#mylo x GN reader
claggorstuff · 4 months
Ok, Could you do claggor x fem/gn!reader that's autistic and when she's feeling overwhelmed or has had a bad day she just want to go non-verbal and have have him basically lay on her, kinda like a weighted blanket? Thank you sm!! :]
Indeedy doodle i can !!
Claggor x autistic reader
Gn fic, fluff, all that sugar and spice and everything nice
I walked into the last drop after a long day, gently holding my hands over my ears to muffle the noise of the bar, busy as usual, I walked down to the living area and sat down on the couch, knees to my chest tiredly, mylo instantly began to chatter at me about their latest job, it was an irritating ring on my ears, once he knew I wasnt gonna respond he just left me alone, they know me, they know its hard for me to talk at these times. Claggor came over and gently held his hand over mine, I fidgeted with his fingers, although most of the time touch is hard for me to do, hes someone who makes me feel safe. He makes me feel comfortable. Even now I was too tired to wait until lights out, I went to bed and tried wrapping myself in a blanket to get comfortable, soon claggor came over worrying for me.
"Y/N.. Can you tell me whats wrong..?"
"..mm.." all I could croak out was a whine and look at his shoulder
"If you need something, i'll get you what you need. You don't gotta talk.." he knew I was in a sensitive state and tried getting me something to fidget with, a little trinket he'd found, I toyed with it but it didnt help too much.
"..Y/N, can ya shake your head or nod, thatd help me figure this out.." I nodded and opened my arms, an attempt at telling him what I wanted.
"Uhm.. a hug..?" I shook my head, now pressing my arms down on my shoulders
"Cuddlin?" I nodded quickly, and he got in next to me, I shook my head, he gave me a confused look but then of course, since this has happened before, he realized what I needed, I laid flat on my stomach face in pillow as he climbed onto me, the weight was like a warm tight hug, I could feel myself melting in relaxation as the warmth and weight consumed me, he saw my expression and smiled
"Thats it.. there we go babe.." he nuzzled the back of my head as I took in deep breaths, feeling my eyes get heavy and Numbish, claggor scratched my scalp and it made me lean my head back, huffing as he gave me his affections, he took off his leather chestwear to get comfy and stuffed his face into my hair, I groaned and shuffled, the feeling of my hair on my neck itself was agony and he frowned, gently moving it out of the way rubbing where the hair was, I relaxed once more leaning into him
"Sleep y/n.. I wont leave you." I nodded and smiled letting myself drift off as I was finally able to relax into him
(Again sorry if its short, my newer fics for the next while might be as i get back into writing!)
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am-i-interrupting · 1 year
Can’t Go Back
Chapter One
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Tags: 2.4k words, eventual silco x reader, gn!reader, sex worker!reader, bisexual!reader, canonical character death
Isabela was a favorite. She was a favorite because she was predictable and she was easy to please and just fun to be around.
She came in once a month to share a smoke, maybe make out in your underwear before she focused on you. She wasn’t one of those that you had to be wary of because they pushed boundaries. No, she focused on you and what you wanted and she asked and she was good.
She let you relax. She would buy the whole night. She mostly just spoke about the going ons. She was your main source of gossip and you were her single consistent as she often hopped around jobs.
She was straddling you now with your hands held above your head. A blunt was placed between her lips. She switched both of your wrists to be held in one hand while she used the other to move her blunt from her mouth. She leaned down and sealed her lips with yours, exhaling into your mouth as you inhaled. She moved back to her sitting position.
She pressed your wrists into the cushions and squeezed them before she let go. She trailed her fingertips down your arm and to your chest. She reached for an ashtray and tipped off the growing end of her blunt.
“And then he had the nerve to think that I would just let him do that. Can you believe it?” she asked in her silky smooth voice.
“The audacity of some people,” you said.
She gave a small snort of laughter. Her hand went to your stomach. Her blunt nails curled against the skin causing it to tingle. She smiled, satisfied, when she saw your stomach muscles clench at the action.
“So, I told him—“
“Hey! You can’t go back there!” Varrick yelled causing both of your heads to snap towards the closed curtain.
Suddenly it opened and instead of seeing some hulking figure like you may have expected, you saw someone small, someone you knew, someone scared.
“Ekko,” you said softly, as you guided Isabela off you and tried to button your shirt, “what’s wrong?”
He looked at you for a moment, panting. That’s when you noticed the dried tears. That’s when new ones started to streak the old ones’ paths.
“Benzo,” he said, his lip starting to quiver. Your hand hovered above his shoulder. “They killed Benzo—“ your blood went cold— “and they took Vander.”
He buried his face in the fabric of your shirt. Shellshocked, you placed a hand on his head. Anger now creeping in, you asked, “Who?”
“I— I don’t know,” he said, voice muffled.
Knowing the kid and his knack for following things even when he shouldn’t, you asked him a different question, “Where’d they take him?”
He told you as you put on your shoes. You squeezed his shoulder and kissed his forehead. “Stay with Varrick, okay?” He nodded.
Then you ran. An adrenaline you hadn’t had in a very long time pumped through your veins.
Vander was in trouble. When was the last time Vander had been in trouble? In trouble that he couldn’t handle? Benzo was dead? No. You didn’t want to think about that. It would do you no good now. You had a mission right now. No side thoughts.
You had been running for maybe five minutes when an explosion of blue came from the direction you were headed. Your heart stopped but you still ran.
It took longer than you’d like to get there. By then it was too late. You saw him, Vander, on the ground unmoving.
Still, you called his name and ran to him. His chest didn’t move. His eyes were unblinking. You checked for a pulse anyway. Nothing.
You were stubborn. You wouldn’t give up that easily. You started doing compressions on his chest. His purple veined, too large chest. (What happened?)
You’d just placed your hands on it when you saw the googles, Claggor’s googles. You felt nauseous. Without a second thought, you abandoned Vander. The kids were more important.
“Claggor,” you called out. “Claggor!”
You reached for the blood splattered googles and that’s when you saw the arm. “Mylo?”
Oh heavens. Oh no. What happened?
Breathing beginning to go uneven, you started moving the rubble. You strained as you pushed but you’d worked with rock before. You pushed it off the body, while calling out the boys’ names. You barely glanced down at the mess of blood, guts, gore and hair the same shade as Mylo’s before your stomach rolled.
You turned your head as what you’d eaten that day expelled through your mouth.
They were kids. Kids! Barely teenagers but kids nonetheless. And they were.
Heaving and wiping your mouth you saw the monkey head. You weren’t naive enough to think that it couldn’t get worse but regardless you went still before you went frantic.
“Powder! Vi!” you yelled at the top of your lungs as people finally gathered, deeming the danger gone. “Violet! Powder!”
You ran into the rubble of the building. You ran all throughout the Undercity screaming their names. You needed to know what happened to them. Be it good, be it bad. You had to know. For your sanity. You screamed until your voice went out.
You leaned against a building. The adrenaline long gone and your energy depleted. You couldn’t cry any more tears. You didn’t have anything in your stomach. Your muscles ached. Your feet were sore.
“Vi. Powder,” you said in a voice so quiet it might as well not exist.
You stayed there for a minute and then two and then three and then four and then you couldn’t count.
You righted yourself and went back to the brothel. You were let in and you went to Babette’s office. Ekko sat restless in a chair with Varrick guarding him. He looked up at you, a small glimmer of hope in his eyes very quickly smothered.
“Can you come here for a minute?” you asked him, holding out your arms.
He numbly got up and walked over to you. He placed his head on your shoulder. His arms stayed limp by his side as you wrapped yours around him.
“Did any of them make it?” he asked in a weak voice.
You held him tighter. “I couldn’t find Vi or Powder,” you told him.
In a quick motion he wrapped his arms around you and started sobbing. “I’m sorry,” he choked out and your heart tightened.
“It’s not your fault,” you told him.
You already had time for your tears. It was time for his. You held him closer.
It’d been four months. Four months of fighting. Four months of pain. Four months of losing. Four months since you lost.
You were angry. You were hurt. Maybe that made you a little reckless because when you heard word that Silco had acquired some blue haired girl, you stilled.
“What?” you asked in a slow, drawn out, hard tone.
“Someone said they saw a kid at the Last Drop. Blue hair, small, looked like one of Vander’s kids.”
You tightened your grip on the schedule you were supposed to be studying.
Babette noticed the look. “We don’t know it’s her,” she said softly. “We have to act rashly if we stand a chance. Without Vander—“
You’d already grabbed your gun and were out the door. You made a beeline towards the Drop. No one was stupid enough to try and stop you. That was until you got to the door and some kid stationed outside it tried to.
He wasn’t a kid. Maybe early twenties but he was as stupid as one if he thought he could get you to stop your trek. All it took was a hand to the mouth and another banging his head into the side of the building several times and he was out.
You threw open the door and it was mostly empty. Only a few people inside, none of them who you wanted to see. Your eyes narrowed in on Sevika.
Traitor. Somehow you weren’t surprised.
“Where is she?” you asked, voice booming in the muted sound of music and conversation.
Sevika looked your way. A scowl formed on her face as she moved to stand. She placed her cigar onto an ashtray as she strode over.
“Where is who?” she asked.
“You know damn well I’m not here for Silco right now,” you said. “Powder. Who else would I be talking about? Word gets around that there’s a blue haired girl in Silco’s company and you don’t think I’m gonna come around asking questions? You should be smarter than that by now.”
