#mystic messsenger
annbourbon · 1 day
Connecting Mystic Messsenger and The Ssum
⚠️Work in Progress ⚠️
⚠️ Spoilers ahead ⚠️
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IMO, this one is the easiest but only because I have been playing for a while MM.
♡ June is Jumin's half-brother
♡ Rika, V, Elizabeth the 3rd, Zen and Jumin make several appearances throughout The Ssum in Henri's, June's, Harry's and even Teo's routes. Some of them are "innocent" meetings. Others not so much.
♡ It is explicitly said that MC dated Zen before dating Teo. Which puts The Ssum before Mystic Messenger events, specifically talking of Another Story. This would prove my timeline to be correct.
♡ During Mystic Messenger, Zen said that it's been 5 years without a girlfriend. This sets The Ssum Events between 2011 or 2012 and makes it to 2013. Around the time Rika disappears (commits "suicide" and "creates Mint Eye" but as I said before, she creates Mint Eye before the RFA.) which also explains why Henri and June routes are so short. There's a lot of things going on in between.
*I believe it is the events of The Ssum that lead to the disappearance of MC. Not just because of Teo, but Harry's parents and the Angel. I still need to play more and finish the routes so any help is welcomed.
♡ Although I have yet to find the exact proof~ I believe there are some mentions of Harry Choi during MM. I do remember reading of him somewhere, because Zen was talking about it.
♡ The Muse is mentioned several times in both games. I'll bring it on later because it is important.
♡ Yes, the unicorn appears in Mystic Messenger as one of the MCs, although it does not have any thing that it's relevant for the plot of the game. There are mentions of unicorn drugs during The Ssum. So make a note and start tracking if you want to know more♡
♡ Mint Eye is confirmed to be before the RFA. And it does appear through The Ssum, trying to sway the guys MC date.
♡ MC sometimes has options that make it seem as if she's from the future or has already seen some of these things during The Ssum. She and the Angel discuss things like they are both from the future.
♡ Throughout the whole plot I discovered the actual timeline.
*I'm creating another timeline, while it doesn't erase the MM Timeline or The Ssum Timeline, it does add more context for those wanting to see beyond these two games. It includes Dandelion and Nameless.
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Gardenia, et tu Polaris?
Pairing: Choi Saeran/Reader, 707 | Choi Luciel/Reader
Description: Would you risk your soul to save someone you love? Would you give your eternal life if it meant that they could survive? For Saeran and Luciel, that isn’t a hypothetical question, and these twins torn apart by Heaven and Hell have no one to blame but themselves. Will the stars guide them back to life’s bountiful garden, or will they taste hellfire before they know what it means to have faith in something real?
Saeran x Reader 1 & Seven x Reader 2 [There are two Separate Readers. Choose your path.]
Word Count:  7123
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[Read On AO3]
Chapter Eight
Luciel hadn't had a moment of a break in a long time. 
There had been moments where he could take a breather and do something that he wanted, but that seemed to be far and away from his reach at this point. The situation that was going on on Earth was undeniable. Many people were falling to sin by the minute, and it was going exactly according to the plan that had been cemented. The plan had been fortified and the more that it started to work, the more time that would need to be dedicated to its success. 
It seemed as though his work was becoming busier and busier by the day. There was something else on his desk to think about straight from the Devil herself every day. There was no way for him to turn her down, so he did what he had always done. He took the tasks that were meant for him and he did them accordingly. Even if it got his hands dirty and plenty of things did that, the reality was that he had to continue doing what she expected. 
It wasn't that bad. 
Well, it wasn't that bad for him. Something different could be said for those that would be facing punishment and damnation. That was just the way that the world worked. There was no denying that that pattern had been there for centuries and seemingly nothing was ever going to be able to change that. 
There was an expectation of perfection, but he wasn’t a demon that was expected to torture and detain. His job was to punish and corrupt. Many kinds of demons had to take care of different tasks. There was no end to the different types that needed to be dealt with by the minute. Some of them held messier jobs like torture and damnation and some of them were more involved in corrupting by whispering in someone’s ear. All of them were assets to Hell, but each job had to be handled precisely. 
For Luciel, he focused most of his time on a mixture of the two. As long as there was somebody that he could get rid of that deserved it, he would do it. That could take up a lot of his time if he allowed it. If he took it at a slow pace, it would take a few weeks to dismantle someone from top to bottom. Even if he was doing it in a reasonable amount of time, it would still take a couple of days to finish someone off. 
His commitment to his job was what afforded him the respect of the demons around him. It had taken him a while to win over the demons. However, many of them appreciated that he was, in their eyes, no different than Lucifer. He had fallen because they knew he turned against the big man himself. People respected him because of that. They didn't care about the truth. They just wanted to have something to hold onto to prove that there was a reason that things were the way that they were. He knew what people thought of him. 
It didn't matter in the long run because he didn't go out of his way to interact with anybody. It was nothing against them, it was more so that he didn't consider himself in the mood of making dynamic relationships in a place where he didn't want to be in the first place. He didn't have any long-term plans in Hell. He wasn't going out of his way to build things that he didn't see lasting longer than maybe the next century. He didn’t see himself lasting longer than a century.
If there was a way that he could ensure that Saeran was safe, maybe he’d stop trying and let the rest of the demons destroy him. He was tired of having to run around and take care of things like this. He understood what his job was, but that didn't mean that he liked it most of the time. It was just another task that had to be done. It was no different than the change he wore when he was Angel. 
It might have been a different circumstance but it was the same background. You could change the colors and the environment but you could never remove the expectation that came from those in charge. In some ways, there was no difference between God and the Devil. Not a single soul would ever make that comparison aloud but it existed. Things ran the way they did because of that system. Even if things had only started to change recently, it didn't mean that the system at large was not working. 
But, since there was no way to ensure that his brother would be safe in the long run, he had to continue watching over him from afar. He was doing everything that he could think of to ensure that things worked out the way that they were supposed to. It wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do. There were many obstacles in his way and the more he tried to fight everything, the harder it was to get back to the surface. It was easier to give them what they wanted so that he could have the time to do what he needed. 
It was circumstance. 
Everything changed to some degree when he realized that Polaris was with his brother. Not only had they given an Angel that had just received their wings a position of power, they decided that the best idea was to stick them with Saeran. It was a thought that made him sick to his stomach because the more that he thought about it, the more that he started to think that it was possibly a ploy to uncover information. It would be easy to manipulate someone that didn't understand the severity of everything. It would be easy to use them to lure out information that they wanted to have. 
