’m sorry I’ve been moody and a jerk, but beyond all that you know I adore you more than anyone in the world. No amount of distance has been able to get in the way of you and me. Let’s try this out. Let’s date”
The look in his eyes was pleading, like he was a frail piece of glass that was about to shatter. Your gut screamed no. Say no. But your heart did not want to see that light in his gaze fade. You nodded your head.
“Yeah…let’s date”
You found yourself back at the pool. The sun had set, and the rainbow colored lights made the place look magical. You really wanted to dance, the music was loud and the songs were perfect. You should feel happy, you finally had a boyfriend. But instead you felt like someone was choking you— you couldn’t breathe. You looked across the pool to see a drunk Taehyung splashing around wildly with a few girls. He wrapped his hands around one and spun her around, giggling like a mess. You wanted to be her. You wanted to play and goof off but you couldn’t.
Unknowingly a tear ran down your cheek. You put your hands in your palms, allowing your tears to fall freely. Why were you so unsatisfied? You had the perfect guy in your hands, so why were you unhappy?
You felt a wet hand on your knee, quickly wiping your eyes to see Taehyung in the water below you. He was shirtless, hair soaked, a drunken gleam in his eyes.
“Are you okay?” He asked sweetly. You had no idea how he was managing to be nice while he was drunk. Taehyung was a wild drunk, you knew this well.
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it” You stated dryly. You couldn’t bear to look at Taehyung too long, you just felt like breaking down even more. Taehyung sighed and pulled you into the pool.
“Let it happen” He whispered, bringing you into his embrace. He rand his wet hand through your hair before holding the back of your head and pulling you in for a kiss. “Don’t think. Just don’t think” His words brushed up against your lips. You moaned into his mouth, your arms finding their way around his neck, pulling yourself as close to him as you possibly could get. Taehyung held you tight and floated the two of you towards the back of the pool.
You couldn’t stop, your lips attached like magnets. He kissed you long and sweet, and you responded to his every move with even more eagerness. Your pulse races, and you felt a tingling sensation run through your chest as you shut your eyes, focusing on the hot feeling of his mouth against yours. He paused, barely aware from your face to inhale quickly. His sparkling eyes were gorgeous under the florescent lights, his pink hair almost glowing against the darkness. “Hold your breath” You nodded quickly as he captured your lips again and dragged you under the water.
The music went quiet, everything was still. All you could feel was wetness and Taehyung all over you. You let your hands find his face holding your mouth against him. Your lungs constricted as you lost air but you didn’t care. It was serenity. Taehyung’s hands moved to your hips and as if you could read his mind you wrapped your legs around his waist.
He picked you up and rose you back above the water. You both gasped for breath, smiling wide into each other’s eyes before kissing yet again. You looked around quickly to see that quite a few people were staring at you guys, which only made you smile even wider. Taehyung watched your gaze and giggled slightly.
“You just love putting on a show don’t you princess”
You turned to admire the man who held you. His soaked hair, gorgeous eyes and toned body. His lush lips and sweet voice. He winked at you and you felt your heart explode, blushing furiously. You buried your face into his chest in embarrassment. Taehyung motioned for the crowd of observers to leave the two of you alone as he rested his back against the pool wall, continuing to hold you close.
Taehyung stroked your cheek like you were a prized gem that he couldn’t believe he got his hands on. When your eyes met again your blood rushed and you kissed him furiously, whimpering softly. “Easyyy princess”
“I can’t get enough” You exhaled, barely able to speak. Your lips throbbed, swelling from the contact but you just wanted more. “Tae let’s get out of here. I want you” Your tongue traced his mouth and you softly bit his bottom lip, dragging it teasingly.
Taehyung hesitated, as if the liquid courage in his veins drained at the reality that you were not his to have. He could never say no to you. You were too amazing. He loved you far too much.
“Whatever you want princess” He playfully bit at your nose before lifting you out of the pool. You got out, water dripping from your clothes and helped drag Taehyung up as well. He grabbed himself a towel, rubbing it through his hair, and you almost drooled. He then grabbed another one and wrapped it around your shoulders so that it covered your chest.
Hobi walked over to the two of you, clapping his hands. “Wow what a performance. That was hot” He pinked your cheek playfully and smiled fondly. “You two are more than welcome to use my room” You stiffened, remembering what all had transpired on Hobi’s bed earlier. Suddenly the water on your body felt heavy. You felt gross.
