#my writers block offically ended after tonight
happy74827 · 1 month
I have to stop going to the movies because my obsession of fictional hot men just keeps growing…
That being said, who wants some Colt Seavers and Tom Ryder fics? 👀
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yoon-kooks · 2 years
on mute | jjk
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🦈pairing: fuckboy!gamer!jjk x reader
🦈genre: friends to lovers, office!au, coworker!au, smut, fluff
🦈summary: You always assumed your handsome coworker was down to fuck anyone in the office except for you. He always assumed you weren’t interested in a guy like him. And both of you were content with never admitting your feelings… until he unknowingly confides in you in the realms of a certain tactical FPS game.
🦈word count: 10.7k
🦈warnings: mutual pining, shooter game references, soft fuckboy vibes, fingering, doggy style, protected sex bc bro aint taking no chances🤠
a/n: i wasnt planning on including smut so thats a bonus✨
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You press a hand to your mouth to suppress a yawn as the department meeting finally comes to an end. Your boss had gone over the schedule for next quarter, alluded to a few new projects, and gave a few shoutouts to people on your team who apparently “went the extra mile” this week. You couldn’t care less about being acknowledged for your work, but it does kind of irk you that Jeon Jungkook got a shoutout when you’ve never seen him do extra work in the office. All he’s done this week is take your pretty lady boss out to lunch. If that’s considered extra work, you suppose Jungkook works the hardest. After all, he’s the type to make time for anyone he wants to sleep with aka everyone in the office except for you.
As you scoot your chair out, you back into something very solid. Surely no one is dumb enough to stand right behind your chair when they know how eager everyone is to get out of here for the weekend. But when you turn around, you know exactly who it is without even seeing his face—Employee of the Week Jeon Jungkook. 
You stare at the back of his shoulders in that mustard button-down, and it occurs to you that it was his nice ass that you’d bumped into. He didn’t even stumble forward from the impact or at least step aside so you can leave like everyone else. You just want to get home, soak in a nice hot bubble bath, and play a few games with your calico all curled up in your lap—that’s the ideal Friday night that Jeon Jungkook is keeping you from.
“Excuse me, kind sir,” you say as your nude acrylics tap the armrest.
The boy turns around with fake astonishment. And a handsome smile. “Oh, Y/N, I didn’t know you were still here.”
“I mean, yeah, I’d be gone too if someone wasn’t blocking my way out.” In the year that you’ve been on the same team as Jungkook, the two of you somehow developed this sarcastic and aggressive way of speaking without actually being mad at each other. Some call it banter, but you dislike the possible romantic implications of that.
“What’s the rush? Got plans tonight?” He still doesn’t move out of the way. You didn’t expect him pinning you against a table in the office to be so underwhelming. You imagine a fuck boy like him could try a little harder, be a little rougher. Not that you’ve ever fantasized about it.
“Yeah, I just bought some cute new lingerie for when I hop into bed with Christina Lauren and my cat.” You leave out the gaming part of your Friday night plans. If he knew you played the same game as him, he’d probably use it against you somehow.
“Who’s Christina Lauren?” he asks. You love the thought of him imagining you in lingerie with some mystery woman. Or maybe that’d just encourage a threesome.
“My cat’s favorite romance writer?” You say it like it should be common sense to know that your cat purrs himself to sleep when you read to him.
“And you’re going to waste your cute new lingerie on reading a Lauren Christina bedtime story to your cat?”
“It’s Christina Lauren, not Lauren Christina.”
“Christina Lauren doesn’t care about your lingerie.” It amuses you how he keeps bringing up the lingerie. You wonder what he’d think if he saw you in that skimpy mesh fabric. It’d probably come as a shock to him considering he’s only ever seen you in your preppy office attire. He has no idea what you’re capable of beneath those cream blouses and mocha mini skirts.
If only he knew.
“Tldr, yes I have very urgent plans tonight.” That reminds you, you need to check your in-game shop to see if any pretty skins are on sale this time around. You’ve been eyeing the one with the cute whale shark design.
“What a coincidence, Lauren Christina is my favorite writer too. I really liked that one book she wrote.” You don’t hate that he’s prolonging the conversation, but if he says “Lauren Christina” one more time, you’re gonna report him to HR.
“Same,” you chuckle. “Now please move so I can leave.”
He finally steps aside. Before he can pull a fast one and trap you again, you throw your tiny bag over your shoulder and scurry for the exit. You stop just outside the conference room and spin around. The boy’s eyes quickly shift up from your skirt.
“Coming or not?” you ask with a head tilt. If there’s one good thing about having a local fuck boy in the office, it’s that you always have someone who’ll walk you to your car when it’s dark out. That’s one of the things you know he does just for you.
On the elevator ride down, it’s just you and him because everyone else has already vacated the building. You sneak a peek at your handsome colleague. It’s a shame that he spends more time in your coworkers’ beds than in actual relationships. If not for that, you’d—
“You should recommend a book for me,” he says, catching you mindlessly staring at him. Oops.
“You don’t look like a reader.” You doubt he’d ever pick up a book over girls.
“I’ll read a book if you say it’s good.” Now he’s just sweet talking you, and you’re not going to fall for it. Except, you would love someone to gush to about your favorite books.
“Dating You/Hating You.” The book title just sort of slips out of your mouth. Though you can’t exactly vouch for how good it is since it’s the one you’re currently reading.
“Give me your best elevator pitch for it.” Haha, he thinks he’s so funny. (You laugh anyway.)
Persuasion is your thing, but you can’t give a proper elevator pitch for a book you haven’t actually finished yet. Moreover, you don’t know what kinds of genres he’d be into or if this book would be a good fit for him. You don’t even know any of his interests outside of sex and video games. 
When you really think about it, there’s not much you know about Jeon Jungkook. He’s a mystery, but a charming one.
“It’ll give us something to talk about,” you say softly as the loud ding interrupts. “That’s my elevator pitch to you.”
“Not bad,” he nods as you both exit the elevator. That was way easier than expected. “Is it by your cat’s favorite romance author?”
“It is,” you smile. It’s hard not to smile when you’re with him. “I can lend you my copy next week after I fin—”
“Jungkook!” The new recruiting coordinator blocks your way out of the building with eager eyes and a smile brighter than your own. “Still down for drinks later at that place we talked about?”
You try not to roll your eyes as you step around yet another coworker who ignores you standing right next to the boy they want to ask out. You and Jungkook aren’t a thing, but it does hurt to know that not a single person thinks of you as worthy competition. He’s probably made it very clear to everyone in the office that you and him are just friends and that your nightly walks to the parking lot are for safety purposes only.
Thankfully, you get out of the building before you can hear Jungkook accept the invitation into someone else’s bed. The last thing you want is to be jealous of the people he’d rather be spending time with. You and your silly little book recommendations mean nothing to him.
Nothing at all.
“Sorry about that.” He catches up to you a minute later in the dimly lit parking lot.
You shake your head. “It’s alright. That’s what happens when you’re the popular guy.” And you mean it, too. You’re not the type to fault people for being who they are, nor would you ever ask them to change for you. Besides, there’s really nothing between you and him. There’s nothing he should feel sorry for.
“Hey, why do you always park in the furthest corner of the parking lot?” he teases, probably as a way to change the subject. You see his car parked just a few spots down from you, so he doesn’t really have a right to criticize your decisions. Looks like your habit has rubbed off on him. “It’d be safer if you parked closer to the building.”
You shrug even though the parking placement and slightly longer walks are intentional. He doesn’t need to know it’s your subtle way of prolonging the time you spend with him. You always look forward to those few extra minutes where he’s all yours.
“It doesn’t feel dangerous here at all.” Not when you’re with him. You unlock your car and hop into the driver’s seat.
“Yeah, totally not dangerous.” Jungkook holds your door as he scans the dark and empty lot for anything suspicious. He listens as a few sirens screech in the distance and does a double-take at the lone soda can rolling around in the wind. When the coast is clear, he turns back to you. “I look forward to reading the Lauren Christina book when your cat’s done with it.”
He waits for your seatbelt to click before closing the door. You roll the window down and glare. “It’s Christina Lauren! And have fun on your date.”
With a wave of your manicure, you’re off to your “urgent” Friday night plans.
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When you return home, you get what you want. You strip off your work clothes and soak in a lavender bubble bath for a good 30 minutes before admiring the new lingerie Jungkook wouldn’t stop mentioning earlier. 
It’s tempting to try it on now, but you wish someone else could see it on you. Jungkook is right. Christina Lauren doesn’t care about your lingerie. If the boy were here to see it for himself, you want to know what he’d think, what he’d say, and what he’d do to your body. It’d probably be incredible—for one night—but that’d be the end of it. That’s how all of his flings go, and a hypothetical one with you would be no different. With a sigh, you set the lingerie aside, throw on an oversized sweatshirt that just barely covers your ass, and load into your game.
The first thing you do is check the shop for the cute gun skin with the whale shark design. The RNG gods give you a couple of good knives, an awful pistol, a subpar rifle, and no shark. It’s fine, you tell yourself. You didn’t want to spend real money on pretty pixels anyway.
As soon as your first match starts, your four teammates are quick to use their mics. Apparently, they all know each other. Can’t relate.
“So… How’d the date go?” asks the healer. The two duelists place their bets on whether the date went incredibly well or horribly wrong. You silently cast your vote for horribly wrong since you lean toward pessimism.
“I didn’t end up going,” says the initiator. He sounds a lot like a certain Jeon Jungkook, but you shouldn’t assume. As far as you know, he doesn’t have a reason to cancel the date with that recruiting coordinator. In fact, he should be having drunk sex with her right about now. Not that it’s any of your business to know what your handsome coworker does after hours. None of that involves you.
“Is it because of You-know-who?” asks the duelist who voted with you. You-know-who? Like a jealous ex-lover? Sounds like drama to you.
“Yep…” Nah, it can’t be the Jeon Jungkook you know. This guy’s voice is giving you more lovesick puppy than confident fuck boy. He dies from a grenade and goes silent for the next few rounds while his buddies keep providing intel to the team. You pick up the whale shark gun over his dead body.
“Hey, CL,” the healer calls out your username. “Do you have a mic?”
Yes, you do have a mic. No, you’re not going to use it. These guys seem harmless so far, but it’s not always fun when people realize you’re the only female on the team. Men in this game try to hit on you just like the ones you pass in the short distance from the office to your car. And they’ll only stop pestering you if you’re walking next to a guy like Jungkook, which you clearly don’t have in this game with your empty friend list. So you’d rather stay on mute for now.
“my mic is broken,” you type, “cat knocked it over.”
“Ah, that’s okay.” He heals you up and saves you from an otherwise fatal headshot. “We were just wondering if you could help our buddy out.”
You? You’re not sure how you’re supposed to be of any help to a lovesick puppy when you haven’t had much luck in the love department either. But you are a curious kitten when it comes to other people’s love lives.
“maybe… can i get more context?”
Apparently, this lovesick puppy (or “Jklmnop” according to his username) has a little more in common with Jungkook than you’d originally thought. Turns out both of them are the designated fuck boys at their workplaces. Except this one has a massive crush on his “super hot” colleague. Jeon Jungkook would never.
The issue is that Jklmnop caught feelings for the one person who doesn’t seem interested in him. Worse, it feels like he’s being friendzoned. And he’s been going on dates with other people in an attempt to squash those unrequited feelings, but it’s just not doing the trick.
“i know a fuck boy too.” You are by no means an expert in the fuck boy archetype, but perhaps your time spent with Jungkook has prepared you for this opportunity to help a friend in need. And you do have some advice. “im not saying fucking all your coworkers is a bad thing but if you really want this girl you need to go all in on her and show her that you’re willing to commit to something more serious.”
Because if you knew this to be true about your own local fuck boy, you’d give him a chance, too. But as far as you know, Jungkook has never shown any romantic interest in you (or anyone else for that matter). He’s just a platonic buddy to you and a fuck buddy to everyone else.
“and it’s very possible she doesnt even realize youre interested in her,” you type, “this is a dumb question but have you tried asking her out yet?”
Your dumb question gets a few laughs from the boys. You feel like an IT person asking their client if they’ve tried turning their computer off and on again.
“Oh, our guy here doesn’t ask people out. He’s the one getting asked out all the time,” Duelist #1 explains.
“It’s been a year and You-know-who hasn’t made a move on him, so that must mean she doesn’t like him,” Duelist #2 adds in a sarcastic tone. You imagine him rolling his eyes on the other side of his screen.
“well @Jklmnop if you dont normally ask ppl out, itll hold more weight when you do.” Your fingers pause for a second. Maybe you’re just soft, but it’d mean a lot to you if you were asked out by the Jeon Jungkook. You’re sure this fuck boy could pull it off too. “you should ask her out. maybe shes waiting for you to make the move.”
You don’t get an immediate response, but he trades his pretty shark gun for your plain one. He must have seen you steal the one over his dead body a few rounds ago. What a thoughtful guy.
Then a friend request pops up. Fine. Jklmnop can be the one username on your otherwise empty friend list.
“I’ll ask her if the opportunity arises,” Jklmnop says after clutching a 1v4. “Thanks bro.”
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On Monday, you’re a lot sleepier than you should be at the beginning of the work week because you practically spent the entire weekend gaming with your new fuck boy friend and finishing the book you recommended to your office fuck boy friend.
Your dark circles must be pretty bad because Jungkook feels the need to stop by your desk and say, “Up all night reading Lauren Christina?” He taps the book on your mousepad, so he can clearly see that it’s Christina Lauren and not Lauren Christina. He’s just teasing you at this point.
“It’s Christina Lauren, you shithead. And yes, I finished it, so you can read it now,” you say, handing the book to the boy. He holds it with a soft grip as if to avoid creasing the pages. If library books were treated with the same care, they wouldn’t feel so crusty all the time. You can respect guys with gentle hands. “I expect a full book report by Friday.”
“At least give me the weekend,” he frowns. It’s the most attractive frown you’ve ever seen.
“Sure, if that’s how you want to spend your weekend,” you yawn. Wouldn’t he rather be doing anything else on his days off than read your book?
“That’s how you spent your weekend, Sleepyhead.” He makes a good point. His chuckle is quite cute too. 
As he flips through the book, you see something shimmery wedged between the pages toward the end of the story. You told yourself a million times to take your silly little bookmark out before lending him the book, but of course you forgot. Maybe he won’t notice.
Unfortunately for you, Jungkook pulls the metallic blue bookmark out to examine it. His lips curve upward when he sees it’s shaped like a whale shark. Oh great. He’s definitely gonna tease you about it. You knew you should’ve gone with one of the more sophisticated leather bookmarks.
“You really like these guys, huh.” He holds it up by the chain to let some light shine through the tiny holes mimicking the shark’s gorgeous spotty pattern. Not the reaction you were expecting, but you’ll take it.
“What makes you say that?” You don’t ever recall confiding in him about your whale shark obsession. Last time you checked, all of your nerdy and kiddish quirks were kept far away from your office. It’s just not on-brand for the professional image you’ve established here.
“Didn’t you have a cute whale shark phone case when you first started working here? Before you switched it to that cream-colored one?” He wrinkles his face, deep in thought as he tucks the bookmark back where he found it. He’s right, though. You just assumed no one had ever noticed it. As soon as you got your new work phone, you switched to something more neutral to fit your minimalist aesthetic.
“Oh, right.” You’d forgotten about the case just like you forgot about the bookmark. But Jungkook somehow notices and remembers those kinds of details about you. It’s almost endearing in a way.
You shouldn’t let yourself think like that, though. Those are dangerous thoughts.
“By the way, how was your date?” As much as you hate to admit it, you’re curious about his date with the recruiting coordinator. Besides, if he says it went well, you’ll have yet another reason to stop holding onto the tiny feelings you have for him.
“I didn’t go.”
“Oh,” you press a finger to your parted lips. That’s unheard of for Jeon Jungkook. “Did her cat die or something?”
“Why does someone’s cat need to die for the date to be canceled?”
“There must’ve been a pretty big emergency for you to forgo a date, no?”
“Is that what you really think of me, Y/N?” He cocks his head to the side because he’s a fuck boy and that’s what fuck boys do.
“That’s not what I think of you.” Another yawn slips from your mouth. “It’s just facts. You have a 99% attendance rate when it comes to dates, don’t you?”
He nods because he can’t argue with the credible gossip that goes on in your office.
“Anyway, I’m going to run to that coffee shop you won’t shut up about,” he says as he glances at the time on his phone and then at the dark abyss under your eyes. “Need anything?”
“Hmm…” You pretend to think deeply about your order. Usually when other people go on coffee runs, you request something easy to remember like an oat latte. But for Jeon Jungkook, the boy who keeps fucking up Christina Lauren’s name, you won’t go so easy. “How about an iced birthday cake latte with oat milk, an extra shot of espresso, two pumps of toffee syrup, and the crème brûlée topping? Please.”
“So… birthday cake frappuccino with oat milk?” He snickers in your sleepy face before walking off. “You’re gonna have to come with if you want all that extra stuff.”
It’s a latte, not a frappuccino. But you suppose it doesn’t matter if he knows the difference because you’re scurrying to catch up with him as he heads for the elevator.
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The “coffee shop you won’t shut up about” has been open for a few months now, and you’ve stopped by at least two times a week since the grand opening for your usual dose of caffeine. Should you be proud or embarrassed that the baristas all know your name and order? How about when they raise their eyebrows at the sight of you walking in with your handsome coworker?
“She’ll have a birthday cake frapp—”
“Don’t listen to him. I’ll get a birthday cake latte, please,” you tell the barista at the register. Jungkook chuckles as you give his arm a light shove. “With oat milk and crème brûlée today.”
“Sure thing, Y/N,” she smiles at you and then turns to the boy next to you. “Anything for you?”
“Just plain coffee, thanks,” he says after a quick glance at the menu. You hate that he orders plain coffee when the menu has all these fun options like pink donut lattes or cookies n cream cappuccinos. If he wanted black coffee, he could’ve saved time and money by brewing some in the office. He didn’t have to go all the way to the coffee shop you wouldn’t shut up about. But he did. And he invited you along for the ride.
As the two of you wait for your drinks, you pick the booth in the corner next to the window. You’ve always had this vision of sitting inside a cozy cafe to work from your laptop or read a book. It just hasn’t happened yet because you get scared off when all the other customers bring their friends or lovers to share that experience with. Your laptop and books can’t compare to that. 
You’ve always been envious. Until today.
“That doesn’t look nearly as complex as it sounded,” Jungkook says when he sees your latte with the fancy crème brûlée on it. He slides his boring coffee across the table to you. “I’ll let you try mine if you let me try yours.”
Only a weirdo would accept a pathetic offer like that.
“Deal.” You take a sip of your sugary treat before passing it off to the boy. He winces from how sweet yours is compared to the bitterness of his black coffee. You make a face for the opposite reason.
“I’m surprised you agreed to it,” he hums with a tiny bit of crème brûlée around his mouth. You want to kiss it off. He must notice you eyeing his lips because he wipes it off with his thumb a second later.
“I wanted you to try my special drink,” you say. It’s for the same reason you lent him your book—to let him know another tiny piece of you without explicitly saying it.
“I’ll have to get it myself next time we come.” He pulls up the notes app on his phone and types as he speaks. You wonder if “next time” and “we” imply that this coffee outing is going to become another routine thing between you and him, just like your walks to the parking lot. Hopefully it does. No, it definitely will. Because you’ll be the one to ask him next time. “What’s it called again? Birthday cake frappuccino… with crème brûlée?”
“Exactly,” you lie. Who knows. His mistake might taste even better. You’ll have to find a way to sneak a taste when he isn’t looking. It’s something sweet to look forward to.
As you sip your latte, the barista who took your order catches your eye from across the store, points at Jungkook, and mouths something to you. You don’t quite catch it, so she repeats it again just as your coworker turns to see what you’re staring at.
“Boyfriend?” she mouths, clear as day, before spinning around to use the espresso machine. 
When the boy turns back to you, he has such a goofy grin on his face. He points to himself and repeats, “Boyfriend?”
“Stop,” you laugh at his antics but totally dodge the question. “Anyway… may I ask why you didn’t go on that date with the recruiting coordinator?” 
His eyes are wide. Probably because it’s not like you to pry. But you just want to make sense of why he’s sitting here with you, acting all sweet and boyfriend-like, after bailing on someone else a few days ago. He’s not his usual self either.
“It was faster to reject her,” he shrugs. You didn’t realize he was in such a hurry on Friday. It certainly didn’t seem like it with how he’d blocked your way out of the conference room.
“What were you in such a hurry for?”
“Isn’t it our unspoken thing to walk to the parking lot together?” He says it like you’re silly. Like the fate of the world depends on him being able to fulfill his duty of walking you to your car each and every day. Like he’d forgo hours of good sex for a five-minute walk with you.
“It’s not unspoken if we talk about it,” you say softly. You’ve always adored the short walks with Jungkook, but maybe you weren’t the only one who felt that way. What kind of guy rejects a date just so he can keep up this year-old tradition between you and him? No guy has ever done anything close to that for you. “But yeah, it is our thing.”
The boy nods with a gentle smile as he sips his coffee. For just a split second, he gives you Jklmnop vibes. You don’t know how else to explain it. He’s a fuck boy, but there’s something so delicate about him that you want to touch without breaking.
You wonder if he’d ever let you in.
On the way out, your favorite friendly barista waves you over to the counter with a huge grin. As much as you love the girl, you’re scared of what might come out of her mouth next. She leans in as if to whisper but ends up shouting over the grinder in the background.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about him.” Her eyes flick to somewhere beyond your shoulders. “He’s such a hottie, by the way. Y’all are kinda cute together.”
A snort comes from right behind you. “Thank you,” says the hottie. Your hottie, apparently. It would’ve been perfectly fine for him to clarify that the two of you aren’t actually together, but you suppose his ego was too busy soaking in the compliment from the pretty barista.
“Really?” You raise an eyebrow at Jungkook as soon as you’re both out the door.
“What?” What’s with that playful smile of his?
“You didn’t deny what she said.”
“A compliment’s a compliment, Y/N.”
“I didn’t mean the part about you being a hottie.” You shudder at that last word. Yes, Jungkook is the hottest guy you’ve ever seen, but he doesn’t need to hear that from your mouth. “I meant the part about you being my boyfriend.”
“You didn’t deny it earlier, either,” he shrugs. True. “Besides, isn’t that also a compliment?”
Now that he’s mentioned it, it does feel pretty nice to be seen as a couple with someone as attractive as Jungkook—to give the illusion that it’s you who’s got him wrapped around your finger, you who he chose above everyone else, and you who gets to fall asleep in his arms every night. And it feels especially good considering how often other people dismiss you as someone not good enough for him. In fact, this is the first time anyone has ever acknowledged that the two of you go well together.
“Hey man, mind if I steal that fine little lady for a sec?” a sleazy voice calls out in your direction. You don’t bother turning your head to acknowledge the presence of yet another ignorant hooligan on the street, but you do step a little closer to Jungkook. You don’t know what pisses you off more: the fact that this stranger is another nonbeliever that you could be dating a guy like Jungkook or the fact that he asked for another male’s permission to talk to you instead of asking you directly. Most catcallers keep their mouths shut when you’re walking with your handsome coworker, but this one clearly can’t take a hint.
A warm hand pulls you in at the waist. It’s the same soft grip Jungkook held your book with. And you kind of never want him to let go. Because when he holds you close like that, all the shitty people become irrelevant. That doesn’t, however, stop you from getting a kick out of the death stare he gives the catcaller who finally backs off.
“You really showed him,” you tease. His face loosens up after you let out a tiny snicker. Still, he studies your every expression to make sure you’re alright.
“Does that happen to you wherever you go?” he asks as he moves his arm up from your waist to your shoulder, something slightly more appropriate for two friendly colleagues. Suddenly your waist feels cold.
“Usually when I’m out by myself.” Whether it’s the supermarket, the park, the office, you’ve felt objectified pretty much everywhere. Even online. The sad thing about it is that you know you’re not the only one. ”But I’m used to it at this point.”
“Well, men are kind of shitty,” he huffs, looking rather frustrated on your behalf. You’ve never seen him so irritated. For the most part, he knows how to keep a calm composure, even during busy season. It’s oddly satisfying that an inconvenience for you is what brought that emotion out of him.
“I used to think that,” you admit as the two of you enter the office building. “But all it takes is one good guy to outweigh the shitty ones.”
For you, Jungkook has always been that one good guy.
“True. I suppose that hottie boyfriend of yours isn’t that bad, huh.” He gives you a soft shoulder squeeze in the elevator before dropping his arm back to his side. It’s a subtle taste of what he could be doing to other places on your body if he were actually your boyfriend. He’d handle you with so much care.
“You won’t let that go, will you?” you pout, pointing your thumb back in the general direction of the coffee shop. “Those baristas really think we’re dating now, you know.”
He pinches your pouty cheek and leaves you at your desk with a not-so-innocent remark. 
“I wonder why they think that about us.”
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The second half of your day feels painfully long. It’s kind of hard to focus on designing wholesome character models when you’ve got Jeon Jungkook stuck in your head. At this rate, your cute little characters are going to turn into bad boys who steal your books and lattes along with your heart. You can’t help it when he’s been extra sweet to you lately. Sweeter than a birthday cake frappuccino could ever be. And just like your favorite sugary beverages, there’s something so addicting about his company.
As you’re finishing up some designs, you spot the boy chatting with his buddies from the other departments. It’s unfair that an entire friend group can be so goodlooking. And it’s even more unfair that Jungkook is still the one you can’t take your eyes off of in the handsome bunch. Great, now you’re even more distracted.
“Hey, I saw you were online again last night,” says the guy from accounting. He has long pretty eyelashes. “Where was my invite?”
“Ah, yeah. Remember that girl on our team the other night?” Jungkook has a cheeky grin. Why does he have such a cheeky grin while talking about some e-girl, and why does your tummy hurt all of a sudden? “She helped me climb out of plat. She’s diamond.”
So what? That’s the same rank as you. Nothing special. Hmph. You hope she gets demoted before the act ends. You’re not a jealous person, but you are petty.
“How do you know she’s a she?” asks the engineer with plump lips.
“That’s what she told me,” Jungkook continues. “And it fits with the fact that she doesn’t use a mic. You guys know how fucked up people can be in that game.”
You nod along to that.
“What’s her username again? I wanna add her now,” the other engineer jumps in. This one has broad shoulders. Very broad.
“You just want to hit on her,” Engineer #1 shakes his head at Engineer #2. You agree with that too.
“Is she single? Or at least around our age?” asks the accountant.
“You guys are monsters,” Jungkook laughs. “I’ll give you her username only if you promise not to simp.”
“Fine,” they all agree reluctantly.
You convince yourself that you’re only eavesdropping because they’re talking too loud, but you’re actually just curious to search up the username and see how this e-girl’s game stats stack up against yours. You’re quite confident your headshot percentage will outrank hers.
“It’s CL, remember?”
“Oh right.”
No, not right. That’s definitely not the username you picked as a subtle nod to your favorite author, and Jungkook is definitely not the lovesick fuck boy you’ve been giving advice to through some wack ass shooter game. Definitely not.
Because if it were true, that would mean Jungkook has a crush on somebody in your office. And who the heck would that be?
“Ready to head out?” Jungkook pops out of nowhere and scares the shit out of you. You nearly leap out of your seat with a tight fist around your tablet pen like you’re about to knife the boy in-game. He holds your book up as a shield. “Whoa there.”
“My bad, I thought you were the enemy.” You snap the pen back onto your tablet and say it with a straight face as if he knows you play the same violent game as him.
He plays along, scanning the office for anyone suspicious. “Who’s the enemy?”
“Marketing?” You only say that because everyone in the office knows the marketing director Kim Namjoon was your college nemesis back when you were even pettier than you are now.
“Ah,” he nods as you pack up and roll your chair in. You’ve always wondered why he just accepts the weird things you do without question. “Glad I’m not your enemy. Wouldn’t want to be stabbed by your tablet pen. Or your nails.”
He points to your pretty manicure. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he’s subtly asking to hold your hand. But you do know better. He has an intense crush on someone else in the building, so there’s really no reason why he’d want to hold your hand.
So instead of misreading the situation and making a fool of yourself by entwining your fingers with his, you poke your favorite of his tattoos (the silly face on his middle finger) with your acrylic. “Consider yourself stabbed.”
You try not to look at the boy’s wrinkly smile. But it’s incredibly hard. Instead, you redirect your eyes anywhere else. Of course they fall on the “it couple” of the office passing by. They don’t do a whole lot of PDA, but the way they look at each other says it all, and they have this glow about them that seems so unobtainable. You feel the envy creeping up again.
On the elevator ride down, you try not to think about the happy couple or Jungkook’s wrinkly smile. It’s making you sad.
“Can I ask you something?” he turns to you. Maybe his question will take your mind off everything bringing your mood down. You nod for him to proceed. “How do you feel about dating a coworker?”
Shitty. You feel shitty. He could probably sense that from your silence upon seeing the couple.
“You mean like Hyuna and Dawn?” You don’t have a problem with it, or with them. If you could pull off a perfect office romance like them, you’d do it too. But it doesn’t seem likely for you, and that’s what sucks.
“Just in general. Like, do you think it’s fine, or is it crossing the line?” he asks. Aha, you get it now. He’s asking for your opinion because he doesn’t want to make you, his totally platonic friend, feel uncomfortable when he starts dating whoever he has a crush on here.
“HR allows it, so I don’t really see a problem with it,” you answer honestly. Sure, you’d be hurt if you had to work in an environment where Jungkook is doing lovey-dovey things with someone else, but you’re not going to be the one to ruin it for him.
“I’ve never seen you date anyone here, though.”
“Well I don’t get asked out all the time like you, Jungkook.”
“What about Mark from accounting? Or my guy Jooheon before he moved overseas? And don’t get me started on Kim Namjoon.” He has his fingers out and ready to list all the other guys in the office who’ve expressed some sort of interest in you, but he decides against it when he sees you glaring back at him. Wise man.
You’d love to know why he’s so familiar with your nonexistent office dating history.
“Okay, I get it. I’ve been asked out a fair amount,” you sigh. “But it doesn’t really count if they aren’t the right person.”
That earns you a soft head tilt from the boy. You swear he’s a puppy. “Oh? Miss Y/N has a type?”
When you think about it, a few of the guys who’ve asked out were your type—smart, funny, hardworking—and yet you still said no. They’ve never hand-delivered meeting notes and chamomile tea when you were out sick, never walked you to your car, never given you something to look forward to at work, and never known your favorite animal. They’ve never made you want them the way you want a certain someone else.
“I wouldn’t exactly call it a type.” It’s a person. The person who makes you feel so safe and cared for. The person who has feelings for another girl. “It’s a little more complicated than that.”
You don’t like being vague, but saying any more than that would only set you up for heartbreak. He can’t hurt you if you stay silent.
As the elevator continues to count down, Jungkook leans against the railing, arms crossed and head down. He’s awfully quiet for someone who always feels the need to say something silly until you laugh.
“What if I told you there’s one more person in the office who’s interested in you?” he asks just before the elevator arrives on the first floor.
The door slides open but neither of you steps out, so it closes back up.
You blink at the boy. First you learn Jungkook has a crush on someone, and now someone suddenly has a crush on you? Your brain genuinely doesn’t know what to do with all this information.
You’d ask who your secret admirer is, but it doesn’t matter. You’d only say yes to one person in this office, and his feelings lie elsewhere. Maybe he’s just trying to set you up with another guy who can walk you to your car. It’s not like the two of you would be able to keep up that tradition once he’s committed to someone else.
You’d rather walk alone at that point.
“A workplace romance sounds cool and all.” You point at the book in Jungkook’s hand while trying to keep a light tone. “But it’s just not for me. You know what I mean?”
He nods with a chuckle as the two of you finally clear out of the elevator. “Based on my history here, it’s probably not for me either.”
You know he’s poking fun at himself, but you hope he doesn’t actually feel that way about himself. He still needs to ask his girl out, and he can’t chicken out now. As the person he’s confided in about his feelings, it’s your job to shower him with encouragement and support. You’ll have to wait until you’re back online, though.
On the way to your car, the office romance conversation has been completely dropped. You ramble on about your sudden craving for tacos, and he claims he makes a “mean taco salad” before sending you a screenshot of the recipe no one asked for. You’ll try it when you get home.
Like always, he leans against your car door as you buckle yourself in. This time, he even tugs on the seatbelt like amusement park workers do before sending you off on a roller coaster. As gentle as he is, it stings where the tips of his fingers graze your shoulder. That feeling lingers even after the door closes.
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Jungkook wasn’t lying, you think to yourself as you munch away at his definition of a “mean taco salad.” Your first instinct is to text him about it, but your second one is to silence your phone and cozy up for the night. After your shower, you have another staredown with the pretty lingerie set. At this rate, no one’s going to see you in it, so you might as well wear it and look cute for yourself. 
It’s a little more see-through than you’re normally comfortable with, but the soft silky champagne accents make your body glow. To complete the look, you throw on a short skimpy robe with a baby pink floral pattern. Perhaps you’re being extra for a quiet night in with your cat and a cup of chamomile tea. But it’s what you need right now because you’re desperately searching for something to comfort and distract you from that dang feeling Jungkook left you with. 
It also couldn’t hurt to play a few games without Jklmnop. Maybe you’ll get lucky with the whale shark gun today.
Unfortunately, there’s still no whale shark gun in your shop, but at least Jungkook isn’t online yet. The four games you play without him go really well stat-wise. You’re the team MVP for half those games—something you hadn’t achieved all weekend with Jklmnop on your team. He’s a great friend but the kind of ally who will intentionally blind you so he can make you quake in your boots and steal your kill in the process. He’s lucky he hasn’t let you die while fucking around like that. Still, you can’t remember the last time you had that much fun in your matches.
As you review the summary of game #4, a notification pops up in the top corner of your screen.
[Jklmnop is online!]
“wanna carry me to radiant?” he DMs you right away and sends you an invite.
“no,” you type as you join his party.
“what if i trade you my whale shark gun?”
The first thing you do when you spawn into the match is demand the whale shark gun. You put your baseball bat to his head, waiting for him to keep his end of the bargain. The boy drops the gun in front of you and backs away slowly.
“It’s cute that you like that skin so much,” he chuckles into his mic. When you hear his voice, you feel like an idiot for convincing yourself that Jklmnop and Jeon Jungkook weren’t the same person. There’s no mistaking that that’s the calm and flirty voice that has haunted you every day at work for the past year. Does it make you an asshole for wholeheartedly believing your local fuck boy friend wasn’t capable of developing real feelings for someone in the office? Probably, but you intend on redeeming yourself by sending him your full support in the love department. You’re just waiting for him to bring it up.
Twenty kills and one stolen ace later, Jungkook still hasn’t said anything about the mysterious You-know-who—which is weird, considering he wouldn’t shut up all weekend about how she’s “soft like a kitten” but “one that won’t hesitate to bring the claws out.” Who is this girl, and what has she done to Jungkook? He’s become a total cheeseball. And you can’t think of a single person in the office who fits his cheesy description.
“any update on youknowwho about youknowwhat?” you type between rounds.
Jungkook’s character paces back and forth in the snow even after the round begins. The three other members of your team starts following him like ducklings without knowing the context. You watch from afar as they get sniped down one by one until you’re the last one alive.
Usually in 1v5 situations like this, you’re great at keeping your cool and isolating your duels so you aren’t overwhelmed by an ambush. But instead of listening for footsteps and directional cues, you’re listening hard for the boy’s response to your question.
“Clutch this and I’ll give you an update on You-know-who,” he says after you cut the enemy team’s numbers down to one. All you have to do now is plant the bomb and wait for the last person to come out to start defusing. That’s when you’ll swoop in and—
Your character falls face first into the snow. You’ve been knifed from behind, which loses you the round but earns you an evil snicker from Jungkook.
At the start of the next round, you wait once more for the boy to trade his gun with you. But instead, he just stands there, clutching onto the weapon while the rest of the team rushes onto the site to plant the bomb.
“I’ve decided not to ask her out,” he says out of nowhere. “We have this wholesome thing between us, and it’s best if we keep it that way.”
“what makes you say that?” you type before joining up with the others on site. As far as you know, Jungkook isn’t wholesome with any coworker. Except you, maybe. He must have some other strange definition of wholesome.
“Let’s just say I read a whole ass book tonight about a workplace romance and realized I’m not cut out for it.” He really read your book. No. He devoured it. Why does that mean the absolute world to you? “She’s seen me going on date after date, and now I’m pretty sure I’ve scared her away from wanting any part of that.”
He’s not wrong. You used to feel the same way about him, so you understand why he has his reservations. But if that girl knew how much he’d cherish their relationship the way he cherishes your friendship with him, you know she’d fall for him too. There’s no doubt in your mind about that. It’s just a matter of him vocalizing it.
“i still think you should be upfront with her about your feelings,” you type away as you get headshot from who knows where. 
“She can’t hurt me if I stay silent,” Jungkook hums as he runs toward the ticking bomb and crouches in front of it. It looks like he’s trying to defuse the bomb that your own team planted, but it explodes in his face before you have time to correct him.
“gj,” one of your teammates puts in the chat even though everyone watching knows it was not a “good job.” The only silver lining is that he secured the win for your team. You don’t feel like playing anymore, anyway.
Before you log off for the night, you start typing out some long motivational speech along with your top ten reasons as to why Jungkook would make an excellent boyfriend. He’d try new things with you, share some of his favorite things with you, make sure you’re safe, and tease you until the end of time while making you feel so so loved. You know this because it’s what he’s done with you for the past year. But the more you think about it, the more you realize it’s not your place to say all of that from behind a screen with your mic on mute.
You end up deleting your whole spiel and settle for a simple “good night😴” to the boy from your gaming account. Then you get back on your phone.
Y/N🦈 [11:47PM] “It was indeed a mean taco salad”
Y/N🦈 [11:47PM] “Btw did you finish the book?👀”
Jungkook🥴 [11:48PM] “Finished it in 4 hours😌”
Y/N🦈 [11:49PM] “Wanna drop it off to me now?”
Jungkook🥴 [11:49PM] “Now?”
Jungkook🥴 [11:50PM] “Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
Y/N🦈 [11:51PM] “Yes but my cat can’t fall asleep without his bedtime story”
Y/N🦈 [11:51PM] “🥺”
Y/N🦈 [11:51PM] “^^^My cat”
Jungkook🥴 [11:54PM] “omw”
The boy knocks on your door a few minutes later and does a horrible job of keeping his eyes above shoulder level. It doesn’t occur to you that your chest and ass are hanging out of your robe until the chilly air hits those spots.
“All dressed up for your night with Lauren Christina?” he says casually, handing the book back to you in mint condition.
“I thought you said Christina Lauren doesn’t care about my lingerie.” You cross your arms over your chest like it was totally intentional to answer the door in the bare minimum. Jungkook’s sleepwear, on the other hand, looks super cozy. And of fucking course he’s hot as hell in something as simple as sweats and a hoodie. A boy like him doesn’t have to put in any thought or effort to look cute.
“I stand by what I said.” He stares at your exposed skin in an almost lustful manner. Almost. “It’s cold out. You should go crawl back in bed and read your cat his bedtime story. Or do you need me to tuck him in, too?”
“He is quite needy,” you play along. Too bad he’s already fast asleep, all curled up on the couch. You wouldn’t mind if Jungkook tucked you in, though.
“Well tell your needy cat I said goodnight.” He takes a step back toward his car, but you know he must realize you didn’t call him all the way over here just for your cat’s sake.
“Jungkook,” you call out while flipping through the book. Once you find the bookmark wedged in the middle, you extend it to him like a peace offering.
He accepts the bookmark albeit with a puzzled expression. “Is this gratuity for delivering your book at this late hour?”
You shake your head. “It’s gratuity for lending me your whale shark gun all the time.”
