#my two fave boys whom i adore with all my heart )
jeonsbwi · 1 year
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playful photobomber taehyung feat. an unaware koo ♡ original first set vs now
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firstofficerwiggles · 3 years
Star Wars Tournament Round 1
Thank you so much to those of you who voted in the play-in games. Here are your winners who have now made it into the bracket!
1. Captain Rex 78.3% versus Commander Cody 21.7%
2. Kit Fisto 52% versus Mace Windu 48% (this was a close one!)
3. Bo-Katan Kryze 88% versus Jabba the Hutt 12%
4. Jango Fett 79.2% versus Bail Organa 20.8%
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We now head into Round 1, Part 1. To vote click here! Voting will be open until Sunday, June 20th at midnight. A breakdown of the games in this round are under the cut.
Certified Good Bois Club - Round 1
Game 1: Battle of the Buckets - Which of these helmet wearing hearthrobs is your favorite?
Din Djarin versus Captain Rex - Honestly another difficult match-up for those of us who love the men in helmets. Clearly it’s no surprise that I have Din as my number one seed, I really do think he has the power to take it all the way. But, the people do love them some Rex and who knows, maybe he’ll pull out a surprise victory here?
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Game 2: Sidekick Supreme - Who is the superior buddy to the main character?
Chewbacca versus Cassian Andor - Ok, it may be a bit of a stretch to refer to Cassian as a sidekick, but he does let Jyn shine in Rogue One as the main character in my opinion. He’s getting his own show soon and that alone shows his popularity with the fans. However, his chances of taking down one of the most beloved characters in all of Star Wars are slim. Everyone loves Chewy so I think he’s got this in the bag.
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Game 3: Cocky Fly Boy Showdown - Which of these two scoundrels do you love more?
Han Solo versus Lando Calrissian - The OG bad boys who are secretly good bois in Star Wars. Normally, I’d say Han has this one as he’s part of the original trio, but there are a lot of Han haters out there nowadays so maybe Lando will come out victorious?
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Game 4: Bromance Brawl - Which of these two best friends would you rather brodown with?
Poe Dameron versus Finn - Ok, don’t hate me for this one, I know it’s an impossible decision. Honestly, I don’t know who I would vote for and so I’m really interested to see who wins this match-up. They are both just so adorable and sweet.
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Can’t Do It Without Us Cantina - Round 1
Game 1: Exceptionally Essential - These two influenced the story so much, but which one holds your heart?
R2-D2 versus Jango Fett - Seriously these two are the definition of “can’t do it without us” in the Star Wars universe without being main characters. R2-D2 is so involved in the plot at this point that if he weren’t in the story it would have a massive effect on the outcome of the whole thing. Then there’s Jango without whom we wouldn’t have our beloved clones (who sadly become stormtroopers) and Boba Fett. 
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Game 2: Babe Fest - I'm joking. I mean I know Jar Jar will get at least one vote, but let's see shall we?
Boba Fett versus Jar Jar Binks - Boba wins. Hands down.
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Game 3: Sassiest of Them All - They both bring the sass, but which one is your fave?
Padmé Amidala versus C3PO - While C3PO provides us with many amazing quotes and is the original comic relief in the movies, I think Padmé has him beat here. While she’s sassy, Padmé also gives us the love and rational thinking that we often need. Plus she’s Luke and Leia’s mom so I think she wins this one.
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Game 4: Too Pure Throwdown - Do we really deserve either one of these precious cinnamon rolls? Can you decide which one you want to save more?
Jyn Erso versus BB-8 - Another tough one in my opinion because I just love them both but for very different reasons. Jyn is one of my favorite Star Wars women and I love her intelligence, her perseverance, and her ability to make such an amazing sacrifice for the hope of a better future for the galaxy. BB-8 is simply the cutest droid I’ve ever seen and I love how he’s Poe’s best friend, and how he finds Rey and then makes her into his next best friend.
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Have fun voting! Here’s the link again so you don’t have to scroll back up for it.
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Kdrama recs Part 1
Hullo and welcome to the kdrama life @camsthisky​! The following list is not in any particular order, other than the fact that I start with a more rom/com vibe and head toward more romantic/action or action. All the following kdramas are set in the modern day, and part 2 of my recs for you will be either darker kdramas set in present day or historical dramas.
Let the list begin!
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1. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: 
Do Bong Soon is a v smol woman who has super strength and who wants 1. To create her own video game 2. Get her police officer crush to return her affections. Which like, police officer is kinda cute but he ain’t that special. Bong Soon winds up becoming a bodyguard to Ahn Min Hyuk, the extremely rich, kinda spoiled, ridiculously extra CEO of a gaming company who does not like the police for secret reasons, and sadly does not have a good relationship with his family. (He a lonely boy underneath everything.) Min Hyuk finds out about Bong Soon’s powers, is in TOTAL awe of her, offers to train her in fighting, and literally falls head over heels for her.
The caveat with this show is there is a subplot or two that annoy me, BUT I just use the 10 second skip button and it is totally worth it because the romance is super cute—SUPER CUTE (also I have a list of favorite actors and Park Hyung Sik is def on it—one minute he is an adorkable, blushing bby the next he can be intense and sad)
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He cute
2. Her Private Life: 
Hello fake-dating!! Ryan Gold (an adoptee who didn’t live in Korea for a while) is a former artist who stopped painting because he couldn’t deal with his Stendhol (?) syndrome (among other traumas). Deok Mi is the classy art curator of a famous museum who definitely does not have any secrets she wants to keep from the world—well, other than the fact that she is the number one fangirl of kpop idol, Cha Shi-an (who also appreciates art) and has a major crush on him. Ryan becomes director of the art museum and there is a whole thing with getting Shi-an involved in an art show.
Following this and a series of unfortunate events a false rumor starts that Deok Mi and and Shi-an ARE dating. It’s a little complicated to summarize, but basically what you need to know is that Ryan and Deok Mi become a fake couple so there won’t be a scandal for Shi-an or violence done to Deok Mi by rabid fangirls. I enjoy the fake-dating trope a lot, and how it becomes real for both of them! The leads are played by Kim Jae Wook and Park Min Young, who both have incredible range. Lots of soft moments in this one! Good kisses, a scene where the faves bake together, and also Ryan wears a lot of deep v-neck shirts and jackets which is an attack on me personally.
The show also contains a bit of angst, which I LOVE. Hand-holding becomes an important theme 😊
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3. Crash Landing on You: Rich South Korean heiress/fashion designer Se-ri accidentally winds up in a North Korean village, and really REALLY wants to go home. Mostly because there are no scented candles or spa-like bathtubs in the vicinity, but also because she could easily disappear into a NK jail and never return. A North Korean captain named Ri Jeong Hyeok finds her and decides not to turn her because, one, he’s a good guy who doesn’t want to turn an innocent person over to what might be her death, and two, turning her over might get his four underlings in trouble for reasons. Said underlings are his family, basically, and they are a deLIGHT. One is an argumentative proud sort who likes to drink and to feel important and who tries to provoke (and gets provoked by) Se-ri at every opportunity, one is a lover of banned South Korean dramas, one is a 17 year old bby who misses his mom, and one is the silent but most loyal follower of the captain. 
Besides all these people, there are two other characters (including a surprisingly wise conman) who become faves and major players in the plot.
There is a great mix of humor, romance, found family, and angst, and I love it very much. A few things don’t go the way I want them to near the end, but a bit of imagination and fanfic can fix anything 
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Show of hands, who thinks they will meet again
What do you do when your husband dies and your evil mega-rich father-in-law takes your son away from you and keeps you from seeing him ever? Well, if you are scientist with more genius than positive coping methods, you build yourself a robot son who looks exactly like your real son. Great solution, am I right?
Nam Shin III is the name of my favorite robot son, played by the inestimable Seo Kang Joon. He is the purest bby you will ever meet, being designed so that he never lies and so that he will immediately go to hug anyone who cries. He seems quite a contrast to the bitter human Nam Shin, who hates his gilded prison life, hates his Grandpa, and tries to sneak away from his right hand man, Secretary Ji Young Hoon, his only friend in the world. The girl in the show is Kang So Bong, an ex-UFC fighter who was so badly injured she had to quit. She is at first a bit jaded and mercenary because of her past, but she has a golden heart that just needs to be reminded of its existence.
Not going into details to avoid spoilers, but everything upends when the robot Nam Shin has to take the place of the human Nam Shin. The show is a soft, funny, angsty exploration of what it means to be human, with some good found family throughout. The character development is phenomenal, and the connection between So Bong and Nam Shin III is *chef’s kiss*. I just want to give a shout out to Seo Kang Joon who plays a duel role like you wouldn’t believe, to SKJ’s smile, to the soundtrack, and to the character of Young Hoon, a loyal, steady, and self-sacrificing secretary that we do not deserve  (gosh tho he looks good in blue!)
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Look at my robot son getting a long-looked for affirmation! (his lil smile!!!
5. W: Two Worlds: 
This show unique because it  meta as HELL! Oh Yeon Joo is a junior doctor and the daughter of a webtoon artist whose big hit, W, is coming to a close. Much to her surprise, she gets pulled into the world of the comic where she encounters and saves the main character, Kang Chul, a former Olympic shooting champion who was blamed for the murder of his entire family, and whose sole desire is to find the real killer. It’s a good romance between them, and I also love Kang Chul’s relationship with his hyung, which, tho it is not always a main focus, is present and wonderful. Kang Chul himself is both intelligent and adorably bratty, charismatic and angsty, soft and fierce, and he is one of my favorite kdrama characters for sure.
As for the meta, the show does a fantastic job exploring the rules of the comic world, of how one can enter and leave, the importance and power of main characters and supporting characters, and the purpose of an author. There is always another twist coming, and it is just so much fun!
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6. Healer: 
I watched half this show and never realized that the female lead is played by Park Min Young, same actress as in Her Private Life. Someone had to tell me lol! She’s just so good at playing different people. In this show, she is Chae Young Shin, a reporter for a celebrity tabloid who has big dreams of becoming a famous reporter who investigates stories that actually mean something. She is a bit quirky, very cute, very brave, and probably one of my favorite female leads. She lives with her dad above his coffee/teashop bakery and is friends with all the ex-cons he has defended while doing his other job of lawyering.
Anyway this show is more of a romantic/action drama. To get an idea of the titular Healer, picture what you would get if you took some of Batman and Nightwing’s aesthetics (wearing black, hanging out on rooftops, punching people, flipping around, etc) and put them into a night courier who likes to watch National Geographic and dream about one day going off to an island where he can live all by himself for the rest of his days because oh yeah he is a loner whose only friend is an older woman who sets up his jobs and whom he has never actually met.
There is also an older reporter that Young Shin looks up to, the fun tabloid office where she works, a heck lot of mystery surrounding some tragedy involving a group of reporter best friends/found family back in the 80’s/90’s, and of course both members of the OTP have childhood trauma that has made them who they are today. One of my favorite things that happens in the show is that Healer has to go undercover for a while, Clark Kenting it up in Young Shin’s tabloid office, which overnight becomes a real news agency for reasons.
The action is LOTS of fun, and the romance is really soft and cute, and better still, when there is a misunderstanding or something that gets in their way, they almost immediately talk about it and resolve issues. They TRUST each other and give the benefit of the doubt where many tv couples would break up or get in big fights. I find it (plus the character development) very refreshing.
