#nacho cheese machine
goffiks · 1 year
maybe eating food cooked by random hippies in a parking lot isnt good for your stomach
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bahablastplz · 3 months
All in | Chapter 3
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pairing: Lee Felix x f!reader (mafia au)
summary: You didn't know what you were getting yourself into when you started dating Yang Jungwon, notorious mafia boss. Your life gets flipped upside down when you're found beaten and bloody by SKZ, the rival mafia group, and you're quickly integrated into their lives. What will happen when you try to leave your old life behind and start anew?
chapter summary: you escape and face the consequences of your actions
warnings: please see series masterlist for all warnings
series masterlist ~~ series taglist ~~ main masterlist
It’s cold outside, you think, and you wish you had brought a little more thought to your choice in outfit because the shirt you’re wearing does little to protect your skin from the harsh wind. You regret not finding something a little thicker, something with longer sleeves perhaps when you had raided the wardrobe earlier. You were searching for comfort, not practicality, and now that decision was coming to bite you in the ass. 
Your body carries you through the wooded area surrounding the house, brambles scratching at your arms and drawing blood. You thank your body for pumping out adrenaline once again, protecting you from feeling too much pain. You’re not sure if you’ve ever run this hard or this fast in your entire life, the burning in your lungs evident that maybe you should have focused a bit more on staying in shape. Your shoes were definitely not made for running and you add it to the list of things to curse yourself for later. 
The pavement under your feet is different from the mushy grass surrounding the SKZ base and you find yourself trying not to connect your feet as hard to the ground to make up for it, lest the burning in your legs slow you down. Wait… pavement? You slow, coming to a stop to allow yourself a moment to view your surroundings and catch your breath. 
You notice you're in the city, albeit a deserted part of it that you don't recognize. Looking left and right, you decide to go in the direction of the faded city lights. At every car that passes you hold your breath and try to sink into the bushes, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible just in case Chan is in one of the vehicles. 
Salvation comes to you in the form of a gas station, seemingly devoid of any life. As you near close, you let out a sigh of relief when you see the blinking ‘open’ sign. One person mans the register, a man in his mid-30s that doesn’t seem to pay you any mind. He smells like cigarettes and whiskey but even so you can’t find it in you to be displeased. 
“Excuse me, sir,” you say, saccharine sweet. “Do you have a phone I could borrow?” The first thing you would like to do is give your sister a phone call, to let her know you’re on the way.
“You have to buy something first,” he replies instantly, not even bothering to look up from his newspaper. 
You freeze. “But… I don't have any money.” It's the truth. God knows where your phone and wallet are; you haven’t had either since you started dating Jungwon and became dependent on him for everything. 
“That's not my problem,” he says. You take a deep breath to ground yourself, inhaling the aroma of hot dogs and nacho cheese. A slushie machine whirls behind you, reds and blues that could be impossibly easy to get lost in. 
“Listen sir, I've had a rough couple of days, and I don't know where I am, and I would really appreciate it if–” 
“No, you listen, brat,” he spits the word out, finally slamming his paper down and shooting you a nasty glare. “I don't give a damn who you are, either buy something or get the Hell out of my store before I call the cops.” 
You feel inclined to listen and book it out of here but you realistically don’t have many other options. You ignore the tears threatening to spill from your lash line. If he won’t let you use the phone, the least you could do is try to figure out where you are. 
“Um… okay, how far is Second Street from here?” 
“Least three miles.” 
“Three miles? Okay. What about downtown?” 
“Still at least an hour walk.” 
“Shit, okay. Have a nice night, sir,” you say, but you don’t mean it and he doesn't deserve it. You walk out of the store nonetheless, walking on the abandoned sidewalk in the direction of the city. Your body aches and you’re not sure how far you’ve walked when you hear voices in front of you. 
There’s three men. One of them sways back and forth as he walks, obviously inebriated. Fuck. You keep your eyes glued to the sidewalk and your pace quickens, hoping that a lack of engagement will increase your luck. Maybe, just maybe for once in your life you’ll get a free pass here. Of course that doesn’t happen. 
“Hey, pretty thang. What's a girl like you doing all by yourself this late at night?” The man nudges his friend, the noticeably drunker one. 
“I don't want any trouble,” you mumble, pushing forward. 
A large unwelcoming hand reaches out to grab your wrist and you shout out in pain. Broken. Despite the ice and bandage wrapped around your appendage, your wrist is still broken. 
“What wash that? I think she said she wantshta show ush a good time!” He slurs, and anxiety settles in the pit of your stomach. You’re starting to get really tired of the feeling. 
“Let me go, please!” Your other hand gripped the offender’s, placing it over his tight grasp. 
You're shoved to the ground, knees scraping against the sidewalk. Your breath is caught in your throat, and the scene is all too familiar. 
“Come on bunny, don't you want to play?” A hand grips around your throat, and you feel like prey. How they managed to find the parts of you that were weak and vulnerable, you had no clue. Men like this just had a knack for being awful like that. A hand snakes in your hair and grabs tight, and you’re reminded of just days ago being in this exact situation. 
“Look, she’s crying!” one of them coos. You let out a loud sob and think, God, I’m going to die here. How you always have a knack for making wrong decisions, you’ll never know. 
“Let her go.” Your eyes shoot open when you hear a familiar deep voice. Instead of being filled with fear at finally being caught, you can’t help but to feel relieved. 
“Felix!” you cry out. You try to crane your head to look at him but the man’s grip on your hair is too tight. 
“Let her go? Why? We were having a good time!” One of them laughs and you feel his grip on you tighten. You whimper in pain. “Do you wanna join in?” 
Felix doesn’t say anything, but you hear a soft, mechanical clicking sound. It’s too silent and you’re afraid that you know the reason why. Your eyes stay closed but you’re free, suddenly. As you begin to fall you brace to hit the concrete but you’re surprised when you don’t. A warm and steady arm wraps around your middle and you relax into Felix as the men scamper away. 
“He's fucking crazy, man. The bitch isn't worth it.” And like that, they are gone. You allow yourself to glance down at Felix and the gun he is holding, but you aren't intimidated anymore. He has gotten rid of the real threat. 
“Are you hurt?” He asks, not looking at you. You swallow, hating to be the target of his disappointment. The gun is put away and forgotten about and you slump out his grasp and onto the concrete. You shake your head at him, trying to indicate that you are okay, you’re not seriously hurt, but you can tell he doesn’t believe you. Instead he ushers you into a car that you hadn’t even noticed had appeared, obviously too caught up in the situation at hand. He opens the door for you and you climb in, noticing that he sits in the passenger seat, not the driver’s. You furrow your brow until you recognize Hyunjin in the driver’s seat, tapping furiously on the wheel. On your left you recognize the broad frame as Changbin, who seems to be more distressed than anyone else in the car. You hope for silence, but once again, you can never be so lucky. 
“How do you always manage to get yourself into such trouble?” Hyunjin laughs. He irritates you to no end, always so sure of himself and full of it. “First Jungwon, us, and now these thugs? Do you have a knack for finding trouble or does trouble find you?” You notice Felix tense, and you decide staying in silence is probably better to not irritate the men further. You look out the window instead as the car speeds off. 
