#na'vi language
tayrangichild · 2 days
Calling Na'vi language speakers!
At the beginning of the AFoP trailer, there is a phrase spoken in Na'vi but written in English, does anybody know how it would be written in Na'vi? I'd like to use it for a strawpage I'm working on but I can't find a written Na'vi version anywhere
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fruitmilkshake · 1 month
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Na'vi children :))
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kewaizi · 2 years
Tsireya 💗
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whoreish-behaviour · 2 years
The colonel's new look in Avatar 2 is doing something to me 🧎‍♀️
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Part 2 is here
I have no idea wtf this is honestly lol
Send me Avatar requests :))
Na'vi!Colonel Quaritch x Na'vi!Reader?
Warnings >~< = Spoilers kinda?
'Words in italic are Na'vi'
For reference, you're a Na’vi in one of the clans the 'sky people' raided in search of Jake.
You were busy tending to the ilu’s who had just been returned from hunting, their sweet chirps expressing their gratitude as you removed their saddles.
However, it was the piercing scream in the distance that alerted you, your ears flicking in all directions as more shouts erupted.
Dropping the saddle, you jogged away from the clear water, the ilu’s beginning to make their own sounds of distress.
Your jog soon turns into a sprint when you caught sight of what was happening.
It was the sky people, breathing machines strapped to their faces and large guns in their hands. Your eyes then landed on the taller, much larger soldiers.
They were created to look like the people from the forest clan, their strength and speed matching the your own.
It made you sick!
They were all abominations in your eyes, and you would rather die fighting then bow to the likes of them.
Quickly grasping your knife, you ran towards their group, ears back and feet quick.
The closest blue soldier had their back to you, an easy target.
Keeping on the toes of your feet to keep quiet, when you where close enough you leaped of the ground, knife ready - a silent attack.
However apparently not quiet enough as mid-air, you saw their ears twitch, a sign they had indeed heard you.
They expertly evaded out the way, your knife barley grazing their shoulder.
As quick as a bullet, they had the back of your neck grasped in a tight grip. You hissed as the sensitive skin was pinched firmly.
As you reached up to claw at their hand, you felt yourself being turned.
Eventually a man came into view, a deep scowl set on his lips, fangs peeking out under his top lip.
You hissed angrily, ears completely flat at the pain he was causing you.
‘You sneakily little-‘ You cut him off, claws now aiming for his face. He immediately pulled you away from him but didn’t let go.
Now using your legs, you kicked them at him, continuously hissing and fighting back.
Around you, more blue soldiers emerged, the people of your clan in their grips and guns raised until the one holding you barked for them to stand down.
You heard your neighbours and children fight and cry out, no one knowing what was going on.
Feeling trapped by the surrounding enemy, you gave one last kick, landing it straight on his chest.
At the unexpected blow, he dropped you.
The ground was hard as you fell, your tail caught behind you as you landed on it painfully. Letting out a cry, you clutched it to you and leaned up on your hunches.
Your tail throbbed and you whined quietly before you looked up at the devil staring down at you.
He regarded you quietly, eyes hooded and cold as he snarled at you.
'Ill be nice...once..' He spoke, his accent much different to yours as he kneeled down to where you where.
You bared you teeth at his proximity but didn't move to do anything.
'Then I won't.'
You understood him enough, your english not quite good enough to hold a full conversation but you knew enough to hear the threat dripping from his voice.
Reaching behind him, he pulled out a device, a screen sliding out with a picture of a forest Na'vi similar to him. Shoving the screen in your face, your eyes bouced from him to the device.
'Where is Jake Sully?' He attempted to speak Na'vi, his words slow - like a baby speaking for the first time.
You would've laughed in his face had he not had the upper hand in the situation.
'He is part of the forest clan, he doesn't reside here.' You reasoned, hoping he'd believe you and leave. But even you knew that was wishful thinking.
'I’m not stupid woman, he was tracked down to one of these coastal island. Now where. Is. He.' You pieced together his english, but shook your head at his accusation.
'Not here!' You were growing frustrated and scared, as you saw his crew grow more and more aggressive to your family.
He bared his teeth at your resistance and stood back up to his full height, stepping away and turning to the wrangled villagers around you.
'Where is jake?! Speak!' He shouted out and you heard your villagers argue back what you had been telling him.
'Please, have mercy! We do not know!'
He continued to shout until a boy, a human boy, dressed in clan clothes shouted equally as loud at the raving blue soldier.
'This is wrong! They said they don't know already!' The man halted immediately and turned to the boy, walking closer until they where standing directly opposite.
You saw as they argued until eventually the soldier turned away and shouted to his crew.
'He's right, they don't know nothin',' He spat, eyes scanning the crowd until they landed on you.