Luciel wouldn't put it past them to try and coerce his brother to admit something whether they had proof or not. He’d come to understand a long time ago that Heaven was a place that was far more hypocritical than it appeared on the surface. It was made to look like a paradise where not a single soul would know pain. 
However, that just wasn't the truth. There were no humans there to speak of in Heaven, perhaps one or two who had been born into Angels after death. But those numbers were so rare that even hearing that Polaris was one threw him off-guard. The Angels that were there had to face strict regimens and rules to maintain the place in which they had been created. It wasn't a place where you could do anything that you wanted. It was a place where you had to stay in line. 
It wasn't the way that anybody wanted to live. That is if they knew what it was like to live far different from that. But, nobody would have any idea that there was any other way to live until they got the chance to take a step away from it. That was why they limited the number of Angels that were allowed to go down to Earth in the first place. Luciel understood why they might want to use Polaris. But, he could see where that could shoot them in the foot with a couple of arrows. Humans held free will. Even if they had scrubbed some of Polaris’ memories, he could see the fire in their eyes. 
After all, it was only strong personalities that could survive the transformation between the two states of being. There wasn't always a Rhyme or Reason why they were chosen. However, the soul would always be the same. It would be someone strong, steadfast, and committed. It didn't matter if that was your natural personality or not it was about what was connected to their soul. It was that blinding light. It was so strong that it was etched onto their face… with glowing lights on their cheeks of starlight freckles. 
He couldn't remove the memory of them from his head. It could have been the fact that they weren't scared out of their mind when they spoke to him or it could have been the fact that they were so willing to challenge everything that they had been taught thus far. 
There was something about the way that they spoke that made him wonder what kind of person they had been when they were alive on Earth. He knew that there were people out there who did fight against the injustices of the human world but he wasn't sure that he’d ever had encountered a human that believed so wholeheartedly that he deserved a chance without hearing the full story. 
It seemed ridiculous to go along with something without knowing the whole reality. Even if they only had second-hand information. 
Either Saeran had tried to gloss over the truth, or Polaris was a saint. He wasn't sure which way it made more sense. 
It might’ve just been the fact that he was used to people being so ready to throw someone under the bus that it was hard to imagine that anyone would ever believe him without reason. The last time that something like that happened to him, he was thrown from the high heavens and sent to damnation. Nobody ever gave him a single chance. He didn't expect them to give him a chance. It was just the way of the world, after all. 
Polaris was different from the rest of them. There was a reason for that, and while it did interest him, he knew better than to get deeply involved. They were probably being used whether they were aware of it or not. They might’ve stood their ground and tried to fight back but it wouldn't go very far in the end. It never did 4 people that wanted to change the status quo. It was a good way to think but it wasn't the ideal for what they had planned. They weren't going to let anybody who thought out of the box get very far. 
In some ways, it was kind of cute that Polaris thought that way. They were the kind of person that somebody would want to manipulate. There weren't a lot of people who were genuine like that. At least, he didn't imagine many people like that would go out of their way to do something that didn't help them in the slightest way. It was the kind of selfless thinking that Angels were supposed to have. It was funny to think that the human was closer to being Angelic than the Angels themselves.
When it came down to it, this was the first time in a very long time that he had ever seen an Angel that seemed to be doing what it needed to do. There was always Saeran, but he was one of the many outliers in the system. For some reason, he just couldn't get Polaris out of his head. That didn't have to be a bad thing. He could put that sort of thing to good use as long as he was careful about how he navigated it. They were stubborn and that could be useful, as long as he was mindful of the possibility that they were being used.
But, was it any different than how any other Angel was being used? Probably not, he thought. It was just another one of those thoughts that invaded the back of his head. It would have been nice if they could've bitten at the back of his head at any other moment, though. There was a lot more for him to worry about in Hell. He rounded another corner and walked face-first into a wall of muscle. He let out a grunt and looked up to see the face of one of the more poised demons, only known on Earth as Zen. 
His demon form was on full display as he took a step back from Luciel. He was one of the few demons that held such a peculiar disposition. His horns were white, a pair that seemed to be so Angelic despite his demonic upbringing. They swirled above his head and created tendrils that were climbing to the stars. The wings that surrounded his back were no different, white leather stained crimson to almost invoke the sight of an Angel weeping blood. He looked nothing like those traditional demons that one would imagine. 
It was why Rika had brought him to be hard at work for the new foundation of Hell. She always happened to be looking for oddities that would create a different environment. It was her way of blending old and new ideas. As long as she had something around to bring in the new crowd and sway those who were more traditional and set in their ways, she knew that she had everything in the bag. It was a much more welcoming tactic than those that were used in Heaven. 
If he could give her credit for one thing, he would say that she knew how to utilize something that most people would consider useless. She knew how to work with people and demons alike to get what she wanted. It was a rare talent to be able to juggle multiple tasks all at once while working on your plan. She knew how to sway things in her favor. It was one of the reasons why he had trusted her from afar from the start. 
If one was really to sit down and think about what she was doing, even if they didn’t understand the link that she wanted to go to, they would’ve appreciated the fact that she knew how to make people feel like they belonged.  It was something that Heaven was truly lacking. It was possibly why things had been shifting in her favor in the first place.  She offered something that they did not. 
Zen was one of the demons that focused on human manipulation. It was his job to coerce and make many deals on the surface. Although, while he did do his job very well and ensured that everything was going according to plan, it seemed as though he had other things on his mind most of the time. His cover was a rags-to-riches story. A story of a man who was abandoned by his family for following his heart to be an actor on the stage. 
Humans did love an underdog story where they could cheer for someone who fought to be there from the depths of the worst places humans could crawl around. It worked for Zen, but there had been a recurring theme to the spaces that he controlled in disguise. He got carried away with the coverage that he held. He would spend a lot of time focusing on his plays and productions rather than corrupting humans. It wasn’t like he didn’t have his work cut out for him. The scene in the media world was prime for sinners and adulterers. He almost wouldn’t even have to nudge any person in one direction for them to fall into disarray. 
Yet, it was undeniable that he seemed to care more for the stage than he did for corruption. That didn’t matter so much for Rika, though. As long as his handsome face was luring people right to the spaces that she wanted them to be, he could do as he pleased. It was as simple as that. If the former Devil himself, Lucifer, had been around, that certainly wouldn’t have been the case. His lack of empathy and care for humanity at large was something that many people understand. He held no patience for the Father’s beloved creations. 