Hyunjin continues, “Normally Chan would want us to blindfold you if we were taking you back to our place, but he told us not to bother this time. He seems incessant that there’s no reason to.” Does he ever shut up? “Expect for him to be pissed. He knew you were going to leave, though.” 
Now that was enough to break your silence. 
“He knew?” you ask, incredulous. 
“Of course. It was a test, after all. To see where your loyalties lie, if he threatens you and tells you not to escape, you’re much more likely to leave right after because you think you can get away with it.” Shit. Now you feel dumb. But instead of letting on, you scoff and turn your head back to the window, finding the view much more interesting. You’re shivering still from the cold despite the heat pumping through the air vents. Felix wordlessly takes off his coat and hands it to you, and while you want to be proud and reject the offer you can’t help but want for this chill in your bones to go away. His jacket is warm and you can smell the trace of his cologne, floral, like jasmine yet earthy.  
You couldn’t have been in the car for more than ten minutes, and you curse yourself, realizing that you really didn’t get as far as you thought. 
Then, you approach a long driveway, adorned with a large iron gate that would intimidate anyone that made it to this part of the city, encased in grime and rust that’s indicative of its age. The car drives down the winding roads with familiarity which puts you at ease and keeps you from feeling nauseous, which you feel grateful for. When you arrive at the front of the house, you are finally given the opportunity to take a look at where you have been staying, as previous circumstances hadn’t allowed you to do so. 
The exterior of the house is a little dreary, the age of the cracked brick and marble noticeable. Even in the dark you could tell everything else is well-taken care of, well-trimmed shrubbery and flower beds surprising you. You don’t get as much time to look around as you would like, though you do notice the sheer size of the house as you follow the men up the gravel pathway. Large front doors open up and you’re guided inside. 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
You and Felix walk in silence to your room. You’re almost ashamed to meet his eye. 
“How did you know where to find me?” you finally ask. 
“I came to bring you this,” he says, gesturing to what he had been holding. A hard brace for your wrist. “When I came to your room and you weren’t there, I panicked. You couldn’t have gotten far, but we jumped in the car right away.” 
“But… What about what Hyunjin said?” You ask. Meanwhile he starts to unwrap the bandage on your wrist, revealing the very swollen and purple affected area. You wince slightly. 
“About it being a test? I wouldn’t be surprised, you’re probably in deep shit with Chris.” He says. You notice that he uses a nickname when referring to the man but you don’t say anything. He pulls out a first aid kit and starts to sanitize the surface of your skin and it stings more than you’d like to admit. Still, he does so delicately, making sure his fingers don’t press onto your injury too harshly. “I didn’t think you would leave,” he admits. “It was really stupid, you do realize that, right? I was just… really hoping you would be smarter than that.” 
You scoff. “Stupid, got it. I’m sorry that I didn’t want to stay trapped with the mafia, but I saw my opportunity. I have a life out there I want to get back to! I can’t stay here for the rest of my life.” 
“That may be true, but you won’t have a life to get back to if you’re killed the moment you leave,” he points out. “I’m not trying to be malicious, but you have a huge target on your back. Even if it’s not Jungwon who comes for you, you’re affiliated with ENHA. People who are not as kind as we are will see you as a way to get to him and they’ll kill you in cold blood.” He delicately places the new brace onto your wrist, strapping it shut tight. You try not to think about how his touch lingers on your skin, that you can still feel where he touched you and how it makes your face heat up. Instead you try to flex your wrist to test the brace, finding that it provides enough support for you not to move it too intensely. Felix hums in approval. 
“Come with me,” he says. He takes you to the bathroom and gestures for you to sit on the toilet lid. You do, looking up at him inquisitively. You see that he has brought the first aid kit with him and he’s keen on tending to your other injuries. 
“I just don’t understand,” you say, breaking the silence. He takes an antiseptic wipe and starts to wipe away scratches on your head. “Just… Why do you care if I live or die?” 
“That’s a tough one,” he says. You can’t tell if he’s joking. “I guess you can say I don’t like Yang Jungwon. Our feud with them has lasted for several years and he’s just a nuisance. He kills people in cold blood and is remorseless. I’m sure you’ve seen it first hand just how manipulative he can be, and we really just want to make sure that he doesn’t do anything to undermine us. That being said, you’re a benefit to SKZ. I know you might not see it yet, but you might be the ticket we need to finally one-up them. If you’re dead then we’re back to an even playing field.” 
“What about the infiltration? Don’t you have plans with Lee Know?” you ask. 
“Oh, Minho? He’s a very skilled person, he excels at this kind of thing. We’ve been wanting to do something like this for a while and we finally have an opportunity to do so. I hear that they’re planning to start up an underground drug-ring, something that would put us both in the public eye more than we want. Minho is going to try to find out what he can about it and then we can proceed.” 
Felix bends down, kneeling before you. Your breath hitches before you can think about it; it’s not fitting for someone who looks so majestic to be below you, you think. 
He starts to clean the scrapes on your knees. They’re bloody and raw from your fall and you’re only now starting to feel the aftereffects from it. You’re grateful that he’s taking the time to tend to your injuries, scanning your entire body from head to toe until he’s content. “You’re too good for all of this,” he finally says. “Someone like you should have never gotten involved in our lifestyle. You have so much potential, I can just see it. How did you even get stuck in this life?” The question is so intimate that it takes you a moment to process that he asked it. 
“I didn’t know who he was when I started dating him,” you admit. “Like you said, he’s manipulative. He’s mastered the art of deception. When I met him, he was charming and sweet, you know? It feels dumb to say, but by the time he admitted to me he was part of the mafia, I was head over heels in love with him. By the time I realized that the Jungwon I knew was just a facade it was too late, he caused me to completely rely on him for everything. I lost everything, Felix.” He nods in understanding, looking up at you before he stiffens. 
“Your neck… Did he do that, too?” he asks. There’s no judgment in his voice. You realize that the makeup you applied so diligently before must have completely rubbed off by now. You sigh. 
“Yeah. The night Chan found me, Jungwon and I got into a fight. It was my fault, but he threatened me, and it got physical, and…” 
“I don’t know what happened, but I severely doubt it could have been your fault,” he says. You decide not to divulge the details of your argumentThis is the first time you have admitted the situation out loud, and you feel very vulnerable. For some reason, you really want to tell Felix, despite the tears threatening to spill from your lashes. 
“He knocked me unconscious outside of the club, and when I woke up, I was here.” He finishes bandaging up your injuries and he stands, stretching his back and popping his joints. There’s blood on his white dress shirt. Your blood, though you don’t remember how it got there. 
“When you left tonight, where were you planning to go? You weren’t going–” 
“Not back to him, God no. Um… I have a sister, I was just trying to get in touch.” He seems content with your answer. You wonder if he’s just going to relay all of that information back to Chan. You feel like a weight has been lifted off of your chest, though, so you can’t really bring yourself to care. 
“I don’t know how long you’re going to be here. But for now, this is the safest place for you. So, try not to do anything else that’s stupid.” He turns to the door to leave, but you find yourself calling out. 