“Well, she’s not here,” she said. “I don’t know where she is and if I did, I wouldn’t tell you just to watch the look on your face when you realize just how out of control you’ve gotten. It was about time you got knocked down a few pegs.”
You stepped closer to her and gestured to the metal that was now attached to her skin with your gun. “Last time I saw you, you had more digits and an arm. You want to lose the ones you’ve got left because I’m pissed off and you’ve hit a pretty tempting face.”
Sevika grinned and shook her head. She moved to a defensive position and you backed away, gun at the ready to fire. Your finger was just about to squeeze the trigger too. Of course, that was when footsteps came from above.
“Well, well,” a familiar voice said, “when I heard visitors I wasn’t expecting such a pleasant surprise.”
You didn’t take your eyes off Sevika. You didn’t look at him. You couldn’t.
“Where is she? Where’s Powder?” you asked.
A sigh and, “You can go back to your card games now, Sevika. I’d like to have a chat with this one.”
Sevika’s position dropped for a moment. She looked like she was going to question but decided against it. She didn’t take her eyes off you as she sat down.
“Come along, we have much to discuss,” he said.
You risked a glance where he stood. Well, he walked now. His back to you. You gave a grunt of annoyance before you started to back up to where he was, gun still pointed at Sevika. You didn’t walk forward until you got to the stairs and even then you didn’t turn until Sevika was out of your line of sight.
“Where is she, Silco?” you asked.
“I don’t remember you being so brash,” he said before he opened the door to what was now his office. He beckoned you inside.
“You didn’t kidnap one of my kids last time we spoke,” you said as you brushed past him, knocking his shoulder just because you could.
Silco seemed almost genuinely offended at your words. “I didn’t kidnap her.”
“So you admit she’s here?”
The door closed behind him. “She came willingly.”
You turned to him, refusing to look him in the eye or at his face. Instead you focused on the hand that shoved him against the wall.
“She’s a kid and you killed not only her caretaker but her friends. Of course she went with the first person that came near her,” you said, pressing the barrel of your gun to his chin.
“I think we’ve come to a bit of a misunderstanding,” Silco said. “It seems you don’t have all the pieces.”
“No? Seems like a pretty clear picture to me,” you replied.
“Yes, well, lineart seems to give you an idea but it’s the colors that make the meanings clear,” he said. “I may have killed Vander but I didn’t kill those kids.”
“Enlighten me.”
“There was an explosion. I lost several of my people to it. Nearly lost myself. That’s what killed those kids,” he said.
That idea. Why did that idea still hurt you? Why did the thought of him dying still hurt? Why did it make you panic? It’d been almost a decade since you last saw him, even longer since you’d last had a conversation. Why did that idea make you freeze?
He took advantage of your stupor and grabbed your hand. He pried your fingers off the gun. You could hear the click as the safety was turned on.
“Look at me,” he said. You didn’t move. “Look at me,” this time he used his hand to tilt your head upward.
You had no choice but to look at him, at the scars, at the eye, at what Vander had done all those years ago.
“Am I lying to you?” he asked.
You jerked your head out of his hand and took several steps away from him. Once again, the gun was pointed at him.
“You killed Vander,” you elected to say.
“And he tried to kill me. I’d say the score is settled,” he said. “Go ahead, pull the trigger if you wish but you won’t kill me. I know you.”
“People change,” you said. “You certainly did.”
“Maybe but you want to know where the girl is, right?” he asked. “Sounds like you may need me more than you think.”
“There’s also a different matter of fact,” he said as he took a step forward and tapped the gun, “the safety’s still on.”
He turned and left you half stuttering and half fuming as he opened the door of his office. He left, leaving you able to do nothing but follow.
Eventually he led you to a small bedroom. A bed was pressed on the corner, markings were all over the walls, but most notably there was a girl sitting in a chair with a book in her lap. She was young, too young for the noticeable bags under her eyes. Her hair was blue and braided. Her eyes were a similar color. She had freckles on her round face, doting across her nose. She looked up.
She said your name softly and you knew that voice. Tears began to prickle your eyes. Immediately all your defenses crumbled.
“Powder,” you said softly.
She ran over to you, her book falling to the ground, as she wrapped her arms around your torso and almost toppled you over from the sheer force of her run to you. You held her close. She nuzzled into your chest.
“I was so worried about you,” you told her. She shook in your hold.
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conretewings · 2 years
I can't get the idea of the kids trying to get Vander and reader under the mistletoe. Hhhhheeeelllllppppp 🙏❤️
-Ahhhh yeeeeah baby! Getting into that Christmas spirit with some mistletoe shenanigans! ❤🎄
Vander x gn reader, pure fluff
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It started as an offhand joke from Mylo, but with some shared looks and gears turning quickly spiraled into a quest
Acquiring a ball of mistletoe wasn't easy but Ekko helped them find one
Claggor had to prop Vi onto his shoulders so she could tie it in a doorway
Vander soon came through, at first not seeing the decoration, then you joined a few minutes later
They keep making up reasons to lure Vander and you through the doorway at or almost at the same time
You two know something's up but aren't sure what until he spots it
"...Ah, I see."
You two exchange knowing looks; if this is what they want you're going to make them work for it
Over the next few days they continue to try and herd you both through the doorway together, but you keep thwarting their attempts
Now it's a game of wits and plausible excuses, and you two are winning much to the kids annoyance
Finally on the third day while carrying some laundry, Powder trips and falls in the doorway, yelping in pain and you both quickly come to her side
After a brief once over she seems fine so Vander pulls her to her feet-
She suddenly smirks at you both with a shit-eating grin, glances upward smugly, then darts away
You follow her look to the mistletoe and realize she won
Vander shakes his head and curses under his breath while you chuckle and lean your forehead against his chest
Then you feel fingers under your chin as he tilts your head up and gives you a tender, knee-weakening kiss and you're both lost in the moment-
Until you hear snorts and giggles from nearby
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kodamaghost00 · 7 hours
𝑰𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖,𝑽𝒊𝒌𝒕𝒐𝒓?
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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ *✧・゚: * *✧
Fandom: Arcane 2021 (NETFLIX ORIGINAL)
Pairings: Viktor x GN!Reader
Genre: Long-lost Friends to Lovers, Fluff
Summery: After you thought your Best friend died you reunite with him after 12 years of being apart.
Warnings: Loosing close people, Death, Fights, Spoilers EP3, Emotional, Slow burn, forced to move on fast
Word count: 2,4K
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ *✧・゚: * *✧
“Viktor! Viktor over here, look at this!!” You are around 11 years old and call out for your best friend. He walks over to you as fast as he can. “What’s going on, Y/N?” He asked cautiously, but then looked at what you pointed out. “I’ve never seen something like that before…”. Now you both stare at a little bug crawling around in the dirt in front of you. You and Viktor watch the bugs and animals around you all the time, but this one... you’ve never seen it before. It had short legs, but the colors were beautiful. “Do you think it’s a new species?” You chuckled. “Well, maybe it is. What shall we call it?” He smiled at you softly. “Hm. I’ll name it sooner or later!” You two watched it crawl away. You stood up and helped him to do the same.
“Let’s go home you look tired…” He just nodded, and you both made your way to the small shed you called home. You both laid down facing each other. “Viktor? Do you think we’ll make it big one day? To the topside, I mean.”. He thought about it but responded calmly back to you, “I know we will. With my brain and your brawn, we make a pretty good team.” You chuckle. “That’s right. Goodnight Viktor…” "Goodnight, Y/N…” and with those last sentences, you two fall asleep.
*BOOM* Something exploded, and your little shed crumbled to pieces. Everything burns, there’s smoke everywhere, you can’t see anything but call out for Viktor. There’s no response. You try to free yourself from the remains of what you called home once, but you’re trapped underneath. There’s no way out. You are in so much pain that you black out. There’s nothing, only darkness. Then the memories of the happy day before came flooding back, and you violently woke up, tucked away in a cozy-looking bed.
“Where am I?” You ask cautiously. Looking around for any enemies you could encounter, the only thing you see is a large man with a beard. "Oh, you’re awake, kid. How are you?” He came closer, and you flinched away. “I’m not your enemy, kiddo. I’m here to help you.” He said reassuringly as he handed you a glass of water to drink. “What happened? Where’s Viktor?!” You asked, looking around to find your best friend again, but to no avail. “Viktor? You’re the only one I found. I’m sorry.” You started to cry, and he came to hug you. You cried on his shoulder for a while until you calmed down. “Do you want to stay with me? I assume you don’t have family here.” You nodded quietly and held his hand, not wanting to let go. Then another man came into the room. He was big and scary-looking but had a rather friendly aura. "HAHA, Vander is gonna be a dad now? That’s something I never thought was possible!” The man shouted. “Shut it, Benzo…” he said, rubbing his nose bridge. You only giggled at that, maybe your new life won’t be that bad after all.
From that day on, Vander was like your dad. He taught you how to fight. How to defend yourself. How to protect the ones you love… You didn’t even notice the 12 years that went by. Now you basically have 4 younger siblings. VI,Powder,Mylo and Claggor. You were the best role model for them, and they looked up to you. You trained with them and taught them valuable lessons. Especially VI, she was young and naive, but you knew that she only wanted the best for your family.
Then the tragic day came. Silcos people attacked you guys, and not only Vander, your beloved father, but also Mylo and Claggor died during that incident. You fought with them, but to no avail, the shimmer was too powerful. You got hit badly by one of silcos men, you didn’t know what happened to VI and powder before your body gave in and you blacked out. “Is that what happens again…? I don’t want to die. I don’t want them to die! NOT AGAIN!” The next thing you know is that you woke up in a fancy-looking hospital.