'Light it up.' He waved his hand nonchalantly before turning and heading back to his ship.
The boy that was at his side now staring with his mouth open as the blue soldiers took their guns, fire exploding out the end and clawing it way up the huts of your village.
You stared in shock at how quickly everything around you quickly became lit with flames.
The cries and screams around you turned distant as your eyes trailed over the destruction, until they landed on the person that caused it all.
Almost immediately the pain spreading throughout your tail stopped as you felt hot blinding white fury raid your bloodstream, body shaking with adrenaline.
Grabbing your forgotten knife, you felt your body move on auto pilot as you got up and sprinted to the ship, hair flying.
You saw the people on the ship become alerted at the Na'vi charging towards them, eyes set on the Colonel making his way up the ramp.
You didn't think as you jumped, landing on his back, left arm wrapping around his neck from behind and the other lifting the knife in the air, ready to plunge into his throat.
However, the one thing you never learned being raised as the clan chief's daughter was how to fight in combat, let alone against a 9’5 trained marine.
He moved quicker than you anticipated, his hand coming up to grip your forearm around his neck and using that to completely flip you over and onto the ground.
You cried out at the landing but moved your knife up to his face.
He dodged the oncoming attack before grabbing the knife from your grip. You hissed at him, his face upside down from your position on the ground.
He chucked the knife away and you took the chance to roll away. Getting back onto your feet, you pulled the smaller dagger from the compartment on your thigh, baring you teeth angrily.
He leaned back up, and chuckled when he saw the knife in your fist.
Hissing again you ran towards him and he layed his hands out in front of him, tail swinging and ready for your attack.
However, just as you grew closer, you slid yourself along the floor, sliding between his legs and ending up behind him.
You plunged the knife into his thigh and he groaned out at the unexpected wound.
Retracting it you stepped away as he turned to you, ears flat and face full of anger.
'That was real fucking sneaky kid.' You ears twitched as he spoke, holding eye contact as you readied yourself for his attack.
'You are an abomination!' You snarled, tail whipping around you threateningly.
You prepared to lunge again until you felt it.
It was a tiny prick! in the side of your leg and you instantly looked down, a tiny clear thing sticking out the side of your leg. You ears perked up as your confusion grew.
As you were reaching to yank it out, you felt yourself being rammed into.
And for the third time that day, you landed and slid along the floor, the body of the blue soldier strapping you down to the ribbed surface below.
The movement caught you off guard as the knife fell from your grip. You hissed and clawed at the monstrosity above you, who only gazed down at you, smirk pulling at his lips.
Gone was his anger, triumph replacing it. It oddly left you on edge as you continued to thrash under him, his legs on either side of your body.
'Look's like you'll be staying with us a little longer.' His fangs flashed as he tried to dominate your unrelenting body, but you refused to give up.
That was until you felt yourself slowly come to a stop against your will. Your punches no longer had any strength behind them as you fell flat to the floor.
You managed one more angry snarl before you felt your eyes droop shut as everything around you slowed and turned black.
It was then in the distance that you heard your parents call out to you, worry dripping from their voices but there was nothing you could do.
Part 2 - Avatar Masterlist here
Kofi <33
P.s Avatar 2 has brought back my size kink, full force >:0
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kingdomheartist · 9 months
Just wanna share my two afop screenshots that i've taken so far. I'm too enamoured with the game to think of taking pictures lmao
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onskepa · 1 year
Anon again with new idea I have been thinking of.
So what about neteyam x human fem reader where she shows him her outfits and makes a fashion show for him (yk just for fun). Neteyam is just amazed with her style and find it a bit strange but he still finds her adorable with her posing and twirling and stuff.
Hello! I gotta admit, to me at least, this was cute to write about! hope you enjoy!
Eyes on me
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It was a long day for neteyam, between training, scolding his brother, and going on raids with his father. He was wiped out. despite how busy he can be, he will always have time for his sweet mate.
He darling human mate who lives with the others in the base, he would always make time for her. She was a breathe of fresh air. Always making his days conclude with kisses, hugs and loving words. He enjoys everything about her and would refuse to hear anything negative when it comes to his mate.
Well, technically, they aren't mated yet, however, they are in the processing of courting. Have been together for 2 years and neteyam thinks its time to take it seriously.
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He arrives in the base, doing the needed procedure and wears his breathing mask. He hates it really, but cant complain. Because of it, he understands more the needed safety when his beloved walks outside and wears her mask.
It was night, so every other human was in their rooms asleep or doing something else. So quietly neteyam goes to his beloved's room. Being one of the few girls in the base has its perks, she has one of the bigger rooms. Especially when na'vi come in to visit.