“Felix?” He halts and his eyes meet yours as you call his name. “Thank you.” There’s a lot of meaning to convey with just two words, but you hope you get your point across; thank you, for saving my life, for talking with me, for treating my wounds. He seems to understand. He graces you with a small smile before leaving 
You take a minute to breathe and look at yourself in the mirror. You are definitely not the same person you were two days ago. You smile at the reflection of yourself that has been beaten and bruised, and you hardly recognize her. You open the door to retreat to your bedroom for the night, but are shocked by what you see. 
For the second time in one night, Bang Christopher Chan sits on your bed, waiting expectantly. 
“We need to talk,” he says. 
He looks pissed. His glare sends shivers straight up your spine, and it takes everything for you to not break down and cry on the spot. It makes you feel guilty for everything that happened tonight, but you have to shake that thought. You were justified, you need to stand strong. You sit on the bed next to him without him gesturing for you to do so, as it feels like what he wants. You aren’t stupid enough to disobey him again. 
You look him in the eye. 
“I’d like to think I’m a kind person,” he says. “I don’t ask much of you–”
“I’m sorry,” you interrupt. 
“Speak when spoken to. I won’t tell you again.” He clears his throat. “I don’t ask much of you. In fact, I gave you just two, simple, commands that you couldn’t be bothered to follow. Do not contact Yang Jungwon, and do not leave. What did you do?” He looks at you but you stay silent. “Answer.” 
“I left.” 
“That’s right. You must be pretty stupid, Y/N. Stupid enough to somehow end up here, and even more stupid to disobey me. I knew you were going to try to push your luck,” he says. “Explain yourself.” 
“I…” you gulp. You decide honesty is the best way to go about this. “I got scared. I know you told me not to leave and I didn’t listen, and I truly apologize but I remembered how trapped I felt when I was with Jungwon, and, well… the prospect of staying here for the rest of my life really really scared me.  I wanted to see my sister and tell her I’m alright. My phone is gone, and she probably thinks I’m dead. I envisioned a world where I  never got to see her again and make things right, and I thought this would be my only chance.” 
He sits in silence for a moment, contemplating. “This will be the last time I extend such kindness to you,” he says slowly. “From here on, I want your complete loyalty to me and the rest of SKZ.I will ensure your safety from ENHA and any potential threat. For now, that’s all you need. If you try to undermine me one more time, I will make sure you never see your sister again. Take that any way you want.” He stands. 
“Hyunjin said that this was a test,” you say cautiously. “Are you going to punish me?” 
“I thought I made myself very clear that there would be consequences to your actions,” he says. “I will go lightly on you, just this time. I’m being very nice, just so you are aware: I am not usually known by others as a kind person.” He sighs. “Pick a number between one and ten.” 
“Um… five?” you say, trying to play it safe and pick a number that’s not too high and not too low. His hands slide down to his waistband, unbuckling his belt and taking it out of the loops. 
“Lift your shirt up and turn around.” 
You do, with shaky hands, turn around and lift your shirt up so just your back is revealed to Chan. You don’t protest, worrying that that could somehow make things worse. 
You steady your breath and brace for impact. 
One time, Chan’s leather belt comes down and hits the skin of your back hard. It’s obvious he has no intention of holding back and it stings; you bite down on your bottom lip to suppress your cries. 
The second time, just as hard. 
Five times Chan hits you hard with your belt and you can’t hold back your tears any longer, though you do stay strong in the decision to not let him see them. After the fifth hit, you stand and pull down your shirt. 
“Rest up,” he tells you. “Tomorrow you’ll meet everyone else.” 
It’s stupid of you to think about, but you practically disregarded the fact that there are other members you have not met yet. You’re not entirely looking forward to it, though you don’t say so.  
“Does everyone know?” you ask him just as he’s about to leave. “Does everyone know that I’m associated with Jungwon?” 
“Everyone knows,” he confirms. “I trust my group implicitly. I felt no need to hide it from them, though at this point I don’t think it’s something to be ashamed of.” You nod your head at the information, lost in thought. 
Then Chan leaves and you’re finally alone. When you lie down in bed you finally take note of how your body feels after all this time. Every muscle aches and you can’t lay down on your back and once again you ignore the incessant throbbing in your skull. When you lay down in the bed to sleep, it’s on the comfiest, most luxurious mattress that you’ve ever laid on. You stare at the wall until you drift off with a dreamless yet peaceful sleep.
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
taglist: @shuporanporang ; @purp13st4r ; @eurydiceofterabithia ; @heartsbyandra ; @thicccurls ;
@rylea08 ; @the-sweetest-rose ; @oddracha ; @kapelover ; @goldenmellow ;
@zerefdragn33l ; @uhh-awkward-rightt ; @astudyoftimeywimeystuff ; @kaleigh-2002 ; @thatonexcgirl ;
@mindfreecreator ; @linoalwaysknows ; @velvetmoonlght ; @minahaeyo ; @crystalchuuu ;
@hash2013 ; @skzswife ; @b0bbl3s ; @thecutiepieme ; @bear8585 ;
@moss-the-man ; @softkisshyunjin ; @sylveonitesworld ; @m00njinnie ; @nicoleparadas ;
@starsofasteria ; @klopez01 ; @luvlinos ; @hyunjinnnnnnnnnnnnnn ;
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tiny-buzz · 24 days
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1) Secret stash of Nacho Cheese Bugles in your locker, unknown even to bae.
2) That feel when a school improvement which everybody knows is stupid is instantly vandalized to the point of destruction.
3) Blink-182 as your ringtone for when Bae calls. Green Day as your ringtone for when back-up Bae calls. Red Hot Chili Peppers for when your step-dad Randy calls. He calls constantly and you never pick up so you can listen to the cool, modern music of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the band that all teens love.
4) Local news weatherman comes to your Fellowship Of Christian Athletes after-school sesh to talk to you about how things “might get overcast in a teen’s life” sometimes, but there’s an “80% chance of kicking drugs for good when you turn to methadone and prayer coupled with rigorous physical activity, like swimming”
5) That feel when best friend gives you good news: you made the team!
6) Army recruiter standing outside cafeteria tells you to do a pushup, but the only thing you want to "push up" are your stats in your favorite video game, Digimon.
7) That feel when no pizza and homework and bae.
8) That feel when a kid literally gets put into a locker and the fire department has to come to literally cut him out, which takes two hours.
9) Senior prank. . . . . . . enough said.
10) That feel when another student body president's empty promise to make Pet Dances into a reality
11) Substitute teacher makes you watch "My Cousin Vinny" teacher comes back the next day and you watch "My Cousin Vinny" again
12) That first time you heard Bohemian Rhapsody. Mind = blown.
13) Bae ate all your pizza. You post about this, on Tumblr.com.
14) Why does the pizza always have to be square? Student body presidential candidate promises circle pizza, fails to deliver... AGAIN.
15) Janitor looks sad, sick.
16) Constantly tempted to drive your convertible filled with friends at high speed along Dead Man's Curve
17) Beef stew for lunch? Again?
18) Everyone has faint memory of kid who accidentally threw frisbee into woods during out-door gym class, went to retrieve it, and was never seen again
19) Caught forging bae's mom's signature on failing report card, again.
