#nam joon fluff
muniimyg · 9 months
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you’re still so pretty
strangers to friends, friends into lovers, and then.. strangers again?
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med student nam joon + med student oc
high school sweethearts to exes to ???
fluff !! slight angst
note: cute little one shot in my drafts… idrk whats going on but it’s giving meet cute vibes!!! enj!
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @taetaecatboy @pb-n-juju @miss-rainy-days @firesighgirl @whoa-jo @vantxx95 @pamzn @kakixaku @casspirit0705 @tae165 @defzcl @sopebubbles @leefics @ggukkieland @bebebutbetter @yoongimentita7 @boraength @era-genius @4ksj @vampcharxter @miss-jupiter @floweryjeons @taegijns @jeonqkooks-main @ellesalazar
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One thing people never talk about is the loneliness that comes hand-in-hand with being ambitious. 
You lose friends, opportunities, and even love. 
Feeling the need to prove the world and others wrong—getting so lost in your strength that you’ve become weak—it’s not a life everyone can live. The exchange of your success came at the cost of having your loved ones as collateral damage. 
Kim Nam Joon was exactly that for you. 
Though you two didn’t end on a sour note, the memories and possibilities of you and him leaves a bittersweet taste in your tongue. Thinking of him, speaking of him, and missing him comes in waves. Yet, with each memory, you gladly drown. 
Others argue that you bloomed late while your parents like to defend you and say you’re too good to settle for anyone less. Your parents, however, kept their mouths shut whenever it came to Nam Joon. 
They liked him. 
He was practically accepted and assumed to be the one you marry… It’s silly, isn’t it? For parents to see stars in their daughter’s eyes at such a young age and understand why. 
From what you can remember, he was a quiet nerd who helped others but was also good at identifying when he was being used. There was a difference. He held your bookbag, dropped you off at class, and always sat with you and your friends at lunch. His friends would tease him about how whipped he was for you and your parents would often bicker about how young you two were to be that inseparable. 
So when it ended—because nothing at the age of 17 really lasts—he didn’t know if it was over or if it was truly over. Partly because you didn’t sound cold when you asked for space and the distance that grew between you two had given you both time to accept the inevitable. Still, when it happened it felt utterly confusing. For weeks, he couldn’t help but wonder if you’d changed your mind before the summer ended and went on to your separate ways… In case you changed your mind—if a single ounce of you wanted to give the long-distance a fucking try—he had a plan. 
The plan.
Calls are to occur every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights. Calling every night might get tiring, but it’s okay if the calls increase due to missing each other. 
Good morning texts every day. 
Visiting each other should be done through turn-taking. He’ll go to you first. 
Fly home every big holiday. 
Shit like that. 
He wondered if you would change your mind before he[‘d have to force himself to get over you. Then, he wondered if you would even think about changing your mind at all. Until suddenly, he realizes that you never even asked.
You probably never even thought about him. 
You two broke up the summer before University. You both told everyone that your dream schools were at opposite ends of the world. Knowing you both could make it; it was hard for others to disagree. However, Nam Joon began to feel a bit of resentment as the breakup became more and more real. Deciding that long-distance would complicate your study and work schedules was a practical decision—but it was not his. 
It was yours. 
He’s almost certain that the decision was made out of 80% of logic, 5% out of love, and 15% out of insecurity.
You’ve never failed anything in your life. Perhaps, love is no exception. 
As the seasons changed, time flew and the breakup felt like a summernight dream. It slowly became a topic that only popped up once in a while, and when it did, you spoke of it like how it felt. It felt kind and sweet. Like the aftertaste of strawberry milk candies and craving for more, like the way you finish a good book where the characters don’t die and nothing feels tragic, but a part of you wishes you hadn’t reached the end. That, if you could, you would reread the pages as if you never knew a thing. You spoke of your puppy love like how love felt; love felt like him. 
The peace you’ve made with your feelings for him suddenly begins to panic as a familiar tall and dimple smile greets you. Cheesy to say, but too difficult to deny—all the memories of him begin to flood your mind as he approaches. 
With his heart on his sleeve, he stands before you. 
“Long time no see, ___.” 
His smile is the same. 
The way his lips curve perfectly reminds you of how they felt against your neck. He had that habit—smiling into a kiss that is. His hair is shaved, earning a good laugh from you. You’ve never seen him so… Manly?
“Kim Nam Joon,” you gush. “Wow, it’s been a while.”
Offering your hand, he stares at it and chuckles. His shoulders are much broader now, so his body language is much more noticeable. It suits him. 
“Too formal, ___.” Nam Joon laughs, taking your hand and bringing it to his lips. Gently, he places a kiss on your knuckles and squeezes them. To others, this may be forward… To you, it’s just right. He always greeted you like this. A part of your heart is relieved he hasn’t changed that much. “But, yeah... It has been a while. 6 years to be exact!”
“You kept count?” Your eyebrows knit together, teasingly. He gives you a playful irritated look, causing your heart to melt a little. 
“You know what I mean… I just—I didn’t know you were back in Korea. You don’t use social media so it’s a little hard to hear anything about you.” 
To his dismay, it was difficult to get any news from you. Nam Joon would be lying if he said he hadn’t been asking around about you or if he hadn’t stayed up once in a while attempting to find your name on social media. Your closest friends moved on with their lives and careers; no one had time to reminisce on old high school sweethearts. 
Except him. 
“I finished my degree and then came back here for this med program. That was my plan, remember? It was always the plan. Nothing has changed,” you confess. “I thought you’d be way further into med school than me. You always talked about getting it done as fast as possible.”
He shrugs. “I took a gap… For like, 2 years and then failed 1 course… Twice.”
In complete shock, you gasp. “Kim Nam Joon… Failed? Twice at that?”
“It was a tough class! I fucking hate Psychology. Why do we even need it in pre-med? Like—”
You burst into tears. Tears of joy. Laughter, really. 
“Y-you failed… P-psych? The easiest fucking course in the universe?”
Nam Joon shoots you a glare. 
“My prof was crazy.”
“So are you for failing a fucking psych class!”
Nam Joon lets you have your moment. You continue to laugh, having a difficult time believing in his claim. As you continue to make fun, he makes himself comfortable, taking a seat next to you. 
“Are we done? Can we please move on?” Nam Joon groans in embarrassment. 
Composing yourself, you give in to his wish. “Some things never change, huh? You still make me laugh.”
His eyes soften. “You’re mean for using my failure as your source of joy.”
Then, you laugh again. You hit his shoulder, unable to contain your fun. Then, your eyes widen as your hand makes contact with his body.
Unhinged, you tell him, “Holy shit. You’re huge!”
Nam Joon’s eyes widen and he almost chokes on air. 
You turn red. 
“Y-you know what I mean!” You shove him playfully. It makes no difference. You barely moved him. 
Nam Joon then begins to empty his bag. Taking out his laptop, he explains himself. “Ahhh. I met a few friends who are absolute gym rats. If I’m not studying, I’m at the gym with them.”
Teasingly, you gasp again. “Ohhh? So I have no insane drinking party stories to hear from you?” 
Shaking his head with a smug smile, he answers you. “No.. There are definitely some insane drinking party stories for you to hear… Maybe after class? We could grab a cup of coffee and catch up.” He suggests. He isn’t sure what had gotten into him to be so rash, but he missed you. Seeing you again, his body automatically made its way to you.
You nod, feeling a little warm. “Sure! I’ve missed you.” 
 His heart skips a beat. 
He missed you too.
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The coffee hangout goes well. 
You catch Nam Joon up with everything you’ve been up to. All the friends and people you’ve met abroad and how you finally learned how to ride a bike at the ripe age of twenty. He teases you for learning so late and you nag him about getting his driver’s license. To which, he said he acquired… Just a month ago. 
At that moment, he feels like nothing has changed even though so much has. 
You were braver. 
A lot more confident with your words and posture and Nam Joon was calmer and oddly a little funnier than you remember. Maybe you missed his quirky jokes and random “fun facts.” Whatever it was, it caused you to exchange numbers and constantly be texting back and forth. 
Suddenly, two months go by, and he’s back to being your best friend. 
You feel like you’re 17 again. Your days with him are filled with late-night study dates and bike rides around his favorite spots on campus. Honestly, you wouldn’t have it any other way. For the first time in a while, you finally felt like you were home.
Finally, he had persuaded you to join him and his friends at the gym. Your AirPods are in and you’re running on the treadmill as Jungkook, Seokjin, and Nam Joon crowd around the weights. Nam Joon is spotting Jungkook. As he lifts the heavyweights, Jungkook strikes the conversation first. 
“Are you two getting back together?” 
“You and ___,” Jungkook grunts as he finishes his rep. “Everyone is assuming so and I want to be the first one with confirmation... Makes me feel special.”
Nam Joon rolls his eyes and turns to check on you. With longing eyes, he assures his friends: “we’re just friends.”
Seokjin pokes his head in and laughs. “Shut up. Being funny is my thing.”
“Seriously!” Nam Joon urges. “Sure, we talk about the past and all but.. Not about us—nothing about us. And.. And I don’t think she wants to? It’s weird…  And it’s okay. I rather it is like this than to make things awkward and not have her around anymore.” 
Jungkook drops the weights and sighs. 
“Ahh! Exactly my point!” 
He and Seokjin share a look and bump shoulders with Nam Joon. They’re completely aware of how their friend was looking at the girl he had loved once and can’t help but feel like something about this situation felt unfinished. 
“This is fate, you know?” Jungkook insists. “You two were in love and then it wasn’t the right time so you guys broke up. You guys were young back then… It was practical. But, she’s back and you still love her. It’s the right time. Now, this is the part where you try again.”  
Nam Joon can’t help but feel like an idiot.
“Fuck off, Kook,” Nam Joon orders. “It’s over. I’m lucky to even just be her friend again. Besides, she probably has a boyfriend.”
Seokjin squints at Nam Joon in disbelief. “... Well, have you even asked her if she’s seeing someone?”
All three boys look dumbfounded. 
No one knows what to say. 
Would it be weird to ask such a thing? Of course, Nam Joon was curious, but a part of him kind of figured that talking about your current relationship status wouldn’t be the best icebreaker for you two.
“Look man, it doesn’t matter. You’re her ex. Her first boyfriend ever! You have rights.” Jungkook encourages. He picks up his water bottle and begins to chug. 
Seokjin hits Jungkook’s stomach mid-gulp. “Rights? Kook, I think that’s for people who have kids and are having difficulty co-parenting—”
“He has rights!” Jungkook defends sternly. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he pats Nam Joon on the back. “Just ask her if she’s seeing someone… If not, ask her out. Try again.”
“What makes you think I want to try again?” Nam Joon scuffs and his two friends roll their eyes. 
Jungkook and Seokjin share a look. 
“You have been missing her your entire life. She’s back. A few giggles here and there and you ditch us for two months straight… Only to reach out and invite her to our gym to work out with us! No shade, but this is bro time!” Jungkook cries. “Also, you talk about it all the time when you’re 7 shots in. You haven’t had a girlfriend… Since her, right? Just hook-ups and a few flings… But no one is like her and that’s probably why.” Then, Jungkook hits Nam Joon’s head and sighs. 
“No one is her.”
The three turn their attention to you. Two guys approach you and begin a conversation. Nam Joon observes and it causes Jungkook and Seokjin to chuckle. 
“Time is ticking my friend. Tik tok, tik tok…” Jungkook makes an effort to let out a devious laugh. Nam Joon’s eyes begin to glow green and it satisfies his two friends. “Nice guys finish last… Ex boyfriends finish first!”
Jungkook leans towards Seokjin and whispers: “Looks like someone will be pulling ex-boyfriend card soon.” 
With that, Seokjin and Jungkook switch. Seokjin lifts the weights and Jungkook helps to spot him. Nam Joon should look away, but he can’t. His eyes are glued to the way you’re laughing at the two boys who are trying too hard to impress you. 
Mid lift, Seokjin teases Jungkook. 
“You used the term “bro time,” right? You’re such a fucking loser, Kook.”
Nam Joon felt different though. 
He felt like the fucking loser.
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Nam Joon doesn’t call or text you as often as he did before. 
Since that gym session, he had begun to act a little distant. Like he was trying to set boundaries or something. It felt odd that his actions felt familiar. You felt a little ache in your heart and your head hurt. 
The past few weeks have not been easy for Nam Joon as well. He felt like an absolute dick for ignoring your warmth. He tried to excuse it by saying that he was too busy with his assignments and studying. So badly does he want to pull away from you; but it felt draining. He wanted to be near you and the fear of you not wanting him back was definitely taking a toll on him. 
It was confusing though. 
In the middle of the night, he’d come over once to give back your textbooks in exchange for a few of his hoodies. It didn’t feel real seeing him at midnight. Some nights, he’d come over a little damp from the midnight rain. As you let him into your place, all you can think to yourself is: damn. I think I’m still in love with this man. 
So, yes. 
It’s been a rough couple of weeks. With each passing day, his presence made you nervous. If his coming over at midnight wasn’t bad enough—it was the 9am’s with him that was worse. It was more about how close you two sat next to each other and how intimate these labs were. With each little moment of fingertips brushing, bumping into each other and him steadying you with his hands on your waist, and the little nose scrunch exchanges—the butterflies in your stomach flutter like crazy.
Maybe you did fail once in your life.
You failed to be honest. You failed to fight for him. You failed to be someone to him that stays.
Nam Joon wasn’t having much fun either. 
You’ve always been so pretty to him. He especially loved whenever you two had study dates because he could watch you furrow your eyebrows, reread the same sentences, and mumble formulas and concepts to yourself over and over again. If he was lucky, he’d look up at the right time and catch you sighing from frustration. Your puffy cheeks and sleepy eyes made his heart soft and confused. To him, it was enchanting to see you so invested. 
Kind of like right now. 
As you look into the microscope, he can’t help but feel nervous. He wants to reach out and move your hair to the side. It’s bothering you and he can tell. He wants to do it, but he hesitates. 
It would be too much, right? He would be crossing the line—especially since you’re the one that broke things off with him.
His thoughts pause as you pull away and blink at him. 
“Oh, shit! I have an interview at a clinic nearby so I can’t stay to help clean up after this. I’m sorry. I should’ve told you before we began—“
“___, it’s okay. Go do your thing. I hope you get it.”
Warmly, you smile at him. 
“Thanks, baby—Nam Joon,” you correct yourself, throwing your head back and laughing nervously. In exchange, he stares at you blankly. You clear your throat, trying your best to move past this. “Sorry! For a second, I thought you were my boyfriend again.”
He brushes it off and tells you it’s okay. Again, you go back to looking into the microscope. Focusing on adjusting the lens and pulling away every so often to make notes. 
“Me too,” he says softly. 
Then, you feel it.
He tucks your hair behind your ears. You pretend like his touch didn’t send electric shocks throughout your body and ignore it. Your cheeks instantly flush a rosy pink and spill your secret. 
Nam Joon chuckles, completely in awe of you.
You’re still so pretty to him.
You’re still his.
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babeejeon · 2 years
Pt 2 for under the heavy snow pleasee 🥺
Author Note: First of all thank you for the request 💌🤍 I remember the day I recieved this request. I felt super excited. Tried to write a few times, but what I write didn't felt right. I always ask for requests, then when I recieve, I just couldn't find the right idea to write it. Same thing happened, and now I realize it has been more than a year and month. But still, I am glad that finally I completed it. Actually when I first write Under The Heavy Snow, I didn't intend to continue. Because I didn't know how to continue and I didn't wanted to continue just to continue. Rather than ruining the whole thing, I thought it would be nice to keep it as a short sweet drabble. However, recieving this request made me really happy and excited. It is too late, but I hope you can read it. Hopefully you like 🙌 If you read it, please let me know what you thought about it. Anonymous or not please let me know that it is you. Also all other readers are welcome to let me know your thoughts. They mean a lot me me! 💕
Also I used the prompt sentences below. I saw them online some time ago:
- “How mad would you be if I kissed you?”
- “Did you just kiss me?”
- “I could think of worse ways to die.” 
-Kim Namjoon fluff, friends to lovers au, non-idol au-
The next morning you find yourself hugging Namjooon like a koala, you have your arm around his shoulder, head on his chest and one of your legs was over his legs. You were finally warm, and his embrace was super cosy.
But as soon as you came back to your senses you realized how close your proximity is. You could literally count his eyelashes if you look up. Maybe you have had the same proximity before, in one of your stayovers, but suddenly it doesn’t feel right to be so close to each other, cuddling like this. Thanks God, Namjoon was still peacefully sleeping, so you carefully get out of the bed. You took a few seconds to watch him, then you pulled the blanket over his chest and went to the bathroom.