Luciel didn’t agree with that cruel sentiment. As much as he felt in tune with Lucifer for turning against the Father, they had different ideas about the world that they wished existed for those that stood around them. He may have never held human life in his body, he still existed just as much as they did. For the chance that they all existed at the same time meant that there had to be one person out there that cared. Humans could create things that he couldn’t even start to imagine and for that, he was envious. 
He didn’t want to destroy them for it. 
If anything, The only thing that he wanted to do was give them the chance to be able to create to their heart's content without worrying about something worse. In an ideal world, that's the sort of thing that he would have focused on. But, Luciel didn’t live in the ideal world. Nobody did, and it was likely that nobody ever would. They had to make do with what they had and that was the way that it would be. It wasn't the worst-case scenario. He would take what he could get in the long run. 
With a sigh, he looked up at the other demon and said, “Sorry about that.” 
“It’s alright, Luciel. You’re on your way to see Rika, right?” Zen replied. He seemed to have no care in the world. He was one of the few demons down here that were capable of using manners. Though, one could never be sure if he was using it just because it was a force of habit from how he interacted with humans, or because he just believed in having some good nature behind that back of his just in case he needed to use it. It certainly didn't hurt to know how to speak to people that were stronger than you. 
“Yeah, something like that,” he said. He didn’t want anyone in his business, though. Zen didn’t have to know the details of what he was doing. “You’re back on your way to Earth, huh? There’s been talk of you landing a role with one of the most popular actresses right now. Was she giving you the order to work your magic as an Incubus to corrupt the goody-two-shoes?” 
“No. I find it unruly and unbecoming to use my abilities on someone that way. I’d rather them choose to walk into something than do it against their whims. I suppose that sounds backward for a demon but I’d rather have some class about damnation than not. Since Hell is changing and our ways are adapting, I can decide the way that corruption takes place,” he let out a chuckle that no demon would’ve made about that. 
Well, Zen wasn't all that bad. There weren't many demons down there that Luciel could say that he could speak to without feeling a twinge of disgust in his gut.
He could say that Zen was one of the most likable demons underground. Had he been created differently, he would’ve fit right in the walls of Heaven just as any other Angel did. He seemed to be a missing Angel in everything but appearance with the horns and demonic eyes. It went without saying that you couldn’t judge a book without looking beyond what was on the surface. 
Just one of those reasons why Luciel knew the Father made mistakes. 
“You’re a better demon than most,” Luciel replied. He patted Zen’s shoulders and continued on his way towards the center of Hell’s castle. He meant what he said. In comparison to everyone else, he was probably the best of the best that could be found in Hell. If Luciel had to choose to be stuck with any demon around, he would’ve picked Zen out of the pool. If only because his attitude was focused on being righteous in his damnation. 
And had he cared more, he would’ve laughed when he heard the mutter underneath Zen’s breath once more, “And you’re the most self-destructive, aren’t you, Luciel?” 
Luciel’s walk continued until he found himself within the chambers of Jihyun Kim, the human consort to the Devil. 
Most demons didn't think much of him at large. Why would they? There wasn't a reason to think much about someone that was just supposed to amuse their new mistress. In many ways, he amused her and did everything that he was supposed to do by her side. Nobody would ever think much of that. It was no different than how Lucifer and other top-ranked demons would consort with Incubus and Succubus. It was just a good way for them to pass the time without having to think about anything. 
It wasn't exactly the first thing on Luciel’s mind, but it wasn’t any of his business. No, his business with the human trapped in Hell had less to do with that sort of consort. He had a much bigger reason to visit Jihyun. It was one of the many reasons why having a human around that most people didn’t think much of was a good idea. Jihyun had a way of making connections in the human realm, Heaven, and Hell. 
He had a long list of networks that pooled everywhere in the world. It was astonishing to think that a human managed to do that, but for some reason, it was easy for him to make connections. It was a rare ability but it was not unheard of. It had just been a very long time since someone had that connection as a human. It just goes to show that there are humans out there that even he doesn't think about. Polaris was one of them as well. 
It might have been his down-to-earth attitude. He just knew how to talk to people at the end of the day. It was a useful skill and the reason why she had chosen him to be in her life, as far as Luciel could tell. It made sense to have someone who could communicate with everyone in the world. If she had the right amount of people on her team that could help her undermine authority in such a way that could dismantle the establishment, it was perfect gold. 
Because of that network that Jihyun had created, it afforded the ability to focus on gaining intel and information that not most people could get their hands on. 
He had the power to discover a lot of information in a short amount of time. As long as he had a name or a place to work from, he’d have answers before you’d know it. It was useful when you were trying to figure out what was going on in the world. Most demons used it for nefarious purposes since this was Hell, after all, but Luciel only came to Jihyun when he wanted to hear something about his brother. 
 Jihyun never asked why Luciel wanted this information, nor did he pry. That was one of the things that Luciel respected about him. It was another reason why he didn't take this information to Rika herself. The last thing he wanted was for Rika to realize that he had a brother that was still in Heaven. She was on the warpath and the further that Luciel could keep Saeran away from all of it, the better. As long as his brother was away from the conflict then he knew that it would be all right. Things weren’t going to get better but he was doing what he could. 
There was a lot of brewing in the back of his head. There was only so much that he could do, too. He needed to collect himself if he wanted to keep working. The situation had changed far more than he ever expected. He needed someone with clarity on the situation that could tell him something that he couldn't find out on his own. He could always interrogate the little angel that stood in his way, but he wasn’t sure how trustworthy Polaris could be. 
That’s why his only other option was to come to Jihyun. 
Jihyun seemed to know what Luciel wanted before he asked. “I do have some information that you’re looking for. I don’t know how you’ll take it, however, Luciel. But, the fact stands that a lot has changed since the last time you came to me. It seems as though that Angel has been on Earth for a few weeks now with a partner. They haven’t left since they arrived. There’s been no return to or from Heaven. My informant is certain that they’ve been guarding a human for some reason. I can assume they’re playing the role of Guardian Angel, but their proximity is one of the things that Rika will find out sooner or later.” 
That was exactly the last thing that he wanted to hear. They kept very close tabs on those that were involved in the human world. It was easier to ensure that things were going the way that they needed to by going around their heads. As long as they could avoid Angels on duty and continue their work, that was the plan. It was rare that two Angels stood guard over someone, even when he and Saeran had done it. It was something that couldn't be hidden forever from Rika. 
It wouldn't be long before she found it. 
“Are you sure?” he asked. 