20) Pension funds are missing
21) Getting detentions for thinking about bae and BH ideas in class.
22) No vending machines because Randy punched one and stole all the Fritos and got blood everywhere and then joined the army
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theholypeanut · 1 year
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends ♪
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Content: Being best friend with Tokimitsu, Aryu, Zantetsu and Raichi (separately) // platonic gn!reader
Characters: Aoshi Tokimitsu, Jyubei Aryu, Zantetsu Tsurugi, Jingo Raichi
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Tokimitsu Aoshi
- You became friends when you stood up for him in primary school
- He started to follow you like a puppy but then he got an idea that maybe he is just bothering you, so he stopped
- You went to him and tell him to do what he wants, not what he things doesn’t bother others - and now you are still best friends in high school
- Now people don’t bully him because he is huge, however people take advantage of his kindness a lot
- Thankfully you are not that kind so whenever you are around, no one even dare to request ridiculous stuff from him
- “But maybe they just need help…” “No, shut up, they are using you” “….I don’t mind” “And that’s the problem”
- Outside of that you always ask him for his opinion whenever you two are deciding on something and he knows already he cannot answer “whatever you prefer”
- You love watching trashy movies together that you find via online reviews
Angel protector: Omg omg omg look at this review: “This was glorious. Pure batsh** cheese. So much better than I could have even hoped for.”
Disasterous Sorry-Machine: Sounds great! What’s the title for the movie? When do you want to watch it?
Angel protector: Velocipastor. We are watching this weekend it will be hilarious
Disasterous Sorry-Machine: I’m sorry what’s the title again?
- He gives the best gifts ever and still apologies that “it probably isn’t what you wanted”
- He is also the best math tutor ever, except that he apologises every time you get something wrong (because he is the tutor, if he would be any good you’d get it right…)
- One time you sent him to grab you two food in the cinema, and he couldn’t decide if he should take caramel popcorn or normal, and nachos with cheese sauce or salsa, so he took it all, and that’s how you two found out that caramel popcorn with cheese and salsa sauce is really delicious
Jyubei Aryu
- Ah this man, what can I say - pure glam
- You met in middle school when you two were made sit desks, and after first period he said out of the blue “I am so sorry, but I couldn’t stop looking at your nails… They are so stylish! Are you going to a manicurist?”
- The answer was no, but you two became friends
- Aryu is always there to compliment you out of the blue and it really made you feel so much more confident
- You have to go shopping together, however it takes ages to shop with him
- However you’d know whenever something fits you because Aryu is behaving dramatic af and is almost passing out from stylish energy you give
- You go together to different shrines he finds glamorous and you are taking a whole photoshoot of him there
- Generally you have lots of pics together
- You love to braid his hair and whenever you have sleepovers you read fashion magazines and you try to style his hair accordingly
- Skincare. Party.
- All your prettiest Instagram photos are made by Aryu, this man is a professional
- He can do flower crowns and taught you and every summer u make flower crowns for each other and have (another) photoshoot while looking glam af
Zantetsu Tsurugi
- You were neighbors since how long you can remember, and you parents are friends
- At the beginning you didn’t like Zantetsu: because you thought he was an idiot. You complained to your mother that you don’t want to play with him, but she said “Being smart is not the most important thing person should be”
- It didn’t h it you at first, but in middle school you ended up in the same class for the first time, and you noticed how people make fun of him
- And that enraged you, because Zantetsu always was the nicest person to them, so honest too
- That moment you decided to be friends with him and that was the best decision you made
- You always help him study so he won’t fail his exams (but even with your best effort he still barely passes at best)
- He actually has great music taste and you like to share headphones during breaks and listen to newest gems he found
- You always tell him that without glasses he is hot af, but he said he prefer to be “smart al” (as A Lot)
- Oh he always misuse all acronyms because he forgets what they mean
Speedster: Hey my fwb is coming to visit this week,so I cannot hang out with you on Saturday
Speedster: Father’s Wife’s Brother
Bestie: … you mean your uncle?
Speedster: Bbg
Bestie: ??? Since when you call me Bbg?
Speedster: but aren’t you my bbg
Bestie: what do you mean bbg means?
Speedster: Best Buddy Gorgeous?
Bestie: that doesn’t even make sense
Speedster: wait so what does that mean?
Speedster: halo
Speedster: okay I’ll Google it
Speedster: … I mean I was close
- He loves going to the arcade with you and he is actually amazimg in most of the games
- He is great with animals, they LOVE HIM
- You went to the Bunny Cafe once and they loved him
- The same in Raccoon Cafe, Cat Cafe and Pig Cafe
- You generally like to hang out in this kinds of spots, also you can see that Zantetsu feels great with animals because they don’t care if he is smart or not
- Whenever he finds any fun activity in town he asks you to go together
- In amusement parks he wears animal ears without shame because he knows he looks gorgeous
- He is afraid of haunted houses for sure, but if you have to go and you are more afraid, he will step up to “protect you” while his legs will shake
Raichi Jingo
- You are cousins, but also best friends since forever
- However you are so different
- Your main task is to be The Calm One and do not allow him to get into any fights
- Even if he is an actually really good guy, somehow everyone assume he is an aggressive delinquent with yakuza relations
- However he could really chill and not hit you in the back “friendly” everytime he says hello, because your back might snap soon
- Whenever you have any disagreement about anything he says WANNA BET???
- If it is about something that requires fact check, usually you win
- He is a huge picky eater so you usually eat all of the food he will not eat
- Which is… a lot of veggies, because Raichi is like a kid
- However if he likes something he can eats so much, no wonder he has so much stamina
- He loves american romcoms especially the cheesy ones, but if you tell it to anyone you are dead
- He is very blunt and sometimes doesn’t understand that he can hurt you by what he just said, but when he finally notice he will apologise sincerely and tell you that you can pick the movie to watch
- And then you choose horror just to mess with him because this guy is a coward when it comes to ghosts and exorcisms
- But he will own it and watch it as a punishment from behind a plushie (if you tell anyone you are dead 2)
- Actually really good at cooking???
- He always asks you to watch all of his games because he treats it like a good luck charm
- He is actually a soft bestie, but with rough exterior
- You totally once found his stash of dirty magazines and he got beetroot red (he is a boob guy)
- Because of that you sometimes tease him to just see him blush like a tsundere he is
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By slowlyholypeanut please do not copy or change, give credit
After writing this I wanna make a full fic about Zantetsu x reader uhhhhh
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apoptoses · 11 days
JESS i’m having louis/armand/daniel brain rot again, i wanna know your thoughts 🥺 specifically like, are there any things that armand and daniel enjoyed during their DM years that you think they might pick back up with louis at trinity gate? i feel like in my head, daniel is always kind of the third wheel (at trinity gate, at least), but i’m really fascinated by the idea of LOUIS being the one to step into their world for a change
oh man oh man, I LOVE this question!! and i have so many thoughts!!
