tiefling-anarchy · 2 years
compiling gifs of naginatajutsu gifs
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ahhhsami · 10 months
Mizu’s Womanhood
I keep thinking about how well Mizu’s story was written. A huge factor that makes me love the show is how they show Mizu’s abilities during fight scenes, but don’t forget that she is a woman. On the surface level people could see these fights as amazing action sequences, but there’s so much story being told at the same time. And that’s what makes an action sequence truly great (Warrior HBO is another example of amazing storytelling through fight choreography. Ah Toy's fight against Cleaver and Hammer comes to mind right away when comparing). 
We start off by seeing Mizu tear through young men in Shindo Dojo. Her skills are showcased as agile, flexible, fast, and based on her ability to use her body in ways that are fluid. She’s tested as soon as Taigen enters the picture. He’s physically stronger than her, shown in a multitude of ways throughout the action sequence from him throwing her to him pushing her down to her knee, but she’s still more skilled. She uses his weight against him, which she will do in every fight during the series. Mizu beats him due to her agility and speed. On top of that, it is the first time we see a man assume victory be his downfall. And it will happen on multiple occasions.
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Episode 2 comes around and Mizu is tested again, but this time by 4 opponents and one who is significantly larger and more trained (Chiaki). Mizu's smart, evaluates her situation, and changes her surroundings by jumping down onto the cliffside. It doesn’t put her at an advantage, but at least she’s not at a severe disadvantage. It allows her to fight mainly one-on-one which changes her circumstances. But it doesn’t win the fight for her. What does is her resilience, adaptability, and skill once more. Once again, in the fight, the man opens himself up for a counter during the finishing blow. Chiaki ran forward, his guard completely down because he was sure he’d won like Taigen.
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Episode 5 is where we get to see Mizu struggle due to overwhelming numbers. She’s forced into a corner, but the weapon that saves her is the Naginata. Naginatajutsu has been most associated with female samurai. The added range was a huge advantage and allowed women to protect their homes when their samurai husband were gone. I love that Mizu's first time using the weapon extensively was in a situation where it wasn’t her own life on the line, but also the women of the brothel. It showcased the connection between the Naginata, women, and protection in a beautiful way. Also, her using it during these circumstance felt like she was reclaiming the weapon from the traumas she had experienced during Mikio's betrayal. The parallels of Mizu not just being demonized for her blue eyes, but also for being a woman was stunning in this episode.
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In Episode 6, we see Mizu almost lose to the big club man (Okiyama). We see her completely overpowered by the size difference. Okiyama can pick her up easily, throw her, and she’s unable to parry him properly. For the first time we truly see the difference between a man’s strength and hers (which will also be present against Fowler). The fact that both Fowler and him pick her up, and attempt to crush her with their bare arms is so powerful and as a woman, it’s a striking parallel to the real world and the powers of men. She was going to lose the fight if not for her last ditch effort, that also could have resulted in her own death with the bomb. It shows her willingness to sacrifice everything for the quest she's on. And at the end of the episode, Fowler manhandles her completely. It doesn’t matter that she’s injured, it doesn’t matter that he has a gun. What matters in that scene is that he takes pleasure in using his power. He destroys the weak and he lords over them. He uses women as sex slaves. He cares for no one but himself. He is the perfect representation of what Mizu as a woman has to fight against. 
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There’s no fight scene in Episode 7 of note, but what is important is Mizu’s acceptance of her appearance, whether it be the blue eyes and sharp features, or her womanly features, all of them had once been sources of pain for her. The heart sutra scene is stunning and one of my favorites of the entire series (even if her little toesies were most likely being burned to be so close to the makeshift forge).
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And finally Episode 8. We get to see her fight Fowler. I have multiple gripes with the structure of this fight, but it still represents Mizu’s womanhood in a way that continues the flow of the series. Mizu has to use everything to take down Fowler and even when she does she is still overpowered by him. He mirrors Okiyama, easily lifting her and using his strength over her instead of skill. And the line “your bones break like a woman’s” shows the societal norm that men associate with women being weaker, fragile, and unable to withstand what men can. It's fitting of the time period, but also current day too.
