#( on a giffing roll i keep wanting to make shit oop )
jeonsbwi · 1 year
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playful photobomber taehyung feat. an unaware koo ♡ original first set vs now
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futureman · 1 year
keep it on the low
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
summary: just because you and joel broke up doesn't mean you can't still (secretly) enjoy each other's company
warnings: 18+ MDNI, language, hurt/angst, ex!joel, possessive!joel, pwp, smut, post-breakup sex, rough sex, mild exhibitionism
word count: 3k
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a/n: all i can say is oops. blame sza, i guess. and of course, couch gif for obvious reasons. as always, thoughts and feedback are always appreciated!
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Joel’s being obvious again. Discretion’s never been his strong suit, but he’s especially attuned to you today, and not in a good way. He’s not undressing you with his eyes, itching for the moment he can take you home like he usually is.
Nope, he just looks irritated as fuck. Way too angry for someone who just happens to be sitting in the same room as his ex. If he keeps this up, you’re going to get caught, and then what are you going to do? Fuck other people?
Like that’ll ever happen. You and Joel broke up almost three months ago and yet here you are, still hooking up like there’s no one else in this town to have sex with. But you have an agreement…sort of. You keep sleeping together, you don’t talk about it, and you definitely don’t tell anyone else. It’s high school-level dramatic and, honestly, you’re both way too old for this shit.
You know everyone’s gossiping about you behind your back, trying to figure out why you’re not together anymore. It was a bad breakup, probably the worst you’ve ever had and the biggest Jackson’s ever seen. The second this town hall is over, they’ll all be chatting amongst themselves, analyzing your behavior like it’s any of their business.
And Joel’s only giving them more to talk about. Seriously, why is he staring at you like that? If you can keep your eyes to yourself for an hour, surely he can at least pretend to be listening to what Maria’s saying, even though it’s boring as hell and doesn’t apply to either of you in the slightest. The winter dance next week really isn't your thing, no offense to her, but at least you're trying to look interested.
You shoot him a quick glare across the room, and he rolls his eyes, finally shifting his focus elsewhere. Apparently, that little interaction is all it takes to stir up the gossip mill because you can already hear a few of the worst offenders whispering to each other.
Fucking vultures. You’re pretty sure half of them are trying to make a move on Joel now that you’re over. Too bad he’s still busy spending his nights buried inside you.
The meeting ends pretty quickly after that, and everyone gets up from their seats, some staying to help put away folding chairs and others loitering around before they head to dinner. Somehow, Joel ends up next to you as you’re walking out, probably on purpose, and you take the opportunity to tell him off.
“Way to be fucking obvious, asshole,” you mumble, hoping no one else can hear you. “Did you have to stare at me like that? You made it seem like I spat in your fucking coffee this morning.”
He scoffs loudly, and you elbow him in the side, throwing him a warning glance. He’s acting like he wants everyone to know what you’re trying so hard to hide and it’s really starting to piss you off.
“Wasn’t lookin’ at you any sorta way, darlin’. You’re the one makin’ a fuss and gettin’ everyone’s attention,” he smirks. It’s not even fair how good he looks when he does that.
You feel a strong urge to slap it off his face, but that’s not really an option right now. An annoyingly intrusive thought tells you to save it for later when you’re alone, but you push it to the back of your mind. He’d probably enjoy that, anyways.
You quirk an eyebrow as subtly as you can. “…Are you kidding me? I wasn’t the one glaring at you the entire meeting.”
He looks around pointedly. “Ya think you’re not makin' it worse right now?”
You pause to take in your surroundings, and he’s right. You’re making a scene unnecessarily when you could’ve just ignored him and gone home like you’d planned. This is exactly why everyone thinks the breakup was your fault. Why they all think you're the villain in his story.
Joel knows just how to bring out the worst in you and you hate it. It’s one of the reasons you broke up in the first place. He pretends like everything’s fine and nothing’s ever his fault, and you’re constantly tricked into proving him right. But today he’s being purposely antagonistic and you can’t tell why.
“Oh, fuck you, Joel,” you grit through your teeth. “Stay the fuck away from me.”
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He doesn’t.
Not even a few hours later, he’s at your back door—like always, so no one sees him come and go—eyeing you a little wildly. Hungrily. And suddenly, it all makes sense.
He's horny. Probably has been all day, judging by his behavior earlier. He doesn’t say anything, just lurches forward to kiss you, to get his hands on you, but your arms shoot out to stop him.
“Uhh, what are you doing? Pretty sure I told you to leave me the fuck alone.”
He’s already panting as if he ran all the way here, but the tent in his pants tells you otherwise. His heart is racing under your palms, and while you haven’t forgotten how furious you still are, the fact that he’s this desperate for you makes you want to.
"Yeah, but ya didn't mean it. Ya never mean it,” he says like he knows you so well. You hate that he does, but the last thing you’re going to do is admit it.
“Why the fuck would I say it if I didn't?" you scoff.
"'Cus it's more fun that way," he leans in again, but you jerk your head back. Is he serious? It’s not like you normally have a nice little chat before you fuck, but he usually has more patience than this.
“Joel, stop. Are you trying to get us caught?” you eye him incredulously. It’s dark out and, yeah, you’re not having this conversation on the porch where anyone can see you, but other people’s windows still face your yard. He’s acting ridiculous.
"Maybe I wanna get caught,” he replies smugly, crowding you against the door. “Maybe I want everyone to know who ya belong to.”
His eyes are unreadable, and you’re caught between shock and intense curiosity. But then, that familiar feeling of fury returns, and you allow that to win out. You reach behind you for the doorknob, twisting it open to back inside.
“No. Nope, that’s not happening today,” you say with finality, yanking him by the collar into the house. You shove his back against the door, slamming it shut, and your grip tightens on his shirt. He’s smirking again, and it somehow looks even better on his face now than it did earlier.
“There’s my girl,” he breathes out, his hands finding your waist to pull you closer. It sends an unwitting wave of heat through you, a gasp escaping your lips before you can stop it. Fuck. He hasn’t called you that since before the breakup. Because it hasn’t been true since then, or at least that’s what you tell yourself.
“Only in here. Right, Joel?” He nods his head slowly, but his eyes betray him. He doesn’t believe that for one second.
“Sure, darlin’. Whatever you say.”
And, for now, that’s enough for you. You crash your lips into his hard enough to bruise and he groans into your mouth, rocking his hips into your belly so you can feel him straining in his jeans. It’s a little dizzying knowing just how much he wants you. How much he always wants you.
Flipping your positions to lead him backward, you reach down to unbutton his pants, your lips still moving languidly against his. Your fingertips purposely skim his bulge as you tug down his zipper, and he bucks into your hand, something soft and needy rumbling out of his chest.
More layers of clothing are stripped off and thrown haphazardly on the floor, leaving a trail from the kitchen to the living room, until the backs of his legs bump into the couch. All that's left now are his boxers, your underwear, and your bra. You make quick work of the latter yourself, dropping it to the floor, and then kick off your underwear, smirking at the look of sheer yearning on his face.
He reaches out to touch you, fingertips only managing to graze the side of your breast before you slap his hand away. He's not allowed to touch you until the playing field is even and he's as bare as you are. He already knows that.
His eyes are so dark, pupils dilated until that gentle brown has almost completely disappeared, and the way he's looking at you is reminiscent of a different time. You ignore it, focusing on all of the things you know he's about to do to your body instead. It'll help you forget whatever you just recognized in his gaze for a little while.
You tug on the waistband of his boxers, letting them snap back into his hips.
"Off," you tell him simply, giving him enough time to pull them down before you shove him onto the cushions. You climb into his lap, hands settling on his shoulders as you lower yourself down to drag your wet folds across his cock.
He hisses a breath through his teeth, his fingers digging into your hips to guide you, and you let him slick himself up against your pussy. He's so hard below you, looking painfully and almost angrily red at the tip. You sigh at the repeated friction on your clit and he twitches at the sound, dribbling precum that immediately mixes with your wetness.
"Need to be inside you. Now," he moans breathily, burying his face between your tits. He turns his head slightly to nip at the sensitive skin, and you tremble, trailing a hand up the side of his neck to bury in his soft curls. "You ready for me, darlin'?"
You nod quickly, chest heaving as you lift enough to reach down and wrap your fingers around him. Pumping him a few times, you drag the tip between your folds before lining him up with your entrance. He pants damply into your chest, more precum leaking out in anticipation.
And then you're dropping onto him, crying out loudly as you impale yourself on his cock. His hips shoot up off the couch, forcing himself deeper into your cunt, and he lets out a pained whoosh of air, adjusting to you as much as you are to him.
"Shit, that's—," he chokes out a moan as you start to move, "—tight. Fuckin' grippin' me, Christ."
You purposely squeeze him a little harder, exhaling sharply out your nose when his nails bite into your skin.
"Yeah, because you barely fucking fit," you tease breathily.
But it's more than that. You mold around him like you were made to take it, soft sighs leaving your lips as you ride him slowly. He fits perfectly, something that took precious time, his cock finding a home inside you over and over, reshaping your walls in his image. The lock to his key.
You bury that thought, too—with every swivel of your hips, every brush of your clit against his skin. He latches onto your breast, sucking a nipple into his mouth as you continue to work him.
His eyes flutter shut, hands beginning to guide you up and down a little faster as he swirls searing circles around the nub until it peaks. He tugs at it sharply with his teeth and you gasp, a spear of heat lancing through your spine as you gush around him.
It all feels so…fuck, he knows exactly how you like it. And both of you can hear how much you like it, feel how sticky you're making his lap. The slide around his cock is wet and easy, and your pussy's gripping him even tighter, but you need…god, you need—
"Joel, fuck me—come on, fuck me," you whimper, tugging him away from your tits by his hair, and he responds immediately. Taking over, he establishes a frantic, steady rhythm, lifting you until just the tip is inside, and forcing you back down.
But it's still not hard or fast enough to satisfy the way he needs you right now. He wraps his arms fully around your waist to hold you in place, pistoning his hips into you, forcing increasingly louder haahs out of your chest.
"That's it, darlin', take it…take it," he groans, head tilting back so he can observe every subtle change of expression as he gives you exactly you asked for. He leans up to capture your lips, but it's not so much a kiss as an exchange of breath, soft and humid as you pant heavily into each other mouths.
It quiets you for a brief moment—potentially the best possible moment, because out of nowhere, you hear faint voices passing by outside. They're way too close for comfort, and you realize belatedly that you made a huge mistake earlier.
"W-wait, the curtains—shit, the curtains…ngh…are still open," you barely manage to gasp out. "Fuck, the windows are open."
It doesn't deter him in the slightest and, instead, spurs him on. "S'alright, it's dark in here. They can't see us," he rasps, keeping up his merciless pace.
Ducking his head down, he sucks hard on a sensitive spot—your favorite spot—right above your collarbone, and you whimper much louder than you mean to.
"They can still fucking hear us," you all but growl, feeling your thighs start to quake despite your growing panic.
"Good, let 'em," he laughs almost cruelly, and he sounds so possessive that it stuns you momentarily. He takes the opportunity to abruptly tug you off his lap and toss you onto your back across the cushions, fucking back into you before you can even process the shift in position.
Now that he's on top of you, pressing down with his entire weight, his pelvis grinds into your already swollen clit with every single thrust, and you can't help the wail that escapes your parted lips.
He doesn't hesitate to pull you close, hugging your head to his neck as if he's trying to block out the rest of the world. Everything and everyone, but you and him.
"Always so loud for me. C'mon, darlin', lemme hear ya," he murmurs into your hair, hips snapping into yours. "I know you can be louder than that. Scream for me."
And you do. There's nothing else you could've done anyway, not with how he's dragging against everything just right. Your hips desperately swivel into his, chasing that hot, slick friction every time he connects with you.
The slap-slap-slap of your skin on his becomes a deep, wet thock-thock-thock the closer you get, your pussy dripping pathetically down his cock, fluttering with your impending release. He can feel it, you know he can, because he's moaning loud enough to rival even you now. He ruts greedily into you, hitting so much deeper than before.
"Christ…you're gonna make me cum," he warns, voice wrecked, his face still buried in your hair. "Jesus fuckin'…" You keen into his neck, still desperately chasing your own high, but it's not enough.
"J-Joel, I need—," you try to tell him, but he cuts you off.
"—'m fuckin' cummin'. Fuck," he grunts roughly, tumbling over the edge before you get the chance. His hips slow even as he continues to punch his cock as deep as it'll go, flooding your pussy.
No. Shit—no, no, no. He can't slow down, not now. You're almost there—so fucking close. He has to keep going. Just a little bit longer.
"No, Joel, no," you sob, legs kicking up around his waist as you grind up into him needily, increasing your speed. "Please, harder…please, please. Keep going for me—"
You feel rather than hear the groan rumble in his chest as he resumes his previous, unforgiving pace, ramming into you almost painfully.
"'m gonna. Don't'chu fuckin' worry."
At that, your orgasm quickly crashes over you, and you don't even realize you're slapping a hand into his side, still begging him not to stop as you wring him dry.
It's deafening what erupts from your chest when you finally cum. There's no doubt anyone outside can hear everything. Every squelch, every squeal, even the couch creaking, being pushed to its absolute limit.
Joel's name leaves your lips breathily, repeatedly like a prayer. You're shaking like a leaf underneath him, and he pulls back to brush your hair out of your face so he can kiss you, tender and open-mouthed.
This, too, feels gut-wrenchingly familiar but, for some reason, you don't want it to stop. Right now, you don't want to forget how it makes you feel.
He pulls out slowly, shoving two thick fingers inside you before your pussy can leak your combined releases all over the couch, and the sigh that escapes you sounds both content and despairing. He notices right away. Of course, he does.
Watching him leave you after nights like this hurts so much worse lately. Maybe it's nostalgia. Or maybe it's the unavoidable emotional connection you feel when he's inside you.
Even though months have passed since you decided you'd be better off without each other, something inexplicable keeps bringing you back together. It's not just the sex and you know it, no matter how much you choose to pretend otherwise.
He knows it, too. He tells you all the time—in the softness of his kiss, his desire to please you, and his eyes, still only ever focused on you.
And, now, in the possessiveness of his words and actions. Of his touch.
He gazes down at you knowingly, as if he can see every one of your troubled thoughts in the cloudiness of your eyes. He's always been annoyingly good at that.
"Y'know, I don't have to leave just yet," he murmurs, brushing his nose gently against your cheek. "Only in here, right? You're still mine as long as we're right here."
You let him wrap you up in his arms, nodding into his warm, beautifully scar-riddled chest.
"I'm yours."
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thanks for reading! 💕
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randomfandomwrites · 2 years
For Better or Worse (Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader)
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*not my gif*
Summary: Billy comes home late with Max, and you’re in the car. Neil is waiting for him outside.
Warnings: probably cursing, yelling, kind of angsty?, Neil being an ass, sad Billy (is that even a warning lmao)
Word Count: 1,806 oops
A/N: this is a little dramatic for my first story. it’s not that great, but it’s midnight, so whatever
Billy pulled up to his house, trying not to smile at the sound of your laughter. He didn’t think Max’s jokes were funny, but damn it if your laugh didn’t make him light up every single time. You were in the passenger’s seat of his Camaro, looking back at Max and giggling at every one of her stupid puns. Billy shut off the his car and turned to face the backseat.
“Get out, Max,” he said in an annoyed tone. Max grabbed her skateboard and backpack and climbed out of the car, throwing a goodbye to you over her shoulder before slamming the door as you waved enthusiastically from your seat. 
Billy wasn’t particularly happy about sharing you with Max, but you looked so happy talking to her on the ride home and you were so excited about meeting his sister (“She’s not my sister,” Billy had insisted) that when you and Max begged asked him to take the both of you out for ice cream, he gave in and took you to the nearest ice cream shop. Max got rocky road, while you and Billy opted to share a few different flavors. It would just be a few minutes, Billy thought. Everything will be fine, right?
A few minutes turned into almost two hours of you and Max sampling ice cream and getting to know each other, while Billy mostly watched in silence and held your hand under the table. Billy knew he was going to be late, he knew Neil would be angry, but fuck, you looked so happy that he pushed his worry to the back of his mind and tried to focus on you, only you. Eventually, you made it out of the place, but Billy already knew there was no talking his way out of this one. The closer you got to his home, the more anxious he became, which did nothing to ease his frustration. Billy wasn’t really scared for himself, he had long since stopped caring about anything his father said to him. But right now, you were in the car with him, and he knew all hell would break loose if Neil saw you.
As soon as Max closed the door, Billy sighed in relief and looked over to where you were sitting. You grinned at him, beginning to thank him for taking you and Max out when, out of the corner of his eye, Billy noticed someone walking towards his car. His heart dropped.
“Shit,” he said, beginning to panic. You were the last person in the world he would ever want to witness Neil’s abuse, let alone be subject to it.
“What? Billy, what?” you asked, anxiety building inside you before you glanced out your window. Your breath caught in your throat. You had never seen him before, but you knew from Billy’s reaction and the fear growing in your mind that this must be Neil. “Oh, fuck,” you whispered.
Billy’s hands were shaking as he fumbled with the keys and tried to start the car. “Come on, come on, come on!” he almost shouted in anger. Finally, the keys slid into place and Billy placed his foot on the gas, ready to speed away when Neil ducked into Billy’s rolled-down window.
“Billy! You’re home! I was starting to think something had happened to you. I figured it was the only reason you would be late,” Neil said, with uncharacteristic friendliness. You bit your lip, wondering what was about to happen. Neil was acting nice, but every instinct in your body was telling you to run, to get out of the car, to get away from him. “Did you hear me, Billy? You’re two hours late.” 
“I know, sir. I’m sorry. She wanted to go out for ice cream so we-” Billy started.
“Do I look like I give a shit about why you’re late? I told you to be home by 3:45 at the latest! Can you tell me what time it is?” Neil shouted.
“Almost six o’clock, sir,” Billy said, trying to keep his voice even. Right now, he was just glad Neil was leaving you out of this. 
“That’s right. I’m glad you’re not a total fucking idiot. You are not going to be late again, right?” Billy nodded silently. “Right?!” Neil screamed, slamming his fist into the car door. You flinched, but Billy remained completely stoic. 
“Right, sir,” Billy responded.
“Good, I’m glad we understand each other,” Neil sneered, before slowly dragging his gaze to you. Your heart stopped in your chest. “Who is this, Billy?” You tried to keep your breathing quiet and even, not daring to look over to where Neil was.
“She’s no one, sir,” Billy mumbled, tensing at Neil’s words.
“Oh, well if she’s no one...” Neil stepped away from the car for half a second, pretending to shrug it off. “WHO IS SHE!?!” Neil screamed, hitting Billy’s car again. Billy closed his eyes, fighting tears. He couldn’t cry in front of his father. 
“She’s... my-” Billy broke off, inhaling shakily. “She’s my girlfriend,” he whispered, so quietly you almost didn’t catch it. 
“Son, I’m gonna teach you a little life lesson right now. Girls like her are nothing more than common whores you can pick up at the supermarket. She’s a bitch. She’s nobody, Billy,” Neil spat, looking at you with contempt. 