After all, this wasn't the sort of thing that anyone would want to joke about. It was a situation that needed to be handled with care. It didn't matter if things seemed as though they were the way that they always have been. The reality of the situation was that the cusp of war was on its way. Everything needed to be done with careful precision in mind for the future. 
“Positive. I’m afraid it also maybe sooner than that, given the fact that they’re close to one of the higher Angels, as well. If you value the situation, it would be best that you do what you can to offer coverage. I will not be able to hold back Rika once she discovers this information from one of the other spies,” his expression was sympathetic. He cared somewhat about this situation. At least, enough to warn Luciel ahead of time. 
It was just another one of the many problems that had existed in his life. He was going to take it in stride and do what he needed to do. If it wasn't one thing, it would always be another. Luciel could count on that. It was a part of the curse that he had been given when his wings were ripped from his body and his soul was set ablaze. If there was one thing he was going to do with the lot that he’d been, he was going to protect his brother no matter what. That was his job and it would always be his job. 
Damn whatever else people wanted from him on Earth, in Heaven, or Hell. He knew what his path was. 
It shouldn’t have come as a surprise to him that Saeran was working with Gardenia. They were the one human that Saeran loved. It was an innocent love that was created on his admiration of their strength. He adored them. He cherished them. He loved them with every fiber of his being. That wasn’t a crime in his eyes, and Heaven wouldn’t have said a word about it if he hadn’t let himself do something to save their life. It was Luciel’s fault in the end that Saeran decided to do the crime. He had stolen that apple because he wanted to save his love. 
Luciel knew from the start that Saeran was going to get in trouble. It didn't take long for them to figure out that somebody had taken it. When they did, they knew exactly who they were looking for. They needed air with red hair to be punished. In a way, he did what he did for his brother because he knew that it was worth the price of damnation. He knew that they were going to want someone with red hair to pay. So, he decided that he would take that punishment for Saeran just to protect Gardenia. 
It was the right thing to do in his eyes. Never once did he regret his decision to do what he did. He missed his brother, but he knew that Saeran was happy knowing that Gardenia was safe in the human world for a longer time. They would be able to live a life that they always wanted and he could watch it play out… even if it was from afar. In light of the circumstances, it was the best-case scenario that could be offered. It was the only thing that could have been done since nobody else would have gone against the Law & Order to save someone's life.
But, it was the fact alone that he was allowed to be around Gardenia again that was worrying, to say the least. It was why Luciel was suspicious in the first place. It was almost as if they were setting him up for failure. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out that they wanted to see if he’d slip up In the heat of the moment, or if you were, given the fact that you were by Saeran’s side all the time now. Either someone up there was a vindictive sadist, or it was just a second chance. They weren't big on second chances so it was more likely the prior answer. 
Nothing appeared to be too out of the ordinary. 
Gardenia was working for C&R International. That was a surprise given the fact that Jumin Han was an Angel undercover with Heaven to try and coerce humanity to stay on the path of light in the eyes of God. He wasn't a bad guy. He did try his best to do the right thing, so Luciel didn't have anything bad to say about him. It was suspicious that he was that close by, and it wasn’t a wonder why Jihyun had found out that information in the first place. 
Two Angels watching over a human while Jumin was nearby? They might as well put a target on someone's back and just wait for someone to take the hook. It was almost as if they were waiting for something to go wrong. It certainly didn't make them look good in the eyes of everyone else that was watching it take place. 
That was one of those things that somebody would want to keep an eye on. Heaven couldn't be as stupid enough as to leave that out in the open, but it appeared as though they were. They had to be aware that that didn't look good. But, as expected, regardless of if they cared or not, they’d ignored the reality at hand. They always believed that Heaven was strong, golden, and too good to ever be defeated. They could share propaganda all that they wanted but it would never change the fact that they weren't as good as they thought they were. 
It would never be that way. It would always be the illusion of glitz and glamor that hid the truth underneath the surface. They were no better than anyone else. It didn't matter if they had the sun and the stars. They could have all the warmth in the world and still be freezing to the bone by nighttime. 
You and Saeran were closely tied together, always shifting between two places to make sure that you had a good eye on things. The surprising factor was that neither of you was cloaking your body to humanity. You had donned material disguises that could be seen by anyone at any time as if you were no different than the humans. It was certainly a choice. The job didn't require you to be seen all the time. It was curious why you hadn't left Earth, as well as the fact that you were pretending to be humans. 
He had to wait for an opening to make contact with you because of it. 
It took a while, but eventually, you pressed a hand against Saeran’s shoulder and said something that Luciel couldn’t hear. He nodded and turned his attention back to Gardenia who was right in the middle of directing someone who was decorating the big room that you were standing in. It wasn’t long before you stepped outside and began to walk down the street. Luciel waited until it was the right moment and you were far enough away from the building to give him a chance to swoop in. 
This time, you were prepared for him, because you spun around before he could even say your name. You didn’t miss a beat, “I know you’re there, Luciel. You didn't exactly hide as well as you should have. I noticed you an hour ago. You're lucky that I distracted your brother from seeing you. He pays attention to Gardenia most of the time, anyway, but you never know if he’s going to glance outside. So, what are you doing here? You told me that you like to keep your distance.”
“Looks like the plans changed a little bit, sweet feathers. Hell knows that you’re working up here with Saeran and Jumin,” he said, pointedly. His narrowed gaze was the default. “I don't know if you know this but that means that there's more of a target on your back. It also means that there's one on my brother as well.”
“I'm not worried. I don't think that's going to be a problem in the long run, either. I know that demons are a threat for us but Jumin’s got us covered if that’s something that you’re worried about. Don't get me wrong, I don't exactly get along with the guy because of his position of power. But, the one good thing that he did offer was the luxury of protection. I only left because I noticed that you've been standing out here forever,” you said. 
It was very naive of you to think that something wasn't going to go wrong. It didn't matter how guarded something was, it was only a matter of time until something went wrong around you or Saeran. Something always went wrong in his experience. Even if they said that they were on your side and they had everything taken care of, it didn't mean that they did. He was curious to understand why this had happened in the first place. It was one thing that you were stuck doing this job, but it was another that they had involved someone like Jumin. 
“You’re far too trusting, little angel,” he chuckled. 
You shook your head. “Actually, I'm really glad that you came back around. There's something that I need to tell you. Do you know how I said I was going to go straight to God and talk to him about everything? Well, I did. Nobody stopped me. I don't know if that's because they knew that I was going to do that eventually, or because he simply let it happen. But, it happened, and he did speak with me. I made a deal with him. Of course, he made a lot of stipulations to the deal but it was the best I could do.”