After refreshening and changing your clothes, you went down to help Mrs. Park with breakfast.  “Good morning!” you chimed.
She turned to you with a big smile. “Good morning. Did you have a good sleep?” she asked. Your cheeks warmed while you smile in silence.
With a knowing look she smiled back. “It seems like you had a good sleep.”
“Can I help you with preparing breakfast?” you asked hoping to change the topic.
“Actually, everything is pretty much ready. You can wake your friend and then help me with the drinks. By the way do you prefer coffee or tea?”
“Oh, okay. I prefer tea and Namjoon likes coffee, but whatever you have is fine for us.” You said.
“No worries, I already prepared both of them.” You said a quick thank you and went upstairs to wake him up. To your surprise, when you enter the room, he was already awake, wore new clothes. You suddenly thought how you were cuddling in his arms when you woke up. ‘What if he was awake? What if he just pretended to be asleep?’ you thought to yourself. ‘But is it a problem? You always cuddle when you stayover.’ You thought again.
“Good morning to you, too Y/N!” he said, cutting your thoughts.
“What are you thinking like that?” he asked.
“Oh, sorry! I don’t know. It is still early; my mind is probably short-circuiting.” You tried to fake a laugh. “Anyways, the breakfast ready. Let’s go!” you said and went down without even waiting for him.
He followed you from behind. “Good morning, Mrs. Park!” he said with a smile.
She smiled back at him. “Good morning! I prepared somethings for breakfast; I hope you like it. I usually don’t have breakfast, but I will sit with you.”
“Everything looks amazing. Thank you so much.” He said.
“Yes, we can’t thank you enough. You literally saved our lives. I didn’t want to my life to end for such a reason, I could think of worse ways to die.” You joked. She laughed at your words.
“You don’t have to thank, I enjoyed having you two here, I needed some guests.” She said.
After the breakfast you left Mrs. Park’s cottage house. She said she already called someone to tow away your car to the cottage and it is ready to go. You thanked her several times before leaving the cottage.
“I can’t believe how lucky we are. She didn’t only helped us, but she gave us food, a room and even get our car ready, without asking anything in return. I feel a little sad too, that she lives there alone. Maybe next time we should visit her, or maybe we can send a gift to her.” You said.
“Right, we should send a gift when we arrive home.” He said.
“What do you think she would like?” you asked.
“That cottage is far from the town. We can send something she might need or lack in her house.” He answered.
“Yes. By the way, don’t you think it is magical? She came in the right time when we need, and her house is really far from other places. I mean, who would build a house far from the town. Other than her, no one would notice us.” You said dreamily. He laughed.
“How do you manage to always imagine such things?” he asked.
“But I am right.” You insisted.
Namjoon parked the car in front of your house. You walked towards the door of your house together, he was holding your backpack.
“I am glad we are home in one piece.” You said. His cheeks reddened.
“Yes, it is a relief that the snow stopped.” He said.
You took a step towards him and narrowed your eyes. “Admit it Kim, you tried to kill me!” you said jokingly.
He took a step towards you. He opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly he realized how close your face was. He stepped back and rubbed his neck nervously. “Hahaha!” he made his famous fake laugh but it was the most obvious one.
Suddenly you were feeling nervous, too. You have just tried to joke, but suddenly it became awkward. “I should go home now.” You turned to enter the building but remembered that your backpack is in his hands and turned back. He also thought it and stepped towards you to hand the backpack to you. You bumped against him, but he held you with his arm. You quickly regained your balance and stepped back.
“How mad would you be if I kissed you?” Namjoon asked. You hold your breath, didn’t even blink but lightly nodded at him to sign him it was alright.
He took the hint, dropped the bag down and slowly wrapped one of his hands to pull you closer. His other hand cupped your cheek. He was looking into your eyes with an intensity, it was as if he can see right through your soul. But it was too much for you, so you closed your eyes. He did, too and his lips met yours. It was short, soft and a warm kiss, but it still managed to take your breath away. When his lips left yours and he took a step back, you opened your eyes.
“Did you just kiss me?” you asked, still not believing this is happening. But your words sounded totally different to Namjoon, he panicked.
“I… I thought.. I mean when you nod, it was.. I thought…you want it too..” he tried to explain. You finally realized that he misunderstood.
“No, I didn’t mean it. I mean I wanted it, too.” You felt your cheeks warming. “I mean, I just couldn’t believe that it happened.. suddenly.. everything happened so fast. But it is as if I have been waiting for this moment all my life.” You said and your eyes widened in panic. “Did I said the last one aloud?”
He nodded with a love-struck smile on his lips. “If it is going to make you feel better, I, indeed, have been waiting for this moment for a long while.” he looked down before continuing, “It’s weird, right? I never knew I would feel like this, when we first met. I never thought about you this way, when we were best friends for years. Yet, at some point my heart started to forget how to beat properly when I’m with you. I couldn’t understand it for a while, then didn’t want to admit it to myself. But eventually, I learned there is no way to escape my feelings and I learned how to live with them.” He confessed.
Suddenly you felt the urge to say something, too. “I didn’t notice it! I didn’t notice it since yesterday. In the dinner I thought what Mrs. Park said was cliché. Most people say this when they see a man and woman as a friend. Many other people said this about us before.
But when you opened your arms for me, it felt different. My heart didn’t flutter, instead it felt like home. Lots of thoughts run through my mind and I fall asleep without even understanding them.
But in the morning, I wasn’t feeling the same. I didn’t know what I feel but it wasn’t same as before. I know that something has changed in me. And now I can see, as if someone light the way for me to see my feelings.” You pause and tried to catch his eyes with yours. “I think I feel the same way as you. It might be childish, but I am not ready to say it aloud. But I understand now, why I confuse the lines between friendship and love.” You felt your cheeks burning.
He pulled you into his arms. “You don’t have to say it until you are ready. It is enough that now I know.”
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kivedreams · 8 months
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pair. idol namjoon x f. reader. 
genre. established relationship, long distance, have never said I love you. 
warnings. +18, daddy kink, unprotected sex, power imbalance, rough sex, filthy sex, dirty talk, fingering, namjoon is really demanding, lil degradation.
synopsis; you’ve been waiting for me so patiently, I know, I’ll reward you, you little slut! or namjoon has 3 free days from the military service and he decides to enjoy them with you.
word count: 3.5k
A/N: I haven't write a fic in seven years, I hope this lives to the today's standards. kive
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It was already sunset, everything felt quiet and lonely in the apartment, music had become a sad thing to play, so enjoying silence had become your main thing the last 3 months, since he had gone, as a foreigner you didn't fully comprehend the concept behind military service, in your country military had never been a big thing, consequences of being an small country that never seem to need it, so the moment that you realize that Namjoon actually had to enlist for around 2 years made a fissure in your heart, you really could not imagine how life was going to be for you, for both of you during that time, will your relationship be able to fight the distance? you had already been dating for over a year and everything felt like a fairytale, sneaking around, going to cafes in the countryside, hiding in your apartments, the sneaky kisses, grabbing hands under the table, and hiding your relationship from everyone else, because it was safer for both of you, it made things fun and exciting, but of course it was sad too, not being able to go around seoul’s streets holding hands, not being able to share pictures of you together, not being able to kiss him whenever you wanted and denying the obvious from everyone, that you were completely in love with Kim Nam Joon.
You knew that it was going to be the result after accepting that personal assistant job, but it was ok, the pay was amazing, the opportunities were amazing, you were going to be working side by side with someone you have already admired for years, so just keeping a lid in your feelings wasn't going to be a hard sacrifice, but two whole years being behind the smart, handsome, and talented men that namjoon was, proved to be way harder than you thought It'll be, of course you got drunk, of course you forgot with who you were with, and of course it ended up with you, namjoon, the empty hall in your building, and you shouting to the world that your boss was the most beautiful men that you have ever seen and of course that it would be a pleasure to have his children, you would have been honored to do so, and the last thing that you remember is namjoon’s laugh and then falling into the darkness.
Next morning, you woke up in your bed, completely tuck in, with you curls in a bonnet, not a single drop of makeup on and a dreadful headache, you felt so bad that you thought you might puke, water was a must, while you walked down to kitchen in your one bedroom studio apartment, that was perfect for you and your cats, nobody could've expected what your eyes saw.
Kim Nam Joon was sat in your living room reading one of the books that you picked up the last time you were in the bookstore, Kim Ji Young born 1982 by Choi Nam-Joo, the shock was visible in your eyes, you didn't know what to do or what to say, you wanted to just roll back to your room and hide there for the next 5 years, why was Namjoon in your living room reading on your brown chair one of your books and drinking coffee from that pretty pink mug you thrifted a while ago? he did not notice your presence until you cat, Komi walked over to you meowing and demanding to be feeded.
He lowered his gaze from the book to look at your completely shocked face. “Good morning Y/N, I knew you were going to sleep till late. I made coffee and breakfast, do you want some?” he said with a little smirk, that did not mean too much for you at the moment.
You were frozen by the idea of having Namjoon in your house, you've been dropped off with him a thousand times, but he had never come in. Once you realize you've been in complete silence for a minute since he asked, you remembered that you had to respond. “Y-yes, I do” you said with a low but strong voice. “Ok, sit down I'll get it for you” he said while standing up, you couldn't sit down without feeding your cats first, you used it as an excuse to go to the bathroom and see the state that you were, bonnet falling up to the side, your bare face that showed how much you drank last night, you quickly washed up your face and fixed the bonnet because it was going to be impossible to do more than that.
Walking with small steps to the kitchen, you said good morning as soon as you saw Namjoon, he smiled at you and said the same, offering you the same pink cup but full of fresh coffee. “How do you feel? Do you have any headaches? I ordered some hangover medicine for you” he said lifting a white bag with the nearest pharmacy logo printed all over it, you could feel the embarrassment in your whole body, grabbing the bag and looking thru its contents, you took the gold colored bottle that you new was going to get rid of any traces of the effect of alcohol in your system. He put a bowl full of rice next to you, making you realize the side dishes that were in the countertop, and while holding two bowls, one that looked it had kimchi on it and another  with salted veggies on it Kim NamJoon said,
“So, you'll be honored to have my children?” in a laughing tone, and you knew it was over.
That have been a whole year ago and it was still embarrassing for you, but somehow your feelings were not one sided, and thanks to that dumb slip off, you were there now in the apartment that you shared with the man of your dreams, it was lonely without him, but you were stress free and relaxed with your little demons, your cats, exactly what Namjoon wanted. When he suggested that it would be better for you to move in with him, the idea made you nervous but in the good way, moving together was an important step in your relationship. It made clear that Namjoon was taking the relationship as serious as you were, and honestly everything was better and easier.
You heard the door code and it spook you, because only you, Namjoon, the cleaning lady and maybe Jin had it, walking down the hallway to the door you were kind of scared, you knew it wasn't a thread because the security wouldn't let anybody come in, and the moment that the door opened you heart sank in surprised and happiness, there he was dressed in his military gear, carrying a small bag with his left hand, looking at you with those fiery eyes, you could not keep it to yourself so you left the scream out.
“Omg, omg omg! Nam!” you screamed while running close to him, he caught you up dropping his bag to the floor and lifting you closer, making it seem like there wasn't a height difference, and there it was that wood, forest scent that gave you peace, the scent of the man that had ingrained himself in your heart, it made you feel at home, you started kissing his whole face, while loading him with a million questions on the why and the how.
He let out a small laugh, walking with you on top to the entrance. 
“They gave us three rest days'' he said, kissing you back, you feel his warm soft lips on top of yours, redirecting the kiss, your body touching the wall, while he slowly lets you on the floor wrapping his big hands around your waist.
“I missed you so much Y/N, in a desperate type of way” kiss “You look so beautiful, I'm so happy to see you” he whispered in your ear, kiss “How have my baby been?” he asked in that low musky voice that drove you crazy, you wrapped your hands around his neck, asking him to lift you to his face, and he did, as always.
“I have been missing you since day one, sleeping on your side of the bed, even though it doesn't smell like you anymore” you replied kissing him back with the same amount of passion and intensity “how are you babe?” 
“Right now, I am marvelous, in front of heaven's doors you could say” he looked at you with those intense eyes, and that happy puppy face, letting you on the floor, moving to the bench at the entrance to remove the big black military boots that made him look even taller. 
“I genuinely cannot believe that you're here, in front of me” you said sitting next to him.
“I am baby, here in front of you” he replied, kissing your forehead. “ and if it were for me I'll never leave” 
And there you were lying down, cuddling on the sofa, watching a random entertainment show that was on, both of you way to happy after making dinner together. You were trying to get even closer to him, even when your whole body was already on top of him, and he had you wrapped in his arms, it was never enough. 
“Are you cold?” he asked, pulling you closer. You moved your body resting your face in his chest “No, I just want to be closer” you replied hugging him, he laughed, you feel the vibration of his body in yours. “It's never enough for you, is it?” he sat down carrying you up.
“You know it is not” you said sitting on top of him kissing his neck. He put his hands on your thighs, you know how much he loves them, you're sure that they are now bigger since you've put on some weight due to stress eating this few months, between being ‘jobless’ and without him, cooking had become your comfort zone; you feel the way he's grabbing you, more aggressively by the minute, you like it, like you always do.
He enjoys your body until you let a small moan slip next to his ears, you feel how his whole body tense up, Namjoon moves his mouth to your neck whispering “ You liked that?” in a deep voice, he was turned on, and you were too.
“Y-yes” you replied in a moan while he slid his hands through the short pajama pants that you should have not been wearing during winter.
His hands started to wander around your waist, pulling the white cardigan out of you, letting wet kisses all around your neck, one of his hands left you waist, grabbing one of your breast he started stroking it, making you let out another moan, he knew where all your bottoms where and he started pressing them on, you'll be lying if you don't admit how horny you have been this months without him, you wanted it so bad, so desperately, you need it. He stopped stroking your breast over the blouse that you had, to rip it from your body.
“I want to fuck you so hard  Y/N, you’ve been waiting for me so patiently, I know, I’ll reward you, you little slut! ” He said passing his hand through your chest, he let a wet kiss on your neck and moved his mouth to your left breast placing his tongue on your nipple playing with it.
You let a moan out and heard a chuckle coming from his mouth, and then he started sucking on you tit while keeping one of his hands on your neck, there he was, he loved taking control of you, you could feel how his hand was holding you tightly, reminding you who you were from. He loved to know that he owns you, and that you gladly agree. 
He freed your neck and started playing with your other tit, your head falling into his neck moaning his name, his thick long cock rising up in his joggers you could feel it brushing in your leg, it was making you lose your mind, Namjoon loved when you please him, and you loved to please him, your hand reached to the border of his pants, touching his hard erection through the fabric, he moaned.
“This is how happy I am to see you” he said standing up with you on top, his voice was deep and his eyes were filled with desire, he sat you down on the edge of the couch removing your shorts and panties together.
 “I love how wet you are, tell me how much you want it” he said taking a step back to look at you, dripping wet, shining with sweat “I want to always see you like this, desperately waiting for me to eat you up, tell me Y/N, do you want it? call for it”
“Y-yes, Nam I want it!” you beg through desperate breaths, trying to catch your breath, to breathe at a normal pace. 
“Wrong Y/N” he said loud and demanding “What's my name?” he walked up to you, taking both your hands, kneeling you down in front of the couch, resting you face in it, he put his big hand in the center of your back bending you down even more “I’m going to finger you until you remember what's my name, you whore!” 
He slapped your cheek making you moan, his hands were moving around your whole body, like if he was tasting you, his right hand moved just to the top of you venus mount, opening you up with his long fingers, Namjoon started to play with your clitoris, making you moan and beg for his dick, but he wasn't going to give it to you, until you give him what he wanted.
“Daddy please!” you moaned, exactly what he wanted to hear.
“That's my baby, tell daddy what you want, and he’ll give it to you” he said in your ears, kissing your neck, his kisses moving down to your back, while he put a finger inside of you. “Is this what you want baby, talk to me” he said putting another finger inside.
“I want-t you inside, inside of me daddy”
“Who am I to deny your wishes” he said in a chuckle “ Stand up for me baby” he demanded so you did, his clothes were already on the floor, and when you stood up, you could see his dick in full bloom, he sat down on the couch making you sat on top of him, your back in his chest, you could feel how the military training had pay its fruits, he took your breasts in his hands, caressing your nipples “Look down honey, look how wet your pussy is, begging to be fucked”
All you could see was his dick touching you. You grabbed it with both hands pumping it up, seeing his shiny tip, desperate for it to be inside of you, the action well received with his moans and hard breathes.
 “Damn baby, you never hesitate, c’mon put it inside of you! ” he teased.