“She’s not a whore,” Billy muttered. 
“Excuse me?” Neil shouted. “I’ve had enough of your fucking disrespect.” He reached into the car and grabbed Billy’s face, forcing Billy to look at him. Neil moved his hand down to Billy’s neck, slamming his head into the car seat.  “Whoever this bitch is, she is not worth your time or mine. She’s a fucking slut and she’s probably the reason you were two fucking hours late. I don’t want to see her, or anyone, around here again. And you,” he said, looking past Billy to meet your eyes. “you stay the fuck away from Maxine and Billy. I better not ever see your fucking face again in my life. You’re a worthless fucking cunt, and if you interfere with my rules again, I’ll kill the both of you. Am I clear?” You looked straight ahead and nodded. “AM I CLEAR?” Neil screamed, slamming Billy’s head back again. 
“Yes sir, you’re clear. I understand,” you answered quickly. 
“Am I clear, Billy?”
“Yes, sir,” Billy breathed almost inaudibly. Neil was calm for a moment, then slapped Billy with the back of his hand. 
“I can’t fucking hear you,” Neil growled. 
“Yes, sir, very clear,” Billy said. 
“Good, good,” Neil smirked. “Now get the fuck away from my house.”
Billy didn’t have to be told twice. He jammed his foot onto the gas, speeding away as fast as he possibly could, tears pouring down his cheeks. You were crying too, though not as much as him. “Billy...” you murmured. He shook his head vigorously, unable to say anything until he was far, far away from his father. His knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel too hard, and you gently reached over and put your hand on his. Billy allowed you to pull that hand from the steering wheel, and you locked his fingers with yours. He squeezed your hand just once, glancing over at you. He pulled into an empty parking lot and turned off the car. You sat in silence for a while, waiting for him to speak. 
“(Y/n)... (y/n), God, I am so fucking-” he cut off, trying not to sob. “I’m so fucking sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he cried. You had seen him cry once or twice, but never like this.
“Billy, it’s okay, I don’t care what he says about me.” 
“But he fucking said those things, and I didn’t fight him, I didn’t do anything, fuck,” Billy rambled. “I should’ve told him to shut up, I should’ve driven away, you weren’t ever supposed to see that, hear that, fuck-”
“Billy, hey,” you said softly. He turned to face you, tears still glossing his eyes. “It was my fault we were late. I’m sorry, I should’ve thought about...” You couldn’t look at him.
“It’s not your fault, babe,” he whispered. “Neil’s just a dick. He always has been. But I never wanted you to... shit, I’m so sorry.”
“Billy, do you remember when we started dating and you told me that you had never been in a real relationship before?” Billy nodded. “Do you remember what I told you?” 
“(Y/n), I gotta admit, I’ve never really done this whole dating thing. Like, the loyal to one person and not fucking around thing,” Billy laughed nervously. You took his hand and laughed.
“I’m glad I’m your first for something, Billy,” you teased.
“Shut up,” he mumbled, blushing. “I just... I don’t know how to do this. I don’t want to hurt you, I’ll never want to hurt you, I’m never gonna, but I’m scared that I’m gonna fuck things up and you won’t love me anymore.”
“Billy, we’re dating now. That means staying and sorting things out, no matter how hard or annoying they seem. Plus, I’ll be here every step of the way,” you grinned. “I’m with you no matter what, for better or worse, okay?” Billy returned your smile.
“Do you remember what I told you?” 
A ghost of a smile appeared on Billy’s face.
“Yeah,” he whispered. 
“I’m with you for better or worse, baby. Now and always,” you said. 
Billy ran a hand through his hair. “I’m just scared that with me, it’s gonna be for worse. You don’t deserve that,” he mumbled. 
“You don’t deserve it either,” you pointed out. Billy grunted, looking at the floor. “You don’t, Billy. I don’t care what Neil, or anybody, says, you deserve to be happy. And I’m glad I’m the one who gets to make you happy because-” You took a deep breath. “Because I love you, Billy,” you finished quietly. It was the first time you had said it out loud. Billy whipped his head to look at you, wincing a little.
“You love me?” You smiled slightly and nodded.
“Yeah, I do.”
“That’s good, because I love you too.” Billy smiled a genuine smile for the first time that evening. He pulled you toward him, leaning in to kiss you. The kiss was soft and gentle, unlike Billy’s usual rough, passionate kisses. He just wanted to be close to you right now. You placed your hands lightly on the sides of his face, careful to avoid the place where Neil had hit him. Billy wrapped his arms around you in response, pulling you still closer to him before breaking the kiss. You placed your forehead against his and stroked his cheek. “For better or worse?” Billy asked.
“Now and always,” you replied quietly. Billy smiled again.
You loved him.
Thank you for reading! I went a little overboard but whatever. Love you all!
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mooshkat · 1 year
Since you said they’re fun to write I am here to beg more nanteo smut from you… 2C for the m/f gif prompts bc the white converse immediately made me think of Nancy’s 3x17 bedroom fit
this ran away from me and will probably get posted as its own thing on ao3 ngl fjdjdjgks. oops. i'm glad you're liking the nanteo smut!! they're honestly my favorite to write right now.
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Nancy and Mateo were meant to be getting lunch with the others, but a misread text meant they showed up earlier than they should've. Instead of waiting in the car, they decided to look around and ended up finding a nice storage closet to sneak into.
"Shit, dude, I can't believe we're doing this here," Nancy hisses at Mateo, fingers twisting in his hair as he kneels between her legs.
Mateo looks up at her with a grin that shouldn't be as adorable as it is, not while he's actively flipping up her skirt and pulling her panties down. He slips them all the way off and considers them for a moment before tucking them into his pocket. "It'll be fine! You just have to stay quiet."
He says it like a challenge, and Nancy has never been someone to back down from one. She tugs on his hair and he whines, leaning into the touch. "You have to be quiet too," she reminds him. "Even with your mouth full, you can be loud, baby."
Mateo rolls his eyes, but Nancy catches the blush that spreads across his cheeks. He grabs the back of her thighs and lifts her onto the shelf behind her, then spreads her legs as he dives in like a man starving.
Nancy gasps, her back arching as Mateo licks between her folds. She slaps a hand over her mouth, muffling her whine as he gets her nice and wet, licking broad stripes over her cunt before fucking his tongue into her.
She can't help but grind against his face as he gets her wet enough to slip his finger in alongside his tongue, followed soon by a second finger. Fucking his fingers into her at a lazy pace that has her groaning, he moves up to take her clit into his mouth and sucks hard.
Mateo moans around her as Nancy pulls on his hair again, and the vibrations from it have her toes curling as she urges him closer for more. He pulls away for a quick breather and fuck, his face is already so messy, shiny and wet with her slick. Mateo licks his lips and groans, eyes slipping shut as he savors the taste of her.
"Come on!" Nancy whines, closing her legs around his head and pulling him back in. "You have to be quick if you want me to suck you off before everyone gets here."
He curls his fingers and goes back to sucking on her clit, flicking his tongue against her as he works to make her come faster at the promise of his own orgasm.
Nancy trembles as Mateo finds her g-spot, fucking her and rubbing it relentlessly until she's whining as she comes. Her legs tighten around his head, squeezing him and keeping him against her as she rides out the aftershocks, shivering as Mateo gently licks around his fingers.
She only lets him go when it becomes too much, pushing him away after he sucks on her clit one last time.
"Fuck." Nancy pants, legs shaking as she struggles to get her breathing back under control. Mateo stands up and, from her seat on the shelf, she has to look up at him now. "You have a little—" she waves a hand around her mouth, eyeing the mess on his face.
Mateo blushes and wipes off the slick on his face, a mess of spit and come from eating her out so enthusiastically. "Did I get it all?"
Before Nancy can look and make sure for him, there's a loud banging on the door that makes them both jump.
"If you two lovebirds are done, we're ready to eat." Marjan's voice carries through the door.
Mateo cracks open the door, and Nancy leans over him to peek outside at her. She has her arms crossed, and her brows raise as she looks at the state they're in.
"Even if it looks like one of you has already eaten. You missed a spot." Marjan gestures to the left side of her chin and Mateo ducks back inside the closet to wipe it off. "We got a table outside, so you two can cool off with the breeze."
Nancy is pretty sure she hasn't blushed this bad in years. "Got it. Thanks." She gives Marjan a thumbs up and slams the door shut, trying to ignore her friend's loud cackles as she walks away.
"I can't believe we got caught," Nancy groans, slumping against the door. She turns around and Mateo is pouting, grinding the heel of his hand against his dick as it strains in his jeans.
"I can't believe I didn't get to get off," he grumbles. He glances at the door and then looks back at Nancy. "You think they'll care if we take another five, ten minutes?"
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Tbh this fandom is annoying me soo much and sometimes i feel like you need to share all those strange takes if you don’t want to be called names. I’m all about criticize what need to be criticize but sometimes i ask myself if we aren’t going too far. Sometimes it feels like we are so full of ourselves to think that we know everything. For example I don’t like the fact that Simone can’t like or leave a comment under a post where they are defending POC because people immediately make it about Bridgerton or how some people act as if she is stupid.Since s2 came out, more precisely since the beginning of the year, every single days people talk about the same thing. Now they are starting again with the bts stuffs especially with a photo with the cast except Simone and Claudia. This fandom need to take a position because it’s embarrassing to see the same people say that Simone was happy in B, even posting stuffs where she is all excited and happy about her experience or about her return in s3,and then at the same time stating she was treated badly/ she was isolated by her castmates etc…if a person is victim of all the stuffs this fandom is talking about she can’t be happy or excited and I honestly believe Simone because you can see on her face how really happy she is. So maybe there are indeed some strange stuffs but it’s not completely how some people are imagining 🤷🏻‍♀️…ah people need to remember one thing: CC is a WOC like Simone. You can’t fight for Simone while at the same time be awful to CC even about her stuffs outside Bridgerton because then you only show that it’s not about fighting for WOC rights and all but it’s only a fandom who is obsessed with an actress so they need to shade everything and everyone for her and this is so wrong
[Posting this first because I'm still working on the Regé post 😭😭 - it's longer than I expected and took a toll on me cos looking up receipts of his mistreatment is not fun oop so currently taking a break from that so I can go back to it with a fresh set of eyes! Also will be reblogging gifs and stuff in the meantime just to off load how stressful everything has been not just in terms of the post but life]
Anyways holy smokes anon you went off - hope this helped getting it all off your chest. I do agree with most of these though with this line: "I feel like you need to share all these strange takes if you don't want to be called strange names"
I do hope you're referring to when people overanalyse the IG activities rather than about calling out bigorty and showing solitary especially to the fans and cast of colour. Because we need more of the latter. We cannot stop calling out production and other racist/racially ignorant fans that let them off the hook. Otherwise they'll get even more complacent than they are now.
I agree there have been a lot of repetition but mostly because the Bton team keeps pulling the same shit. Though now I'd argue there's new shit happening every other day sigh.
As for Simone on set, my take is she was fine/okay on set, also the cast isn't buddy buddy like others and that's okay, it is work and a job after all. I think like Jonny mentioned she was probably surprised by their stories and arc in the final script, especially when the audition flashback scripts she got never saw the light of day in the final versions. Maybe a little confused by the way promo rolled out but she doesn't seem like the type to want to centre everything on her so she wasn't going to make a fuss and did her own things instead. That being said still doesn't excuse or make it okay for the way she was sidelined in her own season.
HARD agree on your last point. I've already talked abt this before and yeah I'm indifferent to her as a person and understand why others may not be fans of her (and there are other Indian actresses they prefer anyways which valid) but some anons around just keep spreading hate and I feel like most of us are tired honestly - both fans of CC and those who don't care much for her. Like she's gone guys, let her go.
Anyways thanks for sending this in and hope you feel better anon also it might help to take a step back from the fandom too at times. Breaks are good!
That being said yall I think I'll close asks for a bit, my numbers are giving me a bit of anxiety. But anything urgent at all, my DMs are still open ❤ Thanks for understanding!
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choking-on-tae · 3 years
ATEEZ Reaction to: You loving to hear them moan
A/N: This was not requested but I just got this idea. Mainly because I think it's hot when guys moan. Might have gone more out with this than I have in a while.. oops... Anyways... hope you guys enjoy! As usual gifs aren't mine and credits to the rightful owners! x
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Seonghwa was a little surprised when he heard you say that, but it didn't come out of the blue either. He noticed that you always clawed at his back whenever he let some of his own moans out, just like you're doing now. He smirks softly as he slows down his pace, almost coming to a halt as he looks you in the eyes.
"I already thought you liked them, but I'm glad you told me." He says, brushing your hair out of your face as he leans down to kiss you.
You tangle your fingers in his hair as you pull him impossibly closer, making Seonghwa smile against your lips. When you tug a little harder on the strands he can't stop himself from letting out a groan. Feeling you clench around him in response.
"Fuck you really love it when I do that, huh?"
You quickly nod your head before going back to kissing him. Seonghwa responds eagerly as he continues moving his hips, slowly picking up pace again until you pull away from his lips, throwing your head back against the pillow as your nails scratch down his back.
Seonghwa lets out a low grunt as he continues slamming his hips against yours, bringing you closer to your highs.
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Hongjoong wasn't quiet during sex, but he was definitely holding back his moans. Because he wanted to hear you since it really turns him on, little did he know that it was the same for you.
"Please don't hold back your moans, Joong." He looks up at you, his eyebrows furrowed as he takes in your words.
"But I want to hear you." He says, lacing his fingers with yours as he brings your hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against the back of it.
"I want to hear you too." You whisper softly, afraid of his reaction. It's then that it clicks in Hongjoong's head. A smug smirk spreads across his face as he raises his eyebrows playfully.
"Ah really? You like to hear me, hm?"
You nod your head as you try to look anywhere but his eyes. Hongjoong is having none of it and tilts your face so you're looking directly at him.
"Eyes on me baby. Let me show you how good you make me feel."
He crashes his lips against yours as he continues thrusting inside of you, making both of you moan in the kiss.
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Yunho is a sweetheart but can also be a teasing little shit when he wants to be. Yunho was never quiet during sex, always letting out low grunts that sound incredibly hot, but he still tried to hold back his own moans so he'd be able to hear you. When he discovers that you actually get off on hearing him moan he starts to use it against you.
Yunho stops holding back his moans when you have sex, letting his head fall back against the pillows as a low grunt escapes his lips. He instantly feels you clench around him and a proud smirk spreads across his face.
"You really like hearing me baby, don't you?"
You rest your hands on his chest as you lean in closer, so your noses are almost touching. You nod softly as you feel Yunho's hands on your hips, holding you down as he thrust up into you.
You throw your head back as a loud moan escapes your lips, Yunho does the same as he continues snapping his hips against yours.
Deep grunts escaping every time he does so, feeling you clench around him as you wrap your arms around his neck.
"Fuck Yunho you sound so hot."
A teasing smirk spreads across his face as he brings you down enough to kiss you, holding you close as he brings you over the edge.
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You always loved hearing Yeosang's deep voice, but in certain situations it had a different effect on you. Yeosang took notice of this and one night when the two of you were having sex and he let out a loud moan, he instantly felt you clench around him. He stopped moving as he let out a low chuckle, looking at you with a smug expression on his face.
"Why did you stop?"
Yeosang rests both hands on either side of your head, effectively caging you in as he leans down, stopping just above your face. That same smug expression still plastered on his face.
"I didn't know you liked to hear me moan, baby."
You feel your cheeks heat up at his words as you try to look everywhere but his eyes. Which is easier said than done when he's literally above you. Yeosang grins at your shyness and leans down to press a kiss against your lips.
"It's okay sweetheart. I really like hearing you moan too."
He pulls back just enough to snap his hips against yours, making you dig your nails into his shoulders. Yeosang lets out a loud moan as he looks you in the eyes. His intense stare only bringing you closer to your high.
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Listen. We all know San can't keep quiet, but he'd still try sometimes. He gets off on hearing you moan so therefor he tries to hold back his own sounds. When you notice him doing just that you pull his hair to get him out from the crook of your neck, your action causing San to let out a involuntarily loud moan. His cheeks turn a soft shade of pink as he looks up at you, feeling your wall clenching around him as he connects the dots.
His flustered expression makes place for a smug one as he smirks at you. "That's why you don't want me to hold back my moans. Does my baby get turned on by hearing me?"
Your eyes widen at his words as it's now your turn to be flustered. San chuckles at your expression as he hovers above you. That same smug smirk still evident on his face.
"Don't be embarrassed Y/N. Now I know how to make this feel even better."
You raise your eyebrow at his words until you feel him slamming his hips into yours at a fast pace, loud grunts escaping his lips as he places one hand next to your head, the other holding your hip tightly as his eyes bore into yours. The eye contact only making you get to your high faster.
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Mingi wouldn't be very good at being quiet in the first place, which was something you liked. You just never realized how much he was holding back his own sounds of pleasure whenever you two had sex. Because when you blow him he's a lot more vocal than he is during sex, which confuses you. So when you're having sex and notice him biting down on his bottom lip to prevent him from moaning, you stop him.
Mingi looks at you with confusion written all over his face as he stops thrusting into you. "Why did you do that?"
You wrap your arms around his neck as you pull him closer to you, brushing his hair out of his face as you lean in to press a soft kiss against his lips. "Because I want to hear you too."
You nod softly as you smile when you see him doing the same. "Okay, I just hope the neighbors won't complain tomorrow."
You want to laugh at his words but don't even have the chance to do that since he snaps his hips against yours, letting out a deep grunt as he closes his eyes in pleasure.
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listen, we know Wooyoung is loud and a tease. So expect that from him when he finds out just how much you like to hear him. He stops what he's doing and pulls back enough to be able to look at you, wiggling his eyebrows as he's smirking at you.
"Ah really? It turns you on, hm?"
You want to slap that smug smirk off of his face but instead just roll your eyes at your boyfriend. Wooyoung chuckles at your expression as he leans down enough to whisper in your ear, his hot breath tickling the sensitive skin of your neck.
"Well, maybe I should be even louder then, hm? Let the whole apartment complex know how well we fuck."
He laughs as he sees your flustered expression, quickly hiding your face behind your hands as you feel your cheeks heat up. Wooyoung chuckles as he pries your hands away from your face, looking at you with that same smug smirk.
"There's nothing to be embarrassed about baby."
"Can we stop talking about this and please continue?" You ask, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss.
Wooyoung eagerly returns the kiss as his hips start moving again, soon slamming against your own at a fast pace. Loud moans escaping your lips as Wooyoung grunts lowly, bringing you closer to the edge.
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Jongho would be so flustered when he first found out you like hearing him moan when you have sex. He always loved to hear how good he's making you feel and it didn't even cross his mind that it might be the same for you. So one day when the two of you are having sex he decides to stop holding back his moans. What he didn't expect however was for you to react the way you do.
As soon as he lets out a moan he feels you clench around him, his eyes growing wide momentarily as he realizes just how big the effect is on you. He lets out a soft chuckle as he feels his confidence rising.
"Y/N, why didn't you tell me just how much you like to hear me? If I had known this sooner I would have stopped holding back my moans a long time ago."
