mystic-soulsista · 5 years
Wellness spells👩‍⚕️🙏💖
I am staying very level headed while many others seems to be completely in Mass hysteria. Nonetheless, I wanted to share a few spells I've been doing just to keep my bases covered and give myself as much protection as possible.
First things first, no magick require for
🧼Basic hygienic habits
1. Wash hands at least 20 sec. Soap and water is all that is required
2. Keeps your hands out of your mouth, and face. Super hand for me, but that's the quickest way to spread illness
3. If you're sick, stay home. If you live with others, try to remain in one area and protect yourself from spreading germs as much as possible.
4. If you work with the public, like me, try to keep everything clean and disinfectant as much as possible
💖Now on to the magick!
Wellness spell 1😁🌞
Center and ground self
Visualize gold and green light energy surrounding you. Warm like a hug 
Say X3: I am happy. I am healthy. I am thankful for everyday. I attract positivity, love and wellness in every way.
3. Create a protective shield. Visualize gold and green amour or gold and green protection bubble/wall
4. Call out to your protective angels, spirits, ancestors. Ask for protection.
(Protective spirit) please provide protection from anything that might harm me. Keep calling my mind, body and soul clean. Help me avoid dirty things around me. Keep me happy, keep me clean, keep me on the side of positivity. I thank you for protecting me.
Tea Spell 1☕✨
1. Boil tea water
2. Take a deep breath. Think about how you want your day to go. Anything you want to accomplish or an overall feeling you want to have.
3. Pour water into cup. Hold cup in hands. Still thinking about step 2. Set your intentions. Feel it. See it.
4. Send the energy from heart charka, through hands, to tea cup. 
Say: The earth of the north, and fires of the south, the winds of the east and Waters of West as I stir this tea, I ask to be_____ ______ _____( three moods for the day) at no harm to others and no harm to me, so let it be
I suggest picking three emotions or attitudes you want to manifest for the day.
 5. Add in other ingredients(sugar, honey etc) every time you add something, repeat incantation.
As I stir this tea, I ask to be____ ______ _____
 6. When all ingredients are in, stir tea clockwise repeat incantation 3 more times  
The spell has been set. Finish drinking to cast. 
7. Optional: When finished, empty tea bag leaves into soil. Ground or a plant. This will allow that same energy to go back into the earth recycling it's energy and giving it back.
Soup spell 1 🥣✨
1. Put soup into pot
2. Set intentions
3. Stir soup clockwise.
Say:  As I stir this soup, I ask to bring to me, good health, happiness and positivity
4. Transfer healing and positive energy. I use green and gold light energy
5. Repeat step 3 while soup cooks
6. Repeat step 3 while eating.
7. When finished
say, now my soup is all gone, thank you for keeping me happy, heathy and warm.
Wellness emoji spell 1
Spell to attract good health, energy and positivity
To charge: Say I am happy. I am healthy
Repost to cast!
Stay safe out there. Stay clean. Stay happy. Stay healthy!! Namaste 🙏😁💖
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
Self-Confident Beauty Spell #1 🧡💄✨
We are in the month of love! And I am feeling it. With MYSELF. (My husband too) but recently I have found myself surround by pure divine energy. I have been surer of myself, more confident when I spoke. I've completely have trusted the universe, and because of it, truly MAGICKAL things are happening!! And I'm seeing the same thing being reflected on to other people because they are letting me know they found me inspirational just for being me. Since I've started my journey, I've always wanted to help others live their best lives. How to enjoy this time we have. Make the most of it! In order to do that, we must first take care of ourselves. Love ourselves so we can love each other!
Self-Confident Beauty Spell #1
* Apple Cider Vinegar 🍎
* Lemon🍋
* Salt🧂
* Sugar🧁
1. Mix ingredients together say:
2. I mix together all of these things to keep my face clean. Sugar, salt and lemon bright, keep my face clean and healthy. Charge with intent. Clean and healthy skin.