He opens the sliding door and to see his dear one wearing something. "Yawne?" he calls out to her, she jumps a bit, startled. "neteyam! you scared me!" she giggles. Neteyam smiles warmly as he goes to her and hugs her tightly. "I'm sorry, what are you wearing?" he takes a good look at her. She was wearing a bright long cloth that covered her body excluding her arms and neck. His beloved smiles and makes a little twirl. "do you like it? it is a summer dress", neteyam tilts his head in confusion and curiosity. "a summer.....dress??" he repeats, his beloved smile and explains to him that for humans, to adapt to different climates they wear different clothing to fit that climate. Neteyam was very intrigued by it, "can you show me more? I want to see you in all of your people's clothing" he tells her. His beloved was a bit surprised. She know of the na'vi clothing and choice of style they wear, which is drastically different from how humans see clothing.
"r-really....?" she blushes, getting excited to show him all of the clothing she has. Neteyam smiles as his tail wags in happiness, "yes, I want to see my yawne in everything". So, she does that.
She performs a little fashion show for him, her number one audience. Wearing different dresses, varying in colors, patterns, and the flow of the dress. But, dresses wasn't the only thing she present for him, wearing shorts and tank tops, button up shirts, but neteyam's favorite were the bikini styles. He enjoy seeing her body in the natural way. Flawless was her skin, soft to touch and smooth to feel. Far different from how his skin feels, tough and firm.
Seeing his mate wearing various clothes made him appreciate her more. She was just too beautiful! and he come to enjoy some of the clothing she displayed for him. Anything that has blue or yellow. Like the yellow summer dress with green leaves decorated on them. Or the blue dress with star patters on them. She looked better in blue he personally thinks.
Of course neteyam would praise her in every outfit she wears. "That is all of them" his beloved says, neteyam gets up and pulls her in his embrace. "You look beautiful in every one your clothing, it is interesting how vastly different you humans perceive clothing". He kisses her on top of her head, then cheeks, then on her soft petal lips.
"stay with me?" she asks him, he smirks and nods, still wearing the blue white dotted dress that neteyam has come to favor, they lay on her bed to sleep, ending the day.
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Yawne = beloved
Fyolup = exquisite, sublime in style
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that is all for this fic! Tell me what ya think!
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viscardiac · 2 years
Na'vi names
Hello! I had one bad time looking for names for my na’vi oc, so I compiled names and words to make it easier for other people to find some. This post consists of three sections, names in characters from the movies, games, and comics/graphic novels, words I think could do well as names by vibe (and their proper meanings), and words I smushed together to make new names. I do not speak/learn the na’vi language, so everything here is subject to error. In case you speak/study it, and see a mistake in grammar, please do let me know, especially on the last section. I tried, with limited knowledge, to keep things gramatically correct, and constructive criticism is appreciated. All words used on the last two sections come from the learnnavi.org dictionary.
As always, feel free to use this post as reference, but don’t repost it.
Proper names in characters/sources
These names are compiled from characters shown on the movies, games, and comics/graphic novels. They were divided by clan, and have markers for which gender the person bearing it is identified as. Some names did not comply with the na’vi language sounds, so I adapted them, and the original form is in parenthesis on the side. I encourage people to just give names regardless of gender because it’s fun. A side note, though, is that some clans, like the li’ona and the ni’awve, have been uncanonized. They’re still here, though, because I say so.
Entok (m) (anurai) • Kiralu (f) (anurai) • Kyona (Kyuna) (f) (anurai) • Morang (f) (anurai) • Rai’uk (m) (anurai) • Swin’ara (f) (anurai) • Tsu’mong (m) (anurai) • Ukawla (f) (anurai)
Aneya (m) (hulanta) • Angat (f) (hulanta) • Fatao (m) (hulanta) • No’eng (m) (hulanta) • O’ame (f) (hulanta) • Omi (m) (hulanta) • Ro’até (f) (hulanta) • Sahné (m) (hulanta) • Taktu (m) (hulanta) • Tiaru (m) (hulanta)
Kakalu (f) (kekunan) • Taronyu (m) (kekunan) • Valke (f) (kekunan)
Tasun (m) (li’ona)
Ao’nung (m) (metkayina) • Ronal (f) (metkayina) • Rotxo (m) (metkayina) • Tonowari (m) (metkayina) • Tsireya (f) (metkayina)