“Whale shark gun?” He grips the bookmark by the dorsal fin and holds it like a pistol. It’s aimed at your left breast (or heart) (but breast sounds more accurate).
“The one from the Gentle Giants collection,” you say softly as you rub your arms because holy shit is it cold out. “In Valoranch.”
The wheels in his head start to turn as you pull him inside and toward your “work from home” setup in the living room. Your desk is pretty empty aside from the pastel headset, the cute dolphin Pokémon on your desktop wallpaper, and a cold cup of tea. 
Then he spots the little Valoranch shortcut on the far left corner of your screen. “Wait, you really play Valoranch? What’s your username?”
Instead of telling him, you show him with the help of your book. Your index finger slides across the bookcover from the C in Christina to the L in Lauren.
His eyes widen like a naughty cat caught doing something it shouldn’t be doing.
“Then that means you know about…” He pauses because he dare not repeat his feelings for another coworker in front of you.
You nod. “But I didn’t realize it was you until I overheard you talking about it with the guys earlier today.”
“My voice and backstory didn’t give it away?” 
“It definitely sounded like you.” You plop into your chair and start spinning around so he can’t get a clear view of your face. “But how was I supposed to know you had feelings for someone in our office? I still don’t know who she is, by the way.”
“You don’t?” Your childlike spins are interrupted by a steady hand. From the corner of your eye, you can see the boy’s face transition from doomed to amused. Good. He shouldn’t beat himself up over the bizarre situation.
“Nope.” At least you don’t have a specific face to imagine being next to Jungkook’s on those corny holiday cards that couples and families love to hand out around the office this time of year. “Regardless, you need to stop chickening out and just tell her how you feel already. If she knows you the way I know you, I promise you have nothing to worry about.”
The thing is, you don’t know if anyone else has been on the receiving end of the kinds of things Jungkook does for you. Does he show that side to anyone else but you?
“Fine, you’ve convinced me. I’ll do it.” He sits himself down beside the cat on the couch. “But only if you can figure out who it is.”
You give him a tiny nod for him to drop some hints. Of course you’ll lend an ear and play along if that’s what it takes for him to be more open about his feelings. Besides, you can’t say no when his voice is so soft and fragile like that. 
“She’s on the design team.” Your team is fairly small, so that narrows it down to names and faces you’d actually recognize.
“She has the most complex coffee order I’ve ever seen.” More complex than yours?
“I impulse-bought that whale shark gun because it reminds me of her.” Someone else has good taste in endangered marine life.
“My second job includes walking her to her car after work and pretending to be her hottie boyfriend.” Wait.
“And lastly, in case all of those other hints weren’t obvious enough, she has a needy cat who’s obsessed with Christina Lauren.” He strokes between your needy kitty’s ears and tucks the little guy in under a blanket. What a lucky cat. 
Jungkook only stops with the wholesome shit when you climb into his lap and press your lips into his jawline. On instinct, he slips beneath your robe and grabs you at the waist with those gentle hands of his. He smells of cardamom and cedarwood, like the candle you burn on cold nights when fluffy blankets aren’t enough. And like a moth, you’re attracted to the light and warmth he radiates in the dimness of your home. Even if it means you might get burned.
“Congratulations, you finally got the name right.” You stick your tongue out while your nails comb their way through the locks of hair at the back of his neck. He locks eyes with you, leaning ever so slightly into the massage the way cats do when they need more attention.
And then your lips meet his. You expect the guy who’s locked lips with everyone in the office to get straight to the point and not hold back, but that isn’t the case. What he gives you instead is a soft graze, an affectionate tease. When you try to go in for another taste, he pulls back and lets you chase him. You’d love nothing more than to wipe that smirk off his face with another kiss.
“I thought you said you weren’t down to date a coworker?” Smartass. You wouldn’t be sitting on top of his cock if you weren’t down to be more intimate with him.
“That only applies to everyone except you.” Your robe slides off your shoulder as you poke him in the chest. Funny how you aren’t cold anymore.
“What makes me so special?” he asks while getting a sneak peek of the pretty lingerie you’d secretly hoped he’d see on you.
You think about all the little things he does—he walks with you, reads your book recommendations, takes note of your favorite animals and coffee shops. And he never expects anything in return, including your feelings apparently. He just wants to make sure you feel seen and know he always has your back. When he’s too chicken to be upfront about his feelings, you’ve come to realize this is his love language. 
“You might be open about all the sleeping around you do with other people, but the subtle thoughtful things you do just for me don’t go unnoticed.” You run your fingers along his cheek and bring your lips within striking distance from his. This time, he doesn’t initiate another chase and allows you to press your words into his mouth. “Plus I think it’s really cute that you use the whale shark skin in-game because of me.”
“That’s when I knew I was down bad.” The sound he makes is somewhere between a chuckle and an embarrassed sigh. “I didn’t even know you played that game and yet my mind was still finding ways to connect everything back to you and your little quirks.”
“I knew I was down bad when I installed that game after hearing you raging about it with the boys,” you blurt out of nowhere.
“You did what, Y/N?”
“I started playing that headache of a game because of you, okay? I wholeheartedly believed I was taking that secret to the grave, but now it stays between you and me. Got it?” Your face feels hot, but you aren’t complaining.
“Yes, ma’am.” His teasing grin will never get old, and you love that about him.
In the heat of another kiss, you feel Jungkook tug on the silky sash at your waist. Your robe opens up like curtains being drawn for a grand reveal. Exposed as you are, there’s no need to hide anymore. In fact, you’d be more than down to have sex out in the open on the couch, but you also have to consider the innocent kitten sleeping next to you.
Like the considerate boy he is, Jungkook scoops you up without disturbing the cat and makes his way to your bedroom.
He lays you down on the bed and eyes your body from head to toe. If he wasn’t giving you horny eyes when you greeted him at the door, he definitely is now.
“Am I gonna get you in trouble for keeping you up past your bedtime?” He saves time by tearing his hoodie and t-shirt off in one go. Based on those abs, you suppose working out is another one of his favorite pastimes alongside sex, gaming, and fucking around with you.
“No.” You reach for his body and pull him on top of you. The large bulge tucked away in his sweatpants catches your attention. “But I might be a little sore for tomorrow.”
“Oh? Is that how you like it?” He rubs two fingers against the thin fabric between your legs to test the waters. Your body shudders and tenses up from the tiniest of touches. Given the dry spell you’ve suffered through this year, you know it won’t take much for you to lose it. “Sure you can handle it?”
“Try me.” You push back with your tongue in his mouth and help him out of his sweats. You’re one swipe away from clawing his boxers off, but he grabs ahold of your wrists and pins you against the pillows.
“Someone’s awfully eager,” he says as he leaves a trail of kisses from your neck to your breasts. You squirm under his hot breath, asking for more contact—anywhere on your body will do.
“Yeah, well, we do have another meeting bright and early tomorrow morning, and it’d look bad if we both fell asleep during it because we were up all night having—” Your rambling is interrupted by the boy’s cock staring you down. He tears open a square packet, but you swipe it away and slide it down his length. You don’t mind a bit of rubber if it gives you an excuse to get your paws on him.
In return, he helps you wiggle out of your teeny tiny thong and bra. His hands waste no time in squeezing your breasts and fingering you down below to make sure you’re wet enough. (Spoiler alert: You most definitely are.)
As big as he is, he slides in with relative ease thanks to how desperately you need him inside you. He fills you in perfectly, too, reaffirming the fact that you and him are perfect for one another. Fuck everyone who thinks otherwise.
You dig your long nails into his arms as he moves in and out of you. If he keeps going harder with every thrust, you’re gonna have a difficult time holding on.
“I swear your nails are like cat claws,” he grunts into your ear but makes no actual effort to extract your nails from his arms.
“If I recall correctly, you did refer to me as a soft kitten who isn’t afraid to bring her claws out,” you hum up at him.
“Hey, let’s not talk about all the sappy things I said in-game right now.” There’s a hint of poutiness in his otherwise raspy bedroom voice. As punishment for teasing him, he flips you over onto your knees to give him the best view of your ass. “You weren’t supposed to hear that stuff.”
“Tell me something I’m supposed to hear,” you challenge him as he gives your ass a good squeeze. His fingers dip back between your legs and circle your clit a few times. You body rubs back on instinct like a horny pup against a toy.
“I would like to formally ask you out,” he says with his hands at your hips and his cock back inside you. "Will you go out with me?"
“You're a little late, buddy, but yes, I’ll go out with you,” you chuckle until your orgasm sneaks up on you and hits you like a truck. The moans you let out are probably loud enough to wake the cat, but that just means the two of you will have to relocate the next time you have sex. Perhaps his place or the office breakroom might be worth considering. 
Your arms give out as you tighten around him, so you lower your face to the pillow and let the boy do as he pleases to your body to get his release. After a few more strong thrusts, he gasps your name out in pleasure and pulls out of you. You give him a good ten seconds to catch his breath before you smother him with a million kisses.
You take a glance at the time on your phone. It’s getting awfully late, and you do have that meeting in the morning, but the two of you have a few options:
A) Cuddle in bed and go to sleep like normal 9-5ers.
B) Hop online and play a few games together because your computer’s still on.
C) Go another round and make a special coffee run before the meeting.
None of those options sound like a bad idea when you’ve got Jeon Jungkook to do them with. All he has to do is say the word and you're down.
4K notes · View notes
sorchathered · 2 months
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Sacred New Beginnings- Chapter 10
A/N- Holy cow yall we are finally here! Our last chapter of this series, but not the end for Jake and Stormy! I will be checking in here and there, I have some one shots planned for them in the future and I’m excited for you guys to see how things have been going for them. Again thank you all so much for the love, I will always have a special place for this series since it’s my first baby. I want to give a massive shout out to @mamachasesmayhem for being my cheerleader from the very beginning of this series, proofreading for me and helping me brainstorm when I couldn’t push through the writer’s block. You have been amazing and I love you!! 😘
Pairing- Jake “Hangman” Seresin x reader (oc Stormy)
Warnings- language, PTSD, smut
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It had been a little over a week since you showed up at Jake's doorstep, he still couldn’t believe that he’d finally gotten what he wished for. Waking up next to you every morning, getting to commute to work together, sneaking off to hook up during lunch, it was all so much more than he could’ve hoped for. You were so damn happy, you and Viper had integrated seamlessly into your new squad, some people like Harvard and Omaha you already knew but there were new players as well and everyone had been so welcoming. You had kind of dreaded running into Bradley and Erin but even that seemed to go well, they had welcomed their son Nicky a few months after your accident and he was now a full blown toddler, the spitting image of his father. Both of them had been friendly, Bradley welcoming you back and Erin saying she was so happy you’d recovered, you knew they truly meant it and graciously accepted their words.
Jake maintained that you were a saint but really it was just that you hadn’t truly loved Bradley, at least not in a way that would’ve lasted. Neither of you had been compatible, and it was so easy to see now that you’d been with Jake for nearly two years; when it was truly meant to be it was unlike anything else mattered but the one you loved, and you couldn’t imagine life without Jake beside you. The ring in the top of his closet seemed to mock him every day, he wanted it to be absolutely perfect but nothing seemed good enough for his girl, so he let it sit untouched for yet another week as he took you out to the arcade on Friday for what had quickly become a weekly date night.
You had put a bunch of ideas in a jar the week before, told him to shake it up and pick one and off you both went on whatever adventure was scribbled on the tiny note, tonight was burgers and laser tag and while he’d joked that he was too old for that he had been the one hunting you down to shoot you as he cackled, maybe he just needed to be reminded that things didn’t always have to be so stressful because he couldn’t remember when he’d had this much fun.
After a lazy Sunday beach day and dinner on the grill he’d curled up with you on the couch with a movie, you’d meant for things to be innocent but he smelled so good and you found yourself turning in his arms to sling your leg over his hip, making out with him like you were a pair of teenagers. He fucked you slow and steady into the leather couch while the movie droned on in the background, his mouth slotted against yours as his hands roamed your body, you loved to joke how insatiable he had become since you moved in but you knew you were just as gone for him, too many nights had been spent apart and now having him in close proximity all you wanted was to make him feel good. You both came undone together as you whispered I love you into his neck, and all Jake could think of was how perfect his life had become.
Monday morning before he’d even had his coffee he’d gotten a text from Maverick to head to Cyclone’s office as soon as he got in, he immediately felt his stomach drop just thinking of what that meant. Deployment, for who knows how long and who knows where, and ultimately having to say goodbye to you again after he just got you back. He couldn’t bear to say anything to you until he knew for sure, so he went through the motions business as usual as you both ate breakfast and headed to work, kissing you a little longer than normal before you parted but you didn’t seem to notice anything off, promising to meet him for lunch with a wink and kisses blown in his direction. His feet felt like lead standing outside of Admiral Simpson’s office, he knew nothing good was coming from this meeting and when he entered he could tell by the look on his face that it was exactly what he thought. “How long?” He said as Mav handed him his papers, he could feel the lump forming in his throat and wanted out of this room as soon as possible. “Nine weeks son, I’m sorry Jake I know Y/N just got here, but you’re the best for the task and if I could I’d let you stay. She’ll be alright, I’ll keep an eye on her, you just do the job and come home safe.” Jake nodded and shook his hand, bailing from the room as soon as he could, he swiped his phone open and dialed you as fast as he could, but he couldn’t seem to catch his breath and when you answered he was full blown panicking, choking out to meet him by the truck and hanging up as he collapsed into the seat of his f-150. He wasn’t ready to go, you’d only been back in the air for a few months and now he finally had you here where he could take care of you, why couldn’t someone else have been picked?
You’d run across the lot to find him with his head in his hands in the front seat, wrenching the door open to wrap your arms around him, anything to help him regulate his emotions. He finally seemed to settle his breathing, relaxing into your arms while you stroked his sandy hair and kissed his cheeks. “What’s going on baby? You’ve got me scared now, did something happen with your family? Is your mom ok?” He squeezed your hand and passed the papers off to you, you knew exactly what it meant and you felt cold all over. This was the job, and while you both loved it you hated this part more than anything. He would miss all the major holidays together in your new home, your heart broke a little at having to celebrate Christmas without him and he let you curl into his arms and cry.
He only had a week from getting his papers to shipping out and it felt like the time was speeding away from him and he couldn’t catch it. He’d been adamant that the two of you update your wills on Tuesday and you had vehemently opposed it, he was stressing a little too much for your liking and it left you unmoored. Deployments were a part of this life, and yes you’d had a serious scare this last time but that didn’t mean he needed to become doom and gloom over it, you were worried about his mindset going into this, he needed a clear head if he had any hope of getting through this unscathed.
Wednesday night he was meticulously going through his packing list, gear spread all over the living room when you stepped into the house with take out, the vein in his forehead that only came out when he was angry seemed to be a permanent presence as of late, he was all furrowed brows and tense shoulders and you couldn’t take it for one more minute. “Jacob Thomas Seresin!” You called from the kitchen and he snapped his head to attention, he hadn’t even noticed you had gotten home until you shouted, looking across the room to find you with a pizza box in one hand and you completely stripped to nothing as you leaned against the doorframe. You sauntered over to where he sat cross legged on the floor, dropping the pizza box on the coffee table as you lowered yourself onto his lap, he was already getting hard for you when you pressed your bare pussy to the front of his gym shorts, his face going completely blank, no sign of that pesky forehead vein in sight.
“Fuck Stormy what are you doing baby? I gotta get this-“ he stopped short with a gasp as you ground yourself into him as you yanked a little roughly on his hair, pulling his face to yours and sloppily licking into his open mouth, he seemed to short circuit for a moment but recovered quickly as he wrapped his arms around your bare torso and kissed you back with fervor. Yanking his head back again to look up at you he blinked glazed emerald orbs at you, you were frustrated with him, he could see that now but he couldn’t focus enough to ask with you on top of him like this, he thought about asking but thought better of it when you reached down and took his length from his shorts, thoughts scattering all over again when you got up on your knees and sunk down on him, you still hadn’t said anything but he couldn’t be bothered anymore, whining out your name as you took him to the hilt with your warm center clenching around him. You nibbled on his lip and rubbed your nose along his as you wrapped your arms around his neck and you could feel the tension leaving him as you held him close, you knew he’d needed it as much as you, just the closeness of your bodies pressed together was enough to soothe whatever had been ailing both your minds.
“I’m going to sit here with you just like this until you calm the fuck down and tell me what’s got you so amped up, you’ve been like an exposed nerve ever since you got your papers and I can’t let you leave like this. You’re scaring me Jake, you can’t leave for a mission distracted you know better than that. You’re the best pilot I’ve ever seen and they picked you to head this op. You have to tell me what’s going on, you just have to!” You cried out as tears began to pour from your eyes, your throat felt raw with the emotion bubbling out of you and you began to shake in his embrace, the combination of being so full of him and revealing your worry almost too much. He seemed to jolt out of whatever trance he’d been in at your tears, swiping at them as they ran down your cheeks and kissing you hard, he knew he’d been distant and stressed couldn’t begin to describe how he’d been feeling, but he hadn’t even thought about himself and how it could affect the mission; all his worries had been solely focused on you.
“Oh baby I’m so sorry, shh hey I’m here ok? I’ll tell you all of it, just don’t cry sugar. I can't stand knowing I hurt you.” He was kissing every bit of your face he could get to, smoothing his hands all over you as you began to come down and regulate your breathing. You couldn’t be closer if you tried and yet he still felt so far away, you needed more so you latched on to his mouth and tightened your arms around his neck, he let you ground yourself and calm down, just breathing you in until the tears finally stopped. “Baby, baby I love you so much, I’m sorry” he murmured against your lips, you nodded and sniffled a little but didn’t loosen your grip, rocking into him slowly knowing he’d know what you wanted. He groaned low in his throat and flipped the two of you over as he pressed you gently into the carpet, letting the hot languid kisses burn the two of you up, all heat and bodies grinding into each other, letting all the stress go and just being hopelessly in love.
Hours later after you were both fully sated and relaxed you laid naked in his arms and ate the cold pizza while he let out all the words he’d kept bottled up. “It hadn’t ever occurred to me that we could lose this, I mean our job is dangerous sure but some naive part of me just thought we were untouchable.”
“Until I got hurt” you said quietly.
“Until you got hurt. It felt like someone had pulled the rug out from under me, every dream I’d ever had of us and our future could’ve been gone in an instant and I am terrified that something could happen to me and I’d leave you here alone.” He tightened his grip on your waist and you pressed a kiss to his chest, you knew exactly how he felt because you’d felt it all as you fell out of the sky during your ejection. But he couldn’t live in fear, it made him a liability to his fellow pilots and he was too damn good at what he did to let this destroy his confidence.
“You have to have faith baby, faith that you’ll make it through, that I’ll make it through and that we will get that long happy life that we want. I’m not going anywhere Jake, and I need you to be my cocky asshole pilot who thinks he’s God’s gift to the navy. Go be a badass and come home to me.”
You both laughed at that, he’d grown so much from that dickish holier than thou douchebag he had been when you first met, he was so much more level headed and mature. He promised he’d fight like hell and you knew he would.
The missions were grueling, the weather had been miserable lately and it made drills almost impossible, intel was scarce and worst of all he hadn’t been able to hear your voice in weeks. He had missed Halloween and thanksgiving, both squads had joined up for a potluck and you’d sent him a bunch of pictures, he was just grateful you weren’t doing this alone. He had gotten an email from his mother earlier in the week hoping he could talk to you about staying for the Christmas holidays and he couldn’t think of a better place for you to be. You loved Christmas, it used to annoy him because it wasn’t his cup of tea but somehow you’d softened him to it. He wrote to her quickly to tell her it was a great idea and to give you a call, when he’d had a knock on his door. Fritz leaned in with a look he knew all too well, it was time to fly out. He emailed you as well, telling you he loved you and then grabbed his gear and headed for the tarmac, he could only hope he’d be able to execute this and get home safely.
You stepped off the plane in Austin on December 18th to the entire Seresin clan in the lobby, Jake’s sisters and mom rushing forward to wrap you up in hugs and you couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt this kind of love, probably not since your grandmother had passed nearly a decade before. She would have adored Jake and his family, they spent the holiday season showing you all over town, hitting up all of Jake’s old haunts and embarrassing family pictures. Movie nights and Christmas cookie bake offs, family dinners and shopping trips with the girls; it had been so much fun and the Seresin’s had welcomed you with open arms, it felt like somehow you belonged here, the only thing missing was your 6 foot sandy blonde dreamboat boyfriend.
Correspondence had been spotty with Jake for a while, you’d gotten a FaceTime call after a mission and he had seemed grim, they’d lost a teammate to enemy fire and the weather had been abysmal, almost everyone had come down with the flu and he was miserable. He said he hoped he’d make it home by mid January and your heart broke all over again at not getting to spend Christmas together in your home, but he was adamant that the best place for you was with his family, and that next year would be a big blowout, he even agreed to let you buy any and every inflatable you wanted to cover the yard in Christmas cheer.
What you didn’t realize was that he was already on his way back to Coronado, he had coordinated with Phoenix to help him turn the house into a Christmas wonderland and would be back just in time for you to get home. He couldn’t let the ring sit any longer, he needed it on your finger now. After too many hours covering his house from top to bottom in snowflakes and Christmas lights, it was finally time for your plane to land. He was so nervous, he knew he didn’t have any reason to be, Javy had kept him up to date on when your plane landed and when he picked you up. Jake could barely sit still, so full of nervous energy knowing what was to come. Finally, he heard Javy’s truck pull into the drive and watched through the blinds as he helped you gather your luggage, even in leggings and his old UT Austin sweatshirt you looked like you’d stepped off a runway in his eyes, every bit his dream come true. This was it, when you came through the door he’d finally get to make you his forever, it had all been worth the wait.
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Epilogue (Lover)
Jake Seresin masterlist
🏷️ Tagging- @mamamaystbr @mamachasesmayhem @bobgasm @attapullman @kmc1989 @pinkdaisies9285 @seitmai @seitmai-too @mrsevans90 @djs8891 @mygyn @jessicab1991 @jostan456 @86laura11 @dempy @shanimallina87 @floydsglasses @dizzybee03 @its-the-pilot @nouis-bum @roosterforme @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer
65 notes · View notes
drunk-on-dk · 1 year
1-800-CUPID | Boo Seungkwan (m)
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Pairing: Boo Seungkwan x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff/Romance, Slice of Life, f2l, Smut (18+ only, Minors DNI)
w/c: ~7.0k words (editing was hard on this, sorry if there are any mistakes)
a/n: Happy Valentine's Day to all you lovely people! This is part of the @svthub The Story of Pink Eros ~ A Valentine’s Day Collab, please go support all the other wonderful writers who have written for this collab as well as eve4ryone in the network. They are all such wonderful, talented people, and I was very excited for my first collab ever!
content warnings below the cut!
c/w: protected sex!; some fluff, some romance, reader is having a tough few weeks and is a bit cynical; teasing; a bit of unrealistic scenarios but it's all for fun; mutual pining; hotline bling boo; (reunited) friends to lovers; some Jun x reader mention, but minor plot; alcohol mentions; explicit smut but relatively vanilla; love-making of sorts; lots of praise and whining; a bit of marking if you squint; please let me know if i'm missing anything big!
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Today had to have been a cruel joke on top of your, for lack of better words, already shitty-ass week. Work was more stressful than usual with the end of the year reports still piling on your desk even though it’s already February. The sad part was even if you wanted to cut lose after work, you didn’t have any friendly enough coworkers to grab a drink with and complain about the amount of work you’re drowning in together. Nor did you have any friends who lived close enough to invite out last minute.
The cherry on top was the painful reminder of your lackluster love life upon passing the local flower shop on the way home from yet another late night in the office. You scoffed at the array of gorgeous red-rose bouquets and tacky heart shaped chocolate boxes when you had passed the cute shop. The disdain you felt must have made you black out a bit because, before you knew it, you found yourself in the convenience store a few blocks down with two of your favorite wine bottles in hand.
Thank God it’s Friday, you thought. At least you can unwind tonight.
Coming to reality and humming in approval, you settle on grabbing a pack of your favorite ramen as well, grumbling slightly to yourself before heading to the self-check-out. “Well deserved, right? Who says I can’t enjoy my own presence. I don’t need someone to buy me flowers or chocolate. Wine and ramen will suffice.” 
Sure – maybeyou were being bit cynical, but after the week you had you didn’t care if you were going a bit crazy. It was well justified.
However, the questioning look that the cute old lady gave you in the checkout next to yours did make you feel a bit sheepish, apologizing slightly for your off-putting behavior and giving her a bright smile in return when you politely bid her a good night.
By the time you got home, you were already kicking your heels off your sore feet before you even made it past your apartment door. Quickly making a beeline for the wine opener tucked away in the depths of the kitchen drawers and shedding your work clothes after pouring yourself a hefty glass of wine. Tonight was going to be a movie night you determined, opting to change into your usual movie-watching uniform - everything is oversized and enough to keep you cozy and warm.
Letting out a sigh, you sink into the anticipated comfort of your well-lived-in couch. It was soothing to cozy up with a blanket after a long day, taking a sip of your wine and letting the warm, tingly feeling of the slightly tarte liquid wash over your body.
Even with your pessimistic, slight mental breakdown over the Valentine’s Day gifts earlier, you found yourself pulling up The Notebook. Why the hell not at this point? You sure could use a good cry.
And you sure did have a good cry. About a wine bottle and a half into the movie, the crocodile tears were rolling uncontrollably down your cheeks. To be fair, you never cried this much during an inane romance movie, but this week had you craving affection, like would you ever find the Noah to your Allie? You could really use a good hug right now, at least.
It was almost a sign from the heavens above when a number for the local relationship advice hotline came up as an advertisement on one of your social medias after the movie had ended.
Honestly, your algorithms were getting a little too accurate lately.
However, rather than being freaked out by the oddly direct ad, something possesses you to give the line a call. Maybe it’s the wine, maybe it’s the movie, maybe it’s been your wildly stressful week. Maybe it’s the shitty dating app that somehow always lands you a crap date. But, with your nth bereaved sigh of the day, you slowly tap the 1-800 number into your keypad. It seemed legitimate enough, unlike one of those ‘Find Hot Sexy Singles in Your Area’ sort of advertisements.
1-800-CUPID – a quick tap of the phone button has you dialing the hotline. You almost fly off your couch when the line starts playing an elevator-esque soundtrack rather than the usual ringing sound.
There was time to back out. There is time to hang up the phone. Surely the operator wouldn’t be offended if you just hung up.
Just like that the music cuts out – a cheery voice now introducing themselves on the other line, and much to your dismay you found yourself unable to end the impulsive phone call after somewhat recognizing the voice.
“Hello, you have successfully reached Cupid, the hotline for all your relationship and dating questions. Please note that all calls are recorded and monitored. This is Boo talking, how may I assist you today?”
“Boo?” You mutter out dumbly after a beat goes by. Your mind is racing, becoming a bit dizzy from how hard you’re thinking and the foggy haze of the sweet alcohol, swearing you could identify the voice on the other side of the call.
“Yes, this is Boo!” He chirps. “I am one of the local cupids right in your area. How can I help you?”
There is a slight cadence to his tone that has the lightbulb going off in your head, actually making you jump up from the couch this time, needing to stabilize yourself a bit before talking again.
“Boo?” You almost shriek. “Could this by chance be a Boo Seungkwan I’m speaking to?”
You can hear him hum hesitantly over the speaker, only encouraging you to keep pressing for an answer.
“This is Y/N Y/L/N,” you continue, starting to doubt if you should be sharing this information, but screw it. You swear you hear him gasp in slight recognition, but you continue regardless. “From university? I’m not sure if you’d remember, but you still owe me that drink you promised me on graduation day.”
For a second, you find yourself smiling, reminiscing on your college days, and thinking of the bright boy that you adored so much. Boo Seungkwan had your heart for most of your college years, but you never dared to act upon it. Afterall, he was too busy meddling in other people’s business, including yours. He used to tease you incessantly, poking and prodding at your plans, constantly trying to set you up on blind dates, but never noticing how much you doted over him.
Your heart was pounding at this point, unsure of how you ever lost contact with Seungkwan, and how stupid you’d feel if it wasn’t him.
“Ding ding ding,” he sing-songs. “I remember the drink I owe you. You bet that Kim Mingyu would trip over his own feet during his diploma acceptance and you won.”
You were literally happy dancing, feet quietly shuffling beneath you after receiving confirmation that you were right. You somehow ended up reconnecting with Boo Seungkwan over a damn relationship hotline call.
“Sorry, Y/N, but why’d you call the 1-800-Cupid hotline?”
Shit, you’re faced with reality again, aren’t you? Thanks, Seungkwan.
“Well, Boo,” you teasingly emphasis his call name, but exhale sorrowfully before continuing. “My love life isn’t so great post-undergrad life either. Surprise, surprise.”
“Ah, still prioritizing work just like you did in uni? You know you always worked too hard, but I think that’s why we were two peas-in-a-pod back then.”
A shy smile falls on your features, “maybe, but honestly, I don’t really know why I even called. Just a bit glum about my dating life, and this call was a spur of the moment thing. Speaking of, why are you working for a relationship hotline?”
“It’s a fun side-job,” he simply states, and you can almost imagine the satisfactory purse of his lips and shrug of his shoulders. “Anyways, is there a way that I can assist? Once again, the call is recorded and monitored.”
You let out a bit of a chuckle, “actually, yes, why not? Do you have any suggestions on how I can land myself a valentine this year?”
There is a bit of a flirty lilt to your tone, but, unless he ignores it, it seems to go right over Seungkwan’s head. Shit, maybe you do need dating or relationship advice.
“Well, Y/N, where do we begin? What are your plans for this weekend?”
“I was just going to stay in and – “
“ACK,” he cuts you off before you can finish your sentence. “Wrong answer. First of all, you need to get out and meet new people, make some attempts at flirting. It doesn’t mean you have to go clubbing and all of that, just try getting out to your local coffee shop and making eyes with the cute barista. Second of all,” he huffs slightly before continuing, “put your work down for a night and focus on yourself. Some good self-care can really help more than you’d think. Treat yourself with something good for you. Finally, maintain a positive attitude, don’t be so grouchy about love like I know you are. Go out and after applying those rules, and I’m sure you’ll have someone falling head over heels for you.”
You hum in consideration, taking note of what he said, but not sure how much it all helped. “Thanks, Boo,” you can’t help but tease him. “I’mnot sure how much I can accomplish in a weekend, but I can give it a shot.”
“My pleasure, is there anything else I can assist with? Any other dating questions?”
“I think that is enough for one night, Boo. I’m shocked I even called, but I’m glad it was you somehow.”
The line goes silent for a bit, unsure if you accidentally disconnected, wondering if maybe there was a time limit on the hotline, but then he speaks again.
“I’m glad I could help,” he sighs, but you could almost picture the smile on his face. “Well, this will complete your call with your local cupid, Boo. Have a wonderful evening!”
Just like that the call is over. Part of you feels a bit better, enjoying connecting with an old friend, but also slightly dejected that it was just over a one-time, freak accident call to a love hotline.
This had sent you into an hour long spiral, searching through your phone for his old cell number, but finding that you had lost it upon purchasing a new phone and losing all your backup data. You scoured the internet for his social medias and came across some of his accounts. However, you refrained from reaching out just yet, determining that it may be a little too soon to pounce on the idea of reuniting in person after the hotline call.
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However, you did have a new fervor after speaking with Seungkwan. He was right, you really should just get out in the world, take some time with yourself, and drop your glum attitude.
You found yourself doing some self-care the next day, just as he suggested, deciding to take baby steps before you enter the real-world. Really, you took your time, deciding to make a full-course breakfast and finally sitting down to read the book you’ve had on your shelf for month now that you’d been dying to crack open.
You felt a bit rejuvenated after just doing that in the morning. Usually, you’d find yourself pulling out your work laptop, the curse of remote work still haunting you even on the weekends though you didn’t have to put time in during them, you just felt obligated to work.
However, taking the morning for yourself had been nice, and was a good kick-start for a full day of self-care routines. You cleaned up your apartment; washed your bed sheets and pillows; practiced some mindful meditation; and even pampered yourself with an at-home spa treatment.
Truthfully, when you woke up the next day, you were feeling brighter than ever before on a Sunday. For the first time in a while, you took your time getting ready, rather than following your dull work routine, and drove yourself to your local coffee shop.
You had followed Seungkwan’s advice so far, taking on self-care and attempting to go out and meet new people. But, oh how hard it was to stay positive though, especially when the coffee shop was flooded with couples sharing cute, themed drinks and pastries.
You reigned yourself in though, trying not to roll your eyes at the lovely couples, but rather smiling brightly at the admittedly cute, blonde barista behind the register. Allowing your eyes to dart to his name tag, you noted his name was Jun, and he had a couple of endearing moles dotted on his face.
“What can I get for you today?” You can tell he’s a sweetheart just by his tone of voice, and his kindness travels to his eyes.
Hey, maybe Seungkwan’s, AKA Boo from 1-800-Cupid’s, advice would work, maybe you could find yourself a valentine out in the wild like this. Why not flirt it up with the cute barista like he had mentioned?
“Just an iced Americano, please,” you respond politely, gently handing him your card when he gives you your total.
“It’ll be ready in a few minutes,” Jun says with a shy smile, nodding to the corner of the counter where he’ll place your drink once it’s all set. Whilst he prepares your drink, you two continuously make brief eye-contact, each time making Jun’s ears turn a darker hue of red.
Is this flirting? Are you doing a good job at making someone flustered? Uh-oh, maybe you’ll have to buy Seungkwan a drink for giving you helpful advice. You’re not really doing anything out of the ordinary, but he was convincing enough to get you out from under your rock.
Your suspicions are confirmed when Jun hands you your drink, a phone number scribbled on the cardboard sleeve wrapped around the cup with his name.
Oh shoot, he just gave you his number.
He’s quick to turn away, seemingly shy by his bold attempt at giving you his number, but you politely respond with a thank you, acknowledging the number on the cup with a small ‘cheers’ motion.
There is a bit of a pep in your step when you leave the coffee shop, wandering down the block and breathing in the crisp winter air until you find yourself a comfortable park bench.
Mmm, an Americano has never tasted so sweet.
You’re about to enter Jun’s number into your phone to text him until someone jumps in front of you, their shadow blocking the sun from your face and illuminating their figure when you look up at them.
Low and behold, it’s Boo Seungkwan in the flesh, a sun halo surrounding his frame and making the boy look more angelic than you remember him being, his cherubic features lighting up in delight when you finally recognize him.
You’re leaping into his arms at this point, your own arms wrapping around him and almost losing your iced americano in the process.
Apologizing profusely for almost spilling coffee all over him, you excited greet your old friend, “Seungkwan! You’ll never believe how my weekend has gone so far. Or should I say, Boo from 1-800-Cupid, because your advice worked. I was given someone’s number today!”
You can tell Seungkwan is trying to process your excited rambling, shaking his head upon receiving your praise with a pshhh sound escaping his rosebud lips. However, his smile widens once he realizes just how happy you are. “I’m glad to hear it helped, Y/N.”
Once again, there is that silence between you two, the only sound being the swirling wintery wind and the sound of your breath as you calm down from your excitement. Your stomach is doing flips and you swear your entire body has heated up an additional 20 degrees even though you’re drinking an iced americano in cold weather.
Something about Seungkwan still makes your brain and heart short wire even after all these years. You’d like to think that maybe you have a similar effect on him, especially when he seems to attempt to speak, but can’t seem to form a coherent sentence.
Little did you know, Seungkwan was shocked just by how beautiful you were a year or so after graduating. You sounded even more mature than you had been before over the call he had with you, and he could only assume how well time had treated you. He was correct, you were still just as stunning to him, if not, even more than before.
“It’s good to see you in person, Seungkwan,” you finally breathe out, deciding to encourage some sort of conversation rather than staring blankly at each other.
“It’s a bit of an odd coincidence, isn’t it?” He jokes, “Somehow you ended up calling my side-gig, and somehow I’ve ended up walking past you on my way to the shops.”
“Maybe it means we should be friends again?” You nudge him slightly, enjoying the way he leans into you to push you away a bit, a slight blush shading his cheeks when you continue to reminisce on your college years.
Such as that time Vernon spilled his coffee all over the tech room keyboard, earning him a $50 fine to replace the new one after he had spent all his money on new headphones. Or that time that Mingyu fell down a flight of stairs at a frat party, only to pop up after the entire crowd gasped and chug an entire beer. Mingyu and you had kissed that night, which that memory earned a slight roll of the eye and snarl of the lip from Seungkwan.
You two had found yourself in the coffee shop again after Seungkwan had slurped down your americano, even though he had only intended to sample it. Jun was still working the counter and seemed a bit surprised at your reappearance, especially with a new friend this time, but greeted you just as charmingly as earlier.
Seungkwan found himself meddling in whatever you and Jun had going. You begged him not to say anything to the unsuspecting barista, but Boo, AKA Mr. Cupid as you’d like to dotingly refer to him as, couldn’t hold back his attempt to strike the boy with his arrow.
Oddly enough, Seungkwan had somehow landed you a date for tonight with Jun. Unsure on how he could have ever accomplished that, but that was Seungkwan for you.
Admittedly, Seungkwan did it just because you were so cute when you were flustered. It was just like how he’d mess with you in college. He liked the way your cheeks blushed when you were informed that Jun agreed to a date with you. He liked the way that you suddenly got nervous, slightly panicking over what you could possibly wear to a dinner. He really liked the way you pulled him into a tight hug, basking in your warm scent as you nuzzled into him before saying goodbye.
Of course, you two exchanged numbers again, letting him know that you had lost his, but you’d like to catch up some more. Seungkwan obliged, hoping you’d ask to do so, and that maybe he could buy you that drink he owed you. However, you insisted you now owed him a drink after successfully landing you a date around Valentine’s Day.
Seungkwan wouldn’t admit it, but he could feel his heart strings pull at the thought of you going on this date. It was unfair to him how he suddenly had you back in his life, but here he is, self-sabotaging, and encouraging you to take a path in your love life that does not lead you back to him.
He sighs dejectedly as he watches you walk away, that bright smile of yours burning into his memory as you turn around to wave him one last goodbye, shouting out a “no good luck?” and only turning back around once Seungkwan lets you know to “break a leg, you’ll need it.”
Seungkwan’s heart broke a little more when he didn’t hear from you that night. He assumed the date went well, and that his job here was done. Maybe he finally had a successful intervention in your love life, even though he didn’t have the guts to approach you himself. Maybe he was just projecting onto you, he should really take his own advice sometime.
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Interestingly, you had texted Seungkwan the next day with no mention of the date. He tried to ask about it, but you didn’t spill any details.
Honestly, you were a bit embarrassed. Jun and you quickly realized you were not at all compatible romantic relationship-wise, and he kept making comments about how close you and Seungkwan seemed, no matter how much you insisted that this was the first time you’d seen him in a while.
Jun had given you a dubious look, sighing and offering some of his own advice. “How about rather than meeting new people, maybe you should focus on rekindling what you already clearly have.”
Jun’s words stuck with you; the date had gone well, but not romantically. He was a great guy, but he was right. You could not get Seungkwan out of your head, and everything in you was refraining from typing up a long-winded paragraph to the boy you had just reunited with, confessing your everlasting feelings that just can’t seem to be shaken off.
Cupid got you good. However, it seems as if his arrow misfired and hit you, inevitably making you fall deeper for Mr. Cupid himself.
Seungkwan couldn’t shake the aching feeling, he was anxiety ridden about your date, constantly asking if you’ve seen Jun again, or begging you to let him know if it went well.
God, Seungkwan thought, maybe he was a bit too powerful in his meddling after all.  
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It had been a week since your first date with Jun. Jun was right, you shouldn’t be meeting new people, not when you had Seungkwan back in your reach.