You woke up in shock and looked around, panting, “VI? POWDER?! WHERE ARE YOU??” Then someone calmed you down. “ You looked down at the creature that’s trying to help you. “A... a furball…?”. Heimendinger was amused by your comment. "Well, I wouldn’t say a furball, but that’s a fair assumption.”. He laughed. “Where am I? Who are you? Where are my siblings?!” You asked frantically, starting to panic again. “Calm down, young one. I’ll explain.” He took a deep breath as you went quiet again. “You’re in a hospital right now. I am the head of the council, Heimendinger. And your family…” he frowned. “Where are they?! My sisters!?” You asked in a demanding manner. “The chief enforcers told me you were the only one found alive… I’m sorry.” You were so shocked that the fact didn’t register at first. Then you cried. You were sobbing hysterically into your own hands. You didn’t process the fact that all your loved ones died. ‘Once again? I thought I got stronger? I wasn’t able to do anything…’ The pain was talking out of you, and you thought it should’ve been you, not your beloved family. Under your sobs, you managed to form one sentence. “What am I going to do now?” Heimendinger looked at you with the most heartbreaking expression anyone ever gave you. “If you want to, you could become my assistant. I already have one that’s been with me for a while now, but... I don’t think another one would hurt.” He said this to you while resting his hand on your shoulder. You looked at him again, not realizing what he said completely, but you nodded. The chance to help someone… you won’t throw that away. That’s what dad would’ve wanted, after all.
Heimendinger sat by your side for a long time before asking you something again. “How old are you, my child?” “I am 23, sir…” you responded hesitantly. You knew Heimendinger wasn’t a threat, but opening up to strangers was even harder now. “23… so young. Yet you had to go through all of the misery. I’m really sorry for you, child. I’ll leave now, we will discuss the more serious details tomorrow. Please take care!” He waved you goodbye and left the room. Now it’s just you. Alone. In a hospital bed in Piltover. All the events came flooding back, and you cried again. So hard that you cried yourself to sleep.
The next morning arrives sooner than you wanted. The sun is coming through the window, and with a clear sky, you sit up and pinch your nose bridge. “Such a headache...” you whispered to yourself. As you stretched out. You glanced at the nightstand beside your bed. “A letter?” You take the letter and open it gently, and it reads:
Dear Y/N,
When I came to visit you again, you were dead asleep! I didn’t want to disturb your peaceful sleep, so I decided to write this letter instead. I asked one of the nurses when you could go out again, and they told me you could go today. Talk to a nurse before heading out to my office later,alrighty?
P.S. . The clothes are also for you, so you blend in a little better.
In best regards, Heimendinger!
You chuckled at the fact that Heimendinger wrote you a whole letter just for you to sleep a little longer.
You still mourned a lot about your family, though, so it's understandable that you weren't the happiest. You put on the clothes he gave you and went out of the room to call a nurse, and one came rushing to you.
"H-Hey! You can't just stand up like that!!" She rushed over to you, helping you back to your room. "I feel better. Can I go now?" You ask, wanting to go out of here as soon as possible. "Oh, you're the one that heimendinger favorites... what's your name? So I can look you up in the system." She pulls out a device you never saw before. "It's Y/N". "Last name?" She was a bit confused. "Don't have one." You snarled back a bit. She looks confused but enters your name anyway. "Ah! Y/N! Wait a second!" She rushes out and comes back with a small bag in her hands. "Take one of them per day it's best if you do it right after breakfast." You looked at the bag suspiciously but nodded. "Thanks." And you're on your way out. "Rude..." the nurse whispered to herself.
You totally forgot to ask the nurse where heimendingers lab is, so you wander around the halls of the academy. “Why is this place so big…” You looked around and admired all the pretty painted walls, amazing wooden floors, and bright chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. When you were focusing on the big windows next to you, you ran into someone. "Fuck, I’m sorry… I should’ve looked where I was-“ you were cut off as you looked at the man in front of you. Tall, flawless brown hair and a cane. You stare a little too long, and he asks, “Are you okay?”. You nod “I’m sorry… You just remind me of someone who I was close with a long time ago.” He doesn’t respond until you ask something. “Excuse me, but where is heimendingers lab? I was supposed to meet him.”. He looks a bit surprised but points in one direction. With a thick accent, he says, “Turn left around that corner. It’s the third door; you won’t miss it.”. You thank him and walk away. You can’t shake the feeling that this man you were talking to was Viktor. But no… He was dead, right? There’s no chance that he’s here…
You couldn’t think about it longer as you stepped into heimendingers lab. It looked scary but fascinating at the same time. “You wanted to see me, sir?” You say this as you quietly close the door behind you quietly. “Ah! Y/N! Just in time, young one.” He smiled as he stood up from his chair. A little horned furball barks at you happily. "Oh, you just missed my other assistant! He’s bringing us some papers for you to fill out so we can make your employment official!” He says he is smiling. He seems super happy that you’ll work with him soon, he has high hopes for your future.
Then Viktor comes into the room after a few minutes. And heimendinger brings you two closer. “Y/N, that’s Viktor, my assistant for years by now. Viktor, that’s Y/N, the second assistant that will work with us from now on. I hope you two will be a good team from now on!” Heimendinger says, and the room falls silent. “Y/N…?” Viktor said it with a shocked expression. “Yes Viktor?” You smile at him, and he lets his cane fall to the ground, running into your arms. “I thought you died… I’m so sorry for not recognizing you earlier. You’ve grown so much I…” he said as tears welled up in his eyes. They cause you to cry as well. "No, no Viktor… Please don’t cry…” you say as you go through his fluffy hair, and you both have a very emotional moment. Heimendinger notices and leaves the room quietly. “I have missed you so much… I’ve been searching for you for so long…” you say softly, wiping his tears away. “What happened to you that day?” He said this as he stood up straight again, stumbling over his own feet. You grab his cane and hand it to him for support. “How about we talk about that in peace later? We have so much to talk about…” you declared, but Heimendinger chimed in. "Oh, young ones, you can take the rest of the day off if you please…”. You wanted to protest, but he cut you off and sent you two away.
Now you both are on your way to Viktor's chambers since you don’t have your own yet. As you both walk next to each other, an uncomfortable silence is in the air, so you try to ease it a bit by trying to hold his hand. Just like in old times, he takes it gladly, and you both walk to his room. With a pink hue on his face, he closes the door behind you. “You have a lovely room.” You try to start a conversation with something small. As you sit down on his bed, Viktor does the same and looks at you. “Thank you… I appreciate it. What happened that day, Y/N? I haven’t thought of anything else since that day… It’s haunted me ever since.” He says straight up, not wanting to let any more time pass. “There was an attack near our home. I called out for you, but you didn’t answer, so I thought…” You go silent, and he notices that you assumed he was dead. “I went to our home every day to look for you. I missed you so much.” You feel your tears well up. He suddenly spoke up. “One of the enforcers took me with them. The attack was so intense that I blacked out on the spot. Heimendinger raised me. I’m sorry that I left you like this…” You listen to him but nod. “I had a good family as well… but they…” You started to cry now, giving in to your emotions, and Viktor hugged you, noticing that you had lost important people once again… “I’m here now... I’m here for you, Y/N. And I will never leave again.” He pulls you in, laying you on his chest with the last sentence. His presence is so comforting that you let it all happen. “We’re together again… that’s all that matters now…” he says caressing your hair, kissing your head gently. You blush deeply and burry your face into his chest gently. “Thank you, Viktor… I’ve missed you so much…”. “I think you should rest now… It’s been a long week for you…”. You nod and fall asleep on his chest. Quickly, before you fell asleep, you heard his voice saying one last thing that made your heart bump like crazy.
"Goodnight, dear, I love you.”
You wanted to answer, but your body caved in, and you fell asleep.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ *✧・゚: * *✧
A/N: Hello and thank you for reading this short story that came into my mind! It’s my first time writing out my thoughts out actually so please don’t be too harsh on me. I’m so excited for S2 and I think many of my fellow Arcane fans are as well. Have a great Day/Night and goodbye!
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sadcat5544 · 2 years
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Jinx’s Tea Party Scene Jinx x GN reader
(I wanted to write this scene a bit differently because I love this character a lot. It's so tragic that things turned out the way they did for practically everyone in the show, especially Powder. But I wanted to also remind people who share similar trauma with her that you are not alone. I can’t help but imagine what it would be like If Jinx had someone else in her life other than Silco and Vi to help keep her grounded. Don't get me wrong as much as Silco loves her their relationship was incredibly toxic and dangerous and partially lead to where we are now. In this scene, as much as Vi does try to get her sister back she has no idea how to heal her, and when she's trying to get her to remember her friends and family all it does is let the monster out even further. Now while I will be writing this from my perspective I will be using (y/n). I hope you enjoy it.)
As soon as you opened the door you heard voices. Stepping into the shadow you peered over to the bottom of the stairwell and saw the candle-lit table with three people toes to chairs and one long blue pigtailed girl pacing back and forth frantically.
“It can go away, please. Send her on her way an-”
Caitlyn’s muffled cries screamed out from behind Jinx. Vi turned her attention over to her purple-haired girlfriend strapped to a chair with pleading eyes and a gag wrapped around her mouth with a crude neon pink spray-painted smile.