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But hubris is the man’s downfall in this series because as soon as he lets his guard down, she takes her chance. She breaks free, her rage, need for vengeance, and essential reason for being at this point drive her to beat him. The single line “Oh my dear, that’s your white half showing,” doesn’t just target her being mixed race, but also being a woman. Fowler doesn’t let up there though, he calls her eyes pretty. And not just because they’re blue, but because they’re of a woman’s. He brings up unwanted daughters and digs the knife deeper. And these last lines from Fowler represent everything that Mizu has been combating, everything that has been driving her. There’s so much to her character. The writing in this series shows how multiple compounding factors contribute to a person's drive. And in this instance, it shows how being a woman and half-white has lead to Mizu’s self-hatred and it’s beautiful in such a destructive way. 
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city-of-ladies · 7 months
"Sana studied Hokushin Ittō ryū at a young age along with her siblings. She had a great interest in bujutsu as she learned many things, such as kenjutsu. It is recorded that Sana was exceptionally skilled in using the kodachi (short sword), that she received menkyo kaiden (mastery level) in kodachijutsu at the age of fourteen. Her older sister taught her naginatajutsu, which was quite renowned due to Sadakichi’s efforts in developing it.
When Sana was 19, she went to Uwajima Domain as a kenjutsu instructor for the Date family to train their daughter named Masako (政子姫). During her time there, she had a sparring match with the soon-to-be 9th domain head, Date Mune’e (age 27), and was able to win against him. "
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iicheeze · 1 year
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birth giver || Raiden Ei
Kabukimono's mom
retired Sensei of Raiden Martial Group
horrible cook
but also kicked out Kabukimono out of the household when he reached 17 because uh
he was an accident
Yae suggested Ei to abandon him without him knowing but thought of it as too cruel so instead she just kicks him out when he's at an appropriate age
anyways uh
uses flip-phones too much to the point that she gets confused when she was given an actual, newer phone brand on why there's no keyboard
never gets contacted by Kabukimono anymore
for a valid reason tbh
birth giver's shitty wife || Yae Miko
a menace
never liked Kabukimono
never liked any of Ei's children tbh
the only person allowed to cook in the Raiden household
CEO of Yae Publishing Inc. (also chief editor of it, very judgemental too)
did i say she's a menace?
she is.
both at work and at home
even tho she doesn't like Kabukimono, she sometimes contacts him for a spa date
does Scara answer?
but he still comes anyways
birth giver's abandoned daughter || Raiden Senshi
The new Sensei of Raiden Martial Group
Raiden Martial Group basically teaches all kinds of Japanese Self Defense, Swordsmanship, Bowmanship, etc.
very skilled in Martial Arts, Kenjutsu (Japanese Swordsmanship), Naginatajutsu, and more
a very strict teacher
if you want to hire her as a mentor, you're practically asking for torture
merciless as HELLL
if she breaks your bone and you whine to her about it, she'd basically just stand there and go
" weakling! "
and say that you haven't trained enough
is she still in contact with the Raiden family?
but she's just
scara doesnt like her, says that she's like a living robot with no personality
is also the youngest sibling of the Raiden family
Aunty Makoto || Raiden Makoto
Ei's twin sister that's actually sane in the family
a humble doctor
lives in a different house than the Raiden family
when she was informed that Kabukimono was kicked out, she called him to see if he's alright and offered him to stay in her home for a while until he gets his life back up.
the only reason why scara is alive back then tbh
is still in contact with Scara
basically while Kabukimono was staying with her, she taught him all kinds of stuff to do to help her around the house
all his househusband skills are taught by her
shout out to Aunty Makoto fr
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TAGLIST || @stellakito @crueldinasty @hysteriablues @hoesaria @dreamsofminnie @caffeine-mess @alatusorrow @lunaeclipsethesimp @lxkeeeee @myaaones @withloveminnie @shewolfniko @aeongiies @qwnelisa @liliumaraneae @candlebathwater @seirin-eyy @feiherp @nxsh30 @loivre @imdeadlyboredhelp @hotgirlshit5 @worldhardtibbysoft @mitsu-moshi @mono1606 @zomzomb1e @vvyeislazzy @crucnhice @omlxlaure @iethairs
@ownedbythescribe @mishtae @aloflapse @divinechicha @thefandomcrow @d4y-dr3am3r @tjjjrsj @certaindreampost @minninr @angelkazusstuff @zyilas @lumpywolf @haruaikawa @xiaosonlybeloved @reconaiise @yuyan @myoreiii @lordbugs @theaudacitiedmentose @scaravibe @exphhoria @venusflwers @ohmyfinggod @niyaiiz
SUMMARY II in which, a sassy and bitter househusband, and his beloved, idiotic streamer of a lover got married! what a lovely occasion. now, for the married life in a newer, and bigger apartment.