It was another horrible week at work and Valentine’s Day was approaching. However, this week when you saw the Valentine’s gifts on your walk home, part of you yearned to receive them. No longer scoffing at the chocolate and flower arrangements, but now dreaming of receiving them from you-know-who.
Seungkwan was also driven a bit mad. Growing increasingly infuriated at your lack of information, especially since he had helped you land the date in the first place. Especially not because it was internally making his heart shrivel with each passing day. Nope, he refused to admit the continuous ping of his heart with each text message he received from you.
 Seungkwan (Boo AKA Mr. Cupid): earth to Y/N? any updates? V-day is coming up and I need to know if I’ve done my job
Y/N : no details that are of any interest to you!!!
Seungkwan (Boo AKA Mr. Cupid): umm hello? they are all of interest to me
Y/N: now why would that be?
Seungkwan almost believes he is caught red-handed until his phone pings with another message from you.
Y/N: What about that drink you owe me? Maybe I can fill you in then
Seungkwan (Boo AKA Mr. Cupid): Deal… meet me at Barry’s Bar at 7 pm and I’ll get you that drink in exchange for an update
Y/N: see you then!! no promises though! This is a drink from an old bet, there is no obligation to update you on my dating status
Seungkwan scoffs, but he’s always loved the banter that came naturally between you two. Even though he knows it will be like pulling teeth to get any information from you, Seungkwan is still looking forward to getting drinks with you, finally having the opportunity to spend time with you in person again.
Seungkwan doesn’t know it, but you make the extra effort tonight. You go through all your self-care steps before catching a cab to Barry’s Bar, even going as far to spray your special perfume before heading out.
You don’t’ know it, but Seungkwan’s breath catches in his chest when you arrive. Did you just get more beautiful every time he saw you? Did you have a glow because you were dating Jun?
Seungkwan is quick to buy you your first drink, clinking your two beer bottles together in a toast.
“Cheers to Mingyu tripping and falling at commencement!” You joke before taking a sip, almost getting sprayed by Seungkwan who had already taken his own sip and choking down his laughter and drink.
Once he settles, he almost curses you out for saying such a thing when he had already taken a drink. You chuckle almost maniacally, loving the rise you get out of him from embarrassing him slightly, finding it endearing how his lips purse to hide his impending smile, and noting the way his cheekbones rise even higher from holding back more laugher. Fuck – he’s cute.
Everything is so natural between you two, you quickly notice after a couple of more drinks. Seungkwan refuses to let you pay for any, especially when you finally drunkenly admit that there is nothing between you and Jun.
You almost swear he seems relieved when you dish the news, noting the way his tense shoulders relax and how one side of his lips quirk upwards. His reaction deserves a teasing smack to the arm, earning a pathetic whine from you as the thought of Jun possibly reading the situation incorrectly may land you back in no-love-life-ville. Seungkwan not reciprocating your feelings floods your mind and sends you into a considerable twist of emotions.
Seungkwan isn’t sure what to do when suddenly you’re tearing up. He swears you haven’t drunk that much, nor did he think Jun mattered all that much to you.
“What’s wrong?” He’s quick to soften, fingers instinctively reaching out to brush away the tears staining your cheek, and eyes darting around to make sure there are no concerned on-lookers. “What happened, Y/N?”
It doesn’t go unnoticed how you lean into Seungkwan’s hand, the palm of his hand burning up as you press your soft cheek further into his touch. It makes Seungkwan’s heart skip yet another beat.
“Could you please not meddle with my love life anymore? I know it was my fault calling that hotline, but I didn’t think it would have been you. Can you not do what you did in university? Just please stay out of it?”
“Of course, is there anything I can do though otherwise?” His voice is quiet, almost hard to hear if it wasn’t for the fact that he was slowly leaning closer towards you from where he’s sat on his own barstool.
“Can you just give me a hug?”
Seungkwan is quick to pull you into his embrace, gentle hand brushing through your hair as he soothes you. He’s not sure where this is all coming from still, but he doesn’t have it in him to banter with you, especially when you just started crying in a public place.
“Anything else, Y/N?”
You’re deciding to be bold, attempting to test the waters even though you fumbled the bag a bit. Really, you wanted to confess that you couldn’t date Jun because you’ve come to about your feelings about Seungkwan, but you broke down before you could even mutter a confession.  You sniffle, pulling back from the boy and emboldening yourself, “could you come home with me?”
Seungkwan almost chokes but refrains from questioning your intentions. He doesn’t want to assume anything, but his heart quickens even faster than the rate it’s been at all night with you.
Once again, when Seungkwan fails to speak, you speak up again. “I don’t feel like drinking much more. Just for comfort? It’s been another long week and I just need a friend.”
Seungkwan almost feels disappointed at the word friend, but he could never reject you, even if it meant you two were forever on ‘friend’ terms. “Of course, let’s go, Y/N.”
Seungkwan takes you home safely, offering his shoulder to lean on throughout the cab ride home. His thumb rubs comforting circles into your thigh the entire way, which is enough to make heat pool in your belly, but you try to suppress it.
The tension is thick when you two enter the elevator, neither of you know how to decipher it, but something has clearly changed. Seungkwan’s hand never leaves your waist, thumb still rubbing your body soothingly, but you assume it’s more of a protective thing rather than an advance on you.
Of course, he is painfully respectful. He patiently waits for you to shower, setting up camp on your couch and flipping on whatever show is on TV. For now, you find refuge in the shower, trying to cool yourself down and get your head on straight.
Seungkwan bites his lip when you pass by in a towel, a shy look on your face when you notice he’s caught you. You change into your normal pajamas, grabbing him a loose t-shirt and sweatpants, and deciding to continue your emboldened actions.
Maintain a positive attitude, like he once said. Stop crying and wallowing in self-pity and get your act together.
You plop down awkwardly next to him on the couch with the folded clothes, only to turn and present them to him with a question. “Stay the night? Maybe we can share the bed like we did in college a few times when we’d all pile into one dorm room after a night of drinking?”
You try to make it sound innocent, but you yearn for his touch.
Your heart almost flips when he wordlessly agrees, grabbing the clothes out of your hand and letting you know he’s going to change.
Once Seungkwan has changed, you can’t help but giggle at the clothes on him. Your ratty t-shirt looks awfully cute as he models it for you, claiming “it’s the softest thing I’ve ever put on,” when you let him know he looks ridiculous.
 Seungkwan pulls you into a bear hug when you continue to tease him, tugging you into an endearing embrace as you two giggle in unison.
It’s all too cute for you and it has you pulling away to prevent yourself from cracking again. Seungkwan seems to feel the same, clearing his throat before releasing you, and awkwardly peering at the ground beneath his feet.
“I’m pretty tired, I don’t know about you,” you fake yawn in between your words, “but I’m ready to go to bed.”
“Of course,” Seungkwan agrees, nodding promptly and following you to your room. “I’m pretty tired too.”
You slowly pull your sheets up, slipping beneath the warm comforter and looking at him expectantly.
“Are you sure you want me to sleep in your bed?”
“Why not? For old-time’s sake.”
Seungkwan nods again, seeming to be in deep thought as he slowly joins you under the covers, repeating what you had already said, “for old-time’s sake.”
Once again, it is all too natural the way his body finds yours, pulling you experimentally against his body. He’s so soft and so warm, and your skin is littered with goosebump with each warm breath of his against the shell of your ear.
You’re not sure if you can fall asleep, but you find yourself dozing off into the best rest you’ve had in weeks. With Seungkwan you’re not as stressed, he’s always had that effect on you even if he pushes your buttons and is a bit too nosy.
Maybe it was a bad decision inviting him into your bed because you only dream more about what you two could be, the damn cupid character haunting you even in your dreams.
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When you wake up the next morning, you’re still wrapped tightly in Seungkwan’s arms, his rhythmic breathing continuing to send shivers throughout your entire body. Carefully, you shift in his hold, coming face to face with the boy you yearn so badly for.
You take him the soft swell of his cheeks, his adorable nose that you just so badly want to poke, and all the way to his plush lips - that if you so slightly leaned in closer, you could peck with your own.
You quietly gasp when Seungkwan’s eyes flutter open, crumbling in his grasp slightly as he groans before covering his face.
“Y/N,” he whines, and you can tell he’s pouting beneath his hand, “don’t look at me like that. Not this early in the morning.”
He’s peeking through his fingers at you now, noticing how your eyebrows raise questionably, but you opt to tease him, “are you being shy, Seungkwan? I didn’t expect Boo would be so shy in the morning.”
You poke at his sides, attempting to tickle him and continuing to tantalize the poor boy who’s wrapped up in your sheets with you, “what would 1-800-Cupid Boo offer as advice to someone so shy?”
Seungkwan irrevocably fights back, pinning your arms on each side of your body, feeling way more intimate than usual because of your proximity and setting.
Shit, there is that silence as you stare at each other again, but you could swear you could hear the pounding of your heart in your ears.
With that, you’re craning your neck up and crashing your lips against his. Fuck it – his lips feel all too perfect against yours, the buds molding together as he reciprocates just as much hunger and desire.
You should have known Seungkwan would be a whiney lover, shivers running down your spine as he moans into your mouth. You can’t stop yourself from bucking your hips up towards him, brushing your pelvis against the hardening bulge contained in his sweatpants as he becomes even whinier when you pull your lips away from his.
“Any advice, Boo? Anything you’d share on the 1-800-Cupid hotline?” You’re teasing him even though he has the upper hand, body steady over yours as he tries to chase your lips.
Seungkwan groans, growing old of your teasing and getting even more turned on by the second. “Shut up, you smartass. Just kiss me again, don’t ruin the moment.”
With that, you’re smiling and allowing him to reattach his lips to yours, granting him entry when he licks and nibbles at your bottom lip. You’re both whining messes, pathetic sounds being exchanged when Seungkwan grinds down after shifting his weight between your legs.
He’s already so needy, even when you two still have layers separating your most intimate parts. His grinds down so desperately against your clothed core, but you can already feel the heat building between you two as he continues to fight your tongue for dominance. You can feel how hard he is; you’re amazed how fast he was turned on just from an attempted tickle fight turned sexual.
You break your lips away from his once again, giving him access to the expanse of your décolletage when one hand keeps a single arm of yours pinned down, whilst the other travels to cup behind your neck, only encouraging you to reveal the delicate skin to him.
You let out a soft gasp when his teeth nip right below your ear, hand gripping the side of your neck even tighter. His lips are so warm and soft on your skin, you find yourself in a dizzy haze when he slowly starts undressing you.
Before you know it, you’re stripped down for him, delicate lips trailing all over your body as he hums and sighs in approval, removing his own clothes as well.
“Kwan, how are you already so hard?” You purr, your small hand wrapping around his brooding cock whilst he remains situated between your legs, making him shiver when your thumb trails over the tip and spreads his pre-cum further down the shaft. “Is this all for me?”
He whimpers as you continue to work at his shaft tantalizingly slow, bending over to now spread kisses from your collarbone down to your perk nipples. He has barely spoken, only humming ‘yes’ in response whilst suckling at your nipples. The feeling is so euphoric how slow and gentle he’s being with you, but you already need more.
He’s surely leaving bruised marks over the expanse of your chest. He seems lost in the valley of your breasts until your hand starts working a little faster, making him buck into your fist and let out a desperate sigh.
Seungkwan’s hands travel down your bare body, eyes scanning every part of your skin slowly and almost as if he is memorizing all the curves and little bumps along the way. You’d feel a little sheepish if it wasn’t for his constant praise.
“So pretty,” he hums, jerking into your touch and almost lost in the pleasure until he lets out a loud cry. “So perfect, but please stop touching me, baby. You’re going to drive me crazy.”
You oblige, but only because his eyes pour into yours, silently begging you to let him last. You’d like to see him beg, but that is for another day.
He’s kneeling between your legs now, fingers experimentally trailing between your thighs until they land at your core. You can see him shiver when you immediately react, especially when it’s very clear how wet you’ve become from your prolonged foreplay.
“So, so pretty,” he moans, replacing his fingers with the tip of his cock, seemingly using all his self-restraint before he asks you his next question. “Do you have a condom, baby?”
You nod desperately, pathetically sighing when he pulls his tip away from your center, “in the top drawer. Please, Kwan, I need you now.”
He’s quick to pull the condom on, rolling the latex onto his shaft before finding his home between your legs yet again. He takes his time, running the bright red tip leisurely between your folds and spreading your wetness. Without warning, he lines back up with your core, sinking right in between your walls as if they were made perfectly for him.
Moaning in unison, Seungkwan’s body weight falls onto yours as he bottoms out, lips passionately finding yours to pull you into another heated kiss. You’re swallowing each other’s noises, breathing and heart rate becoming one as you soak each other in.
You need more, so you start to grind up into him, taking his perfectly sized cock even deeper. Seungkwan’s pulls away, leaving you both gasping as he pulls out just to snap his hips right back, drilling his length even deeper into you.
Everything had been so slow up until now, but Seungkwan’s quick to find his rhythm, hammering his cock between your walls with each harsh roll of his hips. The pleasure has you screaming, hands running up his shoulder blades to find purchase in his bedhead.
“Fuck, Kwan,” you cry out, “you feel so good.”
There’s a whirring sound, a grumbling coming from his chest as he agrees with you. It’s incredibly hot, especially when his voice still sounds whiney as he reciprocates the praise. “You feel so good, baby. You’re so warm and tight.”
You’re lost in each other, the sound of wet skin slapping against each other becoming drowned out by your whimpers and cries. His hands are warm around the nape of your neck, addicted to pulling you into desperate kisses as he continues to be sucked in between your folds, pussy clamping even tighter around his length with each direct hit to your sex.
You don’t want it to end, but you feel the tidal wave beginning to wash over you. Seungkwan can tell by the way your body begins to go limp, one leg hooking around his waist to keep him deep inside of you.
“Finish with me, Kwan. Please.” You mumble against his lips, hands grabbing at his shoulders as you try to keep your orgasm at bay.
“C’mon, baby,” Seungkwan coaxes, another accurate and deep roll of his hips pushing you both over the edge, the tidal wave of both your orgasms hitting you like a tsunami. “That’s it, come with me.”
Just like that, your both writhing and shaking in pleasure, back arching up to press your chest even tighter against his as your bodies and lips continue to mold. You can feel the throb of Seungkwan’s cock inside you, milking both of your orgasms until he reluctantly pulls out, body falling flat besides you as you both let out a sigh of delight.
“Good job, Cupid,” you sigh dreamily, rolling over to drink in his blushed features. “Was this your plan all along?”
Seungkwan lets out a joyous laugh, drawing you into a sweet kiss before ensuring you’re sated, absolutely prioritizing taking the upmost care of you after having you so early in the morning.
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Maybe Valentine’s Day isn’t so bad after all. Maybe you really did want those chocolates and flowers in the window display. Maybe all it took was for Boo Seungkwan to meddle in your love life even after college for you to realize your life wasn’t so lackluster in love.
You’ve never felt more loved than when Seungkwan showed up at your door on Valentine’s Day, bouquet and chocolates balanced precariously in one hand, only to reveal what his other hand hid behind his back. A convenience store bag containing ramen and wine.
Life, adulting, and Valentine’s Day didn’t seem all too bitter with your own cupid back in it. Maybe, just maybe, you’d recommend the 1-800-Cupid hotline to those looking for some meddling in their love life.
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halfdeadfullgay · 11 months
Pepperoni Punks - Chapter Six
Everything Will Be Okay
Summary: With finals coming up for Casey along with pulling extra shifts, they start to feel bad for not speanding a lot of time with Raph; leading to an unplanned movie date.
AN: Spoilers for The Lost Boys ig but that’s an old ass movie. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter even though it took over two months to write due to my final exams, being kicked out of my home, mutable breakdowns, ao3 deleting my draft, consent wifi disappearing, and extreme writer’s block.
I tried to correct any misspelling and grammar mistakes. I hope y’all enjoy the last chapter of Pepperoni Punks!^^
It was loud. Too loud. They had left their headphones at the turtles' lair and even if they had them; it wouldn't have helped as their phone was on 9% and they still had about forty minutes till the bell. They only had this class and then they could leave. Where would they go? Casey didn't know, their schedule was all fucked up. They pulled more shifts, studied whenever they could and finals were in a few weeks. Of course everything else in their life would start to spiral. Two of their grades were fs, they had to go to a meeting for their sister's school; so of course their phone finally died when their boyfriend texted. They didn't even get to check their calendar to see if they were on shift tonight. The stress was already getting to them but with their classmates being so loud it was disturbing other classes and the teacher doing nothing; it finally got to them. They couldn't study or focus. They felt like they were gonna throw up. After that observation, everything else was a blur. They ended up in the nurse's office, getting checked out before being sent home.
Of course today was when they decided to get ride from a friend. They were just tired. Casye decided to just call in, luckly their boss would understand. They waited at a bus stop, they had enough and they weren't gonna walk all the way from the school to the lair. They were just sitting at the bus stop, just left with their own thoughts since they couldn't even look at their phone for the time. They just wanted to sleep. Well they mainly wanted to see their partner, maybe it was that they actually felt safe and relaxed with him. They didn't admit it but he was their rock; their person. They were lost in thought which went from thinking about being happy to finally seeing their partner to thinking about how they should be productive. They should at least go to work but how could they if they were on the verge of throwing up. They still feel.. guilty? Casey didn't know, they should've been doing school work while waiting for the bus. What was wrong with them? Why were they feeling sick? There was no stomach bug going around the school or any other thing.
Casey snapped out of their thoughts when they saw the RTD coming up to the stop. They grabbed their bag and got up. They had already had the money in their pocket as they got on and paid. They sat in the back where no one else was. It was just a blur of feeling nauseous, random thoughts that disappeared as quickly as they disappeared, and the occasional old lady every other stop asking if they were okay and offering medicine. Everytime it was, “I’m okay. Thanks m’am”. They didn’t mind the old ladies asking if they were okay, they were always nice to them. Besides that, the bus ride was miserable without any distractions. As they saw their stop coming, they pulled the wire that lined all the windows to signal that a passenger wanted to get off at the next stop. As the bus came to a stop, they made sure that they had their bag and everything. They got up when the bus stopped and the doors opened.
They walked off to the all too familiar alley. They were slightly surprised that the smell of the sewer didn't make them throw up when they entered. Maybe they were just used to the smell. Casey made their way to the lair, a little unervered that the main living area was empty and the whole lair was unusually quiet. That was until they got closer to the dojo where they heard the turtles training. Right, training day. Instead of looking in to see what they were practicing now, they just quietly made their way to Raph’s room. They felt a small smile on their face when they noticed that Raph had put their headphones on the small nightstand along with their phone charger among random hair ties they left there. He had given them a tiny space on the nightstand. It was a small action, a small consideration but it meant a lot. They didn’t know how they would explain it if asked but in that moment it meant a lot. They plugged in their phone and waited til it turned on. They still had to call out and they didn’t want to hear the ‘I told you to take a break’ that would come from their manager. He was a great manager and was friends with Casey. They didn’t worry about getting in trouble or anything, not at all; they didn’t want to hear the lecture about how they shouldn’t overwork themself. Casey ended up on the bed, laying on the side closer to the wall. It was ‘their’ side. It was about two minutes before they started to doze off, they didn’t fight the wave of exhaustion that hit as soon as their head landed on the pillow.
Raph had finished training about twenty minutes after Casey had fallen asleep. It was rather easy that day besides sparring with Leo. That was usually hard since they both were competitive. There weren't any evil plans or foes to stop and he wasn’t the one to go on patrol tonight. “No patrol for me, just training; cya later.” That’s what he had texted Casey earlier and when he checked to see if they had sent anything back; the message wasn’t even read. He thought it was a little weird and took note of it even if it could be easily explained as they hadn’t gotten a notification. He didn’t really have an explanation for when they weren’t in the living room like they usually would on training days. If anything he should be a little worried but he was actually a bit frustrated. Maybe it was because they were supposed to be there, they did make a promise to take a break from studying and a few nights off from work. Raph knew it wasn’t like Casey to break a promise and go back on their word. He knew that Casey would’ve at least sent a text if they were going to not be there until later.
“Dude, yo, earth to Raph!” Mikey practically shouted into Raph’s ear, taping him on the shoulder. He quickly turned to look at his brother. “What? Is someone dying or something?” He asked sarcastically. The younger one punched him lightly, “You were just standing there. Leo offered you tea and you were like lost in thought. Are you good?” Raph didn’t remember Leo asking or even coming up to him. “All good mike. Just tired I guess.” Nothing else was said as Raph moved past Mikey and into the little kitchen . He wasn’t hungry, he never was after training but he was always thirsty. He dodged and ignored when his brothers tried talking to him. He was out of energy for the day. He quickly grabbed two sodas out of the fridge, not checking what flavor and only grabbing two out of habit. He made his way to his room, the door was already cracked open but he didn’t think much about it. He entered quietly, setting down the drinks on one of the random shelves that was hung on the wall slightly above his bed.
Raph noticed that Casey had put their phone to charge in the spot that he gave them on his nightstand. He knew it was a small thing to do, giving your partner their own space on your nightstand should be a given but he had grown up with little personal space and respect for that space. So maybe it was a stupid thing but he knew that Casey would still think it was cute that he had given them some of his oh so precious personal space. He sat down on the bed and grabbed one of the sodas; opening it carefully, not to wake the other up. It was rather quiet in the lair. There was an occasional shout when Donnie would tell Mikey to not mess with stuff in his lab and Leo telling both of them to be quiet. There was always chaos one way or another. Though it wasn’t that bad. He didn’t have anything to do. He read all the new comic issues that Casey had brought him, surprisingly he had cleaned early, and he wasn’t in the mood to fill the silence with the boombox that he and the other shared.
He mainly just stared at the wall in front of him, taking sips of soda here and there. It was when half the soda was gone when he got the idea to play with Casey’s hair. They had told he could when they were sleeping as long as he didn’t tangle it and stuff. Raph had been learning how to do hair from April. He knew the easy hair stuff like pigtails, pony tails, and messy buns. For anyone braids would be on the easy hair stuff list too but it was a bit difficult with turtle fingers. Eventually he had gotten the hang of it. He sat a bit closer to Casey and gently started to braid their hair. He had no plan besides just braiding. This was nice. Just sitting there with his partner, braiding with their hair while they slept with nothing to worry about. No worries about evil plans and foes to stop, only worry about waking up the other if he pulled their hair too hard. This was normal. This was regular teen stuff. ”Regular?” Raph thought. None of this was normal though. For one they were in a bedroom in the sewers. Two, one of them was a fucked up teenager and the other was a fucked up turtle that regularly fought, well, basically fought super villains. But that was normal to them. It was their normal. He snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed that Casey was now looking at him, their head resting on his lap. “I thought you couldn’t braid..” They mumbled through a yawn. Raph smiled, “Learned how to from April.” He finished off the braid with a hair tie.
Casey had actually woken up awhile ago but didn’t want to ruin the moment. The normal, regular moment. “I thought you couldn’t braid..” They mumbled through a yawn. They were still tired but didn’t care. They had gotten enough sleep, must’ve been that sleep debt thing that Donnie had told them about. They noticed how Raph had smiled before talking. “Learned how from April.” Casey hummed, “Hmm, you did a good job.” They touched the braid. It was a little messy, strands of hair sticking out here and there. They let the braid go. “How was training?” They mumbled as they looked up at Raph. Casey noticed some bruising, which must've been from training. “It was okay. I almost beat Leo in a best out of three.” Raph sounded annoyed but not at anyone. It was more of a playful annoyance. “You’ll get him next time.” Casey assured him. They smiled as they felt Raph start taking out the braid. “You could've just left it.” The other just shrugged and played with their hair. “How did you even know that I was training?” He questioned.
Casey took a minute, “I heard it from the dojo when I first came. Phone died when you texted.” Raph just nodded. They knew that he was holding in an “I told you to plug in your phone.” He instead ran his fingers through their hair. It used to be greasy and straight, only curling at the ends but now they took better care of it after their sister made a comment about how it shined in a bad way. Now it was fluffy and soft; curls basically all over the place. It made them happy being able to get it healthy again. It also made them happy to have complete control over something in their life when everything else wasn’t decided by them. “How was school? Get any studying done?” Casey groaned at the question. “It was alright I guess. My last period was killing me. It was soo loud I couldn’t even study or barely focus on anything.” They exaggerated the “oo” part of so just to be dramatic. “I ended up throwing up and getting sent home.”
Raph seemed disappointed but Casey couldn’t really tell what he was feeling when he started to speak there was a hint of concern. “At least you didn’t just push through it.” He continued to run his fingers through their hair, gently pulling curls. “Did you eat anything or was it caused by stress?” He questioned. Casey hadn’t even really thought about what caused it. They only had a burnt piece of toast that morning. They were also so stressed that they were on the verge of having a panic attack at school. They certainly didn’t know what caused it, there were too many factors but ultimately landed on stress to blame. “I guess it was stress. It’s nothing I haven’t dealt with before.” Raph stayed quiet, maybe he wasn’t disappointed. Maybe he was just worried and Casey would admit that they would be worried if the roles were reversed.
After that time didn’t feel like a thing as the two of them just laid there occasionally talking about something before falling into silence. Not an uncomfortable silence, very much the opposite. Raph enjoyed just being able to cuddle and be cheesy with the other. Casey enjoyed the quiet moments where Raph was present, it didn’t matter what or what not they were doing.
“You know, you still haven’t watched Reanimator with me.” Casey said quietly. They didn’t know what time it was but knew that some of the others were asleep. Raph looked down to meet their eyes. “Dude, the way you described the plot made it sound fucking disgusting. I love you so much but it sounds like a fuck awful movie.” There was no ill intent behind his words. If anything it made Casey giggle. “I guess I didn’t describe it well. Besides, I won't make you watch it. However, we are going to watch The Lost Boys.” “You mean that vampire one?” Raph asked. He listened to Casey rant about so many horror movies that it was hard to keep track of them and what kind of monsters were in each. The other nodded, sitting up and crossing their legs. “Well put it on, whatcha waiting for.” He watched as his partner got excited and grabbed their laptop out of their bag.
From what he knew, horror meant a lot to Casey. It was their favorite genre of movies, games, books, and whatever else there could be. They had once told him that it was what they would watch with their sister if she needed to be distracted by something. Admittedly, Raph didn’t get why anyone would get comfort from horror movies but he did get the sentimental bit of watching something with family. Casey logged into some random streaming service and set up the laptop in front of them. They started the movie before laying on their side, head resting on raph’s lap and he started to play with their hair again. The movie started well. It was easy to tell that it was made in the mid eighties. The music, costumes, etc.
There was a weird long sax scene but the beginning was still good. Raph asked questions about random things. Mainly stuff about vampires and how the crew was able to do the special effects. Casey answered his questions no matter how stupid they were. It was nearing the big fight at the Emerson house when the younger teens were preparing. The scene currently playing was the one where the Frog brothers run into the church and start filling flasks and shits up with holy water. “Can you do that?” Raph asked quietly. “Do what?” They asked confused, with no clue what he was referring to. “Steal the holy water?” Raph asked with complete seriousness, not a sign of it being a joke anywhere. It took a second for Casey to say anything without laughing. “A movie full of vampires that is somewhat queer and the question you ask in all seriousness is if you can steal holy water?” They joked as they thought of an actual answer. “I don’t think there’s a rule against it. I guess as long as you’re not interrupting a service or some shit.” They made a mental note to find an actual answer. Raph just gave a smile nod, seemingly satisfied with the answer. The movie continued with both occasionally commenting on the gore and deaths.
“Is David actually dead? They didn’t do anything cool after death with his body like exploding or someth’. The antlers also look like they missed his heart.” Raph asked. The other shrugged, “You’ll just have to read the sequel comics with me.” Casey said, looking at him with a smile. They tried to stay quiet for the rest of the movie but had laughed when it was revealed that David wasn’t the head vampire and that it was Max instead and Raph actually gasped. The movie ended and the credits rolled. Raph could see why Casey seemed to like it so much. The gore and effects were good, the soundtrack was amazing especially because of Cry Little Sister. “So, did you like it?” They asked as they sat up and exited out of the end credits . Raph nodded, “I thought it would’ve been worse. Only part that was kinda weird was the really long sax solo at the beginning .” Casey laughed, “It’s a weird scene but that’s what makes it The lost Boys.” Casey yawned as they looked for another to watch.
“We don’t have to watch another movie if you’re tired, Case.” Raph said quietly. They looked at him, “You sure? I know that I haven’t spent a lot of time with ya.” They felt bad for taking on more shifts but they needed the extra shifts. “I just want to make up for the missed time, I feel bad about it.” They said quietly, closing their laptop. They didn’t look at Raph. “Case, I don’t mind. It’s what you have to do for you and your sister. As long as you take care of yourself and you still show up, it’s alright. I get it, we both have shit going on.” He told them. He himself would disappear due to missions and other ninja stuff. “All I ask is that you tell me if something's wrong.” Casey looked at him and gave a small smile, “I know. Finals will be over soon and after this month I can go back to my normal work hours.” They were glad that he understood, even if it would lead to a disagreement here and there; it still helped. They put their laptop back in their bag.
Casey yawned again, “I think we should both go to bed. You got some pretty big dark circles there.” Raph elbowed them before moving the thick blankets to the foot of the bed; leaving one to go against the wall for Casey. With it getting warmer as spring was ending, there wasn’t much need for all the blankets. Even with it becoming warmer in the lair it was still cold some nights, so the two of them shared a thin knitted blanket. He handed the other the hair tie he used when playing with their hair. Casey put their hair into a quick braid and tied it. They laid down on “their” side, back facing the wall and waited for Raph to lay down before covering up with the thin yarn blanket. Raph had turned off the bright lamp that lit up the room and turned on the small Christmas lights that hung around the room. He put his head on his pillow, facing the other. One of them would either wake up from a nightmare or they would wake up tangled up cuddling and going to sleep facing each other seemed to lessen the nightmares for some reason. “You know, the next movie I should have you watch is Blood In Blood Out.” Casey said, closing their eyes. “Yeah yeah, another horror movie? Add it to the list.” Raph said jokingly. Casey was quick to open their eyes, “It’s not a horror movie. It’s a good ass Chicano movie.” They told him not in a mean way, knowing that he didn’t really get to see that many movies. Raph put his hands up as a my bad. They both chuckled and sighed.
Casey closed their eyes and curled up next to Raph, “Love you, dude.” Raph warped his arms around them. “You do? You goin’ soft on me, Case?” He teased them before jokingly elbowing him. “Say it back, fool.” Raph laughed a bit and rolled his eyes. “I love you too, Casey.”
AN: I loved writing this work and it will forever hold a place in my heart as my first thing to ever be posted on ao3. I had a lot of fun writing all the chapters and reading all the comments. I really hope that this is a good enough last chapter. I will probably write other thing for this au/my own iteration of tmnt later but I might post some spiderverse stuff first.
Peace and love y’all ^^
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loverhymeswith · 2 years
I Feel You in These Walls | Rick Flag x vigilante!Reader (NFGN)
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A/N: As part of No Fucks Given November, I will be posting my unfinished WIPs throughout the month. Thank you to @a-reader-and-a-writer and @sociiallydiisoriiented for beta reading this. It's been lurking in my drafts for months and it's time to let go.
Summary: A figure from your past reappears.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.8k
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The corridors of your New York apartment block smell different tonight. It’s a subtle shift. Anyone without your particular set of skills would never notice the faint scent of gunpowder or the sharp tang of blood in the air, but it’s enough to put you on edge. The weight of your gun tucked inside the waistband of your pants is not quite the comforting presence it should be.
You’ve made a lot of enemies over the years, some more deadly than the rest, so it’s difficult to believe that this is just a coincidence. And if the last few months are anything to go by, the shuffling footsteps and heavy breathing two floors above – right outside your own front door – can only belong to someone looking to cause you a headache.
Taking the stairs two at a time, you mentally cross off the list of potential pains in your ass: Batman seems an unlikely candidate since you left Gotham and promised never to return. The same goes for the Joker and everyone else like him in that cesspit of a city. Good riddance. There’s a handful of small-time villains still harbouring a grudge after you lied, cheated, and stole from them, but you doubt they’d have the guts to track you down like this. Which leaves one woman, with both the means and the motive.
Amanda Waller.
You’d thought you’d seen the last of her six years ago, but by all accounts she’s like a stain; stubborn and near impossible to get rid of. You’re well acquainted with her brand of persistence. She’d been trying to recruit you into her suicide squad ever since that particular brainchild first took seed in her dark and deceitful mind, but you’ve always been far too smart to end up in Belle Reve.
Too smart for prison maybe, but too stupid to turn down cold hard cash. $100,000 of it, to be exact. You can still picture the glimmer of barely concealed triumph in Waller’s soulless eyes as you’d shaken her hand over the table and accepted the packet of crisp green notes. She may as well have just snapped you in cuffs and hauled you down to the swamp herself.
That first mission had been unexpected, to say the least. Waller had contracted you out as personal protection for her commanding officer, Colonel Rick Flag. It had been laughable at first, that a military man as distinguished as Flag would need you of all people to have his back, especially when he had a team of super villains supposedly under his control. Within five minutes of meeting the team, however, Waller’s motives became clear. Despite - or maybe because of - the nanobombs implanted in their necks, the squad wanted Flag dead. Hell, five minutes in his company and you wanted him dead. But as always, the money was more important.
Whilst not going entirely to plan, the mission wasn’t a total failure. Flag was still in one piece, and with the team no longer thirsting for his blood, you were free to go about your merry way, to start a new life for yourself, sizable paycheck in hand. Of course, nothing ever works out quite the way you intended. You'd ended up with another five missions and another five envelopes of cash under your belt before managing to free yourself from Waller’s clutches.
Now, she wants you back.
You wouldn’t put it past Waller to find an excuse just to throw your ass in Belle Reve this time. To stick one of those nano-bombs in your neck and be done with it. You can picture with crystal clarity the cruel smirk that would cross her face knowing she had you forever at her beck and call. Which is why you need to be careful.
Compared to the likes of Harley Quinn, you’re a relative nobody within the criminal underworld, but judging by the attempts and offers that have been thrown your way recently, Waller is even more desperate than before. Desperate and dangerous.
It’s been this way ever since Corto Maltese: a mission gone spectacularly wrong; hundreds killed; mutiny within the ranks. With what remains of the Suicide Squad now disbanded, Waller needs a new team and with slim pickings at her disposal, her crosshairs are seemingly set on you.
A "gun-for-hire", she'd called you on her last phone call. “Why fight your true nature, Lynx? Just take the fucking cash.”
But the money means nothing to you now. Not anymore. Some things are more important. When you'd informed her as much, she'd simply scoffed. "Everyone has a price."
Not everyone, you think.
She told you he was a traitor – a criminal, just like the rest of his squad. That if his broken body hadn’t been buried under the rubble of the fallen secret military base in South America, he would have spent the rest of his life in a maximum security prison. As if that was supposed to make you feel any better.
You know – knew – Rick Flag well enough to be confident that these things weren’t true. And even if they were, he must have had a reason. Rick wasn’t the type to be reckless and rash. He never did anything without a reason.
Except falling in love with you.
Reaching the stairwell of your floor in record time, you try to ignore the pang in your chest that occurs whenever you think about Rick. It has always been a dangerous rabbit hole to fall down.
When you'd first heard the news, you had drunk yourself into a stupor for nights on end, replaying his last words to you over and again. “Coward”… “liar”… “why can't you just give me a chance?”
Back when he'd declared his feelings for you, your immediate response had been to laugh right in his stupidly handsome face. The great and honourable Colonel Flag head over heels in love with you – a small-time thief and some-time vigilante? What a joke.
Only, you’d quickly realised he wasn’t kidding. Not in the slightest. In the few years you'd known the soldier, you'd never seen him so serious about anything – so hurt by your callous reaction. As usual, you'd been inconsiderate and brash. You'd told him to get a grip. That evidently, sleeping with him had been a mistake if he was going to go and catch feelings like some silly schoolgirl.
You can still see the pain in his eyes that came from your swift and casual rejection.
That was two years ago. Plenty of time for you to ponder your reaction. To wonder if you might have been wrong – hasty, even – to break his heart. Because even from day one there had undoubtedly been something about Rick Flag that had gotten under your skin. Something that had made you look twice. Whatever it was, it had certainly been enough to drive you into his arms and his bed.
But that's all by the by now. He's gone. Dead.
It still doesn't make sense. Rick was supposed to be invincible. The best of the best. Other members of Task Force X were replaceable, but not Rick. He had always been Waller’s golden boy. What the hell had gone so wrong?
Reminding yourself that now is not the time to be distracted by thoughts of what could have been, you pause. Waller is unlikely to show her face in person; she’ll have sent one of her lackies instead. You slide the gun from your belt and proceed along the corridor with caution. The scent of blood and gunmetal is stronger here. A single heartbeat rapidly pounding, breathing shallow and laboured. All signs point towards fear. Good. They should be afraid of you.
Over the last twenty-something years you’ve fine tuned your super-human senses, allowing yourself to become whatever you need to be in order to survive: a thief in the night, a ghost, an apex predator.
Silently rounding the corner, your eyes land on a dark hooded figure leaning next to your front door, their back turned towards you. Not exactly what you had been expecting, but you know better than to underestimate Waller. And so, not bothering to announce your presence you creep closer, your weapon carefully trained on the back of the stranger's head as you open your mouth.
"You can tell her my answer hasn't changed since last week."
At the sound of your voice, the figure pushes off the wall and turns around. Your grip on the gun doesn't waver, not until a tanned and scar-flecked hand pulls back the hood and all of the air leaves your lungs in a single woosh.
“Hello, darlin’.”
Despite the shock and confusion – the awe and relief – at seeing him alive, you're quick to pick yourself up and dust yourself off. To wipe the surprise from your face and straighten your stance. It's second nature – a defence mechanism. Show no weakness. No matter how much you might want to fall to your knees and weep.
“What are you doing here?" you demand, voice devoid of emotion.
“Just passin’ through." He flashes you a faint yet disarming smile. "Figured I’d stop by.”
You fold your arms and stare him down. Now that you’ve got a better look at him, it’s a struggle not to let your concern show. Dark rings circle his eyes, his lips are dry and chapped. He's favouring his left side, and it looks as if he’s been wearing the same clothes for weeks. “I thought you were dead.”
A shadow crosses his face. “There’s a lot of that goin’ round.”
"It's been months. You could have called."
The muscle in his jaw ticks. "Would you have answered?"
It's a fair point. The last time he tried to get in touch, you'd dodged his calls. The memory now makes you sick to your stomach, but he doesn't need to know that. “What do you want, Rick?” There's no point beating around the bush. Something tells you he wouldn't be here if it wasn't important.
"It's good to see you too, Lynx." He all but rolls his eyes. “Think we could go inside?”
“Depends why you’re here.” Your arms are still folded and you level him with an unamused glare. “Did Waller send you?"
"Waller?" He pulls a disgusted face. "Fuck no. If she knew I made it outta that hellhole alive I wouldn't be standin' here." His attention flickers back to the door of the apartment. “I need your help.”
Isn’t that always the case?
Sighing dramatically – a calculated attempt to further disguise your relief that Rick is actually here in front of you, alive and in one piece – you dig the keys out of your jeans pocket and shoulder your way past him to reach the door. “This better be good.”
Inside the apartment, you flick on the lights and dump your grocery bag on the kitchen table. When you gesture to a chair, Rick collapses into it. His heartbeat is strained and you can still smell the coppery tang of blood in the air.
“Go on then.” You lean against the counter and appraise him expectantly, ignoring the twinge of concern for his physical well-being. “I’m listening.”
He runs a hand through his dishevelled hair, eyes fixed anywhere but you. “I need a place to stay. Some place Waller won’t find me.”
“Dammit, Rick,” you slam your hand on the table. “You know I thought you were Waller.” If he's trying to hide from Waller, the last place he should find himself is anywhere near you.
“What?” He frowns, confusion etched across his brow. “Why would you think that? What would she want with you?”
