#my two hyperfixations have combined
smallestapplin · 1 year
(a little angsty cause you know me :3c)
i remember you wrote that fic about the twins discovering that the reader was the hero and them being like "omg?? you're the hero?? from 100 years ago?? what HAPPENED??"
and hhhhh i love the idea of the hero just wilting, struggling to keep the weight of a hundred years of failure on their shoulders off of their fate. After all, this is all their fault, if you think about it. No doubt the twins blame them too, right? what little friendship you had with them is now lost as they find out you're the failed hero of the past, back again to fix things (and by GODS will you fix things, even if it kills you)
and maybe the twins don't think this way of you, because how could they blame you for getting hurt? for being outnumbered and ambushed? but you're on your knees, face blank and eyes empty as you recall the tales of your failures, the harsh words that people have hissed at you, for why didn't you save hyrule? didn't the goddess choose you??
hylia doesn't make mistakes, so maybe you were just accidentally picked, in place of the real hero.
and now the twins are left to cradle your tired, tired body as you struggle not to drown in the torrential downpour of your hateful thoughts, whether their echoes of what other's have said, or the swipes of your own hatred for yourself
hhhhh i have so much angst stockpiled because of this game and the twins being in it makes it extra juicy
You maybe the chosen hero, but you don’t remember anything! You’re only told what happened second hand, even though you were there!
Hylia’s chosen had failed.
It clicks in Ingo and Emmet’s brains now as to why anyone who recognizes you, gets hostile with you.
How those people don’t like you, and blame you for the fall of Hyrule.
Yet you would always stand there and take the verbal lashings.
Stand there blankly staring.
Just how many times have you had to do that?
They are worried you, yet when asked ‘what happened?’ Is when you break.
You’ve been asked that so many times, long before you met them.
“I failed. I let everyone down, I got everyone killed.”
It breaks their hearts to see you so lost, so overwhelmed by everything and the grief of people you don’t even remember.
They want to help you, to protect you, to give you an actual welcoming home.
If you’d let them, that is.
You have the weight of the entire world on your shoulders, a world filled with people who loathe and blame you for their loses.
Yet you still try to help, still try to make it all right.
You’re struggling, they can see that.
Please, just let them hold you.
(They are also incredibly protective of you, especially from that lady in Kakariko who’s married yet flirts with you-)
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I contracted a plague again thus am just sending random doodles I've done and just haven't posted yet
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My secret (I enjoy using cat cuddling photos for references)
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kimaisalloren · 3 months
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Ah yes art of Frenchmen with an italian title and a Latin quote added onto it. I somehow made this in a fit of mania.
Pieta is one of my favorite works of biblical art. It means pity.
The Latin phrase is “acta est fabula, plaudite” which is “The play is over, applaud.”
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5qui99l3draws · 3 months
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so that roguelike splatoon dlc huh
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peanut-butter-fox · 4 months
Hello! I have an art request, can you draw N and Uzi as worm on a strings please? you don't have to I just thought it was a cute idea :3
oh absolutely! I love drawing worms!! :D
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definitely gonna be drawing more of this
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cannotgiveafuck · 2 years
Hhmmmm I have been inspired. Have a Constantine and Billy drabble.
“Hey, John, you there? John? Hello? Is the mirror on? Jooohhn! I can see you, ya know. C’mon turn around! C’moncmoncmon pleeeaaas--”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” Constantine threw the scrolls down on the desk and whipped around, snagging the cig from edge and glaring at the two-way mirror that sat innocently upon the bookshelf, right where he left it. Right where he could see and hear for whenever one trouble-prone Billy Batson could reach him. The little shit was lucky John deemed pants a worthy effort that day. “What?”
Billy grinned at him, all bright eyed and apple cheeked and very obviously up to no good. It was hardly a wonder why John liked the brat so much. “Do you know how I can get to the veil without actually going through it? I mean, how Marvel could?”