You lifted up your body, him helping you with his hands now on your thighs, you used you hands to drive his long shiny cock to your entrance, feeling the tip inside of you, driving it slower, but of course Namjoon would not let you have that, he moved his hands making you whole body fall in his cock, it opening you up, the stretch hitting you up just where you need it, driving you crazy the way that you could feel it completely filling you up. He stayed there for a second waiting on you, making sure that you were ok.
“M-move, please move!” you beg in a whisper, he gave it to you.
Namjoon hugged your body, lifting you while moving himself up and down, you heard him moaning and panting, and that made you even more aroused, he was stretching you up, giving you what you wanted, his dick.
3 months without seeing him and getting his touch, how much you missed him
made you feel insane, but now he was here showing you that he was going insane too without your body close to him, it was joyful having you on top of him.
Namjoon started to touch your clit with two of his fingers, you were so wet for him, and he was enjoying it to the fullest, he could feel how close you were, he wasn't going to last longer either.
And suddenly he pulls out, making you moan in disbelief
“why?!” you screamed
“ I want to see your face when you come for me” 
He turned you around, like a rag doll, you forgot how strong Namjoon was, especially when he wanted you in a specific place.
“C’mon sit on it” he said grabbing his dick, you did not hesitate, and sat on it immediately
He kissed you, deeply,his tongue exploring your mouth, he grabbed your ass with both of his hands making the pace even more aggressive, you were about to cum, you felt it, breaking the kiss, feeling the lack of air and the heat in the room. Your moans louder by the second.
“Come for daddy baby, come” he whispered in your ears with his deep voice, and that was it his sucked your nipple while you came making you a mess of moans and deep breaths, orgasm hitted you high, and you could feel him still using your body to get to his own climax.
“I'm coming inside baby” his voice even deeper, and you wanted it.
“Yes daddy, cum inside of me” you moaned for him.
His thick load filling you up, the warmth of his cum heating you up from inside, his moans drive you crazy making you cum again with him, a mix of moans and hard breaths, inhale, exhale, fill the room, you fell on top of him trying to catch your breath. 
“That was intense, I am out of words” you whispered hugging him
“Indeed” he said, caressing your lower back. “ I love you Y/N” 
He stand up with on top, wearing a shocked expression on your face it was the first time he ever said it, it caught you by surprise, Namjoon trust issues were as clear as the day, so he never fully open up about his feelings, and you let him, you understood that it would take time, for him to be completely open to you, it was ok you were there for him and that was the best way to prove him that he could trust you with his feelings, him saying I love you market a new path in you relationship. 
Before you could realize it, you were already in the bathroom Namjoon, pulling out of you letting you slowly on the floor. The mess between your legs demanded to be cleaned, he kissed your shoulder and said “ Want to take a bath?” you nod, still in disbelief of what has happened. 
Namjoon prepared the bath for the both of you, using the bath salts that you loved, you were still there standing up in front of the mirror, seeing him move through it, making sure the water was warm enough lighting up the candles, he got close to you hugging you from the back “Lets rinse up first, ok?” you felt the doubt in his voice, the nervousness in his system, you could only nod. He moved you to the shower, tying up your hair in a bun, he knew wetting your hair at this time meant a test, you feel the water going in your skin, the warmth felt good.
“Ok, you're clean baby, come” he said, driving you out of the water to the bath.
You could see the stars through the windows of the bathroom, there you were resting on his chest, hearing his calm breath, feeling his hands on your ways, the bubbles covering your bodies,the burning smell of the candles, and the warmth embracing both of you.
“Nam” you said in a whisper.
“Yes babe” he said, taking your hand.
“I love you too” 
You heard him exhale deeply, meaning relief, “I was scared, though I said it too soon” he said, moving your body so you could face him.
“I wasn't expecting it so I got surprised, sorry”
“Nothing to be sorry for babe” he said, giving you a kiss, it was sweet and soft, he was telling you how much he loved you. You broke the kiss.
“Can you say it again? I want to hear it more” you said smiling, your body could not keep the amount of happiness going through your body.
“I love you Y/N” he whispered, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer for a kiss, and there you knew he was going to make love to you again, because it was never enough with you two. 
with love kive <3
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btsugarush · 1 year
GANGSTA | myg [teaser]
summary: rough sex, blood money, drugs, and gang related activity; four things you never predicted to experience in your simple life. not until you opened your mouth and caught his attention.
pairings: gang leader!yoongi x f!reader
warnings: smut, gunplay, drugs, drug addiction, dark!yoongi, drug lord!yoongi, strong language, gang violence, blood and gore, murder, manipulation, possessive/obsessive behavior, abuse, cheating, angst, fluff, dubcon, implied noncon (not from yoongi but within his gang with his knowledge), 18+, minors dni
word count: 931
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Your heels clicked against the pavement as you walked the empty streets alone. You were glad to have picked a restaurant that wasn’t too far from your apartment because nothing was scarier than Daegu at night. It didn’t matter if you lived in the suburbs or not. The freaks tend to come out at night.
Bright headlights suddenly beam behind you, flashing on and off as though the driver was trying to catch your attention. “Hey, Y/N!” A familiar voice called out to you.
You stop walking, watching as a black SUV pulls up beside you. Nam-Joon sticks his head out the window, smirking down at you from the truck. You notice in the car with him are three other guys that you recognize from Yoongi’s gang. You suddenly got this uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach.
“What a coincidence finding you out here, doll,” His eyes raked up and down your body. “You shouldn’t be walking alone at this time of night, especially dressed like that. A lot of suspicious characters roam around this time,”
‘Yeah, and you’re one of them.’ You thought.
“Hop in. We’ll take you home.” He offers, but for some reason it felt backhanded. “No thanks,” you decline. “I’m not far from home, I can handle walking.” You turn on your heels, carrying on with your walk. Nam-Joon slowly follows you in the SUV, not taking no for an answer. “Oh c’mon, I’m just tryna do something nice,” He remained persistent. “At least I’m not leaving you high and dry like your boy Jungkook.”
You come to a complete stop upon hearing Jungkook’s name. How did he know you were meeting Kookie tonight? Better yet– how did he know that Jungkook was a no show? You turn to him, your suspicions heightened. “How did you know I was supposed to be meeting Jungkook?” Joon shrugs his shoulders, a sly grin on his face. “Just an estimated guess. I mean, isn’t he the reason you broke it off with the boss?” The question comes off hostile, almost bitter-like.
You swallowed the lump that sat still in the back of your throat, the atmosphere becoming more ominous by the minute. “So, you gettin’ in?” You shook your head. “I-I’m good...” You move forward, picking up your speed away from the SUV. If he and those other men tried anything you were definitely outnumbered by a long shot. You could hear Joon casually whistling in the distance, and as you peer back at the car you see he’s still sitting where you left him.
Relief washes over you as you turn back to see your apartment come into view. You quickly enter the building, practically sprinting down the hall to your unit. You dig through your purse in search of your key, shifting the clutter of makeup around, but had no luck finding the tiny piece of metal.
The sound of whistling swiftly echoes through the hallway, and your heart begins to pound heavily against your chest in a panic. “Come on, come on, come on...” Your voice quivered in fear. “Where the fuck is it?”
Fed up, you flip your purse upside down and shake out all of its contents; a bunch of makeup, your wallet, and pepper spray all drop to the floor. You continue to shake the bag until finally your key falls out with a loud clunk. You snatch it from the floor, shoving it into the keyway so viciously that you thought the end might snap off. You hastily push open the door before slamming it shut, and locking it behind you.
Your head rests against the doorframe as you try to calm yourself down. You were trembling. Who knows what would have happened if Joon got ahold of you, or if you were moronic enough to get inside that car. You’ve seen firsthand what he’s capable of, and that whole encounter was very minacious. There’s a reason he’s Yoongi’s right hand man.
You check out your peephole, making sure he wasn’t standing outside of your unit. It would take nothing for him to simply kick down this door, but at least the ruckus would catch the neighbor's attention. They could possibly call the police, or at least identify him if they witnessed the ordeal.
It didn’t take a genius to know that Yoongi was behind this. He had to have set this whole thing up. You were stupid to believe he would so willingly let you just end your relationship with him, no matter how cool he played it off. You knew what kind of twisted man he was, you’ve seen him coldly take the lives of others without even a blink or afterthought.
You kicked your heels from your feet, before you shuffled to your bedroom. You debated on calling Kookie again to make sure he was okay. You were beginning to get a really bad feeling that something happened to him.
You pull open the sliding door, switching on your bedroom light as it was pitch black. When the room lights up, you freeze in place, as you’re met with a pair of sinister eyes glaring at you. “Did you enjoy your little date?”
“Y-Yoongi…” Your voice hitches in your throat. The raven haired man is sitting on the end of your mattress, his arms rested on his knees. His hair is hanging in his face, almost covering his eyes. The sight made him look even more feral. “H-how did you get into my apartment?” You questioned timidly.
“I’m a fucking criminal, Princess. Did you forget that?”
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dollfacerecs · 1 year
— kim ⋆ nam ⋆ joon
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knj fic recommendation list by clover. 🍀 ↓
♡ = smut ; ♤ = angst ; ♧ = fluff ; ♕ = favorite
main list
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♢ love ; ♡, ♤, || series — by @hamsterclaw
⇝ exhusband!joon, exes w benefits // i love me a good asshole!member so this is right up my alley. so cocky so arrogant. refuses to say he wants or loves you but refuses to let you go. just good angst n smut.
♢ the bodyguard ; ♡, ♤, ♧ || one-shot — by @rmnamjoons
⇝ bodyguard!joon, richgirl!reader // guys like this is. so mindblowing. 60k+ words for a one-shot are you insane?? it’s sooo good. the mutual pining, the protectiveness, the PLOT like omg STORYYYYY like this is really good. and sum good ole smutty smut. i liked this a lot. very gewd.
♢ fallen ; ♡ || one-shot — by @hamsterclaw
⇝ angel!joon, clingy!joon // guys like imagine a giant like joon just following u around and staying in ur wake ughh i love him i need him this was good. yes.
♢ run ; ♡, ♤ || one-shot — by @hamsterclaw
⇝ detective!joon, shady!reader // beware, mentions of abuse & stalking! no cause detective joon has me sold already so why aren’t u reading this rn.
♢ false awakening ; ♡, ♧ || one-shot — by @taleasnewastime
⇝ bestfriend!joon, one bed // the slow build up of both of them testing the waters yesss this was very delicious.
♢ pending…
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Who Are You -Namjoon x reader-
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Namjoon x reader
Category- Angst no fluff
warnings- none, just some angst, if you don't like angst please don't read :) not proof read, so sorry if there are any typos!
Authors note: This really hurt me writing this tbh. But every time I listen to "who" by Lauv ft. BTS, I get ideas about writing something, and since Namjoon is my bias I had to write something with him in it. Don't worry all my Namjoon lovers!! I'll make it up to all of you!
You and Namjoon had grown up together and were practically inseparable. But that was years and years ago, now you two never talk. When you do, it is always work related. Something had happened, you're not sure what, but something in him changed. You had confronted him about it one day, but he brushed you off.
*Several years ago*
“Namjoon, what the hell?” you said annoyed. It was the tenth day in a row he had ignored all of your calls and texts. Namjoon looked at you, but chose to ignore you, making it seem like you weren't even there. “Kim Namjoon, if you don't at least say something to me, I’m going to be pissed.” you threatened. Still though, he said nothing. “Please, Joon. I just want to know what has happened. What's changed?” you tried speaking softer, but still, he chose to ignore your presence.
*three years later*
Namjoon was still ignoring you, you had tried over and over again to talk to him but he never listened. One day though, Namjoon came up to you during work. You worked at Hybe Corporation, and helped to form new k-pop groups. You were currently in the middle of packing for a trip. You would be a judge on the show I-LAND. You had been looking forward to it all month. You had been given information about the boys trying out prior to the day. You had even picked out two boys you hoped would do great. You picked Ri-ki or more commonly known as Ta-ki, and Nishamura Ri-ki also known as Ni-ki. You were in your office, you had to stop here before your flight because you had left something that you needed. Namjoon knocked on your door. “Come in,” you said, not paying attention to who it was, trying to look for that one important thing.
Namjoon walked into the room, he smiled when he saw you, his heart breaking slightly at how cold he had been to you the past few years. He truly regretted everything, but it wasn’t his fault truly! People had started dating rumors about him and another idol. Hybe threatened to put him on Hiatus if he didn't get cleared up soon. So Namjoon was forced to act as if you didn’t exist. These dating rumors though, there was some truth in them. Namjoon had given you a promise ring many years ago when he first found out you both had feelings for one another. He had promised you that one day you would be together, just not now. His career was just kicking off, plus, if Hybe found out he was dating someone, he could be forced to leave BTS.
Neither of you wanted that for him, so you thought it best to put off your relationship until he could work some things with Hybe out. Try to see if there was a way he could date someone without being let go. So far he hasn't been able to find a way. That was until today. Today he had talked to Hybe again, and they told him that since all of the rumors of him dating someone had left, fans had truly wanted to see him with someone. This person was someone who he was constantly with, and who would it be other than you!
Namjoon cleared his throat. You picked your head up, smiling at the person before your brain registered who it was. The color drained from your face, and your eyes went wide. You quickly pulled yourself together. “Hello Nam-RM,” you quickly corrected yourself, you didn't feel the need to call him that anymore with how he’s treated you the past couple of years. You saw Namjoon flinch slightly at the name correction. “How can I help you? It has to be quick, as you probably know already, I am getting ready to leave for I-LAND.” you said. Namjoon cleared his throat again, “I-I, um,” he paused, taking a deep breath, “I just wanted to apologize for how I’ve treated you these past few years. I want to explain myself-” you cut him off with a scoff before you spoke, “tch, it's been how many years since you started ignoring me? Three? Four now? To be honest, I’ve lost count. I tried talking to you every damn day, but you chose to ignore me. Namj-RM, you looked right at me so many fucking times, and just ignored my existence. Now you expect me to sit around and listen to you ‘explain yourself’” you air quoted him. “Your stupid if you think I’ve waited all these years for you.”
That’s not true. You did wait for him. You kept the promise ring he gave you so many years ago, but your pride and anger wouldn’t let you admit that to him or yourself. It's funny because the thing you're currently looking for is the promise ring. You had placed it down when you had to do a monthly check up on BTS during their dance practice as well as vocal practice, when you got back to your office, you couldn’t find it to save your life. It had scared you, you couldn’t lose the one thing you still kept so dear to you.
“Please baby-”
“Don't call me that. You lost the right to call me that three years ago.” “I’m sorry, y/n please, just listen to me. I swear I never wanted to ignore you, but Hybe had threatened to put me on Hiatus because there were dating rumors about me and some other idol flying around. They weren’t good ones either, it was negative about me. ARMY tried to back me up with it, and somehow they were able to convince Hybe that I could date someone. It created a lot of positive buzz with the good side of ARMY, Hybe will let me date a person of my choosing! Plus!!! ARMY already knows about you, you’ve been in so many of our past Vlives, and vlogs, plus, they’ve seen you in some when you come in to do the monthly reports on vocals and dance! They want us to be together!” he told you, a smile on his face towards the end, before it went away, being replaced with a look of seriousness. “So please, y/n” he walked closer to you, you took a step back but he continued forward. You hit the front of your oak wood deck, and Namjoon was right in front of you. He took your small hands in his larger ones and looked you in the eyes, “please y/n, give me another chance. I swear to you I won’t fuck it up like I did last time.”
You shook your head, “no, Joon, you can't do this. You can't treat me like that then one day decide you missed me and come running back and think I’ve waited for you the entire time. I don't even know who you are anymore. Who are you? Are you Kim Namjoon, the man I fell in love with, or are you RM of BTS, the man that chose his career over his relationship? I need to know. ‘Cause you're not the guy I fell in love with. Something has clearly changed Joon, because you’re not the same, and if I’m being honest…” You paused for a second taking a deep breath to stop from letting tears fall before you continued again. “I really hate it. I’m sick and tired of waiting for you. And now I know that you're not the right one for me.” you felt tears in your eyes before you quickly blinked them away. You looked at the clock hanging above your door. You pulled your hands from him, “look, I have to go or I’m going to miss the taxi taking me to the airport.” You walked to the door, turning back to look at him one last time. He was just as handsome as the last time you saw him, when you were both on speaking terms with one another. “Thank you,” you started, “for coming to see me today, it means a lot. Thank you for telling me this, but just know, we” you motioned to you and him, “we wouldn’t be able to make it out there,” you pointed outside your office door. “I’m sorry RM, I truly am, maybe in another life where you are not an idol and I don't work for your company. In a life where you’re just a normal person, and we met on normal terms. But that won't be us anytime soon. So again, I’m sorry, but we can’t be anything.” and with that, you left, closing your office door on the way out.