“If I can prove that Gardenia’s life was worth saving… that it made a difference in the world that seemingly has started to crumble, then you’ll be allowed to return to Heaven to see Saeran again. I don't know what he expects, but I'm not going to give up just because he's seemingly said it was impossible. He told me what you did. I still don't think you were wrong. You did what you had to do to make sure that somebody lived… someone that Saeran cares about a lot. I don’t care that it goes against God’s rules. Gardenia deserves to live regardless of his intent.” 
“I think he thinks it's a joke or something. He laughed in my face the entire time, and that was heartbreaking. It's hard to have the person that seemingly created your entire existence laugh in your face because you think that what he's doing is wrong. I don't want things to run the way that he thinks. I want things to be understandable to everybody regardless of what happens, and if that means fighting what was right in the place by applying what’s right in the present, then that’s okay by me. They might call it blasphemy, but I think it's progress.” 
“I know that you may not want to go back. I know that you may not want to be an Angel again. At the very least, no matter what happens, I think that you should be allowed to see your brother again. If that's the only thing that I can do, then that's what I want to do. It's not fair that you have to be separated because of a good deed that you did against all odds.”
The amount of determination that was in your eyes was unbelievable. It almost didn't make sense to him that you would look at him the way that you were. It was astonishing, to say the least. He never once did imagine that there would be somebody who understood. You were not the kind of person that he expected. Then again he was sure that Heaven didn’t expect you to be the way you were, either. You were an oddity but that didn't have to be a bad thing. 
After all, the best things could be found in the strangest of places when you least expected that. 
The idea of an Angel like you storming the grounds of Heaven without fear was hilarious to him. The idea that someone would stand up to God and fight him to the point that he wouldn’t have a choice but to make a deal with them to make them leave. He didn't trust that man for anything in this world. But he could tell that you had made your choice long ago and nothing was going to stand in the way of that. It was almost admirable. Almost. He wasn’t going to admit that he admired a shiny Angel. 
God didn’t make deals with a price.
“Let me guess, if you fail, I die, huh?” 
Your eyes widened and you looked away. It seemed as though you were shameful of the truth. It wasn't like it was your fault. That wasn't something that you would’ve chosen, it was something that God would have chosen. After all, he did have a vindictive streak that went very far if he’d wanted it. That wasn't a surprise to him. It did sink like a rock in his gut but it wasn’t like he had planned for a long existence, either. 
“...I… yeah, that was his deal for the trade I made,” you rubbed your forearms. It was obvious that that had been eating away at the back of your head. He could expect that. You weren't the one who gambled his soul. That wasn't your fault so he wouldn't blame you. He could continue to blame the person that started everything that had ever made him suffer. “But, I'm confident that I can do this. I know that I'm going to be able to make things right as long as I believe in myself.”
He didn't want Heaven. 
If anything, he wanted an oasis to exist for the people that he loved the most. He could care less about what happened to him in the end. He could be torn limb from limb and he wouldn't care for it. As long as the people that he loved could live the way that they deserved that was the only thing that matters. As far as he was concerned, it was the only thing that could ever matter. There were good people in this world. 
It wasn't fair that they had to suffer. He had done what he had done since he was created to try and make a difference. Because Saeran inspired him. His brother made him want to be better every single day. If not for his own sake, just for the sake of making sure that the world was a better place for him. He deserved that. Sure, there were plenty of other people that deserve to have that as well. But his main focus was on his brother. 
“It’ll never work, but I have to say that I admire that you’re trying the impossible,” he reached forward to brush his hand against the top of your head but he hesitated. He didn't want to get into your personal space or find out if it had always been the truth. He pulled his hand away. “Angel, don't blame yourself too much if it doesn't work out in the end. Just… watch over my brother if something goes wrong.”
You stood your ground with your feet firmly planted, looking into his eyes directly for the first time on your own, and for some reason, it almost… took his breath away. There was something about the confidence in your eyes that left him unable to think straight. It was almost as if the sun was in your eyes. Your soul glowed. Much more than that, your cheeks were splashed with these freckles that seemed to rival constellations. He had never seen anything like it and he wasn't sure that he ever would see something like it again.
Not even The Shining Light Of God was as bright as you. 
You were annoyed but you didn't stop. “I know you may not believe it. But, I believe in this. I'm going to do my best and I don't care who gets in my way. This is the right thing to do. Patronize me if you want, demon. I don't care if you want to call me names or knock me down. Just because you don't believe anymore doesn't mean that I don't believe. You may stand for everything that I don't right now, but it doesn't mean that someone has to give up on you. Saeran hasn't, so I'm not going to give up, either.”
“Heh. Guess I can’t argue with that. The most that I can do is offer to come around more often to make sure that no demons get involved in your business. Or, would that be getting in your way? I get the feeling that you're the type that tells people to leave you to your own devices. Don't tell me you're the stubborn kind of angel.”
“I can be if you keep patronizing me. But, I don't mind if you come around. Your fate is the one on the line. Besides, this way you can see your brother without getting into trouble. I know it's not much right now but hopefully, it'll be more in the future. I have high plans for the best, and I promise that God Isn't going to get in my way. I don't plan on it.” 
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libralita · 2 years
Mystic Messenger x League of Legends Headcanons
I was reminded that I have headcanons about the Mystic Messenger characters and League of Legends. If you don’t know, League of Legends is a multiplayer game where a team of five will work to destroy the other teams turrets and eventually destroy the team’s nexus to win the game. Since there are five main characters in Mystic Messager, I thought it would be fun to headcanon what they would play.
First, we will start with the Top Lane with Mr. Superman Yoosung himself and his main: Garen
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I don’t remember if MM specifies what role Yoosung actually has but I assume with the type of username he has, he would probably pick the top lane with this type of champion. Top lane in League is mostly for the tankie/frontline champions. Garen Crownguard (yes that’s his surname) is quite the archetypal hero. He comes from family that has protected the royal family of Demacia for generations and he himself is Captain of Dauntless Vangaurd that is sworn to protect his home from foes.
Yoosung is the best at the game by virtue that he's played it so much for so long.