PAIRINGS || Househusband Scaramouche x Gaming Streamer GN Reader
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yeo is tired of typing yalls usernames
yall r very thirsty and they can see that
but since yall like it they still wanna type the rest of the usernames that still wanna be tagged but tumblr cant allow them to mention more than 50 ppl <//33333
until repost is allowed
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drenix004 · 2 months
Soshiro Hoshina x Fem!Oc!
MASTERLIST | A.O | PR | CH.1 | CH.2 | CH.3
English is not my mother tongue, so there may be spelling errors. An apology for that in advance :D
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The Jadees filled the room, much to Naomi's dissatisfaction, interrupting the silence that had reigned from the beginning of the lesson. The matriarch watched apathetically the quadrupeds suffering because of the almost always cruel training sessions to which he subjected them daily.
All four were standing on Split with 50 pounds of weight on their ankles. Their bodies trembled, especially their raised legs. His sweaty skin shone under the cold light of the room, and the sticky sensation added to his discomfort.
They had already been in the same position for two hours, and although they tried to stay firm, the exhaustion was too much. Their bodies were hurting; they felt a feeling of burning in each joint, which extended like a burning fire, without mercy consuming their muscles.
“Don’t let her down!” Naomi hit Ana's hip hard when her leg began to fall.
The blow of the metal vent against the skin caused the four to close their eyes, while the youngest endured the pain, preventing another sound from escaping from her mouth. I knew the blow would leave a very ugly mark in a few hours.
Liana was also trying to withstand, but the wounds on her legs from a previous punishment made it difficult for her to balance. Each move was additional torture, but she could not afford to show weakness in front of Naomi.
"Don't make me repeat the same thing," warned Naomi; her voice was sharp and cold as ice as she walked around them. His steps seemed not to be heard by normal ears, but they resonated.
The quadrupeds could feel and hear the wood twilight slightly with every step that the older albino took thanks to his developed ear; every step of Naomi was a reminder of the absolute power that she exercised over the girls. No one dared to challenge her; they knew the consequences too well. Their eyes remained fixed forward, fighting against pain and exhaustion, hoping that torture would soon end.
“Up!” Naomi hit Liana now, her fan leaving an immediate red mark on the already damaged skin. A stifled lamentation escaped from her lips, but she forced herself to correct her posture, visibly trembling.
The room was full of tension. The quadruplets fought not to collapse while Naomi watched with cold satisfaction. Every pigeon, every suppressed tear fed his cruelty. For her, this training was not just a test of physical endurance, but a lesson of submission and obedience.
The Albina had an obsession with keeping the four under control; their cruelty and coldness were nothing more than a reflection of repressed feelings of years ago, directed against someone from her past.
“Don’t forget who you are and why you are here,” Naomi finally said, with a voice of contempt. “Weakness has no place in this family. You are a negotiating chip given by your mother; your job will be to protect, serve and give your life if necessary for the country,” she stopped in front of Liana, “and bring heirs.”
Negotiating a chip... they always remembered the same thing without shame on their faces. The clan already had Hinata as its future successor; their purpose was to fill the old man's vacuum as hunters; they went to the battlefield instead of Hinata.
“Down.” The matriarch released his fan, letting it hang by a rope tied to his wrist, and struck twice as the sisters lowered their legs. Two servants entered the room, each with a real naginata and a wooden one. “The wooden one is no longer needed.” She grabbed the longest and put herself in position. “Lilia, move forward. You will begin your training at naginatajutsu from today.”
Lilia swallowed vigorously as she advanced and took the other naginata in her hands, grabbing the axis while her sisters were kneeling. The weapon was heavy, which would make it slow since it was not used to the weight of the sword.