Atanwey (m) (ni’awve) • Eywaftia (f) (ni’awve) • Frapohu (f) (ni’awve) • Maweytakuk (m) (ni’awve) • Niwintul (m) (ni’awve) • Sevineyo (f) (ni’awve) • Tsamlok (m) (ni’awve) • Tse’huk (m) (ni’awve) • Tsu’hak (m) (ni’awve)
Akwey (m) (olangi) • Omleki (m) (olangi)
Anuk (?) (omatikaya) • Artsut (f) (omatikaya) • Arvok (m) (omatikaya) • Atan (m) (omatikaya) • Ateyo (m) (omatikaya) • Entu (m) (omatikaya) • Eytukan (m) (omatikaya) • Ka’ani (m) (omatikaya) • Kamun (m) (omatikaya) • Kiri (f) (omatikaya) • Lo’ak (m) (omatikaya) • Maru (f) (omatikaya) • Mo’at (f) (omatikaya) • Nekawn (f) (omatikaya) • Neteyam (m) (omatikaya) • Neytep (?) (omatikaya) • Neytiri (f) (omatikaya) • Ninat (f) (omatikaya) • Peyral (f) (omatikaya) • Ralu (m) (omatikaya) • Saeyla (f) (omatikaya) • Sylwanin (f) (omatikaya) • Syura’ewan (m) (omatikaya) • Takuk (m) (omatikaya) • Tarsem (m) (omatikaya) • Tsu’tey (m) (omatikaya) • Tuktirey (f) (omatikaya) • Txopu (m) (omatikaya) • Yeyongo (f) (omatikaya) 
Ameini (f) (rey’tanu) • Saotun (m) (rey’tanu)
Alira (f) (tawkami) • Lompo (m) (tawkami) • Lunapey (f) (tawkami) • Malimi (m) (tawkami) • Mireya (f) (tawkami) • Mukata (m) (tawkami) • Nera’nak (f) (tawkami) • Nok (m) (tawkami) • Omati (m) (tawkami) • Onantu (m) (tawkami) • Rawm (m) (tawkami) • Seyvaro (m) (tawkami) • Syanan (f) (tawkami) • Tsa’law (m) (tawkami) • Tsyal (f) (tawkami)
Ikeyni (f) (tayrangi) • Nan’ti (f) (tayrangi) • Tsentey (m) (tayrangi)
Alar’at (m) (tipani) • Amanti (f) (tipani) • Arutey (m) (tipani) • Avarin (f) (tipani) • Fmilam (f) (tipani) • Hukato (m) (tipani) • Ikalu (m) (tipani) • Kusati (f) (tipani) • Lungoray (m) (tipani) • Marali (f) (tipani) • Mekanei (m) (tipani) • Mentala (Mendala) (m) (tipani) • Naalot (m) (tipani) • Nikiro (m) (tipani) • Oloniwin (m) (tipani) • Okmaya (Ookmaya) (f) (tipani) • Otamu (m) (tipani) • Peyta’amo (Beyda’amo) (m) (tipani) • Pilano (Bilano) (m) (tipani) • Raltaw (m) (tipani) • Swawta (m) (tipani) • Sukal (f) (tipani) • Sänume (f) (tipani) • Tan Jala (m) (tipani) • Teytsyana (Deyshana) (f) (tipani) • Tsaro (m) (tipani) • Tur’itan (m) (tipani) • Ukamtsu (m) (tipani) • Unipey (f) (tipani) • Vokan (m) (tipani)
Ak’tari (m) • Amhul (?) • Änsìt (?) • Kalun (m) • Kirnat (f) • Makeyo (m) • Maratu (m) • Menari (f) • Na’huk (m) • Pentìyaru (f) • Ruk’e (m) • Seytawni (f) • Tioang (m) • Varang (f) • Vineya (f) • Yeyatley (m) • Zumkana (f)
Words that could be used as names on their own
Äie - vision  • Apxa - large  • Atan - light • Aungia - sign/omen • Ean - blue • Fpom - peace/wellbeing  • Hawnu - protect/shelter • Hufwe - wind • Kato - rhythm • Keye’ung - insanity • Kilvan - river • Kxanì - forbidden • Lor - beautiful (not people) • Loreyu - beautiful spiral  • Meuia - honour • Na’rìng - forest • Nawm - great/noble • Ngay - true • Nguway - howl • Pamtseo - music • Pxan - worthy • Rey - live • Rim - yellow • Sevin - pretty (people) • Sìlpey - hope • Sìltsan - good • Swizaw - arrow • Tanhì - star • Taw - sky • Tìkawng - evil • Tìlor - beauty • Tìyawn - love • Tirea - spirit • Tìngay  - truth • Tìrey - life • Tsteu - brave • Txe’lan - heart • Txep - fire • Txum - poison • Txon - night • Txur - strong • Unil - dream • Utral - tree • Way - song • Win - fast • Zawng - shriek
Names I composed of words according to the voices in my head
Äie’upxare - vision, message • Apxana’rìng - large, forest • Apxaronsem - large, mind • Apxatìrey - large, life • Apxatse’lan - large, heart • Atan’awve - light, first • Atanit - light, small • Atankxam - light, middle • Aungiawve - omen, first • Awpänu - one, oath • Awrel - one, picture • Fya’aw - path, one • Ikapxa - sky, large • Iklor - sky, beautiful • Kamefra’u - see, everything • Käpay - go, water • Kato’aw - rhythm, one • Krr’apxa - time, large • Lortanhì - beautiful, star • Narim - eye, yellow • Nìwin’awve - fast, first • Paymokri - water, voice • Paynari - water, eye • Pxinari - sharp, eye • Rina’ong - seed, blossom • Swizawve - arrow, first • Syawve - call, first • Taronwin - hunt, fast • Taway - sky, song • Tawtsyal - sky, wing • Tire’aw - spirit, one • Tireayìm - bind, spirit • Tìreyìm - life, bind • Tìreyol - life, long • Tompawve - rain, first • Trr’apxa - day, large • Tseongay - art, true • Tseoyìm - art, bind • Tsyal’apxa - wing, large • Tukrupxi - spear, sharp • Tukrutsawke - spear, sun • Tulpay - run, water • Txonapxa - night, large • Txonyìm - night, bind • Yìm’awve - bind, first • Yìm’unil - bind, dream
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professional-yapper · 8 months
not to be a total geek on main, but i think it is so incredibly cute that Jake's name in Na'vi [Tsyeyk] is only one letter away from the Na'vi word for treasure [tsyeym]. Probably totally coincidental, but I just discovered that today and it has me absolutely sick. I love it. He is a treasure.
