vexic929 · 3 months
stealing this tag game cause it looks fun!
rules: choose 4 of your favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as options and let your tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibe.
tagging @shrinkthisviolet @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @alittleflashvibe @zeroducks-2 @thatsnotmygunflash
@myxmentrashblog @negative-speedforce @practically-an-x-man @autisticharrywells @angst-is-love-angst-is-life
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imperiuswrecked · 1 year
Getting to Know You, tagged by @rraaaarrl @normalhousecat
Three Ships (I'm going with Marvel ships because these 3 (ok 4 I can't choose) are the ones I return to/think of most often.
Namor/Doom & Namor/Jim
First Ship
Last Song
Soft Universe by AURORA
Last Movie
Tale of Tales (2015)
Currently Reading
Too many books, comics, and fics in rotation, like no seriously I read a lot and sometimes I put down one thing to continue/finish another thing before picking it up again but currently in the middle of:
A Stitch in Time by Andrew Robinson
Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse (also have Fevered Star to read after this)
The Flood Circle by Harry Connolly (I literally have 2 chapters left but can't bring myself to finish it because once I do the series is over)
The Vows and Honor Triology by Mercedes Lackey
His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik (got the whole series to go through)
The Broken Earth Triology by N.K. Jemisin
Prince's Assassin Triology by Ariana Nash
Spider-Man 2099 comic series
Rereading The Defenders (1972) comic series
Currently Watching (once again the rotation thing)
Guillermo Del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities
Agatha Christie's Poirot
The Cook of Castamar
Shadow and Bone
Star Trek: Lower Decks
(Rewatching) Interview with the Vampire series
Beyond Evil
The Terror (I will finish this series I swear, then I can rewatch Black Sails)
Last Thing I Wrote
A scene in my original mlm fantasy novel between a Elven Healer outcast & a human knight
A scene in my fanfic for the Pietro/Remy Angel/Demon Au
Tagging: @esteicy-blog @teal-bandit @anais-ninja-bitch @firebugged @traincat @soledadmiranda @myxmentrashblog @pointdotiozao @scruffylookingpiratecaptain @heartoferebor @hazardoushyena and whomever else wishes, also no pressure to do this
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corhore · 3 years
Hot take: half of the people stanning Kurt Wagner wildly misinterpret his character.
Yeah your pretty much right. 
In fact a lot of people misinterpret the X-Men in general. 
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bam-monsterhospital · 3 years
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(regarding these panels)
@myxmentrashblog​ i was thinking it might be, considering scott’s outfit. but wow. ooooooof. that just makes everything fucking worse.
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ferretfyre · 4 years
1 & 20
1: How do you take your tea/coffee?
As the Cuban's say, cafe con leche, aka lots of milk, lots of sugar, and then a serving of coffee.
20: Favorite weapon for a medeval battle?
Idk a sword since a flame thrower isn't avalible and I'm assuming no dragons.
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frasier-crane-style · 4 years
myxmentrashblog replied to your post: Tumblr sees a character that’s a womanizer: Oh,...
Probably also a little bit of: “Womanizer makes us uncomfortable. Womanizer who is also a little gay though? Somehow, that’s totally ok.”
Oh, absolutely. I think the article reporting the Kirk rumor even goes “Kirk being a womanizer is PROBLEMATIC but if he fucked men too, that would be Woke.” 
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yourfaveneedsahug · 5 years
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Cyclops from X-Men needs a hug!
requested by @myxmentrashblog
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shobogan · 5 years
 “You're STILL my daughter from the future?”
@fuckyeahbatgirls oof so she just kept going back and forth on wanting him to know I guess? But he was so sweet about it the first time he found out. And the second time -even though that one was an accident.
YEAH I guess she must have? Which makes sense, given that she craved that family relationship but was also horrified of ruining it. Even though he reacted well, that could always change when he found out about what she’d been forced to do; at the time she was still consumed with guilt and self-loathing about it. 