Movies: we know Louis watches movies from how he kept showing up at Lestat's in body thief to stare at his tv lol But I think Armand and Daniel have so many inside jokes from all of the weirdo movies they used to watch, or quotes that they repeat and Louis doesn't get it. So I think they'd really enjoy sitting him down and subjecting him to the Worst Hits of Armand's Movie Phase.
And Daniel especially would enjoy the validation that some of these are fuckin terrible films LOL They could mind gift back and forth about how insipid Louis finds the plot until Daniel is sitting there choking back laughter because finally, someone who agrees Time Bandits isn't that funny.
Video Games: I don't mean modern console games, I mean like classic arcade games and pinball machines. Which Armand probably has a whole room of them in the basement somewhere, lovingly restored and in perfect condition. And I think Louis would be a little hesitant- he seems like the type who acts 'above' certain things just because if he tries it and sucks at it he'll feel humiliated. But even he can't resist the siren call of PacMan and eventually he's knocked them both down on the scoreboard and taken the top spot.
(Also they like to go out a lot so sometimes they end up at like, Dave n Busters LOL Which is far more contentious because ugh, it's noisy and tacky and smells like that radioactive 'cheese' mortals cover their nachos with. But your jock!Louis headcanons have bewitched me and I think they could soothe him by getting him to shoot hoops on the basketball game)
Going Out-Out: Louis is such a homebody when left to his own devices and now that they've got Trinity Gate, home to whatever vampires want to stop by, what's the point in spending time among mortals?
So they'd ease him in with some random one-off classes ("Come, Louis, we've an appointment to learn to make fresh pasta tonight" "Yeah, I know, what's the point when we don't eat, just don't argue with him, it'll be fun" And you know what? It is). And then they'd take him to random stuff from the meetup app (or not so random, because both of them know Louis wouldn't be able to resist debating strangers at a weekly book club).
And then they're back to running around strange apartment buildings to meet up and coming artists, and accepting invites to follow their classmates down to a local bar, and crashing the sets of night shoots around New York. It goes better when it's the three of them because when someone is over it and ready to go home there's no obligation to stay and keep their partner company. No pressure to do anything but enjoy existing together out in the world for a few hours.
Special mentions:
board games (the more obscure the better)
travel (this time Louis and Daniel are more mentally present lol)
letting armand play sugar daddy and picking their outfits for the ballet (which leads to some altercations that have armand feeling like that post about 'help my subs have unionized')
weird 70s/80s craft nights (louis ends up gifting his tie dye shirt to lestat, armand and daniel send theirs to marius)
'treasure hunting' aka scamming the wealthy out of their art collections (louis doesn't care about the value, he does however feel some righteous indignation over important historical pieces being kept in vaults as some tech bro's 'investment'; daniel is just happy to finally understand how armand does it, and take part in it himself)
abusing kitchen gadgets (doesn't matter who you are, playing 'will it blend' can catch the fascination of even the most arrogant, erudite vampires)
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shrimpricebowl · 1 year
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rw ostober day 7 - moondown
nacho cheese bath
......um anyway this track is another one of my favorites!!! something about it is so peaceful yet melancholic....it feels like moon accepting her fate even before she collapsed because she had already sent her final broadcast and can finally rest .....um. im gonna ramble some more below
visiting her for the first time was such an...out-of-this-world experience(????) partially because of the music, but i literally had no idea what to do, so i just pushed her around then ate all her neurons. until i realized she just laid lifeless on the ground. and thought. Oh Shes Probably Dead. sooo i restarted the cycle and did NOT eat the neurons and left her be........uh
BACK TO MOONDOWN: yeah it feels both peaceful and melancholic.. i used to put it on as study music until i started falling asleep in the middle of every session, so i just replaced it with the threat themes. (it didn't work) ummm anyway moondown is one of the best tracks in the game IMO it's so good... it fits moon very well.... i love visiting her every time just so i could listen to it and chill with her...
sorry about the ramble uhhh i got an old drawing below which inspired the one above! i wanted to draw moon "during" her collapse and show that through the way her cloak's color started washing out due to the ludicrous amount of water that probably entered her chamber... she probably went through something similar to being in a washing machine thats been on for too long........yeah that's pretty much it idk what else to put here
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what-if-nct · 2 years
What Kissing NCT tastes like.
Johnny: Bong water, cherry tinted nicotine, warm beer, and day old coffee from starbucks he forgot was on his floor and he finished it when he found it.
Taeyong: Strawberry Milk and residual blue raspberry vape flavor.
Yuta: Hot whiskey, not room temperature but boiled on the stove and drank straight from the sauce pan.
Doyoung: Sensodyne, Listerine and Extra Polar Ice gum with a light hint of coffee.
Kun: Fatigue and room temperature coffee from the twenty year old coffee machine in the office he drank while making copies.
Ten: Horrible mistakes and a margarita he didn't have to pay for.
Jaehyun: OG Kush
Winwin: Limoncello La Croix and a mix of cigarettes people gave him because he didn't feel like buying a new pack.
Taeil: Marlboro Lights and Hi-C Orange Lavaburst from McDonald's
Jungwoo: Fruit punch, melted slushie that he created by combining multiple flavors, Newport's, and he licks the side of your lips leaving a vague nacho cheese from taco bell flavor behind.
Mark: Arizona ice tea lemonade, a taquito from 7-eleven and skittles.
Xiaojun: Bella's saliva.
Hendery: Monster Ultra Paradise, Moonshine, Menthol, and day old pizza from under his bed.
Renjun: Lemonade, cake pops from starbucks with a tinge of plant food he was curious about.
Jeno: Bud light and batteries.
Haechan: Sour patch kids and bath and body works body spray he accidently sprayed in his mouth, a thousand wishes to be specific.
Jaemin: Just pure coffee, kissing him is like drinking coffee straight from the teat of Starbucks.
Yangyang: Wild berry vape juice, stems, and lies.
Shotaro: Marshmallows, Cotton Candy, Brownies and love.
Sungchan: Pure peppermint from eating a box of candy canes he's kept since December.
Chenle: Fourth day unbrushed teeth and Daegal's saliva.
Jisung: Hamster food and bubble gum.
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cwritesfiction · 5 months
Find the Word Tag Game
Tagged by @loopyhoopywrites to find the words some, many, and all!
"I think the next thing we should try is some roleplay," Elliott said. Adrian opened his mouth and then closed it. Oh no, that sounded like a sex thing. No, obviously he didn’t think it was a sex thing—why had they thought of a sex thing? Words. They needed more words. “I mean…let’s roleplay a scenario where I’m a customer and I’ve just asked for a palm reading.”
Even on their hungriest days, there were only so many nachos they could fit in their body, and nachos made objectively bad leftovers.
With their cards tucked in their pocket, Elliott walked through the front entrance of Garfield Downs. All their knowledge of casinos came from movies involving heists, so they were surprised to find the interior to be so…they weren’t sure how they’d describe it. Maybe confused. The casino’s décor was beachy at its core, a common choice for businesses in the area. White anchors dotted the navy blue carpet, the signage bordered with nautical rope. What made it jarring was the looming presence of Garfield—actual Garfield, not his friendly knockoff. He was everywhere—slot machines, bathroom signage, t-shirts—his aggressive orange fur stark against the dark blue hues, like a cheese curl floating on the sea.