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I couldn’t find a gif of my favorite fight sadly. This will have to do
7. Lawless Lawyer: This has Lee Joon Gi. Watch it.
Just kidding, there are many other reasons to watch the show, but it is true that Lee Joon Gi is one of my favorite actors. The man has phoenix eyes, a jawline that could cut silk, diamonds, you name it, and such a deep well of emotional acting that it literally kills me when his characters rage/weep/love/etc.
Anyway, in this legal thriller/romance/action drama, LJG’s character Bong Sang Pil is a beautiful, very extra ex-gangster/now lawyer who opens his own office, ready to fight villainy and avenge his mom with the law or with his fists, whichever is more useful at the time. He has a right hand man named Manager Tae and recruits a bunch of thugs as his minions, and they all become a weird sort of family as the show goes on.
Ha Jae Yi is a quiet badass lawyer who has no time for sexist idiots and gets her license suspended for smacking one of said fools. She gets recruited to assist Sang Pil, and they find their goals align as both their mothers were destroyed by the villains.
Speaking of the villains? EXCELLENT acting by them all, like they need to go down obviously, but you can’t help but be in awe of a few of them or even get attached to one or two in a weird way. Props to the show for having one of the best female villains I have ever seen
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What an icon
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Here you get two gifs of him
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Sorry I needed to make it a magical three lol
Tune in next time for historical dramas and modern dramas that are a bit darker!
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petekaos · 3 years
Okay I gotta be honest I know next to nothing about Mek and Victor so sweetest MekVic moments, go!
hiii nonnie! well... as dawnie @pangwave said when i told them about this ask, you have awoken the beast. this is just going to be a huge infodump about mek and victor, i apologise deeply in advance. 
so mek and victor have known each other and been friends for ten years, as evidenced by this tweet here! they’ve been in a fair amount of series together, usually at each other’s throats in some way or another lmao, like in room alone, ugly duckling, u-prince (they weren’t together in their eps but they did promos etc together), a gift for whom you hate, of course the gifted & the gifted graduation. 
but really, they’re just very sweet best friends in real life? mek teases victor about his relationship with piglet and loves both of them a lot, and you can see that in this tweet, where he says they’re well suited to one another - both cute and annoying :’) victor and mek are also part of the same big friend circle together that features mook (mek’s sister) and piglet and a couple of other gmmtv actors! so there’s a lot of convos happening between all of them on twitter and whatnot. also they’re just so incredibly supportive of one another, too! one of my favourite instances is the 10fightseason2 boxing match where victor took part and won - mek (and piglet, of course) was on his feet in the first row cheering loudly the entire time. here is a fun gifset of that, just because! also, victor goes to a lot of mek’s events and takes pictures with him which is adorable. they always take pictures together too!
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here’s victor at #1stdatewith2m which was a mekmook sibling event, he tagged along and it was very sweet! they also had a couple of goofy moments i giffed and are in my drafts, i’ll add the link when i post it!
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here’s victor at mek’s event holding some flowers! they are so sweet :( i have a couple of other pictures from this event that i’ll also get around to posting but this one was the fondest, they look so happy :’)
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i still don’t know why they took these pictures for gmmtv2021 together... unless gmmtv is trying to tell us something and we get a mekvictor series in 2021 lmao yes i am clowning!
also, they are just such goofballs and sweeties to each other. i remember ugly duckling bts when mek and mild’s characters were having a romantic moment and when victor was teasing them with a little self-made loudspeaker. or their shenanigans here in fiat’s vlog! also any kind of live they do together to promote shows is a whooooole mess, they just... radiate such chaotic energy it’s wild. let’s not forget this picture they taunted us with after a heartbreaking episode in regards to chanonpom in the gifted graduation.
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they didn’t have to be like this... and Yet.
furthermore! we have them either embarrassing each other or being sweet to one another on twitter. like this tweet:
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maybe it’s simply also because they’ve been in a lot of dramas together, but it’s super sweet of him!
or this tweet, where mek talks about his most beloved friends of whom he’s also in their top 10, i believe (am relying on online translations here lmao) but victor’s one of them! 
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and we have victor’s response here, which translates to: “we’re telling each other we love each other through tweets already?”
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or how about the “strike first, strike hard, no mercy” saga? in which mek and victor say that to each other on twitter to the point where mek has internalised that enough to get a t-shirt with that slogan on it lmao. how about that time when someone talked about chanonpom and mek quote-retweeted a fan talking about chanonpom during the first season of the gifted telling victor they’ll meet at y afterwards? (y series = “bl” series lmao) also fond instances of mek @-ing victor in everything chinese-related. 
they are just very sweet best friends! i love watching their antics, together or not, and everything they do is filled with chaos. 
i leave you now with some pictures of my favourite boys!
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the best boys featuring the best girl! i love mek’s blond hair, it’s no surprise, and while i have literally no clue why he also has his hand on the mic here, it’s a lovely picture with my three faves.
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SORRY FOR BRINGING THIS BACK mek and also the gifted gays gc who have to suffer through my mekvictor infodumps... i just.... i will never get over this picture. so many questions. what is this event for? what is the dress code? was victor invited in the first place or did mek just bring him along? why is mek dressed like snape? why is victor dressed like a normie he is LITERALLY in SWEATPANTS??
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it’s no surprise to anyone that i love this picture... i’ll spare you my thoughts on it but just know that it’s up there as one of my all time favourite mekvic pictures.
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and i’ll leave you this one. love this one so much! mek’s ponytail and glasses and his victor-like flannel ft. victor not being whitewashed :’) 
anyway i love these two with my whole heart! if you read until the end of this then ily fhsnfh and i hope you’re well nonnie!!
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BTS and Ateez for the kpop group game ! 💜
My first bias: Hongjoong <3 it was the mullet <3
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My current bias: Hongjoong <3 still sexy without the mullet <3
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Favorite Song: Win, I love this one!! In another life I would have probably said HALA HALA but I’ve listened to it too much lol, but honestly minus celebration the whole Fever 2 album is AMAZING def worth a listen, or several!
Favorite MV: Say My Name/HALA HALA
OTP: ... umm, I don’t really ship any Idols in general, but I tend to like the Seonghwa/Hongjoong dynamics, there was just something about that one time that Seonghwa was like “why aren’t you ever home anymore I miss you” “you want me home more?” “Yes” “then I’ll come home more often” and that other time Hongjoong said something like “you returned to where you should have always been” (with him) when talking about Seonghwa spending to much time with Wooyoung and San... it’s just very funny to me lol (these ‘quotes’ might be a bit off as I don’t remember exactly what was said but that was the gist of both conversations I believe!)
Best smile: Yunho honestly! He’s such an underrated member of Ateez!! He’s my second favorite and needs more love because I love him lol, a big big puppy baby whom I love and adore
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Fave Coreo: HALA HALA!!! ITS SO COOL!!
Fave era: Visuals: Say My Name, Music: Zero: Fever part 2
Merch?: I have a T-Shirt I got at hot topic and a Zero: Fever part 2 album!
Seen em live?: Nope.... but I would have if I could have! Would definitely love to go once we finally can!
Favorite voice: Def Mingi, his voice is what attracted me to the group, I LOVE the deep voice trend in kpop, Mingi, like Felix (Stray Kids) and Leedo (Oneus), really scratch that itch for me!!
Favorite dancer: San I guess?? Dancing isn’t really my thing as you know lol
My first bias: Namjoon (I think Namjoon is a lot of English speakers first bias because of his English skills, and honestly he still has a huge place in my heart as you know! Plus he BIG SEXY) (I think of mic drop Namjoon and my brain implodes)
My current bias: Jimin, I just love his softness, I really love the members that take care of the rest and Jimin plays personal therapist (it’s the libra in him I get it you know?) to all, so I really appreciate this as it’s a very important thing for me (it’s probably my libra moon lol) but that’s what got me at first, then when I was getting into them I saw he struggled and no one was really helping him and he was like trying to do better and honestly it broke my heart so I full adopted the baby because he needed care and protection and actives my Aquarius sun and the ‘leave no man behind’ and ‘help/root for the underdog’ complex we have, so anyways, I love him for his softness and his fighting spirit because I want him to do well and succeed but also he’s a mess and sharp witted and a cheater at games (another trait I tend to like??????? Like that’s on me so????) he makes me laugh and I love to see him do well and win at things because he deserves it!! He’s also really motivated and a go-getter which is v sexy to me!! When things are tough he always works hard to fix them and do his best and honestly is there anything better than that? To me no, to my friend who says I put to much emphasis on work ethic? Yes. Also Jimin is big sexy, this is an undeniable fact
Favorite Song: Dionysus (like have you seen the MMA 2019 performance??? There’s no coming back from that) the song is just such a bop and one of the big ones that got me fully into them and kpop as a whole!! Good memories and a great song!!
Favorite MV: I’m a blood sweat and tears whore, could watch that mv any time anywhere babey
OTP: again, don’t really tend to genuinely ship anyone, but I really like a good YoonMin dynamic, love the way Yoongi roots for Jimin, and pushes him in small ways to be better, I think Jimin is pretty oblivious to this though??? And like Jimin needs so much audible praise and gentle care that I think Yoongi for him is very hard to understand even though I think Jimin is very much Yoongi’s favorite member, like maybe it’s because I’m super empathetic, but I always think of like two moments for them, the first is when Jimin was helping Yoongi makes those like 300 presents for his fans and Jimin stayed all day to help him out, Jimin was being Jimin so he was constantly asking if Yoongi appreciated him being there, and Yoongi being Yoongi didn’t say much to assure him, but like you could FEEL the happiness radiating off of Yoongi but like it hurt Jimin to not be directly praised? It’s just a big mess I love it, it’s horrendously painful to watch,
Then there’s the whole ‘Yoongi told me to be the project manager’ or whatever the job was called for their album, Like Yoongi wasn’t giving out advice to everyone... just Jimin (or at least the way in which I understand it), because I genuinely believe Jimin is his favorite and he’s pushing him to grow into a confident and capable person but like... I don’t think Jimin connected the ‘Yoongi is caring for me in his own unique way that isn’t words of affirmation’ dots... it’s a train wreck but I love it lol (plus also Yoongi saying he prefers Jimin’s voice?? When I think Jimin heard for so long that Kookie sings better?? He just loves that boy so much!!) anyways I digress, I just really love their dynamic and it’s my favorite to watch, I know I’ve talked about their dynamic before but honestly I could go on and on and on about it haha, I’m so glad they’re friends you know? Not only so I can watch them, but because Jimin’s selfless help will always be given to Yoongi without question, and because Yoongi will always push Jimin to be better... ok I’m done now for real this time lol
Best smile: Jungkook, his little bunny smile absolutely sends me to the moon it’s so cute!! (Jimin’s is a very close second!)
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Fave Coreo: Lie for sure!
Fave era: The storyline era with the acronym I always forget!! I think it spanned a couple of eras in the entirety but I loved it!! But also just like straight up Wings era!
Merch?: I have more BT21 one stuff than I think I have BTS stuff tbh haha, but I have all versions of MOS:7 I have some love yourself versions from a friend, and my army membership box I got to purchase the concert tickets we bought but never got to use :{
Seen em live?: was supposed to last year 😢
Favorite voice: Yoongi, love the way he raps, it’s a really aggressive and sexy flow, definitely my type, as someone who stans and loves rappers most, Yoongi will always have a major place in my heart, no one really compares on a talent scale for me, and his solo stuff is some of the sexiest you could ever imagine/hear, love it!!