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naavispider · 2 years
Spider speaking Na'vi
I finally found the correct written version of what Spider keeps saying to the Ta'unui Olo'eyktan and Tsahik, which is 'oeru txoa livu'.
Obviously the subtitles tell us that this means 'I'm sorry', however I was researching it (as you do) and the most basic way of actually saying sorry in Na'vi is just 'tsap'alute si' (I apologise).
The words Spider chooses are closer in meaning to 'may there be forgiveness for me'. (txoa = forgiveness)
Like- I LOVE THIS BOY sm he wasn't just saying I'm sorry, he was acknowledging that the crime was so heinous he was asking for mercy from Eywa at the same time 😭 What does this tell us about the depths of his love for the People and for Eywa 😭
He switches back to English as he sees the pain and devastation that the raid as caused the Ta'unui, and I think it's because words are just failing him - he's tried so hard to convey how much sorrow he has, but after exhausting the most meaningful words he can think of, he can just flounder with the English 'I'm sorry', knowing it will never be enough anyway.
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saintjimmeh · 16 days
This one took me awhile since I managed to break the pack not once but twice, but it's finally done! Pack is tested and it works with 1.21; I haven't tested it in any other versions but it should be backward compatible at least with 1.20.
I made quite a few changes to translations; a few of them were to make things sound less clunky but ALSO since we have a lot of new animal names from FoP, I'm going to try to name all the animals after their closest Pandoran equivalent rather than just giving them descriptions. (Plants will unfortunately have to be in a future update... most of the FoP plants with Na'vi names don't resemble anything in Minecraft, and I haven't seen any Na'vi names for the trees in game. Shame because the Clouded Forest pines would be perfect for spruce trees.)
Specific changes I can remember off the top of my head under the cut:
-Some of the copper blocks have been changed around: Exposed Copper is now Tuna Fngap Atsewtx (Dirty Copper) and Oxidised Copper is Tuna Fngap a Sleru Ean (Copper that is turning blue/green... yeah still a bit awkward but there really isn't a good Na'vi equivalent for metal stuff.)
-Some tools have been re-translated as machines (txawnulsrung). Pretty much if it uses redstone in some way, like dispensers, it's now a machine.
-Axolotl: changed kenten to wuwuk. I know it's still not a lizard but I feel like a general word works better than a specific land species that flies.
-Allay: changed tireatsyìp to nrrtsyal. They look like little glowy bugs ^^ (if Mojang decides to add fireflies back in I may have to change this one back but eh)
-Wandering Trader: changed sopyu (traveller) to lanteyu (wanderer). Surprising that Na'vi has no word for trade yet.
-Shulker: changed tì'ì'atxkxeyä mawup (End Turtapede lol) to kinamtsìng. I figured it resembles a bug that jumps really high and floats more than a turtle.
-Turtle: changed mawup to mawuptsyìp, now that we have an actual word for earth turtles.
-Frog: changed rusola ioang (singing beast) to wuwuk le'awtu.
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fruitmilkshake · 2 months
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Na'vi bow ideas :))
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nilnether · 2 months
Fed-up Spider, Annoyed Wainfleet
I saw Spider being described as confused by people comparing him to Tarzan or Mowgli again. I know it's a way to show that he grew up n another world but he was raised among humans too. Even with the versions of Tarzan and Mowgli we are thinking of would be horribly outdated in his time those are such classic tales the people left in Hell's Gate would also know it.