You withdraw your hand and retreat back to the counter. “People are disappearing again. Whatever went down on that island, she’s recruiting. And I'm on the top of her wishlist."
“Fuck.” Rick drops his head into his hands, giving you the opportunity to study his slumped figure. He seems smaller, somehow. A ghost of the man he used to be, yet his size is still so at odds with your tiny apartment. When he looks up again, you can see the conflict in his expression. "You really think she wants you?"
Despite the situation, you can’t prevent the crooked smile that creeps across your lips. “Everyone wants me.”
Rick’s own smile doesn't quite meet his eyes. He’s worried, you realise. Not to mention that he's probably remembering how spectacularly you turned his advances down.
Swiftly wiping the smirk from your face, you join Rick at the table, slipping into one of the uncomfortable wooden chairs. “Look, Waller’s money bought this apartment so you can’t stay here." You regret the words even as they leave your mouth. Mostly because for once it's actually the truth. "Besides, she knows you and I have history. If she gets wind you're still alive, this will be one of the first places she looks.”
“C’mon, Lynx." He places both hands flat on the table, large palms facing up like he’s showing you he’s all out of options. "We both know you have at least two safe houses somewhere in this city.”
You arch your brow. “You’ve been keeping tabs?”
“No. But you always keep your options open.” There’s a twinkle of something in his eye. “I know you.”
Which begs a question. "Then why come to me? It’s been two years." You force yourself to meet his gaze. "We didn't exactly end things on a good note."
Rick’s eyes crinkle, as if what you're referring to might be nothing more than a fond and distant memory, not the moment of pain and humiliation that you're sure it must have been. "Yeah, you made your feelin's pretty damn clear. But that's why I know you are the only one I can trust. You were the only one who truly had my back, even if you were breakin' my heart at the same time.”
He says it with such conviction. You open your mouth to argue, but he cuts you off by withdrawing something from his jacket pocket. A computer drive, scratched and flecked with dried blood.
Frowning down at the drive, your suspicious mind goes into overdrive. "What is this?"
Rick’s fingers tighten around the scrap of metal, and when he speaks again his expression is strained. "This… is the reason I should be dead."
Your eyes widen as your attention flicks between Rick and the drive. “You’ve got to be kidding me? And you brought this thing here?” Reaching across the table, you pluck it from his grasp. “Don’t suppose you’re gonna tell me what’s on it?”
He snatches the drive back. “Trust me, it’s better you don’t know.”
Something about his tone chills you to the core, but you press forward regardless. “How am I supposed to help you if I don’t know the full story?”
“All you need to know is that Waller was willin’ to have me killed to prevent the contents of this gettin’ out. Dubois told her I was dead and the drive was destroyed. If she finds out either of those things is a lie… I can't risk tellin' you much more. I don't wanna put you in any more danger.”
“Don’t worry about me, Rick. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”
“I know you can, Lynx. But this… this is different.”
You don’t like this. Not one bit. Telling Rick as much earns you a resigned nod. “I understand if you don’t wanna help. I shouldn’t have come here, droppin’ all this on you.”
When you fail to respond, he rises from the seat on unsteady feet. From the clench of his jaw and the sweat beading across his brow, you can sense he's in pain. Your resolve weakens.
"Sit down, Rick."
To your surprise he doesn't argue, flashing you a look of confusion as he sinks back into the chair.
"You're hurt." Even if not for his pale and drawn expression, the sound of laboured breathing and the coppery tang of blood keeps you painfully aware that the colonel is in less than tip top shape. You can’t in all good consciousness kick him out. Rising from your own seat, you approach. "Let me see."
His eyes flicker down to his chest, but he shakes his head. "It's nothin'."
"You're a shitty liar." You raise your brow. "Remember who you're talking to?"
Reluctantly, Rick slowly but surely peels up the fabric of his hooded sweatshirt, until the slick and tanned muscles of his abdomen are on display. Your attention immediately lands on an angry-looking wound in the centre of his chest. You've seen your fair share of injuries to know that this one should have been fatal. For the second time this evening, you find yourself breathless.
"That doesn't look like nothing."
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Joel Taglist: @a-reader-and-a-writer @sociiallydiisoriiented @babblydrabbly @yespolkadotkitty @bewitchedignition @lacontroller1991 @heresathreebee @lavenderluna10 @weallhaveadestiny @phoenixhalliwell @s-u-t @mayhem24-7forever @littlefreakingfangirl @kirsteng42 @katjnordstrom96 @xoxabs88xox
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eponastory · 8 months
I've decided to throw another Evan story up.
It takes place seven years after Tell My Heart To Beat. This is a 4 or 5 part story that I haven't finished yet because of writers block, but it basically starts the day V goes to Dante with news of Urizen.
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Someone Help Me, I've Stopped Functioning
Chapter 1 - That Day In May
Rowdy's Diner was slightly packed on a Saturday afternoon right before Evan was to get off her shift. She was in the break room working on wrapping silverware for the next person to come in for a shift. She would be sitting in a booth out in the main dining room working on her chore, but the restaurant was full. The only thing she had left to do after that was grab some trash and tip out. Oh, and she had to grab a pizza on her way out.
Tonight was also Patty's birthday party, so Evan had to go back to Lady's apartment and change clothes. Smelling like greasy food was not on her list of things to do at a party where half the seniors at school were going to be. She really did not care for parties, but Patty was her best friend, so it would be a tragedy if she did not show up. Patty may not ever forgive her for not attending her eighteenth birthday party.
The blond had only been going on about it for a whole year. At some point, Evan had to tell her friend to shut up about it because she already said she was going to go. The worst part was that Patty had also invited Evan's father, but he either forgot or ignored the memo.
"Hey Evan, you got a minute?" Rowdy himself walked into the break room with a clipboard in his hand. He was a generous man, always making sure his staff was taken care of and had everything under control. "I need to talk to you about something."
"Yeah, I'm almost done with silverware if you don't mind waiting?" She looked up at the back haired man with a smile.
"Yeah, just meet me in my office when you're done." He smiled back at her before leaving the room.
She had been working at Rowdy's since she was sixteen. It was her choice to work there after it was decided she had to move in with Lady. It was a long story, but living with her father was not working out. Mainly because he was terrible at paying the bills and could barely take care of himself. He did try. He tried so hard to make it work, but there were some things that not even he could do.
As soon as she finished with the silverware, she put the bin next to the clean plates. There were only five minutes left of her shift, and she still had to go speak with Rowdy. She had no idea what he wanted, but it could not be bad. She was trying to save up for that post graduation trip she and Patty had been planning ever since they got into high school.
Stepping into Rowdy's office, she closed the door behind her as the man was typing away on the computer at his desk. She sat in the chair in front of him with a smile as he looked at her. His expression was neutral, which could only mean bad news... or he was getting ready to make cuts.
"You wanted to talk to me?" She asked him with her hands in her lap. She was slightly nervous about the whole thing.
"Yeah, I wanted you to hear it from me before rumors start spreading." He clasped his hands on the desk and looked her in the eyes. A nervous feeling crept up from the pit of her stomach. He was definitely about to make cuts on staff. He took in a deep breath before letting it out. "I'm selling the diner."
"What? Why?" There was no way. Rowdy's had been there since she moved to Capulet to live with her father. As a matter of fact, this was the first place she had eaten at after that horrible nightmare in the forest when she was eleven.
"It's just the right move, Evan." He gave her a sad smile. "We are barely making ends meet as it is. Saturdays are the busiest days, but the rest of the week is very slow. The quality of the food has gone down because we can't find good cooks or hard-working people like you." She frowned at the news. The economy did suck at the moment. Money was tight, and even her father had a hard time finding a decent paying gig.
"So, what does this mean for me?" She pointed to herself. Of course, it was her right to know what was going to happen to her job.
"Well, there are a couple of options." Rowdy was definitely going to make sure she was taken care of as she was his youngest staff member. "You can stay on with the new owner, or I can help you get a job somewhere else. Of course, while you are looking, I'll keep paying you. I'm not just going to let you go without." Thankfully, the man in front of her did care about her a good deal since he had become like a surrogate uncle. Plus, he was friends with her father in some capacity.
"Do I have time to think about it?" She smiled nervously. "I've got graduation in a week, and I don't want to really make a decision right now."
"Yeah, of course. Take all the time you need." Rowdy smiled at her as she stood up from the chair and smoothed out her black shirt. "You better go tip out and grab your Dad's pizza."
"Yeah, right." She smiled at him before she left his office. It was exactly five in the afternoon as she made it to the break room where her locker was.
Removing her apron, she bundled it up before unlocking the locker she had her purse in. It was a small black leather backpack coveted in button and enamel pins. Throwing it over her shoulders, she slammed the locker shut before heading to the front of the diner to get her credit card tips. She had plenty of cash in her back pocket from her shift during the day.
"Hey Evan, headed out?" Kaley was at the register for the night shift. The red head was one of the older women in the place just looking to get out of her house.
"Yeah. There should be a pizza for me back there somewhere." She looked over the counter towards the to go stand behind the older woman. "Yep, there it is." She pointed to the pizza box resting on the second shelf.
"For your Dad?" Kaley turned to grab the pizza box, then put it on the counter in front of Evan. "One Supreme, no olives, extra cheese and pepperoni... right?"
"Yep, and my tips too." She smiled as she watched the woman open the register and pull out at least forty dollars of cash out. Of course, about twelve of that was going to pay for the pizza. Kaley handed her the cash, only taking out what was needed for the pizza. "Thanks, Kaley!"
"You're welcome, kiddo." Evan picked up the pizza before going back through the kitchen and clocking out.
She grabbed a bag of trash and headed towards the back door, telling her coworkers bye as she went. As soon as she was out the back door, she looked around to see if anyone else was in the back alley. The trash bin was a good twenty feet away on the other side of the alley. She smirked as she threw the bag up in the air, then jumped up, giving the bag a good kick. Sometimes, she liked to let loose, but most of the time, she played normal human beings.
With good aim, the bag full of trash managed to land into the bin without busting this time. Last time, it busted everywhere, and she had to run away quickly. How she managed to do this without dropping the pizza was pure skill. Maybe her talent for martial arts had something to do with it, but she chalked it up to practicing with her father as often as possible up until she was seventeen. Then school got in the way.
Her father's shop was only five blocks away, so she normally walked there without a problem. Sometimes, Patty would meet her outside the diner after her shift, but that was not likely to happen tonight. Instead, she was alone as she passed random people on the sidewalk.
As soon as she was on the steps of the shop, she knew her father was likely sleeping in his chair with his feet up on the desk. That was typical of him in the afternoons. Of course, with graduation so close, she had not seen him in a couple of weeks. She did not even bother knocking because he probably knew it was her as soon as she entered.
Sure enough, he was exactly in the position he was always in when she visited. She sighed as he did not move a muscle, obviously sleeping underneath the magazine covering his face. She rolled her eyes as she felt the stuffiness of the shop and the lack of lighting except for the sunlight coming in from the windows.
"I smell food." His voice was slightly muffled from the magazine on his face, but that was quickly remedied when he removed it and put it on the desk with a yawn. "Well, look what the cat dragged in."
"If you would answer your phone, maybe you'd know I've been getting ready for graduation." She stepped closer, setting the pizza down on his desk. "You didn't pay the bills again." She said as he set his feet on the floor and ran a hand through his silvery white locks.
"Yeah, no gigs." Dante lifted the lid of the pizza box and smiled as the fragrant steam rose up off the tasty food underneath. "That smells good." She was pretty sure he had not eaten in a few days. Which was not uncommon for him since he had told her many times he did not need food often, but it was one of those things that he loved way too much.
"Dad, when was the last time you cleaned this place up?" Evan commented as she looked at all the paper, beer bottles, and pizza boxes on the floor. She was worried he was slipping again, which he only tended to do when he was alone. There were only two times he had slipped when she was there, but those had been extenuating circumstances. "Have you even been out of this place lately?"
"Haven't felt like it." He chomped down on a slice of pizza as she went to sit down on the red couch away from him. "Last time I went anywhere was when we went to the arcade a couple weeks ago."
"Ugh... seriously, Dad, you've got to stop this bullshit." Evan threw her hands up in the air and leaned back against the couch. She put her hands over her face and then sighed. "I mean, I've been busy, but would it kill you to come see me at work or something. I'm literally five blocks away. You can walk!" All of this was coming out of her need for her father in her life, but he continuely had this bad habit of letting the past consume him.
"I know... I know." Dante said softly as he put the pizza down and stood up from his chair. "I'm a shit dad." She did not mean to hurt his feelings over it, but he needed to hear it.
"You aren't a shit dad, you just have problems... like me." She watched as he came over and sat next to her on the couch. "I just get scared when you get depressed because you do this whole self doubting thing, and I start doubting myself. I don't like it." She put a hand on her chest as she turned to face Dante. "I mean, we both have messed up childhoods. I had mom until I didn't, but then I had you, and now I'm getting older. I want to do my own thing, but I don't want to be worried about you." She started to tear up. She looked down at her hands.
"Hey, don't do that." Dante put his hand on her cheek. "I'm sorry that you feel this way, and I never meant to make you worry." There was so much emotion in his eyes that she had no choice but to start crying. She was always a crybaby around him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his side. "To be honest, I miss you being around all the time, so it's lonely."
"Yeah, well, five freaking blocks, Dad." She sniffed as she leaned into his side and wiped her eyes. "And Lady's place is like right up the street." To be fair, they had not had a movie night in some time.
"I know." He kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry, Princess." There was heavy guilt in his voice, which no one would probably ever hear but her. They sat there in silence for a bit, with Evan just enjoying the protective comfort of her father.
Dante, on the other hand, was currently allowing all the guilty thoughts to race through his head. He was never fit to have children, not with the traumatic childhood memories and the constant fights with world ending demons. This was half the reason he elected to keep his own nephew at arms length. But Evan, she was a different story altogether.
The moment she was put in his arms as a newborn, his heart was hers. He never admitted it to anyone the entire eleven years the two of them were apart. Then, somehow, he found her in a forest in the middle of winter, and he never wanted to be apart again. In hindsight, he could have done so much better for her, but he had a nasty way of letting the past pull him down.
What was worse is that Evan had needed him during those times he was barely able to keep himself together. The older he got, the more he wanted to fall apart, so he just stopped trying to keep himself together. It was exhausting. He tried so hard to keep it together for her, but the guilt and the pain always got in the way. The worst part is that he knew he was a terrible father and if it were not for Lady, and sometimes Trish, Evan may have suffered more.
And he blamed himself for it.
Although, he really had no example to go off of since his own father was just as shitty. Sparda was all for saving humanity, but he neglected to stick around for his own family. Dante still held a lot of resentment towards his father for setting this path for him and Vergil. He only hoped that Evan would not resent him for the choices he made. The one thing he loved the most was hurting because of him. Well, maybe not just Evan, but Nero as well.
Those two... three kids, because Patty had become a surrogate daughter too, were what made the world a better place.
"Dad?" Evan's voice knocked him out of his thoughts. He gave her a squeeze.
"What?" She sniffed as he leaned his head on top of hers.
"When was the last time you showered?" He closed his eyes and chuckled at her question, then pulled away from her.
"I guess it's been a hot minute." He lifted his left arm and took a wiff. Yeah, he needed a nice long shower, but it was not that bad. Nothing a little cologne could not fix. Of course, he had left his coat on the rack behind the desk so there was a chance it could cover up some of the musk. "Yeah, it's been a while. No water."
"You know you could just go to Lady's and take a shower." He groaned as he got up off the couch and stretched. "She's home right now, actually, and it will get you out of here for a bit." Well, he could use a change of clothes as he had been wearing the same black shirt for at least four days now.
"Alright, fine." It was a good excuse to spend some more time with his daughter. He had not walked her home in a while, so why not. "I'll go get some clothes together." He grabbed her ponytail and flipped it around playfuly before making his way to the stairs. "Mind locking up for me?"
"Sure." She also had to call Lady and let her know that Dante was going to hijack her shower for a bit.
Ten minutes later they were walking side by side down the sidewalk in the late afternoon sun. Summertime meant longer daylight and the sun did not set until about seven thirty. Evan had to be at Patty's party by eight, but really she could show up whenever the hell she wanted. There were rules when it came to parties. Dante had taught her that.
"So, what are you doing tonight?" He asked her as he adjusted the bag over his shoulder that held his clean clothes.
"It's Patty's birthday today, so she's throwing a party." He groaned and rolled his eyes. "She's only been talking about it all year, Dad."
"I forgot it was today." The third day of May was just a normal day to the regular folks of Capulet. However if anyone were in any way associated with one Miss Patty Lowell, they were invited.
"Yeah and she pretty much invited the entire graduating class." She shuddered at the thought of having to be in the same room as most of them. Evan was not into the popular crowd that Patty was in as the fashionista of the entire senior class. "She even invited you."
"I must have missed the memo somewhere." He smirked at her. She knew her father was absolutely not into hanging out with a bunch of teenagers. She could not blame him. "That's okay, I'll live vicariously through you."
"Spoken like a true adult." She elbowed him as they walked. "Anyway, she's probably been trying to call for hours now. My phones been dead for a while too." She pulled her phone out of her pocket and showed him the blank screen.
"Which is why I don't have one of those. I'd never get any sleep." He was what the kids called a 'boomer' for not keeping up with technology. She often teased him about that, but to be fair, he had no need for things like that. "Wouldn't know how to use one anyway."
"Just wait, you have a birthday coming up." She wiggled her white eyebrows with a mischievous smile on her face.
"Don't remind me." He put a hand on her shoulder as they made it to the door of Lady's building. "I'm pretty sure people will start calling me old man if I don't shave this mess on my face."
"It's not that bad, but yeah, probably so." They made their way up to the third floor where she lived with the woman she saw as her surrogate mother since she was eleven. She unlocked the door and opened it, letting herself in with Dante behind her. She could smell something good coming from the kitchen. "Hey, Lady, we're here."
"Oh good, you brought stinky with you." It was not unusual to see Dante there, since the two adults had been friends for well, forever now. The huntress was barefoot in the kitchen wearing shorts and a shirt with her favorite band on it. "You know the drill, Dante. Clean up after yourself." She pointed a spatula at him with a glare in her bi colored eyes.
"I'm gonna go change and get ready for Patty's party." Evan said as her father headed to the guest bathroom down the hall next to her room. "Oh, did you get her a gift?" She asked Lady, who was stirring the pot of stir-fry.
"Yeah, it's on my dresser." The eighteen year old gave Lady a thumbs up before retreating into her room to change into something less greasy smelling.
It did not take her long to change into a fresh pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, and the white leather jacket that her dad gave her last birthday. She untied her ponytail, letting her wavy hair fall just past her shoulders so she could comb through it with her fingers. She looked in the standing mirror to see if she was decent enough before throwing on a little lip gloss. By the time she was done, she could hear Dante's voice from the kitchen as he poked fun at Lady.
"Hey, you said it, not me." Lady said as Evan walked out of her room with her little backpack slung over her shoulders. "Besides, there's been some shady people walking around here at night."
"When have we ever not had shady people in this part of town?" Dante rebuted as he leaned against the counter on his forearms. Lady gave him a look.
"You know what I mean." She dished up her stir fry onto a plate. "As long as they don't bother me, I'm fine. Otherwise, I've got Kalina Ann to deter the hooligans."
"Whatever you say, Lady." He smirked as Evan walked into the kitchen. "Hey, Princess, you're looking better."
"You smell better." The teenager said with a deadpan look, only to get a glare from her father in return. He had definitely changed into some clean clothes, specifically that faded navy henley shirt and leather pants he usually wore these past couple years.
"Funny." He told her. "Anyway, I need to get back home. Thanks for the shower." He grabbed the bag he came with. "You coming?" He looked at his daughter, who nodded before following him out the door.
"I'll be back later, Lady!" Evan said, following him out the door and shutting it behind her.
The sun was setting as they made their way down to the bottom floor. Once at the bottom, Evan made her way over to a pair of motorcycles that had been parked in the breezeway of the building. She pulled her keys out of her pocket as Dante stood there watching with a smile on his face. He had saved up a lot of money to get her the white one for her sixteenth birthday. Of course, he had been saving money for her since she was born, but she did not need to know that.
"You want a ride?" She asked him as she rolled the bike out to the street and putting the kickstand down so she could tell him bye. "I'll let you drive." She smiled.
"Nah, I'll walk." He wanted to enjoy the last bit of daylight before he became a hermit again. "Besides, me and that bike don't get along." The throttle was a little fussie with him, but Evan preferred it.
"Okay then." She walked up to him, giving him a hug. "I'll stop by after the party to say goodnight." Dante kissed the top of her head after he wrapped his free arm around her.
"Yep, have fun. Don't get in trouble, make good choices... you know the drill." He let her go and watched as she got on the bike.
"No promises." She started up the bike and gave it a rev. "Love you, Dad." She said before putting the kickstand up.
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"Love ya too." He waved at her as she rode off down the street.
It seemed like yesterday that she was this tiny, underweight little girl that had survived for months by herself in a forest. Now she was a healthy teenager blessed with youth and had a pure heart. She grew up too fast. Not that he could stop that from happening, but he missed a lot of her life before then. For that, he had a lot of resentment towards her mother's family.
He sighed as he began walking back to his shop alone. If he was lucky, he might get a visit from Morrison in the next few days. Not likely as there was not much going on with demon activity. There was a lull right now and it was sort of strange.
Although, Nero had been pretty busy last he heard, so that was good. Oh well, back to the shop for the rest of the pizza and a nap.
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teddy06writes · 3 years
sorry to request yet another one, but you are such an amazing writer. Could I possibly have a romeo and juliet type story where reader is sleepybois sibling and is in love with either poly dream team (dream,George,sapnap) or just george xx
dream x george x sapnap x reader + sleepy boys x sibling!reader
trigger warnings: swearing, yelling, character death, Wilbur being a dumbass
premise: you are one of Philza’s children, and have fought for L’manburg’s independence, we follow your secret romance with the enemy, of course, this tragedy knows no happy ending
You carefully dropped down over the side of the L’manburg wall, ducking into a roll before standing up and dusting yourself off, starting to sneak away.
A hand clamps around your forearm, pulling you around the side of a tree.
You hold back a yelp, instead turning with a smile, whispering, “Mr. Sapnap we simply must stop meeting like this.”
“And what? You’d have us march through your gates announcing ourselves to your brothers, I think not.” Nick chuckled.
“Well, I suppose that would put a damper on things.” You grinned, pressing a kiss to his lips.
He fit your hand into his, pulling you along as you started for where the others would be waiting, “Especially when they are so against our dear Dream.”
“To be fair, he was against us.” You argued.
“But no more.” The man himself pointed out, stepping out of the shadows, rising his mask enough to press a kiss to your knuckles.
“Because we continued to fight? or Because you wanted an excuse to talk to me without it being over a declaration of war?”
“I believe it was because Tommy gave up his disks,” George offered, leaning in to place a kiss on your cheek, “Hello dearest.”
You sighed, “Phil gave him those disks. They were one of the only things to survive the blast.”
Behind the mask you could tell Dream’s face fell, and he started to turn away, “I- we did what we thought was right.”
“Blowing up my country was what you thought was right?” You challenged, crossing your arms, “You even had the audacity to cheer as my head was separated from my body by the sheer force.”
“Here we go again.” George muttered.
“We didn’t know you then! Things have changed! You and your people are free now!”
“That does not change our history.” You said indigently.
“What about when Sapnap burned the forests? That’s part of your history too yet we don’t see you yelling at him!” Dream exclaimed.
You sighed, “The forests were replanted with his help, and he has shown remorse, and regret over his actions.”
Surprisingly Dream wrapped his arms around you, pulling you flush against his chest, “If that is what I takes to gain your trust, then I am sorry. I hope my past mistakes do not haunt you any longer.”
Reluctantly you wrapped your arms around him, smiling as the other boys joined the embrace.
After a few moment Dream pulled away, “c’mon, we may even have time for a proper date.”
“An election?” You questioned, “But your already the president.”
Wilbur grinned, “But I put myself in that position, if we do it this way everything is fair!”
You glanced down at the papers littering his desk, “Wil I don’t see how this makes things fair, I mean,” You picked up the note book where he’d been witting makeshift ballots, “Closing the ballots early? The people will only have one option! How is that fair?”
“Actually, I’m running as well.”
You turned to see Quackity entering the office, “You? You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
The man frowned, “Well, I figure if Wilbur here gets a chance to do it fair why shouldn’t I?”
“We’ll be able to beat him easily.” Your brother quietly assured you.
“You alright love? You seem stressed.” Nick said quietly.
You sighed looking up at the sky, “Wilbur plans to hold an election. He believes we can over take Quackity and Swag 2020, but now Fundy and Niki have made there own party as well.”
George turned, propping himself up on his elbow, “That doesn’t sound good. If he’s already in charge why does he need to be re elected?”  
“We put him on the throne, Tommy, Tubbo, Niki, Fundy and I. He wishes to be there fairly with the support of the people.”
Dream hummed, “Do you think he could win?”
“It’s possible,” You sighed, leaning back against Nick, “But campaigns have been tricky, Tommy managed to dig up Jshlatt. They though he could help, but now he’s trying to make a claim to having a spot on the ballot.”
“I thought he was dead.” George said.
You laced your fingers through his, “Well now he’s just a drunk who’s running for president. God I hope it was just a joke.” You muttered the last part.
The boy shared glances, Nick hazarding, “What happens if someone else wins?”
“Well, I suppose it wouldn’t change much for me, technically I hold no office other than managing my brothers and the campaign, it’d shift me further out of public eye, but, I think Wilbur wouldn’t handle it well.”
Dream began to trace shapes into your open palm, “Well, with you in charge of the campaign I doubt your brother will fail.”
You smiled, “Let’s hope so.”
A few hours later, as the sun began to disappear beyond the hills of L’manburg you stood up from the picnic, bidding your lovers farewell, “Wilbur’s meeting starts soon, and I’ll be missed.”
After a few traded kisses you started back through the woods toward L’manburg, sneaking back in through a gap that had never been fixed in the wall, pausing at your house to change back into your L’manburg uniform before hurrying off to the white house.
“Your late!” Tommy called sharply as you entered Wilbur’s office.
“I lost track of time working on the last of the posters.” You pulled the rolled up tubes of paper from the bag you’d grabbed at the house as well.
Wilbur took the tubes as Tommy looked at you skeptically, “Yeah, doing that and what else?”
“Well I was talking to Phil today telling him about the election,” You sat down next to Tubbo, “But not much else.”
Wilbur sighed, dropping a flyer on the table, “We have more important notion to discuss, it would seem that Shlatt is serious about this.”
You grabbed the flyer, looking over the bolded, ‘Shlatt 2020′ and then back at Wilbur, “This can’t be real. I thought you closed the ballot.”
“The people favor him enough to allow him a spot on the ballot.” Tubbo sighed.
“We still stand a chance though,” Tommy said quickly turning to Wilbur, “Right Wil?”
Your older brother hesitated, wavering for a moment, before nodding, “Yes. Yes of course.”
“(y/n) I must ask you some thing.” Wilbur said as the meeting ended and Tommy and Tubbo headed out.
“Why do you sneak out?” Your breathing hitched but he continued, “Who are you meeting? What are you hiding? Who do you talk too from- from the SMP lands?” His voice turned to acid at the last words.
“I don’t go anywhere, outside L’manburg. Other than for walks in the forest on occasion.” You lied.
Wilbur examined your face, as if searching for something, “Fine then. Don’t tell me, I will find out sooner or later.”
He strode out of the room, leaving you to pull out your com tablet, privately messaging Dream, ‘it might be a bit before I can see you guys again’
You rolled your eyes quickly typing, ‘Wils getting suspicious, I’m just trying to keep you safe’
‘george also says :(’ Was all you received in reply, so you quickly put the tablet away, heading out of the office and out to the street.
You took a deep breath, looking back at the podium, ballots would be collected tomorrow, and then everything could change.
“Last night, before the last of the ballots were collected, Mr. Quackity of the SWAG 2020 party made an agreement with Mr. Jshlatt of the SHLATT 2020 campaign, that if neither party won the popular vote, they would combine there votes, creating a collation.” WIlbur announced.
From your place to the side of the stage you froze, fear coursing through your veins.
“And so, the combined percentages of SWAG 2020 and SHLATT 2020, bring the coalition to 46% of the popular vote.”
Your heart pounded in your ears, feeling Tommy freeze beside you.
“Which means, the coalition government of SWAG and SHLATT 2020, have won the L’manburg election, by 1%.”
The world seemed to slow as parts of the crowd erupted into cheers, Quackity jumped around on the stage yelling as Wilbur slowly moved away from the podium, out of the corner of your eye, near the back of the stands you see your boyfriends all looking down, but you paid them no mind, instead looking Shlatt dead in the eye as he grinned maliciously at you, before turning to address the crowd.
Wilbur tugged you and Tommy away from the stage, “We’re citizens tonight.”
Shlatt leaned over the podium as you took seats near the front of the crowd, “Well that, was pretty easy.”
You felt your brothers grip your hands, as you stared up at Shlatt.
“You know what I said when I announced this campaign? I said ‘things are gonna change’ I looked every citizen of L’manburg in the eye and I said ‘you listen to me... this place will be a lot different tomorrow.”
He smirked down at you, “So let’s start making that happen. My first decree as president of L’manburg- as EMPEROR! Of this great country!”
Your breathing hitched, “Is to revoke citizenship-! Of TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot, and (Y/n)! Get them out of here!”
Suddenly it seemed as though every weapon in the city was trained on you as Tommy dragged you up out of your seat.
Wilbur was yelling at you to run, but you remained frozen on the spot, turning to look at the podium one last time before following your brothers, only a few steps behind, most of the crowd beginning to disperse
Some one practically screamed your name, and you turned in time for an onslaught of arrows to bury themselves in your body.
The last thing you saw before crumpling to the ground was Dream, Nick and George rushing toward you.
Shlatt strode off the stage, trying to move closer to your body only to be blocked by Dream’s outstretched sword.
He peered around where George had flung himself over you, “I want them out of here as soon as they respawn.”
You woke to someone pressing a damp cloth to your forehead, and excruciating pain spreading throughout your body.
Your eyes flicked open, looking around at the cave you found yourself in, in confusion. When you tried to sit up a gentle hand pushed you back down, “Don’t, you only respawned fully a day ago, you're too weak for that.”
“What’re you doing here?” You groaned.
Technoblade chuckled, “I heard someone say rebellion.”
You looked at him confused for a moment before he elaborated, “This is Pogtopia, cause apparently Wilbur can’t go more than a few months without establishing a new country. Tommy found the cavern after they were ran out of L’manburg. Tubbo is working with Shlatt to hunt you guys down, and Wilbur is trying to start a plan to get the country back.”
“How’d I get here? my bed is all the way in L’manburg.”
Techno grabbed one of the baked potatoes he’d brought up to your room, offering it to you, “That’s the thing I was meanin to ask ya, is there a reasonable explanation as to why it was the Dream Team who brought your body back here? All dramatic and not wantin to leave?”
You face flushed and you turned your head away from him, “It’s a long story.”
“I’ve got time.” You brother said, moving to lean back against the wall.
You giggled nervously, “I guess it technically started when L’manburg was still fighting for independence...”
You told him of the strange glances during war councils, the way Nick had stopped in his tracks when he saw the way you looked forlorn at the burning wood, the way George found ways to sneak you trinkets signed ‘from someones special’, and the way you were never in any real danger during many battles.
You recalled your first real meeting with Dream after you had gained independence, the way he’d seemed so different then than at the signing of the peace treaty, the way that You’d received help replanting the forests, and the quiet still moments shared by the channel George almost unaware of your being there.
It was the first time you had really spoken about your lovers to anyone, and though it took a weight off your shoulders it added another as Techno subconsciously pulled out his axe and began to sharpen it.
“They wouldn’t hurt me, and the conflict that we shared was between the SMP Lands and L’manburg, not us.” You finished quietly.
Techno looked at you quizzically, “Your telling me Dream, the Dream, Mister Manhunts and smp and god among men Dream, would willingly put away his conflicts, his gains, his leverage, just for you?”
“For all of us.” You said firmly.
“That why he kept Tommy’s disks?”
“Tommy willingly gave up those disks for the country.” You muttered.
Your older brother ignored you, “That why he openly endorsed Shlatt as soon as your back was turned?”
You froze, pushing yourself to sit up, even as it made your head spin, “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Shlatt’s key endorsement, you know, the endorsement given to the guy who was suppose to endorse Wil?” He watched as your face fell, before quietly starting out of the room, “I won’t tell either of them, but if Dream loses a life cause you find out it was true, don’t look my way.”
You fished your com tablet out of the pack that was lying next to your cot, ‘we need to talk.’
“(y/n)! Thank god your okay!” Nick exclaimed, throwing his arms around you.
You hugged him back before turning to face Dream, “Why did you endorse Shlatt?”
He opened his mouth to say something but you cut him off, “And I don’t want a denial or an excuse, or- or any of that. I just want to know why you did it. Why you didn’t tell me?”
Shakily Dream pulled off his mask, looking you in the eye, “I didn’t mean to do anything that would hurt you. Technically I never publicly endorsed him, he took a piece of advice and ran with it to the people. If I had known he was going to do that I would’ve never talked to him in the first place. If I had known he was going to exile you, if he was going to take one of your lives I would have killed him where he stood with no hesitation.”
The mask shook his hand, and George gently took it from him, lacing there fingers together encouragingly.
“I know I fucked up talking to him but if he goes near you, or tries to get you exiled further, or anything like that, he’ll be dead. I- I will do what it takes to help you get L’manburg back.”
You bit your lip, still partially holding on to Nick, “Why did you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to add to the stress.”
“Also, you said Wilbur was getting suspicious, and you stopped talking to us for two days.” George pointed out.
You nodded, quietly rubbing at your eyes, “Uh, yeah, uh, so Techno knows.”
Nick stiffened, “What?”
“Technoblade knows about this- uh- us.”
“T- Technoblade, your brother, as in, The Technoblade, Mister violence, and blood god and technoblade never dies,  knows about us?” George gulped.
“He only threatened Dream, so don’t worry?” You said sheepishly.
Nick chuckled, “Wonderful, that means we get out with our heads and Dream gets to fight to the death.”
“I don’t see how that’s fair.” Dream pouted.
“Maybe I just thought it better to threaten you cause I know if I tried to take the other ones you’d come for me anyway.” Techno said, striding into the clearing.
The boys sat there looking at him for a moment before he sighed, turning to you, “You better get back inside ‘fore Wil goes insane. An’ you guys better clear out before Tommy sees you and goes berserk.”
Reluctantly your boyfriends nodded, quickly muttering goodbyes and leaving, only slightly in fear of Techno, and you turned to your brother with a sigh, “He can’t keep me locked up forever.”
“He’s worried. Paranoid even, thinks Shlatts gonna send someone to kill you again,” Techno explained, guiding you back towards one of the entrances of the cavern, “The stress is getting to him.”
The days spent in Pogtopia began to blend together, the only memorable ones being the ones that were spent sneaking out and seeing your lovers, though you never excepted to see one of them within the cavern itself.
You had come down one of the narrow walkways of your new home, and when Tommy had grabbed your wrist, hissing “Dream is here! And he’s going to help Wilbur blow up L’manburg!” you were not nearly prepared to see him handing Wilbur a rather large bag.
Wilbur grinned wickedly, “This is perfect.”
“Wilbur,” Your little brothers voice was shaking, “Give me that tnt.”
Dream drew his sword, holding it up almost lazily in Tommy’s direction, “I’m going to have to step in on this one Tommy.”
You could see him smirking under the mask as you pushed Tommy behind you, “Wilbur what are you doing?”
“What needs to be done.” He said coldly, “If I can’t have Manburg no one can have Manburg!”
“And you think blowing up our home is the right move?” You said cautiously.
There was something different in Wilbur’s eyes, “No survivors.”
Techno watched this from his spot on the wall, “Wilbur I think we need to have a discussion, things like this take time to plan. (Y/n) why don’t you escort our guest out.”
You nodded sharply, starting towards the back of the cavern, “This way green boy.”
As soon as you got outside the cave you grabbed his wrist, shoving him against the rock wall, “What the fuck are you thinking?”
The now lopsided mask reviled his cocky smirk, “Shouldn’t this be the other way around?”
“Shut the fuck up! What are you thinking?”  You hissed.
“I’m helping you get back your L’manburg!” He sounded all too happy about it.
“By siding with him? He’s gone manic Clay! He’s fucking insane!”
Dream winced at the words, “He’s your brother. You have to side with him.”
“My brother is gone. I side with that man because I am loyal to my family, so long as Techno and Tommy are with him I am. If there was ever a time for you two to ever get along it would not be this.” You backed away from him.
“(y/n), I’m just trying to help.”
“I know,” You said softly, turning back to the cave entrance, “I’ll see you soon.”
“Wars tomorrow.” George said quietly.
You nodded, carding your hand through his hair, “That it is.”
The month had passed quickly, and after the incident at the festival, and then Quackity’s meeting with Shlatt you seemed to have blinked and the eve of war was upon you.
You had snuck out, now spending your last night before the world changes again with your boys, huddled up together in one of the castles parapets. (It had been quite a shock to you when Dream dethroned Eret)
“We will be on different sides, how will this even play out?” Nick asked.
“Only time will tell.”
Dream, mask long since forgotten to the side, bit his lip, “(y/n), George, I want you to stay out of the fighting.”
“We can handle ourselves.” You argued.
“It’s George’s job to stay neutral, and you’re on your last life. None of us want to lose you.” He said softly, looking over Nick’s head at you.
“I will fight for my country. No one will stop me.”
“Even if Phil came back and told you not too?” Nick asked with a chuckle.
“Well-” You laughed, “I suppose it would depend.”
A while later, you began to head back to Pogtopia, your boys insisting on walking you back.
Upon reaching the cave you kissed each of them, “Until we see what tomorrow brings.”
They gave similar goodbyes, and you darted back into the cavern.
Coming around the corner someone grabbed your wrist, tugging it hard, and you came face to face with Wilbur, “Where the fuck were you?”
“uh- o- out.” You stuttered.
“Out with your boyfriends?” He taughtened, dragging you down through the cavern, past the new rooms that had been carved out recently, “When were you planning on telling us of this little fling?”
“What are you talking about?” Tears sprung to your eyes.
“Oh I know all about you and Dream and Sapnap and George! You and your fucking betrayal! Why the fuck would you try to betray me? I’m your brother!” He exclaimed, practically throwing you into a newly constructed cage.
You dug your nails into your palms, “Wilbur, please.”
“I know it was them who disconnected the TNT, who you keep sneaking out to meet, who you were conspiring against me with!” He locked the cage and you caught a glimpse of Techno, leaning against a wall looking down.
“Wil I never conspired against you!”
“We’ll see about that.” He hissed, “You’ll stay here until this is over. I may fail at regaining my L’manburg but I will not fail to kill those men.”
As he strode away you looked to Techno, “Techno what’s going on?”
“I’m sorry.” Was all he managed before hurrying away.
Tears began to stream down your cheeks as you looked around the abandoned alcove of the cavern, there was no getting out of this.
Quietly you pulled your com tablet from your sleeve, sending a messege to Phil, ‘dad I need help, Wil’s gone insane’
You leaned against the bars of the cell, Pogtopia’s few members had long since left for the battle, and you were still here, trapped where Wilbur had left you, none of your boyfriends were responding to your pings, feeling utterly hopeless.
“(y/n)?” A yell echoed through the cavern.
“Phil!” You called desperately, “I’m in here!”
A few moments later your adoptive father appeared in the doorway, shocked upon seeing the locked cage and your tear stained cheeks, “(y/n).”
You nodded as he quickly began to work at the lock, pulling you into an embrace as soon as the cage opened.