Favorite dancer: Not super surprising I think but it’s totally Jimin!! Anytime I watch that man perform Lie I die lol, the way that man moves is a crime
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
The Untamed, eps 41-50. Well, I didn’t need my heart anyway...
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Warning! This a very long post, mostly about my feelings. LOL.
So, ep 41. Whoever thought going to the bad guy’s house was a good idea, needs the severe punishment of transcribing all 3000 rules from the Lan Clan. WWX got all the truth but no proof except his word, which of course, only his bf believes. At least that opened the way for that confession at the stairs, surrounded by enemies who were ready to kill them. Who knew such a scene could be so romantic? Also, who the f*ck needs an “I like you” or “I love you” when you can get the message across in a more original and swoonie way while also making it clear that you’re in your SO’s side no matter what. Even if it means you become a public enemy as well. Lan Zhan just got better and better each episode after the flashback ended (and even before that he had his moments of brilliance). That dude has set the bar high for all the boyfriends in the world. Very high.
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God! Those looks!!
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And then he woke up in LZ’s bed, who attended to his wounds, saw him topless and we finally learned about those scars on his back and why it took him 3 years to go look for WWX. And excuse me?! My heart. (Also, @dangermousie, whom I’m forever grateful for convincing me to watch this drama, even if it wasn’t her intention lol, brought to my attention the reason why LZ had that Wen iron branded scar on the exact same spot as WWX and I lost it. I really did. LZ is so extra and intense, I love it.) Learning about LZ’s parents and his childhood from his oldest bro, was such a moving, bittersweet and beautiful scene. Everything about the uncle’s punishments and how he tried to keep LZ away from WWX made so much sense. Hell, even the fact that LZ loves so intensely and all-consuming it’s clear. And also, it made the romance of the show all the more clear, which baffles me. I kept reading about these so called censors, but I don’t think those were monitoring the show, not really. Hurray for love conquering it all!
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So the whole core thing was something I suspected since WWX said there was a way he could recover it for his brother. It was a bit obvious to me, but I was only 80% sure because I thought having no core meant having no “magic” at all (i.e. no use of talismans, or little paper dolls and certainly no controlling zombies or spirits) but I guess it was more related to combat abilites, like the sword thing? Please forgive me if I’ve got it all wrong. But of course I got my confirmation and it was still terribly sad. And the fact that Jiang Cheng acted the way he did, didn’t have his brother’s back and just gave up on him to the point of trying to kill him when he was already attempting suicide by falling off a cliff? 
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I know I’m in a minority here, but I dislike him too much now... Of course WWX doesn’t have any sort of bad feelings towards his brother because that dude is just the best at being good but Lan Zhan and myself certainly did and I’m pretty sure he’s just never going to let go of his hatred and contempt towards Jiang Cheng and the only reason he tolerates him is because of WWX and the sacrifice he did. I clapped so hard when he picked up the unconscious body of his bf and stepped out of Lotus Pier without a look to Jiang Cheng who was going trhough a well deserved breakdown patrocined by my boy Wen Ning.. I hope he spends every day agonizing over the fact that he has WWX’s core. Something he considered to be everything to be “special” and that his brother gave it away, to him, just because he loved him.
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I’m just torn and can’t decide which one do I love more. Lan Zhan or WWX? The two of them have their bad moments, but they also have their good ones and their super duper good ones. But I guess I don’t have to choose and plus, I love them for different reasons. WWX was a moral compass that called the powerful ones out on their double standards. He was the best and most kind and giving person despite his many traumas and I do wish he’d have thought more highly of himself because he was just better than everyone else, lol. He was so selfless sometimes that I wanted him to be selfish once in a while.
And I loved Lan Zhan for being such a stone cold bitch to everyone, so bluntly honest, who gave zero f*ck to anyone who didn’t deserve a second of his time BUT when he fell for WWX he fell SO HARD it’s amazing he didn’t have any lasting marks... oh wait, he did have those. He didn’t exactly changed, but he did risked everything he valued and believen in because, well, WWX mattered more. And he loved with such an intensity (and a dosis of EXTRA) it surprised the feels out of me lmao. And let’s not forget he saved Yuan and raised him to become the most adorable and thoughtful teenager ever. He did an amazing job with that kid and put all the other parent figures to shame.
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The last 3 eps were so fun because of the never ending monologues. Reminded me when, in books, villains just talk and talk and talk and everyone is forced to listen.
I never felt bad for Jin Guangyao. Sorry not sorry. He was a psycho murderer two faced manipulating bitch. Yes. His story, his upbringing and the fact that he was never respected is something that no one deserves. And he had the misfortune of being the son of a disgusting evil monster who died in super disturbing way, but the moment he started plotting with the evil, killing (bad or good) people and the fact that he married and had children with his sister, knowingly, was just too much. He just lost me completely. I can never feel bad for someone like that. He was a kind of villain that just gave me the biggest creeps and I think I can’t get past that to feel empathy for him. I’m so glad LZ cut off his arm, such a badass moment. I just feel bad that Xichen was deceived for so many years and, in the end, was sort of manipulated into killing someone he loved, even if he was a piece of trash. Xichen BEST BRO (only rivals with WWX) IN THE WORLD deserved better and I can’t believe he seriously considered to die besides that evil bitch! 
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Nie Huaisang? Wtf? I was so taken aback... I still don’t know what to think about him. Like, he really really surprised me and I guess he did avenge his brother but I just had this image of him that was completely different and lol I think I need to rewatch the drama to let his plan sink in and finally process it.
So, let’s talk about that ending. After the final battle, LZ and WWX managed to sneak out (how their young fans students even let them is a surprise to me) but Yuan and Wen Ning caught up to them and WWX finally learnt the truth about Yuan’s real identity. Such a sweet moment. WWX realized that his efforts in saving the last Wens were not in vain. Awww. I loved that whole scene and I loved that Wen Ning decided to take on his own journey. He deserves happiness, I hope he gets it. But I think I need to read the novel to have more of a closure with the Jiang Cheng thing and his nephew. I mean... it can’t end like that, right? I know things can never be the same but I hope he tries to mend his relationship with his brother. And that Jing Ling gets to know WWX for real.
I can’t help but think, that if things were different, if Yanli had survived and WWX somehow didn’t become no1 enemy, maybe he would’ve been Jing Ling’s favorite uncle.
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But okay... that ending. The real one. I mean, wtf? I’ve never liked this faked goodbyes. Never. Be it movies or dramas. They make no sense. But well, I guess they thought, somehow, that the drama needed it so the ending was even more touching. Tell you what, if it was done for that final brilliant smile on Wuxian’s face when he sees Lan Zhan, then I guess I can forgive it.
The Untamed was a whole experience of another kind. A very good one and I’m glad I watched it. Before watching, I couldn’t understand why everyone was so crazy about it, even months after having finished it and now, I completely understand. I was crazy about it as well and it will remain one of my fave shows. The story, the characters, the romance, the moral questioning, the issues that adressed, everything was done perfectly. It took my heart.
Now excuse me while I curl up in a fetal position thinking about this drama and my feelings for it and watch fan edits of them on Youtube.
Note: By the way, does anyone know of any dramas where Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo, separately of course, are the leads in a modern era drama? I tried looking it up, but it looks like Xiao Zhan has made only one modern drama set to air this year? And I thought WY had a drama, but has it aired? Do the chinese actors are like the korean ones in the sense that, when they become famous, they do projects every 2-3 years?
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Thank you, The Untamed. It was truly a unique and wonderful experience. I loved this story so so so so much. And the romance was delicious.
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letitrainasunnyday · 5 years
I noticed you're a starrison fan... i was wondering what your favorite starrison photos or moments were
I love so many of their moments, like George helping Ringo write Octopus’s Garden my poor heart cannot take such preciousness. And, of course, I have tons of fave photos of them but here are my top top top faves: 
The Pillow One™ 
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An all-time classic, am I right? Probably one of the purest images to ever exist, and definitely one that perfectly captures what their relationship was like. Look at George giggling uncontrollably buried in pillows. Look at Ringo laughing, half-draped over George like he’s just fallen on top of him by accident but is thoroughly enjoying it. They’re just two friends, two brothers, being childish and having the time of their lives. I’m sobbing. 
Early Lads™:
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I love this one because it must’ve been taken in Germany when Ringo still wasn’t a part of The Beatles but had probably sat in for them at least a couple of times. I love that they’re clearly dressed differently because of how different Rory Storm and The Beatles were, and evidently they’re still not from the same band but they’re just jamming out on the drums. And I love to think that Ringo didn’t really have to let this kid whom he barely knew sit down next to him and play with his drum kit, but he let George have a go at it regardless. They didn’t even really know each other at this point but this photo is great because it really shows that even then there was already a weird, sort of wonderful connection between them. I’m really sobbing somebody help me. 
The Hospital One™: 
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I love this one mostly because I adore the story behind it. Apparently George adamantly refused to play on their Australian tour because Ringo had gotten sick and couldn’t play with them, and it took a lot of convincing for him to actually play. Not only that, but he flew all the way from the other side of the globe just to visit Ringo in the hospital. CAN YOU HEAR ME SOBBING? And this photo is so amazing because George is like 4 years younger than Ringo but Ringo does look younger here, as George cutely pats his head like “Aw, look at this little drummer being sick, look at how cute he is” --which is something he kind of actually said once: “He’s so cute, our Ringo.” 
The CD Cover One™: 
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This one I just think could’ve worked well as a CD cover if they both just put out a CD together at some point. Hell of a shot, this one is.
The Godfather One™:
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Other than the fact that they’re shown literally living their best lives, this one always gets me emotional because Ringo has it blown up and framed in his house. Stop and think about that for a second. This man has this amazing photo of him and one of his best friends in his entire life --of his brother-- blown up and framed in his house so he gets to see George’s face every day. Every day, whenever he walks around his home, Ringo gets to see him and George --dear Georgie, with his mop top and his smile and his eyebrows and his suit-- frozen in the best moment of their lives. And just the idea that that’s something Ringo chose to see every day is too much for me I swear I’m just a crying mess. 
In summary I miss George Harrison with my entire heart and I cry for Ringo Starr because he doesn’t get to see his best friend anymore. 
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embercrested · 4 years
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Ah, 2019. What a year. What a shitty year, healthwise. My mental health has taken a turn for the worse and my depression is still kicking my ass as I write this, and yet? This won’t be me yapping on. 
2019 was also the year I joined the WoW RPC here. I was a bit iffy and also somewhat terrified of joining, since joining a new RPC is always difficult and scary. Especially, when you’ve been in a single one for the whole time you’ve been playing on here.
You guys not only welcomed me with open arms, but you have been some of the kindest and supportive people on here. I feel shabby that I haven’t really been able to return this, considering my long bouts of absence - again, due to university and my mental health being horrible this year which needs me to consider which battles to fight and write. You guys are a fantastic community and I love each and every one of you, because your writing is so beautiful - each and everyone one of you brings something to the community which makes it just beautiful to just read.
I can’t promise that 2020 will be better. But I surely hope so. 
A few people who I annoyed into talking and probably forgot to reply, but whom I love dearly...