You don't even have the chance to response because Jongho continues thrusting into you at a fast pace, making you throw your head back against the pillow as you dig your nails into your boyfriend's shoulders. Jongho groans in response as he feels you clenching around him.
"Fuck baby I'm not gonna last long if you keep doing that."
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knchins · 4 years
HQ Captains - Thigh Riding
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Pairing: Daichi x Fem!Reader, Oikawa x Fem!Reader, Kuroo x Fem!Reader, Bokuto x Fem!Reader, Ushijima x Fem!Reader, Yuuji x Fem!Reader
Rating: E
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings:  (placed before each drabble under the name header)
Notes: My first haikyuu piece and I’m fairly certain it’s trash lmao. I’ve had this idea in my head for a while and I thought about sending it to a hq writer as a request but decided to try and tackle it on my own? I just needed a break from bnha. Couldn’t be bothered to make my own header gif for just drabbles. Oops. I think I mentioned it in all of them, but just in case I didn’t all characters are aged up to college years.
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Warnings: Public orgasm, minor depiction of D/s relationship?, Daddy!Daichi
If there was one thing you absolutely loved about your boyfriend, it was his beautifully thick thighs. Every volleyball game had you drooling and you absolutely hated having to wait after a match to strip him of his clothes and beg him for a victory fuck. Not that you had to really try to convince him. The adrenaline after a good match always had him hard as a rock in no time. 
However, before you could get to that point. He always insisted on taking the team out for a celebratory dinner at a nearby restaurant that had supported the college team for years. They helped with fundraising and often gave donations to the team for new equipment or uniforms, so Daichi always thought it was only proper to return the favor with a little business. 
This meant you had to be incredibly frustrated for a few hours after the game, and it led you into some very...intense situations. For instance, you found that if you pressed his buttons long enough, then he will get angry and he will punish you. One of those punishments (your favorite one, actually) was when he patted his thigh for you to sit on it. 
He’d bounce it hard against your already needy cunt. Everyone else was too wrapped up in their own side conversations to notice how your face suddenly turned bright red. He holds you in a death grip as he forces you to put on a show for him, anything to stop your incessant whining for his dick. Soon enough you bite the inside of your cheek to keep from making even the tiniest of moans as the entire team is literally right there in front of you. You come undone fairly quickly, somehow being even more turned on by him taking control of you. 
Sugawara totally notices but keeps it to himself, making a point to distract the first years from looking your way.
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Warnings: Public sex, vaginal sex, jealousy
At a club one night, back in one of the booths in the dark, you had been pouting about all the attention your boyfriend was receiving. He was always such a flirt and a ladies man that you knew he simply could not help himself. He thrived on attention after all and this wasn’t anything new. 
You climbed into his lap, pushing the table back to give you room as you straddled one lean thigh. The college captain was giving you a bright-eyed look. “What are you doing, love?” He asked, voice low but you could still hear him over the thrum of the loud music due to his close proximity. 
“Showing all those bitches who you belong to.” You said coarsely, grabbing onto the edges of his jacket to hold onto as you rolled your hips slowly, dragging your clothed pussy up his thigh. The friction sending shocks of pleasure up through your body. 
Oikawa would be all for this. He’s such a little exhibitionist at heart. Making people hear you scream his name was definitely his most favorite kink. He’d place his hands on your hips and guide them back and forth, making you go faster and harder until you were crying out for him with sheer need. 
He wouldn’t be able to handle not whipping his dick out in the end, not letting you cum before he can tug the middle of your panties to the side underneath your dress and just senselessly fuck you then and there. 
Either no one noticed or no one dared to stop the famous Oikawa Toru.
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Warning: public orgasm (I have a problem okay), minor dirty talk
Kuroo could be one of the most conniving pieces of shit and that was something you absolutely loved about him. He was always teasing you in public, getting you going so that you’d pull him into some dark corner just to satisfy your needs. Would he oblige you or simply let you suffer until later? It entirely depended on how generous he was feeling that day. 
Today was the former, and the entire time in the dark movie theater he had been conspiring to find a way to get you off. First his hand started on your knee, then slowly crept up your thigh, squeezing at optimal points in the film (typically during the steamier scenes). He didn’t particularly like romance films, which made it easier to focus on you instead. 
The first indication that he was getting to you was the tiniest of mewls that came from you when his pinky brushed against your clit under your skirt. He knew then and there that he had you. You would quickly turn into putty in his very capable and experienced hands. 
He smoothly leaned over and whispered into your ear a simple suggestion to get onto his lap and watch the movie from there. It didn’t take much convincing, really. It never did. You moved into his lap, sitting on one thigh while continuing to face the movie. He had instructed you to not look away and to not resist. Since when did you ever resist him? 
Kuroo planted his hands firmly on your hips and began to guide them back and forth. Oh, you immediately thought. This was totally different then what you were expecting. Tiny bolts of pleasure ebbed through you as your pussy moved across the rough material of his jeans. Fuck, why did this feel so good? 
He leaned forward to whisper into your ear, “Don’t make a sound, kitten, or they’ll all know what a dirty girl you’re being.” He said before licking the shell of your ear with his cat-like tongue. You shuddered against him, unable to fight as you urged him to move you faster. 
You panted quickly, keeping your eyes and face forward as he began to roughly drag you back and forth while you climbed higher and higher, eventually crashing down as you were swept up with your own pleasure. You had to place a hand over your mouth, thankful that this part of the movie was a little louder than the rest to muffle the moan that you couldn’t stop from coming out of you. 
When you were done, Kuroo leaned you back against his chest, hands lazily around your waist as he planted soft kisses on your neck. He always did love winning and every orgasm was definitely a victory.
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Warnings: public orgasm (...again, I know), minor dubcon, voyeurism?
“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Bokuto said rather loudly as you sauntered over to him, “if it isn’t my baby girl!” His owlish grin spread across his face as he reached out to grab your wrist, pulling you into his lap. It was an after party after a pretty close match with Nekoma and the captain was feeling particularly fiery after the win. 
You giggled at him, allowing him to cuddle you for a moment. His face buried into your neck, inhaling your sweet perfume as he wrapped his arms around your waist in a close hug. He was always extremely affectionate after a good game, and if Fukurodani won...well it was game on in an entirely different way. 
Bokuto’s knee bounced rhythmically and naturally you were forced to bounce along with it. Your legs shifted so you were straddling his perfect thigh and you couldn’t help the small moan that came after he hit your clit at a particularly electrifying angle. “Oh yeah?” He asked, a sly look crossing his face. “You like that, huh?” 
“Bokuto,” You said in a threatening tone, knowing that you didn’t want to do something like this out in the open where anyone could see you. And by the look on his face, that is exactly what he was thinking about doing. However you could rarely stop him when he got started on a new and improved way of getting you off. 
His hands shifted to your hips and guided them to move in rhythm with his bouncing thigh. The quick small jerks of his thigh, the friction against your clit, it just felt so incredibly good that you couldn’t help but give in. 
To keep your moans muffled you chose to kiss him, squeezing his shoulders for support as he stopped moving your hips. You had already taken over, choosing your own pace to go at that would make you hit your peak in no time. 
Akaashi and the other teammates, noticing what was going on, watched curiously until they were sure you had had an orgasm. Akaashi gave the other three a knowing nod and they started cheering for their captain. Bokuto looked back at them with the biggest grin they had ever seen.
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Warnings: Public orgasm, possessiveness, jealousy, D/s dynamic?
With Ushijima, PDA was always a hard pass. He wasn’t very affectionate outside of your private lives, and you had come to terms with that. It didn’t mean he wasn’t an excellent and attentive lover when he wanted to be. Sometimes though it would have been nice to be able to show off that you were dating such a powerhouse of a player. 
You had managed to drag him to a party celebrating Shiratorizawa’s victory in a recent regional tournament. You knew he needed to de-stress, it was always so obvious to you and getting him to relax could sometimes be a nightmare. 
Shortly after you arrived, he mentioned he was going to go tell Satori something about the last game and for you to go dance. Ushijima wasn’t much of a dancer himself but boy did he love watching you move your hips to the music. 
What he hadn’t expected when he came back from speaking with his teammate was the sight of another man trying to grind against your ass. Obviously you weren’t paying him no mind, trying to slip from his grasp time and time again. 
Ushijima wasn’t affectionate, no. But he was possessive. Anyone dares put their hands on you in his sight was bound to regret it and tonight was no different. He quickly marched over to you and pulled you into his broad chest. You looked up at him with a knowing smile. On a normal night Ushijima would never dance with you. But add a spark of jealousy and he’d do just about anything. 
You moved your body against his, enjoying the closeness as his leg slipped between yours. It may have been an accident or it may have been on purpose. You weren’t entirely sure. Either way, you take it upon yourself to begin to grind against his large thigh, eyes glossing over at the delicious feeling of arousal. 
He glanced down at you before returning to staring down the man that had been attempting to dance with you, seemingly paying more attention to the advisory than his own girlfriend. That was fine, you were now enjoying yourself plenty by thrusting your hips with the beat, his hands on your ass. Once it hit him what you were doing, pleasuring yourself by the use of his limb, he leaned down and whispered threateningly into your ear. “If you cum now, you’ll pay for it later.” 
It was a very valid threat, you knew that fair and well. That didn’t stop you from releasing your hold on your orgasm, allowing you to come undone in his arms all at once. Ushijima immediately wrenched you from him before grabbing your wrist in a bruising grip with an absolutely murderous look on his face. You were too busy basking in the afterglow to even care for whatever punishment he had in mind as he dragged you to a private room.
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Warnings: minor dubcon, light dirty talk at the end
Honestly you only started dating Yuuji because he wouldn’t leave you the hell alone until you gave him your number. And then he simply harassed you until you said yes to a date. However, after that first date he showed how much fun and playful he could be and you totally fell for the idiot albeit reluctantly. 
He is always finding new ways to explore sex with you. Anything to make it even more fun than it already is. The idea was totally his because you were always squeezing his thighs or playing with the hem of his shorts because you just couldn’t keep your hands to yourself when you were with the giant loud ball of energy. 
The first time he decides to branch out and try this, you’re both on his couch watching a professional match. Your fingers are teasing his skin, fiddling with his pants as usual when he guides you into his lap so that your leg is between is. 
You give him a quizzical look and he just has that face that tells you that he’s about to make you cum whether you like or not (spoiler alert: you always like it). He puts his hands on either side of your hips and forces them to rut against his leg, causing you to shudder with delight. 
You take the hint quickly and begin moving at your own pace, finding a particularly wonderful angle that gave your clit the right amount of stimulation. “Fuck, baby, look at you getting off to my thigh.” Yuuji says with that shit eating grin. He always took pride in discovering something new for you to enjoy. He clicked the stud of his tongue ring against his teeth, something he tended to do when he was particularly excited. 
“F-Fuck,” You whimpered as you came on his leg, now wet with your slick. Yuuji was grinning madly, eyes sparkling with joy. 
“Yahoo, baby! You came all over my thigh, how did that feel? Bet you’d feel even better with my cock buried in you-”
Tag List: @dabi-hates-fish​, @rivendell101​, @honeytama​, @lovelusional​, @gallickingun​ (didn’t include people who asked me to tag everything because I wasn’t sure if they wanted to be tagged in hq stuff!)
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
peer pressure [jo wilson]
jo wilson x reader
requested by anon: hey there! i saw you accept requests for greys anatomy, so i was wondering if you could write for jo wilson? she's dating y/n in secret bc the two of them are still figuring out their relationship. y/n is brought to the hospital and since no one knows about the two, jo is assigned to operate on her but jo gets really stressed and panicked, not wanting to mess up. protective jojo would be sweet <3
warning: shooting, blood
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*not my gif*
The sound of a phone ringing awoke you from your peaceful slumber. You grabbed the pillow from next to you as you threw your head over it. A familiar weight on top of you. 
“Jo,” she just hummed in response, “Jo, your phone,” 
Her head immediately shoots up and grabs it off your bedside table, but not before elbowing your stomach in the process. You let out a groan, “Oops, sorry love,”
“Hello,” her voice rang out as she answered her phone, “Okay I’ll be right there!”
You remove the pillow off your face as she hung up, “I have an emergency surgery that I need to scrub in on. You’ll pick me up, right?” 
“Same spot, in. my dark ominous tinted car,” I joked with her and she jokingly rolled her eyes. You paused before continuing to talk, “Have you thought about us? I know after Alex you weren’t sure if you wanted to date again, but I don’t know if we’ve been going on dates and getting closer. I know you want to be ready-” 
She leaned over as she changed into a pair of scrubs that she kept at your place, just in case stuff like this happened, and placed a soft kiss to your lips. 
“We’ll talk about when I get back, okay?” you let out a sigh knowing that this isn’t the first time that she avoided the conversation, but you put on a tight lipped smile before nodding. 
“I’ll call you when I’m off,” she shouted before walking out the door.
“Okay, I love you. Go save some lives Supergirl!” you shouted back, but it was too late the door was closed. 
That’s what you always did, you always shouted it right as the door closed, because you knew that she wouldn’t reciprocate those feelings. 
You understood her need to keep her walls up. She was married to Alex and then he just up and left, but you wanted more than hiding on a corner block away from the hospital just so her friends wouldn’t see. 
You looked at the time on your clock and let out another groan. There was no point in trying to get a little more sleep. You rolled out of bed to get ready for your day at work. 
The day was a little cold compared to the fast few days. But you continued your walk towards the familiar coffee shop you stopped in every morning before work. However, today was different, through the coffee shop window you could see a heated argument occurring.
You bursted into the coffee shop to see your usual barista Kate shaking in fear. The man turned around and he had a gun in his hand. You put your hands up immediately knowing what to do in a situation like this.
“Hello sir, whatever you need we can give it to you,” you told him, trying to ease the situation.
“I want the money that’s in the register!” he screamed.
You shook your head, “Okay, you got it. Just put the gun down please,” he slowly lowered the gun and you gave Kate a nod, “Unlock the register, it’s going to be okay,” 
Just when you think you’re safe and the man’s about to leave. His ski mask slips off his face and you breathe out a sigh, knowing now that you’re a liability. 
“Shit!” he yells, pointing the gun back at you and Kate.
“Just go, we won’t say a word,” you told him. 
He shook his head,  “I can’t let you do that,” 
And with that a shot rang through the coffee shop. You felt your body go cold as you fell onto the floor, clutching your side. 
Then you could see him point his gun at Kate, so you did what you were taught to do. You got up quickly from off the floor as you stood in front of her. The bullet hit your shoulder as you fell down once more. Before another shoot could ring out, you could see the blurry visions of officers behind him. 
Your breathing started to become ragged as the blood starts to leave your body bit by bit, “Kate...” you whispered and she looked at you panic in her eyes, “I need you to put pressure on my wound, okay? I’m losing too much blood to-to do it myself,” 
But before you could feel any pressure, your vision slowly faded away.
“Y/N, you don’t have to pick me up right now. There was a robbery at the coffee shop, there’s one injured and I was assigned. I’ll call you again when I’m done,” Jo spoke into the phone after trying to call you three times. 
Jo immediately ran out to the parking lot where the ambulance park. The paramedics arriving right as she got out there. They burst through the ambulance door as Jo went over to them. 
“What have we got?” she asked, not giving a look at the patient for just a second.
“We found the ID of Detective Y/N Y/L/N,” the paramedic said.
With that Jo immediately lifted her head from the bullet wound and saw your pale face going in and out of consciousness. A pit falling into her stomach as she completely blocked out everything else.
“Y/N,” she whispered, fear evident in her eyes.
You looked at her with a loopy smile, grabbing a hold of her hand, and squeezing it with all your might. You could feel your eyes start to slip away again, “I-I love you,” 
Your eyes shut as you slipped out into unconsciousness, “Dr. Wilson,” the paramedic said sternly, “She’s losing too much blood we got to get her to an OR,” 
“Right, yeah. Get her to OR one,” 
They placed you on the OR table as you were blacked out. The loss of blood making it too hard to stay awake. They hooked you up to the anesthesia before opening up your side.
“We’re ready Dr. Wilson,” the anesthesiologist said.
Her hands started to shake with the scalpel in her hand. Thoughts rushing through her mind. 
Focus Jo, just focus. 
But her thoughts wouldn’t quiet, “Dr. Wilson, is everything okay?”
She shook her head, “No, someone grab my phone and get Dr. Grey on the phone,” 
A nurse immediately grabbed her phone and dialed Dr. Grey, “Wilson, what’s going on?”
“I need you to get to the OR as soon as possible,” she said, her voice slightly cracking.
“I’m on my way,” 
Jo spotted Meredith walk into the OR, “I need you to do this procedure, please,” 
“Why?” Meredith asked as she immediately took Jo’s place, but Jo didn’t respond, “Wilson, if I’m going to take over for you I need to know why because this is a simple find the bleeder,” 
“This is Detective Y/N Y/L/N, she’s my-” Jo starts before the tears started getting choked up, “I don’t know what we are, I’d always avoid the conversation, but they-”
“They mean a lot to you,” Meredith finished and Jo nodded.
“Can I stay here with you? I don’t wanna leave their side,” Jo whispered.
“Only if you tell me about them,”
Jo pulled out a seat and watched as Meredith worked on you. She told Meredith everything about what was going on. 
“They always asked me about us and what I wanted us to be. They were always ready for a relationship, they wanted to make things official but I-I just couldn’t,” she whispered.
“What was holding you back?” Meredith said as she used the suction to take the bleeders out of you.
“I guess I was scared, Alex left and I met Y/N and I fell for them each more every day. The thought of losing them or I guess them abandoning me, I couldn’t take it,” Jo said, staring at your face. 
She ran her thumb over your cool skin and smiled at you with tears in her eyes, “Every time I left their apartment, I’d give them a kiss, and I’d say bye. Right as I shut the door I hear them call out and say ‘I love you! Go save some lives Supergirl!’. I never said it back, I need to say it back,” 
“And you’ll be able to, they’re stable. We’ll take them to the ICU and they’ll be able recover nicely,” Meredith replied as she stitched you up, “Just make sure you tell them this time,” 
You awoke to the sound of soft beeping noises and a bright light on your face. The familiar weight that’s usually on top of you when you woke up was right there. 
Your eyes fluttered opened as you see that you’re at Grey Sloan Memorial. The familiar weight was indeed Jo, sleeping peacefully on your chest in her navy blue scrubs. 
“Jo,” you whispered and she stirred awake looking up at you.
“You’re awake,” she whispered, holding you even tighter.
You let out a soft groan, “Ouch love, that’s the wound,” 
“Oops sorry love!” she exclaimed once more and you laughed softly.
“It’s okay. Not that I’m complaining, but I’m surprised you’re on top of me. I know we’ve been keeping us a secret,” you asked, kind of confused. 