Naomi made the first move with speed and precision, surprising the younger, who tried to block the blow as best she could. The sword was on his neck, and although she pressed to push him, the sword remained against his skin. From there, a thin line of blood began to emerge, staining the white skin of his neck.
Her grandmother withdrew the naginata and returned to her position, her eyes like a predator, ready to attack her while the other three waited for her turn with a feeling of nausea for what was to come to them.
Today they would leave the dojo with cuts; that was clear.
“Slower, animal,” Lilia hissed in pain when Ana pressed a cotton ball with disinfectant on the cut on her right shoulder.
“Who are you calling an animal?” Ana pressed the wound, causing another hiss from her sister. “Be thankful I’m helping you.”
“You’re a savage,” Lilian chimed in, who was helping Liana bandage her legs.
The four were in Lilia’s room, half-naked; all they had on were their lower undergarments as they attended to each other’s wounds from the naginata training.
“Grandma’s the savage, look how she left Liana.” Ana continued, pointing out the now more damaged wounds on the second quadruplet.
The sisters not only had cuts but also bruises on different parts of their bodies. Naomi hadn’t been satisfied with cutting them; she had also hit them mercilessly with the shaft of the weapon.
Liana had a significant disadvantage among the four when it was her turn, as the wounds on the soles of her feet had not completely healed, especially those on her shins, which were more recent. This was something Naomi took advantage of, hitting her there the most to destabilize and cut her.
“It’s only the beginning,” Lilia let Ana finish disinfecting her wounds before applying gauze patches. “Over time we’ll get used to the pain.”
Liana, on the other hand, preferred to remain silent and listen to her sisters. They were a good distraction from the throbbing pain in her body.
“More than we’ve already endured?” Lilian finished bandaging one leg and moved on to the other. “I wish we had been born into another family; everything would be much easier.”
“If that were the case, we wouldn’t have been born, at least not all of us.” Ana came closer to help once she finished with the eldest. “But at least…”
“We would be loved.”
Lilian completed what she wanted to say with a distant look while she continued to bandage, and a silence formed after that.
“It’s not worth thinking about that anymore,” Liana’s voice was muffled by the pillow she was using for support while lying face down. “We were born into this family, end of story.”
The sound of shinai clashing reached her ears despite being at the entrance of the Hoshina house; the sound came from different parts, confirming that they trained in various areas, which she remembered from the wings Soshiro had shown her during the tour.
“I’ll come for you in a few hours,” Taka, the driver, spoke, making her turn her gaze to him.
“Thank you for bringing me.” Liana made a small bow with her head, which brought a slight smile to the driver.
A Hoshina employee came out just as the car drove away, and with a courtesy she was not used to, invited her to enter.
The treatment certainly made her uncomfortable, but it didn’t reflect in her behavior or gaze. She was a blank slate.
The man, whom she deduced was in his twenties, guided her through several corridors to an outdoor area before leaving without saying anything else.
Her crimson eyes looked around with slight curiosity as she continued walking toward where she heard light pants, along with the sound of the wind being cut by repetitive movements.
Silently, she approached, a few meters away was Soshiro brandishing a shinai in the air, his hakama dirty and stained with soil. Liana was dressed similarly to him, the only difference being her red hakama with her family’s kamon embroidered on the back of her white hakui.
Liana sat silently, watching her fiancé intently for a few minutes; the other’s breathing made it clear he was already exhausted, but he kept swinging the bamboo sword. He was persistent, his effort showing in his arms and posture, but how he was breathing wasn’t helping, so she decided to give him a little lesson.
“You’re breathing wrong.”
Her words made Soshiro jump slightly from the scare, which caused a fleeting smile from her.
“When… did you arrive?”
“A few minutes ago.”
“What?” Soshiro tilted his head slightly to one side. Was he so focused that he didn’t notice the pretty girl? Perhaps his brother’s teasing words put him in his bubble while practicing, and he didn’t notice Liana’s arrival.
“You’re breathing wrong; it makes you tire more easily.” Liana stood up and approached Soshiro. “Get in position; I’ll show you a little trick.”