Spider wouldn't be annoyed by this comparison because he didn't understand it. He would be annoyed by it because he would've heard it a million times already. Everyone would feel like they have the best joke and have to tell it. And they all would just make the same one. I feel like Spider would just be fed up with this one before RDA even comes back to Bridgehead. And then half of his murder attempts on recoms would be triggered by them repeating the worst ones and thinking themselves to be so funny.
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And I know I made similar joke about Spider making pranks on Wainfleet because Lyle ("layl") means "innocent" but really Lyle would be the one to understand this. Wainfleet flew with the Avatar scientists. They all knew Na'vi. I bet every one of them would tell him what his name meant. And made the same stupid joke about it.
And about "weyn" meaning "to draw", "to illustrate" ("flit" means nothing yet but someday Frommer may assign word to it and then his whole name would be some nonsense in Na'vi). Every time a new Avatar scientist came to Pandora, they all would have the same brilliant idea to tell him about this and consider themselves to be the first ones to ever think about it. No wonder dude wanted to shoot things.
The people saying these always think they are so clever and funny but any joke or "fun fact" stops being fun when you hear it the millionth time after it has stopped being funny. I could see them both just being annoyed whenever someone mentions any of that.
Maybe that's how Lyle ended up being babysitter when Quaritch was busy.
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whoreish-behaviour · 2 years
Revenant 2
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Previous - Next
Na'vi!Colonel Quaritch x Na'vi!Reader
Warnings >~< = Man-handling, nothing too extreme..yet
The throbbing pain all over your body was what woke you up. You felt as if you had been chewed up and spat out.
Even opening your eyes grew to be difficult, the blinding glare from above proving to be too much for your unadjusted eyes.
After much effort though you did, finding yourself placed carelessly into the corner of a room.
The ceiling was low and the table in front of you barley reached your knees as you wobbled to stand. You assessed yourself quietly, nothing looked broken or too bruised.
Aside from your tail, that had an odd bend to it.
However there was also an excessive simultaneous ache in your back, tail and thigh as you gritted your teeth.
You thought back to how you got here, the room leaking the scent of those sky creatures.
You could feel yourself get more angry as you remembered exactly how you ended up in this beaming white room.
The pathetic oaf had knocked you out. And how? You weren't sure.
Your tail whipped around you painfully as you felt yourself get more worked up, ears flattening as you circled the table - searching for a way out the puny room.
You spotted the door, stomping over to it only to find it completely sealed shut.
Banging you fist against it, you hissed at the thing blocking your path out of there. Spinning around, you then saw...you?
The whole wall seemed to reflect, like the water back home when you gazed down into it icy depths.
The reminder only fired you up more as you walked over to it, fingertips ever so lightly touching the cool surface.
You looked at yourself and tilted you head, ears up and alert. How these creatures had managed to mimic water baffled you.
They were such stupidly.. smart things.
They were smart and stupid enough to create destructive machines that in turn destroyed themselves and everything around them.
And now they were here, set on laying their destructive fingers on Pandora and cursing its soul with their disease.
The thought had your blood pumping with anger as your hand became a fist, slamming against the surface before you. You repeated it again and again, hissing and snarling.
They couldn't keep you here.
You had a family, a clan to keep safe - away from the sky creatures.
You then felt the wall begin to splinter beneath your fist. You stopped as you heard a hissing sound escape the damaged area.
Stepping back cautiously, your eyes bounced all over the room - waiting for something to happen.
And almost immediately, you began to hear the seal on the door break away, smoke collecting along one side.
Instincts on high alert, the only thought racing through your mind was Run!
Lowering to the ground slightly, you crept closer to the door just as it began to hiss along its edge- similar to the sound you heard from the wall.
As quick as anything it slid open, revealing the blue soldier from before, the ink on his arm easy to identify.
Your face automatically snarled - you couldn't see from his chest upwards as the doorway was too low, however you knew he was sneering right back.
Without thinking, you darted towards him, slipping though the gap between his body and the door.
Because of the doorway, he wasn't able to guess your intention, giving you a clear head start as you ran down the hallway.
'Fuckin’ hell..' You heard his curse just as you rounded the corner.
The hallway seemed to go on forever, littered with people in uniform who all turned to you, faces going pale.
Not wanting to linger any longer, you sprinted down the hall until you came to an absolutely massive room.
The eyes of soldiers and more people in white snapped to you, there had to be at least over 50 in the room. Amongst them, the blue soldiers that had helped raid your clan where also planted around.
Caught off guard you came to a stop, breathes heavy with frustration.
There was no escaping, not unless you wanted to risk being shot.
You felt a seed of panic grow as you saw people reach for their weapons, knowing this could be the place you die.