“And, you can have Powder back,” Jinx said, practically begging Vi. She placed her gun into Vi’s hand, never taking her gaze off of her. Vi's hands shook, she looked back over to Caitlyn where she pleadingly shook her head. Vi looked back to Jinx.
“I-I can’t.”
Jinx scoffed. She yanked the gun out of Vi’s hands and raised it toward Caitlyn.
“No! Powder listen!” Vi screamed, tears welling up in her eyes, her voice breaking a bit. “W-we can just go! We’ll leave and never come back.”
Jinx’s expression dropped from a cold glare to a confused childlike pout. “Where would we go?” she asked. Before Vi could open her mouth again Jinx screamed out “No! No, she's not saying that!”
“It's true we can put this behind us and you’ll never have to see him again Powder!”
Silco leaned forward in his chair, angry muffled yells came from his gag. He flopped forward and started daggers at Vi and switched to a pleading stern expression to Jinx. She looked back at him and cocked her pistol.
“What do you have to say about that?!” she asked as he walked over to him and took out his gag. Spittle and drool sloshed out form his mouth and she spat angrily at Vi
“Her name is Jinx!” He screamed. Turning his attention over to jinx he said “You’ll be with her for a day before she realizes that you aren’t that girl anymore and turns her back on you!”
Jinx placed the gun up towards her cheek and twirls it a bit in a state of thought, contemplating what she had just heard.
“You aren’t lying, you wouldn't lie to me, right? Not again?” she asked. Vi leaned forwards towards her and shook her head.
“I’m not lying! I'm on your side!” Vi pleaded. As soon as she said that Jinx looked up and violently shot the crude stitched puppet of Mylo. The shot rang out and caused you to almost misstep and nearly tumble down the stairs. It pierced a champagne glass and chatted the side of it, it fell over, and Caitlyn took quick notice of it.
“Shut up! We’re talking!” she screamed at the vacant chair. Things were starting to get frantic. Everyone started talking all at once. Vi screamed out names of past friends and family at Jinx trying to get her to remember who and where she was. Silco screamed curses and venom toward vi while also yelling out to Jinx. Jinx slammed her pistol against the side of her head, grasping her hair and twisting and turning her body, begging for the noise and visions to stop. You quickly made your way down. The candlelight hadn't been strong enough to show your presence and you slowly made your way towards her. The darkness didn't help much and you had to watch where you were stepping, you got closer your heel cracked the rest of the broken glass on the floor and caught everyone’s attention.
Jinx looked up in your direction and cocked her pistol once more. With fire in her pink eye, she called out to the darkness.
“Who's there? Show yourself!”
Taking a deep breath you stepped forward into the candlelight. With your hands raised and a relaxed but cautious demeanor, you made your way over to her.
“Hey sweets,” you said softly your hands raised above your head. You have her a sad soft smile. Her eyes widened and her brow furrowed.
“W-what are you doing here?” she asked softly breathing heavily. You calmly walk over to her, she tenses up and tucks her arms closer to her body. You lower your hands in a hugging gesture. She stares at you with confusion and fear, tears welling up in her eyes. She turns her head slightly and shuts her eye tightly.
“No! Stop it!” she hits herself against the head again. “I said SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” she yelled. She starts to turn and twist away violently screaming out to nothing.
You step forward again and lightly cup her cheeks. She flinches slightly and opens her eyes to you. You smile softly and apologetically at her. She looks over to Vi then to Silco. She then looks over to Caitlyn, rage forms in her eyes again but you pull her close and press her head against your chest. Her lip quivers and the tears now fall freely onto your clothes. She lets out a wailing sob and drops the gun. It clatters against the floor and the room falls silent. She stops moving.
“It’s going to be ok, I'm here, I'm here,” you say to her. “I'm not going to leave you.” Silco’s voice speaks from behind her,
“Jinx untie me, and let's finish this.”
She looks up and tries to turn over to him but you stop her. She looks back at you confusingly. You shake your head no. “He's trying to get into your head, just focus on me.”
You hear the clicking of the Gatling gun starting and Caitlyn’s voice shouts from behind you.
“(Y/n) get out out of the way! I'm ending this!” she shouts.
“Caitlyn no! You can’t she's my sister!” Vi shouts back, trying to undo her restraints. Jinx’s head shoots up her eyes wild like a feral animal and she starts to reach for the gun on the floor.
“Hey hey hey hey.” you softly say, all the while she's trying to free herself from your grip. She's starts shouting and jumping up and down.
“What the fuck are you doing? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING (Y/N)!” she snarls
“Jinx, please stop just focus on me ok?!” you turn towards Caitlyn. “Stay away from her! Back off Caitlyn! I've got this!” as soon as you turn her back Jinx removes herself from your grip and in a flash grabs the gun. You step back in front of her and grab her arms to prevent her from shooting Caitlyn. You push against her and you two start to move towards Silco. Once you reach his side he jets out his leg. You trip and both collide into the table and onto the ground. Jinx gets up first and then grabs you, putting you into a headlock and slamming you down onto the table with her newfound strength.
She then points the gun down at you.
“What the fuck are you doing to me (Y/N)?” She yells. You raise your hands out above your head and tears start to form in your eyes.
“J-just put the gun down, ok sweets? we can leave but I need you to focus ok, just focus on me, please?” you said your voice wavering. The Gatling gun starts up once more and Caitlyn yells out.
“Drop the gun!”
Vi scrambles to undo her ropes and pleads with Caitlyn. “Caitlyn no!”
Caitlyn's anger falters a bit. “I’m sorry Vi, but she's too far gone.” Jinx lets go of you and giggles a little while raising her arms up and laying the gun onto the table. Once you hit the ground you grab the gun and scramble to get in front of Jinx.
“Caitlyn stop! Please, put it down,” you shout as you get into the line of fire. She looks over at you and glares. Then she looks over at Vi and Vi shakes her head pleading with her to drop it once more. Caitlyn looks back over to Jinx who puts on an innocent child expression which in turn morphs into a sinister grin. Before anyone can react Jinx is suddenly in front of Caitlyn and knocks her to the ground with the Gatling gun.
“Look out!” Vi yells a little too late to warn her. Caitlyn hits the ground and lies still unconscious. Jinx steps over to her and picks up the gun and aims it at her. Silco’s voice rings out again,
“You see, now finish it.” jimx smiles. You rush over and crawl on top of Caitlyn shielding her and look at Jinx with pleasing eyes.
“Get out of the way (Y/N)!” She screams.
“I have to finish this! This is the only way things can be right! I have to do this! Now get out of my way!” she shouts.
“I can’t let you do that if you are going to kill her, then you have to kill me too.” she stares back at you scared and confused. “Or, we can drop the guns and you and I can leave, just the two of us, no one to tell us what to do, get in our way. Nothing. No more voices, I promise.” you say.
She stands still not taking her eyes off of you in the slightest. You drop your gun and walk closer to her. “You are not what they say you are. I know you, Jinx. Don't be what they made you.” she looks back at you and lowers the gun. She drops it to the ground and breaks down in sobs. You pick her up and start to lead her outside. In the process of passing Vi’s chair, you take to put a knife and drop it in her hands.
“Jayce has been informed that Silco is here, you should leave when you can,” you tell her. You carry Jinx out and as you two are headed off in the night sky, she looks towards Vi and mouths the words “I'm sorry.”
(I apologize if this seems rushed but this is how I wish things turned out rather than Jinx suffering so much in the show and her becoming the villain. I just hope she has a redemption arc somehow If possible. Anyway thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed :)
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lowiesstuff · 2 years
I was wondering is it okay if u do an claggor x reader, where the reader is really hurt and claggor helps them but is also really worried
Thank uuu bubs <333
hi bubba! sorry it took a while, i’ve been having quite a rough week. here it is!
clean you up
claggor x gn!reader
summary: claggor cleans you up after a fight
warnings: mentions or blood, injuries and fighting. family issues, swearing and mylo being a noob
you didn’t expected to get in a fight with some random but here you are, walking towards the last drop with a cut above your eyebrow, a bloody nose that might be broken and a split lip. you could also feel a bruise forming around your eye.
the whole fight started because some dick started saying stuff about your family mainly the fact that your mum was horrible. you obviously got pissed off and started throwing punches.
it was stupid. very stupid. vander is gonna be pissed off at you and so is everyone else.
you got to the last drop and creeped through the door, trying not to bring any attention to yourself.
no one seemed to look at you, apart from vander. he looked like he was about to explode, and he probably was. you then see claggor marching over to you, looking just as annoyed as vander.
“what the fuck y/n” he hisses, dragging you towards his room. “i’m sorry claggs, i didn’t mean to” you respond weakly.
“didnt mean to?” he said, anger lacing his voice “didn’t fucking mean to?”. he grabbed a wet cloth and started cleaning your nose, then your lip and then the cut above your eyebrow.
“you need to be more careful y/n, what if something happened to you? worst than this. what were you-“ you couldn’t hear the rest of his lecture, your brain felt to fuzzy to listen.
you were pulled out of your daze when you felt warm tears drip onto your cheeks. “fuck, i’m sorry. i’m so so sorry” claggor said realizing he might have went a bit far.
you looked at him blankly. you could feel a headache coming on. “can i give you a hug?” claggor whispers.
you give him a little nod before he wraps his arms around your shoulders. “i’m really sorry baby, i was just so worried about you. i didn’t mean to yell at you” he said his voice breaking half way through. “i didn’t mean to upset you” he added. you could now feel his own tears wet your shirt.
you push him over to his bed without saying anything. you both crawl into bed and cuddle up to each other. you both are comforting each other as you slowly drift off to sleep.
heyo! i’m so so sorry it took so long to make. i hope you like it <3
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m0thb0n3s · 3 years
General platonic relationship hcs for Mylo and claggor<3
They're my favorite
of course!