Next we move the Mid Lane with Zen and his main: Akshan
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If forced to play this game, I imagine that Zen would probably take the most attractive champions. If he wanted to play a sexy girl then he would pick Ahri but I think Akshan and Zen fit well together. They’re both suave and funny. Zen would be the most frustrating to watch play not because he's bad but because he's naturally good at it. Akshan has a grabbling hook that allows the character to swing around area and I don’t have a doubt in my mind that he would play it perfectly. This champion also has the ability to revive a killed ally if he kills the opponent who killed said ally….the person on the other team could be one auto attack away from reviving Jumin and Zen wouldn't do it. RIP.
I would go with the Bot Lane next but let’s go to the jungle with Seven and…Shaco.
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For those of you don’t know, in League of Legends there is a jungle between the lanes and it’s has these monster camps that junglers will kill to get XP and gold. They will also “gank” lanes, what this means is that will sneak out of the jungle and help their teammates kill their lane opponents. Shaco is one of the most annoying junglers to deal with. He has a clone that if you kill will explode into a death trap that will attack you. He also has invisibility, which I loath to my very core. I’m pretty sure he’s not even canon to League’s lore…so I can see Seven taking this one and perma-ganking the other lanes. He’ll have the other team ff 15-ing and spamming "jungle diff" in all chat.
Let’s go now Bot Lane with Jaehee. The only way she would actually play this game is if Jumin gave her vacation time and he bought her this very specific skin:
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The bot lane is for marksman or “ADCs” (Attack Damage Carries—don’t ask) and as someone who mains ADC…it’s one of the worst roles in the game so Jaehee got it by default. This is Sivir in the Café Cuties skin line. She really wouldn’t care that much about it but she would probably look at the other cute skins.
Finally…Jumin would play Yuumi and I hate it
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The final role in this game is called Support and at the beginning of the game, together in the bot lane, the ADC and Support will go together and fight it out against the other team’s ADC and support. The Support’s job in the beginning of the game is to keep the ADC alive because they’re so vulnerable early on. There are wide variety of different types of supports, from tankie to engage, to healers, to ones with traps/blinds. This Yuumi. Yuumi’s gimmick is that she can sit on top of an ally and become untouchable until she either willingly detaches or when whoever she’s sitting on dies. The meme in the community is that if you want to play while also doing your taxes, it’s the champ for you.
On a…less bitter note because I am a Jinx main and it’s fucking hell to have this stupid cat sitting on me…Jumin would do it for more wholesome reasons, which I can appreciate. I can only imagine the funny interactions
Zen: JUMIN GET AWAY FROM ME Jumin: JUST LET ME BE WITH YOU! Zen: STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE! Seven: Juju you can sit on me any time~~~ Jumin: ...Yoosung, I'm roaming top
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x-shavy-x · 4 years
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anon-drabble · 4 years
past pure; present tainted; future uncertain chapter 4
chapter 1-3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 |
chapter 4 appears! i'm really enjoying this somewhat dramatic shift between fluff and angst, past and present, love and hurt. it's really fun which is why these chapters are coming quickly, even if they are varying in length a lot right now. it almost feels like 2 different fics so i’m not getting burned out. instead, i’m writing more in it every day.
i think this chapter is pretty adorable which i'm glad for because i'm not confident in writing fluff much so if i can see this as cute and sweet, i feel like that's a good sign lol.
hope you're enjoying!
 Jumin doubted he'd ever see the girl again after parting ways that night. She'd hended up covered in mud trying to chase the fishes. Even Jumin had scuffed up his clothes somewhat. But it was good, kid fun, something he hadn't been allowed to experience before. But as he and the girl didn't know each other, he very much doubted he'd ever see her again. Still, Jumin returned to that spot as he always had. Not expecting to see anyone, just because it was private and quiet. V would sometimes come when he didn't have something after school. Rarely, he'd see his mother but often his father planned his schedule. Jumin's father had recently found a new woman and was too busy with her to dictate Jumin's free time.
 The day was overcast, threatening rain, but Jumin still visited his spot. It had been a week since he'd met the girl and he had nearly forgotten her already. Until he heard the tell-tale stomping of someone approaching. That was when he remembered how the girl had just showed up, acting like she'd been there many times before. Whoever was coming this time cared nothing for being quiet. When she finally poked her head into the clearing. Jumin was both surprised and somehow not that it was her. She grinned at him as she bounded into the clearing.
 "You're here again!"
 "Yes. I live nearby," he replied. "Do you live near here?"
 She thought for a moment. "Only if you climb through the bushes! If I had to go around, it'd be a lot farther.
 "Today probably isn't the best day for hunting fish," he said, indicating the weather.
 She inspected him and the book he was holding. "What about you? If it rains, won't it ruin your book?"
 Jumin frowned a little. "It's still better to read out here," he murmured, mostly to himself.
 The girl sensed not to pry too much further. "Then… Let's make sure your book won't get wet!" He glanced at her with surprise and doubt. "C'mon! We need sticks and leaves and dirt! You go over there and get some sticks." He gave her a look that said he had no desire to do such a thing. She sighed. "You have to get the sticks because you're the boy. That's the rule."
 He narrowed his eyes but had no desire to argue with her. In truth, he was glad to see her again. He rose to his feet and went to gather sticks as she'd commanded. She pointed to a shrub with a hole in the base where sunlight didn't reach, so the leaves had died and carved out a small section. Jumin began to bring the materials she asked for, mostly sticks and leaves, to the shrub. She laid a slight patchwork-style roof over the hedge with the sticks, covering them with leaves. Once the leaves were layered thickly enough, she and Jumin brought dirt and mud to pat the leaves down. Water from the nearby stream helped further provide a barrier. But soon the clouds rumbled and the girl grabbed Jumin and dragged him inside the hedge cave. She pulled down stems and some leaves to further hollow out the spot but it was still cramped. They sat together, shoulder-to-shoulder, and watched the rain fall. As intended, it stayed drier under the shrub and Jumin was able to keep his book dry. Even if he and the girl had gotten wet running under.
 She grinned at Jumin, water dripping from her bangs. "Well, it's mostly dry in here!"
 Jumin nodded, his own hair flicking water droplets off. "Where did you learn to do something like this?" he asked.
 "I just thought it would be like making a fort out of pillows and blankets. We just used sticks as pillows and leaves as the blankets." He looked doubtful. "Have you never made a fort before?" she asked incredulously. Jumin shook his head. "Oh wow. This isn't the same but it's kind of close. I wish I could make you a real one though."
 "You made me this one," he replied simply.
 "No, we made this one together. But I guess that makes it better, right?"
 "I like it."
 "I like it, too. They’re better with friends,” she said.
 “Friends?” he asked. His only friend was V.