She looked at you with a guilty look in her eyes, “I'm sorry. I was scared, after Alex, I didn’t think I’d find love again. But then you, you came, and every day I fell in love with you more and more. I never wanted to talk about what we were because the thought of you abandoning me like everyone else did killed me. So I thought if there’s no label and you leave I won’t get hurt,”
“But then I heard the paramedics ID you and the thought of losing you without telling you how much I love you killed me more. I can’t lose you Y/N,” she whispered, “I love you so much and I can’t lose the person who put me back together,” 
You cupped her cheeks softly and kissed her sweetly. As soon as you pulled away you placed your foreheads together, “So we’re dating?” you teased and she laughed softly before nodding, “I love you so much. I’m not going anywhere,”
“Good,” she kissed you once more, “Just please no more jumping in front of bullets,”
“What? You can’t be the only one who saves lives,” you teased, but you could tell that she was being serious.
“I know that’s your job, but seriously love you weren’t even off the clock. I need you with me,” 
“Then with you is where I’m going to be,” you kissed her forehead before she settled back into your arms, holding you tighter than ever before.
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littlemisslipbalm · 4 years
“Similar Tastes”
An enemies to lovers classic. You and Harry are too similar for you to ever get along...maybe
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Hi hi! This is for @majorharry’s 20k celebration writing !!! Hope you all enjoy, I always love to hear from you :)))
The prompts I used: “How about you get off my dick” and “Sorry, I didn’t know”
This gif bc Harry “oh god that’s TEQUILA” Styles is king
Fluff? Smut? But definitely angst? Idk how to describe it bahaha a little bit of everything
Word Count: 4.0k | Warnings: language (there are actually two slurs in this - they’re bisexual slurs and they’re said by the bad guy so just take that into consideration), mature content (not quite smut but y’know), alcohol consumption, girl kissing girl at one point
Pt. 2 is up!
Saturday night. It was finally time to go out with your group of friends and you couldn’t be happier. Well, you could, but what would make you that happy wasn’t possible. If one of the people in your friend group wasn’t there. That would make you the happiest.
Almost everyone has that one person in your friend group who you can’t stand. Like, at first you don’t really know them and then as you get to know them more you just can’t stand them.
For you that was Harry.
While neither of you would admit why you hated each other, it was obviously about how everyone would always compare the two of you. You had practically identical personalities, and had similar fashion taste. At first, everyone else thought you would end up together because it seemed like you were perfectly matched. But the first time someone said, “Oh, Harry, your jacket looks just like the one Y/N wore last week.” Both of you had seethed in complete dissatisfaction. 
Naturally, Harry took his jacket off early in that evening and you never wore yours again. You hated being compared to Harry, being told he had made a similar joke or said the same thing about something made you want to reevaluate your entire value system. Maybe it was because you both had such an individualistic mindset, but neither of you enjoyed being compared to anyone and that’s what made it all the worse when people chose to compare you to each other. It boiled down to both of you wanting to be the best at everything - the most unique, rather - that made you dislike the other so much.
So, tonight at the bar, as your group rattled in from the street, you stuck close to your pals at the front while Harry was chatting with someone near the back of the pack. Your eyes had met briefly when you’d seen each other’s outfits. Harry’s a half unbuttoned Gucci cream dress shirt, that was rolled to his elbows, tucked into high waisted navy trousers finished with cream boots and yours a navy bra top with a faux collar and a deep cut to show your cleavage paired with cream high waisted pleated pants and navy loafers. Not exactly the same, but if you had stood next to one another it would have looked planned. You rolled your eyes at him as he narrowed his towards you. You couldn’t wait to order a few drinks and let loose after a hard week at work.
As you all approached a booth, somehow the group shifted and Harry and you were suddenly side by side as everyone was getting in the booth. Then, you were sitting and Harry was right beside you. He tried to cover his groan of annoyance when he realized he’d have to be sitting next to you, once again regarding your outfit with disdain. Your only response was glaring at him. The friend who you had been talking to, Marie, placed her hand over your ring-clad one, that was now gripping the side of the table out of annoyance. “Play nice,” she said. You relaxed at her touch trying to refocus on the purpose of the night, fun.
Soon, a waitress made it to your table and smiled sweetly at all your bright faces. Harry and you were located to her left, and her eyes reached you last.
“Oh! You two are too cute! I love when couples coordinate their outfits!”
Harry’s eyes bulged out of his head and you gave a tight-lipped smile as you tried to keep yourself from having a blood vessel pop in your eye right then.
“We’re not” you began, Harry cut you off, “together, love.”
His expression changed as he smirked up at the waitress, trying to make it clear that he was very much single.
“Oh! My apologies...So what can I get everyone?”
As she began to take the orders, you shoved your elbow into Harry’s rib. You did it for two reasons, for him cutting you off when you were talking and for being so on top of you in the booth.
He turned to you, “The fuck was that for?”
“For being an asshole.”
“Excuse me?”
As you’re about to go off on him about being rude, Marie taps your hand and you realize it's your turn to order.
You clear your throat, trying to shake off your angry tone, “Tequila on the rocks, please.”
The waitress nods and then turns to smile at Harry, he gives you side eyes of disdain, “What’s your most expensive tequila?”
Her smile grew, “We’ve got Don Julio Real and Gran Patron for top shelf.”
“Don Julio on the rocks, please.” He winked.
She nods, scribbling something on her notepad, “Oh! Would you like Don Julio as well?” she returns to you.
You shook your head, “No. Jose Cuervo works just fine,” and glared at Harry once more.
Of course he would ask for top shelf, you thought. Harry couldn't have gotten through saying the exact same order as you, especially after the waitress had already pointed out the similarity in your clothes.
“You just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”
Being in such close proximity to Harry made you incapable of leaving the bickering alone. Everyone else always ignored when the two of you really got into it, because it honestly wasn’t that interesting. Like an old married couple, though none of them would ever dare say it.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Y/N?”
You scoffed as he turned in his seat to look at you. “Oh, please, you just couldn’t handle ordering the same thing as me. You had to flex that you could order Don Julio!”
“You’re just upset because you can’t.”
“Come off it! I could, but I don’t feel the need to boost my ego by showing off to the waitress that I can afford the expensive stuff.” You laughed at his attempt at snubbing you about what you can and can’t afford.
His eyes darkened and flashed at you and you could see it even in the dim lighting off the bar. “I wasn’t trying to show off, it’s not my fault you don’t care to drink the good stuff.”
“Okay, Harry,” you say sarcastically, waving him off.
He huffed, annoyed that you were the only person he was sitting next to. He had to call across the table if he wanted to speak to anyone that wouldn’t involve you being completely in the way. As he was about to call out to Mitch who was directly across from him, the waitress returned with everyone’s drinks.
“Jose Cuervo on the rocks! And Don Julio on the rocks!” She beamed at the group after finishing handing them out.
Everyone thanked her and she disappeared. You and Harry simultaneously took sips of your drinks.
You wrinkled your nose, “This isn’t Jose Cuervo…”
Harry placed his drink on his coaster and swallowed, licking his lips he said, “I think mine is, tastes cheap.”
“You’re really an ass,” you say as you shove your misgiven drink to him and snatch his from the table instead.
Harry growing tired of your arguing already, “Whatever you say, sweetheart,” he rolled his eyes and took a larger sip of the correct drink.
You take a sip of your own drink and sigh again, “This isn’t even tequila, what the fuck?”
“Ah, no wonder it tasted like shit. What do you think it is?”
“Well, considering there’s only, like, a handful of clear hard liquors besides silver tequila, probably vodka, idiot,” you breathed the last word under your breath, still Harry stared at you with daggers in his eyes. You weren’t actually sure how many other liquors it could be, but you were so pissed off by the whole situation you just wanted to make him shut up.
“Well that’s a bummer, kid. Maybe next time, order a better tequila and she’ll get it right.”
You shoved him, not wanting to wait for the waitress to come back to fix her mistake, “How about you get off my dick and then I can go get something worth drinking?”
Harry huffed as he slowly moved his body up from his seat, yet he stayed so close to the opening of the booth you were practically chest to chest when you slipped out. Due to that, and maybe a little bit on purpose, you knocked your drink forward to get a small amount on him. Not enough for him to be drenched, but enough to bug him for the rest of the night.
“Oops?” you tilted your head and held a sickeningly sweet smile on your face as you looked at his taken aback look. His prominent jaw had dropped as the cold liquid had pooled over his left breast pocket, some of his tattoos now much more visible. You quickly turned on your heel and bounced off to the bar. Harry grumbled and sat back down, Marie leaned over with a napkin, trying to dry him off a bit.
With a fresh drink in hand you weaved back to the table, all your friends were laughing together at something Harry had seemingly said. When you arrived everyone beamed up at you, far more jovial after a few sips of their drinks. Only Harry’s face was sour, but you chose to ignore it and smile at your friends, waiting for Harry to get up to let you into your seat that he had occupied in your absence. When he didn’t, your face began to fall from its smile.
“Are you going to get up?”
“No, just take that seat,” he waves his hand beside him, trying to go back to the conversation he was engaging in before you had arrived.
“But, you’re in my seat,” you pushed.
“You’re the one who decided to get up and leave it.”
“You cannot be serious, Harry.”
“As a heart attack,” he said flatly, and then turned his head to Sarah who was next to Marie.
You looked around the table for help, Mitch gave a slight sad smile like he felt bad, but everyone knew there was no changing Harry’s mind. You knew you didn’t have the strength to yank his large, muscled body out of the booth, so you resigned and took his old seat. There, you kicked Harry’s leg harshly and took a long sip of your alcohol, just wanting to get drunk enough to want to dance and then not be near Harry.
After a second round of drinks, this time the waitress getting your order right, you were feeling better. Harry and you were largely ignoring each other and laughing along with the rest of your friends to some story. Every so often his leg would open up and bump into yours and you’d hit back at it harder, his eyes sliding to your face for a moment and then looking away. He made you so hot with anger and the closeness of bodies in that bar already had the temperature way too high. You gulped at your drink, trying to cool down, but it only had the opposite effect, the alcohol mixing with your blood, heating up your insides, as well.
Then, once the third round of drinks were served, Marie suggested it was time to dance, commenting that some random song that was currently playing was ‘her favorite’. It wasn’t, but whenever she got drunk, every song was ‘her favorite’. However, you were all happy to oblige, feeling restless as the alcohol was buzzing in your systems.
Out on the dance floor, some of the couples in your friend group paired off to dance on each other while the rest of you spread out. You spotted a woman in the crowd wearing a sequin dress that looked absolutely gorgeous on her, her blonde hair reminding you of some rocker chick in the 70’s. While making your way towards her, Harry tried to get in front of you, obviously making his way to her as well.
Another thing Harry and you had in common, the people you typically went for - men and women. Shaking him off with a hand on his chest and a glare, you reached her first and she smiled at you as you complimented her outfit and began to dance with her. Harry resigned to staying with some of your other friend’s when he saw how the woman threw her head back at something you said to her. Soon, she was grinding herself against your front, your lips attached to her neck, hands on her hips.
Feeling particularly happy with yourself, your gaze flitted around the crowded dance floor. Eyes scanning those around you, you soon made eye contact with Harry, who actually wasn’t that far off. His eyes looked a more dull green in the light and he rolled them when he saw you looking up from your place against the beautiful woman. While he still looked on at your languid figures pressed together, you teased your tongue up her neck a bit, causing the woman to keen into your touch. As Harry was about to look away, shaking his head at your antics, he caught sight of a guy approaching you and the other woman.
He said something to the pair of you, but you couldn’t hear him. The woman had opened her eyes to look at the guy and you had removed your lips from her, shaking your head that you didn’t catch what he said.
He repeated himself, yelling this time, “Fauxbians out here trying to catch a real man! How ‘bout we make you total lugs!”
He was loud enough for your friends to hear, including Harry who had been watching the whole scene play out. He pushed through the crowd to get to your side, he might not like you, but he couldn’t stand someone who was homophobic, or biphobic, in this case. You pushed the woman off of you and to the side, she was clearly upset and you weren’t going to let what the guy said slide.
“What the fuck, man? You think it’s okay to say shit like that to people? What year are you living in, like for real?”
As you were about to start really ripping into him, you felt Harry’s presence beside you. You looked over and he looked angry, like really angry, not annoyed or exasperated as he usually did with you. Angry like he was about to grab this guy by the shirt and start pummeling him. Even with all the alcohol in your system, you knew that wouldn’t actually help the situation, even if you did want someone to wipe the smug look off this guy’s face, which had only grown worse since you’d started yelling at him. It was like this stranger was getting off on making these two women in front of him uncomfortable and upset.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Harry spat at the guy.
“Harry,” you turned your body towards him and put your hand on his chest, placing yourself between him and the rude guy, “I’m not letting you get into a fight over what he said. It’s not worth it.”
He had pushed himself almost against this guy, Harry easily hovering over him. Harry looked down at you and then back to the guy, who was chuckling to himself, stepping back from the scene.
He seethed, “You disgust me,” he looked at the man. “Just crawl back into whatever hole your sorry ass came out of.”
The guy just laughed and walked off. Harry looked down at you, his eyes softening instantly. You couldn’t exactly distinguish the look he gave you, you just knew it was something you’d never seen directed at you.
Your brow remained furrowed as you looked at him, then he said, “Let’s get some air.”
You looked around the room for your sequined dress woman, but she was nowhere to be found. So you let Harry take you by the hand out the side exit, to the bar’s alleyway.  
Outside, you immediately brought your hands to rub over your exposed arms, the tiny sleeves of your shirt not being enough to brave the brisk night air. The altercation had shaken you up quite a bit and immediately sobered you. Harry stepped closer to you out of instinct, seeing you were shivering, but having nothing to offer warmth except himself. The two of you leaned against the bar’s outer wall and took a few deep breaths.
“Are you alright?” Harry asked, voice slightly hoarse from yelling in the loud bar.
“Fine. You?”
Why was he being so nice, you were surprised he had stepped in at all, but now he was checking in on you past that, it was confusing.
“Of course. You didn’t even let me get a single swing in.”
You scrunched your face at his comment regarding violence. “Why did you even come over? I can handle myself,” you asked, suddenly feeling the normalcy of bickering settle between the two of you.
Harry rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. His pectoral muscles slightly shifted and pushed around his cross pendant in the center of his chest.
“Because he was a dick,” he started, then sighed, “And because I can’t just let some homophobe say a bunch of slurs to my friend.”
Your eyes grew wide and shown in the street lamp, as they looked up into Harry’s green ones. He was slightly sweaty from the bar, but it was quickly drying and leaving a slight sparkle on his skin. His jaw was tensed, as he tried to maintain eye contact with you. You remained silent, unaware how to respond to his statement that he did, despite much evidence saying otherwise, care about you.
Harry decided to continue, “You might piss me off, like all the time, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay for a random asshole to say that kind of shit to you.”
“I’m your friend?” you circled back to what he had said earlier. Your voice was small and also hoarse from yelling in the bar.
“Of course, Y/N, what the fuck?”
“I thought...I guess I never saw it that way.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know competing all the time and being annoyed with each other was friendship.” You shifted closer to Harry, your words dripping in sarcasm. Even now, as the two of you checked in on each other and talked about your friendship, you managed to fight.
“That’s just because you’re constantly infuriating me and getting us into fights,” Harry smirked, tapping a finger on your cold nose.
“I think you’ve got it backwards, there, Har,” you winked.
“No, I don’t think so,” he shrugged and pressed closer to you.
Neither of you were very clear on what your bodies were doing, slowly moving so that you had your back against the wall and Harry’s hips were pressed up against yours.
“It’s not my fault you’re always jealous of me,” you breathe, his face inches from yours.
Harry snorted a laugh out of his nose, his eyes slowly blinking and looking away from you, before staring directly at you. “Oh, please, now who has it backwards?” His right arm went up beside your head and his hand rested on the cold stone next to you. His breath, from his laughter and words, fanning over your face, made you close your eyes at the warmth.
You moved both of your hands up to his chest, and he looked down at the movement. One moved up to grip his shoulder and the other fiddled with the cross that had caught your attention when he had folded his arms.
After a beat, Harry said your name, barely above a whisper. Your head tilted up, looking up at him questioningly. You didn’t really understand the position the two of you had shifted yourselves into. “Can I kiss you?” Harry asked.
“Do you want to?”
“Kind of…” He ran a finger over your cheekbone.
Your eyes danced with mischief “Why?”
“Are you serious?” Harry asked in slight disbelief.
“As a heart attack,” you said gravely, throwing the words he had used earlier back at him. He sighed a slight laugh.
“Like I said, infuriating…”
Just as he was about to pull away, you reached up and connected your lips with his. Your hand cupped his strong jaw and brought him closer to you. His warm, wet lips pushed against yours with vigor. There was passion in the kiss. A constant push and pull for who got to be in control. You sucked on his lower lip, trying to get him to open up his mouth, but he declined.
He pressed you further onto the wall, while cradling your head to keep it from knocking against the concrete. His teeth nipped at your lip after a few more moments of fervent open mouth kisses without tongue. You resigned to not getting your way and let his tongue lick into you. Your tongue pressed against his as the two of you continued kissing. While his mouth was harsh, the rest of his touch was mostly soft. The hand that didn’t cradle your head was rubbing up and down your side, only venturing down to your bottom occasionally and squeezing quickly.
Finally, he pulled back, gasping slightly for air. He then rested his forehead against yours and you looked at him from beneath your lashes. One of your hands was now twisted in his curls, while the other was gripping his shirt, over the dried vodka spill from earlier. You smiled as you exhaled a big breath. Harry chuckled giddily.
“That was hot,” you said.
“Y’know, having similar tastes...might not be such a bad thing after all.”
“Knowing us we probably like all the same things…” you trailed off, blushing at the suggestion.
“Why don’t we find out sometime,” Harry winked before brushing his lips against yours once more.
Pecks weren’t possible for either of you though, both of you furiously pressing back together, hungry for more of the heat that came from you kissing.
“That’d be nice,” you whimpered against his lips.
“I think it’d be more than nice…” Harry brought his head down to suck on a part of your exposed cleavage, one of his legs pressed between yours, pushing slightly up into your heat. A strangled moan left your lips as you tried to stifle it. Harry chuckled, his face moved up to right beside your ear, “You’d probably love to have me take you right here, huh?”
His leg pressed up into you and your body automatically grinded down on the pressure. The alcohol and sexual grinding from earlier had gotten you horny and the making out with Harry had definitely heightened your desire.
“But we both know you can’t,” you gained your strength and pressed a little on his shoulders.
As much as you desired Harry right now and he seemed to desire you, as well, he was right. You two were extremely similar and would never actually have sex in a bar alleyway, as much as you might want to in the moment. You both laughed, releasing the sexual tension that was surrounding you.
“I know, but it’s fun to pretend we could...How about we go to my place and see what other fantasies we share?” Harry twisted a strand of your hair in his large hand.
“For once, I’m happy to be on the same page as you, Harry,” you grinned. He picked you up and spun you around, making you shriek in laughter, before heading back into the bar to gather your stuff.
You were quick to scurry out of the bar after telling your friends you were both leaving, tired from everything that had happened. Everyone simply nodded, but the minute you were far enough away they all snickered about the lipstick smeared on the corners of Harry’s lips and your terribly mused hair. Mitch even placed a twenty in the palm of Sarah’s open hand, shaking his head in defeat.
Tag list: @cronias13 @theresthingsthatwellneverknow @harrxier @harrys-cherrry @sltwins @awesomebooklover17 @harrys-stan
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x-childish-x · 3 years
can you pls do nsfw prompts 10, 24, 30, and 42 for peter maximoff?