3. Apply warm water to face and wash face with the mixture. Warm water opens the pores. Repeat incantation
4. Rinse face with cool water. Cool water closes the pores. Say:
5. Water will keep my skin healthy and glowing like the moon.
6. Dry face.
7. Apply lotion. Say:
8. The lotion will keep my skin smooth, so smooth
9. Look in the mirror and smile! Say:
10. I love myself, I love me! That love radius like the sun for all to see! I am confident, I am beautiful! I am lovely!
The mixture is a personal face was I've used for years that I turned into a spell. The day I did it, my mom and husband kept making comments about me glowing and looking beautiful so I know it works for sure. If you don't want to make the face cleanser you can replace it with your normal face wash!
The Benefits of the Ingredients:
Apple cider vinegar🍎:
* Anti-inflammatory
* Balance PH
* Unblock pores
* Absorbs excess oil
* Anit oxidants
* Brightens skin
* Boost collagen
* Absorbs dirt
* Exfoliate
* Restore skin barriers
* Hydrates skin
* Exfoliate
Beauty is like a flower, you must water it, and nourish it from deep with in. Create strong roots and that beauty will blossom for all to see! Guaranteed!!
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
I want to get an ancestor reading for black history month! Any tarot readers that offer ancestors readings?
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
Had a great interview with @wolfofantimony about their witchy master post here on tumblr, their own religion they have been developing and what being a witch means to them! Check it out on the mystic soul blog! 
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
Shower Spell 1
I love finding ways to make my day more magickal and witchy so I try to come up with spells through out my day. And only the ones I'm sure have worked do I share!! The first time I performed this spell, literally two minutes after I stepped out the shower my husband said " You look clean!" That was my confirmation!!
•a shower
It's a simple spell that doesn't require much!
1) While washing body say:
Wash away down the drain, all the negative energy from the day. 
Repeat 5x
Visualize dirt falling off body down the drain
2)While rinsing soap off say;
Keep me fresh, keep me clean
Repeat 5x
Visual the water is light energy cleaning you
3)While drying off
Now I'm nice
Now I'm clean
White light, please protect me
Repeat 5x
Visual pure bright light energy shinning on you
This is where I would put up a psychic shield around myself. Usually a protection bubble. You can use any shield or ask for protection from you Deity, spirit guides or Angels!!
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
Home protection spell 1
This is a home protection spell. To keep out negative energies.
Materials needed: crystals, visualization, energy
1) Ground and center
2) Call upon gatekeeper
3) Clear and cleanse area of any negative energy 
4) Draw energy from crystals. I use clear quartz for clear, bright energy and amethyst for psychic strength. Use any corresponding crystals for protection. 
5) Visualize energy flowing through you  and over pouring from you. My energy came from my hands and my heart chakra
6) Visualize whole area filling with white light and positive vibes
Optional: I also use blue Quartz and rose quartz to sent out calm, serenity and loving vibes into the space. Which is also a spell you can do on it own  Calm vibes spell 1
7) Visualize space filling with vibes until you can feel the energy off all the walls.
8) Say; Only the highest of vibes and the brightest of lights may be in this home 
9) Create protection ward. I Visualize big bubble around house. However you create a psychic shield.
10)Thank your gatekeeper.
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
Does anyone cleanse and protect their workplace? I work at a retail store and at the end if the night we have to mop, clean up etc. Sometimes we get dirty customers, literally and energy wise. People tracking in mud and paint but also people who are upset their phone service got cut off because they didn't pay their bill or someone gave them wrong information. I've been cussed out, threatened and I get yelled at on the regular. So about a week ago now, when I was at work, I used my Pendulum on my break to ask my guides if there were any negative energies hang around my job. I got yes, and I thought, well if I clear, cleanse and protect my house, why shouldn't I do the same at work.(since I'm practically @ work more anyways) So I came up with a spell to perform while doing my cleaning duties. Today, almost a week later, I check with my guides again to see if any negative energy had found its way back in, and I got no!
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That was the confirmation I needed to know it works so I wanted to share it. I plan on doing it once a week at least unless I feel the need to do it before. This spell could also be done at home.