General Platonic hcs w/ Mylo and Claggor!
word count: 277
Being friends with Claggor and mylo means running with Vi and Powder as well so i hope you’re prepared for some chaos
Claggor is a big softie and Mylo is a rat bastard child which reflects in how they act with you!
w/ Claggor you can expect to have someone to listen to your issues and offer decently sound advice!
He’s a sweet kid who will do his best to protect those he cares about and he will fight to protect you and make sure you’re safe
If you have nightmares about some of the stuff you’ve seen in Zaun he will cuddle you while you try to sleep, no questions asked
He always makes sure that you eat enough(as much as you can in the Undercity) and will stop Mylo from teasing you or making fun of your appearance/personality
He covers your back during the Jobs that you all do as much as he can and even to the point of lying to Vander to try and make sure that you’re okay
w/ Mylo you can expect a looooooooooot of teasing
He’s a bastard but he’s you’re bastard so it’s tolerable and made in good fun
He will steal your snacks and possibly some of your clothing and shirts because that’s how he shows affection
If you have a hoodie or sweatpants expect for it to go missing at some point and appear in his bed or on him at some point
He isn’t the strongest but he will insult people if they try to fuck with you at all, which usually leads to fights but you know what? It’s the thought that counts
this is my first fic back so let me know what y'all think! thank you for the request anon!!
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0bunny-writer0 · 2 years
The World is a Cruel Place|Ekko x reader| Part I
A/n; Hey, letting you know for POV's I will only use You and Ekko in this one. Oh and also I'll be deleting the Teaser of Ekko x reader I didn't really like it. Anyway~ Enjoy this Chapter...
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Your POV
My mother was teaching me how to sew this patch thingy. My older brother left with his friend Claggor, I think that what his name was. "Hey mom like this?" I asked finishing the patch. "Yes. This beautiful Y/n." She said happily.
"Did you know this brand has been past down in our family from generation to generation. When you have kids you should teach them." She said. "Uh..say mom, how do you have kids?" I asked curious. "Well, why don't you ask your father." She said a little bit surprised.
"Say Dad?" I asked curious. "W-well I'm a little hazy on the idea, maybe you can ask Benzo when he's here. I'm sure he'll know." He said.
Someone knocked on the door and looked to hot open the door, "Well speak of the devil."
Ekko's POV
"So her name is Y/n and she has an older brother named Mylo" I asked. "Yes, and try to make friends with her. There really aren't many kids around here." He said serious. "I mean depending on what she does.""See, that's why you only have so little friends because of that attitude of yours Ekko." He said.
"Hmm, maybe their not home." Benzo said knocking again on the wooden door. "Mr. L/n its me Benzo." He said opening the door. Once he opened the door my eyes shot wide open to see a bloody mess with two people dead.
Benzo told me to look around to see if I could find her, but she was no were to be seen. I told him I couldn't find her anywhere and he said her parents have been dead for quite some time now.
"I'll go back and tell Vander to alert Grayson. Ekko you stay here got it." He said. All I could do was nod. Right when Benzo left I ran into the woods trying to find the girl.
Your POV
{Cold. Why is it so cold. Mom....Dad. Were would I have ran off two without you and Mylo.}
"Hey Benzo we were just talking about yo- ulk." I heard dads voice cut off. I saw him wobble a a bit and them fell down. Three guys came in, one with a knife, one with an ax, and one with no weapon.
"Hey, you better listen or your going to get your head split open with this, got it." Thug 2 said holding up his ax. Mom grabbed the metal scissors and attacked the thug with an ax. "Y/n run!! Find your brother, but don't come back here!!!" Mom said screaming. "Wha- mom...da-. Huh." I said terrified out of my mind.
"Stupid b*tch!!" Thug 2 said. The guy swung his ax and my moms neck. My mom reached her hand out to me and and died on the wooden floor. All I did was stand in horror not being able to move my body. "Hey! You better listen up or your gonna get some of this!" Thug 2 said. He raised his hand making it a fist and then I blacked out
I woke up filling cold, I quickly realized that this was not my home. I heard two men yelling at each other about selling me and my mom to some rich people for some reason, but the leader was pissed because my mom had more value. They stopped yelling when they heard the door creak open.
Ekko's POV
I was walking through the woods to see if I could find that girl. While I was looking around I saw a cabin. "She has to be here. I just know it!" I said quietly whispering to my self. I saw a knife sitting around on a small log, I grabbed it for self-defense and his it behind my back.
I walked inside the house quietly trying to not make any noise. I heard yelling from a door on the other side. Once I opened the door the yelling stopped and I saw a girl."Hey, little brat what do you think your doing!" One shouted at me. I had to act fast, "W-well I got lost a-and I saw your house." I said trying not to break the of me being scared. He put one hand on my head and said "Little kids like you shouldn't be running around the woods alone. There could be big scary monsters out the-".
"Thank you sir, but I'm not that stupid." I said slitting his throat. "H-hey what they h-hell!" I heard Thug 1 say grabbing the ax. I closed the door glaring at him and I heard his foot steps follow me.
I rant a closet and shut it. In there was a small piece of rope a broom, I grabbed my knife and tied it up on the broom with the rope. I heard him open the so I charged straight at him. I stab him straight through the heart and kept on stabbing him yelling at him
Your POV
I looked to see a boy killing the man who kidnapped me. He kept yelling at him saying "This is what you deserve you animal!!!!". I just looked at him with my eyes wide open. When he stopped stabbing the man he cut the rope of me. "Thank you..." Was all I could say. "Your welcome I'm just glad I found you before they took you away." He said. The we then both heard footsteps. The boy tryed to grab his knife, but was kicked in the stomach.
The man started to raise him up from ground and chock him "Fight...if you don't win we lose.." He said weakly. I grabbed the knife and held near my chest. "B-but I've never k-killed some one before." I said scared. "You have....to fight..." He said before passing out.
Then I realized I've seen this all before, I just always looked the other way. *Fight* I had fool control over my body that I'd stopped shaking. *Fight* I gripped the knife handle so hard it broke. "Waaaaah!!" I screamed dashing towards the man.
|Time Skip|
Ekko's POV
Benzo came with Grayson and two other enforcers. Benzo scolded me hard we both stopped talking when the Y/n said it was cold. "Here...you better." I said giving her my scarf. She thanked me and said "Were will I go know." She said sadly.
"Y/n!! Thank god your okay." Someone said. We looked to see Mylo who ran up and hugged his sister tightly. She was cryed her heart out in her brothers arms. Benzo stepped in and said "You can live with Vander , I'm sure he wouldn't mind." He said. Then both nodded, Mylo picked up his sister and walked with me and Benzo. I looked up and smiled at sleeping face. I'm just glad we both made it out alive.
|Another A/n; Hi hope u enjoyed this chapter. Tell me what u guys think of it. Bye :)
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jinxkinniegobrr · 3 years
Vi x gn reader
warnings: none, grammar may be bad
summary: you found out Vi was alive, the two of you reminiscence and share a cute moment
a/n: just a quick note, thank u guys for the likes on my last post, it really means a lot! requests are open so feel free to send something in<3
The fresh cold air of Zaun nipped at your skin; strings of hair brushed against your forehead as you looked over the city you considered your home.
Your eyes trailed to Vi beside you, taking in the beauty of her side profile and admiring the way the lights reflected off of her.
Your best friend took notice of your staring and gave a small smirk, "what's up, buttercup?"
The sentence made you let out a small laugh as you shook your head, your lips pressing together as you stared down at your shoes with a thoughtful expression.
" It's just been so long since i've seen you, you've changed so much yet...somehow you haven't changed at all." you paused slightly, "I remember when we'd sit on the roof and just talk before Vander would come and get us."
A small chuckle left Vi, her arms coming up to cross over her chest," remember when Mylo tripped over his bucket and left an ass splotch on that one sign?" The two of you busted out laughing, cheeks hurting after a bit.
Your cheeks grew warm as you embraced the comfortable silence, eyes trailing down to her lips
Her upper lip had a small scar, a nose ring that complimented her features and a tattoo under her eye, cheeks dusted with freckles.
Vi's hand came up to brush hair out of your face,"somehow you got even cuter since our last interaction." the pads of her fingers softly swiping against your cheek with a soft hum from her lips.
Your cold hand met hers when she started to pull away, a warm feeling twisted in your stomach as her head dipped down to yours
Soft lips brushed against yours, eyelashes fluttering against your skin before lacing your fingers together.
A voice made both of you jump, letting go of each other's hand and looking down at the voice with a displeased look. Caitlyn stood on the ground beneath you guys, a hand coming up to wave you guys down.
Sighs and grumbles left your mouths as you made your way down, not forgetting the tingling in your lips.
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brainrot-buffet · 2 years
Can I request a modern AU Mylo x GN reader where the family finds out about his s/o and get to meet them?