Definitely More Than Best Friends
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x fem!reader
Fandom: X-Men
Warnings: nsfw, SMUT, virgin!reader, teasing, soft!Peter, praising
Word Count: 1190
A/N: Hello! Thank you for the request! This ended up being so much longer than I thought... oops 😂 I really hope you enjoy this. As always, feed back is welcome.
Summary: After coming back from a mission with your long-time best friend Pietro, things take an unexpected turn.
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(gif not mine!)
You leaned against Peter as a whine left your lips, "Stop doing that!"
"I'm sorry I just hate going slow," Peter frowned as he closed his door behind him.
You snickered as you began to pull down the zipper of your mission suit, "I bet you do, don't you."
Peter appeared behind you, a 'whoosh' accompanying him as your hair flew forward, and he asked in that suggestive tone he often used, "What's that supposed to mean?"
You swatted at his hand, "So dirty-minded."
Slipping off your suit you were quick to reach for your shorts and one of Peter's t-shirts. But it quickly disappeared with a 'whish' that made you pout as you turned to see Peter holding them by the door. It was often like this between you and Peter. Constantly flirting, the sexual tension high between you two... ignoring the fact that you were a virgin and that you were madly in love with Peter and had been for as long as you could remember.
Peter and you had grown up together, so despite the fact that you two weren't a couple, you always were this way. Changing in front of the other, showering with the other in the bathroom getting ready, teasing each other about anyone you looked at for slightly just too long.
"Peter Maximoff, give me my clothes," You spoke sternly, crossing your arms and unintentionally pushing your breasts up for Peter to get a better view of.
He shrugged, "I like you better with them off."
You rolled your eyes, "It's not fair if I'm the only one in their underwear."
Within a blink, Peter was in nothing but his boxers, smiling cheekily before appearing right in front of you, "Y'know darling, when you cross your arms like that, you're really just giving me a better show."
Immediately you dropped your arms, going to swat Peter's arm but before you got the chance you were plopping onto the bed. You frowned at Peter who stood right beside where you lay on the bed, a smirk wide on his face. Your eyes roamed over his body, heat rising to your cheeks as you saw the slight tent that was rising in his boxers. Peter couldn't like you that way... could he?
"Geez Pete seems like you're the one giving me a show," You smirked as you teased him.
Peter's eyes shifted before he was suddenly hovering over you, "I could give you a show.. oh I could give you a good show."
You gulped as one of his hands placing itself on your cheek before he slowly lowered his lips. Sparks. Fireworks. Warm tingles radiating throughout your whole body. There was no proper way to express the pure joy radiating throughout your body as your lips finally met Peter's. It was needy, both of you had been waiting far too long to kiss like this, to actually act upon your instincts. When you pulled away Peter's forehead connected with yours while his hands roamed down to your hips.
"Damn I've waited too long to do that," Peter groaned, squeezing your hips.
"You're telling me," You teased before realizing your position, "Wait... Pete, I'm a virgin."
"Wait, you're a virgin?"
"Oh shut up, don't act like you don't know. You never let any guys near me."
At this Peter laughs, kissing your cheek, "You're mine, now let me show you a good time,"
Peter smiled before attaching his lips to your neck, kissing and sucking, making his way down. Your hands find his silver locks and you pull, smiling at the groan he emits. He's gentle with you, unclasping your bra and pulling it off you agonizingly slow as he continues to kiss, now on your breasts. His hand finds the way between your legs, rubbing your clothed pussy and eliciting a loud moan.
Peter takes his time, his mouth suckling your nipple while one hand rubs your clit and the other kneads your other breast. You're slightly amazed how he remains only balanced on his elbow before he switches. His mouth switches to your other nipple while his hands switch, only this time he slides two fingers in, causing you to moan loudly.
"Keep quiet," Peter hisses against your boob.
You give a tug on his hair, prompting a groan from him that makes you smile, "Don't be gentle. Just 'cause I'm a virgin doesn't mean I haven't masturbated."
Peter hums in response, adding a third finger, and begins thrusting in quickly. You bite your lip as your hands tighten in his hair. Within a few seconds, he's detaching his mouth from your nipple, only to attach it to your clit. His pace is relentless, and if you didn't know him so well you might've accused him of using his mutation on you. He smiles at your reaction, enjoying the show you were giving him.
"Too long," You moan as he pulls his fingers out.
"Such a good girl. Always have been," He praises you as he pulls away slightly, "So responsive for me, how long have you thought of this?"
"I'll go gentle for this," Peter smiles lovingly at you, lining himself up with your entrance, "That is if you still want this. We don't have to do any of this. I know it's quite sudden."
"No, please, ruin me. Please, Pete."
A smirk rises to his face at your needy request before he slowly begins to push in. You claw at his shoulders, nodding each time as Peter asks if you're okay. After he is fully in -and holy shit he's huge- he stays still until you nod for him, breathlessly telling him it's okay to continue. He starts slowly, pulling out and thrusting in until you slowly begin to moan again.
Your quiet moans begin to fill the room as Peter picks up pace, thrusting into you. His head drops as he nestles into your neck, kissing and nipping as he thrusts. His soft grunts float up to your ears, which only make you feel even more consumed by bliss.
Peter Maximoff, your best friend since you were three, was currently thrusting himself into you in the most intimate way possible. You had, dreamed of this moment for far too long, and judging by Peter's grunts, he had too.
"So good.. oh, so good darling. You're such a.. a.. good girl for me. O-oh, I've waited so long for this," Peter groaned into your neck, "Oooh, you feel so good, darling."
"P-Pete," You moaned softly, your hands finding his silver hair once more and tugging, "I'm g-gonna cum."
"Cum for me good girl, cum for me."
His words slammed you over the edge, your walls clenching tightly around Peter as you orgasm. It didn't take him much longer, stilling inside you as he followed. He collapsed against you, using his arms to hold up some of his weight while he kissed your shoulder.
"You did so good darling."
"Pete, I... I love you."
"I love you too, was it not obvious enough?"
You both laughed as he lifted his head, "I'd be lost without you."
"Good thing you'll always have me."
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calaofnoldor · 3 years
Sixth Time’s the Charm [3]
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(not my gif)
Characters: Sam x F!Reader, Dean
Words: 3,695
Series Summary: All the times Dean has tried to get Sam to admit his feelings for you.
Chapter Summary: Dean suggests the two of you pose as a couple for a case. Sam objects wholeheartedly. (aka Sam and Y/N go to therapy.)
Warnings: jealous!sam, jealous!reader, language, idiots in love, mutual pining, fake marriage, kind of a case!fic, slow burn, fluff, basically all the tropes
A/N: hi loves, sorry this took so long! had some trouble with this one and i’m still not completely happy with it but hopefully you guys enjoy anyway. and i’m sorry the chapters keep getting longer, haha this whole series was only supposed to be a one-shot. oops.
written for @spnfluffbingo and @girl-next-door-writes make me feel bingo!
Square Filled: Fake Marriage for @spnfluffbingo and Mutual Pining for @girl-next-door-writes​
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The third time was honestly quite fun for Dean. It started with a rare night of relaxation. The three of you were hanging out around a table in the bunker library, steadily working your way through a six-pack Sam had brought back from a supply run earlier. Dean had his legs crossed and feet propped up casually before him, while you and Sam were scrolling leisurely through the internet on your respective laptops.
“I think I just found us a case,” Sam had started with furrowed brows, as he sat up to get a closer look at his screen. “So get this, two married couples in Wisconsin were found dead after visiting the same couples therapist.”
“Does it say how?” you asked, fidgeting with the label on your beer bottle.
“Yeah, they all fell from windows in upper stories.”
Your brows flew up and you huffed in disbelief, “You’re right, seems like a rather unlikely coincidence, probably something up our alley.”
At this point, Dean was ready to burst with glee. God himself could not have presented a better opportunity. If things worked out, he could finally put an end to Sam’s petulant spasms and eradicate the sexual tension that hung so potently (and disturbingly) throughout the air whenever you and Sam were in the same room.
“Well, I guess we know what we gotta do…” Dean tried to fight the grin on his lips as he turned to you, “Hey, Y/N?”
With a perfectly straight face, he managed to ask, “Will you marry me?”
The mouthful of beer that Sam was about to swallow erupted forth in a cascade of tiny droplets, spritzing through the air as he began to cough and choke on what little alcohol had somehow made it down the wrong pipe.
You immediately looked over to see if he was alright, not expecting to find the usually adroit and graceful man a sputtering, red-faced mess, “Geez, Sam. Are you okay?” Rising from your seat to move towards him, you stopped when he held out a large palm and waved it at you as a form of both reassurance and interception.
“Yea- yeah, I’m fine,” Sam wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand, taking a moment to recompose himself before sending you an awkward little smile of gratitude.
Dean cleared his throat, “So whaddya say, Y/N/N?”
“About my proposal, before Sammy so rudely interrupted.” Sam was glaring holes through his brother now, but Dean paid him no attention.
“Oh, right,” you chose your next words carefully, “Umm, you mean you wanna go undercover?”
Dean shrugged his shoulders, tilting his head to the side as he raised his eyebrows in a suggestive smirk, “If the shoe fits…”
“Well aren’t you romantic?” you quipped sarcastically.
“Oh sweetheart, just you wait and see,” Dean sent you a wink that you were sure had dropped many a panty in his time yet held little to no effect over you because… well because you were busy being a little too enraptured by his baby brother. That didn’t seem to stop Dean though, “Trust me, as your loving husband-” It was Sam’s turn to clear his throat, but again Dean ignored him, “I'm gonna romance the shit outta you.”
You scoffed at him in amusement, “Right, you mean when we go to couples therapy?”
“Baby girl, you’d be surprised-”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Sam couldn’t hold it in any longer, throwing both hands up in objection, “Can we just back up for a minute? Why does anyone have to get married?”
Dean shot him an incredulous look, “Come on, Sam, we've worked enough of these cases to know this is always the easiest and fastest way.”
Through stiff jaws Sam released a harsh, conceding sigh, “OK... then... why does it have to be you and Y/N?”
“Cause we’re best friends; it'll be more believable,” Dean answered easily with a grin.
A disbelieving stare crossed Sam’s indignant features before he looked down to suppress his emotions with a sardonic nod and pursed lips. It was one thing for Dean to suggest playing your husband but to claim that you're his best friend instead of Sam's... That was too far.
“Plus, you've always been better at playing FBI,” his brother continued with that irritating smile.
Sam gave himself a moment before stating adamantly, “I don't think it should be you.”
“What, why? You don't think we can get the job done?” Dean’s tone was accusing, and you knew he was trying to provoke Sam, but ever since the notion that two out of the three of you needed to play a married couple had been introduced, you found yourself at an inevitable impasse.
“No, I-“ Sam could barely get any words out before Dean circled back to you instead.
“Y/N?” The look Dean sent you forced you to face your inner dilemma head on. On the one hand, you wanted nothing more than an excuse to get close to Sam, to hold his hand and gaze at him adoringly without worrying about anyone seeing, and so much more… but on the other hand, you feared that a glimpse of the ‘real deal’, however contrived, might just push you over the decisive edge. What if you couldn’t go back to your platonic guise after? What if you broke your own heart?
“What? Um, yeah, I think it could work,” you rubbed the back of your neck nervously, keeping your eyes on Dean’s to avoid meeting Sam’s.
Your response elicited a smug expression on the older Winchester’s face however, as he returned to questioning his brother, “So what is it, Sam? You don't think I can pretend to be in love with Y/N? Cause trust me, that'll be easy.” There was that wink again, prompting a roll of your eyes.
“No, I just-“ You were worried Sam’s jaw might fall off if he clenched it any tighter. Why did he seem to care so much anyway? Was he jealous? The thought popped into your head almost as quickly as you dismissed it.
“Then what, Sam?” Dean plucked at that final straw and an explosion of the type that had seemed to become increasingly common from the ordinarily calm and gentle giant followed.
“IT SHOULD BE ME, OK?” Sam roared in frustration, his expansive chest was heaving and his hazel irises had darkened immeasurably. “It should be me,” he repeated more quietly.
Dean smirked; this was exactly what he wanted, exactly what he expected. “Well geez, Sammy. If you wanted to get with Y/N so bad, you could’ve just said so.”
“Wha- that’s not- I don't,” Sam looked extremely distressed and you couldn’t blame him. Whatever Dean was playing at had led him to essentially force Sam to reject you out right, and being the compassionate soul that he was, you knew Sam never wanted to hurt you that way, even if it was indirectly. “I just- I think it would work better this way. You're not exactly the marriage or therapy type and you're just not-“
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. You wanna shack up with Y/N and who could blame you? There’s no need to throw a hissy fit, baby brother. She’s all yours.” Dean chuckled at the sight of your averted eyes and Sam’s burning cheeks, thinking his work was just about done, “Alright, I’m gonna go get Baby ready. You kids have fun.”
When the echo of a closing door filled the room, Sam turned back to you, “Y/N, look I-“
“Don’t worry about it, Sam, I know what you meant,” you brushed him off hastily, “And you’re right, Dean would probably have a hard time keeping up the act. He’d end up flirting with the therapist or something.” Laughing always did help you conceal the pain in your chest.
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As it turned out, it was a flirtatious therapist you should have been more concerned about. The woman had eyes for Sam only as soon as the two of you walked into her office and sat down on the tiny loveseat before her.
“Welcome, I’m Dr. Ryan, but you can call me Marlena,” she paused to perform a not-so-subtle scan along the length of Sam’s body before smiling at him seductively, “Why don’t we start by introducing yourselves?”
You kept your expression neutral though there was an urge to glare at her. After all, didn’t she think Sam was a married man? Perhaps this was part of the scam that got the couples before you killed, your rational side countered.
“Uh, OK…” Sam appeared rather uncomfortable beside you, pressing his lips into a tight semblance of a smile, “Umm, I'm Sam and this is my wife Y-Y/N.”
The damn Winchester was always so adorably flustered every time someone hit on him, something you never failed to find incredibly endearing, especially considering he was a 6'4” hunk of a man who could surely get inside the pants of any woman he wanted. You assumed, being that good looking, he’d be used to the attention by now, but the fact that he still reacted this way was a true testament to his humility.
“And how did you two meet?”
“Through work,” Sam answered shortly. A resounding pang had shot through his chest when he introduced you as his wife and he was still trying to recoup. If only this wasn't all make-believe, if only he could sit close to you and hold your hand in his whenever he wanted and not just for the sake of a ridiculous pretence. The Mr. and Mrs. titles and matching rings weren't even necessary. He just wanted to make you his as much as he was already yours.
Fuck, Dean was right; Sam was in deep. Just the thought of Dean acting as your husband had his heart racing and every muscle in his body tense with envy. There was no way he could have handled seeing his brother all over you, even if it was pretend. And if the fact that he had to make Dean go get the rings for your current ruse, because he had a strong suspicion the act of buying you a ring yet knowing it wasn’t real might just annihilate the final pieces of his fragile heart, wasn’t telling enough... Sam was finally beginning to realize that he could no longer deny his feelings for you.
“Tell me about that. What is it you two do?”
Although the questions were directed at both of you, Marlena’s gaze remained resolutely transfixed upon Sam, but the man was much too busy thinking about you to notice.
“Uh, well it was about 3 years ago. We’re firefighters and Y/N had been sent from another division to help out with a particularly bad… fire. But she somehow got there before we did, and when I arrived on the scene, I saw her walk out of the burning building in a blaze of smoke and dust. She was carrying a little boy, who she had just saved, covered in ash and soot, a-and there was scrape above her left brow that had left a trail of darkened blood down the side of her face,” Sam smiled to himself at the memory, “But I couldn’t move. It was just all so surreal because it was the last thing I expected to find, and I thought she was the most beautiful soul I had ever set my eyes on. I knew right then that I would gladly devote the rest of my life to getting to know her better, to becoming worthy of her, but when she came up to us, I could barely speak in full sentences and I made a fool of myself by stumbling over my own feet. My brother, who’s uh- also a firefighter, later told me he thought I was having a stroke.” Sam chuckled softly. His eyes were downcast, and he seemed to be a little lost in his own world.
By contrast, you were staring at him in shock. You remembered the day quite clearly, although in reality it was a wendigo that you were forced to kill by starting a fire since your flare gun wouldn’t work, but Sam got the rest of the details spot on. The lilt of his voice as he spoke had made it all sound so real, for a moment, you nearly tricked yourself. Who knew he had such incredible acting chops on top of all those other skills?
“Well, that sounds like a beautiful start. I’m assuming you work together now?” Taking note of the new edge in her voice, you gave her a nod and Dr. Ryan continued, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose with a pen, “It must be terribly hard to maintain a work-life balance and keep the romance alive. I’m sure there are issues from work that you’ll often bring home, conflicts that can never be resolved considering the lack of alone time? Maybe something you found annoying about the other that seemed bearable in the beginning but has now festered to become an unmendable chasm between the two of you?”
Your eyes narrowed of their own accord. Between the obvious flirting to the now obvious attempt to instigate discord between you and Sam, you were starting to think Marlena was undoubtedly the monster (that or she was an awful couples therapist). Her motive remained unclear though, so you played along.
“Uh, well Sam can be a bit… overprotective, at times, when we’re working, and sometimes it can get in the way of the job.”
“Ok but that’s only because Y/N can be ludicrously stubborn, at times, and she has a habit of running headfirst into danger." Sam was surprisingly quick to retort.
"It's literally our job to run into danger, Sam.” Your body was now twisted to face his, “And if I recall correctly, my ‘ludicrous stubbornness’ has led to the saving of multiple lives, yours included."
Sam lowered his head and scoffed lightly before he too turned to face you completely, golden eyes boring into yours with an intensity you were not prepared for, "I know it has but sometimes you act like other people's lives are worth more than yours and that's not true. Besides, it's my job to care about you, to protect you… I-I mean as your husband."
For a second, things got a little too real there, but you took a deep breath to remind yourself this was all just an act, "And I appreciate that Sam, but sometimes it can be a bit overbearing-"
"Well if I'm overbearing it's only because I'm terrified every time we go out there,” Sam began to enunciate every word stiffly, speaking almost entirely through gritted teeth, “Because I can't bear the thought of losing you, because I can't fathom living a life without you!"
And once again, you were left staring at him with your mouth agape. He sure was laying it on thick, or perhaps he just wanted to win the fight, because you had no idea how to argue against that.
“Alright, I think that’s enough on that topic. Maybe we should try something else,” Dr. Ryan interjected, “Oh look at that, time’s almost up! I always end my sessions with a fun little exercise. I want you to look each other in the eyes and take turns coming up with one positive word to describe the other, something you love about your partner, but it must be genuine.”
Quirking your brow, you struggled to restrain the smile on your face as you turned back to Sam. Well this’ll be easy.
“Intelligent,” you stated matter-of-factly, figuring you’d start with something relatively un-incriminating.
“Strong,” Sam came back at you immediately. There was a fierceness in his eyes, almost as if he was daring you to bring it on.
“Kind,” came your simple response.