“Dad,” You hiccupped, fighting back a new wave of tears, “He’s insane! He’s gonna try to blow up Manburg again! And he’s gonna try to kill them!”
“Who is?” He asked gently.
“Wilbur! He’s gone mad!”
Phil pulled away from you to look you in the eyes, “Are you sure?”
You nodded, sniffling.
Phil took a deep breath, looking around, “Okay, you get down to where they’re fighting, you try to keep Wilbur distracted once it’s over, I’ll try to think of something to stop the tnt.”
You nodded, quickly forcing yourself up, running out of the cavern.
You hurried through the woods, pushing yourself to go faster, making it to the crest of the hill as people flooded out of the van, cheering, people of Pogtopia, L’manburg and the SMP lands alike.
You charged down the hill, not seeing Wilbur standing to the side.
“Dream! Sapnap! George!” You yelled.
They turned to see you running at them, relived to see you okay, still not understanding the cryptic things Wilbur had been saying.
“(Y/n)-” Dream was cut off a yet another arrow planted its self in your back.
“Love?” You whispered, before crumpling to the ground.
They rushed forward, but it was too late, you were gone, and George early screamed, burring his face in an expressionless Nick’s shoulder.
Dream looked up at Wilbur, whos cross bow was still raised, utterly broken, “What the fuck have you done?”
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the-witty-pen-name · 3 years
Deadbeat Pt. 3
Lee Bodecker x F!Reader
18+ ONLY 
Warnings: age gap (reader is 21), smut, cursing, abandonment, infatuation, cheating/divorce, angst, mild housewife kink, mentions of prostitution, mentions of alcohol, corrupt official 
Word Count: 4.7k
Summary: You work at the bar at the edge of town, the Sheriff is going through a divorce and needs to rent a room.
A/N: I’m terrible at writing summaries and I’m so sorry about that! I don’t think I would consider this a dark!fic, but it does cover a lot of themes, and topics that are darker than I usually write about- but I think that comes with the territory of writing about Lee Bodecker. I’ll make sure to update the warnings for each chapter and do not read if you are underage. I also ignored canon for this one.
This is unedited, and I missed anything I should include as a warning let me know! This chapter introduces some new plots and conflicts, so it jumps around a little more than the previous ones. 
I hope you all enjoy!
I also am having some writer’s block with my Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries I was working on, so expect Part 3 sometime Sunday hopefully! So sorry for the delay on the final chapter. 
Tags and Requests are OPEN 
Part One // Part Two 
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Henry Curtis was one of the most infuriating people Lee had ever met. Curtis was a writer for the Columbus newspaper and constantly pestering the Sheriff. Curtis seemed to have a sixth sense for whenever the Sheriff did anything. He was desperately trying to catch the Sheriff doing anything but so far had remained unsuccessful. Curtis was the biggest obstacle Lee faced in winning re-election. The man would show up out of nowhere, pen and pad in hand ready to find anything that would be enough to keep the Sheriff out of office.
Maybe Curtis was just doing his job, but Lee always felt like it was much more personal. It was probably just his own resentment of the man who was just doing his job. But the man didn’t have to be so goddamn invasive. When the Sheriff had devised his plan on offering to rent a room from you, he was so tied up in his own mess of divorce and his somewhat confusing feelings towards you he had completely forgotten about the press. They would have a field day with the divorce alone, but now on top of everything else, Lee knew he should be more careful.
Lee always had to be careful, especially if he was meeting Leroy Brown. Lee would make sure he drove way out of town, and always insisted they met at a different location every time. This would infuriate Brown but Lee was the only lawman he had working for him. Sometimes Lee would drive several hours out of the way, always at some deserted ghost town or some sad excuse for a diner or a bar. Always somewhere no one would recognize him.
Lee lied to you and told you he and a few of the deputies would need to drive out of town for a stakeout when he needed to meet with Brown. It was one of those nights, sitting in the cruiser with the headlights off, as he parked in an abandoned parking lot almost two hours out of town.
He had been able to put this off for a couple weeks, lying about other legitimate jobs getting in the way. Honestly, it was because he wanted to one, avoid anything that would cause suspicion from Henry Curtis hearing he was back in town and two, he was selfishly allowing himself to just spend his nights at his new home, spending all the time he could manage with you. It was like being in that little white house was a place where he could let himself be delusional, and time spent with you was what his life actually was, not this mess he was currently dealing with. He wanted out.
Lee knew he wasn’t a good man. He knew that his laundry list of offenses had tarnished his badge a long time ago. He knew what he was doing, and before he never cared. Now, he’s thinking about how his actions could affect you. You were innocent, unaware of everything he was stuck in. He knew you weren’t stupid, and he was sure the town knows some about his corruption. But now, he couldn’t rationalize away his actions for any reason when it came to you. Janie? She didn’t care and would encourage it. She’d be in on it too. She’d have no problem lying to ladies at Church or starting other rumors to keep the town talking about anyone but Lee. She was as power hungry as he was sometimes, which could be a testament as to how their loveless marriage held together for so long.
“Hi, I’m looking for a Ms. (Y/L/N)?” the man asked when he approached you, talking a seat at one of the barstools.
“Who’s asking for her?” you asked raising an eyebrow.
“I’m Henry Curtis, I work for the Columbus Dispatch.”
“The newspaper?”
“That’s the one.”
“Why are you looking for her?”
“I’m doing a story on her mother’s marriage to Harvey Tucker.”
“She’s not here tonight. But I can let her know you were here. Do you got a card?”
The man pulled out a business card from his wallet and slide it across the bar. You picked it up and read all the information before putting it in the pocket of your apron.
“Seems weird for the Columbus paper to want to do a story on that a month and a half after it happened,” you said skeptically.
“We did cover the story when it happened,” Curtis informed you. “Doing a follow up since the story broke about his wife missing.”
“Missing?” you ask. “Do they know what happened?”
“Robbed the bastard blind and then ran apparently,” Curtis said casually looking past you at the chalkboard on the wall. “Scotch, neat.”
“Yes, sir,” you reply, grabbing the bottle from the shelf. “Has anything else been found out yet?”
“Not yet, that’s why I’m here. Checking in to see if she’d come back here because I heard Ms. (Y/L/N) still lives around these parts.” He then pulled a newspaper out of the inside pocket of his coat and started flipping through the pages.
“She has another kid too, right?” you asked, playing dumb. “A boy, I think. Do you know where he is?”
“Couldn’t say,” he sounded very indifferent, “Most likely went with her but who knows? I went to the Sheriff’s office to see if they knew anything but the Sheriff wasn’t there.”
“That’s too bad,” you say. “I’m sure Sheriff Bodecker would help you help if he can.”
Your statement made Mr. Curtis chuckle, but you didn’t follow up on it. You were just focusing on getting as much information about your mother and brother as you could.
“Speaking of Mr. Bodecker,” he began, “I recently saw his wife is getting remarried. Saw the announcement of the engagement in the paper.”
“Yeah, that’s right,” you respond, skeptically. You didn’t know why but you didn’t trust this man. It was something in the tone of his voice, or maybe it was just how he held himself. Very polished, a suit and a nice dress jacket. He looked very out of place in this town, and this little bar.
“You familiar with the Sheriff at all, miss?”
“Not too well,” you shrug, “Haven’t had any run-ins with the law myself.”
“Not even a speeding ticket?” He asks, only a little condescendingly.
“Can’t get a speeding ticket if you don’t have a car,” you point out.
“Touché,” he chuckles before taking a sip of his drink.
He doesn’t ask you anymore questions, and when he leaves, he gives you a five-dollar tip.
Lee receives his cut from Brown. There was nothing new to report on that front and his meeting went by smoothly. All Lee had to do was to turn a blind eye, and make sure the rest of the department stays unaware of the brothel’s existence. Brown always insisted on meeting with him, wanting to know what the Sheriff’s department was investigating and making sure his businesses stayed under the radar. He felt sick, and is preoccupied with the fact he has an envelope of dirty money in the cruiser’s glovebox.
It’s around midnight when he pulls up to the house. He expects that you’re already asleep, but he notices the lamp is on in the living room. He takes the money out of his glovebox and tucks it away into the inner pocket of his jacket. Coming inside, he finds you on the couch, knees pulled to your chest, staring at the business card Mr. Curtis had given you. You face is stained with dried up tears, and you still haven’t even changed out of your work clothes.
“What’s that?” he asks, the sight of you breaking his heart. He winces because he comes off a lot harsher than he meant.
“Some reporter came while I was at work wanting to talk to me,” you explain softly, you sound exhausted. “Wanted to talk to me cause he’s doing a story on my mother. Apparently, she’s on the run from the Columbus police.”
You extend your hand to give Lee the card. He feels his jaw clench when he reads the information. “What happened?” he asks, taking a deep breath and sitting down next to you.
“I pretended I wasn’t me,” you say, another tear rolling down your cheek. “He came in asking for me so I said I’d pass his card on. I didn’t want to tell him who I was because he didn’t explain why he was looking for me at first. I don’t know- just scared me. I’m more upset about the news itself than him.”
“You did the right thing,” Lee said softly, placing a hand on your shoulder comfortingly. He was angry, but he didn’t show it. It worried him, fucking Curtis snooping around this close to you. It made him feel protective, wanting to shield you from the whole ordeal. He had been on the receiving end of unsolicited attention from the press and he knew how ruthless they were. He knew this wouldn’t be the only time Curtis would try to get in touch with you. He’d find out where you lived, he’d continue to show up while you were working- the whole nine yards. He didn’t want you going through that.
Curtis talking to you also made him incredibly paranoid. It was his two worlds that he desperately wanted to keep apart were colliding. He knew it was impossible, but he so wanted to keep you separated from the other part of his life. It wasn’t who he wanted you to see. Hell, he hasn’t even been here for a month. It wasn’t that he wanted to keep you in the dark, at least that wasn’t entirely intentional. Actually, he wasn’t sure, maybe it was intentional. However, it wasn’t just you he wanted to hide aspects of his life from. He wanted his involvement with Brown and others hidden from every goddamn registered voter. You were no different, he tried to rationalize. But that wasn’t true. These feelings he harbored for you, were getting worse. He needed to unwrap himself from this situation, and for the sake of you finding out he was a shill, keep you away from that asshole. He didn’t want to let himself think about how the way you look at him would change.
And here he was, making the situation all about him. It was in his nature.
“He’s just going to show up again if I don’t call him,” you say, wiping your eyes. “Maybe I should just call him in the morning. Just be honest and say I don’t know anything. He can keep coming around but nothing is going to change.”
“I can take care of it,” he says. He couldn’t risk you talking to Curtis again. For all he knows, Curtis would tell you all about the story on the Sheriff he’d been trying to confirm for years. Lee knew he couldn’t let that happen. He fully intends on telling you, but how the hell do you bring that up? ‘Hey doll, I’m also on the payroll of every pimp and bootlegger in a ten-mile radius, just letting you know.’ It wasn’t going to come up, unless Curtis tells you about it. He’d be hoping to pull himself out if it, show you how you made him want to be better.
For now, he settles for comforting you, and just being there to take care of you. Make you feel better. He wraps an arm around your shoulder and lets you cry into his chest. He sighs, kissing the top of your head in a friendly way and you curl up against him. Under different circumstances, you probably wouldn’t have let yourself do this- show your vulnerability or allow anyone to comfort you like this. But it was all the events of the past month, your mother leaving, everything, just all hitting you at once, and you were happy you weren’t alone.
In the morning, you wake up on the couch with a blanket over you. You see Lee asleep in the chair, and you realize he stayed with you all night. It makes your heart flutter. You pull the blanket up over your chin and close your eyes again. You felt surprisingly well rested. The stress and worry were pushed to the back of your mind long enough to let you get some sleep. It still lingered in the back of your mind, but you reminded yourself that for now, there was nothing you could do. You had the day off, and you let yourself have a little longer time to sleep in.
You woke up to the smell of coffee brewing and the sound of sizzling on the stove. When you opened your eyes, Lee was no longer in the chair. You sat up and looked toward the kitchen, where you saw Lee with his back to you while he worked with the pans on top of the stove. The portable radio was positioned on the counter, and it was playing at a low volume, so it wouldn’t wake you up.
“Hey,” you say softly, still waking up as you walk into the kitchen.
“Morning, doll,” he says, glancing back at you for a moment. “How’re you feeling?”
“A little better,” you admit, grabbing a mug for yourself out of the cabinet. You pour yourself a cup of coffee, savoring the smell before making it how you usually take it. “Thank you for sitting with me,” you say honestly, “you didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to,” he says with a small grin. “I just wanted to help.”
“I really appreciate it, Lee,” you reiterate your thanks, hopping up to take a seat on the counter, watching him cook breakfast. “Didn’t know you knew how to cook,” you joke, making him chuckle.
“I’m full of surprises, sweetheart,” he smirks, making you feel flushed. You take another drawn out sip of your coffee to try to distract yourself. You watch his arms, and his hands as they maneuver and flex when he cooks. You imagine how they must feel, your eyes focused on the veins. You bit your lip and it reminds you of the dream you had a little while back when he first moved in. You imagine him stepping in between your legs as your propped up on the counter, his hands gently gripping your thighs and-
“I’ll get it,” you announce hurriedly as you hear someone knock on the front door. You hop off the counter careful to not spill your coffee, and head to answer the door. Lee watches you bounce out of the room, fixing your hair as you go and you don’t catch his smile.
“Arvin,” you say surprised, stepping out onto the porch. “What are you doing here?” you ask, with a small grin. You’re confused but nonetheless happy to see him.
“You look like you’ve been crying,” he observes, concern written all over his face.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you say dismissively, “Just last night I was thinking about my ma and everything. Just had trouble sleeping is all.”
“The Sheriff didn’t do anything?” Arvin asked in a hushed tone, looking over your shoulder to see if Lee could hear you two.
“No, nothing, he’s been perfectly fine,” you say coming to the Sheriff’s defense. “I know you and Ms. Russell are worried, I know how it must look- but Arvin I swear he’s just my tenant. He’s been nothing but a gentleman.”
“Just making sure,” he says, letting it go for now. “Lenora asked me to bring these by for you.” He hands you the glass baking dish that you can see is filled with homemade cinnamon rolls. “She’s been practicing making all kinds of baked goods for when the Church does that bake sale and has me running all over town giving it away cause me and Uncle Earskell can’t keep up with it all.”
“Tell her thank you for me,” you say with a smile, “And I’ll bring the dish with me to Church tomorrow- give it back to her.”
“She misses you I think,” Arvin says sheepishly, pushing his hands into his front pockets. “I mean- I do- I think my whole family does- we all do. I’m sorry my grandmother hasn’t asked you over in a while…”
“I understand,” you nod. “Reputation is an important thing.”
“I just didn’t want you to think it was because of us,” he says looking down at the porch, his eyes fixed on a loose board. “You know how she is- everything no matter the context is somehow a sin. Scared to death of her own shadow…”
“I know you’re not that resentful, Arvin Russell,” you chuckle and he relaxes. “And I don’t hold any hard feelings towards anyone in your family- you all have always been good to me.”
“Well, um,” he says awkwardly, looking like he was holding back from saying more. “I got to hit a couple more houses before I head to work, so I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at Church?”
“I’ll be there.”
“Oh- I wanted to let you know,” he says, turning around as he’s already heading down the front steps, “The principal down at the high school is looking for secretaries- Lenora heard and thought you might be interested. It pays like $35 a week, I think. You should call Linda Carson; I think Lenora said- that’s the woman who’s in charge of hiring people, I think.”
“I’ll call the school first thing Monday morning,” you say, grin stretching from ear to ear. Arvin nods and says goodbye again. You walk back into the house like you’re on top of the world. You couldn’t contain your excitement. That job if you could get it would be a dream. You’d be making so much more than you’re already making. You were so excited.
“You’re in a much better mood than when I last saw you,” Lee jokes. He’s sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper while he eats his breakfast. You notice that he made you a table setting- brought your coffee over and everything. You place the baking dish in the middle of the table and sit down.
“That was Arvin,” you say happily, and Lee feels his heart sink into his stomach.
“Oh yeah?” he asks, trying to not let on how his heart feels like it’s crushed. He knew it was only a matter of time before a boy would come around- whether it be Arvin or someone else your own age.
“Well, first he was just dropping off baked goods Lenora made,” you say gesturing to the dish on the table. “He’s going around to everybody, I guess. He mentioned the high school is looking for office secretaries- Lenora wanted me to know. Thirty-five dollars a week! I’m going to talk to Linda Carson about it Monday morning. Can you imagine? I could get a secretary job.”
Lee feels just a crash of relief wash over him. He’s so happy that you are looking at a new job. You deserve better than that bar. He knew you deserved the job just as much as any of the other candidates. You work harder than anyone he knows.
“That’s fantastic, sugar,” he replies. “You deserve it.”
“Do you think I have a chance?” you ask, feeling a little self-conscious- you knew you weren’t as experienced as other candidates would be for sure.
“Of course, I do,” he says, putting down the paper to give you his full attention. “I feel like you getting this job is a definite. There’s no doubt about it.”
“You’re just buttering me up,” you scoff, finishing up your food, making him chuckle. You may have also seen his cheeks redden, but you couldn’t say for sure. You finish off your coffee, and then bring you dishes back to the kitchen, leaving them in the sink. Lee turns his attention back to his newspaper and you head upstairs to get ready for your day.
When you head upstairs, Lee notices that you took the radio with you- and he could hear you were listening to music from upstairs. He decides before it’s too late to ring Mark Cunningham. The line rings a couple of times before Mark answers.
“Morning, Mark. It’s Sheriff Bodecker,” he smirks.
“What can I do for you Sheriff?” he asks, the sound of shuffling paper comes through as well. Most likely flipping through the paper.
“I wanna call in that favor you owe me,” he says, casually pacing the living room, holding the receiver up to his ear and the base of the rotary phone in the other.
“Of course, Sheriff,” he says. A while back, Bodecker busted the principal making moonshine in his old barn that was at the end of his property. Lee looked the other way and was waiting for the right thing to call in a favor for.
“I want you to hire (Y/N) (Y/L/N) for the secretary job,” he says, looking to the stairs, making sure you aren’t coming. The music is still playing loudly from upstairs so he determines he’s still got time.
“That’s all?” Mark asked surprised.
“That’s all I want from you,” Lee replies. “I expect you can make that happen?”
“Without a doubt. When can she start?”
“Still have her come in for an interview. I don’t anyone else knowing I called you about this- including her.”
With that, Lee hangs up the phone, feeling really good about this decision. He knew how much that job meant to you- he could see it in your eyes and how excitedly you talked about it. He can’t wait to see you when you find out you get the position. He knows it’s going to make you so happy. He knows you’d be a fantastic candidate, but this just eliminates any doubt. He reasons that there isn’t much difference, since you were very likely to get it anyways. He just had to make sure.
He can picture you know, coming home from the interview- excited to tell him that you got the job. You’d be so excited you’d jump up and hug him tightly, just so overjoyed that you let your feelings take over. You’d wrap your legs and around his waist and he’d hold you up by holding the back of your thighs. You’d wrap your arms tightly around him and bury your head in the crook of his neck. You’d lift your head up to look at him, embarrassed at your actions and then he’d press his lips to yours. You’d gasp softly, but your lips would melt against his own and your arms would wrap tightly around his neck. He’d walk forward, pressing you up against the wall and he’d kiss your neck mumbling praises of congratulations against your skin as his name falls from your lips at how good he’d make you feel. It’s almost unbearable how bad he wants you.
He heads to him room to get ready for his day, but his mind is still clouded with thoughts of you. He thinks about how much he wants nothing more that to just pin you on his mattress. He wonders if you know how crazy you make him. Sometimes there’s something in your eye that makes him think you want him too, but he’s not sure. His better judgement holds him back from everything he wants to do. He thinks about how it must feel to have his head right in-between your thighs. Back in the kitchen together, he wanted to just get on his knees and worship you. The feeling of them pressing against him as he sucks on your clit and runs his tongue across your folds.
Serval hours later, he can’t shake the thoughts, even sitting in his office at the sheriff’s station- working on a Saturday yet again. He’s cooped up in his office, unable to get through any of the paperwork that has piled up on his desk. He’s thinking about you, again, but in this daydream, you’re bent over his desk- because you came by to see him on your break from work at the school. His office door locked and his blinds pulled so he can bend you over and take you right there- rough and fast, sending you back to work with a feeling of him still there between your legs well after you’re back at your own desk, still sore from the encounter.
“You got a visitor, Lee,” the intercom on his desk lights up.
“Send ‘em in,” he responds back, shaking his head to snap out of it. He needed to get a grip.
“Sorry I didn’t call,” you say, walking into his office. His eyes widen and he wonders if he’s still day dreaming. He discreetly pinches himself. You’re actually here, standing in his office, while he looks at you dumbfounded. Part of him would think he manifested it if he was a man of any faith. “You forgot this,” you say, putting his wallet on the desk. “You must have taken it out of your back pocket before falling asleep in the chair last night. It was laying on the coffee table. I figured I’d stop by with it while I was coming up this way anyways.”  
“You’re a doll,” he grins, putting his wallet in his back pocket. “What are you doing?”
“I took the bus to the library to return some books, and now I’m going shopping for something to wear when I go in for an interview since I have the day off to go,” you explain. “I’m also probably going to get lunch after that before heading back home. I just didn’t want to be home in case that reporter stopped by. I’m not ready to talk to him yet.”
“I can take care of it,” he says, “He’ll make his way over here soon enough. I can talk to him.”
“You would do that for me?” you ask, the relief evident across your whole face.
“Yeah, I can talk to him, let him know you gave a statement here,” he says. You nod. “You know as much as he does, so it doesn’t matter if I tell him you don’t know shit or if you tell him.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” you sigh, so relieved thinking that you won’t have to hear from Henry Curtis again. “If he tells you anything about them… will you let me know?”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
“Thank you,” you say, hurriedly walking over behind him and quickly hugging his shoulders. You then are back by the door again before he can register the gesture. “Are you going to be home tonight?” you ask, your hand on the doorknob.
“Not until late,” he says reluctantly, and he can see the disappointment on your face- unless his mind was playing tricks on him.
“Okay,” you say finally, “Um, I’ll see you later then.”
“Bye, doll,” he says when you walk out of his office.
Are you going to be home tonight? Your voice lingers in his head. It was such a harmless phrase that could’ve just been one of curiosity. Maybe you were just asking because you were thinking about what you were doing for dinner. It most likely just meant nothing. But, the look on your face when he said no makes him think otherwise. Did it mean you cared? That you wanted to spend time with him? You wanted to see him and be with him as desperately as he needed you perhaps? Just the phrasing itself makes his brain feel like putty. It’s like you’re waiting up for him. It’s like you share the house in a way that’s much more than just him renting a room from you. It’s like you’re his and he’s yours. It’s like saying our house… our home. The question was so intimate and implied so much more about how you saw him and what he was to you. He knew seeing him as how he saw you was next to impossible, but you saw him as more than the Sheriff and more than just the jerk living in your house.
Part Four
@scar-is-bi @jiminlife2k18 @asylummaniac01​ @rosalynshields​ @charmed-asylum @jamesbuchananbuckybarnes1917 @alexandrathegreat3
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kpopxx · 3 years
Spy Games [Chapter 1] : More Than It Seems
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Characters: Twice Momo, Male Reader
4579 words
Authors Note: This is literally the first fiction writing I have done since I was a little kid writing stories about a town full of hamburgers. I was inspired to try my hand at writing by the plethora of amazing kpop smut writers out there right now, but by @lockefanfic​, @nsfwtwicecatcher​, @nsfwflint​, and @ggidolsmuts​ in particular. If there are any similarities between my writing and theirs, please forgive me as I’ve spent more hours than I’d care to admit “researching” their work. 
One thing that amazes me is how the hell everyone cranks out thousands of words with such frequency, as this post isn’t even 5k and it took forever to write. I can’t begin to explain how much respect I have for all the authors out there who can write so much and maintain such high levels of quality.
As a new writer, I welcome any and all feedback! Feel free to drop me a line if you have any critiques, or if you just want to chat!
“Coming up on the target now.” 
“Roger that, remember the office is on the top floor. Let us know when you’re inside. And remember, no elevators...” teases your handler, Choa.
“Thanks for the reminder,” you reply sarcastically.
You survey the skyscraper against the night sky--it would be impressive if it weren’t one of a hundred just like it downtown Seoul--and wonder what you had done to deserve getting the short end of the stick. Of course, you knew there was a reason to avoid the elevators: they sat directly in front of the building’s concierge and the cameras in the lobby, while the stairwell lay in a remote part of the first floor. The logic behind your impending hike didn’t make the reality any less abhorrent.
“Meanwhile, Seolhyun gets to infiltrate an organization in the Caymans. Just my fucking luck.” you grumble to yourself.
“Oh, stop whining, you big baby,” says Choa, reminding you to keep your thoughts to yourself.
You sneak past the lobby and towards the back of the floor you find the entrance to the stairwell in a poorly lit area.
“Beginning my climb.” you report, shaking out your legs as you prepare to go up.
“Sir, I-I’m getting some interference over comms,” chimes in the timid voice of the girl you knew to be your newest team member, Yoo Jeongyeon. “It could just be local chatter, but I want to make sure it’s not someone trying to listen in.”
“Probably nothing to worry about, but we’ll let you know if there’s anything you need to worry about.” Choa assures you. 
As you climb up the stairs, you wonder why anyone would want to listen in on this particular mission. This was a run-of-the-mill operation to investigate money laundering at an accounting firm. You’d infiltrated foreign governments, broken into and bugged the offices of billionaire CEOs, and tailed enemy agents. You could understand people wanting to hear those comms, but this? Either someone wanted something to listen to as a sleep aid, or this mission was more interesting than it looked.
A tip had come in through one of the new girls at the Intel Desk reporting that there was some fishy activity related to organized crime going on at the accounting firm. This was routine and you’d gone on dozens of similar recon missions before: break in, find suspicious intel, get out. But if someone wanted so badly to hear what was going on, the new girl may have stumbled onto something worthy of a promotion. Hayoung, you think her name was. Her chestnut, shoulder-length hair along with her well-endowed physique reminded you of a young mother, but her mature beauty belied her young age. You had caught yourself more than a few times fantasizing about her in your off hours…
You stop mid-way in the stairwell, scolding yourself for losing focus. Too often over the course of the last year you found yourself fantasizing about the women in your life. Sure, before the incident with Eunha you had sexual thoughts about your coworkers--you were surrounded by beautiful women, after all. But recently you noticed that your life was increasingly preoccupied with sex: both in your thoughts and the real-life exploits you carried out. 
Much longer than a few minutes later, you reach the 63rd floor out of breath and sweating, wishing more than ever that it was you and not Seolhyun lounging on the beach. You take a moment to compose yourself before peeking out into the office floor to see if the coast is clear.
“We may have a problem, boss. Jeongyeon looked into the comms disturbance and someone much more sophisticated than the average joe is definitely trying to tap in,” Choa says. “Jeongyeon’s kicking their ass right now blocking their access, but there’s only so much she can do alone. Eventually we’re going to lose control of this channel.”
“Dammit. I knew something was off with this op,” you grumble. “If they want to listen in to whatever I find, it must be important. We’ll go dark. Recon says this should be a quick in and out anyways. I’ll tag you once I’m out.”
“Be careful. Signal us if anything goes wrong. Just don’t do anything stupid.” replies Choa. 
“What do you think they pay me all this money for?” you tease, wanting to put her nerves at ease. “See you on the other side. Over and out.”
You could hear the concern in her voice. Even though keeping you safe was part of her job, you knew she cared about you. You also knew as well as she did that anything could go wrong even in the five minutes it would take you to break in, especially when it appeared that someone knew exactly what you were doing.
You switch off your comms link and head out the door and into the office.
It looked exactly as you expected--rows and rows of non-descript cubicles, with a princely office lined with glass walls occupying the far corner. Jeongyeon had retrieved the floor plan by hacking into the building’s security database earlier in the week, and you knew after her effort tonight in detecting and fending off the comms interference that Choa would want you to acknowledge the work the new girl had been putting in. She certainly was more skilled than the five previous team members you’d fired after Eunha, but you found it difficult to bring yourself to praise her. The Ops Officer position she occupied was a sore point for you, after all.
You deftly pick the lock on the corner office door and immediately sit down in front of the terminal on the desk, logging in with the security bypass Jeongyeon drew up. 
Again your thoughts drift to Eunha. Eunha was your longtime Ops Officer--highly skilled, you trusted her more than anyone. It also helped that she was your fiance. It made you sad to think about her; about what could have been, what should have been. Over the past year, you were constantly reminded of her absence by the utter incompetence of her replacements. You suppose it was nice that at the very least, Jeongyeon didn’t give you many opportunities to bemoan her performance in the same way--to remind you of Eunha.
You shake your head, compelling yourself to rise out of your funk and get on with the mission.
As you scroll through files, you stop on one with a familiar signature. Reading its contents, your eyes open wider--suddenly you understand why someone would be interested to listen in to your communications. You quickly save the file to your flash drive and stand up to leave, only to be startled by a figure in the doorway.
“Care to tell me what’s on that?” comes a familiar voice from the darkness that you knew to be Hirai Momo’s. Momo was an agent for a foreign espionage agency--you had as friendly a rivalry as you could have when working for different governments. 
“What was the point of trying to hack our comms if you were just going to show up and ask me that?”
“I had no intention of coming until you decided to ghost your girlfriends,” teases Momo. “Besides, I like showing you how much better I am at sneaking around.”
Momo flicks on the light and she comes into focus. The Japanese government made a good decision when they hired her, you think. She was built for the job of a seductive spy. Her perfectly toned legs had a lovely sheen all the way up to her short skirt, while her cleavage suggested that her tits were ready to burst out of her tight, patterned blouse. Where most of your attention was drawn, however, was her lustrous blue hair, which fell to her shoulders.
“I may actually need your help with this, once you see what’s on it,” you say, nodding your head at the flash drive.
“Oh, so you’re willing to give it to me? I thought I was going to have to fuck you for it,” she says sarcastically. You knew behind the humor was more than a nugget of truth, though. Sex had been the primary vehicle for information trading with Momo over the years. You decide to test your reading of the situation.
“Just because I need your help doesn’t mean I’m giving it for free…”
Momo brings her thumb to her mouth and bites gently as she ponders your not-so-subtle proposition. She takes her turn to look you up and down, making you feel more than a little self conscious in her gaze of judgment. After so many years in the dangerous world of espionage, there were only a handful women who could make you feel so small. Then again, Momo was no regular girl. 
Once she’s satisfied she has properly appraised your worth, Momo lets go of her thumb and straightens her blouse.
“Fine,” she says matter-of-factly, “let’s get to it,” unbuttoning her blouse as she walks towards you.
You are surprised by the lack of fight she put up, but you thought it best to keep that to yourself. Her tone reminds you of a business meeting--that is, if you hadn’t seen her pull her top off as she approached you. She sits in your lap on the chair, wrapping her arms around your neck as you meet her lips for a kiss. Momo’s mouth was familiar to you, introduced to you many times throughout your career. It seemed like every time you ran across her you had sex. One thing you adored about your relationship with her was that it was absolutely without strings attached. You fucked for work, but just because it was part of the job didn’t mean you both didn’t enjoy it. 
Momo, however, was loath to admit the pleasure she got out of her liaisons with you. Call it pride, call it being professional, whatever--Momo refused to act like sex with you was anything other than work, no different than working in a spreadsheet.
You feel her reach down to your pants, quickly unbuttoning them as she sinks to her knees in front of you. You smirk--her eagerness to please you betrayed her air of ambivalence.
Momo wastes no time getting down to business. You are certain the Japanese trained her very well in tender foreplay, but it seems she doesn’t care much for subtlety at the moment. Instead, she utilizes a more direct method to extract your pleasure--one that must have required its own fair share of training--as she spits on your cock before immediately forcing it as deeply in her mouth as she can take it. One, two, three bobs is all it takes for her to reach the base of your cock, her nose buried in your pelvis.
“Fuuuck me, that’s good,” you groan as you hold her head in place for several seconds, and Momo replies in turn with a cough that spits a healthy serving of saliva on to your cock. You release your grip on the back of her head to give her a chance to breathe, but she surprises you when she simply continues to work her mouth on your increasingly saliva-drenched cock, swirling her tongue around your base. Most of the other women you had slept with in recent months would be gasping for air by now, but Momo’s demeanor was cool, calm, and collected. Almost as if she was reading your mind, Momo paused her slurping and pulled her mouth off your shaft--but not forgetting to continue stroking it with achingly deft corkscrew motions.
“What’s the matter? Girls in your department not able to take care of your cock like a real woman?” Momo clicks her tongue and grins. “I’ve told you for years, you’d never be treated so poorly if you came to work for a professional outfit like ours.”
“Shut up and suck my cock.”
Momo shrugs, and gets back to the task at hand. Slobbering even more as she takes you into your mouth again, you pause to thank your lucky stars that you had a job that paid you in part to fuck women like Momo. You gaze upon her face, which has become just as messy as your cock. Momo’s sloppy blowjob has not only left liberal amounts of spit on your cock, but on her face as well--with strands of her blue hair plastered to her cheeks. Even though you thought it impossible, you feel your cock get harder at the sight of Momo’s messy face.
For several minutes, Momo continues inhaling your cock as you find yourself nearing the point of no return, you yank Momo’s head off your throbbing cock in order to prolong your session. A bit too forcefully, it seems, as Momo falls over onto her side.
“What the fuck!” yelps Momo as she picks herself back up, glaring at you. “I suck your cock and you thank me by throwing me on the ground?
“I didn’t mean to, I’m just not ready to cum yet. We both know you would’ve ignored me if I had asked you to stop.”
“I guess you’re right about that,” Momo replies sheepishly. You knew from previous run-ins with her that she loved nothing more than swallowing cum. Even though you had just denied her that favor, you were already thinking about how to make it up to her in a few minutes.
“How about I repay your kindness? Get up on the table and let me eat you.”
“Let’s skip the pleasantries. I’ll get up on the table, but you’re going to fuck me.”
“Someone’s eager to see what’s in this thumb drive,” you tease, inadvertently reminding yourself that this was a transactional liaison. You suspected that Momo’s interest in you extended beyond her desire for the information at hand, and part of you yearned to take her outside of the confines of work. You’re skeptical such a day would ever come, however, given how ambitious Momo was. 
You knew her story--she applied for a job in the Japanese spy agency several years ago, making it all the way through the process before being cut at the very end. She ended up receiving an offer shortly after one of the other finalists died in a ‘training accident’, but Momo lived with a chip on her shoulder ever since. She lived and worked with a pathological drive to prove the agency wrong in their original decision to cut her. Already the youngest lead operative in her country’s history, she had an eye on the directorship and seemed destined for it. So, you supposed, it was nice to be able to fuck her before she became famous.
Momo hops on up on the desk, hiking up her skirt to reveal a delicious-looking blue thong that matches her hair. She looks behind towards you with lust heavy in her eyes as she pulls her thong to the side, revealing her glistening pussy--already dripping, you noted.
“I don’t have all night.”
More than happy to oblige, you line your painfully throbbing cock up with her pussy and you can feel the warmth radiating from it. You take a second to appreciate Momo’s incredible physique as your hands graze downward from her upper back, to her hips, and finally to her ass. As you rub it, you cannot help but appreciate how sublimely taut it is. 
“Jeeze, you act like this is the first time you’ve seen a woman naked,” Momo jabs, interrupting your reverie.
You are starting to get annoyed with Momo’s demeanor. It was nothing new, really--she always carried an air of superiority--but it nonetheless grates on your nerves to see her be so dismissive. You are mature enough to understand that at least a part of this aggravation had to do with the fact that you knew Momo slept with plenty of men for work. Not so mature, however, to be able to stifle the primal urge deep inside of you that wanted Momo to see you as the best of all her lovers. More than ever, it seemed that sexual vanity mattered a great deal to your self-confidence.
With a renewed sense of purpose and your cock in hand, you enter Momo slowly with a long stroke until you fill her to the hilt. In unison with your initial insertion, Momo lets out a whine that crescendos as you bottom out.
As you begin to thrust in and out Momo settles in and widens her stance ever so little, which has the added benefit of allowing you to go even deeper into her warm, wet pussy. Momo was not a girl of surprises. Her face was gorgeous, capable of angelic beauty and fiery lust. Her body reflected the many hours she spent in the gym with ample breasts, insanely tight abs, and a toned ass to match. Her pussy feels exactly as sublime as her beautiful face and incredible body suggested. The perfect combination for a woman who used her body to seduce and take advantage of brainless men. You decide to push out your mind the realization that at this very moment, you are in fact one of those men.
You wanted to make sure Momo felt each and every drive into her hot flesh. Momo continued to moan quietly, each breath punctuated with a new thrust and the sound of your skin meeting hers.
“Looks like someone’s gotten real quiet all of a sudden,” you say, noticing her haughty attitude had subsided as pleasure took you both over.
“Oh, get over yourself,” Momo says, looking back at you with rekindled determination in her eyes, “you’re no better than half the guys I’ve been with. I’m here for the file, not for whatever you call this.” She cooly turns her head to face front again, leaving you seething.
Your twinge of annoyance was now a bubbling boil.
You slow down before withdrawing your cock from her warmth--Momo lets out the faintest whine of disappointment, betraying her dissatisfied front.
Just as Momo turns her head again to complain, you quickly slam your cock deep inside her. Momo yelps, and you notice her eyes bulge as you move your hips in a circular motion with your cock filled to the hilt, scraping deep inside her pussy. After several seconds of this you grab a makeshift ponytail out of her hair and yank backwards, causing her to gasp and arch her back instinctively. As much as she bothered you with her air of indifference, you had to admit that the image in front of you was the stuff of dreams.
Taking advantage of the highly erotic sight before you and the increased leverage offered by your grasp of her hair, you began to truly fuck her with quick and powerful strokes.
“Take it, Momo,” you grunted, beads of sweat beginning to form on your forehead.
Momo said nothing, emitting only breathless gasps from her open mouth. You noticed that their intensity was gradually increasing, so you increased the speed of your shaft penetrating her young, sinful body. You knew she was enjoying this, but you wouldn’t be satisfied until you broke her facade. You wanted her to lose herself to you.
You speed up even more, and the volume of your skin slapping together increases as her pussy drips wetter and wetter, mixing with your leaking precum. You are slamming your cock into her now, and Momo has to grab on to the table to steady herself. Slowly but surely her pretense was crumbling.
“You want it, don’t you Momo? You want more?”
“Fuck yeah,” Momo gasps hoarsely, struggling to speak with her hair being pulled, “Give it to me...o-oh...fuck, give it to me!”
Satisfied that she had succumbed to her pleasure, you relax your grip on her hair slightly and lean over to growl in her ear.
“I’ll give it to you. I’m gonna make sure you remember this, make sure every time you’re with another man you wish it was me.”
Momo acknowledges your promise with a deep groan, giving you great pleasure as you resumed fucking her gorgeous body.
Your eyes drift downward to her glorious ass, now shining with sweat and jiggling violently with each crash of your cock inside her. Inspired by the sight, you release her hair and put one hand on her hip and begin striking her ass with your other. Momo shrieks in surprise, but quickly looks back at you with lidded eyes while biting her lip to tell you she wanted more.
Again you oblige, and it was quickly becoming clear that lust and pleasure were staging a coup of Momo’s senses. She’s making lots of noise, but nothing intelligible. Nothing but guttural moans interspersed with high-pitched squeals. You continue spanking her ass, alternating cheeks--noticing a deep pink beginning to form on both. She’d most likely be dealing with soreness for several days after this, you think.
“You wanna cum, Momo? Cum for me, I know you want to.”
“Mmmmm...Ah, ah, AH! Unggghh,” comes Momo’s response.
“Come on Momo, fucking cum baby...cum all over this cock,” you shout, sincerely hoping there was no one working in an adjacent floor to hear.