He did as requested while waiting for the instruction, but what he didn’t expect was to feel Liana’s hands on his back and chest. He froze in place, unable to move a muscle under the touch of the young woman.
¡The tag list is open!
and I remind you that first I upload the chapters to wattpad in spanish :D
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theblindninja · 2 years
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Yoshio Sugino Sensei 
Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, introduced Sugino to the Katori Shinto-ryu school of #kenjutsu in 1927. Sugino also started studying Yoshin Koryu under Genro Kanaya around this time. He met aikido's founder Morihei Ueshiba in the early 1930s, and studied aikido sufficiently to gain a teaching license and open an Aikikai-affiliated dojo by 1935. By the 1940s he was teaching kenjutsu, aikido, judo and naginatajutsu full-time.In 1953, Sugino was asked to provide sword instruction for the actors in Akira Kurosawa's film, Seven Samurai. Originally the work was shared between Sugino and Junzo Sasamori of the Ono-ha Itto-ryu, but Sasamori pulled out early in the filming due to teaching commitments abroad. Sugino's choreography for the sword-fights departed from earlier, Kabuki-influenced work and focussed on making the scenes as realistic as possible.
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itsmarjudgelove · 1 year
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Yoshio Sugino Sensei Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, introduced Sugino to the Katori Shinto-ryu school of #kenjutsu in 1927. Sugino also started studying Yoshin Koryu under Genro Kanaya around this time. He met aikido's founder Morihei Ueshiba in the early 1930s, and studied aikido sufficiently to gain a teaching license and open an Aikikai-affiliated dojo by 1935. By the 1940s he was teaching kenjutsu, aikido, judo and naginatajutsu full-time.In 1953, Sugino was asked to provide sword instruction for the actors in Akira Kurosawa's film, Seven Samurai. Originally the work was shared between Sugino and Junzo Sasamori of the Ono-ha Itto-ryu, but Sasamori pulled out early in the filming due to teaching commitments abroad. Sugino's choreography for the sword-fights departed from earlier, Kabuki-influenced work and focussed on making the scenes as realistic as possible.
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wettestwraith · 1 year
CEO Yae Miko and Shut-In Gamer Ei but Ei takes martial arts (I think she'd definitely take Naginatajutsu, Iaido and Nitojitsu which are all weapon-based but I feel like she'd also take Shorinji Kempo and Jujutsu) and is a fucking pro and has a few trophies from competitions and it just Never Comes Up until someone disrespects Yae (maybe someone loosing their temper on her) and Ei just fucking throws the guy and is like "... You okay?" to Yae
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Just A Little Rough Draft for my Mortal Kombat OC
Name: Lucinda
Race: Edenian
Home: Outworld
Weapon: Naginata
Powers: Nature
Fighting Style: Naginatajutsu
Theme Color: Tea green (Alt: Lavender)
Bio: An Edenian florist specializing in nature magic, she spent most of her days working at her parent's floral shop ever since she was younger. Lucinda especially enjoyed traveling through Edenia with her father's traveling cart, providing floral arrangements to many patrons. A pacifist, she isn't a personal fan of getting into conflict and would prefer using her words. However, get on her bad side, and she won't shy away from a battle as she is trained to fight. She has a great interest in Earthrealm and would like to explore it one day.
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thatcerealkiller · 9 months
Just another uncle doing kata practice in the park…
Tav master post to keep things organized for me.
Name: Angelus, “Angel” to a very select few
Ancestry: Half-Human (Wa, Kara-Tur), Half-Elf (Cormyr, Faerun)
Build: Dex based Way of the Open Hand Monk & Thief Rogue 9/3 (slightly differs in DnD with kensei subclass)
Strengths: Hand to hand, grappling, finesse sword fighting, dual wielding, naginatajutsu
Weapons of Choice: His own body, short swords, katana, jian, finesse glaives, rope dart/chain whip
Workout: Bodyweight reps and kata
Diet: Clean eating, balanced, and portion controlled to the point of being annoying
Bloodpunch: Main timeline and universe as it happened in BG3
Peridots & Rubies: Alternate universe where Angelus was never picked up by a nautiloid and meets Averyll Springheart
Flashing Lights: Modern alternative universe where Angelus is a former MMA fighter who now works for Jaheira’s security agency
Timeline: Cormyr -> Neverwinter -> Waterdeep -> Baldur’s Gate -> [Post Game] -> Karatin -> Dojyu -> Uwaji
Under construction.