“Discerning.” His voice seemed lower for some reason.
“Capable,” you kept your eyes locked on Sam’s as you lifted your chin.
“Tough.” There was an undeniable fondness that accompanied the word when it left his lips.
“Sassy,” you replied, unable to stop the smirk that tugged at the corner of your mouth.
“Tenacious,” Sam narrowed his eyes at you.
“Selfless.” Why did you sound so out of breath?
“Complex.” He was smiling at you now.  
“Protective,” you finally admitted despite your earlier complaints.
“Beguiling,” Why were you both whispering?
“Tall.” Was that lust you could hear in your own voice?
“Badass,” Was that lust you could hear in his voice?
“Gorgeous… or handsome if you prefer.” When did your faces get so close?
“So fucking beautif-”
“Woah! OK, I think we’re done here.” Shit, you had almost forgotten about the therapist. “That was… excessive. I don’t think I’ll be needing to see you again,” she declared as she stood up rather suddenly, prompting you and Sam to do the same though you were both still a little caught up in your game.
“Wow, you really are tall,” Marlena breathed out as she smoothed a hand down her pencil skirt. The provocative tone of her voice had you back down to earth in no time. "And those years of firefighting have definitely paid off, what with all those big muscles.”
Sam gave an awkward half laugh as he wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you tight against his side. You weren’t sure what compelled you to but as if on instinct, you raised your outer hand and placed it lightly on Sam’s stomach, feeling his abs contracting even through the soft flannel beneath your fingers as you replied, “Yeah, that’s just another one of the many things I love about Sam.”
The laugh that escaped Sam this time was much more sincere, “Thank you for your time, Dr. Ryan.” He kept his hand on your waist as he led the two of you out the door, trying his damnedest to ignore the enticing sensation your touch had evoked throughout his body, as well as the subsequent questions of what your little hand might feel like on other parts of him if a simple graze of his abdomen could produce such a dramatic effect.
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“Did it seem like she was rushing us to you?” you questioned Sam pensively when you were back at the motel half an hour later.
“Yeah, like the more we spoke, the more she lost interest in us,” he agreed.
Your next words tumbled out without permission and you could only cringe at the bitter inflection of your voice, “Well, she didn’t seem to lose any interest in you.”
Sam felt himself smile at your adorableness; he couldn’t help it when your bottom lip jutted out like that. If he didn’t know any better, he would’ve thought you were jealous.
“Are you two outta your damn minds?” Dean looked from his brother’s face to yours. “Did you even check the time? She only gave you about half of what we paid for!”
“What, really?” you and Sam responded in chorus.
“Yeah, but luckily I’m a genius and I got everything we needed within the first few minutes.” Grinning in that cocky way of his, Dean explained, “Your EMF sensors were off the charts as soon as you walked into her office, and I found ectoplasm in the bathroom.”
“She’s a ghost?” Sam did that adorable scrunchy thing with his face and you had to physically stop yourself from staring.
“Possessed by one, yeah. And I checked the records. She spent at least an hour overtime with both of the dead couples.”
“So, what, are we not good enough to be her next victims?” you wondered.
“Maybe she saw through the act?” Sam suggested.
Dean was fumbling through a stack of papers until he found something, “Yeah, I don’t think that’s it. Here, check this out.”
Sam started to read out loud, “’Grave of local girl found desecrated by joggers passing through the cemetery early Sunday morning…’”
“Turns out the kid got pushed out a window accidentally when her parents were fighting... Splat.” Dean elaborated, ever so tactfully.
You were starting to piece it together though, “So now she’s seeking out dysfunctional couples to kill them the way she died… for what, revenge? Or to stop them from accidentally murdering their own kids?”
“That’s my best guess,” Dean confirmed.
“Huh… nice work on research, buddy. I’m impressed,” the playful grin you sent Dean’s way was not lost on Sam.
“Yeah, well your husband’s not the only one who can look stuff up around here. Besides, someone had to do the work while you two were off playing Mr. and Mrs. Smith.”
“Sam and I have never tried to kill each other,” you argued.
Dean snorted while grabbing his jacket, “And that’s about the only way your relationship differs.”
When he saw your brows pull together in confusion, Sam quickly cut in to change the subject, “So uh- what’s the plan?”
His brother was nearly out the door when he responded, “Nice and easy. I’ll go burn the bones while you guys go back and distract her with your little love fest, capiche?”
The ghost was surprisingly open this time around, admitting freely to her past crimes and even explaining her methods. Apparently, flirting with the husbands was a routine and easy test to spot any cracks in the relationships, one that she claimed Sam had passed with flying colors. But you knew better than to assume his achievement had anything to do with you. After all, you’d seen the man hold fast against the fervent advances of a high-end stripper before, while he was drunk. This was nothing.
“But why kill them?” Sam questioned, with the kind of genuine curiosity that only he could exhibit towards a murderous monster.
“Because it’s better to die than stay in a loveless marriage… But of course you two wouldn’t underst-“ Dean must have completed his task because the therapist was interrupted by a shapeless black plume bursting through her mouth.
‘Oh Shit,’ you thought relentingly as you watched the spirit eject itself and disappear into a fiery cloud of dark fumes, a forlorn expression upon your face, ‘I’m in love with Sam Winchester.’
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thank you for reading! feedback super appreciated!!
TEAM IDJITS: @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @carryonmywaywardbucky​ @swiftlymoniquesblog​ @moosewinchester​ @sams-sass​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ @jotink78​
STTC TAG TEAM: @matchesarelit​  @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese​ @gia-25​ @laurakirsten0502​ @ruined-by-destiel​ @sunflowersandotherthings​
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"...So I Married A Monster" *Chapter 6*
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Note I was going to put a 'rough sex' gif under the cut for Lewis's shot, but I don't know if people want that. So here's a scared Rafael for your...pleasure?
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Alright SO I posted a warning post earlier, but obviously I'm gonna put one here too.
This is probably the most graphic, dark chapter I've ever written for any story. With rape.
Please read at your own discretion.
Also it's a pretty short chapter, but trust me-- you wouldn't want it any longer. But I wrote another sweet short fluffy chapter after this one to make up for it.
You did your best to keep calm and keep Billy happy as he aggressively groped at you with his hands, ripping off your shirt and then your bra before tossing you on the bed. Before all of this, you would have been super excited about the events transpiring. If there was one thing you and Billy were great at, it was sex. But somehow, this time it felt...different.
You didn’t know why, it didn’t make any sense to you. This was the same man, it was the same situation, he knew all your special places and you knew his. There were so many nights after he left you and the girls that you would dream about this moment, wishing for it so badly. But now that it was here, it almost felt...wrong.
“What’s wrong sweetie, you look like you’re somewhere else,” Billy stopped hungrily nibbling your neck to look into your eyes.
You used to look into those eyes and see such warmth and comfort, such lust and wanting. You had even told Rafael that you were still in love with Billy, so why didn’t you feel like it? Had they just been words? Words to hurt him because he hurt you by choosing Olivia?
Right now, that’s sure what it felt like. It felt like you were...cheating, on Rafael. Which was stupid, because you had literally just broken up with him. Didn't you? That’s what ‘done’ meant, right? Surely you had meant it in that moment; surely you meant it.
But now you weren’t sure.
“Hello, earth to Y/N!” Billy’s voice grew more agitated as he flicked you across the temple. He had never been so quick to anger before, you didn’t like this one bit.
“S-Sorry, baby,” You quickly put on a smile as your hand travelled down to his jeans, unhooking his belt. “It’s just been a day,”
“Oh, I know sweetheart,” He quickly changed his tune as soon as he felt you fondling with his belt. He helped you undo it and pulled off his jeans. You could feel his throbbing erection against your thigh.
“But daddy’s about to make it all better, I promise,” He gave you a sly grin.
You felt one hand wrap around your head and pulled it into his face even more aggressively than before. He began tugging at your hair as he attacked your neck and shoulders with hard, assertive bites. You remembered the sex between you two being rough, but you didn’t seem to recall it ever being this rough.
"Don't you like that, babe?" He asked as his mouth moved down your torso, pulling off your jeans this time.
"Mmmhmm…." You tried faking it as well as you could, feeling more and more uncomfortable the lower his mouth moved.
"Y'know, you used to be a LOT louder than this when we'd get down and dirty, baby girl," he observed while he moved to the end of the bed, ready to plunge inside you.
"Well Billy, the kids are in the next room," you thought of a plausible excuse as to why you weren't your "usual" self.
"Oh, makes sense," He nodded with a smile as he started chowing down on you like a sloppy dog.
You wanted to enjoy it, you tried to enjoy it, but you were accustomed to Rafael's sweet love making, he was so gentle with his tongue along your folds, taking time to enjoy every little moan and pleasure noise you made.You could often feel him smiling inside you while he gently lapped you up. You wished so badly you were with him right now. How had you fucked this up so badly?
Why didn't you listen to Rafael when he told you about Billy? Why had you not trusted him more? Why did you just react erratically just because you were mad at him? You should have thought it through, you should have heard him out. You should have--
"Alright now you're not even reacting Y/N, where the fuck are you?" Billy demanded.
"O-Oh I'm sorry Billy its just been--"
"A day. I know. You know I had a stressful fucking day too Y/N, having to deal with that prick ADA--- Wait," His eyes suddenly narrowed, he moved his face away from near your opening and looked you in the eyes, his glare in full effect.
"Is that who you're thinking of right now? That fucking beaner?" He asked in an accusatory tone.
"He's Cuban not Mexican…." You muttered with a roll of your eyes.
"You really wanna get fucking cute with me right now, bitch?" He acted as if he was going to back hand you, but stopped himself.
"Billy!" You gasped. He had never been vulgar to you before.
"No, no Billy," He growled, pulling your naked body towards him.
"You're gonna stop thinking about that asshole right FUCKING now. I'm your goddamn husband, NOT him. I get to have you whenever I want and I want ALL of you. All of your attention, all of your fucking body. Do you understand me?" He snarled, practically drooling with rage.
"Y-Yes Billy," you tried not to start crying, now fully scared out your mind
"Good. Now flip over, I can't fucking look at you right now," He ordered you.
You flipped over to let him do doggie style but he started going in the wrong hole.
"Billy! What the fuck?" You tried not to yell.
"Well if you're gonna act like a whore thinking about other men than your husband, then I'm gonna fucking treat you like one. I'm gonna do what I want, and you're gonna shut up and take it. Got it?"
"B-Billy, please…." You pleaded with him. "Y-You know the last time we tried…"
"I don't give a FUCK, Y/N," He barked angrily. "I stopped last time because I didn't want to hurt you, because I loved you and you loved me. But now you've hurt me, so you're gonna hurt. REAL BAD," He barely rubbed some spit on his dick before he rammed it up your asshole.
You grabbed a pillow and screamed in pain, howling and trying to wriggle free from him. But he kept his hands wrapped tight around your stomach as he pumped rough and hard as fast as he could, getting off on the pain he was causing you, both mental and physical.
You tried to think of anything other than the pain, but it was so bad you could only cry and continue to scream into the pillow. It was worse than both times you went through labor, and that was saying something.
You prayed to God it would stop soon, he seemed to go on forever and ever. He was cackling softly as he felt you vibrating from the pain.
"Yeah, bet your fucking ADA didn't do you like this did he? What would he do if he saw you now? Hmmm….maybe we should find out,"
Your head snapped from out under the pillow at his threat. You saw him reaching for your phone that he had dropped next to your bed as he carried you into the bedroom.
"Oh God" You practically choked out, unable to speak from the pain. "N-n-no, Billy d-d-don't…"
"Oops would ya look at that I already did," Lewis shrugged with an evil smile.
Rafael was busy helping Olivia plan a rescue mission/battle plan when his phone went off. A FaceTime call request from you. He was absolutely terrified to answer it, but he had to answer it. He had to. As soon as he did, he wished he hadn't.
"Hey there Barba'' Lewis panted, a maniacal smile on his face. "You're missing all the fun!"
He could see Lewis had you pinned to the bed, shoving in and out of you forcefully. Your head was shoved into a pillow, to keep from screaming he imagined. He didn't know if he wanted you to look at him or not. He was watching you get raped, and he wanted to vomit.
Olivia noticed the horrified look on his face and stopped talking with the squad.
"Rafa are you-- ohmygod!" She instantly saw the revolting scene on his phone and immediately started pushing him into an interrogation room.
"Nobody needs to see this," Olivia started to shut the door but not before Lewis got to shout "NICE TO SEE YOU TOO DETECTIVE!!" At her.
Rafael was trying his best not to start sobbing; he didn't want to give Lewis the satisfaction. But the more he heard your muffled whimpers and screams of pain, the more he couldn't hold it back anymore.
"Lewis let her go," he begged. "Please I'll do anything you want, just let her go…."
"Well see Barba that's the problem," Lewis smirked. "I want Y/N to--" he suddenly stopped pumping you, feeling your body go limp. He angled the phone downward to reveal blood coming out of your anus and starting to cover the bed. You had passed out from the pain.
"Sorry Barba I'm gonna have to call you back, I have a situation," Lewis half laughed while wiping your blood off his dick.
"What the fuck-- LEWIS!!!" He screamed. "You better be calling a FUCKING ambulance!"
"Chill Barba, I'm sure she's fine. Just a little boo boo. I'll shove some toilet paper up there and she'll be good as new!" Lewis dismissed it, taking a pillow and putting it under your legs so the blood would at least attempt to stay in.
“Good ol’ RICE,” Lewis smirked, thinking of the old term they used in gym class back in the day. ‘Rest Immobilize Cold Elevate’.
“Now if I can get an ice pack from the freezer and tape it there…” Lewis thought out loud.
"Fuck you if you don't call one I will send one, I know exactly where you are" Rafael was losing his patience with him.
"NO, you're not," Lewis warned. "I'm not about to scare my girls by having cops and ambulances showing up here with all the bells and whistles,"
"She's going to DIE, asshole!!!" Rafael continued to scream. "You think your daughters won't notice THAT?"
"Look if she doesn't wake up in a few minutes I'll take her to an Urgent Care, tell 'em she liked it a little TOO rough, Kay?" He said flippantly.
"The fuck you will--" Rafael started to tell again but Lewis put the phone up to his face real nice and close.
"If you send ANYONE here Barba, she'll bleed out before you can touch her," He warned.
"Lewis…" Rafael was shaking. "Don't you love her? You told her you did, don't you care about her at all?"
"Of course I love her!" He snapped. "I'll always love her, she's the mother of my children. That creates a bond, greater than the two of you will ever have,"
"So why are you---"
"Because she needed to be reminded of that bond." Lewis explained. "She was thinking about you while WE were being intimate. I can't let shit like that slide, Barba," Lewis explained while gesturing to your unconscious body. He removed the pillow from your head so Rafael could the tear stained splotches on your face from screaming and crying so hard. Your face was almost white, he wasn’t even sure you were breathing.
"No…." Rafael's voice fell soft.
You had been thinking of him? Wishing you were with him? While Lewis was...having his way with you? He had caused this, he had caused your pain. You were being punished for simply loving him, and that broke his heart even more than it already was.
"You have a nice night there, counselor, ta!" Lewis's evil chuckle came through the screen before it went black.
The image of your body laying there unconscious and bleeding was going to be forever burned into Rafael's mind. He had to do something. SOMETHING.
He bursted out of the interrogation room where the team was still discussing strategy. Olivia immediately went to his side, knowing what he had just been through.
"Liv we--" he tried to stop from crying and compose himself. "We have to go there. We have to get her. We HAVE to,"
"Okay, Okay Rafa," Olivia tried to calm him down while the rest of the squad looked on in shock. They had zero idea what was happening.
"We'll go get her, it'll be okay," She assured him while trying to get him to calm down.
He hoped they wouldn't be too late.
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(The updated/edited version on my Ao3 chapter 2 and name: ¿Pretty boy?)
Summary: MtF Steve/Billy
Steve has a bit of body image issues and eating issues so ⚠️⚠️TRIGGER WARNING FOR THAT!!!⚠️⚠️
((Inspired by a gif set that I found of how Steve always gives his food away to Tommy or whatever and I got emo about it cause ima dumb sad boy))
I started writing the story in the middle of a rewatch of Young Royals when this idea just came to me. had no intention on writing this much and yeah it just got away from me. Steve is weird with food and basically has an eating disorder fueled by the internal struggles of trying to admit to things about being trans excuse it for being messy or all over the place. Lol
Yo I caaant stop thinking about Billy and Steve becoming kiiiinda buddy buddy after coach makes them partner up until they “squash the beef” and their doin their workout drills during practice. Taking turns holding the others feet for crunches while they actually start talkin, initially jokes but they lead to “yeah my old man sucks too” type bonding talk filled with genuine smirks and laughs shared. Gettin more and more about their shared trauma.. and oh man the trauma bonding feels so good cause they both never thought they’d have someone who’d understand them.
After practice they go to one another’s house cause as they jokingly put it “well we know no ones gonna be home and if they are well we’ll just go some other place cause we know they won’t miss us” haha. And Billy tries to help Steve out with tips on how to bulk up but Steve always politely, turns the lightest hint of pink as he brushes it off. But man, why does Billy have to call him small, and dainty “like a girl” every time he brings it up. Cause, fuck, Steve hates that his heart always catches with his stomach with out fail every time as Billy, none the wiser keeps goin on and on about how he’s gotta bulk “his boy” up now that a real man like himself is on the team or he’ll “wipe the floor with you little bitchs”….
(Stop here read the tags I started writings the story in them, then come back here and read this next long bit lmfaoooo jumbled order cause I had nooo intention on writing this much but yeah got away from me. Don’t worry yall I promise I’ll get this actually written up into a nice sized lil fic )
(Ooooops soooo I zoned out and got carried away vibing n started to write the fic in the tags while watching young royals again with my mom (sorry if I miss gender Steve in the middle ground area before she comes out and it’s a mess in the finished version ima have my shit together but rn I’m just getting it out half minded didn’t even mean to write so much and then I did in the tags to the point where I reached my limit oop soooo I’ll have to finish it haha sorryyy cliffhanger was Steve finally ends up comfortable enough to talk about that first day and Billy’s all like “So we gonna talk about how you were jealous of your girlfriend and wanting her body in the least sexual way ooor..” and Steve figures it out and has to tip toe around the words and is scared to say it but Billy plays dumb just to get clarification aaaand Steve’s like “I-I like…. Wanna be.. *sigh* I wanna be like her.. I wanna be..” and Steve’s trembling with the pace of hyperventilating like breath, looks from the floor to Billy and is like “you know?… you have to know..” and Billy keeps fishing, wants to hear the truth out loud not for his own sake of course but Steve’s. “Just say what you mean Steve, go ahead, I’m here for you.. I swear I’m not goin anywhere, but you gotta say it” and Steves tearing up a bit as Billy urges “just breath, it’s okay, it’ll be okay, tell me.” And they’re both all vulnerable, locked in the others stare and Steve just follows Billys direction breathes and says “I-I (closes eyes and tears roll down) I’m a, girl” and then looks away, down to the floor. Eyes dewy nose gone a little red along with her eyes. Too anxious to see Billys reaction but feeling relieved all the same to have finally said it aloud and at that, another person and on top of that, being his enemy turned best friend turned crush.