Ayo??? OF COURSE???? ANYTHING for my mans ;-;
Characters: Mylo, Vi, Claggor, Powder, Ekko, Vander
Notes: Fluff, Crack, siblings making fun of each other
Modern AU: The Vander Crew meets Mylo's S/O
As you all know, Mylo has a big mouth
If he were to ever miraculously start dating someone, he'd immediately let everyone know about it
The family's heard him talk about this one person that's caught his attention from time to time, but overall never really pictured him ever scoring an S/O
So imagine one afternoon when school lets out for the weekend: The Vander Crew + Ekko all meet up at the front getting ready to walk to the subway station and go home
Mylo suddenly calls out to them from the top of the stairs, sliding down the metal railing and bouncing up to the group with the biggest grin on his face
Mylo: Guys! Guys! You won't believe this!
Vi: You made a 6th grader cry.
Powder: You grew a second brain cell.
Claggor: You drew red middle fingers on Coach Sevika's free pads from sex ed and taped them to the wall.
Mylo: No, shut up Powder, and that was ONE time!
Mylo's jumping around as they all walk out the door, him hopping to the bottom of the concrete steps turning to face all of them
Mylo: Guys... I'M DATING Y/N!
Vi: ...
Claggor: ...
Powder: ...
Ekko: ...
Upon hearing that, Vi was snickering, Powder and Claggor tried hard to swallow their giggles, and Ekko started chuckling and snorting at the same time
They all gradually erupted into cackling laughter, Powder and Ekko holding their stomachs as Mylo was glaring at all of them with a deep frown on his face
The laughter dies down as everyone notices Mylo's expression, and it's only then that it finally dawned on them
Vi: Wait... You're serious?
Ekko: You're probably getting pranked, Mylo.
Powder: Are WE getting pranked?
Mylo: Wha— Do you guys NOT have faith in me?!?!
Mylo swears on his life that he really managed to ask out his crush, and the best part was that they actually like him back ;-;
He keeps ranting about it their entire subway ride home, all the way til they entered the front of The Last Drop
Vander was wiping down the bar when he sees his kids come in, and his brows raise the moment Mylo tells him he's now dating someone
Vander's surprised, but congratulates him as he adds that he'd like to meet his S/O someday; The others perk up and agree, saying they'll only believe Mylo if they actually see his S/O in person
And that's how you wound up at the Vander Crew's apartment the next day, awkwardly looking around the room at everyone peering through the hallway at you
You look down and see a small, blue-haired girl opening the door for you, staring up at your face with inquisitive, bright eyes
You smile, saying hi to her as she tilts her head to the side
Powder: Are you doing charity work for Mylo?
You: What? Oh! It's not like that—
Ekko: Is he bribing you?
Ekko squeaks as Mylo yanks him from the hallway, the tall boy taking his place as he crosses his arms and leans against the wall
"Sup babe?", he smirks at you with a quirked brow (Vi audibly chokes in the background)
You wave back in return, saying you're guessing this must be his family
Vi and Claggor are leaning against the kitchen countertop while Powder and Ekko make their way to sit on the couch; Vander's standing by the kitchen and warmly greets you himself
Talking with the Vander family + Ekko was pretty chill; They all liked you, though are still in shock that you're REAL — a person actually willing to date MYLO of all people
And just like any other family, they thrived on humiliating him in front of you
If the family photos on the wall happen to catch your eye, Vi and Claggor would point out Mylo's most embarrassing pictures from when he was a younger and tell the stories behind them
Vi: Here's Mylo in 9th grade when he went through his angsty emo rock phase. He really thought he could be like Rodrick from that one movie
Claggor: And here's him in 3rd grade, when he fell on a jar of brown paint during picture day and had stains all over his ass
Mylo: *dying inside*
It comes to a point where Mylo tugs you aside and announces the two of you are going out for your date, inwardly hoping that his friends and family didn't scare you off enough
He's relieved to hear as you both walk out the bar that you loved all of them, and you find their shamelessness in roasting him very amusing
Mylo just rolls his eyes as he wraps his arm around your shoulders while trying to hide a smile
After your date, Vi, Claggor, Powder, and Ekko happened to be hanging out on the sidewalk in front of The Last Drop when they spot you and Mylo standing near the corner of the street
Both of you were laughing at something he said, and Ekko notes that he's never seen Mylo this soft or bashful around a person (His ears were going red as he was rubbing a hand on his neck while talking to you)
The Vander Crew's brows raise when you place your hands on Mylo's cheeks before gently pulling him in to peck his lips
Powder and Ekko snicker when they watch his entire face and neck bloom pink, him just staring at you dumbfounded as you tease him for it
After you leave, they're all smirking at Mylo as he walks back to the bar trying to contain a grin about to break across his face
Ekko: Man you are down BAD
Claggor: Mylo I'm gonna be honest, you BETTER not mess this up
Mylo: Tch, as if I plan on doing that
For real though, you're in for a wild but rewarding ride
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moonlightmirrorball · 3 years
Hey hey! I have a request for you!
Vi x reader, cuz I’m obsessed, and smth angsty but comforting cuz I’m depressed (rhymes are fun :))
Basically, vi is back in the lanes, accidentally runs into the reader and reader starts crying :(
Hope this is alright, drink some water, stay healthy and safe! You are loved!
- Rose
absolutely adore this scenario!
Ugly Crying
Vi x GN! Reader
The Lanes were your home. always had been, and probably always would be. they were the root system that helped you grow, and would continue to help you grow, even if your proverbial plant was withering. and for good reason too. the lanes had never been quite the same after "the incident".
the lanes had never been the same after Vi disappeared.
The good thing about living in the undercity, is that anything goes. And this fact had happened to save my life.
A life in The Lanes was a difficult one. A life in the Lanes almost guaranteed that a child would grow up a criminal and an addict. it was an inescapable fate. I had thought that maybe I was exempt when I’d been taken in by Vander. those had been the best days of my life looking back. I would have trade anything in the world to be sitting around the back room of The Last Drop with Mylo, Clagger, Powder...and Vi. They had been  my family, more than my parents ever had been when they were alive. and just like your parents, they were gone far too soon. 
all good things must come to an end, I suppose. 
The Lanes were always perpetually hot, and tonight was no exception. And I was where I usually spent my evenings, trudging through the streets, looking down, acknowledging no one. If they were worth my time they’d come to me. And they only ever approached me for one reason. They think I have what they want. Money. Sex. Revenge. Shimmer. that’s how it was in the Undercity. It was full of the strongest of the strong and the weakest of the weak. It was almost never worth my time. A rare lucrative payout or enticing offer would sometimes come along. 
I’m an opportunist, no different than those shiny topsiders. the only difference is that I’m willing to get my hands dirty to achieve what I want. The topsiders hired someone else to do their dirty work. Hell, sometimes they hired me. Mine was not a particularly honorable profession, but if it pays the bills.. “Oi it’s your turn” Raunder slaps the table, rattling the empty glasses piled precariously around the too small table. 
“sorry, I zoned out..”  I shook my head, glancing at my card. I don’t really remember the game we’re playing. Nor do I actually care. “I think I’m actually going to head out” 
I braced my hands on the table, standing up. “I didn’t want you to feel bad when you lost anyways.” I drawled, leaving the winning hand face up on the table ignoring the enraged shouts from Raunder. I pushed my way though the Thursday crowd feeling suddenly feeling stifled by the smell of alcohol and smoke. There were too many bodies and too many memories and The Last Drop was so different, so changed, but it still felt exactly the same. It was stifling. I bumped into a slight woman at the pool table, huffing as she spilled her drink on my leg and boot. “Watch it, bitch” she barked at me, turning around to line her pool stick up. I nodded a quick apology to her, and continued trying to push my way out. 
I stumble through the doors gulping down the cool, thin air. I smelled like booze and tobacco and sweat, and my clothes were dirty and home was on the other side of the city. And I don’t know what was in my drink, but my head is fuzzy and my spirits are low, and the wall of the alley is digging into my spine, scraping against the fabric of my shirt as I breathe. I can still hear the roar of people coming out of the last drop, swirling around in my ear canal and worming its way into my mind. I sigh, dragging my dirty hand over my dirty face. “Fuck,” I glance around where I am, noting the group of scrappy teenage boys watching what I was going to do next. There was a brothel nearby that let you stay the night, but I really needed clean clothes. It was a two mile walk, but I'd walked here earlier today and tonight I'd walk back. 
Cause and effect, right? 
I walked with my hands shoved deep in my pockets, watching the sewer rats scurry around  the sidewalk, running on autopilot
“Hey watch where you’re going”
 “You watch where you’re go-” pink hair. Bandaged arms. “Vi?” and there it was. VI. right on her face. I couldn’t tell if this was a dream or a nightmare, but I don’t want it to end. 
 “I thought you were dead, they said you died in the explosion- they all said- and now you’re here and you” I choked back a sob, “and you’re-” Vi was in the same state of disbelief I was, Eyes wide with shock. The hands she’d held in fists for so much of her life went slack at her sides. I said nothing, staring at  her, At Vi, Vi who was alive, and Vi who was here, and Vi who you thought died all those years ago. 
“I’m going to hug you now,” Vi spoke softly, in soothing tones. Like I was some sort of skittish bird. I nodded slowly. And it was there, Tucked into Vi’s body that I finally felt something. And then I felt a lot of things. Disbelief, Anger, Surprise, Anger, Sadness, Anger, Longing, Gratitude, Pain. I liked to think that I’d let go of the events that happened the night of the explosion, and for the most part I have, but losing Vi had been harder than anything else, and I didn’t think I could ever get over it. And yet, here she was. Holding me, as I sank to my knees on the asphalt, heaving heavy painful sobs. I felt Vi start rubbing my back, gently “Hey,” she breathed “It’s okay, I’m here. I’m here, and I’m real” And she was. Vi was here and she was real and she looked different. She was taller and her hair looked...better than it had five years ago. She’d bulked up, and gotten tattoos and her voice was deeper but it was Vi. after all these years. And i didn’t know if I should keep hugging her, or punch her or… I don’t fucking know.