@necroarchy/ @acherys : You are my favourite goth. I love Arthas, because you write him both as this terrifying creature but at the same time it’s so easy to crack? Undaddy. And Zoen, well, she is Lucy’s weird undead sister now. I don’t make the rules. I love her, I love Arthas and I love talking to you OOC! @diguerra : I am always in AWE of how beautiful you write. Every single one of your muses, you just have the voice down immediately and your style just enhances how well you understand every muse you write. And you’re also such a kind presence on the dash. Thank you. @perspicacicus : While I don’t know any of your other muses, Taelia is an absolute fave! I love how you write her and we definitely need more shenanigans. @fractalmind : We met on the other side and while we’re still SUPER BUSY with our lives, you still remain one of my favourite people here. I will deliver that Dragon Age AU, and also give Nimue some more love, promise! @terraforged : I need to get a move on when it comes to our thread, because holy shit, I need Ghostbusting buddies! You write Wrathion so perfectly, every single sentence drips with that smug bastard and I absolutely adore it. @lady-proudmoore : We need to talk! Because honestly, your Jaina is beautiful. I love that you spice up memes with other canon characters too, it makes your writing even more... alive!? Also Jaina showing baby Lucy magic is canon. I’d love to develop them more! @ingenixre​ : I’m always sad that we only seem to meet when I’m on the cusp of disappearing again, because you are so lovely and Samara is also so beautiful. I love the energy and mood we have going on in our few threads and I’d love to write more.! @gilneans​ : Tess and Lucy need to hand out more. Ladies that get no love from canon deserve more, and  @gilneamanes​ : I’ve loved Liam since the Cata Beta and you managed to make me love him more! I can’t wait to read what you write! @loyaltyvalue : HAHA BINCHI u thought I had forgotten you? NOPE. Saving the best for last. We’ve been talking daily for about two years now and you’ve really become one of my closest friends here. Our daily clownery is what really keeps me going through the day sometimes, and I don’t need to tell you how much I adore your boys? WELL. I LOVE THEM WITH ALL MY HEART. And the fact that you made a WoW verse without knowing anything and I want it to be canon? WOWOWOWOWOW. I love you. So much.
And people whom I haven’t talked to enough but I always adore seeing on the dash:
@fatesblades​ / @lightsblade​ / @ladywindrunner​ / @arcanacracy​ / @holiyth​ / @nightscng​ & @lichrisen​ / @sunrunnerrs​ / @rctchild​ / @anierous-sunblade​ / @redeeming-sun​ / @kinguponthesea​
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lloydskywalkers · 5 years
We all know how much you love Kai Nya and Lloyd, they’re amazing so that’s very understandable ;) but what abt the other three, anything you like specifically about their characters? Sorry if this is a weird ask. Love your writing btw, you’re awesome 💙
Oh gosh thank you so much!!
I’m gonna start with Cole because gosh I love an earth boy, Cole is such a kind and genuine character and he deserves SO much more than he gets in the show. Cole is actually one of the characters I’m drawn to writing for POV-wise the most, after Kai and Lloyd I think. He’s just — I love his voice, if that makes sense? I was actually watching season 4 earlier this week, and the scenes where he’s trapped with everyone else under Chen and working with Zane to escape are some of my absolute favorite. There’s a bit where he goes nuts with the rotomachine/rocket/thing they build and he’s just…blasting the heck at the cultist guards, and Jay’s like “slow down pal!!” and Cole just giggles, what a menace I love him.
One thing that’s always got me about Cole is the interesting position he’s in, because while he does have a living parent at the start of the show, he can’t rely on him or contact him because he’s lying to him. In a realer sense the ninja are his only family, or the ones who really know him, and we see that in how genuinely he cares for them, and steps up into that older-brother type role — he’s the one calling out for Kai in the volcano, he’s the one admitting he’s wrong first to Jay, he’s the last one up the rope on the Bounty, he’s the one who takes it so hard on himself that he lost the Traveler’s Tea.
Also Day of the Departed still physically hurts me because Cole is desperate and determined and still so kind and I as a person do not focus enough on the fact that he was dead for a whole season or two, and how that had to affect him.
hndjfgh this is just gonna turn into another overly long rant isn’t it
Moving onto Jay, I adore Jay, he has some of the funniest lines and deliveries in the show and I love how expressive he is, he’s just such a bright and dynamic character to me? But he’s also genuine, he’s smart and determined and ready to admit when he’s made a mistake. And he’s got that bravado sort of confidence where you can see how anxious and worried he gets over stuff, and boy if that isn’t the Most Relatable thing ever — but he’s still here, fighting for his family and keeping the “power of positive thinking!” and I love him.
Jay also has two living parents (not counting his biological ones, which ninjago PLEASE give this boy closure there, does he even know about Libber yet) and his relationship with them is so sweet and genuine?? Gosh there’s this part in season 7 where he drops everything to go race for his parents when he realizes the Vermillion are after metal, and I think that’s one of my favorite Jay episodes because of how quick-thinking and sharp and driven he is there.
I would also just like to give Jay a gold star for being the only person in the Ice Chapter to have himself somewhat together, everyone’s going to pieces in the Never Realm and bless Jay Walker he’s over here holding off the ice troops with lightning while everyone else has a breakdown.
And Zane, oh Zane you are the most difficult for me to write because I feel like I can never do your character justice, but I love you too. Zane’s a little more difficult for me to connect with, but he won my heart right along withe everyone else those first few episodes. What’s the one where he goes after the falcon and finds the Bounty, Home I think?? One of my faves hands down, and it’s thanks to Zane. The whole episode where he finds his dad and he makes the connection to free the sea monster instead of killing it is also Very Good, and the MOTO scene where he snaps at Garmadon for assuming he’d have no feelings!! Go off, Zane. He’s  such a genuinely kind and good-intentioned and caring person, and it BURNS that I know he has to live with the knowledge of what went down in the Never Realm now >:’((
Also like — Zane is a pure-hearted boy, he’s sweet and gentle but like heCK does that purity run all the way through, he a hundred percent has the same snarky/petty streak of asshole running through him every single other one of these kids do. He freezes Jay in an ice block and uses him as a footrest in revenge, he sends Cole in on a mission where he has to sing knowing full well he doesn’t want to, he’s every bit a menace as everyone else is.
This is why i can never write short fics I can’t even do short repLIES but yes, there is a lot I like :D
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voltronramblings · 4 years
um this got like really really long lmao (feel free to just post like a cut off version so it doesn’t clog up ppls dash lol) kind of super embarrassed about how long it is but…. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i got a lot to say, i hope that’s okay
Haha, you’re completely fine, sweetheart! I am gonna put it under the cut so that it doesn’t end up taking a lot of space on someone’s dash ❤️
Can i pls get a matchup? :3 I’m a bi girl, 5’6 with longish wavy red hair, blue eyes and lots of freckles cuz i always forget to reapply sunscreen lol pretty much always have a sunburn during the summer. I’m a INFP, and a libra. I’ve got a major case of ADHD, lots of energy and horrible at focusing, lots of fidgeting all the time (mostly the leg bounceTM and tapping things) (also got that anxiety/depression thing goin on).
I’m not super social, I hate big parties, I don’t have a Lot of friends, but the friends I do have I’m really close to and would trust with my life (I’m kind of really selective with who i befriend). If i don’t like a person, they will be able to Tell, I don’t go out of my way to be mean to them but,, it’s a bit obvious. I’m the fun friend, always getting people to laugh and smile and be happy, and I’m super loyal to my friends, ride-or-die kind of gal. I also tend to be the one that people lean on, or turn to if the need any advice or comfort. I’m also really close with my family, love them with all my heart and would do anything for them.
I love to play the piano and sing (pretty good at the first one, not so much the second lol) and i tend to do that when I’m feeling stressed out or sad and it helps a lot. I’m currently in college studying geography and cartography and I’m like a super nerd about it lol. I love to go hiking in the mountains where i live and go swimming in the rivers, and when I’m staying at my family home I go to the beach all the time, my fave summer tradition is having bonfire parties on the beach with my friends where we just swim and build sand castles all day and then roast hot dogs and marshmallows (some of my fave memories of high school were on the beach super late at night around the campfire). I am pretty active, i used to be super into sports in high school but now i’m not really, I used to swim competitively for like 8 years, and I also was part of a rowing team for a couple years, and I really loved it, trying to get back into it but i’m way too out of shape rn lmao. I also love baseball, watching it and playing it (but mostly i just watch) (go giants). I love music, fave genres being rock/alt rock/punk/pop, and I loooove going to concerts, i’ve been to at least 30 by now lol I’m pretty much always got music playing, my fave band is fall out boy (i’m basic i know lol).
my grades have always been…. Super average. Not because I don’t understand what I’m being taught but because I never really did my homework, i would always procrastinate and especially with big projects, if it wasn’t absolutely perfect I hated it and would be constantly stressed about it and then just not do it so :/ (this is still true a little in college but i’m getting much better and just getting things done, and i like to have friends with me while i’m working so they can yell at me if i get distracted).
This got really really long so i’m just gonna stop now lmao (i like to talk about myself lol is it obvious??) (ive never done a matchup request before but i like yours because you put so much thought into them i couldnt resist thank you love you)
hi, love! Before I start, the fact that you let me know about that ^^ literally makes me so happy and is one of the only reasons I still accept match-ups. I know what I was like sending my first match-up request in and I was a nervous wreck. Which is why I sincerely mean it when I say that I am deeply sorry for how long this took to get back to you. Thank you for sending this in and I love you too 💕
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SO, it may seem kind of weird but I actually ship you with Pidge (adjusted to your age, of course, bc we don’t do support pedophilia in this Christian household, no thank you)! However, if the fact that Pidge is (canonically) still a teen bothers you, I can and will match you with someone else!
Appearance reason: most people do the whole “your freckles make constellations” thing, but Pidge said “nah, they’re compounds and mixtures lol” what a nerd. She’ll look for one that matches the formula for sugar just to say “hey, you’re pretty sweet”. Also, she feels the sunburn comment on a personal level bc she too is pretty much always burnt somewhere, it’s not fair.
Mentality reason: Pidge is no stranger to mental health disorders such as ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Whatever she can do for you, she’ll do, no questions asked. While she is more knowledgeable about the physical sciences, she can quickly pick up the psychological (and biological, but I think that’s a physical science) aspect of mental health disorders, and, if there’s something that she can make to help you, she will. One of those is definitely creating a portable mini-piano so you can tap away at that, using some energy and even creating a little music.
Introvert reason: Pidge is 100% definitely an introvert, and, while with the right company she might enjoy a party, she’ll tend to spend the night in. So, you two are pretty much aligned when it comes to those kinds of nights, you know? You just keep each other company, often in silence, and that’s more than enough.
Personality reason: Pidge is someone who has trouble relying on others. She’s so much of a “I can do this myself so watch me do it better than you” kind of attitude, and, while she’s amazing, even she needs someone whom she can rely on. Your personality tends to naturally bring that out of her. Before anything else, you two are best friends, and you’d do anything for each other. Because of that bond, Pidge feels able to come and talk to you about things that she really can’t with anyone else.