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mata-aetara-if · 1 year
In the process of making my MC I've been researching weapons and I wanted to tell you about the weapons my MC can't use since they're not small lol.
Naginatas, which are polearms. Hilariously there's something called naginatajutsu, and I love it so much.
Monk's Spade, or a Shaolin Spade. There's a shovel on one end and a crescent on the other and Buddhist monks carried them around while traveling. These things look really fucking long in pictures, but that might be my lack of perception.
Sorry if you knew about these, I wanted to info dump a little abt some things I found cool. Hope you have a good day/night ❤
Those both look so cool thank you for sharing!!! 🤩 I hadn’t heard about either of them!!!
Hope u have a good day as well 🫶🏻
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tiefling-anarchy · 2 years
Name: Siofra "Fray" Leiptera pronounciation: "Sho-fra" "Ley-pt-erah"
Age: 24
Race: Papiliara (homebrew)
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: any/all (he/she/they/it + neos)
Sexuality/orientations: unlabelled
Relationship Status: single
Partner: n/a
Class: Paladin
Birthday: Feb 06th
a very pale and soft looking person, comes off and gentle, quiet and cold or shy, maybe distant at times but is quite a bit agressive when they want to be.
wings flat against their back almost
looking like shes got a cape or cloak on.
he tends to blurt out whats on his mind otherwise fae stay quiet.
likes to stare at the moon and eat sweets.
quiet, soft spoken normally but does have a temper. they are loyal, a bit brash, insightful and tend to be a closed off kind of person.
D&D style, out of 20 for greater variation.
also dnd style- choose 4-6 from the following list:
Acrobatics / Athletics / Insight / Intimidation / Slight of Hand / Survival
leather armor, glaive, two handaxes, dungeoneer's pack.
melee weapons, specifically polearm style. their fighting style is similar to Naginatajutsu. they know common, sylvan/elvish, and papial.
years ago, Siofra was separated from their people after everyone fled from the current settlement due to an attack, they've been trying to find where their people had migrated to. during the attack they, along with other young papiliara, were taken. they'd grown up as a weapon, killing and hunting people down until, upon learning her people were hunted and had their wings(if they had any) ripped from them, they finally had enough, snapped, and used their glaive against their captors. Fray's time working for them earned him names such as "The White Death" or "the Ghost". she's been trying to avoid this large part of her past and find what remained of her people and where they'd fled to but with the fact that her people migrate during season's changing its been difficult for them.
vox: friends/acquaintances with the group, travels with them but isnt particularly close with any of them at first.
hair: white/grey
eyes: black
skin: tan
height: 5'8
fray has white, near-translucent wings that rest against their back almost resembling a cloak without the hood and is often mistaken for such, at least at first glance. they have a natural sort of fluff around their collar/lower neck and small "fuzzy" antennae-looking things growing from the top of their forehead similar to where horns might be for other races. Siofra's ears are pointed rather than rounded like a human's however they arent long like an elf's. his eyes are completely black similar to a Tiefling's eyes. fae keep faer hair in a braided style, the sides partially shaved, the colour is naturally white with grey undertones. unbraided the length nearly reaches their waist, braided it reaches the small of their back. their skin is a very light tan, a contrast against the rest of their white colour palette. they have an athletic and androgynous build.
outfits: colour palette is typically white, grey, brown/tan. following images resemble their style
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seventhdecrees · 2 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “ Naginata is found as part of the curriculum of several styles of Kobudô. Many koryū ryūha, such as the Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-ryu, Maniwa Nen-ryū, Jikishinkage-ryu Naginatajutsu, Tendō-ryū, and Hokushin Ittō-ryū include naginatajutsu in their curriculum, as do arts such as Shidare Yanagi-ryū and budo organizations such as the Bujinkan. ”
“ Tenshin Shōden Katori Shintō Ryū is the oldest style of koryū, even recognized as bunkazai. The characteristics of this school are dynamic techniques and long katas, with movements such as jumps, turns with the body, and ascending and descending cuts used in alternation. ”
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dhyzenmedia · 8 days
Samurai Naginatajutsu – The Downfall
Naginata Champion This past life recall came to me after asking for clarification on a relationship I was a part of several years ago. The person in question was a challenge to deal with, and required quite a lot of patience and unconditional support. Frankly, I found him perplexing and somewhat annoying in his blind arrogance and inability to let go of experiences regardless of the fact that he…
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incandescentia · 9 months
about // tsuruhime
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"As Mishima's ocean as my witness, my love shall be engraved with my name."