Sometimes, he also really hated how much he liked him. 
Through the steady stream of smoke as inhaled and exhaled, John squinted suspiciously at the kid as he tossed the words about in his head for a moment. “Why the fuck do you wanna go there? Not trying to bring someone back from the dead, are you? Cause necromancy is nasty shit, especially for the Big Cheese.”
“No! I am not doing necromancy. I just need to get to the... the midpoint. Not quite here, but not there yet.” And he said all that in a way John was sure Billy thought he was being rightly clever. That he could dance around saying outright what he wanted, using half truths and side steps, as if John Constantine wasn’t the fucking master of that particular game.
“You mean you wanna get to the Crossroads.” It wasn’t a question.
Well, John had to give him that - he knew when to not bullshit the bullshitter.
“Do you even know what the Crossroads are? Literally and figuratively and spiritually - do you?” 
“I mean--”
“No, no. Lemme finish.” He took a long drag just to give the kid time to pout and rethink whatever nonsense he wanted to get into. “The Crossroads aren’t for the likes of you nor me, got it. Because you know who resides?”
“Well, kinda--”
“The fuckin’ Fates, that’s who! And unless you’re going to them to tell personally and explicitly to fuck off, you’re not setting foot passed this plane of reality. Understood?”
Billy sighed loud and dramatic. A 50/50 on if John’s words got through. “I’m not trying to contact the Fates, John.”
Oh. Well, that was good. 
Still, woulda been a joy to hear about bright and shiny Champion of Magic telling Fates to shove it.
“Then, why the fuck- This isn’t another stupid fuckin’ game Klarion is trying to rope you into, is it? Or a sorry sob story some poor dead sop gave to you about not wanting to move on? Cause there is no goddamn reason you should be having any sort of business there.” And the more Billy delayed telling him the actual truth, the antsier John got. But he knew, deep in his rotted, wicked heart, he knew how to follow these steps. Knew the script Billy wrote by because that was how he lived this long - testing the waters before going head first. John appreciated every wary bone in that kid’s body. Something had to balance out the overwhelming sense of compassion.
This time when Billy sighed, it was more resigned. More coming to terms with the inevitable fact that he was the one that contacted John because he needed to know something, and no matter what, John would tell it to him straight. Wouldn’t tell him no on the sole basis of whatever bullshit the League of Goody Fucks would feed him. Constantine may still very well say no, but he at least gave a good damn reason, thanks.
Blue gaze right on John, “I have business there cause I need to contact the Goddess Hekate to invite her to dinner.”
Oh, for fucks sake.
“Oh, for fucks sake, kid.”
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spotaus · 3 months
S-Spotaus, my favourite little geek friend, I would love you forever and ever and ever if you happened to draw one of the god Sanses I have suddenly thought about way too much 🥺🥺🥺🥺 In return, I will f i n d you (in a good way) ALSO DON'T FEEL PRESSURED, MY IRIDESCENT MOONBEAM, FOCUS ON BEING AWESOME
Four!!! Hi!!!! 🥺🥺👋👋👋
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This was actually so insanely fun??? I wasn't sure how modern u were doing for so I dragged him back to Ancient Greek vibes, but here's your Hypnos!Classic because he just vibes so well!!! (As far as I know you didn't already have designs for these guys, so I just winged it 😅)
I ended up giving him Wings instead of a hood because I noticed a lot of symbols of Hypnos have wings coming from his back/ears and I thought it'd be fun if they were around his neck/shoulders lol. I also tried to keep him recognizable, but give him a few gold accents (<- because I love drawing Gold) and use his Blue/Yellow motif across his design? And of course the mist is just kinda smth I picked up from other versions of Hypnos I've seen lol-
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3/14 it's Izzy! beautiful, beautiful Izzy. A full-blooded version of the same race that Yol is, with them and all of her friends being warped down to Earth thanks to a new plant she found and grew. They're big fans of plants, having an extensive garden in/next to her house, and will gladly talk for ages to you about that or anything else. Naturally, being on a whole new planet with lots of new plants to find was quite a pleasant surprise!