Billy feel such a mix of emotions watching Steve looking off, fearing the worst he wondered to himself, Steve didn’t deserve to feel any level of worry or fear especially for just being.. uh, herself, he thought the air felt weighted in silence and he couldn’t stop himself from stirring it up by striding to Steve who still averting her gaze began to flinchingly step back. “Hey, you.. you don’t have to be scared of me Harrington.. i meant what I said, I’m not going anywhere.. aaand, it’s going to be okay.” And Steve meets his eyes for a moment before looking back down to the side as Billy closes the rest of the distance between them. “Guess this means I should call you pretty girl now?..” Billy says smiling trying to lighten the thick air. And Steve’s blushing and swallowing awkwardly as his breath hitches. Billy tries to ignore how causing Steve to be like that makes him feel and just clears his throat to say “look you don’t ever have to feel.. embarrassed or uncomfortable with me really I’m always here.. we’re all we got man-I mean fuck um, I meant that in the exclamation not like.. but still I’m sorry I’ll try to be more careful. Wh-what would you prefer I say?” And Steve feels so hot because oh my god he’s actually not running away but coming closer, Billy’s consoling her rather then berating or bullying her. And, fuck, he-he really cares like reeeally cares and nothings ever been like this in Steve’s whole life and for a moment it almost feels like a kiss was inevitable between them but Steve couldn’t bring himself to even look at him and figured Billy wouldn’t.. would he?… “um, it’s okay man we talk like that, ya know the dude and bro and man exclamation is our thing I like that and don’t want us to change that, but… I guess when it’s just us I wouldn’t mind if you tossed in that… ‘pretty girl’ thing.” And suddenly it feels like actual fire now and if this kiss doesn’t happen soon all the oxygen will cease to exist in this room. suddenly Billy’s hand is on the side of her face gently so they’re faces meet. “Look at me” Billy whispers so close Steve feels the faint breath on her face and she’s out of breath, it catches like she’s drunk on the moment as her heavy lidded eyes finally meet with his and she can tell the second they do that she’s not alone in the need, the want filling the room.) aaand.
That’s where I’ll end it tonight sorryyyy but ima work on this one for sure it’s very close to home for me haha sooo yeah. Again sorry about any misgendering in the in between in the tags I’ll go back and fix it most likely the day after tom I have a family event tom.
#do I actually have a fanfic I’m working on with this concept?…#yes yes I do lol buuut does it include Steve actually “being weird with food because of his home life and slowly coming to figure out he’s..#had an ED because he actually is trans and likes to feel smaller and empty or at least never too full aaand oh gosh so many details…#billy hargrove#steve harrington#billy x steve#billy stranger things#harringrove#harringrove headcanon#and Steve works it out with Billy on a random time he brings it up yet again but in a more pushy joking way like ‘dude you really gotta#juuust eat more I feel like you never eat or like not a lot you gotta eat more’ and Steve’s all awkward and gets reder rubbin the back#of his neck all awkward under Billy’s scrutiny.#and Steve’s like tryin to be chill and laugh it off and explain idk man it’s just not that simple for me#and Billy’s over simplifying it like wtf do you mean man you gotta bulk up so you gotta eat more just… eat more.#and Steve ends up just flairing up overwhelmed and says his thoughts because his filter leaves with the air in the room and before he knows#it he’s already said ‘maybe I just fuckin like being small okay#maybe I-I just fuckin dated Nacy out of jealousy that she’s as pretty and girly as I wish I could be but will never be cause I’m just-fuck#I’m not.. and just FUCK#can’t you just drop it let it go I get it you’re a big strong guy mister big shot that works for you but idk it always felt like a persona#a role but inside… inside ive never felt like I fit any mold anyone’s tried to push me into.’ and Billy the one red and awkward this time#he’s quite swallows lookin around n licks his lips before sayin ‘I’m sorry I-I didn’t mean to like.. I didn’t know it was like an issue#for you. if I woulda known I would shut tf up after the 1st time….. and um.. (Billy blushes harder) if…if it’s any consolation you#um… you always have been way prettier then Wheeler.’ he clears his throat lookin around then finally to Steve who’s smiling soft eyed#lookin at the ground asking ‘really’ as a whisper and Billy laughs and Steve’s smile drops for a moment thinking it was a all a joke#they meet eyes and Billy is red faced and bashful still when he says ‘yeah Harrington… so please let me make you something to eat. even just#a snack.. anything you want#for me pretty boy#haha please…’ ‘okay fine.. ugh.. I guess I could go for soooome.. hmmmmpancakes!?’#and Billy just happily smiles and says comin up pretty boy.#and that’s their thing for a while he helps him work through that and they get closer and talk more and Steve finally is comfortable enough
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mudhorn-djarin19 · 3 years
Relaxation -  (Ezra x f!reader)
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Summary: After a long day of prospecting you help your partner Ezra unwind. A mutual on another site posted the bts gif of Pedro as Ezra getting a massage... and it gave me this idea :x oops Rating: Explicit Warnings: mutual pining, language, slight mention of an age gap, piv unprotected sex, slight fingering, and creampie AO3 Link | Masterlist | Join my taglist via here!
Another long day of prospecting on The Green with your companion Ezra was in the books. You had secured quite a few gems in today's dig which was great since the past few days you had not done so well. The trek back to your tent wasn’t short which wasn’t fun after the long and tiresome day. Both you and Ezra groaned and sighed along the way, joints and muscles sore from digging all day. A hot shower and some rest was much needed.
Finally arriving back at your tent you both stripped down of your suits once closed inside from the toxic area. Chucking the helmets and air filter equipment aside, suit shoved down to your feet and kicked aside. 
“Whew I am utterly exhausted, birdie.” Ezra groans as he trots over to his cot. “Every fiber of my being aches. I haven't felt this sore in many cycles.”
Ezra stretches out his arms and legs, rolling his head to feel some ease in his joints and muscles but it was to no help it seemed. You walk over and sit on the edge of his cot, placing a hand on his arm. You felt sore too but knew Ezra was probably suffering more since did the majority of the digs work and was older in age than you. 
“Would you like me to try and help ease the ache Ez?” You ask.
“Whatever do you mean?” He asks, eyeing you.
“I can give you a massage to help ease the pain in your muscles some if you'd like. Might help.” You shrugged.
“I would be absolutely enthralled by that birdie. Maybe it would help. However, I do not wish to bother you and make you in more pain by helping me.” He states.
“Ez, I am fine. I offered as well. Now go change into your sweats.” You chuckle.
He rolls out of his cot, grabbing his sweat pants from the foot of his bed and heads into the small sectioned off bathroom to change. Returning a few minutes later and only in said sweatpants. You motion for him to go crawl back into his cot, face down and he follows suit. You sit back on the edge of his cot, looking at him and question how to get a good angle to do your work.
“Um Ez? Is it okay if I uh… straddle your body a bit? I think I'd have a better angle to massage that way.” You blush.
“Not at all. Go forth.” He mumbles from his face half in the pillow.
You slide a leg over his torso and gently sit on his rear. Popping the cap of the lotion bottle, you squirt some in your hands and start to spread it on his back. Your hands work at the right muscles in his shoulders and neck first. Gently rubbing circles into the tight muscles.  Ezra groans in response, enjoying the ache already starting to ease. Your hands slide down to work at his spine and sides next. Feeling as if you got most of the tenseness out of his back you ask him to flip over. Moving off of him to sit beside him and then restraddling him but at his knees instead this time. As you work at massaging the ache in his body away you can't help but to admire him. The faint few scars he has here and there from his life of prospecting, the soft belly and bit of dark hair trailing down into the waistline of his sweats. Your hands work at the planes of his chest and down his arms, slowly working down his sides too. After a bit your hands work at rubbing his hips and upper thighs but after a bit Ezra groans and pushes your hands away. 
“I think that’ll do little bird.” 
“Ez, I haven't even done your legs and feet yet…” You state and look down for a second, only to catch a growing tent in his sweats. 
Ezra catches your gaze. “M-my sincerest apologies birdie. Please ignore that. Like I previously stated that’ll do. Thank you for the superb massage.”
You don't move from your spot but, instead slide your hands down his side again and gently massage his hips, your hands trailing inwards just a bit. Ezra groans again. 
“Ez?” You question and look up at him. Your eyes locking. You continue your massage, hands trailing inwards more, slightly grazing the tent in his sweats. “Want to explain?” You smirk.
“Birdie…” He sighs. “ I-I am and have been utterly infatuated with you for a while now. We’ve been partners for some time, it was bound to happen at some point for many reasons. I acknowledge if you do not reciprocate these emotions. I did not mean for this…” he nods his heads toward the tent in his sweats. “To occur.”
You chuckle and slide forward, straddling his hips now, which entices a groan out of him. Leaning down, hands sliding across his torso, landing on his chest, you bring your face to his. 
“I like you too Ezra. Have for a while. If you want… I can help ease the ache there too.” You say with a smirk as you lean forward pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.
“Oh birdie… I would be enamored by that.” He sighs into the kiss.
You lean back up, staying straddled on his hips and grinding down on him some. Ezra bucks his hips up in response, hands finding hold of your hips. Continuing to slowly grind against him you work at removing your tunic and bra, tossing them to the floor.
“Kevva...” Ezra sighs at the sight of your breasts. “May I?” He asks, sliding a hand up your side slowly.
Giving him a confirmation nod, his hand finds its way to grasp a hold of one of your breasts. He gives it a gentle squeeze. Raising himself up a bit onto one elbow he takes the breast in his hand into his mouth. His tongue rolls around the bud, getting it to peak. He swaps elbows to rest on and then does the same to the other breasts.
You slide back from his hip a bit and caress your hand over his growing bulge. He doesn’t give you a warning before his arm intertwines around you, flipping you underneath him. His fingers hook into the waistband of your pants, giving a gentle tug before looking up into your eyes for confirmation still game. You give him a nod and he pulls them and your underwear down your legs. He wets his lips as he takes in your naked body before him. You shuck the rest of your bottoms off to the foot of the bed.
Exquisite.” He smirks. “Just like I knew you'd be.”
You blush and trail your hands from his arms to his hips, tugging on the waistband of his sweats down his body, revealing his cock already leaking from the tip. You wet your lips at the sight and wrap your hand around it. You run your thumb over the tip, spreading his pre-cum around which entices a groan out of him.
“Fuck… birdie that feels… oh that feels pleasant.” He says between pants. He discards his sweats the rest of the way and sits back on his haunches. 
You pump his cock a little bit, warming him up as you lean forward to press a kiss to his jaw where the bare patch is in his beard. You trail your kisses across his jaw and down his neck, stopping at his collarbone. 
His hand snakes its way down to your core where he taps both thighs to spread farther, which you do. He caresses the inside of your thighs and then teases a finger at your entrance when reaches it. He eases a thick finger into your folds, pumping it in and out of you. You gasp at the sensation. He eases another thick finger into you, continuing the same motions.
“Shit Ez… your fingers are so thick. Feels so good.” You moan.
“I have to say birdie, I am without doubt my cock will feel better.” He smirks.
You look back down at his thick length, clenching around his fingers at the sight of it. You know it will and you can't wait. 
“Ez, please.” You whine. Your hand finds his length again, giving it some strokes.
He groans and bucks up into your hand. “What do you need?”
“Let me ease your ache… and you can ease mine too.” 
His hands find hold of your hips with one hand, the other grabs his cock and lines it up at your entrance, sliding the tip of it through your folds teasingly. He slowly pushed into you inch by inch until his hips are against yours, bottoming out inside of you. You both let out gasps at the feeling of each other. You feel so full and Ezra loving how tight you are.
“Fuck birdie. You feel amazing.” He states, not moving yet.
“So do you. Please move Ezra.” 
Ezra slowly pulls out, leaving just the tip remaining before pushing back in. He keeps a slow pace, loving the feeling and wanting to revel in the moment. He dreamed of this day for a while and it’s finally happening. He doesn’t want it to end anytime soon. His hand on your hip slides to squeeze your breast, teasing the nipple some. As he continues the slow pace and teasing you, he leans forward and his mouth captures yours. His tongue caresses your lips, asking for entrance. Once allowed in his tongue glides against yours. He kisses you for a good few seconds but then removes his lips from yours and rolls over, so you are now on top of him.
“Take jurisdiction birdie. Ease my ache.” He groans, holding onto your hips. 
You lift your hips up off of him before slamming back down, picking up a bit faster pace. He groans at the feeling. You lean forward a bit, hands bracing on his chest. Your lips find his jaw and kiss along it, trailing down to hsi neck and nipping some.
“Kevva…” He sighs. 
His hand finds your clit and starts rubbing circles as you continue to ride him fast, working to get you close to release. You whimper at the feeling, already feeling warmth take over your body. After a few more thrusts you start to jitter some feeling close to the edge.
“Ez, I’m close…” You whine. 
He smirks but stays silent and continues to let you ride him, taking what you need from him as he works your clit. After another thrust or two you let go, soaking his cock with your release. His fingers work you through your high and once you come down from it he flips you back over to be underneath him again. He slams his cock in and out of you at a fast pace, chasing his own release. He was close. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he grunted with each thrust. You kiss the bare patch in his beard, your favorite spot to kiss now. 
“Birdie, I do believe I am near.” He huffs. “Where would you like me to relieve myself?” 
“Inside my Ez. I am safe.” You sigh. 
He groans in response, enjoying that he can find release inside you and fill you up. He feels his release coming, just on the edge, a few more thrusts should do it. However, you trail your hand down and gently fondle his balls which send him over the edge. He never knew what that could do but it was just what he needed, With that he releases inside of you, filling you full of his seed. He slows his thrusts, coming to a stop. He smiles and leans down to press a gentle kiss to your lips.
“Did I ease your ache Ez?” You smirk. “Because you certainly eased mine.” 
“My ache has been utterly eased. I am forever indebted to you birdie.” He smiles. “I appreciate your care for me this eve.”
He slowly pulls out of you, seeing his seed spill out of you a bit. Getting the sheet to his cot wet. “We may need to freshen up and replace the bed. Seems we have caused a bit of a disarray.” 
“A shower would be nice. Even though my quote on quote ache has been eased… I still feel a bit sore from the dig today.” You blush. 
“A scorching shower sounds utterly astonishing to me. Plus, maybe…” He smirks. 
You roll your eyes at his comment and roll out of bed, making your way to the sectioned off bathroom in your tent to which he follows.
“We’ll have to do some harder digs in the future I guess if they lead to this…” You wink.
“Agreed.” Ezra smiles, starting the shower up to finally ease the actual ache away. Taglist: @sarahjkl82-blog @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @blackberries45 @s-unflowxr @donnaa @darnitdraco​ If you are crossed out means I could not find you to tag
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not-using-this1 · 3 years
Sleepless Night ~N.Romanoff~
So this oneshot has kinda been sitting in my drafts on wattpad and on here for quite a while. I thought why not upload it after I rewrite it to make it better than it was, I’d say I haven’t touched this one since last October (oops) but here is this oneshot rewritten, pretty proud of this one (Again this is based off the gamerverse Nat hehe but I couldn’t find a gif for her just chilling so..)
Natasha Romanoff x Inhuman!reader :)
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Natasha catches you in the HARM room at one in the morning. Concerned about how you barely sleep, she confronts you about it. (Reader has the ability to create/manipulate fire) You tell her the reason as to why you’ve been struggling, she’s there for you in a heartbeat.
Just Natasha being a huge softie :)
Warnings: mention of sex only briefly for like a sentence, 18+, the rest of this is just fluff
Word count: Around 1500 
Natasha' POV
Like usual, I could barely get some sleep. It has been like that for a long time. But tonight was different. Currently it was one a.m. I highly doubted that most of the others were asleep right now but the atmosphere around the chimera felt peaceful, for once instead of hectic.
Walking out of my room, I decided to just take my usual late night walk (or early morning walk, whatever anyone wants to call it). Heading to the back of the Chimera I couldn't help but here the sounds of someone practising in the HARM room.
It's not very often that someone is doing this, especially at this time. Walking through the door that led to the room, a simulation was of course going on.
That's when I saw Y/n, beating the shit out of aim forces with her power to control fire. The poor woman had barely been getting any sleep it seemed, she looked exhausted and I knew how it felt to be that way.
Sighing I walk into the room "Jarvis, stop the simulation" I speak up. He complies and shuts it down. Y/n let out a frustrated sigh and turned towards me, my arms folded holding my ground. "Why'd you do that, Tasha. I was on a roll." Y/n complained as she walks towards me, unimpressed.
I sighed "For starters, it's one in the morning and you need to sleep. I have noticed you haven't slept in three days." I reply. I'm genuinely concerned for her health, she really needs to get some sleep.
"You’re telling me to sleep? You haven't slept in a while either." Yes, that was true but we weren't here to talk about me "besides I'm fine. I can still go on missions and be energetic, so why'd you care?" Wow that was harsh, the why'd you care part but Natasha totally gets it, she checks up on everyone from time to time of course but they just don't know it for some reason and she is quite direct.
"I check up on everyone but you guys just don't know it." I add with a light chuckle. I go back to being all serious, I need her to know that sleeping is important but I want to know why she hasn't been sleeping in the first place. "Come with me." I casually add as gesture for her to follow me, Y/n shruggs her shoulders and follows behind me.
I go straight into my room on the Chimera, she doesn't question me (at least not yet) I gesture her to sit down beside me on my bed. "So, are you gonna tell me what we're doing in your room, Romanoff?" There's the question but I sensed a little flirtation from her as she said my last name, I gave her a small smile. "What's been keeping you awake?" I asked her, Y/n looked at me she seemed worried about the question as if she didn't want to answer it because I might judge her but I never could.
"It's stupid, there's no need." Y/n replies looking away from me for a few seconds and then looking down at her knees. She was nervous but what for exactly?
"Whatever it is, it's not stupid. You know I won't judge you." I tried to speak a bit softer, suddenly grabbing one of her hands in mine which shocked up both, she gave me a small smile, her hand squeezed mine slightly.
"Something has been on my mind lately and I've been struggling to sleep because of it. I just can't get it out of my mind and every time I try it just doesn't work, thanks to a certain woman on the chimera. I get these conflicting feelings and it gets me so confused and unfocused but I just couldn't tell anyone because I thought that they would yell at me." 
I listened carefully to what Y/n had to say, come to think of it she had seemed rather off these last three days, especially on missions. It made me miss her ridiculous jokes, puns and silly flirtation, I want that Y/n back and I would do anything to get her back to her normal self. "What do you think could make us all hate you? We love you."  
Y/n looked at me, didn't break any eye contact, it looked as if she was on the verge of breaking down, my thumb started brushing her hand as I held it, silently telling her that it would be okay. None of us could ever hate her no matter what.
"I like girls, like love them and I also like this woman in particular- I shouldn't have said-"
"No, it's okay. If it makes you feel any better, Tony' bisexual, Cap is just as confused about himself but lets be honest he likes Tony even if they argue. Yelena is an asexual lesbian. The list goes on." I paused. I was thinking about what I wanted to say about myself. I like men but I also like women although I have never had a relationship with a woman I know I like them because I have had sex with a few before my time as an Avenger. "And me, well I like women to."