There was probably an aspect of “I don’t deserve this”, too. He and Madelyne had their own baby, one who wasn’t a monster. 
Let me see if I can find the exact panel, I think it was after that reunion in X-Factor...
Okay, it’s Jean who actually brings up the possibility!
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I can’t remember if Rachel talks about it or not. 
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lovecanbesostrange · 4 years
myxmentrashblog replied to your post: so, self isolation (this is for you, flusendieb....
Good to know I wasn’t the only one playing X-Men Legends II in recent years!
It was a really fun throwback. Starting with “what does this button do”, then once again just picking Wolverine to just run right into the enemies and slowly remembering how to do a team comp so you have all the necessary special powers. Those graphics... what a simple time it was... And of course the best part - the Trivia Game!
I played X-Men: Destiny once, but didn’t get into it. It’s time for something new. Preferably something with tiny Bamfs, fighting the Brood, tragic Summers family moments and Mystique betraying the team.
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thrakaboom · 4 years
I love the new avatar
Thank you, thank you. I’ve been using it on venmt and discord for a while so I brought it over here bc everyone needs scott and his babies
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ndscottsummers · 5 years
myxmentrashblog replied to your post “scott seems like he would be a really light sleeper and in certain...”
Jean said it's true so it's canon enough for me xD
yeah that’s the bit i was thinking of (assuming there’s not another time jean says something similar):
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vexic929 · 8 months
Getting to know you
Tagged by: @goldheartedchaoticdisaster thank you! <3333
Last Song I Listen To: Get it? Got it? Good (feat. Amber Liu) by Jessica
My Favourite Colour: Purple <3333
Last Film/Show I watched: The Mario Movie
Sweet, Savoury, or Spicy: Spicy!
My Relationship Status: Single
Last Thing I Googled: supervillain name generator (I wanted inspo lol)
My Current Obsession: The Flash
Last Book I Read: do comic books count? otherwise I don't remember lol
Looking Forward To: my birthday in 10 days!
Tagging: @negative-speedforce @practically-an-x-man @alittleflashvibe @autisticharrywells @zeroducks-2 @ftl-faster-than-life @thatsnotmygunflash @thefastestqueeralive @shrinkthisviolet @myxmentrashblog
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imperiuswrecked · 2 years
Hi! I just wanted to ask if you know of any other blogs which are dedicated to specific comic book characters like yours is? Preferably ones which focus on the comic book side and not movies or tv shows.
There's a fair amount of comic only focused blogs but it really depends on which characters you want to see.
Some blogs I rec you check out since they are my faves and either are active or have a good backlog of stuff or create comic edits:
@heckyeahfantasticfour @userultron @scarletwitchpanels @scarletspider2the2ndpower @myxmentrashblog @esteicy-blog @traincat @splendidnothings @doomarchives @latveriastrong @welcome-to-latveria @mister-wagner @billykcplan @616witch @xforcesource @ororomunroesource @marvelcomicsdaily @remylebeaugambit @ormymarius @salarta @mattelektras
some of these blogs have comics only and others are a mix of comic and non comic stuff, if you need a specific blog/character then let me know and I can try to help. I have more comic focused sideblogs in my description but I am currently too hyperfixated on Namor to give them any attention, lol.
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corhore · 3 years
Not a hot take but I strongly believe Chris punched another rock and it hit Heisenberg.
I can’t believe that He even knows about Chris punching boulders. Does everyone know? Did Sheva just tell everyone about it. Did she tell Jill and they both tease him about it constantly? These are the questions that need answerers. 
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myxmentrashblog mentioned you in a post: “ I headcanon that since Kurt and Rachel are both athletic and...”:
@bothsidesofaquestion i have so much unfinished fanart of them xD
So awesome, it is rare to find something cute and fan art about them, thanks for posting it :)
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somberlittleman · 5 years
I prefer to call it "Beastclops" xD
I do NOT remember what this was in response to but it made me laugh and other people deserve this
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