Hobby reason: Pidge is totally just in awe of your musical abilities even if you’re not as confident in them yourself. She loves listening to you playing the piano or even singing along quietly to whatever song is playing. With other people, Pidge prefers to work in the quiet (unless she’s discussing something or explaining something), but she loves to just hear you faintly in the background like a distant record player. ALSO, as the Guardian of Nature, she’s exploring new ways to connect with nature, so she’ll often accompany you whenever you’re going out to the mountains. She will most definitely be complaining for part of it because it’s too hot and there’re so many bugs, but she’ll always go because she loves spending time with you even if she can’t always keep up. Rivers and beaches aren’t necessarily her domain, but she still enjoys being in water (especially if she’s sweaty as frick from all of that walking). While you may be actually swimming, she’ll probably just be in the water, floating along somewhere… she does like the bonfire idea as it’s much less strenuous, and it’s fun to be with everyone whether that’s just you or the whole Voltron crew.
Education reason: lol, I had no idea what to call this so here ya go. Basically, Pidge adores your brilliance when it comes to anything that you’re interested in (in this case, geography and cartography). Especially if you’re drawing maps of the places that y’all visit through space, she’ll be there with papers and pencils and any drawing tools you might need. She just loves seeing how it all turns out in the end, especially since it’s like a mix of science and art and WOW you can do BOTH so well !! And she’s definitely a huge (?) help when it comes to procrastination. A little bit of a hypocrite sometimes because she tends to get distracted herself if it’s not something she’s genuinely interested in. But, she will definitely be there to help keep you on track if you’re losing focus or motivation, and she will also offer to help in any way, shape, or form that she can. She wants you to do your best but also not stress so much about it because, sometimes, imperfections are better than any perfect thing out there. Y’all also have a deal where you can switch off rambling about what you’re passionate about, it’s cute and wholesome 💕 you guys are literal best friends which is so nice to be with your significant other.
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thelowlysatsuma · 5 years
Ramble in whatever form you choose. I won’t be able to be active all the time so if you want to be able to do it whenever you want I’d say text posts but I’ll also try to occasionally ask you about them so there’s some variety
!!! okay! well i think i’ll choose a couple from the list that i haven’t made many posts about before (aka no ts or go) and ramble on here!
oof under the cut bc idk how long this will get
steven universe
oh hon don’t even get me STARTED on su like that shit? that shit is so good? okay first of all i love the cast so much? gosh they’re just all so sweet and cool and sometimes they collab w/ thomas sanders and i love rebecca sugar and im gonna cry they’re so sweet im so soft
okay SECONDLY the show itself oof
okay okay im just? god im so soft?? like the music is so good, i can (and do) watch it w/ my parents, GOD do i wanna cosplay pearl’s new outfit (and rainbow 2.0, if i can pull it off), im in love with the concept and all the fusions and the story and the worldbuilding and god, this made me realize my utter love and adoration of COLOURS like they’re so PRETTY im in LOVE oh my gOD and just
god it has such a good message and such a good plot and such good characters i wanna be steven’s friend i wanna be all of their friends oh man i just can’t wait until my baby cousins are old enough for me to show this to them because i’m going to enjoy that experience so much
oh jfc where the fuck do i even start with ducktales okay david tennant as scrooge mcduck makes my fucking life literally he’sthe best goddamn charaacter in the show – well, best besides the triplets (my BOYS), webby (!!! my KID), f e n t o n (god i love that nerd), mark beaks (what an asshole), mrs beakley (i wanna be her when i grow up), launchpad (!!! he!!), and so many others??? this is like serious every character in the show erasure but hot damn duck tales says gay rights and it does so in style (oh yeah also i love lena della donald oh webby’s new friend whose name i forget uhhh herules oh the inventor guy fenton’s boss that dipshit love him uhhh gandra dee who’s voiced by jameela jamil if im not mistaken??????) and yeah it’s a hilarious show but it’s also just a really good one for me to watch whenever i start to like. feel empty inside?? but then like i’ll put on ducktales and i’ll feel better
gravity falls
this show. this show RUINED ME. i started watching it like four years late (aka last year lmao) but GOD, im so in love with it. def another one i wanna show my cousins.
like?? just??? the ciphers and mysteries appeal so much to me and my love of mystery and crime novels, the characters are all amazing, alex hirsch himself is just such a g?? and like. it’s so good. it hurts me so much but then it’s all okay in the end and it’s just. it’s so good.
yeah i sobbed my eyes out when i watched that series finale.
camp camp, which somehow i forgot on my other list
god, is this show hilarious. like, fuck is it funny. it’s so good. it’s so fucking good. i was a little shocked when i saw the first episode but i’m so into it now, and i’m so attatched to all the characters bc they’re just dumbasses trying their best (or worst, in a few cases) and i love them for it. that’s peak fool energy right there and it speaks to me
orphan black
okay okay okay veering now into a much darker type of television, orphan black is??? phenominal???
okay so my best friend @fuck-me-gently-with-a-slurpee got me into it when i was like 14 or 15 i think and i honestly cannot thank her enough because this show is incredible. the plot’s super engaging, i literally cannot say anything about it without giving away spoilers, and the main character has quite possibly the best actor i’ve ever seen playing her
like. you think thomas sanders is good? he ain’t got SHIT on tatianna maslany
you guys. you guys. mythbusters was my childhood. like seriously, i watched that show religiously.
it’s what first got me into science, and it’s what kept me interested in explosions. it’s light and funny and ridiculous and scientifically accurate in the dumbest ways possible. i swear to god the main cast nearly dies once an episode
these guys are my idols. like, i seriously cannot overstate how much i love the mythbusters. adam and jamie, tori, kari, and grant.
when i was a kid, i wanted to be a mythbuster when i grew up, and god damnit, i still do. they mean that much to me
bill nye
fun fact! i actually had no fuckin clue who bill nye was until seventh grade, when i had to watch an episode of his show for homework because i missed a day of class. it was the episode on static electricity, and i remember sitting at my dining room table in the dim winter afternoon light, squinting at my computer, and thinking “what the FUCK am i WATCHING?”
needless to say, i’ve seen more since then, but that initial what the fuckery is still present and i love it.
not only is bill nye the science guy a flippin fantstic show, but bill nye himself? the coolest guy alive. god, i love him. what a g.
various comedians including but not limited to john mulaney,john oliver, and hasan minhaj
okay, as a gay, i am legally required to love john mulaney, but seriously that guy is so. fuckin. funny that i can’t help myself. his timing is priceless, the way he moves onstage is hysterical, just. god i love his stuff.
literally his comedic timing and style is half the reason people find me funny. i just phrase my sentences the way he would because, you know, i’m good at stealing things, and people laugh, and i go “hey. that actually worked”. and then i keep doing it
next, john oliver. okay, so while i don’t watch his show religiously, i do watch it when my parents do every now and again, and fuck is his stuff funny. like. just. shit.
finally, hasan minhaj’s patriot act is just. one of my favourite current events comedy shows out there. it’s in a similar vein to john oliver’s stuff, just more international, and shit, is he good at what he does. i lvoe it.
hoodwinked the movie (i am dead serious)
okay, while i haven’t seen it in over four years, this is still my favourite movie of all time. it also has one of my favourite villain songs of all times, and some of the best character exchanges just. ever. especially with wolf and twitchy
...god, i love twitchy. also the goat. i’m probably gonna be the goat when i grow up, let’s be honest
one day at a time
i just.
there’s so much to say about odaat. like. it’s so funny. it makes me nearly cry every episode (and makes my mother actually cry every episode). the characters, god, the characters
like. alex is such a cute dumb kid (who’s smarter than he looks), penelope is so salty constantly and i love her but she’s genuinely so cool and such a good mom and i cry??? elena is so amazing like god she’s such a fuckin nerd but she’s also so salty (takes after her mom) and is literally the best????
and then there’s abuelita, whom i adore. like, god, rita moreno is SO cool and SUCH a great actress and has SUCH an amazing sense of comedic timing and GOD, i LOVE HER
can’t forget about syd and doc berkowitz, which like. okay first off the good doc. just. god i love the doc. he’s so sweet and such a genuinely good dude and he’s a bit of a coward at heart but that’s okay because he genuinely cares and does his best and god he’s just such an amazing character im !!!!! and then syd is such a dork and i love them and elena and god, it made me so happy to see not only an actual enby character on a big sitcom, but also just?? like??? it’s not forced but it’s still there??? like there’s one episode where one of the plots is just syd and elena trying to figure out what elena should call them, since neither of them are comfy using “girlfriend” for syd since they’re not a girl, and they finally agree on “significant other” and schneider imMEDIATELY says “dont you mean, SYDnificant other?” and then they use that for the REST OF THE SHOW IT”S SO CUTE OKAY
and finally, schneider. he might be my favourite character in the entire show (which is a damn hard list to pick from!!!), but he’s just. he’s so sweet, he and penelope have one of the absolute best male/female friendships i’ve ever seen (which! never! turns! romantic! ever!!!), he’s actually got surprising depths but he’s also like such a nice goofball that when they get revealed, it hurts, and he’s just this canadian dumbass (heyyyyy repreSENT) with the worst goddamn canadian accent sometimes and he’s a hipster and The Dumb Friend and the weird uncle all rolled into one and GOD, i love him so much
the good place and brooklyn 99
okay, i love these two both so, so much, but i’m lumping them together because a) they’re both mike schur shows with a similar sense of humour, that say gay rights, and with characters who’d definitely love each other if they met and b) my hand is getting tired from all this typing but i still have so much  love to go around!!!!
okay so so SO! they’re both so good. they’re so fucking funny and amazing and i was immediately hooked on both of their pilots. their characters are all so genuine and flawed and fucking hysterical to watch, and the ships and friendships are all so amazing and pure and good and soft and they have their problems and they WORK THEM OUT HEALTHILY AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY OKAY!!!
god, i literally cannot overstate how much i adore these two shows. mike schur, you’re a wonderful, wonderful dude. thank you so much
many musicals (top faves include BOM, hamilton, legally blonde, chicago, matilda, and more!)
i’m putting the musicals together because while i do adore each and every one of them individually, i also just have great big deep-seated love of the art of musical theatre itself in general, ya feel?
like, as someone who’s been both performing and viewing them from a very young age, the sheer sense of utter joy they bring is almost unparalleled
not to be That Bitch who quotes musicals, but “and that hop in our hearts as the overture starts lets us know how lucky we are” might be the closest i’ve ever gotten to finding words to fit the feeling when the lights go down and the show begins. it’s simply phenomenal
the others series by anne bishop
okay, OKAY, if you haven’t read this series (first book called written in red – they have terrible titles but god, they’re worth it), then what are you doing with your life? like, not only is there the perfect logicality au to them (just sayin’), but god, it’s such an incredible series
the worldbbuilding is so cool and the characters are all great and god the ships are the damn hill i die on it’s got literally such a good “sort of enemies mostly just dislike each other to reluctant acquaintances to friends to lovers” ship and it deals with some serious issues rlly well and it’s got baby puppies!!!
like, they’re wolf puppies, but still, they are b a b e y
and finally (for now, at least), the mysterious benedict society, by trenton lee stewart
this book series was my childhood. i mean, there are so many other books i could be talking about right now that i utterly adore (the artemis fowl series springs to mind), but gosh, MBS just brings me such absolute joy to read that i just had to have it on here.
i’m not thinking straight at this point in the evening, but i just wanna say that i will never, not ever forget about reynie. about kate. about sticky. about constance. about rhonda and number two and milligan and miss perumal and my absolute son sq pedalian and, of course, i will never, never forget about mr benedict
it’s bright, and it’s bittersweet, and it’s beautiful.
and it’s good. simply, utterly, wonderfully good.
thank you for the ask, anon.
thank you.