Namjoon was left standing there alone. He felt tears form in his eyes before they fell down his cheeks. He walked over to the door and locked it, sliding down it after. In here he was just Namjoon, he didn’t have to deal with the outside world, being an idol, the rumors or anything. He placed a hand over his eyes as he looked up, tears spilling from his eyes. Why did he have to be such an idiot? He ruined something so beautiful just to try to keep that beautiful thing. He had ruined your relationship, the promise ring he gave you so many years ago meaning nothing anymore except for the empty promise he made. He truly fucked up, now he could never make it up.
You and Namjoon still don't talk, you had blocked his contact information, and you chose to work with a different group within Hybe. They let you work with ENHYPEN. You had hoped Ni-ki would get in and thankfully he did! He did such a great job too! You had also worked with Tomorrow x Together, you enjoyed working with them. A lot of this helped you forget about Namjoon, but part of you still longed to be with him. But you knew it was better this way. You could focus on work, and he could focus on making great music for his fans and the company. Namjoon however still longed to be with you, but he also knew better. He tried to contact you, but you had blocked him. So to ease his ever aching heart, he listened to your old voicemails and read over the old text messages you would send back and forth. He missed you deeply, but he knew he could never be with you, he wanted you so bad it hurt. But you could never be, you had said that exact same thing years ago, and now he believes it.
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 2 years
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Lee Cheong-San (이청산)
~coming soon~
Lee Su-Hyeok (이수혁)
And So You Thought… {Angst -> Fluff}
Because The Rain Makes Rainbows {Fluff}
Han Gyeong-Su (한경수)
~coming soon~
Yang Dae-Su (양대수)
~coming soon~
Oh Joon-Yeong (오준영)
~coming soon~
Jang Wu-Jin (장우진)
~coming soon~
Yoon Gwi-Nam (윤귀남)
~coming soon~
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94blazed · 2 years
Pairing: KNJ x reader
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WC: 2.1k
Genre: smut, fluff, crack
Rating: M (minors dni)
Warnings: dom nam, aggressive sex, biting, nipple play, big dick namjoon (obvi) •pls lmk if i missed any :)
Summary: after finishing up the last day of ptd la the boys make their way to vegas to check out allegiant stadium for ptd lv. Reaching the nearest motel, you and the boys settle down for the night. In which namjoon had other plans and that’s finding a jacuzzi?
A/N: this is my first smut fic so pls don’t come for me 😭
Lifting your head from joons shoulder- you check to see how far away you are from the nearest motel. “25 minutes” you let out.
Looking around you see everyone out cold from the last day of ptd la. Right after the concert you guys headed to vegas to check out allegiant stadium for the measurements of the props. Taking the back roads from la to vegas to avoid traffic, a 3 hour drive was not something you were used to- feeling your legs cramp, headaches coming in and you have to pee literally every 20-30 minutes.. to put it together you wont be doing this again.
Feeling movement to your left, you look over to see joon shift towards you to lean his head onto your shoulder. Feeling his oncoming warmth formed a smile on your face making you lay your head on top of his while slowly closing your eyes.
⭑ ⭑
Hearing the gravel you assumed you were in a parking lot. Opening your eyes you looked around to see everyone lifting up their heads one by one including namjoon. Lifting his head up with heavy eyes he turns his head in your direction “are we here?” he asks “yeah” you answer with a smile. Heading out the suv one by one you interlock your hand with joon as you all started to walk to the entrance. Checking in- you and the boys had booked two rooms while the rest of the staff took the others.
Once receiving the keys you guys head to your designated rooms. Feeling namjoon let go of your hand he returns the warmth with wrapping his arm around your waist along with his head plopping on top of yours. Looking up you see him more awake than before- “are you feeling tired?” namjoon looks at you “no not as much as i did before” he laughed.
Arriving at your rooms you all started to unpack your bags- finding your pjs you headed to the bathroom to change into a tshirt and some shorts (it’s vegas- you understand the heat lol) along with brushing your teeth ready to head for bed. Leaving the bathroom you look up to see yoongi & jin sharing a bed together. Yoongi being the first to fall asleep, looking over to see namjoon reading a book while waiting for you. Looking up from the pages he uncovers the blanket on your side and pats for you to come slide in with him. You end up doing so snuggling up by his side, looking up into the book he was reading, while struggling to keep your eyes open you ended up slowly falling asleep.
⭑ ⭑ ⭑
“Y/n” ears perking up “y/n wake up” cracking your eyes open you see namjoon hovering over you- “yeah what happened” you answered “I found a jacuzzi” namjoon smiled. Removing the covers you slid out the bed to put on your slippers, you and namjoon ran down the halls making it down to the first floor. Heading out through the back door- you made eye contact with the water.
Looking at namjoon you both raced over to the bubbling water- taking off your slippers you take a dip test feeling the warmth of the water spread all over your body. Taking a seat on the opposite side of the stairs you look up to see namjoon taking off his shirt- seeing his buffed out chest made you drop your jaw, he was literally sculpted by the gods who wouldn’t stare- “you’re drooling” namjoon says breaking your focus. Lifting your hand you take a swipe over your lips “no i’m not” you retort. Namjoon lets out a laugh while he lowers himself into the water. Coming up right in front of you- he grabs onto your hips pulling you right on top of him while slowly backing up onto the steps.
As doing so you set both knees on each side of namjoons thighs, in a straddling position. Feeling his hard on you wrap your arms around his neck, dropping your head back to feel the relaxation of the bubbles hitting against your back- namjoon lands his hands on your hips sliding them down to grab a handful of your ass causing you to look back at him.“What?” “I want you” he says while pushing you down onto his clothed cock. Namjoon wastes no time in grabbing ahold of your nape to prep kisses all along your neck.
“Namjoon someone might catch us out here” you let out “don’t get all shy on me now babe” licking his lips. Rolling your eyes he continues “plus we’re the only two out here- it’s 2am i doubt they’ll think people are out here” starting back up where he left off- he latched down on that sweet spot he knows best. Letting out a moan he slowly grabs onto your hips while pushing you down onto his cock- feeling how large he is through his shorts made you dizzy. Slowly you started to make your own motion into grinding down on him- making him grip onto the skin of your hips, slowly namjoon grabbed ahold of the end of your shirt to pull it off of you in one swift move only leaving you bare- “they’ve grown” he stares, covering your chest you look up at him “stop lying” “I'm not” he laughs.
Namjoon then grabs ahold of your arms and starts removing them away from your chest, once they were off he goes ahead and cups them while gently giving them a squeeze. “See I told you” blushing up you ended up getting really hot along with the jacuzzi “can we go in the pool I'm getting a little hot” he agrees while handing you back your shirt, getting off of him you both start exiting the jacuzzi and headed to the steps of the pool, feeling the water hit you felt refreshing. Once you were at least 5 ft into the water you started pulling your shirt back off, not even a second after it was off you were slammed against the wall- looking up you see namjoon “i can’t wait anymore” wasting no time he starts to attack your lips, biting down so hard you’ve could’ve sworn you tasted blood. He then continued to lower his lips all across your body, from your jaw to your neck down to his destination. your chest.
Leaving marks only he can see, going even lower he ends up grabbing ahold of both of your breasts attacking your left nipple with his lips. Circling the bud with his tongue you let out a moan, moving your hand to grip onto his hair- not leaving the other alone he flicks and pinches your right with the same pace as his tongue. Looking down while he’s in motion he meets your gaze through hooded eyes- a look that always hits your core. Feeling as he read your mind he begins to slide his right hand down to the band of your shorts- sliding past he lands his fingers onto your clit. Letting out a gasp he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. With his tongue getting a taste of you and his hand doing wonders on your clit had you scratching onto the walls- letting go you return the favor with you latching onto his neck licking into his sweet spot.
Letting go of your nipple he hisses out. “Y/n”- taking your hand from behind your back you land your hand on his hard cock. One of your favorite things about namjoon was his length- fills you up so good not one part is left out, especially the way he drills you into the mattress drives you absolutely insane. Sliding your hand through the band of his shorts you slip your thumb over his swollen slit, slowly pumping his tip, “fuck” he lets out “faster” you did as he said pumping his whole length.
Getting through his own pleasure he grabbed onto the waistband of your shorts sliding them off with a groan as you still had your hands on him. Of course you didn’t wear any panties so it was more of an easy access. Once he slid off your shorts he placed his thumb back against your clit while his two fingers slid along your folds collecting your arousal. Without warning he plunged in his fingers causing you to let out a cry. Namjoon loved hearing those sweet noises you let out it was one of the things he looks forward to but tonight he wanted to hear them even more...
With his free hand he grabbed onto your throat- pushing you back against the wall leaving your head to hang over the concrete floor, he slowly replaced your hand with his to pump himself all while letting out a few groans. Picking you up from the back of your thighs- you immediately wrapped your legs around his waist. He couldn’t wait anymore- knowing he was swollen and ready to burst at any given moment, rubbing his tip at your entrance he slowly started to push the head of his cock into your cunt. Gripping onto your thighs from the pleasure you were giving him "ah fuck" he lets out. Biting down onto his lip he puts his hand back onto your clit while slowly rubbing circles. Feeling as you were starting to tighten around him, you both let out in unison “shit”.
Knowing that he’s big he doesn’t want to hurt you but you feeling so good like this makes him blur out that worry… He has a lot more self control than you think, so he just waits until you give him the signal to let him take over. Letting out a hiss he watches as he disappears into you “fuck your so tight”. Finally pushing himself all the way in, you both let out a gasp of both pain and relief.
Panting out from the stretch you start to feel the pleasure overcome the pain. Looking up at namjoon you give him the sign to start moving, dragging out his cock and plunging back into you caused you to let out a few moans. He loved the way you clamped down onto him- the pleasure was too much for him to take so he leaned over to bite down onto your shoulder to stop him from cumming into you right then and there. By then he had picked up the pace, slamming back into you with forced causing the water to splash out onto the concrete- “faster namjoon” looking up he followed your demand and rammed back into you with a force that sent you seeing stars. “fuck fuck I'm close joon” through clenched teeth he felt you reaching your climax with the way you pulsated around him.
He slowly pulled out, with you thinking he was teasing he grabbed ahold of your shoulders, turned you around and slammed you back against the wall. Feeling the way your nipples brushed against the rough wall. Namjoon grabbed onto his cock and slid it back in with ease. Grabbing onto your hips, nails digging into your skin he slammed back into you with a much stronger force than before.
Reaching up to your ear he licked onto your lobe “don’t cum until i say so, we’ll come undone together” whimpering at his response you felt him snake his hand back to your clit rubbing circular motions. With you gripping onto the ledge he took a glance at the way your ass smacked against his pelvis, one of his many favorite views of you.
With you clamping down on him he lets out a series of moans that resulted in his speed to increase. Adjusting his angle he knew he found your gspot with the way you tried pushing him off. It only caused him to grip onto you tighter, with the force he was putting in had caused more water to spill out. “Fuck joon fuck" feeling your abdomen tighten you couldn't hold it any longer. He felt the way you were tightening around him-made his own orgasm approach much quicker, giving you a few more thrusts “give it to me” releasing your juices together left you both panting out loud- “fuck” namjoon lets out feeling as how you milked him dry.
Once namjoon became soft enough he pulled out of you, leaving you with the feeling of emptiness. You go down grabbing your shorts from the bottom of the pool, coming back up to see namjoon putting his shirt over your body. Pecking your lips and throwing his arm around your shoulder you both started walking back up the steps, slipping a bit you look at the floor to see puddles of water all around the pool- looking up at namjoon to see his reaction “seems like you took it pretty good” covering up your face from embarrassment he lets out a laugh “well I guess now they’ll know people were out here huh”
A/N: thank you sm for reading! I'm hoping I fit to your expectations :,) feedback is much appreciated, either way you guys reading my story is all I need <3 thank you again!
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urgirlmoon · 9 months
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⇢Genre: Fluff
⇢AU: Fast and Furious
⇢Warnings: Cussing, fights, mentions of blood, nicknames used for y/n not by Lee Know (princess, doll, darling, barbie, etc), female reader
Request: No
⇢Characters: Lee Know, Y/n
⇢Word Count: 815
This is my first post so I’m sorry if it’s bad 😭
You were a famous illegal street racer, pretty amazing for a girl. You caught the eye of one of your best friends, Hyunjin, friends, Lee Know. Of course if the course of your career and getting to know Minho, your feelings started to grow, and his too, eventually a relationship blossomed, which wasn’t unexpected.
“Just be careful alright?” Minho said softly in your ear as you leaned against your car and he was standing in front of you. Your arms around his neck and his wrapped around your waist “Of course.” You said back.
“So this is the princess of street racing” A voice said, a snobby voice at that. You turned your head and stood up from leaning on your car and Minho stood beside you one arm still wrapped around your waist and you crossed your arms “Call me what you will. Who are you?” You said glaring. “I, doll, and the one who you are racing tonight.” He said smirking.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes “Okay.” You said The other 7 boys watching from behind you “Oh is the Barbie scared?” The man asked. “I’m not. What’s your name by the way?” You asked.
“Nam-joon.” He said and you smirked “Well, Nam-joon, may the best racer win.” You said sticking your hand out to shake and he looked at it “Sorry darling but I don’t shake hands with losers.” Nam-joon said and you took your hand back “Alright. Fine, but don’t come crying to me after you lose.” You said and turned and walked away.
Minho loved when you were sassy. You were way different here than when you were alone with him.
After about 30 minutes you got in your car and Minho was standing at the door “Be careful, I know you.” He said and you looked up at him “I will be.” You said and he kissed you before shutting the door.
You turned on the car and revved it. You shifted the shift stick and drove to the starting line. Nam-joon pulling up beside you and revving his engine. You smiled at him and watched as Felix walked in front of the cars with a flag. You smirked and revved your engine again. Felix smiled at you and held the flag up. You got ready. Hand on the shifter and the swing the flag down.
The race was on. You were first. The first turn was coming up. You knew this course like the back of your hand, you could drive it with your eyes closed. You turned the wheel hard and hit the brakes and drifted the corner. shifting to second then hitting the gas again. The second turn a few meters away. Nam-joon was gaining on you and you shifted to third, the second turn finally coming up. You drifted it on the inside and was still in front. You had 8 more.
Finally, the last turn was coming up. Nam-joon was in front. You huffed and shifted again. The last turn was the hardest. You took a deep breath and drifted it perfectly, Nam-joon losing control. You finished first Nam-joon a few seconds after you.
You stopped your car in your spot and got out of your car, your friends and random fans surrounding you. Minho hugged you and then kissed you. You laughed and Nam-joon then came up to you with his girlfriend. He handed you the money for winning.
As he walked away his girlfriend said “I wonder how she even had a boyfriend, she’s to boyish.” You obviously heard it and said “What did you say?”
“Oh you heard me slut.” She said turning around. “Oh me? You’re just with your boyfriend for the money.” You said scoffing. “Wanna say that to my face bitch?” She said getting in your face “Yeah. You’re just with him for money.” You said back in a matter of fact tone and she threw a punch.
You obviously threw one back and that started a fight. You were eventually pulled off by Minho. The girl all bloody. You glared at her and turned around walking away with Minho.
You then heard cop sirens and looked at Minho. “Everyone get out of here!” You yelled and ran to your car pulling Minho “Get in!” You said. “What?!” He yelled. “Get in!” You said back and he did and you drove off till you were home.
As soon as you got home you and Minho walked in laughing your asses off and fell on the couch. “Tonight was eventful” He said and you nodded finally breathing. “That it was.” You said and leaned on his shoulder “Maybe i could teach our kids to drive.” You said jokingly and Minho immediately said “Yeah no.” causing both of you to bust out laughing. This is normally how the night ends.
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kiss4chuu · 1 year
⋅˚₊‧ ୨ request rules ୧ ‧₊˚
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ general rules ୧ ‧₊˚
↳ we only write romantic, platonic, age regression, fluff, angst, and semi-nsfw. no full nsfw content.
↳ we write in oneshot, headcanon, social media, and multi-character form. for multi-characters, the limit is 4-6.
↳ lgbtq+ relationships are fully allowed and encouraged, this includes polyamory.
↳ cross-fandom and au’s are allowed.
↳ we won’t write ships, unless it’s in a polyamorous pairing.
↳ mental abuse, physical abuse, and abuse in general within a pairing is not allowed. topics of it, however, are allowed.