Generally seen as some of the smarter & more reasonable neighbors, though they are still plenty capable of causing & encouraging shenanigans when the opportunity arises >:)
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made charts for each of the 3 typical headmates, as obviously each will have a different relationship to the people of Home. I'll put the version for Soldier down at the bottom as a bonus.
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Only out when they need to be. Will protect you at all costs.
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Primal urge to make a sort of au thing where I mix That's Not My Neighbor and Pizza Tower RAAAAHHHHH
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djosephqueery · 1 year
So now I'm thinking about Eddie teaching Steve Magic the Gathering, and Steve ending up getting really into it and wanting to play all the time. He spends hours going through Eddie's collection and building decks.
Eddie's a little surprised because Steve has never gotten this into any of the "nerd things" Eddie's tried to introduce to him.
Lord of the Rings is too much reading. Steve enjoys listening to Eddie read to him, but even then there's far too much flowery wording for him to really get immersed in it. He ends up more entranced by Eddie's voice, and all the theatrics he puts on.
D&D, while being less reading, is just not Steve's thing. He's tried it, and he doesn't dislike playing- he'll play in special occasion one-shots for the kids, or be a guest character in Eddie's main campaigns. He just doesn't get into the role playing aspect of it as much as everyone else does. He does sit in and watch whenever he can, because he genuinely enjoys Eddie's storytelling.
Magic, though? Once he understands the rules, the only reading he has to do is what's on the cards. There's lore, but it's not necessary to play the game, and Steve doesn't particularly care enough to look into it. He enjoys the strategy of the game, it feels similar to what he enjoys about sports (though he does also enjoy the physical activity of playing basketball).
He learns to play with one of Eddie's decks, a simple green creature deck that Eddie made a while ago but doesn't use much now. Eddie goes easy on him in the beginning, he uses a red creature deck against him rather than the blue-black deck he uses to torture the kids. Soon though Steve is looking through all of Eddie's cards and building his own decks and asking Eddie to critique them. Steve starts buying sets of his own, building up his own collection. He refuses to actually learn the card names, just to annoy his boyfriend.
He and Eddie trade cards like children on the playground. Sometimes they'll use cards as incentives to get the other to do something for them.
"Eddie I'll let you have that dragon I saw you eyeing if you just fold your goddam laundry for once."
"Steve you know full-well that was a drake. Also say no more."
Steve did in fact have to say more, and ended up folding half the clothes anyway. Eddie still got his card, but he had to give up an angel for it.
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neochamp · 1 year
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[w/o doodles version]
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mossy-paws · 11 days
It’s 2am but the art urges are strong,,, hrrrrg
anyways I’m gonna be on vacation soon! And by soon I mean in like. A week and a half LMAO
because of this I am going to be speed running art before then :3! So expect some more TMA-PHIGHTING! Au teasers/misc art before I completely crash for vacay /silly
I don’t know when I’m actually going to be finishing the au- and by “finishing” I mean just getting all of the lined designs fully colored and then dedicating some time to fun little misc pieces about the au in between :3c I’m actually considering doing a small little teaser piece for each design but I feel that may be a bit excessive,, I don’t know! Maybe I’ll open requests and let yall give me some ideas for them! Questions/suggestions are definitely encouraged now though since they help me build up on the au a lot more then I would be able to without them so feel free to ask away as much as you lot would like! Plus I just enjoy seeing people enthused about my little ideas :3
Well! I just wanted to say this beforehand since good art pieces are BOUND to be slow with what I got on my plate- I’m defintely making sure to dedicate time to other projects though so I don’t just die while trying to get this finished LOL
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evilmagician430 · 1 year