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stevenstamkos · 6 years
i’ve never read your fic that you’re saying pkd plagiarized, but i did read their version of it and enjoyed it so much that i added to my bookmarks. i am so sorry to hear that they stole something you poured your heart and soul into and pretended it was their own content because you’re one of my fave hrpf writers and i’ve adored your fics so much and can /hear/ how much love you put into every word you write.
So ���hey batter batter” was my first fic that actually ~took off~ and got a big response on AO3 and on here, and it made me a lot of fandom friends, some of whom I’m still very close with now. And the thing that made me stop and put the fic I was reading side-by-side with my own fic was this:
He should probably just order a small coffee or something, but there’s a cookie the size of his fucking head that he can’t help but stare at. There’s a quick patter of footsteps and it manages to tear his eyes from the molten chocolate, but it’s a challenge. It’s a really good-looking cookie.
He looks up and—fuck that. He sees a really good looking boy.
Which. Well, here’s what I wrote two years ago:
Nate’s admiring a perfectly decorated raspberry and chocolate mousse cake when he hears footsteps approaching the counter. He forces himself to tear his eyes away, but it’s hard. It’s a really delicious-looking cake.
He looks up. Holy shit. Forget the cake, that’s a really delicious-looking boy.
At that point I was like oh shit. Because I remember cringing when I wrote that line and wondering if it was too cheesy. I don’t forget cheesy lines like that because I always wonder if I should keep them in or not. And as I kept reading, it kept getting more and more familiar:
The entire kitchen’s a mess. It looks like a hurricane’s passed through it, ten fucking times even. There’s flour strewn over random patches on the floor and dishes towering high inside the sink. There are dirty mixing bowls gracing the counters and dry ingredients powdered over everything.
The table in the centre of it all, where a pan of mind-meltingly good smelling muffins are rested, is the cleanest part of it all.
And mine:
It’s a literal mess back there. Mixing bowls are piled high in the sink, there are ingredients laying around everywhere, half-used machines and a light layer of flour covering most surfaces. The central table’s pristine though.
The entire fic was like that, just a constant feeling of “this is mine but twisted.” At first I was like lmao wtf why would you even try to steal a FANFIC. But then it really hit, and that’s when I got upset.
Thanks for being so understanding. I know I was definitely unsure if this was plagiarism or if I was being paranoid, so it’s nice to get support.
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Kdrama recs Part 2
Hello @camsthisky and anyone else who cares! I do apologize for the delay on this post--it has only been 84 years since Part I of my kdrama recs, I know, and I thought about going for a full century but this is me finding a way to de-stress after watching the first episode of I-Land alkdjfadlksj I’m gonna die of heartbreak but whatever
Speaking of heartbreak, there is a lot to be found in Korea’s wonderful historical dramas, so like, be warned—or, if you are an angst-loving monster like me, settle down for hot guys and good cries
Let us begin! (or, if you want romantic modern dramas see Part 1)
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1. Scarlet Heart Ryeo/Moonlovers: 
aha ahahahahahaha *weeps* You may have heard people talk about this show. You may have heard ME talk about this show. This thing was my first kdrama ever and it RUINED ME 
Disclaimer: I have seen this show once and rewatched it twice and on the rewatches I can never quite make myself watch the last 4 or 5 episodes because things get tragic and messy and I get mad. HOWEVER there is a lot of good in the first part of the show and because this thing was all the rage in everywhere but Korea itself, there’s like over 300 fanfic for it and several good fix-its, including one by my good friend @thelonelybrilliance
Ok so anyway this show which could also be called An Abundance of Princes starts with a young woman from modern times getting thrown back into ancient Goryeo during an eclipse and finds herself in the body of Hae Soo, the cousin of the wife of one of the princes, and thus she gets embroiled in royal affairs which are, quite frankly, a mess. See, the evil eyeliner prince (whom I love even when he’s the worst) is plotting with his mom to get the Crown Prince out of the way aka dead BUT who should return to the Palace but the 4th Prince, Wang So, who has spent at least half his life living as hostage to a powerful family. 
So has a scar that cuts across his eye and which in this society makes him a horror to look at or smthing idk he just looks extra hot to me but anyway he wears a mask and is known as the wolf dog (or as the MURDER ANGST CUPCAKE thanks @abadpoetwithdreams). He might seem a little rough around the edges at first because his life has been hell but he really just wants to love and be loved okay people need to be nice to him wtf
Other princes include: 
    1.  the Crown Prince, Wang Mu, a good egg, not particularly charismatic but he tried to protect his lil bro when no one else would
    2.  the 8th prince, Wang Wook, who reminds me of a fellow named Shane and I don’t mean the cowboy
    3.  the 10th prince, Wang Eun, a dumb adorable spoiled bby (played by Baekhyun from EXO)
    4.  the 13th prince, Baek Ah, a tol soft boi, an artist, a BAE, a BRO, a SHIPPER ON DECK
    5.  the 14th prince, Wang Jung this son will fight everyone he’ll fight himself he just loves to fight! Not always wise but he’s a good boy and I like him a lot 
    6.  just realized I skipped the 9th prince but nobody cares 
One quick note is that IU plays Hae Soo, and I enjoy her a lot in the first half of the show where she is still spunky and rebellious...sadly her character kind of falls apart/gets too weak for my liking as the episodes progress
The MAIN reason why I feel it my duty to recommend this show to everyone despite the fact I have never met anyone who wasn’t traumatized by it is LEE JOON GI
Yes, this man:
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2. Hwarang: Ok so right off the bat I am going to smack down a disclaimer that I can’t stand the female lead. TRULY CANNOT. Thus, I don’t like the romance, and only care about the love triangle as far as it just shows how sad and lonely one of the guys is. (Also there are scenes of dumb old men plotting and I don’t like them either). At the end of the show, I am happy that the one guy is NOT stuck with the female lead as his wife. Good for you sir
Sounds like a show to steer clear of then, right? WRONG. This is a show that you skip through because the scenes that are good? Are GREAT
Picture this: It is the Silla era of Korea, and the queen is ruling as regent in place of her son, who has been hiding all his life because everyone wants to kill him. Well, son is now grown and must soon come into the light and take the throne. Queen who both wants her son as king but also really likes being queen decides to do everyone a favor and form an elite fighting squad out of all the prettiest and most talented sons of nobles in the land, with the idea that they will be loyal only to the throne, and thereby keep their dads from plotting to destroy everything. 
Let me tell you something, these ARE the prettiest boys in the land. Good hair, good jawlines, beautiful smiles—the cast lineup includes Park Hyung Sik and his cute lil elf ear, Park Seo Joon, Taehyung (yes from BTS!), and Choi Minho from Shinee, plus two other actors who are lesser known but who are drop-dead gorgeous. Anyway. Sorry, but they really are all beautiful. 
The fun thing is they don’t all get along right away, a few of them are VERY much opposed to the other for various reasons, but they all have to bond and become brothers in arms. And what they don’t know is that the real king snuck in and is one of them. 10/10 I would die for the boys! (also Tae has an older half-brother who is a lower rank than him but whom he looks up to and that makes for cuteness and pain) Once you skip the boring or annoying parts of the show, the rest has so much delight, laughter, and oops pain, lots of pain. I want to go re-watch. 
Two other things I should mention about the show: a super soft side romance between secondary characters and a game of, as they call it in the show, HOT SOCCER 
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^pretty boy 1 (with the cute elf ear sadly on the other side of his head)
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^pretty boy 2 (sad cheekbone bby) and pretty boy 3 (happy cheekbone bby)
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^pretty boy 4 (the prettiest of them all, and he knows it!)
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^pretty boy 5 (aka Taehyung danced around the set of a historical drama and made everyone adopt him as their bby) 
3. Faith/The Great Doctor: This is a longer kdrama at 24 episodes and they didn’t have much of a budget so special effects aren’t the best or anything but I just got really attached to all the characters? This is another modern girl goes back in time but UNLIKE SHR it actually has a happy ending, so if you need a historical drama cleanse after that tearjerker/enrager, this could be it for you
Eun Soo has to navigate the ancient kingdom, keep people believing she is a heavenly doctor with special powers, and keep Choi Young alive so he can fulfill his promise of returning her to her own time. The problem with that is Choi Young does have kind of a death wish because of reasons—
Eun Soo is a plastic surgeon who would really like a rich handsome husband one day but them’s the breaks for you, aka she has had no luck in that department. Back in ancient Korea, Choi Young (played by Lee Minho in sadly the only role I really love him in) is a high-ranking beloved captain who can fall asleep anywhere. Oh he can also make electricity with his hands! :D
The story begins when the sleepy sad captain tries to escort the new king and queen to their palace. This was during the time period when ancient Korea was basically a puppet kingdom/tributary of ancient China (Yuan). The king (who is very smol and lacks confidence, but still has a good heart for his country) lived as a hostage in Yuan for many years, and his wise tol queen is a princess of that land, and someone needs to sit them down and make them talk because they actually love each other a lot. Anyway, when the queen gets injured by assassins, Choi Young goes searching for a legendary doctor, winds up in modern Korea, and steals both Eun Soo and a SWAT shield, because hey, it looked cool I guess
Lots of fun things in the show: Choi Young has a crew of soldiers who are BEYOND loyal to him, and while he doesn’t think much of the king at first because he’s been burned by kings before, they slowly become bros and shippers on deck for each other. Eun Soo does not lose her spunk or loyalty unlike other people I could mention *cough*HaeSoofromScarletHeartRyeo*, and it cracks me up when she curses people out. There are also a bunch of people (mostly bad guys) running around with special powers or gifts, including a flame lady and a flute boy, and the latter wears delightful anime wigs, keeps his sword in his flute, and plays his flute to kill—literally! I love flute boy very much 
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sorry it’s black and white but DO YOU SEE THE SWAT SHIELD
4. My Country: A New Age:
Picture this: two young men, who both hail from childhoods of trauma, who grew up together and are best friends, and who are tragically forced apart and end up on opposite sides of a conflict that threatens to upend the current rule of the kingdom. This IS the star-crossed brotp you’ve been waiting for!
Seo Hwi is the son of a general who died a criminal, and all he wants is to live simply and earn enough rice take care of his younger sister, who has seizures and a sweet crush on Hwi’s bestie. Hwi is the best softest most loyal boy with a good and true heart, a great deal of courage, and a talent for wielding a sword, and just wait till you see the best one-shot fight scene ever of him in battle, it is INCREDIBLE! (He is played by Yang Se Jong, who I now want to see more of) Hwi has an abundance of charisma points in that he picks up a small band of loyal soldier friends and they become the best little found family, lots of brotp-ness in this crew—do not mess with any of them because they will all FIGHT you
Seon Ho meanwhile is the illegitimate despised son of a powerful nobleman, only tolerated because the legitimate son died. Seon Ho loves his friend and is very protective of his friend’s little sister who crushes on him but his dad is a high class grade A power-hungry jerk and that causes complications of course. Seon Ho also has a good heart, he’s a gentle soul really, but he always gets stuck in bad positions and unfortunately makes a couple of difficult/bad choices so he hardens himself as much as he can but the consequences always kill him and he just wants to save his friends and destroy his dad and the stupid hierarchy that treats bastards as lesser. WHY IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK? 