Not on the coast where you grew up, not on the back of your ilu fighting for your clan and not in the arms of the people you loved.
No, it was going to be a cold, white room filled with your enemies.
The air around you felt thick, too thick to breath as you began to heave. Why couldn't you breath?
All the air seemed to have been sucked from the room, causing your panic to grow more and more, working yourself into a terrifying state of fear.
Your legs and mind suddenly felt weak, too weak to feel hands behind you grasping yours in a firm grip before pinning them behind you.
You felt yourself being kicked to the ground, body collapsing as you continued to gasp out, all breath finally leaving you.
You cheek rested against the cold ground until you felt a warm hand on you chin, grasping you jaw and tilting it up.
You them felt another hand on the back of your head, gently lifting it off the ground.
Feeling the same hand crawl from the back of you head to the underside of your face, it supported the weight of your head entirely, your body loosing strength to so.
The hand on your jaw then left you, before quickly returning - a black breathing mask in it's grasp. It was pressed firmly to your mouth and nose, creating a seal.
You then felt it.
It was as if you were breathing for the first time again.
You eyes shot open as the air filled your lungs, your chest expanding as you let out a gasp.
Shooting out, your hand cupped over the one holding the device, pressing it even harder against you face, sucking in the air.
After a few, you eventually calmed down, breathes even.
As your mind cleared though, you realised who was siting on your back, their weight heavy but not entirely restricting.
It was just to make sure you didn't try anything stupid again.
Sensing your body tensing beneath him, the soldier pulled back his hand, leaving yours to hold the breathing machine.
You didn't fight back, only relaxing against the floor as you allowed yourself to go limp.
You weren't in immediate danger, yourself told yourself to calm down, obeying the order given to you for once.
'You go ahead and keep that, but imma' need your cooperation.' He saw your ear flick in his direction as he watched you maul over his words.
You were either contemplating another cheap escape or was translating his words to yourself.
He hoped it was the latter.
He then felt your body shift under his, until you laid on your back, staring up at him. He didn't sense a fight or struggle but he could never be too sure.
He looked down at you, hands ready to hold you down if you tried anything, but the nod of your head had him relaxing ever so slightly.
You watched him as he looked away from you and towards the many people behind you.
You saw as another breathing mask was thrown towards him, his hand easily grasping it as he raised it to his mouth, deeply inhaling before letting it hang from around his neck.
You stared as you his chest expanded before settling once again. You then traced up to his neck, his traditional blue Na'vi stripes peaking out.
You cursed yourself for looking.
He was evil.
A walking devil in disguise of your people.
You saw him look back down at you, his right hand reaching behind him ominously. You felt your face screw up, his movements making you suspicious.
Only when your eyes saw the handcuffs did you move once again.
He wanted you restrained!
However, you'd never allow him to have that much effortless control over you.
Bucking your hips up to attempt to throw him off, you wriggled around, trying to escape as he pressed his weight down on you, trapping you to the cold tile.
'They’re only goin' on until I get you away from all these important people.' He rolled his eyes at your dramatic display, before placing the orange restraint between his teeth.
Now with his hands free, he was able to flip you back over, pressing down hard between your shoulder blades as you hissed at him.
You heard him whistle above you as you continued to thrash.
'How her down will you?' You heard him mock you, talking about you as if you were some rabid dog.
Looking to your side, you saw another blue soldier step closer over to you, her smirking face glazing down at you, her jaw chewing something in a bored manner.
She walked all the way up until she was directly in front, her boots an inch from your face.
You then felt a rough pressure replace the hand on your back, the texture painful as it dug into your skin to hold you down.
You whined from your helplessness as you felt two hands roughly grab yours, placing them at you base of your spine before being secured tightly.
Looking up, you saw the female soldier, her foot securing you to the ground, watch as you were restrained, a smirk on her lips.
Knowing there was nothing else you could do, you slumped to the ground, tired breaths leaving you.
'Atta' girl!' You heard her laugh at your submission, her foot lifting from up your back before dropping back down in front of you and walking back to where she originally was.
You then felt the weight on you move up, a single hand grasping the hair at the back of your head, pulling it to yank your head back. You cried out but didn't move.
'Don' move.' You heard him grumble before you felt the breathing mask being attached back to you, the band now going around you head to keep it there.
He released your hair and you felt his weight leave you completely. You shivered as the cool air traced over your uncovered back.
You eyes widened as you suddenly felt a hand grab at your tail, the thing still in pain from earlier. You looked over your shoulder and hissed at the soldier.
His thumb was tracing over the lower middle section of your tail that was bend ever so slightly, the area discoloured and purple.
And from your hissing and whines he would tell it was hurting like a bitch.
Looking over his shoulder, the colonel waved over one of the many doctors and scientists, who immediately came padding over - clipboard in hand.
