#my whole chest hurts
sensitivegoblin · 2 years
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 3 months
words will never be able to express just how much solace and comfort the submarine soundtrack brings me 💙
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wikitpowers · 3 months
shit shit shit no don’t cry don’t cry don’t don’t
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codgod · 7 months
i’m sure youse already know this, but nobody should feel bad for having been a fan of wilbur’s in the light of what’s happened
yeah, with hindsight it’s easy to pick apart his actions, and stories his friends have told, to look for signs that he was hurting people. plenty of people are gonna think they should’ve known sooner, and others are gonna claim they knew all along that he sucked, but in reality there is no way anyone could’ve known until shelby came out about the abuse she faced. he’s someone many people, including myself, looked up to on some level and you’re always gonna wanna see the best in people you look up to, and that’s okay. you don’t have to feel guilty for that
the thing to do now is to give yourself the time and space you need to move forward from here, and give what support you can to the people that were harmed by him
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calypsolemon · 6 months
Lemme preface this by saying I once had a sobbing breakdown on a discord call because there was a cricket in my house, but the way people who have bug phobias talk on here is so annoying. No matter how nicely somebody phrases their suggestion that hey, maybe we should just consider changing the cruel and oddly moralizing way we regard innocent creatures, someone with an incredibly common-level bug phobia will come crying and sobbing about how they can't even begin to imagine changing their behavior or trying to work on their fear responses, and that OP is being so insensitive to people with extreme phobias. Like, all offense but grow up lmao 🐜
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apostaterevolutionary · 11 months
Today I had to say goodbye to my sweet little baby Izzy. It was as peaceful and pleasant as a passing can possibly be, but my heart is still broken. She’s at peace and free of pain and discomfort now but it still hurts. I’m so lucky to have had her for ~12 of her 17 years 💔
I don’t believe in romantic soulmates, but platonic four-legged ones? Absolutely. And she was one of mine. She’s not the first and I doubt she’ll be the last, but the paw prints she left on my heart are permanent. I already miss her so much. It feels wrong to exist without her
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thebirdandhersong · 10 months
i personally think there was no need to make remarks about age
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willowser · 5 months
i have to say that i love yuuji itadori with all my heart and under better circumstances i would be soooooooo incredibly insane for him. but alas.
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kyluxtrashpit · 11 months
Today I had to say goodbye to my sweet little baby Izzy, aka old cat. It was as peaceful and pleasant as a passing can possibly be, but my heart is still broken. She’s at peace and free of pain and discomfort now but it still hurts. I’m so lucky to have had her for ~12 of her 17 years 💔
I don’t believe in romantic soulmates, but platonic four-legged ones? Absolutely. And she was one of mine. She’s not the first and I doubt she’ll be the last, but the paw prints she left on my heart are permanent. I already miss her so much. It feels wrong to exist without her
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dittydipity · 6 months
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giratina and volo (pokemon masters ex, 2024)
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Late night rants GRGRH I think most of you don't grasp how insane wacky I am about Ted, which is fair, only my mutuals/friends are aware of my insane wacky idiot behavior when it comes to him but like.
how on earth am I not diagnosed with anything. this stupid paranoid white man takes up every inch of my brain space. he's digging holes he is EATING AWAY!!!
i don't think you guys get it my hyperfixation on him is so strong that I can't even produce content for/about him half the time because I have like 7 things involving him I wanna draw but I can't pick and so I just go days without drawing anything IT'S SO BAD.
obligatory insane Ted rant okay bye off to continue fanfic writing
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evilbubu · 21 days
watching the last episode of iwtv season 2 made me SO glad these bitches (Louis, Lestat, Armand) are not real because WHAT THE HELL!!! They are literally perfect for each other, they're insane, bro!!!!! insane!!!! They're meant for each other because WHAT!!!!! Anyway, can you tell I was gasping the whole time while watching it? And I cried when Louis and Lestat talked and hugged at the end.
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landwriter · 1 year
honestly would love to hear more about twinflower if you felt like sharing? :)
I have been drafting this ask response on and off for over a week because I want everyone to love twinflower as much as I do thank you for your patience uh I mean yes! I do feel like sharing! thank you for enabling me! make yourself a cuppa and get comfy. it's Gloam's Natural History Hour, and here is everything you should love about the twinflower
Let us begin with the Latin name: Linnaea borealis. But first, it was Campanula serpyllifolia. Let me explain.
Twinflower is a small and unremarkable evergreen plant that nonetheless captured the heart of one of the world's most influential scientists in the eighteenth century. Species Plantarum is best-known for containing the first consistent use of binomial nomenclature (genus and species), but it was also there that Carl Linnaeus described twinflower for the first time.
It is a creeping subshrub that grows along the ground, with green and glossy shallow-toothed oval leaves about the size of dimes. Blooms come from delicate hairy stems that have unfolded themselves to the comparatively towering height of two or so inches above the ground. They are pinkish-white, nodding, and look like the sort of thing you'd imagine a fairy lives in. As you might suspect from the name, they grow in pairs. Some three centuries after Linnaeus first described it, one Mark C. in the comments of a 2013 blog post described the fragrance as "a delight to the most jaded sniffer".
In portraits, he is often found holding it. (Linnaeus, not Mark C.) He dearly loved it. But he could not name twinflower after himself: at first, it was classified in a different genus, and besides, it was poor taste. What's a guy to do?