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ fandoms ୧ ‧₊˚
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— new jersey devils
— edmonton oilers
— seattle kraken
— florida panthers
— toronto maple leafs
— anaheim ducks
— boston bruins
— chicago blackhawks
— calgary flames
— ottawa senators
— los angeles kings
— winnipeg jets
— tampa bay lightning
— washington capitals
— philidelphia flyers
— columbus blue jackets
— nashville predators
— san jose sharks
— arizona coyotes
— st louis blues
— buffalo sabres
— pittsburgh penquins
— montreal canadiens
— vancouver canucks
— minnesota wild
— colorado avalanche
— vegas golden knights
— detriot red wings
— new york islanders
— dallas stars
— carolina hurricanes
— umich (not nhl, but i also don’t care)
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— twice
↳ nayeon
↳ jeongyeon
↳ momo
↳ mina
↳ dahyun
↳ chaeyoung
↳ tzuyu
↳ sana
↳ jihyo
— blackpink
↳ lisa
↳ jennie
↳ jisoo
↳ rosé
— (g)i-dle
↳ soyeon
↳ miyeon
↳ soojin
↳ yuqi
↳ shuhua
↳ minnie
— red velvet
↳ irene
↳ seulgi
↳ wendy
↳ joy
↳ yeri
— itzy
↳ yeji
↳ ryujin
↳ lia
↳ yuna
↳ chaeryeong
— le sserafim
↳ yunjin / jennifer
↳ chaewon
↳ sakura
↳ kazuha
↳ eunchae
— ive
↳ wonyoung
↳ yujin
↳ gaeul
↳ liz
↳ leeseo
↳ rei
— loona
↳ heejin
↳ hyunjin
↳ haseul
↳ yeojin
↳ vivi
↳ kim lip
↳ choerry
↳ jinsoul
↳ yves
↳ chuu
↳ gowon
↳ olivia hye
— new jeans
↳ danielle
↳ haerin
↳ hanni
↳ minji
— aespa
↳ karina
↳ winter
↳ giselle
↳ ning ning
— bts
↳ namjoon
↳ yoongi
↳ hoseok
↳ jin
↳ jungkook
↳ jimin
↳ taehyung
— enhypen
↳ ni-ki
↳ jungwon
↳ sunoo
↳ sunghoon
↳ heeseung
↳ jay
↳ jake
— stray kids
↳ bang chan
↳ hyunjin
↳ felix
↳ lee know
↳ i.n
↳ han
↳ changbin
↳ seungmin
— txt
↳ soobin
↳ kai
↳ yeonjun
↳ beomgyu
↳ taehyun
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— crash landing on you
↳ ri jeong-hyeok
↳ yoon se-ri
↳ gu seung-joon
↳ seo dan
↳ park kwang-beom
↳ kim jumeok
— all of us are dead
↳ lee su-hyeok
↳ choi nam-ra
↳ lee cheong-san
↳ nam on-jo
↳ yoon gwi-nam
↳ lee na-yeon
↳ jang ha-ri
↳ park mi-jin
↳ jang woo-jin
↳ min eun-ji
↳ kim chul-soo
— sweet home
↳ cha hyun-soo
↳ lee eun-hyuk
↳ lee eun-yoo
↳ seo yi-kyeong
↳ jung jae-heon
↳ pyeon sang-wook
↳ yoon ji-soo
— squid game
↳ kang sae-byeok
↳ seong gi-hu
↳ salesman
↳ hwang jun-ho
↳ ji-yeong
↳ cho sang-wo
↳ front man
↳ abdul ali
↳ circle, triangle, and square guards
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© kiss4chuu | no reposts
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muniimyg · 1 month
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ bbydaddy!jk (11) ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ *nsfw*
series m.list // taglist request closed
note: hi !! sorry for the mini wait ,, hope u guys enjoy …. i’d rlly appreciate ur thots for this series as i’m still contemplating on extending or ending it soon !! thank u 🫶🏻
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @pamzn @defzcl @maryy1300 @whoa-jo @taetaecatboy @jksusawife @un06 @firesighgirl @rrosiitas @butterymin @parkinglot-nights @musicjournalsjdb @kissyfacekoo @jkslvsnella @vampcharxter @bloopkook @somehowukook @bbystarcandykoo
as you turn your head, your eyes light up at the sight of zion. you watch your assistant push the big conference glass door open for him. he bolts through, smiling brightly. you get up from your chair and bend down, opening your arms for him to crash into. zion giggles, launching himself at you. you squeeze him tight before picking him up.
then, you see jungkook running in after him with flowers in his hands.
"zion, we have to wait for mommy's meeting to finish—oh.." jungkook looks at his son, defeated. then, he pouts at you. "hi. sorry. we planned on waiting in the lobby but your assistant recognized zion and brought us up."
you shrug, trying to regulate your heartbeat. jungkook looks good (as usual) but something about him and this gesture weakens your knees.
"no," you breathe. "don't apologize. this is sweet of you two. are those flowers for me, z?"
zion nods.
"f is flowers for mama!"
you shoot jungkook a glare. in response, he tightens his lips and puffs his cheeks. "seriously? we just talked about his alphabet—stop laughing!"
jungkook ignores you.
he moves past you and greets your colleagues. he recognizes some from past christmas parties and others from the stories you've shared. they make small talk as you sneak in kisses and cheek squishes on zion. when their conversation ends, they slip out of the conference room leaving you and your little family.
swiftly, jungkook moves closer and takes zion from your arms. he whispers in zion's ear and then motions at you. zion offers you the flowers.
happily, you accept the flowers and thank him. then, you purse your lips for a kiss. "wow! thank you, baby."
when zion pulls away from the kiss he declares; "you’re welcome mama. now dada turn!"
without a second thought, you take a shot at jungkook. "did you teach him that too?"
jungkook chuckles. "you wish."
"says who?"
he rolls his eyes at you playfully. "awh! come on. you're just annoyed cos you know he thought of it himself."
"he's mischievous," you agree. "only means he's truly your son—"
"yeah, yeah," jungkook leans forward and gently kisses your cheek. "whatever you say, mama."
you laugh into the crook of his neck. zion laughs along and you scrunch your nose at him.
"daddy's annoying, z."
zion nods in agreement.
offended, jungkook gasps and tickles zion.
"what are you teaching our son?" jungkook pouts.
before you can answer, your attention shifts to the door where three interns enter snickering.
"sorry to interrupt, ms. ___... but is this your son? he's so cute!" one of the three interns asks, entering the conference room. you nod as jungkook shows zion off.
"zion, say hi."
zion bows his head and introduces the family. "hi! this my dada, this my mama, this me!"
"hi zion!" another intern chimes. "did you know your mommy always shows us videos of you singing? can you sing for us?"
"yes!" zion cheers. "want to hear my abc's?"
you clear your throat, unsure of what he could possibly pull.
"zion baby, maybe let's not sing your abc's—"
"a is for back together—"
jungkook covers zion's mouth.
"h-hey, buddy... why don't you sing itsy bitsy spider instead? do the dance too." jungkook suggests, ensuring his tone of voice is positive enough to convenience his son.
zion gasps. "yes, dada! itsy bitsy spider dance! cos i'm spiderman?"
the three interns awe.
they tell zion that he in fact is spiderman. jungkook puts him down, letting zion make waddle his way to them. the three interns bend down, all bonding and competing for zion's attention.
jungkook makes his way back to you. he wraps his arms around your waist and tilts his head at you.
"okay, fine.. i'll stop with the alphabet thing."
you huff. "good."
"you're not mad right?"
"about the alphabet thing? no, i'm not mad," you assure him. "why would i be mad?"
the word mad is a little strong. did it come off like that? maybe you should work on your facial expressions. having a resting bitch face comes with a lot of cons.
jungkook shakes his head, realizing you two were talking about two different things. "no. not that. not the alphabets... what i meant was; i didn't know if you wanted to see me here. disrupting your day or whatever.."
"oh that part? no. it's fine. i always wanna see you—y-you and zion, i mean.""
jungkook blinks at you.
"you and our son," you repeat. "especially our son."
jungkook smirks. "yeah?"
it's then that you realize how close he is to you. not so secretly, you take in his scent. he's freshly showered and his clothes smell like his favourite detergent (of course. he's pretty anal about laundry). it makes you laugh.
"what? why are you laughing?" he asks, smile disappearing.
snorting, you answer him. "nothing. you just... you love downy."
"so what?"
"it's just funny—hey!"
jungkook uses one hand to grab your ass. he grabs a handful. he loves your ass. only has (always will). you laugh, playfully shoving him away.
"yah! we're in public." you laugh.
jungkook squints at you. "should we go to your office then? zion has literally 3 babysitters right now."
he pokes your sides, shutting you up. "okay, but for real... aside from zion and i being obsessed with you; we're here to deliver some bad news."
you swallow, letting your mind run wild. what could be so bad that jungkook came over with zion to your work place? if it was a family emergency, he would've given it to you straight. yet, he seems to be calm about everything... surely, it can't be that horrible, right?
your eyebrows furrow together. "what's happened?"
"the unit above that was leaking? apparently, their floors flooded so now our unit's ceiling is leaking. they have to go in and figure out the pipe situation or whatever..." jungkook explains.
"what? holy shit. what do i do—"
"i went in to look for myself. it's not the end of the world but they definitely have to do some damage control. while i was there i just packed your clothes and zion's. grabbed your other stuff too but if i'm missing anything we can go back and—"
"what do you mean? like we can't go home tonight?"
jungkook shakes his head. "not for a good week or two."
"are you serious?" you panic, taking your phone out to check your emails and text messages.
... and there they are. 3 missed calls from your building manager, a lengthy message, and an email detailing everything.
"fuck," you hiss. "so.. what am i supposed to do?"
jungkook sighs, rubbing your back. "relax, okay? the furniture is fine. i moved things around and they said they would check in to make sure nothing in our unit gets ruined... but in the meantime... do you want to stay with your parents or—"
a beat
"if that's okay?"
jungkook nods, holding himself back. the truth is, it was more than okay. it was perfect actually. he's never been so thankful for a bad thing to happen... but goddamn was he over the moon for this. to be able to sleep in the same bed as you and his son for the next week or so? holy shit.
duh, it's okay.
you take a deep breath and shut your eyes. you try to process your feelings... the entire situation isn't that awful, it's just inconvenient and you didn't expect it to happen. you hate surprises like these. jungkook knows that better than anyone else therefore he thought it be best that he plays damage control for you. grabbing your belongings, picking zion up from daycare today, and delivering you the news personally... it made sense to. also, he didn't want you to stress and struggle without him by your side. of course, he has to be here for you. why would he want you to feel alone in this?
when you open your eyes, you realize jungkook pulled you in for a hug. as you lift your arms to wrap around him, you suddenly pull away when nam joon awkwardly enters the conference room.
"hey joo—nam joon," you greet him. your eyes shift to jungkook. jungkook gives you a look and your tummy feels a little weird. his gaze is stern and his jaw is slightly clenched. you know he caught your slip but you also know he's probably pleased with the way you corrected yourself.
"is that zion? wow, he's grown so much. looks like he's stealing the intern's hearts right now." nam joon asks, admiring your son.
in attempt to lighten the mood, you hit jungkook's chest. "seriously, what are you teaching our son?"
luckily, jungkook chuckles.
nam joon smiles politely. then, he extends his hand. "jungkook, nice to see you again."
jungkook shakes his hand, gripping it tightly. nam joon's eyes drop to the handshake.
... is all jungkook says in response to nam joon.
an odd silence falls between you three. for a moment, you all stand there and watch zion. zion waves at you and jungkook and you two wave back. nam joon watches as jungkook naturally puts his arm around your waist and feels out of place.
nam joon clears his throat.
"oh, did you need something?" you ask, refocusing. "i thought you had to meet a client this afternoon?"
nam joon moves past jungkook, closer to you. he hands you a few papers. you take them and read your name. "your contract is revised. your vacation days are approved. just need you to sign these so i can get my secretary to process them."
your eyes light up. "oh my god! really?"
nam joon smiles. "really. also, i didn't mean to, but i overheard about your unit situation. if you need a play to stay or the day off today—"
jungkook mimics nam joon's throat-clearing noise. he tugs you close and looks directly at nam joon in the eyes. "actually, the day off today would be perfect."
without noticing (as you've been flipping through the papers), you look up at nam joon and give him a hopeful looks. "hey, i did just wrap up with a client... and it's friday..."
nam joon laughs at your cuteness. "go home, ___. enjoy your weekend. your vacation is next wednesday, right? take the extra monday and tuesday off... enjoy your vacation."
your eyes light up for the second time today. jungkook hates it. he hates it even more when you break away from him and give nam joon a half-assed side hug. nam joon catches jungkook's death glare and thinks wow, this guy is ridiculous.
when you pull away, you excuse yourself to sign the papers and quickly look through it. when you finish signing and reading through, you hand the paper back to nam joon and join zion.
jungkook and nam joon watch you hold zion and laugh with the interns. it's an attractive sight, to say the least. you're so good at everything and you always make it look so easy. you're effortlessly funny and ambitious to the point there it's beyond attractive—it's compelling. then, there's the way you laugh. the way you throw your head back is so fucking graceful that the two boys catch each other starstruck.
"i asked her out."
jungkook clenches his jaw. a part of him is in disbelief at how blunt nam joon is. like, who the fuck does he think he is to be saying stupid shit like this? god. the ego on this guy... whatever. jungkook bites nam joon's bait.
"how'd that go?"
"i think you know how it went." nam joon chuckles. it's like he admitted defeat. suddenly the tension is cut and there's space for honesty. hence, nam joon's cue to confess.
"i always thought she was pretty. when she started at the firm, i wanted to ask her out but quickly found out she was in a relationship with you... not only that, but i think i met her when zion was only 1. i moved on. it wasn't that serious and honestly, she was so happy with you... then, you two split or whatever... and it took me 3 months to ask her out. when she said yes, i couldn't believe it. so, of course, i had this whole date planned. i reserved a rooftop table for us. i had the chef make a new menu for us... then, she stood me up. she told me she wasn't ready and that sometimes, it feels like it's hard for her to catch her breath. like she needs air and she wasn't ready to move on because she hasn't exactly given up yet... and that's okay with me. it was never about me anyway... since the beginning, i just wanted to be there for her."
nam joon exchanges a look with jungkook.
jungkook's throat feels dry.
"it's you, isn't it? you're her air."
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zion falls asleep on the drive home.
when you arrive at jungkook's, you carry zion in while jungkook carries your bags. jungkook's place is tidy and you can tell he spent more effort into making it more aesthetically appealing for you. he took out scented candles and prepared towels and slippers for you by the bed. the studio looks more spacious in general.. you wonder what changed but you're also too exhausted to care.
"wanna do take out for dinner?"
"sure," you say as you place zion on the bed. "i'll probably wake him up in an hour. did you see how social he was with the interns? felt like he was about to run away and marry one of them."
jungkook snorts. "i'm guessing zion hasn't told you about his daycare girlfriend yet, huh?"
your eyes widen.
your heart drops.
"he has a what?"
jungkook bursts into laughter. "oh my god! ___, y-your face! god, you're such a mom now. this is so crazy..."
you attack jungkook. hitting his chest and tickling his underarms. "are you kidding me? don't joke about him it like that! my heart literally—"
"you honestly think i would let my son have a girlfriend before i get mine back?"
you pause.
"you're annoying."
jungkook laughs even harder. "i know! too bad you had a baby with me."
you roll your eyes at him. then, he tugs you close and sways you back and forth. "don't be mad. you're just hungry. grab my phone and order dinner."
pushing him away, you head over to the kitchen island where he left his phone. taking it, you stare at the lock screen. it's a picture of you and zion.
"what's your password?"
"hasn't changed."
you feel your heart race as you type in your birthdate.
jungkook watches and as you scroll through his phone. as you choose a restaurant, countless notifications begin to ring in from his groupchat with his friends.
"jungkook, your friends are texting—"
"ignore it. i already told them i'm not coming," he says, as he ties his already neat living room. "you're ordering us korean food, right? can you get me some—"
"it's yoongi's goodbye party... isn't that important?"
jungkook whines. "he'll be back! i don't get why he has to have a party."
"he's leaving for 1 year? dude, this is important!" you urge him, walking over and passing him his phone. "you're going! it's just one night. zion and i are fine here."
"... i don't want to go. i want to be home with you."
"i'll be here when you get back," you laugh. "and is this about yoongi's girlfriend? damn, he really said fuck long distance."
jungkook sighs. "at least him and his girl are together. feels like we're ldr—"
"not everything is about you, jungkook." you tease. "come on! go be a guy and have fun with your friends. tell yoongi i'm happy for him."
truth be told, you've always liked jungkook's friends. they were always so kind and soft-spoken. the chaotic ones like jimin and taehyung are single handedly zion's favourites. yours are the hyungs... yoongi especially.