“FUUUUCK!” Momo screams eloquently, suddenly dropping her head as her body begins convulsing. You knew what to expect having slept with her before, but you are nonetheless surprised to see how completely overtaken her body was by pleasure. Her upper body jerks spastically as her legs tremble with your cock plunged deep inside her pussy, all the while letting out a high-pitched whine that turns into a soft whimper. Just a few minutes before she was defiant and happy to throw insults at you...now she was a mewling, writhing mess incapable of speaking. The dark, primal part of you is satisfied by her tacit recognition of your talent.
After a short while, Momo begins to compose herself and lifts her upper body from the table. You take it as a sign to slowly resume taking your cock in and out of her. You decide to give her now glowing pink ass a rest and caress her back, tracing long lines with your nails.
“Mmmmm, that feels good,” Momo says, her eyes still closed, “you fuck me so good.”
You slowly begin ramping up the pace, rolling your hips with each stroke. You want to make sure your cock pleases every inch of Momo’s pussy, and make sure it craves you when she’s alone at night. 
After several minutes of this tender, softer version of lovemaking, Momo comes back to her senses. She arches her back again and turns her head to gaze in your eyes as you continue to take her. She begins to move her ass back and forth on your cock in unison with your own strokes.
“Oh my god, you feel so good in my fucking pussy! Every...fucking...stroke!” Momo gasps, the final words punctuated by the force of her majestic ass crashing against your cock.
“You’re a bad girl, Momo,” you tease, “you like being taken and shown who’s boss, don’t you? You like me grabbing your hair and slapping your ass?”
“Yes!” she gasps, “Yes I love it! Mmmmm...I want you to fuck me until you cum. Fuck me until you cum!”
There was no command in the world easier to follow.
Satisfied that you had fulfilled your vain, immature desire to see her acknowledge your skill as a lover, you now focus yourself on extracting pleasure from the young woman beneath you. You settle into a pace with rough strokes, fiercely pounding her over and over. Your pleasure rises with each thrust, aided not only by the mindblowing caress of her pussy, but by the incredible sight of Momo on all fours before you moaning with each strike of your cock inside her.
“Fuck Momo...I don’t think I have much longer, I’m gonna fucking cum so hard!”
“Yes,” comes the response from Momo, “Yes, yes! Fucking cum baby, I want your cum so bad!”
A few more thrusts and you can feel the point of no return coming. For a brief moment you contemplate cumming inside Momo, to truly claim her. You quickly reconsider, wanting to give her what she truly wanted--to swallow your load.
And so, you quickly withdraw your cock from Momo’s now sopping wet pussy and she instinctively turns around and drops to her knees on the floor. Stroking your cock with great fervor, her mouth wide open begging for what was to come.
“Please give me your cum, please, please! I want it...I need it! Cum for me!”
Your head tilts backward as a long groan escapes your lips. Your cum explodes from your shaft, shooting long, thick ropes of semen into her mouth and onto her cheeks and nose. Over and over, your cum splashes on her beautiful face until you finally reach the end of your orgasm, panting and exhausted. Momo’s face is a pornographic picture of lust, her eyes rolled back in pleasure as she swallows the mass of cum you deposited in her mouth.
“I fucking love your cum,” Momo says as she wipes the remaining cum off her face with her finger and promptly brings it to her tongue before swallowing it down as well.
“I’m glad we were both able to get what we wanted,” you say, struggling to catch your breath.
“Speaking of getting what I wanted…” Momo says, nodding her head to the part of the floor where the USB drive now sits, evidently thrown from the table during the session that had just taken place.
“Right,” you say, suddenly remembering you’re here for work, “make a copy and let’s get out of here.”
“Great,” says Momo, still on the floor with a satisfied smile of content on her face, “Hey, I meant what I said about having you join our team. As much shit as I give you, we could really use someone with your talent.”
“Thanks, but I think I’m better off staying put. Don’t think the Korean government would let me live if I tried defecting.”
“Probably true,” says Momo as she begins picking up her clothes, “Never hurts to ask, though.”
A few minutes later, you and Momo had both gotten dressed and copied the file onto a drive for her. Momo disappeared into an adjoining hallway and you set off to traverse the stairwell again. As you prepare yourself for the descent, you also steel yourself for the repercussions of giving the intel to a foreign spy agency. With the information you saw in the file, you knew the Japanese would have to be looped in sooner or later. If it was going to happen eventually, you thought it made the most sense to entrust that intel to the agent on the other side you knew would make sure things got done correctly. As logical as it seemed to you, however, you knew it wouldn’t be taken well back at the office.
You click on your comms link, now knowing there’s nothing to fear. 
“Hey Choa, I’m on my way back to the rendezvous.”
“Oh thank god! That took forever, I was about to call for a tac team!” Choa sighs with audible relief, “I take it you got everything you needed?”
“Got more than I needed, actually,” you say, nervous about Choa’s reaction to what you say next, “Listen, there’s one small thing you should know...”
“You did WHAT?!”
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justkending · 3 years
Moral of The Story. Chapter One.
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Summary: Marrying too young out of highschool leads to a naive and failed marriage. Now 10 years later, word comes that the divorce was never actually completed. Bucky and Y/N have to come back together after all these years to settle what wasn’t all those years back. Passive attitudes, miscommunicated endings, and reminiscing of an old love all comes back for the two.
Pairing: Bucky x Y/N
Word Count: 2600+
A/N: Ok, here is the first chapter! If you have not already listened to the song that evoked this idea from my imagination land, I suggest giving it a go! Moral of the Story by Ashe. I’m excited for you guys to see what this story brings and I really hope I do it justice! As always, comments and thoughts are welcome as they help me grow as a writer and let me see what you guys notice:) ENJOY MY LOVES!!! <3
(The posting will be once every other day until I have finished the series. If I finish early, I will post an update once a day:)
Read the Prologue here first!
Chapter One:
"You already got the flight?" Nat asked, perched on Y/N's couch as she ran around frantically packing. "Don't you have a huge meeting next week with that new business? What was it called? Bee's Knees?"
"Yes, but it's not until Monday evening. I highly doubt I will be there longer than a weekend to sign a few divorce papers. I'm planning on coming back early that afternoon, so I shouldn't miss it," she answered, not even stopping to look at her as she ran through the rooms and bathroom in the apartment.
"How soon did you book that flight?"
"As soon as I hung up the phone with Murdock," Y/N sighed. Nat sent her a questioning look not knowing that name. "New lawyer. The guy who took over for the sleazeball known as Justin Hammer," she rolled her eyes.
"Right," Nat nodded. "So, are you staying at your dad's house?"
"I would take my dad's house over my mom and Jerry's any day. You know this," Y/N paused in her actions, sending her a bitch face.
"I know. Just didn't know if you'd be all fancy and rent a hotel room to escape the smothering that is bound to happen from good ol' Mr. Y/L/N," Nat grinned.
"It's been so long since I've seen him not via facetime. And we both know that's barely seeing him as he doesn't know where the camera is even after a hundred calls," she laughed.
"Parents. Either they're technologically challenged or know how to work it better than us. Never in between and it's weird." Nat watched as Y/N froze in her stance and looked lost trying to think of something else to pack. Deciding she needed a distraction, Nat changed the subject some. "Hey, did you get Melody to go on that date tomorrow?"
"Yes!" Y/N answered proudly. "I know your aunt wants grandbabies from her daughter, but that girl just needs a night on the town more than anything. She's in her early 20's and holes herself up at the office almost more than I do, and I'm the boss."
"Cousin's got my work ethic. What can I say?" Nat shrugged smugly.
"Well, she needs to get your spirit in living some too."
"Touche," Nat pointed. "I need to have Yelena take her out. She's the real party sister out of us two."
"That is true. How she's able to party for 48 hours straight and still wake up at 8 am for mimosas, blows my mind," Y/N commented on Natasha's younger sister. "She's only a few years older than Melody, right?"
"Yeah, Yelena is 24, and Melody is 22. They were best of friends growing up, but once they got to high school, they kinda went different routes about life. Lana, the party gal, and Mel the studious bookworm."
"I'm not surprised by either of those," Y/N shook her head before collapsing next to Nat on the couch. A loud breath and sigh escaped her body.
Nat watched as her mind escaped back to the original issue at hand.
"What's going on in that brain of yours, Y/N/N?" she said, softly touching her shoulder. "Not that I don't already know, but maybe letting it out will help unscramble those thoughts."
Y/N lazily rolled her head to the redhead next to her.
"How is he?" she asked.
Nat was a part of their friend group from middle school through high school. She kept up with all of them still, whereas Y/N kept up with all of them except one.
"I actually haven't talked to him in a while. Steve on the other hand..." Nat nodded. "From that source, it sounds like Barnes is just as surprised and freaked out as you."
"He's freaked out?" Y/N asked, a hint of interest peeking out.
"Who wouldn't be? You get a call from a lawyer saying your marriage is still intact after 9 years of breaking it off, I would be freaked out too."
"He deserves it. I hope he's just as freaked out as me, if not more," she responded bitterly, crossing her arms across her chest like a pouting child.
"Y/N," Nat sighed.
"No. Don't. Don't defend him to me, it's pointless," she put up a hand. "I know you're still friends with him, but you guys still don't understand the pain that that man brought on me."
"He fought for you, Y/N. He didn't mean-," Nat countered.
"Again, you're wasting your breath. Defending him now does nothing to change the past," she said stubbornly, getting back up and carrying on with her packing. "You can still take me to the airport tomorrow, right?"
Her best friend wanted to keep pushing, knowing she had harbored this heartbreak for too long. Sure what had happened between them sucked and was a horrible chapter of their lives, but neither made an effort to talk it out and understand the other's side of the story. Faults of being young, immature, and not knowing how to handle a grown-up decision.
"Yes, I'll pick you up at work at 10. Flights at 11:25, right?"
"Yes, and you know California traffic. That will probably get me there 10 minutes before my gate closes. I had to get an early flight though because that time difference is going to kick my ass. It'll be close to 5:30 in my head and 8:30 there by the time I land... " Y/N huffed, rolling her bag to the front door for tomorrow. "You mind taking this tonight and keeping it in your car for now? That way I don't have to lug it to work?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'll grab it on my way out. But we're still having a girl's night, right?"
Y/N laughed some before going to the kitchen to grab beers. "I Survived is already recorded and ready for us."
"Shit man... When's the last time you talked to her?" Steve asked, sitting across from his best friend in the chair diagonal from the couch, leaning forward on his knees after listening to the new news.
"Since I was supposedly signing our divorce papers. And even then, we didn't really talk. She sat there quietly straight-faced until it was signed and then rushed out the doors," Bucky sighed, still trying to wrap his head around the situation. "She was out of the state within the next hour."
Steve nodded before falling back into the single seat.
"So, do you guys have to see each other again, or is it one of those situations where you can sign separately?"
"I don't know. I just got off the phone. All I know up to this second is that Y/N and I have been married for the past 9 years without knowing it," Bucky said somewhat harshly. Steve didn't flinch at the tone knowing it wasn't directed at him. "I'm sorry. I-I just can't wrap my mind around this."
"It's ok. This is crazy shit, Buck," Steve waved off. There was a long pause before Steve decided to ask the question he was sure anyone would want to know. "Do you want to see her?"
Bucky slowly looked over to the blonde. God, he had been asking himself that question for the past 10 minutes himself.
On one end, yes. He wondered where she was now in life. How she was doing. What accomplishments he knew she would be making. He knew a few small things just by the whispers and small talk of her with their shared friend group that he still hung out with, but a majority of the time, they didn't bring her up around him. They knew what it did to him.
On the other end, he never thought about facing her again. I mean maybe for the year after their divorce, but when he never heard anything back from her all those times he still tried to reach out and she blocked him on almost all forms of social media, he gave up any hope of them falling back into good terms again. He hated it, but he wasn't going to push her when she clearly hated his guts.
And honestly, he deserved it. His young, stupid, college self was not a smart guy when it came to relationships. Even ones that had been there from the beginning of time practically.
Yet again, she wasn't perfect either. She made some mistakes of her own that pushed him to act the way he had.
"Hey, you both are older and more mature now. I'm sure you if you guys do have to see each other again, you can handle it like adults," Steve reassured, seeing Bucky's face turn to a soft frown. "Ok, so she may be a little stubborn..."
"A little?"
"Ok, a lot. But she's older now. She's not the 19-year-old girl that you remember," Steve defended.
"I believe that but I'm sure she still holds a grudge that is very, very, very, very-," Bucky was going to go on about 10 more very's before ending with BIG, but Steve cut him off.
"You don't know that," Steve shook his head.
"Really? Because usually when you no longer hold a grudge against someone, you might just reach out to that person and reconnect possibly," Bucky argued. "I mean that's what mature people do, right?"
"Not always..."
"So she's either not mature or still just as stubborn. Hell, for all we know, both," Bucky shrugged, pursing his lips.
"If you go into this with that mindset, nothing good is going to come out of it." Steve pointed an eyebrow at him.
Bucky rolled his eyes not replying to Steve. He knew he was right, but he was still bitter after all these years about how Y/N handled the situation. Sure, he messed up, but she had to. Yet she made him into this big bad wolf that was at 100% fault in the downfall of their relationship. It made him feel like shit, and though he tried to make amends knowing he did some fucked up things, she acted like she was Miss Perfect and didn't do anything wrong the entire time.
Damn, even after all this time, it still lit a fire in his chest with annoyance and hurt.
"When's the meeting?" Steve once again interrupted his thoughts.
"I guess Saturday morning. They said they were coming in on their off hours to fix up a few cases they found like ours," Bucky answered.
"How many cases were there?"
"Eh, I think he said it was single digits, but there were a shit ton of other cases in different areas that were worse off. The divorce ones are a small number compared to those."
"Damn. That sucks for all the couples who got a call today then," Steve huffed, running a hand down his face.
"Yeah, you're telling me..."
"Hey, we were going out with Wanda and Vis tonight. You still up for that, or...?" Steve stood up.
Bucky looked back at the beer on the coffee table and then at the TV still playing I Survived stories quietly in the background.
"You know what? I'm going to need a stronger drink than an IPA to get me to sleep tonight," Bucky nodded, standing and wiping his hands on his jeans before walking to his room.
"Looks like I'm the DD tonight then..." Steve sighed.
"Vis," Wanda motioned to her fiance as he came back from the bar. "Nat just texted."
"About what? How is she?" Vis smiled as he sat next to her with Sam across from him. Sam tagged along at the last second since his other plans got canceled.
"She's good, but it's not about her," Wanda waved off, still reading whatever lengthy text was sent her way.
"Wow, that looks like a novel," Vis noticed with wide eyes as he looked over her shoulder.
"Wait 'til you hear what it's about." 
Sam shook his head as he took a sip of the beer Vis had brought over.
After reading the rest of the text out loud from where she had left off, everyone at the table looked at each other with shock ridden faces.
"They're still married?" Vis said softly as if it was a secret.
"Apparently..." Wanda nodded with wide eyes.
"So that Hammer guy was a sham?" Sam questioned.
"I told her not to go to him. He had some shady hole in the wall kind of establishment," Wanda chided. "But she said they needed something cheap and fast. She hated his guts and wanted it out of it then and there. Plus, they were 19. They didn't have much money anyway."
"Why didn't they just ask their parents for help?" Sam questioned. "Isn't Y/N's mom loaded?"
"Yes, but she refused to help her. She said it was her own fault for getting married so young and that she had warned her. Told her she had to get out of the mess on her own," Wanda answered.
"What about her dad?" Vis jumped in.
"Bucky and her dad were close. She was off in Colorado for school and didn't want to put her dad through that or make him have to help her in cutting him off. Bucky was like the son he never had and they were bonded at the hip. No matter how much Y/N hated Bucky, she wasn't going to ruin or take away his relationship with her father. That would have been cruel, and Y/N is anything but that."
"Weren't Bucky's and Y/N's dad's best friends?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, they were old-time war buddies. They're the reason Bucky and Y/N had known each other since birth. But Bucky's dad died when he was about 13, and Y/N's dad, Thomas, kinda took him under his wing. Growing up a teenage boy without a father figure messes with you, and Bucky was on the edge of a bad path after losing his father."
"He's still rather close with Thomas, but I'm sure Y/N doesn't know that. Unless Thomas has said something, and with how everything came to an end for the two, I'm sure he doesn't bring it up knowing how tender of a subject Bucky is to her," Vis added.
"Makes sense..." Sam nodded. "I only knew you all from the start of college, so I'm still a little lost in all the beginning stuff."
"All good. It's complicated with those two. Their past and upbringing are so interconnected with the other, it makes their downfall all the more intense and messy," Wanda sighed. "God, if this is the news, he's going to be a wreck tonight..." She looked up worriedly at her fiance who shared the same concerns.
"It could go two ways. Either he comes in all solemn and says three words all night, or Steve's going to be the DD and he's waking up with a head-busting hangover," Sam noted with a small grin at the thought. "I'm going to go with the latter though."
"Poor guy," Wanda sighed, taking a drink with a sad face. Ever the sympathetic one.
"We'll be here to listen if he wants to talk. If not, we act like we have no idea and don't bring it up," Vision spoke up, throwing his arm over her and running his hand up and down her shoulder.
"I'm going to tease him still most likely," Sam shrugged nonchalantly. Wanda sent him a warning glare. "Fine, mama bear! I'll be nice... Until he starts making a fool of himself." He added the last part quietly.
Moral of the Story Taglist:
@taylormobley @ximaginx @vicmc624 @leyannrae
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx @death-unbecomes-you @heyiamthatbitch @lizzymacy555  @srrymydood @xa-dia @redhairedfeistynerd @morganclaire4 @connie326 @captain-asguard @mollygetssherlockcoffee @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses @pham-tastical
My Lovelies forever:
@natura1phenomenon @lauravicente @kakakatey @traceyaudette @notyourtypicalrose  @laneygthememequeen @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @sandlee44 @thorne93 @thefaithfulwriter @essie1876 @greyeyedsmile14 @capsiclehan  @xostephanie @averyrogers83 @awesomenursingstudent @gh0stgurl @cs-please @carls1022 @jjlevin @rainbowkisses31 @anise-d-castle6 @deannotmoose @their-bibliophile @kitkatd7 @willowbleedsonpaper @mariaenchanted @snffbeebee @couldabeenamermaid @rebekahdawkins @alyispunk​ @princess-annna
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker @charmedbysarge @jbarness @bellamy-barnes @katiaw2 @aikeia
257 notes · View notes
juleswolverton-hyde · 3 years
Not by the Moon | 08
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Genre: Smut, Romance, Strangers to Lovers, Drama, Tragedy, Werewolf AU, Supernatural AU, Bookshop AU
Pairing: Bookshop keeper!/Werewolf!JB x Reader
Warnings: Mild swearing, eating disorder (personal experience, don’t be a bloody twat), heavy(?) angst, Werewolf!Jaebeom trying to be a normal boyfriend
Summary: Every story has a purpose or goal it is dedicated to, their authors at times going to great lengths to see the project they once started to completion. Nevertheless, the things the writers swore on to see their latest art piece to completion are static.
None of them swore by the Moon nor Love because they can solely genuinely swear on all that changes like themselves.
And yet, a wolf in love foolishly swore by the moon.
That is when Time truly started ticking.
Author’s Note: This chapter is from Y/N’s POV.
I am seeing a trend starting to develop where every chapter turns into a behemoth that makes me not want to edit it at all. Nevertheless, I pulled through on this one despite being in the middle of a 32-hour work week and being absolutely exhausted.
Summer holidays, you said? I only see extra shifts and little me-time nor writing time and inspiration. That said, though, be prepared for some heavy worldbuilding because the plot thickens.
Also, and this has been edited in the previous chapter, a new special someone makes his debut in this chapter. Is this also a hint about whose story is next?
Who knows?
I don’t know.
Previous Chapter / Next chapter
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“Jaebeom? Jay!” I nudge the big man’s shoulder to signal for him to step aside so I can turn the stove off before the burned pancake catches fire. “That’s the third one in a row.”
“I’m sorry,” he mutters quietly. “I- I have a... I can’t focus.”
“Is it because of this morning?” If so, then that makes two of us. However, I tried to forget as best I could by working with timed productivity sprints instead of writing the article on Bruges in one go. It worked fairly well until lunch time came around.
That’s when I, too, couldn’t escape the claw mark.
The image of it flashes before my eyes once more, joining my thoughts with his if his blank look is anything to go by.
How did it get there? What did you do?
“Yeah. Morning. I... I’m sorry.” He shakes his head, brows furrowed. “I’m sorry, this should be a nice evening. A cozy night in. You deserve my attention, for me to,” his breath tapers as he finishes the sentence, “be here.”
The quiver in his lips makes the roof of my mouth dry up and my mind empty save for gut-stirring concern, unable to think of a proper response. Nevertheless, I look for words to say what seems best. Like I did this morning when I went to get his medication. “How about I take it from here and bake the pancakes? You already made the batter and I can’t let you do all the work.”
“I like cooking for you.”
“I know you do, but it’s fine. Really,” I gesture at the couch by the living room window, which provides a glimpse of the small balcony, “sit down. I’ll call you once dinner’s ready.”
“Y/N,” he reaches out for my hand yet only dares to hold my fingertips, “I’m sorry I can’t be more.”
The crack in his voice breaks my heart. But its the vulnerability written across his normally stoic face which tears me apart at the seams. Whatever he means, it’s nothing to do with this morning. Rather, it’s about him as a person, the wonderful man he is. 
Throat blocked by something I can’t swallow, I scan his attitude for any hint about what he truly means. “What’re you on about?”
Let’s just forget about it for a little while and be a normal couple. I promise I won’t run away despite what happened.
Unfortunately, Jaebeom dismisses the question to make a point I wish he didn’t. “We both know what’s ahead. But, sometimes it’s as if you’re avoiding the inevitable.”
I let out a deep sigh, caught red-handed. “I’m not, because I know or, rather, can guess where this is going. I just don’t know how to respond at times. And I don’t want you to feel bad so I try to keep the mood high as best I can. To, well, keep us both happy.”
“Is your avoidance of food also part of that?” he asks, carefully formulating the question while keeping a close eye on any change in my demeanour.
“I hate it when you don’t eat.”
“I know, but if you knew the reasons behind it, you’d understand why it’s difficult for me. Although, I want you to know that I’m trying to keep my promise to you and eat when you tell me to.” I cup his cheek, lovingly swiping my thumb to and fro over the tanned skin. “It’s really hard to escape your determination. You’re very insistent on things.”
“Too much?” Eyes dim and glistening with withheld tears, he nuzzles my palm.
“Sometimes.” I kiss the tip of his nose and smile, a sign of happiness that’s only half a lie. “It doesn’t make me love you any less. Now, let me be a proper girlfriend and cook for you.”
Regardless of the wonderful sight of Jaebeom wearing an apron and being absorbed in his element in the kitchen, it’s equally as wonderful to have something to eat tonight. Secretly, I would rather have made a healthier and less calorie-rich dish, but we both need a bit of a reprieve from last night. Thus, for the sake of us both, I’ve decided to let go of my rules for a little while.
To enjoy something sweet.
As wholesome as the sight of the wolf man seated on the couch, knees pulled up with round gold-rimmed glasses balancing on the bridge of his nose as he reads the novel he apparently borrowed from my bookshelves. I should write a little note on the title page and give it to him as a present so he’ll have one of my books like I have his.
They’ll be on his shelves for as long as we’re here.
Be there even after he’s gone.
Then they will return to me yet still be his.
He will still be with me.
The pages filled with his love.
It’s everything that will be left of him.
His legacy.
His remains.
The thought leaving me filled with bittersweet affection, I cut the fruit to put on top of the pancakes while gradually using up all the batter. Were it not for the move to the cottage at the end of the month, I could easily be content here if he’d ask me to move in. Wherever we are, evenings like these might become a common occurrence, a splendid reward at the end of a long day at the office.
They could turn any place into our home.
The long road of the lone wolf would finally come to an end.
Because as long as he’s there, I’m home.
“Mind your head.” Despite the warning, Jaebeom nevertheless puts a hand on my head while he opens the cupboard above to grab two plates.
“I was just about to say dinner’s ready.” I let out a breathless laugh, hardly hiding the sobs at the thought of one day having to live without his touch. “Talk about timing.”
For a second, a curious expression treks across his face. It passes by too fast to properly describe it, but it seemed to be triggered by the meaningless remark about his return to the kitchen.
When a dangerously short and sharp breath escapes me, he swallows it with a kiss. Perhaps it’s the sorrow of knowing a storm lies on the horizon that makes me delusional, but a soft whine rises in his throat each time he kisses a stray tear away as he peppers my face in small pecks. 
Satisfied he has taken the sadness more or less away, the corners of his mouth curl into a lop-sided smile as if nothing happened. Notwithstanding, it isn’t hard to figure the blissful ignorance is merely feigned. “Right. Timing.”
Our gazes lock and neither of us says a word until he perks up and motions for me to step back. “Fork and knife.”
Discombobulated by the shared confusion, I indeed set a step backwards so he can open the drawer. In the meanwhile, as Jay sets the dinnerware down, I put the final pancake on the stack and set it down in the middle of the table. 
Chest puffed out, I clap my hands. “Dig in.”
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Like yesterday, Jaebeom insists on doing the dishes while I settle down for the night. However, whereas I gladly did before, I now do with an uneasy mind. Arms wrapped around my knees, my thoughts run down a familiar dark path.
I ate too much. Maybe I should go home and do a workout. Then again, I really don’t want to even though I have to.
“Y/N?” The faint though surprising mention of my name breaks the imaginary stones weighing down my shoulders. I snap my head to the side, almost headbutting the wolf man who has appeared at my side. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Lips pulled into a wistful smile, I scratch him under the chin in hopes of distracting him to the degree he won’t be able to ask further questions. “I’m tired, that's all.”
Unfortunately, Jaebeom is like a guardian who somehow notices a lot despite his absent-minded demeanour. Henceforth, the topic is all but abandoned. 
Without warning, and as effortless as if he were picking up a book, he lifts me up from the couch to hold me in his arms. Instinctively, I clutch his loose black shirt to have a grip of something in case I fall. It’s an ungrounded fear since his arms are sturdy, but it’s comforting nonetheless to have something to hold on to.
My haphazard action elicits a low chuckle that makes my heart skip a beat, although it almost thumps out of my chest again as he rests his forehead against mine. “Let’s go to bed.”
“It’s only eight o’clock,” I sputter, chest tight and no breath sufficient enough to lift the sensation. “Besides, I- I don’t have any fresh change of clothes or toiletries or a pyjama.”
Did he turn the central heating up?
“Doesn’t matter. Can borrow. You. No, that’s not right. You… you can. You can borrow clothes from me. Also, I think I have a spare toothbrush somewhere around here.”
“Jay,’’ As best I can, I try to keep my tone steady though the words come out too fast and uneven regardless, ‘’I think I should go home.” 
If I don’t and I won’t get in some more exercise, I’ll gain weight and slowly go back to how I was.
And I’ll lose him.
Back to square one.
Despite the effort, I can’t prevent the crack in my voice as I weakly tug at his shirt. ‘’Let me go.’’
“No.’’ The gentle kindness has malformed into rough sternness, translated in a sound similar to a growl. ‘’You need to calm down.”
“I am calm!” I retort, more ferocious and sharper than intended though the equal harshness might help to drive the point home.
For a split second, he snarls and bares his teeth. Simultaneously, a flicker of a second personality passes across his mismatched eyes.
The calm ocean warps into a watery grave with high waves on a stormy night.
The hazelnut cracks to set that which it contains free.
His lashes abruptly flutter shut, as he lets out a pained gasp. Beneath my fingertips, his chest caves as if an imaginary fist has dealt him a blow in the guts.
And in mine as well.
Rippling flesh.
There’s… there’s no… Jay, what is happening to you?
I hold on tighter to the fabric, hyperventilating while trying to refrain from bursting out in tears.
There has to be something I can do! But what? What do I do? How can I make this stop?
How do I get you back?
Withal, shivering lips parted to beg for guidance, are interrupted by a shake of the head hanging low. Slowly, Jaebeom looks up, a light layer of sweat on his skin. Our gazes lock, but whereas the wolf man’s was filled with savage chaos, it’s now returned to the stern tranquility it held before the attack. Nonetheless, an uncomprehending whimper betrays the fact that whatever happened wasn’t experienced consciously.
The rage was beyond him.
Outside him.
Still breathless, he scoffs, the sound gruff and overtly disagreeing. “Let’s watch the moon and stars.”
There is no chance to ask any questions about the swift changes in demeanour since he promptly moves to the hallway and up the stairs towards his bedroom. The bedframe of the two-person bed also functions as a bookshelf which takes up the entire right wall, the shelves stacked with second-hand paperbacks in various conditions. An empty picture frame is placed on his side of the bed, a pair of glasses next to it.
Jaebeom puts me down on the navy wool blanket on the edge of the bed and leans in to steal a kiss, which is easy to do considering I’m too shaken to offer any protest. Nor do I feel the comfort of his lips. “Take your clothes off. I’ll go find you pyjamas.”
A tad reluctant, mind occupied by guilt and terror, I start to undress as he rummages through the wardrobe on the other end of the room.
Left only in my underwear, I sit down on the edge of the bed. Although he’s seen me naked once, I still wrap my arms around myself to hide my body. A shield to protect a fragile ego housed in equally as vulnerable body flesh.
Afraid of what might happen when those ripples grow out of control.
Terrified of who he will become.
Of who he is.
“Don’t.” Jaebeom turns around with a black hoodie and grey sweatpants in his hands, eyebrows drawn together. He closes the drawer, throws the clothes on the bed, kneels, and firmly yet gently grabs my wrists to break the walls I put up. And I let him. “Don’t hide from me.”
Not understanding where the shame originates from, he grows still as he scrutinizes my face for clues. “Talk to me. What’s wrong?”
Instead of giving an answer, I change into the makeshift pyjamas. The hoodie is oversized yet comfortably baggy while the sweatpants hang disconcertingly low on my hips. Fortunately, any skin it reveals is covered up by the top.
Continuing to avoid his gaze without saying a word, I crawl under the sheets. Face turned to the window, I pull up the blanket he drapes over me and bury my nose in it.
A wild forest and cologne with a musty hint of pages.
It’s undeniably him.
I don’t know what else to do or say. So, I let the silence speak for itself.
A language he is fluent in too despite his oftentimes loud demeanour.
The mattress dips under his weight when he lies down and rearranges the sheets to cover us both. An arm wrapped around my waist and legs tangled, Jaebeom pulls me flush against him, his chest warm against my back.
A sob rises in my throat when I feel his lips place a kiss on my crown with a sigh of contentment.
I don’t deserve this.
The fear of losing him to whatever is happening inside.
Then again, Life isn’t fair. It deals everyone the same awful hand and leaves it up to the player to make the best of it.
I guess we’re both dealt a crappier hand than others. That, or we play them wrong.
Can we win at all?
“Talk to me.” As loving and happy as the casual intimacy of the embrace is, as forgetful it could make me if only I’d manage to fall asleep, Jaebeom’s oddly sweet cooing keeps me awake.
Staring at the moon.
A woman as fickle as me.
And infinitely more beautiful.
Funny how I, too, am jealous of a celestial body.
In love with the heavens. 
He continues when he notices I won’t be the one to break the silence, his intonation laced by a whiny undertone like a dog wanting something yet being denied what it wants. “You know what I’m dealing with. But...” he digs his fingers deeper into my hips, the grip iron-like without being painful, “I hope this is okay to ask, but what is it with you and food?”
The encouraging squeeze in my side almost has me bursting out in tears again. There has to be a price to pay somewhere in the shadows, the overwhelming sensation of being genuinely loved and protected must turn out to be as two-sided as the silver goddess in the sky. After all, Life is bittersweet.
“It’s only fair I tell you.” Especially after how open he’s been. Besides, there’s no opportunity to avoid the topic since we’d arrive at it sooner or later. And he deserves to know. In fact, I don’t want him to forget my brokenness the moment I tell him about it.
We both want each other to remember our own missing pieces.
So I sigh, turn over and bald my hands into fists to rest against the warm skin of his bare chest. As I speak up, I try to keep my voice as steady as possible. “I used to be quite a fat kid, to the degree the GP advised my parents to put me on a diet. Queue high school and social pressure which led me to perhaps work out more than is healthy and left me bordering on the edge of anorexia. There are still foods I won’t eat and days I’ll worry about my calorie intake, especially on the days I don’t work out.”
I can’t help the mirthless chuckle which turns into a rueful smile. “It’s the good old cliché. Just another soul broken for the shallow enjoyment and acceptance of others.” 
Lips pulled into a stern line, the wolf man remains silent. Notwithstanding, his eyes speak volumes when I dare to look up at him, the ocean and hazelwood alight with a watery sheen. Perhaps it’s the comfort of his nearness or the familiarity of those one of a kind eyes, but he inspires a confession which I never thought I’d make. “Nevertheless, I’m getting better and it’s partially thanks to you.”
Morgan spamming me with ‘Have you eaten?’ texts and Bam making sure I finish my plate whenever we go out for food either here or abroad help a lot too. Nonetheless, it’s mostly the bookish wolf who makes me want to try.
And be a little better than before.
“What do they feel like, those days?”
“The bad ones?” Jaebeom nods. “They’re ridden with guilt and self-loathing.”
He leans in, leaving only a few centimetres of distance between our faces. His breath is warm on my skin as he bumps his nose against mine. “You’re feeling that way now.”
“I am.”
“I can’t.”
“You’re still you. Beautiful as always. And I’ll love you regardless of how you look. I like your mind, which is as weird as mine. The way you hold my hand, as if you’re afraid I’ll walk away. How you unconsciously squeeze it when you need my protection more. How you feel in my arms, soft and warm as a bunny.” He hooks his finger under my chin and tilts it upward to run his tongue over my lips and nose. “Love you. A lot.”
“I love you too.” I turn my head to nuzzle his palm, my face perfectly fitting into it.
Please, no ripples. Let us have this moment. I don’t want to be afraid anymore. Let me have him, just him as he is. At least tonight.
The secure affection of the touch transforms into something else when he glides the back of his hand over my cheek and folds his fingers over my throat. Testing the waters, eyes boring into mine to stop at the slightest sign of discomfort, he slowly closes off my access to air.
It’s funny how the body and mind react to certain situations. Whereas I normally would flinch and run in the direction of safety, there is no urge to run. In fact, the tingling in my chest travels down to rekindle a familiar heat between my thighs while my adrenaline-infused system aches for the wolfish lover. Henceforth, instead of jumping up from the bed, I spread my legs so Jaebeom can comfortably nestle between them.
“Let me prove it. Let me mate you.” The calloused fingertip journeying across the collarbone to the crook of the neck sends a pleasant shiver down the spine. Another electric shock follows at the coarse prickly sensation of his moustache rubbing against my skin as his soft lips kisses and nips at it. “It will only sting a bit, I promise. Please, the mark will look pretty.”
“No biting, Jay.” Reminded of our agreement this morning and the movement beneath his skin when his emotions seem to get the better of him, I pull him against my chest. Before he can protest I scratch his jaw exactly in the way he likes it, thus subduing his great ability to argue. “Not today.”
“It’s not... hm, k- keep go- What do- Bit higher. There. Like, hm, mhm, there. But... what normal-’’ Arms wrapped around my waist again and letting out a content hum, dark lashes flutter shut. For a moment, it seems he’s fallen asleep. However, his drowsy murmurs, while growing incomprehensible, still haven’t finished. “It’s not what couples do.”
“You’re learning,” I giggle, amused by the remark which sounds like a student recalling a piece of knowledge during a test and repeating it for himself.
Without understanding the knowledge completely. “What do they do?”
Staring at the ceiling, I run my fingers through his long dark manes as I try to come up with ideas about what we can do next. “Well, you’ve already given me your clothes. We could try jewelry next, maybe a promise ring. It’s an old-fashioned idea, but people who are promised to each other wear matching rings. 
‘’What mean? Promised?’’
I say nothing of the faulty grammar of his question. After all, speaking becomes harder once exhaustion overtakes the body and mind. I have yet to find a sleeper being able to form comprehensible sentences. ‘’They’re sort of similar to engagement rings, but without the immediate implication of getting married soon.”
“Let’s get en- enga- enge-’’ Jaebeom lets out a groan, frustrated by his lack of speech. Nevertheless, it doesn’t perturb him enough to completely give up on the effort to properly pronounce the word he’s struggling with. “En. Gage. Ment. Engagement rings instead.”
I let out a breathless chuckle, amused both by his determination and the absurd proposal. “It’s definitely too early for that.”
“It’s not!” He barks, shooting up with a pinched expression on his face.   
Scratching him like before, I manage to calm him down enough to make him lie down on my chest again. Nonetheless, his discontent shines through in the gruff scoff he lets out. “It is.”
“What if...” Prompted by the idea in his mind, Jay scrambles upright to face me once more. Lips parted, the feral sharpness in his mismatched eyes is replaced by a twinkle of barely contained excitement. However, the enthusiasm dims with a shake of the head and a low self-deprecating chuckle that ignites my curiosity. At the same time, it also tugs at the strings of my heart. “No, it’s wrong of me to ask.”
“What is?”
What were you about to say? Don’t keep it to yourself. Tell me!
“Never mind.” He lies down again, nuzzling my breasts as he snuggles up into me.
Then, he slips his hand under mine to lift and compare it to his. “Cute paw.”
Fine. Keep your secrets, you big burly bastard.
“Go to sleep.” I push him off of me, earning myself a disappointed noise which resembles a yelp. “On the other side of the bed, please and thank you.”
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In the days that follow, the movement like water set astir under his skin continues to haunt my mind. In fact, it does to the extent that even the keys beneath my fingers seem to flow rather than be pushed down, causing me to flinch for the third time in a row. 
For the past hour I’ve been trying to type out the notes on an interview with a chocolatier in Bruges and compose them into a coherent article. An otherwise simple task my mind won’t allow me to complete despite the attempts to remember the good moments we had recently. The video calls right before bed, the cuddle session a few days ago when we gazed at the moon, his enthusiastic texts about and photos of new recipes Jaebeom tried. None of it prevents the likely imagined terrible from destroying our happiness.
I’m going insane. He’s a normal person. Somewhat. I was jet-lagged and therefore not thinking clearly.
That’s why I thought I felt his skin move. I was delusional.
Drunk on him.
A buzz pulls me out of my reverie, the screen of my phone lighting up with a message.
Morgan: Starving! Found a new café thanks to a friend.
Y/N: Let me guess. I have no choice but to come along.
Morgan: There wasn’t a choice to begin with :)
Y/N: Of course not. What am I talking about, eh? See you in five.
Chuckling at the woman’s classic brashness, I shake my head, pack my belongings and head to the elevators.
Outside, regardless of the November chill, it’s pleasant. The sun shines brightly and the wind blows the little bundles of fallen leaves at the roots of the birch trees lining the street into motion, scattering them over the neatly swept pavement.
Winter is around the corner. God, I hate the cold. Hopefully, there won’t be snow any time soon.
I sit down on the bench under one of the birch trees, its branches already bare. 
Autumn is truly ending now. Shame. I haven’t even had a pumpkin spice latte and cinnamon roll yet. Maybe I should ask Jay out and find a nice coffee shop where we can get them. After all, if he’s there, we can share the pastry. He’ll be happy and I won’t have to eat the whole thing. A win-win situation.
Enjoying watching the people pass by, each stranger essentially a book with a unique story that is yet not entirely different from someone else’s. Withal, the world feels colder without him, the missing part embodied in the unoccupied spot next to mine.
A delighted sigh on the right makes me snap my head around, alarmed at the notion someone has appeared out of the blue on the empty seat. 
A woman clad in a white suit and matching fur-lined coat with pale skin and brown hair glowing copper in direct light stares contentedly up at the clouds. She’s in her very early twenties, although the freckles dusting her cheekbones and rosy cheeks might simply make her look younger than she is.