Name: Ōhōri Tsuruhime (大祝鶴姫) Meaning: Crane princess Nicknames: Tsuruhime, Tsuru, Crane Girlie Title: Heroine of Omishima, Chief Priestess of Oyamazumi Shrine, Himemiko-sama, Avatar of Mishima Myojin, Jeanne d'Arc of Japan Age: 18+ Place of Birth: Omishima Island, Iyo Province, Japan Birth Date: 3rd January 15XX Zodiac: Capricorn (Western) / Rooster (Eastern) Gender: Female Bloodtype: A Ethnicity: Japanese Religion: Shinto, worshipping various deities like Ooyamatsumi, Mishima Myojin, Hachiman, etc. Species: Human (with divine blessings) Occupation: Shrine maiden, chief priestess & warlord
Hair: Platinum white Eyes: Sky blue / gold (when she activates her divine blessings) Skin: Fair-skinned Build: Tall and lean with her armors making her look bulkier than she actually is. Height: 172 centimeters Weight: 57 kilograms Voice Claim: M.A.O (JP) | Suzie Yeung (EN)
Father: Ōhōri Yasumochi Mother: Lady Myourin Brothers: Ōhōri Yasuoku, Ōhōri Yasufusa Fiancee: Ochi Yasunari
Likes: Horses, the fresh breeze at dawn, meditating, grilled fish, dango, her family... Dislikes: Injustice, arrogant men, people who disrespect their familial ties Alignment: Lawful Good MBTI: INFJ Pronouns: Watashi (私) | Anata (貴方) Positive traits: Loyal, steadfast, calm, composed, brave. Negative traits: Self-sacrificing, stoic, defensive, prideful, stubborn. Tropes: Action Girl, Animal Motifs (Crane), Archer Archetype, Jeanne d'Archetype, Lady of War, Miko, Naginatas are Feminine, Pretty Princess Powerhouse, Religious Bruiser, Sugar and Ice Personality.
Strength: 8/10 Defense: 6/10 Speed: 10/10 Magical Aptitude: 7/10 Divinity: 6/10 Equipment: Hama yumi ( Seisei; 精製), katana ( Murakumogiri; 叢雲切 ) and naginata ( Uzunami; 渦波 ) Abilities:
Spiritual Awareness
Purification Ritual & its associated techniques
Kyudo (archery)
Familiar Contract
Water and ice elemental magic
Military strategy
Enhanced strength, speed and durability
Divine enhancement
tw: drowning & suicide.