“Think I could use a shower first” Taehyung stated, patting your ass lightly and squeezing it. He winked at Hobi who nodded. Taehyung took your hand into his and led you down to Hobi’s bathroom. Unbeknownst to Taehyung, you tried to hide your face with your towel. After all, Jimin was still around here somewhere. And you totally just cheated on him.
Hobi’s bathroom was as impressive as the rest of his house. The shower was spacious, clear glass walls and marble tile. Taehyung began to peel off his drenched attire. He then proceeded to undress you, almost tearing your tube top as it stubbornly stuck to your skin.
You had forgot how drunk Taehyung was but he reminded you soon enough, as your tits popped out and he went right to them, growling as he sucked harshly. His fingers found your clit and started to explore your folds, causing you to limply fall further into his embrace. He stopped to look into your eyes again, unaware of the heat soaring through your cheeks.
“Do you want to try something?” He said, his words beginning to slur slightly. You nodded and he smirked, pulling you into the shower, and turning the warm rain on. Taehyung dropped to his knees, pressing you against the glass wall and began to kiss your clit softly, letting his tongue peak through and flick against it. Your hands found his hair and your pushed his head towards you as he let his tongue slide out more, lathering you up and licking every crevice. Sensation was building up with every move and you felt like your chest would explode. It felt so good, but you missed the feeling of his body against yours.
“Tae…tae…kiss me” You pleaded. He spat on your pussy and used his tongue to mix his saliva with your arousal. You twitched as his he became harsher. “Tae”
He was not listening, too engrossed in eating up every last drop of you. He sucked, pushed his tongue into your core, pushing your thighs further and further apart. You felt your orgasm approaching, but you didn’t want to cum yet. You wanted to look into his eyes. You wanted to feel his lips on your body. The shower continued to hit your chest, rolling down onto Taehyung’s head. He rose up, licking his lips, with a feral look in his eyes. He grabbed your neck and brought his face close to you. His grip tightened and you squirmed, unsure of what he was about to do.
He watched as droplets of water trickled down from your forehead, over your supple blushed cheeks, down your bruised lips, off your chin and down the valley of your heaving breasts. “I love you” His breath hitched. “I love you y/n” He choked you harder, your breath escaping you. He let his nose drag against your face, from your ear down your neck. He bit into your collar, sucking your skin harshly to mark you.
“Taehyung I can’t breathe” You yelped. He released his grip and you took a deep breath. Your vision was hazy, the hot fumes of the water and the lack of oxygen pushing you into a feeling of light headedness. Taehyung wasted no time in pinning your hands above you and slowly pushing his now rock hard cock into you.
You couldn’t really feel what was happening, desperately trying to breathe as Taehyung bottomed out. His chest pressed against yours and his lips barely an inch from yours. Keeping one hand holding yours, he gripped your hips with the other and began pummeling into you roughly. He smacked your thigh when he felt you try to close your legs, your pussy sore from the harsh movements. He began to slow down, rolling his hips more so you could really feel his cock hit you in all the best places. 
Your pussy clenched, causing him to moan out. “Is my little princess gonna cum on my cock? Gonna cum on daddy’s big cock hm? Your such a little whore for me. You love the way daddy’s dick feels in your little tight pussy don’t you? Hm?” He growled into your ear, his words sending you further and further over the edge. His thrusts became slow but harsh, as he grunted with each one, feeling his cock go as deep inside you as it could.
A wave of shock washed over you as your reached your high, your body twitching immensely. Taehyung began to rub your clit furiously as he felt you orgasm, helping you through it. You screamed out with pleasure, Taehyung cooing at you to keep going. Your ecstasy did not relent, his rapid fingering pushing you straight into another orgasm causing you to yell out his name like a prayer.
Taehyung rested his chin on your shoulder, holding you with both his hands now and let you grab his hair. He pounded into your drenched pussy as you both continued to soak under the pouring shower. “Say it…tell me you love me y/n…or are you really just the little whore they all say you are” He bit the lobe of your ear, making you gasp out at the unexpected rush of pleasure.
“Taehyung…fuck you feel so good” You whimpered at the overstimulation. You felt Taehyung smile. What you couldn’t see was Taehyung head lifting up to make eye contact with a certain someone at the door of the bathroom.