If you're interested @byjillianmaria your words are some, BODY, once, told, and effervescent
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
Feeding them fruit/other snacks they have. Hookhausen
(Danhausen is lucky [?] I am even writing him right now with all this Phil bullshit lol 🧡🖤)
"Open," Danhausen says, and Hook obliges, opening his mouth without even looking up, his eyes glued to his phone as he scrolls through the social media posts. "Hook needs to focus and finish eating."
"Hook needs to see if anyone is posting about that incident outside," Hook replies, though it's a bit garbled given how he's munching on the chip - nacho cheese Dorito, the only kind still left in the vending machine as they approach ring time.
Danhausen tsks, tapping his tongue against his teeth. "No one saw. Hook is being ridiculous. It's already dark."
"Yeah, and the lights outside are like 4000 watt," Hook grumbles. He is not appeased. Danhausen reaches for another chip, repeating his earlier action. At least this way, Hook will get some sustenance before he's due out.
"Hook," Danhausen tries, with a sigh.
Hook clicks his phone screen off, head lolling back to hit the bricks behind them. "Fine, fine. I'm done. Nobody saw."
"Everything is still a secret."
Danhausen nods. "Yes, yes. Very secret, very safe."
Footsteps sound, and Jack appears around the corner. He blinks at the two of them on the ground. "Oh. There you are. Are you ready?"
"Yeah, it's probably time." Hook pushes up off the ground, wiping orange dust on his joggers, palms skimming across the fabric.
Jack tips his head to the side. "You wanna kiss him goodbye first or something?"
Hook gapes at him. "Wha--" Then he whirls on Danhausen. "You promised that nobody saw!"
"Well, it's just Jack," Danhausen tries.
"Actually, the whole roster saw," Jack says, carefree, as though he is so unbothered by the whole thing. "Everyone had bets riding on this. Some people are really mad about losing."
"You... what?!" Hook's eyes are impossibly wide.
"Is Jack mad?" Danhausen asks, though it sounds suspiciously like he hopes the answer is yes.
"Why would I be mad?" Jack asks. "I just won $500. C'mon, Hook, we gotta get ready to go kick some ass."
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bihanspookies · 6 months
Inspo from this girl getting upset at the claw machines we have at my job so thank you random citizen for this fic idea lmfaooo
Alex: @chadillacboseman
Just one more try and that’s it, just one more and she’d call it quits.
Is what Alora told herself about 10 minutes ago.
Her and Alex had decided to head off to a local arcade, a much needed break after a run that had narrowly gone to shit. While Alex sat at a booth ordering appetizers for them, Alora decided to walk around and see if any of the games caught her interest. He watched her weave her way through the crowd, the bright pink, yellow and blue lights shining off her skin before she turned and disappeared behind an arcade game.
Alex had given his order to the waiter and patiently waited for Alora to come back.
When their food had shown up and she still wasn’t back, he sent her text to let her know that her nachos would get cold (or eaten) if she wasn’t back in 10 minutes. He checked his phone several times to see if she responded or at least read it but saw no indication of the sort.
So he waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Until it was nearly an hour later, Alex’s food long gone and the cheese on Alora’s nachos taking an almost plasticky hard form. Alex knew what it meant if she hadn’t come back by now; fighting with a 12 year old over a game or…
He slid out the booth and walked around until he spotted those two familiar braids of red hair.
He approached her from behind and watched, eyebrows raised while Alora paid him no attention and instead focused all her energy into getting just one toy from claw machine. He remained silent, holding back his comment as he watched the Toad plush fall out of the claws hooks and tumble back down into the corner of the machine.
Quickly he looked at Alora’s reflection in the glass, noting the very subtle tick of her muscle under her eye. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off when she whipped her head to face him.
“Give me 50 cents.” She had demanded, already holding a hand out to him. Alex scoffed and shook his head, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
He got cut off when Alora brought her fingers together in a shushing gesture, an almost crazy look in her eyes.
“Demir. Quarters. Now.” Her voice was low, her free hand still gripped onto the joystick of the machine. Alex rolled his eyes and prepared to deny her again until he felt a sharp pain on the skin of his elbow. He hissed in pain and looked down to see Alora’s black nails pinching him hard.
“Ow! Alora—“
“Just give me the 50 cents, Alex!” She exclaimed, shaking the hand that was still holding onto him. He grunted in pain again and yanked himself away.
“No! You need to stop and come eat your nachos! They’re cold—“ Something green had caught his eye in the machine, the Turkish man’s features dropping as he pressed his face against the glass.
“Is that Luigi?”
Which is how Alora ended up getting the 50 cents and eventually five dollars worth in quarters from Alex, effectively keeping her and now him still at the machines.
Every now and then a few kids would wait behind them for their turn but would soon give up and leave when they realized Alora and Alex were not budging from their spot.
“Savaşçı just grab it! It’s right there!!” Alex’s breath fogs up the glass, his hands leaving smudgy prints as he attempts to put himself even closer to the toy that continues to taunt him with every slip out the claw.
“I’m fucking trying, damn it! This stupid machine is rigged!” The red head barks back, depositing two more quarters into the machine and going to line the claw right on top of Luigi. He was sideways unfortunately, making it harder for her to get a good clasp of him but she wouldn’t give up, not when Luigi was just one more good grab away from falling into the chute.
Alora releases .the joystick to quickly look at the claw from a different angle, wanting to make absolutely sure that it’s prongs would land where she wanted them to. Her steely gaze narrows, looking between Luigi and the claw, reaching around the corner of the machine to make slight adjustments until she deems it was acceptable. Alex removes himself from the glass, giving her a look of determination and a nod of approval.
“You got this. Win me that toy!” Alora nods and rolls her neck in a circle, cracking her fingers and getting into position. She presses the button and the claw starts to descend. The two wait with bated breath, eyes wide and hearts pounding in anticipation as the metal prongs clench around Luigi’s body. Slowly it lifts him up and heads towards the chute and for the briefest moment Alora thinks she finally won something.
Almost there almost there.
Poor Luigi slips out the prongs right before he’s able to fall directly down and gets stuck on the corner of the barrier that keeps the toys from falling in, teetering between dropping in and going back to the plushie dungeon.
There’s a moment of silence and Alex’s eyes immediately shift to Alora, ready to pull her away because he’s all out of quarters, but he can already see the quiet rage brewing in her eyes.
He hears something faintly creaking and he realizes that Alora is still gripping onto the joystick, her knuckles turning an almost sickly white with how tight she was grasping it. He tries to pry her hand away but she lets it go, stepping back a few paces.
She is unusually quiet.
“Let’s go get you some new nachos yeah? Those are better than some stupid… Luigi toy anyway…” Alex tries his best to hide his disappointment and places a hesitant hand on her arm. She surprisingly allows him to maneuver her, her hands clenching into fists as she’s slowly taking a bit further away. He opens his mouth to offer words of comfort but he doesn’t even get to form them because Alora snatches her arm out of his grasp and goes to kick the machine.
The metal clanging rings throughout the arcade and the machine rattles with a very noticeable dent in there now. Luigi rocks slightly but Alora doesn’t notice, too engrossed in her anger.