Y/n gave me another smile, she seemed a lot happier when I mentioned what I just did about everyone including me. "Wow, I never knew these things. I'm feeling somewhat better but there' something else. This woman I like."
I nodded my head and let go of her hand, I was silent and waiting for her to mention who it was or at least give me a describtion sometimes it helps talking about who you love but sometimes it can hurt, in this case I'm hoping it won't hurt Y/n.
"Well she's very badass, can kick ass very well, looks good while doing it, actually she looks good while doing anything. She's around 5'5, looks very intimidating but is an actual amazing person although she won't admit it. She's drop dead gorgeous, pale blue eyes, I love her personality, her body is just so perfect. May or may not have walked in on her naked once and has red hair and-
I listened to every detail she gave me, only to realise at the 'walked in on her naked' part was actually me. I didn't know how to react until I decided to shut her up by pushing her down on my bed and straddling her waist "Oh, and did I mention she has fast movement?" Y/n lets out a gasp as I pushed her down on the bed but she then chuckles and smirks at me. "You think all of this about me?" I whisper to the young woman under me "Duh, now-
"Shut up" I interrupted her, she raised an eyebrow at me in question but I ignored it and pulled her in for a kiss. The kiss was quite sloppy at first because it was something that the both of us seemed to need after a long time of avoiding these feelings (because I also like her). Pulling away she had the biggest smile on her face.
"So I take it, the feelings mutual?”
"Yes dorogoy, lets just get some sleep. Okay?" Just as I was about to get off her and lay next to her, Y/n pulled me back in for another kiss "I'd much rather stay up." She cheekily smirks as she pulls away, wrapping her arms around my neck and clutching onto me.
"Y/n" I rolled my eyes at her, her grip on me loosend enough for me to get off her. I press a kiss to her cheek and we both get under my covers, she backs up slightly more to me and I put my arm around her stomach to keep her close to me "This isn't some dream is it?" She whispered.
It had been a good thirty minutes and we had just layed there in silence, just as I was about to finally get to sleep with the woman I loved in my arms, finally. She had broken the silence.
Y/n' POV
I really couldn't sleep, I had forgot to mention to Nat that  had atleast two coffee' before I decided to stay up in the HARM room as well as stressing about the fact that I was confused over my sexuality and the fact I like her, I was so happy she liked me back and now here we are, laying in her bed, her arms wrapped around me.
"Nat, I can't sleep. I had two coffee' and I still have a lot of energy." I heard her sigh, I didn't even bother turning around to face her "Y/n, please just try. I was about to fall asleep."
I sighed and shut my eyes trying again but it just wouldn't work "You can sleep ya know. I'll go back to my room and-
I felt Nat' lips on my neck, pressing a few light kisses to my skin "No, you're here now and I don't want to let you go."
Wow that was cheesy even for Natasha "Okay, I don't want to either."
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Shuffle Playlist - Rewrite - Part of Your World - Part 11 - James Hook
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(first gif is supposed to be harriet fighting, dunno if it comes across) also lots of Gifs here srry
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Warning!  Graphic depiction of violence!
(a/n): i suggest reading this by listening to the potc sound track starting with “the black pearl” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP-BeFi58tQ&list=PL263677A4D1B673E4&index=3 )
Jay blearily opened his eyes, groaning at the soft beam of sun that was blinding him. He quickly sat up as the printer beeped and the wand was only seconds away from being finished. “Carlos” he muttered, smacking his arm when he didn’t respond “Carlos!”
Carlos snorted as he snapped awake, glaring at Jay before his eyes drifted to the now just finished wand. They slowly stood from their chairs, Carlos opening the printer and grabbing the wand. Carlos turned the wand in his hands, pursing his lips in an impressed pout as the wand was seamlessly perfect. “not bad”
Jay nodded, slipping the phony wand from Carlos’ grip and into his own, nodding towards the door “let's go, its” he checked Carlos’ phone, which read 10:45 am “shit come on, I’d rather be just a bit earlier than be late and risk losing Ben” Carlos nodded, about to walk out the door with Jay when he remembered your plan.
He turned back, whistling for Dude “Come on buddy, you’re gonna help!” Dude barked with an excited yip and barreled off his bed, bolting out the door and to the main area, waiting for the boys. “come on what are we waiting for!” Carlos and Jay shared a look and rolled their eyes, following after Dude.
They made it outside, Jay quickly hiding the wand behind his back as Doug came up to them “Hey guys, have you seen Evie….or anyone else for that matter?” Jay and Carlos shared a panicked look before Carlos quickly came up with an excuse.
“They went camping” Doug raised his brow, extremely confused.
“Evie…camping? Evie, I want to live in a castle? Sleeping on the ground with no place to plug in a hairdryer?” Carlos just shrugged.
“Hey, isle kid remember? none of us are against doing that. But (y/n) and Evie decided to plan a last-minute stress reliever trip before cotillion, VKs only thing” Doug crossed his arms, his eyes showing a bit of hurt “aaand (y/n) is there cuz she's an honorary vk, and you weren’t invited because Evie needed you to man her shop here, she must’ve forgotten to tell you, but we’ll be back by tonight!” Jay nodded, slightly impressed by Carlos’ swift bullshiting skill.
Doug sighed and nodded “Alright then… see you guys tonight” he passed by the boys and walked into the dorm building. “Later Doug” Jay laughed, giving Carlos a look as they turned to go back to the limo, groaning a bit as they were stopped again and hid the wand behind his back.
Lonnie smirked at them, tossing one of her braided twin tails behind her shoulder.
“I’m coming with you” Jay laughed, waving off Lonnie’s request.
“whaa, we don’t need swords at the” Lonnie gave him a look “waffle hut?” Carlos slowly turned his head to Jay, his eyes wide in disbelief.
Wait wasn't-? Oh yeah! “ yeah, you can come” Carlos covered Jay's mouth as he tried to object “(y/n) said we would need an extra hand remember? And she said to let Lonnie come when she asked?” Jay stopped, closing his eyes as he realized his minor brain fart. He tossed Carlos’ hand off his mouth and nodding to where they had the limo parked.
“I’m an idiot, come on, we got no time to waste” Lonnie squealed in excitement and tossed her arms around their necks, babbling away about the upcoming battle.
You looked down at the messily drawn blueprints of James Hook’s ship, eyes drawn to the brig where Harry was being kept. “Alright let's go over this one last time!” Harriet sighed, her crew all gathered around you, Harriet, and Gil “We storm the ship, you all keep my dad's crew busy by fighting them and sending in the smoke bombs, while (y/n) goes for Harry, and as soon as Harry’s off the ship we retreat. And do not hesitate to take any of them down. Understood?” the crew nodded in agreement, the plan was set and was ready to be put in motion. Harriet let them go mull around until you were all ready to go. She turned to you, raising her brow as you stared at the outline of the captain's quarters. “what's up?”
“He’ll be on the ship when we raid right?” you muttered, fingers drifting over the metal of Harry’s hook that rested in your hands.
“aye?” Harriet answered, placing her hands on her hips and tilting her head “which is why we gotta be careful, he may be a drunk but even when he’s pissed for shit, he’s a damn good swordsman.” She stared at you as you just nodded and started muttering something to yourself “what are you planning girly?” you glanced up at her, giving her a reassuring, but terrifying smirk.
“you’ll see”
You, Gil, Harriet, and Xiaohui were crouched on top of the nearest building to the jolly roger, Xiaohui put down her telescope and turned to Harriet “all crew members are on deck captain, the plan is ready to proceed” Harriet nodded and took the hand-held scope from Xiaohui and looked down at the ship for herself.
“Good, if all goes according to plan, we should be able to defeat the crew and get harry out of there within ten minutes” you glanced at Harriet's pocket watch that hung off her belt, mentally groaning a bit as it read; 11:45 am. You hoped to get this done in time for you and Gil to get Harry to the limo safely.
And you wanted time to deal with a certain…backstabber.
“let's do this” Harriet muttered, watching her father go back into the captain's quarters. She handed the scope back to Xiaohui and put her fingers in her mouth, letting out a piercing whistle.
Within the moment of it, and Hook’s crew looking towards the building you and Harriet were on, several spray cans turned smoke bombs were hurdled onto the main deck, blinding James’ crew.
They all yelled in confusion as suddenly multiple footsteps surrounded them, the sound of swords being unsheathed made all of them leap back and draw their own weapon.
“Who’s there!” One of the men yelled, taking off his yellow cap and rubbing his eyes “You have no chance we-oop” as the smoke cleared, the crew took a step back, their eyes drawing wide as they realized they were outnumbered three to one. “Wha-Harriet?!” she smirked as she flipped her sword in her hand. “What are you doing?”
She didn’t bother to respond, letting out another whistle, and cackling as her crew rushed her father's men. She blocked a quick swing coming from the man with the yellow cap and spun around, deciding to end the mess for later quickly by slicing the back of his neck.
The man slumped to the ground leaving Harriet to move quickly towards the brig, eyes drifting to the captain's quarters.
“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!” Harriet stopped, fear filling her chest as her father stepped out of his quarters, his eyes drifting over his crew and Harriet’s crew battling. “Harriet” he snarled, his cold blue eyes looking into hers “How dare you, you little brat!?” he raised his hook arm at her, his eyes flashing red, making Harriet step back “first your insolent brother, now you?! Must I teach you a lesson as well!?”
Harriet's crew quickly finished off James’ crew, their bodies slumping to the ground as blood pooled onto the deck. They lifted their swords in James' direction, ready to do anything to protect their captain.
“I think I have a lesson to teach you instead” James' eyes drifted to you, smirking as he realized just who you were as you unsheathed Harry’s sword and gripped onto his hook in your left hand.
“Ahh, the Auradon brat that turned my son into a pathetic Auradon lovesick bastard~” you rolled your eyes at the simple insult and flourished your sword.
“No, I just made your son realize he deserves better than an alcoholic abusive shit mongering asshole of a father.” you smirked as James’ eyes flashed red again “And if you don’t mind, I’m here to get my boyfriend, so-“ you waved Harry’s sword in a motion for him to move out of your way.
James chuckles and unsheathed his sword, shifting his feet as he prepared to fight “if you want him back” he smirked, slightly unnerved as you continued to look at him with an oddly calm look. “you’ll have to kill me, because unless I die, that boy will always be under my command, free for me to sell and ruin as I please”
Your brow twitched…this “man” didn’t deserve death, no..it was too easy for him…you had a better idea. “To the death, it will be!” James cackles, shifting back on his feet as he prepared to rush at you, stopping as you suddenly yelled out;
“No!” James, Harriet, and Gil looked at you in shock. What one moment you were itching to spill blood and the next you backed out? “To the pain.” James' shoulders dropped as he tried to rack through his brain to remember if he knew that term.
“I don’t think I’m familiar with that phrase” he muttered, eyeing Harriet for a moment then glaring back at you.
You smirked, tilting your head down, oh this was going to be fun~ “I’ll explain, and I’ll use small words so that you’ll be sure to understand, you warthog faced Buffon.” Harriet covered her mouth and snorted, looking down at her boots as her father glared at her.
He turned back to you, his eyes flashing red again “I think that is the first time anyone dared insult me” you raised your brow. really? The first time? Man, James really must be off his rocker if he had forgotten “codfish”
“It won't be the last” your eyes didn’t move from his, challenging him to try anything on you. “To the pain means the first thing you lose will be your feet below the ankles, then your other hand at the wrist, next your nose”
James rolled his eyes, taking a slight step back before stepping towards you “and then my tongue I suppose, I've let this go on for far too long-“
“I wasn’t finished” you yelled, enjoying the look of surprise on his face “the next thing you lose will be your left eye followed by your right”
James groaned and rolled his eyes again “and then my ears let's get on with it!” he growled as you smirked at him again and continued to talk.
“Wrong! Your ears you keep, and I’ll tell you why.” Harriet’s crew’s muttering went deadly silent as your voice dropped into a lower tone, shivers running down Harriet's spine as she realized just how far you were willing to go for her baby brother. “So that every shriek of every child of seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish, every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out “dear god what is that thing!” will echo in your ears” James couldn’t move, his entire body was frozen in fear. You hadn’t blinked once during your speech, that unnerved him. “That. Is what to the pain means, it means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery. Forever.”
The occupants of the main deck stared at you in deathly silence, all trying to detect any lies that came from you. But even Harriet, who could sniff out a lie faster than a bloodhound looking for its favorite treat, couldn’t detect any deceit from you.
James looked from you to Harriet with wide frightened eyes, before looking back at you “I think you’re bluffing” he tried, attempting to get you to back down. You shrugged, slowly closing your eyes and rolling your neck, making hook grit his teeth as he realized you hardly had any guard upon you. You thought you could easily take him, and that pissed him off, but his knees were shaking too much for him to take a single step towards you.
“It's possible pig. I might be bluffing” you opened your eyes and looked into James icy blue ones, smirking again at the fear you saw swirling inside. “it’s conceivable you miserable vomitous mass, I’m only standing here because you lack the courage to step forward”
James' eyes flashed red one last time as he screamed and ran at you, hook swinging back in preparation to slice into your neck. With a sidestep and a flourish of Harry’s sword, James’ arm dropped to the ground, the metal of the hook clanging as it hit the floor and ringing in everyone's ears.
James stared at his missing forearm, looked at you, and let out a piercing scream. “AAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU BITCH-“ You twisted back around and swung the tip of Harry’s sword just inches from James' neck, a small smirk on your face as you stared into James’ fear-filled eyes.
“drop.your.sword.” the entire deck was silent, watching as James reluctantly dropped his sword and took a step back from you.
You spun down into a crouch, arching Harry's blade against James' ankles and slicing them clean off, un-flinching as the substitute spray of blood hit your face.
Harriet and Gil gasped as they watched James fall to the floor with a loud thump, his screaming echoing off the buildings and water below. You slowly stood up and walked to his right side, flipping the blade again and hooking Harry's hook on your belt, tossing Harry’s sword to your now free hand and arching up, slicing off James' right arm.
He screamed again but was silenced as you kicked his side and placed your boot on his face, glaring down at him. “If I ever. Hear about you again, that’s not news that you finally choked and went to hell, I will personally, make sure you can't even tell from your ass to your face.” You kicked his head and took a heavy step on his chest and walked towards Harriet and Gil, nodding back towards James “if anyone else wants a crack at him, go for it, I have a pirate to save”
You cleaned Harry’s sword on a low hanging sail above you and sheathed it, walking towards the brig and grabbing the set of keys that were hanging off a hook next to the opening.
As your steps echoed off the old rotten wood walls, Harry sat up, unsure of the new footsteps that were walking towards him. He glanced at the opening with weary eyes.
You stepped into the small beam of light that was shining through the port window, your eyes brimming with tears as you looked at your poor wounded Harry that sat curled up in a damp dirty cell.
“(y-y/n)?” Harry whimpered, trying to sit up more but fell back “(y/n) yer really here?” a bright grin broke out on his bruised face, tears spilling from his eyes and trailing down his cheeks “Yeh came fer meh” his voice wavered as you rushed to open his cell.
You threw open the metal door and slid down in front of him on your knees, reaching up and gently cupping his face, minding the black bruises and reopened cutes “Oh my Harry, was there any ever doubt?” you sobbed, brushing his messy bangs out of his eyes and shaking your head. “Oh, I’m so sorry I took so long, but it took forever to get to Harriet's ship and- and the smoke bombs and-“ he reached up, cupping the back of your neck and beamed.
“Yer here now, that’s all tha’ matters ta me” he whispered, sniffing and wiping away your tears with his other hand. You stared into his bright ocean blue eyes, you couldn’t believe the amount of hope, trust, and love that was pouring from them.
“I love you harry” you sobbed, a soft smile appearing on your face as Harry’s cheeks and ears turned pink.
“I love yeh too” one moment you were staring into each other's eyes, the next your lips were pressed to his in a passionate kiss. Harry's arms wrapped around your back as you held onto his face, keeping him close as possible.
Your first kiss.
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You pulled back for a moment, cracking your eyes open to see Harry's still closed, his lips just slightly parted as he took soft, yet fast-paced breaths. His eyes opened for a split moment, before you both leaned in slowly, lips pressing and moving together in a dance.
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Harry let out a quiet sigh of happiness, hands drifting up to cup the back of your head and tilting his to deepen the kiss. You licked his lip carefully, smiling as he whimpered and happily opened his mouth.
‘no’ you thought, pressing one more kiss to his soft lips and pulling back, biting your lip at the whimper that followed as he chased you. ‘not the right time for that’
“Harry” you whispered, caressing his cheek gently with your thumb as he slowly opened his eyes, the blue slightly clouded with his running thoughts “Did anything…happen to you?”
He shook his head gently, heavily leaning his hand into your palm “no” he whispered “nev-never got ta’ tha’ no clients of da’s came, jus’ just beatin’s from the crew” you closed your eyes as you tried to keep calm, getting angry over something that was now over was pointless, right now Harry was priority.
“Thank fuck” you whispered back, leaning forward and wrapping your hands around his torso “okay, Harry, we have to go, I don’t how long we have before the others leave with the limo and I do not want to leave you here” he gave a clumsy nod and stood on wobbly legs with you.
“Gil!” you yelled, smiling a bit as he came running down to the brig “ carry him, and get back to the limo as fast as you can” he nodded, his arms going under Harry's torso and legs and lifting him into his arms in a princess carry. Harry lifted his head up and reached out to you. You smiled and grabbed his hand, pressing a kiss to his knuckles.
“I’ll be right next to you love; the limo is right next to where I need to go.” Gil raised his brow, turning to walk out of the brig with a limp harry in his arms.
“Go where?” Gil wished he hadn't asked as he looked back at you to see a sadistic grin on your face.
“I need to deal with a traitor”
Xiaohui watched as you, Gil, Harry, and Harriet ran off the Jolly Rodger and towards the garage under the old pier. She turned to the crew with an impressed look.
“I now have no reason to think I’m straight” Sammy facepalmed and shook his head.
“Bitch you said that when Harriet beat you in a fistfight” Xiaohui shrugged.
“eh, tomato-tomato”
-end of part 11-
HOLY FUCK THEY FINALLY KISSED and YAY Harry is saved~ hopefully, that kiss turned out good! I was lowkey fangirling when I re-read it. Also!!! I hope that “to the pain” part was good, I was also re-reading my first part of your world fic and I was like “hoooow did anyone read this?” but I think I did it justice!!! Next chapter! The fight for the wand! Oh and-
Davy’s demise~
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange (thank you again for being my beta reader/person who deals with my midnight ramblings about this)
@lunanight2012 @daughter-of-the-stars11
@musicarose (and thank you for commissioning me for the first four parts of this! if it wasn't for you, i probably still wouldn't have written the first chapter of Rewrite p1!) @random-thoughts-003 @remembered-license
@rintheemolion @descendantsobsessed @verboetoperee
@imtryingthisout @thecaptainsgingersnap
and taglist for rewrite
@thesailbells @beccad10x​
oh! have this kinda sad “meme” i made because i found a thing on twitter
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