 I stood up, my breathing steady for the first time since I left The Last Drop. “they told me,” my voice was thick with tears, “They told me you died.” I said, trying to keep my voice steady and scrubbing at my eyes with my sleeve. “But obviously, you’re not dead. So where the hell were you for the past five years.” Vi looked up at me from where she was squatting on the ground. “Help  me up?” she quirked an eyebrow at me. I stuck out my hand, keeping my arm as steady as I could as she gripped it to stand up. “I got arrested, and they locked me up.”
 “How did you get out, then? And what took so damn long?” 
“Are you mad at me for getting arrested?” Vi’s nostrils flared, her grey-blue eyes boring into mine.
“Of course I’m not mad at you for getting arrested,” I huffed, raising my voice “I’m  mad at you for abandoning us!” people were staring now, and still in the way people were when they didn’t want you to notice they were eavesdropping. “I’m mad at you for abandoning me.” my voice had shrunk along with my anger, leaving me hollow and defeated. “I didn’t want to abandon you,” Vi said, placing her hand on my shoulder. I contemplated swatting it off, but any malice I had towards the situation was gone. “Or powder. But it wasn’t my choice,” she shook her head, and I knew, I know that she was telling the truth. Of course she was, she was Vi. I slumped against her, wrapping my arms around her now very toned middle. “I know.” I muttered into her shoulder, “I’m just glad you’re here” 
And she is.  
that’s all I needed right now
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claggorstuff · 9 months
Claggor with a reader who is super good at parkour! Like reader can easily hop from building to building and can climb like crazy. reader can be fem! or gn! Irdc. :) thx!! <3 (also would you mind if I send more than one request? It's only 1 or 2 more that I have an idea for)
Yeswaplease request all u want omgomgomg
Claggor x parkour master fem s/o
As Me and Claggor sat on the roof of the last drop, I smiled and watched him stare down at the lights of the undercity, "hungry?" I questioned, he sighed "a lil.." and scratched the back of his neck, where his beautiful brown locks ended, I stood up, "Well, why dont we go get something to eat? I know just the place!" He looked at me and shrugged "affordable?" "Duh." I giggled and held my hand out, he took it and stood a little wobbly, I smirked. "Keep up!" I ran and jumped off the roof of the building, he gasped and ran to the ledge and looked down at me as I scaled the apartments nearby and hopped around the vendors, he tried his best to follow but ended up running after me on the ground, I laughed and jumped building to window to balcony to roof, he needed to take a break to sit, as I hopped down to him crossing my arms he huffed "Warning?" I smirked "I'll give vanders eldest son a warning to follow me on a quick route around the UNDERCITY of all places when it crumbles to the ground." I blabbed, he sighed and shook his head "pure evil woman, pure evil.." as I waited for him to catch his breathe I admired his features shining in the dim light of the brothels open door, people walked in and out, in and out, seemingly bored. I suppose thats why anyone goes there, I turned to stare at the stained glass and when I noticed claggor had caught his breath I began climbing. The brothel. He yelped and followed as quick as he could, "wait up-!" He hollered, I laughed loudly "Nahh!" I began to scale faster and stood at the top of the structures slanted roofs, sliding down to the next, much smaller building, he growled and began to try and catch me, jumping at me as if he were an animal and I, the prey, I began to squeal in excitement, now that this had become a game, I was able to show my full skill level, and, well, naturally as my boyfriend, he was quite excited to play this game. I jumped and swung, and he did the same, naturally raised with vi mylo and powder he'd learnt all these undercity skills, but not to my level, I was a trained acrobatic, and he was just a simple boy. But he really loved watching me go.. adleast, thats what hes always said and, what reason would such a beautiful boy have to lie.. I love him so much, so at last we had gotten to the place, but now he was quite out of breathe and so.. of course, we sat for a bit, I was too, but Im quite too happy Id beat him to admit it, as I sat and looked around I'd just realized. This is a game. And sitting here, I could be c- "GOTCHA!" he wrapped his arms around me swiftly as I squealed, he chuckled and kissed me all around "You're such a show-off babe. I love it." He smirked, I stared into his eyes and tilted my head "...stop bein pretty. Ya big oaf." "Dont blame me babe." He chuckled and after we'd caught our breaths, we got some food, a long night followed which included.. well.. vander. Being not so happy we left without telling him, and well. The little jump around left a bit of a mess around, so, not so different. At the end of such a long day. I was after a while of begging vander allowed to sleep next to claggor, he held me ever so close and softly. And as i drifted off he chuckled "Love my acrobatic girlfriend.."
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chickenparm · 2 years
Can I request sum a lil sweet with vander, like a vander x reader and they are singing to the kids and he hears it
a little drabble for you. i left it a bit ambiguous on their relationship status, you can fill in those blanks with something pre-established or ready to happen.
Vander/gn!Reader Drabble - SFW ---
It's his favorite time of night, when he can creep down the stairs and be careful of every creaking step. When he can slip to the doorway that bars him from the room Vi and Powder share, though he knows Mylo and Claggor are there too - probably trying not to seem like they'd come for the same reasons that Vander does.
It starts quiet, but Vander knows it by heart and can pick out the first hummed note of the little song you sing them. With his forehead against the wall to relax against, Vander can almost picture the carding of your fingers through Powder's hair, loosened from the braid she wears it in. He can imagine Vi in her own bunk, one leg dangling over the side as she swings her foot.
And most of all, he can picture you - smiling softly and humming until words form. It's an old lullaby, one that almost every kid from the fissures had heard at one point or another. Whether you sing it because it soothes the gaggle of kids, or simply to give them a sweet memory to look back on, Vander isn't sure.
Maybe it's both.
Even though he's not the intended audience, its effect still works on him, too. His tensions ease for the span of time it takes you to get through all the verses, and suddenly the worries that built over the span of the day aren't quite so pressing.
Maybe if he waits outside for you, just this once, he can convince you to sing it for him as well. Old habits die hard, and maybe it's written into his very bones for that particular song to turn him soft like this. There's no shame in it, and his mind is made up long before the song ends and your footsteps start to move toward the door.
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Scent, the Return
Vander figures it out eventually.
Part One
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Vander x GN!Reader x Silco
Warnings for Partner Abuse and Depression and Reconciliation without actually talking. Also, while it is not explicit- the Alpha/Beta/Omega tag is there for a reason.
              Vander watched you come home the next few weeks with a sinking feeling in his stomach. The first day you had smiled at him, he had known something was right.
              It wasn’t him. He watched from the corner of his eye as you and the kids helped him clean the main room. Mylo was standing close to you, as was Vi, trying to get all the scent of happiness they could from you. You were trying to shoo them off, but they were attaching to you like tiny barnacles as you wiped down the seats.
              Vander wanted to be right over there with them. He hadn’t smelled you happy since the attack on the bridge. Vander glanced down at his forearm, where the leather hid the private shame.
              You were a walking public shame. Vander clenched his hands on the broom. He hadn’t noticed in the beginning. He had been enraged. The Lanes had come into his grasp with nary a whimper. They had been weakened by war, and Vander could not be gainsaid. He had just attempted to murder his packmate. He had killed for Silco. There was no law of man or goddess he wouldn’t have broken for Silco.  He had always claimed true alphas didn’t need to fight for dominance. It wasn’t for dominance, though.
              Vander’s eyes flickered towards you and the children, but the excuse didn’t hold any water anymore. There were a thousand different ways to talk to Silco. His moral center was made of a thousand shades of gray and compromise. He was stubborn, but he would do anything. If Vander had truly been convinced and Silco hadn’t, they would have parted ways.
              Vander wasn’t willing to compromise. He wanted peace- but he had wanted it his way.
              His way was shit.
              His gaze fell to you again. Even when he had calmed down, it had taken Benzo pulling him aside. You weren’t smiling. You were barely taking care of yourself. The kids were taken care of, but barely. Vander had thought it was probably heat sickness.
              Then he had gone to throw up in an alley.
              He couldn’t do it. He didn’t even need to try to know he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t touch you during the most vulnerable part of your cycle, not with hands that could strangle his packmate. What if he got angry? Heat and rut were instinctive. It was the time he had the least control. If he strangled and drowned (almost, almost: He is still alive somewhere.) Silco, what could he do to you?
              Vander had hoped the children would keep your body from going into heat. The stress of children could do that; it kept omegas from being constantly pregnant- kept newborns fed.
              It didn’t. He hemmed and hawed about not being able to help. Then you tried to go to Babette’s.
              He should have let you, then. He should have let you. He should have let you. It may have done something for you.
              Vander pressed a hand to his forehead. You gave him a curious look, which was a moment of celebration. When was the last time you had shown concern for anything outside of the kids? You walked over, shooing the kids away. Your hands cupped his face, the pointer and middle finger of each hand rubbed against his temples.
              Vander huffed and leaned into your hands, feeling like a puppy desperate for attention.  He leaned forward and kissed your forehead.
              Then his nose caught a scent. He wrapped his arm around your back, squeezing you to him.
              You purred, and Vander felt himself rumbling in kind.