 She put her arm through his and scooted closer to him. "Yeah, friends. I like you so that makes us friends.”
 “I see,” he said, feeling a sense of comfort and serenity at her words. "I welcome a new friend."
 She looked at him, her bright, wide eyes nearly hypnotizing. “Can we play more sometime?"
 He nodded, a faint smile crossing his lips. "If you'd like," he said, as if there were anything she could ask him that he wouldn't do.
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bangtan-madi · 5 years
Hi! Could you pls do Jumin mystic messenger when Mc's saw him being so angry (which is a rare sight for everyone who knows him) for the first time and she immediately tried to calm him down (the causes is up to you xD) thanks! :D
Jumin Han is the last person you’d suspect to have a hidden streak of anger.
I mean, the guy’s a pretty level-headed person. He’s not one to wear his emotions on his sleeve. He’s often told you how emotions don’t help a situation. In the RFA chat rooms, this often doesn’t sit well with more emotional people like Zen and Yoosung. Even you, at one point, wondered why he was so infuriatingly calm.
As you closer to Jumin, you realize why he is that way. To him, this is the best way to handle life. Not only was it a way to prove that his father did have the right to be proud of him, it was a way to protect himself. Being the heir to a wealthy man, set to inherit an enormous company, the list of people who would take advantage of Jumin is endless. For him, this is as much a self-defense mechanism as a tool to maintain his father’s love and pride.
But not even Jumin is immune to hurt, despite what he might let the world believe. Even he has his breaking point.
This revelation comes to you one morning at work at C&R. Jumin is late. Very late. That alone should tell you something is wrong. When he finally does arrive, he’s curt and short with everyone. The staff, his employees, security: everyone gets a taste of the waves of displeasure that roll off him like smoke. His dark brows pull together, eyes and nose scrunch up angrily. Jaehee and you look at each other as he storm past everyone. He slams the door behind him after entering his office.
Something is definitely wrong.
“I’ll let you handle Mr. Han while I attend to damage control.”
As Jaehee ushers the employees away from Jumin’s office, you knock tenderly on the door. After not hearing a reply, you try the door knob, finding it unlocked. Cautiously, you push inside and close the door behind you. Jumin stands in front of the wall of large windows, facing the city that sprawls out for miles below.
“Something is bothering you, Jumin. Do you…Do you wanna talk about it?”
Jumin doesn’t respond right away. He doesn’t even move or look over his shoulder towards you. The two of you have been a couple for a little while now, and there isn’t a single day that he doesn’t acknowledge your presence. It’s his usual habit to glance over at you and offer a tiny smile, even in the midst of a meeting.
“You’re never short with your employees…What’s on your mind?”
As you step closer, Jumin heaves a heavy sigh and lets his shoulders slouch.
“You know, when I was younger, all I wanted to do was earn the love and pride my father had in me, and the compliments that people gave me because of him. No one would dare say anything bad about me since he was my father, but I wanted to be more than just that. I wanted to earn that respect, those compliments. I wanted to be able to say, ‘Yes, I did that well, didn’t I?’ I wanted to be flawless, perfect, not a mistake in sight. I didn’t want them to just see my father when they looked at me. I wanted them to see me. That’s why I always keep a steady hand on my emotions, why I never let them get the best of me. After a while, that is who I became.”
He uncrosses his arms and braces them against the glass. His head hang lower.
“But I have just about had it with that man! Woman after woman, it’s never enough for him. I’ve tried to ignore them–I have for years–but they’re just…damn.”
It’s then that everything clicked for you. Jumin’s father has a weakness for younger women, and it’s never the same one for long. You know it bothers Jumin a lot, but he always keeps those feelings shoved down. Even when forced into “family” outings–which mostly consists of Mr. Chairman showing off his new lady friend and showering her with gifts–Jumin trains himself to remain the stoic and honorable son. He’s loyal to a fault, and now all those repressed emotions have finally come to a rolling boil.
You know he isn’t mad at you, Jaehee, or anyone else at C&R. You know he returned from an evening out with his father and most recent lover. His father hit an already tender nerve, and this time Jumin can’t ignore it.
Gently, you reach out and place a hand on the sleeve of his suit jacket. Gripping his wrist slightly, you pull his arms down from the glass, using your other to uncurl his clenched fists. Jumin still doesn’t look at you, but you didn’t mind that. Your compassionate gestures slowly bring him back down from his rage high.
You move your hands from his sleeves up to the lapels. Shifting them across his shoulders, you slide the jacket off and down his arms. Tossing it onto the desk beside him, you slip your arms back around his middle and rest your forehead on his chest.
His breath catches in his throat at the unusual action, and he blinks down at you in surprise. If your goal is to surprise him into calming down, you’re wildly successful.
“You don’t have to be perfect, Jumin. You shouldn’t hold yourself to such a perfect standard. No one blames you for your father’s actions. He’s not a perfect man either. You can’t expect yourself to be flawless. Everyone has their weaknesses. Your father’s is women. Yours…Well, I don’t really know what your weakness is. You don’t let anyone close enough. Maybe that itself is your weakness.”
Eventually, as your soft voice brings him back to earth, Jumin rests his chin on your head. His arms wrap gently around your frame, pulling you even closer. He knows you’re right. You always are. Something inside him tells me it was time to let someone in, and who is the safest choice?
Well, of course, it’s you.
“What should I do?”
His voice is soft and calm, and you smile against his shirt.
“Lean on me. Tell me your feelings, all of them. I swear I can take it. You don’t have to wait until it blows up to finally share what you really feel. I can be your safe place.”
You move your head from his chest and stare up at him, offering a small smile.
“No one is going to stop loving you if you show emotion, if you show that you’re not perfect. In fact, I might love you even more.”
Jumin’s eyes widened ever so slightly at the reassurance. Somehow, you had figured out his deepest and worst fear, and his frown transforms into a soft smile. He pulls you into a kiss, pressing his lips softly to yours, putting every emotion he’s held back into the gesture. By the time you separate, the only word that can describe you is breathless.
“You know, I have a second weakness.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yes, it’s you.”
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littlefairyartist · 4 years
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Finally finished my sixfanarts !! With characters suggested by my lovely friends 💗
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cheesepluto · 5 years
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Little cutie boy Yoosung <3
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meeranart · 5 years
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still a few hours left on the 11th over here. So I managed to finish this just in time!
Happy birthday best bois Choi!