Become acquainted with a wealthy Dutch botanist, Gronovius, son not of preachers and peasants but classical scholars, who would name it for him in his honour. Naturally. In gratitude, and advocacy for such acts of commemorative botanical naming, Linnaeus wrote in Critica Botanica:
It is commonly believed that the name of a plant which is derived from that of a botanist shows no connection between the two...[but]...Linnaea was named by the celebrated Gronovius and is a plant of Lapland, lowly, insignificant, disregarded, flowering but for a brief space — after Linnaeus who resembles it.
He would go on, of course, to receive fanmail from Rousseau. Contemporary Goethe would later write: "With the exception of Shakespeare and Spinoza, I know no one among the no longer living who has influenced me more strongly."
Lowly Linnaeus himself chose borealis, for Boreas, the Greek god of the north wind; and indeed it grows where the north wind blows, in a great circumboreal ring around the globe, from semi-shaded woodlands in southern British Columbia (hello), to tundra and taiga in Sweden and Siberia. You can find the same blooms in China and Poland and Minnesota. It's as old as glaciers. In Poland and other European countries it is in fact protected as glacial relict, and you can find it isolated at high elevations far south of its range, where it was left behind in the Pleistocene.
And now it is Linnaea borealis.
When Linnaeus was ennobled twenty years later for his services to botany, zoology, and medicine, he put the twinflower on his coat of arms. Some references use hedging (pun intended) language to describe their relationship: he was 'reported to be fond'. It was 'rumoured to be a favourite.' Bullshit, I say. He was in love. Anyone can see it.
One final etymological point of interest: his surname is itself borrowed from nature. After enrolling in university, his father had to abandon his patronymic last name and create family name. A priest, he created the Latinate Linnæus after linden - the great tree that grew on the family homestead.
And so from Latin and nature sprung the name, and not a generation later, unto Latin and nature it had returned. A name crafted of whole cloth in homage an enormous tree now describes the genus of a plant that tops out at three inches tall and has flowers smaller than your thumbnail.
In spite of this, its uses are myriad. A common name of twinflower in Norwegian, nårislegras, translates to corpse rash grass, for its use in treating skin conditions. It can be made into a tea to take in pregnancy or provide relief of menstrual cramps. Scandinavian folk medicines use it for rheumatism. Humans have made it into teas, tinctures, decoctions, poultices, and even administered its therapeutic properties via smoke inhalation. And then there is its persistent and widespread use in filling our hearts: lending itself century over century and season over season to mankind, to a coat of arms, a poem, a photo, a fond memory—
Ralph Waldo Emerson, in Woodnotes I, says this of twinflower and the man it's named for:
He saw beneath dim aisles, in odorous beds, The slight Linnaea hang its twin-born heads, And blessed the monument of the man of flowers, Which breathes his sweet fame through the northern bowers.
Art is subjective, but I will happily admit I prefer this passage, from Robert of Isle Royale, on the website Minnesota Wildflowers:
My wife and I encountered Linnaea borealis in the last week of June 38 years ago on Isle Royale. We now live in Vilas County in northern Wisconsin and were happy to find a large patch of Twinflowers growing under the sugar maples, balsam fir and hemlock on our property there. This is now very special to us and we await their flowering each June around our anniversary.
A final note. Twinflower requires genetically different individuals to set seed and reproduce sexually. This is known as self-incompatibility. Thus the plants in those isolated spots - old glacial hideouts, or places with fragmented plant populations like Scotland - only reproduce clonally. Let us end with imagining a plant that has not reproduced with another for millennia, but instead carries its line on its own back, and survives by creating itself over and over again, in a genetically identical colony that grows with wet summers and shrinks with dry ones; that briefly blooms every June, lifting its flowers high above itself, a hundred tiny beacons that will be answered only by its own voice; and there, too far for pollination, but a distance you or I could travel in minutes, is its nearest partner, doing the same thing, across an impossible void that looks to us as nothing more than a gap between one part of the woods and the next. Yet it is L. borealis, named for a man named for a tree, that is capable of looking out across generations of humankind walking fragmented pine woodlands and the ghostly southern border of the Laurentide ice sheet, and seeing nothing more than the gap between one seed-set and the next.
Let us end with imagining a tiny plant, and ourselves beside it, loving it for hundreds of years, even smaller.
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gibuckaroo · 8 months
i have been avoiding the lawsuit arc in my rewatches, but decided to skim through the reconciliation when buck gets back and am having total whiplash at the amount of buddie? and eddie’s still total disdain and a bit of anger still at the beginning of the episode? and how quickly he forgives? how he already has? how he’s still hiding from buck, pushing him away because his body hurts even though buck wants to hold him longer? and have found myself in the kitchen scene™️ and i watch that scene a lot on its own, in edits, randomly, but i haven’t watched the entirety of it in a very long while and i’m just? sometimes i forget that some things are canon and just aren’t formed in fics. and then how eddie says this is my kind of therapy (no eddie you need frank) all smiles and joy as he laughs and plays and sits there with buck and christopher.
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transmasccofee · 1 year
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the implications of this bit are still wrecking me sososo bad
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lifeof-pink · 8 months
realizing while reading the epilogue that kim dokja’s constant habit of throwing himself to his death is not necessarily him having a complete plan to come back, but that regardless of if he comes back or not he simply cannot imagine himself having his own happy ending in the end is destroying me… like when did he ever survive specifically for himself?? did he ever want to live not because it would allow his companions to survive but because he himself deserved a place in the world??? idk idk im sad im so sad im wallowing in my own tears rn…. excuse my probable mischaracterization im having a moment
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