For a moment, taken aback and speechless, I cannot help but blatantly gape at the otherworldly stranger.
Wow, she’s like a goddess.
A stone sinks to the bottom of my stomach as a dark thought intrudes my mind. My throat dried up, I twist my wrists, the muscles stiff beneath my fingers.
Would Jaebeom like her? If he saw her on the street, would he... would he stop and stare? Prefer her over me or even try and give it a shot by introducing himself?
“It’s a bit chillier than I’d like, but at least it’s better than rain or snow.” The woman turns to face me, her features soft. “I hope spring will come again soon, though.”
I don’t get the chance to respond because a familiar voice calls out. Not that I would be able to form a proper reply otherwise. “You’re here already?”
“I happened to be nearby,” the stranger turns away to answer as Morgan comes to a halt in front of us, a puzzled expression on her face.
“I texted you fifteen minutes ago and you said you had to clean up. I thought you’d join us later.”
“The birth and after birth went faster than I thought so here I am.”
“I’m sorry, but what is going on?” More than a little lost, I look from one to the other in hopes of being given an explanation. “I didn’t know we’d head out with the three of us.”
“Right, I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Brigid.” The dark-haired woman holds out her pale hand in greeting. “I work at the hospital as an obstetrician.”
“I’m Y/N,’’ I reply, shaking her hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“Lass,” wonder turned to a darker version of itself yet not saying anything, Morgan shifts her attention to me, “you look famished. Come on, let’s go.”
Offering a few muttered words of agreement, I get up and sheepishly tag along with the other women. As we walk out the street and round a corner, following the signs leading to the artist district nearby the university, I’m occasionally tempted to join the conversation. However, as soon as a short silence falls, I don’t chip in, unsure how to contribute to the small talk they seem to deliberately keep up in order to avoid a topic neither is keen to discuss. Thus I walk in urban loneliness, my train of thought displaced on my face as I let the ghosts of Jaebeom’s skin freely haunt my mind.
Right before the descent into the darkness of the rabbit hole, strong long fingers wrap around my wrist and hold it in an iron grip. The slightly painful squeeze interrupts my reverie.
I snap my head to the side to find Morgan standing there, leaning in a bit and her voice low. “We’re here.”
I don’t know how I’ve managed to ignore the bustle of students looking for a free spot on one of the terraces and loud conversations accompanied by the rustle of the paper bags hailing from the shops owned by self-employed artists. It’s also miraculous that I haven’t bumped into anyone by accident.
“Oh,” is all I say, looking at the café we’ve stopped in front of.
Wolf’s is spelled out in a modern font on the sign outside and above the door. A big window provides visitors with a view of the plaza. The interior is simple yet cosy, the white furniture warmed up by oak accents and the bare walls decorated with various art pieces, centered around wolves and various flowers. By the looks of it, they were all made by a single artist who likes to experiment with style every now and then. A few plants are dotted around the place as well to add a hint of free nature to the underlying strangely forest-like aesthetic.
A tall broad-shouldered man with short curly chocolate brown hair partially covering up the scar running over his left eye, strong dark eyebrows and a big koala-like nose stands behind the counter. Both of his arms and hands are decorated with various intricately designed tattoos. Whereas Jay is muscled yet lean, the tanned barista looks like a man who knows how to fight yet is a warrior in a society without combat.
As soon as we walk in, his lifts his head and turns to us. Playful lights illuminate the milky white of his left and raven dark of his right eye. A meadow of snow, its glimmer reflecting off of the smooth feathers of a wise bird. “Hi, welcome. Brigid, long time no see.”
Nobody seems to notice it, but his female colleague, a short woman with long flowy caramel brown hair tied into a ponytail who has her back turned to us and is busy extracting a shot, cringes at the merry mention of the woman’s name. Slowly, she steals a glance at us, hazel eyes sharpening when they fall on the woman in white. Nevertheless, she remains silent and quickly returns her attention to preparing someone’s coffee.
Looks like I’m not the only one envying her.
It is wrong to hate a woman for her beauty. Nonetheless, although it’s shameful, part of me refuses to associate with Morgan’s acquaintance out of a toxic mixture of spite and jealousy.
Such is the female nightmare.  
“So this is what you’ve been up to,” Brigid muses, nodding appreciatively while inspecting the coffee shop. “You’ve got a nice thing going on here, Rome.”
“Please don’t call me that anymore. It’s Christian now. Chris or Ian for short.’’ Muscled arms crossed, he grimaces and shakes his head while looking down. Notwithstanding, the stern attitude melts into casual friendliness as a bright smile forms on his lips. ‘’But I do, don’t I? However, it’s not just me running the place. I’ve had some help.”
He turns around and motions for his colleague to come over. For a second she doesn’t move, darting glances to each of us like an alarmed cat checking for danger. Notwithstanding, though clearly tense, she warily approaches and halts at the man’s side.
Her eyes nearly pop out of her head when Christian places a hand on her shoulder. “In fact, Gráinne here still helps me out every day. She’s basically the second owner.”
“I- I’m not,” she sputters in a soft Ulster accent, fumbling with her fingers and her cheeks flushed, “I just work here some days.”
“You’re a bit more than a colleague,” her co-worker remarks, shoulders lowered and his tone holding more affection than would be the case when talking to a friend. A warm glow seems to form around him, ignited by the fondness he harbours for her.
Funny, Jaebeom wears that same expression when he’s with me.  
“I’m not.” Gráinne stiffens, each word dripping with venom as she steps away, grabs a serving tray and puts the order she was preparing before being called over on it. “Get back to work.”
Lips parted, Ian watches her as she moves past us as fast and agile like a hunting cat without any further acknowledgement of our presence. I hadn’t noticed before, but beneath her apron, she is dressed in clothes reminiscent of the Victorian era. “I know she can be harsh and isn’t easy to get along with, but I’ve never seen her act like this.”
“Och, let it pass. She has every right to be pissed with you since you put her on the spot like that,” Morgan jokes though nobody goes along with it.
She likes him yet doesn’t see it’s mutual. Should I say something? Then again, this is their business, not mine. Furthermore, why would they believe me, a stranger?
So I remain silent.
And leave this to blossom however it is meant to in Fate’s hands.
The icy glare Gráinne gives Brigid behind her back sends a chill down my spine. Evidently, she is a woman not cross paths with once angered. Withal, as the fair beauty looks over her shoulder, the other woman restores her professional composure. 
“You okay?” Christian asks as he watches her retreat into the kitchen, done serving for now.
“I’m fine,” she says thickly, the next breath hitching in her throat. Her focus shifts to the moon-shaped amethyst pendant around his neck. The ghost of a rueful smile forms on her lips, but it fades as fast as it appeared. “It’s not like I’m having a vision or something. Help them.”
She waves her hand dismissively when he doesn’t move, lips parted to say something yet at a loss for words. Notwithstanding, although I can’t see his expression clearly, it’s evident her feigned nonchalance is hurting him. “Go on.”
He clears his throat and forces himself into a rigid posture, frowning as he shifts his attention back to us. Finger hovering over the tablet functioning as a till, he stares at the display with an empty and distant gaze, which is as dull as the tears threatening to roll down his cheeks. “What can I get you?”
We place our order and settle down at the table by the window, neither of us offering a word of solace or dedicated to his colleague’s behaviour. 
After a while, Christian comes up to us to serve the food and beverages. As he puts the plates with our sandwiches down, he and Brigid exchange looks like siblings telepathically conversing. Whatever it is they mentally discussed, it only leaves the barista a slight bit less worried though the grave expression plaguing him remains as he returns to the counter.
An expression which must be similar to mine since it prompts Morgan to speak up regardless of having her teeth sunk into sourdough bread, looking equally as somber. “What’s on your mind, lass?”
“Nothing.” I shake my head and stir my cappuccino with the vintage silver spoon next to the porcelain cup, smiling at my own silly assumptions of what happened now four days ago. “Everything’s fine.”
“Except it’s not.” The raven-haired woman cocks an eyebrow, far from willing to dismiss my worries. “Now tell me. Or, well, us.”
“It’s something to do with your lover, isn’t it?” Brigid remarks, head tilted to the side as she assesses me while sipping at her Irish Breakfast Tea. Her features soften when she notices she has hit a sensitive snare, evidently meaning no harm.
I pull back in my seat as I take a sip of my coffee, flustered and cursing myself for being an open book. There is no way out of this conversation since the current company is like-minded in their refusal to simply let the topic pass before it has been discussed.
I swallow, put the cup on the dish again and clear my throat. Fumbling with the spoon and eyes cast on the cappuccino’s silky milk foam, I tell them of what I think happened. The story sounds strange to my own ears, like a terrible fairy tale told by a chaotic storyteller who can’t tell it in a manner that makes sense regardless of how he manipulates the plot.
Afraid of their reaction, unable to fathom the slightest bit of sympathy and empathy, I look from one to the other. Fortunately, my silence can be excused by drinking the remainder of the coffee although it’s futile since the thirst has nothing to do with bodily needs.
“Sounds familiar.” The woman in white scrunches her nose in disgust as she glares at Morgan.
“He was different,” Morgan sneers through gritted teeth, jaw clenched.
“In essence, he was similar to her lover.’’ Brigid points at me though she remains focused on my best friend, her voice dripping with venom. ‘’Or should I say, is similar?”
“Since when does it matter what he is?” Thin lips painted plum purple curl into a mirthless smile, onyx locks shaking in discontent. “How hypocritical you’ve become. Forgetful of the past.”
“A past worth forgetting. It’s never too late to change your political opinions, Morgan.”
Great, now I’m the one to open Pandora’s box. I should have kept my mouth shut, changed the topic.
Desperate for help yet knowing he cannot do anything, I look for Christian among the other customers. Expression stern and standing as rigid as a statue, he watches our table from behind the counter. It appears he, too, feels the sense of danger increasing as the conversation carries on. Notwithstanding, as becomes clear from the apologetic shake of the head when our eyes meet, he also knows his hands are tied at the moment.
We are on the same boat, waiting to see how the situation will develop.
Playthings of Chance and Fate.
“We’re not here to talk politics,’’ the woman in question answers, covering her mouth with her hands while chewing on a bite of goat cheese and pomegranate seeds, ‘’but to have lunch like civilized and amiable women. To help our friend.”
“You’re right,” Brigid concludes. Nonchalantly, she pierces a piece of egg in her salmon salad and puts its on the bread provided with it, a bread called St Michael’s Bannock according to the menu. Then, she points her fork at me. “But the best thing you can do is leave him while you still can.”
“L- Leave?” Utterly confused, I look at the woman calmly eating her lunch. “Why would I do that?”
Who is she? What’s more, who is she to tell me to leave Jaebeom after what I told her? He needs help and support, regardless of what may or may not be there beneath his skin.
Unless she is on to something I am not and judging by the current circumstances, I won’t get an answer even if I dare to ask. Henceforth, if only not to snap, I clear my throat and swallow the vile words dancing on the tip of my tongue. 
“Morgan can tell you why. All I can say is that it’s better to avoid men like your lover in the first place.” She coughs and takes a sip of tea to wash down the salad leaf stuck in her throat while the woman with hair as black as night chuckles darkly. Luckily, it is only loud enough for me to hear and Brigid is too busy preventing herself from choking.  
“Sétan-, I- I mean Seán was the one to leave me, not the other way around. And we mutually agreed to part ways in favour of our own well-being.”
“Sure you did. Totally didn’t resort to throwing plates and other pieces of furniture because he rejected you.”
Morgan growls something under her breath, glaring at the woman seated next to me. However, Brigid doesn’t seem to notice the reaction she has provoked or is indifferent to it. “Or washed clothes at the ford where he so ‘happened’ to pass by. Funny how he died soon after.”
Ford? There are quite a few in Ireland, so where and most importantly, when was this? Then again, what are these two on about? Washing clothes in a ford, people dying, politics, lovers to leave. They’re like arguing voices from ancient times.
Moreover, there is the question of Seán’s life. Is he alive or dead? One moment she speaks of him as if he’s still here, but then why would Brigid remark he’s dead?
“You shut your whoremouth, traitor!” With a loud bang, Morgan slams her fists on the table. She stands up with an expression that makes me cower in fear despite not being the target of her wrath.
Behind the counter, Christian slowly comes into motion, carefully moving with the likely intent to inconspicuously circle our table and jump in if necessary. He flinches as Gráinne places a hand on his arm, holding him hard enough for her knuckles to turn white when he tries to escape from her grip in order to prevent the worst from happening. Notwithstanding, whatever the plan was, it goes to waste since he decides to listen to what his colleague tells him. Sighing deeply, he stands down although he continues to observe us.
Gráinne follows his gaze, which seems to be directed at the brown-haired woman in white, her personal target of envy. Her wolfishly fierce expression falters, growing as bleak as the ash of a great bonfire.
This time he doesn’t see how she comes apart at the seams.
Brigid calmly finishes her tea, daps her mouth on the napkin and stands up too. “Get over your crush. There’s no future for you with him. As for you, Y/N,” eyes oddly alight with motherly affection, she turns her attention to me, “and as a piece of advice from a friend, end this relationship while you still can. There’s only heartbreak ahead.”
“Thank you, but,” a wistful smile forms on my lips regardless of the urge to give into the savage nagging inside, “I can’t leave him because I made a promise to stay.”
“I see. Perhaps you’ll prove me wrong and the flowers will bloom in spring.”
And with those final cryptic words, she leaves the café after waving at the tattooed barista.
Or so Brigid intends, but her way is cut off by his colleague. 
While clumsily taking off her apron she storms outside, clenching it hard and shivering as if she’s on the brink of tears.
“Gráinne? Gráinne!” Christian runs after his colleague, pale and eyes wide with worry as he comes to a halt in the doorway. “Where are you going? Gráinne!”
Brigid places a hand on his shoulder, giving it a consoling squeeze. After giving him an encouraging slap on the back she sets off, leaving the man standing there like a defeated soldier.
“Poor lass,” Morgan whispers as she watches the female barista pass the window. Something in her tone hints at a level of familiarity between the two.
“You know her?” I ask, frowning.
“I don’t think she remembers me.” She glances at Chris, who has retreated behind the counter. He has his head bowed, smooth black locks hiding his face from the customers. Trembling fingers entwined to conceal his distress as best as possible, he resembles a man of religion fervently praying for forgiveness. “And neither does he. I saw him and his close friend, Finn, once in the woods. No, it was his brother, Jor… was it? When he came to the island. Was that… who was that?’’
A mist clouds her ocean blue eyes, lost in thoughts far removed from this world and time. ‘’He was there. As for Gráinne, we met… somewhere. There was smoke, a burning body. It was- It was at… where? Fuck, I can’t recall. I think it was at his fu-’’ she abruptly cuts herself short to correct herself with a strange undertone in her voice, “not long after I... saw them.”
‘’Morgan, are you alright? You’re looking awfully pale.’’ 
Instead of breaking free from the spell that has taken hold of her, the reverie only seems to deepen. Rocking side to side, she clutches her arms to her chest. Her skin, although naturally pale, grows sickly like a walking corpse.
‘’I- I’m supposed to remember. I’m one of the few that do. No, he and I are the only ones left that do. I can’t forget. If I do, everyone will. I can’t… I can’t!’’
‘’Morgan!’’ I stand up from my seat to rush to her side. Rubbing her arms, I try with all my might to bring her back to reality from the depths of deliria. ‘’It’s all right, Morgan, nobody is going to forget. Please listen to me and follow my voice, use it as a guide back to me from wherever it is you are. Please, come back to me.’’
‘’May I?’’ Christian has appeared with a glass of water, which he sets on the table before crouching down at the woman’s side as well.
Gently he grabs one of her hands and holds it, talking in a voice that is surprisingly steady and soothing in spite of what happened mere moments ago. It’s rougher and more gruff, making it hard to distinguish one word from another if you are not well-acquainted with the speaker.
In fact, it belongs to a completely different person. ‘’Morgan, as long as there are people who remember, there is nothing to fear. The past has taught us that what might seem like the end isn’t necessarily truly the end. We are still here. We remember because you do and you remember because we do. You’re safe and sound. Instead, return and help me make her remember.’’
‘’Why, of everyone, did you have to fall for her?’’ Gaze blinded by her mind, Morgan reaches out to tenderly run her fingers through the barista’s hair. ‘’What makes her special?’’ 
‘’She understands.’’ A similar fog veils the misty white and dark eyes, Chris or, rather, the stranger pulled into the same realm of consciousness as my friend. ‘’She broke the chains that bound me and doesn’t allow me to slip into the shadows of what I once was.’’
‘’You’re all the same, aren’t you?’’
‘’It’s rare to find understanding and acceptance in a world naturally turned against you. So, please help me. Help me find her.’’ His voice breaks, the begging words coming out  high-pitched like a whining wolf. ‘’Help me find my reason to stay in this world and not forget nor be forgotten.’’ 
The veil lifts, the spell broken with the whimpered plea. 
Christian falls back, but manages to catch himself before his head hits the tiles. Refusing every helping hand from the customers hurrying over, he scrambles to his feet. Fortunately, he accepts the chair I offer him when his dangerous swaying almost causes him to hit his head against the wall.
‘’Are you okay?’’
‘’Yeah, I’m only dizzy.’’ The hiss he lets out flows over into a sound akin to a growl. ‘’And a splitting headache.’’
Morgan has a better return to reality, completely fine aside from a dazed mind. ‘’What happened?’’
‘’You tell me.’’ I search her face for clues, a sliver of the knowledge she is lying. However, I find none.
She is telling the truth.
‘’I… I don’t know. It’s the first time.’’ She clears her throat, brow furrowed. As if having heard a noise, she snaps her head to the side. “I’m sorry, but I have to go. Drink your tea, eat a sandwich and go home early from work.”
She hands the glass of water to Christian. ‘’And you, you drink this and stay seated for at least five more minutes until the dizziness has faded. Are you nauseous?’’
‘’No. Although,’’ he dry heaves, ‘’never mind.’’
‘’Make it ten. You look as pale as a banshee.’’
‘’Speak for yourself.’’
‘’You’d make a pretty one, though,’’ Morgan muses when she returns her attention to me. ‘’Beauty makes suffering leading to death easier.’’
Apparently, her return to reality has left her as mad as a hatter so perhaps it wasn’t as good as I initially thought.
“Why on earth would you say that? Besides, what kind of comparison is that, us and a banshee?”
“One based on truth. Now,” she shoves the remainder of her goat cheese and pomegranate sandwich to me, “eat, rest up and get cracking again. We’ll be in touch and visit the new café I found yesterday later, alright?”
“Hey, not so fast. Where are you headed off to?’’
She can’t be serious. There is no way she is unaffected by what happened. 
“Attagirl,’’ Morgan says as if I promised to heed her words, ignoring what I actually said. ‘’By the way, ignore what Brigid said and stay with your man. It’s plain to see how he makes you feel.”
“It is?”
“You’re glowing and you come alive when you speak of him. It reminds me of how I was with Seán.” She starts as if awakened from a dream, but tries to hide her awkwardness behind a sheepish smile. “Well, then, take care.”
“You too.’’ The two simple words, otherwise casual, are now carefully chosen in order to not to trigger another ‘attack’.
My gut tight and skin prickling thanks to her inhuman behaviour, I watch the raven-haired woman leave. I hold my wrist, my pulse too rapid to be healthy beneath my thumb.
Like I am at death’s door.
The next morning, there’s an article in the newspaper. A man’s been found dead at the edge of the bogs near town. The cause of his demise is unknown, but there are witness accounts who said they heard a high screech late the night before. In the days that follow, their names show up one by one in funerary advertisements.
A week later, none of the witnesses are alive. Moreover, nobody has heard the screeching since, though everyone remembers the description of the sound.
It was like the howl of a banshee.
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mehphoobia · 3 years
Coming Over
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Pairing - Laszlo x Reader
Warning - none
Summary- laurentrvn [REQUEST]
Would you do Modern!Laszlo x Fem!reader Reader was a fashion designer, making clothes are casual style. Her phone ring, it was your psychiatrist (Laszlo your bf). He called you that how was you day doing. Of course he would like to ask you if you could go to dinner with him on his apartment. You could always say yes. Tonight they are getting dressed and ready. Then she came to his apartment, ring his doorbell. Laszlo open it, you can come in, his apartment was modern Victorian and very unique. They are in dining room, having dinner ready. They start talking. They are being honest at each other. You two head to his living room. Laszlo seem to look at you that he thinks that you are beautiful. Laszlo pinned you at couch. Kiss passionately. You always wanted to cherish him more. Laszlo was sweetness in your heart, they shared bed together.
Just like a piece of fabric, even people have layers. Some people tend to hide their real selves in front of people by pretending to be someone they are not or people just don't expect them to be any different. But you had seen all kinds of people in your life.
Being an unwanted child and regularly abused had left its mark in your life that was more of a dent than a mark. At the age of 17, when you finally decided to have your life and your future your way, there was no looking back.
After six long years, here you are today, a fashion designer in a well-known company with a good education. As always, the exterior background you had attracted more people even before they knew your story. What difficulties you had to go through and who you were.
That's what you thought before meeting Dr. Laszlo. Your past haunted you for a long time until you decided to get help from a psychologist. "You can talk to me, its alright. Its all in the past." That was the first thing he said. It wasn't much, but somehow the scars and wounds on your skin made all those years ago, somehow healed.
Well after that, the appointments, got extended. Most of the times, Dr. Lazslo would end up dropping you off at your apartment. Both of you felt awkward at first. He was supposed to be your psychiatrist after all. But him waiting outside your office building, sending you flowers every alternate day with cute little messages on small cards, was something you found endearing.
"You want to work on the report? Ms. Lee suggested your name." asked your colleague. Her sudden intervention had you stuff the card in your drawer and broke the moment that had you in all smiles. "Uh? Yeah sure." you had no idea what that report was because you were busy admiring the messages.
"The year end report Ms. Y/N. Its due next week." Your colleague's voice trailed off as she left your cabin. You bit your lip in embarrassment. You liked being loved and you loved him too.
Your phone's screen lit up just like your face when you received Dr. Laszlo's call. "Y/N?" his voice was laced with honey. "Hey" you replied. "If you are not too busy why don't you come over for dinner?" Laszlo asked. You understood that all his appointments were done for the day. "I am done with my work for today so I think I can join you." His voice was doing a terrible job in hiding his excitement and you couldn't help but giggle at that.
Around 1 hour was spent in front of the mirror contemplating the light blue dress that comfortably sat on your curves. Dealing with dresses is what you do normally then what was happening today? After tirelessly staring at the mirror you decided to let it go. You were confident and looked beautiful in what you were wearing. After grabbing the scented candles, you sent Laszlo a message giving a heads up.
Never were you so happy for the foundation on your face, enough to hide your tinted cheeks. He was all smiles when he saw you as he opened the door. His apartment was beautiful. The intricate design on the racks and the quality of the furniture was outstanding. That man had quite a taste.
Within no time you reached at his place and he got your shawl and overcoat as he placed his briefcase near the rack. "Can I help you with something?" you asked leaning over the kitchen counter.
"There is the vinaigrette, why don't you season the salad" he suggested. The dinner was amazing. No out of the line talks, no fake comments just a simple and quiet dinner, something you didn't realize was needed but it was. It was perfect.
"I will do this, could you help me with the dessert? It's in the fridge." Laszlo said he took the dishes from your hands and put it in the sink. You smiled and nodded your head. "Someone was prepared?" you said looking at the two servings of tiramisu placing them on the tea table near the couch. "For you? Always" he said sheepishly as he pinned you on the soft velvety surface of the couch and captured your lips in a searing kiss. His lips were soft on yours. He could the taste of the sweet wine on your lips as he devoured you.
It was a tough job keeping his hands to himself since the time you passed him when you entered the apartment. The subtle fragrance of your perfume was driving him crazy. The blue dress exposed your curves to his hungry eyes and the comment ignited it all. He was always a spectator of your beauty but tonight he was its victim.
Your eyes felt heavy as the movie ran on the T.V. "Tired?" he asked. "Yeah maybe" you chuckled at his observation. He slowly placed his arms beneath your neck and adjusted your head on the crook of his shoulder. The comforting smell of his cologne had you curling in his embrace.
It wouldn't hurt to shut your problems out for a night, right?
A/N: Hello guys, I am back with another fanfiction. I had a major writer's block but I am happy I could come out of it. It was a much needed brake anyways so..
You all are seriously increasing my standards in men. But writing fics wouldn't hurt right.
Love yourself...you are worth it ❣❣
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 1
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Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Story Description:
❝It's like an afterglow.❞
❝Yes, like an afterglow. If seeing something so beautiful makes you feel good then the after of it all must be... more pleasurable.❞
❝A lot of people tend to miss that detail after sunset. But not you. You're a photographer, y/n. The details in nature, in people, are some things you can never miss.❞
But there's one little detail you had missed, that you both missed: that you've already met years earlier.
You're a 25-year old photographer and part-time bartender, and has heard countless stories about the adventures of your roommate's stepbrother, Bucky Barnes -- a clumsy, party-driven 38-year old businessman. One day, you stumble upon Bucky inside your apartment on a Saturday night that would change both of your lives forever as you both take pleasure in the afterglow.
A/N: I already have this on Wattpad but with a female OC. This is my first ever Bucky Barnes fan fic and I hope you guys like it :)
"Hey, y/n. I think Nick wants to ask you out on a date." Peter Parker, your roommate, brought his beer bottle towards his mouth. His eyes were fixated somewhere while you were wiping droplets of beer on the countertop. You looked at his face features illuminated by the light from his laptop. "You should really put coasters here, y'know." he added.
"Shut it, Parker," You rolled your eyes at him, "or no more free drinks for you."
"He's into you." He sang and averted his eyes somewhere. You followed his gaze which was on Nick Miller who was talking to some loud blondes on the booth, taking their orders.
"I'm not talking to you anymore." You put your hand up, blocking Peter's face and walked away. You greeted some customers approaching the bar counter. "Good evening, gentlemen, what would you like to drink?"
"Shots of tequila," one replied, "and keep 'em coming, doll!" The other three cheered which you knew annoyed Peter.
The bar was packed tonight. Saturdays were the only days New Yorkers were almost free for a chill drink hangout. College boys hang by the billiards table on the corner, office girls sip their margaritas on one of the booths, thirty-year old women shoot darts on the dartboard as if the board were their husbands, thirty-year old dads with their caps on drinking hard beer on one of the tables, kids who just turned twenty-one ordering their first drink legally, lonely people by the jukebox or on the bar counter telling their sad tales to the bartender and Peter Parker casually drinking beer with a laptop in front of him.
"You really should stop doing your work here on the bar." You approached Peter once more. "You're bumming people out."
Peter raised an eyebrow, his eyes glued on the laptop. "You're bumming me out."
"Seriously, do your business work elsewhere. Go to a coffee place or something. Starbucks isn't that far."
"You know I work better with beer"
"How can I forget?"
You and Peter go way back. You two had met in business school and had been roommates ever since. While you would pull an all-nighter in your shared apartment, Peter would struggle to open the front door, dance around in the living room like he had left feet and threw his final papers on the floor. He'd end up waking up your other roommates, Mickey and Pablo (who would usually join him by the way), leaving poor you cleaning up their mess the next morning. You'd put Peter to bed, seeing as the other morons were incapable of doing so. The next day, Peter's bed would reek of the pungent smell of beer and cigarettes. Though he didn't smoke ("and I never will!"), cigarette smoke disgustingly clung to his clothes and skin, which you found rather unpleasant. Even with all the alcohol in his system, Peter managed to pass all his exams and graduate with flying colors. You hated that.
"I don't get why you drink so much during exam week." You sighed, handing Peter a glass of water. He wasn't an alcoholic but he did turn into one right before midterms and finals start. It was somehow seasonal. According to Peter, it helped him focus. "You're not supposed to drink before a big exam, y'know."
"Hemingway drinks. He writes better when he drinks."
"You're a business major. Not a writer. You don't even read literature."
"Look at you now cleaning other people's messes." Peter chuckled, closing his laptop. You sighed and wiped the counter with much vigor. The four gentlemen from earlier left a pretty big mess toasting shots before they went towards the billiards table.
"Please, this is not the kind of bar you used to go to." You responded, making a gin and tonic. "This is a smoke-free, grope-free, friendly bar. No dancing, no loud stereo music -- just your regular bar where you can relax with your friends after a long day at work."
Peter turned around and tilted his head towards the jukebox. "There's someone dancing right now beside the jukebox."
"Not that kind of dancing." A 20-something year old man was breakdancing to some old beat you've never even heard of.
"Y'know it's really ironic you're working at a bar now. Oh, how you used to hate them."
"It's the only job I can do." You shrugged. "Besides photography, of course. And again, this is not that kind of bar. Think of it like a MacLaren's Pub from that tv show. Kind of funny how it's also just below our apartment building. If only we lived in this building in college, I would've enjoyed bars more."
You once went to one party at a crowded bar where Peter had surprisingly invited you. Writhing bodies pressed up against each other. Body shots from strangers. Toilets that reeked of beer vomit and pee. An "accidental" kiss between you and Peter in the bar that lead into a steamy makeout session as soon as you got in the apartment you both shared. Up to this day, neither of you spoke of that night and perhaps that day wouldn't come -- You really hoped it didn't. Wouldn't want to open a can of worms from the past.
"You're a boring old hag." Peter snorted.
"Hmm, I'd like to disagree. I can make drinks and you can't."
"Oh, you know who can make drinks, though? My stepbrother!"
Ah, yes. His stepbrother. The infamous Bucky Barnes. Born in the upper east side of New York and sadly, out of wedlock. Orphaned at a young age and adopted by a man named Tony Stark who then married Peter's mother. A successful hotel business owner (but not really famous), and the star of Peter's countless stories. Been arrested once for streaking. Got Peter out of detention in high school. Trespassed school premises. TP'd a house during Valentine's Day. Caught naked by a newly-wed in a hotel room. That was just the tip of the iceberg.
"I know. He makes the best bloody drinks of all time." You mimicked Peter the way he would -- insulting and proud -- which he didn't like as he shot dagger-like eyes at you. His expressions changed in a snap.
"Oh, that reminds me. He's in town!"
"I thought he was in Monaco?"
"Yeah, no. He travels a lot."
"Does that mean I now get to meet this famous stepbrother of yours?" You smirked, pulling out shot glasses from one of the cabinets.
"I'm not sure he would want to meet you. You're not exactly in his league."
"You mean snobby and rich?" You laughed while fixing the shot glasses on the counter. "I'm aware."
"I mean classy." He adjusted his tie.
You snickered. "Yeah, all those stories were real classy, Parker. Top-notch."
"You know what I mean, y/n - suits, money, stuff like that. Bucky's changed." One big sip of beer. "I think."
"Ya think?" You scoffed.
"Maybe, I don't know. Haven't spoken to him in a while. He's always traveling and stuff. Hard to keep track of him."
"Sounds to me like he's on a run from the bad guys." You joked which Peter didn't find funny.
"What do you mean?"
Peter idolized Bucky. He was the sole reason why he got into business in the first place -- no, they didn't spend late nights talking in their backyard basketball court about how fulfilling business is and all that crap like brothers would do. Peter just wanted to be like Bucky. To be in the world of money, booze, and then more money. That kind of crap. "It was a joke, Parker. This Bucky sounds like he may have done some stupid stuff but I doubt he's into something illegal or what."
"Yeah, he's a good guy." But even Peter didn't sound convinced of himself. He took a big gulp of his beer.
Nick approached the counter, avoiding your eyes but a smile landed on his lips as soon as he neared you. You could hear Peter chuckling. "Hey, Nick."
Nick acknowledged him by saying a small hello and started preparing a bunch of Bloody Marys for the blonde girls by the booth. Peter watched him, finishing his beer. You gave him a look before walking away to serve some drinks -- which he just mocked in return. With a tray of beer in your right hand, you approached the four gentlemen from before at the billiards table and gave them their drinks. Seeing a couple of girls slide out of one of the booths, you grabbed a washcloth and a bottle spray on the cleaning station and headed to clean the girls' mess. The table reeked of Gin and tonic, Margaritas, Grasshopper, a couple of beers and Long Island Iced Tea. Well, that's a weirdly wild group of friends.
While cleaning up the booth, you glanced up at the printed photographs on the walls which were yours. Black and white portraits of strangers. Flashes of red and blue lights on the streets. Giant buildings. Random people on Central Park and New York streets. Peter drinking beer at the booth with his co-workers. And the owner of the bar who was always cooped up inside his small office. Photos that didn't sell in your exhibit always went to the bar, in hopes that someone might find them somewhat good -- good enough to take home. But that wasn't the case. To them, the photos were just mere decorations at the bar; they just wanted to have a good time and couldn't be bothered to even take one shy glance at the bartender's photos. You wanted to think they just had zero taste when it comes to photography to make yourself feel better but you were wrong. It just made you feel worse.
Just when you were about to turn around, Peter slid into the booth. You almost dropped the things you were holding. "Jesus, Parker."
He looked up at the photos. "Told ya your photos won't sell here."
"That's not what I was thinking." Lie. You walked towards the bar counter with Peter on your tail. He sat once more on the high stool and immensely watched as you placed some glasses on the counter.
"Come work for our company. We could really use your skills for our products." He leaned in, trying to get your attention. It wasn't the first time he tried to convince you to go work for his company.
"For the nth time, I'm no corporate slave."
"You're working at a bar. You make drinks and serve people. Some of these fuckers have corporate jobs as well - like me! If you think about it," he crossed his arms, placing them on top of the counter, "it's kind of like serving these corporations you hate."
With a frown, you asked, "What kind of logic is that?"
"A businessman's logic."
"If that's the case, the corporate world is dead." You smirked, washing the glasses. Peter was no businessman. He was just a part of a sales team, making marketing pitch presentations every week or so. Honestly, you couldn't keep up with his presentations. "I'd be happy to join then."
"Come on, Aria. You can't be juggling two jobs for the rest of your life. You can get one big job at our company and you'll get paid big time. Plus," he leaned in further, almost getting up from the stool, "we'll be working together. Wouldn't that be fun?"
"I'm honestly getting tired of you." You chuckled, sprinkling some water on Peter's face. "And my answer is still no. I don't want to work for your company. I like freelancing and bartending." That wasn't a lie. Despite graduating from business school, you decided to pursue your passion in photography even if the pay couldn't cover your half of the rent. So, you decided to take a waitressing job at the bar just below your apartment, and then started bartending. Out of all the establishments you could've gone to, you chose this very bar because it was the most convenient option of all -- it was just below the apartment. Being a photographer and a part-time bartender weren't exactly the dream you had for yourself but you liked them; nothing gave you more pleasure than taking product photos for small businesses and making drinks for strangers who happen to stumble upon one of the best bars in the Upper West Side.
Peter sighed. "I'm never giving up on you. I'm not a quitter."
"Whatever you say, big guy." Peter had been at it for a few years.
"I hate you." Peter groaned.
"Aren't you the sweetest?"
Peter rolled his eyes and caught a quick glance at the wall clock. "Hey, your shift's almost over. Better hurry up."
"Right. Thanks, Parker." You began placing back the shot glasses on one of the cabinets then hurriedly walked into a small door on the back. You greeted your boss who was just doing some paperworks.
"Hey, Steve. I'm heading out."
"Right, right." Steve looked up from his laptop and removed his specs, placing them on the table.
You gave him a smile and turned to leave but before you could even close the door, Steve called you.
"Nick's not gonna be here tomorrow afternoon and I'm gonna be in Long Island for some family reunion. Would you mind checking all the deliveries for tomorrow?"
"Well, what about the others?"
"Ah, they're no good." Steve sighed. "I only trust you and Nick."
You raised an eyebrow. "Nick? Really?" You wouldn't trust Nick with anything -- not even with some dumb, silly secret.
Steve shrugged. "He's a good kid. He and I get along. So, do I get a yes?"
"Yeah, sure. I got nothing going on tomorrow."
"No photography thingy?"
You pursed your lips. "Not unless you want me to take photos for your family reunion."
"No way in hell am I gonna let you meet my family."
"Aw, you said you trust me."
He chuckled and leaned back on his office chair. "Go home, y/n."
You sent him a smile before heading back to the counter to meet Peter who was mindlessly scrolling on his phone. "Let's go, Parker."
You two walked up the steps towards your apartment building, shoulders bumping from time to time. You and Peter lived on the fifth floor. You would've gotten your own place but your parents cut you off since you refused to work for the family supermarket your family owned in Hoboken, New Jersey. The last time you spoke to your parents was almost three years ago, when you threw a huge tantrum like a damn baby at your graduation party. "There's nothing for me here in New Jersey! It's as boring as these two old couples next door. (No offense). I hated business school. I want to pursue photography whether you like it or not. I'm not staying in this hellhole forever."
"You walk out that door, you're out of here forever."
And out you went with only a couple of clothes and some leftover college money. The only sliver of hope you had was Peter.
"Hey, y/n?" Peter asked as soon as you got inside the elevator. "Hypothetically, if Nick asked you out on a date, would you say yes?"
You gave him a weird look after the elevator doors closed before you. "I don't know, man. Never dip the pen in company ink, right?" You fished for your apartment key on your purse. "How are you so sure he's gonna ask me out?"
"He flat out told me that's how." He replied. "Yesterday night. So, if he does ask you..."
"Why are you so invested in my dating life?"
"You have no dating life." He retorted.
Peter was one to talk. He also didn't have one.
"You know what I mean, idiot."
He shrugged. "Just curious."
The elevator doors opened and you both headed towards your apartment unit, with Peter still yapping about Nick this and Nick that. You groaned, getting ultimately tired of hearing Nick's name and the possibility of you and him dating. "Maybe you should date him, Parker."
"You date him."
You gave him a confused look. "Shut up, Parker."
"Wait, you know what? Don't date him. I don't like him for you. He's weird and -- "
"No, I mean it. Shut. Up." You hissed, stopping on your tracks and grabbing Peter by his arm. You were right outside your apartment unit. There was a small gap between the door and the door frame. It seemed like someone broke in..
"What do we do? What do we do?" Peter half-yelled, half-whispered.
"Have the cops on speed dial. If it really is a robbery, call them. Got it?"
"What if they have guns?"
"I'll tell them to shoot you first."
"Gee, thanks for looking after me. Appreciate it."
You smirked, your hands already on the door. Slowly, you pushed it away from your body, failing to make it as quiet as possible as the door creaked against the floorboards. You gently looked around the dark living room, seeing no sign of someone inside -- until your eyes caught something moving on the couch. Your eyes went wide. You went back in the hallway where Peter was standing with his phone in his hand, ready to press the call button.
"Well?" He was waiting for an answer.
"I think someone's crashing on our couch?" Even you looked confused.
"What? Are you sure?"
"Either that or a large animal just broke into our apartment. Come on, let's go see." You whispered, trying not to wake up the uninvited guest.
"I'm not going in there!"
"Fine, I'll wake the bastard up." You groaned. "Pussy."
"Dick." He snickered but zipped his mouth shut as soon as you sent him a glare.
Without a noise, you managed to get closer, using the light from your phone as a guide. On the couch was a huge blanket sprawled across and under that was the rhythmic sound of someone breathing. Your hand lightly trembled, reaching for the blanket to unveil whoever was under it; but before you could even touch a single thread, the person jumped out of the couch, and so did your heart. You let out a scream, falling backwards and hitting your head on one of the small tables beside the couch. The unknown person stood on the couch, and awfully joined your screams. The lights suddenly turned on, with Peter standing by the door.
"Oh my god!" You yelped as soon as you realized the man in front of you was naked. No clothes, no nothing, just bare skin against the cold breeze. Your hands immediately flew to your eyes. "Who the hell are you?" Your screamed at him.
He urged you to remove your hand from your eyes, telling you he was wrapping the blanket around his waist. Thankfully, he wasn't lying.