Thanks for  brightening up my everyday life <3
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hairinya · 6 years
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commission for @choi-twins-wifey as christmas gift for @cherieofthedragons
STILL terribly sorry for the late T_T 
but I did my best for this because I love Adry and jdsfsduhiuh Cherie is so cute T_T
Thank you for giving love to my marshmallow boy <3
I hope you both like it <3
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annbourbon · 21 days
Cheritzverse Master List
⚠️Work in Progress ⚠️
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Keywords (so far):
♡ Wizard ♡ Magic ♡ Planets
♡ Sun ♡ Dreams ♡ Wish
♡ Moon ♡ Stars ♡ Dandelion
♡ Unicorn ♡ Tea ♡ Herbal tea
♡ Bunny/Bunnies ♡ Cat/Cats
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♡ Quick Summary with Minor Spoilers
♡ The Procedure
♡ Understanding the Cheritzverse (Part 1)
♡ Understanding the Cheritzverse (Part 2)
♡ The Games
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♡ Connecting Dandelion and Nameless
♡ Connecting Dandelion and Mystic Messenger
♡ Connecting Dandelion and The Ssum
♡ Connecting Nameless and Mystic Messenger
♡ Connecting Nameless and The Ssum
♡ Connecting Mystic Messsenger and The Ssum
⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆
Tied to Our World:
♡ References to Pop~Culture Inside The Cheritzverse
♡ Brands Inside The Cheritzverse
♡ Flowers inside the Cheritzverse
♡ Books and Magazines inside the Cheritzverse
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Magic Inside the Cheritzverse:
♡ How Most Magical Contracts Work~
♡ Fairies, Ley Lines~~ & Unicorns
♡ Beyond Planets
♡ Tracking Drugs Inside the Cheritzverse
♡ Light and Dark
♡ [[Name]]less
♡ Liminal Spaces
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♡ Not mine but these notes are a MUST for y'all to understand the Cheritzverse
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how does one get ge Saeran to laugh asking for science
It’s actually really simple, believe it or not. You just have to say something sweet to him. It can be as small as stealing a kiss from his lips when he least likely is going to expect it, or when you steal his hand during a meeting, or when you’re shooting his messages when he’s doing something away from your side, or when you wake him up in the morning with kisses and gentle caresses and smiles. 
It’s that simple. It’s the little things that make Saeran smile and laugh, but when you want to really draw that genuine laugh out of him? You can always count on teasing him. Go in for the kiss and then dodge him, only to stick out your tongue and jog ahead of him. He’ll laugh and follow you. 
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cheritzteam · 6 years
Winner Announcement for [Got questions for Mystic Messenger? Please go ahead and ask us!] Event
Hello, this is Cheritz.
We appreciate you for waiting patiently for the winner announcement for the Q&A session that was held at Otakon 2018.
We’d like to let you know that we will be sending out emails to the winners today!
The emails will be sent individually to the winners using the addresses that were included in the submission of questions, so please make sure to check your email inbox (and your spam mail box).
*Please submit the requested information sent via email in order to receive your prize.
*If you do not reply to our email within a week, you may not be able to receive your prize.
For those of you who are interested in finding out which questions were chosen for the Q&A session, we have the link for the video here!
Q&A Session https://youtu.be/2Tb1gWfuAnY
We apologize for the delay in the announcement of the winners,
and we would like to thank all the MCs who have taken their valuable time to submit questions and participate in the event!
Thank you.
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x-shavy-x · 4 years
💜Jumin wallpapers💜
I found some lock screens with Jumin I made when the webtoon came out and so i thought I’ll share them here:
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sorry if they are trash qwq i have like 10 other samples of the first one but these two i think are the best hehe
Do you guys do wallpapers yourself or do you use readymade?
dm for no watermark
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h-apricot · 6 years
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god217 · 6 years
Roleplay▪Yoosung Week Day 6
This was intended to be fun idk what happened then
My hand slipped and guys I'm so sorry this turned hella dark somehow
You can literally see how it starts out as something happy and then just progressively turns into angst why am I like this
@yoosungweek please forgive me it got too real
During daytime, he's Yoosung Kim, college student with less-than-desirable grades, naïve cutie-pie.
But as soon as class is over, and he arrives at his apartment, things change.
Because once he reaches his computer, the adorable and innocent boy is no more.
He is Superman Yoosung, hero of the LOLOL world. Ranked #2 of all-time players, he is loved and worshipped by his guild, and feared by their enemies.
Because in this game, he is anything but cute.
He is the last thing people see, before their nightmares come true and they have to start all over.
In LOLOL, he is respected. He's taken seriously.
Nobody babies him in this game, nobody would dream of it.
He's not a baby. He's the (almost) highest ranked player.
But he's not hated either, aside from those who try to attack him, take his fame and accomplishments. There's always going to be those few people that just aren't capable of being nice.
Aside from them, he's well known and well liked. Everyone wants him in their guild, sends him friend requests from all sides.
Newbies look up to him, and he gives them bus rides to help them get started.
Older players see what he's doing and join in, because if he does it, it has to be a good thing.
His opinion isn't just tolerated, it's even wanted.
And yeah, it's just a game, but the people behind the characters are real.
And sure, he can't talk about his problems with them, but at least when it comes to play they are willing to listen.
They want to listen.
He's asked for his opinion more times tham he can count, and compared to his real friends who tend to dismiss him, the feeling is amazing.
He's not Yoosung Kim who worries too much and can't let the past go.
He's Superman Yoosung, star player and role model.
Of course he knows it's not reality, at least, well, the world in which he is a hero is not.
But it's a real game, with real people playing it, just as real as he is. Someone's sitting at their keyboard somewhere, looking at their screen, and wishing they could be like him.
Even though they don't know what he's like for real, it still counts for something, right?
Nobody really cares for him as Yoosung, nobody will even take his feelings seriously.
But they love him when he becomes their leader, hero. Still their friend, but so much more.
It may not be reality, but sometimes it just feels good to pretend that it is, at least for a bit.
Pretend that he's good at something, and that his opinion matters.
Nobody pranks him in LOLOL. It's great.
He can't even remember the last time he talked to someone in real life and didn't get made fun of one way or another.
People wonder why he's so obsessed with gaming, maybe it's because he actually matters in the virtual world.
He actually makes a difference.
It's a lot better than to just be a real world comic relief, or whatever it is his friends see him as.
Everyone keeps telling him to get over his addiction.
But why would he want to?
Why would he work hard to spend more time in the depressing real world, when the fake one is so much more fun?
At least in pretend, he's not just annoying and whiny.
He likes to pretend he matters.
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