Now fully awake from his nap, Jimin stood, shocked at what he was seeing. The way you were so intimately being fucked by Taehyung, the way you moaned out his name, the way your hands were clenched in his hair as water poured down on the both of you. Taehyung’s eyes were sinister. His smirk as he continued to whisper sweet nothings into your ears.
“Say it princess. Say you love me.” He mumbled, thrusting in extra hard and making you scream.
“I…” You couldn’t think straight, feeling a second high coming, “Fuck…more Tae more…I’m so close, you feel so good. Taehyungggg” You panted feverishly, “Yes baby, I love you, I love you so much. I love you more than anything baby ahhhh” The orgasm hit you, and your pussy squeezed Taehyung’s cock so violently that he came then and there too, all while not looking away from Jimin for a second. Taehyung then kissed you, continuing to hold you against the glass.
“I love you” You panted, cupping his cheeks as he kissed you softly. Jimin felt like he was going to throw up. He couldn’t see your eyes—he didn’t even want to. His heart was absolutely shattered.
He felt tears coming on strong. This was his soul mate. His best friend. Did she really not love him back? Was this really happening? Jimin clenched his fists. Memories of your sweet laugh, your endless nights with him talking about everything. You were home to him, and now he felt as though he had lost everything. Were you really that desperate for cock? That you would ruin your relationship with you best friend? Why didn’t you just say no if you didn’t love him? Why did you say you wanted him when you didn’t?
Jimin’s thoughts ran a million miles a second and he couldn’t hold it back anymore.
He dropped to the floor crying.
Who were you? Where was his y/n? Did this glow up destroy the beautiful girl he fell in love with?
A/N: next chapter will be the ending!! thanks for following along & all your support, i hope you enjoyed it:) wonder who y/n will finally go with....
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Taglist: @honeyspillings  @hollowtree10
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Find the Word Tag Game
(I Feel Weird Edition)
(tw: violence)
tagged by: @sleepyowlwrites!! my words: blue, sky, dark, night, firefly, garden tagging: @sleepyowlwrites, @drippingmoon, @ashen-crest, @drabbleitout, @zmwrites, anyone who wants to, and the 42 filter apps I downloaded for selfies because I have a terrible time with my face and as long as it’s obvious why not lean into it ykwim your words: weak, warm, watch, water, wall, wince
blue (Rebirth)—
"It'll be best to take everything you have," Thrive said over his shoulder, following Calen back into the aircraft. "Luckily for you, you've been living light for a long time."
Warren entered his room a few minutes later, hopping into the shower and shaving before tucking his Earth possessions into his suitcase and his Tournaltis possessions in the gray bag. He spotted the envelope sitting on his marble dresser under a large blue geode moments after slipping on a shirt and a pair of jeans.
He slid the envelope out from under the rock, ready to toss it into his suitcase, but he stopped short when the flap dropped open. He knew Thrive had read the letter, but he expected it to have been resealed as if it had never been touched.
A strange image crossed his mind as he eyed the carefully broken seal. He envisioned Thrive opening it with trembling hands, sitting alone in a bare room, back against a half-finished wall as he fought to pull himself away from a wave of panic. He could practically see the look of anguish contorting his face, could almost feel how close he was to throwing in the towel.
sky (Aurora)—
Lilori escorted Warren to Edwa Falls, crowded into a shuttle with Genni and Guetry, whom he'd named to stand with him. Guetry fussed over Warren's outfit like a parent, smoothing out the lapels of his jacket, making sure he didn't sit in a way that would crease the pewter velveteen fabric of his pants. Even as they landed, Guetry put some finishing touches on his hair and the smoky kohl he'd insisted he wear.
"Knock it off, Get," Genni finally said when the shuttle opened. "You're gonna ruin it."
Lilori stepped out of the shuttle first. "This is Edwa Falls. I hope it is to your liking."
When Warren joined them and the siblings, he gazed around with wide eyes at the cliff overlooking miles and miles of lush blue foliage leading to a misty mountain range in the distance. Colossal fungi and ferns as big as a Morrite shaded the area from the sun, curled over the flat rock like giant umbrellas. Framed in the background ran a waterfall, sparkling and glittering with rainbows cascading from the spray, and in the sky arced two thick bands of pearlescent white, silk ribbon rings holding the planet together.