"what?" jungkook scoffs. "jealous? your precious yoongi is in love with someone else."
"yes," you play along. "completely heartbroken, actually. wanna be my rebound?"
jungkook's gaze lowers.
"i hate that. don't say shit like that again."
you laugh hard, trying to lighten the mood. you make crying faces at jungkook and tease him. he ignores you, heading to the bathroom to get ready. you annoy him as he begins to get ready. he stays silent, letting you act cute. at one point, you sit on the sink and block him for seeing his reflection in the mirror. you fix his hair and pinch his cheeks. then, you kiss him and smile against his lips when he kisses you back.
when he gets carried away with the kiss, you jump off the sink and practically push him out the door. he asks for one kiss goodbye and you give in. jungkook promises to be home soon and tells you that tomorrow you guys should go to the aquarium or something. you agree and continue to push him out the door.
he stalls.
you laugh and get annoyed.
he kisses you one more time before really, truly, and finally going.
jungkook's mission is to show up, drink whatever shots they give him, and hurry home to you. he'll take the hits and swallow every raging question they have about your weird on-and-off-again relationship. he'll take the commentary and he'll soak in the empathy his friends water him in. he'll get irritated when they question why you're taking so long to get back together with him and he'll probably cry on the way home... doesn't matter though because this time, he'll come home to you.
jungkook wouldn't have it any other way.
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1am is when jungkook comes home.
you wake up to him unlocking the door and stumbling to the bathroom. he manages to shower and you giggle at the moments he bangs into things and the whines follow. shortly, he makes his way to the kitchen and pours himself a glass of water.
sneaking out of bed, you open his nearby closet and grab a shirt for him.
that's right.
he's tipsy, freshly showered, and shirtless.
the dream, right?
"jungkook, here—"
"oh my god."
sleepily, you squint at him. "what?"
"you're so pretty."
sighing, you shove his shirt to his chest. he giggles, taking the shirt and thanking you. he puts it on and continues to drink more water. you look around his counters and spot his medicine tray. walking over, you search and find medicine to help with the obvious hangover to come. handing it to him, he smiles at you sleepily and takes it.
as he swallows the medicine, you rub your eyes and wake up a bit more.
"your mom came by."
jungkook groans. "and what? did she nag you to tell me to eat my meals?"
you snort, hitting his shoulder. "she told me to hurry up and marry you."
jungkook chuckles.
"for once, i agree with my mom."
jungkook moves closer to you and stretches his neck. he looks for zion and furrows his eyebrows in confusion when he realizes zion is no where to be found.
"hey ___... where's our son?"
"your mom took him after dinner. he's sleeping over. said to pick him up whenever," you explain. "she said to rest and get married or something.”
"oh," jungkook yawns. "is that it? are we getting married tomorrow?"
you can't help but play along. smirking, you tell him; "you'd like that a lot, wouldn't you?"
jungkook chuckles. "i'd like you to quit your job more actually."
"wow! are you this drunk?" you giggle. "mad brave for saying that."
he glares at you. "i make enough to support all of us. you're unhappy with the firm? quit and take your time looking for a new one. quit being a lawyer for all i care. start your own firm and use my card to pay for it. i don't care."
gasping, your cheeks flush red. "you're so fucking drunk."
"i'm not drunk."
"right," you yield. "if you were drunk, you'd be trying to have sex with me right now."
he squints at you. "drunk sex isn't my favourite."
slightly offended and surprised, you ask, "really? what's your favourite then?"
without hestiation, jungkook answers you.
"morning sex."
"i love waking up next to you. i love how easy it is... don't get me wrong, the freaky shit we do is great! i just think the laziness and warmth of morning sex between us is like.. 100 times more intimate and i miss that, you know? i miss being close to you."
jungkook's confession moves you in a way that you've never expected his words to. sure, he says things that throw you off... but you've never known about this. no wonder he was always so adamant on morning sex all these years. honestly, he probably impregnated you with zion during one of those morning sex sessions. it slipped your mind though... and maybe that's exactly it. he's right. morning sex has always been effortless and natural between you two. it's always been easy and so fucking good.
you miss it too.
then, jungkook say another thing.
“i also miss coffee in the morning with you.”
“where did that come from?”
“i bought a nespresso.”
huffing, you make a confession. “ohh.. i don’t drink much coffee these days. don’t know if i even like it anymore.”
“i know,” he tells you, eyes glossy. “when did you stop?”
for some reason, you have a gut feeling he isn’t talking about coffee anymore… and it stings. you aren’t too sure of what to say or do… so you make the most of it and you redirect the conversation.
“did something change in here, by the way?” you ask, looking around. “it feels different.”
jungkook thinks for a moment.
“i got rid of a drawer… emptied it cos the clothes inside went to your place.”
“ohh…” you snicker. “that’s… yeah—“
out of nowhere, jungkook blurts; “i love you a lot.”
you nod. “i love you a lot too.”
“___, i hate being broken up with you,” he laughs. “it’s the worst. like, it’s not even that it’s exhausting… it’s that… it’s so sad. i just.. i don’t get it, you know? loving you is the easiest thing but to understand this fucking mess? i don’t… i don’t get it. i’m afraid i never will. ___, what am i supposed to do?”
“i don’t know either,” you choke out. “i’m sorry.”
defeated, he sighs.
“i know. it’s okay… i don’t blame you. plus, i’ve been doing pretty good with the whole winning you back thing, right?”
you laugh.
he does too.
then, a silence falls upon you two. it’s nothing intense or tense for that matter… just a little comforting. to simply soak in each others presence is another blessing jungkook is thankful for.
"can i ask you something else?" jungkook inches closer to you. you let him. soon, his hands are on top of yours and he's standing right in front of you.
looking up at him, you tilt your head and offer a soft smile.
"are we over?" he asks, voice shaking. "are we really over? cos it doesn't feel like it."
"what does over mean?" you ask in return.
he shakes his head at you. "what’s up with lawyers and avoiding questions? fuck, ___… don't change the subject."
"i'm not changing the subject," you defend yourself. "i'm asking you... what does over mean to you?"
jungkook doesn't have an answer.
tongue-tied, the best he can do is say; "whatever over means... it's not this. it's not us... and honestly? if you don't know what it means... then it's not over. we're not really over. yay."
"shut up." he hisses. "i'm tired. i love you. i'm sad my mom took zion. i wanted us to wake up as a family."
you pout, instantly feeling like a horrible person for giving zion away so easily to his grandma. "awh, poor daddy."
jungkook rubs his eyes, pretending to cry. you laugh, shoving him playfully. he joins your laughter before sighing deeply.
"the guys miss you."
for some reason, these 4 words make your heart ache.
"i miss them too."
"miss them enough to get back together with me?" jungkook attempts, wiggling his eyebrows. "yoongi says if his girlfriend dumps him and you never get back together with me... he'll come in and steal you from me. he said he can't wait to be zion's step-dad."
you laugh for the nth time.
"it's not funny," jungkook cries. "i almost punched my best friend cos i was so pissed."
you aren't worried in the slightest. jungkook's friends have always been good at handling him and because they're good at handling him.. they know exactly how much to push and pull before he acts a certain way.
"you're a good dad," you admit to him. taking his hand, you rub your thumbs against his skin. he looks at you lovingly, more than ready to believe whatever you have to say to him.
"you're always the first to zion's events and always know how to put him to sleep. he asks for you more than you know. i never thought that the whole 'my dad is my hero' thing was real until you two bonded. he copies everything you do and everything you are. he's kind and thoughtful. he's funny in ways that take away my exhaustion. jungkook, you are the best dad there is. i don't say thank you enough for doing everything you do for zion. i appreciate you, truly. you're the best thing to have ever happened in my life. truth is, i don't think i could have anyone else's babies. you're it."
right then and there, jungkook feels a weight being lifted off his shoulders. he isn't sure if he has completely sobered up or if it's because of everything you just said.
he then dips his head low and you tiptoe to kiss him.
against your lips, he smiles and murmurs;
"we're so not over."
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when jungkook wakes up, you're naked.
you climb onto him, laughing as he rubs his eyes dramatically to make sure this isn't a dream. as you throw your head back, he places his hands around your back and pushes your body close. he kisses your breasts to up your neck. then finally, your lips.
it's slow and so fucking french.
bonjour, mon amour.
it doesn't take long for jungkook to take his shirt off and slide out of his shorts and underwear. without warning, you slip his dick inside of you. it's easy. his morning wood has not and did not disappoint.
inside you, he moans at the feeling.
so soft.
so tight.
so fucking good.
you place your hands on top of his lower abdomen to stabilize the way you grind on him. as his dick is inside of you, you feel it twitch and harden with each second you grind yourself on him. harder and harder, jungkook grunts at the sight of your pretty folds just smashing and leaking all over him.
as you lose your breath, you bring your hands back. placing them on his upper thighs, you take this opportunity to ride him sensually. moving your hips back and forth (and a little up and down), jungkook watches as his entire cock is being eaten up by you. god, he loves the view. he places his hands on your waist, helping and guiding the way you move.
you moan.
"f-fuck... feels so good, jungkook. you're so big. so fucking b-big—a-ahh! ah, ah, ahhh.. f-fuck!"
jungkook rubs your clit.
his eyebrows furrowed, eyes on you, and his mouth is slightly agape. he's so into it. he loves the way you're reacting to his touch and he loves the way your pussy clenches to his cock.
“prettiest cunt,” he pants. “h-holy shit. so fucking swollen. look at that! a-arghhh.. my pretty woman, ohhh! f-fuck, i love you.”
“i l-love you too, honey.”
jungkook loves the way you say it. it makes him feel some type of way.. his stomach twists and turns. he feels like his dick is about to explode.
after a few moments, you feel yourself approaching your climax. fuck, he was right... morning sex was easy. at this pace, he could easily drag this... or he could let you cum and do it over and over again.
just when you're about to tell him you're close, he takes a hold of you and switches. jungkook rolls you to your back and keeps himself inside you while doing so. towering over you, you giggle at the position change.
"what? a naked woman on top of you wasn't enough?"
he rolls his eyes.
"morning sex is my favourite," jungkook grunts. "let me have this."
you smile at him. "whatever... i was close, just so you know. now you have to start over. i feel like i lost the high."
jungkook laughs before leaning in and kissing you. he kisses you so fucking good you squeeze his ass. in response, he rolls his hips, digging himself deeper in you. you moan and he takes the opportunity to kiss your neck. bringing his kisses to the back of your ear, he hums; "that's okay, honey. i can show you what devotion is."
jungkook is no liar.
he does exactly as he says.
he fucks you like he's missed you for years. he knows when to drag out the orgasm and when to give it to you. he fucks you with your legs over his shoulders. he fucks you doggy style, hitting inside you so deep... he lets you ride him again and this time, he goes crazy with groping your breasts and playing with your nipples.
morning sex with jungkook is everything you remembered and more. it was warm and easy. it was cozy, sloppy, and messy at the same time... but it felt good. to wake up beside him and have him right away... yeah. it felt good.
to be able to laugh and kiss beneath the sheets. to be tangled with one another and greeted by the gentle sunlight. to be together and to feel the love between you two… well, it feels like home.
jungkook cums a whopping 3 times and prioritizes your 5 leg-shaking orgasms.
when you tell him you want to suck his dick to even the score, he jokes and tells you that he has jerked off to your selfies almost every day for the past week. you tell him he’s gross and if that was the case; it would've been better to film a sex tape or something.
jungkook laughs and reminds you that he has the baby monitor on. he'll just watch the playback when he misses you.
disgusted (and a little wet), you then take his phone from the nightstand and give it to him. you lay underneath him, gesturing him to go on top on you. there, he places his dick on your lips. you kiss it, holding the length with your small hands. jungkook cums almost 3 minutes into the hand/blow job (loser alert). quickly, he takes a picture of his cum over your face.
"there," you say, licking the cum off. "you have the baby monitor sex tape and that picture. jerk off all you want... we're even now."
"no need," jungkook laughs. "you're here for a week or so, honey."
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the day passes by with a quick shower (together) and brunch. he cooks his heart-shaped pancakes and you cut up fruit. you two sit and watch the accidental sex tape you two made through the baby monitor and laugh at how stupid you two look.
when you two finish, you clean up and get ready to pick up zion together. with plans to cafe hop, jungkook opts to drive and take his car. you agree and follow through.
as he starts the engine and gets to driving, the sun shines at his face. he squints.
"can you get my sunglasses, please? they're in there," jungkook points at the glove compartment. you nod and open it. easily, you find jungkook's sunglasses and hand it to him.
as he puts it on and as you're about to shut the glove compartment, you see it.
tiffany & co
jungkook does a double take. then, he decides... fuck it.
"do you want to see it?" he asks, trying to decipher if you were about to freak out or not.
instead, you purse your lips and take a deep breath through your nose in.
"it's yours," jungkook adds. "do you want to put it on? for fun or whatever?"
"maybe not today," you tell him with a gentle tone. though, truth be told, you were curious... but you didn't want to feed in and wear the ring unless you were ready to actually marry him. plus, where's the magic if you look at the ring right now?
he'll take that.
jungkook reaches for your hand and you give it to him. he kisses it before placing his hand on your thigh. you feel so high school but it's also such a relief.
he continues to drive and you think about it.
you think about everything... how he has and will be the only man you've ever love(d). how you can't see anyone else being the father of your child(ren). how when you think of home, you only see him. how complicated you've been and how patient he's been... and it's then, at exactly 8 months, 3 weeks, and 6 days when the feeling sinks in.
then, you think about it some more.
you really think about it..
by the end of the car ride, you know.
you know.
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jinxedmuse · 1 year
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fluff: ღ | suggestive: ✮ | smut: 𖤐 | angst: ☾ | fem: ❀ | gender neutral: ⟡ | male: ✰
works for: RIIZE (라이즈)
Osaki Shotaro (大崎将太郎)
— none so far
Song Eunseok (송은석)
— none so far
Jung Sungchan (정성찬)
— none so far
Park Wonbin (박원빈)
— none so far
Hong Seunghan (홍승한)
— none so far
Lee Sohee (이소희)
— best friend: your best friend sohee offers a "no strings attached" relief from the stress of your relationship but finds himself falling in too deep. 𖤐 | ❀ | ☾ (?)
Lee Chanyoung (이찬영)
— none so far
ot7 reactions + head cannons + scenarios + mtl
works for: bangtan sonyeondan 방탄소년단
Kim Seok-Jin
— none so far
Min Yoon-Gi
— none so far
Jung Ho-Seok
— none so far
Kim Nam-Joon
— none so far
Park Ji-Min
— none so far
Kim Tae-Hyung
— none so far
Jeon Jeong-Guk
— none so far
ot7 reactions + head cannons + scenarios + mtl
works for: seventeen 세븐틴
Choi Seung Cheol
— none so far
Yoon Jeong Han
— purple rose: you find out that your cranky boss at your bartending job turns out to be quite the mischievous co-host of an exclusive bdsm club. not wanting to back down, you try to ignore this new found info when at work. but once blurred lines are already crossed, can they really be forgotten? ☾ | 𖤐 | ❀
Joshua Hong
— let it happen: reader and joshua are in a confusing relationship. a constant tug of war over who can get each other more in love, and more heart broken. (based on gracie abrams “mess it up”) ☾ | ✮ | ❀
Wen Junhui (文俊辉)
— none so far
Kwon Soon Young
— none so far
Jeon Won Woo
— none so far
Lee Ji Hoon
— none so far
Lee Seok Min
— none so far
Kim Min Gyu
— none so far
Xu Ming Hao (徐明浩)
— none so far
Boo Seung Kwan
— new romantics: the “goody-two-shoes”, university athlete boo seungkwan encounters a “rebel against-all-odds”, biker!reader and truly learns what it means to have fun while living life for himself alongside new found, and utterly careless love. part 1 | ❀ | ✮
Hansol Vernon Chwe
— just wanna ease ya mind: based on jhene aiko’s “bed peace” ft childish gambino. (in other words, high sex with bf!vernon) ❀ | 𖤐
Lee Chan
— none so far
ot13 reactions + head cannons + scenarios + mtl
— if they had a black cat personality type s/o that showed affection (not so) subtly ღ | ⟡
— secret dating idol!svt — 95z line, & if you guys would get caught ⟡ | ღ
works for: t x t 투모로우바이투게더
Choi Soo Bin
— none so far
Choi Yeon Jun
— none so far
Choi Beom Gyu
— none so far
Kang Tae Hyun
— none so far
Kai Kamal Huening 정하원 休宁凯
— none so far
ot5 reactions + head cannons + scenarios + mtl
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nox-writes · 2 years
First post!