“This is fucking bullshit!”
She goes to kick it again but Alex yanks her back by the arm, her foot swinging abruptly to the side. She still manages to hit the machine but not as hard.
“¡Esto es una puta mierda! ¿Estás realmente bromeando? ¡Qué demonios—“ Her sudden switch up to Spanish has Alex sent into a tizzy and it takes him a couple of seconds to gather himself. He doesn’t know what she’s saying, not completely, but it doesn’t take a genius to decipher the curse words and that she’s clearly pissed off.
Before she’s too far, Alora’s foot shoots out once more, hitting the machine and sending Luigi toppling down the chute. Alora and Alex pause as they hear him hit the bottom, the red head scrambling to her knees and pulling the infamous green brother from his metal prison.
She holds the plush in her hands, staring down into his plastic eyes before turning and holding him out to Alex. He takes Luigi cautiously while keeping his eyes on her, too aware of how abruptly she lost all her irritation. She gives a single nod, clearing her throat and clicking her tongue.
“Let’s go eat, I’m starved.”
¡Esto es una puta mierda! ¿Estás realmente bromeando? ¡Qué demonios: This is fucking bullshit! Are you actually joking? What the hell!
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megaman AI box art
there’s a pretty big discussion around AI art, it seems i’m not super-familiar with The Discourse but if my programming experience has taught me anything it’s that random generation has to springboard off of something (usually called a seed), and you have to feed stuff in to an AI to get material to build off of that springboard so i’ve got several big goddamn questions as to where t f these guys would get their seeds and material from
but me being me, the first thing on my mind is “can you draw megaman with it?” so i decided to insert in "megaman box art" to a handful of different ones, see what happens
first off is a place called Nightcafe Studio, which allows you to pick one of three styles to make art in: cosmic, matte, and cyberpunk. nacho cheese and cool ranch were out, sorry.
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this is "megaman box art" as done in its cosmic style and it certainly looks cosmic megaman got a nose guard to defend against space pollen, i guess and either his arm got detached and is floating down there or he's got a vacuum cleaner attached to his shins but it sure is cosmic
6/10, pretty colors but not very megaman
next style was matte, and
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this actually looks pretty fucking cool! you've got a rad cityscape in the background, lighting’s really neat, and background to the MGA AIN MGATAN logo as sponsored by pepsi is cool
i guess that's kind of sort of Model ZX aile if you squint and tilt your head, but she’s the main part that turns the entire thing sinister. did you know that when you’re dealing with the fae shapeshifted as a human, you should count the features to make sure everything’s accurate? count the knuckles, count the fingers, count the shadows... oops, six fingers hah hah hah hah hhhhhhhhhhhh this is not Model ZX aile, this is not your friend.
7/10 you’re not stealing my goddamn teeth today, oberon
last to go is cyberpunk style and
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holy shit this is a fucking WWE poster roman reigns dressed in pink and got a fucking beam tonfa??? or something a very distorted vince mcmahon puts on a power glove while brock lesnar looks disappointed to the side, and fiery font tells us that the meemen meeaiiaininaihiniahin is gonna happen at 2 / F' / 20 i could imagine you could probably print this out, put it through photoshop for edits, and then try to pass it off as an official poster for a synthwave megaman reboot. if you were a moron who wanted to get fired, i mean. fantastic way to commit career suicide.
1/10 coolest shit i've ever seen but very bad megaman art tbh
still, i'll give cyberpunk another shot. maybe it was confused, thinking it was going to have men that were mega, rather than megaman
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fuckin AXE DADY megaman over here this has it all it's got the dictator cam, looking up like it's hitler it's got the stance, holding a black vylon slinky to the side while he contemplates shooting above it it's got the logo sleekness, i've never seen MEEMN AXE DADY rendered so well it's got the color contrast, bright blue city in the left while a goddamn laser rips through time and space on the right and it's got a cool robot that actually kind of has a buster arm, though the computer is clearly confused as to what megaman’s buster actually looks like maybe should’ve let an artist handle that?
10/10, great megaman art, fucking amazing, would play, would watch, would let axe dady shoot things
next up is deepai's Machine Learning Model doesn’t seem to have any parameters, just put in a text box and go, so i did
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thanks i've been wondering how it would be possible to turn megaman into a horror icon i didn't think hollowing his face out and replacing it with a fucking skull would be the answer but this is a pretty handy way to ensure my insomnia persists through the night
0/10 i
hate it
hastily getting the fuck away from that abomination unto both god and man, next up is dream.ai it seems to be a service mostly for developing and providing NFTs, but it's actually completely free with a little finagling so i don’t get where the value is supposed to come from
anyway, there's a lot of different options to provide a customized art style for the prompt, and you can even see it with different things it's got a lot of options too many to safely delve into, in fact, so i'm going to do the game journalist thing and generate maybe a handful of things and judge it entirely off that
first off is a comic art style generated without a seed
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and at first glance this looks partially like the megaman 1 box art characters decided to pvp with each other at second glance as you look closer, though, you can clearly tell it's an i don't know what the fuck
4/10 colors look cool at least
maybe weird shit is the best part of it, though maybe weird shit is what it specializes in so let's try psychadelic
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well, that's psychadelic all right i guess the dude in the middle is kind of sort of vaguely megaman but i don't know what the fuck else there is, there's actually less sensible shit going on here
2/10 i like listening to shpongle too, dude
but it's safe to say this system needs a bit of help let's go back to comic style and feed in some nice art from existing megaman
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in my opinion, this poster is the peak megaman experience. it’s the quintessential representation. this pretty clearly dictates what megaman's about guy in blue shooting things robots getting shot at ominous shitbag in the background castlevania for some reason
favorite promo art, hands down. so let’s see how the AI works with this.
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all right, finally, we're getting somewhere. guess this AI just needed to copy from someone else’s homework first. wow, that brings up a lot of questions about the nature of the materials AI art generators use to build their random images. well, that’s goddamn horrifying to contemplate. am i a monster unwittingly contributing to a system of artistic exploitation for the sake of making a shitpost on a megaman shitpost blog? fucked up.
anyway, we got a robot dude, he's got a gun, he's even got a little strut i like this guy a lot, he's got moxie and a rad face-visor thing
all right, i'm feeling generous 6/10 you fucked up but now you're getting better
let's go once more for comic style and
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all right, holy shit, you're learning fast yeah this is undeniably megaman he's even got the weird helmet and weird boots and everything
there's a cool cityscape, a sci-fi sky, and he's trying to give the underside of a ship the highest of fives he doesn't look like he's standing very well on his taco bowl of destiny, though but i can't fault him with his dildo leg, must be difficult to stand on and judging by his pants, he's got trouble with testicles the size of texas growing in after kicking wily's ass 69 times understandable problem, really, after you go through 10 games that’s when you turn from a mega boy to a real mega man
9/10, good box art
you know, i'm feeling confident, i think dream's got a good idea as to what's going on with megaman let's take a risk and go for a different art style synthwave looks good, it's all about that retro shit and megaman's a retro series
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this doesn't look like a new picture that just looks like you took the original picture and put a shitty smear on it
god fucking damn it
0/10, apply yourself, pick up a goddamn pencil and then see me after class
getting away from that, next up is stable diffusion, apparently a state-of-the-art AI generator hosted by Hugging Face, which i hope is a legitimate company and not a front for xenomorphs
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on the first go we have some actual fucking box art good background, very clear, we've got a skyline with a forcefield pyramid in the background i guess wily's a space egyptian now? rad.
