spectrolitha · 6 months
Fae-changeling dynamics in different ttrpgs (with my OCs as an example) :D
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cboffshore · 20 days
I can't believe that I am the one asking this but.... does anyone on this hellscape webbed site have any Skybound fic recs?
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paragonrobits · 7 months
Talk to the people that fight the monsters in the dark, skulking in the alleys no one remembers and hiding behind suits and smiling faces in the expensive buildings, they'll tell you stories. They say there's a city block that doesn't belong to the city anymore.
Don't make trouble for the people there. The unspoken statement is that the people there aren't... exactly human anymore. They used to be. But there's worse things in the dark then men with the hearts of wolves or undying monsters that drink the blood of the living; worse than patchwork men that spread disaster in their wake and don't understand why. Sometimes, a terrible mystery ensnares someone, trapping them in promises and story and lies, and drags them away.
What comes back isn't human anymore. It's still a person, though. They reason and understand things, same as the humans they were, once. You leave them alone, the local Union rep says. They're no harm to no one, as long as you don't bring trouble to them.
Don't rat to them, you get warned. If someone who looks too good to be true comes around sniffing for their addresses, you just smile and nod and say you never heard a damn thing. Don't rat them out. Because the people in that place will know, and they'll find you, and your family. You try to throw them back into hell, they'll return the favor three times over.
But it goes both ways; if you watch out for them, mind your business and keep their secrets, they'll help you out.
The Union rep tells you a short little story; he says that most of the time, the people in that city block look the same as you or me. There might be a few signs; a girl with teeth unnaturally sharp and pointy, or a man who knocks on wood and it makes a noise like HE'S made of wood. But if things are going normal, you won't see what they really look like, just a kind of magical mask that hides them. But they got their fancy tricks, and they know all about escaping bad situations.
So if you do your part in the deal, they'll help you out. Pretty much anything; a single mother went down to them after some bad business with her ex came up and her kids went missing. Well, she talked to Pop Hammerfist, the big ol' dude that looks like someone carved a tree into a man. Her ex was on the news in the hospital a few days after, yelling about the trees following him, and her kids were back home safe and sound, and with the ex having already signed a few agreements to pay his damn alimony already.
Or a little boy with a missing cat came up to them and asked for help. If any of the real hunters or Union folk had heard about it, they would have stopped him, but the people in the city block didn't turn him away. They nodded, and listened, a few hours later came back with the little boy's cat, safe and purring up a storm. You help them out, they help you out; I hear that kid tells 'em stuff he heard. 'Spose there's a lesson in that. We're all in this together, long as we don't tear the boat down with us in it.
Reminds me of a story about the lady who brought the cat in, in fact. A big lady; has to go to special shops to get clothes that fit. Weird shiny teeth, too, with the weirdest damn braces I ever saw, if those are braces. You hear some funny stories about her, that when she comes knocking the whole floor shakes, but she couldn't be a sweeter lady. Nice to kids, loves cats, always help out. If she's got the weird habit of speaking in rhyme before she says anything else, well, we all got our promises, I guess.
Well, a while back, we had a Slasher. Yeah; the thing that happens when a Hunter goes bad, or someone just gets too much of a taste for murder. Killing opens up a soul, and some part of us leaks out, or something else gets in. This particular fellow liked to call himself a real genius; a real nasty piece of work that liked making elaborate death traps and leaving people to die. Well, we worked out he was there when they started finding the bodies, and by that point he'd already gotten the Big Lady.
...Yeah, that's the name of that lady I mentioned. Long story.
Well, we found what was left of him, and his death traps. The whole place was smashed to pieces by something big. Big and helliciously strong, I'd say. It was like the set of those torture horror movies got hit by a storm. And they found the guy, or. What was left of him. Looked like a wild animal had bit him up, or a jaguar.