Welcome to my blog! Minors please DNI, but i'm not the one to make that decision for you, i'm just warning that if you are sensitive to +18 content, please, please don't interact if you are a minor😔❤️
Here is what i write:
Alice In Borderland
Arisu, Usagi, Kuina, Chishiya, Niragi, Ann, Tatta, Kyuma, Karube, Chota, Last Boss, Aguni, Hatter, Mira, Banda, Yaba
Zelda Botw
Urbosa, Zelda, Mipha
The Maze Runner
Thomas, Newt, Minho, Gally, Winston, Frypan, Harriet
AOUAD (All Of Us Are Dead)
Mi-jin, Ha-ri, Wu-jin, Su-hyeok, Cheong-san, On-jo, Nam-ra, Gyeon-su, Gwi-nam, Joon-yeong, Dae-su, I-sak
All members if requested, but mostly woozi, scoups, wonwoo, jun and minghao
I write for any gender, except female, because there are too many female fics on my opinion. and if you request and the gender is not specified, i will write GN!reader.
Here is what i write for:
🍄 - Fluff
🖤 - Angst
🫶 - romantic
❤️‍🔥 - Full on smut
☠️ - Chaotic/Crack
🩷 - Headcanons
🌹 - One shots
⭐ - Writers personal favorite
I write whenever i feel like it and have the time and motivation, so definetly not every day.
Go follow me on Wattpad:
I write there too and i have some stories there if you want to check them out. Mostly Alice In Borderland.
Love ya'll and have a great day!!
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Just a Little Longer
Nam Joon x Reader
Summary: You are an idol signed by BigHit and you are very close to the boys, you've always had a crush on Nam Joon and he confesses to you that he likes someone.
Words: I don't even know, longer than my assignment for sure.
Warnings: A LOTTA FLUFF friendship fluff?????
Note: not proofread, also its been a while since I wrote I’ll get better.
Hiii, so this is my first BTS fanfic, hope y'all like it. I think this will turn into a series, let me know what y'all think of that. Jin is my bias but Nam Joon and Yoongi are here to wreck it anytime anyday. Honestly I just want to be friends with them. I want to be in the gang. That's all.
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You were a female idol signed on to BigHit Entertainment around the time BTS was signed on. You and BTS were very close, army and your fans got used to it after a while. There were tons of times where you would look out for each other. You also recently became and international idol following BTS, they would look out for you at all the award shows you were both at. Taehyung would even walk you to the stage and up the stairs.
You were a part of the family. You would surprise them at their concerts, go on trips, bomb their Vlives. There were YouTube videos titled "BTS looking out for (Y/N)" online. You were a solo artist so you got grouped up with the boys often and the fans liked seeing you with them too. So they often let you tag along to shoots and even be a part of them sometimes.
You were a 94' born. So Tae, Chim and kookie called you noona. You were the closest to Yoongi, you vibed with him the best. You were the same kind. Maknae line were your babies, you pampered them a lot.
You were on your way to surprise the boys at the "BTS In the Soop" house. They thought it would be a good idea for you to make a special appearance on the show.
The boys were already there for a day. You were all packed taking in the air, you drove to the destination. You were excited, you hadn't seen the boys in a while because of a busy schedule but you were in touch via messages. Tae would send you regular updates about his life.
You pull up at the house and push the door open. Tae and Jimin were playing ping pong outside, you would see Hobi flying his glider. You smiled and got out. Jimin's attention went to the car and the ball hit his face. Tae and hobi burst out laughing, you also let out a chuckle. "(Y/N) Noona" he yells and you wave at him frantically.
As soon as he says that, all three boys turn heads to your direction. You keep waving and they rush towards you. Suddenly you are jumped at by 3 grown men almost knocking the air out of your lungs. You couldn't help but laugh. "Hi guys, miss me?" You ask. Hugging them all back. Tae nods. "I knew today would be a good day" hobi ruffles your hair. "What have you been upto, did you forget about us" you laugh to that as if you could forget your 7 best friends.
"Where's everyone else?" You ask looking around. "Yoongi Hyung should be in the Campervan, I think Jin Hyung and Jungkook are fishing and NamJoon is reading in his room." Jimin responds and Tae gets your luggage out and rolls it out. You take your luggage from Taehyung saying a quiet thank you. You roll out your luggage to the living room and walk towards the upper house, the boys go back to whatever they were doing before you came.
You walk to the upper house and spot the campervan. You open the campervan to surprise Yoongi. "Yoongi Oppa, Suprise!" You yell as soon as you open the door. He's so startled he almost three his equipment. "(Y/N) what are you doing here? I was so startled" he says holding his heart. You laugh your heart out at his reaction. "I'm sorry" you say and sit down next to him. "Whatchu working on?" You ask and he hands you one side of his earphone. It was his new project.
"How long are you here for?" He asked you. "I think until the end, no one told me anything" you say.
The door suddenly slams open. You and Yoongi jump, yoongi was holding his heart again and you were holding on to the table for dear life.
"JUNGKOOK" you yell.
"I'm going to die of a heart attack today" You hear yoongi mutter under his breath.
"(Y/N) Noona" he waves his hands at you and you slowly step out of the van to hug his big frame. "Did you grow taller in 3 months?" You ask. "I hope I did" he answers. He drags you to see Jin at the house. You see Hobi and Jin prepping something. "Jin Hyung close your eyes" Jungkook says and tries to hide you behind the door.
"What's this now?" He asks thinking it's one of Jungkooks pranks. "I have a present" he says. He does as the youngest says and closes his eyes.
You position yourself right infront of Jin. You feel his hand pat your head. "Is it a big plushie?" He asks with his eyes closed. You stiffle a chuckle.
"Open your eyes" Jungkook instructs and Jin looks at you. "(Y/N)" he squeals and hugs you. He jumps up and down with you in his arms. "I missed you" you laugh. "I've missed you too"
You smell something burn. "oh my fish" he screams and runs back to the kitchen.
Hobi Jungkook and Jin were making lunch, you always loved watching them cook. It was therapeutic. You also helped out when you could. "Is NamJoon still reading?" You ask in the air waiting for someone to answer. They all look at each other awkwardly before one of them says "You'll see him at lunch" you nod and continue eating the chips lying around.
You were rolling out your luggage to the floating house that's where you will be staying for the rest of the days here. The boys offered to switch but you wouldn't let them, it has to be fair. You were heading out to lunch with Taehyung who was hanging out in your room until lunch was ready and you unpacked.
"Your hair has grown out, can braid it later?"
"Only if you massage it too" he smirks and you nod. "Alright, after lunch" you salute to him playfully.
He warned you about bugs and how you'll have to gulp you food as soon as you see it or you will end up eating a bug. "I think I swallowed one yesterday" he says making a face that screamed disgusting. He makes you laugh and you smack his arm lightly.
You see Nam Joon from a distance. "Nam Joon-ah" you yell for him to hear you. You run to him to give him a hug. He puts his arms around you but loosely. It felt weird, this is not how he usually hugs you, something wrong but you let it go for now. "The boys told me you've arrived" he says pulling back. He flashes a warm smile.
You look at him, giving him an 'Are-you-okay' face and he understands it immediately and softly nods at you.
"Thank you for the food" Jimin yells in the back and you both head to the table.
"One more mouth to feed" Jin says jokingly and shakes his head. "C'mon, you know you love me" you respond that immediately left Hobi bursting out in Justin Bieber's Baby in the middle of lunch in his adorable English. You all have a big laugh.
You were all gathered in the living room now and Jimin was rapping??? Leaving you and Hobi laughing, you could feel your sides cramping up, gasping for breath as you laugh. "What activites did you ask for?" Taehyung asks.
"I brought my sketchpad and some books to read" you respond.
You stick your hand out to his hair and comb through, "Braid time" you say and he turns around, back facing you. Jimin hands him the mic and he sings some BTS songs while you braid his hair. "I'm so sleepy" he says, it's the effect of the head massage. He gets up from in front of you.
"I'm going to go nap" you nod. You see Jungkook already passed out in the living room. Hobi was still building blocks. You walk out of the room to the deck.
You look out to see Jin fishing, trying to Fish.
"Should I come pick you up?" He yells from afar. "It's okay" you yell back and look out in the distance. You see Jin's boat coming towards you. "Hop in" he says holding the boat still and he sticks one arm out.
"Where do you want to go, Juliet?" He asks dramatically once you've settled. "To your heart, Romeo" you play along trying not to laugh. "Extra points for playing along" he says laughing. You fake bow in the boat.
He casts his line and you wait. The scenery was beautiful. "It's so pretty out here" you talk to no one in particular. "Gets better in the night" Jin says waiting for fish.
"Jin oppa" you call to get his attention. "Is Joonie okay? He's been acting weird" you say. You were concerned about him. "He was okay yesterday, I don't know maybe if we let him be, he'll come back" Jin suggest. NamJoon always has been the type to go off on his own for a while and come back feeling better. "Maybe" you mutter and look around.
You had played a bunch of games, had dinner, got drunk with the boys by the fire. It was almost cinematic, you forgot how at home and peaceful they made you feel. You still couldn't get around talking to Nam Joon and you were determined to do it. It was almost midnight. You all had turned your mic off put it away and gotten ready to get into bed. You hear some footsteps outside. You get up to check who it was.
You see a man bent over the railing of the deck looking at the river. It was almost 1am. You recognize the man. Nam Joon.
"Hey Stranger" you say sneaking up behind him. He almost jumps. "(Y/N)" he gasps. You go to stand next to him.
"Can't sleep?" You ask.
He nods playing with his finger rings. "What's wrong" you ask really concerned, hoping he'll spill and feel better.
"There's just been a lot on my mind"
"You want to talk about it?"
"Nothing in specific"
"Tell me anyway, I'm here to listen"
You hear him take a breathe.
"There's someone I like but telling the person or acting on it is not going to do any good for either of the parties but I don't know what to do, do I let it go?"
"woah" you were taken aback, Nam Joon doesn't open up this quickly you didn't expect it either. You expected some vague things about his career. You heart sank. You used to crush on him where you were a bit younger but you thought you outgrew that? Guess not.
"Telling her won't work?"
"No, it won't, I can't date. Not with this schedule and this kinda career but what if I let it go and I don't get a chance like this again"
"Are you scared of missing out on love?"
He slowly nods. "I guess, I mean I love my career, I love the boys I love how far we've gotten, but it's taking everything, especially my youth."
You were dumbfounded. You didn't know how to respond to all of this. You didn't even know how he felt.
"Are you sure she's the one?" You ask.
"No, how can anyone be sure about anything so early on? I'd love it if she was but we'll have to try to know and the trying can't happen in the first place"
Your always amazed by his maturity. "I think if you really like her, you should give it a go tell her how you feel, just to get it off of your chest, even if you know for a fact it's not going to work out, and if it does work out, well good for you. Right?"
He slowly nods. "Do I just tell her?" He turns to you. you can feel his eyes pierce through your soul even in the night. It's like he knows what he does to you and continues to do it.
You nod to his question. "You'll feel better"
"Okay" he nods to himself as if he's encouraging himself to do it. You had an immediate urge to hug him, you put your head on his chest and your arms around his back. He likes someone else, why does that bother you? It was a stupid crush, two years ago, what is wrong with you? You ask yourself.
"Are you okay (Y/N)" he asks. You nuzzle further into him.
"I thought you needed one" You needed one.
"You have feelings too, you robot, why do you supress them so much?" You mumbled. He chuckled. "I don't like to talk about them" he brushes your hair.
"You should"
You try to pull back but he hugs you tighter.
"Just a little longer, please" you happily oblige. He did need a hug after all.
Are you crushing on him again? Are you ready to get your heart broken?
Don't ask I don't even know, I think I'll make this a series, let me know what you think of my first BTS imagine, a lot more to come, I'm obsessed with these boys.
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4lfck · 4 years
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bonvoyagenoona · 4 years
Idol Hands (M) | 02: The Black Town Car
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Word Count: 4,222 | read on ao3
Pairings: Namjoon x Reader
Genres: Actress!Reader / Actress!You / Friends / F2L / Noona Romance / Fluff / Smut / Humor / ANGST
Rating: 18+ / Explicit / Mature
Idol Hands | Masterpost
Idol Hands | Playlist
02: The Black Town Car
You’ve never seen a shade of black so shiny. When the driver goes to help you inside, a big basket overflowing with orchids spills out the doors. You look at Tessa, and she’s just as flabbergasted.
“Can I see that again?” she asks in Korean, gesturing to the iPad tucked in the driver’s arm.
But the driver knows that this is not a mistake. His smirk says of course it’s for you. You remind yourself that your face has probably been flashing on every TV that he’s come across in the past 48 hours.
Other people are starting to take notice of you, and their phones start rising to about eye-level.
“Get in, get in,” Tessa whispers urgently, as a wave of people start shuffling toward you.
You’re still processing everything as you drive away from the airport, exit off the highway, and pull up to a red light. You see someone pointing and yelling at you.
“I can’t wait to get to the hotel,” you sigh.
“Yeah, hope this meeting doesn’t take too long,” Tessa says, typing on her phone.
“We’re not going straight there?” you say.
“No, straight to Big Hit,” she says. She looks at you and adjusts her glasses. “Are you OK? Are you feeling overwhelmed?”
To be honest, you can’t even remember what day it is. You haven’t slept much. Your phone has been blowing up nonstop since the pictures were released, and even muting notifications hasn’t solved the problem. The photos aren’t even the worst thing anymore. It’s the articles. The tweets. The speculation. Tessa’s been having to remind you to eat. Overwhelmed is an understatement.
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Their studio offices look nice enough. A little different of a vibe, maybe. Cleaner, somehow. Not necessarily in quality, but in aesthetic. White spaces with white furniture. Everything looks multipurpose. Sensible. You hope this is the case for everything that goes on in this building.
You’re led to an empty conference room, and someone places a cup in front of you. You feel hazy. Tessa says thank you, and you do your best to grin in appreciation.
They could take everything you own, but at this point, you aren’t upset about it. You’re trying to prepare yourself for the shock of when it actually happens, but you know you’ll be OK without it. Any of it. It’s going to be rough for a few months, but you’ll grin and bear it. You’re completely at fault for the entire situation for being so careless. You know better than to let yourself go, even for just a few seconds. You just hope that Tessa’s life isn’t impacted in some way. You’ve got to fight for the apartment, you decide. Just make sure Tessa has shelter.
“Shelter,” you say suddenly.
“What?” Tessa asks.
“Keep the apartment,” you say, desperate to get the thought out.
“What are you talking about?”
“They’re going to take everything!” you whisper, your eyes growing wide.
Tessa dismisses you with a shake of her hand. “You need sleep. Leave this to me.”
“I just want you to have what you need, and maybe a little of what you want,” you say, as if reciting your last words. “Remember the good times, but build new ones of your own. Don’t worry about me.”
Tessa doesn’t have time for your babbling. “What exactly do you think is about to happen?”
“A lawsuit,” you say finally. “A big fat lawsuit.”
“Me, obviously!”
“So you think this is going to be a bad meeting?” she asks, bewildered.
“Well, yeah!”
Tessa feigns a laugh. “You can’t be serious.”
“But you are?”
“This is the best thing that could have happened to them,” she says straightforwardly.
You desperately want the information that Tessa has, but Namjoon, Jimin, and Jin are bursting in through the doors and cheering, “Noona!” with Hoseok, Taehyung, and Yoongi right behind them. Jungkook enters last, accompanied by someone who you assume is their manager.
“Sejin-ssi,” Tessa says, both of you standing.
Sejin gives a slight nod and says hello. The guys take their seats, Jungkook sitting across from you. He’s in a hoodie and looks shy and small, different from the others, different from the night you had dinner, and certainly different from the debonair guy in the pictures that are plastered seemingly everywhere you look.
“How are you holding up?” Namjoon repeats, sitting next to you and smiling. You smile weakly, and he pats you on the shoulder. You suddenly remember the dream you had of him, how he was gripping your arms and pinning them to you as he poured himself into you, and it wakes you up a bit. Your eyes linger on his dimples before Sejin gets everyone’s attention.
“Thanks for coming straight here,” Sejin says to you and Tessa. “We’ll get you on your way to your hotel before long.”
“You didn’t even give them a chance to rest first?” Jimin asks, and you feel seen.
“A precaution,” Sejin explains. “We’re so sorry. We hope your ride was comfortable and enjoyable, at least. That’s what the flowers and town car were for.”
“But that’s not all they were for, were they?” Tessa asks, and Sejin smiles.
“What do you mean?” you ask Tessa, but she and Sejin are still fixed on each other. You turn to the rest of the group. “What do they mean?”