napalm bomb megaman's doing some fucking pelvic thrusts ready to spread war crimes all about bit distressing for our sweet friendly superhero boy but i'll admit i'd react the same way after getting a fucking napalm gun for an arm.
we've even got a rating on the bottom right, indicating that it's suitable for ages Video Game and up got a clearly-defined line for letting the publishers rub their dick all over, filling it with logos or titles or other corporate information
i feel confident about this, i like our MEAAN game, shit's looking pretty good
10/10, good box art. real good box art. little timmy would probably be confused seeing it on the shelf but this strikes me as something Bob Capcom would reasonably okay after five lagers and an existential crisis.
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getting a little concerned here, looks like crisis on infinite megamans
i don’t want to imagine how many official variants of rock there are, especially if you count all the fangame/indie game knockoffs, but having them all collide together into a single Enter the Megaverse sounds like it'd be effectively impossible to handle do you want to play megaman, megaman x, megaman volnutt, megaman.exe, star force, zx, x over flavored? dos-flavored? bad box art flavored? captain n flavored? pachinko-flavored?
NGL though if rockman taisen ends up being some sort of dumb megaman battle royale then i would actually punch a cactus out to be able to play as ruby spears megaman frankly, huge missed opportunity that they're not even in X Dive the tagline even writes itself, "I knew you'd pull for Mr. Lincoln!"
oh yeah i was rating the cover uhhhhhhhh i dunno, there's dudes i don't know, they're doing poses, ominous guy in the background i guess it's serviceable? this doesn’t really tell me anything about the game, there’s just guys.
6/10 i'd pass it over and look at something else
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holy shit are you okay? either he's (she's? they're?) taking a dump and all their lower intestines got caught in it, or something is burning out in the thinkpan and won’t be coming back
that dead-eyed glare is actually legitimately haunting this is the expression someone makes in anime after they realize you stabbed them and you were never their friend i've only seen that gaze in my life twice before and let me tell you, you remember things
1/10 someone call the police
all right, i’m moving away from that before i bring up more questionable ground our final contestant for the night is hotpot.ai, a website for general purpose game asset AI generation. they’ve got AI-handled copywrite, too, which strikes me as risky ground. if i can’t trust a machine with megaman, can i trust a machine to legally cover my ass? i would never trust a machine with my pants, ass or no. we’ve already firmly established that robot masters are always a pants-on debacle.
anyway, let’s give this a shot
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aaaaaand hit “Generate”, and
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autumnshowell · 5 months
For: @tenderrage-remi The Where: Autumn's Apartment Building The When: A (formerly) peaceful Thursday
It's one of those annoyances of communal living; somebody left their TV Dinner in the oven too long or wasn't watching the microwave or just blazed up too fiercely on this fine Thursday. She tries not to begrudge them; accidents happen. But it's Thursday, one of two blissful days of the week she doesn't have to spend the back half of her day manning a shoe rental counter or wiping ketchup and nacho cheese off of tables or helping people get quarters out of faulty arcade cabinets or vending machines and generally wanting to stick her head into the ball return. And she just wants to rot in bed reading or sitting on her couch with a tea and her laptop, staring at a blank text document like God intended. But she's instead outside, sitting on a swingset because she doesn't wanna stand with the rest of the complex's onlooking crowd out in the parking lot and nobody's told her to move yet, and a glint of movement catches her eye; It's Remi. She doesn't know much about them, but she knows more than she should probably; these minor or false-alarms are not infrequent and she is on friendly terms with most of the local firehouse because of it.
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"Hey, Remi." She says with a muted smile. "What's it today, incinerated french fries? Trash-can cigarette?"
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brownhairedbookworm · 3 months
Fubuki's eyes peered from behind Monika's back as she followed her through the edge of the arcade. There was the unmistakable smell of pizza and sausage in the air. They made their way to a set of double doors on the end of the wall, aaaaand...
Yep, it was basically a 7/11. A very snazzily-decorated 7/11, with a front bar, a couple of post mix dispensers, and popcorn machine alongside the pizza warmers and hot dog warmers, but nothing more than that. Some square, aluminum bench tables sat in the right side, the kind that looked extremely difficult to fit a Fubuki in.
"Ooh, slushies~" Monika smiles. Time for one of those, as part of lunch! She hums softly and walks around to gather her various lunch components. Nachos, pizza (cheese), and a slushie~! Maybe not the healthiest, but it's an arcade.
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robinsnest2111 · 5 months
adding onto the Randy and Benson working at a movie theater AU:
thinking about all the little things where my coworkers and I help each other out each shift.
going into nacho box preparation overdrive so there's enough surplus to fill up the cabinets at the end of the night AND extra in the cupboards below so people can focus on their other daily tasks instead of worrying about building up their own nacho reserves for the day.
fixing up all the sauces and jalapeños and popcorn shovel and tongs and ladle for the coworker who will be at the separate counter in the back so they don't have to assemble all the stuff on their own and only have to pick up the basket with every thing inside and take it to the back
helping out with the weekly deep clean of the slushie machine and the popcorn warmer and the nacho cabinet so the work will go quicker
changing out the cheese bags or salsa jars or refilling the jalapeño bowl and popcorn warmer for the coworkers who have more than enough to do fixing up orders for a bunch of customers and can't physically do 3 separate things at once
making sure there are enough paper napkin reserves, straw packages, plastic lids for the beverages stacked in the cupboards to easily grab during rush hour
checking the beverage syrup boxes in the basement and replacing empty ones to make sure the drink fountains won't run out in the middle of the day (they tend to do that when NO ONE has time to run down and fix the issue lmao)
and so many other small things that make such a difference.
and applying that all to Randy and Benson. small seemingly insignificant things that they're both so grateful for. which makes them grow closer in their own way...
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therobotmonster · 2 years
Eating generic Doritos from the Aldi. As you do.
The bag is mostly crumbs. This isn't unusual, stuff gets rustled in shipping. All the same to the stomach, after all.
But I notice that the chip dust is very soft. And has zero corn flavor. It's all bold nacho cheese and salt. SO MUCH SALT.
I realize that my chip bag is not 1/3 chip crumbs, but 1/3 flavor dust.
Screwed again by the retail system?
Jokes on you. I'm into this shit.
Grab wire pasta strainer and baking pan.
Grab empty herb-and-cheese-blend shaker from Papa Murphy's.
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I can flavor blast anything, and no one can stop me.
I have wastrels to baffle!
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If you don't mind me asking, why'd you lose your job?
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"Well, shucks! It's a long story... To summarise it, my ex wife Sidney worked where I worked and she basically made some silly story up about me destroying the nacho cheese machine and got me fired out of absolute malice! But yeh know, it'll be fine."
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