"Bucky?" Peter breathed, approaching the scene.
"This is Bucky?" You asked in disbelief.
Bucky smiled and jumped off the couch, offering his hand. "Hi, I'm Bucky."
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amidstsaltandsmoke · 3 years
prompt 142 👀
...anon, I promise I didn't forget about you! Life™ and writers block/doubt had me stuck for a while. Apologies that this was sent something like 5ish weeks ago? I originally had a whole other idea written for this one but didn't like it and scrapped it. Not sure how much I like this one but I hope that you do!! Someday I will learn how to write an actual drabble-sized drabble. Thank you for sending the prompt!💛 P.S. I changed the wording around a little bit, I hope you don't mind :) ________________________ Prompt: “Hold my hand so he gets jealous.” Dany was a master at these types of work events by now, but the past few weeks, especially, had been draining. That was typical for a start-up, when they were trying to garner as much outreach as possible. Traveling between two different states and another country and back in the span of 7 days was a whole other animal, however.
This affair was meant to be a little more informal, but the air was still stuffy with corporate suits slithering about. Her favorite colleague and come-to-be wonderful friend had been working with her to get the head honchos drunk the quickest, that way they would be less inclined to hover and more likely to forget the goings on entirely.
But it wasn’t any of that that had her so on edge. It was that Jon was acting particularly distant ever since they’d all arrived nearly three hours ago now, and he seemed to almost be evading her.
Jon Snow, the young visionary who co-founded the company alongside her, who developed the technology that was rapidly playing a vital role in detecting and detaining human traffickers. That was sexy all on its own, but tonight he was dressed in a crisp, slim black suit, his dark locks half pulled back behind his head, his short beard trimmed just a little more for the gala.
They'd spent many a late evening and early morning in the office and over video conference working out the kinks of their start-up, smoothing wrinkles and always doing their best to stay ahead of their goals, where seeing one another so groomed and freshened up it was almost jarring. Typically - especially by the end of their days when work ran over - they'd been too riddled with exhaustion to bother keeping up physical appearances. There were more important matters that needed tending. And plus, as magnificent as he looked now, when he was a little disheveled with his riotous curly hair strewn about his head, his black thick framed glasses, his button-down loosened at the collar...there was an odd sort of comfort she found with that, and in knowing he was comfortable enough in her presence to relax.
She devoted so much of her young life to this dream and to have found someone just as driven, reliable, and enthusiastic about it was beyond her hopes and dreams.
But it also came with some side effects.
Months of time spent together between just the two of them had, inadvertently, created a wild storm of feelings for him. She found herself thinking about him on her days off and in her time away from the office, of which she spent more there than home these days. Dinner was more frequently than not held in one of their offices, depending on how they were feeling by the end of a strenuous day - his was always cooler with the air conditioning turned so low she oftentimes wondered how he didn't get hypothermia sitting in there.
On the other hand, she cranked up the heat in hers, and she received mirroring grumbles from Jon, how his northern skin would simply melt and she'd be left scooping him up off the floor.
To her advantage, however, that meant loosened layers of clothing, sometimes less of it if she were lucky. The same went to his benefit, too; he thought she didn't notice his wandering eyes, but of course she did. Just as she felt she was smooth enough to get a study on his stacked arms when he would remote even his button-down and left himself in a snug white or black plain t-shirt. That occurrence only happened once; she possibly hadn't been as discreet about her ogling as her mind had told her. Not when the cotton fiber was stretched so perfectly over his broad, muscular chest and fit his biceps like a rubber glove.
Sometimes, in the last hour of the day when they were already working well over their regular time, they would give themselves a break and kick back. They dove into topics ranging from favorite movies to deeper subjects like their most fucked up childhood memory. It turned out they had quite a lot in common, which fed into her ever-growing "things I adore about Jon Snow" bank that she stored away in her mind.
The trouble was, workplace romance was simply not allowed. At least, not within the same departments, and it still required paperwork to be filled out with an assortment of terms and agreements to abide to. Considering they were co founders together, that made things trickier.
Neither of them spoke any of this into the atmosphere, but it was palpable, and it got more torturous as time went on. Jon was the stronger one out of the two of them, and she knew he would never act on anything if it meant she could get let go or demoted. Their CEO could be a little bit of a hardass when it came down to company policies, but Dany was convinced they could find a way to make things work.
That included doing so behind everyone's backs. In all of the time they spent together without other company, Dany could count on one hand how many times there was ever anybody else in the building besides them when they were pulling extra hours. They could easily keep their hands to themselves during the day around their colleagues. At least, she thought so. It would at least make for a very exciting night cap to the day once they were able to be alone.
Missandei and Oberyn were the only two people she could trust to confide in, and to also keep it between just the three of them. Thus far, they did nothing but root for her luck to change, that maybe one of them would just bite the bullet and finally hook up. She was quite tired of skirting around it when she was with Jon, and the tension that thickened between them was going to reach a breaking point.
If she didn’t do something soon, if not just to confirm that he had it as bad as she did, she would wind up doing something impulsive, like pouncing on him one of these days when nobody was around. Or, possibly, when they had an audience.
Dany turned around and scanned the room until she latched onto him, where he was shaking hands and chatting up other people. He was not the tallest man in the world, but his presence was demanding, despite his humbleness. Every now and again, even in conversation, he would look up and around as if seeking something or someone. A little foolishly, she hoped it was her, though even in heels she was below average height compared to most everyone else in the room and would be a little difficult to locate.
"Go get that ass, girl," Oberyn growled into her ear, whacking her bum with the back of his hand, to which she promptly slugged his arm.
"Ouch!" He hissed, rubbing at the offended area. His smugness returned soon after, lips ticking up at the corners. "You'd better save that strength, you will need it later!"
He was darting off into the crowd with a chortle before she could scold him, and it took all of her professional mind to not flip off his retreating back.
“So...how are you going to seduce the elusive Jon Snow?” Missi inquired with a sassy eyebrow raised, her nearly-empty drink clutched in her hand.
Dany sighed, trying to not be too obvious as she observed him flitting from person to person. “I’m starting to think I’d imagined the entire thing,” she muttered with some frustration.
Missi pouted. “I don’t know about that. Not only are there a lot of snitches here that are probably keeping him at arms’ length, but have you not noticed Jon only goes to these things if you’re here?”
Dany frowned, finally tearing her eyes away from Jon to gape at her friend. “What? No, he’s gone to plenty without me, I’m sure of it…”
But was she? In hindsight, now that she really thought about it, there was never a social work event that Jon ever reported to her when she couldn’t make it. She could recall a handful where she went for the both of them, because he would much rather stay lat to play catch-up than mingle with large groups of people, and whenever there was news or gossip, he was the first person she’d save it for.
“You need to make him show you that he wants you just as bad as you want him. I’m sure he has the same fantasies-”
“Missi,” Dany drawled, tilting her head back and scrunching up her face. Yes, she and Missi may have shared almost daily secret huddles in the office, most of which entailed Dany agonizing over Jon Snow haunting her dreams on a regular basis. Rather than his hands rolling up his sleeves because the air was stifling, it was him doing so and crawling over her. Instead of him crouching down near her feet to pick up the pen he’d just dropped, it was him lowering himself to lift up the hem of her skirt and situate his face between her thighs. Sometimes it was sweeter than that: his hands sweeping wisps of hair away from her face when she gave up on it at the end of the day, or he would say “fuck it” to a prticularly agitating project and would gather her up and they would hold eah other on his office couch.
Reality was reflective of the sweetness of her wandering thoughts, just much less physical. They always texted each other when they each got home safely. By now, they’d each memorized their favorite go-to take-out preferences for various restaurants. If someone was having a rougher-than-usual day, one would send the other home and stay longer to cover them (if they were both having an equally terrible day, it came down to a couple rounds of rock-paper-scissors).
All things friends would do for one another, sure, except for the unbearable pull between them that was almost a physical thing.
In recent weeks, they began texting each other regularly, and most of it did not pertain to work, unless they were poking fun at it. A handful of times, Jon snapped photos of something of interest of Dany’s, and his message screamed “this made me think of you” without the actual words. It was the subtext. Usually something along the lines of, “didn’t you mention you were looking for this for about a million years?” in regards to a really cute coffee bar that had been sold out in her favorite color, a lemon yellow, that Jon had managed to find. And reserved for her special so nobody would snatch it up.
Or the multiple times he would share photos of his beautiful snow-white dog, Ghost, in various odd positions, or making strange faces, and adding something like: “a nightcap to your shitty day?”
And Dany loved to return the favor, though it was no competition. She just genuinely adored making him smile. Sometimes it was taking the piss out of him when he was extra grumpy, which immediately put him in a lighter mood. It was also bringing in an obnoxious box of coffee to share between them during the early dawn hours when nobody should be congregating for work-related endeavors at such an ungodly time. Just last week, he had been fidgeting more than usual and was noticeably distracted. When she had inquired what the issue was, he mentioned that Ghost was probably crossing his legs at that point since Jon was running late. As Dany had another errand to run before stopping home, she’d offered to let him out since Jon had a late conference that evening, and he had been all-too-happy in handing her over his keys.
The snort from Missi that invaded Dany’s thoughts had her turning her head toward her friend, who looked doubtful. “Probably every sane person in this room has had a fantasy about you. Jon is at the very top of that list."
Dany grimaced. "Please don't say things like that when I have to look all these people in the eye tonight.”
She weighed Missi’s words, but nothing came to mind right away. Jon appeared too distracted to notice anything she did anyway, and she also didn’t want to come off as desperate, especially if it might raise suspicions amongst others in the ballroom.
Then an idea struck her when she spotted Oberyn once more. Their marketing sleuth, and someone she had grown fond of because of his warm demeanor toward everyone he met. He was the friends-with-everyone type, and he was flagging her down as if he’d read her mind, so she excused herself and weaved through the crowd until she reached him.
Oberyn pecked each of her cheeks, even though he’d just seen her a little while ago, then held her out by her arms and gave her a slow once-over as if he’d only been seeing her for the first time that night. With anyone else, she would have balked, but she knew him well enough to understand it was a platonic gesture. Once his eyes reached hers again, his dark brow lifted to his hairline. “How has the white wolf kept his paws off of you this long?”
Dany scowled, flicking his shoulder. “I’ve been trying to figure that out myself for the past several months.”
“Well, what’s the hold-up?”
Sighing, Dany made a secret peek behind Oberyn where Jon was moving closer. Briefly did their eyes lock, and she turned back to Oberyn. “Hold my hand,” she said, extending her own for his.
“Why? So he gets jealous?” Oberyn drawled, snatching up her hand and taking it a step further by pressing a kiss to the top of it.
“Maybe,” she replied, straightening her spine by her boldness.
They conversed for some time, getting cozy and giggling away and eventually were joined by some of their other colleagues. When someone made a point to question why they were holding hands, Oberyn was quick on his feet in explaining that there were no rules to dating across different departments, only if two people worked in the same one. But it soured her stomach.
After she and Oberyn stayed that way for a short time, chatting about things she could barely bring herself to care much about as Jon edged past them, her shoulders slumped as she twisted about to watch him make a beeline for the bar.
“Daenerys,” Oberyn called to her sympathetically, “go to him. You’re not going to get anywhere if you keep up this silly game,” he explained and wiggled their conjoined hands, gently returning hers to her.
She swallowed and nodded, feeling childish that she even considered making such a move. Most of the guests were out on the dance floor, so it was easier to maneuver around to get to the bar where Jon had just collected his drink. Her nerves were wrecked, and this time it was the uncertainty of what reaction she may get, despite her earlier confidence.
As he was turning around, she observed him downing a quick shot before he realized she was there. He returned the glass to the counter and gave her his full attention. “Hey,” he rasped, his throat likely still burning from the liquor.
The pessimistic thoughts ate at her once more. “Hey. I didn’t think you’d show up tonight.” She tried for casual conversation, though it sounded forced even to her own ears.
Shrugging, he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his trousers. “Figured I ought to make an appearance. You look nice, by the way.”
The tight smile he produced felt uncharacteristically forced, almost nervous. She shifted on her heeled feet, her mouth suddenly parched, her words half choked out. “Thanks. So do you,” she drew in a silent breath, and decided she couldn’t take it anymore. “Are you alright?”
“Aye, just...tired,” he landed on, but she wasn’t convinced. Before she could dig a little deeper, his attention fell on something behind her. She followed his gaze and caught Oberyn heading their way. She wasn’t sure what to make of his determined expression, but something about it made her a little queasy.
“I should probably go before your boyfriend gets upset,” Jon murmured just loud enough for her to hear; he didn’t give her a chance to catch him before she realized what he’d said and disappeared on her.
Oberyn stopped just short of Dany. “What was that all about? It looked like you needed rescuing.”
Pressing her eyes closed, Dany silently cursed herself. “I’m an idiot, that’s what happened. I’ll catch you later,” she cut him an apologetic glance and squeezed his arm before trailing in the direction of where Jon slunk off to.
The damned ballroom and her petite height made it hard to see above anyone, but luckily she was able to locate him by asking around if anyone had seen him. When she was notified he had mentioned he wasn’t feeling well and wanted to take off without any commotion, her heart sank. She was a damn fool, and now she was half running in six-inch heels, the skirt of her dress hiked up so she wouldn’t land herself a concussion, hoping beyond hope he hadn’t reached the parking lot yet.
She almost passed him up when she barged her way outside, frantically searching over the lot, breathless, to spot his car. A movement to her left made her jump, her hand flying to her chest until Jon stepped beneath the dim patio light and let her breathe again.
"Bloody hells," she exhaled, observing him as he put out his cigarette with his shoe and tossed the butt into the trash.
"Sorry," he chuckled, once more sheltering his hands inside his pockets as he turned his shadowed eyes on her.
"I didn't know you smoked," she mused, still trying to calm her heart.
Jon ducked his head, and she thought she caught a smirk on him, but it was too dark to tell. "Only sometimes. What are you doing out here, anyway?"
So much for giving her heart time to settle - now it kickstarted tenfold. There was no way to be honest without the whole truth. She supposed now was as good a time as any, best as they didn't have an audience. "I was hoping to catch you before you'd left," she paused, his gaze lifting and resting hard on her. So intense that she averted hers to her feet while she sounded her admission. "Oberyn isn't my boyfriend."
After a moment of silence, she sought his reaction. He lifted a shoulder "It's not my business, Dany."
"No. It is, because…," she took a half step closer, then squeezed her eyes shut. It sounded so childish to even say it. "I'd asked him to do me a favor so that it might make you jealous."
It came out so quickly she didn't think he understood half the words. But he was frowning when she braved opening her eyes again. "And why would you want to do that, Dany?"
His voice fell an octave lower, practically purring, and it left her momentarily stunned in place even as he began to close in on her. The use of her nickname in such a manner was leaving her in a delirious state. By the time he stopped, just a hair’s breadth short of their toes touching, she was having to tilt her head up to see him. Even despite the added height of her shoes. Somehow, her voice didn't quiver with the hopeful anticipation that was setting her nerves alight.
With whatever scrap of courage she had left, she voiced it into the world. "Because I really, really, really like you, and it's been torture trying to piece together whether the feeling is mutual, or if it's a figment of my imagination."
His frown returned, deeper than before, his eyes darting between each of hers. "How could you ever think it's one-sided?" He asked gruffly, and a knot firmly wrapped around her throat. Maybe that was a good thing, to prevent her from saying anything that would break the spell. “You occupy my mind ninety percent of the time,” he said, “the other ten is me trying to figure out how to stop thinking about you for five bloody minutes so I can get work done without being distracted.”
She huffed out a breath of relief, finally allowing herself to smile. It was good that it was night time so the red sweeping over her cheeks was well hidden. Still, she ducked her head to give herself a moment to dwell on his confession. His finger gently encouraged her to come back to him though, and suddenly the air between them was thin, his breath puffing against her lips.
A raucous shriek just a little way over inside the building made them both jump apart, a group of intoxicated people bowling their way through the double doors and out onto the patio. One of them slurred their apology as they stumbled out into the parking lot, exclaiming about how they couldn’t wait to get their hands on a fat greasy burger and then throw it up later. There couldn’t have possibly been anything much better at ruining the mood than that.
Jon huffed when he looked at her, rubbing at his forehead. No doubt his heart was beating just as violently against his chest as hers was. Without a word, he snatched up Dany’s hand and tugged her into the grassy area, hidden behind the solid wall of the venue. After double checking over his shoulder, he pressed himself against the rough brick wall and pulled her flat against him while she gasped, gently sweeping away small wisps of hair that got in his way.
His hand cradling her jaw, he finally, finally, dipped his head until his lips were brushing over hers. Her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head, overstimulated by months of need for him, her hand fisting his shirt whilst the other curled around the back of his neck. His hands cuffed her waist and kept her close, the tips of his fingers digging into the fleshy bits of her hips when she nudged open his mouth to slip her tongue into the hot confines of his.
The low groan he elicited forced one of her own from her throat, and then everything was escalating at a dizzying pace; their hands were roaming everywhere they could reach, exchanging nips and licks and everything inbetween until they were forced apart for air. Where she had wedged her thigh between his, she could feel the hard evidence of his arousal, and if it weren’t for the consequences she would have her way with him in the dirt and the grass. Thorn bushes be damned.
“We should probably take this somewhere else,” he whispered, winded, and she was happy that he wasn’t about to suggest they stop altogether.
She nodded before the last word was out. “Okay. What did you have in mind?”
Jon considered their surroundings carefully, then grabbed her hand.
Their seatbelts were thrown off so hard, Dany was surprised they hadn’t accidentally shattered Jon’s car windows with the force. They’d snuck off into the parking lot and after a heady makeout session, Jon decided they ought to find somewhere a little more private, settling on a nearby park where the only source of light was several yards away.
The second he cut the engine they crashed together, pawing at one another until he dragged her over onto his lap. His hands molded to her ass, but the material of her dress made him growl with frustration that it didn’t allow him the access he desired, so he slid them beneath and his head smacked back against his headrest when he discovered she’d foregone panties with a groan between his teeth.
Dany moaned as his fingers kneaded her bare flesh, and she took advantage of the new exposure of skin down the column of his neck, trailing open-mouthed kisses and tiny bites where the collar of his dress shirts could mask.
Jon shifted his legs and bumped into the steering wheel with a crack. “Ouch, fuck,” he grumbled, and she realized their current position wasn’t very practical if they wanted things to go any further.
“Are you okay?” Dany asked against his clammy skin, reaching behind her to smooth her hand over the offended kneecap.
“More than,” he replied, curling his fingers around to her inner, upper thighs and making her tremble. He was so close to her cunt that she could feel his heat against it, and her forehead fell against his chest, her hips rocking to seek the friction she so desperately needed. But he never gave her it; in fact, he seemed keen on doing just the opposite, skimming his fingers just at the juncture, trailing them down the length of her thighs, squeezing her ass on the way up each time.
Even when she was left a writhing mess and kissed him savagely, popped open the first couple of buttons so she could get more of him, he still refused to touch her there.
For now.
Jon pulled at her bottom lip, his voice a low, husky whisper. “We’ll have more room in the back seat.”
“What are your intentions, Jon Snow?” She inquired with feigned innocence.
With a light smack to her bum, he chewed on his bottom lip. “Get back there and I’ll show you.”
It took some finagling, but soon enough they were in the more spacious back seats, and she quickly unstrapped her heels. Jon’s shoes were next, and then he was helping her out of her dress, carefully rolling it upward until it was off of her, leaving her completely exposed for his viewing. His arms froze in the air, her dress still clutched in his hands as he took her in. The light didn’t illuminate much, but it was enough to see one another clearly.
Since he was so enlightened by her breasts, she giggled and rose onto her knees, taking her dress and letting it drop to the floor whilst she assisted him in removing his suit jacket. Once that was shed, he instantly filled his palms with her breasts, his thumbs sweeping over her pebbled nipples. He was lucky she had enough strength to not buckle under his touch, her teeth capturing her bottom lip in a hasty endeavor to rid him entirely of his clothing so she could return the favor.
Then she stilled, a thought occurring to her. “Are you sure you want to do this in your car? It might get messy…,” she noted as he briefly ceased his fondling to work on shedding his pants, his dark eyes gleaming in the light.
Once he made quick work of them, his jacket was next in the pile they haphazardly tossed up front. “It’ll give me something to think about on my commute,” he rasped, and it took her a beat to understand what he meant, unable to bite back a grin. By now her cunt ached for him and they’d only just started getting things moving.
Her hands slid over his shoulders, taking his shirt with it, the play of dim light and shadows over his sculpted body making her mouth go dry and her tongue thick and heavy in her mouth. Jon shifted up higher to free his arms, her fingers skimming down his chest and over the ebbs of his abdomen, eyes falling to where his cock was straining and hard in the cotton of his boxer briefs. Without anymore delay, Dany slipped her hand beneath the waistband and curled her fingers around the rigid, hot skin, twisting lightly until he was sucking sharp breaths of air through his teeth.
In a flash, he shucked off his boxer briefs and hooked an arm around her waist, ravaging her mouth. As he pressed tighter against her, his thick length nestled between her thighs, sliding along her cunt and forcing her mouth to pop open with a heady moan.
"You're soaked," Jon whispered harshly, his other hand clutched her ass cheek to keep her stationary, his breaths short puffs over her face as he slowly teased the both of them with long, slow strokes of his cock until he was thoroughly coated with her, their clammy foreheads thumping together.
Dany gripped his lats with her hands, trying to be mindful that she didn't score his skin with her nails, but barely had half a mind to care. She rolled her hips with him, her entire body quivering when he dragged his cock over her clit. The sounds erupting from her seemed to drive him mad as he echoed her.
She chanced a glimpse down between the narrow gap between them each time he pulled away, her peak so near the edge already that the sight of his wet, shiny cock disappearing between her thighs had her nearly coming just there. "I need you, Jon," she whimpered, grateful that he was as desperate as she felt. Any other time she would gladly drag it on, but she'd waited long enough to have this with him, and she was far too impatient to wait a second longer.
Carefully, she was lowered onto her back. They shared a few soft chuckles as they tried to figure out the most comfortable position for the both of them. Finally, she settled one leg off and planted the tips of her toes on the floor, the other tossed over his shoulder, while he knelt one knee on the seat and held himself up with the other on the floor.
He allowed himself some time to take her in all sprawled out for him, dragging the soft pads of his fingers down the length of her body just as she did his earlier. His hands stopped to gently massage her breasts, which were beginning to heave with anticipation, and he traced every curve of her body.
Dany swallowed, cuffing her hands around his biceps as he lowered himself to kiss her softly. Lips locked together, he nudged hers open, drawing in her upper lip and suckling on it, one hand braced near her head whilst the other made her squirm as it explored her hips, her inner thighs, until he have her exactly what she was near begging for. He barely glanced over her juices and she was moaning so loudly she was glad they'd gone somewhere more private.
Jon sucked over the soft skin just below her jaw and circled her clit with the flat of his fingers, her legs about as strong as jelly, head pressing into the seat and back arching into his touch. Jon growled at how reactive she was, his lips and tongue leaving a tinging trail down to her chest, not stopping until he pulled a nipple into his mouth and made her a wiggling mess beneath him.
His fingers added a little more pressure, gathering more of her up and ticking up his pace. Dany's mouth was dry from how harshly her lungs were begging for air, stomach sucked in and muscles going taut with the stimulation.
When he plunged a finger into her heat, she gasped sharply, and he paused all movement. "You alright?" He asked sweetly, pecking the corner of her mouth.
Dany nodded frantically, lifting her hips to get him to move again. "I'm...I'm not gonna last much longer," she practically squeaked.
A devilish smirk took over his face. "I'd better get to work then," he declared, then made her pout as he lifted to his knees and stretched himself between the front seats, searching.
It didn't take long for it to click. "I'm on birth control," she told him, and she snorted at his visible relief.
He resumed his position and his head rolled back. "Thank the gods. Pretty sure they don't equip new cars with condoms and mine are all at the house."
Dany giggled and grabbed for him, wanting him closer. "Wait, this is a new car?" Now that she actually thought about it, it did have that lingering 'new car smell', but she'd been so preoccupied with his distinct scent and getting him naked that she didn't notice at first.
"Aye," he responded, nipping her neck, "everyone says cars are the worst investment, but…,” he laved his tongue over one of her nipples and made her groan, “I beg to differ."
Dany smiled with a hum and smoothed her foot over his leg, too pleased and distracted by his attentions to think of a witty retort. Instead, she responded by canting her hips and grinding over his cock, his forehead dropping between her breasts, his curly head lifting to see her out. He took himself in hand and pumped a few times before lining up, and drove home in one slide, making stars burst between her eyes and a cry out into the night air.
Jon’s face distorted with a muffled grunt, giving them both time to adjust. He blew out a few long breaths, but she was too needy and languidly rolled her hips, stretching her arms as far down as she could and filling each hand with his marble-soft cheeks, gently encouraging him to move. She was out of her mind delirious as he set a pace that had them each panting and sweating, the mechanics of his ass under the grip of her hands and the slight burn of his cock pumping from root to tip and filling her entirely.
His responding, wolfish grunt and groans spurred her on, and she could tell he was trying to be gallant and hold back, but by the way his muscles were tensed and his movements became erratic, plus the twisting of his beautiful face, he was ready to let go and she was ready to fall with him.
Dany tilted her hips so that he was grinding over her clit, which sent her in a restless frenzy below him, whimpering and moaning and squirming with the build. "Fuck," he breathed, eyes fixed on hers, his teeth clenching and jaw muscle flexing. Dany lifted her hand above her head and braced it against the door, the other carding through his hair. She gave a soft tug to his damp locks which he seemed to enjoy, if the way his hips were snapping against her was any indication.
“Jon…,” Dany warned, he throat constricting against any more words she thought to utter, but it was enough for him to understand, the corded lines of muscle prevalent in his arms as he steadied himself and ground into her, and she broke in fragmented gasps and pleas of his name, a second wave overwhelming her already tender body as he leapt right after her.
His head fell against her shoulder with throaty grunts and groans, thrusting and then stilling as he spent inside of her. It was music to her ears. Her arms weakly found him, securing themselves over his back and easing his tired body down onto hers. He went without protest, carrying the brunt of his weight on one knee so he didn’t entirely crush her,
Part of her foggy mind wished they'd waited the extra ten minutes and taken this back to one of their houses so they could sleep right then, but the other parts of it were too thrilled by the idea of just going for it. "How am I to get through the work day without wanting to lock you up in my office?” Dany mumbled against his shoulder, pressing a kiss thereafter.
A groggy huff left him, the warmth of his breath tickling up her neck. After a moment and finally evening his breaths, he lifted his head, several damp strands of springy black curls falling over his face. “I know of a few less populated conference rooms with far less windows that we could sneak off to,” he smirked, her hands lifting to smooth away some of his hair so she could get a better look at him. Then, his expression morphed into one of mock sternness. “To go over our presentations without interruptions, I mean.”
With one brow arched and a sleepy giggle, she asked, “and how long have you been dreaming of using said rooms for these particular “work” activities?”
Jon sucked air through his teeth. “Longer than I’d ever admit,” he confessed.
“Sounds like I ought to report you for indecent thoughts,” Dany muttered, her head rising to kiss him softly.
He sighed against her and thumbed away some hairs at her temple, speaking against her lips when he needed air. “S’pose we ought to get out of here before someone finds us and we get reported for public indecency.”
Dany nodded, a tiny motion, pecking his still-swollen lips. “Okay,” she whispered. He pulled out of her with a wince and when he sat up, she bit her lip, getting a fuller view of him. Or, as much as she could in the slightly cramped backseat of his car. He was too much to resist, and she was quickly snatching his shirt out of his hands before he could pull it on over his head. “Wait,” she said, straddling his lap and easing his frown as his hands slid up her ribs. She braced her hands on his shoulders, smiling devilishly while his pupils grew dark and fat with want. “Let’s do it again.”
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chicgeekgirl89 · 3 years
The Fifteen Minutes After
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: Carlos Reyes, T.K. Strand
Summary: "It felt like a challenge. And the answer was no. Carlos absolutely could not handle whatever was going on right now, hence why they were about to walk into his home and do whatever it was you did with a one night stand you picked up at the bar."
A/N: "Yes, I recall the fifteen minutes after we met." Since we didn't get to see any of those fifteen minutes I have filled in the blanks. Episode tag for 1.01. Huge shoutout to @bluenet13 who basically deserves a co-writer credit at this point because I literally can’t post without her.
Read it on AO3
Captain Strand’s son was…not a good dancer. Carlos had to bite his lip to keep from laughing as he watched the other man attempt to shimmy and follow along with the steps. It was adorable. Incredibly, wonderfully adorable. And no matter how bad his hip shaking was, Carlos still found him incredibly attractive.
Also, he should probably introduce himself so he could stop referring to him as ‘Captain Strand’s Son’. “I’m Carlos, by the way,” he said as they turned to the left and then to the right.
“T.K.,” he said, flashing him a ridiculously cute smile.
T.K.? Well that was different. Carlos would have pegged him as more of a Ryan or a Chris, but T.K…he liked it. He liked him a lot. 
“Does that stand for something?” he asked, kicking out his feet in time with the music.
“Yep.” T.K. gave him another sassy smile that said he would probably have to work to get the answer. 
The dancers turned to face the back wall and Carlos turned with them. When he turned back he found T.K. checking out his ass. His eyes slid up to meet Carlos’ and he didn’t look in the least bit sorry to have been caught. “Like what you see?” Carlos asked, flashing a smile of his own.
Like what you see? Who the hell was he tonight? Carlos was a confident guy, but he wasn’t usually so cocky with people he’d just met. His mother had raised him with manners. All of which had apparently gone out the window the second he got an eyeful of T.K. Strand.
“Not bad,” T.K. said, his eyes full of laughter and…a little bit of desire? Maybe? Was Carlos reading that right? God, he’d been out of the dating game too long, he couldn’t even tell anymore.
“Not bad?” he repeated.
“You heard me,” T.K. said with a smirk. 
Carlos felt himself growing tongue tied. Yet another thing that didn’t typically happen. He was a controlled guy. Confident. Not falling all over himself over a guy he’d known for all of five minutes. What the hell was wrong with him?
“It’s just kind of hard to tell,” T.K. said leaning close to him, “with your jeans on.”
If Carlos had been sipping a drink he would have choked. As it was he missed a step and nearly stumbled into the woman next to him. “Sorry,” he apologized as the song ended and the crowd shifted around him.
By the time he looked up again T.K. had moved back to the bar, but his eyes were still on Carlos, who found himself walking toward him as if pulled by a magnet, butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He absolutely had not come here tonight looking for a hookup. He’d just come to hang out with Michelle. He hadn’t even thought about the hot firefighter from the call earlier. And he definitely hadn’t been hoping he would see him again sometime.
He was halfway back to T.K. when his path was blocked by Michelle. “Hey you need a drink?”
“Uh, no, I’m good,” Carlos said, looking past her to where T.K. leaned against the bar top, a smirk all over his face, clearly having clocked the situation. 
Michelle peered at him closely. “You okay? You look a little flushed.”
“What?” Carlos snapped his eyes back to her. “Yeah, yes, I’m fine. It’s just hot in here.”
His eyes found the bar again, but T.K. had disappeared and Carlos felt something akin to panic as he scanned the room trying to find him. Which was ridiculous. Because they didn’t even know each other. At all. 
“You sure you’re okay? You’re acting strange,” Michelle said skeptically.
“I—yes.” Carlos caught a glimpse of T.K. headed out the front door. “I’ll be right back.”
Michelle called something after him but Carlos was already gone, pushing through the crowd to the front of the Honky Tonk. 
The night air was cool against his burning cheeks as he searched the parking lot for T.K. “Well fancy meeting you out here,” said a voice to his left and Carlos pivoted to find T.K. sitting on top of the low porch railing that ran along the front of the building, half hidden in the shadows.
“Are you leaving?” Carlos asked, trying to keep his tone casual even as desperation filled him. He didn’t want this man to go. For a thousand reasons he couldn’t even explain.
“No, I was waiting for you,” T.K. said, taking a step forward. 
Carlos’ breath left him in a rush and before he could even think he was moving, crashing into T.K., lips seeking, hands fumbling.
It was intense. T.K. tasted like spice and mint and a little bit of smoke. And Carlos wanted more. So, so much more. He was used to being the one in control, but T.K. met and matched his every move, parting his lips, hands sliding under his shirt, bodies bumping up against each other.
Carlos moved to T.K.’s neck and smiled when the other man let out a groan, his fingers fisting in the fabric of Carlos’ shirt. His hips bucked against Carlos’ and Carlos made an appreciative noise of his own. 
His heart was pounding so hard in his chest it was almost painful but he couldn’t stop, didn’t want to stop. He just wanted more and more and more.
It wasn’t until he felt T.K.’s fingers on his belt buckle that a tiny sliver of reason managed to worm its way through the screaming haze of his libido. He pulled back just a little bit, his breathing so ragged it was like he’d just run a marathon. He felt almost dizzy with want and lust. “Wait, just, hold on,” he rasped.
T.K. made a noise that almost sounded like a whine, but he allowed Carlos to take a half step back. “We can’t—I’m a police officer, I can’t hookup with you out here like this.”
“Are you sure?” T.K. asked, lips finding Carlos’ earlobe and Carlos felt his resolve weaken so much his knees almost gave out.
“I—yeah. I mean your entire crew is inside.” Another thought struck him and his eyes grew wide. “Your dad is inside.”
“Maybe we should get out of here then,” T.K. said, his voice low and full of sex.
Yes, yes, that was a thing you could do, right? They didn’t have to stay here, they could go somewhere else. “My place or yours?” Carlos asked.
“Yours,” T.K. said immediately. He seemed to realize he’d spoken too quickly and looked a little bashful. “I uh, I currently live with my dad.”
Well that was fucking adorable. How could this man be so cute and so sexy at the same time? It didn’t seem possible.
“No shame in that,” Carlos said. “I lived with my parents until I graduated from the police academy.”
How had they gone from pawing at each other to such easy and practical conversation? Carlos felt like his head was spinning. T.K. smiled and adjusted his shirt so he looked slightly less rumpled. “Just uh, just give me a minute?”
“Yeah, sure, of course, take your time,” Carlos said immediately.
T.K. looked him up and down and let out a breath, pointing a finger at him. “Don’t go anywhere.”
He disappeared inside and Carlos took a second to try and unscramble his thoughts. He pulled out his phone and texted Michelle. Heading home. Headache.
Seconds later a text came back. Really? Okay. Feel better.
Of course she wouldn’t be suspicious. Because Carlos never took guys home. Ever. It was a rule. A big rule. Not something that he did. Until tonight. Apparently tonight he did. Oh god, what was he doing?
He was about three seconds away from hopping into the Camaro and driving away as fast and as far as he could when T.K. reappeared, all smiles, his hair still mussed from Carlos’ fingers just minutes before. “You good?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Carlos said. “Yeah let’s go.”
If Carlos had been worried about the twenty minute drive home and whether it would be awkward or a mood killer, he didn’t need to be. T.K. was charming and easy to talk to. He kept the conversation flowing so easily that Carlos felt like he’d known him for years rather than minutes.
“So you have any weird roommates I need to know about or anything?” T.K. asked as Carlos turned onto his street.
“No,” Carlos said. “No roommates. I live by myself.”
“Interesting. Are you sure I’m not a serial killer or something? Isn’t it a little dangerous for you to take me home like this?”
Carlos chuckled. “I’m a cop T.K.”
“Oh, so you think you can handle me?”
It felt like a challenge. And the answer was no. Carlos absolutely could not handle whatever was going on right now, hence why they were about to walk into his home and do whatever it was you did with a one night stand you picked up at the bar.
Carlos glanced over and looked him up and down. “I guess you’ll have to wait and find out.”
The butterflies were back as they walked through the front door. He was completely out of his depth and trying hard as hell not to let it show. He tried to remember everything Adriana and Francesca had told him in vivid, explicit detail about their own one night stands, but everything seemed to have left his brain except for T.K.
“Can I get you anything?” he asked as he turned to lock the front door. “Water or—”
Before he could finish, T.K. was on him, lips against his, hands in his hair, hard and hot and intense. And for all his nerves, now that the moment was here, Carlos didn’t hesitate, grabbing T.K.’s ass and pulling his hips into his own. It felt like his whole body was on fire. Appropriate since the man he was currently making out with was a firefighter.
It seemed like T.K.’s hands were touching him everywhere at once, tangling in his hair, gripping his waist, sliding across the planes of his chest and stomach, and Carlos couldn’t get enough of the way his fingers moved so tenderly across his skin. 
Carlos’ own fingers were making quick work of the buttons on T.K.’s shirt. “Is this okay?” he managed to ask.
T.K. nodded, letting his head fall back against the wall, eyes closed, breathless as Carlos pressed a kiss to his chest for each button he undid. He was holding back a little bit, trying to gauge T.K.; what he liked, what he didn’t, although, so far, it seemed like T.K. pretty much liked everything. “My bedroom’s upstairs,” he mumbled against T.K.’s skin. 
“Okay,” T.K. said, but he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to get there, grabbing Carlos’ face and lifting him so their mouths met once more.
His hands moved to Carlos’ belt and this time Carlos didn’t protest as T.K. undid the buckle and then moved onto Carlos’ jeans. He paused briefly, eyes meeting Carlos’. “Yeah?” he asked, searching for consent.
“Yeah,” Carlos replied and T.K. wasted no time undoing the button and the zipper, pushing his jeans down until they hung low on his hips.
Carlos wasn’t sure how they made it up the stairs without dying, both of them half undressed, falling all over each other. When they finally reached his bedroom he felt desire burn down his spine so hot and fast he could hardly stand it. He steered T.K. toward the bed by his hips and gently pushed him down. “Oh so that’s how it is?” T.K. asked with a laugh as Carlos pulled his shirt off.
“Yeah, that’s how it is,” Carlos said as he climbed onto the bed. “Do you think you can handle it?”
“I guess we’ll find out,” T.K. said with a grin.
Time seemed to slip away and before he knew it, it was the early hours of the morning. T.K. was up and pulling on his clothes. “You can stay, you know,” Carlos said, shifting in the bed. “If you want. It’s late.”
“You don’t do this a lot do you?” T.K. asked with a smile.
Carlos barked out a laugh. “Not really.”
Never would be more accurate, but T.K. didn’t need to know that.
“I gotta say I’m surprised. A guy like you,” T.K. let his eyes wander appreciatively over Carlos’ body, “I can’t believe everybody in that bar wasn’t trying to take you home.”
Warmth flooded through him. Was this bliss? It wasn’t love. For sure. You couldn’t fall in love after one heated make-out session and a couple hours of mind-blowingly good sex, right?
“I already called an Uber,” T.K. said. He sat down on the edge of the bed. “This was fun though. We should do it again sometime. Give me your phone, I’ll put in my number.”
Carlos reached for his nightstand but came up empty handed. “I think my phone’s in my pants downstairs.”
T.K. grinned, clearly remembering exactly how those pants had come off. “Do you have a pen?”
Carlos managed to find one and T.K. took it, then reached for Carlos’ hand, carefully writing down his cell number. “Don’t lose it,” he said with a smile.
Carlos would have it tattooed onto his skin if necessary. 
T.K.’s phone buzzed and he looked down. “That’s my ride. No don’t get up,” he said when Carlos began to rise. “I’ll lock the door behind me.”
He leaned over and pressed one more burning kiss to Carlos’ lips. He turned when he got to the doorway, biting his lip and eyeing Carlos critically. “Very nice.”
“What?” Carlos asked in amused confusion, pushing himself up onto his elbows.
“Your ass. Now that I’ve seen it, I can say for sure, it’s very nice.”
T.K. grinned at him and then vanished down the stairs. Carlos snorted and shook his head. He wasn’t sure what the hell had just happened, but whatever it was, he’d liked it. A lot. And he really hoped they would do it again.
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