Seon Ho he is played by Woo Do Hwan who has so much talent I die so many times over in this show just because of the way he portrays Seon Ho like that sad sad boy is one of my favorite characters evER! Is he problematic? At times maybe but I am HERE for him he just needs LOVE AND AFFECTION AND AN ABUNDANCE OF GOOD FRIENDS BUT INSTEAD (SOMETIMES THRU HIS OWN FAULT BUT HE ADMITS THAT) HE JUST SUFFERS AND SO I SUFFERRRR
*grabs a towel and dries up my tears*
Hwi also falls in love with a woman named Hui Jae (or was it Hee Jae i can’t remember) and they are very cute together, she’s pretty cool but the show’s one failing is arguably that they kind of underuse her in the plot as the story goes on? But I still like her and she still has a good role, and she is both brave and kind and not afraid to step in or tell people off, also keep a weather eye open for patching up scenes! 
Oh yeah, eVERYONE in this gets hurt/stabbed/shot/bloody, such a shame they have to take their shirts off to clean and bandage the wounds ;)
Last character I must mention is Bang Won, played by Jang Hyuk in his second interpretation of the historical figure. Bang Won is the fifth? son of the guy who becomes emperor/king, and he has his own plans for the country, so when Hwi catches his eye, he recruits him to his cause.  What you need to know about him is that he has issues with his dad, is slightly unhinged, and cannot and should not be parted from the fan that he constantly carries around with him. Gotta say, Jang Hyuk is FANTASTIC (heheheheheheh) in the role, able to convey all kinds of emotion in the rise and fall of his voice, in the tilt of his head, the tears of his eyes, the flick of his fan. Give this actor all the awards! 
To sum up: if you like to cry for days after watching a drama, if you like excellent heart-wrenching brotps, if you like conflicted characters, if you like amazing music and setting and plot, if you like guys with good hair and arm muscles (and 
abs, thank you shirtless scenes what) this show is a Must Watch 
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Ok I was going to leave the historical drama post at this for now but...I’m going to cheat a little and include the one historical C!drama I just finished.Yes folks I am talking about:
5. Nirvana in Fire:
Ok so maybe the switch from kdrama to cdrama makes you uncertain. Maybe the fact that this show has FIFTY-FOUR EPISODES makes you go hell no I don’t have enough time for that. Well if you overlook this show for those reasons, you are making, and I do not exaggerate, the greatest mistake of your show-watching life!
Look, first, this drama has one of the best, most intricate, most satisfying plots in history, with like 20 characters you would die for, and second, the episodes are only about 42 minutes each, which is shorter than most kdrama episodes, so you can deal.
Once upon a time there was a general/family who were just too good to exist in corrupt old China, so naturally they were framed for treason and there was a giant massacre and everybody died, including the eldest prince who was like um dad maybe this is all a horrible mistake and the king was like no u are the mistake. Sad times.
One of the many younger princes named Jing (A NOBLE HEART, if not always the cleverest) returns home from wherever he was, finds out that not only did his prince brother die, but so did his best friend/brother in the whole wide world, Lin Shu, son of the general. Because he insists on the innocence of said bros/family, Jing becomes an outcast prince and is shuffled off to fight in wars where he can’t cause any trouble. Meanwhile, Princess Nihuang, Lin Shu’s brave, awesome, amazing, wise, incredible girlfriend, refuses to marry anyone else, and because she is too cool to be messed with, nobody tries to banish her
Cut to I think eleven years later, when the two most powerful princes are vying to be the crown prince and heir to the throne. They both try to recruit the aid of a renowned clever and sassy strategist named Mei Changsu, to help them with plotting and PR and such.
Well little do they know that Mei Changsu is actually the not-dead Lin Shu, with a completely new face (for reasons), and that Mei Changsu is a chess master setting up a long con for the dual purpose of obtaining revenge/justice for the dead and of raising Prince Jing to the throne, since Prince Jing is the only man with a good enough heart and strong enough will to make China a better place for all the people. But just to make it hard on everybody, Mei Changsu is dead set on not telling anyone who he really is—again, for reasons. He is not always successful in keeping his secret.
I literally don’t know what else to say because there is so MUCH to say, so many characters to love, and I mean LOVE. How do you get a cast this good? How is everyone so different yet so important? How do you feel bad for the emperor even when he’s slimy? How do you have to stop yourself from rooting for the prince who would destroy some of your faves? I can’t praise the charisma and acting talent in this show enough! And the music! IS GORGEOUS!
1 strategist too sassy for his own good and too clever for everyone else’s good + 1 prince who loves his mom and his dead best friend and his dead older brother more than anything else in the world + 1 gentle wise mom + 1 eternally loyal princess who would defend her loved ones with the sword if necessary + 1 sassy Elrond healer man + 1 grumpy sulky baby who loves being a better fighter than almost everyone + 1 loyal to the death, brave badass general who is going to have a stress breakdown if the strategist doesn’t take better care of himself + not 1 but 2 good boys who deserve to be protected but who are willing to throw themselves into battle if necessary + 1 antagonist tiger prince who I love and am not ashamed to say it = THE BEST OF TIMES
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^he hardly ever wears his hair down but when he does <33333333
*checks calendar* how soon is too soon rewatch something, asking for a friend
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smittenbyschmidt · 6 years
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Okay soooo, I am gonna answer this ask this way too bc it is a lot easier lmao. brace yourselves people, we have 18 members to go through here.
Each member will only get one mutual! (some mutuals may be repeated though!!!) I am gonna try and not tag anyone that does not stan NCT for obvious reasons haha.
and i am gonna put this under keep reading bc again, there are 18 members lol.
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Taeil: My Best Friend Jordan
Jordan doesn’t have a tumblr, so she won’t see this, but she is literally Taeil. They are both “dorky dads/grandpa’s” who are absolutely hilarious without even trying, and they are both kinda awkward but extremely lovable and wonderful in every way.
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Johnny: @trashyforkpop
This is kind of weird, but I kind of feel like Annah gives off the same kind of “dorky dad” vibe as Johnny does??? I hope you take that as a compliment, omg?? Johnny is the ultimate hype man for his members, he’s always supporting everything they do and cheering them on, and Annah does the EXACT same thing. She reblogs/leaves sweet comments on people’s work and she cheers everyone on. The ultimate hype-people!!! 
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Taeyong: @smittenbyschmidt (lol me)
Look, I’m not putting myself for Taeyong bc he’s my ult. I’m putting myself for him because I think we are SO similar. Not only are we almost birthday buddies, we are also both very clean and tidy and basically very motherly. He’s very shy (when he’s not on stage) and i’m very shy... all the time lol. Until you get to know the both of us, and then we are weird and loud af. We both also love to cook, we’re protective and we both love the dreamies lol. #MomSquad
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Yuta: @the-maskedlady (Pt. 1)
Yuta is a ray of sunshine with a smile & love so bright, you could heal the whole world. Baz is a ray of sunshine with love so bright & beautiful. Yuta is also a  major flirt and in love with a lot of his members. Baz and I are partners in crime, soulmates, (the 2nd) loves of each others lives... so it’s kinda similar, right???
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Kun: @supercriminalwolf (pt. 1)
Alyssa and Kun are similar in my eyes because I feel like they are both very wise, intelligent and just really mature. But, at the same time, they're both incredibly sweet, kind-hearted, and funny angels who just deserve the whole world. 
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Doyoung: @maetaamong (Pt. 1)
Like Doyoung, who is an total sweetheart with a good head on his shoulders, Kiki is a total sweetheart with a good head on her shoulders. They are both really funny and dorky, and they can be a bit impulsive and over-excited, but they are both super lovable and wonderful.
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Ten: @supercriminalwolf (Pt. 2)
Ten is an absolute sweetheart who deserves all the love in the world. Alyssa is also an absolute sweetheart who deserves all the love in the world. Both are incredibly talented, fun loving, caring, hilarious and just overall wonderful human beings. I just feel like their personalities seem very similar to one another for some reason.
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Jaehyun: @1of1woo
Jaehyun is such a squish. I just want to pinch his cheeks and tell him he’s doing an amazing job (sweetie). The boy is a total sweetheart, he’s super loving and caring and super talented. Mimi is also a major sweetheart; she’s super caring and just a total squish. She’s also super talented (I mean, have you seen her moodboards??? wow 11/10).
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Sicheng / Winwin: @ My Peach Anon!!
My sweet, sweet peach anon would be Winwin because they are both absolute ANGELS sent from above. Everyone in the world loves Winwin, and everyone in the world also loves Peachy. They are absolute sweethearts whom I want to protect and love and hug. 
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Jungwoo: @scoupsadaisy
Like Jungwoo, Jazz is a total squish who I want to protect from all bad things in the world. They are both absolutely precious human beings who deserve all the love and support. Who doesn’t love Jungwoo? Who doesn’t love Jazz? Both are impossible to answer because you can’t not love them both. #AngelSquad
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Yukhei / Lucas: @maetaamong (Pt. 2)
Now, Kiki put herself as Lucas, and I kinda have to agree with her! They are both really funny (and weird, which is amazing) and they both have big personalities, but they are both absolute sweetheart angels (with big hearts!!) who must be loved and protected!!
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Mark: @liz-writes-stuff
Mark is by far the busiest member of NCT, he’s always working on something, he’s always doing something for SM, and he’s literally in all 3 units. He is so hard working and dedicated, but he’s also such a humble sweetheart that deserves all the love. I feel like Liz is always up to something. She’s always posting writings or works, and she is super dedicated. But, she too is a major humble sweetheart that deserves all the love.
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Renjun: @ my Lizzie Anon!!
I feel like Renjun & Lizzie anon are similar because they are both absolute sweeties (who i love and want to protect), but they are also super savage and funny as hell?? They can both handle their own, but they can pull a full 180 and be the cutest beans to ever exist. 
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Jeno: @kookiexdae
Jeno is an absolute sunshine angel who I want to love and protect from all the bad things in the world. Ela is also a sunshine angel who I want to love and protect from all the bad things in the world. Anytime I see Jeno (and his cute eye-smile), I melt inside and become so happy. Anytime I see Ela on my timeline or in my notifs, I become so happy. See, same person wow.
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Donghyuck / Haechan: @the-maskedlady (Pt. 2)
There are two sides to Donghyuck that I think are very important: one, his incredibly sweet & loving side that makes me want to melt into a puddle of goo. He can be the sweetest angel to ever exist. However, side two is Donghyuck’s savage side; the side where he becomes this lowkey evil little thing (which is absolutely hilarious and wonderful). Baz fits this exact criteria. She is the sweetest ray of sunshine i’ve ever met in my entire life, and I just love and adore her so much. She sends me love asks all the time (i’m still crying, ilysm bby), and she’s an angel okay. But, this girl can be savage as hell (it’s the slytherin in her, i guess haha), and she can be lowkey evil. (ily) Because of this, Donghyuck and Baz are one.
In this essay, I-
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Jaemin: @haecity
JAEMIN AND RUHI ARE BOTH SUNSHINE ANGELS THAT DESERVE ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT. Like Jaemin who just exudes sunshine and cuteness, and brings out my maternal instincts, Ruhi does the exact same. She is a total sunshine sweetheart who is really funny, adorable and simply lovely (much like Jaemin).