Well, from what we heard, he got her all right. But she might have been a bit more than he bargained for. I'm not sure exactly what she did to him, but they were cleaning his blood and bone off the wall for weeks. They said his skull looked like something real strong had just slugged him, so hard he sorta splashed. Don't make me draw you a picture, pal.
But, yeah. Funny thing is, they said the fist mark was so big you'd need a person the size of an elephant to throw that kind of punch. And we kept seeing cats around the area. Really, really big cats.
..You remember about promises. You keep 'em with the city block folk, because they got all kinds of things keeping promises to them.
What happened to the Big Lady, you ask? Oh, she's still around. Helps out the local Union cell now and then. Good hand if you need brute force.
She don't much like having to handle anything that's got too much iron in it; steel is fine, but not real iron. She saws its an allergy.
...Yeah, I know how it sounds. But we got our funny ways, and she keeps her promises, so keep your nose out of it, yeah?
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redratt · 1 year
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"THE FOOL" - a Fairest Librorum (from Kith and Kin), who was often left to guard the vast knowledge of her Keeper in the guise of a strange horned lion-creature. What marks her different from a Beast is that even at her most intimidating, her mien is clearly cultivated. She is less wild, more deliberate. After escaping her Keeper, the Fool -- real name forgotten, left in the dust on a Victorian street (or was it earlier, it's not as if she can tell anymore) -- found herself guarding the tomb of a particularly manic Mummy ( @acheronarcanist ). It's a sweet enough deal for her. She sleeps, and rises, and helps. In turn, while her counterpart rests, as long as the Fool remains in the Tomb, her huntsman cannot find her.
It's a cozy life, and she's pleased to have it.
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drayners · 6 days
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more OC art... this is the vampire Crow from the weekly World of Darkness game I play in! Crow is an anxious mage who spends their time hanging out with (and worrying about) the deadliest monsters in town. When not worrying away, Crow researches arcane rituals and spies on the dreams of town mortals.
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propalitetz · 1 year
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magical boy polish hussar
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erisacolyte · 4 months
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Ran a wedding scene for Changeling: the Lost LARP, and felt inspired to draw the bride.
Like what I do and want to support me? Why not become a Patron: patreon.com/joephilliactheblack Or buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/A2581GB3
Watch on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joephilliactheblack/video/7334388396183375136?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7181582400987645445
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canary-prince · 4 months
One of my players is trying to seduce a cosmic pain god and she's making more progress than we originally planned
When in doubt, date the Web
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chirons-mortar · 9 months
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Comedian: The Absurd
I had not posted in a while. I had some drawings I wanted to post but my printer/scanner was acting up so I doodled something in MSPaint. It is another Chronicles/New World of Darkness skull. Wanted to do something quick and silly and is in no way meant to be a serious setting. Meant to invoke joke horror movies, especially things like Abbot and Costello Meet the "Insert Monster" movies.
You play as one of the Absurdities, a person who through happenstance has encountered the supernatural. Instead of reacting with horror, the experience has sundered your brain but has allowed you to make peace with the ridiculousness of the situation. You have now become a magnet for the supernatural, attracting the various denizens of the World of Darkness. However, these dangers are mitigated as the universe also seems through random chance to give you a resistance against their predations. Once noble creatures of the night above mortal understanding find their existence humbled through the humiliation of merely being in your presence. You may attempt to ward a vampire with garlic for them to boast of their immunity, only for them to immediately be repulsed by your garlic breath when they try baring down on your neck. The universe seems to delight in both your existence and suffering, and at some point all you can really do is just learn to laugh alongside it.
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lennyinlordran · 2 months
Mad scientists and Magical Girls: Depth of Archetypes and Derth of Genres
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"Mad scientists" are a very varied archetype. The basic requirements are that they both be "mad" and "do science"-- you can have gigeresqe biopunk or psychic powers or deco-styled super-robots-- as long as it's science-y it's good.