"The rest of the guests should already be here," Lilori said. "We made sure they were ready before fetching you."
dark (Meridian)—
Warren stood by the door of the med fac, hands in the pockets of his jeans as he watched Thrive's vitals monitors blip above the head of the bed. He'd stood there for long enough that everyone else on the ship had gone to sleep, and as he continued to stand and watch, he could feel the tendrils of exhaustion beginning to wrap themselves around his brain and attempt to coax him down with them.
The bandages around Thrive's chest hiding a gaping wound, the dark circles around his eyes, the contusions all along his torso from being hooked up to the cables and tubes in the temple...such vulnerability was a strange costume Warren wasn't sure he could handle.
Thrive's eyes opened with difficulty and found Warren. His exhaustion and pain palpable, it only just hid away the immense disappointment present in his stare since departing Meridian.
"Gotta get home, get that ——— out of you," Warren said. "You need your abilities back."
Heaving a tortured sigh, Thrive let a little more of that disappointment peek through. "Help me understand."
"I'm tired." Warren let the words hang in the air, attaching a half-hearted shrug to them. "I got scared. What do you want me to say?"
"Nobody deserves to die for me."
"No. And you don't deserve to die for them."
night (Rebirth)—
Warren spotted Osillo in the crowd some time later, and he stopped mid-dance to hit Guetry on the chest in order to pull his attention away from the third drink of the night.
"Yeah?" Guetry yelled over the music and the sheer volume of people. He took the metal cigarette from his mouth, exhaling a distinct citrusy scent as he brought his face down to Warren's ear. "What is it?!"
"I gotta piss!"
"Is that Osillo?!"
Warren nodded. "Uh...yeah, that might've been what I meant to say!"
"Hang on, you gotta go pee-pee?!"
"Then go, you dumb idiot! I gotta find Alec, anyway; it's almost time to go on!"
firefly fire + fly (Rebirth + Aurora)—
"You've just made several fatal mistakes."
——— struggled to speak, to breathe, but Thrive didn't let up.
"You're beginning to picture them clearly, aren't you," he breathed, foggy hysteria forming at the forefront of his brain. He gritted his teeth against the uncontrollable rage and a stuttering fire coiled inside his chest and into his arms, fingers itching to close, to snap shut. "Placed in front of you one by one, in a methodical row. Your first mistake was boarding this vessel. Your second, killing ———. What was your third mistake, ———?"
He could see the pleading in ———'s wide, streaming eyes. The arm that wasn't hopelessly shattered clawed at him, desperate for him to let go.
"Thinking you could take me down. Thinking you could get away from me." Thrive's voice was barely a level whisper now. "That was your third mistake."
Thrive had picked up the stylus again, and began tapping it on the table with steadily increasing intensity.
"Orthrive'poliea," Sussa said. "I don't know why it can't seem to sink in with you that you are no longer alone. We need you, yes, but never would we expect you to do any of this on your own. It's just not going to happen."
"Shit," Warren added, "I'm apparently called the Most Important Human Alive for a reason, and at this rate I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the Emmuli."
The stylus started making small dents in the table.
"We want to help," Latx said. "We're ready to take this on. We know the risks; we always have."
Thrive flicked his fingers and the stylus went flying out of his grip and halfway into the metal wall like a dagger. He shifted uncomfortably, clearing his throat. "Skies…"
Warren disregarded the rush of ice in his veins and swung around to face the delegates, eyebrows meeting his hairline. "Okay! Hey, so I'm formally requesting a recess now. Right now."
garden bed (I’m greedy, sue me) (Eternal)—
The bridge disappeared. Warren, startled, looked around at his surroundings—they were not what he expected at all. Instead of being on the bridge of the Ganymede as he should've been, he was in a room with a bed...a motel room. Dingy and run down, with a flickering bathroom light, not anywhere he'd ever been before.
He turned around on the spot, then combed the space for some sort of hint as to where he could've been; stationery, a phone book, anything. He came up empty-handed. There wasn't even a TV or phone, and the blinds and curtains were down and drawn.
He walked to the door but the handle turned before he could touch it, and he backed up as it swung open and Thrive stood in the hall.
He stared at Warren with granite suspicion, then the room, then stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He took another hard look at the filth.
Warren frowned. He didn't recognize the garment he wore. It held a Tournaltis quality, but different. More...authentic and rich.
His eyes widened. "Were you just—"
"Cutting through dark space in the lodegan."
"I...thought something else, but that's equally horrific."
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