Jungkook shrinks down in his chair.
“You put her on that stage, didn’t you?” Sejin asks.
Tessa shoots him a confident look, and Sejin nods, impressed. “Nice move.”
“Can you please explain?” you ask, blinking at Sejin expectantly.
“The publicity has gotten us even more attention, if you can believe it,” Sejin begins, picking up a tablet and casting onto a TV screen in the middle of the room.
Jungkook pulls his head back into his hood.
“We’ve all seen the pictures,” Namjoon says, noticing your shared grimace. “They’ll be gone by the end of the week.” His easy smile immediately reassures you.
“Good, then there’s no problem, right?” you ask.
“Actually, that is a problem.”
“It’s not soon enough?”
“Well, we were wondering if you’d be willing to... extend the momentum,” Sejin explains, glancing at Tessa, who is already beaming and typing an email to your PR team from her phone.
You stare at Tessa.
“Well, what does that entail?” you ask.
Tessa grins.
“We want you to fake a relationship with Jungkook,” Sejin says.
Horrified, you look back at Tessa, who nods excitedly.
You look back at Namjoon, whose shocked reaction lets you know that this is also new information for him. Jungkook, however, pulls down on the strings of his hoodie, shutting out the room. He’s been primed. That explains him trailing in the way he did, looking like he was about to pass out or vomit.
Yoongi puts a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder and stares defiantly at Sejin. “Is this really necessary?”
“Yes,” Sejin says, his forehead creasing with concern. “I always try my best to cover for you all, but my reach only goes so far. This is a good way out.”
“What’s he talking about?” you ask Namjoon.
“Jungkook got into some trouble,” Namjoon explains. “He was seen by a fan while he was on a date with another idol, and they think it impacted sales of his merch.”
“So, how is a fake relationship with me giving you a way out?” you demand.
“Everyone seems to love the two of you together,” Tessa says. “People are making shirts with your faces on them, for god’s sake.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Tessa says, confirming with her phone, “they’re selling out online for as much as forty bucks a pop. Clearly we need to cash in on this.”
“We’ve particularly seen a rise in merchandise purchased by, uh…” Sejin averts his eyes from either you or Tessa, “more… mature… women.”
“So, it really is about the merch, huh,” you say, rather naively. “Consumption. This whole machine.”
“It always is,” Tessa says, “but look at how happy it makes people.”
Sejin takes the cue to change the screen, and suddenly, you’re all looking at photos of women who look more like you, all of them smiling brightly in selfies and tagging themselves as part of the “noona army”. It’s all too militaristic for your taste, but you agree that they do look happy. They could be your friends going to a concert on their night off. You find yourself smiling.
Yoongi says something about Adam Smith, and Sejin and Tessa grin in appreciation. Must be some sort of business school thing. You suddenly wish you could trade brains with Tessa just so that you could understand this cerebral plane that she, Sejin, and Yoongi seem to be on.
“Look,” Tessa says, “this is mutually beneficial. They’re helping you get some PR for your last project. You’re helping them out of a minor inconvenience.”
You see Jungkook squirm at Tessa referring to his girlfriend as “a minor inconvenience”, and your heart goes out to him.
Tessa goes on, never one to mince words. “Let’s give it a shot. Let’s see where it takes you.”
She’s loving this. You want to throw whatever’s in the cup in front of you right in her face.
You look around the room. Namjoon has returned to his level-headed persona, though he’s drumming his fingers on the table. But the shock hasn’t worn off the rest of the group. Your eyes settle on Jungkook, who is still buried under his hoodie.
“Jungkook?” you ask.
“Yes?” he says, his voice muffled.
“What do you think about all this?”
Jungkook digs himself out from his hood and pouts. “I don’t think I have much of a choice in the matter.”
“Of course you do,” Sejin replies. “Just really think about it. You’ll be signing up for a lot if you decide to go this route.”
“What are some examples of what we would be signing up for?” you ask curiously.
“Fake dates,” Sejin begins to list, “fake photo ops, fake social media posts, fake fights, and a fake breakup.”
“So we are going to break up at some point,” you clarify.
“Yeah, did you think you were going to marry him?” Tessa cracks, and Jungkook blushes.
“No,” you say, as you blush too. “I just meant that I was relieved. It sounds like this is a relatively short period of time, not something we’d have to drag out.”
“The algorithms predict that this will run out of steam within the next six months,” Sejin replies.
“Six months?” you exclaim, jumping to your feet. “That’s the entire time I’m here for my shoot! I thought it was going to be a week, maybe two tops!”
“That’s what I’m saying,” Sejin replies. “This isn’t just us playing around. This would be a second acting job.”
“Double the work?” you ask Tessa. “I thought we agreed that this was going to be my last gig!”
“It’ll pay off,” she says, looking into your eyes. “I know it.”
You know Tessa always has your best interest at heart, and if she’s looking at you like this, it’s because she has some sort of long game. And she’s met a powerful potential ally in Sejin. They’ve been trading knowing looks with each other this entire time, playing some match of mental tennis that they think you’re either too stupid to understand or too bothersome to trust with.
“I feel like a lab rat,” you mutter to yourself.
“You might be one,” Namjoon whispers to you, looking at you sadly. You catch his eyes and have the sudden craving for him to run his fingers through your hair.  
The meeting goes on, and Sejin explains the ideas that he’s had as Tessa makes suggestions. At some point, the plan crystallizes. Over the next six months, you can expect two highly public fake dates, a smattering of smaller faked outings and meetings, and a very, very public fake breakup. Obviously, you can’t date anybody else during the course of the fake relationship, lest you blow up everyone’s credibility and careers.
“Then, there’s the matter of physicality,” Sejin replies, turning a bit pink.
“Oh, are you whoring me out too?” you snipe at Tessa, who disregards your remark.
“Easy,” Sejin replies. “I’m just making it clear now that you would be under no obligation to be physical with each other. If you could just find ways that you would be comfortable with in order to, uh, shall we say, keep up the illusion.”
“A hand hidden somewhere? Maybe a couple makeout sessions?” Tessa suggests.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” you mutter, and Sejin turns a deeper shade of red.
“I’m sorry,” Jin interrupts, his ears quickly becoming the same red. “I hate to interrupt this debatably important conversation, but why are we all here? Couldn’t you have just talked to Jungkook and Noona alone first?”
“Telling you as a group reinforces the amount of support needed for this whole facade,” Tessa replies.
“Or it puts pressure on them to agree to your plan,” Hoseok says, his mouth in a frown.
Tessa steadies her gaze on him. “People are going to ask you all for details.” She looks around the room, at the other members. “You need to treat this like a shared goal. A mission. When you talk about them, you have to have your story straight.”
“I’m not doing this,” Yoongi decides. “I don’t feel like it’s right or fair.”
“Me neither,” Hoseok adds.
“Then, what’s the point?” Namjoon reasons, seeing a different kind of way out. “If we’re not all willing to go along with it, then the whole thing becomes futile.”
The look on Sejin’s face says that he was expecting Namjoon to realize this, and he’s about to make his counterargument when Jungkook speaks.
“Hyung, let me do this.”
Namjoon stares at him in disbelief. “Let you?” He leans forward, resting his forearms on the table. “You want to do this?”
“I fucked up---” Jungkook flinches when he realizes what he’s said, and he looks at Sejin apologetically. “I mean, I messed up. Let me make it right. If Manager Sejin says this needs to happen, then it needs to happen.”
The tide is turning for the worse. Jungkook’s earnest plea has people second-guessing.
“Think about it, guys,” Jungkook continues. “When has Manger Sejin been wrong about anything?”
You realize that you’re done for. Jungkook has just masterfully hammered the nail in the coffin.
“You should have just kept us out of the loop completely,” Taehyung complains. “If we didn’t know the truth, we wouldn’t be lying to everyone for the next six months.”
“We need you to help double-down on the rumors,” Sejin reminds him. “We can’t trust anyone else outside of this room.”
“But I’m a terrible liar,” Hoseok says genuinely. “There’s no way I can pull this off.”
“Yeah, and just to be clear, I’m still not doing this,” Yoongi says flatly.
“This is a pretty terrible deal,” Jimin complains.
“Yeah, it is!” you echo, thankful for Jimin’s ability to voice your thoughts.
“Yeah! Jungkook has to fake date Noona, and he can’t even get laid for six months?” Jimin continues, and Namjoon smacks him on the shoulder.
Sejin looks like a teacher whose class has given up on him for the day. He removes his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Just… can you two take tonight to think about it?”
You and Jungkook look at each other. His eyes are soft. Defeated. Resigned.
The ball’s in your court.
You want to tell Sejin that no matter what decision you’ll be making, you can assure him that, like the past couple of days, you will definitely be up all night, thinking about exactly this.
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You wearily stare at your reflection in the mirror in Sejin’s private bathroom as Tessa fixes your makeup and hair as best as she can.  
“This is tricky,” Tessa mutters under her breath. “When we walk out of here, you’ll have to simultaneously look like this is an innocent visit with friends, or like you just visited your new boyfriend at work.”
“We’re not leaving out the back?”
“We’ve gotta do some little things while you decide. Just to buy some time.”
Tessa cleans up a spot where your eyeliner has run. “I did this wing a while ago. How is it smearing? Wait, are you crying?”
“I’m so tired,” you say. “My eyes keep watering.”
“Did you drink any of that coffee?”
“No, I really need to try to sleep after this, especially if we’re seeing Eomma and Appa later tonight.”
Tessa sighs and gives up on the makeup. She wipes everything clean and hands you her shades and a mask. “It’s insane. I know. I’m sorry. But this is the play. It’s game theory. It’s a win-win. I’m telling you.”
“I trust you, but I want to think about it,” you repeat, barely standing your ground. Though, if you aren’t careful, you might agree to anything at this point if it meant you could go to the hotel and at least try to take a nap.
Tessa finally backs off. “OK.”
“And not a word about this to Eomma or Appa.”
“Loud and clear. We’re out of here. I just need to pee.”
You step into the office, and Namjoon is standing there, waiting for you.
“Oh, hi,” you say, fiddling with Tessa’s shades and the mask she gave you.
“Hi, sorry,” he says, scratching his head and approaching you. “I don’t mean to intrude or anything. I just wanted to check on you… see if you were alright.”
“That’s really sweet. I’m fine.”
“This whole thing is so backwards,” Namjoon says, frustrated. “I didn’t know that Sejin was even capable of dreaming something up like that. I had no idea we’d be having that kind of conversation. I would have given you a heads-up.”
“How?” you ask.
“I don’t know. Make something up to Sejin.”
“And also get it past Tessa? No way.”
“I would have found you,” Namjoon insists. “I would have gotten to you somehow.”
You smile, and your heart swells. The way Namjoon gazes at you, good and pure and worried.
“If it had to be someone, I wish it could’ve been you,” you let yourself say.
He takes a deep breath.
You might have benefited from that coffee, after all. Caffeine might have stopped you from kissing Namjoon back. His hands are in your hair, like you imagined. His lips are soft, like the pillows you ache to have under your head. He’s so tall. He can protect you. You want him to.
Just then, Tessa steps out of the bathroom, and you and Namjoon explode away from each other.
Tessa looks quickly from Namjoon to you.
“...Oh, Jesus. ”
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Tessa is silently unpacking all of your luggage and hanging it in the hotel suite closet. She hasn’t said anything in the couple of hours that it’s been since you left the studio.
You’re curled up on the bed, staring through the open door at the main room. The flower arrangement that Sejin ordered is sitting in the middle of the center table. Its beauty taunts you.
The TV is on, and your shaded, masked face is on almost every channel. It splits the screen with various shots of Jungkook. You are now Korea’s daytime darlings.
All you can feel is Namjoon’s lips on yours.
“I’m sorry,” you say again, and you hear a crash of hangers.
Tessa walks back into the room, her hands on her hips.
“You are being so stupid right now,” she says.
You sit up.
“I know, I just---”
“Do you really like him?” Tessa asks, her eyes pleading for you to say no.
“I don’t know,” you say, and it sounds so pathetic.
Tessa clicks her tongue.
“Am I supposed to have a grip on everything, all the time?” you ask. “Damn it, Tess, I am way out of my element here. Cut me some fucking slack.”
Tessa softens and sits on the edge of the bed. She picks up the remote by your foot, and she turns the TV off. She turns back to you and studies your face. “You really looked like you were enjoying that kiss,” she says dejectedly. “That’s rare for you.”
You nod.
“So you like him,” she concludes.
You nod.
“You just met him,” she reminds you.
This is the conversation you need, you realize. Forget the tabloids. Connect on what is real.
“You know me,” you say. “I don’t feel things for other people easily. But Namjoon is interesting. It was instantaneous. I thought all that was a crock of shit, but here I am.”
Tessa rubs her eyes. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. It’s all my fault. You shouldn’t have gone up on that stage at the awards show. I'm so sorry.”
“ Thank you, ” you say, leaning into your words. You feel lighter already.
“Don’t worry, I’ve been beating myself up about this since the first photo leaked,” Tessa sighs, lying next to you on the bed.
You snuggle into each other, and Tessa strokes your hair.
“The Jungkook thing will end, whether you go with the plan or not. But if you do go with the plan, Namjoon complicates everything,” Tessa says.
“Is there a way to spin it?” you ask hopefully.
“I don’t think so,” Tessa admits. “People like you and Jungkook together because, on the surface, it’s sweet and wholesome, but underneath, it’s tinged with a bit of intrigue. It’s just more palatable than Jungkook and another idol dating.”
“Two idols dating is way too real,” she explains. “You’re a newcomer in this world. No one knows anything about you. So you can still be a character in the play. You and Jungkook still provide enough suspension of disbelief.”
“And what if we do nothing?”
“Then Jungkook starts to get crucified in the press again. They’ll wonder what’s wrong with him, why his relationships keep ending. Or they’ll think he’s a fuckboy, and his image will be tarnished.”
“Poor kid,” you say.
“I know.”
You buy Tessa’s analysis. You know that she’s done her due diligence, running various simulations in her head, one after the other, and came to the same conclusion. You don’t even need to agree with her, necessarily. The convincing certainty in her voice cuts through everything else she’s saying anyway.
It’s the same convincing certainty on display at your parents’ house, as Eomma sets down a second serving of samgyeopsal in the center of the table.
“Honestly, everything’s been just great,” Tessa says, making Eomma and Appa smile. “People have been very kind and welcoming.”
“That’s good,” Appa says, ruffling your hair.
“They better be,” Eomma huffs. “You’re not just anybody. You have a long, reputable history. People shouldn’t just be treating you with kindness. They should be treating you with respect.”
You smile warmly. You feel better just being in their presence.
“Don’t worry, they are,” Tessa replies. “We even got a bouquet of flowers in the car that came to pick us up.”
“Were they from Jungkook?” Eomma asks, raising her eyebrows and grinning from ear to ear.
You look up from your food and see your parents hungry for details.
“Uh, you know about that?” Tessa asks, exchanging a worried glance with you.
“Of course we do,” Appa says. “People have been calling us at the house nonstop.”
“I’m so sorry for that,” you say, and Appa shrugs his shoulders.
“We don’t mind. We like seeing you happy.”
You feel your heart break.
"It’s the only thing on TV nowadays,” Eomma goes on.
Appa adds, “They’re even pulling old B roll from your old stuff just to have something to play while people share their theories of how you met.”
“So, tell us. How did you meet? What’s the story behind that first picture?” Eomma asks, and she and Appa lean forward to listen.
Tessa gulps. She’s not sure how far you’re willing to go with your explanation. You’re on your own.
“We had dinner after the awards, all of us,” you say, using your eyes to tell Tessa that everything is going to be OK. You just need to know one thing.
You turn to your parents.
“...What do you think about it all?”
Appa and Eomma exchange glances. “Well, it doesn’t matter what we think,” Appa says.
“No, I’d really like your opinion.”
“Well... I don't know what I think," Appa admits. He looks at Eomma. "Do you?"
"No, I don't really have an opinion," Eomma says. "But... I will say that you seem to be having fun."
"That part's nice," Appa says. "It’s nice to see you having fun again. Things don't have to be so heavy all the time."
Eomma nods. “And you just look so cute together,” she adds, gushing.
You force a smile. “Thanks.” It comes out deader than you hoped it would.
You take a breath.
“Well, get ready, because you’ll be seeing more of us together,” you say, storing up energy for the months of vague meta-conversations that it will take for you to navigate this thing without feeling like too much of a lying dirtbag.
Tessa’s eyes widen. Even though it was all of her rationalizing that got you here, she can’t believe it.
And neither can you.
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← 01: The Red Carpet | 03: The Pink Rabbit → 
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