Protection spell 1
(I usually say it out loud or in my head as I sweep.)
From the windows to the walls
All negative energy please leave
From the ceiling to the floor
All negative energy please leave
From the windows to the walls
To the ceiling and the floor
and all the space in between negative energy please leave
(I say this as I mop the floors)
From the windows to the walls
Guardian spirit please protect this place
From the ceiling to the floor
Guardian spirit please protect this place
From the windows to walls 
To ceiling and floor and all the space in between
Guardian spirit please protect this place
(once I'm done cleaning I create a psychic shield around the building, but you could ask you guides or deity for them to protect as well.)
As I am creating the shield I say:
Now this place is nice and clean fill this space with white light protection.
(I repeat until shield is fully create)
Other than my spirits confirmation, the energy at work has felt so thick, for lack of better words. Customer don't seem as irritating either but that could also be me and my patience tea spells I've been doing!!
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
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I have a few spots left for free Valentine's Day love readings and guidance! Just make sure to follow the Mystic SoulSista page! Book your Spiritual Love reading today!!
*Readings will be delivered Friday!!
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
🔮✨Updated Tarot reading menu!! ✨🔮
I recently updated my services and pricing to offer more range and options for any and everyone who wants to receive a Mystic Soul Reading!! In addition to my paid readings, I am currently still accepting request for free readings! 😉💖
You can receive your mystic soul reading via
Text or live chat. 📝📱
I now offer 3 options for reading via text, as well as live 30 mins chat options. Or you can purchase your reading .50 per card!
I have a few more slots open for readings now!! Hurry before all gone!!
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
Witchy mom's!!
I have some questions for any witches out there who are also moms! Mostly towards moms with younger children or when child was under the age of 5
1) do your children know you do magick? How did you tell them? Do they ask questions?
2) do you use spells for them? Protection, sleep etc?
3) how do you find time to craft? Do you wait till they're sleep, playing etc.
I have a 7 months old, but when she's old enough to understand I will tell her and make sure she knows the truth about witches and witchcrafting
I am a energy healer in addition to being a witch, so I send baby girl healing energy when she gets shots, and I have a sleepy time spell I do.
Finding time is where it get kinda tricky. I'm with her all day, then my husband has her while I work, by the time I get home it's 10pm, and I have to feed her and put her to bed. She's a better easy baby so through out the day I cause usually find sometime to do something but I usually have to wait till I have a day off and her dad is home to do anything major.
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
So, I just fucked a witch?!
I was talking to my husband, and we started talking about energy and stuff and I made of comment about how I'm a witch. I told him a couple of weeks ago, but he mostly see me with my crystals and tarot cards. I never really explained spells, magick etc.
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But tonight I really opened up about my witchcraft to him. Told him how magick works , why I have random stuff lying around the kitchen and house sometimes. The type of spells I do. And he was pretty much just like, That makes sense.
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I thought I might be sounding a bit too mystical for him but he was like,
If you're a which baby, you are a witch. Say you're a witch.
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I was so happy to have him be so supportive. And even show an interest. My husband usually supports my life decisions. If it makes me happy, but I could see that when I explained everything to him,in little bit size, nice and sweet, he saw it all made sense.
At the end of the day, everything is x's and y's 1's and 0's vibrations and energy. You are either aligning yourself with the universe or you are changing the vibrations to get what you.
I then told him how sex magick was real and he said I should do it sometime. Then he said, very excited, "So I just fucked a witch?!" I can say that went well. I'm definitely gonna feel freer doing magick around the house when he's home!
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
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When things just work out for you. You seen to be at the right place, right time. You got just want you need. All week I found myself in a situation when I had wished I something, just to look up and find it. The universe got your back. The universe will take care of you, but you have to trust and let go. Don't fight it. Once you open yourself to the possibilities of the universe you will find it will give you every possibility you wish!
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mystic-soulsista · 5 years
I had an amazing interview with @thesacredgiraffe. About finding her spirituality during a hard time. Please check it out!!
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