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Chenle: @monodrmon
Even though we don’t know each other too well, you’re an absolute sweetheart just like Chenle is. I see you on my timeline all the time, and you make me happy because you are just so excited about your faves, and Chenle is always so excited (about literally everything??). 
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Jisung: @rosecheol
Haley is my daughter (even though she’s trying to revoke adoption papers bc I don’t like coffee) & Jisung is my son. Both of these angels are wonderful, lovely, kind-hearted, and super talented. They are also quite dorky and really funny (& kinda savage when they want to be).
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novelconcepts · 6 years
The Last Jedi was far from a perfect movie; the pacing was questionable, and a lot of it just didn't line up with TFA. That said, I actually really enjoyed it for what it is. My highlights under the cut:
Literally everything about Rey. I love her Jedi training costume, I love her being dressed in gray shades, I love her boots. I love her training on her own when Luke refuses. I love the fact that she's still using her staff, and I love that she isn't afraid of the lightsaber--but that she doesn't hold it like most Jedi. She holds it like a girl who's learned to fight with a staff first. I love it. 
Rey's Murder Face (™). I love that she is so consistently brutal, that she's all gritted teeth and furious stalk. The grace in her fight scenes is nothing like what we’ve come to expect from a lightsaber; it’s what you’d expect from a cornered tiger. I fucking adore that she has a totally different fighting style
Really, this whole breakdown could be (and is) a love letter to Rey. Rey is my Absolute Fave, and while I spent a lot of the first watch-through nervous for what they'd do with her, it all played out well in the end.
Rey coming at Kylo Ren with so much malice. Rey, even so, trying to see both sides of a miserable story. Rey pulling a whole-ass Luke Skywalker in her "there is still good in him, I sense it, I can help him back"--and Rey, faced with a power-hungry boy who does not want to be saved, who only wants to burn the world down, slamming the door in his face.  
Because, see, this is what I wanted. No romance, none of that "she can save him and erase his terrible decisions" narrative, but a compassionate Rey--a Rey who, like Finn, did not grow up with friendship or love or family in her life, and still craves these things, and still gives these things freely. A Rey who could have grown up into a shuttered, broken human being, and chooses forgiveness first. Chooses the benefit of the doubt. Chooses faith in the best possible option...
...but is not so naive as to think she ought to stick around for a man who slaps down her offer for help. Rey sees his classic abuse tactics--telling her she is nobody, that nobody cares except for him--and walks away, and when he tries to get at her again, she closes that door tight. Rey is a compassionate soul...but it is not her job to save a man who does not want to be better. This is exactly what I would have hoped for her character.
Also, how much do I love that she sees Finn with Rose and does not narrow her eyes in anger, does not seem to view Rose as a threat. Her body language is soft. She is, despite all the gray space in her, soft. 
His jacket. I want Poe's new jacket so bad. 
Poe being a hotheaded idiot. Switching off the comms to keep doing what he perceives to be the right thing? SUCH a Leia move! How could she even be pissed? 
(Because she's got so many of those moves under her belt, and she knows better these days, that's why. Leia don't take no shit. Not from Poe. Not from the Void of Space. Not from nobody.)
Poe learning how to be a hero. Learning that heroes are not all sassing the bad guys and blowing shit up. Learning that your X-Wing is super cool, dude, but maybe the true measure of a hero--and a leader--is knowing how to sit back and listen and make the hard choices with no glory whatsoever. 
Speaking of taking no shit: Luke "Theater Is My Middle Name" Skywalker, looking at that lightsaber and just pitching it over his shoulder. Luke "Drama School Has Nothing On Me” Skywalker just going about his old-ass business of fishing and farming and leaping around this island like Rey isn't there. 
Luke, who admittedly had two less-than-stellar teachers, and manages to hold-my-beer them both. Luke. How do you manage these things, you beautiful grumpy bastard.
Luke's sassy half-assed attempts at teaching. Rey's Fight-Club determination. They are so perfectly matched for each other. I'm sorry we never got him leaping onto her back and forcing her to climb vines, but I guess you can't have everything.
Rey's Murder-Sunshine butting up against Luke's Former Innocence-Turned-Grizzled Guilt is just so...satisfying to me somehow. I know Mark Hamill wasn't thrilled with the road these movies put Luke on, but frankly, it works for me.
Also soft: Luke interacting with his sister after so long, after so much guilt and shame and running away. Luke and Leia, a bond stronger than all the distance in the galaxy. I loved that little moment between them.
As much as I loved Luke's entire third-act charade. His outfit, his not even bothering with the illusion of his green lightsaber--and why would he? Ben Solo saw that saber as a murder weapon--his perfect hair. His little wink, his sassy one-liners, his whole demeanor. I don't love losing Luke, but I do think the way he went out was clean. It was Ben Kenobi. It was Yoda. It was Classic Jedi of the highest order.
(And Yoda was a great little touch. I wasn't...a hundred percent sure about the puppet they used, but it was worlds better than the prequels!Yoda. And I always enjoy him sassily smacking Luke upside the head. Never gets old.)
I don’t have a ton to say about Leia--not because I didn’t love her, but because seeing her onscreen, larger than life and so, so wonderful, hurt my heart. Knowing that the finale was going to belong to Leia, knowing that she was going to have the light shining on her in the end, carves out such a loss. Leia was the first powerful woman I got to see on-screen. Carrie was incredible. I was so glad to see her in this movie, and I am so terribly sad we will not be seeing her again.
But: Force-user Leia? So here for it. So fucking here for it. Anti-mutiny Leia? So here for it. Leia telling Poe to get his head out of his ass? Give me more. 
And we’re all in agreement that she had a thing with Holdo, right? Right? ‘Cuz. Yes. 
(I also really loved Holdo, and I wish we could have seen more of her. Laura Dern is always a delight.)
Finn still trying to run away--but for a totally selfless reason this time. Finn waking up and thinking of literally nothing but Rey for the longest time. Finn, who has only just figured out what friendship and family and love are, and is holding on for dear life. 
In related news: how much do I love that every major character who runs across Finn—Poe, Rey, Rose--immediately wants to protect him with everything they have. This kid who was stolen from his family and brainwashed into Stormtrooper life is so loved by everyone he meets. My heart.
Finn and Phasma! Lowkey showdown of the movie. Him being so goddamn proud of being Rebel Scum after all the running of TFA is just so perfect.
Rose fits in so beautifully with the new kids. She's so clever, and has such a big heart. Her not even hesitating to hand over the last piece of her sister if it meant saving everyone. I mean. Really. Rose, you are a glorious delight. 
Not to mention the tongue-tied good cheer followed immediately by tazing the hero you were just so excited to meet. Talk about mood.
Domhnall Gleeson:
Not Hux; I don't particularly care for Hux in all his one-dimensional glory, although I do love how not-having-it he was about Kylo Ren announcing himself the new leader of the First Order. That moment where he's 100% ready to shoot him? Glorious. But other than that, I just love the way Domhnall carries the character. He manages to be so different than I expect.  
Honorable mention to that classic banter with Poe over the speaker system. Simple comedy is perfection sometimes.
Misc thoughts:
An unpopular opinion, I'm sure: I like that Snoke was taken out. I like that Kylo Ren rose to hold the mantle of Worst Dude in the Galaxy. I like that we got a character who, like Vader, was a boy to whom Bad Things Happened--and who decided to respond in the worst possible way.  
To me, everything about this movie was rooted in choice, in the power of choosing your path. Rey chooses to look into the dark, but still lean light. Finn and Poe choose to risk everything for the chance to save the Resistance. Rose chooses to give up her last tie to her sister for a cause she believes in. And Kylo? Kylo chooses to forsake Ben Solo. Kylo chooses the path of murder. The path of absolute darkness. Kylo looks redemption full in the face and raises his middle finger at it. He chooses not to be Anakin Skywalker--who overthrew his master to save his son--but to be his own man. Which is not to say he is a good man. He actively chooses not to be a good man. It makes him a very human villain. There is no universe in which a unilaterally evil character is more interesting than one with layers.
I like that this movie recognizes that moral grayscale is where the world exists. The Jedi failed because they pretended they were above human darkness. Rey represents genuine balance. I appreciate this about her. I appreciate that they let her do exactly what Luke did in Empire: go into the cave. Face your darkness. But, unlike Luke, Rey hasn't learned to fear her darkness. She simply uses it like a tool, and sets it back on the shelf until it's needed  again. She does not shy from a fight, but she does not recklessly murder, either. She is the middle ground.
Another possibly unpopular opinion: I like the idea that Rey comes from no special legacy. Now, it's very true that Kylo may have been lying to her about this, trying to coax her to his side; his playbook is full of abusive tactics, and this is a classic one. Personally, I like the idea that the Force was so desperate for finally achieving balance after all those ridiculous Skywalkers failed in the journey, and just went, "Fuck it. I'm making my own." Rey: Daughter of the Fed-Up Force.
That said, if he was telling the truth, and she did come from people who truly are not part  of the bigger story, people who really do not care about her...doesn't that make Rey being a strong, self-sufficient, incredibly big-hearted human so much more impressive? Rey did not come from parents who loved her, like Ben Solo did. She did not grow up with a Jedi Master uncle believing in her. She did not come from a long line of power and legacy. Rey was self-taught in every way. Rey was alone. Rey made dolls and scrounged helmets and learned to be a whole person all by herself. She's an excellent example of how you do not need a bloodline or a legacy to be an interesting, powerful person.
Chewie with the Porgs. Okay, listen. Listen. I know they're everywhere right now. I knoweveryone burned out on Porgs. But look: Chewbacca in the aftermath of his lifelong best friend dying, adopting these little bird creatures like a widower adopting a therapy animal to offset his grief? I am not made of stone, people.
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glitterghost · 6 years
who are your model faves? also love your blog✨
Aw thanks anon! 💛🌻
And okay so I probably have fandom to thank for at least two of them, but I enjoy them outside of just fancasting for reasons.
° Jake Cooper (aka the softest boy/holds my nostalgic adoration) & is also whom you might recognize as a particular fan favorite for Neil Josten fc.
(which in my previous post was who I was speaking of & should probably have said one of my faves since I was only saving some of his.)
° Anton Lisin - We all know him. He’s one of the most infamous Ronan fancasts out there. BUT if you’ve looked beyond that and have kept up with what he does and who he is as a person *more like who he puts himself out there to be* he is such a multifaceted and interesting individual and boy when he gets your attention it’s just 👀. Amazing. And he takes super adorable photos with farm animals and it’s truly amazing.
° Niclas Gillis - He’s an old time fave of mine and is immensely talented behind the camera as well as in front of it and his accomplishments are just stunning and he is stunning and I’m “holy heck how are you even real” that I just don’t know what to say.
Side note: I should probably say that while I’m not 100% certain, these three may actually only be ex models. Jake is into the music scene and I’ve not seen a proper shoot from him in a while but him circa 2012/2013 you can pry from my soft heart if you dare because I love that boy.Anton has his own clothing line and is extremely occupied with creating new designs as one can see if they happen on his IG. He’s a busy boy. And lastly, Niclas directs but I’m not entirely sure how much he models anymore?
Sorry this was so long. And maybe unnecessary, thanks for listening to me drone on about them. But they give me THE softest feelings and I have zero regrets about wanting to kiss all over their faces and hugging them. Which is not a normal thing I do. But SOFT BOYS™
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