Ōhōri Tsuruhime was born in 1526. She was the third daughter of Ōhōri Yasumochi, chief priest (Kannushi) of the Ōyamazumi Shrine, on the island of Ōmishima, north of Iyo province and about 30 miles southeast of Hiroshima. The island is in the Seto Inland Sea of Japan (Setouchi). The Shinto shrine was founded in 594 and is dedicated to Ōyamatsumi, the older brother of the Japanese sun goddess Amaterasu, the god of mountains, seas and wars. The temple was a place of pilgrimage for samurai, who left weapons and armor as a sacrifice. At that time the island was under threat from the growing power of Ōuchi Yoshitaka (1507-1551) from Yamaguchi on the mainland of Honshu. Yoshitaka owned the regions of Kyushu and Chūgoku. In 1534, a war broke out between the Ōuchi clan and the Kōno clan (野氏) from Shikoku, which owned the Ōyamatsumi Temple. Tsuruhime's two elder brothers were killed during a conflict. In 1541, when Tsuruhime was 15 years old her father died of illness, and she inherited the position of chief priest. She had been trained since childhood in the martial arts, and when the Ōuchi made further attacks against Ōmishima, she led an armed resistance to defend the island. She proclaimed herself the avatar of Myojin of Mishima (三島 明 神), a powerful kami shrine and a bunrei of Ōyamatsumi. She led an army into battle and drove the Ōuchi samurai back into the sea when they raided Ōmishima in 1541. Four months later the invaders returned. Tsuruhime led troops with a surprise counterattack on the enemy ships. While an Ōuchi general, Ohara Takakoto, was being entertained on his flagship, he came under attack by Tsuruhime in a raid. She successfully boarded general Takakoto's ship and summoned him to a duel. According to another version, Tsuruhime secretly climbed onto the ship where the Ouchi samurai were feasting. At first Takakoto mocked her presumption, but Tsuruhime won the duel and killed Takakoto. One account states that "Takatoto's disrespectful words to Tsuruhime were sharp, but not as sharp as the sword with which she stabbed him in return." This was followed by a deluge of hōrokubiya (焙烙火矢; spherical exploding bombs) from Tsuruhime's allies to destroy many ships, which drove the Ōuchi fleet away. In 1543, when Tsuruhime was seventeen, she rejoined battling the Ōuchi. Sue Harukata's fleet defeated the Kono clan's troops. Tsuruhime was overcome with grief after hearing that her fiancé, Yasunari Ochi (born in 1522), had been killed in action. Tsuruhime set up an ambush, in which she defeated Ouchi's army. According to legend, she committed suicide by drowning due to grief for her beloved - but no actual historical records have proven this to be correct.
Historical verse/Sengoku jidai; the default untagged verse where she mostly follows the historical records. Tsuruhime lived as the famed young savior of Omishima and possibly died at young age after committing suicide by drowning. However, as she historically died before major warlords came into power, the timeline will be altered accordingly to ease possible interactions. This verse can be set in Samurai Warriors verse or Sengoku BASARA (AU version of SB!Tsuruhime, anyone?) verse... or anything set in Sengoku period, really. Should Tsuruhime not historically perish following her fate, she will be appearing in hypothetical scenarios where she eventually becomes one of the major warlords in Shikoku, rivaling local clans including the Chousokabe clan. Genshin Impact; a Hydro vision holder who wields a bow and katana in accord (treated as a bow user in canon). One of the senior priestesses under Yae Miko's tutelage in Grand Narukami Shrine. Her deceased parents were natives of a small fishing village in Yashiori Island who succumbed to the Tatarigami disease—leaving Tsuru in the loving care of a childless old couple in Konda Village. Due to Grand Narukami Shrine’s neutrality as a religious shelter, she did not actively partake in the Inazuman civil war. Fate universe; under the alias of Byakuya no Archer (aka Archer of Midnight Sun), Tsuruhime is an Archer-class servant from Sengoku period dressed in armored shrine maiden garb and wields a hama yumi. Her historical prowess makes her often dubbed as the Joan of Arc of Japan. In this universe, Tsuruhime also serves as the divine avatar of the bunrei kami she worships and thus granting her a higher rank of divinity (do note that this depiction is NOT a Jeanne lookalike like Lakshmibai, but she does have the same vibe/aura as she is, which supports the comparisons even more). While she's usually summoned as an Archer-class servant, she can be summoned as a Lancer, Saber or Rider as well. Her stat is as following: STR: B / Endurance: C / Agility: A / Mana: B / Luck: C / Noble Phantasm: B++ She possesses the class skills of Magic Resistance (B), Independent Action (C), Riding (C+), and Divinity (C) Arknights; a Liberi (with appearance based on Grus japonensis) marksman Sniper-class operator from Hingashi who seeks a shelter to Rhodes Island due to her oripathy infection. Formerly a shrine maiden who serves as a Catastrophe Messenger as well. Her codename here is Shiratsuyu. Honkai Star Rail; TBA. Jujutsu Kaisen; TBA.
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I'm excited the get back in the dojo, I'll be starting Naginatajutsu soon which was a weapon I've always been really fond of. It's not the more popular feminine kind from something like the Tendo ryu and the home invasion strategy, but the heavier battlefield naginata of Toda ha buko ryu. I just ordered my naginata and keen to start training. Its something to give my soul just a little bit of peice since not being able to train kenjutsu anymore.
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