'This thing look broken' to you?' He emphasised by moving your tail closer to the doctor, your body dragging with it slightly as you whimpered.
The doc's gloved hands replaced the colonel's, fingers assessing the area while the colonel's eyes bounced from your injured limb to you, making sure you stayed down.
'I'll definitely need an X-ray but I'm pretty sure I can snap it back into place. A few bandages for a while and it'll be fine.' The doctor spoke, shrugging as if it was nothing.
The colonel looked back down at you, body obeying for once and relaxing.
You wouldn't be useful if you were broke.
Plus, he knew how sensitive these things were and could only imagine the pain every time your body acted on instinct and moved it.
It was gonna be a bitch to do but he knew he was having your tail fixed whether you wanted it or not.
Part 3
Kofi <33
Taglist = @namor-is-the-way @kimqueenofhell
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kingdomheartist · 2 years
Kaltxì ma frapo!
Here's another bit of avatar art I made a while ago. I've got a commission in the works soon and I am so excited!! (This bitch rarely gets commissioned hrh)
I made this as part of the rainbow_navi_challenge by hound_of_olympus on instagram! I do a lot of challenges as you can see lmao
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"meitayo na'vi" means "wetland na'vi" :)
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onskepa · 1 year
Okidoki~ sooo how about Tonowari with a reader that’s like kiri? Like- they’re mates and our dear reader kind of keeps her head in the clouds yk? Like- she when she goes for a swim sometimes she forgets everything else and poor stressed ‘wari has to look for her. :333333 DAAAMMMN this is making me kick my feet under the covers!!!!
Hope you like this one! I made her a bit ditzy for this one.
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Tonowari is a leader, tall, patient, good sense of direction and morality. He fits all of the requirements to be a leader to his people. So, as leader, many people would assume he has everything under control.
NOPE. If anything, he freaks out on the inside.
Fwew. A name he given to the love of his life. A pet name.
Tonowari's mate, who despite having a name of her own, everyone calls her Fwew. And for one reason only.
She has a god damn talent to get lost and not know.
Its not that she doesn't have any sense of direction or doesn't know how to navigate around the island, its just that she gets distracted why too easy.
Easily, fwew can get side tracked. By anything really.
Pretty flower? she stays put to stare at it.
Pretty seashells? She stays to gather them.
Is the sky extra blue today? She will lay down at who knows where at stare at it like its a master piece.
Anything and everything just fascinates her so easily. She hardly gets bored and would appreciate the little things.
And where does her lovely mate, Tonowari leave? In a midst of panic. He tries his best to make sure his mate is with him at all times. But like a child, you look away for one second, and gone.
He has come up with so many ways. Using bright color flowers or hair décor for his mate as means so notice where she is. But the colors dulled down due to not lasting as much as he liked.
Made a sort of head band made out of shells, so that when Fwew moves, the shells make sounds. What happened do that? The twins that kept it together broke and the shells fells off.
A wrist band that tied her wrist with his, like hand cuffs, made with the strongest vines and roots. It did worked actually....until fwew's hand began to turn pale due to low blood circulation so tonowari had to cut it off.
Tonowari was so desperate as to not lose his mate, that at one point he strapped her on his chest like a parent would with a child. Fwew didn't mind, Tonowari shoved his pride aside to keep his mate close. What happened there? The straps were cut on accident when he was cutting up some fish.
Eywa forbid she enters the ocean. She tends to lose herself more in the ocean more than the forest in the island.
She would spend hours underwater. Admiring the fishes, corals and their unique designs.
Would let the waves gently sooth her to and from. Closing her eyes and feel the rhythm of the ocean.
Tonowari would often spend more time finding his mate rather than doing his duties. The people understand and are not at all upset nor annoyed. If anything, they find it amusing.
But the village does keep any eye out for the darling mate. Take notes of where she was last seen and report to tonowari so that he doesn't go in circles.
At the end of the day, Tonowari would calm himself as he finds his dear mate. He never gets mad at her. Too in love to really scold her. If anything, he would sit as his mate would tell of all the wonderful things she saw, collected, and hear her inner thoughts.
And the following day, repeat the chaos again.
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I hoped ya'll liked this list! I had fun with it!
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Fwew = search, look for.
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pxayopina-unilsiyu · 1 year
Na'vi Name Guide - How to name OCs (or yourself!)
Since I've been seeing posts circulate on here about Na'vi names, including some minor misinformation, I figured I'd make a dedicated post linking what is, essentially, the unofficial book on the topic.
The Na'vi Name Guide was written by me with lots of help and input from the community on Kelutral. I continually go back and update it when I can and I hope y'all find it helpful! If you have any questions feel free to send me an ask.
Click here to read
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