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hey guys i found this weird discontinued doll line from 2014, seems like the gimmick is each doll comes with a pet, except the pet is just an entire dude? so theyre mostly sold in two-packs, technically. i cant find much information on these except a weird tie-in comic on neocities, but i cant tell if its official or fan-made. can anyone let me know if they find more pictures of these? thx
#hey i combined 2 things im hyperfixated on again but this time the two things were ranfren and fashion dolls just like in general.#i currently do not really have proper supplies to make good doll customs of them#so for now the sanest course of action was to literally draw them as little dolls in their boxes for sale#i bet these bitches only got 5 pts of articulation /j#randal would have kanekalon hair. sebastian has polypropylene. i drew it like rooted hair but lets be real luther has molded on plastic hair#luther gets 2 releases because his hair color is inconsistent and he wears different color shirts sometimes#i think im going to draw a third release of him with nana.#a playset of the house would be fun but i am NOT drawing that....#the only ones i would want out of the ones ive drawn so far would be the randal and sebastian pack tbh.#not that i dont like luther and his catmen but their fashion isnt as interesting. which is why it was easier 2 draw#i had fun with the accessories though. i also like how i put a coffin shape behind randal and didnt do that for all the other boxes cause#it was too hard#anyways i wanna make more of these when i have the time... i wanna draw nurse randal and i want a release of satoru with camio(?spelling)#unreality#<== jic. mostly cause of my fun little caption#images that are horrid to see and look at#mspaint#dollblr#fashion dolls#ranfren#randal's friends#randal ivory#randal von ivory#sebastian de tomato smith chicken legs#luther ivory#luther von ivory#nyen catman#nyon catman
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no1ryomafan · 6 months
I do not bother to check if Getter and Big O ever interacted in SRW because I’m so use to the other mechas I like being in the same game as getter but being so different that they never have any story reasons to have interactions since Getter is only ever allowed to interact with mazinger, OG gundam and any other combiners + it’s all in untranslated hell so I won’t even know wtf was said if there WERE interactions but god damn it I keep rotating a scenario where Roger negotiates to get Ryoma out of jail even though I know for a fact that DIDNT happen despite how many times they used arma and how Z2 actually adapted it fucking correctly for once but it’s just so funny to imagine.
#meg text#getter robo#the big o#i fucking hate being cursed with crossover ideas when in fanfics that’s ALL there ever is#big o only has it slightly better bc there are some fics but it’s by no means a active tag#and I still need to do my part in at least writing one thing for it but I’m not in the proper mood still#but I legit can’t tell if it’s hyperfixation or the idea of ryoma interacting with rogers normal ass is so funny#Roger is literally one of the most normal super robot pilots compared to the majority but especially compared to ryoma#he has a temper but by no means hot blooded and usually keeps it under control he just has a sense of justice#cue to him meeting “angriest fucking guy to exist” and he’s like “what the fuck”#Ryoma HONESTLY could have funnier interactions if they put him with people who are nothing like him#but noooo it’s always combiners or the other two “big 3” mecha it’s apart of#and I get why the whole big 3 thing in universe or just “hey are robots are similar” is cute#but it never hurts for this loner to talk to more people if they’re gonna characterize him as more laid back#(which- I don’t know how to feel about but I’m glad Ryomas other traits get some spotlight)#since it would be more flanderize if they just focused on him being angry#it still feels so fucking weird how calm ARMA is but that’s what happens when you can’t use anything else#new when will you return from the Wii dimension I don’t understand why your so unpopular
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noname-nonartist · 14 hours
No One:
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Look. This AU idea has been in ma bwain for over a week now, and man. I just have so many ideas about this AU man it’s crazy! >w<
this is also one of the reason why I haven’t been really drawing pjsk stuff as much lol
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clownprince · 1 year
Mfw I have my heart set on addressing Joker's aspd in this fic but the entire field of psychology is so horrifically ableist against cluster b personality disorders there are next to no resources on what aspd recovery looks like because the general consensus is that it isn't possible
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