              Vander started pressing kisses to the side of your face, down your temple to your ear.
              Then he pulled you off your feet and pressed his nose into the hollow of your throat.
              Vander let out a long rumbling growl. Oh, how he had missed that scent. He started pressing his mouth to your neck, enjoying the sounds of your pleasure. Vander walked you over to a table and laid your back on it. He pushed up your shirt. You got the message and pulled it up and off.
              Vander was drowning in the smell of Silco and You.
              The last time he had smelled both of you together, he had just come out of a rut. Silco had been pushing the knots out of his shoulders, and you had been running a cool cloth over his chest. He had been sated and sore and absolutely-
              Vander didn’t know why you didn’t fear him. He didn’t understand why you would still trust him to touch you after he kept giving you shot, after shot, after shot.  But you were giving him a gift now. The sound of your pleasure was mixing with the smell of his packmate.
              His packmate, who had spent quite a while scent-marking you.
              Vander felt a laugh grow in his belly. Seven years after attempting to drown him, Silco would only be such an ass as to send you back to him fully scent marked. Silco was a ghost story, a demon that reached out of the nightmares of the Undercity these days. A chembaron.
              And yet, he was the same as he ever was- intent on making a fucking point.
              Vander mouthed over your hipbone, applying the tiniest bit of pressure with his teeth, exactly where Silco had applied a love bite.
              You flung a leg over his shoulder and whined.
              Vander laid his head on your leg. If he messed up, if he hurt you, Silco would have no qualms killing him. Vander knew it was only by Silco’s grace you came back to him at all. It might have been for the kids, but Silco could have them taken with very little fuss. Who would follow a man who lost his entire pack?
              No one.
              It would have served Silco’s ambitions to keep you.
              But it would not have served you, which was the fucking point that had been going over his head for the past seven years.
              Vander bent down and pulled off your clothes. He got comfortable on his knees. 
              Then he got to work.
              Alpha has to provide for the pack, after all.
Tag List: @lackofhonor @aeryntheofficial @scarlettmoon98
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queerofzaun · 3 years
𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒋𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 : jinx x gn!reader
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 : fluff, mentions of trauma and mental illness
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 : reader is a psychologist, in a relationship with Zaun’s infamous loose cannon
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 : 1.2K
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 : inspired by a post by @pinkroulette​, sorry for the wait on this. i made reader gender neutral so anyone can read this! ngl, i feel like this isn’t my best work but oh well. i will be posting viktor next, i just wanted to even the posts out.
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You looked over your files with a frown present on your face. Being a psychologist in Zaun wasn’t an easy job. So many of the citizens had been subjected to many different kinds of trauma. It could taxing on you at times, but you still loved your job. The ironic thing though? You were just as psychotic as your blue haired girlfriend. Though, that a part of you that you kept secret from everyone but her. She loved that she had that piece of you all to herself.
You could hear the music blaring from upstairs, earning a groan from you. You closed the folder, clutching it to your chest as you stormed up the stairs. Of all the times she could be working, she just had to do it when you were trying to concentrate. You opened the door, finding her at work. Probably working on the weapon Silco had asked her to make.
“Jinx.” You called out but it was useless, as she was unable to hear you.
Letting a sigh fall from your lips, you walked over to her record player. You turned it off, which caused your girlfriend to twirl around in her chair to face as she slid her goggles up to her forehead. “Yes, monkey?” She asked, with a grin.
“I am trying to study, babe. Could you keep it down?” You questioned, “I have a lot of papers I need to sort out.”
“Ugh! Boring.” Jinx complained with a frown, crossing her arms with a pout.
You walked closer to her, setting the folder on the table and grabbed her chin in your hands. Those big eyes looking up at you with wonder. Her lips were slightly parted. Your thumb caressed her cheek with a soft hum, “If I help you for a little bit, will you keep it quiet babygirl?”
She nodded eagerly, a smile growing on her lips. You patted her head before leaning over her shoulder to inspect what she had been working on. It looked like a rocket launcher of sorts but it still unfinished. She grabbed her wrench and starting to go back to building the weapon.
“I saw Vi.” She mumbled, her hands clutching the metal too. 
You leaned back against the work table as you looked down at her. The smile she had been wearing slowly began to falter. She was clearly starting to lose control again. When it came to her family, she would get very unstable. Given your profession though, you knew how to tackle these situations when they arose. 
“How did it make you feel?” You questioned, rubbing her back soothingly.
Jinx let out a scoff, “She was with a fucking topsider.”
Anger quickly flushed over her face. You noticed the way she snapped her head in the direction of her makeshift Mylo doll. “No, no. She wouldn’t do that.”
And just like, the wrench she had been holding had been thrown in it’s direction, knocking the doll over. You watched as she clutched her head with her hands and pulled her knees to her chest. Taking her hand in yours, you frowned down at the sight of your now saddened girlfriend.
“What did he say?” You asked softly, starting to caress the back of her palm.
This was something that Jinx loved most about you, how you never made her feel crazy for being the way she was. You listened to her, were patient with her. That wasn’t something she didn’t even have with Silco at times. It made her feel safe, like she was unable to do wrong in your eyes. She knew that to be true. Even after the explosion in Piltover, while Silco was raging at her, you were the one who had supported her plan. You loved her madness, and she found comfort in it.
Ever since the death of Vander, and the boys, she had descended so far into her own paranoia and ptsd that she wasn’t sure she’d ever feel like she would be happy to find peace again. But then she met you, and it was like the first breath of fresh air since everything happened. Like she had been drowning in all the guilt and sorrow, and you were there to pull her out. You always did, too. Always made her feel okay again.
She leaned her head on her elbow, her painted fingernails trailing along the desk mindlessly. Those big blue eyes lifting up to meet yours again. “That she’s gonna replace me with her.”
You sighed, kneeling down so you were eye level with her. “Baby, you have you an abandonment wound. You’re going to perceive anything as a threat if it doesn’t align with how you feel things should be.”
Her fists slammed against the table as she stood up abruptly. “She is with an enforcer. They took everything from us, she’s siding with the enemy.” Jinx raged, pacing the room aimlessly.
“Give her an ultimatum.” You suggested with a shrug of your shoulders, a smirk appearing on your face. You might be a doctor, but you never claimed to have a good moral compass.
You had your own set of issues. You came from a wealthy family in Piltover, but their way of life never suited you. It wasn’t enough. Your parents pushed you to be a student at the academy and wanted you to fit in with the rest of it’s people. Always being told what to do, how you should act, how you should talk. You had suffered with mental illness yourself, which pushed you study Psych at the academy.
But, your parents shamed you your whole life for it. Always making you feel like a burden. That’s when you snapped, leaving your life behind in Piltover and never looked back. It wasn’t until you met Jinx that you finally felt free, no longer feeling caged. She taught you what it meant to really be alive.
Jinx turned to look at you over her shoulder, waiting for you to finish where you were going with that. Slowly turning her body to fully face you, she held her hand out for you to take. You took it in yours as let her help you up to your feet.
“Make her choose.” You told her, bringing one of her braids over her shoulder. “You, or the enforcer. If she picks the latter, we will both show them a lesson. Perhaps, we can set their pretty city on fire.”
You felt relieved when her pained face quickly cocked a toothy grin. Her hands snaked around your neck as she planted a kiss to your lips. Your hands rested on her hips, pulling her closer to you. She pulled away, “You’re always inspiring me monkey!”
Letting out a chuckle, you patted her head a few times before turning to her work bench. “We should back to work, hmm?” You told her, knowing it would help better mood. Gadgetry was the only thing that kept from her childhood that didn’t trigger her ptsd, it the only piece of her inner child that could run free. You loved watching her get into it, how excited and concentrated when working.
Jinx complied, taking a seat again and turning her focus on her work. She frowned when she looked for wrench and couldn’t find it. You laughed, “Dear, you threw it Mylo’s head.”
You walked over to the tool that was laying next to the couch, grabbing it and tossing it to her. She caught it with ease, spinning back in her chair with a giggle as she resumed her work
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freementallyillkid · 2 years
Master List
-Mylo x fem boxer reader pt2
Mylo goes to his first underground boxing match
Mylo x deaf reader
Mylo meet r who is deaf
Mom Caitlyn x child reader +Mom/Aunt Jinx  and Uncle Ekko
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5
(Manner) Sevika x femreader pt2 pt3
r yells at Sevika for bumping into her Sevika is shocked
Vi x fem reader
soft smut w/ Vi
Vi x reader
dealing w/ r going through drug withdrawal
Vi x reader
Vi with a r who likes to sing
Vi and Caitlyn
Vi and Caitlyn x reader
A guy flirts with r Cait and Vi get jealous
Jinx x male dancer reader
Jinx hides from enforcers and find
Jinx x fem reader
R find Jinx beating someone up
Jinx x Caitlyn’s sister
Jinx x disabled reader
just some hcs
Jinx x fem reader angst pt2
Jinx x reader with toddler (hc)
Viktor x reader
stargazing w/ Viktor
Yandere Mel x reader x Yandere Ambessa
Mel x reader
soulmate au
Yander Mel x reader x Yandere Ambessa
Silco x wife reader
Viktor, Ekko & Vi with touch starved s/o
The Last of Us
Jesse x reader (platonic)
You and Jesse celebrate your birthday
Ellie x gn depressed reader, just some fluff with minor angst as Ellie makes you feel better
Ellie x male reader (platonic)
angst, you die via bite some fluff before that
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