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Magical Girls are a very narrow archetype. The set of rules is shockingly precise-- the character must use magical powers through trinkets/talismans and and have both a base form and "tranformed" form.
Yet, both types are surprisingly similar in the narratives that arise around them.
For some reason, everyone wants to deconstruct the MG genre, leading to every MG being a tragic hero in some hopeless war against forces of darkness.
For some reason, everyone hates science and technology, leading to every MS being a tragic hero defined by hubris and untenable dreams.
I of course, Like Mad Scientists more, Mostly because I am one, But I also Kinda Hate Magical Girls. Because my only explanation is, "I'm secretly a sexist bastard peal-clutching the idea of quality disguised as a serious critic."
So, when I think about all this, and the fact I think Mad Scientists are better, here me out...
I managed to deal with my Hatred of Picrew through exposure, so, I have a set of really terrible ideas:
I can't decide which of these is the best. (More precisely, I have to figure out how to embed Magical Girls in the lore of GtT or how to embed mad scientist in the PtH lore, both of which as bizzare and confusing challenges. While yes, I could just free-form roleplay with my friends rather than using an actual TTRPG, I still am highly curious.)
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spectrolitha · 29 days
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My pathetic little mew mew aka my Changeling the Lost OC.
He's an Elemental Fireheart.
Also he's a Loyalist. Which means he is out of Arcadia but still serves True Fae. These sad eyes will be the last thing you'll see before he sells you out to Gentry 😌
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cboffshore · 3 months
Skybound AU where everything is exactly the same, except we never have the "what vowel do we use in D*lara's name?" debate in the fandom, because any time anyone tries to say her name, a truck passes and drowns it out with a honk. We never know who Nadakhan is pining after because he can't even say her name.
Doesn't matter how improbable that truck's presence is, either. Beach crew retrieval scene? It's kicking up sand. E60 dinner discussion? Crashes through that big window. Final battle? They're getting launched up from the ground below en masse. It's fucking chaos.
(Jay figures out the trend and installs a horn on the Keep just before crashing into the Temple specifically so he can hold it down the entire time.)
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lightning-chicken · 23 days
💣NWoD Bomb!💣
What scene did you write first in your current WIP?
Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
do you have a muse character?
nwod bomb!
what scene did you write first in your current wip?
for ptppbt, the first scene i wrote was the entirety of the oneshot i told myself ptppbt was going to be. now, i’m roughly 40k into the fic, and that scene is still two chapters away! so it’ll be awhile before i get there.
do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
hmmm. i love writing one-shots bc they’re an easy way for me to lay out a concept or idea that i’ve been spinning in my brain, and because i’m so much quicker at writing them - i can write the same number of words for a one-shot in a day as i write for a multi-chapter fic in four days. however… i really really love multi-chapter fics, so i think i’d go with that.
do you have a muse character?
in terms of what character inspires the most fics and aus… yeah, it’s jay. libber’s a close second, though, followed by nya!
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redratt · 1 day
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TERTIA CASSII, PARLIAMENT HOST And here comes the Cassii, cursed be thy name, from the darkness on a dozen-dozen wings, an artifact of holy hatred. Bring forth your young and your newly embraced! Bring your defenders before the last of the Julii! Here is your holy spirit! Here is the blessing of God! All of her is hatred. See the wings blot the sky as she dives, they dive, a dozen-dozen talons seizing flesh. You have lost your Beast, Holy Son, but she has gained many.
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beanphomet · 11 months
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"Erik going postal"
-my friend, 2023
This is not canon. This is an au of my character where he never met the others and due to his own paranoia (being wanted by the government for trying to reveal some shady shit) and the absolutely cursed building he decided to, uhm, take drastic measures.
Honestly it's not his fault the government and also hunters decided to store their weapons within grabbing distance. And neither that an 'angel', who thrives off suffering, decided to help a girl out.
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propalitetz · 1 year
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im designing an npc for some friends’ princess the hopeful game
this is her non-transformed form
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